Shear Center Examples
Shear Center Examples
Shear Center Examples
(b) Determine the position of the shear centre of each of the three thin walled sections shown. Each
has a uniform thickness.
(a) The shear centre is that point through which the loads must act if there is to be no twisting, or torsion. The
shear centre is always located on the axis of symmetry; therefore, if a member has two axes of symmetry,
the shear centre will be the intersection of the two axes. Channels have a shear centre that is not located
on the member.
(b) The ‘Z’ shape is symmetrical about the centroid in the x and y directions so the shear centre is at the
centroid distance ‘a’ from the bottom and ‘a’ from the edges.
The ‘L’ shape is also symmetrical about two axes normal and perpendicular to a line drawn at 45o so the
shear centre will also be at the centroid.
The U shape is the one requiring much work.
The centre of shear for the ‘U’ channel is to the left of the section as drawn.
First calculate the position of the centroid. This must be on the horizontal
centre line so we need to calculate the position from the vertical edge.
Area z Az
A at a/2 a2t/2
B at a/t a2t/2
C 2at t/2 at2
Total 4at a2t + at2
For the section z = ( a t + at )/4at if t is small the t2 term may be ignored so
2 2
3F(a - z) 3F(a - z)
τ= and the shear flow is q = τ t =
8a 2 t 8a 2
The maximum shear stress and shear flow occurs when z = 0 and are:
3F 3F
τ max = q max =
8at 8a
The minimum values are zero at z = a In between the variation is linear.
The distribution in the bottom flange is the same but negative.
Next find the expression for the shear stress distribution in the vertical
section. y is harder to find.
Area y Ay
A at a a2t
B (a-y)t (a+y)/2 (a2-y2)t/2
τ= =
FAy 3Ft (2a − y ) 3a − y
2 2
( 2
3F 3a − y 2
) q=τt=
3F 3a − y 2
( )
Iz t 8a t 2(2a − y )
3 2
16a t3
16a 3
9F 9F 3F 3F
When y = 0 τ = q= When y = a τ= q=
16at 16a 8at 8a
The shear stress distribution is like this. The stress on the top and
bottom flanges falls linearly to zero at the edges.
The forces in the flange are the area under the graphs.
3F a 3F
F' = x =
8a 2 16
These forces acts horizontally and are equal and opposite in direction in
the top and bottom flanges.
Now we need the force in the web. This is twice the force in one half so
a 2a a
3F 3F ⎡ y3 ⎤ 3F 3a 3
F' = 2 ∫ q dy = 2x ∫ (3a − y ) dy = 3 ⎢3a 2 y − ⎥ = 3 x
2 2
0 16a 3 0 8a ⎢⎣ 3 ⎥⎦
8a 8
F' = F
This is not totally unexpected since we have assumed very thin sections. The forces are like this.
Balancing moment about the centroid we have:
⎛ a⎞ 3 3 a
F⎜ e + ⎟ = Fa + Fa + F
⎝ 4 ⎠ 16 16 4
⎛ a ⎞ 3a a
⎜e + ⎟ = +
⎝ 4⎠ 8 4