1.1.2 Proposed System
1.1.2 Proposed System
1.1.2 Proposed System
Our Project is an online web application, which acts aswebsite of the institution as well as one point web system that manages all student related information ie. Student admission, forms, enquiries, examination, fee etc The main feature of this system will be that student data will available in a centralized manner and there will be a considerable reduction in paper work and duplicity of same data.
that how our application will look and work, what parameters it will tak and what it will return. Specification & Review The main objective is to improve the quality of software, that can be done by inspection or walkthrough of formal technical reviews. The main objective is To uncover errors in function, logfics or implementation. Verify software under revies to meet requirement specification. Ensure that software has been represented according to predefined standards. Achive software development in uniform manner Make project more meaningfull.
Information has to be place in the form of web pages, so the category of the project has to be Internet/LAN. INTERNET/LAN is the category of this project. Project was basically information based and every part of the information has to be drafted in the form of web pages. Category of the project has to be Internet/LAN. One of the module of the system is connected with the database. The database has to be loaded on the server. So it is basically concept of client server technology.
The project will be developed in two phases i.e. the development phase and deployment phase. Development phase It consists of following phases: 1. Database design 2. Template design 3. Dynamic web pages Deployment phase The system will be uploaded and configured on the space bought on the server. The space may be subject to increase as more and more information and data are loaded online. Detailed design exhibited by table drawn below. Database Design Designing and creating database tables and view with all required fields, types, relations required for the operation of the portal. Template Designing of the basic template for Design the website. The template will be used to carry the same theme to all the pages throughout the site. Dynamic Web Development of highly interactive pages web applications with database connectivity, verification, validation and other user interactive functions such as logon, logoff, etc. The processing behind the static pages
will be completed in this phase The portal will be uploaded and configured on the Web Server in the College.
Deployment Phase
Webapps are often delivered incrementally. That is, frame work activities will occur repeatedly as each increment is engineered and delivered.
Changes will occur frequently. These changes may occur as a result of the evaluation of a delivered increment or as a consequence of changing business conditions.
Timelines are short. This militates against the creation and review of voluminous engineering documentation, but it does not preclude the simple reality that critical analysis, design, and testing must be recorded in some manner.
Customer communication .Within the web application process, the customer communication is characterized by two major tasks: business analysis and formulation. Business analysis defines the business/organizational context for the web application. In addition, stake holders are identified, potential changes in the business environment or requirement are predicted, and integration between the web application and other business applications, data bases, and functions is defined. Formulation is a requirements gathering activity involving all stake holders. The intent is to describe the problem that the web application is to solve using the best information available. In addition, the attempt is made to identify areas of uncertainty and where potential changes will occur. Planning. The project plan for the web application increments is created. The plan consists of a task definition and a time line schedule for a time period projected for a development of the web applications increments.
Modeling. Conventional software engineering analysis and design tasks are adapted to web applications development, merged, and then melded into the web engineering modeling activity. The intent is to develop rapid analysis and design models that define requirements and the same time represents web applications that will satisfy them. Construction. Web engineering tools and technology are applied to construct the web application that has been modeled. Once the web application increment has been constructed, a series of rapid tests are conducted to ensure that errors in design (i.e., content, architecture, interface, navigation) are uncovered. Additional testing addresses other web applications characteristics. Deployment The web application is configured for its operational environment, delivered to end users, and then an evaluation period commences. Evaluation feedback is presented to the web engineering team, and the increment is modified as required. b) Refining the framework We have already noted that the web engineering process model must be adaptable. That is, a definition of the engineering tasks required to refine each framework activity is left to the discretion of the web engineering team. In some cases, a framework activity is conducted informally. In others, a series of distinct tasks will be defined and conducted by team members. In every case, the team has responsibility for producing a high-quality web application increment within the time period allocated.
It is important to emphasize that associated with web engineering framework activities may be modified, eliminated, or extended based on the characteristics of the problem by the people on the web engineering team.
The five web application framework activities are applied using an incremental process flow as shown below
Acceptance Test Customer use Customer evalvation Software Software increment increment
Customer Communicati on
Iteration plan
front page was developed first and tested thoroughly, then other part representing module was developed and tested individually. Incremental model combines elements of the linear sequential model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping. The incremental model applies linear sequences in a staggered fashion as time progresses. Each linear sequence produces a deliverable increment of the software. For example, word processing software may deliver basic file management, editing and document production functions in the first increment. More sophisticated editing and document production in the second increment, spelling and grammar checking in the third increment, advanced page layout in the fourth increment and so on. The process flow for any increment can incorporate the prototyping model. When an incremental model is used, the first increment is often a core product. Hence, basic requirements are met, but supplementary features remain undelivered. The client uses the core product. As a result of his evaluation, a plan is developed for the next increment. The plan addresses improvement of the core features and addition of supplementary features. This process is repeated following delivery of each increment, until the complete product is produced. As opposed to prototyping, incremental models focus on the delivery of an operational product after every iteration. Advantages 1. Particularly useful when staffing is inadequate for a complete implementation by the business deadline. 2. Early increments can be implemented with fewer people. If the core product is well received, additional staff can be added to implement the next increment.
3. Increments can be planned to manage technical risks. It may be possible to plan early increments without the use of this hardware, thus enabling partial functionality and avoiding unnecessary delay.
Increment 1 Code
Increment 2
Delivery of 2nd
Increment 3
Increment 4
Calendar time
WinXP/2000/2003 applications on the server. The Runtime Requirements of the Project are: Since the project is a web based application it needs to be hosted
on a Web server.
Hardware Requirements
a) b) c) d) e)
Any Pentium series processor. 64 MB RAM. Keyboard. Mouse and other peripherals. Modem or network card.
Any Pentium series processor. a) b) c) d) 128 MB RAM. Keyboard. Mouse and other peripherals. Modem or network card.