Adana 8x5
Adana 8x5
Adana 8x5
3 Clean the protective film from the ink disc and rollers using lighter fuel or white spirit.
This is the finest hand-platen printing machine in the world, with it you can print to an exceptionally high standard. Designed by printers' engineers of long experience the robust construction and smooth, rapid and easy operation of the Eight-Five have long established its unequalled reputation. It is used by professional printers, industry, educational establishments, hospitals, churches and the home printer-for whom it remains the most popular printing press. Both card and paper can be printed on the Eight-Five. as can multi-colour work and illustrations from line and half-tone blocks. The range of work your press will print is vast-all manner of cards and stationery, envelopes, handbills, certificates, notices, menus, programmes, booklets and magazinesin fact the scope is unlimited. This manual is designed to make the operation of the EightFive easy, particularly for those who are unfamiliar with printing. Even if you own only the basic machine you should study carefully paragraphs 49-54 on Care of inking rollers. SPECIFICATION Chase 8 x 5 inches, 20·3 x 12·7 centimetres (inside dimensions) There is no limit to the size of sheet that may be printed. Two composition inking rollers Duplex roller runners Adjustable double grippers with variable length fingers Fully adjustable laygauge Impression controlled by standard printers' 4-screw method Weight of the basic Eight-Five 33~ lb, 15·2 kg Overall size: 23 x 13 x 19 inches, 58·4 x 33·0 x 48·3 centimetres. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ASSEMBLY
4 Fit the ink disc to the machine. Check that the ratchet striker engages with the teeth in the underside of the disc.
5 Fit the rollers to the carriage. To do this depress the handle about half way until the roller carriage arms are just above the lower half of the inking disc. When fitting the rollers ensure that the nylon runners are positioned with the flange of greatest diameter nearest to the rollers on each side. (See care of inking rol/ers paras. 49-54.) 6 With the rollers in their lowest position, grip the chase as shown and lift it upwards and away from the bed. To assist this operation position your fingers in the two depressions at the top of the bed.
1 Remove the machine carefully from its packing case. The case also contains two inking rollers, one ink disc, one long gripper finger and t~e booklet Type and Typesetting. . 2 For ease of operation it is recommended that the machine is bolted to a bench or wooden base. (Adana supply a wooden base board as an accessory-see page 1 e.) A bench height of about 27 in. or 68 ems. suits most people.
booklet Type and Typesetting. The chase, complete with the type and furniture locked in position, is known as the forme. Note the use of expanding mechanical quoins and quoin key. 7 Use the enclosed
8 Place a small 'blob' of ink on a suitable non-absorbent surface, such as sheet metal or plate glass, using the hand roller to roll it out until it is well and evenly distributed over most of the surface. Leave it to aerate for about 15 minutes. 9 Transfer ink from the hand roller to the ink disc so that the disc is covered by a thin film. Do not over-ink. It is easier to add more ink than to take some away. 10 Ensure the even distribution of ink over the disc and rollers by depressing the handle several times.
12 Position the laygauge and secure it with the clamps at each end. Heavy clamping pressure is not necessary. The laygauge should be positioned so that the sheet for printing will locate into the recess in the edge of the gauge. Once the clamps are tightened the laygauge may be removed without altering the position of the clamps. Accuracy in positioning the laygauge is important and is amply rewarded in the final printed work. Great care should be taken to ensure that the laygauge does not touch the type matter when an impression is taken, depress the handle very slowly whilst watching to check this. 13 The sideways position of the card or paper is fixed by a laygauge pin. The laygauge pin is stuck into the padding and the point is pushed along the platen, under the padding, in a direction away from the paper or card. (See paragraph 23 for details of the padding for the platen.) 14 Adjust the position of the gripper fingers on the gripper arm. The fingers should prevent the paper or card from sticking to the type matter when releasing the handle after the impression. The fingers must not be allowed to foul the type face. The longer gripper finger can be used instead of the two short ones if this is more convenient. 15 Depress the handle several times so that the rollers transfer the ink from the disc to the type matter. Then, with the paper or card in position, depress the handle firmly until it presses against the impression stops as shown.
11 With the inking rollers in their lowest position insert the forme into the bed of the machine.
16 Release the paper or card and check this trial 'pull' for: laygauge squareness and position, laygauge pin position. uniformity of pressure and uniformity of inking. 17 If the pressure is uneven, the type bed can be adjusted as described in paragraph 24. Where individual letters are unclear, 'spotting up' is required. This technique is described in paragraph
18 When all adjustments and spotting up are completed production can commence. Place a sheet of card or paper on the platen and depress the handle fully. Remove the card or paper and repeat for the next sheet. 19 As printing proceeds, inspect your work regularly to ascertain when re-inking of the ink disc is necessary. Also take care when stacking finished sheets. or smudging may occur. GENERAL ADVICE
screws until they are touching the bed to the same degree, and the four corners print with the same density. This is not difficult to do if you work slowly. Tighten each impression screw a small amount at a time. Before proceeding check that the bed does not wobble. Hold it on each side and attempt to move it. If it does wobble it is most likely that the bed is not resting on all four impression screws. 25 Even with new padding and correctly adjusted pressure, you may occasionally find local areas or individual characters which are unclear. To remedy this you must 'spot up' the offending area. Spotting up is carried out as follows.
24 cont. impression
Prin::'g Machines
~g Machines
20 Do not over-ink, This is very important, as too much ink will clog small letters and spoil the impression. as well as taking much longer to dry, 21 To produce good work it is essential to keep both the machine and your fingers clean. 22 Do not apply more pressure than is necessary to get a clear impression. Excessive pressure damages the paper and gives a lower standard of printed work. For instructions on how to adjust pressure see paragraph 24. If the impression produces an embossed effect on the back of the paper you can be sure that the pressure is too great, MAINTENANCE
23 Periodically change the padding on the platen, particularly when changing the forme after a long run. The padding consists of six sheets of thin newsprint against the platen, followed by a padding card and finally one sheet of white paper on top. To change the padding, unclamp the padding bales and slide out the laygauge bar. Note that the laygauge clamps need not be removed when doing this. 24 Your machine was set and fully tested before despatch, but should adjustments be needed to make the pressure even, or to adjust for a lighter or heavier forme, this is done by the four impression screws. After making a number of such adjustments it may be necessary to square up the bed. Slacken off all the impression screws and renew the padding. A test forme should be set by placing four large pieces of type (24 point or over) one at each corner of the chase. Ink Up and print as normal, but hold the handle down on its stops. With your other hand tighten the
a) Print an impression on the top sheet of the platen padding, b) Stick thin pieces of tissue paper over those parts where the print is unclear, The gummed paper at the edge of a sheet of postage stamps is useful for this. The left illustration shows a print with faulty letters 't. i. n. The patch of tone on the right illustration shows paper pasted on the platen. Be careful to place the spotting up paper only where it is needed, or the place where it overlaps will print too heavily. Spotting up will normally only be necessary when using old or worn type with new. Adana type is cast to standard British type height and when new should not require spotting up. Wooden mounted blocks will often be below normal type height and may require a piece of paper or even thin card placed under the wooden mount to restore it to the correct height. 26 The gripper arms should normally be set so that they lie roughly midway between the type matter and the platen when the machine is open (i.e .. when the handle is up). For some jobs it may be useful to move the gripper arms nearer to the platen, by adjusting the cams on the side of the machine 27 After use clean the ink disc, rollers and type with lighter fuel (or white spirit), then remove the residue with dry rag. It is most important to remove all the ink or it will harden and spoil subsequent jobs. Avoid fluffy rag as fibres will stick to the rollers. 28 Occasionally lubricate the moving parts with a thin machine oil. Particular attention should be paid to the two roller arms, the ink disc spindle and the twelve oil holes. These holes are situated as follows: four in the impression toggle, two beneath the platen, three on the platen hinge-visible when the handle is depressed half way, one on each side of the roller carriage toggle located beneath the ink disc and one under this toggle.
29 Of all the parts of your Eight-Five the rollers are the most likely to become damaged if the correct precautions are not taken. Any damage to the rollers will affect the even distribution of the ink and hence spoil the printed sheet. Take great care of the rollers and they will give long service. Read carefully the section of this manual on the care of rollers.
32 Remove the link arm nut situated at the end of the roller carriage. (A box spanner, not supplied, may be useful for this.) Pass this nut through the hole in the end of the link arm and screw it back in position in the roller carriage. The link arm is now loosely held in position. (This looseness is correct as it allows the chassis to be moved into a correct position without straining the link. This operation is covered in paragraph 35.) 33 Replace the ink disc. 34 Position the transfer roller ~ on the ink disc and loop the end of the tension spring over the lug situated on the main arm. Screw on the knurled nut to secure the transfer roller arm.
for the
Equipped with the basic machine, some type, ink and paper there is nothing to prevent you from printing work of the highest quality. These accessories are designed to make printing easier still and to assist you to produce work of consistent quality.
Every printer must use care when hand-inking. With the basic Eight-Five the forme is inked automatically but care is needed to maintain the correct amount of ink, by hand, on the ink disc. The ink duct makes this operation very much more simple. Automatically it supplies exactly the right quantity of ink to the ink disc and it ensures an even film of ink so that all the printed sheets will look alike. Particularly when long runs, or formes containing a lot of matter, are required, the ink duct will be found invaluable. Experience will also show that the use of the ink duct speeds up the printing operation thereby saving time. For a diagram of the ink duct see the flap on the inside back cover of this manual.
35 The chassis must now be correctly sited. Look down the plane of the ink disc and observe the point of contact between the disc and the transfer roller. Rotate the ink duct chassis until the transfer roller and the disc are in contact along the full length of the roller. Now lock the two UIII!J_"•• chassis bolts to hold the ink duct in position. 36 The doctor blade controls the quantity of ink that is allowed on the steel roller. To adjust it first slacken off the two blade adjustment screws underneath the blade. Next slacken the two blade locking screws above the blade. The ridge at the back of the blade .. can be used as a finger grip to position the blade In the required setting with the vertical sides touching the steel roller. The horizontal edge of the blade is now a small distance from the roller. The two blade locking screws should be tightened firmly but without force. 37 Fine adjustment of the doctor blade is achieved with the two blade adjustment screws underneath the doctor blade. These should be screwed with care and a little at a time. By tightening them the blade is brought nearer to the steel roller. One spare doctor blade is supplied, and more can be purchased, as this item will, in time, be subject to wear.
38 Place a small quantity of ink on the steel roller and turn the ratchet locking knob in a clockwise direction to obtain a thin even film of ink on the steel roller.
45 Release the tension spring from the transfer roller arm. The
transfer roller may now be lifted up for cleaning. If desired the transfer roller may be removed-see paragraph 47.
39 As with the hand transfer of ink to the ink disc (paragraph 9) take care to adjust the doctor blade so that a thin film of ink is transferred. It is far easier to increase than to reduce the film of ink on the disc.
cleaned the ink duct should be re-assembled. First the doctor blade should be replaced and lightly secured with one blade locking screw. Next the steel roller followed by the ratchet locking knob which should be re-screwed into the steel roller. The doctor blade should be repositioned as in paragraph 36. Lastly the transfer roller tension spring should be replaced-see paragraph 34.
40 Without the forme in the bed depress the handle many times
to transfer an even film of ink to the ink disc. This process can be speeded considerably if the disc is rotated manually about one quarter of a turn between handle depressions. 41 Proceed from paragraph required. CLEANING THE INK 11, renewing the supply of ink as
For short run work, particularly with light formes, it may be best to apply the ink by hand to the ink disc. In these instances the transfer roller must be disconnected from the ink duct.
The simplicity of construction of the ink duct makes the cleaning operation very easy and quick to complete. Use lighter fuel or white spirit.
43 Slacken off both the two blade locking screws and the two
blade adjusting screws.
44 Remove
the steel roller, with thumb and forefinger for cleaning. The doctor blade may now be removed com pletely.
49 Good inking rollers are delicate and care is needed to maintain them in good condition. Rollers in perfect condition should give slightly to the firm grip of the hand, but it should not be possible for the fingers to sink deeply into them. The surface should be slightly tacky but not wet and should offer firm resistance when the palm of the hand is drawn along it. 50 Rollers deteriorate rapidly when exposed to extremes of temperature or high humidity. In particular do not leave them on a radiator or in strong sunlight. Normal living-room environment is ideal.
51 Keep the roller composition free from contact when storing, or indentations and cuts will result. To eliminate this risk the rollers can be stored in the box provided. For long-term storage
coat the entire surface, including the ends of the rollers, with a thin film of Vaseline. This can be removed with a rag and lighter fuel or white spirit.
52 When the ink disc is removed from the machine the handle
must not be used. Without the ink disc in position the rollers will, if the handle is used, be pressed against the casting. This can cause serious damage to the (oilers.
56 Depress the handle until the rollers rest on the lower part of the ink disc. Engag the rider roller spindle into the slots in the roller swivel blocks and clip on the retaining springs.
53 Before use ensure there is no Vaseline or oil on the rollers. After use the ink must be removed before it solidifies. For this purpose use lighter fuel or white spirit, which must be removed immediately after cleaning using a clean rag.
54 After prolonged use the roller composition will tend to shrink slightly and will no longer contact the type. When this happens the life of the rollers can be extended by reversing the position of the nylon runners so that they bear on the small diameter. Ensure that all four runners are reversed.
58 Unclip the retaining springs, remove the rider roller and clean with lighter fuel or white spirit.
THE RIDER ROLLER This slender metal roller comes into contact with both inking rollers and assists in distributing an even film of ink over them. This is particularly useful where the image to be printed is large and extends to the edges of the forme. FITTING THE RIDER ROLLER
61 Always use the rider roller when there are a number of lines ot type matter or a large illustration block to be printed. The ink will then be distributed more evenly over the image, with a noticeable improvement in the quality of the printed sheet. When a small image is to be printed there is little point in using the rider roller and, indeed, in these circumstances it can even make the image worse by causing a slight slurring.
Counting sheets is a tedious job that the printer must do on many occasions, particularly now that the Trade Descriptions Act requires printers to state clearly and accurately the number of copies they are selling to their customers. The impression counter takes all the tedium away. It is designed to give an accurate count. the total will not be affected bv the handle depressions when 'inking up' the forme. .
--63 With your left hand hold the handle in the full impression position. With the grub screw key, unscrew the locking screw of the spindle which connects the impression toggle to the main frame. It is a normal right hand thread. The ends ofthe spindle on some machines are protected with chromium domes, these should be prised off with a screwdriver and discarded. 64 The spindle is now free to be removed, although it should still be a tight fit. Removal is most easily achieved by pushing the reverse end (i.e., the end without the grub screw) with a screwdriver or similar pointed object. Movements of the impression handle will help to dislodge the spindle from its initial position. When sufficient to view it can easily be withdrawn 65 The new spindle, with impression counter attached, can now be inserted into the main body and toggle. Allow the counter to hang below the spindle as shown. Insert until the striker on the impression counter touches the side of the main frame. This defines the correct depth of insertion of the spindle.
66 Hold the handle in the full impression position. Rotate the spindle slowly so that the impression counter faces upwards. The striker will touch the underside of the handle and will be deflected by it. Note carefully the position at which the final digit increases by one unit. This is the correct position for the counter.
68 Check that the mounting position is correct. The counter should trigger reliably whenever the handle is put in the full impression position. If this does not happen, unlock the spindle and raise the counter until reliable operation is achieved. If the counter is mounted substantially too high, it will erroneously record impressions when the forme is being 'inked up'. When satisfied with the mounting position, lock the grub screw very firmly. A touch of lubricating oil or grease on the tip of the striker will help it to 'wear in' during initial operation. No lubricant is necessary afterwards.
Owners of the basic Eight-Five can purchase any of the Adana accessories as they need them. A baseboard which saves bolting the machine to a bench, and a plastic cover to keep the machine clean when not in use, are also available. It is also possible to buy the Complete Eight-Five which consists of the basic machine plus all the accessories as listed below. Ink duct Rider roller Impression cou nter An extra chase Inner chase Wooden rnountinq board Plastic cover The complete Eight-Five is normally fitted with polyurethane rollers.
Backed with over 50 years' experience of manufacturing high quality printing machines, the Adana range of hand-operated presses make professional quality letterpress printing available to all. Used by trade printers, schools, graphic arts departments, charities, factories, and therapy departments, Adana presses can produce one-off copies for repro masters and for proofing, or are equally suited to short or medium runs by the jobbing & home printer, All the machines in the Adana range have precise impression control, and adjustable lay gauges and grippers, Any conventional forme of type or blocks can be used with Adana presses and because of their convenient open-platen design, the machines will print on any size of paper, (although the printed area is naturally restricted by the size of the chase.) A wide range of type, inks, printers' cards and other materials and accessories is readily available, and catalogues will be sent on request.
In correspondence relating to the machine please quote the machine registration number. This is particulary important when ordering spare parts. The registration number on new machines is stamped on top of the main frame casting underneath the ink disc. On older models it is stamped on the platen underneath the top padding bale. These positions are indicated on the machine diagram in the centre of this manual.
My machine Registration
ADANA MAIL ORDER Unit 1, 5t. Margarets Business Centre, Drummond Place, Twickenham, Middx, TW11 IN Telephone:081·7449711 • Fax:081·7449708