Investment Practices For Improved Retention
Investment Practices For Improved Retention
Investment Practices For Improved Retention
Improved Retention
Organizational Cultures Emphasizing
Interpersonal Relationship Values
Practices affecting the org’s culture, firms can
influence retention.
Interpersonal Relationship Values – respect for
people & team orientation.
Higher retention in fearless culture
Positive relationships with superiors, absence
of conflict-laden relationships, having put into
decisions, less emphasis on formal authority,
info sharing, & support for emps.
Effective selection procedures
Hiring should match well with the org, job and
their coworkers.
Careful selection is most widely used method
for retaining front-line emps
Use of Realistic Job Previews (RJP).
Use of Biodata – data on objective
characteristics like y ears of experience,
bilingualism, college education.
Compensation & Benefits
Equitable compensation
Fair appraisal reviews, equitable ratios of
inputs to outputs.
Exclusion of politics in compensation
Retention bonuses.
Job Enrichment & Job Satisfaction
Increased responsibility or autonomy,
knowledge of results, meaningful work,
knowledge of how assigned tasks contribute to
greater activity & skill variety.
Job latitude & Job satisfaction
Practices providing Work Life
Alternative work schedules
child care services
provisions for family leave.
Unreasonable workloads
Organizational Direction Creating
confidence in future
Setting a clear direction for future & building
confidence in the vision.
Retention of Technical emps
Demand for specialists & highly skilled emps
is very strong that companies have been very
Increased communication with technical emps.
Attractive compensation & benefit packages.
“Red Carpet” Treatment.
Other practices
Training, new learning, growth & promotion.
Liberal transfer policies.
Effective mgmt of diversity & prevention of
sexual harrasment.
Cost of Downsizing & Layoffs
Downsizing is commonly linked to
competitively driven structural changes in orgs.
Typical result is another 10-15 % of an org’s
workforce will quit after layoffs.
Bumping practices: emps with less seniority are
“bumped” out of their jobs by more senior
Other costs include severance, administrative &
intangible costs.
Business Cycle Based Layoffs
Laying off workers during economic
downturns is questionable.
No layoff policies in South west Airlines &
Lincoln Electric
Sony Corporation refused to lay off emps in its
San Diego plant after decline in sales paid off
increased emp commitment & increased
performance in following years.
Offering Employee Guarantees
Companies like Hewlett-Packard, Hallmark &
Worthington Industries have offered emp
HP Emps were voluntarily allowed to go on
leave without pay but with continued benefits
& guarantee of job getting back.
When condition worsened entire non sales
workforce was furloughed for two months &
senior staff’s salary was reduced by 10%.
Alternatives to Layoffs
Preserve investments in emp skills & avoid
expense of hiring & training new emps.
Study reveals that cos retain approx 8% more
labor during downturns than needed.
Inflow can be shutdown; hiring freezed.
Redeployment of current emps or curtailment
of subcontracts & reassignment of work from
contractors to own emps.
Pay cuts for fewer days with commitment
Non traditional Investment Approaches –
investment in disabled emps
Emp who have become disabled rely on the co’s
long-term disability insurance policy to provide
economic support.
Some laws provide additional benefits like
Raising heights of desks; providing ramps for
Return is quite attractive
Advances in medical technology allows disabled
people to join.
Investment in Emp health
Increase productivity of emps.
Health related programs like reduction of
Cardinal Industries pays for smoking
Investing in fitness centres & physical
conditioning programs.
Countercyclical Hiring
Stockpiling a limited no of high quality key
personnel for future use in pursuing strategies
requiring certain personnel capabilities.
Empirical studies of countercyclical hiring
indicate successful cos employ systematic
approaches toward hrm.