Technical Report Writing
Technical Report Writing
Technical Report Writing
Table 2-2 Alternate arrangement for proportion of occupational groups who would choose similar work
Professional occupation percent
Ubran university professors 93
Mathematicians 91
Physicists 89
Biologists 89
Chemists 86
Lawyers 85
School superintendents 84
Journalists 82
White-collar workers 43
skilled trades occupations percent
Skilled printers 52
Paper workers 42
Skilled auto workers 41
Skilled steel workers 40
Textile workers 31
Unskilled steel workers 31
Unskilled steel workers 21
Figure 2-3 River flow before (1963) and Figure 2-4 Reference of families for girls
after (1977) construction of Aswan High versus boys in six countries
Dam on the Nile River
Bar graphs show relatively well the discreteness or separateness of points as opposed to their
continuity, volume as opposed to direction, the relationships among more than three or four items at
a time, the contrast between large and small numbers, and the similarities and differences between
similar numbers. These characteristics are evident in the variant of the bar graph presented in Figure
2-5 and in Figure 2-6. Bar graphs can be arranged with either horizontal (Figure 2-5) or vertical
bars (Figure 2-6), depending on the type of information they represent. The bars are normally
separated by spaces.
Now that you have your data, you want to construct a visual aid to show the growth in savings and
the relative contributions of each source. You construct five possible versions of a visual aid,
presented in Figures 2-13 through 2-17, and now have to choose the one most appropriate to your
point. On what basis do you choose? What are the differences among the five visual aids?
Figure 2-18 The necessity of labels, headings and titles in visual aids
Figure 2-19 Page-size horizontal drawings should be positioned so they can read from the right
When an illustration is too large to fit on a normal page, or is going to be referred to frequently, you
should consider printing it on a foldout sheet and inserting it at the back of the report. If the
illustration is printed only on the extension panels of the foldout, the page can be left opened out for
continual reference while the report is being read, see Figure 2-20. This technique is particularly
suitable for circuit diagrams, plant layouts and flow charts.
Figure 3-2 Example of form for an informal summarizing report on capital investment.
5.1. Introduction
Most readers of scientific or technical writing do not have as much time for reading as Hey
would like to have and therefore, must read selectively. This is especially true for managers,
supervisors, executives, senior scientists and other busy decision makers, who often skim-read for
main points and ideas. However, it is also true for professionals who often need TC read more
closely and slowly, for thorough understanding, and it is true for technicians. workers and
consumers who may need to read and follow operating instructions. These different types of readers
are selective in different ways: the skim-reading decision maker may be looking for bottom-line
cost figures and performance data; the professional may be looking for the main thread of an
argument: Ac technician. worker or consumer may need to use operating instructions only as a
For such readers, writing is readable to the extent that it provides the information they need,
located where they can quickly find it, in a form in which they can easily use it. This lakes
considerable effort on the w riter's part. If you can make your writing readable, you will greatly
increase its chances of being read an used: i.e. you will increase its effectiveness. How can you
make your writing readable? Unfortunately, there is no simple formula to follow. There are steps
that you can take, however, that should be of some help; these are discussed in what follows. First
we make suggestions for selecting appropriate information and for making this information
accessible to the reader. Then we suggest a number of things you can do to make it easier for the
reader to absorb details.
5.2. Information selection
5.2.1. Establish your Topic and Purpose
Make it clear whet the main topic of the report of the section is. Then state your purpose
explicitly, so that your readers can anticipate how you will be dealing with the topic. Readers of
scientific and technical writing are typically purpose-directed and pressed for time. So. rather than
reading word for word and cover to cover, they often prefer to merely "consult" a document,
looking only for the information they need. When you define your topic and state your purpose, you
make it easier for the reader to determine right away how to process the document; whether to read
it closely, skim-read it. pass it on to someone else, or disregard it. A clear statement of topic and
purpose allows the reader to form certain expectations about the rest of the text, specifically, how
the topic is likely to be developed. It is a well-known fact that we process information most quickly
and efficiently when it accords with our preconceptions, this is why it is important to create the
right preconceptions in the reader's mind in the first place
Scientific and technical writing genres customarily have various features signed to announce
the topic and set up initial expectations, titles, abstracts, summaries, overviews etc... Use these to
full advantage by loading them with keywords and main ideas instead of vague phrases if you are
writing a report dealing with some problematic issue as is the case with most reports be sure to
include a well written problem statement at the beginning Engineering and other applied sciences
Technical Reports Writing (HS x12) 37
First year Chemical Engineering Department
Spring 2009
are fundamentally problem-oriented, and so as discussed in chapter 6. a good problem statement
usually has important orientation value.
5.2.2. Use Keywords Prominently
Build sections and paragraphs around keywords related to the main topic If possible, make
these keywords visually prominent by using them in headings, subheadings, topic statements and
sentence subjects Once you have established a conceptual framework at the beginning of your text,
you can turn your attention by filling it in with appropriate details To make sure that your
discussion is a coherent one. you should strive to link these details as directly as possible to the
main topic the best way to do this is to establish a hierarch) of intermediate topics and subtopics for
the various units and subunits of vour text with each being directly related to the immediately
higher topic or subtopic These intermediate topics and subtopics should consist of appropriate
keywords as discussed above
A well-structured discussion is highly functional in at least two respects First it builds on the
basic framework established at the beginning of the text, allowing for easier interpretation and
promoting greater coherence at the same time As new information is progressively added to the
initial framework, it is interpreted in terms of this framework and integrated into it As such, this
new information is transformed into given information and can then be used to help interpret
succeeding pieces of new information. Second, a hierarchically structured text facilitates selective
reading. Since the sections and subsections are arranged in a general-to-specific order, the reader
can quite easily zero in on desired levels of details - specially, if the respective topics of these
sections and subsections are made visually prominent through the use of headings and subheadings.
5.2.3. Explain Important Concepts when Writing for Nonspecialist Readers
When writing for nonspecialists be sure to clarify the important technical concepts in your text
by using examples, analogies, visual aids, or other forms of verbal or visual illustration. Research
by information theorists in the past few decades suggests that communication proceeds best when
there is a fairly even balance between given information and new information. This is what you
should strive for in your own writing this means that you must have some idea of who your readers
are and what sort of background knowledge they have. For example if you are describing the
function of a refinery distillation column the terms "bubble cap trays" would be perfectly
comprehensible to a chemical engineer, to anyone else it would not. Therefore, if for some reason
you had to communicate with such technical information to a nonspecialist reader, you would have
to insert some background information more familiar to the reader to provide a proper framework
for interpreting the new information
In technical writing, it frequently happens that the writer feels it necessary to introduce key
concepts that may be unfamiliar to the reader In general it is important to define such concepts, not
necessarily with a formal definition but rather with some kind of illustration How is the concept
used? What is t similar to? What does it look like'' If technical terminology is used, what is a non-
technical way of saying more or less the same thing Not only will answering such questions with
the reader's needs in mind help the reader understand that particular concept but more important
specially if the concept is a typical one it will enrich and sharpen the reader's interpretation of the
Technical Reports Writing (HS x12) 38
First year Chemical Engineering Department
Spring 2009
text as a whole It will provide some of the given information that a specialist reader would
automatically and implicitly associate with that particular concept but which a nonspecialist reader
would not.
There are several ways to illustrate and explain unfamiliar concepts for the nonspecialist
reader. Visual aids, of course, should be used whenever the concept is suited to visual presentation.
Often, however, a concept is too abstract to be presented visually In such cases; specific examples
of the concept are usually the most powerful means you can use to help the nonspecialist reader.
Analogies help explaining an unfamiliar concept b} showing that it is
similar in certain ways to a familiar concept: they are useful in situations where the concept is so
unfamiliar that you simply cannot think of any ordinary examples of it. Paraphrases, on the other
hand, are useful in precisely the opposite situation: where the concept is familiar to the reader but
only if restated in more recognizable terms. Paraphrases have a distinct advantage over examples
and analogies in that they usually take up less space: sometimes even a one-word paraphrase will
accomplish the purpose. Definitions, of course are a familiar way of explicating new concepts. Here
is an example of an extended definition, explaining what the technical term "Remark Coefficient"
The Remark Coefficient
In the production of powdered detergents, spray drying is the icchn que
used to evaporate the solvent from the liquid reaction mixture and
physically form the finished powder product. In spray drying, the liquid is
sprayed into the top of a tall tower and allowed to fall freely in the bottom
of the tower, where it is removed as a dry powder. The solvent evaporates
during the course of the fall. Particles dried in this fashion have an unusual
shape, like that of a saddle (or a potato chip), and
Analogy consequently, fail through the air in an unusual manner. Rather than
falling in a vertical path, the particle fall in a helical (spiral) path. The
shape of the helical path is described by the Remark coefficient, which is
Paraphrase the ratio of the diameter of the helix to the height required for one
passage of the particle around the perimeter of the helix. The
Definition coefficient, which is a function of drying conditions, is sought to be
maximized, so that the length of flight of the panicle is made much
greater than the actual height of the spray-drying tower.
5.2.4. Use Standard Terminology when Writing for Specialist Readers
When writing for specialists, on the other hand, do not overexplain. That is. do not exemplify,
define, illustrate, paraphrase, or otherwise explain concepts the reader is likely to already be
familiar with. Instead, simply refer to such concepts with the standard terminology of the field.
Technical terms permit efficient and precise communication between specialists who know the
concepts that such terms refer to. They should be used for that purpose, and used freely, even if
they appear to be incomprehensive jargon to an outsider. When used among specialists, standard
This last point deserves some discussion before we end. Scientists, engineers, and other
technical people sometimes use full nouns phrases repeatedly to avoid being "imprecise". They
have heard of cases, perhaps, where a single misinterpretation of a pronoun by a single reader has
led to some accident or mishap, which in turn has led to the writer's company being sued for
damages. Therefore, they tend to avoid pronouns and demonstratives altogether, preferring instead
to repeat full noun phrases over and over. This strategy is certainly a safe one. and indeed it should
be used in appropriate circumstances (such as when writing operating instructions for a potentially
hazardous macliine or when writing a legally binding contract). There are many circumstances,
however, where such caution is uncalled for. and where in feet it simply disrupts the coherence of
the text. Consider this example
In order to keep from delaying the construction phase of the Office Building, the
Technical Division needs to know the loads that will be placed upon the footings. I
have investigated the proposed use of the structure and various footing systems to
determine the loads that will be placed upon the footings. This report gives the loads of
the footings and explains how these loads were derived
There is no reason to describe the loads every time they are referred to Pronouns and
demonstratives can be used instead without any real risk of misinterpretation, and the result will be
more coherent and more concise text.
In order to keep from delaying the construction phase of the Office Building, the
Technical Division needs to know the loads that will be placed upon the footings. 1
have investigated the proposed use of the structure and various footing systems to
determine these loads. This report gives the loads and explains how they were derived
In general when you have to refer repeatedly to some object or concept that has first been
introduced with a long noun phrase, you can usually use a shortened version of tins noun phrase and
a demonstrative adjective or definite article without muck if any. risk of ambiguity
2- Critical discussion of the present situation and proposed steps required for upgrading the
efficiency (not required in case of installation of new factories).
3- Recommendations for better production (technical and mechanical) and development of the
required steps to achieve the required targets.
4- A time schedule for implementation of the proposed project.
5- In case of new factory installation, study of foreign markets should be included, export-
import prices, foreign and local currency required...etc.
6- Different expenditure items required, total budget of the project ..etc.