Internship Report On Ananash Travel
Internship Report On Ananash Travel
Internship Report On Ananash Travel
Dear Madam,
I have completed this report as part of my internship program. This report has completed according to your requirement and those set by the host organization. This internship project has given me the opportunity to explore the travel related business of Bangladesh.
The report is based on my acquire knowledge, experience and skill during my period of internship under the supervision of Shahnaz Parvin Akanda, Managing director of Ananash Trs Ltd. Bangladesh.
Consequently, I am transmitting my Project Report to your very concern. Hopefully, you will appreciate my well-researched, informative and innovative approach of work. In case of any further clarification, i would be honored to consult with you and furnish you with further details.
At first I would like to thank the all mighty ALLAH for blessing me with the strength, ability and patience to accomplish the study. I would like to thank my faculty advisor, Ms.Afsana Akhtar for giving me the opportunity to work with her during my internship period on this interesting topic under her counseling, I have been able to complete this report in a comprehensive manner. I have tried my best to implement her constructive suggestion, wherever relevant. I have gathered vast information about corporate world, the people and corporate culture through this internship. Workings with Ananash were being a great pleasure. So I would like to thank the managing director and specially the project manager, Mr.Saiful Momen for his vast co-operation to give me the information and guidance.
Chapter1 introduction
1.1Background 1.2Objectiveofstudy 1.3Methodology 1.4Limitation
2 2 3 3
Chapter2 Organisation
2.1AnanashTrsLtd. 2.2History 2.3Vision 2.4Mission 2.5Goals 2.6objective 2.7Productandservices 2.8operationalorganogram 2.9Promotionalstrategy
5 5 5 6 6 6 7 89 10
Chapter3 Jobasanintern
3.1Natureofjob 3.2Specificresponsibilitiesofthejob 3.3Differentaspectofjobperformance 3.4observationandrecommendation
14 14 14 15
Chapter4 TheProject
4.1Overview 4.2Recruitmentandselectionprocessof AnanashTrs. 4.3Processataglance 4.4Recruitmentandselectionpolicy 4.5Rolesandresponsibilities 4.6Typesofrecruitment 4.7Recommendation 4.8Conclusion
Chapter5 ReferrenceandAppendix
Ananash Trs Ltd. a familiar name in the travel and tourism sector of Bangladesh is engaged in the healthy growth of travel trade in the country. It is run by a team of young and energetic professionals fully conversant with modern day's travel trade and its practices, who have background with various reputed Airlines and travel Agencies. Ananash Trs Ltd. an IATA accredited Travel Agency in Bangladesh. The office of Ananash Ltd. is centrally located in the hub of Banani commercial area, within close proximity of major Airline offices in Dhaka. The office is well appointed with the internal and external communications, being effectively maintained by telephone, fax, internet, computer networking and computer reservation systems (CRS) to meet up the demand of our Clientele. The company, one of the units in a group is based on a solid foundation with multi-discipline business experience, such as travel and tourism, IT sector, software developing, hotel reservation, campaign organizer etc. Ananash started its journey on 2000, withfifteenenergeticpeople.Firsttheydotheirbusinessoneventmanagementand
software developing. But after some years they concentrate on travel related services. But with the
grace of time it has become one of the most promising travel related company. The company does not have a specific Human Resource Department. However, the managing directors and mangers are responsible for hiring people. In recruitment and selection they follow some steps as per their company rules and regulation. Basically Ananash Trs very much concern about their promotional activities as it is a travel agency and tour organizer. They are very much concern about to catch up the national and international organization they take ANANASH(pineapple) as their company brand name to focus on standard of excellence and fulfill their valuable customers need.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
1.1 Background
ThisinternshipreporthasbeenmadetofulfillthecourserequirementofBUS400.Thisreporthas beenassignedtomebymyadvisorMs.AfsanaAkhtarwithaviewtohaveanindepthunderstanding ofthetopic.IhaveworkedinAnanashTrsLtd.AsaninternandIhavegotvastopportunitytolearn abouttherecruitmentandselectionprocesswhichisalsothemajorconcepthumanresource management.
1.2 Objectiveofthestudy
It is the primary project on recruiting and selection process analysis of Ananash Trs Ltd. The main objective of this report is to identify every segment of human resource procedure regarding to this company. General Objective: The core objective of working on this project adheres to identify the overall recruitment and selection process of Anansh TRS Ltd and obtain comprehensive knowledge to understand its underneath strategies. Specific Objectives: Researching on the primary activities of recruitment process including of collection of applications, selecting the short listing, training and development etc. Obtaining knowledge of the research and development program undertaken by the company to boost the quality and management of human resources occupied to improve the performance. And finally, acquiring real scenario of the total value chain process and making analysis of deviation and required improvement accordingly to prolong the brand image.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
The study was conducted using the participatory method as I was working as an intern in this company. To know the in-depth information, the topic was discussed with the expert professionals related to the company for several times and other related secondary information. Data Collection method: Data have been collected from two sources. These are as under: Primary source Secondary source The primary source of data includes the following: Face to face conversation with the project manager of Ananash and director of Anansh Trs Working and handle some selection procedure.
As nothing is perfect, I also faced some difficulties during preparing the report. However, I have tried to complete my report except that information. The limitations are as following: I was sick during my internship I get short time to prepare my report. Sometime the management teams were not comfortable to give the information as they consider it as confidential.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
Ananash Trs Ltd. a familiar name in the travel and tourism sector of Bangladesh is engaged in the healthy growth of travel trade in the country. It is run by a team of young and energetic professionals fully conversant with modern day's travel trade and its practices, which have background with various reputed Airlines and travel Agencies.
Ananash Trs Ltd. an IATA accredited Travel Agency in Bangladesh. The office of Ananash Ltd. is centrally located in the hub of Banani commercial area, within close proximity of major Airline offices in Dhaka. The office is well appointed with the internal and external communications, being effectively maintained by telephone, fax, internet, computer networking and computer reservation systems (CRS) to meet up the demand of our Clientele. The company, one of the units in a group is based on a solid foundation with multi-discipline business experience, such as travel and tourism, IT sector, software developing, hotel reservation, campaign organizers etc.
Ananash adopted as the companies brand name that reflect the symbol of commitment and standard of excellence in travel area in Bangladesh. Ananash started their journey on 1st January, 2000, with fifteen energetic people. First they do their business on event management and software developing. But after some years they concentrate on travel related services.
TobethemarketleaderintermsofinternationalstandardserviceAirTicketandrecreationsector andensuremaximizationofthepotentialcustomerstoincreasethesalesvolume.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
To focus on the customers demand and ensuring quality through Good Servicing Practice (GSP) and by using extensive promotional activities to achieve the goal of monopolistic market leader in travel and tourism sector and recreation sector.
Incorporating latest technology and quality service to improve quality at all times. Give adequate emphasis on public relation to build image. To add at least one additional service in each year.
To diversify market portfolio across the country according to the market demand and situation. To increase market awareness as well as sales by persuasive promotion based strategies. Maintain a constant growth rate. To market the famous tourist destinations. Maintaining the quality of the market through continuing monitoring and sound management
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
Hotel reservation
BeingauniquetravelhouseinBangladesh,AnanashTRSboastsawidevarietyandanabundanceof accommodationsbothlocallyandinternationally.Notonlyitcanfindover4000Hotelsinover100 citiesaroundtheworldbutalsothepleasureofmostcompetitiveratesthatarequitemodestwhen comparedwithhotelsofthesamestandards. AirTicket ArendezvousofprofessionalswithdecadeofairlinebackgroundAnanashTRSboastinitsabilityto providebestpossibletravelconsultancywhatisuntilrecentlywasunknowntothetrade. VisaAssistances
Ananash provide a professional consultancy to ease visa application. Putting priority to provide accurate and necessary information for a successful visa application Ananash TRSs success rate has been over 95%.
CarRental AnanashTRSforthefirsttimehavecomeforwardwithadistinctfacilitytomaketheground transportationinBangladesh.WorkingwiththebestBangladeshcarrentalsupplierswiththe guaranteedservicesinDhaka,Sylhet,andChittagongthatwebelievetobeunparallelandrepresents theinternationalstandard MeetingIncentivesConference&Exhibition (M.I.C.E.)Management SuccessfulMeeting,Incentives,ConferenceandExhibition.Alltherelevantlogisticsarearrangedby AnanashTRS,auniquetravelhouseinBangladesh.Fromthistheyalsogiveconsultancyservices.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
ATRSLtd.isheadedbytheChairmanoftheGroup.TheManagingDirectorofBGisactingasaChief Executive Officer in ANANASH TRS LIMITED and boards of directors are also in active position for ANANASHTRSLIMITEDmanagement,whichreferasthetopmanagementoftheorganization.The top management sets major policies and strategies with participation by concerned General Manager. Concerned General Manager sets departmental strategies consulting with the Managers and Assistant Managers of the company. Duties and responsibilities of every individual are well definedandtheyareresponsibleandaccountabletotheirsuperiors.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
2.9PromotionalstrategyofAnanash TRSLtd.:
The promotional strategies of ATRS are reviewed each year in consultation with their advertising agents and media buyers. On their recommendations a themed campaign is devised and appropriate media selected. There is a limited budget available for such campaigns, and since television advertising is not usually possible within their budget, in past years the choice has been to use the following media:
Poster advertising Press advertisements Smaller posters for distribution Their own web site.
Below-the-line Secondary promotional activity is administered by their own marketing people and website. This involves:
Distributing printed leaflets and posters to tourist offices, libraries, language schools, hotels, coach operators, museums and galleries in different areas in Dhaka. A selection of NMM leaflets, 1998-2000 Direct mail used extensively to encourage group visits to the travel trade bookings Discount vouchers for joint promotion with other tourist attractions, tour companies, hotel groups and on consumer on-pack and magazine promotions Paid advertising in trade journals and some local papers announcing special deals and featured events Exhibition stands at trade shows for group organisers and travel operators
Press Basically Ananash TRS give advertisement about their service through newspaper which also covers these areas:
Keeps national and international media informed of all developments at the Museum sites Responds to media requests
Developsnewmediacontactsbyspecialinvitation,presslaunchesandhospitality.Theyalso workinassociationwiththepressdepartmentsofBangladeshParjatanCorporation(BPC) andthenationalandregionaltouristboardstohostincomingforeignersaswell.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
1. Strengths:
Groupimage:Itcaneasilyattractthejobmarket. Skilled manpower: Skilled manpower creates the job environment professional that leadsasystemicandefficientorganizationalstructure. Latesttechnology:Latesttechnologymakesorganizationmoreeffectiveandsystematic .Soeverytaskcanbemanagedsosmoothly. Wider distribution network: Wider distribution network gives the employee better opportunity to explore their quality and knowledge and open the door to be more professionalinthebusinesscommunity. Foreign consultants: Foreign consultant solve of the problem of lack of expertise in differentsector,whichgivestheorganizationaproperprofessionalimage.
They have only two department financial department and marketing department. They have lots of clients but some managerial problem they have the tendency to lose them No employee training and development centre Comparatively low investment in increasing different operations.
3. Opportunities
Ananash Trs has a scope of expansion their business in chittagong and coxs Bazar, as it has become the tourist hub in Bangladesh As this company is very much successful in tours and travels, it can easily joint venture with other local or international travel company to give better services. The government of Bangladesh is giving immense support on developing tourism sector and offers various packages, loans, investment on this sector. So Ananash has an opportunity to grab it.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
4. Threats
The unstable situation of Bangladesh that greatly harm the tourism sector. Sometimes less interest of foreigner to come in Bangladesh Now-a-days many companies are doing good business in tourism sectors in Bangladesh.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
OnAnanashTrsIwasappointedastheassistantofthedirector.Myjobwastohandlethe application,recoverytheclientlist,daytodaydatasourcestransactionandtakenparticipationon theirdifferentgroupdiscussion.
Assistmydirectortogiveherdifferentinformation.Here,Ihavereceivedclientcalls,offer differentserviceofmycompanyandinformthistomydirector. Handlethevacancyapplicationsmeansselecttheapplicantforofferinginterviewaccording totheirCGPAandexperiences. Takeobservationpartonvacancyinterviewmeansinselectionboardwhenjobinterview arranged,Iwastheretoputmarkontheirdiscussion Handledaytodaydatasourcestransaction.
Information Technology Department:
I have worked in IT department of Ananash Trs. They use different software and tools to handle the whole air ticketing process. This also make the employees life easy.
Customer service:
This department plays very important role in the organization. Here employees handle their customers and fulfill their need.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
3.4Criticalobservationand recommendation
Ananash Trs Ltd. Is well reputed travel house in Bangladesh. But I have found some critical point that need to be notice and implement the proper steps. Which are: According to their services Ananash Trs is quite small organization. There have less emphasis on managers or subordinate decision making. All the decisions are done by managing directors. All operation of the company is based on networking and information technology based which sometimes break down and hamper the work.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
human resources are the main ingredient to run any organization properly. Now a days organization seeks for Right people for right job. So it is very important to consider great emphasis on recruitment and selection procedure in any company. I have completed my internship on Ananash Trs Ltd. Under Shahnaz Parvin Akanda, who is the director of the company as well as handle the main recruitment and selection procedure of the company respectively. I had been working there as her assistant to acquire my knowledge about the company recruitment and selection process. Similarly, on the basis of my work I would like to submit my internship report on recruitment and selection process of Ananash Trs Ltd.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
Medium Low RecruiterWillingnesstoLikelihoodof
Competenceexplorevacancyjobacceptance MoreFully
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
ANANASHTRSLIMITEDsproceduresaredesignedtoprovidesuchaframeworkbyofferingpractical advice and support for those people with responsibility in this area. The emphasis is on implementingbestpersonnelpracticewhichaimstoensurethatstaffarerecruitedandselectedon the basis of their relative merits and that decisions are made following a fair, consistent and justifiableprocesswhichreflectswellontheorganization.Theimportanceofimplementingeffective recruitment and selection procedures cannot be overemphasized. Sufficient time and thought needstobegiventoanareaofmanagerialresponsibilitywhichismoreimportanttothewellbeing of the organization than many other areas which take up management time and resources. Experienceshowsthatasuccessfulappointmentcanproduceresultswhichimpactfavorablyonthe wider business community the recruitment and selection of staff also provides an opportunity for the organization to present itself in a favorable light. Treating job applicants in a professional and positive manner is more likely to leave them, whether they are successful or not, with a positive viewoftheOrganizationandhowithasdealtwiththem. 1.OverviewoftheRecruitmentandSelectionprocedures The following provides a brief overview of the key elements of the recruitment and selection process. IdentifyclearlythenatureofthevacancytobefilledProduceajobdescription Produceapersonspecificationidentifyingselectioncriteriaforthepost Drawupanadvertisementforthepost Shortlistcandidatesagainsttheagreedselectioncriteria Ensureappropriatepreparationfortheinterview AgreecorequestionsforeachBoardmemberbasedontheselectioncriteria Evaluatecandidatesagainsttheagreedselectioncriteria Makeandcommunicatefinalselectiondecision
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
2.1Planningandpreparationarethekeystosuccessfulrecruitmentandselection.Thefirsttaskisto identifyclearlythejobthatneedstobedone. 2.2 The job description sets out the overall context and purpose of the job, the key duties and responsibilities,thereportingstructureandtheoperatingenvironmentwithinwhichthejobisdone. 2.3 The benefit of a job description is that it provides those involved in the recruitment and selectionprocesswithclarityandagreementonthepurpose,content,dutiesandresponsibilitiesof thejob.Itisalsoofbenefittojobapplicantsasitprovidesthemwithaclearinsightintowhatexactly the job involves. A wellwritten job description will also help to give job applicants a positive first impressionofboththedepartment/section 2.4Theextenttowhichitisnecessarytodescribethedifferentdutiesassociatedwiththejobwill vary depending on the nature and the responsibilities of the post. However, all jobs need some descriptionofwhatisinvolvedandclarifyingthisattheoutsetwillhelptosavetimelater. 2.5Inrecentyears,jobdescriptionshavetendedtoputmoreemphasisonthepurposeofthejob and on setting out the key accountabilities and outcomes associated with it rather than simply settingoutalistofduties. 2.6Itisimportantthatjobdescriptionsarereviewedandkeptuptodateaselementsofthejob,its context,andstructurewilloftendeveloporchangebetweenappointments.
3.1Thepersonspecificationispreparedafterdecisionsabouttheresponsibilitiesoftheposthave been made and the job description finalized. It defines the skills, knowledge, experience and personalattributesandotherrelevantfactorswhicharerequiredforeffectivejobperformance 3.2 The purpose of the person specification is to set out the agreed criteria to be used in the selection of candidates. Agreed criteria provide a consistent and objective set of standards for all applicantsandastructuredmeansofcandidateassessment.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
3.3 It is important to ensure that all criteria are clear, relevant to the job, justifiable and non discriminatoryintermsofthegroundssetoutundertheEmploymentEqualityActs.Forexamplethe use of age limits or the requirement to have particular academic qualifications which are not justifiablemaybecontrarytothelegislation. 3.4Thereisnopredeterminedsetofcriteria,whichshouldbeincludedinthepersonspecification, butfactors,whicharetypicallycovered,include. Skills Experience Qualifications Otherrelevantfactors 3.5TheselectioncriteriacanbedividedintothosethatareEssentialandthosethatareDesirable. The essential criteria are the minimum requirements deemed necessary for satisfactory job performance. Desirable criteria are those factors that would be beneficial to optimizing job performance. All applicants must meet each of the essential selection criteria in order to be short listedthedesirablecriteriaarethosethatwillbeusedtofurtherreducethenumberstobecalledfor interview. 3.6Careshouldbetakentoensurethatthecriteriaincludedinthepersonspecificationareclearly defined and capable of being assessed and evaluated by the assessment Board at both the short listingandinterviewstages. 3.7Thepersonspecificationwillbeusedthroughouttheprocesswhendraftingtheadvertisement, shortlisting,structuringtheinterview,preparinginterviewquestionsandevaluatingthecandidates.
4.1Effectiveadvertisingwillhelptoensurethatthewidestpoolofsuitableapplicantsismadeaware ofthevacancytobefilled.Allvacanciesarenormallyadvertisedbothinternallyandexternally.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
4.2JobadvertisementswillusuallybeplacedbythePersonnelOffice.Thisistoensurethattheyare consistent with the Ananashs visual identity and organizational style and that the content is accurateanddoesnotcontravenetheprovisionsoftheEmploymentEqualityActs. 4.3Thedepartmentseekingtofillthepostwillproduceadraftadvertisementwhichwillbesentto thePersonnelOfficeforapproval.Thejobdescriptionandpersonspecificationcanbeusedasthe basisforthedraft. 4.4Thefollowinginformationistypicallyincludedinthejobadvertisement Jobtitle Location Keyduties Keyselectioncriteria Closingdateforapplication 4.5WhilethePersonnelOfficewilldecidewherethepostwillbeadvertised,andtheclosingdatefor receipt of applications, the department filling the post will have appropriate input into these arrangements. 5.FurtherParticulars 5.1 The provision of further particulars in relation to the post on offer can help to influence the quality of the applications received. Details may include information on the organization, the faculty/department,sitelocation,objectives,plansandprioritiesforthesection,facilities,termsand conditions of the job. This information will assist potential applicants to decide whether or not to proceedwiththeirapplication. 5.2 The further particulars may also include guidelines for job applicants. These may include informationontheselectioncriteriaforthepostandadvicetoapplicantstodemonstratehowtheir skills,experienceandqualificationsrelatetothecriteria.Thiswillassistthosewithresponsibilityfor shortlistingtodeterminewhetherornottheselectioncriteriahavebeenmet. 6.Confidentiality 6.1 It is important that all those involved in the selection process treat applications in strict confidence. The practice followed in some organizations of circulating the candidates application 22
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
form/curriculum vitae to other members of a department and inviting comments from them can create problems. For example, applicants very often do not want it to be widely known that they haveappliedforaparticularpost. 7.TheRoleandResponsibilityoftheChair 7.1TheChairhasoverallresponsibilityforensuringtheintegrityoftheselectionprocess.Theduties of the Chair begin in advance of the interview itself and therefore, in general terms, the person takingontheroleneedstobeavailabletotakepartinallstagesoftheprocess.Ifthisisnotpossible fortheshortlistingstage,itisthedutyoftheChairtomakesurethattheprocessiscarriedoutin accordancewiththeappropriateguidelines. 7.2 It is preferable that the Chair meets with the other Selection Board members before the day assignedforinterviews.ThismeetingprovidesanopportunityfortheChairtoagreewithindividual Boardmemberstheirrespectiveroles,theinterviewquestionseachwillcover andtheprocedures forcandidateevaluation. 7.3 If some members of the Selection Board are unfamiliar with interviewing methods and techniques,itmayhelpiftheactualwordingofthequestionstobeputisagreedoninadvance. 7.4TheresponsibilityoftheChairattheinterviewitselfistointroducetheSelectionBoardmembers tothecandidate,tooutlinetothecandidatethewaytheinterviewwillbeconductedandtheareas thatwillbecoveredbyindividualBoardmembers,toensurethatBoardmembersfullyexplorethe selection criteria with each candidate, to complete the interview at the appropriate time, and to overseetheevaluationprocess. 7.5ItisessentialthattheChairensuresthatcandidatesaremarkedbyeachBoardmemberonthe basisofobjectivecriteriaagreedbeforetheprocesscommences. 7.6ItisessentialthattheChairensuresthatallnotesmadebymembersoftheBoardatinterview areretained andprovidedtothePersonnelOffice.TheChairshouldalsoprovidetothePersonnel OfficeanoteoftheareascoveredbyindividualBoardmembers. 7.7Attheendoftheinterviews,theChairensuresthatallmembershavesignedtherecordofthe decisionarrivedatandthattheappropriatedocumentationispassedontothePersonnelOffice. 7.8 It is the Chairs responsibility to ensure that all the candidates, whether successful or not, are informedoftheoutcome.ThePersonnelOfficewillusuallyperformthistask. 23
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
1.Preparationofrecruitment/selectiondoes: *Vacancy requirement/ timing: the recruitment panel made a decision in between which time they want to establish their recruitment process. They fixed up a time then call the applicantaccordingly. *Jobanalysis:jobsarethebuildingblocksofanorganization,intermofbothjobcontentand thehierarchicalrelationshipsthatemergeamongthem.Knowledge,skills,abilitiesandother confirmedcompaniesjobanalysis.Accordingtothisjobaredesignedbythecompany. *Job description: what type of job company offer and specific responsibilities that fulfill companiesneed. *Jobpersonspecification:accordingtothejob,peoplearebeingdefined.Itmightbeteam basedwork,individualwork,clericaloemanageriallevelwork. *Workingstandards:highlevelormidlevelwork. *Guidance to recruitment /selection: in selection process consultant or specialized adviser may come if they needed. This can happen when managing director are not available in selectionpanel. *Establishmentofcontrolsystemetc 2.Appointmentofrecruitmentpanel 3.Advertising *preparingadvertisement *mediaselection *positioning 4.Responsehandling
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
1. HRinterview 2. panelinterview 3. managerinterview 4. interviewformcompletion 5. conductingtests[personality/psychometricetc] 6. Initialfinallistofcandidates. 7. referencecheck
1. lettersenttounsuccessful 2. successfulcandidatessentformedicalcheckup 3. manager/departmentagreeforastartupdate. 4. successcandidatesinformed HRMcreatesapersonalfactfile HRMsendaletterofappointment/contract HRMsendsoutawelcomepack
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
ANANASH TRS LIMITED's approach to the recruitment and selection of staff to support the achievement of equity principles, employer of choice status and to attract and appoint the best qualitystaffforemploymentwithintheorganization. RelatedPolicies,Procedures&Forms: GuidingPrinciplesforHiringCasualStaff INSRecruitmentandSelectionPolicy RedeploymentandRedundancyPolicy SeniorStaff(interim)RecruitmentProcess OrganizationStrategicPlan Selectionwillbeonthebasisofmeritanddecisionswillbemadeagainstselectioncriteria.Decisions willbefreeofpatronage,biasandunlawfuldiscrimination. Recruitmentandselectionprocesseswill: balance the needs for confidentiality and privacy with the need for transparency of processes; generateaqualitypoolofcompetitiveapplicantsfromwhichtoselect; beconsistentwithequalemploymentopportunity(EEO)principles;and Betimely.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
For the purposes of this policy, a delegate is the relevant senior manager who has responsibility over the area within which a position is being filled. A delegate has authority to approve recommendations of selection panels to enable an appointment to be made on behalf of the Organization.
The role of the selection panel is to conduct all selection processes up to and including the point of making an appointment recommendation for consideration for approval by the delegate. All members of the selection panel are to exercise independent judgment in making a recommendation for appointment. The selection panel can delegate particular tasks (such as short-listing or reading articles) to members of the selection panel. In exceptional circumstances tasks may be delegated to appropriate individuals. However, at least 2 persons must make any assessments of merit. The selection panel will review the quality, quantity and diversity of the field of applicants. The panel should consider supplementing the field of applicants if not satisfied with the field.
The Chair of the selection panel must ensure that: all members are informed of and understand this policy; all members have an opportunity to perform their roles appropriately; all members of the panel have declared any conflicts of interest and have affirmed that they do not have a fixed view as to the outcome. The Chair must then decide whether they should remain members of the panel; and the report of the panel accurately reflects the views of all its members.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
Ananash group and element human resources staff are able to provide support, advice and guidance to delegates and managers in the conduct of recruitment and selection exercises. This can include: Workforce planning strategies Position establishment (classifications) Recruitment strategies Conduct and coordination of advertising through the University processes Policy interpretation Feedback
Candidates for vacancies of up to and including 12 months duration will be sourced internally via the organization web site and only from current ANANASH TRS LIMITED staff in the first instance, unless they are meeting identified equity priorities and/or implementing equity strategies. The closing date for internal recruitment applications shall be not less than 1 week after the date of notification/advertisement. The above notwithstanding, a delegate may also exercise discretion to only source candidates for positions exceeding twelve months duration through internal processes (i.e. web), if they are satisfied that this will result in the best possible outcome for the Organization. In reaching a decision to use an 'internal only' recruitment process for positions exceeding twelve months duration, the following guidelines shall apply:
Delegates shall: Ensure that the core principles of ANANASH TRS LIMITED recruitment and selection as outlined in 1.1 of this policy are not compromised. This particularly applies to the principles of merit and equity.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
Be satisfied that candidates meeting the required capabilities of the position exist in the ANANASH TRS LIMITED.
Have sufficient evidence illustrating that an external exercise will be of little value i.e. position is of a highly specialized nature, significant ANANASH TRS LIMITED experience and knowledge required, history of previously low external response (quantity and/or quality).
Be satisfied that an internal appointment will be the best solution to filling the vacancy both from the Organization's business need and individual career development and progression (neither is mutually exclusive).
Candidates for vacancies in excess of 12 months duration shall, in most circumstances (refer internal recruitment above), be sourced internally and externally. The closing date for application for such vacancies shall be not less than 2 weeks after the first date of notification/advertisement. The extent and nature of recruitment of positions will be determined having regard to the need to generate an appropriate pool of applicants, the nature of the position and cost-effectiveness. All vacancies of 6 months or more shall be advertised on the Organization web site. Examples of other appropriate external recruitment sources can include: The register of Indigenous persons seeking employment with Ananash. Press advertising Professional institutes Professional journals
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
Lists of suitably qualified candidates from either previously advertised positions or unsolicited applications - E-mail listings - External web recruitment sites
In some circumstances a business need may exist to make a short-term appointment without undertaking a full, competitive recruitment process i.e. an immediate requirement for shortterm, specialized expertise. In these cases, appointments can be made for up to six months at the manager's discretion, with due consideration of the principles of merit and equity. However, in exceptional circumstances an option exists to make such an appointment for up to 12 months, subject to the approval of the delegate. In cases requiring a short-term appointment beyond six months, the manager must submit a request to the delegate illustrating: the business need for the appointment that all other alternatives have been considered and ruled out that the manager's human resource representative has been consulted
The principles of merit and equity are to apply in any decision to make an appointment under this provision. The delegate will consider the request on the basis that these principles are not compromised. Such appointments cannot be renewed without being subject to a full, competitive recruitment process as detailed in Standard Recruitment above.
In a situation where: the preferred applicant does not accept the ANANASH TRS LIMITED Offer of Appointment, or
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
the preferred applicant resigns from the position within six months of the appointment, The delegate may exercise discretion as to whether the position be filled from the existing order of merit for that or a similar position, or re-advertised. Vacancies may be advertised across a range of no more than two classification levels.
Ananash Trs Ltd. Does not have a separate department of human resource management. So it hampers the proper way of selection process. Moreover, company management thinks it as a big expense to establish it. Their upcoming sector is training and development of the employee but some managerial problem it become delay. They need to concentrate on more advertisement and campaign to catch up the customer.
Therecruitmentprocessisbothlongandcostly,andwhenamistakeismadeitcanbe catastrophicfortheorganizationandtheindividualinvolved.Furthermore,theprocess iscomplexandoffersasmanyopportunitiesformakingabaddecisionasagoodone. So,effectiverecruitmentandselectionneeded.Effectiverecruitmentandselectionis criticaltocompanysuccessinthefuture.Employingtherightperson,intherightjoband therighttimewillsavemanagersendlesshours.Wethinktheproposedsystemmakes therecruitmentandselectionprocessmoreeffectivefortheorganization.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :
the office text book personal interview web Site.
ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: [email protected] , web :