Biomechanical Analysis of A Backhandspring and Backtuck

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Amanda Heringer Tara Gentry Christy Jeffery

Back handspring: an acrobatic move in which a person executes a complete revolution of the body by lunging headfirst from an upright position into a handstand and then pushing off (i.e., "springing") from the floor with the hands so as to leap back to an upright position. Back tuck: Gymnastics flips are acrobatic moves in which a person executes a complete rotation of the body while in mid air, with hips passing over the head, without hands touching the floor.

TUCK: legs together, with knees fully bent and drawn to the chest.

Slow Motion Back handspring

Slow Motion Back tuck

Full Speed Round-off Back handspring Tuck


take off and landing the quadriceps and gluteal muscles create the most power. Maximus is the main pushing muscle of the buttocks.



adductor muscles allow for the legs to squeeze together during the upside down phase of movement.


abdominals are used in essentially every move of a back handspring and back tuck. the abdominals contract to pull the legs and pelvis over the top.



muscles of the arms, chest, and back work together to assist and oppose each other. a backhand spring they all aid to pass through the handstand position and push off the floor.


Phases of a Back Handspring 1. Starting Position/Set Phase 2. Pushing Off Phase 3. Pushing Back Phase 4. Arching of the Back Phase 5. Handstand/Touchdown Phase 6-7 Snap Phase 8-9 Landing

Phases f a Standing back tuck 1. t rti iti / t . il / i ff . ift ff . I iti l try . . i

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Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 1 Center of gravity is moved to behind the body Phase 2 Center of gravity is thrown back into an arch Phase 3 Angular momentum allows center of gravity to pass over head/hands Phase 4 Center of gravity is returned to starting position

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Full Twist: Frictional force creating torque along the longitudinal axis.

Standing vs. Running Approach Round off H = I[ = mk2 [

Which position reduces the moment of inertia?

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