EST EST3 Intelligent Control For Large and Medium Sized Applications

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GE Security

Submittal Guide

EST3 Life Safety and Security Platform

Intelligent control for large and medium sized applications

imagination at work

EST3 Network

Project: Contact: Date:

_________________________ _________________________ _________________________

Initiating Devices

It is with great pleasure that we provide this submittal for an EST3 Unified Control Platform. This guide includes a comprehensive presentation of related system components and devices. Products we are submitting for your consideration are indicated by a checkmark in the margins of the pages that follow. More detailed information can be found in individual catalog sheets dedicated to each product. All these sheets, along with guide specifications and other useful product information, are available electronically on our LifeLines CDROM. This exhaustive collection of life safety related literature is fully searchable and includes a utility for printing multiple catalog sheets. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide this submittal. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require further information.

Notification Appliances Hazardous Location Devices Door Holders & Relays


EST3 Network

Submittal Guide

EST3 Life Safety and Security Platform

Intelligent control for large and medium sized applications

Initiating Devices Notification Appliances Hazardous Location Devices Door Holders & Relays

EST3 Submittal Guide Intelligent control for large and medium sized applications
Published by GE Security Copyright 2005 General Electric Company All rights reserved. 8985 Town Center Parkway, Bradenton, FL 34202 85010-0099, Issue 8

Wiring diagrams provided herein are for information and reference only and are not to be used for installation purposes. Consult the appropriate installation documents for wiring and configuration details. This guidebook is for information only and is not intended as a substitute for verbatim legislated requirements. For authoritative specifications regarding the application of life safety, security, and access control systems, consult current editions of applicable codes and standards. For authoritative interpretation of those codes and standards, consult your local authority having jurisdiction. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this guidebook, the authors and publishers assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsistencies herein. EST, Synergy, Genesis Series, and Signature Series are trademarks of GE Security.

Also from GE Security: Security and Access Control Handbook A practical guide to application and system design Handbook of Visual Notification Appliances for Fire Alarm Applications A practical guide to regulatory compliance Glossary of Fire Alarm and Security Terminology A desk reference for life safety and security professionals Remote Booster Power Supply A summary of typical wiring and configuration for everyday and advanced applications Installers Wire Guide A concise pocket reference to wire and cable requirements for GE Security products and systems QuickStart Submittal Guide Intelligent/conventional life safety for small to mid-sized applications EST2 Submittal Guide Networkable intelligent life safety with voice audio


Life Safety and Security Platform

EST3 Network

Quality and reliability built into every system

A lot can be said about EST3, but when it comes to performance, price, installation ease and flexibility, this remarkable life safety system speaks for itself. For example, a glance at the contents on this page reveals just how few components are needed to configure even the most sophisticated and elaborate life safety, security, and access control network. EST3s modular design means you only get the features you need, and its simple configuration ensures trouble-free installation every time. And when it comes to connected devices, nothing beats EST3. In fact, the Signature Series line of intelligent analog detectors has been singled out by Underwriters Laboratories as the first such devices on the market that do not require a calibration sensitivity test in order to comply with NFPA72. Quality and reliability are built into every EST3 component, from the simplest control switch to the systems main processor. And thats not just a corporate mandate: its a proven fact supported by GE Securitys commitment to ISO 9000 international quality standards. EST3 is certified under ISO, not only for manufacturing, but for design, training, customer service, and technical support as well. This ensures that your EST3 network will provide extremely reliable service the day its brought on-line and well into the future.

Foreword: Redefining Life Safety ................................................... vi

EST3 Network
Introduction ............................................................................................... 1 EST3 Riser Diagram .............................................................................. 2 Crentral Proccessor Unit ..................................................................... 3 Local Rail Modules ................................................................................. 4 Control, Display, and Annunciation ............................................... 8 Ethernet Networking .......................................................................... 12 Network Audio ...................................................................................... 13 Security and Access Control ......................................................... 15 Cabinets & Chassis ............................................................................ 19 Power Supplies .................................................................................... 20 Network Accessories ........................................................................ 22

Initiating Devices

Intelligent Analog Initiating Devices

Smoke Detectors ................................................................................. 26 Motion Detectors .................................................................................. 27 Detector Bases .................................................................................... 27 Duct Detectors ...................................................................................... 28 Input/Output Modules ...................................................................... 28 Input/Output Motherboards ........................................................... 32 Security Module .................................................................................... 33 Releasing Module ................................................................................ 33 Pull Stations ........................................................................................... 34 Intelligent Audio Amplifiers .............................................................. 35 Intelligent Power Supplies .............................................................. 35 Accessories ............................................................................................ 36


Notification Appliances

Notification Appliances
Wall Horns, Strobes and Chimes ................................................ 39 Wall Speakers and Speaker/strobes ....................................... 40 Signal Master ......................................................................................... 40 Ceiling Horns, Speakers and Strobes ....................................... 41 Harsh Environment Signals ............................................................ 42 Firefighers Telephones .................................................................... 43 Fire Alarm Bells and Single-stroke Chimes ............................ 43 Bell Strobe Plates ................................................................................. 44 Mounting Accessories ...................................................................... 44

Hazardous Location Devices

Hazardous Location Devices

Hazardous Classifications ............................................................... 45 Weather/Explosion Proof Heat Detectors .............................. 46 Hazardous Location Fire Alarm Station ................................... 46 Hazardous Location Strobes, Bells and Horns .................... 47


Door Holders & Relays

Door Holders & Relays

Door Holders .......................................................................................... 48 Relays ........................................................................................................ 48 SPDT Relays ............................................................................................ 49




Redefining Life Safety

Life safety used to mean the protection of buildings and occupants against the threat of fire. From this grew an industry that has undergone quantum leaps from relay logic, to microprocessor-based technology, to peer-to-peer networks with integrated audio annunciation all in the span of just a few years. While the protection of people and property has always been, and will continue to be, the primary focus of life safety efforts, few would argue that standards havent played a major role in propelling the industry forward. Agencies such as NFPA and UL have established life safety as among the most stringently regulated and most closely scrutinized industries in the world. And for good reason: with lives and assets at stake, nothing can be left to chance. Today the life safety industry is in the midst of yet another quantum leap forward. Expanding into the arenas of security, access control, and CCTV, many life safety manufacturers are seeking ways to extend the life safety function. But listing fire alarm functions in the same system with security and access control has been regarded as a Pandoras Box of regulatory obstacles and resistance. As a result, efforts in the past have concentrated on combining separately listed systems by means of a user interface that gives the illusion of total building control. To reinforce the illusion, this patchwork approach has been referred to as integration. From the interfaced system point of view there is good reason for keeping life safety separate from security functions. To do otherwise would require an unprecedented effort in terms of securing approvals and listings. It would mean venturing into uncharted territory. At GE Security were used to blazing trails. With the introduction of the Synergy concept, weve managed to accomplish what many said couldnt be done: weve combined for the first time fire alarm, security, and access control on a single, fully-listed network backbone. EST3 is the platform used to carry this effort through, proving once again that this exquisitely engineered system has both the power and the flexibility to jump through all the regulatory hoops, to negotiate all the listing minefields and still have lots left over for system expansion. Was all this effort worth it? You bet. Operating over the EST3 network, security and access control not only enjoy the speed and versatility of this proven life safety performer, they also have the opportunity to share system resources such as wiring, power supplies and off-premise communication. And that saves material, labor, and maintenance costs. Big time. Synergy promotes the sharing of resources. It makes a simpler system. One thats easier to service and less trouble to program than several separate systems. EST3 has always been an event-driven system that orchestrates all fire alarm functions with extreme efficiency. With added security and access control functions, the possibilities are endless: unlock access controlled doors when theres a fire alarm; use integrated audio to issue audible intruder alert messages all through software, no extra relays or wiring required! EST3 also elevates the reliability and survivability of security functions to a level found previously only in dedicated fire alarm systems. And when it comes to the marriage between existing systems, nothing beats EST3. In fact, the system is even backward compatible with BACnet, the open-source communications protocol commonly used to bridge interfaced systems together. How does Synergy fit into this picture? Synergy is the name used to describe GE Securitys method of combining fire, access control, and security functions into one seamless system. Synergy is not a new system, but rather the logical extension of EST3 architecture into security and access control. In addition to traditional fire alarm devices, products used to create Synergy include motion detectors, security input modules and access controllers. These connect on network wiring and draw power from the same sources supplying fire alarm components. Now, with EST3, dozens of Signature Series multisensor detectors can co-exist with dozens of Signature Series motion detectors on the same pair of wires. This degree of system unity is simply unprecedented. EST3 is the first UL 864-listed fire and security platform ever engineered. Weve accomplished this by tackling listing challenges head-on, not avoiding them. And weve negotiated all the regulatory hurdles so you dont have to. The result is a whole that is much greater than the sum of its parts: true Synergy.




Network Control Local Rail Modules

p. 2 p. 4

Control, Display, and Annunciation p. 8

EST3 Network

Ethernet Networking p. 12 Network Audio p. 13 Security and Access Control p. 15 Cabinets & Chassis p. 19 Power Supplies p. 20

EST3 Network
EST3 is a modular system uniquely designed to easily meet the needs of standalone single node systems or multi-node networks. Fire alarm, security, access control and audio functions use the same fundamental components, simplifying system layouts. A powerful System Definition Utility program helps define system operations in a fraction of the time required by previous methods. Virtually all EST3 operating features are software controlled. This gives EST3 great site flexibility and ensures operational changes and upgrades will be possible years after the initial installation. Highly Flexible Applications EST3 is a superbly adaptable life safety system, lending itself to medium and large building applications. Cabinets are available with room for system batteries up to 65 Amp hours. With EST3, one 24-volt battery supports up to four power supplies. Each supply will support up to 7 Amp load. With four supplies, 28 Amps of current is available all backed up by a common battery.

Network Accessories p. 22

Initiating Devices Notification Appliances Hazardous Location Devices Door Holders & Relays

Powerful Networking EST3 operates on a multi priority peer-to-peer token ring network. The multi-priority token ring gives EST3 exceptional response. Response time for all functions, including fire, security, and access control, is less than three seconds across the network regardless of the total number of nodes. EST3 token ring network configuration also permits vast distances between nodes. The allowable distance between nodes on #18AWG (0.75mm2) is 5,000ft (1,523m). With 64 nodes supported on a network, the total network length is in excess of 300,000 ft (91,400m), or nearly 60 miles! A single node supports up to 10 Signature loop controllers with 250 devices per loop, (2,500 points total per node). EST3 also makes field wiring easy with building wiring terminations that use removable terminal blocks on local rail modules. Panel design allows for the required separation of high voltage and power-limited wiring.

Eight-channel Audio EST3 audio design provides the emergency user with a comCONTROL LOCAL munication package that INNER Fully-listed User Interfaces OUTER CHASSIS DISPLAY RAIL DOOR DOOR MODULES MODULES COVER minimizes switch selections. BOX The user interface layer is This facilitates simple, accumade up of a Liquid Crystal DisSystem components arrange in layers starting with the wallbox system and rate and fast evacuation conplay module and a system of ending with inner and outer doors. trol announcements. EST3 progeneric modules designed to vides simple paging controls. Pressing All Call selects all pagmaximize design flexibility for custom systems. ing zones for message delivery. Pressing Page To Evacuation In addition to front panel control and annunciation, EST3s automatically selects all areas in evacuation. Similarly, the powerful FireWorks color graphics package provides desktop user can Page To Alert. Zoned paging requires the user to control and messaging in the familiar Windows environment. simply select zone paging switches. Fireworks unique four-quadrant display gives the user acTaking full advantage of digital technology, up to eight cess to all EST3 functions including fire alarm, security, acchannels of audio sources can be sent over a single twisted cess control, and CCTV in one simple and intuitive interface. pair of wires between nodes. Coupling the inherent reliability And because FireWorks is an integral part of the EST3 netand performance of zoned amplifiers with EST3 simplified user work, it is listed by UL not only under fire alarm standards, interfaces makes audio system design and operation both easy but under access control, local burglar, and proprietary moniand dependable. toring standards as well. In fact, EST3 panels and FireWorks EST3 is the right choice for any medium to large application. Its are the only such systems with this range of qualifications. multiplex functions are second to none in the industry today.

EST3 Network


To next EST3 remote floor panel






1 Tw/Sh Pr.


Primary Power Source


2 Pr.

2 Tw. Pr.

3rd FLOOR 2 Pr.

CPU, power supply & booster, dual loop module 3 amplifiers, & batteries 1 Pr 2 Tw. Pr. 1 Tw/Sh Pr.


1 Tw/Sh Pr.

1 Pr & 2 Tw/Sh Pr.

Typical EST3 Wiring




with Security, Access Control, Emergency Voice/Alarm and Firefighter's Telephones


Network control, audio, & telephone






2 Tw. Pr.

2 Pr.

2 Pr.

1 Pr.




1 Pr.



1 Pr & 2 Tw/Sh Pr.


1 Tw/Sh Pr.

Access Control Data Base Central Monitoring Station Paging Company



2 Tw. Pr.



Primary Power Source



CPU w/display, power supply & booster, dual loop module, audio source module w/master firefighter's telephone, 2 amplifiers, & batteries GROUND FLOOR


Yellow denotes security and access control components


Manual Pull Station Smoke detector with relay base Smoke detector with isolator base Smoke detector with standard base Motion detector Combination speaker/strobe Firefighters telephone Security module Keypad Display Card Reader Controller Signal module Control relay module Input module Monitor module End-of-line resistor Junction box

34 26 26 26 27 39 42 33 15 16 30 30 29 31

1st FLOOR 1 Pr & 2 Tw/Sh Pr.

1 Tw/Sh Pr. 2 Pr.

2 Pr.





1 Pr & 2 Tw/Sh Pr.








EST3 Remote Floor Panel (Node)


1 Pr.

Whether for fire alarm only, or for total life safety protection including security and access control, the EST3 network is the most survivable system available. EST3 uses distributed database technology, designed to survive the rigors of fire and firefighting. In Class B configuration a single break on the network wiring will isolate the system into two groups of one or more nodes. Each group of nodes continues functioning as a peer-to-peer network, working with their combined databases. In Class A configurations a single break or short on the network wiring causes the system to isolate the fault. Network communication continues uninterrupted. If multiple faults occur, the network re-configures into multiple networks. This means a system continues to respond to activations from every node that can transmit and receive network messages. Local responses always execute because the local database resides at each node. Exceptional survivability extends to every EST3 function, including security and access control. These devices (highlighted in yellow) reside on the network alongside fire alarm components. They share wiring, power sources and the inherent stability of a fire alarm network engineered to meet standards far beyond those of ordinary security systems.

4th FLOOR 1 Pr & 2 Tw/Sh Pr.

1 Tw/Sh Pr. 2 Pr.

2 Pr.




Multiplex fire, security, and access control

1 Pr.




Survival of the fittest

2 Tw. Pr.



2 Tw. Pr. 1 Tw/Sh Pr.

2 Pr.

2 Pr.











Central Processor Unit
The 3-CPU3 is the heart of the EST3 network node. As a single node standalone system, a single 3-CPU3 controls up to 19 local rail modules. For larger systems, up to 64 nodes interconnect on a peerto-peer multi-priority token ring protocol network.



EST3 Network




J9 J8



J11 J10






Power Supply

Power Supply
J9 J8

J11 J10


To/From next panel 3-CPU(1)(3) Module

From next panel 3-CPU(1)(3) Module

Connect to TB1 on 3-CPU3 Module


Central Processor Unit Module 3-CPU






Network Audio Riser Class A only

Central Processing Unit Module

Initiating Devices

Connect to TB2 on 3-CPU3 Module

To previous panel 3-CPU(1)(3) Module or a 3-ASU

To/From previous panel 3-CPU(1)(3) or a 3-ASU

The 3-CPU3 controls all local panel responses to automatic, user initiated, or network reported events. As a network node, it is an equal among peers: there is no master on the network. Multi-priority token ring means that a node with a new alarm has priority on the network. This gives exceptional response times over the network less than three seconds.


19 18

17 16 15

14 13 12 11




(5) COM (3) TXD

Network Data Riser

(2) RXD




PIN 13 PIN 25

Network Audio Riser

(7) COM

Class A only
(3) RXD (2) TXD
PIN 14 PIN 1


Notification Appliances

PIN 13

PIN 25


TO PRINTER OR REMOTE Each 3-CPU3 provides connectors for mounting COMMAND SYSTEM. network, RS-232, and memory expansion cards. Removable terminal blocks on the 3-CPU3 support connection of network and audio data wiring. On-board common relays also terminate at the 3-CPU3 terminals. To aid in troubleshooting and service, status LEDs monitor local rail, network, RS232 and audio data communications.
(7) COM (3) RXD (2) TXD
PIN 14 PIN 1



Central Processor Unit Module

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0133

Hazardous Location Devices

Network Communication Card

The Network Communications card mounts to the back of the Central Processor Unit. The 3-RS485A card provides a Class A (Style 7) or Class B (Style 4) circuit for network communications signals and two additional circuits for Class A (Style 7) digitized audio signals. The 3-RS485B card provides a Class B (Style 4) circuit for network communications signals and a second Class B (Style 4) circuit for the digitized audio signals. Network messages received by the Network Communications card are re-transmitted to the next network node.
3-RS485A 3-RS485B Network Communication Card Class A (Style 7) Network Communication Card Class B (Style 4) Catalog Sheet: 85010-0133 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0133

RS-232 Communication Card

The 3-RS232 Communication Card mounts to the back of the 3-CPU3. The 3-RS232 has two optically-isolated RS-232 ports. The ports support connection of a printer and/or an external command center.
3-RS232 RS-232 Communication Card Catalog Sheet: 85010-0133

Door Holders & Relays




EST3 Network

Local Rail Modules

Local Rail Modules (LRMs) conveniently mount to the EST3 inner chassis, away from high voltages. Each module features removable terminal blocks and simple plug-in connectors. LRMs include Zoned Amplifiers, Signature Loop Controllers, Conventional Hardwired Modules, Off Premise Signaling Modules, as well as the main CPU module. Control Display Modules can be mounted on any LRM.
Local Rail Local Rail Module

Signature Driver Controller Modules

Removable Terminal Blocks

The 3-SSDC1 and 3-SDDC1 Signature Driver Controller modules provide an intelligent interface between the 3-CPU(1.3) module and Signature Series devices. Each module contains its own microprocessor used to coordinate, process and interpret information received from and sent to Signature devices. Power and communications is received directly from the control panel rail assembly. The 3-SSDC1 Single Signature Driver Controller module supports one Signature Data circuit, while the 3-SDDC1 Signature Dual Driver Controller module supports two Signature circuits. Both modules occupy one rail space in the fire alarm control cabinet and provide removable field wiring terminals to aid installation. Innovative design gives the 3-SSDC1/3-SDDC1 and Signature devices truly distributed intelligence. Signature detectors and modules have their own on-board microprocessor communicating with the loop controller in a fully digital communication format. This increases the accuracy of the information coming to and from the loop controller by reducing the effects of capacitance and noise.
Class A Configuration Shown (Typical)

SDC #1 Smoke Power

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Circuit #1

To TB1 on 3-SDDC1 Module



With decentralized intelligence much of the decision making moves from the loop controller to the devices. Advanced fire detection algorithms processed within the Signature devices effectively end unwanted alarms. Environmental compensation and multiple sensing element decision making operations are resident in the devices. Intelligent devices allow the Signature Controllers to execute communication and system functions with greater speed and low baud rates, increasing the accuracy of information transmitted between the loop controller and devices. To enhance survivability of the system the 3-SSDC1/3-SDDC1 supports a standalone mode for Signature devices. Two catastrophic failure modes are supported. If the 3-CPU(1/3) fails, the loop controller will continue to poll its devices. If an alarm is detected it will be sent on the local rail communication bus and received by other local rail modules. A common alarm condition throughout the panel will result. If the local rail module (3-SSDC1/3SDDC1) fails, and a device (smoke or module) detects an alarm, specialized circuitry will make the node aware of the alarm condition. The 3-CPU(1/3) will communicate the alarm condition to the rest of the network. Having multiple redundant modes is paramount in a life safety system.
Catalog Sheet: 85010-0129 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0129 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0129 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0129


To TB2 on 3-SDDC1 Module

01 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Circuit #2

SDC #2 Smoke Power

Class A Configuration Shown (Typical)


Single Signature Driver Controller, c/w one 3-SDC1 Dual Signature Driver Controller, c/w two 3-SDC1s Signature Device Card - upgrades a 3-SSDC1 to a 3-SDDC1 Driver Controller Motherboard (no 3-SDC1 device cards)

Signature Detectors and Bases, p. 26; Signature I/O Modules, p. 28; Signature Pull Stations, p. 34 4





EST3 Network










Addressable Analog Device Controller

To TB1 on 3-AADC1 Module

The 3-AADC1 Addressable Analog Circuit Module is a local rail module used on the EST3 system. The module requires one connection on the rail chassis. The module can support 99 addressable analog sensors and 99 addressable modules. The controller also features a hinged front panel for a Control Display Module, available in a variety of LED and/or switch configurations.
3-AADC1 Addressable Analog Module Catalog Sheet: 85010-0128

Initiating Devices

Initiating Device Circuit (Hardwired) Module

The 3-IDC8/4 is ideal for retrofit projects where existing wiring, smoke detectors and signals may not need replacing.

Flexibility built right into the IDC module allows connection of normally open contact devices, and traditional 2-wire smoke detectors. The 3-IDC8/4 also configures for use with N.O. contacts and supports supervised supervisory and monitor circuits with latching or non-latching operations. When the monitor operation is used with the non-latching function, the circuit serves as a supervised event follower. This efficiently covers critical fan and damper operations. Circuits can annunciate on the 3-LCD, control display modules, or at any other display device on the network. Up to 30 photoelectric or 50 ionization smoke detectors are supported per circuit. All circuits may be programmed for non-verified or verified smoke operation. Ranges include open circuit, shorted condition, and high and low impedance (relative to the main impedance setting). This allows the use of various detectors of similar impedance, as well as 4-state European alarm circuit operation.


NAC IN 1/2

IDC #3

IDC #4

Notification Appliances


To TB1 on Module



JP1 JP2 3 2 1 3 2 1

1 1 2 2 3 3 JP3 JP4

Hazardous Location Devices




1 4

2 3

Four of the eight 3-IDC8/4 circuits are convertible to Class B notification appliance circuits. The circuits employ traditional reversing polarity operation for polarized bells, horns, and strobes. Notification appliance circuits are arranged in pairs. Each pair distributes 3.5 Amps at 24 Vdc from the local rail or a single riser. Riser sources supported include 24 V @ 3.5 A, which can be pulsed (temporal pattern) for audible signals, or up to 70 Vrms @ 100W audio source for speakers.

Detector Base

Detector Base


Connect to IDC 3, 4, 5, or 6 IDC/NAC 1, 2, 7, or 8


NAC IN 7/8

IDC #6

IDC #5

Door Holders & Relays


Connect to IDC/NAC 1, 2, 7, or 8

3-IDC8/4 Initiating Devices, p.25

Initiating Device Circuit Module

+ -

+ -

+ -

+ -

+ -

+ -


Catalog Sheet: 85010-0061



EST3 Network

Off Premise Signaling Module

The 3-OPS supports three separate off premises signaling modes of operation: Old style reverse polarity operation has only a single reversed polarity output. In the normal state the output is 24 Vdc current limited to 6 mA. In the alarm state the polarity reverses. Should ALARM Polarity Reverses (+) TROUBLE Power off the EST3 panel go into trouble from the normal state, the voltage ALARM has priority is removed from the output terminals of the 3-OPS. This change will be detected by the central station as a trouble. Alarm always has priority over trouble. Trouble relay contacts must be configured for normally-closed operation.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

New style reverse polarity operation allows the 3-OPS to output three independent reversing polarity signals. These are alarm, supervisory, and trouble. In each case an active condition causes the terminal output voltage to reverse. Should the central station detect a loss of voltage, the condition is due to line failure. When configured for new style operation, a set of trouble contacts is available. City Tie connection. In this configuration the 3-OPS has terminals for a local energy master fire alarm box. The module operates into a 14 ohm coil and supervises the city tie connection for open conditions. Trouble relay contacts are configurable for normally-open or normally-closed.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1





Note: Trouble relay contacts are configurable for N.O or N.C



Off Premise Signaling Module

Catalog Sheet 85010-0075

Fiber Optics Communications Interface

Fiber optic communications provide a high level of immunity from electrical noise. Circuits are power limited and suitable for use through hazardous atmospheres. Fiber optic circuits also provide a high level of security and are resistant to the effects of moisture. EST3 networks easily configure to single or multi mode fiber optic or combination fiber optic/ copper networks using the 3-FIBMB Fiber Optic Communications Interface and the appropriate fiber optic transceivers. The 3-FIBMB electronics card plugs right into the CPU. A ribbon cable connects the 3-CPU directly to the 3-FIBMB fiber interface card. The interface card mounts in the footprint space in a 3-CHAS7 chassis or 3-CAB5 enclosure. The 3-FIBMB supports from one to four single or multi mode transceivers. The SMXLO standard output single mode transceiver is suitable for distances up to approximately 8.7 miles (14km). The SMXHI high output single mode transceiver is available to span distances up to approximately 24 miles (40km). For multi mode applications, the MMXVR transceiver is suitable for distances up to approximately 8,000ft (2,400m).
3-CPU Class A network and audio fiber-optic connections



A +

OUT IN A B B - + -





B audio B audio B audio B audio A audio A audio A audio

A audio



CPU with 3-FIBMB



A data B data



Fiber-optic network data riser CPU with 3-FIBMB

A + OUT IN A B B - + -

Fiber-optic audio data riser

A data













B data








CPU with 3-FIBMB

A + OUT IN A B B - + -

A data









B data






Maintain physical separation or two-hour fire rating


CPU with 3-FIBMB

A + OUT IN A B B - + -

A data









From 3-ASU primary audio data

B data







Fiber Optic Communications Interface c/w 3-CHAS7/3-CAB5 mounting brackets Plug-In standard output single mode transceiver for 3-FIBMB Plug-In high output single mode transceiver for 3-FIBMB Plug-In standard output multi mode transceiver for 3-FIBMB

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0131 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0131 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0131 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0131

Modem Communicator



EST3 Network

The Modem Communicator is a two-way local rail module that performs a variety of off-premise communications functions for the EST3 system unavailable on any other system. The module has provisions for supervising two loop-start telephone lines. It features a modular jack for telephone line connections, as well as database download from a PC. The Modcoms configuration and firmware can also be updated from any network node. Modcom series modules occupy a single local rail space and can be mounted in any node on the network. Any EST3 Control/Display module can be mounted on the face of a Modcom series module. Power for the Modcom is supplied by the EST3 system supply.

Initiating Devices

The Modcom provides an enhanced level of survivability in the event of a network CPU failure by notifying the Central Monitoring Station of the failure and entering a degraded mode of operation. In degraded mode, the Modcom can transmit a default fire alarm message during a fire alarm condition. Two versions of the Modcom are available: 3-MODCOM - This internal modem is a V.32bis 14.4K baud full duplex modem. The modem permits the remote upload and download of system data via a telephone line. 3-MODCOMP In addition to all modem and dialer (DACT) functions of the 3-MODCOM, the 3-MODCOMP can dial directly into paging systems using Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP). Alphanumeric system data can be sent to a single pager or groups of pagers. Some pager services can SURGE forward messages via e-mail and Fax. PROTECTOR RING Each Modcom can buffer up to 500 events in its event queue. It reviews all active events in the queue and identifies the highest priority event and dials the associated receiver. The Modcom then YELLOW 4 3 identifies all other events in the queue that are destined to the same receiver as the highest priority event. All event 2 BLACK 1 information for that receiver is then transmitted. The next PREMISES PHONES high priority event is identified and the process repeated. The Modcom series has been designed for installation on the same phone lines with other devices such as faxes and answering machines. The module makes its first dial out attempt on either of the two phone lines that is not in use. This prevents unnecessary interruption of calls in progress by the line seizure relays. In the event that both lines are busy, the module seizes one of the busy lines. A fixed DACT testing time can be set at an off-hour, e.g. 2:00am, again minimizing interruptions. The answering machine override feature permits Modcom modules to be installed on a standard telephone line. The Modcom series also has the ability to detect Type 2 and Type 3 distinctive ringing patterns, permitting it to share its phone lines with other devices and still have a unique phone number for incoming calls.
3-MODCOM 3-MODCOMP Modem/Dialer (DACT) version Modem/Dialer (DACT) w/TAP Protocol

Notification Appliances

5 6

4 3 5 6

7 8

2 1 8


Hazardous Location Devices

7 Ft. (2.13 M)



(front view)

3-Modcom Typical Wiring

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0107 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0107

Door Holders & Relays




EST3 Network

Control, Display & Annunciation

Liquid Crystal Display Modules

J9 J8


Central Power Processor Supply Unit 3-CPU1


Power L Supply R M
Power Test
CPU Fail GND Fault



Alarm Silence

Panel Silence


Date and Time

J9 J8


EST3 system







1 4 7

2 5 8 0

3 6 9

Message Next

Expanded Message Command Menu

LCD display modules provide system control and annunciation from any network node location at which they are installed. Modules feature backlit high-contrast supertwist graphical displays and mount to the local rail over the nodes central processing unit (3-CPU3). Simple-tounderstand LEDs and switches help the emergency user display information and execute system commands with confidence. 3-LCDXL modules feature large screens that support 24 lines of text 40 characters in length enough space to display eight events simulaneously. It occupies four local rail module spaces. 3-LCD modules support eight lines of text 21 characters in length. They occupy two local rail module spaces. EST3 networks can support any combination of 3-LCDXL and 3-LCD display modules.
3-LCDXL 3-LCD 21 Line Liquid Crystal Display Module 8 Line Liquid Crystal Display Module Catalog Sheet: 85010-0135 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0071

Control Display Modules

EST3 Control Display modules provide the emergency user with the simplest of interfaces: lights and switch controls. Control Display Modules install over local rail modules. There are five types of modules available. The first module supports simple zone annunciation; the second, zone annunciation with zone disable; the third, alarm and trouble zone annunciation; the fourth, alarm and trouble zone annunciation with zone disable. Typically, alarm zone annunciation appears on any of these module types. The fifth module is very adaptable to system requirements for audio or remote equipment control. Each contains 18 LEDs and 18 switches. And each group of three switches has a latching-interlock to support operations that must be kept separated. The interlock is under software control so only one switch is active at a given time.
3-LDSM 3-24R 3-24Y 3-24G 3-12SR 3-12SY 3-12SG 3-12RY 3-12/2Y 3-12/RY 3-12/S1GY 3-12/S1RY 3-12/S2Y 3-6/3S1G2Y 3-6/3S1GYR 8 LED Display Support Module Display Module: 24 red LED Display Module: 24 yellow LED Display Module: 24 green LED Display/Control Module: 12 switches with 12 red LEDs Display/Control Module: 12 switches with 12 yellow LEDs Display/Control Module: 12 switches with 12 green LEDs Display Module: 12 red LEDs and 12 yellow LEDs Display Module: 12 groups of 2 yellow LEDs Display Module: 12 groups of 1 red and 1 yellow LED Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055

Display/Control Module: 12 switches with 1 green and 1 yellow LED per switch Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Display/Control Module: 12 switches with 1 red and 1 yellow LED per switch Display/Control Module: 12 switches with 2 yellow LEDs per switch Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055

Display/Control Module: 6 groups of 3 switches, 1 LED each: green, yellow, yellow Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055 Display/Control Module: 6 groups of 3 switches, one LED each: green, yellow, red Catalog Sheet: 85010-0055




EST3 Network

FireWorks is a family of software and hardware options designed to work in concert with GE Security life safety and property protection systems. FireWorks provides a simple user interface, taking what could be an overwhelmingly large amount of information and presenting it in an easy-tounderstand format. It does this by dividing major system functions into easy-to-manage quadrants that make the system very intuitive to use because information is presented logically. To further enhance usability, FireWorks is event driven. This greatly increases the user's ability to deal with system events by eliminating the confusion sometimes experienced when systems present all information at once. FireWorks automatically prioritizes the events for the user in an Event Quadrant. Here the highest priority event is displayed first, and the lowest priority event is displayed last. This allows the user to quickly determine which events warrant the most immediate attention.
The FireWorks four-quadrant display provides easy access to fire, security, access control, and CCTV functions. FireWorks operates with Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating systems.
For FireWorks specifications and ordering information, please refer to catalog sheet 85006-0048. For FireWorks operation and application, please refer to catalog sheet 85006-0047.

Initiating Devices

Each of the other three quadrants provides one specific piece of information that relates to the event highlighted in the Event Quadrant. Related information may include event action information (specific tasks the user may need to perform in response to the event), or information about the area where the event has taken place (any hazardous materials present in the area, etc.). Still images, CCTV, video, audio messages and graphical maps may also be presented to aid in the understanding of an event and how it should be managed.
FW3UL3 (3 Port) FW5UL3 (5 Port) FW-19LCDTS FW-21MN (21)

Notification Appliances

Standalone workstations

UL 864 listed 19 LCD Monitors, black, touch screen, rack mountable UL 864 listed CRT Monitors, beige RKU-61-24 FW-RACKMN FW-RACKLCD19 FW-RACKPC FW-RACKKB FW-RACKSD Blank EIA panel plates MFC-A PCCA FW-19MN (19)

19" Rack mount enclosure - 35 EIA panel Spaces available Monitor Rack mount kit - 10 EIA panel spaces required. For FW-19MN monitors Monitor Rack mount kit - 10 EIA panel spaces required. For FW-19LCD(TS) monitors

Hazardous Location Devices

Computer Rack mount - Hardware - 4 EIA panel spaces required. Order FW-RACKSD slides separately Keyboard Rack mount kit - Black - 2 EIA panel spaces required. Order FW-RACKSD slides separately Rack mount slides BP1 (one space) BP2 (2 spaces) BP3 (3 spaces)

Accessory Enclosure for mounting Mini-Mux at FireWorks workstation PC Conduit Adapter - Used for desk or tower mounting PC (See Note 4) FW-MOD (56k bd. V.90 modem) FW-SND (Sound card) FW-SNDSP (speakers, black)

PC options for UL/ULC systems FW-SP2 FW-VIDTVC FW-VIDVC2 Mini-Mux FCOM-FIB FW-XPC FW-XPL Color Graphics Software Access Control Database

Provides 2 serial ports for UL/ULC Listed FW3UL3 or FW2UL2 or FW2 workstations Card for UL/ULC listed systems. Required when using SV+ software with FW3UL3 or FW5UL3 Video card for dual monitors (FW3UL3 and FW5UL3)

Door Holders & Relays

Communication Interface Board - UL listed for extending FireWorks to Fire Panel Communications Fiber Optic data line card used with Mini-Mux RS-232 extender. Allows FireWorks with no common controls to communicate to Fire Panels RS-232 extender. Allows Fire Panel to communicate with FireWorks FW-CGS (no cmn. ctl., not for UL-listed PCs) ACDB8 (controls up to eight doors) SV FW-CGSUL (c/w cmn. ctl., requires UL-listed PC) ACDB8+ (controls more than eight doors) SV+ (with on-screen control) 9

SiteVision - Provides on-screen annunciation of CCTV at FireWorks PC.



EST3 Network

Envoy Graphic Annunciator

ENVOY graphic annunciators and smoke control panels are designed to present complex status and control information in an easy to understand package. The design of ENVOY products permits users to rapidly determine system status and easily operate associated system controls. The addition of system LCD annunciators and remote microphones can turn ENVOY into a complete fire command station. ENVOY graphic annunciators display system information using high intensity LEDs mounted behind the smoked Plexiglas panel that displays the artwork. The Envoy EST3 FACS Smoke Control Series replaces the Plexiglas graphic panel with a gloss black finished steel panel. High contrast white graphics are placed on the panel along with the required switches and LED indicators, integrating the element of control directly into the picture. Switches and LEDs can be mounted virtually anywhere on the graphic display itself. White artwork and text on a dark background is standard. Colored artwork is available as an option, to enhance building areas or individual zones. A variety of LEDs and switches are available to meet any display and control requirement.
Driver Board Mounting Extrusion/ Chassis LED Matrix Board Hinged LED/GRAPHIC Mounting Smoked Plexiglas c/w Graphic

Power ON, Trouble, and Signal Silenced LEDs; System Reset , Silence, Trouble Silence, and Drill push button switches are available as panel feature options. Other panel options include system LCD displays and remote microphones.

Wallbox Mounting Rails

Optional Feature Plate

ENVOY graphic panels are available in three standard sizes to fit the needs of most installations. Wall boxes are manufactured from 16-gauge cold rolled steel and finished with a textured black baked enamel. Panels can be surface mount or semi-flush mount. When semi-flush mounting, optional trim kits provide a finished look to the installation.
EV1 EV1B EV1T EV2 EV2B EV2T EV3 EV3B EV3T FSCS-1 FSCS-2 FSCS-3 FSCS-4 Envoy Graphic Annunciator (maximum 96 LEDs) EV1 Wallbox: textured black finish EV1 Semi-Flush Trim: textured black finish Envoy Graphic Annunciator (maximum 160 LEDs) EV2 Wallbox: textured black finish EV2 Semi-Flush Trim: textured black finish Envoy Graphic Annunciator (maximum 256 LEDs) EV3 Wallbox: textured black finish EV3 Semi-Flush Trim: textured black finish Envoy Smoke Control Graphic Panel Envoy Smoke Control Graphic Panel Envoy Smoke Control Graphic Panel Envoy Smoke Control Graphic Panel

BP1 Optional Flush Trim Separate Hinged Outer Door Optional 3-EVRMF Module Mounting Frame (7 EIA Panel spaces high)

Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037 Catalog Sheet: 85006-0037

See Page 8 for Control Display modules. See Page 14 for Remote Microphones.


Remote Annunciators



EST3 Network

To Backbox

7 8 9

See Page 8 for Control Display modules. See Page 14 for Remote Microphones.


Use EST3 remote annunciators wherever a comTo TB1 on 3-ANNCPU1 pact system status display is needed. Annunciator configurations include: LCD only display, LED only display, or combination LED and LCD display in a single enclosure. Display and control is provided by the 3-LCD and Control Display Modules. Control/Display modules install over any annunRear View ciator support module, maximizing annunciator design flexibility. A lamp test feature can program to any spare control switch. If a 3-LCD display is installed in the annunciator, simply operate the Alarm Silence and Trouble Silence switches simultaneously to lamp test all LEDs. 3-REMICA remote microphones can also be installed in annunciator cabinets.






Ground Lead


24 VDC

24 VDC

Initiating Devices


Remote LCD Command Module Annunciator Six-position Base Annunciator Ten-position Base Annunciator Annunciator CPU Annunciator Support Module Liquid Crystal Display Module Blank Filler Plate LED/Switch Driver Module Assembly for Third-party Graphics Power Supply Assembly with 19 rail mounting chassis assembly Plastic mounting extrusion 19-inch mounting

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069

Notification Appliances

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069

Remote Annunciator Cabinets

Annunciator cabinets are constructed from 16-gauge cold rolled steel. The gray textured enamel finish of the annunciators complements any decor. Both surface and semi-flush mounting cabinet configurations maximize mounting flexibility and aesthetic appeal. Cabinet arrangements allow both LED and LCD annunciation to easily combine in a single enclosure.
RLCM/B RLCM/B-S 6ANN/B 6ANN/B-S 10ANN/B 10ANN/B-S Remote LCD Command module flush mount LCD wallbox Remote LCD Command module surface mount LCD wallbox Six-position LED/LCD flush wallbox Six-position LED/LCD surface wallbox Ten-position LED/LCD flush wallbox Ten-position LED/LCD surface wallbox Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0069

Hazardous Location Devices Door Holders & Relays

Video Display Utility for Text Annunciation

The 3-VDUT Video Display Utility for Text is a software package that runs on a personal computer, providing ancillary annunciation of EST3 system events in text format.


Video Display Utility for Text Annunciation Software

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0117




EST3 Network

Ethernet Networking
Optional interface for monitoring applications. See pages 8-11 for UL-listed equipment suitable for common control applications.

10/100 MB Ethernet Switching Hub

The NETSW-EIS6-xM series switches are industrial grade six-port, 10/100 Mbps auto-negotiating switching hubs. Each switch provides four 10/100 Mbps shielded RJ-45 connectors for twisted pair (Ethernet) connections and two 100 Mbps fiber ports. The NETSW-EIS6-MM supports multi mode fiber and uses ST connectors while the NETSW-EIS6-SM supports single mode fiber and uses SC connectors. Both switches operate on a nominal 24 VDC that can be supplied from a fire alarm control panel or booster power supply ensuring power is always available. Connections are provided for redundant power supplies.
NETSW-EIS6-MM NETSW-EIS6-SM 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/100BASE-FX 4 RJ-45 port, ST connectors Catalog Sheet: 85006-0057 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX/100BASE-FX 4 port, SC connectors Catalog Sheet: 85006-0057

Ethernet Fiber Optic Network Interface

The NETCOM-1F allows GE Security fire alarm panels to communicate with a PC running FireWorks or ACDB software or a serial printer over any multimode fiber optic Ethernet network. The NETCOM-1F is ruggedly constructed industrial grade unit that connects to the fire alarm control panels RS-232 serial port. LEDs on the front of the unit make it easy to determine its status. Flash ROM memory permits upgraded versions of operating firmware to be easily downloaded via the serial port. Power is supplied directly from the Fire Alarm Control Panel, ensuring a reliable and monitored source. For remote printer applications, an external 120VAC wall mount transformer is supplied.
NETCOM-1F Ethernet Device Server Network Interface 10Base-T, 10Base-FL Catalog Sheet: 85006-0058

Ethernet Serial Network Interface

The NETCOM-1S allows GE Security fire alarm panels to communicate with a PC running FireWorks or ACDB software or a serial printer over Ethernet networks. The NETCOM-1S is ruggedly constructed industrial grade unit that connects to the fire alarm control panels RS232 serial port. LEDs on the front of the unit make it easy to determine its status. Flash ROM memory permits upgraded versions of operating firmware to be easily downloaded via the serial port. Power is supplied directly from the Fire Alarm Control Panel, ensuring a reliable and monitored source. For remote printer applications, an external 120VAC wall mount transformer is supplied.
NETCOM-1S Ethernet Device Server Network Interface 10/100BASE-T Catalog Sheet: 85006-0059

Note: Refer to the Network Application Manual (p/n 3100576) for detailed information on network application.





Network Audio

EST3 Network







Configuring EST3 audio is a matter of selecting components for installation in standard fire alarm cabinet assemblies. EST3 uses zoned amplifiers. This reduces wire runs and space needs at a central location. Audio control equipment and zoned amplifiers use the same system power supplies as fire alarm components. All these components are supported by a common standby battery. Where multiple nodes make up the system, a single pair of wires carries eight channels of digital audio between nodes.




J2 J3




Audio Source Card



Fire Phone Card












0 call(s) pending



Page to Evac

Page to Alert

All Call Minus

Page by Phone

Initiating Devices

Audio and Telephone Masters

The Audio Source Unit converts analog signals to digital signals. Sampling the analog signal 9600 times per second provides high quality reproduction of audio sources. On-board audio memory stores signal tones and/or alarm-alert verbal messages. The ASU comes standard with two minutes of memory for tone and message storage. Available message memory expands easily to 32 minutes with the optional 3-ASUMX/32 memory expansion card. Audio Source Units support connection of a local microphone, remote microphone, telephone voice line, and auxiliary audio input. With eight audio channels to choose from, combinations of paging, alert, evacuation signaling and automatic messages are available for simultaneous delivery to different parts of a building.
Typical Fire Fighter's Telephone Circuit
10 9

Notification Appliances

ULI/ULC Listed 47K ohm EOL Resistor

Twisted Shielded Pair if run with other wiring

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


To Signature Data Circuit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

When the system requires paging, only the 3-ASU or 3-ASU/4 Audio Source Units provide a master paging microphone with common controls. Switch labeling makes the operation intuitive. Six LEDs and five switches cover paging operations. Audio Source Units mount in one chassis space of a EST3 Lobby Enclosure. In addition to the paging microphone, the 3-ASU/4 has mounting space for up to four local rail modules, including 20, 40, and 90 watt zone amplifiers, and up to four Control Display modules. This increases layout flexibility. The 3-ASU provides the same functionality as the 3-ASU/4 but is supplied with an inner door filler plate and no local rail module spaces. The 3-FTCU contains the master telephone handset that provides an analog telephone riser for two-way communications between the fire command station and firefighters telephone stations installed in the facility. The 3-FTCU features an alphanumeric display that indicates both incoming and connected calls. Up to five remote telephones may be connected to the riser simultaneously. The fire command center operator can also use the telephone circuit as a page source, permitting paging via the telephone system.
Catalog Sheet: 85010-0063

To Phones
Connect to TB1 on 3-CPU Module
10 9

To next panel 3-CPU Module
Connect to TB2 on 3-CPU Module

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Hazardous Location Devices

To Signature Data Circuit

Network Audio Riser


19 18

17 16 15

14 13 12 11


Telephone Riser Twisted Shielded Pair

Network Data Riser

Connect Shield to Earth Ground only at the panel. Maintain shield continuity.

Dashed Wires Required for Class 'A' Wiring Only

From previous panel 3-CPU Module

3-ASU or 3-ASUFT
Audio Source Unit

EST3 Panel

3-ASU/FT* 3-ASU/4* 3-ASU* 3-FTCU* 3-ASUMX/32* 3-CCI

Audio Source Unit with local microphone and firefighters telephone

Door Holders & Relays

Audio Source Unit with local microphone (provides four local rail spaces) Catalog Sheet: 85010-0063 Audio Source Unit with local microphone and inner door filler plate Firefighters Telephone Control Unit with inner door filler plate Catalog Sheet: 85010-0063 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0063

Audio Source Unit Memory Expansion (provides 32 minutes of message time)Catalog Sheet: 85010-0063 City of Chicago Interface

* Add -CC for City of Chicago approved equipment




Audio Amplifiers (Zoned)

EST3 audio amplifiers decode and re-expand the eight multiplexed audio signals on the network audio riser. Under command of the network, one of the available eight signals is selected to be distributed over the speaker circuit. Command and control signals for the amplifier are sent and received via the network data riser in response to network programming.

EST3 Network







(ZONE #1)


(ZONE #2)





Amplifiers are available in 20, 40 or 95 watt verAUDIO NOTIFICATION sions, with supervised, power limited 25 Vrms or 70VRMS APPLIANCE CIRCUIT outputs. The amplifier output is wired to a single speaker zone. Each amplifier has a 1 KHz temporal tone generator used as evacuation signal in the event of a fault with the network audio circuit. In the event of an on-line amplifier failure, a standby amplifier may be configured for automatic replacement of any on-line amplifier configuration. 20 and 40 watt amplifiers also provide an independently controlled supervised, power limited 24 Vdc notification appliance circuit rated at 3.5 amps. All field wiring connections are made via plug-in connectors.
3-ZA20A 3-ZA20B 3-ZA40A 3-ZA40B 3-ZA95 20 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class A/B (Style Z/Y) Audio & Class A/B 24 VDC outputs 20 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class B (Style Y) Audio & Class B 24 VDC outputs 40 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class A/B (Style Z/Y) Audio & Class A/B 24 VDC outputs 40 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class B (Style Y) Audio & Class B 24 VDC outputs 95 Watt Zoned Amplifier w/Class A/B (Style Z/Y) Audio output Catalog Sheet: 85010-0057 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0057 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0057 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0057 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0057

Audio Amplifiers (Banked)

Banked Amplifiers provide EST3 with economy audio configurations for single and some dual channel applications. Model 3-ZA20A/B Zoned Amplifiers at the EST3 control panel provide channel sources for banked amplifiers. 3-ZA20A/B amplifiers can select any of EST3s eight audio channels as a signal source. A special interface module, the 3-ATPINT, accepts analog audio signals at 25 or 70VRMS from EST3s Zoned Amplifiers and passes these signals to the 1B3125 and 1B3250 Audio Power Amplifiers via an Amplifier Terminal Panel (ATP). The 3-ATPINT mounts in the ATP. The ATP Audio Terminal Panel interfaces one or two audio power amplifiers and monitors utility power, charges and supervises standby batteries, and provides switch-over to standby. The amplifier bank is monitored and controlled through Signature Series modules.
1B3125 1B3250 ATP 3-ATPINT URSM RKU Audio Power Amplifier 125 Watts Audio Power Amplifier 250 Watts Amplifier Terminal Panel ATP Interface Module Universal Riser Supervisory Module 19-inch Equipment Rack Catalog Sheet: 85010-0011 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0085 Catalog Sheet: 270041 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0085 Catalog Sheet: 270038

Remote Microphones
The remote microphone panel is a supervised remote microphone, used with the 3-ASU Audio Source Units remote microphone input. The front panel provides Local Page Active, Remote Page Active, and Trouble LED indicators as well as an integral VU (Volume Unit) meter to indicate page volume level. All panels use a 24 Vdc power source and all wiring is supervised. One form C trouble contact is provided.
3-REMICP 3-REMICA Remote Microphone Chassis Mount Remote Microphone Annunciator Mounted Catalog Sheet: 85010-0105 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0105

Signature Series Audio Amplifiers, p.35 14

+ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

+ -

+ -

+ -

+ -

+ -



(ZONE #3)





Security & Access Control

As a true multiplex life safety system, EST3 supports fire alarm as well as security and access control functions. The capacity for this additional functionality is built right into every EST3 panel. All thats needed to take advantage of it is a handful of specialized components.

EST3 Network

Security/Access Control Module

The 3-SAC Security/Access Control Module is a key component that blends the security and access control functions into the EST3 multiplex life safety system. The 3-SAC is the demarcation point between fire and security functions. For jurisdictions requiring independent wiring of fire and security devices, the 3-SAC offers two independent circuits. Where fire and security devices are permitted to be connected to the same circuit, both circuits can support fire and secu- Class A wiring 3-SAC Module rity functions. All security devices that connect to a 3SAC are designed, tested and listed to strict fire alarm standards.
Not used A B RS-485 Ground RS-485 + G G + Not used

Initiating Devices


The 3-SAC is used in combination with the Modcom Modem Communicator. The Modcoms dialer (DACT) function transmits alarms to one or more central monitoring stations and/or paging terminals. Additionally, information received by the Modcom can be downloaded through the 3-SAC to individual security devices. The EST3 network ensures that fire alarm events always receive the highest priority over routine signal processing. Power for the 3-SAC comes from the same highly-reliable power supply/battery combination used to power fire alarm components. Any Control Display module will mount in front of the 3-SAC, allowing great flexibility of the system user interface layout.
3-SAC Security/Access Control Module

From 24 Vdc circuit or local 120 Vac




Notification Appliances

Class B wiring
Not used

3-SAC Module
A B RS-485 Ground RS-485 + G G + Not used


From 24 Vdc circuit or local 120 Vac




120 W Terminating Resistor

From 24 Vdc circuit or local 120 Vac KPDISP Keypad



120 W Terminating Resistor

Hazardous Location Devices

Catalog Sheet 85010-0109

The KPDISP is a combination keypad and dot-matrix display designed for use with the EST3 fire alarm/security/access control systems. The unit features a large LCD display and telephone-style keypad housed in an attractive Cycoloy case. A removable cover is provided to prevent accidental keypad activation and for protect against dirt.
24 Vdc supply

+ +

24 Vdc supply

From last device RS-485 line


To next device

RS-485 line


The KPDISP transmits and receives information from/to the 3-SAC security access control module installed in the EST3 system. Communication between the KPDISP and the 3-SAC is supervised, providing unprecedented reliability. Credential holder information is encrypted to provide an additional level of security. KPDISP data is stored in non-volatile memory. Power to the KPDISP is provided by the EST3, ensuring a reliable, supervised and backed-up power source.
KPDISP Keypad/Display Catalog Sheet 85006-0046

Door Holders & Relays

Motion detectors, p.27; Dual input security module, p.33 15



EST3 Network

Card Reader Controller

The Card Reader Controller (CRC) provides the power and electronics required to monitor and control a single door with both entry and exit readers. The unit is designed to mount in close proximity to the door it controls, however it can be located remotely from the readers in retrofit applications. The unit is housed in an off-white Cycoloy housing. Its attractive design allows for surface mounting in exposed areas. All access decisions are made locally in the CRC. The CRCs nonvolatile memory can hold schedules and holiday information for up to 8,000 cardholders. The CRCXM has additional memory, and supports 36,000 cardholders. The memory also retains the last 5,000/ 20,000 events for logging purposes. This history information is uploaded at the request of the access control database for use in a variety of reports. The unit provides 12 Vdc @ amp for door strike or magnetic lock requirements. An integral standby battery can provide up to four hours of service for applications that use electric door strikes. An integral tamper switch is also provided. Two input circuits are provided for security devices. These are typically used to monitor door position and request-toexit devices. Input circuits can also be configured as a buzz in switch to manually unlock the door, or as security input points. A handicapped feature output is provided to operate mechanical door openers with extended door-open times. This output is activated when a cardholder with the disabled option activated presents his card to the reader. Each CRC(XM) contains the entire access control database within its memory. This distribution of intelligence minimizes traffic on the network. Cardholder data is created and stored in the Access Control Database (ACDB) software program that runs on any compatible PC. This information is then encrypted and sent to the CRCs by a hardwire or dial-up connection.
+ RS-485 OUT Reader PWR Reader GND + RS-485 IN Strike PWR Strike GND +24 V OUT -24 V OUT - RS-485 IN - RS-485 OUT Loop GND +24 V IN -24 V IN

In a life safety network environment, the PC is simply equipped with a conventional modem. The ACDB program then dials up the network and sends the encrypted database information via the network to the individual CRCs. This allows an ACDB to serve multiple sites. Dial-up data entry also permits multiple tenants to share a common access control system without sharing a common database. PCs may also be connected directly to the system using a direct serial connection.


TB-1 J1

1 16.5 Vac IN 16.5 Vac IN TB-2


10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

2 1 Dry contact connections Reader wire connections From 3-SAC module or previous CRC 47 K 47 K EOL EOL

From Strike/maglock To next CRC or other device From power supply To next CRC or 120 W EOL if this is the last device on Class B or back to 3-SAC module if Class A. S1

From plug-in transformer Red (+) To battery Black (-)


Card Reader Controller w/memory for 8,000 cardholders Card Reader Controller w/memory for 36,000 cardholders CRC Sounder Module 12V @1.2AH Standby Battery Class 2, 16 Vac Plug in Transformer Data Line Supervisory Monitor Access Control Software - eight doors Access Control Software - eight-plus doors Access Control Database Server Application Software Access Control Database Client Application Software

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0528 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0528 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0528 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0528 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0528 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0528 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0098 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0098 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0098 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0098



Data 0

Data 1



Loop 2 IN

Loop 1 IN

Proximity Card Readers



EST3 Network

EST3 card readers feature the latest proximity technology that allows cards to be read when they are held in the vicinity of the reader. This eliminates the need for reader adjustments required by swipe-type readers. Readers are rated for both indoor and outdoor applications and are constructed of rugged sealed polycarbonate, which provides a high degree of vandal resistance as well as protection from harsh environments.

CR-5355 Proximity Card Reader

Initiating Devices

5355AGK0009 Shown

The CR-5355 proximity card reader is available with or without a keypad. The keypad option provides the additional security offered by a Personal Identification Number (PIN). The CR5355 mounts on a one-gang electrical box. Dimensions (HWD): 5.0" x 5.0" x 1.0" (12.7 cm x 12.7 cm x 2.54 cm).
Standard Proximity Card Reader, Charcoal Gray HID Brand Proximity Card Reader with Keypad, Charcoal Gray Catalog Sheet 85001-0520 Catalog Sheet 85001-0520

CR-5355 5355AGK0009

CR-5365 Proximity Card Reader

The CR-5365 is a narrow proximity card reader designed for mounting on doorframes or mullions. The CR-5365 mounts on any sturdy surface. Dimensions (HWD): 6.0" x 1.7" x 1.0" (15.2 cm x 4.36 cm x 2.54 cm).
CR-5365 Proximity Card Reader, Charcoal Gray Catalog Sheet 85001-0521

Notification Appliances

CR-5395 Proximity Card Reader

The CR-5395 is an aesthetically pleasing proximity card reader that is available with a variety of different color covers. It mounts on a one-gang electrical box. Dimensions (HWD): 4.7" x 3.00" x 0.68" (11.9 cm x 7.6 cm x 1.7 cm).
CR-5395 C-5395G C-5395B C-5394BL C-5394W Proximity Card Reader, Charcoal Gray Catalog Sheet 85001-0522 Gray Cover for CR-5395 Beige Cover Black Cover White Cover Catalog Sheet 85001-0522 Catalog Sheet 85001-0522 Catalog Sheet 85001-0522 Catalog Sheet 85001-0522

Hazardous Location Devices Door Holders & Relays

CR-6005 Proximity Card Reader

The CR-6005 offers the smallest footprint of any GE Security proximity card reader. It mounts on any sturdy surface. Dimensions (HWD): 3.14" x 1.70" x 0.51" (7.98 cm x 4.32 cm x 1.3 cm).
CR-6005 Proximity Card Reader, Charcoal Gray Catalog Sheet 85001-0523




EST3 Network

Proximity Access Cards

GE Security proximity access control cards offer the most convenient access credential available. To request access, the user simply holds the card in the vicinity of the card reader. There is no need to remove the card from a wallet or unclip it when worn as a badge. Cards are not affected by body shielding or environmental conditions, even when kept near keys and coins. Proximity cards feature a highly reliable passive design that requires no batteries. Over 100,000,000 unique codes are available in a package the size of a standard credit card. Each card has an external ID number printed on the card for ease of entry into any system database.
PC-1326 PC-1386 PC-1386B EST-PC Molded proximity card, with EST logo ISO format proximity card, with EST logo ISO format proximity card, no logo Molded proximity construction card with EST logo Catalog Sheet: 85001-0524 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0524 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0524 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0524

Key Fob Proximity Access Credential

The PK-1346 incorporates a proximity access credential in the form of an ordinary key fob. The small convenient size is designed to hang on a key ring, so its always accessible. Packaged in an ultrasonically-welded charcoal gray polycarbonate shell, this lightweight credential is virtually unbreakable and works in a wide range of environmental conditions. The fobs passive design requires no batteries, and the read range is not affected by body shielding or environmental conditions, even when close to keys or coins.
PK-1346 Key Fob Proximity Access Credential Catalog Sheet: 85001-0525

Proximity Tag Access Credential

The PT-1391 proximity tag is a paper-thin self-adhesive transponder that can be fixed to any non-metalic surface. The small black disk may be affixed to existing identification badges, or magnetic stripe and barium ferrite (Wiegand) access credentials, permitting a seamless migration path to proximity technology, without the need for multiple cards during the transition period. The proximity tag may also be used on personal objects such as cell phones and PDAs, instantly turning these devices into access credentials.
PT-1391 Proximity Tag Access Credential Catalog Sheet: 85001-0525

12V DC Regulator with Security Interface

The 24DC12 is a multi-function module used to convert 24 Vdc to 12 Vdc. This makes it possible to use 24 Vdc fire alarm power supplies to provide power for 12-volt security devices. The 24DC12 also provides electrical isolation for UL609/ULC-S303 Local Burglar alarm bell housings.


12V DC Voltage Regulator with Security Bell Interface

Catalog Sheet 85005-0111


Lobby Enclosures



Cabinets & Chassis

EST3 offers a wide selection of cabinets allowing the greatest use of its flexible modular design. From the elegant contoured door design of the Lobby Enclosure through to the standard design of Remote Closet Cabinets, both aesthetics and function are easily addressed.

EST3 Network

EST3 lobby enclosures provide space for control, monitoring and display modules. Ideal for mounting in lobbies where appearance is important, maximum mounting flexibility is provided with doors that will mount for right- or left-hand opening. Lobby enclosures come in several sizes housing one to three chassis and batteries. Lobby enclosure doors have viewing windows and are available in gray baked enamel or red baked enamel finishes.
3-CAB5(R) 3-CAB7B Cabinet with Wallbox and door five LRM spaces Wallbox only one chassis Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067

Initiating Devices

3-CAB7D(R) Inner and outer doors for 3-CAB7B 3-CAB14B Wallbox only two chassis

3-CAB14D(R) Inner and outer doors for 3-CAB14B 3-CAB21B Wallbox only three chassis

3-CAB21D(R) Inner and outer doors for 3-CAB21B

Notification Appliances

Remote Closet Enclosures

Remote Closet Cabinets provide an economical way of installing equipment in locations where aesthetics are not paramount, such as electrical closets. Optional display modules used for system diagnostics display can be mounted behind the front door. Remote Closet Cabinets are surface mounted and come in sizes providing space for one to three chassis, with room for standby batteries. Remote Closet Cabinets have left hand hinged doors and are available with red finish only. RCC cabinets can also be used as remote battery cabinets.
3-RCC7R 3-RCC14R 3-RCC21R Red wallbox and door (one chassis) Red wallbox and door (two chassis) Red wallbox and door (three chassis) Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067

Hazardous Location Devices

Chassis Assemblies
3-CHASS4 3-CHAS7 Provides space for 3-REMICA and four local rail modules Provides space for seven local rail modules Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067

Cabinet Accessories
3-BATS 3-TAMP 3-TAMP5 Battery Shelf for RCC Enclosures. Room for up to one 65 AH battery Tamper switch for 3-CAB7, 3-CAB14 and 3-CAB21 cabinets Tamper switch for 3-CAB5 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0067

Door Holders & Relays

3-TAMPRCC 3-TAMPRCC Tamper Switch for RCC series cabinets. Mounts to side of cabinet ATCK Attack rated door for 3-RCC7R




J9 J8

J11 J10

EST3 Network

Power Supplies
EST3 power supplies use a unique paralleling arrangement that ensures optimization of each supplys full capacity. Each power supply supports up to a 7 amp load. With four supplies, 28 Amps of current is available per cabinet as is battery charging capacity of up to 260 AmpHours.
Power Supply

J9 J8 J11 J10

Main Panel Power Supplies

Monitor Module

EST3 Power supplies consist of two assemblies, a high efficiency switch mode power supply card and a power supply monitor module. Up to four power supplies may be combined in a single enclosure to provide up to 28 amps of available current. Battery backup is provided using from one to four sets of batteries, depending on standby power requirements to support up to 260 AH batteries

The power supply comes in two styles: a primary supply and a booster supply. Each power supply produces 7 amps of filtered and regulated 24 VDC. The primary power supply provides the system with battery charging and voltage regulation. Power The booster supplies work in Utility Power Supply concert with the primary Booster Booster Booster Master supply are available with or without battery charging capaPower Power Power Power Supply Supply Supply Supply bility. Software configuration configures the battery changing circuits for either 10-24 AH batteries or 30 65 AH batteries and Power 24Vdc * 24Vdc * 24Vdc * 24Vdc * Supply 2 x 3.5A 2 x 3.5A 2 x 3.5A 2 x 3.5A Monitoring controls the high/low charge rate. EST3 power supplies individually monitor batteries for load deficiencies, short circuits, and insufficient voltage levels and report trouble back to the 3-CPU3. The 3-LCD displays any troubles and the power supplys address, a specific trouble code, and a text message describing the specific trouble.
3-PPS/M 3-BPS/M 3-PPS/M-230 3-BPS/M-230 3-PPS/M-230-E 3-BPS/M-230-E 3-BBC/M 3-BBC/M-230 3-BBCMON
Master Power Supply Monitor Module

Rails Power To Rail


Booster Power Supply Monitor Module

Auxillary Power Takeoff 2 x 3.5A

Auxillary Power Takeoff 2 x 3.5A

Auxillary Power Takeoff 2 x 3.5A

Auxillary Power Takeoff 2 x 3.5A

Primary Power Supply w/ local rail module 120V 50/60 Hz Booster Power Supply w/ local rail module 120V 50/60 Hz Primary Power Supply w/ local rail module 230V 50/60 Hz Booster Power Supply w/ local rail module 230V 50/60 Hz Primary Power Supply w/local rail module 230V 50 Hz, EN-54 Cert., CE Booster Power Supply w/local rail module 230V 50 Hz, EN-54 Cert., CE Booster/Charger Supply w/local rail module 120V 50/60Hz Booster/Charger Supply w/local rail module 230V 50/60Hz Booster/Charger Monitor Module with charger capability

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0059 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0059 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0059 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0059 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0059 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0059 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0059 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0059 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0059

Backup Battery Bus Wiring

To Booster 2 and Booster 3

Battery Distribution Unit

The 3-BTSEN consists of a circuit breaker and copper bus bars mounted on a sheet metal bracket. The unit provides a backup battery bus for supplying backup power to multiple power supplies fed by a common battery. The 3-BTSEN features a 50 Amp circuit breaker to protect the backup battery. The 3-BTSEN mounts in the BC-1 Battery cabinet or any EST3 RCC series enclosure.
3-BTSEN Battery Distribution Unit

To Driver and Booster 1





Catalog Sheet: 85010-0111

Signature Series power supply, p.35 20




EST3 Network

Remote Booster Power Supply

The Remote Booster Power Supply is a self-contained 24 Vdc power supply designed to augment fire alarm audible and visual power requirements as well as provide power for auxiliary, access control and security applications. The booster contains all of the necessary circuits to monitor and charge batteries, control and supervise four Class B or two Class A NAC circuits and monitor two controlling inputs from external sources.

Initiating Devices

Simple switch selection provides a wide variety of operational configurations. Each remote booster power supply is supplied with its own enclosure providing ample space for additional interface modules and battery compartment. For security applications, space is provided to mount a tamper switch in the cabinet. When used for Fire Alarm notification with Genesis Notification appliances, the booster provides the ability to synNAC Series Connection Sense Up to ten boosters chronize strobes as well as horn signals. The booster can be connected together Booster flexibility allows synchronization with upstream dePower Supply vices, or, the booster may be used to synchronize downstream devices, as well as other boosters and their connected devices. Up to 10 boosters deep may be configured while maintaining strobe synchronization. Parallel Connection BPS notification appliance circuits easily configure for either of two signaling rates: 3-3-3 temporal or continuous. This makes the BPS ideal for applications requiring signaling rates not available from the main panel. It also allows independent setup of a notification appliance circuit without interfering with the main panel and its initiating circuits. In addition to the generated signal rates, the BPS can also be configured to follow the signal rate of the main panels notification appliance circuit. This allows seamless expansion of existing NACs.
The number of boosters that can be connected together is limited by wire run length and available current

NAC Circuit



Booster Power Supply

Notification Appliances



Booster Power Supply

Parallel Connection The number of boosters that can be connected together is limited by wire run length and available current

For comprehensive configuration and wiring details, refer to the BPS Application Guide, 85001-0582.

Hazardous Location Devices


6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply (220V) 6.5 Amp Booster Power Supply with California rate 10 Amp Booster Power Supply 10 Amp Booster Power Supply (220V) 10 Amp Booster Power Supply with California rate Tamper switch

Catalog Sheet 85005-0125 Catalog Sheet 85005-0125 Catalog Sheet 85005-0125 Catalog Sheet 85005-0125 Catalog Sheet 85005-0125 Catalog Sheet 85005-0125 Catalog Sheet 85005-0125

Door Holders & Relays

Batteries and Battery Cabinets

Catalog Sheet 85010-0127 12 Volt Batteries 12V1A2 (1.2 Ah) 6 Volt Batteries Battery Cabinets 12V4A (4.5 Ah) 12V24A (26 Ah) 6V8A (8 Ah) 12V6A5 (7.2 Ah) 12V40A (40 Ah) 6V10A (12 Ah) BC-2 (holds up to two 17 Ah batteries) 12V10A (11 Ah) 12V50A (50 Ah) 12V17A (18 Ah) 12V65A (65 Ah)

BC-1 (holds up to two 40 Ah batteries) 3-RCC used as large battery enclosure.




EST3 Network

Network Accessories
Remote Diagnostic Utility
The Remote Diagnostic Utility (RDU) is a Windows-based communications program used to remotely access and download status and sensitivity information from EST3 fire alarm systems. The RDU can accommodate over 1,000 individual sites in its database. The RDU is ideal for multiple system owners and those responsible for systems located over a large geographic area. In the event of Trouble, system status can be quickly determined with a single phone call, before dispatching service personnel. The RDU computer communicates with the panel over telephone lines. At the remote panel location, a modem is connected to one of the panels serial ports and a conventional dial-up telephone line. Alternately, the RDU computer can be directly connected to the panel when visiting the panel site. System Status reports provide a detailed listing of the state of all devices at the time the data was downloaded. This information becomes a valuable troubleshooting aid and provides an insight into a panels condition, even before the panel door is opened. Alarm, trouble, and disabled/test filters are available to customize the data appearing on a status report. Sensitivity reports are available for both Signature Series and GE Security analog smoke detectors. Dirty and not clean filters are provided to customize sensitivity reports for ease of readability. PORT #2


RTRC RTRC XXTO XXTO 11SM 22SM 22 11 8765 4321

Connect to TB2 on 3-CPU Module

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

(5) COM (3) TXD


(2) RXD PIN 1





PIN 13

PIN 25

(7) COM


PIN 14

(3) RXD (2) TXD

PIN 1 PIN 13

After a systems information has been downloaded a few times, the trend analysis function can be used to identify the rates at which individual detectors are becoming dirty. A trend analysis report can be exported into spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel, where it can be easily converted into sensitivity versus time graphs. All system reports can be viewed on the screen, sent to a printer, or saved as a file for archive purposes.


(7) COM


(3) RXD (2) TXD

PIN 14 PIN 1


Remote Diagnostic Utility for End Users CD-ROM

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0101

Serial Printer
The PT-1 series printers are high-speed, nine-pin dot matrix type. They use standard, continuous tractor feed computer paper. The PT-1 is used to permanently record life safety system changes of state. All printed entries contain the date, time, event type and a user-defined message for each printed event. The printer is required in proprietary systems and requires a backup UPS power source. In auxiliary, local, or remote station systems, the printer is optional. Printer paper may be fed from the rear or bottom of the printer.
PT-1S PT-1S/220 Serial Printer Serial Printer 220/240 Vac Catalog Sheet: 270020 Catalog Sheet: 270020


RS-232 Optical Isolator Card



EST3 Network

The IOP3A is an optically isolated RS-232 card that electrically isolates the power between the CM1(N), CM2N, FCC, and 3-CPU(1). The IOP3A also provides power for use with short haul modems and fiber optic drivers. The IOP3A is a 1/2 size footprint card that is mounted in an enclosure adjacent to the CM1(N), CM2N, FCC, or 3-CPU(1). The module is powered by the system power supply that provides battery back up. The IOP3A, through its on-card regulator, generates isolated power for the RS-232 drivers. The on-card regulator also provides isolated 12 Vdc power for use with external modems and drivers. Two RS-232 ports are provided that operate parallel with each other. A DB-9 connector is available for a convenient point of connection for a system program download cable.
IOP3A Isolated RS-232 card Catalog Sheet: 270039

Initiating Devices

CDR-3 Coder
The CDR-3 Coder is an auxiliary circuit option module that provides two audio outputs, March Time and PSNI, (Positive, successive, non-interfering). Dry relay contacts are provided for PSNI code, march time and duration. For the PSNI code, the RS-232C input provides communications, between EST3s RS-232 communications card and the CDR-3. The RS-232 port is actively supervised by the CDR-3. If the coder senses a loss of communication, the CDR-3 begins operating in a fail safe mode. When the fail safe mode is active all outputs, (tone and dry contact) activate with a march time code. The CDR-3 provides buffering for up to fifty active codes. The mode and baud rates are dipswitch selectable. The coder outputs four rounds of code and then, through DIP switch selected options, will either: 1) stop and wait for next code; 2) continue; or, 3) change to march time code until reset.
CDR-3 PSNI Coder Module Catalog Sheet: 270009

Notification Appliances Hazardous Location Devices

MTM March Time Module

The March Time Coder provides March Time, Morse S, or Morse U codes. The code, generated on-board, is selected by contact closure or terminal block jumper configurations. The output is provided through Form C dry contacts. The MTM is activated by applying power through a contact closure.
MTM-1 March Time Coder Module Catalog Sheet: 270009

Network Short Haul Modem

EST3 networks easily configure for use over existing copper telephone lines using the 3-NSHM Short Haul Modem Communications Interface. The 3-NSHM electronics card, plugs right into the 3-CPU3. A ribbon cable connects the 3-CPU3 directly to the modem interface card. The interface card mounts on the right rear of a 3-CHAS7 chassis. No local rail space is used. The 3-NSHMs the 3-MPFIB mounting bracket for 3-CAB5 enclosure mounting.
3-NSHM1 3-NSHM2 Network Short Haul Modem, single modem connection Network Short Haul Modem, two modem connections Catalog Sheet: 85010-0113 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0113 23

Door Holders & Relays



EST3 Network

Ground Fault Detection Module

The GFD module is designed to detect ground fault conditions on either of two independent power or data circuits. Each circuit must be balanced with respect to ground. The module will detect when the resistance between any of the monitored conductors and earth ground drops below 10 K Ohms. Two LEDs are provided to indicate the conductor with the ground condition. A normally energized Trouble/ Ground Fault relay is provided with NO/NC relay contacts for interfacing with monitoring systems.
GFD Ground Fault Detection Module
Pair one in + + Pair one out

Pair two in

+ Pair two out

14 13

I T Circuit pair 1

3-2-1 P1



I T Circuit pair 2

D1 arth D Power

D2 Trou le F Contacts C C
3 2 1

To earth ground Polarity is not important From 24 Vdc on fire alarm panel

To supervisory module (i.e. Signature Series CT1 or CT2 module) or 3-IDC traditional zone card.

Catalog Sheet 85010-0115

Alphanumeric Pager Interface

The API-8/232ME is an interface between alarm and monitoring equipment and personal pager systems or PCS messaging services. The interface ensures that key personnel, regardless of their location, are notified of EST3 status changes. The unit can monitor an ASCII text string from a serial printer port for eight different event types. Each event type is defined by one or two programmable keywords up to 20 characters in length.
Interface Trouble Contacts To Optional 12 VDC Standby Battery To 24 V AC/DC To Telephone To Telephone Line RS-232 Input To Printer Port of Initiating System To Optional NO Trouble Silence Switch NO or NC Dry Contact Input or 0 to 48 VDC Input Signal









1234 56 78 INPUTS




Optional NO Reset Switch

Paging System Interface with programming software

Catalog Sheet: 85006-0045

Communications Bridge
The 3-SM8051-0139 Communication Bridge converts the EST3 External Communications Protocol (ECP) to a variety of commercial protocols that facilitate one-way and two-way communications between EST3 and other in-building systems and sensors using a common protocol via an Ethernet LAN.
3-SM8051-0139 3-SM8700-07 3-SM8700-19 3-SM8704-02 3-SM8700-39 8051-01-ESTPROG Communications Bridge BacNet Driver - ArcNet (Includes ArcNet Card) Driver, Metsys N2 BacNet Driver - Ethernet Dedicated EST Driver Custom Programming Catalog Sheet: 85010-0119 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0119 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0119 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0119 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0119 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0119


Signature Series

Intelligent Initiating Devices

Detectors & Bases p. 26 Input/Output Modules p. 28 Pull Stations p. 34 Amplifiers & Power Supplies p.35

Accessories p. 36

Intelligent Analog Initiating Devices

EST3s Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable
system is an entire family of fire alarm and security detectors as well as mounting bases, multiple-function input and output modules, and user-friendly maintenance and service tools. Analog information from equipment connected to Signature devices is gathered and converted into digital signals. At the heart of each Signature Series device is an on-board microprocessor that analyses these signals and decides whether or not to input an alarm. The power of this approach, known as distributed intelligence, provides four important benefits: self-diagnostics and history logging; automatic device mapping; stand-alone operation; and, fast , stable communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log Signature Series devices constantly run self-checks to provide important maintenance information. The results of these checks are automatically updated and permanently stored in the devices non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review using the System Definition Utility and/or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The information stored in device memory includes: device serial number, address, and type; date of manufacture, hours of operation, and last maintenance date; number of recorded alarms and troubles; and, up to 32 possible trouble codes which may be used to specifically diagnose faults.

Initiating Devices

Device mapping allows the Signature Loop Controller to discover: unexpected additional device addresses; missing device addresses; and, changes to the wiring in the circuit. Most Signature modules use a personality code selected by the installer to determine their actual function. Personality codes are downloaded from the controller during system configuration and are indicated during device mapping. Fast Stable Communication Built-in intelligence means less information needs to be sent between the device and the Signature Loop Controller. Other than routine supervisory polling responses, Signature devices only need to communicate with the controller when they have something new to report . This provides very fast control panel response and allows a lower baud rate (speed) to be used for communication on the circuit. The lower baud rate offers several advantages including: less sensitivity to circuit wire characteristics; less sensitivity to noise glitches on the cable; less emitted noise from the analog wiring; and, twisted or shielded wiring is not required. Testing & Maintenance Automatic self-diagnosis identifies when a Signature device is defective and issues a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each device and other pertinent information. Single devices may be turned off temporarily, directly from the control panel.

Notification Appliances Hazardous Location Devices Door Holders & Relays

Automatic Device Mapping The Signature Loop Controller learns where each devices serial number address is installed relative to other devices on Seamless Security The the circuit . The controller Type of Detector SIGA-MD Motion Detector SIGA-HRS, SIGA-PHS SIGA-IPHS keeps a map of all SignaSIGA-PS SIGA-HFS Photo/ Ion/Photo/ SIGA-IS Ion Photo and the SIGA-SEC2 Security ture Series devices con- Test Fire Heat Heat Heat Open Wood unsuitable very suitable Module bring all the feaoptimum optimum optimum nected to it . The System Wood Pyrolysis suitable unsuitable optimum optimum optimum tures and performance Definition Utility program Smoldering Cotton very suitable unsuitable optimum optimum optimum benefits of the Signature also uses this mapping Poly Urethane Foam very suitable very suitable suitable very suitable optimum n Heptane very suitable suitable optimum optimum optimum line of analog addressable feature. With interactive Liquid Fire, no Smoke unsuitable unsuitable very suitable optimum optimum devices into any applicamenus and graphic supTrue multisensor technology means that a single device can perform optimally under a tion that has a security port, the wired circuits be- wider range of conditions than any single-sensor detector. function. These devices tween each device can be share the same wiring and examined. Layout or As-Built drawing information showing loop controller as fire alarm devices, and do so without the branch wiring (T-taps), device types and their addresses are need for extra risers and associated wiring from the control stored on disk. This takes much of the mystery out of the panel. In fact, EST3 is the only system that offers this kind of installation and makes the preparation of As-Built drawings total co-existence among fire and security devices. fast and very efficient.



Intelligent Initiating Devices

Signature Series

EST3 Network

Detectors and Bases

ESTs Signature series products are intelligent devices. Intelligent devices have drastically lower communications requirements than those of sensor type devices. Because of the low Signature communications rate there are no special wiring requirements for Signature circuits. This permits Signature devices to use existing wiring, as long as the wiring is in good shape, free of electrical noise, When existing wiring is used, the Signature devices will properly map the circuit, function as designed, and provide overall network response time of less than three seconds. For new installations, twisted-pair wiring is all that is recommended.

Initiating Devices

Intelligent 4D Multisensor Detector

Integrates three sensing technologies Ionization, Photoelectric, and Heat into one detector. Select alarm point for any one of five sensitivity settings between 0.67 to 3.70% per foot. Heat detector alarms when it sees a 65 F (35 C) increase in ambient temperature. Mounts to separate Standard, Relay, Isolator, or Sounder detector base.
SIGA-IPHS SIGA-IPHSB Intelligent 4D Multisensor Detector, White Intelligent 4D Multisensor Detector, Black Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245

Intelligent 3D Multisensor Detector

Integrates two sensing technologies Photoelectric and Heat into one detector. Select alarm point for any one of five sensitivity settings between 0.67 to 3.77% per foot. Heat detector alarms at 135 F (57 C) ambient temperature. Mounts to separate Standard, Relay, Isolator, or Sounder detector base.
SIGA-PHS Intelligent 3D Multisensor Detector, White Catalog Sheet: 85001-0247

Intelligent Photoelectric Detector

Select alarm point for any one of five sensitivity settings between 0.67 to 3.77% per foot. Mounts to separate Standard, Relay, Isolator, or Sounder detector base.
SIGA-PS Intelligent Photoelectric Detector, White Catalog Sheet: 85001-0269

Intelligent Ionization Detector

Select alarm point for any one of five sensitivity settings between 0.61 to 1.91% per foot. Mounts to separate Standard, Relay, Isolator, or Sounder detector base.
SIGA-IS Intelligent Ionization Detector, White Catalog Sheet: 85001-0291

Intelligent Rate-of-Rise/Fixed Temperature Heat Detector

Includes 15 F (9 C) per minute rate-of-rise and 135 F (57 C) fixed temperature sensor. Mounts to separate Standard, Relay, Isolator, or Sounder detector base.
SIGA-HRS Intelligent Rate-of-Rise/Fixed Temperature Heat Detector, White Catalog Sheet: 85001-0243

Intelligent Fixed Temperature Heat Detector

Includes 135 F (57 C) fixed temperature sensor. Mounts to separate Standard, Relay, Isolator, or Sounder base.
SIGA-HFS Intelligent Fixed Temperature Heat Detector, White Catalog Sheet: 85001-0243

Signature Loop Controller, p.4; Initiating Device Circuit Module, p.5; Hazardous Location Detectors, p. 46 26


Intelligent Initiating Devices

From Signature loop controller or previous device To next device Data in (+) Data in (-)

Channel 1 input

Data out (+) Data out (-)

Intelligent PIR Motion Detector

1 2 3 4 5 6


The SIGA-MD is a Passive Infrared (PIR) motion detection module that connects directly to the Signature loop. The module uses adaptive signal processing with gliding focus mirror optics to analyze the size, speed and shape to determine the alarm threshold. A tamper switch notifies the host system when the cover is removed. The unit is designed for wall mounting. Curtains and masks are provided.
Passive Infrared Motion Detector Passive Infrared Motion Detector, swivel mount for 1-gang boxes


Normal LED (green) Active LED (red)


Tamper switch. Engaged when the top cover is installed and activates when the cover is removed. Walk test LED Infrared light reflector (7 curtains, 2 masks included). Apply curtain block stickers to limit the amount of detection curtains.

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0526 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0526

Initiating Devices

Volume setting

Tone setting

Audible (Sounder) Detector Base

The Signature Series AB4G sounder base adds an audible output function to any Signature Series detector. The base can operate as an independent local alarm, or as part of a zone or system alarm with synchronized audible output. The AB4G may be configured in the field for either steady or temporal output and either high or low dB output.
SIGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Base

24 Vdc in From power supply or previous base + Data in From Signature controller or previous device +

- 24 Vdc out + To next base or EOL relay - Data out To next Signature + device

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0581

Notification Appliances

Standard Detector Base

Signature detector base provides roomside wiring terminals. Mounts to North American one-gang box, 3 or 4-inch octagon boxes, or 4-inch square electric box. Bases for 4-inch square boxes include the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt to conceal the electric box and provide a finished appearance.
SIGA-SB SIGA-SB4 (with trim skirt) Standard Detector Base Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245

Isolator Detector Base

Hazardous Location Devices

Signature detector base provides room-side wiring terminals and includes a built-in line fault isolator. Models with integral switches allow the detector to be removed from its base without causing the isolator to operate. Mounts to North American one-gang box, 3 or 4-inch octagon boxes, or 4-inch square electrical boxes. Bases for 4-inch square boxes include the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt to conceal the electrical box and provide a finished appearance.
SIGA-IB SIGI-IBS SIGA-IB4 (with trim skirt) Isolator Detector Base Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245

Isolator Detector Base with Switch (Europe only)

Relay Detector Base

This base includes a relay. Normally-open or closed operation is selected during installation. The dry contact is rated for 1 amp (pilot duty) @ 30 Vdc. The relays position is supervised to avoid accidentally jarring it out of position. The relay base does not support the SIGA-LED remote LED. It mounts to North American one-gang boxes, 3 or 4-inch octagon boxes, or 4-inch square electrical boxes. Bases for 4-inch square boxes include the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt to conceal the electrical box and provide a finished appearance.
SIGA-RB SIGA-RB4 (with trim skirt) Relay Detector Base Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245

Door Holders & Relays


EST3 Network
Alarm relay output HVAC unit

Intelligent Initiating Devices

SuperDuct Duct Detectors

Less than two inches deep, SuperDuct intelligent smoke detectors are ideal for installation in ductwork, where space is always at a premium. Offering the most advanced and most reliable performance in its class, SuperDuct represents the perfect balance of practical design and advanced technology.
Return air

Remote test station

Duct smoke detector

Duct smoke detector

Supply air

Initiating Devices

Alarm relay output FACP

Remote test station

SuperDuct detectors feature a unique design that speeds installation and simplifies maintenance. Removable dust filters, conformally coated circuit boards, and optional water-resistant gaskets keep contaminants away from components, ensuring years of trouble-free service. When cleaning is required, the assemblies come apart easily and snap back together in seconds.
Catalog Sheet: 85001-0584 SD-T24 (24) SD-T78 (78) SD-T36 (36) SD-T120 (120)

SIGA-SD Sampling Tubes Remote Test Stations Accessories

Intelligent SuperDuct Detector SD-T8 (8) SD-T42 (42) SD-TRM (magnetic) SD-T18 (18) SD-T60 (60) SD-TRM (keyed)

SIGA-LED (Remote alarm LED)) SD-MAG (Test magnet kit) SIGA-SDPCB (PCB/Signature sensor kit)

SD-GSK (cover gasket kit) SD-VTK (Air velocity test kit, stoppers only)

Signature Series

Input/Output Modules
Signature Series
input/output modules are extremely flexible and Plug-in UIOs with motherboard powerful devices that gather analog information from the slave devices connected to them and convert this data into digital signals. They are available in models that mount in standard one- or two-gang electrical boxes, as Standard two-gang mount well as versions that plug into UIO motherboards. The actual function of each module is determined by its installer-selected personality code. This is downloaded to the module from the Signature Loop Controller during system configuration. Because they are intelligent devices, all decisions are made at the module. This allows lower communication speed but very fast control panel response time and less sensitivity to line noise and loop wiring properties. As a result, twisted or shielded wire is not required. Signature Series intelligent input/output modules feature multiple user-set personality codes that define the modules behavior.
Application Voice messages Waterflow Switches Class A indicating and initiating circuits, 2-wire smoke detectors Module Digital Messaging Module Waterflow/Tamper Module Universal Class A/B Module Class B Input Module Class B Initiating Circuits: Door Closers, Fans, Dampers Monitor Module Control Relay Module Programmable I/O Module Telephone Power and Audible/Visual Signal Power Selector, Strobe Synchronization Sounder Base power Supervision of Telephone and Signal Power Fire Suppression Fault detection Signal Module Reversal Relay Module Riser Monitor Module Releasing Module Isolator Module



Intelligent Initiating Devices


Module mounting and installation options Signature Series input/output modules are available in models that feature two mounting options: standard mount and plug-in. Standard mount models are installed to North American two-gang or one-gang electrical boxes, making them ideal for locations where only one module is required. Separate I/O and data loop connections are made to each module. Plug-in UIO modules mount to UIO motherboards. Two- and sixmodule UIO motherboards are available, making them ideal for installations where more than one module is required. Motherboards can accommodate individual risers for each on-board module, or shared risers in any combination with their UIO modules. All wiring connections are made to terminal blocks on the motherboard. UIO assemblies may be mounted in either cabinets, or standard electrical enclosures.
UIO Motherboard

EST3 Network

Plug-in (UIO) Module

Cabinet or electrical enclosure

Plug-in UIO

Standard mount (one- or two-gang)

Initiating Devices

Audio Preamp Riser IN OUT

Digital Message Module

To Signature Loop Controller (SLC)

1 2 3 4 TB7 TB1 TB2

1 2 3 4



The SIGA-MDM Digital Message Module provides custom prerecorded voice messaging. Two standard factory pre-recorded _ + messages are included. Each module can store two 30 second messages in its non-volatile EEPROM memory. A microphone/line-level audio input stereo jack and output stereo _ jack, as well as record and playback switches are conven+ iently located on top of the module. Programming in the Signature Data Controller provides all control instructions; extra wiring for monitoring or controlling circuits is not required. Up to 47 modules can be cascaded together. The SIGAMDM is available as a plug-in module only.



4 3 2 1






















4 3 2 1

24 Vdc To Other Loads

1 2 3 4

1 2 3 4


Downstream Jumper

To Other SIGA Devices

24 Vdc From Power Supply

Notification Appliances


Intelligent Digital Message Module

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0363

Universal Class A/B Module

The Universal Class A/B Module is used to connect initiating, appliance, or two-wire smoke circuits in either Class A or Class B configurations. The plug-in version can also be used as a Class A dry contact initiating device circuit. The actual function of this module is determined by the personality code selected by the installer. Up to fifteen personalities are available.
SIGA-UM SIGA-MAB Universal Class A/B Module (Two-gang standard mount) Universal Class A/B UIO (Plug-in) Module

Hazardous Location Devices


Catalog Sheet: 85001-0275 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0275

Class B Input Module

The Class B Input Module is used to connect Class B normally-open Alarm, Supervisory, or Monitor type dry contact initiating device circuits. The standard-mount version is available with either one or two input connections. The plug-in version accepts two input connections. The actual function of this module is determined by the personality code selected by the installer. A total of four personalities are available.
SIGA-CT1 SIGA-CT2 SIGA-MCT2 Single Input Module (One-gang standard mount) Dual Input Module (One-gang standard mount) Dual Input UIO (Plug-in) Module


Door Holders & Relays


Catalog Sheet: 85001-0241 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0241 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0241

UIO Motherboards, p. 32; Signature Loop Controller, p. 4; Initiating Device Circuit Module, p. 5 29


Intelligent Initiating Devices

EST3 Network

Signal Module
The Signal Module is used to connect, upon command from the loop controller, supervised Class B signal or telephone circuits to their respective power inputs. Models are available with one or two power inputs. These may be either polarized 24 Vdc to operate audible and visual signal appliances, or 25 and 70VRMS to operate audio evacuation speakers and firefighters telephones. The actual function of this module is determined by the personality code selected by the installer. A total of three personalities are available.
SIGA-CC1 SIGA-MCC1 SIGA-CC2 Single Input Signal Module (Two-gang standard mount) Single Input Signal UIO (Plug-in) Module Dual Input Signal Module (Two-gang standard mount) Dual Input Signal UIO (Plug-in) Module



Catalog Sheet: 85001-0237 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0237 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0237 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0237

Initiating Devices


Control Relay Module

The Control Relay Module provides a Form C dry relay contact to control external appliances such as door closers, fans, dampers etc. This device does not provide supervision of the state of the relay contact. Instead, the on-board microprocessor ensures that the relay is in the proper ON/OFF state. Upon command from the loop controller, the relay activates the normally open or normally-closed contact. This module supports only one personality: no user configuration is required.
SIGA-CR SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module (One-gang standard mount) Control Relay UIO (Plug-in) Module



Catalog Sheet: 85001-0239 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0239

Polarity Reversal Relay Module

The Polarity Reversal Relay Module provides a Form C dry relay contact to power and activate a series of SIGA-AB4 Audible Sounder Bases. Upon command from the Signature loop controller, the SIGA-CRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc output, thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. This module supports only one personality: no user configuration is required.
SIGA-CRR SIGA-MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module (One-gang standard mount) Polarity Reversal Relay UIO (Plug-in) Module


Catalog Sheet: 85001-0239 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0239

Riser Monitor Module

The SIGA-RM1 Riser Monitor Module is an intelligent device that monitors the integrity of 24 Vdc, 25 Vac, and 70 Vac circuits, as well as telephone riser signals. Upon the loss of a signal, the Riser Monitor Module causes the fire alarm control panel to indicate an alert status. Personality codes downloaded to the Riser Monitor Module during system configuration determine its function.
SIGA-RM1 SIGA-MRM1 Riser Monitor Module (One-gang standard mount) Riser UIO (Plug-in) Module



Catalog Sheet: 85001-0535 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0535

UIO Motherboards, p. 32; Signature Loop Controller, p. 4; Initiating Device Circuit Module, p. 5 ; AB4G Sounder Base, p. 27 30


Intelligent Initiating Devices


Synchronization Output Module

The Synchronization Output Module is an intelligent device that connects a supervised output circuit to a 24 Vdc riser. The output wiring is monitored for open circuits and short circuits. A short circuit will cause the fire alarm control panel to inhibit the activation of the audible/visual signal circuit so the riser is not connected to the wiring fault. Upon command from the Signature loop controller, the Auto-Sync Output Module connects the output circuit to the riser input. The output circuit operates polarized audible and visual appliances that have an adjustable resynchronizing feature.
Synchronization Output Module (One-gang standard mount) Synchronization Output UIO (Plug-in) Module



Catalog Sheet: 85001-0543 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0543

Initiating Devices

Input/Output Module
The Input/Output Module is an intelligent device that provides the following modes of operation: Output with monitor input Input/programmable output Input/direct output
SIGA-IO SIGA-MIO Input/Output Module (One-gang standard mount) Input/Output UIO (Plug-in) Module


Catalog Sheet: 85001-0533 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0533

Notification Appliances

Waterflow/Tamper Module
The SIGA-WTM Waterflow/Tamper Module is a two circuit intelligent module. Circuit 1 is for Class B normally-open waterflow alarm switches. When the input contact is closed for approximately 16 seconds, an alarm signal is sent to the loop controller. Circuit 2 is for Class B normally open dry contact supervisory and tamper switches. When the input contact is closed, an active signal is sent to the loop controller. Conditions on both circuits are latched at the module.
SIGA-WTM Waterflow/Tamper Module (One-gang standard mount)


Catalog Sheet: 85001-0297

Hazardous Location Devices

Isolator Module
The SIGA-IM Isolator Module is an intelligent device that allows part of the Signature data loop to continue operating in the event of a short circuit. The module can be wired into a Class A data loop at any point. A maximum of 96 isolator modules can be installed on one circuit. If a fault occurs, the isolator cuts power to all devices beyond the isolator on the loop. Once activated, the line fault isolator continuously checks the faulted side of the loop to determine if the short still exists. When the fault is cleared, the module automatically restores the entire data loop to its normal condition.
SIGA-IM Fault Isolator Module (Two-gang standard mount)


Catalog Sheet: 85001-0271

Door Holders & Relays

Monitor Module
The SIGA-MM1 is a single-circuit intelligent module that includes a Class B normally-open dry contact. This is used for monitoring input from devices such as fans, dampers, and doors. When the input contact is closed, an active signal is sent to the loop controller. The active condition is not latched at the module.
SIGA-MM1 Monitor Module (One-gang standard mount)


Catalog Sheet: 85001-0297



Intelligent Initiating Devices

EST3 Network

Universal Input/Output (UIO) Motherboards

Signature Series Universal Input/Output Module Motherboards provide mounting and wiring terminations for up to six Signature Series plug-in UIO (SIGA-M series) modules. UIO motherboards snap into a rigid extruded track (included) with mounting pads for convenient mounting into a variety of equipment enclosures. UIO modules plug into the board and are held securely in place with captive machine screws. All field wiring connects to terminal blocks on the motherboard, which R permits rapid removal and replacement of modules for troubleshooting. IO6 U The SIGA-UIO2R provides mounting and wiring terminations for up to two UIO modules, and the SIGA-UIO6R provides mounting and wiring terminations for up to six UIO modules. Both motherboards feature a riser #1 input and a riser #2 input R 2 UIO bus. Jumpers on riser #1 input (between modules), facilitate sharing a single riser among more than one module. This significantly reduces wiring requirements. Module Input/Output Wiring Removing the jumpers provides separate riser inputs to each adjacent module. Riser #2 input is fixed to each module position Data In and cannot be split. The SIGA-UIO6 provides mounting and wiring terminations for up to six UIO modules. This motherboard provides two riser inputs that are common to all modules.
Signature Data Circuit Riser 2 Input common to all SIGA-UIO Modules

Initiating Devices

Data Out

UIO motherboards mount inside the MFC-A cabinet Individual Riser 1 Input to each SIGA-UIO module or other suitable UL-listed electrical enclosure. Each MFC-A will hold one UIO2R motherboard or one UIO6 or UIO6R motherboard complete with their full complement of modules.

Jumpers Connect Riser Input #1 Between Modules


Universal Input/Output Module Board with Riser Inputs 2 Module Positions Universal Input/Output Module Board with Riser Inputs 6 Module Positions Universal Input/Output Module Board 6 Module Positions

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0365 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0365 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0365

Related Equipment
MFC-A 27193-11 27193-16 27193-21 27193-26 235196P SIGA-MP1 SIGA-MP2 SIGA-MP2L Multi-function Cabinet (for UIO and Releasing modules) Surface Mount Box - Red, One-gang Surface Mount Box - White, One-gang Surface Mount Box - Red, Two-gang Surface Mount Box - White, Two-gang Bi-polar Transient Protector (use with all Signal Modules) Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footprint Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 footprint Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 extended footprint


Dual Input Security Module

Intelligent Initiating Devices


The SIGA-SEC2 is an intelligent analog addressable device used to connect one or two normally-open or normally-closed dry contact security circuits. The actual function of this module is determined by the personality code selected by the installer. This code is downloaded to the module from the Signature loop controller during system configuration. The input module gathers data from the devices connected to it and converts them into digital signals. The modules on-board microprocessor WIRING analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm, tamper, or maintenance condition. The module is housed in a small thermo-plastic enNotes closure designed for surface mounting.
From Signature Loop Controller or previous device Data In (+) Data In (-) Tamper Alarm Channel 1 input Alarm Tamper 6 5 To next Signature device Signature loop TB1 SIGA-SEC2


Dual Input Security Module

Releasing Module
The Signature Series Releasing Module (SIGA-REL) is an analog addressable module that works with fire suppression systems designed to release extinguishing gas such as Halon. Its primary function is the control of sprinkler preaction routines and the initiation of suppression system deluge functions. The module is easily configured in the field and offers a wide range of options that prevent the unnecessary release of extinguishing agent. The SIGA-REL is a network component consisting of: Two supervised release circuits Two supervised pre-release circuits One supervised manual release input circuit One supervised abort circuit for N/O abort switch One first alarm output relay (Form C Contact)
Abort Manual Release

The releasing module includes a built-in timer that inhibits the deluge function during the pre-action routine. One of four pre-action routines, may be selected by means of dip-switches on the module. The duration of automatic and manual time delays, as well as the abort time settings are also selectable with dip-switches. The SIGA-REL mounts inside an MFC-A cabinet or other suitable UL-listed electrical enclosure. Each MFC-A will hold one SIGA-REL. Available releasing module accessories include dedicated pull stations, abort switches and service switches. Together with the SIGA-REL, they comprise a complete fire suppression package.
SIGA-REL RELA-ABT RELA-SRV 276A-REL 278A-REL RELA-EOL Analog addressable releasing module Abort station Service disconnect station Manual releasing station (single-action) Manual releasing station (double-action) Polarized end-of-line relay

Signature data in Signature data out

Security/Access controller, p. 15 33

Data Out (-)

Data Out (+)

+ + _

Basic Security


N/C with Tamper Alarm


N/O with Tamper



Initiating Devices



Channel 2 input

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0527

Notification Appliances

First alarm output Form C 3 A @24 Vdc

Hazardous Location Devices


_ + _ +
24 Vdc in 24 Vdc out


+ _ + _




TB4 _ _ + +

DS6 DS7 TB5 _ _ + +

Pre-release CCT2 (steady) Pre-release CCT1 (pulsed 15/60)

RELA-EOL 1 2 3 4 Release CCT1

RELA-EOL 1 2 3 4 Release CCT2

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0531 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0531 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0531 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0531 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0531 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0531

Door Holders & Relays


Intelligent Initiating Devices

EST3 Network

Signature Series

Manual Pull Stations


Signature Series manual pull stations are configured for Class B IDC operation. When the stations pull lever is operated, an alarm signal is sent to the loop controller. The alarm condition is latched at the station.

Initiating Devices

Single Action Pull Stations

SIGA-270 series manual pull stations are made from die-cast zinc and finished with red epoxy powder-coat paint . With positive pull-lever operation, one pull on the station handle breaks the rod and turns in a positive alarm. Where two-stage operation is required, SIGA270P pre-signal models are equipped with a general alarm (GA) keyswitch.


8 7

Red LED (Alarm/Active)

4 3 2 1

Green LED (Normal) TB1

DATA IN (+) DATA IN (-) From Signature Controller or Previous Device

DATA OUT (+) DATA OUT (-) To Next Device

SIGA-270 SIGA-270P SIGI-271 276-K2 270-GLR 276B-RSB

One Stage Fire Alarm Station, English Markings Two Stage (Pre-signal) Fire Alarm Station, English Markings Single Station Call Point (Europe only) GA Key for pre-signal station 20 Break-rods for SIGA-270 series Surface Mount Box, Red for SIGA-270 series

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0279 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0279 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0349 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0279 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0279 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0279


Double Action Pull Stations

The double action, single stage SIGA-278 station is a contemporary style manual station made from durable red LEXAN. To initiate an alarm, first lift the upper door, then pull the alarm handle.
Red LED (Alarm/Active)

8 7

Green LED (Normal)

4 3 2 1


DATA IN (+) DATA IN (-) From Signature Controller or Previous Device

DATA OUT (+) DATA OUT (-) To Next Device

SIGA-278 276B-RSB 276-GLR

Double Action (One Stage) Fire Alarm Station, English Markings Surface Mount Box, Red for SIGA-278 series 20 Break-rods for SIGA-278 series

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0279 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0279 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0279

ADA Manual Station Relocator, p. 37; Stopper II, p. 37; Hazardous Location Pull Station, p. 46 34

Signature Series

Intelligent Initiating Devices


Amplifiers & Power Supplies

Audio Amplifiers

To Next Amp Channel 1 Input

Shield Optional

Initiating Devices

Status LEDs Status LEDs

Signature device From Signature Series amplifiers are high-effi- SignalChannel 1 Output Return Source Class A Only ciency switch mode audio amplifiers 1Vrms or 25Vrms From Output of From Backup Amp available in 30 and 50 watt sizes. Amplifi- SignalChannel 2 Source 1Vrms or 25Vrms ers have two input channels supporting To Backup Input To Next Amp of Next Amp Output Voltage dual channel or single channel audio ap- Channel 2 Input Selection Jumper To 24 VDC To Next From Previous plications. Signature amplifiers are ide- Signature Device Signature Device ally suited for distributed audio applications and small centrally banked applications. The audio output is configurable as 25VRMS or 70VRMS in Class B or Class A wiring configurations. Speakers can connect directly to the output of the amplifier or the amplifier output can run as an audio riser to Signature modules where speaker zone selection is made. Each amplifier has a built-in 1kHz tone generator and provision for a back up amplifier. On-board status LEDs provide quick visual indication of amplifier status.

Audio Output to Speakers or

Notification Appliances


30 Watt Intelligent Audio Amplifier 50 Watt Intelligent Audio Amplifier

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0089 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0089

Auxiliary Power Supplies

Hazardous Location Devices

The SIGA-APS is a switch-mode power supply that provides additional power for any fire alarm control panel Line 1 Line 2 24 VDC @ 3.2A that includes a Signature Data Circuit . The SIGA-APS Ground 24 VDC @ 3.2A Hot mounts with local fire alarm equipment or may be Neutral SIGA OUT SIGA IN mounted remotely to supply power to signaling devices, Ground amplifiers or system equipment. The power supply comTo Battery municates with the main control panel over the Signature Data Circuit. This eliminates the need to mount additional monitoring equipment when the power supply is mounted remote from the main control panel.


Intelligent Auxiliary Power Supply 120Vac 50/60Hz Intelligent Auxiliary Power Supply 220Vac 50/60Hz

Catalog Sheet: 85010-0087 Catalog Sheet: 85010-0087

Door Holders & Relays

Input/output modules, p. 28; System Power Supplies, p. 20; Network Audio p. 13 35


Intelligent Initiating Devices

EST3 Network

Signature Series

Signature Detector Guard

Initiating Devices

Constructed of sturdy 16-guage steel, the SIGA-DG Smoke Detector Guard is designed to protect SIGA-IPHS 4D and SIGA-PS smoke detectors from damage or tampering. The advanced computer-designed louver system allows smoke detectors to be installed at their listed spacing and has no effect on operating sensitivity.


Smoke Detector Guard Detector Guard Surface Mount Accessory

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0359 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0359

Detector Mounting Plate

The SIGA-DMP Detector Mounting Plate is a 7-inch (178mm) square mounting plate designed to provide convenient mounting of Signature Series intelligent smoke detectors in raised floor or plenum applications. The detector mounting plate may also be installed in low velocity ducts that have a maximum width of up to 36-inches (915mm) and a maximum height of up to 36-inches (915mm).


Detector Mounting Plate

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0255

Remote LED
The remote LED connects to the SIGA-SB or SIGA-SB4 Standard Base. It features a North American size one-gang plastic faceplate with a white finish and red alarm LED.


Remote Alarm LED

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245

Trim Skirt
Use the SIGA-TS Trim Skirt to give Signature detectors a finished look and hide surface imperfections around the detectors base. Supplied with all four-inch detector bases, the SIGA-TS4 can also be ordered separately. Use the black model with SIGA-IPHSB.


Detector Trim Skirt (white) Detector Trim Skirt (black) Detector Trim Skirt (white) for 4-inch box

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0245

Detectors, p. 26; Detector Bases, p. 27 36

Manual Station Relocator

Intelligent Initiating Devices


The Manual Station Relocator is designed to lower the height of a fire alarm pull station to meet ADA requirements. Most existing pull stations are mounted 60 inches (1524mm) or higher above the floor. The Relocator lowers the height to 48 inches (1220mm) without the need for pulling new wires or moving the existing electrical box.

Initiating Devices


Pull Station Relocator

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0351

Stopper II
This unique device helps prevent false alarms without restricting legitimate ones. It consists of a tamper-proof clear LEXAN polycarbonate shield and frame that fits easily over manual pull stations. When lifted, it sounds a piercing warning horn.

Notification Appliances

STI-1100 (Flush) STI-1200 (Flush) STI-3100 (2" Spacer) STI-3002 (Gasket)

STI-1130 (Surface) STI-1230 (Surface) STI-3004 (Conduit Insert) STI-3003 (Conduit Gasket)

Stopper II with Horn Stopper II without Horn Spacers Weatherproofing

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0491 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0491 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0491 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0491

Hazardous Location Devices Door Holders & Relays

Detectors, p. 26; Manual Pull Stations, p. 34 37

EST3 Network

Notification Appliances

Notification Appliances

Genesis Strobes and horns, p. 39

Genesis Speakers, p. 40

Genesis ceiling horns, strobes & speakers, p. 41

GE Security notification appliances are high-performance devices finely tuned to deliver maximum output in exchange for the lowest possible current draw. Covering the entire spectrum of life safety applications, these devices are durable, dependable, and virtually maintenance-free. And they support a wide range of mounting options that make them ideal for new construction and retrofit applications alike.

Initiating Devices

Harsh environment signals, p. 42

Visual/Audible Signals EST3 visual/audible signals include a wide range of exquisitely engineered strobes in combination with horns, speakers, and chimes. The Genesis and Enhanced Integrity families of visual/audible signals feature UL 1971 listed strobes that exceed Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. All GE Security strobes are UL 1971 listed as visual signaling devices for the hearing impaired and surpass the latest UL sychronization requirements when used with a Signal Master accessory (see page 41) or the Signature Series Synchronization Output Module (see page 31). Genesis strobes represent a breakthrough in visual signaling technology that provides outstanding light distribution characteristics in a sleek low-profile design. Enhanced Integrity devices offer a full range of indoor and outdoor, and wall and ceiling rated options, including strobes in combination with horns, speakers and chimes. Typical Wiring All notification appliances may be configured for Class A or Class B wiring. Genesis combination horn-strobes, when used with the innovative Signal Master Module, support independent horn control over a single pair of wires and precision synchronization that exceeds UL requirements. This reduces wiring time while meeting the requirements of even the most demanding application.
Class B Notification Appliance Circuit with Genesis Signals and Signal Master for independent sounder and strobe control and synchronisation.

Notification Appliances

2 Pr.

1 Pr.

Notification Appliance Circuit Class B with separate strobe and horn circuits

2 Pr.

Notification Appliance Circuit Class A with combination horn-strobe circuit

1 Pr.

A visual signal for every application...

Room size Strobe Intensity Application* Genesis Strobe Genesis Horn-Strobe Integrity Strobe Integrity Horn-Strobe Integrity Bell-Strobe *For general guidance only. Signals must be installed in accordance with applicable codes, standards and local authority having jurisdiction. Up to 20' x 20' or corridors 15/75 cd 15 cd Up to 30' x 30' 30 cd Up to 50' x 50' 75 cd 95 cd Up to 54' x 54' Sleeping Areas 110 cd 115 cd 150 cd 177 cd Up to 60' x 60'




























Genesis Series

Notification Appliances


Wall Strobes, Horns & Chimes

The Genesis line of signals are among the smallest, most compact audiblevisible emergency signaling devices in the world. About the size of a deck of playing cards, these devices are designed to blend with any decor. Genesis signals feature textured housings in architecturally neutral white or traditional fire red. An ingenious iconographic symbol indicates the purpose of the device. This universal symbol is code-compliant and is easily recognized by all building occupants regardless of what language they speak. models with FIRE markings are also available. Genesis strobes offer 15 to 110 candela output, which is selectable with a conveniently-located switch on the side of the device. The candela output setting remains clearly visible even after final installation, yet it stays locked in place to prevent unauthorized tampering.
G1-VM G1R-VM G1F-V1575 G1RF-V1575 Strobe (selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output), white Strobe (selectable 15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output), red Strobe (fixed 15/75 cd output), white Strobe (fixed 15/75 cd output), red Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573

Notification Appliances

Genesis Horns and Horn-strobes reach output levels as high as 99 dB and features a unique multiple frequency tone that results in excellent wall penetration and an unmistakable warning of danger. Horns may be configured for either coded or non-coded signal circuits. They can also be set for low dB output with a jumper cut that reduces horn output by about 5 dB.
G1-HDVM G1R-HDVM G1F-HDV1575 G1RF-HDV1575 G1-HD G1R-HD G1-P G1R-P Horn-Strobe (15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output, high or low dB), white Horn-Strobe (15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output, high or low dB), white Horn-Strobe (fixed 15/75 cd output, high or low dB), white Horn-Strobe (fixed 15/75 cd output, high or low dB), red Temporal Horn (high or low dB output), white Temporal Horn (selectable high or low dB output), red Steady Horn (not compatible with Genesis Signal Master), white Steady Horn (not compatible with Genesis Signal Master), red Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573

Hazardous Location Devices

Genesis chimes and chime-strobes produce a pleasing mellow tone. When steady (non-stroked) voltage is applied, the chime automatically pulses at 60 strokes per minute, or may be field-configured for temporal output. When installed with a GIM Signal Master Module, the chime may also be field-configured for coded operation, which enables the chime output to match the rate that voltage is applied to the circuit. The chimes 79 dBA (peak) output level makes this device suitable for many applications. Chimes may be set for low dB output with a jumper cut that reduces sound output by about 5 dB.
G1-CVM G1R-CVM G1-C G1R-C Genesis Chime-Strobe (15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output, high or low dB), white Catalog Sheet: 85001-0574 Genesis Chime-Strobe (15, 30, 75, or 110 cd output, high or low dB), red Catalog Sheet: 85001-0574 Genesis Chime (selectable high or low dB output), white Genesis Chime (selectable high or low dB output), red Catalog Sheet: 85001-0574 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0574
To specify housings with FIRE markings, insert an F before the hyphen in the model number. For submittal purposes, write an F in the Submit box instead of placing a checkmark there.

Door Holders & Relays

Optional trim plates available in red and white


Housings with optional FIRE markings

Genesis Trim Plate (for 2-gang or 4" square boxes) with "FIRE" markings, white Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0573

G1RT-FIRE Genesis Trim Plate (for 2-gang or 4" square boxes) with "FIRE" markings, red



Notification Appliances

Genesis Series

Wall Speakers and Speaker-strobes

Genesis speakers include a DC blocking capacitor to allow electrical supervision of the audio distribution circuit. Models for 25 VRMS and 70 VRMS circuits are available. The mylar speaker with its sealed back construction provides extra durability and improved audibility. W to 2 W operation is selectable with a conveniently-located switch on the bottom of the device. Speaker-strobes feature 15, 30, 75 or 110 candela output, selectable with a conveniently-located switch on the bottom of the device.
15 1

Initiating Devices

EST3 Network

Bottom View Candela switch Wattage switch

#18 - #12 AWG terminals ideal for long runs, existing wiring
To listed fire alarm control panel (supervised amplifier signal circuit 25.2 or 70.7V rms)

Candela and wattage settings remain clearly visible even after final installation.

Polarity shown in alarm condition

Notification Appliances

To listed fire alarm control panel (supervised signal circuit 20-24 Vdc)

To next device or end of line device

Genesis speakers are available with white or red housings and with FIRE markings.

Genesis Speakers and speaker-strobes ... G4-S2 (white) G4-S2VM (white) G4-S7 (white) G4-S7VM (white) G4B (white) G4R-S2 (red) G4R-S2VM (red) G4R-S7 (red) G4R-S7VM (red) G4RB (red) Multi-wattage 25 Volt Speaker Catalog Sheet: 85001-0549

All speakers feature selectable , , 1, or 2 watt operation. Strobes feature 15, 30, 75, or 110 candela output

Remote Booster Power Supply, p. 21, SIGA-AB4G Audible Sounder Base, p. 27 40




Multi-candela/wattage 25 Volt Speaker-strobe Catalog Sheet: 85001-0549 Multi-wattage 70 Volt Speaker Catalog Sheet: 85001-0549

Multi-candela/wattage 70 Volt Speaker-strobe Catalog Sheet: 85001-0549 Surface mount box Catalog Sheet: 85001-0549




Genesis Series

Notification Appliances


Ceiling Speakers, Horns, and Strobes

The new Genesis line of multi-candela and multi-wattage ceiling signals feature all the hallmarks that have made Genesis products a big hit with designers, engineers, building owners, and installers everywhere. ESTs exclusive FullLight technology, precision timing electronics, and low current draw bring the benefits of the popular Genesis wall-mount models to ceiling applications. These signals are 30 per cent slimmer than comparable signals on the market. They are compatible with standard 4-inch (10 cm) square electrical boxes and dont require extension rings or trim plates. No mounting screws are visible when the unit is installed, providing a clean, finished, unobtrusive appearance that blends with any decor. These signals are also listed for wall mount applications.
GC-S2 GC-S7 GC-S2VM GC-S2VMH GC-S7VM GC-S7VMH GC-VM GC-VMH GC-HDVM GC-HDVMH GCF-S2 (marked FIRE) GCF-S7 (marked FIRE) GCF-S2VM (marked FIRE) Multi-wattage 25 V Speaker Multi-wattage 70 V Speaker Multi-cd/wattage 25 V Spkr-strobe

Select 15/30/75/95 and 95/115/150/177 candela output!

Select , , 1, or 2 watt operation!

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0558 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0558 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0556

GCF-S2VMH (marked FIRE) Multi High-cd/wattage 25 V Spkr-strobe Catalog Sheet: 85001-0556 GCF-S7VM (marked FIRE) Multi-cd/wattage 70 V Spkr-strobe Catalog Sheet: 85001-0556

Notification Appliances

GCF-S7VMH (marked FIRE) Multi High-cd/wattage 70 V Spkr-strobe Catalog Sheet: 85001-0556 GCF-VM (marked FIRE) GCF-VMH (marked FIRE) GCF-HDVM (marked FIRE) Multi-cdStrobe Multi High-cdStrobe Multi-cdHorn-Strobe Catalog Sheet: 85001-0557 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0557 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0559 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0559

GCF-HDVMH (marked FIRE) Multi High-cdHorn-Strobe

All speakers feature selectable , , 1, or 2 watt operation. All horns feature high or low dB output. Multi-Candela Strobes feature 15, 30, 75, or 95 candela output. Multi High-Candela Strobes feature 95, 115, 150, or 177 candela output.

Hazardous Location Devices

Signal Master
The Signal Master is a simple-to-use accessory that adds enhanced features to Genesis and Integrity strobes and Horn-Strobes. It is a dualpurpose module that provides UL 1971 required precision synchronization for connected Integrity and Genesis strobes, and independent control for connected Genesis Horns over a single pair of wires. Two methods of Horn control are available: traditional Horn silence; or, normally-closed contact. Both methods may be used to silence Horns without turning off strobes on the same circuit. Two models are available. The Genesis piggyback model doesnt require a separate electrical box. It simply snaps to the back of the first G1 signal on the circuit. The remote mount model mounts in a North American 2 inch (64 mm) deep one-gang box.
G1M G1M-RM Genesis Signal Master Snap-on (piggyback) Genesis Signal Master Remote 1-Gang Mount

Snap-on (piggyback) model

Remote 1-gang mount model

Door Holders & Relays

Catalog Sheet: 85001-0545 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0545



Notification Appliances

Enhanced Integrity Series

Mounting Plate

North American 2-gang electrical box

EST3 Network

Harsh Environment Signals

All Enhanced Integrity devices are UL 1971 listed for both wall and ceiling orientation. Enhanced Integrity strobes meet the latest UL1971 synchronization requirements when used with the G1M Signal Master (see page 40). Integrity devices are shipped with wall mount style FIRE lens markings. Other lens markings are available (see page 44).
To Fire Alarm Control Panel Signal Circuit +

Surface Box (optional) Housing

Single Captive Mounting Screw

First Device
H+ HS+ S-

H+ HS+ S-

To Next Device or EOL Resistor

Initiating Devices

Temporal Horns and Horn-Strobes

During installation, the Horn is configured for steady or temporal tone signal. When temporal output is selected, all Horns on a common two-wire circuit are self-synchronized. Integrity Series Horns emit a low frequency growling tone that demands attention. Horns can be configured for either high output (98 dBA) or low output (94 dBA); and are listed for outdoor use.
757-1A-T (Red) 757-7A-T (Red) 757-8A-T (Red) 757-1A-TW (White) 757-7A-TW (White) 757-8A-TW (White) Temporal Horn Catalog Sheet: 85001-0341

Temporal Horn-Strobe, 15/75cd Catalog Sheet: 85001-0341 Temporal Horn-Strobe, 110cd Catalog Sheet: 85001-0341

Notification Appliances

4" Square Box Mount Strobes

405 Series strobes are self-synchronized to flash at one fps across their full operating voltage range. UL 1971 synchronization requirements are achieved when used with the G1M Signal Master (see page 38). Strobes must be connected to signal circuits that output a constant (not pulsed) voltage. A diode is used to allow full signal circuit supervision. 405 Series strobes are suitable for outdoor use and installed to a standard four-inch square electrical box.
405-5A-T (Red) 405-7A-T (Red) 405-3A-T (Red) 405-6A-T (Red) 405-8A-T (Red) CS-405-7A-T (15/75 cd) 405-5A-TW (White) 405-7A-TW (White) 405-3A-TW (White) 405-6A-TW (White) 405-8A-TW (White) Strobe - 15 cd Strobe - 15/75 Strobe - 30 cd Strobe - 60 cd Strobe - 110 cd Catalog Sheet: 85001-0305 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0305 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0305 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0305 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0305 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0305

CS-405-8A-T (110 cd) Strobe - Weatherproof (red)

Re-Entrant Speakers and Speaker-Strobes

Re-entrant speakers feature a sealed, high efficiency compression driver thats both weatherproof and vermin proof. This makes them ideal for public places and outdoor areas such as parking garages and transport terminals. All Integrity speakers include a DC Blocking Capacitor that permits electrical supervision of the audio distribution circuit. Models for 25VRMS and 70VRMS circuits are available.
757-1A-R25 (Red) 757-7A-RS25 (Red) 757-3A-RS25 (Red) 757-8A-RS25 (Red) 757-1A-R70 (Red) 757-7A-RS70 (Red) 757-3A-RS70 (Red) 757-8A-RS70 (Red) 42 757-1A-R25W (White) 25 V Re-entrant Speaker Catalog Sheet: 85001-0317

757-7A-RS25W (White) 25 V Re-entrant Speaker-Strobe, 15/75cd Catalog Sheet: 85001-0317 757-3A-RS25W (White) 25 V Re-entrant Speaker-Strobe, 30cd Catalog Sheet: 85001-0317

757-8A-RS25W (White) 25 V Re-entrant Speaker-Strobe, 110cd Catalog Sheet: 85001-0317 757-1A-R70W (White) 70 V Re-entrant Speaker Catalog Sheet: 85001-0317

757-7A-SS70W (White) 75 V Re-entrant Speaker-Strobe, 15/75cd Catalog Sheet: 85001-0317 757-3A-RS70W (White) 75 V Re-entrant Speaker-Strobe, 30cd Catalog Sheet: 85001-0317

757-8A-RS70W (White) 75 V Re-entrant Speaker-Strobe, 110cd Catalog Sheet: 85001-0317


Notification Appliances


Audible Signals
Fire Alarm Bells
GE Security fire alarm bells are of the underdome type with heavy-duty mechanisms. Gongs are made of selected alloy steel to generate the loud, resonant tones. For weatherproof application, optional surface weatherproof backboxes are available.
323D-10AW (Grey) 439D-6AW (Grey) 439D-10AW (Grey) 323D-10AR (Red) 439D-6AR (Red) 439D-10AR (Red) 10-inch Single Stroke, Diode 20-24Vdc Catalog Sheet: 85001-0333 6-inch Vibrating, Diode 20-24Vdc 10-inch Vibrating, Diode 20-24Vdc Catalog Sheet: 85001-0333 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0333

Single Stroke Chimes

Model 329D Single Stroke Chimes are specially designed for indoor private mode fire alarm applications. These chimes use heavy duty mechanisms and operate with a single stroke solid plunger, which strikes against an aluminum resonating chamber.
329D-AW Fire Alarm Chime Single Stroke, 24Vdc Catalog Sheet: 85001-0413

Notification Appliances

Multiple Tone Signal

The Edwards 5530MD-24AW is a weatherproof heavy-duty industrial, tone-selectable, signaling device capable of producing volume-controlled, high-decibel tones. It uses a microprocessor circuit to create 27 distinctive tones. A single tone may be selected by setting a miniature dip switch within the unit.
5530MD-24AW 27-Tone Selectable Signal 24Vdc Catalog Sheet: 85001-0415

Hazardous Location Devices

Firefighters Telephones
Catalog Sheet: 85001-0423

Firefighters telephones are typically installed in corridors, lobbies, mechanical rooms, stairways, or other stategic locations. When lifted from its cradle, or plugged into a suitable wall jack, the handset activates audible and visible signals at the EST3 control panel.
6833-1 6830-3 (black) 6830-1 6830-5A 6830-6A 6831-1 (break-glass) 6831-3 (break-glass) 6830-NY-F 6830-NY-S 6832-1 Portable Handset Receptacle 1-gang Stainless-steel Faceplate for use with 6830-3 6700-0061 (red) Handset Assembly - Red Handset Assembly - Red, 3-state operation, Push to Talk button Handset Assembly - Red, 3-state operation, Push to Talk button, Armoured cable 6831-2 (non-break glass) 6831-4 (non-break glass) Warden Station - Flush. Warden Station - Surface Universal wallbox - Compatible with all fixed telephone handsets. Flush or Surface mount. Frontplate Flush, Red finish, c/w 2 keys Frontplate Surface, Red finish, c/w 2 keys Portable Firefighters Telephone

Door Holders & Relays



Notification Appliances

EST3 Network

Bell/Strobe Plate
The bell/strobe plate is ideal for renovation and retrofit projects, and new construction. It is equipped with an GE Security self-synchronizing strobe and is designed to allow on-site mounting of ESTs 439 series Vibrating Bell, providing instant conversion to Bell/Strobe audible/visual signal appliances. The strobe is designed for 20 to 24Vdc operation and must be connected to signal circuits which output a constant (not pulsed) voltage. A diode is used to allow full signal circuit supervision.
403-5A-R (15 cd) 403-7A-R (15/75 cd) 403-3A-R (30 cd) 403-8A-R (110 cd) Catalog Sheet: 85001-0441

Initiating Devices

Integrity Lens Marking Kits

Integrity strobes are shipped with wall mount style FIRE lens markings. Where ceiling mount, other languages or different lens markings are required, optional LKW and LKC series Lens Marking Kits are available. Lens marking sleeves snap right over the strobe lens providing a quick, easy, change.
LKW-1R (Wall orientation) FIRE (Red) LKW-1 (Wall orientation) LKW-2 (Wall orientation) LKW-3 (Wall orientation) LKC-1 (Ceiling orientation)FIRE LKC-2 (Ceiling orientation)FEU LKC-3 (Ceiling orientation)FIRE/FEU LKC-4 (Ceiling orientation)SMOKE LKC-5 (Ceiling orientation)HALON LKC-6 (Ceiling orientation)CO2 LKC-7 (Ceiling orientation)EMERGENCY LKC-8 (Ceiling orientation)ALARM LKC-9 (Ceiling orientation)FUEGO

Notification Appliances

LKW-4 (Wall orientation) LKW-5 (Wall orientation) LKW-6 (Wall orientation) LKW-7 (Wall orientation) LKW-8 (Wall orientation) LKW-9 (Wall orientation)

Mounting Accessories
Integrity Temporal Horn, Horn/strobe 757A-SB Surface Box, Red, Indoor 757A-SBW Surface Box, White, Indoor 757A-WB Weatherproof Box, Red, Surface 757A-WBW Weatherproof Box, White, Surface 757A-BDF Bi-directional Frame, Red 757A-BDFW Bi-directional Frame, White 757A-RR2 Two-gang Retrofit Ring, Red 757A-RR2W Two-gang Retrofit Ring, White Integrity Speakers, Speaker/strobes 960A-4SF Flush Box, Indoor 757A-SB Surface Box, Red, Indoor 757A-SBW Surface Box, White, Indoor 757A-BDF Bi-directional Mounting Frame, Red 757A-BDFW Bi-directional Mounting Frame, White 757A-RR Four-inch Retrofit Ring, Red 757A-RRW Four-inch Retrofit Ring, White Integrity Re-entrant speakers, Speaker/strobes 960A-4SF Flush Box, Indoor 757A-SB Surface Box, Red, Indoor 757A-SBW Surface Box, White, Indoor 757A-WB Weatherproof Box, Red, Surface 757A-WBW Weatherproof Box, White, Surface 757A-BDF Bi-directional Mounting Frame, Red 757A-BDFW Bi-directional Mounting Frame, White Integrity Chimes, Chime/strobes 757A-SB Surface Box, Red, Indoor 757A-SBW Surface Box, White, Indoor 757A-BDF Bi-directional Mounting Frame, Red 757A-BDFW Bi-directional Mounting Frame, White Genesis Signals 27193-11 27193-16 G4RB G4B

Horn-strobe Surface Box, Red, Indoor Horn-strobe Surface Box, White, Indoor Speaker Surface Box, Red, Indoor Speaker Surface Box, White, Indoor

8-inch Square Speakers 960A-8SF Square Flush Box, Indoor 960A-8SS Square Surface Box, Indoor 8-inch Round Speakers 960A-8RF Round Flush Box, Indoor 4-inch Round Speakers 960A-4RF Round Flush Box, Indoor Horn/siren Combination 349 Weatherproof Backbox Fire Alarm Bells and CS-405 Series 449 Weatherproof Backbox Genesis G4B Speaker Surface Box



Hazardous Location Devices

Hazardous Location Devices

Initiating Devices p. 46

Hazardous Location Devices

Notification Appliances p. 47

GE Security hazardous location devices provide reliable life safety protection and emergency signaling in areas where atmospheres could become harsh or explosive. All hazardous location devices are UL rated under the full range of classifications set out in the National Electrical Code. The following classification definitions are an interpretive summary based on the 1996 edition of the National Electrical Code (NEC, NFPA 70). Refer to the latest editions of NFPA 497M, NFPA 70 and the UL Hazardous Location Equipment Directory for current and more detailed information. For more information on NEMA classifications, refer to NEMA Standards Publication No. 250.

Hazardous Location Classifications

Class I - Hazardous Gases. Class I locations are areas in which flammable gases or vapors are or may be present in the air in quantities sufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures. Typical Class I Hazardous Areas Spray painting and finishing areas Utility gas plants Petroleum refining production plants Petroleum dispensing locations Dry cleaning facilities Dip tanks containing combustibles or flammable liquids Plant facilities extracting solvents Inhalation anesthetics areas Process facilities manufacturing pyroxylin type plastics Class II - Hazardous Dusts. Class II locations represent areas that are hazardous due to the presence of combustible dust. Typical Class II Hazardous Areas Flour mills Feed mills Grain elevators and grain handling facilities Aluminum manufacturing and storage areas Magnesium manufacturing and storage areas Coal preparation and handling facilities Starch manufacturing and storage areas Confectionery plants Pulverizer sugar and cocoa manufacturing, and storage plants Spice grinding and storage plants Class III - Hazardous Fibers. Class III locations have easily ignitable fibers or flyings present, but not likely to be suspended in air in quantities sufficient to produce ignitable mixtures in the atmosphere. Typical Class III Hazardous Areas Textile mills Woodworking plants* Furniture manufacturers* Cotton gins Cotton seed milling plants Flax plants Carpet manufacturers * Except if wood flour (dust), which is Class II Group G, is present

The Location Classes are broken down by the NFPA into Divisions 1 and 2, defining different levels of risk. In general, the risk of there being a hazardous presence of flammable/ combustible/ignitable materials is higher for Division 1 than for Division 2. The specifics differ between the three classes (I, II and III). Equipment suitable for Division 1 is also suitable for Division 2 locations.

Class I and II locations are divided by the NFPA into Group designations identifying specific gases, vapors and dusts by characteristic similarities that relate to specific equipment construction requirements. Class III locations are not divided into separate group designations. Class I Groups Group A. Atmospheres containing acetylene. Group B. Atmospheres containing hydrogen, fuel and combustible process gases containing more than 30 percent hydrogen by volume, or gases or vapors of equivalent hazard such as butadiene, ethylene oxide, propylene oxide, and acrolein. Group C. Atmospheres such as ethyl ether, ethylene, or other gases or vapors of equivalent hazard. Group D. Atmospheres containing acetone, ammonia, benzene, butane, cyclopropane, ethanol, gasoline, hexane, methanol, methane, natural gas, naphtha (petroleum), propane, or gases or vapors of equivalent hazard. Class II Groups Group E. Atmospheres containing combustible metal dusts, including aluminum, magnesium, and their commercial alloys, or other combustible dusts whose particle size, abrasiveness and conductivity present similar hazards in the use of electrical equipment. Group F. Atmospheres containing combustible carbonaceous dusts, including carbon black, charcoal, coal, or dusts that have been sensitized by other materials so that they present an explosion hazard. Group G. Atmospheres containing combustible dusts not included in Group E or F, including flour, grain, wood, plastic, and chemicals.

Hazardous Location Devices Door Holders & Relays



Hazardous Location Devices

EST3 Network

Initiating Devices
Weather/Explosion proof heat detectors
Series 500 heat sensors are designed for use in applications requiring protection against weather, moisture (internal condensation), and explosive atmospheres. Heat sensors are normally-open devices designed to close an electrical circuit upon activation. Sensors use dual action, electric fire detection thermostats that employ two independent methods of detection: rate-of-rise and fixed temperature.
EPBMPB (explosionproof/ moistureproof) WPBMPB (weatherproof/ moistureproof)

Weather/Moisture Proof Models (WPBMPB) consist of a cast metal box, gasket and special steel cover plate integrated with the sensor. A crossed wire guard is added for extra protection. The emerging wire points are sealed with epoxy, increasing resistance to moisture. The cast metal box has four wire entrances for -inch rigid conduit. The unit offers combined protection against weather and condensation in the conduit.

Initiating Devices

Explosion/Moisture Proof Models (EPBMPB) consist of a cast metal box, cover plate and modified 500 Series sensor. The backbox has two opposing wire entrances threaded for -inch rigid conduit. The box, cover and base are precision machined for extremely close tolerance fit. Explosion proof models are available in a moisture proof version, which includes a moisture-resistant gasket.
WPBMPB501 Weather/Moistureproof rate-of-rise and fixed temp. sensors (136F/58C) Explosion/Moistureproof rate-of-rise and fixed temp. sensors (136F/58C) Weather/Moistureproof rate-of-rise and fixed temp. sensors (190F/88C) Explosion/Moistureproof rate-of-rise and fixed temp. sensors (190F/88C) Weather/Moistureproof fixed temperature sensor (136F/58C) Explosion/Moistureproof fixed temperature sensor (136F/58C) Weather/Moistureproof fixed temperature sensor (190F/88C) Explosion/Moistureproof fixed temperature sensor (190F/88C) Catalog Sheet: 85001-0393 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0393 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0393 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0393 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0393 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0393 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0393 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0393

Notification Appliances


Hazardous Location Devices

Hazardous location fire alarm station

The XAL-53 is an extremely rugged double-action fire alarm station suitable for hazardous locations. The device is activated by lifting the front cover and pulling down the ring. This two-step process prevents unintentional operation.
XAL-53 Hazardous Location Fire Alarm Station Catalog Sheet: 85001-0371


Class I, II, or III locations

Hazardous Location Devices


Notification Appliances
Hazardous Location, weatherproof Strobes
106DEX hazardous location strobes are diode polarized life safety signaling appliances designed for installation in hazardous environments. Rigid specifications and state-of-the-art technology provide for high visual output and low maintenance. Strobes are UL 1971 listed as visual signaling appliances for the hearing impaired in non-sleeping areas and may be used to meet ADA requirements.
Hazardous Location/ Weatherproof Strobe Pendant Mount Hazardous Location/ Weatherproof Strobe Bracket Mount Catalog Sheet: 85001-0547 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0547

Hazardous Location Multiple Tone Signals

Class I hazardous locations, for Divisions 1 and 2, Groups B, C and D 5533BD signals are heavy-duty industrial, tone-selectable, signaling devices capable of producing volume-controlled, high-decibel tones. The signals accept up to two contact closures and deliver two audible output signals selected from the 19 available tones. The two tones may be selected by setting miniature switches within the units. One of the tones can be assigned a priority status to override the other tone.
5533BD-AW Diode Polarized Hazardous Location Signal Catalog Sheet: 85001-0387

Hazardous Location Horns and Sirens

Class I hazardous locations, for Divisions 1 and 2, Groups B, C and D GE Security hazardous location horns and sirens are extremely high decibel, high-performance diode-polarized signaling appliances intended for fire alarm and life safety applications. Signals are solid-state with no moving parts or contacts to wear out. They require no maintenance or lubrication. The signals operate with very low current consumption and do not require extra current on start-up.
5522D-AW (Horn) 5523D-AW (Siren) Horn or siren 24 Vdc Catalog Sheet: 85001-0385

Hazardous Location Devices

Hazardous Location Bells

Class I groups B, C and D locations Class II groups E, F and G locations Class III hazardous locations, for Divisions 1 and 2

430D series of hazardous location bells are diode-polarized, heavy duty fire bells for use in life safety applications where a diode supervised signal is required. They can be mounted to any solid surface using two 3/8 inch (10 mm) bolts and the supplied mounting brackets or to a rigid conduit. The integral explosion-proof housing is mechanically terminated to accept a standard 3/4 inch -14 National Pipe Taper (NPT) nipple.
439DEX-6AW (6") 438DEX-6N5 (6") 439DEX-8AW (8") 438DEX-8N5 (8") 439DEX-10AW (10") 438DEX-10N5 (10") Bell 24 Vdc Bell 120 Vac Catalog Sheet: 85001-0399 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0399

Hazardous Location Horns

Class I groups B, C and D locations Class II groups E, F and G locations Class III hazardous locations, for Divisions 1 and 2

Door Holders & Relays

888D and 889D hazardous location horns are diode-polarized, heavy duty, high decibel vibrating horns intended for use in life safety systems in hazardous (classified) locations. These horns may be mounted to any solid surface using two bolts. Each unit is supplied with a sealing fitting for a 3/4 inch -14 National Pipe Taper (NPT) nipple, and wire leads for the electrical connection to the life safety system notification appliance circuit.
888D-N5 (120 Vac) 889D-AW (24 Vdc) Horn 120 Vac Catalog Sheet: 85001-0397



Door Holders & Relays

EST3 Network

Door Holders
Electromagnetic Door Holders
GE Security electromagnetic door holders keep doors open until signaled by the fire alarm system, a heat detector, a smoke detector, or an electrical switch. Door holders should be installed wherever doors may be effectively used to confine smoke and fire, or where the release of a self-closing door from a remote location is required. Fail-safe operation is an inherent feature of these door holders. If power fails, doors are released automatically, but may be opened or closed manually at any time. All units are free of moving parts, are self-contained, and require no maintenance. Door holders have a holding force of approximately 15-25 Lbf (66-111N).
1502-AQN5 (Double Door) Floor Mounted Catalog Sheet: 85001-0421

Initiating Devices

24 Vac 60 Hz 24 Vdc 120 Vac 60 Hz

1501-AQN5 (Single Door) 1504-AQN5 (Long Catch Plate) 1508-AQN5 (Surface) 1500-1 (1.5 Extension) 1500-7 (5.25 to 7.5 Extension)

1505-AQN5 (Short Catch Plate) Flush Wall Mounted Catalog Sheet: 85001-0421 1505-AQN9 (Completely flush) Wall Mounted 1500-2 (2.5 Extension) 1500-12 (7.5 to 12 Extension) CS2598-5 (long) Catch Plate Catch Plate Catalog Sheet: 85001-0421 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0421 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0421 Catalog Sheet: 85001-0421

Notification Appliances

CS2595-5 (short)

Replacement Armature

Four-Voltage SPDT/DPDT Control Relays
MR Series multi-voltage control relays are ideal for applications where local contacts are required for system status, remote contacts, or for control of electrical loads and general purpose switching. They are suitable for use with HVAC temperature control, fire alarm, security, energy management, and lighting control systems. Relays provide 10-Amp contacts, which may be operated by one of four input control voltages. Each relay position contains a red LED that indicates the relay coil is energized. Relays may be snapped apart from a standard four-module assembly and used independently.
MR-101/T (with mounting hardware) MR-104/T (with mounting hardware) MR-201/T (with mounting hardware) MR-204/T (with mounting hardware) MR-101/C (in metal enclosure) Single SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270062

Hazardous Location Devices

MR-104/C (in metal enclosure) 4-position SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270062 MR-201/C (in metal enclosure) Single DPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270062

MR-204/C (in metal enclosure) 4-position DPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270062

Door Holders & Relays

Heavy Duty DPDT Power Relays

MR-199 heavy duty power relays are designed for control applications where 30-Amp DPDT contacts are required. Two models are available: a 115Vac coil and a 24Vdc coil, each of which may be mounted in a rugged steel enclosure.
MR-199X-13 (relay only) MR-199AX-14 (relay only) MR-199X-13/C (in metal enclosure) Power Relay 24 VDC Catalog Sheet: 270065

MR-199AX-14/C (in metal enclosure) Power Relay 120 VDC Catalog Sheet: 270065



Door Holders & Relays


SPDT Relays
Single-pull/double-throw relays are ideal for applications where local or remote contacts are required for control of electrical loads. They are suitable for use with HVAC, temperature control, fire alarm, security, energy management, and lighting control systems. Each relay position contains a high-intensity LED which, when illuminated, indicates the relay coil is energized. Individual relay circuits may be snapped apart from standard four- or eight-position modules, and are also available in a single-circuit configuration. The common power to each relay position is bussed on the printed wiring board, which permits power to be connected only once per multi-position module.

Single-Voltage Manual Override Relays

MR-600 series relays provide SPDT, 10-Amp contacts with manual override capability by means of an ON-AUTO-OFF switch. The relay requires a 24Vac or 24Vdc power source supplied by the controlling system. With the switch in the ON position the power relay is energized. With the switch in the AUTO position the relay is allowed to operate as signaled by the controlling system. With the switch in the OFF position the relay cannot be energized.
MR-601/T (with mounting track) MR-604/T (with mounting track) MR-608/T (with mounting track) MR-601/S (with mounting spacers) Single SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270061

MR-604/S (with mounting spacers) 4-position SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270061 MR-608/S (with mounting spacers) 8-position SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270061

Three-Voltage Control Relays

MR-800 Series relays provide SPDT 10-Amp contacts that may be operated by one of three input control voltages: 24Vdc, 24Vac or 115Vac.
MR-801/T (with mounting track) MR-804/T (with mounting track) MR-808/T (with mounting track) MR-801/S (with mounting spacers) Single SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270063

MR-804/S (with mounting spacers) 4-position SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270063 MR-808/S (with mounting spacers) 8-position SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270063

Four-Voltage Control Relays

MR-700 Series relays provide SPDT 10-Amp contacts that may be operated by one of four input control voltages: 12Vdc, 12Vac, 24Vdc, or 24Vac.
MR-701/T (with mounting track) MR-704/T (with mounting track) MR-708/T (with mounting track) MR-701/S (with mounting spacers) Single SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270064

MR-704/S (with mounting spacers) 4-position SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270064 MR-708/S (with mounting spacers) 8-position SPDT relay Catalog Sheet: 270064

Door Holders & Relays

Three-Voltage Encapsulated Control Relays

PAM-1 relays provide 10-Amp Form C contacts. The relay may be energized by one of three input voltages: 24Vac, 24Vdc, or 115Vac. The PAM-1 may be mounted with double-sided adhesive tape, a self-tapping screw, or loosely placed in a backbox.


Encapsulated SPDT relay

Catalog Sheet: 270066 49

EST3 Network

Submittal Guide

Model Description Lit #Guide P/N
85010-0051 85006-0049 85006-0047 85006-0048 85006-0046 85010-0095 85010-0071 85010-0135 85010-0055 85010-0129 85010-0103 85010-0069 85006-0037 85010-0117 270020 85010-0061 85010-0063 85010-0105 270041 85010-0085 85010-0057 85010-0089 85010-0011 270038 270009 85010-0059 85010-0111 85010-0087 85005-0107 85010-0067 85001-0309 85001-0495 85001-0425 85010-0107 85006-0057 85006-0058 85006-0059 85010-0131 85010-0075 85006-0045 85010-0101 85010-0113 85010-0115 85010-0109 85010-0098 85001-0528 85001-0523 85001-0521 85001-0522 85001-0520 85001-0524 85001-0525 85005-0111 2 9 9 9 15 3 8 8 8 4 5 11 10 11 22 5 13 14 14 14 14 35 14 14 23 20 20 35 21 19 44 44 44 7 12 12 12 6 6 24 22 23 24 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18



Lit #Guide P/N

32 31 31 30 30 29 31 30 29 29 31 33 27 34 26 26 26 26 26 28 27 36 36 33 39 40 41 41 41 41 39 40 42 42 42 44 43 43 43 43 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 21 37 37 48 48 48 48 48 48 48

Door Holders & Relays

Control Panel EST3 EST3 Fire/Security/Access Control Control and Annunciation FireWorks Software FireWorks Overview (Fire only) FireWorks Software FireWorks Overview (Synergy) FireWorks Hardware FireWorks Specifications KPDISP Keypad/Display 3-CPU3/3-RS485/232Central Processor Unit Module 3-LCD 8 Line Liquid Crystal Display Module 3-LCDXL 21 Line Liquid Crystal Display Module 3-LDSM Control Display Modules 3-SSDC1 Single Signature Driver Controller 3-AADC1 Addressable-Analog Device Controller 3-LCDANN, 3-xxANN Remote Annunciators ENVOY Graphic Annunciator 3-VDUT Video Display Utility for Text PT-1S/PT-1P System Event Printer 3-IDC8/4 Hardwired Module Audio 3-ASU series Audio and Telephone Masters 3-REMICA, 3-REMICP Remote Microphone ATP Amplifier Terminal Panel EST3 Series Central Banked Amplifiers 3-ZAxxx Series Audio Amplifiers SIGA-AA30, -AA50 Intelligent Audio Amplifiers 1B3125 Audio Power Amplifier 125 Watts URSM Universal Riser Supervisory Module CDR-3+B114/MTM Coders Power Supplies 3-PPS/M, 3-BPS/M EST3 Power Supplies 3-BTSEN Battery Distribution Kit SIGA-APS Intelligent Auxiliary Power Supply BPS6/BPS10 Remote Booster Power Supplies Enclosures and Wallboxes 3-CAB, 3-RCC EST3 Cabinets and Chassis 348/349/449 Weatherproof Backboxes 27193 Series Surface Mount Boxes Misc. Bell AccessoriesYard Hood, Full Cast Grid, Grille Communications 3-MODCOM Modem Communicator NETSW-EIS6-MM Ethernet Network Switching Hub NETCOM-1F Ethernet Network Interface NETCOM-1S Ethernet Network Interface 3-FIBMB Fiber Optic Communications Interface 3-OPS Off Premise Signaling Module API-8/232ME Alphanumeric Pager Interface RDU/RDUEU-E Remote Diagnostic Utility Program 3-NSHM1, 3-NSHM2 Network Short Haul Modem GFD Ground Fault Detection Module Security and Access Control 3-SAC Security/Access Control Module ACDB Access Control DataBase Software CRC, CRCXM Card Reader Controller CR-6005 Proximity Card Reader CR-5365 Proximity Card Reader CR-5395, C-5395x Proximity Card Reader CR-5355 Proximity Card Reader PC-1326, PC-1386 Proximity Access Cards PK-1346, PT-1391 Proximity Key Fobs and Tags 24DC12 12 Vdc Security Interface

Intelligent Input/Output Devices SIGA-UIO Series Universal I/O Module Motherboards 85001-0365 SIGA-CC1S/MCC1S Synchronization Output Module 85001-0543 SIGA-IO/MIO Input/Output Modules 85001-0533 SIGA-RM1/MRM1 Riser Monitor Modules 85001-0535 SIGA-CR/-MCR Series Control Relay Modules 85001-0239 SIGA-CT/-MCT Series Input Modules 85001-0241 SIGA-MM1/-WTM Input Modules 85001-0297 SIGA-CC/-MCC Series Signal Modules 85001-0237 SIGA-MDM Digital Message Module 85001-0363 SIGA-UM/-MAB Class A/B Modules 85001-0275 SIGA-IM Isolator Module 85001-0271 Intelligent Initiating Devices SIGA-SEC2 Dual Input Security Module 85001-0527 SIGA-MD/-MDS PIR Motion Detector Module 85001-0526 SIGA-270/-278 Manual Pull Stations 85001-0279 SIGA-IPHS Intelligent 4D Multisensor Detector 85001-0245 SIGA-PHS Intelligent 3D Multisensor Detector 85001-0247 SIGA-PS Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector 85001-0269 SIGA-IS Intelligent Ionization Smoke Detector 85001-0291 SIGA-HFS/-HRS Intelligent Heat Detectors 85001-0243 SIGA-SD Intelligent Duct Detectors 85001-0584 SIGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Base 85001-0581 SIGA-DMP Detector Mounting Plate 85001-0255 SIGA-DG Smoke Detector Guard 85001-0359 Fire Suppression SIGA-REL Releasing Module 85001-0531 Notification Appliances Genesis G1 Series Field Configurable Horns and Strobes 85001-0573 Genesis G4 Series Wall Speakers and Speaker-Strobes 85001-0549 Genesis GC Series Ceiling Horn-Strobes 85001-0559 Genesis GC Series Ceiling Speakers, Speaker-Strobes 85001-0556 Genesis GC Series Ceiling Strobes 85001-0557 Genesis GC Series Ceiling Speakers 85001-0558 Genesis G1 Series Wall Chimes and Chime-Strobes 85001-0574 G1M, G1M-RM Signal Master 85001-0545 405 Series Synchronized Strobe 85001-0305 757 Series Temporal Horn and Horn-Strobe 85001-0341 757 Series Re-entrant Speaker and Speaker-Strobe 85001-0317 403 Series Bell-Strobe Plate 85001-0441 6830 Series Fire Alarm Telephones 85001-0423 300/400 Series Fire Alarm Bells 85001-0333 328D/329D Single Stroke Chimes 85001-0413 5530MD Multiple Tone Signal 85001-0415 Hazardous Location XAL-53 Hazardous Location Fire Alarm Station 85001-0371 500 Series Hazardous Location Heat Detectors 85001-0393 5522D/23D/24D Hazardous Location Horns and Sirens 85001-0385 5533BD/5534BD Hazardous Location Multiple Tone Signals85001-0387 888D-AW/-N5 Hazardous Location Horns 85001-0397 439DEX/438DEX Hazardous Location Bells 85001-0399 106DEX Series Hazardous Location Strobes 85001-0547 Accessories Batteries Rechargeable Valve Regulated Batteries 85010-0127 STI Series STI Series Stopper II 85001-0491 RR-32RL ADA Station Relocator 85001-0351 1500 Series Electromagnetic Door Holders 85001-0421 PAM-1 Multi-Voltage Control Relays 270066 MR-100/MR-200 Multi-Voltage Control Relays 270062 MR-199 Series Heavy Duty Power Relays 270065 MR-600 Series Manual Override Relays 270061 MR-700 Series Multi-Voltage Control Relays 270064 MR-800 Series Multi-Voltage Control Relays 270063

Hazardous Location

Notification Appliances

Initiating Devices



This EST3 Submittal Guide has been designed to make your job as easy as possible. The guide includes concise descriptions and relevant drawings for all EST3-related components. Adjacent to each component entry is a place for you to indicate that it is to be included in the submittal. Four simple steps now accomplish what used to be a tedious task... Step One On the reverse of this flap, rough out your submittal by indicating on the list which products are to be included. Step Two With the flap open, turn to each entry indicated on the rough-out and choose the specific components that are to be included by placing checkmarks in the boxes provided. Step Three Attach your business card to the outside front cover of the guide and sign and date the cover letter on page i.

Rough out your submittal by indicating here the basic components of the package. Then, with this flap open, turn to the corresponding page and indicate the specific products to include. EST3 Network
Network Control Central Processor Unit, p. 3 Network Communication Card, p. 3 RS-232 Communication Card, p. 3 Short Haul Modem Interface, p. 3 Single Signature Driver Controller, p. 4 Addressable Analog Device Controller, p. 5 Initiating Device Circuit (Hardwired) Module, p. 5 Off Premise Signaling Module, p. 6 Fiber Optics Communications Interface, p. 6 Modem Communicator, p. 7 Liquid Crystal Display Modules, p. 8 Control Display Modules, p. 8 FireWorks, p. 9 Envoy Graphic Annunciator, p. 10 Remote Annunciators, p. 11 Remote Annunciator Cabinets, p. 11 Video Display Utility, p. 11 Ethernet Networking p. 12 Audio and Telephone Masters, p. 13 Audio Amplifiers (Banked), p. 14 Remote Microphones, p. 14 Security/Access Control Module, p. 15 Keypad/Display, p. 15 Card Reader Controller, p. 16 Proximity Card Readers, p. 17 Proximity Access Cards, p. 18 Proximity Key Fobs and Tags, p. 18 12 Vdc Regulator with Security Interface, p. 18 Lobby Enclosures, p. 19 Remote Closet Enclosures, p. 19 Chassis Assemblies, p. 19 Main Panel Power Supplies, p. 20 Battery Distribution Unit, p. 20 Remote Booster Power Supply, p. 21 Batteries, p. 21 Remote Diagnostic Utility, p. 22 Serial Printer, p. 22 RS-232 Optical Isolator Card, p. 23 CDR-3 Coder, p. 23 March Time Module, p. 23 Network Short Haul Modem, p. 23 Ground Fault Detection Module, p. 24 Communications Bridge, p. 24 Alphanumeric Pager Interface, p. 24

Local Rail Modules

Display & Networking Remote Annunciation

Network Audio Security/Access Control

Cabinets & Chassis

Step Four Fill out the bottom portion of this card, remove it from the back cover, and file it with your notes on the project for future reference.

Power Supplies

Network Accessories

Project _________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Firm ___________________________________________ Contact _________________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ Submitted by ____________________________________

Intelligent Analog Initiating Devices

Detectors Signature Multisensor Detectors, p. 26 Signature Photoelectric Detectors, p. 26 Signature Ionization Detectors, p. 26 Signature Heat Detectors, p. 26 Signature Motion Detectors, p. 27 Signature Duct Smoke Detectors, p. 28 Audible (Sounder) Detector Base, p. 27 Standard Detector Base, p. 27 Isolator Detector Base, p. 27 Relay Detector Base, p. 27 Intelligent Input/Output Modules, p. 28 Universal Input/Output (UIO) Motherboards, p. 32 Dual Input Security Module, p. 33 Releasing Module, p. 33 Single Action Pull Stations, p. 34 Double Action Pull Stations, p. 34 Audio Amplifiers, p. 35 Auxiliary Power Supplies, p. 35

Notes _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________
Detach before submitting this guide. Detach before submitting this guide.

Input/Output Modules

Manual Pull Stations Amplifiers & Power Supplies

Notification Appliances
Visible/Audible Signals Genesis Wall Horns and Horn/strobes, p. 39 Genesis Speakers and Speaker/strobes, p. 40 Signal Master, p. 40 Genesis Ceiling Horns, Speakers, Strobes, p. 41 Integrity Harsh Environment Signals, p. 42 Single Stroke Chimes, p. 43 Multiple Tone Signals, p. 43 Fire Alarm Bells, p. 43 Firefighters Telephones, p. 43

Audible Signals

Hazardous Location Devices

Hazardous Location Heat Detectors, p. 46 Hazardous Location Pull Stations, p. 46 Hazardous Location Signals, p. 47

Door Holders & Relays

GE Security wishes you the best of luck with all your submittal plans!

Door Holders, p. 48 Relays, p. 49

GE Security
U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada T 519 376 2430 F 519 376 7258 Asia T 852 2907 8108 F 852 2142 5063 Australia T 61 3 9259 4700 F 61 3 9259 4799 Europe T 32 2 725 11 20 F 32 2 721 86 13 Latin America T 305 593 4301 F 305 593 4300

Your Strategic Partner and you

Your Strategic Partner enjoys a special relationship with GE Security that ideally positions their team for delivering the most sophisticated life safety systems for the best overall cost. Each Strategic Partner is hand-picked from among the most qualified Engineered Systems Distributors todays life safety industry has to offer. Before becoming a Strategic Partner, candidates must demonstrate, among other criteria, a strong commitment to training and high levels of technical competence, quality control, and financial security. Strategic Partners are not middlemen or go-betweens. They are independent contractors that form an integral part of the GE Security marketing and support organization. As insiders, they enjoy exclusive access to products, custom design innovations, specialized training, and pricing privileges. Yet as successful independent contractors, they are adept at ensuring that each submittal is strong and competitive. EST3 and the Signature Series family of smoke detectors are two areas where your Strategic Partner has already demonstrated excellence. As a result, you can be assured that the installation and configuration of these systems will realize their maximum potential in terms of performance, flexibility, and economy. If you would like to discuss your life safety plans with individuals that have a proven track record with GE Securitys systems and products, please contact your local Strategic Partner.

imagination at work
85010-0099, Issue 8

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