Population Problem in India
Population Problem in India
Population Problem in India
Its implications
Anoop Kumar
"We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have
the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past
actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by
our present actions; so we have to know how to act. "
- Swami Vivekananda
The aim of the project is to make the reader aware of the population problem in India,
with its implications and the ways to curb the same. The population burdens the
Thanks are due to the faculty of Economics in Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National
Law University, Lucknow. The project could not have seen the light in the absence of
support of the library of the University. Thanks are due to them also.
Population control - India will beat China by 2025. 3
Who is responsible? 6
The Challenges Ahead 6
Throughout the twentieth century, India has been in the midst of a demographic
transition. At the beginning of the century, endemic disease, periodic epidemics, and
famines kept the death rate high enough to balance out the high birth rate. Between 1911
and 1920, the birth and death rates were virtually equal--about forty-eight births and
forty-eight deaths per 1,000 population. The increasing impact of curative and preventive
medicine (especially mass inoculations) brought a steady decline in the death rate. By the
mid-1990s, the estimated birth rate had fallen to twenty-eight per 1,000, and the
estimated death rate had fallen to ten per 1,000. Clearly, the future configuration of
India's population (indeed the future of India itself) depends on what happens to the birth
rate (see fig. 8). Even the most optimistic projections do not suggest that the birth rate
could drop below twenty per 1,000 before the year 2000. India's population is likely to
exceed the 1 billion mark before the 2001 census.
A research paper has outlined the effect of population on the environment. According to
this research, environmental pollution is one of the serious problems faced by the people
in the country. Rapid population growth, industrialization and urbanization in country are
adversely affecting the environment. Though the relationship is complex, population size
and growth tend to expand and accelerate these human impacts on the environment. All
these in turn lead to an increase in the pollution levels. However, environmental pollution
not only leads to deteriorating environmental conditions but also have adverse effects on
the health of people. India is one of the most degraded environment countries in the
world and it is paying heavy health and economic price for it.
According to the World Development Indicators report in 1997, 1.5 billion people
live exposed to dangerous levels of air pollution, 1 billion live without clean water and 2
billion live without sanitation. The increase of population has been tending towards
alarming situation. The world's population was estimated to be 6.14 billion in mid 2001
and projected 7.82 billion and 9.04 billion in the year 2025 and 2050 respectively.
Contribution of India alone to this population was estimated to be 1033 millions in mid
2001 which has been projected 1363 millions and 1628 millions in 2025 and 2050
respectively. (2001 World Population Data Sheet). According to the provisional results of
the Census of India 2001, the population of India on 1st March 2001 is 1027 millions. If
the world population continues to multiply, the impact on environment could be
Population impacts on the environment primarily through the use of natural
resources and production of wastes and is associated with environmental stresses like
biodiversity, air and water pollution and increased pressure on arable land. India is the
world's sixth largest and second fastest growing producer of greenhouse gases. Delhi,
Mumbai and Chennai are three of the world's ten most populated cities. Two-thirds of city
dwellers lack sewerage, one-third lack potable water. India grows equivalent of another
New York City every year in its urban population. By the year 2000, more than 350
million Indians will live in cities. In 15 years, more than half of Indians will be urban
dwellers; 1/3 will be slum dwellers and squatters
Population control - India will beat China by 2025.
"At district level the North East district in Union territory Delhi has the highest
population density in the country with 29395 persons per square kilometer."
"The population clock in the Union Health Ministry, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi, now
ticks at the rate of 31 persons per minute. The clock shows that about 44,640 babies are
born in India everyday. "
"In the last several decades, fertility control policies in India have failed to promote a
sustainable solution to the problem of overpopulation. What factors have caused these
efforts to fall short? "
"Currently the sex ratio is 960 women for every 1,000 men - a statistic that the UN says
reflects the lower status of women in India, who are more likely to be deprived of food,
education and health services. "
"The prominence of female sterilization indicates another flaw in the India population
control strategies. By targeting women instead of men, the government inadvertently opts
for the more hazardous means of birth control. "
"Population in itself is NOT the problem. Lack of basic education and poor economic
conditions are. You cannot solve the population problem by clinics. Your assumption that
people have no access to family planning methods is only partly true and in any case is
not the root of the problem. Population has remained a problem because EDUCATION
continues to be a problem. "
"The fast rate of growth of population has affected the quality of life of the people. The
time has come when future citizens while in educational institutions should understand
various issues related to the population problem."
"In some places there is no drinking water. People started migrating to cities where they
can get some water and work. People will start fighting for food, water and place to live."
"The birth rate in India (31 per thousand people) is greater than that of China (20 per
thousand people). If this trend continues, India will beat up China by 2025.A.D."
India, the second most populous country in the world, has no more than 2.5% of global
land but is the home of 1/6th of the world's population. The prevailing high maternal,
infant, childhood morbidity and mortality, low life expectancy and high fertility and
associated high morbidity had been a source of concern for public health professionals
right from the pre-independence period. The Bhore Committee Report (1946) which laid
the foundation for health service planning in India, gave high priority to provision of
maternal and child health services and improving their nutritional and health status. It is
noteworthy that this report which emphasized the importance of providing integrated
preventive, promotive and curative primary health care services preceded the Alma Ata
declaration by over three decades. Under the Constitution of India elimination of poverty,
ignorance and ill health are three important goals. In 1951, the infant republic took stock
of the existing situation in the country and initiated the first Five Year Development Plan.
Living in a resource poor country with high population density, the Planners recognised
in the census figures of 1951, the potential threat posed by population explosion and the
need to take steps to avert it. It was recognised that population stabilisation is an essential
prerequisite for sustainability of development process so that the benefits of economic
development result in enhancement of the well being of the people and improvement in
quality of life. India became the first country in the world to formulate a National Family
Planning Programme in 1952, with the objective of "reducing birth rate to the extent
necessary to stabilise the population at a level consistent with requirement of national
economy". Thus, the key elements of health care to women and children and provision of
contraceptive services have been the focus of India’s health services right from the time
of India’s independence. Successive Five Year Plans have been providing the policy
framework and funding for planned development of nationwide health care infrastructure
and manpower. The Centrally Sponsored and 100% centrally funded Family Welfare
Programme provides additional infrastructure, manpower and drugs, vaccines
contraceptives and other consumables needed for improving health status of women and
children and to meet all the felt needs for fertility regulation.
Who is responsible?
Population, if continues to increase at the same rate, it will destroy the country. Lack of
initiative by the government together with sleeping people of India, are responsible for
this destructive problem. People are not realizing the problem. One day the result will be
roits, fighting over food, water. India will be the largest slums creater. All cities will be
like fish markets with people everywhere. Traffic will move like the ants party.
Everybody will scream, shout, but nobody will listen.
Union Territories
1. Andaman & 356265 192985 163280 239858 116407
Nicobar Islands
2. Chandigarh 900914 508224 392690 92118 808796
3. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 220451 121731 98720 169995 50456
4. Daman & Diu 158059 92478 65581 100740 57319
5. Delhi 13782976 7570890 6212086 963215
6. Lakshadweep 60595 31118 29477 33647 26948
7. Pondicherry 973829 486705 487124 325596 648233
Population growth and its relation to economic growth has been a matter of debate for
over a century. The early Malthusian view was that population growth is likely to impede
economic growth because it will put pressure on the available resources, result in
reduction in per capita income and resources; this, in turn, will result in deterioration in
quality of life. Contrary to the Malthusian predictions, several of the East Asian countries
have been able to achieve economic prosperity and improvement in quality of life in spite
of population growth. This has been attributed to the increase in productivity due to
development and utilization of innovative technologies by the young educated population
who formed the majority of the growing population. These countries have been able to
exploit the dynamics of demographic transition to achieve economic growth by using the
human resources as the engine driving the economic development; improved employment
with adequate emoluments has promoted saving and investment which in turn stimulated
economic growth.
Following are the adverse effects of population growth on the Indian Economy:
1. adverse effects on savings
2. unproductive investment
3. slow growth of Per Capita Income
4. underutilization of labour
5. growing pressure on land
6. adverse effect on quality of population and
7. adverse social impact
• Dhingra, I.C., Garg, V.K., Economic Development and Planning in India, (15th
edn.), 2002, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
• Misra, S.K., Puri, V.K., Indian Economy, (25th edn.), 2007, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai
http://www.usaid.gov/in/ programareas/environm.html