Microprocessors 2009-4-2 0
Microprocessors 2009-4-2 0
Microprocessors 2009-4-2 0
Q1. (a) Draw pin configuration of 8085 showing all the signals present on the pins & explain following signals. (12) IO/M, AD0-AD7, RD , MEMW, MEMR. (b) Draw bus structure of 8085 & discuss the role of address bus, data bus & control bus. (8) Q2. (a) Explain following commands: i) ADC H ii) DAA iii) PUSH PSW iv) RRC v) ANA E (b) Draw & explain the circuit diagram for displaying of 8 bit binary using LEDS. (10) Q3. (a) Assume the memory location 2075H has data byte 47H . Specify the contents of the address bus A15-AD8 & the multiplexed AD7-AD0 when the processor assets the RD SIGNAL. (6) (b) Write a program to count from 0-20 H with the delay of 100 ms between each count . after the count 20H , the counter should reset itself & repeat the sequence . Assume clock frequency as 1 MHz. (14) (10)
Q4. (a) List the sequence of events that occur when 8085 reads from memory. (10) (b) Draw circuit diagram to connect 2k byte ROM memory from address F000 to F7FF & explain its working . (10)
Q5. (a) Discuss Conditional Call & RET instructions. (6) (b) Draw circuit diagram of 3 bit D/A converter. Explain its working & define following terms: (i) Resolution (ii) Setting time (14)
Q6. (a) Explain how instruction EI, DI & RST are used in the interrupt process. (10) (b) Describe features of 8257 DMA controller . (10) Q7. (a) Draw block diagram of 8255 programmable peripheral interface & explain its various operating modes. (15) (b) Write initialization instruction for 8255 to set up (i) PORT A as an o/p port in mode 0 (ii) PORT B as an o/p port in mode 1 (5)
Q8. Draw schematic diagram for interfacing rs-232 terminal with 8085 system using 8051 USART & explain how data is received & transmitted by rs-232 serial interface. (20)
Disclaimer: Well this looks a little stupid but we are not responsible if any portion of this paper is not relevant with todays syllabus. Due care has been taken to make this paper error free, but there always remains a chance of error so please ignore any typographical error if present..