Create Icon in Report

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Create Icon in Report

Kusumastuti Wiratnaningtyas
1. Open Tcode SE38.

2. Fill the code like syntax below:

PROGRAM ztest16.

* Create data for icon

DATA : ld_sonderzeichen(5) TYPE c,
ld_dummy(5) TYPE c,
ld_checked(5) TYPE c,
ld_incomplete(5) TYPE c,
ld_failure(5) TYPE c,
ld_positive(5) TYPE c,
ld_negative(5) TYPE c,
ld_red(5) TYPE c,
ld_yellow(5) TYPE c,
ld_green(5) TYPE c.

* enclose include icon in the program

include : <icon>.

* move data icon from include <icon> to data that has been prepared
WRITE icon_sonderzeichen TO ld_sonderzeichen.
WRITE icon_dummy TO ld_dummy.
WRITE icon_checked TO ld_checked.
WRITE icon_incomplete TO ld_incomplete.
WRITE icon_failure TO ld_failure.
WRITE icon_positive TO ld_positive.
WRITE icon_negative TO ld_negative.
WRITE icon_red_light TO ld_red.
WRITE icon_yellow_light TO ld_yellow.
WRITE icon_green_light TO ld_green.

*Display the result in the report

WRITE : / 'Legend : '.
WRITE : / ld_sonderzeichen, 'icon_sonderzeichen',
/ ld_dummy,'icon_dummy',
/ ld_checked, 'icon_checked',
/ ld_incomplete, 'icon_incomplete',
/ ld_failure, 'icon_failure',
/ ld_positive, 'icon_positive',
/ ld_negative, 'icon_negative',
/ ld_red, 'icon_red_light',
/ ld_yellow, 'icon_yellow_light',
/ ld_green, 'icon_green_light'.
3. This is the result

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