Arsenal For Agression - Armored Vehicles of The Warsaw Pact
Arsenal For Agression - Armored Vehicles of The Warsaw Pact
Arsenal For Agression - Armored Vehicles of The Warsaw Pact
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JjJJJ~J --rJ...J 1 ~JJ -rj~~JJ~~J ~J
Robert Michulec
Editor: James R. Hill
Copyright © 1994
603-609 Castle Peak Road
Kong Nam Industrial Building
lOjF, B1, Tsuen Wan
New Territories , Hong Kong
-"e armed forces of the Warsaw Pact, Opposing them were about 40,000 NATO
posed of the armies of seven diverse combat vehicles, some of which were of
_ untries, deployed most powerful ground better quality. While many NATO armies
= c es in the history of 20th century Europe. consisted of well-trained and well-equipped
--'e most important elements of the Warsaw professional troops, the Warsaw Pact forces
~ c t armies were their armored forces. did not hold all of the NATO forces soldiers in
- ~ igned to fight in western Europe, they were high esteem. Some of the NATO armies were
d er the complete control of Soviet not considered a major challenge. Many
::;enerals. From the end of the 1940s, to the people in eastern Europe, whether specialists
te 1980s when the Warsaw Pact in military affairs or not; thought that the
.... sintegrated, their ostensible objec1-ive was to armies of Warsaw Pact could simply plow
:o feguard the Communist bloc. But their real through western Europe by brute force to win
-8 sk was to carry the war onto the territories of a war if needed. Whether this view was
- e neighboring NATO countries. This was the correct or not, such a war in Europe could
-eason for their need for strong armored have been the bloodiest war Europe ever
: rees. experienced. It is fortunate for the Warsaw
The specific tasks of the non-Soviet Pact, and all other nations that would have
a rsaw Pact armies depended on their been involved, that such a war never
c ation . The East German NVA was an occured.
tegral part of planned Soviet operations This book is not meant to be an
g ainst West Germany. The Czechoslovak encyclopedia of all the armored vehicles of
SLA was given a significant role in Soviet the Warsaw Pact. So many different types of
p erations towards Austria and southern vehicles were built, often in small numbers,
---ermany. Poland was assigned the task of and many vehicles were modified during their
~ i zing and holding the Danish straits, as well service. To cover all these permutations would
s operations against Sweden, hence its be very difficult and is not the intention of this
sig nificant amphibious warfare capabilities. book. Instead, in this book you will find a
The armed forces of the Warsaw Pact review of the main types of combat vehicles
.vere neither well motivated nor parl-icularly used by -~he armored and mechanized units of
./ell equipped, with the possible exception of the Warsaw Pact from the 1950s until the
-' e East Germans. In many cases, particularly 1990s, with a special focus on those used by
-' e Balkan countries of Romania and Bulgaria, the non-Soviet Warsaw Pact countries. It is my
-' ey were armed with second-rate weapons. intention to provide readers with a visual
T e quality of their armored vehicles left much picture of what war in Europe might have
f O be desired. For example, the thickness of looked like from the perspective of photos
rmored plates on the standard Warsaw Pact taken during Warsaw Pact wargames.
ormored infantry transport used from the 1960s I would like to -~hank Mr. Staszynski, Vadim
-'-' rough the 1980s- the BTR-60 and BTR-70 was Siesarev, Inga and my mum for their materials,
nly a thin 6mm. Many armored vehicles information and help. I would also like to offer
::uffered engine problems, and during field a very special word of thanks to Miss Paciorek
exercises, commanders had to halt attacks for her time and patience.
ue to the large number of vehicles which
ad broken down in a field or were helplessly
;stalled in the middle of a river.
By the mid- 1980s, there were about 39,000
1:- is a
" -shot
Nheeled and tracked vehicles in the 40 first
the ine Warsaw Pact divisions posted at the
ATO-Warsaw Pact border, with some 19,000
::::ombat vehicles in the second-line divisions.
The first standard tank in all the Warsaw Pact armies was the T-34-85 in its 1944 version. It was armed with a 85mm ZIS S-53 gun and two mach·
guns. The T-34 Model 1944 served to the end of 1950s when it was, theoretically, replaced by the T-34-85 Model 1960. The T-34-85 in this photo is in .
service of the East German Army (NVA).
A shot of the Czechoslovak Army
T-34-85 Model 1944. This type of tank
,'Ias produced in Czechoslovakia from
e end of 1952 until 1960. Note the
WWII German pattern Notec night
'riving headlight on the left side of the
superstructure's front plate.
. ~ . -. ---
. "..
----- .-.. . .. --. _. .._--
In the Soviet Union, thei
were no light tan
manufactured after 1943's rai
T-80. In early 1951 a new ligr.
tank the PT-76, we..
developed. "PT" mear.
"swimming tank", and "76"
the caliber of a gun. The pho'
shows a PT-76 with a raise::
driver's central periscope.
belongs to a Soviet Grou :
Force's reconnaissance unit.
PT-76Bs were usually used in the first wave of marine units. The one
shown here is part of a Soviet Naval Infantry unit in the beginning of 1980s
Note the four added fuel tanks on the engine roof and the Soviet nava
ensign painted on the side of the vehicle.
This rear view of a Soviet PT-76B
0,- ~ .',s the open ports of the hydrojet
s rare _ _: .Jlsion system nozzles . The PT
light ~: 3 as been in service since 1962 and
was :=<l s from the PT-76 due to the
--: 'lied D-76TS gun and larger fuel
~.acity. Note how the trunk fitted to
- " rear of the turret is bent for
: -: :ection against a high sea wave.
Several T-54s of the Soviet Army roll into action during a field exercise
at the end of the 1970s. Note that the ubiquitous DShK anti-aircraft heavy
machine gun is missing on each tank, as is the water brake on the front
armor plate.
This Polish T
is being tran"nr>rtp..
a tracked
version of the
began in 1954 in
Soviet Union. It
system and a
fume extractor.
3pecial markings and extra track sections affixed to the side of the The profile views of Czechoslovak T-54A numbers "364" and "384" as
::..r- ~ :
distinguish this Czechoslovak T-54A. The white signal bands on the they advance on the "battlefield" show that they bear the same white
--- 3 . 5 of the mud guards served as identification markers while the vehicle marking around the barrel of their 1OOmm guns. Note the two 55-gallon fuel
~ .2 led in convoys. They were particularly useful at night. drums stowed at the extreme rear of their hulls. The white barrel markings
were probably used to identify "aggressor" tanks during wargames.
The Hungarian Army received its first T-54As from the Soviet Union at
the end of the 1950s. Here we see one of these tanks being transported to
an exercise field somewhere in Czechoslovakia (that country's flag is flying
from the upper window of the building at left). Note the Hungarian star
insignia on the side of the T-54's turret.
The T-54A entered service in Poland in 1954 and was produced under license from 1956 to 1964. After many internal modifications, the tank rece
a new designation - T-54AM. All tanks made in Poland were equipped with an additional box on the front left side of the turret.
=~ unit's
~ 1t mud
Since the Soviets did not have a sufficient number of armored personnel transports for their mechanized units by the end of the 1950s, they often trained
",::acks with infantrymen perched on tanks, as this photo illustrates. In an attempt to conceal their position , the third and fourth tanks have used the TDA
_ ~ 1l to create a smoke screen. This system involved spraying diesel fuel on to the engine manifold to generate white clouds from the exhaust.
- other shot of a Soviet T-55A tank attack, this time without infantry.
e standard boxes for DShK machine gun ammo near the gunner 's
~-- - (like on the T-72) on late production T-55s. The unit emblem and the
_- -·~:an dard mud guards are also interesting.
This rear view of a T-55 shows a non typical storage box located on the
rear of the turret. This tank belongs to a Soviet reconnaissance unit and is
equipped with KMT-4 mine rakes and two additional 55 gallon (400 I) fuel
drums. Note the OPVT snorkel tube located above them.
This photo shows an amphibious assault on the Black Sea in the The Romanian Army was not on the best of terms with the rest
middle of the 1980s. Note the non-standard covers for ·the Luna Warsaw Pact members, especially since the beginning of the 1970s, S(
searchlights mounted on the tanks numbered "180" and "110". T-55s are still did not often train with them. Here, amidst exhaust steam and cas
used by the Soviet Naval Infantry units but with Kontakt explosive reactive water, the Romanian T-55 number "V672" rises from a river.
.- - ~ , ". :.:::-..
This cia
photo of the front
snow-covered Poll
55 provides
excellent view of
rifling in the barr
the tank's 100mm
visible just on
inside of the m
Notice that the v
number-"51 "
repeated on all 0
crewmen's helmet
well as on
commander 's
gunner's inf
This view of Czechoslovak T-55 number "574" shows yet another style Two companies of Hungarian T-55s are shown here participating in a
i ofthe
parade in East Germany following a 1980 exercise . The T-55's D-10T2S
so they _- ::amouflage used around the end of the 1970s and early 1980s. The tank·
: - bably painted in two-tone green paint divided by sand colored "veins". cannon was the first Soviet tank gun to employ the new ("Typhoon") two-axis
- ~ cadin Q
-- '= photo was taken at the beginning of the 1980s. Note the addition of a stabilization system which allowed the gun to be more quickly readjusted for
x-C"'on of track on the turret. accuracy after the tank had been on the move .
This T-55 churns the water in this tank training ditch into froth as it
.-C s steam and spray on the infantrymen that are following in its wake.
~ ih e several lights affixed to the hull and turret of this tank; there are no
~ -nan 15! There are nine small position lights mounted on the corners
- 9 hull and one on the rear of th e turret.
- 'rant of
=-"8 Polish
-: 9 3 a
-'oN of II'
'" barrel
~J mm g
on t
ali of It:
- =Imets, .~
on tr
infrarE uds of smoke fail to obscure the frontal view of these T-55s . At 10 ft (3.27 m) wide and 7.5 ft (2.35 m) high , this model of tank is smaller, and therefore
_5 - to see at long distances, than American and German tanks. On the other hand, they are less comfortable for their crews.
The Polish national markings are painted in more subdued tones on this T-55; the outline is painted in white only. This front view provides a good
at a commonly seen feature of the tank- the highly visible orange-circle-with-black-triangle "road sign" located on the left mud guard.
Another view of Polish T-55A tank. The T-55 had been made in the
~- :iet Union since 1955, in Poland since 1960, in Czechoslovakia from
~C'U t 1964 to the middle of the 1980s. A total of over 30,000 of these tanks
-2 . ;) been produced .
" 9·
The repair of broken down armored vehicles is a common
during large-scale exercises. In this photo, four soldiers wearing
issue helmets pose for a photographer. During their normal work
the men would not wear such restrictive headgear. Note how the turret'
allow for easier access inside the turret.
The tanks shown here were produced in Poland but are in the service
::- :: 8 East German Army. The one in front is ready to be fitted with a KMT
~ -_ clearing device as is evidenced by the altered mud guards. The box
_ left side of the turret is a characteristic of a Polish- or Czechoslovak
-c-=e T-55.
The large tube rising above the loader's hatch on this T-55 is a training
evacuation hatch. It was designed to be used in the event that the tank was
stalled while fording a river and the crew needed to escape. Usually used
on WZT/BTS recovery vehicles , the pipe proved too bulky to transport and
too complicated to use on tanks in combat conditions.
n ese T-55s belong to East Germany's National People's Army (NVA).
are being used here for practice on a tank driver's training course.
ow the identification numbers that are normally so conspicuous on the
. the turret have been painted out on the lead tank.
The T-55s modified in Poland 2.
little different than the Sovie:
Czechoslovak versions . They
designed to accept the Polish
control system called "Merida
though only a few tanks actually he
installed. Usually they have ani.
infrared system , a wind sensor a
ballistics computer. The T-55AM2 0.
has new armor on the superstru
front plate and the front of the
and sideskirts over the wheels.
Although widely used by the Soviet Army, few T-62s were used
elsewhere in the Warsaw Pact except for a handful in Bulgaria. The T-62
was also produced in Czechoslovakia for export but surprisingly enough
was not used in the Czechoslovak Army due to its cost. Here is a platoon of
this model tank from a Soviet Guards unit. The first T-62 has a red lance
pennon which means it is the commander's tank.
Soviet T-62s, each bearing a unit insignia on its turret, make short work
=: - ing some shallow water obstacles in this photo_ Until 1975, T-62s
~ -= not armed with a 12.7mm DShK AA gun. Their arsenal consisted of a
- T-55AM
: -lhbore 115mm UT-5TS gun that was stabilized by the two-axis
--e tan
,=,".:eo r" system. This gun was the major new feature on this tank
-' eir 9 ::--Jared to the T-55.
e T-62 tank was developed under the code name of "Obiekt 166",
- entered service in the Soviet armored units in 1961. The experimental
167", with a multi-fuel 700 hp engine and a "Malyutka" rocket
er, appeared on the scene that same year. A new model equipped
- "- gas turbine engine was introduced in 1963, and the "Obiekt 150" (the
- - 8.n k destroyer) was produced in 1968. The latest model , the T-62M,
'" into being in the mid-to-Iate 1980s.
A T-62 (without any markings) leads a long column of ZSU-23-4V1 A view of the rear of a T-62 . Almost everything on this tank is the s=:
Shilka vehicles down a road . At the time, these new medium tanks were as on the T-55, except the completely new turret. The range of the T
known as a "suppression tank" or a "support tank". They were distributed 280 miles (450 km) or 400 miles (650 km) with additional fuel drums ('1.
over a number of companies (with a few tanks per company) , or even can be installed on the curved racks , visible here over the unditching bee
concentrated into one company of T-62's in one tank battalion. In the rear of the turret are found a ventilation mushroom and a shell eje'"
-~ e first unit of
=- ::: ian T-728s.
-.=- Warsaw Pact
- sD , there were
~o u t 300 of these
1 the Romanian
but many of
" ere the early
It is
-=-- .l1g to note that
to Poland,
::0 - - ='1ia possessed
"- c:gest number of
- in the entire
A column of Polish T-72s. These tanks were imported from the Soviet
Union in the late 1970s by all the countries of Warsaw Pact. All tanks in this
photo have attachments for gill armor.
These three T-72Ms were built under license in Eastern Europe. Each is fitted with gill armor on the fenders and has a windshield for the com man
Note the mock-up of a ... German PzKpfw. V "Panther" (') in the distance behind and to the left of the last T-72.
- _ lumn of first series Polish T
out mud guards. Visible in
-: - :::0 is the ditch digging blade
zo '0 the underside of the front
- --3 . is incorporated in the tank's
is intended to assist the tank
:r-=-c::hing. A crew needs only
- - 3 " an hour to dig a trench 5 It
=- -::eep.
: -: of t h~
"'::s. Noi~
0\ tan k,
.- 1e gur
-~-;-,- Camouflaged with pine branches,
'""::;~~ ·it'
, 1-72M engages in "combat" with an
;: l1mande· =- =l1Y' during exercises. Note how
s .urret is turned rearward.
Following exercises , tank
members clean the barrels of th~
81TM (2A46) 125mm guns.
guns are capable of firing two
anti-tank (AT) shells-the 3VB
later types) Armor-Pie
Stabilized Discarding Sabot
which has an initial muzzle
1800m/s and the 3VBK7 (or later
High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) \
velocity of 900 m/s.
.' 4j"
~~ .
.;. CDl umn of T-72s stops to take on fuel at a field refueling station. Fuel
"""--"...: . is 264 gallons (1000 liters) for the T-72A model and 317 gallons
- 'ers) for the later Soviet T-72S and S1 versions. This allows for a
-=-um range of about 280 miles (450 km) and 360 miles (580 km)
"Soviet T·
c:d gree
- hare i'
A platoon of Polish T-72M1 d_
winter march. There were proposE...
sell the newer T-80s to the W~
Pact members in the end of 1980s
Poland leased several for trials
plans to produce it locally. Howeve'
Soviets wanted too much mone
license production rights , so Pc
stuck with the T-72 (now in its P
Twardy version).
- .:olumn of Polish T-72M1 s at rest with the unit commander's tank in the front Note the windshields fitted in the commmanders' cupolas of the second
-: _~d1 tanks. This photo shows the locations of the driver and commander of the tank crew.
The last tank developed under the Warsaw Pact treaty was the T-80 which was used only in the Soviet Un ion. Here are a pair of T-80SVs tha:
covered with bricks of explosive reactive armor. This armor is attached to the existing armor plating. When it is struck by a shaped charge 'Mo.rh" ,...
explodes outward, thus preventing the charge from penetrating the conventional armor. Today in the CIS, the Arena active defense system is being i
to protect tanks from missiles.
Shown here is a Polish T-54AM
tank mounted with a KMT-4 mine rake.
In the background is a WPT-34
recovery vehicle passing through a
gate made by the use of a BGL-60
bridge. This photo was taken at the
beginning of the 1980s.
Many special vehicles have been built on the chassis of the T-St
Here is one of the most popular-an BLG-60M bridging tank. It
produced in East Germany at the end of the 1960s, based on Polish
chassis . This one is shown crossing over a ravine on the same ty .;:
scissors bridge that it carries.
. --54/5~
: ~h ta
~ :ype ~-:::2 th e mid-1980s, the WZT-2 has been replaced by the WZT-3
~-: vehicle that is built on the chassis of a T-72 tank. Another
;... •.8 is the MID (road engineering machine) , which has a crane that
- _ to 15 tons and a capacity to safely evacuate up to three wounded
For many years following World War Two, self-propelled artillery was the main support for tanks and infantry. This photo, taken in the 1960s, shows an
- 52 (at left) in Polish service during spring exercises. By the end of the 1960s, in the Soviet Union , a new generation of self-propelled artillery was
The most popular
gun in the Czechoslovak
1950s was the locally
SU-100. It was built under I
that country from 1952 to the end cr'
1950s, and was used up to
beginning of the 1970s. Many of
met their end in the sands of the
East where they were sold to Egyp:
--8 T-72M in its final version with side skirts, in an unusual exercise camouflage scheme. Note the four Type 902 Tucha smoke mortar tubes installed
- = .eft and right sides of the turret. Two boxes for AA ammo are located near the right side of the commander's cupola. Note the badge of the Polish
-- 0 = Forces behind the infrared searchlight.
In the late 1980s, tanks in Polish armored units were painted with unit
emblems such as a fox, wild boar or windmill. The first T-72M tank in this
column does not have a puma emblem painted on its turret, while the next
= : - tal view of a Polish T-72M (initial version) belonging to a unit two tanks do.
~ by the white puma insignia (located on the turret to the immediate
.' " barrel of the 125mm gun). This tank is equipped with KMT-6M
- : .:",ring blades with covers.
A column of T-72M tanks pc '
through a soggy field during an exe-:
in 1987. The T-72s are "painte:
improvised wargame camouflags
mopping the tank with a mixture of
Note that each of the tanks is equi::
with folding gill armor.
- his view shows a Polish T-72M1 with the later pattern of smoke
- - 3rs mounted on a stepped launch rack ; this feature was peculiar to
= ""2- tanks. This particular T-72M1 is camouflaged with sand and ochre
: -3 over the standard green; this type of camouflage was usually only
,,0 during summer wargames and was often applied with washable
. " ra paints.
Here are three T-72M1 tanks in dug-in positions. Note the non-standard This photo provides a view of some of the detail found on the turre·
number on the closest. It looks as if the tank in the middle has been a T-55A, particularly the large anti-radiation combing around
camouflaged a very long time; its pine branches are not green anymore. commander's hatch. Note the finely crafted regimental banner held alo , :
the commander. The Polish Army has a long and proud military trad ir:
which the Soviets tolerated in the hopes of maintaining morale amongst ·-
traditionally anti-Russian Poles. The traditional banner was usually car- :o
at parades marking the start or conclusion of major Warsaw Pact wargarr :-
- --55A, moderately camouflaged with a few pine branches and mud, escorting several BMP-1 infantry combat vehicles on maneuvers.
A company of T-55As is shown
O'-e in attack formation. The mud
::=...~e d on the fenders and underbelly of
-= tanks attests to the T-55's ability to
'= Jotiate all kinds of terrain. The four
; ·1 numbers on the sides of the tanks'
__·-sts can be seen to have been
:"" l Ied with a stencil; four-digit
. _, bers were common in many Polish
_ sions in the Cold War years.
.: _G bridging tanks have been in use in the Polish Army since the
- " hey were jointly manufactured by Poland and East Germany. This
.:. sh ows a modernized version of an BLG-60MP (designed for T-72
_ : uring summer exercises in 1992. The "MP" version has its channels A rear view of an East German Army (NVA) BLG-60M carrying two
-- ~ by four inches (10 cm), new surfaces and a slightly different
external fuel drums. The detail of the extension mechanism located at the
,:n mechanism than earlier models. Note the colorful summer
middle of the brid ge is clearly visible. The bridge itself unfolds to a length of
71 It (21.6 m) and has a support capacity of 50 tons.
Another special version of tI-. ~
is a technical recovery vehicle knc
Polish as the WZT-2. It has a
spacious superstructure than the . --::
1 and it is more useful on a ~ : :
An exercise provides an excellent opportunity to practice crossing a river using different bridging techniques. The crossing is accomplished over three
: ;es. The first is a pontoon bridge, the second is made by the two bridging tanks (with a pontoon in the center) and the third is built on four mechanized
"T. vehicles (GSPs).
This shot of a BWP-1 being refueled gives a good idea of the vehicle's
size relative to the height of a man; it stands only 6 It (2.9 m) tall. It "drinks"
101 gallons (460 liters) of fuel which provide it with a maximum range of 310
miles (500 km). Both rear doors contain fuel cells, and there is a large
central tank in the infantry compartment that is being filled by the crewman
on the roof. The unditching beam at the back is to help extract the vehicle
from mud.
The TOPAS-R2M is a modifie:
TOPAS designed for use by compa
commanders. The one shown he-o
from the 7th Naval Assault Division ;
the command vehicle for an anti-ta
company. Note the open turret shie :
for a machine gunner (absent t 0
weapon in this view) that I'E o
developed by the Polish Milit,,
Institute for Automotive and Armor~ :
Technology (WITPiS).
· '.
The Soviets employ the IRM (built on the chassis of the BMP-IK) in its
engineer reconnaissance units. In the Polish army, the MT-LB TRI is used
instead as its engineering recce vehicle, since the basic chassis is built
under license in Poland. This version was locally developed in Poland. It is
armed with a 12.7mm NSVT heavy machine gun and can carry up to nine
soldiers. Among the many features of the vehicle is the capability of
detecting mines in the ground and in the water.
The MT-LBu universal chassis has been used as the basis for Three Soviet Naval Infantry BTR-60PBs emerge from the gaping
- I and and control vehicles for battery and battalion staffs. They differ "mouth" of a landing ship in the largest exercises in the history of the
' .2.. -Iy in the radio equipment used. This photo shows a MP23 Rangir air Warsaw Pact, the "anti-Solidarity" maneuvers of 1980. These BTR-60PBs
~lse command vehicle. Note the emblem of the Polish Armored Forces have a speed in the water of 6 mph (10 km/h). They have a normal
. -'e front plate. complement of eleven men (3 crewmen and 8 SOldiers).
The BRDM-2 was built on a modified BRDM-1 chassis but its Along with recce units, special troops, staff units and a variety of C'
superstructure was completely changed so that its interior became more units are also equipped with BRDM-2s. This photo depicts the BR:
spacious. It was armed with a 14.5mm heavy machine gun installed in a 2RKhb (called BRDM-2RCh in Poland) used to locate NBC-wea ~ :
turret, derived from the type used on the BTR-60PB. In this photo is a contamination. On the "b" of this vehicle, the turret has been modifie: .
command version, the BRDM-2D, locally developed in Poland, and serving deleting the 14.5mm heavy machine gun, replacing it with a 7.6 ~
with the 7th Naval Assault Division. Note the folding antenna mount on the machine gun and a flare dispenser. At the rear is a flag dispenser wh l ~'
left hull side. used to mark contaminated areas; the flags are in bright yellow.
Another famous armored vehicle created by the Soviet military industry is the ZSU-23-4 Shilka, a self-propelled air defense system. The ZS_
entered service in the Warsaw Pact countries in the mid-1960s, about four years later than in the Soviet Union. The photo shows the later model ZS _-_
A close-up of the front of a Polish
== ) -23-4. This time it is the earlier
~ J-23-4V Shilka version . Under the
~ - =Is there is an inscription in Russian
""_ 19, "Do not stand under barrels".
-. ~ Polish national markings on the
-: -: plate of a turret ( on both sides of
~ 9uns )have been painted out. The
o '/ of four-commander, driver, radar
=~:;rver and gunner· are visible here .
This photo shows two more 2S1 s as they negotiate a slippery, muddy slope . For all their positive aspects, the 2S1 has some flaws. For insta- :-"
seems odd that the vehicles are not armed with a 12.7mm AA machine gun and that the drivers have no infrared night vision system. Also, notice fK
driver has limited visibility to the right side of the road.
The camera is literally looking down the barrel of the 85mm gun
- :)unted on the ASU-85 tank destroyer that leads this foliage-covered
==-; ade. These vehicles were used in Poland's 6th Pomeranian Airborne
: .lision, the only country other than the Soviet Union to use the ASU-85.
- :hough the ASU-85 is very thinly armored (its frontal armor is only 1.5 in
- mm) thick), it carries variety of ammunition that is eHective against many
:es of targets, and it is equipped with various night-vision systems. ASU
..5s in the Soviet Union at the end of the 1980s were additionally armed with
, ·2.7mm AA machine gun .
In the 1950s, the first long '",
8K11 (Scud) missiles were mo u r: ~ :
the best available chassis at the t - .
the IS/ISU heavy tank tracked c"' 03
In the middle of the 1960s, the "~
the so-called "eight-legged" \' .. ==
chassis entered service. In tt"o
1960s, the 8K14 missile syste,
mounted on the MAZ-543 chas3~
the first time in the Soviet Union
missile launcher became famous : .
the coverage of the Gulf War v.. '"
was used to launch Scud missile3
Here a lengthy convoy of ZIL-131 trucks delivers a fresh supply c' : :..
missiles to an anti-aircraft battery made up of SA-3 Goa static lau r : ' ,
The convoy consists of six supply trucks and between five and eig hi :
vehicles, including a fire truck. Note the manner in which the missi l ~~
secured while en route.
Another battery of 2S1. Theoretically, there were four
battalions in a division which should have had eighteen 2S1 sin
each. However as it was frequently unattainable in the Warsaw
Pact countries, battalions very often used towed D-30s or even
Model 43 howitzers. In the LWP (Polish Army) in the 19aOs
there were even Model 3a howitzers still in use!
-S60s and they thought that both calibers were still useful.
-=.-" is a squadron of 2S1 "Carnation" SPGs (in their first
-= :BI) in Hungarian service in 19aO.
The 2S1 weighs in at just ~
35 ,000 Ibs (16,000 kg). It is pov.
by a V-8 engine that can achieve ::
hp. The mobile howitzer can travf.
to 37 mph (60 km/h). The vehic ::
also fully amphibious and can err :
its tracks to propel it through water =.
speed of 3 mph (4.5 km/h).
The history of the 2S3 is a long one. The oldest "ancestor", known as the SU-100P, was introduced in 1949. Next came two SPGs (mou-
152mm guns) and a transport vehicle. The first true prototype of the 2S3 was built in 1965 and had an M-69 gun mounted in a closed turret. At tr ~
the 1960s, a design change was made and a D-20 howitzer was installed, along with light armor. That model , which appears here , was produceD
beginning of the 1970s to the beginning of the 1980s.
This view of the rear of the BM-21 shows eight stan Go:..
M-21 OF rockets in tubes. This Soviet MRL has 40 tubes w
can fire 40 rockets in 20 seconds at a range of 12 miles (20
There are 18 BM-21 s in each rocket launcher battalion of eo:::
divisional artillery regiment.
The insignia on the door of the middle truck shows that this
battery of BM-21 multiple rocket launchers is in East German
(NVA) service. The BM-21 is a hefty vehicle, weighing a little
over 13 tons. It can achieve a speed of 47 mph (75 km/h), and
can fire its 122mm rockets up to a range of 12.7 miles (20.5
A squadron of a Czechoslovak Army multiple rocket launchers
mounted on Praga V3A three-axial trucks. This 32-tube rocket system was
manufactured at the end of 1950s, and it was used only by the
Czechoslovak Army. It was not as good a combat vehicle as the BM-21, but
unlike the BM-21 , it could carry additional ammo for a second salvo.
East German NVA vz.70s thrill a crowd of patriotic onlookers during a The vz.70/85 MRL was put to use by the Polish Army too. The 7
parade commemorating the 25th anniversary of the "good" Germany in visible differences between this model and those of other Warsal' :;
1974. The vz.70 MRL can be armed with a 12.7mm heavy AA machine gun, countries. For instance, the design of the truck is obviously altered be ~
but only a few of the Czechoslovak Army vehicles actually have one installed the wheels. Also , a new exhaust system appears behind the unarr:- _
on their cab 's roof. cabin on this new model that is not on the earlier vz.70.
This is an East German version of the Luna-2. Note how the lack of
-2ce at the rear of the vehicle makes it difficult for the crew to operate the
ile. When the Luna-2 was removed
'= icles remaining in the Warsaw Pact
from service in the mid-1980s , the
countries were used as recovery . ------' f
This is a battery of Czechoslovak 8K11 tactical missiles mounted on the
'=" 'cles. IS chassis. These big , powerful and heavy vehicles were well suited for this
purpose. Like the PT-76, though, they proved to be difficult to use and were
too cramped for the missile. The heavy IS chassis was replaced in the
1960s by a larger wheeled vehicle. The missile system shown in this photo
ended its service at the end of the 1970s.
This photo shows the ZI .
crane loading on a 9M21' .:
(FROG-7B) from a BAZ -1 ::'~
transloader vehicle. The crane (
launch vehicle allows for rapid =
reducing the reload time from or=
to about 20 minutes. Note the
information stencilled on the from ~
bumper indicating th e 2.8 m (9 ft)
of the truck.
In the 1960s, the Soviet Union was so proud of its missile forces that the Soviet generals considered replacing almost all other parts of the army with
ile units . In this photo, a number of rocket systems await the beginning of a May Day parade in Red Square. In the middle of the picture are supply
icles for AA units carrying, among other things, S-75 (SA-2) and System A (GriHon) missiles. In the left corner are BM-25 MRLs on Kraz-214 trucks and
' -21s on Ural-375D trucks. At right are two UR-96 missiles being towed by MAZ-537 tractors. In the "second wave" are Luna-2s on PT-76 chassis and
1s on IS-2 tracks.
The BTR-152, produced in 1950 and mounted on th e =
151 chassis, was the first armored personnel carrier built i:"
Soviet Union since 1939. The Soviet Army needed a fast, f _
to-produce infantry transport, though , so they decided or
"armored truck". This East German BTR-152 is armed \"
7.62mm machine gun . Note the firing ports on the side ana
of the superstructure.
A BTR-60P from a Soviet Naval Infantry unit during the 1980
- euvers. This vehicle is armed with a 14.5mm KPVT hmg , and it is partly
sred by a canvas on a top of the vehicle which used as a roof. The main
"~ ne ss of the BTR-60 were two GAZ-40P engines with 180 HP which had
--hronization problems.
The next generation of wheeled APe's was developed at the end of the
The first modification of the BTR-60 took place in 1963; it consisted of 1950s and built from 1960 to the middle of the 1970s. The BTR-60P was a
- -::mping the superstructure and adding an armored roof. This vehicle, the completely new 8x8 design for 16 soldiers. It was armed with two 7.62mm
-60PA, was armed with one 7.62mm SGMB machine gun . It could also machine guns and one 12.7mm DShK heavy machine gun. In this photo is
~r-y 10 soldiers who were able to more easily fire their weapons from inside a column of BTR-60Ps during a parade in Red Square in Moscow at the end
s ehicle since their positions faced the interior walls of the hull. of the 1960s.
6 1
Half of the Soviet mechanised infantry units have been equipped with The command modification of the BTR-60 is known as the BTR
the BTR-60PB eight-wheeled armored personnel carriers since 1960. Note the additional antennae. Three of these vehicles form a staff co l_
Almost all BTR-60 vehicles in the Warsaw Pact armies were produced in the every battalion. In this photo, two BTR-60PUs froni the staff of a '
Soviet Union, with the exception of Romanian variants. It was not exported Naval Infantry unit participate in the 1980 exercises.
to Czechoslovakia, though, since this country produced its own eight
wheeled vehicle. Here is the view of the front of a BTR-60PB from the Soviet
Naval Infantry.
Here is a BTR-60PB marked with the "C-172" identification number of the Hungarian Army. The BTR-60 is armored with thin plates of 6mm. Only the
_ t of the vehicle is armored with 8mm plates. The whole vehicle weights 10.5 tons. Today the BTR-60 is still the standard Hungarian transport, along with
~r 100 BTR- 80s .
Four years after the birth of the BTR-60, another eight-wheele:.
entered service. Known as the OT-64 in Czechoslovakia and as the
in Poland, it has proven to be a slightly better vehicle than the
A pair of East German NVA BTR-60PBs on exercise. Note the fake equivalent, and a little larger, too. The SKOT-2AP in this photo is tall,,
windmill in the background. the BTR-60PB by 16 in (41 cm).
This view into the interior of an SKOT transport shows the vehicle
ployed in sapper duty. Here these soldiers demonstrate the technique for
E.ying mines manually. Those with an interest in scale modeling will note
-.;at the interior of the infantry compartment of the SKOT is painted white
ile the interior side of the doors are painted a standard green color.
An optional method of la)
mines on a battlefield is present€'[
this photo . SKOT-1 version t r~
transports are hauling the mine la!
machines . The -1 version of the S
can be distinguished by the absen c.~
any armament .
Another SPW-50PK, this one marked with the number "542" of the East
German NVA armored unit. It has been photographed in action near a forest.
Note the ventilation mushroom on the roof. In other series, it was transferred
to the rear corner of the infantry compartment. These vehicles have been in
the East German Army since 1962.
The last vehicles in the final waves of landing forces belong to unit
"Oiaffs. In the foreground is a command BTR-50PU (a modification of the
-TR-50PK) with fuel drums on the roof of the engine compartment and the
ushroom" of a modernised venlilation system in the corner of the crew
x>mpartment roof. In the background is a MT-LB armored transport vehicle
its standard modification . Both are from one of the Soviet Naval Infantry
:rigade staffs.
The vehicle in the foreground is a BTR-50PN, one of about eight The first series of the Czechoslovak OT-62 were armed with the 82
command/communication versions. Since the late 1950s, this vehicle has Tarasnice recoilless gun and 7.62 machine gun in the modified right tL...."
been built in small numbers as an option for lower command level staffs. It In this photo is an anti-tank unit additionally armed with 107mm B- 1-
differs from the BTR-50PU only in its radio equipment. The PU had four recoilless guns. The OT-62 was produced on the base of the BTR-50PA ::;.
radio stations while the PN had three. had a lower roof over the infantry compartment.
A view of the rear of the final version of the TOPAS - the TOPAS-2AP.
The rear of the turret and the open hatches of the hydrojet systems are
visible. On the roof and inside the infantry compartment are four doors for
eight soldiers of an infantry section.
A Soviet Naval Infantry staff amphibious vehicle slips into the surf. This
MT-LB armored transport is a special staff version. Note the special cupola
located in the middle of the vehicle behind the turret which mounts an
infrared searchlight.
The BMP-1 infantry fighting vehi
entered service in 1966. One year later
participated in a parade in Moscow, and 2-:
years afterwards it was sold to Warsaw P ~
member nations. It can travel in water a: ~
speed of 4 mph (7 km/h) to a range of a Ii;;;=
over 60 mph (100 km). Note that the W2.-
deflector shield , the central periscope and
gun barrel have all been raised. This is standc:.
procedure when entering into a river.
These BWPs are camouflaged with a combination of sand colored paint applied over a green base color. Crew members have finished the job by adding
-?Jlotches of fresh mud over the paint scheme. Notice that there is waterproof caulking around the side firing ports.
The BWP was the first infantry combat vehicle in the world armed with a major caliber gun in the turret (the earlier German HS.30 had a 20mm cannon).
: gave good protection to its crew and was characterized by very good mobility. It was perceived in the 1960s as an ideal vehicle.
A shot of deployed mechan·
infantry going into action with BWP~
support. In a standard battle format _
BWPs would be in the second and
waves of the attack after the first v.z:
of tanks (or in the third and fou rt
there were two waves of tanks) .
attack with deployed troops is prefe
in difficult terrain and during figh:
heavily forested regions only.
The sleek profile of the BWP-1 is shown to advantage here as the 22-foot-long infantry fighting vehicle roars over sandy ground during an exercise in
-992. Note that this vehicle has its mud guards knocked off, and the various camouflage colors on its hull seem to have been painted in haste. Since
-990/1991, the potential enemy of the Warsaw Pact nations has disappeared. So during maneuvers in Poland, soldiers "fight" with an "'enemy" that uses the
3ame armament as they do. Prior to the end of the Communist threat in Europe, the "enemy" during maneuvers was equipped with imitations of Leopard
Here is a front view of a Hungarian BMP-1. 1-..:
the national insignia outlined on the turret. The Sc
Union built about 25,000 vehicles of the BMP-1/2 far
Apart from Russia, many of them can be found i
Czech and Slovak republics-over 2,000.
This is a rear view of a pair of Soviet BMP-1 s taking part in
the spring exercises. Clouds rise behind them as they create a
smoke screen to mask their presence . There is a box located
atop the rear of the right mud guard which identifies this vehicle
as one of the relatively rare early production BMPs. Note the
unit number painted on the right side of the turret, as well as the
faded tank identification number on the entry hatch at the rear
of the infantry compartment.
This Soviet BMP-1 has an added fuel tank on the infantry compartment roof. In the background are a few Soviet T-72As with side skirts partly painted
.vith green color.
Another version of the BMP, the BMP-2 , entered service in 1981. In this photo, Soviet BMP-2s train to perform a four-wave attack.
new turret (with additional armor but without smoke mortars) and the long, thin barrel of the 30mm 2A46 gun .
In 1950, along with the BTR-152 , the BTR-40 entered service in the
Soviet armed forces. It was known to the world as a scout car but it was, i
fact, a small armored transporter used for multiple purposes by differen
A Polish BWP-2 rests inside a prepared entrenchment. These concrete subunits, especially reconnaissance troops. In its first modification , eig r:
lined entrenchments were a characteristic feature of many Warsaw Pact soldiers could be placed in its infantry compartment.
training areas, especially firing ranges where they assisted in training
armored vehicle crews to fire from hUll-down position.
The BTR-40 was built in three main modifications : the standard "A"
(since 1950), "B" with an armored roof (since 1957) and "V", with a
tire-pressure regulation system (since 1956). In this photo is a BTR-40A fire
support vehicle. It is armed with a ZTPU-2 AA system which consists of two
14.5mm KPVT heavy machine guns. This vehicle is from a Soviet recce
troop. On the side of the vehicle is the unit identification marking "6N2". Note
the lack of firing ports in the side of the hull.
. . . ..
:--. ,.
The BRDM prototypes did not have an armored roof , but the 1958
production model was fully armored. The BRDM-1 was produced from 1957,
and entering service in the Warsaw Pact armies at the beginning to the
middle of the 1960s. This photo shows the East German NVA BRDM-1 from
a recce unit. In the East German Army it was known as SPW-40P, and it has
been in service since 1964. Based on wartime experience, the Soviets attached a great deal of
importance to delivering secret messages without risk of eavesdropping or
being jammed due to the lack of high quality radio and electronic equipment.
Here is an example of how a message from a pair of recce BRDM-2s can
be sent with the assistance of an Mi-4 helicopter at the end of the 1960s.
For many years the Warsaw Pact forces employe:
light armored cars in their reconnaissance units. Tr"
most famous of these was the BRDM-2, shown here
its standard version. The red and white checkerec
insignia on the turret indicates that the vehicle is in tt-,.
service of the Polish armed forces.
When Poland and East Germany bought Soviet BRDM-1 armored
vehicles in the first half of 1960s, the Hungarian military industry developed
~ heir own equivalent at the Csepel motor plant. This FUG scout car entered
production in 1963. It was a much better vehicle than the BRDM-1, and it
was sold to Poland, Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia. Here is a Hungarian FUG
in its standard model.
The Soviet Union was slow in developing anti-tank missiles due to resistance by the GRAU artillery directorate. The first type in common service was
the 3M6 Shmel (AT-1 Snapper). These wire-guided rockets were first installed on mobile platforms like the modified GAZ-69 chassis which were known as
2P26 , and nicknamed "Baby carriages" because of the folding canvas cover over their rear ends. Here is a battery of this combination in the service of East
Germany's NVA.
' . /';' ~(~'" •.• . . , :u.>d_>"\.:c.";.'li"·.~, ~•••?e~~~';:':;:"';;'·:,,,,;
This photo shows a rear view of a 2P27 belonging to the Polish Army Here is a column of vehicles in an AT unit. All these units are equippec
as it performs coastal defense duties along the Baltic coast. Although not with the 9P122 tank destroyers constructed on the BRDM-2 chassis. Th~
specifically designed for the task, the Shmel could seriously damage a 9P122 is still a standard tank "killer" in all ex-Warsaw Pact armies except .,
typical landing craft. The configuration of the rocket launchers is clearly the former Soviet Union where the 9P133 replaced many 9P122s.
visible here. The three main modifications of tank destroyers built on the
BRDM-1 chassis used the 3M6 Shmel (AT-1 Snapper), the AT-2 (Swatter)
and the 9M14M Malyutka (AT-3 Sagger) missiles. They served as the
nation 's principal anti -tank vehicles up until the beginning of the 1970s.
In the Warsaw Pact armies, different AA systems were used for
different sized units of troops. The 2P24 self-propelled rocket launcher
shown here is representative of the first generation of fully mobile surface
to-air missile systems for use at the army level. The photo shows 9M8
rockets (SA-4 Ganef) being reloaded from a Ural-375 supply truck onto a
2P24 launcher in the service of the East German Army.
A view of the front of the Krug missile vehicle in Soviet service. The~
2P24s were concentrated in independent brigades which were in the han~
of army commanders in all of the Warsaw Pact countries. In the Sovi6:
Union , they were used up to the end of the 1970s as the standard AJ.
weapon to combat aircraft at high altitude .
The 2P25 Kub launcher is based on the same chassis which is used for
the ZSU-23 AA vehicle. On the front plate of the hull are two hatchways for
the 3-man crew. The crew consists of a commander, a driver and the
operator of the system.
These 9M9 rockets, NATO codename SA-6 "Gainful", have been the
most popular AA missiles since the beginning of the 1960s. They were
mounted on a modified ASU-85 chassis and were used as the standard air
defense weapon against aircraft flying at low-medium altitudes.
This photo shows the left side of the Kub ("Cube" in English) air defense system in Polish service. None of these weapons were license produced by
the Warsaw Pact countries, and so had to be imported from the Soviet Union at considerable cost. Fixtures for hanging tools are visible at the rear of the
vehicle on the side of the hull.
A rear view of the 1S91 (NATO: Straight Flush) radar station of the Kub
battery in combat position. Radar stations were built on the same chassis
and lightly armored like all Kub launchers, but sometimes other special
tracked chassis were used for radars, notably the AT-S unarmored tractor
with the P-40 surveillance radar. Quite often Kub batteries were not
equipped with armored command vehicles, but truck mounted types.
The Soviets started to manufacture the ZSU-57-2 in 1950, but the first ZSU-57-2s were exported to all of the Warsaw Pact countries in the late
time it was seen was at the end of 1957 during a parade in Moscow. The 1950s, and they used them up to the end of the 1970s. The ZSU -57-2 could
ZSU-57-2 combined two S-68A guns and a modified T-54 tank chassis. In carry 300 rounds of ammunition, among them being anti-tank and shrapnel
the photo are Soviet ZSUs waiting to join the parade near Red Square in ammo. This photo shows Hungarian ZSUs being loaded with ammunition.
Moscow. --,
Two vz.53/59s in the front of a --=-.
column of a company of 2P122s during
1980 maneuvers in western Poland.
The vz.53/59's guns are neither the
newest nor the most effective weapon ,
but it has seen widespread combat in -
. .
recent years in Yugoslavia.
, .:
"'?:~' .
'. ~ ~
. -4-,
__C:-_,_ __
f K-61 s have been in the service 0
East Germany's NVA since 1957. ThE
NVA K-61 shown in this photo i~
transporting an 85mm SO-44 anti-tanf
gun along with its crew. This versatilE
amphibious vehicle can carry 50 troop ~
or up to 5 tons of equipment. .
This Hungarian Army PTS-M flies a "red cross" flag and is being used All pristine, and decorated with a consp icuous Communist star, the --"
for medical evacuation . Note the soldier erecting the frame for a soft-top two Bulgarian PTS-M tracked amphibious transports make an impress' =
roof. This profile shot gives a good view of the long, low-profile chassis on addition to a parade. Each one carries a "crew" of finely dressed Commu
which the transporter is mounted . officials and carries an impressive 100mm T-12 anti-tan k gun.
.7 _ _,__ _ _ _ _ __