Adeptus Custodes

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Adeptus Custodes

The Adeptus Custodes are the guardians of the Imperial Palace, the Golden Throne and the Emperor of Mankind himself. A small elite guard of three hundred Custodes, known as the Companions, form the Emperors personal bodyguard. Ever watchful these men never leave his side. Due to the vast size of the Imperial Palace the Custodes always act as a defensive army. Although technically they should never see action unless Terra and the Imperial Palace are invaded! It is the Adeptus Custodes that decides who may enter the throne room of the Emperor, and when they may do so. Powerful beyond even the might

Points: models
of the Space Marines, it is they alone who have access to the Emperor. Answering to nobody but the Emperor and their own leader, the Captain-General, they are believed to be only a thousand men strong. They are normally confined to the Imperial Palace on Holy Terra, but there have been a few instances when these warriors have taken to other battlefields. An example of this is the siege of Prospero where a small number of Custodes aided the Space Wolves assault on the heretical Thousand Sons. In fact the Custodes have only taken to battle with large numbers once, this was during the Great Crusade against the Ork warlord Gharkhul Blackfang.

1 Companion Sergeant and 4-9 Custodians

FORMATION: 4-9 Custodians 1 Companion Sergeant UNIT STATS: Custodian Companion Sergeant Cost 150 150 WS 6 6 BS S 5 6 5 6 T 5 5 W 3 3 I 5 5 A 4 4 Ld Sv 10 3+ 10 2+ FORMATION RULES The Guardian Spear: This ceremonial weapon used by the Custodes is both potent at range and up close, combining the holy bolter with devastating power weapon technology. This weapon can be used as a storm-bolter in the shooting phase and as a master-crafted power weapon in close combat. When striking Vehicles 2D6+6 are rolled for Armour Penetration. Fearful Aura: To look upon the Custodes is to stare into a fragment of the Emperors own divine essence. Inspiring mere soldiers to deeds of great bravery and striking fear into the hearts of the unclean, the impure and the Xenos filth. Non-fearless opponents must take a morale test at -2 Ld before charging Custodians as well as when they are charged by them. If they fail when wanting to charge, they can not do so and must choose another target if available. If they fail the moral test when being charged by the Custodians they will strike at -1 WS for that Close Combat phase.

EQUIPMENT: All Custodians are armed with Guardians Spears, wear Adamantium Mantles and have an Iron Halo integrated into their armour. The Companion Sergeant wears articifier armour (already included in profile) with integrated Iron Halo, an Adamantium Mantle and is armed with a Guardian Spear. SPECIAL RULES: Fearless and Feel no Pain. OPTIONS The Custodians may upgrade their armour to artificier armour at +6 points per model. DEEP STRIKE The entire unit may be given the ability to Deep Strike at +4 points per model.

Written by TsvitokSoldat

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