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In Lacs) Actuals Actuals As per As per Audited Audited Balance Balance Sheet Sheet 1. Gross Sales (net of returns) (a) Domestic (b) Export 2. Less: Excise duty 3. Net Sales 4. % change in net sales as compared to P.Y. 5. Cost of Sales : i) Raw material a) Indigenous b) Imported ii) Other Stores & Spares iii) Power and Fuel iv) Direct labour vi) Other Manufacturing Expenses vii) Depreciation viii) Sub-total (i to vii) ix) Add: Opening stock in process Sub-total x) Deduct : Closing stock-in-process xi) Sub-total (Cost of production) xii) Add: Opg. stock of finished goods Sub-total xiii)Deduct : Closing stock of finished goods xiv) Sub-total (cost of Sales) 6. Selling, General and Administrative Expenses 7. Sub total (item 5 + item 6) 8. Operating profit before Interest (3-7) 9. Interest 10.Operating profit after Interest (8-9) 11.Add other non operating income i) Add Income : a) Other Income Sub Total (Income) ii) Deduct Expenses : Misc. Expenses/Bad debt W/off Sub Total (Expenses)

Current Year Estimates




0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

iii) Net of Other Non-operating Income/Expenses [11(i)-11(ii)] 0.00 12.Profit/ (Loss) before tax (10+11(iii) 0.00 13.Provision for Taxes - Current Profit after Current Taxes 0.00 Provision for Deferred Taxes 14.Net Profit/(Loss) (12 - 13) 15.Preference dividend 16.Retained Profit (14-15) 0.00 17.Retained Profit/Net Profit % age FORM -- III ANALYSIS OF BALANCE SHEET Actuals As per Audited LIABILITIES Balance Sheet 0.00 CURRENT LIABILITIES : 1. Short term borrowings from banks (including bills purchased & discounted) i) Outstanding funded limits ii) Proposed limits Sub - total (A) 0.00 2. Short term borrowings from others 3. Sundry Creditors (Trade) 4. Advances payments from customers 5. Provision for taxation 6. Dividend payable 7 Term Loan Installment repayable next year Interest Accrued but not due 8. Statutory Liabilities 9. Other current liabilities and provisions (due within one year) Sub - total (B) 10. TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES (Total of item 1 to 9) TERM LIABILITIES 12. Term Loan :(Excluding Installment Due Over Next 12 Month) 13. Redeemable Preference Shares 14. Quassi Capital (Redeemable) 15. Term deposits 16. Other Term Liabilities 17. Total Term Liabilities (Total of item 11 to 16) 0.00 18. Total outside liabilities (10 + 17) 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00



Actuals As per Audited Balance Sheet 0.00

Current Year Estimates




0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

NET WORTH : 19. Share Capital 20. Share Premium Reserve 21. General Reserves (Excluding revaluation reserve) 22. Reserve for deferred Tax 23. Surplus (+) or Deficit (-) in Profit and Loss Account 24. NET WORTH



0.00 0.00 Current Year Estimates

25. TOTAL LIABILITIES (18 + 24) 0.00 0.00 FORM III (CONTINUED) ANALYSIS OF BALANCE SHEET Actuals Actuals As per As per ASSETS: Audited Audited Balance Balance Sheet Sheet CURRENT ASSETS : 0.00 0.00 26. Cash & Bank balance 27. Investments ( other than long term investments) 28. i) Receivables other than deferred and exports (including Bills purchased & discounted by banks) ii) Export receivables ( including bills purchased/discounted by banks) 29. Installments of deferred receivables ( due within one year) 30. Inventory : i) Raw materials (including stores and other items used in the process of Manufacture) - indigenous ii) Stocks in Process iii) Finished Goods iv) Consumables & Spares - indigenous 31. Advances to suppliers of raw material & stores/spares consumables 32. Advance payment of taxes 33. Other current Assets 34. Total current assets (total 26 to 33) FIXED ASSETS: 35. Gross block (land & building machinery, work-in-progress) 36. Depreciation to date 37. Net block (35 minus 36) OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS :





38. Investment etc., which are not current assets i) Investment in affiliate Company ii) Advances to suppliers of capital goods & capital expenditure iii) Deferred receivable (other than maturing within one year) iv) Deposits with Govt Authorities 39. Funds to Other Divisions 40. Other non-current assets including dues from Directors 41. TOTAL OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS 0.00 0.00 (Total of items 38 to 40) 42. Intangible assets (Patent, Goodwill Prel. Exp., bad/doubtful debt not provided for etc. 43. Total assets (34 + 37 + 41 + 42) 0.00 0.00 44. Tangible net worth (24 minus 42) 0.00 0.00 45. Net working capital 0.00 0.00 (item 34 minus item 10) 46. a) Current Ratio (item 34/10) b) Current Ratio without considering T. L. Inst 47. T.O.L. / T.N.W. ( 18/44 ) FORM IV COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CURRENT ASSETS & LIABILITIES Actuals Actuals As per As per Audited Audited Balance Balance Sheet Sheet 0.00 0.00 A. CURRENT ASSETS 1. Raw materials (inclg. stores & others) - indigenous (Day's consumption) 2. Other consumable spares excluding those included in 1 above - indigenous (Day's consumption) 3. Stocks-in-process (Day's cost of production) 4. Finished Goods (Day's cost of sales) 5. Receivables other than export and deferred receivable (including bills purchased & discounted by Bankers) excluding deferred payment sales)


0.00 0.00 0.00

Current Year Estimates


(Day's domestic Sales ) 6. Export receivables ( Day's Export sales) 7. Advances to suppliers of raw materials 8. Other Current assets including cash and bank balances and deferred receivables due within one year 9. TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS: (to agree with item 34 in Form - III) CURRENT LIABILITIES 9. Other than Bank Borrowings for working capital 10. a. Creditors for purchase of Raw materials& Stores etc. (Day's cost of purchases) b. Advance from Customers 11. T.L. Inst. due within next 12 months 13. Other current liabilities a. Dividend Payable b. Provision for Taxation Interest accrued but not due c. Statutory Liabilities d. Other current liabilities 14. Total (To agree with sub Total B Form III 0.00 0.00 FORM V COMPUTATION OF MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE BANK FINANCE FOR WORKING CAPITAL Actuals Actuals As per As per Audited Audited Balance Balance Sheet Sheet 0.00 0.00 1. Total Current Assets (9 in Form IV ) 2. Other Current Liabilities (Other than Bank Borrowings) (14 of Form IV ) 3. Working Capital Gap (WCG) (1 - 2) 4. Minimum stipulated NWC i.e. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Current Year Estimates

0.00 0.00 0.00




25% of Total Current Assets ( Export Receivables excluded For E.P.C. 10 %) 5. Actual/Projected Net Working Capital (45 in form III) 6. Item No 3 minus item no.4 7. item 3 minus item 5 8. Maximum permissible Bank finance (item 6 or 7 whichever is lower) 9. Excess borrowing representing shortfall in net working capital (Item 4 minus 5 ) ( Surplus in Net Working Capital ) FORM VI FUND FLOW STATEMENT Actuals As per Audited Balance Sheet 0.00 1. a) b) c) SOURCES Profit after tax Depreciation Increase in capital Increase in Reserves & Surplus d) Increase in Term Liabilities Real estate Increase in Unsecured Loan Increase in other term liabilities Increase in reserve for deferred Tax e) Decrease in i) Fixed Assets ii) Intangibles f) Decrease in Deferred Receivables g) Decrease in investments TOTAL 2. USES a) Repayment of Term Liabilities Unsecured Loan Decrease in Other Term Liabilities b) Payment of Dividend Actuals As per Audited Balance Sheet 0.00 Current Year Estimates 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00








c) Increase in Fixed Assets Other Non Current Assets ii) Intangibles iii) Deferred Receivables d) Funds to other divin TOTAL 3. Long term Surplus / (Deficit) (1-2) 4. Increase/(Decrease) in current assets (as per Details given below) 5. Increase/(Decrease) in current liabilities excluding bank borrowing 6. Increase/(Decrease) in W.C.G. 7. Net Surplus/(Deficit) (diff.of 3 & 6) 8. Increase/(Decrease) in Bank borrowings 9. INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN NET SALES BREAK-UP OF (4) a) Increase/(Decrease) in Raw Materials b) Increase/(Decrease) in Advance for Raw Materials c) Increase/(Decrease) in Stock in Process d) Increase/(Decrease) in Finished Goods Increase/(Decrease) in real estate inventory e) Increase/(Decrease) in Receivables a) Domestic b) Export f) Increase/(Decrease) in Stores & Spare g) Increase/(Decrease) in Other Current assets

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00




Following Year Projection


0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00


Following Year Projection



0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 Following Year Projection




0.00 0.00 0.00

Following Year Projection




Following Year Projection

0.00 0.00 0.00



0.00 0.00 0.00


Following Year Projection



0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00 0.00



FORM NO. I Particulars of the Existing/Proposed limits from the Banking System WORKING CAPITAL Limits from all banks and financial institutions as on date Name of the Bank/ Existing Extent to which limit Financial Institution and Limits were utilised during Nature of Facility Max. Min. (1) (2) (3) (4) BANK .BRANCH, NAGPUR A. Export Packing Credit Lacs B. Working Capital Demand Loan Lacs C. Cash Credit Limit: Against Hyp. of Stock & Book debts Lacs D. F.B.P/F.B.N. (D.P.) Lacs E. Letter of Credit Lacs Subject to a Maximum of TERM LOAN Name of the Bank/Financial Institution 0 Lacs 0 0

Balance as on


Sanctioned Limit

Outstanding As on 31.03.2007 Lacs Lacs Lacs Lacs

Outstanding As on 0

Overdue if any



MENTS Rs. in Lacs

ing System

Balance as on

Limits/Credit now requested (6)

Lacs Lacs Lacs Lacs Lacs Lacs

Lacs Lacs Lacs Lacs Lacs 0 Lacs

Limits/Credit now requested NIL NIL NIL NIL

0 Lacs

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