Lecture 8: Convolution: Continuous Time System
Lecture 8: Convolution: Continuous Time System
Lecture 8: Convolution: Continuous Time System
In this lecture we shall develop the convolution integral and then solve the convolution
integral using different methods.
1 Introduction:
A continuous time system as shown below, accepts a continuous time signal x(t) and
gives out a transformed continuous time signal y(t).
Some of the different methods of representing the continuous time system are:
i) Differential equation
ii) Block diagram
iii) Impulse response
iv) Frequency response
v) Laplace-transform
vi) Pole-zero plot
It is possible to switch from one form of representation to another, and each of the
representations is complete. Moreover, from each of the above representations, it is
possible to obtain the system properties using parameters as: stability, causality, linearity,
invertibility etc. We now attempt to develop the convolution integral.
Any continuous time signal x(t), can be represented in terms of the unit impulse function
as shown below:
x(t ) = x (τ )δ (t − τ )dτ (1)
2.2 The impulse response h(t):
The impulse response of a continuous time system is defined as the output of the system
when its input is an unit impulse, δ (t ) . Usually the impulse response is denoted by h(t ) .
We now attempt to obtain the output of a continuous time/Analog digital system for an
arbitrary input x(t), from the knowledge of the system impulse response h(t), and the
properties of the impulse response of an LTI system.
y (t ) = R { x(t )}
=R x(τ )δ (t − τ )dτ
= x(τ ) R {δ (t − τ )} dτ
= x(τ )h(t − τ )dτ
= x(t )* h(t )
2.0 Conclusions:
Having seen the development of the convolution integral, in the next lecture we shall see the
different methods of evaluating this integral.