Vendor Supplier Rating
Vendor Supplier Rating
Vendor Supplier Rating
Vendor / Supplier rating is done normally on quarterly basis. This system facilitate the ma supplier on periodical basis which helps to take day to day decisions. It helps the supplier with his customer & further improvements needed in which direction.
Most of the times Vendor / Supplier rating is done on their quarterly performance basis This rating is done normally for Vendors / Suppliers of A Class Items & B + Item and not f This ratings gives inputs to QA to fix up their short term targets for quality improvements This ratings gives inputs to Materials Dept for their actions related to inventory control Process of Vendor Rating
To be applicable for vendors / supplier of only A Class & Critical, Bottle Neck Item To be done on Quarterly Basis. To identify the suppliers who should be covered in Vendor Rating System To obtain quarterly rejection data from ERP for the selected suppliers (ERP to generate rej To obtain quarterly Quantity performance data from ERP for the selected suppliers (ERP to generate the To obtain quarterly Delivery time data from ERP for the selected suppliersto generate the (ERP To obtain first hand experience buyers to fill up the last five columns To finalise Materials HOD to review the ratings with respective buyers
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tem facilitate the materials people to judge the It helps the supplier to understand his level of acceptance
erformance basis & B + Item and not for all uality improvements inventory control
ERP to generate rejection % against supplies from the system) ERP to generate the Quantity % i.e. Actual quantity supplied against scheduled quantity) ERP to generate the Delivery % i.e. Actual delivery date against scheduled date )
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