354 Mcqs Obesity
354 Mcqs Obesity
354 Mcqs Obesity
FPSC No : 34
MCQs on Update on Childhood Obesity
Submission deadline : 23 April 2010
• With effect from 1st April 2008, the College Assessment of 30 MCQs has gone paperless.
• To submit answers to the following multiple choice questions, you are required to log on to the College Online
Portal (www.cfps2online.org)
• Attempt ALL the following multiple choice questions.
• There is only ONE correct answer for each question.
• The answers should be submitted to the College of Family Physicians Singapore via the College Online Portal
before the submission deadline stated above.
T h e S i n g a p o r e F a m i l y P h y s i c i a n V o l 35 N o 4 O c t -D e c 2009 : 30
MCQs for childhooD obesity
7. Obese children are at risk of developing which of the 12. In Singapore, the proportion of overweight students
following medical problems? in 1993 was 11.7% of all students. Which of the
(A) Non alcoholic fatty liver disease. following was the proportion of overweight students
(B) Chronic obstructive airway disease. in 2006?
(A) 13.5%.
(C) Insulin dependent diabetes.
(B) 11.5%.
(D) Prolapse intervertebral disc.
(C) 9.5%.
(E) All of the above.
(D) 7.5%
(E) 6.5%.
11. In 2005, WHO projected that there were 1.6 billion Unit 4
overweight adults (aged 15+). Of the children under
5, how many were overweight? At least: 16. Which of the following items about physical activity
(A) 5 million. is INCORRECT? It:
(A) Increases fat-free mass.
(B) 10 million.
(B) Improves cardiovascular fitness.
(C) 15 million.
(C) Maintains weight loss.
(D) 20 million.
(D) Compared to dieting, it promotes a more negative
(E) 25 million. behaviour.
(E) Prevents chronic disease.
T h e S i n g a p o r e F a m i l y P h y s i c i a n V o l 35 N o 4 O c t -D e c 2009 : 31
MCQs for childhooD obesity
17. Recent studies on step-counts in children 6-12 years 22. Which of the following statements about aerobic
old, showed there is a minimum step count beyond exercise for obese youths is INCORRECT?
which there is a lower chance of being overweight. (A) Examples of low impact aerobic exercises are walking and
What is this threshold? cycling.
(A) 15,000 steps for both girls and boys. (B) Examples of high impact exercises are dancing and running.
(B) 15,000 steps for girls and 12,000 steps for boys. (C) Progressive introduction of strenuous activities is
(C) 12,000 steps for girls and 15,000 steps for boys. recommended.
(D) 12,000 steps for both girls and boys. (D) Low to moderate intensity aerobic exercise for beginners is
(E) None of the above. generally well tolerated.
(E) Exercise intensity can be monitored using the ‘talk test’.
T h e S i n g a p o r e F a m i l y P h y s i c i a n V o l 35 N o 4 O c t -D e c 2009 : 32
MCQs for childhooD obesity
27. For a child who is 7 to 12 months old, what is the 29. With regards to salt intake for children aged 1-6
recommended limit of sugar in teaspoonfuls? years old, what is the amount of sodium that could
(A) 3. be consumed per day? Not more than:
(B) 5. (A) 200 mg.
(C) 7. (B) 400 mg.
(D) 9. (C) 600 mg.
(E) 11. (D) 800 mg.
(E) 1000 mg.
T h e S i n g a p o r e F a m i l y P h y s i c i a n V o l 35 N o 4 O c t -D e c 2009 : 33