Arvind - Profit & Loss Account - Textiles - Denim - Profit & Loss Account of Arvind - BSE - 500101, NSE - ARVIND
Arvind - Profit & Loss Account - Textiles - Denim - Profit & Loss Account of Arvind - BSE - 500101, NSE - ARVIND
Arvind - Profit & Loss Account - Textiles - Denim - Profit & Loss Account of Arvind - BSE - 500101, NSE - ARVIND
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Sales Turnover 1,623.39 1,845.01 2,215.65 2,345.16 2,318.49
Excise Duty 36.49 15.78 2.33 0.00 1.60
Net Sales 1,586.90 1,829.23 2,213.32 2,345.16 2,316.89
Other Income 16.33 143.09 97.11 -28.36 11.83
Stock Adjustments -9.82 97.95 9.49 34.86 -18.78
Total Income 1,593.41 2,070.27 2,319.92 2,351.66 2,309.94
Raw Materials 675.79 866.44 1,124.61 953.73 1,218.87
Power & Fuel Cost 143.57 171.67 215.00 0.00 208.62
Employee Cost 135.74 204.33 234.74 244.81 240.90
Other Manufacturing Expenses 101.73 140.10 123.48 0.00 136.02
Selling and Admin Expenses 62.21 155.53 199.15 0.00 0.00
Miscellaneous Expenses 50.40 97.25 96.86 936.00 184.26
Preoperative Exp Capitalised 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Expenses 1,169.44 1,635.32 1,993.84 2,134.54 1,988.67
Mar '06 Mar '07 Mar '08 Mar '09 Mar '10
1 of 2 21-04-2011 13:05
Arvind | Profit & Loss account > Textiles - Denim > Profit & Loss accou...
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