Breast Referal Form
Breast Referal Form
Breast Referal Form
Patient Info (cover with patient label if label provides all info) PHN / ULI: Birth Date: _____ - _____ - ________ Gender:
dd mon yyyy
Patients Family Physician Other Family Physician (locum, etc) Radiologist / DI Surgeon Cancer Centre
first middle
Postal Code:
Prac ID:
Service(s) Requested
DI Workup In the event DI results are normal, would you like a referral to a medical breast expert? Yes No Patient Education/Info Medical Breast Expert (Specialist)
Criteria for Diagnostic Imaging and Triage Lump or thickening Nipple discharge Bloody Non-bloody Localized, significant pain Dimpling Skin changes
Referral Sources Estimate of Cancer Risk: Low Medium High Known cancer If , is patient aware of diagnosis cancer diagnosis? Yes Location of Abnormality Right Breast
Axilla Nipple oclock Other
Left Breast
Axilla Nipple oclock Other
Breast implants Yes No Unknown breast cancer ovarian cancer Family history of: Patient has been diagnosed with cancer previously. Allergies: Anticoagulant(s): Oxygen-dependent Visual impairment Hearing impairment Cognitive impairment Interpreter required (language: ) Mobility limitations: Other:
July 2009
Please FAX completed form to (780) 643-4488 or Phone: (780) 638-CBCP (2227)
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