The Factories Act, 1948 and The Karnataka Factories Rules, 1969.
The Factories Act, 1948 and The Karnataka Factories Rules, 1969.
The Factories Act, 1948 and The Karnataka Factories Rules, 1969.
Factories act 1948, is a central act, enforced by the state governments making the relevant rules to
extend scope and objectives of the Act.
Karnataka State has formulated its rules as envisaged under the Act, and they are called "The
Karnataka Factories Rules, 1969".
The Act is applicable to all the factories including state, and Central Government.
Onus is on the part of the factory management to comply with the provisions of the Act
and Rules made there under.
To establish a factory under the purview of the Act, the factory management shall:
Approval shall be obtained for a new building proposed to be constructed or an existing building to be taken
in to use as a factory for which, plans of the said building shall be submitted to the concerned area
inspector of the department l with the following documents:-
1. Form 1A (Certificate of Stability issued by qualified structural engineer) (in duplicate)
2. Flow chart of the manufacturing process (in Triplicate)
3. Land or Site Possession Certificate ( in duplicate )
4. Certificate from Controller of Explosives (wherever explosive substances are stored or used) ( in
duplicate )
5. Treasury Receipted Challan for having paid the prescribed fee of Rs.500/- for Factories proposed
to employ less than 500 workers and Rs.1000/- for workers beyond 500.
6. Questionnaire Form duly filled and signed( in duplicate )
7. Clearance certificate from the Pollution Control Board. (in duplicate )
8. Application in Form No.1 ( in duplicate ).
Note: Drawings shall be in blue prints, prepared by a person possessing degree in civil engineering, to a
scale of 1:100, which shall include all the details of various buildings, the amenities to be provided as per
Rules along with the machinery layout. The person who prepares the drawing shall sign on the drawings in
addition to applicant. The drawings shall be submitted in triplicate.
All the above said documents shall be submitted to the department, which will be scrutinised and
permission, will be granted within 30 days from the date of submission of application, if the same is in
Application for registration and grant of licence is required to be made before 15 days of starting an
manufacturing activity in the factory to the concerned area inspector with the following documents:
1. Registration application in Form No.2 duly filled with all particulars and signed by the occupier
and the manager. (In Triplicate)
2. List of directors / Partners with the memorandum of article of association / partnership deed (in
3. Prescribed Fee paid as per Table A & B of the Fee Chart and treasury receipted challan for having
paid required registration fee.
4. Health and Safety policy of the proposed factory drawn and duly signed by the
Occupier in case of factories engaged in the hazardous processes as stipulated in
the First Schedule of the Act.
Application made with the above said documents will be scrutinised by visiting the factory and the licence
will be granted after due verification within 30 days.
Once the application is made for registration to the department and if no order is communicated to the
applicant within three months, the registration applied for in the said application shall be deemed to be
Existing factories fulfilling the applicability clause mentioned above, shall submit application for plan
approval and registration along with the above listed documents at once.
Working a factory without duly registering and without holding a valid licence attracts the penal provisions
envisaged under the Factories Act.
All correspondence to with regards to registration of and grant of licence shall be made either to the
concerned area Inspectors or to the Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers whose addresses are
available in this website.
Any further clarifications or assistance required in these matters, one may contact the concerned officers at
their respective offices after 3.00 P.M on all the working days.
If the applicant wants to avail the benefit of renewal of factory licence for 3 years at once, he may do so by
paying three years licence fee along with the above said documents.
The documents pertaining to renewal of factory licence shall be submitted to the office of jurisdictional
Inspector on or before 31st October i.e., two months prior to the expiry of the licence issued.
Any application made after the said due date attracts surcharge of 25% of the licence fee. This can be
avoided by making the application in time.
The Factories Act envisages exemption provisions, which can be availed by the management
Application shall be made by the occupier on a plain paper affixing Rs.2/ court fee stamp narrating the
reasons for working over time with supporting documents, mentioning the period of such exemption
required with number of personnel to be deployed on overtime work with their willingness to work;
Application shall be made in duplicate to be submitted to the area inspector addressed to Chief Inspector of
Application shall be made at least 15 days prior to the engagement of workers on overtime work;
Exemption will be granted for a quarter at a time starting with January, April, July and October.
The exemption granted restrict the overtime hours to 75 hours in a quarter per quarter in addition to other
conditions mentioned in the exemption order.
Please note that the Act prohibits granting of overtime exemption in respect of women workers.
Act stipulates provisions for granting exemption to maintain registers in prescribed forms provided all the
required information's are available in the format which the management desires to maintain. Such
application with a court fee stamp of Rs.2/- may be made to the Chief Inspector of Factories, along with the
intended format with reasons thereof.
Applications can be made to the Chief Inspector of Factories, for availing specific exemptions under the
relevant provisions of the Act giving reasons with supporting documents, affixing Rs.2/- court fee stamp.
Statutory amenities have to be provided in the factories as a compliance of Welfare measures. The type of
amenities and its number relates to the number of men/women workers employed in the factory.
5 Washing facility
6 First aid appliances One equipped first aid box per 150 persons.
1 Safety officers (for factories employing One per thousand Diploma in Industrial Safety.
more than 1000 workmen and notified
2 Welfare Officers ( for factories One per 500 upto Degree or diploma in social science with person
employing more than 500 workmen) 2000 and one management.
additional per every
1000. A lady welfare
officer wherein 500
women workers are
3 Factory Medical Officer (in respect of One for 500 workers Degree under the Medical Degree Act and
industries involving hazardous and one more for certificate course in occupational health.
processes) additional 1000
5 First aid trained personnel Adequate Nos. Workers of the factories shall be trained in the
recognised institutions.
6 Qualified nursing staff (wherever One women incharge Women in charge should possess nurse's
creche facilities are provided) & one female qualification.
attendant for every 20
It is obligatory on the part of the management to maintain the following registers with upto date entries:
The Labour laws (exemptions from furnishing returns and maintaining registers by certain establishments)
Act, 1988
An act to provide for the exemption to employers in relation to establishments is employing small no. of
person from furnishing returns and maintenance of registers under certain Labour laws.
It extends to the whole of India and applies to the establishments to which the schedule of the Act applies.
On and from the commencement of this Act an employer in relation to any small establishment to which a
scheduled Act applies shall:-
2. Maintain registers in Form B, Form C and Form D in the case of small establishment and a
register in Form E in the case of very small establishments and such establishments need not furnish the
return or maintain the register under the Scheduled Act. But th e employer shall continue to issue wages
lips under the minimum wages central rules1950, slips relating to measurements of the amount of work
done by piece rated workers under the Payment of Wages (Mines) Rules 1956 and return relating to
accidents under the Factories Act, 1948 and Plantations Labour Act, 1951.
Notice of periods of work in Form no.10 along with weekly holiday, name and address of
the inspector and the medical officer;
Abstract of the Act and rules made thereunder in Form no.19;
Relevant cautionary notices wherever required;
Safety and health policy of the factory;
Relevant safety posters to create awareness amongst the workers;
The factories Manager of all the registered factories are required to submit the following returns to the area
1. Annual Return in Form No.20 in duplicate on or before 1st February of subsequent year;
2. Half yearly Return in Form no.21 in duplicate on or before 15th July of the calendar year;
3. Monthly accident return in Form no.23, on or before 5th subsequent month;
Factories Act, envisages provisions for periodical tests and examinations of the following equipment and
plant used in the factory:
Tests and examinations shall be carried out by the competent person recognised by the Chief Inspector of
Factories, in Karnataka, Bangalore.
The result of test and examinations shall be maintained in prescribed forms issued by the competent
A person or an institution having requisite qualification, experience and infrastructure facilities for
conducting such tests and examinations may make application to the Chief Inspector of Factories and
obtain requisite competency certificate.
The application shall be made to the Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers, who intern verifies the
application and issue competency certificate in Form no. 1D, which is required to be renewed
every year.