Shuaiba North HRSG Manual
Shuaiba North HRSG Manual
Shuaiba North HRSG Manual
Training Manual
TechComm Simulation
Module Purpose
The aim of this course is to provide participants with the
knowledge and skills required for the operation and maintenance
of a typical HRSG. The program is structured so as to provide
operating staff with an overview of the plant, familiarity with
plant locations, and a knowledge of unit operations and plant
maintenance requirements.
Module Content
By the end of this training, competent participants, shall be able
• Locate OEM operating procedures
• Interpret OEM operating procedures
• Describe the major steps in performing a cold start
• Describe the major steps in performing a hot start
• Describe the procedure recommended for altering load
• Describe the major steps in shutting down the unit
• Describe the procedures recommended for HRSG storage.
• Understand the reasons and methods for chemical control.
• Locate and interpret OEM procedures for responding to
critical incidents
While every care will be taken to ensure the accuracy and
adequacy of information, concepts, advice and instructions
conveyed to participants in the Course, no responsibility or
liability is accepted by either TechComm Simulation, the course
leaders or their associates, for any errors or omissions which
may arise through no fault of the parties, and which may be
attributed to errors or omissions in the information, advice or
instructions given to the parties by the Client or others. Nor is
any responsibility or liability accepted for any consequent errors,
omissions or acts of the participants or others.
Table of Contents
1. Co-Generation Concepts 6
1.1 System Overview 9
1.2 HRSG Design Considerations 11
1.2.1 GT Exhaust Gas Design Data 13
1.3 Heat Energy Transfer 14
1.3.1 Radiation 14
1.3.2 Conduction 14
1.3.3 Convection 15
1.4 Properties of Steam 17
1.4.1 Wet Steam 17
1.4.2 Dry Saturated Steam 17
1.4.3 Superheated Steam 18
1.4.4 Reason for Superheating Steam 18
1.5 Water/Steam Characteristics 19
1.5.1 Evaporation 19
1.5.2 Shrink & Swell 19
1.5.3 Natural Circulation 20
1.6 Feedwater and Boiler Water Treatment 20
1.6.1 Water Treatment Aims 21
2. Impacts on Pressure Parts Remnant Life 23
2.1 Creep 23
2.2 Fatigue 23
2.3 Creep-Fatigue 24
3. HRSG Construction 25
3.1 Internal Insulation and Liner 25
3.2 Support and Structural Details 25
3.3 Tube Sections Construction 26
4. Major Components of the HRSG 27
4.1 HRSG Economisers 27
4.1.1 Detailed Description 27
4.1.2 Operation & Control 28
4.2 HRSG Drums 29
4.2.1 Detailed Description 30
4.2.2 Operation & Control 31 Drum Level Control 31
4.2.3 Technical Data 34
4.3 HRSG Evaporators 35
4.3.1 Detailed Description 35
4.3.2 Operation & Control 36
4.3.3 Technical Data 37
4.4 HRSG Superheaters 37
1. Co-Generation Concepts
Typical applications for steam raising in the HRSG, like the
intermediate pressure steam, may be used either to supply the
anti-Nox steam system at the gas turbine burners or used to
provide process steam, if required. Similarly with the low
pressure system, this can provide an additional source of
process steam and commonly is also employed to provide
deaeration of the feedwater entering the boiler.
The amount of heat which can be transferred from the gas to the
water and steam in the HRSG is dependent on two factors:
• The quantity of exhaust gas (mass flow)
• The temperature of the exhaust gas
It is important to note that the steam temperature from any
particular section can never be higher than the gas temperature
entering that section. Clearly in order to promote a transfer of
heat, a temperature differential must exist between the gas and
steam. For a typical example, the gas condition entering the high
temperature section of the HRSG is at 640ºC at rate of 392kg/s
while the HP steam outlet conditions are 568ºC at 102.2 bar and
flow rate is 69.84kg/s.
These conditions only apply when the unit is running at rated
load. At lower load in a conventional arrangement, the gas flow
rate from the gas turbine remains constant, but its temperature
falls. As less fuel is mixed with the same quantity of air, the
temperature of the gas at both the turbine inlet and exhaust will
decrease. For example if the load is decreased by 50%, the
exhaust gas temperature only falls by approximately 70ºC.
The steam temperature at the high pressure section has reduced
by approximately 80ºC. Moreover the amount of heat available
for transfer is less and hence the quantity of steam produced
also decreases. A similar reduction in steam temperature and
flow rate would occur in the intermediate and low pressure
sections. Of course, we should expect the steam flow rate to
decrease at lower turbine loads, because there is less heat
available in the exhaust gas. But it is the decrease in steam
temperature which is more of a concern.
We know that the efficiency of the steam turbine is very much
dependent upon maintaining rated steam temperature, so a
decrease in efficiency would obviously occur at lower
temperature. However a more serious problem, caused by the
low steam temperature, may be partial condensation within the
turbine with resultant damage to blades.
The relative size of the steam turbine/generator compared with
the gas turbine actually depends upon what other energy
demands exist. For example a large demand for process steam
TechComm Simulation
Cooling Condenser
Turbine HP IP LP
Turbine Stack
Steam Steam Steam
Heat from
Final Waste
Gas to
Heat in Hot Gas transferred to Water in Atmosphere
HRSG creating IP and HP Steam Supply
Steam Steam
Ambient Temperature oC 32 32
GT Fuel Type Natural Gas Distillate Oil
Temperature of Exhaust oC 558 559
Exhaust Gas flow tonne/hr 1369 1373.4
Gas Composition
N2 72.85 73.61
CO2 3.11 4.20
O2 13.37 13.49
H2O 9.81 7.84
Ar 0.86 0.86
SO2 Not Reported
SO3 Not Reported
the panels. These liner panel attachment studs are welded to the
casing. The stud size and spacing pattern is selected according
to the velocity, turbulence, and operating temperature of the
exhaust gas stream.
1.3.1 Radiation
Radiation energy is transmitted from the flame of a hot source
to colder surface without any actual contact being made.
1.3.2 Conduction
Is a transfer of heat from one part of a substance to another
without permanent displacement of the molecules. For example
when one end of a metal rod is heated, heat will transfer along
the rod making the other end warmer; this is shown below. The
ability of a substance to transfer heat by conduction is known as
Heat transfers
1.3.3 Convection
Energy exchange occurs between a stationary surface and a hot
fluid or gas moving over the surface. This energy exchange is
referred to as Convection. Two regimes of convective heat
transfer have been identified, free convection and forced
convection. Free Convection is defined as the movement of a
fluid or gas over a surface caused solely by the difference in
fluid/gas density due to temperature differences. Forced
convection requires fluid/gas movement produced by
mechanical devices such as fans or a GT. The exchange or
transfer rates for Radiation and Conduction can not be changed
by increasing the velocity of the fluid/gas. Convective heat
transfer rates are enhanced however by increases in fluid/gas
The main source of heat transfer in the HRSG is through
forced convection. Convective heat transfer is governed by gas
temperature, gas velocity, final steam temperature, initial
steam temperature, operating pressure, and surface area. Gas
temperature and velocity are dictated by GT operations.
Steam temperatures and pressure are set by Steam Turbine
Design Parameters. Surface area is established during the
HRSG Design phase to maximise the required Final Steam
Convective heat transfer is further enhanced through the use of
extended surface areas of the metal in the HRSG and
superficial gas velocity approaching a maximum of 100 feet
per second (fps). Gas velocities beyond 100 fps (30.5 meter per
second) run a risk of tube wall erosion and excessive GT
exhaust gas back pressure or HRSG pressure drop. The
maximum pressure drop for these HRSGs is about 25 inches
Boiler casing
Wet steam
Wet steam
Next time you boil water for a cup of coffee or tea; have a careful
look at the steam stream coming from the kettle spout. You will
be able to observe that immediately adjacent the kettle spout the
stream is invisible (dry saturated steam) but as it travels further
out it begins to cool and returns to wet steam.
Water not
Cold water turned to
descending steam
i l ti
Source of
2.1 Creep
Creep is defined as the deformation of material under stress at
an elevated temperature. In a metal tube inside the HRSG the
resulting deformation may result in unacceptable dimensional
changes and distortion to the extent that even though the tube
does not fail heat transfer will be greatly diminished. An example
of such deformation is the bowing out of tubes due to expansion.
The tubes may be functional but the performance may not be as
desired. The creep can also result in failure due to stress-
rupture. Creep occurs when a component is either overheated
for a short term or kept at temperature above its nominal design
limits for a long term.
2.2 Fatigue
A component subjected to a repetitive or fluctuating stress will
fail at a much lower load than the load applied constantly. This
failure is termed as the "Fatigue Failure." Fatigue can be
developed by cyclic loading due to temperature alterations and
resultant pressure fluctuations which can be experienced
during periods of plant trips.
2.3 Creep-Fatigue
This occurs when the conditions associated with both Creep and
Fatigue combine. The reasons for this impact are as follows:
1. the extent and rate of temperature change
2. the surface heat transfer coefficient
3. the diameter or thickness of the pressure part
4. thermal concentration factors in high stress region
5. thermal properties of the material
The problem with creep-fatigue is that it is not necessarily
apparent until there is a failure. Usually early warning can only
be detected by removing samples of tubes in known problem
areas and subjecting them to X-ray testing to identify any
cracking on the surface.
3. HRSG Construction
3.1 Internal Insulation and Liner
The HRSG casings and ductwork are internally insulated to
keep the outer carbon steel casing cool. The internal
insulation system consists of ceramic fibre or mineral wool
insulation layers covered by a metal liner. The metal liner
protects the internal insulation from the high velocity of GT
Exhaust Gas stream. The liner is also designed to accommodate
the necessary thermal expansion as the HRSG is brought to its
hot operating service conditions. The liner is anchored to the
casing with studs. The liner is composed of a series of panels or
plates to minimize the thermal growth of the panels. These
liner panel attachment studs are welded to the casing. The stud
size and spacing pattern is selected according to the velocity,
turbulence, and operating temperature of the GT exhaust gas
Insulation and liner deterioration can rapidly lead to severe
operating problems. This deterioration may result in thermal
expansion problems, higher heat losses to the environment,
and hazardous conditions for operators.
The steam drums (high pressure and low pressure systems) are
located on top of the HRSG and supported from its bottom.
Each drum weight is carried by two saddles and saddle beams;
and then transferred to the top transverse beam of the HRSG
beneath it. The weight is ultimately transferred by the vertical
columns to the HRSG foundation. The saddles slide over saddle
beams to accommodate thermal expansion. By this design, the
downcomers and evaporator tubes/headers do not carry the
drum weight.
ECON drains are used primarily to drain the sections and flush
the economiser section free of sediment during filling of boiler.
Level Drum
5 33 138
8.5 36.7 154
101.3 100 420
1000 180 763
3000 234 1008
4000 250 1087
6400 280 1233
10000 311 1399
16000 346 1645
22120 347.2 2107.4
side with the steam entering the top header and exits from the
bottom header. Steam on the inside of the tubes is received from
the low pressure steam drum and is heated from saturation to
219°C (maximum). The LPSH is not equipped with a final steam
temperature control system for attemperation. Steam leaving the
LPSH is fed to the low pressure cylinder of the steam turbine.
The HPSH consists of eighteen (18) rows of tubes arranged in six
(6) modules. Steam on the inside of the tubes is received from
the high pressure steam drum at saturated temperature. The
maximum steam temperature at the inlet of Main Stop Valve is
535°C. These modules are top supported to minimise thermal
expansion considerations for the outlet header piping. These
modules are constructed of chrome-molly alloyed carbon steel
(SA 335 P 22) material designed for high temperature operation.
HPSH subsection 1 (referencing the gas flow) contains two (2)
modules with six (6) tube rows providing a single steam side
pass from bottom to top. HPSH sub- section 2 contains four (4)
modules with twelve (12) tube rows providing a single pass from
top to bottom. The steam flow from the top headers of HPSH
subsection 2 to HPSH sub-section 1 passes through an
attemperator loop.
modules and outlet header are equipped with vent valves to vent
non-condensables at startup and to release any air pockets
during boiler commissioning.
6. Component Alarms
7.6.2 Prerequisites
If the HRSG was shut down for maintenance, prior to re-starting
the plant must be returned to operations personnel control and
all safety permits to work must be cleared.
Prior to handing the plant back, Maintenance must ensure that
the equipment is serviceable and cleared of all debris both
internally and externally.
Once the permits have been cleared the Operators are to return
the plant to operational-ready condition.
The valves are lined up for cold start-up, HRSG pressure raising
and HRSG water filling as per list given below:
Control Valve
HP drum level control Level Auto
LP drum level control Level Auto
HP steam temperature control Temp. Auto
Deaerator level control Level Auto
Deaerator steam flow control Level Auto
Deaerator hot water pressure control Pressure Auto
Condensate recirculation flow control Flow control Auto
Condensate tank level control (Spill Level Auto
over) control
7.6.8 Check the Valve Open and Close Position for each section:
Table 7: Valve Openings at Initial setting for Cold Start-Up, HRSG pressure
raising and water filling
No. Line Valve number Water From Initial
Filling Setting for
only HRSG
17. Condensate line
Condensate pump suction C->O->C C->O
stop valves
Condensate pump discharge C->O->C C->O
stop valves
Gland steam condenser inlet C->O->C C->O
stop valve
Gland steam condenser C->O->C C->O
outlet stop valve
DEA level C/V inlet stop C->O->C C->O
DEA level C/V outlet stop C->O->C C->O
DEA hot water stop valve C C->O
No. Line Valve number Water From Initial
Filling Setting for
only HRSG
DEA steam stop valve C C->O
Boiler feed water line
HP BFW pump suction stop C->O->C C->O
LP BFW pump suction stop C->O->C C->O
HP BFW pump discharge C->O->C C->O
stop valves
LP BFW pump discharge C->O->C C->O
stop valves
HP boiler water filling stop C->O->C C
LP boiler water filling stop C->O->C C
HP feed water stop valve C->O->C C->O
LP feed water stop valve C->O->C C->O
HP FW C/V inlet stop valve C->O->C C->O
LP FW C/V inlet stop valve C->O->C C->O
H P feed water C/V C->O->C C
LP feed water C/V C->O->C C
HP FW C/V outlet stop valve C->O->C C->O
LP FW C/V outlet stop valve C->O->C C->O
HP DSH injection water stop C C->O
HP DSH valves C C
Steam drum attachment
HP drum continuous C C->O
blowdown stop valve
LP drum continuous C C->O
blowdown stop valve
HP continuous blowdown C C->S.O
LP continuous blowdown C C->S.O
HP drum intermittent C C->O
blowdown stop valve
No. Line Valve number Water From Initial
Filling Setting for
only HRSG
HP drum level gauge vents S.O->C C
LP drum level gauge vents S.O->C C
HP chemical feed stop valve C->O->C C->O
LP chemical feed stop valve C->O->C C->O
H P drum vent valves C->O->C O->C
LP drum vent valves C->O->C O->C
HP drum water sampling C C->O
stop valves
LP drum water sampling C C->O
stop valve
HP steam sampling valves C C->O
LP steam sampling valve C C->O
HP/LP economizer
HP ECO-2 vent valves C->S.O- O->C
H P ECO-1 vent valves C->S.O- O->C
O O->C
LP ECO vent valves C->S.O- C
O O->C
HP ECO-2 & ECO-1 drain C C
LP ECO drain valves C C
HP/LP evaporator
HP EVAP drain valves C C
LP EVA P drain valves C C
HP/LP superheater
HP SH vent valve C C->O->C
HP SH drain valves C C->O->C
LP SH drain valves C C->O->C
HP/LP steam lines
HP steam stop valves C C->O
LP steam stop valves C C->O
Continue to fill the boiler until water flows from the drum
Close the drum vent when no additional air flows from this
Flush the gauge glass and water column valves until each
runs clear and is free of air.
Flush out all pressure gauge and other instrument lines. Instrument
Drop the HP/LP Drum level to NWL and proceed to
alkaline clean (boiling out) the HP/LP boiler, or drop the
NWL to start-up level.
Stop make-up water pump.
Confirm that the condensate pre-heater inlet and outlet
valves and the HP and LP feed water filing stop valves are
fully closed
1) If cold water is not available the boiler feed water may be
used to use hot condensate. However, extra care must be
taken so as not to thermally shock the pipework with hot
water or cause water to flash off into steam. The maximum
temperature differential should be 800C between the water
and the metal of HP/LP drum. This not only prevents
damage to piping, but also maintains acceptable
differential temperature limits across each of the drums
and prevents hogging.
2) Flushing the pipework and valves should not be attempted
unless 7 barg for HP and 3.5 barg for LP are available. The
higher pressure is required to ensure that any dirt trapped
under a drain valve seat to blow clear completely to ensure
the valve will properly reseat.
3) When cold water is used, the complete pressure parts
must be full before significant pressure builds in the
system. Remember that at a head pressure of 20 meter the
indicated pressure at the lower drains without steam or air
pressure is about 2.0 barg.
5 Pressure gauges
a. Correct indication Once a shift Compare with
b. Leakage Once a shift CCR
6 Thermometers
a. Correct indication Once a shift Compare with
b. Leakage Once a shift CCR
7 Valves
a. Leakage through gland packing, Once a shift
bonnet or flanges.
b. Passing valves Once a shift Check drain lines
c. Vibration or abnormal sound Once a shift
8 Drain Traps Steam leakage Once a week
9 Control valve
a. Leakage through gland packing, Once a shift
bonnet or flange.
b. Vibration or hammering Once a shift
c. Operating condition Once a shift Freedom of
d. Correct operation Once a month movement
e. Instrument air pressure Once a shift
Follow-up Action 1 Inspect the chemical solution tank, feed piping and
each valve.
13.2 Safety
It is the responsibility of the persons performing the steam
blowing procedure to ensure that all Safety Procedures, such as
Job Hazard Analysis, are properly followed.
14.5 Preparations for Putting the HRSG into Service Following Boil-
14.5.1 Prior to Initial HRSG Operation:
1. Refill the superheaters with demineralised water. Drain
and test each superheater header individually to ensure
that no chemicals have been inadvertently left in the
superheaters. If required, flush the superheaters until
satisfactory test results are achieved.
2. Inspect the steam drums.
a) Blow out the internal gauge glass connections and
instrument leads. Remove temporary gauge glasses and
install permanent gauge glasses.
b) Blow out chemical feed and continuous blowdown
c) Flush out any loose sediment from drum surfaces and
steam separators. Flush with clear water from the
drums, draining through the blowdown connections at
the bottom of the HRSG.
15. Valves
15.1 Introduction
Commissioning procedures particular to the Island Co-
generation Project are provided in this chapter. Detailed
procedures are also provided for hydrostatic testing and steam
line blowing as separate chapters due to the complexity of these