Revival 2011 Program Tuesday June 7 New

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You Don’t Know Me

Like That!



JUNE 7, 2011

Praise & Worship: 6:30 pm

St. Cecilia Catholic Church Revival: 7:30 pm

10400 Stoepel
Detroit, MI 48204-2385

Phone: 313-933-6788
Fax: 313-933-1439
E-mail: [email protected]
Your Condition is nOT your
About our Revivalist

Processional (Song) Choir

Fr. Maurice J. Nutt, C.Ss.R., D.Min.

Welcome / Call to Wor- Saundra Whitfield

“Joyful, energetic, Bible-fed and Spirit-led”
ship Mistress of Ceremony

Congregational Song choir

Born and raised in St. Louis, MO., baptized into the
Invocation Prayer DeAndre McCluster Catholic faith as an infant, Fr. Nutt’s vocation to the
priesthood was nurtured at St. Alphonsus Liguori
“Rock” Catholic Church, a Redemptorist parish. He
Scripture Reading Angela Copeland
professed vows in the Redemptorist congregation
1 Samuel: 1: 9-20
on July 24, 1983. Father Nutt was ordained to the
Choir Selection choir
priesthood on June 10, 1989, by Bishop J. Terry
Steib, S.V.D. His first pastoral assignment after
Introduction of Evangelist Robert Sanders ordination was as Associate Pastor of the parish
where his vocation was born and nurtured. It was
Prayer over the Evangelist John Herman not long after that he was named the 32nd Pastor
and the first African American Pastor of this historic
parish where he served as pastor for 9 years. In
2000, the parish was named one of three hundred
Choir Selection (Sermon Choir
Song) Excellent Catholic churches in the US by the Pasto-
ral Summit.
Message for Today Fr. Maurice J. Nutt ,
C.Ss.R., D.Min.
Pastor, Holy Names of Jesus Father Nutt is currently pastor of Holy Names of
and Mary Catholic Church –
Memphis, TN Jesus and Mary Catholic Church in Memphis, Ten-
nessee. He is a faculty member of the Religious
The Service of Giving Choir Studies Distance Learning Program at Hampton
University, Hampton, Virginia where he teaches in
Ritual / Altar Call Ministry of Music the areas of Theology and African American Reli-
gious Studies. Additionally he is a member of the
Announcements Elizabeth Williams faculty of the Institute for Black Catholic Studies at
Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans where
Benediction Fr. Theodore K. Parker,
Pastor of St. Cecilia & St. Leo
he teaches Preaching. Father Nutt is a proud life-
Churches member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Recessional Choir

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