Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Typhoid Fever (WHO)
Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Typhoid Fever (WHO)
Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Typhoid Fever (WHO)
Background document:
The diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of typhoid fever
Background document:
The diagnosis, treatment and
prevention of typhoid fever
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Abbreviations .................................................................................................................... v
References ...................................................................................................................... 31
i.m. intramuscular
i.v. intravenous
LPS lipopolysaccharide
Mp macrophages
Vi virulent (antigen)
We would like to thank the following for their participation in the preparation of
this document:
Dr M.K. Bhan, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
Dr Jeremy Farrar, Oxford University and the Hospital for Tropical Diseases,
Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Dr Pakleong Lim, Clinical Immunology Unit, The Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin,
Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China
Dr Tikki Pang, Department of Evidence and Information for Policy, World Health
Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Dr Narain Punjabi, US NAMRU-2, Jakarta, Indonesia
Chapter 1:
The organism, the disease
and transmission
S. typhi has several unique features, the genetic basis of many of which is known as
a result of early genetic studies and the recent sequencing of the whole genome.
Although many genes are shared with E. coli and at least 90% with S. typhimurium,
there are several unique clusters of genes known as pathogenicity islands and many
more single genes that seem to have been acquired by S. typhi during evolution.
S. typhi can be identified in the laboratory by several biochemical and serological tests
(see Chapter 2). One of the most specific is that of polysaccharide capsule Vi, which is
present in about 90% of all freshly isolated S. typhi and has a protective effect against
the bactericidal action of the serum of infected patients. This capsule provides the basis
for one of the commercially available vaccines (see Chapter 4). Vi antigen is present in
some other bacteria (Citrobacter freundii, Salmonella paratyphi C and Salmonella
dublin) but not in exactly the same genetic context. The ratio of disease caused by
S. typhi to that caused by S. paratyphi is about 10 to 1 in most of the countries where
this matter has been studied.
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lymphoid tissue. Other typhoid bacilli are drained into mesenteric lymph nodes where
there is further multiplication and ingestion by Mp. It is believed that typhoid bacilli
reach the bloodstream principally by lymph drainage from mesenteric nodes,
after which they enter the thoracic duct and then the general circulation. As a result of
this silent primary bacteraemia the pathogen reaches an intracellular haven within
24 hours after ingestion throughout the organs of the reticuloendothelial system (spleen,
liver, bone marrow, etc.), where it resides during the incubation period, usually of 8 to
14 days. The incubation period in a particular individual depends on the quantity of
inoculum, i.e. it decreases as the quantity of inoculum increases, and on host factors.
Incubation periods ranging from 3 days to more than 60 days have been reported.
Clinical illness is accompanied by a fairly sustained but low level of secondary
bacteraemia (~1-10 bacteria per ml of blood).
1.2.1 Symptoms
The clinical presentation of typhoid fever varies from a mild illness with low-grade
fever, malaise, and slight dry cough to a severe clinical picture with abdominal discomfort
and multiple complications. Many factors influence the severity and overall clinical
outcome of the infection. They include the duration of illness before the initiation of
appropriate therapy, the choice of antimicrobial treatment, age, the previous exposure
or vaccination history, the virulence of the bacterial strain, the quantity of inoculum
ingested, host factors (e.g. HLA type, AIDS or other immunosuppression) and whether
the individual was taking other medications such as H2 blockers or antacids to diminish
gastric acid. Patients who are infected with HIV are at significantly increased risk of
clinical infection with S. typhi and S. paratyphi (1). Evidence of Helicobacter pylori
infection also represents an increased risk of acquiring typhoid fever.
· Acute non-complicated disease: Acute typhoid fever is characterized by prolonged
fever, disturbances of bowel function (constipation in adults, diarrhoea in children),
headache, malaise and anorexia. Bronchitic cough is common in the early stage of
the illness. During the period of fever, up to 25% of patients show exanthem (rose
spots), on the chest, abdomen and back.
· Complicated disease: Acute typhoid fever may be severe. Depending on the clinical
setting and the quality of available medical care, up to 10% of typhoid patients
may develop serious complications. Since the gut-associated lymphoid tissue
exhibits prominent pathology, the presence of occult blood is a common finding
in the stool of 10-20% of patients, and up to 3% may have melena. Intestinal
perforation has also been reported in up to 3% of hospitalized cases. Abdominal
discomfort develops and increases. It is often restricted to the right lower quadrant
but may be diffuse. The symptoms and signs of intestinal perforation and peritonitis
sometimes follow, accompanied by a sudden rise in pulse rate, hypotension, marked
abdominal tenderness, rebound tenderness and guarding, and subsequent
abdominal rigidity. A rising white blood cell count with a left shift and free air on
abdominal radiographs are usually seen.
Altered mental status in typhoid patients has been associated with a high case-fatality
rate. Such patients generally have delirium or obtundation, rarely with coma. Typhoid
meningitis, encephalomyelitis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, cranial or peripheral neuritis,
and psychotic symptoms, although rare, have been reported. Other serious
complications documented with typhoid fever include haemorrhages (causing rapid
death in some patients), hepatitis, myocarditis, pneumonia, disseminated intravascular
In areas of endemicity and in large outbreaks, most cases occur in persons aged between
3 and 19 years. In 1997, for example, this age range was reported during an epidemic of
the disease in Tajikistan. Nevertheless, clinically apparent bacteraemic S. typhi infection
in children aged under three years has been described in Bangladesh, India, Jordan,
Nigeria, and elsewhere (6, 7). In Indonesia there is a mean of 900 000 cases per year
with over 20 000 deaths. In Indonesia, people aged 3-19 years accounted for 91% of
cases of typhoid fever and the attack rate of blood-culture-positive typhoid fever was
1026 per 100 000 per year. A similar situation was reported from Papua New Guinea.
When typhoid fever was highly endemic in certain countries in South America the
incidence of clinical typhoid fever in children aged under 3 years was low. In Chile,
however, single blood cultures for all children aged under 24 months who presented at
health centres with fever, regardless of other clinical symptoms, showed that 3.5% had
unrecognized bacteraemic infections caused by S. typhi or S. paratyphi (8).
Enteric fever had not been suspected on clinical grounds in any of the children.
In South America the peak incidence occurred in school students aged 5-19 years and
in adults aged over 35 years. This kind of study has not been conducted in other areas
of endemicity.
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Between 1% and 5% of patients with acute typhoid infection have been reported to
become chronic carriers of the infection in the gall bladder, depending on age, sex and
treatment regimen. The propensity to become a carrier follows the epidemiology of
gall bladder disease, increasing with age and being greater in females than in males.
The propensity to become a chronic carrier may have changed with the present
availability and selection of antibiotics as well as with the antibiotic resistance of the
prevalent strains. The role of chronic carriers as a reservoir of infection was studied
in Santiago, Chile, where a crude rate of 694 carriers per 100 000 inhabitants was
found (9).
Chronic carrier
Excretion of S. typhi in stools or urine (or repeated positive bile or duodenal string
cultures) for longer than one year after the onset of acute typhoid fever. Short-term
carriers also exist but their epidemiological role is not as important as that of chronic
carriers. Some patients excreting S. typhi have no history of typhoid fever.
Humans are the only natural host and reservoir. The infection is transmitted by ingestion
of food or water contaminated with faeces. Ice cream is recognized as a significant risk
factor for the transmission of typhoid fever. Shellfish taken from contaminated water,
and raw fruit and vegetables fertilized with sewage, have been sources of past outbreaks.
The highest incidence occurs where water supplies serving large populations are
contaminated with faeces. Epidemiological data suggest that waterborne transmission
of S. typhi usually involves small inocula, whereas foodborne transmission is associated
with large inocula and high attack rates over short periods. The inoculum size and the
type of vehicle in which the organisms are ingested greatly influence both the attack
rate and the incubation period. In volunteers who ingested 109 and 108 pathogenic
S. typhi in 45 ml of skimmed milk, clinical illness appeared in 98% and 89% respectively.
Doses of 105 caused typhoid fever in 28% to 55% of volunteers, whereas none of
14 persons who ingested 103 organisms developed clinical illness. Although it is widely
believed that Salmonella is transmitted via the oral route, the transmission
of S. typhimurium via the respiratory route has been demonstrated in a mouse
model (10).
Family studies were conducted in Santiago, Chile, during an era of high typhoid
endemicity in order to ascertain whether chronic carriers were significantly more
frequent in households where there were index cases of children with typhoid fever
than in matched control households. Other epidemiological studies investigated whether
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Chapter 2:
Diagnosis of typhoid fever
The definitive diagnosis of typhoid fever depends on the isolation of S. typhi from
blood, bone marrow or a specific anatomical lesion. The presence of clinical symptoms
characteristic of typhoid fever or the detection of a specific antibody response is
suggestive of typhoid fever but not definitive. Blood culture is the mainstay of the
diagnosis of this disease.
2.1 Specimens
If a bacteriology laboratory is not available on site, clinical specimens for culture can
be transported to a main laboratory for processing. For blood culture it is essential to
inoculate media at the time of drawing blood. For other specimens it is advisable to
make the time of transportation to the laboratory as short as possible. It is more
important to process the specimens quickly than to keep them cold. Once they have
been inoculated, blood culture bottles should not be kept cold. They should be incubated
at 37°C or, in tropical countries, left at room temperature, before being processed in
the laboratory.
2.1.1 Blood
The volume of blood cultured is one of the most important factors in the isolation of
S. typhi from typhoid patients: 10-15 ml should be taken from schoolchildren and
adults in order to achieve optimal isolation rates; 2-4 ml are required from toddlers
and preschool children (13, 17). This is because children have higher levels of bacteraemia
than adults. In some regions it may be impossible to collect such large volumes of
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blood and so alternative diagnostic methods may be necessary for cases in which blood
cultures are negative. Because reducing the blood volume reduces the sensitivity of the
blood culture, however, an effort should be made to draw sufficient blood if at all
possible. Blood should be drawn by means of a sterile technique of venous puncture
and should be inoculated immediately into a blood culture bottle with the syringe that
has been used for collection.
2.1.2 Serum
For serological purposes, 1-3 ml of blood should be inoculated into a tube without
anticoagulant. A second sample, if possible, should be collected at the convalescent
stage, at least 5 days later. After clotting has occurred the serum should be separated
and stored in aliquots of 200 ml at +4°C. Testing can take place immediately or storage
can continue for a week without affecting the antibody titre. The serum should be
frozen at -20°C if longer-term storage is required.
Stools can be collected from acute patients and they are especially useful for the diagnosis
of typhoid carriers. The isolation of S. typhi from stools is suggestive of typhoid fever.
However, the clinical condition of the patient should be considered. Stool specimens
should be collected in a sterile wide-mouthed plastic container. The likelihood of
obtaining positive results increases with the quantity of stools collected. Specimens
should preferably be processed within two hours after collection. If there is a delay the
specimens should be stored in a refrigerator at 4°C or in a cool box with freezer packs,
and should be transported to the laboratory in a cool box. Stool culture may increase
the yield of culture-positive results by up to 5% in acute typhoid fever. If a stool
sample cannot be obtained, rectal swabs inoculated into Carry Blair transport medium
can been used but these are less successful.
A typical blood culture bottle contains 45 ml of tryptic soy broth or brain heart infusion
broth. These are inoculated with 5 ml of fresh blood and incubated at 37°C. Negatives
should be kept for at least seven days. Because S. typhi is not the only bacterial pathogen
found in blood, subculturing is performed on days 1, 2, 3 and 7 on non-selective agar.
The best agar is blood agar (horse or sheep blood) as this allows the growth of most
bacterial pathogens. If blood agar is not available, nutrient agar can be used in
combination with MacKonkey agar. In some laboratories the use of MacConkey agar
alone is preferred as this allows the growth of only bile-tolerant bacteria such as
S. typhi and does not allow the growth of many Gram-positive contaminants.
The contamination of blood cultures reduces isolation rates for S. typhi and should be
prevented as far as possible. It is important to identify contaminating bacteria that
come from the skin of patients or the air of the laboratory so that measures can be
taken to prevent further problems. MacKonkey agar should therefore not be used as
the only agar for the sampling of blood cultures in a diagnostic microbiology laboratory.
Furthermore, because it is selective, MacKonkey agar does not permit the growth of
Gram-positive pathogens or even all E. coli.
For suspected tyhoid fever, subculture plates should be incubated at 37°C for
18-24 hours in an aerobic incubator.
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2.2.3 Colony characteristics
Blood agar
On blood agar, S. typhi and S. paratyphi usually produce non-haemolytic smooth white
MacConkey agar
SS agar
Desoxycholate agar
Xylose-lysine-desoxycholate agar
On hektoen enteric agar, salmonellae produce transparent green colonies with black
centres (except S. paratyphi A, whose colonies do not have black centres).
Suspected colonies obtained on the above media are screened by means of the following
The production of acid turns the agar yellow. For the slant this means lactose
fermentation and for the butt this means glucose fermentation.
Salmonellae can be characterized by their somatic (O) and flagellar (H) antigens, the
latter existing in some serotypes in phases 1 and 2. Some salmonellae also have an
envelop antigen called Vi (virulence). The salmonellae that cause typhoid fever and
paratyphoid fever have the following antigenic compositions and belong to the
serogroups indicated.
The O antigen is usually determined by means of the slide agglutination test with
group-specific antiserum followed by agglutination with factor antiserum. Growth
from non-selective agar or Kliger’s iron agar can be used for the determination of
O antigen. Strains of S. typhi and S. paratyphi C may possess Vi antigen that render the
strains non-agglutinable in O antisera. These cultures agglutinate in Vi antiserum.
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They will agglutinate in O antiserum, however, after destruction of the Vi antigen by
boiling the culture for 10 minutes. The specific O antigen is confirmed by slide
agglutination with factor antiserum. The specific O antigens for typhoid fever organisms
are shown below.
S. typhi 9
S. paratyphi A 2
S. paratyphi B 4
S. paratyphi C 6/7
H antigen is usually determined by means of the tube agglutination test. The organisms
should be motile and from a liquid culture. The motility of weakly motile organisms
can be enhanced by repeated passage in liquid cultures. Determination of the O antigen
and the phase 1 H antigen only is usually sufficient for the identification of typhoid
fever organisms and paratyphoid fever organisms. The specific phase 1 antigens for
typhoid fever organisms are shown below. Antisera against these antigens are used,
usually in the tube agglutination test.
S. typhi d
S. paratyphi A a
S. paratyphi B b
S. paratyphi C c
In some cultures, only some organisms express phase 1 H antigens and others express
phase 1 and 2 H antigens at the same time. Such cultures agglutinate with both phase 1
and phase 2 antisera. In cultures where a single phase antigen is expressed the antigen
in the other phase can be induced by incubating the culture with antiserum to the
phase antigen being expressed (20).
S. typhi with flagella variant Hj and with phase 2 antigen Z66 have been reported but
they are rare. Salmonella java can be misidentified as S. paratyyphi B because these
two serotypes have identical antigens. However, the serotypes can be differentiated
biochemically. The former is tartrate-positive and produces non-typhoid salmonellosis,
and the latter is tartrate-negative and produces typhoid salmonellosis. S. java is now
considered to be a tartrate-positive variant of S. paratyphi B. S. dublin and Citrobacter
freundii possess Vi antigen. However, the phase 1 H antigens of S. dublin are g, p as
against d in S. typhi. Unlike C. freundii, S. typhi does not grow in KCN broth (21).
Some of the non-typhoidal salmonellae can cause febrile illness that mimics enteric
fever. However, these strains can be differentiated biochemically.
This test measures agglutinating antibody levels against O and H antigens. The levels
are measured by using doubling dilutions of sera in large test tubes. Usually, O antibodies
appear on days 6-8 and H antibodies on days 10-12 after the onset of the disease.
The test is usually performed on an acute serum (at first contact with the patient).
A convalescent serum should preferably also be collected so that paired titrations can
be performed. In practice, however, this is often difficult. At least 1 ml of blood should
be collected each time in order to have a sufficient amount of serum. In exceptional
circumstances the test can be performed on plasma without any adverse effect on the
The test has only moderate sensitivity and specificity. It can be negative in up to 30%
of culture-proven cases of typhoid fever. This may be because of prior antibiotic therapy
that has blunted the antibody response. On the other hand, S. typhi shares O and
H antigens with other Salmonella serotypes and has cross-reacting epitopes with other
Enterobacteriacae, and this can lead to false-positive results. Such results may also
occur in other clinical conditions, e.g. malaria, typhus, bacteraemia caused by other
organisms, and cirrhosis. In areas of endemicity there is often a low background level
of antibodies in the normal population. Determining an appropriate cut-off for a positive
result can be difficult since it varies between areas and between times in given
areas (22).
Despite these limitations the test may be useful, particularly in areas that cannot afford
the more expensive diagnostic methods (23). This is acceptable so long as the results
are interpreted with care in accordance with appropriate local cut-off values for the
determination of positivity. This test is unnecessary if the diagnosis has already been
confirmed by the isolation of S. typhi from a sterile site. New diagnostic tests are being
There is a need for a quick and reliable diagnostic test for typhoid fever as an alternative
to the Widal test. Recent advances include the IDL Tubex® test marketed by a Swedish
company, which reportedly can detect IgM O9 antibodies from patients within a few
minutes. Another rapid serological test, Typhidot®, takes three hours to perform.
It was developed in Malaysia for the detection of specific IgM and IgG antibodies
against a 50 kD antigen of S. typhi. A newer version of the test, Typhidot-M®, was
recently developed to detect specific IgM antibodies only. The dipstick test, developed
in the Netherlands, is based on the binding of S. typhi-specific IgM antibodies in samples
to S. typhi lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antigen and the staining of bound antibodies by
an anti-human IgM antibody conjugated to colloidal dye particles.
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IDL Tubex® test
The Tubex® test is simple (essentially a one-step test) and rapid (taking approximately
two minutes). It exploits the simplicity and user-friendliness of the Widal and the
slide latex agglutination tests but uses the separation of coloured particles in
solution to improve resolution and sensitivity. Specificity is improved by means of an
inhibition assay format and by detecting antibodies to a single antigen in S. typhi only.
The O9 antigen used in the test is extremely specific because its immunodominant
epitope is a very rare dideoxyhexose sugar that occurs in nature. This antigen has been
found in serogroup D salmonellae but not in other microorganisms. The closest to it is
the tyvelose antigen found in Trichinella spiralis but antibodies to these two antigens
do not cross-react with each other. A positive result given by Tubex® invariably suggests
a Salmonella infection, although the test cannot tell which group D Salmonella is
responsible. Infections caused by other serotypes, including S. paratyphi A, give negative
The test pack includes: 1) sets of specially-designed V-shaped tubes that allow six samples
per set to be examined simultaneously; 2) reagent A, comprising magnetic particles
coated with S. typhi LPS; 3) reagent B, comprising blue-coloured latex particles coated
with a monoclonal antibody specific for the O9 antigen. The reagents are stable for
over a year at 4°C, and for at least some weeks at ambient temperature.
A drop of test serum is mixed for about one minute with a drop of reagent A in the
tube. Two drops of reagent B are then added and the contents are mixed thoroughly
for 1-2 minutes. The set of tubes is then placed on a magnet-embedded stand, across
which they are slid several times. The result, which can be read immediately or up to
many hours later, is based on the colour of the reaction mixture. A range of colours
involving varying proportions of redness and blueness can be expected, and a colour
chart is provided for the purpose of scoring. Red indicates negativity while increasing
blueness denotes increasing positivity.
The rationale of the test is as follows. If the serum is negative for O9 antibodies the
antibody-coated indicator particles bind to the antigen-coated magnetic beads.
When a magnet is applied, the magnetic particles settle to the bottom of the tube together
with any blue indicator particles associated with these. Consequently a background
red colour is left in the solution. This background colour is actually exploited to
camouflage the sample colour of haemolysed sera. If, on the other hand, the patient’s
serum contains O9 antibodies, these bind to the magnetic particles and prevent the
indicator particles from binding to them. The indicator particles thus remain suspended
and the resultant colour of the solution is blue.
Typhidot® test
This test makes use of the 50 kD antigen to detect specific IgM and IgG antibodies to
S. typhi (25). It has undergone full-scale multinational clinical evaluation of its diagnostic
value (26, 27, 28). This dot EIA test offers simplicity, speed, specificity (75%), economy,
early diagnosis, sensitivity (95%) and high negative and positive predictive values.
The detection of IgM reveals acute typhoid in the early phase of infection, while the
detection of both IgG and IgM suggests acute typhoid in the middle phase of infection.
In areas of high endemicity where the rate of typhoid transmission is high the detection
of specific IgG increases. Since IgG can persist for more than two years after typhoid
infection (29) the detection of specific IgG cannot differentiate between acute and
convalescent cases. Furthermore, false-positive results attributable to previous infection
may occur. On the other hand, IgG positivity may also occur in the event of current
reinfection. In cases of reinfection there is a secondary immune response with a
significant boosting of IgG over IgM, such that the latter cannot be detected and its
effect is masked. A possible strategy for solving these problems is to enable the detection
of IgM by ensuring that it is unmasked (30). In order to increase diagnostic accuracy in
these situations the original Typhidot® test was modified by inactivating total IgG in
the serum sample. Studies with the modified test, Typhidot-M®, have shown that
inactivation of IgG removes competitive binding and allows access of the antigen to
the specific IgM when it is present. The detection of specific IgM within three hours
suggests acute typhoid infection. Evaluations of Typhidot® and Typhidot-M® in clinical
settings showed that they performed better than the Widal test and the culture
method (30).
In laboratory diagnoses of typhoid fever the method used as the gold standard should
approach 100% in sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values.
Evaluation studies have shown that Typhidot-M® is superior to the culture method
(28). Although culture remains the gold standard it cannot match Typhidot-M® in
sensitivity (>93%), negative predictive value and speed (28). Typhidot-M® can replace
the Widal test when used in conjunction with the culture method for the rapid and
accurate diagnosis of typhoid fever. The high negative predictive value of the test suggests
that Typhidot-M® would be useful in areas of high endemicity.
The typhoid IgM dipstick assay is designed for the serodiagnosis of typhoid fever
through the detection of S. typhi-specific IgM antibodies in serum or whole blood
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The assay is based on the binding of S. typhi-specific IgM antibodies to S. typhi LPS
antigen and the staining of bound antibodies by an anti-human IgM antibody conjugated
to colloidal dye particles. The white test strip of the dipstick contains the antigen
immobilized in a distinct line. The strip also has a control line with anti-human
IgM antibodies.
The assay is performed by incubation of the wetted test strip in a mixture of serum and
detection reagent, the serum being diluted at 1:50 in the detection reagent. Whole blood
may be tested at a 1:25 dilution in detection reagent. The incubation period is three
hours at room temperature. When incubation is complete the test strip is rinsed
thoroughly with water and then allowed to dry. The result is read by visual inspection
of the test strip for staining of the antigen and control lines. The test result is scored
negative if no staining of the antigen line occurs and is graded 1+, 2+, 3+ or 4+ if there
is weak, moderate strong or very strong staining as indicated by comparison with a
coloured reference strip. The control line should stain in all runs.
The dipstick test provides a rapid and simple alternative for the diagnosis of typhoid
fever, particularly in situations where culture facilities are not available. The assay can
be performed by people without formal training and in the absence of specialized
equipment. Electricity is not required, as the components can be stored without cooling.
The results of the dipstick test can be obtained on the day when patients present.
This makes prompt treatment possible. Specific antibodies usually only appear a week
after the onset of symptoms and signs. This should kept in mind when a negative
serological test result is being interpreted.
The isolates can be stored for up to two to three years on a nutrient agar, e.g. trypticase
soy agar. The butt is stabbed and the slant is streaked and incubation takes place at
37°C for 18-24 hours. The tube is corked and made airtight by either covering the
cork with parafilm or dipping the cork in melted paraffin. Alternatively, sterile mineral
oil is poured on to cover the growth in the slant and the tube is corked. The tube is
stored at room temperature, preferably between 20°C and 22°C, away from light in a
closed cupboard. There is a risk that plasmids encoding antimicrobial resistance or
other properties can be lost from isolates stored in this way.
Isolates can be stored for several years by freeze-drying, inoculating a thick suspension
of growth in a nutrient broth (e.g. trypticase soy broth) with 15% glycerol in a cryovial,
10% skim milk in a cryovial, or a cryovial with beads, and freezing the vial at -70°C.
Plasmids in isolates stored by these methods are stable. The use of a cryovial with
beads has the advantage that beads can be removed for subculture without thawing the
The steps involved in the accurate laboratory diagnosis of typhoid fever include
specimen collection and transport, the performance of laboratory procedures, and
reporting. It is important that the correct specimen is collected in the correct volume,
that it is transported to the laboratory in the right condition, that correct laboratory
procedures are followed and that reporting is accurate. These steps should therefore be
monitored at all levels and correction should take place if unacceptable performance is
identified. Quality assurance is vital to the success of such investigations.
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e.g. monthly, the laboratory supervisor should submit a random selection of the
reference isolates under code to laboratory technologists for evaluation. Quality control
of the disc susceptibility test should take place. E. coli ATCC 25922 should be run in
parallel with the test strains. The susceptibility zones for the reference strain against
various antimicrobials should be within the acceptable ranges. The results of these
evaluations should be entered in a quality control monitoring book. Appropriate
measures should be taken to solve any problems that are encountered.
Supportive measures are important in the management of typhoid fever, such as oral or
intravenous hydration, the use of antipyretics, and appropriate nutrition and blood
transfusions if indicated. More than 90% of patients can be managed at home with oral
antibiotics, reliable care and close medical follow-up for complications or failure to
respond to therapy (41). However, patients with persistent vomiting, severe diarrhoea
and abdominal distension may require hospitalization and parenteral antibiotic therapy.
Efficacy, availability and cost are important criteria for the selection of first-line
antibiotics to be used in developing countries. This section reviews the therapeutic
guidelines for the treatment of typhoid fever across all age groups. It should be noted,
however, that therapeutic strategies for children, e.g. the choice of antibiotics, the dosage
regimen and the duration of therapy, may differ from those for adults.
The fluoroquinolones are widely regarded as optimal for the treatment of typhoid
fever in adults (42). They are relatively inexpensive, well tolerated and more rapidly
and reliably effective than the former first-line drugs, viz. chloramphenicol, ampicillin,
amoxicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Table 1). The majority of isolates are
still sensitive. The fluoroquinolones attain excellent tissue penetration, kill S. typhi in
its intracellular stationary stage in monocytes/macrophages and achieve higher active
drug levels in the gall bladder than other drugs. They produce a rapid therapeutic
response, i.e. clearance of fever and symptoms in three to five days, and very low rates
of post-treatment carriage (43, 44). Evidence from various settings in Asia indicates
that the fluoroquinolones are equally effective in the treatment of typhoid fever in
However, the emergence of MDR strains has reduced the choice of antibiotics in many
areas. There are two categories of drug resistance: resistance to antibiotics such as
chloramphenicol, ampicillin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (MDR strains)
and resistance to the fluoroquinolone drugs. Resistance to the fluoroquinolones may
be total or partial. The so-called nalidixic-acid-resistant S. typhi (NARST) is a marker
of reduced susceptibility to fluoroquinolones compared with nalidixic-acid-sensitive
strains. Nalidixic acid itself is never used for the treatment of typhoid. These isolates
are susceptible to fluoroquinolones in disc sensitivity testing according to current
guidelines. However, the clinical response to treatment with fluoroquinolones of
nalidixic-acid-resistant strains is significantly worse than with nalidixic-acid-senstive
strains. There is a significant number of MDR strains from the Indian subcontinent
WHO/V&B/03.07 19
and some other Asian countries (not Indonesia). S. typhi has recently emerged as a
problem in Kenya. Nalidixic-acid-resistant strains are now endemic in many areas of
Viet Nam and have also been reported from the Indian subcontinent and Tajikistan.
There are disturbing recent reports of the emergence of fluorquinolone-resistant isolates
in various parts of Asia (45, 46, 47) and there have been a few reports of resistance to
third-generation cephalopsorins in the same region. Reassuringly, however, many of
these reports are coupled with evidence of the re-emergence of sensitive isolates in the
same regions. Table 1 outlines the treatment strategies for uncomplicated typhoid.
The fluoroquinolone drugs are generally very well tolerated. However, in some countries
the use of fluoroquinolones is relatively contraindicated in children because of concerns
that they may cause articular damage. These agents are not registered for routine use in
children. The concerns have arisen because of evidence of articular damage in growing,
weight-bearing joints in beagles (48). There is now extensive experience in the use of
these drugs in large numbers of children with a variety of conditions, often with long-
term follow-up (cystic fibrosis, typhoid), and in the extensive use of short courses of
fluoroquinolones in children for the treatment of both typhoid fever and bacillary
dysentery (49). Their considerable benefits, particularly in areas where there are no
affordable oral alternatives, outweigh the putative risk. The only known articular side-
effect is Achilles tendon rupture in patients who are also taking corticosteroids, and
this has been reported only rarely.
Ampicillin and amoxicillin are used at 50 to 100 mg per kg per day orally, i.m. or i.v.,
divided into three or four doses. No benefit has been reported to result from the addition
of clavulanic acid to amoxicillin.
Of the third-generation cephalosporins, oral cefixime (15-20 mg per kg per day for
adults, 100-200 mg twice daily) has been widely used in children in a variety of
geographical settings and found to be satisfactory (56, 57, 58). However, a trial of
cefixime in MDR typhoid in Viet Nam indicated significantly higher treatment failure
rates than with ofloxacin (59). Other agents, e.g. cefodoxime, have proved successful
against typhoid fever (60). Because of the rising rates of quinolone resistance (61)
there is a clear need to identify improved strategies for treating MDR typhoid in
childhood. Recent data on the use of azithromycin in children indicate that it may be
safely given as an alternative agent for the treatment of uncomplicated typhoid
fever (62).
Azithromycin in a dose of 500 mg (10 mg/kg) given once daily for seven days has
proved effective in the treatment of typhoid fever in adults and children with
defervescence times similar to those reported for chloramphenicol. A dose of 1 g
per day for five days was also effective in adults (42).
If intravenous antibiotics are required, i.v. cephalosporins can be given in the following
doses: ceftriaxone, 50-75 mg per kg per day (2-4 g per day for adults) in one or
two doses; cefotaxime, 40-80 mg per kg per day (2-4 g per day for adults) in two or
three doses; and cefoperazone, 50-100 mg per kg per day (2-4 g per day for adults)
in two doses. Ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin and pefloxacin are also available for i.v. use.
WHO/V&B/03.07 21
There are few data on the treatment of typhoid in pregnancy. The beta-lactams are
considered safe (63). There have been several case reports of the successful use of
fluoroquinolones but these have generally not been recommended in pregnancy because
of safety concerns (64, 65). Ampicillin is safe in pregnant or nursing women, as is
ceftriaxone in such women with severe or MDR disease. Although there are no data
indicating that azithromycin is unsafe for pregnant or nursing women, alternatives
should be used if available.
Most of the data from randomized controlled trials relate to patients treated in regions
of endemicity. There are few data from such trials relating to patients treated in regions
where the disease is not endemic or to returning travellers. Knowledge of the antibiotic
sensitivity of the infecting strain is crucial in determining drug choice. If no culture is
available a knowledge of likely sensitivity as indicated by the available global data may
be useful.
The evidence suggests that the fluoroquinolones are the optimal choice for the treatment
of typhoid fever in adults and that they may also be used in children. The recent
emergence of resistance to fluoroquinolones, however, suggests that their widespread
and indiscriminate use in primary care settings should be restricted. In areas of the
world where the fluoroquinolones are not available or not registered for public health
use and where the bacterium is still fully sensitive to traditonal first-line drugs
(chloramphenicol, amoxicillin or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole), these remain
appropriate for the treatment of typhoid fever. They are inexpensive, widely available
and rarely associated with side-effects.
Both outpatients and inpatients with typhoid fever should be closely monitored for
the development of complications. Timely intervention can prevent or reduce morbidity
and mortality. The parenteral fluoroquinolones are probably the antibiotics of choice
for severe infections but there have been no randomized antibiotic trials (66). In severe
typhoid the fluoroquinolones are given for a minimum of 10 days (Table 2). Typhoid
fever patients with changes in mental status, characterized by delirium, obtundation
and stupor, should be immediately evaluated for meningitis by examination of the
cerebrospinal fluid. If the findings are normal and typhoid meningitis is suspected,
adults and children should immediately be treated with high-dose intravenous
dexamethasone in addition to antimicrobials (67). If dexamethasone is given in an initial
dose of 3 mg/kg by slow i.v. infusion over 30 minutes and if, after six hours, 1 mg/kg is
administered and subsequently repeated at six-hourly intervals on seven further
occasions, mortality can be reduced by some 80-90% in these high-risk patients.
Hydrocortisone in a lower dose is not effective (68). High-dose steroid treatment can
be given before the results of typhoid blood cultures are available if other causes of
severe disease are unlikely.
Patients with intestinal haemorrhage need intensive care, monitoring and blood
transfusion. Intervention is not needed unless there is significant blood loss.
Surgical consultation for suspected intestinal perforation is indicated. If perforation is
confirmed, surgical repair should not be delayed longer than six hours. Metronidazole
and gentamicin or ceftriazone should be administered before and after surgery if a
fluoroquinolone is not being used to treat leakage of intestinal bacteria into the
abdominal cavity. Early intervention is crucial, and mortality rates increase as the delay
between perforation and surgery lengthens. Mortality rates vary between 10% and
32% (69).
Relapses involving acute illness occur in 5-20% of typhoid fever cases that have
apparently been treated successfully. A relapse is heralded by the return of fever soon
after the completion of antibiotic treatment. The clinical manifestation is frequently
milder than the initial illness. Cultures should be obtained and standard treatment
should be administered. In the event of a relapse the absence of schistosomiasis should
be confirmed.
WHO/V&B/03.07 23
Carriers should be excluded from any activities involving food preparation and serving,
as should convalescent patients and any persons with possible symptoms of typhoid
fever. Although it would be difficult for typhoid carriers in developing countries to
follow this recommendation, food handlers should not resume their duties until they
have had three negative stool cultures at least one month apart.
The major routes of transmission of typhoid fever are through drinking water or eating
food contaminated with Salmonella typhi. Prevention is based on ensuring access to
safe water and by promoting safe food handling practices. Health education is
paramount to raise public awareness and induce behaviour change.
Typhoid fever is a waterborne disease and the main preventive measure is to ensure
access to safe water. The water needs to be of good quality and must be sufficient to
supply all the community with enough drinking water as well as for all other domestic
purposes such as cooking and washing.
· In rural areas, wells must be checked for pathogens and treated if necessary.
· At home, a particular attention must be paid to the disinfection and the storage of
the water however safe its source. Drinking-water can be made safe by boiling it
for one minute or by adding a chlorine-releasing chemical. Narrow-mouthed pots
with covers for storing water are helpful in reducing secondary transmission of
typhoid fever. Chlorine is ineffective when water is stored in metallic containers.
Appropriate food handling and processing is paramount and the following basic hygiene
measures must be implemented or reinforced during epidemics:
· washing hands with soap before preparing or eating food;
WHO/V&B/03.07 25
During outbreaks, food safety inspections must be reinforced in restaurants and for
street food vendors activities .
4.3 Sanitation
· Collection and treatment of sewage, especially during the rainy season, must be
· In areas where typhoid fever is known to be present, the use of human excreta as
fertilisers must be discouraged.
Health education is paramount to raise public awareness on all the above mentioned
prevention measures. Health education messages for the vulnerable communities need
to be adapted to local conditions and translated into local languages. In order to reach
communities, all possible means of communication (e.g. media, schools, women’s groups,
religious groups) must be applied.
In health facilities, all staff must be repeatedly educated about the need for :
· excellent personal hygiene at work;
· disinfection measure.
4.5 Vaccination
The old parenteral killed whole-cell vaccine was effective but produced strong
side-effects because of LPS. Two safe and effective vaccines are now licensed and
available. One is based on defined subunit antigens, the other on whole-cell live
attenuated bacteria.
The live oral vaccine Ty2la is available in enteric-coated capsule (80) or liquid
formulation. It should be taken in three doses two days apart on an empty stomach.
It elicits protection as from 10-14 days after the third dose. It is approved for use in
children aged at least 5 years. Travellers should be revaccinated annually. The protective
efficacy of the enteric-coated capsule formulation seven years after the last dose is still
62% in areas where the disease is endemic; the corresponding figure for the liquid
formulation is 70%. Herd immunity was clearly demonstrated during field trials in
Chile. Antibiotics should be avoided for seven days before or after the immunization
series. This vaccine is licensed in 56 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America,
and the USA. Although the package insert allows simultaneous administration of
mefloquine (Lariam®) or chloroquine (Nivaquine® or Aralen®) for malaria prophylaxis,
it is recommended that an interval of three days be maintained between the completion
of the immunization series and the first dose of mefloquine or proguanil.
WHO/V&B/03.07 27
S. paratyphi A causes the second commonest enteric fever in Asia. The TAB vaccine,
composed of inactivated Salmonella, caused a strong side-reaction. A new S. paratyphi
A vaccine composed of the surface O-specific polysaccharide conjugated with tetanus
toxoid was shown to be safe and immunogenic in Vietnamese adults, 108 teenagers and
110 children aged 2-4 years (83). An efficacy trial is being planned.
Other candidates
Three live attenuated candidate vaccines are currently being evaluated. Each is
administered as a single oral dose. CVD 908-htrA is an S. typhi strain with a mutation
deletion in the htrA gene (84, 85); a derivative strain, CVD 909, was prepared in order
to produce Vi antigen according to constitutive expression. The second candidate is an
S. typhi Ty2 strain with triple mutation deletion in the cya, crp and cdt genes (86).
The third is a derivative of an S. typhi Ty2 strain with a double mutation deletion in
genes phoP and phoQ (87).
Routine immunization
During the 1980s, typhoid fever was successfully controlled in Bangkok by annual
routine immunization of school-age children (88). The disease reappeared few years
after immunization was stopped. Routine immunization is conducted in several areas
of Uzbekistan, resulting in a low incidence of the disease. WHO recommends that
the immunization of school-age children be undertaken wherever the control of
the disease is a priority. School-based typhoid immunization programmes should
be limited to geographical areas where typhoid fever is a recognized public health
problem and to areas where antibiotic-resistant S. typhi strains are particularly prevalent.
The use of typhoid vaccines in schoolchildren should be harmonized with the
school-based administration of Td (see Report of the Scientific Group of Experts (SAGE),
WHO/GPV/98.06, and Strategies, policies and practices for immunization of adolescents:
a global review, WHO, 1999). The Vi vaccine is recommended for use in immuno-
compromised hosts. Because some countries, e.g. Bangladesh and India, are reporting
typhoid fever cases among the very young, immunization should be started in nursery
school children. In routine immunization, therefore, the use of the available typhoid
vaccines should be considered in areas where typhoid fever is endemic in children
aged over two years. Either Vi or Ty21a vaccine should be used.
During 1998 in Tajikistan the vaccination of 18 000 persons with one i.m. dose of
Vi polysaccharide proved effective (72% protection) in preventing the spread of typhoid
fever in an immunized community facing an outbreak situation because of the presence
of a multidrug-resistant strain of S. typhi (89). In China’s Xing-An county (78) a locally
produced Vi vaccine provided 70% protection in school-age children immunized either
before or during an outbreak. Vaccination against typhoid fever before or during an
outbreak situation should therefore be seriously considered as an effective tool.
If the community in question cannot be fully immunized, persons aged 2-19 years
should be the target group for vaccination, in addition to children in nursery schools.
WHO/V&B/03.07 29
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