The Discworld Compendium
The Discworld Compendium
The Discworld Compendium
Index : page 88
Appendix : page 104 (The Discworld cycle)
All text in this document is ripped from the internet. Use it for your own interest only!
Grand Vizier of Al Khali, with the obligatory twisted personality. Aspiring to be a
wizard, but refused entry to UU on grounds of mental unstability (makes you wonder,
when you think of e.g. the Bursar). Tall, moustached, wore a turban on his pointy hat.
His fate proved that you shouldn't put too much faith in hats, in spite of the
headological benefits. Appears in Sourcery
Queen of Skund and friend of Casanunda, to whom she gave the title of Count.
Mentioned in Lords and Ladies
Agony Aunts
Enforcers of the Guild of Seamstresses. Mentioned in Jingo
Ahmed, 71-hour
Klatchian, average height, skinny, very scarred, bearded, carries a big sword, chews
cloves, mostly gold teeth. Anything else would be a spoiler for his role in Jingo
Inventor of the Wand of Utter Negativity. Mentioned in The Colour Of Magic
A sergeant in the Omnian Divine Legion. Appears in Small Gods
Son of Greasy Arif and Klatchian apprentice fisherman. Quite reasonable (at least in
comparison to his father). Appears in Jingo
See Malich, Alberto
Albrechtsson, Albrecht
A descendant of an important Uberwald dwarf family and contestant for the throne /
scone of Low King in The Fifth Elephant. Traditionalist, understands Morporkian but
does not speak it.
Al-chema, Affir
Klatchian alchemist. Wrote the seminal work of the science, Principia Explosia.
Mentioned in Jingo
Sailor on Chidder's boat, the Unnamed. Has a good build, lots of scars and very...
uh... instructive tattoos. Appears in Pyramids
Aliss, Black
See Aliss Demurrage
beTrobi goddess of Lightning (a monopoly breakage?). Mentioned in The Colour Of
Troll love story heroine. In love with Jasper. Bad temper. For full story, turn to Moving
A queen of Lancre, although not for long. Remember that "dumb blond" joke about
hide-and-seek? Mentioned in Lords and Ladies
Ankh-Morpork Opera House pianist and Cable Street Particular. Appears in
See von Überwald, Angua Delphine
St Ungulant's invisible friend. Strong-minded, capable. Appears in Small Gods
Ephebian writer of comic plays. A remarkable feature of his plays is that the actors hit
one another with big sticks every time they make a joke and refuse to proceed until
someone laughs. Appears in Pyramids
General of the Ephebian army. Appears in Small Gods
Arif, Greasy
Klatchian fisherman and mortal enemy to Solid Jackson. Just as narrow-minded and
xenophobic. Has a son called Akhan. Appears in Jingo
An important Ephebian philosopher. Secretary to the Tyrant. Wrote Platitudes.
Appears in Small Gods
Cheery Littlebottom's uncle. Mentioned in Feet Of Clay
See Bum
The Great Cow of the Arch of the Sky. Wife of Teppicymon XXVII, sister of Vyrt and
mother of Teppic. Liked cats. Self-centered. Had a good sense of direction and a lot
of insight. Eaten by a Djel crocodile. Mentioned in Pyramids
King of Ankh in the times of Alberto Malich (about two thousand years before the
present). Little fat man with a squeaky voice. Mentioned in Mort
Past king of Djelibeybi. Lived before people invented spelling. Appears in Pyramids
A very short showbusiness troll. Roadie for the Band With Rocks In. Showbusiness is
his life, even if it means being sat on by elephants. Appears in Soul Music
Ephebian Goddess of Love. According to Om, a complete bubblehead. Mentioned in
Small Gods
Inventor of the Personal Gravitational Upset, a spell diverting someone's gravity by
90 degrees. Mentioned in The Colour Of Magic
Auditors of Reality
A group of beings totally indistinguishable from each other. For them, to be a
personality is to be mortal, so their inner logic causes one to spontaneously combust
whenever it as much as uses the singular first person pronoun. Their job is to see
that the universe runs efficiently -- if you travelled faster than light, it is quite possible
that it is they who would fine you for speeding. They don't like life, as it gets in the
way of the efficient running of the universe. They manifest as empty grey robes. They
don't speak - they just change reality so that they have spoken. Enemies of Death.
They appear in Reaper Man and Hogfather, and are mentioned in Eric
The Stench of Dog Breath, a demon. Appears in Eric
THE DEATH. His relationship to Death is a little like Death and Death of Rats. So
large he can only be measured in terms of lightspeed. Always sad in his prison of a
billion years. Appears in Reaper Man
Bassingly-Gore, Eustace
An Ankh-Morpork Assassin. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
A cat-headed god worshipped in Djelibeybi. Note: Bast/Bastet was a cat-headed
Egyptian goddess. Mentioned in Pyramids
Lance-Constable in the City Militia recruited in Men At Arms
A clown in Ankh-Morpork. Friend and victim of Edward D'Eath. Appears in Men At
Bearhugger, Jimkin
Owner of a distillery in Ankh-Morpork. Producer of Sam Vimes's favourite drink.
Mentioned in Guards! Guards! and Feet of Clay
Beedle, Granny
A Ramtop witch and friend of Goodie Hamstring. Mentioned in Mort
Bel Shamharoth
See Shamharoth, Bel
A young druid and computer specialist. Wears traditional druidical clothes. Appears in
The Light Fantastic
Bemery, Queen
A Queen of Lancre, 670-722. Good-looking in a stern way. Haunts Lancre Castle.
Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters
A brandy producer. Mentioned in Reaper Man
Mercenary captain of Duke Felmet's personal bodyguard. Chilly eyes. Didn't trust
drama and had no conscience. As efficient a killer as a psychotic mongoose (that's a
quote), he nevertheless made his final mistake in calling Esmerelda Weatherwax a
"mother of the night". Appears in Wyrd Sisters, although briefly
Leader of Bertie the Balladeer and His Troubadour Rascals, a traditional music
group. Mentioned in Soul Music
One of the trolls Rincewind met in the valley. Female, a bit metamorphic. Wife of
Kwartz. Appears in The Light Fantastic.
A professional druidic sacrifice, rescued by Cohen the Barbarian in The Light
God of Wine. Toga, wine leaves and so on. Drinks all the time. Appears in Hogfather
God of Hangovers. Looks like a young male human. Created after the Hogfather's
death. Is almost always hung over, especially after the God of Wine's drinking.
Appears in Hogfather.
Billet, Drum
A wizard with little knowledge about children. Passed his powers to Eskarina Smith.
For a while hung around as a tree, later reincarnated as an ant. Appears in Equal
Billias, Skarmer
A wizard and head of The Order of the Silver Star. Killed by Coin. Appears in
A god of Djelibeybi. Mentioned in Pyramids
Death's flesh-and-blood horse. Has an easy walk. Leaves no hoofprints except
sometimes flaming ones in mid-air. Has a good aim. Appears in Mort, Reaper Man,
Soul Music and Interesting Times
Black Aliss
See Aliss Demurrage
Manservant to Edward D'Eath. Appears in Men At Arms
Blind Hugh
A beggar in the Docks of Ankh-Morpork. Very sensitive to gold. Died one month
before Jingo. Appears in The Colour Of Magic and Jingo
Leader of Blondie And His Merry Troubadours, a music group. Mentioned in Soul
Bloodaxe, B'hrian
The first Low King of the dwarfs. A semi-legendary hero. Lover of Ironhammer.
Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Bloody Stupid
A camel mathematician living in Tsort. An acquaintance of You Bastard. Mentioned in
A troll lance-constable in the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, generally used as a riot
shield. Very large, character-wise gentle and shy. Appears in The Fifth Elephant
Bluestone, Lias
The drummer of the Band With Rocks In. Wears sunglasses. Quite smart for a troll.
No known relationship to the Holy Wood troll bar "The Blue Lias". Appears in Soul
Doorkeeper at the Fools' Guild. Bad memory. Appears in Men At Arms
A family of thieves which had given Ankh-Morpork a lot of thieves both good and bad,
including at least one Guild President. Appear in Sourcery, Wyrd Sisters, Guards!
Guards!, Feet Of Clay and Jingo
Boot, Denephew
Wizard and behavioral researcher. Most known accomplishment: discovered that by
a system of rewards and punishments he could train a dog, at the sound of a bell, to
immediately eat a strawberry meringue. Mentioned in Jingo
Borgle, Nodar
Owner of a Klatchian canteen in Holy Wood. On tasting the merchandise, customers
suspected Dibbler must have been responsible for the menu. That was not true.
Appears in Moving Pictures
Bottler, Violet
The tooth fairy. Not too bright. Doesn't touch alcohol. Appears in Hogfather
A member of Vitoller's Men. Appears in Wyrd Sisters
One of the trolls Rincewind met in the valley. Appears in The Light Fantastic. Later
there's an actor of the same name in Holy Wood, cousin of Galena.
A previous owner of the Drum. Fat, short, black eyes. Appears in The Colour Of
Brokenbow, Thomas
A staple of a typical young dwarf in Ankh-Morpork. Mentioned in The Truth
Brooks, Mr
Royal Lancre Beekeper. Treats everyone as slightly inferior. As close to being a witch
as you can get in trousers. Hates wasps. Appears in Lords and Ladies
Brown, Mr
The best locksmith in Ankh-Morpork. Neat, elderly. Hired by Teatime, with the
predictable ending. Appears in Hogfather
Brunt, Ossie
Xenophobic maniac from Ankh-Morpork. Short, weak. A quiet sort of person. Archery
hobbist. Appears in Jingo
A not-too-smart wolf - the lupine equivalent of Foule Ole Ron. Appears in The Fifth
The Djelibeybian Goat-Headed God of Goats. Mentioned in Pyramids
Burleigh, Mr
President of the Guild of Armourers of Ankh-Morpork and maker of fine weaponry.
The kind of person that desperately tries to avoid silences in conversation. Appears
in Jingo, mentioned in Hogfather and The Fifth Elephant
Wizard, member of Unseen University's faculty and the Bursar of said institution.
Given name unknown, though rumored to be "Dr A.A. Dinwiddie, D.M.(7th), D.Thau.,
B.Occ., M.Coll., B.R". During the times of previous Archchancellors the pillar of the
faculty and source of all action, now more than slightly bent. Lives on his nerves
(neurovore), dried frog pills and porridge (Ridcully: We do it for the Bursar because
it's not exciting). Takes care of UU's paperwork. His mental instability is catching,
though currently stabilized by the dried frog pills that make him hallucinate he's sane
(they also make him hallucinate he can fly, and apparently his belief is pretty
powerful). Appears in Eric, Moving Pictures and Reaper Man(still saneLords And
Ladies, Men At Arms, Soul Music, Interesting Times, Hogfather, The Last Continent
and The Truth, mentioned in Jingo
Butts, Eulalie
Co-founder and principal of the Quirm College for Young Ladies. Unfortunately for
her, one of those ladies happened to be Susan Sto Helit. Appears in Soul Music
Bylaxis, Mrs
A kind-hearted Ephebian lady, with a leg dropping off. Mentioned in Small Gods
Cake, Evadne
The infamous Mrs Cake, medium, templar nightmare and landlady for the undead.
Widow with one daughter, Ludmilla. Small, circular, large hat and handbag. She is
deeply religious, although she doesn't accept priestesses and eventually breaks up
with every church on the grounds of her daughter's difference. Strong precognition
which can be troublesome in conversation. Appears in Reaper Man and Men At Arms
Cake, Ludmilla
Daughter of Evadne Cake and Mr. Cake (deceased). A werewolf in a (hopefully)
stable relationship with Lupine. Appears in Reaper Man and is mentioned in Men At
Cakebread, Mr
An old man with the daring to once kick Greebo. Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters
A troll in Lancre and friend of Mustrum Ridcully. Mentioned in Lords and Ladies
Carding, Marmaric
8th level wizard and Head of the Hoodwinkers. 17 stone. Killed by Coin's staff.
Appears in Sourcery
Carry, Arthur
A candlemaker in Ankh-Morpork. Appears in Feet of Clay
Dwarf printer, working in Gunilla Goodmountain's workshop. Appears in The Truth
The first genetics specialist on the Disc. Wizard and garden owner. Mentioned in the
Discworld Companion under "genetics".
An Ankh-Morpork thug. Saw very well in the dark. Hired by Teatime. Appears in
Celyn, Imp y
A Llamedosian bard, later vocalist and guitarist of the Band With Rocks In. Dark curly
hair, looks a bit elvish. Can play anything with strings on it. Won a Llamedos song
contest with a piece called Sioni Bod Da. Likes dwarf bread. Appears in Soul Music
A prophet in Omnianism. Wandered in the desert (like most of them). Mentioned in
An enterprising troll in Ankh-Morpork. Runs a wholesale building supplies firm, but
also does other things, like printing and cheap pottery. His workshop is at 12 The
Scours. Large, tends to flake in the daylight. Comes from a sedimentary family.
Amiable character. Mentioned in Reaper Man, Men At Arms and Soul Music
Past king of Lancre. Builder of Lancre Castle. Haunts the castle carrying his head
under his arm. There's a puzzle about his death -- Discworld Companion says he
died of gout, while in the cycle he says his nephew cut off his head. Appears in Wyrd
A female antropomorphic personification. Mentioned in The Colour of Magic
Changebasket, Skrelt
Wizard and re-founder of the Ancient and Truly Original Sages of the Unbroken
Circle. Learned the difference between normal and Great spells at the point of the
wizard's death. Mentioned in The Light Fantastic
Bartender in the Mended Drum in Guards! Guards!. Large, heavy-set, lots of scars on
the face. Friendly unless rankled
Owner of a clothes shop in Pseudopolis, unremarkable apart from his uncanny
resemblance to Havelock Vetinari. A major plot element in The Truth
Cheese, Mr
Owner of the Bucket in Gleam Street, the Night Watch's bar. A thin man who only
smiles when he hears of a serious murder. Appears in Men At Arms, Feet Of Clay
and The Truth
One of Teppic's classmates in the Assassins' school. Red hair, freckles. Always at
odds with Chidder. Appears in Pyramids
The Djelibeybian dog-headed god of metalwork. Appears in Pyramids
A Ramtop troll. Runs a sawmill near Cutshade Forest. Mentioned in Witches Abroad.
Unknown whether it's the same troll as Constable Chert in the parking department of
the Ankh-Morpork City Watch (appearing in The Fifth Elephant)
Chestnuts, Harry
An informer of Fred Colon's. Mentioned in Jingo
One of Teppic's classmates in the Assassins' school. Open-faced. Constantly at odds
with Cheesewright. His father is into commerce. Owner of the Unnamed (basically a
cross between the Rhoxie and the USS Enterprise). Appears in Pyramids
The troll god of love. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
A singer at the Ankh-Morpork Opera House. Bad voice, good looks. Not too bright,
except when it comes to making an impression. Appears in Maskerade
Ankh-Morpork troll godfather. Chief of the underground. Major deals include
promotion of Music With Rocks In and distribution of Slab. Sleek and smooth, wears
a suit. Diamond jewellery... you don't want to know what it's made of. The name is
spelled "Chrystophrase" in Wyrd Sisters, but that might be an accidental typo.
Churn, Ezrolith
A very old Archchancellor in the times of Eric. Was writing a treatise on 'Some Little
Known Aspects of Kuian Rain-Making Rituals'
A male pebble (troll kid). Can't read. Mentioned in Soul Music
Past queen of Djelibeybi. Teppic's aunt. Expresses her dislikes in terminal ways.
Appears in Pyramids
Clete, Mr
Secretary of the Musicians' Guild. Organizer type, illustrious career. Quote: "who was
what you would get if you extracted fossilized genetic material from something in
amber and then gave it a suit". In accordance to this description, cold-blooded and
ruthless without realizing he is being so. Tries to be funny. Laughs like this: "hat, hat,
hat". A bit of a rat, and went on the same way. Appears in Soul Music
See Bluestone, Lias
Clinkerbell, Fairy
A troll who claims to be a Tooth Fairy. Appears in Feet of Clay, mentioned in The
Fifth Elephant
Notorious troll criminal, conscripted later into the Watch in Men At Arms, but by the
time of The Fifth Elephant robbing gold vaults again.
Cohen, Genghis
The greatest barbarian hero alive. Doer of mighty deeds, rescuer of virgins etc. As a
result of being 87/107 (LF/IT) years old, totally bald, thin and arthritic but spry. One
eye. Suffers from lumbago, backache, piles and bad digestion. Next of kin: daughter
Conina, (ex)wife Bethan. Wears a set of troll teeth. Last mentioned as the Agatean
Emperor. Appears in The Light Fantastic and Interesting Times, mentioned in Moving
Pictures and Lords and Ladies
Coffin Henry
One of the beggars of Misbegot Bridge. Coughs all the time. Has a remarkable
collection of skin diseases. Earns money by getting paid for not coming to parties,
weddings etc. Appears in Soul Music, Feet Of Clay and Hogfather
A girl working at Mrs Palm's House of Negotiable Affection. Very handsome, unusual
earrings. It is noteworthy that this character is based on an actual denizen of, Colette Reap. Appears in Maskerade
Genghis Cohen's daughter and barbarian hairdresser. White hair, tan. Wants to live a
normal life, but the genes won't let her. Appears in Sourcery
Content, Mrs
An Ankh-Morpork midwife with fifty years in the job. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Coplei, Bosun
Bosun of the Fin of God. Appears in Small Gods
Cosmopolite, Marietta
An Ankh-Morpork seamstress (the real McWossname). Lives at 3 Quirm Street. Old,
worked in Holy Wood. Buried four husbands. Thinks people are nice if given the
chance, everything will turn out all right, and dwarfs are peering at her when she
changes her dress (one of those is true). Inspiration of the Way of Mrs Cosmopolite,
which is practiced in hidden valleys above the Ramtop snowline. Appears in Moving
Pictures and is mentioned in Witches Abroad and Soul Music
Princess Jade's troll boyfriend from the next valley. Nice and hard-working.
Mentioned in Soul Music
Son of a rich dealer in hay and foodstuffs. Not too intelligent. Front man of the Band
Formerly Known As Insanity. Can't play, can't sing, can't behave on the stage.
Appears in Soul Music
The fat poet wannabe and Seriph of Al Khali by heritage. Very fond of stories.
Appears in Sourcery
Cripslock, Mr
An old engraver working in the Street of Cunning Artificers. Grandfather of
Sacharissa Cripslock. Mentioned in The Truth
Cripslock, Sacharissa
An aspiring reporter in Ankh-Morpork, working for the Ankh-Morpork times.
Granddaughter of Mr Cripslock. Appears in The Truth
Master in the Bakers' Guild. Tends to shout at people. Mentioned in Guards! Guards!
Cruces, Dr.
The head tutor of the Assassins' school in Pyramids. Head of the Assassins' Guild in
Guards! Guards! and Men At Arms
Fisherman from Jowser Cove, near Holy Wood. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Ephebian fire god. Mentioned in Small Gods
First dwarf member of the Ankh-Morpork Night Watch. Typical dwarf, one glass eye.
Quite tolerant, which resulted in an uneasy at first friendship with Detritus. Appears in
Men At Arms
Cumber, Miss
Teacher of Language at the Quirm College For Young Ladies. Mentioned in Soul
Cumberbatch, Silas
Once town crier, now a Night Watchman. Voice heard three streets away, no
neighbours. Appears in Men At Arms
Curry, Annabel
Nine years old, orphan, daughter of a Night Watchman. Cared for by Vimes.
Mentioned in Men At Arms
Once Archchancellor of the Unseen University and Archmage of the Silver Star. Very
fat. As for character, an early attempt at Ridcully. Brought up in Lancre, near Bad
Ass. Appears in Equal Rites
Cutwell, Igneous
DM (Unseen) and the Sto Lat resident wizard. His full name, as stated on his door, is
"Igneous Cutwell, DM (Unseen), Marster of the Infinit, Illuminartus, Wyzard to
Princes, Gardian of the Sacred Portalls, If Out leave Maile with Mrs Nugent Next
Door", when speaking he claims titles like "Holder of the Eight Keys" and "Traveller in
the Dungeon Dimensions". 20 years old, curly hair, no beard, round face. Quite
traditional. Specializes in all sorts of love potions, including Cutwell's Shield of
Passion ointment, and also trades in similar products by other adepts of magic (like
Granny Weatherwax, although it might have been an impersonation by Nanny Ogg).
Likes food. Later Royal Recognizer to Princess Keli. Appears in Mort
A dyslexic and forgetful cockerel who lives at Miss Flitworth's farm. Appears in
Reaper Man
An apprentice with Vitoller's Men. Appears in Wyrd Sisters
Dave, Bigger-than-Small-Dave
An Ankh-Morpork criminal. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
A butcher in Lancre. Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters
See Pentacles, Dean of
D'Eath, Edward
An impoverished aristocrat -- 37th Lord D'Eath. The first person ever to pass the
post-graduate course at the Assassins' Guild with full marks. Obsessed with the royal
succession. Appears in Men At Arms
(Mort, Bill Door, Mr. Scrub)
Name Death
Also known as The Defeater of Empires, the Swallower of Oceans, the Thief of
Years, the Ultimate Reality, the Harvester of Mankind, the
Assassin against Whom No Lock Will Hold, Mort, Bill Door, Mr
Scrub, Beau Nidle
Height 7 feet
Hair colour Non applicable (although he does own some hairbrushes)
Eye colour Blue (red when he's angry -- thanks to Flora for pointing this out)
Symbol The Infinite Omega
Usual clothes A robe of absolute darkness, sometimes a riding cloak fastened
with a silver Infinite Omega brooch
Hobbies Rincewind, the Duty, humanity in general
Pets A horse (flesh-and-blood) named Binky, various cats
Death, New
A tall (>7 feet) hooded figure. No face -- just smoke under the hood, and a golden
crown. Talked like this. Rode a skeletal steed. Replaced Death after his retirement. A
cruel, stylish and power-obsessed individual... too bad he didn't get many lines in.
Makes you wonder that the Auditors preferred him to the old one. Appears in Reaper
Death Of Fleas
A part of Death that got a separate existence after his temporary retirement in
Reaper Man. Appears in Reaper Man
Death Of Rats
(the Grim Squeaker)
A part of Death that got a separate existence after his temporary retirement in
Reaper Man. Looks like a small rodent skeleton with brittle gray whiskers, in a black,
cowled robe, carries a scythe. Speaks only in Rat, which usually comes out as
SQUEAK. Does rats, mice, hamsters and gerbils. Appears in Reaper Man, Soul
Music, Small Gods, Maskerade, Feet Of Clay and Hogfather
De Bris
A troll gang, persumably consisting of members of the De Bris family. This is
unsubstantial anyway, as they had the bad luck to get on Chrysoprase's nerves and
ended up without either lifes or teeth. Mentioned in Soul Music
An Ephebian philosopher. Mentioned in Small Gods
The jar'ahk'haga (Ideas-taster) of the Low King. Appears in The Fifth Elephant
Delcross, Miss
Co-founder of the Quirm College for Young Ladies. Taught Biology and Hygiene to a
certain young lady with a walking skeleton in her ancestry. Keen on eurythmics.
Appears in Soul Music
Demurrage, Aliss
(Black Aliss)
A very powerful and skilled witch, who once lived in a gingerbread cottage (not the
same one Rincewind and Twoflower discovered in The Light Fantastic). Known
deeds: sending a whole castle to sleep for a hundred years, turning a pumpkin into a
A god/goddess/antropomorphic personification (details unknown). Mentioned in The
Colour Of Magic and Mort
An Ankh-Morporkian troll, originally from Uberwald. The person people most often
think of on hearing the word. Not too tall for a troll, drags his knuckles on the ground.
IQ equals about 100 minus current temperature in degrees Celsius. Works physically,
usually as a guard of some sort (used to be the Mended Drum splatter, for example).
Since Men At Arms he is a Sergeant in the City Watch, which is undoubtedly the
effect of Ruby's influence. A primeval troll, simple and strong, though not without
cunning in lower temperatures. Favorite weapon is a siege crossbow loaded with a
bundle of regular-sized arrows, which he calls the Piecemaker. Appears in Guards!
Guards!, Moving Pictures, Men At Arms, Soul Music, Masquerade, Feet Of Clay,
Jingo and The Fifth Elephant, mentioned in Reaper Man
Devant-Molei, Rosie
A high-born lady dragon breeder, and the caretaker of the Sunshine Sanctuary for
Sick Dragons in Ankh-Morpork. Very strongly bult. Friend of Sybil Ramkin. Appears in
Guards! Guards!
An innkeeper in Genua, who had the bad luck not to be fat and red-faced under
Lilith's rule. Appears in Witches Abroad
DeVice, Amanita
One of Diamanda's Lancre junior witch coven. Has an ink tattoo of a dagger and a
skull on her arm. Appears in Lords And Ladies
Dhblah, Cut-Me-Own-Hand-Off
CMOT's alter-ego in Small Gods. Sells sticky items in the Place of Lamentiation in
front of the Great Temple. Good marketing sense. Wears a djellaba, sidles. Appears
in Small Gods
See Tockley, Lucy
Dibbler, Cut-Me-Own-Throat
(C.M.O.T., Throat)
Ankh-Morpork's most enterprising salesman / merchant adventurer / itinerant pedlar.
Usually selling sausages(uhm...)-inna-buns, but will take up any promising venture.
Easily giving in to new ideas. Skinny, short, rodent-like. Wears a huge overcoat.
Appears in Guards! Guards!, Moving Pictures, Reaper Man, Men At Arms, Soul
Music, Interesting Times, Feet of Clay and The Truth
Dibbler, Solstice
CMOT's nephew. A more modern version of his uncle, in other words -- a young
enterprising businessman with unconventional ideas. In yet other words, even more
dangerous than Dibbler himself. Appears in Moving Pictures
Dibhala, Disembowel-Myself-Honourably
Hung Hung resident Dibbler. Sells fresh ancient eggs, pork ;-| balls onna chopstick
and rice crackers. Appears in Interesting Times, mentioned in The Last Continent
Diblosson, Dib
Yet another Dibbler. Sells sorgasbord. Mentioned in The Last Continent
Dibooki, May-I-Be-Kicked-In-My-Own-Ice-Hole
What do you know? A Dibbler, of course! Sells unmentionable blubber made from
dead whales. Mentioned in The Last Continent
Ephebian philosopher. Blind, short, bald. Not washing himself often enough. Brilliant
like a supernova, but not leadership material. A Cynic/Stoic/Epicurean. Author of the
[in]famous De Chelonian Mobile, among other things. Carries an empty lantern. Lives
in a barrel. Calculated the speed of the sun. Appears in Small Gods
Master embalmer in Djelibeybi. 35 years behind the bandages. Vegetarian.
Philosophical. Appears in Pyramids
High Priest in Djelibeybi.First Minister and High Priest among High Priests and
Priestesses. Tall, bald, impressive nose. Traditional. Didn't like gods interfering with
things. His eternal advising to subsequent pharaos could be considered bad until one
has seen Vorbis. Appears in Pyramids
Dismass, Gammer
(Old Mother)
A witch near Lancre. Old and with a detached retina in her second sight, which
makes her behave a bit Bursary at times -- she goes through time at random. Friend
of Granny Weatherwax and the gang. Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters, appears in Witches
A kitchen girl in the Unseen University. Appears in Soul Music
Door, Bill
see Death
A golem of red clay, quite ancient. Once a butcher, now (after FOC) a watchman.
Appears in Soul Music, Feet of Clay, Jingo and The Fifth Elephant
Captain of the Palace Guard at the time of Reaper Man
Downey, Lord
Head of Assassins' Guild after Dr. Cruces's unfortunate demise, before that his
deputy. White haired, old, nice-looking. Speciality: poisoned peppermints.
Professional and unscareable. Appears in Men At Arms, Soul Music, Feet Of Clay,
Hogfather and Jingo
Downspout, Constable
A gargoyle and watchman. Very good at guarding and watching things. Appears in
Feet Of Clay and Jingo
Doxie, Captain
Captain of the City Day Watch before Mayonnaise Quirke. Appears in Reaper Man
Dream, Perdita
see Nitt, Agnes
A Dryad, and like all of them green-skinned. Luminous green eyes, long, dark green
hair. No clothes. Kind and cruel in a way that suggests emotional deprivation in her
childhood, or possibly saplinghood. Appears in The Colour Of Magic
The head clerk in the Patrician's palace. Appears in Men At Arms, Soul Music, Feet
of Clay and The Fifth Elephant
Drunah, Bishop
Secretary to the Omnian Congress of Iams. Believes in the Turtle. Appears in Small
Duc Of Genua
The puppet ruler of a fairy tale city, and the product of yet another of Lilith's twisted
stories. Let's just say that he really needed a princess's kiss... In his human guise he
was very handsome, wore black silk and smoked glasses (remember the rule about
not being able to change one's own eyes?). Unfortunately the spell gave out at night,
so he had to have a pond in his bedroom. He appeared and disappeared in Witches
Duck Man
Leader (?) of the beggars of Misbegot Bridge. Sane except for the duck on his head,
which he doesn't notice. Educated and once rich. Pleasant tenor voice. Appears in
Soul Music, Feet Of Clay and Hogfather
Duncan, Done It
An old, small and short-sighted has-been thief. Slightly senile and a compulsive
confessor - admits to every crime ever committed. Also surprisingly well-informed.
Appears in The Fifth Elephant, mentioned in Jingo
Dunelm, Hibiscus
Current owner of the Mended Drum. Full of ideas for attracting new customers (those
are not useful things, like lowering the price of beer or brewing it without the gutter
sweepings, but usually some machine of Leonard da Quirm that hasn't worked out in
the way it was supposed to do). Appears in Soul Music
Dunnykin, Brother
Member of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night. Seems to consist of a little
perambulatory black robe with halitosis. Complains about things. Not too smart.
Appears in Guards! Guards!
Ephebian philosopher. Wrote Principles of Navigation and then got lost in his own
bathroom. Mentioned in Small Gods
Edge, Sergeant
A member of the Sto Lat Watch. Earlier in the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. Mentioned
in The Fifth Elephant
Igor's pet rabbit. Covered with human ears. Appears in The Fifth Elephant
Ned Simnel's apprentice, mentioned in Reaper Man
Eightpanther, Captain
Producer of Captain Eightpanther's Traveller's Digestives. Those Counterweight
biscuits are not unakin to dwarf bread, and almost certainly have gravel put in them
as well. Mentioned in The Colour Of Magic
An Ephebian Listener (listens to Ephebian philosophers for a fee, cause no-one
would do it for free). Skinny, large ears. Appears in Pyramids
Eorle, Duke of
A nobleman of Ankh. Stupid. Appears in Men At Arms
See Thursley, Eric
(Goodboy Bindle Featherstone of Quirm)
A swamp dragon bred and raised by Lady Ramkin. Sire: Treebite Brightscale. Short
wings, silver, very powerful flame. Last seen going over the Rim. Appears in Guards!
See Smith, Eskarina
Evil-Smelling Bugger
The greatest camel mathematician of all time. Appears in Pyramids
Past Queen of Klatch. Basic Cleopatra type: lovers, asses' milk baths, sat on a
snake. Distant ancestor of Keli. Mentioned in Mort
Fantailler, Marquis of
An Ankh-Morpork nobleman and author of the rules of boxing. Oft cursed by those
who try to obey them in a barfight. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Once Queen of Djelibeybi. Grandmother to Teppicymon XVII and great-grandmother
to Teppic. Intelligent and strong-willed. Appears in Pyramids
A God of the Discworld. Appeared after an unfortunate accident in another universe.
He likes to play games, especially with the Lady. Always wins - at least, when people
stick to the rules. His eyes are black windows into another space-time. Doesn't like
Rincewind. Appears in The Colour Of Magic and Interesting Times.
And another Ephebian philosopher. This one proved that the speed of light is the
same as that of sound. Mentioned in Small Gods
The Messenger of the Gods. Carries a bow. Mentioned in Small Gods
Felmet, Duchess
Wife of Duke Leonal Felmet and the brain behind the first of his murders. Tall,
imposing and rather overweight. Wears red velvet, which matches her complexion.
Thoroughly sadistic and megalomaniac. Appears in Wyrd Sisters
The Crocodile-Headed God of the Lower Djel. Appears in Pyramids
Fido, Big
A poodle with a dream. Like Hitler's. Thinks all dogs should be wolves (i.e. big, strong
and eating people, which shows that prejudices are catching). Chief Barker of the
Dog Guild. Appears in Men at Arms
Fingers, Brother
Member of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night. Thief and odd-job man. Once
worked at UU. Real name: Bengy "Lightfoot" Boggis. Appears in Guards! Guards!
Flannelfoot, Zlorf
Past president of the Assassins' Guild. Not as well-born as the later ones, and with a
troll somewhere in his family tree. Lots of scars, good-tempered if people don't say
that troll thing. Appears in The Colour Of Magic
God of Winds. Mentioned in Small Gods
See Galena
Flitworth, Mr
Renata's father. A contrabandistor, or smuggler in normal language. Tall,
moustached, missing the tip of the little finger on his left hand. Mentioned in Reaper
Flitworth, Renata
A daughter of a smuggler. As her fiancé was lost one winter night in the mountains,
she took care of her farm alone. That is, until she hired a rather skinny helper who
TALKED LIKE THIS and called himself Bill Door. 75 years old, skinny, tanned.
Doesn't like the Auditors, or any kind of Revenoo. Appears in Reaper Man
A composer. Wrote Prelude in G Major. Mentioned in Soul Music
Ephebian God of Avalanches. Mentioned in Small Gods
The Boy at the Ramkin-Vimes house. Takes care of all the small jobs. Young, bright
enough, can't whistle a tune if his life depended on it. Mentioned in Jingo
Fox, Cassandra
Pupil at the Quirm College for Young Ladies. Interested in horses and nothing else.
Appears in Soul Music
Frank, Mister
A card sharp who plagued Vieux River riverboats until he tried cheating an old lady
with a sapphire stare at Cripple Mister Onion. As you might expect, the experience
was shattering. Appears in Witches Abroad
A wizard and inventor of Fresnel's Wonderful Concentrator, a spell calling for rare
ingredients and used to create a hydrophobe-powered lens. Mentioned in Colour Of
Frord, Grisham
Leader of the Grisham Frord Close Harmony Singers, whose singing was so
harmonious, the receipients (uncannily, always people who had messed with the
Musicians' Guild) often didn't survive the concert. The band had tarnished sequins on
their clothes and weaponry. Appears in Soul Music
Frostrip, Mr
Head of the Ankh-Morpork Guild of Accountants. Appears in Jingo
Frottidge, Violet
One of Diamanda's coven in Lancre. Appears in Lords And Ladies
An invisible god generally considered unable, should he have a backside, to find it
with both hands, should he have hands. Mentioned in Small Gods
Frument, Josiah
A seed merchant in Ankh-Morpork. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
A prophet in Omnianism. Talked about demons. Mentioned in Small Gods
Dwarf short-order chef in the Holy Wood Klatchian canteen. Appears in Moving
Gaiter, Twyla
A five years old girl, daughter of a wealthy Ankh-Morporkian family. Her governess is
Susan Sto Helit, which makes her treat such commonplace things as walking
skeletons or bogeymen with no more regard than the milkman. Cynical in everyday
life, but wonders about the Hogfather just as any child her age. Appears in Hogfather
(Flint, Rock Cliffe)
A self-conscious troll actor in Holy Wood. Screen name Rock Cliffe. Pointed ears,
bad-looking nose (even for a troll). Later worked in the city armoury and got
conscripted into the Night Watch. Appears in Moving Pictures, Men At Arms, Feet of
Clay and Jingo, mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Leader of the Morporkian mercenaries hired by Herrena to catch Rincewind. Died (?)
in the Luggage, in Old Grandfather's mouth. Appears in The Light Fantastic
Gander, Adab
Trail boss of a caravenserai from Zemphis to Ankh-Morpork. Tall, wears trollhide
clothing, which means that he doesn't pay atttention to political correctness. Appears
in Equal Rites
The Guestmaster of Krull at the time of Rincewind's visit. Wizard. Takes care of
future sacrifices. Too cheerful to cheer up. Appears in The Colour of Magic
Garlick, Magrat
The youngest of the three witches and resident witch of Mad Stoat. She had been the
one who got the idea to form a coven at the beginning. Sloppy and romantic, blond,
disheveled hair, lots of occult jewelry, none working. Thin, short and flat. Very open-
minded. Daughter of Simplicity Garlick, niece of Yolande Garlick and granddaughter
of Araminta Garlick (none of the above was a witch). Trained in witchcraft by Goodie
Whemper. Usually too shy to speak (especially in the presence of Verence), but
dangerous to cross on a bad day. Appears in Wyrd Sisters, Witches Abroad and
Lords And Ladies, mentioned in Guards! Guards!
A wolf from the Clan That Smells Like This in Uberwald. Very intelligent, possible
trace of werewolf blood. Old friend of Angua's. More-or-less the lupine equivalent of
Carrot. Appears in The Fifth Elephant
(Scumbag Gav)
Tough Ankh-Morpork street kid, ten years old. Likes knives. Appears in Jingo
Once Secretary and Chief Butt of the Fools' Guild, later replaced by Dr Whiteface.
Extremely nervous. Appears in Reaper Man
An apprentice Djelibeybian embalmer with a taste for tasteless practical jokes.
Plump, spots. Secretly in love with the daughter of a garlic farmer. [Note: 'gern'
means gladly / eagerly in German.] Appears in Pyramids
An apprentice to Blert Wheedown, trains to be a guitar maker. Now does quite good,
but started poorly. Appears in Soul Music
The troll god of wisdom. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Gilbert Gilbert
An unspecified person in Ankh-Morpork with contacts in the Assassins' Guild.
Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
The dwarfish owner of a café and delicatessen in Cable Street, Ankh-Morpork.
Caters for dwarfs, trolls and vegetarians (a soya rat is on the menu). Famous for his
place's hygiene and his penetrating stare. Mentioned in Reaper Man and The Fifth
Elephant, appears in Feet of Clay
See Withel, Theda
Glodsnephew, Constable
Watchman. Mentioned in Feet of Clay
Glodsson, Glod
The dwarf horn player of the Band With Rocks In. Born under Copperhead, Lancre.
Lives in Phedre Road. Can't bargain (but doesn't let that stop him). Knows a lot of old
legends. Cousin of Modo. Appears in Soul Music
Goatfounder, Hilta
A witch of gypsy-like tastes in wardrobe. Specialises in discreet remedies. Friend to
Eskarina Smith. First owner of the bump-start broomstick. Appears in Equal Rites
Gogol, Erzulie
Voodoo priestess and cook. Baron Saturday's lover and Ella's mother. Middle-aged,
good-looking. Intelligent. Likes revenge. Doesn't like Lilith. Appears in Witches
Goodmountain, Gunilla
Dwarf craftsman and printer, owner of the first printing press in Ankh-Morpork.
Possibly female. Appears in The Truth
Goodtime, Lily
A further unspecified person that might have some information. Mentioned in Jingo
Aunt of M'Bu. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
A Tsortean philosopher. Mentioned in Small Gods
Klatchian owner of the "Mundane Meals" Klatchian take-out in Scandal Alley. Has a
son called Janil. Appears in Jingo
An undead and member of Reg Shoe's Fresh Start Club. Doesn't speak too much --
at least, not enough to get even a line of dialogue in Reaper Man
Nanny Ogg's incredibly smelly cat. Feline king of Lancre, rabid fighter and multiple
rapist. Known for chasing various female wild animals up trees -- I'm talking she-
bears and she-wolves here. Can turn into an incredible hunk of a man. One eye in
both forms, lots of scars. Appears in Wyrd Sisters, Witches Abroad, Lords and Ladies
and Maskerade
Greggs, Miss
Teacher of History at the Quirm College for Young Ladies. Taught (or at least tried to
teach) Susan. Mentioned in Soul Music
Grim Squeaker
See Death Of Rats
Grodley, Sister
A witch over Skund way. Sniffs, drops her haitches, sticks her little finger out when
she's drinking tea. Her son went off to be a sailor. The Lancre witches don't like her.
Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters
God of Unseasonal Fruit. Mentioned in Reaper Man
A member of Vitoller's Men. Appears in Wyrd Sisters
Hamish, Mad
One of Cohen's Silver Horde. Appears in Interesting Times
Hammerthief, Agi
A dwarfish not-quite deity. A personification of underground mischief in mines, in the
like of the Silesian 'Skarbnik'. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Harebut, Nijel
(Nijel the Destroyer)
Apprentice barbarian. Wears wooly underwear. Wants to die heroically. Appears in
Mort's uncle and Lezek's brother. Appears in Mort
A dwarf songwriter and member of the Musicians' Guild. Has a small office in Tin Lid
Alley, which he shares with Gortlick. Invented rat music. Appears in Soul Music
Hamstring, Ammeline
An old witch young in spirit, the first victim of Mort. Lived in the Ramtops. Appears in
Harga, Sham
Owner of Harga's House of Ribs. Caters to the traditional clientele, among them Sam
Vimes. Appears in Mort, Guards! Guards! and Moving Pictures, mentioned in Men At
A prophet of Omnianism. Wrote the Book of Creation, including the fact that Om is
omnipresent (his comment: I can't be everywhere at once!). Mentioned in Small Gods
The Djelibeybian Vulture-Headed God of Unexpected Guests. Appears in Pyramids
Henri, Big
A brawler and hero. Appears in Guards! Guards!
An Ephebian philosopher. Wrote Theologies. Mentioned in Small Gods
Hipwood, Millie
A girl in Lancre not wise enough to listen to Nanny Ogg's counsel before, so nine
months later her child had to be ditch-delivered, as she dared not tell her mum.
Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters
Hong, Lord
A warlord and Grand Vizier of the Agatean Empire. Mind as twisted as Vetinari, but
less nice and caring. Perfect at everything he does. Killed his own father. Appears in
Interesting Times
Hong, Mr
Unlucky Agatean who opened the Three Jolly Luck Take-away Fish Bar on the site of
the old fish-god temple in Dagon Street on the night of the full moon. He has become
a proverbial figure in Ankh-Morpork. Mentioned in Reaper Man and Jingo
Curator of the Dwarf Bread Museum in Whirligig Alley. Human. Researched old
recipes. Friend of Carrot. Beaten to death with a loaf of bread. Appears in Feet Of
The god of the winter solstice, now occupying himself with delivering presents to nice
kiddies. I guess everyone knows what he looks like. Rides in a sledge pulled by four
giant pigs. Appears in Hogfather, mentioned in Soul Music
Hollow, Desiderata
A fairy godmother (lately to Embers) and Ramtop witch. Blind for thirty years before
her death. Second sight. Kind to people. A round, pink face. Good at headology,
especially Esme's. Enemy of Lilith. Appears in Witches Abroad
Hotaloga Andrews
A voodoo god. Mentioned in Witches Abroad
One-time guard in the Lancre Castle. Chauvinist and sexual harrasser. Appears in
Wyrd Sisters
A dwarf playwright with Vitoller's Men. An inspirations' landing ground, a bit like
Leonard of Quirm, only it's entertainment in his case. A good individual, even if often
preoccupied with higher matters. Still has a dwarf's temper. Appears in Wyrd Sisters
Goddess of Shoes. Mentioned in Reaper Man
A private in the Omnian Divine Legion. Good night vision. Appeared and died in
Small Gods
A troll, a potter and a wall (a fence, but tougher to beat). Quite intelligent. Appears in
Feet Of Clay
Not as much a single person as a class. Unfortunately these adepts of (auto)surgery
all take the same name, and so any distinctions by other (non-Igor) people are based
chiefly on scar pattern. Characteristics include eyes not on the same level, a limp and
a lisp ("Yeth Marthter..."). They are all male, and able to reproduce with humans,
producing either young Igors or rather attractive daughters. Any important Uberwald
household, be it human or undead, has an Igor, and for the mad scientists they're de
rigeur. Various Igors appear in Carpe Jugulum and The Fifth Elephant
Young rebel and adept of really small stitching that produces stuff like killer tomatos.
Joined the City Watch as coroner and medic in The Fifth Elephant
Io, Blind
The general thunder god of the Discworld. Head of all other gods. Many eyes all
around the place, none in his actual face. This is the reason why he got rid of his
ravens. Appears in The Colour Of Magic, Small Gods and Interesting Times
A pupil at the Quirm College for Young Ladies (fourth form). Mentioned in Soul Music
A philosopher. Mentioned in Small Gods
Ironfoundersson, Carrot
A watchman in the Ankh-Morpork Night Watch. Red hair, tall, broad shoulders,
crown-shaped birthmark and an extremely sharp sword. Simple (not the same as
stupid), but not quite as much as he seems. Fits in everywhere he goes. Raised by
dwarfs at Copperhead mountain. Knows practically everyone in Ankh-Morpork.
Friends with Vetinari. In love with Angua. Admires Vimes. Appears in Guards!
Guards!, Men At Arms and Feet Of Clay, Jingo and The Fifth Elephant, mentioned in
Soul Music
A semi-legendary dwarf hero and lover of B'hrian Bloodaxe. Baker of the Scone of
Stone. Took his own life when falsely told of Bloodaxe's death. Mentioned in The
Fifth Elephant
One of the seven prophets of Omnianism. Casted out spirits. Quote: A man needs no
camel to ride to hell, yea, nor horse, nor mule; a man may ride to hell on his own
tongue. Mentioned in Small Gods
Discworld's last surviving banshee. Has a speech impediment. Gets around a lot --
he's a member of the Fresh Start Club in Ankh-Morpork and knows Granny
Weatherwax in Lancre. Appears in Reaper Man, mentioned in Lords and Ladies
Jack Frost
The entity responsible for frost pictures on the windows. Old, spiky. Likes ferns.
Proud of his art. Appears in Hogfather
Jackson, Les
Son of Solid Jackson. Much more reasonable and broad-minded than his father.
Appears in Jingo
Jackson, Solid
Ankh-Morporkian fisherman, speciality: Curious Squid. Typical Morporkian mentality:
They are always worse than Us, what is not nailed down is mine, etc. Has a son
called Les. Mortal enemy to Greasy Arif. Appears in Jingo
Jade, Princess
Pupil at the Quirm College for Young Ladies and friend of Susan Sto Helit. Daughter
of a king of an entire mountain. Bad eyesight. Appears in Soul Music
One of the servants who found Teppicymon's body. Appears in Pyramids
Son of Goriff. A typical thirteen-year-old and Klatchian to boot. Appears in Jingo
Jape, Brother
Teacher of Juggling at the Fools' Guild. A man with "a soul like a cold boiled string".
Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters
One of the trolls Rincewind met in the valley. A pebble - young troll. Appears in The
Light Fantastic.
Boatman of the Solar Orb in the Djelibeybian pantheon. Appears in Pyramids
Bass guitarist of the Band Formerly Known As Insanity. Appears in Soul Music
Jolson, All
One of the best chefs in Ankh-Morpork and certainly the widest one. Dark skin. Runs
his own restaurant. Friend of Fred Colon. Appears in The Fifth Elephant
Jones, Sweeney
A barber in Gleam Street, so bad at shaving that finally the Watch had to arrest him
for manslaughter with a razor. Mentioned in Jingo
José, No Way
An informer of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Djelibeybian Cobra-headed God of Papyrus. Mentioned in Pyramids
Keeble, Liona
Ankh-Morpork job broker. Thin, young. Appears in Mort, mentioned in Reaper Man
See Sto Helit, Kelirehenna
Djelibeybian Ibis-Headed God of Justice. Obvious inspiration: Thot. Mentioned in
The Two-Faced God of Gateways in the Djelibeybi religion. Mentioned in Pyramids
Khufurah, Prince
Prince of Klatch, younger brother and sometime diplomatic envoy of Prince Cadram.
Tall, bearded, bit overweight, intelligent eyes. Said to be bribable. Appears in Jingo
An acquaintance of Dibbler. Can be found at the Bull Pit in Pseudopolis. Mentioned
in Soul Music
Koomi, Hoot
High Priest of Khefin. Very close resemblance to a sacred crocodile. A typical High
Priest. Not too smart. Appears in Pyramids
Koomi of Smale
A religious philosopher whose views corresponded with those of Gnostics. His book
Ego-Video Liber Deorum earned him fame with philosophers and a customized
torture procedure complete with quartering with the Omnian Quisition. Mentioned in
Small Gods
An Omnian bishop who converted a demon by the power of reason alone in the Year
of the Lenient Vegetable. Mentioned in Small Gods
One of the trolls Rincewind met in the valley. Appears in The Light Fantastic.
Possible alter ego: Chrysoprase.
A maid at the Unseen University. Appears in Equal Rites and Moving Pictures
Lady Luck, green-eyed goddess with a liking for games. Her usual opponent is Fate,
and her favourite pawn Rincewind. She is never worshipped, and doesn't come when
called. She often disguises herself. Some examples are a frog in The Colour Of
Magic and the shopkeeper in Soul Music (note: after Cliff and Glod visit the music
shop for the second time, her eyes "glowed green for a moment"). She appears in
The Colour Of Magic, Soul Music and Interesting Times.
An entity consisting of every living creature in the kingdom. Probably originated as a
result of repetitive magical discharges common to the Ramtop area. Its personality --
if you can use this term -- is a bit like a large dog's. Takes an active role in Wyrd
Sisters, otherwise just lies there.
Langtree, Sophie
(Daddy's Princess)
One of the children on Violet's list. Lives at 5 the Hippo. Mentioned in Hogfather
A brilliant strategist in the Tsortean War. Devised all the cunning plans with the
wooden horse and so on. Doesn't like battle or people (especially himself) getting
hurt. Wears an unimpressive suit of armour. Famous for his trek home from the war,
which took him ten years. Do you still need to know his name means "The Rinser of
Winds"? Yeah, he's the distant ancestor of everyone's favourite wizard. He appears
in Eric
Laziman, Timo
A thief in Ankh-Morpork, specialization: muggings. Once had an unpleasant
encounter with the Death of Rats and Albert. Appears in Soul Music
Lemon, Satchelmouth
One of the Musicians' Guild recruiting officers. Not averse to beating someone up,
while holding against actual cold-blooded murder. Appears in Soul Music
King of Ephebe before the philosophers made up democracy. A hundred elephants
carted the stone for his tomb (probably a pyramid). Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Mort's father and a farmer of reannual grapes (the sort that grows backwards in
time). Appears in Mort and is mentioned as dead in Soul Music
He was once a human wizard, until an accident happened. The world was changed,
and he along with it. Since then, the premiere orangutan of the Disc has never looked
back, since long arms and superior strength are quite useful in the library trade.
Keeps his previous name a secret, though it's rumored to be "Dr. Horace Worblehat,
B. Thau, D.M.". Appears in The Light Fantastic, Mort, Sourcery, Guards! Guards!,
Small Gods, Lords and Ladies, Men at Arms, Soul Music, Interesting Times,
Maskerade, Hogfather, The Last Continent and The Last Hero
Lifton, Mr
Landlord of a tavern in the town near Miss Flitworth's farm. Has a daughter. Appears
in Reaper Man
Lifton, Sal
An inquisitive child with an unusual friend. Appears in Reaper Man
Lily, Iron
Sports mistress at the Quirm College for Young Ladies. Rumored to shave and lift
weights with her teeth. Her encouragement shouts during games are of the like of
"Get some ball, you bunch of soft nellies!" Appears in Soul Music
Littlebottom, Cheery
The Night Watch's resident dwarf alchemist and Dana Scully wannabe. Isn't
ashamed of her sex. First dwarf ever to wear lipstick. Doesn't like werewolves.
Comes from Uberwald. Appears in Feet Of Clay, Jingo and The Fifth Elephant
Abbot of the Listeners' monastery. Reincarnating all over the place, at least fifty-four
times so far. Appears in Mort and Guards! Guards!
Longfinger, Dozy
Captain of the Candles, in charge of the illumination of the Bonk dwarf city.
Deceased. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Lotus Blossom
Daughter of Twoflower in mind and flesh. Thinks everything will work out in the end.
Sister of Pretty Butterfly. Appears in Interesting Times
Lucker, Constable
Watchman. Appears in Feet of Clay
Ludorum, Arthur
Teppic's classmate. Son of Johan Ludorum. A Strict Authorized Ormit. Short. A very
good assassin. Appears in Pyramids
Ludorum, Johan
Father of Arthur Ludorum. One of the most famous Assassins in the history of the
Guild. Mentioned dead in Pyramids
Luggage, The
Twoflower's traveling trunk. Often described as a cross between a suitcase and a
homicidal maniac. Origins unclear - in The Light Fantastic Twoflower says he bought
him in a magical shop, but in Interesting Times, there's a whole lot of them running
around the Agatean Empire. Brett pointed out that the magical origin may well explain
our Luggage's psychopathic tendencies. Now property of Rincewind. Appears in The
Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Sourcery, Eric, Interesting Times, The Last
Continent and The Last Hero
An alchemist in Ankh-Morpork. Thin and hesitant. Appears in Moving Pictures
A reverse werewolf (they call it 'wolfwere' in AD&D), each full moon he changes into
a human being. In love with Ludmilla Cake. Appears in Reaper Man.
A senior history monk in the time of the 493rd Abbot. Has regrowable teeth. Blends
into the background of any organisation. Grows pet mountains (rock bonsai). Handy
with a broom. Appears in Small Gods
See Frottidge, Violet
Legendary King of the Mountain, Smiter of Thousands, Yea, Even Tens of
Thousands, Ruler of the Golden River, Master of the Bridges, Delver in Dark Places,
Crusher of Many Enemies. Had a legendary sceptre. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Malachite, Tubal de
Wizard and student of dracology. Wrote "The Summoning of Dragons" and rather
overestimated his chances at it. Mentioned in Guards! Guards!
Malich, Alberto
The founder and first Archchancellor of Unseen University. Wrote the most basic
handbook of magical theory, the Book of Magick of Alberto Malich the Mage. Lived
on the Disc from AM 1222 to AM 1289. When he had only a few months of life left, he
decided to perform the Rite of AshkEnte backwards, which, instead of driving Death
away from him, summoned the mage to Death. He decided to stay on as a servant.
Old and dignified, moves a little jerkily, a drip always hangs at the end of his nose.
Scared stiff od dying. Appears in Mort, Reaper Man, Soul Music and Hogfather
Malik, Nudger
A member of the Klatchian Foreign Legion. Died in a D'Reg attack. Mentioned in Soul
Maraschino, Victor
See Victor Tugelbend
A wizard and inventor of the Theory of Thaumic Imponderability. Mentioned in Soul
Maurice, Amazing
Owner and trainer of Educated Rodents. Worked up an intricate scheme for parting
municipal rulers from their gold (does Pied Piper ring a bell?). As the last mentioned
King of Tsort and husband to Elenor of Tsort. Mentioned in Eric
High priest of the Tezumen. Appears in Eric
Assisstant to Azhural N'choate. Twelve years old and an organizational genius. Has
teeth sharpened to points. Appears in Moving Pictures
Head Bledlow at the Unseen University. Follows traditions to the letter. Doesn't like
wizards. Appears in The Last Continent
A Keeper of the Door in Holy Wood. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
A famous assassin and a tutor in the Assassins' school. Taught Strategy and Poison
Theory in Teppic's class. Always cold. Thin. Killed a Patrician in his time. Teppic's
examinator. Appears in Pyramids
The child of the golems. White, not properly baked, a marvellous statue of a king.
Can talk, or at least scream. Has a lot of words in his chem (the text that keeps a
golem going). Appears in Feet Of Clay
M'Guk, Hummok
A member of one of the Hublandish tribes. Flat-faced. A renowned dice-player in
Ankh-Morpork. Appears in Mort
Michael, Cumbling
Licensed beggar and informal informant. Appears in Soul Music, mentioned in The
Fifth Elephant
Mims, Gwladys
A woman in Krull. Wife of Terpsic. Bossy and not holding with many things. Appears
in Mort
Unseen University gardener and odd-job dwarf. Smokes a pipe. His hobby is
compost, and roses. Grows some black ones, and other magic-influenced variations.
Cousin of Glod Glodsson. Appears in Reaper Man, Soul Music and Hogfather
The Sto Lat palace wine butler. Dignified, smokes a pipe. Mentioned in Mort
A kitchen girl at the Unseen University. Appears in Soul Music
The troll folk hero who wrestled the secret of rocks from the gods. Mentioned in
Moving Pictures
Mooty, Zebbo
Thief Third Class. Quite simple, but didn't hang around for long. First victim of the
Ankh-Morpork dragon. Appears in Guards! Guards!
A quite intelligent and talented troll. Worked in Holy Wood, later in the Ankh-Morpork
city armoury, later still conscripted into the Night Watch. Appears in Moving Pictures
and Men At Arms
see Sto Helit, Mortimer or Death (respectively in Mort or The Light Fantastic)
Old, lives in Klatch, has six elephants. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
A teacher of novices in the Citadel. Taught Brutha. Later martyred ;-( by the
Ephebians for preaching in the street, with a little help from the abomination called
Vorbis. Possible name origin: Babylonian god Marduk. Mentioned in Small Gods
Mwynyy, Owen
A legendary (Llamedosian?) bard. Had a harp which sang when danger threatened.
Lived before the dragons left. Mentioned in Soul Music
N'Choate, Azhural
Klatchian stock dealer. Appears in Moving Pictures
Uncle of M'Bu. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Novice master in the Citadel. Repeats the last few words of his predecessor when
engaged in a dialogue. Touches things. Many nervous tics. Haunted by demons and
impure thoughts. Skinny. Over fifty years old. Had Brutha in his flock. Appears in
Small Gods
Nidle, Beau
See Death
Nigel, Nervous
An Ankh-Morpork spaniel with a reputedly good nose. Mentioned in The Fifth
An apparently male antropomorphic personification. Mentioned in The Colour Of
Nitt, Agnes
(Perdita Dream)
The successor of Magrat in the witches' coven. Not too slim, wears black. Has a
wonderful personality and good hair. Very good at singing. Appears in Lords And
Ladies and Maskerade
Nivor, Grunworth
A tutor in the Assassins' school and housemaster of the Viper House. Taught Traps
and Deadfalls in Teppic's class. Fat, jolly, likes his food. Chidder's examiner. Appears
in Pyramids
Nobbs, Errol
Nobby's brother. Mentioned in Guards! Guards!
Nobbs, Slope
Grandfather of Nobby Nobbs, son of Edward de Nobbes and a parlour-maid.
Mentioned in Feet Of Clay
Nobbs, Scooner
Father of Nobby Nobbs, son of Slope Nobbs. Mentioned in Feet Of Clay
Guitarist in the Band Formerly Known As Insanity. Appears in Soul Music
Inventer of the Divisibility paradox, which demonstrates the impossibility of falling off
a log. Mentioned in Soul Music
Nudger, William
(Artful Nudger)
Ankh-Morpork street kid, very tough. Chews gum. Appears in Jingo
Nuhakme Icta
(Little Jewel)
One of the children on Violet's list. Lives in the basement of The Laughing Falafel,
Klatchistan Take-Away and All-Nite Grocery, corner of Soake and Dimwell.
Mentioned in Hogfather
Nutley, Gammer
A Ramtop witch and friend of Goodie Hamstring. Mentioned in Mort
N'Vectif, Banana
Cunningest hunter in the great yellow plains of Klatch and inventor of a better
mousetrap. Appears in Moving Pictures
The six-armed Crocodile God of Klatch. Patron of the city of Al-Khali. Also
worshipped in Ephebe. Appears in The Colour Of Magic and Interesting Times.
Mentioned in most Discworld books.
Ogg, Gytha
The matron in the witches' coven. Terrorizes her clan, but can't hold a candle to
Esme. Small, wrinkled, white hair. Can't sing. Owns a sinister cat named Greebo.
Appears in Wyrd Sisters, Witches Abroad , Lords And Ladies and Maskerade
Ogg, Jason
Son of Nanny Ogg. The Lancre blacksmith. Can shoe anything. Death's personal
blacksmith. Appears in Lords And Ladies
Ogg, Shawn
Youngest son of Nanny Ogg. The king's guard. Appears in Wyrd Sisters and Lords
And Ladies
Ogg, others
This is a list of various Oggs that appeared in the books but didn't say anything,
together with what little is known about them:
Grame (has some offspring), Tracie, Dreen (female), Wane (male), Darron, Reet,
Kev, Trev, Nev, Sharleen, Karen (married to an innkeeper in Ankh-Morpork), Shirl,
Old Grandfather
An old troll. Relative of Kwartz. So large, Herrena chose to seek shelter in his mouth
after capturing Rincewind, Twoflower, Cohen and Bethan. Appears in The Light
A member of a Howondaland tribe who named its children after the first thing the
mother saw when she looked out of the teepee after their birth. Lived and died in
Ankh-Morpork (knocked over by a cart in Treacle Street while drunk). Had a cruel
thirst which has kept him from passing to the Other Side. In other words, a ghost.
Friend of Mrs Cake. Appears in Reaper Man
An Ephebian philosopher. Wrote On the Nature of Plants. Mentioned in Small Gods
Orm, Great
A god of the Strict Authorized Ormits. Resides in the Nether Hells. Wreaks (at least is
supposed to) organic revenge for lack of worship. Only known believer: Arthur
Ludorum and his mother. Mentioned in Pyramids
Victor's uncle. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
The first and most important Omnian prophet. The Book of Ossory is the basis of
Omnianism. Wondered in the desert with a donkey, who was later made a bishop.
Mentioned in Small Gods, Feet of Clay and Hogfather
Ginger's uncle. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Passmore, Mr
A resident of Ankh-Morpork who suffered from Dibbler's first steps in Fung Shooey.
Mentioned in The Truth
Ephebian goddess of wisdom. Carries a penguin (used to be an owl, but not every
sculptor is a Michaelangelo). Appears in Small Gods
(crystallized jellyfish eater)
A crooked and twisted figure with a taste for sweet seafood. The traditional Grand
Vizier type, later replaced by Vetinari. Appears in The Colour Of Magic.
Patrician Vetinari
see Vetinari, Havelock
Treasurer of the Alchemists' Guild. Small, nervous. Appears in Moving Pictures
Gargoyle and constable of the Watch. Mentioned in Jingo
Peedbury, Iago
A farmer whose lands adjoin those of Miss Flitworth. Old, but persuadable to accept
and test progress. Mentioned in Reaper Man
Pencillium, Osiric
Inventor of the pencil. Mentioned in Hogfather
Pentacles, Dean of
(the Dean)
A member of Unseen University faculty. Seventy-two at the time of Soul Music.
Weighs over twenty stone, has pale eyes and the usual wizard's taste (or lack of
One of the 4 horsemen of the Apocralipse. Friend of Death, Famine and War. Talks
like this. Appears in The Light Fantastic and Sourcery
Goddess of Negotiable Affection. Worshipped by -- uh, seamstresses, if you get my
drift. Mentioned in Small Gods
Leader of a trio of thieves in Ankh-Morpork. Persumably before the formal
establishment of the Thieves' Guild, as he didn't flash a license and seemed inclined
to dispose of his customers permanently. Didn't like wizards. Appears in Mort, and
disappears as a result of messing with the title character
An Ephebian farmer who used Didactylos's services. Mentioned in Small Gods
Student at the UU at the same time as Windle Poons. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Ping, Constable
A functionary of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. A cautious-looking young man. 'Ping'
is a dialect word meaning 'watermeadow'. Appears in The Fifth Elephant
Planter, Bezam
Owner of a moving picture pit called the Odium. Has a wife and daughter. Appears in
Moving Pictures
Planter, Calliope
Bezam's daughter. A beefy young woman. Can't play the organ. Appears in Moving
Plasterer, Brother
Member in good standing of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night. Was trying to
learn to play the tuba. Appears in Guards! Guards!
Poldy, Champett
A Lancre citizen and one-time royal guard. Appears in Wyrd Sisters
A kitchen girl at the Unseen University. Appears in Soul Music
Poons, Windle
One of the oldest wizards on the Discworld. Appears in Moving Pictures and Reaper
Potts, Mr
President of the Bakers' Guild. Appears in Feet Of Clay
Prankster, Brother
A teacher at the Fools' Guild. Huge and red-faced. Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters
Preptil, Brother
The master of music in the Citadel. Had the disputable pleasure of teaching Brutha
and finally managed to get him Extra Melons instead of Music. Mentioned in Small
Pretty Butterfly
Twoflower's daughter and leader of the Agatean Changing Things To A More
Equitable State While Retaining Due Respect For The Traditions Of Our Forebears
And Of Course Not Harming The August Personage Of The Emperor. Sister of Lotus
Blossom. Pretty and very intelligent. Has a Rincewind view of the world. Appears in
Interesting Times
Pseudopolis, Doc
Leader of the Guild of Gamblers. Appears in Feet Of Clay
Piramid architect by tradition. Founder of a dynasty. Appears in Pyramids
Ptaclusp IIA
Son of Ptaclusp and born accountant. Appears in Pyramids
Ptaclusp IIB
Son of Ptaclusp and twin brother of Ptaclusp IIA. Genius architect, speciality:
aqueducts. Appears in Pyramids
See Teppicymon XXVIII
Pushpram, Verity
Nice girl running the clam and cockle barrow in Rime Street, Ankh-Morpork. Smells of
fish, has an opposite of a squint. Acquaintance of Nobby Nobbs. Mentioned in Jingo
Djelibeybian Lion-Headed God of Justice. Appears in Pyramids
Pyjama, Hrolf
Lance-constable in the Watch. Appears in Men At Arms
(The Feathered Boa)
God of mass human sacrifices. Half man, half chicken, half jaguar, half serpent, half
scorpion and half mad, later trampled by a half suitcase, half homicidal maniac.
Appears in Eric
Quirm, Leonard da
The Discworld's most ingenious inventor. Going bald on top. Not much when it
comes to naming things, eg the Very-Fast-Coffee machine which makes a rather nice
espresso. Inventions include the bicycle, post-it notes, a gun, a wave-making
machine, a submarine, the ENIGMA and many others. Currently residing in a
spacious and airy cell in the Patrician's Palace in Ankh-Morpork. Probably the closest
thing Vetinari has to a friend. Appears in Men at Arms, Jingo and The Fifth Elephant,
mentioned in a number of Discworld books, for the first time in Wyrd Sisters
Quirm, Ponce da
An explorer. Searches for the Fountain of Youth. Old, looks good-natured. Educated.
Always sees the good side in things. Appears in Eric
Quirm, Rulers
The landlords of the peaceful town of Quirm can be found under Rodley
Quoom, Ishmale
Inquisitor First Class in the citadel. Worked in No.3 pit. Now retired. Mentioned in
Small Gods
Raven, the
See Quoth, the Raven
God of Club Musicians. Mentioned in Soul Music
Rhysson, Rhys
Low King of the dwarfs. Comes from an old family, but only from a small mine near
Llamedos. Short even for a dwarf, speaks with a Llamedosian accent. Also <spoiler
for The Fifth Elephant>very probably a female </spoiler>
Ribobe, Deccan
The last Keeper of the Door of Holy Wood. Died in his sleep without training a
successor. Went to the lavatory a lot. Appears in Moving Pictures
Ridcully, Hughnon
Chief Priest of Blind Io, Ankh-Morpork's religious spokesman. Brother of Mustrum
Ridcully. Appears in Reaper Man, Feet Of Clay and The Truth
Ridcully, Mustrum
(Ridcully the Brown)
Archchancellor of Unseen University. A thick-skinned, single-minded man with no tact
or humour, but intelligent and aware of his surroundings. Wears a red dress, not as
much fat as well-built (if it's possible at about seventy-three years old), large
moustache. Born in the Ramtops. Had a romantic relationship with Esme
Weatherwax one summer. Reached the 7th level at 27 years of age and went home
to tend to the family estates. Hunter, fisherman, mean snooker player (has a snooker
table instead of a desk). Keeps dragons. Believes in healthy living and that enough
force can solve any problem. Doesn't like the rest of the faculty. Still composing his
memoirs (Along the Ankh with Bow, Rod and Staff with a Knob on the End). Appears
in Moving Pictures, Reaper Man, Lords And Ladies, Men At Arms, Soul Music,
Interesting Times, Hogfather, The Last Continent, Jingo and The Truth
Homo sapiens sorcerous, although definitely not a typical specimen. Possibly the
worst wizard on the Disk, he can't even spell the name of his profession. Yet his
lovable personality and a cute, if overendowed in the legs department, pet make him
one of the favourite Discworld characters. Owner of the The Luggage. Appears in
The Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic, Sourcery, Eric, Interesting Times, The Last
Continent and The Last Hero.
Rincewind, Bill
The Archchancellor of XXXX University (motto: NULLUS ANXIETAS). Looks very
alike to a certain failure wizard, although of course older. This is only one example of
how in XXXX everything is upside down. Appears in The Last Continent
Rocksmacker, Minty
A female dwarf and once sweetheart of Carrot. Mentioned in Guards! Guards! and
sixty years old at the time
Rodley, Brenda
The Dowager Duchess of Quirm. Fabulously wealthy. Breeds dragons. Appears in
Guards! Guards!, mentioned in The Truth
Rodley, Lord
Heir to the Quirm estates. Fat and stupid. Appears in Mort
A picturebox imp employed by the City Watch to take pictures of speeding carts on
the Brass Bridge. Appears in The Fifth Elephant
Ron, Crunchie
A thief in Ankh-Morpork. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Detritus's girlfriend. Around 140 years old, about 500 lbs. Statuesque. Appears in
Moving Pictures and Men At Arms
A composer. Wrote Prelude to a Nocturne on a Theme by Bubla. Mentioned in Soul
Music director in the Ankh-Morpork opera house. Misplaced sense of humour.
Appears in Maskerade
God of Corridors. Menioned in Reaper Man
Sandman, The
The entity that puts children to sleep by throwing magical sand in their eyes. Unlike
other Sandmans, the Discworld one doesn't take the sand out of the sack first.
Mentioned in Hogfather
Djelibeybian Goddess of Caves. Old and terrible. Her worship includes human
sacrifice. Mentioned in Pyramids
Secretary to Deacon Vorbis. Member of the Turtle Movement. Found out by his
master. Strong will, bad death. Appears in Small Gods
Saturday, Baron
The ruler of Genua. Drowned by Lilith. Erzulie's lover and father of Ella. Not too bad a
ruler (but definitely not good, either). Appears in Witches Abroad
Saturday, Ella
(Embers, Emberella)
Daughter of Baron Saturday and Erzulie Gogol. Likes parties and doing things her
own way. Platinum hair, brown skin. Appears in Witches Abroad
Saveloy, Ronald
Geography teacher and member of Cohen's Silver Horde. Doesn't like sports
masters. Appears in Interesting Times
In the Djelibeybian pantheon, Pusher of the Ball of Sun. Appears in Pyramids
Scrub, Mr
see Death
Drummer in the Band Formerly Known As Insanity. Artist at bad drum playing -- he
actually can't manage to hit them half the time. Quite kind to people, although not too
smart. Appears in Soul Music
Porter at the Assassins' Guild when Windle Poons was a student. Mentioned in
Moving Pictures
Sea Queen
A goddess of the Sea. Very powerful. Attention span of a mosquito. Likes porpoises
and beaches, doesn't like ships and small gods. Appears in Small Gods
Sek, Seven-Handed
A Discworld god. Friend of Offler. Mentioned in Reaper Man
Selachii, Lady
An acquaintance of Lady Sybil. Mentioned in Jingo
Secretary of the Alchemists' Guild. Appears in Moving Pictures
Djelibeybian Goddess of the Afternoon. Appears in Pyramids
Shamharoth, Bel
(Soul-Eater, Sender of Eight, Ichor God)
A god of the Discworld. Not Evil, but the other side... real scary. Black, Cthulhu-like,
many tentacles. His number is eight. Comes from the dawn of time. Only organization
of his cult mentioned in the books -- the Young Men Reformed-Cultists-Of-Ichor-God-
Bel-Shamharoth Association, also known as the Young-Men-Pagan-Association or
YMPA. Appears in The Colour of Magic and is mentioned in Eric and whenever the
YMPA is mentioned (roughly every odd book).
Shuffle, Herbert
(Mr Harpsichord)
Librarian in the Musicians' Guild. Appears in Soul Music
A student at the Unseen University. Weighs about seven stone. Has all-around
shoulder-length hair, so only the protruding tip of his nose tells the world which way
its owner is facing. Takes a part in Ponder Stibbons's researches at the High Energy
Magic building. Appears in Soul Music
The troll god of good fortune. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Silverfish, Thomas
President of the Alchemists' Guild. Little weaselly eyes. Not too much of a business
sense. Good alchemist and billiards player. Appears in Moving Pictures and Men At
Simmons, Grabber
One of the most feared bar-room fighters in Ankh-Morpork. Appears in Guards!
Simnel, Ned
The blacksmith in the town near Miss Flitworth's farm. Young, curly hair. Leaves
unfinished sandwiches all over the place. Ingenious, although sometimes missing an
inspirational particle or two. A passionate agitator for progress. Knows Death, isn't
very good friends with him. Built the Combination Harvester. Appears in Reaper Man
A sergeant in the Omnian Divine Legion. A fierce atheist. Appears in Small Gods
Size 15
A legionary in the Klatchian Foreign Legion. Doesn't remember his real name.
Appears in Soul Music
A tavern owner in Ohulan. His bar is called "Fiddler's Riddle". He had an opportunity
to improve his good fortune on encounter with a small child named Esk, but wasted it
thanks to his greed and the rules of a good story. Appears in Equal Rites
Skinner, Inigo
To all outward appearances just one of Vetinari's clerks, but also an Assassin. Not
from a rich family, got a scholarship into the Guild. Small, thin, going bald. Of an
undeterminate age, though judged under thirty by Vimes. Has a nervous laugh on the
lines of 'mhm-mhm'. Appears in The Fifth Elephant
Skulldrinker, Lars
A female dwarf Watchperson mentioned in Feet Of Clay
Slant, Mr
President of the Guild of Lawyers, the most respected zombie in Ankh-Morpork.
Refuses to die until he has been paid for the disbursements in the matter of
conducting his own defense. Was executed by beheading. Appears in Feet Of Clay
and Jingo
Slapper, Constable
Watchman, appears in Feet Of Clay
Sleeps, Wando
Ankh-Morpork ambassador in Uberwald, misteriously disappeared a few weeks
before the coronation of the Low King in The Fifth Elephant. Also had a slightly less
diplomatic emploi as Vetinari's eyes and ears in the Old Country
Slider, Smelly
A sometime Watch informant, unfortunately deceased after being hit by a falling
bedstead. Mentioned in Jingo
The villain of the tale of Bloodaxe and Ironhammer. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Sluvver, Wally
Once a wizard and UU tutor. His students realised he was dead only after 3 years.
Mentioned in The Last Continent
Friend and co-believer of Visit. Mentioned in Feet Of Clay
Smith, Eskarina
The Discworld's first female wizard. Heir to Drum Billet's power. Tutored by
Esmerelda Weatherwax. Principal character of Equal Rites
Smith, Howondaland
Balgrog hunter and legendary hero. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Smith, Thomas
See Thomas Stronginthearm
A four-inch-high gnome actor in Holy Wood. Appears in Moving Pictures
Snoriscousin, Snori
Leader of the band Snori Snoriscousin And His Brass Idiots, a dwarf music band.
Once employer of Asphalt. Mentioned in Soul Music
Classmate of Teppic. His prayers call for painting himself green and wounding
someone's intestines around a tree. Appears in Pyramids
Sock, Gerhardt
President of the Butchers' Guild and owner of a slaughterhouse. Stout, easily
scareable. Loses at poker. Appears in Men At Arms and Feet Of Clay
Soddoth, Yob
An outer-dimensional monster whose distinctive cry is "Yerwhatyerwhatyerwhat".
Mentioned in Moving Pictures
Sonky, Wallace
Ankh-Morpork tradesman and maker of condoms. A pioneer of the industry. Had a
brother in Uberwald. Appears as a corpse in The Fifth Elephant
Spent, Mrs
Ankh-Morpork landlady. Ginger hair, old, not too polite. Appears in Jingo
Spigot, William
An old man hired as a helper on Miss Flitworth's farm. Sings when working. Friend of
Bill Door. Appears in Reaper Man
Spold, Gerhard
Once the oldest wizard on the Disc. Died in an unfortunate attempt to keep Death
away. Appears in The Light Fantastic, mentioned in Moving Pictures
Staid, Wussie
Janitor at the Assassins' Guild. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Stamp, Miss
Teacher of Maths at the Quirm College for Young Ladies. Taught Susan. Mentioned
in Soul Music
God of isolated cow byres. Mentioned in Mort
Stibbons, Ponder
The head of High Energy Magic. Twenty-four in The Last Continent. Missing a part of
one ear. Used to be bullied as a child. Graduated UU after answering a trick question
meant for Victor Tugelbend. Built Hex. Appears in Moving Pictures, Lords And
Ladies, Soul Music, Interesting Times, Hogfather and The Last Continent
A wizard and author of the Belive-It-Or-Not Grimoire. Mentioned in Reaper Man
Stronginthearm, Abba
Dwarf community leader, later Lance-Corporal, Corporal and Sergeant (since The
Fifth Elephant) of the Watch. Appears in Men At Arms, Jingo and The Fifth Elephant
Stronginthearm, Olaf
One of the dwarfs at Ironcrust's Dwarf Bakery. Appears in Feet Of Clay
Stronginthearm, Thomas
The human owner of Stronginthearm's Iron Founders, Beaters and General Forging.
A long beard and a helmet help create a dwarfish impression, which is good for
business. Appears in Feet Of Clay
Sveltz, Corporal
A member of the Bonk city watch. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Swires, Buggy
Gnome. First appeared in The Colour of Magic, living in Skund forest, then in Jingo
and The Fifth Elephant as a member of the Watch stationed at Chitterling Street
Tantony, Captain
An officer in the Bonk Watch. Young, idealistic. Speaks Morporkian. Appears in The
Fifth Elephant
A Klatchian who has about twenty elephants. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
See Saveloy, Ronald
Teatar, Prissal
(Merry Prankster)
A late wizard from Unseen University. One of his practical jokes was apparently
pretending to be dead and then jumping out at people. This has lead to the current
UU practice of twenty-four hours' lying-in-state after a wizard's death (which has
proved successful, as nothing can make a wizard miss a whole day's worth of meals
with nothing to look forward to but a pine coffin). Mentioned in Reaper Man
Teatime, Jonathan
An assassin with a brilliant, twisted and insane mind. Megalomaniac and manic-
depressive, and those are just the most normal of his characteristics... Homicidal
maniac, psychopath, sociopath and whatever you can think of and I can't spell. Oh,
and he has one glass eye, blond hair and is quite good-looking in a boyish way. His
name is pronounced Teh-ah-tim-eh, and don't you forget it. He appears in Hogfather
and steals the show
Djelibeybian God of Agriculture. Mentioned in Pyramids
Keeper of the Door in Holy Wood. Mentioned in Moving Pictures
See Teppicymon XXVIII
Teppicymon XXVII
King of Djelibeybi. Teppic's and Ptraci's father. Husband of Artela. Looked like a
short-sighted chicken. Liked seagulls. Appears in Pyramids
Tightbritches, Bjorn
One of the dwarfs at Ironcrust's Dwarf Bakery. Appears in Feet Of Clay
King of Lancre before Verence I's father. Died of poison, by the hand of his
successor. Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters
Thaumic, Doctor
A scientist in Uberwald, living on the other side of Schmaltzberg from Bonk.
Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Thighbiter, Hrolf
Constable in the Watch. Appears in Feet Of Clay and The Fifth Elephant
Thogsdaughter, Gloria
A dwarf pupil at the Quirm College for Young Ladies and friend of Susan Sto Helit.
Good at basketball and axe-waving. Appears in Soul Music
A god of the Discworld. Mentioned in Reaper Man
Charioteer of the Sun in the Djelibeybian pantheon. Appears in Pyramids
Thrum, Stamina
A girl living in Elm Street, Ankh-Morpork. Acquaintance of Nobby Nobbs. Has a
wooden leg. Mentioned in Jingo
Thumpy, Mr
A talking rabbit. Also known as: 'Make-my-day-call-me-Mr-Thumpy', 'Don't-call-me-
Mr-Thumpy' and so on. Appears in Moving Pictures
Young dwarf apprentice printer. Mentioned in The Truth
A dwarf actor in Holy Wood. Appears in Moving Pictures
Thundergust, Grabpot
A dwarf owner of a cosmetics mill in Hobfast Street. Appears in Wyrd Sisters,
mentioned in Men At Arms
T'Malia, Lady
A tutor in the Guild of Assassins. Speciality: poisons. Beautiful with a calculated, well-
kept beauty. Taught Political Expediency in Teppic's class on Octeday afternoons.
Appears in Pyramids
Tockley, Lucy
A witch wannabe in Lancre, with raw power and ambition. Wears black lace, paints
her fingernails black. Seventeen years old. Started the events of Lords And Ladies
Topsy, Washable
A laundry woman in the Assassins' Guild. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Traitor, Miss
Teacher of Logic at the Quirm College for Young Ladies. Taught Susan. Mentioned
in Soul Music
An Omnian bishop and the Citadel's archivist. Appears in Small Gods
Wizard, Seventh (later Eighth) level of the Order of the Silver Star. Assistant to
Galder Weatherwax. Considers organization and management the best thing since
slicing bread, and has the sort of mind you get from writing people's names on pieces
of paper and putting them on a chart. Thinks in terms of "efficient" vs. "inefficient",
rather than "good" vs. "bad". Rincewind's classmate. Black hair, gray eyes. Died in
the Octavo incident. Appears in The Light Fantastic.
Tsort, Elenor of
Allegedly the most beautiful woman in the world, despite her squint. Object of the
Tsortean war (kidnapped from her husband). Unfortunately, her beauty wasn't that
long-lasting. Mentioned in Pyramids and appears in Eric
Tugelbend, Victor
(Victor Maraschino)
A student wizard with a determination never to become a full one. Later a star of
clicks in Holy Wood. Tall, looks like Clark Gable. Quite intelligent, although lazy.
Friend of Ponder Stibbons. Appears in Moving Pictures
Turnipseed, Adrian
A student wizard who works with Ponder Stibbons. Appears in Soul Music
(Tsort: Smimto)
An Ephebian god of wine. Mentioned in Small Gods
The Discworld's first tourist and friend of Rincewind. First owner of the Luggage.
Wears glasses. Nice to animals. The 'Wouldn't it be nice if everyone was nice' type
that annoys people because he makes them realise it would. Doesn't know a thing
about sarcasm. Father of Pretty Butterfly and Lotus Blossom. His wife was killed by
the henchmen of Lord Hong. Appears in The Colour Of Magic, The Light Fantastic
and Interesting Times
The Ephebian elected ruler. A fat little man with skinny legs and loads of brains.
Diplomatic style, too. Appears in Small Gods
Snake-Headed God of the Upper Djel. Appears in Pyramids
Unhappiness, Dragon of
A metaphorical creature of Fung Shooey, brought to life by the force of Dibbler's
persuasion. Apparently lives in people's privies, which is why it's important to keep
the lid down. Mentioned in The Truth
Ur Gilash
A god destroyed by the expansion of Omnianism. Mentioned in Small Gods
Spawn of the Pit and Loathly Guardian of the Dread Portal. Not too intelligent.
Appears in Eric
Didactylos's nephew and genius inventor. Appears in Small Gods
Venting, Dame
Teacher in a school Samuel Vimes attended. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Verence I
A king of Lancre. Tall, well-built. Long hair and a moustache. Not much of a thinker,
but otherwise your typical Middle Ages king. Exercised his droit de seigneur a lot,
while not paying attention to his own bedroom. Killed by Duke Felmet, later a ghost.
Appears in Wyrd Sisters
Verence II
(the Fool)
Once the Fool of Duke Felmet, now the king of Lancre and husband of Magrat. His
mother was a Beldame, from over Blackglass way. Scared stiff of Granny and Nanny.
Tall, shifty, quite smart (or at least educated). Around seventeen when we meet him,
which makes him about twenty-two in the current Discworld time-line. Sweet (in
Magrat's opinion). Appears in Wyrd Sisters and Lords And Ladies, mentioned in The
Vetinari, Havelock
Patrician of Ankh-Morpork. Looks like a black, blue-eyed predatory flamingo. A
sapphire stare points to a possible (at least in Beth's opinion) link with the
Weatherwax clan. Particularly cunning. Has a small, wire-haired terrier named
Wuffles and an aunt in Quirm. Doesn't like mime artists. Reads sheet music. Plays
chess. Lately walks with the help of a cane. Has studied with the Assassins' Guild
and spent some time in Uberwald. An altogether fascinating person... Appears in
Sourcery, Guards! Guards!, Moving Pictures, Reaper Man, Men At Arms, Soul Music,
Interesting Times, Feet Of Clay, Jingo, The Fifth Elephant and The Truth
Vimes, Gwilliam
Grandfather of Samuel Vimes. Mentioned in Feet Of Clay
Vimes, Samuel
(Old Stoneface)
Captain, later Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch and Duke of Ankh. Also
blackboard monitor for a term in school. Husband to Lady Ramkin. Somewhere
between forty and fifty. Abstinent alcoholic. Doesn't believe in clues. Doesn't like the
Vimes, Suffer-Not-Injustice
(Old Stoneface)
An ancestor of Samuel Vimes and the Commander of the City Watch during the reign
of Lorenzo The Kind. Cut the king's head off and led the rebellion. His Ironheads
ruled the city for six months. Mentioned in Feet Of Clay
Vimes, Thomas
Father of Samuel Vimes. Mentioned in Feet Of Clay
(Visit, Washpot)
The Omnian corporal of the Night Watch. Talks about his religion a lot and abhors all
other beliefs. Despite that, a rather nice and level-headed person. Appears in Feet Of
Clay, Hogfather, Jingo and The Fifth Elephant
Vitoller, Mrs
An intelligent and kind-hearted woman. Patient and with lots of organising abilities.
No children of her own (one daughter has died), she and her husband adopted
Tomjon. Appears in Wyrd Sisters
Vitoller, Olwyn
Manager and leader of a band of strolling players. Large, moustached and red-
cheeked. Extremely talented actor. Kind heart. Around sixty years old. Appears in
Wyrd Sisters
Vitoller, Tomjon
Son of the queen of Lancre, Verence I's wife. Adopted by the Vitollers. A tall lad,
somewhat resemblant to the Fool. Gifts from a certain witchy trio -- perfect memory,
easy-goingness and an ability to be whoever he thinks he is -- made him ideal for the
stage, where he excels. Can play anyone, anywhere, and call for a short one in a
dwarf bar. Also has a talent for remembering untimely remarks of other people.
Friends with Hwel. Appears in Wyrd Sisters
Volfssonssonssonsson, Volf
(Volf the Lucky)
A Hublandish hero. Member of the Vasung tribe. Died in battle with the Bergunds,
another Hublandish tribe, and was subsequently carried away by Valkyries after a
brief encounter with Susan Death. Appears in Soul Music
Vorbis, Deacon
The chief Exquisitor of Omnianism in the early times of Brutha. Very tall, bald, dark
eyeballs, a nose you could plough rocks with. A totally closed mind with a curious
desire for knowledge -- but only of certain kind. Pterry's scariest villain to date, too
natural for my liking. Appears in Small Gods
A prosperous assassin and Artela's brother. The first person to introduce Teppic to
the trade. Appears in Pyramids
An Omnian prophet responsible for the holy fire that purifies the infidels in the
Citadel. Mentioned in Small Gods
Wally, Posh
An Ankh-Morpork criminal. Mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
Weatherwax, Esmerelda
(Esme, Granny)
The greatest leader of those witches don't have. Extremely good at magic and
headology. Handsome, no warts, all her own teeth. Hair grey (once light blond),
sapphire eyes. Can pin someone to the ground with a stare. Doesn't believe in
magic's ability to help the world. Definitely not romantic. Has a bump-starting
broomstick. Once in love with Mustrum Ridcully. Appears in Equal Rites, Wyrd
Sisters, Witches Abroad, Lords And Ladies and Maskerade, mentioned in Mort
Weatherwax, Galder
Supreme Grand Conjurer of the Order of the Silver Star, Lord Imperial of the Sacred
Staff, Eighth Level Ipsissimus and 304th Chancellor of Unseen University. Distant
cousin of Esme Weatherwax. Traditional wizard, quite smart. Dead (?) in an
unfortunate incident involving the Luggage. Appears in The Light Fantastic,
mentioned in Lords and Ladies and The Last Continent
Weatherwax, Lily
(Lady Lilith)
Esme's sister. Close family resemblance. Eeevil. A fairy godmother to Embers. Uses
mirrors and stories in her magic. The kind of person to kill someone because that's
the way the story goes. Appears in Witches Abroad
One of the Morporkian mercenaries hired by Herrena to catch Rincewind. Died (?) in
the Luggage. Appears in The Light Fantastic.
Welegare, Reverend
Priest in a temple once frequented by Arthur Winkings. Not used to corpses walking
around with extra-large teeth. Mentioned in Reaper Man
Wheels, Gabby
An old man helping at Miss Flitworth's farm. Friend of Bill Door. Doesn't talk a lot.
Appears in Reaper Man
Whelk, Brother
A tutor in the Citadel. Taught Comparative Religion to Brutha (I wonder what he
compared it to?). Mentioned in Small Gods
Whemper, Goodie
Magrat's tutor and a research witch. Lived in Mad Stoat. Always experimented with
magic, right up to the time when she experimentally pulled the bristles out of her
broomstick in mid-air. Mentioned in Wyrd Sisters
Whiteface, Dr
Chairman of the Fools' Guild. Wears white clothes and makeup, with black accents.
Appears in Men At Arms
Whitlow, Mrs
The Unseen University housekeeper. Statuesque and dignified. Wears a ginger wig.
Strict ideas about social classes. Mentioned in Reaper Man, appears in Equal Rites,
Moving Pictures, Soul Music and The Last Continent
One of Angua's pigeons. Appears in The Fifth Elephant
The Ramkin family butler and the bane of Sam Vimes's life. Appears in Men At Arms,
Feet of Clay and Jingo, mentioned in The Fifth Elephant
A young and rather simple member of Vitoller's Men. Specializes in female roles.
Appears in Wyrd Sisters
A maker of cheap soap in Ankh-Morpork. Mentioned in Jingo
Winkings, Arthur
See Notfaroutoe, Count Arthur Winkings
Withel, Theda
(Delores Del Syn, Ginger, Ginj)
Once a milkmaid in a small town you've probably never heard off (Lancre? ;->), later
a star in Holy Wood. Five foot two and a half tall. Attractive if she hasn't got too much
make-up on. Cat-lover. Descendant of the last High Priestess of Holy Wood. Appears
in Moving Pictures
Wittles, William
(Willy [home], Tosser [school])
One of the children on Violet's list. Lives at 68 Kicklebury Street. Mentioned in
Wizard and author of the Occult Primer. Mentioned in Jingo
Author of Logic and Paradox, one of Susan's favorite books. Mentioned in Soul Music
Wonse, Lupine
(Lupin Squiggle Sec'y PP)
Personal secretary of Patrician Vetinari in Guards! Guards!. Childhood acquaintance
of Vimes. Rather ambitious, neat-looking. Uses the phrase "begin to commence",
which tells you a lot about his personality. Vulnerable to cliche evil-usurper madness
Worde, Lord de
Descendant of an old Ankh-Morpork aristocratic family (motto: Le Mot Juste).
Opinionated and prejudiced against everybody different than himself. Natural leader.
Doesn't like to touch people. Favorite saying: "A lie can run around the world before
the truth has got its boots on." Father to Rupert and William. Appears in The Truth
Worde, Rupert de
Son and heir of Lord de Worde, older brother to William de Worde. Typical young
aristocrat - brave and stupid. Studied as an Assassin. Died in the war with Klatch.
Mentioned in The Truth
Worde, William de
Younger son and current (unwilling) heir to Lord de Worde. Attended the
Hugglestones boarding school. First a scribe, now owner and editor-in-chief of Ankh-
Morpork's first and finest newspaper, "The Ankh-Morpork Times". In a tentative hate-
don'tknow relationship with Sacharissa Cripslock. Appears in The Truth
Wrangler, Senior
Wizard and member of UU faculty. A philosopher who looks like a horse. The
traditional wizard's celibate life seems to have over-heated his brain as far as the
The demon Magrat, Nanny and Granny summoned in Nanny's washroom. At that
time manifested himself as a handsome man's head, a little cruel around the eyes.
Arrogant and traditionalist, but not stupid. Appears in Wyrd Sisters
Yoyo, Kompt de
A tutor in the Assassins' school. Taught Modern Languages and Music in Teppic's
school. Keen edificeer. Mentioned in Pyramids
A pigeon in the employ of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. Appears in The Fifth
Zephilite of Klatch
A saint of F'rum. Real saint -- giving away riches, ministering to the sick and poor etc.
Mentioned in Small Gods
God of Slight Breezes. Appears in The Colour Of Magic
A king of Tsort. Died and was buried in a piramid. Mentioned in Mort
An Ankh-Morporkian retrophrenologist with a clinic in Knuckle Passage. Appears in
Men At Arms
Equal Rites:
A wizard is near to death. He reaches the village of Bad Ass, where an eighth son's
eighth child has just been born. He cedes his power onto the child and dies, leaving
an heir behind him. The only trouble is, Eskarina is more of an heiress... Ten years
later, the first female wizard arrives at the gates of Unseen University and demands
Equal Rites!
Granny Weatherwax appears for the first time in this story. Just like Ysabell, she will
later undergo a great transformation. This is the first non-Rincewind book and it's
obvious that the Disc universe was still forming in PTerry's mind. There are several
major inconsistencies; the plural of 'dwarf' is written as 'dwarves' (like in Tolkien)
instead of the later 'dwarfs' (for example in the Night Watch cycle). And IMHO,
Cutangle is the first attempt at Ridcully. The opinions on this book differ greatly; I
consider it not obligatory, but for some it has been the successful introduction to the
world of the Disc.
Sometimes even Death can be tired. But an important public service can't be
withdrawn on a whim of any anthropomorphic personification. That is why he decides
to get an apprentice. Mortimer, also called Mort, gets the hang of the scythe and
Binky, but women seem to give him more trouble. Especially if they are his master's
eternally seventeen years old daughter and the lovely princess Keli. Mort learns the
hard way that objectivity is essential in such a people-oriented profession...
Death is the best! And Mort learns quickly from such an example. The characters are
well-developed and the drama is as strong as the comedy. I think the Death cycle is
Pratchett's most ingenious work.
Wyrd Sisters:
Esmerelda Weatherwax aka Granny was never very attached to drama. But a heir to
the throne - and his father's ghost - are too much for her. With the help of the young
and romantic Magrat and Nanny Ogg (not young, not romantic), she has to do
something about it.
This book is something. One of my favourite authors re-writing the work of another --
a must read for any fan of Pratchett and Shakespeare both. Terry touches on the
metaphysics of stories, a theme recurrent in the Lancre cycle.
In the final stages of his education as an Assassin, Teppic has enough troubles
already. The last things he needs are green feet and the crown of Djelibeybi. But he
is the King now, and it's all on his head -- pyramids, dimensional transformations,
gods, priests and handmaidens. And it's not as if he's even killed anyone yet...
Teppic is very likeable, and the whole plot devised by Pterry at his best. The
examination scene may be some of his most ingenious writing.
Statistics: Published in 1989, 380 pages in paperback.
Guards! Guards!:
Up till now, the Night Watch of Ankh-Morpork consisted only of Capt. S. Vimes,
Nobby Nobbs and Sgt. Colon. But with the arrival of Carrot, the seven-feet-tall dwarf
with a crown-shaped birthmark and a very sharp sword, things are going to change.
And as if that wasn't enough, some people want to get a dragon. And Vimes doesn't
feel in the mood for barbecue.
The first of the Night Watch subcycle. Witty, funny and philosophical - as always.
Also has some warning in it -- don't call up that which you cannot put on hold. I
recommend the bit about a one in a million chance!
Statistics: Published in 1989, 317 pages in paperback.
Faust Eric:
Eric is a fourteen-years old demonology hacker. He wanted to call a demon and
demand the standard three wishes - the world, immortality and the most beautiful
woman in history. But when the gate opened, Rincewind happened to be passing
through that part of the Netherworld. And with him on the loose, anything can
Easier and simpler than most, initially published as an illustrated novel. In my guess
Pterry just wanted to get Rincewind out of the Dungeon Dimensions and didn't have
time for a full-blown book. But the ideas aren't bad and there's my favourite character
in it.
Reaper Man:
The Auditors of reality don't like personalities. And Death certainly has one. When he
gets the sack, the life force builds up. This causes a strange object to appear in
Dibbler's closet. While Death and a new friend of his confront the Auditors and their
new creation, Windle Poons (wizard, dead) and the Fresh Start for the Undead Club
are busy fighting off the trolleys...
Death rules. Even if He doesn't wear a crown. And what can the harvest hope for, if
not the care of the reaper man? Defintely one of my desert-island book list
Witches Abroad:
Lancre cycle part 2. All things come in twos, including godmothers. And when Esme
Weatherwax and Lilith de Tempscire square off, someone's going to lose more than
just her wand...
A little slower than most books, but nevertheless very good. Pterry's twisted look at
stories really makes you think...
Small Gods:
Omnianism is a great religion. But the only true believer left is Brutha -- and even he
finds it hard to believe in the Great Om as a tortoise. Meanwhile the Quisition plans to
conquer the continent and stamp out those that think that The Turtle Moves.
Move over, Lucas, John, Mark and Matthew -- here comes Pterry. Touching, funny,
inspirational -- you know the usual lithany. The quality of the theological insight can
be judged by the fact Pratchett gets quoted in sermons by priests of many
denominations. One of my short-list of favorites.
Men at Arms:
The ethnic minorities are bothering the Patrician. So Samuel Vimes has to enlist a
troll, a dwarf (real, this time) and a - uh, technically not a woman. With a royally
Soul Music:
Remember Mort and Ysabell? Well, this is their daughter. Susan Sto Helit. A happy
duchess if not for the fact that when Death decides to take a vacation, the next of kin
has to fill in. And when a young bard finds a strange instrument in a magical music
shop, the Discworld trembles before a new, dangerous kind of art. It's wild. It's
dangerous. It's called Music With Rocks In It.
Susan takes after her grandpa in cool and style. And the antics of the wizards-rock
fans... let's just say that I don't recommend reading this book in a subway station. If it
hadn't been for some kind soul catching me by the shoulder, you wouldn't be reading
these words today.
Interesting Times:
The Agatean Empire is in uproar as the warlords of the Hongs, Sungs, Tangs, Fangs
and McSweeneys fight for the throne of the dying emperor. But the one thing they
didn't foresee is that in this game of gods the Lady takes a hand. And for her
champions, she chooses Cohen the Barbarian and his Silver Horde (500 years of
fighting experience in five persons... oh, and a teacher). Meanwhile, the rebellion
sends for the Great Wizzard described in the revolutionary treatise "What I did on my
holidays". It's just their luck that the author had Rincewind in mind...
OHohohoho! This is just like the old days of octarine and Octavo! Meet the old
friends, dust the sword and on goes the show!
As Magrat is temporarily undisposed in the course of her being a queen and having
to take care of the royal succession, Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg are looking
for a third witch. Their choice is Agnes Nitt, but the girl decides to run away to the city
and sing in the opera as Perdita Dream. She must also deal with a phantom who's
teaching her all the aries, and a murderer. And the witches are going to Ankh-
Morpork for her.
Very nice. Again much philosophy and a good character study. I recommend some
reading on opera and musicals as well, or turn to the APF. And the first edition Corgi
paperback has a... uh... nice author photo.
Feet of Clay:
This time, Commander Vimes has to deal with a poisoning of the Patrician, a
homicidal golem and Nobby Nobbs being a real nob. Where is the arsenic? Why do
golems write 'Clay of my clay'? Will the Patrician die? Where will the vampire work
The poisoning part is a good criminal plot. So are the political affairs. But the golem
thread - it's wonderful. It makes you believe in humanity again. And it reminds me a
little of Blade Runner - but only a little.
Vetinari's terrier, they call him. Still, Commander Vimes of the Ankh-Morkpork City
Watch knows about crimes. War qualifies as one, and so does intolerance, mob rule,
as well as sacrificing hundreds to reach a personal goal. So they think they can order
him about? Well, we shall have to see...
This book is in a style a bit reminescent of Hogfather -- it's funny, it's supposed to be
funny, but deep down you feel a bit weird. The only thing I can compare the character
development to is the fourth season of "Babylon 5", where suddenly everything's over
and it turns out the heroes haven't emerged as unscathed as we supposed. Still, a
hell of a reader, and the Vetinari scenes are not to be missed!
Carpe Jugulum:
Civilized vampyres arrive in Lancre for the christening of Magrat's daughter, little blue
men are coming down from the mountains and all Esme wanted was a little peace
and quiet.
After the return to the old days in TLC, Pratchett's style is even darker. This book has
few funny moments, but is still a wonderful read, especially for the character
development -- a must for all who thought the witches had nowhere to go from there.
The Truth:
Can the dwarfs turn lead into gold? In a rather circumspect way, yes. William de
Worde learns just how circumspect that way is, as he struggles with the narrative
legacy of every journalistic hero from Clark Kent to JJ Jameson.
After a series of "cycle" novels, this one has an all-new cast. It's Ankh-Morpork, so
cameos from the City Watch are unavoidable, but our narrator is for the most part
William himself. Refreshing, thoughtful and chock-full of brilliant character types.
Night Watch:
On a very special day a freak accident forces Vimes to relive certain events from his
past - though from a radically different perspective. It's a chance to change Ankh-
Morpork as we know it... and a desperate fight to keep things just the same as
Monstrous Regiment:
Borogravia is an old country with an old religion and an old war. In celebrated folk
tradition, Polly/Oliver goes off to join the army and find a certain young man. But
things are not how they seem, on the battlefield most of all.
This is Pterry's take on wartime movies and books. I was reminded (in a few cases
with literal allusions) of Vietnam the most: films like "Full Metal Jacket", "Platoon" or
"Apocalypse Now". To this, he added gender-identifications issues presented in an
insightful and in-depth manner. All of it is very fun indeed. The ending is somewhat
predictable, but the book itself is strong enough to make up for it.
Going Postal:
Ankh-Morpork and the clacks network. Beyond that, not much is known