Best Practices Manual PIPING
Best Practices Manual PIPING
Best Practices Manual PIPING
1 2 1. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................3 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 5.1 5.2 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 BACKGROUND..........................................................................................................................3 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF FLUIDS ............................................................................................4 TYPES OF FLUID FLOW:............................................................................................................4 PRESSURE LOSS IN PIPES ........................................................................................................5 STANDARD PIPE DIMENSIONS ...................................................................................................7 PRESSURE DROP IN COMPONENTS IN PIPE SYSTEMS ..................................................................7 VALVES ...................................................................................................................................8 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................12 PIPING MATERIALS .................................................................................................................12 COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE PIPING ..........................................................................................12 PRESSURE DROP ...................................................................................................................13 PIPING SYSTEM DESIGN .........................................................................................................14 COMPRESSED AIR LEAKAGE ...................................................................................................16 LEAKAGE REDUCTION .............................................................................................................17 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................19 ENERGY CONSIDERATIONS .....................................................................................................19 SELECTION OF PIPE SIZE ........................................................................................................20 PIPING INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................23 RECOMMENDED VELOCITIES...................................................................................................24 RECOMMENDED WATER FLOW VELOCITY ON SUCTION SIDE OF PUMP .........................................25 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................26 HEAT LOSSES FROM PIPE SURFACES ......................................................................................27 CALCULATION OF INSULATION THICKNESS ...............................................................................28 INSULATION MATERIAL ............................................................................................................29 RECOMMENDED VALUES OF COLD AND HOT INSULATION ...........................................................31 ECONOMIC THICKNESS OF INSULATION ....................................................................................32 PRESSURE DROP REDUCTION IN WATER PUMPING ....................................................................34 PRESSURE DROP REDUCTION IN COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM .....................................................35 REPLACEMENT OF GLOBE VALVES WITH BUTTERFLY VALVES ...................................................35 REDUCTION IN PRESSURE DROP IN THE COMPRESSED AIR NETWORK ........................................36 THERMAL INSULATION IN STEAM DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM ...........................................................37 COMPRESSED AIR LEAKAGE REDUCTION AT HEAVY ENGINEERING PLANT ................................37 REDUCING STEAM HEADER PRESSURE ...................................................................................38 FUNDAMENTALS .........................................................................................................................4
THERMAL INSULATION.............................................................................................................26
CASE STUDIES...........................................................................................................................34
ANNEXURE-1: REFERENCES............................................................................................................40
1.1 Background
Selection of piping system is an important aspect of system design in any energy consuming system. The selection issues such as material of pipe, configuration, diameter, insulation etc have their own impact on the overall energy consumption of the system. Piping is one of those few systems when you oversize, you will generally save energy; unlike for a motor or a pump. Piping system design in large industrial complexes like Refineries, Petrochemicals, Fertilizer Plants etc are done now a day with the help of design software, which permits us to try out numerous possibilities. It is the relatively small and medium users who generally do not have access to design tools use various rules of thumbs for selecting size of pipes in industrial plants. These methods of piping design are based on either worked before or educated estimates. Since everything we do is based on sound economic principles to reduce cost, some of the piping design thumb rules are also subject to modification to suit the present day cost of piping hardware cost and energy cost. It is important to remember that there are no universal rules applicable in every situation. They are to be developed for different scenarios. For example, a water piping system having 1 km length pumping water from a river bed pumping station to a plant will have different set of rules compared to a water piping system having 5 meter length for supplying water from a main header to a reactor. Hence the issue of pipe size i.e. diameter, selection should be based on reducing the overall cost of owning and operating the system. This guidebook covers the best practices in piping systems with a primary view of reducing energy cost, keeping in mind the safety and reliability issues. The basic elements of best practice in piping systems are: 1. 2. 3. Analysis & optimum pipe size selection for water, compressed air and steam distribution systems Good piping practices Thermal insulation of piping system
2.1 Physical Properties of Fluids
The properties relevant to fluid flow are summarized below. Density: This is the mass per unit volume of the fluid and is generally measured in kg/m3. Another commonly used term is specific gravity. This is in fact a relative density, comparing the density of a fluid at a given temperature to that of water at the same temperature. Viscosity: This describes the ease with which a fluid flows. A substance like treacle has a high viscosity, while water has a much lower value. Gases, such as air, have a still lower viscosity. The viscosity of a fluid can be described in two ways. a) Absolute (or dynamic) viscosity: This is a measure of a fluid's resistance to internal deformation. It is expressed in Pascal seconds (Pa s) or Newton seconds per square metre (Ns/m2). [1Pas = 1 Ns/m2] Kinematic viscosity: This is the ratio of the absolute viscosity to the density and is measured in metres squared per second (m2/s).
Reynolds Number: A useful factor in determining which type of flow is involved is the Reynolds number. This is the ratio of the dynamic forces of mass flow to the shear resistance due to fluid viscosity and is given by the following formula. In general for a fluid like water when the Reynolds number is less than 2000 the flow is laminar. The flow is turbulent for Reynolds numbers above 4000. In between these two values (2000<Re<4000) the flow is a mixture of the two types and it is difficult to predict the behavior of the fluid.
u d 1000 Re =
Where: 3 = Density (kg/m ) u = Mean velocity in the pipe (m/s) d = Internal pipe diameter (mm) = Dynamic viscosity (Pa s)
described by different sets of equations. In general, for most practical situations, the flow will be turbulent.
fLu2 hf = 2gd
Where: L = Length (m) u = Flow velocity (m/s) g = Gravitational constant (9.81 m/s) d = Pipe inside diameter (m) hf = Head loss to friction (m) f = Friction factor (dimensionless) Before the pipe losses can be established, the friction factor must be calculated. The friction factor will be dependant on the pipe size, inner roughness of the pipe, flow velocity and fluid viscosity. The flow condition, whether Turbulent or not, will determine the method used to calculate the friction factor. Fig 2.1 can be used to estimate friction factor. Roughness of pipe is required for friction factor estimation. The chart shows the relationship between Reynolds number and pipe friction. Calculation of friction factors is dependant on the type of flow that will be encountered. For Re numbers <2320 the fluid flow is laminar, when Re number is >= 2320 the fluid flow is turbulent. The following table gives typical values of absolute roughness of pipes, k. The relative roughness k/d can be calculated from k and inside diameter of pipe.
Figure 2-1: Estimation of friction factor The absolute roughness of pipes is given below. Type of pipe Plastic tubing Stainless steel Rusted steel Galvanised iron Cast iron k, mm 0.0015 0.015 0.1 to 1.0 0.15 0.26
A sample calculation of pressure drop is given below. A pipe of 4 Dia carrying water flow of 50 m3/h through a distance of 100 metres. The pipe material is Cast Iron with absolute roughness of 0.26.
Velocity , m / s =
Re =
u d 1000
Where: 3 = Density (kg/m ) = 1000 u = Mean velocity in the pipe (m/s) = 1.77 d = Internal pipe diameter (mm) =100 = Dynamic viscosity (Pa s). For water at 25 C, the value is 0.001 Pa-s
hf =
fLu 2 0.025 100 1.77 2 = = 4.0 m per 100 m length. 2gd 2 9.81 (100 / 1000)
k = minor loss coefficient v = flow velocity (m/s) 2 g = acceleration of gravity (m/s ) Minor loss coefficients for some of the most common used components in pipe and tube systems: Table 2-1: Minor loss coefficients Type of Component or Fitting Flanged Tees, Line Flow Threaded Tees, Line Flow Flanged Tees, Branched Flow Threaded Tees, Branch Flow Threaded Union o Flanged Regular 90 Elbows o Threaded Regular 90 Elbows o Threaded Regular 45 Elbows o Flanged Long Radius 90 Elbows o Threaded Long Radius 90 Elbows o Flanged Long Radius 45 Elbows o Flanged 180 Return Bends o Threaded 180 Return Bends Fully Open Globe Valve Fully Open Angle Valve Fully Open Gate Valve 1/4 Closed Gate Valve 1/2 Closed Gate Valve 3/4 Closed Gate Valve Forward Flow Swing Check Valve Fully Open Ball Valve 1/3 Closed Ball Valve 2/3 Closed Ball Valve Minor Loss Coefficient, k 0.2 0.9 1.0 2.0 0.08 0.3 1.5 0.4 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.2 1.5 10 2 0.15 0.26 2.1 17 2 0.05 5.5 200
The above equations and table can be used for calculating pressure drops and energy loss associated in pipes and fittings.
Valves isolate, switch and control fluid flow in a piping system. Valves can be operated manually with levers and gear operators or remotely with electric, pneumatic, electropneumatic, and electro-hydraulic powered actuators. Manually operated valves are typically used where operation is infrequent and/or a power source is not available. Powered actuators allow valves to be operated automatically by a control system and remotely with push button stations. Valve automation brings significant advantages to a plant in the areas of process quality, efficiency, safety, and productivity. Types of valves and their features are summarised below.
Gate Valves have a sliding disc (gate) that reciprocates into and out of the valve port. Gate valves are an ideal isolation valve for high pressure drop and high temperature applications where operation is infrequent. Manual operation is accomplished through a multi turn hand wheel gear shaft assembly. Multiturn electric actuators are typically required to automate gate valves, however long stroke pneumatic and electro-hydraulic actuators are also available.
Recommended Uses: 1. Fully open/closed, non-throttling 2. Infrequent operation 3. Minimal fluid trapping in line Applications: Oil, gas, air, slurries, heavy liquids, steam, noncondensing gases, and corrosive liquids Advantages: 1. High capacity 2. Tight shutoff 3. Low cost 4. Little resistance to flow Disadvantages: 1. Poor control 2. Cavitate at low pressure drops 3. Cannot be used for throttling
Globe Valves have a conical plug, which reciprocates into and out of the valve port. Globe valves are ideal for shutoff as well as throttling service in high pressure drop and high temperature applications. Available in globe, angle, and y-pattern designs. Manual operation is accomplished through a multi-turn hand wheel assembly. Multiturn electric actuators are typically required to automate globe valves, however linear stroke pneumatic and electro-hydraulic actuators are also available.
Recommended Uses: 1. Throttling service/flow regulation 2. Frequent operation Applications: Liquids, vapors, gases, corrosive substances, slurries Advantages: 1. Efficient throttling 2. Accurate flow control 3. Available in multiple ports o Disadvantages: 1. High pressure drop 2. More expensive than other valves
Ball Valves were a welcomed relief to the process industry. They provide tight shutoff and high capacity with just a quarter-turn to operate. Ball valves are now more common in 1/4"-6" sizes. Ball valves can be easily actuated with pneumatic and electric actuators.
Recommended Uses: 1. Fully open/closed, limited-throttling 2. Higher temperature fluids Applications: Most liquids, high temperatures, slurries Advantages: 1. Low cost 2. High capacity 3. Low leakage and maint. 4. Tight sealing with low torque Disadvantages: 1. Poor throttling characteristics 2. Prone to cavitation
Butterfly valves are commonly used as control valves in applications where the pressure drops required of the valves are relatively low. Butterfly valves can be used in applications as either shutoff valves (on/off service) or as throttling valves (for flow or pressure control). As shutoff valves, butterfly valves offer excellent performance within the range of their pressure rating. Typical uses would include isolation of equipment, fill/drain systems, bypass systems, and other like applications where the only criteria for control of the flow/pressure is that it be on or off. Although butterfly valves have only a limited ability to control pressure or flow, they have been widely used as control valves because of the economics involved. The control capabilities of a butterfly valve can also be significantly improved by coupling it with an operator and electronic control package.
Recommended Uses: 1. Fully open/closed or throttling services 2. Frequent operation 3. Minimal fluid trapping in line Applications: Liquids, gases, slurries, liquids with suspended solids Advantages: 1. Low cost and maint. 2. High capacity 3. Good flow control 4. Low pressure drop Disadvantages: 1. High torque required for control 2. Prone to cavitation at lower flows
3.1 Introduction
The purpose of the compressed air piping system is to deliver compressed air to the points of usage. The compressed air needs to be delivered with enough volume, appropriate quality, and pressure to properly power the components that use the compressed air. Compressed air is costly to manufacture. A poorly designed compressed air system can increase energy costs, promote equipment failure, reduce production efficiencies, and increase maintenance requirements. It is generally considered true that any additional costs spent improving the compressed air piping system will pay for themselves many times over the life of the system.
Piping materials
Common piping materials used in a compressed air system include copper, aluminum, stainless steel and carbon steel. Compressed air piping systems that are 2" or smaller utilize copper, aluminum or stainless steel. Pipe and fitting connections are typically threaded. Piping systems that are 4" or larger utilize carbon or stainless steel with flanged pipe and fittings. Plastic piping may be used on compressed air systems, however caution must used since many plastic materials are not compatible with all compressor lubricants. Ultraviolet light (sun light) may also reduce the useful service life of some plastic materials. Installation must follow the manufacturer's instructions. Corrosion-resistant piping should be used with any compressed air piping system using oil-free compressors. A non-lubricated system will experience corrosion from the moisture in the warm air, contaminating products and control systems, if this type of piping is not used. It is always better to oversize the compressed air piping system you choose to install. This reduces pressure drop, which will pay for itself, and it allows for expansion of the system.
2. Make sure that the piping following the after cooler slopes downward into the bottom connection of the air receiver. This helps with the condensate drainage, as well as if the water-cooled after cooler develops a water leak internally. It would drain toward the receiver and not the compressor. 3. Normally, the velocity of compressed air should not be allowed to exceed 6 m/s; lower velocities are recommended for long lines. Higher air velocities (up to 20 m/s) are acceptable where the distribution pipe-work does not exceed 8 meters in length. This would be the case where dedicated compressors are installed near to an associated large end user. 4. The air distribution should be designed with liberal pipe sizes so that the frictional pressure losses are very low; larger pipe sizes also help in facilitating system expansion at a later stage without changing header sizes or laying parallel headers.
Pressure Drop
Pressure drop in a compressed air system is a critical factor. Pressure drop is caused by friction of the compressed air flowing against the inside of the pipe and through valves, tees, elbows and other components that make up a complete compressed air piping system. Pressure drop can be affected by pipe size, type of pipes used, the number and type of valves, couplings, and bends in the system. Each header or main should be furnished with outlets as close as possible to the point of application. This avoids significant pressure drops through the hose and allows shorter hose lengths to be used. To avoid carryover of condensed moisture to tools, outlets should be taken from the top of the pipeline. Larger pipe sizes, shorter pipe and hose lengths, smooth wall pipe, long radius swept tees, and long radius elbows all help reduce pressure drop within a compressed air piping system. The following nomogram can be used to estimate pressure drop in a compressed air system. Draw a straight line starting at pipe internal diameter and through flow ( m/s) to be extended to the reference line. From this point draw another line to meet the air pressure (bar) line. The point of intersection of this line with the pressure drop line gives the pressure drop in mbar/m. The discharge pressure of the compressor is determined by the maximum pressure loss plus operating pressure value so that air is delivered at right pressure to the farthest equipment. For example, a 90 psig air grinder installed in the farthest drop from the compressor may require 92 psig in the branch line 93 psig in the sub-header and 94 psig at the main header. With a 6 psi drop in the filter/dryer, the discharge pressure at the after cooler should be 100 psig.
The following nomogram can be used to select pipe sizes in a compressed air network. Starting from air pressure (bar) and flow (m3/s), draw a line and extend it to the reference line at point Y. Choose air velocity on the axis RHS to the reference line and draw a line extending it to the internal pipe diameter line.
Leaks can force the equipment to cycle more frequently, shortening the life of almost all system equipment (including the compressor package itself) Leaks can increase running time that can lead to additional maintenance requirements and increased unscheduled downtime Leaks can lead to adding unnecessary compressor capacity
Observing the average compressor loading and unloading time, when there is no legitimate use of compressed air on the shop floor, can estimate the leakage level. In continuous process plants, this test can be conducted during the shutdown or during unexpected production stoppages. Air Leakage = Where On load time Q x -------------------------------------On load time + Off load time
Q = compressor capacity
Leakage reduction
Leakage tests can be conducted easily, but identifying leakage points and plugging them is laborious work; obvious leakage points can be identified from audible sound; for small leakage, ultrasonic leakage detectors can be used; soap solution can also be used to detect small leakage in accessible lines. When looking for leaks you should investigate the following: CONDENSATE TRAPS -Check if automatic traps are operating correctly and avoid bypassing. PIPE WORK - Ageing or corroded pipe work. FITTINGS AND FLANGES - Check joints and supports are adequate. Check for twisting. MANIFOLDS - Check for worn connectors and poorly jointed pipe work. FLEXIBLE HOSES - Check that the hose is moving freely and clear of abrasive surfaces. Check for deterioration and that the hose has a suitable coating for the environment e.g. oily conditions. Is the hose damaged due to being too long or too short? INSTRUMENTATION - Check connections to pneumatic instruments such as regulators, lubricators, valve blocks and sensors. Check for worn diaphragms. PNEUMATIC CYLINDERS Check for worn internal air seals. FILTERS Check drainage points and contaminated bowls. TOOLS Check hose connections and speed control valve. Check air tools are always switched off when not in use. The following points can help reduce compressed air leakage: a. Reduce the line pressure to the minimum acceptable; this can be done by reducing the discharge pressure settings or by use of pressure regulators on major branch lines. b. Selection of good quality pipe fittings. c. Provide welded joints in place of threaded joints.
d. Sealing of unused branch lines or tapings. e. Provide ball valves (for isolation) at the main branches at accessible points, so that these can be closed when air is not required in the entire section. Similarly, ball valves may be provided at all end use points for firm closure when pneumatic equipment is not in use. f. Install flow meters on major lines; abnormal increase in airflow may be an indicator of increased leakage or wastage.
g. Avoid installation of underground pipelines; pipelines should be overhead or in trenches (which can be opened for inspection). Corroded underground lines can be a major source of leakage. The following table 3.1 shows cost of compressed air leakage from holes at different pressures. It may be noted that, at 7 bar (100 psig), about 100 cfm air leakage is equivalent to a power loss of 17 kW i.e. about Rs.6.12 lakhs per annum. Table 3-1 Cost of Compressed Air Leakage Orifice Air Power Cost of Wastage (for 8000 Diamete leakage wasted hrs/year) r Scfm KW (@ Rs. 4.50/kWh At 3 bar (45 psig) pressure 1/32 0.845 0.109 3924 1/16 3.38 0.439 15804 1/8 13.5 1.755 63180 54.1 7.03 253080 At 4 bar (60 psig) pressure 1/32 1.06 0.018 6487 1/16 4.23 0.719 25887 1/8 16.9 3.23 103428 164.6 14.57 395352 At 5.5 bar (80 psig) pressure 1/32 1.34 0.228 8201 1/16 5.36 0.911 32803 1/8 21.4 3.64 130968 85.7 14.57 524484 At 7 bar (100 psig) pressure 1/32 1.62 0.275 9915 1/16 6.49 1.10 39719 1/8 26 4.42 159120 104 17.68 636480
4.1 Introduction
The objective of the steam distribution system is to supply steam at the correct pressure to the point of use. It follows, therefore, that pressure drop through the distribution system is an important feature. One of the most important decisions in the design of a steam system is the selection of the generating, distribution, and utilization pressures. Considering investment cost, energy efficiency, and control stability, the pressure shall be held to the minimum values above atmospheric pressure that are practical to accomplish the required heating task, unless detailed economic analysis indicates advantages in higher pressure generation and distribution. The piping system distributes the steam, returns the condensate, and removes air and noncondensable gases. In steam heating systems, it is important that the piping system distribute steam, not only at full design load, but also at partial loads and excess loads that can occur on system warm-up. When the system is warming up, the load on the steam mains and returns can exceed the maximum operating load for the coldest design day, even in moderate weather. This load comes from raising the temperature of the piping to the steam temperature and the building to the indoor design temperature.
Energy Considerations
Steam and condensate piping system have a great impact on energy usage. Proper sizing of system components such as traps, control valves, and pipes has a tremendous effect on the efficiencies of the system. Condensate is a by-product of a steam system and must always be removed from the system as soon as it accumulates, because steam moves rapidly in mains and supply piping, and if condensate accumulates to the point where the steam can push a slug of it, serious damage can occur from the resulting water hammer. Pipe insulation also has a tremendous effect on system energy efficiency. All steam and condensate piping should be insulated. It may also be economically wise to save the sensible heat of the condensate for boiler water make-up systems operational efficiency Oversized pipe work means: Pipes, valves, fittings, etc. will be more expensive than necessary. Higher installation costs will be incurred, including support work, insulation, etc. For steam pipes a greater volume of condensate will be formed due to the greater heat loss. This, in turn, means that either: More steam trapping is required, or wet steam is delivered to the point of use.
In a particular example: The cost of installing 80 mm steam pipe work was found to be 44% higher than the cost of 50 mm pipe work, which would have had adequate capacity.
The heat lost by the insulated pipe work was some 21% higher from the 80 mm pipeline than it would have been from the 50 mm pipe work. Any non-insulated parts of the 80 mm pipe would lose 50% more heat than the 50 mm pipe, due to the extra heat transfer surface area.
Undersized pipe work means: A lower pressure may only be available at the point of use. This may hinder equipment performance due to only lower pressure steam being available. There is a risk of steam starvation. There is a greater risk of erosion, water hammer and noise due to the inherent increase in steam velocity.
The allowance for pipefittings: The length of travel from the boiler to the unit heater is known, but an allowance must be included for the additional frictional resistance of the fittings. This is generally expressed in terms of equivalent pipe length. If the size of the pipe is known, the resistance of the fittings can be calculated. As the pipe size is not yet known in this example, an addition to the equivalent length can be used based on experience. If the pipe is less than 50 metres long, add an allowance for fittings of 5%. If the pipe is over 100 metres long and is a fairly straight run with few fittings, an allowance for fittings of 10% would be made. A similar pipe length, but with more fittings, would increase the allowance towards 20%.
Figure 4-1: Steam pipe sizing The following table also summarises the recommended pipe sizes for steam at various pressure and mass flow rate.
Table 4-1: Recommended pipe sizes for steam Capacity (kg/hour) Steam Pressure Speed 15 20 25 (bar) (m/s) 0.4 15 7 14 24 25 40 0.7 15 25 40 1 15 25 40 2 15 25 40 3 15 25 40 4 15 25 40 5 15 25 40 6 15 25 40 7 15 25 40 8 15 25 40 10 15 25 40 14 15 25 40 10 25 40 7 16 25
Pipe Size (mm) 32 37 62 40 72 43 72 70 40 52 92 59 50 99 162 109 65 145 265 403 166 287 428 182 300 465 280 428 385 632 432 80 213 384 250 430 260 445 410 100 394 675 431 716 470 730 715 125 648 972 1670 680 1145 1715 694 1160 1800 1125 1755 2925 1505 2480 4050 1685 2925 4940 2105 3540 5400 2525 4250 6475 2765 4815 7560 3025 5220 8395 3995 6295 9880 5215 8500 150 917 1457 2303 1006 1575 2417 1020 1660 2500 1580 2520 4175 2040 3440 5940 2460 4225 7050 2835 5150 7870 3400 6175 9445 3990 6900 4540 7120 5860 8995 7390 200 1606 2806 4318 1708 2816 4532 1864 3099 4815 2814 4815 7678 3983 6779 4618 7866 12661 5548 8865 6654 250 2590 4101 6909 2791 4629 7251 2814 4869 7333 4545 7425 6217 300 368 5936 9500 3852 6204 10323 4045 6751 10370 6277 10575 8743
576 1037
630 1108
19 39 71 112 172 311 19 43 70 112 162 195 30 64 115 178 275 475 16 37 60 93 127 245 26 56 100 152 225 425 19 42 70 108 156 281 30 63 115 180 270 450 22 49 87 128 187 352 36 81 135 211 308 548 26 59 105 153 225 425
11997 16796 10269 14316 7121 1963 8586 10358 27816 11947
41 87 157 250 357 595 1025 1460 2540 742 1080 1980 526 770 1295
49 116 197 295 456 796 1247 1825 3120 885 1265 2110 632 925 1555
59 131 225 338 495 855 1350 1890 3510 43 97 162 253 370 658 1065 1520 2530 71 157 270 405 595 1025 1620 2270 4210 29 63 110 165 260 445 705 952 1815 49 114 190 288 450 785 1205 1750 3025 76 177 303 455 690 1210 1865 2520 4585 32 70 126 190 285 475 800 1125 1990 54 122 205 320 465 810 1260 1870 3240 84 192 327 510 730 1370 2065 3120 5135 41 95 155 250 372 626 1012 1465 2495 66 145 257 405 562 990 1530 2205 3825 104 216 408 615 910 1635 2545 3600 6230 50 121 205 310 465 810 1270 1870 3220 85 195 331 520 740 1375 2080 3120 5200
13761 23205 32244 10629 17108 24042 16515 27849 38697 7390 12015 16096 12288 19377 27080 8042 12625 17728
10880 19141 30978 43470 13140 21600 33210 9994 16172 22713
12470 21247 33669 46858 15966 25860 35890 12921 20538 29016
126 305 555 825 1210 2195 3425 4735 8510 13050 18630 35548 54883 76534
Piping Installation
1. All underground steam systems shall be installed a minimum of 10 feet from plastic piping and chilled water systems. All plastic underground piping must be kept at a 10 foot distance from steam/condensate lines. 2. Install piping free of sags or bends and with ample space between piping to permit proper insulation applications. 3. Install steam supply piping at a minimum, uniform grade of 1/4 inch in 10 feet downward in the direction of flow. 4. Install condensate return piping sloped downward in the direction of steam supply. Provide condensate return pump at the building to discharge condensate back to the Campus collection system. 5. Install drip legs at intervals not exceeding 200 feet where pipe is pitched down in the direction of the steam flow. Size drip legs at vertical risers full size and extend beyond the rise. Size drip legs at other locations same diameter as the main. Provide an 18-inch drip leg for steam mains smaller than 6 inches. In steam mains 6 inches and larger, provide drip legs sized 2 pipe sizes smaller than the main, but not less than 4 inches. 6. Drip legs, dirt pockets, and strainer blow downs shall be equipped with gate valves to allow removal of dirt and scale. 7. Install steam traps close to drip legs.
Recommended Velocities
As a rule of thumb, the following velocities are used in design of piping and pumping systems for water transport: Table 5-1: Recommended velocities Pipe Dimension Velocity Inches mm m/s 1 25 1 2 50 1.1 3 75 1.15 4 100 1.25 6 150 1.5 8 200 1.75 10 250 2 12 300 2.65 If you want to pump 14.5 m /h of water for a cooling application where pipe length is 100 metres, the following table shows why you should be choosing a 3 pipe instead of a 2 pipe.
Table 5-2:Calculation of System Head Requirement for a Cooling Application (for different pipe sizes)
Description Water flow required Water velocity Size of pipe line (diameter) Pressure drop in pipe line/metre Length of cooling water pipe line
Header diameter, inches 2.0 14.5 2.1 50 0.1690 100.0 15.0 2.6 117.6 19.9 5 5 29.9 2.2 3.0 14.5 0.9 75 0.0235 100.0 22.5 3.9 126.4 3.0 5 5 13.0 1.0 6.0 14.5 0.2 150 0.0008 100.0 45.0 7.8 152.8 0.1 5 5 10.1 0.9
Equivalent pipe length for 10 nos. m bends Equivalent pipe length for 4 nos. valves m Total equivalent length of pipe m Total frictional head loss in pipes/fittings m Pressure drop across heat exchanger, m assumed Static head requirement, assumed m Total head required by the pump Likely motor input power m kW
If a 2 pipe were used, the power consumption would have been more than double compared to the 3 pipe. Looking at the velocities, it should be noted that for smaller pipelines, lower design velocities are recommended. For a 12 pipe, the velocity can be 2.6 m/s without any or notable energy penalty, but for a 2 to 6 line this can be very lossy. To avoid pressure losses in these systems: 1. 2. 3. First, decide the flow Calculate the pressure drops for different pipe sizes and estimate total head and power requirement Finally, select the pump.
6.1 Introduction
There are many reasons for insulating a pipeline, most important being the energy cost of not insulating the pipe. Adequate thermal insulation is essential for preventing both heat loss from hot surfaces of ovens/furnaces/piping and heat gain in refrigeration systems. Inadequate thickness of insulation or deterioration of existing insulation can have a significant impact on the energy consumption. The material of insulation is also important to achieve low thermal conductivity and also low thermal inertia. Development of superior insulating materials and their availability at reasonable prices have made retrofitting or re-insulation a very attractive energy saving option. The simplest method of analysing whether you should use 1 or 2 or 3 insulation is by comparing the cost of energy losses with the cost of insulating the pipe. The insulation thickness for which the total cost is minimum is termed as economic thickness. Refer fig 6.1. The curve representing the total cost reduces initially and after reaching the economic thickness corresponding to the minimum cost, it increases.
Figure 6-1: Economic insulation thickness However, in plants, there are some limitations for using the results of economic thickness calculations. Due to space limitations, it is sometimes not possible to accommodate larger diameter of insulated pipes. A detailed calculation on economic thickness is given in section 6.5.
The heat loss value must be corrected by the correction factor for certain applications: Application Single pipe freely exposed More than one pipe freely exposed More than one pipe along the ceiling Single pipe along skirting or riser More than one pipe along skirting or riser Single pipe along ceiling Correction factor 1.1 1.0 0.65 1.0 0.90 0.75
Typical heat losses in a steam distribution system are quantified below. Table 6-2: Steam piping heat losses
The above data can be used to estimate the cost of heat loss in a piping system, while calculating the economic thickness. Heat losses can also be estimated from empirical equations as explained in next section.
Heat loss from a surface is expressed as H = h X A x (Th-Ta) ---(4) Where 2 h = Heat transfer coefficient, W/m -K H = Heat loss, Watts Ta = Average ambient temperature, K Ts = Desired/actual insulation surface temperature, C Th = Hot surface temperature (for hot fluid piping), C & Cold surface temperature for cold fluids piping) For horizontal pipes, heat transfer coefficient can be calculated by: h = (A + 0.005 (Th Ta)) x 10 W/m -K For vertical pipes, h = (B + 0.009 ( Th Ta)) x 10 W/m -K Using the coefficients A, B as given below.
2 2
Table 6-3: Coefficients A, B for estimating h (in W/m -K) Surface Aluminium , bright rolled Aluminium, oxidized Steel Galvanised sheet metal, dusty Non metallic surfaces Tm = 0.05 0.13 0.15 0.44 0.95 A 0.25 0.31 0.32 0.53 0.85 B 0.27 0.33 0.34 0.55 0.87
(Th + Ts )
k = Thermal conductivity of insulation at mean temperature of Tm, W/m-C tk = Thickness of insulation, mm r1 = Actual outer radius of pipe, mm r2 = (r1 + tk) Rs = Surface thermal resistance =
1 h
C-m /W
The heat flow from the pipe surface and the ambient can be expressed as follows H = Heat flow, Watts =
tk 2 C-m /W k
From the above equation, and for a desired Ts, Rl can be calculated. From Rl and known value of thermal conductivity k, thickness of insulation can be calculated. Equivalent thickness of insulation for pipe, Etk.=
Insulation material
Insulation materials are classified into organic and inorganic types. Organic insulations are based on hydrocarbon polymers, which can be expanded to obtain high void structures. Examples are thermocol (Expanded Polystyrene) and Poly Urethane Form(PUF). Inorganic insulation is based on Siliceous/Aluminous/Calcium materials in fibrous, granular or powder forms. Examples are Mineral wool, Calcium silicate etc. Properties of common insulating materials are as under: Calcium Silicate: Used in industrial process plant piping where high service temperature and compressive strength are needed. Temperature ranges varies from 40 C to 950 C. Glass mineral wool: These are available in flexible forms, rigid slabs and preformed pipe work sections. Good for thermal and acoustic insulation for heating and chilling system pipelines. Temperature range of application is 10 to 500 C Thermocol: These are mainly used as cold insulation for piping and cold storage construction.
Expanded nitrile rubber: This is a flexible material that forms a closed cell integral vapour barrier. Originally developed for condensation control in refrigeration pipe work and chilled water lines; now-a-days also used for ducting insulation for air conditioning. Rock mineral wool: This is available in a range of forms from light weight rolled products to heavy rigid slabs including preformed pipe sections. In addition to good thermal insulation properties, it can also provide acoustic insulation and is fire retardant. The thermal conductivity of a material is the heat loss per unit area per unit insulation thickness 2 per unit temperature difference. The unit of measurement is W-m /mC or W-m/C. The thermal conductivity of materials increases with temperature. So thermal conductivity is always specified at the mean temperature (mean of hot and cold face temperatures) of the insulation material. Thermal conductivities of typical hot and cold insulation materials are given below. Table 6-3: Thermal conductivity of hot insulation Mean Temperature C 100 200 300 400 700 1000 Specific heat(kJ/kg/C) Service temp, (C). 3 Density kg/m Calcium Silicate 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.96 (at 40C) 950 260 Resin bonded Mineral wool 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.11 0.921 (at 20C) 700 48 to144 Ceramic Fiber Blankets 0.06 0.07 0.09 0.17 0.26 1.07 (at 980C) 1425 64 to 128
Table 6-4 Specific Thermal Conductivity of Materials for Cold Insulation MATERIALS Mineral Or Glass Fiber Blanket Board or Slab Cellular Glass Cork Board Glass Fiber Expanded Polystyrene (smooth) - Thermocole Expanded Polystyrene (Cut Cell) - Thermocole Expanded Polyurethane Phenotherm (Trade Name) Loose Fill Paper or Wood Pulp Sawdust or Shavings Minerals Wool (Rock, Glass, Slag) Wood Fiber (Soft) Thermal Conductivity W/m-C 0.039 0.058 0.043 0.036 0.029 0.036 0.017 0.018 0.039 0.065 0.039 0.043
Temperature of contents 10 0.02 10 11 13 14 15 17 0.03 14 16 18 20 23 26 0.04 17 20 23 27 31 34 5 0.02 14 15 17 20 22 25 0 -10 Thermal conductivity at mean temperature 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.03 18 23 17 23 29 23 32 21 27 19 27 33 26 37 25 31 22 31 40 30 44 30 38 25 38 51 37 57 35 45 30 45 57 43 62 37 48 33 48 61 47 67 -20 0.04 41 47 57 73 79 86 0.02 29 33 38 49 55 60 0.03 41 47 57 92 99 110 0.04 53 62 77 92 99 110
1 1.5 2 4 6 10
Recommended thickness of insulation for high temperature systems is given in Table 6.6. Table 6.6: Recommended Thickness of Insulation (inches) Nominal Pipe Size NPS (inches) <1 1.5 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Temperature Range ( C) Below 200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 200 300 1 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 300-370 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 370500 2 2 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 500 600 2 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 600 650 2.5 2.5 3 3 3.5 3.5 3.5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Description Length of pipe, L Bare Pipe outer diameter, d1 Bare pipe surface area, A Ambient Temperature, Ta : Bare Pipe Wall Temperature, Th: Desired Wall Temperature With Insulation, Tc : Material of Insulation : Mean Temperature of Insulation, Tm = (Th+Tc)/2 : Sp.Conductivity of Insulation Material, k (from catalogue) : Surface Emissivity of bare pipe: Surface emissivity of insulation cladding( typically Al)
Unit m mm 2 m C C C C W/m C
30 160 48 Mineral Wool 111 104 0.044 0.042 0.95 0.95 0.13 0.13
Calculations Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient of Hot Bare Surface, h :(0.85+ 0.005 (Th Ta)) x 10 Surface Heat Transfer Coefficient After Insulation, h' = (0.31+ 0.005 (Tc Ta)) x 10 Thermal Resistance, Rth = (Th-Tc)/[h'x (Tc -Ta)] : Thickness of Insulation, t = k x Rth :(if surface was flat) r1=outer diameter/2 = teq = r2 x ln(r2/ r1) = ( select r2 so that teq = t) Outer radius of insulation , r2= Thickness of insulation Insulated pipe Area , A :
15 4.7 0.7 28.7 84 28.7 109.2 25.2 34.29 51.4 5.16 46.3 8000 370203
15 4 1.6 65.3 84 65.3 135.9 51.9 42.66 51.4 3.07 48.4 8000 386892
15 3.75 2.4 96.0 84 106.3 161.9 77.9 50.85 51.4 2.48 49.0 8000 391634
Total Losses From Bare Surface, Q = h x A x (Th-Ta) : kW Total Loss From Insulated Surface, Q' = h' x A' x -Ta) : (Tc kW Power Saved by Providing Insulation, P = Q - Q' : kW Annual Working Hours, n : Hrs Energy Saving After Providing Insulation, E = P x n : kWh/year Economics Steam cost, Heat Energy Cost, p : Annual Monetary Saving, S = E x p : Discount factor for calculating NPV of cost of energy loss Cost of insulation (material + labor) Total cost of insulation Annual Cost of energy loss NPV of annual cost of energy losses for 5 years Total cost (insulation & NPV of heat loss)
Note that the total cost in lower when using 2 insulation, hence is the economic insulation thickness.
Flow measured was varying from 120 to 180 m3/h. It was observed that the line pressure at the main header at the inlet to plant-2 was 2.2 bars only when the pump discharge pressure was 4.7 bars. At plat-6, the line pressure was 2.0 bar. The pressure drop was about 2.5 bar! It was clear that the pressure drop in the main header section having 22 meter length ( refer figure above) was very high. Usually, a 4 line is used for carrying a maximum flow of 60 m3/hr and for very short distances, it can carry 80 m3/h. The pump power consumption was 35 kW. Modifications: An additional 4 line was laid parallel to the main header up to plant 7 supply point. The existing pressure drop of 2.5 bar reduced to 0.5 bar. Along with this, the existing pump impeller was trimmed properly so that the new discharge pressure was 3.0 bar. The power consumption after modification was 21.0 kW. Power saving of 14 kW has resulted by this measure. Annual energy saving was 1,12,000 kWh. I.e. Rs 4.8 lakhs/annum. Investment for the piping modifications was Rs 80,000/- with a payback period of 2 months.
Modification: It was decided to interconnect the 2 and 6 line near the FDY plant so that the air requirement at FDY plant is shared by both lines and hence less pressure drop in the 2 line. Measurements after the modifications indicated that the pressure at old FDY machines were 10.5 bar when the supply pressure was 12 bar. Interestingly, the 2.5 bar pressure drop in the 2 line was the sole reason for keeping the air pressure at a higher margin. The pressure setting for the entire station was reduced to 10.5 bar after the modification. I.e a reduction of 1.5 bar. The total power consumption of 500 kW for 3800 Nm3/h reduced to 455 kW after the modifications. Minor piping cost was incurred for the modifications. Annual saving was 3,60,000 kWh/annum. I.e Rs 8.0 lakhs per annum.
An inherent result of this guideline is that high-loss valves, such as globe valves, are frequently used for control purposes. These valves result in significant losses even when they are full open. Figure 4.3 illustrates the frictional head loss for three styles of full-open 12-inch valves as a function of flow rate. (The "K" value is the valve loss coefficient at full-open position.). Even at relatively low flow rates, the power losses can be significant in high-loss valves. For instance, at 1500 gpm (for which the fluid velocity in a 12-inch line is only about 4.3 ft/sec), about 3.3 hp is lost to valve friction in the reduced trim globe valve. Assuming the combined pump and motor efficiency is 70%, the cost of electricity is 10/kWh, and continuous system operation, the annual cost of friction can be estimated. About $ 3000/annum is saved by replacing the globe valve with k=30 by a butterfly valve of k=0.35. A 250-lb pressure class butterfly valve can be purchased and installed for less than $1,000. The simple return on investment period would range from only 4 months to a year at 1500 gpm flow.
Moreover, at lower pressures and high volume flow rates, the air velocity and pressure drop is quite high. In order to maintain the required pressure at user ends, the generating air pressure was always kept higher than the compressor rated pressure of 7.03 kg/cm2. Maintaining higher generating pressure than rated, results in higher power consumption at the compressor and increased stress on the compressor leading to heating of the machine. The latter can be sensed by difference in water temperatures across the inter and after coolers. Suggestion: Existing pipe was replaced with 3 line reduced pressure drop by 1.0-1.5 kg/cm2. There by the generating pressure settings were reduced to 6.0- 6.5 kg/cm2g. Cost Benefit Analysis Type of Measure: Medium investment Annual Energy Savings: 0.35 lakh kWh Actual cost savings: Rs. 1.23 lakh Actual investment : Rs.2.50 lakh Payback: Two years
very low in all bays (in the range of 6 to 33 cfm), except in the case bays nos. 5 and 5A, where it was as high as 196 cfm. Inspection of the plant pipeline, joints and end use points showed virtually no leakage. This was surprising because a leakage of 196 cfm would generally create sufficient hissing sounds to help in its detection. Then it was conjectured that the leakage was possibly in the main header from the compressor room to the bays, which has a short run underground. Since part of the main header was buried in the foundation of a large machine, we presumed that the sound of leakage was being muffled. Inspection of the foundation showed mild drafts of air leaking from some crevices. Though there was no conclusive proof, a decision was taken to replace the short underground line with an overhead line. The leakage test after the replacement of the line clearly indicated that the leakage had dropped from 196 cfm to about 15 cfm. The estimated energy savings are 1,80,000 kWh/annum i.e. Rs 5.4 lacs/annum. The investment for replacing the compressed air line was Rs.30,000/-. It may be noted that the investment was paid back in only 21 days.
EDFORD In any steam system, reducing unnecessary steam flow will reduce energy consumption and, in many cases, lower overall operating costs. This flow reduction can be achieved in many steam systems by lowering normal operating pressure in the steam header. To determine if such a cost saving opportunity is feasible, industrial facilities should evaluate the end use requirements of their steam system. By evaluating its steam system and end-use equipment, Nalco Chemicals, USA realized that a lower header pressure could still meet system needs. The services performed by high-level steam jets were no longer required for the products manufactured at this plant. Instead, the steam system only needed to serve process heating and low-level steam jets, which require lower steam pressure. The following benefits were expected from this measure. Decreased friction losses resulting from lower steam and condensate flow rates. Because the head loss due to friction in a piping system is proportional to the square of the flow rate, a 20% reduction in flow rates results in a 36% reduction in friction loss. Lower piping surface energy losses due to lower steam temperatures. Reduced steam losses from leaks. Less flash steam in the condensate recovery system, which reduces the chance of water hammer and stress on the system.
To minimize the risk of unexpected problems, the steam header pressure was first reduced from 125 psig to 115 psig. Changes in system operating conditions should be implemented carefully to avoid adverse affects on product quality. The participation of system operators is essential in both planning the change and subsequently monitoring the effects on system performance. At Nalco, after no problems were observed from the first reduction in header pressure, the pressure was stepped down further to 100 psig. Encouraged by the success of their efforts, Nalco is evaluating the feasibility of reducing the pressure even more.
Results Overall, reducing steam header pressure was successful. This project did not require a capital investment and minimal downtime was necessary. The only costs associated with this project were for labor resources to analyze project feasibility, to recalibrate the flowmeter (which receives periodic calibration anyway), and to monitor system response to the operating change. Nalco realized annual energy savings of 56,900 million Btu, cutting costs by $142,000 annually. On a per pound of product basis, the amount of energy was reduced by 8%, from 2,035 Btu/lb to 1,873 Btu/lb. The decreased fuel consumption translates into an annual 3,300-ton decrease in CO2 emissions. Additionally, by operating at lower energy levels and flow velocities, the steam and condensate systems experience less erosion and valve wear.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Fuel efficiency Booklet- FEB 002- Steam: ETSU, BRESCU-UK Fuel efficiency Booklet- FEB 008-Economic Thickness of Insulation of Hot Pipes-ETSU, BRESCU-UK Fuel efficiency Booklet- FEB 019-Process Plant Insulation and fuel efficiency-ETSU, BRESCU-UK Steam System Survey Guide- ORNL & US Department of Energy, USA Pipes & Pipe Sizing- Spirax Sarco