HP Courts Act
HP Courts Act
HP Courts Act
THE HIMACHAL PRADESH COURTS ACT, 1976 ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS Sections: PART 1 PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent and commencement. 2. Definitions. PART II CHAPTER I SUBORDINATE CIVIL COURTS 3. Classes of Courts. 4. Civil Districts. 5. District Judges. 6. Additional District Judge. 7. Assessment of functions of District Judge to Additional District Judge. 8. Civil Judge. 9. District Court to be principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction. 10. Original jurisdiction of Civil Courts. 11. Original limits of Civil Judges. 12. Local limits of jurisdiction. 13. Power to invest Civil Judge with Small Cause Court jurisdiction. 14. Exercise by Civil Judges of jurisdiction of District Court in certain proceedings. 15. Place of sitting of Court. 16. Control of Courts. 17. Power to distribute business. 18. Ministerial officers of Courts. 19. Delegation of District Judges power. CHAPTER II APPELLATE AND REVISIONAL JURISDICTION IN CIVIL CASES 20 Appeals from District Judges or Additional District Judges.
21 21-A 22.
Appeals from Civil Judges. Power of the Chief Justice to transfer pending appeals and proceedings to District Courts. Power to transfer to a Civil Judge appeals from other Civil Judges. CHAPTER III SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS
Mode of conferring powers. Continuance of powers of officers. Provisions regarding petition writers. Control of list of holidays. Seal. Temporarily vacancies of office of District Judge. Power to make rules. Repeal and savings. ________ THE HIMACHAL PRADESH COURTS ACT, 1976 (ACT No 23 OF 1976)1
(Received the assent of the Governor on the 26th May, 1976, and was published in R.H.P, Extra., dated the 4th June, 1976 at p. 1275-1282) An Act to enact a law relating to Courts in Himachal Pradesh. Amended, repealed or otherwise affected by:(i) H. P. Ordinance 1 of 19802 replaced by H. P. Act No. 10 of 19803 assented to by the Governor on 24-11-1980 and published in R.H.P. Extra., dated 27-11-1980, P. 1386. H.P. Act No. 16 of 19844 assented to by the President on 11-7-1984 and published in R.H.P. Extra dated 25-7-1984 P. 1147.
2 3 4
For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see R.H.P. Extra., dated the 26th March,1975, p. 379, and for its authoritative Hindi text see R.H.P. Extra dated 12-12-87 p. 2391. Ordinance came into force w.e.f. 5-7-80 vide Home Deptt. Not. No. Home-II(A)3-11/78 dated 2-7-1980 published in R.H.P. Extra dated 3-7-1980, p. 600 For Statement of Objects and Reasons see R.H.P. Extra dated 11-10-1980 p. 914. For Statement of Objects and Reasons see R.H.P. Extra dated 15-3-1984 p. 472.
(iii) H.P. Act No. 1 of 19951 assented to by the Governor on 23rd Feb., 1995 and published in Hindi and English in R.H.P. Extra., dated 4-2-95 P. 521-524. (iv) H.P. Act No. 16 of 20012 assented to by the Governor on 18th September, 2001 and published in Hindi and English in R.H.P. Extra., dated 19-9-2001 P. 2561-2562. H.P. Act No. 14 of 20033 assented to by the Governor on 11th August, 2003 and published in Hindi and English in R.H.P. Extra., dated 13.8.2003, p. 1297-1298.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh in the Twenty-seventh Year of the Republic of India as follows :PART 1 PRELIMINARY 1. Short title, extent and commencement.-(1) This Act may be called the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976. (2) It shall extend to the whole of Himachal Pradesh. (3) It shall come into force at once. 2. Definitions.-In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,(a) "civil district" or `district' means the local limits of the jurisdiction of a Principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction; (b) "District Judge" shall include an Additional District Judge; (c) "Government" or "State Government" means the Government of Himachal Pradesh; (d) "High Court" means the High Court of Himachal Pradesh; (e) "Official Gazette" means the Rajpatra, Himachal Pradesh; and (f) "Small Cause" means a suit of the nature cognizable by a Court of Small Causes under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887 (9 of 1887). PART II CHAPTER 1 SUBORDINATE CIVIL COURTS
1 2 3 Passed in Hindi by the Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha. For Statement of Objects and Reasons see R.H.P. Extra., dated 19-12-1994,P. 5244. Passed in Hindi by the Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha. For Statement of Objects and Reasons see R.H.P. Extra., dated 22-8-2001,P. 2024 & 2027 Passed in Hindi by the Himachal Pradesh Vidhan Sabha. For Statement of Objects and Reasons see R.H.P. Extra., dated 18-7-2003,P. 850 &853.
3. Classes of Courts.-Besides the Courts of Small Causes established under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887 (9 of 1887), and the Courts established under any other enactment for the time being in force, there shall be the following classes of Subordinate Civil Courts in Himachal Pradesh:1 [(a) the Court of the District Judge; (b) (c) the Court of the Civil Judge(Senior Division); and the Court of Civil Judge (Junior Division).]
4. Civil Districts.-(1) For the purpose of this Act, the State Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, divide the Himachal Pradesh into civil districts and may alter the limits or the number of these districts and may determine the headquarters of each such district for the purpose of locating the administrative officers of the District Judge. (2) The civil districts existing in the State at the commencement of this Act shall be deemed to have been formed under this Act. 5. District Judges.-The State Government shall, after consultation with the High Court, appoint as many persons as it thinks necessary to be District Judges and the High Court shall post one such person to each district as District Judge of that district : Provided that the same person may, if the High Court thinks fit, be appointed to be the District Judge of two or more districts. 6. Additional District Judge.-(1) When the business pending before the Court of any District Judge requires the aid of an Additional Judge or Judges for its speedy disposal, the State Government may, after consultation with the High Court, appoint such Additional District Judges as may be necessary. (2) An Additional District Judge so appointed shall discharge any of the functions of a District Judge which the High Court or the District Judge may assign to him and in the discharge of his functions he shall exercise the same powers as the District Judge. 7. Assignment of functions of District Judge to Additional District Judge.-The High Court or the District Judge may assign to an Additional District Judge any of the functions of the District Judge including the functions of receiving and registering cases and appeals, which, but for such assignment of functions could be instituted in the Court of District Judge and in the discharge of those functions the Additional District Judge shall, notwithstanding anything contained in the Act, exercise the same powers as the District Judge. 8. Civil Judge.-The State Government may, from time to time, after consultation with the High Court, fix the number of Civil Judges to be
1 Subs. vide Act No. 14 of 2003.
appointed. 9. District Court to be principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction.-The Court of the District Judge shall be deemed to be the District Court or principal Civil Court of original jurisdiction in the district. 10. Original jurisdiction of Civil Courts.-Save as otherwise provided by any other law for the time being in force, the Court of the District Judge shall have jurisdiction in all original civil suits, the value of which does not exceed 1[ten lakh rupees]. 11. Original limits of Civil Judges.-Subject to the limit specified in section 10, the jurisdiction to be exercised in original civil suit as regards the value by any person appointed to be a Civil Judge shall be determined by the High Court either by including him in a class or otherwise as it thinks fit. 12. Local limits of jurisdiction.-(1) The local limits of the jurisdiction of a Civil Judge shall be such as the High Court may define. (2) When the High Court posts a Civil Judge to a district, the local limits of the district shall, in the absence of any direction to the contrary, be deemed to be the local limits of his jurisdiction. 13. Power to invest Civil Judge with Small Cause Court jurisdiction.-The High Court may, by notification in the Official Gazette confer within such local limits as it thinks fit, upon any Civil Judge, the jurisdiction of a Judge of a Court of Small Causes under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act, 1887 (9 of 1887), for the trial of suits, cognizable by such Court, upto such value not exceeding two thousand rupees as it thinks fit, and may withdraw any jurisdiction so conferred. 14. Exercise by Civil Judges of jurisdiction of District Court in certain proceedings.-(1) The High Court may, by general or special order and subject to the provisions of any other law for the time being in force, authorise any Civil judge to take cognizance of, and any District Judge to transfer to such a Civil Judge under his control, any proceedings or any class of proceedings, specified in such order under:(a) the Indian Succession Act, 1925 (39 of 1925), (b) the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890 (8 of 1890), and (c) the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920 (5 of 1920). (2) The District Judge may withdraw any such proceedings taken cognizance of by, or transferred to, a Civil Judge and may either himself dispose of them or transfer them to any other court under his control competent to dispose of the same.
Subs. two lakhs for fifty thousand rupees vide Act No. 16 of 1984 subsequently. two lakhs subs. by five lakhs vide Act No. 1 of 1995 again five lakhs subs. by ten lakhs vide Act No. 16 of 2001.
(3) Proceedings taken cognizance of by, or transferred to, Civil Judge, as the case may be, under this section shall be disposed of by him, subject to the rules applicable to like proceedings in the Court of the District Judge. 15. Place of sitting of Court.-(1) The High Court may fix the place for places at which any Court under this Act is to be held. (2) The place or places so fixed may be beyond the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Court. (3) Except as may be otherwise provided by any order under this section, a Court under this Act may be held at any place within the local limits of its jurisdiction. 16. Control of Courts.-Subject to the general superintendence and control of the High Court, the District Judge shall have control over all the Civil Courts under this Act within the local limits of his jurisdiction. 17 Power to distribute business.-Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Civil Procedure (5 of 1908), every District Judge may by written order direct that any civil business cognizable by his Court and the Courts under his control shall be distributed among such Courts in such manner as he thinks fit: Provided that no direction issued under this section shall empower any Court to exercise any powers or deal with any business beyond the limits of its jurisdiction. 18. Ministerial officers of Courts.-(1) The ministerial officers of the District Court other than Superintendent of the Court shall be appointed by the District Judge. The Superintendent of the District Court shall be appointed by the High Court. (2) The ministerial officers of Civil Courts, under the control of the District Judge, shall be appointed by the District Judge. (3) Every appointment under this section shall be subject to such rules as the High Court with the prior approval of the Government may make in this behalf. (4) Any order passed by a District Judge under this section shall be liable to be reversed or modified by the High Court. 19. Delegation of District Judge's Powers.-A District Judge may, with the previous sanction of the High Court, delegate to any Civil Judge in the district, the power conferred on him by section 18(2) of this Act to be exercised by the Civil Judge in any specified portion of the districts, subject to the control of the District Court. CHAPTER II APPELLATE AND REVISIONAL JURISDICTION IN CIVIL CASES 20. Appeals from District Judges or Additional District Judges.-
(1)Save as otherwise provided by any enactment for the time being in force, an appeal from a decree or order of a District Judge or Additional District Judge exercising original jurisdiction shall lie to the High Court. (2) An appeal shall not lie to the High Court from a decree or order of an Additional District Judge in any case, in which, if the decree or order had been made by the District Judge, an appeal would not lie to that Court. 21. Appeals from Civil Judges.-(1) Save as aforesaid, an appeal from decree or order of a Civil Judge shall lie(a) to the District Judge where the value of the original suit in which the decree or order was made did not exceed 1[two lakh rupees;] and (b) to the High Court in any other case. (2) where the function of receiving appeals which lie to the District Judge under sub-section (1) has been assigned to an Additional district Judge, the appeals may be preferred to the Additional District Judge. (3) The High Court may by notification direct that appeals lying to the District Court from all or any of the decrees or orders passed in an original suit by any Civil Judge shall be preferred to such other Civil Judge as may be mentioned in the notification and the appeals shall thereupon be preferred accordingly and the Court of such other Civil Judge shall be deemed to be a District Court for the purposes of all appeals so preferred. [21-A. Power of the Chief Justice to transfer pending appeals and proceedings to Subordinate Civil Courts.-The Chief Justice of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh may transfer any suit, appeal or proceedings, which is or are pending before the High Court of Himachal Pradesh immediately before the commencement of the Himachal Pradesh Courts (Amendment) Act, 1994to such a subordinate Civil Court in Himachal Pradesh which would have jurisdiction to entertain such suit, appeal or proceedings, had such suit, appeal or proceedings been instituted or filed for the first time after such commencement.] 22. Power to transfer to a Civil Judge appeals from other Civil Judges.-(1) A District Judge may transfer any appeal pending before him from the decrees or orders of Civil Judges to any other Sub-ordinate Judge under, his administrative control competent to dispose of the same.
Subs. "Twenty-five thousand rupees" for "ten thousand rupees" vide Ordinance No. 1 of 1980, replaced by H.P. Act No. 10 of 1980 and subs. "fifty thousand rupees" vide Act No. 16 of 1984-Sec. 3 & further subs. "two lakh rupees" for "fifty thousand rupees" vide Act No. 1 of 1995-sec, 3. Sec, 21-A added vide Ord. No. 1 of 1980 replaced by Act No. 10 of 1980, Sec, 3 w.e.f. 5-7-80 and subsequently renumbered as sub-section (1) and sub section (2) added vide Act 16 of 1984, Sec. 4 and further subs. vide Act No. 1 of 1995.
(2) The District Judge may withdraw any appeal so transferred and either hear and dispose of it himself or transfer it to a Court under his administrative control competent to dispose of the same. (3) Appeals transferred under this section shall be disposed of subject to the rules applicable to like appeals when disposed of by the District Judge. (4) The powers conferred by this section shall be exercised subject to such general or special orders as may from time to time be issued in this behalf by the High Court. CHAPTER III SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS 23. Mode of conferring powers.-Except as otherwise provided by this Part, any power that may be conferred by the High Court on any person under this Part may be conferred on such person either by name or by virtue of office. 24. Continuance of powers of officers.-Whenever any person holding an office in the service of Government who has been invested with any power under this Part throughout any local area is transferred or posted at any sub-sequent time to an equal or higher office of the same nature within a like local area, he shall, unless the High Court otherwise directs or has otherwise directed, exercise the same powers in the local area to which he is so transferred or posted. 25. Provisions regarding petition writers.-The High Court may from time to time make rules consistent with this Act and any other enactment for the time being in force:(a) declaring what persons shall be permitted to act as petition-writer in the Courts subordinate thereto; (b) regulating the issue of licences to such persons, the conduct of business by them, and the scale of fees to be charged by them; and (c) determining the authority by which breaches of such rules shall be investigated and the penalties which may be imposed. 26. Control of list of holidays.-(1) The High Court shall prepare a list of days to be observed in each year as holidays in Civil Courts subordinate thereto. (2) Every such list shall be published in the Official Gazette. 27. Seal.- Every Court constituted under this Act shall use a seal of such form and design as are or may be prescribed by the High Court.
amendments made in this Act by the Himachal Pradesh Court (Amendment) Act, 1984 shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in sub-section (3) of section 17 of the Delhi High Court Act, 1966 and in section 23 of the State of Himachal Pradesh Act, 1970.] 28. Temporary vacancies of office of District Judge.-In the event of absence of the District Judge or in the event of a vacancy in that office for whatever reason, the Additional District Judge or if there are more than one Additional District Judges present, the first in rank among them and in case there be no Additional District Judge present, the first in rank among the Civil Judges present, shall in addition to his own duties, discharge the functions of the District Judge with respect to the filing of the suits and appeals, receiving pleadings, miscellaneous applications and the like, as also with respect to the distribution thereof. 29. Power to make rules.-(1) The High Court may from time to time make rules consistent with this Act and any other law for the time being in force for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act. (2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters:(a) (b) for the supervision of all Courts subordinate to the High Court and their visitation and inspection; for the translation of any paper in the High Court and the preparation of paper books for the hearing of appeals and copying or printing of any such papers or translation and the recovery from the persons at whose instance or on whose behalf papers are filed, of the expenses thereby incurred; the fees to be charged for processes issued by the Civil Courts, or by any officer of any such Court and the fee payable in any suit or proceeding in any such Court by any party to such suit or proceeding in respect of the fees of the pleader of any other party to such suit or proceedings; the manner in which the proceedings of Civil Court shall be kept and recorded, the manner in which paper books for the hearing of appeals shall be prepared and the granting of copies; all matters relating to officers of Court.
30. Repeal and savings.-(1) The Punjab Courts Act, 1918 (6 of 1918) as in force in the areas added to Himachal Pradesh under section 5 of the Punjab Re-organisation Act, 1966 (31 of 1966) and the Himachal Pradesh (Courts) Order, 1948 as in force in the areas comprised in Himachal Pradesh immediately before 1st November, 1966 are hereby repealed: (a) Provided that anything done or any action taken, courts constituted, notifications issued, rules made, powers conferred,
delegations and appointments made under the said Act or the said Order shall be deemed to have been done, taken, constituted, issued and conferred under the corresponding provision of this Act; (b) Provided further that in every enactment now in force and in every appointment order, order, rule, bye-law, notification or form made or issued thereunder, all references to the said Act, or the said Order shall be construed as referring to this Act.
(2) For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that all suits, appeals, revisions, applications, reviews, executions and other proceeding whatsoever pending in any of the Courts established under the Act, or the Order replaced under sub-section (1), shall be continued and concluded in the same Court as if the said Court had been duly established under this Act. ____________ NOTIFICATIONS AND RULES UNDER THE HIMACHAL PRADESH COURTS ACT, 1976 APPOINTMENTS AND DELEGATIONS HIMACHAL PRADESH HIGH COURT NOTIFICATIONS Shimla-1, the 24th December, 1993. No. HHC/Admn. 6(22)/74-9290.-Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them under section 9(4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure and proviso to section 5 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act (Act No. 23 of 1976) are pleased to appoint the Additional District and Sessions Judge(1), Kangra at Dharamshala as the Additional District and Sessions Judge for Una Civil and Sessions Division with immediate effect. ---------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 8-1-1994, P. 32.) ----Shimla-1, the 18th September, 1984 No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)74-1-12856.-In exercise of the powers vested in them under sections 11 and 12 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976, the Hon'ble Chief Justice and Judges are pleased to confer the powers of Civil Judge 1st class upon the Senior sub-Judge-cum-Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kinnaur district, to be exercised by him within the local limits of Rohru SubDivision of Shimla district, Himachal pradesh, with immediate effect. ---------------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 27-10-1984, P. 1252). -----
Shimla-1, 11th/12th November, 1993. No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)74-IV-17011.-Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them by sections 11 and 12 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976) is pleased to confer the power of the Civil Judge 1st Class on the Civil Judge, Karsog District Mandi in respect of the cases arising from the Outer Seraj Area of Ani SubDivision of District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh. This is in supersession to this Registry Notification No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)74-1-66-43, dated 5-6-1984. --------------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 27-11-1993, P. 2422.) --------------Shimla-1, the 1 July, 1995. No. HHC/Admn.6(22)/74-IV-10774.- Consequent upon the establishment of a new Civil Sessions Division Kinnaur comprising of Kinnaur District, Spiti Sub-Division of Lahaul and Spiti District, Anni SubDivision of Kullu District and Rampur Sub-Division of Shimla District by the Government vide notification No. Home-B(G)6/95, dated 30-6-1995, Honble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them under proviso to section 5 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 and section 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 are pleased to appoint the District and Sessions Judge, Shimla to be the District and Sessions Judge for Civil and Sessions Division Kinnaur with immediate effect till further orders. He shall dispose of the cases of the aforesaid Civil and Sessions Division in addition to his own duties of District and Sessions Judge, Shimla Division. -----------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 22-6-1995, p. 760.) -------------Shimla-171001, the 26th April, 1995. No. HHC/Admn.6(22)74-VI-6445-63.- Honble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them under section 9(4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure and proviso to section 5 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976), are pleased to appoint the District and Sessions Judge Sirmaur at Nahan and Additional Districts and Sessions Judge, Sirmaur at Nahan as the Additional District and Sessions Judge for Solan Civil and Sessions Division with immediate effect. -------------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 3-6-1995, p. 581) _____________ No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)/74-II-1992.- The Honble the Chief Justice and Judges of the High Court in exercise of the powers vested in them under section 29 read with sections 10 and 11 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act,
1976 and in supersession to notification No. HHC/Admn.6(24)74-II, dated May 13, 1993 and pursuant to the amendment by Act No. 1 of 1995, dated February 3, 1995 to the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 are pleased to order as follows:District Judge/Additional District Judges: The Court of the District Judges/Additional District Judges shall have jurisdiction in all original civil suits the value of which exceeds Rs. 2,00,000/but does not exceed Rs. 5,00,000/-. Senior Sub-Judges/Subordinate Judges: The Senior Sub-Judges/Subordinate Judges having experience of five years as Subordinate Judge shall exercise jurisdiction in a suit the value of which does not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/-. Other Subordinate Judges: The other Subordinate Judges shall exercise jurisdiction in a suit the value of which does not exceed Rs. 50,000/-. The appeals from the judgement and decree of the Subordinate Judges shall lie to the Distict/Additional District Judge. The above amendment shall come into force with immediate effect. ----------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 5-4-1995, p. 336) ________ Shimla-1, the 13/15th December, 1993. No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)74-IV-18601.-Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them by sections 11 and 12 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976) are pleased to confer the powers of the Civil Judge Ist Class on the Subordinate Judge, Rampur, District Shimla, in respect of the cases arising from the Outer Seraj Area of Anni Sub-Division of District Kullu, Himachal Pradesh in the absence of the Sub-Judge, Karsog at Anni. This is in partial modification of this Registry Notification No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)74-IV, dated 11/12-11-1993. --------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 1-1-1994, P. 2.) __________ Shimla-1, the 17th December, 1993 No. HHC/Admn. 6(15)74-I-18960.-In partial modification of this Registry Notification No. HHC/Admn. 6(15) 74, dated 21st/24th November, 1987, Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them by section 12 (2) of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, read with section 11 of the said Act, are pleased to confer upon Senior Sub-Judge, Kinnaur the
powers of Sub-Judge Ist Class to be exercised by him with in the local limits of Spiti Sub-Division of Lahaul & Spiti district, Himachal Pradesh. ----------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 1-1-1994, P. 2.) ----Shimla-2, the 30th September, 1994 No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)74-IV-13868.-Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them under sections 11 and 12 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976) are pleased to confer the powers of Civil Judge 1st Class upon the Sub-Judge-cum-SDJM Dalhousie, District Chamba, Himachal Pradesh to be exercised by him within the local limits of Nurpur Sub-Division of Kangra District with immediate effect. ---------------------------------------------(R.H.P., dated 5-11-1994, P. 1680.) ----Shimla-1 the 1 /2
st nd
November, 1994
No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)74-IV-15920.-Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them under sections 11 and 12 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976), are pleased to order that the Senior-Sub-Judge, Dharamsala and Sub-Judge Ist Class, Kangra shall exercise separate and independent Jurisdiction within the local limits of territories included in their respective revenue Sub-Division of Dharmsala and Kangra, with immediate effect. ---------------------------------------------(R.H.P., dated 26-11-1994, P. 1742.) ----Shimla-1, the 1st /2nd November, 1994. No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)/74-IV-15272.-Hon'ble the Chief Justice and judges in exercise of the powers vested in them under sections 11 and 12 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976) are pleased to confer the powers of Civil Judge 1st Class upon the Sub-Judge 1st Class (I), Dharamsala to be exercised by him within the local limits of Kangra SubDivision of Kangra district, with immediated effect. --------------------------------------------------------(R.H.P., dated 26-11-1994, P. 1742.) ----Shimla-1, the 28th May, 1994
No. HHC/Admn. 6/28/76.-In the exercise of powers vested in it under section 13 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976) read with the Provincial Small Case Courts (Himachal Pradesh Amendment) Act, 1969 (Act No. IV of 1970) the High Court of Himachal Pradesh in supersession of all previous notifications issued in this behalf, is pleased to confer, on all the Senior Sub-Judges and all the Sub-Judges of First Class, who have hold that post for a period of not less than five years, small cause jurisdiction for the trial of the suits upto the value of Rs. 2,000/- within the local limits of their respective teritorial jurisdiction, with effect from the date of the publication of this notification in Himachal Pradesh Rajpatra. ---------------------------------------------(R.H.P., dated 4-6-1994, P. 1038.) ----[Issued and published in Hindi in R.H.P. dated 7-4-1990 p. 315.] HOME DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Shimla-2, the 20th March, 1990 No. Home B (A) 1 3/87.-In partial modification of Himachal Pradesh Government Department of Personnel notification No. 11-2/66-DP (Apptt.II), dated 31-8-1972 and 21-1-74 and in exercise of the powers conferred upon him under sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976), the Governor of Himachal Pradesh, is pleased to divide the territories of the existing Civil District Sirmaur into the following Civil Districts:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl No. Name of the Civil Limits Headquarters District 1 2 3 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Solan Consisting of Revenue Solan Dstrict of Solan. 2. Sirmaur Consisting of Revenue district of Sirmaur. Nahan
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This notification shall come into force with immediate effect. (a) Provided that anything done or any action taken, courts
constituted, notifications issued, rules made, powers conferred, delegations and appointments made under the said Act or the said Order shall be deemed to have been done, taken, constituted, issued and conferred under the corresponding provision of this Act. (b) provided further that in every enactment now in force and in every appointment order, order, rule, bye-law, notification or form made or issued thereunder, all references to the said Act or the said Order shall be construed as referring to this Act. (2) For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that all suits, appeals, revision, applications, reviews, executions and other proceedings whatsoever pending in any of the Courts established under the Act, or the Order repealed under sub-section (1), shall be continued and concluded in the same Court as if the said Court had been duly established under this Act. -----------------------------------------(R.H.P., dated 7-4-1990, P. 315.) ----Shimla-2, the 4th September, 1997. No. Home-B(A)1-4/88-III.-The Governor of Himachal Pradesh in exercise of the powers in him under section 4 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 and in consultation with the High Court of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to exclude the Revenue Distt., Kullu (except Ani Sub-Division) and Lahaul & Spiti Revenue Distt. (except Spiti Sub-Division) from the limits of Civil Distt. Mandi and establishes the Civil Distt., Kullu consisting of Revenue Distt. of Kullu (except Ani Sub-Division) and Lahaul & Spiti Revenue distt. (except Spiti Sub-Division) with its Distt. Head-quarter at kullu. The Governor of the Himachal Pradesh, further, in exercise of the powers vested in him under Section 7(2) read with Section 9(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and after consultation with the High Court of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to exclude the Revenue Distt. Kullu (except Ani Sub-Division) and Lahaul & Spiti Revenue Distt. (except Spiti Sub-Division) from Sessions Division, Mandi and establishes the Court of Session for Session Division, Kullu consisting of Revenue Distt. of Kullu (except Ani Sub-Division) and Lahaul and Spiti Revenue Distt. (except Spiti Sub Division) with Headquarter at Kullu. _________________________________ (R.H.P. dated 27th Sep., 1997, p. 1826). ___________ Shimla-2, the 7th August, 1987. No. Home B(B) 1-4/87.-In partial modification of Himachal Pradesh
Department of Personnel (A) Notification No. 11-1/66, dated 1-9-72 and in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 4(1) of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976) and in consultation with the High Court of Himachal Pradesh, the Governor, Himachal Pradesh is pleased to divide the territories of the existing Kangra Civil District with following Civil Districts:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sl. No. Name of the Civil District Limits Headquarters --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Kangra Kangra District Dharamshala 2. Chamba Chamba District Chamba --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. This notification shall come into force with effect from 1st September, 1987. --------------------------------------(R. H. P., dated 30-4-1994. 863.) ____________ No. HHC/Admn.6(22)74-VI-6622.- In supersession of this Registry Notification No. HHC/Admn.6(22)/74 dated 24-12-1993, Honble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them under section 9(4) of the Code of Criminal Procedure and proviso to section 5 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976), are pleased to appoint the Additional District and Sessions Judge for Una Civil and Sessions Division, with immediate effect. ------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 3-6-1995, p. 582) Shimla-1, the 7th September, 1995 No. HHC-Admn.6(24)/74-II.- Honble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them under sub-sections (2) and (3) of section 11 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 and sections 11 and 12 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 are pleased to confer the powers of Judicial Magistrate 1st class and Subordinate Judge 1st class upon the Senior Sub-Judge-cum-Chief Judicial Magistrate, Solan, to be exercised by him within the local limits of Rajgarh Sub-Division of Sirmaur district, with immediate effect. ------------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 30-9-1995, p. 1098). ___________ Shimla-1, the 24th February, 1995
No. HHC/Admn.6(24)/74-II-2259-80.- The Honble the Chief Justice in exercise of the powers vested in him under section 21-A of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 and in supersession of all the notifications issued previously, is pleased to order the transfer of all the original civil suits the value of which does not exceed Rupees 5,00,000/- to the respective District Judges in Himachal Pradesh to whose jurisdiction the original suit relates to and the cause of action arose. The First regular Appeal against the decree or order of the subordinate Judge in which the value of the original suit did not exceed Rs. 2,00,000/- are also transferred to the respective District Judges. ---------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 1-4-1995, p. 295) __________ [Issued and published in Hindi in R.H.P. dated 7-9-19993, p. 1603]. LAW DEPARTMENT NOTIFICATION Shimla-2, the 2nd September, 1993 No. LLR-B(A)1-4/88-II.-The President of India, in exercise of the powers vested in him under section 4 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 and in consultation with the High Court of Himachal Pradesh is pleased to exclude the Revenue District Bilaspur from the limits of Civil District, Shimla and establishes the Civil District Bilaspur, consisting of the Revenue District of Bilaspur with its District Headquarter at Bilaspur. The President of India, further, in exercise of the powers vested in him under section 7 read with section 9 of the Code of Criminal procedure, 1973, and in consultation with the High Court of Himachal Pradesh, is pleased to exclude the Revenue District of Bilaspur from the Sessions Division, Shimla, and establishes the Court of Session for the Sessions Division Bilaspur, consisting of Revenue District of Bilaspur with Headquarter at Bilaspur. -----------------------------------------------------(R.H.P., Extra., dated 7-9-1993, P. 1604) ----------Shimla-1, the 14th August, 1987 No. HHC/Admn. 6(254)74-I-10232.-In exercise of the powers vested in them under sub-section (3) of section 21 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 the Hon'ble Chief Justice and the Judges of the High Court of Himachal Pradesh are pleased to direct that during the absence from head-
quarters of the District Judges concerned and, in case there are Additional District Judges posted in any of the Divisions, then also such Additional District Judge(s) the Senior Civil Judges in the State shall exercise the powers to entertain in the appeals lying to the concerned District court from all or any of the decrees or orders passed in the original suits by any of the Civil Judges in the concerned District, other than the appeals against decrees or order passed by them in original suits. The power to entertain the appeals shall include also the powers to entertain applications for the grant of ad interim/interim relief during such period but shall not include the powers to hear and decide the appeals. -----------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 20-2-1988, P. 136). ---------Shimla-1, the 27th May, 1991. No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)/70-II.-In exercise of the powers vested in them under sections 11 and 12 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976), the Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Judges are pleased to confer the powers of Subordinate Judges 1st Class upon the Senior SubJudge-cum-Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kinnaur, to be exercised by him within the local limits of Rampur Bushahr Sub-Division of Shimla district with immediate effect. ---------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 29-6-1991, P. 838). ---------Shimla-1, the 13th May, 1991. No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)/74-II.-In exercise of the powers vested in them under section 11 read with section 29 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976), the Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Judges are pleased to enhance the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Subordinate Judges 1st Classwith five years experience as Subordinade Judge, in respect of original suits value of which does not exceed Rs. Two laks, with immediate effect. This notification supersedes this Registrys HHC/Admn.6(24)6383-85, dated July, 21, 1977. ---------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 27-7-1991, P. 972). __________ Shimla-1, the 13th May, 1991. No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)/74-II.-In supersession to Notification No. HHC/Admn. 6(24)/74, dated November, 21, 1977, Hon'ble the Chief Justice and Judges in exercise of the powers vested in them under section 29 read with section 11 of the Himachal Pradesh Courts Act, 1976 (Act No. 23 of 1976), are pleased to amend the High Court Notification No. 4, dated 3rd notification no.
January, 1928 as contained in Chapter 20-B, of the Punjab High Court rules and Orders Volumes1, as applied to Himachal Pradesh as follows:For the words Class-I Subordinate Judges exercising jurisdiction without limit as to the value the cases substitute: Class-I Subordinate Judges with 5 years experience as subordinate Judge exercising jurisdiction in a suit the value of which doe not exceed Rs. 2 lacs. Class-I Subordinate Judges exercising jurisdiction in a suit the value of which does not exceed Rs. 50,000/- The above amendment shall come into force with immediate effect. ---------------------------------------(R.H.P. dated 27-7-1991, P. 972).