Interactive Voice Response System: Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication
Interactive Voice Response System: Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication
Interactive Voice Response System: Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication
A project submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of the
degree of
Bachelor of Engineering
Electronics & Communication
Under the guidance of By:
Mrs. Priyanka Jain Sam Abhinav Kullu (2k7/EC/690)
Assistant Professor Sandeep Kumar (2k7/EC/691)
Department of Electronics Sudhanshu Bhasin (2k7/EC/699)
& Communication Engineering Sujeet Kumar (2k7/EC/700)
Delhi College of Engineering
University Of Delhi
Year 2011
A lot of MONEY.
Flight Status
Account Balance
Appointment Reminder
Delivery Confirmation
DTMF decoder
Micro controller
It is the central controller of the whole project.
• It scans all channels continuously.
• It transfers the logical values serially to the PC.
• Various tasks are assigned to peripherals.
Personal Computer: To store the data base and to carry out the
text to speech conversion.
Audio Amplifier: The audio amplifier, TDA 2006 can amplify the
output of the PCs sound card 12W thereby making the PC output
audible on the telephone line. In addition the audio amplifier acts
as a buffer between the telephone line and the sound card
thereby protecting the sound card from the high voltage present
on the telephone line.
Visual Basic
VISUAL BASIC is an ideal programming language for developing sophisticated
professional applications. The use of graphical user interface (GUI) enables user to
interact with an application. Visual basic enables us to develop application that:
Create read and write to text, database and binary files.
Access database in format such as SQL, ORACLE, MS Access etc.
Communicate with the application through the clip board dynamic data
exchange, object linking and embedding.
Use serial communication ports to communicate with modem and other devices.
Oracle/Ms Access
It is the application in which the required information is stored in a data base
which is a collection of inter-related data. This inter-related data and set of
programs is essentially a database management system. DBMS organizes and
maintains the information.
When the telephone is in the idle condition, the voltage will be
When the ringing occurs, it will be 125V peak to peak AC signal
superimposed on -48V.
The opto isolator is used to isolate the microcontroller from high
voltage AC signals and it consists of GaAs infrared emitting
diode optically coupled to a monolithic silicon phototransistor.
The microcontroller will detect the ring through the through one
of its ports, and it will count the number of rings.
After a fixed number of rings, the microcontroller will send a
signal to the relay and then the automatic off-hooking of the
telephone takes place.At the same time, microcontroller will
transmit ‘#’ to the computer which is an indication to play the
‘Welcome’ message.
Today IVRS system can be made more attractive by replacing the touch
tone interfaces with speech enabled applications.
Some applications recognize a very limited set of spoken letters and
numbers that primarily represents the touch key pad. Most advanced
application can enable recognition of more complex phrases and
sentences spoken in conversational manner at a natural speed.
With this speech enabled IVRS systems, the caller can obtain
information and perform transactions by natural speaking.
Increases the variety of automated service delivered over the telephone
and increases the demand for telephony equipment
Just as interactive touch-tone applications fuelled the development of
new businesses; speech recognition is creating new opportunities for
imaginative entrepreneurs
The biggest advantage of IVR for small and large
organizations is to save time and money.
IVR systems have the advantage of making callers and
customers feel like they're being attended to, even if
it's just by a machine. If you have a simple question,
it's better to get a quick answer from a computerized
operator than to wait ten minutes on hold before talking
to a human being.
IVR systems don't sleep. They don't take lunch breaks.
An IVR system can be available 24 hours a day to field
questions and help customers with simple tasks.
An IVR system can make a small company look bigger.
Prepaid Roaming
Post-paid Calling Card, Prepaid Calling Card, and Wireless
Prepaid (or Mobile Prepaid)
Mobile Number Portability
Number Change Announcement
As the transport companies not only need to be fast and responsive, but also
need to provide customers with an easily accessible information system
• Information Enquiry
• Schedule Enquiry
• SISR Information Enquiry
• Teleticketing System
Also we should see new technology coming to the fore. The most expected
modification is the replcement of DTMF signals by user’s voice commands.