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Application For Undergraduate Admission: Please Read The Following Carefully Before Completing The Application Form

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Application for Undergraduate Admission

Please read the following carefully before completing the application form.

1. Applicants must complete the application themselves. All items on this application must be filled
in. Incomplete applications will not be considered. It is preferable that all items be typed.
2. Applicants are encouraged to apply early. They should not wait until their final examinations
results are announced.
3. The following are to be included with the application:
a. Results reports from school grades 10, 11 and 12 (if available when applying). Once admitted,
applicants must submit the officially attested final grade reports and graduation certificate.
b. For British system applicants, submit in addition to results certificates a letter from the school
showing the final grade (year) completed in school
c. Four recent passport-size photographs
d. A photocopy of your passport
e. SAT scores (as applicable)
f. Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score report (if available when applying)
g. A non-refundable application fee of 250 UAE Dirhams (One US Dollar is equivalent to 3.65 UAE
h. For transfer applicants:
• an additional non-refundable application fee of 300 UAE Dirhams (deductible once enrolled)
• an official university transcript and course descriptions
Payments to the AUS cashier are accepted in any of the following forms:
• Cash in UAE Dirhams only
• Current dated UAE Dirhams check or demand draft drawn on a bank located in the UAE
• Debit cards and all major credit cards (card payments are subject to handling fees)
• Cash deposits or direct transfers to Sharjah Islamic Bank account number
0029-200170-001. The SWIFT Code is NBSHAEAS. Please ensure that the applicant’s
full name as spelled in the passport is mentioned in the transfer and the transfer
confirmation is faxed to AUS Student Accounts at +971 6 515 2190, or sent by e-mail to
[email protected].
4. Please note that submitting an application, paying the application fee and receiving an ID number
does not in any way mean that an applicant is admitted to the university. Admission is offered in
writing to qualified applicants only after an official evaluation of their credentials is performed by
the Office of Enrollment Management.
5. The offer of admission is valid only for the academic semester for which the applicant applies.
Applicants who wish to defer their admission to the following semester must submit a written
request to the Office of Enrollment Management not later than one month before the beginning
of the semester. Admission consideration for the following semester will depend on meeting the
established requirements and available seats.
6. In case seats are not available in the semester you selected, AUS will consider your application
for the following semester.
7. All documents presented to complete an application for admission are the property of the university.
Applicants, whether accepted or not, may not claim them back.

How did you learn of American University of Sharjah?

Please check ( √ ) one or more of the following


Your Recent To avoid delays in considering your application for admission, please:
Photograph • answer all questions on the application. Don’t leave any question unanswered
• include with your application all the required documents as listed on page
one of this application.

All applications are considered on the basis of qualifications regardless of race, color, gender, handicap, religion, age or national origin.

1. _________________ ________________ _______________ _______________

‫اسم العائلـة‬ ‫اسم اجلد‬ ‫اسم األب‬ ‫االسم األول‬

2. __________________ ________________ _______________ _______________

First Name Father's or Middle Name Grandfather's Name Family Name

3. Mother’s full maiden name _________________________________________________________

4. Date of birth

Day Month Year

5. Place of birth _____________________________ ______________________________

City Country

6. Nationality ______________________________ 7. Religion ________________________________

8. Passport number ___________________ Place of issue ______________ Expiry date _____________

9. Gender and marital status  Male  Single  Married  Divorced  Widowed

 Female

10. Mailing address C/o _________________________

PO Box ______________________ Building ______________________

City _________________________ Street _______________________

Country ______________________ Postal Code ___________________

11. Telephone Country Dialing Code ( )

( ) ______________ ( ) ______________ ( ) ______________ ( ) ______________

Home Work Fax Mobile

E-mail _______________________________ Emergency Telephone Number ____________________

12. Applying as a:  First-year  Transfer  Non-degree  Part-time

13. Have you previously applied to AUS? __________ If yes, when? _______________________________

14. Semester you are applying for  Fall Semester 2011  Spring Semester 2012
(September 2011) (January 2012)

15. List all secondary schools you have attended and dates of attendance. Furthermore, you MUST also list all
universities and/or colleges, if any, that you have attended and dates of attendance. The university/college
attendance information is required even if you are applying as a first-year student. List the most recent first.
Date of attendance
Name of School/University Location (Country)
From To

16. Indicate type of secondary certificate you hold or expect to receive and the date received.
 General Secondary Certificate  High School Diploma  British Certificate(s)
 Other (Specify) ____________________________________ Date __________________________

17. If the certificate is the British IGCSE, GCSE, GCE, the IB Diploma, or similar, specify subject, level and
Subject Level Result Subject Level Result

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

18. Are you enrolled in school this year? If yes, indicate the grade in which you are enrolled. If no, indicate
what you were doing.


19. List your hobbies or co-curricular activities.



20. Is your father or mother associated with this university?  Yes  No

If he/she is faculty or staff, give name ______________________Position ______________________

21. Have any members of your family attended AUS?

Name(s) Relation(s) Dates attended

22. Do you have any special needs (for example physical disability)? This information is voluntary and
confidential; it is requested to help the university prepare services and auxiliary aids, if possible, to
accommodate your needs.
 Yes  No
If yes, please indicate  Vision impairment  Hearing impairment  Speech impairment
 Mobility impairment
 Learning disability (please explain) ___________________________
 Other (please explain) ___________________________________
If you have been diagnosed with a disability, please provide the most recent report on your case.

23. Admission to the selected college/school and majors will depend on submitted qualifications and
availability of seats. Please indicate your first and second choice of college/school, and select two majors
in each. Use numbers (1) and (2) to indicate your first and second choices.

__ College of Architecture, __ College of Engineering*

Art and Design* __ Chemical Engineering (BSChE)
__ Architecture (BArch) __ Civil Engineering (BSCE)
__ Interior Design (BID) __ Computer Engineering (BSCoE)
__ Design Management (BSDM) __ Computer Science (BSCS)
__ Multimedia Design (BSMD) __ Electrical Engineering (BSEE)
__ Visual Communication (BSVC) __ Mechanical Engineering (BSME)

__ College of Arts and Sciences __ School of Business and Management**

__ Biology (BSB) __ Business Administration (BSBA)
__ Chemistry (BSC) Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA)
with a major in one of the following- please select
__ English Language and Literature (BAELL) one:
__ Environmental Sciences (BSES) __ Accounting
__ International Studies (BAIS) __ Economics
Select one concentration: __ Finance
__ Arab Studies __ Management
__ International Economics __ Management Information Systems
__ International Relations ­­­­ __ Marketing
__ Western Studies __ Economics (BAE)
__ Mass Communication (BAMC)
Select one concentration: *Seats in the College of Architecture, Art and Design and College
__ Advertising of Engineering are limited and may become full before the actual
application deadline. Applicants with the highest qualifications and
__ Journalism the required TOEFL score, who apply early, will have priority in
admission consideration.
__ Public Relations
**All School of Business and Management programs have a
__ Mathematics (BSMTH) common set of foundation courses. Majors selected by the
students are considered intended, pending the successful
__ Undeclared completion of the foundation courses.

24. In your own handwriting, write a statement in the space below about your personal and educational
background and your expectations from a university education.






I certify that answers to the foregoing items and the statements were completed by me and are, to the
best of my knowledge, true, complete and correct. I authorize investigation of all statements contained
therein. I further understand that any misrepresentation or material omission made on this form renders
me liable to disciplinary action.

Date _________________ Signature__________________________________________

Office of Enrollment Management
Tel +971 6 515 1000 Fax +971 6 515 1020
PO Box 26666, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
[email protected]

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