Panasonic VF0 Inverters

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The document discusses compact AC inverters called the VF0 series that can control motors with features like 8-speed control and regeneration braking despite their small size.

The VF0 inverters have high-level features like 8-speed control, retry function, and regeneration braking despite their compact size. They allow frequency control of motors with a PLC PWM signal without analog I/O units.

The VF0 inverters have specifications for applied motor output, input power supply, rated output, output frequency, operation control, braking, output signals, protection, environment, and display. They operate from -10°C to +50°C.

Super-Compact AC Inverters

VF0 Series

VF0 has come on stage with super-compactness and CE Marking

Single-phase 200V class

0.2kW 0.4kW 0.75kW 1.5kW

Three-phase 400V class

0.75kW 1.5kW 2.2kW 3.7kW

1 3


Compactness of the best level has been achieved in response to request for space-saving. Volume is 40 to 56% of previous MEW models. (Width of 400V type excludes installation bracket.)

Frequency control with PLC is possible

Frequency control for motors is possible with PWM signal from PLC, without analog I/O units.

2 4
R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U V W 1 DB 2 DB 3 (COM) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A C B

Easy to Operate

Newly applied volume-switch makes operation easier. Forward/reverse run direction can be set with operation panel. Forward Reverse

* When parameter P08 data setting is 1.

High level features despite compact size

8-speed control function Retry function Frequency increase, decrease and memory functions using external switch. Complete regeneration brake function.
400V class: built-in brake circuit 200V class: built-in 0.4 to 1.5 kW circuit and resistor
(0.2 kW type does not have circuit or resistor. 0.4 kW type is packaged with resistor and installation is external.)

PWM signal

Wiring Diagram
* This diagram is for 3-phase 400 V. The power input terminals for single-phase 200 V class are the two terminals L and N.





Current input

Voltage input
0-5V, 0-10V

2 3

* When using a 4 to 20mA signal for the frequency setting, always connect a 200, 1/4W resistor. (When no resister is connected, the inverter may become damaged.)

Frequency setting potentiometer 2 10k 1/4 watt 3 min. Voltage output 0-5V DC

* The built-in electronic thermal relay is for overload protection. Use the thermal relay with open phase protection for this purpose.

Break resistor (dedicated option for 400 V class) * 200V class is using the regenerative brake with the 0.4kW inverter with brakes, connect the enclosed brake resistor to the brake resistor connection terminal. Operation status output (Open collector outputs with 50V DC, 50mA max. ratings.) * When an inductive load is to be driven by an opencollector output, be sure to use a freewheel diode. Fault warning output (No-voltage contact output 250V AC, 0.5A resistance load)

Forward run/Stop Reverse run/Stop

5 Start/Stop 6 Forward/Reverse SW1 SW2 3 (COM) SW3

* When shipped it is set for control using the operation panel. Parameter settings will have to be changed depending on the control signals that will be used.

CTi Automation - Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 208.368.0415 - Web: - e.mail: [email protected]

Input voltage
Applied motor output Rated output Rated output voltage Overload current rating Phases, voltage, frequency Tolerable voltage variations Torerable frequency variations Instantaneous voltage drop resistance capacity Output frequency range Frequency display Frequency accuracy Frequency setting resolution Inverter control method Carrier frequency Start/Stop Forward/Reverse Operation Jog operation Stop mode Reset function Stop frequency Instantaneous power failure restart Retry function Frequency setting signal

Single-phase 200V class

0.2 to 1.5 kW 3-phase 200 to 230V AC (proportional to power supply voltage) Single-phase 200 to 230 VAC 50/60Hz

Three-phase 400V class

0.75 to 3.7 kW 3-phase 380 to 460V AC (proportional to power supply voltage) Three-phase 380 to 460 VAC 50/60Hz

150% of rated output current for 1 minute +10%, 15% of rated AC input voltage 5% of rated input frequency Continuous operation at 165V or more. Continuous operation at less than 165V for 15ms. Continuous operation at 323V or more. Continuous operation at less than 323V for 15ms.

Input power supply

Output frequency

0.5 to 250Hz Digital display 0.5% of selected maximum set frequency (2510C) for analog setting Digital setting: 0.1Hz (1Hz over 100Hz), Analog setting: 0.1Hz (50/60Hz mode) High carrier frequency sinusoidal PWM control (V/F control method) Select from 9 types (The output current must be reduced for 12.5 and 15.0kHz) (0.8, 1.1, 1.6, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15kHz) Select from 7 types (0.8, 1.1, 1.6, 2.5, 5.0. 7.5, and 10 kHz) (The output current of 3.7 kW must be reduced when set to 10 kHz.)

Operation panel buttons or 1a contact signal (wait time setting possible) Operation panel buttons or 1a contact signal (reverse rotation prohibit setting possible) Operating frequency: Optional setting for 0.5 to 250Hz, Acceleration/deceleration time: Optional setting each for 0.04 to 999 seconds Select from ramp-to-stop or coast-to-stop (selection changeover) Stop signal reset, external reset, panel reset (setting possible) and power supply reset Optional setting from 0.5 to 60Hz Function OFF, and 0Hz restart, oprating frequency restart (selection changeover) Retry selection: Select function OFF and details of retry fault, No. of retries: Optional setting for 1 to 10 times Local setting: Potentiometer, digital setting (operation panel) External analog setting signal: Potentiometer (10kW, 1/4 or more), 0 to 5V, 0 to 10V, 4 to 20mA (Connect a 200, 1/4W or more external resistor) External digital setting signal: PWM signal (signal cycle: 0.9 to 1100ms), Frequency up SW, down SW, save SW signal Base frequency: 50, 60Hz fixed and optional setting between 45 and 250Hz V/F curve: Constant torque, square torque pattern (selection changeover) Optional base frequency setting for 45 to 250Hz Optional setting for 0 to 40% 0.04 to 999 sec. (individual accel. and decel. Time setting), Accel./Decel. Characteristics: Linear Up to 8 preset frequency settings (optional setting) Up to 3 place settings (skip frequency band setting from 1 to 10Hz) Optional setting from 0.5 to 250Hz Bias frequency: set from 99 to 250Hz, Gain frequency: set from 0 to 250Hz Select from auxiliary stop or coast-to-stop (selection setting) 0.4kW, 0.75kW, 1.5kW: 100% or more (short-time) 0.2kW: 100% or more, 0.4kW: 80% or more 0.75kW: 20% or more, 1.5kW: 20% or more 20% or more 100% or more with connection of brake resistor (option) (built-in brake circuit)

Voltage/frequency characteristics Control 2nd voltage/frequency characteristics 1st and 2nd torque boost level 1st and 2nd accel./Decel. Time Multi-speed frequency setting Skip frequency setting Upper and lower frequency setting Bias/gain frequency settings External stop function With brakes Braking Regenerative braking torque Without brakes

DC braking Analog output Output signal Open collector output

Operates when less than stop frequency, Braking torque level: 0 to 100 (set between 20 levels), Braking time: Optional setting for 0.1 to 120 seconds Output specifications: 0 to 5V (max. 1mA), Output functions: Output frequency, output current proportional (selection changeover) Output specifications: Max. rating 50VDC, 50mA Output functions: Run signal, arrival signal, overload prealarm, freuquency detection, reverse run signal, fault warning, output frequency/current proportional PWM signal (cycle 1ms) Output specifications: 1c contact (contact capacity 250VAC, 0.5A resistance load) Output functions: Run signal, arrival signal, overload prealarm, frequency detection, reverse run signal, fault warning Output frequency or line speed (selection changeover), output current, rotation direction Symbol indicated when protective function activates (last 4 faults are stored) Current limit can be set from 1 to 200% of rated output current Instantaneous overcurrent, over temperature (SC1 to 3), overcurrent (OC 1 to 3), overload/electronic thermal overload (OL), low voltage (LU), overvoltage (OU 1 to 3), auxiliary stop (AU), operation error (OP) Overcurrent stall prevention, regenerative overvoltage stall prevention 10C to +50C (with no freezing), 90% RH or less (with no dew condensation) 25C to +65C, 95% RH or less 1000m or less, 5.9m/s2 (0.6G) or less Indoors, with no corrosive gases, explosive gases, oil mist or dust present IP00 Self-cooling: 0.2 to 0.75kW, Forced-air cooling: 1.5kW Self-cooling: 0.75kW, Forced-air cooling: 1.5 to 3.7kW

Relay output Operating condition Fault details Current limit Shut-off (stop) Stall prevention function Working ambient temperature and humidity Transportation/storage temperature and humidity Altitude and vibration Atmosphere Enclosure Cooling method

Protection against Electric shock: Class I Overvoltage category: II Pollution degree: 2 Note: The specifications for the 200 V and 400 V classes are not the same. Please keep in mind this partial difference.

CTi Automation - Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 208.368.0415 - Web: - e.mail: [email protected]




Input voltage
Part No. Applied motor output (kW) Rated output current (A) Rated output capacity (kVA) 4) Power supply capacity (kVA) 5) Mass (kg)

Single-phase 200V class

Three-phase 400V class

BFV00154 1.5 3.8 3.0 3.6 1.4 BFV00224 2.2 5.4 4.3 6.4 1.4 BFV00374 3.7 8.7 6.9 10.4 2.1 3)

1) BFV00022D BFV00042D BFV00072D BFV00152D BFV00074 BFV00042G BFV00072G BFV00152G 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 0.75 1.4 0.6 0.7 0.7 2) 2.4 1.0 1.2 0.7 2) 3.6 1.4 1.7 1.2 2) 7.0 2.8 3.7 1.3 2) 2.1 1.7 2.6 1.4

1) In the 200 V class part numbers a suffix D means there is no brake (no circuit and resister) and a suffix G means there is a brake (0.75 and 1.5 kW: built-in circuit and resistor: 0.4 kW: circuit is built in and resister is included by installed externally). All of the 400 V class have a built in brake circuit (Brake resistor is an externally installed dedicated option.). 2) The rated output current for the 200 V class indicates that the carrier frequency is 10 kHz or lower. Please use after reducing the rating to 95% when 12.5 kHz and to 90% when 15 kHz. 3) The rated output current 3.7 kW for the 400 V class indicates that the carrier frequency is 7.5 kHz or lower. Please use after reducing the rating to 90% when 10 kHz. 4) Regarding the rated output capacity: The 200 V class indicates that the output voltage is 230 V. The 400 V class indicates that the output voltage is 460 V. 5) Power supply capacity depends on power supply impedance. It should equal or exceed the capacity specified above.

Single-phase 200V class
2- 5 5

Unit: mm Inverters capacity W W1 H H1 D (kW) 0.2 78 68 110 102 100 0.4 0.75 100 90 130 121 115 1.5


H H1

W1 W

Note 1: 1.5 kW is for the cooling fan.

Three-phase 400V class

4- 5

Unit: mm Inverters capacity (kW) 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7

7 8 D

W1 W2


D 148 161 161

H H1

130 121 110 130 90 130 121 110 130 90 160 151 140 130 90

W2 W1 W

Note 2: 1.5 to 3.7 kW is for the cooling fan.


CTi Automation - Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 208.368.0415 - Web: - e.mail: [email protected]

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