Control Engineering
Control Engineering
Control Engineering
Definition of Control
A control system is an arrangement of elements, or devices, such as
sensors, amplifiers, converters, actuators, human operators, and so on. These
devices are interconnected and interact in such a way as to maintain or to
affect in a prescribed manner, some condition of a body, process or machine
which forms port of a system.
Different media for control and the most common on ships are;
Comparison of Systems:
Systems, telemetering or control, may be either pneumatic, hydraulic,
or electronic-electric, or combination.
Hydraulic systems are generally more restricted in application.
Basically the technique is as for pneumatics but fluid cannot be allowed to
escape and a recovery-storage system is required.
General use is in the higher pressure range.
A combination of electronic measure – record instrumentation and
pneumatic final power control element is very effective controllers may be
either pneumatic or electronic. The former of application to final power
transmission electronic-electric system has many obvious advantages.
Measurement, in most applications, is part of a control system. The
measuring system, comprising a transducer, a signal conditioner and a
recording or display unit, will be formed into a loop by the addition of a control
element. An engineer may, by this actions in operating valves, etc. act as the
2. RAMP INPUT – Varies linearly with time and results in a response which
shows the steady-state error in the following the input.
3. SINE WAVE INPUT– Shows how the system will respond to inputs of a cyclic
nature as the frequency is varied.
Many different physical phenomena behave in a similar way, i.e. are
analogues of each other. Two examples are air escape from a storage vessel and
electrical charge loss from a capacitor.
Kt = In C
Voltage (or current) can readily be made analogous to physical phenomena. The
traditional electric clock is analogue i,e, continuos representation.
A digital device manipulates “bits”, i.e. discrete items of information-
illustrated by the digital clock representation. States are on/off/unequal, etc.
and the binary digit system is utilized.
The electronic analogue computer is essentially a simulator on which
electrical analogues of various systems can be analyzed and illustrated. The
digital computer is a machine for routine, repetitive arithmetic. Hybrid types are
a combination.
1. Convection
2. Conduction
3. Radiation
For Example:
In a force air heating system, warm air entering the room is denser or
lighter than the cool air in the room as the warm air cools it drops and returns
back to the system.
3. Radiation heat energy is transferred in the form of rays sent out by the
heated substance.
Fig. 4 – you can feel the heat of the sun through its rays.
Temperature Measurement
Mercury can be used from - 38ºC to about 600ºC its freezing point
and 360ºC boiling point.
Alcohol is used in the range - 80ºC to 70ºC
up in the system. This pressure causes the spiral to uncoil and move
the pointer along the scale. (Fig. 6)
The principle of operation of BI-Metallic devices is that of differential
expansion of two different materials rigidly joined together, one on the other, as
a strip of BI-Metallic material. Fig. 8 illustrates a typical design usually
employed between -40ºC and 320ºC the helix coils or uncoils with temperature
variation and as one end is fixed the movement rotates shaft and pointer. The
range of the instrument is fixed by the materials used.
Resistance Thermometer
R1 + r1 = R3 + r
R2 + r2 R4 + r
r is the resistance of each of the wires and since each wire will be subjected to
the same temperature to the same temp. variation along its length their
resistances will always be equal.
Basic Principles:
Across the junction of any two dissimilar metals there always appears a
difference in electrical potentials called the CONTACT POTENTIAL. In Figure 12
above the contact potentials are labeled V1 and V2. The contact potential
between two metals varies with the temperature at their junction, increasing in
magnitude with increasing temperature. The voltmeter reading equals the
difference between the two contact potentials (V2 - V1).
The connections between the voltmeter and the two junctions are
usually copper wire which will introduce two more dissimilar junctions
between the copper and metal B. The diagram, Fig. 13, shows the two
additional contact potentials V3 and V4. However if the two junctions between
metal (B) and the copper wire are the same temperature, V3 and V4 will be
equal. The net voltage across the voltmeter will still be (V2 - V1) because V3 and
V4 are in opposite directions in the circuit.
factors of emissivity to allow for variation from the ideal black body radiator.
Types of radiation pyrometer are optical, radiation and two colour. The former
will be considered.
Referring to Fig. 15 is the source and rays enter lamp box L after passing
through the lens, aperture and absorption filter. The lamp is electric and
current and voltage are measured at G. Rays leaving L pass through a red filter,
lens aperture to eye E.
There are three types of photo-electric cells: the photo emissive, the
photo-conductive and the photo-voltaic: the latter is used here.
Incident light falls on p-type silicon layered on to n-type silicon backed
with metallic strip. The emf generated is measured, after calibration, by a
galvanometer or self balancing potentiometer connected across the p-type and
the backing.
Such pyrometers are best suited to measuring small radiation sources
and are stable and accurate with a very quick response time which makes them
very suitable for distance control systems.
The measurement of pressure may take place from one of two possible
datums, depending upon the type of instrument used. Absolute Pressure is a
total measurement using zero pressure as datum. Gauge Pressure is a
measurement above the atmospheric pressure which is used as a datum. To
express gauge pressure as an absolute value it is therefore necessary to add the
atmospheric pressure.
Water Manometer:
This instrument is used for measuring pressures of a low order such as
fan pressures, etc. Fig. 2.1 illustrates a U-tube water manometer, one limb of
which is connected to the system whose pressure reading is the difference of
the water levels read from the scale.
Mercury Manometer:
A mercury manometer of the well type is shown in Fig. 2.2. This
instrument measures pressures of a higher order than that measured by the
water manometer, such as scavenge or supercharge air pressure for IC engines.
The uniform bore glass tube is small in diameter so that when mercury is
displaced from the well into the tube, the fall in level of the mercury in the well
is so small it can be neglected. Hence the pressure reading is indicted directly
by the level of the mercury in the glass tube.
The mercury barometer is a straight tube type of manometer. A glass
capillary tube is sealed at one end, filled with mercury and then inverted in a
small bath of mercury. Almost vacuum conditions exist above the column of
mercury, which is supported by atmospheric pressure acting on the mercury in
the container. Standard atmospheric pressure .
1 Atm
Strain Gauge
A strain gauge is fundamentally a resistive wire of about 0.01 mm
diameter subject to strain by pressure ( force or acceleration ) with electrical
resistance charge proportional to strain. Bonded elements of the wire wound
type are either flat grid or helical wound on a former. The wire is fixed to a
backing material such as paper, risen or plastic which is glued to the surface
under test, wires are soldered or spot welded.
The unbonded strain gauge is essentially a pressure sensor and a typical
design is shown in Fig, 2.9 .
The measuring element for strain gauge is generally a wheatstone bridge circuit
with temperature compensating resistance and strain gauge resistance
arranged as two, of the four, resistances and a central galvanometer and
constant dc voltage source.
4. by ensuring that link arms are perpendicular with the pointer at mid
Fig. 2.10 shows calibration curves and adjustment for the Bourden link
type of adjustment mechanism.
Direct an inferential methods are the two usual classifications for the
measurement of level.
The use of the changing level of the liquid provides a measurement which
is a direct method.
Inferential or indirect methods-employ another varying quantity such as
air pressure. Which changes with liquid level change, and this provides a
measurement. Various pressure sensing devices including differential pressure
cells can therefore be utilized in the measurement of liquid level.
Direct Methods
Float Operated
The float is generally a hollow cylinder or ball working on direct action or
displacement principles. Level variation is transmitted by chain or wire and
fully or torque tube (usually with counterweights fitted) to the indicator. High or
low level alarm contact are easily arranged. Pully movement can also be
arranged to operate a contact arm over an electrical resistance so varying
current or voltage to indicator or receiver.
Probe Elements
Floatless types of level sensors can be arranged where the liquid is a
conductor. Sensing electrodes, Rous or Discs, vary electrical circuits when they
are in contact with liquids. A typical example is detection of the fluid level in a
tank by capacitive techniques.
Displacement Gauge
The measurement of a small linear or angular distance is often required
and a number methods will now be described. These units all transduce, i.e.
convert, the measurement of linear motion into an electrical signal. They may
be used as independent units but are often to be within a particular instrument
that may utilize a linear motion for the measurement of pressure or
Inferential methods
Pressure Elements
The static-Pressure method is extensively used.
P = gh
P – Pressure
- density of fluid
g – gravitational head
h – fluid head
If the water level in the boiler falls, h will be reduced, x will be increased
and H must therefore be increased. The level of the water in the condenser
reservoir being maintained by condensing steam.
If the water level in the boiler rises, h will be increased, x will be reduced
and H must therefore be reduced. Water will therefore flow over the weir in the
condenser reservoir in order to maintain the level constant..
A strip light is fitted behind the gauge which increases the brightness of
the red indicating fluid, which enables the operator to observe at a glance,
from considerable distance, whether the gauge is full or empty.
In this type the operating fluid is the boiler water itself, see Fig. 3.4. The
operation of the gauge is as follows.
If we consider a falling water level in the boiler, the pressure difference
across the diaphragm h will increase, causing the diaphragm to deflect
downwards. This motion of the diaphragm is transmitted by means of a linkage
arrangement (see insert) to the shutter which in turn moves down pivoting
about its hinge, causing an increase in the amount of (red) colour and a
decrease in the amount of (blue) colour seen at the glass gauge.
It will be clearly understood that if the water level now rises then the
(red) will be reduced and the (blue) increased.
Separating the (blue) and (red) colours, which are distinctive and can be
seen from a considerable distance, is a loose fitting black band which moves
with the shutter, giving a distinct separation of the two colours.
An adjustment screw and spring are provided to enable the difference in
diaphragm load to be adjusted. Hence correct positioning of the shutter and
band in relation to the reading of a glass water gauge fitted directly to the
boilers is possible.
In this method, the air pressure in a pipeline is so regulated that the air
pressure in the bubbles tube as shown in Fig. 3.5 is minutely in excess of the
liquid pressure in the tank. The bubbler tube is installed vertically in the tank
with its open end at the zero level. The other end of the tube or pipe is
connected to a regulated air supply regulator or valve is so adjusted that the
pressure is slightly greater than the pressure (due to the height) exerted by the
liquid in the tank. This achieved by adjusting the air-pressure regulator until
bubbles can be seen slowly leaving the open end of the tube. There is, of course
a maximum air flow required to achieve these conditions, and often a small
airflow meter is fitted in the line so that a check is more readily available. The
pressure gauge then measures the air pressure required to overcome the
pressure of the liquid head above the open and of the pipe. Normally, the gauge
is calibrated in feet or inches. If the tank is uniformly shapped, the calibration
may be in units of volume.
Purge Systems
For small air flow rate, about one bubble per second, a pressure equal to
that in the dip tube will be applied to the indicator as shown in Fig. 3.5. This
simple bubbler device is an arrangement that is similar to the well known
pneumerator used for determining depths of water and oil in tanks. Air supply
to the open ended in the tank will have a pressure which is directly proportional
to the depth of liquid in the tank.
Flowmeters are generally divided into two fundamental types, i.e.
quantity meters and rate of flow meters. Use of the world flowmeter generally
implies the latter.
Quantity Meters
These devices measure the quantity of fluid that has passed a certain
point . No time is involved. Types are usually classified as positive or semi-
positive. A typical positive type utilize the flow to drive a reciprocating piston
and a counter is attached. The meter acts like a conventional engine with fluid
pressure supplying motive power. Stroke length and cylinder dimensions fix the
quantity delivered per cycle. Semi-positive types are usually rotary. A form of
gear pump, or eccentrically constrained rotor, can be used which is driven by
the fluid. Quantity is measured by number of rotations (cycles) and fluid per
Quantity meters are more expensive and less suited to deal with large
fluid quantities than rate of flow meters. Rate of flow meters are often used as
quantity meters by fitting an integrator. As a simple example consider variable
flow. The rate of flow can be measured at set time intervals and a graph plotted,
the area of which gives quantity over the time period required. In practice this is
performed mechanically or electrically by an integrator> One type is based on
the planimeter principle and another type (escapement) utilizes mid-ordinate
techniques from a heart-shaped can drive. Flat faced can drive, or worn and
wheel designs, can be used with a turbine wheel or helix type of primary
element having a counting mechanism secondary element, incorporating the
integrator to interpret quantity. The integrator is often included within the
receiving unit of telemetering systems. Integration is readily performed
electrically by use of a conventional watt-hour meter. It should be understood
The measuring principle is illustrated in Fig. 4.1 where the meter, of the
duplex rotor positive displacement type, is shown in three specific positions.
This rotary flowmeter operates on the displacement principle, the measuring
system consisting of a casing with two rotors.
In position “ X “, the left-hand rotor is fully relieved from load while the
liquid pressure acts on one side of the right-hand rotor causing this rotor to
rotate in clockwise direction. Since both rotors are coupled together through
gears, the left-hand rotor will rotate in an counter-clockwise direction.
In position “ Y “, the liquid in the displacement chamber is pressed by
the right-hand rotor to the outlet.
In position “ Z “ , the right-hand rotor is entirely relieved from load while
the liquid pressure now acts on one side of the left-hand rotor so that it takes
over the task of the right-hand rotor.
To reduce leakage losses to a minimum, it is essential to provide for
effective sealing between inlet and outlet, to this end, the rotors seal off against
the casing by surface contact.
One type utilizes rotating vanes with a small magnet attached to one
vane and a coil in the pipe wall. The electrical impulse can be counted on a
digital tachometer calibrated in flow rate. The design now described has no
moving parts Electro-magnetic flowmeter.
This type is shown in Fig. 4.2
The principle utilized is that of a moving conductor (the liquid) in a
magnetic field generating a potential difference. In simple arrangement shown
the two-electro-magnets are supplied with current (a.c. is preferred to d.c to
reduce polarization of the dialectric) There are two sensor electrodes. If B is the
flux density of the field, V velocity of flow, d pipe diameter, then in suitable
units the emf generated at any instant is given by;
E = Bvd
arranged with a magnet attachment and a follower magnet outside will transmit
motion to pointer via linkage if required.
Primary Elements
The orifice and the venturi will be described and these are mainly used
although flow nozzles and special inserts, such as a Dall tube, are also
employed, Fig. 4.4 shows both the orifice plate and venturi sensors using
energy conversion to produce a pressure difference which can be urtilized by
the secondary element to provide a signal for direct reading, telemetering or
Using the venturi flow sensors as an example see Fig. 4.4
Secondary Elements
Fig. 4.5 is one type of square root extractor using a parabola shaped bell
which can be connected through linkage to mechanical, pneumatic or electrical
display and control systems.
The differential pressure is applied with the high pressure inside and the
low pressure outside the bell.
With its changing cross-sectional area and bouyancy, due to change in
differential pressure, the bell movement is made to be directly proportional to
the square root of the differential pressure. Hence the bell movement is directly
proportional to the fluid flow being sensed by the orifice plate or venturi sensor.
This device is often called a Ledoux Bell, For air flow measurement,
instead of the bell being shaped. A shaped displacer arranged in a separate
chamber. The displacer is connected to rise with the bell. Such a device is used
for measuring steam and air flow, and for controlling steam/air flow ratio, the
characteristic is linear.
The Centrifugal tachometer is portable device using the watt governor
principle. Two masses are fixed on leaf springs which are fastened to the driven
shaft at the end and a sliding collar at the other. The sliding collar, through a
leakage mechanism, moves a pointer over a scale. As the driven shaft increases
in speed the weights move out under centrifugal force, causing an axial
movement of the sliding collar. This is turn moves the pointer to give a reading
of sped.
The drag cup tachometer uses an aluminum cup which is rotated in a
laminated iron electromagnet stator. The stator has two separate windings at
right angles to one another. An alternating current supply is provided to one
winding and eddy currents are not set up in the aluminum cup. This results in
an induced emf. in the other stator winding which is proportional to the speed
of rotation. The output voltage is measured on a voltmeter calibrated to read in
units of speed.
Indicated power can be measured by a conventional mechanical
indicator although modern practice is tending towards oscilloscope display with
integration for power. Shaft power of engines is measured by a torsionmeter in
conjunction with a tachometer (power proportional to product of torque and
rotational speed). Specific fuel consumption is radialy achieved from these
readings with a flowmeter calibration of fuel consumption. One design in
common use is based on magnetic stress sensitivity and is termed a torque
Inductor-torductor and is how described. The torductor is, as the name implies,
a torque inductor, it is a stress transducer that is eminetly suited to the
measuring of torque in rotating shafts. It gives a high power output and
requires no ship rings or other shaft attachments since it operates without any
contact. It consists of one primary ring which carries four poles, merked N,S,
that is supplied with (SOHZ) alternating current. Two outer secondary rings,
have four poles each, arranged at 45º to the primaries, a11 of which are
connected in series with mutually reversed windings. No contact exist between
the poles and the shaft, there being a 2 to 3 mm air gap provided to ensure
When no torque is applied to the shaft are no stresses in the shaft and
the magnetic fields between NS poles induced in the shaft will be symmetrical,
the equipotential lines are then situated symmetrically under the secondary
poles S1 , S2 as shown and secondary flux and voltage will then be zero.
Figure 6.5 shows the operational arrangement of the sensor element of a
viscometer. A small gear pump driven at constant speed, by an electric motor
though a reduction gear, forces a constant fluid quantity from the housing
through a small bone tube (capillary). Fluid flows through the capillary without
turbulence, streamline ( laminar ) flow prevails and pressure differential is
proportional to viscosity of fluid. The pressure differential can be measured by
any of the means previously described.
Figure 6.6 shows a simple photocell, visible light falls on the metal cathol
from which electrons are emitted, they collect the anode in this way create a
potential V which can then be amplified and used for alarm and control, etc.
They are used as sensors in many situation such as oil-water content, smoke
density, oil mist, flame indicator etc. detection as described later in this
Flame Detector
Fig. 5.9 illustrates the infra red type of advice. Flame has
characteristic flicker frequency of about 25 HZ and use is made of this fact to
trigger an alarm. Flickening radiation from flames reaches the detector
lens/filter unit, which only allows infra-red rays to pass and be focused upon
cell. The signal from the cell goes into the selective amplifiers which tuned to
25HZ, then into a time delay unit ( to minimize incidence of false alarms, fire
has to be present for a pre-determined period), trigger and alarm circuits.
The instrument is now changed from suspect gas space and while
operating the bulb, the switch S2 is again closed. If a flammable or explosive
gas is present it will cause the detector filament to increase in temperature.
This disturbs the bridge balance and a current flows.
The measurement of vibration is largely for diagnostic purposes in
order to detect problems with rotating machinery before damage occurs. Two
different measurements are taken, the amplitude and the frequency. Amplitude
may be taken as a measurement of displacement, velocity or acceleration and
indicates the extent of the problem. The frequency at which the maximum
amplitude of vibration occurs may identify the source of the problem.
One type of velocity measuring vibration transducer utilities a coil and a
moving permanent magnet. Any vibration will cause the magnet to oscillate past
the coil and induce an emf. which is proportional to the rate of change of the
magnetic flux, i.e. velocity. An integrating amplifier can be, used to connect this
signal unto displacement.
Oxygen Analysis:
Gases can generally be classified as either diamagnetic or
paramagnetic, the former seek the weakest part of a magnetic field and the
latter the strongest. Most of the common gases are diamagnetic but oxygen is
paramagnetic and we is made of this in the oxygen analysis shown in Fig. 5.12.
Two platinum wire resistance are heated by current from an ac bridge
and the gas to be measured enters the resistance chamber via a dippuser. One
of the resistance wires is placed in a magnetic field hence oxygen is drawn
towards this resistance, thus convection currents are set up around this
resistance which is then cooled relatively to the other resistance. The bridge is
then unbalance, the amount of unbalance is a measure of the oxygen content
and this is displayed on the galvanometer. The measurement of the oxygen
content is an atmosphere is important to personnel, particularly when entering
enclosed spaces. Also, inert gas systems use exhaust gases which must be
monitored to ensure that their oxygen content is below 5 percent. Use is also
made of the measurement of oxygen in boiler exhausts as a mean of ensuring
efficient combustion
This is measurement of the amount of water vapour in a given volume
of a gas. A given volume of air is able to hold a particular amount of water
vapour. This amount varies with temperature such that the higher the
temperature the more water the volume can hold. The two terms to describe
humidity use absolute humidity and relative humidity. Absolute humidity is the
amount of water present in a given volume of air and is expressed, usually, in
grams per cubic centimetre. Relative humidity is the more common
measurement and is the ratio of the amount water vapour present in a given
volume of air to the maximum amount of water vapour that can be present
before precipitation occurs. The measurement is usually given as a percentage.
Actual measurements of relative humidity can be obtained using either a
psychrometer or a hygrometer. The psychrometer uses two thermometers. The
bulb one (wet bulb thermometer) is kept moist by wrapping in a water-soaked
material or wick is fed from a small bath. The other (dry bulb thermometer) is
exposed to the air, the wet bulb will always show a lower temperature because
of the evaporation of water from the wick. The two temperature readings, when
plotted on a psychrometric chart, will give a reading of relative humidity. A
psychrometric chart is a graphical display of the properties of moist air, using
axes of dry bulb temperature and absolute humidity interested by curves of
constant wet bulb temperature and relative humidity.
A hygrometer utilizes the physical changes that occur in human hair,
silk, animal membrane or other materials when they absorb moisture. Any
change in length of the material, which is exposed to a free flow of air, is
coupled by a linkage to an indicating or recording instrument. Electrical
Salinity Measurement
Water purity, in terms of the absence of salts, is necessary
requirement where it is to be used as boiler feed. Pure water has a high
resistance to the flow of electricity, low conductivity, so much so that it is
considered non-conductive. Water containing dissolved salts, in particular sea
water, has a high conductivity. A measurement of conductivity is therefore a
measure of purity.
Conductivity is measured between two platinum wire ring electrodes and
two gun metal ring electrodes. The liquid flows through these rings which are
separated by insulated lengths of tubing, see Fig. 5.14. In effect measurements
are made on two columns of liquid. A bimetallic ship operates a plunger which
insulates the two columns and provides temperature compensation to 20ºC.
Specific conductive in siemens/cm2 is the conductive across a centimetre long
column of mercury whose cross-sectional area is one square centimetre. A
much smaller unit, the microsiemen/cm3, when corrected to 20ºC, is known as
a diomic unit. Pure distilled water has a conductance of about 1 diomic unit
while fresh water is about 500 diomic units. A de-gassifier should be fitted
upstream of this unit to remove distilled carbon dioxide since this will cause
errors in measurement.
pH Meter
Water, when acidic or alkaline, can cause corrosion. Boiler feed water
when acidic or strongly alkaline will cause corrosion. A scale of measurement
using pH values indicates the degree of acidity or alkalinity within a solution. A
solution which is neutral is neither acidic nor alkaline. The pH scale is a
measure of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution using numbers
from 0 to 14. A strongly acidic solution has a pH of, a neutral solution a pH, of
7 and a strongly alkaline or (basic) solution a pH of 14.
The measurement of pH, or hydrogen in concentration in a solution,
requires the use of two specially designed electrodes, see Fig. 5.16a, one
electrode is used for measurement and is made up of a glass tube which
contains a buffer solution of constant pH, e.g. potassium chloride, into which is
instead a silver chloride coated silver wire. The lower end of this glass tube has
a thin walled special glass surface which acts as a membrane. The silver wire,
which is in a solution of constant pH, is sensitive to changes in hydrogen ion
concentration of the solution on the outer surfaces of the membrane.
The reference electrode is used to enable a voltage measurement which is
related to pH. A platinum electrode is located in a glass tube which contains a
mercurous chloride and potassium chloride paste and has a porous plug at the
bottom. This assembly is contained within another glass tube containing a
potassium chloride solution and additional crystals, saturated solution. This
outer tube is also fitted with a purous plug at the bottom. The complete
assembly is known as the reference electrode. As long as there is a minute flow
of potassium chloride into the sample solution, a small stable potential will
exist. The inner cell maintains a slight flow into the potassium chloride solution
and another stable potential is set up here. The reference cell is thus unaffected
by the hydrogen ion concentration of the solution. The potential occurring
between the measuring cell and the reference cell is thus a measure of the
sample solution pH. Temperature changes will effect hydrogen dissociation and
a temperature compensating resistor is used to provide compensation in the
circuit, see Fig. 5.16b.
Instrument Calibration
The need for testing and calibration mist also be met on board, while
carrying of spares will enable replacement of faulty instruments. Various
potable test equipment is available to ensure the correct operation of electronic.
Pneumatic, mechanical and hydraulic instrumentation and control equipment.
A pneumatic instrument calibration and test set enables pressure
gauges, differential pressure transmitters, computing relays process controllers
and control value actuators to be calibrated to an accuracy of plus or minus
0.25 percent.
A temperature calibration bath can be used to test various primary
temperature sensing elements. The heated liquid may be oil or water and an
electric heating element is used. Accurate temperature control to within plus or
minus 0.01ºC is possible in the range ambient to 260ºC. A three-digit LED
display of temperature is provided. A cooling coil is also available to enable
temperature calibration down to -10ºC.
Electronic instrumentation can be checked with a calibration unit which
both measure and inject constant voltage and constant current signals. Typical
applications would be for controllers, indicators and recorders. The selected
output is continuously variable from 0 to 199.9mV or mA, using course and fire
potentiometer controls. An accuracy of plus or minus 0.1 percent of full scale
deflection with a resolution of 100mV/mA is provided.
Nozzle – Flapper
The nozzle-flapper arrangement is used in many pneumatic devices
and can be considered as a transducer, a valve or an amplifier. It transduces a
displacement into a pneumatic signal. The flapper movement acts to close or
open a restriction and thus very air flow through the nozzle. The very small
linear movement of the flapper is then converted into a considerable control
pressure output from the nozzle. The position of the flapper in relation to the
nozzle will determine the amount of air that escapes. If the flapper is close to
the nozzle a high controlled pressure will exist, if some distance away, then a
low pressure, linear output over the pressure range is obtained for an affective
flapper travel range bear the nozzle of about 0.015 mm. Since the flapper
movement is very small it is not directly connected to a meaning unit unless a
feedback device is used.
The bellows is used in some pneumatic devices to provide feedback
and also as a transducer to convert an input pressure signal into a
displacement. The bellows will elongate when the supply pressure increases
and some displacement x, will occur.
The use of feedback is shown to be for the purpose of reducing the
error between the reference input and the system output. The reduction of
system error is merely one of the many important effects that feedback may
have upon a system, so the general effect of feedback is that it may increase or
decrease the gain. In a nonvigorous manner, a system, a system is said to be
unstable if its output is out of control or increases without bound. Therefore,
we may state that feedback can cause a system that is originally stable to
become unstable. Certainly, feedback is a two edged sword, when it is
improperly used, it can be harmful.
Electro-Pneumatic Transducer
The figure shown in Fig. 6.5 is based on the force balance principle
with input variable of current ( 10-50 mA dc is usual ). Electrical current signal
variation causes a torque motor to produce a variable force ( F ) which is
balanced by the feedback pneumatic bellows force (A) at equilibrium. The bar is
circular and between the poles of the permanent magnet acts as an armature
when excited by a dc current. Consider an increase in armature current; the
strength of the armature poles will increase accordingly. The S pole will move
up as unlike poles attract and produce a clockwise moment about the pivot
while the N pole will move down producing an anti-clockwise moment. The
moment arm of the S pole force is greater so there is a net clockwise moment.
This action closes in on the nozzle giving a higher output pressure and
increasing the feedback bellows force until equilibrium is achieved.
With the core moved night the included voltage in secondary 2 winding
increases and that in secondary 1 decreases so giving a differential output.
Similarly left gives a voltage difference but 180º out of phase. The characteristic
can be linear with zero volts at mid travel.
C = AG
Where: A - plate area
Σ - absolute permittivity
d - plate separation
Voltage-Current Transducer:
It is often necessary to use a MV/I converter when dealing with
thermocouple or resistance thermometer inputs. Such a device is shown in Fig.
6.9. Deviation between input mV and a standardised zero suppression voltage,
from a zener diode power pack and bridge, is algebraically added and passed
through a filter network, avoiding stray ac pick-up. This signal is algebraically
added to the feedback stabilising coop of the amplifier and passed through the
amplier to output. Adjustable resistors A, C, D, allow temperature correction,
zero adjustment and spam control of feedback, B measured value.
XY Recorder:
Used to measure a quantity y, varying with x, where x is not a
function of time. Two servo systems, perpendicularly connected cause the pen
to move to any area position on the chart. Inputs cause perpendicular travel
related to x and y.
This consists essentially of a flexible synthetic rubber diaphragm
which forms parts of a pressure-tight chamber the diaphragm movement is
opposed by a spring. In the unit shown, an air pressure signal from the
controller acts on the top of the diaphragm. The diaphragm movement is
transmitted via the diaphragm head to the diaphragm rod or stem, which moves
down. Marine applications usually employ a hand control or jack which
operates directly on the diaphragm or by aside linkage into the spindle.
Motor Element:
Air pressure acts on top of a synthetic rubber diaphragm and is
opposed by upward spring force, oil flow is right to left, hand regulation is
possible and the fail-safe position is shut. The pressure-stroke characteristic is
based on linear requires a large constant area diaphragm, minimum friction
and linear spring force-deflection characteristic.
These devices are necessary when:
Piston type actuator gives powerful valve forces, long stroke and
accurate positioning to the single seated valves can be used which often have a
more desirable flow pattern and require has maintenance. In the direct acting
type a loading pressure on top of a piston is maintained constant. Actuating
air on the bottom of the piston is controlled in pressure by a small relay pilot
valve, diaphragm operated from input signal, and connecting to supply or vent
(close down).
Butterfly Valves:
The butterfly valve with its centrally hinged disc permits large flow
rates with a minimum pressure loss through the valve. On-off or throttling
control is possible with up to 60º of disc rotation. This limit results from the
torque position characteristic which rises with increasing angle of valve
opening. The principal consideration for actuator sizing is the torque, required
when opening or closing the valve against the shut-off pressure drop in the
pipeline. A dynamically controlled disc will enable on-off or throttling control
through 90º. Various disc-seat configurations are possible depending upon the
shut-off requirements or the process fluid.
Temperature-Control Valve:
Direct operation is brought about by a seated capsule containing a
wax mixture. When heated the mixture rapidly expands and this expansion is
transmitted via a plunger and linkage to a rotor which operates in a three-port
valve body. The rotor movement determines the extent of opening of the two
lower ports of the valve the temperature range of a valve is determined by the
wax mixture in the capsule.
Electrical Servo-motors:
May be rectilinear or rotary operated by air, third or electricity applied
in either process or kinetic control systems.
DC-Electric Motors:
Servo-motor is a conventional motor, series, shunt or compound, with
control of field current or armature voltage by the controlling device. Reversal
is arrange by reversing the current through the field or armature via the
controlling device, which is generally satisfactory.
Hydraulic Servomotors:
Various designs of variable stroke pumps exist, with the radial piston
or Hele-show’ and the axial piston or swashplate being probably the most
common. The hydraulic motor version would be indentical in construction and
simply operated as a reverse pump.
A radial piston pump is shown. Within the casing a short length of shaft
drives the cylinder body which rotates around a central valve or tube
arrangement and is supported at the ends by ball bearings. A number of
pistons fit in the radial cylinders and are fastened to slippers by a gudgeon
pin. The slippers fit into a track in the circular floating ring. This ring may
rotate, being supported by ball bearings, and can also move from side to side,
since the bearings are mounted in guide blocks. The spindles which pass out
of the pump casing control the movement of the ring.
The operating principle will now be described by reference to Figure 7.9.
When the circular .
Use for linear actuation, ram or pack type, but can be utilized as a
torque device with multiple rams. Generally a media control performance
system used in position devices.
Transmitters ( Pneumatic )
Many pneumatic devices use a nozzle and flapper system to give a
variation in the compressed air signal. A pneumatic transmitter is shown in
Fig. 8.3. If the flapper moves towards the nozzle then the transmitted pressure
is approximately proportional to the movement of the flapper and thus the
change in the measured variable. The flapper movement will be very minute
and where measurement of a reasonable movement is necessary a system of
levers and linkages must be introduced. This is turn leads to errors in the
system and little more than on-off control.
Where : k is constant
Measuring lag is tF - tE ( say ºC )
CE RF is the time constant Ct ( say minutes )
tF - t E = k C t
Lag = Distance
Velocity , Causes phase lag.
Transfer Lag:
That part of the transmission characteristic, exclusive of a signal and
thus delays the full manifestation of its influence.
For example the measure lag as given previously for the detection
element which is dependent on R and C, causes phase lag and reduces
Controller Action:
The transmitted output is received by the controller which must
various undertake some corrective action. There will however be various time
lags or delays occuring during first the measuring and then the transmission of
a signal indicating a change. A delay will also occur in the action of the
controller. These delays produce what is known as the transfer function of the
unit or item that is, the relationship between the output signals.
V£ -Ǿ
V = -kǾ
Φ = C1 V
V = k1 Ǿ
Φ = k1 C1 Ø
Ø = μØ
Fig. 8.7 liquid level control by self operating controller referring to Fig.
8.7 and assuming linear characteristics. It is desired to maintain a fixed height
h in the tank, the outflow demand varies. As this is self operating (no
intervening medium such as compressed air) then we can utilize V, k1 and Ø
as symbols. If h is set to 10m, assume the valve is then 0.25 mm from the seat,
k1 = 0.05 mm/m (decided by leverage), then if h increases to 11 m the valve
movement to shut in 0.05 (11-10) = 0.05 mm, i.e. the new valve position is 0.3
mm from the seat. There is no controller gain here, much the reverse in fact.
Proportional Band:
is the amount by which the input signal value must change to move
the correcting unit between its extreme positions. The desired value is usually
located at the centre of the proportional band. Offset is a sustained deviation
as a result of a load change in the process.
That range of values of deviation corresponding to the full operating
range of output signal of the controlling unit, from proportional action only.
This ban can be expressed as a percentage of the range of values of the
controlled condition which the measuring unit of the controller is designed to
measure .
For the example for the given level controller, if the full measurement
scale is from 0 to 20 m head, i.e. 100%, and the full valve stroke is 0.5 mm, i.e.
100% then 10m fully strokes the valve ( i.e. 0.05 x 10 = 0.5 )
Is sustained deviation due to an inherent characteristics of
proportional control action. ( it should be noted that with all proportional
controllers the set value differs from the desired value by varying amounts
depending on the given load conditions ). If k1 , is large, for a given deviation,
the offset will be small, k1 is dependent on the proportional band of the
controller ( see Fig. 8.10 ).
The object of integral control action is to reduce offset to zero.
Derivative Action:
Where a plant or system has long time delays between changes in the
measured value and their correction. Derivative action may be applied this will
be in addition to proportional and integral action derivative or rate action is
where the output signal change is proportional to the rate of change of
deviation. A considerable corrective action can therefore take place for a small
deviation which occurs suddenly. Derivative action can also be adjusted within
the controller.
The object of derivative control action is to give quicker response and
supplement inadequate proportional control damping.
Split-Range Control
This enables two (or more) valves to be operated by one
controller. The output range of the controller may be divided or split. If for
example the controller must provide heating and cooling control as in the jacket
water temperature control system then it must operate both heater steam and
cooler valves. For this application a typical signal range may be as follows:
Assume the controller has a range 3-15 psi. Then the heater may operate 3-9
psi and the cooler 9-15 psi. However the range of controller output does not
necessarily have to be split equally.
Specific Application:
A jacket water temperature control system with cascade and split rang
The measuring units could be direct acting controllers reverse acting with the
steam valve air to open and the sea water air-to-close.
Where a control signal is transmitted by the use of a gas this is
generally known as pneumatics. Air is the usual medium and the control signal
may be carried by a varying pressure or flow. The variable pressure signal is
most common and will be considered in relation to the device used. These are
principally position-balance or force-balance devices. Position balance relate to
the balancing of linkage and lever movements and the nozzle-flapper device is
an example. Force balance relates to a balancing of forces and the only true
example of this is the stacked controller. Pivoted beams which are moved by
bellows and nozzle-flappers are sometimes considered as force-balance devices
fluidics is the general term for devices where the interaction of flows of a
medium result in a signal.
Air as a control medium is usually safe to use in hazardous areas unless
oxygen increases the hazard. No return path is required as the air simply leaks
away after use. It is freely and readily available although a certain amount of
cleaning as well as compressing is required. The signal transmission is slow by
comparison with electronics, and the need for compressors and storage vessels
is something of a disadvantage. Pneumatic equipment has been extensively
applied in Marine control systems and is still very popular.
The nozzle-flapper arrangement is used in many pneumatic devices
and can be considered as a transducer, a valve or an amplifier it reduces a
displacement into a pneumatic signal. The flapper movement acts to close or
open a restriction and thus vary air flow through the nozzle. The very small
linear movement of the flapper is then converted into a considerable control
pressure output from the nozzle.
The bellows is used in some pneumatic devices to provide feedback
and also as a transducer to convert an input pressure signal into a
displacement. The bellows will elongate when the supply pressure increases
and some displacement will occur .
With the flapper, or baffle, moved away from the nozzle full nozzle
pressure drop occurs, pressure P may be about 1.2 bar or less. With the flapper
almost closing the nozzle, pressure P may be near 2 bar, i.e. almost supply
pressure. Two values of pressure P can be arranged, which will depend on the
flapper position, which is in turn decided by the measure signal movement. An
on-off operation, or low-rate and high-rate operation, can be utilized with these
two pressure.
Provides pneumatic amplification, proportional movement, and
reduced time lag. Equivalent in action to an electronic amplifier.
If the pressure increases (see Fig. 9.2) then the bellows acts to close the
bleed port and supply air passes, conversely if pressure decreases a continuous
bleed to atmosphere occurs.
Consider Fig. 9.6, without the needle value adjustable restrictor, the
proportional negative feedback bellows B1 effect would be completely cancelled
by the proportional positive feedback bellows B2 effect, (assuming equal bellows
sizes and form) Simulated two-step or near proportional action for limited
flapper travel would result (depending on flapper travel utilized). Similarly in the
steady state with the needle value as there would be zero pressure difference
across it.
When a disturbance causes a deviation to occur (say P increases) then
the rate of P2 change is proportional to the deviation effect P-P2.
If the measure unit moves right under a constant deviation increase then
P increases giving near proportional actions Vp immediately. Negative feedback
to bellows B1 reduces sensitivity giving wider proportional band and true
proportional action. Deviation, under proportional action alone, would become
greater, more offset would occur. However bellows B2 exerts positive feedback
to raise pressure P2 at A rate dependent on the deviation, this maintains
constant deviation. Integral action would continue until deviation ceased and
there would be no offset, i.e. restoration to desired value.
Pulse Controller:
An electronic equipment used to provide an out that is not position
conscious and consist only of raise, lower or zero signals.
The pulse controller only provides an output signal when a movement of
the actuator is required. These signals are in the form of constant amplitude by
varying duration. Consider a step change in the set value signal of a process
with reference to Fig. 9.9. The deviation or error signal passing to the pulse
controller will result in a raise or lower series of output pulses. A long duration
pulse will occur first, followed by a series of small duration pulses. The actuator
will move at a constant velocity while the pulse exist, the actuator therefore
responds with a large movement and then a series of small steps which closely
follow an ideal controller response. As shown when a zero signal exist the
actuator will hold its last position transfer to manual control is therefore
instant and bumpless pulse controllers also provide a fail-safe condition of
“AS-IS” .
Bumpless transfer is of particular importance where sequence control or
computer supervised control is operating. The constant switching off-line and
on-line of various loops will require this facility.
Electro-Pneumatic Controller:
The controller shown is a converter. A sliding contact resistor S is
moved by the valve spindle to form the position feedback and the input measure
signal is at contact M. If say Vm + VS > O then relay A is energized and supply
air flows to the diaphragm. If Vm + V < O relay B is energized and air from the
diaphragm top is vented, so allowing the valve spindle to move up, movement
gases as soon as Vm and VS equate to zero. When both nozzles are closed and no
current flows. Proportional band, for the value positioner, is adjustable at P.
Mcs ) = Mcs )
Gc = E (s) R (s) – B (s)
This is also known as the controller action and can take one of several
forms. The basic actions are proportional (P), integral (I) and derivative (D). A
controller can be single-term, P , or two-term, P + I or P + D; or three-term, P + I
+ D.
Pneumatic Controller:
This limit gives P, (P+D), (P+I), (P+I+D) control actions and also
provides addition (or subtraction), multiplication (or division) and averaging
computing actions, as may be required. This controller is an ideal example to
illustrate all the basic actions in as simple a manner as possible. The principle
is that of force-balance using the simple lever principle. Four bellows act on the
beam (lever) and variations of bellows forces or level fulcrum ratio (a:b) will
affect the magnitude of the output signal.
( P4 – P 3 ) a = ( P 1 – P 2 ) b
΅ P4 = b ( P 1 – P 2 ) + P 3
Taking a = b then as P2 = 0
P4 = P 1 = P 3
P.6 = P4a
P4 = b P1
and ratio (a:b) decides multiplication factor if over unity. Division can be
arrange by making ratio a:b less than unity.
Foxboro Pneumatic:
Forces exist due to four bellows on the force balancing floating disc
which acts as the flapper, the resultant of moments of bellows forces
determines the throttle position with the fulcrums over the proportional and
reset bellows there is no feedback effect and the distance between the centre
line of the adjusting lever and other bellows is a maximum so giving zero
percent proportional band see (A). With the centre line of the adjusting lever
about 1 unit from the proportional bellows and about 4 units from the jet
bellows gives a 25% proportional band (see B). 100% proportional band exist for
C. Infinite proportional band exists for D. Note the reversed controller action
position, the valve closes on both seats, and balanced pressure acts on the
control valve for flapper travel away from the nozzle then pressure above the
secondary diaphragm will vent until balance is restored.
Viscosity Control:
A continuous sample of oil is passed across a capillary tube. The
measurement of viscosity has been considered previously. Flow is laminar in
the tube so that viscosity is directly proportional to pressure drop. Pressure
difference is sensed by dp cell transmitter and the signal passed to a controller
and recorder. The controller if supplied by air can transmit a direct power
signal to operate a diaphragm control value. This valve controls steam input to
an oil fuel heater P control is generally adequate, rate and/or reset are easily
has to be overcome between the machinery and the coolers. In this vessel the
liquid is sub-cooled to prevent it flashing off before reaching the thermostatic
expansion valve. The expansion valve or regulator meters the flow of refrigerant
from the high pressure to the low pressure side of the system. The bulb senses
the temperature of the refrigerant at the outlet from the evaporator and opens
or closes the valve accordingly. The design of the valve is critical and is related
to the pressure difference between the delivery and expansion side. Therefore it
is essential .
Plant, the brine circulating system, and the air circulating system for cooling
the cargo in the hold. The control regulating functions are compressor capacity
control, brine temperature control, level control and delivery temperature
control. The brine temperature corresponds to a certain pressure and
temperature in the compressor suction line. The desired brine temperature is
set with thumb-wheels as a value on the brine regulator. This unit controls the
compressor controller so that the compressor operates at a capacity
corresponding to the desired brine temperature regardless of the refrigerating
The level regulator controls the expansion or regulating valve so that the
evaporator receives a correct charge, giving the suction gas the superheat which
is required.
The temperature regulator attempts to keep the delivery temperature
constant and correct within narrow margins. The temperature is set with a
thumb-wheel and measured by sensor.
The regulator controls a number of pneumatic three-way valves in the
brine system. In modern plants, use is also made of data loggers to log different
measuring points in the plant. This device writes out different reports, and
alarm recorders also list deviations from programmed limit valves.
Oily-Water Separator:
Oily-water separators are used to remove oil from engine room bilge
water before it is pumped over the side. They are an important piece of
equipment and must be used carefully within their designed throughput
capacity and kept in proper working order.
With the pump started and supplying water to the separator to rise to
the lower probe level, the bridge is balanced and the solenoid de-energised.
When water rises to the upper probe its bridge is unbalanced and the output
signal is amplified which energizes A “left-hand” solenoid (not shown) which
moves the pilot valve to the left. This allows clean water pressure to pass (from
1) to close the oil discharge valve (through 2) . Shell pressure rises and A spring
loaded water discharge valve is opened. As oil build up occurs the oil-water
interface moves down de-energizes the left-hand solenoid and then energizes
the right hand “solenoid” the pilot valve moves right (as shown) and water
discharge valve closes each probe and valve has a signal indicator lamp and an
alarm bell operates when the lower probe bridge is unbalanced. A third probe at
a low level can be arranged to cut the pump if oil falls to that point.
1. The pressure switch initiates the start of the cycle. The switch is often
arranged to cut in at about 1 bar bellow the working pressure and cut
out at about 1/5 bar above the working pressure (this difference is
2. The master initiating relay now allows “Air-On” the air feedback
confirms “air-on” and allows a 30 seconds time delay to proceed.
3. The master now allows the arc to be struck by the electrode relay. The
“arc made” feedback signal allow a 3 second time delay to proceed.
4. The master now allows the full initiating signal to proceed. The
solenoid valve allows fuel on to the burner. The “fuel on” feedback
signal allows a 5 second time delay to proceed (this may be preceded
by a fuel heating sequence for boiler oils).
5. The master the cycle is complete, it not then fuel is shutt off, an
alarm bell rings and the cycle is repeated.
STOP – For immediate stopping of the main engine from the bridge
LOAD – For cancellation of the preset load programme
CANCELLING – For cancellation of the automatic reduction in main
engine speed, also including stop.
Safety System:
The system can be connected to alarm devices which come into
operation during critical conditions. This makes it possible to automatically
reduce the RPM or to stop the engine by means of the servomotor or the stop
cylinder respectively. The shut down and slow down functions are fed to a
separate safety panel which transmits a signal to both the bridge control panel
and the alarm panel. The signal to the bridge control panel is delayed for a few
seconds to avoid the risk of momentary variations of the controlled values
having an influence on the engine. The panel also provides the possibility of
disengaging any defective functions from the bridge control panel.
Communication System:
The telegraph contains an order panel which serve’s to give orders for
control from the engine room or the bridge.
that the handle has been placed in the correct position, while at the same time
a switch on the pneumatic order selector indicates that this is standing in the
bridge control position. The two switch functions acknowledged the order given
from the bridge and stop the telegraph alarm signal.
Bridge Control
Engine Room Control
Emergency Running
Manual Emergency Running
With normal operation, i.e. with bridge or engine room control, all main
engine control functions are carried out by means of a pneumatically-controlled
Governor. The terminal shaft of the Governor is connected to a Hydraulic
Governor amplifier, this in turn being connected to the regulating shaft of the
engine. If the Governor or the Governor amplifier fails, emergency running can
be used. Main engine control then takes place by the maneuvering handle and
reply telegraph via a positioner which is connected through a governor amplifier
and coupling to the regulating shaft.
If any further part of the pneumatic system fails, then manual emergency
running can be used.
During bridge control, the telegraph orders are sent as signals to the
bridge control panel which activates a servomotor connected mechanically to a
separate pneumatic fine adjustment valve. This valve sends control-air pressure
to the governor.
The bridge control panel also activates three solenoid valves for ahead,
astern and stop. Cylinders for the regulating shaft. These solenoid valves
activate the starting air system at start and reversing when the engine room
control is being used, orders from the bridge are transferred via the bridge
telegraph and the reply telegraph of the maneuvering console.
Reversing of the main engine is carried out with the reply telegraph
handle, while regulation of the engine power is affected via the maneuvering
handle which is also to be found on the maneuvering console.
Bridge Control
Engine Room Control
Emergency Running
Changes between bridge control and engine room control can be made at
any time, but a change to emergency running can take place only when
maneuvering handle is in the stop position.
After Coolers:
After final compression, the air will be hot and, when cooling, will
deposit water in considerable quantities in the airline system which should be
avoided. The most effective way to remove the major part of this condensate is
to subject the air to aftercooling, immediately after compression.
Aftercoolers are heat exchangers, being either air cooled or water cooled
Air Cooled
Consisting of a nest of tubes through which the compressed air flows
and over which a forced draught of cold air is passed by means of a fan
assembly. A typical example is shown in Fig. 13.2.
The outlet temperature of the cooled compressed air should be
approximately 15ºC above the ambient cooling air temperature.
Water Cooled:
Essentially, a steel shell housing tubes with water circulating on one
side and air on the other side, usually arranged so that the flow is in opposite
directions through the cooler. The principle is shown in Fig. 13.3.
Air Dryers:
Aftercoolers cool the air to within 10-15ºC of the cooling medium. The
control and operating elements of the pneumatic will normally be at ambient
temperature (approx. 20ºC). This may suggest that no further condensate will
be precipitated, and that the remaining moisture passes out with the exhaust
air released to atmosphere. However, the temperature of the air leaving the
aftercooler may be higher than the sorrounding temperature through which the
pipeline passes, for example during night time. This situation cools the
compressed air further, thus condensing more of the vapour into water.
The measure employed in the drying of air is lowering the dew point,
which is the temperature at which the air is fully saturated with moisture (i.e.
100% humidity). The lower the dew point, the less moisture remains in the
compressed air.
There are three main types of air dryer available which operate on an
absorption, adsorption or refrigeration process.
The main advantages of this method are that it is low initial and
operating cost, but the inlet temperature must not exceed 30ºC, the chemicals
involved are highly corrosive mist is not carried over to the pneumatic system.
Extremely low dew points are possible with this method, for example -
A colour indicator may be incorporated in the dessicant to monitor the
degree of saturating. Micro-filtering is essential on the driver outlet to prevent
carry-over of adsorbent mist. Initial and operating costs are comparatively high,
but maintenance cost tends to be low.
Refrigerant Drying:
This is a mechanical unit incorporating a refrigeration circuit, and two
heat exchangers.
Humid high temperature air is pre-cooled in the first heat exchanger (1)
by transferring part of its heat to the cooled output air.
The cold dry air return pipe passes through air heat exchanger (1) and
gains heat from the incoming high temperature air. This prevents dew forming
on the discharge outlet, increases volume and lowers relative humidity.
Automatic Drains:
Two types of automatic drains are shown in the Figures 13.7 and 13.8
in the float type of drain 13.7 the tube guides the float, and is internally
connected to atmosphere via the filter, a relief valve, hole in the spring loaded
piston and along the stem of the manual operator.
The relief valve limits the pressure behind the piston when the float
shuts the nozzle. This pre-set value ensures a consistent piston re-setting time
as the captured air bleeds off through a functional leak in the relief valve.
Fig. 13.8 shows an electrically driven type which periodically purges the
condensate by a rotating cam wheel tripping a lever operated poppet valve.
This filter must have a minimum pressure drop and the capability to
remove oil vapour from the compressor in order to avoid emulsification with
condensation in the line. It has no deflector for the water separation as is the
case of a “Standard Filter” as described in section “Air treatment” A built-in or
an attached auto drain will ensure a regular discharge of accumulated water.
Standard Regulator:
The secondary pressure is set by the adjusting screw loading the setting
to hold the main valve open, allowing flow from the primary pressure p1 inlet
port to the secondary pressure p2 outlet port.
When the circuit connected to the outlet is at the set pressure, it acts on
the diaphragm creating a lifting force against the spring load. If the
consumption rate drops, p2 will slightly increase, this increases the force on the
diaphragm against the spring force, diaphragm and valve will then lift until the
spring force is equalled again. The air flow through the valve will be reduced
until it matches the consumption rate and the output pressure is maintained.
Without air consumption, the valve is closed. If the secondary pressure rises
above the set value by virtue of
Re-setting the regulator to a lower outlet pressure or
The diaphragm will lift to open the relieving seat so that excess pressure can
be bleed off through the vent hole in the regulator body cover.
With very high flow rates, the valve is wide open. The spring is therefore
elongated and thus weaker and the equilibrium between p2 on the diaphragm
area and the spring occurs at a lower level. This problem can be corrected by
creating a third chamber with a connection to the output channel. In this
channel the flow velocity is high,. As explained in section 3, the static pressure
is then low (Bernoulli). As p3 is now at a lower static pressure, the balance
against the weakened spring at high flow rates is compensated.
The Pilot regulator on top of the unit supplies or exhaust pilot air only
during corrections of the output pressure. Its spring is therefore not longer with
very high flow rates.
Filter Regulator
Air filtering and pressure regulation is combined in the single filter
regulator to provide a compact space saving unit..
the inrush, with a small gap on the valve that does not yet allow real
the regulation range and the saturation range; 1 – the valve is wide open
Proportional Lubricators:
With a fixed size of restriction, a greatly increased flow rate would create
an excessive pressure drop and produce an air/oil mixture that had too much
oil, flooding the pneumatic system.
Conversely a decreased flow rate may not create sufficient pressure drop
resulting in a mixture which is too lean.
Air entering at (A) follows two paths. It flows over the damper vane to the
outlet and also enters the lubricator bowl via a check valve.
When there is no flow, the same pressure exists above the surface of the
oil in the bowl, in the oil tube and the sight feed dome. Consequently there is no
move of oil.
When air flows through the unit, the damper vane restrictor causes a
pressure drop between the inlet and outlet. The higher the flow, the greater the
pressure drop.
Since the sight feed dome is connected by the capillary hole to the low
pressure zone immediately after the damper vane, the pressure in the dome is
lower than that in the bowl.
This pressure difference forces oil up the tube, through the oil check
valve and flow regulator into the dome.
Once in the dome, the oil seeps through the capillary hole into the main
airstream in the area of the highest air velocity. The oil is broken up into
miniscule particles, atomized and mixed homogenously with the air, by the
turbulance in the vortex created by the damper vane.
The flow regulator allows adjustment of the quantity of oil for a given
pressure drop. The oil check valve retains the oil in the upper part of the tube,
should the air flow temporarily stop.
The check valve allows the unit to be refilled without disconnection of air
The correct oil feed rate depends on operating conditions, but, a general
guide is to allow one or two drops per cycle of the machine.
Modulator filter, pressure regulator and lubricator elements can be
combined into a service unit by joining with spacers and clamps. Mounting
brackets and other accessories can be easily fitted in more recent designs.
To replace the human operator, who would normally carry out the rule of
monitoring any operation, automatic monitoring systems must be introduced.
Monitoring systems vary in both size and complexity, ranging from a simple
make-break switch operated by pressure to activate an alarm, to a
sophisticated sequential scanning system.
2. Data acquisition and storage on computer tapes or disks for later reference.
Some ships now will automatically transmit this data by satellite to the
company headquarters for statistical analysis.
Generally the monitoring system of a ship would also comprise the following
Alarm Systems
Within the rules and regulations are features which must be included
into the design of control equipment, in particular the alarm system. 4, 5, 6, Alarm
systems are associated with control and safety systems and are normally an
integral part of the monitoring system. The design must allow the alarm system
to function independently of any control or safety system, where practical, so
that the alarm system will still function if there is a fault in these other
Any alarm system must have an automatic change over to stand-by
power supply in the event of a main power supply failure. It must be self-
monitoring for faults within the alarm system itself, such as a broken wire or
sensor failure. Any internal system fault should cause the alarm system to give
an alarm.
The alarm system fitted must advise duty personnel quickly of any fault
condition. The presence of any unrectified faults should be indicated at all
times. Machinery, safety and control system faults must be indicated at the
control stations and alarms should be both visual and audible.
If a vessel is being operated in the UMS mode, then audible and visual
indication of machinery alarms must be relayed to the engineer’s
accommodation so that the engineering staff are aware that a fault has
occurred. If any machinery alarm has not been acknowledged in the control
room within a predetermined time the engineers’ general alarms should sound
Any indication of machinery fault should also be relayed to the bridge, so
that they are aware of the fault, know that it is being attended to, and when it
is cleared.
Visual alarms are colour coded3 to give an indication of priority level.
They can be steady lamps or flashing lamps, depending on their application. An
audible alarm ‘silence button should not extinguish any visual alarm.
Audible alarms for different systems should have different tones or
sounds. The telegraph alarm should be different from the general engine room
alarm, which in turn should be different from the fire alarm
Bell, so that ship’s staff responding to the alarm can both quickly react to the
alarm and have some knowledge of the alarm type. A typical method of logic of
operation for a machinery alarm system, using a visual lamp and an audible
siren, would be as shown in Fig. 14.1.
There are many other different features which may be fitted to alarms
systems and these include:
a.) automatic reset – where the alarm will automatically reset after normal
conditions have been restored (but this would not be acceptable to
classification societies unless the alarm has already been accepted or
b.) manual reset – where the alarm must be manually reset after normal
conditions are restored;
c.) lock in on fleeting alarms – where the alarm condition is still displayed even
though the fault condition has quickly appeared and then disappeared;
e.) event recorder – which prints out a record of the alarm details and the
sequence and time of alarms;
f.) ‘first up’ or ‘first out’ – enabling identification of the first alarm that operated
within a group or ‘flood’ of alarms.
Safety Systems
Safety is of paramount importance in any control system. A safety
system is a system which reduces dangers and risks of injury to personnel and
damage to machinery. Any safety system should operate automatically to
prevent endangering both personnel and machinery.
condition. The start-up of the stand-by device must restore the normal
operating conditions and give an alarm on failure of the online device.
Main cooling water and lubricating oil circulating pumps are fitted in
pairs and arranged so that while one machine is in service, the other is in the
stand-by mode, ready to automatically start in the event of failure of the
running pump.
Electrical generators can be arranged with automatic start-up, which can
be initiated by a failure of the running generator, or by the electrical load for
one generator. In the latter case the switchboard must also be fitted with
automatic synchronizing equipment to allow the two generators to run in
parallel and load share.
Reduction of Power
With this safety system the machinery output power is temporarily
reduced to meet the prevailing conditions. There are several situations which
may trigger this device, the most common being excessive high temperatures,
low pressures or high loads on the machinery.
This device is fitted to a main propulsion diesel engine cooling water
temperature monitoring system. If the engine becomes overloaded and the
jacket cooling water outlet temperature exceeds a ‘high’ set point, an alarm will
be raised. If that alarm is not responded to and the temperature continues to
rise to a ‘high-high’ set point, then the engine will automatically go into a load
reduction, e.g. the engine revolutions will be reduced from 120 revs/min to 45
revs/min in the case of a slow speed diesel engine.
This type of safety system with its alarm is known as a first stage
protection device.
Typical systems with power reduction protection on a main propulsion
diesel engine are:
1. It can be a fire hazard, especially if there is oil in the bilge water. A local fire
could rapidly spread through the machinery space.
Accumulation in the bilge wells must be detectable at all angles of heel and
trim of the vessel. Ships of 2000 tonnes gross or more must be fitted with two
independent detection systems so that each branch bilge is provided with a
level detector.
Some ships are fitted with automatic pumping for bilges. Before the bilge
level reaches the alarm level a float controller will activate the bilge pump,
open the required valves and activate the bilge pump. The system must be
designed to avoid causing pollution or masking an actual leak situation.
a detector is inadvertently left off, the alarm system must reactivate the detector
automatically after a certain time period, usually 30 minutes.
The alarm system must be self monitoring and any power or system
failures, such as short circuits or broken wires, should raise an alarm but with
a different tone to that of the main fire alarm.
c.) ‘fail fixed’, i.e. the valve remains in the position it was in at the time of the
air failure.