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Accounts Unit 2 6002/01 Mark Scheme June 2010

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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2010


GCE ACCOUNTING(6002) Paper 01

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Summer 2010
Publications Code UA023381
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© Edexcel Ltd 2010
Section A
Question Answer M
Number k
Q1 Mark Scheme
Bengal Bay Railway plc
Balance sheet as at 31 March 2010 √

A Called up share capital not paid 2800 √

B Fixed assets
I Intangible assets √
Licences and patents purchased 750000 √
II Tangible Assets
Buildings 2120000 √
Land 5500000 √√
Plant and Machinery 3987000 √
Trains and locomotives 4320000 √
16677000 √ O/F
C Current Assets
I Stocks
Stocks of Consumables 127000 √

II Debtors
Trade debtors 24000 √
Prepayments 4760 √
Rent Received 3970 √

IV Cash at bank and in hand

Cash In Hand 345000 √
504730 √ O/F
D Prepayments and Accrued Income

E Creditors: Amounts falling due

within one year √
Bank Overdraft 652000 √
Interest on Bank Loan 25000 √
Trade Creditors 122000 √
Accruals 7400 √
806400 √ O/F
F Net current assets (liabilities) √ -301670 √ O/F

G Total assets less net current

liabilities √ 16378130 √ O/F

H Creditors: amounts falling due after

more than one year √
Bank Loan 3000000 √
I : Provisions for liabilities and charges

Legal costs provision 250000 √
Taxation Provision 61000 √
311000 √ O/F
J : Accruals and deferred income
13067130 √ O/F
K :Capital and reserves
I Ordinary share capital called up 9997200 √
II Share premium account 1999440 √
III Revaluation reserve √ 350000 √
IV Other Reserves - General Reserve 500000 √
V Profit and loss account 220490 √
13067130 √ O/F
8 x√ 32 x √
Total 40 x √ = 20 marks

(a) Notes to Mark Scheme

Called up share capital not paid 2 800 may appear under C II Current assets (Debtors)
Rent received 3970 may appear under D Prepayments and Accrued Income.

Prepayments 4 760 may appear under D Prepayments and Accrued Income.

Accruals 7 400 may appear under J Accruals and Deferred Income

Taxation Provision 61 000 may appear under E Creditors due within one year.
(but Pension provision must be under I Provisions for liabilities)
Items marked with a letter or Roman Numeral should appear on the face of the
balance sheet.
Items where no tick is awarded for wording do not have to be exact in their

Question Answer Mark

FOR Importance (12)
Auditors are independent √ scrutineers of the accounts. √ who report
that the accounts have been prepared “correctly” √ in accordance with
company law √ or Accounting Standards or Stock Exchange regulations
(only needs one)√ rather, give a True and Fair view. √ or do not √ .
Auditors are reporting on how Directors have used the funds √ invested
by shareholders. √. The auditors duty is to the shareholders. √
Auditors may give tax authorities √ more confidence that the tax
computation is correct. √
Professional supervisory bodies √ exist to give guidelines to auditors √ ,
eg Auditing Practices Board. √ Auditors should be professionally
qualified √ eg Chartered Accountants.√
Companies Act could require report √

AGAINST Importance
Auditors may not be very independent, √ going along with the wishes of
clients, √ in order to keep their custom. √ which may include non-audit
work. √
Auditors could be misled √ by the directors √ and provide an inaccurate
report. √
Auditors do not guarantee √ that material fraud has not occurred. √
Report maybe costly to produce √

Maximum of 8 marks for argument on one side

CONCLUSION - 2 marks
Should relate to points made above.
Eg Auditors’ Report is important and of value. √√
Question Answer Mark
2(a) July August September
Savings 6500 √ (4)
Policy 8500 √
Share Issue 15000 √
Bank Loan 20000 √
Monthly total 15000 15000 20000
balance 0 15000 30000
  Closing balance 15000 30000 50000

July 15000 is acceptable for two ticks.

Different layouts are acceptable

Questio Answer Mark

2(b) October November December
Sales 0 15390 √√√√ 35910 √√
Total 0 15390 √√√√ 35910 √√

Machinery 10720 √√
Rent 2985 √
Furniture 1250 √
Computer 595 √
Delivery Van 5000 √
Materials 12960 √√√ 17280 √√ 17280
Wages 2970 √√√ 2970 2970
Delivery Costs 900 √√ 1200 √ 1200

Total 37380 √ 0/F 21450 √ 0/F 21450 0/F

Monthly √
Balance -37380 √ 0/F -6060 √ 0/F 14460 0/F
Opening √
Balance 50000 √√ 12620 √ 0/F 6560 0/F
Closing √
Balance 12620 √ 0/F 6560 √ 0/F 21020 0/F

Mark scheme details

November = (4 x 9 x 5 x 75 x 3 weeks x 0.76p) x 0.50% √ = £15 390 (or
(Any 2 items = √ any 4 items = √√ )

December = as above PLUS = £15 390 √O/F

4 x 9 x 5 x 75 x 4 weeks x 0.76p x 0.50% = £20 520 √
£35 910(Or √ √)o/f

Machinery = 4 √ x £2 680 √ = £10 720 (or √√)

October = 4 x 9 x 5 x 75 x 3 x 0.32p = £12 960 (or √√√)
(Any two items = √ any 4 items = √√)

Nov/Dec = (4 x 9 x 5 x 75 x 4)√ x 0.32p = £17 280 √√

Wages = 3 x 45 x 4 weeks x £5.50 = £2 970 (or √√√)

(Any two items = √ any 4 items = √√))

Delivery Costs = £60√ x (5 x 3) = £900 (or √√)

£60 x (5 x 4) = £1200 √

Question Answer Mark

2(c) FOR usefulness of Cash Budgets

Lee will need to show potential investors√ eg family and friends,

banks √ business will be successful and is able to give a return/pay
back √ (12)
The Cash Budget will show if the sales receipts will be sufficient to
cover all outgoings √, and when shortages may occur. √
The budget may allow Lee to see when alternative arrangements √
eg overdraft √ may be required. Also for how long, √ and how
The budget may show where a cash surplus may be present, √ so
allows the firm time to plan what to do with the surplus √ eg invest
in shares, currencies etc. √
Budget can act as a method of control √
Budget can give variances which can be analysed and action taken √
Answers could involve analysis of Lee Ping’s cash budgets

AGAINST the usefulness of Cash Budgets

The budget takes time √ and money √ and expertise √ to draw up.
The figures are only predictions √ and may be inaccurate or
Eg Inaccurate sales figures may be caused by change in demand
from supermarkets√
Budget maybe inaccurate √ and may demotivate workers not
meeting targets √

Maximum for arguing only one side of the argument 8 marks

Should relate to points made above ie Cash Budgets are useful. √√

Question Answer Mark

3(a)(i) Highland Bank plc
Buildings 13
Machinery 1.4 √ (any 2 FA)
Fixtures and Fittings 1.6
Vehicles 1 √ (all FA)
Stock 3
Debtors 11 √ (any 2 CA) (7)
Bank 2
Cash 2 √ (all CA)

Creditors (7) √

Purchase Price 28 √ o/f √ C

Question Answer Mark

3(a)(ii) Purchase Price £28 000 000 √ o/f = 22 400 000 shares √ o/f √ C
£1.25 √ (4)

Question Answer Mark

3(b)(i) Caledonian Bank plc Realisation Account
Buildings 16 Creditors 3 √
Machinery 1
Fixtures and 2 St Andrew’s Bank 47 √
Fittings (Purchase Consideration)
√ (8)
Vehicles 2 √ (all FA)
Stock 2
Debtors 25
Bank 4
Cash 5 √ (all CA) Sundry Shareholders 7√o/f √C
(Loss on Realisation) √
57 57

Question Answer Mark

3(b)(ii) Caledonian Bank plc Sundry Shareholders Account
St Andrews Bank 47 √ Share Capital 40 √
(Purchase Consideration) √
Realisation Account 7√o/f Share Premium 10 √
(Loss on Realisation) √
Profit & Loss Account 4 √ (7)
54 54

Question Answer Mark

3(c) Balance sheet of St Andrew’s Bank plc as at April 1st 2010 √

St Andrew Bank plc

Buildings 27
Machinery 2 √ (any 2 FA)
Fixtures and Fittings 3
Vehicles 2 √ (any 2 FA)
Goodwill 3 √√ (14)
Fixed Assets Total 37
Stock 5
Debtors 30 √ (any 2 CA)
Bank 6
Cash 7 √ (any 2 CA)
Current Assets Total 48
Creditors 10 √
Working capital 38

Net Assets 75 √ O/F

Ordinary Shares of £1 each 60 √√

Share Premium 15 √√
Capital and Reserves 75 √

Question Answer Mark

3(d) Possible answers could include:

For Merger
New company should enjoy benefits of horizontal integration √ as in
same line of business. √ which leads to larger market share √ which
results in increased profits and dividends √ (12)
New company could enjoy economies of scale√ eg bulk buying √
New company should be able to reduce costs √ eg reduce staff √or close
some branches √
Highland Bank appears to be in poor financial position √ eg profit and
loss reserve negative √ and debtors contained many bad debts.√ They
probably need a stronger company to take them over √ to improve
position √ or guarantee survival. √
She gets no dividends at present √ because Profit & Loss account
balance is negative √ and she may get dividends now √
Reduces risk √ and reduces competition √

Against Merger
Shareholders in Highland Bank plc do not benefit from any Goodwill√
The book value of the company before the merger was £47m √ but the
value at the time of the merger was only £28 m, √ a decrease of £19m.
√ (loss on realisation √)
Increased number of shareholders /Dilution of ownership (need one) √
and voting power √
We do not know what the market price of St Andrew’s Bank plc shares is
likely to be. √ It is quite possible it will not settle at £1.25 √
St Andrew’s Bank could be purchasing the assets of the Highland Bank at
a value under the market price √

Own figure rules apply to calculations

(Maximum of 8 marks for argument if candidate argues only one side of


Should conclude and relate to points made above. √√
Section B
Question Answer Mark
4(a)(i) Actual Direct
Materials 1050 √ x 9 √ x 0.70 √ = £6615 √ (4)

Question Answer Mark

4(a)(ii) Actual Direct
Labour 7√ x (42 x 4√) x £6.50√ = £7644 √ (4)

Question Answer Mark

4(b)(i) Labour Rate
Variance (£6.50 - £6.30) √ x (7 x 42 x 4)√ = £235.20 √ Adv√ (4)

Question Answer Mark

4(b)(ii) Labour Efficiency
Variance (42 – 40) x 7 x 4 √ x £6.30 √ = £352.80 √ Adv √ (4)

Question Answer Mark

4(b)(iii) Total Labour
Cost Variance £7 644 - £7 056 = £588 √ Adv √ o/f (2)

4 b(iii) Can be O/F by adding 4b(i) and 4b (ii)

Question Answer Mark

4(c) Labour Rate Variance is adverse so Marcos could reduce the rate paid. √
perhaps by negotiating with trade unions √ or by employing low grade (6)
workers √
This could be difficult for the workers to accept √ as they would be
demotivated and output may fall. √ and strikes etc could take place √
Labour Rate variance is adverse, possibly due to workers having to work
overtime√ at a higher rate (to complete the job.) √ Marcos needs to
ensure workers work faster eg by training √ or having reliable
machinery etc.
Labour Efficiency Variance is adverse so workers must work faster (i.e
increase efficiency) √ eg by training √ or improving motivation √ or
having reliable machinery etc. √
Improve quality of materials √ which may result in less wastage and
reworking √

Three marks maximum per point

Question Answer Mark
4(d) FOR the use of Management By Exception
Management by exception sees management only investigating (8)
differences √ against preset tolerances √
Saves management time √ as no need to take any action √ if no variance
/ unless adverse variance. √ Here, Marcos does not need to spend any
time worrying about material cost √ and usage √ etc
Costs may well be reduced if variances are adverse √

AGAINST the use of Management by Exception

It is possible that costs could be reduced √ eg find a cheaper supplier, √
but Marcos will not spend this time looking for another supplier √ as
there is no adverse variance. √
Standards set could be poor √

Maximum of 4 marks for argument of one side.

Should conclude and relate to points made above √ 8730; √ 8730;
Question Answer Mark
5(a)(i) Return on Capital employed = Net profit after interest and tax x 100 √
Capital employed (4)
= £280 000 √ x 100 = 4.67% O/F √
£6 000 000 √
Question Answer Mark
5(a)(ii) Earnings per ordinary share = Net profit after interest and tax √
Issued ordinary shares (4)
= £280 000 √ = 7p per share O/F √
4 000 000 √
Question Answer Mark
5(a)(iii) Dividend paid per share = Total ordinary dividend √
Issued ordinary shares (4)
= £240 000 √ = 6p per share O/F √
4 000 000 √
Question Answer Mark
5(a)(iv) Dividend cover = Net profit after interest and tax √
Total ordinary dividend (4)
= £280 000 √ = 1.166 times O/F √
£240 000 √
Question Answer Mark
5(a)(v) Price/earnings ratio = Market price of share √
Earnings per share (4)
= 84p √ = 12 times o/f √
7p o/f √
Question Answer Mark
5(a)(vi) Dividend yield = Dividend per share x100 √
Market price of share (4)
= 6 p o/f √ x 100 = 7.14% o/f √
84p √

First tick is for complete formula

Units must be present in answer e.g. % or pence etc
Question Answer Mark
5(b) BETTER than industry average (8)
Price/Earnings ratio is better √ by 3 times √ – reflecting the generous
dividends? √
Dividend per share is better from the shareholders point of view √ by 0.5p per
share √
Dividend yield is better from the shareholders point of view √ by 3.14% √
Dividend cover could be said to be better from the shareholders point of view as
a higher percentage of profit is paid as a dividend. √ - by 1.34 times √
WORSE than industry average
ROCE worse √ by 1.83 % points √
EPS is worse √ by 1p per share √
Dividend cover is less so funds not retained in the business √ by 1.34 times √
Own figure rule applies for all figures
Maximum of 4 marks for arguing one side
Conclusion -Red Arrow plc as a business has performed worse than the industry
average. √√
Question Answer Mark
6(a)(i) Payback Period

Cash Cash Net Cash

Year Inflow Outflow Flow Cumulative

0 50,000,000 -50,000,000 O/F

1 13,500,000 √ 5,000,000 √√ 8,500,000 O/F -41,500,000

2 19,250,000 √ 5,000,000 14,250,000 O/F -27,250,000

3 19,250,000 7,000,000 √√ 12,250,000 O/F -15,000,000

4 26,000,000 √ 7,000,000 19,000,000 O/F 4,000,000
5 26,000,000 7,000,000 19,000,000 23,000,000

Pay back is after 3 and 15 years 0/F = 3 years 0/F 0.79 months O/F
19 √√ √√

Question Answer Mark

6(a)(ii) Average Rate of Return

Average Annual return = £ 23 000 000 √√ o/f = £4 600 000 per year o/f √
5 years √

Accounting rate of return = £ 4 600 000 o/f √ x 100 = 9.2% o/f √ √C

£50 000 000 √
Question Answer Mark
6(b) Answers may include, own figure rule applies from calculations in (a) :

Payback method says invest √ as within a 4 year payback period √
profits will be earned for 1 year and 3 months √ (could be argued against
ARR states invest √ as to meets % return figure of 8% √


These points could be considered:
Payback is 3 years plus 9 months which maybe considered too long – but
reason must be given as to why it is too long √
Accuracy of predictions? √
What happens after 5 years? √
Net Present Value calculations? √ no account taken of falling value of
money over time √
Other possible investment projects available? √
Objectives/strategy of company? √
How can the company finance this investment ? √
Opportunity cost ? √ Are there any alternative investment possibilities ?

Total of 4 marks for arguing one side only.

Must relate to points made above
Eg Make a bid for the project √√
Question Answer Mark
7(a)(i) Semi Variable costs are expenses that may vary with output √, but not
directly √.
AND/OR are costs that have a fixed element √ and a variable element √
and could include: telephone, electricity, gas, water.
Need two correct for first √ and third example for second √ (8)
Variable costs are expenses that change directly √ with output. √
Examples are direct wages, direct materials, royalties, patents, sales
commission, fuel
Need two correct for first √ and third example for second √
Question Answer Mark
7(a)(ii) Contribution can be found using the formulas :
Contribution per unit = selling price per unit √ - variable costs per
unit √
OR Total contribution = Sales Revenue √ - Variable Costs √
It is a contribution toward paying off fixed costs. √√ (8)
Profit can be found using the following formula:
Profit = Sales Revenue √ - Total Costs √
Or Profit = Total Contribution √ - Fixed Costs √
To calculate profit, you must take account of fixed costs. √√
Profit is not the same as contribution √
Question Answer Mark
7(b) Contribution per unit = (£6.00 - £3.84) √
= £2.16 √
Required Total contribution = (£1 250 + £2 000) √
= £3 250 √ (8)
Required output = £3 250 √ o/f = 1504/5 units √ o/f √ C
£2.16 √ o/f

Question Answer Mark

7(c) FOR effectiveness
A tool that allows a business to forecast profit/loss√ at different output
levels. √
Helps a business break down costs √ into fixed or variable √
Helps identify margin of safety √ and the angle of incidence √
AGAINST effectiveness
Cost and revenue figures are only predictions √ and cannot be assumed
as 100% accurate. √
Eg in practice, straight lines on graphs are likely to be curves √ as (8)
discounts are given or received for bulk sales √ or overtime worked at a
higher rate. √
Theory assumes that all output is sold. √√
Costs and sales figures are affected by outside influences √ eg inflation,
√ boom or recession, √ seasonal factors, √ fashions, √ life styles √ etc
(max of two reasons)
Maximum of 4 marks for arguing only one side of argument.
Break-even analysis is / is not an effective aid to business decision-making.
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