This document lists color codes from the RAL (German, Austrian and Swiss standard for color specification) and BS (British Standard) color charts. It includes over 150 color names and their corresponding 4-6 digit color codes, ranging from different shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey, brown and black. The colors listed cover a wide spectrum and are commonly used for coatings, plastics, and building materials.
This document lists color codes from the RAL (German, Austrian and Swiss standard for color specification) and BS (British Standard) color charts. It includes over 150 color names and their corresponding 4-6 digit color codes, ranging from different shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey, brown and black. The colors listed cover a wide spectrum and are commonly used for coatings, plastics, and building materials.
This document lists color codes from the RAL (German, Austrian and Swiss standard for color specification) and BS (British Standard) color charts. It includes over 150 color names and their corresponding 4-6 digit color codes, ranging from different shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey, brown and black. The colors listed cover a wide spectrum and are commonly used for coatings, plastics, and building materials.
This document lists color codes from the RAL (German, Austrian and Swiss standard for color specification) and BS (British Standard) color charts. It includes over 150 color names and their corresponding 4-6 digit color codes, ranging from different shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey, brown and black. The colors listed cover a wide spectrum and are commonly used for coatings, plastics, and building materials.