Insurance Notes Claims Settlement
Insurance Notes Claims Settlement
Insurance Notes Claims Settlement
When the rights of the insured is The implication of the rules on double-
limited, the rights of the insurer are insurance under the insurance code is
also limited, since it is only that double-insurance is NOT
subrogation. PROHIBITED. However, it may be
prohibited by a stipulation known as
EG. If insurance company gets the the “other insurance clause”
whole value of the amount loss from
the negligent party, then the insured FORMS OF THE OTHER INSURANCE
may claim the balance from the CLAUSE.
insurance company, if the insurance
company only pays for the value of 1. A condition that states that
the indemnity stipulated. procurement of additional
insurance without the consent
of the insurer renders the policy If the insured takes out an insurance
void ipso facto over the property insured in an
2. A provision that required the amount which is in excess of the value
insured to disclose the of his insurable interest.
existence of any other
insurance on the property, House worth 500K insured with ABC
otherwise the contract may be for 700K.
avoided for material
concealment Over-insurance may also exist if there
3. A warranty that there is no is double insurance: thus house worth
other existing insurance over 500K insured with ABC Ins Co. for
the same property 400K and YXZ Co. for 300K.
A standard fire policy used by the It does not however follow that just
insurance companies usually contains because there is double insurance that
a condition that the insured shall give there is over insurance. EG. If ABC
notice to the insurer of any insurance insures house worth 1M for 300k and
or insurances already effected, or with GHI co 200K.
which may subsequently be effected
covering any property or properties RULES IN OVER-INSURANCE BY
and unless such notice is given and DOUBLE INSURANCE
the particulars of such insurance or
insurances is stated, all the benefits Contract of insurance – Contract of
under the policy shall be forfeited. Indemnity, thus the insured cannot
recover more than what he lost.
The purpose is to avoid over insurance Section 94.
and thus avert the perpetration of
fraud, or from the insured to make Sec. 94. Where the insured is
profit. ( SUNOG BAHAY) overinsured by double insurance:
VALIDITY. IF clearly prohibited by the (a) The insured, unless the policy
stipulation, additional insurance may otherwise provides, may claim
be a ground to hold the insurance payment from the insurers in such
contract void. order as he may select, up to the
amount for which the insurers are
Santa ana v. Commercial union severally liable under their respective
assurance co. contracts;
Additional insurance – Gonzalez La’O (b) Where the policy under which
v. Yek Tong Lin Fire and Marine the insured claims is a valued policy,
Insurance CO. => must be deemed the insured must give credit as against
abandoned if there are new the valuation for any sum received by
circumstances because subject was him under any other policy without
not separated, and the same subject is regard to the actual value of the
insured with the same peril insured subject matter insured;
(c) Where the policy under which
OVERINSURANCE as a result of the insured claims is an unvalued
DOUBLE INSURANCE. policy he must give credit, as against
the full insurable value, for any sum
received by him under any policy;
Sundiang notes:
Value of house 20 M
= 20M/40M
= 1/2
= ½ (10K) = 5K from A
= ½ (10K) = 5K from C