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SF6 RING MAIN UNIT SUC Cala he Modular compact design Fully extensible and flexible Common or single gas tank solution Designed for up to 24 kV Easily applicable to outdoor areas Extreme compact dimensions: 350 mm x 800 mm x 1380 mm = UO) ITP fuse holder (patented) three phases in one body extremely compact and exchangeable placement in any panel possible ITP circuit breaker (patented) three poles in one body H\-parts completely solid insulated extremely compact and r Laser cutting and punching Laser welding Advanced filling and test facilities Fully automatized helium leakage detection system Fully automatized and digitally controlled epoxy resin and silicone rubber vacuum pressure gelation and mix equipment RMU STRUCTURE SF6 Gauge Fuse holder Cable Connector Instrument Compartment iso nue aeuL aes) IEC 60376 ‘Spectication of technical grade sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) for use in electrical equipment IEC 62271-102 _High-vottage switchgear - Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches IEC 62271-200 —_High-vottage switchgear - AC metal-enciosed switchgear for rated voltages above 1 KV and up to and including 52 kV IEC 60265-1 High-voltage switches - Switches for Rated Voltages Above 1 kV and Less Than 52 KV IEC 62271-105 —_High-voltage switchgear - Alternating current switch-fuse combusstions. IEC 60694 ‘Common specications for high-voltage switchgear standards IEC 60282-1 High-voltage fuses - Current-limiting fuses IEC 60056 General requirements for circuit breakers for voltages above 1.000 V DEFINITIONS OF GLX: Scho koa er aes GLx24 BS panel 12k 6A IsLet et T= Fuse panel zany D = Right R= Right VOB panel \ ft & Right LR = Left & Right B= Busbar panel Non=None Non = None C= Cable panel M=Meter pane! PT-=PT panel Examples GLX24-K-12/630DL. This means a single LBS panel with P = Power panel a rated voltage of 12 kY, rated Combinations: amperage of 630 A, extendible on the | KT.KVK, right with cable entry on the left. KKKK, KKK, KRVE KRVEK GLX24-KT-24/6301R This means a single LBS panel and a single Fuse panel with a shared gas tank, with a rated voltage of 24 kV, rated amperage of 630 A, extendible SERVICE CONDITIONS: on the left with cable entry on the right. Ambient temperature =~ -25+40 Humidity Maximum daily average relative humidity 95% Altitude = 2000m (for above 2000m on application) SPECIAL CONDITIONS: For applications with special conditions, please contact your local Switchcraft agent. These conditions may include altitudes in excess of 200m, high dust and temperature environments, in which case a custom solution can be provided Designation Unit Kpanel Tpanel Vpanel Kpanel Tpanel Vpanel Rated voltage Ww 12 24 Power Phase to phase/ “3 frequency earth i a ces) withstand Between open , voltage (1 min) contacts ey oe eo 79) Impulse Phasetophase/ yy 95 125 withstand getween open voltage ‘Between w 110 145 Rated frequency He 50/60 Rated current A 630 -<125 630630 s125° 630 Rated short-circuit breaking current ig a zo Rated short-time withstand ta eo a F, F, current 35 Rated peakwithstandcurent kA 50 50 so 50 Rated short-circuit making ee icca ae CUM so fees [iso Rated transfer current A 1800 1400 Rated active load breaking ted A 630 630 Rated close loop breaking current e @ ee Storated activeload breaking B Bs current Total weight kg 160180200 160180200 Mechanical lifetime operations 5000 10000 5000 10000 Thickness of plate mm 30 SF crated pressure ka 30 (20°C, 101.3 kPa) Leakage rate per year <0.02% 12kV 24 hours 24KV 24 hours areaeesiment test (under 30 kPa in water) (under 30 kPa in water) Arcing Test 20KA 1s Gas tank 1P67 Protection degree Fuse holder iP 67 RMU IP Sx standard width 350 mm, depth 800 mm, height 1380 mm DIMENSIONS: special™* width 350 mm, depth 800 mm, height 1150 mm Notes: © Rated current of fse-combined panel depending on type of fuse. Special value in bracket comes with different outline dimension of panel ° * Placement of fuse holders not possible GLX24 K PANEL - LOAD BREAK SWITCH Standard Configuration: Busber 620A ‘Tiree-ostion load break switch Single spring operating mechacsam win three postons, independent salt forLBS and ES BS and ES positon Ineator Cable bushing 6308, wih funclons of sensor, on mounted honor Status indicator Paalocs on faceplates fo: every swten 55 guage Earhing busbar Inooex betwoen ES and wer rot door Optional Configuration: ‘Eendoble busbar bushing lecical eenanism for BS OC 24Mal"10/220v, ACTSO/200V Status ndetors of sort ereu and earthing fut Loop crt tansterme for mating and curetmtar Ligninng astro doubt bushing oir contacts Positonof BS 3NOF3NC- Positon ofS. 2NO*2NC Relay srotecton device(can be mounledin he upper compartment and oes nt change the het of he para) Standard Configuration: ‘Buber 620A, ‘Tree-poston Load breaker wits the earhing switches connected to both ends ofthe fae when are machanial inked Sogle-sng operaing mechanism wih tres poston, independent shaft for LS andes: LBS ara ES poston nator Intograted fuse heer Fuse status lear ‘Cable bushing 6308, wih sensor unctontzortlly ‘Status incalor Paes on faceplates for every switch ‘SFB guage Eating busbar Interloes between ES and lows font door Optional Configuration: ‘Exendble busbar bushing lecical mecnanism for LBS OC 2448/110720V, AC 110220 Shunt release OC 2e48/1107220V, AC 110220 ‘Shortcut and ES fault nceator Loop euron tanstrmat for metering an cant ma LUghtning anester or double busing alan contacts Positons of LBS. 3NO+3NC Pesitone of 8 2NO#2NC Fuse meting 1NO protect devies (canbe mounted inthe upper compartment - no change to the height of he pan Fuso used for transformer protection (speciation Isto in tho Relay Protection ‘system) GLX24 V PANEL - STANDARD CIRCUIT BREAKER Standard Configuration: = Busbar 630A {Vacuum circuit breaker for ransformerlrcut protection, 0A/1250A + Spring operating mechanism for vacuum switch = Disconnetrfearthing switch wth theve positions Operating shaft for DisconnectorfEarthing witch “ Mechanialnterlack between vacuum switch and dlscannecter + Postion incicator of vacuum circu breaker and clsconnector “Cable bushing 830A, with uretions of sensor, font mounted horizontally * Status incicator ~Paclocks on faceplates fr every switch = SF6 guage + Esrining busbar “Interlock between ES and Lower font door = Intertock between circuit breaker and operating mechanism of the disconnected switch Optional Configuration: ~Etone busbar bushing “Eteeieal meenanim DC 2448/110220V, AC "107220 “Ciosng shunt release OC 24/411107220V, AC 1107220 “Tipping shunt release DC 2448/1 10/220V, AC +1020 “nator shotsreut and earthing fut “op erent tensor for metetng and curent meter 7 Lighting arrester or double busting Atay contacts Poston of VS ANO+ANC Postion of DS 2NO“2NC Postion of ES ANO+ING Yewum tipping signal NO - Relay protection device can be mounted nthe upper comparimen nochange {othe height ofthe pana) GLX24 B PANEL - BUSBAR SUBSECTION Standard Configuration: = Busbar 630A, ~Two-peston load breaker switch oo = Single-spring operating mechansm Poston indicator ~ Paclock on faceplates for every switch = SFB guage Relay protection dove (can be mounted in the upper compartment - no change to the height ofthe pane) Optional Configuration: = Eoratble busbar bushing “Etecrel mechanism DC 2448/110220V, AC 1107220V “Airy contacts Postion of LBS. SNOWING GLX24 C PANEL - CABLE Standard Configuration: ‘rind abo panel GLX2-C8) Busbor 6208 Stats nator Earhing busbar _ Optional Configuration: 'F6 insulted cable panel (GLX24-C2) GLX24 M PANEL - METERING Standard Configuration: Air insulated metering panel (GLX24-M1) Busbar 6308 “Two curtent ransformers Two vollage transformers Fuse for PT protecton Status indicator Optional Configuration: insulated metering panel (GLX24-N2) lage tanstormors (Connection ype of niornal colby requrement) LLantning arrester One active energy meter and one reactive energy metor GLX24 PT PANEL Standard Configuration: ‘Air Insulated PT panel (GLX24-PT!) = Busbar 630 = Lightning arrester + Status inaieator Optional Configuration: ‘566 Gas insulated PT panel (GLX24-PT2) = Tee vtage transformers “Diconnecer Standard Configuration: Busbar 630A One operating transformer Fuse for PT protecton One DC24v volage mater, one ACZ20V vottage metor 24VDC charger and two rechargeable batteries, 12V, 24Ah (enables ‘300 operations wihout AC) Status indicator Optional configuration: Disconnectr Lighining arrestor GLX24 BLOCK VERSION RMU's Users of GLX24 can design their own block solutions. One gas tank can contain five units or single gas tank units may be connected to form any combination block version. All panels can be extendible, fulfiling users requirements. There are 16 common combinations in block version, some as follows: " SWITCHCRAFT SWITCHCRAFT is your first address for all medium voltage switchgear. SWITCHCRAFT LTD Switcheraft Europe GmbH Switchcraft USA 2004, Cat Po Commercial Bldg, Liebigstr. 15 4300 Commerce Court, Suite 320 18-20 Lyndhurst Terrace, 46539 Dinslaken Lisle, IL 60532 Hong Kong, SAR Germany USA Tel: +852 21113364 Tel. +49-2064-481166 Tel. +1-630-5054933 Fax: 852 21116658 Fax. +49-2064-481168 Fax +1-630-5054934 Global Marketing P.O. Box No. 50669, Hamriyah Free Zone, Sharjah. UAE. Tel: +971 6526 3398, Fax: +971 6526 3392

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