Methods of Subsoil Investigation
Methods of Subsoil Investigation
Methods of Subsoil Investigation
UDUEBOR micheal A.
MARCH, 2011.
In practice, natural soil deposits are not homogenous, elastic, or isotropic. In some places, the
stratification of soil deposits may even change greatly within a horizontal distance of 15 to 3 metres.
For foundation design and construction work, it is necessary to know the actual soil stratification at a
given site, the laboratory test results of soil samples obtained from various depths, and the
observations made during the construction of other structures built under similar conditions. For
most major structures, adequate subsoil exploration at the construction site must be conducted.
Several methods for carrying out investigation abound depending on the site terrain, type of soil to
be encountered, cost of operation, quality of data and quantity of samples and so many factors. A
brief overview would be given in this compendium of the various methods available for carrying out
Site investigation is a process of site exploration consisting of boring, sampling and testing so as to
obtain geotechnical information for a safe, practical and economical geotechnical evaluation and
In other words the main purpose of site subsoil investigation is to determine within practical limits,
the depth, thickness, extent and compositions of each subsoil stratum, the depth and type of rock, the
depth and composition of groundwater, the strength, compressibility and hydraulic characteristics of
Subsoil investigation provides data on surface and underground conditions at the proposed site.
Samples may be obtained for visual inspection and to determine physical and index properties.
Depending on the site use, relatively undisturbed samples may be obtained to make estimates of
According to Das (1990) the purpose of subsoil exploration includes the following;
a. determining the nature of the soil at the site and its stratification
b. obtaining disturbed and undisturbed soil samples for visual identification and appropriate
laboratory tests
d. Performing some insitu field tests, such as permeability tests, vane shear tests and standard
penetration tests.
Surface Investigations:
Site inspection is carried out to assess general site condition if there are any anticipated
Usually the engineer is required to inspect the site to appreciate actual site and ground
Sub-surface Investigations:
Ground or soil investigation by means of boring, sampling, testing, and etc. And also as to
determine the stratigraphy and pertinent properties of soil underlying the project site.
Sampling: This refers to removing soil from the hole. The samples can be classified as
Testing: This refers to determining the properties from the soil. The test can be performed
The direct methods of testing described in this chapter are at the centre of routine ground
investigation. They provide the opportunity to obtain samples for visual description and index
testing, which are the primary ways in which the strata at a site are recognized, and for sampling and
much of the in situ testing needed for parameter determination, as well as allowing the installation of
Trial pits provide the best method of obtaining very detailed information on strength, stratification,
pre-existing shear surfaces, and discontinuities in soil. Trial pits, trenches and shallow excavations
are often used in site investigations, particularly during investigations for low- and medium-rise
construction, because they provide an economical means of acquiring a very detailed record of the
complex soil conditions which often exist near to the ground surface. Very high quality disturbed,
undisturbed and block samples can only be taken from trial pits and the sides can be photographed
Trial pits may be excavated by either hand digging or machine excavation. In general, machine
excavation is used for shallow pits, whereas hand excavation is used for deep pits which must be
supported. In the limited space of a trial pit, which is often 1.5m x 3m in plan area and 4-5m depth at
ground level, it is usually impossible to place supports as machine excavation proceeds. Shallow trial
pits provide a cheap method of examining near-surface deposits in situ, but the cost increases
A large number of methods are available for advancing boreholes to obtain samples or details of soil
strata. The particular methods used any country will tend to be restricted, based on their suitability
for local ground conditions. The principal methods used worldwide are:
• Washboring.
Often called ‘shell and auger’ drilling, this method is more properly termed light percussion drilling
since the barrel auger is now rarely used with this type of equipment. The drilling rig (Fig. 2.0)
consists of:
• A diesel engine; connected via a hand-operated friction clutch (based on a brake drum
system) to
• A winch drum which provides pulling power to the rig rope and can be held still with a
The rope from the winch drum passes over the pulley at the top of the ‘A’ frame and is used to raise
and lower a series of weighted tools on to the soil being drilled. The rig is very light, and can be
readily towed with a four-wheel drive vehicle. It is also very easy to erect, and on a level site can be
ready to drill in about 15 mm. Where access is very limited, it can be dismantled, and rebuilt on the
In clays, progress is made by dropping a steel tube known as a ‘claycutter’ into the soil (see Fig. 2.1).
This is slowly pulled out of the borehole and is then generally found to have soil wedged inside it.
The claycutter normally has a solid or slotted weight, called a sinker bar, attached to its upper end,
the top of which is connected to the winch rope. When the claycutter is withdrawn from the top of
the hole, the soil is removed with a metal bar which is driven into it through the open slot in the
claycutter side.
In granular materials, such as sands or gravels, a shell is used. At least 2 m of water is put in the
bottom of the borehole, and the shell is then surged, moving about 300mm up and down every
second or so. Surging the shell upwards causes water to be drawn into the bottom of the hole, and
this water loosens the soil at the base of the hole and forces it to go into suspension. As the shell is
dropped on the bottom of the hole the mixture of soil and water passes up the tube of the shell, past
the simple non- return valve (sometimes called a ‘clack’). As the shell is raised, the clack closes and
retains the soil, which precipitates above it. By repeatedly surging the shell up and down at the base
of the hole, soil can be collected and removed from the hole.
Fig 2.0: Light percussion Drilling Rig. Fig 2.1: Light percussion Drilling tools.
Augers may be classified as either bucket augers (Fig. 2.2) or flight augers. Bucket augers consist of
an open-topped cylinder which has a base plate with one or two slots reinforced with cutting teeth,
which break up the soil and allow it to enter the bucket as it is rotated. The top of the bucket is
connected to a rod which transmits the torque and downward pressure from the rig at ground level to
Flight augers may be classified as short-flight augers or continuous- or conveyor-flight augers (Fig.
2.3). Short augers consist of only a few turns of flight above cutting teeth or a hardened steel edge. A
high-spiral auger may contain three or four turns of flight. The hole is made by forcing the auger
downwards at the bottom of the hole, while rotating it. The cutting teeth break up the soil or rock,
which is then transferred up the auger flights. When the flights become full, or when the auger has
been advanced for the height of the flights, the auger is raised to the top of the hole and the soil flung
Washboring is a relatively old method of boring small-diameter exploratory holes in fine-grained cohesive
A very light tripod is erected, and a sheave is hung from it (Fig. 2.4). In its simplest form there are no
motorized winches and the drilling water is pumped either by hand, or by a small petrol-driven water pump.
Hollow drilling rods are connected to the pump via a flexible hose, and the drilling crew lift the string of rods
by hand, or using a ‘cathead’ (a continuously rotating steel drum, around which a manilla rope is wound).
Progress is made by jetting water out of a bit at the base of the rods. These are continuously turned using a
tiller, whilst being surged up and down by the drilling crew. Cuttings of soil are carried up the hole by the
drilling water (the ‘flush’) and emerge from a casing T-piece, being deposited in a sump. Routine
identification of the ground conditions at the base of the hole is carried out by the driller placing his hand
Rotary drilling uses a rotary action combined with downward force to grind away the material in
which a hole is being made. Rotary methods may be applied to soil or rock, but are generally easier
to use in strong intact rock than in the weak weathered rocks and soils that are typically encountered
• A drilling machine or ‘rotary rig’, at the ground surface, which delivers torque and thrust;
• A flush pump, which pumps flush fluid down the hole, in order to cool the mechanical
parts and lift the ‘cuttings’ of rock to the ground surface as drilling proceeds;
• A ‘string’ of hollow drill rods, which transmit the torque and thrust from the rig, and the
flush fluid from the flush pump to the bottom of the hole; and
• A drilling tool, for example a corebarrel, which grinds away the rock, and in addition may
Rotary methods may be used to produce a hole in rock, or they may be used to obtain samples of the
rock while the hole is being advanced. The formation of a hole in the subsoil without taking intact
samples is known as ‘open-holing’. It can be carried out in a number of ways, but in site
investigation a commonly used tool is the ‘tricone rock roller bit’ (or roller core bit) (Fig. 2.6).
The most common use of rotary coring in ground investigations is to obtain intact samples of the
rock being drilled, at the same time as advancing the borehole. To do this a corebarrel, fitted with a
‘corebit’ at its lower end, is rotated and grinds away an annulus of rock. The stick of rock, the ‘core’,
in the centre of the annulus passes up into the corebarrel, and is subsequently removed from the
borehole when the corebarrel is full. The length of core drilled before it becomes necessary to
remove and empty the corebarrel is termed a ‘run’. In weak rocks or hard clays, better quality cores
are obtained by using larger diameter bits. A further increase in quality can be obtained by the use of
multiple core barrels and special bits which lead the wash-water to the cutting edge without the
Samplers are generally classified as either drive samplers or rotary samplers. Drive samplers are
pushed into the soil without rotation, displacing the soil as they penetrate. They generally have a
sharp cutting edge at their base while in contrast, rotary samplers (often termed ‘corebarrels’) have a
relatively thick and blunt cutting surface, which has hard inclusions of tungsten or diamond set into
it. The sampler is rotated and pushed (relatively) gently downwards, cutting and grinding the soil
Open-drive samplers consist of a tube which is open at its lower end with a sharp cutting edge; they
will admit soil as soon as they are brought into contact with it, for example, the bottom of a borehole.
Piston drive samplers consist of a movable piston located within the sampler tube. Piston samplers
Fig 2.7:Section of Open drive sampler showing the cutting edge Fig 2.8: Basic Operation of Piston samplers
The objective of all probing is the same, namely to provide a profile of penetration resistance with
depth, in order to give an assessment of the variability of a site. Probing is carried out rapidly, with
simple equipment.
In this test a thin-walled sampler is driven into the soil by repeated blows of a 65 kg hammer falling
freely through 760 mm, and the number of blows required to drive the sampler a distance of 300mm
is recorded as the SPT N value. The N value is assumed to be dependent on relative density in
Like the standard penetration test, dynamic cones are driven into the ground using a standard falling
hammer, friction between the drilling rods and soil which limits the depth is overcome by fixing the
cone to rods of smaller. As the cone is driven into the ground the number of blows required to drive
it each increment (typically 100 mm) is recorded. The blow count is plotted against depth to provide
a more-or-less continuous profile of penetration resistance with depth. For static cones, the cone is
pushed into the ground at a constant rate, strain gauges allow continuous separate measurement of
sleeve friction and cone resistance, respectively and resistance profiles are gotten.
Geophysical surveys can be used to explore areas in greater detail and much more rapidly and
economically than is possible by use of borings. Information from geophysical techniques indicates
average conditions over some distance rather than the restricted vertical line of a boring but surveys
need to be carried out in conjunction with traditional borehole and trail pit investigations before
The technique provides and inexpensive method of investigating simple ground conditions and is
used to detect both vertical and horizontal variations in ground conditions. However, interpretation
of results does not always give a unique solution and results may be rendered invalid by the
A current is passed between electrodes and the potential drop over a measured distance is recorded,
by altering the spacing of the electrodes, the apparent resistivity of the ground will change,
depending on ground conditions, and a plot can be obtained of apparent resistivity against electrode
an instruments which is essentially a very delicate spring balance is used to measure small changes in
the earth’s gravity. Because of the minute variations involved, this method is usually restricted to the
location of such features as large faults, ore bodies, or the edges of infilled quarries. With more
accurate instruments now available, gravitometer may be useful for detecting old mine shafts and
other cavities.
This technique relies on the detection of small changes in the earth’s magnetic field. In civil
engineering, its use is usually limited to the detection of buried metal objects such as cables and
Shock waves are produced either by explosive charges or by a hammer striking an anvil, and a line
of geophones on the surfaces records the disturbance at various distances from the source of the
shock. Three kinds of waves are produced: primary waves, secondary waves and Rayleigh waves.
Shock waves travel through rocks in a manner broadly analogous to that of light rays through
The choices of the various methods to be used for each stage in the investigation of subsurface
conditions allow for the best practice to be engaged at the lowest cost. The best methods for each
procedure should be employed by the engineer on site to ensure that standards are met and the
investigation carried out gives a complete information about the beneath surface characteristics of