Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychiatry
Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychiatry
Textbook of Clinical Neuropsychiatry
Textbook of Clinical
Second edition
David P Moore MD
Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Associate
Clinical Professor, Department of Neurosurgery (Division of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation), University of Louisville School of
Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky, USA
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This book is dedicated to my wife, Nancy G Moore, PhD, my children, Ethan, Nathaniel, and Joshua, and to James W
Jefferson, MD, for whose example and guidance I remain ever thankful. I also wish to express my gratitude to Professors
Raymond Faber, Michael R Trimble and Elden Tunks, whose kind words made this second edition possible.
Preface xiii
viii Contents
Contents ix
x Contents
Contents xi
xii Contents
This second edition of the Textbook of Clinical and readers will find references to the works of such
Neuropsychiatry, like the first, is a practical, clinically oriented physicians as Alzheimer, Binswanger, Bleuler, Hughlings
text that is designed to equip readers to diagnose and treat Jackson, Kraepelin, and Kinnier Wilson. In all, over 5000
the multitude of neuropsychiatric disorders they encounter. references are included, thus providing readers not only
It is divided into three parts: Part 1 describes the diagnostic with ready access to further detail on any particular subject,
assessment of patients and details the interview, mental but also with a window on the literature as a whole.
status examination, neurologic examination and ancillary I am deeply indebted to the reviewers of the first edition,
investigations; Part 2 provides a thorough description of the and to many other readers who have offered comments,
various signs, symptoms and syndromes that are seen in critiques, and suggestions: they have enabled me to write a
neuropsychiatric practice; and Part 3 presents virtually all second edition, which, I believe, is far stronger than the first.
of the specific disorders seen in neuropsychiatric practice, Neuropsychiatry is a rapidly growing specialty, and it is my
in each instance detailing clinical features, course, etiology, hope that this text will not only help solidify the field but
differential diagnosis, and treatment. also enable the reader to practice it successfully. As with the
The literature devoted to neuropsychiatric disorders is first edition, so too with this second one, I invite both
vast, encompassing, as it does, much of both neurology and newcomers and established practitioners to try using it in
psychiatry, and I have attempted to cull from this their own practices, as I think they may well find it as
tremendous reservoir those references that are of most use indispensable as I do.
to the clinician. Although the preponderance of references David P Moore
are from the recent past, classic authors are not neglected September 2007
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1 Diagnostic assessment 3
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Diagnostic assessment
1.1 DIAGNOSTIC INTERVIEW sets aside a sufficient amount of time to take the history,
which may range from less than half an hour in uncompli-
Lord Brain (1964) noted that ‘in the diagnosis of nervous cated cases related by cooperative patients to well over an
diseases the history of the patient’s illness is often of greater hour when the history is long and complex or the patient is
importance than the discovery of his abnormal physical unable to cooperate fully. There is debate as to whether the
signs’, a sentiment echoed by Russell DeJong (1979) who physician should take notes during the interview: some feel
asserted that ‘a good clinical history often holds the key to it is distracting, both to the patient and the physician,
diagnosis’. whereas others recommend it in order to ensure accuracy,
Obtaining the history, however, as noted by DeJong especially when the interview is lengthy. I agree with Victor
(1979), ‘is no simple task [and] may require greater skill (Victor and Ropper 2001) who feels that the practice is ‘par-
and experience than are necessary to carry out a detailed ticularly recommended’. The idea is not to make a transcript
examination’. The acquisition of this skill is, for most, no but simply to jot down key points and dates, and to do so in
easy matter, requiring, above all, practice and supervision. a way that allows the physician to maintain his or her atten-
Certain points, however, may be made regarding the set- tion on what the patient is saying.
ting of the interview, establishing rapport, eliciting the
chief complaint, the division of the interview itself into
Establishing rapport
non-directive and directive portions, concluding the inter-
view, and the subsequent acquisition of collateral history
DeJong (1979) noted that ‘interest, understanding, and
from family or acquaintances. Even these general points,
sympathy’ are essential to the successful conduct of the
however, allow exceptions depending on the clinical situa-
interview: patients who experience a sense of rapport with
tion, and the physician must be flexible and prepared to
their physicians are more likely to be truthful and forth-
exercise initiative.
coming; hence establishing rapport is of great importance.
First impressions carry great weight here: after introduc-
ing themselves, physicians should clearly relate their role in
Setting the case and then, as suggested by DeJong (1979), display
‘kindness, patience, reserve, and a manner which conveys
The interview should ideally be conducted in a quiet and
interest’ throughout the interview. Provided with such a
private setting, set apart from distractions and anything
forum, most patients will, with only minor help, provide the
that might inhibit patients as they relate the history.
history required to generate the appropriate differential
Importantly, that means that family and friends should be
excused during the interview, as patients may feel reluctant
to reveal certain facts in their presence. If the interview
takes place at the bedside, the physician should be seated; Eliciting the chief complaint
standing implies that time is short, and some patients,
picking up on this cue, may skip over potentially valuable ‘It is well’, noted Lord Brain (1964), ‘to begin by asking the
parts of the history in order not to waste the physician’s patient of what he complains’. The chief complaint is the
time. In this regard, it is also important that the physician epitome of the patient’s illness: lacking such a focus,
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4 Diagnostic assessment
digressions are almost inevitable, and the history obtained ‘question-and-answer’ approach used by many. The prob-
may be of little diagnostic use. Thus, once introductions lem with the ‘question-and-answer’ approach is that many
are out of the way the first question put by the physician patients will lose the initiative to speak, and simply await
should focus on what brought the patient to the hospital. questions from the physician, which is all well and good
Critically, as some patients may be reluctant to reveal the unless, of course, the physician fails to ask the ‘right’ ques-
actual reason for their coming to the hospital, it is neces- tions, in which case potentially critical aspects of the his-
sary to weigh the chief complaint offered by the patient and tory may remain unrevealed.
ask oneself whether, in fact, it sounds like a plausible rea- Gentle shepherding may be required in cases when
son to seek medical attention. If not, gentle probing is in patients digress or take off at a tangent. One should not, of
order and should generally be continued until the actual course, rudely pull the patient back to task, but rather tact-
chief complaint is revealed. Importantly, the physician fully suggest that refocusing on the illness that prompted
should never accept at face value a diagnosis offered by a admission might be more appropriate.
patient: as Bickerstaff (1980) pointed out, ‘it must be made Once the essential points have been covered, it is appro-
absolutely clear what the patient means by his description priate to summarize briefly what the patient has said in
of his symptoms. By all means put it down in his words order to be sure that the history, as understood by the
first, but do not be content with that . . . “Black-outs” may physician, is correct. Patients should be invited to correct
mean loss of consciousness, loss of vision, loss of memory, any misapprehensions and once the history is complete the
or just loss of confidence’. physician should move on to the directive portion of the
Occasionally, it may not be possible to establish a chief interview.
complaint during the interview, as may occur with patients
who are delirious, demented, psychotic, or simply hostile
and uncooperative. In such cases, persisting overly long in
the pursuit of a chief complaint may become counterpro- The directive portion of the interview
ductive as patients may become resentful, and it is gener-
ally more appropriate to move on to the ‘directive’ portion The directive portion of the interview should be introduced
of the interview described below, always being alert, how- to the patient as a series of perhaps ‘routine’ questions relat-
ever, to the possibility that the patient may ‘slip in’ the ing to the patient’s overall health. Here, one obtains infor-
chief complaint at an unexpected moment. mation regarding the medications that the patient is taking,
allergies, the past medical history, a review of systems, the
family medical history and, finally, the mental status exam-
The non-directive portion of the interview ination (discussed in Section 1.2). In this regard, two points
deserve special emphasis. First, when interviewing hospital-
Once a chief complaint has been established, the patient, as ized patients it is essential to obtain an absolutely accurate
noted by Brain (1964), ‘should be allowed to relate the list of medicines that the patient was taking at home, prior
story of his illness as far as possible without interruption, to admission: medication changes often provide the clue to
questions being put to him afterwards to expand his state- otherwise puzzling syndromes, such as delirium, which
ments and to elicit additional information’. Some patients, may occur during the hospital stay. Second, given the
once asked to expand on the chief complaint, may, with lit- increasing importance of genetics in neuropsychiatric prac-
tle or no prompting, provide the ‘perfect’ history, covering tice, it is essential to obtain a detailed family history regard-
each of the following essential points: ing any neuropsychiatric illness.
During the directive portion of the interview, although
● onset, including approximate date and mode of onset a question-and-answer approach is generally appropriate
(acute, gradual, or insidious) the physician must always be ready to adopt a non-directive
● presence or absence of any precipitating factors approach should the patient report a symptom or illness
● temporal evolution of various signs and symptoms potentially pertinent to the chief complaint. For example,
● presence or absence of any aggravating or alleviating if during the review of systems the patient affirms that
factors headaches have been present it is appropriate to stop and
● treatment efforts and their results ask the patient to elaborate on this, with an eye towards
● pertinent positives and negatives obtaining information regarding each of the essential points
● any history of similar experiences in the past. described earlier.
Questions regarding alcohol/drug use and suicidal/
Most patients will require, however, either encourage- homicidal ideation must be directly pursued if not already
ment or some gentle shepherding at various times. When covered in the non-directive portion of the interview.
patients begin to falter in their history, or seem to be leaving These are, of course, delicate areas, but, if approached in a
items out, it is appropriate to encourage them to talk by straightforward and non-judgmental way, it is remarkable
asking ‘open-ended’ questions such as ‘Tell me more about how forthcoming, and indeed relieved, some patients may
that’. Such a method is much to be preferred over the be at being given an opportunity to speak of them.
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Concluding the interview stroke (or whatever illness the patient feels comfortable
discussing) often have difficulties here’. Should patients
Once the directive portion of the interview has been com- remain uncooperative, it may at times be possible to infer
pleted it is appropriate to give the patient an opportunity their cognitive status indirectly; for example, during his-
to speak freely again. If asked whether they have anything tory taking, by asking the date of a recent event brought up
else to add, many patients will offer important information by the patient.
that they may have either withheld or simply not recalled As noted below, abnormalities on the mental status
earlier. Asking patients whether they have anything they examination typically indicate the presence of one of the
wish to ask the physician is also appropriate, as the major syndromes, such as dementia (Section 5.1), delirium
patients’ questions may reveal much about the concerns (Section 5.3), amnesia (Section 5.4), depression (Section
that brought them to the hospital in the first place. 6.1), apathy (Section 6.2), mania (Section 6.3), anxiety
(Section 6.5), psychosis (Section 7.1), and personality
change (Section 7.2), especially the frontal lobe syndrome.
Collateral history
According to Brain (1964), ‘the history obtained from the Grooming and dress
patient should always be supplemented, if possible, by an
account of his illness given by a relative or by someone who Good habits of grooming and dress may suffer in certain
knows him well’. This is especially the case when patients illnesses, sometimes with diagnostically suggestive results.
are confused or suffer from poor memory: it is remark- Depressive patients may find that hopelessness, fatigue,
able how often a collateral history will change a diagnostic and anhedonia make them give up all hope of maintaining
impression, guide further testing or alter proposed treat- their appearance, with the result that grooming and dress
ments. In obtaining the collateral history, particular attention are left in a greater or lesser degree of disarray. Manic
should be paid to establishing the patient’s pre-morbid patients, overflowing with exuberance, may truly make a
baseline ability to perform such routine activities of daily spectacle of themselves with decorations of make-up and
living as bathing, dressing, cooking, feeding, doing house- garish clothing. Patients with psychosis, especially schizo-
work, shopping, driving or using public transportation, phrenia (Section 20.1) may be quite unkempt and at times
and paying bills. Inquiry should also be made regarding dirty, and their clothing may be bizarre, as, for example,
hobbies, such as playing cards or chess, or doing crossword with multiple layers and a woollen cap, even in the sum-
puzzles. In cases characterized by cognitive deficits, the loss mer; overall dishevellment may also be seen in frontal lobe
of these abilities may serve to establish the onset of the cur- syndrome, dementia, or delirium. Rarely, one may see evi-
rent illness. dence of neglect wherein dress and grooming suffer on
Some have expressed concern that interviewing the fam- only one side of the body (Section 2.1).
ily or acquaintances may violate patient confidentiality but
this is simply not the case, provided that the contact knows
already that the patient is in the hospital and that the physi- General description
cian reveals nothing about the patient while interviewing
the collateral contact. No confidentiality is breached by An overall and general description of the patient’s behavior
introducing oneself as the patient’s physician or by asking is essential, and gives room for the exercise of whatever lit-
collateral contacts what they know about the patient. erary talents the physician may possess.
Finally, it is also essential to review old records. This is Comments should be made on the relationship of the
sometimes a tedious task but, as with interviewing collat- patient to the interviewer, noting, for example, whether the
eral sources, it may reveal critical information. patient is cooperative or uncooperative, guarded, evasive,
hostile, or belligerent. The overall quality of the relation-
ship may also be of diagnostic importance. For example, as
1.2 MENTAL STATUS EXAMINATION noted by Bleuler (1924), in schizophrenia, there is often a
‘defect in . . . emotional rapport’ (italics in original), such
The mental status examination constitutes an essential part that ‘the joy of a schizophrenic does not transport us, and
of any neuropsychiatric evaluation and, at a minimum, his expressions of pain leave us cold’. By contrast, in
should cover each of the items discussed below. Many of mania, as noted by Kraepelin (1921), ‘the patient feels the
these may be determined during the non-directive portion need to get out of himself, to be on more intimate terms
of the interview; however, some, especially those concern- with his surroundings’, such that the physician, willingly or
ing cognition (e.g., orientation, memory), require direct not, often feels engaged, in one fashion or another, with
testing. As some patients may object to cognitive testing, it the patient; in the case of a euphoric manic it is the rare
is important to smooth the way by indicating that these are physician who can keep from smiling, and in the case of an
‘routine’ questions to test ‘things such as memory and irritable manic most physicians will find themselves
arithmetic’, perhaps adding that ‘patients who have had a becoming, at the very least, on edge.
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6 Diagnostic assessment
During the interview, one may also find evidence of cer- wherein patients repeatedly engage in the same behaviors,
tain discrete personality changes. Perseveration, disinhibi- to no apparent purpose (Section 4.28). Echopraxia is said
tion, and a tendency to puerile, silly puns or jokes may to be present when patients involuntarily mimic what others,
suggest frontal lobe syndrome, and in epileptics one may such as the examining physician, do (Section 4.29) Although
find evidence of the interictal personality syndrome with an each of these disturbances may be seen in schizophrenia,
overall ‘viscosity’ or ‘adhesiveness’, such that patients are they are also present in other disorders such as dementia.
unable to manage changing the subject or switching tasks.
Evidence of the Kluver–Bucy syndrome (Section 4.12) may
also be apparent should patients repeatedly put inedible Mood and affect
objects in their mouths or engage in indiscriminate sexual
activity. Mood is constituted by an individual’s prevailing emotional
Consideration should also be given to the overall level ‘tone’. When this is within the broad limits of normal, one
of the patient’s verbal and motor behavior, noting whether speaks of ‘euthymia’ or a euthymic mood; significant mood
there is either psychomotor hyperactivity or retardation. disturbances may tend toward depression, euphoria, anxi-
Psychomotor hyperactivity may manifest with agitation ety, or irritability. Depressed mood may be characterized
(Section 6.4) or mere restlessness, and the activity itself by ‘a profound inward dejection and gloomy hopelessness’
may or may not be purposeful. For example, hyperactivity (Kraepelin 1921); in contrast, euphoria is characterized
may be quite purposeful in mania: as pointed out by by an ‘overflowing contentment’ (Griesinger 1882), such
Kraepelin (1899), the manic patient ‘feels the need to come patients being ‘penetrated with great merriment’ (Kraepelin
out of his shell [and] to have livelier relations with those 1921). Anxious patients are beset with apprehensions, may
around him’. By contrast, in excited catatonia (Section 3.11) plead for help, and may complain of tremor and palpita-
behavior is typically purposeless and bizarre: Kraepelin tions. Irritable patients are typically ‘dissatisfied, intolerant
(1899), in commenting on this difference between mania [and] fault-finding’ (Kraepelin 1921), often quick to react
and catatonia, noted that ‘the catatonic’s urge to move to any perceived slight or criticism.
often takes place in the smallest space, i.e. in part of the In the case of euphoria or irritability, one should also
bed, whereas the manic looks everywhere for an opportu- note whether or not the mood is ‘heightened’, that is to say
nity to be active, and runs around, occupies himself with whether or not it is so abundant and at such a level that its
other patients, follows the doctor and gets into all kinds of display in strong affect is simply inevitable: for example,
mischief’. patients with a heightened sense of irritability may be hos-
Psychomotor retardation may range from an almost tile, argumentative, and uncontrollably angry, whereas other
total quietude and immobility to a mere slowing of speech patients whose irritability is not heightened might present
and behavior. Various conditions may underlie such a a picture of mere sullenness and withdrawal.
change. Mere exhaustion may slow patients down, but the Affect has been variously defined as representing either
response to rest is generally robust. Apathetic patients, the combination of the immediately present emotion and
lacking in motivation, may evidence little speech or behav- its accompanying expression in tone of voice, gesture,
ior; depressed patients may appear similar but here one facial expression, etc. or, less commonly, as only the emo-
also sees a depressed mood. In akinesia (Section 3.9) there tional expression itself. Although in general there is a con-
may also be a generalized slowing of all behavior; however, gruence between the experienced emotion and the facial
here one also fails to see a depressed mood. Abulia (Section expression, disparities may arise, as in ‘inappropriate affect’
4.10) is distinguished from akinesia by the response to (Section 4.26), sensory aprosodia (Section 2.7), emotional
supervision: in contrast with patients with apathy, depres- facial palsy (Section 4.8), and ‘emotional incontinence’ (as
sion, or akinesia, the abulic patient performs at a normal seen in pseudobulbar palsy [Section 4.7]). In each of these
rate when supervised. Delirium may be characterized by conditions patients report a substantial difference between
quietude and inactivity but is distinguished by the presence what they are feeling and what is ‘showing’ on their faces.
of confusion and deficits in memory and orientation. This is perhaps most dramatic in emotional incontinence
Catatonia of the stuporous type (Section 3.11) may be (or, as Wilson [1928] called it, ‘pathological laughing and
characterized by profound immobility; however, here one crying’), which is characterized by an uncontrollable affective
typically finds distinctive associated signs, such as waxy flex- display that occurs in the absence of any corresponding
ibility, posturing, and negativism. Finally, one should never feeling. Thus ‘incontinent’ of affective display, patients
forget hypothyroidism, wherein, as noted by Kraepelin may burst forth into laughter or tears upon the slightest of
(1899), it may take patients ‘an incredibly long time to do stimuli and be unable to control themselves despite the
the simplest things, to write a letter [or] to get dressed’. lack of any sense of mirth or sadness.
Other behavioral disturbances may occur during the Given that, as with mood, affect may be depressed,
interview and examination, including mannerisms, stereo- euphoric, anxious, or irritable it may appear academic to
typies, and echopraxia. Mannerisms represent more or less distinguish between the two; however, disparities between
bizarre transformations of speech, gesture, or other behav- mood and affect may arise. Mood is enduring, whereas
iors (Section 4.27). Stereotypies are a kind of perseveration affect is relatively changeable: in a sense, mood is to climate
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as affect is to weather. Thus, patients suffering from a the mental status examination, then a diagnosis of aphasia
depressed mood that has generally endured for weeks, of the ‘sensory’ type should be considered (Section 2.1).
months, or longer may at times during the day experience There has been much ink spilt on whether it is possible to
a normal, or near-normal affect, and in such cases if the reliably distinguish the incoherence seen in schizophrenia
physician depended solely on observation of the patient’s (known as ‘loosening of associations’) from that seen in
affect and did not inquire of the overall enduring mood an sensory aphasia; however, of the many articles written on
important clinical finding might be missed. this subject only two studies actually compared the speech
Affect, in addition to being depressed, euphoric, anx- of patients with schizophrenia with that of patients with
ious or irritable, may also be flattened or labile. Flattened sensory aphasia secondary to stroke (Faber et al. 1983;
(or ‘blunted’ as it is also known) affect is characterized by a Gerson et al. 1977), and the results, although promising,
lifeless and wooden facial expression, accompanied by an were not definitive. In general, patients with loosening of
absence or diminution of feeling. As such, it may be distin- associations spoke freely and at length and, although what
guished from motor aprosodia (Section 2.7), wherein they said made little sense, they had no trouble in finding
patients do in fact still experience feelings, although speaking words. By contrast, patients with aphasia often had at least
in a monotone as if they had no feelings. The ‘hypomimia’ some difficulty in finding words, and their responses to
seen in parkinsonian conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease questions were typically brief. Furthermore, whereas
or antipsychotic-induced parkinsonism, is distinguished in patients with loosening of associations had little or no
the same way: although these patients’ facial movements recognition of their incoherence, the aphasic patients often
are more or less frozen and devoid of expression they still seemed at least somewhat aware of their difficulty. It has
may have strong feelings. Some investigators believe flat- been this author’s experience that these differences,
tened affect is also present in severe depression; however, although often present, are not sufficiently reliable to make
in my experience there is little difficulty in distinguishing a the differential between loosening of associations and
flattened from a depressed affect. Flattened affect is found aphasia, and that it is much more useful to look for the
very commonly in schizophrenia (Andreasen et al. 1979); it presence of more or less bizarre delusions, which are typi-
may also occur in some secondary psychoses (Cornelius cally present in any patient with loosening of associations
et al. 1992) and, rarely, in dementia secondary to infarction but absent in those with aphasia.
of the mesencephalon or thalamus (Katz et al. 1987). Circumstantiality is said to be present when, perhaps in
Labile affect is characterized by swift, and sometimes response to a question, patients take the cognitive ‘long way
violent, changes in both felt and expressed emotion. round’, traversing superfluous details and dead-ended
Disturbances of mood are seen in a large number of con- digressions until finally getting around to the answer. In
ditions, as discussed in the chapters on depression, mania, listening to such patients, the interviewer often has to
and anxiety. Furthermore, it must be stressed that changes suppress the urge to tell them to ‘get to the point’.
in mood, and especially affect, are also very common in Tangentiality differs from circumstantiality in that the
dementia and delirium. This is particularly important to patient’s thought, although coherent, takes off on a ‘tan-
keep in mind, given that effective treatment of delirium typ- gent’ from the initial question, never in fact getting ‘to the
ically results in a normalization of affect without the need point’. Both of these signs are diagnostically non-specific
for treatment with antidepressants or other medications. but may be seen in the same conditions as incoherence.
Flight of ideas is, according to Kraepelin (1921), charac-
terized by a ‘sudden and abrupt jumping from one subject
Incoherence and allied disturbances to another’: before any given thought is fully developed,
the patient’s attention lights on another thought that is
Normally the thoughts we put into words are coherent, there to stay for only a short time before moving on yet
focused, and goal-directed: abnormalities here include again. This differs from incoherence in that, although
incoherence, circumstantiality and tangentiality, and flight incomplete, the development of the subject is coherent
of ideas. before the patient jumps to the next. Such a flight of ideas
Incoherent speech is characterized by a disconnected- is classic for mania.
ness and disorganization of words, phrases, and sentences
such that what the patient says, to a greater or lesser degree,
‘makes no sense’. Incoherence may be found in a number Other disturbances of thought or speech
of different syndromes, and it is the presence of other signs
and symptoms that alerts the clinician to which syndromal Poverty of thought is characterized by a dearth of thoughts:
diagnosis should be pursued: cognitive deficits indicate the such patients, lacking anything to say, speak very little. By
presence of dementia or delirium; heightened mood, pressure contrast, patients with poverty of speech may speak much.
of speech, and hyperactivity suggest mania; and bizarre Their speech, however, is ‘empty’, being filled with so
behavior, hallucinations, or delusions point to a psychosis, many stock phrases and repetitions that little is actually
such as schizophrenia. In cases characterized primarily by ‘said’. Both these disturbances may be found in schizo-
incoherence but with few, if any, other abnormalities on phrenia and in certain cases of aphasia.
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8 Diagnostic assessment
Thought blocking is characterized by an abrupt termi- just went out or that they are in the walls or that they speak
nation of speech, sometimes in the middle of a sentence, as through invisible apparatus’.
if the train of thought had suddenly been ‘blocked’. This is Certain auditory hallucinations are included among the
not a matter of simply running out of things to say, but Schneiderian first rank symptoms (Section 4.31), and
rather an uncanny experience wherein thoughts suddenly should routinely be sought. They include: audible thoughts
stop appearing. When present to a marked degree, this (i.e., hearing one’s own thoughts ‘out loud’, as if they were
experience is typically accompanied by one of the being spoken and as if others could also hear them), hear-
Schneiderian first rank delusions, namely ‘thought with- ing voices that comment on what the patients themselves
drawal’ (Section 4.31). are doing, and hearing voices that argue with one another.
Pressure of speech is experienced by the patient as an Although classically associated with psychosis, halluci-
‘urge to talk’ that is so imperious that, as described by nations are just as common in delirium and dementia.
Kraepelin (1899), ‘he cannot keep quiet for long, chatters
and shouts out loud, yells, roars, bawls, whistles [and]
speaks overhastily’. To be in the presence of such patients Delusions
is akin to standing in front of a dam bursting with words
and thoughts. Although classically seen in mania, such a A delusion, according to Lord Brain (1964), ‘is an erroneous
disturbance may also be seen in schizophrenia, schizo- belief which cannot be corrected by an appeal to reason
affective disorder, and, occasionally, in dementia. and is not shared by others of the patient’s education and
Perseveration of speech (Section 4.5) is said to be pres- station’. Thus, whereas for a Russian in the middle part of
ent when patients either supply the same answer to succes- the twentieth century to be convinced that the telephones
sive questions or merely, and without prompting, repeat were routinely ‘bugged’ would not, prima facie, be a delusion;
the same words or phrases over and over. This abnormality for a Canadian of the twenty-first century to be so convinced
is most commonly seen in dementia or delirium. Palilalia, would be suspect. Although at times it may be difficult to
sometimes confused with perseveration, is characterized decide whether or not a belief is delusional, it is in most
by an involuntary repetition of the last phrase or word of a cases quite obvious: for example, the belief that a small rep-
sentence, with these repetitions occurring with increasing tilian creature sits inside one’s external auditory canal and
rapidity, but diminishing distinctness (Section 4.4). inserts thoughts is simply not plausible in any culture.
Echolalia is characterized by an involuntary repetition Delusions are generally categorized according to their
by the patient of words or sentences spoken by others, and content or theme. Thus, there are delusions of persecution,
may be seen in a large number of disorders, such as demen- grandeur, erotic love, jealousy, sin, poverty, and reference.
tia, aphasia, catatonia, and Tourette’s syndrome. Delusions of reference are said to be present when patients
Obsessions are distinguished from normal thoughts by believe that otherwise unconnected events in some way or
the fact that they repeatedly and involuntarily come to other refer or pertain to them. Thus, patients with a delu-
mind despite the fact that the patient finds them unwanted sion of persecution who believed that they were under sur-
and distressing. veillance might, upon reading a newspaper article about
undercover police, hold that the article, in fact, was a kind
of ‘warning’ or ‘message’ that they could not escape.
Hallucinations Certain delusions are also counted among the
Schneiderian first rank symptoms, and these include
Patients are said to be hallucinated when they experience beliefs that one is directly controlled or influenced by out-
something in the absence of any corresponding actual side forces, that thoughts can be withdrawn, or alterna-
object; such hallucinations may occur in the visual, audi- tively inserted, and that thoughts are being ‘broadcast’
tory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory sphere. Thus, a patient such that they can be ‘picked up’ and known by others.
who ‘saw’ a group of people or who ‘heard’ people mur- Delusions, like hallucinations, may be seen not only in
muring in the next room when the room was in fact empty psychosis, but also in delirium or dementia.
and silent would be considered hallucinated. Hallucinated
patients may or may not retain ‘insight’: that is to say, they
may or may not recognize that their experience is not ‘real’. Other disturbances of thought content
For example, whereas one patient might say, ‘I hear some
people next door, but I know that it’s just my imagination Phobias are fears that patients admit are irrational. Seen
and they’re not really there’, another might be surprised to in the condition known as specific phobia (Section 20.12),
hear that the physician did not hear them also. In cases they may occasionally manifest during the interview, as, for
where insight is lacking, it is generally useless to disagree example, in claustrophobia when the patient may object to
with patients or try and ‘talk them out of it’. As Bleuler the door being closed.
(1924) pointed out, ‘it is of no avail to try to convince the Depersonalization is characterized by an uncanny sense
patient by his own observation that there is no one in the of detachment on the patient’s part from what is currently
next room talking to him; his ready reply is that the talkers going on. Patients may complain of feeling detached, as if
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 9
they weren’t ‘there’, and, although doing things, were some- are oriented perfectly in all these three spheres then one
how removed and observing. As discussed in Section 4.16, may simply note ‘oriented times three’ in the chart. If they
this may occur not only in ‘depersonalization disorder’, are not, it is critical to note their exact responses: simply
but also in other conditions such as epilepsy. noting ‘oriented times two’ fails to capture important infor-
Compulsions are characterized by irrational and over- mation, including, as it does, the patient who believes it is
whelming urges to do things; obsessions are thoughts that 1948 and the patient who is off the date by only a few days.
come to mind involuntarily and do so repeatedly despite In cases when patients are disoriented, it is appropriate
patients’ attempts to stop them. Discussed further in to subsequently, and gently, state the correct orientation.
Section 4.17, these phenomena may occasionally be evi- This not only ensures that they have been told the correct
dent during the interview, as, for example, with a compul- orientation at least once, but also opens the door to the iden-
sion to arrange things ‘just so’ on the desk or bedside table tification of the rare syndrome of reduplicative paramnesia
or with the obsessive recurrence of a fragment of a song. (Section 4.18) (also known as ‘delusional disorientation’)
wherein, for example, patients may correctly identify the
name of the hospital but insist that the hospital is in a
Level of consciousness distant city.
Some authors also recommend checking orientation in
Note should be made of whether or not patients are alert. If a ‘fourth’ sphere, namely orientation to situation. This is
not, attempts should be made to arouse them, ranging from typically determined during the non-directive portion of
calling the patient’s name, to shaking the shoulder, to, if the interview, when it becomes clear whether or not
necessary, painful stimuli, such as a sternal rub. The response patients recognize that they are ill, and in a hospital for
to these maneuvers should be noted. Terms such as ‘stu- treatment, etc. It is akin to ‘insight’ (discussed later in this
por’, ‘torpor’, or ‘obtundation’ are best avoided as they are chapter) and is probably appropriate.
used differently by different authors. Disorientation may be seen in delirium, dementia,
amnesia, and psychosis.
10 Diagnostic assessment
neutral topics (e.g., some innocuous ‘review of systems’ a theatre?’. In many instances, however, it is appropriate to
questions) and avoid any emotionally laden subjects that pose situations more relevant to the patients’ lives; thus,
might upset the patient. Normally, all three words are one might ask a police officer what should be done if a sus-
recalled. pect refused to answer questions.
Long-term memory should be checked both for per- Insight, for the purposes of the mental status examina-
sonal and public events. This is often assessed informally tion, refers not to some sophisticated appraisal of one’s sit-
during the non-directive portion of the interview as one uation, but rather, simply, to whether or not patients
ascertains whether the patient recalls what happened in the recognize that they are ill or that something is wrong. This
days leading up to admission, during recent holidays, or is identical to ‘orientation to situation’ as discussed earlier
recalls where he or she worked/went to school. Recall of in this chapter and, if already noted, no further comment is
public events may be checked by asking about recent news- required.
worthy events or, in a somewhat more quantitative way, by Judgment or insight may be lost in delirium, dementia,
asking the patient to recall the names of the last four prime or a personality change such as frontal lobe syndrome.
ministers or presidents. Insight may also be lost when anosognosia (Section 2.9) is
Deficits in immediate recall are typically accompanied present, as, for example, when a patient with hemiplegia is
by confusion and generally indicate a delirium. In addition unable to recognize the deficit.
to delirium, deficits in short- and long-term memory may
also be seen in dementia and amnesia. In some cases, either
during testing for long-term memory or during the inter- 1.3 NEUROLOGIC EXAMINATION
view, one may find evidence of confabulation (Section 4.19),
wherein the answers that patients provide are clearly false. Bleuler (1924), in his classic Textbook of Psychiatry, insisted
that ‘a minute physical and especially neurological examina-
tion must not be omitted’ (italics in original) and the
Abstracting ability reader is urged to take this admonition to heart.
Over the decades, the neurologic examination has
Abstracting ability is traditionally assessed by asking patients ‘thinned down’ somewhat and of the dozens of abnormal
to interpret a proverb, such as ‘Don’t cry over spilled milk’. reflexes that used to be de rigeur only a few survive today.
Responses to proverb testing may be ‘abstract’ or ‘concrete’, The scheme presented here constitutes a ‘middle-of-the-
as, for example, if a patient replied, ‘Well, it’s already spilled.’ road’ approach and, although it may be found skimpy by
At times, the abnormality on proverb interpretation will some, others may consider it overly detailed. I plead guilty
consist of a bizarre response instead of a concrete reply, such on both accounts, but urge the reader to try this approach
as ‘Alien milk has no taste’. Concrete responses may be and then to reshape it in light of future experience and
seen in delirium or dementia and typically indicate frontal wide reading. Although, in most cases, the examination
lobe dysfunction. Bizarre responses suggest a psychosis, may be conducted in the order suggested here, flexibility
such as schizophrenia. must be maintained, especially with fatigued, agitated, or
uncooperative patients. Bear in mind that even with a
completely uncooperative patient, much may be gathered
Calculating ability by a simple observation of eye and facial movements,
speech, movement of the extremities, gait, etc.
Calculating ability is traditionally assessed with the ‘serial For most findings, further detail on, and a consider-
sevens’ test, wherein patients are asked to subtract seven ation of, the differential diagnosis of the finding may be
from 100, then seven from that number, and are then found in the appropriate chapter, as noted below.
asked to keep on subtracting seven until they can go no
further. Fewer than one-half of normal individuals are able
to do this perfectly, most making two or three errors General appearance
(Smith 1962). In cases in which patients are unable to do
serial sevens at all, it is appropriate to ask them to attempt In some cases, the overall appearance of the patient may
simpler mathematical tasks, such as adding four plus five, immediately suggest a possible diagnosis. Examples
or subtracting eight from 12. As discussed in Section 2.4, include the moon facies of Cushing’s syndrome (Haskett
deficits in calculating ability may occur in a number of 1985; Spillane 1951), the puffy facial myxedema and thin-
conditions, including dementia and delirium. ning hair of hypothyroidism (Akelaitis 1936; Nickel and
Frame 1958) and the massive obesity of the Bardet–Biedl
and Prader–Willi syndromes (Rathmell and Burns 1938;
Judgment and insight Robinson et al. 1992) or the Pickwickian syndrome (Meyer
et al. 1961).
Judgment has traditionally been assessed with test ques- Facial appearance, including facial dysmorphisms, may
tions such as ‘What would you do if you smelled smoke in also be diagnostically suggestive (Wiedemann et al. 1989),
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 11
as, for example, the port wine stain of Sturge–Weber syn- available at the bedside, such as toothpaste. There are also
drome, the adenoma sebaceum of tuberous sclerosis or commercially available tests of the ‘scratch and sniff’ vari-
the high forehead, large ears, and prognathism of fragile X ety, which, although much more detailed, have not as yet
syndrome. found a place in routine clinical practice. Unilateral anos-
mia may occur secondary to compression of the olfactory
bulb or tract by a tumor, such as a meningioma of the olfac-
Handedness tory groove; bilateral anosmia may be seen in neurodegen-
erative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease
Inquire as to handedness and observe as patients handle (Mesholam et al. 1998), and may also be seen after head
implements such as a pen; if there is doubt, ask which hand trauma, with rupture of the olfactory filaments as they pass
the patient uses to throw a ball or which foot is used to through the cribriform plate.
kick with.
Pupils The optic nerve is tested not only for acuity, but also for
visual fields. Visual acuity may be informally tested by ask-
The pupils are normally round in shape, regular in outline ing the patient to read text from a newspaper or, more for-
and centered in the iris. Their diameter should be mea- mally, by use of a Snellen chart. If the patient has glasses or
sured and their reactions to light and to accommodation contact lenses, vision should be tested both with and with-
should be noted. The pupillary reaction to light is tested out them. The visual fields may be assessed by confronta-
first by shining a penlight into one eye and observing the tion testing: while facing each other, the physician and
reaction, not only of that pupil but also in terms of the con- patient are separated by about a meter, each fixing vision on
sensual reaction in the opposite pupil. After a short wait, the other’s nose; the physician then brings a small object
the other eye should be tested in the same fashion. The (e.g., the tip of a reflex hammer) in from outside the patient’s
accommodation or convergence reaction is then tested by peripheral field, instructing the patient to say ‘yes’ as soon
asking the patient to focus on the examiner’s finger as it is as it comes into view, and bringing the target in not only
slowly moved along the midline toward a spot midway from either side, but also from above and below. Impor-
between the patient’s eyes: normally, as the eyes converge, tantly, in cases where the patient fails to respond to an
both pupils undergo constriction. A preserved reaction to object in one hemi-field, one must consider not only the
accommodation in the face of an absent or sluggish reac- possibility of an hemianopia, but also the possibility of left
tion to light is known as an Argyll Robertson pupil and is visual neglect (see Neglect, p. 16).
very suggestive of neurosyphilis.
While examining the pupils, the corneal limbus should
also be examined for a Kayser–Fleischer ring, as seen in CRANIAL NERVES III, IV, AND VI
Wilson’s disease. This is a golden brown discoloration of The oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves are tested
the limbus, which typically begins at the 12- and 6 o’clock by having the patient follow the physician’s finger as it
regions from where it gradually expands medially and lat- moves to either side and both upward and downward
erally to eventually form a ring around the cornea. while the patient’s head is kept stationary. Eye movements
should be full and conjugate in all directions of gaze, and
without nystagmus. The oculomotor nerve also innervates
Funduscopic examination the upper eyelid; thus, the presence or absence of ptosis
should be noted. In cases where there is limitation of vol-
After examining the optic fundus for any hemorrhages or
untary up-gaze, or, more importantly, down-gaze, one
exudates, attention should be turned to the optic disk, which
should further test the patient with the ‘doll’s eyes’ maneu-
should be flat and sharply demarcated from the surround-
ver to determine if the vertical gaze palsy is either
ing fundus. The depth of the optic cup should be noted, as
supranuclear, nuclear, or infranuclear. To perform this
should the presence or absence of venous pulsations.
first lightly grasp the patient’s head and then flex and
extend it at the neck, watching how the eyes move. If eye
Cranial nerves movements are full then the lesion responsible for the vol-
untary vertical gaze palsy is supranuclear, as may be seen in
CRANIAL NERVE I disorders such as progressive supranuclear palsy.
The olfactory nerve is tested by first occluding one nostril CRANIAL NERVE V
and then bringing an aromatic substance, such as ‘a little
powdered coffee’ (Brain 1964), to the patent’s nostril, The trigeminal nerve has both motor and sensory compo-
inquiring as to whether any odor is appreciated, and if nents. Masseter muscle strength is checked by lightly plac-
so, what it is. In a pinch one may use a substance readily ing one’s fingers on the patient’s cheeks and then
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12 Diagnostic assessment
instructing the patient to bite down. Sensory testing, to Rinne testing, air conduction is better than bone conduc-
both light touch and pin-prick, is checked in all three divi- tion bilaterally.
sions, namely the ophthalmic, maxillary, and mandibular.
The corneal reflex, which tests both the cranial nerves V CRANIAL NERVES IX AND X
and VII, may also be performed by lightly touching a wisp
of cotton to the patient’s cornea, after which there should The glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves are tested with the
be a bilateral blink. gag reflex and by observation for symmetric elevation of
the palate during phonation.
The facial nerve is first tested for voluntary facial move-
ments by asking the patient to wrinkle the forehead and The spinal accessory nerve is tested by having patients shrug
subsequently to show the teeth. In cases of unilateral vol- their shoulders against the resistance of the physician’s
untary facial paresis note must be made of which divisions hand and by turning the head to one side or the other while
of the facial nerve are involved: the upper (controlling the physician exerts contrary pressure on the jaw.
forehead wrinkling), the lower (controlling elevation of the
side of the mouth), or both. At times facial weakness may CRANIAL NERVE XII
be quite subtle, manifesting perhaps only with a slight flat-
tening of the nasolabial fold on one side. The hypoglossal nerve is tested first by asking the patient to
After voluntary movements have been tested, the physi- open the mouth and then observing the tongue, as it rests
cian must then test for involuntary or ‘mimetic’ facial in the oropharynx, for any atrophy or fasciculations. Once
movements. This may be accomplished by telling a joke, this has been accomplished, the patient is asked to protrude
or, if the physician is in less than a humorous mood, by the tongue as far as possible, noting especially whether it
simply observing the patient for any spontaneous smiling. protrudes past the lips and also whether it deviates to one
Voluntary and involuntary facial movements are quite dis- side or the other.
tinct neuroanatomically and thus both should be tested for
(Hopf et al. 1992). Voluntary facial palsy affecting only the
lower division indicates a lesion of the pre-central gyrus or Sensory testing
corticobulbar fibers, whereas emotional facial palsy (Section
4.8) indicates a lesion in the supplementary motor area, Elementary sensory testing involves light touch, pin-prick,
temporal lobe, striatum, or pons. and vibration. Light touch may be assessed by using a wisp
of cotton, or simply by a light touch with one’s finger, and
CRANIAL NERVE VIII pin-prick sensation is tested using a disposable safety pin.
Vibratory sensation is tested by touching a vibrating tun-
The vestibulocochlear nerve is generally tested by gently ing fork to a bony structure (such as a finger joint, the lat-
rubbing the fingers together about 30 cm from the patient’s eral malleolus, or the great toe) and asking the patient
ear and asking whether anything is heard; alternatively, whether he or she can tell if it is vibrating; if so, the tuning
one may bring a ticking watch in from a distance and ask fork is held in place and the patient is asked to say when the
the patient to indicate when it is first heard. If there are any vibration ceases, with the physician taking note, in a rough
abnormalities, both Weber and Rinne testing should be sort of way, of how much the tuning fork is still vibrating at
performed to determine whether the hearing loss is of the that point. If there are any abnormalities in elementary
conduction or sensorineural type. sensation it is critical to determine whether or not they
In the Weber test, a vibrating tuning fork is placed are bilateral. In general, it is sufficient to test sensation
square on the midline of the patient’s forehead and the at both hands and both feet, reserving more detailed test-
patient is asked whether it sounds the same on both sides ing for cases in which the history suggests a more focal
or is heard louder on one side than on the other. In the sensory loss.
Rinne test, a vibrating tuning fork is placed against the sty- Graphesthesia and two-point discrimination tests also
loid process and the patient is asked to indicate when the constitute part of the sensory examination but these
sound vanishes, at which point the tines of the tuning fork should only be used if elementary sensation is intact.
are immediately brought in close approximation to the ear Agraphesthesia is said to be present when patients, with
and the patient is asked whether it can now be heard. With their eyes closed, are unable to identify letters or numerals
conductive hearing loss, the Weber lateralizes to the side traced on their palms by a pencil or dull pin. Two-point
with the hearing loss, and on Rinne testing, bone conduc- discrimination may be tested by ‘bending a paperclip to
tion (i.e., with the tuning fork against the styloid process) different distances between its two points . . . [starting]
is louder than air conduction (i.e., with the tines of the fork with the points relatively far apart . . . [then] approximated
vibrating in the air just outside the ear). With sensorineu- until the patient begins to make errors’ (Dejong 1979). As
ronal loss, the Weber lateralizes to the ‘good’ side and, on two-point discriminatory ability varies on different parts
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 13
of the body (from 2 to 4 mm at the fingertips to 20–30 mm If they are comfortable with these instructions then the test
on the dorsum of the hand), what is most important here is can be carried out, observing the patients for perhaps half a
to compare both sides to look for a difference. minute to see whether or not any swaying develops once
Agraphesthesia and diminished two-point discrimina- the eyes are closed. A ‘positive’ Romberg test indicates a
tion suggest a lesion in the parietal cortex; elementary sen- loss of position sense, as may be seen with a peripheral
sory loss, especially to pin-prick, is also seen with parietal neuropathy or damage to the posterior columns.
cortex lesions but in addition may occur with lesions of the Gait is tested by asking the patient to walk a straight
thalamus, brainstem, cord, or of the peripheral nerves. line down a hall, then walking ‘heel to toe’ in a tandem
walk, and, finally, if these are done adequately, by
asking the patient to walk ‘on the outside of your feet, like
Cerebellar testing a “cowboy”’.
An ataxic gait, seen in cerebellar disorders, is wide based
In addition to observing the patient’s gait for ataxia, as dis- and staggering: steps are irregular in length, the feet are
cussed below, cerebellar testing also involves finger-to- often raised high and brought down with force, and the
nose and heel-to-knee-to-shin testing, testing for rapid overall course is zigzagging. In a ‘magnetic’ gait, as seen in
alternating movements and observing for dysarthria. hydrocephalus or bilateral frontal lesions, the feet seem
In the finger-to-nose test, patients are instructed to stuck to the floor as if magnetized or glued to it. In a step-
keep their eyes open, extend the arm with the index finger page gait, seen in peripheral neuropathies, the normal dorsi-
outstretched, and then to touch the nose with the index flexion of the feet with walking is lost and patients raise
finger. In the heel-to-knee-to-shin test, patients, while their feet high to avoid tripping on their toes. In a spastic
seated or recumbent, are asked to bring the heel into con- gait, seen with hemiplegic patients, the affected lower
tact with the opposite knee and then to run that heel down extremity is rigid in extension and the foot is plantar
the shin below the knee. In both tests one observes for evi- flexed: with each step, the leg is circumducted around and
dence of dysmetria (as, for example, when the nose is the front of the foot is often scraped along the floor. In very
missed in the finger-to-nose test) and for intention tremor, mild cases of hemiplegia, the gait, to casual inspection, may
wherein, for example, there is an oscillation of the finger not be abnormal; however, when patients walk ‘on the out-
and hand as it approaches the target (in this case the nose, side’ of their feet, one often sees dystonic posturing of the
with this tremor worsening as the finger is brought pro- upper extremity on the involved side. Parkinsonian gait is
gressively closer to the nose). described in Abnormal movements, p. 14.
Rapid alternating movements also assess cerebellar func-
tion. Here, while seated, patients are asked to pronate the
hand and gently slap an underlying surface (e.g., a tabletop Strength
or the patient’s own thigh) and then supinate the same hand
and again gently slap the underlying surface. Once they Strength may, according to Brain (1964), be graded as
have the hang of it, patients are then asked to repeat these follows: 0, no contraction; 1⫹, a flicker or trace of move-
movements as quickly and carefully as possible. Decompo- ment; 2⫹, active movement providing that gravity is elim-
sition of this movement, known as dysdiadochokinesia, if inated; 3⫹, active movement against gravity; 4⫹, active
present, is generally readily apparent on this test. movement against some resistance; and 5⫹, full strength.
Dysarthria may also represent cerebellar dysfunction In the process of assessing muscular strength one should
and may be casually assessed by simply listening carefully also observe for any atrophy, fasciculations, or myotonia.
to the patient’s spontaneous speech, noting any evidence of Myotonia is sometimes apparent in a handshake, as
slurring. In doubtful cases one may ask the patient to patients may have trouble relaxing their grip, and may also
repeat a test phrase, such as ‘Methodist Episcopal’ or ‘Third be assessed by using a reflex hammer to lightly tap a mus-
Riding Artillery Brigade’ (DeJong 1979). Importantly, cle belly, such as at the thenar eminence, and watching for
dysarthria may also be seen with lesions of the motor cor- distinctive myotonic dimpling.
tex or associated subcortical structures. Common patterns of weakness include monoparesis, if
only one limb is involved, hemiparesis if both limbs on one
side are weak, paraparesis if both lower extremities are
Station, gait, and the Romberg test weak, and quadriparesis (or, alternatively, tetraparesis), if
all four extremities are weakened. In cases when strength ⫽ 0
Station is assessed by asking patients to stand with their then one speaks not of paresis but of paralysis, and uses the
feet normally spaced, and observing for any sway or loss of terms monoplegia, hemiplegia, paraplegia, or quadri-
balance. At this point, if station is adequate, one should plegia. When weakness is present, note should be made
perform the Romberg test by telling patients that you will whether the proximal or distal portions of the limb are pri-
ask them to put their feet close together, as if ‘at attention’, marily involved; in cases of hemiparesis in which both
and then to close their eyes, reassuring them that you will limbs are not equally affected, the limb that is more
have your hands close by and that you will not let them fall. affected should be noted.
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14 Diagnostic assessment
patients may constantly pace back and forth. Characteristi- by lightly dragging a blunt object across the sole of the
cally, the restlessness is worse when lying down or seated, patient’s foot: beginning at the heel, proceeding along the
and most patients find some relief upon standing or mov- lateral aspect of the sole and then turning medially to cross
ing about. under the ball of the foot. One then observes for the ‘plan-
Catatonia (Section 3.11) of the stuporous type (Barnes tar response’ of the toes, noting whether it is ‘flexor’ or
et al. 1986) is characterized by varying degrees of immobility, ‘extensor’. The normal response is ‘flexor’, wherein the
mutism, and a remarkable phenomenon known as waxy toes undergo flexion. An ‘extensor’ response is considered
flexibility (or catalepsy), wherein, as noted by Kraepelin abnormal and constitutes the Babinski sign, which, when
(1899), the limbs, after being passively placed in any posi- fully present, consists of dorsiflexion of the great toe and
tion, ‘retain this position until they receive another impetus fanning of the rest. The presence of the Babinski sign is a
or until they follow the law of gravity as a result of extreme reliable indicator of damage to the corticospinal tract.
muscular fatigue’.
Asterixis (Section 3.12) (Leavitt and Tyler 1964) is tested
for by having patients hold their upper limbs in full exten- Primitive reflexes
sion, with the hands being held in hyperextension: asterixis,
if present, appears as a precipitous loss of muscle tone, Certain reflexes present in infancy or early childhood nor-
such that the hands ‘flap’ down. When present, this may mally disappear. When these reappear in adult years they
appear immediately and recur frequently, or may be are known as ‘primitive reflexes’ (Section 4.6) and may
delayed for up to half a minute. indicate frontal lobe disease.
Heightened startle response (Section 3.14) (Saenz-Lope The palmomental reflex is tested for by repeatedly and
et al. 1984) is often precipitated by a sudden loud noise and rapidly dragging an object, such as the tip of a reflex ham-
may go beyond being simply excessively ‘jumpy’; some mer, across the thenar eminence: when the reflex is pres-
patients may actually be thrown to the ground during the ent, one sees ‘a wrinkling of the skin of the chin and slight
startle. retraction and sometimes elevation of the angle of the
mouth’ (DeJong 1979).
The snout reflex is said to be present when gentle tap-
Deep tendon reflexes ping or pressure just above the patient’s upper lip, in the
midline, is followed by a puckering or protrusion of the
At a minimum, the following deep tendon reflexes should
lips; in advanced cases, the reflex may be elicited by merely
be tested: biceps jerk, triceps jerk, supinator jerk, knee jerk,
‘sweeping a tongue blade briskly across the upper lip’
and ankle jerk (Brain 1964). The results may, according to
(DeJong 1979).
DeJong (1979), be graded as 0 for absent, ⫹ for present but
The grasp reflex may be elicited by laying one’s finger
diminished, ⫹⫹ for normal, ⫹⫹⫹ for increased, and
across the patient’s palm such that it may be readily dragged
⫹⫹⫹⫹ for markedly hyperactive. Hyperactive deep ten-
out between the patient’s thumb and index finger. If the
don reflexes may also be accompanied by ankle clonus.
reflex is present, the patient’s fingers will grasp the physi-
Testing for clonus is accomplished by placing your hand
cian’s finger as it is slowly dragged across the palm (Walshe
under the ball of the patient’s foot and then briskly dorsi-
and Robertson 1933).
flexing the foot. When clonus is present, the foot will then
The grope reflex may be elicited by simply lightly touch-
briskly and spontaneously undergo plantar flexion.
ing the patient’s hand with one’s finger: when present, the
Keeping a light upward pressure on the ball of the foot may
patient’s hand will automatically make groping move-
precipitate repetitive clonic jerking, and in some cases this
ments until the physician’s finger is found and grasped
may be self-perpetuating or ‘sustained’.
(Seyffarth and Denny-Brown 1948).
In those cases in which patients remain so tense that
their reflexes cannot be elicited, several maneuvers may
render the examination possible (Bickerstaff 1980): for the
Aphasia and mutism
upper limbs, the patient should clench his teeth tightly or
while one arm is being examined he should clench the fist
Aphasia represents a disturbance in the comprehension
of the other. For the lower limbs these measures can still be
and/or production of spoken language. Testing involves
used but the well-tried method of Jendressak is more reli-
listening to the patient’s spontaneous speech, giving simple
able; the patient interlocks the flexed fingers of the two
spoken commands, and determining whether the patient
hands and pulls one against the other at the moment the
understands them, and asking the patient to repeat a test
reflex is stimulated.
phrase, such as ‘No ifs, ands, or buts’.
As discussed in detail in Section 2.1, there are three
Babinski sign basic forms of aphasia: motor (also known as expressive or
Broca’s), sensory (also known as receptive or Wernicke’s),
The Babinski sign, considered by DeJong (1979) as ‘the and global. In motor aphasia, patients are able to follow
most important sign in clinical neurology’, may be elicited commands, although their speech, despite being coherent,
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16 Diagnostic assessment
is effortful, sparse, and often ‘telegraphic’, (i.e., lacking in mime, by providing the implement and asking the patient
prepositions and conjunctions). In sensory aphasia, in con- to make use of it. In ideational apraxia, both miming and
trast, patients have a greater or lesser degree of difficulty in actual use are defective, whereas with ideomotor apraxia
following oral commands, especially complex ones; fur- the patient, although unable to mime, has no trouble cor-
thermore, speech is quite fluent, even voluble, rather than rectly employing the actual implement.
being effortful: however, there is a greater or lesser degree Constructional apraxia is tested for by asking the patient
of incoherence such that what the patient says makes ‘no to draw a simple figure, such as a ‘stick person’, or to copy
sense’. Finally, the global type of aphasia represents a com- a geometric design (DeJong 1979) such as a cube.
bination of these two: patients have trouble following com- Dressing apraxia is casually assessed by observing the
mands, speech is effortful and sparse, and what the patient patient put on clothing: when present, patients may put
says is more or less incoherent. their arms in the wrong sleeve or perhaps attempt to put
Each of these three types may also occur as a ‘trans- their shirt on backwards (Hecaen et al. 1956).
cortical’ variant, and this is said to be present when
patients are able to repeat a test phrase accurately and
without effort. Other variants, less common, are also pos- Agnosias
sible and these are discussed Section 2.1.
Mutism (Section 4.1) is said to be present when there is Agnosia, as discussed in Section 2.9 exists in various forms: for
no speech. example, visual agnosia, tactile agnosia, and anosognosia. In
each form, despite the fact that relevant elementary sensory
abilities are intact there is an inability to recognize things.
Alexia and agraphia Visual agnosia, or the inability to recognize an object by
sight, is tested by pointing to a common object, such as a
Alexia (Section 2.2) and agraphia (Section 2.3) represent, comb, and asking patients not only to name it, but also to
respectively, difficulties in reading and writing, and although describe its use.
often seen in combination with aphasia, may also appear in Tactile agnosia represents an inability to recognize an
pure form. Testing is accomplished simply by asking the object by touch: with the eyes closed, the patient is given a
patient to read something, perhaps a headline, and then to common object, such as a key, and asked both to identify it
write something, such as an address. and to describe its use.
Anosognosia is said to be present when patients fail to
Aprosodia recognize a deficit, such as hemiparesis, or grossly mini-
mize it, for example, by characterizing a severely hemi-
Aprosodia (Section 2.7) represents a disturbance in the paretic limb as simply ‘stiff’.
production or comprehension of the ‘emotional’ and Other agnosias, also described in Section 2.9, which are
melodic aspects of speech (Ross 1981). Thus, the patient’s generally not routinely tested for, include color agnosia,
own speech may be monotone, lacking all prosodic ele- prosopagnosia (the inability to recognize faces), auditory
ments, or the patient may have difficulty in appreciating agnosia (the inability to recognize common sounds),
the emotional tone of another’s voice. A lack of prosody in topographagnosia (a loss of a sense of direction), simul-
the patient’s own speech is generally apparent as the his- tanagnosia (an inability to visually ‘grasp’ the whole of a
tory is related; testing for the patient’s ability to ‘compre- scene to see all of its parts simultaneously), and aso-
hend’ prosody may require that patients close their eyes matagnosia (a denial of the ‘ownership’ of a body part, as
and then listen as the physician repeats the same neutral may be seen in some cases of hemiparesis).
phrase repeatedly but with different intonations (e.g.,
happy, angry, or sad), asking each time what the tone was.
Aprosodia must be distinguished from flattened affect Neglect
and parkinsonian hypomimia, and this differential was
discussed above previously in this chapter under Mood Neglect, discussed in Section 2.10, is characterized by an
and affect. involuntary failure to attend to or notice phenomena on
one side or the other; this may be either visual or motor.
Visual neglect is tested by seating the patient squarely in
Apraxia front of a table, with the patient’s trunk kept parallel to the
edge of the table (Beschin et al. 1997). First, draw a line
Apraxia may be ideational/ideomotor, constructional, or horizontally across a piece of paper, at least 15 cm long
dressing. (Tegner and Levander 1991) and then place the paper
Ideational and ideomotor apraxia (DeJong 1979; Heilman directly in front of, and square to, the patient. The patient
1973) are tested by first asking the patient to mime using a is then asked to bisect the line. Next, draw numerous short
common implement, such as a comb or a pair of scissors, marks in a random fashion on a piece of paper, placing the
and then, if the patient has any difficulty in performing the paper squarely in front of the patient and asking the patient
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 17
1.4 Neuroimaging 17
to mark or cancel out all the lines. Finally, position a blank of voxels and pixels with the result that, especially in the
piece of paper in front of the patient with the instruction to case of MRI, the scans are breathtakingly accurate repre-
draw a clock face on it, with all the numbers, from one to sentations of the intracranial contents.
twelve, on the drawing. These constitute, respectively, the The technology of CT scanning is similar to that utilized
line bisection, line cancellation, and clock-drawing tests, in traditional radiography and is thus conceptually easily
and visual neglect is said to be present if the line is bisected grasped by most physicians. MR scanning, however, relies
off the midline, a significant percentage of the random on a fundamentally different technology, which, for most,
lines on one side are not cancelled out, or the numerals on requires some getting used to.
the clock face are bunched to one side. This chapter will briefly discuss CT and MRI, and then
Motor neglect is tested by asking the patient to perform consider their relative merits for clinical neuroimaging.
a task that requires the use of both upper extremities, such
as fastening a button: when motor neglect is present, the
patient ‘underutilizes’ the ‘neglected’ side and attempts to
CT scanning
perform the task primarily with one hand, despite the fact
CT scanning, developed by Hounsfield (1972), is based
that with strong urging normal bilateral manual coordina-
upon determining the attenuation of an X-ray beam by any
tion is possible (Laplane and Degos 1983).
given voxel of tissue. The degree of attenuation is expressed
in Hounsfield units (Phelps et al. 1975): by convention,
Extinction these range from ⫺1000 (for air) to ⫹1000 (for bone), tis-
sues of biologic interest being assigned intermediate values,
Extinction, also discussed in Section 2.10, is considered a for example, 0 for water, ⬃30 for white matter, ⬃35 for
subtype of neglect, and, like neglect, may be either visual or gray matter, ⬃75 for freshly clotted blood, and ⬃150–200
tactile (Valler et al. 1994). for calcified gray matter. A gray scale is then created to
Visual extinction may be tested immediately after per- represent the various attenuation coefficients, very low-
forming confrontation testing of the visual fields. While attenuation (or ‘hypodense’) areas such as air in the sinuses
retaining the same position with respect to the patient, the appearing black, and very high-attenuation (or ‘hyper-
physician holds both hands outstretched laterally to the dense’) tissues, such as blood, bone, or other areas of heavy
edge of the peripheral fields and then simultaneously wig- calcification, appearing more or less white.
gles both index fingers, asking the patient to point to the CT scanning is most reliable for supratentorial struc-
finger/fingers that are moving. When visual extinction is tures: the posterior fossa is particularly likely to be obscured
present, the patient notes the motion of only one finger. by various artifacts (Mostrum and Ytterbergh 1986).
Tactile extinction may be tested during routine sensory Enhancement is accomplished by the intravenous injec-
testing. While the patient’s eyes are closed, the physician tion of an iodinated contrast material, which, as it has a
instructs the patient to report which hand or hands are high attenuation coefficient, makes the tissue into which it
being touched – touching first one hand, then the other extravasates appear more dense.
and then both simultaneously. When tactile extinction is Angiography may also be accomplished with CT scan-
present, only one hand will be reported as touched during ning; however, this requires a large injection of contrast
simultaneous stimulation. material.
MR scanning
The physics underlying MRI are complex (Edelman and
Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance Warach 1993; Pykett 1982; Pykett et al. 1982), so what fol-
imaging (MRI) have revolutionized neuroimaging. Before lows is a very simplified, and very brief, general overview.
the advent of CT in 1972, physicians were limited to To begin, consider hydrogen atoms, their nuclei composed
skull radiographs, radionuclide scanning, and pneumo- of but one proton. Each proton spins at a very fast rate,
encephalography, none of which retains any use for imag- thus creating a magnetic field and, as it were, becoming a
ing the brain today. very small magnet itself. These proton ‘magnets’ are nor-
For both CT and MRI, imaging is accomplished on a mally arrayed in random directions, but if a very strong
voxel-by-voxel basis. A voxel (from volume element) is a external magnetic field is applied, they will all align them-
specific three-dimensional volume of tissue, each voxel selves parallel to the external magnetic field. In such a situ-
subsequently being represented on the scan by a pixel ation, if a radio pulse of appropriate frequency is fired at
(from picture element). Early-generation scanners allowed the protons, they will absorb this energy, with the result
for only a limited number of voxels; consequently, tissue that they begin to spin with an eccentric axis, no longer in
resolution was poor and the corresponding scan created by parallel alignment to the external magnetic field. Over a
the pixels was fuzzy and relatively unedifying. However, variable period of time, however, the protons fall back into
technical progress has allowed for a much higher number line, in so doing releasing the energy absorbed from the
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 18
18 Diagnostic assessment
earlier radio pulse. The speed with which the protons extravasated have a much higher signal intensity and
undergo realignment is determined by various factors, appear much brighter.
including the availability of nearby tissues that may absorb Consideration should also be given to ordering diffu-
energy and the presence of any surrounding magnetic sion-weighted images (DWIs) (Schaeffer et al. 2000). DWI
inhomogeneities or tissues that, of themselves, have mag- is exquisitely sensitive to cytotoxic edema (Warach et al.
netic properties. The released energy may be measured and 1995) (somewhat less so to vasogenic edema), and, as dis-
constitutes the ‘signal’ of the voxel in question. cussed below, has become an essential tool in the diagnosis
Routine MRI imaging includes T1, T2, and FLAIR (fluid- of cerebral infarction (Fisher and Albers 1999; Neumann-
attenuated inversion recovery) sequences and, whenever Haefelin et al. 2000). In cases in which there is uncertainty
one is interested in documenting old bleeds, a gradient as to whether the increased signal intensity on a diffusion-
echo (or T2*) sequence should also be ordered. The appear- weighted image represents cytotoxic edema or vasogenic
ance of various tissues and abnormalities differs on each of edema, an ‘apparent diffusion coefficient’ (ADC) map
these sequences. On T1-weighted images, cerebrospinal should be ordered: on ADC mapping, areas of cytotoxic
fluid (CSF) appears black, gray matter is medium-gray in edema appear very dark, whereas areas of vasogenic edema
appearance, white matter is light-gray, and both edema have an increased signal intensity.
and gliosis are dark. On T2-weighted images, CSF appears Angiography may also be performed with MRI. Such
bright, gray matter is medium-gray, white matter is dark- magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) may be performed
gray, and both edema and gliosis are light-colored. On either with ‘time of flight (TOF) imaging’ or via ‘phase con-
FLAIR sequences, CSF is quite dark, gray matter is light- trast imaging’: of the two, the TOF technique produces
gray and white matter somewhat lighter, and edema and more informative images.
gliosis are quite bright. Overall, T1-weighted scans provide
the sharpest delineation of structures, but are less sensitive Clinical indications
to pathology. T2-weighted and FLAIR scans provide less
clear delineation of structures, but are far more sensitive to As with any diagnostic test, the decision to request either
pathology and, of these two, FLAIR is the most sensitive. CT or MRI should be guided by one’s diagnostic suspi-
Gradient echo scanning is reserved for situations wherein cions. Furthermore, it is critical to provide the radiologist
one suspects that the patient has had, in the distant past, with a brief summary of the history and findings, along
intracerebral hemorrhage. In this situation, blood has with one’s presumptive diagnosis, so that the best imaging
degraded to hemosiderin, and T2*-weighted scanning is parameters may be selected.
exquisitely sensitive for this, displaying an area of greatly MRI is preferable to CT in most clinical situations
reduced signal intensity. (Armstrong and Keevil 1991; Bradley et al. 1984; Haughton
The enhancement of MRI is accomplished by the injec- et al. 1986), with the exception of suspected intracranial cal-
tion of a paramagnetic substance such as gadolinium and is cification (Holland et al. 1985). However, MRI should not
best appreciated on T1-weighted scans (Berry et al. 1986; be utilized whenever the patient harbors a metallic object
Brant-Zawadzki et al. 1986): on such images, as illustrated that might undergo any potentially dangerous movement
in Figure 1.1, the tissues into which the gadolinium has during the application of the external magnetic field.
Examples include: aneurysmal clips, depth electrodes,
intracranial bullets or shrapnel, some CSF shunts, some
cochlear implants, cardiac pacemakers, transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) units, some prosthetic
valves, some arterial stents, various orthopedic devices,
some penile implants, wire sutures, and, importantly, any
metallic object in the eye. This last contraindication deserves
special attention as some patients may not be aware of the
presence of a metallic ocular foreign body (e.g., a lathe
operator struck in the eye with a minute sliver of metal
decades earlier): if any doubt exists, plain films of the orbits
should be acquired first. Metallic objects that may be
removed include hearing aids, dentures, TENS units,
insulin pumps, and some intrauterine devices.
Some common indications (such as suspected cerebral
Figure 1.1 Both of these T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) infarction) for CT or MRI are discussed as follows.
scans are of the same patient with a high-grade glioma in the
right hemisphere; on the left, the tumor appears as an area of CEREBRAL INFARCTION
decreased signal intensity but, with enhancement, as seen in the
scan on the right, the tumor displays increased signal intensity Cerebral infarction demonstrates a definite evolution of
and ‘lights up’. (Reproduced from Gillespie and Jackson 2000.) pathologic stages, progressing from cytotoxic edema to
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1.4 Neuroimaging 19
vasogenic edema and finally to necrosis, with varying on the T2-weighted scan. The late subacute phase ensues
degrees of cavitation. and lasts for months; during this phase red blood cells rup-
On CT scanning (Bories et al. 1985; Johnson 1994) there ture and methemoglobin is released into the extracellular
is loss of definition of the gray-white boundary within the space, creating increased signal intensity on both T1- and
first 6 hours, and over the next 18 hours an area of slight T2-weighted scans. Finally, during the chronic stage, there
radiolucency develops in the appropriate vascular terri- is degradation of methemoglobin and chronic deposition
tory. After 24 hours, this area becomes better defined and, of hemosiderin, with low signal intensity on both T1 and
with the development of vasogenic edema, a mass effect on T2 scans and a virtual black hole on gradient echo scans.
surrounding structures develops, peaking at from 3–5 days. Although, as in the case of suspected ischemic infarc-
Edema gradually resolves over 2–4 weeks, and eventually tion, CT is routinely used initially in suspected intracere-
a fairly circumscribed area of radiolucency appears, bral hemorrhage, this again appears to be more a matter
corresponding to the residual encephalomalacia. Contrast of availability, given that MRI performed within the first
enhancement generally appears after 3 days, and resolves few hours appears just as sensitive (Kidwell et al. 2004;
in a matter of weeks. Schellinger et al. 1999). Furthermore, in evaluating patients
MRI with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is exqui- months after suspected intracerebral hemorrhage there is
sitely sensitive to the cytotoxic edema of infarction, reveal- no question that MRI, utilizing gradient echo sequences, is
ing an increased signal intensity within the first few hours, far more sensitive than CT (Wardlaw et al. 2003).
and indeed, in some cases within minutes (Yoneda et al.
1999). T2-weighted and FLAIR images will reveal SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE
increased signal intensity in the area of infarction within 6
hours and this tends to persist. Gadolinium enhancement Subarachnoid hemorrhage is routinely detected by CT
becomes apparent within a matter of days, and resolves in scanning as an area of hyperdensity corresponding to the
from 1 to 2 months. free blood within the subarachnoid space (van der Wee et al.
Although CT scanning is typically utilized first in cases 1995; van Gijn and van Dongen 1982). As in the case with
of suspected cerebral infarction, this is primarily due to its suspected ischemic infarction or intracerebral hemorrhage,
ease of use and availability, and to its efficacy in the detec- CT is generally used first in possible subarachnoid hemor-
tion of intracerebral hemorrhage. It is not because CT is rhage; however, MRI, using FLAIR sequence, may be just
superior to MRI in the detection of acute infarction; as accurate (Wiesmann et al. 2002).
indeed, there is no question that MRI is by far superior to
CT in this regard (Fiebach et al. 2001; Gonzalez et al. 1999; LACUNAR INFARCTIONS
Lansberg et al. 2000).
Chronic lacunar infarctions, often missed on CT scanning,
INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE appear on MR scanning as areas of decreased signal inten-
sity on T1-weighted scans and increased signal intensity on
On CT scanning (Dolinskas et al. 1977) intracerebral hem- T2-weighted scans (Brown et al. 1988). As with large corti-
orrhage is immediately apparent as an area of increased cal infarcts, DWI may reveal acute lacunar infarcts (Singer
radiodensity. Over the following weeks this gradually et al. 1998) and is especially helpful in indicating which
resolves to an area of isodensity and, eventually, after lacunae are ‘fresh’ (Oliveira-Filho et al. 2000); indeed, DWI
months, an area of radiolucency appears. may demonstrate the occurrence of lacunar infarctions
With MR scanning the evolution of the image is more despite the absence of any history of a clinical event (Choi
complex (Gomori et al. 1985; Patel et al. 1996). During the et al. 2000). Importantly, lacunae must be distinguished
‘hyperacute’ phase, when the hemoglobin in the red blood from prominent Virchow–Robin spaces (Heier et al. 1989;
cells is, for the most part, still in its oxyhemoglobin form, Jungreis et al. 1988), which, unlike lacunae, tend to be
there may be little definitive change on MR scanning. It bilaterally symmetric and quite regular in shape.
was initially felt that this hyperacute phase lasted several
hours; however, recent studies have indicated that intracel- BINSWANGER’S DISEASE
lular hemoglobin may begin to degrade to deoxy-
hemoglobin early on, within these first few hours. In the Binswanger’s disease, also known as subcortical arterioscle-
following acute phase, spanning the next few days, there is rotic leukoencephalopathy, is characterized by irregular,
unequivocal degeneration of intracellular oxyhemoglobin patchy and often confluent areas of more or less complete
into deoxyhemoglobin, and the bleed now appears as an demyelinization in the centrum semiovale and peri-
area of decreased signal intensity on T2-weighted scans. ventricular white matter. Although these patchy lesions may,
During the early subacute phase, which lasts roughly from in some cases, be seen on CT scans as ill-defined areas of
day three to day seven, the intracellular deoxyhemoglobin hypodensity, they are much better appreciated on MR
further degrades into methemoglobin and the lesion at this scanning as areas of decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted
point appears as an area of increased signal intensity on T1- scans and, most especially, as areas of increased signal
weighted scans, with persisting decreased signal intensity intensity on T2-weighted scans (Kinkel et al. 1985). These
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 20
20 Diagnostic assessment
patchy lesions must be distinguished from certain normal decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted scans and
variants (Fazekas et al. 1991), such as bilaterally symmetric increased signal intensity on T2-weighted scans; active
and smoothly contoured periventricular ‘caps’ and ‘rims’, plaques demonstrate gadolinium enhancement. Serial MR
and what are known as unidentified bright objects (UBOs): scanning (Grossman et al. 1988; Guttmann et al. 1995;
scattered punctate foci of increased signal intensity on T2- Thompson et al. 1992) may be used to follow the progress
weighted images. of the disease and may indeed reveal clinically ‘silent’
lesions. Furthermore, recently activated plaques may be
INTRACRANIAL CALCIFICATION detected by gadolinium enhancement before there is any
clinical evidence of their presence (Kermode et al. 1990;
Intracranial calcification, as may be seen in Fahr’s syn- Miller et al. 1988). MRI has revolutionized the diagnosis of
drome, tuberous sclerosis, or Sturge–Weber syndrome, is multiple sclerosis and no evaluation of a patient suspected
better demonstrated on CT scanning, on which it is evident of harboring this dreaded disease is complete without it.
as an area of hyperdensity, than on MR scanning, where
it may be difficult to detect (Holland et al. 1985; Wasenko MESIAL TEMPORAL SCLEROSIS
et al. 1990).
Mesial temporal sclerosis, the most common cause of com-
plex partial seizures, is better detected by MRI than CT
(Franceschi et al. 1989). On MR scanning, mesial temporal
Tumors are, overall, better demonstrated by MR than CT sclerosis is apparent with atrophy (best seen on T1-weighted
scanning (Armstrong and Keevil 1991; Bradley et al. 1984; scans) and, on T2-weighted scans, increased signal inten-
Brant-Zawadzki et al. 1984). With both CT and MR scan- sity in the same area: importantly, these changes are gener-
ning, enhancement increases sensitivity (Sze et al. 1990) ally best seen on coronal images (Berkovic et al. 1991).
and, in the case of gliomas, the degree of enhancement may
serve as a guide to the malignancy of the tumor, with NEURONAL MIGRATION DISORDERS
increased enhancement indicating greater malignancy with
Neuronal migration disorders are a common cause of sim-
both CT (Tchang et al. 1977) and MR (Dean et al. 1990; Graif
ple or complex partial seizures and of grand mal seizures of
and Steiner 1986) scanning. In the case of meningiomas,
focal onset. For the most part, they manifest as subependymal
the administration of contrast is especially important
nodular heterotopias, either laminar or band heterotopias
(Vassilouthis and Ambrose 1979; Zimmerman et al. 1985):
in the white matter itself, or areas of cortical dysplasia or
on unenhanced CT scanning, the tumor, although often
microdysgenesis. Although CT scanning may detect
hyperdense, may be isodense, and on MR scanning there is
subependymal heterotopias (especially if they are calcified)
often no change at all in signal intensity on either T1- or T2-
MR scanning is superior, picking up not only these lesions,
weighted scans. With contrast, however, almost all menin-
but also band and laminar heterotopias (Altman et al.
giomas will enhance on both CT and MR scanning.
1988; Barkovich and Kjos 1992; Huttenlocher et al. 1994),
as illustrated in Figure 1.2.
Although CT is generally the first technique used in patients
with traumatic brain injury and is often the only one, it is AIDS dementia has imaging characteristics similar to those
clear that MRI is far superior in the detection of contu- described for Binswanger’s disease and is better imaged with
sions, and, especially, diffuse axonal injury (Jenkins et al. MRI than CT (Chrysikopoulos et al. 1990). Furthermore,
1986; Kelly et al. 1988; Mittl et al. 1994; Orrison et al. 1994; MRI is also more sensitive than CT for AIDS-related illnesses
Zimmerman et al. 1986). such as toxoplasmosis (Porter and Sande 1992) and pro-
gressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (Guilleux et al.
MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS 1986; Krup et al. 1985).
1.5 Electroencephalography 21
22 Diagnostic assessment
1.5 Electroencephalography 23
Normal EEG under 8 Hz) and ‘fast’ referring to any activity in the beta
range (i.e., over 13 Hz). Recurrent activity may also be rhyth-
The electrical activity recorded by the EEG arises from the mic and regular in occurrence, or arrhythmic and irregular.
apical dendrites of cortical pyramidal neurons (Humphrey The EEG will normally have a recognizable background
1968; Purpura and Grundfest 1956). Although the elec- activity that is more or less persistent and similar through-
trical activity associated with an action potential is too brief out the recording. Upon this background, one may at
to be recorded on an EEG (i.e., lasting less than 1 ms), times see isolated events that, for one reason or another,
activity derived from both inhibitory and excitatory post- stand out from the background, such events being referred
synaptic potentials lasts much longer (from 15 to 200 ms) to as ‘transients’. Transients may, in turn, consist either of
and it is this activity that is reflected in the EEG (Humphrey an isolated spike or wave, or a ‘complex’ of two or more of
1968). The electrical activity arising from one neuron is these. Complexes themselves are further described in terms
obviously too weak to affect the surface electrodes, so it is of whether they are isolated or recurrent, and if recurrent,
upon the summed activity of numerous neurons that the whether they recur irregularly or regularly. ‘Spindles’
EEG depends. Furthermore, it must be borne in mind that comprise a specific type of transient complex, consisting of
abnormal electrical activity occurring deep below the cor- a group of rhythmic waves that gradually increase in
tex may not ‘reach’ the scalp electrodes (Cooper et al. 1965) amplitude, and then just as gradually decrease.
and thus certain deep lesions, such as lacunar infarcts, may The normal adult awake EEG, as seen during relaxed
not cause any abnormality on the EEG although have pro- wakefulness with the eyes closed, contains an alpha rhythm
found clinical consequences (MacDonnell et al. 1988). and a beta rhythm. These two terms must not be used
Electroencephalographic activity may or may not be loosely: for example, although much EEG activity may
rhythmic and it appears that rhythmicity occurs secondary occur in the alpha frequency, the activity must fulfill certain
to the activity of the thalamus, which acts like a pacemaker other criteria to qualify as an alpha rhythm. In a minority
or ‘conductor’, exerting rhythmic control over the cortical of individuals, a mu rhythm may also be seen.
‘orchestra’, and bringing large groups of neurons into syn- The alpha rhythm consists of more or less regular sinu-
chrony (Dempsey and Morrison 1942; Steriade et al. 1990). soidal activity, ranging in amplitude from 20 to 60 μV
This dependence of cortical neurons upon the thalamus (averaging about 50), occurring in the alpha range and
for rhythmic firing was demonstrated by experiments in most prominent posteriorly. The alpha rhythm is generally
which the destruction of the thalamus abolished rhythmic ‘blocked’ by eye opening, being replaced by lower ampli-
cortical activity (Jasper 1949). tude, and faster/irregular activity. Although the frequency
The EEG consists of various waves that may differ in of the alpha rhythm is the same on each side, the actual
terms of morphology, amplitude, and duration. Thus, in waves themselves are generally out of phase. Further, there
terms of morphology, an individual wave may be monophasic, is also generally an amplitude difference between the two
diphasic, triphasic, or polyphasic, depending on how many sides, with the left side alpha being of lower amplitude than
times the ‘baseline’ is crossed by the wave in question. the right. Generally, this amplitude differential is no more
Amplitude is measured in microvolts from the crest to the than 20 percent; however, the range of normal here is wide,
trough of the wave: customarily, amplitudes under 20 μV with some normal individuals having differentials up to 50
are considered low, those between 20 and 50 μV, medium, percent. The alpha rhythm is best seen in a state of relaxed
and those over 50 μV, high (some electroencephalogra- wakefulness with the eyes closed. In a small minority of
phers will, however, rather than using this absolute scale, cases, variants of the alpha rhythm may occur (Goodwin
consider the amplitude of a given wave relative to the overall 1947), wherein the frequency of the sinusoidal activity is
amplitude of background activity: thus, if the background either in the 4- to 5-Hz range (‘slow’ alpha variant) or
activity were generally of 60 μV, a 30-μV wave, using this 16- to 20-Hz range (‘fast’ alpha variant). These variants
relative scale, might be considered low). It is therefore crit- represent ‘harmonics’ of the more typical alpha rhythm.
ical that the electroencephalographer specifies whether an The beta rhythm consists of bilateral beta activity of an
absolute or a relative scale is being used when reporting amplitude of 30 μV or less, seen best anteriorly, which is
amplitude. The duration of the wave is measured in mil- blocked unilaterally by contralateral tactile stimulation,
liseconds: waves lasting less than 70 ms are referred to as movement, or merely an intention to move. Although the
‘spikes’ and those lasting from 70 to 200 ms as ‘sharp waves are generally out of phase, the frequency is bilaterally
waves’; those lasting for over 200 ms are spoken of either as symmetric. An amplitude variance of up to 35 percent
‘slow waves’ or simply ‘waves’. from side to side is considered normal. Beta activity is
Waves may be isolated or recurrent. If recurrent, their often increased by sedatives such as benzodiazepines and
frequency is reported in cycles per second (Hz): by conven- barbiturates (Brown and Penry 1973; Frost et al. 1973;
tion, frequencies less than 4 Hz are termed ‘delta’, those Greenblatt et al. 1989).
from 4 to under 8 Hz ‘theta’, those from 8 to 13 Hz ‘alpha’, The mu rhythm represents another normal type of EEG
and those over 13 Hz as ‘beta’ waves. Some electroen- activity, one that is not seen as routinely as the alpha or beta
cephalographers also use the terms ‘slow’ and ‘fast’, ‘slow’ rhythms and is present in only about 10 percent of normal
referring to both delta and theta activity (i.e., anything adults. The mu rhythm consists of theta or alpha activity
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 24
24 Diagnostic assessment
(ranging from 7 to 11 Hz) that appears as long transients transients, but with the appearance of K complexes, sleep
(‘trains’) lasting at least several seconds and appearing in spindles and POSTs. Stage III is characterized by further
the centroparietal region. Although these occur bilaterally, slowing (20–50 percent of the background activity being in
the trains are often not synchronous, with one side having a the delta range), an absence of vertex sharp transients, a fad-
train and then losing it, and then a train appearing a little ing out of K complexes and sleep spindles, but a persistence
later on the opposite side. The mu rhythm is generally of POSTs. Stage IV is identified by gross slowing (more
50 μV or less in amplitude. The mu rhythm, like the beta than 50 percent delta activity), an absence of vertex sharp
rhythm, may also be unilaterally blocked by contralateral transients and K complexes, and only rare sleep spindles
phenomena (Chatrian 1964; Chatrian et al. 1959) including and POSTs.
movement (Chatrian et al. 1959), intention to move (Klass The entire night’s sleep typically occurs in cycles, each
and Bickford 1957) and tactile stimuli (Magnus 1954). cycle lasting from 80 to 120 minutes. The first cycle begins
Each of these three normal rhythms may represent a as the patient drifts into stage I, progressing down through
kind of ‘idling’ of the underlying cerebral cortex. This stages II and III to stage IV and thence back up through
hypothesis, poetic as it might be, gains support from the stages III and II to stage I, from which REM sleep emerges.
various blocking maneuvers. For example, if the alpha The end of REM sleep signals the end of the first cycle and
rhythm represents an idling occipital cortex one would the beginning of the next. During one night’s sleep, sub-
expect it to be blocked when the occipital cortex is brought jects normally pass through three to five of these cycles,
into gear by visual stimuli. and with each successive cycle, the amount of time spent in
The normal adult sleep EEG demonstrates both REM stage IV sleep decreases.
(rapid eye movement) and non-REM (NREM: non-rapid
eye movement) sleep. REM sleep is, as the name suggests,
characterized by rapid, saccadic, conjugate eye movements EEG abnormalities
and is typically associated with dreaming. NREM sleep is
generally not associated with dreaming, and during such The various EEG abnormalities discussed here include
sleep, the eyes are either still, or slowly roving about. decreased amplitude, slowing (either focal or generalized),
NREM sleep may further be divided into four stages: I, II, interictal (‘epileptiform’) and ictal abnormalities, periodic
III, and IV, with each of these stages having a distinctive complexes, triphasic waves, and the burst-suppression
electroencephalographic signature (Erwin et al. 1984; pattern.
Rechtschaffen and Kales 1968). In order to identify the var-
ious stages one must be familiar with several different tran- DECREASED AMPLITUDE
sient events: vertex sharp transients, K complexes, sleep
spindles, and positive occipital sharp transients (POSTs). Low-amplitude EEG activity may result either from an
Vertex sharp transients (also known as ‘V waves’) are alteration in the media between the cortex and the record-
intermittently occurring, bilaterally symmetric sharp ing electrode or from decreased electrogenesis by the cor-
waves of high amplitude (rarely more than 250 μV) seen tex (Aird and Shimuzu 1970). For example, both grease
most prominently at the vertex. K complexes are very sim- and an abnormally thick skull (e.g., in Paget’s disease) act
ilar to vertex sharp transients, differing only in that they as insulators, and fluid collections, such as subgaleal,
generally consist of a diphasic slow wave. Sleep spindles are epidural, or subdural hematomas, act as ‘shunts’ that
transients lasting from half a second to several seconds, divert the electrical field away from the overlying electrode.
consisting of rhythmic activity in the 11- to 14-Hz range, Cortical electrogenesis may be reduced either because of
which, as with all spindles, demonstrates a gradual increase actual destruction, as in Alzheimer’s disease or tumors,
and decrease in amplitude, with a maximum of generally or decreased neuronal activity, as in metabolic deliria or
less than 50 μV. These sleep spindles occur simultaneously post-ictal states. Decreased amplitude may be either gener-
on both sides and, although maximal centrally, are wide- alized or focal.
spread. POSTs (Vignaendra et al. 1974) consist of sharp Generalized low-amplitude EEGs of from 20 to 10 μV
waves of positive polarity seen posteriorly in the occipital may be seen in 5–10 percent of normal adults; an ampli-
regions. They are monophasic and generally of no more tude of less than 10 μV is rare in normal subjects. When the
than 50 μV in amplitude; although they are seen bilaterally, general amplitude is reduced to below 20 μV, it is helpful to
they are not synchronous. Furthermore, they are not be able to compare the current record with past ones, or
rhythmic and can be seen at irregular intervals of anywhere to make serial recordings in order to determine whether
from several to one per second. the low amplitude is stable or worsening. It is also critical
With these various transients in mind, the four sleep to ensure that the recording is made during relaxed wake-
stages may now be defined. The onset of stage I is marked fulness: tense or anxious patients, or those engaging in
by ‘alpha dropout’, with slowing of the background some more or less demanding mental activity, will have
rhythm into the delta–theta range (2–7 Hz); soon there- low-amplitude recordings. A generalized decrease in ampli-
after vertex sharp transients appear. Stage II is character- tude may be seen in conditions characterized by wide-
ized by a persistence of the slowing and the vertex sharp spread cortical neuronal loss (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease,
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1.5 Electroencephalography 25
Huntington’s disease [Scott et al. 1972], Creutzfeldt–Jakob in metabolic or toxic delirium (Pro and Wells 1977; Romano
disease [Burger et al. 1972], post-anoxic encephalopathy, or and Engel 1944). Metabolic deliria accompanied by gener-
AIDS dementia [Harden et al. 1993]) or widespread neu- alized asynchronous slowing include hepatic encephalopa-
ronal dysfunction (e.g., metabolic deliria such as hepatic or thy and uremic encephalopathy, and the deliria occurring
uremic encephalopathy, or other conditions such as secondary to hyperglycemia, hypoglycemia, hypernatremia,
hypothyroidism, hypothermia, uncomplicated alcohol with- hyponatremia, hypercalcemia, or hypocalcemia. Toxic
drawal [Walker et al. 1956] or post-ictally after a grand deliria associated with similar slowing include those due to
mal seizure). phenytoin (Roseman 1961), valproate (Adams et al. 1978),
Focal low-amplitude EEGs may be seen in conditions and either carbamazepine or phenobarbital (Schmidt
that cause a unilateral increase in the media (e.g. subdural 1982). Generalized slowing may also be seen during alco-
hematoma [Lusins et al. 1976]) and either unilateral hol intoxication (Walker et al. 1956) and in Wernicke’s
neuronal destruction (e.g., infarction or tumor [Aird and encephalopathy. Interestingly, however, the delirium of
Shimuzu 1970]) or dysfunction (e.g., transient ischemic delirium tremens, rather than slowing, is accompanied by
attacks, migraine, and post-ictally after a partial seizure an increase of beta activity (Kennard et al. 1945; Schear
[Kaibara and Blume 1988]). 1985). The delirium seen with bacterial meningitis or viral
In evaluating amplitude asymmetries of the alpha encephalitis is also marked by generalized slowing. Various
rhythm, one must not forget that the left side normally has dementing disorders may also be accompanied by general-
an amplitude of up to 50 percent less than the right; it is ized asynchronous slowing, including Alzheimer’s disease
thus only when the alpha rhythm on the left is at least 50 (Deisenhammer and Jellinger 1974; Johannesson et al.
percent less than that on the right that one can declare with 1977), Binswanger’s disease (Caplan and Schoene 1978),
certainty that an abnormality is present. The beta rhythm Parkinson’s disease (Neufeld et al. 1988), diffuse Lewy
is generally bilaterally symmetric, but even here an ampli- body disease (Briel et al. 1999), progressive supranuclear
tude asymmetry is not unusual in normal individuals; thus, palsy (Su and Goldensohn 1973), normal pressure hydro-
for the beta rhythm, any asymmetry must be more than 35 cephalus (Wood et al. 1974), vitamin B12 deficiency (Walson
percent before it can be declared outside the normal range. et al. 1954), post-anoxic encephalopathy (Hockaday et al.
A unilateral reduction in amplitude of the beta rhythm 1965), AIDS dementia (Harden et al. 1993), and
indicates a frontal lesion. In general, a unilateral reduction Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (Burger et al. 1972) (including
of the alpha rhythm suggests a lesion of the underlying the new-variant type [Zeidler et al. 1997]).
occipital cortex, but in the case of the alpha rhythm an A mild degree of generalized asynchronous slowing may
amplitude reduction may also be seen with distant lesions also be seen as a normal variant in a small minority of sub-
in the frontal or parietal cortices or the ipsilateral thalamus. jects; furthermore, occasional scattered theta transients are
Amplitude asymmetry may occasionally be spurious, as not at all abnormal in normal subjects over the age of 60
for example with ‘breach’ rhythms. Here, in conditions years (Kooi et al. 1964). Generalized slowing also, of course,
where the skull has been breached, for example with a burr occurs with sleep, and thus slowing in a drowsy patient who
hole or fracture (regardless of how much scar tissue has is slipping in and out of sleep is of little significance.
formed), an excessive amplitude is seen on the side with Synchronous bilaterally generalized slowing typically
the breach, making the normal amplitude activity on the occurs episodically, and in such cases is termed IRDA
other side appear low by comparison (Cobb et al. 1979). (intermittent rhythmic delta activity). In most adults,
IRDA is predominantly frontal, and is termed FIRDA
SLOWING (frontal intermittent rhythmic delta activity) (Zurek et al.
1985), whereas in children IRDA is generally occipital and
Slowing on the EEG may be either focal or generalized. referred to as OIRDA (Watemberg et al. 2007). Although
FIRDA was classically associated with deep midline lesions
Focal slowing (Daly et al. 1953), it has now become clear that FIRDA is
Focal slowing may consist of either theta or delta activity, most commonly seen in metabolic and toxic deliria
and is seen in a variety of focal conditions, including infarcts (Schaull et al. 1981), especially in patients with pre-existing
and tumors (Daly and Thomas 1958; Gastaut et al. 1979; ischemic lesions (Watemberg et al. 2002); FIRDA has also
Gilmore and Brenner 1981), subdural hematoma (Lusins been reported in association with diffuse Lewy body dis-
et al. 1976), post-ictally after a focal onset seizure (Gilmore ease (Calzetti et al. 2002), Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
and Brenner 1981), after some migraine headaches (Wieser et al. 2004), and in association with high-dosage
(Hockaday and Whitty 1969), and early in herpes simplex antipsychotics (Koshino et al. 1993). There is one other,
encephalitis (Upton and Gumpert 1970). relatively rare, type of IRDA which is restricted to the tem-
poral areas: this TIRDA, rather than being seen in delir-
Generalized slowing ium, most commonly occurs in patients with complex
Generalized slowing appears in the theta or delta range and partial seizures (Normand et al. 1995), especially, as might
may be either bilaterally asynchronous or synchronous. be expected, in those with foci in the temporal lobes (Di
Asynchronous generalized slowing is most commonly seen Gennaro et al. 2003).
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26 Diagnostic assessment
INTERICTAL AND ICTAL EEG ABNORMALITIES activity itself. Most paroxysmal electrical discharges are
‘surface negative’ (Matsuo and Knott 1977), i.e., their elec-
In patients with seizures or epilepsy, abnormalities seen trical potential is negative with regard to the normal base-
between seizures are termed ‘interictal’, whereas those seen line. Furthermore, most of these discharges cover a fairly
during a seizure are designated as ‘ictal’. wide area: although the discharge may be ‘seen’ under only
one electrode, this is quite rare and in the vast majority of
Interictal activity cases it covers a wider area, subtending two or more adja-
Interictal activity consists of what are known as epilepti- cent electrodes. The electrical activity itself may be visual-
form discharges. These interictal epileptiform discharges ized as a landscape, which may in turn contain various
(IEDs) are paroxysmal transients that ‘shoot’ out from the topographic features: gently rolling electrical hills and val-
background rhythm (Pedley 1980). These paroxysmal leys represent the normal EEG background, whereas deep
transients may consist of isolated spikes or sharp waves or chasms can be likened to epileptiform discharges plunging
may appear as complexes, such as spike-and-sharp wave, down from the background. With this image in mind, one
spike-and-slow wave, sharp-and-slow wave, polyspikes, or can understand the changes produced on either a referen-
polyspike-and-wave discharges. Although epileptiform tial or bipolar montage.
activity may be seen in a very small percentage of subjects To take an example, consider an epileptiform discharge
who have never had a seizure (Ajmone-Marsan and Zivin producing an electrical ‘chasm’ on the left hemisphere that
1970; Gibbs et al. 1943; Gregory et al. 1993; Zivin and is large enough to subtend electrodes F3, C3, and P3, as
Ajmone-Marsan 1968), and may also occur as a side-effect illustrated in Figure 1.4. Keep in mind also that, in this
of certain medications (e.g., lithium [Helmchen and example, the ‘walls’ of the chasm, rather than going straight
Kanowski 1971], clozapine [Malow et al. 1994], meperidine up and down, instead gently slope down to the greatest
[Kaiko et al. 1983]), and in patients with autism (Kim et al. electrical depth. Thus, proceeding from Fp1 to F3 the depth
2006) or developmental dysphasia (Picard et al. 1998), they falls, from F3 to C3 it continues to fall to its nadir, from C3
are typically present only in patients with a history of to P3 it rises, and from P3 to O1 it continues to rise back to
seizures. Importantly, however, although most epileptic the surface. Assume, for the purpose of this example, that
patients will have interictal epileptiform abnormalities the gently rolling landscape exists at an electrical potential
(Goodin and Aminoff 1984), the absence of such a finding of ⫺25 μV, and that this is what electrodes Fp1, O1, and A1
on the first EEG does not rule out a diagnosis of epilepsy, as ‘see’. Furthermore, assume also that electrode F3, being
it may take up to four or more EEGs before an IED is over the gently downsloping wall of the chasm, sees a
‘caught’ (Salinsky et al. 1987). Furthermore, in evaluating a potential of ⫺50 μV, and that electrode C3, being over the
patient who has had a seizure, it is important to obtain the nadir of the chasm, sees a potential of ⫺100 μV. Electrode
EEG within the first 24 hours, as EEGs obtained later than P3, being over the following wall of the chasm, sees ⫺50 μV,
this are less likely to reveal IEDs (King et al. 1998). It must and electrode O1 encompasses the normal landscape of
be borne in mind, however, that in a very small minority of ⫺25 μV. Depending on whether a referential or bipolar
patients with unquestionable epilepsy routine EEGs will montage is used, the EEG recording of this same landscape
simply not display IEDs (Ajmone-Marsan and Zivin 1970; will look quite different.
Martins da Silva et al. 1984; Morris et al. 1988). As noted earlier, in a referential recording each scalp, or
Interictal epileptiform activity may be generalized, active electrode, is paired with the same reference electrode,
focal, or multifocal: in this example the ipsilateral ear; thus, in this example, as
Generalized bisynchronous IEDs indicate the presence
of one of the idiopathic generalized epilepsies, such as petit
mal epilepsy (either childhood or juvenile onset), juvenile
myoclonic epilepsy, or epilepsy with any tonic–clonic Fp1 Fp2
seizures. In petit mal epilepsy, one sees the classic, roughly F7 F8
3-Hz generalized and bisynchronous spike and dome dis- F3
charges (Dalby 1969); in the other forms, the IEDs may be
spike-and-wave, polyspike or polyspike-and-wave in char-
acter (Betting et al. 2006) (importantly, in this latter group A1 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 A2
⫺100 V
a minority of patients displayed atypical findings, includ-
ing focal discharges). Pz
P3 ⫺50 V
Focal epileptiform activity strongly suggests an underly-
ing focal epileptogenic lesion (e.g., a tumor, scar, or area of T5 T6
⫺25 V
cortical dysplasia), whereas multifocal epileptiform activ- O1 O2
ity, as might be expected, suggests widespread and multiple
lesions (e.g., subsequent to severe traumatic brain injury).
The task of localizing focal epileptiform activity is facili- Figure 1.4 Surface-negative epileptiform discharge, of greatest
tated by having in mind a spatial image of the electrical extent at electrode C3 (see text for details).
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1.5 Electroencephalography 27
illustrated in Figure 1.5, there are five channels to consider: ‘looking’ up, the pen goes up, but if one is ‘looking’ down
Fp1⫺A1, F3⫺A1, C3⫺A1, P3⫺A1, and O1⫺A1. Channel the pen likewise goes down.
Fp1⫺A1, with both electrodes ‘seeing’ the same potential, The situation with bipolar recordings is quite different:
would register no difference; channel F3⫺A1 would see a here, it is not amplitude that is important but a phenome-
difference of 25 μV (i.e., looking up from a depth of ⫺50 to non known as phase reversal (Knott 1985; Lesser 1985).
the surface, which is at ⫺25); channel C3⫺A1 would see a Take the same example of an electrical paroxysm as used
difference of 75 μV (looking up from a depth of ⫺100 to above, but this time cover it, as illustrated in Figure 1.6,
the surface at ⫺25); channel P3⫺A1 a difference of 25 μV with a longitudinal chain of electrodes, starting at Fp1 and
(looking up from ⫺50 to ⫺25), and the last channel, including, sequentially, F3, C3, P3, and O1. Then construct
O1⫺A1, with both electrodes seeing ⫺25 μV, would regis- the following channels: Fp1⫺F3, F3⫺C3, C3⫺P3, and,
ter 0. As seen in Figure 1.4, the greatest pen deflection is finally, P3⫺O1. Now consider what each channel will
seen in the channel containing the electrode, in this exam- record. For channel Fp1⫺F3, one looks down from Fp1 at
ple C3, which lies over the deepest part of the electrical ⫺25 to F3 at ⫺50, for a difference of ⫺25 μV. For the next
chasm. Thus, with referential recordings, it is the channel channel, F3⫺ C3, one continues to look down into the elec-
showing the greatest amplitude that serves to localize the trical chasm, now looking down from ⫺50 to ⫺100, for a
focus of the electrical paroxysm. difference of ⫺50 μV. At the next channel, C3⫺P3, how-
It may be noted that the pen deflections in channels ever, something very different happens; here, standing at
F3⫺A1, C3⫺A1, and P3⫺A1 are all positive, and this is the nadir of the chasm at ⫺100, one is looking ‘up’ to ⫺50,
according to the convention (Knott 1985) that whenever, for a difference of ⫹50 μV. Similarly, for the next channel,
in going from the first to second lead of any channel, one is P3⫺O1, one continues to look up, but here from ⫺50 to
⫺25, for a difference of ⫹25 μV.
Figure 1.6 shows the various pen tracings seen for each
channel. As may be noted, both channels Fp1⫺F3 and
Fp1 Fp2
F7 F8
F3 F4
Fp1 Fp2
A1 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 A2 F7 F8
F3 F4
P3 Pz P4
A1 T3 C3 Cz C4 T4 A2
T5 T6
O1 O2
P3 Pz P4
T5 T6
O1 O2
F3–A1 Fp1–F3
C3–A1 F3–C3
P3–A1 C3–P3
O1–A1 P3–O1
Figure 1.5 Referential recording of the epileptiform discharge Figure 1.6 Bipolar recording of the epileptiform discharge
shown in Figure 1.4 (see text for details). shown in Figure 1.4 (see text for details).
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28 Diagnostic assessment
1.5 Electroencephalography 29
rare exceptions (Singh et al. 2005), the PLEDS themselves do (Holmes et al. 2004), except in patients with treatment-
not constitute ictal discharges, but, from an electroencephalo- resistant focal seizures, in whom it occurred in one-quarter
graphic point of view, constitute innocent bystanders. of all patients (Guaranha et al. 2005).
Bilateral independent periodic lateralized epileptiform Hyperventilation is generally contraindicated in
discharges (BIPLEDS) constitute a variant of PLEDS, with, patients with sickle cell disease (Protass 1978) or those with
as the name suggests, the appearance of these lateralized significant cerebrovascular or cardiovascular disease.
epileptiform discharges first on one side, then the other.
This pattern may be seen in herpes simplex encephalitis or
anoxic encephalopathy (de la Paz and Brenner 1981), and PHOTIC STIMULATION
with bilateral infarctions of the frontal (Nicolai et al. 2001),
Photic stimulation is accomplished by positioning a stro-
or temporal lobes (Fushimi et al. 2003).
boscopic light about 30 cm from the patient’s face, the eyes
being either open or closed. The light is then flashed at var-
BURST-SUPPRESSION ious frequencies (e.g., 3, 5, 10, 13, 15, 17, 20, and 25 Hz),
each frequency being allotted about 10 seconds. In about
The burst-suppression pattern is characterized by bursts of
two-thirds of normal adults this stroboscopic illumination
generalized, bilaterally symmetric and synchronous delta
will produce the photic driving response, wherein bilater-
activity, lasting in the order of 1–3 seconds and occurring
ally symmetric and synchronous waves appear at a fre-
every 3–10 seconds, in between which the background
quency equal to either the stroboscopic frequency or some
activity is suppressed to a very low amplitude or, at a nor-
harmonic of it (Hughes 1960). Normally, although the
mal sensitivity, to a flat line. This pattern is seen in states of
photic driving is maximal occipitally, it may extend to the
severe cortical dysfunction, for example subacute scleros-
parietal or temporal area. Maximal photic driving is gener-
ing panencephalitis (Markand and Panzi 1975), viral
ally seen when the strobe frequency is close to the patient’s
encephalitis, or post-anoxic coma (Hockaday et al. 1965).
normal alpha rhythm and, as with the alpha rhythm, the
Although it is typically bilateral, it may occasionally be seen
amplitude of the photic driving response is often lower on
unilaterally, as for example after a very large infarction.
the left side. With very high-frequency stroboscopic activ-
ity the resultant wave forms may resemble spikes.
Abnormalities seen with photic driving include unex-
Activation procedures
pected amplitude asymmetries, photomyoclonic responses,
and photoparoxysmal responses. Amplitude asymmetries
Hyperventilation, photic stimulation, and sleep are all con-
wherein the left side has an amplitude of less than 50 per-
sidered to be activation procedures in that they may acti-
cent that of the right, or wherein the right side has an
vate certain abnormalities that would otherwise not be
amplitude less than that of the left, indicate a definite
apparent on the routine EEG. In patients suspected of hav-
abnormality. The photomyoclonic response (Meier-Ewert
ing reflex seizures, exposing the patient to the putative
and Broughton 1976) consists of a myoclonic twitching of
epileptogenic stimulus may also be considered in order to
the eyelids and, in severe cases, myoclonus of the head and
activate the focus.
neck; it may be seen in a very small minority of normal
individuals (Kooi et al. 1960) and more commonly in those
HYPERVENTILATION withdrawing from alcohol or sedative hypnotics (Fisch et al.
1989; Gastaut et al. 1958). The photoparoxysmal response
Hyperventilation is normally followed by a build-up of
consists of epileptiform changes (Bickford et al. 1952) and
generalized, bilaterally symmetric and synchronous high-
is most common in those with petit mal or one of the other
amplitude slow waves, maximal frontally in adults (Goldberg
idiopathic generalized epilepsies (Stevens 1962; Wolf and
and Strauss 1959). Abnormalities that may occur include
Gooses 1986). A minority of patients with the photoparox-
asymmetric or focal slowing and epileptiform abnormali-
ysmal response will experience a seizure during the photic
ties. Asymmetric or focal slowing has the same significance
stimulation (Seddigh et al. 1999).
as spontaneous slowing, as discussed previously in this
chapter. Epileptiform abnormalities are very common in the
case of petit mal seizures, with most of these patients show- SLEEP
ing typical 3-Hz spike-and-dome epileptiform changes
(Dalby 1969); indeed, in these patients hyperventilation is Sleep may activate epileptiform activity (Sammaritano et
a more sensitive diagnostic procedure than is a 6-hour al. 1991); indeed, IEDs are seen only during sleep in up to
recording (Adams and Lueders 1981). In the case of complex one-third of patients with complex partial seizures
partial seizures, however, only a small minority of cases (Niedermeyer and Rocca 1972). The sleep portion of the
will display activation (Adams and Lueders 1981; Gabor and recording should last at least 20 minutes and include both
Ajmone-Marsan 1969; Miley and Forster 1977; Morgan stages I and II of sleep. In some cases, patients will simply
and Scott 1970). In addition to IEDs, seizures may also be drift off to sleep on their own at the end of the awake
induced by hyperventilation but this is very uncommon recording session, whereas in others the administration of
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 30
30 Diagnostic assessment
chloral hydrate will be required. Some authors recommend generally last about a minute and are most commonly seen
sleep deprivation not only to ensure that the patient falls with hyperventilation in the elderly.
asleep during the recording, but also in the belief that sleep Rhythmic mid-temporal discharges (Gibbs et al. 1963;
deprivation per se is activating: this is a controversial Klass and Westmoreland 1985), also known as rhythmic
notion, supported by some (Ellingson et al. 1984; Leach et theta bursts of drowsiness, consist of lengthy trains of
al. 2006; Mattson et al. 1965), but not all, studies (Pratt et rhythmic theta activity that occur in both temporal areas,
al. 1968; Veldhuizen et al. 1983). In interpreting a sleep either synchronously or independently. The trains them-
EEG it is important to distinguish epileptiform activity selves often last about 10 seconds but they may endure for
from normally occurring POSTs and vertex sharp waves. as long as a minute. This variant was once referred to as the
In addition to revealing epileptiform abnormalities, sleep psychomotor variant but this terminology has been aban-
recordings may, at times, reveal other abnormalities, for doned as there is no connection between rhythmic mid-
example the early onset of REM sleep as may be seen in temporal discharges and complex partial seizures.
narcolepsy or in alcohol or anxiolytic withdrawal (Kales Ctenoids, also known as ‘14- and 6-cps positive bursts’
et al. 1974). (Klass and Westmoreland 1985; Lombroso et al. 1966)
consist of brief trains, lasting half a second to one second,
of 6- or 14-Hz rhythmic waves that occur in the temporal
regions either independently or in a bilaterally synchro-
In cases of definite or suspected ‘reflex’ epilepsy, it may be nous fashion. They are best seen during stages I and II of
appropriate, as discussed in Section 7.3 to expose the sleep, and the waves themselves have a distinctive arciform
patient to the triggering event itself. Thus, in ‘musicogenic’ morphology.
epilepsy, the appropriate tune may be played, and in ‘read- Wicket spikes (Klass and Westmoreland 1985; Reiher
ing’ epilepsy, the appropriate passage read, etc. Consider- and Lebel 1977) consist of brief trains of rhythmic activity
ation must, of course, be given to the risk of inducing a at a frequency of 6–11 Hz, which are most prominent in
seizure during the recording. the temporal regions where they may appear independ-
ently or in a bilaterally synchronous fashion. Like ctenoids,
the waves themselves have an arciform morphology. In
Normal variants some cases, rather than trains, wicket spikes may occur in
an isolated fashion: such isolated wicket spikes may be dis-
Normal variants may resemble epileptiform changes (e.g., tinguished from IEDs by the absence of a following slow
small sharp spikes [SSS]) or pathologic slow waves (e.g., wave (Krauss et al. 2005).
subclinical rhythmic EEG discharges of adults [SREDA]). Lambda waves (Barlow and Ciganek 1969; Evans 1953;
SSS, also known as benign epileptiform transients of Green 1957; Scott et al. 1967) are isolated, bilaterally syn-
sleep (BETS), are, as the name suggests, low-amplitude, chronous occipital waves that occur just after saccadic eye
very sharp spikes (i.e., less than 50 μV in amplitude and less movements made by patients as they scan a detailed scene
than 50 ms in duration) that are seen intermittently during or picture. The waves themselves are of 20–50 μV in ampli-
drowsiness in both temporal areas, either intermittently or in tude and 200–300 ms in duration; they have a characteris-
a bilaterally synchronous fashion (Klass and Westmoreland tic triangular or sawtooth-shaped morphology. These may
1985; White et al. 1977). be eliminated by having the patient stare at a blank sheet of
Phantom spike-and-wave (also known as 6-cps spike- paper, and this technique should be utilized and noted by
and-wave) (Klass and Westmoreland 1985; Thomas and the EEG technologist.
Klass 1968) is characterized by brief trains of rhythmic 6-
Hz activity that are generalized, bilaterally symmetric, and
synchronous, generally lasting no longer than a second or Artifacts
two. The name comes from the fact that the rhythmic
activity is composed of a peculiar spike-and-wave complex Artifacts may be grouped according to the EEG activity that
wherein the spike is of such relatively low amplitude and they most closely resemble, including interictal epilepti-
brevity that, next to the much more prominent wave, it, form discharges, slow waves, or decreased amplitude. There
like the ‘Phantom’, is rarely seen. is also a 60-cps artifact, which is usually readily identified as
‘Occipital spikes of blind persons’, an aptly named elec- it does not resemble any naturally occurring EEG activity.
trographic syndrome, may be seen in patients with con-
genital or acquired blindness and is characterized by RESEMBLING INTERICTAL EPILEPTIFORM DISCHARGES
intermittent spikes confined to the occipital area.
SREDA (O’Brien et al. 1998; Westmoreland and Klass Drip artifact (Linnenger et al. 1981) reflects the electrical
1981) is characterized by lengthy trains of rhythmic theta disturbance occurring each time a drip occurs in an intra-
or, less commonly, delta activity, seen best in the centro- venous line. It may appear so similar to an epileptiform
parietal areas. The trains themselves are often of abrupt discharge that its correct identification may depend on the
onset and may be preceded by some sharp waves. They EEG technician noting on the record when the drips occur.
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 31
Electrode pop reflects, as it were, a sudden ‘spark’ at an head movements that occur either with respiration or,
individual electrode, often occurring secondary to some when present, tremor. The regularity of the resulting arti-
impurity. Although it strongly resembles an epileptiform fact, the identity of its frequency with the respiratory rate
spike the fact that it is restricted to one electrode betrays its or the tremor frequency, and its restriction to the occipital
artifactual nature, as true epileptiform spikes are almost leads all highlight its true nature.
always seen at more than one electrode. Glossokinetic artifact occurs with tongue movement.
Electrocardiography (ECG) artifact represents cardiac The tip of the tongue is negative, and its up and down
electrical activity picked up by the EEG. In the case of a reg- movement may produce slow waves in the frontal or tem-
ular cardiac rhythm, its artifactual nature is immediately poral areas. Asking the patient to say ‘la la la’ during the
obvious as epileptiform spikes simply do not occur with recording allows for ready identification of this artifact.
such monotonous regularity. When irregularly occurring Pulse artifact occurs in situations when an electrode is
premature ventricular contractions are present, however, accidentally placed over a relatively large scalp artery,
the distinction may be more difficult and indeed may which, with every passing pulse, slightly moves the elec-
depend on simultaneously recording the ECG. trode resting on it. The fact that the resulting artifact
Muscle artifact reflects electrical activity arising from occurs at a regular rate, identical to the cardiac rate, sug-
the contraction of the scalp musculature and may appear gests its true identity: in doubtful cases, a simultaneous
in any one of three ways: as isolated irregularly appearing ECG will reveal that the pulse artifact follows, after a slight
‘blips’, or as ‘blips’ superimposed on a ‘muddy’ black line, delay, every QRS complex, the delay reflecting the time
the blips occurring either arrhythmically or rhythmically. required for the pulse to travel from the heart to the scalp.
The key to the identification of muscle ‘blips’ is their Perspiration on the scalp, as may occur if the patient is
extreme brevity. febrile or anxious, both alters the resistance of the overly-
ing electrodes and allows for some slight slippage between
RESEMBLING SLOW WAVES the electrodes and the scalp: the resulting artifact consists
of very slow waves (e.g., 0.5 Hz) of very high amplitude,
Eye movements may induce artifacts (Peters 1967). In the which occur in a generalized, bilateral, but asynchronous
case of vertical movements, the artifact is seen in the fashion.
frontopolar leads and, if horizontal, in the anterior tempo-
ral leads. Heuristically, the eye may be considered to be a RESEMBLING DECREASED AMPLITUDE
‘battery’, the cornea being positive and the retina negative:
thus, whichever electrode the eye ‘looks’ toward becomes Increased electrode resistance may lead to what appears to
more positive, and whichever one the eyes ‘look’ away be decreased amplitude at one electrode. Its restriction,
from becomes, conversely, more negative. Consider, for however, to but one electrode betrays its artifactual nature
example, the results with a longitudinal bipolar montage as pathologic conditions capable of causing decreased
when the patient engages in horizontal eye movement amplitude are rarely so restricted in location that they will
looking to the left: F7 becomes more positive relative to T3, be reflected at only one electrode position.
and thus, in the channel F7⫺T3 the pen deflection is down- Defective calibration of one channel may result in a
wards; conversely, F8 becomes more negative relative to T4, decreased deflection of that channel’s pen. Its isolation to
and thus, in channel F8⫺T4, the pen deflection is up. Next, one pen suggests the correct diagnosis; furthermore, the
consider the situation with vertical eye movements, as fact that the same pen continues to show decreased deflec-
occurs during a blink (Matsuo et al. 1975), recalling that tion with changing montages confirms the diagnosis.
when a blink occurs, the eyes, in Bell’s phenomenon,
undergo upward rotation. In this case, both frontopolar SIXTY CYCLE PER SECOND ARTIFACT
electrodes, Fp1 and Fp2, become positive relative to their
immediate neighbors, F3 and F4, and thus channels Fp1⫺F3 A 60-Hz artifact occurs secondary to interference from a
and Fp2⫺F4 both show a negative deflection. Eye move- nearby alternating current source, typically appearing on
ment artifacts, whether horizontal or vertical, are sug- the EEG as a thick ‘muddy’ line. If there is any doubt as to
gested by their bilateral synchrony. In the case of the source of such a ‘muddy’ line, lowering the paper speed
horizontal movements, a further indication is the fact that to 15 mm/s will confirm the diagnosis by allowing the res-
the resulting pen deflections on either side are in opposite olution of the line into orderly 60-Hz deflections.
directions. In the case of vertical eye movements occurring
with blinking, the occurrence of eyelid flutter may make
identification a little more difficult because the resulting 1.6 LUMBAR PUNCTURE
artifact will appear similar to a bifrontal slow wave focus.
Movement artifact occurs when the electrodes are actu- In the not-too-distant past, lumbar puncture was a stan-
ally moved, as most commonly occurs when the occipital dard procedure and it was the rare neuropsychiatric
electrodes (pressed between the patient’s head and the patient admitted to hospital who escaped this procedure.
underlying pillow) are slightly dislodged by the minimal Although the need for this test has dropped dramatically
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 32
32 Diagnostic assessment
with the advent of modern neuroimaging using CT and the appropriate area, the target may be marked by indent-
MRI, there are still certain clinical situations, as discussed ing the skin with a fingernail. The area is then prepped with
below, in which it is vital. This section will discuss the indi- betadine and alcohol, and sterile drapes are placed. Most
cations and contraindications for lumbar puncture, its physicians will then infiltrate the superficial tissues with
technique and complications, and the various tests, both half a cubic centimeter of a local anesthetic; however,
standard and otherwise, that may be ordered. some, on the theory that this puncture causes as much pain
as the actual lumbar puncture, will forgo it. In order to
reduce the risk of a post-lumbar puncture headache (Evans
Indications and contraindications et al. 2000), a 20- or 22-gauge needle should be used
(higher gauge needles, up to 26 gauge, are even safer in this
Lumbar puncture is indicated in cases of encephalitis or regard [Tourtellotte et al. 1972], but given their small size
meningitis, and in those uncommon cases wherein sub- the flow of CSF may be quite sluggish), and the bevel of the
arachnoid hemorrhage is strongly suspected although the needle should be parallel to the longitudinal axis of the
CT scan is negative. Lumbar puncture is also indicated patient, as this angle allows for separation, rather than lac-
when the following disorders are suspected: neurosyphilis, eration, of dural fibers. Atraumatic needles are even less
multiple sclerosis, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, certain cases prone to cause headache (Lavi et al. 2006; Strupp et al.
of vasculitis, and benign intracranial hypertension. 2001) but they are more difficult to use. The needle itself
Lumbar puncture is contraindicated when there is should be held perpendicular to the patient’s back and
infection of any of the tissues near the site of the proposed angled slightly cephalad, generally toward the patient’s
puncture. Conditions that present a risk of bleeding during umbilicus (with due regard for sagging umbilici in obese
the puncture also constitute contraindications, and these patients). The needle is then gently inserted: at a depth of
include thrombocytopenia (with platelet counts below from 4 to 5 cm, there is often a palpable ‘give’ as the dura is
50 000) and treatment with either heparin or warfarin. In pierced, followed by a less obvious ‘pop’ when the arach-
cases when puncture must be performed, consideration noid is punctured. Once these landmark events have tran-
may be given to use of platelet transfusion, protamine, or spired, the stylet should be slowly removed (rapid removal
vitamin K. Evidence of increased intracranial pressure is may suck a nerve rootlet into the lumen) and one should
often considered a contraindication, but this holds only watch to see if any fluid emerges. ‘Dry taps’ generally indi-
where there is a risk of herniation, whether subfalcine, cate improper placement and, if the patient is tolerating
uncal, transtentorial, or cerebellar. Thus, the presence of the procedure, the stylet should be replaced, the needle
mass lesions and acute infarctions generally argue against gently withdrawn, and another attempt made. As fluid
lumbar puncture. However, there are some cases of raised emerges, the patient may be allowed to relax and to slightly
intracranial pressure wherein the risk of herniation is low, extend the legs. In cases when an opening pressure is
as for example in benign intracranial hypertension and desired, a manometer is attached to the needle and the
some cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage; in these instances pressure of water read (in centimeters). Given that com-
lumbar puncture may be safely performed and indeed may pression of the abdomen may elevate the pressure, it is nec-
be carried out therapeutically. As a rule, imaging with essary for obese patients to relax their legs sufficiently to
either CT or MRI should be performed in every patient release any pressure on the abdomen before reading the
before lumbar puncture: the only exception here would be pressure. In any case, the CSF is then collected into three
when bacterial meningitis is strongly suspected and delay containers and these are then promptly sealed. When suffi-
could prove fatal. cient fluid has been obtained, the stylet is replaced, the nee-
dle is withdrawn, and firm pressure is applied to the
puncture site, followed by the application of an adhesive
Technique (Roos 2003) plaster. The patient may then be allowed to be up ad lib;
bed rest at this point does not decrease the risk of a post-
The patient is placed in the left lateral decubitus position lumbar puncture headache (Dieterich and Brandt 1985).
on a firm surface, with his or her back brought up to the Recently, it has become common to perform lumbar
edge of the bed or gurney. Pillows are placed under the puncture under fluoroscopic guidance, with the procedure
head and neck as well as between the legs, and the back is itself performed by a radiologist.
kept strictly vertical by assuring that the right shoulder and
hip are directly above the left shoulder and hip, respec-
tively. The patient is then helped into a fetal position by Complications
flexing the head and legs, thus opening the spaces between
the spinous processes. In adults, the needle should gener- The most common complication of a lumbar puncture is
ally be inserted in the L3⫺L4 interspace, a spot which may headache and this may occur in about one-quarter of all
be found by palpating the superior iliac crests and then cases. The headache occurs typically a day or two after the
drawing an imaginary line between them: the appropriate puncture, and may last from days to a couple of weeks: it
interspace generally lies just below this line. After palpating is generalized and may be either steady or throbbing in
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 33
character, and is worse when sitting or standing and gener- be distinguished by centrifuging the first tube, and inspect-
ally relieved by recumbancy. Treatment involves bed rest ing the supernatant. In traumatic taps the supernatant is
and analgesics; caffeine sodium benzoate, in a dose of clear, whereas in subarachnoid hemorrhage the presence of
500 mg i.v., may also be used and is typically dramatically hemolyzed red cells creates xanthochromia. Importantly,
effective (Choi et al. 1996). If these fail, and the headache is however, xanthochromia may be absent early on, for, as
severe, a ‘blood patch’ may be placed by injecting about 10 noted above, hemolysis generally takes at least 8 hours
cubic centimeters (cm3) of the patient’s blood on to the to occur.
puncture site: this procedure, however, should not be rou-
tine for it may cause a radiculopathy in up to one-third of CELL COUNT AND DIFFERENTIAL
all cases. The mechanism underlying the headache involves
leakage of fluid through the dural hole, which allows the Normal CSF is free of red cells but may contain up to five
brain to ‘sag’, thus stretching pain-sensitive structures. white cells, either lymphocytic or mononuclear. Red cells
This sagging may also stretch cranial nerves, resulting in may be seen in subarachnoid hemorrhage and cases of either
tinnitus, deafness, or diplopia; rarely, these cranial nerve contusion or intracerebral/intraventricular hemorrhage.
palsies may occur in the absence of headache. A pleocytosis, i.e., increased number of white cells, is
Other complications include backache, subarachnoid seen in a large number of conditions. Note that a polymor-
bleeding, radiculopathy, and, as noted above, herniation. phonuclear predominance generally indicates a bacterial
infection: although viral, fungal, or tubercular infections
may initially display a polymorphonuclear predominance
Standard measurements a lymphocytic one is far more common, especially after the
infection has passed the acute stage.
A number of determinations are considered standard and When the CSF is frankly bloody, as in subarachnoid
should be requested in all cases. These include the appear- hemorrhage or with a traumatic tap, the CSF white blood
ance of the fluid, cell count and differential, total protein, count (WBC) is of course elevated by white cells derived
glucose, stain and appropriate culture, and tests for directly from the systemic circulation. As a rule of thumb,
syphilis. Measurement of the opening pressure was once one may correct for this by subtracting one white cell from
standard but is now rarely required. the total CSF count for every 1000 red cells.
Total protein
Most of the protein in the CSF consists of albumin; other
Normal CSF is crystal clear. A ‘ground glass’ appearance constituents include gamma-globulins, other globulins
may occur in the presence of 200 or more red blood cells (alpha and beta) and prealbumin. The total protein in nor-
(RBCs), whereas red counts over 1000 may impart a pink- mal CSF ranges from 15 to 45 mg/dL.
ish cast to the fluid. A hazy fluid may occur in the presence When the fluid is grossly bloody, the total protein is
of 200 or more white cells, and larger white counts may corrected by subtracting about 1 mg for each 1000 RBCs.
make the fluid cloudy in appearance.
Xanthochromia, or a yellowish discoloration, may Glucose
occur in any situation when the total protein is over Normally, CSF glucose runs anywhere from 50 to 65 per-
150 mg/dL. Such a discoloration may also occur in jaun- cent of serum glucose and hence normal CSF values range
dice (serum bilrubin ⬎6 mg/dL), cases of carotenemia and from 45 to 80 mg/dL. In all cases, the serum glucose should
in patients treated with rifampin. Another very important be measured, however, given that 2–4 hours are required
cause of xanthochromia is hemolysis (as may be seen eight for equilibration between serum and CSF, the timing of the
or more hours after a subarachnoid hemorrhage), wherein blood draw varies according to the fed state of the patient:
lysed red cells leak hemoglobin breakdown products, such when the patient is fasting, the blood draw may be just
as bilirubin, into the CSF. before the puncture; when the patient has eaten, however,
Frankly bloody CSF may occur either in cases of sub- the blood draw should be 2–4 hours before the scheduled
arachnoid hemorrhage or after a traumatic, or ‘bloody’, puncture.
tap. Traumatic taps occur in about 10 percent of lumbar Elevated CSF glucose is of no concern. Reductions in
punctures and, rather than reflecting poor technique, they CSF glucose may occur with hypoglycemia, in bacterial or
generally result from the accidental nicking of a vein in the fungal meningitides, or other inflammatory disorders.
epidural plexus. These two possibilities may be differenti-
ated by the ‘three-tube test’, wherein one simply watches Stains and cultures
for any change in appearance between the first, second, The CSF should always be Gram-stained and, whenever
and third tubes collected. In subarachnoid hemorrhage, tuberculosis is suspected, an acid-fast stain should also be
the fluid in the third tube is as bloody as that in the first, requested. An ‘India ink prep’ is traditional when crypto-
whereas in a traumatic tap there is substantial clearing of coccal infection is suspected; however, the availability of
the fluid by the third tube. These two conditions may also polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays has made this
p 01.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 34
34 Diagnostic assessment
almost superfluous. Appropriate cultures should also be Oligoclonal bands, that is to say anywhere from three to
requested, whether bacterial, tubercular, or fungal. five bands seen on electrophoresis, are seen in a number of
conditions, including multiple sclerosis, lupus, Behçet’s
Tests for syphilis syndrome, neurosarcoidosis, and infections, whether viral,
It is good practice to always request a CSF-VDRL test with bacterial, or fungal.
titer. Furthermore, in cases where the clinical picture is con- Myelin basic protein is found in diseases characterized
sistent with neurosyphilis but the CSF-VDRL is negative it is by myelin breakdown, such as multiple sclerosis. An
entirely appropriate to obtain a CSF-FTA, given that the increased myelin basic protein, however, is certainly not
CSF-FTA is a far more sensitive test than the CSF-VDRL specific for multiple sclerosis, being found in various other
(Davis and Schmitt 1989; Timmermans and Carr 2004). conditions, such as encephalitis, lupus, vasculitidies, and
recent infarction.
Opening pressure The 14-3-3 protein should be tested for in suspected
cases of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. Although this is very
Measurement of the opening pressure, although once con- sensitive for Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, false-positives have
sidered standard, is rarely required in modern practice: one been noted in large number of conditions such as encephali-
exception consists of cases of suspected benign intracranial tis, recent infarction, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto’s
hypertension. The normal opening pressure ranges from encephalopathy, paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis, astro-
6 to 20 cm of water; values of below 5 cm may be seen with cytoma, and even degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s
systemic dehydration, subarachnoid block, or following a disease, diffuse Lewy body disease, and amyotrophic lateral
prior lumbar puncture. Elevations of over 20 cm are seen scelerosis (Lemstra et al. 2000; Martinez-Yelamos et al. 2001;
in cases of benign intracranial hypertension, meningitis, Van Everbroeck et al. 2005).
cerebral venous occlusion, and with mass lesions, hemor-
rhages, or acute infarctions.
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this correctly and without hesitation then give a more present, are rare. Repetition does not improve speech;
complex phrase, for example ‘to get out of the hospital, naming, although effortful, is generally preserved.
take the elevator to the first floor and then turn right’. Motor aphasia can be a very frustrating experience and
Finally, the ability to name things may be tested by patients tend to become irritable or depressed (Benson
pointing to an object in the room, such as a lamp, or per- 1973). Asking about the patient’s experience can be edify-
haps by holding up a pencil and asking the patient to name ing. Try, for example, saying to the patient ‘Some patients
it. If the patient does so correctly then proceed to parts of who have trouble speaking do so because they’re not clear
the object in question, such as the lampshade, light bulb, what they want to say, whereas others know exactly what
etc. If the patient has difficulty then provide cues, such as they want to say but can’t get the words out. Is that the kind
‘it’s something that provides light’ or ‘it begins with the of trouble you’re having? Do you know what you want to
letter L’. If cues are not helpful, tell the patient the name of say but can’t get it out?’ Patients with motor aphasia often
the object and ask whether or not that is the correct name. nod their heads vigorously, relieved that the physician
After making all these determinations, it is generally pos- understands their plight. Interestingly, emotionally laden
sible to classify the patient’s aphasia into one of the following speech, such as cursing, may be relatively unaffected, and
types (all described in detail below): motor, transcortical some patients may evidence a remarkably preserved ability
motor, sensory, transcortical sensory, global, transcortical to sing (Yamadori et al. 1977).
mixed, conduction, pure word deafness, and anomic. In most cases, the responsible lesion is seen to involve
Importantly, however, it must be borne in mind that this the posterior portion of the inferior frontal gyrus (Mohr
classificatory scheme is but an approximation: clinical real- et al. 1978; Naeser and Hayward 1978; Tonkonogy and
ity often overflows the nosologic boundaries we erect and Goodglass 1981). Given that most lesions extend beyond
atypical cases are not at all uncommon (Brown and the inferior frontal gyrus, it is very common to find associ-
Simonson 1957). One must also be prepared for surprises: ated deficits, such as a right-sided hemiparesis: indeed,
for example, in bilingual patients one may see a different although noted (Henderson 1985; Masdeu and O’Hara
aphasia for each language: in one case of a native Spanish 1983), it is very uncommon to find an isolated motor
speaker who had Hebrew as a second language, there was a aphasia without any accompanying deficits.
motor aphasia for Spanish and a sensory one for Hebrew Motor aphasia has also been noted with a thalamic
(Silverberg and Gordon 1979). lesion (Megens et al. 1992) and with infarction of the puta-
Each of the various types of aphasia is described further men and adjacent anterior limb of the internal capsule
below, with comments on its localizing value. Before pro- (Naeser et al. 1982).
ceeding, however, a word is in order regarding aphasia’s lat-
eralizing value. Roughly 90 percent of the general population TRANSCORTICAL MOTOR APHASIA
is right-handed and in 99 percent of these individuals the left
hemisphere is dominant for language. Among left-handers, Transcortical motor aphasia is essentially identical to
the majority also exhibit language dominance in the left motor aphasia, with the exception that repetition is pre-
hemisphere (Goodglass and Quadfasel 1954; Humphrey served. Transcortical motor aphasia is most often seen with
and Zangwill 1952), and among the remainder some form of lesions of the medial aspect of the left frontal lobe, as may
mixed dominance is generally present. Consequently, and occur with infarctions in the area of distribution of the
especially in right-handers, the presence of aphasia lateral- anterior cerebral artery (Alexander and Schmitt 1980;
izes the lesion to the left hemisphere. However, exceptions Bogousslavsky and Regli 1990; Freedman et al. 1984; Racy
to this rule in right-handers have been noted, and such cases et al. 1979; Rubens 1975). A syndrome similar to transcorti-
are referred to as ‘crossed aphasia’ (Bakar et al. 1996; Brown cal motor aphasia may also occur with lesions of the putamen
and Wilson 1973; Holmes and Sadoff 1966). Crossed apha- or thalamus (Alexander and LoVerme 1980; Ghika-Schmid
sia has been noted for motor aphasia (Hindson et al. 1984; and Bogousslavsky 2000; McFarling et al. 1982).
Trojanowski et al. 1980), transcortical motor aphasia
(Ghika-Schmid and Bogousslavsky 2000), sensory aphasia SENSORY APHASIA
(Alexander et al. 1989; Henderson 1983; Sweet et al. 1984),
global aphasia (Assal et al. 1981), and mixed transcortical Sensory aphasia, also known as Wernicke’s aphasia or
aphasia (Cappa et al. 1993). receptive aphasia, is characterized by fluent speech that is
more or less incoherent and contaminated by frequent
MOTOR APHASIA paraphasias; such patients also have difficulty compre-
hending commands, especially complex ones. In its most
Motor aphasia, also known as Broca’s aphasia or expressive severe form, one sees what as known as ‘jargon aphasia’, or
aphasia, is characterized by non-fluent, effortful speech speech that is almost totally incomprehensible.
that is laconic, often circumlocutory, and telegraphic. In some cases, patients may appear relatively uncon-
Comprehension is preserved and although one may miss cerned, despite a severe deficit. In other cases, patients may
hearing the expected prepositions, conjunctions, and the become agitated and suspicious, and some may develop
like, coherence is generally preserved and, paraphasias, if delusions of persecution (Benson 1973, Singer et al. 1989).
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2.1 Aphasia 47
Sensory aphasia may be seen with lesions involving the contrast with sensory aphasia, however, comprehension is
temporoparietal area (Naeser and Hayward 1978), espe- preserved. Furthermore, and remarkably so in light of the
cially Wernicke’s area on the posterior surface of the supe- preserved comprehension, patients are unable to repeat
rior temporal gyrus (Selnes et al. 1985); it may also be seen complex sentences.
with lesions of the white matter subjacent to Wernicke’s Conduction aphasia is classically associated with dam-
area (Naeser and Hayward 1978) and lesions affecting age to the arcuate fasciculus (Benson et al. 1973; Damasio
the putamen and adjacent posterior limb of the internal and Damasio 1980; Tanabe et al. 1987) but has also been
capsule (Naeser et al. 1982). noted with infarction of the caudate nucleus (Godefroy
et al. 1994).
In conduction aphasia speech is fluent, but there is a degree Atypical aphasias are not uncommon and simply do not
of incoherence and paraphasias are present. In striking fit into the categories noted above. They are particularly
p 02.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 48
associated with subcortical lesions (Ciemens 1970; worsens, a dementia eventually appears, thus betraying the
Damasio et al. 1982a). nature of the underlying process (Le Rhun et al. 2005).
Aphasia may also appear in the context of a pre-existing
dementia, and this may occur in each of the disorders,
noted above, that may also cause the syndrome of primary
Etiology progressive aphasia. In passing, it may be noted that, with
the exception of frontotemporal dementia, it is rare that
As noted above, the various different types of aphasia, these neurodegenerative disorders present with an isolated
although generally lateralizing to the left hemisphere, aphasia. Aphasia is also common in the midst of a delir-
localize, according to the type present, to multiple different ium, and here one typically finds elements of either a
areas of the cortex and, less commonly, subcortical struc- sensory or an anomic aphasia.
tures. Determining the nature of the underlying lesion is In children, aphasia may also be seen as part of the
facilitated by attending to the mode of onset of the aphasia, Landau–Kleffner syndrome (Hirsch et al. 1990; Mantovani
whether acute or gradual, and whether or not it is occur- and Landau 1980; Paquier et al. 1992) and the syndrome of
ring in a more or less isolated fashion or in the context of developmental dysphasia: in developmental dysphasia
another syndrome, notably either dementia or delirium. both motor (Sato and Dreifuss 1973) and sensory (Bartak
Aphasia of acute onset, in most cases, represents a stroke, et al. 1975; Cohen et al. 1989; Paul et al. 1983) types have
either ischemic or hemorrhagic. In this situation, it is not been described.
uncommon for the patient to initially present with mutism:
over time, as perilesional edema subsides, the mutism
resolves, leaving one of the classic aphasias in its wake Differential diagnosis
(Pedersen et al. 1995). Rarely, a similar onset may be seen
secondary to an emerging plaque in multiple sclerosis Motor aphasia must be distinguished from dysarthria.
(Achiron et al. 1992; Devere et al. 2000; Lacour et al. 2004; Dysarthric, or slurred, speech, may appear somewhat
Olmos-Lau et al. 1977). Aphasia of paroxysmal onset may effortful, but there are no word finding pauses or circum-
occur on an ictal basis, representing either a simple partial or locutions and, if one listens carefully one finds a normal
a complex partial seizure. In the case of simple partial complement of prepositions, adjectives, etc.
seizures, aphasia may be the sole symptom (Hamilton and Sensory aphasia must be distinguished from other
Mathews 1979; Labar et al. 1992) or may be accompanied by causes of incoherence, notably the loosening of associa-
some twitching of the right side of the face (Williamson et al. tions seen in schizophrenia and the rambling and variably
1985); when aphasia occurs as part of a complex partial incoherent speech seen in delirium and advanced cases of
seizure (Devinsky et al. 1994; Knight and Cooper 1986) one dementia. This differential is relatively easy if one pays
also finds other typical symptoms, such as confusion or attention to the clinical context and associated symptoms.
automatisms. Post-ictal states may also be characterized by Loosening of associations, in contrast with sensory
aphasia, and this strongly suggests that the seizure focus is in aphasia (Faber et al. 1983; Gerson et al. 1977), is generally
the left hemisphere (Gabr et al. 1989; Privitera et al. 1991). associated with more voluble speech; furthermore, patients
Aphasia of gradual onset may occur secondary to an with loosening of associations are also less concerned
appropriately situated tumor or abscess and has also been about their incoherence than are patients with sensory apha-
noted in progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy sia: indeed, patients with loosening often are absolutely
(Astrom et al. 1958; Krupp et al. 1985): all of these condi- unconcerned in this regard. Although these points may be
tions are readily identified on MR scanning. Such gradual helpful in distinguishing loosening from sensory aphasia,
onsets may also occur in a condition known as primary they represent differences in degree only and may not be
progressive aphasia (PPA). PPA represents the effects of a that helpful clinically. In my experience it is far more use-
focal onset of various neurodegenerative disorders (Josephs ful to attend to the presence of associated symptoms, such
et al. 2006; Knibb et al. 2006), including Alzheimer’s as bizarre behavior, auditory hallucinations, and bizarre
disease (Clark et al. 2003; Galton et al. 2000; Green et al. delusions, which are almost universally present in cases of
1990; Greene et al. 1996), frontotemporal dementia schizophrenia associated with loosening of associations
(Mesulam et al. 2007; Turner et al. 1996), Pick’s disease and, by contrast, are absent in cases of sensory aphasia: as
(Graff-Radford et al. 1990; Karbe et al. 1993; Kertesz et al. noted above, delusions or persecution may be present in
1994; Wechsler et al. 1982), corticobasal ganglionic degen- patients with sensory aphasia but bizarre delusions are
eration (Geda et al. 2007; Ikeda et al. 1996), and progres- absent.
sive supranuclear palsy (Knibb et al. 2006); the syndrome Rambling and more or less incoherent speech is typical
has also been reported secondary to Creutzfeldt–Jakob dis- of delirium and advanced cases of dementia, and some
ease (Mandell et al. 1989). Clinically, most patients present might argue that the difference between this and sensory
with a motor or anomic aphasia or, less commonly, a sen- aphasia is moot and go on to simply say that this finding, in
sory aphasia (Clark et al. 2003; Mendez and Zander 1991). fact, represents a sensory aphasia. From a clinical point of
Over a long period of time, and as the aphasia gradually view, however, the important point is not to resolve this
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2.2 Alexia 49
debate but rather to note whether in patients with ram- this chapter, however, is concerned with alexia occurring
bling and incoherent speech there are associated cognitive in an isolated fashion, that is to say in patients who,
deficits, such as disorientation, confusion, short-term although still able to understand the spoken word and to
memory loss, etc. If these are present, then one pursues the speak fluently and coherently, are yet unable to compre-
differential as noted in Section 5.1 (dementia) and Section hend the written word.
5.3 (delirium).
Pure word deafness must be distinguished from deaf-
ness, and this may be accomplished by attending to the Clinical features
patient’s reaction to sounds other than speech. Patients
with pure word deafness, although unable to comprehend Alexia may or may not be accompanied by agraphia, or the
spoken words, nevertheless are able to respond appropri- inability to write: cases of alexia without agraphia are also
ately to other sounds, such as the ringing of a telephone of referred to as ‘pure’ alexia or ‘pure word blindness’.
the sound of a car horn (Coslett et al. 1984; Kanshepolsky The experience of alexia is quite remarkable. One patient
et al. 1973). Deaf patients, in contrast, fail to respond to with alexia without agraphia (Cohen et al. 1976), an English
these non-speech sounds (Bahls et al. 1988; Le Gros Clark teacher, in describing her situation, commented: ‘I can
and Russel 1938). write and I can see, but I can’t read.’ She went on to note
Isolated alexia (Section 2.2) or agraphia (Section 2.3) that ‘it was as if the writing were in a foreign language.’ She
must also be differentiated from aphasia, and this is readily attempted to cope with the deficit during class by memoriz-
accomplished if one keeps in mind that aphasia is primarily ing what she had written on the blackboard and the strategy
a disturbance in spoken language: although disturbances in would work, unless, of course, the memory faded – turning
written language typically accompany the disturbed speech back to the blackboard, she then found herself unable to
they do not appear in isolation, that is to say in the presence read what she’d written just minutes earlier.
of intact speech, as they do in alexia or agraphia. Remarkably, in alexia without agraphia, some patients,
although unable to read words, are still able to read indi-
vidual letters, and this preserved ability enables patients
Treatment with pure alexia to circumvent their deficit by utilizing a
‘letter-by-letter’ reading strategy. Here, patients read each
In addition to treatment, if possible, of the underlying con- letter out loud, and in hearing the letters, they reconstruct
dition, speech therapy and, controversially, drug treatment the word, which is then understood (Stommel et al. 1991;
may be considered. Warrington and Langdon 1994).
Speech therapy is generally reserved for cases of aphasia In cases of alexia without agraphia, one often, but not
secondary to stroke or other more or less static lesions; its always, finds a right hemianopia. In cases of alexia with
effectiveness in cases of aphasia secondary to disorders agraphia, one also typically sees elements of the Gerstmann’s
which, in the natural course of events tends to progress syndrome, such as finger agnosia, right–left disorientation
(e.g., tumors, neurodegenerative disorders), is not clear. and acalculia.
Drug therapy has been attempted with bromocriptine,
donepezil, and amphetamine, with inconclusive results.
Bromocriptine has been studied in the treatment of motor Etiology
aphasia secondary to stroke in four double-blind studies,
with one positive result (Bragoni et al. 2000) and three neg- A brief review of the visual pathways may be helpful in
ative ones (Ashtary et al. 2006; Gupta et al. 1995; Sabe et al. understanding the mechanisms involved in alexia. To
1995). In one double-blind study of patients with chronic begin, recall that fibers of the optic tract terminate in the
aphasia of various different types, donepezil was superior lateral geniculate body of the thalamus. From the lateral
to placebo on some measures (Bertheir et al. 2006). geniculate body, the geniculocalcarine tract arises and pro-
Dextroamphetamine, in one double-blind study (Walker- ceeds to the calcarine cortex, located on the medial aspect of
Batson et al. 2001), showed some short-term benefit in a the ipsilateral occipital cortex. Fibers from the left calcarine
group of patients with various aphasia types secondary to cortex proceed directly anteriorly toward the left angular
stroke but this benefit was not maintained to a statistically gyrus, whereas fibers from the right calcarine cortex must
significant degree over the long haul. Given these incon- first pass forward, and then cross in the splenium of the cor-
clusive results, prudence may dictate abstaining from drug pus callosum, after which they proceed laterally to an even-
treatment pending further studies. tual juncture with the fibers that originated in the left
calcarine cortex. These conjoined fibers then proceed ante-
riorly, to terminate finally in the left angular gyrus.
2.2 ALEXIA It appears that the left angular gyrus subserves both
reading and writing. Hence, lesions of the gyrus itself cause
As noted in the immediately preceding chapter, alexia (the the syndrome of alexia with agraphia. Lesions, however,
inability to read) may be seen in conjunction with aphasia; which spare the angular gyrus but which deprive it of visual
p 02.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 50
afferents from both hemispheres cause ‘pure’ alexia, i.e., The term ‘alexia’, by convention, refers to cases of an
alexia without agraphia. acquired inability to read in those who had once mastered
This deprivation of the angular gyrus of visual afferents this skill. In cases characterized by an inability, despite ade-
from both hemispheres may occur via a number of differ- quate intelligence and educational opportunity, to acquire
ent mechanisms. First, and most commonly, one finds a this skill, one speaks of ‘developmental dyslexia’ (discussed
lesion in the splenium of the corpus callosum (which sev- in Section 9.17).
ers afferents from the right occipital cortex) in combina-
tion with a lesion of the medial aspect of the left occipital
cortex (which destroys afferents from the left occipital Treatment
cortex) (Ajax et al. 1977; Damasio and Damasio 1983).
This first mechanism occurs most commonly secondary to Speech therapy may also be considered in addition to treat-
an infarction in the area of distribution of the left posterior ment, where possible, of the underlying lesion.
cerebral artery, which nourishes both the splenium and the
medial aspect of the left occipital cortex. Second, there may
be a combination of a lesion affecting the left lateral genic-
ulate body (thus depriving visual afferents from the left
Agraphia, or the inability to write, may be seen, as discussed
hemisphere) and one affecting the splenium (thus severing
in Section 2.1, in conjunction with aphasia; this chapter,
afferents from the right hemisphere) (Stommel et al. 1991).
however, is concerned with agraphia occurring in an iso-
Third, just subjacent to the angular gyrus there may be a
lated fashion, that is to say in patients who, despite being
lesion located in the white matter, which destroys the con-
unable to write, are able to both speak and understand the
joined fibers from both occipital lobes (Greenblatt 1976).
spoken word without significant difficulty.
As noted earlier, cases of alexia without agraphia may be
accompanied by a right hemianopia, and this occurs with
either the first or second mechanisms just described. In Clinical features
cases occurring via the third mechanism, however, the
visual fields remain unaffected. Agraphia may occur in one of two fashions, either in a
As in the case of spoken language, so too for written ‘pure’ form, or as part of Gerstmann’s syndrome, where
language the left hemisphere is dominant in almost all one also finds finger agnosia, right–left disorientation and
right-handers and in most left-handers also. Exceptions, acalculia.
however, do occur. For example, cases of ‘crossed’ alexia
have been noted in which right-handed patients suffered
alexia due to right hemisphere lesions (Fincham et al. 1975; Etiology
Henderson et al. 1985). Furthermore, there is also a case
report of a left-handed patient who developed alexia due to As might be expected, agraphia typically appears secondary
a right hemisphere lesion (Pillon et al. 1987). to lesions in the left hemisphere. Most cases occur second-
Most cases of alexia occur on the basis of stroke, as a result ary to lesions affecting the parietotemporal cortex (Rosati
of an ischemic infarction or, less commonly, an intracerebral and De Bastiani 1979), including either the supramarginal
hemorrhage. Other possible lesions include appropriately sit- or angular gyri (Roeltgen and Heilman 1984); cases have
uated tumors (Turgman et al. 1979; Vincent et al. 1977) or also been reported secondary to lesions in or near ‘Exner’s
plaques of multiple sclerosis (Day et al. 1987; Dogulu et al. area’ (in the posterior portion of the middle frontal gyrus)
1996; Mao-Draayer and Panitch 2004). (Anderson et al. 1990; Tohgi et al 1995) or in the dorsomedial
nucleus of the thalamus (Ohno et al. 2000).
Agraphia may also be confined to the left hand in right-
Differential diagnosis handed patients as part of a disconnection syndrome occur-
ring secondary to a lesion of the corpus callosum (Yamadori
Aphasia is distinguished by an inability to understand the et al. 1980)
spoken word. Agraphia typically occurs as part of a stroke syndrome,
Neglect may include a kind of alexia (often referred to secondary to either ischemic infarction or intracerebral
as ‘hemialexia’) wherein patients fail to attend to the left hemorrhage.
part of a word and thus misread it (Kinsbourne and
Warrington 1962). For example, a patient with left neglect
might, upon being presented with the written word ‘bird- Differential diagnosis
house’, read ‘house’.
Dementing disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease Poor handwriting, as may be seen with tremor, dystonia,
(Arsland et al. 1993), may cause alexia but this is seen in the paresis or parkinsonian micrographia, is readily apparent,
context of other cognitive deficits, such as disorientation, provided one simply observes the patient’s attempt at
short-term memory loss, etc. writing.
p 02.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 51
agnosia the patient cannot name the fingers either of that goes beyond any social, occupational, or educational
his/her or the examiner’s hand, and that this deficit is usu- requirements. The text produced is for the most part coher-
ally more pronounced with regard to the index, middle, ent, and, rather than consisting of the mere perseverative
and ring fingers. Right–left disorientation may become reproduction of phrases, words or letters, displays a more
apparent when patients are instructed, say, to touch their or less complete working-up of various related themes.
right knee with their left hand: patients with this sign may
use the incorrect hand or may touch the ipsilateral knee.
Agraphia and acalculia are tested for by having the patient Clinical features
write a brief paragraph and then asking him or her to per-
form progressively more difficult calculations. In evaluating a patient’s written production for evidence of
As noted by Gerstmann (1940), it is not uncommon to hypergraphia, attention must be paid to the pre-morbid
see an associated right hemianopia and a degree of alexia. level of written output. Thus, for a patient who pre-
morbidly wrote very little, the appearance of a tendency to
write several pages a day would be clinically significant.
Particular attention must also be made to the presence or
absence of perseveration: hypergraphic productions tend
Classically, Gerstmann’s syndrome, as pointed out by
to read like letters, articles or chapters, in that there are
Gerstmann himself (1940), localizes to the angular gyrus
more or less clear themes, which again are more or less
(Gold et al. 1995). The syndrome has also been noted with
fully elaborated in a more or less coherent fashion.
lesions of the white matter subjacent to the angular gyrus
(Mayer et al. 1999), and with lesions involving both the
angular and supramarginal gyri (Roeltgen et al. 1983;
Tucha et al. 1997). Although most cases are due to infarc-
tion, Gerstmann’s syndrome has also been noted with
Hypergraphia may be seen in the interictal personality
tumors (Tucha et al. 1997), systemic lupus erythematosus
syndrome, mania, and in schizophrenia.
(Jung et al. 2001), trauma (Mazzoni et al. 1990), and sub-
The interictal personality syndrome (see Section 7.2),
dural hematoma (Maeshima et al. 1998). Although left-sided
seen in patients with chronic epilepsy typically includes
lesions are by far the most common cause, Gerstmann’s syn-
hypergraphia (Hermann et al. 1988; Okamura et al. 1993;
drome has been noted with a right-hemisphere lesion
Waxman and Geschwind 1974, 1975) and is suggested by
(Moore et al. 1991).
the history of chronic epilepsy and the appearance of other
Note that Gerstmann’s syndrome may also occur on a
aspects of the syndrome, such as deep and persistent affect,
developmental basis (Benson and Geschwind 1970;
verbosity, a pre-occupation with religious, ethical or philo-
PeBenito 1987; Suresh and Sebastian 2000).
sophical concerns, hyposexuality, and irritability.
Mania may be characterized by hypergraphia, wherein
Differential diagnosis it represents the written equivalent of pressured speech.
Kraepelin (1976) noted that manics may produce an
The various elements of the tetrad may occur in patients with ‘astonishing’ number of documents, all from ‘the pleasure
dementia or delirium; however, here the associated cognitive in writing’. The presence of other typical symptoms, such
deficits, such as confusion, disorientation and short-term as increased energy, pressured speech, a decreased need for
memory loss, will suggest the correct syndromal diagnosis. sleep, etc. indicate the correct diagnosis.
Certain neurodegenerative disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Schizophrenia may also lead to hypergraphia and
disease, may, albeit rarely, present in a ‘focal’ fashion, with Kraepelin (1971) commented on the ‘very numerous
the syndrome of ‘posterior cortical atrophy’, which, in addi- and monotonous’ documents that may appear, all marked
tion to elements of Gerstmann’s syndrome, also includes by neologisms, delusional thoughts, and a degree of
Balint’s syndrome, aphasia, apraxia, and neglect (Renner incoherence.
et al. 2004; Tang-Wei et al. 2004).
Differential diagnosis
Hypergraphia must be distinguished from an appropriate
Consideration may be given to a course of speech therapy in
increase in written output and from mere perseverative
addition to treatment, if possible, of the underlying lesion.
writing. Increased written output is normal in professional
authors and others whose personal or professional lives
2.6 HYPERGRAPHIA require writing. With perseveration, when it appears in
written form, the written output itself consists of the same
Hypergraphia, as defined by Mungas (Hermann et al. phrase, word, or even letter written repeatedly again and
1988), is characterized by a tendency to excessive writing again, sometimes filling page after page. Here, there is no
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2.7 Aprosodia 53
theme evident and no elaborative working-up of ideas. Comprehension on the patient’s part of the prosody
This kind of graphic perseveration has been referred to as with which others speak may be difficult to assess during
‘automatic writing behavior’ and has been noted with a the interview, as most physicians have been trained to keep
right hemispheric tumor (Imamura et al. 1992), right a studied neutrality in their tone of voice. Consequently, it
hemisphere stroke (due to either infarction in the area is necessary to ask the patient if he has had any difficulty in
of distribution of the right middle cerebral artery or to understanding what others are feeling. When there is
putaminal hemorrhage) (Evyapan and Kumral 2001), and doubt, one may also ask friends or family members of the
in dementia characterized in part by a frontal lobe patient whether the patient seems to have had any trouble
syndrome (Frisoni et al. 1993; van Pugt et al. 1996). understanding what they are feeling. In some cases, others
may report that the only way to get across to the patient
what they are feeling is to state it explicitly, rather than
Treatment relying on tone of voice. Formal testing may be accom-
plished by telling the patient that you are going to say
Treatment is directed at the underlying condition.
something (e.g., as above, ‘I am going to the movies’) with
different tones of voice (e.g., happy, angry, or sad) and that
2.7 APROSODIA you want him to report what tone you are using. In per-
forming this test, one must stand behind the patient in
Prosody refers to the affective or emotional aspects of order to prevent the patient from seeing your facial expres-
speech, which are conveyed by the inflection, rhythm, and sions or gestures.
tone with which patients speak (Monrad-Krohn 1947a,b); A ‘mismatch’ between what the patient is feeling and
aprosodia, in turn, represents a defect either in speaking the prosody with which he speaks as he describes his feeling
with normal prosody or in comprehending the prosody may become apparent during the interview. For example,
with which others speak. In a sense, as will become appar- after the patient has described a traumatic experience,
ent below, aprosodia is to the right hemisphere as aphasia one may ask ‘how are you feeling now?’. If the patient says
is to the left hemisphere. The scheme presented here fol- ‘I’m feeling very sad,’ yet there is a lilt to his voice then a
lows closely that presented by Ross (Gorelick and Ross mismatch is present. Or conversely, after the patient has
1987; Ross 1981). described a gratifying experience, one may again ask how
Aprosodia, although not as obvious as aphasia, may he is feeling. If he says ‘Great, just great’ yet his tone of
have profound effects on a patient’s life. In many aspects of voice is somber and lugubrious then again one has demon-
life, it is not so much what we say that counts, as it is how strated that a ‘mismatch’ is present. Importantly, a monot-
we say it, and it is this aspect that is impaired in aprosodia. onous tone does not indicate a ‘mismatch’: to say that a
mismatch is present, there must be a dissonance between
what the patient says he is feeling and the tone with which
Clinical features he reports that feeling.
Repetition is tested by telling the patient that you are
In assessing patients for aprosodia, attention is paid to the going to say something with different tones of voice, and
following aspects of speech: the presence or absence of a that you want him to repeat what you said with the exact
monotonous voice; the ability of the patient to compre- tone in which you said it. One may then proceed with the
hend what another is feeling by simply hearing the intona- neutral phrase ‘I am going to the movies’, said first with a
tion in the other’s voice; the presence or absence of a happy tone, then a sad one and finally an angry one.
‘mismatch’ between what the patient says he is feeling and It should be noted that in aprosodia there is also often
the prosody with which he speaks; and, finally, for any an accompanying change in gesture and facial expression.
improvement in prosodic deficits by repetition. For example, if monotony is present, one may see an
Monotony is said to be present when the patient’s speech absence of gesturing and a lack of facial expression. This
is devoid of inflection or changes in tone – stripped, as it association is not invariable, however, and in many cases
were, of emotional valence. When there is doubt about this, gesture and expression will remain intact in the face of a
it may be appropriate, at some point during the interview, to significant disturbance of prosody.
ask an emotionally charged question and then to listen care- After the above assessment, it is generally possible to
fully to see whether the patient’s response remains monoto- categorize the patient’s aprosodia into one of the following
nous. If it does, then it is critical to ask the patient what he is categories: motor, transcortical motor, sensory, trans-
feeling during the response. Furthermore, one may simply cortical sensory, global, transcortical mixed, conduction, and
ask the patient if he has had any trouble in expressing him- pure affective deafness. Each is discussed below, with com-
self by his tone of voice. Formal testing may be accom- ments on its localizing value. Before proceeding, however,
plished by providing a neutral phrase, such as ‘I am going to it is appropriate to note, as indicated earlier, that in almost
the movies’, and asking the patient to speak that phrase on all cases, aprosodia indicates a right hemisphere lesion.
three successive occasions with three different intonations, Cases of ‘crossed’ aprosodia, in which right-handed
namely happy, angry, and sad. patients developed aprosodia secondary to a lesion in the
p 02.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 54
left hemisphere, although reported (Darby 1993; Ross et al. GLOBAL APROSODIA
1989), are rare.
In global aprosodia, speech is monotonous and compre-
hension of other’s prosody is poor; repetition does not
MOTOR APROSODIA improve the patient’s prosodoic output. Global aprosodia
has been noted with lesions affecting both the frontal oper-
In motor aprosodia, speech is monotonous, but compre- culum and the posterior temporal cortex (Darby 1993;
hension is intact and there is no ‘mismatch’; repetition Ross 1981).
does not relieve the monotonous tone. The presence of
motor aprosodia may be quite disconcerting to patients.
One of Ross and Mesulam’s (1979) patients complained TRANSCORTICAL MIXED APROSODIA
that she had great difficulty in disciplining her children
Transcortical mixed aprosodia, which might just as well
because when she said to them that she was angry they
be called transcortical global aprosodia, is essentially identi-
didn’t respond, because she didn’t sound angry. She
cal to global aprosodia with the exception that the patient’s
eventually came up with a way to circumvent her motor
prosody improves with repetition. A case has been reported
aprosodia by adding a parenthetical statement, such as
with a lesion involving the frontoparietal cortex (Ross
‘God damnit, I mean it’ or ‘I am angry and I mean it,’ after-
ward, thereby getting across what she was feeling. Of note,
however, in this case, ‘even the parenthetical statement was
voiced in a complete monotone’. CONDUCTION APROSODIA
Motor aprosodia most commonly occurs secondary to
In conduction aprosodia spontaneous speech shows a nor-
lesions in the posterior frontal operculum (Gorelick and
mal range of intonation, and comprehension is intact.
Ross 1987; Ross 1981; Ross and Mesulam 1979); cases have
Remarkably, however, there is a ‘mismatch’ between the
also been reported with lesions in the internal capsule
patient’s statement as to how he is feeling and the tone with
(Ross et al. 1981) and basal ganglia (Speedie et al. 1993).
which that statement is made. Furthermore, and remark-
ably so in light of the preserved comprehension of prosody,
TRANSCORTICAL MOTOR APROSODIA patients are unable to repeat sentences with the prosody
spoken by the examiner. Conduction aprosody appears to
Transcortical motor aprosodia is essentially identical to be very rare; a case was reported with a lesion involving the
motor aprosodia except that the monotonous tone of temporoparietal cortex (Gorelick and Ross 1987).
voice disappears with repetition. A case was reported sec-
ondary to a lesion in the anterior limb of the internal
capsule (Ross 1981). PURE AFFECTIVE DEAFNESS
TRANSCORTICAL SENSORY APROSODIA Almost all reported cases of aprosodia have occurred as
part of a stroke syndrome, secondary to either ischemic
This aprosodia is similar to sensory aprosodia with the infarction or, much less commonly, intracerebral hemor-
exception that repetition is performed well, with the rhage. A case has also been reported of a gradually progres-
patient accurately mimicking the examiner’s tone of voice. sive motor aprosodia secondary to a progressive focal
Cases have been described secondary to a lesion of the atrophy of the right frontal lobe (Ghacibeh and Heilman
anterior temporal cortex (Ross 1981), and the striatum and 2003). Further, there is also a report of motor aprosodia
adjacent posterior limb of the internal capsule (Gorelick occurring paroxysmally as a simple partial seizure
and Ross 1987). (Bautista and Ciampetti 2003).
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2.8 Apraxia 55
Various forms of aprosodia may also be seen in demen- a monotone that the listener might well doubt whether the
tia, as for example Alzheimer’s disease (Perez-Trullen and patient was, in fact, really feeling any sadness.
Modrego Pardo 1996); however, here associated cognitive
deficits, such as disorientation and short-term memory
loss, will suggest the correct syndromal diagnosis. Treatment
on to use the actual tool without difficulty are considered diseases. Of the neurodegenerative diseases that can present
examples of ideomotor apraxia; cases wherein the diffi- with ideomotor or ideational apraxia, corticobasal gan-
culty with mimicking is followed by a significant difficulty glionic degeneration is the most important, and in such
in actually using the tool are considered examples of cases one typically finds an associated asymmetric parkin-
ideational apraxia. sonism (Riley et al. 1990; Rinne et al. 1994). Other neurode-
Ideomotor apraxia rarely, if ever, constitutes a chief generative disorders that may present with these apraxias
complaint, given that, in the normal course of events, most include Alzheimer’s disease (Ross et al. 1996) and Pick’s
individuals simply do not engage in pantomime. Ideational disease (Fukui et al. 1996). In all of these neurodegenerative
apraxia, however, may bring patients to clinical attention disorders the gradually progressive apraxia is eventually
as, for example, when patients who are unable to use a knife joined by a dementia.
and fork begin to eat with their hands, or those who are Isolated ideomotor (Kazui ad Sawada 1993) or ideational
unable to utilize a toothbrush develop severe bad breath. (Watson and Heilman 1983) apraxia may also occur as part
of a disconnection syndrome, wherein the apraxia is con-
CONSTRUCTIONAL APRAXIA fined to the left upper extremity. In these cases, a lesion of
the corpus callosum, by severing fibers running from the left
Constructional apraxia is said to be present when patients parietal cortex to the right parietal cortex, deprives the right
are unable to copy figures or to spontaneously draw them, parietal cortex of ‘guidance’ and hence purposeful move-
and bedside testing is performed with pencil and paper. ments of the left arm cannot be made.
First, draw some simple geometric forms, such as a trian- Ideomotor and ideational apraxia are very commonly
gle, and ask the patient to copy them. Next, ask the patient found in delirium and advanced dementia and in these cases
to draw a daisy, a house, and a stick figure. In assessing the constitute but one of a large number of cortical deficits
results, one is obviously not judging artistic merit, but accompanying the associated cognitive changes, such as
rather, attention is focused on any disorganization of the confusion, short-term memory loss, disorientation, etc.
drawn figure.
Constructional apraxia is seen with lesions, generally
In dressing apraxia there is, as the name implies, a significant infarctions, of the right parietal cortex (Piercy et al. 1960);
difficulty in getting dressed, which cannot be accounted for rarely constructional apraxia may be seen with a right thal-
by weakness, fatigue, or clumsiness. One patient, described amic lesion (Motomura et al. 1986). Rarely, a disconnec-
by Hecaen et al. (1956) ‘mentioned spontaneously that he tion constructional apraxia may occur wherein, again
had had a great deal of trouble in dressing and that he must because of a callosal lesion, drawing with the right hand is
frequently be helped by his wife. “I get puzzled in dressing. I severely impaired, whereas drawing with the left hand is
get my clothes mixed.” He said he put his arms in the wrong relatively good by contrast (Giroud and Dumas 1995).
sleeve of his shirt or he put the back of his shirt in front’.
2.9 Agnosias 57
Neglect of the left side, as may be seen with right parietal name it and they will be unable to say what it is used for.
lesions, may simulate constructional apraxia to a degree. In Interestingly, however, if they are given the object and
neglect, however, the deficient drawing is present only on allowed to handle it, they are able to recognize it by touch.
the left side of the figure, whereas the right side of the fig- Visual agnosia may be broken down into two subtypes:
ure is drawn more or less normally; in contrast, in con- apperceptive and associative. The clinical differentiation of
structional apraxia both the left and right halves of the these subtypes is based on the patient’s ability, after being
figure are poorly drawn. Left neglect may also simulate shown the object in question, to either draw it or pick it out
dressing apraxia, as patients may leave the left side of their from a photograph or drawing of a group of different
dressing unattended to, with the left shirt sleeve dangling objects (one of which is the object in question). In apper-
or the left shoe untied. Here, however, as with the differen- ceptive visual agnosia patients can neither make a drawing
tial with constructional apraxia, the clue to the diagnosis of of the object nor can they pick it out of a group of objects.
neglect is the presence of adequate dressing on the right In associative visual agnosia, however, patients are able to
side of the body. perform these tasks.
At a phenomenological level, it seems that when apper-
ceptive subtype patients are shown an object they do not
Treatment experience an image of it and, lacking such an image, have
no subsequent recognition and, of course, no ability to
Speech and occupational therapy should be considered in make a drawing. In associative visual agnosia, however, an
addition to treatment, if possible, of the underlying cause. image does occur, as evidenced by patient’s ability to make
a drawing of the object or to pick it out of a group of
objects. Despite the presence of an image, however, there is
2.9 AGNOSIAS an inability to make a connection between that image and
the concept of that object, and thus a failure to recognize it,
Agnosia is a condition characterized by a failure, despite name it, or say what it is used for.
adequate sensation, to recognize phenomena. There are a Of note, visual agnosia is typically more severe for small
number of different kinds of agnosia and these may be objects, such as a pair of scissors, than it is for large objects,
grouped as described below. such as chairs or desks, which patients are generally able to
Certain agnosias are distinguished by the sensory recognize and name. Furthermore, the presence of a larger
modality affected. Thus, in visual agnosia, there is a failure object may, by providing a context, allow a patient to rec-
to recognize an object by sight, in tactile agnosia, by touch, ognize a smaller object, which, if seen in isolation, he or she
and in auditory agnosia by the sound made by the object. would be unable to name. For example, if shown a pair of
Other agnosias are characterized by a specific kind of fea- scissors on a desk-top, the patient might be able to name it,
ture that cannot be recognized: in prosopognosia there is whereas if shown the scissors in isolation, perhaps by plac-
difficulty in recognizing faces, in topographagnosia land- ing them on the bed sheet, the patient would be unable
marks go unrecognized and patients get lost, and in color to do so.
agnosia patients cannot recognize various colors. Two
other agnosias are marked by an inability to recognize cer- ETIOLOGY
tain facts: in anosognosia, patients fail to recognize certain
signs and symptoms, as for example hemiparesis; in aso- Apperceptive visual agnosia has been noted with bilateral
matognosia patients fail to recognize that a body part, for infarction of the occipital lobes, which spare the striate
example a hemiparetic arm, belongs to them. Finally, there cortex but involve the secondary visual cortices; the adja-
is a form of agnosia, namely simultanagnosia, wherein cent temporal lobes are often also involved but only in
patients fail to simultaneously recognize all the objects in their more posterior extent (Benson and Greenburg 1969;
their view, as if one or more of them had actually disap- Ferreira et al. 1998; Shelton et al. 1994).
peared. Each of these agnosias is now discussed in turn. Associative visual agnosia may occur secondary to bilat-
eral infarction of the medial occipitotemporal cortex and
subcortical white matter, especially involving the lingual,
Visual agnosia fusiform, and parahippocampal gyri (Albert et al. 1979).
Cases have also been reported secondary to a left unilateral
Visual agnosia, or the inability to recognize and name occipitotemporal infarct coupled with infarction of the
objects by sight, is a rare disorder. splenium of the corpus callosum (Feinberg et al. 1994).
This latter mechanism represents a kind of ‘disconnection’
CLINICAL FEATURES syndrome wherein, although the right occipital lobe is
untouched, the lesion of the splenium disconnects it from
In visual agnosia, patients, despite adequate visual acuity, the left hemisphere.
are unable to recognize familiar objects by sight alone. Theoretically, it appears reasonable to say that in the
Thus, if shown a pair of scissors, they will be unable to apperceptive subtype the destruction of the secondary
p 02.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 58
Auditory agnosia
Auditory agnosia, or, more explicitly, environmental audi-
Speech/language and occupational therapy may be effec-
tory agnosia, is a very rare condition characterized by an
tive, especially with regard to helping patients develop
inability to recognize such environmental sounds as the
compensatory strategies.
ringing of a telephone or the honking of a horn, despite
normal hearing and a normal ability to understand the
Tactile agnosia spoken word (Vignolo 1982).
2.9 Agnosias 59
Section 2.1, is a form of aphasia in which patients are (Cohen et al. 1994; Landis et al. 1986, 1988; Rosler et al.
unable to comprehend the meaning of the word, although 1997; Wada and Yamamoto 2001). In all these cases, the
they are able to recognize environmental sounds and the prosopagnosia occurred as part of a stroke syndrome, gen-
spoken word as a word. erally secondary to ischemic infarction.
Prosopagnosia has also been noted secondary to resec-
TREATMENT tion of the posterior portion of the right temporal lobe
(Mesad et al. 2003) and after a right hemispherectomy
Speech/language therapy may enable the patient to develop (Sergent and Villemure 1989). There are also rare reports
compensatory strategies. of progressive prosopagnosia occurring secondary to pro-
gressive atrophy of the right temporal lobe (Evans et al.
1995; Joubert et al. 2003).
Prosopagnosia Interestingly, prosopagnosia may also occur on a parox-
ysmal basis as a simple partial seizure: in one case, a patient
The term prosopagnosia is derived from the Greek word with left occipitotemporal scarring had seizures character-
for face, ‘prosopon’, and refers to a remarkable condition in ized by a sense of ‘flickering lights’ followed by a brief
which patients are unable to recognize others by looking at episode of prosopagnosia (Agnetti et al. 1978).
their faces (Sergent and Poncet 1990). Finally, there are also rare reports of prosopagnosia
occurring on a developmental basis (Kress and Daum 2003).
from the office involves walking down Main Street to the DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
Bank and then turning right, then in order to successfully
navigate this route one must first recognize the Bank as the Patients with amnesia may lose their way in unfamiliar sur-
landmark and then, second, know that at this landmark roundings. The basis for this, however, lies in an inability
one must turn right. to commit to memory features of the new environment,
In landmark agnosia, difficulty arises at the level of rec- and this stands in contrast with topographagnosia wherein
ognizing the Bank as a landmark. Although the patient memory is intact. Furthermore, patients with amnesia typ-
may recognize the building, and even describe it, it is not ically have no trouble finding their way in environments
recognized as a landmark and hence the patient is as likely that they have travelled in before, provided, of course, that
to walk past it as to turn. any retrograde amnesia has not obscured their recall.
In topographic disorientation, the situation is a little Patients with dementia or delirium often lose their way
different. Here, the patient does recognize the Bank as a and although this may be on the basis of memory loss (or,
landmark, but, having lost a ‘sense of direction’, the patient in the case of delirium, confusion), it can also occur in
is unable to figure out whether to turn to the right or left, patients with relatively preserved memory, and in these
or simply proceed onward. Some examples may flesh this cases it is perhaps appropriate to consider the topog-
out. In one case, a patient ‘had sudden difficulty finding raphagnosia as but one indicator of widespread cortical
her way out of a subway station she had used daily for damage or dysfunction. The existence of other cognitive
years. She had no difficulty recognizing the surrounding deficits, however, indicates the correct syndromal diagnosis.
buildings, but she was unable to find her way to work or to
her own home despite multiple attempts’ (Alsaadi et al.
2000). In another case, the patient: ‘. . . suddenly lost his
way home, where he was going on foot. The buildings in Speech/language and occupational therapy may assist the
front of him were familiar to him, so he could recognize patient in developing compensatory strategies.
them right away. However, he did not know which direc-
tion his home was from there. Relying on cues from build-
ings, surrounding scenery and signs, but taking several
wrong turns along the way, he eventually arrived in front Color agnosia
of his own home, and knew immediately that it was in fact
his own home’ (Takahashi et al. 1997). CLINICAL FEATURES
2.9 Agnosias 61
ETIOLOGY Asomatognosia
Anosognosia for hemiparesis is most typically seen as part In asomatognosia, patients with left hemiparesis fail to
of a stroke syndrome with infarction in the area of distri- experience the hemiparetic extremity as belonging to them.
bution of the superior division of the middle cerebral
artery involving both the parietal and frontal lobes. CLINICAL FEATURES
Although the vast majority of cases involve infarction of
the right hemisphere with left hemiparesis (Cutting 1978; In some cases, patients, in addition to denying that the
Roth 1949), cases have been reported of anosognosia for paretic arm is theirs, may go on to say that in fact the arm
p 02.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 62
belongs to someone else, perhaps a family member (Brock watching the movie, ‘noted to her surprise and consterna-
and Merwarth 1957; Feinberg et al. 1990). This can lead to tion that the character she had been watching was suddenly
a rather bizarre interview: in one case (Sandifer 1946), a sent reeling across the room, apparently as a consequence
female patient with a left hemiplegia, when her paretic left of a punch thrown by a character she had never seen’.
hand was held up in front of her, indicated that it was not Bedside testing may be accomplished either by asking
hers but belonged to the physician. When the physician patients to describe everything they see in their room, or by
attempted to correct her by pointing out that the hand in showing them a picture or photograph of a complex scene,
question had her wedding ring on it, the patient and asking, again, for them to describe every object that
responded, ‘That’s my ring, you’ve got my ring, Doctor.’ they see.
In doubtful cases, it may be helpful to lift up the paretic
left arm, bring it over into the right hemispace and ask the
patient whose arm it is (Feinberg et al. 1990).
Simultanagnosia has been noted with infarction of the
ETIOLOGY right temporo-occipital area (Cohen et al. 1994; Coslett
and Saffran 1991), and with bilateral infarction of the pos-
Most cases are due to infarction involving the right parietal terior occipitoparietal area (Rizzo and Hurtig 1987; Rizzo
cortex in the area of the supramarginal gyrus (Feinberg and Robin 1990). Cases have also been reported secondary
et al. 1990); cases have also been reported secondary to to progressive neurodegenerative conditions in the syn-
infarction involving the right striatum and adjacent inter- drome of posterior cortical atrophy (Tang-Wei et al. 2004).
nal capsule (Healton et al. 1982) and to hemorrhage in the Simultanagnosia may also occur as part of Balint’s syn-
right thalamus (Liebson 2000; Motomura et al. 1986). Rarely, drome (Section 4.14) and, given this, all patients with
asomatognosia may constitute the sole symptomatology of simultanagnosia should be tested for optic ataxia and optic
a simple partial seizure, wherein the seizure focus was in apraxia.
the right parietal lobe (So and Schauble 2004).
Hemianopia and visual neglect are experienced to only one
In the alien hand syndrome, although patients experience side in contrast with simultanagnosia, wherein objects may
the left arm as being under the control of some ‘alien’ be ‘lost’ from any point of the visual field.
entity, they still acknowledge that the arm is theirs; further-
more, in the alien hand syndrome the left arm is quite
active, whereas in asomatognosia the arm is paretic. TREATMENT
In this aptly named syndrome, patients, in one fashion or
Simultanagnosia, first described by Wolpert in 1924, is a another, neglect or fail to attend to phenomena on one
remarkable syndrome in which patients, despite normal side, usually the left. Neglect may either be visual or motor:
visual acuity, intermittently fail to see all parts of their in visual neglect (also known as spatial neglect), as might
environment simultaneously, with certain objects literally be expected, objects are not attended to in one of the hemi-
falling out of view, as if they had become temporarily fields; in motor neglect, there is an ‘underutilization’ of the
invisible. limbs on one side, as if, in a sense, the patient ‘neglects’ to
use them.
2.10 Neglect 63
VISUAL NEGLECT oriented at various and random angles, and then asks the
patient to simply mark off each line. In a positive test, the
Visual neglect may come to clinical attention in a variety of proportion of lines marked off to the left of the midline will
ways. Patients may fail to comb their hair, shave, or put on be substantially less than the proportion marked off to
make-up on the neglected side, and food on the neglected the right.
side of a dinner plate may go uneaten. In talking with a In the clock-drawing test, the patient is asked to draw a
group, patients may fail to speak with those on the large circle on the paper and then to put in all 12 numbers,
neglected side, and, if patients are looking for something, as on a clockface. In a positive test, the numbers will be
the may fail to find it if it is on the neglected side, even if it more or less ‘bunched up’ on the right side. In a similar
is in plain view. In one case (Cherington 1974) left neglect test, patients are asked to draw a daisy; in a positive test, the
ruined a patient’s chess game: although chess pieces on the petals of the daisy will end up being bunched on the right-
right side of the board were moved as always, those on the hand side. Importantly, patients should be asked to simply
left, neglected, remained in position, and were easy prey ‘draw a daisy’ and not given instructions to ‘arrange’ the
for his opponent. In another case (Frantz 1950), a patient, petals around a circle, because when patients are given
while driving, began to run into things (such as pedestrians) such an instruction, the neglect may ‘vanish’ as the petals
on the left. Importantly, as in all cases of visual neglect, are arranged, one by one, evenly around the circle (Ishiai
these collisions did not occur because of a hemianopia: the et al. 1997).
patient had full visual fields but simply did not attend to Importantly, each one of these tests must be performed
things to his left. before concluding that the bedside examination is negative,
Interestingly, visual neglect may also extend to imagined as some patients with neglect may ‘pass’ one, but not another
scenes. In one study, for example, patients with neglect (Azouvi et al. 2002; Binder et al. 1992; Ishiai et al. 1993).
were instructed to imagine that they were standing on one Another bedside test for visual neglect involves testing
side of a famous plaza and then describe what they saw: as for what is known as visual extinction. To test for visual
might be expected, in their description of the imagined extinction, establish first, with confrontation testing, that
scene, they failed to speak of things on the plaza that were the visual fields are full. Stand directly in front of the
located on the left of the imagined scene (Bisiach and patient, perhaps an arm’s length away, and spread your
Luzzatti 1978). arms to the sides such that your hands end up level with the
Bedside testing for visual neglect may be accomplished patient’s eyes and perhaps 30 cm in front of the patient.
with three ‘paper and pencil’ tests: line bisection, line can- Next, ask the patient to stare at your nose and to point to
cellation, and clock drawing. In order to obtain reliable the finger that wiggles, all the while continuing to look
results for these tests, the patient must be seated squarely in straight at your nose. To perform the test, wiggle one index
front of a table, the trunk parallel to the edge of the table finger at a time: if the patient points to each finger when it
and the piece of paper placed directly in front of the wiggles, then, at least on this confrontation testing, the
patient, such that the midline of the paper is continuous fields are full. At this point, while maintaining the same
with the patient’s midline. Although patients may move position, wiggle both fingers simultaneously: with a posi-
their head in any direction, and look in any direction, this tive test, the movement on the neglected side is ‘extin-
relative position of the paper and the patient’s trunk must guished’ and the patient points only to the movement on
be maintained. The reason why the position of the patient’s the unaffected side.
trunk is so important in these three tests is that if the trunk
is angled toward the neglected side the portion of the visual
field subject to neglect will shrink, to the point at which the MOTOR NEGLECT
tests may become falsely negative (Beschin et al. 1997;
Karnath and Hartje 1993). Motor neglect (Laplane and Degos 1983; Triggs et al. 1994)
In the line bisection test a single line is drawn lengthwise may come to clinical attention in a peculiarity of gait: on
on the piece of paper, with the middle of the line resting at the affected side, there may be reduced arm swing, and the
the midline of the piece of paper. The patient is then asked leg, generally being underutilized and ‘left behind’, is seen
to make a mark directly on the middle of the line. When to be ‘dragged’ along to keep up with the leg on the unaf-
left neglect is present, the mark made by the patient will be fected side. When patients are in a wheelchair, the arm on
to the right of the true midline. Importantly, the line the affected side may dangle down from the shoulder and
should be of the order of 10 cm or longer because if the line be dragged along passively on the floor as the wheelchair is
is substantially shorter than this, there may be a ‘crossover’ pushed forward; for patients in bed, the affected leg may be
effect, whereby the patient with left neglect will place the ‘left behind’, still stretched out on the bed, as the patient
mark not to the right but to the left of the true midline swings the leg on the unaffected side over the edge of the
(Anderson 1997; Tegner and Levander 1991). bed while attempting to rise. A more subtle form of motor
In the line cancellation test (Albert 1973) the examiner neglect may occur as patients neglect to chew on the neg-
places a large number of short, straight lines randomly on lected side, with food consequently dribbling out (Andre
the surface of the piece of paper, the different lines being et al. 2000).
p 02.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 64
Bedside testing for motor neglect may be accomplished Motor neglect must be distinguished from hemiparesis,
by asking patients to clap their hands or fasten a button: and this distinction is made, as indicated earlier, on the
when motor neglect is present, the arm on the neglected basis of the response to vigorous encouragement. Patients
side will either not participate in the task or do so only with neglect eventually respond to vigorous direction,
minimally. Importantly, this is not the result of a lack of whereas patients with hemiparesis simply cannot.
strength or coordination: with strong urging, patients are
generally able to bring the affected arm into play such that
there is more or less full bimanual cooperation in the task Treatment
at hand.
Various rehabilitation techniques are helpful for visual
neglect, including prism adaptation (Frassinetti et al. 2002;
Etiology Keane et al. 2006), neck muscle vibration (Schindler et al.
2002), and visual scanning training.
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Abnormal movements
3.1 TREMOR surface of the fingers, resembles the movements one would
make if one were rolling a pill back and forth in one’s hand.
Tremor is a more or less rhythmic oscillatory movement, Intention tremor comes to light during finger-to-nose
most commonly seen in the upper extremities, which testing. To perform this, ask the patient to extend the upper
occurs secondary to the rapidly alternating contraction of extremity, with the index finger extended out, and then to
agonist then antagonist muscles. bring the index finger in to touch the nose. Normally, the
movement is smooth throughout; when intention tremor is
present, however, an oscillatory movement develops as the
Clinical features index finger closes in on the target. Some authors refer to
this as a ‘kinetic’ tremor, indicating that it appears with
From a clinical point of view, it is most useful to distin- movement; however, this term has not gained currency and
guish three different types of tremor, namely postural, rest, the term ‘intention’ is used in this text.
and intention; other types (e.g., Holmes’ tremor) also Other tremors, far less common, include ‘task-specific’
occur and are discussed later in this chapter, but are far less tremors, orthostatic tremor, ‘rabbit’ tremor, Holmes’ tremor,
common. and ‘wing-beating’ tremor.
Postural tremor is most apparent when the patient ‘Task-specific’ tremors resemble postural tremors; how-
maintains a posture, as for example by extending the arms ever, they only appear when the patient is engaged in a spe-
straight forward, with the fingers outstretched and slightly cific activity, such as writing, throwing darts, etc.
spread apart. This tremor typically occurs at a frequency Orthostatic tremor (Heilman 1984), as the name sug-
of from 6 to 10 Hz, and ranges in amplitude from a fine gests, occurs when patients stand up. This is a rapid tremor
tremor (which may be almost unnoticeable to casual of the lower extremities, which patients often describe as a
inspection) to a coarse tremor (which may effectively pre- sense of quivering, which may cause a sense of unsteadi-
clude even the simplest of activities, such as bringing a cup ness or even cause patients to fall. As this tremor may be
of water to the lips). Some authors also refer to this tremor invisible, it is necessary to palpate the inner aspects of the
as an ‘action’ tremor, in that it occurs when the patient patient’s thighs immediately after the patient stands up to
takes an ‘action’, for example by extending the arms. Not assess its presence.
all authors are in agreement with this term, however, and ‘Rabbit’ tremor is a rest tremor confined to the jaw and
it is not used further here. presents an appearance similar to that of a rabbit chewing.
Rest tremor, as the name indicates, is seen when the Holmes’ tremor, named after Gordon Holmes who first
involved extremity is at rest as, for example, when, with the described it in 1904, is a slow frequency tremor (at a rate of
patient seated, the hands are resting in the lap. This tremor from 2 to 4 Hz) of the upper, and occasionally lower, extrem-
occurs at a frequency of from 3 to 5 Hz and is typically ‘pill- ity, with rest, intentional, and postural components. The
rolling’ in character, in that the oscillatory activity of the appearance of this tremor with sustained posture may be
thumb, sweeping back and forth in proximity to the ventral quite remarkable, with a rolling, sinuous motion of the upper
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3.1 Tremor 73
arm and a ‘flapping’ motion of the hand. In the past this (Kronfol et al. 1983), lithium (Gelenberg and Jefferson
tremor has been referred to as a ‘rubal’ or ‘midbrain’ tremor, 1995; Vestergaard et al. 1988), and valproic acid (Hyman
however these terms are discouraged, given that, as discussed et al. 1979) are especially important.
below, this tremor may occur in the absence of involvement Alcohol withdrawal is so commonly associated with
of the nucleus ruber or of any part of the midbrain. tremor that this condition is commonly referred to as ‘the
‘Wing-beating’ tremor involves the upper extremities, shakes’. This is probably one of the most commonly
which are flexed at the elbows: the tremor itself is primarily missed diagnoses, primarily either because the patient
proximal and results in an oscillation of the upper extrem- denies excessive use of alcohol or because the physician
ities that appears similar to the motions a bird makes as it simply does not inquire. The same ‘missed diagnosis’ may
flaps its wings. occur with tremor due to benzodiazepine or other seda-
tive-hypnotic withdrawal.
Metabolic and endocrinologic conditions are also
Etiology common causes. Hypoglycemia should be suspected
when tremor occurs in diabetics or post-prandially.
The various etiologies of each of the types of tremor discussed Hyperthyroidism should be suspected when the tremor is
above are summarized in Table 3.1, and discussed below. accompanied by diaphoresis, heat intolerance, proptosis,
etc. Pheochromocytoma-induced tremor is rare, and is
POSTURAL TREMOR suggested by associated paroxysms of hypertension.
Delirium may be accompanied by tremor, and in such
One of the most common causes of isolated postural cases the tremor is often coarse and quite prominent
tremor is drug toxicity, and of the various responsible (Jankovic and Fahn 1980). Delirium tremens (Latin for
mediations listed in Table 3.1 the tricyclic antidepressants ‘trembling delirium’) is, of course, the first consideration.
74 Abnormal movements
The serotonin syndrome should be suspected whenever a outflow tracts, and has been specifically reported with
delirium with tremor follows initiation of treatment with a lesions of the dentate nucleus (Krauss et al. 1995), superior
combination or serotoninergic agents, and the neuroleptic cerebellar peduncle (Krack et al. 1994; Krauss et al. 1995),
malignant syndrome whenever the syndrome is preceded by dorsal midbrain tegmentum (Krauss et al. 1995), the red
initiating treatment with an antipsychotic or by decreasing nucleus and adjacent structures (Holmes 1904; Remy et al.
or discontinuing a dopaminergic agent. Other ‘metabolic 1995), the posterior thalamus (Krauss et al. 1992; Miwa et al.
encephalopathies’ may also be accompanied by tremor, 1996; Tan et al. 2001), and the pontine tegmentum (Miyagi
including hepatic and uremic encephalopathy. et al. 1999; Shepherd et al. 1997).
Anxiety or ‘agitated’ depression may be characterized by Wing-beating tremor, although classic for Wilson’s dis-
persistent tremor, and anxiety attacks may also be accom- ease, is among the presenting signs of this disease in only a
panied by tremor, as may be seen in panic disorder. small minority of cases (Starosta-Rubinstein et al. 1987);
Of the other causes of postural tremor, among the late- this tremor, rarely, has also been reported with thalamic
to middle-aged and elderly, essential tremor is perhaps the infarction (Ghika et al. 1994).
most common. Multiple sclerosis, in addition to the more
commonly associated intention tremor, may also cause
postural tremor. Certain peripheral neuropathies, such as Differential diagnosis
chronic inflammatory demyelinating peripheral neuropa-
thy (CIDP) and Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease, may also A postural tremor often occurs in normal individuals and in
cause postural tremor but this is rare. Other rare causes these cases is referred to as a ‘physiologic tremor’. Normally,
include mercury intoxication and tertiary neurosyphilis this physiologic tremor is so fine that it is invisible to
(general paresis of the insane [GPI]). the naked eye. However, with fatigue, or during systemic
illnesses, it may become apparent.
REST TREMOR Myoclonus is distinguished from postural tremor in
that rather than being characterized by an oscillatory
Rest tremor is a cardinal sign of parkinsonism, and of the motion it consists of a ‘jerk’ followed by a relaxation phase.
multiple causes of parkinsonism discussed in Section 3.8 In tremor there is alternating contraction of agonist and
(under Parkinsonism), Parkinson’s disease, diffuse Lewy antagonist musculature, whereas in myoclonus there is
body disease and multiple system atrophy, along with only contraction of one group. Rhythmicity may also help
treatment with first-generation antipsychotics, stand out distinguish these two: tremor is always more or less rhyth-
as the most common. mic whereas myoclonus, although at times rhythmic, is
most often intermittent.
INTENTION TREMOR Asterixis may appear when the arms are outstretched,
Intention tremor is most commonly due to disease of the especially if the hands are somewhat dorsiflexed during
cerebellar cortex, the dentate nucleus or the outflow tracts this maneuver, and thus may be confused with postural
of the dentate nucleus. Consideration should be given to tremor. The differential rests, as with myoclonus, on the
degenerative conditions (e.g., alcoholic cerebellar degener- absence of oscillation. In asterixis, there is a sudden relax-
ation of one of the spinocerebellar ataxias [Section 8.17]), ation, such that the hands ‘drop’; this is then followed by a
multiple sclerosis (Section 17.1), and, especially in young slower, voluntary resumption of the dorsiflexed position.
adults, Wilson’s disease (Section 8.16). Severe intoxication Clonic movements, as may occur during a simple par-
with alcohol or sedative hypnotics (e.g., benzodiazepines) is tial motor seizure, may simulate postural tremor; however,
also typified by intention tremor, and this may also consti- here, again, there is no oscillation, but rather a rhythmic
tute one of the disabling sequelae of lithium intoxication. contraction of one muscle group followed by a relaxation.
Furthermore, and in contrast with postural tremor that is
OTHER TYPES almost always bilateral, simple partial motor seizures are
almost always unilateral.
Task-specific tremors are inherited conditions and appear ‘Dystonic tremor’ refers to a jerking motion of a dys-
to be associated with the more common task-specific dysto- tonic limb. Although the term has currency, this is not a
nias, such as ‘writer’s cramp’ (Bain et al. 1995; Klawans et al. true tremor but more of an intermittent jerk that typically
1982a; Soland et al. 1996a). disappears when the patient relaxes and gives way to the
Orthostatic tremor, as noted, may occur on either an developing dystonic spasm.
idiopathic basis or secondary to other causes, such as head Simulated tremor, as may occur in conversion disorder,
trauma, hydrocephalus or, rarely, lesions of the pons malingering or factitious illness, is suggested when the
(Benito-Leon et al. 1997). tremor changes markedly in frequency or amplitude, and
The rabbit syndrome (discussed further in Section 22.4) especially when this occurs with distraction. Weighting the
occurs as a side-effect of antipsychotics. involved limbs may also be diagnostically useful: in simu-
Holmes’ tremor, as pointed out by Holmes himself lated tremor, rather than a reduction of amplitude, one
(1904), localizes the lesion to the dentate nucleus or its often sees an increase (Deuschl et al. 1998).
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3.2 Myoclonus 75
76 Abnormal movements
dyskinesia subtypes, occurs only after long exposure to myoclonus, typically affects the trunk and extremities.
antipsychotics; although tardive myoclonus may appear in Paraneoplastic myoclonus reflects autoimmune involvement
isolation, it is often accompanied by tardive dystonia. of the brainstem and is often accompanied by opsoclonus
Regarding the miscellaneous causes of myoclonus, several (Digre 1986). Rare causes of myolonus include Whipple’s
comments are in order. As noted earlier, myoclonus is char- disease and celiac disease. Finally, myoclonus may also
acteristic of post-anoxic dementia; however, an episode of occur on an inherited basis, namely as the syndrome of
anoxia may be followed by myoclonus alone and in such myoclonus–dystonia (Asmus et al. 2002; Doheny et al. 2002;
cases the term ‘Lance–Adams syndrome’ is used, in honor of Foncke et al. 2006; Grimes et al. 2002; Schule et al. 2004). This
Lance and Adams who first described it in 1963. Lesions, for syndrome, also known as ‘essential myoclonus’, is inherited
example infarction of the frontoparietal cortex or the thala- on an autosomal dominant basis with incomplete pene-
mus, may cause myoclonus and months or longer may elapse trance. Onset is in childhood or adolescence, and, in addition
between the infarct and the appearance of the abnormal to myoclonus there may also be cervical or task-specific dys-
movement. Lesions of the spinal cord, such as infarction, tonia (e.g., writer’s cramp). Of interest, there appears to be
myelitis or trauma, may cause myoclonus, which may be an association between myoclonus–dystonia and obsessive–
either focal, reflecting the segment involved, or generalized: compulsive disorder and alcoholism (Hess et al. 2007;
this generalized form, often referred to as propriospinal Saunders-Pullman et al. 2002).
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78 Abnormal movements
3.4 Chorea 79
jerk of the arm up to the head may be melded into a pur- medications or intoxicants (e.g., as seen in tardive dyskine-
poseful movement of the hand across the top of the head, sia or with oral contraceptives); those of gradual onset in
as if the movement, all along, had been meant to smooth late adolescence or adult years (of which Huntington’s dis-
back the hair. Gait is often disturbed in chorea, and may ease is the most important); those of childhood or early
become lurching: when severely affected the gait has a adolescent onset, such as Sydenham’s chorea; and, finally,
‘dancing and prancing’ quality to it; and it is from this that a miscellaneous group, of which stroke is probably the
the term ‘chorea’ (Latin for ‘the dance’) is derived. most important.
Of medications capable of causing chorea, perhaps the
most important group is the antipsychotics, which, after
Etiology chronic use, can cause tardive dyskinesia, which, in turn,
classically presents with chorea. Of note, and in contrast
The various causes of chorea are listed in Table 3.4. These with most other causes of chorea, the chorea seen in tardive
causes are divided into several groups: those secondary to dyskinesia, although it can be generalized, tends to remain
80 Abnormal movements
somewhat localized to the face. Oral contraceptives may disease, rarely, may present with chorea; however, other
cause chorea, and this is more likely to occur in females with abnormal movements (e.g., dystonia, tremor) are far more
a history of Sydenham’s chorea or with either systemic lupus common (Starosta-Rubinstein et al. 1987): nevertheless,
erythematosus or the anti-phospholipid syndrome. Of the given the tragic nature of missing the diagnosis of this
anti-epileptic drugs capable of causing chorea, phenytoin is treatable disease, it should remain prominent on the differ-
most commonly involved, with the others only rarely being ential. Schizophrenia may cause chorea but this is usually
at fault. Of the stimulants implicated in chorea, cocaine is quite mild and is far overshadowed, clinically, by the clas-
prominent, and chorea in these cases is often referred to as sic psychotic symptoms. Finally, in cases of late onset
‘crack dancing’. Of note, after repeated intoxication with ‘pure’ chorea, without associated features, consideration
either cocaine (Daras et al. 1994) or amphetamines (Lundh should be given to a diagnosis of ‘senile chorea’.
and Tunving 1981), the chorea, rather than subsiding with Of the childhood- or early adolescent-onset choreas,
abstinence, may persist. Levodopa-induced chorea may Sydenham’s chorea is by far the most common. Although
occur as either a ‘peak dose’ side-effect or, less commonly, it is often accompanied by other evidence of rheumatic
may be seen as the blood level rises and as it falls, with an fever, such as carditis or polyarthritis, the onset of the
interval ‘clear’ of chorea during peak blood levels. Baclofen, chorea may at times be delayed for so long that the other
as noted in Table 3.4, may cause chorea not only during signs of rheumatic fever have already gone into remission,
treatment, but also with discontinuation of chronic treat- leaving a case of ‘pure’ Sydenham’s chorea. The chorea is of
ment. Lithium may cause chorea but this is only with subacute onset, over weeks, and, although typically gener-
lithium intoxication at high blood levels: although in most alized, is often most prominent in the face and upper
cases the chorea clears as the blood level falls, in some cases extremities. In a small minority there may be only hemi-
it may persist for months (Zorumski and Bakris 1983). The chorea. Although Sydenham’s chorea may in some patients
neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rare disorder seen with present solely with chorea, there are in the majority other
an abrupt diminution of dopaminergic tone, due either to neuropsychiatric features, most notably obsessions and
treatment with a dopamine blocker, such as an antipsy- compulsions (Swedo et al. 1993). In Sydenham’s chorea,
chotic, or to discontinuation of a dopaminergic agent, such the chorea, in almost all cases, eventually undergoes spon-
as levodopa: in addition to chorea, one also sees delirium, taneous remission, generally within 5–9 months. The other
diaphoresis, fever, tachycardia, and rigidity. Regarding the causes listed in Table 3.4, however, are chronic. Cerebral
other medications in Table 3.4 little need be said, except that palsy, of the ‘extrapyramidal’ type, may cause chorea and
chorea represents a very rare side-effect to them. its appearance may be delayed for several years after birth.
Of the choreas with gradual onset in late adolescence The Lesch–Nyhan syndrome is immediately suggested by
or early adult years, Huntington’s disease is the most the classic mutilative lip biting, which usually become
common cause: most patients fall ill in their thirties with apparent as soon as the child gets teeth. Pantothenate
the gradual onset of a progressively worsening chorea that kinase-associated neurodegeneration may cause chorea;
is eventually joined by a dementia; this is an autosomal however, this is usually accompanied by dystonia. Ataxia
dominant condition and sporadic cases are very rare. telangiectasia may also cause chorea but this is usually pre-
There are other neurodegenerative disorders that present ceded by ataxia. Finally, in cases of chronic childhood-
in a more or less similar fashion to Huntington’s disease, onset chorea when other disorders are unlikely, one may
and these must be considered in the differential diagnosis. consider the diagnosis of benign hereditary chorea.
Two of them are so similar, clinically, to Huntington’s that Of the miscellaneous causes of chorea, stroke and
they go by the name ‘Huntington disease-like syndrome’, acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are among
types 1 and 2: the differential here often rests solely on the most common in a general hospital setting (Piccolo
genetic testing. Other disorders that come into the differ- et al. 1999). Infarction of the basal ganglia or thalamus may
ential often have distinguishing clincial features. Thus, cause either a hemichorea or, less commonly, generalized
both choreoacanthocytosis and the X-linked McLeod syn- chorea, and in many cases the onset of the chorea may be
drome are associated with elevated creatinine kinase (CK) delayed for months (Kim 2001a). In AIDS patients chorea
levels and acanthocytosis; choreoacanthocytosis may also may occur secondary either to opportunistic infections or
cause tics, dystonia, and, classically, mutilative lip biting. as part of an HIV encephalopathy. Chorea may also occur
Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy, another Huntington on an autoimmune basis, either as part of the anti-
‘look-alike’, is suggested by the presence of ataxia. Fahr’s phospholipid syndrome or systemic lupus erythematosus.
syndrome may present with chorea but this is usually Chorea gravidarum (Latin for ‘chorea of pregnant
accompanied by other abnormal movements, such as dys- women’) should obviously be suspected when chorea
tonia or parkinsonism, and computed tomography (CT) occurs during pregnancy, and in most of these cases the
scanning will immediately reveal calcification of the basal patient will have either the anti-phospholipid syndrome or
ganglia. Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration, seen only systemic lupus erythematosus, or will have a history of
in patients with longstanding hepatic disease and a history Sydenham’s chorea. Patients with a paraneoplastic syn-
of recurrent episodes of hepatic encephalopathy, in addi- drome may also present with chorea but this is soon joined
tion to chorea, may also cause tremor and ataxia. Wilson’s by other elements of a paraneoplastic syndrome, such as
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3.5 Athetosis 81
Differential diagnosis
Choreiform movements must be distinguished from
myoclonus, tics, athetosis, and from the abnormal oro- The various causes of athetosis are listed in Table 3.5.
mandibular movements seen in edentulous patients. Cerebral palsy of the ‘dyskinetic’ type, due generally to
Myoclonic jerks are always simple in nature, and hence either hypoxia or, in the past, kernicterus, may leave
when choreic jerks are complex, as they sometimes may patients with bilateral or ‘double’ athetosis.
be, the differential is straightforward. Simple choreic Infarction of the lenticular nucleus or thalamus may
jerks, however, may be more difficult to distinguish from cause athetosis, and in some cases the emergence of this
myoclonic jerks. One clue is the ‘mercurial’ nature of abnormal movement may be delayed for weeks or months
chorea, with jerks appearing and disappearing, fluidly, after the stroke (Dooling and Adams 1975; Kim 2001a).
from one part of the body to another: myoclonic jerks Severe proprioceptive sensory loss, as may be seen with
rarely display such lightning-like changes. infarction of the parietal cortex or thalamus, or with
Tics, like choreic movements, may be either simple or lesions of the cervical cord or dorsal root ganglia, may also
complex, and thus complexity cannot be used to differen- be followed by athetosis. In the literature this is often
tiate them from choreic movements. Tics, however, like referred to as ‘pseudoathetosis’; however, given that clini-
myclonus, rarely display the mercurial transience of cho- cally these cases are essentially indistinguishable from
reic movements. Furthermore, tics are associated with a
Table 3.5 Causes of athetosis
premonitory urge and are, at least partially, suppressible;
these features are not characteristic of chorea. Cerebral palsy (‘double athetosis’) (Rosenbloom 1994)
Athetotic movements are longer lasting and more sus- Infarction of the basal ganglia or thalamus (Carpenter 1950;
tained in character than are choreic ones; furthermore, Papez et al. 1938; Spiller 1920)
rather than being jerky they are ‘slow and writhing in
Associated with proprioceptive sensory loss due to infarction
character’, as pointed out by Kinnier Wilson (Wilson 1955).
of the parietal cortex of thalamus or to lesions of the cervical
Edentulous patients may display oromandibular move-
cord or dorsal root ganglia (Ghika and Bogousslavsky 1997;
ments reminiscent of chorea; however, in this condition
Sharp et al. 1994)
there are no abnormal movements elsewhere on the body
and the tongue is not involved (Koller 1983). Miscellaneous causes
Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration (Finlayson and
Superville 1981)
Fahr’s syndrome (Manyam et al. 2001)
Treatment Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (Rozdilsky
et al. 1968)
Treatment is directed at the underlying condition, as dis-
Medication side-effect (tiagabine [Tombini et al. 2006],
cussed in the respective chapters. In many cases this
donepezil [Tanaka et al. 2003])
involves symptomatic treatment with an antipsychotic,
Post-mercury intoxication (Snyder 1972)
and in this regard one of the second-generation anti-
Post-cyanide intoxication (Rosenow et al. 1995)
psychotics, for example risperidone, may be considered.
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82 Abnormal movements
those seen with infarction of the lenticular nuclei, this dis- Etiology
tinction may not be useful.
Of the miscellaneous causes of athetosis, consideration The various causes of ballism are noted in Table 3.6.
may be given to acquired hepatocerebral degeneration, Stroke, whether due to ischemic infarction or, less com-
Fahr’s syndrome and pantothenate kinase-associated neu- monly, intracerebral hemorrhage, is the most common cause
rodegeneration; however, in each of these conditions other of ballism (Vidakovic et al. 1994). Although the subthalamic
features often dominate the clinical picture: in acquired nucleus is most commonly involved, damage to related
hepatocerebral degeneration, chorea, tremor, and dystonia structures, such as the striatum, thalamus or, very rarely, the
may be seen; in Fahr’s syndrome, parkinsonism and calci- substantia nigra, may also cause ballism. In most cases, a
fication of the basal ganglia on CT scanning; and, in pan- hemiballism occurs, and, as might be expected, in most of
tothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration, dystonia. these cases, the lesion is found in the contralateral hemi-
There are also single case reports of athetosis occurring sphere. However, exceptions to this lateralizing rule do occur
as a side-effect to either tiagabine or donepezil. Finally, and ipsilateral hemiballism has been noted with lesions of the
athetosis may occur as a sequela to intoxication with either subthalamic nucleus (Crozier et al. 1996; Moersch and
mercury or cyanide. Kernohan 1939) or the striatum (Borgohain et al. 1995).
Other focal lesions may also cause hemiballism, and
this has been noted in the subthalamic nucleus for
Differential diagnosis both metastatic tumors and multiple sclerosis plaques.
Of the miscellaneous causes of ballism, the most impor-
Choreiform movements, as noted in the preceding tant from a clinical point of view is non-ketotic hyperos-
chapter, tend to be jerky and to appear and reappear on molar hyperglycemia, as may be seen in elderly diabetics.
different parts of the body; in contrast, athetotic move- This syndrome may present with either generalized or
ments are writhing in character, sustained, and generally hemiballism; of note, in cases of hemiballism, T1-weighted
remain localized to a particular limb. MR scanning may reveal hyperintensity of the contralateral
Dystonic movements are relatively fixed in character, striatum. In all cases, the ballism resolves with restoration of
and lack the writhing quality of athetosis. euglycemia; however, it may take days or weeks for full
recovery to occur. Rarely, both systemic lupus erythemato-
sus and Sydenham’s chorea may cause ballism, presumably
Treatment on the basis of an autoimmune attack on the subthalamic
nucleus. Traumatic brain injury is another rare cause and,
Botulinum toxin has been utilized in the treatment of dou-
ble athetosis seen in cerebral palsy (Gooch and Sandell
1996); in cases of athetosis secondary to stroke, deep brain Table 3.6 Causes of ballism
stimulation has been utilized (Katayama et al. 2003). It is
Stroke (infarction or intracerebral hemorrhage)
not at all clear whether pharmacologic treatment with
Subthalamic nucleus (Carpenter 1955; Martin and Alcock
antipsychotics or other agents might be beneficial.
1934; Melamed et al. 1978; Pfeil 1952; Whittier 1947)
Striatum (Defebvre et al. 1990; Kase et al. 1981; Schwarz and
Barrows 1960; Srinivas et al. 1987)
3.6 BALLISM Thalamus (Antin et al. 1867; Dewey and Jankovic 1989;
Kulisevsky et al. 1993)
Ballism, or ballismus, comes originally from the Greek
Substantia nigra (Caparros-Lefebvre et al. 1994)
word ballismos, which means a jumping movement; it is
also related to the Latin ballista, which refers to an ancient Other focal lesions
military machine, similar to a catapult, used for throwing Tumors (Glass et al. 1984)
large stones. Multiple sclerosis (Riley and Lang 1988; Waubant et al. 1997)
Miscellaneous causes
Non-ketotic hyperglycemia (Chu et al. 2002; Lee et al. 1999;
Clinical features Lin and Chang 1994; Lin et al. 2001)
Systemic lupus erythematosus (Dewey and Jankovic 1989;
Ballistic movements involve the extremities: most com-
Vidakovic et al. 1994)
monly both the upper and lower extremities are involved
Sydenham’s chorea (Konagaya and Konagaya 1992)
on one side, producing hemiballism; occasionally one may
Traumatic brain injury with damage to the subthalamic
see monoballism (with involvement of only one extremity)
nucleus (Vakis et al. 2006)
or biballism (with bilateral, generalized involvement). The
Hyperthyroidism (Ristic et al. 2004)
proximal musculature is preferentially involved and the
Medications (phenytoin [Opida et al. 1978], oral contraceptives
movements are wild and flinging in nature, sometimes to a
[Driesen and Wolters 1986], bupropion [de Graaf et al. 2003])
degree that may throw patients off balance.
p 03.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 83
3.7 Dystonia 83
in the case in question, there was damage, as might be agonist and antagonist muscles, and persists for variable
expected, to the subthalamic nucleus. Hyperthyroidism may periods of time. Some common varieties deserve to be
also cause ballism, albeit rarely, and there are isolated case mentioned. Dystonia of the cervical muscles may rotate or
reports of ballism occurring as a side-effect to phenytoin, twist the head in one direction or the other (torticollis),
oral contraceptives, and bupropion. pull it over to one side (lateralcollis), or forward (antero-
collis), or backward (retrocollis). Dystonic contraction of
the oromandibular musculature may cause a forced yawn-
Differential diagnosis ing type of movement, and when the orbicularis oculi mus-
cles undergo dystonic contracture blepharospasm occurs.
The hallmark of ballism is its wild, flinging nature, and it is The extraocular musculature may be involved, creating
this characteristic that distinguishes it from other abnor- what is known as an ‘oculogyric crisis’, with tonic conju-
mal movements, such as dystonia, athetosis and chorea. gate gaze deviation, generally superiorly and laterally.
Dystonic movements are fixed and more or less immobile; When the upper extremity is involved, the arm may be
although in athetosis there is some motility, it is slow and twisted, and in the hand the thumb may be adducted with
writhing in character. Choreic jerks, when severe, may the fingers hyperextended. Lower extremity involvement is
approach the flinging character of ballistic movements but typified by inversion and plantar flexion of the foot. The
choreic jerks appear and reappear on different parts of the axial musculature may also be involved resulting in vari-
body in contrast with the consistent presence of ballism on able contortions of the trunk. Finally, there are also cases
one or more limbs. where dystonia occurs only with specific movements. As
noted earlier, in some cases dystonia may be precipitated
by movement, and this may occur with non-specific move-
Treatment ments, such as turning the head, or lifting an arm. There
are, however, dystonias wherein only very specific activi-
Of the various symptomatic treatments for ballism, by far
ties, such as writing or typing, precipitate the dystonia.
the best established agents are the antipsychotics; among
Dystonias are often described with reference to the
these haloperidol (Davis 1976; Klawans et al. 1976a) has
number and contiguity of body parts involved. Thus, in
the longest track record. Other first-generation agents to
focal dystonia, only one body part is involved (e.g., the
consider include perphenazine (Johnson and Fahn 1977)
upper extremity alone), whereas in segmental dystonia,
and chlorpromazine (Klawans et al. 1976a). Of second-
two adjacent parts are affected (e.g., the neck and upper
generation antipsychotics, risperidone (Evidente et al.
extremity): ‘hemidystonia’ is a term reserved for a specific
1999), olanzapine (Mukand et al. 2005), and clozapine
segmental dystonia wherein the upper and lower extremity
(Stojanovic et al. 1997) have also been used. Regardless of
are both involved. In multifocal dystonia, two or more
which agent is chosen, it is appropriate to start with a low
non-adjacent parts are affected; in generalized dystonia,
dose (e.g., 1–2 mg of haloperidol or 0.25–0.5 mg of risperi-
bilateral involvement is seen.
done) and to gradually titrate the dose upward. Periodic
In some cases, patients may be able to relieve a dystonia
attempts should be made to taper and, if possible, discon-
by utilizing what is known as a ‘sensory trick’, or geste
tinue antipsychotics over the following months.
antagoniste. For example, by simply placing a hand gently
Other pharmacologic agents to consider include sertra-
on the cheek a patient with torticollis may abort the twist-
line (Okun et al. 2001), topiramate (Gatto et al. 2004), and
ing motion of the neck musculature, and a patient with a
divalproex (Chandra et al. 1982; Lenton et al. 1981)
generalized dystonia precipitated by walking may find
(although not all reports are favorable for divalproex [Lang
relief by walking backward.
1985]). In severe treatment-resistant cases, consideration
may be given to pallidotomy (Yamada et al. 2004), deep
brain stimulation of the thalamus (Tsubokawa et al. 1995),
or intrathecal baclofen (Francisco 2006).
84 Abnormal movements
(e.g., infarctions of the basal ganglia), and those occurring Of the primary dytonias, the classic example is primary
secondary to a large number of miscellaneous causes. torsion dystonia, or ‘dystonia musculorum deformans’ as
Finally, there is a group of paroxysmal dystonias, character- it was originally named by Oppenheim (1911). This typi-
ized clinically by dystonia occurring only in discrete, brief cally has an onset in childhood or adolescence, presenting
episodes. In general clinical practice, dystonia is most with a focal dystonia, often of the lower extemity, and
commonly caused by one of the primary dystonias. gradual progression to generalized involvement. The other
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3.7 Dystonia 85
primary dystonias generally have an onset in adult years and Duggal 2006). Furthermore, it must be borne in mind
and typically remain more or less focal. Idiopathic cervical that other dopamine blockers, such as metoclopramide, may
dystonia, as the name clearly suggests, manifests with a also cause dystonia (Chistodoulou and Kalaitzi 2005). In
cervical dystonia; Meige’s syndrome is characterized by patients who are treated chronically with antipsychotics, tar-
blepharospasm, Breughel’s syndrome by oromandibular dive dystonia, a variant of tardive dyskinesia, may also occur:
dystonia, and spasmodic dysphonia, again as the name this generally presents with a focal dystonia affecting the
suggests, by dysphonia. Rarely, only the trunk may be neck or face, which may undergo segmental spread and,
involved, creating the syndrome of axial dystonia. As noted rarely, become generalized (Burke et al. 1982; Kiriakakis et al.
above, some dystonias occur only with specific activities, 1998; Wojick et al. 1991; Yassa et al. 1986), in which case it
and these are known as the ‘task-specific dystonias’: exam- may be disabling (Yadalam et al. 1990). Interestingly, should
ples include writer’s, typist’s, and musician’s cramp. mania occur, a pre-existing tardive dystonia may undergo
In considering the ‘dystonia plus’ syndromes, by far the substantial improvement (Kiriakakis et al. 1998; Yazici et al.
most important disorder to keep in mind is dopa-responsive 1991). As with acute dystonias, tardive dystonia may also
dystonia. This disorder has an onset in childhood with dys- rarely be seen with second-generation agents such as olanza-
tonia of the lower extremity, and thus figures in the differ- pine, although it is more common with first-generation
ential diagnosis of primary torsion dystonia. The reason agents (Gunal et al. 2001).
why it should always be considered is because, in contrast The most common offender of the other medications that
with primary torsion dystonia, it is eminently treatable, are capable of causing dystonia is levodopa, as utilized in the
often responding dramatically to low-dose levodopa. The treatment of Parkinson’s disease: in such cases dystonia may
other ‘dystonia plus’ syndromes are rare. Myoclonus– appear either as a peak-dose dyskinesia or, more commonly,
dystonia (discussed also in Section 3.2) has an onset in child- as an end-of-dose ‘wearing off’ phenomenon. The remaining
hood or adolescence and is characterized by myoclonus and medicines listed in Table 3.7 only rarely cause dystonia: most
dystonia, often a cervical or a task-specific dystonia. Rapid- references are limited to single case reports.
onset dystonia–parkinsonism presents in adult years Turning now to the neurodegenerative disorders capa-
acutely with a combination of dystonia and parkinsonism, ble of causing dystonia, the most important disorder to
with symptoms escalating over days or weeks and then keep in mind is Wilson’s disease, given that, unlike all the
stabilizing. Lubag (also known as X-linked dystonia– other disorders in this group, it is treatable. The onset of
parkinsonism) is an X-linked disorder seen only in Filipino Wilson’s disease occurs between childhood and early adult
men, presenting first with dystonia but eventually joined years and, in a minority of cases, it may present with dysto-
by parkinsonism. nia (Starosta-Rubinstein et al. 1987): the dystonia may
In considering the secondary dystonias, each subgroup consist of torticollis, dystonia of the upper or lower
will be treated in turn, beginning with medication-induced extremity, an oculogyric crisis (Lee et al. 1999), or a facial
dystonias. dystonia of the oromandibular type, which may leave the
Of the medications capable of causing dystonia, by far the patient with a fixed, vacuous, wide-mouthed smile. Other
most common are the first-generation antipsychotics, such symptoms and signs, including personality change, gait
as haloperidol and fluphenazine (Keepers et al. 1983; Swett abnormalities and tremor, eventually accrue. Given that
1975). These usually occur within a matter of days of either treatment is available, testing for copper and ceruloplas-
starting the medication or substantially increasing the dose min levels should be performed if there is any suspicion of
(Ayd 1961; Keepers et al. 1983), and are most likely to occur Wilson’s disease. The occurrence of progressive dystonia in
in young males (Boyer et al. 1987). Focal dystonias, includ- early childhood should suggest the Lesch–Nyhan syn-
ing oculogyric crisis, torticollis, and involvement of the drome, especially when accompanied by mutilative lip bit-
upper limb are most common; in some cases, segmental ing. Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration
spread may occur and, rarely, an acute antipsychotic- presents in childhood or adolescence with progressive dys-
induced dystonia may become generalized. Lingual dystonia tonia, usually of the upper extremity, eventually joined by
may also occur, and patients may become dysarthric and other abnormal movements (such as chorea or tremor)
complain of a ‘thick tongue’; very rarely, laryngeal dystonia and then by a dementia (Dooling et al. 1974). The other
with respiratory embarrassment may occur (Christodoulou neurodegenerative disorders listed in Table 3.7 all have an
and Kalaitzi 2005; Flaherty and Lahmeyer 1978). onset in adult or later years, and, in addition to dystonia,
Interestingly, in patients with schizophrenia, antipsychotic- typically are characterized by other abnormal movements.
induced dystonias may be accompanied by a transient Thus, corticobasal ganglionic degeneration, progressive
increase of psychotic symptoms (Chiu 1989; Thornton and supranuclear palsy, multiple system atrophy, and Fahr’s
McKenna 1994). Although first-generation antipsychotics syndrome are characterized, in addition to dystonia, by
are most commonly at fault, dystonia has been noted, albeit parkinsonism, and dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy,
rarely, with second-generation agents such as olanzapine neuracanthocytosis and Huntington’s disease are marked
(Alevizos et al. 2003) and aripiprazole (Desarkar et al. 2006); by chorea. In the case of Huntington’s disease, although
there are also case reports of dystonia occurring upon dis- dystonia generally appears only in far-advanced disease,
continuation of clozapine (Ahmed et al. 1998; Mendhekar there are rare cases of Huntington’s disease in which the
p 03.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 86
86 Abnormal movements
presentation was with dystonia. Finally, there are rare case hemisdystonia or a generalized dystonia, which may be
reports of spinocerebellar ataxia presenting, not with the accompanied by chorea. Although sporadic cases do occur,
expected ataxia, but with dystonia. most are familial, following a pattern consistent with auto-
Of focal lesions capable of causing dystonia, by far the somal dominant inheritance. Further, specific, details for
most common are infarctions of either the basal ganglia each type follow below.
(Krystkowiak et al. 1998; Russo 1983) or thalamus In paroxysmal non-kinesigenic dystonic choreoathetosis
(Lehericy et al. 2001): of note, in these cases, it may take (Bressman et al. 1988; Demirkiran and Jankovic 1995; Fink
weeks, months, or, rarely, years, before the dystonia et al. 1997; Jarman et al. 1997, 2000; Lance 1977; Matsuo
appears (Lehericy et al. 1996). There are also rare reports of et al. 1999; Mount and Reback 1940; Richards and Barnett
cortical infarction causing dystonia, as for example of the 1968; Rosen 1964) attacks are more likely when patients are
parietal cortex (Burguera et al. 2001). Mass lesions may fatigued or have been indulging in alcohol, caffeine, or
also cause dystonia, as has been reported for tumors of the nicotine. A locus has been identified on chromosome 2, and
basal ganglia (Martinez-Cage and Marsden 1984), frontal there appears to be considerable genetic heterogeneity
lobe (Soland et al. 1996b), and cerebellum (Alarcon et al. (Bruno et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2005, Spacey et al. 2006).
2001; Krauss et al. 1997). Paroxysmal kinesigenic dystonic choreoathetosis
Of the miscellaneous secondary causes of dystonia, trau- (Bruno et al. 2004; Demirkiran and Jankovic 1995; Kertesz
matic brain injury is perhaps the most common, and in such 1967; Lance 1977; Stevens 1966) is suggested by the history
cases lesions of the basal ganglia are seen. Dystonia may also of attacks occurring immediately upon some movement,
appear in a post-anoxic encephalopathy, and there are also such as walking, running or, in some cases, simply standing
case reports of dystonia occurring after central pontine up. Another distinguishing feature of this type is the fact
myelinolysis, wherein ‘extrapontine’ myelinolysis, involving that treatment with an anti-epileptic drug (AED) such as
the basal ganglia, also occurred. Other clear-cut precipitat- carbamazepine reliably prevents attacks, often at a low
ing events, rarely associated with dystonia, include intoxica- dose (Wein et al. 1996). In this disorder, a locus has been
tion with cyanide, methanol, or manganese. Encephalitis identified on chromosome 16; however, as for non-
may have dystonia as a sequela, and this has been noted after kinesigenic cases, there is also considerable genetic hetero-
encephalitis lethargica and Japanese encephalitis. AIDS may geneity (Valente et al. 2000).
be characterized by dystonia, and this has been noted in In exercise-induced paroxysmal dystonic choreoatheto-
cases of AIDS that are complicated by progressive multifocal sis (Bhatia et al. 1997a; Munchau et al. 2000) attacks occur
encephalopathy and toxoplasmosis. In one case report only after fairly prolonged exercise, such as walking or
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease was noted to present with dysto- cycling, and they subside fairly soon with rest. A genetic
nia. Tourette’s syndrome, in addition to tics, may also, albeit locus has not as yet been identified.
rarely, cause dystonia, and cerebral palsy may also be charac- The secondary paroxysmal dystonias include the syn-
terized by dystonia. Remarkably, there are also reports of drome of nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia, ictal dystonia,
dystonia occurring with cervical cord lesions and with and a miscellaneous group.
lesions outside the central nervous system, such as the tho- Nocturnal paroxysmal dystonia is characterized by brief
racic outlet syndrome or with peripheral trauma: in cases of attacks of dystonia that arise from non-REM sleep and are
peripheral trauma, dystonia may also accompany reflex associated with partial awakening. There are probably dis-
sympathetic dystrophy (van Hilten et al. 2001). Finally, dys- tinct subtypes in this syndrome, with some cases represent-
tonia may also occur in association with gastroesophageal ing a parasomnia (Lee et al. 1985) and others representing
reflux disease, in which case one speaks of the ‘Sandifer’s seizures (Lugaresi and Cirignotta 1981; Lugaresi et al.
syndrome’: although this is generally reported only in 1986; Provini et al. 1999; Tinuper et al. 1990): in the latter
children, adult cases have also been noted. subtype the response to an AED, such as carbamazepine, is
The last group in Table 3.7 contains the paroxysmal dys- usually good.
tonias, which may be divided into primary and secondary Ictal dystonia may also be seen during otherwise typical
forms (Demerkiran and Jankovic 1995). The primary forms complex partial seizures, and in such cases the dystonia
are divided into three types, depending on whether the dys- fairly reliably lateralizes the epileptic focus to the contra-
tonia occurs spontaneously or with precipitants: sponta- lateral hemisphere.
neously occurring dystonias are referred to as ‘paroxysmal Finally, the miscellaneous group includes multiple scle-
non-kinesigenic dystonic choreathetosis’; those precipi- rosis (with plaques in the thalamus or posterior limb of the
tated immediately by some movement, as ‘paroxysmal internal capsule), Fahr’s syndrome, and traumatic brain
kinesigenic dystonic choreoathetosis’; and those occurring injury or infarction of the basal ganglia.
only after relatively prolonged exercise, as ‘exercise-induced
paroxysmal dystonic choreoathetosis’. Each of these pri-
mary paroxysmal dystonias has an onset in childhood Differential diagnosis
or adolescence, and in all cases the attacks last generally in
the order of minutes, rarely extending to hours; during Athetosis is somewhat similar to dystonia, in that in both
the attacks most patients will have dystonia, generally a abnormal movements contortion is present; the difference
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3.8 Parkinsonism 87
between the two lies in the degree of mobility seen. In dys- both passive extension and flexion. This rigidity may be
tonia, the contortion gradually assumes a final form, and ‘lead pipe’ in character, in that it is of the same severity
then remains fairly fixed; by contrast, in athetosis, the throughout the full range of motion, or there may be what
contortion constantly changes, in a writhing, almost is known as ‘cogwheel’ rigidity. Cogwheeling is perhaps
serpentine, fashion. most easily appreciated at the elbow by supporting the
elbow in the palm of one’s hand, placing the thumb over
the biceps tendon and then, with the other hand, alter-
Treatment nately slowly extending and flexing the forearm: when cog-
wheeling is present, a peculiar ‘ratcheting’ sensation is
For most of the causes listed in Table 3.7, treatment is dis- appreciated in the thumb over the biceps tendon, as if the
cussed in the respective chapter for the disorder in question. extension of the forearm were proceeding one ‘cog’ at a
In the case of antipsychotic-induced dystonia, emergent time. Postural instability may be suggested by a history of
treatment may be accomplished with diphenydramine, falls, and may be detected using the ‘pull test’: to perform
given intramuscularly or intravenously in a dose of this test, stand several feet behind the patient and, after
25–50 mg, or benztropine, given intramuscularly in a dose warning the patient what is to come, place your hands on
of 2 mg; if needed, oral benztropine, in a similar dose, may the patient’s shoulders and gently, but briskly, pull back.
be given on a preventive basis. For other causes where treat- Normal individuals will quickly make a compensatory step
ment is not well established, consideration may be given to back and catch their balance; those with parkinsonism,
empirical trials of benztropine, clonazepam, baclofen or however, will fail to make compensatory movements and
AEDs, such as carbamazepine; botulinum toxin may be con- begin to tumble backward (in this regard, if the patient is
sidered, and, as a last resort, deep brain stimulation of the large, it is appropriate to position yourself with your back
globus pallidus is an option. to a wall in order to prevent a double fall). Micrographia is
manifest by handwriting that becomes small and scratchy:
in some cases, multiple samples of the patient’s hand-
3.8 PARKINSONISM writing collected over months and years may provide
‘graphic’ evidence of a progression of the syndrome.
Parkinsonism is a syndrome of multiple different etiolo- Other abnormalities that may be seen in classic parkin-
gies: although Parkinson’s disease is the most common sonism include hypomimia, hypophonia, palilalia, and
cause of parkinsonism, it must always be kept in mind that bradyphrenia. Hypomimia (also known as ‘masked facies’)
it is but one of many possible causes, and the physician is an abnormality of facial expression wherein the muscles
must dutifully consider the other causes before deciding of facial expression seem frozen and there is little blinking:
that a patient with parkinsonism has Parkinson’s disease. Kinnier Wilson (Wilson 1955) described it as a ‘starched’
expression. In hypophonia, the voice becomes low, soft,
and monotone; in severe cases it is reduced to an unintelli-
Clinical features gible mumbling. Palilalia is said to be present when the
patient involuntarily repeats the last word of a phrase or
Fully developed, classic parkinsonism is, once recognized, sentence with ever increasing rapidity and ever increasing
almost unforgettable. Patients stand in a flexion posture, indistinctness. Bradyphrenia is the cognitive analog of
bent at the waist and neck, and with the arms held forward bradykinesia and is characterized by a slowness of thought.
in flexion and the knees somewhat bent. A rhythmic pill- Of all of these signs and symptoms, the ‘cardinal’ ones
rolling rest tremor is seen, most notably in the hands. for diagnosis are tremor, bradykinesia, rigidity, and
When patients attempt to do anything, bradykinesia is postural instability.
apparent, with almost all movements initiated and carried
out slowly. The gait is shuffling and patients typically take
small steps; at times the phenomenon of ‘festination’ is Etiology
seen, wherein, with ongoing ambulation, patients begin to
lean forward and take ever smaller, but ever faster steps, The various causes of parkinsonism are listed in Table 3.8,
almost as if they were trying to catch up with their forward- where they are divided into several groups. In the first group
leaning center of gravity. Some patients may also display are neurodegenerative disorders, each of which causes a
another gait abnormality known as ‘freezing’ (Giladi et al. parkinsonism of gradual onset and progression: this group,
1992): here, patients become unable to initiate ambulation, as a whole, is by far the most common cause of parkinson-
as if they were ‘frozen’. This curious phenomenon typically ism, and of the disorders in this group, Parkinson’s disease
occurs at a threshold of some sort, for example a doorway is the most frequent. The next group consists of parkinson-
or the start of a hallway. ism secondary to medications and in almost all of these
Other motor abnormalities are evident on examination, cases the parkinsonism is of relatively acute onset: of all of
and include rigidity, postural instability, and micro- these medications the antipsychotics, by far, are the most
graphia. Rigidity is evident in the limbs, and is present with common offenders. Next considered are cases secondary
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88 Abnormal movements
to toxins and substances of abuse, such as methanol. most likely to cause ‘classic’ parkinsonism as described
Following this, there is a group of cases secondary to other, above. Onset is typically with tremor, with or without
more or less obvious, precipitating events, such as repeated rigidity, or less commonly with rigidity alone; symptoms
head trauma, or anoxia. Finally, there is a group of miscella- generally appear unilaterally, typically in one of the upper
neous causes, prominent among which are stroke and the extremities, and over time spread occurs in a gradual fash-
controversial entity known as ‘vascular parkinsonism’. ion to involve the contralateral extremity and, eventually,
Among the neurodegenerative disorders, Parkinson’s all four extremities. The classic picture may also be more or
disease, in addition to being the most common, is also the less faithfully imitated by diffuse Lewy body disease and
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3.8 Parkinsonism 89
multiple system atrophy; however, certain features may typically also present, such as dystonia in pantothenate
enable a clinical differentiation of these two disorders from kinase-associated neurodegeneration and either dystonia or
Parkinson’s disease. Diffuse Lewy body disease, as noted in chorea in the Huntington’s disease. Kufs’ disease, a very rare
Section 8.6, may present with relatively ‘pure’ parkinson- disorder, may cause parkinsonism, but this is typically
ism; however, in almost all cases, one also sees, within a preceded by myoclonus and seizures. Lubag (also known as
year of such a presentation, the development of a dementia X-linked dystonia parkinsonism) is an X-linked disorder
which is marked by confusion and visual hallucinations: seen only in Filipino men, which typically presents with dys-
although patients with Parkinson’s disease may also become tonia, followed by parkinsonism. Spinocerebellar ataxia type
demented, this usually does not occur until after many years 2 may present with a combination of ataxia and parkinson-
have passed (Biggins et al. 1992; Marder et al. 1995; Mayeux ism or, very rarely, with parkinsonism alone. Rapid-onset
et al. 1992). Multiple system atrophy (of the ‘striatonigral’ dystonia–parkinsonism has a remarkable onset in adult
variant) may likewise cause a fairly pure parkinsonism; years characterized by the appearance, over days or weeks, of
however, here one generally also sees evidence of degenera- a combination of parkinsonism and dystonia that subse-
tion of either the cerebellum or brainstem nuclei (Colosimo quently settles into a stable chronicity. Hereditary mental
et al. 1995; Litvan et al. 1997a; Wenning et al. 1994, 1999), depression and parkinsonism is a rare familial disorder that
with the development of either ataxia and/or autonomic presents in midlife with depression, and which is joined, in a
failure with postural dizziness, syncope, erectile dysfunc- matter of years, by a gradually progressive parkinsonism
tion, or urinary retention/incontinence. and, eventually, hypoventilation. Guamian amyotrophic
The next three neurodegenerative disorders in the list, lateral sclerosis–parkinsonism complex is a rare disorder
namely progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal occurring exclusively in residents of Guam, parts of Japan,
ganglionic degeneration and frontotemporal dementia, are and some other Pacific islands.
less likely to cause a classic parkinsonism and are more Turning now to the group of medications capable of
likely to have clearly distinctive characteristics. Progressive causing parkinsonism, the most frequent offenders by far
supranuclear palsy tends to present with frequent, unex- are the antipsychotics. Among the antipsychotics, although
plained falls, and the ensuing parkinsonism is generally first-generation agents (e.g., haloperidol or fluphenazine)
symmetric in onset and marked by rigidity rather than are most likely to cause this side-effect, parkinsonism has
tremor; furthermore, the patient’s posture, rather than one also been caused by second-generation agents, such as
of flexion, is usually quite erect, with the neck often held in risperidone or olanzapine (Carlson et al. 2003). Although in
a rigid dystonic extension (Litvan et al. 1996; Steele 1972); the vast majority of cases the parkinsonism gradually sub-
finally, and most importantly, within several years one typ- sides after the discontinuation of treatment, in a small
ically sees a supranuclear ophthalmoplegia, especially for minority, primarily in the elderly, it may persist indefinitely
downward gaze. Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration typ- (Bocola et al. 1996). Other dopamine blockers, such as
ically presents with bradykinesia and a markedly asymmet- metoclopramide or prochlorperazine may also cause
ric parkinsonism of an upper limb, marked by a dystonic parkinsonism, a fact often not appreciated by many physi-
rigidity; tremor is unusual and, moreover, one typically cians. When parkinsonism occurs in patients treated with
finds cortical sensory loss and apraxia. One of the fron- dopamine blockers, the neuroleptic malignant syndrome,
totemporal dementias (frontotemporal dementia and although rare, must also be considered: this syndrome typ-
parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17) presents not only ically presents with a delirium, followed shortly by parkin-
with parkinsonism, but also with a personality change of sonism and other symptoms such as coarse tremor, fever,
the frontal lobe type, with such symptoms as disinhibition, tachycardia, labile hypertension, and diaphoresis. Although
puerile humor, perseveration, etc. the vast majority of cases of the neuroleptic malignant syn-
The remaining neurodegenerative disorders in the list are drome are caused by treatment with antipsychotics (includ-
far less common than those just discussed, and most also ing clozapine [Miller et al. 1991]), cases have also occurred
have distinctive features. Both dentatorubropallidoluysian secondary to the withdrawal of dopaminergic agents such
atrophy and choreoacanthocytosis cause chorea. Wilson’s as amantadine (Cunningham et al. 1991; Harsch 1987) and
disease may cause a parkinsonian rigidity but this is gener- levodopa (Sechi et al. 1984; Toru et al. 1981). Valproic acid
ally accompanied by dysarthria or dystonia. In Fahr’s syn- may also cause parkinsonism, and, uniquely among med-
drome, although parkinsonism may be seen in an isolated ications capable of causing this side-effect, the parkinson-
fashion, it is typically accompanied by other signs, such as ism here may be of delayed onset, after from 6 months to
ataxia (Nyland and Skre 1977) or intention tremor 4 years (Ristic et al. 2006), thus obscuring the causal role
(Mathews 1957), and neuroimaging will reveal calcification of the drug. The other medications listed in Table 3.8 only
of the basal ganglia. Alzheimer’s disease may be complicated rarely cause parkinsonism.
by a mild parkinsonism, but this occurs only many years The next group to consider are toxins and substances of
after the typical dementia is well established. Adolescent- abuse and the first to consider here is alcohol, wherein
onset parkinsonism may occur with pantothenate kinase- parkinsonism occurs not as a complication of alcohol
associated neurodegeneration or in the Westphal variant intoxication but rather appears during the course of alcohol
of Huntington’s disease, but in both cases other signs are withdrawal in a small minority of cases. In evaluating
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90 Abnormal movements
chronic alcoholics who have parkinsonism, one should also and Lees 1987). Arboviral encephalitides associated with
consider the possibility that the patient, unable to obtain parkinsonism include western equine encephalitis,
alcohol, may have used methanol: severe cases of methanol wherein parkinsonism may appear after a latent interval of
intoxication may be complicated by putaminal necrosis from a week to several months, and Japanese encephalitis,
with parkinsonism. The next substance to consider is wherein parkinsonism may appear not only as a delayed
methylphenyltetrahydropyridine (MPTP): this is a contam- sequela but also as part of the acute encephalitic syndrome.
inant of illicitly prepared meperidine (Langston et al. 1983), The final group to consider is the miscellaneous one,
and addicts who injected the contaminated meperidine and of the disorders in this group, stroke may be consid-
developed a parkinsonism of rapid onset. A final example of ered first. Infarctions of the basal ganglia or of the midbrain
substances of abuse capable of causing parkinsonism are (affecting the substantia nigra), rarely, have been noted to
the inhalants, wherein, rarely, intoxication may be compli- cause a contralateral hemiparkinsonism (Boecker et al.
cated by a parkinsonism that then persists. With regard to 1996; Fenelon and Houeto 1997; Kulisevsky et al. 1995).
toxins per se, the classic offender is manganese. Manganese With multiple lacunar infarctions of the basal ganglia, one
exposure may occur in manganese mines, steel mills, bat- may also see vascular parkinsonism. This is a perhaps con-
tery factories, or via drinking contaminated well water and troversial entity, as some authors doubt its existence. There
may be followed, after a variable latent interval, by a gradu- are, however, convincing reports of classic parkinsonism
ally progressive parkinsonism. The parkinsonism itself is occurring in this setting (Bruetsch and Williams 1954;
characterized primarily by rigidity and bradykinesia; Keschner and Sloane 1931; Tolosa and Santamaria 1984;
tremor may be present but is only rarely of the pill-rolling Zijlmans et al. 1995). In most cases, however, rather than a
type. Certain additional features may also be present, classic picture, the parkinsonism here is characterized pri-
including dystonia and what is known as a ‘cock-walk’. marily by rigidity and bradykinesia: tremor is usually
Dystonic rigidity may be found in the neck or in the face, absent, and evidence of damage to the corticospinal tracts
creating a vacuous, rigid grin (Charles 1927). The cock- (e.g., spasticity and hyper-reflexia) and corticobulbar
walk, which may be seen in up to one-third of patients (Abd tracts (pseudobulbar palsy) is generally present.
El Naby and Hassanein 1965) stems from a dystonic rigid- Liver disease may also, albeit rarely, be associated with
ity of the feet, such that patients walk on their metatar- parkinsonism. Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration, seen
sophalangeal joints (as if in high heels [Huang et al. 1997]), in patients with cirrhosis, typically causes a complex move-
at times looking for all the world like they are imitating ment disorder, with postural tremor, athetosis, dystonia,
the walk of a rooster. Interestingly, manganese-induced ataxia, and, in a substantial minority, parkinsonism with
parkinsonism may progress long after exposure has ceased prominent rigidity and bradykinesia. Acute hepatic
(Huang et al. 1993). Another toxin to consider is cyanide, encephalopathy, with elevated ammonia levels, may also
wherein exposure typically occurs after a suicidal overdose cause parkinsonism, but this is relatively rare.
with potassium cyanide: in these cases, parkinsonism Niacin deficiency causes pellagra, and this may occur in
may ensue after a latent interval spanning from weeks two forms. When the deficiency develops slowly, ‘classic’
(Rosenberg et al. 1989) to 1 year (Carella et al. 1988); in pellagra develops, with dementia, diarrhea and a rash on
some cases, dystonia or athetosis may also be present sun-exposed areas; when, however, the deficiency develops
(Rosenow et al. 1995). Finally, parkinsonism has also been suddenly, ‘encephalopathic’ pellagra occurs, with delirium
reported secondary to exposure to the herbicide diquat and and parkinsonism, marked primarily by rigidity. This
to organophosphate pesticides. acute onset ‘encephalopathic’ pellagra is not accompanied
Other, more or less obvious, precipitating events by a rash (Ishii and Nishihara 1981) and, typically, is seen
include repeated head trauma, anoxia, carbon monoxide only in chronic alcoholics in developed countries.
poisoning, and encephalitis. Repeated head trauma, as may Central pontine myelinolysis may be complicated by
occur in boxers, may be followed, after a latent interval of parkinsonism; however, as might be expected, this is not
5–40 years, by the gradual evolution of a condition known secondary to myelinolysis in the pons but to the ‘extrapon-
as ‘dementia pugilistica’, comprising parkinsonism, tine’ myelinolysis that may also occur in this syndrome
dysarthria, ataxia, and dementia. Anoxic coma may, in wherein the striatum is involved. Multiple sclerosis, rarely,
those who survive, be followed weeks to months later by may cause parkinsonism, in one case due to a midbrain
parkinsonism characterized primarily by rigidity and plaque involving the subsantia nigra. The remaining disor-
bradykinesia. Carbon monoxide poisoning may also be ders in Table 3.8 are each very rare causes of parkinsonism.
followed by parkinsonism, generally after a latent interval
of from days to weeks. Of the encephalitides associated
with parkinsonism, the classic example is encephalitis Differential diagnosis
lethargica, wherein parkinsonism occurred after a latent
interval of 1–20 years, and was often accompanied by ocu- A fully developed, classic parkinsonism is distinctive and
logyric crises and blepharospasm: importantly, although very difficult to confuse with other movement disorders.
there have been no further epidemics of encephalitis Difficulty, however, may arise when only fragments of the
lethargica since 1928, sporadic cases still occur (Howard syndrome are present, as may be the case early on in the
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3.9 Akinesia 91
evolution of the syndrome. Thus, care must be taken to dis- Table 3.9 Causes of akinesia
tinguish the rest tremor of parkinsonism from a postural Antipsychotic medications (Rifkin et al. 1975; Van Putten and
tremor, as may be seen, say, in essential tremor. Care must May 1978)
also be taken to distinguish the shuffling gait of parkinson- Stroke (infarction or hemorrhage of the caudate nucleus)
ism from the ‘magnetic’ gait seen in patients with hydro- (Kumral et al. 1999)
cephalus, wherein the feet seem stuck or magnetized to the Post-anoxic (Feve et al. 1993)
floor. Further, in patients who present primarily with rigid- Neurodegenerative disorders
ity a careful distinction must be made with dystonia: Progressive supranuclear palsy (Matsuo et al. 1991)
parkinsonian rigidity, as noted earlier, is typically accompa- Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (Molinuevo
nied by the phenomenon of cogwheeling, something not et al. 2003)
seen in dystonia; furthermore, the rigidity of parkinsonism
does not contort the limb, hand or foot, in contrast with
dystonia, for which such contortions are the rule. first-generation antipsychotic, in which case the akinesia
generally develops slowly, over days or weeks, following
Treatment initiation of treatment or a substantial dose increase. Pure
akinesia may also occur with infarction or hemorrhage of
Most of the disorders listed in Table 3.8 are discussed in the caudate nucleus and has been noted as a rare sequela to
their respective chapters, and, as pointed out in those anoxic coma, wherein patients suffered necrosis of the
chapters, symptomatic treatment, if required, is generally globus pallidus. Finally, pure akinesia has rarely occurred
similar to that utilized in Parkinson’s disease, involving use as a ‘forme fruste’ of both progressive supranuclear palsy
of levodopa, direct-acting dopaminergic agents or perhaps and of pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration,
anticholinergics. Of note, levodopa is almost always effec- without any of the symptoms typical of these disorders,
tive in Parkinson’s disease, and thus if a patient with such as parkinsonism or dystonia.
parkinsonism fails to respond to levodopa then it is
unlikely that the parkinsonism in question is occurring on
Differential diagnosis
the basis of Parkinson’s disease. In the case of parkinson-
ism secondary to medications, discontinuation of the
The most important differential consideration is the syn-
offending drug is generally in order; however, in some
drome of parkinsonism, and in evaluating patients with
cases, in particular where antipsychotics are involved, this
akinesia a careful search must be made for symptoms such
may not be possible: here, treatment with the anticholiner-
as a flexion posture, tremor, shuffling gait, rigidity, or pos-
gic benztropine is generally effective.
tural instability: the presence of any of these in an akinetic
patient indicates parkinsonism, and the differential should
3.9 AKINESIA then proceed as outlined in Section 3.8.
Other syndromes to consider include akinetic mutism,
The term ‘akinesia’ is, essentially, synonymous with abulia, depression, and hypothyroidism. In akinetic mutism,
‘bradykinesia’, but is preferentially used when this phe- there is essentially a total failure to initiate any activity,
nomenon is ‘pure’ and unaccompanied by other signs or whereas with akinesia, in contrast, activity does occur,
symptoms, in particular when it appears in the absence of albeit after a delay. In abulia, there is also a failure to initi-
parkinsonism. ate activity; however, here, if patients are closely super-
vised, activity, once initiated, proceeds at a normal rate, in
contrast with akinesia, wherein the execution of activity
Clinical features remains slow. Depression, when marked by psychomotor
retardation, may present a picture quite similar to akinesia;
In motor akinesia, both the initiation and execution of however, here one sees other symptoms, such as depressed
actions are slowed, as if the patient were encased in mood, fatigue, insomnia, etc., symptoms that are absent in
molasses. All activities may be affected, including talking, akinesia. Finally, hypothyroidism, when severe, may cause
walking, or getting dressed. In cognitive (or, as it is some- a slowing of both activity and thought, thus mimicking
times called, ‘psychic’) akinesia, thoughts are likewise slow akinesia; here, however, one sees other typical symptoms
to appear and the ‘stream’ of thought is quite sluggish: and signs, such as cold sensitivity, constipation, hoarse-
some patients may complain of feeling like a ‘zombie’. ness, hair loss, puffiness, and bradycardia.
Etiology Treatment
The causes of akinesia are listed in Table 3.9. Of all of Akinesia secondary to antipsychotics typically responds to
these, by far the most common cause is treatment with a treatment with the anticholinerigc benztropine in doses of
p 03.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 92
92 Abnormal movements
from 1 to 3 mg daily. The treatment of akinesia occurring Table 3.10 Causes of akathisia
from other causes is not well worked out; consideration Medications:
might be given to a trial of benztropine or, should that fail, Antipsychotics (including both acute akathisia [Van Putten
levodopa. et al. 1984] and tardive akathisia [Dufresene and Wagner
1988; Hershon et al. 1972; Lang 1994])
Droperidol (Foster et al. 1996)
3.10 AKATHISIA Prochlorperazine (Fleishman et al. 1994)
Metoclopramide (Fleishman et al. 1994; Jungmann and
Akathisia, a term coined by Ladislav Haskovec in 1901 Schofflang 1982)
(Hascovec 1901), is derived from the Greek, and means, Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (e.g., fluoxetine
literally, ‘an inability to sit still’. This is a very important [Lipinski et al. 1989], paroxetine [Baldassano et al. 1996])
syndrome to recognize, given that it may be disabling and Diltiazam (Jacobs 1983)
that it is, in general, eminently treatable. Interferon-alpha (Horikawa et al. 1999)
3.11 Catatonia 93
metoclopramide. The SSRIs have also been associated with increase in psychotic symptoms was secondary to the under-
akathisia, and in this situation the underlying mechanism lying schizophrenia, the physician may increase the dose of
may involve decreased activity of mesencephalic ventral the antipsychotic, thus causing a worsening of the akathisia,
tegmental dopaminergic neurons secondary to serotonin- and a worsening of the psychosis. Whenever there is doubt
ergically mediated inhibition. The other two medications here, a ‘diagnosis by treatment response’, as just described
in Table 3.10, namely diltiazem and alpha-interferon, have above, is probably in order.
only rarely been associated with akathisia. A similar scenario may also occur in patients with
Parkinson’s disease may cause akathisia, and here the depression who are treated with an SSRI. Here, and again
diagnosis may be elusive given that the typical motor rest- days or a week or more after beginning the SSRI, the
lessness may be obscured by bradykinesia. Consequently, patient may complain of an increase in suicidal ideation,
patients must be questioned closely regarding both any or, in some cases, may experience suicidal ideation de novo.
‘inner’ sense of restlessness and any evidence of cognitive In such cases, the concurrent appearance of any restless-
akathisia. ness, whether motoric or cognitive, should prompt an
Finally, akathisia has been reported secondary to bilat- attempt at ‘diagnosis by treatment response’.
eral necrosis of the basal ganglia after carbon monoxide
94 Abnormal movements
3.11 Catatonia 95
Table 3.11 Causes of catatonia psychosis, in mania, a preceding syndrome of stages I and II
Stuporous catatonia of mania, and in a depressive episode, a preceding typical
Schizophrenia (Johnson 1984; Morrison 1973) depressive syndrome. It must be emphasized that obtaining a
Depressive episode of either major depressive disorder or history from family or others is indispensable in making
bipolar disorder (Barnes et al. 1986) these diagnoses. Periodic catatonia may also be mentioned
Manic episode of bipolar disorder (Abrams and Taylor 1976; here; this is a very rare condition characterized, as the name
Taylor and Abrams 1977) suggests, by recurrent episodes of catatonia; recent research
Periodic catatonia (Gjessing 1974) suggests a genetic basis (Stober et al. 2002).
Of the medications that are capable of causing stu-
Medications porous catatonia, by far the most common offenders are
Antipsychotics (Weinberger and Wyatt 1978) the antipsychotics, especially high-potency first-generation
Disulfiram (Reisberg 1978; Weddington et al. 1980) agents, such as haloperidol, used in high dosage (e.g., over
Ciprofloxacin (Akhtar and Ahmad 1993) 20 mg) (Gelenberg and Mandel 1977). Disulfiram must
Azithromycin (Plana et al. 2006) also be kept in mind, as the diagnosis may be obscured by
Levetiracetam (Chouinard et al. 2006) the fact that disulfiram-induced catatonia may not appear
Benzodiazepine withdrawal (Rosebush and Mazurek 1996) for months after the disulfiram has been administered.
Epileptic conditions Catatonia secondary to ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, and
Complex partial seizures (Engel et al. 1978; Gomez et al. levetiracetam are very rare events. Although benzodi-
1982; Lim et al. 1986; Shah and Kaplan 1980) azepine treatment per se does not cause catatonia, this syn-
Post-ictal psychosis (Logsdail and Toone 1988) drome may occur in a very small minority of patients going
Interictal psychosis (Kristensen and Sindrup 1979; Slater through benzodiazepine withdrawal.
and Beard 1963) Epileptic conditions capable of causing stuporous cata-
Psychosis of forced normalization (Pakainis et al. 1987) tonia include complex partial seizures, post-ictal psychosis,
interictal psychosis, and the rare psychosis of forced
Viral encephalitis normalization.
Herpes simplex encephalitis (Raskin and Frank 1974) Complex partial seizures, in addition to the typical con-
Encephalitis lethargica (Bond 1920; Kirby and Davis 1921) fusion, may manifest with catatonia. The diagnosis is sug-
Miscellaneous conditions gested immediately by the paroxysmal onset of the
Stroke (Saver et al. 1993) disturbance, and, in most cases, by its relatively brief dura-
Vitamin B12 deficiency (Berry et al. 2003) tion. It must be borne in mind, however, that some cases of
Wilson’s disease (Davis and Borde 1993) complex partial status epilepticus with catatonia may
Systemic lupus erythematosus (Lanham et al. 1985; Mac persist for days or even longer.
and Pardo 1983) Post-ictal psychosis is generally seen only after a flurry
Limbic encephalitis (Tandon et al. 1988) of grand mal or complex partial seizures, and may rarely
Hepatic encephalopathy (Jaffe 1967) present with catatonia. Typically, there is a lucid interval,
Lyme disease (Pfister et al. 1993) lasting for days, between the last seizure and the onset of
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (Koehler and Jakumeit the psychosis, and the psychosis itself generally persists for
1976) days to months before spontaneously remitting.
Tay–Sachs disease (Rosebush et al. 1995) Interictal psychosis is a chronic condition that evolves
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (Read 1983) gradually only after many years of uncontrolled epilepsy
and which may, rarely, present with catatonia.
Excited catatonia The psychosis of forced normalization is a very rare dis-
Schizophrenia (Morrison 1973) order occurring in patients with uncontrolled epilepsy,
Viral encephalitis (Penn et al. 1972) which has been brought under control with aggressive
treatment with AEDs, with the clinical improvement being
accompanied by a ‘forced normalization’ of the electro-
encephalogram (EEG). Once again, and rarely, this may
STUPOROUS CATATONIA present with catatonia. The diagnosis is suggested by the
seemingly paradoxical onset of a psychosis after the
The overwhelming majority of cases of stuporous catatonia seizures have been stopped; further support for the diagno-
occur in the course of schizophrenia, a manic episode of sis comes by comparing an EEG that has been carried out
bipolar disorder, or a depressive episode of either major during the psychosis with one performed before aggressive
depressive disorder or bipolar disorder; in the case of depres- anti-epileptic treatment and finding the ‘normalization’.
sion, catatonia is more likely to occur in elderly patients Viral encephalitis may present with stuporous catatonia
(Starkstein et al. 1996). These diagnoses are made primarily (Barnes et al. 1986; Kim and Perlstein 1970; Misra and Hay
on the basis of the clinical context within which the catatonia 1971; Wilson 1976), with the diagnosis being suggested by
occurs. In the case of schizophrenia one finds a preceding fever and headache, and this has been noted with herpes
p 03.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 96
96 Abnormal movements
simplex viral encephalitis and encephalitis lethargica Rigidity is present, and may be either lead pipe or cogwheel-
(although there have been no further epidemic cases of ing in character: when lead-pipe rigidity is present, the pic-
encephalitis lethargica since 1928, sporadic cases still ture may resemble catatonia; however, the rigidity seen in the
occur; the most recent case with catatonia was reported neuroleptic malignant syndrome is not accompanied by a
in 2000 [Shill and Stacy 2000]). tendency for the limbs to maintain whatever position they
The miscellaneous causes of stuporous catatonia are were placed in. Other symptoms, typical of the neuroleptic
quite heterogeneous. Regarding catatonia occurring in malignant syndrome, but not seen in uncomplicated catato-
stroke, a case of ‘hemicatatonia’ was noted with infarction nia, may also appear and aid in the differential: these include
of the parietal cortex. Furthermore, in about 2 percent of confusion, fever, and autonomic instability.
acute stroke patients waxy flexibility was found ipsilateral
to the infarcted hemisphere, with a hemiparesis contralat- EXCITED CATATONIA
erally (Saposnik et al. 1999): it must be noted that in these
cases, the only catatonic symptom found was waxy flexibil- Excited catatonia must be distinguished from mania and
ity, and that had to be specifically sought after. The other from simple agitation.
causes listed in Table 3.11 only very rarely cause catatonia. Mania, during stages I and II, is marked by hyperactiv-
ity, however here the activity is purposeful and not bizarre.
EXCITED CATATONIA Furthermore, in stages I and II of mania one also finds
symptoms such as heightened mood and pressure of
Excited catatonia is seen virtually exclusively in schizophre- speech, which are absent in excited catatonia. In some
nia; I could find only one convincing case due to another cases of stage III mania, however, the hyperactivity may
cause, namely in a patient with eastern equine encephalitis fragment and lose purpose, and in these cases the differen-
(see Table 3.11). tial may rest on obtaining a history of the preceding, typi-
With regard to schizophrenia, it must be kept in mind cal, stages I and II.
that, over long periods of time, patients may have alternat- Agitation typically is not characterized by bizarreness,
ing episodes of either stuporous or excited catatonia. which is always seen in excited catatonia.
Differential diagnosis
The differential diagnosis of the stuporous and excited
In cases of stuporous catatonia in which treatment of the
forms of catatonia are quite different, and thus each is
underlying cause is ineffective or for which emergent treat-
treated separately.
ment is required, consideration may be given to either
lorazepam or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Most cases
STUPOROUS CATATONIA of stuporous catatonia will show prompt, albeit temporary,
Stuporous catatonia must be distinguished from stupor of improvement, with parenteral lorazepam (e.g., 2 mg i.v.)
other causes, akinetic mutism, abulia, and the neuroleptic (Bush et al. 1996; Rosebush et al. 1990; Salam et al. 1987);
malignant syndrome. more lasting improvement may follow a course of ECT
Stupor of other cause is generally associated with a (Bush et al. 1996; Malur et al. 2001). Pending improve-
decreased level of consciousness, in contrast with the alert- ment, a careful watch must be maintained for dehydration,
ness seen in catatonia. Furthermore, in stupor eye move- deep venous thrombosis with pulmonary embolism, and
ments may be roving, in contrast with the preservation of aspiration pneumonia.
saccadic eye movements in catatonia. Excited catatonia, as noted above, is seen almost exclu-
Akinetic mutism, being characterized by immobility sively in schizophrenia, and treatment proceeds as outlined
and mutism in an alert patient, is clearly quite similar to in Section 20.1.
catatonia, and the clinical distinction may rest on the
demonstration of waxy flexibility or associated catatonic
symptoms, such as posturing, echo phenomena or nega-
tivism – symptoms not seen in akinetic mutism.
Asterixis, first described by Adams and Foley in 1953, is a
Abulia, may, at first glance, appear similar to catatonia,
very important diagnostic sign as, in most cases, it indi-
in that abulic patients, lacking any motivation or initiative,
cates a metabolic encephalopathy due to hepatic, renal, or
may be immobile. The diagnosis is readily apparent upon
respiratory failure.
merely urging the patient to act: the abulic patient will
comply, and continue to comply, with instructions (pro-
vided that supervision is ongoing), whereas with the cata- Clinical features
tonic patient there will be no response.
The neuroleptic malignant syndrome may be included in Asterixis represents a precipitous loss of muscle tone
the differential when patients are treated with antipsychotics. (Adams and Foley 1949; Leavitt and Tyler 1964) and is
p 03.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 97
typically tested for by asking patients to hold their arms a stroke syndrome, although occasionally bilateral, is, in the
straight to the front with the hands hyperextended at the vast majority of cases, unilateral. Thus, if a patient has uni-
wrist as far back as possible, and holding that position for lateral asterixis, the presumption must be that it is occurring
at least 30 seconds. When asterixis is present, there will be secondary to infarction or hemorrhage in one of the areas
arrhythmically occurring ‘flaps’ of the hands down, fol- described below.
lowed, after a brief, but distinct, moment, by recovery back Of the metabolic encephalopathies, hepatic encephalopa-
to the hyperextended position; although in most cases both thy is so commonly associated with asterixis that, for a
hands will ‘flap’ down simultaneously, occasionally aster- time, the term ‘liver flap’ was used as a synonym for aster-
ixis will be strictly unilateral, a finding with, as discussed ixis. Uremic encephalopathy is almost always associated
below, considerable diagnostic significance. In cases where with asterixis; in cases of respiratory failure, however, it
patients are unable to hold their arms forward, an alterna- may be less common.
tive approach to eliciting asterixis involves having the Of the medications capable of causing asterixis as a side-
patient rest the arms prone on the bed and then asking him effect, the AEDs and lithium are the most frequent offend-
or her to hyperextend the hands off the bed, again holding ers, with the other agents only uncommonly being
that position for at least 30 seconds. implicated. Metrizamide myelography may be followed by
a delirium accompanied by asterixis.
Infarction or hemorrhage of the cortex (most com-
Etiology monly the frontal cortex), basal ganglia, internal capsule,
thalamus, midbrain, pons, and cerebellum may each cause
As noted in Table 3.12, asterixis may be seen in the course of asterixis, which, as noted above, is generally unilateral, and,
a metabolic encephalopathy, such as hepatic encephalopa- with the exception of cerebellar lesions, is contralateral to
thy, as a side-effect to various medications, and during the the lesion (Degos et al. 1979; Kim et al. 2001b; Rio et al.
course of stroke due either to infarction or hemorrhage. 1995; Stell et al. 1994; Tatu et al. 2000). Notably, of all these
From a diagnostic point of view it is critical to keep in mind areas, it is the thalamus that is most commonly involved.
whether the asterixis is bilateral or unilateral. Asterixis
occurring in the course of a metabolic encephalopathy or as
a side-effect is always bilateral; asterixis occurring as part of Differential diagnosis
Table 3.12 Causes of asterixis Myoclonus is distinguished by the fact that it represents
not an abrupt loss of tone with a ‘flap’ down but rather an
Metabolic encephalopathy abrupt gain of tone with a resultant ‘jerk’. Tremor is distin-
Hepatic encephalopathy (Adams and Foley 1949, 1953; Read guished by the presence of a more or less rhythmic oscilla-
et al. 1961) tory movement secondary to alternating contraction of
Uremic encephalopathy (Mahoney and Arieff 1982; Raskin and agonist and antagonist musculature.
Fishman 1976; Tyler 1965)
Respiratory failure (Austen et al. 1957; Bacchus 1958)
Medication side-effect
Phenytoin (Chi et al. 2000; Murphy and Goldstein 1974)
Treatment is directed at the underlying condition; sympto-
Carbamazepine (Rittmannsberger and Lebihuber 1992)
matic treatment is not required.
Gabapentin (Babiy et al. 2005)
Pregabalin (Heckmann et al. 2005)
Valproate (Bodensteiner et al. 1981) 3.13 MIRROR MOVEMENTS
Lithium (Stewart and Williams 2000)
Levodopa (Glantz et al. 1982) Mirror movements are normal in early childhood and may
Clozapine (Rittsmannberger 1996) persist into adult years; they may also be seen in certain
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Dib et al. 2004) disorders, for example stroke with hemiparesis.
Ifosfamide (Meyer et al. 2002)
Metrizamide (Bertoni et al. 1981)
Infarction or hemorrhage
Clinical features
Mirror movements are typically seen in the hands, and
Basal ganglia
may in some cases involve the arm. They may be elicited by
Internal capsule
asking patients to perform a fine motor task with one
hand, for example sequential finger–thumb apposition. As
the patient performs the maneuver, simply observe the
other hand for the mirrored movement. With hemiparetic
patients, a simpler strategy involves telling the patient you
p 03.qxd 3/10/08 9:32 AM Page 98
98 Abnormal movements
are going to test grip strength in one hand at a time. Then Table 3.13 Causes of pathologic startle
place the second and third fingers of each of your hands Post-traumatic stress disorder
into the patient’s hands and ask the patient to grip with Generalized anxiety disorder
only one hand. Mirror gripping may then be appreciated in Alcohol or sedative hypnotic withdrawal
the other hand. Interestingly, such mirroring in hemi-
paretic patients is most commonly seen in the unaffected Sympathomimetics
hand (Nelles et al. 1998). Hyperekplexia (Brown et al. 1991; Saenz-Lope et al. 1984;
Tijssen et al. 2002)
Brainstem lesions (see text)
Etiology Post-anoxic encephalopathy (Brown et al. 1991)
Traumatic brain injury (Brown et al. 1991)
Mirror movements, as noted, are normal in young children, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (Hansen et al. 1998)
and may persist into adult years; in some cases a familial ‘Jumping Frenchmen of Maine’ (Saint-Hilaire et al. 1986)
tendency is noted (Rasmussen 1993). Mirror movements Latah (Bartholomew 1994)
may also be seen in Kallmann’s syndrome (Krams et al. Myriachit (Stevens 1965)
1999), the Klippel–Feil syndrome, Parkinson’s disease
(Espay et al. 2005b) and, most notably, in stroke patients
with hemiparesis (Nelles et al. 1998). hyperactivity, with anxiety and a greater or lesser degree of
tremulousness, as this persistent state is characteristic of
the most common causes of pathologic startle, namely post-
Differential diagnosis
traumatic stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder,
alcohol or sedative-hypnotic withdrawal, and various sym-
There is no other sign or symptom that mimics mirror
pathomimetics, such as caffeine (Howard and Ford 1992).
The other conditions listed in Table 3.13 generally do
not leave the patient with persistent autonomic symptoms.
Treatment Hyperekplexia is an inherited disorder, generally following
an autosomal dominant pattern, which, in the ‘major’
Treatment is rarely required; anecdotally, motor retraining form, has an onset in early infancy, and in the ‘minor’ form,
has been successful (Cincotta et al. 2003). in childhood. Brainstem lesions may also cause pathologic
startle, and this has been noted with pontine lesions, such
as infarction (Kimber and Thompson 1997) or a plaque of
3.14 PATHOLOGIC STARTLE multiple sclerosis (Ruprecht et al. 2002), or with upper
medullary lesions, such as demyelinization (Della Marca
Although a startle response is a normal human reaction, in et al. 2007); compression of either the pons (Gambardella
some cases it may, in one fashion or another, be exagger- et al. 1999) or medulla (Salvi et al. 2000) by an ectatic
ated, in which case it is appropriate to speak of ‘pathologic artery may also be at fault. Post-anoxic encephalopathy,
startle’. traumatic brain injury, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease may
all be associated with startle, and the diagnosis is suggested
by the associated cognitive deficits.
Clinical features Finally, there are several ‘culture-bound’ syndromes
wherein individuals who are normally shy, may, in
The startle response is a brief, but sudden and violent, reac- response to an unexpected and ‘startling’ stimulus, engage
tion to an unexpected stimulus, such as a loud noise or a in remarkable behavior characterized not only by patho-
bright light; in severe cases, a mere touch, as a tap on the logic startle, but also by other distinctive behaviors, such as
shoulder, may be sufficient. During the startle response, cursing, swearing and, at times, echolalia. These are gener-
the eyes blink, the face contorts in a grimace, there is flex- ally considered voluntary behaviors and have been noted,
ion of the neck and trunk, and flexion and abduction of the famously, among French–Canadian lumberjacks of the
arms; in severe cases, patients may be thrown off balance nineteenth century (the ‘Jumping Frenchmen of Maine’),
and fall. and in residents of Malaysia (where it is referred to as
‘latah’) and Siberia (where it has been termed ‘myriachit’).
Differential diagnosis
The various causes of pathologic startle are listed in
Table 3.13; in pursuing this differential, the first step is A startle reaction is a normal human response, and can be
to ascertain whether or not in between the episodes of elicited in most individuals by a stimulus such as an unex-
pathologic startle there is a persistent state of autonomic pected gunshot; pathologic startle should be considered
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Other signs and symptoms
Table 4.1 Causes of mutism fact, speak. Although the speech may be effortful, as in
Stroke aphasia, slurred, as in dysarthria, or low and monotone, as
As presentation of certain aphasias in hypophonia, it is still there.
Motor aphasia (David and Bone 1984; Masdeu and O’Hara Selective, or, as it was once called, elective, mutism is a
1983) condition seen in shy and withdrawn children who, although
Transcortical motor aphasia (Alexander and Schmitt 1980; capable of speech with family members, become ‘selectively’
Bogousslavksy and Regli 1990) mute when with strangers or in school (Dummit et al. 1997;
Aphemia (Schiff et al. 1983) Elson et al. 1965; Steinhausen and Juzi 1996; Wergeland
Neurodegenerative disorders Conversion muteness and malingered muteness typically
Frontotemporal dementia (Neary et al. 1993; Snowden et al. occur as isolated findings, a feature that distinguishes them
1992) from mutism occurring secondary to the causes noted
Alzheimer’s disease (Mayeux et al. 1985) under ‘etiology’, wherein the mutism is accompanied by
Primary progressive aphasia (Gorno-Tempini et al. 2006) distinctive findings on history or examination.
Other syndromes characterized by mutism
Catatonia (Kraepelin 1990)
Depression (Benegal et al. 1992)
Akinetic mutism (Cairns et al. 1941)
Treatment is directed at the underlying disorder; speech ther-
Miscellaneous causes of mutism apy may be attempted in cases of mutism secondary to stroke.
Intrinsic laryngeal pathology
Tacrolimus (Wijdicks et al. 1994) 4.2 AKINETIC MUTISM
Cyclosporine (Valldeoriola et al. 1996)
Cerebellar surgery (Catsman-Berrevoets et al. 1999; Van Dongen The name of this syndrome captures its most distinctive
et al. 1994) features, namely immobility and mutism.
aphasia’, which, over time, may evolve into mutism; this is Clinical features
discussed further in Section 2.1.
Other syndromes characterized by mutism include For the most part, patients are mute and immobile, and,
catatonia, severe depression, and akinetic mutism, and in although at first glance they appear to be in a stupor, closer
all three of these the mutism is accompanied by immobil- observation reveals lively conjugate eye movements as
ity. Several features allow these syndromes to be differenti- patients track objects in the room, such as physicians and
ated one from another. Catatonia is typically accompanied nurses. In some cases, the mutism and akinesia may persist
by the very distinctive finding of waxy flexibility, a sign through all adversities, but in others, patients may respond to
absent in the other two syndromes. Depression of the psy- an especially adversive stimulus with a feeble motion of a
chomotorically retarded type, when severe, may be accom- limb or perhaps by uttering a word. Food may be eaten if
panied by mutism; however, in these cases one finds a placed in the mouth but patients do not seek it, and urine
history of a preceding more typical depressive syndrome, and feces may be passed in the bed. Importantly, there is no
with depressed mood, anergia, anhedonia, and distur- rigidity, especially no waxy flexibility, and no negativism.
bances of appetite and sleep. When a patient with mutism Some examples may serve to flesh out this definition. The
and immobility lacks any of these findings then the diag- first is taken from Cairns’ original description of akinetic
nosis of akinetic mutism should be seriously considered. mutism (Cairns et al. 1941):
Of the miscellaneous causes of mutism, intrinsic laryngeal
pathology (e.g., laryngitis, laryngeal tumors) is the most com- In the fully developed state he makes no sound and
mon, and in these cases the mutism is preceded by hoarseness. lies inert, except that his eyes regard the observer
Medications capable of inducing mutism include tacrolimus steadily or follow the movement of objects, and they
and cyclosporine. Finally, in children who have undergone may be diverted by sound. Despite his steady gaze,
cerebellar surgery a syndrome of mutism may occur, either which seems to give promise of speech, the patient is
immediately postoperatively or within a few days. quite mute, or he answers only in whispered monosyl-
lables. Oft-repeated commands may be carried out in
a feeble, slow, and incomplete manner, but usually
Differential diagnosis there are no movements of a voluntary character: no
restless movements, struggling or evidence of nega-
Aphasia, dysarthria, and hypophonia are all distinguished tivism. Emotional movement is almost in abeyance. A
by the obvious fact that patients with these disorders do, in painful stimulus produces reflex withdrawal of the
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 119
limb and, if the stimulus is maintained, slow, feeble, The persistent vegetative state may also appear similar to
voluntary movements of the limbs may occur in an akinetic mutism; however, in this condition the eye move-
attempt to remove the source of the stimulation, but ments – although at times seeming purposeful – are less con-
usually without tears, noise, or other manifestations of sistently ‘lively’; furthermore, in patients with the persistent
pain or displeasure. The patient swallows readily but vegetative state one always finds a history of coma secondary
has to be fed. Food seen may be recognized as such, to severe traumatic brain injury, global hypoxia, etc.
but there is evidently little appreciation of its taste and The locked-in syndrome, occurring secondary to high
other characteristics: objects normally chewed or brainstem infarction or other lesions, such as central pon-
sucked may be swallowed whole. There is total incon- tine myelinolysis, is characterized by tetraparesis, bilateral
tinence of urine and feces. facial paresis, and mutism, and thus may appear similar to
akinetic mutism. Examination of eye movements, however,
Cairns’ cases, occurring with third-ventricular tumors, will enable the correct diagnosis. In contrast with akinetic
were generally of gradual or subacute onset. Another case mutism, wherein extraocular movements are full, in the
(Nielsen 1951), secondary to infarction of the cingulate locked-in syndrome there is a paralysis of lateral gaze, with
gyri, bears detailed reporting given the remarkable abrupt- only vertical gaze being left intact. Furthermore, and again
ness of its onset. The patient was a 46-year-old woman who: in contrast with akinetic mutism, in the locked-in syndrome
the patient is often desperate for communication and will
was ironing when she suddenly stopped on the spot, attempt to do so by utilizing the remaining vertical eye
complained of a severe headache, but remained stand- movements in a sort of ‘Morse code’.
ing. Her son put her to bed, where she lay motionless, Stupor of various causes may leave patients immobile
without even speaking. She stared at the ceiling and and mute; however, in stupor patients are not alert and eye
did not ask for anything, not even for a drink. After 9 movements, rather than being ‘lively’, are generally roving
days she was hospitalized and on the ward she contin- or dysconjugate.
ued akinetic and mute. Under strong stimulation she Abulia may also be considered on the differential; how-
did say, ‘It hurts,’ and ‘Water,’ but that was all. She was ever, the distinction is readily apparent upon merely
obviously conscious and took note of her environment instructing the patient to do something. When left undis-
but lay day after day motionless, not deigning to call turbed, the abulic patient is mute and immobile like the
for bed pan or food. akinetic mute; however, when the abulic patient is given
directions he or she follows them, in contrast with the aki-
netic mute, who remains immobile.
Akinetic mutism has been noted with intraventricular masses Treatment
of the third ventricle, which compressed the surrounding
diencephalon (Cairns et al. 1941), following surgical damage Anecdotally, bromocriptine is effective (Psarros et al. 2003;
to the hypothalamus (Ross and Stewart 1981), in obstruc- Ross and Stewart 1981); treatment may be initiated at
tive hydrocephalus (Messert et al. 1966), and with infarction 2.5 mg/day (given in two divided doses: once in the early
of the anterior cingulate gyri (Barris and Schuman 1953; morning and once in the early afternoon), and increased in
Faris 1969; Freemon 1971; Nielsen 1951). Akinetic mutism similar increments every few days until significant
has also been seen as a side-effect of cyclosporine (Bird et al. improvement or limiting side-effects occur or a maximum
1990) and in a patient treated with total body irradiation dose of 40 mg is reached.
and amphotericin B (Devinsky et al. 1987).
Differential diagnosis
Stuttering, a speech dysfluency familiar to most ears,
Akinetic mutism must be distinguished from other condi-
although most commonly seen on a developmental basis,
tions capable of causing immobility and mutism, including
may also, as noted below, occur on an acquired basis.
catatonia, depression, the persistent vegetative state, the
locked-in syndrome, and stupor.
Catatonia is distinguished by the presence of waxy flex- Clinical features
ibility, a sign not seen in akinetic mutism. Depression, when
severe and characterized by psychomotor retardation, may The phenomenology of stuttering differs according to
resemble akinetic mutism; however, in this instance history whether it occurs on a developmental or an acquired basis
will reveal a typical depressive syndrome preceding the (Helm et al. 1978).
evolution of immobility and mutism, with such symptoms In developmental stuttering, patients find themselves
as depressed mood, anergia, anhedonia, and changes in sleep ‘blocked’ as they attempt to speak the first letter or syllable of
and appetite. a word and have particular difficulty getting past the letters
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 120
B, D, K, P, and T. Unable to surmount the sound, patients Of the various causes of acquired stuttering, medications
repeat it again and again, often with progressively increas- are the most common: among these, the tricyclic antidepres-
ing force and volume; with these ever-more vigorous sants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are
attempts, there may be associated features, such as facial the most frequent offenders, followed by the antipsy-
grimacing, blinking, hissing, and fist-clenching. The block chotics – including both first- and second-generation agents.
is eventually overcome and there is often a cascade of Alprazolam and theophylline only rarely have been reported
words, all clearly and unhesitatingly pronounced, as if the to cause stuttering.
dam had broken. Interestingly, patients with developmen- Stroke may be accompanied by stuttering and this has
tal stuttering may find themselves unblocked if they sing, been noted with infarction of the frontal cortex, the subcor-
read aloud, or are quite angry. tical white matter of the frontal lobe, the parietal cortex, the
Although acquired stuttering may be clinically similar putamen, and the caudate nucleus; there is also a case report
to developmental stuttering, it tends to differ in several ways. of stuttering with infarction of the body of the corpus callo-
First, the block may be as likely to occur on the second or sum. Although most cases of stuttering due to cerebral
subsequent letter as on the first. Second, although patients infarction occur with left-sided infarcts, there are rare cases
may be annoyed at being blocked, and do engage in repeated of ‘crossed’ stuttering wherein stuttering occurred with a
attempts to make the sound, the effort to do so is rarely as right-sided infarction in a right-handed patient (Fleet and
vigorous or as forceful as in developmental stuttering. Heilman 1985).
Finally, when a patient with acquired stuttering does get Parkinsonian conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease
beyond the block, it is unusual to see a subsequent ‘cascade’ and progressive supranuclear palsy may cause de novo stut-
of words. tering, and in the case of Parkinson’s disease, the onset of
parkinsonism may be associated with a relapse of child-
Etiology hood stuttering (Shahed et al. 2001). Stuttering also consti-
tutes the classic presentation of the now vanishingly rare
The various causes of stuttering are listed in Table 4.2, where dialysis dementia.
they are divided into developmental and acquired types.
Developmental stuttering, as noted earlier, is the most Differential diagnosis
common cause of stuttering. Here, as discussed in more
detail in Section 9.20, stuttering usually appears between Palilalia is distinguished by the fact that the last word (or
the ages of 2 and 10 years; although such developmental phrase) of a statement is repeated, in contrast with stutter-
stuttering may persist into adulthood, most cases undergo ing wherein typically it is the first letter or syllable which is
a spontaneous remission by early teenage years. repeated. The effortful speech of patients with motor apha-
sia may suggest stuttering; however, in aphasia one also
Table 4.2 Causes of stuttering finds ‘telegraphic’ speech, with an absence of conjugations,
which stands in contrast with stuttering wherein grammar
Developmental stuttering is preserved.
Acquired stuttering
Medications (Bar et al. 2004; Brady 1998; Christensen et al.
1996; Lee et al. 2001; Nurnberg and Greenwald 1981)
Tricyclic antidepressants
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
Treatment of developmental stuttering is discussed in
Section 9.20; there are few data regarding treatment of
stuttering as seen in stroke or parkinsonian conditions.
Frontal cortex (Freedman et al. 1984) or subcortical
white matter (Ludlow et al. 1987)
Palilalia, first described by Souques in 1908, is characterized,
Parietal cortex (Turgut et al. 2002)
according to Kinnier Wilson, by ‘the repetition of words or
Putamen (Ciabarra et al. 2000)
short phrases perhaps at increasing speed with decreasing
Caudate nucleus (Caplan et al. 1990)
audibility’ (Wilson 1954, p. 138).
Corpus callosum (Hamano et al. 2005)
Parkinsonian conditions
Parkinson’s disease (Koller 1983) Clinical features
Progressive supranuclear palsy (Kluin et al. 1993; Koller
1983) Palilalic patients involuntarily repeat the last phrase or word,
and do so with increasing rapidity, but with diminishing dis-
Dialysis dementia (O’Hare et al. 1983)
tinctness: ‘One patient (Serra-Mestres et al. 1996), when
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 121
asked “How are you today?” replied “I am very well, thank Perseverative behavior may involve drawing, writing, or
you, thank you, thank you, thank you . . .” up to six times other motor activity. After being asked to draw a stick fig-
with increasing speed and decreasing volume.’ ure one patient did so and then drew multiple others until
the page was filled. Another patient who was asked to write
his name wrote out ‘Paul’ and then perseverated with the
Etiology letter ‘l’, until he reached the edge of the page. In another
case, a patient, after being asked to get dressed, went to the
Palilalia occurs in Parkinson’s disease (Benke et al. 2000), closet, took out a pair of pants, then paused and hung them
progressive supranuclear palsy (Kluin et al. 1993), Tourette’s back up, then took them out again, and repeated the
syndrome (Cardoso et al.), and in advanced Alzheimer’s dis- sequence until being asked to stop.
ease (Cummings et al. 1985). There are also rare case reports
of palilalia in multi-infarct dementia (Serra-Mestres et al.
1996), thalamic infarction (Yasuda et al. 1990), and as one Etiology
manifestation of complex partial status epilepticus (Linetsky
et al. 2000). Perseveration is common in dementia (Bayles et al. 1985),
especially frontotemporal dementia (Thompson et al. 2005),
Alzheimer’s disease (Bayles et al. 2004), and diffuse Lewy
Differential diagnosis body disease (Doubleday et al. 2002). It is commonly seen in
delirium, and is also an integral part of the frontal lobe syn-
Verbal perseveration is distinguished by the fact that the drome. Other conditions characterized by perseveration
repeated word or phrase is spoken without the distinctive include aphasia (Albert and Sandson 1986), autism
increasing rapidity and decreasing distinctness. (Rumsey et al. 1986), schizophrenia (Siegel et al. 1976), and
Stuttering is distinguished by the fact that it is the first let- traumatic brain injury (Hotz and Helm-Estabrooks 1995).
ter of a word that is repeated, and echolalia by the fact that in
echolalia what is repeated is not something the patient spoke
but rather what the examiner or another person said. Differential diagnosis
Clinical features
Perseverative speech generally occurs in one of two forms.
In one, termed recurrent, patients supply the same response Normal infancy is characterized by numerous reflexes that,
to repeated, but different, questions. For example, one in the usual course of events, tend to fade or disappear with
patient, when asked where she was, replied ‘Louisville;’ development; these may, however, be found in adults, and
when asked next what year it was, she perseverated in her in such cases they are known as ‘primitive’ reflexes. Although
response, and again said ‘Louisville.’ The other form is these reflexes are found in certain pathologic conditions,
termed continuous and here, without being prompted, such as dementia, they may also, as noted below, be found
patients repeat the same word or phrase again and again. in normal individuals, and hence care must be taken in
One of Kinnier Wilson’s (Wilson 1954) patients with Pick’s their interpretation.
disease ‘repeated endlessly, “I want my husband and my Primitive reflexes are also known as developmental
children and I don’t know where they are.” ’ reflexes; ‘frontal release signs’ constitutes another synonym.
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 122
Clinical features had to use his right hand to free himself’ (Seyffarth and
Denny-Brown 1948). In another case (Stewart-Wallace
Four primitive reflexes are considered here, namely the 1939), the patient’s right hand ‘developed a habit of clutch-
palmomental reflex, the snout reflex, the grasp reflex, and ing hold of objects of its own accord, such as the lapel of his
the grope reflex. coat, the edge of his trouser pocket, or the bed-clothes.
The palmomental reflex (Blake and Kunkle 1951; Jacobs This distressed him so much that in order to prevent it, he
and Gossman 1980) is elicited by repeatedly and rapidly used to wear a glove most of the time. At other times he
dragging an object, such as the tip of the reflex hammer, would keep his hand in his pocket, holding a coin or a key’.
across the thenar eminence from the lateral aspect medially Another patient (Walshe and Hunt 1936), questioned
toward the center of the palm: the contact should be defi- about the experience, noted that ‘I can’t leave things alone.
nite, and slightly disagreeable, but not painful. When the If I see anything lying near me, my hand seems to want it.’
reflex is present, one sees a wrinkling of the ipsilateral
mentum, or chin. Etiology
The snout reflex (Jacobs and Gossman 1980) is elicited
by placing one’s index finger just above the patient’s upper Primitive reflexes, as noted earlier, may be found in normal
lip, in the midline, centered upon the philtrum, and then individuals, especially the elderly (Jacobs and Gossman
either gently pressing the finger in or gently tapping it with 1980; Koller et al. 1982); indeed the palmomental reflex has
the reflex hammer: a positive reflex is indicated by a puck- been noted in anywhere from 11 (Jensen et al. 1983) to 37
ering or protruding of the lips. percent (Jacobs and Gossman 1980) of normal people; con-
The grasp reflex is tested for by laying one’s index finger sequently finding one primitive reflex is of uncertain clini-
flat across the palm of the patient’s hand (with the tip of cal significance. Finding more than one primitive reflex,
the finger pointing toward the hypothenar eminence and however, is uncommon and finding three in one patient
the base of the finger resting between the patient’s thumb should raise strong suspicions regarding disease of the
and index finger) and then slowly withdrawing one’s finger frontal lobe (Brown et al. 1998; Di Legge et al. 2001).
between the patient’s thumb and index finger (Adie and As a group, primitive reflexes are commonly found
Critchley 1927; Seyffarth and Denny-Brown 1948). When in parkinsonian conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease
present, the reflex consists of the patient’s fingers involun- (Maartens de Noordhout and Delwaide 1988; Vreeling et al.
tarily closing upon the examiner’s finger, as if grasping it. 1993), diffuse Lewy body disease (Boroni et al. 2006), and
Once the finger has been grasped, attempts by the exam- progressive supranuclear palsy (Brodsky et al. 2004), and in
iner to pull it free often result in a stronger grasp, but if the various dementias (Tweedy et al. 1981; Waite et al. 1996),
examiner ceases all effort to remove the finger the patient’s such as frontotemporal dementia (Sjogren et al. 1997),
hand typically relaxes (Walshe and Robertson 1933). If Alzheimer’s disease (Vreeling et al. 1995), multi-infarct
there is any doubt as to the involuntary nature of the grasp dementia (Vreeling et al. 1995), and AIDS dementia (Marder
the test may be repeated, but only after first instructing the et al. 1995); they have also been noted in patients with schiz-
patient to not grab the examiner’s finger. Interestingly, ophrenia (Barnes et al. 1995; Hyde et al. 2007; Lohr 1985).
such a grasping reflex may be present in a hemiplegic limb, Primitive reflexes are associated with frontal lobe
such that although the patient is unable to flex the fingers pathology, and this is especially the case with the grasp and
voluntarily, grasping occurs with the appropriate stimula- grope reflexes: although they have been noted with infarc-
tion (Stewart-Wallace 1939). tion of the motor and premotor cortex, they appear to be
The grope reflex (also known as ‘instinctive grasping’) is more common with infarction of the medial aspect of the
a truly remarkable clinical phenomenon. Testing is accom- frontal lobe, particularly the cingulate gyrus in its anterior
plished by simply touching the patient’s hand: when the portion, and the supplemental motor area (De Renzi
reflex is present, the patient’s hand will involuntarily reach and Barbieri 1992; Hashimoto and Tanaka 1998; Mori
out in a groping fashion to grasp the examiner’s finger and Yamadori 1985; Stewart-Wallace 1939; Walshe and
(Mori and Yamadori 1985). In some cases, one may also Robertson 1933; Walshe and Hunt 1936).
demonstrate the ‘magnet’ reaction, wherein by successive
touches of the patient’s hand from successively different
positions one may lead the patient’s hand through space, Differential diagnosis
much as if it were being attracted by a magnet (Seyffarth
and Denny-Brown 1948). When fully developed, actual The grope reflex must be distinguished from the alien hand
touch may not be required to elicit the reflex, and the sign, a distinction made possible by attending to the seeming
patient’s hand may automatically begin groping at the ‘intent’ of the moving hand. In groping, the hand reaches for
mere sight of another object (Mori and Yamadori 1985). whatever may be nearby, whether a doorknob or the exam-
The presence of a grope reflex may significantly inter- iner’s hand, and simply grabs hold. In the alien hand sign,
fere with the patient’s day-to-day life. One patient, when- however, the left hand does something with the object,
ever passing through a doorway, found that his ‘left hand something, which, importantly, is at cross-purposes with
clung to [the] door handle . . . with such tenacity that he what the patient is intentionally doing with the right hand.
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Cantu and Drew 1966) and also with compression of the are probably second choices, given their side-effect bur-
brainstem, as for example by a meningioma (Motomura dens; citalopram, in contrast, is extraordinarily easy to use.
et al. 1980). In cases when citalopram is ineffective, one might consider
dextromethorphan or one of the other antidepressants;
nortriptyline would probably be the best of these, given its
Differential diagnosis
lower side-effect burden.
‘Emotionalism’ is not at all uncommon after strokes but it
is readily distinguished from the emotional incontinence
of pseudobulbar palsy by the fact that ‘emotional’ patients
experience an affect congruent with their facial expression,
Most central facial palsies are of the ‘voluntary’ sort, in that
whereas the emotionally incontinent patient feels neither
when patients are asked to voluntarily perform a facial
sadness nor mirth and is often as surprised at the emo-
maneuver, such as showing their teeth, there is a droop evi-
tional display as is the observer.
dent on one side; less commonly one finds an ‘emotional’
Lability of affect, as may be seen in mania, is, like emo-
facial paresis wherein, although voluntary movements are
tionalism, distinguished from emotional incontinence by the
intact, a ‘droop’ becomes evident when the patient smiles
presence of an affect congruent with the facial expression.
in response, say, to a joke. This emotional facial paresis has
Episodes of mirthless laughter may also occur in an iso-
also been termed ‘mimetic’ or ‘involuntary’ facial paresis.
lated fashion as le fou rire prodromique and as a simple par-
tial seizure in gelastic epilepsy. Le fou rire prodromique, as
discussed in Section 4.9, represents a prodrome to stroke Clinical features
and is distinguished from the emotional incontinence of
pseudobulbar palsy in that the mirthless laughter of emo- Facial palsies may be either peripheral or central. In a
tional incontinence occurs after stroke. Gelastic seizures peripheral facial palsy, there is no movement in either the
are suggested by a history of other seizure types, such as forehead or the lower face, whether on voluntary com-
grand mal or complex partial seizures. mand or in response to a joke. Central facial palsies are
immediately distinguished from peripheral palsies in that
this palsy affects only the lower half of the face, with fore-
head movements being spared.
The two forms of central facial palsy, namely voluntary
In placebo-controlled, double-blind studies, several med-
and emotional, may be distinguished by first noting facial
ications have been shown to be effective for emotional
movements when patients are instructed to voluntarily
incontinence. For cases occurring secondary to infarction
show their teeth and then, at some point in the examina-
nortriptyline (in doses of from 50 to 100 mg) (Robinson
tion, by closely observing facial movements when the
et al. 1993), imipramine (in doses of 10–20 mg) (Lawson
patient spontaneously smiles, for example in response to a
and McLeod 1969), and citalopram (in doses of 10–20 mg)
joke or recollection of some happy memory (Monrad-
(Andersen et al. 1993) are each effective. For emotional
Krohn 1924).
incontinence in ALS (Brooks et al. 2004) a combination of
In voluntary central facial paresis there is a droop of one
dextromethorphan (30 mg) and quinidine (30 mg), given
side of face when patients are asked to show their teeth;
twice daily, is also effective: in this preparation, quinidine
however, when these patients are observed smiling at a
is used merely in order to inhibit the metabolism of dex-
joke, one sees full facial movements on both sides.
tromethorphan, which is the active agent. In cases of MS,
In emotional facial paresis there is full movement bilat-
both amitriptyline (Schiffer et al. 1985) and the combina-
erally when patients are asked to show their teeth; however,
tion of dextromethorphan and quinidine are effective
when one observes these patients smiling at a joke, there is
(Panitch et al. 2006).
drooping of one side of the face; this produces what might
It must be stressed that although amitriptyline, nortripty-
be called a ‘hemismile’.
line, imipramine, and citalpram are all antidepressants, they
are effective regardless of whether patients are depressed or
not; furthermore, although the response to both amitripty- Etiology
line and nortriptyline may take weeks, the response to
citalopram may be very rapid, with some patients getting Voluntary and emotional facial paresis are dissociated
relief within a day or two. because the corticobulbar fibers subserving these two func-
It is not clear whether the agents that are found to be tions are separate.
effective in stroke cases would be effective in amyotrophic Corticobulbar fibers for voluntary facial movement
lateral sclerosis or multiple sclerosis, and vice versa, and it is arise in the posterior portion of the frontal cortex, descend
not clear whether any of these agents would be effective in through the corona radiata to the posterior limb of the
emotional incontinence of other causes. In choosing among internal capsule and then travel through the ventral mes-
these agents, amitriptyline, nortriptyline and imipramine encephalon in the crus cerebri to the basis pontis. At this
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 125
point most of these fibers then cross to travel directly to the In one case (Wali 1993), a 35-year-old woman, ‘after a
contralateral facial nucleus, whereas a minority of them warm shower suddenly began to laugh. The laughter was
descend further into the medulla, cross and ‘loop’ back up inappropriate to the situation and continued for nearly 15
into the pons, and continue to the facial nucleus. minutes at the end of which it became a low grade giggle.
Corticobulbar fibers for emotional facial movements This lasted for another 15 minutes and ended abruptly when
have widespread origins in the cerebrum, including the she collapsed’. On admission she was found to have suffered
supplemental motor area on the medial aspect of the frontal a bilateral pontine infarction, and was left in a ‘locked-in’
lobe and temporal lobe structures (e.g., the amygdala); the state. In another case (Martin 1950), the patient’s first attack
thalamus also plays a role. Fibers descend in the anterior occurred at his mother’s funeral, and, much to his distress,
limb of the internal capsule, pass through the tegmentum of recurred and recurred, without any apparent cause, until he
the mesencephalon and into the dorsal pons. At this point, collapsed and died several days later; autopsy revealed an
most fibers then cross to end in the contralateral facial interpeduncular aneurysm that had ruptured.
nerve; however, a minority of fibers proceed down into the
medulla, crossing in this structure and then looping back
up into the pons to contact the facial nucleus. Etiology
Emotional facial paresis has been reported with con-
tralateral lesions, generally infarctions, of a large number of Such prodromal laughter has been noted with infarction of
structures (Hopf et al. 1992), including the supplemental the following structures: parietotemporal cortex (Lago
motor area (Gelmers 1983), temporal lobe (Remillard et al. 1998), external and extreme capsules (Kumral and Calli
1977), thalamus (Bogousslavsky et al. 1988; Graff-Radford 2006); striatum (Carel et al. 1997), genu (Uzunca et al.
et al. 1984; Ross and Mathiesen 1998), anterior limb of 2005) or posterior limb (Ceccaldi and Milandre 1994) of
the internal capsule (Trosch et al. 1990), mesencephalic the internal capsule, and the basis pontis (Assal et al. 2000;
tegmentum (Wilson 1924), and the dorsal pons (Hopf et al. de AA Gondin et al. 2001; Wali 1993).
2000); a case has also been reported of emotional facial pare-
sis with an ipsilateral medullary lesion (Cerrato et al. 2003).
Emotional facial paresis has also been noted in patients
Differential diagnosis
with chronic complex partial seizures of temporal lobe ori-
Mirthless laughter may be seen in the ‘emotional inconti-
gin, and in these cases the emotional facial paresis is gener-
nence’ of pseudobulbar palsy and during gelastic seizures.
ally contralateral to the side with the seizure focus (Jacob
Pseudobulbar palsy is distinguished by the clinical course,
et al. 2003). The theory here is that repetitive ictal activity
in that in pseudobulbar palsy the episodes of mirthless
leads to damage of the amygdala.
laughter occur after the stroke, whereas in le fou rire pro-
dromique the episodes occur beforehand. Gelastic seizures
Differential diagnosis are suggested by the occurrence, at other times, of other
seizure types, for example grand mal or complex partial.
Some individuals have a congenital ‘lopsided’ grin; the dif-
ferential rests here on determining that the ‘lopsidedness’
has been present since earliest childhood. Treatment
Le fou rire prodromique manifests as a paroxysmal, uncon- Abulic patients, to a greater or lesser degree, lack ‘will’ in
trollable fit of laughter, lasting for minutes to a half hour, that they fail to experience any initiative or sense of drive:
during which there is full preservation of consciousness there are no impulses of action, no desires, angers, or long-
and, critically, no corresponding sense of mirth. ings; one patient commented that there was ‘a blank in my
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 126
mind’ (Laplane et al. 1984). Importantly, these patients are 2.5 mg in total per day, and increased in similar increments
not depressed or bored; rather they experience a benign every few days until satisfactory improvement or unaccept-
sort of emptiness. able side-effects occur, or a maximum dose of perhaps
Abulic patients, thus volitionally impoverished, may be 40 mg is reached; in all cases, dosage is generally divided
content to sit or lie quietly, doing nothing and saying noth- into two doses: one in the morning and the next in the
ing, and thus present a picture of immobility and mutism. early afternoon.
Importantly, however, if they are asked to do something or
to speak, one finds that they are able to perform and com-
plete tasks in a timely and successful fashion: once left to 4.11 ENVIRONMENTAL DEPENDENCY
themselves, however, they rapidly lapse back into a placid SYNDROME
This rare syndrome was initially described in 1983 by
Lhermitte, who named it ‘utilization behavior’; in a subse-
Etiology quent paper, he changed the name to the ‘environmental
dependency syndrome’ (Lhermitte 1986).
Pure abulia may be seen with bilateral or unilateral infarc-
tion or hemorrhage of various subcortical structures includ- Clinical features
ing the caudate nucleus (Bhatia and Marsden 1994; Caplan
et al. 1990; Kumral et al. 1999; Mendez et al. 1989), globus In this syndrome, patients appear to lose their autonomy,
pallidus (Bhatia and Marsden 1994; Giroud et al. 1997; becoming ‘dependent’ on their environment such that they
Laplane et al. 1984), thalamus (Bogousslavsky et al. 1991; feel compelled to pick up and ‘utilize’ whatever may come
Van Der Werf et al. 1999), or genu of the internal capsule to their attention. For example, one patient upon seeing a
(Yamanaka et al. 1996). pair of glasses put them on, even though they were not his;
Abulia has also been noted as a sequela to carbon another patient, upon seeing a toothbrush, picked it up
monoxide intoxication with bilateral necrosis of the globus and began brushing, even though there was no need to do
pallidus (Laplane et al. 1984; Lugaresi et al. 1990). so. At times, the utilization behavior can be more complex.
Finally, abulia occurs commonly in schizophrenia, For example, in describing one of his patients Lhermitte
especially simple schizophrenia. Kraepelin (1921) noted noted that both he and the patient:
that such patients ‘experience no tediousness, have no
need to pass the time . . . but can lie in bed unoccupied for sat down in my office. I put some medical
days and weeks, stand about in corners, “stare into a hole”, instruments on my desk. She immediately picked up
(or) watch the toes of their boots’. the blood pressure gauge and very meticulously took
my blood pressure . . . After this she took the tongue
depressor and placed it in front of my mouth, which I
Differential diagnosis opened, and she examined my throat . . . Last, she
picked up the reflex tester and, to make sure she
Akinetic mutism and catatonia enter the differential as tested the ankle jerks, I knelt down on the chair.
in each of these syndromes the patients, like those with When I asked her what she thought, she said she was
abulia, are immobile and mute. Differentiating them satisfied with my state of health.
from abulia is quite readily done, however, by simply urg-
ing the patient to do something, and providing some ongo- Lhermitte (1983)
ing supervision: akinetic mutes and catatonics will not
respond, whereas the abulic patient does, and will continue Importantly, patients engage in this behavior without
to do so until supervision stops. being invited, asked or told to, and some may even persist
Apathy and depression are both distinguished by the in the behavior despite being asked to stop.
presence of dysphoria. Abulic patients experience nothing
except an untroubled sense of emptiness; depressed or apa-
thetic patients, by contrast, experience a more or less Etiology
oppressive mood.
Abulia may be seen as part of the frontal lobe syndrome, The syndrome has been noted most commonly with bilateral
wherein it may be accompanied by perseveration. or unilateral lesions of the inferior frontal lobe (De Renzi
et al. 1996; Lhermitte 1983, 1986; Lhermitte et al. 1986;
Shallice et al. 1989); cases have also been reported with
Treatment infarction of the white matter subjacent to the superior
frontal gyrus (Ishihara et al. 2002) and with infarction of the
Bromocriptine, anecdotally, has been effective (Barrett thalamus (Eslinger et al. 1991; Hashimoto et al. 1995).
1991); treatment may be commenced at a low dose of Frontotemporal dementia may also exhibit this syndrome.
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 127
Kluver and Bucy (1939), as noted above, first described Table 4.3 Causes of the Kluver-Bucy syndrome
this syndrome in monkeys and their descriptions are of Bilateral ablation or injury to the temporal lobes
interest. The terminology they utilized is somewhat cum- Temporal lobectomy (Terzian and Dalle Ore 1955)
bersome but is still at times seen in the literature. Traumatic brain injury (Formisano et al. 1995; Lilly et al. 1983)
The heightened interest of the monkeys (which they Late-delayed radiation encephalopathy (Lam and Chiu 1997;
termed ‘hypermetamorphosis’) was manifest by ‘an exces- Thajeb 1995)
sive tendency to take notice of and to attend and react to Post-herpes simplex viral encephalitis (Greenwood et al. 1983;
every visual stimulus . . . the monkey seems to be domi- Marlowe et al. 1975; Shoji et al. 1979)
nated by only one tendency, namely the tendency to con- Infarction (Oliveira et al. 1989)
tact every object as soon as possible [and] . . . when turned
loose in a room, the monkey often behaves as if it were Epileptic conditions
ceaselessly “pulled” from one object to another’. Complex partial seizure (Nakada et al. 1984)
According to Kluver and Bucy’s terminology, the indis- Post-ictal, after either a grand mal seizure (Anson and
criminate nature of this heightened interest represented a Kuhlman 1993) or complex partial status epilepticus (Mendez
kind of ‘psychic blindness’ in that the monkey would and Foti 1997; Varon et al. 2003)
approach and examine objects ‘no matter whether they are Neurodegenerative disorders
very large or very small, dead or alive, edible or inedible, Pick’s disease (Cummings and Duchen 1981; Mendez et al.
moving or stationary . . . The monkey seems to be just as 1993)
eager to examine the tongue of a hissing snake, the mouth Frontotemporal dementia (Gydesen et al. 2002; Heutink et al.
of a cat, feces, a wire cage or a wagon as a piece of bread’. 1997; Mendez and Perryman 2002)
Hyperorality (or, as Kluver and Bucy termed it, ‘oral Alzheimer’s disease (Mendez et al. 1993; Teri et al. 1988)
tendencies’) was manifest by a ‘strong tendency to examine
all objects by mouth’, for example ‘putting the object into Miscellaneous causes
the mouth, biting gently, chewing, licking, touching with Adrenoleukodystrophy (Powers et al. 1980)
the lips and smelling . . . the object’. Heatstroke (Pitt et al. 1995)
Hypersexuality was referred to as ‘changes in sexual
behavior’ and was manifest by a general ‘increase in sexual Epileptic conditions may be characterized by the
behavior’ that could involve other monkeys, regardless of Kluver–Bucy syndrome, either ictally during a complex
their gender, or masturbation. partial seizure or post-ictally after either a grand mal
Placidity was termed ‘emotional changes’ by Kluver and seizure or an episode of complex partial status epilepticus.
Bucy and was marked by ‘absence of all emotional reac- Neurodegenerative disorders may cause a Kluver–Bucy
tions . . . generally associated with anger and fear’. For syndrome of gradual onset and progression, and this is
example, ‘after being attacked and bitten by another ani- most characteristic of those disorders such as Pick’s disease
mal, (the monkey) may approach this animal again and and frontotemporal dementia, which preferentially involve
again in an attempt to examine it’. the temporal lobes early on. Other neurodegenerative dis-
orders, such as Alzheimer’s disease, may, late in their
Etiology course, also cause the syndrome.
Miscellaneous, and very rare, causes of the syndrome
As with monkeys, it appears that in humans the Kluver– include adrenoleukodystrophy and heat stroke.
Bucy syndrome generally appears only with bilateral dam-
age or dysfunction of the temporal lobes – I could find only
one case report of the syndrome occurring with unilateral Differential diagnosis
involvement, namely in a case of unilateral temporal lobec-
tomy (Ghika-Schmid et al. 1995). Table 4.3 lists the various When a patient presents with disinhibition, the frontal
causes reported in the literature. lobe syndrome may come to mind; in this syndrome, as in
Bilateral ablation or injury to the temporal lobes is most the Kluver–Bucy syndrome, one may see inappropriate
obvious after bilateral temporal lobectomy. Traumatic sexual advances. The differential lies in finding features
brain injury, with contusions of the inferior surfaces of such as hyperorality and a heightened and indiscriminate
both temporal lobes, may also cause the syndrome, as may interest in nearby objects, features which are not found in
a late-delayed radiation encephalopathy after irradiation, the frontal lobe syndrome.
say, for a pituitary tumor or nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Herpes simplex viral encephalitis classically involves both
temporal lobes, and the syndrome may appear as a sequela Treatment
in those who survive. Finally, there are rare cases of infarc-
tion of both temporal lobes (as for example secondary to a There are no controlled studies of the treatment of the
vasculopathy of systemic lupus erythematosus) with a Kluver–Bucy syndrome. Anecdotally, overall improve-
resulting Kluver–Bucy syndrome. ment has been noted with carbamazepine (Stewart 1985),
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 129
sertraline (Mendhekar and Duggal 2005), or antipsy- of coffee toward him with the right hand the left hand
chotics (Carrol et al. 2001); should an antipsychotic be would push it away’ (Gottlieb et al. 1992). Similarly, subse-
chosen, a second-generation agent, such as risperidone or quent to a corpus callosotomy, ‘one patient was seen but-
quetiapine, may be considered. Hypersexuality has also toning up his shirt with one hand while the other hand was
been reduced by treatment with leuprolide (Ott 1995). As following along behind it undoing the buttons’ (Bogen
noted in one of the examples above, hyperorality may be 1985b). Akelaitis (1945) noted that one of his patients, also
lethal and appropriate precautions must be taken. after a corpus callosotomy, ‘would be putting on her clothes
with her right hand and pulling them off with her left hand,
opening a door or drawer with the right hand and simulta-
4.13 ALIEN HAND SIGN neously pushing it shut with the left hand’.
More complex behavior is illustrated in the case of a
The alien hand sign represents one of the most remarkable patient who, after suffering an infarction of the corpus cal-
phenomena seen in neuropsychiatric practice, or for that losum, ‘told the story of herself frying a steak, turning it
matter, in the practice of medicine at large. Here, one of over in the frying pan with her right hand and, immedi-
the patient’s hands, almost always the left one, begins to act ately after, finding herself turning it over once again with
as if it had an independent will of its own, often engaging her left hand’ (Barbizet et al. 1974; Degos et al. 1987).
in complex activity that thwarts what the patient is Another patient, after suffering an infarction of the ante-
attempting to do with the right hand. rior portion of the corpus callosum and adjacent medial
This sign was first described by the German physician aspects of both frontal lobes, found, ‘while playing check-
Kurt Goldstein in 1908; Akelaitis, in 1941, described it in ers on one occasion, [that] the left hand made a move that
patients who had been subjected to corpus callosotomy for he did not wish to make, and he corrected the move with
epilepsy, and named it ‘diagonistic dyspraxia’. The current the right hand; however, the left hand, to the patient’s frus-
name, ‘alien hand sign’, is derived from a French paper by tration, repeated the false move’ (Banks et al. 1989).
Brion and Jedynak (1972), who termed it ‘le signe de la Finally, there are examples of a ‘murderous’ alien hand.
main étrangère’: although the authors translated this as the The first reported case of the alien hand sign, described by
‘strange hand’ sign (which is indeed a more faithful trans- Kurt Goldstein (1908), was just such an example: the
lation from the French), English-speaking authors have patient was a 57-year-old female with a callosal infarction
universally favored translating it as ‘alien hand sign’. whose ‘left hand attempted to choke [her] ... and this hand
Another synonym, seen infrequently, is ‘anarchic hand’ had to be pulled away. Furthermore the left hand did other
(Della Sala 1994). unpleasant acts, such as tearing the bedclothes off the bed’
(Geschwind 1981). The patient herself ‘complained, “Es
muss wohl ein boser Geist in der Hand sein” [There must
Clinical features be a devil in my hand]’ (Hanakita and Nishi 1991). In
another case, a patient who had suffered a callosal infarc-
The alien hand sign is said to be present when one of the tion treated her left arm ‘as an alien presence with hostile
patient’s hands (almost, as noted above, always the left one) motivations . . . she complained that the arm moved on its
spontaneously and autonomously acts in a way that is at own and that it struck her and tried to choke her . . . often
definite cross-purposes to what the patient is intending to the hand reached for the neckline of her gown, pinched her
do with the right hand (Bogen 1985a). This ‘intermanual right arm or leg, or knocked her glasses off’ (Levine and
conflict’, as it has been termed, is not merely a matter of a Rinn 1986). Finally, there is the case of a patient who had
clumsy or apraxic left hand ‘getting in the way’, or of reflex- suffered a callosal infarction (Geschwind et al. 1995) who
ive groping or grasping by the left hand, but rather of the ‘awoke several times with her left hand choking her, and
appearance of complex and seemingly purposeful activity while she was awake her left hand would unbutton her
of the left hand, activity that is at definite cross-purposes gown, crush cups on her tray, and fight with the right hand
with the patient’s consciously experienced will and intent. while she was using the phone’.
Patients may be astonished to see the left hand acting inde- Patients’ reactions to the presence of the alien hand
pendently and outside their control, and may comment vary. One patient commented that ‘my hands don’t agree
that it is as if the left hand had ‘a mind of its own’. with each other’ (Degos et al. 1987), and another, that her
Some examples of the alien hand sign will serve to flesh hand ‘disobeyed her’ (Goldenberg et al. 1985), whereas a
out this definition. The complexity of the behavior engaged third felt ‘as if someone “from the moon” were controlling
in by the alien hand ranges from relatively simple activities, her hand’ (Geschwind et al. 1995). Patients also adopt dif-
such as buttoning or unbuttoning, to very complex behav- ferent strategies to control the alien hand: one, ‘to keep her
iors, even to the point of ‘murderous’ behavior. Examples left hand from doing mischief, . . . would subdue it with
of relatively simple alien hand behavior include the case of her right hand’ (Geschwind et al. 1995); another found the
a patient, who, after an infarction of the corpus callosum, behavior ‘so astonishing and uncontrollable that he occa-
found that after he buttoned ‘a shirt with the right hand the sionally hit his left [hand] . . . with the right one’
left hand would proceed to unbutton it and if pulling a cup (Leiguarda et al. 1989). Another patient, ‘encouraged to
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 130
“make friends” with the arm by talking to it, . . . soon came Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease may, very rarely, present with
to treat it as a misbehaving child, fondling and talking to it: a combination of myoclonus and the alien hand sign
‘There, there, behave yourself now . . . Don’t be naughty’’ ’ (MacGowan et al. 1997). In one case, the alien left hand
(Levine and Rinn 1986). ‘would grab [the patient’s] throat or hit her in the face and
As noted earlier, the alien hand sign is almost always she usually limited its activity by holding it in her right
found on the left: indeed, of all the cases of strictly defined hand’s grasp’. In another case presented by the same
alien hand sign that I could find, in only one was the sign authors, the alien hand, again on the left, unbuttoned the
found on the right in a right-handed patient (Della Sala patient’s blouse and removed a hair pin. In both cases, the
et al. 1994). eventual appearance of periodic complexes on the EEG
and dementia suggested the correct diagnosis. There is also
one case report of an alien hand sign occurring due to
Etiology Alzheimer’s disease (Green et al. 1995).
alien hand sign in that the levitated arm or hand does not examiner’s finger by a wide margin. Interestingly, despite
do anything further, engaging in no complex behavior but this inability, patients are still able to accurately touch parts
simply staying ‘levitated’. of their own body.
Mirror movements are said to be present when patients Optic apraxia, also known as ‘sticky fixation’ or ‘psychic
who are doing something with one limb then find the con- paralysis of visual fixation’, represents a peculiar difficulty
tralateral limb involuntarily engaging in a more or less faith- in eye movement wherein patients are unable to voluntar-
ful imitation. Such mirror movements are more likely when ily look from one fixation point to another. Testing for this
the intended movement is very forceful or sudden; a com- may be performed by first having the patient fix his gaze on
mon example is when one very tightly clenches one fist and an object and then commanding him to look at another
finds that the fingers on the other hand are involuntarily one. When optic apraxia is present there is a peculiar
flexing. Mirror movements are normal in early childhood ‘stickiness’, as if the patient is unable to withdraw his
and, in a minority of individuals, may persist into adult life gaze from the initial object to fix it on the next one.
(Haerer and Currier 1966; Regli et al. 1967). They may be Interestingly, this ‘stickiness’ is present only with voluntary
associated with agenesis of the corpus callosum (Schott and eye movements: should someone walk unexpectedly into
Wyke 1981) and may also occur in patients with hemiplegia, the room, the patient may spontaneously shift his gaze
wherein they are generally found in the paretic limb (Berlin without difficulty to fix it on this new object of interest.
1951; Walshe 1923). Mirror movements may ‘get in the way’
and thus seem to be at cross-purposes; a closer inspection,
however, will reveal that the abnormal movement does in Etiology
fact ‘mirror’ the intended movement in the other limb and
that its ‘interference’ is merely accidental. Most cases of Balint’s syndrome occur secondary to bilateral
Utilization behavior appears similar to the alien hand infarctions in the parieto-occipital areas (Montero et al. 1982;
sign, given that patients with utilization behavior involun- Perez et al. 1996), commonly watershed infarctions seen after
tarily utilize objects. The difference between utilization cardiac arrest. Balint’s syndrome may also constitute part of a
behavior and the alien hand sign lies in the fact that in uti- syndrome known as posterior cortical atrophy. In this syn-
lization behavior there is no intermanual conflict between drome, one may see a gradually progressive, more or less iso-
the hands, which act in concert and with cooperation, lated, Balint’s syndrome; the underlying neuropathology may
whereas in the alien hand sign the left hand acts at definite include corticobasal ganglionic degeneration or Alzheimer’s
cross-purposes with the right. disease (Hof et al. 1993; McMonagle et al. 2006; Mendez
2000; Renner et al. 2004; Tang-Wai et al. 2004). Balint’s syn-
drome has also been noted in Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
Treatment (Victoroff et al. 1994) and progressive multifocal leukoen-
cephalopathy (Ayuso-Peralta et al. 1994).
A mitt placed on the alien hand may mitigate its effects; in
some cases, the entire extremity must be restrained.
Differential diagnosis
and is characterized by the experience of an extra limb, over Supernumerary limbs have been noted with lesions of
and above the normal complement already present. the parietal lobe (Vuilleumier et al. 1997; Weinstein et al.
Phantom limb occurs in the vast majority of patients 1954), the medial aspect of the frontal cortex (McGonigle
after amputation, and typically appears within the first few et al. 2002), the basal ganglia (Halligan et al. 1993), thala-
days post-operatively; in about three-quarters of cases, it is mus (Miyazawa et al. 2004), and pons (Brock and
also accompanied by phantom limb pain. The supernu- Merwarth 1957). Although most supernumerary limbs
merary limb phenomenon, in contrast, is quite rare and is appear on the left side, right-sided occurrence has also
not painful. been noted (Mayeux and Benson 1979). Supernumerary
limbs may also occur as a manifestation of a sensory simple
partial seizure, a diagnosis immediately suggested by the
Clinical features paroxysmal onset and relatively brief duration of the expe-
rience. One patient, for a few seconds, would experience a
Phantom limb (Carlen et al. 1978; Ephraim et al. 2005; Haber
supernumerary arm next to his actual left arm (Riddoch
1956; Henderson and Smythe 1948; Jensen et al. 1984; Shukla
1941); another had such a strong sense that an extra right
et al. 1982) is a tactile experience, rather than a visual one:
arm was over his head that he asked his wife to help him
although patients do not see the limb, they ‘feel’ it and have a
pull it down (Russell and Whitty 1953).
sense of its presence, and in some cases report being able to
move it. Importantly, patients retain insight here and do not,
in fact, believe that a limb is actually present. Phantom limb Differential diagnosis
pain is variously described as burning, electric, throbbing,
cramping, tearing or crushing, and can be quite severe. Over The phantom limb appearing after amputation is not
time, most patients experience what is known as ‘telescop- mimicked by other conditions. It must be kept in mind,
ing’: here, it is as if the phantom were being gradually however, that, albeit rarely, not all pain experienced in the
absorbed back into the remaining limb, the most proximal phantom limb is ‘phantom limb pain’ resulting from corti-
part of the phantom disappearing first and the remaining cal or subcortical reorganization. For example, one patient,
portions telescoping after it, with the most distal portion, who experienced a non-painful phantom after amputation
usually the fingers or toes, disappearing last. In some cases, of a lower extremity, subsequently developed disk disease
the phantom may disappear entirely after months or longer, with typical sciatic pain radiating down into the phantom
whereas in others it may be permanent. (King 1956).
Childhood amputations, before the age of 4 years, are
only rarely followed by phantoms (Simmel 1962). The
congenital absence of a limb may, interestingly, be fol- Treatment
lowed in a small minority by the development of a phan-
tom ‘replacement’ (Weinstein and Sersen 1961), generally The optimum treatment of phantom limb pain is not clear.
around the age of 9 years (Melzak et al. 1997). Opioids are used, and provide some relief (Huse et al. 2001)
The phantom phenomenon, although most common but are certainly not universally effective. Gabapentin in
after amputation of a limb, also occurs after mastectomy in high dosage was effective in one double-blind study (Bone
one-fifth (Ackerly et al. 1955; Jarvis 1967) to two-thirds of et al. 2002) but not in another (Smith et al. 2005). Similarly,
women (Bressler et al. 1956) and may, in a small minority, memantine, in a dose of 30 mg/day, was effective in one
be accompanied by pain. Phantom eye has also been double-blind study (Schley et al. 2006) but ineffective in
reported after enucleation (Soros et al. 2003). two others (Maier et al. 2003; Wiech et al. 2004). Infusions
Supernumerary limb is characterized by the experience of salmon calcitonin were effective in one double-blinded
of having an extra arm or leg. One patient felt the extra arm study (Jaeger and Maier 1992). Anecdotally, patients have
lying across his abdomen (Mayeux and Benson 1979), responded to treatment with a TENS unit (on the contralat-
another experienced it growing out of his forearm (Brock eral extremity) (Carabelli and Kellerman 1985), deep brain
and Merworth 1957), and one patient, after suffering bilat- stimulation (Bittar et al. 2005), clonazepam (Bartusch et al.
eral parietal lobe infarctions, experienced four legs, two on 1996), carbamazepine (Patterson 1988), chlorpromazine
each side (Vuilleumier et al. 1997). Although in some cases (Logan 1983), and, despite an absence of depression, to flu-
patients may retain insight, at times this may be lost and oxetine (Power-Smith and Turkington 1993), and to ECT
patients may insist that, in fact, an extra limb is present (Rasmussen and Rummans 2000).
(Halligan et al. 1993; Weinstein et al. 1954).
The phantom limb phenomenon probably represents Depersonalization is a common experience that is found
persistent activity of those structures, such as the parietal not only in normal individuals, but also in patients with
cortex, which maintain the body schema. epilepsy and various other disorders.
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 133
globus pallidus or the right parietal cortex has also rarely behavior for a definite purpose and often attempt to resist
been at fault. Obsessions and compulsions may also consti- the urge. An allied symptom is ‘compulsive’ hoarding or col-
tute part of the symptomatology of a complex partial lecting, as may be seen in various dementias (Hwang et al.
seizure or a simple partial seizure. In the case of a complex 1998) and, rarely, with focal lesions of the frontal lobe
partial seizure the associated defect of consciousness sug- (Anderson et al. 2005).
gests the correct diagnosis; however, with simple partial
seizures there may not be any other symptomatology
besides the obsession or compulsion, and in this case the Treatment
diagnosis may rest on a history of other seizure types.
Finally, there is also an association of obsessions and com- Treatment is directed, if possible, at the underlying cause;
pulsions with systemic lupus erythematosus, the velocar- if this is ineffective, consideration may be given to an
diofacial syndrome, and normal pressure hydrocephalus. empirical trial of one of the medications useful in
In reviewing these various causes of obsessions and obsessive–compulsive disorder, such as an SSRI.
compulsions, it is interesting to note the involvement of
the basal ganglia, especially the globus pallidus. Thus, in
Fahr’s syndrome, one sees calcification of the basal ganglia 4.18 REDUPLICATIVE PARAMNESIA
bilaterally (Lopez-Villegas et al. 1996), and in Sydenham’s
chorea the caudate is heavily involved (Husby et al. 1976). Reduplicative paramnesia, described in 1903 by Pick (Pick
Post-anoxic lesions preferentially involve the globus pal- 1903) is a syndrome in which patients believe that their loca-
lidus bilaterally (Escalona et al. 1997; Laplane et al. 1989), tion has somehow been duplicated, such that, for example,
and unilateral infarction of the globus pallidus has also the house they are in is not actually theirs or, conversely, that
been implicated (Giroud et al. 1997). Given these findings, their house has been relocated at some distance, perhaps to
it may be appropriate to consider obsessions and compul- another city. This syndrome has also been referred to as
sions as having some localizing value to the basal ganglia. ‘double orientation’ or ‘delusional disorientation’.
Clinical features
Differential diagnosis
In some cases, patients may correctly identify the city they
The adjectives ‘obsessive’ and ‘compulsive’ have been used
are in, but may maintain that the building they are in is
not only to refer to true obsessions and compulsions, as
not, in fact, what it appears to be. Some may admit that it
described above, but also to other symptoms, and it is
perhaps looks like their home, but maintain that, in fact, it
important to clearly distinguish ‘true’ obsessions and com-
is not and, in fact, is rather a replica or duplicate of their
pulsions from these other symptoms. Thus, one hears of
actual home (Hudson and Grace 2000).
‘compulsive’ spending, shopping, eating, or sex; however,
In other cases, patients may accurately identify the
one clinical feature clearly distinguishes all these from
building they are in, for example University Hospital, but
‘true’ compulsions, namely the fact that patients with com-
may maintain that the building, in fact, is not in the city,
pulsive spending, shopping, eating, or sex enjoy the behav-
but has been transported or duplicated in another locale
ior they feel ‘compelled’ to partake in, in clear contrast
(Benson et al. 1976), perhaps their home town.
with patients with ‘true’ compulsions who take no pleasure
in their compulsive behavior, whether it be washing, pray-
ing, checking, or whatever. Etiology
Obsessive–compulsive personality traits must also
be distinguished from obsessions and compulsions. Reduplicative paramnesia may occur in the setting of a
Individuals with these personality traits are ‘obsessed’ with dementia, for example Alzheimer’s disease (von Gunten
detail and feel ‘compelled’ to do things perfectly. These et al. 2005), in the setting of a delirium as after a closed head
traits, however, are quite different from ‘true’ obsessions injury (Benson et al. 1976), or in a psychosis, for example
and compulsions in that individuals with these traits typi- delusional disorder or schizophrenia. Occasionally, the
cally see nothing wrong with them (and in fact may even syndrome may occur in a more or less isolated fashion, and
value them), in contrast with patients with ‘true’ obses- in such cases lesions, such as infarctions, have been noted
sions and compulsions who see these experiences as more in the right frontal lobe (Kapur et al. 1988) and in the right
or less senseless and wish to be rid of them. fusiform gyrus (Hudson et al. 2000).
Perseverations, as may be seen in some patients with
frontal lesions, are distinguished from compulsive behaviors
by the patients’ attitude toward the behavior in question. Differential diagnosis
Perseverative patients can often offer no reason for their
repetitive behavior and do not resist engaging in it: by con- Reduplicative paramnesia must be distinguished from dis-
trast, patients with compulsions engage in their compulsive orientation to place. The differential here rests on the
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 136
patient’s reaction when corrected: the disoriented patient dementia, for example frontotemporal dementia (Nedjam
may either accept the correction or simply make no com- et al. 2004).
ment; the patient with ‘delusional disorientation’, how-
ever, will stoutly maintain his or her belief, and may even Differential diagnosis
argue with the physician about it.
Simple lying is distinguished by the presence of a motiva-
Treatment tion for the false statement and by the fact that liars tend to
persist in their lies, in contrast with confabulators who,
Apart from treatment of the underlying cause, no confi- generally, when challenged, renounce their statements
dent recommendations can be made. Should the syndrome without much ado.
persist and be troubling, a case could be made for treat- Delusions about the past, as may be seen in psychosis
ment with an antipsychotic. (e.g., schizophrenia), delirium or advanced dementia, are
generally implausible on their face. For example, a report
by a patient that the night before he had been tortured and
4.19 CONFABULATION that the nurses had ripped his skin off should be consid-
ered a delusion and not a confabulation. In these cases, the
At times, patients with amnesia will report experiences, patient’s speech is often rambling and more or less inco-
which, though plausible-sounding, in fact did not occur. herent, being composed of disconnected statements.
These confabulations seem, as it were, to ‘fill in the blanks’
of those portions of the patient’s past that cannot be Treatment
recalled because of the amnesia.
Treatment is directed at the underlying condition.
Clinical features
Confabulations generally appear in response to questions
about the recent past. Patients, although not confused, Amusia, also known as amelodia, is characterized by an
relate experiences which, upon examination, clearly did inability to either recognize or produce a melody, and may
not occur. For example, one patient, hospitalized for 3 occur on either an acquired or a developmental basis.
days, when asked what he had done the evening before,
replied that he’d been out with friends at a restaurant, Clinical features
where everyone had enjoyed a fine meal, etc. Most patients,
when pressed about their confabulated responses, do not Amusia occurs in both receptive and expressive forms.
persist in them, but may offer other confabulated In receptive amusia, patients are, to a greater or lesser
responses. For example, the patient in question, when told degree, ‘tone deaf’. In such a case, if the patient were to lis-
that, according to the nurse, he had been in the hospital on ten to a singer simply humming the tune to a song he
the evening in question, hesitated a moment, then might be unable to recognize it, whereas if the singer actu-
responded that, yes, that was the case, and that he must ally sang the song, the lyrics would immediately allow the
have been mistaken. Asked then what he had, in fact, done patient to recognize the song. As might be expected, if
the night before, he went on to relate how family members patients with receptive amusia listen to instrumental music
had come to visit and had spent the night with him, an they would have difficulty ‘naming the tune’ and might
event that did not, according to the nurse, in fact happen. complain that the music sounded flat.
Further examination reveals that although patients are Patients with expressive amusia have great difficulty in
neither confused nor incoherent, they do, however, have ‘carrying a tune’, and if such patients hum a tune, listeners
short-term memory loss, as manifested by an inability to have great difficulty recognizing it; should these patients
recall all out of three test words after 5 minutes and by sing the lyrics, however, listeners are able to recognize the
some disorientation to date or place. song but may comment that the singing is quite poor.
Patients with expressive amusia also have great difficulty
playing instruments.
In some cases, both receptive and expressive compo-
Confabulations are most commonly seen in patients with nents are present, producing a global amusia.
Korsakoff’s syndrome (Benson et al. 1996) and are dis-
cussed further in Section 13.5. They may also occur in the Etiology
amnestic states following rupture of aneurysms of the ante-
rior communicating artery (DeLuca and Cicernone 1991; Most cases of acquired amusia occur secondary to infarc-
Schnider et al. 2005), and may also be seen in patients with tion or hemorrhage. Receptive amusia has been noted with
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 137
There are no established treatments.
Cataplexy is a condition characterized by the occurrence of
cataplectic attacks, that is to say episodes of a greater or
4.21 FOREIGN ACCENT SYNDROME lesser degree of muscle atonia.
(Van Den Hoed et al. 1979). Importantly, during the 4.23 SYMPATHETIC STORM
attack, patients remain completely alert and conscious.
Sympathetic storms, also known as acute autonomic crises,
constitute episodes of severe sympathetic hyperactivity,
Etiology and are usually seen after traumatic brain injury.
The overwhelming majority of cases of cataplexy occur
secondary to narcolepsy. As discussed in Section 18.7, this Clinical features
disorder generally presents in late teenage or early adult
years with narcoleptic sleep attacks; cataplectic attacks are The episodes may occur either spontaneously or after some
seen in about three-quarters of patients, and although they trivial precipitant, such as a change in position. During the
typically occur within the first few years after the appear- episode one sees the acute onset of profuse diaphoresis,
ance of sleep attacks, in rare instances they may precede tachycardia, tachypnea, pupillary dilation, and, in some,
them (Parkes et al. 1975). rigid extensor posturing. The diaphoresis is indeed impres-
Isolated cataplectic attacks have also, very rarely, been sive, with beads of sweat dripping from the head. During
reported to occur on an autosomal dominant (Gelardi and the episode, patients may grimace as if in pain, and family
Brown 1967) or idiopathic basis (Van Dijk et al. 1991). members and other observers may become quite alarmed.
Cataplectic attacks, again very rarely, have also been The episodes themselves last from minutes to hours, and
noted with lesions, generally gliomas, of the hypothalamus terminate slowly.
(Anderson and Salmon 1977; Schwartz et al. 1984; Stahl et al.
1980), midbrain tegmentum (Fernandez et al. 1995) or dor-
sal pontomedullary junction (D’Cruz et al. 1994). There are Etiology
also case reports of cataplexy occurring as sequelae to
encephalitis lethargica (Adie 1926; Fournier and Helguera These episodes probably represent disinhibition of the hypo-
1934), in association with paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis thalamus and related structures. Although most commonly
(Rosenfeld et al. 2001) in Niemann–Pick disease (Smit et al. seen after severe traumatic brain injury with prominent dif-
2006), and as a side-effect of clozapine (Desarkar et al. 2007). fuse axonal injury (Baguley et al. 1999), they may also occur
in the setting of acute hydrocephalus (Rossitch and Bullard
1988) and after cardiac arrest (Diamond et al. 2005).
Differential diagnosis Although these episodes were once considered to repre-
sent diencephalic seizures (Penfield and Jasper 1954), there
Cataplectic attacks must be distinguished from verte- is no evidence for epileptic activity during them, and anti-
brobasilar transient ischemic attacks, syncope, and atonic epileptic drugs are not effective (Boeve et al. 1998).
seizures, and one feature helps in distinguishing all of these
from cataplexy, namely, (in contrast with cataplectic
attacks) that none of these is typically provoked by strong Differential diagnosis
Attacks of vertebrobasilar insufficiency may be charac- Complex partial seizures are distinguished by their exquis-
terized by ‘drop attacks’ with preservation of conscious- itely paroxysmal onset, over seconds. Furthermore, one
ness. These are usually seen in elderly individuals, and may rarely sees such sympathetic hyperactivity in a complex
be accompanied by other evidence of brainstem ischemia, partial seizure: at most, there may be some modest tachy-
such as transient diplopia, dysarthria, or vertigo. cardia and modestly elevated blood pressure.
Syncopal attacks are immediately distinguished from Malignant hyperthermia, the neuroleptic malignant
cataplexy by loss of consciousness. syndrome and Stauder’s lethal catatonia may all be consid-
Atonic seizures may or may not be accompanied by loss ered (Thorley et al. 2001), however in each of these condi-
of consciousness or by post-ictal confusion. In cases of tions, symptoms, rather than being episodic, are persistent.
atonic seizures with preserved consciousness and no post- The setting, of course, also aids in differentiation, and one
ictal confusion, a history of other seizure types will suggest should look, respectively, for administration of an anes-
the correct diagnosis (Lipinski 1977; Pazzaglia et al. 1985). thetic or an antipsychotic, or pre-existing catatonia.
Treatment Treatment
Treatment of cataplexy occurring in association with nar- The goal of treatment is prevention of future episodes,
colepsy is discussed in Section 18.7; when symptomatic and in this regard chronic treatment with a beta-blocker,
treatment is required for cataplexy occurring secondary to such as propranolol or labetalol (Do et al. 2000), constitutes
other causes, an empirical trial of these same treatments a reasonable first approach. Both morphine sulfate and
would be reasonable. bromocriptine have also been used with success (Bullard
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 139
1987), as has gabapentin, in doses of 600–1800 mg/day differentiated from more ‘free-floating’ agitation, as may
(Baguley et al. 2007). Doses should be titrated to clinical be seen in various deliria or dementias.
effect or tolerance; in some cases a combination of agents,
such as a beta-blocker plus bromocriptine, may be required.
Should pharmacologic treatment fail, consideration may be Treatment
given to intrathecal baclofen (Becker et al. 2000).
Apart from treatment, if possible, of the associated disease,
such as stroke, and a modulation of environmental
4.24 CATASTROPHIC REACTION demands, there is no known treatment.
The reaction occurs when patients find themselves unable to Flattened affect is found very commonly in schizophrenia
accomplish a task which, prior to falling ill, would have occa- (Andreasen et al. 1979); it may also occur in other psy-
sioned them little or no difficulty. The task itself might be choses (Cornelius et al. 1991) and, rarely, in dementia sec-
something as simple as making change, or something more ondary to infarction of the mesencephalon or thalamus
formal, as for example answering questions regarding mem- (Katz et al. 1987).
ory or calculations during a mental status examination.
Finding themselves hopelessly unable to proceed, patients
become frustrated, tearful, or angry; some may begin shout-
Differential diagnosis
ing or swearing, and aggressive behavior may occur. Carota
Motor aprosodia is characterized by a monotone voice but,
et al. (2001) noted that when patients with expressive aphasia
in contrast with patients with flattened affect, who feel lit-
were given paper and pencil and asked to write they would
tle, if anything, patients with aprosodia retain lively emo-
‘start crying, showing unwillingness, tearing the paper or
tional feelings. The ‘hypomimia’ seen in parkinsonism is
even throwing the pencil and other objects toward the exam-
distinguished in the same way: although these patients’
iner’. Typically, this catastrophic display of emotion passes
facial movements are more or less frozen and devoid of
soon after patients are relieved of the burdensome task.
expression, they still may have strong feelings.
In depression, the play of emotions on the face is slowed
Etiology and thus depressed affect may appear similar to flattened
affect; however, these patients do experience a sense of sad-
There has been debate as to whether the catastrophic reaction ness in contrast with patients with flattened affect, who,
is merely an expected emotional reaction when patients find again, simply feel nothing.
themselves failing at tasks that would have caused no diffi-
culty in the past or whether it is perhaps related to specific
brain pathologies. Although Goldstein held to the former Treatment
theory, there is some evidence that catastrophic reactions, at
least in patients with stroke, are related to the presence of a Treatment is directed at the underlying cause.
post-stroke depression and to infarctions in the anterior left
hemisphere or the left basal ganglia (Starkstein et al. 1993).
There is also some evidence of an association with expressive
aphasia (Carota et al. 2001; Gainotti 1972) but not all studies
The term ‘affect’ refers both to what is felt and to what
support this (Starkstein et al. 1993).
shows in facial expression. Normally, there is a congruence
between these two, as, for example, when sad feelings are
Differential diagnosis accompanied by a sad facial expression. In cases when
there is an involuntary incongruence between these two
Catastrophic reactions, as defined here, are clinical events components of affect – a mismatch as it were between what
that occur in reaction to stressful demands, and thus are is felt and what shows – one speaks of inappropriate affect.
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 140
4.30 HALLUCINATIONS AND DELUSIONS Table 4.6 Types of hallucinations and delusions
Hallucinations are said to be present when patients have Visual
the experience of something that is in fact not actually Autoscopy
present. Thus, a patient who hallucinates a dog in the hos- Lilliputian
pital room might report seeing a dog, and even reach down Palinopsia
to pat it, whereas others in the room see nothing. Polyopia
Delusions are false beliefs that cannot be explained on Auditory
the basis of either the patients’ culture or religion and that Tactile
persist despite evidence and reasonable argument to the Olfactory
contrary. Thus, in evaluating patients with false beliefs it is Gustatory
critical to take into account their culture and religion.
Although a belief in zombies would not generally be con- Delusions
sidered to be a delusion in poor and uneducated Haitians, Delusions of persecution
for example, any well-acculturated American who main- Capgras syndrome
tained such a belief would generally be considered delu- Fregoli syndrome
sional. Although some physicians make much of the Delusions of grandeur
‘contextual’ nature of beliefs, most delusions are in prac- Delusions of jealousy
tice so bizarre and unbelievable that there is no question of Erotomanic delusions (De Clerambault syndrome)
their status. Thus, there is but little debate about the status Nihilistic delusions
of such beliefs that bodies of family members are inhabited Cotard’s syndrome
by malevolent aliens or that telepathic listening devices Delusions of sin
have been implanted inside the spleen. Delusions of reference
A group of specific hallucinations and delusions, known
as Schneiderian first rank symptoms, is discussed sepa- ‘Lilliputian’ hallucinations are said to be present when
rately in Section 4.31. As pointed out there, these the hallucinated figures are quite small, much as in the
Schneiderian first rank symptoms, although found in novel Gulliver’s Travels (Alexander 1926; Goldin 1955;
diverse disorders, are highly suggestive of schizophrenia. Leroy 1922).
Palinopsia represents a peculiar kind of visual hallucina-
tion that Critchley (1951) considered to be a type of ‘visual
Clinical features perseveration’. Here, objects originally actually seen by the
patient are subsequently recurrently hallucinated out of
The various types of hallucinations and delusions are place. For example (Michel and Troost 1980), one patient
noted in Table 4.6. As noted there, hallucinations are cate- reported that ‘each person she saw had the face of someone
gorized according to the sensory modality affected, and she had just seen on television. She later peeled a banana
delusions according to their content. Specific descriptions and in a few minutes saw multiple vivid images of bananas
of hallucinations and delusions follow. projected over the wall. She realized they were only images,
and not real. Next, after putting a 20-dollar bill in her purse,
HALLUCINATIONS she saw heaps of 20-dollar bills everywhere’.
Another patient (Meadows and Munro 1977), after see-
Visual hallucinations range from simple to complex in ing someone costumed as Santa Claus at a Christmas party,
form. Simple hallucinations include such phenomena as ‘noticed that a replica of the white beard of . . . Santa Claus
‘zigzag linear patterns’ (Panayiotopoulos 1994) and ‘danc- was superimposed upon the face of everyone she spoke to’.
ing lights, rings and circles’ (Parkinson et al. 1952). Polyopsia refers to a condition in which patients, rather
Complex phenomena may be quite detailed: one patient, than simply seeing ‘double’, see multiple reduplications of
a war veteran, saw ‘stretcher bearers walking past him and the same image (Lopez et al. 1993). Whether or not this
then the figures of nurses whom he would recognize’ should be considered to be a variant of palinopsia is unclear.
(Russell and Whitty 1955); another saw ‘the Queen, with a Hallucinations that occur upon falling asleep or upon
bag over her arm [who] walked from the left to the centre awakening are known, respectively, as hypnagogic and
of the ward, then vanished’ (Lance 1976). hypnopompic (Zarcone 1973).
In some cases, autoscopy may occur, wherein patients Auditory hallucinations may range from such simple
hallucinate an image of themselves (Lukianowicz 1958): phenomena as ‘grinding noises’ or a noise ‘like a freight
one 74-year-old woman ‘suddenly noticed a figure seated train’ (Cascino and Adams 1986) to complex experiences
on [her] left. “It wasn’t hard to realize that it was I myself such as hearing music (Hammeke et al. 1983) or voices.
who was sitting there. I looked younger and fresher than I Voices, the most compelling type of auditory hallucina-
do now. My double smiled at me in a friendly way, as tion, may be soft, mere whisperings, or quite clear and dis-
though she wanted to tell me something” ’ (Kolmel 1985). tinct. They may come from an internal organ or have their
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 143
source outside the patient, in ‘the air’, or perhaps elec- “Glory of Israel”, an inventor, a great singer, can do what
tronic devices or simply the walls. Some patients seem able he will’ (Kraepelin 1921).
to ignore them, whereas others will talk back to them. Delusions of jealousy (Soyka et al. 1991) fuel patients’
There may occasionally be ‘command’ hallucinations, jealousies: the infidelities of spouses or lovers are revealed
which, as noted by Kraepelin (1921), ‘in certain circum- and their ‘playing around’ is no longer hidden. Pro-
stances are very precisely obeyed. They forbid the patient testations of faithfulness have no effect as patients find evi-
to eat and to speak, to work, to go to church . . . “Go on, dence for their suspicions: the spouse is late coming home;
strike him, beat him”.’ the phone rings at odd times; the sheets are rumpled in a
Tactile hallucinations (Berrios 1982) are extraordinarily suggestive way.
varied. Kraepelin (1921), in describing a tactually halluci- Erotomanic delusions are characterized by a belief in an
nated patient, noted that he ‘feels himself laid hold of, ‘amorous communication with a person of much higher
touched over his whole body, he feels tickling in his thigh rank who has been the first to fall in love and the first to
and right up to his neck, pricking in his back and in his make advances’ (Gillett et al. 1990). Also known as De
calves, a curious feeling in his neck, heat in his face’. When Clerambault’s syndrome (Ellis and Mellsop 1985), these
patients hallucinate the feeling of ants or insects crawling delusions often impel patients to attempt contact with
on the skin, one speaks of ‘formication’. these supposed lovers, even to the point of stalking and
Olfactory hallucinations, although at times consisting of kidnapping them.
such pleasant aromas as perfume, are generally unpleasant, Nihilistic delusions entail the belief that animate objects,
even repulsive: Kraepelin (1921) noted ‘a smell of sulphur; such as other people, animals or such living things as trees,
of corpses and chloride of lime, of blood, of fire, of the are in fact dead. In a variant of this, known as Cotard’s
fumes of hell’. syndrome (Joseph and O’Leary 1986), patients come to
Gustatory hallucinations are perhaps the least common believe that they themselves are in fact dead: in one case
of all types: Kraepelin (1921) reported patients who tasted (Cohen et al. 1997), a 13-year-old girl had the ‘absolute
‘petroleum or arsenic’ in the food. conviction that she was already dead, waiting to be buried,
and that she had no teeth and no hair and that her uterus
DELUSIONS was malformed’.
Delusions of sin give form to the patients’ sense that they
Delusions of persecution take the most varied of forms: have committed unpardonable acts: they have cursed God,
patients are spied on and followed; a conspiracy has been engaged in unspeakable practices, betrayed those close to
set up, and the police, FBI, or even the mafia are involved. them and violated all their sacred principles. Such a patient
Neighbors and co-workers, even family members, have ‘is a damned soul, the refuse of humanity’ (Kraepelin 1921).
turned on them: poison gas surrounds them, and their Delusions of reference embody a sense that seemingly
food, indeed even their medicine, has been adulterated. unrelated and chance events in some fashion pertain to or
The Capgras syndrome (Alexander et al. 1979; refer to the patient. ‘Indifferent remarks and chance looks,
Christodoulou 1977; Enoch 1963) represents a particular the whispering of other people, appear suspicious to the
kind of delusion of persecution wherein patients believe patient’ (Kraepelin 1921). In many cases, such delusions of
that malevolent ‘imposters’ have somehow entered and reference serve, as it were, to bolster or reinforce other
taken over the bodies of familiar persons, such as family delusions. Thus, patients with delusions of persecution, on
members or neighbors. In one case (Merrin and Silberfarb seeing police officers talking, might immediately believe
1976), the patient believed that ‘the “substitution” first that the conversation was about them and that it was evi-
occurred on [her] wedding day, when her husband went to dence that the conspiracy had begun in earnest. To take
the men’s room and an imposter took his place’. Although another example, patients with delusions of grandeur
others could not see anything amiss with her husband, the might, upon seeing the sun break radiantly through the
patient felt able to differentiate the husband from the storm clouds, assume that it was a sign of God’s special
imposter given that the imposter ‘had a rotten green toe- grace for them.
nail. Once she even went so far as calling the police and
demanding that her husband remove his shoe to expose
the green toenail to the police’. In some cases of the Etiology
Capgras syndrome, patients may turn on the ‘imposter’, in
the process assaulting innocent parties (Thompson and The causes of delusions or hallucinations are listed in Table
Swan 1993). 4.7. In the vast majority of cases, the delusions or halluci-
In a related kind of delusion of persecution, known as nations occur in the context of a major syndrome, and the
the Fregoli syndrome, patients believe that the body of a first task is to determine whether one of those syndromes is
stranger has somehow been invaded and taken over by a present. Dementia (Section 5.1) is suggested by co-existent
familiar person (O’Sullivan and Dean 1991). cognitive deficits, such as disorientation or short-term
Delusions of grandeur may involve various themes: the memory loss, and delirium (Section 5.3) by similar cogni-
patient ‘is “something better”, born to a higher place, the tive deficits with the all-important addition of confusion.
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Depression (Section 6.1) is indicated by depressed mood, In this syndrome, despite generally intact orientation and
anergia, anhedonia, and changes in appetite and sleep, and memory, and in the absence of significant depression or
mania (Section 6.3) by heightened mood, hyperactivity, mania, patients exhibit a ‘loss of reality testing’ as evi-
pressured speech, increased energy, and a decreased need denced by the presence of delusions or the presence of hal-
for sleep. Should the delusions or hallucinations be occur- lucinations without insight. Thus, all patients with isolated
ring in the context of any one of these, the differential for delusions are considered to have a psychosis, and in such
that syndrome should be pursued, as described in the cases the differential for that syndrome, as described in
respective chapter. Section 7.1, should be pursued. Isolated hallucinations
In cases where the foregoing syndromes are absent, one may occur either with or without insight, and it is critical
other syndrome must be considered, namely psychosis. to determine which is the case. Happily, this is not terribly
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 145
difficult. ‘Insight’, a much belabored term, refers here not most cases, fairly simple, for example geometric forms,
to some sophisticated level of psychological understand- they may sometimes be complex (e.g. with lysergic diethyl-
ing, but rather simply to whether or not the patient recog- amide [LSD] [Bercel et al. 1956]). Hallucinogen-induced
nizes that the hallucination is ‘not real’. Sometimes simple visual hallucinations may also occur as ‘flashbacks’,
observation will enable one to determine whether the wherein long after hallucinogen intoxication the patient
patient experiences the hallucination as ‘real’: for example, spontaneously re-experiences some of the visual phenom-
should a patient report seeing a dog in the room and then ena that occurred during the intoxication (Abraham 1983;
reach down to pat it, one may reasonably assume that the Horowitz 1969).
patient has no insight into the hallucinatory nature of the Partial seizures may present with visual hallucinations:
experience. In doubtful cases, further inquiry may be in simple partial seizure the visual hallucination may con-
required. Although one might simply ask whether or not stitute the entire symptomatology of the seizure, whereas
the patient thinks the ‘dog’ is ‘really’ there in the room, in complex partial seizures, it will be accompanied by some
such questions may offend some patients, and a more defect of consciousness.
diplomatic approach is often better accepted. Thus, one Migraine headaches are typically preceded by an aura
might say, in an off-handed way, ‘I don’t see it. Could you consisting of a visual hallucination; these tend to be
tell me where it is?’ In cases where insight has been pre- simple, consisting of flashing lights or zigzagging lines
served, the patient might respond, ‘Oh, there’s not a dog (Panayiotopoulos 1994; Russell and Olesen 1996). An aura
here. I must be seeing things.’ Conversely, in cases where may, very rarely, persist long after the headache has
insight has been lost the patient might point emphatically cleared, sometimes for years (Liu et al. 1995).
to a corner of the room and say ‘It’s right over there. Can’t Blindness, whether partial or complete, may be associ-
you see it?’ In cases of hallucinations where insight has ated with either simple or complex visual hallucinations
been lost, the syndromal diagnosis of psychosis is reason- in what is known as the Charles Bonnet syndrome
able, and should be pursued as in Section 7.1. In cases of (Santhouse et al. 2000; White 1980). This syndrome has
isolated hallucinations occurring with preserved insight, been noted with visual loss caused by cataracts (Bartlett
however, the diagnosis should proceed as described below. 1951), macular degeneration (Holroyd et al. 1992), and
In determining the cause of isolated hallucinations lesions of the optic nerve, chiasm, tract and optic radia-
occurring with preserved insight, the differential is differ- tions (Lepore 1990). Although classically the hallucina-
ent for each of the different kinds of hallucinations, and tions of the Charles Bonnet syndrome are said to be
thus each type is discussed in turn, beginning with visual ‘Lilliputian’ in character, it in fact appears that such minia-
hallucinations, and proceeding to auditory, tactile, olfac- turization occurs in only a minority of patients with this
tory, and, finally, gustatory hallucinations. syndrome (Teunisse et al. 1994). The onset of the Charles
Visual hallucinations are by far the most common type, Bonnet syndrome can at times be quite dramatic: in one
and of the various causes of these, medications and intoxi- case (White 1980), a 69-year-old man, while listening to
cants stand out. Of the medications capable of causing music, ‘suddenly saw a brightly coloured circus troupe
hallucinations, by far the most common are dopaminergic burst through the window’.
agents when used in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Focal intracerebral lesions, usually infarctions, may
After five or more years of treatment with levodopa, for cause hallucinations, and this has been noted with lesions of
example, visual hallucinations occur in a little over one- the occipital lobe and adjacent temporal and parietal lobes,
fifth of all patients (Friedman and Sienkiewicz 1991; and with lesions of the thalamus, mesencephalon or pons.
Graham et al. 1997). The hallucinations themselves may, at Lesions of the occipital cortex may, of course, also cause
times, be quite elaborate: in one case (Graham et al. 1997) a hemianopia, and in such cases the hallucinations tend to
a patient had ‘hallucinations of miniature people and occur in the hemianopic field (Kolmel 1985; Vaphiades
domestic animals . . . the figures were non-threatening, et al. 1996). The clinical presentation in such cases may be
laughed and talked among themselves, and had a male quite remarkable: one patient (Lance 1976) with a left hemi-
leader who organized them into purposeful activities’. It is anopia saw animals appearing: ‘from the left one at a time.
important to note that although parkinsonian patients At various times he saw dogs, goats, a lion and a horse as well
with levodopa-induced visual hallucinations retain insight as birds and butterflies. The animals would emerge from a
initially, over many years insight tends to be lost and the door on the left side of the room and walk to the mid-line. If
syndrome of psychosis emerges (Goetz et al. 2006). The he looked to the left the animals retreated towards the door
other medications listed in Table 4.7 are far less likely to be but would advance again as he looked to the front’.
at fault. Another patient, a neurologist, after suffering an infarc-
Of the intoxicants capable of causing hallucinations, the tion of the medial left occipital lobe, developed a right
aptly named hallucinogens immediately stand out. Of hemianopia in which he experienced vivid visual halluci-
note, in this group, one of the earliest descriptions was pro- nations: he noted that ‘often there was a pony with his head
vided by the eminent neurologist S. Weir Mitchell, who, in cradled in my right arm’ (Cole 1999).
1896, reported his own experiences with mescaline. Hallucinations occurring secondary to mesencephalic
Although the hallucinogen-induced hallucinations are, in lesions are often referred to as ‘peduncular’ hallucinations,
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 146
given that the lesion typically involves one of the cerebral Partial seizures may manifest with auditory hallucina-
peduncles. These peduncular hallucinations are typically tions. In one case of a simple partial seizure (Williams
complex and vivid: one patient (Geller and Bellor 1987) 1956) the patient heard ‘a buzz’ that was quickly followed
saw ‘cats running about the floor, flowery outdoor scenes by ‘music like a loudspeaker in which he heard clearly a
in bright purple colors, and the faces of neighbors and recognized section of Veni Creator’. One of Penfield and
friends’, whereas another (De La Fuente Fernandez et al. Perot’s (1963) patients, during a complex partial seizure,
1994) saw ‘motorbikes . . . dogs, horses . . . and people . . . ‘heard voices which seemed to come from her right side’ as
entering and driving silently around the room’. Although if she were in the middle of a ‘crowd of people’.
insight is preserved, and patients recognize the unreality of Deafness may be followed by auditory hallucinations,
these peduncular hallucinations, their vivid character can thus constituting, as it were, the ‘auditory’ equivalent of
nonetheless have a profound effect: in one case (Dunn the Charles Bonnet syndrome. Interestingly, the hallucina-
et al. 1983), a patient saw ‘snakes . . . that appeared from tions seen here tend to be musical.
any direction’ and although ‘he knew the snakes were not Focal intracerebral lesions, very rarely, may cause
real (nevertheless) during the examination he frequently isolated auditory hallucinations, and these have been
jumped because he was pulling away from the perceived noted with lesions of the temporal cortex, putamen, mes-
snakes’. The mesencephalic location of the responsible encephalon, and pontine tegmentum.
lesions usually entails ‘neighborhood’ symptoms of localiz- Tactile hallucinations may be seen with intoxication
ing value: thus, a right mesencephalic infarction affecting with either cocaine or amphetamines, and typically consist
both the right cerebral peduncle and the midbrain tegmen- of formication.
tum also caused left hemiplegia and bilateral ptosis (Geller Olfactory hallucinations may represent either the sole
and Bellor 1987); a left mesencephalic infarction that pri- symptomatology of a simple partial seizure or be part of the
marily involved the substantia nigra also caused a parkin- symptomatology of a complex partial seizure. Classically,
sonian syndrome with prominent tremor on the right they indicate a focus in the temporal lobe, particularly the
(De La Fuente Fernandez et al. 1994). uncus, and the resulting seizures are sometime referred to as
Hallucinations occurring secondary to pontine infarc- ‘uncinate fits’. They may also appear as a migraine aura or,
tion have been referred to as ‘Pick’s visions’, and have a very rarely, secondary to lesions of the olfactory bulb or tract.
distinctive character in that they often consist of halluci- Gustatory hallucinations with preserved insight have
nating people walking through walls (Bing 1940). been reported during simple or complex partial seizures.
Of the miscellaneous causes of visual hallucinations,
narcolepsy is the most common and in this disorder they Differential diagnosis
occur on either a hypnogogic or hypnopompic basis.
Guillain–Barré syndrome, at its height, may cause visual As noted earlier, delusions must be distinguished from cultur-
hallucinations, possibly due to direct central nervous sys- ally or religiously sanctioned beliefs. Hallucinations, in turn,
tem involvement. Normal individuals may experience must be distinguished from illusions. Illusions are distorted
hallucinations during bereavement, with sleep deprivation, experiences of actual objects, as for example the experience of
or, occasionally, on a hypnogogic basis. Hallucinations a shimmering pool of water floating above a distant hot pave-
seen in bereavement are often of the deceased and the ment, a pool that ‘disappears’ as one approaches closer.
grieving person often finds them comforting; they tend to
clear spontaneously within a few months.
Before leaving this section on visual hallucinations, a few
extra words are in order regarding palinopsia as its differen-
Treatment is directed, wherever possible, at the underlying
tial is quite limited. Palinopsia has been noted with treat-
cause. In the case of the Charles Bonnet syndrome, although
ment with trazodone (Hughes and Lessell 1990),
there are no controlled studies, anecdotal reports attest to the
mirtazapine (Ihde-Scholl and Jefferson 2001) and risperi-
efficacy of generally low-dose treatment with various med-
done (Lauterbach et al. 2000), as a manifestation of a simple
ications including valproate (Hori et al. 2000), gabapentin
partial seizure (Muller et al. 1995), and with lesions of the
(Paulig et al. 2001), carbamazepine (Batra et al. 1997),
occipital lobe (Michel and Troost 1980), occipitotemporal
donepezil (Ukai et al. 2004), venlafaxine (Lang et al. 2007),
region (Meadows and Munro 1977), occipitoparietal region
risperidone (Maeda et al. 2003), and olanzapine (Coletti
(Bender et al. 1968), and the parietal lobe (Critchley 1951).
Moja et al. 2005). In the case of hallucinations occurring with
Auditory hallucinations occurring with preserved
focal intracerebral lesions, an empirical trial of a low-dose
insight are relatively uncommon, and may be seen as side-
antipsychotic may be justified.
effects to medications, manifestations of partial seizures,
with deafness, or with focal intracerebral lesions.
Levodopa, used in the treatment of parkinsonism, may 4.31 SCHNEIDERIAN FIRST RANK SYMPTOMS
cause auditory hallucinations, but these are less common
than the visual hallucinations discussed earlier. There is also Kurt Schneider (1887–1967) was a very influential German
a case report of hallucination secondary to pentoxyfylline. psychiatrist whose classic text Clinical Psychopathology
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 147
went through multiple revisions from its first edition in Thought withdrawal represents a delusion wherein
1939 up to the fifth, and last, edition, published in 1959. In patients experience their thoughts being directly removed
this text, Schneider described a number of hallucinations and withdrawn from their minds. One of Kraepelin’s
and delusions that he believed were of ‘first rank’ impor- (1921) patients spoke of his thoughts being ‘drawn off’.
tance in the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Although these This is quite different from simply losing track of what one
Schneiderian first rank symptoms are, indeed, most com- was thinking: those who lose track have a sense of having
monly seen in schizophrenia, they may also, as pointed out forgotten or lost something, whereas those with thought
by Schneider himself, occur in ‘diverse’ other conditions, withdrawal have, as emphasized by Schneider (1959), a
as described below. definite sense that some other agency or person has directly
removed the thought.
Thought insertion represents the delusional belief of
Clinical features patients that the thoughts occurring in their minds are not
their own but rather originate from, as Schneider (1959)
The various Schneiderian first rank symptoms, as noted in put it, ‘other people, who intrude their thoughts upon the
Table 4.8, may be divided into those which are auditory patient’. Such inserted thoughts are quite different from
hallucinations and those which represent delusions. obsessions: obsessions are recognized by patients as their
Audible thoughts are said to occur when patients hear own thoughts and as originating within them, whereas
their own thoughts as if they were spoken out loud and inserted thoughts are experienced as a kind of cognitive
indeed as if others might be able to hear them also. One of ‘foreign body’.
Schneider’s (1959) patients said, ‘I hear my own thoughts. Thought broadcasting represents the delusion that oth-
I can hear them when everything is quiet.’ ers can know what a patient is thinking without the patient
Voices commenting on what the patient does, keep up, in any way relating those thoughts. This ‘thought diffusion’
as it were, a running commentary on the patient’s behav- led one of Schneider’s (1959) patients to complain that, ‘if
ior. One of Schneider’s (1959) patients ‘heard a voice say, I think of anything, at once those opposite me know it and
whenever she wanted to eat, “Now she is eating, here she is it is embarrassing.’ As she believed that ‘the doctor too
munching again,” ’ and one of Kraepelin’s (1921) patients knew exactly what she was thinking, . . . she suggested that
heard a voice telling her, ‘Mary, you’re talking nonsense, she would stop talking and (the physician) could just lis-
the policeman has seen you already.’ ten’. In some cases, patients will elaborate on this delusion,
Voices arguing with each other, or, as Schneider (1959) developing further beliefs about how such thought transfer
elaborated, merely ‘conversing with one another’, may is possible: Kraepelin (1921) noted that some patients
engage patients’ attention, as if the voices were carrying on believe that ‘their thoughts are conveyed by a machine,
a debate about them. there is a “mechanical arrangement”, “a sort of little con-
Delusions of passivity or influence are said to be present veyance”, telepathy’.
when ‘feelings, impulses (drives) and volitional acts . . . are
experienced by the patient as the work or influence of
others’ (Schneider 1959). Such patients believe that their Etiology
thoughts, feelings or behavior are under the direct and
unmediated control of some outside force or agency. Thus It has, at times, been felt that Schneiderian first rank symp-
passively played upon by these forces, patients feel as if toms were virtually pathognomonic of schizophrenia,
they were robots or automatons. Patients will typically occurring in virtually no other condition. The source of
elaborate on this delusion of influence and express a belief this belief is not clear: it certainly does not come from
as to the source of the influence, for example an ‘electrical Schneider, who clearly stated that these first rank symp-
device’, ‘distant computers’, or ‘powerful magnets’. toms could occur secondary to a ‘number of diverse mor-
bid cerebral processes’ (Schneider 1959).
The various causes of the first rank symptoms are listed
in Table 4.9. Of all of these, schizophrenia is, by far, the
Table 4.8 Schneiderian first rank symptoms
most common cause, with first rank symptoms being
Auditory hallucinations found in anywhere from one-third (Radhakrishnan et al.
Audible thoughts 1983) to over one-half (Tandon and Greden 1987) of such
Voices commenting on what the patient does patients. Among patients with schizophrenia, it appears
Voices arguing with each other that thought broadcasting and thought insertion are prob-
ably most common out of all the first rank symptoms
Delusions of passivity or influence
(Mellor 1970). Schizoaffective disorder is probably the
Thought withdrawal
next most common cause, with symptoms noted in about
Thought insertion
one-quarter of these patients (Tandon and Greden 1987).
Mania, as seen in bipolar disorder, during stage II or III,
Thought broadcasting
may also cause first rank symptoms, and the diagnosis here
p 04.qxd 3/10/08 9:33 AM Page 148
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Syndromes of cognitive impairment
accuse spouses of having affairs. One may also encounter the If, after a thorough history and examination, the cause of
‘phantom boarder’ delusion wherein patients believe that the dementia is still not clear, one may consider choosing
someone is hiding in the house, perhaps in the basement or from among the following ‘screening’ tests: complete blood
attic. Hallucinations tend to be visual and may be quite com- count (CBC) chemistry survey, magnetic resonance (MR)
plex: patients may see animals or people. Auditory hallucina- scanning, thyroid profile, vitamin B12 and folate levels,
tions, although less common, may also occur, and patients fluorescent treponemal antibody (FTA), anti-nuclear anti-
may hear music, voices, or bells. body (ANA), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
Depression is common, and insomnia, with or without
‘lacunar’ variety), its presentation may be confined to a other dementia and may indeed be very severe. Clues to the
dementia (Ishii et al. 1986; Yoshitake et al. 1995). correct diagnosis include the presence of significant
Hypothyroidism may cause a dementia (Asher 1949) depressive symptoms, such as disturbances in sleep and
marked by sluggishness (de Fine Olivarious and Roder 1970). appetite, and, above all, a history of past depressive
In most cases, one will also see other, typical symptoms of episodes (Rabins et al. 1984). Furthermore, the appearance
hypothyroidism, such as myxedema, cold sensitivity, consti- of depression in a patient with a pre-existing dementia may
pation, and hair loss. worsen the patient’s cognitive deficits (Greenwald et al.
Hyperthyroidism may cause dementia: although this is 1989). It must be borne in mind that these elderly patients
only rarely reported in typical cases, wherein it is accompa- are still liable to other dementing disorders and may
nied by autonomic signs such as tremor and tachycardia indeed develop a dementia of another cause in the future
(Bulens 1981), it is not uncommon in elderly patients with (Alexopoulus et al. 1993).
the ‘apathetic’ variant, wherein the only clue may be atrial Tumors of the frontal lobe (Sachs 1950), corpus callo-
fibrillation (Martin and Deam 1996). sum (Alpers and Grant 1931; Ironside and Guttmacher
Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause dementia (Lurie 1919) 1929), thalamus (Smyth and Stern 1938), and hypothala-
and although this is usually accompanied by a macrocytic mus (Alpers 1937; Liss 1958; Lobosky et al. 1984; Strauss
anemia, cases have occurred that lacked both anemia and and Globus 1931) may all cause a gradually progressive
macrocytosis (Chatterjee et al. 1996; Lindenbaum et al. dementia without striking distinctive features: tumors in
1988). other locations may of course cause dementia, but these
Folate deficiency can clearly cause dementia. Cases have are often accompanied by focal deficits, such as hemiple-
been reported of folate deficiency dementia occurring with gia, which are also gradually progressive and strongly sug-
subacute combined degeneration (Pincus et al. 1972) or gest a space-occupying lesion. Some hypothalamic tumors
spasticity (Reynolds et al. 1973), or in the absence of any capable of causing dementia may also be accompanied by
other symptoms (Strachan and Henderson 1967). other symptoms (Lobosky et al. 1984) such as hyper-
Depression, as may be seen in major depression, is a not somnolence (Strauss and Globus 1931), massive weight
uncommon cause of dementia (Reding et al. 1985). The gain (Liss 1958), or diabetes insipidus (Alpers 1937).
dementia of depression used to be called a ‘pseudo- Chronic hydrocephalus (Gustafson and Hagberg 1978;
dementia’ (Caine 1981; Wells 1979), but this is inappropriate Harrison et al. 1974; McHugh 1964; Messert and Baker
as the dementia of depression is no more ‘pseudo’ than any 1966), including normal pressure hydrocephalus (Adams
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 166
et al. 1965; Hill et al. 1967), may present primarily with a disease (Hansotia et al. 1968) and in a 60-year-old patient
dementia, but this may be accompanied by other symp- (Case records 1992): in both cases, chorea eventually
toms and signs, such as urinary incontinence, and a broad- appeared after a number of years.
based shuffling gait often marked by a ‘magnetic’ aspect Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis may present with a
wherein the feet seem to be magnetically ‘stuck’ to the combination of dementia and typical upper and lower
floor. motor neuron signs (i.e., fasciculations, hyper-reflexia, and
AIDS dementia, although generally occurring with other pseudobulbar palsy) (Horoupian et al. 1984; Robertson
symptoms suggestive of AIDS (e.g. Pneumocystis pneumonia, 1953; Wechsler and Davison 1932) or may rarely present
Kaposi’s sarcoma, and thrush) may, in a small minority, be with dementia alone (Ferrer et al. 1991).
the presenting symptom of AIDS (Navia and Price 1987; Systemic lupus erythematosus may, very rarely, present
Navia et al. 1986a,b). with a gradually progressive dementia: in one patient, who
Lyme disease, during its third stage, may cause a mild recovered with steroid treatment, the diagnosis was
dementia (Halperin et al. 1989; Logigian et al. 1990). The delayed until the development of a fever and pleural effusion
history may or may not reveal the original tick bite and ery- suggested the correct diagnosis (MacNeill et al. 1976).
thema chronica migrans of stage I or the polyarthralgia of Granulomatous angiitis may present with a dementia
stage II, and patients may or may not have the oligoarthritis (Case records 1989) and, although headache is often promi-
that typifies stage III. nent, it is not invariable.
Neurosyphilis, presenting as general paresis of the insane,
although much less common than early in the twentieth IN THE SETTING OF A HISTORY OF STROKES
century, when it filled hospital wards, is still with us and
making something of a comeback, especially in connection In the evaluation of a patient with dementia, a history of
with AIDS. The dementia may be non-specific or may be repeated stroke is of great diagnostic import. Large ‘territo-
accompanied by dysarthria and pupillary changes, including rial’ infarctions may be associated with multi-infarct demen-
the classic Argyll Robertson pupil (Gomez and Aviles 1984; tia, and small subcortical lacunar infarctions with lacunar
Storm-Mathisen 1969). dementia. Binswanger’s disease, as noted earlier, is character-
Pick’s disease, although typically presenting with a per- ized by a vascular microangiopathy and hence generally does
sonality change, often of the frontal lobe type (Munoz et al. not cause clinically discernible stroke; Binswanger’s disease,
1993), may occasionally present in a fashion quite similar however, is often associated with other vascular pathology,
to that of Alzheimer’s disease (Wisniewski et al. 1972). such as small vessel disease that can cause stroke (of the lacu-
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, although classically marked nar variety) and hence is also considered in this section.
by a gradually progressive dementia punctuated by lobar Cranial arteritis should be considered in any patient with
intracerebral hemorrhages, may cause a progressive demen- stroke, especially when there is a history of temporal
tia alone without any strokes (Bornebroek et al. 1996; headache or visual loss. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is sug-
Cosgrove et al. 1985; Haan et al. 1990; Nobuyoshi et al. 1984). gested by a history of lobar intracerebral hemorrhages.
In some cases, however, there may be transient events similar Finally, consideration may be given to two rare disorders,
to transient ischemic attacks (Greenberg et al. 1993). CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease may present with a dementia subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy) and MELAS
with few distinguishing features (Brown et al. 1984; Will (mitochondrial encephalopathy with lactic acidosis and
and Mathews 1984), although in approximately 80 percent stroke-like episodes), both of which are associated with
of cases, myoclonus eventually appears (Brown et al. 1986; migrainous headaches.
Roos et al. 1973), thus suggesting the correct diagnosis. It Multi-infarct dementia is typically characterized by a
must be borne in mind, however, that not all cases will dementia that progresses in a ‘stepwise’ fashion, each step
develop myoclonus (Zochodne et al. 1988); the relative corresponding to a fresh, large, cortical, or subcortical
rapidity of the progression, measured in months, may sug- infarction. Critically, in between the ‘steps’, the patient
gest the diagnosis. experiences a clinical plateau without any between-step
Multiple sclerosis may cause dementia, which is in most deterioration (Erkinjunti et al. 1988; Tomlinson et al. 1970;
cases seen to occur in the context of a history of signs and Yoshitake et al. 1995). An examination of such patients
symptoms indicating white matter lesions ‘disseminated in typically reveals various focal findings, such as hemiplegia,
time and space’. In a minority the dementia may be the pri- aphasia, and apraxia, corresponding to the location of the
mary expression of multiple sclerosis, being accompanied prior infarctions. Rarely, a dementia will result from one
by few other symptoms (Jennekens-Schinkel and Sanders large or strategically placed infarction: clearly, subsuming
1986; Mendez and Frey 1992) and, very rarely, it may con- these cases under the rubric of ‘multi-infarct’ constitutes
stitute the presentation of the disease without any other something of a semantic trespass but a term equivalent to
symptoms or signs (Fontaine et al. 1994; Hotopf et al. 1994). ‘single-infarct dementia’ has simply not found its way into
Huntington’s disease, although typically presenting current usage. Examples of such ‘single’ infarctions include
with either a personality change or chorea, may rarely present large cortical infarctions or strategically placed subcortical
with a dementia, as has been noted in juvenile Huntington’s infarctions (Yoshitake et al. 1995).
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Lacunar dementia may also pursue a classic ‘stepwise’ Pick’s disease classically presents with the frontal lobe
course; however, several features serve to distinguish it syndrome (Bouton 1940; Ferraro and Jervis 1936), and it is
from multi-infarct dementia. First, one typically finds a indeed this presentation that most strongly distinguishes it
history of ‘lacunar syndromes’, such as pure motor stroke, from Alzheimer’s disease (Litvan et al. 1997a; Mendez et al.
pure sensory stroke, etc. Second, as noted earlier, in lacu- 1993).
nar dementia, one may also find a progressive downhill Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, once thought to spare the
course in between the obvious strokes (Ishii et al. 1986; cortex outside the precentral gyrus, is now known to involve
Yoshitake et al. 1995). Third, and finally, lacunar dementia the frontal lobes. In a minority, the disease may present with
is often marked clinically by a frontal lobe syndrome (Ishii a frontal lobe syndrome followed by a dementia and typical
et al. 1986; Wolfe et al. 1990). Eventually, however, the diag- upper and lower motor neuron signs (Cavalleri and De
nosis is often made on MR scanning, which reveals multiple Renzi 1994; Neary et al. 1990; Peavy et al. 1992).
subcortical lacunes. Tumors of the frontal lobe may present with a dementia
Binswanger’s disease classically presents with a dementia marked by a frontal lobe syndrome (Avery 1971; Frazier
that pursues a gradual downhill course; this disease, however, 1936; Williamson 1896), which is true not only of tumors
often is accompanied by small vessel disease and lacunar confined to the frontal lobe, but also of those tumors of the
strokes (Caplan and Schoene 1978; Kinkel et al. 1985; corpus callosum that extend laterally into the adjacent
Revesz et al. 1989) and is difficult to distinguish from lacu- frontal lobes (Moersch 1925).
nar dementia on a clinical basis. MR scanning will reveal,
however, the leukoencephalopathy typical of Binswanger’s WITH A PROGRESSIVE APHASIA
disease, thus making the diagnosis.
Cranial arteritis may rarely cause a dementia, of either A number of different neurodegenerative diseases may
the multi-infarct or lacunar type (Caselli 1990, Nightingale present with an isolated aphasia in a syndrome known as
et al. 1982). Diagnostic clues include unilateral headache ‘primary progressive aphasia’. In such cases, the aphasia
(generally temporal in location), amaurosis fugax, and progressively worsens and is eventually joined by a demen-
polymyalgia rheumatica. tia. Such a scenario has been noted in Alzheimer’s disease
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy classically presents with (Green et al. 1990, 1996; Karbe et al. 1993), Pick’s disease
a gradually progressive dementia punctuated by lobar (Kertesz et al. 1994), and frontotemporal dementia (Neary
intracerebral hemorrhages (Cosgrove et al. 1985; Gilles et al. et al. 1993; Snowden et al. 1992; Turner et al. 1996); other,
1984), demonstrable on computed tomography (CT) or mag- much less common, causes include corticobasal ganglionic
netic resonance imaging (MRI) and suggested clinically by the degeneration (Ikeda et al. 1996), progressive supranuclear
prominent headache associated with the lobar hemorrhage. palsy (Knibb et al. 2000), and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
CADASIL presents in a fashion similar to that of (Mandell et al. 1989). It must be borne in mind that a sim-
Binswanger’s disease. Distinguishing features include ilar picture may occur with slowly growing appropriately
migrainous headaches and a family history consistent with situated tumors.
an autosomal dominant inheritance (Dichgans et al. 1998;
Jung et al. 1995; Malandrini et al. 1996). WITH PARKINSONISM
MELAS syndrome is a rare maternally inherited disorder
that, although generally presenting in the childhood years, The combination of dementia and parkinsonism may
may present in adulthood with stroke-like episodes, pro- occur secondary to a large number of disorders, of which
gressive dementia, migraine-like headaches, and hearing loss certain neurodegenerative disorders are the most common.
(Clark et al. 1996). Of these neurodegenerative disorders, the most frequent
causes are Parkinson’s disease, diffuse Lewy body disease,
CHARACTERIZED BY A FRONTAL LOBE SYNDROME and multiple system atrophy, each one of which, in addi-
tion to dementia, may cause a fairly ‘classic’ parkinsonism;
The frontal lobe syndrome, as discussed further in Section other neurodegenerative disorders to consider include
7.2, is marked by varying degrees of affective changes progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal ganglionic
(euphoria or irritability), disinhibition and perseveration, degeneration, and frontotemporal dementia; however, as
and its appearance early on in a dementing disorder is detailed below, the parkinsonism seen in these disorders
strongly suggestive of frontal pathology, as may be seen tends to have some distinctive atypical features. Some
with various tumors and in certain neurodegenerative dis- other disorders that present in a fashion similar to these
orders, such as Pick’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, neurodegenerative ones include vascular parkinsonism,
and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. dementia pugilistica, and Fahr’s syndrome.
Frontotemporal dementia, like Pick’s disease, typically Less common disorders to consider include those with
presents with a frontal lobe syndrome. A distinguishing more or less obvious precipitating factors, such as intoxica-
feature in some cases is the early appearance of an aphasic tions (carbon monoxide, manganese, methanol) and treat-
disturbance of the motor or anomic type (Heutink et al. ment with valproic acid. Miscellaneous, and rare, causes
1997; Mann et al. 1993; Neary et al. 1993). include hypoparathyroidism, pantothenate kinase-associated
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 168
neurodegeneration, juvenile-onset Huntington’s disease, and Vascular parkinsonism is characterized by a gradually pro-
systemic lupus erythematosus. gressive rigidity, bradykinesia, and gait abnormality, all
Parkinson’s disease may cause dementia but this is a late notably in the absence of tremor. This parkinsonism is typi-
development, generally not appearing until five or more cally accompanied by signs of damage to the corticospinal and
years after the parkinsonism has been well established. The corticobulbar tracts, such as spasticity, hyper-reflexia, and
prevalence of dementia in patients with Parkinson’s disease pseudobulbar palsy. In some cases, a dementia may appear
increases with age (Biggins et al. 1992; Marder et al. 1995) (Bruetsch and Williams 1954; Keschner and Sloane 1931).
and overall, in population-based studies, the prevalence of Dementia pugilistica has a gradual onset anywhere from
dementia ranges from 18 percent (Tison et al. 1995) to 41 5 to 40 years after repeated head trauma (e.g., as in boxing),
percent (Mayeux et al. 1992). with a combination of parkinsonism, dysarthria, ataxia,
Diffuse Lewy body disease may present with parkinson- and dementia (Harvey and Davis 1974; Martland 1928).
ism; however, within a year of the onset of the parkinson- Fahr’s syndrome (Margolin et al 1980; Mathews 1957;
ism, patients develop a dementia, and it is this ‘one year Nyland and Skre 1977) may present with parkinsonism
rule’ that most reliably distinguishes diffuse Lewy body and dementia. Cerebellar signs such as dysarthria, intention
disease from Parkinson’s disease. Other, helpful differen- tremor, and ataxia may also be present, but the distinctive
tial features include the presence of hallucinations and finding is calcification of the basal ganglia, which is best
spontaneous episodes of confusion in the dementia of dif- demonstrated on CT scanning.
fuse Lewy body disease, features that are generally not as Carbon monoxide intoxication may, after a lucid interval
prominent in Parkinson’s disease (Burkhardt et al. 1988; of from days to weeks, be followed in a minority of cases by
Klatka et al. 1996; McKeith et al. 1994). the subacute onset of dementia and parkinsonism (Choi
Multiple system atrophy of the striatonigral degeneration 1983; Min 1986).
type presents with a typical parkinsonism but it is generally Manganese intoxication, as may occur in those working
accompanied by evidence of either autonomic failure or in manganese mines, steel mills, or battery factories, may
cerebellar involvement (Colosimo et al. 1995; Litvan et al. cause a gradually progressive parkinsonism that may be
1997b; Wenning et al. 1994, 1995). The autonomic failure joined by a dementia (Cook et al. 1974). The parkinsonism
may include postural hypotension and dizziness, urinary in these cases is often marked by dystonic rigidity of the
incontinence or retention, fecal incontinence, and erectile neck and face and by ankle dystonia, which results in the
dysfunction; cerebellar signs include ataxia and intention classic ‘cock-walk’ gait.
tremor. A minority of these patient will eventually develop Methanol intoxication, as may occur in desperate
a dementia (Robbins et al. 1992). alcoholics, may, as a sequela, leave patients with dementia,
Progressive supranuclear palsy typically presents with parkinsonism, and blindness (McLean et al. 1980).
postural instability and frequent unexplained falls; over time, Valproic acid, with chronic use, as for epilepsy or bipo-
parkinsonism develops, marked by rigidity, bradykinesia, lar disorder, may cause a combination of dementia and
and, notably, a dystonic axial extension, which may also be parkinsonism, which is potentially reversible on discontin-
evident in the neck (Collins et al. 1995; Daniel et al. 1995; uation of the drug (Armon et al. 1996; Shill and Fife 2000);
Litvan et al. 1996a,b,c, 1997c). Most, but not all, patients importantly, this side-effect of valproic acid may take from
eventually demonstrate the hallmark of this disease, namely 6 months to 4 years to appear (Ristic et al. 2006).
supranuclear ophthalmoplegia for vertical gaze. Most Hypoparathyroidism may cause parkinsonism and
patients also eventually become demented and many will dementia but this is usually in the context of Fahr’s syn-
also develop a pseudobulbar palsy with emotional inconti- drome, which, as noted above, includes calcification of the
nence (Menza et al. 1995). basal ganglia. In one rare case, however, dementia and
Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration typically presents parkinsonism occurred with hypoparathyroidism in the
with a strikingly asymmetric rigid–akinetic parkinsonism, absence of calcification and with a normal serum calcium
generally in an arm, which may be accompanied by a dys- level. The only clue to the diagnosis was cataracts; the
tonic rigidity. Apraxia is a common accompaniment, and parathyroid hormone level was low and the patient recovered
some patients may also develop myoclonus (Litvan et al. with dihydroxycholecalciferol (Stuerenburg et al. 1996).
1997d; Riley et al. 1990; Rinne et al. 1994). A minority may Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration of
eventually become demented. Uncommonly, the disease the late-onset type may present with a slowly progressive
may present with dementia (Grimes et al. 1999), and in parkinsonism that is eventually joined by dementia and
such cases, parkinsonism may appear later (Schneider et al. dystonia (Jankovic et al. 1985, Murphy et al. 1989).
1997). Huntington’s disease of juvenile onset, seen in late
Frontotemporal dementia, specifically frontotemporal childhood or adolescence, may present with parkinsonism
dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 and dementia (Bird and Paulson 1971; Campbell et al.
(FTDP-17) (Pickering-Brown et al. 2002) typically presents 1961; Siesling et al. 1997).
with a dementia marked by a personality change with frontal Systemic lupus erythematosus very rarely presents with
lobe features that may, over years, be joined by parkinson- a combination of dementia and parkinsonism (Dennis
ism in a minority of cases. et al. 1992).
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WITH CHOREA Finally, myoclonus may also be seen in certain rare dis-
orders such as Whipple’s disease, idiopathic hemochro-
The prototypical cause of dementia occurring in the setting matosis, and thalamic degeneration.
of chorea is Huntington’s disease; two other neurodegener- Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease is the classic example of a dis-
ative conditions that present in a somewhat similar fashion ease causing dementia with myoclonus: approximately 80
are choreoacanthocytosis and dentatorubropallidoluysian percent of patients eventually display this sign (Brown et al.
atrophy. Other disorders to consider are acquired hepat- 1986, 1994; Roos et al. 1973). New-variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob
ocerebral degeneration and Wilson’s disease. disease, contracted by eating beef from cows with ‘mad
Huntington’s disease, as noted by George Huntington cow’ disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy), like
himself (Brody and Wilkins 1967), typically presents with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease also eventually causes myoclonus
chorea which, over years, is joined by a dementia (Pflanz in most patients (Zeidler et al. 1997).
et al. 1991). Post-anoxic dementia, appearing after an anoxic coma,
Choreoacanthocytosis may also present with chorea may be accompanied by myoclonus, which is often of the
and dementia. A diagnostic clue is involuntary lip biting or intention type (Werheran et al. 1997).
other self-injurious behavior (Critchley et al. 1968; Hardie Dialysis dementia is immediately suggested by the
et al. 1991), although this is not seen in all patients. appearance of dementia after several years of hemodialysis.
Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy may likewise present Myoclonus is common and helps to confirm the diagnosis
with chorea and dementia; diagnostic clues include ele- (Burks et al. 1976; Lederman and Henry 1978).
ments of ataxia and dystonia (Becher et al. 1997; Warner AIDS dementia, once well established, may, in a minor-
et al. 1994, 1995). ity, be accompanied by myoclonus (Navia et al. 1986b), and
Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration, occurring after myoclonus may also play a minor role in the dementia seen
repeated bouts of hepatic encephalopathy, is seen most in diffuse Lewy body disease (Louis et al. 1997), multiple sys-
often in chronic alcoholics and may present with a demen- tem atrophy (Rodriguez et al. 1994), corticobasal ganglionic
tia accompanied by a complex movement disorder, with degeneration (Litvan et al. 1997d), dentatorubropalli-
chorea and tremor (Finlayson and Superville 1981; Victor doluysian atrophy (of childhood onset) (Becher et al. 1997),
et al. 1965). and in end-stage Alzheimer’s disease (Benesch et al. 1993;
Chen et al. 1991).
WITH DYSTONIA Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, typically with an
Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration, as noted earlier, typ- onset in childhood or adolescence, presents with dementia
ically presents with parkinsonism and dementia; however, that is eventually joined by myoclonus (Dawson 1934).
in some cases the dominant movement disorder may be a Juvenile-onset Huntington’s disease is distinguished by
unilateral dystonia. parkinsonism and dementia, as noted above. In a minority
Wilson’s disease may present with dystonia, later to be of cases myoclonus may also appear (Siesling et al. 1997).
joined by a dementia (Walshe and Yealland 1992). The fact Whipple’s disease may cause a dementia and, although a
that this disease is treatable mandates testing in any young history of abdominal complaints (especially diarrhea) and
person who presents with a compatible clinical picture. arthopathy is generally most helpful diagnostically, about
Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration typ- one-quarter of these patients will also have myoclonus
ically presents in childhood or adolescence with a progressive (Louis et al. 1996).
dystonia and dementia (Dooling et al. 1974, 1980; Hayflick Idiopathic hemochromatosis may present, very rarely,
et al. 2003). with dementia and myoclonus (Jones and Hedley-Whyte
1983). Other, suggestive clinical features include hepatic
WITH MYOCLONUS failure, diabetes mellitus, and cardiomyopathy.
Thalamic degeneration is a very rare syndrome that may
Myoclonus, when prominent in the overall clinical picture, present with dementia and myoclonus (Little et al. 1986).
is a very important diagnostic sign and, although more com-
monly associated with delirium (as described in Section 6.3), WITH ATAXIA
it may also be a significant clue in the diagnosis of dementia
in adults. Of the dementing disorders associated with Dementia occurring in the setting of ataxia may be seen in
myoclonus, the most important is Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease neurodegenerative disorders such as multiple system atrophy,
(including the ‘new-variant’ type) and two other disorders: spinocerebellar atrophy, fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia
post-anoxic dementia and dialysis dementia. Myoclonus syndrome (FXTAS) and dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy,
may also appear in AIDS dementia and in various neurode- and in prion diseases such as Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and
generative disorders; however, here it plays only a minor Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease. A similar constella-
role and is overshadowed by other clinical features. tion may occur with more or less obvious precipitating fac-
Among children or adolescents, myoclonus is an impor- tors such as intoxications with lithium, mercury, or tin,
tant sign in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and may long-term inhalant use, repeated head trauma, and cirrhosis.
also be seen in the juvenile form of Huntington’s disease. Finally, when this clinical picture occurs in childhood or
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 170
adolescence, one must consider metachromatic leukodystro- 1972; Rauschka et al. 2006; Reider-Grosswasser and
phy and the very rare progressive rubella panencephalitis. Bornstein 1987).
Multiple system atrophy of the olivopontocerebellar Progressive rubella panencephalitis, although usually
type may present with ataxia (Wenning et al. 1994) and may occurring in the setting of the congenital rubella syndrome
also cause dementia (Robbins et al. 1992). The presence of with mental retardation, may occasionally present in the
evidence of autonomic failure (e.g., postural hypotension late teenage years in patients of normal premorbid intelli-
and dizziness, urinary incontinence or retention, fecal gence. One patient had cataracts and microphthalmos due
incontinence, or erectile dysfunction) or mild parkinson- to congenital rubella (Townsend et al. 1976), whereas
ism is an important diagnostic clue. another had contracted rubella in childhood but had no
Spinocerebellar ataxia presents with a progressive sequelae at the time (Wolinsky et al. 1976); in both cases,
ataxia, which, in a minority, is eventually joined by dementia the dementia was accompanied by ataxia.
(Carter and Sukavajuna 1956; Chandler and Bebin 1956;
Goldfarb et al. 1989; Lasek et al. 2006; Modi et al. 2000; WITH DISTINCTIVE FEATURES
Sasaki et al. 1996; Zhou et al. 1998).
FXTAS is characterized by the gradual onset of a pro- The following disorders are all relatively rare causes of
gressive ataxia and tremor in middle or later years, with, in dementia which, in each case, have certain distinctive fea-
a minority, the eventual development of a dementia tures, as described below.
(Hagerman et al. 2001). Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, when fully developed,
Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy may rarely present manifests with dementia, tendon enlargement, cataracts,
with a combination of ataxia and dementia (Potter et al. and ataxia. Tendon enlargement is the most distinctive fea-
1995). ture, and although it may appear in a variety of areas, it is
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease may present with ataxia, fol- most commonly, and classically, found in the Achilles ten-
lowed within weeks or months by a dementia (Brown et al. don. The disease evolves very slowly and may present with
1986, 1994; de Villemeur et al. 1996). any one of these features anywhere from childhood or ado-
Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease, an inherited lescence to the adult years (Berginer et al. 1988; Farpour
prion disease, typically presents with ataxia and dementia and Mahloudji 1975; Watts et al. 1996).
(Barbanti et al. 1996; Brown et al. 1991). Myotonic dystrophy typically presents with myotonia
Lithium intoxication, if severe, may leave patients per- in late adolescence or early adult years. Over time, a ‘myo-
manently ataxic and demented (Schou 1984). pathic facies’, with frontal baldness, ptosis, and temporal
Mercury, in large amounts, may cause dementia and wasting appears, as does weakness and atrophy, most
ataxia: this has been noted with mercury salts (as found in prominent distally. In a small minority, a dementia may
a laxative [Davis et al. 1974]), methyl mercury (as used in a also occur (Huber et al. 1989; Perini et al. 1989).
fungicide for wheat [Rustam and Hamri 1974]), and ethyl Thallium intoxication may be followed by dementia
mercury (as occurred with industrial exposure [Hay et al. with a painful polyneuropathy and prominent alopecia
1963]). (Thompson et al. 1988; Reed et al. 1963).
Tin intoxication, in one case, caused a coma from which Arsenic intoxication with organic arsenicals may cause a
the patient emerged with dementia and ataxia (Wu et al. picture similar to that of thallium intoxication but with less
1990). prominent hair loss.
Inhalant abuse may, if chronic, cause a dementia accom- Pellagra of the chronic, gradual onset type classically
panied by ataxia and other cerebellar signs such as intention presents with the ‘three Ds’: diarrhea, dermatitis, and
tremor, nystagmus, and titubation (Escobar and Aruffo dementia (Langworthy 1931; Pierce 1924).
1980; Fornazzari et al. 1983; Holmes et al. 1986; Lazar et al. Behçet’s syndrome causes dementia in only a small
1983; Rosenberg et al. 1988). minority of patients, virtually all of whom have both oral
Dementia pugilistica, occurring 5–40 years after and genital aphthous ulcers (Serdaroglu et al. 1989). The
repeated head trauma, as, for example, in boxers, may dementia may follow upon numerous prior attacks
present with dementia and prominent ataxia, a sign that (Rubinstein and Urich 1963) or may be slowly progressive
accounts for the colloquial name for this disorder: ‘punch- (Borson 1982).
drunk’ (Harvey and Davis 1974; Martland 1928). Sjörgen’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that
Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration, generally occur- typically involves the exocrine glands, producing the ‘sicca
ring in the setting of alcoholic cirrhosis after repeated bouts syndrome’ with dry eyes and a dry mouth. Rarely, a
of hepatic encephalopathy, may present with a dementia and dementia (Kawashima et al. 1993) may occur, probably
a complex movement disorder: although chorea and tremor secondary to a cerebral vasculitis (Caselli et al. 1991).
are most common, in some cases ataxia may dominate the Polymyalgia rheumatica, distinguished by severe
clinical picture (Raskin et al. 1984; Victor et al. 1965). pain and stiffness of the proximal muscle groups, is rarely
Metachromatic leukodystrophy typically causes a demen- associated with a dementia, both the dementia and the
tia that may be accompanied by ataxia in both juvenile- polymyalgia responding to treatment with steroids
(Haltia et al. 1980) and adult-onset cases (Hirose and Bass (Nightingale et al. 1982).
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 171
Sneddon’s syndrome is a rare disorder characterized in Dialysis dementia may appear gradually after approxi-
adults by livedo reticularis, strokes, transient ischemic mately 3 years of hemodialysis, often presenting with a
attacks, and, in some, dementia (Adair et al. 2001; Tourbah stuttering type of aphasia (Garrett et al. 1988; O’Hare et al.
et al. 1997). 1983).
Hypoglycemia, if severe (e.g., a glucose level of less than
WITH OBVIOUS PRECIPITATING EVENTS 1.11–1.37 mmol/L [20–25 mg/dL]) and prolonged, may
cause neuronal death, leaving the patient demented
Dementia may appear as a sequela to obvious precipitating (Kalimo and Olsson 1980).
events such as traumatic brain injury, anoxia, radiation, Prednisone, in doses of 60 mg or more, has been reported
encephalitis, status epilepticus, chronic dialysis, and hypo- to cause a dementia that cleared on discontinuation of the
glycemia. Various medications, even when taken at normal drug (Varney et al. 1984).
doses, may also cause dementia, and these include pred- Valproic acid may, with chronic use, cause a dementia,
nisone, valproic acid, and disulfiram. Intoxications with which, as noted earlier, may be accompanied by parkin-
lithium, methanol, or heroin vapor may have dementia as sonism (Armon et al. 1996) or may occur without any dis-
a sequela, and chronic alcoholics or chronic inhalant tinguishing features (Guerrini et al. 1998; Papazian et al.
abusers may also eventually become demented. 1995).
Subdural hematoma of the chronic type may cause a Disulfiram, taken over decades at a therapeutic dosage, in
dementia (Arieff and Wetzel 1964; Black 1984), but there one case caused a dementia and polyneuropathy (Borrett
may be an interval lasting anywhere from months to years et al. 1985).
between the initial trauma and the onset of the dementia. Lithium intoxication, if severe, may leave patients with a
In some cases, the trauma itself may have been forgotten. dementia, which, as noted above, may be accompanied by
Diffuse axonal injury, occurring secondary to violent ataxia (Schou 1984).
acceleration–deceleration during a ‘closed head’ injury Methanol intoxication, when severe, may leave patients
may, depending on its severity, leave patients in a coma, a demented with, as previously noted, parkinsonism (McLean
persistent vegetative state, or a dementia of varying severity et al. 1980).
(Strich 1956). Heroin vapor, produced by heating heroin on aluminum
Dementia pugilistica (Harvey and Davis 1974; Martland foil, may cause dementia accompanied by a varying degree
1928) is one of the sequelae of repeated head trauma, as of bradykinesia and ataxia (Kriegstein et al. 1999)
may occur in boxers, and appears after a latent interval Alcoholic dementia appears in the setting of chronic,
of anywhere from 5 to 40 years. As noted above, it is often severe and ongoing alcoholism, and is distinguished by
accompanied by a combination of parkinsonism and apathy and an overall coarsening of the personality (Lee
ataxia. et al. 1979; Lishman 1981).
Post-anoxic encephalopathy (Richardson et al. 1959) Inhalant-induced dementia makes a gradual appearance
occurs after global hypoxic–ischemic injury. Those who in the setting of chronic, ongoing inhalant use and, as noted
survive and emerge from coma are initially delirious; as the earlier, is often accompanied by ataxia and other cerebellar
delirium gradually resolves, a dementia is left in its wake. signs (Escobar and Aruffo 1980; Fornazzari et al. 1983;
Delayed post-anoxic leukoencephalopathy presents with Holmes et al. 1986; Lazar et al. 1983; Rosenberg et al. 1988).
a delirium generally within weeks of recovery from an
anoxic insult. Although most patients eventually recover, IN THE SETTING OF MENTAL RETARDATION
some, after the confusion clears, are left with a dementia
(Plum et al. 1962). Certain forms of mental retardation may, in the natural
Radiation encephalopathy of the late-delayed type may course of events, be complicated years or decades later by
present with a gradually progressive dementia anytime from dementia, including Down’s syndrome, Sturge–Weber
months to decades after brain irradiation. Interestingly, this syndrome, and the congenital rubella syndrome.
sequela may occur after either whole-brain (Correa et al. Down’s syndrome, in those who survive past the age of
2004; DeAngelis et al. 1989; Duffy et al. 1996) or focal irradi- 40, is eventually complicated by the development of
ation; note that in the case of focal irradiation it is essential Alzheimer’s disease in over one-half of all patients (Lai and
that critical structures such as the temporal lobes have been Williams 1989). In those with pre-existing mild mental
exposed (Crompton and Layton 1961; Shewmon and retardation, the dementia presents with a typical loss of cog-
Masdeu 1980). nitive function; in those with a moderate or more severe
Post-encephalitic dementia has been noted after both degree of retardation, a loss of cognitive ability may be diffi-
herpes simplex encephalitis and arbovirus encephalitis cult to appreciate, and the dementia may instead come to
(Przelomski et al. 1988; Richter and Shimojyo 1961). attention because of apathy and decreased social interaction.
Status epilepticus, whether grand mal or complex partial, Sturge–Weber syndrome is characterized by a unilateral
has been reported to leave patients demented (Krumholz facial port-wine stain, seizures, hemiplegia, and mental
et al. 1995); however, this is not at all inevitable with most retardation. In those with frequent seizures, a dementia
patients surviving without cognitive sequelae. may supervene with a drop in cognitive ability below the
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 172
baseline that characterized the pre-existing mental retarda- Adrenoleukodystrophy may present in childhood, adoles-
tion (Lichtenstein 1954; Petermann et al. 1958; Sujanksy cence, or adulthood. Childhood- or adolescent-onset often
and Conradi 1995). occurs with a personality change and dementia accompanied
Congenital rubella syndrome is characterized by by hemianopia or cortical blindness and spasticity of the
cataracts, deafness, and mental retardation; in a minority, a lower extremities (Moser et al. 1984; Schaumberg et al.
dementia may appear in childhood or adolescence secondary 1975). Adult-onset adrenoleukodystrophy may likewise be
to progressive rubella panencephalitis (Townsend et al. accompanied by visual symptoms such as blindness (Powers
1975; Weil et al. 1975). et al. 1980) or Balint’s syndrome (Uyama et al. 1993) but, in
some cases, visual symptoms are lacking: in one patient, the
MISCELLANEOUS CAUSES clue to the correct diagnosis was generalized hyper-reflexia
(Coria et al. 1993), whereas in another it was bronzing of the
Systemic lupus erythematosus may cause a dementia (Brey skin (Weller et al. 1992).
et al. 2002; Johnson and Richardson 1968; Kirk et al. 1991) via Pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration, as
a number of different mechanisms (Devinsky et al. 1988a), noted above, typically presents with dementia in the setting
including infarctions and an autoimmune cerebritis. In most of dystonia or, less commonly, parkinsonism. There are,
cases, the dementia is accompanied by such systemic symp- however, adult-onset cases that are marked by other signs,
toms as arthralgia, rash, pleural effusion, and constitutional such as a fine tremor (Dooling et al. 1974) or dysarthria
symptoms such as fever, fatigue, and weight loss. and clumsiness (Rozdilsky et al. 1968).
Polyarteritis nodosa may cause a dementia (MacKay Hypoparathyroidism, without basal ganglia calcification,
et al. 1950), but, as with lupus, this is usually in the setting may present with a dementia accompanied by seizures and
of systemic symptoms such as renal or gastrointestinal dis- cataracts (Mateo and Gimenez-Roldan 1982).
ease or constitutional symptoms. Whipple’s disease, although typically presenting with
Anti-phospholipid antibody syndrome is characterized diarrhea and arthropathy, very rarely may affect the central
by recurrent arterial and venous thrombosis and, in women, nervous system in isolation, and in such cases these typical
by a history of recurrent miscarriage. Strokes may occur, symptoms may be absent. One case was marked by hypo-
producing a multi-infarct dementia (Coull et al. 1987). In thalamic involvement with hypersomnia (Adams et al.
some cases, however, the dementia may occur without spe- 1987) and another by seizures (Romanul et al. 1977).
cific MRI findings, suggesting a direct antineuronal effect Lead intoxication may initially cause a delirium and
(Van Horn et al. 1996). upon recovery patients may be left demented (Jenkins and
Sarcoidosis may cause dementia (Camp and Frierson Mellins 1957).
1962; Sanson et al. 1996) but only in a very small minority Thalamic degeneration, a rare syndrome, may present
(fewer than 1 percent) of patients (Oksanen 1986); in such with dementia alone (Moosy et al. 1987) or dementia
cases, granulomata have been found in the cerebrum accompanied by somnolence (Stern 1939).
(Cordingly et al. 1981; Miller et al. 1988). A clue to Sleep apnea, in one extraordinary case, presented with a
the diagnosis is a chest radiograph finding of either bilat- dementia: the only clue to the diagnosis was the presence of
eral hilar lymphadenopathy or bilateral reticulonodular daytime sleepiness and a history of prominent snoring
infiltrates. (Scheltens et al. 1991).
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, as may be Bilateral carotid occlusion, the brain being perfused pri-
seen in AIDS or other immunocompromised states, typi- marily by only one vertebral artery, has been shown to cause
cally presents with a focal sign such as hemiplegia or aphasia, a dementia that was reversed by intracranial–extracranial
which is eventually joined by a gradually progressive demen- bypass surgery (Tatemichi et al. 1995).
tia (Krupp et al. 1985; Richardson 1961); rarely, the presen- Very rare causes include the hyperviscosity syndrome
tation may be with dementia alone (Sellal et al. 1996; Zunt (as occurred in one case secondary to multiple myeloma
et al. 1997). [Mueller et al. 1983]), hypereosinophilia (92 percent
Kufs’ disease, or the adult form of neuronal ceroid lipo- eosinophils) (Kaplan et al. 1990), and extreme hyper-
fuscinosis may present with a dementia which may or may triglyceridemia (with values of at least 10 times the normal
not be accompanied by myoclonus and ataxia (Burneo value) (Heilman and Fisher 1974; Mas et al. 1985).
et al. 2003)
Metachromatic leukodystrophy may, in addition to
ataxia (as noted above), also cause dementia associated Differential diagnosis
with seizures, spasticity, or chorea (Alves et al. 1986; Haltia
et al. 1980; Wulff and Trojaborg 1985); polyneuropathy Dementia must be distinguished from mild cognitive
may also be obvious (Bosch and Hart 1978). Personality impairment, delirium, mental retardation, and amnesia.
change is also prominent, especially in adults, with aggres- Mild cognitive impairment is a syndrome characterized,
siveness and irritability (Hageman et al. 1995) and ‘frontal as the name clearly suggests, by cognitive impairments
lobe’ symptoms such as disinhibition, poor judgment, and that, although similar to those seen in dementia, are so mild
socially inappropriate behavior (Shapiro et al. 1994). that they cause little in the way of impairment. As noted in
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 173
Section 5.2, this may or may not be a syndrome sui genereis – feel ‘at home’, for example by bringing in familiar photo-
it might just as well be thought of as a prodrome to a graphs and, where possible, furniture, and by subscribing
dementia. to the patient’s home-town paper. If patients are admitted
Delirium is distinguished from dementia by the pres- to hospital, the same measures should be undertaken; fur-
ence of prominent confusion; here, however, one must thermore, the room should have a large calendar and clock
keep in mind that some diseases may be characterized by and, whenever possible, a window with a view.
both dementia and intermittent delirium. In multi-infarct The need for prosthetic devices (e.g., glasses, hearing aids,
dementia, for example, each fresh stroke may be heralded dentures, and ‘quad canes’) should be assessed, and medical
by an episode of delirium that, once having cleared sponta- regimens should be kept as simple as possible. Although
neously, leaves the patient not confused but more many patients eventually require a wheelchair, ambulation
demented. Furthermore, some diseases, albeit characterized should be encouraged and maintained for as long as possible.
primarily by dementia, may also cause intermittent, brief, Rigorous internal medical follow-up is essential, and it
episodes of confusion, as may occur in diffuse Lewy body must be kept in mind that, in patients with dementia, even
disease. trivial intercurrent illnesses, such as an uncomplicated
Mental retardation is distinguished primarily by its urinary tract infection, may cause dramatic cognitive
course: in mental retardation, the intellectual development decrements.
of patients proceeds only to a certain point, at which it In addition to implementing treatment, where possible,
‘stalls’, leaving patients on an intellectual ‘plateau’ beyond of the underlying cause of the dementia, consideration
which they do not progress. Importantly, there is no decre- may also be given to symptomatic treatment of various
ment in intellectual ability but merely a plateauing. In con- clinical features such as agitation, delusions or hallucina-
trast, there is in dementia a definite decrement from a tions, depression, and insomnia.
previously acquired level of intellectual ability. Importantly, Agitation in dementia, as discussed in detail in Section
as noted above, some disorders may cause both mental 6.4, may respond to either risperidone or olanzapine, in low
retardation and a dementia: for example, in the setting of doses, for example 0.25–1 mg of risperidone or 2.5–7.5 mg
mental retardation secondary to Down’s syndrome, a of olanzapine; the same medications may also be effective in
dementia eventually develops in most patients who survive the treatment of delusions or hallucinations. It must be
past the age of 40. borne in mind, however, that, although safer than the first-
Amnesia is distinguished from dementia by the restricted generation antipsychotics (e.g., haloperidol) (Wang et al.
nature of the cognitive deficit: in amnestic disorders, one 2005), these second-generation agents still carry with them
finds only a deficit in memory, whereas in dementia, in an increased risk of death or stroke, especially in those
addition to a defective memory, one also finds other cogni- patients who are 80 years or older, or those treated concur-
tive deficits, for example in abstracting or calculating abili- rently with benzodiazepines (Kryzhanovskaya et al. 2006),
ties. It must be borne in mind, however, that some and, consequently, they must be used cautiously and con-
dementing conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disorder, may tinued only if the benefits are substantial.
present with a pure amnesia that persists for a prolonged Depression may be treated with an antidepressant, and
period before being joined by other cognitive deficits. consideration may be given to either citalopram or esc-
italopram, as these tend to be the best tolerated of the avail-
able agents.
Treatment Insomnia may be treated with melatonin or ramelteon;
if these are ineffective, consideration may be given to
Treatment, if possible, is directed at the underlying condi- agents such as zolpidem, with careful monitoring for any
tion, as discussed in the respective chapters. What follows daytime sedation.
here are general measures, applicable in most cases.
Patients’ liberty should be circumscribed proportionate
to their reduced abilities; thus, financial affairs should usu- 5.2 MILD COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT
ally be managed by others and guardianship may be
required. Driving privileges are often retained by patients Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) (Gautier et al. 2006;
with great tenacity, but these too must eventually be with- Portet et al. 2006; Winblad et al. 2004) is a recently
drawn. Visiting nurses, ‘meals on wheels’ and adult day- described syndrome seen in elderly patients, characterized,
care centers should each be considered, as they help patients as the name suggests, by an impairment in cognitive ability
maintain functional abilities and enable them to stay at that, although clearly representing a departure from the
home longer. Cognitively stimulating activities should also patient’s premorbid baseline, is not severe enough to cause
be encouraged (Olazaran et al. 2004) and patients should be significant impairment in day-to-day activities; among
encouraged to do crossword puzzles, play card games, etc., those patients of 65 years or older, the prevalence of such
as these all help to preserve cognitive abilities. impairment ranges anywhere from 3 to 19 percent.
If patients have to move, for example to a retirement/ As noted below, neuropathologic studies indicate that
nursing home, efforts should be made to make the patient most of these patients suffer from an early stage of one or
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Delusions are generally fragmentary and unsystem- of certain etiologies. Postural tremor may be seen in toxic
atized. One typically finds evidence of delusions of persecu- deliria (e.g., the serotonin and neuroleptic malignant syn-
tion (Morse and Litin 1971; Sirois 1988), and patients may dromes), metabolic deliria (e.g., uremic and hepatic
report that family members are trying to get rid of them or encephalopathy, hypoglycemia), and all of the substance
that the medicine given by the nurse is actually poison. withdrawal deliria. Myoclonus, likewise, may be seen in
The overall behavior of patients with delirium may be toxic deliria (e.g., the serotonin syndrome), metabolic
characterized by either agitation or quietude. Although, in a deliria (e.g., uremic encephalopathy, hyperglycemia), and
minority of cases, patients are either consistently hyper- certain others (e.g., Hashimoto’s encephalopathy). Asterixis
active or consistently hypoactive, one sees in most a mix – is highly suggestive of one of three metabolic deliria, namely
patients now agitated, now quiet (Johnson et al. 1992; uremic encephalopathy, hepatic encephalopathy, and respi-
Liptzin and Levkoff 1992). In some cases, one may see an ratory failure.
‘occupational delirium’ wherein patients act as if they were When, after a through history and examination, the cause
at work (Wolff and Curran 1935): one patient, a former of the delirium is not clear, one may consider a laboratory
truck driver, was found with his hands held out in front of ‘screen’. To begin with, this should include a complete blood
him as if gripping a steering wheel, busily ‘driving’ his bed count, a urinalysis, a chemistry survey (including sodium,
around the ward. Sleep reversal is common (Johnson et al. blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine, glucose, calcium,
1992), and many patients display the phenomenon of ‘sun- magnesium, liver enzymes, and bilirubin) and an ammonia
downing’, wherein their confusion markedly worsens with level; an ANA and ESR may be ordered if an autoimmune
the coming of darkness. In some mild cases of delirium, disorder is suspected, and a drug screen may be considered if
patients may be relatively lucid in the morning, with obvi- intoxication seems likely. If there is any suspicion of pneu-
ous symptoms only appearing later in the day and as night monia a chest radiograph is ordered and, if respiratory failure
falls: this is an important fact to keep in mind, for such is suspected, oximetry or arterial blood gases should be con-
‘lucid intervals’ may deceive the physician making morning sidered. Neuroimaging, preferably with MR scanning, is in
rounds into thinking that the patient is cognitively intact. order if an intracranial disorder is suspected. An electroen-
cephalogram (EEG) is often ordered but, with the exception
of delirium secondary to status epilepticus, often does not
Etiology add much; as discussed in Section 1.5, generalized slowing or
FIRDA (frontal intermittent delta activity) is common in
For practical diagnostic purposes, it is useful, as laid out in toxic and metabolic deliria and in various of the intracranial
Table 5.2, to subdivide delirium into various types. First, disorders; periodic complexes are somewhat more specific,
there is toxic delirium, occurring secondary to medications indicating such disorders as hepatic encephalopathy, uremic
(e.g., opioids) or actual intoxicants (e.g., cocaine). After encephalopathy, or herpes simplex viral encephalitis. Lumbar
this, there is metabolic delirium, due to specific metabolic puncture is reserved for suspected encephalitis.
derangements (e.g., uremia), systemic effects of infections These various etiologic types of delirium are now con-
(e.g., pneumonia), or vitamin deficiencies (e.g., Wernicke’s sidered in turn, beginning with toxic delirium.
encephalopathy). Following this is substance withdrawal
delirium (e.g., delirium tremens during alcohol with- TOXIC DELIRIUM
drawal). Next one considers delirium secondary to
intracranial disorders (e.g., stroke). At this point attention is Toxic delirium, as noted above, may occur due to the
shifted to a syndrome known as post-operative delirium: toxicity of certain medications, most notably opioids, or to
this is a very common disorder, and, in most cases, repre- the effects of intoxicants per se, such as cocaine. Medications
sents, etiologically, a combination of toxic, metabolic, or are considered first.
intracranial pathologies. Finally, there is a group of other
causes, each of them relatively uncommon, including, for Medications
example, autoimmune disorders, endocrinologic disorders, In evaluating the role medications may play in a delirium it
and epileptic disorders. is essential to have an accurate listing of all of the patient’s
In general hospital practice, the vast majority of deliria medications, including both those taken on a regular basis
are toxic or metabolic in character; withdrawal delirium and those administered as needed; furthermore, one must
and delirium due to intracranial disorders are somewhat note when each medication was started, and, importantly,
less common. In working up a case, it must be kept in whether there have been any recent changes in dosage. In
mind, however, that very often the etiology is multifactorial, this regard, when evaluating hospitalized patients, it is also
and that the various factors involved may be simultaneous essential to obtain a list of home medications from a reli-
or sequential. able historian, such as a close family member. Although, as
In the physical examination it is very important to take noted further on, certain medications are more likely to
note of the presence of certain abnormal movements, cause delirium than others, virtually any medicine can be
namely, postural tremor (Section 3.1), myoclonus (Section at fault: this is particularly the case in elderly patients or
3.2), and asterixis (Section 3.12), as they are very suggestive those with pre-existing brain disease, who may be exquisitely
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 176
sensitive to medications which, when taken by a younger with levodopa or with amantadine. Clinically, within a day
person with an intact brain, are generally innocuous. or two of the abrupt diminution of dopaminergic tone,
Confirmation of a medicine’s etiologic role rests on patients develop varying combinations of delirium, fever,
demonstrating a temporal relationship between the onset rigidity, and autonomic instability (Pope et al. 1986;
of the delirium and the initiation (or substantial dosage Rosebush and Stewart 1989; Velamoor et al. 1994).
increase) of a medicine, and the resolution of the delirium The remaining medications in the list are grouped under
subsequent to a discontinuation (or substantial dose customary headings (dopaminergic medications, cardiac
decrease) of the selfsame medicine. In assessing this tem- medications, antimetabolites, antimicrobials, anti-epileptics,
poral relationship one must keep in mind that although antidepressants and mood stabilizers, and a miscellaneous
the delirium may appear fairly promptly, often within a group); for the most part these medications have only
day or so, the resolution of the delirium may be gradual, rarely been implicated in delirium and hence a fairly strong
corresponding not only to the gradual ‘washout’ of the case would have to be made before ascribing a delirium to
offending medication, but also to the diminution of the any one of them, not only by demonstrating a clear tempo-
medication’s pharmacodynamic effects, which may persist ral relationship, but also by ruling out other, more likely
for some time longer. causes. With regard to delirium secondary to valproate, it
Of the medications listed in Table 5.2, by far the most must be kept in mind that in some cases this is associated
common offenders are the opioid analgesics (Lawlor with elevated ammonia levels (Eyer et al. 2005), and that in
et al. 2000; Tuma and DeAngelis 2000); although both these cases carnitine may be an effective treatment.
propoxyphene and tramadol can also cause delirium they It must be kept in mind that this list is not presented as
are very much less likely to do so. Medications with anti- being comprehensive; new case reports continue to appear
cholinergic effects, most notably diphenhydramine and and both new and old medicines (even those long considered
scopolamine, run a close second to the opioid analgesics: to be innocuous) continue to be implicated.
although in some cases, they may produce a full anti-
cholinergic syndrome, with, as described in Section 22.6, Intoxicants
mydriasis and dry skin, these additional features may not Delirium secondary to intoxication with illicit substances
be present. Following this is a group of medicines, such as is not uncommonly seen in the emergency room. Delirium
baclofen, which, although not carrying a high risk are so secondary to cocaine or amphetamine is suggested by agi-
commonly prescribed in some settings that they must be tation, hypertension, and mydriasis. Delirium secondary
kept clearly in mind. With regard to baclofen it must be to phencyclidine, cannabis, inhalants, and methanol is typ-
remembered that delirium may occur not only during ically accompanied by cerebellar signs, such as dysarthria
treatment with baclofen, but also after long-term use, with and ataxia.
its discontinuation.
Next are two specific syndromes, namely the serotonin METABOLIC DELIRIUM
syndrome and the neuroleptic malignant syndrome,
which, although not common, must, given their lethality, Metabolic deliria, as indicated earlier, may be due not only
be considered. The serotonin syndrome occurs secondary to to specific metabolic derangements, such as uremia, but
pharmacologically enhanced serotoninergic tone, which, also to the systemic effects of infection and to vitamin defi-
in turn, generally requires the administration of a combi- ciencies. Each of these types is considered in turn.
nation of serotoninergic agents. Of the various combina-
tions of medications reported to cause this syndrome Specific metabolic derangements
(discussed in detail in Section 22.5), the most toxic is the The specific metabolic deliria are so common that in the
combination of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor evaluation of delirious patients it is almost customary to
(SSRI) and a monoamine oxidase inhibitor. Clinically, the order a screening chemistry survey. In general, acute
serotonin syndrome presents with a combination of delir- derangements are more likely to cause symptoms; gradual
ium, myoclonus, dysarthria or ataxia, and hyper-reflexia changes are much better tolerated.
(Feighner et al. 1990; Sternbach 1991). The neuroleptic Uremic encephalopathy, as discussed in Section 13.18, is
malignant syndrome occurs secondary to any pharmaco- generally accompanied by both asterixis and myoclonus.
logic manipulation that leads to an abrupt diminution in In renal failure of acute onset, a BUN of over 100 is gener-
dopaminergic tone. Most commonly, such a diminution ally sufficient to cause delirium; however, in those cases
occurs secondary to the use of a dopamine blocker, such as where the renal failure is gradually progressive, much higher
one of the first-generation antipsychotics. Second-genera- levels may be tolerated before a delirium supervenes.
tion antipsychotics, such as risperidone and clozapine, Hepatic encephalopathy, discussed further in Section
may also be at fault. The neuroleptic malignant syndrome 13.19, may likewise be accompanied by asterixis and
will occasionally be seen secondary not to dopamine block- myoclonus, and one may, clinically, appreciate a character-
ade but to an abrupt discontinuation of a dopaminergic istic bad breath or fetor hepaticus. Importantly, although
agent. Thus, the neuroleptic malignant syndrome has been the ammonia level is generally elevated, cases have been
seen after an abrupt discontinuation of long-term treatment reported with normal levels.
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Respiratory failure, as may be seen in pneumonia or acutely, whereas levels as high as 18 mg/dL may be toler-
decompensated chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ated if reached very gradually.
(COPD), generally produces a delirium when the PaO2 falls
below 50 mmHg; CO2 levels are not as reliable a guide in Systemic effects of infection
this regard: although acute rises to 70 mmHg may be asso- Although an association between sepsis and delirium is
ciated with delirium, levels of 90 mmHg or more may be well known, it is perhaps not as well appreciated that less
tolerated if reached gradually. In cases where the delirium is severe infections can also cause delirium. This is especially
secondary to elevated CO2 levels, patients may appear the case in the elderly, as for example in the case of pneu-
intoxicated, a phenomenon that accounts for the old term monia or even uncomplicated urinary tract infections.
for this condition, namely ‘CO2 narcosis’. Indeed, in the author’s experience, several cases of urinary
Obstructive sleep apnea may be accompanied by delir- tract infection have presented with delirium. In all likeli-
ium, not only during nocturnal awakenings, but also while hood, the delirium is mediated by cytokines (Reichenberg
the patient is awake during the day, and this appears to be et al. 2001).
particularly common in stroke patients early in their
recovery (Sandberg et al. 2001). Although the mechanism Vitamin deficiencies
underlying the daytime delirium is not clear, it is probably Of the vitamin deficiencies seen in malnourished patients,
related to nocturnal hypoxemia and hypercarbia. two are typified by delirium: namely Wernicke’s
Hyponatremia, most commonly seen, in hospital set- encephalopathy and encephalopathic pellagra.
tings at least, as part of the syndrome of inappropriate Wernicke’s encephalopathy, occurring secondary to thi-
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secretion, generally is not amine deficiency, although most commonly seen in alco-
associated with delirium until the sodium level falls to holics, may occur secondary to thiamine deficiency of any
120 mEq/L; although gradually developing falls to this level cause, including fasting (Frantzen 1966), prolonged vomit-
may be tolerated, falls below 110 mEq/L are generally ing (as in post-gastric restriction surgery [Abarbanel et al.
symptomatic. 1987; Paulson et al. 1985]), or prolonged intravenous feeding
Hypernatremia, typically seen in the setting of dehydra- without adequate thiamine supplementation (Vortmeyer
tion, may, if of acute onset, cause a delirium when the et al. 1992). Although most of us were taught to look for the
sodium level reaches 160 mEq/L; gradual rises are better classic ‘triad’ of delirium, ataxia, and nystagmus, this combi-
tolerated, and some patients may not experience delirium nation is, in fact, the exception (Cravioto et al. 1961), and
even with levels of 170 mEq/L. most patients with Wernicke’s encephalopathy present with
Hypoglycemia may cause autonomic symptoms, such delirium alone (Harper et al. 1986). The recognition of this
as anxiety, tremor, and diaphoresis, but these may or may syndrome is critical: treated promptly, patients may survive
not be present in cases of hypoglycemia-associated delir- without sequelae; untreated, or with delayed treatment,
ium; in any case, cognitive dysfunction generally does not patients may recover but be left with a permanent
appear until the blood glucose level falls below 50 mg/dL, Korsakoff’s syndrome (Malamud and Skillicorn 1956).
or lower, if the fall is gradual. Pellagra, due to niacin deficiency, occurs in two forms.
Hyperglycemia of sufficient degree to cause delirium is The chronic form is characterized by the classic ‘three Ds’
generally only found in either diabetic ketoacidosis or the of dementia, dermatitis, and diarrhea. By contrast, the
hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar, non-ketotic syndrome. In acute, ‘encephalopathic’ form is marked by delirium, mild
diabetic ketoacidosis delirium may appear with blood glu- parkinsonism, and dysarthria.
cose levels in the range of 300 to 700 mg/dL, whereas in the
hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar, non-ketotic syndrome the SUBSTANCE WITHDRAWAL DELIRIUM
range associated with cognitive dysfunction is higher, from
600 mg/dL up to an astounding 2000 mg/dL. Withdrawal from alcohol, benzodiazepines, or barbitu-
Hypocalcemia of sufficient degree to cause delirium is rates may produce a syndrome of delirium accompanied
generally associated with muscle cramping and tetany. by autonomic signs such as postural tremor, diaphoresis,
Acute falls to 8 mg/dL may cause symptoms, whereas grad- and tachycardia. This diagnosis, sadly, is often missed.
ual falls to 6 mg/dL may be well tolerated. Alcoholics in delirium tremens may deny using alcohol to
Hypercalcemia is typically associated with nausea, vom- excess, and their relatives are often complicit in this denial,
iting, constipation, and abdominal pain; delirium may and the same holds true for those abusing benzodiazepines
supervene when the level rises above 16 mg/dL. or barbiturates. Both benzodiazepines and barbiturates
Hypomagnesemia typically does not cause symptoms may also be taken in high doses for therapeutic reasons,
until the level falls below 1.2 mg/dL; given that magnesium and when writing admission orders it is not uncommon
is required for the release of parathyroid hormone, there is for physicians not to order these home medications, even
often an associated hypocalcemia. although aware of them, on the belief that they are ‘not
Hypermagnesemia, generally occurring only with needed’.
increased magnesium intake in the presence of renal fail- Gamma hydroxybutyrate is now available on prescrip-
ure, may cause delirium at a level of 6 mg/dL if reached tion for treatment of cataplexy, but it is not appreciated by
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many physicians that a withdrawal delirium, similar to delir- Cardiac catheterization or coronary artery bypass graft
ium tremens, may occur upon its abrupt discontinuation. surgery may be followed by an encephalopathy. In these
Two related compounds, namely 1-4 butanediol and cases, the ascending aorta is generally severely arterioscle-
gamma butyrolactone, taken illicitly, carry the same liability. rotic, and multiple minute emboli are released either as a
Gabapentin, used chronically and in high dosage, may catheter scrapes by or during cross-clamping of the aorta.
also, if abruptly discontinued, cause delirium. Typically, patients are found to be delirious upon recovery
from anesthesia, and diffusion-weighted MRI will reveal
INTRACRANIAL DISORDERS multiple small infarcts.
The multiple cholesterol emboli syndrome may occur
Various intracranial disorders may present with delirium, after cardiac catheterization, coronary artery bypass graft-
including stroke, various microembolic syndromes (e.g., ing, or carotid catheterization. In this syndrome, multiple
after coronary artery bypass grafting), infectious and related cholesterol crystals embolize from atherosclerotic plaques
disorders, global hypoxic-ischemic disorders, traumatic brain and eventually lodge in the brain. This syndrome, clini-
injury, and a group of miscellaneous disorders, such as cally, differs from that seen with embolization of athero-
tumors. Stroke will be considered first. sclerotic debris in that the onset of the encephalopathy is
typically delayed for a day or so, corresponding to the time
Stroke required for the development of an inflammatory response
In cases of delirium of acute onset wherein there is no obvious to these crystals; furthermore, one typically also finds evi-
cause, consideration should be given to stroke. Delirium dence of embolization to the kidneys, with renal failure,
has been noted with territorial infarction in the area of dis- and to the lower extremities, with livedo reticularis.
tribution of the following arteries: right middle cerebral The fat embolism syndrome represents an uncommon
artery (primarily the inferior division with infarction of the complication of fractures of the long bones or trauma to
temporal cortex [Caplan et al. 1986], but also the superior fatty tissues; in both instances, globules of fat pass via the
division with infarction of the frontal cortex [Mori and venous circulation first to the lungs, causing dyspnea, and
Yamdori 1987]), the left posterior cerebral artery (with thence to the brain, causing multiple microinfarcts and an
infarction of the inferomedial aspect of the left temporal encenphalopathy.
lobe [Medina et al. 1974]), and the right posterior cerebral
artery (with infarction of the inferomedial aspect of the Infectious and related disorders
right temporal lobe) (Devinsky et al. 1988b; Medina et al. The acute appearance of a delirium in the context of
1974). Delirium has also been noted with lacunar infarction headache and fever, especially if accompanied by seizures
of the thalamus (Fromm et al. 1985; Kumral et al. 2001; or focal signs, should immediately suggest the diagnosis of
Perren et al. 2005), either unilaterally (on the left [Graff- acute encephalitis, cerebral abscess, or post-infectious
Radford et al. 1984] or the right [Friedman 1985]) or bilat- encephalomyelitis.
erally (Bogousslavsky et al. 1988; Giannopoulos et al. 2006). Acute encephalitis, as discussed further in Section 7.6., is
The diagnosis of delirium due to infarction is typically generally due a viral infection, such as herpes simplex or one
suspected when there are associated deficits, such as hemi- of the arboviruses; rarely one may see a bacterial encephali-
plegia. Unfortunately for the diagnostician, in many cases, tis, as for example with Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
especially when it is the temporal lobe that is infarcted, Abscesses, whether bacterial or mycotic, may also cause
there may be no obvious signs, such as hemiplegia, and, delirium, and this is more likely in cases of multiple abscesses.
although patients may indeed have other signs (such as Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is probably an
hemianopia or various agnosias) their confusion may be so autoimmune disorder, triggered by a preceding, usually
great as to preclude examination. It cannot be stressed viral, infection. Within days to weeks after the infection,
enough that delirium, in itself, may at times be a ‘focal’ patients develop an illness very similar to that seen with
sign, indicating acute damage to the temporal lobe. acute encephalitis.
Another disorder to consider here is progressive multi-
Microembolism syndromes focal leukoencephalopathy. This is an uncommon disor-
A ‘shower’ of microemboli to the cerebrum may cause der, generally seen only in immunosuppressed patients,
multiple microinfarcts and present as a delirium, with or occurring secondary to infection by the JC virus; the onset,
without obvious focal signs, such as hemiplegia. The in contrast with the disorders just discussed, is generally
emboli themselves may be composed of various materials: subacute or gradual, and is characterized, initially, by pro-
atherosclerotic debris may be released from plaques of the gressively worsening focal signs; delirium supervenes only
ascending aorta during cardiac catheterization or coronary in a small minority of cases.
bypass graft surgery; cholesterol emboli may be released
during coronary or carotid catheterization to produce the Global hypoxic-ischemic disorders
multiple cholesterol emboli syndrome; and fat emboli may Global hypoxia or ischemia, if sustained for more than a few
be released into the venous circulation with fractures of the minutes, will cause a variable degree of cortical necrosis. In
long bones to produce the fat embolism syndrome. those who survive and emerge from coma, a delirium is
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seen; over time the confusion gradually resolves either leav- although in common usage, may be a little misleading as it
ing patients completely recovered or with a dementia known appears to designate a specific entity, whereas in fact delir-
as post-anoxic encephalopathy. In general hospital practice ium seen post-operatively, rather than being an entity sui
the most common causes of such global hypoxia or ischemia generis, merely results, as noted earlier, from one or more
are cardiac arrest or severe and sustained hypotension, as toxic, metabolic, or intracranial disorders occurring intra-
may be seen intraoperatively or during sepsis. or post-operatively.
Carbon monoxide, by binding with hemoglobin and Although post-operative delirium can occur in any
displacing oxygen, also leads to tissue hypoxia, causing patient, regardless of age or premorbid status, it is most
delirium and headache. commonly seen in the elderly and in those with pre-existing
Those who recover from a global hypoxic insult are at cognitive impairment (Litaker et al. 2001).
risk for the development of a delayed post-anoxic leuko- It is imperative to determine the etiology of the delir-
encephalopathy. This is an autoimmune disorder, triggered ium, and in this regard it must be kept in mind that most
by cellular damage during the preceding hypoxic insult; cases are multifactorial. Toxicity secondary to medications
clinically, within days to months after the initial hypoxic is very common, being seen especially with opioids and
delirium, patients redevelop a delirium, often accompanied benzodiazepines (Marcantoni et al. 1994) and with any
by incontinence, extensor plantar responses, and a move- medications with anticholinergic properties (Mach et al.
ment disorder – either parkinsonism or, less commonly, 1995; Tune et al. 1981). Metabolic factors (Yildizeli et al.
chorea or dystonia. 2005) commonly seen include uremia, hepatic failure, res-
piratory failure, and significant elevations or depressions
Traumatic brain injury of sodium or glucose. Pneumonia, line infections, or uri-
Traumatic brain injury, as discussed in Section 7.5, is char- nary tract infections may contribute to the delirium via
acterized pathologically by various intracranial injuries, their systemic effects. Unrecognized alcoholism or benzo-
including diffuse axonal injury, cerebral contusions, sub- diazepine dependence is not uncommon, and patients may
dural hematomas, etc. Clinically, patients who do recover develop withdrawal delirium; furthermore, malnourished
consciousness will be delirious for a variable period of time alcoholics are at risk for Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
and may, eventually, be left with a dementia. Intracranial disorders, seen particularly after cardiac sur-
gery, such as valve replacement or coronary artery bypass
Miscellaneous disorders grafting, include stroke and microembolism of atherosclerotic
Tumors, if appropriately situated, for example in the tem- debris or cholesterol crystals. Hypoxic–ischemic injury is not
poral lobe, hypothalamus or brainstem, may cause a delir- uncommon and the operative report should be inspected for
ium, which, in contrast with most other deliria, will be of any episodes of significant hypotension or blood loss.
subacute or gradual onset, in keeping with the relatively
slow growth of the responsible tumor. Focal signs may or
may not be present. Other causes
Hypertensive encephalopathy may occur in the setting
of an acute elevation of diastolic pressure, generally to The other causes of delirium may be heuristically grouped
130 mmHg or more; patients present over a day or so with into autoimmune disorders, endocrinologic disorders,
headache, nausea and vomiting, delirium, blindness (or epileptic disorders, and, finally, a large, heterogeneous
mere visual blurring) and, in many cases, seizures. group of miscellaneous causes.
The reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome Of the autoimmune disorders, the most important to keep
presents in a fashion similar to hypertensive encephalopathy, in mind is systemic lupus erythematosus. In this disease,
and is strongly associated with use of various antimetabolites, delirium may occur secondary to infarction or to a lupus
such as tacrolimus, cyclosporine, vincristine, and others. cerebritis, and this diagnosis should be considered whenever
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), gener- a delirium occurs in the setting of constitutional symptoms,
ally seen in young or middle-aged adults, is characterized by arthralgia, rashes, pleurisy, pericarditis, and various cyto-
delirium, transient focal signs and thrombocytopenia, with penias. Polyarteritis nodosa may cause delirium secondary to
a platelet count below 30 000; other features include fever, multiple cerebral infarctions and, as in lupus, the delirium
renal failure, and purpura. The delirium itself typically generally occurs in the context of constitutional symptoms.
shows a marked fluctuation in severity throughout the day. Hashimoto’s encephalopathy is a very important cause of
Central pontine myelinolyis, occurring days after the delirium, given its treatability, and should be suspected
overly rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia, typically when delirium occurs concurrent with myoclonus, ataxia,
presents with delirium and a flaccid quadriparesis; uncom- or stroke-like episodes. Limbic encephalitis, a paraneopla-
monly, the presentation may be with delirium alone. stic syndrome, may present with delirium alone, and, impor-
tantly, may constitute the presentation of the underlying
Post-operative delirium malignancy; the diagnosis is often entertained in cases of
Delirium is seen in a significant minority of patients after delirium of unknown cause in middle-aged or elderly
major operations. The term ‘post-operative delirium’, patients, especially those at risk for cancer.
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Endocrinologic disorders only rarely directly cause delir- A differential point is confusion: aphasic patients, despite
ium. Adrenocortical insufficiency is suggested by postural their incoherence, are generally focused and appear
dizziness and nausea and vomiting, Cushing’s syndrome attuned to events in their environment; in contrast, deliri-
by moon facies, truncal obesity, and violaceous abdominal ous patients, with their confusion, appear dazed and have
striae, and thyroid storm by proptosis, postural tremor, great difficulty attending to events around them.
tachycardia, and restlessness. Amnesia, like dementia and sensory aphasia, is distin-
Epileptic disorders characterized by delirium include sta- guished by an absence of confusion. In some cases, how-
tus epilepticus of the complex partial or petit mal types, ever, a single underlying pathology may initially present
and the post-ictal state. Status epilepticus is suggested by with a delirium, which, upon resolution, leaves the patient
the exquisitely paroxysmal onset of the delirium, over sec- with an amnesia. A familiar example is thiamine defi-
onds, and a history of epilepsy, and is confirmed by an ictal ciency, which, acutely, causes the delirium of Wernicke’s
EEG. It is important to keep in mind that these episodes of encephalopathy, and which, upon resolution, leaves the
status can last for hours, days, or even longer. The post- patient with the amnestic Korsakoff’s syndrome.
ictal state, after either a grand mal or a complex partial Psychosis, although primarily characterized by delu-
seizure, is immediately suggested by the preceding seizure. sions and hallucinations, may, when severe, also be charac-
The miscellaneous causes listed in Table 5.2 constitute terized by confusion. A common example is the psychosis
rare causes of delirium but should be considered when the of schizophrenia: here, during periods of exacerbation,
diagnostic work-up has been unrevealing. confusion may be quite severe. It is not clear whether or
not one should consider this development of confusion,
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS nosologically, as merely part of the psychosis, or whether
one should make a diagnosis of psychosis with superim-
Delirium must be distinguished from dementia, sensory posed delirium. Certainly, if the confusion persists after
aphasia, amnesia, and psychosis. treatment of the psychosis when the delusions and halluci-
Dementia is distinguished by an absence of significant nations have cleared then it would be appropriate to con-
confusion. As noted earlier, confusion is the cardinal sider a ‘dual’ diagnosis and proceed with a work-up as
symptom of delirium: both delirium and dementia are described above.
characterized by memory deficits, disorientation, etc., but
only in delirium does one find prominent and persistent
confusion. At times, however, one may find dementia and Treatment
delirium in the same patient. Pre-existing brain damage of
any sort makes patients more sensitive to various toxic and Concurrent with symptomatic treatment, as described
metabolic insults (Koponen and Riekkinen 1993; Koponen below, it is imperative to pursue a vigorous diagnostic
et al. 1989; Layne and Yudofsky 1971; O’Keefe and Lavan investigation and, if possible, treat the underlying cause.
1997), and it is not uncommon to find a patient with Symptomatic treatment, in all cases, involves environ-
dementia, for example due to Alzheimer’s disease or multi- mental measures; symptomatic pharmacologic treatment
infarct dementia, promptly becoming delirious upon com- may also be required in ‘noisy’ deliria when agitation is
ing being given an opioid analgesic or coming down with prominent, and in cases where delusions or hallucinations
pneumonia. Furthermore, some disorders capable of caus- impel patients to dangerous behaviors.
ing dementia may also, at times, of themselves, cause con- Environmental measures are aimed at enabling
fusion. This is perhaps most problematic, from a diagnostic patients, as much as possible, to stay ‘in touch’ with the
point of view, in cases of diffuse Lewy body disease, environment and the current situation. Large calendars
wherein patients, once demented, are prone to develop and digital clocks should be kept in full view, and the
transient episodes of confusion, lasting perhaps hours, importance of having a window in the room cannot be
which then resolve spontaneously. Another common overstated (Wilson 1972). At night, the room should be as
example is multi-infarct dementia, wherein the dementia quiet as possible, and nursing procedures that can be
is, as it were, punctuated by an episode of confusion occur- delayed to the daylight hours should be. A night-light
ring with each fresh infarction: as the peri-infarct edema should be left on, and a nurse’s call button should be
resolves, the delirium clears, leaving the patient one cogni- within easy reach. In some cases, for example when con-
tive ‘step’ further down. Finally, in the end-stage of most fused patients are apt to get out of bed and either wander
neurodegenerative disorders, most patients gradually off, or perhaps slip and fall, sitters may be required.
develop a persistent confusion: whether, nosologically, this Pharmacologic treatment, as discussed further in Section
should be considered merely an extension of the dementing 6.4, may involve use of either risperidone or haloperidol. In
process or the transition of a dementia into a delirium, emergent situation, one may begin with either risperidone
may be a moot point. (as the concentrate) in a dose of from 0.25 to 1 mg, or
Sensory aphasia is characterized by incoherence and haloperidol, 1–5 mg (either as the concentrate or parenter-
hence these patients with this condition appear similar to ally, using roughly half the oral dose), with repeat doses
those delirious patients who also demonstrate incoherence. every 1–2 hours until the patient is out of danger, limiting
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 183
side-effects occur, or one reaches a maximum dose (approx- are formed, and, as it were ‘stored’, they may, with a greater
imately 5 mg of risperidone or 20 mg or haloperidol). The or lesser degree of difficulty, be recalled. Amnesia may
patient should then be started on a regular daily dose, affect either one of these aspects of memory: when there is
roughly equivalent to the total amount required in p.r.n. difficulty in forming new memories, one speaks of ‘antero-
doses, with an order for repeat doses on as needed basis; on grade’ amnesia, and when there is difficulty in summoning
subsequent days, the total daily dose should be adjusted up memories one speaks of ‘retrograde’ amnesia.
based on the clinical situation and on the amount required in Anterograde amnesia is often also referred to as ‘short-
p.r.n. doses over the preceding 24 hours. In non-emergent term’ memory loss, and is tested for, formally, by giving
situations, one may begin with risperidone in a dose of patients three words to remember, having them repeat
0.5–1 mg or haloperidol in doses of from 2 to 5 mg, with them once, and then, after 5 minutes spent on other items,
subsequent dosage adjustments made on a daily basis. Other coming back and asking patients to recall the three words,
antipsychotics, for example, quetiapine, although not as yet noting how many are accurately recalled: normally, all
proven effective in blinded studies, are, in fact, used with three are remembered. Informally, one may find during
success, and may be considered. Quetiapine may be given in the interview that patients with short-term memory loss
emergent situations in doses of 25 mg orally every 2–3 hours repeat the same question they asked minutes earlier, as
until one of the end-points just described, with the maxi- they have no recall of the answer that had been provided.
mum total dose being roughly 200 mg; in non-emergent sit- Retrograde amnesia is also referred to as ‘long-term’
uations one may begin with quetiapine in a dose of from memory loss, and is tested for during the interview by a
25 to 75 mg, with subsequent daily adjustments. Lorazepam series of questions, focusing on memories of autobio-
is often used in general hospital practice; however, as pointed graphic events successively more distant in the past. Thus,
out in Section 6.4, blinded work suggests that the side-effects one may ask patients what they had for breakfast, what
of lorazepam may outweigh any benefits. brought them to the hospital, how they had spent the past
In some cases, restraints may be required: one should few weeks, where they lived, went to school, etc.; long-term
not be shy about ordering these, as they may be life-saving. memory for public events may similarly be tested by asking
about current newsworthy events or by asking patients to
name the last four presidents.
5.4 AMNESIA There are three different types of amnestic syndromes.
The first is constituted by transient episodes characterized
Memory is technically divided into two broad types: mem- by anterograde amnesia with a variable retrograde compo-
ory for how things are done (known as procedural mem- nent. The second type is chronic and characterized not
ory) and memory for things that have happened in the past only by an anterograde component but also by a promi-
(known as declarative memory). An example of procedural nent retrograde one. The third is quite rare, and is charac-
memory would be one’s ability to remember how to ride a terized primarily by a deficit in retrograde memory. Each
bicycle or play a piano, and examples of declarative mem- of these is now considered in turn.
ory include one’s ability to remember what happened
5 minutes earlier, a day earlier, or years ago. These two types EPISODIC ANTEROGRADE AMNESIA
of memory are quite distinct, and procedural memory may
Episodes of anterograde amnesia typically begin abruptly
remain intact in cases of profound deficits in declarative
and generally resolve in less than a day. During the episode,
memory (Cavaco et al. 2004). From a clinical point of view,
patients are unable to keep track of what is happening, and
disorders of declarative memory are most important, and
are unable to recall three out of three words after 5 minutes.
this section focuses on these.
There may also be a retrograde component, in that patients
Defective memory may or may not be accompanied by
may have difficulty recalling what happened in the minutes
other cognitive deficits, such as confusion or deficits in
or hours (and sometimes months or years) just prior to the
abstracting or calculating abilities; when other deficits are
onset of the episode. Once the episode terminates, patients
present, consideration, as discussed below under
are once again able to keep track of ongoing events, and are
‘Differential diagnosis’, should be given to a diagnosis of
able to recall three out of three words after 5 minutes; fur-
syndromes such as delirium or dementia. This section
thermore, they are able to recall events that happened up
focuses on amnesia as a specific syndrome, characterized
until, or just before, the episode began. Notably, however,
by a more or less isolated and ‘pure’ memory deficit.
they are unable to recall what happened while they were in
the episode: looking back, it is as if there is an ‘island’ of
amnesia, a period of time for which they have no recall.
Clinical features
New memories are formed on an ongoing basis and this RETROGRADE COMPONENT
process may occur either automatically or as a matter of
effort, for example when one ‘pays attention’ to something Depending on the underlying cause, as discussed further
in an attempt to ‘commit’ it to memory. Once memories on, this type of amnesia may have either a relatively acute
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 184
onset (e.g., after infarction of the temporal lobes) or a Table 5.3 Causes of amnesia
gradual one (e.g., when due to a neurodegenerative disor- Episodic anterograde amnesia
der such as Alzheimer’s disease). Upon examination one Transient global amnesia
finds that patients are unable to keep track of ongoing Pure epileptic amnesia
events and unable to recall three out of three words after 5 Blackouts
minutes. Furthermore, they will have difficulty recalling Concussion
events of the more distant past, events which, before falling Transient ischemic attacks
ill, they were able to recall without difficulty. This retro- ‘Transient tumor attacks’
grade component often exhibits a ‘temporal gradient’ in
that the patients’ recall, although perhaps quite poor for Chronic anterograde amnesia with a retrograde
relatively recent events, becomes progressively better for
Korsakoff’s syndrome
events progressively more distant in the past (Albert et al.
1979; Seltzer and Benson 1974).
Temporal lobe
Limbic encephalitis
This is a very rare, and quite unusual, type of amnesia.
Neurodegenerative disorders
Premorbidly, patients have no difficulty in remembering
Alzheimer’s disease
events of their past; once having fallen ill, however, they are
Pick’s disease
unable to summon up memories of past events: one
Frontotemporal dementia
patient commented that it was as if his memories had been
Traumatic brain injury
‘destroyed’. Remarkably, in the face of this severe retro-
Global hypoxic injury
grade memory deficit, patients retain anterograde capabil-
ities, and are able to keep track of ongoing events and to
Status epilepticus
recall all three out of three words after 5 minutes.
Certain neurosurgical procedures
Retrograde amnesia
Etiology Epileptic
Traumatic brain injury
The various causes of amnesia are listed in Table 5.3, and Herpes simplex encephalitis
discussed in detail below, beginning with the episodic
anterograde amnesias.
EPISODIC ANTEROGRADE AMNESIA (Butler et al. 2007; Lee et al. 1992; Palmini et al. 1992;
Stracciari et al. 1990). These amnestic episodes differ from
Transient global amnesia (discussed further in Section those of transient global amnesia in that they are of hyper-
10.18) is the prototype of episodic anterograde amnesia. acute, or paroxysmal, onset, relatively brief, and may not
This condition usually has an onset in the seventh decade be accompanied by anxious questioning on the patient’s
of life and is characterized by the appearance of one or part. Furthermore one typically finds evidence of either
more episodes, lasting anywhere from 4 to 18 hours, and complex partial or grand mal seizures in the history.
sometimes longer, during which there is a dense antero- Blackouts (Goodwin 1971; Goodwin et al. 1969a,b) may
grade amnesia coupled with a retrograde amnesia of vari- complicate moderate or severe alcohol intoxication, and
able duration, from hours to decades (Hodges and Ward although characteristic of chronic alcoholism, they may at
1989; Kritchevsky and Squire 1989; Kushner and Hauser times be seen in normal subjects. The patients themselves
1985; Miller et al. 1987; Quinette et al. 2006; Shuttleworth are generally not aware anything is amiss, and apart from
and Morris 1966). Characteristically during the episode, other evidence of intoxication (e.g., dysarthria), others
patients, although not confused, may repeatedly ask what may not be able to discern any problem either. The next
is happening. Recovery is typically complete except for an day, however, patients may find that they have no memory
‘island’ of amnesia extending backwards in time from of the night before, and may anxiously (and often circum-
when the episode resolved to perhaps an hour or two spectly) ask others what happened. Importantly, although
before the episode began. In some cases, it appears that the alcohol is the usual culprit, blackouts may also occur with
episode is precipitated by some emotionally laden event, benzodiazepines, especially those of high potency, such as
such as sexual intercourse or an argument (Fisher 1982; triazolam (Greenblatt et al. 1991).
Kushner and Hauser 1985). Concussion, as may occur after minor head injury (Fisher
Pure epileptic amnesia (discussed further in Section 7.3) 1966) or whiplash (Miller 1982), may be accompanied by a
represents a partial seizure characterized solely by a combi- dense anterograde and variable retrograde amnesia, and
nation of anterograde and variable retrograde amnesia upon recovery, the patient is left with the typical ‘island’ of
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 185
amnesia, extending back from the time of recovery to, gener- 1990; Malamut et al. 1992; von Cramon et al. 1985), the
ally, either the injury itself or a short time before that. In one anterior thalamic nuclei (Pepin and Auray-Pepin 1993),
famous example (as reported in the New York Daily News of and perhaps the mediodorsal nucleus (Clarke et al. 1994;
3 August 1928), Gene Tunney, a heavyweight contender, Gorelick et al. 1988). Turning next to the temporal lobes,
recalled nothing of a boxing match even though he won the temporal lobectomy may cause amnesia (Penfield and
fight. He later decided to quit boxing before a blow would, as Mathieson 1974), and lesions confined to the hippocam-
he put it, ‘permanently hurt my brain’. pus (Duyckaerts et al. 1985), specifically fields CA1 and
Transient ischemic attacks may be characterized in CA2 of the hippocampus (Kartsounis et al. 1995) or CA1
whole or in part by an episode of amnesia. This has been alone (Zola-Morgan et al. 1986), have also been responsi-
noted with ischemia of the left thalamus (Gorelick et al. ble. Lesions of the fornix have been implicated (D’Esposito
1988) and in the area of distribution of the posterior cere- et al. 1995; Gaffan et al. 1991; Sweet et al. 1958), including
bral arteries; in the latter case, the presence of visual prob- those located beneath the splenium (Heilman and Sypert
lems, such as hemianopia or cortical blindness, served to 1977) and those involving the columns (Calabrese et al.
indicate the cortical areas involved (Benson et al. 1974). In 1995; Hodges and Carpenter 1991).
another case, an episode occurred during cardiac angiogra- Although these lesions have in most cases been bilateral,
phy, presumably on an embolic basis (Shuttleworth and it appears that a properly situated unilateral lesion may
Wise 1973). Distinguishing between amnesia resulting also be to blame. Thus, amnesia has occurred with unilat-
from a transient ischemic attack and that caused by tran- eral lesions of the thalamus, either on the left (Choi et al.
sient global amnesia may be difficult unless there are asso- 1983; Clarke et al. 1994; Gorelick et al. 1988; Landi et al.
ciated symptoms such as hemianopia. 1982) or on the right (Pepin and Auray-Pepin 1993), and
‘Transient tumor attacks’ occur in association with with unilateral lesions of the temporal lobes, with either
cerebral tumors and may happen either because of tran- temporal lobectomy (Scoville and Milner 1957; Walker
sient compression of a nearby artery or because of a 1957) or infarction (Gaffan et al. 1991).
tumor-related seizure. In one case of a left-sided tem- Specific disorders capable of producing such lesions of
poroparietal mass, the attack was characterized by an the circuit of Papez are now discussed, beginning with the
episode of amnesia (Lisak and Zimmerman 1977). prototype, namely, Korsakoff’s syndrome.
Korsakoff’s syndrome occurs as a sequela to Wernicke’s
CHRONIC ANTEROGRADE AMNESIA WITH A encephalopathy (Malamud and Skillicorn 1956; Victor and
RETROGRADE COMPONENT Yakovlev 1955). Wernicke’s encephalopathy occurs second-
ary to thiamine deficiency and is characterized, pathologi-
As this type of amnesia localizes reasonably well to the cir- cally, by hemorrhage in the mammillary bodies and
cuit of Papez, a review of the relevant neuroanatomy may dorsomedial nuclei of the thalamus. Clinically, patients with
be helpful. The circuit of Papez involves the mamillary Wernicke’s encephalopathy present with delirium (with or
body, thalamus, hippocampus, and fornix. Fibers from the without nystagmus and ataxia); as the delirium clears,
mamillary body project to the anterior thalamic nuclei via patients are left with an amnesia. Of note, from a nosologic
the mamillothalamic tract. The anterior thalamic nuclei, in point of view, the term ‘Korsakoff’s syndrome’ is often used
turn, project to the cingulate cortex and its cingulum, to refer to all cases of chronic anterograde amnesia with a
which in turn projects to the entorhinal and subicular cor- retrograde component; in this text, however, it refers only to
tices on the medial aspect of the temporal lobe. Fibers from the form occurring secondary to thiamine deficiency.
the entorhinal cortex extend, via the perforant pathway, to Stroke may be characterized by amnesia, this having
terminate in the dentate gyrus, from where fibers arise that been noted with infarction of the medial aspect of the tem-
project to the pyramidal cells of the hippocampus proper. poral lobe or the medial portion of the thalamus.
In turn, hippocampal fibers become incorporated into the Infarction of the medial aspect of the temporal lobe, in the
fornix, which also receives fibers directly from the subic- area of distribution of the posterior cerebral artery,
ular cortex. The fornix then proceeds posteriorly and supe- involves, among other structures, the hippocampus, and it
riorly, arching up under the splenium to course anteriorly is from this lesion that the amnesia arises (DeJong et al.
under the corpus callosum, eventually turning inferiorly, 1969; Victor et al. 1961). The involvement of other ‘down-
as the columns of the fornix, to dive down into and stream’ structures may lead to symptoms that suggest the
through the hypothalamus, finally coming to rest in the correct diagnosis, including hemianopia, cortical blind-
mamillary body and thus completing the circuit. ness, or alexia without agraphia (Benson et al. 1974). In the
This type of amnesia has been noted with lesions in case of thalamic infarction, the stroke may be initially char-
most portions of the circuit of Papez, beginning with the acterized by coma (Hodges and McCarthy 1993; Malamut
mamillary bodies (Kahn and Crosby 1971; Tanaka et al. et al. 1992) or delirium (Clarke et al. 1994); as alertness
1997). Amnesia has also occurred with thalamic lesions but returns and confusion clears, the patient is left with an
it has been difficult to pinpoint exactly which tracts or amnesia. In two remarkable cases, however, amnesia was
nuclei in the thalamus are involved. Lesion studies strongly the dominant and initial manifestation of the infarction
implicate the mamillothalamic tract (Graff-Radford et al. (Pepin and Auray-Pepin 1993; Warren et al. 2000).
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 186
Thalamic hemorrhage may also be at fault with, in one Certain neurosurgical procedures may have amnesia as
such case, an amnesia emerging after the clearing of a delir- a complication. Unilateral temporal lobectomy may be at
ium (Choi et al. 1983). Amnesia has also been noted as a fault (Walker 1957), but in some cases at least, this appears
sequela of infarction of the fornices (Fukatsu et al. 1998; to be because the remaining temporal lobe had already
Park et al. 2000). been damaged in some fashion (Penfield and Mathieson
Tumors, if properly situated, may cause a progressive 1974). Surgery for an anterior communicating artery
amnesia, which has been noted with the following: cranio- aneurysm may be followed by an amnesia (Abe et al. 1998;
pharyngiomas (which compress the overlying mamillary Phillips et al. 1987; Talland et al. 1967), and this appears to
bodies) (Kahn and Crosby 1971; Palmai et al. 1967; Tanaka be not uncommon when preceded by actual rupture of the
et al. 1997; Williams and Pennybacker 1954), thalamic aneurysm (Lindquist and Norlen 1966). Neurosurgical
tumors (Ziegler et al. 1977), large tumors affecting struc- intervention directed toward the third ventricle, as in an
tures such as the corpus callosum, fornices, and thalami attempt to remove a colloid cyst, may cause injury to the
(Sprofkin and Sciarra 1952), and a subsplenial tumor, fornices, with a resulting amnesia (Hodges and Carpenter
which damaged both fornices (Heilman and Sypert 1977). 1991).
Limbic encephalitis results from an autoimmune
assault on the limbic system, including the hippocampus. RETROGRADE AMNESIA
Although most patients present with delirium, the delir-
ium will, in a small minority, be preceded by an amnestic Pure retrograde amnesia, without any anterograde compo-
syndrome (Alamowitch et al. 1997; Bak et al. 2001; Nokura nent, may occur on either an episodic or a chronic basis.
et al. 1997, Scheid et al. 2004). Episodic retrograde amnesia occurred, in one case, as a
Neurodegenerative disorders may present with an manifestation of a seizure: the patient experienced the sud-
amnesia that evolves very slowly into a dementia; in a sense, den onset of an inability to recall any events of his life, but
the amnesia represents a ‘prodrome’ to the dementia. This was able, even during the seizure, to keep track of ongoing
is most commonly seen with Alzheimer’s disease (Crystal events; once the seizure terminated, he was again able to
et al. 1989; Didic et al. 1998; Linn et al. 1995; Sim et al. 1966), recall his past (Venneri and Caffarra 1998).
but has also been noted with Pick’s disease (Wisniewski et al. Chronic retrograde amnesia appears to localize to the
1972) or frontotemporal dementia (Graham et al. 2005). anterior portions of the temporal lobes, as may be seen in
Traumatic brain injury characteristically causes coma, traumatic brain injury (Kroll et al. 1997; Markowitsch et al.
and upon recovery from the coma, the patient may be left 1993) or after herpes simplex encephalitis (Calabrese et al.
with various cognitive deficits, prominent among which 1996). In one traumatic brain injury case, a young woman,
may be an amnesia. The amnesia has both anterograde and despite being eventually able to recall most of the events
retrograde components, and the duration of the antero- that had occurred after the head trauma, was unable to
grade amnesia generally (but not always) correlates well remember anything that happened before the trauma, all
with the severity of the injury itself (Russell and Smith the way back to early childhood (Kapur et al. 1992).
1961; Wilson et al. 1994). The retrograde amnesia exhibits Further, after resolution of a herpes simplex encephalitis, a
a temporal gradient (Levin et al. 1988), and as the patient patient, although able to recall events that occurred subse-
experiences some recovery, the period of time covered by quent to her recovery from the encephalitis, could not
the retrograde amnesia gradually shrinks (Russell and recall autobiographical events that occurred before the
Nathan 1946). Importantly, neither missile nor crush encephalitis, such as her own wedding (Tanaka et al. 1999).
injuries are associated with much in the way of amnesia, Before leaving this discussion of retrograde amnesia,
and indeed, in some cases, there may be none at all (Russell note must be made of a condition known as dissociative
1951; Russell and Schiller 1949). amnesia. Here, patients report a chronic inability to recall
Global hypoxic injury, as may occur with attempted some, or all, of their past. However, in this condition, in
hanging (Berlyne and Strachan 1968; Medalia et al. 1991), contrast with cases of chronic retrograde amnesia occur-
carbon monoxide intoxication (Alison 1961), cardiorespi- ring with, for example, traumatic brain injury, patients
ratory arrest (Broman et al. 1997; Cummings et al. 1984), with psychotherapy are generally able to recover these
or after inhalation anesthesia (Muramoto et al. 1979), may, memories (Abeles and Schilder 1935; Kanzer 1939). This is
upon the recovery of consciousness, be followed by an a controversial condition and there is some doubt regarding
amnesia. whether it actually exists.
Encephalitis may have an amnesia as one of its sequelae
(Rose and Symonds 1960); this is particularly true of her-
pes simplex encephalitis, which often affects medial tem- Differential diagnosis
poral structures (Hokkanen et al. 1996; Kapur et al. 1994;
McGrath et al. 1997; Young et al. 1992). Amnesia must be distinguished from delirium and demen-
Status epilepticus may leave an amnesia in its wake, as tia. Although both of these syndromes include difficulty
occurred in one case after grand mal status (Meierkord with memory, they are distinguished by the presence of
et al. 1997). additional features, not seen in amnesia, such as confusion
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 187
in delirium, and in dementia deficits in abstracting and cal- ‘developmental’ age at which the patient’s intellectual and
culating ability. social progress generally stalls. Mild mental retardation is
MCI may manifest with a chronic deficit in anterograde most common, seen in about 80–85 percent of cases; 10–12
memory and the differential here is based on severity: in percent are moderate, 3–7 percent are severe, and roughly
MCI, the memory deficit is not severe enough to interfere 1 percent are profoundly retarded. Among the mildly
with activities of daily living, whereas in amnesia it is. It retarded, males outnumber females; however, as the grade
must be kept in mind, as discussed earlier in Section 5.2, of retardation increases, the sex ratio approaches unity.
that in most instances MCI constitutes merely a prodrome Each of these grades is described below in more detail.
to a full syndrome of either amnesia or dementia. Mild mental retardation may not become apparent until
Depression may mimic an amnestic condition, espe- the child is in elementary school. These children have diffi-
cially when the task of recall is effortful (Cohen et al. 1982; culty in learning to read, write, and do arithmetic, and at
Roy-Byrne et al. 1986): such depressed patients essentially best they may progress academically to a fourth-, fifth-, or
‘give up’ on the task. The presence of other depressive perhaps sixth-grade level. Thinking is more or less concrete,
symptoms, such as depressed mood, fatigue, and insomnia, and seeing things from another’s point of view or appreci-
suggests the correct diagnosis. ating the importance of anything that lies outside of their
immediate concerns is difficult. These patients fail to grasp
social nuances and may appear ‘immature’. Affects tend to
be exaggerated, with little or no shading: a patient may slip
from joyful exuberance to profound, seemingly incon-
Where available, treatment is directed at the underlying
solable, despair within moments. Judgment tends to be
condition. Supervision of a variable degree is often required
poor and a certain degree of gullibility is often displayed.
during the amnesia, and this may suffice for the transient
Sudden changes or new situations often catch these patients
forms. In the case of persistent amnesias, various tech-
helpless and render them in need of direct, one-on-one
niques, such as the use of mnemonics and lists, may enable
supervision if they are to make it successfully through the
the patient to better navigate the temporal landscape.
transition. In tranquil circumstances, however, many of
these patients are able to work at simple jobs and to live
5.5 MENTAL RETARDATION independently or with only minimal supervision.
Moderate mental retardation is generally apparent dur-
Mental retardation is characterized by a failure to progress, ing pre-school years. These children are often able to talk
despite adequate educational opportunity, beyond a cer- but have great difficulty in learning to read, write, or do
tain developmental point, in both an intellectual and a arithmetic and at best may progress academically to a sec-
social sense. This is a very common disorder, seen in about ond-grade level. Thinking is sparse, very concrete, and lim-
1 percent of the general population. ited to immediate needs. These patients fail to understand
ordinary social conventions and have great difficulty in
getting along with others. With close supervision they may
Clinical features be able to perform simple work and live outside of an insti-
tution, perhaps in a group home.
Mental retardation is divided, according to its severity, into
Severe mental retardation is generally apparent during
four grades, namely mild, moderate, severe, and profound.
the first several years of life. Malformations may be appar-
Thus, those with mild mental retardation generally
ent at birth and seizures are not uncommon. These infants
progress no further than an elementary school level, those
are slow to laugh, have difficulty in imitating others, and at
with moderate mental retardation a second-grade level,
best acquire only limited speech. They do not learn to read
those with severe mental retardation a pre-school level,
or write, and at best may be able to count on their fingers.
and those with profound mental retardation the level seen
Some may be able to live with family or in closely super-
in infants or very small children. By convention, these var-
vised group homes; however, many are unable to survive
ious grades of mental retardation are also demarcated by
outside of an institution.
IQ level and these are presented in Table 5.4, along with the
Profound mental retardation is usually apparent during
the first year of life. Malformations are common, as are
Table 5.4 Grades of mental retardation seizures. These infants are generally unable to walk, and
Developmental some may be unable to stand or even sit. Speech is gener-
Grade age (years) IQ ally not acquired, and vocalizations are generally limited to
grunts, cries, or some expression of pleasure. Constant
close supervision is required to maintain adequate nutri-
Mild 7–11 50–55 to 65–75
tion and hygiene, and institutional care is generally
Moderate 3–7 35–40 to 50–55
Severe 1–3 20–25 to 35–40
In addition to these specific aspects, patients with mental
Profound ⬍1 ⬍20–25
retardation often display a number of associated features.
p 05.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 188
Aggression, impulsivity, a low frustration tolerance, and an supervene in adults with Down’s syndrome. Although typ-
insistence on routine may be seen in all grades. Among ically in such cases autopsy reveals pathology characteristic
those with moderate and higher grades, feeding difficulties, of Alzheimer’s disease (Evenhuius 1990), these patients are
stereotypies and self-injurious behaviors may be seen, and also prone to hypothyroidism, which, of itself, may also
among the severely and profoundly retarded, rectal digging cause dementia (Lai and Williams 1989).
and coprophagia may occur. Fragile X syndrome may cause mental retardation in
Feeding difficulties include pica, rumination, and food affected males, and is suggested by facial dysmorphism
refusal. Food refusal at times may be related to conditions with a long, narrow face, prognathism, and, in those who
such as pharyngeal or esophageal dysmotility, or to reflux, have passed puberty, macro-orchidism (Finelli et al. 1985;
but at times appears to have no other cause than the men- Wisniewski et al. 1985).
tal retardation. Klinefelter’s syndrome may also cause mental retarda-
Common stereotypies include rocking, head-rolling, tion and is suggested by a tall stature, small testicular size,
waving or hand-flapping, finger-sucking, or repeated, and, in some, gynecomastia (Ratcliffe et al. 1982).
meaningless utterances. Tuberous sclerosis commonly causes mental retardation
Self-injurious behaviors may include slapping, scratch- and is suggested by the presence of adenoma sebaceum and
ing, head-banging, hair-pulling, biting, and eye-gouging. seizures (Lagos and Gomez 1967; Pampiglione and
Rectal digging, as noted, is generally seen only in the Moynahan 1976; Ross and Dickerson 1943).
severely and profoundly retarded, and generally only in Sturge–Weber syndrome is suggested by a facial port-
those who are institutionalized. Although it may be related wine stain, a contralateral hemiplegia, and in some, mental
to conditions such as hemorrhoids or pinworms, at times it retardation; in those with seizures, a dementia, as noted in
seems simply to stem from the mental retardation. In addi- Section 5.1, may supervene (Lichtenstein 1954; Pascual-
tion to coprophagia, fecal smearing may also occur. Castroviejo et al. 1993; Petermann et al. 1958).
Other neuropsychiatric disorders are seen in one-half or Von Recklinghausen’s disease, suggested by café au lait
more of patients with mental retardation (Gillberg et al. spots and neurofibromas (Huson et al. 1988) may, in a
1986; Gostason 1985) and may include attention-deficit/ minority, also cause mental retardation (Rosman and
hyperactivity, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, Pearce 1967).
or schizophrenia. In instances where another disorder does Both the Prader–Willi syndrome and the Bardet–Biedl
occur the mental retardation itself modifies the presenta- syndrome may cause mental retardation, both being char-
tion of the new disorder, occasionally making it almost acterized by massive obesity and hypogonadism. Distin-
unrecognizable. Thus, depression may present merely with guishing characteristics for the Prader–Willi syndrome
insomnia, weight loss, and psychomotor change, and mania
may present as irritability, agitation, and sleeplessness.
Schizophrenia may manifest only with bizarre behavior. Table 5.5 Common causes of mental retardation
(Bray et al. 1983; Hall and Smith 1972; Robinson et al. school years, consideration must first be given to whether
1992) include a characteristic dysmorphism, with almond- the environment was such that, given normal intelligence,
shaped eyes, and for the Bardet–Biedl syndrome (Rathmell these skills could be acquired. Thus, in cases of severe dep-
and Burns 1938; Roth 1947), retinitis pigmentosa and rivation or inadequate educational opportunity, the failure
either polydactyly or syndactyly. to acquire these skills may not reflect mental retardation at
The Lesch–Nyhan syndrome often causes mental retar- all. Observing an individual’s social behavior may offer a
dation and is suggested by choreoathetosis and self- clue here: those of normal intelligence who failed to
mutilating lip- or finger-biting (Jankovic et al. 1988; Lesch progress academically due to a lack of educational oppor-
and Nyhan 1964; Nyhan 1972). tunity may yet display a keen and subtle grasp of social
Rett’s syndrome is seen virtually only in females and is nuances: here, this demonstration of ‘native’ intelligence is
suggested by a characteristic history (Hagberg 1993; a more accurate reflection of intellectual capacity than is
Hagberg et al. 1983): at around the age of 1.5 years, mental performance on tests of academic ability.
retardation becomes apparent, along with a characteristic Various other conditions may, even in the presence of
stereotyped hand movement, much like hand-washing. adequate educational resources, prevent the acquisition of
Microcephaly also gradually becomes apparent. At around academic skills, including significant deafness or reduced
the age of 3 years, there may be some partial recovery of visual acuity, developmental disabilities (such as develop-
communicative ability, and seizures often appear. Patients mental dyslexia or developmental dysphasia), attention-
may then remain stable until the adult years, when scolio- deficit/hyperactivity, schizophrenia, and significant
sis and dystonia gradually ensue. depression.
Phenylketonuria as a cause of mental retardation Dementia is clearly distinguished from mental retarda-
is uncommon today, thanks to newborn screening. tion by its course. In mental retardation, there is no falling
Importantly, however, adherence to the low-phenylalanine off or decrement in intellectual ability from a previously
diet should be lifelong in order to prevent deterioration. It acquired level: rather, there is, as noted above, a ‘stalling’ of
is especially critical that mothers with phenylketonuria development wherein patients reach a plateau, signifi-
adhere strictly to the diet during pregnancy in order to cantly below that expected for their age, beyond which
prevent neurologic damage to the fetus. Mothers who are there is no further progress. By contrast, there is in demen-
heterozygous for the gene should also adopt the diet dur- tia a definite falling off from a previously acquired level,
ing pregnancy in order to prevent fetal damage (Lenke and this decrement being more or less profound.
Levy 1980).
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Syndromes of disturbances of mood and affect
6.1 DEPRESSION Others may actively seek death, perhaps by hanging, shoot-
ing, jumping from bridges, or taking overdoses.
Depression, as conceived of here, is a syndrome that may Difficulty with concentration may be profound. Patients
result from any one of a large number of underlying may complain that it is as if a ‘fog’ had settled in, and that
causes. Although the most common cause of depression is they feel dull and heavy headed. Memory seems to fail, and
major depressive disorder, it is critical to subject each patients may be unable to recall where they put things or
depressed patient to a thorough diagnostic evaluation what was said. Attempts at cognitive activities often end in
before concluding that major depressive disorder, or per- failure: patients, in trying to read a book, may read the same
haps one of the other idiopathic disorders discussed below, paragraph again and again, and find themselves unable to
is the cause. absorb or understand what they have read. Things seem too
complex and making decisions may be impossible.
The remaining symptoms, namely anhedonia, anergia,
Clinical features sleep disturbance, appetite change, and psychomotor change,
are often referred to, collectively, as the ‘vegetative’ symp-
The syndrome of depression, in its fully developed form, toms of depression, in that they represent disturbances in
includes not only a depressed or irritable mood, but also the basic vegetative functions critical for survival.
other symptoms, as listed in Table 6.1; each one of these is Anhedonia represents an inability to take pleasure in
considered in turn. things, and patients may complain that nothing arouses or
Mood is depressed or sometimes irritable; some, in addi- attracts them. Thus unable to experience pleasure, patients
tion to these symptoms, may also complain of anxiety. At lose interest in formerly pleasurable activities and must
times patients may deny a depressed mood, but rather com- force themselves to get through their days, which, to them,
plain of a sense of discouragement, or perhaps lassitude and seem desolate and lifeless. Libido is especially lost, and
a sense of being weighted down. The patient’s affect gener- patients may withdraw entirely from any sexual activities.
ally mirrors the mood, and there may be copious tears. Anergia, or a dearth of energy, may leave patients com-
At times, and especially in those with anxiety, there may plaining of fatigue, tiredness, and exhaustion, or of being
be a ‘pained’ facial expression. Occasionally, patients may ‘drained’. The anergia may be so extreme that patients are
attempt to hide their depressed mood by feigning a ‘happy’ unable to complete routine tasks; some may even be
affect, thus creating a ‘smiling depression’. unable to find the energy to get dressed.
Self-esteem typically sinks during depression, and the Sleep disturbance may manifest with either insomnia or
workings of conscience may become so prominent as to hypersomnia. Insomnia is more common, and may be a
create an almost insupportable burden of guilt: patients particular torment to the patient. Although some complain
may see their sins multiply in front of them, and in review- of what is technically known as ‘initial’ insomnia, that is to
ing their past may be blind to their accomplishments and say trouble initiating or falling asleep, a more characteristic
see only their misdeeds. Pessimism settles in and patients complaint is ‘middle’ insomnia, wherein patients awaken in
see no hope for themselves, either now or in the future. the middle of the night, and have great difficulty in falling
Suicidal ideation is typically present, and may be either back asleep; some complain that their ‘mind’ simply won’t
passive or active. Patients may say that they would not mind ‘shut off’. Some may also experience ‘terminal’ insomnia, or,
if they were in a fatal accident or died of some disease. as it is also known, ‘early morning awakening’, wherein they
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 209
Table 6.1 Symptoms of depression withhold the diagnosis until symptoms have persisted for
Depressed or irritable mood about 2 weeks, some judgment is required here as there are
Low self-esteem, guilt, pessimism clearly cases wherein patients have severe and numerous
Suicidal ideation depressive symptoms, which, however, are relatively brief in
Difficulty with concentration or forgetfulness duration. Examples include the premenstrual dysphoric dis-
Anhedonia (lack of interest in formerly pleasurable activities) order, some medication-induced depressions, and ictal
Anergia (lack of energy) depressions. In practice, most clinicians will relax the time
Sleep disturbance (insomnia or hypersomnia) duration in proportion to the increasing severity and num-
Appetite disturbance (anorexia or increased appetite) ber of symptoms.
Psychomotor change (agitation or retardation)
awaken well before the desired time of arousal and then are The various causes of depression are listed in Table 6.2, in
unable to fall back asleep. When morning finally does come, which they are divided into several groups. The first group
patients arise unrefreshed and exhausted, sometimes feeling includes the primary or idiopathic disorders, such as major
as if they had not slept at all. Hypersomnia is relatively depressive disorder: the disorders in this group account,
uncommon: here, patients may sleep 12, 16, or even 18 hours by far, for the most cases of depression. The next group
a day. Remarkably, despite such extremes of sleep, patients includes toxic depressions, which may be either medication
do not feel refreshed during their waking hours. induced, for example the depression seen with high-dose
Appetite is typically lost and this anorexia may be accom- prednisone, or due to substances of abuse or toxins, as may
panied by an altered taste. Patients may complain that their be seen in chronic alcoholism. Metabolic depressions are
food has no taste or has perhaps become unpalatable; some considered next, including such disorders as obstructive
may say their food tastes like cardboard. Although some sleep apnea. Medication or substance withdrawal depressions
patients may force themselves to eat, most cannot and follow, and include depressions occurring upon discontin-
weight loss is typical, possibly extreme. Increased appetite is uation of long-term treatment with anticholinergic medica-
relatively uncommon but when it does occur the accompa- tions or as may be seen during withdrawal from stimulants.
nying weight gain may be impressive. Endocrinologic disorders constitute a very important cause
Psychomotor change tends more to agitation than to of depression, and include such familiar conditions as
retardation. Agitation, when slight, may be confined to a hypothyroidism and Cushing’s syndrome. Various neu-
certain sense of inner restlessness. When more severe, rodegenerative and dementing disorders may cause depres-
there may be hand-wringing and restless pacing: patients sion, and indeed approximately one-third of patients with
may complain of being unable to keep still; they may Parkinson’s disease will be so affected. Depression may also
loudly lament their fate, and some may give way to wailing be seen in a large number of other intracranial disorders, for
and miserable pleas for help. The tension experienced by example in the syndrome of post-stroke depression. Each of
these patients may be almost palpable to the observer and these groups is considered in more detail below, beginning
yet, despite their pleas, these patients cannot be comforted with the primary or idiopathic disorders.
no matter what is done for them. Psychomotor retardation
is less common. Patients may speak slowly and haltingly, PRIMARY OR IDIOPATHIC DISORDERS
and some may become mute, as if the effort to speak were
simply too great; if asked, they may report that their As noted earlier, the disorders in this group constitute, by
thoughts are sluggish and come very slowly. These patients far, the most common causes of depression. As a group,
may move very little, and some may become almost com- however, they constitute ‘rule-out’ diagnoses, and a diagno-
pletely immobile: efforts to get them up may be met with sis of one of these disorders should generally not be made
reluctance, even irritation, and some patients, if left to until one is reasonably certain that the depressive syndrome
themselves, may neither bathe nor change their clothes. in question is not caused by one of the other disorders in
There is debate as to how many of these symptoms must Table 6.2. It must also be kept in mind that it is not at
be present before a syndromal diagnosis of depression is all uncommon that in any given patient more than one dis-
warranted. Some authorities insist on a large number and order may be present. For example, a patient with well-
although such an approach yields a relatively ‘pure’ group it established major depressive disorder, with a long history of
runs the risk of ignoring patients whose symptoms, recurrent depressions, may come down with a depression
although few in number, are severe, even disabling. I recom- during a course of prednisone treatment, which remits shortly
mend, as a preliminary approach, reserving the diagnosis for after treatment is discontinued. Furthermore, some depres-
those who, in addition to a depressed mood, also have at sions may be multifactorial: consider a patient, again with
least three of the remaining symptoms noted in Table 6.1. well-established major depressive disorder, who, shortly
There is also debate as to the duration of symptoms after treatment with metoclopramide, develops a depression
before the diagnosis is given. Although it is customary to that persists for weeks, or longer, rather than remitting after
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 210
the metoclopramide is discontinued. In this instance, it is will, in over 90 percent of cases, occur within 10 years of the
reasonable to assume that the medication triggered a new first depressive episode or by the time five or more episodes
depressive episode of the major depressive disorder, which of depression have occurred, whichever comes first (Dunner
then persisted. et al. 1976).
Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder are both Although not as reliable, certain clinical characteristics of
characterized by recurrent episodes of depression, the two the depressive episode may also suggest whether that depres-
disorders being distinguished by the fact that in bipolar dis- sive episode is occurring on a basis of bipolar disorder or
order one also sees, at some point in the patient’s history, a major depression. Specifically, depressive episodes of bipo-
manic episode, whereas in major depressive disorder, manic lar disorder are, in contrast with those of major depression,
episodes never occur. Given that bipolar disorder may com- more likely to have an acute onset (over weeks rather than
mence with one, or several, episodes of depression before months) (Winokur et al. 1993) and are also more likely to be
the first episode of mania occurs, one must, in evaluating a accompanied by delusions or hallucinations (Guze et al.
patient who has had only depressive episodes, allow a 1975).
lengthy period of observation to pass before making a firm Dysthymia is characterized by chronic, low-level, and
diagnosis of major depression. Statistically speaking, in generally fluctuating depressive symptoms. This condition
patients with bipolar disorder, the first episode of mania is of uncertain nosologic status. In many cases, there will be
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 211
an exacerbation of symptoms to the degree found in a emerges as a frequent cause. The other medications listed
depressive episode (Devanand et al. 1994), and, from my in Table 6.2 only rarely cause depression, and before one
point of view, it may be appropriate to think of dysthymia ascribes any given depression to them it is necessary to
simply as a chronic, low-level depressive episode that could demonstrate a close temporal relationship between the ini-
be part of either major depression or bipolar disorder. tiation of treatment and the onset of the depression and,
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is characterized by rela- ideally, a similarly close relationship between discontinua-
tively brief depressions that occur with each menstrual cycle, tion and remission of the depression. This list of medicines
beginning anywhere from hours to one and a half weeks should not be considered comprehensive, and the clinician
before the onset of menses and remitting spontaneously 2–3 should maintain a high index of suspicion for a medica-
days after menstrual flow begins. The depression is typically tion-induced depression whenever such temporal relation-
characterized by prominent lability of mood (Bloch et al. ships can be established, and other, more common, causes
1997a). of depression appear absent.
Post-partum blues is immediately suggested by its onset Chronic alcoholism is commonly associated with
within the first few days post-partum and by its characteris- depression, indeed a majority of newly admitted alcoholics
tic lability of affect (Pitt 1973; Rohde et al. 1997; Yalom et al. will be so affected (Davidson 1995). Importantly, the symp-
1968). toms typically resolve spontaneously during the first 4
Post-partum depression is distinguished from the weeks of abstinence (Brown et al. 1995).
post-partum blues by its later onset, with a latency of at Lead intoxication may be characterized by depression
least several weeks between delivery and the onset of the (Schottenfeld and Cullen 1984), and the diagnosis should
depression. be considered in cases wherein the depression is accompa-
Schizoaffective disorder is characterized by chronic, nied by a motor peripheral neuropathy with wrist or, less
persistent psychotic symptoms with the ‘superimposition’ commonly, foot drop.
of episodes of either depression or of mania, during either
of which the pre-existing psychotic symptoms undergo a
significant exacerbation. Differentiating schizoaffective METABOLIC DEPRESSIONS
disorder from bipolar disorder may be difficult (Pope et al.
Obstructive sleep apnea may cause a depression marked by
1980), and the reader is directed to Section 20.2 for a dis-
tiredness, indecisiveness, irritability, and complaints of
cussion of this.
insomnia (Millman et al. 1989). The diagnosis is suggested
Post-psychotic depression in schizophrenia is seen in
by a history of prominent snoring, and by a relief of symp-
about one-third of patients with schizophrenia. In these
toms upon successful treatment of the sleep apnea, as for
patients, after a more or less complete remission of psy-
example with continuous positive airway pressure.
chotic symptoms (whether occurring spontaneously or by
Chronic hypercalcemia, as seen in hyperparathyroidism,
virtue of antipsychotic treatment), a depressive episode
may be accompanied by depression (Linder et al. 1988;
occurs, typically within a matter of months (Mandel et al.
Petersen 1968; Reinfrank 1961) and may in some cases pres-
1982). In contrast with schizoaffective disorder, however,
ent with depression (Gatewood et al. 1975; Karpati and
there is during this post-psychotic depression no exacerba-
Frame 1964).
tion of psychotic symptoms.
Both vitamin B12 deficiency and niacin deficiency may,
rarely, cause depression. In one case of B12 deficiency-
TOXIC DEPRESSIONS induced depression, the only clue was a concurrent macro-
cytic anemia (Fraser 1960). Chronic niacin deficiency
Toxic depressions may be either medication induced or sec-
causes pellagra, which, in one case, presented with a com-
ondary to substances of abuse or actual toxins. Medications
bination of depression and the familiar rash/diarrhea
are considered first.
(Hardwick 1943).
Of the various medications listed in Table 6.2, the most
Pancreatic cancer is associated with depression (Holland
common offender is prednisone, given in relatively high
et al. 1986; McDaniel et al. 1995) and may indeed present
doses of 40–60 mg/day or more; similar effects may be
with depression (Fras et al. 1967; Rickles 1945). The even-
expected with other corticosteroids. Alpha-interferon, as
tual appearance of abdominal pain suggests the correct
used in the treatment of hepatitis C and melanoma, is
another major offender, inducing depression within a few
weeks in approximately one-third of all patients: the effect
here is so profound that prophylactic treatment is recom- MEDICATION OR SUBSTANCE WITHDRAWAL
mended, with one study demonstrating effectiveness for
paroxetine (Musselman et al. 2001). Depression has also Cholinergic rebound may occur after abrupt discontinua-
been associated with beta-1b-interferon, but this is com- tion of long-term treatment with anticholinergic agents,
paratively rare. Metoclopramide, although producing such as tricyclic antidepressants: shortly thereafter,
depression in only a very small percentage of patients who patients fairly abruptly develop a depression accompanied
take it, is, however, so commonly prescribed that it too by nausea (Dilsaver et al. 1983).
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 212
Stimulant withdrawal, for example after extended use of Hyperprolactinemia, as may be seen with prolactino-
either amphetamines (Watson et al. 1972) or cocaine mas, may cause depression, which, in turn, remits with
(Weddington et al. 1990), is typically characterized by a treatment with bromocriptine (Cohen 1995; Mattox et al.
depression that tends to resolve in a few weeks. 1986). The diagnosis may be suggested by galactorrhea or
Anabolic steroids may be taken chronically by athletes; erectile dysfunction.
abrupt discontinuation may be followed by a depression
(Pope and Katz 1988) that tends to remit spontaneously NEURODEGENERATIVE AND DEMENTING DISORDERS
within weeks or months.
Depression may occur in the context of various neurode-
generative and dementing disorders.
ENDOCRINOLOGIC DISORDERS Parkinsonian disorders capable of causing depression
include Parkinson’s disease, diffuse Lewy body disease, and
The endocrinologic disorders constitute a particularly
a very rare disorder known as hereditary mental depression
important group not only because they are a relatively com-
with parkinsonism. Parkinson’s disease, in most (but not
mon cause of depression, but also because they are emi-
all [Hantz et al. 1994]) studies, is associated with depres-
nently treatable. Of them, hypothyroidism is perhaps the
sion of varying degrees of severity in up to 40 percent of
most important.
cases (Mayeux et al. 1986; Starkstein et al. 1990a). Diffuse
Hypothyroidism may cause severe depression (Tonks
Lewy body disease (distinguished from Parkinson’s disease
1964; Whybrow et al. 1969). In addition to such features as
by the occurrence, within a year of the onset of parkinson-
weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, and voice change, the con-
ism, of dementia) is characterized by depression in about
dition is also suggested by prominent fatigue, sluggishness,
one-half of patients (Klatka et al. 1996). Hereditary mental
and drowsiness (Nickel and Frame 1958).
depression with parkinsonism is a very rare familial disor-
Hyperthyroidism, although generally associated with
der that presents with depression, followed, years later, by
anxiety and agitation, appears just as likely to cause depres-
parkinsonism (Perry et al. 1975).
sion (Kathol and Delahunt 1986; Trzepacz et al. 1988) and
Huntington’s disease not uncommonly causes depres-
the correct diagnosis may be suggested by the presence
sion (Caine and Shoulson 1983) and the suicide rate in this
of weight loss in the face of increased appetite (Trzepacz
disorder is particularly elevated.
et al. 1988) or autonomic signs such as tremor and tachy-
Alzheimer’s disease, suggested by the gradual onset of a
cardia (Taylor 1975). Apathetic hyperthyroidism is a con-
dementia with prominent amnestic features, is accompa-
dition seen in elderly patients with hyperthyroidism, and is
nied by prominent depressive symptoms in about one-fifth
distinguished from the more common presentation of
of all cases (Burns et al. 1990a; Starkstein et al. 1997, 2005a).
hyperthyroidism seen in younger patients by marked apathy
Multi-infarct dementia, suggested by its stepwise course
and the relative absence of tremor (Lahey 1931; Thomas
and prominent focal findings, produces depression in over
et al. 1970). In some cases, rather than apathy, however,
one-half of all sufferers (Cummings et al. 1987).
one may see depression (Thomas et al. 1970). Important
clues to the correct diagnosis include atrial fibrillation OTHER INTRACRANIAL DISORDERS
or congestive heart failure (Arnold et al. 1974; Thomas
et al. 1970). Of the other intracranial disorders capable of causing
Cushing’s syndrome, as seen with pituitary or adrenal depression, the most common are stroke and traumatic
tumors (Haskett 1985), may be characterized by depres- brain injury. Other somewhat less common causes are
sion, as noted by Cushing himself (Cushing 1932), and this multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. Finally, there is a miscella-
has been noted in over one-half of all cases (Cohen 1980; neous group, including tumors, hydrocephalus, etc.
Haskett 1985; Kelly 1996; Starkman 1981). Suggestive fea- Post-stroke depression, which can be quite severe (Lipsey
tures include weight gain, moon facies, hirsutism, acne, a et al. 1986), may develop in the weeks or months after stroke
buffalo hump, violaceous abdominal striae, hypertension, in up to one-half of all patients. Most (Hermann et al. 1993;
and diabetes mellitus (Haskett 1985; Spillane 1951). Robinson et al. 1983, 1984, 1985), but not all (House et al.
Cushing’s syndrome may also occur on a paraneoplastic 1990; MacHale et al. 1998; Stern and Bachman 1991), stud-
basis, and, in one case secondary to Hodgkin’s disease, the ies note that such depression is more likely with infarctions
patient presented with depression and slight facial puffi- in the left frontal lobe than elsewhere. Such patients typically
ness (Anderson and McHugh 1971). recover within a year (Astrom et al. 1993; Robinson et al.
Adrenocortical insufficiency, when chronic, may cause 1987). Post-stroke depression has also been associated with
depression (Engel and Margolin 1941; Varadaraj and infarction of the left basal ganglia (Morris et al. 1996;
Cooper 1986) and is suggested by associated features such as Starkstein et al. 1987a, 1988a).
nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and postural dizziness. Traumatic brain injury may be associated with depres-
Hyperaldosteronism, as may occur with adrenal tumors, sion in up to one-half of all patients (Federoff et al. 1992).
very rarely, may cause depression: in one case the diagnosis Multiple sclerosis is more likely to cause depression
was suggested by hypokalemia and weakness and cramping than are other comparably debilitating disorders such as
of the legs (Malinow and Lion 1979). amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Schiffer and Babigian 1984;
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 213
Whitlock and Siskind 1980). Although this depression is New-variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease may present
correlated with overall disability early in the course of the with depression (Zeidler et al. 1997a) but eventually, over
disease (Millefiorini et al. 1992), this correlation vanishes weeks or months this will be joined by other symptoms,
as the disease progresses (Fassbender et al. 1998; Moller et such as ataxia, delirium, or dementia (Zeidler 1997b).
al. 1994); in more chronic cases, by contrast, one finds that Down’s syndrome, immediately suggested by mental
depression correlates with the extent of cerebral (rather retardation and a characteristic facies, may, in adults, cause
than cord) involvement (Rabins et al. 1986; Schiffer et al. depression (Collacott et al. 1992), which may be very
1983), specifically with involvement of the left arcuate fas- severe (Warren et al. 1989).
ciculus (Pujol et al. 1997). As with other signs of multiple
sclerosis, the depression may also have a relapsing and
remitting course (Dalos et al. 1983). Differential diagnosis
Epilepsy may be associated with depression, not only in
that certain partial seizures may manifest with depression, Depression is a normal reaction to the adverse events of life,
but also, and, from a numeric point of view, more impor- especially losses, and this normal depression must be distin-
tantly, in that patients with epilepsy may develop a chronic, guished from depression caused by one of the disorders
interictal depression. Partial seizures (Weil 1956, 1959; described above. Several features of normal depression are
Williams 1956) may manifest with the paroxysmal onset of helpful in this differential. First, the severity of normal
depression, which may be severe, with psychomotor retar- depression is generally proportionate to the severity of the
dation or agitation, and which may last for from minutes to, preceding adverse event, whether it be the loss of a loved one,
in cases of complex partial status epilepticus, weeks. In addi- serious illness, or financial reversals; thus, although severe
tion to the paroxysmal onset, important clues to the diagno- symptoms are to be expected after the death of a child, they
sis are the presence of olfactory hallucinations and a history would not be normal after, say, getting a parking ticket.
of more typical seizures at other times. Interictal depression Second, normal depressions generally remit spontaneously
of epilepsy occurs in a large proportion of patients with and do so, in most cases, within 6 months or so, rarely, if
recurrent seizures (Mendez et al. 1986), especially those with ever, lasting more than a year (Harlow et al. 1991); thus,
recurrent complex partial seizures (Indaco et al. 1992; Perini depression lasting longer, surely, than a year, should not be
et al. 1996). considered a ‘normal’ reaction, unless, of course, the adverse
Intracerebral tumors may cause depression, as has been event were ongoing. Third, and finally, normal depressions
noted with tumors of the anterior portion of the corpus generally lack severe vegetative symptoms and never are
callosum (Ironside and Guttmacher 1929). characterized by delusions; thus, the presence of severe mid-
Hydrocephalus may present with depression (Jones dle or terminal insomnia, anorexia or psychomotor change,
1993) and in a minority of cases of normal-pressure hydro- or any delusions, argues strongly against a normal depres-
cephalus, it may play a prominent part in the overall clinical sion. Clearly, the exercise of good clinical judgment is
picture (Pujol et al. 1989). The presence of an ataxic/apraxic required in making this differential. Many patients (and their
or ‘magnetic’ gait may suggest the correct diagnosis. family members) seem offended at the suggestion that they
Fahr’s syndrome may, rarely, present with depression, might be depressed, and wounded pride may prompt such
which is eventually joined by more typical signs such as comments as ‘well, wouldn’t you be depressed if you’d gone
dementia (Slyter 1979) and parkinsonism (Trautner et al. through what I did?’ Whether or not the physician would is
1988); calcification of the basal ganglia, apparent on com- immaterial; what is important is for the physician to deter-
puted tomography, strongly suggests this diagnosis. mine whether the patient’s depression is normal or not.
Systemic lupus erythematosus can definitely cause Akinesia must also be considered in the differential of
depression (Dennis et al. 1992). What is disputed, how- depression. Akinesia is perhaps most commonly seen in
ever, is how frequently it does so: some have found depres- patients treated with antipsychotics, especially first-genera-
sion to be common in lupus (Ainiala et al. 2001; Brey et al. tion agents, and is characterized by a sluggishness of thought
2002; Ganz et al. 1972; Lim et al. 1988; Miguel et al. 1994), and an overall dulling of emotion: some patients complain of
whereas older studies have not (Guze 1967; Hugo et al. feeling like a ‘zombie’ (Rifkin et al. 1975; Van Putten and May
1996). The diagnosis should be suspected in patients with 1978). Two points serve to differentiate this from depression:
arthralgia, rashes, and constitutional symptoms. first, there is little in the way of changes in sleep or appetite,
Limbic encephalitis may present with a depression, and actually little depressed mood, either; second, akinesia
which is later joined by other, more typical evidence of the responds promptly to treatment with anticholinergics, such
encephalitis, such as delirium (Glaser and Pincus 1969) or as benztropine, which have no effect on depression.
dementia (Corsellis et al. 1968).
Tertiary neurosyphilis may cause a dementia (general
paresis of the insane, GPI) characterized not only by cogni- Treatment
tive deficits, but also by depression (Dewhust 1969; Gomez
and Aviles 1984) in almost one-fifth of all cases (Storm- Treatment, wherever possible, is directed at the underlying
Mathisen 1969). cause. Where this is not possible, or is perhaps ineffective,
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 214
consideration may be given to symptomatic treatment with Dementia may be accompanied by apathy and this has
an antidepressant. In general, given their overall effective- been noted in various neurodegenerative disorders (Levy
ness, and, most importantly, their safety, selective serotonin et al. 1998), most notably Alzheimer’s disease (Starkstein et al.
reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) constitute a first choice. Some 2001, 2005b, 2006), frontotemporal dementia (Levy et al.
studies back this up. With regard to post-stroke depression, 1996), Parkinson’s disease (Isella et al. 2002, Pluck and
citalopram was found to be superior to placebo (Anderson Brown 2002), progressive supranuclear palsy (Litvan et al.
et al. 1994), and depression occurring after traumatic brain 1996), and Huntington’s disease (Burns et al. 1990b).
injury may respond to sertaline (Fann et al. 2000). If an SSRI Although in many of these demented patients apathy appears
is used for depression in parkinsonian conditions, a careful in association with a depressive syndrome, there is a definite,
watch should be kept for any aggravation of the parkinson- although minority, group, wherein apathy appears without
ism as has been seen with both fluoxetine (Ernst and Steur any associated depressed mood, lack of energy, or other
1993) and paroxetine (Jimenez-Jimenez et al. 1994); fur- symptoms typical of a depressive syndrome. Apathy is seen
thermore, if a monamine oxidase inhibitor (MAOI) is being commonly after traumatic brain injury, and, in these cases, is
used for the treatment of parkinsonism, SSRIs should not be more common when the right hemisphere is involved, espe-
prescribed, given the risk of a serotonin syndrome. cially its subcortical portions (Andersson et al. 1999).
The frontal lobe syndrome, as discussed in Section 7.2,
may, along with disinhibition and perseveration, also
include apathy.
Depressive syndromes often include apathy as a symp-
tom along with depressed mood, fatigue, insomnia, etc.
Apathy, or indifference, is very common in geriatric
Such syndromes may, as noted above, be seen in various
patients, and, as noted below, may occur secondary to a
dementing disorders, or more commonly, may appear as a
variety of causes.
manifestation of major depressive disorder (Feil et al. 2003;
Starkstein et al. 2001).
Psychosis, as for example schizophrenia (Roth et al.
Clinical features 2004), may also include apathy as a symptom, along with
delusions, hallucinations, etc.
Normally, thoughts of doing something, whether thinking a
problem through, getting dressed, going to a movie, or
whatever, when they appear, are invested with a greater or Differential diagnosis
lesser degree of motivation to carry out the plan. In apathetic
patients, however, such thoughts come, as it were, stillborn, Abulia, superficially, appears almost identical to apathy, in
and without sufficient associated motivation to impel the that in both cases, afflicted patients are inactive. There are,
thinker to carry them into action. In apathetic patients, there however, significant differences. In abulia, there simply are
is such a pervasive sense of not ‘caring’ enough that many no thoughts, plans or inclinations: the ‘mental horizon’ is
lapse into inactivity, and appear detached and indifferent. empty and undisturbed. By contrast, thoughts, etc., do
occur with apathy but without sufficient associated motiva-
tion to carry the patient into action. Furthermore, when
Etiology abulic patients are subject to supervision they do carry out
tasks, and typically do so at a normal rate, provided that the
Apathy may appear in a more or less isolated fashion or supervision is ongoing; by contrast, apathetic patients may
may occur as part of another syndrome, such as dementia, shirk or withdraw when told to do something, and comply
the frontal lobe syndrome, or depression. only half-heartedly, if that, with ongoing supervision.
Apathy in a more or less isolated form may be seen in Bradyphrenia and bradykinesia, as seen in parkinsonian
stroke, acquired autoimmune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) conditions, may also appear similar to apathy in that, to a
(Paul et al. 2005), myotonic muscular dystrophy (Rubinsztein brief inspection, there is little activity. The differential,
et al. 1998), and hyperthyroidism in the elderly (‘apathetic’ however, is relatively easy if one only observes the patient
hyperthyroidism [Brenner 1978]). In the case of stroke, apa- for a while: given enough time, the bradykinetic patient
thy has been associated with ischemic infarction involv- will get the job done, as here it is not a lack of motivation
ing the posterior limb of the internal capsule (Starkstein but rather a slowing down of all activities, whereas, by con-
et al. 1993), both thalami (Catsman-Berrevoets and von trast, the apathetic patient will remain inactive.
Harskamp 1988), and the right frontosubcortical circuitry Depressed mood, when accompanied by anhedonia,
(Brodaty et al. 2005). Apathy has also been noted as a side- may appear very similar to apathy. Depressed mood, how-
effect of treatment with antipsychotics, and, with chronic ever, is a definite mood: patients feel sad, ‘blue’, or inter-
use, SSRIs (Hoehn-Saric et al. 1990). Finally, isolated apa- nally oppressed. By contrast, apathetic patients typically
thy may occur in geriatric nursing home patients in whom experience an absence of any particular mood, except, of
it appears to result from chronic understimulation. course, for a sense of indifference. Furthermore, depressed
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 215
patients who have lost their hedonic capacity may never- Clinical features
theless at times feel some motivation to act but then fail to
carry through as they realize that there will be no pleasure The syndrome of mania, following the elegant descriptive
in finishing the task. By contrast, apathetic patients, lack- study of Carlson and Goodwin in 1973, may be divided
ing any motivation to act at all, simple fail to get started. into three stages. Stage I mania, also known as hypomania,
is present in all cases, and, in its fully developed form
Treatment includes all the symptoms listed in Table 6.3. Most
patients, over time, will enter into stage II mania, known
In cases where apathy appears as part of another syndrome, as acute mania, with this transition being marked by an
the first approach is to treat the larger syndrome, as suc- exacerbation of the symptoms seen in hypomania and by
cessful treatment in this regard may, in some cases, be fol- the appearance of delusions. A minority of patients will
lowed by substantial improvement of the apathy. Examples progress further, into stage III mania, known also as deliri-
include: cholinesterase inhibitors for Alzheimer’s disease ous mania, and here one finds confusion, hallucinations,
and Parkinson’s disease dementia; levodopa or direct- worsening delusions, and an overall disintegration of
acting dopamine agonists for Parkinson’s disease and pro- behavior. As the manic syndrome gradually resolves,
gressive supranuclear palsy; antidepressants for depressive patients tend, as it were, to retrace the symptomatic steps
syndromes; and antipsychotics for psychoses. When SSRIs that marked the evolution of the syndrome: thus, a patient
or antipsychotics (especially first-generation agents) are who reached stage III would gradually settle back into stage
used, one must be alert to their potential, as noted earlier, II, then stage I, only finally to experience a remission of
to cause apathy. symptoms. The onset of a manic syndrome tends to be
In cases when treatment of a larger syndrome leaves fairly acute, over perhaps days to a week; the range here is
associated apathy untouched, or in cases where apathy is wide, from gradual onsets spanning months to hyperacute
occurring in an isolated fashion, consideration may be ones lasting hours or less. The overall duration of a manic
given to symptomatic treatment aimed at apathy itself. In episode depends on the underlying cause: in bipolar disor-
this regard, the most commonly used medication is der, the most common cause, episodes typically last from
methylphenidate, which appears effective for apathy associ- weeks to months.
ated with dementia (e.g., due to Alzheimer’s disease or mul- Additional studies have largely backed up this division by
tiple strokes [Galynker et al. 1997]), apathy occurring in an Carlson and Goodwin into stage I (Abrams and Taylor 1976;
isolated fashion after subcortical infarction (Watanabe et al. Carlson and Strober 1978; Clayton et al. 1965; Taylor and
1995), and apathy occurring in institutionalized geriatric Abrams 1973, 1977; Winokur and Tsuang 1975; Winokur
patients (Kaplitz 1975). Methylphenidate should be started et al. 1969), stage II (Loudon et al. 1977; Rosenthal et al.
at a low dose, for example 2.5 mg in the morning and 1979, 1980; Taylor and Abrams 1973, 1977), and stage III
2.5 mg in the early afternoon, and increased gradually every (Black and Nasrallah 1989; Bowman and Raymond 1931;
2 or 3 days, in similar increments until a response is seen, Brockington et al. 1980; Carlson and Strober 1978; Rosenthal
limiting side-effects occur, or a maximum dose of et al. 1979, 1980; Taylor and Abrams 1973, 1977; Winokur
60 mg/day is reached: in many elderly patients, a total daily 1984).
dose of from 10 to 20 mg generally suffices. Each one of the three stages of mania is described fur-
Apathy occurring after traumatic brain injury may also ther below; in several instances quotations are provided
respond to bromocriptine (Powell et al. 1996), amantadine from Emil Kraepelin’s (1921) masterful Manic-Depressive
(Van Reekum et al. 1995), or selegeline (Newburn and Insanity and Paranoia.
Newburn 2005).
When attempting pharmacologic treatment of apathy, it STAGE I MANIA: HYPOMANIA
should be borne in mind that of the studies noted above all
were open except that by Kaplitz et al. (for methylphenidate Of the symptoms of hypomania listed in Table 6.3, a
in institutionalized geriatric patients), which utilized a heightened mood is present in all cases and although most
double-blind protocol with 44 patients, and that by Van patients will have all of the others, some may play only a
Reekum et al. (for amantadine in traumatic brain injury relatively minor part in the clinical picture.
patients), which was an ‘N of 1’ study that also utilized a
Table 6.3 The symptoms of hypomania
double-blind protocol. Clearly, more work is needed.
Heightened mood (either euphoric or irritable)
Increased energy
6.3 MANIA Decreased need for sleep
Pressure of speech
Mania is one of the most distinctive syndromes in neuropsy-
Flight of ideas
chiatric practice: once seen, never forgotten. Although most
commonly caused by bipolar disorder, mania may occur
secondary to a host of other causes, as described below.
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 216
episodes, five depressive episodes, whichever comes first remain manic (Giovannoni et al. 2000). Mania may also
(Dunner et al. 1976). Importantly, however, although in the occur secondary to direct-acting dopaminergics, such as
intervals between episodes, there may be mild disturbances pramipxole and ropinirole but this is much less common.
of mood, as noted above, there are never any psychotic Antidepressants are notorious for inducing mania, but this
symptoms. Some variations on the typical course of bipolar generally only occurs in patients with pre-existing bipolar
disorder described earlier are worthy of note. First, it rarely disorder, and in these cases it is appropriate to consider that
appears that some patients (often referred to as ‘unipolar the antidepressant ‘triggered’ a manic episode. Anabolic
manic’) have only manic episodes during their lifetime steroid abuse, as seen in athletes such as weight-lifters and
(Pfohl et al. 1982; Shulman and Tohen 1994) and never American football players, may cause mania, which may be
experience a depressive one. Second, a minority of cases marked by extreme irritability and violence: manic symp-
may also be characterized by ‘rapid cycling’, wherein four toms occurring in a ‘bulked-up’ athlete should always sug-
or more episodes of illness occur during a year (Dunner gest anabolic steroid use and prompt a search for
et al. 1977). corroborating clinical evidence, such as gynecomastia and
Cyclothymia is best thought of as a very mild form of testicular atrophy. The other medications listed in Table 6.4
bipolar disorder (Akiskal et al. 1977). Like bipolar disor- only rarely cause mania, and before attributing any given
der, it is characterized by episodes of mood disturbance case to one of them, one would want to be able to demon-
but these are much milder in intensity and indeed may not strate not only a fairly close temporal relationship between
bring the patient to clinical attention. starting the medication (or substantially increasing the
Schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type (Grossman et al. dose) and the onset of the mania, but also an absence of
1984; Pope et al. 1980; Rosenthal et al. 1980), possesses a other, more common causes.
distinctive overall course: patients with this illness are not Before ending consideration of these toxic causes of
only chronically psychotic, but also, in the context of this mania, further comments are in order regarding the last
ongoing psychosis, experience episodes of mania and four entries, namely baclofen, tiagabine, reserpine, and
episodes of depression. The chronic psychosis, which leaves alpha-methyldopa. For each of these medications, mania
them with psychotic symptoms (such as delusions and hal- occurs, not during treatment, but rather within days to a
lucinations) in the intervals between mood disturbances, week after discontinuation of long-term treatment; here
clearly distinguishes this illness from bipolar disorder, which the mania occurs as a withdrawal phenomenon.
is free of psychotic symptoms in the intervening periods.
Post-partum psychosis has an abrupt onset between METABOLIC
3 days and several weeks after delivery (Munoz 1985) and
is, in many cases, characterized by manic symptoms Hepatic encephalopathy is often characterized by manic
(Brockington et al. 1981). Importantly, these patients are symptomatology, with euphoria and gregariousness (Murphy
well at other times, and although they may have recurrent et al. 1948). Uremia may rarely present with mania: in one
post-partum psychoses after subsequent deliveries (Hadley case (El-Mallakh et al. 1987) the only sign of uremia,
1941; Kumar et al. 1983), they do not have manic symp- despite a blood urea nitrogen level of 100 mg/dL and a cre-
toms outside the puerperium. This is the critical difference atinine concentration of 5.0 mg/dL, was mania.
between post-partum psychosis and bipolar disorder, for
although female patients with bipolar disorder may indeed ENDOCRINOLOGIC
have manic episodes in the puerperium, they also have
them at other times in their lives (Bratfos and Haug 1966). Cushing’s syndrome may produce manic symptoms, which
have been noted in from 11 percent (Starkman et al. 1981)
TOXIC to 30 percent (Haskett 1985) of cases. Other symptoms of
Cushing’s syndrome, such as weight gain, hypertension,
Of all the medications listed in Table 6.4, by far the most diabetes mellitus, acne, hirsutism, and easy bruising, typi-
common causes are prednisone and levodopa. Prednisone, cally accompany these manic changes (Haskett 1985) and
in doses of 80 mg or more per day, may produce mania in serve to suggest the correct diagnosis.
approximately three-quarters of patients. Levodopa, as Thyrotoxicosis may be accompanied by mania (Lee et al.
used in Parkinson’s disease, in turn may cause mania in 1991; Trzepacz et al. 1988), and the correct diagnosis is usu-
about one-tenth of patients (Celesia and Barr 1970; O’Brien ally suggested by such signs as proptosis, tremor, and tachy-
et al. 1971). Celesia and Barr (1970) noted that their cardia. In one case, however, the only clue as to the correct
patients became euphoric with ‘excessive self-confidence, diagnosis was a tachycardia of 130 beats per minute
over optimism, buoyancy, lack of inhibition, exaggerated (Ingham and Nielsen 1931).
motor activity and drive. They made inappropriate jokes,
were garrulous, and were often impudent’. In some cases, INTRACRANIAL DISORDERS
levodopa-induced mania may be accompanied by halluci-
nations (Lin and Ziegler 1976). In some cases, the mania is Appropriately situated infarctions, tumors, or plaques of
so appealing that patients may abuse levodopa in order to multiple sclerosis may all cause mania and, as noted below,
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 220
it appears that mania, although not of much localizing an underlying craniopharyngioma [Malamud 1967] or pitu-
value, may have some lateralizing value. itary adenoma [Alpers 1940]), the right thalamus (Stern and
Infarctions of the midbrain, thalamus, anterior limb of Dancey 1942), the right cingulate gyrus (Angelini et al.
the internal capsule and adjacent head of the caudate 1980), the inferior right frontal lobe (Gross and Herridge
nucleus, or the frontal or temporal lobes may all cause 1988), or both frontal lobes (Starkstein et al. 1988b) have
mania. In the case of midbrain infarction not only has mania all been associated with mania. As an aside, it is worth not-
been seen, but also, remarkably, in these cases there were ing the remarkable ability of hypothalamic disturbances to
recurrent episodes of mania and of depression: this has been cause mania. In one case (Alpers 1940), the patient was
noted after an infarction secondary to a subarachnoid hem- undergoing surgery for the removal of a craniopharyn-
orrhage (Blackwell 1991) and after an ischemic lesion of the gioma; when the surgeon produced traction on the hypo-
right mesencephalopontine area (Kulisevsky et al. 1995). In thalamus, ‘the patient burst forth in a push of speech,
this latter case, the patient, a 59-year-old woman, suddenly quoting passages in Latin, Greek and Hebrew . . . and with
lost consciousness and fell to the ground. After coming to, every word of the [surgeon] broke into a flight of ideas’.
she experienced transient dizziness and right ptosis, and Multiple sclerosis has long been associated with manic
then did well for about 2 weeks. She subsequently developed symptomatology; indeed, Cottrell and Wilson (1926), noted
a severe depression accompanied by left hemiparkinsonism, euphoria in 63 percent of their 100 patients. Subsequent case
both of which persisted, only to spontaneously remit after 19 series have reported a lower rate, varying from 42 percent
months. She progressed well for the next 5 months and then (Rabins et al. 1986) to 26 percent (Surridge 1969), and a
developed mania characterized by elation, heightened activ- nationwide survey in Israel found euphoria in only 5 percent
ity and sexual interest, logorrhea, intrusiveness, and of cases (Kahana et al. 1971). Of all reasons underlying the
decreased sleep. Eventually she was successfully treated with admission of patients with multiple sclerosis to a psychiatric
lithium. Thalamic infarctions capable of causing mania hospital, mania is, however, one of the most common: in
may be either unilateral – on the right side – or bilateral. one study, of over 2000 psychiatric admissions, 10 had mul-
Regarding unilateral lesions, Cummings and Mendez (1984) tiple sclerosis, and seven of these patients were admitted
reported a case of mania accompanied by left-sided hemi- because of mania (Pine et al. 1995). Importantly, in patients
anesthesia and slight hemiparesis, and Bogousslavsky et al. with multiple sclerosis, the presence of mania correlates with
(1988) described a sudden onset of delirium that cleared in a brain, rather than spinal cord, involvement (Rabins et al.
few days, leaving behind mania as the sole indication of a 1986).
right paramedian thalamic infarction. Kulisevsky et al. A review of the cases of mania secondary to infarctions
(1993) reported a case of mania accompanied by chorea and and tumors allows for some speculation regarding both the
ballismus occurring secondary to an infarction of the ventral localizing and the lateralizing value of this syndrome. The
tier nuclei on the right. Bilateral thalamic infarction caused localizing value of mania does not appear to be high, as it has
mania in two cases. In the first case (McGilchrist et al. 1993), been noted with lesions of the mesencephalon (Blackwell
there was an acute onset of drowsiness, followed by a cycling 1991; Greenberg and Brown 1985; Kulisevsky et al. 1995),
of mania and depression. The depression lasted for weeks thalamus (Bogousslavsky et al. 1988; Cummings and Mendez
and was characterized by apathy and increased eating and 1984; Gentilini et al. 1987; Kulisevsky et al. 1993; Liebson
sleeping. The manias were brief, lasting only 1–2 days and 2000; McGilchrist et al. 1993; Starkstein et al. 1988a; Stern
were characterized by elation, pressured speech, and flight of and Dancey 1942), hypothalamus (Alpers 1940; Malamud
ideas. The second case (Gentilini et al. 1987) presented, like 1967), anterior limb of the internal capsule and adjacent
the first, with somnolence, which was accompanied by head of the caudate (Starkstein et al. 1990b), cingulate gyrus
amnesia and a vertical gaze paresis. As the patient, a 66-year- (Angelini et al. 1980), and frontal (Benjamin et al. 2000;
old man, became more alert, he displayed hypersexuality Gross and Herridge 1988; Starkstein et al. 1988b, 1990b), and
and grandiosity, asserting that he had a Swiss bank account temporal lobes (Starkstein et al. 1990b). The lateralizing
and was a General in the Air Force. After 7 months, the value of mania, however, may be higher. In all but one of the
amnesia had cleared but not the mania: he was ‘cheerful . . . instances cited above, the lesion responsible for mania was
garrulous . . . [and] looking for a young girl who, enticed by either on the right side or bilateral: in only one case, namely
his wealth, would be willing to marry him’. Capsular infarc- after the excision of an arteriovenous malformation from the
tion involving the anterior limb of the internal capsule and left frontal lobe (Benjamin et al. 2000), did mania occur sec-
the adjacent head of the caudate nucleus has been noted to ondary to a left-sided lesion. This impression is bolstered by
cause either depression followed within a month by mania, some controlled studies: although not all agree (House et al.
or mania alone (Starkstein et al. 1990b). Cortical or subcor- 1990), it appears that when the frontal, temporal, or limbic
tical white matter infarction of the right frontoparietal areas of the cerebrum are involved mania is more likely with
region (Jampala and Abrams 1983; Starkstein et al. 1988), right-sided lesions (Robinson et al. 1988; Starkstein et al.
bilateral orbitofrontal areas, or the right basotemporal area 1987b). This impression is further reinforced by a study of 19
(Starkstein et al. 1990b) has been associated with mania. patients who underwent hemispherectomy: of the 14 who
Tumors affecting the mesencephalon (Greenberg and had a right hemispherectomy, 12 became euphoric and none
Brown 1985), the hypothalamus (via compression from was depressed; of the five who had a left hemispherectomy,
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 221
one was euphoric, one was depressed, and the other three episodes of depression (Parker 1957). The manic syn-
showed no mood change (Sackeim et al. 1982). drome following traumatic brain injury may be quite clas-
sic in character (Bakchine et al. 1989): one patient
AS PART OF DEMENTING DISORDERS (Bracken 1987) with euphoria, pressured speech, and flight
of ideas had the grandiose delusion that he was writing a
Alzheimer’s disease may, in a small minority, be character- ‘best seller’.
ized by mild manic symptoms such as an elevated mood Epileptic disorders characterized by mania include both
(Burns et al. 1990), but this is seen only long after the ictal and post-ictal mania. Ictal mania may occur as an aura
dementia has become well established. or as part of a complex partial seizure. Dostoyevsky
Huntington’s disease, in addition to chronic chorea described his ecstatic aura as follows: ‘the air was filled with
and dementia, may also, in a small minority of patients, cause a big noise . . . I felt that Heaven was going down upon the
manic symptoms, which range from simple ‘excitement’ Earth and that it had engulfed me. I have really touched
(Oliver 1970) or ‘euphoria’ (Tamir et al. 1969) to a fuller God . . . healthy people . . . can’t imagine the happiness
syndrome with delusions of grandeur (Bolt 1970; Heathfield which we epileptics feel during the second before our fit . . .
1967). for all the joys that life may bring, I would not exchange this
Neurosyphilis, when manifesting as parenchymatous one’ (Alajouanine 1963). Complex partial seizures may
general paresis of the insane, presents with a dementia that themselves occasionally be characterized by manic symp-
may be marked by mania (Merritt and Springlova 1932): toms: one patient (Mulder and Daly 1952), during her
indeed, in one large study of 203 patients, approximately attack, ‘was euphoric, talkative and pleasant. When asked
one-half were euphoric and excited (Storm-Mathisen how she felt, she replied “wonderful” ’.
1969). Rarely, neurosyphilis may present with mania Post-ictal mania may be seen 1–2 days after a ‘flurry’ of
(Binder and Dickman 1980). Whenever a diagnosis of neu- complex partial seizures, and this may be characterized by
rosyphilis is entertained, it is critical to carry out a serum either stage I or stage II mania (Barczak et al. 1988; Nishida
fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test and, if et al. 2006).
that is positive, to proceed to lumbar puncture regardless of Systemic lupus erythematosus may be marked by manic
whether the serum Venereal Disease Research Laboratory symptoms, and in such cases other typical symptoms, such
(VDRL) test is positive or not. as rash, arthralgia, pleurisy, pericarditis, nephritis, or
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease is rarely characterized by cytopenia, suggest the diagnosis (Brey et al. 2002, Johnson
mania but in one very rare case the disease presented with and Richardson 1968).
mania (Lendvai et al. 1999). Vitamin B12 deficiency may, very rarely, present with
Metachromatic leukodystrophy may, very rarely, pres- mania, as was reported in one 81-year-old man (Goggans
ent with mania. One patient, a 22-year-old woman (Besson 1984).
1980), was grandiose, ‘spent money irresponsibly . . . and Sydenham’s chorea may, in addition to the acute onset
called out the fire brigade’; she eventually became of chorea, be characterized by mania (often with promi-
demented after several years. nent lability [Adams 1975; Gatti and Rosenheim 1969]),
Adrenoleukodystrophy, when occurring in the adult which may in turn be characterized by prominent halluci-
years, often presents with a dementia, with the dementia in nations and delusions, typically of persecution (Powell
one case (Weller et al. 1992) being accompanied by mania. 1889; Reaser 1940; Shaskan 1938; Van Der Horst 1947).
Chorea gravidarum, which essentially represents a
MISCELLANEOUS recurrence of Sydenham’s chorea during pregnancy, may
also, in addition to chorea, be characterized by mania
Of these miscellaneous disorders capable of causing mania, (Wilson and Preece 1932).
perhaps the most important is traumatic brain injury. Velocardiofacial syndrome, a rare disorder suggested by
Mania was found in 9 percent of 66 patients recovering a characteristic facial dysmorphism with hypertelorism, a
from a traumatic injury over a 1-year follow-up, and there large nose and micrognathia, may be characterized by
was a correlation between this sequela and damage to the mania in over one-half of all cases (Papalos et al. 1996).
inferior and polar regions of the temporal lobes, either on Encephalitis lethargica, currently a very rare disorder,
the left or on the right (Jorge et al. 1993a). In some cases, typically presents with headache, fever, sleep reversal, delir-
the mania may appear almost immediately after the patient ium, and oculomotor paralyses. In some cases, patients dis-
recovers from the post-coma delirium (Bakchine et al. played euphoria, sometimes accompanied by lability and
1989; Bracken 1987), whereas in others there may be a pressured speech (Hohman 1921).
latent interval, lasting up to several months, before the Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis results from an
mania appears (Clark and Davison 1987; Nizamie et al. autoimmune assault on the brain that is triggered by a pre-
1988). Although, in most cases the mania is either persist- ceding, usually viral, infection and generally has an acute
ent or eventually remits without recurrence, there may onset within 2–21 days of the initial infection. Although the
rarely be an episodic course closely resembling that seen in typical presentation is with delirium, a mania may occasion-
bipolar disorder, with alternating episodes of mania and ally appear. In one case (Moscovich et al. 1995), 2 weeks
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 222
after an influenza infection, a 32-year-old woman developed requires urgent symptomatic treatment, one may consider
mania, which remained the only indication of the underly- use of one of the mood-stabilizing agents, with or without
ing encephalitis for almost 2 weeks, after which she became an antipsychotic (discussed further in Section 6.4).
delirious and incontinent. In another case (Paskavitz et al. Of the three mood-stabilizing agents (namely dival-
1995), a post-mononucleosis acute disseminated encep- proex, carbamazepine, and lithium), divalproex is proba-
halitis presented with a combination of mania and a grand bly easiest to use and treatment may begin with a loading
mal seizure. dose of from 20 to 25 mg/kg/day, with subsequent doses
Fahr’s syndrome, suggested by calcification of the basal determined on the basis of clinical response, side-effects,
ganglia, may, very rarely present with mania (Trautner and blood levels. Generally, at least a few days are required
et al. 1988). to see a salutary effect, and in the meantime one may use
Dialysis dementia, also very rarely, may be character- adjunctive haloperidol, risperidone, or olanzapine. Initially,
ized by mania (Jack et al. 1983). haloperidol may be given in a dose of 5 mg (either as the
Tuberous sclerosis, in a very rare case, presented with concentrate or intramuscularly), risperidone in a dose of
classic mania in a 5-year-old child (Khanna and Borde 1989). 2 mg (as the concentrate) or olanzapine 10 mg (as a tablet
or intramuscularly), with repeat doses every 1–2 hours
until the patient is calm, limiting side-effects occur or a
Differential diagnosis maximum of approximately 20 mg of haloperidol, 6 mg of
risperidone or 40 mg of olanzapine. In truly emergent cases,
Hypomania is a distinctive syndrome, and very difficult to some authorities recommend combining lorazepam – 2 mg
confuse with anything else; thus if the physician either sees intramuscularly with either haloperidol or risperidone. If
the patient during stage I, or has a compatible history from a effective, the adjunctive regimen should be continued until
reliable historian, the diagnosis is generally straightforward. the mood-stabilizer has controlled the situation, after which
Difficulty can arise in cases where patients have progressed it may be tapered and discontinued, leaving the patient on
to stage II or stage III; but even here if one has a clear history a mood-stabilizer alone.
of a preceding stage I, again the diagnosis remains relatively Mood-stabilizers have also been used prophylactically
easy. However, if patients come to medical attention during in situations wherein mania is expected: thus, both lithium
stages II or III and there is no history available then one (Falk et al. 1979; Siegal 1978) and valproic acid (Abbas and
must consider other syndromes that may cause significant Styra 1994) have been used preventively in patients who
agitation, namely psychosis, catatonia, and delirium. have experienced mania during prior courses of steroid
Psychosis, that is to say a syndrome marked by delu- treatment.
sions and hallucinations, naturally enters into the differen-
tial for patients in stages II or III. Here, the differential rests
on identifying the persisting hypomanic symptoms. 6.4 AGITATION
Catatonia of the excited subtype is characterized by
bizarre and purposeless hyperactivity, and hence may, to a Agitation is extraordinarily common in general hospital
degree, resemble the behavior of patients in stage III mania. and nursing home work. It is, as noted below, a non-
In stage III mania, however, one may still see distinctive specific symptom, being seen in a variety of conditions.
stage I symptoms; moreover, although the behavior of
patients in stage III is fragmented, individual fragments may
still retain some purpose. Furthermore, whereas the hyper- Clinical features
active catatonic tends to remain withdrawn, the hyperactive
stage III manic still retains an interest in others. Agitated patients are tense and restless. If confined to bed,
Delirium is marked by confusion and incoherence, they may thrash about; intravenous lines and tubes may be
symptoms also seen in stage III mania. Here again, one pulled out. Ambulatory patients may pace their rooms or
must rely on identifying fragments of stage I mania, symp- up and down the hall, perhaps shouting or cursing. Some
toms typically not seen in delirium. may become violent, slamming doors or throwing furni-
It cannot be stressed enough that the easiest way to make ture, and some, especially if attempts are made to restrain
these differentials is to obtain a ‘longitudinal’ view of the them, may become assaultive.
patient’s illness by repeatedly questioning family, acquain-
tances, nurses, and aides until one can reliably say that the
typical symptoms of hypomania were, or were not, present. Etiology
also occur as a side-effect to various medications, for exam- noted, are based on double-blind studies. Importantly, as
ple bupropion. Pain may also cause patients to become agi- noted under the concluding remarks, these recommenda-
tated and this is particularly the case in elderly patients with tions are offered as guidelines only: clinical reality often dic-
dementia. tates alternative approaches and good clinical judgment is
absolutely required.
Differential diagnosis
Anxious patients may appear quite tense but generally are For non-emergent care, effectiveness has been demon-
not given to restless pacing, and certainly not to violent or strated for risperidone (Brodaty et al. 2003; De Deyn et al.
destructive behavior. 2005), quetiapine (Zhong et al. 2007), haloperidol (Allain
Akathisia, seen primarily as a side-effect to antipsy- et al. 2000), and olanzapine, with haloperidol being of equal
chotics, may appear very similar to agitation. Clues to the effectiveness to olanzapine (Verhey et al. 2006) and risperi-
correct diagnosis include a worsening of symptoms when done of equal effectiveness to olanzapine (Fontaine et al.
sitting or lying down and a tendency to ‘march in place’. 2003). In a partially blinded study (Porsteinsson et al. 2001)
divalproex was effective, but a double-blinded study found
it to be no more effective than placebo (Sival et al. 2002). In
Treatment addition, one study found trazodone to be of similar effi-
cacy to haloperidol (Sultzer et al. 1997).
Environmental measures can sometimes be remarkably In looking at more specific kinds of dementia, the effec-
effective in calming an agitated patient (Alessi et al. 1999). tiveness of haloperidol in Alzheimer’s disease is uncertain:
Overall stimulation should be kept to a minimum, and one study (Devanand et al. 1998) supported its use, whereas
patients should be provided with constructive and quietly another (Teri et al. 2001) did not. Olanzapine (Street et al.
engaging activities. Interactions with the patient should 2000) appeared effective in a comparison with placebo, and
preferably be on a one-to-one basis and, if it is necessary to in a large study olanzapine and risperidone were more effec-
have two people with the patient, it is important to ensure tive than either quetiapine or placebo (Schneider et al.
that only one person does all the talking. When patients 2006). Carbamazepine (Olin et al. 2001; Tariot et al. 1998)
tend to roam, they should generally be allowed to do so, appears effective but valproic acid is not (Hermann et al.
provided that their behavior endangers neither themselves 2007; Tariot et al. 2005). Trazodone does not appear to be
nor others. A private room should be provided, and if that effective (Teri et al. 2001). There is an intriguing study sug-
is not possible then a calm patient should be selected as a gesting that citalopram may be effective (Pollock et al. 2002).
roommate; in all cases, the room should have a large clock In Parkinson’s disease and diffuse Lewy body disease, queti-
and calendar, and a window. Visitors should be screened, as apine was not effective (Kurlan et al. 2007).
in some cases certain visitors will agitate patients further; in Overall, for the non-emergent treatment of agitation in
general, there should be only one visitor at a time. Sitters are dementia, it may be best to begin with a low dose of risperi-
often utilized, and may obviate the need for restraints but, done, perhaps 0.25 or 0.5 mg/day, with a gradual titration up
like visitors, sitters should be carefully screened: although to a maximum of perhaps 2 mg. Should this be ineffective or
some have a good ‘way’ with agitated patients, others may not tolerated then consideration may be given to quetiapine,
simply worsen the situation. Seclusion or restraints may at beginning at 25 mg and increasing the dose gradually, if nec-
times be required and one must not be shy about ordering essary, to 200 mg, or to olanzapine, beginning with a low
them, as they may at times be life-saving. dose of perhaps 2.5 mg and titrating gradually, if necessary,
In all instances of agitation, it is also necessary to dove- to a maximum of 10 mg. Consideration may also be given to
tail the symptomatic treatment of agitation with other carbamazepine and, perhaps, divalproex: in either case, the
aspects of treatment of the parent syndrome, and the initial dose should be low, with very gradual titration to
reader is directed to the appropriate chapter on dementia, effectiveness, limiting side-effects, or a blood level within the
delirium, etc. therapeutic range, whichever comes first.
Pharmacologic treatment is typically required: agents In emergent cases, consideration may be given to
utilized include antipsychotics (e.g., risperidone, haloperi- intramuscular olanzapine in a dose of 5 mg (Meehan et al.
dol, quetiapine, or olanzapine), anti-epileptic drugs (e.g., 2002), with repeat doses if needed.
divalproex and carbamazepine), and benzodiazepines (e.g., Before leaving this section, some words are in order
lorazepam). As noted above, agitation usually occurs as regarding the risk of death or stroke in elderly demented
part of a larger syndrome and the choice of pharmacologic patients treated with antipsychotics. Although these
agent is often dictated by the syndrome within which the risks are indeed increased for second-generation agents
agitation is occurring. In the following, each of the more (Kryzhanovskaya et al. 2006), and even more so for first-
common syndromes is considered in turn, with recom- generation agents (Wang et al. 2005), this increased risk, as
mendations for both non-emergent and emergent treat- with any medical treatment, must be weighed against the
ment; all of the recommendations, except where otherwise benefits obtained with treatment.
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 224
lorazepam without any loss of control. The anti-epileptic and the tremor itself is fine and postural. Tachycardic patients
drug is then continued for a week or more until the with- may complain that the heart is ‘racing’ and there may be pal-
drawal has run its course, at which time it may be tapered pitations. Diaphoresis may be evident when one shakes the
and discontinued over a few days. patient’s hand. The duration of this persistent form of anxiety
depends on the underlying cause and may, for example, range
Mania from years or decades in the case of generalized anxiety disor-
In cases of mania wherein significant agitation has der to weeks or less in alcohol withdrawal.
appeared, emergent care is almost always required, and Anxiety attacks typically arise acutely, over minutes,
treatment may be undertaken with either divalproex and symptoms crescendo rapidly. In addition to the anxi-
(McElroy et al. 1996) or an antipsychotic (e.g., haloperidol ety, which may be quite extreme, patients also typically
[McElroy et al. 1996], aripiprazole [Zimbroff et al. 2007], experience a variety of other symptoms, including tremor,
or olanzapine [Tohen et al. 2002]), or, often, with a combi- tachycardia, palpitations, diaphoresis, dyspnea, light-
nation of divalproex and an antipsychotic. Divalproex may headedness, nausea, and parasthesiae. The duration of the
be given in a loading dose of 20 mg/kg/day in two or three attack, although determined by the underlying cause, is
divided doses, with subsequent adjustments based on clin- generally brief, lasting from minutes to an hour or more.
ical response, side-effects, and blood levels. Haloperidol,
aripiprazole, or olanzapine may be given as described
above, under psychosis. Once the mania is controlled, it is Etiology
often possible to taper and discontinue the antipsychotic.
Depression The various causes of anxiety are listed in Table 6.5, where
they are divided into those causing persistent anxiety and
In most cases of agitated depression, reassurance coupled those causing anxiety attacks.
with ongoing treatment with an antidepressant, will suffice.
Emergent treatment, occasionally, may be required
when agitation is extreme. In such cases, case reports sug- PERSISTENT ANXIETY
gest an effectiveness for benzodiazepines such as alprazo-
The most common cause of persistent anxiety is an idio-
lam (Gilbert and Hendrie 1987), and case series, for
pathic disorder, namely generalized anxiety disorder
low-dose divalproex (Debattista et al. 2005).
(Anderson et al. 1984; Nisita et al. 1990). This disorder
Concluding remarks generally has an onset in adolescence or early adult years,
and the characteristic anxiety tends to persist, in a waxing
Good clinical judgment often dictates a course of treat-
and waning fashion, for from years to decades.
ment that differs from those recommended above. Doses
Toxic causes include caffeine (Greden 1974; Hughes
must often be reduced in elderly or frail patients, and in
et al. 1991a) and sympathomimetics such as ephedrine
those with significant hepatic dysfunction. Antipsychotics
and phenylpropanolamine (Sawyer et al. 1982) and ephedra
other than risperidone, haloperidol, and olanzapine are
alkaloids, found in many ‘herbal supplements’ (Haller and
often used successfully, and haloperidol, given its tendency
Benowitz 2000). Others include theophylline (Trembath
to cause extrapyramidal side-effects, is falling into disfavor.
and Boobis 1979) and levodopa (Celesia and Barr 1970).
Lorazepam is used quite routinely, and its sedative effect is
Although, in general, anxiety only occurs with high doses,
often quite welcome. In some cases, certain medications
some patients may be quite sensitive to these medications
are relatively contraindicated: for example, in cases of
and experience considerable anxiety at ‘therapeutic’ doses.
dementia secondary to diffuse Lewy body disease haloperi-
Metabolic causes include hypocalcemia, as may be seen
dol should probably not be used, given the risk of severe,
in hypoparathyroidism (Carlson 1986; Denko and
even fatal, parkinsonism (McKeith et al. 1992).
Kaelbling 1962; Lawlor 1988), and the hypoxia and hyper-
carbia associated with respiratory failure, as in advanced
6.5 ANXIETY chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Brenes 2003) and
severe congestive heart failure.
Pathologic anxiety occurs in two forms. In one, anxiety is Substance or medication withdrawals are considered
more or less persistent, whereas in the other it occurs in next. Of the substance withdrawals, alcohol withdrawal
discrete attacks. (Isbell et al. 1955) probably constitutes one of the most
common causes of persistent anxiety seen in general hospi-
tal practice, and the diagnosis is often missed, given that
Clinical features patients in withdrawal typically either minimize their alco-
hol use or deny it altogether. A similar scenario may occur
Persistent anxiety tends to come on gradually, and waxes in patients withdrawing from sedative/hypnotics, such as
and wanes over time. The anxiety itself is typically accom- benzodiazepines (Rickels et al. 1990). Nicotine withdrawal
panied by autonomic signs such as tremor, tachycardia, and is typified by anxiety, irritability, and a craving for a ‘smoke’
diaphoresis. Patients complain of a sense of tremulousness, (Hughes and Hatsukami 1986; Hughes et al. 1991b), and
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 226
likewise may go undiagnosed, given the shame associated post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive–compulsive
with smoking and patients’ reluctance to admit it. Anti- disorder. Panic disorder is the prototypical cause of anxiety
cholinergic withdrawal, occurring after an abrupt discon- attacks, which, when occurring in this disorder, are often
tinuation of drugs with strong anticholinergic properties referred to as ‘panic attacks’. In this disorder, anxiety
such as benztropine or tricyclic antidepressants, may be fol- attacks typically occur first in adolescence or early adult
lowed by a cholinergic rebound, with anxiety, jitteriness, years, and then recur, with variable frequency, over years
insomnia, and nausea (Dilsaver et al. 1983). or decades. Interestingly, the anxiety attacks seen in panic
Endocrinologic causes include hyperthyroidism and disorder may awaken patients from sleep (Mellman and
Cushing’s syndrome. Hyperthyroidism classically causes Uhde 1989) and may, in a minority, be accompanied by
chronic anxiety and may be suggested by such signs and such ‘temporal lobe phenomena’ as micropsia and macrop-
symptoms as heat intolerance, diaphoresis, and lid retrac- sia (Coyle and Sterman 1986). Phobias, including specific
tion (Dietch 1981; Greer et al. 1973; Kathol and Delahunt phobia, social phobia, and agoraphobia, may all be charac-
1986; MacCrimmon et al. 1979; Trzepacz et al. 1988). terized by anxiety attacks when patients are brought into
Cushing’s syndrome, although classically associated with close proximity to the phobic object, such as a snake for a
depression, may at times be characterized by severe anxiety specific phobic, speaking to an audience for the social pho-
(Kelly 1996). The diagnosis is suggested by such features as bic with a fear of public speaking, and venturing away from
a ‘moon’ facies, buffalo hump, acne, hirsutism, violaceous home for the agoraphobic. Post-traumatic stress disorder
abdominal striae, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus. may also be characterized by anxiety attacks when patients
Intracranial disorders associated with persistent anxiety are exposed to events or objects that remind them of the
include stroke and traumatic brain injury. Post-stroke anxi- original trauma; thus, a combat veteran might be seized
ety occurs chronically in a minority of patients and appears with anxiety if a combat scene appeared on a television
to be more likely with a right hemisphere infarction (Castillo program. Obsessive–compulsive disorder may likewise be
et al. 1993, 1995; Starkstein et al. 1990c). Traumatic brain characterized by anxiety attacks when patients attempt to
injury may be associated with anxiety in a small minority of resist their compulsions. Thus, patients with a hand-washing
cases (Fann et al. 1995; Jorge et al. 1993b). compulsion may experience unbearable anxiety if they
attempt to resist the urge to wash.
ANXIETY ATTACKS Toxic causes of anxiety attacks are relatively rare, and
include intoxication with cocaine (Louie et al. 1996),
By far the most common causes of anxiety attacks are cer- cannabis (Bromberg 1934), and hallucinogens, such as LSD
tain idiopathic disorders, namely panic disorder, phobias, (Isbell et al. 1956; Kuramochi and Takahashi 1964); anxiety
p 06.qxd 3/10/08 9:34 AM Page 227
References 227
attacks have also been reported secondary to treatment with threatening events, the clinician should suspect pathology
clozapine (Bressan et al. 2000). in cases when either the severity of the anxiety, or its dura-
Metabolic causes include the classic examples of hypo- tion, seem out of proportion to the inciting event.
glycemia and hyperventilation. Hypoglycemic-induced anx- Consideration should also be given to the possibility
iety attacks are typically seen in diabetics on insulin who that the anxiety in question is existing as part of a larger
miss a meal, and are suggested by the associated hunger. The syndrome, such as depression or delirium. Depression is
hyperventilation syndrome is suggested by prominent dysp- commonly accompanied by anxiety, and hence in evaluat-
nea and by a resolution of symptoms with rebreathing ing any patient with anxiety one should enquire after
through a paper bag. depressive symptoms, such as insomnia (especially middle
Endocrinologically caused anxiety attacks may occur in or terminal insomnia), anergia, anhedonia, anorexia, etc.,
pheochromocytoma, and in such cases the anxiety attack is and, if they are present then the differential for depression
typically accompanied not only by an elevated blood pres- should be pursued, as discussed earlier under Depression.
sure, but also by headache (Doust 1958; Modlin et al. 1979; Delirious patients are often quite anxious, and hence the
Starkman et al. 1985; Thomas et al. 1966). diagnostician should be alert to such symptoms as confu-
Of the miscellaneous causes of anxiety attacks, perhaps sion, disorientation, short-term memory loss, etc., and if
the most important are simple partial seizures, which, rarely, these are present the differential outlined in Section 5.3
may manifest solely with anxiety attacks (Sazgar et al. 2003). should be pursued.
Although such ictal anxiety often lasts only seconds or min-
utes (Williams 1956), the seizure may in rare cases be very
prolonged: one patient for 12 hours endured ictal fear of Treatment
such a degree that she ‘continually looked back over her
shoulder’ (McLachlan and Blume 1980). There are two clues Treatment is directed at the underlying cause; in cases of
to the correct diagnosis of these simple partial seizures: first, persistent anxiety when this is not possible or ineffective,
the exquisitely paroxysmal nature of the onset, and second, consideration may be given to symptomatic treatment with
the occurrence, at other times in the patient’s life, of more a benzodiazepine, such as lorazepam or clonazepam, or,
obvious ictal phenomena such as complex partial or grand when these are relatively contraindicated, an antidepressant
mal seizures. or an antipsychotic, such as quetiapine. With regard to anx-
Anxiety attacks have also, very rarely, been associated iety attacks, symptomatic treatment is generally not indi-
with mass lesions in the right temporal lobe (Ghadarian cated: most attacks are of such brevity that they resolve
et al. 1986). spontaneously before any pharmacologic effects could be
Cardiopulmonary conditions associated with anxiety obtained.
attacks include paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, angina or
myocardial infarction, and pulmonary embolus. Paroxysmal
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Other major syndromes
7.1 PSYCHOSIS the most frequent. Next are the toxic psychoses, for example
those seen with stimulants such as amphetamine or
The term psychosis has been used differently by different cocaine. Endocrinologic psychoses, such as the ‘myxedema
authors, and this has led to some confusion in the litera- madness’ of hypothyroidism, are considered next, fol-
ture. In this text, psychosis refers to a condition character- lowed by various intracranial disorders capable of causing
ized by hallucinations (without insight) and/or delusions, psychosis, such as stroke or tumors. Consideration is then
in the absence of either significant cognitive deficits or pro- given to the various epileptic psychoses and then to
nounced disturbances of mood. encephalitic and post-encephalitic psychoses. Finally, there is
a miscellaneous group, including the ‘megaloblastic mad-
ness’ that may be seen with vitamin B12 deficiency.
Clinical features
them (Kendler 1980; Opjordsmoen and Rettersol 1991; by prominent agitation (Bagedahl-Strindlund 1986).
Winokur 1977). Certain variants of this disorder deserve Importantly, it is not uncommon for certain disorders,
special mention: parasittosis is characterized by a persist- such as schizophrenia, to undergo an exacerbation post-
ent belief that one is infested by some parasitic bug or other partum, and such patients should not receive an additional
(Andrews et al. 1986; Mitchell 1989) and the olfactory ref- diagnosis of post-partum psychosis.
erence syndrome by a delusion that one is emitting a foul The following disorders, namely obsessive–compulsive
odor (e.g., as in halitosis or flatus) that others detect and disorder, body dysmorphic disorder, and borderline per-
comment on (Videbech 1966). sonality disorder, although generally not associated with
Post-partum psychosis may appear between several days delusions and hallucinations, may at times cause these
and several months post-partum and is often characterized symptoms and hence are included here.
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Both obsessive–compulsive disorder (Eisen and The appearance of a psychosis in a ‘bulked-up’ young per-
Rasmussen 1993; Gordon 1950; Insel and Akiskal 1986) son should suggest this diagnosis.
and body dysmorphic disorder (McElroy et al. 1993) may Chronic alcoholism may be complicated by two differ-
have psychotic subtypes wherein patients ‘lose insight’ and ent psychoses: alcoholic paranoia and alcohol hallucinosis.
come to accept their troubling ideas as true. Thus, a patient Alcoholic paranoia (Albert et al. 1996; Soyka et al. 1991) is
with obsessive–compulsive disorder might come to believe characterized by the gradual development of delusions,
that his troubling need to pray recurrently was, in fact, often of either jealousy or persecution. By contrast, alcohol
ordained by God (Gordon 1950) or a patient with body hallucinosis typically appears as a sequela to an alcohol
dysmorphic disorder may come to believe that his or her withdrawal delirium: whereas the other symptoms of the
face was, in fact, deformed. delirium tremens (DTs), such as tremor, clear, the audi-
Patients with a borderline personality disorder may, tory hallucinations, often accompanied by delusions of
when under great stress, develop transient auditory hallu- persecution, persist (Soyka 1990; Victor and Hope 1958).
cinations or delusions of persecution (Chopra and Beatson Antipsychotic-induced supersensitivity psychosis appears
1986): such patients are distinguished by the chronic char- in a very small minority of patients treated with antipsy-
acteristic traits of intolerance of being alone, anger, impul- chotics for a year or more and is characterized by delusions
sivity, and disturbed relationships (Gunderson and Kolb and hallucinations, which may appear either while the
1978). patient is still taking the neuroleptic or shortly after discon-
tinuation or a significant dose reduction (Chouinard and
TOXIC PSYCHOSES Jones 1980; Steiner et al. 1990). This psychosis probably has
an etiology similar to that of tardive dyskinesia and hence is
Amphetamines, if taken in a sufficiently high dose, may often referred to as ‘tardive psychosis’; like tardive dyskinesia,
cause a psychosis (Bell 1973; Griffith et al. 1972) that is typ- it exists as a strong reminder not to use antipsychotics chron-
ically characterized by delusions of persecution and often ically unless they are absolutely necessary.
of reference. Hallucinations may also occur, being much Dopaminergic drugs, such as levodopa or direct-acting
more commonly auditory than visual. The psychosis typi- agents, for example bromocriptine, ropinirole, or pram-
cally clears within a week, but in some cases longer dura- ipexole, as used in the treatment of parkinsonism, may cause
tions of up to 3 months have been reported (Iwanami et al. a psychosis. In the case of levodopa (Celesia and Barr 1970;
1994). Fenelon et al. 2000; Moskovitz et al. 1978), the psychosis
Cocaine may cause a psychosis characterized by halluci- may occur either upon the initiation of treatment (Lin and
nations, more often auditory than visual, and delusions of Ziegler 1976) or, much more commonly, after 3–4 years
persecution and reference (Brady et al. 1991; Satel et al. (Friedman and Sienkiewicz 1991). This levodopa-induced
1991; Sherer et al. 1988). Although such a psychosis may psychosis may be characterized by hallucinations, often
occur in ‘recreational’ users (Siegel 1978), it is more char- visual but also auditory (Fenelon et al. 2000; Inzelberg et al.
acteristic of addicts, who often note that a progressively 1998), and, in a minority, delusions of persecution (Graham
lower ‘dose’ becomes capable of inducing the psychosis et al. 1997). In the overwhelming majority of cases, patients
(Brady et al. 1991). Although, in most cases, the psychosis first experience hallucinations with preserved insight: how-
clears either with the intoxication itself or shortly there- ever, over many months insight is gradually lost, thus pro-
after, it may persist in some until after the withdrawal ducing the syndrome of psychosis (Barnes and David 2001;
‘crash’ resolves (Satel et al. 1991). Goetz et al. 2006). Direct-acting dopaminergic drugs may
Hallucinogens, such as LSD, typically cause visual hallu- also cause psychosis but this is much less common than with
cinations, but most patients remain aware of their unreality. levodopa: bromocriptine, lergotrile (Serby et al. 1978), and
In a minority, however, the intoxication will be complicated pramipexole (Almeida and Ranjith 2006) have all been
by delusions of persecution (Bercel et al. 1956; Kuramochi implicated.
and Takahashi 1964). The remaining drugs in the list only rarely cause psy-
Phencyclidine intoxication may render patients agitated chosis. These include the anti-epileptic drugs levetiracetam
and psychotic (Allen and Young 1978), with delusions of (Mula et al. 2003), topiramate (Kober and Gabbard 2005),
grandeur or persecution and auditory hallucinations. The vigabatrin (Sander et al. 1991) (in the case of levetiracetam
finding of nystagmus is a very important diagnostic clue. the onset may, as with the others, occur soon after starting
Cannabis intoxication, if a sufficiently high dose is the drug, or may be delayed for up to 3–9 months [Kossoff
taken, may be characterized by fearfulness and delusions of et al. 2001; Motamedi et al. 2003]), the sympathomimetics
persecution and reference (Kroll 1975; Thacore and Shukla phenylpropanolamine and ephedrine (Lambert 1987), the
1976) that may outlast the intoxication itself by a matter antidepressants bupropion (Golden et al. 1985) and fluox-
of days. etine (Mandalos and Szarek 1990), and disulfiram
Anabolic steroids, as may be abused by athletes, may, in (Bicknell and Moore 1960) and methysergide (Cittandi
a small minority, cause a psychosis variously characterized and Goadsby 2005).
by delusions of persecution or grandeur, delusions of refer- A toxic psychosis may also occur with chronic man-
ence, and auditory hallucinations (Pope and Katz 1988). ganese exposure. This ‘manganese madness’ may present
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 241
present with a psychosis (Caine and Shoulson 1983; are delusions and hallucinations (Ellis and Lee 1978; Wells
Garron 1973; James et al. 1969): in such cases, the correct 1975): the diagnosis is suggested by the paroxysmal onset
diagnosis may be suggested by a positive family history and of the psychosis and its relative brevity.
confirmed by genetic testing. Post-ictal psychosis (Briellman et al. 2000; Kanner et al.
Dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy, another autoso- 1996; Lancman et al. 1994; Leutmezer et al. 2003; Logsdail
mal dominant disorder, may also present with psychosis, and Toone 1988; Nishida et al. 2006; Savard et al. 1991;
accompanied by ataxia and seizures (Adachi et al. 2001). Umbricht et al. 1995) may follow a bout of seizures and, crit-
Spinocerebellar ataxia, also an autosomal dominant dis- ically, is separated from the last seizure by a ‘lucid’ interval,
order characterized by ataxia, may also cause a psychosis lasting from hours to days, during which the patient’s men-
with delusions of persecution (Chandler and Bebin 1956). tal status is ‘clear’. The psychosis itself is characterized by
In one family (Benton et al. 1998), the disorder presented delusions of persecution and hallucinations, most com-
with auditory hallucinations and delusions, eventually monly auditory, and may last for hours or months, although
being joined by abnormal movements. most patients clear spontaneously within a matter of days.
Finally, Wilson’s disease must be considered in young Most patients have a long history of recurrent complex par-
adults with psychosis and a movement disorder (Beard tial seizures.
1959; Gysin and Cooke 1950; Jackson and Zimmerman Chronic interictal psychosis may occur in the setting of
1919). It must also be kept in mind that, albeit rarely, the ini- chronic epilepsy, generally of over a decade in duration.
tial presentation of Wilson’s disease may be with a psychosis, Either insidiously or subacutely, patients develop a psy-
with a movement disorder appearing only much later, as chosis with delusions, often of persecution and reference,
indeed was the case with one of Wilson’s first patients auditory hallucinations and various other symptoms, all of
(Wilson 1912). which occur in the setting of a clear sensorium (Fluger
et al. 2006; Kristensen and Sindrup 1979; Perez and
Miscellaneous Trimble 1980; Slater and Beard 1963a,b).
Of the miscellaneous disorders capable of causing psychosis, Of note post-ictal psychosis and chronic interictal psy-
consideration may first be given to Creutzfeldt–Jakob dis- chosis may exist in the same patient, and in such cases
ease (Brown et al. 1984; Dervaux et al. 2004; Zeng et al. 2001) either the chronic interictal psychosis or post-ictal psy-
(especially the new-variant type [Zeidler et al. 1997a]), choses may appear first (Adachi et al. 2003).
which may present with psychosis, with the diagnosis finally Psychosis of forced normalization is a rare condition,
being suggested by the appearance of myoclonus or a first described by Landolt (1953, 1958) and characterized
dementia. Fatal familial insomnia, a rare inherited prion dis- by the appearance of a psychosis after anti-epileptic drugs
ease, in one case also presented with a psychosis, accompa- (Pakainis et al. 1987) or, in one case, vagus nerve stimula-
nied, true to the name of the disease, by severe insomnia tion (Gatzonis et al. 2000), have controlled the seizure dis-
(Dimitri et al. 2006). order and ‘normalized’ the electroencephalogram (EEG).
Fahr’s syndrome, suggested by extensive calcification of
the basal ganglia, may rarely present with psychosis, as in ENCEPHALITIC AND POST-ENCEPHALITIC
one familial case wherein the illness was manifest symptom- PSYCHOSES
atically with basal ganglia calcification on imaging and a
chronic psychosis (Francis and Freeman 1984). Psychosis may either be directly caused by a viral encephali-
Aqueductal stenosis, one of the causes of non- tis or occur as a sequela.
communicating hydrocephalus, has also been associated Viral encephalitis is suggested by fever, headache, and
with a psychosis (Roberts et al. 1983). lethargy, and may in some cases present with psychosis, as has
been noted with herpes simplex encephalitis (Drachman and
EPILEPTIC PSYCHOSES Adams 1962; Johnson et al. 1972; Williams and Lerner 1978;
Wilson 1976) and infectious mononucleosis (Raymond and
The various psychoses seen in epileptics may be distin- Williams 1948). Encephalitis lethargica may present similarly
guished by their relationship to the seizures experienced by (Kirby and Davis 1921; Meninger 1926; Sands 1928) and is
the patient. Ictal psychoses are in fact seizures and are suggested by sleep reversal and oculomotor pareses.
immediately suggested by their paroxysmal onset. Post-ictal Viral encephalitis may also leave a psychosis in its wake,
psychoses, as the name suggests, follow seizures and, criti- and such postencephalitic psychoses have been noted as
cally, are separated from the last seizure by a ‘lucid’ interval. sequelae to herpes simplex encephalitis (Rennick et al.
The psychosis of forced normalization represents a para- 1973) and encephalitis lethargica (Fairweather 1947).
doxical event in that it appears when the patient’s seizures
are finally brought under control with anti-epileptic treat- MISCELLANEOUS
ment. Finally, chronic interictal psychosis occurs in the set-
ting of a chronically uncontrolled seizure disorder. A large number of miscellaneous causes of psychosis also
Ictal psychosis consists of a complex partial seizure exists, first among which is ‘megaloblastic madness’ due to
wherein, in addition to some defect of consciousness, there vitamin B12 deficiency, with this colorful name being
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 243
derived from the associated megaloblastic anemia. It must be suggested by the characteristic dysmorphic facies with
be borne in mind, however, that this anemia may not be hypertelorism, a bulbous nose, and micrognathia.
present: in one case, the diagnosis became clear only when Vanishing white matter leukoencephalopathy is an
symptoms of subacute combined degeneration appeared autosomal recessively inherited disorder, which, in adults,
(Smith 1929), and in another, the only evidence of vitamin may present with a psychosis very similar to that seen in
B12 deficiency was the psychosis itself: there was no ane- schizophrenia (Denier et al. 2007): the diagnosis may be
mia and no evidence of spinal cord involvement (Evans suggested by evidence of bilateral corticospinal tract dam-
et al. 1983). age, and confirmed by finding extensive white matter dis-
Neurosyphilis rarely presents with a psychosis (Rothschild ease in the cerebral hemispheres.
1940; Schube 1934), and the diagnosis may remain elusive Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, a vanishingly rare
until other, more typical symptoms appear, such as a demen- disease in developed countries thanks to measles vaccina-
tia, pupillary changes (e.g., Argyll Robertson pupil), tremor, tion, may cause psychosis and myoclonus (Cape et al.
or seizures. 1973; Salib 1988) or may present with a psychosis, the diag-
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) may nosis only becoming clear with the later appearance of a
cause a psychosis (Bulrich et al. 1988; Harris et al. 1991), delirium (Duncalf et al. 1989; Koehler and Jakumeit 1976).
and the presence of other AIDS-related illnesses, such as Prader–Willi syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by
thrush or Pneumocystis pneumonia may serve to suggest massive obesity and dysmorphic facies, may rarely cause a
the correct diagnosis. Rarely, AIDS may present with psy- psychosis with delusions and hallucinations (Clarke 1993).
chosis (Thomas and Szabadi 1987), and in such cases the
diagnosis may prove elusive until other, more typical, fea-
tures of AIDS make their appearance. Differential diagnosis
Systemic lupus erythematosus may also cause psychosis
(Brey et al. 2002; Devinsky et al. 1988a; Johnson and Delusions and hallucinations may be found in a number of
Richardson 1968; Lim et al. 1988; Miguel et al. 1994) and other syndromes, namely dementia, delirium, depression,
although this usually occurs in the context of other symp- and mania, and thus the first task is to determine if one of
toms, such as arthralgia, rash, pericarditis, or pleurisy, psy- these syndromes is present, and, if so, to then pursue the
chosis may rarely constitute the presenting feature of lupus differential for that syndrome, as discussed in the respec-
(Agius et al. 1997). tive chapters.
Sydenham’s chorea may rarely be complicated by a psy- Dementia and delirium are both marked by significant
chosis with hallucinations and delusions (Hammes 1922; cognitive deficits, such as decreased short-term memory and
Putzel 1879): the diagnosis is immediately suggested by disorientation, and, in the case of delirium, confusion.
the context of subacutely developing chorea in a child or Delusions and hallucinations are quite common in both
adolescent. syndromes, and in some instances, for example diffuse Lewy
Chorea gravidarum, Latin for ‘chorea of pregnant women’, body disease, they may constitute a diagnostic hallmark.
may, rarely, be accompanied by psychosis (Beresford and Both depression and mania, when they are severe, may
Graham 1950; Wilson and Preece 1932). The diagnosis should be characterized by delusions or hallucinations; however, in
be suspected in pregnant women with psychosis, chorea, and a both these instances the delusions or hallucinations occur
history of Sydenham’s chorea. within the context of the mood syndrome, and, upon get-
Hepatic porphyria typically presents in attacks accom- ting a reliable history, one always finds, prior to the onset of
panied by abdominal pain, often with vomiting and consti- the delusions or hallucinations, a prominent and progres-
pation or, less commonly, diarrhea. Rarely, such patients sively worsening depressive or manic syndrome.
may also have a psychosis (Mandoki and Sumner 1994), Finally, simulated psychoses, as seen in malingering,
which, in one case, was accompanied by bizarre behavior factitious illness, and folie à deux must be distinguished
(Hirsch and Dunsworth 1955). from ‘true’ psychoses. Malingerers may simulate a psy-
Metachromatic leukodystrophy, although rare, is of par- chosis in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, as may
ticular interest in that it can cause a psychosis that very occur in prisoners facing trial (Tsoi 1973). Factitious psy-
closely resembles that caused by schizophrenia (Hyde et al. chosis is said to occur when the simulation has the purpose
1992; Muller et al. 1969). Indeed, in some cases, it was not of simply being a patient in the hospital (Pope et al. 1982).
initially possible to distinguish between the two disorders Folie à deux is said to occur when a person with a true psy-
until other symptoms suggestive of metachromatic leuko- chosis, usually paranoid schizophrenia, exerts such a pro-
dystrophy, as for example a peripheral neuropathy found influence on close relatives or acquaintances that
(Manowitz et al. 1978) or a dementia (Betts et al. 1968a; they come to adopt the patient’s own delusional beliefs as
Rauschka et al. 2006; Waltz et al. 1987) developed years later. true. Importantly, in such cases, if the ‘truly’ psychotic per-
Velocardiofacial syndrome has also attracted great inter- son is successfully treated or if a prolonged separation is
est, as it too can cause a psychosis symptomatically quite enforced, the others gradually come to see the falseness of
similar to that caused by schizophrenia (Gothelf et al. 2007; their beliefs (Dewhurst and Todd 1956; Kashiwase and
Ivanov et al. 2003; Murphy et al. 1999). The diagnosis may Kato 1997; Partridge 1950; Waltzer 1963).
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 244
fellows, impatient of restraint or advice when it conflicts impression of many is that it does occur and that it may have
with his desires . . . In this regard his mind was so radically a profound effect on patients’ lives.
changed . . . that his friends and acquaintances said he was The outstanding characteristic of this syndrome is a
“no longer Gage.” ’ trait known variously as ‘viscosity’, ‘adhesiveness’ or ‘stick-
Mulder et al. (1951) reported another case marked by iness’ (Waxman and Geschwind 1975). In this, patients
disinhibition and irritability. The patient’s wife com- seem unable to break away from a train of thought or a cer-
plained that the patient: tain emotion, thoughts and feelings plodding on and
adhering to one another in a sort of viscous mass. Bleuler
no longer cared about his appearance, that he drove (1924), writing of epileptics in the early part of the twenti-
through red lights, threw bills in the wastebasket eth century, asserted that:
remarking they were ‘only bills’, and frequently
threatened to harm his family. He spilled his food on the most conspicuous anomaly concerns the
his clothing and on the floor, and to his family’s affectivity, which reacts to a morbid degree, and at
dismay, he then picked it up and ate it. He did not the same time shows the peculiarity, that an existing
wait for food to be served, but would snatch it off affect lasts a long time and is difficult to divert by
platters with his fingers as his wife neared the table. new impressions; it is not merely irritability that
His sexual activity became uninhibited, and he shows itself in this manner but the other affects, as
sought intercourse with neighborhood children and attachments, or joy, all take the same course . . . In
prostitutes with no concern for possible speaking and writing we have the same peculiarities:
consequences. the patient does not get anywhere with his talking,
not only because of its slowness, but especially
Another case (Moersch 1925) was marked by persever- because of its circumstantiality, which must depict
ation and apathy. The patient, a 54-year-old man was: all trivialities in repetition and in manifold
expression of the same idea in different forms.
brought to the clinic . . . Because of loss of bladder Besides this the manner of speaking is verbose and
and rectal control, and lack of interest. The patient clumsy, and always vague. (Italics in original.)
himself made no complaint. About three months
before, a gradually increasing mental change had Bear et al. (1982), in addition to this viscosity of thought
been observed. The patient lost his ambition and and emotion, also emphasized an ‘interpersonal adhesive-
interest in work, although he had continued at his ness’ manifest in ‘interpersonal clinging’ and a ‘tendency
trade of carpentry until two weeks before. He had to draw out interpersonal encounters’. In some cases,
become careless in his work, would forget what he patients, on shaking hands while saying goodbye to the
was doing, and seemed little concerned about his physician, will simply continue to ‘hang on’, requiring the
short-comings. For two weeks before his physician to extricate him or herself.
examination he had been content to sit aimlessly at The viscosity of thought may have a written expression
home, or to play with his children. He voided at any in hypergraphia, wherein patients may write voluminous
time and even defecated in his clothes . . . During amounts, far and above what is required for any social or
general examination, the patient was indifferent and professional purposes (Hermann et al. 1988), often writing
aimless, would sit and look at a newspaper, which about philosophic or religious concerns (Waxman and
might be upside down. He was oriented in all Geschwind 1974).
spheres, and his attention might be held for a few In addition to viscosity, patients also tend to be preoc-
moments when aroused. He would follow his son cupied with religious, ethical, or philosophical concerns
about in a fairly good-natured manner, but always and to experience hyposexuality.
object to being examined, saying that he was not Religiosity is, according to Maudsley (1874) ‘often very
sick. He showed considerable perseveration, notable in epileptics’ and Kraepelin (1902), writing in the
repeating movements at times for long periods. For early part of the twentieth century, noted that ‘the religious
example, one evening he sat before a wash bowl for content of [epileptic’s] thought is another striking symp-
over a half hour, turning the faucets on and off. tom, many patients spending a large part of their time in
reading the Bible or praying aloud’. Bear et al. (1982) noted
INTERICTAL PERSONALITY SYNDROME the ‘nascent metaphysical or cosmological preoccupations’
of patients.
The interictal personality syndrome, also known as the Hyposexuality manifests primarily as a loss of libido
Geschwind syndrome, is said to appear insidiously in epilep- (Blumer 1970; Blumer and Walker 1967).
tics after years of uncontrolled complex partial seizures. It As noted earlier, the interictal personality syndrome is a
should be emphasized that this is a controversial entity and controversial entity. Early attempts to validate it (Bear
that it has not as yet been possible to prove conclusively that 1979; Bear and Fedio 1977) made use of a complex rating
such a specific syndrome exists. Nevertheless, the clinical instrument, and subsequent attempts to replicate these
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 246
Table 7.2 Criteria for the diagnosis of the interictal personality Table 7.3 Causes of non-specific personality change
syndrome (all five elements, A–E, must be present)
Subacute or gradual onset
A The patient’s behavior represents an enduring change in Neurodegenerative disorders
personality. Frontotemporal dementia (Seeley et al. 2005)
B The disorder occurs after 3 or more years of repeated Pick’s disease (Mendez et al. 1993)
complex partial seizures. Alzheimer’s disease (Mendez et al. 1993)
C The patient displays viscosity, as manifested by one or Huntington’s disease (Pflanz et al. 1991)
more of: deep and persistent affects; verbose, overly Wilson’s disease (Bridgman and Smyth 1944; Dening and
detailed, and circumstantial speech; or hypergraphia. Berrios 1989; Starosta-Rubinstein et al. 1987; Walshe and
D The patient displays either a preoccupation with religious, Yealland 1992)
ethical ,or philosophical concerns, or hyposexuality. Metachromatic leukodystrophy (Finelli 1985; Hageman
E There are no delusions or hallucinations. et al. 1995)
Adrenoleukodystrophy (Schaumburg et al. 1975)
Temporal lobe (Keschner et al. 1936; Strobos 1953)
earlier findings met with no success (Mungas 1982, 1983; Thalamus (Partlow et al. 1992)
Nielsen and Kristensen 1981; Rodin and Schmaltz 1984) or Hypothalamus (Alpers 1937)
only partial success (Bear et al. 1982; Hermann and Reil Other
1981). Provisionally, as I have discussed elsewhere (Moore Normal pressure hydrocephalus (Rice and Gendelman 1973)
1997), the diagnosis should probably be reserved for cases Chronic subdural hematoma (Cameron 1978)
meeting the criteria listed in Table 7.2. Neurosyphilis (Storm-Mathisen 1969)
Vitamin B12 deficiency (Lindenbaum et al. 1988)
Limbic encephalitis (Alamowitch et al. 1997)
Etiology Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (Brown et al. 1994; Roos et al.
1973; Zeidler et al. 1997a,b)
The etiologies of the various types of personality change, Mercury intoxication (O’Carroll et al. 1995)
namely the non-specific type, the frontal lobe syndrome Manganese intoxication (Abd El Naby and Hassanein 1965)
and the interictal personality syndrome, differ, and hence Acute onset
each is discussed separately. As may be seen, however, in Stroke (Stone et al. 2004)
regard to the non-specific type and the frontal lobe syn-
drome, the most common causes are neurodegenerative Miscellaneous
disorders (e.g., frontotemporal dementia), tumors, and Traumatic brain injury (Brooks et al. 1986; Thomsen 1984)
stroke. Post-viral encephalitis (McGrath et al. 1997)
be suggested by incontinence and a ‘magnetic’ gait. Patients Table 7.4 Causes of the frontal lobe syndrome
with a chronic subdural hematoma may or may not recall any
Subacute or gradual onset
head trauma. Tertiary neurosyphilis may present solely with a
Neurodegenerative disorders
personality change, and the diagnosis may only be suspected
Frontotemporal dementia (Brun et al. 1994; Heutink et al.
when the fluorescent treponemal antibody (FTA) test comes
1997; Neary et al. 1993)
back positive. Vitamin B12 deficiency, likewise, may also pres-
Pick’s disease (Bouton 1940; Litvan et al. 1997; Mendez et al.
ent with a personality change, which may or may not be
accompanied by a macrocytosis or a peripheral neuropathy.
Alzheimer’s disease (Mega et al. 1996; Petry et al. 1988)
Both limbic encephalitis and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (espe-
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Massman et al. 1996)
cially the new-variant type) may present with a subacute per-
Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration (Bergeron et al. 1996)
sonality change; however, in both cases cognitive changes,
Progressive supranuclear palsy (Verny et al. 1996)
either delirium or dementia, supervene fairly quickly.
Multiple system atrophy (olivopontocerebellar type) (Critchley
Mercury intoxication with either elemental mercury (as may
and Greenfield 1948)
occur in factories making thermometers [Vroom and Greer
Spinocerebellar ataxia (Zeman et al. 2004)
1972]) or organic mercury may cause a personality change
Metachromatic leukodystrophy (Rauschka et al. 2006)
known as erethism, with prominent timidity and irritability,
often accompanied by tremulousness. Manganism, as may be
Frontal lobe (Avery 1971; Frazier 1936; Hunter et al. 1968;
seen in manganese miners, may present with a personality
Strauss and Keschner 1935; Williamson 1896)
change marked by asthenia, fatigue, irritability, emotional
Corpus callosum (Alpers and Grant 1931; Beling and Martland
lability, and a peculiar unmotivated laughter. One author
1919; Moersch 1925)
(Charles 1927), in commenting on the laughter, noted that
‘excessive smiling without any adequate cause is very com- Acute onset
mon, and the patient, if asked any simple question, will not Stroke
infrequently burst out into hilarious laughter’; parkinsonism, Frontal lobe (Logue et al. 1968)
if not already present, generally supervenes. Caudate nucleus (Mendez et al. 1989; Petty et al. 1996)
Thalamus (Sandson et al. 1991)
Acute onset Mesencephalon (Adair et al. 1996)
early adult years and which is eventually superseded by a right caudate nucleus (Degos et al. 1993), and the left thala-
dementia. mus (Sandson et al. 1991; Smyth and Stern 1938).
As might be expected, tumors capable of causing the
frontal lobe syndrome are found typically in the frontal
lobes. Anteriorly placed tumors of the corpus callosum INTERICTAL PERSONALITY SYNDROME
may also cause the syndrome; however, it is suspected that
in these cases the syndrome does not occur as a result of If indeed the interictal personality syndrome does exist as a
damage to the corpus callosum but rather to lateral exten- discrete entity, it may then represent a ‘functional hyper-
sion of the tumor into the adjacent medial aspects of the connection’ (Bear 1979; Bear and Fedio 1977) in the limbic
frontal lobes. system, which may in turn occur secondary to the ‘kin-
dling’ effect of frequently repeated seizures (Adamec and
Stark-Adamec 1983).
Acute onset
When the frontal lobe syndrome appears acutely, stroke
should immediately be suspected. Thus, the syndrome may Differential diagnosis
appear after infarction of the frontal lobe (as seen not
uncommonly after subarachnoid hemorrhage [Alexander Personality change must be distinguished from a personal-
and Freedman 1984; Greene et al. 1995]). In addition, ity disorder. Personality disorders, for example borderline
lacunar infarctions of the caudate nucleus, thalamus personality disorder or antisocial personality disorder, do
and, rarely, the mesencephalon, may also produce the syn- not represent a change in the patient’s personality make-
drome. up, but rather have been present, at least in a nascent form,
since childhood or adolescence. Rather than replacing a
pre-existing personality structure, the personality disorder
Miscellaneous just does, in fact, constitute the patient’s lifelong personal-
TBI may leave a frontal lobe syndrome in its wake, often ity. Thus, in the history of an adult patient with a personal-
marked by disinhibition and irritability; indeed such a per- ity disorder, one finds that the various personality traits
sonality change may represent one of the most disabling may be traced back into the patient’s adolescence or child-
sequelae of severe TBI (Thomsen 1984). Gunshot wounds hood in a seamless and continuous fashion: by contrast, in
to the frontal areas may also, as might be expected, create a patient with a personality change, one finds a more or less
the syndrome. In one such case, the substitution of the distinct boundary in the history that separates the patient’s
euphoria of the frontal lobe syndrome for the depression original personality from that which currently exists.
that prompted the suicidal gunshot actually constituted an Relatives and friends may indicate such a change by saying
improvement (Lebensohn 1941). that the patient is ‘not himself’ any more.
Finally, the syndrome may occur secondary to appro- Dementia may be accompanied by an exaggeration of
priately situated plaques in multiple sclerosis and as a pre-existing personality traits, or by the emergence of
sequela to a viral encephalitis. new ones; however, the accompanying cognitive deficits
indicate dementia as the primary syndrome, and the differ-
ential should then be pursued as discussed in Section 5.1.
Comments on the localizing and lateralizing value of Importantly, certain dementing disorders, as noted above,
the frontal lobe syndrome may present not with cognitive deficits but with a person-
The frontal lobe exists in a ‘circuit’ involving the frontal ality change, and the diagnosis may be elusive until, with
cortex, the caudate nucleus, the lenticular nucleus, and the further progression, cognitive deficits make their appear-
thalamus, which eventually sends fibers back to the frontal ance. This is particularly the case, as noted above, with
cortex. The frontal lobe syndrome, in general, localizes to some of the neurodegenerative disorders, most particularly
this circuit, and may be seen with lesions of the frontal lobe frontotemporal dementia.
(Frazier 1936; Williamson 1896), caudate nucleus (Mendez Many psychoses also are accompanied by an alteration
et al. 1989; Petty et al. 1996; Richfield et al. 1987), globus in the sufferer’s personality, this being particularly true of
pallidus (Strub 1989), and thalamus (Sandson et al. 1991; schizophrenia. The psychoses, however, are marked by
Smyth and Stern 1938). The ventral tegmental area of the delusions or hallucinations – symptoms that are not seen
mesencephalon also projects to the frontal cortex and, as in personality change – and their presence should prompt
noted above, infarction of the mesencephalon may also the clinician to refer to the differential diagnosis for psy-
cause the syndrome (Adair et al. 1996). chosis, as discussed in Section 7.1.
The syndrome may not have much lateralizing value: Mood syndromes, namely mania and depression, may
although in most cases, the lesions are bilateral, unilateral suggest the frontal lobe syndrome. The euphoria seen in
lesions may also cause the syndrome, this having been noted mania may, superficially, appear similar to the euphoria
with lesions of either the right or left frontal lobe (Frazier seen in some cases of the frontal lobe syndrome; however,
1936; Strauss and Keschner 1935; Williamson 1896), the there are some clear differences. The euphoria of mania is
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 249
heightened, full, and quite infectious, and this is in marked Table 7.5 Types of seizures
contrast with the shallow, silly euphoria of the frontal lobe Simple partial
syndrome, which lacks any infectiousness. Furthermore, in Complex partial (also known as psychomotor)
mania one also sees pressured speech, increased energy, Petit mal (also known as absence)
decreased need for sleep and hyperactivity – symptoms Grand mal (also known as generalized tonic–clonic)
lacking in the frontal lobe syndrome. A depressed mood Atonic (also known as astatic seizures or ‘drop attacks’)
may suggest the syndrome of depression; however, in the Amnestic
frontal lobe syndrome one does not see the characteristic Reflex
vegetative symptoms of the depressive syndrome, such as Status epilepticus
changes in sleep or appetite, anergia, or anhedonia.
With regard to the interictal personality syndrome, one
must keep in mind that slowly growing tumors in the tem-
poral lobe may present with epilepsy, followed, years later,
by a personality change caused by the tumor itself. Thus, electrical discharge within the cerebral grey matter.
the appearance of a personality change in an epileptic Although, as detailed below, the actual symptomatology
should prompt consideration of an MR scan. seen during a seizure and the cause of the responsible elec-
Finally, there are two syndromes, namely the environ- trical discharge are both extraordinarily varied, the essen-
mental dependency syndrome (also known as ‘utilization tial formal characteristic of the seizure, namely its
behavior’) and the Kluver–Bucy syndrome, which are con- ‘paroxysmal-ness’, remains. The term ‘epilepsy’ is gener-
sidered by some to be personality changes: to me, however, ally reserved for cases in which there has been more than
they are so dissimilar from any conceivable personality trait one seizure and the cause of the seizures is such that one
or type that they are discussed elsewhere, respectively in may reasonably expect that the patient, in the absence of
Sections 4.11 and 4.12. In the environmental dependency definitive treatment, will continue to have seizures. Thus,
syndrome patients appear to lose their autonomy and whereas it might not be proper to consider a patient who
become, as it were, ‘dependent’ on the environment such has only had but one seizure, and that during an episode of
that they feel compelled to make use of whatever comes to severe hypoglycemia, to have epilepsy, it would be appro-
their attention. Thus, if a pen and a piece of paper came to priate in the case of a patient with recurrent seizures and
the patient’s attention, he would feel compelled to pick them mesial temporal sclerosis.
up and write, even although such activity was inappropriate
to the ongoing situation. The Kluver–Bucy syndrome, in
humans, typically manifests with the traits of hyperorality Clinical features
and hypersexuality. In hyperorality, patients put things into
their mouths, whether edible or not, and thus may end up The classification of the various seizure types has changed
eating Styrofoam cups or drinking urine from urinals. over time, as evidenced by the evolution of criteria set forth
Hypersexuality may manifest with public masturbation or by the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) in
sexual activity with others, regardless of their gender. 1964 (Gastaut et al. 1964), 1970 (Gastaut 1970), 1981
(Commission of Classification and Terminology 1981),
and 1989 (Commission of Classification and Terminology
Treatment 1989). The 1981 ILAE criteria have proved the most endur-
ing for clinical practice and, with some modification, are
If possible, treatment is directed at the underlying cause. adhered to in this text.
Most patients require some form of supervision, and in The various seizure types are listed in Table 7.5. In dif-
some cases admission to a secure facility may be necessary. ferentiating among these types, the first step is to deter-
Regarding pharmacologic treatment, with the exception of mine the patient’s state of consciousness during the
utilizing carbamazepine for the disinhibition of the frontal seizure. If consciousness remains clear, that is to say the
lobe syndrome (Foster et al. 1989), little is known. In prac- patient remains alert, with intact memory, and without
tice, antipsychotics (e.g., quetiapine) are also used for dis- any clouding or confusion, a simple partial seizure is pres-
inhibition, and antidepressants (e.g., a selective serotonin ent. If, however, consciousness is in some fashion
reuptake inhibitor, SSRI) or anxiolytics (e.g., lorazepam or impaired, but not entirely lost, either a complex partial or
clonazepam) are given when depressed mood or anxiety a petit mal seizure is present. The distinction between
are prominent. complex partial and petit mal seizures, as elaborated fur-
ther in the text, is based on the overall nature of the seizure:
complex partial seizures are often preceded by an aura, last
7.3 SEIZURES AND EPILEPSY several minutes, and are typically followed by some post-
ictal confusion; whereas petit mal seizures occur without an
A seizure, or ictus, is paroxysmal in onset, generally brief in aura, are very brief – lasting only seconds – and terminate
duration, and occurs secondary to an equally paroxysmal abruptly, without any post-ictal confusion. If consciousness
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 250
is entirely lost, one is typically dealing with a grand mal simple partial seizures with psychic symptoms. Furthermore,
seizure, with its accompanying tonic–clonic activity. there is a group, not specified in the ILAE criteria, of miscel-
Atonic seizures may or may not be accompanied by an laneous simple partial seizures.
impairment or loss of consciousness but they are always
characterized by an abrupt loss of muscle tone with, in
most cases, a resulting fall. Amnestic seizures are unusual Simple partial seizures with motor signs
in that they are characterized solely by a paroxysmal amne- These seizures are most commonly characterized by uni-
sia in a clear consciousness. Reflex seizures are said to be lateral clonic or tonic activity, or a combination of the two,
present when any of the foregoing types occurs on a ‘reflex- such motor activity being seen most frequently in the
ive’ basis, being provoked by some specific stimulus, such hand, arm, or face and somewhat less so in the lower
as hearing music or reading. Finally, each of the foregoing extremity (Russell and Whitty 1953). Jacksonian seizures
seizure types may also occur over a prolonged time, in represent a variety of simple partial seizure in which there
which case status epilepticus is said to be present. is a ‘march’ of the ictal symptomatology from one part of
Although any given patient with epilepsy may experi- the body to another. Such marches may begin variously in
ence but one type of seizure during the entire course of the the hands or the fingers, proceed proximally to the face,
illness, the history more often than not reveals different and then march inferiorly; less commonly, they begin in
seizure types at disparate times. Thus, the course of the lower extremity. In most cases, the march is completed
epilepsy may be marked by varying combinations of simple within a matter of minutes (Penfield and Jasper 1954;
partial, complex partial, and grand mal seizures (Devinsky Russell and Whitty 1953). ‘Versive’ seizures represent a
et al. 1988; Golub et al. 1951; Mauguire and Courjon 1978; variety of motor simple partial seizure wherein there is a
Sperling et al. 1989); furthermore, patients with petit mal ‘forced’ tonic version of the head, and sometimes the
epilepsy often also experience grand mal seizures trunk, to one side or the other (Mauguire and Courjon
(Livingston et al. 1965; Sato et al. 1976). Of interest, among 1978; Russell and Whitty 1953). Motor aphasia may be
adults, partial seizures (either simple or complex) are more seen in what the ILAE calls a ‘phonatory’ seizure. Such a
common than grand mal seizures (Gastaut et al. 1975; motor aphasia may constitute the sole manifestation of the
Kotsopoulos et al. 2002). seizure (Labar et al. 1992) or may be accompanied by
Importantly, in many cases, a given ictal event or seizure motor activity on the face. In one case (Williamson et al.
may in fact represent an amalgamation of two different 1985a), the seizure began with right-sided facial twitching
seizure types, the first merging seamlessly into the following followed by muteness: although the patient could follow
one. Thus, a simple partial seizure may immediately pre- commands and was still able to communicate by writing,
cede a complex partial seizure (Bare et al. 1994; Sperling she was unable, much to her distress, to speak. In another
et al. 1989) or, in other cases, a simple partial seizure may case (Walshe 1943), the seizure began with muteness and
precede a grand mal seizure (Mauguire and Courjon 1978; was ‘followed by the advance of the tongue to the line of
Theodore et al. 1994). In such cases, it is customary no the teeth and the utterance of a rapid series of “D” sounds
longer to refer to the ictal event that occurred in clear con- (D-D-D-D-D-D). The throat then “constricts”, the mouth
sciousness as a simple partial seizure but rather to speak of is drawn to the right and finally the head and eyes turn in a
it as an ‘aura’ to the following seizure type. Furthermore, series of jerks to the right’.
complex partial seizures may also transform without inter- Rarely, simple partial seizures with motor signs may be
ruption into grand mal seizures (Theodore et al. 1994; characterized by bilateral motor activity (Kanner et al. 1990;
Tinuper et al. 1996a), and in such cases one speaks of the Tachibana et al. 1996). Such seizures often lead to diagnos-
complex partial seizure undergoing ‘secondary generaliza- tic uncertainty as they ‘break the rule’ that bilateral epilep-
tion’ into a grand mal seizure. tic motor activity is always accompanied by some
Each of the various seizure types noted in Table 7.5 is impairment of consciousness (Morris et al. 1988). In one
now considered in detail. case (Tukel and Jasper 1952): ‘seizures began with a stiffness
in the right arm and leg. The patient then stared and the
right arm raised to the level of the chest. This was followed
SIMPLE PARTIAL SEIZURES by the extension of both arms. There was then adversive
movement of the head and eyes to the right and vocaliza-
Simple partial seizures usually last of the order of a minute or tion. The patient remained conscious throughout . . . she
two, uncommonly extending for up to 5 minutes, and excep- heard herself vocalize but could not speak’.
tionally persevering for as long as 15 minutes (Devinsky et al. Although the motor behavior in these seizures may be
1988b; Mauguire and Courjon 1978). Following the 1981 simple, as in the foregoing example, or perhaps involve
ILAE criteria, they may be subdivided according to their pre- non-directed thrashing (Salanova et al. 1995), it may at
dominant symptomatology into the following subtypes: sim- times be fairly complex (Chassagnon et al. 2003). In one
ple partial seizures with motor signs, simple partial seizures case (Weinberger 1973), the patient’s ‘head and neck
with somatosensory or special sensory symptoms, simple turned to the right. Both arms moved to the right and
partial seizures with autonomic symptoms or signs, and turned rhythmically on their axis at the wrist in a fashion
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 251
best described as turning two door knobs, but in opposite patients (Holmes 1927) had simple partial seizures that
directions’: although the patient ‘was aware of what was ‘commenced with the appearance of several small spheres,
happening to her, and could understand what people were white in the center with an intermediate zone of blue and
saying . . . she could only utter a phrase such as “uh-uh- outside this a ring of red . . . [which] moved either at a uni-
uh” ’. Although in almost all cases such simple partial form rate or in jerks to the left and downwards’.
seizures with bilateral motor signs arise from seizure foci in Hemianopia or blindness may also occur on an ictal basis
the supplemental motor area on the medial aspect of the (Barry et al. 1985; Russell and Whitty 1955). Ictal auditory
frontal lobe, exceptions do occur, as in a case where the hallucinations may consist of such phenomena as buzzing
focus was in the parietal lobe (Bell et al. 1997). or ringing noises (Mauguire and Courjon 1978). Ictal
Inhibitory motor simple partial seizures represent a olfactory hallucinations (Mauguire and Courjon 1978)
kind of ‘inverse’ motor seizure, wherein, rather than seeing tend to be unpleasant, such as the smell of something rot-
tonic or clonic muscle contraction, there is a paroxysmal ten or burning: one of Jackson’s patients (Jackson and
paresis or paralysis. The hand, arm, or leg may be involved Beevor 1890) had ‘a very nasty smell – “burning dirty
(Noachtar and Luders 1999; Russell and Whitty 1953; stuff” ’. Ictal gustatory hallucinations tend likewise to be
Villani et al. 2006), and in some cases hemiparesis may unpleasant, the taste being described as foul or metallic.
result (Globus et al. 1982; Hanson and Chodos 1978). The Ictal vertigo may be characterized either by mere giddiness
spread of epileptic electrical activity from the precentral or by a classic sense of rotation (Kluge et al. 2000; Russell
gyrus to nearby areas may sometimes produce a more and Whitty 1953).
complex picture: in one case, a patient experienced not
only ictal paresis of the right upper extremity, but also an
associated motor aphasia (Lee and Lerner 1990). Simple partial seizures with autonomic
symptoms or signs
Ictal autonomic phenomena include an ill-defined ‘rising’
Simple partial seizures with somatosensory or special epigastric sensation, vomiting (Mitchell et al. 1983; Shukla
sensory symptoms and Mishra 1985), or diarrhea with abdominal cramping
Seizures with somatosensory symptoms are characterized (Zarling 1984).
by generally unilateral paresthesiae, numbness, pain, or a
sensation of warmth or coldness. The hands and fingers are
most frequently affected, followed by the face, foot, or Simple partial seizures with psychic symptoms
entire upper or lower extremity (Mauguire and Courjon These seizures may consist of a variety of experiences: ‘dysm-
1978). Ictal pain may be either diffuse (Wilkinson 1973) or nesic’ phenomena (e.g., déjà vu); ‘cognitive’ disturbances
localized (Young and Blume 1983, 1986) (as for example such as depersonalization; affective experiences such as fear;
with muscle cramping in one extremity [Balkan 1995]) and illusions such as macropsia; and complex, ‘structured’ hallu-
may be quite severe (Russell and Whitty 1953). Although cinations in either the auditory or the visual realms.
the vast majority of somatosensory seizures are unilateral, Dysmnesic phenomena represent a disturbance in the
involving only one side of the body, there may rarely be sense of familiarity, and include déjà vu, jamais vu, déjà
bilateral involvement, for example simultaneous par- entendu and jamais entendu. In déjà vu, patients have the
esthesiae of both hands (Blume et al. 1992). uncanny sense that they have already seen or experienced
Somatosensory simple partial seizures may also undergo something that they are in fact encountering for the first
a Jacksonian ‘march’ (Lende and Popp 1976; Sittig 1925). time; in jamais vu, the opposite phenomenon occurs in
These somatosensory Jacksonian marches tend to follow the that patients, although in the presence of something they
same distribution as motor marches, most often beginning ‘intellectually’ know they have experienced before, yet have
in the hand or fingers (Mauguire and Courjon 1978), but the sense that it is entirely new. Déjà entendu and jamais
they are, unlike motor marches, generally quite rapid, com- entendu represent analagous experiences concerning not
pleting their trek in a matter of seconds (Russell and Whitty sight but hearing. A related phenomenon is the experience
1953). One may at times encounter a kind of ‘mixed’ march of prescience, wherein the seizure is characterize by a sense
with both somatosensory and motor components; interest- that the patient ‘knew’ beforehand what was going to hap-
ingly, in such cases, one almost always finds the sensory pen (Sadler and Rahey 2004).
component appearing first, followed by the motor one Cognitive disturbances most commonly involve deper-
(Penfield and Jasper 1954; Russell and Whitty 1953, Villani sonalization. One of Wilson’s patients (Wilson 1930)
et al. 2006). noted that it was ‘as if my mind were looking at myself
Seizures with special sensory symptoms present with from afar’. In another case (Daly 1958), the patient, while
simple visual, auditory, olfactory, or gustatory hallucina- ‘dissociated from his body’ had the classic sense that he
tions and, at times, with vertigo. Ictal visual hallucinations ‘was looking down on the scene’. In other cases, the cogni-
may consist of such crude phenomena as ‘weaving pat- tive distortion may be difficult to categorize: one of
terns, zigzag lights, showers of sparks or coloured clouds’ Wilson’s (1930) patients described her seizure as an expe-
(Russell and Whitty 1955). One of William Gower’s rience wherein ‘her “thoughts just stopped” ’.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 252
Affective experiences may include anxiety, depression also reappear in the patient’s dreams (Reami et al. 1991).
or, rarely, euphoria. Anxiety and fear have been frequently Although, in most cases, these complex visual hallucina-
noted (Kennedy 1911; Macrae 1954a,b; Weil 1959; tions occur in only one hemifield, they may at times spread
Williams 1956) and may be quite severe, progressing to a to appear in the entire visual field (Russell and Whitty
full anxiety attack (Alemayehu et al. 1995). In one case, the 1955). Palinopsia may also occur, and one patient’s seizures
seizures were characterized by anxiety, palpitations, dizzi- were characterized by seeing ‘non-existent pedestrians in an
ness, and pallor (Rush et al. 1977), and in another the empty street, having seen these people minutes before in
patient was ‘afraid, perspired and did not want to be left different surroundings’ (Muller et al. 1995). Autoscopy
alone’ (McLachlan and Blume 1980). As might be may occur, in which patients hallucinate an image of them-
expected, some patients may become agoraphobic on the selves (Brugger et al. 1994; Devinsky et al. 1989a). Auditory
basis of such ictal anxiety attacks: one patient, whose ictal structured hallucinations may consist of voices or music:
anxiety attacks lasted of the order of a minute, ‘went to the one patient heard the same song, repeated over and over
emergency room’, and, fearful ‘she could have spells while again (Wieser 1980).
driving, at work, or in social situations . . . confined herself
to home’ (Weilburg et al. 1987). Ictal depressions ‘are char-
Miscellaneous simple partial seizures
acterized by rather sudden let-down of mood and psy-
chomotor retardation . . . from simple listlessness and Various other signs and symptoms may occur on an ictal
apathy to agitated depression with suicidal attempts’ (Weil basis, including prosopagnosia (Agnetti et al. 1978), aso-
1959). One patient’s ictal depressions were ushered in by matognosia (Russell and Whitty 1955; So and Scauble
olfactory hallucinations, like ‘stuffed cabbage in a dirty 2004), and a combination of expressive aprosodia and
outhouse’, and could last for hours, during which the amusia (Bautista and Ciampetti 2003).
patient ‘felt paralyzed inside and couldn’t follow through Other miscellaneous types of simple partial seizures
an act’ (Weil 1955). Euphoria may occur (Williams 1956) include unexplained urges, sexual experiences, involuntary
but in one case was followed, after 10–20 seconds, by an laughing or crying, forced thoughts and, rarely, delusions.
intense depression (Mulder and Daly 1952). In another Inexplicable urges have included impulses to laugh
case (Dewhurst and Beard 1970) the patient had, rather (Sturm et al. 2000) or to run (Strauss 1960).
than simple euphoria, a complex and ecstatic religious Sexual experiences include strong sexual arousal (Erickson
experience: ‘he had a vision in which he was in the cockpit 1945) or orgasm (Reading and Will 1997; Ruff 1980).
of an aeroplane . . . the aircraft gained altitude and brought Seizures characterized by involuntary laughing (‘gelas-
him to a different land, a land of peace. He had no cares tic’ seizures) or crying (‘dacrystic’ seizures) differ from
and no burdens. He felt that the power of God was upon those characterized by ictal emotion (e.g., anxiety or
him and changing him for the better’. The experience was depression, as noted earlier) in that these patients,
so powerful that the patient later converted from Judaism although laughing or crying, do not experience any associ-
to Pentecostalism. ated mirth or sadness. One patient happened to see herself
Illusions may include macropsia, wherein objects in the mirror in the midst of a gelastic seizure and ‘was
appear larger than they are, micropsia, wherein they puzzled by the discrepancy between her facial expression
appear smaller, and various illusory movements of objects and her feelings’ (Arroyo et al. 1993); in another case, the
(Heilman and Howell 1980; Russell and Whitty 1955). smile accompanying the laughter reminded observers of a
Also possible are hyperacusis or hypoacusis, wherein ‘ “toothpaste advertisement” smile’ (Lehtinen and Kivalo
sounds appear louder or fainter, respectively, than they in 1965). Dacrystic seizures manifest with a sad facial expres-
fact are. The supernumerary limb experience may also be sion and tears (Luciano et al. 1993; Marchini et al. 1994), in
included here: one patient had such a strong ictal sense that one case capping off a sensory march that began in the left
his arm was raised above his head that he asked his wife leg, ascended to the left shoulder and was then succeeded
to pull it down even though he acknowledged that he by weeping (Efron 1961).
could in fact see his actual arm at his side (Russell and Forced thoughts may occur and are quite similar to
Whitty 1953). obsessions (Mendez et al. 1996).
Structured hallucinations are characterized by complex Delusions noted during simple partial seizures include
visual or auditory experiences. One of Russell and Whitty’s the Capgras phenomenon (delusion of doubles) (Kanemoto
(1955) patients, wounded in the right occipital area, saw 1997) and a Schneiderian first rank symptom, namely a con-
‘stretcher bearers walking past and then the figures of viction on the patient’s part ‘that his body is being con-
nurses whom he could recognize’, all in the left hemifield; trolled by external forces’ (Mesulam 1981).
another, wounded in the right occipitoparietal area, ‘felt
that as if he was in a dream he was back in Khartoum dur- COMPLEX PARTIAL SEIZURES
ing the war. He saw and recognized friends around him’. In
another case (Sowa and Pituck 1989) the patient saw the Complex partial seizures (Delgado-Escueta et al. 1982;
‘right side of people’s faces missing’ and ‘water coming out Escueta et al. 1977; Golub et al. 1951; Holmes 1984;
of a clock’. Of interest, such ictal visual hallucinations may Theodore et al. 1983) generally last of the order of one to
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 253
several minutes and may or may not be preceded by an of consciousness and automatisms. The patient was in the
aura. The seizure proper is characterized, in all cases, by physician’s office when the seizure occurred. He:
some ‘impairment’ of consciousness, ranging in severity
from the slightest degree of confusion to a more or less suddenly stopped talking, looked off into space,
profound stupor. staring. He slumped down in his chair for a brief
Although, in some cases, the seizure manifests with this moment, then sat up and began to rub his abdomen
impairment of consciousness alone, one will in most cases with both hands. A flashlight was shined into his
also see a ‘motionless stare’ and/or automatisms. The eyes and he turned away. He began to rummage
‘motionless stare’ is characterized by the abrupt appear- about the desk as if looking for something. When
ance of a vacant stare and a complete arrest of all behavior, questioned as to what he wanted, he said, ‘I wanna, I
leaving the patient quite still and unmoving. This stare wanna.’ At this point he took a cigarette from his
occupies only a portion of the seizure itself, and is typically pocket, lit it and started to smoke. He then got up
either followed or, in some cases, preceded, by automa- from his chair, walked out of the office, wandered
tisms. Automatisms range in complexity from such simple, down the hall opening all the doors saying ‘I want a
stereotyped behavior as lip-smacking or chewing to highly toilet.’ Next he walked down the hall, but could not
complex activity, which is, to a greater or lesser degree, be distracted by any outside contact. He then lay
‘reactive’ to the environment. Such reactive automatisms down on the bed and appeared to regain contact
may consist of a more or less faithful continuation of pre- gradually.
ictal behavior or may represent behavior, which, although
still reactive to the environment, represents a break with
the patient’s pre-ictal behavior. Aurae
After the seizure ends, most patients will display a degree As noted earlier, aurae are merely simple partial seizures that
of post-ictal confusion, lasting from one to several minutes, happen to evolve into complex partial seizures: they thus
after which they gradually recover. Patients are subse- include all of the forms of simple partial seizure noted
quently totally, or sometimes only partially, amnestic for above. Several studies (Boon et al. 1991; Gupta et al. 1983;
the events that occurred during the seizure. Kanemoto and Janz 1989; Sperling et al. 1989) provide a
Before discussing in detail the individual clinical aspects rough estimate of the frequency with which various aurae
of complex partial seizures (i.e., aura, impairment of con- are found: the most common is a rising epigastric sensation;
sciousness, motionless stare, and automatisms), some next come dysmnesic symptoms (déjà vu or jamais vu),
descriptions of more or less typical cases are provided to affective symptoms (fear, anxiety, and depression), sensory
give an overall sense of what a complex partial seizure symptoms (visual, tactile, gustatory, olfactory, or auditory
comprises. The first to be considered is Hughlings hallucinations), vertigo, and nausea. Least common are illu-
Jackson’s famous patient, considered by many to be the sions (macropsia, micropsia, hyperacusis, and hypoacusis)
‘paradigm of temporal lobe epilepsy’ (Taylor and Marsh and various unclassified symptoms such as thirst or simply
1980), whom Jackson referred to as ‘Dr Z’ (Jackson 1889; an ‘indescribable’ sensation. In some cases, the aura may be
Jackson and Colman 1898). Dr Z’s first complex partial a combination of two or more symptoms: in an early report,
seizure was preceded by an aura of déjà vu, which was then Anderson (1886) noted an aura compounded of auditory
followed by an impairment of consciousness. In Dr Z’s and visual hallucinations and déjà vu, and Hughlings
own words: Jackson (Jackson and Stewart 1899) noted a combination of
an olfactory hallucination with déjà vu. Although aurae are
I was waiting at the foot of a college staircase, in the typically remembered, amnesia for the aura may be found in
open air, for a friend who was coming down to join approximately one-fourth of all patients upon recovering
me. I was carelessly looking round me, watching from a complex partial seizure (Schulz et al. 1995).
people passing, etc., when my attention was
suddenly absorbed in my own mental state, of which
I know no more than that it seemed to me to be a Impairment of consciousness
vivid and unexpected ‘recollection’; – of what, I do An impairment of consciousness (or, as it is sometimes
not know. My friend found me a minute or two later, referred to, a defect of consciousness) of one sort or
leaning my back against the wall, looking rather another, is present in all cases. As noted by Hughlings
pale, and feeling puzzled and stupid for the moment. Jackson (Taylor 1931), this impairment may involve ‘all
In another minute or two I felt quite normal again, degrees of obscuration of consciousness’, from a profound
and was as much amused as my friend at finding clouding of the sensorium to the slightest trace of confu-
that I could give no distinct account of what had sion or inattention. Indeed, determining the presence of an
happened . . . impairment of consciousness may in some cases be diffi-
cult: Murray Falconer (1954), in commenting on this,
In another case (Golub et al. 1951), the seizure was char- noted that a patient, during a seizure ‘may carry on with
acterized by a motionless stare, followed by an impairment what he is doing, such as playing the piano or driving a car.
p 07.qxd 3/15/08 3:57 PM Page 254
His performance may seem without fault, or he may betray Table 7.6 Common stereotyped automatisms
himself [only] by ignoring the traffic light.’ Chewing or lip-smacking
Looking around
Motionless stare Fumbling with sheets or clothing; groping, or searching
Speaking or mumbling
Although appearing in most complex partial seizures, a Laughing or crying
motionless stare is certainly not seen in all (Delgado- Sitting or standing up
Escueta et al. 1982; Holmes 1984). Some authors have cat- Walking or running
egorized complex partial seizures into two types – ‘type I’ Thrashing or kicking; ‘bicycling’ movements
referring to those seizures that are characterized by the
motionless stare, and ‘type II’ being those without one –
and have gone on to assert that, in type I seizures, the stare
always precedes automatisms (Delgado-Escueta et al. 1982;
Escueta et al. 1977). It appears, however, that this sequenc- (Ames and Enderstein 1975; Gascon and Lombroso 1971),
ing may not be always present, as subsequent work not ‘infectious’ (Sethi and Surya 1976), and has been
(Theodore et al. 1983) has shown that, in type I seizures, described as cackling (Gumpert et al. 1970; Lehtinen and
the motionless stare may be preceded by automatisms. Kivalo 1965). Also, dacrystic seizures may or may not be
accompanied by a sense of sadness (Luciano et al. 1993).
Running, if prominent, may allow one to speak of ‘cur-
Automatisms sive’ epilepsy (Chen and Forster 1973; Sethi and Surya
Automatisms represent behavior that is performed in a more 1976; Sisler et al. 1953). The running is generally uncon-
or less automatic way, such that the patient is, to a greater or trollable: one patient’s seizure consisted of ‘howling and
lesser degree, left in a less adaptive ‘fit’ with the environment. running’ (Marsh 1978).
Spratling (1902) felt that a patient in the midst of an automa- Bicycling movements of the lower extremities exhibit
tism acted ‘like a machine’, and Kraepelin (1902) described varying degrees of coordination and may or may not be
patients as acting in ‘a mechanical or automatic manner’. accompanied by rhythmic movements of the upper
Penfield (Penfield and Jasper 1954) echoed these impres- extremities (Sussman et al. 1989; Swartz 1994).
sions, noting a range in the severity of the automatism such In addition to the foregoing stereotyped automatisms,
that ‘when the condition is severe, the patient acts like an one may, rarely, see other types. In some cases, automa-
automaton or a robot’, but when mild, the patient ‘may be tisms may consist of sexual activity. There may be pelvic
cooperative and only slightly confused, but still unable to thrusting (Geyer et al. 2000), genital manipulation
deal with new problems normally’. Automatisms are cur- (Leutmezer et al. 1999), and sexual arousal and orgasm
rently roughly divided into those that are stereotyped and (Remillard et al. 1983): in one case (Spencer et al. 1983),
those that are still, to some or other degree, ‘reactive’ to the the patient’s seizure consisted of lip-smacking, snorting,
environment. grimacing, thrashing about, uttering obscenities, and mas-
Stereotyped automatisms generally consist of simple, turbation. Coital movements have been noted (Freemon
purposeless behavior. Table 7.6 lists various common and Nevis 1969), and in one remarkable case (Currier et al.
stereotyped automatisms as noted in studies by Delgado- 1971), a 50-year-old woman:
Escueta et al. (1982), Golub (1951), Holmes (1984), and
Gibbs and Gibbs (1952), roughly arranged from most began having what her daughter and husband
(top) to least (bottom) frequent. Chewing or lip-smacking, described as ‘sexual’ seizures. One was as follows.
looking around and fumbling with sheets or clothing are The patient was sitting at the kitchen table with her
fairly straightforward; the other stereotyped automatisms, daughter making out a shopping list. She stopped
however, deserve some comment. making the list, appeared dazed, and gradually
Speaking or mumbling may consist of simple, but slumped to the floor helped by her daughter. She lay
coherent, phrases, such as ‘Oh my God’, or may be charac- on the floor on her back, lifted up her skirt, spread
terized by varying degrees of incoherence (Bell et al. 1990; her knees, and elevated her pelvis rhythmically. She
Serafetinides and Falconer 1963; van der Horst 1953), made appropriate vocalizations for intercourse, such
which may at times be extreme (Gillig et al. 1988; Knight as ‘it feels good’ and ‘further, further.’ . . . Following
and Cooper 1986). In one case, the patient simply repeated these episodes the patient would appear confused
neologisms such as ‘exeverdedeen’ over and over again and have no memory of them.
(Bell et al. 1990).
Laughing or crying may or may not be accompanied by a Other, rare, stereotyped automatisms include the
sense of mirth (Yamada and Yoshida 1977) and may or may Kluver–Bucy syndrome (Nakada et al. 1984) and stuporous
not sound natural: in one case it was ‘identical’ to the catatonia with waxy flexibility (Shah and Kaplan 1980),
patient’s ‘natural laughter’, and in another, it was ‘most con- Reactive automatisms may, as noted earlier, consist
tagious’. More commonly, however, the laughter is unnatural either of behavior that represents a more or less faithful
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 255
continuation of the patient’s pre-ictal behavior or of marked contrast to the solemn expression which he
behavior that, although still ‘reactive’ to the environment, had had prior to the attack. The radio in the room was
represents a definite break with what the patient was doing on and some dance music was being broadcast. The
before the seizure began. patient now approached the female technician and
Examples of ‘continuation’ reactive automatisms include started to dance with her to the tune coming over the
delivering newspapers (Steegmann and Winer 1961) or con- radio. He continued to hum at the same time.
tinuing to drive a car (Falconer 1954). One of Hughlings
Jackson’s patients (Jackson 1889), if she suffered a seizure Before concluding this discussion of reactive automa-
while serving tea, ‘would go on pouring out but would pour tisms, consideration must be given to the possibility of ictal
out wrongly’. In another example, Forster and Liske (1963) violence. Violence during a complex partial seizure is a rare
described ‘a patient, who worked in his father’s shirt and event, and usually only occurs with provocation, as when
pyjama factory as a sorter, [who] would, in the course of a an attempt is made to restrain patients to protect them
seizure, continue to place the shirts, as they came off the line, from harm (Delgado-Escueta et al. 1982). In one case
into the same stack regardless of the size of the shirt. When (Rodin 1973), for example, a patient, during a seizure,
the seizure ended, he would correctly place the shirts coming ‘suddenly lunged forward, having a bewildered and angry
off the line’. In a similar example, Liddell (1953) described a facial expression. An unsuccessful attempt to keep him in
38-year-old clerk who was ‘adding up a column of figures the chair by the attending physician resulted in making the
when the attack would occur. To other people he would patient angrier’; the patient then ‘clenched [his] right fist . . .
appear to carry on as if nothing had happened. When he assumed a boxer-type stance, and violence [seemed] immi-
came to he would discover that he had written in something nent. As soon as the patient was released, however, he
irrelevant or the wrong figures’. merely got out of the chair, then sat down again and began
Reactive automatisms that represent a break with pre-ictal typical fussing type behavior with the pillow’. In other
behavior may be quite startling to observers. One patient, cases, patients may engage in biting, but this is generally
while walking down the street, began to ‘throw away’ his only when someone is injudicious enough to place his or
money (McCarthy 1900); another, a church organist, sud- her hand near the patient’s face (Tassinari et al. 2005).
denly stopped playing the service music and broke out into Spontaneous unprovoked violence is rare and in most
‘hot jazz’ (Forster and Liske 1963). One of Hughling of the reported cases the patient had been accused of a
Jackson’s patients (Taylor 1931), in the middle of an inter- crime, thus raising the question of malingering. Nevertheless,
view, suddenly stopped responding. Jackson: there have been reports of violence occurring during moni-
tored seizures (Delgado-Escueta et al. 1981): two patients
waited a little time, and then, looking at him, I saw ‘shouted and spat at nurses’ and another ‘suddenly knelt on
that he was grinning as if amused at something. the bed and tried to scratch the psychologist’s face’. Such
Next, whilst sitting quietly in his chair, he tore a piece violence may at times be extreme: in another report of
off a packet of prescriptions, and put it in his mouth. I monitored violence (Ashford et al. 1980), the patient:
took it away, but he picked up another piece from the
floor and began to chew it. In about a minute more
when unrestrained in his hospital room . . . would
he came to himself, and then spat out into the fire a
jump up and run around the room. On one occasion
pellet of chewed paper.
he grabbed the drapes next to his bed and kicked out
In a further example, one of Penfield’s patients (Penfield from the wall on them. On another occasion he pulled
and Jasper 1954), a 16-year-old girl, had a complex partial the nurse’s call button out of the wall, ran into the
seizure at a formal ball. During the seizure, she: bathroom and swung it around his head so that it
was crashing against the walls. In all observations, he
proceeded to take her clothing down as though she was locked by himself in a closed room, having no
were about to sit on the toilet. Her friends gathered opportunity to direct aggression against people.
round and tried to hide the performance but she
seemed to come to herself and finding certain articles Other clinical manifestations during complex
of apparel around her ankles, she said, ‘well if they partial seizures
are off we had better take them off completely.’ She
did this and hid them in her handbag. Finally, as Other manifestations that may occur during a complex
complete awareness returned, she was overwhelmed partial seizure include abdominal pain (Peppercorn et al.
by shame and chagrin. 1978), vomiting (Kramer et al. 1988; Panayiotopoulus 1988),
testicular pain (York et al. 1979), fever (Semel 1987), uni-
As a final example, consider a patient of Gloor’s (1975), lateral dystonia (Kotagal et al. 1989), and various
who, during a depth electrode-monitored seizure: arrhthymias, including bradycardia (Britton et al. 2006),
complete A-V block (Wilder-Smith 1992) and asystole
got up from his chair and began to hum and sing . . . (Kiok et al. 1986; Rocamora et al. 2003; Rugg-Gunn et al.
He suddenly looked very cheerful, which was in 2000), which may be followed by syncope (Schufle et al.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 256
2007; Smaje et al. 1987): in such cases, if seizures cannot be 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes. In some cases, there may be
controlled, placement of a pacemaker may be required. variations, the tonic phase being preceded by a few clonic
jerks, or the tonic phase constituting the majority of the
seizure, with only a few clonic jerks trailing behind. During
the tonic activity, respirations cease and cyanosis may
Petit mal seizures (Delgado-Escueta 1979; Penry et al. 1975; appear. There is often incontinence of urine, and, during
Sadleir et al. 2006), also known as absence seizures, are the clonic phase, the tongue may be bitten. Upon cessation
abrupt in onset and occur without an aura; they are very of the seizure proper, most patients remain in a coma or
brief, lasting of the order of 10 seconds, and generally con- stupor for a matter of minutes. A delirium then super-
sist of an arrest of all activity accompanied by a blank stare: venes, with prominent confusion, lasting perhaps 15–30
the seizure ends as abruptly as it began, and there is no post- minutes, after which most patients fall into a deep sleep.
ictal confusion or drowsiness. To the observer, it may
appear that the patient had a ‘blank’ spell or was merely ATONIC SEIZURES
momentarily ‘out of it’ then ‘snapped to’. In some cases,
there may be some myoclonic fluttering of the eyelids and Atonic seizures (Gambardella et al. 1994; Lipinski 1977;
occasionally some myoclonic jerks of the hands. Some Pazzaglia et al. 1985), also known as astatic seizures or
patients will also experience a partial loss of muscle tone: ‘drop attacks’, occur without prodrome or aura and are
the head may drop forwards, or the patient may slump characterized by a sudden loss of motor tone. In most
somewhat, but falls are unusual. Many patients will also cases, this atonus is generalized, and patients fall or slump
have some simple automatisms, such as lip-smacking, to the ground; occasionally, however, the lack of tone may
chewing or fumbling, during the absence (Fuster et al. 1954; be focal, with, for example, only an abrupt drooping of the
Penry and Dreifuss 1969; So et al. 1984, Sadleir et al. 2006). head. The atonus itself generally lasts on the order of a few
There may very rarely be other features, such as auditory or seconds and may or may not be associated with a loss of
visual hallucinations (Guinena and Taher 1955). consciousness. After the restoration of normal tone, most
A variant of petit mal, known as ‘atypical absence’ may patients arise immediately, without any post-ictal confu-
be seen, most commonly in patients with mental retarda- sion; however, others may, for a minute or two, experience
tion. These atypical absences are of more gradual onset and a more or less profound degree of post-ictal confusion.
offset, tend to last longer overall, and may be associated Atonic seizures generally occur only in patients who
with prominent increased muscle tone (Holmes et al. have already suffered from complex partial or grand mal
1987). seizures for many years (Gambardella et al. 1994; Lipinski
1977; Tinuper et al. 1998).
Grand mal seizures, often referred to as generalized
tonic–clonic seizures, may be preceded by an aura com- Amnestic seizures, also known as ‘pure epileptic amnesia’,
posed of any of the symptoms or signs seen during simple are characterized solely by the appearance of amnesia. As
partial seizures, or may evolve out of a complex partial par- such, they differ from complex partial seizures in that there
tial seizure, a process known as secondary generalization. is no impairment of consciousness, no motionless stare,
As discussed below, under Etiology, it is critical to deter- and no automatic behavior. Typically, the amnesia itself is
mine whether or not grand mal seizures are preceded by an primarily of the anterograde type but, in some cases, the
aura or a complex partial seizure: grand mal seizures pre- amnesia represents a combination of anterograde and ret-
ceded by such events may be assumed to have a ‘focal’ rograde types. Rarely, the seizure will be characterized by
onset, that is to say to be due to a more or less localized retrograde amnesia alone. Examples of each type follow.
lesion, whereas those that lack such preceding events are
more likely to be occurring as part of one of the idiopathic Amnestic seizures of the anterograde type
generalized epilepsies. Caution must be exercised here, These seizures are characterized by the abrupt onset of a
however, before deciding that no ‘focal’ features are pres- loss of short-term memory: patients are able to recall
ent, given that many patients who did, under video–EEG events that occurred up to the onset of the seizure, and
monitoring, clearly have an aura, will be unable, after behave normally during the seizure itself, but subsequent
recovering from the grand mal seizure, to recall the aura to the termination of the seizure, they have no or only
(Schulz et al. 1995). spotty recall of the events that transpired concurrent with
Typical grand mal seizures (Theodore et al. 1994) begin the seizure itself; they generally last from minutes up to an
with an abrupt loss of consciousness, often accompanied hour (Butler et al. 2007; Palmini et al. 1992). Palmini et al.
by an inarticulate ‘cry’: immediately there is tonic activity (1992) provide some interesting examples. In one case, a
in all four extremities. After perhaps 15–20 seconds, the waitress, during her seizure, ‘was able to compute a cus-
tonic activity slowly fades to be gradually replaced by regu- tomer’s bill accurately and to bring him a correct amount
lar clonic activity, which, in turn, may last anywhere from of change’; later, upon recovery, ‘she then realized she had
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 257
a blank in her memory and could not recall her interaction the seizure are in almost all cases lost to memory
with that customer’. In another case, the patient: ‘was in (Deisenhammer 1981).
the cafeteria at his work place, where he had to present a
card and sign a register to pick up his meal. After having Amnestic seizures characterized by retrograde
eaten he presented himself a second time and ate lunch amnesia alone
twice. That same afternoon, the cook telephoned and This type of pure epileptic amnesia is very rare. In these
upbraided him for having eaten two meals. He had no rec- cases, although patients are able to keep track of events
ollection of having done so’. during the seizure itself, they are nevertheless unable to
Finally, there is the case of a young woman, who, during recall events that occurred before the seizure. In one case
a monitored seizure, answered a telephone, spoke with her (Venneri and Caffarra 1998), the retrograde amnesia itself
cousin, and then went to sleep. ‘The next morning she did was limited to only autobiographical events. Thus, during
not recall having received a phone call. When confronted the seizure, the patient, although able to recall public
with the video replay of her seizure, she was incredulous’. events, was unable to recall personal events from her own
The investigators later contacted the cousin, who told past. Once the seizure ended, her recall of personal events
them that ‘their conversation had been entirely normal. He was restored, and she also was able to recall being in the
had not noticed anything amiss with the patient’. seizure itself and having trouble recalling those personal
Of some historical interest is the possibility that events.
Hughlings Jackson’s illustrious ‘Dr Z’ (Jackson 1889) may
also have suffered from amnestic seizures of the antero- REFLEX SEIZURES
grade type. In the midst of examining a patient, Dr Z
remembered: Reflex seizures, though uncommon, are of interest, from
not only a therapeutic point of view, but also a general neu-
taking out my stethoscope and turning away a little ropsychiatric one. Therapeutically, they offer an obvious
to avoid conversation. The next thing I recollect is means of seizure reduction, namely avoiding the precipi-
that I was sitting at a writing-table in the same room, tating stimulus. In general, however, their interest lies in
speaking to another person, and as my consciousness the fact that an experience, sometimes a very complex one
became more complete, recollected my patient, but (as in Penfield’s example below), can ‘spark’ off an equally
saw that he was not in the room. I was interested to complex epileptic event. Various seizure types can be
ascertain what had happened, and had an reflexively induced, including simple partial seizures, com-
opportunity an hour later of seeing him in bed, with plex partial seizures, grand mal and petit mal, and atonic
the note of a diagnosis I had made of ‘pneumonia of seizures.
the left base’. I gathered indirectly from conversation
that I had made a physical examination, written these Reflex simple partial seizures
words, and advised him to take to bed at once. I Reflex simple partial seizures, albeit reported, appear to be
re-examined him with some curiosity, and found that uncommon. In one series, a startling stimulus, generally a
my conscious diagnosis was the same as my loud noise, was noted to cause tonic activity (Manford et al.
unconscious – or perhaps I should say, unremembered 1996), and in another, reading could induce motor phe-
diagnosis had been. I was a good deal surprised, but not nomena such as myoclonic jerking of the jaw or, less
so unpleasantly as I should have thought probable. frequently, alexia (Koutroumaniois et al. 1998). In one
patient, voluntary movement was noted to induce ictal dys-
tonia (Falconer and Driver 1963), and in another writing
Amnestic seizures of anterograde and retrograde types produced clonic activity in the involved upper extremity
In these seizures there is not only a defect of short-term (Tanaka et al. 2006). In one patient, rubbing an arm pro-
memory, but also an inability, during the seizure itself, to duced a sensory Jacksonian march up the arm, immediately
recall events that occurred for a variable period of time followed by a motor march up the same arm (Kanemoto et
before the onset of the seizure proper (Stracciari et al. al. 2001), and in others toothbrushing produced numbness
1990). Such patients may be quite alarmed at their retro- or tingling in the face or tongue followed by clonic move-
grade amnesia and may ask others to fill them in (Zeman ment of the face or upper extremity (D’Souza et al. 2007).
et al. 1998): one patient (Cole et al. 1987) suddenly became In another case, listening to certain kinds of music-induced
unable to recall whether he had gone to work that morn- ictal structured visual hallucinations (Daly and Barry 1957),
ing, long before the seizure began, and repeatedly asked and ictal blindness has been induced by intermittent photic
others whether or not he had shown up for work. Upon stimulation (Barry et al. 1985). Marchini et al. (1994) report
termination of the seizure, the retrograde amnesia resolves, the case of dacrystic seizures induced by speaking and, in a
and patients are once again able to recall what events tran- most unusual case (Falconer 1954; Mitchell et al. 1954),
spired up to the onset of the seizure and are also able to recall gazing at a safety pin was capable of precipitating a simple
events that occurred after the termination of the seizure; partial seizure characterized by a sense of profound, almost
those events, however, which transpired concurrent with sexual, satisfaction.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 258
Reflex complex partial seizures The dog chased the stick and brought it back to him’. At
Reflex complex partial seizures have, in some cases, earned the age of 17, the patient had his first seizure: ‘he was in a
specific names according to the provoking stimulus; thus crowd of people at the military school which he was
one may speak of ‘musicogenic’, ‘reading’, and ‘eating’ attending [and] watched a demonstration of military tac-
epilepsy. Other stimuli, for example hearing certain people tics in which one of his classmates grabbed a rifle out of the
speak, may also be effective. hands of another man’. At that instant, ‘there immediately
Musicogenic complex partial seizures, although exten- came to the patient’s mind’ a memory of playing with the
sively reported, are rare events (Critchley 1942; Forster dog when he was 13, and ‘in his mind he associated these
1977, Tayah et al. 2006). Critchley (1937) provided an two incidents and tried to put himself into the past mem-
illustrative case: the patient, after hearing ‘a rather loud ory. Following this, he became confused and was unable to
fox-trot with a well defined tempo . . . suddenly became speak for several seconds. Then he evidently lost con-
pale . . . [and] leaned forward in her chair with a frightened sciousness and had a convulsive seizure’. The patient
look in her eyes . . . and . . . began smacking her lips’. In remained well until a half year later, when ‘while in a night
some cases, it appears that only specific kinds of music are club, he heard a man saying, “Give me my hat.” He saw
capable of inducing seizures (Newman and Saunders him grab his hat from the hat-check girl. Immediately the
1980), for example the pealing of church bells (Poskanzer memory of the dog chasing the stick, and the memory of
et al. 1962), organ music (Joynt et al. 1962), ‘a large dance grabbing the stick from the dog’s mouth, came back to
band playing “swing” music’ (Daly and Barry 1957), emo- him. Following that he was confused and behaved in an
tionally laden music (Gastaut and Tassinari 1966), and automatic manner’.
‘Italian’ songs (Wieser et al. 1997). This last case is of inter- Reflex grand mal and petit mal seizures
est in that, upon hearing the Italian song, the patient’s
complex partial seizure was preceded by an aura composed Both grand mal and petit mal seizures may be induced by
of an auditory hallucination of ‘pleasing female murmur- such intermittent photic stimulation as with electronic
ing voices, which took increasing possession of her mind’, video games (Quirk et al. 1995) or watching a flickering tel-
following which she had a complex partial seizure with a evision set (Baykan et al. 2005).
motionless stare. Reflex atonic seizures
Reading-induced complex partial seizures may occur
with ‘silent’ reading (Gastaut and Tassinari 1966) or only Atonic seizure were produced reflexively in the case of one
upon reading aloud (Forster et al. 1969a). In one case girl, whose seizures could be ‘triggered by laughing if she
(Critchley et al. 1959), not just any reading material would was told jokes or watched a comedy on television’ (Jacome
do, but rather it was reading a newspaper, especially the and Risko 1984).
patient’s hometown newspaper, that constituted the effec-
Eating-induced complex partial seizures may occur
regardless of what is eaten (Ahuja et al. 1980; Fiol et al. Status epilepticus is said to be present when, for at least a
1986; Forster 1971) or may occur only with eating certain half-hour, the patient is either undergoing a continuous
foods, in one case, for example, apples (Abenson 1969). seizure or has so many closely spaced seizures that there is
Other stimuli capable of inducing complex partial no time for full recovery between them. Status epilepticus
seizures appear to be highly idiosyncratic: thus there are may be seen with simple partial, complex partial, petit mal,
case reports of seizures induced by hearing the voices of cer- grand mal, and amnestic seizures, and, as the examples
tain specific radio announcers (Forster et al. 1969b), by below demonstrate, may be very prolonged. Although
answering the telephone (Michelucci et al. 2004), engaging most patients, upon recovery, are left without cognitive
in heartfelt prayer (Glass et al. 2007), hearing a vacuum sequelae (Adachi et al. 2005), cognitive impairment, along
cleaner (Carlson and St. Louis 2004), feeling sad (Fenwick with other sequelae, may, as noted below, be found after
and Brown 1989), arching the back (Jacome et al. 1980), status, most especially after grand mal status.
exercising (Sturm et al. 2002), or experiencing orgasm
(Ozkara et al. 2006). More remarkably, albeit very rarely, Simple partial status epilepticus
seizures may also be induced by thinking certain thoughts, Simple partial status epilepticus, although most commonly
as for example, in one case, thinking about home (Martinez presenting with motor signs, has also been reported with
et al. 2001). Finally, there is a fascinating case reported by psychic symptoms such as fear or structured hallucinations.
Penfield (Penfield and Jasper 1954) wherein it appears that Motor simple partial status epilepticus is traditionally
it was the evocation of a memory of a specific event that referred to as epilepsia partialis continua. These seizures
served as the trigger. The history is a bit lengthy and com- typically consist of persistent clonic jerking involving the
plex but worth retelling. face, arm, or leg, and can last any time from hours to years
The patient, when 13 ‘was playing with a dog that (Cockerell et al. 1996; Scholtes et al. 1996a; Seshia et al.
belonged to a neighbor. He remembered grabbing a stick 2005); indeed in one series, the mean duration was 25
out of the mouth of the dog and throwing it to a distance. months, the longest seizure lasting 18 years (Thomas et al.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 259
1977). Clonic activity may or may not persist into sleep hallucinating, crying out on several occasions, “I am God.”
(Cockerell et al. 1996; Thomas et al. 1977) and may be When placed on a stretcher for transfer . . . she became
accompanied by other symptoms such as aphasia (Cockerell hostile and resistant, screaming “I’m dying” and “They’re
et al. 1996). Although the motor activity is, in the vast taking me to the morgue” ’.
majority of cases, unilateral, there may in a small minority After 2 days, she was eventually treated with an anti-
be bilateral involvement (Ashkenazi et al. 2000; Thomas epileptic drug, ‘with prompt clearing. On recovery, she
et al. 1977). Rarely, inhibitory simple partial status epilepticus described her experience as though recovering from a bad
may occur, with prolonged ictal paresis (Smith et al. 1997). dream’.
Fear or anxiety may be the sole manifestation of simple In other cases, stuporous catatonia has been reported
partial status epilepticus and has been noted to last for (Engel et al. 1978): one patient (Lim et al. 1986) ‘held his
between 10 days (Scott and Masland 1953) and 3 months arms and legs rigidly in the air and would maintain his
(Henriksen 1973). Isolated ictal depression has also been extremities in any bizarre posture indefinitely’.
noted; in one case (Weil 1956), the patient for 2 weeks ‘felt
“blue” and cried, and the smell of fat on a hot stove kept Petit mal status epilepticus
coming back’. Petit mal status epilepticus, which may occur in both child-
Structured hallucinations occurring in status have con- hood and the adult years (Belafsky et al. 1978; Michelucci
sisted of the auditory hallucination of a ‘song’ persisting for et al. 1996; Nightingale and Welch 1982; Novak et al. 1971;
3 hours (Wieser 1980) and a 5-day episode during which Schwab 1953; Thompson and Greenhouse 1968; Tucker
the patient experienced ‘aphasia, acoustic hallucinations and Forster 1958; Zappoli 1955), is characterized by vary-
(strange sounds, music, voices), left sided headache, and ing degrees of confusion, often accompanied by ‘rhythmic
visual hallucinations (red balls in the front of the right eye)’. blinking or small amplitude myoclonic jerking of the face
and arms’, and generally lasts anywhere from half an hour
Complex partial status epilepticus to 2 days (Andermann and Robb 1972). In some cases, the
Complex partial status epilepticus is always characterized confusion may be very slight: in the case of one 30-year-old
by a more or less profound impairment of consciousness, woman seen during petit mal status (Friedlander and
may or may not be accompanied by automatisms, and gen- Feinstein 1956), ‘during the first minute or so of the exam-
erally lasts from an hour or less up to days (Cockerell et al. ination nothing unusual in her manner was noted, but as
1994; Goldensohn and Gold 1960; Mayeux and Lueders she was questioned further it became apparent that there
1978; Rennick et al. 1969; Sheth et al. 2006, Tomson was slowness in comprehending certain questions’, the
et al. 1986, 1992; Van Rossum et al. 1985; Williamson et al. presence of myoclonus of the eyelids and eyebrows sug-
1985b). Longer episodes, however, have been reported, up gested the correct diagnosis.
to 7.5 months in one case (Roberts and Humphrey 1988) Rarely, there may be prominent automatisms. One
and 18 months (Cockerell et al. 1994) in another. patient went for a walk and took a bus while in petit mal
Automatisms seen in complex partial status epilepticus status (Vizioli and Magliocco 1953), and in another case
may be either stereotyped or reactive. Reactive automatisms (Bornstein et al. 1956) a 16-year-old girl, while playing
include such simple behavior as feeding oneself (Jaffe 1962) cards in her dormitory room, ‘suddenly got up, walked out
or wandering off. In one case (Coats 1876), immediately without a coat, went to the airport, and boarded a plane to
after the seizure began, the patient, a craftsman, ‘laid aside New York without a ticket. Upon arrival in New York she
his tools, took off and hung up his leather apron, and after was charged as a stowaway. She was found to be confused
muttering some unintelligible words to the foreman, left and incoherent’.
the shop. He himself remembers nothing of this, but woke
Grand mal status epilepticus
to consciousness to find himself sitting on one of the
benches in George Square’. When the wandering is quite Grand mal status epilepticus (Aminoff and Simon 1980),
prolonged, one speaks of ‘poriomania’: in one case the the most dramatic and life-threatening of all forms of sta-
patient, after a seizure lasting 24 hours, came to find that he tus, is characterized by closely spaced grand mal seizures.
had travelled ‘several hundred miles’ (Mayeux et al. 1979). In some cases, the clinical presentation may evolve into an
In some cases of complex partial status epilepticus, hal- ictal coma, with no motor activity (Lowenstein and
lucinations, delusions, and bizarre behavior may be promi- Aminoff 1992; Towne et al. 2000).
nent (Ballenger et al. 1983; Ellis and Lee 1978; Mikati et al.
1985). In one case (Drury et al. 1985), the patient, an eld- Amnestic status epilepticus
erly clergyman, ‘became agitated and paranoid and had Amnestic status is rare, but has been noted, in some cases
delusional thinking with religious overtones’; 2 days later persisting for days (Zeman et al. 1998).
he was still in status, and when seen ‘was tremulous, had
bizarre posturing and was masturbating’. In another case Sequelae of status
(Wells 1975): ‘the patient became withdrawn . . . refused to Enduring sequelae may be seen after simple partial,
eat . . . grew restless, fitful and irritable; episodes of violent complex partial and, most especially, grand mal status
anger requiring restraints followed. She appeared to be epilepticus.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 260
Simple partial status epilepticus may, albeit rarely, leave Grand mal status may be followed by either a personal-
sequelae such as hemiparesis (Desbiens et al. 1993) (which ity change or dementia of variable severity in approxi-
may be permanent [Borchert and Labar 1995]) or a motor mately one-fourth of patients (Oxbury et al. 1971, Rowan
aphasia (Scholtes et al. 1996b). and Scott 1970); these symptoms, may, in turn, be related
Complex partial status epilepticus may also have per- to a loss of hippocampal pyramidal cells (DeGiorgio et al.
manent sequelae but this appears to be uncommon. 1992).
Reported sequelae, after 1–3 days of status, include amne-
sia, with or without other cognitive deficits (Krumholz et
al. 1995), and in one case hemianopia and receptive apha- Etiology
sia after an episode that lasted 8 days (Donaire et al. 2006);
in this latter case, autopsy revealed laminar cortical necro- The multiple causes of epilepsy and seizures are listed
sis in the left hemisphere involving the occipital, parietal, in Table 7.7, where they are divided into several groups.
and temporal cortices. The first group, the idiopathic generalized epilepsies (e.g.,
childhood absence epilepsy, with petit mal seizures), accounts mal seizures may occur either in idiopathic generalized
for approximately one-third of all cases of epilepsy. The epilepsies or secondary to some other cause: grand mal
next three groups include seizures due to metabolic or toxic seizures of non-focal onset suggest one of the idiopathic
factors (such as hypoglycemia or treatment with a medica- generalized epilepsies or a toxic or metabolic factor, whereas
tion such as clozapine) or to alcohol or sedative/hypnotic focal-onset grand mal seizures indicate another cause. As
withdrawal: in these cases, given that seizures generally do noted earlier, the presence of an aura or a complex partial
not recur if the underlying cause is treated, it is not appro- seizure immediately before the grand mal seizure indicates a
priate to speak of epilepsy, a term generally reserved, as focal onset. All the other seizure types, that is to say simple
noted earlier, for cases in whom seizures, in the natural partial, complex partial, atonic and amnestic types, in
course of events, will, in all likelihood, continue to occur. almost all cases will be due to a focal lesion, and amongst
The next group includes common intracranial causes of adults by far the most frequent causes are found in the
epilepsy, including mass lesions (e.g., tumors), cerebrovas- group of common intracranial causes (Currie et al. 1971;
cular disorders (e.g., infarction), neuronal migration Dam et al. 1985; Jensen and Klinken 1976; King and Marsan
disorders (e.g., focal cortical dysplasia), mesial temporal 1977; Loiseau et al. 1990a; Mauguire and Courjon 1978;
sclerosis, and traumatic brain injury. Next are seizures Rasmussen 1963, 1983; Sander et al. 1990; Zentner et al.
occurring due to meningoencephalitis, which, although 1995). Clearly, determining whether the seizures in question
not a common cause, is a diagnosis that must not be are ‘focal’ or ‘non-focal’ facilitates the diagnostic work-up.
missed. The next group includes epilepsy occurring in In evaluating any given patient with seizures, the possibil-
association with certain dementing and neurodegenerative ity must be kept in mind that multiple factors may be
disorders, such as multi-infarct dementia. Following this is involved. Thus, patients with epilepsy, say, due to an intracra-
a group of congenital disorders, such as mental retardation, nial cause such as an infarction, may also have seizures due to
also associated with epilepsy. Finally, there is a large miscel- hypoglycemia occurring with over-vigorous treatment of dia-
laneous group, including such disorders as hypertensive betes mellitus. Or, to take another, not uncommon example,
encephalopathy. seizures in an alcoholic may be due not only to alcohol with-
The diagnostic evaluation is simplified by attending to drawal but also to lesions sustained during the traumatic
the kinds of seizures that the patient has. Petit mal seizures brain injuries that alcoholics are so prone to (Earnest et al.
are seen only in the idiopathic generalized epilepsies. Grand 1988).
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 262
After each of these groups is discussed, attention is then accompanied by autonomic signs (e.g., tremor) or delir-
turned to a suggested diagnostic work-up. ium, it must be borne in mind that a seizure can be the pre-
senting manifestation of hypoglycemia (Hoefer et al. 1946;
Hyperglycemia, occurring in the syndrome of non-ketotic
The idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGEs) are genetically hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, has been strongly associated
determined syndromes characterized by generalized seizures with simple partial seizures with either sensory (Maccario
(petit mal, myoclonic, or grand mal) which usually first et al. 1965) or, more commonly, motor symptoms (Grant
appear in childhood or adolescence, and which are usually, and Warlow 1985; Hennis et al. 1992b): in some cases, these
although not always, readily controlled by appropriate anti- simple partial seizures with motor symptoms display a reflex
epileptic drugs (AEDs), such as divalproex. Although there character, being induced by motion (Brick et al. 1989).
is some controversy as to how many, and what types, of Occasionally, simple partial status epilepticus with motor
IGE exist, most authorities describe the following: child- symptoms (epilepsia partialis continua) may occur (Singh
hood absence epilepsy; juvenile absence epilepsy; juvenile et al. 1973; Singh and Strobos 1980). Rarely, simple partial
myoclonic epilepsy; and, idiopathic generalized epilepsy seizures may occur with hyperglycemia during diabetic
with tonic–clonic seizures only. This is a very important ketoacidosis (Placidi et al. 2001).
group, accounting for approximately one-third of all Hyponatremia, with levels at 120 mEq/L or below may
epilepsies seen among adults. cause seizures, often in the context of a delirium (Swanson
Childhood absence epilepsy and juvenile absence and Iseri 1958); seizures secondary to hypernatremia are
epilepsy are similar in that in both disorders all patients very rare, and generally occur only with levels of
have petit mal seizures, and most will also have grand mal 160 mEq/L or higher (Moder and Hurley 1990).
seizures. These disorders differ in their age of onset, with Hypocalcemia may provoke seizures that may or may
childhood absence epilepsy appearing between the ages of not be accompanied by other signs, such as tetany (Glaser
4 and 8 years, and juvenile absence epilepsy between the and Levy 1960). In cases of chronic hypocalcemia second-
ages of 9 and 13 years. In all cases, the EEG shows typical ary to hypoparathyroidism, seizures may be the presenting
interictal generalized spike and dome discharges, especially sign (Berger and Ross 1981) or may be preceded by other
evident during hyperventilation. signs, for example cataracts or parkinsonism (Eraut 1974).
Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy is characterized by general- Hypomagnesemia, in addition to causing delirium and
ized myoclonic seizures, and, in most, by either grand mal myoclonus, may also lead to seizures (Hall and Joffe 1973).
or petit mal seizures; onset is typically between the ages of Uremia may be accompanied by seizures (Tyler 1968),
12 and 18 years. The EEG typically shows interictal gener- with one study finding this to be the case in approximately
alized spike, polyspike, or polyspike and wave discharges. one-third of uremic patients (Locke et al. 1961). Rarely,
Idiopathic generalized epilepsy with tonic–clonic seizures seizures in uremia may be caused not so much by the ure-
only is characterized, as the name suggests, by only grand mal mia per se, but by aluminum intoxication, as occurred in
seizures. Another name for this disorder is epilepsy with gen- some patients with renal failure who had chronically taken
eralized tonic–clonic seizures on awakening, a synonym that antacids (Russo et al. 1992).
calls attention to the fact that in this disorder the grand mal
seizures, although able to occur at any time of the day, are TOXIC
most often seen early in the morning, soon after awakening.
This disorder usually has an onset in adolescence or early Toxic seizures may occur secondary to medications, such as
adult years. As with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, the EEG in clozapine, intoxicants, such as cocaine, and miscellaneous
this disorder typically shows interictal generalized spike, toxins, such as iodinated contrast dye.
polyspike, or polyspike and wave discharges.
There is some evidence that all of these IGEs share a com- Medications
mon genetic background, differing largely in their age of Of the medications capable of causing seizures perhaps the
onset (Marini et al. 2004; Yenjun et al. 2003). From a general most notorious is clozapine. Clozapine, an atypical antipsy-
clinical point of view, the diagnosis should be suspected in chotic, causes seizures overall in 1.3 percent of patients
all cases characterized by petit mal seizures or by non-focal (Pacia and Devinsky 1994), with a higher incidence found
grand mal seizures with onset between childhood and early in patients with a history of seizures (Wilson and Claussen
adult years, and in any case when the EEG shows generalized 1994): the risk increases with rapid dose titration (Baker
interictal discharges of the spike and dome, spike, polyspike, and Conley 1991; Devinsky et al. 1991) and with high doses,
or polyspike and wave types (Betting et al. 2006). rising to approximately 10 percent in those taking more
than 600 mg daily (Haller and Binder 1990). Phenothiazine
METABOLIC antipsychotics may also cause seizures (Olivier et al. 1982),
especially with higher doses (Logothetis 1967). Of the anti-
Of the metabolic causes of seizures, hypoglycemia is per- depressants, bupropion is most likely to cause seizures:
haps most common, and although such seizures may be among patients treated with 600 mg or more daily, some
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 263
2 percent will have seizures; importantly, seizures are par- mesial temporal sclerosis. Domoic acid is an excitotoxin,
ticularly common in patients with a history of bulimia ner- similar to kainic acid, and in the reported case ingestion
vosa (Davidson 1989; Johnston et al. 1991). Tricyclic was followed by the development of hippocampal atrophy
antidepressants may cause seizures, as has been noted with and complex partial seizures (Cendes et al. 1995). Finally,
amitriptyline (Betts et al. 1968b) and imipramine (Petti and aspartame, taken in very high dose, has been noted, in a
Campbell 1975); maprotilene (Jabbari et al. 1985) and case report, to cause a seizure (Walton 1986).
clomipramine (Clomipramine Collaborative Study Group
1991) are particularly likely to at therapeutic doses, and in the ALCOHOL OR SEDATIVE/HYPNOTIC WITHDRAWAL
case of amoxapine, seizures are very common in overdose
(Litovitz and Troutman 1983). Lithium may cause grand In general hospital practice, alcohol withdrawal seizures
mal seizures (Wharton 1969) and may increase the fre- are quite common, especially among adults in their middle
quency of seizures in those with petit mal epilepsy (Moore years (Sander et al. 1990); the diagnosis, however, often
1981). Interestingly, tiagabine, an AED, has been associated proves elusive as many patients (and their family mem-
with complex partial status epilepticus (Koepp et al. 2005). bers) may deny excessive alcohol use.
Baclofen, in high dosage, caused complex partial status in Alcohol withdrawal seizures are typically of the grand
one case (Zak et al. 1994). Antibiotics known to cause mal type, and are generally seen only in patients with a long
seizures include penicillin (Snavely and Hodges 1984), history of heavy drinking (Lechtenberg and Worner 1992;
cefipine (Dixit et al. 2000, Fernandez-Torre et al. 2005), and Leone et al. 1997; Schuckitt et al. 1993). Seizures may occur
isoniazid (Messing et al. 1984). Chemotherapeutic agents either in an isolated fashion as ‘rum fits’ or in association
associated with seizures include busulfan (Murphy et al. with delirium tremens (Isbell et al. 1955). ‘Rum fits’ are gen-
1992), cyclosporine (Appleton et al. 1989), and tacrolimus erally restricted to the first 48 hours of abstinence, and
(Wijdicks et al. 1996). Other agents include theophylline although repeated seizures, even status, may occur, most
(Messing et al. 1984), meperidine (Kaiko et al. 1983), and patients have only one or two seizures (Earnest et al. 1988;
bismuth: bismuth, as may be used in the treatment of pep- Espir and Rose 1987; Victor and Brausch 1967). Delirium
tic ulcer, is known to cause delirium with myoclonus and tremens, marked by delirium and prominent tremor, gener-
either partial or grand mal seizures (Supino-Viterbo et al. ally appears within the first few days of abstinence, and
1977); uncommonly, bismuth intoxication may present seizures, which may either ‘usher in’ the delirium or occur in
with a seizure (Molina et al. 1989). the midst of it, are seen in between 10 percent (Rosenbaum
et al. 1941) and 20 percent (Lundquist 1961) of patients.
Intoxicants Importantly, although most seizures occurring in a newly
Intoxicants noted to cause seizures include phencyclidine abstinent alcoholic are related to the alcohol withdrawal per
(Alldredge et al. 1989) and cocaine: in the case of cocaine, se, other epileptogenic factors, such as head trauma, hypo-
complex partial status epilepticus was noted (Merriam glycemia, hypomagnesemia, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, or
et al. 1988; Ogunyemi et al. 1989). meningitis may also be present (Earnest et al. 1988;
Lechtenberg and Worner 1992).
Miscellaneous toxins Withdrawal from other sedative/hypnotic agents such
Of the miscellaneous toxins, perhaps the most common as benzodiazepines or barbiturates may also cause grand
offender is iodinated contrast dye, given intravenously mal seizures (Kalinowsky 1942; Levy 1984), and in the case
(Aurahami et al. 1987), intra-arterially (Vickrey and Bahls of barbiturates, status epilepticus is not uncommon.
1989), or intrathecally (Greenberg and Vance 1980;
Shiozawa et al. 1981). Lead intoxication in adults, when COMMON INTRACRANIAL CAUSES
acute, often presents with delirium, abdominal pain, and
seizures, as may be seen in adults who drink illicit ‘moon- In cases when metabolic and toxic factors seem absent,
shine’ whiskey made in old radiators (Morris et al. 1964; withdrawal unlikely, and where the history is not compati-
Whitfield et al. 1972) or, in one case, where adults burned ble with idiopathic generalized epilepsy, consideration
discarded lead storage battery boxes for fuel (Akelaitis should be given to the presence of certain intracranial dis-
1941). Acute lead intoxication in children, as can be seen in orders, the most common of which are mass lesions (e.g.,
those who ingest leaded paint chips, may, when severe, tumors), cerebrovascular disorders (e.g., infarction), mesial
cause seizures and delirium or coma (Jenkins and Mellins temporal sclerosis, neuronal migration disorders, and trau-
1957). Tin intoxication may cause a delirium with seizures, matic brain injury. Each of these is considered in turn.
as has been noted with trimethyl (Fortemps et al. 1978)
and triethyl tin (Alajouanine et al. 1958); in one case, upon Mass lesions
recovery from trimethyl tin intoxication, a patient subse- Tumors, abscesses, and vascular malformations may
quently developed complex partial seizures (Feldman et al. cause seizures, which may be simple or complex partial or
1993). Domoic acid intoxication, as may occur with the grand mal.
ingestion of mussels, is a very rare event but is noted here Seizures occurring secondary to tumors are more likely
because the resulting neuropathology is similar to that of to occur when the tumor involves the cerebral cortex, and
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 264
less so when only the white matter or subcortical gray eventually resulting in a properly laminated and appropri-
structures are involved (Hildebrand et al. 2005; Scott and ately convoluted cortex.
Gibberb 1980). Given their frequency in adults (Dam et al. Disordered migration, depending on its timing and
1985), the clinical ‘rule’ that a new onset seizure disorder in degree, may result in a variety of morphologic changes
an adult is, until proven otherwise, secondary to a tumor, (Raymond et al. 1995). In cases where migration stalls out,
is a sound clinical guide. as it were, either at the periventricular area or in the white
Cerebral abscesses, which may or may not be accompa- matter, one may find misplaced collections of neurons,
nied by fever and leukocytosis, are frequently associated with known as heterotopias, in various locations (d’Orsi et al.
seizures, not only when acute, but also amongst those 2004; Dubeau et al. 1995; Tassi et al. 2005): thus there may
patients who survive (Legg et al. 1973); in this regard it may be periventricular nodular heterotopias (Battaglia et al.
be noted that neurocysticercosis, a common cause of seizures 2006; D’Agostino et al. 2002; Kothare et al. 1998) and what
in developing countries, may be emerging in developed are known as ‘band’ or ‘laminar’ heteropias, wherein the
countries, such as Portugal (Monteiro et al. 1995) and the heterotopia extends in a band through a greater or lesser
United States (Wallin and Kurtzke 2004). portion of the white matter (Barkovich and Kjos 1992;
Vascular malformations, such as arteriovenous malfor- Ono et al. 1997); in many cases one also finds an excessive
mations and various angiomas, are a common cause of number of isolated neurons scattered throughout the
seizures, which may indeed constitute their sole clinical white matter. The overlying cortex may also be malformed,
expression (Kramer and Awad 1994), even in the absence and this malformation may be either macroscopic or
of any symptomatic hemorrhage. microscopic. Macroscopic malformations include pacyh-
gyria (a grossly thickened cortex), polymicrogyria (with
Cerebrovascular disorders multiple, small and highly convoluted gyri), or lissencephaly
Simple partial, complex partial, and grand mal seizures (a ‘smooth’ cortex, with little or no gyrification visible)
(Labovitz et al. 2001) may occur after infarction (Brodtkorb et al. 1992). Microscopic abnormalities include
(Bogousslavsky et al. 1992; Daniele et al. 1989; Kilpatrick microdysgenesis (with dyslamination) (Armstrong 1993;
et al. 1990, 1992; Richardson and Dodge 1954; So et al. Meencke and Janz 1984) or focal cortical dysplasia (with
1996), intracerebral hemorrhage (Passero et al. 2002), or dyslamination accompanied by dysmorphic neurons)
subarachnoid hemorrhage and it is customary to divide (Fauser et al. 2006; Lawson et al. 2005; Palmini et al. 1991;
these seizures into three types, depending on when they Siegel et al. 2005; Sisodiya et al. 1995; Taylor et al. 1971).
occur: (i) immediate seizures during the first day; (ii) early Various seizure types may occur secondary to disor-
seizures during the following two weeks; and (iii) late dered neuronal migration, including complex partial, sim-
seizures during the following months and years. ple partial, and grand mal, and, with the advent of MRI, it
After cerebral infarction immediate and early seizures has become apparent that disordered neuronal migration
are seen in less than 3 percent of patients; late-appearing is one of the most common causes of focal epilepsy
seizures are seen in a little more than 3 percent of cases, (Barkovich et al. 1995; Raymond et al. 1995; Sisodiya et al.
and generally appear within the first 2 years or so post 1996): in these cases the onset of seizures ranges from
stroke (Lamy et al. 2003): those with severe stroke seem at childhood to early adult years.
higher risk for late-appearing epilepsy (Lamy et al. 2003); Before ending this discussion of disordered neuronal
the occurrence of an immediate or early seizure may migration, mention should be made of a rare condition
(Lamy et al. 2003) or may not (Lossius et al. 2005) increase known as hypothalamic hamartoma. In this condition one
the likelihood of a late-appearing one. finds one or more nodules, or hamartomas, composed of
Intracerebral hemorrhage is more likely to cause otherwise normal neurons, within the hypothalamus.
seizures when the hemorrhage is lobar, rather than subcor- Classically, these present in childhood with precocious
tical (Passero et al. 2002), and immediate or early seizures puberty and simple partial seizures of the gelastic type (Ames
are seen in up to 25 percent of cases. and Enderstein 1980; Berkovic et al. 1988; Breningstall
Subarachnoid hemorrhage likewise may cause immedi- 1985; Cascino et al. 1993a; Kuzniecky et al. 1997). Further
ate or early seizures in some 25 percent of cases; late experience, however, has demonstrated that the onset may
appearing seizures are seen in less than 10 percent, and be delayed until adult years, that precocious puberty may
appear more common in cases complicated by infarction not be present, and that various other seizure types, includ-
(Claasen et al. 2003). ing complex partial and grand mal, may also be seen
(Boudreau et al. 2005; Castro et al. 2007; Mullatti et al. 2003).
Neuronal migration disorders The interictal EEG in hypothalamic hamartoma may show
Neuronal migration disorders comprise a large group of interictal epileptiform discharges in the temporal or
conditions, all of which result from defective neuronal frontal areas; importantly the ictal EEG during a gelastic
migration during embryogenesis. In the normal course of seizure, as is the case in most simple partial seizures, is typ-
embryogenesis, neurons migrate along radially oriented ically unremarkable (Leal et al. 2003). In reviewing the
glial fibers from the periventricular area to the overlying MRI in cases of gelastic seizures, although finding a nodu-
cortical plate, where they come to rest in an orderly fashion, lar mass in the hypothalamus is highly suggestive of an
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 265
hamartoma, one must keep in mind that other lesions, dysplasia, a significant minority will also be found to have
such as a ganglioglioma, may appear similar (List et al. mesial temporal sclerosis (Fauser et al. 2006). Third, there
1958). are clearly documented cases wherein patients with normal
hippocampi have developed mesial temporal sclerosis after
Mesial temporal sclerosis experiencing seizures from other causes (Parmar et al. 2006;
Mesial temporal sclerosis is characterized by sclerosis of Worrell et al. 2002). Finally, although not all studies agree
one or more of the structures on the medial aspect of the (Liu et al. 2002), there is evidence from prospective volu-
temporal lobe, including the hippocampus, amygdala, and metric studies that progressive hippocampal atrophy occurs
parahippocampal gyrus (Cavenaugh et al. 1956; Cendes in patients who continue to experience complex partial or
et al. 1993a; Falconer 1971; Hudson et al. 1993), as illus- grand mal seizures (Briellmann et al. 2002; Fuerst et al. 2003;
trated in Figure 7.1. Ammon’s horn (cornu Ammonis) is Salmenpara et al. 2005).
an older term for the hippocampus, and some authors,
rather than using the term ‘hippocampal sclerosis’, will Traumatic brain injury
speak of ‘Ammon’s horn sclerosis’. Seizures occurring after traumatic brain injury may appear
Among patients with a seizure focus in the temporal early (within the first week) or late (at any time thereafter)
lobe, mesial temporal sclerosis is the most common cause (Jennett 1973; Jennett et al. 1973). Early seizures are seen in
(Bruton 1988; Engel et al. 1975; Falconer 1971; Falconer from 2 percent to 15 percent of cases, and late seizures,
et al. 1964; Margerison and Corsellis 1966; Sano and generally appearing within the first year post injury
Malamud 1953). Given that most (but certainly not all) (Mazzini et al. 2003), in 5–10 percent of cases. Several fac-
cases of complex partial seizures result from a focus in the tors increase the likelihood that patients will have late
temporal lobe, mesial temporal sclerosis turns out to be the seizures, including the following: the occurrence of an
most common cause of this type of seizure. early seizure; the presence of contusions or intracerebral
The etiology of mesial temporal sclerosis is not known hemorrhages; any intracranial operations; and dural pene-
with certainty. In some cases, albeit rare, it is familial tration by metal fragments or by bone (Annegers et al.
(Kobayashi et al. 2002, 2003). With regard to the remaining 1980; Annegers et al. 1998; Ashcroft 1941; Caveness 1976;
large group of non-familial cases, a popular theory holds Englander et al. 2003; Jennett 1975; Lishman 1968;
that seizures occurring secondary to other causes (e.g., McQueen et al. 1983; Mazzini et al. 2003; Russell and
childhood febrile seizures) may, via excitotoxic mecha- Whitty 1952; Salazar et al. 1985).
nisms, induce damage in the hippocampus, with the result-
ing sclerotic area then becoming epileptogenic in its own MENINGOENCEPHALITIS
right. There is some evidence to support this. First, although
certainly not all patients with mesial temporal sclerosis have The occurrence of a grand mal or, less commonly, simple
a history of childhood febrile seizures, such events are more partial or complex partial seizure in the context of an illness
common in these patients than in the general population characterized by fever, headache and delirium should always
(Adam et al. 1994; Cendes et al. 1993b; French et al. 1993; raise the diagnostic possibility of meningitis or encephalitis
Saygi et al. 1994). Second, among patients with focal cortical (Annegers et al. 1988). Both arbovirus encephalitis, and
Figure 7.1 Coronal magnetic resonance imaging scan demonstrating mesial temporal sclerosis on the right. On the T1-weighted scan,
atrophy of the hippocampus, indicated by the arrow, is fairly apparent, increased signal intensity being seen in the same area on the
T2-weighted scan. (Reproduced from Hopkins et al. 1995.)
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 266
herpes simplex encephalitis may present in this fashion Achilles tendon enlargement or cataracts, may also cause
(Haymaker 1949; Kennedy 1988; Williams and Lerner seizures (Fiorelli et al. 1990).
1978), and seizures have also been noted during infectious Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, classically causing lobar
mononucleosis (Gautier-Smith 1965; Silverstein et al. 1972). hematomas and, in some cases, a dementia, may also man-
In those who survive, seizures may occur as sequelae ifest with simple partial seizures, which may occur before
(Marks et al. 1992), and this appears to be especially likely in any lobar hemorrhages and either before or concurrent
cases in which the acute phase was characterized by seizures with a dementia (Greenberg et al. 1993).
(Annegers et al. 1988) and when there are other sequelae Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, typically characterized by
indicative of cerebral damage (Pomeroy et al. 1990). dementia or delirium with myoclonus, may also, albeit
In this regard, it may also be noted that acute dissemi- uncommonly and late in the course of the disease, cause
nated encephalomyelitis, occurring in the days or weeks partial or grand mal seizures (Brown et al. 1986).
following a viral illness, may also be characterized by Granulomatous angiitis, or isolated angiitis of the cen-
seizures (Paskavitz et al. 1995; Tenenbaum et al. 2002). tral nervous system, presents subacutely with headache,
which is quite prominent, and delirium, and may, in a
IN ASSOCIATION WITH CERTAIN DEMENTING OR minority, be accompanied by seizures (Vollmer et al. 1993).
NEURODEGENERATIVE DISORDERS Certain degenerative disorders of relatively early onset,
from childhood to early adult years, may also cause partial
Although partial and grand mal seizures may occur sec- or grand mal seizures, including metachromatic leukodys-
ondary to various dementing or neurodegenerative disor- trophy (Alves et al. 1986; Betts et al. 1968a; Hageman et al.
ders, overall these disorders account for only a small 1995; Haltia et al. 1980; Lima et al. 2006; Rauschka et al.
minority of all seizure cases; furthermore, relative to other 2006), adrenoleukodystrophy (Moser et al. 1984), pan-
symptoms caused by these disorders, the seizures play but tothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (Rozdilsky
a minor role in the overall clinical picture. et al. 1968), juvenile Huntington’s disease (Campbell et al.
Multi-infarct dementia may be associated with seizures 1961; Siesling et al. 1997), and, especially, subacute scleros-
at any point in its evolution (Rosenberg et al. 1979); in ing panencephalitis (Koehler and Jakumeit 1976; Kornberg
Alzheimer’s disease, however, seizures typically occur only et al. 1991; Prashanth et al. 2006).
late in its course, and long after the dementia is well-estab-
lished (Amatniek et al. 2006; Goodman 1953; Hauser et al. CONGENITAL DISORDERS
1986; Romanelli et al. 1990).
Neurosyphilis, in particular general paresis of the insane Mental retardation, of severe or profound degree, is com-
(GPI), may cause either grand mal or partial seizures, most monly associated with seizures (Steffenburg et al. 1996),
especially simple partial seizures with a Jacksonian march and over one-third of patients with autism will also have
(Merritt et al. 1932; Storm-Mathisen 1969). Importantly, seizures, which may be seen both in those with and without
the Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction to penicillin treatment retardation (Danielsson et al. 2005; Gillberg 1991; Olsson
may also be characterized by seizures (Hahn et al. 1959; et al. 1988).
Zifko et al. 1994). Various specific congenital disorders, most associated
AIDS dementia may, late in its course, be accompanied with mental retardation, also cause seizures, with each one
by seizures (Navia et al. 1986a). Other disorders, often seen being marked by various distinctive features.
in association with AIDS, must also be considered, includ- Down’s syndrome, typified by a variable degree of mental
ing progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy and toxo- retardation and a characteristic dysmorphism with narrowed
plasmosis (Navia et al. 1986b; Porter and Sande 1992). palpebral fissures, epicanthal folds, and a small mouth, often
Various movement disorders, typically accompanied by with a large protruding tongue, may be accompanied by par-
dementia, may also cause partial or grand mal seizures, tial or grand mal seizures in adults (Pueschel et al. 1991), the
notably the choreiform disorders dentatorubropalli- proportion affected rising from about one-tenth of young
doluysian atrophy (Porter et al. 1995; Warner et al. 1995), adults, to about one-half of those over 50 years old
choreoacanthocytosis (Feinberg et al. 1991; Hardie et al. (McVicker et al. 1994), and to over three-quarters of those
1991; Lossos et al. 2005) (which may present with complex who go on to develop a dementia (Lai and Williams 1989).
partial seizures years before the onset of chorea [Al-Asmi Fragile X syndrome, seen generally, but not always, in
et al. 2005]), and the McLeod syndrome (Danek et al. 2001). males, is typified by a variable degree of mental retardation,
In the case of seizures occurring in a young person with a macro-orchidism, and a characteristic dysmorphism, with a
movement disorder (with chorea, parkinsonism, tremor), long, narrow face, prominent forehead, and large ears.
consideration must also always be given to Wilson’s disease A minority of these patients will also have either partial or
(Dening et al. 1988). Spinocerebellar ataxia, characterized by grand mal seizures (Finelli et al. 1985; Wisniewski et al. 1985).
a slowly progressive ataxia, in certain of its types, may also Klinefelter’s syndrome, characterized by tall stature and
cause seizures (Grewal et al. 2002; Rasmussen et al. 2001) eunuchoidism in post-pubertal males, may, albeit rarely,
Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis, typified by a combi- be accompanied by complex partial or grand mal seizures
nation of either mental retardation or dementia with (Tatum et al. 1998).
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 267
Sturge–Weber syndrome is classically characterized by a present with delirium and either partial or grand mal
unilateral facial port-wine stain, hemiplegia contralateral seizures; in the case of limbic encephalitis, seizures may
to the port-wine stain, mental retardation, and seizures constitute either the presentation (Brennan and Craddock
(Bebin and Gomez 1988; Pascual-Castroviejo et al. 1993). 1983; Corsellis et al. 1968), or, rarely, the primary clinical
Importantly, there is an association between frequent expression of the disease (Shavit et al. 1999; Tsukamoto
seizures and dementia in this disorder (Lichenstein 1954; et al. 1993). Systemic lupus erythematosus may likewise
Petermann et al. 1958), an association that underlines the cause partial or grand mal seizures (Devinsky et al. 1988a)
importance of seizure control. in well over 10 percent of patients (Appenzeller et al. 2004).
Von Recklinghausen’s disease (neurofibromatosis type Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura should be sus-
I) is characterized by neurofibromas and café au lait spots: pected in cases of seizures occurring in the context of delir-
seizures may occur in 4–5 percent of sufferers (Korf et al. ium and thrombocytopenia (Blum and Drislane 1996).
1993; Kulkantrakorn and Geller 1998). Hyperthyroidism, rarely, may directly cause seizures, and
Rett’s syndrome (Hagberg et al. 1983), seen virtually is suggested by the accompanying autonomic symptoms
only in females, is suggested by a typical evolution of (Korczyn and Bechar 1976; Jabbari and Huott 1980).
symptoms in childhood, resulting in microcephaly and Central pontine myelinolysis, suggested by the occurrence
mental retardation. In a minority of adults either partial or of quadriplegia or abnormal movements in the setting of
grand mal seizures may be seen. rapid correction of hyponatremia, may also, rarely, cause
Tuberous sclerosis classically presents in childhood with seizures (Karp and Laureno 1993). Hepatic porphyria may
the triad of seizures, adenoma sebaceum, and mental retar- be suspected when seizures occur in the context of abdom-
dation (Critchley and Early 1932). Seizures generally, but inal pain and delirium (Byelsjo et al. 1996). Wernicke’s
not always, precede the appearance of adenoma sebaceum encephalopathy, presenting with variable combinations
(Alsen et al. 1994; Ross and Dickerson 1943), and although of nystagmus, ataxia, and delirium in the setting of nutri-
generally of the ‘salaam’ type in infancy, manifest with typ- tional deficiency (as in chronic alcoholism), may, rarely,
ical grand mal or partial seizures by early or mid-childhood also cause seizures (Harrison et al. 2006). Marchiafava–
(Pampiglione and Moynahan 1976). Tuberous sclerosis Bignami disease, a very rare disorder also associated with
may rarely present in the adult years: in one case, a 26-year- chronic alcoholism, may present with delirium and seizures
old developed adenoma sebaceum, followed, at the age of (Ironside et al. 1961; Koeppen and Barron 1978). Sarcoidosis
31, by partial seizures (Kofman and Hyland 1959). is immediately suggested by typical findings on chest radi-
Prader–Willi syndrome is characterized by extreme ograph (Ferriby et al. 2001; Krumholz et al. 1991; Oksanen
obesity secondary to a ravenous hunger. Dysmorphic fea- 1986). Other, rare, causes include: Behçet’s syndrome, sug-
tures are common, with a narrow head, almond-shaped gested by delirium accompanied by oral or genital aphthous
eyes, a thin upper lip, thin arms, and, in males, micropenis ulcers (Aykutlu et al. 2002); Wegener’s granulomatosus
and cryptorchidism. Perhaps one-half will also have men- (Nishino et al. 1993), suggested by a combination of upper
tal retardation, generally of a mild degree. Seizures may respiratory and renal disease; Whipple’s disease, suggested by
occur in about one-fifth of these patients (Bray et al. 1983). abdominal pain and arthralgia (Louis et al. 1996; Romanul et
al. 1977); and celiac disease, also known as gluten enteropa-
MISCELLANEOUS CAUSES thy, suggested by abdominal pain or bloating (Chapman
et al. 1978) or by the finding of occipital calcification (Gobbi
The miscellaneous causes may be divided into various et al. 1992; Tinuper et al. 1996b).
groups; these include: systemic or autoimmune disorders,
such as hypertensive encephalopathy or Hashimoto’s Autosomal dominant partial epilepsies
encephalopathy; the autosomal dominant partial epilepsies; Autosomal dominant partial epilepsy should be suspected
multiple sclerosis; certain disorders typically presenting in in cases of partial seizures, with or without grand mal
childhood or adolescence, such as Rasmussen’s syndrome; seizures, which exhibit a family history consistent with
and, finally, a group characterized by obvious precipitating autosomal dominant inheritance, and wherein the MR
events, such as cerebral anoxia. scan is normal. Three, more or less distinct, types have
been recognized, including autosomal dominant lateral
Systemic or autoimmune disorders temporal lobe epilepsy (also known as autosomal domi-
Various systemic or autoimmune disorders may cause par- nant partial epilepsy with auditory features), autosomal
tial or grand mal seizures. Hypertensive encephalopathy dominant nocturnal frontal lobe seizures, and familial par-
(Chester et al. 1978; Healton et al. 1982) and the reversible tial epilepsy with variable foci. Autosomal dominant lateral
posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome (Hinchey et al. temporal lobe epilepsy is suggested clinically by complex
1996) both present with headache, delirium, and seizures, partial seizures occurring with an auditory aura, which
and should be suspected in cases of severe hypertension may range from simple buzzing to, at times, complex
or treatment with immunosuppressants. Hashimoto’s auditory hallucinations, such as music or voices (Berkovic
encephalopathy (Henchey et al. 1995; Shaw et al. 1991) and et al. 2004a; Brodtkorb et al. 2005; Hedera et al. 2004;
limbic encephalitis (Alamowitch et al. 1997) may both Michelucci et al. 2003; Ottman et al. 1995; Poza et al. 1999;
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 268
Winawer et al. 2000). Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal encephalopathy (Shewmon and Masdeu 1980), during the
lobe seizures is a syndrome distinguished by complex partial dialysis dysequilibrium syndrome or as part of the now
seizures that arise from sleep (Combi et al. 2005; vanishingly rare dialysis dementia (Burks et al. 1976;
Gambardella et al. 2000; Hayman et al. 1997; Hirose et al. Garrett et al. 1988; Lederman and Henry 1978; O’Hare
1999; Oldani et al. 1998; Phillips et al. 2000; Saenz et al. 1999; et al. 1983), or during eclampsia (Manfredi et al. 1997) or,
Scheffer et al. 1994, 1995; Willoughby et al. 2003). In both very rarely, as a sequela to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
these types, the seizure type generally ‘runs true’ among (Devinsky and Duchowny 1983; Varma and Lee 1992).
family members; in familial partial epilepsy with variable
foci, however, there is a marked heterogeneity in seizure DIAGNOSTIC WORK-UP
types among family members (Berkovic et al. 2004b), and
it is this heterogeneity which distinguishes this disorder. In The diagnostic work-up, in part, is determined by the kinds
addition to these three well-recognized type, there are also of seizures the patient has. Cases characterized by an onset
reports of other, less clear-cut autosomal dominant types in childhood or adolescence of petit mal and/or non-focal
of partial epilepsy (Brodtkorb et al. 2002; Depondt et al. grand mal seizures probably represent one of the idiopathic
2002; Picard et al. 2000; Provini et al. 1999), and many generalized epilepsies, and in such cases generally an inter-
researchers believe that what has been discovered so far ictal EEG is indicated: if it shows the typical findings dis-
represents merely the tip of the iceberg. cussed below, no further work-up may be required. In cases
of non-focal grand mal seizures of later onset, and in all
Multiple sclerosis cases of focal seizures (i.e., grand mal seizures with focal
Multiple sclerosis, rarely, may cause seizures (Nicoletti et al. features and all cases of either simple partial, complex par-
2003; Thompson et al. 1993; Trouillas and Courjon 1972) tial seizures, atonic, or amnestic seizures) one should
and in one very rare case, multiple sclerosis presented with assume that a lesion is present and take steps to determine
simple partial status epilepticus with motor signs secondary its location and nature (King et al. 1999). These steps, dis-
to a plaque in the precentral gyrus (Spatt 1995). cussed below, include an EEG, neuroimaging (preferably
using MRI), and a specifically focused history and examina-
tion, looking for certain distinctive lateralizing and localiz-
Disorders typically presenting in childhood or
ing symptoms and signs. Lumbar puncture is reserved for
cases of suspected meningitis or encephalitis. Additionally,
Certain disorders typically presenting in childhood or adoles- one should always be alert to toxic or metabolic factors or
cence may also be considered, including Rasmussen’s substance withdrawal, which may cause grand mal seizures
encephalitis, the Landau–Kleffner syndrome, and Sydenham’s in otherwise normal individuals and may precipitate
chorea. Rasmussen’s encephalitis typically presents with par- seizures in patients with epilepsy of any cause. If, after a
tial seizures, with or without secondary generalization; over thorough work-up, the cause of the patient’s epilepsy
time seizures are joined by a progressive hemiparesis, and, in remains obscure it is customary to make a diagnosis of
some cases, a dementia (Aguilar and Rasmussen 1960; Bien ‘cryptogenic’ epilepsy. Such a diagnosis, however, should
et al. 2002; Granata et al. 2003; Rasmussen and Andermann not be taken for more than it is, a mere confession of our
1989; Rasmussen et al. 1958); motor simple partial status ignorance, and the clinician should remain alert to the
epilepticus is not uncommon. Although pathologic studies emergence of new clinical features that may ultimately
have revealed an underlying encephalitic process consistent reveal the underlying cause.
with an autoimmune etiology (Pardo et al. 2004); the nature
of this autoimmune disorder remains, as yet, unknown. Electroencephalogram
Although the onset is generally in childhood under the age An EEG (discussed in detail in Section 1.5) should be
of 10 years, adult onsets, albeit rare, may also be seen obtained in all cases. An interictal EEG is, in the vast major-
(McLachlan et al. 1993). Landau–Kleffner syndrome is char- ity of cases, sufficient, and should include hyperventilation,
acterized by a childhood onset of aphasia with seizures, photic stimulation, and a sleep recording. Ictal EEGs,
which may be either partial or grand mal in type (Hirsch et al. although helpful, are generally not required except for pre-
1990; Landau and Kleffner 1957; Mantovani and Landau surgical work-ups; however, in cases of reflex seizures, con-
1980; Paquier et al. 1992). Sydenham’s chorea is suggested by sideration may be given to inducing a seizure with the
the onset of chorea in childhood or adolescence, and may appropriate reflexive stimulus (Fariello et al. 1983).
also, albeit rarely, cause seizures (Nausieda et al. 1980). Idiopathic generalized epilepsies are associated with gen-
Interestingly, and again, very rarely, epilepsy may occur as a eralized, bilaterally symmetric, and synchronous interictal
sequela to Sydenham’s chorea (Aron et al. 1965). epileptiform discharges. Patients with petit mal seizures will
have classic spike and dome discharges, and patients with
Precipitating events non-focal grand mal seizures will generally have spike and
Seizures may also occur after certain, obvious, precipitat- wave, polyspike, or polyspike and wave discharges.
ing events, such as in the context of either post-anoxic Focal epilepsies typically display focal or multifocal
encephalopathy (Krumholz et al. 1988) or post-radiation interictal epileptiform discharges; however, it may require
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 269
up to four routine EEGs to capture them, and even this may be able to provide a sufficiently clear history, however
strategy, as noted below, may fail. In cases where a focus is in the case of complex partial and grand mal seizures, this is
suspected in one of the temporal lobes, consideration not possible, and one must rely on a history provided by
should be given to the use of supplemental leads: ‘true’ other observers. When this is not reliable, consideration may
anterior temporal leads are routinely appropriate in these be given to asking family members to videotape seizures
cases, while invasive sphenoidal or nasopharyngeal leads (Newmark 1981; Samuel and Duncan 1994) or, if this is
are typically held in reserve for particularly difficult cases. unsuccessful, to admission for video–EEG monitoring.
As important as the finding of interictal or ictal activity Before discussing the lateralizing and localizing features
is, its absence does not rule out the diagnosis of focal peculiar to each seizure type, mention should be made of
epilepsy. In the case of simple partial seizures, both interictal two post-ictal features, either of which can be seen with
(Devinsky et al. 1989b; Mauguire and Courjon 1978) and any of these three seizure types and which both have strong
ictal (Bare et al. 1994; Devinsky et al. 1988b, 1989b) EEGs lateralizing value. The first of these is a post-ictal unilateral
are often normal. In the case of complex partial seizures, Babinski sign. Although it is well recognized that this may
interictal EEGs may likewise be normal (Goodin et al. be found after a grand mal seizure, it also occurs post-
1990); furthermore, although ictal EEGs are more likely to ictally after approximately 20 percent of complex partial
be abnormal, even here the EEG may be normal during a seizures (Walczak and Rubinsky 1994). The second is
seizure, especially when the seizure focus is on the medial Todd’s paralysis. This phenomenon, first described by
surface of the frontal (Williamson and Spencer 1986; Todd in 1855, is characterized by a unilateral post-ictal
Williamson et al. 1985c) or temporal (Lieb et al. 1976) lobe. paresis, usually of the upper extremity, which may range in
In these limiting cases when routine EEGs remain unreveal- severity from a total paralysis to a mere drift of the upper
ing, consideration may be given to admission to an epilepsy extremity and which lasts for from seconds up to almost
monitoring unit, or, more simply, to the utilization of a half an hour. It may be found after simple partial seizures
computer-assisted 24-hour ambulatory EEG. with motor symptomatology, complex partial or grand
mal seizures (Gallmetzer et al. 2004; Kellinghaus and
Neuroimaging Kotagal 2004). Both of these features reliably lateralize the
lesion to the contralateral hemisphere.
Neuroimaging should, whenever possible, be performed
Simple partial seizures often display both lateralizing
using MRI rather than computed tomography (CT) scan-
and localizing signs. In the case of simple partial seizures
ning, as MR scanning is far more sensitive (Franceschi et al.
with either motor or somatosensory signs, the focus is typ-
1989; Swartz et al. 1992). When MR scanning is utilized, it
ically, but not always (Herskowitz and Swerdlow 1972),
is important to obtain coronal images as these are superior
lateralized to the hemisphere contralateral to the side on
to axial or sagittal images for the detection of mesial tem-
which the patient is experiencing the symptoms (Mauguire
poral sclerosis (Berkovic et al. 1991). Furthermore, it must
and Courjon 1978). With regard to localization to a partic-
be borne in mind that in some cases of mesial temporal
ular lobe, in most cases motor signs suggest the frontal
sclerosis the temporal lobes and their contents may appear
lobe, somatosensory symptoms the parietal lobe, simple
quite symmetric, and the only abnormality may be
visual hallucinations or hemianopia the occipital lobe,
increased signal intensity on the T2-weighted scan (Jackson
structured visual hallucinations the occipitoparietal or
et al. 1994). Although MRI is more sensitive, a normal MRI
occipitotemporal region, and most ‘psychic’ symptoms the
examination certainly does not rule out a focal lesion, such
temporal lobe (Acharya et al. 1998; Bien et al. 2000;
as a small area of focal cortical dysplasia (Devinsky et al.
Mauguire and Courjon 1978; Morris et al. 1988; Nystrom
1988; Williamson et al. 1993).
1966; Russell and Whitty 1955; Salanova et al. 1995). In
In evaluating the MRI, it must be kept in mind that, albeit
cases in which more than one sort of symptom is seen,
rarely, seizures themselves may induce reversible changes.
careful attention must be paid to which occurred first as
For example, after complex status epilepticus the mesial
this is the one with most localizing value: for example, a
aspect of the temporal lobe may demonstrate increased sig-
simple partial seizure that began with a crude visual hallu-
nal intensity on diffusion weighted imaging (Parmar et al.
cination and was immediately followed by a motor sign
2006; Szabo et al. 2005) and T2-weighted imaging (Henry
would indicate a focus in the occipital rather than the
et al. 1994; Kramer et al. 1987). CT scanning may also be
frontal lobe (Salanova et al. 1992; Williamson et al. 1992a).
misleading in the same situation, revealing a transient radio-
Complex partial seizures, like simple partial seizures,
lucency (Kramer et al. 1987; Sammaritano et al. 1985).
may also display both lateralizing and localizing signs.
Lateralizing features include: speech; unilateral ictal clonic,
Lateralizing and localizing symptoms and signs tonic, or dystonic movements or paresis; unilateral automa-
Certain aspects of simple partial, complex partial or focal tisms; possibly ictal head version; and, finally, interictal emo-
grand mal seizures may be helpful in both lateralizing and tional facial palsy. Speech may occur either during an aura,
localizing the responsible lesion, and consequently a good during the seizure itself, or post-ictally, and may be either
grasp of the clinical symptomatology of the patient’s seizure coherent or aphasic. Ictal speech that is coherent suggests a
is very helpful. In the case of simple partial seizures, patients focus in the non-dominant hemisphere (Fakhoury et al.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 270
1994; Gabr et al. 1989; Koerner and Laxer 1988; Marks and ‘bicycling’ movements. Some have held that these indicate a
Laxer 1998; Yen et al. 1996); however, exceptions to this frontal lobe onset (Williamson et al. 1985c), but such move-
rule do occur (Kaiboriboon et al. 2006). Aphasic speech ments have also been noted in complex partial seizures of
occurring either as an aura (Kanemoto and Janz 1989) or temporal lobe origin (Sussman et al. 1989; Swartz 1994).
post-ictally (Ajmone-Marsan and Ralston 1957; Devinsky Grand mal seizures may also display lateralizing and
et al. 1994a; Fakhoury et al. 1994; Gabr et al. 1989; Koerner localizing features. A post-ictal Babinski sign or Todd’s
and Laxer 1988; Marks and Laxer 1998; Privitera et al. paralysis, as described above, may lateralize to the con-
1991; Serafetinides and Falconer 1963) suggests a focus in tralateral hemisphere, and any aurae may localize, as
the dominant hemisphere. Unilateral ictal clonic, tonic or described for simple partial seizures, above.
dystonic movement (Kotagal et al. 1989; Marks and Laxer
1998; Rusu et al. 2005) and unilateral paresis (Oestreich
et al. 1995) all suggest a focus on the contralateral side. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS
Unilateral automatisms (Janszky et al. 2006; Marks and In differentiating between seizures and other disorders
Laxer 1998) or unilateral ictal eye-blinking (Benbadis et al. capable of producing a more or less similar clinical picture,
1996) both generally indicate an ipsilateral focus. Head two features are generally helpful. The first feature to con-
version at the start of a seizure is of controversial lateraliz- sider is the exquisitely paroxysmal onset of all seizure
ing significance: some studies (e.g., Quesney et al. 1990; types, occurring over seconds: such an onset is rare in other
Salanova et al. 1995) report that the head turns away from disorders. Second, one should always, in obtaining a his-
the side with the focus, whereas others (e.g., Geier et al. tory, search for other seizure types, as their occurrence
1977; Ochs et al. 1984) have not found such a relationship. strongly suggests that the event in differential question is
With regard to this controversy over the lateralizing signif- likewise a seizure. Additional differential considerations
icance of head version, one study offered a potential solu- specific for each of the seizure types are discussed in turn,
tion by noting first that there are two types of head version: below, followed by a discussion of pseudoseizures.
in one the head turning is casual, whereas in the other it is
forced and unnatural and often accompanied by hemi- Simple partial seizures
facial clonic movements on the side toward which the head
is turning. Cases with forced head version lateralized to the A transient ischemic attack or a migrainous aura may
hemisphere away from which the head turned (Rheims mimic most of the symptoms seen in simple partial
et al. 2005). Interictal emotional facial palsy suggests that seizures. Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), of course, are
the focus is contralateral to the side with the palsy (Cascino unlikely in the young; however, when the clinical event in
et al. 1993b; Jacob et al. 2003; Remillard et al. 1977). question occurs in an elderly patient with various vascular
Localization of the focus of a complex partial seizure risk factors, the differential becomes quite problematic.
may not be as straightforward as was once thought. In the A prototypical case involves patients with episodes of
not-too-distant past, the assumption that complex partial paralysis of a limb, which could represent either a TIA or
seizures all originated from foci in the temporal lobe was so an inhibitory motor simple partial seizure. The EEG, if
unquestioned that some authors used the terms ‘complex productive of an interictal epileptiform discharge, is help-
partial epilepsy’ and ‘temporal lobe epilepsy’ synony- ful, but a negative EEG still leaves the differential open, for,
mously. It has become clear, however, that even though as noted earlier, EEGs are typically normal in patients with
most complex partial seizures do arise from foci in the simple partial seizures. In doubtful cases, consideration
temporal lobe (Nystrom 1966), they may also occur sec- may be given to empirical treatment with either an anti-
ondary to foci in the frontal (Geier et al. 1977; Rasmussen platelet agent or an AED. In the case of migraine, the dif-
1983; Salanova et al. 1995; Sutherling et al. 1990; ferential is much simpler: most migrainous aurae are
Williamson et al. 1985c), occipital (Ludwig and Marsan followed by a typical migraine headache, and in those cases
1975; Salanova et al. 1992; Williamson et al. 1992a), or of migrainous aura without headache, the history will
parietal (Cascino et al. 1993c; Ho et al. 1994; Williamson reveal typical events, with headache, in the past.
et al. 1992b) lobes. In cases where the focus is in a site other Some further considerations come into play in cases of
than the temporal lobe, electrical activity spreads rapidly hallucinations or anxiety. Simple partial seizures constitute
from the originating lobe to the temporal lobes, thus pro- but one of many disorders capable of causing isolated hal-
ducing the symptomatology of the complex partial seizure lucinations, and the differential for these events, as dis-
itself. As suggested by Jackson (1894), it stands to reason cussed in Section 4.30, should be pursued. In a similar
that, in such cases, the aura to the complex partial seizure vein, simple partial seizures, likewise, are but one cause of
may indicate the lobe of origin, and this does in fact appear anxiety attacks, and the differential for these, as outlined in
to be the case (Boon et al. 1991; Palmini and Gloor 1992), Section 6.5, should also be consulted.
the various aurae having the same localizing value as dis-
cussed for simple partial seizures, above. Finally, before leav- Complex partial seizures
ing the subject of localization in complex partial seizures, Relatively brief episodes of confusion may be caused not
note should be made of the significance of ictal bilateral only by complex partial seizures, but also by TIAs when
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 271
the ischemia is found in one of the temporal lobes or in the Amnestic seizures
thalamus. The differential here proceeds much as dis- Amnestic seizures must be distinguished from transient
cussed immediately above for simple partial seizures; how- global amnesia and alcoholic blackouts, a differential dis-
ever, here the EEG may be more useful, as interictal cussed in Section 5.4.
epileptiform discharges are more common in cases of
complex partial seizures. Atonic seizures
Brief episodes of confusion arising from sleep may rep-
resent either a nocturnal complex partial seizure or a para- Atonic seizures may be mimicked by cataplexy or by syn-
somnia such as REM sleep behavior disorder, night terrors, cope. In this differential, a good history is essential as in
or somnambulism. REM sleep behavior disorder may be almost all cases of atonic seizures one will find a long his-
readily identified, as patients with this disorder will, upon tory of other seizure types.
‘coming to’, report a vivid dream that explains their behav- Cataplectic attacks are always preceded by some strong
ior during the event. Night terrors and somnambulism, emotion and are accompanied by preservation of con-
however, lack such distinctive clues, and may be closely sciousness, and although atonic seizures, as discussed
mimicked by nocturnal complex seizures (Boller et al. above, may share the same characteristics, this is very rare.
1975; Pedley and Guilleminault 1977; Plazzi et al. 1995); Syncope may be difficult to distinguish from an atonic
consequently, polysomnography may be required. seizure (Lempert et al. 1994). A ‘swoon’, in contrast with the
Brief episodes of unprovoked and uncharacteristic vio- ‘stricken’ fall of an atonic seizure, suggests a vasovagal syn-
lence may suggest either a complex partial seizure or an copal episode, and syncope upon standing suggests
entity known as intermittent explosive disorder. This is a hypotension. Cardiac syncope may be very similar to an
controversial entity putatively characterized by episodes atonic seizure, and Holter monitoring may be required.
wherein patients, either without any precipitants or with Furthermore, as noted earlier, some cases of complex partial
only trivial ones, experience a growing sense of tension and seizures are accompanied by sinus arrest, and in such cases
irritability, culminating in an explosion of violence, after an AED, rather than anti-arrhythmic, drug, is in order.
which they have only a spotty memory of the event; impor-
tantly, at other times in the patients’ lives, there are no sig- Pseudoseizures
nificant abnormalities (e.g., no chronic irritability). As Pseudoseizures are paroxysmal events that, rather than
demonstrated by the examples provided earlier regarding occurring on the basis of an electrical paroxysm in the brain,
violence during complex partial seizures, it is clear that the represent a simulation of a seizure, and may be seen in con-
similarities between the putative intermittent explosive version disorder, malingering, and factitious disorder
disorder and a complex partial seizure with reactive (including ‘epileptic Munchausen’s syndrome’ [Savard et al.
automatisms may be compelling. In fact, some believe that 1988]). In practice, this differential possibility comes to mind
intermittent explosive disorder is in fact a species of com- when patients present with episodes that, although resem-
plex partial epilepsy. Resolving this nosologic question will bling either grand mal or complex partial seizures, have some
require further research; in the meantime, one should, atypical features. After discussing some of these atypical fea-
when evaluating patients with sporadic, seemingly unmo- tures, consideration will be given to an appropriate work up.
tivated episodes of violence, enquire closely regarding the Pseudo-grand mal seizures may begin with a cry, but
all-important history of other seizure types. unlike the inarticulate brief cry of a ‘true’ grand mal
Prolonged episodes of confusion may represent com- seizure, this cry may involve words and may persist long
plex partial status epilepticus; however, in such cases the into the event. The movements seen in a pseudo-grand mal
differential becomes quite large as it encompasses the seizure may be thrashing rather than rhythmic, and if
syndrome of delirium, and in such cases that differential, attempts are made to restrain these movements the patient
as discussed in Section 5.3, should be considered. with a pseudoseizure may show active resistance. Patients
with pseudoseizures may bite their lips, but the tongue is
Petit mal seizures usually spared; furthermore, urinary incontinence is rare
during a pseudoseizure.
Apart from complex partial seizures, there is little else that
Pseudo-complex partial seizures often come into the dif-
can even come close to mimicking typical petit mal
ferential when the behavior during the event is quite complex.
seizures. The presence of an aura or a duration longer than
Although this indeed is suggestive, as most ‘true’ complex
10 or 15 seconds points toward a diagnosis of a complex
partial seizures are characterized by simple stereotyped
partial seizure; in doubtful cases, an interictal EEG will
automatisms, it is not definitive: as indicated by the examples
resolve the issue.
cited earlier in the chapter, some of the reactive automatisms
seen in complex partial seizures are quite complex indeed.
Grand mal seizures The work up in such cases proceeds in a fashion similar
Apart from pseudoseizures, discussed below, there is very to that described earlier, and should include the following:
little that can reduplicate the tonic–clonic activity of a typ- testing for a post-event Babinski sign; appropriately timed
ical grand mal seizure. testing for prolactin, neuron-specific enolase and, when
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 272
grand mal seizures are in question, creatine phosphokinase seizures. Interpretation here must proceed with some cau-
(CPK) levels; EEG; neuroimaging; consideration of placebo tion, however: in some cases, epileptogenic lesions (e.g.,
induction, and, in selected cases, single photon emission small areas of focal cortical dysplasia) may be very difficult
computed tomography (SPECT) or positron emission to detect on MRI and, conversely, not all lesions, even
tomography (PET) imaging. although they are easily detected (e.g., a small convexity
A temporary Babinski sign may, as noted earlier, be seen meningioma), are likely to cause seizures.
after both grand mal and complex partial seizures As this Placebo induction, for example with saline infusion
phenomenon will generally lie outside the knowledge of (Cohen and Suter 1982; Devinsky et al. 1996; Walczak et al.
most pseudoseizure patients, even medically sophisticated 1994), has been used as a diagnostic test for pseudoseizures
ones, its presence is a reliable sign of epileptic activity. Its on the not-implausible assumption that placebos are
absence, of course, is of little diagnostic import. unlikely to induce paroxysmal electrical activity. It must be
The serum prolactin level rises with depth-electrode stim- borne in mind, however, that placebo may, albeit rarely,
ulation of either the hippocampus or the amygdala induce ‘true’ seizures (Lesser et al. 1983).
(Gallagher et al. 1987; Parra et al. 1980; Sperling and Wilson Cumulatively, the absence of a Babinski sign, normal
1986), thus serving as a marker for paroxysmal activity in prolactin and neuron-specific enolase levels (and CPK levels
these or related structures and as an indicator that the clinical when grand mal seizures are in question), and a normal ictal
event in question is a ‘true’ rather than a ‘pseudo’ seizure EEG and MR scan, coupled with a reproduction of the event
(Laxer et al. 1985; Pritchard et al. 1985a). Prolactin elevation in question by placebo induction would, when present in
is, however, not entirely specific to epileptic events, as such combination, argue very strongly for the diagnosis of pseu-
elevations may also be seen after hypotensive syncope (Oribe doseizure. It must, however, be borne in mind that some
et al. 1996). A twofold or greater rise in serum prolactin level ‘true’ seizures will, albeit very rarely, ‘slip by’ all these tests.
is found about 15 minutes post-ictally in most cases of com- Consequently, in doubtful cases, consideration may be given
plex partial seizures with temporal lobe onset (Bauer et al. to ictal SPECT or PET recordings. Essentially, in the work
1994; Sperling et al. 1986) and in grand mal seizures (Wyllie up of a suspected pseudoseizure, one is attempting to ‘prove
et al. 1984). However, with seizures arising from foci outside a negative’, that is, to ‘prove’ that the event in question is not
the temporal lobe, whether complex partial (Meierkord et al. accompanied by a paroxysmal electrical discharge. Given
1992) or simple partial (Dana-Haeri et al. 1983; Laxer et al. that one can never definitively prove a negative, however,
1985; Sperling et al. 1986), prolactin elevation is less likely to the diagnosis of pseudoseizure should always remain some-
occur. Furthermore, after frequent seizures (Jackel et al. what tentative.
1987; Malkowitz et al. 1995) or after status epilepticus A further complication in the diagnostic work up of
(Tomson et al. 1989) one may find a normal prolactin level, pseudoseizures is the fact that it is not uncommon for
presumably reflecting an exhaustion of the pituitary pro- patients to have both pseudoseizures and ‘true’ seizures
lactin stores secondary to prolonged stimulation. (Krumholz and Niedermeyer 1983). Thus, simply demon-
Neuron-specific enolase is a marker of neuronal injury, strating that a patient has had a pseudoseizure does not
and, in contrast with the prolactin level, which tends to be mean that the patient does not also have epilepsy.
normal after status epilepticus, the level of enolase is elevated
in such situations (DeGiorgio et al. 1999), peaking at one
(DeGiorgio et al. 1995) to two days (Rabinowicz et al. 1995). Treatment
Neuron-specific enolase may at times also be elevated after
single complex partial or grand mal seizures (Rabinowicz This section will begin with a discussion of non-emergent
et al. 1996). treatment, followed by a consideration of status epilepticus.
CPK levels rise with muscle injury, and in cases when the
differential is between a ‘true’ grand mal seizure and a pseu- NON-EMERGENT TREATMENT
doseizure, this should be determined. Rises occur within 3
hours and tend to peak at a day and a half (Chesson et al. In non-emergent cases, when treatment of the underlying
1983; Libman et al. 1991). cause is either not possible or ineffective, utilization of an
An EEG, if possible, should be obtained concurrent AED is appropriate. The first step in choosing among the
with a typical event, as the finding of ictal electrical activity many AEDs available today is to determine the etiology, as
is obviously very important. The absence of any electrical seizures due to one of the idiopathic generalized epilepsies
change, however, does not unequivocably argue against an respond differently than do focal seizures.
epileptic etiology given that, albeit very rarely, the ictal Idiopathic generalized epilepsies generally respond to
EEG during a complex partial seizure may be normal treatment with valproic acid, and this is a reasonable first
despite clear paroxysmal activity on depth recordings (Lieb choice for patients with petit mal seizures (Sato et al. 1982)
et al. 1976; Morris et al. 1988; Williamson et al. 1986). and/or non-focal grand mal seizures (Marson et al. 2002) with
Neuroimaging, preferably by MR scanning, should be onset from childhood to early adult years. Ethosuximide is
considered to determine whether or not a lesion is present also effective for petit mal seizures but is not for grand mal
that could, with some probability, be expected to cause seizures and, given that most patients with childhood or
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 273
juvenile onset absence epilepsy also, in addition to petit mal drug–drug interactions becomes so high that side-effects
seizures, have grand mal seizures, valproic acid seems prefer- are often unacceptable. Furthermore, with such ‘triple ther-
able. Importantly, certain other AEDs, such as phenytoin apy’ regimens there may be an exacerbation of the epilepsy:
(Genton et al. 2000), carbamazepine (Genton et al. 2000; not uncommonly, patients on triple therapy who carry a
Thomas et al. 2006), and oxcarbazepine (Gelisse et al. 2004) diagnosis of ‘treatment-resistant epilepsy’ enjoy a substan-
may worsen seizure control in patients with idiopathic gener- tial decrease in seizure frequency after one or more of their
alized epilepsies and therefore should be avoided. In cases AEDs are discontinued.
where valproic acid is only partially effective, further The mechanism or mechanisms underlying treatment
improvement may be obtained by adding topiramate (Biton resistance are not clear. Recent research has focused on the
et al. 1999), lamotrigine (Biton et al. 2005), or levetiracetam role of what are known as multidrug resistance proteins.
(Grunewald 2005). In patients who get little benefit from val- These proteins are normally found on capillary endothelial
proic acid or in whom it is poorly tolerated, consideration cells and serve to maintain the blood–brain barrier by
may be given to utilizing one of these ‘add-on’ drugs as pumping out foreign substances (such as AEDs) from the
monotherapy; however, it should be borne in mind that as yet interstitial fluid back into the blood: one theory holds that
there are no double-blind studies supporting this practice. they are up-regulated in patients with treatment resistance
Epilepsy characterized by focal seizures may respond to (Aronica et al. 2004). Regardless of the cause of treatment
monotherapy with any of the following: phenytoin or car- resistance, several options are open. In some cases, epilepsy
bamazepine (Heller et al. 1995; Mattson et al. 1985; surgery is appropriate, as for example in those with mesial
Ramsey et al. 1983; Rowan et al. 2005; Simonsen et al. 1976; temporal sclerosis (Engel 1996; Wiebe et al. 2001) or cer-
Troupin et al. 1977), oxcarbazepine (Beydoun et al. 2000; tain cases of focal cortical dysplasia (Kral et al. 2003). Vagal
Schacter et al. 1999), valproic acid (Beydoun et al. 1997; nerve stimulation (Handforth et al. 1998; Salinsky et al.
Callaghan et al. 1985; Heller et al. 1995; Mattson et al. 1996) may also be considered, and there is also some very
1992), gabapentin (Rowan et al. 2005), topiramate, or lam- preliminary evidence for the efficacy of transcranial mag-
otrigine (Brodie et al. 1995; Rowan et al. 2005) and leve- netic stimulation in patients with various cortical dys-
tiracetam (Brodie et al. 2007). The choice among these is plasias (Fregni et al. 2006).
guided by considerations of the patient’s general medical In cases where patients have been seizure free for two or
condition, potential drug–drug interactions with other more years, the possibility of tapering and discontinuing
medications, anticipated side-effects, etc. In cases where AEDs may be entertained. The decision to embark on this
patients fail to respond to monotherapy, one may choose course, however, is complex. To begin with, consideration
either to try monotherapy with a different AED or to add should be given to the consequences of a recurrence of
on an AED to the one already in place. In cases where the seizures and to the burden imposed by ongoing treatment.
first AED used as monotherapy was relatively ineffective or In patients with only simple partial seizures, the conse-
simply not tolerated, then a switch to another monother- quences of another seizure may not be severe, and if side-
apy agent is reasonable, however when the first AED had effects from current AED treatment are bothersome then
definite benefit and was well-tolerated, then it is reasonable discontinuation may seem attractive; on the other hand a
to consider an ‘add-on’ strategy. Most of the ‘add-on’ stud- history of grand mal seizures and a lack of side-effects
ies have been performed with patients already on either might give one pause. Another consideration, of course, is
phenytoin or carbamazepine, however, admittedly, there is the likelihood of recurrence, and several factors may enable
no consistency over all these studies. Consideration may be one to make a rough estimate in this regard (Callaghan et al.
given to the following as ‘add-on’ AEDs: valproic acid 1988; Cardoso et al. 2006; Spooner et al. 2006), including
(Willmore et al. 1996), gabapentin (Fuerstein et al. 1994; the presence or absence of a lesion, the frequency of seizures
Sivenius et al. 1991; US Gabapentin Study Group 1993), and the difficulty encountered in initially controlling
pregabalin (Beydoun et al. 2005; Elger et al. 2005), topira- them, the kinds of seizures experienced by the patient, and
mate (Faught et al. 1996; Privitera et al. 1996), lamotrigine the presence of interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs).
(Binnie et al. 1989; Boas et al. 1996; Jawad et al. 1989; Not unreasonably, the presence of a lesion, such as mesial
Loiseau et al. 1990b; Matsuo et al. 1993; Messenheimer et al. temporal sclerosis, increases the risk; by contrast, patients
1994), and levetiracetam (Cereghino et al. 2000; Leppik with idiopathic generalized epilepsies appear to be at lower
et al. 2003; Tsai et al. 2006) (which appears to be at times risk. A history of very frequent seizures coupled with great
very effective [Stefan et al. 2006]). In choosing among these, difficulty in controlling them (as evidenced by the number
particular attention must be paid to potential drug–drug of trials of AEDs required to do so) suggests a more severe
interactions. In cases when patients fail to respond to treat- underlying process and this also increases the risk of recur-
ment with two AEDs, various options are open. First, one rence. The kinds of seizures experienced by the patient also
may try either monotherapy with a different agent or try a may serve as an indicator of the severity of the underlying
different combination of two agents. In some cases, patients process. Thus, a history of complex partial seizures with
have responded to treatment with a combination of three secondary generalization poses a higher risk than does a
AEDs but this strategy is very problematic: the risk of history of simple or complex partial seizures without sec-
both pharmacokinetic and, especially, pharmacodynamic ondary generalization or a history of non-focal grand mal
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 274
seizures (as seen in the idiopathic generalized epilepsies). development of the seizure by ‘forcing his thoughts with
Finally, the presence of IEDs on an EEG obtained close to ‘might and main’ into some other channel’. Other tech-
the end of the 2-year seizure-free period indicates ongoing niques have been reported: one patient, whose aura con-
activity of the underlying disorder and suggests an increased sisted of an olfactory hallucination, was able to prevent a
risk of recurrence. Although some patients may fall at the complex partial seizure by the application of a ‘strong odor’
extremes of these risk factors, most fall in between and, con- (Efron 1956, 1957), and another patient, whose aura con-
sequently, much clinical judgment should be utilized in bal- sisted of an auditory hallucination of music, was able to
ancing these various risk factors. If a decision is made to abort the seizure by ‘imagining himself fishing, his favorite
taper and discontinue AEDs the process should be a slow leisure pursuit’ (Pritchard et al. 1985b).
one, generally extending over 3–6 months, and if more than
one AED is in place, only one should be tapered at a time. Status epilepticus
In addition to the foregoing, some general measures are Status epilepticus is approached differently depending on
appropriate in all cases. First, certain non-specific stresses the kind of seizure involved. Grand mal status epilepticus
may aggravate epilepsy and these should be avoided or is an acutely life-threatening event that also, in those who
treated. They include poor sleep, irregular dietary habits, survive, entails significant sequelae; thus it requires emer-
dehydration, febrile illnesses, hyperventilation, and exces- gent treatment. Complex partial status epilepticus, in con-
sive alcohol use. Second, there are certain specific disorders trast, is not life-threatening and, although sequelae have
which also aggravate epilepsy, including migraine, sleep been noted, they are uncommon and, consequently, emer-
apnea and, in some females, the menstrual cycle. Although, gency treatment may not be required. Simple partial status,
of itself, migraine probably does not cause seizures, there is petit mal status and amnestic status are, of themselves,
evidence that migraine may be able to precipitate seizures benign events and may be approached non-emergently.
in patients with epilepsy. In particular, it appears that a In all cases of status, regardless of the seizure type, a fin-
migraine aura may trigger either a partial or a grand mal ger stick glucose level is determined and if the level is low
seizure, the seizure being intercalated between the migraine then 50 mL of D50 W is given. Thiamine, 100 mg i.v.,
aura and the migraine headache (Marks and Ehrenberg should also be given if there is any suspicion of alcoholism
1993): in such cases effective migraine prophylaxis is essen- or severe malnutrition. Blood is sent for determination of
tial and either valproic acid or topiramate are logical glucose, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, blood
choices as they are effective not only as AEDs, but also as urea nitrogen (BUN), and, if appropriate, AED levels.
prophylaxis against migraine. Obstructive sleep apnea may In cases requiring emergent treatment, intravenous
aggravate seizures and treatment of the apnea with contin- access is obtained and lorazepam is given in a total dose of
uous positive airway pressure may be very effective in ⬃0.07 mg/kg at a rate no faster than 2 mg/min; as a rule,
reducing seizure frequency (Devinsky et al. 1994b). Finally, fosphenytoin should then be administered in a total dose
some women will experience an increase in seizure fre- of 15–25 mg/kg at a rate of 100–150 mg/min (Browne et al.
quency either toward the end of the follicular phase or dur- 1996; Lowenstein et al. 1998; Ramsey and DeToledo 1996;
ing menstrual flow (Backstrom 1976), and although oral Treiman et al. 1998). Exceptions to this rule include the
contraceptives have been advocated in such situations following: allergy; a history of non-response to adequate
(Mattson et al. 1986) this is controversial (Dana-Haeri and levels of phenytoin; current treatment with phenytoin with
Richens 1983). blood levels in the therapeutic range; and cases where the
Reflex seizures, of course, constitute an invitation to the grand mal seizures are occurring as part of one of the idio-
utilization of common-sense measures at avoiding the pathic generalized epilepsy syndromes. In cases where one
reflex stimulus itself. In cases where this is not feasible, it of these exceptions obtain, consideration should be given
may be possible, in certain cases, to blunt the provocative to intravenous valproate in a total dose of 15–25 mg/kg
effect of the stimulus by repeatedly exposing the patient to (Misra et al. 2006): although current recommendations
that stimulus, as has been demonstrated in cases of suggest infusing this at a rate no faster than 20 mg/min (or
musicogenic (Forster et al. 1967) and reading (Forster et al. over a total of 60 min, whichever is longer), recent work
1969a) epilepsies. suggests that much faster infusions, at 3–10 mg/kg/min are
Remarkably, albeit rarely, some patients have found it effective and well tolerated (Boggs et al. 2000; Limdi et al.
possible to abort partial seizures. Thus, in some cases of 2007; Wheless et al. 2004). Regardless of whether fos-
simple partial seizures that undergo a Jacksonian march, phenytoin or valproate is given, an AED blood level should
the seizure may be aborted by vigorously rubbing the part be obtained approximately 2 hours after the infusion is
of the body that lies just proximal to the advancing march, completed, with subsequent doses based on levels and
and this holds true not only for motor (Russell and Whitty response. When all of these measures are under way the
1953; Symonds 1959), but also for sensory (Efron 1961; patient must be closely monitored, preferably in an intensive
Sutherling et al. 1990) marches. In the case of complex care unit (ICU). In cases when status persists despite these
partial seizures, Penfield (Penfield and Jasper 1954) noted measures, consideration may be given to utilizing two
that, when the aura consisted of some ‘change in the stream AEDs: thus, if a patient had been given fosphenytoin and
of thought’, the patient might be able to prevent the failed to respond, valproate could be added; alternatives
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 275
include levetiracetam (Patel et al. 2006) or phenobarbital, arteries arise the vertebral arteries. Under normal circum-
in a total dose of 20 mg/kg, at a rate no faster than stances, the entire blood supply to the brain is derived from
100 mg/min. In cases resistant to these measures, coma may the internal carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries, as
be induced with pentobarbital, midazolam, or propofol. described below: in clinical work, arteries derived from the
Non-emergent treatment may involve oral loading with internal carotid arteries are referred to as part of the ‘anterior
phenytoin, or, in cases of petit mal status, valproic acid. circulation’, whereas those derived from the vertebral arteries
Phenytoin may be loaded in a dose of 15–25 mg orally, and are referred to as part of the ‘posterior circulation’.
valproic acid likewise in a dose of 15–25 mg/kg (impor- Both common carotid arteries bifurcate at the level of
tantly, divalproex should not be used emergently given the the thyroid cartilage into an external carotid artery and an
long time required to obtain peak blood levels). internal carotid artery (ICA). The internal carotid artery
Alternatively, if the current episode of status occurred sec- may then be divided into four segments, namely cervical,
ondary to non-compliance with an AED other than phenyt- intrapetrosal, intracavernous, and supraclinoid. The cervi-
oin or valproic acid, and the patient had a clear history of cal segment rises from the bifurcation and passes up
response to that AED, one might simply load the patient through the neck, without giving off any branches. Upon
with this previously effective agent. arriving at the skull, the internal carotid artery then enters
the petrous portion of the temporal bone via the foramen
lacerum and passes through the temporal bone as the
7.4 STROKE intrapetrosal segment. The artery emerges from the tempo-
ral bone into the cavernous sinus, and passes horizontally
Stroke is defined as the more or less sudden occurrence of a through the sinus close to its medial wall. This intra-
neuropsychiatric deficit occurring secondary to a vascular cavernous portion bears important relations to the other
event, such as an ischemic infarction or an intracerebral hem- occupants of the cavernous sinus, namely the third, fourth
orrhage, and the diagnosis should be suspected in any patient and sixth cranial nerves, and the first and second divisions
with the acute onset of virtually any of the signs, symptoms or of the fifth cranial nerve. After passing through the cav-
syndromes described in the preceding chapters including, ernous sinus, the internal carotid artery then swings superi-
most especially, weakness (such as hemiparesis), sensory orly and emerges medial to the anterior clinoid process as
changes, aphasia, agnosia, neglect, or delirium. The evalua- the supraclinoid segment.
tion and care of stroke patients has undergone revolutionary After emerging from the cavernous sinus, the internal
advances in the recent past and, especially in acute cases, carotid artery gives off several branches, including the oph-
patients should generally be referred to stroke specialists. thalmic, posterior communicating, and anterior choroidal
arteries. The ophthalmic artery passes forward in relation
to the optic nerve and enters the orbit via the optic fora-
Clinical features men. The posterior communicating artery passes posteri-
orly, and forms part of the circle of Willis, described below.
Given that the clinical features of stroke are determined, in The anterior choroidal artery also passes posteriorly, giving
large part, by the vessel involved, this discussion will begin off important central branches, also described below. After
with a review of the arterial supply and venous drainage of giving off these three branches, the internal carotid artery
the brain. Once this is in mind, attention is then turned to then bifurcates into the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and
the most common cause of stroke, namely ischemic infarc- the middle cerebral artery (MCA).
tion, followed by discussions of less common causes such The anterior cerebral artery passes anteriorly and medi-
as intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage ally, crossing superior to the optic nerve, to reach the inter-
and, finally, of two rare causes, namely intraventricular hemispheric fissure. Before passing into the fissure, it is
hemorrhage and cerebral venous thrombosis. Finally, atten- joined to its partner on the opposite side by the anterior
tion is directed to various sequelae of stroke, such as demen- communicating artery. After passing into the interhemi-
tia and post-stroke depression. spheric fissure, the ACA, traveling inferior to the rostrum
and genu of the corpus callosum, gives off orbitofrontal
branches and a frontopolar artery. After rising over the
ARTERIAL SUPPLY AND VENOUS DRAINAGE OF THE BRAIN genu, the ACA then bifurcates into a callosomarginal
artery and a pericallosal artery, which extends along the
Arterial supply body of the corpus callosum all the way to the splenium.
In tracing the arterial supply to the brain (Tatu et al. 1996, Although this overall description of the ACA holds true in
1998), one may begin at the aortic arch, from which arises most cases, important normal variations may occur. In a
first the innominate artery, which, in turn, bifurcates into the few percent of cases, the ICA on one side does not give rise
right common carotid artery and the right subclavian artery. to an ACA, and in this situation the ACA on that side arises
Passing further along the aortic arch, the left common from the anterior communicating artery, such that both
carotid artery arises and, a little after that, the aortic arch ACAs draw their blood from one ICA. Another very
gives off the left subclavian artery. From both subclavian important variation is the fact that in over one-third of
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 276
individuals a given ACA will supply not only its own hemi- occipital artery. The temporo-occipital artery courses later-
sphere, but also will send various branches to the opposite ally to supply the inferior surface of the temporal lobe and
hemisphere. Finally, in perhaps 5 percent of individuals, adjacent occipital lobe, including the occipitotemporal gyrus
there may be only one ACA: this azygous, or unpaired, ACA and the lingual gyrus. The internal occipital artery bifurcates
then supplies the medial aspect of both hemispheres. into the parieto-occipital artery and the calcarine artery. The
The MCA passes laterally, inferior to the anterior perfo- parieto-occipital artery, in addition to supplying the medial
rated substance, to reach the lateral cerebral fissure, where it aspect of the occipital and parietal lobes, also supplies the
typically bifurcates into superior and inferior divisions. The splenium of the corpus callosum. The calcarine artery sup-
superior division gives rise to the orbitofrontal artery, pre- plies the medial aspect of the occipital lobe, including the
Rolandic artery, Rolandic artery, anterior parietal artery, critically important calcarine cortex. An important normal
posterior parietal artery and, in about one-half of variant of the posterior cerebral artery, seen in about 10 per-
individuals, the angular artery. The inferior division in turn cent of individuals, consists of a ‘fetal’ pattern of circulation
gives rise to the temporopolar artery, the anterior temporal wherein one of the PCAs, rather than arising from the basilar
artery, the middle temporal artery, the posterior temporal artery, originates from the internal carotid artery, as it were
artery, and, in the other one-half of normal individuals, the replacing the posterior communicating artery.
angular artery. In a small percentage of individuals, rather The anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries
than bifurcating, the MCA may undergo a trifurcation, or, supply most of the cerebral cortex. Subcortical structures,
in an even smaller percentage, may directly divide into the including the basal ganglia and the thalamus, are supplied
numerous branches just named. by various central branches, most, but not all, of which
Turning now to the vertebral arteries (which have arise from the circle of Willis. The first component of the
arisen from the subclavian arteries in the neck): these rise circle of Willis to consider is the posterior communicating
to the level of the sixth cervical vertebra where they enter artery, which, as noted earlier, arises from the ICA. The
the transverse foramina; subsequently, they rise through posterior communicating artery courses posteriorly to
the transverse foramina of the remaining cervical vertebrae anastamose with the PCA. Subsequent components of the
to eventually enter the cranium through the foramen mag- circle include the ipsilateral PCA, the contralateral PCA,
num. Once inside the cranium, they initially ascend on the contralateral posterior communicating artery, the con-
either side of the medulla, and eventually merge at the tralateral ACA, the anterior communicating artery, and the
junction of the medulla and pons to form the basilar ipsilateral ACA, which then brings us full circle. In addi-
artery. Before merging, however, in addition to giving off tion to some central branches, discussed immediately
numerous small penetrating branches to the medulla, they below, the circle of Willis also gives off multiple very small
also give rise to several large branches, namely the poste- penetrating branches that nourish, among other struc-
rior spinal artery, the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, tures, the hypothalamus and portions of the midbrain.
and the anterior spinal artery. The posterior spinal arteries The central branches to be considered now include the
move posteriorly and descend along the posterior aspect of following: the thalamopolar artery, the thalamo-perforating
the spinal cord. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery artery, the thalamogeniculate artery, the posterior
courses along the lateral aspect of the medulla and then choroidal artery, the recurrent artery of Heubner, the
reaches the inferior aspect of the cerebellum. The anterior lenticulostriate arteries, and the anterior choroidal artery.
spinal artery is formed by two branches, arising from both The thalamopolar artery arises from the posterior
vertebral arteries, which meet in the midline to form this communicating artery and supplies anterior and lateral
artery; the artery then descends along the anterior midline portions of the thalamus, including the dorsomedial
of the medulla to the cord below. nucleus, ventral lateral nucleus, and portions of the mam-
The basilar artery, arising from the junction of the two millothalamic tract. In a small minority of cases, both thala-
vertebral arteries, ascends along the ventral surface of the mopolar arteries may arise from a common pedicle arising
pons and onto the ventral surface of the midbrain where- from one or the other posterior communicating artery.
upon it bifurcates into the two posterior cerebral arteries. The thalamoperforating artery arises from the PCA
The basilar artery gives off numerous branches. The ante- medial to its junction with the posterior communicating
rior inferior cerebellar artery arises first and supplies the artery, and supplies the central portion of the thalamus,
inferior surface of the cerebellum. Penetrating branches including the intralaminar nuclei and portions of the mam-
are given off throughout the course of the basilar artery millothalamic tract. In a small minority of cases both thala-
and include paramedian, short circumferential, and long moperforating arteries may arise from a common pedicle.
circumferential arteries. Just before the basilar artery bifur- The thalamogeniculate artery arises from the posterior
cates into the posterior cerebral arteries (PCAs) it gives off cerebral artery lateral to the junction with the posterior
the superior cerebellar arteries, which nourish the superior communicating artery and supplies portions of the lateral
surface of the cerebellum. geniculate body and both the ventral posterolateral and
The PCA courses around the surface of the midbrain and ventral posteromedial nuclei of the thalamus.
passes superiorly medial to the tentorium, after which it The posterior choroidal artery arises from the PCA
bifurcates into a temporo-occipital artery and an internal lateral to the origin of the thalamogeniculate artery. The
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posterior choroidal artery bifurcates into a medial poste- The next dural sinus to consider is the cavernous sinus,
rior choroidal artery and a lateral posterior choroidal which lies lateral to the sella turcica and its enclosed pitu-
artery. The medial posterior choroidal artery courses itary gland. The cavernous sinus, in turn, drains posteri-
medially to gain the medial aspect of the thalamus, where it orly by two other sinuses, the superior petrosal and inferior
supplies the anterior thalamic nuclei and the choroid petrosal sinuses, which connect, respectively, with the
plexus of the third ventricle. The lateral posterior choroidal transverse sinus and the internal jugular vein.
artery courses laterally and enters the choroidal fissure of The superficial cerebral veins lie on the cortex and drain
the temporal lobe to supply portions of the choroid plexus into the various nearby dural sinuses. Importantly, these
of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle and portions of superficial cerebral veins are interconnected by various
the hippocampus. anastamotic veins that, by providing alternative outflows,
The recurrent artery of Heubner arises from the ACA minimize the consequences of a single occlusion. The deep
and gives off branches that, after arising through the ante- cerebral veins drain subcortical structures and the medial
rior perforated substance, supply the ventral portion of the aspects of the temporal lobes: the two most important
head of the caudate, the inferior portion of the anterior types of these veins are the internal cerebral veins and the
limb of the internal capsule, and the anterior portion of the basal vein of Rosenthal, which join to form the great vein
putamen. of Galen – as noted earlier this vein drains into the straight
The lenticulostriate arteries arise from the stem of the sinus.
MCA before it reaches the lateral cerebral fissure. These
arteries rise up through the anterior perforated substance, ISCHEMIC INFARCTION
after which they supply the superior portion of the poste-
rior limb of the internal capsule, the lateral portion of the Ischemic infarctions of the brain may be subdivided into
globus pallidus, and most of the putamen. the following groups: large vessel syndromes, occurring sec-
The anterior choroidal artery, as noted earlier, arises ondary to occlusion of one of the large pial vessels, such as
from the internal carotid artery. It courses posteriorly, lat- the MCA; low-flow (watershed) infarctions located in the
eral to the midbrain and then turns laterally to pierce the boundary zone between the areas of distribution of two
choroidal fissure of the temporal lobe and supply portions large vessels, for example the MCAs and ACAs; and lacunar
of the choroid plexus of the inferior horn of the lateral ven- syndromes resulting from occlusion of central or penetrat-
tricle and portions of the hippocampus. Before turning lat- ing arteries. Attention is then turned to transient ischemic
erally, however, the anterior choroidal artery also gives off attacks (TIAs), which occur due to temporary occlusion of
branches that supply the inferior portion of the posterior a vessel, and, finally, to so-called ‘silent’ infarctions.
limb of the internal capsule, the retrolenticular portion of
the posterior limb of the internal capsule and portions of Large vessel syndromes
the lateral geniculate body. A branch also supplies a por- In the following paragraphs, the typical syndromes seen
tion of the globus pallidus. with occlusion of the large cerebral vessels, namely the
middle, anterior, and posterior cerebral arteries, the ante-
Venous drainage rior choroidal artery, and the basilar and vertebral arteries,
Venous drainage of the brain is accomplished via the are discussed. It must be borne in mind, however, that
superficial and deep cerebral veins, which in turn drain more often than not only fragments of these syndromes are
into the dural venous sinuses. seen. This is particularly the case with embolic infarction,
Of the dural sinuses, the first to consider is the superior wherein, rather than occluding the large vessel at or close
sagittal sinus, which extends posteriorly along the superior to its origin, the embolus travels up the artery to lodge in a
edge of the falx cerebri to reach the sinus confluens. The smaller branch.
inferior sagittal sinus extends posteriorly along the free edge MCA infarction may be only partial, involving only the
of the falx cerebri to the edge of the tentorium cerebelli, superior division or the inferior division, or may be com-
where it joins with the great vein of Galen to form the plete, involving both divisions. Infarction in the area of dis-
straight sinus. The straight sinus, in turn, runs posteriorly tribution of the superior division typically produces a
in the junction of the falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli to contralateral hemiparesis and hemisensory loss, with prefer-
eventually join the terminus of the superior sagittal sinus at ential involvement of the face and upper extremity. When
the sinus confluens. The sinus confluens then gives rise to the right hemisphere is affected, left neglect and anosognosia
the transverse sinuses, each of which courses anteriorly (Hier et al. 1983) are commonly seen; other signs that may
along the outer edge of the tentorium cerebelli. In a major- appear include asomatagnosia, constructional and dressing
ity of cases, the straight sinus enters directly into the left apraxia, and aprosodia. With involvement of the left hemi-
transverse sinus, whereas the superior sagittal sinus drains sphere a motor aphasia typically occurs: in cases of left-sided
directly into the right transverse sinus. The transverse sinus, infarction where the angular artery arises from the superior
upon reaching the junction of the occipital and petrosal division, the additional involvement of Wernicke’s area will
bones, empties into the sigmoid sinus, which curves down- produce a global aphasia; other signs that may occur include
ward to drain into the internal jugular vein. ideomotor or ideational apraxia and Gerstmann’s syndrome.
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Infarction in the area of distribution of the inferior division Vertebral artery occlusion or occlusion of a posterior
generally causes a contralateral hemianopia or quadran- inferior cerebellar artery (or occlusion of one of the perfo-
topia. With right-sided infarction, a delirium, often accom- rating branches of either of these arteries) may give rise to
panied by agitation (Caplan et al. 1986) is common and the classic Wallenberg or ‘lateral medullary’ syndrome (Kim
prosopagnosia may also be seen. With left-sided infarction, 2003; Sacco et al. 1993). Infarction of the lateral medulla typ-
in cases where the angular artery arises from the inferior ically involves the following structures: inferior cerebellar
division, one typically sees a sensory aphasia; delirium may peduncle, spinothalamic tract, the spinal tract and nucleus
also occur but is less common than with right-sided infarc- of the fifth cranial nerve, the nucleus ambiguus, vestibular
tion. Complete infarction, involving both the upper and nuclei, and descending sympathetic fibers. Respectively, the
lower divisions, is often a catastrophic event (Heinsius et al. corresponding symptoms are: ipsilateral ataxia; contralat-
1998) and, in addition to a profound hemiplegia, such a eral hemianesthesia of the extremities; ipsilateral anesthesia
‘malignant MCA infarction’ may also be accompanied by of the face (which may be accompanied by pain); hoarseness
stupor and vasogenic edema developing over the following and dysphagia; nausea, vomiting, and vertigo; and an ipsilat-
2–5 days may cause uncal or tentorial herniation with coma eral Horner’s syndrome. Occlusion of one of the originating
and death (Hacke et al. 1996): in such cases, decompressive branches of the anterior spinal artery may produce the
hemicraniectomy may be life-saving. ‘medial medullary’ syndrome (Kim et al. 1995). Here,
ACA infarction, classically, produces a contralateral infarction of the pyramid and of the emerging fibers of the
hemiplegia and hemianesthesia preferentially affecting the twelfth cranial nerve give rise to an ipsilateral paresis of the
lower extremity (Critchley 1930); when the left hemisphere tongue and a contralateral hemiparesis.
is involved, a transcortical motor aphasia may also appear. Cerebellar artery occlusion, including the posterior
When the corpus callosum is infarcted, one may also see a inferior, anterior inferior, and superior cerebellar arteries,
‘disconnection syndrome’ with left-sided, but not right- may cause vertigo, nausea, nystagmus, or ipsilateral ataxia.
sided, agraphia, tactile agnosia or apraxia, and, rarely, the Large infarctions, with attendant vasogenic edema, may,
alien hand syndrome. In cases of bilateral infarction (e.g., as by compressing the underlying brainstem, cause stupor or
may occur with an azygous ACA), paraplegia may occur, as coma, and in such cases emergent neurosurgical interven-
may abulia, a frontal lobe syndrome, or akinetic mutism. tion may be required (Jensen et al. 2005).
PCA infarction typically causes a contralateral hemi-
anopia (Castaigne et al. 1973; Pessin et al. 1987). If the infarc- Low-flow (watershed) infarctions
tion is on the left, one may also see alexia with agraphia, Watershed infarctions typically present with more or less
visual agnosia, and, if the temporal lobe is involved, a delir- atypical fragments of some of the large vessel syndromes.
ium. Infarctions on the right side that also involve the tempo- Thus, ACA–MCA watershed infarcts involving the pre-
ral lobe may be accompanied by prosopagnosia, and, in some frontal cortex and subjacent white matter may present with
cases a delirium (Medina et al. 1974). Bilateral infarction is brachial or crural paresis, and, when the left hemisphere is
signaled by cortical blindness, which may or may not be involved one may see mutism, initially, which resolves into
accompanied by Anton’s syndrome, with denial of the blind- a transcortical motor aphasia. MCA–PCA watershed
ness. In cases of bilateral infarction when both temporal infarcts may present with hemianesthesia, hemianopia,
lobes are involved, patients may also be left with a and, if the left hemisphere is involved, a transcortical sen-
Korsakoff ’s syndrome. As described earlier, central branches sory aphasia. ACA–MCA infarcts involving the centrum
arise from the PCA (i.e., thalamoperforating, thalamogenic- semiovale present with a variable mixture of either of the
ulate, and posterior choroidal) and if these are also occluded, foregoing syndromes. ‘Internal’ watershed infarcts in the
the typical symptoms just described will be joined by the syn- border zone between the MCA and lenticulostriate arteries
dromes peculiar to occlusion of these central branches, as may present with hemiparesis with or without hemi-
described below, under ‘lacunar syndromes’. Furthermore, anesthesia (Kumral et al. 2004).
when some of the very small penetrating branches to the
mesencephalon are involved, there may be hemiparesis, ocu- Lacunar syndromes
lomotor disturbances, and abnormal movements. Lacunes are small cavities, ranging in size from 1 to 20 mm,
Anterior choroidal artery infarction is marked by con- which typically represent infarctions in the area of distribu-
tralateral hemiplegia and hemianopia (Helgason et al. 1986). tion of one of the central or perforating branches described
Importantly, however, there is no accompanying aphasia or earlier (Fisher 1965, 1982; Mohr 1982). Although the clini-
neglect, and generally no, or only transient, hemianesthesia, cal presentation of lacunar infarctions is quite varied,
and it is the absence of these symptoms that distinguishes depending on the location of the lacune (Arboix et al.
these infarctions from those that occur secondary to occlu- 2006), certain presentations are quite distinctive and highly
sion of the MCA. suggestive of lacunar infarction. These ‘classic’ lacunar syn-
Basilar artery occlusion is often a catastrophic event dromes include ‘pure motor stroke’, ‘ataxic hemiparesis’,
(Caplan 1979; von Campe et al. 2003). Involvement of the ‘dysarthria-clumsy hand’, and ‘pure sensory stroke’.
basis pontis produces a quadriparesis, and involvement of Pure motor stroke, as the name suggests, is characterized
the midbrain will add diplopia. by a hemiparesis in the absence of sensory changes or other
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 279
symptoms such as aphasia or neglect. Typically, the upper Caudate lacunes (Caplan et al. 1990; Mendez et al. 1989),
and lower extremities are more or less equally involved (with as may occur with occlusion of the recurrent artery of
or without involvement of the ipsilateral lower face) and this Heubner, are typically characterized by frontal lobe symp-
pattern helps distinguish hemiplegia due to lacunar infarc- toms, especially abulia, and, less commonly, by chorea. Early
tion from hemiplegia due to middle or anterior cerebral on there may also be a dysarthria or mild hemiparesis, both
artery infarction wherein either, respectively, the upper or transient, and agitation or restlessness, especially when the
lower extremity is preferentially involved. The responsible lacune is in the right caudate nucleus.
lacune in pure motor stroke may be found in the contralat- Finally, and before leaving this discussion of lacunar
eral corona radiata, internal capsule, cerebral peduncle, basis syndromes, mention should be made of a condition known
pontis, or medullary pyramid. In cases where the lacune is in either as a ‘giant lacune’ or a ‘striatocapsular infarction’
the brainstem, one may see contralateral cranial nerve (Weiller et al. 1990). Here, all, or almost all, of the lenticu-
palsies, helping to further localize it: a third nerve palsy sug- lostriate arteries on one side are occluded, resulting in a
gests a midbrain location; a sixth nerve palsy, a pontine loca- relatively large infarction involving the posterior limb of
tion; and a twelfth nerve palsy, a medullary one. the internal capsule and the putamen. These infarctions are
In cases when pure motor stroke is characterized by typically larger than 20 mm in diameter and thus, techni-
either a monoparesis (of either the upper or the lower cally, do not qualify as ‘lacunes’. Their discrete shape and
extremity) or an isolated facial paresis, the responsible subcortical location, however, tempt one to use the word
lacune may not only be due to infarction in the area of dis- ‘lacune’ in referring to them, and this linguistic tension has
tribution of the central or perforating arteries and located given rise to the compromise term ‘giant lacune’. Symptom-
in the areas just described, but may also occur secondary to atically, as might be expected, such a giant lacune generally
infarction due to occlusion of terminal branches of the presents with a contralateral hemiplegia that may be
MCA (or, less commonly, the ACA), producing small accompanied, if the lesion is on the left, by a transcortical
infarctions in the motor cortex (Maeder-Ingvar et al. 2005; motor aphasia or, if the lesion is on the right, by left neglect.
Paciaroni et al. 2005). The mechanism underlying such a ‘giant lacune’ varies
Ataxic hemiparesis manifests with a combination of according to the anatomy of the lenticulostriate arteries in
ataxia and hemiparesis and the lacune is typically found in question. As noted earlier, in most cases the lenticulostriate
the corona radiata, internal capsule, or basis pontis. arteries arise sequentially from along the stem of the mid-
Dysarthria clumsy hand presents not only with dle cerebral artery, and in these cases the responsible lesion
dysarthria and clumsiness of the hand but also with a lower is generally an embolus that lodges in the MCA stem prox-
facial paresis ipsilateral to the clumsy hand; the lacune is imal to the origin of the first of the lenticulostriate arteries.
typically found in the corona radiata, internal capsule (near In such a scenario, the lack of collateral supply to the area
the genu), or the rostral basis pontis (Arboix et al. 2004). nourished by the lenticulostriate arteries leads to infarc-
Pure sensory stroke is characterized by hemianesthesia tion, whereas the cerebral cortex, being supplied with rich
occurring in isolation, and in the absence of motor weak- collaterals, may escape infarction. In other cases, all the
ness or other symptomatology. In such cases, a lacune is lenticulostriate arteries arise from one common pedicle
typically found in the ventrolateral thalamus: occasionally, arising from the MCA stem, and in these cases the occlusion
when the lacune is surrounded by a substantial amount of of this one pedicle, either by lipohyalinosis or encroach-
edema, involvement of the adjacent posterior limb of the ment of an atherosclerotic plaque, may do the job.
internal capsule may cause a contralateral hemiplegia,
which, however, is usually relatively mild and clears as the
edema resolves. In the months following a pure sensory Transient ischemic attacks
stroke, a minority of patients may begin to experience A TIA represents the results of fully reversible neuronal
chronic painful dysesthesiae in the involved limbs. ischemia due to a transient reduction in blood supply.
Other, less ‘classic’ lacunar syndromes may occur with Clinically, patients may experience any of the symptoms of
infarction of other portions of the thalamus or with lacu- ischemic infarction just described, with one critical differ-
nar infarction of the caudate nucleus. ence: after a brief period of time, the symptoms resolve
Lacunes affecting the anterior or central portions of the completely, with a full restoration of prior functional abil-
thalamus (Bogousslavsky et al. 1988; Giannopoulos et al. ity. There has been some controversy regarding the dura-
2006; Graff-Radford et al. 1985), as may occur with occlu- tion of symptoms seen in a TIA. In the past, it was felt that
sion of the thalamopolar or thalamoperforating arteries, symptoms could persist for up to 24 hours; however, more
typically present acutely with delirium or somnolence. recent studies with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) MR
Over time, patients typically become alert but are left with scanning have revealed that in cases when symptoms last
memory deficits (reflecting involvement of the mammil- much longer than 30 minutes (Inanatomia et al. 2004), and
lothalamic tract) or a frontal lobe syndrome (with involve- certainly for an hour or more (Ay et al. 2005), that actual
ment of the dorsomedial nucleus); furthermore, when the infarction has generally occurred. Thus, it is probably best
lacune is on the left, aphasia may occur and, when on the to reserve this diagnosis for cases where symptoms last no
right, neglect may be seen. longer than a half hour, and in no case for more than an
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 280
hour, and, if MR scanning is performed, for cases in which In some cases, the hemorrhage will extend into one of
DWI is negative. the ventricles, generally producing a catastrophic worsen-
The transient reduction in blood flow may be due to ing clinically, with increased headache, decreased level
either an embolus that fragments and passes on in a few of consciousness, and stiff neck. Such ventricular extension
minutes, or to temporary low flow past a thrombus or is most common when the hemorrhage is close to a ventri-
through a stenosed artery, as may occur during an episode cle, as may be seen with a caudate hemorrhage secondary
of systemic hypotension. One very important kind of TIA, to rupture of the recurrent artery of Heubner or a thalamic
not mentioned earlier, is amaurosis fugax (‘fleeting blind- hemorrhage secondary to rupture of the thalamo-
ness’, also referred to as transient monocular blindness), perforating artery; putaminal hemorrhages, secondary to
wherein the patient experiences partial or complete blind- rupture of a lenticulostriate artery, may also extend into
ness for a matter of minutes in one eye: such episodes the nearby lateral ventricle.
are highly suggestive of a disease in the ipsilateral carotid In cases of cerebellar hemorrhage, the proximity of the
artery proximal to the origin of the ophthalmic artery. hemorrhage to the brainstem sets the stage for another
TIAs may herald either embolic or thrombotic infarc- mechanism of catastrophic worsening, namely compression
tions, including lacunar infarctions. Indeed, in one study of the underlying brainstem. When this occurs, coma and
(Rothwell et al. 2005), approximately 20 percent of TIA death may occur, and surgical decompression is mandatory.
patients went on to have a stroke: in 17 percent of those who
did develop stroke, the stroke occurred on the same day as SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE
the TIA, in 9 percent on the next day, and in 43 percent over
the following week. These are sobering figures and serve to Most cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage present in a cata-
stress that a TIA is not a benign event but rather constitutes strophic fashion (Suarez et al. 2006): the eruption of blood
a serious warning of impending stroke. Given this, it is at arterial pressure within the subarachnoid space causes a
appropriate, if one is not already done, to immediately insti- very rapid rise in intracranial pressure, with severe
tute a work up, as described below, just as if the patient had headache, nausea and vomiting, delirium, stupor, or coma.
already had an ischemic infarction, and then to pursue The headache may rise to its maximal intensity over sec-
appropriate treatment. onds, and is often described by patients as the worst in
their lives. Neck stiffness is common but may not appear
‘Silent’ infarctions immediately. In some cases when the arterial eruption is
directed toward the parenchyma, a jet of blood may pierce
It is important to note that ischemic infarctions may be into the brain, causing an intracerebral hemorrhage.
‘silent’, that is to say they either, in and of themselves, pro- In 20–40 percent of cases, this full picture may be pre-
duce no symptoms or produce symptoms of such mildness ceded by transient ‘sentinel’ headaches occurring second-
that no attention is brought to them. This may be a com- ary to minor ‘warning leaks’ that terminate spontaneously
mon occurrence; indeed in patients who have a clinical his- (Ostergaard 1990).
tory of stroke, MR scanning with DWI reveals subsequent Seizures may complicate the clinical picture within the
silent infarctions in approximately one-third of all cases first 24 hours, and are seen in up to one-fifth of all patients.
within the first 5 days, with approximately one-fifth of all Patients who survive the initial event are at risk for sig-
cases going on to have silent infarcts in the 30- to 90-day nificant complications (Hijdra 1988) over the following
period (Kang et al. 2006). weeks, including rebleeding, vasospasm with cerebral
Despite being individually ‘silent’, these infarctions infarction, and the development of hydrocephalus.
should not be considered as benign, given that, with an Rebleeding may occur in up to 20 percent of patients and,
accumulation of them, a multi-infarct or a lacunar demen- although it is most common within the first 24 hours, the
tia (as discussed in Sections 10.1 and 10.2, respectively) risk extends for two or more weeks. Vasospasm of cerebral
may eventually develop. arteries passing through the subarachnoid blood may
occur, leading to clinically evident ischemic infarction in
INTRACEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE approximately one-third of all patients (Hijdra et al. 1986):
serial MR scans have demonstrated that approximately a
Clinically, intracerebral hemorrhage is typified by the further fifth of patients will have ‘silent’ ischemic infarcts
gradual evolution, over from 30 minutes to many hours, of (Shimoda et al. 2001). The risk for vasospasm appears
headache, nausea, and vomiting, and a focal deficit appro- within the first few days, peaks at 5–10 days and then sub-
priate to the location of the enlarging hemorrhage; with sides by 2 weeks. Acute hydrocephalus, with headache and
large putaminal or thalamic hemorrhages, stupor may also lethargy, may be seen in up to 20 percent of patients within
occur. In a significant minority seizures may also occur the first hours or days, and occurs secondary to blockage,
during the initial presentation (Caplan 1988). Such hem- by clotted blood, of the exit foramina of the fourth ventri-
orrhages are readily visualized on CT scanning and their cle. Chronic hydrocephalus, secondary to restricted passage
location gives a strong clue to the underlying mechanism of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through the arachnoid villi,
of the bleed. may occur in the weeks or months following the initial
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antidepressants can prevent the appearance of depression. venous thrombosis, and each of these is discussed in turn.
In this regard, both nortriptyline and fluoxetine were found Certain rare or unusual other causes of stroke, such as cere-
effective; notably, however, when these medicines were dis- bral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical
continued after approximately 2 years of continuous treat- infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), are then
ment, whereas the fluoxetine-treated patients did well, the discussed, followed by a suggested work up for the new
nortriptyline-treated patients were more likely to subse- stroke patient.
quently develop a depression (Narushima et a. 2002).
Sertraline has also been studied, with one study (Rasmussen ISCHEMIC INFARCTION
et al. 2003) demonstrating prophylactic efficacy and another
not (Almeida et al. 2006). Ischemic infarction occurs when arterial blood supply is
reduced below that required for tissue viability and such
Anxiety reductions may occur via a variety of mechanisms. First,
Chronic anxiety is seen in a small minority of stroke embolic infarctions occur when an embolus, say from the
patients and appears to be more common with right hemi- heart, lodges in an artery, thus occluding it. Second, throm-
sphere infarctions. botic infarctions occur when a thrombus forms inside an
In most cases of anxiety seen after stroke, the anxiety, artery, typically on top of an ulcerated atherosclerotic
rather than occurring in an isolated fashion, rather is part plaque, causing occlusion. These two mechanisms account
of a post-stroke depression and in such cases an additional for most large vessel syndromes, and may also underlie cer-
diagnosis should not be made. Other differential possibili- tain of the lacunar syndromes. Third, low-flow (watershed)
ties include alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal, and infarctions occur secondary, not to occlusion, but to a crit-
general medical conditions such as chronic obstructive ical reduction in perfusion pressure. Fourth, and finally,
pulmonary disease or hypocalcemia. small penetrating arteries may be subject to lipohyalinosis,
Benzodiazepines are often prescribed: caution should leading to their gradual occlusion and producing a lacunar
be exercised here, however, as post-stroke patients may be syndrome.
more likely to develop cognitive deficits or lethargy sec-
ondary to these medications. Embolic infarctions
Emboli may be either cardiogenic (Caplan et al. 1983),
Other sequelae arising from the heart, or ‘artery-to-artery’ wherein they
Emotional incontinence, discussed further in Section 4.7, is arise from a thrombus on an arterial wall and travel down-
characterized by displays of uncontrollable laughter or cry- stream to eventually plug a smaller caliber artery. The most
ing without any corresponding emotion and occurs second- common cause of cardiogenic embolic infarction is atrial
ary to bilateral interruption of the corticobulbar tracts. fibrillation, wherein thrombi form within either the left
Nortriptyline (Robinson et al. 1993) and citalopram in doses atrium or atrial appendage. Emboli are also seen in the sick
of 10–20 mg/day (Andersen et al. 1993) are both effective. sinus syndrome; however, here the increased risk is proba-
A catastrophic reaction, as discussed further in Section bly due to the associated atrial fibrillation. Atrial myxomas,
4.24, may be seen in close to 20 percent of patients and although rare, are very prone to fragment and undergo
appears to be particularly common with infarction of the embolization. Valvular disease is also associated with
anterior left hemisphere or the left basal ganglia. emboli. In the case of mitral stenosis, this increased
The frontal lobe syndrome, discussed in Section 7.2, risk may be related simply to the commonly associated
may be seen with infarction or hemorrhage of the frontal atrial fibrillation; however, in both infective endocarditis
lobes, caudate nucleus, or thalamus. Patients may present (Anderson et al. 2003) and Libman–Sacks endocarditis, actual
with varying combinations of disinhibition, perseveration, embolization from the affected valves does occur. Prosthetic
and affective changes. valves may be complicated by thrombus formation with
Mania is a rare sequela to stroke and, as discussed in embolization, and this is much more likely with mechani-
Section 6.3, may be seen after infarction of the midbrain, cal than with bioprosthetic valves. Myocardial infarction is
thalamus, anterior limb of the internal capsule, and adjacent associated with thrombus formation and embolization,
head of the caudate nucleus, or the frontal or temporal lobes. both acutely and in the chronic phase. Acutely, thrombi
Psychosis, likewise, is a rare sequela, and, as discussed in may form on the damaged endocardium, and the period of
Section 7.1, may occur with infarction of the frontal or risk here extends up through the first month or so post
temporal cortex, or the thalamus. myocardial infarction. Chronically, thrombi may form in
cases characterized by ventricular aneurysm or large areas
of reduced cardiac contractility. Another cardiac condition
Etiology favoring thrombus formation is dilated cardiomyopathy.
In all the foregoing cardiac conditions, emboli arise from
The etiology of stroke varies according to whether it is due the left side of the heart: there is another condition, known
to ischemic infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage, subarach- as ‘paradoxical embolization’ wherein emboli travel first
noid hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, or cerebral through the right heart. In these cases, one most commonly
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finds a patent foramen ovale; other defects allowing for clinical change during hemorrhagic transformation: it is
such paradoxical embolization include atrial septal defect, clinically ‘silent’.
ventricular septal defect, and pulmonary arteriovenous
fistulae. Thrombotic infarctions
Artery-to-artery emboli typically have their origin in a Atherosclerotic occlusion of an artery, after embolus, is the
thrombus atop an atherosclerotic plaque. Typical scenarios next most common cause of cerebral infarction.
include emboli arising from the origin of the ICA and trav- Atherosclerosis is most likely to occur at areas of turbulent
eling downstream to occlude a branch of the MCA, or aris- blood flow (Moosey 1966). In the anterior circulation, this
ing from the basilar artery, then traveling downstream to includes the origin of the common carotid artery, its bifur-
eventually occlude a branch of the PCA. cation into the internal and external carotid arteries, the
Emboli may also occur in association with cardiac sur- intracavernous portion of the internal carotid artery, and
gery, especially valve replacement and coronary bypass the proximal portions of the middle cerebral and anterior
grafting. Such cases are often associated with significant cerebral arteries. In the posterior circulation, the likely
arteriosclerosis of the aorta, and when the aorta is clamped areas include the origins of the subclavian arteries, the ori-
and unclamped, showers of embolic material may be dis- gin of the vertebral arteries, the proximal portion of the
lodged. Mere cardiac catheterization may also cause embolic intracranial vertebral artery, the distal portion of the
infarction, either secondary to dislodgment of a portion of intracranial vertebral artery, the basilar artery, and the prox-
an aortic plaque or secondary to thrombus formation on the imal portion of the PCA. The formation and enlargement of
tip of the catheter (Khatri and Kasner 2006). the atherosclerotic plaques is a slow process, extending over
Carotid artery dissection, although occurring across the from months to years, and as this gradual encroachment of
lifespan, should be especially considered in any patient the arterial lumen occurs, collateral circulation forms to
under the age of 45 years who has had an embolic infarc- supply the downstream cerebral tissues that are being grad-
tion (Ahl et al. 2004). With dissection of the carotid artery ually deprived of their blood supply. The development of
and rupture of the intima, a thrombus forms, which may such collateral circulation explains why atherosclerotic
serve as a source for emboli (Fisher et al. 1978). Suggestive occlusion of an artery may, even if complete, cause no
clinical evidence includes headache, neck pain, and, due to symptoms at all. When, however, a thrombus forms on top
compression of ascending sympathetic fibers, Horner’s of a cracked or ulcerated atherosclerotic plaque, the stage is
syndrome, all occurring ipsilaterally to the infarction (Lee set for infarction. One mechanism, as noted above, is
et al. 2006). embolization of a portion of the thrombus downstream to
Regardless of the source of the embolus, whether it is car- plug a smaller caliber artery. Another mechanism involves
diac or from an upstream artery, the sequence of events in occlusion of the artery by the developing thrombus itself.
embolic infarction is essentially the same. In all cases, the Such thrombotic occlusion generally occurs over hours or
embolus is borne downstream, through arteries of progres- a day or more, and thus most strokes due to thrombotic
sively smaller caliber, until finally it lodges in an artery, caus- occlusion, as compared with embolic infarctions, have a
ing its occlusion. Clinically, such plugging of an artery gives relatively leisurely onset. An exception to this rule is when
rise to a rapid onset of symptoms, over from seconds to hemorrhage occurs inside an atherosclerotic plaque: here,
minutes. In some cases, the embolic plug remains in place; enlargement of the plaque into the lumen may occur rap-
however, in many cases the embolic thrombus fragments, idly, with occlusion occurring within minutes.
dislodges, and passes further downstream, either to plug yet In cases of thrombotic infarction when traditional risk fac-
a smaller artery or, if the fragments are sufficiently small, to tors, such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mel-
pass through the capillary bed into the venous circulation. In litus are absent, or when the patient is under 45 years old, it is
cases when such dislodgement occurs early, before tissue appropriate to look for other causes of thrombus formation.
infarction occurs, one may see clinical improvement, which These include deficiencies of the naturally occurring anti-
in some cases is dramatic: the so-called ‘spectacular shrink- thrombotic agents protein S, protein C, and anti-thrombin
ing deficit’ (Minematsu et al. 1992), wherein the clinical III, and mutations in factor V Leiden (Bertina et al. 1994;
symptomatology undergoes a dramatic improvement as the Nedeltchev et al. 2005). The anti-phospholipid syndrome
embolus dislodges and travels downstream. However, in should also be tested for. This syndrome (Bailey et al. 1989),
cases when infarction has already occurred, the passage of when fully developed, is characterized by a history of throm-
the embolus downstream, rather than leading to clinical bophlebitis, miscarriage, stroke and heart attack, and by the
improvement, is followed by ‘hemorrhagic transformation’ presence of Libman–Sacks endocarditis, thrombocytopenia,
of the infarct (Okada et al. 1989). Here, with the renewed and a false-positive VDRL test: laboratory testing reveals ele-
presence of blood flow in the infarcted area at arterial pres- vations of anti-cardiolipin antibodies (both IgG and IgM) and
sure, multiple petechial hemorrhages form within the area lupus anticoagulant. Consideration should also be given to
of infarction. Such hemorrhagic transformation occurs in carotid artery dissection. As noted above, such dissection may
about one-third of cases, and although it generally takes be followed by thrombus formation with embolization but, in
places within the first 2 days, transformation may occur for some cases, rather than embolization, the thrombus may pro-
up to 10 days post-stroke. Importantly, there is usually little ceed to occlude the carotid artery itself.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 284
Lipohyalinosis is generally considered to occur secondary
to hypertension and affects the central branches, described Hemorrhage into a ventricle may, as noted earlier, occur
above, and the penetrating branches arising from the secondary to extension of an intracerebral hemorrhage.
vertebral and basilar arteries. With occlusion of one of these ‘Primary’ intraventricular hemorrhage may also occur: this
small arteries, a correspondingly small infarction, known as is rare, and generally due to bleeding from a vascular mal-
a ‘lacune’ typically occurs. Occlusion of central and pene- formation adjacent to the ventricle.
trating arteries, while most commonly due to lipo-
hyalinosis, may also occur secondary to atherosclerosis CEREBRAL VENOUS THROMBOSIS
(Caplan 1989) and, rarely, to embolic occlusion.
Atherosclerosis, as noted earlier, often involves the basilar Cerebral venous thrombosis, as noted earlier, generally is
artery, and in such a case an atherosclerotic plaque may, as seen as a complication of thrombosis of one of the dural
it gradually enlarges, slowly lap over the ostium of the pen- sinuses. Such thrombosis, in turn, may be due to a number
etrating artery, thus occluding this innocent bystander. A of causes (Gosk-Bierska et al. 2006), such as Behçet’s syn-
similar sequence of events may occur in the stem of the drome, the anti-phospholipid syndrome, deficiencies of
MCA, leading to occlusion of one or all of the lenticulostri- anti-thrombin III or of proteins S or C, systemic lupus ery-
ate arteries. Embolic occlusion of a small central or pene- thematosus, the puerperium, paroxysmal nocturnal hemo-
trating artery is unusual given that most emboli are borne globinuria, in association with certain malignancies, during
along in the mainstream of the large parent artery and sim- treatment with oral contraceptives, and in association with
ply do not make the midstream turn required to enter cen- certain infections: otitis or mastoiditis may lead to throm-
tral or penetrating arteries, which generally arise at a more bosis of the transverse sinus, and facial or sinus infection to
or less right angle to their parent artery. thrombosis of the cavernous sinus.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 285
OTHER CAUSES OF STROKE severe headache. Embolic infarctions are generally of acute
onset, with the maximal clinical deficit being reached rapidly,
Other rare or relatively uncommon causes of stroke over minutes; by contrast thrombotic infarctions are typi-
include CADASIL, moyamoya disease, vasculitidies (e.g., cally of gradual or ‘stuttering’ onset, over hours or longer.
cranial arteritis and systemic lupus erythematosus), com- Strokes due to intracerebral hemorrhage are relatively grad-
plicated migraine, and subclavian steal. CADASIL is sug- ual in onset and are generally accompanied by significant
gested by a history of migraine and by the presence of headache. Strokes due to subarachnoid hemorrhage are of
leukaraiosis in the external capsule and temporal lobe. very acute onset, sometimes over seconds, and are typified by
Moyamoya disease (Chiu et al. 1998; Mineharu et al. 2006) very severe headache; intraventricular hemorrhage shares
is characterized by stenosis of the terminal portions of both these characteristics. Stroke due to cerebral venous thrombo-
internal carotid arteries with development of a large num- sis is generally of leisurely onset, over days or longer, and is
ber of collateral vessels from the circle of Willis: the name generally accompanied by a more or less severe headache.
of this disorder is Japanese for ‘puff of smoke’, which is the Although these clinical features are helpful, exceptions
appearance generated by these numerous collaterals as are not uncommon to these guidelines, and hence imaging
seen on arteriography. Clinically, patients present with is indispensible. Although MR scanning with DWI is far
both subcortical infarctions and subcortical hemorrhages. more sensitive than CT scanning (Chalela et al. 2007;
Moyamoya disease may be either primary or secondary to Lansberg et al. 2000), CT scanning is generally utilized
such conditions as Down’s syndrome, von Recklinghausen’s first, not only because of its speed and ready availability but
disease, or irradiation. Cranial arteritis is suggested by con- also because it is at least as sensitive as is MRI for the detec-
current headache and an elevated erythrocyte sedimenta- tion of the blood characteristic of hemorrhage transforma-
tion rate (ESR), and systemic lupus erythematosus by tion of an ischemic infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage,
associated symptoms such as arthralgia and rash. Other vas- subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage,
culitidies to consider include Sjögren’s syndrome, suggested or cerebral venous thrombosis.
by dryness of the eyes and mouth, and Sneddon’s syndrome, In ischemic infarction, the CT scan is generally normal
heralded by livedo reticularis. Complicated migraine is sug- early on. By 1 hour, some indistinctness of the gray-white
gested by the appearance of stroke in the setting of a migraine boundary may occur, and in patients with occlusion of the
headache. The subclavian steal syndrome (Hennerici et al. MCA a ‘hyperdense MCA sign’ may be seen in about one-
1988) occurs secondary to stenosis of the subclavian artery half of cases. Beginning 6 hours after onset, an increasing
proximal to the origin of the vertebral artery on either the proportion of cases will demonstrate radiolucency in the
left, or, less commonly, the right side. With flow through area of the infarction, and up to 50 percent of cases will
the subclavian artery reduced, any exercise of the ipsilateral demonstrate this by 12 hours. If hemorrhagic transforma-
arm, with its concomitant increased blood demand, will tion occurs one may see either stippled areas of radiodensity
‘steal’ blood from the vertebral artery and thus reduce flow in the area of infarction, representing petechial hemor-
to the brainstem. Symptoms include ‘claudication’ of the rhages, or, if the infarction is large, an actual hematoma.
ipsilateral arm with exercise-induced aching, and symp- If MR scanning is performed, at a minimum T2, fluid-
toms suggestive of brainstem TIA, such as vertigo, ataxia, attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and DWI sequences
or diplopia: actual brainstem infarction is rare. The clue to with apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) mapping should
the diagnosis is found by taking the radial pulse on both be obtained. Diffusion-weighted imaging may indicate an
arms simultaneously: on the affected side the pulse will be area of ischemic infarction within minutes of the event
delayed and reduced. (Hjort et al. 2005) and tends to remain positive for 7–14
days; T2 and FLAIR images gradually become positive and
SUGGESTED WORK UP then remain so chronically. If cerebral venous thrombosis is
suspected, MR venography should be ordered.
In the initial evaluation of a patient with acute stroke, one Many hospitals also offer either perfusion CT or perfu-
of the primary goals is to determine the cause of the stroke sion MRI, and these procedures may be very useful in cases
and to do this rapidly. Most strokes are secondary to of ischemic infarction. In such cases, the ischemic tissue
ischemic infarction: ischemic infarction in the area of dis- may be divided into an ischemic ‘core’, which is destined to
tribution of one of the large pial vessels (either embolic, or, undergo necrosis no matter what treatment is offered, and
less commonly, thrombotic in nature) is most common, an ischemic ‘penumbra’, consisting of ‘stunned’ tissue,
followed by lacunar infarctions and watershed infarctions. which, although not functional, is capable of recovery.
Intracerebral hemorrhage is the next most common cause Identifying such a penumbra is of great import, for it invites
of stroke, followed by subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraven- therapies designed to restore circulation and thus salvage
tricular hemorrhage, and cerebral venous thrombosis. the stunned tissue, and such an identification is enabled by
Both the mode of onset and the presence or absence of the use of either perfusion CT or perfusion MRI (Schramm
severe headache help to differentiate the various causes of et al. 2004; Wintermark et al. 2002a,b). In this regard, per-
stroke. Strokes due to ischemic infarction may be either acute fusion CT may have an advantage as it takes only about 15
or gradual in onset but are generally not accompanied by minutes and can be performed in the emergency room.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 286
Once imaging has been accomplished, and a decision Patients with spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage
has been made as to whether treatment with tissue plas- require arteriography to demonstrate the source of the
minogen activator (discussed below) should be offered, arterial bleeding.
further laboratory evaluation is undertaken to determine
the mechanism of the stroke.
In cases of ischemic infarction, the following tests should Differential diagnosis
be considered: Holter monitoring, echocardiography,
duplex doppler studies of the carotid arteries, and either Ischemic infarction may be mimicked by multiple sclerosis
MR angiography or CT angiography. Holter monitoring or a Bell’s palsy. Multiple sclerosis is distinguished by
is required to detect intermittent atrial fibrillation. imaging and CSF findings. Bell’s palsy may suggest a ‘pure
Echocardiography may be either trans-thoracic (TTE) or motor’ lacunar syndrome but only until recognition that
trans-esophageal (TEE): although TEE is invasive, it is the forehead is involved declares the lesion to be in the
superior to TTE for imaging the left atrium, left atrial facial nerve.
appendage, any atrial septal defects, and the aortic arch Intracerebral hemorrhage may be mimicked by compli-
(Daniel and Mugge 1995; Sen et al. 2004). Duplex doppler cated migraine; however, in complicated migraine the
studies identify plaques and stenotic lesions of the carotid headache is usually delayed for from 30 to 60 minutes after
arteries; MRA, and CTA, are likewise useful in this regard the onset of focal signs, whereas in intracerebral hemor-
and also allow imaging of the larger intracranial vessels. If rhage, the headache evolves more or less simultaneously
an embolic source is present, it is usually demonstrated by with focal signs. Epidural or acute subdural hematomas may
one or more of these tests. There are, however, exceptions. likewise mimic an intracerebral hemorrhage, and in the
In some cases, the entire emboligenic lesion, for example a absence of a history of trauma the diagnosis may depend on
small atrial thrombus, may undergo embolization, leaving imaging. Hypertensive encephalopathy may closely mimic
nothing behind to detect. Hence, some clinical judgment is intracerebral hemorrhage, with headache, nausea and vom-
required in interpreting these tests. For example, as noted iting, and seizures. Finding a grossly elevated blood pressure
earlier, a stroke which is ‘maximal’ at the onset is likely may or may not be helpful here, as this may be common to
embolic in nature. Furthermore, ischemic infarction in both conditions. Delirium and visual loss favor hypertensive
one of the distal branches of the cerebral arteries is also encephalopathy; however, here the diagnosis often depends
likely embolic: thrombotic infarctions usually occur at on imaging: although there may be petechial hemorrhages
areas of atherosclerotic plaque formation, which, as noted in hypertensive encephalopathy, one does not see the large,
earlier, are generally in the more proximal portions of the well-circumscribed collection of blood characteristic of
arterial tree; by contrast, smaller emboli may readily pass intracerebral hemorrhage.
distally to occlude an artery further downstream. Finally, if Subarachnoid and primary intraventricular hemor-
there is more than one acute infarction, and these infarc- rhage, with the associated hyperacute onset of ‘worst-ever’
tions are in different arterial territories then an embolic headache, are rarely imitated by any other disorder. Both
mechanism is a more likely explanation (Baird et al. 2000): meningitis and severe migraine might be considered, but
multiple emboli, say, from a cardiac source, may course up imaging will quickly resolve the issue.
different arteries, whereas it is unlikely that multiple differ- Cerebral venous thrombosis may be mimicked by suba-
ent stenotic arteries would simultaneously give off emboli. cute subdural hematoma, a brain tumor (e.g., glioblastoma
In thrombotic infarction, the underlying etiology is usually multiforme) or a cerebral abscess, with, again, imaging
atherosclerosis, and one typically finds evidence of hyper- resolving the question.
lipidemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, or smoking. When TIAs may be mimicked, with varying degrees of faith-
these are absent, or the patient is under 45 years old, other fulness, by partial seizures, ‘transient tumor attacks’, mul-
causes must be considered, as discussed earlier, and consider- tiple sclerosis, transient global amnesia, and either hyper-
ation should be given to the following tests: protein S, or hypoglycemia. Inhibitory motor simple partial seizures
protein C, anti-thrombin III, factor V Leiden, anti-cardiolipin are suggested by their exquisitely paroxysmal onset, over
antibodies (IgG and IgM), and lupus anticoagulant. The anti- seconds, and by their association with other seizure types.
phospholipid syndrome may occur on an idiopathic basis or A post-ictal Todd’s paralysis may also enter the differential
be secondary to systemic lupus erythematosus and, conse- but this is immediately suggested by the history of the pre-
quently, in the presence of anti-cardiolipin antibodies or ceding seizure. ‘Transient tumor attacks’ occur in associa-
lupus anticoagulant, an ANA test should also be ordered. tion with cerebral tumors, which are immediately apparent
In patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, re-imaging on imaging. Multiple sclerosis is suggested by the early
with MRI (including a T2* sequence to detect evidence of adult onset, and may be confirmed by imaging and CSF
old petechial hemorrhages in cases of suspected cerebral analysis. Transient global amnesia (TGA) is, relative to a
amyloid angiopathy) should be undertaken after a few TIA, long-lasting; furthermore, there is no heminanopia or
weeks have passed, by which time enough blood will have blindness in TGA, findings that would be expected in a TIA
been resorbed to allow the detection of most of the possi- occurring secondary to ischemia in the area of distribution
ble underlying causes. of the PCAs. Finally, hyperglycemia (as may be seen in
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 287
hyperosmolar non-ketotic hyperglycemia) and hypo- In cases of embolic infarction when systemic t-PA fails,
glycemia may both present with focal signs, which resolve consideration may be given to local, intra-arterial throm-
promptly with restoration of euglycemia. bolysis or to mechanical embolectomy (Gobin et al. 2004).
Patients should also be given aspirin in a dose of 325 mg
for the first 2 weeks, as this reduces the risk of recurrent
Treatment stroke within that timeframe (Chen et al. 2000): if t-PA is
not given, aspirin should be given immediately; in cases
This section will focus first on certain aspects of the acute where t-PA is utilized, aspirin may be started after
treatment of ischemic infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage, 24 hours.
subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, and Some authors advocate the use of heparin in cases of
cerebral venous thrombosis, followed by certain recom- thrombotic infarction, in the hope of preventing propaga-
mended routine measures appropriate in most cases of tion of the offending thrombus. As yet, however, there is
stroke. It should be emphasized that the acute treatment no convincing evidence for the effectiveness of heparin and
of stroke typically requires admission to a specialized the risks attendant on its use argue against this practice.
unit. Most patients with ischemic infarction will also have
hypertension, and it cannot be stressed enough that rigid
ACUTE TREATMENT control of blood pressure is not indicated in the acute
phase of stroke treatment (Caplan 1976). The risks of neu-
Ischemic infarction ronal ischemia secondary to systemic hypotension are sim-
The acute treatment of patients with ischemic infarction ply too great; indeed, in cases of watershed infarction, a
may involve the use of tissue-type plasminogen activator case may be made for allowing the pressure to run a little
(t-PA). Normally, plasminogen is converted by endoge- high. Recent work has also indicated that in acute patients,
nous tissue plasminogen activator to plasmin, which in lying flat in bed, as compared to sitting up, not only
turn is a fibrinolytic enzyme. The administration of t-PA, improves flow within the MCA territory, but may also be
by increasing fibrinolysis, may dissolve a clot (whether part followed, in some cases, by prompt clinical improvement
of an embolus or occurring on an atherosclerotic plaque in (Wojner-Alexandrov et al. 2005).
a large vessel), thus restoring flow to cerebral tissue, which, Obstructive sleep apnea is a common condition, and
although ‘stunned’ by ischemia, has not as yet undergone recent work indicates that obstructive apneas are associ-
necrosis. Acute ischemic infarctions, as noted earlier, con- ated with early clinical worsening (Iranzo et al. 2002).
sist of a ‘core’ of tissue that has been irreversibly damaged Given this, it appears appropriate to ensure, if possible,
and a surrounding ‘ischemic penumbra’ of tissue, which, that all patients with obstructive sleep apnea receive appro-
although ‘stunned’ and not functioning, may still survive if priate treatment.
blood flow is promptly restored. The window of opportu- Once acute treatment is accomplished, preventive treat-
nity for restoration of blood flow is narrow, measured in ment should be instituted: in addition to control of risk
hours, and thus decisions must be made rapidly. Current factors such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyper-
guidelines set the outside limit for treatment with t-PA at 3 lipidemia, and smoking cessation, consideration may be
hours post onset; however, this may not be appropriate in given to secondary stroke prevention with either warfarin
all cases: as noted earlier, both perfusion CT and perfusion or antiplatelet agents. Warfarin is indicated in cases of
MRI studies allow for a demonstration of the ischemic embolic infarction secondary to atrial fibrillation, atrial or
penumbra, and this may persist well past 3 hours (Albers ventricular thrombi, cardiomyopathy, and mechanical
et al. 2006; Parsons et al. 2002). prosthetic valves. In other cases, or when warfarin is con-
Even in cases of ischemic infarction when an ischemic traindicated, antiplatelet agents are indicated. A time-release
penumbra is present not all patients should receive t-PA, combination of aspirin and dipyridamole (Aggrenox) is
given the risk of causing an intracerebral hemorrhage. superior to aspirin alone (Halkes et al. 2006; Sacco et al.
Contraindications to t-PA include: stroke, head trauma, or 2005), and clopidogrel (Plavix) is equal in efficacy to aspirin:
myocardial infarction within 3 months; major surgery the combination of clopidogrel and aspirin should proba-
within 2 weeks; a history of gastrointestinal or genitouri- bly not be used, as it carries an increased risk of hemor-
nary bleeding within 3 weeks; a history of intracerebral rhage. If aspirin is used alone, the best dose, whether 81 mg
hemorrhage at any time; thrombocytopenia (with a platelet or 325 mg is uncertain; whichever dose is used, an enteric-
count below 100 000), anticoagulation (with an INR >1.7), coated preparation should be utilized. In patients on
or use of heparin within 48 hours (and a prolonged aPTT); aspirin, it is important to avoid treatment with ibuprofen,
grossly elevated blood pressure (systolic over 180 mmHg or which inhibits aspirin’s antiplatelet effect (Catella-Lawson
diastolic over 110 mmHg); and, finally, evidence of a large et al. 2001).
infarct: large infarcts, for example infarcts encompassing In cases when carotid artery stenosis is present at greater
the entire area of distribution of the MCA, are more likely that 70 percent, consideration may be given to carotid
to undergo hemorrhagic transformation and thus treat- endarterectomy (Barnett et al. 1998; Chaturvedi et al.
ment may do more harm than good. 2005) or carotid stenting (Yadav et al. 2004).
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 288
intoxication is a very common factor, being found in from monitoring is often indicated, and treatment with intra-
one-third to one-half of all cases (Corrigan 1995). Although venous sedation, mannitol, and other agents may be
multiple forms of brain injury may occur, this syndrome required to reduce pressure. Intubation is often required,
refers primarily to cases occurring with sudden ‘accelera- and pneumonia is a frequent occurrence.
tion–deceleration’, as during a motor vehicle accident or a Treatment of delirium, in all cases, involves simple envi-
fall or blow to the head; trauma due to gunshot wounds and ronmental measures designed to reduce confusion. These
crush injuries are not considered here. This chapter will dis- include, whenever possible, having the patient in a quiet
cuss the clinical features and treatment of the various room, with a window. Large calendars and digital clocks
aspects of traumatic brain injury, the etiology of these clin- should be in full view, and the nurse’s call button should be
ical features, and the differential diagnosis between trau- readily available. Sleep is essential and consequently the
matic brain injury and concussion. room should be darkened and very quiet at night, and all
non-emergency procedures (e.g., vital signs, weights, baths,
laboratory testing) should be forbidden during the sleeping
Clinical features and treatments hours. Restraints may occasionally be required and can be
life-saving. For patients prone to get out of bed unsuper-
In considering the clinical features (and their treatments) vised, keeping the bedrails up may be sufficient; if not, or if
of traumatic brain injury, it is convenient to divide them these are impractical, utilizing a ‘low-boy’ bed, surrounded
into two groups, namely an acute phase and a chronic phase. by mats, may help prevent injury. In some cases, round-
The acute phase, from a neuropsychiatric point of view, is the-clock sitters may be required.
often dominated by a delirium; as the confusion clears, In cases where these environmental measures are ineffec-
patients gradually enter into the chronic phase, which in tive, pharmacologic treatment may be considered with either
turn may be characterized by numerous sequelae, includ- an antipsychotic or, in certain emergent cases, lorazepam.
ing cognitive deficits that may, at times, be severe enough Antipsychotics are indicated for treatment of hallucinations
to constitute a dementia. or delusions, and are also effective for agitation. A second-
generation agent, such as risperidone, is often used, and, in
ACUTE PHASE practice quetiapine and olanzapine are also utilized. Initial
doses should generally be low, for example 0.5–1 mg of
Almost all patients with significant traumatic brain injury risperidone, 12.5–25 mg of quetiapine, and 2.5–5 mg of olan-
will sustain a loss of consciousness, of variable duration, zapine. The first-generation agent haloperidol is also often
immediately after the injury. Those who do survive will used, with initial doses of 2–5 mg. Repeat doses, in approxi-
typically emerge into a delirium. This delirium, in addition mately similar milligram amounts, may then be given every
to such characteristic symptoms as confusion, disorienta- hour or so until the patient is calm, limiting side-effects
tion, and decreased short-term memory, is also often occur, or a maximum dose is reached: rough guidelines for
marked by hallucinations, delusions, and, especially, agita- dose maxima are 5 mg for risperidone, 150 mg for que-
tion, which is seen in the majority of cases (Rao and tiapine, 20 mg for olanzapine, and 20 mg for haloperidol. In
Lyketsos 2000; van der Naalt et al. 2000). cases when the patient responds satisfactorily, a regular daily
It must be borne in mind that although the delirium in dose is ordered for the next day (with the total daily dose
such cases is generally due to the intracranial injuries directly approximately equivalent to the total required initially),
caused by the trauma, that other factors, as discussed in divided into two or three doses. Provision is also made for
Section 5.3, may also be involved as the hospitalization pro- further as-needed doses, with the total daily dose being
ceeds. Toxicity from such medications as opioids, baclofen, adjusted according to the amount needed in p.r.n. doses. The
anticholinergics, metoclopramide, and even amantadine eventual maintenance dose is then continued until the
must be considered, along with metabolic factors, such as patient has been stable for a significant period of time, at
hyponatremia, hypoglycemia, hypomagnesemia, and systemic which point it may be gradually tapered. Lorazepam is very
effects of infections, such as pneumonia. Other metabolic commonly used, and given the rapidity of its effectiveness
factors to consider relate to the frequency with which alco- when given intravenously, has a place in emergent situations;
holism is involved, and include Wernicke’s encephalopathy however, given that lorazepam may also worsen confusion, it
due to thiamine deficiency and delirium tremens. Considera- is appropriate to substitute another agent as soon as this is
tion may also be given to the effects of global cerebral practical. If lorazepam is used, one may give anywhere from
ischemia secondary to severe hypotension and, in those with 0.5 to 2 mg i.v. every hour as needed until the patient is calm,
fractures of long bones, to the fat embolism syndrome. limiting side-effects (such as sedation) occur, or a maximum
Treatment of patients during the acute phase is, at least of approximately 12 mg is reached.
initially, generally undertaken in either a trauma unit or an Once patients have been stabilized, general rehabilita-
ICU. Neurosurgical treatment may be required for evacua- tion efforts may be started, including physical, speech, and
tion of epidural or subdural hematomas or large contu- occupational therapy. Eventually, most patients are trans-
sions or intracerebral hemorrhages, and serial CT scans ferred to a specialized rehabilitation facility, where these
are obtained. In comatose patients, intracranial pressure general efforts are continued.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 290
Two rating scales have come into widespread use in the cannot and should not take the place of a detailed narrative
evaluation of patients with traumatic brain injury: the description of the patient’s clinical condition.
Glasgow Coma Scale and the Rancho Los Amigos Cognitive Post-traumatic seizures may occur during the acute
Scale. The Glasgow Coma Scale (Teasdale and Jennett phase, and these are discussed further, below.
1974) is designed for evaluating patients in the acute phase,
and involves assessing three clinical features: eye opening, Chronic phase
motor response, and verbal response, with, as noted in As the delirium gradually clears, almost all patients will be
Table 7.8 a numerical score described for the various left with one or more chronic sequelae (Rao and Lyketos
responses. Patients with total scores of ⭐8 are said to have a 2000), and these are discussed below, beginning with cog-
severe injury, those with scores from 9 to 12, a moderate nitive deficits, which are almost universal.
injury, and those with scores of from 13 to 15, a mild injury.
The Rancho Los Amigos scale, described in Table 7.9 may Cognitive deficits
also be utilized early on; however, it is often also employed Cognitive deficits typically remain after the confusion of
as an instrument for following patients during the chronic delirium clears, and generally include inattentiveness, poor
phase. Although these scales are useful as a ‘shorthand’ they short-term memory (or simple ‘forgetfulness’), poor concen-
tration, and decreased abstracting ability (Levin et al. 1979;
Table 7.8 The Glasgow Coma Scale van Zomeren and van den Burg 1985). In some cases these
may be quite mild and not terribly limiting; however, in oth-
Eye opening
ers they amount to a clear, and disabling, dementia. Most
Spontaneous 4
patients show improvement over the first 6 months, with
To speech 3
some further, but not as impressive, gains over the next
To pain 2
6 months: however, after 12 months, little further sponta-
Nil 1
neous recovery can be expected. Importantly, in assessing
Best motor response
patients with cognitive deficits it is critical to check for the
Obeys commands 6
presence of depression, which, in and of itself, may cause
Localizes 5
cognitive impairment. Pharmacologic treatment may include
Withdraws 4
donepezil, amantadine, bromocriptine, or methylphenidate.
Abnormal flexion 3
Donepezil, in doses of 10 mg/day, improves memory and
Extensor response 2
attention (Morey et al. 2003; Zhang et al. 2004) (rivastigmine
Nil 1
does not appear to be effective [Silver et al. 2006]).
Verbal response
Amantadine, in doses of 100 mg in the morning and 100 mg
Oriented 5
in the early afternoon, may likewise improve cognitive per-
Confused conversation 4
formance (Meythaler et al. 2002), but not all studies support
Inappropriate words 3
this (Schneider et al. 1999). Bromocriptine, in one double-
Incomprehensible sounds 2
blind study (McDowell et al. 1998) had some positive effect
Nil 1
on executive functioning. Methylphenidate, titrated to a dose
of 0.3 mg/kg b.i.d., may improve attention and speed of Pharmacologic treatment of agitation may include AEDs,
information processing (Whyte et al. 2004), but, as with amantadine, antipsychotics, propranolol, lithium, and anti-
amantadine, not all studies support this (Speech et al. 1993). depressants. In non-blind studies or case reports, carba-
Overall, it may be prudent to begin with either donepezil or mazepine (Azouvi et al. 1999; Chatham-Showalter 1996),
amantadine, holding methylphenidate as a distant reserve. valproic acid (Chatham-Showalter and Kimmel 2000;
Wroblewski et al. 1997), and lamotrigene (Pachet et al. 2003)
Post-traumatic amnesia all appear effective. Amantadine, in a case report, was also
‘Post-traumatic amnesia’ is defined differently by different effective (Chandler et al. 1988). Antipsychotics, such as the
authors. Some include under this rubric the decreased short- second-generation agents risperidone, quetiapine, or olanza-
term memory seen during delirium, whereas others restrict pine, may be utilized. Although first-generation agents (e.g.,
the definition to cases wherein a short-term memory loss haloperidol) have been associated with cognitive decrement
persists after resolution of delirium and, importantly, persists (Stanislav 1997), and the same may be true with second-gen-
in relative ‘isolation’, being generally unaccompanied by eration agents, the benefits of treatment with antipsychotics
other cognitive deficits. Utilizing the latter definition, Levin typically outweigh these cognitive side-effects. Propranolol
et al. (1988) found such a residual amnestic disturbance in also appears effective (Brooke et al. 1992): treatment is com-
approximately one-quarter of patients. menced at low doses, perhaps 20 mg/day, and increased
gradually, in increments of perhaps 60 mg every few days, to
Anosognosia clinical effectiveness, tolerance, or a maximum dose of
Anosognosia is characterized by a failure to appreciate the 800 mg/day. Lithium has also been used (Glenn et al. 1989).
severity of a deficit, or even its existence. Clinically signifi- Amitriptyline, in a large case series, has also been effective
cant anosognosia is found as a persistent symptom in (Mysiw et al. 1988), and in the author’s experience, mirta-
almost one-half of patients (Flashman and McAllister zapine has been remarkably effective; however, high doses of
2002). Interestingly, the anosognosia appears selective, in 60–90 mg may be required.
that although patients tend to acknowledge such deficits as Given the lack of head-to-head studies, choosing among
hemiplegia, they are much less likely to appreciate their these agents is not straightforward. In my opinion, AEDs
cognitive deficits (Sbordone et al. 1998) or the existence of are a good first choice, and among these, preference may
mood changes or a personality change (Fahy et al. 1967). be given to either valproic acid or carbamazepine. Antipsy-
Distinguishing anosognosia from denial may be difficult. chotics are probably a second choice, and among these, que-
One helpful point is the affect accompanying the patient’s tiapine is generally very well tolerated. Propranolol, given the
response to questions about deficits: in anosognosia the high doses often required, should probably be held in reserve,
affect is often bland or matter of fact, whereas in denial and the same may be said of lithium, which is often poorly
there may be a degree of indignation or angry protest. tolerated by patients with brain injuries. Amitriptyline, given
Importantly, given the high prevalence of anosognosia, it is its anticholinergic effects and possible negative effects on
critical, in the long-term treatment of these patients, to always cognition, might also be held in reserve; as noted, the author
question others, such as family members or friends, regarding has found mirtazapine quite effective, and with no significant
the patient’s condition. Relying on the anosognosic patient’s adverse effects.
report could lead to disastrous underdiagnosing.
Sympathetic storms
Focal signs and symptoms Sympathetic storms, as described in Section 4.23, consist of
Focal signs and symptoms that persist after resolution of episodes characterized by profuse diaphoresis, tachycardia,
the delirium may include not only hemiplegia and various tachypnea, pupillary dilation, and, in some, rigid extensor
movement disorders, but also ‘cortical’ signs and symp- posturing. The diaphoresis is indeed impressive, with
toms such as neglect and aphasia. Aphasia is particularly beads of sweat dripping from the head. During the episode,
common, and, to a variable degree, is found in the vast patients may grimace as if in pain, and family members
majority of cases (Levin et al. 1976; Sarno et al. 1986). and other observers may become quite alarmed. The
episodes themselves last from minutes to hours, and termi-
Agitation nate slowly.
Agitation is common and tends to fluctuate in severity, and The distinction of these ‘storms’ from agitation is gener-
may occur in up to two-thirds of all patients in the first few ally based on their course: the ‘storms’ come in discrete
months (Nott et al. 2006). Up to one-third of patients may episodes, whereas agitation, although perhaps waxing and
also exhibit aggressiveness, which may be either verbal or waning in intensity, usually does not assume an episodic
physical (Tateno et al. 2004). In evaluating agitated course. In addition, sympathetic symptoms, such as impres-
patients, consideration must be given to the possibility that sive diaphoresis, although typical of sympathetic storms, are
the agitation in question is not directly due to the head generally absent, or relatively minimal, during agitation.
injury but is rather secondary to other causes, such as pain, Treatment with propranolol or bromocriptine usually
delusions of persecution, akathisia or disinhibition sec- prevents further attacks; alternatives include gabapentin
ondary to alcohol or benzodiazepines. and morphine.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 292
Personality change 10 percent of patients (Tateno et al. 2004; Zeilig et al. 1996).
Personality change is very common, and over the long Citalopram is effective here, sometimes in as little as 2 or 3
term may constitute one of the most disabling of residual days (Muller et al. 1999).
symptoms (Thomsen 1984). A full or partial frontal lobe Apathy
syndrome is typical, with disinhibition being the most
common symptom; affective changes and perseveration Apathy may occur (Kant et al.1998) and is distinct from either
may also occur. Before making this diagnosis, due regard abulia or depression. Patients with abulia, if supervised, may
must be paid to the patient’s premorbid personality, with complete tasks at a normal rate, whereas patients with apathy
special attention to the presence of either an antisocial or do not. Patients with depression may also complete tasks
borderline personality disorder. Pharmacologic treatment slowly; however, here, in contrast with apathy, there is a
of the frontal lobe syndrome may include treatment with depressed mood. Apathy may respond to bromocriptine
carbamazepine or an antipsychotic, such as quetiapine. (Powell et al. 1996), amantadine (Van Reekum et al. 1995), or
selegeline (Newburn and Newburn 2005).
Depression appears during the first 2 years in up to one-
Fatigue may be present in up to one-third of patients
half of patients, and may either remit spontaneously or
(Hillier et al. 1997). When severe, consideration may be
persist (Jorge et al. 1993, 2004); of the typical symptoms of
given to treatment with methylphenidate or amphet-
depression (i.e., depressed mood, fatigue, loss of interest,
amines; however, these agents should be given cautiously,
loss of appetite, difficulty with concentration, and insom-
if at all, in cases where they might be abused.
nia), fatigue and poor concentration are often especially
problematic (Kreutzer et al. 2001). Mania
Importantly, in considering a diagnosis of depression,
in this population one must keep in mind that transient Mania may occur in the year following injury, but is rela-
displays of depressed mood or affect, as may be seen in tively uncommon (Nizamie et al. 1988; Starkstein et al.
emotionalism or emotional incontinence, simply do not 1990); it appears to be more likely when the polar regions
qualify. Furthermore, both apathy and abulia must be kept of the temporal lobes have been involved, as for example
in mind as other possibilities: in both cases, the requisite by contusions. The episodes themselves tend to be rela-
depressed mood is not present. Other differential possibil- tively short, lasting on average 2 months (Jorge et al. 1993),
ities to keep in mind include medications (e.g., steroids and may occur soon after the injury or after a latent inter-
or metoclopramide) and a premorbid major depressive val lasting months. In evaluating a patient suspected of
disorder. having post-traumatic mania, it is important to differenti-
Treatment generally includes an antidepressant, such as ate manic exuberance from the disinhibition that is seen in
sertraline (Fann et al. 2000) or some other SSRI. Tricyclic the frontal lobe syndrome: the main differential point here
antidepressants, although effective (e.g., desipramine is that whereas mood is heightened in mania, it is not in the
[Wroblewski et al. 1996]) should be used with caution, frontal lobe syndrome. Furthermore, before attributing
given that they lower the seizure threshold (Wroblewski mania to head injury, a careful history is required to
et al. 1990). Methylphenidate may also be considered, and exclude a premorbid bipolar disorder. Treatment should
in one double-blind study was similar to sertraline (Lee generally include a mood stabilizer, such as divalproex or
et al. 2005). carbamazepine; lithium may also be considered, however,
as noted earlier, patients with head injury may be especially
Emotionalism prone to develop side-effects to this agent.
Emotionalism is relatively common after head injury (Sloan Sleep disturbances
et al. 1992). Typically, patients find themselves uncharacter- Sleep disturbances occur in the majority of patients and
istically prone to sadness and tearfulness. Importantly, may include hypersomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness or
although patients, especially males, may complain of their insomnia (Baumann et al. 2007).
lack of emotional restraint, they do not complain that the Hypersomnia may be directly related to the head injury
sadness is unmotivated or out of place. Antidepressants, but consideration must also be given to the use of any
especially SSRIs, such as fluoxetine (Sloan et al. 1992), may sedating medications.
be effective in this regard. Excessive daytime sleepiness may be likewise be directly
related to the head injury or may be due to sleep apnea,
Emotional incontinence which in turn may be either central or obstructive (Castriotta
Emotional incontinence (Muller et al. 1999) is character- and Lai 2001; Masel et al. 2001); periodic limb movements of
ized by the involuntary appearance of a sad or happy affect sleep may also occur and, rarely, there may be post-traumatic
in the absence of any corresponding sense of sadness or narcolepsy (Lankford et al. 1994). Given that these latter dis-
mirth, and as such differs from emotionalism. Such ‘empty’ orders have specific treatments, it is reasonable to request
displays of affect may be seen as a late sequela in from 5 to polysomnography in any brain injury patient who complains
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 293
of excessive daytime sleepiness. In cases of excessive daytime Consequently, phenytoin may be preferable for early pro-
sleepiness occurring directly secondary to head injury, a case phylaxis. Importantly, neither of these agents provides pro-
may be made for a trial of either methylphenidate or phylaxis after the first week: consequently, if the patient has
modafinil. gone through the first week without a seizure, the AED may
Insomnia may occur secondary to pain, or as part of generally be discontinued.
depression, or exist independently (Beetar et al. 1996; In cases where a seizure has occurred, whether early or late,
Fichtenberg et al. 2000); treatment generally involves med- treatment recommendations are not as clearly worked out. If
ications such as zolpidem or trazodone (typically effective a patient had an early seizure despite prophylactic treatment
in low doses of from 25 to 50 mg). with phenytoin at therapeutic levels, some clinicians would
continue phenytoin, on the assumption that it will decrease
Psychosis the frequency of later-occurring seizures, whereas others
would opt for a different AED. In cases where there were no
Psychosis, that is to say a condition characterized by delu-
seizures during the first week, but one occurred later, perhaps
sions and/or hallucinations in the absence of delirium or
much later, there are no firm guidelines regarding treatment,
dementia, is reported, albeit rarely, as a long-term sequela to
and consideration could be given not only to phenytoin or
traumatic brain injury (Fujii and Ahmed 2002; Sachdev et al.
valproate, but also to other agents, such as levetiracetam, car-
2001); however, this assertion must be viewed with some
bamazepine, oxcarbazepine, gabapentin, etc.
caution. In the reported cases, latencies of 1–5 or more years
are reported between the head injury and the gradual onset Endocrinologic changes
of the psychosis, and a family history of schizophrenia was
found to be a significant risk factor (Sachdev et al. 2001). Endocrinologic changes appear in a majority of traumatic
Given these findings, the argument may be made that the brain injury patients, and may occur secondary to either
psychosis represents merely the coincidental occurrence of hypothalamic (Crompton 1971) or pituitary damage
schizophrenia in a patient with a history of traumatic brain (Edwards and Clark 1986; Salehi et al. 2007). Diabetes
injury. Treatment involves use of an antipsychotic, prefer- insipidus, with hypernatremia, may occur early on; other
ably one of the better-tolerated second-generation agents, endocrinologic changes, such as hypothyroidism or
such as risperidone or quetiapine. gonadal failure, may not become evident for months to
years after the injury. In this regard, it is prudent to check a
thyroid profile in any patient who develops depression,
Post-traumatic seizures
apathy or fatigue, and a testosterone level in patients who
Post-traumatic seizures may be defined as occurring early, develop decreased libido.
during the first 7 days post-injury, or late, occurring at any
time thereafter. Early seizures are reported in anywhere Post-traumatic stress disorder
from 2 to 15 percent of cases, and are most likely to occur Post-traumatic stress disorder may occur after any major
within the first 24 hours. Late seizures are seen in from 5 to trauma, and traumatic brain injury is no exception. Indeed,
10 percent of cases, and in those destined to have a late anywhere from 6 percent (Bombardier et al. 2006) to 20
seizure, the first one usually occurs within the first year percent (Hibbard et al. 1998) of these patients will develop
post-injury (Mazzini et al. 2003): the range here, however, this disorder at some point.
is wide, from weeks to up to 15 years. Several features Before making a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress dis-
increase the risk of occurrence of a late seizure, including order, however, careful consideration must be given to the
the following: having an early seizure; the presence of con- fact that certain symptoms suggestive of this disorder may
tusions or intracerebral hemorrhages; intracranial opera- also occur as direct sequela of the brain injury itself,
tions; and dural penetration with bone or metal fragments including poor concentration, insomnia, and fatigue.
(Englander et al. 2003; Mazzini et al. 2003; McQueen et al.
1983; Messori et al. 2005). Importantly, although the vast
majority of seizures occurring post-traumatically are due Etiology
to the intracranial pathology itself, other possibilities must
also be kept in mind: in the case of early seizures, metabolic In traumatic brain injury, a variety of lesions may be seen
causes, such as hyponatremia, hypocalcemia, or hypomag- (Freytag 1963; Jenkins et al. 1986), including diffuse axonal
nesemia are not uncommon. Simple partial, complex par- injury, contusions, intracerebral hemorrhage, subarach-
tial, and grand mal seizures may all occur. noid hemorrhage, epidural or subdural hematomas, or
With regard to treatment, two aspects exist: prophylaxis infarctions. Cerebral edema accompanies most of these,
against an early seizure, and treatment after a seizure, and, in combination with space-occupying lesions, may
whether early or late, has occurred. cause uncal or subfalcine herniation. In some cases, hydro-
With regard to prophylaxis of early seizures during the cephalus may appear. Fractures may or may not accom-
first week, both phenytoin (Temkin et al. 1990) and valproate pany these lesions.
(Temkin et al. 1999) are effective; however, there was an Diffuse axonal injury (Adams et al. 1982), occurring sec-
apparent trend toward increased mortality with valproate. ondary to the tremendous shearing and rotational forces
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 294
occurring during acceleration/deceleration, is characterized the presence of a fracture and the presence of brain damage;
by axonal rupture or damage. Although these effects are indeed in many cases of devastating traumatic brain injury,
widespread throughout the cerebrum, certain areas are most there is no fracture at all. Linear, depressed and compound
vulnerable, including the junction between the cortex and fractures may all be seen, but of these linear fractures, typi-
white matter, the corpus callosum, and dorsolateral quad- cally at the base of the skull, are most common.
rants of the midbrain. In almost all cases, this diffuse axonal In addition to these direct effects of trauma, the occur-
injury is also accompanied by diffuse vascular injury, rence of hypoxia and hypotension at the scene may lead,
wherein small penetrating arterioles, subjected to the same respectively, to global anoxic brain damage or, as noted
shearing and rotational forces, undergo rupture, producing earlier, watershed infarcts.
widespread petechial hemorrhages. In determining which of these injuries have occurred, it
Contusions occurring in acceleration–deceleration must be borne in mind that MR scanning is more sensitive
injuries typically occur along the inferior surfaces of the than CT scanning for diffuse axonal injury, contusions,
frontal and temporal lobes, as they slide along the bony pro- subdural and epidural hematomas, infarcts, and global
tuberances at the base of the skull. In cases where there has anoxic injury (Mittl et al. 1994; Orrison et al. 1994).
been a blow to the head, a contusion may form under the
point of impact (the ‘coup’ contusion) and also contralater-
ally, at the area where the brain is flung up against the inner
Differential diagnosis
surface of the skull (the ‘contre-coup’ contusion).
Concussion is said to occur when, after an acceleration–
Intracerebral hemorrhages occur with rupture of rela-
deceleration injury or a blow to the head, there is either a very
tively large penetrating arteries, and although these hemo-
brief loss of consciousness or merely a sense of being dazed;
rrhages may be lobar in location they are most commonly
there may also be an associated amnesia for the event. The
seen in the basal ganglia (Katz et al. 1989; Macpherson et al.
post-concussion syndrome (discussed in Section 11.5), seen
1986). Rarely, intracerebral hemorrhages may be delayed in
in a minority of patients after concussion, is characterized by
appearance for up to 2 days post-injury.
minor cognitive deficits.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage may occur secondary to
shearing of vessels traversing the subarachnoid space or due
to leakage of blood from an area of contused or hemorrhagic
cortex. In such cases, vasospasm of arteries traversing the
bloody subarachnoid space may lead to ischemic infarction
Although, technically, the term ‘encephalitis’ refers to any
of subserved tissue.
inflammation of the brain parenchyma, whether focal or
Subdural hematomas occur in about one-fifth of patients,
diffuse, of any cause, in common clinical practice to say that
and may range in size from thin, inconsequential crescents to
a patient has an encephalitis is to imply that they are suffer-
large, life-threatening lesions. Epidural hematomas may also
ing from an acute and generalized infection. Most cases are
occur, but are far less common.
due to viruses; bacterial and protozoal encephalitidies are
Infarctions may occur secondary to herniations,
much less common (Chaudhuri and Kennedy 2002).
vasospasm arterial dissection, or, if severe hypotension
Acute encephalitis constitutes a medical emergency, and
occurred, via a ‘watershed’ phenomenon (Marino et al.
hence recognizing the cardinal signs of encephalitis, namely
fever, headache and delirium, is critically important.
Cerebral edema is common, and adds considerably to the
clinical expression of diffuse axonal injury, contusions and
intracerebral hemorrhages. Herniation may occur, with, as Clinical features
just noted, possible infarction secondary to vascular com-
pression: with uncal herniation, such infarction may occur In most cases, the encephalitis is preceded by a non-specific
in the area of distribution of the posterior cerebral artery, prodrome, lasting perhaps a few days, of fatigue, malaise,
whereas with subfalcine herniation, infarction may occur in and fever. The encephalitis itself generally presents acutely,
the area of distribution of the anterior cerebral artery. over hours, or at the most a day, with headache and delir-
Hydrocephalus may occur via a number of mecha- ium. In addition to confusion and variable disorientation,
nisms. Acute hydrocephalus may occur secondary to com- the delirium may also be accompanied by agitation, halluci-
pression of the foramen of Monro by an expanding lesion, nations (typically visual), and delusions. Focal findings,
such as a contusion, or, when subarachnoid hemorrhage such as hemiparesis, aphasia, or hemianesthesia, may or
has occurred, secondary to a clot obstructing outflow from may not be present, and there may also be partial or grand
the exit foramina of the fourth ventricle. Chronic hydro- mal seizures. In most, but certainly not all, cases, signs of
cephalus, presenting weeks or months after the injury, may meningeal inflammation may also be present, with stiff
occur secondary to outflow obstruction at the arachnoid neck or photophobia. With progression, stupor or coma
villi of the superior sagittal sinus. may supervene.
Fractures may or may not occur, and it is important to Lumbar puncture is indicated in virtually every case
keep in mind that there is not a good correlation between (Steiner et al. 2005). Glucose is normal in viral infections,
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 295
and decreased in bacterial and other causes. The total pro- (Lanska 2002), mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, lep-
tein is increased. Essentially all cases will have a pleocytosis, tospirosis, listerosis, and cat scratch fever.
ranging from 5 to 10 up to a 1000 white cells or more. In Protozoal causes include toxoplasmosis (Section 14.21),
viral cases the pleocytosis is generally lymphocytic, whereas generally seen only in the severely immunocompromised,
bacterial encephalitidies are generally marked by the pres- and cerebral malaria (Section 14.20).
ence of polymorphonuclear cells: an exception to this
occurs with certain arbovirus infections wherein there may
be a substantial number of polymorphonuclear cells for Differential diagnosis
the first day or two; a persistent polymorphonuclear pre-
dominance after this time, however, is much more charac- Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, as discussed in
teristic of bacterial infections. Gram stain and culture are Section 14.11, represents an autoimmune encephalitis trig-
performed routinely. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) gered by a preceding viral or bacterial infection. Clinically,
assay has revolutionized the identification of responsible this syndrome may be indistinguishable from acute infec-
organisms, and is useful in detecting herpes simplex, vari- tious encephalitis, and the differential may hinge on
cella-zoster, Epstein–Barr, cytomegalovirus, enterovirus, demonstrating the characteristic latent interval between a
and various bacteria. preceding infectious illness and the onset of the delirium.
MRI, with contrast, should be performed; if this is not Toxic and metabolic deliria are very common, and
possible then CT scanning represents an alternative. Given often occur in patients who have headache and fever due to
the emergent nature of encephalitis, imaging should be a general medical illness, such as pneumonia or sepsis.
promptly performed so as not to delay lumbar puncture. Considerable clinical judgment is required here in deciding
Importantly, early on, in the first day or two, imaging may whether to perform a lumbar puncture; however, if the
not be impressive in the case of viral encephalitidies. metabolic abnormalities are relatively mild, and the toxic-
Electroencephalography typically shows generalized ity of current medications generally low, and the patient is
slowing, with or without interictal epileptiform discharges. not septic, one might lean toward obtaining CSF.
Focal slowing in the temporal areas, with or without peri- Subdural empyema, cerebritis or cerebral abscess, and
odic complexes, is highly suggestive of herpes simplex cerebral thrombophlebitis are each apparent on magnetic
encephalitis. resonance imaging.
The neuroleptic malignant syndrome (Section 22.1) is
suggested by the presence of rigidity and coarse tremor in
Etiology the proper pharmacologic setting: initiation or increased
dose of an antipsychotic, or discontinuation or substantial
As noted earlier, most cases of acute encephalitis are due to dose decrease of a dopaminergic preparation, such as
viral infection (Koskiniemi et al. 2001). Herpes simplex levodopa.
virus encephalitis (Section 14.5) is the most common cause
of sporadic viral encephalitis, and, given its treatability, it
should be high on the differential. Arboviral encephaliti- Treatment
dies (Section 14.4) occur in both an epidemic and endemic
fashion. Zoster encephalitis (Section 14.9) is suggested by a Most patients should be admitted to an ICU, with strict
concurrent, generally widespread, zosteriform eruption; attention to fluid and electrolyte balance: both diabetes
mumps encephalitis (Section 14.8) by an associated paroti- insipidus and the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic
tis, and infectious mononucelosis (Section 14.7) by its hormone (ADH) secretion may occur. Intracranial pres-
occurrence in the setting of typical ‘mono’ with sore throat sure monitoring may be required. Seizures may be treated
and cervical adenopathy. Rabies (Section 14.10) is sug- with fosphenytoin, and the general treatment of delirium is
gested by the presence of parasthesiae near the site of the as discussed in Section 5.3.
fateful bite (which may have occurred weeks or months Some encephalitidies have specific treatments, as dis-
earlier) and hypersalivation with hydrophobia. Other viral cussed in the respective chapters. Given the devastating
causes include influenza, enteroviruses, and adenoviruses. nature of herpes simplex encephalitis and its eminent
In the immunoincompetent patient, for example those with treatability, it is customary to administer acyclovir pending
AIDS or those under treatment with steroids or immunosup- the results of PCR testing.
pressants, one must also consider cytomegalovirus (Section Patients who survive may or may not be left with seque-
14.2). Furthermore, early on during human immunodefi- lae (Arciniegas and Anderson 2004), depending on the
ciency virus (HIV) infection, a brief encephalitis may accom- causative organism, the severity of the infection, and the
pany seroconversion. age of the patient: both the very young and the elderly are
Bacterial causes include Rocky Mountain spotted fever more likely to have sequelae. Focal deficits may persist, and
(Section 14.19) and typhus, suggested by a concurrent epilepsy may ensue. There may also be personality change,
rash, stage II Lyme disease (Section 14.16), suggested by a dementia, and various movement disorders. Specifics are
concurrent cranial or peripheral neuropathy, anthrax discussed in the respective chapters.
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 296
7.7 SOMATOFORM DISORDERS middle of the forearm, and ends abruptly at a boundary that
describes a perfect circle around the forearm. There simply
Somatoform disorders are characterized by complaints that is no lesion of either the central or peripheral nervous sys-
either, as in the case of conversion disorder or somatization tem that could conceivably produce such a pattern of anes-
disorder, have no basis in the anatomic or physiologic facts thesia. In the following paragraphs, each of these common
of the matter, or, as in hypochondriasis, although having conversion symptoms is discussed in turn, with special
some basis in anatomy or physiology, yet are exaggerated attention to the associated ‘violations’ that one may find.
far beyond what would be expected. Each of these is consid- Conversion paralysis may mimic monoplegia, hemiple-
ered in turn. gia, or paraplegia. In conversion monoplegia involving, for
example, the upper limb, one may find a non-physiologic
pattern of weakness, involving perhaps the forearm and
Conversion disorder hand with complete strength maintained in the shoulder
and arm. In conversion hemiplegia, one may find a positive
Conversion disorder is characterized by symptoms that Hoover test (Hoover 1908). The Hoover test may be per-
meet two criteria: first, they suggest a specific lesion of the formed by having the patient lie supine on the bed, posi-
central or peripheral nervous system; and, second, further tioning yourself at the foot of the bed and placing one hand
investigation either reveals symptomatology that ‘violates’ under the heel of the ‘bad’ leg and the other on top of the
the laws of anatomy or physiology, or demonstrates con- ankle of the ‘good’ leg. At this point ask the patient to lift
clusively that the suspected lesion does not, in fact exist. the ‘good’ leg up in the air against the resistance of your
Furthermore, and again despite thorough investigation, no hand. As the patient attempts to lift the ‘good’ leg, you will
motive can be discovered for the conversion symptom in feel the normal compensatory downward pressure of the
question. This last point is critical, as it distinguishes con- contralateral leg on your hand as it lies under the heel of
version disorder from malingering, when the motive for the ‘bad’ leg. Once this maneuver has been accomplished,
the symptomatology, whether it be financial gain or avoid- ask the patient to rest the ‘good’ leg down and then switch
ance of some unpleasant task, is fairly obvious. the position of your hands, now placing one hand under
A synonym for conversion disorder is hysteria (or, ‘hyster- the heel of the ‘good’ leg and placing the other hand on top
ical neurosis’): both terms, to a degree, are unfortunate, as of the ‘bad’ leg. At this point, encourage the patient to exert
both indicate etiologic theories that have not been substanti- the greatest effort possible in raising the ‘bad’ leg up against
ated. ‘Conversion’ implies a mechanism whereby emotionally the resistance of your hand. In a positive Hoover test one
charged ideas are in some unconscious way ‘converted’ into finds two things: first, the ‘bad’ leg moves little, if at all; sec-
‘physical’ symptoms. ‘Hysteria’, an ancient term, suggests that ond, one fails to feel any of the normally expected down-
the disorder is in some way related to having a hystera (Greek ward pressure on the hand underneath the heel of the
for ‘womb’), which is clearly not the case; although females ‘good’ leg, indicating that, in fact, the patient is putting no
are more likely to have this disorder than males (by a factor of effort into the task of lifting the ‘bad’ leg. Recently, a simi-
from 2:1 up to 10:1), it clearly also occurs in males. lar test, designed to elict the ‘abductor sign’ has been
The lifetime prevalence of conversion disorder is not described (Sonoo 2004). In this test, with the patient with
known with certainty: reported figures range from 0.01 to conversion hemiplegia supine in bed, stand at the foot of
0.5 percent of the general population. the bed, facing the patient, and place your hands on the lat-
eral aspects of both of the patient’s legs, maintaining a light
CLINICAL FEATURES inward pressure. At this point, ask the patient to abduct the
‘bad’ leg as forcefully as possible against the light pressure
Although conversion disorder may first appear anywhere of your hand. In conversion paralysis, there is no move-
from childhood to old age, most patients first experience ment of the ‘bad’ leg, and, critically, there is also no abduc-
symptoms in either adolescence or early adult years. In tion of the ‘good’ leg either. In patients with ‘true’
most cases, the onset is abrupt and typically follows closely hemiplegia one would appreciate the expected synergistic
upon a stressful life event. abduction of the ‘good’ leg, and it is the absence of this in
Although a large number of conversion symptoms are conversion that indicates that, in fact, the patient is not
possible, most patients have only one at a time. Common putting effort into the task. Observing the patient on
conversion symptoms include paralysis, anesthesia, ataxia, attempted ambulation is also helpful: when asked to walk,
tremor, deafness, blindness, parkinsonism, syncope, coma, patients with conversion hemiparesis tend to drag the
and seizures. As noted above, one of the distinctive features affected leg, pulling it up behind them, rather than circum-
of conversion symptoms is that, in some way or other, they ducting it. Furthermore, patients with conversion hemi-
‘violate’ the laws of anatomy or physiology, and it is this plegia may also display the ‘wrong-way’ tongue, with
‘violation’ that often alerts the examiner to the conversion deviation of the protruded tongue away from the weak
nature of the symptom in question (Stone et al. 2002). An side, rather than toward it, as one would expect with stroke
example would be a patient who complained of an area of (Keane 1986). In both conversion monoplegia and hemi-
anesthesia that involves the entire hand, extends up to the plegia one typically also finds symmetric deep tendon
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reflexes and bilaterally down-going toes. One may also find Conversion deafness, if bilateral and complete, is
‘give-way’ or ‘collapsing’ weakness. Here, the patient may suggested by observing a blink reflex to an unexpected
be asked to flex the forearm after which the examiner, and loud sound, thus demonstrating intactness of the
grasping the patient’s hand, attempts to extend the fore- brainstem.
arm. In ‘collapsing’ weakness, one finds that an initial resist- Conversion blindness may be either monocular or
ance is followed by an abrupt giving away of any resistance, bilateral. In both cases, an intact direct and consensual
as if the arm had suddenly become flaccid. Although this pupillary response demonstrates that the visual pathways
sign is useful, it must be borne in mind that a degree of col- to the lateral geniculate bodies are intact. In cases of bilat-
lapsing weakness may at times be found in patients with eral conversion blindness, one finds that the patient does
hemiparesis due to stroke. Conversion paraplegia is sug- not sustain injury while attempting to navigate around the
gested by normal reflexes, muscle tone, sensation, and office or hospital room. In doubtful cases, one may have to
sphincter function (Baker and Silver 1987). resort to visual evoked potentials to demonstrate that the
Conversion anesthesia is suggested by the non- post-geniculate visual pathways are intact.
physiologic boundaries of the ‘anesthetic’ area. Thus, Conversion parkinsonism (Lang et al. 1995) may pres-
patients with a ‘glove and stocking’ pattern may complain ent with tremor, loss of associated arm movements, and
of a precise boundary, with the anesthesia ending abruptly postural instability; however, all of these may be accompa-
at a circular boundary just above the ankles or hands, nied by atypical features. Tremor may persist or even
rather than displaying the gradual ‘fade’ seen in a periph- increase with action, and the arms, upon ambulation, are
eral polyneuropathy. Furthermore, in such cases one may often held tightly against the patient’s sides. Postural insta-
find a negative Romberg test. In cases where the conver- bility may be tested, provided adequate help is available in
sion anesthesia suggests a mononeuropathy, one finds that the case of a fall, by standing in front of the patient and
the anesthetic area simply does not match any known der- then administering an abrupt and forceful push against the
matomal pattern. Finally, in cases suggesting central sen- patient’s sternum. In such cases, if the patient does fall
sory loss, one may see a hemianesthesia with a boundary back, there may be a tell-tale and distinctive fluid upswing
that precisely and exactly bisects the midline (care must be of the arms, a movement that does not appear in bradyki-
taken in interpreting this finding, however, for there are netic patients.
rare cases of hemianesthesia secondary to thalamic lesions Conversion syncope is suggested by a lack of autonomic
wherein such a precise bisection is actually seen). changes, such as pallor, and by a typical, dramatic swoon
Before moving on to the next conversion symptom, it is that does not result in any injury.
worth remarking that the oft-stated rule that conversion Conversion coma is suggested by a number of findings.
paralysis and anesthesia are more likely to occur on the left First, eye movements, as observed under the closed lids,
than the right side does not, in fact, appear to hold true. are, rather than roving, typically saccadic. Next, upon gen-
Conversion ataxia is suggested by elaborate lurching tly stroking the eyelashes, one may see a responsive flutter-
movements of the legs, which may be accompanied by simi- ing of the eyelids, and if one attempts to open the eyes by
larly exaggerated flinging of the arms. In severe cases of con- pulling up the lids, there is typically some more or less
version ataxia one may find astasia–abasia, that is to say, an forceful resistance; furthermore, one finds that the pupil-
inability to both walk and to stand. In such cases, one typically lary responses are normal. Finally, when the eyes are allowed
finds that, when supine on the bed, patients can perform fin- to close, they do so abruptly or with a jerky motion, in con-
ger-to-nose and heel-to-knee-to-shin testing adequately. Care trast to the smooth lowering seen in coma. If doubt
must be taken here, however, for in some cases of lesions of remains, one may raise the patient’s flaccid arm, hold it
the anterior vermis such a discrepancy may be found. over the head and then let it drop, observing carefully to
Conversion tremors are typically of large amplitude, see if the arm is pulled to the side to avoid injuring the face.
and most importantly, vary in amplitude and frequency One may also consider the ice cube test, wherein, without
over small periods of time or with distraction; further- warning, one touches an ice cube to a sensitive area,
more, when a weight is applied to the tremulous extremity, perhaps the cheek, whereupon one typically sees an abrupt
one often finds an exacerbation, rather than the expected turning of the head away from the stimulus.
diminution. In cases of unilateral tremor, the tremor may Conversion seizures, also referred to as ‘pseudo-
diminish when the patient is asked to perform a complex seizures’, ‘psychogenic non-epileptic seizures’, or simply
action with the contralateral extremity, for example touch- ‘psychogenic seizures’, may mimic either grand mal or
ing the third, first, and fourth fingers with the thumb. One complex partial seizures. Conversion grand mal seizures,
may also attempt to elicit a phenomenon known as ‘chas- like true grand mal seizures, may begin with a cry, but,
ing the tremor’. In cases of ‘true’ tremor, say, of a hand, unlike the inarticulate cry of a grand mal seizure, this cry
when one grasps the hand the tremor diminishes and does may be more of a scream, and may involve words; further-
not appear elsewhere. In conversion tremor, however, after more, the scream may persist well past the initial part of
grasping the hand, the forearm may begin to tremble, then, the episode. The movements seen in a conversion grand
if the forearm is grasped, the tremor may appear in the mal seizure, rather than being symmetric and rhythmic,
upper arm, as if one were ‘chasing’ it. are typically asymmetric and may involve wild thrashing
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Conversion disorder is characterized solely by conversion earlier, multiple complaints are heard, implicating multiple
symptoms. By contrast, in these two other disorders one sees organ systems, including the gastrointestinal tract, the gen-
multiple other symptoms. In Briquet’s syndrome there are itourinary system, central and peripheral nervous systems,
multiple complaints referable to organ systems other than the and the musculoskeletal system. There is debate as to how
central nervous system, and hence one typically hears of com- many symptoms and how many organ systems are required
plaints regarding pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and muscu- to make a diagnosis: a conservative approach requires at
loskeletal functioning. In schizophrenia, one sees a variable least one unexplained complaint from each system.
mixture of psychotic symptoms, such as delusions, hallucina- Gastrointestinal complaints often center on vague and
tions, loosened associations, and overall bizarreness. poorly localized abdominal pain, often accompanied by nau-
Malingering is distinguished from conversion disorder sea and bloating. Constipation is common, diarrhea some-
in that, in the case of malingering, the patient does inten- what less so, and patients often complain of multiple food
tionally, and with full awareness, feign the symptom that, intolerances. Rectal pain or burning may also be present.
in turn, clearly answers to an obvious motivation. For Of genitourinary complaints, irregular, painful or heavy
example, a patient who had been in a minor motor vehicle menstrual flow is prominent, and patients who have been
accident might feign a paralysis, and maintain that weak- pregnant may complain of having had severe, intractable
ness until a large legal settlement had been obtained. vomiting throughout the entire pregnancy. Decreased
Factitious disorder must also be considered, and here the libido is common; females may complain of decreased vagi-
motivation is simply to be a patient in the hospital. nal lubrication and dyspareunia, and males may complain
of erectile dysfunction. Dysuria and partial urinary reten-
TREATMENT tion may also occur.
Musculoskeletal complaints include backache, arthral-
After the diagnosis is made, one should inform the patient in gia, and diffuse chest pain.
a calm and quietly authoritative way that the investigation Central and peripheral nervous system complaints
and testing indicate that the nervous system is intact and not include paralysis, anesthesia, ataxia, deafness, blurry vision,
damaged. One may then go on to add that although it is not diplopia, blindness, dizziness, fainting, pseudoseizures,
known why these symptoms have appeared, it is known that, globus hystericus, aphonia, and headache.
with time, most patients recover. In some cases, especially The large number of complaints, and the inability of the
those with conversion symptoms involving motor function, physician to pin the patient down as to details, often make
such as paralysis, engaging the patient in a course of physical the interview very frustrating for the physician, and it is
therapy may be followed by a rapid resolution of symptoms typical to find chart entries indicating merely that the
(Watanabe et al. 1998). Hypnosis and psychotherapy have review of systems was ‘diffusely positive’. Many physicians
both been utilized, and, anecdotally, with success. turn to the physical examination with some relief, hoping
to determine some definite findings. Generally, however, if
there are any findings, they are typically minor and not
Somatization disorder indicative of any disease or condition that could possibly
account for the patient’s multitudinous complaints.
Somatization disorder, also known as Briquet’s syndrome When physicians attempt to reassure patients regarding
(in honor of Pierre Briquet, who first described it in 1859), the benign nature of the examination, they are often met
is characterized by multiple complaints, referable to multi- with disbelief, if not hostility, and patients typically
ple organ systems, all occurring in the absence of any demand tests, and when basic tests are unremarkable, the
disease entity that could reasonably account for them demands persist. Some physicians may call it quits at this
(Perley and Guze 1962). These complaints persist chroni- point, but others will proceed to invasive procedures or
cally, and typically occasion multiple evaluations, hospital- even to surgery. In some cases, patients have welcomed so
izations, and often-needless diagnostic procedures or many abdominal surgeries that they finally develop a ‘battle-
surgeries. Conservative estimates indicate a lifetime preva- field abdomen’. ‘Doctor shopping’ is common, as exasper-
lence in females of from 0.2 to 2 percent; although Briquet’s ated physicians ‘fire’ their patients, or patients, dissatisfied
syndrome may also occur in males, this is probably very with the diagnostic approach offered by their physicians,
uncommon, if not rare (Smith et al. 1985). move on to find a more aggressive diagnostician.
In addition to these multiple complaints, depression
CLINICAL FEATURES and panic attacks are common, as is alcohol abuse or alco-
holism. Personality disturbances of the borderline, histri-
This syndrome generally first appears in teenage years; onic, or antisocial type, are also common.
onset past the age of 30 is extremely rare.
Patients tend to be excessively vague or dramatic in COURSE
relating their history, often moving restlessly from one
symptom to another, never lingering long enough on one Briquet’s syndrome typically pursues a chronic course,
symptom to give an adequately detailed account. As noted with the intensity and variety of complaints fluctuating
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 300
gradually over the lifespan of the patient; spontaneous before the appearance of multiple complaints. In doubtful
remissions are very uncommon. cases, it may be appropriate to attempt a ‘diagnosis by
treatment response’ by prescribing an antidepressant and
ETIOLOGY watching to see if the multiple complaints subside.
Schizophrenia may also be associated with multiple
Briquet’s syndrome may have both environmental and complaints, but these typically have a bizarre cast to them,
genetic determinants. The prevalence in first-degree rela- and are associated with other typical psychotic symptoms,
tives of females with this syndrome is increased to as high such as delusions, hallucination, etc.
as 20 percent, and adoption studies of females have
demonstrated an increased prevalence of alcohol abuse TREATMENT
and antisocial behavior in their biological fathers (Bohman
et al. 1984; Golding et al. 1992; Guze et al. 1986). It has A conservative medical approach is appropriate, and, if at
been suggested that Briquet’s syndrome and antisocial per- all possible, patients should remain under the care of one
sonality disorder result from a common genetic back- physician, either an internist or family practitioner; psychi-
ground, with sex-mediated expression. atric consultation to the primary care physician has also
been demonstrated to improve patient care (Smith et al.
DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS 1986). Preliminary work suggests that cognitive behavior
therapy may also be beneficial (Allen et al. 2001).
The most important differential consideration, of course,
is one, or perhaps an unfortunate combination of diseases,
that could produce a ‘diffusely positive’ review of systems Hypochondriasis
with few informative findings on physical examination.
Possibilities include multisystem diseases such as systemic In hypochondriasis (Barsky 2001), patients, on the basis of
lupus erythematosus and sarcoidosis. Consequently, it is minor symptoms or signs, come to believe, or, at the very
necessary to evaluate each new complaint on its own mer- least, strongly suspect, that they have a serious, perhaps even
its, before deciding that it can be ascribed to Briquet’s. In life-threatening, disease. Their concerns occasion multiple
this regard, when complaints referable to the central or consultations, often with multiple physicians, and, impor-
peripheral nervous system are present, the techniques sug- tantly, despite negative examinations and earnest reassur-
gested in the preceding section, on conversion disorder, ances regarding their condition, these patients remain beset
may be helpful. by their concerns. This condition probably has a lifetime
Conversion disorder may also be considered on the dif- prevalence of between 1 and 5 percent, and is equally com-
ferential but is ruled out on two counts: first, rather than a mon among males and females.
multitude of symptoms, there are generally only one, or
perhaps two; and, second, rather than a multitude of organ CLINICAL FEATURES
systems, only one is involved in conversion disorder,
namely the nervous system. Although the onset of hypochondriasis may occur at any
Malingering and factitious disorder, like conversion dis- point between adolescence and old age, most patients first
order, generally are not associated with multiple complaints; begin to experience their concerns in their twenties or thir-
furthermore, the complaints are intentionally feigned with a ties. Although in most cases there does not appear to be a
more or less obvious motive behind them. precipitating event, occasionally the onset may be triggered
Hypochondriasis may also be considered, as hypochon- either by observing a serious illness in an acquaintance or
driacal patients often have multiple complaints referable to personally suffering one. A good example of the latter is the
multiple organ systems. The difference here, however, relates ‘cardiac cripple’ who remains an invalid, consumed by
to the patients’ attitude toward the complaint. In hypochon- hypochondriacal concerns after recovering from a heart
driasis, rather than being concerned about any suffering asso- attack, despite reassurances from the cardiologist.
ciated with the complaint, patients are worried about what Patients come to the physician already convinced that
the symptom implies, namely the presence of a serious, but their symptoms, no matter how mild or trivial, indicate the
undiagnosed, disease. In Briquet’s syndrome, however, the presence of a severe disease. A mild, non-productive cough
focus is more on the suffering associated with the symptom. means they have pneumonia, or perhaps lung cancer; a few
Depression may be associated with multiple unex- palpitations indicate that the heart is about to fail; slight
plained complaints, and thus can present a picture similar nausea is a sure sign that an ulcer has eaten through the
to Briquet’s syndrome. To complicate matters further, as stomach, and simple constipation can only mean that
noted above, patients with Briquet’s syndrome often do colon cancer has finally appeared.
have concurrent depression. The key to making the differ- Patients often present their complaints in minute and
ential here lies in the time course: in cases where the com- maddening detail. If they have been to other physicians, as is
plaints are secondary to depression, one finds the onset of typically the case, they may present copies of prior evalua-
depressed mood and associated vegetative symptoms well tions coupled with accusations that the prior physicians did
p 07.qxd 3/10/08 9:35 AM Page 301
not take their complaints with sufficient seriousness: the in a matter of weeks, and in any case, persist no longer than
often thinly-veiled hostility of such patients may put the 6 months.
current physician on guard, as if he or she is under attack. Depression is perhaps the most important differential
An appropriate history and examination is typically unre- to consider. Especially in the elderly, depression may man-
vealing, or, if findings are noted, they are usually indicative ifest with hypochondriacal concerns; indeed, such patients
of an often trivial condition. Rather than being reassured, may limit their presentation to such complaints, and not
however, patients are often upset. They want more tests, and spontaneously report the accompanying vegetative symp-
if the physician expresses some skepticism regarding this, toms, such as anergia, anhedonia, anorexia, and insomnia.
they may become demanding. Predictably, ‘doctor shop- These ‘masked depressions’ may at times be difficult to
ping’ is common. diagnose, as in some cases patients may deny feeling
The expression of hypochondriacal concerns is not con- depressed.
fined to hospital or doctor visits but permeates these Briquet’s syndrome is distinguished both by the nature
patients’ lives. They may share their worries about their of the patients’ complaints and by the manner in which
health at the dinner table, the office, or at social gatherings, they are made. In Briquet’s syndrome, patients typically
anxiously going from person to person until they find a have a multitude of complaints, and here, it is not so much
sympathetic listener who will tolerate their complaints. In a concern that the symptoms indicate a serious underlying
some cases, their complaints are so wearying that others disease as it is with the debilitating nature of the symptom
begin to avoid these patients, who become isolated and itself. Thus, whereas a hypochondriacal patient complain-
even more miserable. Some, paralyzed by their concerns, ing of constipation may admit that it is mild, and relieved
will opt to enter a nursing home in order to be sure that with simple fiber laxatives, the patient with Briquet’s syn-
medical care is immediately available. drome may complain that it is painful, unbearable, and
Depression or panic disorder are present in a majority impossible to overcome. Further, whereas the hypochon-
of cases (Noyes et al. 1994). driacal patient typically reports complaints in precise
detail, the patient with Briquet’s syndrome is for the most
part vague, and difficult to pin down.
COURSE Conversion disorder is likewise suggested by the nature
Hypochondriasis, in the majority of cases, appears to be of the complaint. In conversion disorder, the complaint
chronic, with symptoms waxing and waning in intensity always refers to the nervous system: in hypochondriasis,
over the years (Barsky et al. 1998). Although it appears that such complaints may also be heard, but other organ sys-
spontaneous full remissions do occur, the frequency with tems are more commonly implicated. Furthermore, in
which this occurs is not clear. conversion disorder the patients’ concerns are not so much
related to a fear of some undiagnosed and underlying dis-
ease, as is the case in hypochondriasis, as they are to the
ETIOLOGY effects of the symptom itself, such as an inability to walk
because of conversion paralysis.
Hypochondriasis does not appear to run in families (Noyes Malingering and factitious disorder are both distin-
et al. 1997), and the etiology is as yet unclear. Although guished by the fact that these patients either intentionally
these patients recall having more serious illnesses in child- lie about symptoms or intentionally inflict wounds, all in
hood and going through more emotionally traumatic the service of an understandable goal, such as financial
events (Barsky et al. 1994; Noyes et al. 2002), there have gain, or, in the case of factitious disorder, merely being a
been no prospective studies, and hence these findings may patient in the hospital.
well be due to recall bias. Finally, one must remain alert to the possibility that
Based on the similarity between the persistent recurring new complaints, rather than being hypochondriacal, may
concerns seen in hypochondriasis and obsessions seen in signal a serious underlying disease: each new complaint
obsessive–compulsive disorder, there has been speculation must be evaluated on its own merits.
that hypochondriasis is but one example of the ‘obses-
sive–compulsive spectrum’ disorders but as yet proof of
this is lacking. TREATMENT
7.8 MALINGERING AND FACTITIOUS ILLNESS their way around the jail and to do those things that are nec-
essary to maintain a certain degree of comfort and safety.
Both malingering (LoPiccolo et al. 1999) and factitious ill- All in all, these individuals are acting out the ‘popular’ con-
ness (Krahn et al. 2003) are characterized by the inten- ception of ‘insanity’, and once the trial is over, or the sen-
tional feigning of illness; they are distinguished from one tence imposed, this ‘insanity’ clears up quickly.
another by the motive underlying this behavior. In malin- Several features may alert the physician to the possibility
gering the motive is readily understandable, as for example of malingering. First, look for obvious gains should the
when someone complains of a ‘bad back’ to get out of work individual be certified as ‘ill’, such as obtaining insurance
or to obtain narcotics. In factitious illness, however, the payments or narcotics, or winning a lawsuit. Second, be
motive is a little more obscure, in that the goal of these alert to inconsistencies in the clinical presentation. In this
individuals is merely to be a patient in the hospital, and to regard, when neurologic complaints are heard, the diagnos-
assume, as it were, the ‘sick role’. tic tips discussed in the Section 7.7 for conversion disorder
Before making a diagnosis of malingering or factitious may be kept in mind. Third, be suspicious when patients
illness, one must be reasonably certain that there is no true are uncooperative with treatment, or when the offering of a
underlying illness that could reasonably account for the good prognosis is met with thinly veiled hostility.
individual’s complaints. Furthermore, one must also dis- In doubtful cases, obtaining collateral history may be
tinguish malingering and factitious illness from conversion very helpful. For example, if, on interviewing the spouse of
disorder, Briquet’s syndrome, and hypochondriasis; these an individual who complains of incapacitating back pain,
differential possibilities are distinguished by the lack of any one gathers a history that the ‘patient’ spends his weekends
associated intentionality and by the lack of any recogniz- playing volleyball, the diagnostic evaluation is essentially
able ‘goal’. Thus, in the case of ‘paralysis’, the malingerer complete. Laboratory testing may be helpful, as for exam-
and the individual with factitious illness both consciously ple neuroimaging in cases of feigned paralysis; however,
and intentionally feign weakness, with the goal, respec- most malingerers tend to feign illnesses that lack distinc-
tively, of either an understandable gain (e.g., winning a tive laboratory findings.
lawsuit) or of simply being a patient on the neurologic What the physician should do, once it becomes clear
ward. By contrast, in the case of, say, conversion disorder, that malingering is present, is not clear. Some advocate a
the ‘paralysis’ simply appears, without any planning or simple, but non-judgmental, discussion of the facts, and
intention on the part of the patient, and persists despite indeed some malingerers may respond favorably to this.
there being no advantage to the patient. Most, however, will not and indeed may become even
more demanding or hostile. Regardless of what approach is
taken, however, it is important to ‘do no harm’, and in this
Malingering regard, one should not prescribe narcotics, certify non-
existent illnesses, or do anything else that reinforces the
Some malingerers may limit their dissimulation to simply patient’s deception.
voicing more or less convincing complaints. Others may
take advantage of an actual illness, and embellish their
symptoms out of all proportion to the actual underlying Factitious illness
disease or condition. Some may go so far as to actually
stage an accident or inflict a wound and then go on to exag- The illnesses feigned here tend to be severe, as might be
gerate their effects. Falsification of medical records may expected, given that the goal of the dissimulation is admis-
also occur. sion to the hospital. Typically, the patient arrives at the
Neurologic, psychiatric, and rheumatologic illnesses are emergency room with a very convincing presentation (Reich
often chosen as models. Malingerers may complain of and Gottfried 1983). Some may complain of several episodes
headaches, anesthesia, paralysis, ‘whiplash’, and pain, espe- of severe chest pain, suggesting crescendo angina. Others
cially low back pain. Depression, post-traumatic stress dis- may report having had a ‘seizure’, and even bite their tongue
order, and psychosis may also be feigned. A peculiar form to make the picture more convincing. Others may swallow
of malingering may be seen in prisoners awaiting trial or blood and then vomit, thus simulating hematemesis,
sentencing, known as the ‘Ganser syndrome’ (Carney et al. whereas others may hold the blood in their mouths and then
1987; Tsoi 1973). Also known as the ‘nonsense syndrome’, cough, producing a picture of hemoptysis. A urine specimen
this is characterized by ‘nonsense’ responses to questions, may be contaminated with feldspar to mimic renal calculi,
which are always just off the mark or past the point. For or with feces to suggest a severe urinary tract infection. More
example, if the individual is asked to add 5 plus 3, he may malignantly, feces may be injected to create a septic picture.
respond ‘7’; with coaching and encouragement he may give Laxatives may be taken to induce diarrhea, furosemide to
other responses, such as ‘6’ or ‘9’, but never the correct one. create hypokalemia, myelosuppressants to mimic aplastic
In a similar vein, if asked how many legs a horse has, the anemia, thyroid hormone to produce hyperthyroidism, and
response may be ‘3’. Typically, although these individuals either insulin or oral antidiabetic agents to produce hypo-
appear confused and dazed, they are generally able to find glycemia and raise the question of an insulinoma; in this last
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References 303
case, determining simultaneous insulin and C-peptide levels 1977; Pope et al. 1982; Popli et al. 1992). Individuals may
is helpful to rule out surreptitious injection of insulin: in an report suicidal or homicidal ideation, or may complain of
insulinoma both are elevated, whereas when insulin is voices, visions, deep depression, or post-traumatic stress.
injected the C-peptide level will be normal (Grunberger Given that laboratory testing is generally irrelevant in such
et al. 1988). cases, unmasking the dissimulation may take a little longer;
Once admitted, these individuals may make frequent however, eventually inconsistencies become apparent. In
demands for narcotics, and staff are often split and played such cases, when confronted by the physician’s suspicions,
off, one against the other. Diagnostic tests are welcomed, these individuals may, like those with ‘physical’ symptoms,
even demanded, and as the tests become ever more inva- become indignant and demand discharge, or they may ‘up
sive and dangerous, these individuals often become the ante’ by making a suicidal gesture.
calmer, even content. As more and more tests come back As with malingering, it is not clear what the best
negative or inconsistent (Wallach 1994), the complaints approach is to factitious illness. Some advocate confronta-
may change: chest pain may fail to recur, but now abdom- tion, whereas others will attempt to engage the individual
inal pain and diarrhea come to the forefront. Eventually, in some form of psychotherapy. In cases of ‘proxy’ illness,
when told by the physician that there is ‘nothing wrong’, legal authorities must be involved.
these individuals typically become angry, accuse the physi-
cian of incompetence, and leave the hospital abruptly,
often against medical advice. REFERENCES
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Neurodegenerative and movement disorders
amnestic patients may still ‘remember’ how to play card in from 10 percent (Mega et al. 1996) to 35 percent (Klatka
games or musical instruments (Beatty et al. 1994). For et al. 1996) of patients and are more commonly visual than
example, one patient (Crystal et al. 1989), a professional auditory (Burns et al. 1990b; Forstl et al. 1993; Ropacki and
musician, although unable to remember the names of var- Jeste 2005). Delusions are found in from 16 percent (Burns
ious musical pieces or their composers, was nevertheless et al. 1990c) to 53 percent (Klatka et al. 1996). Common
still able to play Beethoven’s fifth symphony flawlessly on delusional themes (Binetti et al. 1993; Burns et al. 1990c;
the piano. Devanand et al. 1997; Forstl et al. 1993; Hirono et al. 1998)
Personality change may take various forms: apathy, include misidentification, theft, the Capgras phenomenon,
indifference, and withdrawal are most common. Patients and the phantom boarder. Patients may misidentify other
may also develop a frontal lobe syndrome, with coarseness, people and sometimes their own homes. They may insist
impulsivity, and disinhibition (Mega et al. 1996; Petry et al. that things have been stolen or taken from them, and
1988). they may be terrified that family members are actually
Rarely, Alzheimer’s disease may present with an aphasia imposters who have come to annoy or torment them;
that may be expressive or, much less commonly, receptive, some may insist that someone, perhaps someone malevo-
which gradually worsens as dementia supervenes (Clark lent, is in fact hiding in the house, perhaps in the attic or
et al. 2003; Galton et al. 2000; Green et al. 1990; Greene the cellar. In some cases, misidentification may be quite
et al. 1996; Karbe et al. 1993; Knibb et al. 2006). Even more remarkable, and patients may insist that their own reflec-
rarely, the presentation may be with a gradually worsening tion in the mirror is in fact not them (Forstl et al. 1993).
apraxia (Ross et al. 1996). Interestingly, although it is very rare for Alzheimer’s dis-
With gradual progression, further cognitive deficits ease to present with psychosis, this was in fact the presen-
accrue to eventually complete the clinical syndrome of tation in Alzheimer’s first patient, Auguste D, who
dementia. Attempts have been made to subdivide the presented, at the age of 51 years, with a delusion of jealousy
course of the dementia of Alzheimer’s disease into various regarding her husband (Maurer et al. 1997; Wilkins and
stages, such as ‘mild’, ‘moderate’, and ‘severe’ and, although Brody 1969a).
this has some merit, it must be kept in mind that there Other symptoms may appear as the dementia pro-
is substantial overlap among these stages. The mild stage gresses, including ‘frontal release’ signs (such as snout and
is characterized primarily by cognitive deficits: in addition grasp reflexes), astereognosis, and agraphesthesia (Huff
to the amnesia, one also finds a decrease in abstracting and et al. 1987). Anosognosia is seen in a minority early on, but
calculating abilities; there is also often a degree of anomia becomes common with disease progression (Starkstein
and apraxia. In the moderate stage, cognitive ability deteri- et al. 1997). Parkinsonism may be seen late in the course in
orates further and speech may deteriorate into a fluent a minority of cases, being typically characterized by rigidity
aphasia (Faber-Langendoen et al. 1988; Price et al. 1993). In and bradykinesia, with tremor being relatively rare (Clark
the severe stage there is a profound cognitive deficit, and et al. 1997; Scarmeas et al. 2004). Seizures may also occur
patients are often totally dependent on others for their care; in a small minority (Amatniek et al. 2006; Goodman 1953);
mutism may occur, or there may be echolalia or palilalia. these tend to be grand mal and occur late in the course of
In addition to cognitive deficits most patients will also the disease (Romanelli et al. 1990). Very late in the course,
develop mood changes and psychotic symptoms, generally a minority may also have myoclonus (Benesch et al. 1993;
during the moderate stage. Mood changes may include Chen et al. 1991; Faden and Townsend 1976). Other possi-
depression, apathy, anxiety and irritability, agitation, and ble symptoms include emotional incontinence (Starkstein
euphoria (Mega et al. 1996). Depressive symptoms are fairly et al. 1995), the Kluver–Bucy syndrome (Lilly et al. 1983),
common, with prevalence figures noted of 14 percent and, very rarely, hemiparesis (Jagust et al. 1990).
(Klatka et al. 1996), 24 percent (Burns et al. 1990a) and 52 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed
percent (Starkstein et al. 2005), and these symptoms tend to tomography (CT) scanning reveal cortical atrophy and ven-
persist over a long follow-up period (Starkstein et al. 1997). tricular dilation. Early on in the course, the degree of this
The severity of the depression varies from mild to that change may still be within the broadly defined limits of nor-
encountered in the depressive episodes of a major depres- mal for the elderly population, but with progression, the
sion (Migliorelli et al. 1995). Apathy may accompany changes become quite pronounced, as illustrated in Figures
depression, but it may also be seen in a pure form in roughly 8.1 and 8.2. The electroencephalogram is typically normal
one-third of all patients (Starkstein et al. 2006). Anxiety and in mild disease; however, with progression generalized
irritability are about as common as depression, being found theta, and eventually delta, slowing appears. Although rou-
in a little less than one-half of patients (Litvan et al. 1996a; tine cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) studies are normal, measure-
Mega et al. 1996). Agitation is very common, found in over ment of CSF beta-amyloid and tau protein may be of
one-half of patients (Lopez et al. 2003). Euphoria, by con- diagnostic import. As noted below, Alzheimer’s disease is
trast, is uncommon, being found in from 4 percent (Burns characterized pathologically by neuritic plaques composed
et al. 1990a) to 8 percent (Mega et al. 1996) of cases. of an amyloid core, and by neurofibrillary tangles com-
Psychotic symptoms include hallucinations, either posed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein. CSF studies
visual or auditory, and delusions. Hallucinations are noted have demonstrated both a decreased level of beta-amyloid
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 337
Although a small minority of patients may experience tem-
porary plateaus, Alzheimer’s disease, for the most part, is
relentlessly and steadily progressive, death occurring for
most within 5–15 years. At the end, patients are vegetative,
bedfast, and incontinent. Although it is generally held that
cases with an early onset, before the age of 65 years, tend to
run a more rapid course (Koss et al. 1996), not all studies
agree on this (Bracco et al. 1994).
In addition, there appears to be a correlation between plaques remain unclear. One current hypothesis (the ‘amy-
the depth of the memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease and loid cascade hypothesis’) focuses on the neurotoxicity of
the extent of damage in the cholinergic nucleus basalis of one form of beta-amyloid, the 42-amino acid form. APP is
Meynert (Neary et al. 1986; Rasool et al. 1986; Whitehouse a transmembrane protein that is normally cleaved by sev-
et al. 1982). There is also a correlation between depression eral secretases, namely alpha, beta, and gamma secretase.
and cell loss in the superior central nucleus (Zweig et al. Depending on which secretases are involved, different
1988) and probably the locus ceruleus (Zubenko and fragments are produced; when cleavage is via beta and then
Moosy 1988; Zweig et al. 1988), although not all have repli- gamma secretase it appears that two forms of beta-amyloid
cated this finding (Hoogendijk et al. 1999). are produced, a 40-amino acid form and a 42-amino acid
Much progress has been made in the search for the etiol- form. The 42-amino acid form of beta-amyloid is relatively
ogy of Alzheimer’s disease, especially with regard to genetic insoluble and undergoes fibrillization to form what are
factors. In a small minority of cases, probably less than 1 per- known as ‘diffuse’ plaques. These diffuse plaques prompt
cent, especially those of early onset before the age of 50 years, an inflammatory response and are neurotoxic; according
Alzheimer’s disease is clearly inherited in an autosomal to the theory, this neurotoxicity leads both to the break-
dominant fashion. Mutations have been identified in three down of axons, thus creating neurites that surround the
genes (Janssen et al. 2003): the APP (amyloid precursor pro- ‘diffuse’ plaques, thereby creating classic neuritic plaques,
tein) gene on chromosome 21 (Brouwers et al. 2006; and to the formation of neurofibrillary proteins in surviv-
Chartier-Harlin et al. 1991), the presenilin-1 gene on chro- ing neurons. This amyloid cascade hypothesis gains sup-
mosome 14 (Bird et al. 1996; Wasco et al. 1995), and the port from several quarters. First, it is well known that
presenilin-2 gene on chromosome 1 (Levy-Lahad et al. 1995). patients with Down’s syndrome, should they survive past
The role of genetic factors in the remaining vast majority of the age of 40 years, almost always develop Alzheimer’s dis-
cases of apparently sporadic Alzheimer’s disease is not clear. ease (Evenhuius 1990; Jervis 1948; Lai and Williams 1989;
Some (Bergem et al. 1997; Breitner et al. 1995; Gatz et al. Olson and Shaw 1969). Down’s syndrome occurs second-
1997), but not all (Cook et al. 1981), studies support a higher ary to an extra chromosome 21, with a consequent extra
concordance among monozygotic than dizygotic twins. gene for APP; this leads in turn to an overproduction of
Likewise, whereas some studies indicate a higher prevalence APP, which would ‘start’ the amyloid cascade going from
of Alzheimer’s disease among the first-degree relatives of the top. Second, as noted earlier, there are rare inherited
probands than among the equivalent relatives of controls, cases of Alzheimer’s disease that are caused by mutations
others do not. One of the reasons for these discordant results in the gene for APP, which, again, could start the cascade
might be that, although Alzheimer’s disease may be inher- going. Third, it appears that presenilin interacts with
ited, there is such great intrafamily variability in the age of its gamma secretase and, as noted earlier, there are also rare
expression that most cases among relatives are missed in inherited forms of Alzheimer’s disease that occur second-
cross-sectional studies. Life-table studies support this ary to mutations in the genes for presenilin-1 or -2; con-
notion; indeed, studies using the life-table approach have ceivably, if these mutations lead to an increased activity of
found that the projected risk among first-degree relatives is gamma secretase, this would lead to an overproduction of
approximately 50 percent (Mohs et al. 1987), just what beta-amyloid, specifically of the neurotoxic 42-amino acid
would be expected if sporadic Alzheimer’s disease was, in form. Finally, it also appears that the epsilon-4 form of
fact, an autosomal dominant disorder. apolipoprotein E increases the rate of beta-amyloid pro-
Another gene associated with Alzheimer’s disease is that duction. Although taken together these considerations
for apolipoprotein E on chromosome 19. Apolipoprotein lend considerable weight to the ‘amyloid cascade’ hypoth-
E occurs in several forms, depending on which alleles are esis, it should be borne in mind that the hypothesis
present – epsilon-2, epsilon-3, or epsilon-4 – and there is a remains simply that, an hypothesis, and as yet has not
correlation between which alleles are present and the risk been proven.
of Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, the risk for patients with one
or two of the epsilon-4 alleles is substantially higher
(Corder et al. 1993; Saunders et al. 1993) than that for Differential diagnosis
patients who lack this allele. Importantly, the presence of
the epsilon-4 allele is merely a ‘risk factor’: patients with- As noted above, the typical presentation of Alzheimer’s
out this allele can and do get the disease and, conversely, disease is characterized by the gradual onset of amnesia,
those with it may never develop Alzheimer’s. with a subsequent accrual of other cognitive deficits; a per-
In contrast to these positive results in genetic studies, sonality change may occur, but usually only after cognitive
efforts to identify environmental causes have generally been deficits have become prominent, and, at least in the mild
unsuccessful, with possibly one exception: it does appear stage of the disease, there are few distinctive features. The
that a history of significant head trauma may increase the differential diagnosis for such a dementia of gradual onset,
risk of Alzheimer’s disease (Schofield et al. 1997). lacking in distinctive features, as detailed in Section 5.1 and
The actual mechanism or mechanisms responsible for Table 5.1, is fairly wide, but certain considerations enable
the formation of neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic one to narrow it down.
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 339
Diffuse Lewy body disease may present in a similar fash- that may reduce the risk of getting the disease or reduce
ion, but, within the first year, one sees several features that symptoms.
are not typical for early Alzheimer’s disease, namely Agents that may reduce the risk of the disease include
parkinsonism, visual hallucinations, and spontaneous con- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, possibly,
fusional episodes. estrogen replacement therapy. With regard to the use of
Binswanger’s disease and lacunar dementia may be sug- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (primarily ibupro-
gested by a history of stroke; however, this may at times be fen), several epidemiologic studies have suggested a
absent, especially in the case of Binswanger’s disease. decreased risk with chronic use (Aisen and Davis 1994;
Magnetic resonance scanning, however, will typically in t’ Veld et al. 2001; MacKenzie and Munoz 1998;
resolve the issue, revealing severe white matter disease in McGeer et al. 1996; Stewart et al. 1997). With regard to
the case of Binswanger’s disease, and a dozen or more sub- estrogens, some (Scooter et al. 1999; Tang et al. 1996;
cortical infarcts in the case of lacunar dementia. Multi- Zandi et al. 2002), but not all (Roberts et al. 2006; Seshadri
infarct dementia is often listed in the differential at this et al. 2001), studies suggest that, in post-menopasual
point, but this entity is always characterized by a history of women, estrogen replacement therapy may also reduce the
stroke, typically multiple strokes, and either CT or MRI risk. It is not clear whether, and to whom, these treatments
will reveal appropriately placed lesions. should be recommended, if at all; certainly in the case of
Pick’s disease and frontotemporal dementia both typi- ibuprofen, the risks may well outweigh any putative
cally present with a personality change, which dominates benefits. Pending prospective studies it might,
the clinical picture for a long time before cognitive deficits however, be reasonable to discuss them with patients who
appear; as noted earlier, although a personality change may are at high risk, such as those with a family history of
occur in Alzheimer’s disease, this typically has an onset Alzheimer’s disease or those with two epsilon-4 alleles of
only after cognitive deficits are well established. apolipoprotein E.
Tumors of the frontal lobes, corpus callosum, or dien- Agents capable of causing a modest symptomatic
cephalon may be considered, but are immediately revealed improvement include the acetylcholinesterase inhibitors
by imaging. donepezil (Feldman et al. 2001; Greenberg et al. 2000;
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, although typically pre- Rogers and Friedhoff 1996; Rogers et al. 1998), rivastigmine
senting with lobar intracerebral hemorrhage, may, at (Rosler et al. 1999), and galantamine (Rockwood et al.
times, present with a gradually progressive dementia due 2001). As noted above, there is a correlation between the
to miliary microbleeds. The differential in such cases may loss of cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of
depend on performing MR scanning with gradient recall Meynert and memory loss, and it is probably by partly
imaging to detect these lesions. restoring cholinergic tone that the acetylcholinesterase
Vitamin B12 and folate deficiency may be clinically inhibitors exert their therapeutic effect. Another agent to
indistinguishable from Alzheimer’s disease, and, although consider is the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) antago-
these are uncommon, they should always be tested for, nist memantine (Cummings et al. 2006), which may be
given their eminent treatability. used either alone or, more commonly, as an ‘add-on’ drug
Depression in the elderly may manifest with prominent to one of the cholinesterase inhibitors, such as donepezil.
cognitive deficits and thus enters the differential. Clinical Importantly, with treatment with a cholinesterase inhibitor
features suggestive of this include the following: a history or memantine, one sees not only some cognitive improve-
of typical depressive symptoms predating the onset of cog- ment but also some improvement in other clinical features,
nitive deficits; a history of prior episodes of depression; such as mood changes and, in some cases, delusions or hal-
and, on mental status examination, a lack of effort on the lucinations. Finally, some studies suggest benefit from
patient’s part in attempting cognitive tasks. As noted ear- D-cycloserine (Schwartz et al. 1996; Tsai et al. 1999), and
lier, Alzheimer’s disease itself may cause depression; how- some (Le et al. 1997; Mazza et al. 2006; Oken et al. 1998),
ever, in contrast to the dementia syndrome of depression, but not all (Schneider et al. 2005), also suggest benefit from
the depression seen in Alzheimer’s disease occurs not Ginkgo biloba. The optimum strategy with regard to these
before the onset of cognitive failure but only well after cog- medications has not as yet been established. In my opinion
nitive deficits have been thoroughly established. In cases in it is reasonable to begin with a cholinesterase inhibitor, for
which a reliable history is lacking it is appropriate to example donepezil, and then monitor for a matter of
attempt a ‘diagnosis by treatment response’ and to pre- months; if there has been some improvement but, as is usu-
scribe an antidepressant and then observe the course of ally the case, there is room for further improvement,
both the depressive and cognitive symptoms. memantine may then be added. The place of d-cycloserine
and Gingko biloba has simply not been elucidated; however,
during a time of relative clinical stability, one may consider
Treatment adding one of these.
Other symptoms that may respond to pharmacologic
In addition to the routine environmental measures discussed treatment include depression, insomnia, apathy, agitation,
in Section 5.1, certain medications may be considered and delusions and hallucinations. Depression may respond
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 340
Subsequent to the onset of the personality change, some on clinical grounds, to differentiate it from Pick’s disease.
patients may also gradually develop parkinsonism or a syn- Tumors of the frontal or temporal lobes may cause a
drome similar to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, with upper similar presentation but are immediately identified on
or lower motor neuron signs. imaging.
Uncommonly, frontotemporal dementia may present When frontotemporal dementia is accompanied by
with an expressive aphasia (Bak et al. 2001; Turner et al. parkinsonism, the possibility of diffuse Lewy body disease
1996) or with a progressive amnesia (Graham et al. 2005). may be raised. Clinical features preceding the development
Computed tomography or MR scanning reveals atro- of parkinsonism, however, enable a differential: in
phy of the frontal or temporal lobes, or both. This may be frontotemporal dementia one sees a personality change,
quite pronounced, to the point of a ‘knife-blade’ appear- whereas in diffuse Lewy body disease one sees a dementia
ance of remaining gyri; in some cases the posterior portion marked by visual hallucinations and confusional episodes.
of the superior temporal gyrus may be spared.
There are no well-established symptomatic treatments spe-
Frontotemporal dementia is gradually progressive, with
cific for frontotemporal dementia: one open study sup-
most patients dying within 5–10 years.
ported the use of rivastigmine (Moretti et al. 2004),
whereas another open study reported no cognitive benefit
Etiology from donepezil and a behavioral worsening (Mendez et al.
2007); one blind study reported behavioral improvement
Macroscopically (Heutink et al. 1997; Mann et al. 1993a) with low-dose trazodone (Lebert et al. 2004), whereas
there is cortical atrophy in the frontal and temporal lobes; another blind study reported that with paroxetine there
microscopically, neuronal loss, gliosis, and spongiform was no behavioral improvement but a cognitive decrement
change are seen primarily in the superficial layers of the (Deakin et al. 2004).
frontal and temporal cortices. Similar, although less severe, Given that the personality change is generally the focus
changes may be seen in the insula, cingulate cortex, hip- of treatment, consideration may be given to carbamazepine
pocampus, basal ganglia, substantia nigra, and, in some, or a second-generation antipsychotic, as discussed in
anterior horn cells. Importantly, there are no Pick cells and Section 7.2 on the frontal lobe syndrome and Section 4.12
no Pick bodies. Appropriate staining, however, may reveal on the Kluver–Bucy syndrome. Dementia, as noted, is often
intracytoplasmic inclusions. In some cases these inclusions mild, and treatment considerations are discussed in
are tau positive, whereas in others they are tau negative but Section 5.1.
ubiquitin positive.
Both sporadic and familial, autosomal dominant cases
occur. Autosomal dominant cases may be divided into those
that have tau-positive inclusions and those that have inclu-
sions which are tau negative but ubiquitin positive. Tau-
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), first clearly delineated
positive inclusions are seen in frontotemporal dementia with
by the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot in 1874, is
parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17), a
classically characterized by a combination of upper and
disorder secondary to mutations in the MAPT gene on chro-
lower motor neuron signs; recent work, however, has indi-
mosome 17 (Janssen et al. 2002; Lantos et al. 2002; Pickering-
cated additional involvement of the frontal and temporal
Brown et al. 2000; Yasuda et al. 2005). Tau-negative,
cortices in this disease, with, in a substantial minority of
ubiquitin-positive inclusions may be seen in several disor-
patients, the development of a dementia. In Europe, ALS is
ders, including frontotemporal lobar dementia with motor
often referred to as Charcot’s disease or motor neuron dis-
neuron disease (FTLD-MND) (Josephs et al. 2006) and fron-
ease, and in the United States it is, at times, colloquially
totemporal lobar dementia-ubiquitinated (FTLD-U), due to
referred to as Lou Gehrig’s disease, after the famous base-
mutations in the gene for progranulin, also on chromosome
ball player who, in 1939, was forced to retire as the disease
17 (Bruni et al. 2007; Mackenzie et al. 2006; Mesulam et al.
took its toll.
2007; Snowden et al. 2006). As might be expected from
ALS has a lifetime prevalence of roughly 4–6 per 100 000
the names of these disorders, FTDP-17 is associated with the
and is more common in men than women by a ratio of
later appearance of parkinsonism, and FTLD-MND with the
approximately 1.5:1.
later appearance of upper and lower motor neuron signs.
When, as is typically the case, frontotemporal dementia Onset is gradual, most patients falling ill between the ages
presents with a personality change, it may not be possible, of 40 and 70 years. Classically, patients present with weak-
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 343
ness in one of the upper extremities, often in the hand, and Course
there may be difficulty buttoning clothes or using small
tools; over time other limbs become involved. Eventually, ALS is almost invariably progressive, with death, often
with involvement of both upper and lower neurons, one from respiratory failure or an intercurrent pneumonia,
finds the distinctive combination of brisk deep tendon generally occurring within about 3 years; survival past
reflexes with atrophic muscular weakness and fascicula- 5 years is quite uncommon (del Aguila et al. 2003).
tions. With involvement of the upper motor neurons des-
tined for the cranial nerve nuclei, a ‘pseudobulbar palsy’
may appear, with dysarthria, dysphagia, and ‘emotional Etiology
incontinence’ with forced laughter and crying (Gallagher
1989; Ironside 1956); the jawjerk reflex tends also to be As noted, the motor symptomatology of ALS reflects
quite brisk. With involvement of the lower motor neurons involvement of both the upper and lower motor neurons
in the cranial nerve nuclei, the tongue may become (Brownell et al. 1970): the upper motor neurons include
atrophic and demonstrate fasciculation. Sensory changes those sending fibers into both the corticospinal and corti-
are generally absent. cobulbar tracts, whereas the lower motor neurons include
Subsequent to the onset of the upper and lower motor those found in certain lower brainstem cranial nerve nuclei
neuron symptoms, a dementia may gradually appear in up (especially the hypoglossal nucleus and the nucleus
to one-quarter of all patients, and in a significant minority ambiguus) and in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.
of others there will be a cognitive decrement of less severe Concurrent with the degeneration of the upper motor neu-
degree, characterized by poor short-term memory and rons, Wallerian degeneration leads to a thinning of both the
judgment (Rippon et al. 2006). corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts, and with degenera-
Although most patients present with a combination of tion of the anterior horn cells, there is subsequent atrophy of
upper and lower motor neuron signs and symptoms, in a the ventral roots. Cognitive deficits reflect cell loss in the
small minority of cases the presentation will be heavily frontal and temporal cortices (Wilson et al. 2001). In
weighted toward either the upper motor neuron (produc- remaining cells one typically finds tau-negative, unbiquitin-
ing a syndrome known as primary lateral sclerosis) or the positive inclusions.
lower motor neuron (producing progressive muscular Ninety percent of all cases of ALS are sporadic; roughly
atrophy). Primary lateral sclerosis (Pringle et al. 1992) is 10 percent are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion,
characterized clinically by a progressive spastic paresis, secondary to mutations in the gene for superoxide dismu-
accompanied in roughly one-half of patients by a pseudo- tase on chromosome 21 (Rosen et al. 1993; Siddique et al.
bulbar palsy (Kuipers-Upmeijer et al. 2001). Progressive 1991), and there are very rare cases of inheritance on a reces-
muscular atrophy, in contrast, presents with progressive sive basis. Although the mechanism underlying cell loss in
weakness, atrophy, and fasciculations. In most cases, ALS is not known, excitotoxicity is strongly suspected.
patients with progressive lateral sclerosis or progressive
muscular atrophy go on to develop clear clinical evidence
of involvement of both upper and motor neurons (e.g., the Differential diagnosis
eventual development of fasciculations in patients with
progressive lateral sclerosis [La Forestier et al. 2001]), thus Diseases capable of causing diagnostic confusion are best
leaving no doubt as to the correct diagnosis. However, in a grouped according to whether they mimic classic ALS, pri-
small minority of cases the clinical picture throughout life mary lateral sclerosis, progressive muscular atrophy, or the
persistently demonstrates involvement of only the upper dementia seen in ALS.
motor neuron or only the lower motor neuron, and these Classic ALS, with evidence of both upper and lower
cases have raised the question as to whether primary lateral motor neuron damage, may be mimicked by cervical
sclerosis and progressive muscular atrophy might each be a spondylosis and syringomyelia; rarely, a similar picture
disease sui generis and distinct from ALS. Autopsy studies, may occur on a paraneoplastic basis or secondary to lym-
however, have indicated subclinical involvement of both phoma (Younger et al. 1991). Finally, there is a rare disor-
the upper and lower motor neurons in these cases, thereby der known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis–parkinsonism
justifying their inclusion under the overall rubric of ALS dementia complex of Guam, found in Guam, parts of
(Brownell et al. 1970; Lawyer and Netsky 1953). Japan, and other Pacific islands (Garruto et al. 1981;
Electromyography typically reveals evidence of dener- Hirano et al. 1967; Malamud et al. 1961).
vation, and nerve condition velocity studies are typically Primary lateral sclerosis may be mimicked by multiple
normal. sclerosis, adrenoleukodystrophy, hereditary spastic para-
T2-weighted or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery plegia, and vitamin B12 deficiency.
(FLAIR) MR imaging may reveal increased signal intensity Progressive muscular sclerosis is very closely mimicked
bilaterally in the centrum semiovale, corresponding to the by two rare, recessively inherited disorders, namely spinal
corticospinal tracts; rarely, atrophy may be noted in the muscular atrophy type III (or the Kugelberg–Welander syn-
prefrontal gyrus. drome [Kugelberg and Welander 1956]), which presents in
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 344
adolescence or early adulthood with proximal muscle weak- develop depression. Furthermore, of patients treated with
ness, and X-linked spinal muscular atrophy (or Kennedy’s levodopa or direct-acting dopaminergics, a majority will
disease [Harding et al. 1982; Kennedy et al. 1968]), which develop significant neuropsychiatric side-effects, most
presents in the middle years with progressive weakness and notably visual hallucinations.
fasciculations, often accompanied by a degree of gyneco- This is a common disease, with a prevalence of roughly
mastia. Consideration may also be given to various periph- 0.2 percent in the general population; it is slightly more
eral motor neuropathies; however, these are immediately common in men than women, by a ratio of roughly 1.5:1.
identified on nerve conduction velocity studies.
As noted earlier, dementia occurring in ALS appears
after the motor signs and symptoms are well-established, Clinical features
and this distinguishes this dementia from certain of the
frontotemporal dementias. As noted in Section 8.3, certain The onset of Parkinson’s disease is gradual and insidious,
of the frontotemporal dementias are accompanied by with symptoms generally first appearing in the mid-50s;
upper and lower motor neuron signs; however, these the range, however, is wide, from 20 to 80 years.
motor signs occur well after the personality change and As just noted, the disease initially manifests with parkin-
dementia have appeared. However, this neat division, sonism (Hoehn and Yahr 1967; Hughes et al. 1993; Martin
based on the evolution of signs and symptoms, has been et al. 1973): patients typically present with asymmetric
brought into question by the discovery of certain families tremor or rigidity affecting an upper or, less commonly,
in which some members have ALS that is later complicated lower extremity. Over time, the opposite side becomes
by a dementia, whereas others have developed a dementia involved, and eventually all four limbs are affected.
first, followed by an ALS-like picture (Vance et al. 2006). Once fully established, Parkinson’s disease leaves a
Further research is clearly needed here. stamp on patients that is, once recognized, almost unforget-
table. Patients stand in a stooped, ‘flexion’ posture, with
their arms and knees in flexion. A rhythmic, 3–7 cycles per
Treatment second (cps) rest tremor is present, most noticeably in the
hands but also evident, when seated, in the feet; the jaw is
Meticulous general medical care goes far to ensure an opti- also often tremulous; of note, although the tremor typically
mum quality of life as the disease progresses. Physical ther- resolves with sleep, in a minority it may persist (April 1966;
apy is helpful for spasticity and, when this is severe, a trial of Stern et al. 1968). The face is often ‘masked’ and expres-
baclofen may be considered. Emotional incontinence, as sionless, and there is a reduced frequency of blinking; there
discussed in Section 4.7, may respond to a combination of may also be copious drooling. Speech is hypophonic,
30 mg of dextromethorphan and 30 mg of quinidine, given soft, monotonous, and lacking in emotional inflection.
twice daily; consideration may also be given to a trial of Handwriting undergoes a ‘micrographic’ change, produc-
citalopram, nortriptyline, or amitriptyline. As respiratory ing scratchy, small letters. Passive extension of the limbs
insufficiency supervenes, bi-level positive airway pressure reveals the rigidity, which, although often of the ‘cogwheel’
(BIPAP) is indicated. At some point the question of a feed- type, may at times be ‘lead pipe’ in character.
ing tube must be considered, and in most cases this is appro- While walking there is reduced arm swing and patients
priate. Eventually one must also discuss tracheostomy, often display ‘marche a petit pas’, wherein they take small,
which is perhaps the most difficult decision of all. shuffling steps; furthermore, they often display ‘festination’
Tracheostomy clearly prolongs life but, as the disease pro- in which, as they walk, their steps become ever more rapid
gresses, patients may become completely ‘locked in’. For and closely spaced, to the point at which a catastrophic fall
some patients this amounts to a ‘living death’ and, rather forward seems almost inevitable. Upon evaluating the sta-
than risk this, they may forego tracheostomy. Eventually, tion of these patients, one typically finds retropulsion,
hospice care is appropriate. wherein a gentle push on the patient’s chest will induce a
Riluzole may also be considered. This agent both gradual toppling backward that the patient cannot keep up
inhibits pre-synaptic release of glutamate and blocks post- with by backward steps. Another important symptom is
synaptic glutamate receptors, and has been shown to retard bradykinesia, which manifests as a slowness in virtually any
the progression of the disease. At most, however, it gener- activity. For example, even in the absence of tremor or sig-
ally adds only a few months to the patient’s life. nificant rigidity, it may take many minutes to fasten a but-
ton. A related phenomenon is bradyphrenia, in which
thoughts, although coherent and logical, move very slowly,
8.5 PARKINSON’S DISEASE as if stuck in molasses.
Another curious phenomenon is ‘freezing’: in this,
Parkinson’s disease, also known as idiopathic parkinson- patients on the brink of an intentional act suddenly
ism or paralysis agitans, presents with a classic parkinson- become ‘frozen’ and unable to move at all (Giladi et al.
ism; over time, however, the majority of patients will 1992). For example, a patient standing in a doorway and
develop a dementia, and a significant minority will also desirous of walking down the hall may be unable to lift a
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 345
foot, take a step, or move at all. Amazingly, however, such depressive symptoms are more likely when the right side of
‘freezing’ may be prevented by providing appropriate the body is affected compared with the left, indicating an
visual ‘cues’. For example, if the hallway is marked off with involvement of the left hemisphere in the genesis of depres-
pieces of tape set about one footstep apart, the patient may sion (Starkstein et al. 1990).
well be able to begin and finish the walk down the hall Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder is
without any difficulty; furthermore, in some cases, patients fairly common in patients with Parkinson’s disease, and
may be able to lyse their own frozen state by simply imag- may either precede or follow the onset of motor symptoms
ining such cues (Morris et al. 1996). (Gagnon et al. 2002; Iranzo et al. 2005).
Finally, akathisia may occur in Parkinson’s disease
(Comella and Goetz 1994) and may appear early in the
course of the disease, before any pharmacologic treatment Course
(Lang and Johnson 1987).
Autonomic symptoms such as dysphagia, constipation, Untreated, most patients become incapacitated within
urinary frequency or incontinence, and nocturia are com- 8–10 years, with death often from pneumonia; with treat-
mon, being seen in well over one-half of patients after 10 or ment, however, survival of 15 or more years may be
more years of disease (Verbaan et al. 2007). expected.
Dementia is more common in patients with Parkinson’s
disease than in age-matched controls (Biggins et al. 1992),
with overall prevalence figures of 11 percent (Mayeux et al. Etiology
1988), 17 percent (Aarsland et al. 1996), 18 percent (Tison
et al. 1995), 19 percent (Marder et al. 1995), 29 percent Macroscopically, there is depigmentation of the substantia
(Marttila and Rinne 1976), and 41 percent (Mayeux et al. nigra (as illustrated in Figure 8.4) and the locus ceruleus.
1992) being noted. The prevalence of dementia in Microscopically (Hughes et al. 1993), neuronal loss is pres-
Parkinson’s disease rises with age: Mayeux et al. (1992) ent not only in these structures but also in the dorsal raphe
noted a prevalence of 0 percent for those under 50 years and
69 percent for those over 80 years. In a similar vein, over an 8-
year follow-up, Aarsland et al. (2003) noted that 78 percent
became demented. It also appears that dementia is more
likely in those with more severe motor symptoms (Kuzis
et al. 1997; Marder et al. 1995). Importantly, the dementia
does not appear until after the motor symptoms have been
well established: one study found that the onset of demen-
tia occurred at a mean of 13 years after the appearance of
motor symptoms, with a range of 6–21 years (Aarsland et al.
2005). It is of interest that James Parkinson, who described
this disease in 1817 (Ostheimer 1922; Wilkins and Brody
1969b), maintained that dementia did not occur, an opin-
ion that was echoed in textbooks for over one and one-half
centuries. This mistake of his may be forgiven, based as it
was on the observation of a mere six patients, two of whom
were encountered only ‘casually’ and one of whom was
‘seen only at a distance’. The dementia itself is fairly non-
specific: patients may experience difficulty with memory
and concentration, and, less commonly, such focal deficits
as aphasia or apraxia may appear.
Depressive symptoms of sufficient severity to meet the
criteria for a depressive episode as set out in DSM-III
(American Psychiatric Association 1980) have been noted
in 3 percent (Hantz et al. 1994), 5 percent (Tandberg et al.
1996), and, in two separate studies (Mayeux et al. 1984;
Starkstein et al. 1990), 21 percent of patients; minor depres-
sive symptomatology may be found in others (Tandberg
et al. 1996), indeed up to 20 percent (Mayeux et al. 1986;
Starkstein et al. 1990). As might be expected, the presence of Figure 8.4 Note the depigmentation, especially evident in the
depression worsens the cognitive deficits in those also substantia nigra, in the case of Parkinson’s disease on the left
demented (Kuzis et al. 1997). Of interest, it appears that in compared with a normal control on the right. (Reproduced from
patients with primarily unilateral motor symptomatology, Stern 1990.)
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 346
Figure 8.5 Lewy bodies in surviving neurons of the substantia nigra. (Reproduced from Stern 1990.)
nucleus, the pedunculopontine nucleus, the dorsal motor with cell loss and Lewy bodies in the cortex (Aarsland
nucleus of the vagus, the thalamus, hypothalamus, nucleus et al. 2005; Apaydin et al. 2002; Braak et al. 2005; Hurtig
basalis of Meynert, the amygdala, and in various areas of the et al. 2000), and depression with similar changes in the
cortex, including the temporal, insular, and cingulate cor- locus ceruleus (Chan-Palay and Asan 1989) and the
tices. Remaining neurons typically display the hallmark of dorsal raphe nucleus (Becker et al. 1997); of note, the dor-
Parkinson’s disease, namely the Lewy body, which, as illus- sal raphe nucleus serves as one of the main sources of sero-
trated in Figure 8.5, is an intracytoplasmic inclusion, com- tonergic innervation to the cortex and a correlation has
posed of alpha-synuclein, neurofilaments, and ubiquitin. been found between CSF levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic
Motor symptoms correlate with cell loss in the substan- acid, a metabolite of serotonin, and the presence of depres-
tia nigra, and generally do not appear until 60 percent or sion in patients with Parkinson’s disease (Mayeux et al.
more of these cells have been lost. Dementia correlates 1984, 1986).
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 347
pattern Chromosome Locus Gene Protein Onset Parkinsonism
Although the mechanism or mechanisms underlying cell majority of cases that do not exhibit a clear-cut familial
loss and Lewy body formation are not known, it is theorized basis, as they may not have the same pathology as that
that, perhaps related to mitochondrial respiratory chain described above. For example, although Lewy bodies, the
dysfunction, there is an increased formation of free radicals pathologic hallmark of Parkinson’s disease, are found in
with subsequent cell damage. Genetic factors and environ- some cases of PARK8 (Papapetropoulos et al. 2006) and
mental factors may both be involved. Although idiopathic PARK2 (Farrer et al. 2001; Pramstaller et al. 2005), they are
Parkinson’s disease has long been thought to be sporadic, not found in other cases, both of PARK8 (Funayama et al.
recent epidemiologic work strongly suggests familial factors 2002; Gaig et al. 2007) and PARK2 (Mori et al. 1998;
(Sveinbjornsdottir et al. 2000). Furthermore, fluorodopa Takahashi et al. 1994).
positron emission tomography has demonstrated not only The place of genetic testing, at present, is uncertain.
reduced dopamine uptake in the striatum of patients but Where a strong family history exists, a case could be made
also a reduced uptake in their clinically unaffected co-twins, for testing to allow for genetic counselling; otherwise, such
suggesting that the co-twins had asymptomatic disease testing is probably best reserved for research settings.
(Piccini et al. 1999). Environmental toxins have long been
suspected, and suspicion has focused on exposure to pesti-
cides (Ascherio et al. 2006). Of interest, it also appears that Differential diagnosis
cigarette smoking appears to reduce the risk of developing
Parkinson’s disease (Thacker et al. 2007). Parkinson’s disease constitutes only one of many different
Interest in genetic factors has recently been stimulated causes of parkinsonism, and the full differential for
by the investigation of cases having a clear-cut, unequivo- parkinsonism is discussed at length in Section 3.8. Of the
cal familial basis (Feany 2004; Klein 2006; Tan and disorders noted there, several should especially come to
Jankovic 2006). These constitute only a small percentage of mind when considering a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease,
cases, no more than 10 percent, and the pattern of inheri- including diffuse Lewy body disease, multiple system atro-
tance may be either autosomal dominant or autosomal phy, progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal gan-
recessive. Table 8.1 lists the various forms that have been glionic degeneration, and vascular parkinsonism.
discovered, grouping them according to whether they Diffuse Lewy body disease may present with a classic
are dominantly or recessively inherited. As noted these parkinsonism; however, within a year of onset of the
cases may be either early (under 40 years) or late onset, and movement disorder, this disease also causes a dementia
the parkinsonism may be typical or have atypical aspects. marked by confusional episodes and visual hallucinations.
Two of the more common forms are PARK8, due to muta- Although most patients with Parkinson’s disease will also
tions in LRRK, and PARK2, due to mutations in PRKN. develop a dementia, this, as noted above, is a late occur-
PARK8 cases may be clinically indistinguishable from rence, appearing only many years after the onset of the
idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (Gaig et al. 2007; movement disorder, and it is this disparity in time of onset
Papapetropoulos et al. 2006); PARK2 cases may also be of the dementia which is most helpful in distinguishing
indistinguishable or may present with a combination of these two disorders.
parkinsonism and foot dystonia (Khan et al. 2003; Lucking Multiple system atrophy may cause a fairly classic
et al. 2000). It is unclear at present how relevant these dis- parkinsonism; however, these patients will also typically
coveries are to an understanding of the overwhelming have evidence of either cerebellar degeneration with ataxia,
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 348
or autonomic failure with postural dizziness, erectile dys- increasing the amount available in the striatum and
function and either urinary incontinence or retention. thereby exerting a modest therapeutic effect. Although
Progressive supranuclear palsy may cause parkinsonism, perhaps controversial, there is also evidence that both
but this is usually accompanied by certain atypical features, selegiline (Palhagen et al. 2006) and rasagiline (Parkinson
such as the early occurrence of frequent, unexplained falls, Study Group 2004) may have a ‘neuroprotective’ effect and
a symmetric onset, an extension (rather than flexion) pos- may, to a modest degree, slow the progression of the dis-
ture, and, most importantly, the appearance within several ease. As there have been no ‘head to head’ comparisons of
years of a supranuclear ophthalmoplegia. these two agents, it is not clear which one should be used.
Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration, like Parkinson’s Anticholinergics, although useful for tremor, have a lim-
disease, causes a parkinsonism of asymmetric onset. ited effect on bradykinesia and rigidity, and in some
However, here the onset is markedly asymmetric and, patients may cause confusion or a memory deficit. In light
furthermore, the rigidity often has a dystonic aspect to it of this, they are generally reserved for cases in which tremor
and is typically accompanied by cortical sensory loss and is prominent, with due regard for any emerging cognitive
apraxia. deficits.
Vascular parkinsonism, occurring in the setting of mul- Amantadine, in a dose of 200–300 mg/day, may have a
tiple lacunar infarctions, produces a somewhat atypical mild effect on motor symptoms, but the effect may be short-
parkinsonism in that tremor is often absent and the rigid- lived, with little benefit seen after a matter of months
ity and bradykinesia are accompanied by evidence of dam- (Thomas et al. 2004; Timberlake and Vance 1978). Given this
age to the corticospinal tracts (e.g., hyper-reflexia and limited benefit, and the side-effects seen with amantadine,
Babinski signs) and corticobulbar tracts (e.g., pseudobul- routine use is probably not justified. There may, however, be
bar palsy with emotional incontinence). a place for amantadine in the treatment of levodopa-induced
One very important clue in the differential of parkin- dyskinesias (Verhagen Metman et al. 1998).
sonism is the presence or absence of ‘levodopa responsive- Levodopa is the most effective treatment for the motor
ness’. The parkinsonism of Parkinson’s disease is almost symptomatology of Parkinson’s disease, and is generally
always robustly responsive to levodopa; although parkin- given in combination with a peripheral aromatic amino
sonism seen in other disorders may also respond, this is acid decarboxylase inhibitor (carbidopa or benzaride) in
not as common and the response is typically not robust, order to prolong its effect: both regular and sustained-
hence a lack of a robust response to levodopa should release preparations are available. The initial response to
prompt a reconsideration of the diagnosis. levodopa/carbidopa is generally quite gratifying, but as lev-
odopa does not retard the progression of the disease, a
dosage increase is necessary over time, and most patients
Treatment eventually begin to show motor fluctuations: such fluctua-
tions can be ‘peak dose’ with dyskinesias, ‘end of dose’ with
The treatment of Parkinson’s disease begins with its motor an early wearing off of effectiveness, or unpredictable.
symptoms; over time, as noted earlier, dementia and depres- When fluctuations appear, using lower and more closely
sion typically appear and require their own treatments. spaced doses of levodopa may help, or one may add tol-
Each aspect of treatment is discussed in turn, beginning capone. Tolcapone is a peripheral catechol-O-methyltrans-
with motor symptoms. ferase inhibitor that extends the duration of levodopa’s
effect and also allows for a lowering of the levodopa dose
MOTOR SYMPTOMS (Adler et al. 1998; Brooks and Sagar 2003; Kurth et al. 1997;
Rajput et al. 1997; Waters et al. 1997); although hepatotox-
Motor symptoms may be treated with a variety of agents, icity is a concern (Baas et al. 1997), the medication may
including monoamine oxidase inhibitors (e.g., selegiline be used safely with appropriate monitoring (Olanow et al.
and rasagiline), anticholinergics (e.g., benztropine and tri- 2000). Recently a ‘triple combination’ preparation, con-
hexyphenidyl), amantadine, levodopa/carbidopa (with or taining levodopa, carbidopa, and tolcapone, has become
without entacapone), and direct-acting dopamine agonists available. Attention should also be paid to the possibility of
(bromocriptine, cabergoline, pramipexole, and ropinirole). Helicobacter pylori infection; in patients with confirmed
Each of these agents will be discussed in turn, followed by a infection, successful treatment with omeprazole, amoxi-
discussion of an overall treatment strategy. Treatment with cillin, and clarithromycin was followed by increased absorp-
levodopa or dopamine agonists eventually causes significant tion of levodopa and increased on-time (Pierantozzi
neuropsychiatric side-effects (e.g., visual hallucinations) in et al. 2006).
most patients, and these are discussed further below. As noted above, dopamine agonists include a number of
The monoamine oxidase inhibitors selegiline (used in different agents: although bromocriptine is the oldest
doses of 10 mg or less daily) (Myllyla et al. 1997; Palhagen member of this group, problematic side-effects, combined
et al. 1998) and rasagiline (Parkinson Study Group 2005) with the fact that newer agents (e.g. ropinirole [Korczyn
are both selective against monoamine oxidase type B and, et al. 1999]) may be more effective, have limited its use.
as such, inhibit intracellular metabolism of levodopa, thus Dopamine agonists have been used as monotherapy in early,
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 349
mild Parkinson’s disease, and include cabergoline (Rinne and to allow a dose reduction and a reduction in levodopa-
et al. 1997), pramipexole (Parkinson Study Group 1997; induced dyskinesias.
Shannon et al. 1997), ropinirole (Adler et al. 1997; Korczyn In treating patients with levodopa or dopaminergic
et al. 1999; Rascol et al. 2000), and, most recently, transder- agents, it is important to avoid suddenly stopping them as
mal rotigotine (Jankovic et al. 2007). Dopamine agonists are this may precipitate a neuroleptic malignant syndrome, as
also used as ‘add-on’ drugs to levodopa, both to smooth out has been reported for levodopa (Sechi et al. 1984; Toru et al.
levodopa fluctuations and to allow for a levodopa dose 1981), the combination of levodopa and bromocriptine
reduction, this effect having been shown for cabergoline (Figa-Talamanca et al. 1985), and amantadine (Cunningham
(Hutton et al. 1996; Inzelberg et al. 1996), pramipexole et al. 1991; Harsch 1987).
(Guttman et al. 1997; Lieberman et al. 1997; Pinter et al. When motor symptoms become severe and resistant to
1999), and ropinirole (Lieberman et al. 1998). Of these pharmacologic treatment, consideration may be given to
dopamine agonists, cabergoline has been strongly associated deep brain stimulation or to electroconvulsive therapy
with cardiac valvular disease (Zanettini et al. 2007) and, (ECT). Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus
hence, if an oral dopamine agonist is used, consideration is is effective (Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson’s
best given to either pramipexole or ropinirole. When Disease Study Group 2001; Rodriguez-Oroz et al. 2004),
dopamine agonists are used, patients should be cautioned somewhat more so than stimulation of the pars interna
that sleep attacks may occur (Avorn et al. 2005; Ferreira et al. of the globus pallidus (Deep Brain Stimulation for
2000; Frucht et al. 1999; Hauser et al. 2000); they should Parkinson’s Disease Study Group 2001). In emergent situ-
generally avoid driving or using hazardous machinery until, ations, or in cases where neurosurgical intervention is not
with prolonged use, it has become apparent whether or not possible, consideration should be given to ECT. ECT has
this side-effect will occur. been shown in a double-blind study (Andersen et al. 1987)
The optimum overall treatment strategy is still a matter to improve motor symptoms regardless of whether
of some debate, and although the strategy recommended patients are depressed or not, and the results are at times
here is intended as a middle of the road approach, not all dramatic. As such, ECT may be life-saving, and although
authors will be in agreement. maintenance ECT may be required to prolong the benefit,
In general, pharmacologic treatment should not be ini- this may, in selected cases, be a reasonable price to pay in
tiated until the motor symptomatology significantly inter- light of the increased mobility.
feres with the patient’s ability to function. In mild cases Most patients treated with levodopa or dopamine ago-
one may begin with one of the monoamine oxidase nists will eventually develop significant neuropsychiatric
inhibitors and, when tremor is prominent, some clinicians side-effects. The most common of these are visual halluci-
advocate the use of an anticholinergic. With disease pro- nations; others include psychosis, anxiety (during wearing
gression, however, one must at some point add either lev- off of levodopa), and certain other, much less common,
odopa or a dopamine agonist, and the question of which to phenomena, including impulsive behaviors, stereotypies,
use first has not been settled. Given the sometimes stun- euphoria (with, rarely, mania), and delirium. Each of these
ning effectiveness of levodopa, some advocate using this is discussed in turn.
first, especially when a prompt response is required, for Visual hallucinations are very common with prolonged
example when a patient is threatened with job loss. Others, treatment with either levodopa or dopamine agonists: in
however, with an eye towards delaying the emergence of one 6-year study, the percentage of patients with hallucina-
levodopa-induced dsykinesias, advocate starting with tions gradually increased until, at the end of the study, fully
dopamine agonist monotherapy and adding levodopa only 62 percent were experiencing them (Goetz et al. 2005). The
as the disease progresses. hallucinations are typically complex, involving scenes, ani-
All other things being equal, it may be prudent to begin mals or people, and may last from minutes to hours or
with a dopamine agonist, either pramipexole or ropinirole, even days; importantly, early on, patients retain insight
increasing the dose as required until limiting side-effects into the hallucinatory nature of these experiences and rec-
occur or further dose increases are not effective, and then, ognize that they are not ‘real’ (Barnes and David 2001;
with disease progression, to add levodopa. Between the Fenelon et al. 2000; Friedman and Sienkiewicz 1991;
regular and sustained-release preparations of levodopa, the Graham et al. 1997; Inzelberg et al. 1998). Auditory hallu-
sustained-release preparation may be preferable as it may cinations, or even olfactory or gustatory hallucinations,
allow for a longer duration of effect; given its slower onset may also occur, but these are much less common (Goetz
of action, however, some patients may have to take a ‘reg- et al. 2005; Holroyd et al. 2001). Of note, although it has
ular’ release preparation first thing in the morning in order traditionally been taught that visual hallucinations in
to ‘jump start’ themselves (Pahwa et al. 1996). When patients with Parkinson’s disease occur, as noted here, as
fluctuations in levodopa responsiveness begin to appear, side-effects, recent work suggests that, in a very small
the addition of tolcapone may be considered. If one begins minority of patients, visual hallucinations may occur
with levodopa rather than with dopamine agonist before any treatment is administered (Biousse et al. 2004).
monotherapy, at some point one will generally have to add Furthermore, it appears that patients with greater cell loss
a dopamine agonist to smooth out the effect of levodopa and Lewy body pathology in the amygdala are more likely
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 350
to develop hallucinations when treated with levodopa medication, symptoms resolve within days to months
(Harding et al. 2002a). It may well be that amygdalar (Dodd et al. 2005).
pathology not only renders patients more sensitive to the Stereotypies seen with treatment may be complex and
hallucinogenic effects of levodopa and dopamine agonists socially disabling. Known as ‘punding’, these may include
but may also, if severe enough, independently cause repeatedly taking apart and putting together machinery or
hallucinations. engaging in other purposeless behaviors (Evans et al.
Psychosis is said to be present when patients either 2004).
experience hallucinations without insight or develop delu- Euphoria may occur, and some patients may escalate
sions. As just noted, visual hallucinations with preserved the dose in order to achieve this side-effect (Giovannoni et
insight are very common; however, over a matter of several al. 2000); in some cases, albeit rarely, a manic episode may
years, the majority of patients who do have hallucinations occur (Celesia and Barr 1970; O’Brien et al. 1971).
will lose insight and begin to react to the visual hallucina- Delirium has been noted as a side-effect (Celesia and
tions as if they were real (Goetz et al. 2006). Delusions, Barr 1970; Friedman and Sienkiewicz 1991; Serby et al.
often of persecution, may also occur, but are much less 1978), but this is rare.
common (Holroyd et al. 2001).
Treatment of hallucinations or psychosis should gener- DEMENTIA
ally involve an attempt at dose reduction of levodopa
and/or dopamine agonists. These side-effects are generally Dementia may be treated with either donepezil (Emre et al.
dose-responsive and in some cases it may be possible to 2004; Ravina et al. 2005) or rivastigmine (Aarsland et al.
reduce the dose sufficiently to allow for a substantial resolu- 2002); donepezil may be preferred as there was no worsen-
tion of them without sacrificing control of the parkinson- ing of parkinsonism with donepezil, in contrast to riva-
ism. When dose reduction is either ineffective or stigmine, which did cause motor worsening, in particular
impractical, consideration may be given to treatment with an an increase in tremor. The overall treatment of dementia is
antipsychotic. Various second-generation agents have been discussed in Section 5.1.
used. Quetiapine, in doses of 50–150 mg/day, in non-blind
(Fernandez et al. 1999; Weiner et al. 2000) and single-blind DEPRESSION
(Merims et al. 2006) studies, appeared promising; however,
a double-blind study failed to show any superiority to Depression may be treated with antidepressants such as ser-
placebo (Rabey et al. 2006). Olanzapine, in doses of traline (Antonini et al. 2006) or nortriptyline (Andersen
2.5–15 mg in double-blind studies, was no better than et al. 1980); however, to date, there is no double-blind evi-
placebo and less effective than clozapine, and tended to dence to support their efficacy. Of interest, it appears that
aggravate parkinsonism (Breier et al. 2002; Goetz et al. pramipexole may be more effective than sertraline in this
2000). Risperidone, in a dose of 1–2 mg, was comparable to regard; however, again this was an unblind study (Barone
clozapine in a double-blind study but, in contrast to cloza- et al. 2006). Mirtazapine should be used only with caution,
pine, worsened parkinsonism (Ellis et al. 2000). Clozapine, as it may precipitate REM sleep behavior disorder in these
in doses of 6.25–50 mg, is clearly effective in double-blind patients (Onofrj et al. 2003). In treatment-resistant cases,
studies (Parkinson Study Group 1999, Pollak et al. 2004) consideration may be given to either ECT or transcranial
and, rather than worsening parkinsonism, may actually magnetic stimulation (TMS). In a naturalistic study
improve it (Durif et al. 2004; Parkinson Study Group 1999). (Douyon et al. 1989) ECT was effective, and, as noted earlier,
On the basis of efficacy and motor effects, clozapine is ECT also improves motor symptoms. In a sham-controlled,
clearly preferable; however, the risk of agranulocytosis and double-blind study (Fregni et al. 2004), TMS was as effective
the need for regular blood counts make most clinicians as fluoxetine and did not aggravate motor symptomatology.
pause before recommending it. A reasonable strategy might
be to try another agent first, for example risperidone, keep-
ing clozapine in reserve. 8.6 DIFFUSE LEWY BODY DISEASE
Anxiety may be seen during motor fluctuations of the
‘wearing off’ type, and full anxiety attacks may occur Diffuse Lewy body disease, also known as dementia with
(Hillen and Sage 1996; Vazquez et al. 1993); other symp- Lewy bodies, Lewy body dementia, cortical Lewy body dis-
toms seen during the ‘off’ period include depressed mood, ease, and senile dementia of the Lewy body type, is a rela-
irritability, and various other symptoms, including sweat- tively recently described (Okazaki et al. 1961) cause of
ing (Raudino 2001). dementia, now recognized in both autopsy (Barker et al.
Impulsive behaviors, including pathologic gambling, 2002) and clinical (Rahkonen et al. 2003) studies to be the
compulsive shopping, and hypersexuality, may occur as second most common cause of dementia in the elderly,
side-effects of treatment in a few percent of patients, and accounting for nearly 20 percent of all cases. Clinical stud-
appear more likely in those treated with dopamine agonists ies have also indicated that, in the general population, dif-
(Dodd et al. 2005; Pontone et al. 2006; Voon et al. 2006a,b); fuse Lewy body disease is the second most common cause
with discontinuation of treatment with the offending of parkinsonism (Pineda et al. 2000).
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 351
Diffuse Lewy body disease is distinctive in that it may [Louis et al. 1997]), autonomic dysfunction (with urinary
present in one of two ways, either with a dementia or incontinence, constipation, and orthostatic hypotension
with parkinsonism; eventually, all patients will display [Horimoto et al. 2003]) and REM sleep behavior disorder,
both features. which may actually constitute a very early presentation of
the disorder, appearing long before any other symptoms
(Boeve et al. 1998).
Clinical features Magnetic resonance scanning may reveal cortical atro-
phy and atrophy of medial temporal structures; however,
The onset is gradual, generally in the seventh decade, and, the degree of atrophy tends to be relatively mild (Tam et al.
as noted, the presentation may be with either a dementia or 2005). The EEG may reveal generalized slowing with tem-
parkinsonism (Byrne et al. 1989). poral theta transients (Briel et al. 1999); frontal intermit-
The dementia of diffuse Lewy body disease is character- tent delta activity (FIRDA) (Calzetti et al. 2002) and
ized initially by difficulty in sustaining attention and by periodic spike and slow-wave complexes (Doran and
executive dysfunction, with deficits in judgment and Larner 2004) have also been reported.
decision-making; over time, these symptoms are joined by
short-term memory loss. There are two other features of
the dementia of diffuse Lewy body disease that deserve Course
note, as they are helpful, as discussed later, in distinguish-
ing diffuse Lewy body disease from other dementias: these The course is one of gradual progression, with death on
two features are early-onset hallucinations or delusions average within 12–13 years.
and spontaneous episodes of confusion.
Hallucinations seen in diffuse Lewy body disease are
typically visual, complex and well-formed, and are experi- Etiology
enced without insight (Ala et al. 1997; Ballard et al. 1997,
1999, 2001; Crystal et al. 1990; Tiraboschi et al. 2006; Microscopically (Gibb et al. 1987, Gomez-Tortosa et al.
Weiner et al. 1996). Auditory hallucinations may also 1999, Hansen et al. 1990, Lennox et al. 1989, Lippa et al.
occur, but are less common. Delusions are somewhat less 1994) there is cell loss and Lewy bodies in surviving
common than hallucinations, and tend to be persecutory neurons in the substantia nigra, nucleus basalis of
in nature (Marantz and Verghese 2002). As noted, these Meynert, amygdala, and the cortex. Dementia correlates
symptoms tend to appear early on, and indeed may occur not only with cortical Lewy bodies but also with the pres-
at presentation. ence of Lewy bodies in the nucleus basalis of Meynert. The
Confusional episodes are common and occur early on nucleus basalis provides cholinergic innervation to the cor-
(Ballard et al. 2001, McKeith et al. 1994a); they tend to last in tex, and there is a good correlation between loss of cortical
the order of hours and, importantly, occur spontaneously, choline acetyltransferase activity and the severity of the
without any precipitating events (Bradshaw et al. 2004). dementia (Tiraboschi et al. 2002). In turn, there is also a
Depression may occur during the course of the demen- good correlation between the occurrence of visual halluci-
tia (Burkhardt et al. 1988) and indeed has been noted in up nations and the burden of Lewy bodies in the amygdala,
to one-half of all patients (Klatka et al. 1996). parahippocampus, and inferior temporal cortex (Harding
The parkinsonism of diffuse Lewy body disease is very et al. 2002b).
similar to the classic parkinsonian picture seen in It appears that most cases are sporadic, with only a few
Parkinson’s disease, with bradykinesia, rigidity, and pos- familial instances being reported (Galvin et al. 2002).
tural instability (Hely et al. 1996); tremor, however, is
somewhat less commonly present (Louis et al. 1995, 1997).
Like all parkinsonian patients, those with diffuse Lewy Differential diagnosis
body disease are apt to experience a worsening of their
parkinsonism upon exposure to antipsychotics; however, The differential considerations vary depending on whether
in diffuse Lewy body disease, the exacerbation tends to be the presentation of diffuse Lewy body disease is with
quite severe, a phenomenon known as ‘neuroleptic sensi- dementia or with parkinsonism.
tivity’ (McKeith et al. 1992a,b; Weiner et al. 1996). In some In cases that present with dementia, consideration, as
cases, the exacerbation may persist long after the antipsy- discussed in Section 5.1, must be given to certain other dis-
chotic has been discontinued, and fatalities have occurred. orders capable of causing a dementia of gradual onset,
In cases that present with dementia, parkinsonism typi- including Alzheimer’s disease, Binswanger’s disease, and
cally appears within a matter of years. In cases that present lacunar dementia. Several features of diffuse Lewy body
with parkinsonism, a dementia supervenes relatively soon disease facilitate this differential. The most important is the
thereafter, typically within a year. early appearance, within a year of the onset of the demen-
Other symptoms seen in diffuse Lewy body disease tia, of parkinsonism. Other distinctive features are the
include myoclonus (seen in about one-fifth of patients early and prominent nature of visual hallucinations and
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 352
the occurrence of confusional episodes. Although confu- 25 to 75 mg/day, was beneficial in the majority of cases but
sional episodes may occur, for example, in Alzheimer’s dis- frequently caused sedation and orthostatic hypotension.
ease, they generally appear later and typically occur only in Risperidone, at a dose of 1 mg/day, was beneficial in a case
stressful situations (e.g., when a patient is confronted with report (Kato et al. 2002). Interestingly, clozapine, at a dose
a cognitively demanding task), in contrast to the confu- of 6.25 mg/day, was not only ineffective but also actually
sional episodes of diffuse Lewy body disease, which appear worsened the hallucinations and delusions (Burke et al.
spontaneously. Neuroleptic sensitivity may also provide a 1998). Clearly, more work is needed here.
clue: in some cases of diffuse Lewy body disease that pres- With regard to the treatment of depression, there are no
ent with dementia, there may be a subclinical parkinson- controlled studies. Consideration may be given to an anti-
ism, and in these patients treatment with an antipsychotic depressant, such as an SSRI (McKeith et al. 2005), or, in
may be followed by a florid, and totally unexpected, severe and treatment-resistant cases, ECT (Rasmussen
parkinsonism (McKeith et al. 1992c, 1994b). et al. 2003). In case reports, patients with REM sleep
In cases that present with parkinsonism, other neurode- behavior disorder have responded well to both clonazepam
generative disorders, as discussed in Section 3.8, must be and donepezil (Massironi et al. 2003).
considered, including Parkinson’s disease, multiple system The parkinsonism of diffuse Lewy body disease may
atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy, and corticobasal respond to combination treatment with levodopa/
ganglionic degeneration. With regard to Parkinson’s dis- carbidopa (Byrne et al. 1989); however, the response is
ease, the most important distinguishing feature is what has generally not as robust as that seen in Parkinson’s disease
come to be known as the ‘1-year rule’. As noted earlier, in (Molloy et al. 2005). There is little published experience
cases of diffuse Lewy body disease that present with regarding the use of dopamine agonists such as pramipex-
parkinsonism, there will generally be a dementia within ole or ropinirole.
1 year; although Parkinson’s disease may also cause demen-
tia, the dementia typically ‘breaks’ the 1-year rule in that
many years pass before cognitive features appear. Multiple
system atrophy is suggested by concurrent ataxia; progres- 8.7 PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY
sive supranuclear palsy by frequent falls, an extension pos-
ture, and supranuclear ophthalmoplegia; and corticobasal Progressive supranuclear palsy, also known as the Steele–
ganglionic degeneration by a strikingly asymmetric parkin- Richardson–Olszewski syndrome, is characterized by an
sonism accompanied by dystonia and cortical sensory loss. atypical parkinsonism, which is accompanied in most cases
by a supranuclear ophthalmoplegia and, in about half of
cases, by a dementia. This is an uncommon disorder, found
Treatment somewhat more frequently in men than women.
Differential diagnosis
8.8 CORTICOBASAL GANGLIONIC to the contralateral side, and the temporal lobes and ante-
DEGENERATION rior portions of the frontal lobes may become involved.
Microscopically, changes are seen in these areas and in the
Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration, also know as cortico- basal ganglia and substantia nigra, consisting of neuronal
basal degeneration, is a rare disorder, apparently equally loss and astrocytosis; surviving neurons are large, ballooned,
common in men and women. It is characterized by an and achromatic and contain tau-positive filaments. The
atypical parkinsonism, a dementia, or both. vast majority of cases are sporadic.
The onset is gradual, usually in the sixth or seventh decade. When the presentation is with parkinsonism, considera-
Clinically (Litvan et al. 1997c; Riley et al. 1990; Rinne et al. tion may be given to Parkinson’s disease, diffuse Lewy
1994a; Wenning et al. 1998), most patients present with a body disease, multiple system atrophy, and progressive
strikingly asymmetric rigid akinetic parkinsonism affecting supranuclear palsy, as outlined in Section 3.8. Several fea-
an upper limb; dystonic rigidity may also be present tures set corticobasal ganglionic degeneration apart from
(Vanek and Jankovic 2001). Cortical sensory loss and these disorders, including the striking asymmetry of the
apraxia are common, as is myoclonus. Dementia occurs in parkinsonism and the accompanying sensory loss and
about one-half of patients and, although this usually fol- apraxia. When the presentation is with dementia, consid-
lows the motor disturbance by years, it may at times be the eration, as discussed in Section 5.1, must be given to other
presenting feature (Bergeron et al. 1996; Schneider et al. disorders capable of causing a dementia of subacute or
1997); indeed, in two series (Grimes et al. 1999; Murray gradual onset, such as Alzheimer’s disease, diffuse Lewy
et al. 2007), the majority of patients presented with demen- body disease, Binswanger’s disease, etc. The correct diag-
tia. In patients who do develop dementia, depression is nosis here may remain elusive until the asymmetric
common; apathy and irritability may also occur (Litvan parkinsonism appears. In cases that present with aphasia,
et al. 1998). Corticobasal ganglionic degeneration may the differential diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia, as
rarely present with a primary progressive aphasia (Geda discussed in Section 2.1, should be considered.
et al. 2007; Ikeda et al. 1996) or with a personality change
with frontal lobe features (Geda et al. 2007). Many authors
also comment on the presence of an alien hand sign in cor- Treatment
ticobasal ganglionic degeneration, but, as pointed out in
Section 4.13, this sign is not in fact well described in this The general treatment of dementia is discussed in Section
disorder: rather, patients display such purposeless move- 5.1. Supportive measures, including physical and occupa-
ments as grasping, ‘wandering’ (Rinne et al. 1994a; Sawle tional therapy, may be beneficial for the movement disor-
et al. 1991), or levitation (Gibb et al. 1994; Riley et al. der; the parkinsonism generally does not respond to
1990). levodopa (Rinne et al. 1994a).
MRI scanning may reveal asymmetric cortical atrophy
affecting primarily the parietal and frontal cortices.
Course Multiple system atrophy, as the name suggests, is charac-
terized pathologically by involvement of multiple systems.
Over a long period of time, the parkinsonism gradually This involvement, however, does not proceed evenly, and
becomes bilateral; in some cases cerebellar signs may consequently the disease may present in different fashions,
appear and, rarely, a supranuclear ophthalmoplegia has depending on which system is involved first (Papp and
been noted. Death typically occurs within 6–10 years, gen- Lantos 1994; Quinn 1989). Three variants are generally
erally secondary to aspiration pneumonia. recognized, namely the striatonigral variant, the olivopon-
tocerebellar variant, and the Shy–Drager variant.
This is an uncommon disease and is somewhat more
Etiology frequent in men than women.
8.10 HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE through the hair, as if the purpose had all along been to
straighten the hair. Dysarthria often occurs, as does dys-
Huntington’s disease, also known as Huntington’s chorea phagia, which may lead to aspiration (Leopold and Kagel
or chorea major, is an autosomal dominantly inherited dis- 1985). The chorea eventually makes almost all purposeful
order that is characterized, in its full expression, by a com- activity, whether eating, dressing, or walking, almost
bination of chorea and dementia. This disorder was first impossible, and patients eventually become chairbound or
clearly characterized by George Huntington in 1872, who bedridden. At the end, the chorea may gradually disappear,
observed a number of affected families in East Hampton to be replaced by a rigid, akinetic state (Feigin et al. 1995).
on Long Island (Brody and Wilkins 1967; Huntington In advanced cases, seizures may also occur.
1872). Although the lifetime prevalence is not high (from The personality change presents with poor judgment,
0.004 to 0.008 among white populations, and only one- impulsivity, irritability, and an overall coarsening of behav-
third of that in black populations and one-tenth among ior. Over time, as noted earlier, a dementia develops, char-
Japanese populations), these patients are not uncommonly acterized by deficits in memory, concentration, calculation,
seen in hospital and clinic. and abstraction; focal signs, such as aphasia and apraxia, are
generally not seen. Associated symptoms are found in the
vast majority of patients (Caine and Shoulson 1983;
Clinical features Folstein et al. 1983; Paulsen et al. 2001). These include
depression of variable severity in roughly half, agitation,
The onset is generally highly insidious and may occur any- irritability, apathy and anxiety, and, in a minority, euphoria
where from childhood to the eighth decade, with most or, rarely, mania. Delusions, generally of persecution, and,
patients falling ill in their 30s. The presentation may be less commonly, hallucinations may be seen in a small
with either chorea or a personality change; over time, in minority, and, albeit rarely, Huntington’s disease may pres-
the vast majority of patients, both these syndromes will ent with a psychosis (Caine and Shoulson 1983). Suicidal
become present and be joined by the gradual development ideation is common (Paulsen et al. 2005), and suicide itself
of a dementia (Pflanz et al. 1991). Exceptions to this rule occurs in a significant minority (Schoenfeld et al. 1984).
do occur, especially in those with late onset in the sixth As noted earlier, Huntington’s disease may present in
decade or beyond, when one may see primarily chorea, childhood or adolescence, and when it does one often sees
with little or no cognitive deficit (Britton et al. 1995). what is known as the Westphal variant of Huntington’s
Chorea may initially present as fidgetiness, clumsiness, or disease, in which, rather than chorea, there is often a rigid,
a tendency to drop things; obvious choreiform movements akinetic state that is generally accompanied by severe
are generally first visible on the face (including the fore- dementia, often with seizures, myoclonus, and ataxia (Bird
head), from where they spread to involve the trunk and and Paulson 1971; Campbell et al. 1965; Hansotia et al.
extremities. There may be facial grimacing, brow wrinkling, 1968; Jervis 1979; Siesling et al. 1997); in other cases, rather
and blinking; upper extremity involvement may lead to than parkinsonism, the presentation may be with chorea,
shoulder shrugging, abrupt flinging of the arms, or purpose- myoclonus, or dementia (Ribai et al. 2007).
less ‘piano-playing’ movements of the hands. In shaking the Computed tomography or axial MR scanning may be
patient’s hand, one may note the classic ‘milkmaid’ grip, normal early in the course of the disease; over time, however,
wherein the patient’s grasping of the examiner’s hand feels because of atrophy of the caudate nuclei, there is a character-
as if the patient is attempting to milk a cow. Lower extrem- istic dilation of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles,
ity involvement may lead to a lurching, staggering, or ‘danc- yielding a characteristic ‘butterfly’ configuration. Cortical
ing and prancing’ gait, which in some cases may so resemble atrophy, especially of the frontal lobes, may also be seen.
the gait seen in alcohol intoxication that patients have been As noted below, Huntington’s disease is a fully pene-
arrested for public intoxication (Lesse 1946). Importantly, trant, autosomal dominant disease, and genetic testing is
these choreiform movements are quite brief, appearing and highly specific and sensitive (International Huntington
disappearing on a random basis from one location to Association 1994; Kremer et al. 1994). A positive family his-
another with lightning-like rapidity. Interestingly, although tory is almost universally found, and in one American fam-
some patients seem fully aware of their chorea, it is not at all ily it was possible to trace the disease back to an ancestor
uncommon to find patients with obvious chorea denying who arrived with the Puritans (Vessie 1932). Exceptions to
that anything is amiss. The depth of this denial is at times this rule may occur secondary to rarely occurring sponta-
extreme: I have seen patients with chorea of such severity as neous mutations or, more commonly, to uncertain parent-
to preclude safe ambulation who nevertheless stoutly deny age (Ramos-Arroyo et al. 2005).
that anything at all is amiss.
Early on in the course of the disease, patients may
attempt, with varying degrees of success, to disguise the Course
choreic movements by merging them with purposeful
movements: for example, a choreic fling of the arm up to Huntington’s disease is relentlessly progressive: most
the head may be purposefully extended to draw the fingers patients die within 10–30 years of onset, with an average
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 357
life expectancy of about 15 years. Those with an earlier age Differential diagnosis
of onset, for example those with the Westphal variant,
experience a more rapid course, with death within about Genetic testing has greatly simplified the differential diag-
10 years; conversely, those with a late onset, in the fifth nostic task, and should be considered in any patient with
decade or beyond, typically experience a more leisurely the gradual onset of chorea in late adolescence or early
course. adult years. The other disorders to consider in the differen-
tial are discussed in Section 3.4, and certain clinical fea-
tures, atypical for Huntington’s disease, should suggest a
Etiology close look. These include tics, dystonia or lip-biting (seen
in choreoacanthocytosis), ataxia (in dentatorubropalli-
Huntington’s disease is a fully penetrant autosomal domi- doluysian atrophy), dystonia or parkinsonism (in Fahr’s
nant disorder: the affected gene codes for a protein known syndrome), and dystonia or tremor (in Wilson’s disease).
as huntingtin and is located on chromosome 4. The gene Another differential possibility to consider is schizo-
normally contains anywhere from 10 to 29 CAG trinu- phrenia, especially when this is complicated by tardive
cleotide repeats, whereas in Huntington’s disease, any- dyskinesia. As noted above, the dementia of Huntington’s
where from 36 to 121 repeats may be found (Kremer et al. disease may be complicated by delusions or hallucinations,
1994). Very rarely, sporadic cases may occur: in such cases, and in some cases these symptoms may be very prominent,
it appears that the patient’s father, himself unaffected, har- thus creating a clinical syndrome of psychosis and chorea,
boured a number of CAG repeats that, although still within which, at first glance, may appear similar to that seen when
the bounds of normal, were unstable and underwent schizophrenia is complicated by tardive dyskinesia. Certain
expansion (Myers et al. 1993). Although an inverse corre- features of the chorea seen in these two situations, however,
lation has been found with the number of repeats and the may enable a clinical differentiation. The chorea of tardive
age of onset (Marder et al. 2002), there is apparently no dyskinesia is generally stereotyped and repetitive, almost
correlation with the appearance of mood changes or delu- never involves the forehead, and generally leaves gait rela-
sions or hallucinations (Tsuang et al. 2000; Zappacosta tively unaffected. This is in contrast to the chorea of
et al. 1996). Huntington’s disease, which is mercurial, flitting from one
Macroscopically, atrophy is noted in the caudate (as body part to another in an unpredictable fashion, and
illustrated in Figure 8.7), less so in the putamen, and to a which typically affects the forehead and gait.
degree in the frontal and parietal cortices. Neuronal loss
and reactive astrocytosis is noted in these areas; in the cau-
date nucleus in particular, spiny neurons are lost first Treatment
(Mann et al. 1993b; Myers et al. 1988). Surviving neurons
may display intranuclear inclusions, which contain the The severity of chorea may be reduced by treatment with
huntingtin protein. antipsychotics. Of the antipsychotics, the first-generation
agent haloperidol is most often used, in doses from 1 to
10 mg/day (Barr et al. 1988). Akathisia may occur with
haloperidol and, hence, second-generation agents, such as
olanzapine (Bonelli et al. 2002; Dipple 1999; Paleacu et al.
2002), are also being used. Tetrabenazine, a dopamine
depleter not available in the United States, is also beneficial
(Huntington Study Group 2006). Amantadine may have a
place here also. Although a double-blind study of amanta-
dine, in a dose of 300 mg/day, found no benefit relative to
placebo (O’Suilleabhain and Dewey 2003), another study
(Verhagen Metman et al. 2002) did find a benefit, but only
with a higher dose of 400 mg/day.
The general treatment of dementia is discussed in
Section 5.1. In cases complicated by agitation or delusions
or hallucinations, antipsychotics may also be useful.
Depression may respond to an antidepressant, such as an
SSRI. With progression of the disease, institutionalization
becomes almost inevitable.
Ongoing research efforts are underway to find treat-
Figure 8.7 Marked atropy of the caudate, with compensatory ments that may retard the progression of the disease, and
ventricular dilation, in a case of Huntington’s disease compared many patients are highly motivated to participate.
with a control brain on the right. (Reproduced from Graham and As noted earlier, genetic testing is now available, and
Lantos 1996.) should be offered to patients with a compatible clinical
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 358
picture and to unaffected relatives. Extensive counselling chromosome 9q21 (formerly known as CHAC), which
resources should be available for instances when the test is codes for a protein known as chorein. There may be con-
positive. siderable phenotypic heterogeneity in the same family.
Macroscopically, there is atrophy of the caudate, puta-
men, and, to a lesser degree, the globus pallidus. Micro-
8.11 CHOREOACANTHOCYTOSIS scopically, neuronal loss and gliosis are seen in these
structure and in the substantia nigra (Rinne et al. 1994b).
Choreoacanthocytosis, also known as chorea-acantho- Axonal loss occurs in the peripheral nerves (Hardie et al.
cytosis, is a rare autosomal recessively inherited disorder 1991; Ohnishi et al. 1981).
that typically manifests with chorea, as well as dementia in
roughly half of cases; in all cases one also finds an excessive
percentage of acanthocytic red blood cells. This last Differential diagnosis
characteristic, namely acanthocytosis, qualifies choreo-
acanthocytosis as one member of a larger group of disor- The differential for chorea is discussed in Section 3.4; of
ders known as the neuroacanthocytoses, which, as noted the disorders considered there, several others, in addition
below in the discussion on differential diagnosis, includes to choreoacanthocytosis, present with chorea in early
such conditions as the McLeod syndrome. adult years and must be distinguished from choreo-
acanthocytosis. Huntington’s disease is marked by autoso-
mal dominant inheritance and an absence of a peripheral
Clinical features neuropathy and, critically, a lack of acanthocytosis. As noted
earlier, other disorders, in addition to choreoacanthocytosis,
The onset is generally in the late twenties or early thirties may also present with chorea and acanthocytosis, and these
but may occur anywhere from late childhood to the sev- include the McLeod syndrome and Huntington’s disease-
enth decade. Clinically (Critchley et al. 1968; Feinberg et al. like 2 (Walker et al. 2002). The McLeod syndrome is distin-
1991; Hardie et al. 1991; Kartsounis and Hardie 1996; guished by X-linked inheritance and Huntington’s
Lossos et al. 2005; Sakai et al. 1981), most cases present with disease-like 2 by an autosomal dominant pattern of inheri-
a gradually progressive chorea, which, over time, is often tance. Genetic testing is available for all of these disorders.
joined by other abnormal movements, such as tics, dystonia,
or a mild parkinsonism. A classic symptom, seen, however,
in only a minority, is self-mutilating lip- or tongue-biting. Treatment
Importantly, this self-mutilation is outside the patient’s
control: one patient (Medalia et al. 1989), despite attempt- As for Huntington’s disease, chorea may be treated with
ing to ‘restrain herself . . . by placing her fingers or a folded antipsychotics; the general treatment of dementia is dis-
towel in her mouth . . . nevertheless had bleeding and cussed in Section 5.1.
scarred lesions of her oral mucosa and lips’. Most patients
will also develop a sensorimotor peripheral poly-neuropa-
thy, and, in a minority, seizures may occur. Roughly half of 8.12 FXTAS
all patients will also develop a personality change, a
dementia, or both. FXTAS, also known as the fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia
Acanthocytosis to a degree of 10 percent or more is seen syndrome, is a recently described inherited disorder charac-
on peripheral smears; importantly, the smears must be terized by the gradual development of tremor, ataxia, and, in
fresh wet preparations and, given the chance of false a minority, dementia in middle-aged or older adults. This is
negatives, at least three smears should be examined not an uncommon disorder, and although cases have been
(Hardie et al. 1991). Genetic testing is available. reported in women (Hagerman et al. 2004), it is far more
Creatinine kinase is elevated in most cases and MR common in men.
scanning may reveal atrophy of the caudate nucleus.
The general treatment of dementia is described in Section
As might be gathered from the name of this syndrome, 5.1; as yet there are no controlled studies focusing on
FXTAS bears a relationship to the fragile X syndrome: both FXTAS itself.
occur as the result of a mutation in the fragile X mental
retardation 1 (FMR1) gene, located on the long arm of the
X chromosome. 8.13 SENILE CHOREA
Normally, the FMR1 gene contains anywhere from 5 to
55 CGG trinucleotide repeats. The mutation in question Senile chorea is a rare disorder characterized by the gradual
involves an increase in the number of these repeats beyond onset of chorea late in life, in the absence of a family history.
the normal range. Increases into the range of 55 to 200
repeats have traditionally been termed a ‘premutation’
whereas increases above 200 repeats have been considered
Clinical features
to constitute a ‘full’ mutation. Individuals with full muta-
The onset is insidious and generally in the seventh decade.
tions, especially men, typically develop the fragile X syn-
Clinically, one sees the gradual progression of a mild
drome, with mental retardation. Until recently, it had been
chorea, generally involving the upper extremities or the
thought that those with a ‘premutation’ were merely carri-
face (Delwaide and Desseilles 1977; Klawans and Barr
ers who remained free of any symptoms. The recognition
1981; Shinotoh et al. 1994; Varga et al. 1982). There are no
of FXTAS, however, has now made it clear that this ‘pre-
other abnormal movements and no dementia.
mutation’, rather than being benign, may cause symptoms
in its own right. Indeed, among men with the premutation,
the penetrance progressively rises from roughly 20 percent Course
in those from 50 to 59 years of age up to 75 percent in those
aged 80 or above (Jacquemont et al. 2004). The disorder is very gradually progressive.
Macroscopically, there is cerebral and cerebellar cortical
atrophy. Microscopically (Greco et al. 2002, 2006), there is
neuronal loss in these areas, and status spongiosus in the Etiology
cerebellar white matter and the middle cerebellar pedun-
cles. Intranuclear inclusions are found in both astrocytes Microscopically, neuronal loss is noted in the caudate. The
and surviving neurons. mechanism is not known.
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 360
After a period in which the chorea becomes established, The onset is gradual, regardless of whether it is early or late,
although in most cases there is no change over time, one and the clinical features are strongly influenced by the age
may see in a minority either a mild progression (Kleiner- of onset. Early-onset cases (Becher et al. 1997) are charac-
Fisman et al. 2003) or, conversely, in adolescence or early terized by ataxia, myoclonus, seizures, and a dementia.
adult years, a partial remission of symptoms (Fernandez Late-onset cases (Becher et al. 1997; Iizuka et al. 1984;
et al. 2001). Nielsen et al. 1996; Villani et al. 1998; Warner et al. 1994,
1995; Yoshii et al. 1998) are typified by either chorea or
ataxia (or a combination of these); in a minority of cases
Etiology one may also see a mild degree of dystonia or parkinson-
ism. In adults one also sees the eventual development of a
As noted, this is an autosomal dominant condition and dementia, which may be accompanied by prominent hal-
mutations have been found in the thyroid transcription lucinations and delusions; rarely, DRPLA may present with
factor 1 gene (TITF1) (Asmus et al. 2005). Neuronal loss a psychosis in adult years (Adachi et al. 2001). A small
has been reported in the striatum (Kleiner-Fisman et al. minority of adults may also have seizures. Magnetic reso-
2005) and astrocytosis has been noted in the globus pal- nance scanning may reveal atrophy of the superior cerebel-
lidus, thalamus, hypothalamus, and periaqueductal gray lar peduncle and, on T2-weighted scans, increased signal
(Kleiner-Fisman et al. 2003). intensity in the globus pallidus.
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 361
Course the range is wide, from early childhood to the sixth decade.
The presentation may be with a movement disorder, psy-
DRPLA is a gradually progressive disorder. chosis, personality change, or dementia; over time, most
patients eventually develop a combination of these features.
Other symptoms include seizures, a Kayser–Fleischer ring,
Etiology hepatitis, and anemia.
The movement disorder may consist of dystonia, chorea,
As noted earlier, DRPLA is an autosomal dominantly tremor, or parkinsonism; dysarthria may also appear.
inherited disorder: mutations exist in the gene for Dystonia may present with torticollis, dystonia of the upper
atrophin-1, found on chromosome 12, which consist of an or lower extremity, oculogyric crisis (Lee et al. 1999), or
expansion of a normally occurring CAG trinucleotide facial dystonia; classically, there is a fixed, vacuous, wide-
repeat (Nagafuchi et al. 1994). There is considerable phe- mouthed dystonic smile. Chorea may involve either the
notypic heterogeneity both within and between families upper or the lower extremities. The tremor may be rhyth-
(Potter et al. 1995). Neuronal loss is found not only in the mic or irregular; at times, one may see the classic ‘wing-
namesakes of this disorder (the dentate nuclei, red nucleus, beating’ tremor in which a rhythmic elevation and lowering
globus pallidus, and subthalamic nucleus) but also in the of the upper extremities, combined with flexion at the
striatum, substantia nigra, inferior olives, thalamus, and elbows, gives an overall appearance of a frightened bird
cerebral cortex (Becher et al. 1997; Goto et al. 1982; Iizuka flapping its wings.
et al. 1984; Warner et al. 1994). In surviving neurons, Personality change is generally characterized by lability,
intranuclear inclusions, formed of abnormal atrophin-1, disinhibition, and, at times, bizarre behavior (Bridgman
may be found. and Smyth 1944; Dening and Berrios 1989; Walshe and
Yealland 1992).
Psychosis is characterized by hallucinations and delu-
Differential diagnosis sions (Dening and Berrios 1989; Gysin and Cooke 1950)
and may be quite bizarre, with Schneiderian first rank
In adults, the differential is influenced by the nature of the symptoms. Indeed, one of Wilson’s (1912) patients heard
movement disorder: when chorea is prominent, consider- ‘God and the devil talking to him simultaneously’ and said
ation is given to Huntington’s disease, and when ataxia is that he was ‘influenced, willed or hypnotized to do certain
foremost, spinocerebellar ataxia enters the differential. things’. In one case (Davis and Borde 1993), stuporous
Genetic testing is often required to make the differential. catatonia dominated the presentation.
Seizures may occur but are rare, occurring in about 5
percent of patients (Dening et al. 1988).
Treatment The Kayser–Fleischer ring is a golden-brown discol-
oration of the corneal limbus, visible either on slit-
There is no specific treatment. The general treatment of lamp examination or to the naked eye. Although this
dementia is discussed in Section 5.1; in cases in which Kayser–Fleischer ring is present in the overwhelming major-
chorea is problematic, treatment with antipsychotics, as ity of cases, cases of unequivocal Wilson’s disease (with a
for Huntington’s disease, may be considered. movement disorder) without a Kayser–Fleischer ring do
occur (Demirkiran et al. 1996).
Hepatic damage may lead to clinical hepatitis, with fever,
8.16 WILSON’S DISEASE malaise, abdominal pain, and elevated transaminase levels.
With significant hepatic dysfunction, hepatic encephalopa-
Wilson’s disease, also known as hepatolenticular degenera- thy may occur (Starosta-Rubinstein et al. 1987).
tion, is an autosomal recessively inherited disorder charac- A Coombs-negative hemolytic anemia may occur.
terized pathologically by copper deposition in the liver and The ceruloplasmin and total serum copper levels are
brain. Although relatively rare, occurring in perhaps both low, but the serum free copper is elevated, as is the
1–2/100 000 population, it is an important diagnosis given 24-hour urinary copper; in a small minority, the ceruloplas-
its eminent treatability. min level may be normal. Liver biopsy reveals an elevated
copper level.
Magnetic resonance scanning may reveal charac-
Clinical features teristic findings (Sinha et al. 2006). On T2-weighted scans,
increased signal intensity may be seen in the head of the
The clinical features of Wilson’s disease have been caudate and lateral aspect of the putamen, with decreased
described in several large series (Dening and Berrios 1989; signal intensity in the globus pallidus; in the midbrain,
Machado et al. 2006; Starosta-Rubinstein et al. 1987; Taly T2-weighted scanning may reveal the ‘face of the giant panda’
et al. 2007; Walshe and Yealland 1992). The onset is typi- sign, with increased signal intensity in the tegmentum and
cally between late childhood and early adulthood, although decreased signal intensity in the red nuclei. On T1-weighted
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 362
Some words are required regarding the synonym for this clinical picture (Giunti et al. 1998; Schols et al. 1998; Tang
disorder, namely autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxia or et al. 2000).
ADCA. This name was initially utilized by Harding (1982, Magnetic resonance scanning may reveal atrophy of the
1984), who went on to divide ADCA into three different cerebellum, pons, and inferior olives (Arpa et al. 1999;
subtypes, namely types III, II, and I. Type III was described Ueyama et al. 1998).
as being characterized solely by cerebellar signs, without
any associated features. Types II and I, by contrast, did
encompass associated features, the difference between type Etiology
II and type I being that type II could be accompanied by
pigmentary retinopathy, whereas type I cases were specifi- As noted, SCA is an autosomal dominantly inherited syn-
cally free of this sign. The nosologic status of this proposed drome, and 26 different loci have been identified (Duenas
subdivision is, however, in doubt, on both clinical and etio- et al. 2006): SCA1 on chromosome 6 (Goldfarb et al. 1989,
logic grounds. From a clinical point of view, it appears that 1996; Sasaki et al. 1996; Schols et al. 1997a; Tang et al.
type III cases are exceedingly rare, perhaps (with a suffi- 2000), SCA2 on chromosome 12 (Adams et al. 1997; Burk
ciently long follow-up) non-existent, and that, when com- et al. 1999; Giunti et al. 1998; Hsieh et al. 1999; Schols et al.
paring types II and I, type I patients (that is to say, those 1997a,b; Tang et al. 2000; Ueyama et al. 1998; Zhou et al.
with associated features but without pigmentary retinopa- 1998), SCA3 (also known as Machado–Joseph disease) on
thy) comprise the overwhelming majority. Furthermore, chromosome 14 (Durr et al. 1996; Lopes-Cendes et al.
from an etiologic point of view, it appears that this subdivi- 1996; Schols et al. 1996, 1997b; Takiyama et al. 1994; Tang
sion does not ‘cleave’ nature at the genetic ‘joints’, in that et al. 2000; Zhou et al. 1997), SCA4 on chromosome 16
mutations at the same gene locus may cause two different (Nagaoka et al. 2000), SCA5 on chromosome 11 (Stevanin
clinical types (e.g., spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 [SCA6] is et al. 1999), SCA6 on chromosome 19 (Arpa et al. 1999;
associated with both type III [Ishikawa et al. 1999] and type Ikeuchi et al. 1997; Ishikawa et al. 1999; Kaseda et al. 1999;
I [Schols et al. 1998]). Given this nosologic uncertainty, it Matsumara et al. 1997; Schols et al. 1998; Stevanin et al.
may be prudent, for the time being, to refrain from sub- 1997), SCA7 on chromosome 3 (Benton et al. 1998; Jobsis
typing cases as III, II, or I, but rather to concentrate on et al. 1997; Modi et al. 2000), SCA8 on chromosome 13
making sure that one has a case of ADCA and then proceed- (Ikeda et al. 2000), SCA10 on chromosome 22 (Grewal
ing to identify the responsible genetic locus. et al. 2002; Matsuura et al. 1999), SCA11 on chromosome 15
(Worth et al. 1999), SCA12 on chromosome 5 (Seltzer et al.
1999), SCA13 on chromosome 19, SCA14 on chromosome
Clinical features 19 (Yamashita et al. 2000), SCA 15 on chromosome 3,
SCA16 on chromosome 8, SCA17 on chromosome 6
The clinical hallmark of SCA is the appearance of a gradu- (Lasek et al. 2006; Maltecca et al. 2003; O’Hearn et al.
ally progressive cerebellar ataxia, which is generally accom- 2001), SCA18 on chromosome 7, SCA19 on chromosome
panied by dysarthria and nystagmus. The onset, although 1, SCA20 on chromosome 11, SCA21 on chromosome
generally in the early to mid-adult years, may occur any- 7, SCA23 on chromosome 20, SCA24 on chromosome 1,
where from childhood to senescence. With disease pro- SCA25 on chromosome 2, SCA26 on chromosome 19,
gression, almost all patients will also develop one or more SCA27 on chromosome 13, and SCA28 on chromosome
of the following associated features: hyper-reflexia and 18. Some authors also include dentatorubropallidoluysian
extensor plantar responses; decreased vibratory sense, atrophy among the SCAs (specifying it as ‘SCA9’), but
atrophy, and fasciculations; supranuclear ophthalmople- given that patients with dentatorubropallidoluysian atro-
gia; tremor (including titubation), dystonia, chorea, phy may have little or no ataxia, and often have prominent
myoclonus or parkinsonism; or pigmentary retinopathy. chorea, this inclusion may not be warranted, and, in this
Seizures may also occur; however, they are uncommon and text, dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy is discussed sepa-
may be grand mal, simple, or complex partial in type. rately, in its own section.
Dementia may occur in a minority as may a personality Most of the known mutations involve trinucleotide
change (often of the frontal lobe type), and some patients repeat expansions, as has been found for SCA1, -2, -3, -6,
may develop delusions and hallucinations. Rarely, SCA may -7, -12, and -17; a CTG trinucleotide repeat expansion has
present with dementia, a personality change, or a psychosis. been noted for SCA8, a pentancleotide repeat expansion
The plenitude of these associated features should not, for SCA10, and missense mutations for SCA5, -23, -14,
however, distract attention from the central feature of this and -27.
syndrome, namely a progressive cerebellar ataxia; the associ- The pathologic hallmark of this syndrome is atrophy of
ated features, usually few in number in any given case, gen- the cerebellum, pons, and inferior olives; in addition to
erally play only a minor part in the overall clinical picture. these findings, associated atrophy may also be found in one
Genetic testing is available. Interestingly, given the wide or more of the following structures: the spinocerebellar
phenotypic heterogeneity, it does not appear possible to tracts, Clarke’s column, the globus pallidus, the sub-
reliably predict which SCA type is present based on the thalamic nucleus, the substantia nigra, and the cerebral
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 364
cortex (Durr et al. 1996; Ikeuchi et al. 1997; Ishikawa et al. are generally characterized by a slowly progressive dystonic
1999; Jobsis et al. 1997; Takiyama et al. 1994). rigidity, prominent in both the extremities and the face;
although this dystonia may be unilateral initially, bilateral
involvement eventually occurs. Over time, other abnormal
Differential diagnosis movements may appear, including tremor or choreo-
athetosis; tics have also been noted in a small minority, as
Two autosomal dominant disorders to consider include den- have obsessions and compulsions. Over time, a dementia
tatorubropallidoluysian atrophy and Gerstmann–Straussler– gradually appears.
Scheinker disease. Dentatorubropallidoluysan atrophy is Adult-onset cases (Alberca et al. 1987; Jankovic et al.
marked, in many cases, by prominent chorea, and this may 1985; Rozdilsky et al. 1968) may present with parkinson-
be a clue, but genetic testing is typically required to rule out ism, dystonia, or athetosis. Over time, and with progression
both these disorders. Friedrich’s ataxia is suggested by an of the abnormal movements, a dementia may occur. Rarely
autosomal recessive mode of inheritance and a typically early the presentation may be with dementia, followed years
age of onset. Multiple system atrophy of the olivopontocere- later by a movement disorder (Cooper et al. 2000; Dooling
bellar type is suggested by concurrent autonomic signs and et al. 1974; Murphy et al. 1989; Rozdilsky et al. 1968). In
by its sporadic nature. Other sporadic disorders to consider some cases depressive symptomatology may occur or,
include vitamin B12 deficiency, hypothyroidism, paraneo- rarely, delusions and hallucinations.
plastic cerebellar degeneration, and alcoholic cerebellar In addition to the abnormal movements, many patients
degeneration. may also develop signs of spasticity, with hyper-reflexia
and the Babinski sign; in a minority pigmentary retinopa-
thy may occur.
Treatment Magnetic resonance scanning generally reveals the dis-
tinctive ‘eye of the tiger’ sign (Angelini et al. 1992). On T2-
In one double-blind study (Botez et al. 1996), amantadine weighted scans, increased signal intensity is seen in the
reduced ataxia in patients with SCA1 and SCA2. The lateral aspect of the globus pallidus, whereas on the inner
general treatment of dementia is discussed in Section 5.1, aspect there is a gross loss of signal intensity: the overall
of personality change in Section 7.2, and of psychosis in effect, seen on axial imaging, is of looking a tiger in the eye.
Section 7.1.
Genetic testing should be offered to at-risk relatives.
Clinical features
Differential diagnosis
The onset is typically gradual and, although most patients
fall ill in childhood or adolescence, adult-onset cases may In childhood- or adolescent-onset cases, consideration
occur. The clinical symptomatology is heavily influenced must be given to Wilson’s disease, idiopathic torsion dys-
by the age of onset. tonia, and dopa-responsive dystonia. In adult-onset cases,
Childhood-onset cases (Dooling et al. 1974, 1980; given the variety of abnormal movements seen, the differ-
Hayflick et al. 2003; Pellecchia et al. 2005; Swaiman 1991) ential is very wide and the reader is directed to Sections 3.5,
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 365
3.7, and 3.8 for athetosis, dystonia, and parkinsonism obsessions and compulsions without any abnormal move-
respectively. ments (Hahn et al. 2001; Van Hove et al. 2006).
One finding that is very helpful in the differential diag-
nosis is the ‘eye of the tiger’ sign. This is seen in almost all
cases and indeed may be found before the onset of symp- Course
toms (Hayflick et al. 2001). Consequently, the sensitivity of
this sign is very high. The specificity is also fairly high, In childhood-onset cases the dystonia eventually general-
although there are some cases that are clinically similar to izes over about 3 or 4 years, after which it remains static.
pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration, even
to the point of demonstrating the ‘eye of the tiger’ sign, but
which are not apparently associated with mutations in the Etiology
pantothenate kinase gene (Hartig et al. 2006). The noso-
logic status of these cases is not clear. Dopa-responsive dystonia is a genetically heterogenous
syndrome and, at present, three different diseases have
been described, namely DYT5a, DYT5b, and DYT14.
DYT5a, also known as the Segawa syndrome, is an auto-
somal dominant disorder and constitutes the most com-
Pharmacologic treatment of the abnormal movements
mon cause of dopa-responsive dystonia. In DYT5a there is
may be attempted as described in Sections 3.5, 3.7, and 3.8;
a mutation in the gene for guanosine triphosphate cyclo-
however, the responses are generally not robust. In severe
hydrolase 1 (GCH1) on chromosome 14 (Bandmann et al.
cases, success has been reported with deep brain stimula-
1998; Illarioshkin et al. 1998; Ohye et al. 1994; Steinberger
tion of the globus pallidus (Castelnau et al. 2005). The gen-
et al. 2000). GCH1 is the rate-limiting enzyme for the syn-
eral treatment of dementia is discussed in Section 5.1.
thesis of tetrahydrobiopterin, which in turn is an essential
co-factor for tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme
in the production of dopamine. The net result of this muta-
8.19 DOPA-RESPONSIVE DYSTONIA tion is a reduction in the production of dopamine.
DYT5b is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by a
Dopa-responsive dystonia is an uncommon inherited syn- mutation in the gene for tyrosine hydroxylase on chromo-
drome that classically presents in childhood with a dysto- some 11 (Furukawa et al. 2001; Schiller et al. 2004).
nia which, as the name indicates, is quite responsive to DYT14 is an autosomal dominant disorder linked to a
levodopa. Given its eminent treatability, it is a diagnosis site on chromosome 14 (Grotzch et al. 2002); the gene has
that must not be missed. not as yet been identified.
Pathologic studies have demonstrated a reduction in
melanin pigment in the substantia nigra, without cell loss,
Clinical features in both DYT5a (Rajput et al. 1994) and DYT14 (Grotzch
et al. 2002).
Although the classic onset is in childhood, later onsets in
adolescence or adult years have also been reported.
Regardless of the age of onset, symptoms generally both
appear and accrue gradually. Differential diagnosis
Childhood-onset cases (Deonna 1986; Harwood et al.
1994; Nygaard and Duvoisin 1986; Nygaard et al. 1990, The full differential diagnosis for dystonia is discussed in
1991) generally present with an intermittent dystonia of one Section 3.7: of the disorders noted there, primary torsion
foot; over time the dystonia spreads, eventually involving dystonia is highest on the differential. A key feature in
the other lower extremity and then the upper extremities; making the diagnosis is the responsiveness to levodopa,
truncal and cervical dystonia may also eventually appear. A and an attempt at a ‘diagnosis by treatment response’ is
characteristic feature of the dystonia has been termed ‘sleep warranted in most cases of childhood-onset dystonia.
benefit’: after a good night’s sleep, the dystonia may be very
mild, or even absent, only to gradually reappear and worsen
as the day wears on. In some cases, a mild parkinsonism may Treatment
appear; myoclonus has also been noted. The movement dis-
order may, in some cases, be accompanied by depression or As indicated earlier, the dystonia of dopa-responsive dys-
obsessions and compulsions. tonia responds well to levodopa, and generally only low
Later-onset cases, although at times presenting similarly doses are required; of note, and in contrast to other condi-
to childhood-onset cases, may also be marked by a more tions treated with levodopa, such as Parkinson’s disease,
prominent parkinsonism (Harwood et al. 1994); in some the response to levodopa is sustained over long periods,
cases the syndrome may present with depression or with little need for dosage increases (Nygaard et al. 1991).
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 366
8.20 PRIMARY TORSION DYSTONIA (Ozelius et al. 1997); penetrance is low, of the order of
30–40 percent. Although the underlying pathology is not
Primary torsion dystonia, also known as dystonia muscu- known, one study found neuronal inclusion bodies in the
lorum deformans, is a syndrome characterized classically pedunculopontine nucleus, the cuneiform nucleus, and the
by the onset of a focal dystonia in childhood or adolescence periaqueductal gray (McNaught et al. 2004).
that eventually generalizes. As noted below, however, atyp- DYT6 has been linked to chromosome 8 and tends to
ical presentations may also occur. have an atypical presentation, often with a cervical dysto-
nia (Almasy et al. 1997).
DYT13 is linked to chromosome 1 and also has an atyp-
Clinical features ical presentation, with dystonia of an upper limb or a cer-
vical dystonia (Bentivoglio et al. 1997; Valente et al. 2001).
Classic cases (Johnson et al. 1962; Marsden and Harrison
1974) are characterized by an onset of dystonia between the
ages of 5 and 15 years, appearing first in one of the lower Differential diagnosis
extremities. Typically, and only intermittently, the young
patient may experience some dystonic inversion and plan- The full differential diagnosis of dystonia is discussed in
tar flexion of the foot while walking. Curiously, this dysto- Section 3.7. Of the disorders noted there, the most impor-
nia is not present at rest, and it may also be absent when tant for the differential diagnosis is dopa-responsive dysto-
walking backwards or dancing. Over time, however, the nia; given that this disorder may be clinically
dystonia becomes more frequent and begins to involve indistinguishable from primary torsion disorder, a ‘diag-
more proximal portions of the lower extremities, often with nosis by treatment response’, as discussed above (Section
flexion at the knees and hips. With progression of the dis- 8.19), should be attempted by giving levodopa.
ease, the dystonia becomes more and more constant and
spreads not only to the upper extremities but also to the
trunk, producing lordosis and tortipelvis. In a small minor-
ity, the face may be involved, with dystonic grimacing.
Perhaps the best-established pharmacologic treatment is
Atypical presentations (Bressman et al. 1989; Fletcher
trihexyphenidyl: children and adolescents may do well
et al. 1990; Gasser et al. 1998; Johnson et al. 1962) are more
with this and, in contrast to adults, may tolerate high doses
common with later onset in adolescence or early adult
of 30 mg or more per day (Burke et al. 1986). In severe
years; patients may present with focal dystonias, such as
cases, consideration may be given to intrathecal baclofen
writer’s cramp or a cervical dystonia. Although such cases
or to deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus
may show some spread, generalization of the sort seen in
(Vidhailet et al. 2005).
classic cases is not common.
Genetic testing is available for the most common cause
of this syndrome, namely DYT1, and should be considered
in any patient with an early-onset dystonia that has gener-
alized (Brassat et al. 2000; Bressman et al. 2000).
Idiopathic cervical dystonia, also known as spasmodic tor-
ticollis or ‘wry neck’, is the most common of the primary
Course focal dystonias and is somewhat more frequent in women.
In most cases patients are able to use a geste antagoniste to occasions the dystonia; thus we have writer’s cramp, typ-
temporarily relieve the dystonia (Jahanshahi 2000; Muller ist’s cramp, musician’s cramp, etc.
et al. 2001a). These ‘tricks’ consist of lightly touching a spe-
cific body part, such as the chin, face, or occiput, resulting in
a prompt, but temporary, relief of the dystonic stiffness. Clinical features
Over time, the dystonia becomes more constant and
sustained, and will, in a minority, undergo segmental Task-specific dystonias generally appear in adulthood
spread to an adjacent part such as the arm. between the ages of 20 and 50 years, and typically only after
A tremor of the head, similar to that seen in essential the patient has been engaging in the task in question for at
tremor, is present in a substantial minority of patients. least a number of years.
Writer’s cramp (Cohen and Hallett 1988; Jedynak et al.
2001; Sheehy and Marsden 1982) is perhaps the most com-
Course mon of the task-specific dystonias and manifests as a dys-
tonic cramping of the hand upon using a pen or pencil.
In most cases there is a gradual progression with, as noted, Although early on in the course the dystonia may appear
some segmental spread in a minority; generalization, how- only after the patient has been writing for a while, with
ever, does not occur. There may be remissions in some time the dystonia appears earlier and earlier until it may
10–20 percent of patients during the first few years (Chan manifest as soon as the patient picks up the pen; further-
et al. 1991; Friedman and Fahn 1986; Jayne et al. 1984); more, and again with time, the dystonia may spread to
however, most of these patients eventually relapse within involve the forearm. Some patients may try and evade the
5 years (Dauer et al. 1998). cramping by writing with their non-dominant hand; how-
ever, in a minority, the dystonia will reappear on this
opposite side. Musician’s cramp may appear in the hands
Etiology of violinists or pianists, and it may also appear in the oro-
facial musculature in wind-instrument players. This latter
Both familial (Bressman et al. 1996; Chan et al. 1991; type of musician’s cramp is referred to as embouchure dys-
Jankovic et al. 1991) and sporadic cases occur. In some tonia or, colloquially, as ‘loss of lip’, and manifests vari-
familial cases, a genetic cause has been identified, for exam- ously with lip dystonia or dystonic jaw movements (Frucht
ple the DYT7 locus, mapped to chromosome 18 (Leube et al. et al. 2001).
1997). The neuropathology is unknown.
The full differential for dystonia is discussed in Section 3.7. The dystonia gradually worsens over perhaps years and
Of the disorders noted there, special consideration should then typically remains static; remissions are unusual.
be given to an atypical presentation of primary torsion
Treatment Most cases are sporadic. Familial cases are generally consis-
tent with an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. Of
Local injection of botulinum toxin (Greene et al. 1990) is interest, in some familial cases different family members
effective; although some patients may benefit from treat- may manifest different subtypes of task-specific dystonia
ment with trihexyphenidyl, botulinum toxin is more effec- (Schmidt et al. 2006). In one family, writer’s cramp
tive (Brans et al. 1996). In severe, treatment-resistant cases, occurred as part of DYT7 with linkage to chromosome 18
consideration may be given to deep brain stimulation of (Bhidayasiri et al. 2005). The neuropathologic basis of this
the globus pallidus (Hung et al. 2007). disorder is not known.
Task-specific dystonia, one of the primary dystonias, is Writer’s cramp has been noted as an atypical presentation
characterized by the occurrence of a dystonia upon of both primary torsion dystonia (Gasser et al. 1998) and
attempting to perform a learned task. Also known as occu- dopa-responsive dystonia (Deonna et al. 1997), and these
pational dystonia, this movement disorder is typically disorders should be considered whenever task-specific dys-
divided into several subtypes depending on the task that tonic movements occur in children or adolescents.
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 368
Symptoms tend to worsen over the first few years and then
remain static. Spontaneous remissions may occur in Spasmodic dysphonia, also at times referred to as spastic
roughly 10 percent of patients, usually within the first dysphonia, represents a focal dystonia of the laryngeal
5 years (Castelbuono and Miller 1998). musculature that renders speech dysphonic.
whispering. Some patients may find improvement with Nee et al. 1980; Regeur et al. 1986); it has also become
singing, or even with shouting. apparent that sensory tics, once thought to be unusual, are
also present in most patients.
Motor tics are usually the first to appear. Simple motor
Course tics include blinking, brow wrinkling, grimacing, and
shoulder shrugging; complex motor tics may include
After a period of progression of variable duration, the dys- touching, smelling, hopping, throwing, clapping, bending
phonia generally remains chronic. over, squatting, or even such very complex acts as
echopraxia or copropraxia (wherein patients make obscene
gestures). Motor tics usually appear first in the face or head
Etiology and then spread in a caudal direction. In most cases, before
having a tic, patients first experience an urge to tic (Lang
Spasmodic dysphonia is considered one of the primary 1991), an urge that may at times be resisted, albeit with dif-
dystonias; the etiology is not known. ficulty. Furthermore, some patients are able to abort a
motor tic with a geste antagoniste, such as placing a hand
under the chin to prevent the emergence of a tic of the head
Differential diagnosis
(Wojcieszek and Lang 1995).
Vocal tics, like motor tics, may also be simple or com-
Dysphonia may result from lesions in the central or periph-
plex. Simple vocal tics include snorting, hissing, coughing,
eral nervous system or in the larynx itself. Dysphonia has
throat-clearing, grunting, and, classically, barking.
been noted with a putaminal lesion (Lee et al. 1996), lesions
Complex vocal tics include the utterance of words, simple
of the nucleus ambiguus or the vagus or recurrent laryngeal
phrases, or entire sentences. Echolalia or palilalia may
nerves, and with various intrinsic laryngeal lesions.
occur and, in a minority, classic coprolalia, or involuntary
Dysphonia has also been reported as a side-effect of val-
swearing, may be seen.
proic acid (Oh et al. 2004) and gabapentin (Reeves et al.
Sensory tics occur in the majority of patients and appear
1996), and has also occurred as part of tardive dyskinesia
to exist in two forms. In one there is simply the experience
(Lieberman and Reife 1989).
of an itch or a tingle (Chee and Sachdev 1997), and this is
seen in perhaps one-quarter of patients. In the other the
Treatment sensory tic appears more as a premonitory urge to a motor
tic (Cohen and Leckman 1992; Leckman et al. 1993), and
Botulinum injection of the laryngeal musculature generally this has been reported in over 90 percent of cases
provides relief. In treatment-resistant cases, consideration (Leckman et al. 1993). Remarkably, in one case a premon-
may be given to lesioning the recurrent laryngeal nerve. itory urge to itch was experienced by a patient as residing
in another person, whom the patient then proceeded to
scratch (Karp and Hallett 1996).
8.25 TOURETTE’S SYNDROME Rarely, dystonic movements, especially cervical or facial
dystonias, may appear in the course of Tourette’s syn-
Tourette’s syndrome, first describe by the French neurolo- drome, but not until 10–38 years have passed (Stone and
gist Georges Gilles de la Tourette in 1885 (de la Tourette Jankovic 1991).
1885), is the classic cause of chronic tics; this is a not Obsessions and compulsions are common in Tourette’s
uncommon disorder, with a lifetime prevalence of about syndrome, eventually appearing in nearly one-half of all
0.05 percent, and is about three times more common in patients (Frankel et al. 1986; Robertson et al. 1988); they
males than females. Synonyms for this disorder include typically begin to appear about 5 years into the course.
maladie des tics and tic convulsiv. Interestingly, compulsions experienced by patients with
Tourette’s syndrome often center on getting things ‘just
right’ (Leckman et al. 1994).
Clinical features Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) very
commonly accompanies Tourette’s syndrome and, in
The onset of Tourette’s syndrome is typically with a simple those cases of Tourette’s syndrome in which it does occur,
tic, more often motor than verbal, and more often on the the hyperactivity usually precedes the tics by a little over a
head or face than elsewhere. Although the age of onset year (Cardoso et al. 1996).
may be anywhere from infancy to the early adult years
(Marneros 1983), most patients fall ill in childhood,
around the age of 7 years. Course
In its fully developed form, both motor and verbal tics
are present, and these may be either simple or complex In most cases, symptoms gradually worsen over a matter of
(Cardoso et al. 1996; Lang et al. 1993; Lees et al. 1984; a few years, peaking in severity around the age of 10 years;
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 370
anxiety to the point where ‘school phobia’ sets in (Linet followed, if necessary, by another, and perhaps another, is
1985; Mikkelsen et al. 1981). Furthermore, pimozide car- most appropriate.
ries the further risk of prolonging the corrected QT inter- In considering treatment of Tourette’s, one should
val, with the possibility of torsades de pointe. All other also keep in mind the possibility that some cases do occur
things being equal, it may be prudent to begin with a sec- as part of PANDAS, that is to say, on an autoimmune
ond-generation agent; if the initial choice fails then basis after a beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis.
another might be tried, or one could switch to a first-gen- This should be suspected in cases in which there is a tem-
eration agent such as haloperidol. poral relationship between either the onset of tics (or their
Of the two alpha-2 autoreceptor agonists, clonidine is exacerbation) and a preceding ‘sore throat’, keeping in
the best studied. The total daily starting dose for clonidine mind that weeks or months may be required for the
is 0.1 mg and for guanfacine is 1 mg. Dosage increases may mounting of the autoimmune response. When suspicion is
be made in similar increments every week or so until one high, it is appropriate to determine ASO (anti-streptolysin
begins to see an initial response, limiting side-effects, or a O) and anti-DNAase B levels to confirm a preceding strep-
maximum dose is reached of 1 mg for clonidine and 4 mg tococcal infection. In cases in which it appears likely that
for guanfacine. In all cases the total daily dose should be the Tourette’s is occurring as part of PANDAS, considera-
divided into two or three doses. Importantly, in contrast to tion may be given to chronic penicillin treatment to
antipsychotics, where the response is fairly prompt, with prevent future exacerbations, and, in severe cases, to
the alpha-2 autoreceptor agonists the full response may plasmapheresis to acutely reduce symptoms (Perlmutter
take weeks or months to develop. Consequently, in titrat- et al. 1999).
ing the dose it makes sense, as soon as an initial response is Finally, in severe and treatment-resistant cases, neuro-
seen, to pause and see how things develop before increas- surgical intervention, for example deep brain stimulation of
ing the dose further. It must also be borne in mind that the globus pallidus, may be considered (Shahed et al. 2007).
these agents must not be abruptly discontinued, as this As noted earlier, ADHD is commonly seen in patients
may be followed by a prolonged and severe ‘rebound’ of with Tourette’s and, should an alpha-2 autoreceptor ago-
tics (Leckman et al. 1986): a gradual tapering, over weeks, nist (or desipramine in adults) not prove effective, consid-
is required. In making the choice between clonidine and eration may then be given to utilizing a stimulant, such as
guanfacine, although there is more experience with the use methylphenidate. Despite the fact that stimulants may
of clonidine, guanfacine may be better tolerated. cause tics (Denckla et al. 1976), it appears that, in practice,
Desipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant, may be started the risk is negligible (Gadow et al. 1992, 1999); indeed, in
at a dose of 25 mg and increased every few days to 100 mg, one study tics actually decreased with methylphenidate
after which the patient should be observed for a few weeks treatment (Tourette’s Syndrome Study Group 2002).
to see what sort of response emerges. Importantly, as Furthermore, given that in patients with combined
desipramine has been associated with lethal arrhythmias in Tourette’s and ADHD it is the symptomatology of the
children, its use should be restricted to adults. ADHD that is often most problematic, it is critical to not
Pergolide has recently been shown to be effective. Given withhold effective treatment.
the association between pergolide and cardiac valvu-
lopathy, however, its use cannot be recommended. If
ropinirole or pramipexole are found to be effective, this
will open up an exciting new therapeutic option. 8.26 MYOTONIC MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY
Overall, in children one should begin with either an
antipsychotic or an alpha-2 autoreceptor agonist. Although Of the several disorders capable of causing myotonia and
the antipsychotics are by and large more effective, the bur- muscular dystrophy, the classic example, described by
den of long-term side-effects is significant, and, based on Batten and Gibb in 1909, has had several names over the past
that, some clinicians prefer to begin with an alpha-2 auto- century. The original name, bestowed by Batten and Gibb
receptor agonist, holding the antipsychotics in reserve. (1909), was myotonia atrophica; a similar one is myotonia
Furthermore, if the patient also has ADHD that requires dystrophica. Subsequently, this disease was referred to as
treatment, special consideration should be given to an myotonic muscular dystrophy or, simply, myotonic dystro-
alpha-2 autoreceptor agonist, as these agents, unlike the phy. Recently it became apparent that some other disorders
antipsychotics, are also effective in ADHD. In adults, simi- (as discussed below under differential diagnosis) could pro-
lar considerations apply; however, here one may also con- duce a similar clinical picture and, in an effort to standardize
sider desipramine, which, like the alpha-2 autoreceptor terminology, a recent conference proposed renaming
agonists, is effective not only for Tourette’s but also for myotonic muscular dystrophy as myotonic dystrophy type 1
ADHD. It must be emphasized that the foregoing constitute (or DM1), with similar disorders named myotonic dystro-
suggestions only: there simply are not enough comparative phy type 2 (DM2), etc. (International Myotonic Dystrophy
studies to allow for definitive recommendations. In many Consortium 2000). Ongoing use of the name ‘myotonic
cases, a methodical approach, giving one agent a good muscular dystrophy’ for DM1 was not forbidden, however,
trial (at an adequate dose and for an adequate duration), and it is retained in this text.
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 372
Myotonic muscular dystrophy is a not uncommon dis- may be born with ‘congenital’ myotonic muscular dystro-
order, with a lifetime prevalence of about 5 per 100 000; it phy, characterized, among other symptoms, by mental
is equally common in males and females. retardation (Koch et al. 1991).
Both CT (Avrahami et al. 1987) and MRI (Antonini et al.
2004) scanning may reveal a mild degree of cortical atrophy.
Clinical features On MR scanning patchy areas of increased signal intensity
on T2-weighed scans may be seen in the white matter (Di
The onset is gradual and insidious and, although most Costanzo et al. 2002). Genetic testing is available.
patients fall ill in their late teens or early twenties, the range
of age of onset is wide, from childhood up to the sixth
decade. Course
The cardinal symptoms of the disease are myotonia and
weakness. Myotonia may go unnoticed by the patient, or The disease is gradually progressive and, although those
may manifest in difficulty in letting go of, for example, a with later onsets and milder symptoms may experience a
doorknob, or in disengaging from a handshake. On physi- normal lifespan, cases of early onset and severe symptoms
cal examination, myotonia may be elicited by tapping the are often associated with premature death in early or middle-
thenar eminence with a percussion hammer and observing adult years, often from cardiac or respiratory causes.
for the characteristic muscle dimpling. Weakness is even-
tually accompanied by atrophy and, importantly, this is Etiology
more prominent distally, being seen first in the upper
extremities. Other signs may also accrue. Many patients Myotonic muscular dystrophy is inherited in an autosomal
have a distinctive ‘myopathic facies’, with frontal balding, dominant fashion with almost 100 percent penetrance but
ptosis, and wasting of the face and neck musculature; the a quite variable expressivity, even within the same family
voice often also becomes nasal and monotone. Cataracts (Pryse-Phillips et al. 1982). Mutations consist of an expan-
are seen in over 90 percent of patients, and there may be sion of a normally occurring CTG triplet in the DMPK
deafness (Wright et al. 1988) and gonadal failure, with gene on chromosome 19, which codes for the myotonic
erectile dysfunction or menstrual irregularity. Cardiac dystrophy protein kinase (Brook et al. 1992). As in many
conduction abnormalities and arrhythmias may occur, inherited disorders due to triplet expansions, ‘anticipation’
including atrioventricular block, fascicular block, intra- may occur, in which in succeeding generations, and with
ventricular conduction block, atrial fibrillation, and ven- expansion of the triplet repeat, the disease becomes more
tricular premature contractions; a cardiomyopathy with severe and has an earlier onset. Although anticipation is
congestive heart failure may also occur, but is less com- more likely with maternal transmission, it has been noted
mon. Alveolar hypoventilation may also occur. in paternal cases (Nakagawa et al. 1994).
Cognitive impairment is eventually seen in a majority of Neuropathologic studies are few. Neuronal hetero-
patients (Modoni et al. 2004; Perini et al. 1989) and, although topias have been noted in the cerebral cortex (Rosman and
this is generally quite mild, it may progress to a dementia Kakulas 1966) and neurofibrillary tangles in the hip-
(Huber et al. 1989). Personality change may also occur and, pocampus (Maurage et al. 2005). In cases characterized by
although it tends to be mixed in type, avoidant traits may be hypersomnolence, cell loss was noted in the superior cen-
predominant (Delaporte et al. 1998; Winblad et al. 2005). tral nucleus of the midbrain (Ono et al. 1998), and, in cases
Apathy appears to be more common than among compara- marked by alveolar hyperventilation, cell loss was seen in
ble controls (Rubinsztein et al. 1998). Although depression the medullary reticular formation (Ono et al. 1996).
may occur, it appears, in contrast to apathy, to be no more
common among these patients than comparable controls: in
considering the diagnosis of depression, one must guard Differential diagnosis
against misinterpreting the expressionless ‘myopathic facies’
as a depressed affect (Adie and Greenfield 1924; Billings and As noted earlier, myotonic muscular dystrophy, or DM1, is
Ravin 1941; Bungener et al. 1998). but one of several causes of myotonia and weakness.
Hypersomnia is not uncommon (Manni et al. 1991) DM2, also known as the PROMM syndrome (or proximal
and indeed may be the presenting complaint (Hansotia myotonic myopathy), although similar to myotonic mus-
and Frens 1981): some patients may literally sleep for days cular dystrophy, may be distinguished clinically by the pat-
(Phemister and Small 1961). Although some of these tern of weakness, which is proximal rather than distal, and
hypersomnic patients demonstrate sleep apnea (of either by the presence of myalgia, which is not seen in myotonic
the central or obstructive type), the number of apneic muscular dystrophy (Day et al. 2003; Ricker et al. 1994,
episodes is not high enough to account for the degree of 1995, 1999). Recently a third disorder, namely DM3, was
hypersomnolence (van der Meche et al. 1994). described, which, like the PROMM syndrome, is also char-
As noted below, ‘anticipation’ may occur in this disease acterized by proximal weakness; it also apparently is
(Harper et al. 1992; Howeler et al. 1989), and some children notable for a prominent dementia (Le Ber et al. 2004).
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 373
Another disorder to consider is myotonia congenita. Mahloudji 1975; Soffer et al. 1995; Verrips et al. 2000a,b;
This is an inherited, non-progressive condition character- Watts et al. 1996) is characterized by dementia, seizures,
ized by myotonia and, rather than weakness and atrophy, long-tract signs, ataxia, a peripheral sensorimotor polyneu-
by a degree of muscular hypertrophy: autosomal dominant ropathy, gross tendon enlargement, especially evident in
cases are referred to as Thomsen’s disease and recessive the Achilles tendon, cataracts, and chronic diarrhea.
cases as the Becker variant. Because the phenomenon of Although the disease may present with any one of these var-
myotonia may be the only symptom of myotonic muscular ious features, in most cases the presentation will be with
dystrophy for many years, the clinical differential between juvenile cataracts or with chronic, intractable diarrhea.
myotonic muscular dystrophy and myotonia congenita T2-weighted or, especially, FLAIR MR scanning will
may depend on long-term follow-up, watching closely for reveal increased signal intensity in the cerebral and cerebel-
other symptoms to appear (Maas and Paterson 1950). lar white matter; increased signal intensity may also be seen
in the cerebellar dentate nuclei (De Stefano et al. 2001;
Swanson and Cromwell 1986).
Treatment Serum cholestanol levels are grossly increased; choles-
terol levels are either normal or decreased (Salen 1971).
There is no specific treatment for the disease. Hyper- Genetic testing is available (Meiner et al. 1994).
somnolence, which, in some cases, may be the most dis-
tressing feature of the disease, responds to modafinil
(MacDonald et al. 2002; Wintzen et al. 2007); open work Course
also suggests a usefulness for methylphenidate (van der
Meche et al. 1994). Myotonia may respond to various med- This is a very slowly progressive disorder. In those with an
ications, including phenytoin, disopyramide, pro- early age of onset and severe symptoms, death typically
cainamide, and nifedipine, but given that myotonia rarely occurs within 10 to 20 years, whereas those with later
causes distress or disability, these agents are typically not onsets and milder symptoms may experience a normal
required. The general treatment of dementia is discussed in lifespan.
Section 5.1. Yearly electrocardiograms (ECGs) are required
and, if there is suspicion of significant arrhythmia, a 24-
hour Holter monitor is appropriate; some patients may Etiology
require a pacemaker. As noted earlier, alveolar hypoventila-
tion may occur; these patients do not appear to tolerate Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis occurs secondary to
general anesthesia well, hence surgery, if possible, should be mutations in CYP27, a gene on chromosome 2 that codes for
avoided. Hearing aids and cataract surgery may be required. an enzyme known as sterol 27-hydroxylase (Verrips et al.
Genetic counseling is appropriate and, given the vari- 2000a). With defective activity of this enzyme, cholestanol
able expression of the disease, it may be appropriate to accumulation occurs in the cerebral and cerebellar white
offer testing to apparently unaffected relatives. matter, the cerebellar dentate nuclei, and peripheral
nerves, tendons, and corneae (Menkes et al. 1968). Within
the brain, widespread demyelinization occurs and, in some
8.27 CEREBROTENDINOUS XANTHOMATOSIS cases, actual xanthomas may form (Schimschock et al. 1968).
slowing. In some cases, the psychosis may have a distinct normally converts sulfatides into cerebroside, which is a
manic flair: one patient (Besson 1980) was ‘grandiose . . . normal constituent of myelin; with decreased activity of
and called out the fire brigade’, and another (Van Bogaert arylsulfatase A, there is an increase in sulfatide levels and a
and Dewulf 1939) ‘had ideas of grandeur, thought he was decrease in cerebroside levels, with resulting demyelin-
going to become an ambassador and gave himself honorary ization. Of interest, the increased sulfatide content in
titles’. In both these cases, the patients eventually became peripheral nervous tissue and renal epithelial cells accounts
demented. for the metachromasia. Sulfatides are positively charged,
The personality change may be non-specific; however, a and their excessive presence reorients the negatively
frontal lobe syndrome may be prominent (Austin et al. charged molecules of cresyl violet or toluidine blue, thereby
1968; Finelli 1985; Wulff and Trojaborg 1985) with disin- changing their color.
hibition, perseveration, irritability, and socially inappro- Within the central nervous system, widespread
priate behavior. demyelinzation is seen, and this is especially evident in the
As might be suspected, in addition to cognitive deficits, centrum semiovale. In severe cases, the white matter of the
the dementia seen in metachromatic leukodystrophy is centrum semiovale may be shrunken down to a thin gliotic
also often marked by delusions, hallucinations, and frontal remnant, with only relative sparing of the U-fibers, such
lobe symptomatology (Alves et al. 1986; Bosch and Hart that there is very little intervening tissue between the
1978; Hirose and Bass 1972; Hyde et al. 1992; Reider- depths of the sulci and the lateral ventricles. The cerebellar
Grosswasser and Bornstein 1987; Shapiro et al. 1994). white matter is affected in a similar fashion, and there is
T2-weighted MR scanning reveals ventricular dilation also peripheral demyelinization.
and widespread increased signal intensity in the white mat- Rarely, rather than occurring secondary to a mutation
ter (Reider-Grosswasser and Bornstein 1987; Rauschka in the gene for arylsulfatase A, metachromatic leukodys-
et al. 2006). Nerve conduction velocity studies may reveal trophy may occur secondary to a mutation in a gene on
slowing in patients who lack clinical evidence of a periph- chromosome 10 coding for a sulfatide activator protein
eral neuropthy; however, it must be kept in mind that such (Schlote et al. 1991). This protein acts as an essential cofac-
studies may be normal. Lumbar puncture may reveal nor- tor for arylsulfatase A and, in its absence, all of the bio-
mal CSF or, especially in those with late infantile or juve- chemical defects seen with mutations in the gene for
nile forms, an increased total protein. arylsulfatase A also accrue.
An often mentioned, but rarely seen, finding in
metachromatic leukodystrophy is non-filling of the gall-
bladder on cholecystography, which occurs secondary to
infiltration of the gallbladder by sulfatides. Differential diagnosis
Assays of leukocytes reveal decreased aryl sulfatase A
activity, and assays of peripheral nerve tissue (obtained at Differential diagnostic considerations vary according to
sural nerve biopsy) or of urinary sediment will reveal the age of the patient.
increased sulfatide content. The phenomenon of metachro- Juvenile-onset cases may be confused with adreno-
masia, from which this disorder derives its name, may also leukodystrophy; however, in adrenoleukodystrophy one
be observed in peripheral nervous tissue or urinary sedi- also sees either a hemianopia or cortical blindness, findings
ment. Both cresyl violet and toluidine blue undergo a chro- not seen in metachromatic leukodystrophy.
matic metamorphosis, turning from violet or blue to brown Adult-onset cases may, depending on their presenta-
or golden-brown, respectively, when applied to affected tion, raise several differential considerations. Presentations
cells in the peripheral nerve or urinary sediment. with psychosis may be indistinguishable from schizophre-
nia until other signs and symptoms, such as ataxia or
peripheral neuropathy, emerge, or until a dementia super-
venes. Presentations with a personality change of the
Course frontal lobe type or with a dementia may raise the possibil-
ity of frontotemporal dementia, and the differential here
The disease is gradually progressive, with death within
may also rest on the emergence of a peripheral neuropathy
2–10 years in the late infantile or juvenile forms; in the
or ataxia.
adult form, death may be delayed for up to 15 years.
As noted earlier, diagnosis rests on demonstrating
decreased aryl sulfatase A activity in leukocytes and in find-
ing increased sulfatide content in peripheral tissues, and it
Etiology must be stressed that both tests must be positive. Finding a
decreased aryl sulfatase A activity by itself is not diagnostic,
As noted, metachromatic leukodystrophy is a recessively because in about 10 percent of the general population there
inherited disorder, and occurs secondary to any of a large is a ‘pseudodeficiency’ of arylsulfatase A activity that is not
number of mutations in the gene for arylsulfatase A, found associated with sulfatide accumulation or with any symp-
on chromosome 22 (Barth et al. 1993). Arylsulfatase A tomatology (Hageman et al. 1995).
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 376
seen at the border between the demyelinization and the Magnetic resonance scanning may be normal or may
normal tissue, behind which much of the white matter is reveal cortical atrophy.
replaced by gliotic tissue. Importantly, the subcortical U- In those with dementia, generalized slowing is seen on
fibers are generally spared, as is the gray matter. the EEG; when seizures are present, the EEG typically reveals
Demyelinization also occurs in the spinal cord, especially generalized spike-and-wave discharges, and there may be a
in the corticospinal tracts, and the peripheral nerves may pronounced photosensitivity (Vadlamudi et al. 2003).
also be involved, albeit generally to a much lesser extent. Diagnosis is confirmed by rectal, muscle, or skin biopsy,
which reveals characteristic fingerprint or granular osmio-
philic deposits on electron microscopy (Berkovic et al. 1988).
Differential diagnosis
Clinical features
Kufs’ disease typically presents in early adult years in one of
The symptomatic treatment of dementia is discussed in
two fashions (Berkovic et al. 1988; Callagy et al. 2000). In
Section 5.1; divalproex may be considered for seizures.
one, referred to as ‘type A’, patients present with grand mal
and myoclonic seizures and a dementia, which is often
accompanied by ataxia or abnormal movements, such as
athetosis or parkinsonism. In the other, ‘type B’, the pres- 8.32 ESSENTIAL TREMOR
entation is typically with a personality change or dementia,
which may also be accompanied by ataxia and other Essential tremor is a common condition characterized pri-
abnormal movements. marily by a postural tremor of the hands.
p 08.qxd 3/10/08 9:38 AM Page 378
Clinical features would fall. A similar loss of output from the Purkinje cell
layer would also, of course, occur with loss or damage to
Although the range in age of onset is wide, from the first to the Purkinje cells themselves. If these findings are repli-
the ninth decades of life, most patients experience the cated, and if this speculation is correct, then it may well be
onset of tremor during the fifth decade. that essential tremor represents a syndrome composed of
Clinically speaking (Bain et al. 1994; Critchley 1949; two or more inherited disorders causing pathology either
Koller et al. 1994; Lou and Jankovic 1991; Martinelli et al. in brainstem nuclei or in the cerebellum.
1987), in the vast majority of cases, the tremor first
becomes evident in the hand, generally bilaterally; only in a
small minority is the onset unilateral. The tremor, at least Differential diagnosis
initially, is fine, ranging in frequency from 4 to 8cps, and
postural, being most evident when the hands are held out- Essential tremor is a postural tremor and, as discussed
stretched with the fingers spread. In most cases, over time, in Section 3.1, this must be distinguished from rest and
the tremor also becomes apparent elsewhere, including, in intention tremors. Once it is clear that the patient does
decreasing order of frequency, the head, the voice, the have a postural tremor, the differential may be pursued as
chin, and, in a small minority, the feet. Head tremor is gen- outlined in Section 3.1, with special attention given to
erally of the ‘no-no’ type (Bain et al. 1994) with a trembling medication-induced tremors (e.g., sympathomimetics or
oscillation of the head from side to side. Involvement of caffeine), alcohol or sedative/hypnotic withdrawal, and
the voice may impart a quavering quality to the patients’ hyperthyroidism.
speech (Ardran et al. 1966). Recent work (Benito-Leon
et al. 2006) indicates that patients may also display some
cognitive deficits, but these are quite mild and of question-
able clinical importance.
A large number of medications are effective in essential
tremor. Primidone (Koller and Royse 1986) and pro-
Course pranolol (Winkler and Young 1974) are the mainstays;
propranolol may be given in doses from 80 to 240 mg/day,
In most cases the course is characterized by progressive and primidone from 25 to 750 mg/day. Alternatives
worsening to a certain plateau, which may persist for years include gabapentin (Gironell et al. 1999; Ondo et al. 2000),
or decades, after which there may be further progression. in doses from 1200 to 3600 mg/day, and topiramate
As the tremor worsens, it characteristically becomes of (Connor 2002; Ondo et al. 2006), from 100 to 400 mg/day.
greater amplitude and slower frequency. Alprazolam is also effective (Gunal et al. 2000), but given
the high risk of physiologic dependence, this should prob-
ably be held in reserve. Regardless of which medication is
Etiology used, one should start at a low dose and increase gradually,
looking for the lowest effective dose. Another ‘medication’,
Although sporadic cases do occur, both family and twin which many patients will already have discovered on their
studies (Bain et al. 1994; Lorenz et al. 2004; Tanner et al. own, is alcohol (Growdon et al. 1975), which, for obvious
2001) indicate that essential tremor is, in most cases, inher- reasons, cannot be recommended. In severe, treatment-
ited, most likely on an autosomal dominant basis. resistant cases, consideration may be given to deep brain
Although the genetic basis remains obscure, in some fami- stimulation of the thalamus (Sydow et al. 2003).
lies linkage has been found to sites on chromosomes 2, 3,
and 6 (Shatunov et al. 2006).
Although routine pathologic studies have been 8.33 HYPEREKPLEXIA
unremarkable (Rajput et al. 2004), recent work has
demonstrated some interesting findings (Louis et al. 2005, Hyperekplexia, also known as hyperexplexia or ‘startle dis-
2006a,b). Lewy bodies have been found in brainstem ease’, is a rare disorder characterized by a pathologic startle
nuclei, most especially the locus ceruleus; furthermore, response.
within the cerebellum, Purkinje cell loss has been noted,
with, in surviving Purkinje cells, torpedoes, or massive col-
lections of disoriented neurofilaments. Although specula- Clinical features
tive, these seemingly disparate findings may be reconciled
as contributing to a final common pathway of reduced Hyperekplexia occurs in two varieties, namely the major
inhibitory output of the Purkinje cell layer. The locus form and the minor form, and these differ both in age of
ceruleus has massive stimulatory projections to the onset and in clinical symptomatology (Andermann et al.
Purkinje cell layer, and with dysfunction of the locus 1980; Kirsten and Silfverskiold 1958; Ryan et al. 1992;
ceruleus, and loss of this stimulation, Purkinje cell output Suhren et al. 1966; Tijssen et al. 1995).
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Congenital , developmental, and other
childhood-onset disorders
9.1 STURGE–WEBER SYNDROME early adult years, the vast majority of patients will begin
having seizures in the first year of life. Simple partial motor
The Sturge–Weber syndrome, also known as the seizures are classic, and when these do occur the motor
Sturge–Weber–Dimitri syndrome or encephalotrigeminal activity is seen contralateral to the hemisphere affected by
angiomatosis, first described by William Sturge in 1879 calcification. Complex partial seizures may also occur, and
(Sturge 1879), is a rare disorder, characterized, classically, secondary generalization to grand mal seizures is common.
by a unilateral facial port-wine stain, epilepsy, hemiplegia, Mental retardation occurs in the majority of patients,
and mental retardation, and, on appropriate imaging, cere- and, in those with frequent seizures, there may be a decre-
bral cortical calcification in the hemisphere ipsilateral to the ment in cognitive abilities (Lichtenstein 1954; Petermann
port-wine stain (Chao 1959; Lichtenstein 1954; Pascual- et al. 1958).
Castroviejo et al. 1993; Petermann et al. 1958; Sujansky and Other symptoms that may occur include the following:
Conradi 1995a,b). hemiplegia and hemiatrophy, contralateral to the hemi-
sphere with calcification; an enlarged eye, present in
infancy, known as bupthalmos (‘ox-eye’); and glaucoma,
Clinical features which may occur at any age. It is also becoming apparent
that the majority of patients will also have stroke-like
The port-wine stain, also known as a nevus flammeus, is episodes (Maria et al. 1998).
present at birth, and, at a minimum, covers the area of dis- Cortical calcification may not become evident on imaging
tribution of the first division of the trigeminal nerve, until after the age of 2 years but becomes progressively more
including the upper eyelid; in some cases the stain may common with the passage of time, eventually appearing in
extend down the face to the second or even third division, approximately 90 percent of patients over the age of 20 years.
and may even reach the side of the neck. Although in most On skull films, the calcification appears in a classic curvilinear
cases the stain is unilateral, bilateral involvement may ‘trolly-track’ pattern, and on computed tomography (CT)
occur in a small minority; rarely there may be no port-wine scanning, as illustrated in Figure 9.1, there is a ‘serpiginous’
stain (Aydin et al. 2000; Taly et al. 1987). pattern. Magnetic resonance (MR) scanning, in addition to
Seizures occur in the great majority of patients and, revealing calcification, may also demonstrate leptomeningeal
although they can first appear at any time from infancy to vascular malformations (Benedikt et al. 1993).
p 09.qxd 3/10/08 9:39 AM Page 404
Figure 9.1 This unenhanced computed tomography scan Tuberous sclerosis, also known as Bourneville’s disease or
demonstrates the serpiginous calcification seen in the Sturge–Weber epiloia, is a rare genetic disorder presenting, classically, with
syndrome. (Reproduced from Gillespie and Jackson 2000.) the triad of seizures, mental retardation, and a particular
skin lesion known as adenoma sebaceum (Alsen et al. 1994;
Critchley and Earl 1932; Devlin et al. 2006; Lagos and Gomez
1967; Monaghan et al. 1981; Pampiglione and Moynahan
Course 1976; Ross and Dickerson 1943; Webb and Osborne 1995).
Although brain lesions, known as tubers, figure most
With the exception of intellectual decrement seen in some prominently in this disorder, it must be borne in mind that
patients with frequent seizures, and of any decrements seen tuberous sclerosis is a systemic disease, with additional
secondary to stroke-like episodes, the overall course is for lesions in the skin, eye, kidneys, heart, and lungs.
the most part static.
Neuropathologically (Roizen et al. 1972; Weber 1929; In most cases, the first sign of tuberous sclerosis is the pres-
Wohlwill and Yakovlev 1957), the hallmark of the disorder ence of hypomelanotic macules, evident in 90 percent or
is a unilateral leptomeningeal angiomatosis, primarily more of affected infants. These macules, which are best seen
venular in type, which, though often confined to the occi- with Wood’s light, range in size from a few millimeters to
pitoparietal area, may extend forward to the frontal area 2 or 3 cm, and are sometimes oval shaped, giving rise to the
and, in some cases, may be bilateral (Bebin and Gomez name ‘ash leaf’ spots. Additional skin lesions include ade-
1988). In the subjacent cortex there is calcification in the noma sebaceum and what are known as ‘shagreen patches’.
walls of small arteries, free calcium deposits within the Adenoma sebaceum typically appears gradually in early
brain parenchyma, and neuronal loss and gliosis. childhood and is present in over 90 percent of those over
The vast majority of cases are sporadic. the age of 4 years; it consists of multiple minute facial nod-
ules, generally arranged in a symmetrical butterfly shape
over the nose, cheeks, and chin, with, typically, sparing of
Differential diagnosis the upper lip. Shagreen patches are leathery-appearing
areas, most frequently seen in the lumbar region.
The combination of a facial port-wine stain, seizures, and Seizures may first appear at any point in childhood, ado-
cortical calcification is pathognomonic for Sturge–Weber lescence, or even late adult years (Gutowski and Murphy
syndrome. In those rare cases in which the port-wine stain 1992). Seizures appearing in the first 2 years of life are gen-
is absent, consideration is given to celiac disease, character- erally of the ‘salaam’ or infantile spasm type (Roth and
ized by occipital calcification and seizures. It must also be Epstein 1971). Other seizure types, especially complex par-
borne in mind that isolated port-wine stains are not at all tial and grand mal seizures, may also appear, not only, as it
p 09.qxd 3/10/08 9:39 AM Page 405
were, to replace infantile spasms but also as the first seizure matter: in some cases subependymal tubers may protrude
type in those patients whose seizures begin at a later age. into the ventricle and may be so numerous that they
Mental retardation is seen in approximately two-thirds impart a ‘candle guttering’ appearance to the surface of the
of patients. Furthermore, and especially in those with fre- ventricle (Richardson 1991). Tubers, as noted, typically
quent seizures, there may be a progressive cognitive decline, undergo calcification, and the calcification may be so pro-
thus constituting a dementia. Autism may occur in up to nounced as to produce ‘brain stones’ (Yakovlev and
one-quarter of all patients (Alsen et al. 1994; Gutierrez et al. Corwin 1939). Some tubers may undergo malignant trans-
1998; Lawlor and Maurer 1987), and is more likely in those formation into astrocytomas (Goh et al. 2004; Morimoto
both with tubers in the temporal lobe and frequent seizures and Mogami 1986), and tubers (or astrocytomas) adjacent
of temporal lobe onset (Bolton and Griffiths 1997; Bolton to the foramen of Monro may cause occlusion and non-
et al. 2002). In a very small minority of patients, hydro- communicating hydrocephalus.
cephalus may occur secondary to occlusion of the foramen
of Monro by a tuber or astrocytoma, with the development
of further cognitive decline accompanied by headache and Differential diagnosis
gait disturbance.
Other lesions include subungual fibromas, retinal The classic triad of seizures, mental retardation, and ade-
phakomas, renal angiomyolipomas and cysts, cardiac rhab- noma sebaceum is pathognomonic. As noted earlier, how-
dolipomas, and pulmonary cysts. ever, about one-third of patients will have normal
Neuroimaging reveals the distinctive tubers. Tubers typ- intelligence, and such cases may present with seizures
ically undergo calcification and, when this occurs, they are alone in adult years (Kofman and Hyland 1959). In these
immediately apparent on skull radiographs or CT scanning. cases, diagnostic suspicion may be aroused by skin lesions,
Magnetic resonance scanning also reveals calcified tubers such as ash leaf spots or adenoma sebaceum, or by finding
and may also identify uncalcified ones, which may be tubers on imaging.
missed on CT scanning. The electroencephalogram (EEG)
is marked by slowing and interictal epileptiform activity,
which is often multifocal. Genetic testing is available. Treatment
Other associated disorders include Hashimoto’s thy- classic picture of mental retardation with a characteristic
roiditis, acute myeloid leukemia, diabetes mellitus, chronic facial dysmorphism is far more common and severe in
obstructive pulmonary disease, and breast cancer. males, females may also be affected.
Pre-pubertally, hormone levels are generally within
normal limits, but after puberty, abnormalities become
apparent with a low testosterone level and an elevated Clinical features
follicle-stimulating hormone level.
Karyotyping will reveal one or more extra X chromo- The classic syndrome (Baumgardner et al. 1995; Finelli et al.
somes. 1985; Wisniewski et al. 1985c), as noted, is most evident in
males and is characterized by mental retardation, a charac-
teristic dysmorphic facies, and macro-orchidism. Mental
Course retardation ranges from mild to severe. Autistic features,
such as gaze avoidance, are present in most cases, and a
The evolution of the clinical picture is usually complete by
minority will have the full syndrome of autism; ADHD is also
adult years.
seen in a minority. Dysmorphic features include a long, nar-
row face, prognathism, a high forehead, and large ears (De
Etiology Arce and Kearns 1984). Macro-orchidism is a constant
feature in post-pubertal males and may also be seen in a
Klinefelter’s syndrome occurs secondary to non-disjunction minority during childhood (Chudley and Hagerman 1987;
during either spermatogenesis or oogenesis, resulting in the De Arce and Kearns 1984). Seizures, either complex partial
presence of one or more extra X chromosomes. The most or grand mal, occur in a significant minority (Finelli et al.
common karyotype is 47,XXY; in about 10 percent of 1985; Musumeci et al. 1999; Sabaratnam et al. 2001;
cases, mosaicism is present, with a 46,XY/47,XXY karyo- Wisniewski et al. 1985c). Other features include hyperexten-
type. Rarely, more severe abnormalities may occur, yield- sible joints and mitral valve prolapse (Chudley and
ing karyotypes such as 48,XXXY or 49,XXXXY. Hagerman 1987), and in a minority there may also be hyper-
Although much of the symptomatology of Klinefelter’s reflexia and Babinski signs (Finelli et al. 1985). Incomplete
syndrome can be explained on the basis of primary hypo- penetrance may occur in males, and some may be of normal
gonadism secondary to a progressive fibrosis of the testes, intelligence; in these cases, however, elements of develop-
it is clear that hypogonadism alone is not sufficient to mental dysphasia, with both receptive and expressive deficits,
explain all of the neuropsychiatric features of the disorder, are common, and most post-pubertal males will also have
such as mental retardation (Pasqualini et al. 1957; macro-orchidism.
Wakeling 1972). Recent MRI studies have indicated a mild Females with the fragile X syndrome tend to have much
global cerebral atrophy (Giedd et al. 2007; Itti et al. 2006); milder cases. Mental retardation is seen in only about 50
however, the mechanism underlying this is not certain. percent and tends to be of mild degree; facial dysmorphism
is seen in only a small minority.
Genetic testing is available.
Differential diagnosis
When fully expressed, the clinical picture in adults is dis-
tinctive. Diagnostic difficulties may arise in partial cases, Although there is some evidence that, in males, intellectual
and the correct diagnosis may be revealed only incidentally functioning may undergo a decline in late childhood or
during a work-up for infertility or erectile dysfunction. early adolescence (Dykens et al. 1989), it appears that, for
the most part, the clinical picture becomes set in adoles-
Treatment cence and generally remains stable thereafter.
full mutations. Patients with pre-mutations do not develop the most common of the microdeletion syndromes, being
the fragile X syndrome; however, those with full mutations found in up to 1 in 4000 live births.
do. In those with full mutations, transcription of the gene
fails and levels of functional FMRP are low or undetectable.
The relatively minor symptomatology seen in females is due Clinical features
to random inactivation of the X chromosome, which allows
for some production of FMRP. The fragile X syndrome The facial dysmorphism is characterized by hypertelorism,
derives its name from the fact that when the cells of patients a large, bulbous nose with a squared-off nasal root, and
are cultivated in a medium deficient in thymidine and folic micrognathia. Most patients have a degree of velopharyn-
acid, a fragile site will be found on the long arm of the X chro- geal insufficiency, leading to a hypernasal voice.
mosome (Sutherland 1977), which, as might be expected, About 50 percent of patients suffer from either borderline
corresponds to the location of the expanded CGG repeat. intellectual functioning or mental retardation, which is gen-
Interestingly, although both female and male parents with erally of mild degree (Swillen et al. 1997); perhaps one-fifth
a premutation may pass a full mutation to their children, this of all patients will also have symptomatology similar to that
is far more commonly the case with female parents. The rea- seen in ADHD, with varying mixtures of hyperactivity,
son for this is that expansion of a pre-mutation to a full impulsiveness, and inattentiveness. Autism has been noted
mutation occurs readily during oogenesis but only rarely in a small minority (Fine et al. 2005).
during spermatogenesis. As these patients pass through adolescence into adult
Magnetic resonance imaging studies have revealed years, up to one-third will develop a psychosis phenotypi-
hypertrophy of the hippocampus with atrophy of the supe- cally similar to that seen in schizophrenia (Bassett et al.
rior temporal gyrus (Reiss et al. 1994) and atrophy of the 2003; Gothelf et al. 2007; Murphy et al. 1999), with delu-
cerebellar vermis (Mostofsky et al. 1998). Autopsy studies sions and hallucinations. Mood disturbances may also
have demonstrated that, although neuronal cell counts are occur and may be more frequent than psychosis: both
normal in the cortex, dendritic spines are long and tortu- manic or hypomanic episodes (Papolos et al. 1996) and
ous in shape (Hinton et al. 1991; Rudelli et al. 1985). depressive episodes (Murphy et al. 1999) may occur.
Obsessions and compulsions have also been noted in
roughly one-third of teenagers (Gothelf et al. 2004).
Differential diagnosis Other clinical features include cardiac defects, hypocal-
cemia secondary to hypoparathyroidism, and, in a small
The full clinical syndrome of mental retardation, with or minority, seizures (Kao et al. 2004).
without autism, and the characteristic facial dysmorphism
(with, in males, macro-orchidism) is distinctive.
Mention should also be made of a condition known as
FXTAS, or fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia syndrome. As
The course is chronic; although some die of cardiac com-
noted earlier, patients with pre-mutations do not develop the
plications, most live a normal lifespan.
fragile X syndrome. This is not to say, however, that the pre-
mutation is benign, given that those who carry this premuta-
tion are at high risk for developing FXTAS in middle or later Etiology
years, with tremor, ataxia, and, in a minority, dementia.
This syndrome occurs secondary to a microdeletion at
22q11.2 and is inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion
Treatment with variable penetrance (McDonald-McGinn et al. 2001).
Magnetic resonance imaging studies (van Amelsvoort et al.
The general treatment of mental retardation, autism, and 2004; Bish et al. 2004, Campbell et al. 2006, Eliez et al. 2000,
ADHD is discussed in Sections 5.5, 9.14, and 9.15 respec- Kates et al. 2006; Schaer et al. 2006) have revealed atrophy
tively. Importantly, fragile X patients with ADHD respond of the cerebral cortex and white matter, with reduced gyri-
well to methylphenidate (Hagerman et al. 1988). fication of the cortex; enlargement of the right caudate;
enlargement of the amygdalae; and atrophy of the thala-
mus. In the cerebellum, atrophy of the cortex and white
9.7 VELOCARDIOFACIAL SYNDROME matter is also seen.
The distinctive facial dysmorphism, nasal voice, mental Genetic testing is available. As noted below, hypoxanthine-
retardation, hypocalcemia, and cardiac defects may all sug- guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) activity is grossly
gest the correct diagnosis; however, at times these abnor- reduced or absent, and diagnosis may also be established by
malities may be absent or subclinical, and the diagnostic measuring this enzymatic activity in erythrocytes, hair roots
possibility may only be raised when the family history sug- or cultured skin fibroblasts.
gests the syndrome in a relative, thus prompting genetic
(Clarke et al. 2002). Depression occurs in a minority, and (Selikowitz et al. 1990); however, this agent is no longer
may be quite severe (Boer et al. 2002); psychosis has also available in the United States. An open study also sug-
been reported (Clarke 1993). Seizures may occur in a gested effectiveness of risperidone in this regard (Durst et
minority. al. 2000). Obstructive sleep apnea and the Pickwickian syn-
Hypersomnolence is common and appears to be multi- drome are treated as discussed in Sections 18.8 and 18.9
factorial. With the extreme obesity, obstructive sleep apnea respectively.
(Clift et al. 1994) and the Pickwickian syndrome (Bye et al. Mental retardation is treated as outlined in Section 5.5.
1983) may occur; however, in some cases the degree of Of note, open work has found that topiramate, although
hypersomnolence seems more severe than can be ineffective for weight loss in this population, did reduce skin
accounted for by these disorders. picking (Smathers et al. 2003); in cases with seizures, this
The diagnosis may be confirmed by DNA methylation would be a logical choice. Case reports also suggest that
analysis, as discussed below. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may reduce
skin picking (Hellings and Warnock 1994).
The disorder is chronic and many die prematurely of the
complications of obesity. The congenital rubella syndrome occurs secondary to fetal
infection during the first trimester. In the past, this was an
important cause of mental retardation; however, in devel-
Etiology oped countries, vaccination of females has made this a very
rare disorder.
The Prader–Willi syndrome occurs secondary to a lack of a
critical portion of the paternally-derived chromosome 15,
and this deficit may occur via any one of three mechanisms. Clinical features
The most common mechanism involves a microdeletion on
the paternally derived chromosome 15; the next most com- In its fully developed form (Forrest and Menser 1970;
mon is uniparental disomy, with both chromosome 15s Forrest et al. 2002; Hardy 1973; Miller et al. 1982; Tartakow
being derived maternally; finally, and rarely, mutations may 1965), the syndrome is characterized by mental retardation,
occur on the paternally derived chromosome 15. The diag- cataracts, deafness, and various cardiac abnormalities, such
nosis, as indicated earlier, may be made via methylation as patent ductus arteriosus and ventricular septal defect. A
analysis. The methylation pattern on chromosome 15 differs minority of patients may also have autism (Chess et al.
for paternally and maternally derived chromosomes, and 1978; Fombonne et al. 1997).
hence analysis allows one to determine whether the patient
has a normal, paternally-derived chromosome 15.
The neuropathology of the Prader–Willi syndrome is Course
not clear. Magnetic resonance imaging (Miller et al. 2007)
has indicated cortical atrophy and, in some cases, polymi- In those who survive into late childhood or beyond, the
crogyria. The remarkable hunger has suggested hypothala- course is static, except in the small minority who go on to
mic involvement, and one study found a reduction in the develop the dementia of progressive rubella panencephalitis,
size and neuronal count of the hypothalamic paraventricu- as discussed in Section 14.14.
lar nucleus (Swaab et al. 1995).
Differential diagnosis
Maternal rubella infection leads to fetal infection via
The Bardet–Biedl syndrome is distinguished by the pres- transplacental spread and, if this occurs in the first trimester,
ence of polydactyly or syndactyly. various abnormalities may occur, including areas of focal
necrosis, primarily in the basal ganglia, mesencephalon, and
cord (Desmond et al. 1967; Plotkin et al. 1965; Rorke 1973;
Treatment Rorke and Spiro 1967); microcephaly and spina bifida may
also be present (Tartakow 1965).
Growth hormone, given early in life, may improve both
overall height and lean body mass (Myers et al. 2006).
Early dietary management is essential and in some cases Differential diagnosis
institutionalization may be required to forestall the develop-
ment of a lethal degree of obesity. In one double-blind Fetal infection with toxoplasma, cytomegalovirus or herpes
study, fenfluramine was effective in reducing weight simplex virus can cause a similar syndrome.
p 09.qxd 3/10/08 9:39 AM Page 414
Although some improvement may occur during adoles- Rett’s syndrome, first described by Andreas Rett in 1966
cence, especially with regard to the severity of the facial (Rett 1966), is a rare disorder characterized by mental
dysmorphism (Spohr et al. 1993; Streissguth et al. 1991), retardation, microcephaly, autistic features, and peculiar
the overall course is one of a stable chronicity. stereotypic hand movements. This is a rare disorder that
occurs almost exclusively in females.
Clinical features
Although the syndrome is clearly related to maternal alcohol
ingestion, multiple uncertainties remain as to the details. For As described in a number of papers (Coleman et al. 1988;
example, it is not clear whether it is the first or, rather, later Hagberg 1989; Hagberg and Witt-Engerstrom 1986;
trimesters that constitute the greatest period of risk. Hagberg et al. 1983; Witt-Engerstrom 1990), the clinical
p 09.qxd 3/10/08 9:39 AM Page 415
features of Rett’s syndrome in females may be roughly and may occur secondary to infections or post-operative
divided into four stages. It must be emphasized that the complications.
delineations between various stages are not precise, and that
various features may overlap from one stage to another.
Stage I becomes apparent at around the age of 10 months Etiology
and is characterized by a general stagnation of normal devel-
opment. There may be a failure of normal weight gain, and, Rett’s syndrome is an X-linked dominant disorder due to
rather than beginning to crawl, patients may display a per- any one of a large number of different mutations in the gene
sistent ‘bottom shuffling’. This stage persists for anywhere for methyl-CpG-binding protein 2 (MECP2) (Amir et al.
from a month up to a year and a half. 1999; Auranen et al. 2001). Phenotypic variation reflects
Stage II generally occurs around the age of 18 months and not only the effects of different mutations (Dotti et al.
is characterized by a regression. Interestingly, although the 2002) but also non-random inactivation of the X chromo-
onset of this stage is generally gradual, spanning weeks or some (Amir et al. 2000). Almost all cases represent de novo
months, it may at times occur relatively acutely, with an mutations; in the few familial cases identified, it appears
onset spanning days. The regression itself presents with that the mother was a ‘carrier’ who was either unaffected
autistic features, including a general withdrawal of contact (Dayer et al. 2007) or had a very mild phenotype (Huppke
with surroundings, and the appearance of characteristic et al. 2006). The extreme rarity of this disorder in males
stereotypies. Initially patients may suck their hands or grasp probably reflects the lethal nature of most mutations when
their tongues; however, with time, the classic hand stereo- not ‘balanced’, as in females, by a normal X chromosome.
typies emerge, with hand-wringing, hand-clasping or wash- Neuropathologic studies have revealed microcephaly
ing movements. There may also be attacks of violent and hypopigmentation of the pars compacta of the
screaming, teeth gnashing, and nocturnal awakenings substantia nigra (Jellinger and Seitelberger 1986; Jellinger
accompanied by peculiar laughter. Most patients also display et al. 1988). Microscopically, there is a loss of cortical
episodes of irregular respiration while awake, with periods of pyramidal cells (Belichenko et al. 1997); remaining
hyperventilation followed by apneas. During this stage, head neurons are generally small and closely packed (Bauman
growth decelerates, and patients gradually develop micro- et al. 1995), and dendrites show decreased branching
cephaly. Stage II generally lasts about a year and a half. (Armstrong et al. 1998). Cerebellar pathology is also pres-
Stage III typically begins around the age of 3 years and is ent (Oldfors et al. 1990), with cerebellar cortical atrophy
often referred to as the ‘pseudostationary’ stage, reflecting the and a loss of Purkinje cells; of note, although gliosis may be
fact that, for the most part, the regression seen in stage II ends present in those dying in adult years, it appears absent or
and there is a period of relative stability. Patients are left with scant in childhood.
mental retardation, which is generally severe, and ambulation
may or may not be possible. Seizures, if not already evident in
stage II, now appear in most patients, and may be complex
partial or grand mal. This stage lasts for many years, occa-
Differential diagnosis
sionally persisting into early adult years or even middle age.
The overall differential diagnosis of mental retardation is
Stage IV, also known as the stage of late motor deteriora-
discussed in Section 5.5; the combination of mental retar-
tion, may appear at any point from late childhood to adult
dation, autistic features, and hand stereotypies in a female,
years, and is characterized by dystonia and lower motor neu-
although not specific for Rett’s syndrome (Temudo et al.
ron muscular atrophy, both most prominent in the lower
2007), is very suggestive.
extremities, and by scoliosis, which at times may be quite
Although these clinical stages are the rule in females,
exceptions do occur, and at times there may be mild or Treatment
‘variant’ cases in which speech is preserved.
As noted earlier, the vast majority of cases are seen in The general treatment of mental retardation is discussed in
females. In those very rare instances in which Rett’s syn- Section 5.5. In one blind study, in a minority, bromocrip-
drome occurs in males, it tends to be more severe (Dotti et al. tine was followed by some improvement in cognition and
2002), with most patients dying in infancy (Kankirawatana overall behavior (Zappella 1990). Non-blind work suggests
et al. 2006) that in some patients folinic acid treatment may be fol-
Genetic testing is available. lowed by overall improvement (Ramaekers et al. 2003).
Naltrexone should not be used, as it may cause a distinct
worsening of symptoms (Percy et al. 1994). With regard to
Course seizures, although there are no blind studies, case series
support the use of carbamazepine (Huppke et al. 2007),
Stage IV may persist for decades and some patients may lamotrigine (Stenbom et al. 1998), or topiramate (Goyal
live into their 60s. Early death, however, is not uncommon et al. 2004).
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9.14 AUTISM jars by the hour . . . He would watch them and get severely
excited and jump up and down in ecstasy’. Stereotypies
Autism, first described by Leo Kanner in 1943 (Kanner such as repetitive hand flapping or finger flicking may
1943), is a chronic, lifelong disorder that is characterized by occur, and some patients may engage in posturing or, clas-
an inability on the patient’s part to form normal relation- sically, toe walking. The persistence of stereotypies can be
ships with others. The relationships that are formed exhibit astonishing: one child (Ornitz and Ritvo 1968) sustained
a peculiar disturbance, in that patients act toward others as ‘oscillatory hand-flapping throughout the entire day’. Some
if those others were inanimate objects: there is a machine- patients seem insensitive to pain, whereas others display an
like quality to the patient’s overall behavior with others, as inordinate, often terrifying, sensitivity to innocuous stim-
if the patient fails to sense the difference between the ani- uli: one of Kanner’s (1943) patients ‘was so afraid of the
mate and inanimate. In severe cases patients may be almost vacuum cleaner that she would not even go near the closet
totally inaccessible, whereas in milder ones an observer where it was kept, and when it was used, ran out into the
might note only a peculiar awkwardness and stiltedness in garage, covering her ears with her hands’. Head banging
the patient’s social behavior. Most, but certainly not all, and other self-injurious behaviors, such as self-biting, may
patients also have mental retardation. also occur. An overall hyperactivity may also occur.
Autism is a relatively rare disorder, with a lifetime Another classic symptom of autism is an ‘anxiously obses-
prevalence of about 0.05 percent; it is far more common in sive desire for the maintenance of sameness’ (Kanner 1943;
males than females, by a ratio of 3–4:1. Although some italics in original). As noted further by Kanner (1951):
recent studies have indicated an increase in the rate with
which the diagnosis of autism is made, it is unclear whether the autistic child desires to live in a static world, a
this represents an actual increase in prevalence or rather world in which no change is tolerated. The status
better case finding. quo must be maintained at all cost. Only the child
himself may sometimes take it upon himself to
modify existing combinations. But no one else may
Clinical features do so without arousing unhappiness and anger . . .
The slightest change of arrangement, sometimes so
Autism has an insidious onset in infancy. Parents may minute that it is hardly perceived by others, may
recall that the child cried infrequently and seemed indiffer- evoke a violent outburst of rage.
ent to being held or cuddled; some parents, as noted by
Kanner (1943), were ‘astonished at the children’s failure to Not only arrangements but also routines and sequences
assume at any time an anticipatory posture to being picked must be maintained inviolate: the aisles in the grocery store
up’ (italics in original). Although symptoms are typically must be traversed in exactly the same order and direction
obvious by the age of 3 years, in mild cases they may escape every time, and the exact same route must be taken to
notice, and children may not come to attention until they school every day.
enter elementary school and their behavior is compared to Speech and language are also disturbed. Some patients
that of their normal peers. are mute, and those who do speak often display a curious
The full picture of autism is typically best seen in middle aprosody, wherein they not only seem insensitive to the
childhood. Autistic children prefer solitary play and, rather emotional inflections of those speaking to them but also
than playing with other children, occupy themselves with display a monotonous or ‘sing-song’ quality in their own
objects such as toys or machines of some sort. They seem, as speech. There may also be echolalia and, classically, prono-
noted by Kanner (1943), to be unable ‘to relate themselves in mial reversals, wherein the patients refer to themselves in
the ordinary way to people and situations’ (italics in origi- the third person.
nal); indeed, other people, whether adults or children, are Some patients (Kanner 1944) may display ‘an astound-
often treated as if they were machines or perhaps mere props ing vocabulary . . . excellent memory for events of several
to be used during play. Attempts to make contact with such years before . . . [and] phenomenal rote memory for poems
children generally fail. If one tries to catch their eyes, they and names’. Kanner (1944) was impressed with their ‘strik-
will often exhibit ‘gaze avoidance’ (Richer and Coss 1976), ingly intelligent physiognomies’, believing that most, if not
staring fixedly at something else, perhaps something just to all, of his patients were of normal intelligence. It is now
the side of the examiner’s head. One gets the impression that clear, however, that Kanner’s original sample of 20 patients
a mannequin would be more satisfactory to the autistic child was not representative and that, in fact, about three-quar-
than an actual playmate. ters of autistic patients have mental retardation, ranging in
The behavior of autistic children may, at times, seem severity from mild to severe.
bizarre. There are often what are known as ‘fascinations’, in The mental retardation seen in autism is, however, pecu-
which the child becomes intently interested in and fasci- liar in that, unlike most examples of mental retardation, the
nated with certain objects, such as a piece of cloth, jewelry, decrement in abilities is not even: indeed, in some cases one
or, classically, spinning things such as tops. One of Kanner’s may find ‘islets’ of normal, or even superior, functioning in
patients (Kanner 1944) spun ‘toys and lids of bottles and an otherwise retarded patient. For example, one autistic man
p 09.qxd 3/10/08 9:39 AM Page 417
with an IQ of 71, although unable to abstract on proverbs Although MRI studies overall have not been conclusive,
testing or do simple arithmetic, was nevertheless able to ‘cor- with numerous contradictory results and failures of
rectly give the day of the week of any day this century’ (Hurst replication, two findings appear fairly solid, namely
and Mulhall 1988). In the past, such patients have been vermal hypoplasia and a degree of macroencephaly.
referred to as ‘idiots savants’ (Treffert 1988), and although Neuropathologic studies (as recently reviewed by Palmen
this terminology is unfortunate, it does forcefully convey the et al. in 2004), although likewise not conclusive, do suggest
sometimes astounding contrast between the ‘islets’ of supe- cerebral cortical dysgenesis, abnormalities of neuronal cell
rior functioning and the overall intellectual decrement. packing and size within the limbic cortex, and a loss of
Seizures occur in roughly one-third of patients and, Purkinje cells within the cerebellum.
although these are most common in those with mental retar- It is unclear what role environmental factors play in the
dation, they may also occur in those of normal intelligence. etiology of autism. Recent concerns regarding an etiologic
Infantile spasms may occur in younger children, whereas in role of the measles/mumps/rubella vaccine appear
older children and in adults, simple partial, complex unfounded (Madsen et al. 2002).
partial, and grand mal seizures may be seen (Danielsson Although the etiology of the vast majority of cases of
et al. 2005; Olsson et al. 1988). autism thus remains unclear, it does appear that in a small
Before leaving this discussion of the clinical features of minority, perhaps 10 percent, autism occurs secondary to
autism, it is appropriate to comment on the putative entity certain other well-described disorders (Kielinen et al. 2004;
known as Asperger’s syndrome. As noted earlier, in some mild Ritvo et al. 1990), including tuberous sclerosis (Alsen et al.
cases of autism, symptoms may not come to light until the 1994; Lawlor and Maurer 1987), the fragile X syndrome
child enters elementary school and, in very mild cases, recog- (Wisniewski et al. 1985c), Rett’s syndrome (Percy et al.
nition may be delayed until much later. Some authors believe 1990), Down’s syndrome (Lund and Munk-Jorgensen
that these cases represent a separate disorder, called Asperger’s 1988), velocardiofacial syndrome (Fine et al. 2005), and
syndrome; myself and others, however, conceive of such the congenital rubella syndrome (Chess et al. 1978).
patients as merely constituting the very ‘high-functioning’
end of the spectrum of clinical severity of autism.
Differential diagnosis
Course As noted, mental retardation is seen in association with
autism in about three-quarters of cases, and hence autism
The overall outcome is strongly influenced by whether or not with mental retardation must be distinguished from
there is an associated mental retardation and, if so, its sever- mental retardation of other causes. At times this may be
ity. With regard to autistic symptoms, there is typically some difficult, given that many patients with mental retardation
gradual improvement by adult years, and, from a prognostic of other causes will display repetitive, stereotyped behav-
point of view, the course during middle childhood is particu- iors, which at times may be similar to the ‘fascinations’ and
larly important: those who attain some language and some stereotypies seen in autism. A cardinal differential feature,
social skills around this time have a much more favorable however, is the patient’s social relatedness: upon
outcome than those who do not. No matter how great the approaching a child with mental retardation of other
spontaneous recovery, however, residual symptoms, such as causes, one may be greeted by a smile and an expectant
aprosodia, social awkwardness, and a reduced awareness of posture; by contrast, the child with autism may show no
social conventions, remain in adult years (Rumsey et al. more interest in the approaching physician than might be
1985). evinced for a machine.
Developmental dysphasia, especially when both expres-
sive and receptive components are present, may be con-
Etiology fused with autism; however, here again the quality of the
patient’s social relatedness enables a differentiation. The
Etiologic theories regarding autism have changed radically child with developmental dysphasia, although unable to
over the past few decades. This disorder was once believed to communicate verbally, will still, by gesture, tone of voice,
result from faulty child rearing by cold and distant parents. and facial expression, clearly desire social contact, in stark
This theory has now been soundly discredited, and current contrast to the child with autism.
research focuses primarily on genetics and neuropathology. Schizophrenia may enter the differential, especially in
Family studies strongly support a genetic basis. As cases characterized by significant inaccessibility and bizarre
noted earlier, the lifetime prevalence is about 0.05 percent; stereotypies. Here the age of onset is helpful. As noted
however, the concordance among monozygotic twins is earlier, most cases of autism become obvious by the age of
over 60 percent (Bailey et al. 1995; Folstein and Rutter 3 years; by contrast, schizophrenia only very rarely has an
1977). Genetic heterogeneity is almost assured, and linkage onset before the age of 8 years. Furthermore, in schizo-
studies have identified loci on various chromosomes, phrenia one finds hallucinations and delusions, symptoms
including chromosomes 2, 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, and X. that are absent in autism.
p 09.qxd 3/10/08 9:39 AM Page 418
television shows may not be able to keep these children in adolescence into adulthood such that, by adult years,
one place, and asking about this point is often helpful in roughly two-thirds of patients, although perhaps not
the attempt to make the diagnosis. symptom free, have improved to the point where symp-
Impulsivity leads to multiple forms of ‘thoughtless’ toms are no longer disabling.
behavior and may prompt teachers and parents to comment
on an absence of any self-restraint. In the classroom, these
children may blurt out answers even before the teacher has
finished asking a question; in the lunch line, they may barge
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder is clearly familial,
ahead to get a favorite dessert; and in the playground they may
however, genetic studies, although offering some promis-
rush uninvited into the middle of other children’s games. At
ing leads regarding genes for dopamine receptors and
home they may be in constant conflict with siblings and
dopamine transporters, have not as yet provided any con-
neighborhood children, commandeering their toys and
clusive results (Faraone et al. 2005). Magnetic resonance
generally bursting into otherwise quiet activities.
imaging studies have, however, demonstrated thinning of
Inattentiveness is typically most apparent in the classroom.
the cerebral cortex and atrophy of the cerebellar vermis
These children seem incapable of paying attention to their
(Berquin et al. 1998, Castellanos et al. 2002; Mackie et al.
schoolwork, and this is particularly the case whenever atten-
2007; Shaw et al. 2006).
tion to detail is required. At times, it may appear as if it’s not
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder may also occur
so much a matter of inattentiveness as easy distractibility. A
secondary to lead encephalopathy, a rare condition of inher-
noise in the hallway, a car passing by outside, or simply
ited resistance to thyroid hormones (Hauser et al. 1993), or
something on another child’s desk may pull their attention
as a sequela of traumatic brain injury (Max et al. 2005).
away from the task at hand, as if everything has the same
degree of importance as the schoolwork in front of them.
Thus, incapable of giving their work the required attention, Differential diagnosis
these children predictably get very poor grades. At home,
parents may complain about difficulties in getting the Autistic children may be quite hyperactive, impulsive, and
attention of these children: sometimes it may have been distractible; however, here, in contrast with ADHD, one
necessary for parents to literally hold a child’s head still in also sees the typical peculiar lack of relatedness with others,
order to ‘get the message through’, and even with this tactic as if others were mere machines. This is an important differ-
the effort may fail. ential to make, as a misdiagnosis here may lead to stimulant
As noted below, in the natural course of events there is treatment, which may make some features of autism worse.
a gradual and spontaneous diminution of symptoms as Childhood schizophrenia may also be characterized by
these young patients enter adolescence and then adult hyperactivity and impulsivity; however, these children
years, with a consequent change in the overall clinical have additional symptoms not seen in ADHD, such as
presentation. delusions, hallucinations, and loosened associations.
In adolescence, although the grosser manifestations of If accompanied by agitation, depression may make it
hyperactivity tend to diminish and patients may be able to impossible for a child to remain seated in class or attend to
stay seated in the classroom, there may still be an undue schoolwork; however, here one sees depressed mood, fatigue,
amount of fidgetiness. Impulsivity may result in merely a and sleep disturbance, symptoms not typical of ADHD.
few too many ‘larks’, such as ‘joyrides’ or unplanned drink- Mania is typified by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and dis-
ing bouts; in more severe cases, an otherwise easily resolved tractibility, and, especially when mild, may be difficult to
confrontation with another teenager, or with an authority distinguish from ADHD. The age of onset here may help,
figure, may rapidly escalate into violence. Inattentiveness, as it is extremely rare for bipolar disorder to present at 10
abetted by normal teenage restlessness, may lead to poor years or earlier: in contrast, in most cases of ADHD the ill-
grades, despite normal intelligence. ness is well-established by this time. Symptomatology is
Among adults, hyperactivity tends to fade into the clini- also different: in mania the hyperactivity stems from an
cal background, being manifest in these years merely by excess of energy, whereas in ADHD energy levels are gen-
restlessness; impulsivity likewise recedes and may fade into erally not elevated.
a mere flightiness. Inattentiveness, however, tends to persist Fetal alcohol syndrome may be characterized by the typi-
to a significant degree, and patients may find themselves cal ADHD triad; however, here, one also sees a typical facial
unable to advance in work situations that require sustained dysmorphism, with shortened palpebral fissures, epicanthal
attention. folds, a thin upper lip, and a smooth philtrum. Furthermore,
most patients with the fetal alcohol syndrome also have
either mental retardation or borderline intellectual function-
Course ing, in contrast to ADHD in which intelligence is normal.
Phenobarbital may cause hyperactivity as a side-effect.
As just described, there is a gradual and spontaneous par- Diagnosing ADHD in adults is a difficult task. First, one
tial remission of symptoms as patients pass through must rule out a host of other disorders that may be
p 09.qxd 3/10/08 9:39 AM Page 420
characterized by one or more of the ADHD triad. These depression is present, it also makes sense to use bupropion,
include schizophrenia, agitated depression, mania, border- in hopes of clearing both ADHD and depression with one
line personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder, medication. Tic disorders were once thought to constitute a
and various substance use disorders, in particular depend- relative contraindication to stimulants given the possibility
ence on alcohol or stimulants. In some cases, the differential that tics may be exacerbated by these agents. Recent research,
task is relatively easy, as for example with cases of schizo- however, suggests that, in fact, patients with tic disorders
phrenia, depression or mania, in which other typical symp- generally do well with stimulants. In those cases, however, in
toms immediately suggest the correct diagnosis. In others, which tics are exacerbated by stimulants, consideration may
the only truly reliable way to make the differential involves be given to an alpha-2 autoreceptor agonist or, in adults, to
documenting the onset of symptoms in early childhood desipramine, as both of these are effective not only for
(Mannuzza et al. 2002), an admittedly difficult task, involv- ADHD but also may ameliorate tics. Of the alpha-2 autore-
ing, as it may, interviewing parents, siblings, and others. ceptor agonists, guanfacine is probably better tolerated;
desipramine should be limited to adults, given the risk of
arrhythmia in children. Schizophrenia does constitute a con-
Treatment traindication to stimulant use as these agents exacerbate psy-
chotic symptoms: here, either bupropion or lithium may be
A large number of medications are useful in ADHD, includ- considered. Bipolar disorder likewise constitutes a con-
ing stimulants (and stimulant-like medications), certain traindication to stimulants given their propensity to precipi-
antidepressants, lithium, and alpha-2 autoreceptor agonists. tate mania, and here the obvious alternative is lithium.
Stimulant and stimulant-like medications include Regardless of which medication is chosen for children
methylphenidate, mixed amphetamine salts, atomoxetine, or adolescents, it is also appropriate to offer psychosocial
modafinil, and dextroamphetamine. Methylphenidate and treatments, such as parent training classes and behavior
mixed amphetamine salts are roughly equivalent in efficacy modification programs for the classroom. It must be borne
(Pelham et al. 1999); methylphenidate appears superior to in mind, however, that medication, in particular stimu-
dextroamphetamine, and mixed amphetamine salts appear lants, is more effective, sometimes far more effective, than
superior to atomoxetine (Wigal et al. 2005); modafinil psychosocial treatment.
appears roughly equivalent to dextroamphetamine (Taylor
and Russo 2000). Methylphenidate is available in both
immediate and time-release preparations; in general, the 9.16 DEVELOPMENTAL DYSPHASIA
time-release preparation, given its convenience, should be
used. Developmental dysphasia, also known as ‘language disor-
Antidepressants effective in ADHD include the tricyclic der’ or ‘specific language impairment’, is characterized by
desipramine (Spencer et al. 2002), the monoamine oxidase an incomplete acquisition of linguistic skills in children
inhibitors tranylcypromine (Zametkin et al. 1985) and selegi- (Webster and Shevell 2004). In some cases, this results pri-
line (Mohammadi et al. 2004), and bupropion (Kuperman marily in an expressive dysphasia, in which children,
et al. 2001). although capable of understanding what is said to them,
In adults, lithium appeared as effective as methylphenidate have great difficulty in expressing their thoughts in speech.
(Dorrego et al. 2002). In other cases, in addition to this expressive deficit, there is
Alpha-2 autoreceptor agonists effective in ADHD also difficulty in understanding what others say, producing
include clonidine and guanfacine (Scahill et al. 2001, a clinical picture referred to as ‘mixed receptive–expressive
Taylor and Russo 2001). language disorder’.
Barring certain complicating factors, discussed below, it Developmental dysphasia is seen in 2–4 percent of school
appears reasonable to start with a stimulant or stimulant-like age children, and is more common in boys than girls.
medication and, of these, either methylphenidate or mixed
amphetamine salts may be utilized. In cases in which these Clinical features
medications are either ineffective or poorly tolerated, con-
sideration may be given to an antidepressant and, among the Depending on its severity, developmental dysphasia may
antidepressants, bupropion is a reasonable choice. Lithium come to clinical attention anywhere from the age of 2 years
may also be considered but the data supporting its effective- up to early school years.
ness are not as robust as for the other agents. Alpha-2 autore- In the expressive form of developmental dysphasia,
ceptor agonists are less well-tolerated than the other agents children, although able generally to understand what is
and are generally held in reserve. said to them, have a greater or lesser degree of difficulty in
Certain complicating conditions may dictate a change in expressing their thoughts in speech (Sato and Dreifuss
strategy, and these include substance abuse, depression, tic 1973). In severe cases vocabulary is restricted to simple
disorders, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Substance words, and patients may be unable to speak in sentences.
abusers, in general, should not be given stimulants, and in In milder cases, sentences may be possible, but are short,
this group it is reasonable to begin with bupropion. When incomplete, and often telegraphic in form.
p 09.qxd 3/10/08 9:39 AM Page 421
The mixed receptive–expressive form, when severe, Both autism and childhood-onset schizophrenia may
may be characterized by muteness. In less severe cases, be characterized by linguistic disturbances similar to those
patients may be able to understand simple words, such as seen in the mixed form of developmental dysphasia; how-
‘cat’, or even simple sentences, such as ‘sit down’, but more ever, in these disorders other symptoms also occur (e.g., a
complex vocabulary or sentences leave them baffled lack of social relatedness in autism, or hallucinations and
(Bartak et al. 1975; Cohen et al. 1989; Paul et al. 1983). delusions in schizophrenia) that are not seen in dysphasia.
In addition to these linguistic problems, these children Acquired dysphasia is distinguished from developmental
often have other difficulties, including anxiety, emotional dysphasia by the course. In acquired dysphasia one sees a
lability, and, especially in boys, aggressiveness and hyper- more or less normal acquisition of language followed by a
activity. ‘regression’ or loss of linguistic competence. By contrast, in
developmental dysphasia, the gradual acquisition of lan-
guage appears simply to ‘stall out’ and plateau at a level well
Course below that expected for the child’s age. Acquired dysphasia
may be seen with head trauma, encephalitis, tumors, and the
Although some degree of improvement may gradually Landau–Kleffner syndrome, and has also been reported as a
occur during adolescence, for the most part this is a side-effect of topiramate (Gross-Tsur and Shalev 2004).
chronic disorder. Finally, there is the question of the ‘late talkers’, that is
children whose language development, although delayed,
eventually results in normal linguistic competence. At
Etiology present, there is no method whereby these children can be
confidently distinguished from those whose development
Developmental dysphasia is familial and linkage has been will eventually plateau at a lower than normal level, and
found to loci on chromosomes 13, 16, and 19 (Bartlett et al. consequently long-term clinical follow-up is required.
2002, SLI Consortium 2004). In one well-studied family
(‘KE’), in which developmental dysphasia is inherited in a
fully penetrant autosomal dominant fashion, a specific Treatment
mutation was found on chromosome 7 (Lai et al. 2001).
Magnetic resonance imaging has demonstrated both a Remedial education is critical and often helpful. Some prac-
reversed asymmetry of linguistic cortex (De Fosse et al. titioners recommend treatment with anti-epileptic drugs in
2004) and, in a substantial minority of cases, polymicro- cases with interictal epileptiform discharges; however, this
gyria in the peri-sylvian region (Guerreiro et al. 2002). is controversial and there are no controlled studies to
Electroencephalogram studies have revealed an support this practice.
increased incidence of interictal epileptiform discharges
(Nasr et al. 2001), especially evident in sleep studies
(Picard et al. 1998). 9.17 DEVELOPMENTAL DYSLEXIA
One autopsy study demonstrated a dysplastic gyrus on the
inferior surface of the left frontal cortex (Cohen et al. 1989). In developmental dyslexia (Demonet et al. 2004), children,
Overall, it appears probable that developmental dysphasia despite normal intelligence and adequate educational
occurs secondary to a genetically mediated disruption of nor- opportunity, have great difficulty in learning how to read.
mal neuronal migration to the peri-sylvian cortex, resulting First described by Hinshelwood in 1896, this is a common
in gyriform or dysplastic abnormalities. It is not clear disorder, seen in up to 4 percent of school age children.
whether the interictal epileptiform discharges are merely Although once thought to be far more common in boys,
epiphenomenal, reflecting an unexpressed epileptogenic recent epidemiologic work suggests that the prevalence is
potential of dysplastic cortex, or are perhaps indicative of an roughly equal in boys and girls. Synonyms include reading
epileptic process that, at least theoretically, could disturb disorder, specific reading disability, and congenital word
normal development or function of the linguistic cortex. blindness (Orton 1925).
is different from that on the page. The errors in reading often Mental retardation is characterized by deficient reading,
involve omitting certain letters or supplying a different letter but here, in contrast to developmental dyslexia, one finds
than the one printed; letter reversals often occur, such as ‘d’ deficits in other academic skills.
for ‘b’. In some cases, entire words are reversed, with the
child saying ‘pat’ for the written word ‘tap’, for example.
Reading comprehension is impaired and, after finally, and Treatment
haltingly, reading a paragraph, the child may be unable to
paraphrase it in his or her own words. In striking contrast, if Remedial education is often strikingly effective. Piracetam,
the same paragraph is read out loud to the child, he or she not available in the United States, may be helpful (Wilsher
may then be able to paraphrase it with little difficulty. et al. 1987); however, not all studies agree on this (Ackerman
Writing is also impaired, and similar reversals may be et al. 1991).
seen. Thus, intending to write ‘top’, the child may write
‘pot’. In some cases entire sentences may be reversed, with
the written words reading from right to left on the page. Of 9.18 DEVELOPMENTAL DYSGRAPHIA
note, if the child is asked to take a look at what he or she
has written and then asked if there are any errors, the Developmental dysgraphia (Deuel 1995; Gubbay and de
answer is often ‘no’. Klerk 1995; Roeltgen and Tucker 1988), also known as
developmental agraphia or ‘disorder of written express-
ion’, is characterized by an impaired acquisition of the
Course ability to write, despite normal intelligence and adequate
educational opportunity. This is probably an uncommon
Although there may be some spontaneous improvement disorder, and is probably more common in boys than girls.
over long periods of time, the overall natural course is
marked by a chronic difficulty in reading.
Clinical features
Etiology Children with this disorder often misspell words; their sen-
tences tend to be short and deficient in terms of grammar
Developmental dyslexia is clearly familial; concordance and syntax, and at times whole words may be missing,
among dizygotic twins is about 25 percent, and among giving sentences a ‘telegraphic’ quality. Penmanship may
monozygotic twins it rises to about 50 percent. Genetic hete- or may not be poor; at times the penmanship far outshines
rogeneity exists (Williams and O’Donovan 2006), with loci what is actually written. Importantly, and in stark contrast
identified on chromosomes 1, 3, 6, and 7. Autopsy studies in to what they write, these children are often able to express
males reveal cortical dysgenesis, which, although widespread, themselves quite well when speaking.
is concentrated in the left peri-sylvian areas (Galaburda et al.
1985). In females, although similar findings were noted,
there was, in addition, widespread glial scarring (Humphreys
et al. 1990). Of note, and again in males, dysplastic changes
In the natural course of events, developmental dysgraphia
have also been identified in the medial geniculate body and
appears to be chronic.
the posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus (Galaburda and
Eidelberg 1982). Magnetic resonance scanning has also sug-
gested a lack of normal cerebral asymmetry of the planum Etiology
temporale (Hynd et al. 1990); however, not all studies agree
on this (Rumsey et al. 1997). Of interest, recent work has Apart from the fact that dysgraphia tends to run in families
demonstrated that specific evoked potential abnormalities in (Schulte-Korne 2001), little is known about its etiology.
infants predict the appearance of dyslexia (Molfese 2000).
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occurs secondary to an inherited disturbance of neuronal Differential diagnosis
migration, resulting in cortical microdysgenesis of the
temporal cortex. Developmental dyslexia is distinguished by a concurrent
difficulty with reading, and mental retardation by associated
deficits in other academic abilities.
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Vascular disorders
10.1 MULTI-INFARCT DEMENTIA multiple strokes preceding the onset of cognitive decline.
Although in some cases the dementia may be rather non-
Multi-infarct dementia is the traditional name given to specific, with mere difficulties in memory, calculations, and
dementia occurring secondary to multiple, generally large, abstractions, etc., in many cases multi-infarct dementia is
cortical infarctions; classically, in addition to the dementia, marked by depression, agitation, and hallucinations or delu-
such patients also have focal signs, such as aphasia, and their sions (Cummings et al. 1987). Depression may be heavily
history is characterized by a ‘stepwise’ course, with succes- tinged with irritability, and agitation may be extreme.
sive steps further down the cognitive ladder corresponding Hallucinations are generally visual, and delusions tend to be
to successive large-vessel, territorial infarctions. As will be either of persecution or misidentification. Focal signs, as
noted below, however, variations on this classic picture do noted, are common and may include aphasia, apraxia,
occur. Thus conceived, multi-infarct dementia is, in all like- neglect, and hemiparesis etc.; late in the course a pseudobul-
lihood, a common cause of dementia in the elderly. bar palsy may also appear, with, as discussed in Section 4.7,
Before proceeding, some comments are in order regard- emotional incontinence. Seizures may also occur.
ing the term ‘vascular dementia’. Vascular dementia is an Neuroimaging, either with computed tomography (CT)
umbrella term that includes not only multi-infarct dementia or, preferably, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), will
but also lacunar dementia (Section 10.2) and Binswanger’s reveal evidence of multiple old infarctions in, as discussed
disease (Section 10.4). Lacunar dementia occurs secondary below, appropriately ‘strategic’ locations.
to multiple subcortical lacunar infarctions, whereas
Binswanger’s disease appears on the basis of a gradually pro-
gressive ischemic leukoencephalopathy. Unfortunately for Course
those diagnosticians who yearn for precision, although
‘pure’ cases of each of these three types of vascular dementia As noted, the classic course of multi-infarct dementia is
do occur, it is common to find elements of two or even all stepwise, with successive strokes bringing the patient down
three of these at the same time in any given patient. yet another step into further cognitive deterioration.
Importantly, many of these steps are characterized by a
delirium, which gradually resolves concurrent with the res-
Clinical features olution of peri-lesional edema. Exceptions to this rule,
however, do occur. In some cases, the course may be
The onset of multi-infarct dementia corresponds to the age marked by one giant step down, as in cases of multiple
of greatest risk for stroke, and hence most patients are in simultaneous infarcts or with one infarct occurring in an
their sixties or older. In most cases, one finds a history of exquisitely strategic location.
p 10.qxd 3/10/08 5:52 PM Page 434
or less gradual (Ishii et al. 1986; Swartz and Black 2006; 10.3 VASCULAR PARKINSONISM
Yoshitake et al. 1995), depending on the size and location
of subsequent lacunar infarctions. Larger or strategically Vascular parkinsonism, formerly known as arteriosclerotic
placed lacunes may cause an obvious step down the cogni- parkinsonism, first described by Critchley in 1929, is char-
tive ladder; conversely, small lacunes, although individu- acterized by an atypical parkinsonism occurring on the
ally clinically ‘silent’, may, upon accumulation, cause a basis of lacunar infarctions either in the mesencephalon or
clinically noticeable, and more or less gradually appearing, basal ganglia. It is probably an uncommon disorder.
cognitive deficit.
Clinical features
The onset is generally in the seventh or eighth decade.
In all likelihood, lacunes cause cognitive deficits by inter- Clinically (Bruetsch and Williams 1954; Keschner and Sloane
rupting the circuit that runs from the frontal cortex to 1931; Murrow et al. 1990; Tolosa and Santamaria 1984;
the basal ganglia, then to the thalamus and finally back to Winikates and Jankovic 1999; Zijlmans et al. 2004a), the
the frontal lobe, and this may account for the frequency parkinsonism is characterized by bradykinesia, lead-pipe
with which the frontal lobe syndrome accompanies rigidity, instability, and a tendency to fall. The posture of
this dementia. A discussion of the mechanisms underlying these patients may or may not be in flexion; the gait is either
the infarctions that create these lacunes is provided in shuffling or ‘magnetic’ in that the feet seem ‘stuck’ to the
Section 7.4. floor. Overall, these parkinsonian features may be either
Although in most cases multiple lacunes (generally a symmetric or asymmetric. Notably, both tremor and cog-
dozen or more [Ishii et al. 1986]) are found, in some wheeling are generally absent, and, as discussed below, the
instances single lacunes, if strategically located, for exam- response to levodopa is generally poor. A lacunar dementia,
ple in the anteromedial thalamus (Auchus et al. 2002; Katz as described in Section 10.2, may occur (Bruetsch and
et al. 1987; Mori et al. 1986; Sandson et al. 1991; Swartz and Williams 1954; Keschner and Sloane 1931), and typically one
Black 2006), may cause a dementia. finds evidence of damage to corticospinal tracts (e.g., spastic-
ity) and corticobulbar tracts, with pseudobulbar palsy.
Magnetic resonance scanning reveals multiple lacunes,
Differential diagnosis with at least some of them involving either the basal gan-
glia or the mesencephalon (Zijlmans et al. 1995).
Lacunar dementia should be suspected in any demented
patient with a history of lacunar syndromes or with multi-
ple (or strategically placed) lacunes found on MR scan- Course
ning. As noted earlier, it is not uncommon to find evidence
of other vascular pathology and, in cases in which there are The overall course is generally one of progression, and may
also large, territorial cortical infarcts or extensive white be either ‘stepwise’ or more or less gradual.
matter disease in addition to lacunes, clinical judgment
must come into play in deciding how important the Etiology
lacunes are in the development of the dementia. In this
regard, one looks not only to the number of lacunes but Case reports have clearly demonstrated that parkinsonism
also, as noted, to their location: whereas lacunes in the pos- can occur secondary to solitary lacunar infarctions in such
terior limb of the internal capsule may not be that impor- strategic locations as the basal ganglia (Lazzarino et al.
tant, those situated in the thalamus, genu or anterior limb 1990) or the substantia nigra (Akyol et al. 2006; Hunter
of the internal capsule or the head of the caudate are more et al. 1978). In most patients, however, vascular parkinson-
likely to cause cognitive deficits. ism occurs in the setting of multiple lacunes (Bruetsch and
Williams 1954; Keschner and Sloane 1931; Murrow et al.
1990; Zijlmans et al. 2004a) that affect not only the basal
Treatment ganglia or substantia nigra but also the corticospinal and
corticobulbar tracts as they course through the internal
The overall treatment of dementia, the frontal lobe syn- capsule, thus giving rise to the other symptoms described
drome, and pseudobulbar palsy is discussed in Sections above.
5.1, 7.2, and 4.7 respectively. There is some evidence that
donepezil (Black et al. 2003; Wilkinson et al. 2003), galant-
amine (Auchus et al. 2007), and memantine (Orgogozo et al. Differential diagnosis
2002; Wilcock et al. 2002) are helpful. Treatment aimed at
preventing future lacunar infarctions is discussed in The full differential for parkinsonism is described in Section
Section 7.4. 3.8. Of the disorders considered there, the neurodegenerative
p 10.qxd 3/10/08 5:52 PM Page 436
Binswanger’s disease, first described by Otto Binswanger in Computed tomography scanning reveals widespread
1894 (Binswanger 1894), is characterized by a slowly pro- areas of radiolucency in the periventricular white matter
gressive dementia occurring in the elderly on the basis of a and centrum semiovale. Magnetic resonance scanning is far
diffuse microangiopathic ischemic leukoencephalopathy more sensitive and on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery
or leukoaraiosis. Thus conceived, Binswanger’s disease is (FLAIR) or T2-weighted images one finds, as illustrated in
considered to be one of the vascular dementias, along with Figure 10.1, multiple patchy and confluent areas of
multi-infarct dementia and lacunar dementia. Traditional increased signal intensity in the periventricular region and
synonyms for this disease include subcortical arterioscle- the centrum semiovale, extending close to the cortex but
rotic encephalopathy, chronic progressive subcortical sparing the U-fibers. In advanced cases, these patchy areas
encephalopathy, and encephalitis subcorticalis chronica may coalesce to the point of creating a virtual ‘white-out’.
progressiva. Although precise figures regarding prevalence
are not available, the clinical impression is that it is not
uncommon. Course
changes occur on the basis of longstanding hypertension, non-confluent, small patchy areas in the centrum semio-
other factors are probably also at work, as Binswanger’s dis- vale or periventricular areas, which are, in fact, asymptom-
ease may occur in normotensive individuals. atic. The diagnosis of Binswanger’s disease should not be
made unless the white matter disease is severe and exten-
sive, approaching, ideally, a ‘white-out’.
Differential diagnosis
example to the posterior cerebral artery. It also appears that also be suspected; however, here, renal or gastrointestinal
small branches of the vertebral arteries may also be involvement will indicate the correct diagnosis.
occluded, leading to medullary infarction. With involve-
ment of the internal carotid artery, clots may also form, with
embolization downstream to cause occlusion of the middle Treatment
or anterior cerebral arteries or their branches. It is debated
whether (or with what frequency) smaller arteries in the Urgent treatment with steroids is essential to prevent stroke
anterior circulation become inflamed; however, one report or blindness. Traditionally, prednisone is used, starting at
suggested that small penetrating arteries may be involved, doses of approximately 60 mg/day and, once symptoms are
causing multiple lacunes. In some cases, if the number and controlled and the ESR has dropped, tapering the dose
location of infarctions is appropriate, either a multi-infarct gradually to the minimum required to keep the patient
dementia (Caselli 1990) or a lacunar dementia (Nightingale asymptomatic and the ESR down. Recent work suggests
et al. 1982) may ensue. that aggressive treatment with methylprednisolone at
Most cases of cranial arteritis are further characterized 15 mg/kg (of ideal body weight) daily for the first 3 days,
by constitutional symptoms, such as malaise, fatigue, followed by prednisone, induces a more rapid remission
anorexia, and a low-grade fever, and most patients will also and ensures a more favorable course (Mazlumzadeh et al.
have an associated polymyalgia rheumatica, with muscle 2006). Uncontrolled work further suggests that use of low-
aching and stiffness, which, although diffuse, is most dose aspirin concurrent with prednisone may also reduce
prominent in the neck and shoulders. the risk of stroke (Nesher et al. 2004).
With rare exceptions (Kansu et al. 1977) the erythrocyte
sedimentation rate (ESR) is elevated, generally above
50 mm/min (Westergen) and often above 100 mm/min. 10.6 CEREBRAL AMYLOID ANGIOPATHY
Mild anemia is common and the alkaline phosphatase may
also be elevated. The diagnosis is confirmed by biopsy of an Cerebral amyloid angiopathy, also known as congophilic
involved artery, such as the temporal artery; given the seg- amyloid angiopathy, is a not uncommon disorder charac-
mental nature of the inflammation, however, false nega- terized by an amyloid angiopathy that may lead to sponta-
tives are possible and multiple biopsies may be required. neous lobar intracerebral hemorrhages, a gradually
progressive dementia secondary to a widespread leuko-
encephalopathy, or a combination of these findings; cerebral
Course ‘microhemorrhages’ commonly accompany these findings.
Magnetic resonance scanning will reveal evidence of or rupture of a vascular malformation when these are lobar
any old intracerebral hemorrhages; in cases with a are more difficult to distinguish and, in such cases, follow-
leukoencephalopathy, T2-weighted or FLAIR images up MRI scans, obtained after the hemorrhage has resolved,
reveal bilateral, more or less symmetric, patchy or conflu- are often required. A helpful rule is that the occurrence of
ent areas of increased signal intensity that spare the two or more spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhages that
U-fibers. Gradient echo images may reveal punctate areas are lobar in location reliably indicates a diagnosis of cere-
of decreased signal intensity, corresponding to old micro- bral amyloid angiopathy (Knudson et al. 2001).
hemorrhages (Greenberg et al. 1999). Recent work has also Cerebral amyloid angiopathy may be very difficult to
demonstrated that, in some cases, one will find large asym- distinguish from Binswanger’s disease, as both of these dis-
metric areas of increased signal intensity on T2-weighted orders present with a gradually progressive dementia asso-
or FLAIR imaging in the subcortical white matter, which ciated with a diffuse, bilateral leukoencephalopathy.
fail to enhance and which may represent vasogenic edema Certainly if there are spontaneous lobar intracerebral hem-
(Kinnecom et al. 2007). orrhages, this would point to a diagnosis of cerebral amy-
loid angiopathy. In their absence, one should perform
gradient recall MRI to look for evidence of old microhem-
Course orrhages: although these are not always present in cerebral
amyloid angiopathy, they are never present on the basis of
The course of cerebral amyloid angiopathy depends on the Binswanger’s disease, and hence they represent a signif-
preponderance of the underlying pathology. With repeated icant pertinent positive finding.
intracerebral hemorrhages, a ‘stepwise’ course, as noted,
may occur, whereas cases with leukoencephalopathy are
characterized by a gradual progression of cognitive deficits. Treatment
The combination of these two courses may also occur, and
is quite distinctive for this disease (Nobuyoshi et al. 1984). At present, there is no specific treatment; the general treat-
ment of dementia is outlined in Section 5.1. Given that
aspirin, warfarin (Rosand et al. 2000), and tissue plasmino-
Etiology gen activator (Pendlebury et al. 1991) may all increase the
risk of hemorrhage, these should be avoided. In cases in
Amyloid deposition occurs in the walls of small and which MR scanning reveals large areas of vasogenic edema,
medium-sized cortical arterioles, resulting in fibrinoid consideration may be given to treatment with steroids
degeneration and the formation of microaneurysms (Kinnecom et al. 2007).
(Okazaki et al. 1979). Affected vessels are ‘congophilic’,
staining well with Congo red dye, thus accounting for the
alternative name for this disorder, ‘congophilic amyloid 10.7 CADASIL
angiopathy’. The aneurysmal dilations of these vessels are
quite fragile, and account for both spontaneous lobar CADASIL is a rare autosomal dominantly inherited arteri-
intracerebral hemorrhages and microhemorrhages. Within opathy characterized by migraine, stroke, and dementia.
the areas of distribution of the affected arteries, rarefaction The name CADASIL is an acronym for cerebral autosomal
of the white matter occurs (Gray et al. 1985), probably on dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and
an ischemic basis. leukoencephalopathy.
Although the vast majority of cases are sporadic, cere-
bral amyloid angiopathy may also occur on an autosomal
dominant basis as ‘hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with Clinical features
amyloidosis’, either of the ‘Dutch’ (Haan et al. 1990a,b;
Levy et al. 1990; Wattendorff et al. 1995) or ‘Icelandic’ In general, the overall clinical picture of CADASIL
(Gudmundsson et al. 1972; Palsdottir et al. 1988) type. (Bergmann et al. 1996; Dichgans et al. 1998; Jung et al. 1995;
Kim et al. 2006; Malandrini et al. 1996; Markus et al. 2002;
Sourander and Walinder 1977) is characterized by the onset
Differential diagnosis of recurrent migraine headaches, typically with aura, in the
third or fourth decade, followed by recurrent strokes or
Intracerebral hemorrhages of cerebral amyloid angiopathy transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) in the fourth or fifth
must be distinguished from intracerebral hemorrhages of decade, and a dementia in the sixth and seventh decade; a
other causes. Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage is pseudobulbar palsy may occur and, in a small minority,
suggested by location: hypertensive hemorrhages tend to seizures may appear. The strokes are typically of the lacunar
involve deep subcortical structures, such as the putamen, in type, reflecting infarcts that occur primarily in the basal
contrast to the hemorrhages of cerebral amyloid angiopa- ganglia. The dementia, although generally reflecting the
thy, which are lobar in location. Hemorrhage into tumors effects of multiple lacunar infarctions (Liem et al. 2007), at
p 10.qxd 3/10/08 5:52 PM Page 440
times may also be due to a progressive leukoencephalopa- occurring in CADASIL must be distinguished from the
thy, and in rare instances CADASIL may present with a dementia occurring in lacunar dementia and in Binswanger’s
dementia secondary to the leukoencephalopathy in the disease. In all these instances, a positive family history is most
absence of stroke (Filley et al. 1999; Mellies et al. 1998). helpful as it points to CADASIL; however, in some cases such
Two unusual manifestations of CADASIL must also be a history may be unavailable. Other features suggesting
kept in mind, namely intracerebral hemorrhage and a CADASIL are migraine with aura and, most importantly, the
reversible delirium. Intracerebral hemorrhage, primarily early appearance of leukoencephalopathy in the anterior
of the thalamus or basal ganglia, may occur but is uncom- portion of the temporal lobe, which, although common in
mon (Choi et al. 2006). Delirium has also been reported CADASIL, is most unlikely in other disorders.
but appears rare. Patients present with a subacute delir- Cerebral amyloid angiopathy may cause some diagnos-
ium, often accompanied by seizures and fever, which may tic difficulty, as it can present with a dementia in the setting
progress to coma; recovery is spontaneous and occurs after of a diffuse leukoencephalopathy with old microhemor-
1–2 weeks (Schon et al. 2003). rhages. Here, MRI evidence of lacunar infarctions or ante-
Magnetic resonance scanning will reveal any prior lacu- rior temporal leukoencephalopathy point to CADASIL,
nar infarctions. Furthermore, most patients will also have a and the appearance of lobar intracerebral hemorrhages at
diffuse leukoencephalopathy and, indeed, this may be any time generally indicates cerebral amyloid angiopathy.
present early on, even before the first stroke. The leukoen- MELAS (mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic aci-
cephalopathy is evident on either T2-weighted or FLAIR dosis, and stroke-like episodes) may present in a fashion
imaging: patchy, confluent areas of increased signal inten- similar to CADASIL, but is distinguished by deafness.
sity are seen in the centrum semiovale and the periventric-
ular white matter, and also, classically, in the external
capsule and, most notably, in the white matter of the ante- Treatment
rior temporal lobe (O’Sullivan et al. 2001). Recent work
using gradient echo imaging has also identified evidence At present, there is no specific treatment for CADASIL.
for old microhemorrhages in the thalamus and basal gan- The general treatment of dementia is discussed in Section
glia (Choi et al. 2006; Lesnik Oberstein et al. 2001). 5.1; genetic counselling should be offered.
Diagnosis may be made by genetic testing. Skin biopsy
may also be performed, but false negatives are common
(Malandrini et al. 2007). 10.8 GRANULOMATOUS ANGIITIS OF THE
Course Granulomatous angiitis of the central nervous system is a
rare disorder characterized pathologically by a granuloma-
The overall course is as described above; death occurs in tous angiitis confined to the central nervous system, and
the seventh through ninth decades, often from pneumonia clinically by headache and delirium. An often used syn-
(Opherk et al. 2004). onym is primary angiitis of the central nervous system;
however, at times this term has also been used to refer to
other vasculitic processes and hence the reader should
Etiology examine any literature carefully, to ensure that, indeed,
granulomatous angiitis is the disorder in question.
As noted, CADASIL is an autosomal dominant disorder:
mutations are found in the Notch3 gene on chromosome
19 (Joutel et al. 1997; Tournier-Lasserve et al. 1993). Clinical features
Pathologically, there is concentric fibrous thickening of
small penetrating arteries (Sourander and Walinder 1977), Although the disease may present at any age, from child-
leading to both the subcortical infarcts and the widespread hood to senescence, most patients are in their 30s or 40s.
leukoencephalopathy (Baudrimont et al. 1993). Although The onset itself is generally subacute, spanning a few
peripheral nerves (Schroder et al. 1995) and skin (Ruchoux weeks. Clinically (Abu-Shakara et al. 1994; Calabrese and
et al. 1994) may also be involved, symptoms referable to Mallek 1988; Case Records 1989; Hughes and Brownell
them are generally absent. 1966; Kolodny et al. 1968; Koo and Massey 1988; Lie 1992;
Moore 1989; Vollmer et al. 1993), patients typically have
severe, generalized headache, and in this setting they
Differential diagnosis develop a delirium that may be accompanied by focal
deficits or, uncommonly, seizures. Although focal deficits,
Lacunar strokes occurring in CADASIL must be distin- such as hemiparesis, may have a stroke-like onset, in most
guished from lacunar infarctions occurring on the basis of cases they appear gradually. In some cases, the spinal cord
lipohyalinosis or atherosclerosis. Similarly, the dementia may be involved.
p 10.qxd 3/10/08 5:52 PM Page 441
The ESR is generally either normal or only mildly ele- Clinical features
vated (Lie 1992; Moore 1989). Magnetic resonance scan-
ning may initially be normal; however, over time areas of The onset is generally subacute or gradual in middle years
increased signal intensity on FLAIR or T2-weighted imag- with constitutional symptoms and evidence of involve-
ing appear in the cerebrum or cerebellum (Alhalabi and ment of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract or muscles; renal
Moore 1994; Ehsan et al. 1995). Angiography may be nor- disease may lead to hypertension or renal failure.
mal or may disclose typical beading (Alrawi et al. 1999). Importantly, the respiratory tract is not involved.
Lumbar puncture should be performed in all suspected Nervous system involvement generally occurs only after
cases: there is typically a lymphocytic pleocytosis, an ele- other evidence of the disease is well-established (Sigal
vated protein, and a normal glucose (Vollmer et al. 1993). 1987). Peripheral nervous system involvement, which is
Brain biopsy, sampling both the leptomeninges and the most common, typically involves a mononeuritis multi-
cerebrum, is the ‘gold standard’ (Alrawi et al. 1999); how- plex (Lovelace 1964). In a minority of cases, central ner-
ever, even this may be falsely negative, missing affected tis- vous system involvement may occur, most commonly
sue (Alhalabi and Moore 1994; Lie 1992). presenting with lacunar strokes (Reichart et al. 2000);
larger territorial infarctions or intracerebral hemorrhages
are rare. In a very small minority delirium (Ford and
Course Siekert 1965) or dementia (MacKay et al. 1950) may occur,
and seizures have also been noted.
Untreated, progressive deterioration occurs in almost all Both the peripheral white blood cell count and the ESR
cases and perhaps half of all patients will die within months, are elevated. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies
with the remainder surviving for up to two or more years. (ANCA) (especially perinuclear ANCA [pANCA]) are
found in the majority of cases and the Venereal Disease
Research Laboratories (VDRL) test may be falsely positive.
Etiology Magnetic resonance scanning will reveal infarctions.
Definitive diagnosis is made by biopsy of an affected
A granulomatous angiitis affects both small lep-
muscle or peripheral nerve.
tomeningeal vessels and small- or medium-sized parenchy-
mal vessels (Cravioto and Feigin 1959). The cerebrum is
most commonly affected, although the cerebellum, brain- Course
stem, and even the cord may also be involved. Although
the cause is unknown, an autoimmune process, confined Although spontaneous remissions do occur they are rare,
to the central nervous system, is suspected. and most cases are characterized by relentless progression,
with only about 10 percent of patients surviving past 5 years.
Differential diagnosis
Clinical features
Most cases of Behçet’s disease demonstrate an episodic
course. The first attack, as noted, tends to occur in the 20s In the setting of sustained diastolic pressure elevations,
or 30s, and most attacks last in the order of weeks or a often 130 mmHg or higher, delirium and headache evolve
month or more, after which there is a spontaneous remis- over a matter of 1–3 days; most patients also experience
sion. These remissions, however, are generally not com- nausea and vomiting, and a majority will experience bilat-
plete, and most patients are left with residual symptoms. eral visual blurring, which may progress to cortical blind-
Recurrent attacks are the rule, and after each attack the ness; seizures may also occur and, in a minority, focal signs
overall burden of residual symptoms increases. In some such as aphasia or hemiplegia may occur (Chester et al.
cases, this typical episodic course may evolve into one of 1978; Healton et al. 1982; Oppenheimer and Fishberg
steady, waxing and waning progression; rarely Behçet’s 1928). Untreated, patients may become comatose.
disease may pursue a chronic, non-episodic course from Funduscopic examination may reveal papilledema or reti-
the outset, as was seen in a case of progressive dementia nal hemorrhages. Acute cardiac and renal failure may
with apthous and genital ulcers (Borson 1982). accompany the cerebral symptomatology.
p 10.qxd 3/10/08 5:52 PM Page 444
Computed tomography scanning may reveal bilaterally autoregulatory capacity, a systemic pressure within normal
symmetric areas of hypodensity in the occipitoparietal limits may be followed by cerebral hypoperfusion and water-
white matter. Magnetic resonance scanning is far more shed infarctions. Consequently, during acute treatment the
sensitive and, on T2-weighted or FLAIR imaging, diastolic pressure should be lowered to between 110 and
increased signal intensity will be seen in the same areas 120 mmHg; once this has been accomplished, further treat-
(Hauser et al. 1988); gradient echo imaging may reveal evi- ment may be aimed at bringing the pressure down further in
dence of petechial hemorrhages (Weingarten et al. 1994). a more leisurely manner over the next few days. Acute treat-
Diffusion-weighted imaging is generally normal unless ment may be accomplished with intravenous sodium nitro-
infarction has occurred. Rarely, these MRI findings may be prusside, labetalol or diazoxide. In cases in which
found in the brainstem and cerebellum (Cruz-Flores et al. intravenous access is not immediately available or when the
2004; Kanazawa et al. 2005). clinical situation is not as urgent, intramuscular hydralazine
may be utilized. Seizures may be treated with intravenous
lorazepam and fosphenytoin, as described in Section 7.3. The
Course general treatment of delirium is discussed in Section 5.3.
methotrexate, bevacizumab, cyclophosphamide, Hearing loss is common, and there may be an associ-
L-asparaginase, cisplatin, cytarabine, interferon-alpha, and ated clinically apparent myopathy. Diabetes mellitus and
immunoglobulins. Although the mechanism of toxicity is either hypo- or hyperthyroidism may occur.
not clear, it probably involves damage to the vascular Diffusion-weighted MR scanning during stroke-like
endothelium. episodes will reveal areas of increased signal intensity; over
time, these same areas will demonstrate increased signal
intensity on FLAIR imaging. Importantly, these areas gen-
Differential diagnosis erally do not fall within the area of distribution of any
major vessels and are most commonly seen in the occipital
The differential with hypertensive encephalopathy rests on and parietal lobes.
the presence or absence of severe hypertension: although The electroencephalogram (EEG) may reveal periodic
patients with the reversible posterior leukoencephalopathy lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) in patients with
syndrome may have an elevated pressure, for example a seizures.
diastolic pressure of up to 105 mmHg, pressures simply do Lactic acidosis is found in both the serum and CSF, and
not rise to the levels seen in hypertensive encephalopathy. the CSF total protein is also elevated.
Bilateral occipital infarction, as seen in the ‘top of the Muscle biopsy reveals ragged red fibers, and genetic test-
basilar’ syndrome, is distinguished by the involvement of ing for mutations in mitochondrial DNA may reveal char-
the occipital cortex, which is in contrast to the sparing of acteristic mutations.
the gray matter seen in reversible posterior leuko-
encephalopathy syndrome.
Treatment Although the overall course is characterized by progres-
sion, the rate of progression, and the sequence with which
Potentially offending medications should be discontinued. various symptomatologies occur, is quite varied.
Seizure may be treated with lorazepam and fosphenytoin,
as described in Section 7.3. The general treatment of delir-
ium is discussed in Section 5.3.
Clinical features
Clinical features
Anywhere from 1 to 3 days after relevant trauma or sur-
The delirium is marked by a pronounced fluctuation in the gery, patients develop dyspnea and confusion; there may
severity of symptoms throughout the day. Other sympto- also be seizures and strokes and in severe cases coma may
matology includes focal signs, such as hemiparesis or apha- develop (Dines et al. 1975; Jacobson et al. 1986). In some
sia, which are typically transient, and seizures, with, in a cases a petechial rash may appear on the trunk.
small minority, complex partial status epilepticus (Blum Diffusion-weighted MR scanning reveals multiple punc-
and Drislane 1996). tate areas of increased signal intensity, primarily scattered
The platelet count is generally reduced below throughout the white matter with variable involvement of
30 000/mm3, and there is an accompanying microangio- the cortex or subcortical structures (Marshall et al. 2004).
pathic hemolytic anemia with schistocytes or Burr cells. Chest radiographs will reveal bilateral ‘fluffy’ infiltrates
Renal failure with proteinuria and azotemia is common, as and in a minority of cases fat globules may be observed on
are fever and purpura. urinalysis.
The mortality rate is as high as 10 percent; those who sur-
The disorder may persist for days to months; untreated, it vive experience a variable degree of recovery over the fol-
is typically fatal. lowing days.
Etiology Etiology
Procoagulants are released from vessel endothelial cells With fractures or surgery of the long bones, neutral fat is
with the subsequent appearance of widespread platelet released into the venous circulation and travels to the lungs
microthrombi in arterioles, capillaries, and venules. and then to the brain. A similar scenario may occur with
Presumably, the ongoing aggregation and disaggregation trauma to fatty tissues. Within the brain, multiple microin-
of platelet thrombi account for the classic waxing and farctions occur (von Hochstetter and Friede 1977;
waning nature of the symptomatology of this disorder. In Kamenar and Burger 1980).
some cases, small cortical infarctions may occur (Gruber
et al. 2000).
Differential diagnosis
Treatment Treatment
Plasma exchange is generally effective. With timely treat- In addition to any necessary respiratory support, seizures
ment most patients recover, with only a minority being left may be treated with anti-epileptic drugs and symptomatic
with persistent deficits. Anti-epileptic drugs may be treatment of delirium may be provided, as outlined in
required pending the effect of plasma exchange. Section 5.3.
p 10.qxd 3/10/08 5:52 PM Page 447
engage in quite complex activity, such as playing an organ episode of ‘spreading depression of Leão’ confined to medial
piece, during the episode itself (Byer and Crowley 1980). temporal structures could, conceivably, cause amnesia.
The neurologic examination is generally normal. The Migraine, however, would not explain the SPECT and
episode itself generally lasts anywhere from 4 to 18 hours, diffusion-weighted imaging abnormalities described earlier.
averaging about 6 hours, and terminates gradually. The final proposed mechanism, namely venous reflux,
After the episode has cleared, patients are once again able is quite interesting. To understand the theory of venous
to keep track of ongoing events, and their ability to recall reflux one must recall some anatomy. Normally the medial
words after 5 minutes is fully restored. When they try and temporal structures are drained by the deep veins of
recall what happened, however, they often find an ‘island’ of Rosenthal. These veins, in turn, drain to the great vein of
amnesia that covers not only the duration of the event itself Galen, which drains to the straight sinus. The straight
but also any events that occurred anywhere from a few min- sinus, in turn, courses posteriorly to join the superior sagit-
utes to an hour or so just before the onset of the episode. tal sinus at the sinus confluens. The sinus confluens gives
Although clinically patients are thus fully restored, detailed rise to the left and right transverse sinuses, which in turn
testing may reveal some subtle decrements in memory drain to the sigmoid sinuses and eventually into the inter-
(Guillery-Girard et al. 2006; Steinmetz and Vroom 1972). nal jugular veins. Of note, and of particular importance to
the venous reflux theory, in the majority of individuals, the
straight sinus drains not into both transverse sinuses but
Course only into the left transverse sinus. Given this unique
drainage pattern, it is theoretically possible that venous
Long-term follow-up of approximately 5–6 years shows reflux confined to the left internal jugular vein could cause
that only about one-fifth to one-quarter of patients have a venous stasis in the medial aspects of both the left and the
recurrence (Gandolfo et al. 1992; Hinge et al. 1986; Miller right temporal lobes. Recent studies have demonstrated
et al. 1987a). such reflux through incompetent valves (Maalikjy Akkawi
et al. 2003) in the left internal jugular vein in patients with
transient global amnesia, adding weight to this theory
Etiology (Chung et al. 2006; Sander et al. 2000). The reflux itself
could be related to a Valsalva-type maneuver, consistent
It appears that the amnesia seen in transient global amnesia with some of the precipitating events mentioned earlier,
represents the effects of a similarly transient dysfunction of or, as indicated in one study, to intrathoracic compression
medial temporal lobe structures. Single photon emission of the left brachiocephalic vein (Chung et al. 2006).
computed tomography (SPECT) studies have revealed
hypoperfusion of the medial aspects of both temporal lobes
(Lampl et al. 2004), more so the left than the right, and Differential diagnosis
diffusion-weighted imaging has revealed punctate areas of
increased signal intensity in the hippocampus (Bartsch et al. Transient global amnesia, as discussed in Section 5.4, is best
2006; Sedlaczek et al. 2004; Strupp et al. 1998); notably both conceived of as one of the episodic anterograde amnesias
of these abnormal findings clear with time. Structural MRI and, as such, must be distinguished from TIAs, pure epilep-
studies are generally normal (Bartsch et al. 2006); however, tic amnesia, concussion, and substance-induced blackouts.
one high-resolution MRI study found an increased number Transient ischemic attacks affecting the temporal lobes
of microcavities in the CA-1 subfield of the hippocampus, may produce a syndrome quite similar to transient global
suggesting that there may be some subtle permanent dam- amnesia. However, when ischemia occurs in the area of
age (Nakada et al. 2005). Several mechanisms have been distribution of the posterior cerebral arteries, in addition
proposed to account for these changes, including epileptic to amnesia one typically also sees evidence of ischemia of
activity, transient ischemia, migraine, and, recently, venous the occipital lobes, such as hemianopia or cortical blind-
reflux. Epileptic activity appears unlikely: EEGs obtained ness, findings not seen in transient global amnesia.
during episodes of transient global amnesia do not display Pure epileptic amnesia is suggested by a sudden offset of
ictal activity (Miller et al. 1987b), and the attacks themselves, the episode, in contrast to the gradual offset of transient
rather than ending abruptly, as is typical of a seizure, tend to global amnesia, and by the fact that patients in the midst of
clear gradually. Transient ischemia has long been an attrac- an epileptic amnestic episode generally do not engage in
tive hypothesis, but patients with transient global amnesia the anxious questioning typical of transient global amne-
generally have few risk factors for stroke (Hodges and sia. Other distinguishing features include the occurrence of
Warlow 1990; Lauria et al. 1998; Melo et al. 1992) and rarely other seizure types, such as complex partial or grand mal
end up having stroke during follow-up (Zorzon et al. 1995). seizures, and a pattern of frequent recurrence.
Migraine may play a role: there is a definite association Concussion is immediately suggested by a history of
between transient global amnesia and migraine (Crowell head injury, which, of course, must often be gained from
et al. 1984; Hodges and Warlow 1990; Melo et al. 1992; others. Furthermore, during concussion, patients may dis-
Schmidtke and Ehmsen 1998; Zorzon et al. 1995), and an play a degree of confusion.
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11.1 SUBDURAL HEMATOMA hematoma may present with depression (Black 1984). Focal
signs, such as hemiparesis, may or may not be present, and,
Subdural hematomas, which typically, but not always, when present, may be quite mild. Rarely seizures may occur
occur secondary to head trauma, may present acutely, sub- (Annegers et al. 1998).
acutely, or in a chronic fashion; acute and subacute onsets Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance
may be characterized by delirium, whereas chronic sub- (MR) scanning are diagnostic. In the case of acute and sub-
dural hematomas classically present with dementia. In all acute hematomas, blood may be demonstrated for a week
three varieties, blood accumulates between the dura and or two, after which, with hemolysis, a proteinaceous fluid
arachnoid; in acute subdural hematomas, this is generally remains. In chronic cases the fluid has the same imaging
due to arterial bleeding, whereas subacute and chronic sub- characteristics as the cerebrospinal fluid. Most cases of
dural hematomas generally result from venous bleeding. subdural hematoma occur over the frontal or parietal con-
vexities, and the hematoma itself has a convex shape; in a
minority hematomas may also be found in the inter-
Clinical features hemispheric fissure or layering on top of the tentorium
Acute subdural hematoma typically occurs in the setting of
a traumatic brain injury, and is often accompanied by
other intracranial injuries, such as diffuse axonal injury,
contusions, intracerebral hemorrhages, and subarachnoid
Acute subdural hematomas tend to rapidly enlarge and
hemorrhage. Patients may develop delirium or may pres-
may become immediately life-threatening. Subacute sub-
ent in stupor or coma.
dural hematomas tend to evolve over a matter of weeks and
Subacute subdural hematoma tends to present with
may either progress to stupor or coma or may stabilize,
drowsiness and delirium (Black 1984), and symptoms may
after which there may be a greater or lesser degree of grad-
fluctuate for days; when the hematoma occurs secondary to
ual improvement. Chronic subdural hematomas tend to
trauma, the latent interval between the trauma and the
undergo a very gradual progression.
onset of symptoms may last from days to a week or so. Focal
signs, such as hemiparesis, may or may not be present. With
progression, uncal herniation may occur with the develop- Etiology
ment of an ipsilateral third nerve palsy and hemiparesis.
Chronic subdural hematoma may be caused by trivial Most cases of subdural hematoma occur secondary to
head injury and, indeed, anywhere from one-quarter to trauma, either due to a blow to the head or to an
one-half of patients may not recall any head trauma acceleration–deceleration injury. This may be quite obvious
(Cameron 1978; Fogelholm and Waltimo 1975). After a and severe, for example in a motor vehicle accident; however,
latent interval of months to years patients gradually develop in the elderly the trauma need not be severe and indeed may
a dementia, which is often accompanied by headache appear trivial. Acute subdural hematomas generally occur
(Arieff and Wetzel 1964; Black 1984; Ishikawa et al. 2002; secondary to arterial bleeding, which explains their rapid
Ramachandran and Hegde 2007); a personality change evolution and grave prognosis. Subacute and chronic sub-
may occur (Cameron 1978) and, rarely, chronic subdural dural hematomas, however, typically appear secondary to
p 11.qxd 3/10/08 9:49 AM Page 455
Figure 11.1 Bilateral encapsulated subdural hematomas seen
over the convexities. (Reproduced from Graham and Lantos 1996.) Symptomatic subdural hematomas generally require surgi-
cal evacuation, either by burr holes or craniotomy.
venous bleeding due to rupture of the delicate bridging veins Importantly, in the case of chronic subdural hematomas,
that span from the surface of the cortex to the overlying dural after evacuation of the clot a considerable amount of
sinuses. Regardless of the source of the bleeding, blood accu- time may be required for the gradual re-expansion of the
mulates in the ‘virtual space’ between the dura and the arach- chronically compressed cortex and, hence, clinical
noid. As noted, hemolysis occurs and, within a week or two improvement may be delayed. The symptomatic treatment
of the initial bleed, a relatively clear fluid remains. At this of dementia and delirium is discussed in Sections 5.1 and
point, the further evolution may take one of two paths. 5.3 respectively.
In cases in which the hematoma is relatively small, the fluid
may simply be resorbed, with little in the way of anatomic
sequelae (Dolinskas et al. 1979). However, in cases of larger 11.2 DIFFUSE AXONAL INJURY
fluid collection, fibroblastic activity may either create a
fibrotic scar that replaces the fluid or one may see the cre- With a sudden and severe acceleration–deceleration injury,
ation of a ‘pseudomembrane’ that encapsulates the remain- axons and arterioles are subjected to substantial shearing
ing fluid, as illustrated in Figure 11.1. The appearance of a and rotational stresses leading to widespread damage.
psuedomembrane sets the stage for the clinical occurrence of Although this condition is referred to as ‘diffuse axonal
a chronic subdural hematoma. These encapsulated fluid col- injury’, given the extensive vascular injury it could also be
lections tend to very gradually enlarge, probably as a result of called ‘diffuse vascular injury’. These injuries are typically
bleeding from fragile capillaries found in the pseudomem- accompanied by other traumatic lesions, such as contu-
brane itself (Markwalder 1981), and it is this gradual enlarge- sions, intracerebral hemorrhages, etc., and the reader is
ment that accounts for the gradual progression of symptoms referred to Section 7.5 for a discussion of the overall syn-
characteristic of chronic subdural hematoma. drome of traumatic brain injury: this section confines itself
Chronic subdural hematomas are more likely in patients to diffuse axonal injury.
who are prone to falls, such as those with alcoholism or
epilepsy, and in those on warfarin or suffering from blood
dyscrasias. Simple old age also increases the risk of a chronic
subdural hematoma, and this may be because the normal
Clinical features
atrophy seen with age leads to a stretching of the bridging
Typically, patients are rendered immediately unconscious
veins, thus making them more vulnerable to rupture.
at the moment of injury. Some may never regain con-
sciousness; those that do may develop a persistent vegeta-
Differential diagnosis tive state (Levin et al. 1991) or may emerge into a delirium,
which, upon clearing, typically leaves patients with signifi-
In the case of acute and subacute subdural hematomas, the cant cognitive deficits, in some cases amounting to demen-
proximity of the delirium or stupor to the head trauma tia (Scheid et al. 2006; Strich 1956). Other sequelae, as
immediately suggests the diagnosis; however, as noted in discussed in Section 7.5, may include agitation and person-
Section 7.5 on traumatic brain injury, multiple other ality change.
intracranial injuries may also be present and at times it is Computed tomography scanning may demonstrate
difficult to discern how much of the patient’s clinical multiple petechial hemorrhages, typically in the centrum
condition is secondary to the subdural hematoma. semiovale or corpus callosum; however, in many cases the
p 11.qxd 3/10/08 9:49 AM Page 456
456 Trauma
Clinical features
The onset of symptoms is gradual and occurs anywhere
Most improvement is seen over the first 6 months post- from 5 to 40 years after there has been an accumulation of
injury, with some further, but less substantial, progress a sufficient number of blows to the head, which, in the case
over the following 6 months; after a year, however, little of professional boxers, equates to perhaps a dozen or so
further spontaneous improvement may be expected. knockouts. Thus, although some boxers may develop this
disorder while they are still professionally active, in most
cases symptoms are delayed until long after the boxer has
Etiology left the ring.
Clinically (Corsellis 1989; Critchley 1957; Harvey and
With either a sudden impact or merely a severe ‘whiplash’ Davis 1974; Jordan 1987; McLatchie et al. 1987; Martland
injury the head undergoes an acceleration–deceleration 1928; Mawdsley and Ferguson 1963), when the syndrome
injury and tremendous shearing and rotational forces are is fully developed, patients present with dementia, ataxia,
exerted intracranially, resulting in immediate damage to some dysarthria, and parkinsonism. The presence of ataxia
long axons and penetrating arterioles (Adams et al. 1982, and dysarthria often gives the impression of alcohol intox-
1989; Blumbergs et al. 1989; Ng et al. 1994; Strich 1956). ication, and this accounts for the synonym ‘punch drunk’.
Axons acutely display retraction balls and microglial clus- The dementia itself is non-specific, except perhaps for an
ters and, over time, microglial scars appear. Damage to undue amount of irritability.
arterioles leads to petechial hemorrhages of various sizes. Computed tomography or MR scanning typically dis-
Certain areas of the brain are more susceptible to such plays an enlarged cavum septi pellucidi, cerebral cortical
injuries, including the corpus callosum, the white matter of atrophy, and ventricular dilation.
the centrum semiovale near the gray–white junction, the
internal capsules, dorsolateral quadrants of the brainstem,
and the superior cerebellar peduncles. Etiology
The overall treatment of the delirium and dementia of Not all dementias occurring long after repeated head injury
traumatic brain injury is discussed in Section 7.5. are due to dementia pugilistica. Some patients may have
p 11.qxd 3/10/08 9:49 AM Page 457
458 Trauma
Differential diagnosis form is fairly common, the delayed forms are seen in only
a very small minority of cases.
As discussed in Section 7.5, traumatic brain injury may be
followed by a dementia, and some would argue that the
difference here is merely one of degree in both the severity Clinical features
of the underlying diffuse axonal injury and the resulting
cognitive deficits, which are, in both cases, far more pro- Acute radiation encephalopathy occurs within hours to
found in the dementia following traumatic brain injury. days of irradiation, and probably reflects a breakdown of
In addition to causing the minor degree of diffuse the blood–brain barrier. Patients may experience delirium,
axonal injury underlying the post-concussion syndrome, drowsiness, ataxia, headache, nausea and vomiting, and, in
head trauma sufficient to cause a concussion may also, a small minority, seizures (Oliff et al. 1978). Symptoms
especially in the elderly, alcoholics, and those on warfarin, undergo a gradual, spontaneous resolution.
cause other injuries, such as contusions, intracerebral Early-delayed radiation encephalopathy appears sub-
hemorrhages or subdural hematoma, which may all cause acutely anywhere from 1 to 6 months post-irradiation, sec-
persistent symptoms. ondary to demyelinization. In patients who received
Post-traumatic stress disorder may follow an assault whole-brain irradiation, there may be delirium, drowsi-
involving a blow to the head, but here one finds evidence of ness, headache, and nausea. By contrast, in those subjected
a re-experiencing of the event, as in dreams or waking to focal irradiation there may be focal signs appropriate to
memories, symptoms not typical of the post-concussion the irradiated area. Symptoms generally resolve sponta-
syndrome. neously within 6–8 weeks.
Malingering may occur after a concussion and this is Late-delayed radiation encephalopathy, which probably
often suspected in cases in which litigation is in play. occurs secondary to a vasculopathy, presents gradually,
Sometimes in these cases, the diagnostic question can be generally within 6–36 months post-irradiation, with most
resolved only on observation after resolution of the lawsuit. cases occurring around 14 months; in some cases, however,
the latency between irradiation and the onset of symptoms
may be much longer, in one case 33 years (Duffy et al.
1996). In patients who received whole-brain irradiation, a
dementia occurs, which is often accompanied by ataxia and
urinary incontinence (DeAngelis et al. 1989; Martins et al.
Concussion itself does not generally require specific treat-
1977; Morris et al. 1994). As with the early-delayed type,
ment. Computed tomography scanning may be considered
focal brain irradiation may be followed by focal signs, again
in the elderly, in alcoholics, those on warfarin, and in any
appropriate to the irradiated area (Kaufman et al. 1990;
patients with atypical symptoms, such as severe headache,
Shewmon and Masdeu 1980). Of interest, focal irradiation
focal signs or the subsequent development of delirium,
may be followed by a dementia when the focally irradiated
lethargy or stupor. Athletes should not return to play until
area is ‘strategic’ for cognitive functioning, as may occur
all symptoms, including the mild difficulty with memory
when one or both temporal lobes are damaged during irra-
and concentration, have cleared.
diation of a pituitary tumor (Crompton and Layton 1961)
Treatment of the post-concussion syndrome should
or a nasopharyngeal carcinoma (Woo et al. 1988). In con-
begin with reassurance regarding the typically benign
trast to the other two types of radiation encephalopathy, the
course. Headache is treated with non-opioid analgesics.
late-delayed type does not remit spontaneously, but rather
Dizziness may respond to antihistamines, but caution
displays a progressive course.
should be used here as these agents may exacerbate any
Magnetic resonance scanning shows an increased signal
cognitive deficits. Depression may respond to anti-
intensity on T2-weighted and FLAIR images in both the
depressants: one single-blind study noted that treatment
early- and late-delayed types. In cases secondary to whole-
with sertraline was not only effective in this regard (Fann
brain irradiation, this is seen diffusely in the white matter,
et al. 2000) but was also associated with cognitive improve-
whereas in focal cases the signal abnormalities are local-
ment (Fann et al. 2001). Alcohol should be forbidden until
ized. In addition, in the late-delayed type cortical atrophy
recovery is complete.
and ventricular dilation are often seen.
Before leaving this section, it is also appropriate to com-
ment on endocrinologic changes that may occur in irradi-
11.5 RADIATION ENCEPHALOPATHY ated patients (Agha et al. 2005; Constine et al. 1993; Lam
et al. 1991). With irradiation of the hypothalamus there
Irradiation of the central nervous system may be followed may be hyperprolactinemia or tertiary forms of hypothy-
by a radiation encephalopathy, and this may occur subse- roidism, adrenocortical insufficiency, or growth hormone
quent to either whole-brain or focal irradiation. There are deficiency; with irradiation of the pituitary, one may in
three different forms of radiation encephalopathy, namely turn see the secondary forms of hypothyroidism, adreno-
acute, early-delayed, and late-delayed: whereas the acute cortical insufficiency, or growth hormone deficiency. Such
p 11.qxd 3/10/08 9:49 AM Page 459
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Jordan BD. Neurologic aspects of boxing. Arch Neurol 1987; J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1990; 53:373–8.
44:453–9. Robinson RG. A second brain tumor and irradiation. J Neurol
Kaufman M, Swartz BE, Mandelkern M et al. Diagnosis of delayed Neurosurg Psychiatry 1978; 41:1005–12.
cerebral radiation necrosis following proton beam therapy. Scheid R, Walther K, Guthke T et al. Cognitive sequelae of diffuse
Arch Neurol 1990; 47:474–6. axonal injury. Arch Neurol 2006; 63:418–24.
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References 461
Schmidt ML, Zhukareva V, Newell KL et al. Tau isoform profile and Symonds CP. Concussion and its sequelae. Lancet 1962; 1:1–5.
phosphorylation state in dementia pugilistica recapitulate Woo E, Lam K, Yu YL et al. Temporal lobe and hypothalamo-
Alzheimer’s disease. Acta Neuropathol 2001; 101:518–24. pituitary dysfunctions after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal
Shewmon DA, Masdeu JC. Delayed radiation necrosis of the brain carcinoma: a distinct clinical syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg
contralateral to original tumor. Arch Neurol 1980; 37:592–4. Psychiatry 1988; 51:1302–7.
Soffer D, Pittaluga S, Feiner M et al. Intracranial meningiomas Zampieri P, Zorat PL, Mingrino S et al. Radiation-associated
following low-dose irradiation to the head. J Neurosurg 1983; cerebral gliomas: a report of two cases and review of the
59:1048–53. literature. J Neurosurg Sci 1989; 33:271–9.
Strich SJ. Diffuse degeneration of the cerebral white matter in
severe dementia following head injury. J Neurol Neurosurg
Psychiatry 1956; 19:163–85.
p 12.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 462
Hypoxic disorders
Global cerebral ischemia or anoxia will, if sufficiently Dementia and amnesia may show some improvement over
prolonged, cause coma, and those who survive may be the first 6 months or so, after which these features tend to
left with a dementia, an amnesia, or a movement disorder, remain stably chronic. Parkinsonism and dystonia, by con-
such as myoclonus or parkinsonism. Common causes trast, may show a gradual progression over many years.
include cardiac arrest, hemorrhagic or septic shock, carbon
monoxide poisoning, strangulation, or drowning. In this
text, this disorder is referred to as post-anoxic encephalopa- Etiology
thy; other names include post-hypoxic encephalopathy,
post-ischemic encephalopathy or ischemic–hypoxic After five or more minutes of global ischemia or anoxia, per-
encephalopathy. manent damage occurs. In those who develop post-anoxic
encephalopathy, one finds cortical atrophy, ventricular dila-
tion, and, within the cerebral cortex, either a laminar or a
multifocal pattern of cortical necrosis (Richardson et al.
1959; Weinberger et al. 1940). In cases characterized by iso-
Clinical features
lated amnesia, the temporal lobes, in particular the hip-
pocampi, are heavily involved (Cummings et al. 1984;
Among those who survive the ischemic–hypoxic event and
Muramoto et al. 1979), and in cases of parkinsonism or dys-
emerge from coma, some may be left in a persistent vegeta-
tonia, the basal ganglia show similar changes. In some cases
tive state whereas others will emerge into a delirium of
of global ischemia watershed infarctions may also occur.
variable duration. After the delirium clears, some patients
may recover entirely; however, most will be left with either
a dementia or an amnesia. The dementia may or may not Differential diagnosis
be accompanied by delusions and hallucinations; many
patients will be restless and in some cases there may be a As the name suggests, delayed post-anoxic encephalopathy
significant degree of agitation. In some cases, rather than a is distinguished by the delay between the anoxic/ischemic
dementia, patients will be left with an isolated amnestic event and the onset of the encephalopathy: in post-anoxic
syndrome, which has both anterograde and retrograde encephalopathy, as noted above, there is no delay and
components (Berlyne and Strachan 1968; Bowman et al. patients emerge from coma and delirium directly into the
1997; Broman et al. 1997; Medalia et al. 1991). dementia or amnesia, whereas in delayed post-anoxic
Action (or intention) myoclonus may occur (Lance and encephalopathy there is a latent interval, lasting from days
Adams 1963; Werhahan et al. 1997), and may appear inde- to months, after which clinical deterioration occurs.
pendently or in concert with a dementia or amnesia.
Parkinsonism, dystonia or athestosis (or a combination of
these) may also appear. Treatment
Magnetic resonance (MR) scanning may reveal a variety
of findings, including laminar cortical necrosis, watershed The general treatment of dementia and amnesia is dis-
infarctions, and abnormalities in the basal ganglia. cussed in Sections 5.1 and 5.4 respectively. A case report
p 12.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 463
suggests that agitation may respond to amitriptyline patients experiencing a more or less complete recovery of
(Szlabowicz and Stewart 1990), and the author has seen cognitive abilities over 6–12 months, with only a minority
dramatic results with mirtazapine in such cases. Myoclonus being left with a residual dementia (Choi 1983; Min 1986;
is traditionally treated with clonazepam, eventually in doses Plum et al. 1962; Shillito et al. 1936). The movement disor-
of 6 mg or more daily; other options include valproate der, however, may persist, and in some cases may progres-
(Rollinson and Gilligan 1979) or levetiracetam (Krauss et al. sively worsen.
2001). Parkinsonism may be treated with levodopa.
LEUKOENCEPHALOPATHY At autopsy there is a massive, symmetric, diffuse demyelin-
ization of the white matter (Plum et al. 1962), with variable
After a global hypoxic or ischemic insult, patients typically involvement of the basal ganglia. Although the mechanism
develop a coma or, occasionally, merely a delirium. Upon underlying this is not known, an autoimmune response,
emergence from coma some may develop a post-anoxic triggered by damage sustained during the original
encephalopathy, as described in the preceding section, hypoxic/ischemic insult, is strongly suspected.
whereas others will recover more or less completely. In a
few percent of these patients who do enjoy a more or less Differential diagnosis
complete recovery, however, a delayed post-anoxic
encephalopathy, characterized by delirium or a movement Delayed post-anoxic encephalopathy is distinguished from
disorder, may appear after a lucid interval. post-anoxic encephalopathy by the latent interval between
the hypoxic/ischemic insult and the onset of symptoms.
Clinical features
Clinically (Choi 1983, 2002; Courville 1957; Gottfried et al.
1997; Min 1986; Murata et al. 1995; Norris et al. 1982; Although there is no established treatment for this disor-
Plum et al. 1962), the lucid interval averages about 2–3 der, a case may be made, given the suspected mechanism,
weeks, ranging from as little as 2 days to up to 2 months. for acute treatment with methylprednisolone or pred-
The onset of the encephalopathy itself is fairly sudden, nisone. The general treatment of delirium is discussed in
occurring over a matter of a day or two, and patients gen- Section 5.3; in cases characterized by parkinsonism, a trial
erally present with a combination of delirium and a move- of levodopa may be considered.
ment disorder. Confusion, amnesia, apathy, irritability,
and incontinence are prominent, and some patients may
become mute. Parkinsonism is the most common move- 12.3 CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING
ment disorder seen, but some patients may develop dysto-
nia and some may experience a combination of the two Carbon monoxide poisoning may be accidental, as may
syndromes. Spasticity is common, with hyper-reflexia and occur with poorly ventilated gas, wood, or charcoal stoves,
extensor plantar responses. Delirium may occasionally be or by suicidal intent, such as when patients hook a hose to
absent and patients may present only with a movement the car exhaust and then funnel it into the tightly windowed
disorder, such as parkinsonism (Choi et al. 2002; Goto car, or simply leave the car running in an enclosed garage.
et al. 1997; Grinker 1926; Klawans et al. 1982; Rosenberg
et al. 1989), dystonia (Valenzuela et al. 1992), or chorea
(Davous et al. 1986; Schwartz et al. 1985). Clinical features
T2-weighted MR scanning reveals increased signal inten-
sity in the white matter in those with delirium (Chang et al. The onset of intoxication may be gradual or sudden, and,
1992; Gottfried et al. 1997); acutely, diffusion-weighted given that carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless, vic-
imaging will show increased signal intensity in the same area tims may be unaware of their plight. In general (Sayers and
(Kim et al. 2003). In patients with a movement disorder, T1- Davenport 1930), although the correlation between
weighted scanning may reveal decreased signal intensity in carboxyhemoglobin level and clinical symptomatology is
the striatum (Takahashi et al. 1998). only a rough one, headache and delirium appear at a
carboxyhemoglobin level between 10 and 30 percent, wors-
ening and being joined by nausea and vomiting as the level
Course rises to 40 percent. At levels of 40–50 percent, stupor and
ataxia appear, and cyanosis may be seen. When the level rises
In a small minority the course is fulminant, with coma and above 50 percent, coma and convulsions occur, and levels
death. In most, however, the course is favorable, with over 60 percent are often fatal. Although it is traditional to
p 12.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 464
Differential diagnosis
The circumstances in which the patient is found usually
leave little doubt as to the diagnosis; in cases of attempted
suicide, however, one must keep in mind that the patient
may also have overdosed.
Figure 12.1 T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scan in
a case of carbon monoxide poisoning, demonstrating increased Berlyne N, Strachan M. Neuropsychiatric sequelae of attempted
signal intensity in the globus pallidus. (Reproduced from Graham hanging. Br J Psychiatry 1968; 114:411–22.
and Lantos 2002.) Bowman M, Rose AL, Hotson G et al. Severe anterograde amnesia
with onset in childhood as a result of anoxic encephalopathy.
Brain 1997; 120:417–33.
associate carbon monoxide poisoning with a cherry-red Broman M, Rose AL, Hotson G et al. Severe anterograde amnesia
discoloration of the lips, nails and skin, this is in fact rare: with onset in childhood as a result of anoxic encephalopathy.
if anything, most patients will display a degree of cyanosis. Brain 1997; 120:417–33.
In those who survive, characteristic changes may be Chang KH, Han MH, Kim HS et al. Delayed encephalopathy after
seen in the globus pallidus on MR scanning, as illustrated acute carbon monoxide intoxication: MR imaging features and
in Figure 12.1. distribution of cerebral white matter lesions. Radiology 1992;
Choi IS. Delayed neurologic sequelae in carbon monoxide
intoxication. Arch Neurol 1983; 40:433–5.
Choi IS. Parkinsonism following carbon monoxide poisoning.
In general, if intoxication ceases before the onset of stupor,
Eur Neurol 2002; 48:30–3.
recovery is typically complete within anywhere from hours
Courville CB. The process of demyelination in the central nervous
to weeks (Smith and Brandon 1970). Should coma occur,
system. IV. Demyelination as a delayed residual of carbon
and even in some cases in which only delirium has
monoxide asphyxiation. J Nerv Ment Dis 1957; 125:534–46.
occurred, a minority of patients may experience significant
Cummings JL, Tomiyasu U, Read S et al. Amnesia with
sequelae, such as a post-anoxic encephalopathy or a
hippocampal lesions after cardiopulmonary arrest. Neurology
delayed post-anoxic encephalopathy.
1984; 24:679–81.
Davous P, Rondot P, Marion MH et al. Severe chorea after acute
Etiology carbon monoxide poisoning. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
1986; 49:206–8.
The affinity of carbon monoxide for hemoglobin is over Finck PA. Exposure to carbon monoxide: review of the literature
200 times greater than that of oxygen and, when a high and 567 autopsies. Milit Med 1966; 131:1513–39.
fraction of hemoglobin exists as carboxyhemoglobin, tis- Goto S, Kunitoku N, Suyama N et al. Posteroventral pallidotomy in
sue anoxia supervenes. Anoxia may not, however, be the a patient with parkinsonism caused by hypoxic
only mechanism of toxicity. Carbon monoxide also binds encephalopathy. Neurology 1997; 49:707–10.
to mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase and thus impairs Gottfried JA, Mayer SA, Shungu DC et al. Delayed posthypoxic
cellular respiration; furthermore, carbon monoxide also demyelination: association with arylsulfatase A deficiency and
binds to areas of the central nervous system rich in iron, for lactic acidosis on proton MR spectroscopy. Neurology 1997;
example the globus pallidus and the substantia nigra. In 49:1400–4.
fatal cases widespread petechial hemorrhages are found Graham DL, Lantos PL. Greenfield’s neuropathology, 7th edn.
throughout the cerebrum (Finck 1966). London: Arnold, 2002.
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References 465
Grinker RR. Parkinsonism following carbon monoxide poisoning. Rollinson RD, Gilligan BS. Post-anoxic myoclonus (Lance-Adams
J Nerv Ment Dis 1926; 64:18–28. syndrome) responding to valproate. Arch Neurol 1979; 36:44–5.
Kim JH, Chang KH, Song IC et al. Delayed encephalopathy of Rosenberg NL, Myers JA, Martin WRW. Cyanide-induced
acute carbon monoxide intoxication: diffusivity of cerebral parkinsonism: clinical MRI and 6-fluorodopa PET studies.
white matter lesions. AJNR 2003; 24:1592–7. Neurology 1989; 39:142–4.
Klawans HL, Stein RW, Tanner CM et al. A pure parkinsonian Sayers PR, Davenport SJ. Review of carbon monoxide poisoning.
syndrome following acute carbon monoxide intoxication. Arch Public Health Bulletin No. 195. Washington DC: US
Neurol 1982; 39:302–4. Government Printing Office, 1930.
Krauss GL, Bergin A, Kramer RE et al. Suppression of post-hypoxic Schwartz A, Hennerici M, Wegener OH. Delayed choreoathetosis
and post-encephalitic myoclonus with levetiracetam. following acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Neurology 1985;
Neurology 2001; 56:1144–5. 35:98–9.
Lance JW, Adams RD. The syndrome of intention or action Shillito FH, Drinker CK, Shaughnessy TJ. The problem of nervous
myoclonus as a sequel to hypoxic encephalopathy. Brain 1963; and mental sequelae in carbon monoxide poisoning. JAMA
86:111–36. 1936; 106:669–74.
Medalia AA, Merriam AE, Ehrenreich JH. The neuropsychological Smith JS, Brandon S. Acute carbon monoxide poisoning – 3 years
sequelae of attempted hanging. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry experience in a defined population. Postgrad Med J 1970;
1991; 54:546–8. 46:65–70.
Min SK. A brain syndrome associated with delayed Szlabowicz JW, Stewart JT. Amitriptyline treatment of agitation
neuropsychiatric sequelae following acute carbon monoxide associated with anoxic encephalopathy. Arch Phys Med
intoxication. Acta Psychatr Scand 1986; 73:80–6. Rehabil 1990; 71:612–13.
Muramoto O, Kuru Y, Sugishita M et al. Pure memory loss with Takahashi W, Ohnuki Y, Takizawa S et al. Neuroimaging on
hippocampal lesions: a pneumoencephalographic study. Arch delayed postanoxic encephalopathy with lesions localized in
Neurol 1979; 36:54–6. the basal ganglia. Clin Imaging 1998; 22:188–91.
Murata T, Itoh S, Koshino Y et al. Serial proton magnetic Valenzuela R, Court J, Godoy J. Delayed cyanide induced dystonia.
resonance spectroscopy in a patient with the interval form of J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1992; 55:198–9.
carbon monoxide poisoning. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry Weaver LK, Hopkins RD, Chan KJ et al. Hyperbaric oxygen for
1995; 58:100–3. acute carbon monoxide poisoning. N Engl J Med 2002;
Norris CR, Trench JM, Hook R. Delayed carbon monoxide 347:1057–67.
encephalopathy: clinical and research implications. J Clin Weinberger LM, Gibbon MH, Gibbon JH. Temporary arrest of the
Psychiatry 1982; 43:294–5. circulation to the central nervous system. II. Pathologic
Plum F, Posner JB, Hain RF. Delayed neurological deterioration effects. Arch Neurol Psychiatry 1940; 43:961–86.
after anoxia. Arch Intern Med 1962; 110:56–63. Werhahan KJ, Brown P, Thompson PD et al. The clinical features
Richardson JC, Chambers RA, Heywood PM. Encephalopathies of and prognosis of chronic posthypoxic myoclonus. Mov Disord
anoxia and hypoglycemia. Arch Neurol 1959; 1:178–90. 1997; 12:216–20.
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 466
Nutritional, toxic, and metabolic disorders
13.1 VITAMIN B12 DEFICIENCY suspicious, heard the voice of God commanding her to
board a spaceship, and prayed fervently, with all symptoms
Vitamin B12 deficiency may lead to demyelinization in the resolving upon B12 administration. There is also a case
cerebrum, with, among other disturbances, dementia, or report of tremor and chorea occurring as a manifestation
in the cord, leading to a syndrome known as subacute of B12 deficiency (Pacchetti et al. 2002).
combined degeneration; a macrocytic anemia is also com- Subacute combined degeneration (Healton et al. 1991;
mon; however, as stressed below, neuropsychiatric symp- Russell et al. 1900) reflects demyelinization of the periph-
tomatology may occur in patients with normal red blood eral nerves, posterior columns, and lateral corticospinal
cell counts and red blood cell indices. Although vitamin tracts. Patients present with acral parasthesiae, followed by
B12 deficiency is most commonly due to pernicious ane- ataxia, a positive Romberg test, and eventually spasticity:
mia, multiple other causes must also be considered. the plantar responses are generally extensor, but the deep
tendon reflexes may be either increased or depressed,
depending on the severity of the peripheral neuropathy.
Clinical features Macrocytosis, with or without anemia, is common;
however, as noted above, it must be stressed that both these
Symptoms referable to the cerebrum or spinal cord tend to findings may be absent. Indeed, in one large study both the
appear subacutely over weeks or months. red blood cell count and the mean corpuscular volume
Cerebral involvement (Healton et al. 1991; Lindenbaum were normal in approximately one-fifth of all patients
et al. 1988) manifests most commonly with a dementia, (Lindenbaum et al. 1988).
which may be marked by hallucinations and delusions Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning reveals
(Lurie 1919). Personality change may also occur, and, patchy, confluent areas of increased signal intensity in the
rarely, one may also see depression (Fraser 1960) or mania centrum semiovale in patients with cerebral symptomatol-
(Goggans 1984). Another rare manifestation is psychosis, ogy (Chatterjee et al. 1996; Stojsavljevic et al. 1997).
referred to in the past as ‘megaloblastic madness’: in one The electroencephalogram (EEG) may show generalized
case (Smith 1929), a 46-year-old woman developed delu- slowing (Watson et al. 1954).
sions of persecution and jealousy, and was only correctly It is customary to obtain a serum B12 level; although
diagnosed when symptoms of subacute combined degen- this custom should be observed, it is also appropriate to
eration became evident; in another (Evans et al. 1983), a obtain levels of both methylmalonic acid and homocys-
47-year-old woman became withdrawn, guarded, and teine. In B12 deficiency, both methylmalonic acid and
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 467
homocysteine levels are elevated, and this combination of insufficiency, steatorrhea or malabsorption of any cause,
findings is extremely sensitive and specific for B12 deficiency tapeworms, bacterial overgrowth (as may occur after a
(Lindenbaum et al. 1988); when the serum B12 level is Billroth II operation), ileal diseases (e.g., Crohn’s disease),
‘borderline’, these two findings should be relied on when ileal resection, and chronic treatment with either omepra-
deciding whether intracellular B12 deficiency is present. zole (Marcuard et al. 1994) or metformin (Andres et al.
Before leaving this section, it is appropriate to note that 2002). All of the preceding causes lead to intracellular B12
clinical B12 deficiency can be precipitated by inhalation of deficiency because of a failure of B12 absorption, and all
nitrous oxide, as may occur during dental procedures or in are associated with decreased serum B12 levels. It is impor-
drug abusers. In cases in which there is already a ‘subclini- tant to keep in mind, however, that in addition to these
cal’ B12 deficiency, nitrous oxide inhalation can acutely causes there are also some very rare diseases characterized
precipitate symptoms (Beltramello et al. 1998; Kinsella and by intracellular B12 deficiency or malutilization, and that
Green 1995; Marie et al. 2000); in other cases, for example in these disorders the serum B12 level will be normal, but
in young, well-nourished drug abusers, symptoms may not the serum methylmalonic acid and homocysteine levels
occur until nitrous oxide has been abused for a long time. will be elevated. Examples include inherited abnormalities
in transcobalamin II and abnormalities in the intracellular
metabolism of cobalamin (Bodamar et al. 2001; Boxer et al.
Course 2005; Powers et al. 2001). Finally, there may also be an
association between acquired autoimmune deficiency syn-
Most cases of B12 deficiency are gradually progressive. drome (AIDS) and B12 deficiency (Herzlich and Schiano
1993; Shor-Posner et al. 1995).
When B12 deficiency has been confirmed by elevated
Etiology methylmalonic acid and homocysteine levels, efforts
should be made to determine the cause of this deficiency.
Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is formed only by certain In the past, the Schilling test was utilized to determine
plant-associated bacteria, and humans generally obtain whether or not B12 absorption could be increased by the
their supply indirectly by eating liver, other organ meats, addition of hog-derived intrinsic factor: if this test was pos-
beef, pork, milk, or eggs. Once ingested, cobalamin is first itive, then one inferred that the deficiency was due to
bound within the stomach to gastric R binder; this com- destruction of parietal cells, as seen in pernicious anemia.
plex is digested by pancreatic enzymes in the duodenum With the availability of assays for anti-parietal cell and
and the liberated cobalamin is then bound to intrinsic fac- anti-intrinsic factor antibodies, however, this test is gener-
tor, a glycoprotein that is secreted by gastric parietal cells. ally no longer required. Given that pernicious anemia is
This cobalamin–intrinsic factor complex then passes to the the most common cause of B12 deficiency, all patients
ileum, where it is bound to a receptor on the cell wall and should be tested for these antibodies. If these are absent,
taken into the cell. Inside the ileal epithelial cell, cobalamin then the other causes noted above should be considered.
is released from intrinsic factor and bound to a carrier Neuropathologically, demyelinization is seen within the
protein known as transcobalamin II. The cobalamin– centrum semiovale (Ferraro et al. 1945; Lurie 1919), and in
transcobalamin II complex is then released into the sys- the posterior columns and the lateral corticospinal tracts
temic circulation. A substantial amount of cobalamin is within the spinal cord (Russell et al. 1900).
stored in the liver and, because of extensive enterohepatic
recirculation, years must pass before hepatic stores are
depleted. Differential diagnosis
As noted earlier, the most common cause of B12 defi-
ciency is pernicious anemia (Healton et al. 1991). In this Vitamin B12 deficiency may be almost perfectly mimicked
disease, anti-parietal cell antibodies lead to the destruction by folic acid deficiency, and the differential rests on the
of gastric parietal cells, with a consequent lack of intrinsic results of testing for homocysteine and methylmalonic acid
factor and a deficient uptake of ingested B12 by the ileal levels: in B12 deficiency both are elevated, whereas in folic
cells. In addition to anti-parietal cell antibodies, the major- acid deficiency the homocysteine level is elevated but the
ity of patients also have anti-intrinsic factor antibodies, methylmalonic acid level is normal.
and it is customary to test for both of these. Other anti- Progressive multiple sclerosis may also mimic B12 defi-
bodies may also be present in patients with pernicious ane- ciency, and the differential again rests on testing for homo-
mia, including antibodies against the thyroid and the adrenal cysteine and methylmalonic acid levels.
gland, and patients may develop Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
with hypothyroidism, or adrenocortical insufficiency.
Other causes of B12 deficiency include strict vegetarian- Treatment
ism, severe malnutrition (as may be seen in chronic alco-
holics), total or partial gastrectomy, inherited abnormalities Traditionally, treatment involves the administration of
of the R binder or intrinsic factor, achlorhydria, pancreatic intramuscular cyanocobalamin at a dose of 1000 μg daily
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 468
for 1 week, then weekly for 4 weeks, then monthly there- Etiology
after until maximum recovery has occurred. In those rare
cases in which the underlying cause has been corrected, Folic acid is a necessary factor in DNA synthesis and is
treatment may then cease; however, given that most of the found in fresh green vegetables, some fruits, yeast, kidney,
underlying causes are not treatable, chronic treatment is and liver. Dietary deficiency, as may be seen in chronic
typically required. After patients have been treated for 2 alcoholics, is the most common cause of folic acid defi-
weeks, folic acid, at a dose of 2 mg daily, should be added; ciency; intestinal malabsorption, for example in sprue,
importantly, folic acid should not be administered earlier may also be a factor. Given the limited hepatic storage
than this as it may lead to an exacerbation of symptoms. of folic acid, symptoms of deficiency may appear within
Potassium levels should be checked periodically, as a few months of poor oral intake or malabsorption.
hypokalemia may develop early in the course of treatment Certain medicines also reduce folate levels, including oral
with cyanocobalamin. contraceptives, phenytoin, primidone, phenobarbital, car-
Although, as noted, traditional treatment involves par- bamazepine, pyrimethamine, trimethoprim, pentamidine,
enteral administration of B12, recent work has indicated sulfasalazine, and methotrexate. Marginal folic acid
that oral treatment with 1 or 2 mg daily may be just as effec- reserves may be rapidly depleted in conditions of increased
tive (Kuzminski et al. 1998; Rajan et al. 2002). Most physi- metabolic demand, for example during pregnancy and lac-
cians, however, continue to use intramuscular B12, at least tation, and during the reticulocytosis seen with treatment
early on, switching to oral treatment only after patients of B12-induced anemia.
have recovered. The underlying neuropathology is not known.
With B12 treatment improvement may not occur for
months, and up to 18 months may be required for full
improvement. If treatment is begun early, before axonal Differential diagnosis
loss has occurred, recovery may be complete; however, if
symptoms have been present for months prior to treat- As noted in the preceding chapter, it may not be possible
ment, irreversible damage may already have occurred and clinically to differentiate folic acid deficiency from B12 defi-
the recovery will only be partial. ciency, and the diagnosis here rests on homocysteine and
methylmalonic acid levels: in folate deficiency only homo-
cysteine levels are increased, whereas in B12 deficiency,
13.2 FOLIC ACID DEFICIENCY both homocysteine and methylmalonic levels are elevated.
It appears that, in the absence of treatment, the course is Encephalopathic pellagra presents fairly acutely, over days
progressive. to a week, and, when fully developed, is characterized by
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 469
delirium, dysarthria, cogwheel rigidity, gegenhalten, and form of pyridoxine (vitamin B6); isoniazid impairs the
myoclonus (Ishii and Nishihara 1981; Jolliffe et al. 1940; conversion of the inactive form of B6 to the active form
Serdaru et al. 1988). and by this indirect mechanism reduces the endogenous
Pellagra of gradual onset appears insidiously over many production of niacin (Ishii and Nishihara 1985). Another
months, and, when fully developed, is characterized by the example is in cases of carcinoid tumor, in which the gross
classic ‘three Ds’ of dementia, dermatitis, and diarrhea overutilization of tryptophan by the tumor leaves less
(Spivak and Jackson 1977). The dementia may present available for conversion to niacin.
with apathy, depression, or anxiety; however, over time Within the central nervous system (Hauw et al. 1988;
typical cognitive deficits, such as decreased memory and Ishii and Nishihara 1981; Langworthy 1931), neurons are
poor concentration, eventually appear. The dementia at swollen and display chromatolysis with eccentric nuclei
times may also be marked by delusions or hallucinations and a loss of Nissl substance. These chromatolytic changes
(Pierce 1924). The dermatitis is characterized initially by may be seen in neurons of the cerebral cortex, basal
erythematous lesions in sun-exposed areas. Eventually, the ganglia, dentate nuclei, brainstem motor nuclei, and the
skin becomes hyperpigmented and roughened, and it is anterior horn of the spinal cord.
from the Italian for rough (pelle) skin (agra) that the dis-
ease gains its name. Diarrhea may be severe, and the fluid
may be blood tinged. It must be stressed that most cases of Differential diagnosis
pellagra do not, however, present with the full ‘three Ds’;
some patients with pellagrous dementia may have only one The acute encephalopathic form may be confused with
of the other ‘Ds’, and in some cases there may only be other disorders seen in chronic alcoholics, such as delirium
dementia, without any rash or diarrhea. tremens or Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Prominent
MRI scanning is unremarkable and the EEG shows gen- tremor, of course, favors a diagnosis of delirium tremens.
eralized slowing. Nystagmus, a sixth cranial nerve palsy, or ataxia favors
Although the serum niacin level is low, a more reliable, Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Cogwheel rigidity favors
if rarely ordered, test is a 24-hour urine test for niacin encephalopathic pellagra. In practice, however, it may be
metabolites. difficult to differentiate between these disorders, and
indeed they may appear concurrently (Serdaru et al. 1988).
The chronic form of pellagra is difficult to miss when all
Course three of the ‘Ds’ are present; however, as noted earlier,
many patients have only two of these, and some may have
The encephalopathic form may be rapidly progressive, and only one. Consequently, a high index of suspicion is
coma and death may occur in a matter of weeks. The required, and chronic pellagra should always be suspected
chronic form pursues a slower course, with death in a in any chronically malnourished patient who gradually
matter of years. develops a dementia.
Etiology Treatment
Niacin deficiency occurs most commonly as a result of Niacin may be given orally in doses from 250 to 500 mg
dietary deficiency. As noted earlier, in current practice in daily. In the encephalopathic form, the response is rapid
developed countries this is seen primarily in malnourished and often robust; in the chronic form recovery is slower
alcoholics as the encephalopathic form. The chronic form and may be incomplete. Once full benefit has occurred,
of pellagra was endemic in the American South among patients may be maintained on 50–100 mg of niacin daily.
those individuals who subsisted primarily on corn. As corn In cases due to isoniazid, administration of pyridoxine, in
contains niacin in a bound, biologically less active form, doses of 50 mg daily, is generally sufficient; however, in
and also lacks tryptophan, these individuals very gradually some cases symptoms may persist and in these cases isoni-
became niacin deficient. Since corn flour was ‘enriched’ with azid must be discontinued (Burke and Hiangabeza 1977).
niacin, however, the chronic form of pellagra has almost dis-
appeared in the United States. Other causes of niacin defi-
ciency include bowel resection, Crohn’s disease (Zaki and 13.4 WERNICKE’S ENCEPHALOPATHY
Millard 1995), and anorexia nervosa (Rapaport 1985).
In addition to dietary lack, pellagra has also been noted Wernicke’s encephalopathy, also known as Wernicke’s dis-
in conditions in which the normal endogenous conversion ease, occurs secondary to thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency
of tryptophan to niacin is, for one reason or another, and, in its fully developed classic form, it presents with the
impaired. Perhaps the most common example of this is in triad of delirium, nystagmus, and ataxia. It occurs most
patients treated with isoniazid. The normal enzymatic con- frequently in malnourished alcoholics and is a common
version of tryptophan to niacin is dependent on the activated cause of delirium in general hospital practice.
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 470
Before proceeding further, a word on nomenclature medial aspects of the thalami, periaqueductal gray, and the
is in order. In the literature, one often sees the term midbrain tectum (Chu et al. 2002; Weidauer et al. 2003);
‘Wernicke–Korsakoff syndrome’; however, this practice with gadolinium, enhancement may be seen in some cases
should be avoided as Wernicke’s encephalopathy and in the mammillary bodies (Zuccoli et al. 2007).
Korsakoff’s syndrome are, from a clinical point of view,
fundamentally different. Wernicke’s encephalopathy, as
just noted, is characterized by delirium. Korsakoff’s syn- Course
drome, although occurring as a sequela to Wernicke’s
encephalopathy, is an amnestic disorder in which there is Untreated, approximately 50 percent of patients die, in
no confusion. Lumping the two together under one name some cases suddenly (Harper 1979). Among those who
serves only to confuse the diagnostic picture. survive, sequelae are common. With resolution of the
delirium, confusion clears and patients may be left with a
Korsakoff’s syndrome (Malamud and Skillicorn 1956),
Clinical features which, as discussed in Section 13.5, is characterized by an
amnesia with both anterograde and retrograde compo-
In general the onset is subacute, spanning several days, and nents. In those with a sixth nerve palsy, residual nystagmus
nystagmus is often one of the earliest signs. Occasionally, is very common, and in those with ataxia, only a partial
however, one may see an acute onset over hours and this clearing is seen in a majority.
may follow a glucose load, either orally or intravenously, in
a thiamine-deficient patient.
Delirium is characterized by confusion and disorienta- Etiology
tion, and is often accompanied by a degree of lethargy or
drowsiness. With progression, stupor or coma may occur Thiamine is found in many foods and 1–2 mg daily is gen-
(Wallis et al. 1978). erally sufficient to meet most daily needs. Total body stores
Nystagmus, although generally horizontal, may at times of thiamine range from 20 to 100 mg, and the half-life of
be vertical. With progression, a bilateral and typically thiamine ranges from 10 to 20 days; thus, with severely
asymmetric sixth cranial nerve palsy may appear and reduced thiamine intake, significant deficiency may appear
patients may complain of diplopia. In extreme cases, a total in 1–3 months.
ophthalmoplegia may occur. Once absorbed, thiamine is converted to its active form,
Ataxia typically follows nystagmus and may be evident thiamine pyrophosphate; this molecule functions as an
as an ataxia of gait or as a truncal ataxia, which, in turn, essential co-factor for transketolase, which plays a critical
may be so severe that patients are unable to sit up in bed. role in the hexose monophosphate shunt pathway. With
It must be emphasized that this classic triad of symp- significant thiamine deficiency, transketolase activity is lost,
toms is the exception rather than the rule. Autopsy studies and the characteristic lesions, described below, develop.
have revealed that the full triad is found in only 14–16 per- Although most cases of Wernicke’s encephalopathy are
cent of cases (Cravioto et al. 1961; Harper et al. 1986). By seen in malnourished alcoholics, cases have also been noted
far the most common presentation is with delirium alone, in a number of other conditions (Ogershok et al. 2002),
or with a combination of delirium and either nystagmus or including hunger strikes (Frantzen 1966), anorexia nervosa
ataxia (Harper et al. 1986). (Handler and Perkin 1982), prolonged parenteral nutri-
In addition to delirium, nystagmus, and ataxia, a tion (Vortmeyer et al. 1992) with inadequate thiamine
minority of patients will have grand mal seizures. The tem- supplementation, bariatric surgery (Abarbanel et al. 1987;
perature is often decreased and there may be tachycardia Paulson et al. 1985; Singh and Kumar 2007) with subsequent
and postural hypotension. prolonged vomiting, peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis
Various laboratory and imaging findings occur in (Jagadha et al. 1987), hyperemesis gravidarum (Gardian et al.
Wernicke’s encephalopathy but these are rarely required 1999), and prolonged vomiting occurring after liver trans-
for the diagnosis, and, in any case, treatment of suspected plantation (DiMartini 1996) or as a side-effect of digitalis
Wernicke’s encephalopathy should never wait upon test (Richmond 1959). Importantly, two or more of these fac-
results. tors may at times be required to produce the encephalopathy.
The EEG may show generalized slowing, but in many There are, for example, case reports of patients developing
cases it is within normal limits. Although the cerebrospinal Wernicke’s encephalopathy anywhere from 2 to 20 years
fluid (CSF) is generally normal, an elevated total protein, post-gastrectomy, the precipitant being a modestly decreased
rarely more than 100 mg/dL, may be found. Red blood cell thiamine intake, for example secondary to a loss of appetite
transketolase activity may be decreased (Dreyfus 1962), during an upper respiratory infection (Shimomura et al.
and blood pyruvate and lactate levels may be increased. 1998).
MRI scanning may reveal increased signal intensity on Although, generally, at least a month must pass before a
T2-weighted, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), significant deficiency occurs, there are exceptions to this rule.
and diffusion-weighted images in the mammillary bodies, Glucose loads, either orally or parenterally, may rapidly
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 471
precipitate symptoms. Furthermore, some individuals have flour was ‘enriched’ with niacin and the plague of endemic
an inherited form of transketolase that displays a decreased pellagra was eradicated.
affinity for thiamine pyrophosphate (Blass and Gibson
1977), and these individuals are at higher risk of develop-
ing Wernicke’s encephalopathy and may do so even if their
thiamine reserves are only marginally depleted.
Korsakoff’s syndrome is a chronic amnestic disorder with
In acute cases petechial hemorrhages are seen in gray
prominent anterograde and variable retrograde compo-
matter adjacent to the third ventricle, aqueduct of Sylvius,
nents that occurs as sequela to Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
and the fourth ventricle, including the dorsomedial and
Some words are in order regarding nomenclature. As
anterior nuclei of the thalamus, the mammillary bodies,
noted in Section 13.4, the term ‘Wernicke–Korsakoff’ syn-
the periaqueductal gray, the oculomotor and abducens
drome is often seen; however, this should probably be
nuclei, and the superior vermis (Cravioto et al. 1961;
abandoned as, from a clinical point of view, Wernicke’s
Harper 1983; Malamud and Skillicorn 1956; Victor et al.
encephalopathy and Korsakoff’s syndrome are fundamen-
1971). In those who survive, neuronal loss and gliosis are
tally different: Wernicke’s encephalopathy is marked by a
seen in the same areas.
delirium, whereas Korsakoff’s syndrome is characterized by
an amnesia that is not accompanied by confusion. There is
an additional difficulty regarding nomenclature and this
Differential diagnosis
has to do with the definition of Korsakoff’s syndrome. In
some texts this term is used to refer to any chronic amnestic
The diagnosis of Wernicke’s encephalopathy should be
disorder, regardless of cause. In this text, however, the term
entertained in any malnourished patient who develops
refers only to the chronic amnestic disorder that occurs as
delirium; although from a diagnostic point of view it is
a sequela to Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
comforting to also see nystagmus and ataxia, it must be
forcefully kept in mind that, as noted above, these are
typically not present. Clinical features
Among alcoholics, consideration must also be given to
delirium tremens, encephalopathic pellagra, and hepatic As noted in Section 13.4, Wernicke’s encephalopathy is
encephalopathy. Prominent tremor suggests delirium characterized by delirium with or without nystagmus and
tremens, cogwheel rigidity points to pellagra, and myoclonus ataxia. In those who survive, the delirium gradually resolves
suggests hepatic encephalopathy. These disorders, however, and patients may then be left with an amnestic disorder.
often appear simultaneously, and it is appropriate to treat all These patients, as pointed out by Korsakoff himself
alcoholics with thiamine, as described below. (Victor and Yakovlev 1955), may not, at least to casual
Rarely, a clinical picture identical to Wernicke’s inspection, appear ill at all. They are typically able to carry
encephalopathy may occur secondary to a cytomegalovirus on a conversation and may be reasonably sociable.
ventriculoencephalitis, for example in patients with AIDS However, formal testing reveals that, although immediate
(Torgovnik et al. 2000). recall, as with a digit span, is intact, short-term memory,
tested by asking the patient to recall three objects after 5
minutes, is severely deficient. Indeed, patients may not be
Treatment able to recall a conversation they had with the physician
just minutes before. A degree of disorientation to time and
Whenever Wernicke’s encephalopathy is suspected, patients place inevitably accompanies this anterograde amnesia.
should emergently be given 100 mg thiamine intravenously The retrograde component of the amnesia becomes appar-
or intramuscularly. Barring a severe degree of hypoglycemia, ent on asking patients about their lives before the
food and glucose-containing fluids should be withheld for at Wernicke’s encephalopathy: answers often display a ‘tem-
least several hours. Thiamine is then continued at a dose of poral gradient’ (Albert et al. 1979; Seltzer and Benson 1974),
100 mg twice daily parenterally until substantial improve- such that patients, although having no recall of the events
ment is seen, after which patients may be continued on the occurring for perhaps months before the Wernicke’s
same dose of oral thiamine for at least a month. encephalopathy, may have a hazy or partial recall of events
The response to treatment is at times spectacular. occurring years earlier and a fairly clear memory of child-
Nystagmus may begin to clear within hours, and delirium hood events. In questioning patients about recent events,
and ataxia improve over a matter of days; maximum one often encounters the phenomenon of confabulation:
improvement generally takes about a month. here, the patient blithely makes up responses, as if to ‘fill in’
On a political note, it is remarkable, given the devasta- the amnestic gap. Thus, if a patient were asked whether he
tion of Wernicke’s encephalopathy and its major sequela or she had ever met the physician before, the patient might
Korsakoff’s syndrome, that governments have not man- respond in the affirmative and go on to talk about meeting
dated the addition of thiamine to alcoholic beverages. The the physician at a local tavern the week before, where they
results could be as spectacular as those that occurred when had a ‘few’ beers, played some pool, etc.
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 472
Differential diagnosis Thallium may be found in the urine and serum, and, in
long-standing cases, the hair.
Lacking a history of manganese exposure, the differential
generally involves a consideration of other causes of
parkinsonism, as discussed in Section 3.8. In this regard,
special attention should be given to those disorders that
Acute intoxications may be fatal in up to one-tenth of
can cause a combination of parkinsonism and dystonia,
cases. In those who survive, there is a gradual, more or less
such as late-onset pantothenate kinase-associated neuro-
complete recovery; in some cases there may be persistent
degeneration, Wilson’s disease, corticobasal ganglionic
cognitive deficits (which may be severe enough to produce
degeneration, and progressive supranuclear palsy.
a dementia [Reed et al. 1963; Thompson et al. 1988]) or a
personality change (McMillan et al. 1997). Gradual intoxi-
Treatment cations likewise show a variable degree of recovery.
may be bloody; convulsions may also occur. Classically an acute onset of delirium, accompanied by myoclonus,
there is also an odor of garlic on the breath. Arrhythmias, ataxia, and, in a minority, seizures (Buge et al. 1981; Burns
renal failure, and hypotension may occur. Within 1–3 weeks et al. 1974; Supino-Viterbo et al. 1977).
a painful peripheral sensorimotor polyneuropathy appears. Computed tomography (CT) scanning may reveal patchy
Chronic exposure to small amounts of arsenic salts may areas of radiolucency in the cortex (Gardeur et al. 1978).
cause both a dementia and a polyneuropathy. Hyperkeratosis
of the palms and soles may occur, and Mees’ lines may
appear, which are transverse white discolorations of the Course
nails. Occasionally there may be a mild degree of alopecia.
Arsenic may be found in a 24-hour urine sample, and, Recovery is gradual, occurring over many months.
within weeks of exposure, is also found in the hair and nails.
In one autopsied case neuronal loss was noted among the
Purkinje cells of the cerebellum and in the hippocampus
Acute arsenic intoxication is often fatal. In those who sur-
(Liessens et al. 1978).
vive either acute or chronic intoxication, there may be
either cognitive deficits or a peripheral neuropathy, both of
which may show a greater or lesser degree of resolution Differential diagnosis
over long-term follow-up (Fincher et al. 1987).
When the history of bismuth ingestion is lacking, the dif-
ferential includes other deliria associated with myoclonus,
Etiology as discussed in Section 3.2.
In acute cases, widespread petechial hemorrhages within
the white matter are seen (Hurst 1959; Russell 1937). Treatment
Within the peripheral nervous system, axonal degenera-
tion occurs. Supportive care is provided; there is no specific treatment.
(Besser et al. 1987; Kreyberg et al. 1992). In contrast, with lead exposure in children and the development of a
triethyltin intoxication, the myelin becomes edematous syndrome virtually identical to attention deficit/hyperac-
and vacuolization may be seen in the white matter (Cossa tivity disorder. Occasionally seizures may occur.
et al. 1958). Chronic lead encephalopathy in adults may present
with either a personality change or a dementia of variable
severity; patients also may complain of colicky abdominal
Differential diagnosis pain and a metallic taste. In some cases, depressive symp-
toms may be seen (Schottenfeld and Cullen 1984). A motor
When the history of exposure is lacking the differential peripheral neuropathy may occur, with, classically, wrist
becomes quite wide, as discussed in Section 5.3. and foot drop.
Whole blood lead levels of over 80 μg/dL are associated
with an acute presentation, whereas levels of 10–20 μg/dL,
Treatment if chronically maintained, produce a chronic encephalopa-
thy. The zinc protoporphyrin level is also increased. In
There is no known specific treatment. both children and adults ‘lead lines’ may be seen at the bor-
der of the gingiva and teeth, and in childhood cases lead
lines may also be seen in radiographs of the tibia or other
13.11 LEAD ENCEPHALOPATHY long bones.
13.12 MERCURY INTOXICATION may be quite severe in the case of mercury salts and which
may also be accompanied by renal failure.
Three forms of mercury are potentially toxic to humans, Among patients who survive the acute exposure, and in
namely elemental mercury, salts of mercury, and organic cases of chronic, low-level exposure, various sequelae may
mercury. gradually ensue, including a personality change, a demen-
Elemental mercury at room temperature is a liquid. tia, and various abnormal movements. The personality
Ingestion is generally non-toxic as it is poorly absorbed change, known as erethism, is classically characterized by
through the gastrointestinal tract. Elemental mercury, emotional lability, shyness, and anxiety, all of which may
however, readily volatizes with warming or merely with be accompanied by insomnia. The dementia, occurring
shaking, and may be inhaled. Once inhaled, it readily generally only with greater exposure, does not appear to
passes across the alveoli and into the blood, where it is have any specific distinguishing features. Of the abnormal
taken up into erythrocytes and oxidized to a mercuric salt. movements seen with mercury intoxication, tremor is per-
This mercuric salt, and any unoxidized elemental mercury, haps the most classic, and this may affect the hands, lips,
then cross the blood–brain barrier and are taken up by and tongue. Ataxia is common and may be accompanied
neurons. Exposure to elemental mercury generally occurs by an intention tremor and dysarthria. Choreoathetosis
in gold miners and in certain other industries. may occur, as may parkinsonian features. A sensorimotor
Salts of mercury may be either monovalent (mer- polyneuropathy may also appear, which may be quite
curous) or divalent (mercuric). Salts of mercury may be painful. Visual scotoma or tunnel vision may also occur.
absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract or transder- Whole blood levels of mercury are elevated, but the cor-
mally and, as just noted, once absorbed they may cross the relation between blood levels and clinical symptomatology
blood–brain barrier. Mercury salts were once used medici- is rough at best. In chronic cases, neuroimaging may reveal
nally, as in the case of calomel, also called mercurous chlo- atrophy of the cerebral cortex (most prominently the
ride (Davis et al. 1974). Currently, however, most exposure calcarine cortex) and the cerebellar cortex (Tokuomi et al.
occurs in those employed in the manufacture of plastics, 1982).
fungicides, and electronics. In the nineteenth century,
mercuric nitrate was used in the manufacture of felt, and
chronic exposure among hat makers led to the ‘mad hatter Course
syndrome’, made famous in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s
Adventures in Wonderland. For the most part the sequelae described are chronic.
Organic mercury is found as methylmercury, ethylmer-
cury (Hay et al. 1963), and phenylmercury (O’Carroll et al.
1995), and, of these, methylmercury is the most toxic. Etiology
Organic mercury, especially methylmercury, is readily
taken up through the gastrointestinal tract and easily Pathologically, there is widespread neuronal loss through-
crosses the blood–brain barrier. Exposure occurs generally out the cerebral and cerebellar cortex, especially involving
by accidental ingestion. Perhaps the most notorious exam- the calcarine cortex and, in the cerebellum, the granule cell
ple of this is the Minamata epidemic, named after the town layer (Davis et al. 1974; Hunter and Russell 1954).
in Japan where it occurred (Kurland et al. 1960). Industrial
waste containing elemental mercury was discharged into
Minamata bay where it was converted by bacteria into Differential diagnosis
methylmercury; fish became contaminated and, when res-
idents ate the fish, the stage was set for disaster. Other inci- The diagnosis rests heavily on a history of exposure.
dents have involved methylmercury used as a fungicide on
seed grain. In one example, treated seed grain was sent to
Iraq (Amin-Zaki et al. 1978; Rustam and Hamri 1974). Treatment
Although civilians had been warned not to eat the grain but
only to plant it, the contaminated grain was nevertheless Acute exposure to salts of mercury or to organic mercury
made into flour and bread, leading to hundreds of deaths. may be treated with gastric lavage and activated charcoal.
In another example, hogs were fed with treated seed grain, Chelation treatment is also indicated.
and those that then ate the hogs became ill (Snyder 1972).
that causes the dementia. This used to be a not uncommon Diazepam may reduce the severity of many of the symp-
cause of dementia and death in patients undergoing toms of dialysis dementia (Nadel and Wilson 1976) but
chronic hemodialysis, and in such cases the aluminum does not alter the course of the disease. Chelation with
intoxication occurred secondary to aluminum in the deferoxamine may be considered; however, in some
dialysate (Davison et al. 1982) and perhaps also to the use patients this may lead to a mobilization of aluminum
of aluminum-containing phosphate binders. With the rou- from bone with a consequent worsening of the cerebral
tine purification of the dialysate, this disorder has almost symptomatology (Sherrard et al. 1988).
disappeared; occasional cases, however, still occur, for
example with the use of aluminum-containing medica-
tions in patients with chronic renal failure who are not on
hemodialysis (Andreoli et al. 1984; Shirabe et al. 2002).
Course Course
Untreated, the disease is progressive, with death on average Typically the syndrome resolves spontaneously within a
within 6 months. matter of hours or, at the very most, a few days.
Etiology Etiology
The brain aluminum content is elevated (Alfrey et al. 1976) Normally in hemodialysis an osmotic gradient occurs
and there is widespread neuronal loss in the cerebral cortex, between the blood and CSF (Yoshida et al. 1987) and cere-
with, in some cases, laminar spongiform change (Shirabe bral edema occurs (Walters et al. 2001). In all likelihood
et al. 2002; Winkelman and Ricanti 1986). the syndrome occurs secondary to a pronounced degree of
these changes.
Differential diagnosis
Other disorders that are not uncommon in dialysis patients Differential diagnosis
and which are capable of causing dementia include intra-
cerebral hemorrhage, infarctions, and subdural hematoma. Consideration should be given to subdural hematoma or
Patients on dialysis may also develop thiamine deficiency, intracerebral hemorrhage.
with a resulting Wernicke’s encephalopathy (Hung et al.
by associated hunger and the prompt relief gained by eating vision, dizziness, ataxia, and dysarthria. Stroke may occur
or drinking glucose-rich fluids. Consideration may also be (Pavy et al. 1980), and seizures have been reported.
given to the possibility of an anxiety attack, hyperventilation, Serum viscosity is measured in centipoises, and in
or a simple partial seizure, as discussed in Section 6.5. most symptomatic cases the viscosity is elevated above
In cases characterized by autonomic symptoms fol- 4 centipoises.
lowed by delirium, consideration may be given to other
deliria associated with tremor, such as delirium tremens,
thyroid storm, amphetamine intoxication, and either the Course
serotonin syndrome or the neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
In some cases, however, as noted above, autonomic symp- As might be expected, the course parallels changes in serum
toms may be lacking, and here the differential becomes viscosity. With progression, coma and death may occur.
quite wide, as discussed in Section 5.3; special attention
should be given to complex partial seizures. Etiology
In doubtful cases, consideration may be given to
demonstrating ‘Whipple’s triad’ by performing a glucose The presence of excess or variously deformed proteins,
tolerance test. Whipple’s triad consists of: usually immunoglobulins, increases serum viscosity with,
1. the presence of typical symptoms; as noted, literal sludging of blood flow within capillaries. In
2. the concurrent presence of significant hypoglycemia; some cases, it appears that this sludging is also accompa-
3. the relief of symptoms with glucose administration. nied by microthrombus formation.
As noted, the most common cause of hyperviscosity is
The duration of the glucose tolerance test may range
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia; cases may also be seen
from 5 hours in cases with a post-prandial pattern to up to
in multiple myeloma (Camacho et al. 1985), cryoglobuline-
12 hours in those with a fasting pattern.
mia, and, rarely, in rheumatoid arthritis (Bach et al. 1989).
Differential diagnosis
If the patient is able to take fluids, a glass of orange juice or
soda mixed with two or three tablespoonfuls of sugar is often Given the non-specific nature of the syndrome, the index
adequate. Patients unable to take fluids should be given of suspicion must be high.
50 mL of a 50 percent solution of glucose intravenously. In
cases in which intravenous access is lacking, one may stim-
ulate gluconeogenesis by giving glucagon in a dose of 1 mg
intramuscularly, keeping in mind, of course, that glucagon
Daily plasmapheresis should be performed until symptoms
is ineffective in patients with significant liver damage.
Regardless of which therapy is given, patients should be
closely monitored to see if repeat doses are required. An
exception to this approach occurs in alcoholics, in whom a
glucose load may precipitate a Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
In such a situation one should given 100 mg of thiamine
Central pontine myelinolysis, originally described by Adams
intravenously and refrain from administering glucose for
and Foley in 1953, is classically characterized clinically by the
several hours or as long as clinically possible; clearly, much
development of a combination of flaccid quadriplegia and
clinical judgment is required in this situation.
delirium, and pathologically by demyelinization in the cen-
tral portion of the pons, all occurring within 2–3 days of
13.16 HYPERVISCOSITY SYNDROME overly rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia. Exceptions
to this classic picture, as described further below, do occur,
Significantly increased viscosity will cause microcircula- with prominent demyelinization in extrapontine sites associ-
tory sludging within the central nervous system leading to, ated with movement disorders or delirium in the absence of
among other symptoms, a dementia. This is a very rare quadriplegia. The existence of these exceptions has led some
syndrome and is generally seen in patients with a parapro- authors to propose alternative names for this syndrome, such
teinemia such as Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia as ‘central pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis’ or, more
(Mehta and Singhal 2003). generally, ‘osmotic demyelination syndrome’.
Patients may present with a dementia (Mueller et al. 1983) In classic cases, a flaccid symmetric quadriparesis develops
and lethargy. Other symptoms include headache, blurry within 2–3 days of rapid correction of chronic hyponatremia,
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 480
accompanied by a delirium or lethargy (Karp and Laureno to demyelinization. Although such a scenario is most likely
1993), which in turn may be marked by both visual and in chronic alcoholics given intravenous fluids (Lampl and
auditory hallucinations (Sterns et al. 1986). Symptoms Yazdi 2002), other groups at risk include the recipients of
gradually worsen over about a week and, in severe cases, liver transplants (Estol et al. 1989), those suffering from
patients may be left in a ‘locked in’ state and totally para- severe malnutrition, and patients hyponatremic because of
lyzed except for vertical eye movements. Over time the protracted vomiting (Dickoff et al. 1988) or diarrhea (Price
flaccidity resolves, to be replaced by spasticity with hyper- and Mesulam 1987).
reflexia. Within the first day, diffusion-weighted MRI Although this mechanism appears operative for the vast
scanning may reveal increased signal intensity within the majority of cases, other mechanisms may also be found.
central portion of the pons, and over the following days the For example, central pontine myelinolysis has been noted
same area will reveal increased signal intensity on FLAIR in severe burn patients who were not hyponatremic but
and T2-weighted imaging and decreased signal intensity who had developed a severe hyperosmolar state (McKee et al.
on T1-weighted imaging (Ruzek et al. 2004). Importantly, 1988), leading, presumably, to the same kind of osmotic shift.
CT scanning is very insensitive here and may be normal Pathologically, in classic cases one finds symmetric
despite florid symptomatology. demyelinization within the basis pontis (Adams et al.
Exceptions to this classic picture occur when demyelin- 1959). This is most prominent within the central portion
ization occurs in extrapontine locations. Thus, one may see of the pons and spreads outward but does not involve the
delirium alone (without quadriplegia) (Hadfield and periphery of the pons where a rim of intact white matter
Kubal 1996; Karp and Laureno 1993) or a movement dis- survives. This demyelinization may at times extend to the
order such as dystonia (Maraganore et al. 1992; Yoshida pontine tegmentum and occasionally also into the mesen-
et al. 2000) or parkinsonism (Dickoff et al. 1988; Seiser et al. cephalon, but the medulla is generally spared. In severe
1998; Sullivan et al. 2000; Tomita et al. 1997); importantly, cases, cavitation may occur. Extrapontine myelinolysis, as
in cases characterized by a movement disorder, these noted, may also occur, and has been noted in the centrum
symptoms may be delayed for weeks or months. semiovale, internal capsule, striatum, thalamus, subthala-
mic nucleus, and the lateral geniculate body (Wright et al.
1979). In pathologic material, the most common pattern is
Course myelinolysis confined to the pons, followed by myelinoly-
sis involving both the pons and extrapontine sites; the least
In classic cases, death may occur within a matter of days. In common pattern consists of myelinolysis solely in extrapon-
those who survive, recovery may begin within a week or tine sites (Gocht and Colmant 1987).
two of the syndrome reaching its peak intensity, with max-
imum recovery taking up to a year; enduring deficits may
include a variable degree of quadriparesis or dementia Differential diagnosis
(Menger and Jorg 1999). In cases characterized by a move-
ment disorder, symptoms may either resolve over many Classic cases must be distinguished from stroke secondary
months or be chronic, or, in the case of dystonia, may to infarction in the area of distribution of the basilar artery.
actually gradually worsen. Stroke is suggested by a more rapid onset and by an asym-
metry of signs; furthermore, MRI scanning will reveal a
lesion that, in contrast to central pontine myelinolysis,
Etiology involves the periphery of the pons. In cases characterized
by delirium alone, the clue, of course, would be the history
As noted earlier, the classic precipitant for central pontine of rapid correction of hyponatremia 2 or 3 days earlier.
myelinolysis is the overly rapid correction of a chronic
hyponatremia (Brunner et al. 1990; Karp and Laureno 1993;
Messert et al. 1979; Norenberg et al. 1982; Sterns et al. 1986). Treatment
In cases of chronic hyponatremia, intracellular osmolarity
gradually falls to maintain an osmotic balance with the As there is no specific treatment for acute central pontine
hypo-osmolar extracellular fluid. If the hyponatremia is myelinolysis, prevention is essential. It must be borne in
corrected gradually, there is time for the intracellular mind that, when chronic, hyponatremia is often relatively
osmolarity to ‘catch up’, so that an excessive osmotic gra- well-tolerated and indeed some patients may be asympto-
dient does not appear between the intracellular and extra- matic. Consequently, even in cases in which the serum
cellular fluids. However, when the hyponatremia is rapidly sodium is as low as 115 mEq/L, simple fluid restriction to
corrected, an osmotic gradient does occur, with a substan- perhaps 800–1200 mL/24 hours is adequate. In cases, how-
tial fluid shift from the intracellular to extracellular com- ever, in which significant symptoms of hyponatremia are
partments. Oligodendrocytes appear particularly affected present or anticipated and treatment with normal or
by this osmotic shift, and these cells, in particular those hypertonic saline is required, it is essential to temper one’s
located within the pons, become damaged or die, leading therapeutic enthusiasm and to limit the rise in sodium to
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 481
no more than approximately 0.4 mEq/L/hour (Norenberg is not the cause of the central nervous system dysfunction
et al. 1982; Sterns et al. 1986) and to aim only for a level of and in all likelihood the delirium results from an ‘auto-
120 mEq/L: once that level is reached, further correction may intoxication’ by as yet unidentified substances. In chronic
be made at a much more leisurely pace. Patients left with a cases that come to autopsy, an excess of protoplasmic
dementia may be treated as described in Section 5.1; parkin- astrocytes has been found.
sonism may respond to levodopa (Sullivan et al. 2000).
Differential diagnosis
Not all deliria occurring in the context of an elevated BUN
In severe renal failure, patients may develop a delirium due represent uremic encephalopathy. Certain disorders, such
to a condition known as uremic encephalopathy. as polyarteritis nodosa and systemic lupus erythematosus,
may not only cause renal failure but also directly affect the
central nervous system. Another example is malignant
Clinical features hypertension, which may cause a concurrent hypertensive
encephalopathy and renal failure.
The mode of onset, as might be expected, reflects the rapid- Renal failure is also associated with subdural hematoma
ity with which the kidneys fail, and hence the onset of (Fraser and Arieff 1988), hypocalcemia, and hypomagne-
uremic encephalopathy may range from acute to gradual. semia, each of which may also cause delirium. Finally,
Patients may initially experience some lassitude or a mild attention must be paid to toxicity from drugs excreted
degree of somnolence; however, eventually a delirium primarily via the kidneys.
appears that is often marked by visual hallucinations.
Asterixis (Raskin and Fishman 1976; Tyler 1968) and multi-
focal myoclonus are common, and in some cases one may Treatment
see diffuse multifocal muscle twitching; dysarthria may also
occur. In a minority seizures, typically grand mal in type, If the underlying cause of the renal failure is untreatable
may appear. In one rare case, uremia presented with mania and spontaneous improvement is not expected, then
alone, without any other symptoms (El-Mallakh et al. 1987). uremic encephalopathy constitutes an indication for dialy-
A sensorimotor polyneuropathy may occur (Ropper sis. With dialysis, the delirium typically resolves in a matter
1993; Thomas et al. 1971) and, as with the encephalopathy, of days.
this may be acute or gradual in onset; the motor component
may be quite severe and patients may become quadriparetic.
In a little under 50 percent of patients with a polyneuro- 13.19 HEPATIC ENCEPHALOPATHY
pathy there may be prominent dysesthesiae and restless-
ness, similar to that seen in the restless legs syndrome. With significant disease or dysfunction of hepatocytes, or
The severity of the encephalopathy correlates not only with significant shunting of blood past the liver and directly
with the level of the blood urea nitrogen (BUN) but also into the systemic circulation, toxins normally removed by
with the rapidity with which the BUN rises. For example, the liver reach the brain and a hepatic encephalopathy may
although in cases of acute renal failure levels of 35.7 mmol/L occur.
(100 mg/dL) are typically associated with delirium, in renal
failure of very gradual onset, levels of 71.4 mmol/L Clinical features
(200 mg/dL) may be tolerated with few if any symptoms.
The EEG typically shows generalized slowing; triphasic The mode of onset of hepatic encephalopathy mirrors the
waves may also be seen. rapidity with which hepatic failure occurs, and thus may
range from acute, as in fulminant hepatic failure in some
Course cases of viral hepatitis, to gradual, as in slowly progressive
alcoholic cirrhosis.
Typically the symptoms of the delirium show marked fluc- Acute-onset hepatic encephalopathy typically presents
tuations throughout the day. The overall course parallels with a delirium; in gradual-onset cases, although a delir-
that of the renal failure, and in some progressive cases ium eventually occurs, this development is often preceded
coma may ensue. by a more or less lengthy prodrome characterized by
impaired judgment, difficulty with abstracting, and mood
changes, which often tend toward euphoria. The delirium
Etiology (Adams and Foley 1953; Fraser and Arieff 1985; Read et al.
1961; Summerskill et al. 1956) is characterized by confu-
Although the level of the BUN serves as a rough guide to sion, drowsiness, sleep reversal, asterixis, and myoclonus; a
the presence and severity of the encephalopathy, urea itself small minority may have seizures, which may be partial or
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 482
grand mal, and a minority may also have focal signs, such differential for delirium accompanied by asterixis is dis-
as hemiparesis (Cadranel et al. 2001). Rarely, catatonic cussed in Section 3.12, and for delirium with myoclonus
symptoms, such as waxy flexibility, may occur (Jaffe 1967). in Section 3.2.
Fetor hepaticus, a sickly-sweet musty odor to the breath, is Rarely, valproic acid may cause an encephalopathy asso-
seen in about half of the cases. With progression of the ciated with an elevated ammonia level (Baver et al. 2005);
hepatic failure, stupor and coma may occur, accompanied however, the relation of this encephalopathy to hepatic
by rigidity and bilateral Babinski signs. encephalopathy is not entirely clear. In any case, treatment
The EEG shows generalized slowing, which is often of valproic acid encephalopathy consists of discontinuing
accompanied by triphasic waves; interictal epileptiform dis- the drug and administering carnitine (Bohan et al. 2001).
charges may be seen in a small minority (Ficker et al. 1997).
Although the blood ammonia level is elevated in the vast
majority of cases, there is only a rough correlation between Treatment
the degree of elevation and the severity of the encephalopa-
thy (Ong et al. 2003); indeed, although rare, in some cases In addition to treating any precipitating events, efforts are
the ammonia level may be normal (Sherlock 1993). made to reduce the nitrogenous load in the gut. This may
be accomplished using three methods, individually or in
combination: a low-protein diet, lactulose, and treatment
Course with rifaximin. Reducing dietary protein to 20–60 g/day is
helpful, but many patients find this unpalatable. In acute
In the absence of treatment, the course of the encephalopa- situations, lactulose may be started at a dose of 20–45 mL
thy mirrors the severity of the underlying hepatic failure. hourly until the patient starts to have bowel movements,
With treatment, provided that coma has not supervened, after which the dose may be decreased to a maintenance
the recovery is generally quite good; in cases that have pro- dose of 30–45 mL q.i.d.; in less urgent situations, one may
gressed to coma, however, the mortality rate is high. simply start with a maintenance dose, with dosage adjust-
With repeated episodes patients may develop acquired ments as required to ensure three to four soft bowel move-
hepatocerebral degeneration, as described in Section 13.20. ments daily. Rifaximin is a non-absorbable intestinal
antibiotic that targets nitrogenous bacteria, and this may
Etiology be given in a dose of 400 mg t.i.d.
The general symptomatic treatment of delirium is dis-
As indicated earlier, hepatic encephalopathy occurs when cussed in Section 5.3. With regard to symptomatic pharma-
the brain is exposed to toxins found in the portal vessels, cologic treatment, benzodiazepines are contraindicated; if
toxins that are normally removed by the liver. Although antipsychotics are required the dose should be low, as all of
ammonia itself is the most likely culprit here, other candi- these agents are metabolized in the liver.
dates have also been considered, including mercaptans, Patients in coma may require treatment with mannitol
various aromatic amino acids, and short-chain fatty acids. and monitoring of intracranial pressure.
In chronic cases, there may be an increased number of
Alzheimer type II astrocytes (Adams and Foley 1953). In
acute cases characterized by coma, cerebral edema occurs, 13.20 ACQUIRED HEPATOCEREBRAL
with, in some instances, transtentorial herniation (Donovan DEGENERATION
et al. 1998).
The most common causes of hepatic failure are viral Acquired hepatocerebral degeneration is a rare disorder
hepatitis and alcoholic cirrhosis. In many cases, the onset that occurs secondary to repeated or prolonged bouts of
of the delirium may be traced to an event that increased the hepatic encephalopathy and is characterized by variable
nitrogenous load in the gut beyond the diminished detoxi- mixtures of cognitive deficits and abnormal movements.
fying capacity of the liver. Examples include high protein
meals, blood (as may occur with bleeding esophageal
varices or peptic ulcer disease), and constipation. Other Clinical features
precipitants include infection, anesthesia, hypokalemia,
uremia, and exposure to alcohol or sedative–hypnotics, Clinical features have been described in a number of reports
especially benzodiazepines. (Finlayson and Superville 1981; Graham et al. 1970; Raskin
et al. 1984; Victor et al. 1965). The onset is typically gradual
and is often punctuated by repeated episodes of hepatic
Differential diagnosis encephalopathy. Cognitive deficits may occur, which may
be quite mild or, in some cases, amount to a dementia. The
In alcoholics, consideration must be given to delirium movement disorder is often complex, with variable admix-
tremens, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, hypoglycemia, tures of chorea, facial grimacing, postural tremor, parkin-
encephalopathic pellagra, and subdural hematoma. The sonism, and ataxia. Chorea, when present, often affects the
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 483
head and neck, and the resulting movements may be namely acute intermittent porphyria, variegate porphyria,
tic-like in character. and hereditary coproporphyria, whereas the fourth, delta-
T1-weighted MRI scanning (Burkhard et al. 2003; aminolevulinic acid (ALA) dehydratase deficiency, is an auto-
Krieger et al. 1995) typically reveals increased signal inten- somal recessive disorder. Acute intermittent porphyria is
sity in the globus pallidus; similar changes may be seen in found worldwide and may have a prevalence as high as 5–10
the striatum and in the substantia nigra. cases per 100 000 population. Variegate porphyria, although
rare in the United States, may be found in Sweden and among
white people in South Africa. Hereditary coproporphyria
Course is quite rare, and ALA dehydratase deficiency is so extraor-
dinarily rare that it is not considered further in this text.
In general, the overall course is marked by slow progression. From a clinical viewpoint the three autosomal domi-
nantly inherited hepatic porphyrias are essentially the
same, with the exception that both variegate porphyria and
hereditary coproporphyria may cause a photosensitive
rash, a symptom not seen in acute intermittent porphyria.
At autopsy (Finlayson and Superville 1981; Victor et al.
Of interest, it appears that the periodic ‘madness’ of
1965), spongiform change or laminar cortical necrosis may
King George III represented attacks of hepatic porphyria
be found in the cerebral and cerebellar cortices; spongiform
(Cox et al. 2005; Macalpine and Hunter 1966; Macalpine
change is also noted in the basal ganglia and this may be
et al. 1968).
accompanied by microcavitation. Alzheimer type II astro-
cytes are present in the cortex and basal ganglia.
The occurrence of these changes in the context of
repeated episodes of hepatic encephalopathy strongly sug-
Clinical features
gests that they are toxic in nature and, of the various candi-
The hepatic porphyrias are episodic disorders and the first
date toxins, manganese stands out. Elevated manganese
episode usually appears in late adolescence or early adult
levels are found in the basal ganglia and cerebral cortex
years. The attacks themselves tend to present fairly acutely
(Klos et al. 2006; Krieger et al. 1995) and also in the CSF
and are often precipitated by one of the factors discussed
and blood (Burkhard et al. 2003); furthermore, one study
below, such as infection, menstruation, or pregnancy.
found a correlation between the elevation in blood man-
The overall symptomatology of the episodes has been
ganese and the increase in signal intensity on T1-weighted
reported in a number of papers (Becker and Kramer 1975;
scanning in the globus pallidus (Krieger et al. 1995).
Goldberg 1959; Rowland 1961; Stein and Tschudy 1970).
Classically, episodes are characterized by abdominal pain
Differential diagnosis with vomiting, constipation, or diarrhea, accompanied, in
about half of the cases, by a delirium. The delirium is often
Hepatic encephalopathy is distinguished by the presence of marked by affective lability, delusions of persecution, and
delirium and asterixis, alcoholic dementia by the absence visual hallucinations, which may be quite compelling (Cross
of abnormal movements, and Wilson’s disease by copper 1956; Paredes and Jones 1959); in some cases, stupor or coma
studies. may supervene. Uncommonly, rather than a delirium there
may be a psychosis with auditory hallucinations, delusions of
persecution, and bizarre behavior, all occurring in a ‘clear
Treatment sensorium’ without confusion or cognitive deficits (Hirsch
and Dunsworth 1955; Mandoki and Sumner 1994). Other
Remarkably, symptoms may remit after liver transplanta- symptoms, seen in a minority, include a primarily motor
tion (Powell et al. 1990; Servin-Abad et al. 2006; Stracciari polyneuropathy (which may progress to a quadriparesis), a
et al. 2001). In cases in which transplantation is not possi- cranial neuropathy (most commonly with ophthalmoplegia
ble, consideration may be given to treatment with or facial palsy), partial or grand mal seizures, hypertension,
branched-chain amino acids, which in case reports led to a tachycardia, and fever. A small minority of patients may also
reduction in abnormal movements and a partial resolution have significant hyponatremia, which in turn may be due
of MRI abnormalities (Ueki et al. 2002); furthermore, in either to a syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
cases in which parkinsonism is prominent, case series sug- (ADH) secretion or to intestinal or renal sodium loss.
gest an effectiveness for levodopa (Burkhard et al. 2003). As noted earlier, patients with variegate porphyria and
hereditary coproporphyria may have a rash: this is a photo-
sensitive rash that may or may not coincide with the
13.21 HEPATIC PORPHYRIA episodes just described.
T2-weighted MR scanning may reveal scattered areas
Of the hepatic porphyrias, four can cause delirium. Three of increased signal intensity within the subcortical white
of these are inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern, matter (Bylesjo et al. 2004; King and Bragdon 1991).
p 13.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 484
During episodes, a 24-hour urine test will reveal ele- and alcohol. Importantly, the following drugs appear to be
vated levels of both porphobilinogen and ALA in all three safe: phenothiazines (e.g. chlorpromazine or trifluoper-
of these porphyrias, and the diagnosis rests on this finding. azine), opioid analgesics, chloral hydrate, gabapentin, lev-
In addition to these findings, both variegate porphyria and etiracetam, diazepam, diphenhydramine, aspirin, and
hereditary coproporphyria will also display an elevated uri- acetaminophen.
nary coproporphyrin. Distinguishing between variegate
porphyria and hereditary coproporphyria requires a 24-
hour stool collection for protoporphyrin and copro- Differential diagnosis
porphyrin. In variegate porphyria, protoporphyrin levels
are higher than those of coproporphyrin, whereas in hered- Both thallium and arsenic intoxication may produce a sim-
itary coproporphyria the converse holds true. Importantly, ilar clinical picture.
in between episodes all of these measurements may be
Clinical features
Fahr’s syndrome is generally gradually progressive. In practice, the question of this diagnosis arises when, in
the evaluation of patients with one of the clinical syn-
dromes described above, neuroimaging reveals calcifica-
Etiology tion. Care must be taken at this point, however, given that
a degree of calcification of the basal ganglia, primarily in
The majority of cases occur on a primary basis. These may the globus pallidus, is not uncommon in asymptomatic
be either idiopathic (Trautner et al. 1988) or inherited individuals, being found in approximately 0.5 percent of
(Boller et al. 1977; Kobari et al. 1997); of the inherited the general population (Harrington et al. 1981; Koller et al.
cases, although most occur on an autosomal dominant 1979) and up to 19 percent of 85 year olds (Ostling et al.
basis (Manyam et al. 2001), a recessive pattern has also 2003). In general, the diagnosis should therefore be
been noted (Smits et al. 1983). At present, the genetic basis reserved either for cases in which there is massive calcifica-
of the autosomal dominant cases is not known; although tion involving not only the basal ganglia but also the other
linkage has been demonstrated to the IBGC1 locus on structures noted above (Manyam et al. 2001) or for cases in
chromosome 14 in some cases (Geschwind et al. 1999), which no other cause may be found for the patients’ symp-
such linkage was not found in others (Oliveira et al. 2004). tomatology despite an exhaustive evaluation.
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Infectious and related disorders
14.1 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) 493 14.13 Subacute measles encephalitis 506
14.2 Cytomegalovirus encephalitis 495 14.14 Progressive rubella panencephalitis 507
14.3 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy 496 14.15 Neurosyphilis 508
14.4 Arbovirus meningoencephalitis 497 14.16 Lyme disease 510
14.5 Herpes simplex encephalitis 498 14.17 Tuberculosis 512
14.6 Encephalitis lethargica 499 14.18 Whipple’s disease 513
14.7 Infectious mononucleosis 500 14.19 Rocky mountain spotted fever 514
14.8 Mumps 501 14.20 Malaria 514
14.9 Varicella-zoster 502 14.21 Toxoplasmosis 515
14.10 Rabies 503 14.22 Fungal infections 516
14.11 Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 504 References 516
14.12 Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis 506
14.1 ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY et al. 1986a; Price et al. 1988), the dementia is of subacute
SYNDROME (AIDS) or gradual onset and is characterized by apathy, poor con-
centration, and forgetfulness; in some cases there may be
AIDS may affect the nervous system in a variety of ways. agitation, delusions, and visual hallucinations. Accompany-
Cerebral involvement may manifest with an early mononu- ing the dementia one often sees dysarthria, ataxia, and long-
cleosis-like syndrome, and, later, with dementia or seizures; tract signs, such as hyper-reflexia and Babinski signs; in
there may also be a myelopathy with paraparesis and one case, the dementia was accompanied by chorea (Pardo
a peripheral sensorimotor polyneuropathy. Fatigue and et al. 1998). With progression, there may be muteness, con-
depression are also common, and, rarely, mania may be seen. fusion, seizures, and myoclonus (Maher et al. 1997).
Seizures occur in a small minority of patients (Pascual-
Sedano et al. 1999; Wong et al. 1990), and these may be
Clinical features due to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
itself or to opportunistic infections (e.g., toxoplasmosis) or
Although nervous system involvement, such as AIDS metabolic abnormalities (e.g., hypomagnesemia or hypocal-
dementia, may rarely be the presenting symptom of AIDS cemia). Although grand mal seizures are most common, both
(Navia and Price 1987), in most cases patients already have simple partial and complex partial seizures may also occur.
other evidence of the illness, such as generalized lymph- The spinal cord may be affected by a vacuolar myelopa-
adenopathy, constitutional symptoms, thrush, diarrhea, thy (Navia et al. 1986b; Sharer et al. 1986), with paraparesis
shingles, cytopenia (including thrombocytopenia) Kaposi’s and sensory ataxia; within the peripheral nervous system
sarcoma, and Pneumocystis pneumonia. there may be a sensorimotor polyneuropathy (de la Monte
Early on in the infection, often concurrent with sero- et al. 1988; Morgello et al. 2004), which may be quite painful.
conversion, patients may develop a mononucleosis-like Fatigue is common in AIDS and may be debilitating.
syndrome, which may be accompanied by an aseptic menin- Depression is likewise common; however, it is unclear
gitis. Cranial nerve palsies, particularly affecting the fifth, whether this syndrome occurs as a direct effect of central
seventh, and eighth nerves, may accompany the meningi- nervous system involvement or rather reflects other fac-
tis, and there may rarely also be an encephalitis with delir- tors. Mania, although rare in AIDS, may, by contrast, occur
ium (McArthur 1987; Malouf et al. 1990). directly as a result of the infection (Kieburtz et al. 1991).
AIDS dementia typically appears about 10 years after Serologic testing generally becomes positive within
the initial infection, generally only when the CD4⫹ count 2–12 weeks of the initial infection and is inevitably positive
has fallen below 200 cells/mm3 Clinically speaking (Navia by 6 months; thus, in patients with AIDS dementia, the
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 494
seizures. These include toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus intravenous drug users, if unable to stop, should
(CMV) encephalitis, progressive multifocal leukoen- be instructed to sterilize their needles with household
cephalopathy, mycoses (e.g., candidiasis), tuberculosis, bleach. Blood and organ donation are prohibited, as is
varicella-zoster encephalitis or vasculopathy, herpes sim- breastfeeding.
plex encephalitis, and neurosyphilis. With regard to the
possibility of neurosyphilis, it must be kept in mind that,
in patients with AIDS, treatment of primary syphilis with 14.2 CYTOMEGALOVIRUS ENCEPHALITIS
benzathine penicillin may not prevent the development of
neurosyphilis. Primary central nervous system lymphoma The great majority of adults show evidence of prior infec-
(Hochberg and Miller 1988) and, rarely, Kaposi’s sarcoma tion with cytomegalovirus (CMV), and in immunocom-
may also appear as space-occupying lesions. promised patients, for example those with AIDS or those
For unclear reasons, vitamin B12 deficiency is not uncom- undergoing transplantation, the virus may reactivate and,
mon in patients with AIDS (Herzlich and Schiano 1993), among other syndromes, produce a delirium. Autopsy
and as it may produce a dementia or a spinal cord syn- studies have demonstrated evidence of CMV infection of
drome similar to that of vacuolar myelopathy it should the central nervous system in approximately one-third of
always be checked for (Beach et al. 1992). patients with AIDS, making it one of the most common
Concurrent drug addiction (e.g., to cocaine) and alco- opportunistic infections seen in this condition (Vintners
holism are also common, and these must be attended to. et al. 1989).
With regard to alcoholism, special attention must be paid
to such alcohol-related disorders as Wernicke’s encephalopa-
thy and alcoholic dementia.
Clinical features
degree of inflammation. At least initially, these foci are The peripheral white blood cell count is typically
generally few in number and confined to one hemisphere; elevated.
most commonly they are seen in the subcortical white mat- Magnetic resonance scanning may be normal early on;
ter and the centrum semiovale; however, rarely they may however, eventually both T2-weighted and FLAIR imaging
be prominent in the cerebellar white matter or the brain- will reveal areas of increased signal intensity, which may be
stem. Over time, the foci increase in size and number, and seen in the thalami, basal ganglia, and the cortex.
bilateral involvement occurs. The CSF may be under increased pressure. The white
blood cell count is typically increased. Early on, polymor-
phonuclear cells may predominate; however, over time the
Differential diagnosis pleocytosis becomes lymphocytic. The total protein is
increased but the glucose is normal. Both PCR assay and
In patients with AIDS, consideration must be given to assays for specific IgM antibodies are available for all of the
AIDS dementia and to other opportunistic infections, such arboviruses.
as CMV or toxoplasmosis, and to primary central nervous The EEG typically shows generalized slowing, at times
system lymphoma. with focal predominances; in some cases interictal epilepti-
form discharges may be present.
There is no specific treatment. In many cases, aggressive
supportive care is required and osmotic agents may be
indicated to lower intracranial pressure. Some authors rec-
ommend prophylactic use of anti-epileptic drugs such as
phenytoin or fosphenytoin. The routine treatment of delir-
ium is discussed in Section 5.3.
A vaccine is available for Japanese encephalitis, and
travellers may wish to consider this.
et al. 1996). Other sequelae include focal signs (e.g., aphasia on. Polymerase chain reaction assay of the CSF for herpes
or hemiplegia) (McGrath et al. 1997) or epilepsy (McGrath simplex DNA is critical and should be promptly performed.
et al. 1997); rarely there may be a Kluver–Bucy syndrome In instances in which a reliable differential between herpes
(Greenwood et al. 1983; Lilly et al. 1983; Marlowe et al. simplex encephalitis and other encephalitides cannot be
1975). There is also a case report in which complex motor made, either because MRI findings are equivocal or lumbar
and vocal tics occurred as a sequela (Northam and Singer puncture cannot be performed, most clinicians will make a
1991). presumptive diagnosis of herpes simplex encephalitis and
treat the patient accordingly. Given that herpes simplex
encephalitis is treatable whereas the other viral encephali-
Etiology tides are not, and given the generally benign side-effect pro-
file of acyclovir, such a course is justifiable.
There are two types of herpes simplex virus: type 1 and In those rare cases in which the presentation is with
type 2. Type 1 virus usually causes orolabial infections and mania or a psychosis, the differential is wide, as discussed
type 2 virus generally causes genital infections. Although in Sections 6.3 and 7.1 respectively; however, the eventual
the vast majority of cases of herpes simplex encephalitis are development of fever, headache, and delirium will settle
caused by type 1 virus, type 2 virus may be at fault in a the issue.
small minority (Koskiniemi et al. 1996). The majority of
the adult population has at some time been infected with
herpes simplex type 1, and the virus may remain in a latent Treatment
state in various sites, including the trigeminal ganglion
(Baringer and Swoveland 1973). In addition to aggressive supportive care, patients should
Although it is known that the virus can undergo retro- be treated with acyclovir using a dose of 10 mg/kg intra-
grade axonal transport, it is not clear precisely how the venously every 8 hours for a course of 2–3 weeks. It also
virus gains entry into the central nervous system. One the- appears that concurrent treatment with dexamethasone or
ory suggests that, after the reactivation of a latent infection methylprednisolone will enhance recovery (Kamei et al.
in the trigeminal ganglion, the virus undergoes transport 2005). Seizures may be treated with a standard anti-epileptic
through the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve to drug, such as phenytoin or fosphenytoin, and it is prudent
the olfactory mucosa, where it gains access to the olfactory to continue treatment with an anti-epileptic until the
filia and undergoes retrograde transport through the olfac- patient has been seizure free for at least a year. The general
tory nerve and then to the temporal lobes; another holds treatment of delirium is further discussed in Section 5.3.
that, after reactivation in the trigeminal ganglion, the virus
spreads along sensory fibers to the meninges of the middle
and anterior fossae where it then gains entry. 14.6 ENCEPHALITIS LETHARGICA
Pathologically (Adams and Miller 1973; Esiri 1982) there
is intense inflammation (which may progress to hemor- Encephalitis lethargica, also known as von Economo’s dis-
rhagic necrosis) affecting initially the medial portions of ease or European sleeping sickness, was first described by
the temporal lobe, with, in most cases, eventual spread to Baron Constantin von Economo at a meeting of the
other areas, including the lateral aspects of the temporal Vienna Psychiatric Society in April 1917 (Dickman 2001;
lobe, the insula, inferior portions of the frontal lobes, and Wilkins and Brody 1968). This disease swept the world in
the cingulate cortex. Although involvement is typically an epidemic that lasted from 1917 to 1928 and, although
unilateral early on, with time both temporal lobes become there have been no further epidemics, sporadic cases
involved. There may be substantial edema, and both uncal still occur (Dale et al. 2004; Howard and Lees 1987), mak-
and subfalcine herniation may occur. In those who survive, ing a familiarity with this disease of more than academic
scarring, cavitation, and cystic change is seen in the interest.
involved areas.
Clinical features
Differential diagnosis
Acute encephalitis lethargica (Hohman 1921; Kirby and
A delirium accompanied by headache and fever immedi- Davis 1921) is characterized by headache, fever, sleep rever-
ately suggests the diagnosis of an acute encephalitis, and, as sal (nocturnal wakefulness and diurnal somnolence), delir-
discussed in Section 7.6, consideration must be given not ium, various oculomotor pareses, and, classically, oculogyric
only to herpes simplex encephalitis but also to various other crises; some patients also displayed euphoria or psychosis
encephalitides, for example arboviral infections. Magnetic (Kirby and Davis 1921; Meninger 1926; Sands 1928), or stu-
resonance scanning is helpful here as medial temporal lobe porous catatonia (Bond 1920; Shill and Stacy 2000).
involvement strongly suggests herpes simplex encephalitis; The CSF may be normal or may reveal a lymphocytic
however, as noted above, MR findings may be normal early pleocytosis and an elevated total protein; oligoclonal
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 500
bands may also be present (Dale et al. 2004; Howard and assault having been triggered by a preceding viral or bacte-
Lees 1987). rial pharyngitis (Dale et al. 2004).
The mortality rate for acute encephalitis was about 25 per- Encephalitis lethargica must be distinguished from other
cent; among those who survived, the encephalitis gradually acute encephalitides, as discussed in Section 7.6. One clue
cleared over about a month. Of great importance, neu- here is the presence of sleep reversal and, especially, oculo-
ropsychiatric sequelae, most notably post-encephalitic gyric crises, which are very rare in other cases of acute viral
parkinsonism, occurred in the majority of cases. encephalitis.
Post-encephalitic parkinsonism occurred in over 50 With regard to sequelae, the diagnosis is fairly straight-
percent of survivors after a latent interval of from 1 to over forward when they are present immediately after resolu-
20 years (Duvoisin and Yahr 1965). Patients gradually tion of the acute syndrome. Difficulty, however, may arise
developed a syndrome similar to that seen in idiopathic when, as in the case of post-encephalitic parkinsonism,
Parkinson’s disease (Rail et al. 1981). In addition, other there is a prolonged latent interval between the encephalitis
motor abnormalities, including dystonia, blepharospasm and the onset of the parkinsonism. In such cases, the pres-
(Alpers and Patten 1927), and, most importantly, oculo- ence of oculogyric crises is again an important clue.
gyric crises (Taylor and McDonald 1928), were often pres-
ent. Interestingly, these transient oculogyric crises could
also be accompanied by classic obsessions or compulsions Treatment
(Jelliffee 1929); in some cases, palilalia (Van Bogaert 1934)
or agitation and excitation (McCowan et al. 1928) were In addition to routine supportive care, consideration may
noted to accompany the oculogyric crises. Oculogyric be given to corticosteroids.
crises, although most commonly seen in conjunction with
post-encephalitic parkinsonism, at times occurred inde-
pendently (McCowan et al. 1928). 14.7 INFECTIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS
Other sequelae, seen in a minority, included dementia,
narcoleptic and cataplectic attacks (Adie 1926; Fournier In up to a little over 5 percent of cases of infectious mono-
and Helguera 1934), and, in children, restlessness and inat- nucleosis (Gautier-Smith 1965), the central or peripheral
tentiveness (Hohman 1922). nervous system may be involved, producing, variously,
delirium, seizures, meningismus, ataxia, a cord syndrome,
or a cranial or peripheral neuropathy.
Autopsies of those dying in the acute stage revealed inflam- Clinical features
mation with a perivascular accumulation of lymphocytes
and plasma cells in the midbrain, basal ganglia, and cortex Although mononucleosis may occur in adults (Fujimoto
(Buzzard and Greenfield 1919; Howard and Lees 1987). In et al. 2003), it is most commonly seen in children or ado-
those with sequelae, autopsy studies (Geddes et al. 1993; lescents. Typically there is a prodrome, lasting for 1–2
Ishii and Nakamura 1981; Rail et al. 1981) have revealed weeks, of fatigue, malaise, and headache, after which one
neuronal loss, gliosis, and, in the remaining neurons, neuro- sees the classic development of sore throat, fever, and cer-
fibrillary tangles similar to those seen in Alzheimer’s dis- vical adenopathy; splenomegaly and hepatomegaly may
ease, in the substantia nigra, locus ceruleus, hippocampus, also occur.
basal ganglia, thalamus, and cerebral cortex. Macroscopi- Although nervous system involvement generally occurs
cally, there was cortical atrophy and depigmentation of the in the context of this typical clinical picture, at times it may
substantia nigra and locus ceruleus. be the presenting feature of the disease. Meningism with stiff
Given that the pandemic of encephalitis lethargica coin- neck is the most common manifestation, followed by delir-
cided with the Spanish influenza epidemic, it was long sus- ium (Bergin 1960; Schlesinger and Crelinsten 1977; Schnell
pected that encephalitis lethargica was secondary to et al. 1966; Tselis et al. 1997). Seizures may occur (Doja et al.
influenza. Recent work on archived specimens, however, 2006; Freedman et al. 1953; Silverstein et al. 1972) and status
failed to find any evidence of influenza RNA (McCall et al. epilepticus has been reported (Russell et al. 1985). Other fea-
2001), and consideration is now being given to the possi- tures include acute cerebellar ataxia (Gautier-Smith 1965;
bility that encephalitis lethargica, rather than resulting Leavell et al. 1986), a transverse myelitis, a cranial neuro-
directly from a viral infection, may represent an autoim- pathy (with either a unilateral or bilateral Bell’s palsy), and a
mune disease with antibodies directed at the midbrain, primarily motor peripheral polyneuropathy that may
basal ganglia, and other structures, with the autoimmune resemble the Guillan–Barré syndrome.
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 501
In most cases there is a lymphocytosis with atypical quite rare in developed countries; although overall mumps
lymphocytes, and the ‘monospot’ test will be positive in is equally common in males and females, males are far
over 90 percent of cases. When the diagnosis remains in more likely to develop symptomatology reflecting infec-
doubt, one may also test for IgM anti-viral capsid antigen tion of the central nervous system.
(anti-VCA) and anti-early antigen (anti-EA). In cases of
central nervous system involvement, PCR assay of the CSF
for Epstein–Barr virus DNA may be positive (Tselis et al. Clinical features
1997). The anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) test and Venereal
Disease Research Laboratories (VDRL) test may tran- Mumps typically occurs in children or adolescents, gener-
siently be falsely positive. ally during the winter or spring, and presents with a pro-
In delirious patients the EEG may show generalized drome of fever, myalgia, and malaise, followed within 1–7
slowing (Doja et al. 2006), with, rarely, periodic complexes days by the typical parotitis; males may also develop a uni-
(Greenberg et al. 1982). lateral or bilateral orchitis.
Meningitis manifests with headache, drowsiness, and a
stiff neck, and typically follows the parotitis after a latency
Course of from 2 to 20 days; occasionally the meningitis will pre-
cede the parotitis (Levitt et al. 1970) and rarely parotitis
Symptoms typically resolve after about a month. Although may be absent.
most patients recover completely, a minority will be left Encephalitis presents with an increasing fever and either
with persistent fatigue (Petersen et al. 2006) or sleepiness delirium or stupor; seizures, ataxia, and various focal signs
(Guilleminault and Mondini 1986). may also occur (Azimi et al. 1969; Bistrian et al. 1972;
Finklestein 1938; Koskiniemi et al. 1983; Levitt et al. 1970).
Serum anti-mumps IgM antibody is present acutely,
Etiology and acute and convalescent serum IgG antibody displays a
fourfold or greater rise. The CSF usually shows a lympho-
Infectious mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein–Barr cytic pleocytosis and an elevated protein, and the mumps-
virus (Epstein and Achong 1977) and is transmitted prima- specific IgG index is generally increased; mumps virus
rily via oral secretions passed during intimate contact such RNA may also be detected via PCR assay.
as kissing. The virus gains access to the bloodstream and
infects lymphocytes, spreading later to various other
organs, including the brain. Scarce autopsy reports have
revealed a widespread lymphocytic or monocytic inflam-
Overall, mumps usually runs its course in 3–4 weeks, and
mation of the cerebrum (Roulet Perez et al. 1993; Sworn
meningitis or encephalitis typically resolve after a week or
and Urich 1970).
two. Rarely, it appears that the encephalitis may remain
chronic (Vaheri et al. 1982).
Although most recover from meningitis or encephalitis
Differential diagnosis without sequelae, some post-encephalitic patients may be
left with chronic cognitive deficits, ataxia, seizures or deaf-
A similar syndrome may occur during seroconversion in
ness; rarely hydrocephalus, secondary to aqueductal steno-
HIV infection.
sis (Thompson 1979), may occur.
Treatment Etiology
At present, treatment is supportive; there is no good evi- The mumps virus is spread via the respiratory route and is
dence for the effectiveness of antiviral medications or trophic for salivary glands, gonads, and the nervous sys-
corticosteroids. tem. Within the meninges and cerebrum there may be a
widespread perivascular lymphocytic and mononuclear
14.8 MUMPS
Although over 50 percent of patients with mumps will have Differential diagnosis
a CSF pleocytosis (Russell and Donald 1958), only a
minority will have clinical evidence of central nervous sys- Mumps encephalitis must be distinguished from other acute
tem involvement, with 15 percent developing a meningitis viral encephalitides, as discussed in Section 7.6; the
and less than 1 percent with evidence of an encephalitis. occurrence of parotitis or orchitis constitute obvious
Currently, thanks to widespread vaccination, mumps is clues. Importantly, either a history of mumps or mumps
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 502
vaccination effectively rules out the diagnosis, given that there may be a transverse myelitis or, rarely, a
both of these generally confer lifelong immunity. Brown–Sequard syndrome.
When virus latent within the gasserian ganglion of the
trigeminal nerve undergoes reactivation, anterograde
Treatment spread leads to a zosteriform rash within the area of distri-
bution of one of the divisions of the trigeminal nerve,
There is no specific treatment for mumps; the general almost always the first or ophthalmic division. The result-
treatment of delirium is discussed in Section 5.3. ing herpes zoster ophthalmicus may disastrously also
involve the eye. Patients who have suffered a herpes zoster
ophthalmicus are also at risk for a rare complication,
14.9 VARICELLA-ZOSTER namely a zoster vasculopathy (Doyle et al. 1982;
Linnemann and Alvira 1980). In these cases, the virus
Infection with the varicella-zoster virus may cause two dif- spreads anterogradely along sensory fibers to the
ferent illnesses (Strauss et al. 1984). Acute infection causes meninges, resulting in infection of either the middle or
chickenpox, also known as varicella. After resolution of anterior cerebral arteries: after a latency of from weeks to
chickenpox, the virus undergoes latency in the sensory months, thrombus formation in these arteries may lead to
ganglia of the cord and also in the gasserian ganglion of the ischemic infarction of subserved areas, with the develop-
trigeminal nerve and the geniculate ganglion of the facial ment of focal syndromes, such as hemiparesis contralateral
nerve (Mahalingam et al. 1990). In the aged or immuno- to the side where the zoster rash occurred (Hilt et al. 1983).
compromised, the virus may reactivate to cause shingles In cases in which the geniculate ganglion is the site of
(also known as herpes zoster) or one of the other forms of reactivation, the Ramsey Hunt syndrome (also known as
zoster noted below. zoster oticus) may occur, with a rash in the external audi-
tory canal or the pinna, and a peripheral seventh cranial
nerve palsy (Sweeney and Gliden 2001).
Clinical features Rarely, and generally only in debilitated patients, there
may be a hematogenous dissemination of the reactivated
Chickenpox is a disease of childhood or adolescence that is virus with the development of a severe, generalized vesicu-
spread via respiratory droplets. The pharynx is the initial lar rash, and in such cases hematogenous spread of the
seat of the infection; subsequently, a viremia occurs, result- virus may also occur to the brain, causing an encephalitis
ing in a characteristic rash. Rarely, the central nervous sys- (Applebaum et al. 1962; Jemsek et al. 1983; Krumholz and
tem may be affected during the viremia, producing either an Luhan 1945). Typically in such cases, within days to weeks
encephalitis (with various symptoms, including delirium (or exceptionally months [Weaver et al. 1999]) of the onset
[Applebaum et al. 1953] or ataxia [Johnson and Milbourn of the generalized rash, a delirium develops that may be
1970]) or a meningitis. accompanied by seizures, focal signs, ataxia, or mening-
Reactivation of the latent varicella-zoster virus may occur ismus. In such cases the EEG shows generalized slowing, and
during the immune ‘senescence’ that occurs with aging FLAIR or T2-weighted MR scanning will reveal multifocal
(Miller 1980), during certain illnesses, such as AIDS (Gilden areas of increased signal intensity within both the white
et al. 1988), Hodgkin’s disease (McCormick et al. 1969) or matter and the cortex. The CSF is typically, but not always,
other cancers, or during treatment with corticosteroids or abnormal, with a lymphocytic pleocytosis and an elevated
various immunosuppressants, and the form of the result- total protein; anti-varicella-zoster IgG antibodies are com-
ing zoster is determined by the site of the reactivation. monly found and, although somewhat less sensitive, PCR
With reactivation of virus latent within the sensory gan- assay may reveal varicella-zoster DNA (Nagel et al. 2007).
glia of the cord, anterograde spread of the virus down the Although the encephalitis usually resolves in a matter of
sensory nerve results in a classic dermatomal rash. weeks, chronic courses may be seen, especially in severely
Typically there is a prodrome of malaise, lasting several immunocompromised patients, such as those with AIDS.
days, followed by the occurrence of dermatomal pain; over Before leaving this section on clinical features, note must
the next 3 or 4 days, a typical vesicular rash follows. In also be made of a variant of zoster known as zoster sine her-
almost all cases the rash is unilateral and typically occurs in pete (Gilden et al. 1994). In such cases the rash does not
one of the thoracic dermatomes. Resolution occurs gradu- appear, and hence one may have dermatomal pain, spinal
ally after a matter of weeks. In a very small minority of cord symptoms, vasculopathy or encephalitis without this
cases, the virus may spread retrogradely to the cord with all-important diagnostic clue (Mayo and Booss 1989).
the delayed and gradual appearance of myelitic symptoms
(Devinsky et al. 1991; Hogan and Krigman 1973); involve-
ment of the ventral horn may lead to a segmental sensory Course
loss whereas involvement of the anterior horn may lead to
segmental weakness and amyotrophy. Occasionally the The course of zoster is dependent on the immunological
white matter of the cord may be involved and in such cases competence of the patient. In immunocompetent patients,
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 503
symptoms generally resolve within a matter of weeks; in and amitriptyline, patients get relief regardless of whether
the immunocompromised, however, protracted, and at they are depressed or not. Nortriptyline and amitriptyline
times fatal, courses may be seen. are equally effective, but nortriptyline is better tolerated
One complication of a zoster rash, whether dermatomal (Watson et al. 1998); nortriptyline may be given in doses
or cranial, is post-herpetic neuralgia, in which the pain ranging from 10 to 75 mg, and amitriptyline in doses rang-
persists beyond resolution of the rash. This neuralgic pain ing from 10 to 100 mg. Gabapentin is roughly equivalent in
may be lancinating or burning in quality and may cause effectiveness to nortriptyline but better tolerated (Chandra
considerable disability; although in some cases a gradual et al. 2006); it may be given in doses ranging from 1200 to
remission may occur after many months, in others the pain 3600 mg. Pregabalin is the most recently introduced agent
proves to be chronic. and it is unclear how effective it is compared with the others;
it may be given in doses ranging from 150 to 600 mg
(Dworkin et al. 2003). Regardless of which agent is used, a
Etiology week or more may be required before some relief is seen.
As indicated above, zoster may be complicated by a
myelitis, a cerebral vasculopathy or an encephalitis. The
14.10 RABIES
myelitis results from retrograde spread from the sensory
ganglia. In all likelihood, the cerebral vasculopathy occurs
Rabies typically occurs after being bitten by a rabid animal,
secondary to seeding of such large pial vessels as the middle
for example a dog, cat, wolf, fox, skunk, raccoon, or vampire
or anterior cerebral arteries by virus that spreads from the
bat; cases have also been reported secondary to respiratory
gasserian ganglion up along sensory nerves destined for the
transmission in spelunkers within bat-infested caves and in
meninges; in such cases, there is often segmental narrow-
a veterinarian who was working with the homogenized
ing of the involved vessels (MacKenzie et al. 1981) and
brain of a rabid animal (Conomy et al. 1977); recently
virus has been found within the vessel walls (Linnemann
rabies was also reported secondary to solid organ transplan-
and Alvira 1980; Melanson et al. 1996); in some cases
tation from a donor with an unsuspected case (Srinivasan
thrombotic occlusion has been noted with little or no asso-
et al. 2005). Although very rare in developed countries, rabies
ciated inflammation (Eidelberg et al. 1986). As noted ear-
remains a significant problem in India and parts of Asia.
lier, the encephalitis occurs secondary to hematogenous
seeding of the cerebrum, generally occurring only during a
disseminated rash. In such cases one may find multifocal Clinical features
areas of cerebritis (Weaver et al. 1999), primarily affecting
the white matter, with, at times, multiple areas of micro- After being bitten by an infected animal there is a latent,
infarction occurring secondary to small vessel vasculitis asymptomatic period, generally of 1–3 months, with a
(Kleinschmidt-DeMasters et al. 1996). range of weeks to a year or more; the duration of the
latency appears related not only to the severity of the bite
Differential diagnosis but also to the distance from the bitten area to the brain,
with bites on the feet having the longest latency and facial
The occurrence of a myelopathy, stroke or encephalitic bites the shortest.
symptoms (e.g., delirium, seizures, etc.) in the setting of a With resolution of the latent interval, there is usually a
recent rash should immediately suggest a varicella-zoster prodrome, lasting days, characterized by headache and
infection. As noted earlier, some of these manifestations may malaise; pain or parasthesiae may also develop at the site of
occur in the absence of a rash, and in such cases one would the original bite. Subsequently, the illness may evolve in
have to closely question the patient and family regarding any one of two forms, namely ‘furious’ rabies or ‘dumb’ (also
complaints of pain, either in a dermatomal pattern or in the known as ‘paralytic’) rabies.
ophthalmic division of the fifth cranial nerve. Furious rabies (Adle-Biassette et al. 1996; Blatt et al. 1938;
Dupont and Earle 1965) is seen in perhaps 80 percent of cases
and is characterized by restlessness, agitation, excitability,
Treatment excessive startability, and convulsions; delirium is typical and
patients may engage in bizarre behavior, including biting.
Treatment with an antiviral agent, such as acyclovir, valacy- The combination of excessive salivation and dysphagia
clovir, famciclovir, or brivudin, should be immediately insti- caused by pharyngeal spasm may literally cause the patient to
tuted for all forms of zoster, and, in the case of large-vessel ‘foam at the mouth’. Pharyngeal spasm may also be pro-
vasculopathy, antiplatelet agents should also be started. voked by swallowing water or even by the sight of water, giv-
With regard to post-herpetic neuralgia, a number of ing rise to the classic symptom of hydrophobia.
agents have been shown to be effective in double-blind Dumb rabies (Chopra et al. 1980) is characterized by a
studies, including nortriptyline, amitriptyline, gabapentin, flaccid paralysis that typically begins in one limb and rap-
and pregabalin. Importantly, with regard to nortriptyline idly becomes generalized and symmetric.
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 504
The CSF shows a lymphocytic pleocytosis, elevated pro- assault on the cerebrum, primarily the white matter, trig-
tein level, and anti-rabies antibodies. Rabies virus RNA gered by a preceding infectious illness or vaccination. It is
may also be detected by PCR assay. T2-weighted magnetic characterized clinically by multifocal lesions within the
resonance scanning may reveal multiple foci of increased cerebrum. This disease was formerly called post-infectious
signal intensity in both the gray and white matter of the encephalomyelitis (PIE) or, if it occurred after a vaccina-
cerebrum and cerebellum (Laothamatas et al. 2003). tion, post-vaccinial encephalomyelitis, and these names,
although no longer current, have much to recommend
them, as they not only refer to the clinical picture, namely
Course an encephalomyelitis, but also to the etiology, namely a
reaction to a preceding infection or vaccination. By con-
Although survival has been reported (Porras et al. 1976; trast, the term acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Willoughby et al. 2005), this is exceptional and the over- encompasses only the clinical picture and, as such, it may,
whelming majority of patients die within days to a couple in the minds of some authors, perhaps inappropriately
of weeks. broaden the concept to include encephalomyelitides that
occur on the basis of other causes.
Responsible infections include measles, mumps,
Etiology rubella, pertussis, chickenpox, infectious mononucleosis,
influenza, arboviruses, herpes simplex virus, HIV, hepati-
In the typical case of rabies secondary to a bite by a rabid tis, non-specific viral infections, scarlet fever, mycoplasma,
animal, the virus slowly travels up a peripheral nerve to Borrelia, and typhoid (Fisher et al. 1983; Hart and Earle
finally gain access to the central nervous system. Within 1975; Moscovich et al. 1995; Paskavitz et al. 1995). Vaccina-
the brain and spinal cord there is a widespread inflamma- tions associated with ADEM include those for measles,
tory response, with a predilection for the limbic system and mumps, rubella, chickenpox, influenza, rabies, hepatitis,
the cerebellum. Within neurons, one finds cytoplasmic typhoid, and tetanus. Both smallpox and smallpox vacci-
eosinophilic inclusions, known as Negri bodies (Chopra nation (Dolgopol et al. 1955) were once very common
et al. 1980; Dupont and Earle 1965). causes, but with this disease now apparently eradicated
they are no longer of immediate concern.
Differential diagnosis
Clinical features
Lacking the history of exposure, the differential in the case of
furious rabies includes other causes of acute encephalitis, as Although ADEM is most common in children and adoles-
discussed in Section 7.6; the presence of excessive salivation cents, it also occurs in adults and the elderly.
and dysphagia, and certainly hydrophobia, however, would In general, between the preceding infection or vaccina-
suggest the correct diagnosis. In cases of dumb rabies, con- tion and the onset of ADEM there is a latent interval lasting
sideration must be given to Guillan–Barré syndrome. about a week or two, with a range of from 2 to 30 days.
Clinically (Hollinger et al. 2002; Marchioni et al. 2005;
Miller et al. 1956; Tenembaum et al. 2002), the onset is
Treatment generally acute, with the full picture evolving over a day or
so. The symptomatology may be quite varied, depending
There is no specific treatment for either furious or dumb on which part of the central nervous system bears the
rabies; intensive supportive care, as described in a recent brunt of the autoimmune assault. Thus, with cerebral
case (Willoughby et al. 2005), may rarely enable a patient involvement there may be headache, delirium, seizures,
to survive. and various focal signs, such as hemiparesis; meningismus
Given this lack of treatment, the focus must be on pre- may be present, but is usually mild, and there may be fever,
vention. In cases of animal bites, the wound should be thor- but again this too is generally mild; rarely, mania may
oughly cleansed and consideration should be given to the occur (Moscovich et al. 1995; Paskavitz et al. 1995).
injection of rabies immune globulin followed by vaccination Cerebellar involvement may cause an ataxia, and with
with human diploid cell anti-rabies vaccine. Those caring spinal involvement there may be a transverse myelitis with
for patients with rabies must avoid any contact with saliva. paraplegia. The cranial nerves (most commonly the optic
nerve) may be affected, and patients may develop visual
obscurations or blindness. Rarely the basal ganglia are
14.11 ACUTE DISSEMINATED involved with chorea or dystonia.
ENCEPHALOMYELITIS MRI scanning may be normal for the first day or two
although, eventually, T2-weighted imaging will reveal mul-
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM) is a tiple areas of increased signal intensity (Kesserling et al.
monophasic illness that occurs as a result of an autoimmune 1990); these are typically found in the cerebral white matter
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 505
As noted earlier, ADEM occurs secondary to an autoimmune
attack on the cerebrum. Pathologically (Greenfield 1929;
Hart and Earle 1975), there are multiple foci of perivenous
mononuclear inflammation with associated demyeliniza-
tion and relative axonal sparing: although these are most
common in the white matter of the cerebrum, cerebellum,
and cord, the gray matter, as noted earlier, may also be
involved. In severe cases, known as acute hemorrhagic
leukoencephalitis (Hart and Earle 1975; Russell 1955),
widespread petechial hemorrhages are also seen.
Differential diagnosis
Clinical features
Gummas tend to occur at the base of the brain or over the
As noted, some patients with secondary syphilis may convexities; occasionally they may be deep-seated. They
develop acute syphilitic meningitis. Whether or not this tend to present similarly to any gradually enlarging mass
condition should be subsumed under the rubric of neu- lesion and, if large enough, may cause dementia (Bianchi
rosyphilis is not clear, although given that it does, of course, and Frera 1957).
involve the nervous system it appears reasonable to do so;
however, many authors reserve the term ‘neurosyphilis’ for GENERAL PARESIS
nervous system manifestations occurring after a long latent
interval as part of tertiary syphilis. Of these traditional General paresis, also known as general paresis of the insane
forms of neurosyphilis, meningovascular neurosyphilis is (GPI), dementia paralytica, or paretic neurosyphilis, is not
currently the most common (Conde-Sendin et al. 2004) necessarily associated with meningovascular syphilis and,
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 509
indeed, it may be the only manifestation of tertiary neu- In practice, demented patients are often screened with a
rosyphilis. General paresis typically manifests with a demen- serum VDRL and, if this is positive, with a serum FTA for
tia of gradual onset and slow progression (Gomez and confirmation. Given, however, the relative insensitivity of
Aviles 1984; Storm-Mathisen 1969). Although the dementia the serum VDRL, it is more appropriate to skip the VDRL
may be non-specific in nature, certain cases may be marked and proceed directly to a serum FTA. If the serum FTA is
by a personality change of the frontal lobe type; by mood negative, then neurosyphilis is effectively ruled out. In
changes, tending either toward mania or toward depression; cases in which the serum FTA is positive and there is clini-
or by delusions and hallucinations. Rarely, general paresis cal evidence of neurosyphilis, then CSF should be
may present with a psychosis (Rothschild 1940; Schube obtained. If the CSF VDRL is positive, then the diagnosis of
1934). Regardless of the typology of the dementia, other signs neurosyphilis is almost certain. If the CSF VDRL is nega-
and symptoms gradually accrue. Seizures, either partial or tive but there is other CSF evidence of infection (e.g., lym-
grand mal, are common. Dysarthria and anomia may occur, phocytic pleocytosis or an elevated total protein), then it
and handwriting becomes very poor. Coarse tremor is com- may be prudent to obtain a CSF FTA, as this is more sensi-
mon and may be present not only in the hands but also in the tive than the CSF VDRL. Obtaining a CSF FTA, however, is
lips and tongue. Very typically the facial musculature loses its controversial, as even minute contamination of the CSF by
tone, giving the patient a vacant, dull facial expression. The blood may create a false-positive FTA (Davis and Sperry
Argyll Robertson pupil, described earlier, is present in most 1979); caution is therefore required when interpreting this
cases. With further progression the gait becomes unsteady result. In the rare cases in which both the CSF VDRL and
and a true ‘general paresis’ occurs, with profound widespread the CSF FTA are negative (Ch’ien et al. 1970) but the clini-
weakness of almost all of the voluntary musculature. The cal picture is highly suggestive of neurosyphilis and there is
plantar responses become extensor and, unless tabes dorsalis evidence of infection in the CSF, then some clinicians will
is present, there is a generalized hyper-reflexia. treat the patient as if neurosyphilis is present; if there is
clinical improvement on follow-up, and if other CSF
TABES DORSALIS abnormalities resolve (e.g., the cell count falls), then it is
reasonable to assume that a correct ‘diagnosis by treatment
Tabes dorsalis is characterized by ataxia, diminished vibra- response’ has been made.
tory sense, a positive Romberg test, urinary incontinence, Given the frequency with which neurosyphilis is seen in
and erectile dysfunction. There may also be ‘tabetic pains’ AIDS, it is prudent to check all patients with neurosyphilis
in the lower extremities that tend to be lightning-like and for HIV infection.
lancinating. ‘Visceral crises’ may also occur with abdomi-
nal pain similar to that seen in the ‘acute abdomen’.
LABORATORY FINDINGS Some 15 percent of patients with AIDS are seropositive
for syphilis and about 1 percent have neurosyphilis.
Magnetic resonance scanning may reveal a basal pachy- Immunoincompetence in AIDS has probably altered the
meningitis in meningovascular syphilis, along with evi- clinical picture of neurosyphilis in these patients: the laten-
dence for any concurrent infarctions. In general paresis cies may be shorter and the evolution of the various forms
both cortical atrophy and ventricular dilation are seen, and may be more rapid (Johns et al. 1987).
if gummas are present they will immediately be apparent as
space-occupying lesions.
Examination of the CSF is critical and must be inter- CONGENITAL NEUROSYPHILIS
preted in light of the results of testing for VDRL and fluo-
rescent treponemal antibody (FTA). The pressure of the Infected mothers may pass the spirochete to the fetus, and
CSF is generally normal. There is usually a mild lympho- congenitally infected children may or may not have the
cytic pleocytosis and the total protein is generally elevated classic ‘Hutchinson’s triad’ of cataracts, sensorineuronal
as is the IgG index; oligoclonal bands may also be seen. The deafness, and ‘Hutchinson’s teeth’, in which the central
serum VDRL is positive in only about 70 percent of cases of incisors are notched, widely spaced, and often tapering.
neurosyphilis (Simon 1985), and the CSF VDRL is less sen- Neurosyphilis may present in these children after the nor-
sitive: one study found a sensitivity of only 27 percent mal latency periods and, in such cases, a dementia second-
(Davis and Schmitt 1989). The serum FTA is positive in ary to general paresis may present in teenage years.
almost 100 percent of cases, whereas the CSF FTA, like the
CSF VDRL, is less sensitive, being positive in about 75 per-
cent of patients. False-positive serum VDRLs may occur in Course
collagen vascular diseases, such as lupus, and also in heroin
addicts; generally these false-positive VDRLs are low titer All forms of neurosyphilis are gradually progressive;
(e.g., less than 1:8). False-positive serum FTAs may occur untreated, both meningovascular neurosyphilis and gen-
under the same circumstances but are much less common. eral paresis are fatal within 3–5 years.
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 510
nervous system involvement occurs in about 15 percent; the with neurologic involvement, and IgM antibodies may be
percentage of patients who develop stage III disease is not found in those with stage I and stage II disease.
clear, but is probably low. Each of these stages is discussed in The CSF may display a lymphocytic pleocytosis, an ele-
turn, followed by a consideration of laboratory testing. vated protein, and oligoclonal bands; anti-Borrelia anti-
bodies may or may not be present. PCR assay is generally
STAGE I less sensitive than testing for antibodies. Although the CSF
is typically clearly abnormal in stage II disease, findings
Erythema chronicum migrans appears anywhere from may be equivocal in stage III.
3 days to a month after the tick bite. The rash is characterized Magnetic resonance scanning in stage III may reveal
by a gradually enlarging, ring-like erythematous lesion, multifocal areas of demyelinization in the subcortical
which as it enlarges leaves a pale, indurated central por- and periventricular white matter, or multifocal areas of
tion, thus creating an overall ‘bull’s-eye’ effect. Smaller, cerebritis.
‘satellite’ lesions may also occur. In general, the rash resolves
spontaneously in a matter of weeks.
This is as noted above.
Stage II typically follows stage I within weeks to months.
Cardiac involvement most frequently manifests with an
atrioventricular block; evidence of pericarditis or even Etiology
myocarditis may also be found. As noted earlier, polyarthral-
gia may also occur. Nervous system involvement classically Erythema chronicum migrans represents a local reaction
manifests with the triad of meningitis, cranial neuritis, and to the infection; hematogenous spread then occurs to the
radiculoneuritis (Hansen and Lebech 1992; Pachner and heart, joints, and nervous system. Various findings have
Steere 1985). The meningitis presents with headache, neck been reported in the nervous system, including a lympho-
stiffness, and malaise. Although cranial neuritis may affect cytic vasculitis in stage II (Meurers et al. 1990), and, in
virtually any of the cranial nerves, by far the most common addition to a small-vessel vasculitis, multifocal areas of
manifestation is a unilateral or bilateral peripheral facial either demyelinization or cerebritis in stage III (Kobayashi
palsy. When radiculitis occurs it is often accompanied by et al. 1997; Oksi et al. 1996).
significant pain. The occurrence of encephalitis is heralded
by somnolence and delirium, and, in a small minority,
seizures or chorea. In addition to this classic triad, one may Differential diagnosis
also find evidence of a mononeuritis multiplex, a primarily
sensory polyneuropathy, or, rarely, a myelitis. In general, In classic cases with a well-documented progression from
symptoms gradually remit over 3–18 months. stage I to stage II and beyond, the diagnosis is fairly
straightforward. Unfortunately, however, as noted earlier,
STAGE III up to one-quarter of patients do not have erythema chron-
icum migrans, and those who do may not recall having it.
Stage III Lyme disease may appear anywhere from months Consequently, diagnosis may rest on a high index of suspi-
to up to a decade after stage I, and may be characterized by cion. In this regard, however, prudence must be exercised
a large-joint oligoarthritis or, in a minority, by a dementia. in evaluating the results of serum testing for anti-Borrelia
The dementia tends to be quite mild and manifests with poor antibodies. Although the absence of IgG antibodies argues
short-term memory, poor concentration, mild somnolence, strongly against the diagnosis, their presence cannot be
fatigue, and either depression or irritability (Halperin et al. seen as strongly confirmatory: in some parts of North
1989; Logigian et al. 1990; Shadick et al. 1994); a peripheral America, 5 percent or more of inhabitants will be seropos-
polyneuropathy may also be present and in a minority there itive, with absolutely no evidence of active disease.
may also be focal signs such as ataxia, aphasia, or hemiplegia;
seizures have also been noted. In one very rare case, stage III
Lyme disease presented with a psychosis characterized by Treatment
delusions of persecution, auditory hallucinations, and stu-
porous catatonia (Pfister et al. 1993). Although some For stage II, intravenous ceftriaxone is recommended; in a
patients may show gradual progression, it appears that in small minority, a Jarisch–Herxheimer-like reaction may
most cases the course is characterized by a stable chronicity. develop soon after the initiation of treatment, with
malaise, fever, and, in some, an exacerbation of the pre-
LABORATORY TESTING senting symptomatology. Treatment of stage III is a matter
of debate. Although some patients with marked dementia
Serum should be tested for both IgG and IgM anti-Borrelia and clearly positive CSF findings definitely respond to cef-
antibodies: IgG antibodies are found in almost all patients triaxone (Steinbach et al. 2005), it appears that patients
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 512
with only mild cognitive complaints do no better with cef- may be either lymphocytic from the start or characterized
triaxone than with placebo (Klempner et al. 2001; Krupp initially by polymorphonuclear cells, which eventually give
et al. 2003). In my opinion, when the diagnosis of stage III way to lymphocytes. The total protein is increased and the
disease is clinically suspected, antibiotic treatment should glucose is decreased. All specimens should be stained for
probably be offered only to patients with positive CSF or acid-fast rods, but the search may be fruitless. Culture
MRI findings. results, although positive in perhaps one-half of cases, may
take weeks, and treatment decisions should never wait
upon them. PCR assay is generally positive (Lin et al. 1995)
14.17 TUBERCULOSIS and results are available promptly.
The PPD skin test may be falsely negative, and this is
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is an acid-fast intracellular particularly likely in those with AIDS (Sanchez-Portocarrero
bacillus that in most cases is spread by droplets from et al. 1996).
patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. In many patients a
focus of infection may be held in check by adequate host
defenses for many years or even decades until some loss of Course
immunocompetence, for example in AIDS or after treat-
ment with steroids or immunosuppressants, is followed by Untreated, tubercular meningitis is generally fatal within
reactivation. Hematogenous spread may carry the bacillus weeks to months, and those who survive may be left with
to various organs, including the brain, where it may cause dementia, cranial nerve palsies, or focal signs (Kalita et al.
a meningitis or present with one or more tuberculomas. 2007). Tuberculomas generally show some progression
In North America the incidence of tuberculosis has but may eventually stabilize, in some cases undergoing
increased dramatically over the past decades, in large part calcification.
because of its occurrence in patients with AIDS; indeed in
some cases tubercular meningitis has constituted the pres- Etiology
entation of AIDS (Barnes et al. 1979).
With hematogenous spread, bacilli may infect the meninges
with the formation of minute tuberculomas; these may
Clinical features subsequently rupture with spread of the bacilli throughout
the subarachnoid space, prompting the development of a
The meningitis seen in tuberculosis is generally basilar in
thick, almost gelatinous exudate that, as noted earlier, is
location and typically presents subacutely, over a matter of
typically basilar in location (Rich and McCordock 1933).
weeks. When fully developed (Davis et al. 1993; Kennedy
Cranial nerves and arteries traversing the exudate may
and Fallon 1979; Sanchez-Portocarrero et al. 1996; Traub
become inflamed with cranial nerve palsies or infarctions.
et al. 1984; Williams and Smith 1954), patients have delir-
In some cases the parenchyma directly subjacent to the
ium or stupor, headache, stiff neck, and fever. Cranial nerves
inflamed meninges may also become infiltrated.
may be entrapped and palsies of cranial nerves III, IV, VI,
Hematogenous spread may also carry bacilli to the brain
and VII are common (McKendrick and Grose 1957). Arteries
parenchyma, with the subsequent development of tubercu-
traversing the inflamed meninges may undergo an arteritis
lomas, which, like tuberculomas anywhere, may undergo
with thrombus formation and infarction of subserved tissue:
caseation necrosis. As noted earlier, these tuberculomas
the basal ganglia are most vulnerable in this regard and there
tend to be multiple and exhibit a broad range in size, from
may be focal signs or abnormal movements, such as tremor,
minute to so large that they destroy an entire lobe.
chorea, or dystonia (Alacon et al. 2000). Involvement of the
hypothalamus or pituitary may lead to either the syndrome
of inappropriate ADH secretion or diabetes insipidus. Differential diagnosis
Obstruction of the outflow foramina of the fourth ventricle is
common and produces obstructive hydrocephalus, with a Tubercular meningitis may be confused with basilar menin-
dramatic worsening of the clinical picture. gitides seen with fungal infections, tertiary neurosyphilis,
Tuberculomas may be single or, more commonly, mul- sarcoidosis, and meningeal carcinomatosis. Tuberculomas
tiple, may occur either in the cerebellum or cerebrum, and may be mimicked by gliomas or other mass lesions.
present as would any mass lesion, with focal signs or
seizures (Damergis et al. 1978).
The spinal cord may also be involved. Spinal meningitis Treatment
may lead to entrapment of nerve roots, and arteritis of
spinal arteries may lead to infarction of the cord. Tuberculous meningitis requires urgent treatment and a
In cases of meningitis, MR scanning typically reveals multiple-drug regimen is typically utilized, often consisting
enhancement of the basilar meninges. In addition, the CSF of isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol. Given
is often under increased pressure. There is a pleocytosis that the recent emergence of drug-resistant strains (Frieden et al.
p 14.qxd 3/10/08 9:50 AM Page 513
1993), sensitivity testing should be undertaken. If isoniazid but also a positive PCR assay; in this regard, however, it
is used, consideration should be given to supplementation must be kept in mind that, albeit rarely, central nervous
with vitamin B6 to prevent the development of pellagra system Whipple’s disease can occur with a negative small
(Ishii and Nishihara 1985), as discussed in Section 13.3. bowel biopsy (Pollock et al. 1981).
Tuberculomas may be treated with the same drug regi-
men. In some cases, excision is required.
nevertheless be distinguished from other opportunistic lacunar syndromes, discussed in Section 7.4. With obstruc-
infections, such as tuberculosis, fungal infections, and pro- tion of the outflow foramina of the fourth ventricle, an
gressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. A solitary toxo- obstructive hydrocephalus may occur, with a dramatic
plasma must also be distinguished from primary central worsening of the overall clinical picture.
nervous system lymphoma. In practice, the differential Magnetic resonance scanning reveals both abscesses
here is often based on a ‘diagnosis by treatment response’ and granulomas and evidence of a basilar meningitis.
strategy: when lesions fail to regress with adequate anti- The CSF may be normal when pathology is confined to
toxoplasma therapy then one or more of the other possibil- abscesses or granulomas. When basilar meningitis is pres-
ities is strenuously investigated. ent, the fluid may be under increased pressure and there is
a pleocytosis, which may be lymphocytic, polymorphonu-
clear, or mixed; the total protein is increased, sometimes
Treatment greatly so, and the glucose is decreased. India ink staining
may reveal cryptococci. Assays for cryptococcal or coccid-
A 2-week course of combination treatment with ioidomycoccal antigen may be positive, and pan-fungal
pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine is generally sufficient to PCR assay appears to hold great promise.
prompt a regression of the lesions; chronic treatment,
however, is typically required to prevent relapses.
14.22 FUNGAL INFECTIONS In the natural course of events, symptoms progress gradu-
ally, typically over months, with a fatal outcome in roughly
Fungal, or mycotic, infection of the central nervous sys- one-half of all cases.
tem (Mori et al. 1992; Walsh et al. 1985a) generally occurs
only in immunocompromised patients, such as those with
AIDS, and includes candidiasis, histoplasmosis, cryptococ- Etiology
cosis, coccidioidomycosis, aspergillosis, and, much less com-
monly, mucormycosis, nocardiosis, or blastomycosis. In Abscesses or granulomas may be single or multiple and
general, the primary site of infection is the respiratory may occur in any part of the cerebrum. Basilar meningitis
tract, most often the lung, and this may represent either an is characterized by a thick exudate at the base of the brain,
initial infection or a reactivation of a latent one. In either which, as noted earlier, may entrap arteries or cranial
case, the brain is typically reached via hematogenous spread; nerves.
aspergillosis at times, however, may spread directly from a
sinus infection.
Differential diagnosis
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Prion diseases
15.1 CREUTZFELDT–JAKOB DISEASE akinetic variety may occur, as may upper motor neuron
signs, and, in a small minority, evidence of lower motor
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, also known as transmissible neuron dysfunction, such as fasciculations, may be seen.
spongiform encephalopathy, is characterized by a fairly Seizures occur in a small minority.
rapidly progressive dementia accompanied, in most cases, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) generally discloses
by myoclonus. In the past, this disease was also termed a cortical atrophy, the progression of which may be moni-
‘slow virus’ infection; however, it is now known that it is tored with serial scans. T2-weighted and fluid-attenuated
caused not by a virus but by a unique agent known as a inversion recovery (FLAIR) imaging, and, with greater sen-
prion. This is a rare disorder, occurring at a yearly rate of sitivity, diffusion-weighted imaging, may display increased
1–2 cases per 1 000 000, and is equally common in males signal intensity in the striatum and in the cerebral and
and females. About 85 percent of cases occur on a sporadic cerebellar cortices; within the cortex the increased signal
basis, 10 percent are inherited on an autosomal dominant intensity follows the cortical ribbon, displaying a ‘gyri-
basis, and the remainder represent iatrogenic infections, as form’ pattern (Shiga et al. 2004; Tschampa et al. 2005).
has occurred with dura mater grafts for example. The electroencephalogram (EEG) may show generalized
slowing (Burger et al. 1972) and in some cases frontal inter-
mittent rhythmic delta activity (FIRDA) has been noted
Clinical features (Wieser et al. 2004). The most characteristic EEG findings,
however, are periodic spike-and-slow-wave complexes
On average, sporadic cases appear in the early sixties, but (Collins et al. 2006; Levy et al. 1986; May 1986; Steinhoff
the range is wide, from late teenage years to the tenth et al. 2004), which are eventually seen in anywhere from
decade. Inherited cases tend to appear a bit earlier, mostly one-half to three-quarters of all cases. Importantly, the EEG
in the early fifties. Iatrogenic cases appear anywhere from may become abnormal only as the disease progresses, and
1 to 30 years after the infectious event. Although most cases consequently, when the initial EEG fails to reveal this finding,
appear subacutely, over weeks to months, fulminant onsets it may be appropriate to perform serial EEGs.
spanning only a few days have been reported. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is acellular with a normal
The overall symptomatology of Creutzfeldt–Jakob dis- glucose; in a very small minority the total protein level
ease has been described in several studies (Brown et al. may show a mild elevation. Most importantly, the 14-3-3
1986, 1994; Collins et al. 2006; Cooper et al. 2006; Glatzel et protein is found in anywhere from 50 to 95 percent of cases
al. 2005; Roos et al. 1973). The presentation may be with (Collins et al. 2006; Geschwind et al. 2003; Hsich et al.
dementia, personality change, psychosis (Dervaux et al. 1996; Lemstra et al. 2000; Rosenmann et al. 1997; Van
2004; Zeng et al. 2001), cerebellar ataxia, or visual sympto- Everbroeck et al. 2005; Zerr et al. 1998a).
matology, such as hemianopia or cortical blindness; rare Although, at present, a definitive ante-mortem diagnosis
presentations include aphasia (Mandell et al. 1989), the may be made only by brain biopsy, this is rarely performed.
alien hand sign (MacGowan et al. 1997), or mania
(Lendvai et al. 1999). With progression almost all patients Course
become profoundly demented, and the dementia is accom-
panied by myoclonus (which may be stimulus responsive) This disease progresses rapidly, with death occurring within
in almost 90 percent of cases. Parkinsonism of the rigid, about 6 months on average. The overall range, however,
p 15.qxd 3/10/08 9:51 AM Page 526
is wide, with some dying in as little as a month and others et al. 1980). The finding of prions within the olfactory neu-
surviving for up to 3 years (Masters and Richardson 1978; roepithelium is intriguing in this regard, as their presence
Pocchiara et al. 2004; Will and Mathews 1984). The rapid could be accounted for either by spread from the brain
progression is one of the hallmarks of Creutzfeldt–Jakob dis- down the olfactory tracts and filia, in which case they
ease, and often one may seen a decline from week to week. might merely be seen as epiphenomenal, or by contact with
airborne prions from an infected person, in which case
they could represent the bridgehead of an infection. Recent
Etiology work has further subdivided sporadic cases according to
the type of pathologic prion protein present and to a poly-
Microscopically there is widespread spongiform change morphism at codon 129 of PRNP (Parchi et al. 1999a). The
within the gray matter of the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia, pathologic prion protein actually exists in two isoforms,
thalamus, and cerebellar cortex (Masters and Richardson type 1 and type 2, and in each patient it appears that only
1978), which in turn is accounted for by grossly swollen one type is present. At codon 129 of PRNP there is a nor-
dendrites and axons (Beck et al. 1982; Chou et al. 1980). mal isomorphism with either a methionine or a valine
In a small minority, perhaps 5–10 percent of cases, plaques allele, thus there are potentially three genotypes, namely
resembling the amyloid plaques seen in Alzheimer’s disease MM, MV, and VV. Combining both the type of pathologic
may be found. In contrast to the plaques of Alzheimer’s prion protein and the genotype gives six potential variants
disease, however, these plaques are not composed of beta- of sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, namely MM1,
amyloid but appear to be, at least in part, composed of pri- MM2, MV1, MV2, VV1, and VV2. At present, it is not clear
ons (Kitamoto et al. 1986). There is also neuronal loss and how useful this classification scheme is for clinical work.
astrogliosis, but very little, if any, inflammation. It must be Inherited cases occur secondary to any one of a large
emphasized that prions are found not only in the central number of mutations in the PRNP gene (Goldfarb et al.
nervous system but also in peripheral nerves (Favereaux et 1990; Hsiao et al. 1991a; Owen et al. 1989). Importantly, in
al. 2004), olfactory neuroepithelium (Tabaton et al. 2004; many cases mutations may occur spontaneously, and here,
Zanusso et al. 2003), spleen, and muscle (Glatzel et al. of course, the family history will be negative (Ladogana et al.
2003). 2005).
The prion protein is a normally occurring cellular pro- Iatrogenic cases have occurred upon inadvertent expo-
tein that is coded for by the PRNP gene on chromosome sure to tissue from patients with Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
20. It is a constituent of the neuronal cell membrane and via the following procedures: corneal transplants (Duffy et al.
undergoes recycling from the exterior surface of the cell 1974; Heckmann et al. 1997); dura mater grafts (Brown
membrane into the cytoplasm, where it is digested by et al. 2000; Hannah et al. 2001; Heath et al. 2006; Miyashita
lysozymes. The agent responsible for Creutzfeldt–Jakob et al. 1991); the use of contaminated electrodes during neu-
disease is a pathologic form of the prion protein The nor- rosurgical procedures (Bernouilli et al. 1977); injections of
mal prion protein exists in an alpha-helical conformation, human growth hormone (Billette de Villemeur et al. 1991,
whereas the pathologic prion protein exists for the most 1996; Brown et al. 2000); and the injection of human pitu-
part in a beta-sheet conformation (Pan et al. 1993). This itary gonadotrophins (Cochius et al. 1992; Healy and Evans
beta-sheet conformation allows for aggregation of these 1993); it is of especial interest that a case also occurred sec-
pathologic prion proteins once they recycle into the cyto- ondary to the use of lyophilized dura mater in the treat-
plasm and, as they aggregate and coalesce, a particle known ment of a nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, a procedure in
as a prion is formed. Eventually, with an accumulation of which the dura mater remained extracranial (Antoine et al.
prions, spongiform change occurs. 1997). The persistence of prions cannot be overemphasized:
As an aside, in the literature the normal form of the in one case (Gibbs et al. 1994), electrodes that had been used
prion protein is often referred to as PrPc, with the ‘c’ during neurosurgery on a patient with Creutzfeldt–Jakob
derived from the fact that these are normal ‘cellular’ com- disease 2 years earlier were cleaned three times and repeat-
ponents. The pathologic form, however, is often referred to edly sterilized in ethanol and formaldehyde vapor yet were
as PrPsc, with the ‘sc’ derived from ‘scrapie’, which is the still able to transmit the disease to a chimpanzee.
name given to a disease similar to Creutzfeldt–Jakob dis- Presumably, in these iatrogenic cases, the pathogenic prion
ease that is found in sheep. protein acts as a template that alters the conformation of
As noted earlier, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease may occur the patient’s normal prion protein into the pathologic
sporadically, as an autosomal dominantly inherited dis- beta-sheet protein.
ease, or iatrogenically, and each of these is now discussed
in turn.
The etiology of the sporadic cases is not clear. Some Differential diagnosis
believe that they represent spontaneous, age-related trans-
formations of normal cellular prion proteins into patho- The diagnosis of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease is often sus-
genic prion proteins, whereas others suspect that they may pected in cases of a fairly rapidly progressive dementia when
represent infections with a long incubation period (Galvez accompanied by myoclonus. As discussed in Section 5.1,
p 15.qxd 3/10/08 9:51 AM Page 527
spongiform encephalopathy (Bruce et al. 1997); in turn, The EEG may show generalized slowing but there are no
cows contract the disease by eating meal made from the periodic complexes; the CSF is normal and the 14-3-3 pro-
offal of sheep that had a transmissible spongiform tein is absent.
encephalopathy known as scrapie. Host factors appear to
play a role in susceptibility among humans in that, with
rare exceptions (Ironside et al. 2006), all patients have been Course
homozygous for methionine at codon 129 of PRNP, the
gene for normal prion proteins found on chromosome 20 For a prion disease the course is relatively slow, with death,
(Collinge et al. 1996; Will et al. 2000). on average, after 5–6 years.
Within the thalamus, basal ganglia, and also the cere-
bral and cerebellar cortices there are widespread prion Etiology
plaques surrounded by spongiform change (Will et al.
1996). In this disease prions are not restricted to the brain Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease may occur sec-
but are also found in tonsils, lymph nodes, and the spleen ondary to any one of several mutations in the PRNP gene.
(Hill et al. 1999). It also appears that prions are present in Mutations have been noted at codons 102 (Arata et al.
the blood, and, alarmingly, there have been cases of new- 2006; Brown et al. 1991; Goldhammer et al. 1993; Hsiao
variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease occurring secondary to et al. 1989; Kretzchmar et al. 1992; Young et al. 1995), 105
blood transfusion (Wroe et al. 2006). (Kitamoto et al. 1993; Yamada et al. 1993), 117 (Hsiao et al.
1991b; Nochlin et al. 1989), 198 (Farlow et al. 1989; Ghetti
et al. 1989), and 217 (Hsiao et al. 1992).
Differential diagnosis Pathologically, regardless of which mutation is at fault,
all cases of Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease share
The differential diagnosis is as described for Creutzfeldt– a common feature, namely the presence of multicentric
Jakob disease in Section 15.1. As noted here, the pulvinar sign amyloid plaques that stain positively for prion proteins
is quite important, but it must be borne in mind that it is not (Kitamoto et al. 1986; Roberts et al. 1986). In some cases,
specific for new-variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and has unicentric spiky plaques, similar to those seen in kuru, may
been reported in cases of limbic encephalitis (Mihara et al. also occur, and in others neurofibrillary tangles may be
2005) and, albeit rarely, in sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob dis- seen. Spongiform change is either minimal or absent.
ease (Petzold et al. 2004). Although the distribution of these microscopic changes
varies, the cerebellar cortex, basal ganglia, and cerebral
cortex are generally involved.
There is no specific treatment for this disease; general Differential diagnosis
treatment recommendations are as discussed for
Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease in Section 15.1. Strenuous efforts The differential diagnosis of dementia occurring in the
are in place to prevent bovine spongiform encephalopathy; context of ataxia is discussed in Section 5.1.
however, given the difficulty in monitoring the food chain,
continual vigilance is necessary.
There is no specific treatment; genetic counselling should
15.3 GERSTMANN–STRÄUSSLER– be offered, and the general treatment of dementia is dis-
SCHEINKER DISEASE cussed in Section 5.1.
Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease is a very rare,
autosomal dominantly inherited prion disease character- 15.4 FATAL FAMILIAL INSOMNIA
ized classically by ataxia and, eventually, dementia.
Fatal familial insomnia is a rare prion disease, character-
ized, as the name suggests, by severe insomnia, which is
Clinical features typically accompanied by a dementia and prominent auto-
nomic disturbances.
The onset is subacute or gradual, and usually in the sixth
decade, with a wide range from the third to the eighth
decades. Classically (Barbanti et al. 1996; Farlow et al. Clinical features
1989), patients present with a progressive ataxia with the
eventual development of a dementia; in some cases Onset is typically subacute or gradual and occurs in middle
parkinsonism or long-tract signs may also occur. years, with a wide range from late adolescence to the seventh
p 15.qxd 3/10/08 9:51 AM Page 529
decade. In general (Almer et al. 1999; Gallassi et al. 1996; the autonomic disturbances are absent and one also sees a
Manetto et al. 1992; Medori et al. 1992a,b; Nagayama et al. depressed mood.
1996; Reder et al. 1995; Silburn et al. 1996; Tabernero et al.
2000), patients develop intractable insomnia, followed in
many cases by ‘oneiroid’ states in which they appear con- Treatment
fused, experience visual hallucinations, and behave as if
they were acting out dreams; in one case (Almer et al. 1999) There is no known specific treatment; general measures
‘the patient performed movements of sawing with a virtual may be undertaken, as described for Creutzfeldt–Jakob
saw and stopped bewildered when told there was no saw’. disease in Section 15.1, and sequential trials of various hyp-
Rarely, the presentation may be with a psychosis coupled notics should be attempted.
with insomnia (Dimitri et al. 2006). Paroxysms of auto-
nomic disturbance often occur, with hyperhidrosis, tachy-
cardia, hypertension, and irregular respiration. Over time
dementia appears, accompanied, variously, by ataxia, 15.5 KURU
myoclonus, and spasticity. Importantly, although insom-
nia is the initial hallmark of this disease, in some cases it Kuru is a unique human prion disease, spread by cannibal-
may appear late in the course and, rarely, it may be absent ism and present only in the Fore people of New Guinea
(Zerr et al. 1998b). (Gajdusek 1977). With the elimination of cannibalism in
The EEG shows slowing but there are no periodic com- the 1950s new infections stopped, but, given the long incu-
plexes. The CSF is generally normal although in a small bation period, the disease itself is still present.
minority the 14-3-3 protein may be found (Sanchez-Juan
et al. 2006).
Clinical features
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Endocrinologic disorders
myopathy, easy bruisability, hypertension, diabetes melli- ectopic tumor, this ‘gradient’ between superior petrosal or
tus, amenorrhea, and, rarely, pseudotumor cerebri. All of internal jugular blood and systemic venous blood will not
these features, however, take time to develop and thus may be present. Sampling the superior petrosal sinus is difficult
not be present in cases of Cushing’s syndrome secondary to and not without risk, but is more sensitive than sampling the
exogenous steroid use, which, as noted earlier, may develop internal jugular vein; hence, one should begin with sam-
over days. Furthermore, in cases of Cushing’s syndrome pling the internal jugular vein, reserving petrosal sampling
secondary to ectopic ACTH secretion by an oat cell carci- for cases in which this is negative (Doppman et al. 1998).
noma, one may see emaciation rather than obesity. In cases in which a pituitary tumor is suspected, high-
When Cushing’s syndrome occurs secondary to exoge- resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with gadolin-
nous steroid administration the diagnosis is fairly obvious, ium enhancement is in order, and, if positive, may obviate
as symptoms appear within days of using high dosage the need for superior petrosal or internal jugular sampling.
steroids, for example ⭓60 mg/day of prednisone. However, Unfortunately, however, most ACTH-secreting pituitary
when endogenous steroid overproduction is suspected, tumors are microadenomas and about 50 percent will escape
laboratory testing is essential to confirm the diagnosis. detection by MRI (Kaskarelis et al. 2006).
Confirmation of suspected endogenous hypercortisolemia
is sought via a 24-hour urine test for free cortisol. Serum
cortisol levels show pulsatile fluctuations during the day, Course
and hence should not be relied on. If the 24-hour urine free
cortisol level is normal, the diagnosis is effectively ruled out. The course is determined by the underlying cause. Once
In cases in which the 24-hour urinary free cortisol level is cortisol levels are returned to normal, either by stopping
elevated, further testing is required to determine the cause. exogenous steroids or by virtue of treatment of endogenous
The first step is to obtain an ACTH level. In hypercorti- causes, neuropsychiatric features gradually resolve; although
solemia secondary to an adrenal tumor, the ACTH is low, such resolution may occur within weeks to days in cases
whereas in all other cases it is elevated. If the ACTH is ele- secondary to relatively short-term treatment with high-dose
vated, the next step is to determine whether the ACTH is exogenous steroids, months may be required in endoge-
derived from an ectopic source, for example lung carcinoma, nous cases (Kelly et al. 1983).
or from a pituitary tumor, and this is accomplished with the
‘high dose’ dexamethasone suppression test (Tyrell et al.
1986). In this test, patients are given 2 mg of dexamethasone Etiology
orally every 6 hours over 2 days, and during the second day
a 24-hour urine sample is collected for measurement of free The mechanism by which hypercortisolemia causes the
cortisol. In cases of ectopic ACTH production, the tumor neuropsychiatric features noted above is not known.
secreting the ACTH is not sensitive to the feedback of dexa- As noted earlier, there are various causes for endoge-
methasone and hence continues to secrete ACTH, result- nous hypercortisolemia, including adrenal tumors, ectopic
ing in an increased free cortisol level in the 24-hour urine ACTH-secreting tumors, and pituitary tumors (Erem et al.
sample: in such cases one speaks of ‘non-suppression’ of 2003). Adrenal tumors, which may be either adenomas or
cortisol by dexamethasone. By contrast, pituitary adeno- carcinomas, account for about 15 percent of cases. Ectopic
mas do remain sensitive to dexamethasone and in these ACTH-secreting tumors likewise account for about 15 per-
cases ACTH output falls with a resulting fall in the 24-hour cent of cases; although small-cell lung cancer is the most
urine free cortisol level: in such cases one speaks of ‘sup- common of these, other tumors may also be at fault,
pression’ of cortisol by dexamethasone. An alternative, or including cancer of the thymus, pancreas, or thyroid, and
supplementary, test is the CRH stimulation test. Here, one pheochromocytoma. Pituitary adenomas are by far the
gives 1 μg/kg of ovine CRH intravenously and determines most common cause of endogenous hypercortisolemia,
both ACTH and cortisol levels 15 minutes before the infu- accounting for about 70 percent of all cases. There are also
sion and 15, 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes afterward. Ectopic very rare reports of CRH-secreting tumors, which may be
ACTH-secreting tumors are not sensitive to CRH, and cor- located in either the hypothalamus or ectopically, as for
tisol and ACTH levels do not rise significantly. Pituitary example in thyroid cancer.
adenomas, however, are sensitive, and in such cases cortisol
and ACTH levels do rise.
In some cases the dexamethasone test may be equivocal, Differential diagnosis
and differentiating between an ectopic ACTH-secreting
tumor and a pituitary tumor may depend on sampling The appearance of neuropsychiatric symptomatology in a
venous blood flow from the pituitary. As might be expected, patient receiving relatively high doses of exogenous corti-
in cases of pituitary tumors, the ACTH level in venous blood costeroids immediately implicates the drug. Diagnostic
from either the superior petrosal sinus or the internal jugu- uncertainty may arise, however, in cases in which the con-
lar vein will be higher than that in venous blood drawn at dition that prompted the treatment with corticosteroids
phlebotomy; conversely, when the source of ACTH is an may itself affect the central nervous system, as is the case
p 16.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 536
occurs in Graves’ disease, toxic multinodular goitre, and Typically, patients develop psychomotor retardation,
solitary adenomas, anti-thyroid drugs such as propylth- with slowed speech and movements; in some cases lethargy
iouracil or methimazole are generally indicated; in some and somnolence may occur. When asked a question, up to
cases radioactive iodine treatment or surgery may also be a minute may pass before the patient responds, and the
required. Once T4 levels are normalized, most of the symp- response itself, when it does come, is slow. Simple activities,
toms of hyperthyroidism gradually resolve. Symptomatic such as unfastening a button, may likewise take an inordi-
treatment of depression and other neuropsychiatric features nate amount of time to complete. Patients may appear
may or may not be required pending this resolution; if so, apathetic and lacking in initiative, and often there may be
this may be accomplished as discussed in the respective difficulty with concentration and a certain ‘fogginess’ of
sections. thought and memory (Nickel and Frame 1958). The over-
Thyroid storm constitutes a medical emergency and all appearance of hypothyroid patients is often distinctive:
requires treatment in an intensive care unit. In addition to skin becomes thickened, puffy, and even boggy, and this
propranolol and anti-thyroid drugs, sodium or potassium is particularly obvious on the face, in the supraclavicular
iodide, hydrocortisone, and cooling blankets are often fossae, and on the dorsal surfaces of the hands and feet.
required. The hair becomes thin and brittle and there may be consid-
erable hair loss; interestingly there may also be a loss of hair
on the lateral thirds of the eyebrows. Other symptoms
16.4 HYPOTHYROIDISM include a voice change towards hoarseness, cold intoler-
ance, constipation, weight gain, decreased libido, erectile
Hypothyroidism is the clinical syndrome that occurs dysfunction, and menorrhagia. Vibratory sense may be lost
secondary to a persistently low level of circulating thyrox- and the deep tendon reflexes are often reduced; the ankle
ine, or T4. A synonym for this is myxedema, a name that calls jerk is often ‘hung up’, with a delayed relaxation phase.
attention to the mucinous edema that gives rise to the Cranial nerves may be involved, with partial deafness and,
typical facial appearance seen in hypothyroidism, described rarely, a peripheral facial palsy; cerebellar ataxia (‘myxedema
below. Hypothyroidism is a common condition, found in a staggers’) (Jellinek and Kelly 1960) occurs in up to 20
little under 1 percent of the general population; it is 10–20 percent of cases. Very rarely, seizures may occur (Bryce
times more common in females than males. and Poyner 1992). Myxedematous infiltration may cause a
Thyroxine levels are maintained within normal limits carpal or tarsal tunnel syndrome; macroglossia may also
by virtue of the hypothalamic–pituitary–thyroid axis. The occur and, if severe, may be followed by obstructive sleep
hypothalamus produces TRH, which in turn stimulates the apnea. Bradycardia and hypotension are common, and
anterior pituitary to produce TSH; TSH then stimulates there may be a degree of hypothermia; pericardial and pleu-
the thyroid gland to produce T4, which in turn exerts a ral effusions may also occur. In a small minority of cases, a
negative feedback effect on both the pituitary and the hypo- syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
thalamus. The various causes of hypothyroidism may be secretion may occur, with hyponatremia.
grouped according to which element of the hypothalamic– In severe cases of hypothyroidism a condition known as
pituitary–thyroid axis is affected. Tertiary hypothyroidism ‘myxedema coma’ may develop. Typically this occurs in
occurs as a result of hypothalamic disease (e.g., tumors) patients with long-standing hypothyroidism who are sub-
and is characterized by a low TSH and a low T4. Secondary jected to a physiologic stress, such as surgery or a signifi-
hypothyroidism occurs with pituitary disease (e.g., tumors
cant infection, or who are given phenothiazines (Mitchell
or infarction) and likewise displays both a low TSH and
et al. 1959) or any medications with prominent sedative
low T4. Primary hypothyroidism, which is by far the most
effects. Stupor or coma develops, accompanied by hypother-
common type, occurs with disease of the thyroid itself mia (which may be severe), significant bradycardia, respi-
(e.g., Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or post-thyroidectomy) and, ratory depression, and, in a significant minority, grand mal
here, the TSH is elevated whereas the T4 is low. seizures.
Of the neuropsychiatric features seen in hypothyroidism,
Clinical features depression is most common; this may be severe and may be
accompanied by hallucinations and delusions (Whybrow
The age of onset of hypothyroidism is determined by the et al. 1969).
underlying cause. Cases occurring secondary to Hashimoto’s Psychosis occurring secondary to hypothyroidism has
thyroiditis typically appear in the late thirties or early traditionally been referred to as ‘myxedema madness’ (Asher
forties, and cases occurring after thyroidectomy may first 1949) and is often characterized by delusions of persecution
appear within weeks post-operatively. The onset and and reference, as well as auditory hallucinations (Crowley
evolution of symptoms is typically gradual. 1940; de Fine Olivarius and Roder 1970; Karnosh and Stout
The clinical picture includes not only typical features, 1935; Logothetis 1963; Reed and Bland 1977). One case of
such as psychomotor retardation, but also, in a significant myxedema madness (Ziegler 1930) deserves to be quoted
minority, neuropsychiatric features including depression, at length, as it illustrates the sometimes exquisite nature of
psychosis, and dementia. the dependence of the psychosis on the level of circulating
p 16.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 540
thyroid hormone. The patient had undergone radiation two reasons. First, such findings may indicate that the patient
treatment for hyperthyroidism 3 years earlier and had sub- is in the very early stages of what will become clinically evi-
sequently done well with an appropriate dosage of supple- dent hypothyroidism and, given this, close monitoring is
mental thyroid hormone. At the age of 48 years, however, required. Second, such subclinically reduced free T4 levels,
she became non-compliant and soon thereafter: although not causing symptoms per se, will nevertheless
blunt the response to antidepressants or mood-stabilizing
she began to feel that her husband was paying agents in patients with major depression or bipolar disorder.
attention to another woman and that he was trying
to do away with her by means of gas or the electric
chair. During a game at a party in her own home Course
during the holidays in 1928, she refused to sit in a
chair designated for her, thinking it might be a plot to The course of hypothyroidism is determined by the under-
kill her. She also felt that her husband was trying to lying cause.
poison her and refused to take desiccated thyroid
gland at home on account of such a belief. On several Etiology
occasions subsequently, when desiccated thyroid was
administered in sufficient quantity, at the repeated As noted earlier, the various causes of hypothyroidism are
and urgent request of her physician, the delusions divided into primary, secondary, and tertiary types.
entirely disappeared and she felt so much better that Primary hypothyroidism is by far the most common type,
she concluded that it was foolish to be taking accounting for over 90 percent of cases. The most common
medicine and discontinued taking it. On such cause of primary hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,
occasions, the psychosis would slowly return in the indicated by the presence of anti-thyroid antibodies: anti-
same form as before. thyroid peroxidase antibody (also known as anti-microsomal
antibody) is most common, but anti-thyroglobulin anti-
Dementia (Akelaitis 1936; de Fine Olivarius and Roder bodies may also be present. Other causes include thyroidec-
1970; Uyematsu 1920) may present with failing memory, tomy, radioactive iodine treatment, neck irradiation, iodine
followed by deficits in calculation and orientation; in some deficiency, and various medications, including amiodarone,
cases, the dementia may be accompanied by delusions of rifampin (Takasu et al. 2005), ethionamide (McDonnell et al.
persecution and auditory hallucinations. 2005), and, most especially, lithium (Lindstedt et al. 1977),
The electroencephalogram (EEG) typically shows in which case the occurrence of hypothyroidism is most
generalized slowing. likely in patients who have anti-thyroid antibodies (Calabrese
Thyroxine levels are available as both ‘total’ T4, includ- et al. 1985).
ing both bound and free fractions, and ‘free’ T4, and in all Secondary hypothyroidism may occur with tumors or
instances a free T4 level should be obtained. This free T4, as infarction of the pituitary.
noted earlier, is reduced in all cases. The TSH level, how- Tertiary hypothyroidism may occur with tumors or
ever, may be elevated or decreased, depending on the cause infarction of the hypothalamus; other causes include
of the hypothyroidism. In primary hypothyroidism, the granulomatous disease and carbamazepine.
TSH is increased; in both secondary and tertiary cases,
however, it is reduced. Distinguishing secondary from ter-
tiary cases generally requires a TRH stimulation test. In this Differential diagnosis
test, TRH is given intravenously and TSH levels are deter-
mined just before and 20 minutes after the infusion. In cases The differential diagnoses of the syndromes of depression,
of secondary hypothyroidism, given a lack of pituitary cells psychosis, and dementia are discussed in Sections 6.1, 7.1
capable of producing TSH, the response to exogenous and 5.1 respectively. In all these cases, the chief clues to the
TRH is blunted. By contrast, in tertiary hypothyroidism, diagnosis are the typical symptoms seen in hypothyroidism,
in which a chronic lack of endogenous TRH allows for an especially the psychomotor retardation, lethargy, and the
up-regulation of TRH receptors on pituitary cells, there is distinctive ‘myxedematous’ appearance.
an enhanced response of TSH to TRH. In cases of primary hypothyroidism secondary to
Before leaving this section some words are in order Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, it must be kept in mind that the
regarding the condition known as ‘subclinical’ primary underlying autoimmune process may cause additional
hypothyroidism. Here, although the free T4 level is within disorders including primary adrenocortical insufficiency and
normal limits, the TSH level is mildly elevated. Such a com- pernicious anemia with vitamin B12 deficiency. Given that
bination of laboratory values indicates that, although the free both of these disorders may cause psychosis, and that B12
T4 may be within broadly defined limits of normal, it is nev- deficiency, in addition, may cause depression and demen-
ertheless below the individual patient’s ‘normal’ as indicated tia, it is appropriate in all cases of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
by the rise in TSH. Although patients may not have symp- to check cortisol and B12 levels. Checking the cortisol level
toms directly related to these findings, they are significant for is also important because the treatment of hypothyroidism
p 16.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 541
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Immune-related disorders
17.1 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS secondary to a transverse myelitis, in which case one speaks
of Devic’s disease or neuromyelitis optica. Cerebellar and
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized pathologically by brainstem involvement is also common and may produce
the more or less sequential occurrence of lesions known as ataxia, intention tremor, dysarthria or scanning speech, nys-
plaques in various parts of the white matter of the central tagmus, diplopia, and vertigo. Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
nervous system, and clinically by the appearance of signs may also occur, and this should be carefully sought for as it is
and symptoms appropriate to the location of the plaques. of great diagnostic significance: although internuclear
This is a fairly common disorder, occurring in about 0.1 ophthalmoplegia may occur with other mesencephalic
percent of the general population, and is roughly two to lesions, such as tumors, infarctions or Wernicke’s
three times more common in females than males. encephalopathy, these are all quite rare in young adults and,
hence, this finding in a young person is almost specific for
MS (Keane 2005). Bladder dysfunction is quite common
Clinical features with various symptoms including urgency and frequency,
incontinence or urinary retention. Bowel dysfunction is also
Although the range of age of onset is wide, from childhood common and most frequently presents with constipation.
to the seventh decade, the vast majority of patients first fall Sexual dysfunction is very common, with decreased libido,
ill in their twenties or thirties. As discussed further below erectile dysfunction or decreased vaginal lubrication.
(see Course, below), in most cases, at least initially, MS pur- Uncommon symptoms and signs include aphasia (Achiron
sues an episodic course, and the episodes typically have a et al. 1992; Devere et al. 2000; Lacour et al. 2004; Olmos-Lau
subacute onset, over days or a week or so. Exceptions to this et al. 1977) and seizures, which may be either partial or grand
rule, however, do occur, with some onsets spanning less mal in type (Nicoletti et al. 2003), and various paroxysmal
than a day and others being quite leisurely, occurring over phenomena, such as hemifacial spasm, Lhermitte’s sign,
weeks or months. The duration of individual episodes varies trigeminal neuralgia, and lancinating pains in the extremi-
widely, from weeks to months, after which there is a gradual ties. Fatigue may also occur in MS and may be quite severe.
defervescence of symptomatology of variable degree. The Dementia of variable severity, ranging from mild,
severity of symptoms varies widely, and in some cases may almost subclinical impairment to debilitating, is eventually
be so mild that patients fail to recognize them as such. seen in the majority of patients (Franklin et al. 1989;
The most common symptoms are motor or sensory in Surridge 1969). In rare cases, dementia may constitute the
type. Spastic weakness may occur in one limb, or there may sole, or predominant, presenting feature of MS (Bergin
be a hemiparesis or paraparesis. Sensory symptoms, similar 1957; Hotopf et al. 1994; Koenig 1968; Young et al. 1976).
in distribution, may include numbness and tingling, and, in In one case, for example, the only symptom in addition to
a minority, dysesthesiae or actual pain. Visual symptomatol- the dementia was optic neuritis (Jennekens-Schinkel and
ogy is also common and may include optic neuritis with Sanders 1986), and in two others it was unsteady gait
unilateral blurring of vision or blindness; not uncommonly (Mendez and Frey 1992). In one very rare case a gradually
one may see the combination of optic neuritis and paraplegia progressive dementia constituted the only clinical evidence
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 545
previous episodes, or completely new symptoms, depending active plaque resolves into a chronic plaque, which is com-
on whether old plaques become reactivated or new plaques posed of a relatively well-circumscribed area of demyelin-
form. With the resolution of any episode, remission of symp- ization and gliosis, with, in severe cases, a degree of
toms is rarely complete and most patients are left with resid- cavitation. The size of plaques varies widely, from as little as
uals; over time and with recurrent episodes, this burden of a few millimeters up to several centimeters in diameter. As
residual symptoms gradually increases. Predicting the overall noted earlier, most plaques are found in the centrum semio-
pattern in patients with a relapsing and remitting course is vale and in a periventricular location (Brownell and Hughes
very difficult, and in some cases, even after long observation, 1962); plaques, of course, are also found in the cerebellar
it may still not be possible to make accurate predictions. white matter, the brainstem, and the cord. Although the vast
In addition to this relapsing and remitting pattern, the majority of plaques are found in the white matter, small gray
overall course of MS may also be characterized by a chronic matter plaques are seen at times.
progression of symptoms, and this ‘progressive’ course may Although the cause of MS remains unknown, several
be further subdivided into a ‘secondary’ or ‘primary’ type. lines of evidence suggest that it represents an autoimmune
A secondary progressive course emerges within the context disorder in genetically susceptible individuals triggered by
of an initially relapsing and remitting course, and this pat- a relatively common childhood viral infection.
tern eventually appears in the majority of relapsing and The incidence of MS rises from that seen in the general
remitting cases. A primary progressive course, that is an ill- population to that seen in first-degree relatives and finally
ness characterized by relentless and uninterrupted progres- to monozygotic twins. As noted earlier, the incidence of
sion from the start, is much less common, being seen in MS in the general population is about 0.1 percent; this rises
perhaps one-tenth of all cases. to about 2–4 percent in first-degree relatives up to 25–40
As noted earlier, the severity of symptoms seen in MS percent in monozygotic twins (Ebers et al. 1986; Mumford
varies quite widely and, in some cases, active plaques, which et al. 1994). Although this could conceivably be explained
can be seen on MRI, may escape clinical detection on the basis of a shared environment, adoption studies
(Thompson et al. 1992; Willoughby et al. 1989). With the support a genetic cause (Ebers et al. 1995). Furthermore,
routine use of MRI, more and more cases of ‘benign MS’ there is significant linkage between MS and certain human
are being discovered. On the other hand, some patients may leukocyte antigen (HLA) haplotypes.
experience devastatingly severe episodes. Such cases of MS The evidence for an infectious agent acting on this
are often referred to as ‘Marburg’ variants and are charac- fertile genetic background rests on several facts. First,
terized by large and multiple plaques, and severe symp- although found at all latitudes, MS is more common in
tomatology, with, in some cases, death in a matter of weeks temperate zones. Furthermore, if individuals remain in a
or months. high-risk temperate zone past the age of 15 years and then
Although pregnancy itself does not seem to predispose migrate to a tropical area, they ‘carry’ their increased risk
to new episodes, the first 3 months post-partum do seem with them (Dean 1967), indicating that the increased risk
to be associated with an increased risk. relates to some environmental exposure that is more com-
Symptoms of MS may undergo transient exacerbation mon in temperate zones. Second, although not without
with stress, infection, or temperature elevation, as may controversy, it appears that there have been ‘epidemics’ of
occur with a hot bath, fever, or exercise. These exacerba- MS in the Faroe Islands and in Iceland, and that these epi-
tions do not reflect inflammatory plaque activity but rather demics may have been related to the presence of British
impaired conduction through partially damaged axons, troops stationed there during World War II. Although the
and thus they should not be interpreted as relapses. nature of the presumed infection is not clear, certain evi-
Interestingly, in the past this kind of transient exacerbation dence points toward such common viral infections as
was used as a diagnostic test for MS: in such a ‘hot bath’ mononucleosis (DeLorenze et al. 2006). It must be clearly
test, the patient was immersed in hot water and observed noted, however, that the deleterious effect of any such
for the emergence of signs or symptoms. infection is not direct: there is no evidence for an actual
viral infection in MS plaques. Rather, it is suspected that
a childhood infection sensitizes the immune system in
Etiology genetically susceptible individuals and that some event in
adult life, perhaps a reactivation of a latent viral infection,
As indicated earlier, the pathologic hallmark of MS is the triggers off an immune response that incorrectly targets
plaque. Classically, active plaques consist of an area of oligodendrocytes and myelin.
perivenular mononuclear inflammation with loss of oligo-
dendrocytes and demyelinization, with relative axonal spar-
ing (Greenfield and King 1936). Recently, however, it has Differential diagnosis
become apparent that this classic view may not apply in all
cases, and that in a minority the active plaque may be char- In large part, the differential diagnosis of MS depends on
acterized by apoptosis of oligodendrocytes with relatively lit- where in the course of the disease the patient happens to
tle inflammation (Barnett and Prineas 2004). In time, the be. In cases in which the patient is encountered during the
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 547
first episode of illness, the prime consideration is given to 3–7 days, followed by prednisone in a dose of approxi-
acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). As discussed mately 1 mg/kg/day for 4 days, with this dose gradually
in Section 14.11, ADEM is a monophasic illness and the tapered over the following 2–3 weeks, with due consider-
first step is to determine, by MR scanning, whether or not ation being given to the clinical response. Mania may com-
there are white matter lesions consistent with old plaques plicate such a course of prednisone, and this may require
that may have been asymptomatic. If these are found, then treatment with antipsychotics or a mood stabilizer such as
the diagnosis of ADEM is effectively ruled out. In cases in lithium or valproate, as discussed in Section 6.3. In cases
which they are absent, the acute findings on MRI may be in which patients have received prior courses of steroids
helpful. In ADEM one typically finds multiple, large white that were complicated by mania, it may be appropriate to
matter lesions and, although such a picture may be seen in consider prophylactic treatment with one of these mood
some cases of MS, it is far more common to find a few rel- stabilizers.
atively small lesions. If the differential still remains in doubt,
then one may have to settle for long-term clinical observa- PREVENTIVE TREATMENTS
tion. If there are no further episodes, then ADEM remains
high on the differential; by contrast, the appearance of a Preventive treatments may be considered in patients with a
new episode argues strongly for a diagnosis of MS. relapsing and remitting course and also in those whose
In cases characterized by progressive white matter dis- course is marked by secondary progression.
ease from the onset, MS of the primary progressive type In relapsing and remitting MS, preventive treatment
must be distinguished from vitamin B12 deficiency and may be accomplished with several agents, including inter-
adrenoleukodystrophy, a differential readily accomplished ferons, glatiramer, and natalizumab.
by testing for vitamin B12 and plasma long-chain fatty acid Interferons are immunomodulatory agents, and three
levels. are effective: interferon beta-1b (Betaseron, given subcuta-
In cases in which there is an established pattern of neously every other day) (European Study Group 1998) and
relapses and remissions, consideration may be given to two preparations of interferon beta-1a (Rebif, given subcu-
Behçet’s syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, and taneously three times weekly [PRISMS Study Group 1998],
polyarteritis nodosa. In each of these three disorders, how- and Avonex, given intramuscularly once weekly [Rudick
ever, one also finds systemic signs that are lacking in MS: in et al. 1997]). Each of these three interferons reduces relapse
Behçet’s disease there are oral and genital ulcers; and in rates by about one-third. Choosing among them is not
lupus and polyarteritis nodosa, in addition to constitu- straightforward. All three may induce the formation of
tional signs one finds evidence of other organ involvement, neutralizing antibodies after anywhere from 6 to18 months,
such as the joints, kidneys, or gastrointestinal tract. In older which may blunt their response; this occurs in about one-
patients consideration may also be given to lacunar infarc- third of patients on Betaseron, one-fifth of patients on Rebif,
tions; however, here the clinical episodes are generally of and less than one-tenth of patients on Avonex. On this
acute onset, over perhaps minutes or hours at the most, count, Avonex appears attractive; however, recent work has
and the lesions are typically found in the internal capsule demonstrated that both Betaseron (Durelli et al. 2002) and
and basal ganglia; this is in contrast to MS in which the Rebif (Panitch et al. 2002) are more effective than Avonex.
episodes are of more gradual onset and the lesions are Glatiramer (Copaxone, given subcutaneously daily)
more commonly found higher up in the white matter, (Comi et al. 2001; Johnson et al. 1998) is a mixture of
surrounding the lateral ventricles and extending into the polypeptides that mimics myelin basic protein, thereby
centrum semiovale. presumably blunting the autoimmune assault on myelin.
Like the interferons, it reduces relapse rates by about one-
third and may also induce neutralizing antibodies.
Treatment Natalizumab (Tysabri, given intravenously once
monthly) is a humanized monoclonal antibody directed at
Treatment of MS may be divided into that directed at the human alpha-4 integrin. This molecule exists on the sur-
acute episode, preventive treatments designed to forestall face of lymphocytes and serves to bind them to vascular
future episodes or to limit secondary progression, and cell adhesion molecules (VCAM) on vascular endothelial
symptomatic treatments. Each of these aspects of treatment cells, thus allowing their transport across the vessel wall.
is now considered in turn, followed by some summary rec- When integrin is blocked, this ‘trafficking’ into the inter-
ommendations. stitial fluid is inhibited and the inflammatory response is
blunted. Natalizumab appears to reduce relapse rates by
ACUTE EPISODES roughly two-thirds (Miller et al. 2003); neutralizing anti-
bodies occur in about one-tenth of cases. Enthusiasm for
Acute episodes may be treated with intravenous methyl- natalizumab has been tempered, however, by the appear-
prednisolone, followed by oral prednisone. Although there ance of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in
is no unanimity regarding dosage, a reasonable regimen treated patients; although this is a very rare complication,
consists of 250 mg of methylprednisolone every 6 hours for it is potentially fatal.
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 548
Overall, in choosing a preventive treatment for relapsing dextromethorphan and quinidine. Whether it would
and remitting MS it is probably reasonable to begin with an respond to some of the other agents used in emotional
interferon, such as Betaseron. Should this offer little benefit, incontinence resulting from other disorders (e.g., cital-
consideration may be given to glatiramer. In clearly treat- opram in vascular cases) is not clear.
ment-resistant cases, natalizumab is a reasonable option. Psychosis is treated as outlined in Section 7.1.
Other, less well-established options for treatment-resistant
cases include intravenous immunoglobulins or immuno- SUMMARY
suppressants such as azathioprine.
In secondary progressive MS one may use an interferon, The overall treatment of patients with MS is difficult and at
either interferon beta-1b (Betaseron) (European Study times quite complex, and it is often best carried out by a spe-
Group 1998) or intramuscular interferon beta-1a (Avonex) cialized team. Except in cases of very benign MS, most
(Cohen et al. 2002). If the patient is already on one of these patients will receive preventive treatment; whenever an
agents while the course undergoes transformation from episode does occur, consideration should be given to
relapsing and remitting to secondary progression, then con- prompt acute treatment with steroids to lessen the chance of
sideration may be given to an immunosuppressant, such as any permanent damage and residual symptoms. Given the
mitoxantrone (Hartung et al. 2002) or low-dose methotrex- number of medications involved for symptomatic treat-
ate (Goodkin et al. 1995). ment, the potential for drug–drug interactions and cumula-
tive side-effects is large, and constant vigilance is required.
Spasticity has traditionally been treated with baclofen, 17.2 SYSTEMIC LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS
diazepam, or tizanidine; gabapentin represents a recent addi-
tion to this armamentarium (Cutter et al. 2000). Painful Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or, colloquially, lupus)
dysesthesiae, trigeminal neuralgia, or lancinating pains may is a systemic autoimmune disease that involves multiple
respond to either carbamazepine or gabapentin. Intention organs, including the brain. Cerebral lupus (or as it is also
tremor may be reduced by either clonazepam or, in some referred to, neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythemato-
cases, propranolol. Bladder dysfunction is often a focus of sus) occurs in the vast majority of cases, and may occur
treatment: urinary retention may respond to bethanechol, secondary to either a direct autoimmune assault on neu-
and spastic bladder with urinary urgency and frequency may rons (in which case one may speak of ‘lupus cerebritis’) or
be relieved by oxybutynin or tolterodine; in some cases a multiple infarctions, which may be either cardioembolic or
Foley catheter or more invasive measures may be required. secondary to a vasculopathy.
Bowel dysfunction usually consists of constipation, which SLE occurs in 0.015–0.05 percent of the general popula-
may be managed with a bowel program. Erectile dysfunc- tion. It is far more common among females than males,
tion may be managed with a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, and among black populations than white populations, and
such as sildenafil, and decreased vaginal lubrication may in black females the prevalence rises to 0.4 percent.
be helped by lubricating agents. Seizures may be managed
with standard anti-epileptic drugs. Fatigue may respond
to amantadine in a dose of 100 mg b.i.d. (Krupp et al. 1995; Clinical features
Rosenberg and Appenzeller 1988); recent enthusiasm for
modafinil should be tempered by a negative double-blind Although lupus may appear at almost any age, including in
study (Stankoff et al. 2005). the elderly, the majority of patients fall ill between puberty
Dementia is treated as discussed in Section 5.1. Recent and 40 years of age.
work suggests that donepezil may improve cognitive func- As noted, lupus is a systemic disease and in most cases
tioning in MS (Krupp et al. 2004). cerebral lupus occurs in the setting of other symptoms,
Depression should be treated with an antidepressant. including constitutional symptoms (fatigue, fever, weight
Remarkably, there has been only one double-blind study loss) and those referable to other organ systems, such as
in this regard, which found desipramine to be superior to the musculoskeletal system, skin, heart, lungs, or kidneys
placebo (Schiffer and Wineman 1990); unfortunately, as (Johnson and Richardson 1968). Musculoskeletal symp-
might have been predicted, this was poorly tolerated. In prac- tomatology is very common and includes myalgia, arthralgia,
tice, most patients are given a selective serotonin reuptake and a non-deforming polyarthritis. Cutaneous manifesta-
inhibitor (SSRI) such as escitalopram but, if this is not effec- tions include photosensitivity, rashes (especially a malar
tive, other agents such as duloxetine might be considered. rash), and alopecia. Cardiac symptomatology incorporates
Euphoria of the ‘bland’ type rarely requires any treat- pericarditis and Libman–Sacks endocarditis. Pulmonary
ment. Should mania occur, however, treatment is con- involvement may manifest with pleurisy, which may or
ducted as described in Section 6.3. may not be accompanied by pleural effusion. Renal
As discussed in Section 4.7, emotional incontinence involvement may manifest initially with proteinuria and
may respond to amitriptyline or to a combination of cellular casts; over time renal failure may occur. Various
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 549
cytopenias, including anemia, leukopenia, or thrombocy- Magnetic resonance scanning may be normal or may
topenia, may also occur. show evidence of infarction. When infarctions are present,
Cerebral lupus (Brey et al. 2002; Feinglass et al. 1976; they tend to occur in one of two patterns. Either there are
Johnson and Richardson 1968) may manifest with depres- multiple small infarcts in either the cerebral cortex or the
sion, mania, psychosis, delirium or dementia, seizures, subcortical white matter, or one may find relatively large
chorea, or focal signs, such as hemiparesis. Although these territorial infarctions in the areas of distribution of large
findings may occur independently, patients often have a pial vessels.
mixture (Devinsky et al. 1988). The electroencephalogram (EEG) may be normal or show
Depression, in some cases accompanied by hallucina- slowing, which may be generalized or focal (Sibley et al.
tions or delusions, has been found commonly by some 1992). In patients with seizures, interictal epileptiform dis-
(Ganz et al. 1972; Miguel et al. 1994), but not all (Guze charges may or may not be present.
1967; Hugo et al. 1996), authors. Mania, although reported The CSF (Johnson and Richardson 1968; McLean et al.
(Johnson and Richardson 1968), appears rare. Psychosis is 1995; West et al. 1995) may be normal or there may be a
relatively uncommon (Guze 1967; Lim et al. 1988; Miguel mild lymphocytic pleocytosis or a mildly elevated total
et al. 1994) and, although typically characterized by delusions protein. Other abnormalities, primarily in patients with
and hallucinations, may rarely present with stuporous cata- lupus cerebritis (West et al. 1995), include an elevated IgG
tonia (Lanham et al. 1985; Mac and Pardo 1983). Rarely, index, oligoclonal bands, and the presence of anti-neu-
psychosis may constitute the presenting feature of lupus ronal antibodies.
(Agius et al. 1997). In cases in which infarction is suspected, a work-up, as
Delirium may occur (Devinsky et al. 1988; Hugo et al. described in Section 7.4, is required: appropriate tests may
1996; Miguel et al. 1994) and is often accompanied by hallu- include an echocardiogram, computed tomographic angiog-
cinations, either visual or auditory (Lief and Silverman 1960; raphy, or magnetic resonance angiography, and, as noted
O’Connor and Musher 1966). Dementia may also be seen earlier, testing for anti-phospholipid antibodies.
(Kirk et al. 1991; Johnson and Richardson 1968; MacNeil
et al. 1976; Robin et al. 1995) but is relatively uncommon
(Devinsky et al. 1988). Course
Seizures are relatively common (Devinsky et al. 1988)
and may be partial (complex partial or simple partial) or Overall, the course is characterized by a gradual waxing
grand mal in type (Mikdashi et al. 2005). Chorea may and waning of symptoms; full remissions are unusual and
occur and indeed may constitute the presentation of SLE generally not permanent. Although SLE is in general com-
(Donaldson and Espiner 1971; Fermaglich et al. 1973). patible with long-term survival, the appearance of cerebral
Focal deficits (Devinsky et al. 1988) are common and may (Rubin et al. 1985) or renal disease is an ominous sign.
include hemiparesis, aphasia, or hemianopia. Thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura has been noted but this is usu-
ally a terminal event (Devinsky et al. 1988). Etiology
In addition to cerebral involvement, the peripheral nerv-
ous system may also be involved, with either a peripheral Lupus is characterized by the presence of a large number of
polyneuropathy (McCombe et al. 1987) or a mononeuritis autoantibodies directed at various tissues in multiple organ
multiplex (Hughes et al. 1982). systems. Although the cause is not known, it is strongly
The anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) test is positive in suspected that the autoimmune response occurs secondary
approximately 95 percent of cases (Venables 1993), and the to some environmental trigger in genetically susceptible
serum Venereal Disease Research Laboratories (VDRL) individuals.
test may be falsely positive. As the ANA lacks specificity, It must be stated at the outset that the mechanism or
however, a positive result here must be followed up by a mechanisms underlying many of the syndromes seen in
more specific test, such as anti-native DNA (also known as cerebral lupus are not clearly understood. With this caveat
anti-double stranded DNA) or anti-Sm. During active dis- in mind, however, it appears that two global mechanisms
ease, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is often ele- may be operative (West et al. 1995): a direct autoimmune
vated and one or more complement levels (C3, C4, CH50) attack on neurons, and multiple infarctions, occurring on
are generally decreased. Consideration may also be given a variety of different bases.
to testing for the presence of serum anti-ribosomal P anti- It is clear from autopsy studies that in some cases of
bodies and for the anti-phospholipid syndrome, including cerebral lupus there is no evidence of infarction
lupus anticoagulant and anti-cardiolipin antibodies of (O’Connor and Musher 1966; Tsokos et al. 1986) and, in
both the IgG and IgM types. Anti-ribosomal P antibodies such cases, it is suspected that a cerebritis occurs secondary
may be associated with the occurrence of psychosis (Agius to anti-neuronal antibodies (Bluestein et al. 1981; Isshi and
et al. 1997; Bonfa et al. 1987; Isshi and Hirohata 1998; Hirohata 1998; Kelly and Denburg 1987); the finding of
Nojima et al. 1992; Schneebaum et al. 1991), and anti- immune complexes in the choroid plexus (Atkins et al.
phospholipid antibodies may be associated with infarction. 1972) lends support to this idea.
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 550
Infarctions appear commonly in lupus and may occur of a depression with hallucinations and delusions, even in
on any one of several bases. Cardioembolic emboli may patients with severe extracerebral lupus, would never repre-
arise from Libman–Sacks endocarditis, valvulitis, or mural sent a normal reaction. Although important in the case of
thrombi (Devinsky et al. 1988; Mitsias and Levine 1994; depression, this concern with teasing out ‘normal’ reactions
Tsokos et al. 1986). If these emboli are large, then large to stressful events does not apply to patients with mania,
vessels, such as the middle cerebral or anterior cerebral artery, psychosis, or delirium, as none of these syndromes ever
may be occluded, with resulting large territorial infarctions; occurs as a ‘normal’ reaction.
if small there may be widespread microinfarctions through- Patients with lupus may develop renal failure with ure-
out the cortex and subcortical white matter. Thrombotic mia, which may be accompanied by hypertension, and ure-
infarctions of large- or medium-sized vessels may also mic encephalopathy or hypertensive encephalopathy may
occur, on the basis of either a fibrinoid vasculopathy (Ellis occur (Wong et al. 1991). Uremia may cause mania, delir-
and Verity 1979; Hanley et al. 1992; Johnson and ium or seizures, and hypertensive encephalopathy is char-
Richardson 1968; Malamud and Saver 1954) or the anti- acterized by delirium and seizures. Steroid treatment may
phospholipid syndrome. True vasculitis may occur (Weiner also cause neuropsychiatric side-effects, including depres-
and Allen 1991) but this appears to be rare (Devinsky et al. sion, mania, and psychosis. Finally, treatment with either
1988). Cerebral venous thrombosis may also occur but this steroids or immunosuppressants opens the way to oppor-
too seems rare. tunistic central nervous system infections (Futrell et al.
It appears that most cases of depression, mania, psy- 1992; Wong et al. 1991), which may also be associated with
chosis, and delirium occur on the basis of cerebritis; how- delirium, seizures, or focal signs.
ever, these syndromes may also occur with appropriately On a final differential diagnostic note, care must be taken
placed infarctions (e.g., depression with frontal lobe; mania to distinguish naturally occurring lupus from drug-induced
with frontal or temporal lobe, thalamus or caudate; psy- lupus. This syndrome is most commonly seen secondary to
chosis with temporal lobe or thalamus; and delirium with use of procainamide, hydralazine, or, less frequently, alpha-
temporal lobe or thalamus). Dementia may occur on the methyl dopa; it has also been rarely noted secondary to use
basis of cerebritis but appears more commonly due to mul- of other medications, including chlorpromazine, carba-
tiple infarctions. Seizures may likewise occur with cerebritis mazepine, phenytoin, and primidone. Importantly, unlike
or with infarction. Chorea may occur with cerebritis or naturally occurring lupus, drug-induced lupus rarely causes
infarction (e.g., of the basal ganglia or thalamus) and is also cerebral symptoms. When there is doubt as to whether any
associated with the presence of anti-phospholipid anti- given case of lupus is drug-induced or not, antibody levels
bodies. Focal signs generally occur on the basis of appropri- may be helpful. Although all patients with drug-induced
ately placed infarctions. lupus have a positive ANA, very few will have the more spe-
cific antibodies to native DNA or Sm. Obtaining an anti-
histone antibody level may also be helpful: whereas patients
Differential diagnosis with drug-induced lupus typically have this, it is unusual in
patients with naturally occurring lupus.
Polyarteritis nodosa, sarcoidosis, and, in older patients,
cranial arteritis may all mimic lupus to a certain degree,
and it is good practice to check for ANA in any case in Treatment
which the neuropsychiatric symptoms described above
occur in the setting of constitutional symptoms or multi- Treatment of the various features of cerebral lupus is dic-
organ disease. tated by the presumed underlying etiology, as discussed
In evaluating neuropsychiatric syndromes in patients above. In this regard, a reasonable strategy is to obtain
with established lupus, care must be taken to be sure that an MR scan to determine whether or not infarction has
the syndrome is, in fact, due to lupus rather than some occurred, and, if so, to then decide whether the identified
other cause. In this regard, special care must be taken in infarction or infarctions could reasonably be expected to
the evaluation of patients with depression. As discussed explain the patient’s symptomatology. If this is the case,
in Section 6.1, although it is normal for patients to be treatment is directed at the cause of the underlying infarc-
depressed in the face of adverse events, such as the occur- tion, as discussed in Section 7.4. In cases of infarction occur-
rence of lupus, the severity of such ‘normal’ depressions is ring in the context of the anti-phospholipid syndrome,
proportionate to the severity of the adverse event; further- preventive treatment with warfarin is probably in order.
more, such ‘normal’ depressions are typically not accompa- In the remaining cases, which are presumably due to a
nied by hallucinations or delusions. Consequently, the cerebritis, consideration may be given to treatment with
appearance of a non-psychotic depression in the context, steroids or cyclophosphamide, either individually or in
say, of imminent renal failure might be considered normal. combination. Initial treatment with steroids generally
On the other hand, the occurrence of a severe depression in involves a 3- to 7-day course of methylprednisolone, 250 mg
a patient whose lupus manifested only with a rash probably intravenously four times daily, followed by prednisone in a
does not represent a normal depression, and the occurrence dose of 1 mg/kg/day, with the dose of prednisone gradually
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 551
tapered over a few weeks depending on the clinical response. T2-weighted or FLAIR MR scanning often reveals multi-
With regard to cyclophosphamide, some clinicians will uti- ple small areas of increased signal intensity in the white mat-
lize this as single-agent therapy from the start, whereas ter (Coates et al. 1999) and, in cases of dementia, increased
others will add it to the course of steroids, generally several signal intensity in the white matter may be confluent and
days into treatment with methylprednisolone. Repeat courses widespread. In patients with meningitis, contrast enhance-
of steroids or monthly infusions of cyclophosphamide are ment is seen in the meninges, as expected.
generally required to maintain remission. Remarkably, at the The CSF may be normal or may display oligoclonal
time of this writing there has been only one double-blind bands or an increased IgG index (Vrethem et al. 1990).
study comparing steroids alone with the combination of Serologic abnormalities are found in almost all patients.
steroids and cyclophosphamide (Barile-Fabris et al. 2005). Over 90 percent will have a positive ANA and some 75 per-
This study found that the addition of cyclophosphamide to cent will have a positive rheumatoid factor. Anti-SS-A
an initial course of steroids, followed by monthly cyclophos- (formerly known as anti-Ro) is found in 60–75 percent,
phamide, was greatly superior to initial treatment with and anti-SS-B (formerly known as anti-La) in about 40
steroids alone, followed by repeat courses of methylpred- percent. In doubtful cases, a lip biopsy will reveal lympho-
nisolone. However, this study primarily included patients cytic infiltrates.
with seizures and excluded patients with depression, mania,
psychosis, delirium, or dementia, and hence it is not clear
whether the results would apply to these syndromes. Course
Symptomatic treatment of depression, mania, psy-
chosis, delirium, dementia, and seizures may or may not be Overall, the course is characterized by gradual progression.
required, and is discussed in Sections 6.1, 6.3, 7.1, 5.3, 5.1,
and 7.3 respectively.
Differential diagnosis
Clinical features
The sicca syndrome may be seen in other connective tissue
The onset is very gradual and typically occurs in middle or diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic
later adult years. Although the sicca syndrome is present in sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and polymyositis. In
all cases it may be relatively mild, and direct questioning is patients with involvement of the nervous system the most
often required to elicit these symptoms. Extraglandular important consideration is lupus, and here the differential
involvement occurs in about one-third of patients, a poly- rests on testing for anti-native DNA, which is present in
arthralgia or polyarthritis is seen in about two-thirds, and lupus but absent in Sjögren’s syndrome.
Raynaud’s phenomenon is seen in about one-third. Multiple sclerosis enters into the differential, especially
The proportion of patients who develop central nervous in patients with optic neuritis and/or myelopathy. Here the
system involvement is not known with certainty, but it differential rests on finding the typical serologic abnormal-
probably represents a very small minority (Anaya et al. ities mentioned above; in doubtful cases, a lip biopsy may
2002). Multiple areas of the nervous system may be involved be required.
(Delalande et al. 2004) and there may be stroke (Bragoni The sicca syndrome, of course, may also be caused by
et al. 1994), a gradually progressive dementia (Caselli multiple different medications.
et al. 1991, 1993; Kawashima et al. 1993), subacute aseptic
meningitis, seizures, optic neuritis, myelopathy, and, in a
very small minority, parkinsonism (Walker et al. 1999). Treatment
Peripheral nervous system involvement may also occur and
is far more common than central nervous system involve- Central nervous system involvement generally requires
ment (Goransson et al. 2006); a cranial neuropathy may also treatment with steroids or immunosuppressants, such as
occur, affecting the V, VII or VIII cranial nerves. cyclophosphamide.
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 552
17.4 SNEDDON’S SYNDROME most cases are sporadic, familial cases have been noted
(Pettee et al. 1994).
First described by Sneddon in 1965 (Sneddon 1965), this
syndrome is characterized by livedo reticularis and cere-
brovascular disease. This is a rare disorder, more common Differential diagnosis
in woman than men, with an onset in early to middle adult
years. The diagnosis should always be suspected in any adult with
livedo reticularis and cerebrovascular disease. The primary
anti-phospholipid syndrome is distinguished by the con-
Clinical features stant presence of anti-phospholipid antibodies and by the
absence of white matter changes. Systemic lupus erythe-
Livedo reticularis is generally present for years before other matosus is suggested by finding anti-native DNA or ENA
symptoms appear. Typically, it is seen not only on the lower antibodies. Binswanger’s disease is distinguished by the later
extremities but also the trunk. age of onset and the absence of livedo reticularis. It must also
Transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke are com- be borne in mind that livedo reticularis may occur as a side-
mon, and, with multiple strokes, a typical multi-infarct effect to certain drugs, most notably amantadine.
dementia may occur. Patients may also present with a
gradually progressive cognitive decline and in these cases
one typically finds significant white matter disease (Adair Treatment
et al. 2001; Boesch et al. 2003; Stockhammer et al. 1993;
Tourbah et al. 1997). Long-term anticoagulation may be considered.
Magnetic resonance scanning will reveal both areas of
infarction and white matter disease. Echocardiography may
reveal valvular disease. Anti-phospholipid antibodies, either 17.5 PRIMARY ANTI-PHOSPHOLIPID
lupus anticoagulant or anti-cardiolipin antibodies, are pres- SYNDROME
ent in a minority of cases and are often transient. The ANA
may be positive; however, anti-native DNA and extractable This is a rare syndrome, found much more commonly in
nuclear antigen (ENA) antibodies are absent (Kalashnikova women than men, which has an onset in early or middle
et al. 1990). Skin biopsy generally reveals typical vascular adult years. It is characterized by recurrent arterial or venous
lesions (Stockhammer et al. 1993). thromboses, and constitutes an important cause of stroke in
younger adults (Asherson et al. 1989; Levine et al. 1990).
Etiology Course
In this syndrome, circulating anti-phospholipid antibodies In the natural course of events there is a more or less com-
attach to vessel walls, either arterial or venous, and induce plete remission of symptoms after 2–4 years; recurrences,
thrombus formation and fibrosis (Hughson et al. 1993). although not common, may occur.
With arteries, the cerebral vasculature is preferentially
attacked, resulting in ischemic infarction. Veins subject to
attack include not only the cerebral veins but also Etiology
peripheral veins, resulting in deep venous thromboses. In
about one-third of patients, Libman–Sacks endocarditis In the setting of a widespread cerebral microangiopathy
may occur, affecting the mitral and aortic valves, with subse- there are multiple microinfarcts affecting the white matter
quent embolization. (especially the corpus callosum) and the gray matter
(Heiskala et al. 1988; Monteiro et al. 1985). Retinal and
cochlear infarctions also occur.
Although the etiology of the angiopathy is not known,
Differential diagnosis an autoimmune mechanism is suspected.
The diagnosis should always be suspected in any young per-
son with stroke (Brey et al. 1990), especially in those with a Differential diagnosis
history of deep venous thrombosis or recurrent miscar-
riage. Anti-phospholipid antibodies may also be seen in sys- Both multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus
temic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s syndrome, Sneddon’s may be considered; however, the hearing loss and visual
syndrome, and various malignancies, and with treatment disturbances suggest the correct diagnosis.
with certain drugs, including procainamide, quinidine,
hydralazine, phenytoin, valproic acid, and phenothiazines.
Of these causes of the ‘secondary’ anti-phospholipid anti- Treatment
body syndrome, lupus is the most important, and the dif-
ferential here is made by finding either anti-native DNA or Steroids or immunosuppressants, such as cyclophos-
anti-Sm antibodies. phamide, are beneficial.
The most common presentation is with delirium marked small-cell type) (Alamowitch et al. 1997), breast, testicle
by prominent anterograde and retrograde amnesia, often (Ahern et al. 1994; Burton et al. 1988; Voltz et al. 1999),
accompanied by seizures and personality change or halluci- colon (Tsukamoto et al. 1993), pancreas, ovary (Nokura
nations (Alamowitch et al. 1997; Antoine et al. 1995; Bakheit et al. 1997), thymus (Antoine et al. 1995; Ingenito et al. 1990),
et al. 1990; Gultekin et al. 2000; Lawn et al. 2003). Other, less prostate, and bladder; cases have also been associated with
common presentations include depression (Brierly et al. lymphoma. Although there is an association between certain
1960; Corsellis et al. 1968; Glaser and Pincus 1969), isolated anti-neuronal antibodies and certain types of cancer (e.g.,
amnesia (Bak et al. 2001; Nokura et al. 1997; Sutton et al. anti-Hu with lung cancer [Anderson et al. 1988; Alamowitch
2000), seizures (Corsellis et al. 1968), somnolence (Byrne et al. 1997]; anti-Ma2 with testicular cancer [Gultekin et al.
et al. 1997), and catatonia (with ‘confusion, stereotypy, 2000; Pruss et al. 2007; Voltz et al. 1999]) there is a wide
echolalia, stiffness, verbigeration, formal thought disorder, overlap (Pittock et al. 2004, 2005); for example, anti-Hu, in
and negativism’ [Tandon et al. 1988]). Rare symptoms addition to being found in association with lung cancer, may
include abnormal movements, such as chorea (Croteau et al. also be found with cancer of the breast, prostate, colon, and
2001; Vernino et al. 2002), narcoleptic attacks with cataplexy ovary (Graus et al. 2001). Given this overlap, it is appropri-
(Rosenfeld et al. 2001), rapid eye movement (REM) sleep ate to test for the entire range of known anti-neuronal anti-
behavior disorder (Iranzo et al. 2006), and, especially in bodies. It must also be kept in mind that new anti-neuronal
association with ovarian cancer, hypoventilation with respi- antibodies are routinely discovered and, consequently, neg-
ratory failure (Dalmau et al. 2007; Vitaliani et al. 2005). ative tests for known anti-neuronal antibodies do not rule
In cases that occur on a paraneoplastic basis, one may out the diagnosis (Ances et al. 2005).
also see other paraneoplastic syndromes (Alamowitch et al. Once the diagnosis of limbic encephalitis has been
1997), including the following: cerebellar degeneration made, it is essential to find the tumor. In this regard, if rou-
with ataxia; brainstem encephalitis with nystagmus, ataxia, tine investigations are unrevealing, many clinicians will
oculomotor palsies, and vertigo; opsoclonus–myoclonus; undertake computed tomography (CT) scans of the chest,
sensory neuropathy; Lambert–Eaton myasthenic syn- abdomen, and pelvis, and, in young males, ultrasound of
drome; and the stiff-person syndrome. the testes. If the tumor escapes detection by these methods,
Early in the course, MR scanning is often normal; over consideration may be given to whole-body PET scanning.
time, however, most cases will have increased signal inten-
sity in the medial aspects of the temporal lobes on T2- Course
weighted or FLAIR imaging; these abnormalities, although
initially unilateral, typically become bilateral (Alamowitch Although the overall course is one of progression, there
et al. 1997; Bakheit et al. 1990; Gultekin et al. 2000; Lawn may at times be ‘plateaus’; however, these almost always
et al. 2003; Tsukamoto et al. 1993). give way to further decline (Alamowitch et al. 1997). True
The EEG is abnormal in almost all cases and typically spontaneous remissions, although reported (Byrne et al.
shows temporal slowing, which, similarly to the MRI find- 1997), are rare, and most patients die within months to a
ings, may initially be unilateral, only to later become bilat- year or more, either of complications of the limbic
eral. Interictal epileptiform discharges may or may not be encephalitis or from the underlying cancer.
The CSF may be normal or may display any one of a
number of findings, including a mild lymphocytic pleo- Etiology
cytosis, a mildly elevated total protein, or oligoclonal
bands (Alamowitch et al. 1997; Gultekin et al. 2000). Pathologically (Henson et al. 1965) there is a lymphocytic
Although in the vast majority of cases of limbic perivascular inflammation, with neuronal loss and gliosis
encephalitis abnormalities will be found on MRI, EEG, or within the limbic system, primarily involving medial tem-
CSF assay, exceptions do occur, especially early on, and in poral structures, such as the hippocampus and the amyg-
cases in which the clinical findings are strongly suggestive of dala. As noted earlier, in the vast majority of cases this
the diagnosis but these tests are negative, positron emission inflammation occurs on a paraneoplastic basis, with anti-
tomography (PET) scanning should be considered; even in bodies raised against the cancer cross-reacting with normal
cases in which all other tests are negative, PET may reveal neuronal tissue. However, there are cases of limbic
focal hypermetabolism in one or both temporal lobes. encephalitis occurring in the context of anti-VGKC anti-
A wide variety of anti-neuronal antibodies have been bodies in which no cancer is found, and the mechanism
identified (Bataller et al. 2007; Pittock et al. 2005), including underlying the genesis of this autoimmune response
anti-Hu (also known as ANNA-1), anti-Ri (also known as remains unknown (Vincent et al. 2004).
ANNA-2), ANNA-3, anti-Ma1, anti-Ma2 (also known as
anti-Ta), anti-amphiphysin, anti-CRMP-5, and anti-voltage- Differential diagnosis
gated potassium channel (also known as anti-VGKC). In
paraneoplastic cases, various tumors have been found, Although limbic encephalitis immediately comes to mind
including cancer of the lung (most commonly of the in patients with known cancer who develop delirium with
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 555
seizures, other disorders that are not uncommon in cancer bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy or a diffuse reticulo-
must also be considered, including metastatic disease, nodular appearance. Other symptoms include erythema
Cushing’s syndrome, and opportunistic infections, such as nodosum, lupus pernio, lymphadenopathy, arthropathy,
cytomegaloviral encephalitis or progressive multifocal and parotid gland enlargement. Hepatic involvement
leukoencephalopathy. occurs in almost three-quarters of patients although hepatic
As noted earlier, in most cases limbic encephalitis failure is rare. Hypercalcemia occurs in a majority of cases,
precedes other evidence of cancer and hence in most cases and some patients may develop nephrocalcinosis and
the differential is wider, as discussed in Section 5.1. Special eventual renal failure.
consideration may be given to herpes simplex viral Involvement of the nervous system occurs in anywhere
encephalitis, hypertensive encephalopathy, the posterior from 5 to 25 percent of patients, and in a very small minor-
reversible leukoencephalopathy syndrome, Hashimoto’s ity of cases it may represent the only manifestation of sar-
encephalopathy, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease. coidosis. The overall symptomatology of neurosarcoidosis
has been described in a number of reports (Chapelon et al.
1990; Delaney 1977; Manz 1983; Oksanen 1986; Sharma
Treatment and Sharma 1991; Stern et al. 1985). With a basilar menin-
gitis, cranial neuropathies may occur, and with obstruction
Although treatment of the underlying cancer in paraneopla- of the outflow foramina of the fourth ventricle, hydro-
stic cases should be undertaken, it appears that, even with suc- cephalus may occur; involvement of arteries may be fol-
cessful treatment, limbic encephalitis undergoes remission in lowed by stroke. Cerebral involvement may be characterized
only a minority of cases (Burton et al. 1988). Consequently, by multiple granulomas or by relatively few large lesions,
other modalities must be considered; although there are no or even by a solitary lesion; in these cases there may be
controlled studies, various treatments, alone or in combina- dementia, delirium, seizures, or focal signs. Hypothalamic
tion, are utilized, including steroids, immunosuppressants or pituitary granulomas may present with endocrinologic
(e.g., cyclophosphamide), intravenous immunoglobulins, syndromes. The cord may also be compressed and the
and plasmapheresis (Bataller et al. 2007). The symptomatic peripheral nervous system is often involved.
treatment of delirium is discussed in Section 5.3, and of Cranial neuropathies occur in approximately one-half
seizures in Section 7.3. of all cases and, although various of the cranial nerves may
be involved (Symonds 1958), one most commonly sees a
peripheral facial palsy, which may be unilateral or bilateral
17.8 SARCOIDOSIS (Scott 1993; Sharma and Sharma 1991). The eighth cranial
nerve may also be involved with deafness, as may the optic
Sarcoidosis is an uncommon disease characterized patho- nerve or chiasm with blindness or hemianopia.
logically by the presence of sarcoid granulomas in multiple Hydrocephalus occurs in about 5 percent of cases and
organ systems, including, in a minority, the nervous system, may present with dementia and a gait disturbance.
in which case one may speak of neurosarcoidosis. In addi- Stroke is rare in sarcoidosis and appears to generally pres-
tion to a granulomatous basilar meningitis, granulomas ent with a lacunar syndrome (Brown et al. 1989; Michotte
may also be found scattered throughout the cerebrum, with et al. 1991), reflecting granulomatous involvement of the
a special predilection for the hypothalamus and pituitary. penetrating arteries.
Sarcoidosis is somewhat more common in females than Dementia does occur in sarcoidosis (Camp and Frierson
males; in the United States it is far more common in black 1962; Cordingly et al. 1981; Miller et al. 1988; Sanson et al.
people than white people, and in Europe those from north- 1996) and may be accompanied by a frontal lobe syndrome
ern countries are more commonly affected. (Hook 1954) or by delusions and hallucinations (Thompson
and Checkley 1981). Although the prevalence of this syn-
drome is uncertain, one study found cognitive deficits of
Clinical features variable degree in close to 50 percent of all patients with
neurosarcoidosis (Scott et al. 2007). Delirium has also been
Although onset in adolescence or the middle or later years noted (Douglas and Maloney 1973; Silverstein and Siltzbach
may occur, most patients fall ill in their twenties or thirties. 1965; Wiederholt and Siekers 1965) but appears to be rare.
The onset itself is often gradual, and many cases are discov- Seizures occur in about 15 percent of cases and may be
ered serendipitously when a chest radiograph reveals pul- grand mal or partial in type (Krumholz et al. 1991). Focal
monary findings characteristic of the disease. signs may occur, and reflect the location of any cerebral
Although sarcoidosis may be protean in its manifes- granulomas.
tations, certain presentations deserve note. Perhaps 90 Endocrinologic changes have been noted in up to one-
percent of patients will have pulmonary involvement, third of patients, and may consist of diabetes insipidus,
which may manifest clinically with symptoms such as hyperprolactinemia, hypothyroidism, hypogonadism, and
cough or dyspnea, or may be asymptomatic and discovered adrenocortical insufficiency (Scott et al. 1987). Hypothala-
only incidentally by chest radiograph, which may reveal mic involvement may also manifest with disturbances of
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 556
appetite or with somnolence; rarely symptomatic nar- widely in size and number, from miliary lesions to large
colepsy may occur (Rubinstein et al. 1988). masses mimicking gliomas (Powers and Miller 1981).
Spinal cord compression by granulomas may lead to Although the mechanism underlying the appearance of
various symptomatologies, including paraplegia. these granulomas is not known, it is strongly suspected
The peripheral nervous system is involved in up to 50 that sarcoidosis represents an autoimmune disorder that is
percent of patients, and may manifest with a monon- triggered in genetically susceptible individuals by an exoge-
europathy, a mononeuritis multiplex, or a primarily sen- nous, inhaled substance.
sory polyneuropathy.
Magnetic resonance scanning with T2-weighted or
FLAIR imaging typically reveals any basilar meningitis or Differential diagnosis
macroscopic parenchymal granulomas; with gadolinium,
enhancement is seen in most of these. Neurosyphilis, tuberculosis, and fungal infections may all
The CSF is abnormal in only about 50 percent of cases. closely mimic sarcoidosis. Multiple sclerosis is often men-
Various abnormalities may occur (Kinnman and Link tioned on the differential; however, this possibility would
1984; McLean et al. 1995), including a mild lymphocytic only arise in cases of neurosarcoidosis in which lesions
pleocytosis, a mildly elevated total protein, and, in a were essentially restricted to the cerebral white matter.
minority, oligoclonal bands or an elevated IgG index; in a
very small minority the glucose level is mildly reduced. The
level of CSF angiotensin-converting enzyme is elevated in a Treatment
little over 50 percent of cases (Oksanen 1986). The serum
angiotensin-converting enzyme level is likewise elevated in Active neurosarcoidosis may be treated with prednisone in
over 50 percent of cases. a dose of approximately 1 mg/kg/day for 4–6 weeks, after
Definitive diagnosis requires biopsy evidence of typical which the dose may be gradually tapered over the following
sarcoid granulomas, and in most cases lung biopsy is months, depending on the clinical evolution. Importantly,
performed. steroids, although often effective, do not alter the natural
course of the disease, and repeat courses may be required.
In treatment-resistant cases, some clinicians will give a
Course course of intravenous methylprednisolone, whereas others
will turn to hydroxycholoquine (Sharma 1998) or to an
The course is variable. Spontaneous remission of neuro- immunosuppressant, such as cyclophosphamide, azathio-
sarcoidosis occurs after many months in about one-half of prine or methotrexate (Scott et al. 2007). Unfortunately,
cases, although relapses may occur; in the remaining cases there are no blind studies of the treatment of neuro-
the disease pursues a chronic, often fluctuating course sarcoidosis to guide these choices. Hydrocephalus may
(Pentland et al. 1985). require shunting.
The cardinal lesion in sarcoidosis is a non-caseating granu- Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, first described by Lord Brain
loma, and the pathology of neurosarcoidosis has been in 1966 (Brain et al. 1966), is an uncommon cause of delir-
described in a number of studies (Delaney 1977; Herring ium which occurs secondary to an autoimmune process
and Urich 1969; Jefferson 1957). As noted above, one typi- that targets the brain.
cally sees a granulomatous basilar meningitis, with entrap- Before proceeding further some words are in order
ment and inflammation of cranial nerves, penetrating regarding the confusion that may exist between Hashimoto’s
arteries, and, in a small minority, obstruction of the out- encephalopathy and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, which are
flow foramina of the fourth ventricle. Granulomatous two very different diseases. The name ‘Hashimoto’ is gen-
infiltration of the hypothalamus is very common, and fur- erally associated not with an encephalopathy but with thy-
ther infiltration down the pituitary stalk may lead to gran- roiditis. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, first described by Hakaru
uloma formation in the posterior or anterior lobe of the Hashimoto in 1912 (Hashimoto 1912), is the most com-
pituitary gland. Of note, it appears that most of the mon cause of thyroiditis and is characterized by the pres-
endocrinologic disturbances seen in neurosarcoidosis ence of anti-thyroid antibodies and by a lymphocytic
result primarily from hypothalamic disease, with pituitary infiltration of the thyroid gland; affected patients may be
function being secondarily disturbed by the lack of releas- euthyroid, transiently hyperthyroid, or, more commonly,
ing or inhibiting factors normally secreted by the hypothal- hypothyroid. Dr. Hashimoto did not note delirium in any
amus (Winnacker et al. 1968). Parenchymal granulomas of these patients with thyroiditis. In 1966, however, Lord
may be found not only in the white matter of the cerebrum Brain described a patient with thyroiditis and anti-thyroid
but also in the cortex and, as noted earlier, they may range antibodies who also had delirium and stroke-like episodes,
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 557
and it was this association of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis one typically sees only a mildly reduced thyroxine (T4) and
with delirium that prompted the new term, ‘Hashimoto’s a mildly elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
encephalopathy’. Importantly, however, as noted below, (Henchey et al. 1995; Shaw et al. 1991).
although anti-thyroid antibodies are present in all cases Elevations of anti-thyroid antibodies, either anti-thyroid
of Hashimoto’s encephalopathy, there is no association peroxidase or anti-thyroglobulin, are present in all cases.
between the encephalopathy and thyroid disease, and it Although in the vast majority of cases both of these are ele-
appears that the anti-thyroid antibodies are merely ‘inno- vated, exceptions do occur and patients may have elevation
cent bystanders’ that serve as markers of a more wide- of only one; consequently, both should be routinely tested
spread autoimmune disorder; in addition to autoantibodies for. Typically the levels of these antibodies are elevated ten-
directed at the thryoid, other autoantibodies directed at the fold or greater; importantly, however, there is no correla-
brain are also present. tion between the degree of elevation and the severity of the
A recently coined synonym for Hashimoto’s encephalopa- clinical syndrome
thy is ‘steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with
autoimmune thyroiditis’ or ‘SREAT’. Whether this new
terminology is helpful or will gain currency remains to Course
be seen.
Although the course of Hashimoto’s encephalopathy has
not been clearly delineated, it appears to be an episodic dis-
Clinical features ease. The episodes themselves tend to persist for anywhere
from weeks up to 6 months, after which there is generally a
The clinical features have been most clearly described in remission. Repeat episodes can occur; however, it is not
two case series from the Mayo Clinic (Castillo et al. 2006; clear whether this is the case for all, or even most, patients,
Sawka et al. 2002). Although most patients are in their for- nor is it clear how long the intervals are between episodes.
ties, the age of onset varies widely, from childhood to the
eighth decade; the onset itself is typically subacute, over
days or perhaps weeks. Etiology
The overwhelming majority of patients have a delirium,
which in most cases is accompanied by any or all of tremor, Neuropathologically there is widespread perivascular lym-
myoclonus, ataxia, or seizures; seizures may be grand mal, phocytic inflammation, microglial activation, and gliosis
complex partial or, rarely, simple partial, and grand mal (Castillo et al. 2006; Chong et al. 2003; Doherty et al. 2002;
status epilepticus may occur in a small minority. Stroke- Duffey et al. 2003; Nolte et al. 2000).
like episodes are common and are typically characterized Although the mechanism underlying this inflammatory
by aphasia (Bohnen et al. 1997; Ghika-Schmid et al. 1996; change has not been positively identified, an autoimmune
Henchey et al. 1995; Shaw et al. 1991; Thrush and Boddie process is strongly suggested both by the association with
1974); hemiplegia or hemisensory loss may also occur. anti-thyroid antibodies and by the good response to
These stroke-like episodes are of brief duration, lasting in steroids. In all likelihood, however, the anti-thyroid anti-
the order of hours or a day or more, and typically undergo bodies are not pathogenic but merely represent part of a
a full remission. Very rarely Hashimoto’s encephalopathy wider autoimmune response, with other antibodies directed
may present with a psychosis (Bostantjopoulou et al. 1996) at the brain; in this regard serum anti-neuronal antibodies
or with a dementia (Galluzzi et al. 2002). have been demonstrated (Oide et al. 2004) and one study
Magnetic resonance scanning is normal in the majority of identified a particular autoantibody directed at alpha-enolase
cases; in the remainder, T2-weighted or FLAIR imaging may (Ochi et al. 2002).
disclose diffusely increased signal intensity in the cerebral
white matter (Bohnen et al. 1997) and, in a small minority,
subcortical infarctions may be noted. (Henchey et al. 1995). Differential diagnosis
Computed tomography scanning is almost always normal.
The EEG shows generalized slowing in the vast majority Various other causes of delirium, as discussed in Section
of cases, and this may be accompanied by other changes in 5.3, must be considered, including toxic deliria (serotonin
a small minority, including triphasic waves and interictal syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, delirium
epileptiform discharges (Schauble et al. 2003). tremens), metabolic deliria (Wernicke’s encephalopathy,
The CSF typically, but not always, displays various uremic encephalopathy, hepatic encephalopathy), other
abnormalities. An elevated total protein is most common; autoimmune disorders (systemic lupus erythematosus,
in a small minority there may be a mild lymphocytic pleo- limbic encephalitis), intracranial disorders (hypertensive
cytosis. Rarely, there may be oligoclonal bands or the 14-3-3 encephalopathy, posterior reversible leukoencephalopathy
protein (Hernandez Echebarria et al. 2000). syndrome), viral encephalitis, complex partial status epilep-
A small minority may have a mildly elevated ANA or ticus, and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (which may closely
ESR. Thyroid indices are generally normal; if abnormal mimic Hashimoto’s encephalopathy [Doherty et al. 2002]).
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 558
In cases in which there is an associated Hashimoto’s polyarthritis, Sydenham’s chorea, subcutaneous nodules,
thyroiditis, consideration may be given to delirium sec- and erythema marginatum. Minor criteria include fever,
ondary to either hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, but arthralgia, a prolonged PR interval on electrocardiography,
these are very rare; Hashimoto’s thyroiditis may also be and either an elevated ESR or an elevated C-reactive protein
associated with adrenocortical insufficiency, which, again level. Acceptable laboratory evidence of recent pharyngeal
very rarely, may cause delirium. infection includes a positive throat culture or an elevated
In pursuing this differential, it must also be kept in mind anti-DNAase B, anti-streptolysin O, or anti-hyaluronidase
that anti-thyroid antibodies may be found in about 3 percent titer; of these three titers, anti-DNAase B tends to remain
of children and adolescents (Kabelitz et al. 2003) and elevated for the longest period of time, in some cases up to
8 percent of those over 60 years (Roti et al. 1992); conse- 6 months after the pharyngitis.
quently the entire clinical picture must be taken into account. Although most of the clinical manifestations of rheu-
matic fever appear about 10 days after the pharyngitis
(Taranta 1959), Sydenham’s chorea is an exception in that
Treatment the latency between the pharyngitis and the onset of the
chorea is, on average, in the order of 2 or 3 months (Taranta
Although there are no blind treatment studies, most patients 1959; Taranta and Stollerman 1956). Consequently, it is not
are given 1000 mg/day of intravenous methylprednisolone unusual to see a case of ‘pure’ chorea (Feinstein and
for 5–7 days, followed by 60–100 mg/day of oral prednisone Spagnuola 1962; Taranta and Stollerman 1956) in which
in a tapering dose over the following weeks (Castillo et al. the other manifestations of rheumatic fever have already
2006). In most cases the response is prompt, within days, undergone a full remission, leaving the chorea as the sole
and most patients do well with tapering. In some cases, how- manifestation of the disease.
ever, prolonged treatment with steroids is required, and it Sydenham’s chorea generally presents subacutely, over
appears also that some patients are resistant to steroids and several weeks (McCullogh 1938; Nausieda et al. 1980), in
require treatment with immunosuppressants (azathioprine, children aged from 8 to 15 years (Cardoso et al. 1997; Kilic
methotrexate, or cyclophosphamide), plasma exchange, or et al. 2007; Thayer 1906); later onsets, however, are certainly
intravenous immunoglobulins. Although intuitively it possible, as late, indeed, as the ninth decade (Goyal and
makes sense to monitor levels of anti-thyroid antibodies to Williams 1967). The onset itself is typically characterized by
gauge treatment response, in practice this is not useful, as in symptoms reminiscent of attention deficit/hyperactivity dis-
some cases levels may actually rise despite a good clinical order, such as restlessness, fidgetiness, irritability, and emo-
response. tional lability; choreiform movements, if present, are mild
The general treatment of delirium is discussed in Section and evanescent (Diefendorf 1912; Gerstley et al. 1935).
5.3; seizures may be treated as described in Section 7.3. When the chorea does settle in, it is usually generalized but
most prominent in the limbs and face; alternatively, one
may occasionally see hemichorea (Abt and Levinson 1916;
17.10 SYDENHAM’S CHOREA Nausieda et al. 1980); rarely, rather than chorea there may be
a profound weakness, known as ‘chorea mollis’.
Sydenham’s chorea, also known as Saint Vitus’ dance, rheu- Neuropsychiatric features are very common during
matic chorea, or chorea minor, is one of the major manifes- Sydenham’s chorea and include obsessions and compul-
tations of rheumatic fever (Anonymous 1992; Bland and sions, tics, delirium, mania or, less commonly, depression
Jones 1951, 1952), occurring in about one-quarter of all and psychosis. In addition to these features, seizures
cases (Cardoso et al. 1997). In addition to chorea, these (Ch’ien et al. 1978; Nausieda et al. 1980), either complex
patients also display other neuropsychiatric features, most partial or grand mal, may be seen in a small minority,
notably obsessions and compulsions. along with various signs, such as a positive Babinski reflex
Because of the widespread treatment of streptococcal (Ganji et al. 1988).
pharyngitis with penicillin, Sydenham’s chorea is currently Obsessions and compulsions occur most notably in
uncommon; it occurs more frequently in females than Sydenham’s chorea (Swedo et al. 1989): one prospective
males with a ratio of approximately 7:3. study reported them in 70 percent of patients (Asbahr et al.
1998), another in 82 percent (Swedo et al. 1993). The
course of these obsessions and compulsions is of interest.
Clinical features Although they tend to peak in severity along with the wors-
ening of the chorea and to remit before the chorea does, in
The diagnosis of rheumatic fever is made according to the fact they generally make their appearance before the chorea
‘Jones criteria’ (Anonymous 1992), which demand the sets in (Swedo et al. 1993); importantly, it appears that in
presence of: (i) laboratory evidence of recent pharyngeal cases of rheumatic fever it is only those patients who
infection with group A beta-hemolytic streptococci; and (ii) develop Sydenham’s chorea who develop obsessions and
either two ‘major’ criteria or one ‘major’ criterion plus two compulsions; those without chorea remain free of them
‘minor’ criteria. Major criteria include carditis, migratory (Asbahr et al. 1998).
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 559
Tics, similar to those seen in Tourette’s syndrome, may that other factors may be involved in recurrences or that the
also occur during Sydenham’s chorea (Creak and Guttmann preceding infection was of such low intensity as to leave no
1935). laboratory trace is not clear.
Delirium is seen in fewer than 10 percent of patients In addition to relapses of chorea consequent upon recur-
(Nausieda et al. 1980) but may be profound (Diefendorf rent group A beta-hemolytic pharyngitis, patients who have
1912). recovered from Sydenham’s chorea are also at risk for other
Mania is a rare manifestation of Sydenham’s chorea sequelae. Females with a history of Sydenham’s chorea may
(Abt and Levinson 1916; MacKenzie 1887) and may pres- develop chorea gravidarum during pregnancy (Beresford
ent as either pure mania or mixed mania (Bradley 1904; and Graham 1950; Wilson and Preece 1932a) and are also at
Ebaugh 1926; Gay 1889; Lewis and Minski 1935; Powell increased risk for developing chorea during treatment with
1889; Reaser 1940; Shaskan 1938) or, rarely, be coupled oral contraceptives (Nausieda et al. 1983). There is also sug-
with a depression (Abt and Levinson 1916; Haskell 1914). gestive evidence that some cases of obsessive–compulsive
Depression is even rarer than mania in Sydenham’s chorea disorder (Swedo 1994; Swedo et al. 1994), Tourette’s syn-
(Abt and Levinson 1916). drome (Kerbeshian et al. 1990; Swedo et al. 1994), and even
Psychosis, with hallucinations and delusions, may occur schizophrenia (Casanova et al. 1995; Wilcox and Nasrallah
in a small minority (Hammes 1922) and may symptomati- 1986, 1988) occur as sequelae.
cally resemble the psychosis seen in schizophrenia (Leys
1946; Putzel 1879).
On average, an episode of Sydenham’s chorea gradually
remits after 5–9 months, the range being a week up to 2
Autopsy studies of patients dying during acute Sydenham’s
years or more (Aron et al. 1965; Kilic et al. 2007; Lessof
chorea have revealed two kinds of damage: vasculitic
1958; Swedo et al. 1993); very rarely Sydenhams’ chorea
and encephalitic. Vasculitic changes affecting small vessels
may be chronic, even lifelong (Gibb et al. 1985). Although
(Buchanen 1941; Buchanen et al. 1942; Poynton and Holmes
there may be some very mild residual chorea, especially evi-
1906; Van Bogaert and Bertrand 1932; Winkelman and
dent when the patient is under stress (Lessof 1958; Swedo
Eckel 1932) have been noted in the cerebral cortex and basal
et al. 1993), in most cases recovery is essentially complete.
ganglia; encephalitic changes (Bradley 1904; Buchanen et al.
The mortality rate is less than 1 percent (Abt and Levinson
1942; Colony and Malamud 1956; Coombs 1912; Gordon
1916; Bussiere and Rhea 1926; Lessof and Bywaters 1956).
and Norman 1934; Greenfield and Wolfsohn 1922; Ziegler
T2-weighted or FLAIR MR scanning may show
1927), with inflammation and neuronal loss, have been
increased signal intensity in the caudate and in the cerebral
found throughout the cerebral cortex and the basal ganglia,
white matter (Castillo et al. 1999; Emery and Vieco 1997;
without any corresponding vasculitis. Autopsies of patients
Moreau et al. 2005; Robertson and Smith 2002).
who died from unrelated causes long after recovering
The EEG is abnormal in the majority of cases, demon-
from the chorea have revealed evidence of old endarteritis
strating either posterior slowing or, in a minority, sharp
(Benda 1949) and patchy gliosis and neuronal loss (Lange
waves or interictal epileptiform discharges (Ch’ien et al.
et al. 1976).
It appears that these vasculitic and encephalitic changes
occur secondary to an autoimmune assault on the central
nervous system, which is triggered by the preceding group
Course A beta-hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis. Serum anti-
neuronal antibodies have been detected (Kiessling et al.
The overall course of Sydenham’s chorea parallels that of
1993; Swedo et al. 1991), specifically targeting the follow-
the underlying rheumatic fever, and if there are recur-
ing structures: pial arteries and parenchymal capillaries
rences of rheumatic fever the patient is at risk for another
(Kingston and Glynn 1971); white matter astrocytes
episode of Sydenham’s chorea. Indeed, it appears that with
(Kingston and Glynn 1976); neurons, in particular those of
repeated bouts of rheumatic fever the likelihood that
the basal ganglia (Church et al. 2002; Husby et al. 1976)
future episodes of rheumatic fever will be characterized by
and certain brainstem nuclei (Husby et al. 1976); and the
Sydenham’s chorea increases (Aron et al. 1965; Bland and
ependyma (Kingston and Glynn 1976).
Jones 1951; Jones and Bland 1935). Although most recur-
rences of Sydenham’s chorea occur after about 2 years
(Nausieda et al. 1980; Schwartzman et al. 1948), in some Differential diagnosis
cases a very long interval may separate individual episodes,
in one case up to 52 years (Gibb and Lees 1989). As discussed in Section 3.4, there are few other disorders
Although most cases of recurrent episodes of Sydenham’s capable of causing self-limited episodes of chorea in child-
chorea are associated with laboratory evidence of a recent hood or adolescence. Consideration should be given
streptococcal pharyngitis, there are exceptions and some to toxicity of various medications, such as phenytoin, and
cases may appear in the absence of such indicators (Berrios to Wilson’s disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and
et al. 1985; Korn-Lubetzki et al. 2004); whether this implies hyperthyroidism.
p 17.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 560
References 561
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p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 569
(as may be seen with shift work [Driver and Shapiro a dose of 10 mg nightly, to be effective in adults (Reid et al.
1993]), and, as noted above, with sleep deprivation. 1984). Anecdotally, clonazepam (Kavey et al. 1990) and
imipramine (Cooper 1987) were also effective.
Somnambulism probably occurs on a hereditary basis; it is
clearly familial (Kales et al. 1980b) and the concordance REM sleep behavior disorder is a remarkable condition in
rate is higher for monozygotic than for dizygotic twins which patients, while asleep and dreaming, literally ‘act out’
(Bakwin 1970; Hublin et al. 1997). their role in the dream, with the bedroom serving as the
‘stage’. Although in the general population this is a rare dis-
order, it is found in a significant minority of patients with
Differential diagnosis parkinsonian conditions and in these cases it is often the
presenting feature of the disease, preceding the parkinson-
At first glance, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior ism by years. It is far more common in males than females.
disorder may appear quite similar to somnambulism; how-
ever, the differential is easily made by awakening the
patient and asking if he or she were dreaming during the Clinical features
episode. In REM sleep behavior disorder there is always a
dream present and the patient’s behavior during the episode The onset is generally in middle or later years, and episodes
is ‘explained’ by the dream content; by contrast, in som- occur with variable frequency, from multiple episodes
nambulism there is no associated dreaming. nightly to isolated episodes occurring every few months
Night terrors are distinguished from sleepwalking both (Olson et al. 2000).
by the extreme terror evident in the sleeping patient and by Schenck and colleagues have comprehensively described
the lack of any actual walking about. this condition (Schenck and Mahowald 1990; Schenck et al.
Sleep drunkenness may resemble sleepwalking; how- 1986, 1987, 1989). Episodes typically arise out of REM sleep,
ever, the episodes of sleep drunkenness are seen in the in the middle or last third of the night. Violent or poten-
morning as the patient struggles to awaken, in contrast to tially dangerous behavior is not at all uncommon, and
sleepwalking in which episodes occur in the early part of patients may suffer bruises, lacerations, or even fractures;
the night and are not associated with awakening. in one case (Dyken et al. 1995) a subdural hematoma was
Nocturnal complex seizures may be difficult to distin- sustained. Patients are generally difficult to awaken and, if
guish from episodes of sleepwalking (Pedley and they do come to full consciousness, they may relate a vivid
Guilleminault 1977). A history of complex partial or other dream that, in retrospect, clearly provides the context for
types of seizures during waking hours is helpful, but in lim- their behavior.
iting cases polysomnography may be required. Some examples will help to convey a sense of the
Various medications may cause sleepwalking, including remarkable phenomenology of this disorder. In one case
paroxetine (Kawashima and Yamada 2003), bupropion (Schenck et al. 1986) a 67-year-old man described his
(Khazaal et al. 2003), olanzapine (Kolivakis et al. 2001), dream and what he found when he woke up:
zolpidem (Harazin and Berigan 1999), and the combinations
of antipsychotics with lithium (Charney et al. 1979) and I was a halfback playing football, and after the
zolpidem with valproic acid (Sattar et al. 2003). Sleepwalking quarterback received the ball from the center he
may also occur during hyperthyroidism (Ajlouni et al. 2005). lateraled it sideways to me and I’m supposed to go
around end and cut back over tackle and – this is very
vivid – as I cut back over tackle there is this big 280-
Treatment pound tackle waiting, so I, according to football rules,
was to give him my shoulder and bounce him out of the
Patients and parents should be reassured regarding the essen- way, supposedly, and when I came to I was standing in
tially benign nature of somnambulism, and common sense front of our dresser and I had knocked lamps, mirrors,
precautions, such as locking windows or doors and removing and everything off the dresser, hit my head against the
potentially dangerous objects, should be taken to reduce the wall and my knee against the dresser.
risk of any injury. Should these measures fail, consideration
may be given to ‘anticipatory awakenings’ (Tobin 1993). Damage to property is not the only danger here: during
Here, one monitors the patient to determine when episodes one incident (Schenck et al. 1989), the patient ‘was awak-
are most likely to occur and then awakens the patient just ened one night by his wife’s yelling as he was choking her.
beforehand; in many cases this may provide lasting relief He was dreaming of breaking the neck of a deer he had just
after only a few nights. In limiting cases, medications may be knocked down’; during another (Culebras and Moore
utilized. The only blind study carried out found diazepam, in 1989), a 70-year-old man ‘dreamed that an alligator was
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 571
trying to get into his car, and in order to prevent it, he held locus ceruleus and the substantia nigra (Turner et al.
the animal’s snout with great force . . .’ After finally being 2000). This, of course, is not unexpected; however, in cases
awakened by his wife calling him, he found himself ‘strongly in which REM sleep behavior disorder was the only mani-
grabbing her arm’. festation of Lewy body disease, this too was where the
Importantly, although the dream content, and resulting pathology was found (Uchiyama et al. 1995). Other inves-
behavior, are often aggressive, the waking behavior of these tigators, however, have cast doubt on this localization,
patients is not characterized by any increased aggressive- finding only minimal changes in these nuclei in a patient
ness (Fantini et al. 2005). with diffuse Lewy body disease who also had REM sleep
There may be an association between REM sleep behav- behavior disorder (Boeve et al. 2007).
ior disorder and other sleep disorders, including nar-
colepsy (Schenck and Mahowald 1992) and periodic leg
movements (Fantini et al. 2002). Differential diagnosis
Polysomnography is diagnostic and reveals REM sleep
during the episode, without, obviously, the expected atonia. Somnambulism is readily differentiated from REM sleep
behavior disorder by simply waking the patient during the
episode and asking about dreaming: somnambulists will
Course have no recall of any dreaming, whereas those with REM
sleep behavior disorder will recall the dream vividly. If
In the natural course of events, REM sleep behavior disor- there is any doubt, polysomnography will reveal episodes
der appears to be chronic. arising from NREM sleep in somnambulism and from
REM sleep in REM sleep behavior disorder.
Complex partial seizures arising from sleep may likewise
Etiology be distinguished from REM sleep behavior disorder by ask-
ing about dreaming, which is absent in the patient having a
REM sleep behavior disorder most commonly occurs either seizure. Furthermore, one typically also finds a history of
on an idiopathic basis or secondary to certain parkinsonian other types of seizures, such as grand mal seizures, or of
conditions; other rare causes are noted below. seizures during the day. In doubtful cases, polysomnography
Idiopathic REM sleep behavior is diagnosed when the may reveal ictal activity during the episode. Importantly,
disorder occurs in an isolated fashion. This diagnosis, how- not too much weight should be placed on finding interictal
ever, must be tentative, given that a large percentage of epileptiform discharges, as these are not uncommon inci-
these patients will eventually develop a parkinsonian con- dental findings in elderly patients with REM sleep behavior
dition. For example, diffuse Lewy body disease may follow disorder (Manni et al. 2006).
6–8 years later, and Parkinson’s disease some 3–5 years Obstructive sleep apnea may at times enter into the dif-
later (Schenck et al. 1996a; Tan et al. 1996). Indeed, in one ferential. In some cases of obstructive sleep apnea, patients,
autopsied case, REM sleep behavior disorder was the only during arousals from an apneic episode, may appear con-
manifestation of diffuse Lewy body disease (Uchiyama et al. fused and engage in complex activity (Iranzo and
1995). Santamaria 2005). Polysomnography may be required here
Parkinsonian conditions capable of causing REM sleep and reveals that these episodes do not arise from REM sleep.
behavior disorder include diffuse Lewy body disease
(Boeve et al. 2003a), Parkinson’s disease (Olson et al.
2000), and the striatonigral variant of multiple system Treatment
atrophy (Boeve et al. 2003a; Plazzi et al. 1997).
Rare causes of REM sleep behavior disorder include Although there are no blind studies of the treatment of
Alzheimer’s disease (Schenck et al. 1996b), spinocerebellar REM sleep behavior disorder, clonazepam (Schenck and
ataxia type 3 (Iranzo et al. 2003), limbic encephalitis with Mahowald 1990), in doses ranging from 0.5 to 2 mg
anti-voltage-gated potassium channel antibodies (Iranzo nightly, has become the accepted first-line treatment.
et al. 2006), and certain focal lesions. Focal lesions capable Melatonin, in doses ranging from 3 to 12 mg, constitutes
of causing REM sleep behavior disorder have all been an acceptable alternative (Boeve et al. 2003b), and in my
found in the pontine tegmentum, and include paramedian opinion should in fact be tried first as it does not carry with
infarction (Kimura et al. 2000), plaques of multiple sclero- it any risk of falls. In cases in which both of these agents are
sis (Plazzi and Montagna 2002; Tippmann-Peikert et al. either ineffective or not well tolerated, consideration may
2006), and peritumoral edema (Zambelis et al. 2002). be given to pramipexole (found to be effective in one
Although the precise structures involved in the genesis report [Schmidt et al. 2006] but only minimally so in
of REM sleep behavior disorder are not known, attention another [Fantini et al. 2003]) or donepezil (Ringman and
has been focused on certain brainstem nuclei. In cases Simmons 2000). Certain medications should probably be
occurring secondary to diffuse Lewy body disease, neu- avoided as they may aggravate the condition, including
ronal loss and Lewy bodies have been noted in both the selegiline (Louden et al. 1995) and mirtazapine (Onofrj et al.
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 572
2003). Pending effective treatment, the bedroom should be are not associated with any movement, arise from REM
made as safe as possible. sleep in the last two-thirds of the night, and are clearly and
readily recalled.
Nocturnal panic attacks are easily distinguished from
18.3 NIGHTMARE DISORDER nightmares in that the panic attacks are not associated with
frightening dreams; although patients with nocturnal
Occasional nightmares, occurring at a frequency of no panic attacks awaken into panic, they do not awaken out of
more than once every few weeks, are not abnormal. When a frightening dream.
nightmares occur frequently, however, on at least a weekly Nightmares are very common in post-traumatic stress
basis, one may speak of ‘nightmare disorder’. disorder and may also be seen during a depressive episode
of a major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder, in the
course of schizophrenia, or during delirium of any cause.
Clinical features Various medications may cause nightmares, including tri-
cyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
The nightmares of nightmare disorder typically first appear (SSRIs), antipsychotics, levodopa, and beta-blockers.
in childhood or adolescence, often after an emotionally Nightmares may also occur during the ‘REM rebound’ seen
troubling event. during withdrawal from sedative–hypnotics or alcohol.
During a nightmare (Kales et al. 1980c), patients typically Very rarely, nightmares may constitute the only symp-
lie quite still; rarely is there much movement at all, and one tomatology of a seizure (Boller et al. 1975). Clues to this
never sees any thrashing about or complex behavior. During would be a history of other seizure types and a lack of any
the nightmare, patients may be chased, attacked, tortured, other reasonable explanation. Polysomnography may not
or preyed upon by any number of unspeakable apparitions. be helpful here, as ictal electroencephalograms (EEGs)
Typically, as the fear crescendos, patients awaken with a cry during simple partial seizures are typically normal. In
of fright and are shaky, mildly diaphoretic, and tachycardic. doubtful cases one may consider attempting a ‘diagnosis
Within moments, full alertness and orientation are by treatment response’ to an anti-epileptic drug.
achieved, and patients are then able to provide a vivid and
emotional recount of the frightening dream. Although some
are able to go directly back to sleep, most, fearful of another Treatment
nightmare, have some difficulty in this regard and may lie
awake for a half-hour or more. Avoidance of fatigue, frightening stories or shows, and,
Nightmares arise from REM sleep, typically in the mid- whenever possible, emotional stress, along with prompt
dle and last thirds of the night. treatment of any febrile illness, are all in order.
Behavioral treatments, such as densensitization or
dream rehearsal, appear to be effective (Kellner et al. 1992;
Course Neidhardt et al. 1992). When such treatment is not feasible
or is ineffective, one may consider suppressing REM sleep
As noted above, the nightmares in nightmare disorder
with a benzodiazepine, such as diazepam, or using cypro-
occur at least on a weekly basis and in some cases may
heptadine in a dose of 16–24 mg h.s. (Harsch 1986). Con-
occur multiple times a night. Fever, fatigue, emotional
sideration may also be given to prazosin, which is effective
stress, and watching frightening shows before bed may all
in the treatment of nightmares seen in post-traumatic
aggravate this condition. Although in most cases the disor-
stress disorder.
der eventually remits, in a minority it may be lifelong.
Apart from a suggestion that frequent nightmares may be Night terrors, also known as sleep terrors, sleep terror dis-
inherited (Hublin et al. 1999), little is known about the eti- order, or pavor nocturnus, occurs in 1–4 percent of chil-
ology of nightmare disorder. dren and is somewhat more common in boys than girls.
Night terrors may be distinguished from nightmares in The onset is generally in childhood, between the ages of
that night terrors are associated with overt signs of fright 4 and 12 years; rarely the onset may be delayed until early
while the patient is asleep (e.g., crying out), arise from adult years.
NREM sleep in the first third of the night, and are not asso- Attacks (Fisher et al. 1973a; Kales and Kales 1974) arise
ciated with any clear dream recall; by contrast, nightmares from stage III or IV NREM sleep in the first third of the
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 573
night, typically before the first episode of REM sleep. may have only nocturnal attacks (Mellman and Uhde
Patients typically scream or cry out in terror, sit bolt 1990). Polysomnography is not very helpful in this differ-
upright, and appear dazed; the heart rate is increased, ential, given that nocturnal panic attacks arise from NREM
sometimes greatly so, and respiration is rapid and panting. sleep (Mellman and Uhde 1989b), just as night terrors do.
The sheets may be grasped and patients may cry out for Nocturnal complex partial seizures may closely resemble
help. Attempts to awaken the child are generally unsuc- night terrors. In one case (Tinuper et al. 1990), a teenager
cessful, and the episode generally runs its course in a mat- had nocturnal seizures characterized by ‘episodes of sudden
ter of minutes. Afterwards, patients may simply fall back arousal, screaming, grimacing, and violent, repetitive
into sleep or they may awaken; those who do awaken, movements of the trunk and all four limbs’ lasting for 5–10
although recalling the sense of terror, find either no mem- minutes. The occurrence of seizures during waking hours,
ory of a dream or merely fragments of one. Remarkably, in or a family history of epilepsy, is an important clue. In
contrast to their parents, who are generally quite shaken at doubtful cases, polysomnography will be required.
witnessing the episode, the children themselves are gener- Finally, there is a case report of adult-onset night terrors
ally able to fall back to sleep without any difficulty. occurring secondary to a thalamic tumor (Di Gennaro et al.
Otherwise typical attacks may rarely occur during day- 2004).
time naps, thus constituting a ‘pavor diurnus’.
Parents should be reassured regarding the benign nature of
The frequency of attacks varies widely, from daily or weekly night terrors, and, in most cases, as the episodes do not
attacks to widely-spaced attacks occurring at monthly or appear to bother patients much, this is all that is required.
longer intervals; in most cases attacks eventually cease, gen- Should suppression of the episodes be necessary, open
erally after about 4 years or so; uncommonly they may per- studies and case reports suggest effectiveness for diazepam
sist into adolescence or even adult years (DiMario and (2.5–106 mg) (Fisher et al. 1973b), imipramine (25–506 mg)
Emery 1987). Anxiety, stress, fatigue, and irregular sleep (Burstein et al. 1983; Cooper 1987), paroxetine (Wilson
habits may all increase the frequency of attacks. et al. 1997), and trazodone (Balon 1994).
Apart from the fact that sleep terrors are familial (Kales et al. Nocturnal head banging, also known as jactatio nocturna
1980b), little is known of their etiology. capitis, is characterized by repetitive head banging or
bumping during the transition into sleep. This is a com-
mon disorder in infants, seen in about 15 percent.
Differential diagnosis
Clinical features
Nightmares are quite different from night terrors. Nightmare
sufferers typically have a vivid recall of the nightmare and
Head banging usually begins around the age of 9 months
are reluctant to go back to sleep for fear of having another
and typically occurs during stage I or II of sleep; the head
one; in contrast, patients with night terrors have little or no
movements are rhythmic, occurring several times a minute,
recall of any dream and, if awakened, can fall back asleep
with the head repeatedly making contact with the bed,
with little anxiety. Furthermore, nightmares arise from
bedrails, or headboard (Kravitz et al. 1960). The contact
REM sleep in the middle or last third of the night, whereas
itself is generally not very forceful, and injuries are rare.
night terrors arise from NREM sleep in the first third of the
Nocturnal panic attacks are often included on the dif- Course
ferential, but these are also quite different from night ter-
rors. In nocturnal panic attacks, patients awaken from The vast majority of cases resolve by the age of 4 years; per-
sleep into the panic attack and are awake and alert during sistence into adolescence (Hashizume et al. 2002) or adult
the attack, with a full recall of it afterward. By contrast, years (Chisolm and Morehouse 1996; Whyte et al. 1991) is
patients with night terrors stay asleep during the attack and very rare.
have little, if any, recall of it if they can be awakened. Most
patients with nocturnal panic attacks will also have typical
attacks during waking hours (Mellman and Uhde 1989a), Etiology
and this history, of course, is very helpful; exceptions do
occur, however, and some patients with panic disorder The etiology is not known.
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 574
Differential diagnosis years the figure drops to 1 percent (Forsythe and Redmond
1974; Forsythe and Butler 1989). The course of secondary
Nocturnal head banging must be distinguished from head enuresis is determined by the underlying cause.
banging seen during wakefulness, as may occur in mental
retardation, autism, and schizophrenia. There is also a case
report of acquired nocturnal head banging occurring after
traumatic brain injury (Drake 1986).
In about two-thirds of cases primary enuresis is inherited
on an autosomal dominant basis (von Gontard et al. 2001).
Treatment Although it is not exactly clear what is inherited, several
mechanisms have been proposed, including delays in the
In most cases treatment is not required. Anecdotally, normal neuromuscular maturation that allows for conti-
behavior therapy and nightly clonazepam (0.5–26 mg) or nence, a smaller than normal bladder capacity, or either a
imipramine (10–25 mg) are effective. reduced secretion of vasopressin or a decreased sensitivity
of renal tubule cells to vasopressin. There is no evidence for
any association with personality variables or particular
methods of toilet training.
Secondary enuresis may be seen in diabetes mellitus,
diabetes insipidus, urinary tract infections, cystic
In the normal course of events, 90 percent or more of chil-
medullary disease, sickle cell disease, bladder or urethral
dren become dry during the night by the age of 5 or 6 years.
obstructions, spastic bladder (as in cerebral palsy), com-
Persistent, recurring bedwetting past this age is considered
pression of the bladder by pelvic masses or impacted stool,
abnormal and is termed enuresis (Forsythe and Redmond
treatment with sedating drugs, clozapine or SSRIs,
1974) or, more precisely, nocturnal enuresis. Enuresis is
obstructive sleep apnea, and nocturnal seizures.
nearly twice as common in males as females.
The vast majority of cases of enuresis occur on an idio-
pathic or primary basis; secondary causes of enuresis, such Differential diagnosis
as diabetes mellitus, are relatively uncommon.
In mental retardation of moderate or greater degree, a
developmental age of 4 or more years may simply never be
Clinical features attained and, hence, in the normal course of events noctur-
nal continence does not occur.
The achievement of nocturnal continence of urine is a nor- Some authors include awake wetting in children over
mal developmental event, and, in most cases of primary the age of 5 or 6 years under the rubric of enuresis; how-
enuresis, this developmental milestone is simply never ever, this may not be appropriate as in these cases the wet-
attained at the expected age. In a minority of cases of pri- ting is usually intentional or secondary to a resistance on
mary enuresis, however, continence is attained and main- the child’s part to make the trip to the bathroom, as may be
tained, sometimes for long periods up to a year, after which seen in young children who are reluctant to leave their
it is lost. Secondary enuresis may have an onset at any time, friends in the playground and simply cannot ‘hold it’.
from middle childhood to adult years, depending on the
underlying cause.
In primary enuresis bedwetting typically occurs in the Treatment
first half of the night. Children may or may not awaken
during the bedwetting; if they do, it is always after urina- Primary enuresis may respond to a number of different
tion has begun. Although wetting tends to be more com- treatments. Behavioral treatments should probably be
mon in NREM sleep and is generally not associated with tried first. Caffeinated beverages are eliminated and, except
dreaming, (Pierce et al. 1961), it may occur during REM for ice chips for thirst or small sips of water for toothbrush-
sleep (Mikkelsen et al. 1980; Neveus et al. 1999). ing, fluids are withheld for the 3 hours leading up to bed-
In primary enuresis there are no associated symptoms. time, and the bladder is emptied just before going to bed. If
In secondary enuresis, however, one may find polyuria, the child remains dry through the night, a reward, perhaps
dribbling, or dysuria, depending on the underlying cause. a ‘gold star’ or a small present, is given the next morning. If
bedwetting does occur the child should strip the bed but
parents should take care of cleaning the sheets and bed and
Course there should be no punishment. Many children respond
favorably to this program in about a month. If it is unsuc-
In the natural course of events, primary enuresis typically cessful, it should be supplemented with an ‘enuresis alarm’
undergoes a spontaneous remission: by the age of 12 years, (Forsythe and Butler 1989). Use of these alarms, which are
only 3 percent of children are still bedwetting, and by adult inexpensive devices triggered by minute amounts of urine,
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 575
is generally followed by gradual improvement over weeks otherwise lively and engaging conversations at the dinner
or months. Once dryness has been maintained for a month, table. Undisturbed, patients may sleep for minutes or even
the program and, if utilized, the alarm, may be discontin- up to half an hour, after which they awaken, feeling more
ued; should a relapse occur, a repeat course may be given. or less refreshed. Importantly, waking patients from a nar-
If behavioral measures fail, medications may be consid- coleptic attack is not at all difficult and may be accom-
ered; of the various medications shown to be effective in plished by a light touch or simply by calling the patient’s
double-blind trials, imipramine and desmopressin are name. Distinctively, the narcoleptic attack itself consists of
both considered first-line treatments. Overall, imipramine REM sleep (Dement et al. 1964, 1966; Hishikawa and
takes longer to work and tends to cause more side-effects; Kaneko 1965; Hishikawa et al. 1968), and most patients
desmopressin, although easier to use, is not without liabil- will be able to recall dreams upon awakening. Narcoleptic
ities, however, in that it carries a small risk of hypo- attacks are most frequent in the afternoon or evening and
natremia, with delirium or seizures (Dehoorne et al. 2006; may recur anywhere from once to dozens of times per day.
Odeh and Oliven 2001). Imipramine may be started at a Nocturnal sleep is often broken and some patients may
dose of approximately 1 mg/kg and increased in 0.5 mg/kg complain of insomnia; indeed, for most patients, the total
increments every 2 weeks until control is established, lim- 24-hour sleep time is actually not increased.
iting side-effects occur, or a maximum dose of about Cataplectic attacks tend to begin several years after the
2.5 mg/kg is reached (Fritz et al. 1994). Desmopressin is narcoleptic attacks make their appearance and may be
given orally at bedtime in a dose of 0.2–0.6 mg (Schulman either generalized or focal. Typically, the cataplectic attack
et al. 2001). Once continence has been achieved with either is precipitated by some strong emotion, such as laughter,
imipramine or desmopressin, treatment should be contin- fear, anger, or a sudden surprise. In the generalized form,
ued until continence has been maintained for anywhere all voluntary muscle power, except for that of the
from 1 to 3 months, after which the medication may be diaphragm and, at times, the extraocular muscles, is
tapered over the following 3 months; relapses may be treated diminished or lost, and the head droops forward, the jaw
with reinstitution of the previously effective regimen. sags, the knees buckle, and patients may sink and collapse
Treatment of secondary enuresis is directed at the to the floor. In the focal type, the sudden muscle weakness
underlying cause. is confined to one part, for example the neck musculature,
with consequent head droop, the forearm and hand mus-
culature, with items being dropped, or the extraocular
18.7 NARCOLEPSY muscles, with diplopia. Most attacks last for about a
minute. During the attack, patients, even if fully paralyzed,
Narcolepsy is characterized by narcoleptic attacks and, in remain conscious and alert, and are able, upon recovery, to
most case, cataplexy; sleep paralysis and either hypnagogic give a full description of the event. In some cases, cata-
or hypnopompic hallucinations may also occur in a minor- plectic attacks may be prolonged, lasting 5 minutes or more,
ity. In addition to this classic tetrad, a minority of patients and during such lengthy attacks, patients may experience
will also experience episodes of ‘automatic behavior’. vivid visual hallucinations. Very prolonged attacks, lasting
Narcolepsy occurs in 0.025–0.05 percent of the general 20 minutes or more, are referred to as ‘status cataplecticus’,
population and is equally common in males and females. and these may be precipitated by the sudden discontinua-
tion of certain medications, such as fluoxetine (Poryazova
et al. 2005). The frequency with which cataplexy occurs
Clinical features varies widely, from a mere handful of attacks through the
patient’s lifetime to multiple attacks daily.
The basic clinical features of narcolepsy have been Sleep paralysis may occur upon either falling asleep or
described in a number of reports (Adie 1926; Kales et al. awakening. Although fully conscious, patients find them-
1982; Parkes et al. 1975; Wilson 1928). Of the classic tetrad selves unable to move. Most attacks last only a minute or so,
of symptoms, narcoleptic attacks occur in all patients, cat- and some may be accompanied by visual hallucinations.
aplexy in about three-quarters, sleep paralysis in one-third, Importantly, although patients appear to the observer to be
and hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations in about sound asleep, they may nevertheless be easily awakened by
one-third; only about 1 in 10 patients experience the full simply calling their names or lightly touching them.
tetrad. In over 90 percent of cases, the first manifestation of Hypnagogic hallucinations appear upon falling asleep,
the illness is a narcoleptic attack and, although this may being generally visual and quite vivid and complex, as if the
appear anywhere from childhood to the middle years, most patient were dreaming while still awake. Hypnopompic hal-
patients fall ill in their late teens or early adult years. lucinations are quite similar and appear upon awakening.
Narcoleptic attacks are ushered in by an overwhelming In addition to the classic tetrad just described, perhaps
and irresistible desire to sleep; although such attacks are one-third or so of patients will also experience episodes of
most likely to occur in situations conducive to drowsiness, ‘automatic behavior’. During these episodes, patients
such as long-distance driving or sitting through a boring appear to be half-asleep and, although they may continue
lecture or meeting, they can occur at any time, even during to engage in complex behavior, such as driving a car, there
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 576
is generally a decrement in the quality of behavior: if writ- Mendelian inheritance in the remaining vast majority of
ing, patients may write a gibberish scrawl, and, if speaking, cases. Recent work has focused on the possibility that these
they may engage in incoherent muttering. Importantly, hypocretin-containing neurons may be lost on an autoim-
upon coming to full alertness, these patients generally have mune basis, and it is felt that such an autoimmune attack
no recall of what they did during the event; thus, a patient may be triggered by some, as yet unknown, environmental
who drove automatically may, upon ‘coming to’, have no trigger in genetically susceptible patients; to date, however,
idea of how many exits were passed. autoantibodies have not been detected. With this theory in
Furthermore, a small minority of patients with nar- mind, some patients have been openly treated with intra-
colepsy will also have other sleep disorders, including peri- venous immunoglobulins, and in such cases a reduction in
odic limb movements of sleep, sleep apnea, and REM sleep the frequency of cataplexy was reported (Dauvilliers 2006).
behavior disorder.
The clinical diagnosis of narcolepsy may be confirmed
with the multiple sleep latency test (MSLT). In narcolepsy, Differential diagnosis
REM sleep occurs soon after sleep onset (Rechtschaffen
et al. 1963), and the MSLT is designed to capture this. The The combination of narcolepsy and cataplexy is virtually
results, however, must be interpreted in light of the overall pathognomonic for narcolepsy. As noted earlier, however,
clinical picture, as false negatives may occur. False positives in most patients the illness begins with narcolepsy alone
may also be found in various conditions, including psy- and, consequently, early in the course of the disease, when
chomotorically retarded, hypersomnic depressions, sleep only narcoleptic attacks are present, other causes of ‘exces-
apnea, and alcohol or sedative/hypnotic withdrawal. sive daytime sleepiness’ must be considered, including,
Some clinicians will also test patients to see if they are especially, sleep apnea, the Pickwickian syndrome, peri-
positive for the HLA-DQB1*0602 haplotype. This haplo- odic leg movements of sleep, restless legs syndrome, the
type is found in about 20 percent of the general population Kleine–Levin syndrome, psychomotorically retarded
but in almost all patients with narcolepsy; consequently, depressions, and alcohol or sedative–hypnotic withdrawal.
whereas a negative test for this haplotype argues against the All of these other disorders have distinctive features, as
diagnosis, a positive test is of little diagnostic value. described in the respective sections, and the sleepiness seen
in them rarely occurs as discrete attacks.
True sleep attacks may be seen as a side-effect of direct
Course dopamine agonists, such as bromocriptine, pergolide,
pramipexole, and ropinirole (Ferreira et al. 2000; Frucht et al.
Although in a small minority there may be temporary 1999; Hauser et al. 2000), and secondary to various hypo-
remissions and, rarely, permanent remissions, for the vast thalamic lesions, including tumors (Aldrich and Naylor
majority of patients narcolepsy is a chronic, lifelong disease. 1989), sarcoid granulomas (Aldrich and Naylor 1989), and
infarction (Scammell et al. 2001). The combination of
sleep attacks and cataplexy has been reported secondary to
Etiology hypothalamic irradiation (Dempsey et al. 2003), lesions in
the upper brainstem or floor of the third ventricle (Clavelou
The various clinical features of narcolepsy each seem to et al. 1995), and brainstem gliomas (Stahl et al. 1980), as a
represent an ‘intrusion’ of REM sleep into waking life. The symptom of limbic encephalitis (Rosenfeld et al. 2001), and
narcoleptic attack itself appears to be nothing but an as a sequela to traumatic brain injury (Lankford et al. 1994)
episode of REM sleep, and the other features appear to rep- and encephalitis lethargica (Adie 1926; Fournier and
resent a fragment of REM sleep, namely atonia, with or Helguera 1934).
without associated dream imagery. Consequently, research
has focused on those structures involved in sleep, namely
the hypothalamus and various brainstem nuclei. Treatment
Neuropathologic studies have demonstrated a loss of
hyocretin-containing neurons in the lateral hypothalamus Activities such as driving or operating hazardous machin-
(Blouin et al. 2005; Crocker et al. 2005), and cerebrospinal ery should be prohibited until narcoleptic and cataplectic
fluid (CSF) studies have shown low hypocretin levels in attacks have been brought under control.
almost all patients (Ebrahim et al. 2003; Mignot et al. Narcoleptic attacks may be partially eliminated by brief
2002). The mechanism underlying these changes, however, scheduled naps (Roehrs et al. 1986; Rogers et al. 2001),
is not clear. Although the prevalence of narcolepsy is judiciously spread out during the day. In most cases, how-
increased among family members of patients with nar- ever, pharmacologic treatment is required, and this gener-
colepsy, it still remains low, at approximately 5 percent ally involves the use of modafinil or methylphenidate.
(Guilleminault et al. 1989), and although there has been Modafinil is currently preferred and may be started at a
one atypical case associated with a mutation in the gene for dose of 200 mg once daily in the morning; in some cases, a
hypocretin (Peyron et al. 2000), there is no evidence for total of 400 mg may be required (Broughton et al. 1997; US
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 577
Modafinil in Narcolepsy Multicenter Study Group 1998, of the preceding two types: initially one sees a lack of inspi-
2000), generally divided into a morning and early afternoon ratory effort, as in the central type; this is soon followed by
dose (Schwartz et al. 2005a). Methylphenidate (Mitler et al. inspiratory effort of the diaphragmatic and intercostal
1986a) may be used as a second-line agent and is given in a musculature, which, due to oropharyngeal obstruction, is
total daily dose of 20–60 mg, equally divided into a morning not followed by inspiration.
and early afternoon schedule. Tolerance to methylphenidate Of these three types, obstructive sleep apnea is the most
may occur, and in these cases the drug should be gradually common, followed by the mixed type; pure central types
tapered over a few days followed by a ‘drug holiday’ for are relatively rare.
another day or two, after which it may be gradually Sleep apnea is a common disorder, found in anywhere
restarted, with a resumption of effect. Importantly, neither from 2 to 4 percent of the adult population over 40 years; it
modafinil nor methylphenidate are effective against cata- is at least twice as common in males as in females.
plexy. Alternatives to modafinil or methylphenidate include
selegiline (in a dose of 20–40 mg) (Hublin et al. 1994; Mayer
et al. 1995) and sodium oxybate (Black and Houghton Clinical features
Cataplectic attacks may be prevented by selegiline Although sleep apnea can occur at any age, it generally
(Hublin et al. 1994) and by sodium oxybate (Black and appears in middle years.
Houghton 2006). Open studies or case reports also suggest Apneic episodes last anywhere from 10 seconds up to 2
usefulness for clomipramine (Schacter and Parkes 1980), minutes, and may occur anywhere from 30 to several hun-
fluvoxamine (Schacter and Parkes 1980), fluoxetine (Frey dred times a night. In addition to episodes of complete
and Darbonne 1994), citalopram (Thirumalai and Shubin apnea, patients will often also have hypopneic episodes, in
2000), escitalopram (Sonka et al. 2006), and venlafaxine which, although some inspiration occurs, it is at least 50
(Guilleminault et al. 2000). percent less than that seen with a normal breath. The sever-
Overall, the vast majority of patients are treated with ity of sleep apnea is often quantified by the ‘apnea index’ or
either modafinil or methylphenidate. When cataplexy the ‘apnea–hypopnea index’, which is equal to either the
requires treatment it would appear logical to add either total number of apneic episodes per night or the total
selegiline or sodium oxybate, given that they have ‘double- number of apneic plus hypopneic episodes per night
blind support’; however, in practice, these are not often divided by the number of hours spent in sleep. At a mini-
used. Selegiline, in the doses required, is no longer a selec- mum, one wishes to see an apnea index of greater than 5 or
tive monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B) inhibitor, and hence an apnea–hypopnea index greater than 10.
the low tyramine diet is required, making this problematic. In obstructive sleep apnea episodes (Strollo and Rogers
Sodium oxybate has high abuse potential and must be 1996; Whyte et al. 1989), the patient, often an obese, mid-
taken in the middle of the night, and is rarely used. In prac- dle-aged man, presents with a chief complaint of daytime
tice, when cataplexy does require treatment, most patients sleepiness, which may or may not be accompanied by com-
seem to do quite well on one of the antidepressants, such as plaints of broken sleep. Almost universal is a history of fre-
escitalopram or venlafaxine. quent loud snoring, which may have prompted equally
loud complaints from the patient’s bed partner. Upon
observing these patients while they sleep, for example
18.8 SLEEP APNEA while making rounds early in the morning, one may see a
characteristic episode: oral and nasal airflow ceases despite
Sleep apnea, sometimes also referred to as ‘breathing- increasingly vigorous diaphragmatic and intercostal mus-
related sleep disorder’, may manifest in one of three differ- cular activity, until finally the obstruction resolves with a
ent types, namely obstructive, central, and mixed. The loud, gasping snort, at which point the patient may or may
common denominator in all of these types is the appear- not awaken; should awakening occur it lasts only seconds,
ance of frequent apneic episodes during sleep, and com- after which sleep once again occurs.
plaints of either daytime sleepiness or, less commonly, In central sleep apnea, patients tend to complain of
insomnia. Cognitive deficits (including delirium and insomnia and restless sleep, and there may or may not be any
dementia) and depression are also common. daytime drowsiness. As snoring is typically absent, there may
During episodes of obstructive sleep apnea the oropha- be no complaints from the patient’s bed partner, who may be
ryngeal airway closes and, despite ongoing vigorous inspi- unaware of the problem. The typical episode of central sleep
ratory efforts of the diaphragmatic and intercostal apnea is far less dramatic than an obstructive one, as patients
musculature, air flow at the mouth and nares ceases. By con- with central sleep apnea simply stop breathing: the chest and
trast, in central sleep apnea, cessation of air flow occurs not diaphragm are relaxed and there is no airflow. Eventually,
because of any obstruction but because of a lack of inspira- inspiratory effort occurs with easy inspiration, and, at this
tory effort due to inappropriate relaxation of the diaphrag- point, the patient often has a transient awakening.
matic and intercostal musculature. In the mixed type of Mixed apneic episodes pursue a biphasic course. After
sleep apnea, there is, as the name suggests, a combination an initial period of central apnea an inspiratory effort
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 578
begins but is met by oropharyngeal obstruction, causing a (in which the tongue falls back to occlude the airway); lin-
period of obstructive apnea. Clinically, these patients resem- gual hypertrophy (as may be seen in hypothyroidism,
ble more the obstructive than the central type, and one often acromegaly, or Down’s syndrome); and, most commonly,
hears complaints of snoring and daytime sleepiness. obesity. Occasionally, no obvious cause is found for the
In addition to complaints of daytime sleepiness or obstruction, and in such cases it is suspected that there is a
insomnia, patients with sleep apnea typically also experience failure of the brainstem mechanisms responsible for main-
a dry mouth and a dull headache in the morning. There may taining the patency of the airway during sleep.
also be sleep drunkenness, in which patients experience a Central episodes are seen in association with obesity
brief period of confusion as they struggle to awaken in the and congestive heart failure and may also occur in multiple
morning. Enuresis may occur (Kramer et al. 1998) and erec- system atrophy and with medullary lesions, for example
tile dysfunction is common (Goncalves et al. 2005). infarctions, tumors, multiple sclerosis, or syringobulbia.
Cognitive deficits are common. There may be difficulty
with concentration and patients may complain of feeling
‘fuzzy’ or ‘wooden-headed’ during the day; there may also Differential diagnosis
be minor deficits in short-term memory and difficulty in
making decisions. Mechanical ability is impaired, and traf- The Pickwickian syndrome may resemble obstructive sleep
fic accidents are more frequent in patients with obstructive apnea in that most Pickwickian patients are middle-aged
sleep apnea than in the general public (George et al. 1987). or older obese men with a history of excessive daytime
In an uncertain percentage of patients, delirium may occur sleepiness. Waking blood gases, however, tell the tale, as
(Dyken et al. 2004; Lee 1998; Munoz et al. 1998; Sandberg they reveal hypercarbia in the Pickwickian syndrome but
et al. 2001; Whitney and Gannon 1996); in my experience are normal in patients with obstructive sleep apnea while
this has not been at all uncommon. Rarely, rather than they are awake. It must be borne in mind, however, that
delirium there may be a dementia (Scheltens et al. 1991; these two syndromes often co-exist.
Steiner et al. 1999). Narcolepsy is distinguished by the fact that in this con-
Depressive symptoms are also common (Millman et al. dition daytime sleepiness comes in discrete attacks, in
1989; Schwartz et al. 2005b), with indecisiveness, low self- contrast to the chronic, waxing and waning sleepiness seen
esteem, helplessness, tearfulness, and, in some cases, suici- in obstructive sleep apnea.
dal ideation.
During episodes of sleep apnea, hypercapnia and
hypoxia occur, and cyanosis may be seen. With frequent Treatment
episodes of hypercapnia, pulmonary hypertension may
occur, leading to cor pulmonale. Systemic hypertension is In obstructive sleep apnea, correction of the underlying
common. Arrhythmias may occur during episodes, includ- cause, such as obesity (Smith et al. 1985), may be followed
ing sinus bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, sinus arrest, atrial by significant relief. In very mild cases, some relief may also
flutter, premature ventricular contractions, and ventricu- be gained by having patients sleep on their sides, a position
lar tachycardia. that favors airway patency (Cartwright et al. 1985, 1991).
Sleep apnea may also aggravate epilepsy (Malow et al. Mild cases may also be treated with either protriptyline,
2000) and increase the risk of stroke and death (Yaggi et al. 10–20 mg at bedtime (Brownell et al. 1982), or paroxetine,
2005). 20 mg at bedtime (Kraiczi et al. 1999). In most cases, how-
Polysomnography should be considered in all cases of ever, a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or
suspected sleep apnea, not only to document its presence bi-level positive airway pressure (BIPAP) device is required,
and the type of sleep apneic episodes but also to determine and the relief gained with these devices may be pronounced:
the presence of arrhythmias. Often, overnight oximetry is not only daytime sleepiness but also cognitive difficulties
performed as a screening test; however, this does not (including delirium or dementia), depression, erectile dys-
appear to be as sensitive as polysomnography. function, and enuresis are all improved or cleared. In those
who cannot tolerate one of these devices, or in those in
whom they are ineffective, the use of orthodontic devices or
Course surgery may be contemplated. Orthodontic devices serve to
keep the jaw advanced, thus preventing the tongue from
Sleep apnea is chronic. occluding the airway. Surgical options include uvulo-
palatopharyngoplasty or uvuloplasty, and, in severe and
limiting cases, tracheostomy. Another option in cases in
Etiology which the devices are not tolerated or not fully effective is
modafinil, which, in doses of 200–400 mg daily, may par-
Obstructive episodes may occur secondary to various con- tially relieve daytime sleepiness (Kingshott et al. 2001).
ditions, either singly or in combination, including the fol- In central sleep apnea, acetazolamide, in a dose of 250 mg
lowing: hypertrophy of the adenoids or tonsils; micrognathia four times daily, may provide some relief (White et al. 1982);
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 579
however, its effectiveness often wanes. In severe cases, below leads to chronic alveolar hypoventilation. The result-
diaphragmatic pacing may be required. ing hypercapnia causes the somnolence.
The treatment of mixed episodes is similar to that of the
obstructive type.
Regardless of the type of sleep apnea present, care must Differential diagnosis
be taken to avoid alcohol (Scrima et al. 1982) or any med-
ication that might depress respiratory drive, including As noted, most patients with the Pickwickian syndrome
sedative–hypnotics (Mendelson et al. 1981), anxiolytics, also have obstructive sleep apnea, and the somnolence that
sedating antidepressants, opioids, etc. Of note, sildenafil, they experience is often attributed entirely to the sleep
which may be prescribed for the erectile dysfunction seen apnea. The differential between the combination of the
in obstructive sleep apnea, may also worsen the apnea Pickwickian syndrome plus sleep apnea and sleep apnea
(Roizenblatt et al. 2006) and consequently care must be alone rests on measurement of daytime arterial blood
taken in its use. gases: in the combination, one finds waking hypercapnia
and hypoxemia, whereas in sleep apnea alone, waking
blood gases are normal.
The constellation of extreme obesity, a ruddy complexion,
and somnolence has long been recognized and was exem- Weight loss is critical and effective (Chiang et al. 1980).
plified by the fat boy in Charles Dickens’s The Pickwick Alcohol, sedative–hypnotics, and any other medications
Papers. Following the lead given by Dickens, Burwell et al. that may reduce respiratory drive, such as antihistamines
(1956) coined the term ‘Pickwickian syndrome’; a more or opioids, should be avoided. Concurrent obstructive
recent name is ‘obesity–hypoventilation syndrome’ and, sleep apnea is treated as described in the preceding section.
although this is gaining currency, it lacks the color and flair Supplemental oxygen is sometimes recommended but this
of the eponym. As noted below, the extreme obesity in this must be administered with caution as it may precipitate
syndrome leads to waking hypoventilation. respiratory failure. In some cases oral medroxyproges-
terone may improve daytime ventilatory status (Sutton
Clinical features et al. 1975). The usefulness, if any, of modafinil or stimu-
lants such as methylphenidate is unclear.
Patients are extremely obese and often have a ruddy com-
plexion; they are typically somnolent and lethargic and
have difficulty paying attention or concentrating on things 18.10 KLEINE–LEVIN SYNDROME
(Burwell et al. 1956; Drachman and Gumnit 1962; Nowbar
et al. 2004; Sieker et al. 1955; Ward and Kelsey 1962). The Kleine–Levin syndrome, first described by Kleine
Arterial blood gases drawn while patients are awake reveal (1925) and Levin (1936), is a rare disorder characterized by
significant hypercapnia and hypoxemia; erythrocytosis episodes of hypersomnolence and associated symptoms
may occur as may pulmonary hypertension and cor pul- (most notably hyperphagia), which occurs primarily in
monale. Although, as might be expected, most patients adolescence and most commonly in males.
also have obstructive sleep apnea, this is not inevitable, and
some patients with the Pickwickian syndrome may have
normal sleep (Kessler et al. 2001). Clinical features
Episodes may be ushered in by a brief prodrome, lasting Magnetic resonance scanning is normal, as is assay of
perhaps days, of malaise, headache, and lethargy. During the CSF. In the majority of cases the EEG displays diffuse
the episode proper, all patients experience hypersomnia, slowing during an episode, with at times an accentuation
often sleeping 18 or more hours per day. During waking of this in the temporal or frontotemporal areas. There are
hours, about three-quarters of patients will also experience no ictal or interictal epileptiform discharges, and in
hyperphagia. Mood changes are seen in over half of all between episodes the EEG normalizes. Polysomnography
patients and typically consist of depression. Cognitive may reveal reduced REM latency, frequent awakenings,
changes, such as confusion, are also seen in the majority. and decreased delta sleep (Pike and Stores 1994; Reynolds
Hypersexuality occurs in a little less than half of patients et al. 1980), and the MSLT may reveal sleep-onset REM
and may manifest with exhibitionism, unwelcome sexual (Reynolds et al. 1984).
advances, and frequent, and at times public, masturbation.
Delusions and hallucinations may appear in a small minor-
ity, as may unusual behaviors such as persistent humming Course
and singing.
As noted, hypersomnia and hyperphagia constitute the Although the long-term course has not been clearly delin-
primary symptomatology seen during an episode. Levin eated, it appears that in about two-thirds of patients there
(1936) noted that ‘the patient sleeps excessively day and are recurrent episodes, with the intervals between episodes
night, in extreme instances waking only to eat and go to the ranging from weeks to years but averaging about 6 months;
toilet. He can always be roused. When roused he is usually in many of the cases in which there are recurrences, the
irritable and wants to be left alone so that he can go back to subsequent episodes become less severe and more widely
sleep. He is abnormally hungry and eats excessively’. The spaced out and, after perhaps 4 or more years, episodes
hyperphagia seen during the episode is often indiscriminate, finally cease to occur.
and patients may eat whatever is at hand (Critchley 1962), In the intervals between episodes, although it appears
beg for food from other patients (Garland et al. 1965), or that the vast majority of patients return to normal, there is
indulge in unusual food preferences (Will et al. 1988). some suggestive evidence that there may be some residual
Mood changes tend toward depression, often tinged with quarrelsomeness and slightly reduced academic ability
irritability. Critchley (1962) noted that ‘in the majority . . . (Sagar et al. 1990).
the patient when awake is intensely irritable and resentful
. . . a few patients are actually hostile in their behavior . . .
in his attitude toward others he may be uninhibited, inso- Etiology
lent, and quarrelsome’.
Cognitive changes most frequently manifest with con- I could find three autopsy reports: one (Carpenter et al.
fusion; however, there may also be short-term memory 1982) noted widespread microgliosis in the thalamus, with
loss and incoherence. little neuronal loss; another (Fenzi et al. 1993) found
Hypersexuality may be very problematic: one patient microgliosis not only in the thalamus but also in the mid-
masturbated in public (Fernandez et al. 1990) and another brain; and the third (Koerber et al. 1984) reported only
continued his ‘vigorous attempts at masturbation’ during mild depigmentation of the substantia nigra and locus
the interview, refusing laboratory testing unless ‘the house ceruleus, without evidence of Lewy bodies. The role of the
physician was prepared to “come into bed and give me a thalamus in this disorder is further highlighted by a single
feel over” ’(Garland et al. 1965). photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) study
Delusions, which are typically of persecution, and hal- (Huang et al. 2005) that found hypoperfusion of the thal-
lucinations, which may be either auditory or visual, are ami in seven out of seven patients tested, with resolution of
seen in a small minority and tend to be fragmentary. this abnormality upon recovery.
Unusual behaviors may also be seen. Some authors have Although the mechanism underlying these changes is
commented that patients would ‘sing inappropriately’ not clear, the frequency with which the first episode fol-
(Chiles and Wilkus 1976); in one case the patient ‘fre- lows an infectious illness has suggested an autoimmune
quently burst into song’ but sang the same song over and basis (Dauvilliers et al. 2002), with the infection triggering
over again (Garland et al. 1965). In other cases patients an immune attack on diencephalic or mesencephalic
may pace, wring their hands, tear out their hair, or engage structures.
in body rocking.
As noted earlier, most episodes last in the order of 2
weeks. Upon recovery, most patients are more or less Differential diagnosis
amnestic for the events that occurred during the episode
(Critchley 1962; Levin 1936), and some may experience a The overall clinical picture of one or more episodes of
residual mood disturbance (Critchley 1962), tending hypersomnolence and hyperphagia is fairly distinctive.
towards either depression (Gallinek 1954) or elation Consideration might be given to a diagnosis of depression
(Gilbert 1964), which passes within a week or so. as depressive episodes in major depressive disorder or,
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 581
especially, bipolar disorder may be characterized by The majority of patients will also experience periodic
depressed mood, increased need for sleep, and increased movements of sleep (Montplaisir et al. 1997; Ondo and
appetite, thus mimicking the episodes seen in the Jankovic 1996), described in Section 18.12.
Kleine–Levin syndrome. Certain features of the Kleine–Levin
syndrome, however, remain distinctive, including the
indiscriminate nature of the hyperphagia and, especially,
the hypersexuality.
Primary restless legs syndrome is generally chronic, and
symptoms may either wax and wane in intensity over time
or progressively worsen. The course of the secondary form
Treatment is determined by the underlying cause. Certain medica-
tions, such as the SSRIs paroxetine (Sanz-Fuentenebro et al.
There are no controlled treatment studies. Anecdotally,
1996) and citalopram (Perroud et al. 2007), may exacerbate
lithium may reduce the severity or frequency of episodes
(Dauvilliers et al. 2002; Goldberg 1983; Muratori et al.
2002; Ogura et al. 1976; Poppe et al. 2003), and success has
also been reported with carbamazepine (Dauvilliers et al. Etiology
2002). Modafinil (Dauvilliers et al. 2002) and amphet-
amines (Gallinek 1962) have also been used to reduce the The primary, or idiopathic, form of restless legs syndrome is
somnolence seen during an episode. familial and displays genetic heterogeneity, with both auto-
somal dominant and recessive patterns being recognized
(Levchenko et al. 2006; Trenkwalder et al. 1996;
18.11 RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME Winkelmann et al. 2000, 2002). Although the underlying
mechanism has not been clearly delineated, it appears that
The restless legs syndrome, also known as Ekbom’s syn- this primary form occurs secondary to a disturbance in iron
drome, is a common disorder, with a lifetime prevalence of transport in the substantia nigra. Both magnetic resonance
about 5 percent. As the name implies it is characterized by imaging (MRI) (Allen et al. 2001) and transcranial sono-
the experience of restlessness in the legs, an experience so graphic (Schmidauer et al. 2005) studies have demonstrated
disagreeable and uncomfortable that it keeps patients from a lack of iron in the substantia nigra, and CSF studies have
falling asleep. This disorder occurs in two forms: a primary disclosed decreased ferritin and increased transferrin levels
form, which in all likelihood is inherited, and a secondary (Earley et al. 2000). Although neuropathologic studies have
form, which occurs on the basis of numerous other disor- not demonstrated any cell loss or gliosis in the substantia
ders such as iron deficiency anemia or various sensory nigra, or any tau or synuclein pathology in neuromelanin
polyneuropathies. cells (Pittock et al. 2004), there does appear to be a deficiency
of transferrin receptors on these cells (Connor et al. 2003,
2004), which is consistent with a functional derangement of
Clinical features iron transport into them. Importantly, this putative distur-
bance in iron transport in the central nervous system is not
In both primary and secondary forms the onset is generally mirrored by any systemic disturbances in iron transport or
gradual. Primary forms typically first appear in early adult metabolism, and there is no association between the primary
years, whereas the age of onset of secondary forms is deter- form of restless legs syndrome and iron deficiency anemia.
mined by the underlying condition; for the most part, Secondary restless legs syndrome, by contrast, is associ-
however, the onset of the secondary form tends to be in ated with iron deficiency anemia (Rangarajan and D’Souza
middle or later years. 2007). Other causes include sensory polyneuropathies
Clinically (Ekbom 1960; Montplaisir et al. 1997; Ondo (Gemignani et al. 2006; Polydefkis et al. 2000), uremia
and Jankovic 1996), patients report that when they lie (Winkelmann et al. 1996, 2000), chronic hemodialysis
down, or even merely sit down, they feel a restlessness deep (Kawauchi et al. 2006), Parkinson’s disease (Krishnan et al.
within the legs, especially in the calves; some may also 2003), multiple sclerosis (Manconi et al. 2007), spinal cord
experience formication, with a sense of crawling under the lesions (Hartmann et al. 1999), spinal anesthesia with either
skin, or an aching discomfort. Often the experience is so bupivacaine or mepivacaine (Hogl et al. 2002), mirtazapine
uncomfortable that patients feel impelled to get up and (Agargun et al. 2002), and pregnancy (Manconi et al. 2004).
walk about, which brings some relief. Over time, the rest- Most of these causes are either obvious or readily deter-
lessness may begin to involve the upper extremities. mined, with the exception of sensory polyneuropathy. In
At night, falling asleep may be almost impossible, and some cases secondary to polyneuropathy, the restless legs
patients may either try and lay still and bear the discomfort syndrome may be the only clinical evidence, and hence it is
or spend hours out of bed, pacing about. Typically, symp- appropriate to consider nerve conduction velocity studies in
toms lessen by early morning hours and patients may then doubtful cases (Ondo and Jankovic 1996). In the case of
be able to get some sleep. pregnancy, symptoms typically resolve shortly after delivery.
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 582
this syndrome may occur in sighted patients, and such light for 2 or 3 hours after arising (Watanabe et al. 1999).
cases have been noted after head trauma (Boivin et al. Another method of resetting the internal clock involves what
2003) and in otherwise normal individuals with disorders is known as ‘chronotherapy’ (Czeisler et al. 1981). Here,
of melatonin metabolism (McArthur et al. 1996, Nakamura patients advance their sleep time progressively by 3 hours
et al. 1997). every day until, after 5 or 6 days (depending on when their
The irregular sleep–wake syndrome is generally seen only original sleep time was), their new sleep time coincides with
in patients with diffuse brain disease, whether congenital or environmental demands, which are then rigidly adhered to.
acquired (e.g., after traumatic brain injury [Ayalon et al. Although effective, this procedure is difficult to implement.
2007]), and in such cases it is presumed that the suprachias- Advanced sleep phase syndrome rarely requires treat-
matic nucleus has been damaged or destroyed. ment, as it rarely causes significant problems. Evening
bright light treatment may be considered, but there are no
controlled studies regarding such use.
Differential diagnosis In case reports, the non-24-hour sleep syndrome has
been successfully treated with melatonin (Hayakawa et al.
The diagnosis of the jet lag and shift work types of sleep 1998, Palm et al. 1991). In sighted patients, and in those
disorder is usually self-evident. In the other types, routine whose blindness is due to retrochiasmal lesions, morning
history taking alone generally suffices; however, in some bright-light treatment may be considered.
cases it may be necessary to have the patient or a caretaker Anecdotally, the irregular sleep–wake syndrome has
keep a ‘sleep log’ for a couple of weeks; polysomnography been improved with melatonin (Pillar et al. 1998).
is rarely required.
In evaluating patients with suspected delayed sleep
phase syndrome, non-24 hour sleep syndrome or irregular 18.15 PRIMARY INSOMNIA
sleep–wake syndrome, consideration should be given to
the effects of alcohol or stimulants, and to the presence of Primary insomnia remains a diagnosis of exclusion and
various psychiatric disorders that can disturb sleep, espe- should be withheld until other causes of insomnia, discussed
cially depression, anxiety, mania, and schizophrenia. below, are ruled out. Primary insomnia occurs in one of two
forms. The most common form, psychophysiologic insom-
nia, occurs in anywhere from 1 to 10 percent of the general
Treatment population and in up to 25 percent of the elderly. The other
form, referred to as idiopathic insomnia, is quite rare.
Both bedtime melatonin and appropriately timed expo-
sure to bright light are useful in most of these disorders. If
Clinical features
melatonin is used, the immediate-release type should be
prescribed, in doses ranging from 3 to 6 mg.
Psychophysiologic insomnia (Hauri and Fisher 1986) typi-
Jet lag is approached by rigidly adhering to the local bed-
cally has an onset in middle or later years, and, generally,
time; an additional strategy is to adjust one’s internal clock
but not always, follows upon some stressful life event.
before departure by adhering progressively closer, over 2 or
Idiopathic insomnia, by contrast, appears much earlier,
3 days, to the anticipated bedtime at one’s destination. Upon
either in childhood or infancy.
arrival, melatonin use for 5 days may also help. Zolpidem, in
Patients typically have trouble falling asleep, experience
a dose of 5–10 mg, also appears to be effective; however,
multiple awakenings, and have an overall reduced total
melatonin and zolpidem should not be used in combination
sleep time. Most patients are fretful about their insomnia
as this may result in confusion (Suhner et al. 2001).
and, while lying in bed, may find themselves worrying con-
Shift work sleep disorder is treated by use of bright light
stantly over their inability to achieve sleep.
during night-time work (5000 Lux or more) and use of sun-
glasses or goggles during daytime hours (Crowley et al. 2003;
Czeisler et al. 1990). Melatonin does not appear to be Course
robustly effective (Cavallo et al. 2005), however, it is worth
a try. Many individuals also utilize hypnotics, such as Psychophysiologic insomnia remits in about 50 percent of
zolpidem; although there are no data to support this use, it patients within a year; in the remainder it tends to persist,
is probably preferable to drinking oneself to sleep. Use of with its severity waxing and waning over time.
modafinil during the day is marginally helpful (Czeisler Idiopathic insomnia tends to be chronic.
et al. 2005).
Delayed sleep phase syndrome may be treated with a
combination of modalities including administration of mela- Pathology and etiology
tonin sometime between the hours of 1900 and 2100
(Kayumov et al. 2001), dim lights in the evening, rigid Psychophysiologic insomnia, as noted earlier, generally
adherence to a normal wake-up time, and exposure to bright occurs after some stressful life event. When stressed, most
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 586
individuals will experience some insomnia, but, in the use only. Evenings should be reserved for relaxing
overwhelming majority, this is transient. In those destined activities, the bedroom should be darkened and quiet, and
to develop psychophysiologic insomnia, however, a certain the bed should be reserved for sleep or sexual activity. If
anxiety appears over whether or not sleep will come. This sleep does not come, patients should do something else,
anxiety then makes sleep less likely to occur and a vicious perhaps reading, until drowsiness occurs. Whether insom-
cycle may be established in which a failure to sleep engen- nia occurs or not, the wake-up time should be strictly
ders more anticipatory anxiety, which in turn makes the adhered to.
insomnia worse. Once this pattern is firmly established, the Should insomnia persist despite good sleep hygiene,
bed, rather than being seen as a place for relaxation and consideration may be given to cognitive behavioral
restoration, becomes an anxiety-provoking stimulus in therapy, which is not only effective acutely (Edinger et al.
itself. Interestingly, in such cases patients may sleep better 2001) but also confers enduring benefits (Backhaus
on the couch or in a hotel. Whether or not other etiologic et al. 2001). Should cognitive behavioral therapy be inef-
factors exist in psychophysiologic insomnia is not clear; a fective or impractical, pharmacologic treatment may be
recent report, however, did note reduced nocturnal mela- considered.
tonin levels in patients compared with control subjects Zolpidem, 10 mg h.s., is effective (Perlis et al. 2004) and
(Riemann et al. 2002a). is perhaps the most widely prescribed hypnotic for primary
Idiopathic insomnia is presumed to be secondary to dys- insomnia; it generally has no residual effects the next day
function of hypothalamic or brainstem structures involved (Staner et al. 2005) or any rebound insomnia upon discon-
in sleep. tinuation after chronic use; there have, however, been rare
reports of somnambulism with zolpidem (Morgenthaler
and Silber 2002, Yang et al. 2005). Eszopiclone is an alter-
native choice (Zammit et al. 2004).
Differential diagnosis Melatonin was effective in one double-blind study
(Zhdanova et al. 2001) but not another (Almeida Montes
Other sleep disorders, discussed in other sections in this
et al. 2003), in doses ranging from 0.1 to 6 mg given in the
chapter, must be considered, including sleep apnea, rest-
evening. Ramelteon, a selective melatonin receptor ago-
less legs syndrome, periodic leg movements of sleep, and
nist, also appears to be effective (Erman et al. 2006).
the syndrome of painful legs and moving toes.
Doxepin, in doses of 25 to 50 mg h.s., is effective, but in
Depression is perhaps one of the most common causes
a small minority may be followed by severe rebound
of insomnia, and one should always inquire about the pres-
insomnia upon discontinuation after chronic use (Hajak
ence of other vegetative symptoms. Generalized anxiety
et al. 2001). Trimipramine, another tricyclic antidepressant,
disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophre-
is also effective in doses of 100–200 mg h.s. (Hohagen et al.
nia must also be considered.
1994, Riemann et al. 2002b), and does not appear to sup-
Caffeine and other stimulants taken too late in the day
press REM sleep or cause rebound insomnia. Trazodone is
cause insomnia, and insomnia is universal and often very
very widely used in doses ranging from 25–100 mg h.s.;
severe and long-lasting in alcohol withdrawal.
however, there is little evidence for its effectiveness
Painful conditions, such as heartburn or arthritis, rou-
(Mendelson 2005).
tinely disturb sleep.
Benzodiazepines (e.g., lorazepam, diazepam) and anti-
Finally, one must consider whether the patient suffers
histamines (e.g., hydroxyzine, diphenhydramine) are often
from ‘sleep state misperception’ or is merely an otherwise
prescribed, but there are no double-blind studies support-
normal ‘short sleeper’. Sleep state misperception is said to
ing their use in primary insomnia.
exist in cases in which, despite often bitter complaints of
Choosing among these various agents requires consid-
insomnia, polysomnography reveals normal sleep. Before
erable clinical judgment. Given the excellent tolerability of
making this diagnosis, however, it must be borne in mind
melatonin, starting with this agent, using a dose of 3–6 mg
that some patients with psychophysiologic insomnia sleep
in the evening, is a reasonable choice. At present, there are
better when they are away from home. When this is sus-
no comparative studies of melatonin and ramelteon; the
pected, it may be appropriate to perform polysomno-
latter agent, however, represents another reasonable first
graphy at the patient’s home before making the diagnosis.
choice. Should melatoninergic agents fail, consideration
‘Short sleepers’ are individuals who, despite getting little
may be given to zolpidem or eszopiclone; doxepin and
sleep, awake refreshed and have no complaints.
trimipramine, although effective, tend to cause consider-
able side-effects. Trazodone should also be considered if
melatoninergic agents fail.
Treatment The foregoing discussion of pharmacologic treatment
concerns the psychophysiologic form of primary insom-
Good sleep hygiene is essential. Naps should not be taken, nia; in cases of idiopathic insomnia in children, melatonin,
and patients should get some exercise every day. Caffeine 5 mg in the evening, appears to be effective (Smits et al.
and other stimulants should be reserved for morning 2001).
p 18.qxd 3/10/08 9:52 AM Page 587
References 587
18.16 PRIMARY HYPERSOMNIA legs and moving toes, and the advanced sleep phase type of
circadian rhythm sleep disorder. Narcolepsy is also often
Primary or essential hypersomnia is a rare disorder charac- considered; however, the naps seen in narcolepsy, unlike
terized by chronic persistent hypersomnolence (Bassetti those of primary hypersomnia, come in irresistible attacks
and Aldrich 1997, Billiard et al. 1998). and, when they are over, leave the patient feeling refreshed;
furthermore, the MSLT in narcolepsy typically demon-
strates sleep-onset REM.
Clinical features Excessive daytime sleepiness may also be seen in
myotonic muscular dystrophy, hypothyroidism, as a sequela
The onset is gradual, typically occurring in late adoles- to infectious mononucleosis, and with lesions of the hypo-
cence. Nocturnal sleep is prolonged to anywhere from 8 to thalamus (Eisensehr et al. 2003), thalamus (Bassetti
14 hours, and, upon awakening in the morning, patients et al. 1996), or pons (Ganji et al. 1996). Chronic use of sedat-
are typically groggy and have trouble ‘getting going’; a ing medications, such as benzodiazepines, tricyclic anti-
minority may also experience sleep drunkenness. Patients depressants, certain anti-epileptic drugs, antihistamines,
report persistent drowsiness during the day and often take and opioids must also be considered on the differential.
long naps, which, as with their nocturnal sleep, leave them Finally, there are individuals known as ‘long sleepers’
unrefreshed. Importantly, these naps do not occur as irre- who require more than 8 hours of sleep a night. In contrast
sistible attacks but rather are preceded by a gradually to patients with primary hypersomnia, however, these
increasing drowsiness, which can often be resisted. individuals awaken refreshed and are not subject to unre-
The MSLT, although characterized by a reduced sleep freshing naps during the day.
latency, does not reveal sleep-onset REM.
There are no controlled studies; case series (Bassetti and
For most, primary hypersomnia is a chronic condition; Aldrich 1997) suggest that some patients improve with
spontaneous improvement is seen in only about 10 percent. stimulants, and consideration may be given to either
methylphenidate or modafinil.
Primary hypersomnia may occur sporadically or on a REFERENCES
familial basis. Recent work has demonstrated reduced lev-
els of hypocretin in the CSF (Ebrahim et al. 2003), suggest- Adie WJ. Idiopathic narcolepsy: a disease sui generis; with
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Brain tumors and hydrocephalus
19.1 BRAIN TUMORS In most cases the headache reflects stretching of pain-
sensitive structures; should increased intracranial pressure
Neoplastic brain tumors may be broadly divided into two occur, the headache may worsen and be joined, classically,
types, namely those neoplasms that are primary to the by projectile vomiting.
brain, such as gliomas or meningiomas, and those that rep- Non-focal symptoms often reflect increased intracranial
resent metastases from systemic cancers, such as lung or pressure and may include dizziness, ‘fuzziness’ of thought,
breast cancer. and somnolence (Davison and Demuth 1945, 1946;
McKendree and Feinier 1927).
Focal signs and specific syndromes typically reflect com-
Clinical features pression of brain tissue by the tumor mass or peri-tumoral
edema. Traditional focal signs, such as hemiplegia, aphasia,
Although brain tumors may occur at any age, most patients apraxia, and hemianopia, may occur and may serve to both
are middle-aged or older. The onset itself ranges from acute lateralize and localize the tumor; compression or stretch-
to insidious, depending in large part on the aggressiveness ing of cranial nerves may result in appropriate cranial nerve
of the tumor involved. Certain gliomas, such as glioblas- palsies. Specific syndromes seen with tumors include, most
toma multiforme, may evolve rapidly over several weeks or commonly, dementia and personality change; other spe-
months, whereas some meningiomas may attain a large size cific syndromes, seen in a small minority, include delirium,
without ever causing symptoms (Olivero et al. 1995) and amnesia, mania, depression, and psychosis.
may indeed be found incidentally on imaging for other Dementia is classically seen with tumors of the frontal
reasons or at autopsy. lobe (Sachs 1950) or corpus callosum (Alpers and Grant
The symptomatology of brain tumors varies according 1931; Moersch 1925), and in such cases it is often accom-
to their location, size, the extent of peri-tumoral vasogenic panied by apathy, dullness, and somnolence (Williamson
edema, and the appearance of increased intracranial pres- 1896) or by a frontal lobe syndrome (Frazier 1936). Tumors
sure; there is generally little room for expansion within the of the thalamus and hypothalamus (Alpers 1937; Liss 1958;
intracranial vault and, with growth of a tumor and, espe- Strauss and Globus 1931) may also cause dementia, and
cially, expansion of vasogenic edema, there is an inevitable with hypothalamic tumors one often sees additional symp-
rise in overall intracranial pressure, which may eventually toms (Beal et al. 1981), such as hypersomnolence, weight
produce symptoms in its own right. gain or diabetes insipidus.
The overall symptomatology seen with brain tumors Personality change may be seen with tumors of the frontal
may be divided into the following domains: headache; non- lobe (Direkze et al. 1971; Strauss and Keschner 1935) or
focal symptoms; focal signs and specific syndromes, such as temporal lobe and, rarely, with tumors of the thalamus or
dementia or personality change; and seizures. Each of these hypothalamus. Although this personality change may be
is considered in turn below. non-specific, in cases of frontal lobe tumors one classically
Headache (Forsyth and Posner 1993) may be general- sees an accompanying frontal lobe syndrome (Avery 1971).
ized or have a unilateral predominance, in which case it Delirium may occur with tumors of the temporal lobe
may have some lateralizing value. The headache itself tends (Keschner et al. 1936) or the hypothalamus (Alpers 1940).
to be dull and may be severe. Classically, it is worst in the Amnesia, with isolated short-term memory loss, may be
morning upon awakening and is worsened by recumbancy. seen with tumors that impinge on any part of the circuit of
p 19.qxd 3/10/08 9:53 AM Page 597
Papez, for example the fornix (e.g., by a subsplenial tumor), search must be made for a primary tumor and this may
the mamillary bodies (e.g., by a craniopharyngioma), and include CT of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis, and, in lim-
the thalamus. iting cases, total body positron emission tomography (PET)
Mania may uncommonly occur with tumors of the scanning.
mesencephalon, hypothalamus, thalamus, cingulate gyrus,
or frontal lobe.
Depression may rarely constitute the presentation of a Course
tumor, as has been noted with a tumor of the anterior por-
tion of the corpus callosum (Ironside and Guttmacher 1929). The natural course varies widely, depending on the malig-
Psychosis may occur with tumors, most commonly of the nancy of the tumor itself, ranging from as little as months
temporal lobe (Gal 1958; Keschner et al. 1936; Malamud in the case of glioblastoma multiforme up to a decade or
1967; Strobos 1953; Tucker et al. 1986); other locations more with low-grade gliomas.
include the frontal lobe (Strauss and Keschner 1935) and
the corpus callosum (Murthy et al. 1997).
Finally, a few words are in order regarding tumors located Etiology
in the hypothalamus. As noted earlier, these may present
with dementia, personality change, delirium, amnesia, or As noted earlier, brain tumors may be either primary to the
mania. Other symptoms may also be seen, including dia- central nervous system or metastatic; of these two broad
betes insipidus, anorexia with profound weight loss (Heron types, metastatic tumors are more common.
and Johnston 1976; White et al. 1977), and hyperphagia with
extreme weight gain (Fulton and Bailey 1929; Liss 1958), PRIMARY TUMORS
which may, in rare instances, be accompanied by episodic
rage (Haugh and Markesbery 1983; Reeves and Plum 1969). Of the primary brain tumors, gliomas and meningiomas
Seizures are eventually seen in approximately one-third constitute the vast majority of cases. Primary central nerv-
of all brain tumor cases, and may be simple partial, com- ous system lymphoma, once rare, has become increasingly
plex partial, or grand mal in type. In some cases of small, common, both in immunocompromised and immuno-
slowly growing tumors, such as oligodendrogliomas or competent patients. Other primary brain tumors, seen in a
low-grade astrocytomas, seizures may constitute the sole small minority, include neuromas, medulloblastoma,
symptomatology of the underlying tumor for long periods gangliocytoma, pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma,
of time. pineal tumors, hemangioblastoma, and colloid cyst of the
With growth of the tumor and enlargement of the area third ventricle. Each of these is considered further below.
of peri-tumoral edema, the clinical picture evolves, with Gliomas include astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas,
worsening of initial symptoms and addition of new ones. and ependymomas. Astrocytomas are by far the most com-
In some cases, hydrocephalus may occur, with symptoms as mon type and may be divided into four grades according to
discussed in Section 19.2. In other cases, there may be acute their malignancy, namely grades I, II, III, and IV. Grades
clinical exacerbations due to either intratumoral hemor- I and II astrocytoma, or ‘low-grade’ astrocytomas, are slow
rhage or infarction secondary to arterial compression. growing, whereas grades III and IV, or ‘malignant’ or ‘high-
Magnetic resonance (MR) scanning should, if possible, grade’ astrocytomas, tend to be rather aggressive. Grade IV
be obtained in all cases, and this should generally be with astrocytoma is also known as glioblastoma multiforme;
gadolinium enhancement. Computed tomography (CT) this is the most common of the gliomas and is extremely
scanning, again with enhancement, is an alternative, but far aggressive. Astrocytomas tend to occur in the white matter
less sensitive technique. of the frontal, temporal, or parietal lobes, but may also be
Lumbar puncture, although not routine, may be appro- found in the cerebellum or brainstem. On MR scanning,
priate when certain tumors are suspected, such as primary low-grade astrocytomas have decreased signal intensity on
central nervous system lymphoma or leptomeningeal T1-weighted imaging and display homogenous increased
carcinomatosis. signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging; there may or may
Although in most cases of metastatic disease the sys- not be enhancement. High-grade astrocytomas may appear
temic cancer is already known, in a minority of cases, per- heterogenous on T1- and T2-weighted imaging, and typi-
haps up to one-quarter, the metastasis represents the cally undergo enhancement, which, especially in the case of
presentation of the systemic cancer, and, consequently, in glioblastoma multiforme, may be ring-shaped. Over long
evaluating patients with a brain tumor who do not appar- periods of time, low-grade astrocytomas may undergo malig-
ently have systemic cancer, this possibility must always be nant transformation. A variant form of glioma is known as
kept in mind. One clue to the metastatic nature of the dis- gliomatosis cerebri. This is a very aggressive growth char-
ease is the number of tumors: whereas primary tumors, acterized not by a discrete mass but by a widespread infiltra-
with the exception of primary central nervous system lym- tion of one or both hemispheres of the cerebrum, primarily
phoma, are generally singular, metastatic disease generally of the white matter; patients typically present with delir-
manifests with two or more lesions. In such cases, a diligent ium, headache, and seizures, and MR scanning may reveal
p 19.qxd 3/10/08 9:53 AM Page 598
Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis occurs when tumor cells when there are multiple lesions, and may also be used pre-
that are widely distributed throughout the subarachnoid ventively, for example in metastatic disease in which there
space spread into subjacent tissue, leading to delirium and is a strong presumption that miliary metastases have
cranial nerve palsies; obstruction of CSF outflow may also already occurred.
lead to hydrocephalus. Magnetic resonance scanning typi- With few exceptions, chemotherapy has traditionally
cally reveals meningeal enhancement, and tumor cells may played only a limited role; recent advances, however, may
be found with lumbar puncture; this may have to be repeated be changing this picture.
multiple times, however, to avoid a false negative result. Dexamethasone is indicated in cases characterized by
Although spread to the leptomeninges may occur with considerable peri-tumoral edema, and is generally given in
almost every type of primary tumor, it is, as noted earlier, a a dose of 4 mg q.i.d.; the results are often prompt, within a
relatively uncommon occurrence. The exception occurs with day, and are at times dramatic.
systemic lymphoma or leukemia, which, unique among the Anti-epileptic drugs should generally be held in reserve
primaries, tend to preferentially seed into the leptomeninges. until patients have seizures, as there is little evidence for a
Dural metastases may occur via direct spread to the dura prophylactic effect. Enzyme-inducing drugs, such as pheny-
or by virtue of an inward extension of a calvarial metastasis. toin, carbamazepine, and phenobarbital, should be avoided
Symptoms are produced by virtue of compression of subja- if chemotherapy is utilized or contemplated, as they may
cent tissues and may include focal signs and seizures. reduce levels of chemotherapeutic agents; furthermore, the
use of phenytoin in patients undergoing radiation treat-
ment has been associated with a high incidence of severe
Differential diagnosis rash (Delattre et al. 1988b). In general, other agents, such as
levetiracetam, gabapentin, or divalproex, should be consid-
In evaluating a mass lesion, consideration must be given
ered first.
not only to primary or metastatic neoplasms but also to
In cases characterized by pituitary involvement, hor-
sarcoid granulomas, syphilitic gummas, tuberculomas,
mone replacement therapy is often required after surgery
and bacterial abscesses. Furthermore, in patients immuno-
or radiotherapy. Prolactinomas, unique among the
compromised by acquired immune deficiency syndrome
pituitary adenomas, may be treated medically, with
(AIDS) or chemotherapy, opportunistic infections enter
the differential, including toxoplasmosis and fungal infec-
The general treatment of dementia, personality change,
tions. Patients who have undergone focal radiation treat-
delirium, amnesia, mania, depression, and psychosis is dis-
ment may subsequently develop a new mass lesion as part
cussed in the respective sections.
of a late-delayed radiation encephalopathy, and the dis-
It must be borne in mind that not all tumors require
tinction between this and tumor recurrence is discussed in
treatment. Indolent, asymptomatic tumors, such as small
Section 11.5.
meningiomas or low-grade gliomas, may merely be moni-
In evaluating patients with metastatic lesions who
tored clinically and with serial MRI scans.
develop delirium, care must be taken not to immediately
attribute this to the tumor, because in most cases such a
change occurs on a metabolic basis (Clouston et al. 1992).
Another consideration here is the development of a para-
neoplastic limbic encephalitis.
The overall volume of CSF is about 140 mL: about 20 mL is
contained within the lateral ventricles, 5 mL within the
Treatment third and fourth ventricles, with the remainder found in
the subarachnoid space surrounding the brain and cord.
Treatment may involve any one or a combination of Cerebrospinal fluid is produced at a rate of about
surgery, radiation treatment, chemotherapy, and use of 20 mL/hour, and about three-quarters of the total CSF pro-
dexamethasone and anti-epileptic drugs; neurosurgical and duction occurs in the choroid plexus, with the rest origi-
neuro-oncologic consultation is appropriate in all cases. nating via transependymal flow. Cerebrospinal fluid
Surgery may be curative in cases of single, well- produced within the lateral ventricles normally flows
demarcated, accessible lesions, such as meningiomas or through the foramina of Monro into the third ventricle
low-grade gliomas. With large, highly infiltrative tumors, and then via the aqueduct of Sylvius into the fourth ventri-
such as glioblastoma multiforme, cure is not expected, but cle, from where it exits via the foramina of Magendie and
debulking of the tumor may improve the patient’s overall Luschka into the subarachnoid space surrounding the
functioning. In other cases, surgery may be required to brainstem. From here, the CSF circulates around the cord
obtain tissue for diagnostic purposes. and brain, and finally arrives at the cerebral convexity,
Radiation treatment may be focal or whole brain. Focal where it exits the subarachnoid space via the villi of the
irradiation may be considered in patients who are not good arachnoid granulations into the dural sinuses.
surgical candidates or in whom the tumor mass or masses Hydrocephalus is characterized by an enlargement of
are inaccessible. Whole-brain radiation may be considered one or more of the ventricles as a result of an increase in
p 19.qxd 3/10/08 9:53 AM Page 601
CSF pressure. It may be usefully divided into two types: or urinary incontinence may also occur. On examination
non-communicating and communicating. In non- there may be generalized hyper-reflexia and bilaterally
communicating hydrocephalus, the overall ‘communica- positive Babinski signs.
tion’ between the ventricular system and the brainstem Although ventriculomegaly is evident on both CT and
subarachnoid space is partially or totally blocked at some MR scanning (as illustrated in Figure 19.3), MR scanning is
point, thus hindering or totally preventing the egress of preferred as it is more likely to reveal the underlying cause
CSF from the ventricles into the subarachnoid space. By of any obstructive hydrocephalus. In addition, on T2-
contrast, in communicating hydrocephalus, this ‘commu- weighted or fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)
nication’ is unimpeded and CSF flows freely from the ven- images one typically sees evidence of transependymal flow
tricular system into the brainstem subarachnoid space. of CSF from the ventricles into the immediately subjacent
Non-communicating hydrocephalus may occur with white matter, producing a hazy rim of increased signal
obstruction of CSF flow at various locations. With obstruc- intensity in a periventricular distribution.
tion of one of the foramen of Monro, only one of the lateral Lumbar puncture may or may not be necessary; in cases
ventricles enlarges, whereas with obstruction of both fora- of non-communicating hydrocephalus, the opening pres-
men, both lateral ventricles become enlarged. Obstruction sure is normal; in cases of communicating hydrocephalus
at the aqueduct of Sylvius is followed by enlargement of the it is generally increased, except in the condition known as
third and both lateral ventricles, and obstruction at the exit normal pressure hydrocephalus (see Section 19.3).
foramina of Magendie and Luschka entails expansion of all
four ventricles.
Communicating hydrocephalus typically occurs as a Course
result of an obstruction at the level of the arachnoid villi, and
is associated with enlargement of all of the ventricles. Rarely, Acute hydrocephalus is a catastrophic event, with a rapid
communicating hydrocephalus may occur not because of an evolution of symptoms. Chronic hydrocephalus, by con-
obstruction at any point but rather because of a grossly trast, is marked by a very slow progression of symptoms as
excessive production of CSF, which overwhelms the the pressure of the CSF very slowly increases. In most cases,
drainage system. however, a new ‘equilibrium’ is eventually reached between
Although hydrocephalus may occur at any age, from CSF production and outflow, and in this situation,
infancy to senescence, in this text only adult or later-onset although the ventricles remain under increased pressure,
cases are considered. they do not undergo any further expansion. When this
development occurs, the previously ‘active’ hydrocephalus
Clinical features
From a clinical point of view it is very useful to divide
hydrocephalus into two forms, namely acute and chronic,
depending on their mode of onset.
Acute hydrocephalus is a form of non-communicating
hydrocephalus in which there is a complete, or near-
complete, obstruction of CSF flow. This form of hydro-
cephalus is characterized clinically by a rapid onset of
symptoms, over days, hours, or even quicker. Patients pres-
ent with headache, stupor, and vomiting, and, without
treatment, coma and death may rapidly ensue.
Chronic hydrocephalus may represent either a commu-
nicating or a non-communicating condition; when it
occurs as a result of non-communicating hydrocephalus,
one finds only a partial obstruction. Clinically (Gustafson
and Hagberg 1978; Harrison et al. 1974), chronic hydro-
cephalus typically presents gradually, or even insidiously,
and is characterized by a dementia marked by forgetful-
ness, apathy, and a generalized slowing of thought and
behavior; rarely, akinetic mutism may occur (Messert et al.
1966). A gait disturbance also occurs, and this may either
precede or follow the onset of the dementia. The gait may Figure 19.3 Massive enlargement of the lateral ventricles in
be shuffling, apraxic, or ‘magnetic’ in type; in this last type a case of communicating hydrocephalus, as demonstrated on a
of gait, it appears as if the patient’s feet are ‘stuck’ to the floor, T2-weighted magnetic resonance scan. (Reproduced from Gillespie
as if held there by magnets. Urinary urgency or frequency and Jackson 2000.)
p 19.qxd 3/10/08 9:53 AM Page 602
is said to have undergone ‘arrest’, and such ‘arrested’ cases at the size of the cortical sulci and determine whether or
of hydrocephalus clinically manifest a plateau of symptoms, not these are enlarged. In true hydrocephalus, although
with a subsequently stable clinical course. there may be some enlargement of the sulci, the ventricular
enlargement is proportionately much greater, often
markedly so. By contrast, in hydrocephalus ex vacuo, there
Etiology is always sulcal enlargement, and the degree of sulcal
enlargement is proportionate to the degree of ventricular
In non-communicating hydrocephalus the obstruction enlargement. A second clue is the presence or absence of
may occur at various sites and may be caused by various evidence of transependymal flow on MR scanning: this is
different lesions. Thus, the foramen of Monro may be present in true hydrocephalus but not in hydrocephalus ex
obstructed by a tumor, such as an astrocytoma, or by a vacuo, given that the ventricular contents are not under
colloid cyst of the third ventricle, and the third ventricle any increased pressure.
may be occluded by a tumor (Riddoch 1936). The aqueduct From a clinical point of view, the dementia seen in
of Sylvius may be stenotic (Nag and Falconer 1966; hydrocephalus may mimic that caused by Alzheimer’s
Wilkinson et al. 1966) or may suffer post-infectious scar- disease or Binswanger’s disease; however, imaging will
ring; it may also be compressed by adjacent tumors, such as immediately indicate the correct diagnosis.
pineal tumors. The fourth ventricle may be compressed by
cerebellar lesions, such as tumors, hemorrhages, or infarc-
tions. The exit foramina of Magendie and Luschka may be Treatment
occluded by scarring, as may occur after an episode of viral
or bacterial meningitis, or in the course of an indolent basi- Neurosurgical consultation should be considered in all
lar meningitis, as may be seen in meningovascular syphilis, cases as patients may be candidates for either ventricu-
tuberculosis, or fungal infections; scarring and obstruction loperitoneal shunting or, in cases of non-communicating
may also occur after a subarachnoid hemorrhage, either hydrocephalus in which the obstruction is distal to the
spontaneous or as may be seen with traumatic brain injury. third ventricle, endoscopic third ventriculostomy (Farin
Communicating hydrocephalus is most commonly seen et al. 2006). Importantly, shunting may be effective even in
with obstruction of outflow at the arachnoid granulations. cases of arrested hydrocephalus (Larsson et al. 1999). The
Although such obstruction most commonly occurs after general treatment of dementia is discussed in Section 5.1.
subarachnoid hemorrhage (Ellington and Margolis 1969;
Theander and Granholm 1967), it may also occur in a con-
dition known as leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, discussed 19.3 NORMAL PRESSURE HYDROCEPHALUS
in Section 19.1; rarely, egress of CSF through the arachnoid
villi may be slowed in cases of extremely elevated total pro- As described in the preceding section, hydrocephalus may
tein values, as may be seen in some cases of spinal tumor or be subdivided into communicating or non-communicating
polyneuritis. As noted earlier, another rare mechanism and chronic or acute types. Normal pressure hydrocephalus is
underlying communicating hydrocephalus is actual over- a form of chronic communicating hydrocephalus that
production of CSF, as has been seen with papilloma of the occurs on an idiopathic basis. Classically, it presents with
choroid plexus (Eisenberg et al. 1974). Finally, the condi- the triad of gait disturbance, dementia, and urinary incon-
tion known as normal pressure hydrocephalus is a very tinence or urgency (Adams et al. 1965; Gallassi et al. 1991;
important cause of communicating hydrocephalus; this is Hill et al. 1967).
discussed in detail in Section 19.3.
Clinical features
Differential diagnosis
The onset of symptoms is typically gradual and generally
The first task in making the differential diagnosis is to dis- occurs in late middle age or later.
tinguish ‘true’ hydrocephalus from a condition known as Of the classic triad of symptoms, the gait disturbance
‘hydrocephalus ex vacuo’. In true hydrocephalus, ventricu- typically constitutes the first evidence of this disorder.
lar enlargement occurs as the result of an increase in pres- Patients may walk with short steps on a somewhat widened
sure within the ventricles. By contrast, in hydrocephalus ex base, and sometimes there is a degree of shuffling, but the
vacuo, ventricular enlargement occurs not because of any distinctive feature is what is often referred to as a ‘mag-
pressure increase but merely secondary to shrinkage of the netic’ gait. Here, patients have difficulty initiating steps, as
surrounding brain parenchyma, as may be seen in normal if their feet are held in place on the floor by a large magnet;
ageing or in various neurodegenerative conditions such as some may complain that it feels as if their feet are ‘glued to
Alzheimer’s disease. There are two imaging clues that allow the floor’.
one to differentiate between these two forms of ventricular The dementia of normal pressure hydrocephalus is
enlargement. First, and most importantly, one should look characterized by forgetfulness, slowness of thought and
p 19.qxd 3/10/08 9:53 AM Page 603
action, apathy, and indifference. Rarely the clinical picture that normal pressure hydrocephalus may co-exist with any
may be dominated by a personality change (Rice and of these other disorders, thus producing a mixed diagnos-
Gendelman 1973) or depression (Pujol et al. 1989), and tic picture.
even more rarely by aggressiveness (Crowell et al. 1973; Normal pressure hydrocephalus must also be distin-
Sandyk 1984) or mania (Kwentus and Hart 1987). guished from other causes of chronic communicating hydro-
Urinary incontinence is considered the third symptom cephalus, such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, as described
of the triad; however, this may be only intermittent and in the preceding section.
patients may not complain of it. At times, rather than
incontinence there may only be urinary urgency.
On examination there may be generalized hyper- Treatment
reflexia and the Babinski sign may be positive bilaterally;
snout and grasp reflexes may also be present. Ventriculoperitoneal shunting should be considered in all
Computed tomography or MR scanning reveals cases. Among patients who do respond, the gait distur-
enlargement of the lateral ventricles out of proportion to bance generally improves first, followed by the dementia
any sulcal enlargement that may be present. If lumbar and urinary symptoms; at times the overall response
puncture is performed, the opening pressure is typically may be dramatic (Graff-Radford et al. 1989; Raftapoulos
normal. et al. 1994).
Selecting patients for shunting is at times difficult.
Certainly, in cases in which the classic triad is definitely
present and imaging reveals unequivocal hydrocephalus,
one should strongly consider surgery. However, these
features may not all be present and in such cases one may
In most cases there is a gradual progression of symptoms
consider a number of ancillary tests, including the ‘tap test’,
and some patients may eventually develop akinetic mutism
prolonged external lumbar drainage, and the ‘infusion’ test
and an inability to stand. Often, however, the hydro-
(Kathlon et al. 2002; Sand et al. 1994; Walchenbach et al.
cephalus may become arrested, and symptoms may
‘plateau out’.
In both the tap test and external lumbar drainage the
patient’s gait is videotaped on at least two occasions and a
detailed mental status examination performed. In the tap
Etiology test, 30–45 mL of fluid are withdrawn within 2 hours of the
test and the patient’s gait re-videotaped along with a repeat
Although, as just noted, the opening pressure on lumbar performance of the mental status examination. In the
puncture is generally normal, it appears that in these external lumbar drainage procedure, an external lumbar
patients there are indeed elevations in CSF pressure but catheter is placed and about 50 mL of fluid is withdrawn
that these elevations occur only intermittently, typically at daily for 3–5 days, with repeated videotaping of gait and
night (Packard 1982). In this condition the hydrocephalus mental status examinations. In both of these tests one
is of the communicating type and it appears that the looks for an improvement in gait or cognition as evidence
intermittently increased pressure occurs secondary to an that chronic drainage via a ventriculoperitoneal shunt will
impaired outflow of CSF through the arachnoid villi confer long-term benefit.
(Borgesen and Gjerris 1987). The mechanism underlying In the infusion test normal saline is infused into the
this impaired outflow, however, is not known. Given this lumbar cistern and outflow resistance measured: increased
uncertainty as to the underlying cause, some authors prefer resistance indicates the presence of impaired egress of CSF
to refer to this condition not as ‘normal pressure hydro- through the arachnoid villi and thus confirms the diagnos-
cephalus’ but rather as ‘idiopathic chronic communicating tic suspicion of normal pressure hydrocephalus.
hydrocephalus’. The decision as to which of these three ancillary tests to
The mechanism whereby symptoms appear probably use is not straightforward and practices differ in this
relates to stretching of the long periventricular axonal fibers. regard. The tap test is simplest to perform but may have
false negatives; external lumbar drainage and the infusion
test are more difficult to perform but are more sensitive.
Differential diagnosis Overall, it may be appropriate to do a tap test first and, if
this is negative, proceed to either external lumbar drainage
From a clinical point of view, consideration must be given or an infusion test. It must be borne in mind, however, that
to other disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and none of these tests is completely accurate in predicting the
Binswanger’s disease, and certain parkinsonian disorders response to shunting, and they may yield false negatives in
(e.g., diffuse Lewy body disease), and the diagnosis of nor- this regard. Consequently, even when these tests are all
mal pressure hydrocephalus may only become apparent negative, one may still consider shunting in clinically
after neuroimaging. It must be borne in mind, of course, appropriate cases.
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20.1 SCHIZOPHRENIA members may recall a stretch of time when the patient
‘changed’ and was no longer ‘himself’; prior interests and
Schizophrenia is a chronic, more or less debilitating psy- hobbies may have been abandoned and replaced by a cer-
chosis that occurs in about 1 percent of the general popula- tain irritable seclusiveness or perhaps suspiciousness.
tion and which is equally common in males and females. The mode of onset ranges from acute to gradual. Acute
This illness was first noted by Morel in 1860 (Anonymous onsets occur over weeks or months and may be initially
1954), who referred to it as démence précoce. A full descrip- marked by perplexity or depressive symptoms; patients
tion of the disease, however, had to await the efforts of Emil may recognize that something is going wrong, and some
Kraepelin. Kraepelin, who latinized the name to dementia may make desperate attempts to bring order and structure
praecox, was a German psychiatrist of the late nineteenth into a life that is rapidly fragmenting. By contrast, gradual
and early twentieth centuries, whose work remains a guid- onsets, which may span months or a year or more, may not
ing force for modern psychiatry. The current name for the be particularly disturbing to the patient; there may be fleet-
disease, schizophrenia, was coined by Eugen Bleuler, a ing, whispering auditory hallucinations, vague intima-
Swiss psychiatrist who amplified Kraepelin’s original tions, or strange occurrences.
descriptions. Another guiding light in the elucidation of the Although the symptomatology of schizophrenia may be
disease was the German psychiatrist Kurt Schneider, who quite varied, in most cases one sees hallucinations, delusions,
isolated certain symptoms, now known as Schneiderian disorganized speech, and catatonic or bizarre behavior.
first rank symptoms, which, although not pathognomonic Negative symptoms (e.g., flattening of affect) are also often
of the disease, are very, very suggestive. seen and, as with all typologies, there is also a category of mis-
cellaneous symptoms, the most important of which is tran-
sient disturbances of mood. Generally, based on the overall
Clinical features constellation of symptoms, one may classify any given case of
schizophrenia into one of several subtypes, namely paranoid,
The age of onset of schizophrenia, although generally
catatonic, disorganized (also known as hebephrenic), or sim-
falling in the late teens or early twenties, may range from
ple schizophrenia; in a large minority, however, there
late childhood to the seventh decade (Brodaty et al. 1999;
appears to be a mixture of these subtypes, and in such cases
Grahame 1984). A prodrome may or may not be present; in
one speaks of ‘undifferentiated’ schizophrenia. Each of these
some cases the premorbid personality may have been com-
symptoms and subtypes is now considered in some detail.
pletely normal, whereas in others, peculiarities may have
been present for years or even decades (Walker and Lewine
1990). In cases in which the prodrome begins in childhood, HALLUCINATIONS
history may reveal introversion and peculiar interests. In
cases in which the prodrome appears in teenage years or Hallucinations may occur in the auditory, visual, gusta-
later, well after the patient’s personality has formed, family tory, olfactory, and tactile realms (Mueser et al. 1990).
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Auditory hallucinations are most common in schizo- even be contradictory. An exception to this rule is seen in the
phrenia and, as noted by Kraepelin (1919), it is ‘the hearing paranoid subtype of schizophrenia, in which one may find a
of voices’ (italics in original) that is by far most ‘peculiarly certain degree of systematization of the patients delusions
characteristic’ of schizophrenia. Voices may come from into a more or less coherent corpus of beliefs.
inside the body or perhaps the air; sometimes they are Delusions of persecution are particularly common.
sent by electronic devices or emerge from the walls or fur- Patients may believe that there is a conspiracy against them,
niture. They often speak in short phrases and may at times for example that the police have coordinated their efforts
manifest as commands, which patients may or may not be with co-workers or neighbors or that perhaps the mafia is
able to resist. Certain auditory hallucinations, included involved or certain underground organizations. Patients
among the Schneiderian first rank symptoms although not may believe that they are being followed, that their tele-
specific for schizophrenia, are highly suggestive: these phone conversations are being listened to, and that their
include voices that repeat the patient’s thoughts, voices mail is being cleverly opened. Some patients may endure
that comment on what the patient is doing, and voices that these persecutions stoically, whereas others may engage in
argue with each other. For most patients the voices sound what to them appears to be a justifiable self-defense and
as real as the voice of another person, and they may talk fight back. Some may flee the area, seeking safety in another
back to them or argue with them. At times when the voices town or state. In some cases, if the delusion of persecution
are loud or unpleasant, patients may try and drown them is a bizarre one, the response may be proportionately
out by listening to music or watching television. In addi- bizarre: one patient, believing that ‘rays’ were being sent
tion to voices, patients may also hear sounds, such as the through the ceiling to kill him, proceeded to cover the ceil-
ringing of bells, footsteps, or tapping on the walls or ing in aluminum foil in order to protect himself.
windows. Delusions of grandeur are also common and may coex-
Visual hallucinations, although common, play a much ist with delusions of persecution. Patients may believe that
less prominent role in the overall symptomatology than they have developed great inventions and that others per-
auditory hallucinations. Often they are poorly formed and secute them out of envy. Some believe that they have been
indistinct and perhaps seen only fleetingly, ‘out of the corner elected by God, that millions of dollars are held privately
of the eye’. In some cases, however, they may be detailed, for them, that heads of state secretly await their advice on
vivid, and compelling: strange people walk the halls; the foreign affairs. Although some patients may harbour these
devil appears in violent red straight ahead; heads may float beliefs quietly, others may feel compelled to make an
through the air; and reptilian creatures may crawl the floors. announcement. One patient took out a full-page advertise-
Gustatory and olfactory hallucinations are uncommon ment in the newspaper in which he described his plans for
but may at times be quite compelling. Patients may smell ‘world peace’ through alliances with ‘extraterrestrial
poison gas and inspect the air ducts to find the source. beings’ that had chosen him as their emissary.
Tastes, often foul and bitter, may appear on the tongue, Delusions of reference are intimately related to delu-
and patients may become convinced that their drinks have sions of persecution and to delusions of reference, and
been fouled by poisons. serve, as it were, to reinforce them. Here, patients believe
Tactile hallucinations may also occur and may be quite that chance events, rather than being innocuous and
varied. Patients may feel electric currents course over their unrelated to them, in fact bear special meaning and
bodies; they may complain that fluids are poured on them pertain specifically to them. Newspaper headlines seem to
at night or that they are pricked by needles from behind; in be a kind of code, which only the patient can decipher,
some cases they may experience movements deep inside, informing him or her that the time is near; street lights
such as crampings and twistings. which blink on are a sign to those pursuing the patient
that the time has come to ‘move in’. The patient with
DELUSIONS grandiose delusions may hear church bells on Sunday
morning and know that they serve as an announcement of
Delusions are almost universal in schizophrenia and, his or her glory. For patients with delusions of reference,
although their content is extremely varied, certain themes at times all things seem pregnant with meaning: there
stand out, including delusions of persecution, delusions of are no more chance occurrences, no accidents, and no
grandeur, delusions of reference, and a number of coincidences.
Schneiderian first rank symptoms. These false beliefs may Schneiderian first rank symptoms may comprise delu-
either grow slowly in the patient or occur suddenly, as if in an sions, including thought broadcasting, thought withdrawal,
enlightenment. Although some patients may entertain some thought insertion, and delusions of influence, control, or
lingering doubts as to the veracity of these beliefs, for most passivity. In thought broadcasting, patients believe that
they are as self-evidently true as any other belief. Occasionally thoughts can leave the head without being spoken or writ-
patients may argue with others about these beliefs, and even ten, and that others may ‘pick up’ these thoughts directly;
attempt to convince others of their truth, but more often they some patients say that it works ‘like a radio’ and they may
do not press their case on the unbeliever. Most patients hold feel no need to speak their thoughts as they assume that
multiple delusions; these are often not well elaborated and others, perhaps including the doctors, have already picked
are often poorly coordinated with each other, and they may up the ‘broadcast’. Thought withdrawal is characterized by
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 608
the experience of having one’s thoughts directly withdrawn In some cases, rather than loosening of associations one
from the mind. In such cases, patients suddenly become may see mere tangentiality or circumstantiality. In tangen-
bereft of thoughts and are left with blank minds; some may tiality, in response to a question, thoughts proceed off on a
elaborate on the experience and speak of electrical or mag- tangent and patients never get around to giving an answer;
netic devices that remove the thoughts. Patients who expe- in circumstantiality, the responses are circuitous and
rience thought withdrawal while speaking may exhibit the patients take a long ‘round about’ path before they finally
sign known as ‘thought blocking’. Here, in the middle of ‘get to the point’.
speaking, patients abruptly cease talking and become silent; Neologisms may also occur, in which, in the course of
this happens because they just as abruptly find themselves speaking, the patient may use a word that seems to have no
with no thoughts to speak. Thought insertion represents meaning. For example, one patient, when asked if he wanted
the converse of thought withdrawal, and in this experience anything, replied, ‘Yes, please, some bufkuf.’ When asked
patients believe that thoughts that are not their own have the meaning of ‘bufkuf’, the patient responded, ‘Oh, you
been ‘inserted’ directly into their minds; these ‘alien’ know,’ and made no further attempt to define or explain it.
thoughts exist as a kind of cognitive ‘foreign body’, and
patients may elaborate on the experience and believe that CATATONIC OR BIZARRE BEHAVIOR
strange devices, perhaps using magnets, are responsible for
their appearance. Delusions of influence, control or passiv- Catatonia may occur in one of two forms, namely stuporous
ity are characterized by the belief on the patient’s part that catatonia and excited catatonia. Both forms may be seen in
their thoughts, feelings, or actions are somehow directly schizophrenia and, indeed, it is not uncommon to see indi-
influenced or controlled by some outside force or agency, vidual patients with the catatonic subtype of schizophrenia
and that they have somehow become like robots or passive exhibit both forms at different times (Morrison 1973). In stu-
automatons, without any independence of will. Some again porous catatonia one sees immobility, catalepsy, and mutism,
may elaborate on these beliefs and speak of being under the which may be joined by posturing, echolalia or echopraxia,
influence of a spell or perhaps of an electrical or magnetic negativism, or automatic obedience, whereas in excited cata-
machine, or perhaps a distant computer. tonia one sees bizarre, frenzied, purposeless behavior. All of
Other delusions may also occur. Indeed, any imaginable these symptoms are discussed in detail in Section 3.11.
belief may be held, no matter how fantastic: angels live in In addition to catatonic symptoms there may be other
the patient’s nose; a small person is seated at a chair in the bizarre aspects to schizophrenia, including mannerisms,
external auditory canal and whispers to the patient; parents bizarre affect, and an overall disorganization and disinte-
have risen from the grave, etc. gration of behavior.
Mannerisms, as discussed in Section 4.27, represent
DISORGANIZED SPEECH bizarre or odd caricatures of gestures, speech, or behavior.
In a manneristic gesture, the patient may offer a hand to
In considering the sign of disorganized speech we are con- shake with the fingers splayed out, or the fingers may inter-
cerned not with the content of speech, which may be com- mittently writhe in a peculiar, contorted way. In manneris-
posed of delusions, but rather with the form of speech. tic speech, cadence, modulation or volume may be erratic
This ‘formal thought disorder’ is most often referred to as and dysmodulated. One patient spoke in a ‘sing-song’
‘loosening of associations’, but may sometimes be termed voice and, in another, random syllables were accented in a
‘derailment’. Thought and speech become illogical and pompous way. Overall behavior may undergo manneristic
incoherent; thoughts are juxtaposed that have no conceiv- transformation; one patient walked in a stiff-legged fash-
able connection and family members may complain that ion, rigidly swinging only one arm with each step.
the patient ‘doesn’t make sense’; there is a lack of ‘goal- Bizarre affect may manifest in a variety of ways. In some
directedness’, and thoughts, lacking such an organizing cases facial expression appears theatrical, wooden, or
goal, become disparate and unconnected. At its most under a peculiar constraint, for example patients may
extreme, loosening of associations produces a ‘word salad’ report feeling joy but the rapturous facial expression may
in which successive spoken words have no more inherent appear brittle, tenuous, and disconnected. In other cases
connection with each other than do the tossed leaves of a there may be inappropriate affect. Here, as described in
salad. In one case, a patient, after being asked about the Section 4.26, one finds a disconnection between what the
previous day’s activities, replied, ‘The sun bestrides the patient feels and what ‘shows’ on his face, as, for example,
mouse doctor. In the morning, if you wish. Twenty-five in the case of a patient who, although feeling sadness at the
dollars is a lot of money! Large faces and eyes. Terrible death of a parent, was seen to involuntarily snicker.
smells. Rats in the socket. Can there be darkness? Oh, if you There may also be a bizarre disintegration of the patient’s
only knew!’ Here, any inner connection between the vari- overall behavior and demeanor, and it is this sign that often
ous ideas and concepts is lost; it is as if they come at ran- makes these patients ‘stand out’ in public. Patients become
dom. Typically, patients are unconcerned with their untidy and may neglect to clean their clothes or to bathe.
incoherence; if asked to explain what they mean, they make Dress and grooming may become bizarre: several layers of
little, if any, effort at clarification. clothing may be worn, even when it is hot outside, and bits
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 609
of string or cloth may festoon jackets or shirts. Patients may prognoses, as noted further below, but also because knowl-
cut off their eyebrows or make deep gashes in their arms or edge of a patient’s subtype diagnosis may allow the clinician
legs. Some seem almost analgesic: one patient bit out part of to predict how the patient will act in any given situation.
his biceps muscle; another eviscerated himself, ‘just to see’ After discussing the paranoid, catatonic, disorganized,
what was inside. In some cases the bizarre behavior may be simple, and undifferentiated subtypes of schizophrenia,
in response to delusions, as, for example, when a patient some comments will also be offered on an alternative
wrapped his legs in aluminum foil to ‘keep the bugs off’. mode of subdividing schizophrenia, namely into ‘reactive’
and ‘process’ types.
NEGATIVE SYMPTOMS Paranoid schizophrenia tends to have a somewhat later
onset, sometimes as late as in middle years, and is character-
‘Negative’, or ‘defect’, symptoms (Andreasen 1982;
ized primarily by hallucinations and delusions; dis-
Andreasen and Olson 1982; Andreasen et al. 1990a)
organized speech, catatonic or bizarre behavior, and
include flattening of affect, poverty of thought or speech,
negative symptoms are either absent or relatively minor.
and avolition.
Hallucinations are generally auditory and delusions are
Flattening of affect, also known as mere ‘blunting’ of
generally of persecution and reference. In paranoid schizo-
affect when less severe, is, as discussed further in Section
phrenia, more so than in any other subtype, the delusions
4.25, characterized by a lifeless and wooden facial expres-
tend to be systematized and, on first glance, even plausible.
sion accompanied by a corresponding dearth or diminu-
Voices may warn patients that their supervisors are plotting
tion of all feelings.
against them. Patients may begin to suspect that people are
Poverty of speech and poverty of thought are often
talking about them, perhaps laughing at them behind their
referred to collectively as ‘alogia’. Poverty of speech is said
backs. Newspaper headlines pertain to them; the CIA may
to be present when patients, although speaking a normal
be involved or perhaps the FBI. At times patients may
amount, seem to ‘say’ very little; there is a dearth of mean-
appeal to the authorities for help, but often they suffer their
ingful content and speech is often composed of stock
persecutions in rigid silence; occasionally they may try to
phrases. In poverty of thought, by contrast, patients speak
escape, perhaps by moving to another area, or they may
little, essentially because there is a wide-ranging and far-
turn on their supposed attackers, sometimes violently.
reaching impoverishment of their entire thinking; patients
Often, allied with delusions of persecution, there may also
may complain that their heads are ‘empty’ and that, sim-
be delusions of grandeur. Patients believe that they are
ply, nothing comes to mind; there are no stirrings.
being persecuted not for some trivial reason; they suspect
Avolition, referred to by Kraepelin as ‘annihilation of
that others know that they have developed great inventions.
the will’, is allied to poverty of thought in that avolitional
Rarely, grandiose delusions may be more prominent than
patients simply do not experience any impulses, desires,
persecutory ones, and they may even dominate the clinical
stirrings or inclinations; if left undisturbed they may spend
picture. One patient believed himself to be the anointed of
hours or days in quietude, doing nothing.
God; he heard trumpets proclaiming his advent and was
MISCELLANEOUS SYMPTOMS prepared to announce himself to the world.
Catatonic schizophrenia, as the name obviously indi-
Of the miscellaneous symptoms seen in schizophrenia, per- cates, is dominated by catatonic symptoms. As described in
haps the most important are transient disturbances of Section 3.11, catatonia occurs in both stuporous and
mood, which may tend toward depression, mania, or anxi- excited forms and, although some patients with catatonic
ety. Patients may complain of depressive symptoms, such as schizophrenia may demonstrate only one form throughout
feeling depressed, being tired or having trouble sleeping; the course of the illness, in most cases, as noted earlier,
some may demonstrate some euphoria and increased energy these two forms are seen to alternate in the same patient.
and talkativeness, whereas others may complain of feeling The duration of these forms is quite variable, ranging from
anxious and tremulous. Indeed, at first glance these symp- hours on one extreme to months or years on the other. The
toms may seem to dominate the clinical picture; however, transition from one form to another may be quite unpre-
on a closer and wider look one finds that they are transient, dictable and, at times, quite sudden; in one case a chroni-
lasting only hours or days, are mild overall, and, relative to cally stuporous patient, without any warning, suddenly
other symptoms, such as hallucinations and delusions, play jumped from his bed, screamed incoherently, and paced
only a very minor role in the overall clinical picture. agitatedly from one wall to another, only to lapse into
Agitation may also be seen, and this may occur either as a immobility and muteness an hour later.
non-specific part of an exacerbation of the disease or as a Disorganized schizophrenia, also known classically as
reaction to delusions of persecution or threatening voices. hebephrenic schizophrenia, tends to have an earlier onset
than the other subtypes and to develop very slowly.
SUBTYPES Although hallucinations and delusions are present, they
generally play a minor role and the clinical picture is domi-
Classifying patients as to subtype is useful not only because nated by disorganized speech and bizarre behavior. Overall,
the various subtypes pursue different courses with different the behavior of these patients seems at times to represent a
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In this regard one may recall Bleuler’s opinion (Bleuler 1950) rises to about 50 percent. Furthermore, adoption studies
that a full cure, a restitutio ad integrum, never occurs; have made clear that the increased prevalence in first-
although he saw ‘far reaching improvements’ to the point of degree relatives reflects genetic and not environmental fac-
‘social restitution’, he was always able, upon careful examina- tors (Kendler and Gruenberg 1984; Kety 1987; Tienari et al.
tion, to ‘see distinct signs of the disease’. 2003). Of course, genetics cannot explain the entire picture
or one would expect a much higher concordance rate in
monozygotic twins, and consequently one must look to
Etiology environmental factors. Several have been proposed,
including obstetrical complications (Kendell et al. 1996),
Both computed tomographic (CT) and magnetic reso- maternal malnutrition (Susser and Lin 1992), and in utero
nance imaging (MRI) studies have amply demonstrated exposure to certain viral illnesses (Murray 1994), for exam-
the presence of ventricular dilation and cortical atrophy, ple influenza and rubella (Brown et al. 2001). All of these
most prominently in the temporal cortex (Andreasen et al. factors can cause disorders of neuronal migration, and it
1990b; Chua and McKenna 1995; Jaskiw et al. 1994; may be that what is inherited in schizophrenia is not the
Nopoulos et al. 1995; Suddah et al. 1989; Turner et al. disease per se but rather a defect that renders the fetal brain
1986). Furthermore, several studies have also demon- particularly vulnerable to certain of these factors.
strated a correlation between the degree of atrophy seen in If indeed the neuropathology of schizophrenia repre-
the left temporal cortex and the severity of such psychotic sents a non-progressive disorder of neuronal migration,
symptoms as loosening of associations and auditory hallu- one must also explain why the onset of the disease is
cinations (Barta et al. 1990; Hirayasu et al. 2000; Menon delayed until the late teenage or early adult years. One
et al. 1995; Shenton et al. 1992). Autopsy studies support hypothesis is that the phenotypic expression of the disease
the results of neuroimaging, demonstrating a reduced vol- is dependent upon an interaction between the fixed neu-
ume in the medial temporal lobe structures (Bogerts et al. ronal migration defect and the normally evolving neu-
1985, 1990) and a prominence of ventricular enlargement roanatomic changes seen during adolescence. During
in the temporal horn (Crow et al. 1989). normal childhood and adolescence there is a progressive
Microscopic studies have demonstrated the presence of and selective ‘pruning’ of dendrites, and, according to this
an excessive number of interstitial neurons within the hypothesis, the ability of the fixed neuronal migration
white matter (Akbarian et al. 1993a,b, 1996; Rioux et al. defect to express itself clinically may have to wait until a
2003) and neuronal disarray within the temporal lobe, specific degree and type of ‘pruning’ has ‘cleared the way’.
specifically the hippocampus (Conrad et al. 1991). Although this neurodevelopmental theory of the etiology
Furthermore, although not without controversy, some of schizophrenia has much to recommend it, the case is not
subcortical structures may suffer neuronal loss (Byne et al. proven and readers are encouraged to watch the literature.
2002; Kreczmanski et al. 2007). Strikingly, and impor-
tantly, gliosis is absent (Bogerts et al. 1985; Bruton et al.
1990; Roberts et al. 1987). Differential diagnosis
Although the mechanism underlying these anatomic
changes is not known with certainty, it is strongly sus- Although a host of disorders enters the differential diagno-
pected that they represent a disorder of neuronal migra- sis, only certain of them play a large part, thus making the
tion. In the normal course of development, neurons differential task a little less daunting. These include mood
migrate along radial glial fibers from the ventricular area disorders (i.e., bipolar disorder and major depressive dis-
through the embryonic white matter to the overlying corti- order), schizoaffective disorder, delusional disorder, alco-
cal subplate, where they come to rest in an orderly fashion holic psychoses, several personality disorders, and two
to create the laminated cortex. Furthermore, and again putative disorders known as schizophreniform disorder
normally, a small number of these neurons fail to migrate and brief psychotic disorder.
through the white matter and remain there as interstitial Bipolar disorder, discussed in Section 20.5, is character-
neurons. The findings noted above of an increased number ized by episodes of mania and depression, whereas major
of interstitial neurons and neuronal disarray in the cortex depressive disorder, as noted in Section 20.6, is marked by
are consistent with the hypothesis of a failure of normal depressive episodes alone. Both manic episodes, as seen in
migration in schizophrenia. bipolar disorder, and depressive episodes, as seen in either
The mechanism underlying such a failure of normal bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder, may be
migration, although not clear, may involve one or more characterized by psychotic symptoms.
environmental insults acting on a genetically determined Manic episodes, discussed in Section 6.3, often show a
vulnerability. As noted earlier, schizophrenia occurs in progression in which typical manic symptoms are joined by
about 1 percent of the general population; however, hallucinations and delusions and, in some, disorganized
among first-degree relatives the prevalence rises to about 5 speech, and if one sees the patient at this stage of mania and
percent, whereas among dizygotic twins it is about 20 per- if there is no history, consideration might be given to a diag-
cent and among monozygtic twins the concordance rate nosis of hebephrenic, catatonic or paranoid schizophrenia.
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If, however, one has a reliable history, the differential diag- catatonic stupor, either into relatively normal mobility or
nosis is fairly straightforward. In mania, mood symptoms, into a brief period of excitation; such a lysis, occurring over
namely heightened mood, increased energy, and decreased seconds or minutes, simply is not seen in depression.
need for sleep, occur first and are present in a sustained and Schizoaffective disorder, as described further in Section
prominent fashion before the onset of hallucinations, delu- 20.2, is an illness characterized by the chronic presence of
sions, or disorganized speech. By contrast, in schizophrenia psychotic symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions, or
one finds that the course is marked by the presence of hallu- disorganized speech, and by intermittent episodes of either
cinations before the onset of any mood symptoms; further- mania or depression, during which the pre-existing psy-
more, as noted earlier, any manic symptoms seen in chotic symptoms undergo an exacerbation. The differential
schizophrenia are transient and relatively mild. Certain point that allows a distinction from schizophrenia is that
other features may also help in the differential diagnosis the mood disturbances, whether manic or depressed, are
between mania and schizophrenia. In mania, euphoria is full, severe, and sustained, generally lasting at least weeks, in
typically ‘infectious’ and deeply felt, and this contrasts with marked contrast to the mood changes that may be seen in
the euphoria seen, for example, in hebephrenic schizophre- schizophrenia, which are fragmentary, mild, and transient.
nia, which is shallow and silly and which, rather than being Delusional disorder, as noted in Section 20.3, is charac-
infectious, typically leaves the interviewer unmoved. terized by delusions and thus may be confused with para-
Furthermore, the hyperactivity of mania is typically outgo- noid schizophrenia. The differential here rests on the
ing and extroverted, and this is in marked contrast to the degree of plausibility and systematization of the delusions
behavior of the excited catatonic patient, who typically and on the absence of other symptoms. Delusional disor-
avoids contact. Finally, in cases in which the heightened der is marked by delusions that are often quite plausible
mood is one of irritability rather than euphoria, the manic and typically very well systematized, and by the absence of
patient is typically ‘on the attack’, which contrasts with the other symptoms, in particular hallucinations, disorganized
irritable paranoid schizophrenic, who is more ‘on guard’; speech, and bizarre behavior. By contrast, although there
although both irritable manics and irritable paranoid schiz- may be some plausibility and systematization to the delu-
ophrenics are dangerous, the manic patient is recklessly so, sions seen in paranoid schizophrenia, close inspection typ-
in contrast to the paranoid schizophrenic, who may become ically reveals some fragmentation and inconsistencies and
violent only if approached in what appears, to the patient at almost always at least some hints of auditory hallucina-
least, to be a potentially hostile manner. tions, speech disorganization, and bizarreness.
Depression, as discussed in Section 6.1, may likewise, at Alcoholic psychoses, namely alcoholic hallucinosis and
its depth, be characterized by hallucinations and delusions, alcoholic paranoia, discussed in Sections 22.9 and 22.10,
and this may be seen in depressive episodes of either bipo- respectively, may be characterized by delusions and hallu-
lar disorder or major depressive disorder. As with manic cinations, and thus mimic paranoid schizophrenia. The
symptoms, however, the differential is fairly straightfor- differential here rests on the history: if the psychosis in
ward providing that one has a reliable history: in depression question occurred only after many years of alcoholism
characterized by hallucinations and delusions, these symp- with repeated episodes of delirium tremens, then a case
toms only occur well after the typical depressive symptoms may be made for an alcoholic psychosis; in cases, however,
have become well-established and severe; by contrast, in in which delusions or hallucinations occurred early on,
schizophrenia, delusions and hallucinations precede the perhaps in adolescence or early adult years, and only after
advent of depressive symptoms. Furthermore, the depres- a relatively brief drinking career, then one would be hard
sive symptoms seen in schizophrenia are generally transient pressed to explain them on the basis of alcoholism.
and are typically not severe. The nature of the delusions Several personality disorders, namely those of the para-
seen in depression may also be helpful. In depression, the noid, borderline, and schizotypal types, may occasionally
delusions are ‘mood-congruent’ in that they ‘make sense’ in offer some diagnostic difficulties. Patients with paranoid per-
light of the prevailing mood. Thus, patients with depression sonality disorder are chronically distrustful and on guard,
may come to believe that they have committed unpardon- quick to take offense and to read malevolence into what oth-
able sins or that their insides are drying up and dying, as is ers do, and prone to harbor deep, long-standing resentments;
only fitting for such miserable sinners. By contrast, in under great stress they may develop delusions of persecution
schizophrenic patients who experience some depressive and thus may resemble patients with paranoid schizophre-
symptoms, the delusions are often ‘mood-incongruent’ and nia. In patients with paranoid schizophrenia, however, close
indeed often bear no conceivable relationship to depres- inspection will reveal other symptoms, such as delusions of
sion, as, for example, in the case of a schizophrenic who other types (e.g., delusions of grander) or hallucinations,
complained of feeling depressed and then went on to talk which are not seen in the personality disorder; furthermore,
about the ‘telepathy’ that made his toe tingle. Finally, con- in paranoid schizophrenia one often also sees some lack of
sideration may be given to differentiating a severe depres- full systematization of the delusions, in contrast to the per-
sive episode from a catatonic stupor. In both conditions sonality disorder in which logic is preserved. Borderline per-
one may see immobility and mutism; however, with pro- sonality disorder is characterized by a chronic instability in all
longed observation one may chance to see a sudden ‘lysis’ of aspects of the patient’s life, accompanied by intense loneliness
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 613
and dramatic and stormy emotions; when under great stress, dosage and side-effects. Of these first-generation agents,
these patients may at times also develop delusions, either of both haloperidol and fluphenazine are available in intra-
persecution or reference, and may also experience auditory muscular ‘depot’ formulations, which are given, on aver-
hallucinations. The distinction from schizophrenia rests on age, once every 4 or 2 weeks respectively. All other things
the stormy instability that characterizes these patients’ lives being equal, of the first-generation agents, haloperidol is
and on the fact that the psychotic symptoms appear only at probably a reasonable first choice.
times of great stress; this is in contrast to schizophrenia, in Second-generation agents include clozapine, olanzapine,
which they are present throughout the course, even during risperidone, quetiapine, aripiprazole, and ziprasidone.
stress-free periods. Schizotypal personality disorder is char- Choosing among these agents is not straightforward. With
acterized by chronic aloofness and by peculiar thoughts and regard to effectiveness, clozapine is clearly superior; however,
behavior, and thus may mimic simple schizophrenia. The its side-effect profile, especially the risk of agranulocytosis,
differential here rests on the overall course: in the personality limits its use to treatment-resistant cases. Of the other
disorder there is no deterioration, whereas in simple schizo- agents, although there is controversy here, it appears that
phrenia one sees a very slow progression. olanzapine may have an edge in terms of overall effectiveness
Schizophreniform disorder and brief psychotic disorder (Lieberman et al. 2005). This advantage, however, is severely
(also known as brief reactive psychosis) are both character- tempered by the tendency of olanzapine to cause metabolic
ized by symptoms that are similar to those seen in schizo- derangements, including weight gain, hyperlipidemia, and
phrenia; however, where they differ is in their supposed diabetes. Both risperidone and quetiapine may also cause
course. Patients who experience a full, complete, and spon- these metabolic derangements, but are much less likely to do
taneous remission within 1 month are said to have brief so; risperidone, alone among the second-generation agents,
psychotic disorder, whereas those whose illness lasts longer is available in a long-acting intramuscular ‘depot’ formula-
than 1 month but less than 6 months are said to have tion, providing benefit for 2 weeks. Aripiprazole and zipras-
schizophreniform disorder. However, there is a debate as idone stand out in that they are not associated with metabolic
to whether such disorders actually exist. Certainly, there changes. Overall, and all other things being equal, if a second-
are patients with schizophrenia who are treated with generation agent is used, it may be reasonable to start with
antipsychotics early in the course of the illness and who risperidone; however, again, it must be acknowledged that
experience a complete, antipsychotic-induced remission of this is an area of great controversy.
symptoms; however, in these cases, if treatment is discon- In deciding which antipsychotic, whether first or second
tinued, symptoms gradually recur. What is at issue here is generation, to prescribe, the first step is to obtain an accurate
whether there are, in fact, cases in which symptoms spon- treatment history, and this may require not only questioning
taneously and completely undergo a lasting remission the patient but also reviewing records and interviewing fam-
without treatment. I have never seen such a case, nor am I ily members. If there is a history of a good response com-
aware of any such well-documented cases in the literature. bined with good tolerability, then it makes sense to use the
Other causes of psychosis are discussed in Section 7.1 same drug again. In treatment-naive patients, or in cases in
and, although most of these are rare, the reader is encour- which prior treatments were unsatisfactory, other consider-
aged to gain familiarity with them. ations come into play. Although not without controversy, it
appears that, overall, second-generation agents are more
effective and better tolerated than first-generation ones, and,
Treatment consequently, it may be reasonable to select a second-gener-
ation agent. Of the second-generation agents, risperidone, as
In almost all cases, treatment involves the use of an noted above, is a reasonable choice, both regarding efficacy
antipsychotic drug. These agents may be broadly divided and side-effects, and this also allows one to move to intra-
into two different categories, namely first-generation and muscular ‘depot’ treatments in cases of non-compliance. It
second-generation or, as they are often also termed, typical must be emphasized, however, that the choice of an agent is
and atypical agents. not simple or straightforward, and often multiple trials of
First-generation agents are further subdivided into different agents must be performed before a regimen is
‘high-potency’ (haloperidol, fluphenazine, perphenazine, found that is reasonably effective and well-tolerated.
trifluoperazine, and thiothixene), ‘low-potency’ (chlor- Regardless of which agent is chosen, it is important that
promazine and thioridazine), and ‘medium-potency’ one gives it an ‘adequate’ trial before moving on to another,
(loxapine and molindone) drugs. High-potency drugs not only in terms of dose but also duration. In general,
require lower milligram doses and are more likely to cause assuming an adequate dose is used, one should observe the
extrapyramidal side-effects (e.g., parkinsonism, dystonia, patient for at least 2 weeks to get a reasonable idea as to
akathisia, akinesia). Low-potency drugs require higher response. In cases characterized by significant agitation, one
doses and are less likely to cause extrapyramidal side- may, as described in Section 6.4, consider adding adjunctive
effects, but are prone to cause sedation, hypotension, and lorazepam to either risperidone or haloperidol, and contin-
anticholinergic effects. Medium-potency drugs, as might uing this until the agitation has passed, after which the
be expected, fall in-between regarding both milligram patient may be continued on the antipsychotic alone. If the
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 614
overall initial response is only partial, but otherwise prom- but at times may manifest only with an exacerbation of psy-
ising, one may elect to observe the patient for another 4 chotic symptoms (Van Putten 1975; Van Putten et al. 1974);
weeks and, if the response is good, then move to mainte- unless this is properly diagnosed, a ‘vicious cycle’ may occur,
nance treatment, as described below. If the response to the in which the exacerbation is mistakenly attributed to the
first agent is poor, or the side-effects are unacceptable, then underlying schizophrenia, prompting an increased dose of
a trial with a different agent should be considered. Should the antipsychotic with a consequent worsening of the psy-
patients fail to get a good response to adequate trials of two chosis. Although these side-effects are classically seen with
agents, one may be dealing with a treatment-resistant case. first-generation agents, they may also, albeit rarely, occur
In such cases several options are available, including a trial with second-generation ones.
of clozapine, trials of other agents, or simply ‘living with’ a Post-psychotic depression may occur after psychotic
less than optimal treatment regimen. As regards effective- symptoms have partially remitted, either spontaneously or
ness, clozapine is clearly head and shoulders above all other by virtue of antipsychotic treatment. These sustained
antipsychotics in treatment-resistant cases, and indeed may depressions must be treated as they carry a significant risk
yield some of the most gratifying treatment responses in all of suicide. Treatment may be accomplished with an anti-
of medical practice; however, its side-effect profile gives depressant (Siris et al. 1987), such as a selective serotonin
pause to many patients and physicians. If clozapine is not reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), or, in severe cases, with electro-
an option, some clinicians will try trial after trial of different convulsive therapy (ECT). Of interest, ECT may also be
agents, hoping to find one that ‘works’; provided that effective in the acute treatment of catatonic schizophrenia.
patients have the fortitude, this is not an unreasonable In addition to treatment with antipsychotics and rou-
strategy, as in some cases patients will simply have idiosyn- tine supportive care, many patients will also require exten-
cratic and unpredictable ‘good’ responses to one agent but sive assistance in gaining housing and sheltered employment;
not others. In some cases, however, patients will opt to stay social skills training and cognitive–behavioral treatment
with a regimen that, although perhaps providing less relief may also be beneficial. Insight-oriented or psychodynami-
than is hoped for, is at least tolerable. cally oriented psychotherapy is generally contraindicated,
Maintenance treatment is appropriate in almost all as it may make patients worse.
cases. Initially, patients should be maintained on a dose that Hospitalization is required for most patients at some
is similar to, if not identical to, that utilized during initial point in their illness and, in many cases, repeated admis-
treatment. Once patients are stable, cautious dose adjust- sions occur. In some cases involuntary hospitalization is
ments may be considered every 3–4 months. As noted ear- required and may be life-saving. Partial hospitalization or
lier, in many cases the course of schizophrenia is ‘day hospitals’ may enable some severely ill patients to be
characterized by gradually occurring exacerbations and maintained in the community.
partial remissions, and in such cases it is appropriate to try
to ‘titrate’ the dose to the underlying severity of the disease,
always seeking the lowest possible dose consistent with 20.2 SCHIZOAFFECTIVE DISORDER
acceptable symptomatic control. This serves not only to
reduce cost and side-effect burden but also reduces the risk The term ‘schizoaffective’ has had many definitions since it
of tardive dyskinesia (this dreaded complication of long- was first coined by Kasanin in 1933. As conceived of here,
term treatment with antipsychotics, primarily first-genera- schizoaffective disorder is characterized by chronic,
tion agents, is discussed further in Section 22.2). In a unremitting psychotic symptoms, similar to those seen in
minority of cases, the underlying course is so favorable, and schizophrenia, upon which are superimposed full episodes
the partial spontaneous remissions so profound, that it may of either depression or mania, during which the pre-existing
be possible to taper the dose to almost nothing, at which psychotic symptoms undergo an exacerbation. Although the
point some patients and physicians may consider stopping prevalence of schizoaffective disorder is not known with cer-
treatment. This is a difficult decision. Schizophrenia is a tainty, it is probably far less common than schizophrenia.
chronic disease and, although far-reaching spontaneous
partial remissions do occur, exacerbations may be expected
at some point in the future. Consequently, it is necessary to Clinical features
continue seeing patients in regular follow-up visits and to
discuss with them, and with family, the importance of call- The onset is typically in the late teens or early twenties, and,
ing immediately should symptoms recur. viewed over time, this disorder, as suggested above, appears
In both initial and maintenance treatment phases there to represent a superimposition of a mood disorder, such as
are two side-effects that must always be kept in mind, major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder, upon schizo-
namely akinesia and akathisia. Akinesia, as noted in Section phrenia. Thus, these patients typically present with a psy-
3.9, may leave patients psychomotorically retarded and, in chosis similar to that described in the preceding section for
the unwary clinician, may prompt a misdiagnosis of depres- schizophrenia, and the symptoms (e.g., hallucinations, delu-
sion (King et al. 1995; Van Putten and May 1978). Akathisia, sions, disorganized speech, etc.) persist in a chronic, gener-
described in Section 3.10, classically renders patients restless ally lifelong fashion. Periodically, however, these chronic
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 615
symptoms are joined by either a depressive episode or a disorder, psychotic symptoms are always present: they are
manic episode (with symptoms as described in Sections 6.1 present during the mood episodes and also in the intervals
and 6.3 respectively). Characteristically, whenever a depres- between these episodes.
sive or manic episode does occur, the chronically persistent
psychotic symptoms become more severe, only to eventually
return to their previous level of severity once the mood Treatment
episode has run its course.
As might be expected, the treatment of schizoaffective disor-
der borrows heavily from the treatments for schizophrenia
Course and for either major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder.
In general, most patients are treated with an antipsychotic,
Although it is clear that the psychotic symptoms remain following the scheme described for schizophrenia in the pre-
chronic, the frequency with which episodes of depression or ceding section. This will generally control psychotic symp-
mania occur has not been well studied. In some cases it toms and may also decrease the severity of mood symptoms
appears that only depressive episodes occur, and here one in some cases. In cases in which either depressive or manic
speaks of schizoaffective disorder, depressed type; in others episodes continue to occur to a problematic degree of sever-
one sees both depressive and manic episodes or manic ity despite antipsychotic treatment, one may consider use of
episodes alone, and in these cases one speaks of schizoaffec- an antidepressant or a mood stabilizer (e.g., lithium, carba-
tive disorder, bipolar type. The overall outcome of this disor- mazepine, or divalproex). In patients with schizoaffective
der, although not as favorable as that of the mood disorders, disorder, depressed type, an antidepressant alone may be
is better than that seen in schizophrenia (Jager et al. 2004). adequate to bring the depressive episode under control, and
once this has been accomplished one may consider using an
antidepressant on a preventive basis. In patients with
Etiology schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type, a mood stabilizer may
be used. This may not only control depressive or manic
Family studies suggest that schizoaffective disorder may
episodes but may also prevent their occurrence. In cases in
either ‘run true’ or result from a ‘double loading’ of genetic
which depressive symptoms seen in the bipolar type are not
susceptibilities for both schizophrenia and either major
controlled by a mood stabilizer alone, one may add an anti-
depressive disorder or bipolar disorder (Angst et al. 1979;
depressant, but it is critical to make sure that the patient is
Cohen et al. 1972; Kendler et al. 1995; Lauren et al. 2005;
‘covered’ with a mood stabilizer first to guard against the
Pope et al. 1980).
emergence of an antidepressant-induced manic episode.
Other modalities of treatment are as discussed in the sec-
tions on schizophrenia (Section 20.1), major depressive dis-
Differential diagnosis order (Section 20.6), and bipolar disorder (Section 20.5).
Schizoaffective disorder must be distinguished both from
schizophrenia and from mood disorders.
In schizophrenia, as noted in the preceding section, one 20.3 DELUSIONAL DISORDER
may see mood disturbances, but these differ fundamentally
from the episodes of depression or mania seen in schizo- Delusional disorder is a chronic disorder characterized by
affective disorder. The mood changes seen in schizophre- the gradual appearance of one or more delusions that
nia are transient, fragmentary, and generally mild, whereas eventually elaborate into a coherent system (Kendler 1980,
those seen in a depressive or manic episode are sustained, 1988; Kraepelin 1921). In contrast to the delusions seen in
pervasive and severe, typically enduring at least for weeks. schizophrenia, the delusions of delusional disorder have a
Post-psychotic depression (McGlashan and Carpenter certain plausibility, and the eventual delusional system is
1976), as seen in some cases of schizophrenia, is distin- within itself quite logical.
guished by the fact that there is no exacerbation of psy- The traditional name for this disorder, as originally
chotic symptoms during the depression. bestowed by Kraepelin, was paranoia, and although this
In major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder, term is still seen in the literature, delusional disorder is
episodes of mood disturbance may, when severe, be accom- probably a better name, for two reasons. First, it empha-
panied by delusions and hallucinations; however, the differ- sizes the cardinal aspect of this disorder, namely the pres-
ential may be easily made if one simply attends to the overall ence and prominence of delusions. Second, it avoids the
course of the illness. In mood episodes of major depressive unfortunate association of paranoia with persecution, and
disorder or bipolar disorder, psychotic symptoms occur reminds us that delusions of persecution are but one of
only within the context of the mood episode, generally at many types of delusions seen in this disorder.
their height, and are not present in the intervals between This is an uncommon disorder, with a lifetime preva-
mood episodes. By singular contrast, in schizoaffective lence falling between 0.01 and 0.05 percent.
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Clinical features the disparity between the magnitude of the patients’ sense
of being unjustly harmed and the trivial, insignificant
The onset is generally in early adult years, although some nature of the original inciting insult to their sense of justice
may not fall ill until the age of 50 years (Winokur 1977). brings to light the pathologic nature of their behavior.
Generally, these patients experience a lengthy prodrome, In the grandiose subtype, the dominant theme of
with evanescent delusions or perhaps intimations that grandiosity may come to light in a variety of ways. Patients
things are not ‘right’. Eventually, persistent and clear-cut may believe themselves to be secret ‘captains of industry’
delusions occur, and the illness begins to assume its defin- whose advice is sought by leaders in the financial commu-
itive form. This transition to active illness may at times be nity. Others may entertain delusions of high descent. One
sudden, and patients may experience a sort of ‘epiphany’ in man believed that his mother was an heiress who, out of
which lurking suspicions and concerns suddenly crystallize shame for her out-of-wedlock pregnancy, gave him up for
into beliefs; often, however, the transition from prodrome adoption to a poor family; the patient, believing that an
to active illness is gradual, almost furtive. inheritance would soon be his, quit his job as he felt no
Although the most common type of delusion seen in need for his income anymore. Others may believe them-
delusional disorder is that of persecution, other themes may selves to be great, although unrecognized, inventors, and
be prominent: jealousy, grandiosity, erotic longing, liti- toil on in their homes, littering their walls with fantastic
giousness, and bodily concerns may all occur. Regardless of diagrams and sketches of their magnificent creations.
which delusion is most prominent, however, one typically In the erotomanic subtype (also known as de
also sees delusions of reference. Furthermore, as noted ear- Clerambault’s syndrome), patients come to believe that they
lier, the delusions experienced by these patients often fit are loved by someone else, generally someone of much
together quite logically, and the entire corpus of beliefs is higher social station. The clinical picture is dominated by the
well systematized. Often, one finds that all of the delusions patient’s belief that the imagined lover, for some reason or
appear to stem from one delusional ‘premise’ and that this other, cannot openly express the love. For example, one
premise often has a certain plausibility to it. woman believed that the mayor was in love with her and was
Traditionally, delusional disorder has been divided into unable to tell her this openly as he was married. She saw him
several subtypes, depending on the type of delusion pres- at a political rally and he turned his gaze from her, a move she
ent (Winokur 1977); thus, there are persecutory, interpreted as evidence that he could not bear the unrequited
grandiose, erotomanic, jealous, and somatic subtypes, and longing he surely must have felt had he looked at her. The
these are described further below. However, this division is newspaper hinted at a strain in his marriage, and the patient
somewhat artificial given that, although one type of delu- believed that, had it not been for the mayor’s high moral
sion will dominate the picture, two or more may be pres- character, he would immediately have divorced his wife. This
ent, thus creating a ‘mixed’ picture. attitude of hopeful expectation lasted for years, throughout
In the persecutory subtype the dominant delusion is which the patient occasionally sent ‘secret’ letters to the
one of being persecuted or conspired against. Patients feel mayor at this office. Eventually, unable to wait longer she
singled out; they are watched and followed. Delusions of began stalking the mayor’s wife, and called him to say that
reference typically appear, and patients may believe that she would soon ‘dispose’ of his wife, thus freeing him.
people on the street talk about them. Patients may move to In the jealous subtype, the patient becomes convinced
another city to avoid their persecutors, and may feel safe that his or her spouse or lover is being unfaithful. The
for a while, but eventually their persecutors catch up with patient not only ‘sees’ evidence for the infidelity but may
them. These patients may at times be dangerous and may seek it out. The spouse is a few minutes late getting home
attack others in what, to them, appears to be justified self- from work and the patient believes that only passionate
defense (Kennedy et al. 1992). lovemaking could have caused the delay. Sheets and under-
The litigious subtype may be the most difficult to diag- clothing are inspected for telltale stains; telephone conversa-
nose as the initial delusion may appear very plausible and tions are listened in on; a private detective may be hired. The
the ensuing delusions may have an almost unassailable logic patient may insist that the spouse stay at home, and at times
to them. During the onset of the illness, patients are typi- spouses may become virtual prisoners in their own homes.
cally involved in legal proceedings that go badly for them. A In the somatic subtype patients believe, despite reassur-
suit may be lost or, if won, the award may appear to the ances to the contrary from their physicians, that they have a
patient to be too low. Patients become convinced that serious disease. Although the ‘symptoms’ may be mild, per-
someone is at fault: their attornies are incompetent; the haps a minor headache, patients are convinced that the
judges were biased; the juries were prejudiced. Patients may underlying disease is severe, perhaps a brain tumor. Two
pore over trial manuscripts until, finally, some irregularity, atypical variations on this subtype deserve mention, namely
no matter how minor, is found. New attornies are then the olfactory reference syndrome (Videbech 1966) and par-
hired and appeals are filed, and a series of legal proceedings asittosis (Andrews et al. 1986; Mitchell 1989). In the olfac-
is embarked upon. With each failed legal manuever, tory reference syndrome patients are convinced that they
patients may become more convinced that the legal system are emanating a foul odor from the mouth or some other
as a whole is conspiring in the denial of justice. Eventually, orifice, and may anxiously ask others if they smell it also.
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In parasitosis patients believe that the skin is infested: they hears voices telling him that a ‘super computer’ is monitor-
may complain that they feel bugs crawling and may dig ing his thoughts. However, this very refusal to confide in
under the skin to find them. the physician is a valuable clue. In paranoid schizophrenia,
In addition to delusions, some patients with delusional suspicions are mercurial and focus on others in seconds;
disorder may also have hallucinations, but these generally thus the physician may be suspected moments after the
play only a minor role in the clinical picture and are consis- interview begins. In delusional disorder, by contrast,
tent with the delusions. For example, a persecuted patient patients take time to size others up, and indeed are often
may hear a voice warning him that his life is in danger or an quite willing to confide in the physician.
erotomanic patient may hear voices whispering caressing Of the multiple other causes of psychosis considered in
words. Mood and affect may be unremarkable or may show Section 7.1, special consideration should be given to alco-
changes, again consistent with the delusions: the persecuted holic paranoia. This is one of the alcoholic psychoses and,
patient may become quite irritable and the grandiose as noted in Section 22.10, is characterized by delusions of
patient may experience a shallow, contented euphoria. persecution or jealousy; however, in this condition one
Overall, regardless of subtype, the behavior of these always finds a history of chronic alcoholism that precedes
patients may be quite normal in areas of their lives that are the onset of the delusions by years or decades.
not touched by their delusions. For example, a patient with Hypochondriasis may enter the differential for the somatic
the persecutory subtype who believed that co-workers at subtype of delusional disorder. As noted in Section 7.7, how-
the factory were conspiring against him, but who was free ever, in hypochondriasis the patient’s concerns about having
of delusional concerns regarding all others, led an unre- a serious illness do not amount to delusions; patients with
markable life at home and sang in the choir at church, took hypochondriasis do respond, albeit perhaps only temporarily,
his children to baseball games, and was considered a ‘good to reassurance from the physician, whereas patients with the
neighbor’. somatic subtype of delusional disorder do not.
Course Treatment
Although partial remissions may occur, for the most part Treatment generally involves the use of an antipsychotic;
delusional disorder appears to pursue a chronic waxing however, in most cases, gaining the patient’s agreement to
and waning course (Opjordsmoen and Rettersol 1991). take medication may be quite difficult. These patients see
nothing wrong with themselves or their beliefs, and if told
they have ‘delusions’ may be quite offended. Consequently,
Etiology great tact and diplomacy are required, and the subject of
medication may often have to be approached obliquely;
Although the etiology is not known, delusional disorder
whereas the persecuted patient might never accept a pre-
appears to be familial; importantly, there is no evidence of
scription for ‘psychosis’, he might well agree to ‘try’ a med-
any genetic relationship with schizophrenia (Kendler et al.
icine to help him maintain his composure in the face of all
1982, 1985; Watt 1985; Winokur 1985).
the tribulations he is facing. An antipsychotic may be cho-
sen using the scheme discussed in the section on schizo-
Differential diagnosis phrenia; importantly, one should choose a medication with
a low propensity for side-effects and start at a low dose, as
Schizophrenia is distinguished on two counts, namely the patients with delusional disorder are typically prone to seize
lack of systematization and the presence of other symp- on the occurrence of a side-effect, no matter how trivial, as
toms. As noted, in delusional disorder the various delusions a reason to never take medication of any sort again. The
are logically connected into a well-systematized corpus of somatic subtype may constitute an exception to the forego-
beliefs. By contrast, in schizophrenia there is always some ing as there are case reports of this subtype responding to
lack of connectedness among the various delusions, which antidepressants such as clomipramine (Wada et al. 1999) or
at times may be flatly contradictory. Furthermore, in paroxetine (Hayashi et al. 2004).
schizophrenia one sees other symptoms, such as bizarre Occasionally, hospitalization may be required to pro-
delusions, prominent hallucinations, speech disorganiza- tect others, for example in the persecutory or erotomanic
tion, etc. In some cases, however, it may be difficult to dif- subtypes.
ferentiate paranoid schizophrenia from the persecutory
subtype of delusional disorder. In paranoid schizophrenia,
the patient’s guardedness and suspiciousness may be such 20.4 POST-PARTUM PSYCHOSIS
that only the fact of the ‘conspiracy’ is leaked to the physi-
cian, with all else held in secret. Thus the patient may not Post-partum psychosis, also known as puerperal psychosis, is
reveal certain bizarre beliefs, for example that a listening a rare disorder, occurring in less than 2 per 1000 deliveries; it
device has been placed in his abdomen or that he constantly is more common in primaparous than multiparous women.
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Clinical features be used as described in Section 20.5. In other cases one may
use an antipsychotic, and the choice among these may be
Symptoms generally have an abrupt onset, anywhere from made utilizing the guidelines offered in Section 20.1.
days to a few weeks after delivery (Brockington et al. 1981; Consideration may also be given to sublingual estradiol: in
Munoz 1985). Clinically (Bagedahl-Strindlund 1986; one non-blind study, 1 mg four to five times daily yielded
Brockington et al. 1981; Hadley 1941; Kumar et al. 1983; impressive results (Ahokas et al. 2000b). Regardless of
Munoz 1985), mood changes are prominent and, although which pharmacologic strategy is employed, it should
depressive features may occur, manic symptoms are much always be possible, given the natural course of this disor-
more common. Delusions may appear and often center on der, to eventually taper and discontinue treatment.
the baby, who may variously be considered evil or the As patients begin to improve, attempts should be made
Messiah; auditory hallucinations may also occur and may to gradually guide them into appropriate interactions with
be command in type, instructing the patient to do things to their babies; however, these visits should always be closely
the baby. Confusion and variable disorientation may also monitored until patients have recovered.
be seen. Infanticide may occur in up to 4 percent of cases, Subsequent to recovery, patients should be counselled
and suicide may also occur. regarding the risk of recurrence after future pregnancies. If
patients do become pregnant again, close monitoring is
Course required post-partum, and a case may also be made for
prophylactic use of lithium (Austin 1992; Stewart 1988) or
In the natural course of events, symptoms undergo a grad- whichever other agent was effective during the earlier
ual, spontaneous, and full remission after a matter of weeks episode, with treatment beginning either immediately
or months. Close to one-third of patients will have another post-delivery or, in some highly selected cases, shortly
episode should they have another child (Davidson and before anticipated delivery.
Robertson 1985; Kendell et al. 1987).
Bipolar disorder is characterized by the occurrence of at
Although the etiology is not known, it is strongly suspected least one manic or mixed-manic episode during the
that the psychosis occurs secondary to the effects of pro- patient’s lifetime; most patients will also have one or more
foundly changing hormonal levels on the central nervous depressive episodes at other times. In the intervals between
system (Ahokas et al. 2000a,b). these episodes, most patients return to their normal state of
well-being. Thus, bipolar disorder is properly considered an
Differential diagnosis ‘episodic’, ‘periodic’, or ‘cyclic’ illness, with patients ‘cycling’
up into a manic or mixed-manic episode, then returning to
Both schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder may normal and cycling ‘down’ into a depressive episode, from
undergo symptomatic exacerbation in the post-partum which they likewise eventually more or less fully recover.
period; however, here, given that these are chronic ill- Bipolar disorder has a lifetime prevalence of roughly 1.5
nesses, one also sees symptoms before delivery, indeed typ- percent and is equally common in males and females.
ically long before the patient became pregnant. A synonym for bipolar disorder is ‘manic-depressive ill-
In bipolar disorder there is an increased risk of mania in ness, circular type’; however, this terminology is gradually
the post-partum period (Bratfos and Haug 1966), thus fading from use. In the past it was believed that patients
presenting a picture similar to that of post-partum psy- with what is now termed bipolar disorder and patients
chosis. In most cases, however, one will find a history of with major depressive disorder actually suffered from the
prior episodes of mania (or depression) occurring outside same illness, namely manic-depressive illness, which
the post-partum time span. merely manifested in different forms. Those who had both
Eclampsia may present with delirium immediately manic episodes and depressive episodes during their life-
post-partum; however, here one finds associated symp- times were considered to have the ‘circular’ form, whereas
toms, such as hypertension and proteinuria. There are also those who had only depressive episodes during their life-
rare case reports of psychosis occurring secondary to treat- times were considered to have the ‘depressive’ form. Given
ment with bromocriptine (Canterbury et al. 1987), which that it is now clear that bipolar disorder and major depres-
may be used to suppress lactation. sive disorder are different diseases, it may be appropriate to
leave the term ‘manic-depressive illness’ to history.
Clinical features
Hospitalization is generally indicated. When manic symp-
toms are prominent, case reports suggest the usefulness of The onset of bipolar disorder is heralded by the appearance
lithium, and divalproex may also be considered; they may of a first episode of illness, which may be manic, depressive,
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or mixed-manic. In general, most patients have their first resist at least inwardly smiling when in the presence of a
episode in their late teens or early twenties, and by the age euphoric manic. Irritable manics, by contrast, are irascible,
of 50 years, over 90 percent of patients will have had their first fault-finding, and accusatory, and when their intemperate
episode. The range of age of onset is, however, wide, from as demands are not immediately met, they may erupt into a
young as 11 years (McHarg 1954) up to the eighth decade tirade of curses and threats, and indeed may become vio-
(Charron et al. 1991), even as late as the age of 79 years lently assaultive. Increased energy leaves these patients
(Summers 1983). Each type of episode is described in turn. strangers to fatigue and in little need of sleep. Pressured
speech is rapid and voluble. Patients have much to say, their
MANIC EPISODE thoughts come rapidly and race pell-mell, and in extreme
cases they cannot speak fast enough to express them.
Manic episodes are often preceded by a prodrome, lasting Although patients may, with great urging, be able momen-
from a few days to a few months, of mild and often indis- tarily to dam up their words, such respites, when an inter-
tinct manic symptoms. At times, however, there may be lit- viewer may be able to get a few words in, are but transient
tle or no prodrome and the episode may appear quite events before the dam bursts and the interviewer is again
abruptly; when this occurs, patients often unaccountably inundated with a torrent of words. Such pressured speech is
wake up in the middle of the night full of energy and vigor, also typically characterized by flight of ideas, in which
thus manifesting the so-called ‘manic alert’. patients’ interests change abruptly from one subject to
The overall symptomatology of mania has been well another, successive subjects having little in common with
described (Abrams and Taylor 1981; Black and Nasrallah each other. Pressure of activity impels patients to be ever on
1989; Bowman and Raymond 1931; Brockington et al. the go and perpetually involved in schemes, plans, projects,
1980; Carlson and Goodwin 1973; Kraepelin 1921; Lipkin and activities, activities in which they also often seek to
et al. 1970; Rosenthal et al. 1979, 1980; Stevens 1904; Winokur involve others. Patients may also demonstrate distractibility,
1984). As discussed in Section 6.3, mania may be divided in which their attention changes mercurially from one sub-
into three stages: hypomania or stage I mania; acute mania ject to another. As might be expected, hypomanic patients
or stage II mania; and delirious mania or stage III mania. All often become involved in impetuous and ill-considered ven-
patients who enter a manic episode experience hypomania tures: there may be spending sprees, intense, injudicious,
and most progress to acute mania; however, only a minor- and often sexual, relationships, and ruinous business ven-
ity eventually reach delirious mania. By convention, tures. Attempts to reason with such patients, and to bring
patients whose manic episodes never pass beyond hypoma- them back to some good judgment, are typically in vain.
nia are said to have ‘bipolar II disorder’, whereas those who, Hypomanic patients rarely see anything wrong with them-
during at least one episode of mania, pass beyond hypoma- selves; indeed, they often opine that if only others saw as they
nia are said to have ‘bipolar I disorder’. did, and partook of their confidence, all would be well.
The rapidity with which patients pass from hypomania Acute, or stage II, mania is characterized by an intensifi-
through acute mania and on to delirious mania varies from cation of all of the symptoms seen in hypomania and by the
a week to a few days to, rarely, hours; indeed, in hyperacute appearance of delusions. The mood becomes extraordinar-
onsets, patients may already have passed through hypoma- ily heightened and labile, and irritability may be quite pro-
nia before being brought to medical attention. The duration nounced, with unpredictable assaults and tirades. Energy
of an entire manic episode varies from the extremes of only seems boundless, and the pressure of activity and speech
a few days up to many years, or even a decade (Wertham may begin to fragment the overall behavior; patients may
1929). On average, however, most first episodes of mania shout, then cry, hop on the floor or race to the nurses’ sta-
last from several weeks to several months. In general, once tion, making one demand, then an opposite one, and be
the peak of the episode is reached, symptoms gradually sub- completely incapable of channelling themselves towards
side and, after remission finally occurs, many patients, look- any one overall purpose. Delusions are typically either of
ing back over what they did, often feel guilt and remorse. grandeur or of persecution, according to the mood of the
Hypomania, or stage I mania, is characterized by the car- patient. Euphoric patients may announce their divinity or
dinal manic symptoms of heightened mood, increased lavish listeners with promises to share their great wealth;
energy and decreased need for sleep, pressure of speech and irritable patients may accuse others of irrationally thwart-
flight of ideas, and pressure of activity (Abrams and Taylor ing and persecuting them. Patients may also hear voices.
1976a; Beigel and Murphy 1971a; Clayton et al. 1965; Delirious, or stage III, mania represents the height of
Loudon et al. 1977; Taylor and Abrams 1973; Winokur and mania and is characterized by a sometimes startling meta-
Tsuang 1975; Winokur et al. 1969). The heightened mood morphosis. The cardinal symptoms of mania may fade,
may be one of either euphoria or irritability, or a mixture of and speech and behavior may become profoundly frag-
the two, and is often quite labile. Euphoric patients are in mented (Bond 1980). Loosening of associations may
great good cheer and wish to share their immense enjoy- occur, and patients are often confused; some may become
ment with others; they are often full of jokes, puns, and wise- mute. Hallucinations and delusions abound and, in addi-
cracks, and their humor is often irresistibly infectious to tion to delusions of grandeur or persecution, one may also
those around them. Indeed, it is the rare physician who can see bizarre delusions, including Schneiderian first rank
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symptoms (Jampala et al. 1989). Catatonic stupor may The duration of the euthymic interval varies from as lit-
appear, with immobility, waxy flexibility, and bizarre postur- tle as a few hours or days (Bunney et al. 1972; Sitaram et al.
ing (Abrams and Taylor 1976b; Taylor and Abrams 1977). 1978) up to years, or even decades. In contrast to this inter-
patient variability, however, one may often find a remark-
DEPRESSIVE EPISODE able intrapatient regularity, and indeed in some patients the
euthymic intervals are so regular that it is possible to pre-
As discussed in Section 6.1, depression manifests with dict, even to the month, when the next episode will occur.
depressed or irritable mood, low self-esteem or guilt, pes- Occasionally, one may also see a seasonal pattern, with
simism, difficulty with concentration and forgetfulness, manic episodes more likely in the spring or early summer,
anhedonia, anergia, sleep and appetite disturbances, and and depressive ones in the fall or winter. Manic episodes in
psychomotor change. In depression seen in bipolar disor- patients with bipolar disorder may also become ‘entrained’
der there tends to be an increased need for sleep and to certain biologic events, such as the puerperium (Bratfos
increased appetite and psychomotor retardation, which and Haug 1966; Viguera et al. 2000) or the premenstruum
may be profound (Beigel and Murphy 1971b; Hartmann (D’Mello et al. 1993).
1968; Johnson 1984; Mitchell et al. 2001). Delusions and The total number of episodes experienced by a patient
hallucinations may occur (Guze et al. 1975) and are ‘mood- depends, of course, not only on the duration of the euthymic
congruent’, in that they seem fitting when viewed in the interval but also on the duration of the episodes themselves.
context of the patient’s overall mood. Patients may believe On one extreme, the euthymic interval may be so long that
themselves to be the worst of sinners and that they are to be patients have only a couple of episodes in their lifetimes;
taken into imprisonment or to execution. Voices may indeed, in the natural course of events, some patients may
accuse and condemn them, urging them on to suicide. die before they were ‘scheduled’ for another episode, and
Depressive episodes of bipolar disorder tend to come on thus they end up having only one episode in their entire life.
subacutely, over several weeks (Casper et al. 1985; Winokur On the other extreme, patients with very brief episodes and
et al. 1993), and last 6 months or so; the range here, how- brief intervals may have literally hundreds of episodes per
ever, is wide, from as little as weeks up to years. year (Bunney and Hartmann 1965; Jenner et al. 1967); such
an extremely high frequency of episodes, however, is very
rare. Patients with more than four episodes per year are
termed ‘rapid cyclers’ (Bauer et al. 1994; Dunner et al. 1977).
Mixed mania (Himmelhoch et al. 1976; Kotin and Interestingly, it appears that, in some instances, rapid
Goodwin 1972; McElroy et al. 1992) is a variant of mania cycling is associated with subclinical hypothyroidism (Bauer
in which there is a strong admixture of depressive symp- et al. 1990; Cowdry et al. 1983) (as may be induced by treat-
toms. In some cases, manic and depressive symptoms may ment with lithium [Terao 1993]).
rapidly alternate, and in others they may exist simultane- The sequence of episodes is also quite variable. It is rare
ously. Euphoric patients, singing and proclaiming their to find patients whose courses are characterized by regularly
glory and beneficence, may suddenly be thrust into the alternating manic and depressive episodes. Most patients
profoundest of despair, weeping, bereft of all hope and experience either a preponderance of manic or a preponder-
energy, and intensely suicidal. Mixtures of manic and ance of depressive episodes throughout their lives. Thus, to
depressive symptoms may present a startling clinical pic- look at two extremes, whereas one patient may have six
ture: one patient strode through the ward, shouting episodes of depression and only one of mania throughout
unstoppably that he was the greatest of sinners and would his life, another might have a dozen episodes of mania but
die of unspeakable tortures; another, weeping uncontrol- only one of depression. Indeed, albeit very rarely, one may
lably with a look of utter despair, proclaimed to feel won- encounter ‘unipolar’ manic patients who have only manic
derful, at peace and transcendently happy. episodes throughout their lives, never experiencing a
Mixed manic episodes are relatively uncommon and depressive one (Pfohl et al. 1982; Shulman and Tohen 1994).
tend to last longer than straight manic ones. Bipolar disorder may present with either a depressive
episode or a manic one. Importantly, in cases in which the
first episode is depressive, it appears that, in over 90 percent
Course of cases, a manic episode will ensue within either 10 years or
a total of five episodes of depression, whichever comes first
As noted earlier, bipolar disorder is an episodic disorder (Dunner et al. 1976).
and its course is characterized in most patients by the As noted earlier, during the intervals between episodes,
intermittent appearance, over the lifespan, of episodes of most patients are euthymic and free of mood symptoms. In
illness, in-between which most patients experience about one-quarter of cases, however, the intervals may be
‘euthymic’ intervals during which they more or less return ‘colored’ by very mild mood symptoms, and the ‘direction’
to their normal state of health. Both the duration of the or ‘polarity’ of this coloring correlates with the preponder-
euthymic intervals and the sequencing of episodes varies ance of episodes. Thus, a patient who tends to have very mild,
widely among patients. ‘sub-hypomanic’ symptoms during the interval is more likely
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to have manic than depressive episodes, whereas a patient patients who are currently manic (Janowsky et al. 1973), and
whose intervals are clouded by minor depressive symptoms the latency to rapid eye movement (REM) sleep upon infu-
is more likely to have depressive than manic episodes. sion of arecoline is shortened in bipolar patients compared
Occasionally, one may find cases in which certain events, with control subjects.
pharmacologic or otherwise, may more or less reliably pre- Although speculative, taken together these findings are
cipitate a manic episode. These include serotoninergic consistent with the notion that bipolar disorder represents
agents, such as tryptophan or 5-hydroxytryptophan; an inherited disturbance of the structure or function of
noradrenergic or dopaminergic agents, such as cocaine, hypothalamic and brainstem nuclei.
amphetamine, methylphenidate, various sympathomimet-
ics, levodopa, or direct-acting dopaminergics such as
bromocriptine; alcohol or sedative–hypnotic withdrawal, or Differential diagnosis
sudden discontinuation of clonidine; and treatment with
steroids, such as prednisone. Most notably, antidepressants In considering a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, the first step
may also precipitate mania; although this is more likely with is to ensure that the patient either has had a manic episode
tricyclic antidepressants, it has also been noted with newer or is in the midst of one. As noted in Section 6.3, hypoma-
antidepressants such as SSRIs, venlafaxine, and bupropion. nia is a distinctive syndrome and is difficult to confuse with
Other agents capable of inducing mania include herbal anything else. Difficulties arise, however, when one either
preparations, such as St. John’s wort (Moses and Mallinger lacks this history or happens to see the patient when the
2000), and phototherapy. stage of hypomania has already been passed and the patient
Suicide occurs in 10–20 percent of patients with bipolar is now in acute mania or delirious mania. Acute mania may
disorder, and although most suicides tend to occur during be confused with the syndrome of psychosis, given the pres-
a depressive episode, patients in the uncommon mix- ence of delusions and hallucinations; however, in acute
edmanic episodes are actually at highest risk. mania the cardinal manic symptoms (e.g., heightened
mood, increased energy, etc.) are still prominent and offer a
clue. In delirious mania, however, these cardinal symp-
Etiology toms, as noted above, may fade from the picture and, at this
point, in addition to a syndromal diagnosis of psychosis,
Bipolar disorder has a definite genetic component. The inci- one may also entertain syndromal diagnoses of catatonia or
dence of bipolar disorder is higher among the first-degree delirium. It must be emphasized that the easiest and best
relatives of probands than among the general population way to make a correct syndromal diagnosis of mania is to
(Gershon et al. 1982; Tsuang et al. 1985), and the monozy- obtain an accurate history. This may be laborious at times
gotic concordance rate is higher than the dizygotic one as patients in acute mania or delirious mania are generally
(Bertelsen et al. 1977; Kieseppa et al. 2004). Furthermore, unable to provide a reliable history, and consequently one
adoption studies have demonstrated that the prevalence of may have to contact friends, family members, or co-workers;
bipolar disorder is several-fold higher among the biologic the best diagnostic strategy is to establish a typical clinical
parents of patients with bipolar disorder than among their evolution of symptoms, from normalcy to hypomania and
adoptive parents (Mendlewicz and Rainer 1977). Although then on to acute and perhaps delirious mania.
genetic studies have offered tantalizing clues, replication of Once the syndromal diagnosis of mania is established,
positive findings has been difficult. In all likelihood, multi- the next step is to determine the cause of the mania.
ple genes on multiple different chromosomes are involved, Although bipolar disorder is by far the most common cause
each conferring a susceptibility to the disease. of mania, multiple other etiologies, as discussed in Section
Neuropathologic findings are sparse but suggest hypo- 6.3, are possible. Of the disorders discussed there, the idio-
thalamic and brainstem involvement. Within the hypothal- pathic ones, namely cyclothymia, schizoaffective disorder,
amus, overall neuronal loss has been noted in the and post-partum psychosis, figure most prominently on the
paraventricular nucleus (Manaye et al. 2005), with, however, differential. Cyclothymia is in all likelihood merely a forme
an increased number of corticotrophin-releasing hormone fruste of bipolar disorder (Akiskal et al. 1977), and patients
(CRH)-containing cells (Bao et al. 2005); within the brain- experience recurrent episodes of very mild hypomania and
stem, disturbances have been noted in the locus ceruleus correspondingly very mild depression. Schizoaffective dis-
and the dorsal raphe nucleus (Baumann and Bogerts 2001). order is immediately distinguished by the course. In
Endocrinologic changes strongly suggest hypothalamic schizoaffective disorder the intervals between episodes of
disturbances: the dexamethasone suppression test (DST) is mania or depression are marked by psychotic symptoms,
generally positive (Rush et al. 1997; Watson et al. 2004), and such as delusions, hallucinations, and loosening of associa-
the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) response to thy- tions, and this is in stark contrast to the intervals of bipolar
rotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation is blunted disorder, in which such psychotic symptoms are never seen.
(Extein et al. 1980). It also appears that there may be a dis- Post-partum psychosis is characterized by a psychosis, often
turbance of cholinergic transmission in bipolar disorder: the with prominent manic symptoms, occurring in the post-
infusion of physostigmine reliably precipitates depression in partum period, and is distinguished from bipolar disorder
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 622
by its course. In post-partum psychosis, symptoms occur Most manic patients require admission to a locked unit.
only in the post-partum period, whereas in bipolar disor- Stimulation, including visitors, phone calls, and mail,
der, although episodes of mania may occur post-partum, should be kept to an absolute minimum, as they routinely
they are also seen at other times in the patient’s life. Other exacerbate symptoms. In some cases seclusion is required,
disorders noted in Section 6.3, although less common, must and certain patients, still possessed of some insight, may
also be considered, and the reader is encouraged to review demand seclusion as they know that the reduced stimula-
that section. tion of the seclusion room will allow for some reduction in
their symptoms.
Continuation treatment is designed to prevent the
Treatment recurrence of symptoms once they have been brought
under control during the acute phase of treatment.
The treatment of bipolar disorder involves acute, continua- Generally, this is accomplished by continuing the regimen
tion, and preventive treatments for manic and mixed-manic that was effective during the acute phase, and doing so for
episodes and for depressive episodes. This almost always the anticipated duration of the manic episode. In many
involves the use of one of the mood-stabilizer agents, includ- cases, if a combination of a mood stabilizer plus an
ing lithium, carbamazepine, divalproex, and lamotrigine. antipsychotic were required, it may be possible to discon-
tinue the antipsychotic and maintain the patient on the
MANIC AND MIXED-MANIC EPISODES mood stabilizer alone; should symptoms recur, the
antipsychotic may be restarted. As noted earlier, most
Acute treatment of a manic or mixed-manic episode almost manic episodes last on average from weeks to months;
always involves the administration of one of the mood sta- however, given the wide variability here, the best guide is
bilizers (lithium, divalproex, or carbamazepine; lamotrig- the individual patient’s past history.
ine has not been shown to be effective in the acute If a decision is made not to enter into a preventive phase
treatment of mania) or an antipsychotic (either a second- of treatment, then continuation treatment may be discon-
generation agent [olanzapine, risperidone, quetiapine, arip- tinued after the current episode has gone into a spontaneous
iprazole, or ziprasidone] or a first-generation agent [e.g., remission. This is sometimes difficult, especially if one does
chlorpromazine or haloperidol]) or, most commonly, a not have a reliable history regarding the length of earlier
combination of a mood stabilizer plus one of the antipsy- episodes. Certainly, if the patient is having any manic symp-
chotics. Although there are no hard and fast guidelines for toms, no matter how mild, treatment should be continued,
choosing which agent or agents to use, some general guide- and in general it is best to hold off on discontinuing treat-
lines may be offered. Certainly, if the patient has a history of ment until the patient’s personal life is fairly stable.
an excellent response to a particular agent or combination Before moving on to a consideration of the preventive
of agents, then this should be seriously considered. Lacking phase of treatment, some further words are in order
such a history, and assuming that there are no significant regarding lithium. If lithium was used during the acute
contraindications, then one should consider either lithium phase it may be necessary to reduce the dose once symp-
or divalproex; although lithium has by far the longest track toms have been brought under control; in many patients,
record, divalproex is extraordinarily easy to use and may even though the dose of lithium is held constant, the blood
have an edge over lithium in mixed episodes. Another defi- level will rise as symptoms come under control, and
nite advantage of divalproex is the rapidity of response patients may develop significant, and unexpected, side-
when a ‘loading’ strategy is used, with patients often show- effects. Furthermore, if lithium was used during continua-
ing a response within a matter of days, in contrast to the tion treatment and the decision is to forego preventive
week or two ‘lag period’ seen with lithium. Carbamazepine treatment, then the dose of lithium should be tapered
is not as well tolerated as either divalproex or lithium, and gradually over a few weeks, as it appears that abrupt dis-
may be a little less effective than lithium. Among the continuation of lithium may predispose to a recurrence of
antipsychotics, the first choice is probably olanzapine, as it mania (Baldessarini et al. 1996, 1997). Although this effect
has the longest track record in this regard. However, if for has not been demonstrated for divalproex or carba-
some reason chronic treatment with an antipsychotic is mazepine, prudence dictates following a similar strategy.
anticipated, concerns about the metabolic effects of olanza- Preventive treatment should be seriously considered in
pine might prompt one to consider a different antipsy- all cases, and the decision as to whether or not to embark
chotic, such as quetiapine or risperidone. on preventive treatment should be made with reference to
When symptoms are relatively mild, as may be seen in several factors, including the frequency of episodes, the
hypomania, utilization of a mood stabilizer alone may be rapidity with which they develop, and the anticipated side-
sufficient. However, when acute or delirious mania has effect burden. Frequent episodes, perhaps occurring more
occurred, one typically has to use a combination of a mood than once every 2 years, usually constitute an indication for
stabilizer plus an antipsychotic. In very severe cases that preventive treatment; a frequency of once every 5 years or
fail to respond to combination treatment, one may also more, however, may be such that the risk of another
consider ECT. episode is outweighed by the need to take the medicine
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chronically and having to suffer any attendant side-effects. mood stabilizer. In this regard, given the relative ineffective-
Severe episodes, however, even if infrequent, may warrant ness of lamotrigine as an anti-manic agent, if one is adding an
prevention. In cases in which episodes develop very slowly, antidepressant it is prudent to have one of the other mood
patients may be able to ‘catch’ themselves in time, and stabilizers (i.e., lithium, divalproex, or carbamazepine) in
treatment may be instituted on an outpatient basis; in cases place. The choice of an antidepressant is discussed in Section
in which episodes come on acutely, however, patients may 20.6. If possible, some clinicians prefer avoiding the use of
be defenseless and thus in need of preventive treatment. antidepressants, not only because they may precipitate manic
If preventive treatment is elected, the patient may be episodes but also because there is some evidence that they
maintained on the agent or combination of agents that may alter the course of the illness, making future episodes of
proved effective during continuation treatment. Of the mania more likely (Altschuler et al. 1995).
mood stabilizers, lithium has the longest track record and, Recently demonstrated additional options for the acute
all other things being equal, is the treatment of first choice; treatment of depression include the combination of
however, carbamazepine and divalproex also constitute rea- olanzapine plus fluoxetine and, interestingly, monother-
sonable alternatives. If lithium is utilized, the blood level apy with quetiapine.
should be kept between 0.6 and 1 mEq/L. The optimum pre- Once depressive symptoms have been relieved, treat-
ventive doses for divalproex and carbamazepine have not ment should be continued to prevent a reappearance of
been determined; prudence suggests continuing the same symptoms. If the depression has responded to a mood sta-
dose as was effective in the continuation phase of treatment. bilizer alone, one may then simply continue this. If, how-
Should ‘breakthrough’ symptoms of mania occur it is criti- ever, in addition to a mood stabilizer an antidepressant has
cal to determine thyroid status, as even ‘chemical’ hypothy- been required, the ongoing risk of an antidepressant-
roidism, with a normal free thyroxine (T4) but an elevated precipitated mania will dictate an attempt at some point to
TSH, may blunt the effectiveness of a mood stabilizer. discontinue the antidepressant and see if the patient can be
Should breakthrough mania occur despite normal thyroid maintained on the mood stabilizer alone. Deciding when to
status and good compliance, consideration may be given to discontinue an antidepressant is not straightforward.
switching to monotherapy with another mood stabilizer or Certainly, if a reliable history indicates that the patient’s
to using a combination of mood stabilizers (e.g., lithium depressive episodes routinely last for a more or less definite
plus divalproex or lithium plus carbamazepine). and predictable length of time, one could discontinue the
Some clinicians may opt for using an antipsychotic such antidepressant if that time has elapsed. Lacking this guid-
as olanzapine for preventive treatment; however, although ance, however, one may wish to wait until the patient has
this is becoming increasingly popular, caution may be nec- been euthymic for a significant period of time, at least
essary for two reasons. First, although olanzapine has been weeks, before attempting a discontinuation; should symp-
shown to be effective in this regard, its track record is not toms recur, then one may simply restart the antidepressant.
as long as that of lithium, for example. Second, this may be Once the current depressive episode has run its course,
a problematic option if the potential long-term side-effects patients may be considered for preventive treatment with a
of olanzapine occur, such as weight gain, diabetes, and mood stabilizer: carbamazepine, lithium, or lamotrigine
hyperlipidemia. are effective, with lamotrigine being more effective than
lithium in the prevention of depressive episodes.
Treatment of a depressive episode of bipolar disorder may
involve the use of a mood stabilizer alone; traditionally, if this In planning the treatment of a chronic disorder such as
is ineffective an antidepressant is added. If patients are not bipolar disorder, the most important decision to make is
already taking a mood stabilizer, one should be started; in which drug to use over the long haul. Although not with-
this regard, although lamotrigine has not been shown to be out controversy, it is probably appropriate to consider one
effective in the acute treatment of mania, it is effective in the of the mood stabilizers for long-term treatment. Among
acute treatment of depression. If the patient is taking lithium the mood stabilizers, lithium remains the ‘one to beat’ as it
or divalproex and a depression occurs, it may be appropriate is effective in all phases of treatment; carbamazepine is also
to switch to either carbamazepine or lamotrigine, as these effective in all phases but its side-effect burden is typically
may be more effective against depression. In evaluating the significantly greater. Divalproex is a reasonable choice for
effectiveness of this strategy, one must keep in mind that two mania-predominant cases of bipolar disorder; however,
or more weeks may be required before depression lifts. the lack of demonstrated effectiveness in the acute or pre-
In cases in which depression persists, or is so severe that ventive treatment of depression may give the clinician
one does not wish to risk a failure of a mood stabilizer, it pause in recommending this agent. Lamotrigine, until it is
is appropriate to consider adding an antidepressant. shown to be effective for mania, should probably be
Importantly, however, given that all antidepressants may reserved for cases that are heavily depression predominant.
precipitate a manic episode, antidepressants should not be These summary recommendations, however, must
used alone but must always be used in combination with a be taken as only the broadest possible of guidelines, and
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 624
treatment must be individualized, with due regard to the and some patients may describe a rapid fall from emotional
peculiarities of each case. well-being into a full depressive episode in as little as a week
or two. Such acute onsets, however, are the exception rather
than the rule. In about 50 percent of cases the duration of a
20.6 MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER depressive episode of major depressive disorder ranges from
6 to 12 months; longer durations, up to 2 years, may be seen
Major depressive disorder, often referred to simply as major in about 10 percent of cases. Eventually, symptoms gradu-
depression, is characterized by the occurrence of one or ally undergo a more or less full remission.
more depressive episodes during the patient’s lifetime. At times depressive episodes may appear to be precipi-
Synonyms for this disorder include unipolar affective disor- tated by a stressful life event, typically a serious loss, such as
der, melancholia, and manic-depressive illness, depressed the death of a loved one, divorce, or the loss of a job. At
type. ‘Unipolar’ highlights the critical difference between times, however, close enquiry will reveal that the stressful
major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder, namely the life event, rather than actually precipitating the depressive
fact that the patient with major depressive disorder has episode, was itself caused by the depressive episode. For
episodes that go only toward one ‘pole’, namely the depres- example, a married person, in the midst of a long pro-
sive one, whereas the patient with bipolar disorder, in addi- drome, may be sufficiently irritable to cause the spouse to
tion to depressive episodes, will also have episodes that go leave. In such cases, although the patient may blame the
to the other, or manic, pole. Melancholia is the most depression on the separation, in fact it was the depressive
ancient term for this disorder; it comes from the Greek prodrome that caused the separation. This is not to say, of
word meaning ‘black bile’, reflecting the Greek’s humoral course, that independent precipitating events do not at
theory of this disorder. Manic-depressive illness, depressed times trigger depressive episodes, for they do. However, it
type, the final synonym for this disorder, is problematic for appears that in this group of patients with precipitated
two reasons. First, as originally conceived by Kraepelin, depressive episodes, subsequent episodes tend to become
manic-depressive illness was a disorder that subsumed what independent and to occur autonomously without any pre-
today are recognized as two disorders, namely major cipitating events (Brown et al. 1994; Frank et al. 1994).
depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Kraepelin felt that As discussed in Section 6.1, depressive episodes are char-
these two disorders were merely variants or subtypes of one acterized by a number of symptoms, including depressed or
overarching disorder, but recognizing the clinical differ- irritable mood; low self-esteem, guilt or pessimism; suicidal
ences of these variants he spoke of a ‘depressive’ type and a ideation; difficulty with concentration or forgetfulness;
‘circular’ type. Given the separateness of major depressive anhedonia; anergia; sleep disturbance; appetite distur-
disorder and bipolar disorder, however, it may no longer be bance; and psychomotor change. Patients may also describe
appropriate to use the overarching term. The second reason an overall diurnal variation in the severity of their depres-
has to do with common usage. In the United States, when sion, with symptoms being more intense in the morning.
clinicians use the term ‘manic-depressive illness’, most are Delusions and hallucinations may also occur, as may cer-
referring to bipolar disorder, and hence to use it to refer to tain other symptoms, such as anxiety attacks.
major depressive disorder may lead to confusion. Mood is typically depressed but may be primarily irrita-
Major depressive disorder is a common disorder, ble; some patients may also complain of anxiety. In some
occurring in at least 5 percent of the general population; cases, however, although possessed of a depressed affect,
amongst adults it is twice as common in women as in men. patients may deny feeling depressed but may rather speak
of a sense of discouragement, lassitude, or a feeling of
being weighed down. Occasionally one may see patients
Clinical features who ‘put on’ a ‘happy face’, and feign a normal affect
despite experiencing a depressed mood. Such a ‘smiling
Major depression is characterized by the occurrence of depression’ may mislead the diagnostician who fails to
episodes of depression, in between which patients return to specifically enquire after the patient’s mood.
more or less normal functioning. Although the first episode Self-esteem typically sinks and the workings of con-
of depression generally appears in the mid-twenties, the range science become prominent. Patients may consider them-
in age of onset is wide, from childhood to the ninth decade. selves worthless and as having never done anything of value;
Depressive episodes tend to appear gradually, even insid- in looking over their past, they see their sins multiplied.
iously. Typically, there is a long prodrome, often lasting Indeed, in reviewing the past, patients seem ‘blind’ to any
months, characterized by fleeting and often indefinite symp- accomplishments and fix only on their misdeeds and short-
toms such as moodiness, anxiety or fatigue. Furthermore, comings, which, as they recall them, may become magnified
when the depressive episode finally does settle in, the various to heinous proportions. Some patients may give way to
symptoms often appear haltingly and with differing severi- rumination, in which their failings and defects repeat them-
ties, and it is consequently rare that a patient can date the selves again and again in a litany of hopelessness. Pessimism
onset with any sort of precision. This is not to say, however, is common and patients see no hope for the future; to them
that acute and obvious onsets are not seen. They do occur, there are no prospects and all appears bleak.
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Suicidal ideation is almost always present. At times this patient cannot fall back to sleep at all. As they lie awake,
may be merely passive and patients may wish aloud that they many patients experience ruminations or restless, unpro-
might die of some disease or accident. Conversely, it may be ductive thoughts. When the morning finally does come,
active, and patients may consider hanging or shooting them- patients find themselves unrefreshed and exhausted, as if
selves, jumping from bridges, or overdosing on their medica- they had not slept at all. Rarely, rather than experiencing
tions. Often, and seemingly paradoxically, the risk of suicide insomnia, patients with major depressive disorder may
is greatest as patients begin to recover. Still seeing themselves complain of hypersomnia, wherein they sleep excessively,
as worthless and hopeless sinners, these patients, now with sometimes for up to 18 hours.
some relief from fatigue, may find themselves with enough Appetite is routinely lost and many patients lose weight,
energy to carry out their suicidal plans. The overall suicide sometimes in substantial amounts (Stunkard et al. 1990).
rate in major depressive disorder is about 4 percent; among Food may lose its taste or become unpalatable, and some
those with depressive episodes severe enough to prompt hos- patients may complain that food tastes like cardboard or
pitalization, however, the rate rises to about 9 percent. leaves them nauseated. Uncommonly, patients may expe-
Difficulty with concentration (Roy-Byrne et al. 1986) may rience an increased appetite and may gain weight.
be particularly troubling. Patients may complain of a dull Psychomotor change tends toward agitation. When
heavy-headedness, as if they are ‘in a fog’; attempts to read slight, this agitation may be experienced as a mere inner
may be especially painful as patients read and re-read the restlessness. When more severe, however, there may be
same paragraph but never find themselves understanding hand-wringing and incessant pacing: patients may com-
what they read. Short-term memory may become difficult, plain that they cannot keep still; they may lament their fate
and patients may be unable to recall where they put their keys out loud and give way to wailing and repetitive pleas for
or what was said just minutes before. Making decisions, even help. The tension of these patients may be extreme, almost
simple ones, may become an almost insuperable task; every- palpable, and yet, despite their piteous pleas for help, they
thing appears too complicated, with too many possibilities cannot be comforted, no matter what is done for them.
and choices. In some cases of severe depression in the elderly, Psychomotor retardation, although uncommon, may also
cognitive decrements may be severe enough to constitute a occur. In this, thoughts come slowly and sluggishly, if at all,
dementia (Rabins et al. 1984), which may be particularly and speech, when it occurs, is slow and halting. Some
severe. One 76-year-old became disoriented to time, was patients may sit immobile for hours, and if asked to do
unable to recall any items after 3 minutes, and presented something may complain that they can’t, that it is too diffi-
cachectic and curled up in a fetal position (McAllister and cult. In severe cases patients may not move for any reason;
Price 1982); a 66-year-old was disoriented to time and place, they may go without bathing or changing their clothes, and
confused, and incontinent (Kramer 1982); both recovered some may defecate or urinate in the chair or on the bed.
with adequate antidepressant treatment. Delusions and hallucinations may occur in about 15 per-
Anhedonia manifests with a lack of interest in formerly cent of the depressive episodes of major depressive disorder,
pleasurable activities; sports and hobbies, etc. no longer most commonly in cases in which the depressive symptoms
arouse patients and, if they force themselves to partake, are quite severe (Lykouras et al. 1986; Maj et al. 1990).
they take no pleasure in such activities and merely go Delusions are mood-congruent in that, in some extreme,
through the motions. Libido is routinely lost and there is fantastic way, they are appropriate to the patients’ moods
no pleasure in sexual activity. and views of themselves. Guilt may be extreme and patients
Anergia manifests with a dearth of energy, and patients may confess to unspeakable sins: they have poisoned their
may complain of feeling tired, fatigued, lifeless, or drained. children; family or friends are imprisoned for crimes that
Occasionally, patients may complain of having too much they, the patients, have committed. They may believe that
energy; however, on closer questioning one finds rather they are condemned to Hell, that they have only hours to
that patients have a ‘nervous energy’, more akin to agita- live. Delusions of persecution are common and have a pecu-
tion; such ‘increased energy’ is useless to the patient and is liar twist to them. In contrast to patients with schizophrenia,
always overshadowed by a sense of imminent and impend- who have delusions of persecution and protest that they are
ing exhaustion. innocent victims, depressive patients with delusions of per-
Sleep disturbance tends toward insomnia, which may secution typically feel that they deserve their persecutions
be a torment to the patient. Although many complain of for their miserable sins and shortcomings. Delusions of
what is technically known as ‘initial’ insomnia, or trouble poverty and nihilistic delusions may also occur and are
falling asleep, the most characteristic kind of insomnia in entirely consistent with these patients’ views of themselves as
depression comes later in the night as either ‘middle’ or worthless and hopeless. They may believe that they are with-
‘terminal’ insomnia. In middle insomnia the patient awak- out any funds and are completely bankrupt and unable to
ens in the middle of the night for no particular reason and pay any bills, and that their families will go destitute. Those
then has great difficulty falling back to sleep, often lying with nihilistic delusions may believe that they are near death:
awake for an hour or more before sleep finally comes. their insides have turned to dust or concrete; their brains
Terminal insomnia, also known as ‘early morning awaken- have shrivelled up; the heart has dried up for lack of blood.
ing’, comes later in the night, and, here, once awake, the In extreme cases patients may believe that they are dead, and
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some may believe that all are dead, that death has finally environmental events proposed, it appears that early child-
achieved complete dominion over the world. Auditory hal- hood loss may be the most important. Events may also
lucinations may also occur and generally reflect the patients’ serve as precipitants for episodes in adult life; however, as
delusions. Voices may accuse them of crimes or sins, or noted earlier, the importance of precipitants fades with
announce that their well-deserved punishment is at hand. successive episodes to the point where, over long periods of
Visual hallucinations occasionally occur, and patients may time, episodes become, as it were, autonomous.
see corpses or accusatory spirits. In some cases patients may There is abundant evidence for endocrinologic distur-
develop stuporous catatonia (Starkstein et al. 1996). bances in depression, all of which point to disturbances in
Other symptoms seen during a minority of depressive the hypothalamus. Within the hypothalamus, for example,
episodes include anxiety attacks (Van Valkenburg et al. the level of messenger RNA for CRH in the paraventricular
1984) and what have been called ‘anger attacks’, in which nucleus is elevated (Raadsheer et al. 1995), as is the cere-
generally hostile and irritable patients occasionally experi- brospinal fluid (CSF) level of CRH (Nemeroff et al. 1984);
ence episodes of violence and autonomic arousal (Fava et al. consistent with this, the low-dose DST test is generally pos-
1993). Obsessions and compulsions may also appear: a par- itive (Carroll et al. 1968, 1976). The thyroid axis also shows
ticularly common obsession is the ‘horrific temptation’ to disturbances: the CSF level of TRH is elevated (Banki et al.
use a knife or gun to kill a loved one, and a consequent over- 1988), and, consistent with this, the response of TSH to
whelming necessity to rid the house of all potential weapons exogenous TRH is blunted (Prange et al. 1972).
and to avoid any contact with them outside the house. Abnormalities in brainstem structures responsible for
REM sleep are suggested by the fact that REM sleep latency
is reduced in depression (Hauri et al. 1974; Rush et al.
Course 1986), and by the response to cholinergic agents.
Normally, REM sleep may be induced by cholinergic stim-
Major depressive disorder is a relapsing and remitting ill- ulation; however, in patients with major depressive disor-
ness (Thase 1990), characterized in most patients by the der the latency to REM sleep with such cholinergic agents
recurrence of depressive episodes throughout their lives, in as arecoline (Gillin et al. 1991) and donepezil (Perlis et al.
between which they return to a more or less normal mood. 2002) is shorter than in control subjects.
As noted earlier, in about 50 percent of cases, depressive The undoubted success of antidepressant medications has
episodes will undergo a spontaneous remission within focused attention on biogenic amines. Given that all antide-
6–12 months. The duration of the interval between succes- pressants have effects on either noradrenergic or serotonin-
sive episodes ranges widely, from as little as 1 year up to ergic functioning, it appears reasonable to assume that there
decades, with an overall average of about 5 years. In gen- is a complementary disturbance in these amines in patients
eral, however, with repeated episodes the interval between with major depressive disorder. Despite enormous research
episodes tends to shorten, and the episodes themselves efforts, however, it has been difficult to isolate definite abnor-
tend to lengthen, such that, over a very long period of time, malities here. One notable exception involves the effects of
successive episodes may eventually ‘merge’ to create a tryptophan depletion. Tryptophan is the dietary precursor of
chronic, non-remitting condition. serotonin and, in patients with an antidepressant-induced
Recently, much attention has been focused on patients remission of depression, tryptophan depletion is promptly
whose depressive episodes seem entrained to the changing followed by a relapse of depressive symptoms (Aberg-Wistedt
seasons. In patients with this seasonal pattern of illness, et al. 1998; Delgado et al. 1990; Smith et al. 1997).
depressive episodes appear to occur far more commonly in Relatively speaking, neuropathologic studies are in their
the fall or winter than in the spring or summer. infancy in this disorder. Some studies have suggested
changes in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; however, in
my opinion the endocrinologic and sleep abnormalities
Etiology point rather to the diencephalon or brainstem as the most
likely sites for any changes. In this regard, several, albeit
Hereditary factors appear to play a role: the prevalence of preliminary, findings have been reported, including the
major depression is higher in the relatives of patients than following; an increased number of neurons in the
of control subjects, and the monozygotic concordance rate mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (Young et al. 2004);
is significantly higher than the dizygotic one (McGuffin an overall decreased number of neurons in the para-
et al. 1996). To date, however, genetic studies have not ventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (Manaye et al.
identified genes or loci that may be confidently associated 2005) with a relative increase in the number of CRH-con-
with this illness, indicating in all likelihood that, from a taining neurons in the same nucleus (Bao et al. 2005).
genetic point of view, this is a complex disorder, involving Integrating all of the foregoing findings into a coherent
multiple genes and multiple modes of inheritance. theory is problematic and involves some speculation. With
Hereditary factors, although clearly important, do this caveat in mind, however, it may be reasonable to propose
not appear to provide a complete account, and environ- that major depressive disorder represents an interaction
mental factors also seem to play a role. Among the various between certain environmental events and an inherited
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abnormality of noradrenergic, serotoninergic or cholinergic Overall, although the various antidepressants are of
functioning, of variable degree, associated with subtle neu- approximately equal effectiveness, there is some evidence
roanatomic changes in the thalamus, hypothalamus or mes- that tricyclics and venlafaxine may have an edge over the
encephalon. others, and that trazodone may be somewhat less effective.
These differences, however, are modest at best.
A personal history of a good response to a particular
Differential diagnosis agent is a good predictor of future response, and a family
history of a good response may also predict a good response,
The first step in differential diagnosis is to ensure that the but this relationship may not be as robust.
patient either has, or has had, a depressive episode, for with- Side-effects sometimes loom large in the patient’s over-
out this, of course, a diagnosis of major depressive disorder all reaction to an antidepressant. Where weight gain is a
cannot be made. As discussed in Section 6.1, not all patients concern, SSRIs, duloxetine, and bupropion are good
who complain of depression or who appear depressed have choices, and certainly preferable, in this regard, to tricyclics
a true depressive episode; almost all persons, at some point and mirtazapine. Sexual side-effects (e.g., erectile dysfunc-
in their lives, will have some depressive symptoms as a nor- tion, decreased vaginal lubrication, decreased libido) are
mal reaction to adverse life circumstances, and these must common with most antidepressants, with the notable
be distinguished, using the guidelines outlined in that sec- exceptions of mirtazapine and bupropion. Orthostatic
tion, from a depressive episode. hypotension, of particular concern in the elderly, is unlikely
Once it has been determined that a true depressive with SSRIs, venlafaxine, mirtazapine, and bupropion, but
episode has occurred, the next step is to determine whether common with tricyclics and trazodone. Cardiac arrhyth-
this has been caused by a major depressive disorder or one mias may be induced by tricyclics, but SSRIs are particularly
of the many other causes of depression discussed in Section benign in this regard. The seizure threshold may be reduced
6.1, a section that the reader is strongly advised to review. by tricyclics, venlafaxine, and bupropion; in this regard,
particular attention must be given to any history of bulimia
nervosa, as such patients appear to be particularly at risk for
Treatment seizures if treated with bupropion. Sedation may be prob-
lematic with tricyclics (with the exception of nortriptyline,
The overall pharmacologic treatment of major depressive desipramine, and protriptyline), mirtazapine, and trazodone,
disorder is conveniently divided into three phases: acute but is generally negligible with the other agents.
treatment designed to initially relieve symptoms during a Drug–drug interactions are a constant concern, and in
depressive episode; continuation treatment to prevent the this regard the SSRIs (especially citalopram and escitalo-
re-emergence of symptoms; and maintenance or prophy- pram) are the ‘cleanest’ of agents. Conversely, there are so
lactic treatment aimed at preventing the occurrence of many drug–drug interactions with MAOIs that these
subsequent episodes. Although this text focuses on phar- agents generally constitute a last choice.
macologic treatment, consideration may also be given, in Lethality in overdose is always a concern in prescribing
mild to moderate cases, to psychotherapy (e.g., cognitive– for depressed patients, and in this regard the SSRIs are by
behavioral therapy). far the safest agents, followed by duloxetine, venlafaxine,
mirtazapine, and bupropion; the tricyclics and MAOIs are
ACUTE TREATMENT by far the most dangerous of the antidepressants.
All other things being equal, and lacking clear guidance
Before beginning treatment a decision must be made as to from a personal or strong family history, a first choice may
whether or not to admit the patient. Indications for hospi- reasonably be made from the following: an SSRI, dul-
talization include the following: significant suicide risk; oxetine, venlafaxine, mirtazapine, or bupropion. Regardless
depressive symptoms of such severity as to preclude inde- of which agent is chosen it must be given an ‘adequate’ trial,
pendent functioning at home and work; significant con- which involves not only an ‘adequate’ dose but also an ‘ade-
current illness that requires inpatient monitoring; and a quate’ duration. Even with an average or above-average
need for acute treatment with ECT. dose, one should not expect to see any improvement for the
Acute treatment generally begins with the selection of an first week or two; by the fourth week, however, if there has
antidepressant medication from one of the following groups: been no improvement at all it is unlikely that the patient
tricyclics (e.g., nortriptyline), SSRIs (e.g., escitalopram), will get a response, at least at the dose used (Quitkin et al.
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs; e.g., selegiline), and 1996). If there is improvement by the fourth week, then the
a large miscellaneous group (including duloxetine, venlafax- patient should be advised that it may take up to 3 months to
ine, mirtazapine, bupropion, and trazodone). Several con- see a full response.
siderations come into play when making this selection, In cases in which there has been little or no response by 4
including overall effectiveness, a personal or family history of weeks, one should, if not already done, check the free T4 and
response to a particular agent, anticipated side-effects, poten- TSH levels. Hypothyroidism, even if only ‘chemical’ (with a
tial drug–drug interactions, and, finally, lethality in overdose. normal free T4 but an elevated TSH), blunts the response to
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 628
antidepressants and must be corrected. If the patient is Before leaving this discussion of the acute treatment of
euthyroid, and the side-effect burden is readily tolerable, depression, some words are in order regarding certain
one may at this point consider simply increasing the dose; other treatments, including herbal remedies (i.e., St. John’s
with the sole exception of nortriptyline (which has a true wort), omega-3 fatty acids, phototherapy, alprazolam,
‘therapeutic window’) it appears that for most other anti- buspirone, vagal nerve stimulation, and transcranial mag-
depressants the dose–response curve is linear, and thus it is a netic stimulation. St. Johns wort and omega-3 fatty acids
reasonable strategy to gradually push the dose to the maxi- may be beneficial in mild depressions, but cannot be
mum recommended, waiting weeks each time to see if there counted on in anything more severe. Phototherapy is
is an initial response. generally reserved for mild depressions occurring in
If the patient does not respond to an increased dose, or if patients whose illnesses demonstrate a seasonal pattern, as
side-effects preclude this approach, then one may consider described earlier. Alprazolam may be effective in mild to
either switching to a different antidepressant or trying a moderate depressions, but the 3–6 mg dose required car-
combination of agents. Switching antidepressants is a viable ries such a significant risk of neuroadaptation that most
option but in doing so one should probably switch to an clinicians shy away from using it. Buspirone, in doses of
antidepressant of a different pharmacologic class; changing 60 mg or more daily, may be effective in mild to moderate
from one SSRI to another, or from one tricyclic to another, depression, but is not commonly employed. Vagal nerve
makes little sense. In making a switch one must be wary of stimulation has not been shown to be effective in double-
drug–drug interactions. For example, given the long half-life blind studies and cannot be recommended. Although the
of some SSRIs and their ability to inhibit the metabolism of place of transcranial magnetic stimulation is still not clear,
tricyclics, in switching from an SSRI to a tricyclic one must it is my belief that this will emerge as a viable option.
either allow time for the SSRI to wash out or alternatively
start with a low dose of the tricyclic. Combination treatment CONTINUATION TREATMENT
is also viable but only a few combinations have been found
to be effective, including lithium plus a tricyclic or an SSRI; Once acute treatment has effected a remission of depressive
triiodothyronine (50 μg) plus a tricyclic or an SSRI; olanzap- symptoms, continuation treatment is required. It must be
ine plus fluoxetine; aripiprazole plus an SSRI or venlafaxine; kept in mind that antidepressants, rather than ‘curing’
and, finally, an MAOI plus a tricyclic. This last option is depression, merely suppress symptoms, and consequently if
potentially dangerous and should probably only be under- treatment is discontinued before the depressive episode has
taken by a specialist. Regardless of whether one switches or run its course, symptoms will gradually recur. In general,
uses a combination strategy, one must again allow for an continuation treatment involves a continuation of the regi-
‘adequate trial’, ensuring that doses are adequate and that at men that was effective for acute treatment. In a minority of
least 4 weeks are allowed to assess the response. cases it may be possible to scale back treatment without any
Should depression prove resistant to a switch or to a loss of effectiveness (e.g., in monotherapy cases, allowing a
combination, one might consider different single agents or dose reduction, or in combination therapy, discontinuing
different combinations. How far one goes with this one of the agents); however, this must be carried out care-
approach depends largely on the severity of the depression. fully given the risk of relapse. If ECT was required, one
If the symptoms are tolerable and the risk of suicide is low, should consider either ‘continuation ECT’ or antidepressant
then further trials may be reasonable; if however, symp- treatment, for example either with an SSRI (e.g., paroxetine)
toms are severe or there is a significant risk of death, one or with a combination of nortriptyline and lithium.
should strongly consider ECT. Continuation treatment should persist for the duration
Although the foregoing schema for the acute treatment of of the depressive episode. In cases in which the patient has a
depression is in general applicable to most cases, exceptions history of depressive episodes of fairly uniform and discrete
do occur. First, in severe cases requiring hospitalization, duration, this may be used as a guide for determining the
many physicians will routinely check thyroid status and begin length of continuation treatment. In most cases, however,
either with high-dose monotherapy or with a combination. such guidance is not available, either because the current
Second, for the highly suicidal patient, or in other life-threat- episode is the first or because prior episodes were of such
ening cases (e.g., in severely debilitated elderly patients), mov- indistinct onset and offset that a reliable estimation of their
ing immediately to ECT may be appropriate, as ECT is clearly duration is not possible. In these cases, continuation treat-
not only the most effective treatment for depression but also, ment should probably be performed until the patient has
with proper technique, remains quite safe. Third, there is been symptom free for 6 consecutive months (Altamura
some controversy regarding the treatment of ‘psychotic and Percudani 1993; Kupfer et al. 1992; Prien and Kupfer
depression’, that is depression that is accompanied by delu- 1986; Reimherr et al. 1998). This guideline is based on the
sions or hallucinations. Traditionally, patients with psychotic assumption that no treatment is perfect and that, given the
depression have been treated with the combination of an waxing and waning nature of symptoms, one will find that,
antipsychotic plus an antidepressant, or with ECT. However, when symptoms rise to a ‘peak’, they ‘break through’ the
it appears that in many of these cases, prolonged treatment antidepressant ‘barrier’ to the point where they cause dis-
with high-dosage monotherapy may be just as effective. tress. Furthermore, the longer a patient goes without such a
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 629
breakthrough, the more likely it becomes that the underly- headache, mastalgia, bloating (particularly with swelling of
ing episode has finally gone into a spontaneous remission, the hands and feet), clumsiness, nausea, and constipation.
and it appears that 6 months represents a reasonable dura- Some patients, concerned over their irritability, may
tion for this to occur. When the time does come to consider voluntarily isolate themselves, and family members may
discontinuation of treatment, given that a small risk of soon learn to ‘leave well enough alone’ during this part of
relapse still exists, one may wish to schedule the discontin- the menstrual cycle.
uation for a time in the patient’s life when a relapse would
not have disastrous consequences.
MAINTENANCE TREATMENT Over long periods of time the depressive episodes may
Given that the majority of patients will eventually have become more severe and may appear progressively earlier
another episode, it is reasonable to discuss maintenance or in the menstrual cycle, to the point where, in some cases,
preventive treatment. Prevention should be strongly con- the episode may begin 3 weeks before menstrual flow.
sidered in cases in which past history suggests that, in the Eventually, with menopause, the episodes cease to occur.
natural course of events, the euthymic interval between
episodes is less than 2 years, or in cases in which, regardless Etiology
of the frequency of episodes, the episodes themselves have
been so severe that one would not wish to risk a relapse, no Premenstrual dysphoric disorder is familial and may bear a
matter how far in the future that might occur. If patients relationship to major depressive disorder, given that the
do elect for maintenance therapy one may simply continue prevalence of major depressive disorder is higher in the rel-
the antidepressant regimen used in continuation therapy. atives of probands than in the general population.
In cases in which ECT was required for continuation ther- There is ample evidence for a disturbance in serotonin-
apy it is not clear whether ongoing ECT is required, and ergic functioning in patients with premenstrual dysphoric
one may opt for an antidepressant regimen. disorder. Fenfluramine, a serotoninergic agent, normally
stimulates prolactin secretion, and the prolactin response
to this agent in premenstrual dysphoric disorder is blunted
20.7 PREMENSTRUAL DYSPHORIC DISORDER (Fitzgerald et al. 1997). Furthermore, symptoms may be
exacerbated either by administration of a serotonin-
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, also known as the pre- blocking agent (Roca et al. 2002) or by tryptophan deple-
menstrual syndrome or late luteal phase dysphoric disor- tion (Menkes et al. 1994). Finally, whereas serotoninergic
der, is characterized by recurrent, relatively brief, agents (e.g., SSRIs) are effective in this disorder, non-
depressive episodes that are tightly entrained to the events serotoninergic antidepressants (e.g., desipramine [Freeman
of the menstrual cycle. This is a common disorder, occur- et al. 1999] and bupropion [Pearlstein et al. 1997]) are not.
ring in about 5 percent of all menstruating females. Overall, although speculative, it may be reasonable to
hypothesize that in premenstrual dysphoric disorder there
is an inherited disturbance of serotoninergic functioning,
Clinical features probably in mesencephalic or hypothalamic structures,
that is episodically triggered by the dramatic hormonal
The onset of this disorder is generally between menarche changes seen during the transition from the follicular to
and the late twenties, and its most remarkable aspect is the the luteal phase of the normal menstrual cycle.
timing of the depressive episodes, which have a fairly
abrupt onset, anywhere from 3 to 10 days before menstru-
ation begins, and then just as rapidly remit, 2–3 days after Differential diagnosis
menstrual flow commences.
During the depressive episode, the mood (Bloch et al. The key to making this diagnosis is to monitor the patient
1997) is variously depressed, sad, anxious, or, classically, over at least several menstrual cycles to establish the classic
irritable; often there is considerable lability with inexplica- onset and duration of the episodes and, very importantly,
ble crying spells or unwonted anger, and many patients to demonstrate that during the follicular phase patients are
complain of feeling ‘out of control’. Patients may have dif- symptom free. Essentially, there is no other disorder that
ficulty with concentration or paying attention to things, mimics this remarkable pattern.
and may lose interest in work, hobbies, or sexual activity. Of the multiple other causes of depression discussed in
There may be prominent fatigue, and some may become Section 6.1, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder,
lethargic. Sleep disturbance is common and may be toward and post-partum depression may also be kept in mind. In
either insomnia or hypersomnia. Appetite may also change these disorders, depressive episodes may be quite pro-
and is often increased with associated cravings for sweets longed and may undergo an exacerbation during the luteal
or chocolates. Other symptoms may also occur, including phase. If this exacerbation is sufficiently severe, patients
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 630
may mistakenly report that they feel ‘better’ during the fol- involve ‘horrific temptations’ to do harm to the baby
licular phase, thus lulling the diagnostician into a mistaken (Wisner et al. 1999). Rarely, infanticide may occur, and, as
conclusion. Close examination in these cases, however, with any depression, suicide remains a risk.
reveals that, although patients do indeed feel better during
the follicular phase, this is only relatively so, and in fact the
depressive symptoms are present throughout all phases of Course
the menstrual cycle, in stark contrast to the pattern seen in
premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Although most patients experience a spontaneous remis-
Dysmenorrhea, characterized by cramps, headaches, sion within months or years, the depression may be chronic
and bloating, is easily distinguished by its course, beginning in a minority. Those who do recover are at increased risk for
not before but after the commencement of menstrual flow. another episode after a subsequent pregnancy.
Treatment Etiology
SSRIs, including fluoxetine (20 mg) (Cohen et al. 2002; Post-partum depression may occur secondary to an
Pearlstein and Stone 1994; Pearlstein et al. 1997; Steiner unusual sensitivity of mood-regulating central nervous
et al. 1995), paroxetine (20 mg) (Landen et al. 2007), and ser- system structures to the profound endocrinologic changes
traline (50–150 mg) (Freeman et al. 1999, 2004; Yonkers et that occur post-partum. One particularly interesting study
al. 1997; Young et al. 1998), constitute the mainstay of (Bloch et al. 2000) looked at two groups of women: both
treatment, and these may be taken either chronically on a groups had a history of depressive episodes, but in one they
daily basis or on a timed basis relative to the timing of the were confined to the post-partum period, whereas in the
episode itself, such that they are started just before the other, depressive episodes occurred at times outside this
anticipated onset of symptoms and then stopped several period. All patients were euthymic at the time of the study,
days into menstrual flow. Venlafaxine (50–200 mg) and all were given supraphysiologic doses of estradiol and
(Freeman et al. 2001), taken chronically, is another option, progesterone for 8 weeks, after which these hormones were
as is alprazolam (1–4 mg) (Freeman et al. 1995), taken dur- abruptly discontinued. In the group of women with a his-
ing the luteal phase. Recently, effectiveness has also been tory of post-partum depression, the hormone withdrawal
demonstrated for an herbal preparation, Vitex agnus-castus was followed by a depressive episode in the majority,
(Atmaca et al. 2003; Schellenberg 2001). In my opinion, whereas in the group with a history of depression outside
treatment should begin with one of the SSRIs; venlafaxine the post-partum period, there were no depressions.
may also be considered, but alprazolam, given the risks of
neuroadaptation, should probably be held in reserve. The
place of Vitex agnus-castus is not as yet clear. Differential diagnosis
Treatment levels (Harris et al. 1994), whereas another did not (Kuevi
et al. 1983); one study noted a relationship with lower allo-
Various treatment modalities are available. Double-blind pregnanolone levels (Nappi et al. 2001). Disturbances in
studies support the effectiveness of antidepressants, such as tryptophan metabolism have also been suggested: one study
fluoxetine (Appleby et al. 1997), sertraline, and nortripty- found lower levels in relation to post-partum blues (Kohl
line (Wisner et al. 2006). One double-blind study also et al. 2005), whereas another, although finding normal levels,
found transdermal estrogen to be effective (Gregoire et al. demonstrated a reduced ratio of tryptophan to other large
1996), and an open study suggested effectiveness for sublin- neutral amino acids (Bailara et al. 2006); notably, however,
gual estradiol (Ahokas et al. 2001). Both cognitive–behavioral treatment with tryptophan is not effective (Harris 1980).
and interpersonal therapy also appear to be effective. Finally, two studies have noted an association between an
Given the risk of recurrence with subsequent pregnan- increased number of platelet alpha-2 autoreceptors and the
cies, attempts have been made to develop preventive treat- occurrence of the blues (Best et al. 1988; Metz et al. 1983).
ments. In this regard, one double-blind study found that
sertraline was effective (Wisner et al. 2004), whereas
another surprisingly found no preventive effect with nor- Differential diagnosis
triptyline (Wisner et al. 2001).
Post-partum depression is distinguished by its later onset
(usually at least several weeks post-partum), longer dura-
20.9 POST-PARTUM BLUES tion (at least months), and by the absence of lability. It
must be borne in mind, however, that, like any other post-
The post-partum blues, also known as maternity blues or partum women, patients with the post-partum blues may
baby blues, is a common disturbance, seen in about half of go on to develop a post-partum depression and hence any
all women. Although such a high incidence may suggest that persistence of symptoms beyond a couple of weeks should
this is a ‘normal’ phenomenon, the fact that the symptoma- prompt a diagnostic re-evaluation.
tology is often strikingly out of character for the patient
argues rather that the ‘blues’ represent a specific disorder. Treatment
Although the post-partum blues may recur after subse- Clinical features
quent pregnancies, they tend to be less severe.
The first panic attack generally occurs in late adolescence
or early adult years; later onsets, in the fourth decade, are
Etiology not uncommon and, albeit rarely, onsets have been noted
in childhood or the fifth decade.
Although the post-partum blues is almost certainly related The panic attack itself usually comes on acutely, often
to the profound hormonal and neurophysiologic changes within a minute, and symptoms crescendo rapidly. Anxiety is
present in the immediate post-partum period, as yet it has typically severe, and patients may report the classic ‘sense of
not been possible to develop a unified theory. One study impending doom’, as if some catastrophic event were loom-
found a relationship with lower post-partum progesterone ing; some fear that they are having a heart attack, others that
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 632
they are about to ‘go crazy’. Uncommonly, however, one these agents will result in pharmacologic blood levels before
may see attacks in which the feeling of anxiety is mild relative the attack runs its course. In cases in which chronic use of
to other symptoms, and rarely patients may deny any signif- these agents leads to neuroadaptation, any attempt to stop
icant anxiety at all; although the existence of these ‘panic them may lead to a withdrawal state that, in turn, may pre-
attacks without panic’ was initially controversial, there is no cipitate further attacks, thus setting up a vicious cycle.
doubt that they do in fact occur (Russell et al. 1991). Other
symptoms include tremor, tachycardia, palpitations, chest
pain, dyspnea, dizziness, nausea, diaphoresis, and acral Etiology
parasthesiae; rarely, one may see hemianesthesia, macropsia,
or microspia (Coyle and Sterman 1986). Chest pain may be Panic disorder is probably hereditary: as the degree of con-
most alarming to patients, and, as this pain may at times sanguinity rises from unrelated persons to first-degree rel-
radiate to the left shoulder or left side of the neck, it may like- atives, then to dizygotic and finally monozygotic twins, so
wise cause some alarm in emergency room physicians. The too does the risk of having panic disorder (Crowe et al.
attack itself generally lasts about 5–15 minutes, but may per- 1983; Noyes et al. 1986; Torgerson 1990). Genetic studies,
sist for up to an hour; symptoms then remit over a few min- however, have not as yet yielded robust findings, and nei-
utes, after which patients may feel ‘shaken’, drained, and ther the mode of inheritance nor candidate loci have been
apprehensive for up to a few hours. Although most attacks clearly demonstrated.
occur during waking hours, some patients may have noctur- The discovery of ‘panicogens’ has been one of the major
nal attacks (Mellman and Uhde 1989a), and, in a small fruits of the research efforts into panic disorder. Panicogens
minority, attacks may only occur nocturnally (Mellman and are substances that, although innocuous in normal control
Uhde 1990). Nocturnal attacks arise from non-rapid eye subjects, reliably produce panic attacks in patients with
movement (NREM) sleep (Mellman and Uhde 1989b) and panic disorder. Importantly, these panicogen-induced
often awaken the patient, who typically has trouble falling attacks are identical to spontaneously occurring attacks
back asleep and is able to recall the panic the next morning and, furthermore, may be prevented by the same medicines
(Hauri et al. 1989). that are effective in the treatment of panic disorder.
In most cases, panic attacks occur spontaneously, with- Panicogens include inhalation of 5 percent or 35 percent
out any precipitating factors; patients may complain that carbon dioxide (Gorman et al. 1988), intravenous sodium
they ‘come out of the blue’ and strike without warning. lactate (Cowley and Arana 1990; Liebowitz et al. 1984), caf-
feine (Charney et al. 1985), yohimbine (Charney et al.
1992), isoproterenol (Pohl et al. 1988), intravenous meta-
Course chlorophenylpiperazine (Kahn and Wetzler 1991),
flumazenil (Nutt et al. 1990) (although not all studies con-
The frequency with which panic attacks occur varies widely cur with this [Strohle et al. 1998]), and cholecystokinin
among patients, from the extremes of multiple attacks tetrapeptide (Bradwejn et al. 1991).
daily to only one attack every few months. The overall Various neurotransmitters have also been implicated,
course of the disorder appears to follow one of two pat- including norepinephrine, serotonin, and GABA.
terns. In one, the frequency of attacks may vary over years Norepinephrine is implicated by the panicogenic effects of
or decades, with the patient never experiencing any pro- caffeine, yohimbine, and isoproterenol, and also by studies
longed attack-free interval. In the other, one does see pro- reporting a blunted response of growth hormone to cloni-
longed attack-free intervals, and in patients with this dine administration. Serotonin involvement is suggested
pattern one may speak of panic disorder with an episodic by the response to the panicogen meta-chlorophenylpiper-
course; the ‘episodes’, characterized by recurrent attacks, azine and by studies involving manipulation of serotonin
are separated from each other by prolonged intervals in levels. For example, depletion of the serotonin precursor
which no spontaneous attacks occur. tryptophan increases the effectiveness of panicogens such
Over time, and with repeated attacks, most patients begin as flumazenil (Bell et al. 2002), whereas the administration
to develop a chronic, anxious apprehension that another of L-5-hydroxytrptophan, a serotonin precursor, will blunt
attack may be just around the corner. This ‘anticipatory anx- the panicogenic effect of carbon dioxide inhalation
iety’ may induce patients to avoid situations in which, should (Schruers et al. 2002). GABAergic involvement is suggested
they have an attack, they might not be able to find immediate by the panicogenic effect of flumazenil and also by studies
help; thus patients may avoid travelling by plane or boat, or that have demonstrated reduced levels of GABA within the
even on limited access highways. Should this anticipatory occipital cortex (Goddard et al. 2001).
anxiety become very severe, patients may develop the syn- Although there are no neuropathologic findings, imag-
drome of agoraphobia, described in the next section. ing studies have yielded interesting results. Gray matter
Abuse of alcohol or benzodiazepines is a serious risk. density appears lower in the left parahippocampal gyrus
Some patients may use these to quell their anticipatory anx- (Massana et al. 2003a), and positron emission tomography
iety, whereas others will consume them during the attack (PET) studies have revealed altered metabolism in the left
itself, in the mistaken belief that oral administration of parahippocampal gyrus (Bisaga et al. 1998; Nordahl et al.
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 633
1990); furthermore, a recent study demonstrated atrophy disorder; if their occurrence is confined solely within the
of both amygdalae (Massana et al. 2003b). Finally, a single limits of the depressive episode, an additional diagnosis of
photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) study panic disorder is not warranted. However, if one can
revealed a decrease in presynaptic serotonin reuptake demonstrate that the anxiety attacks preceded the onset of
transporters within the midbrain, thalamus, and temporal the depressive episode, or persisted beyond the resolution
lobes (Maron et al. 2004). of the episode, then the additional diagnosis is appropriate.
Integrating all of these findings into a coherent theory Of the other causes of anxiety attacks noted in Section
regarding the pathophysiology of panic disorder is prob- 6.5, some of the most common are simple phobia, social
lematic and does require some speculation. With this caveat phobia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and obsessive–
in mind it appears plausible to say that panic disorder compulsive disorder. In all of these disorders, however, the
results from an inherited disturbance in the metabolism of anxiety attacks are precipitated. For example, if the simple
norepinephrine, serotonin, and/or GABA in one or more of phobic has to approach a snake, the social phobic public
the central nervous system structures that subserve the speaking, the post-traumatic patient a situation reminis-
experience of anxiety. Candidate structures include the cent of the original trauma, or the obsessive–compulsive a
locus ceruleus, the dorsal raphe nucleus, the para- contaminated object, a severe anxiety attack may indeed
hippocampal gyrus, hippocampus, and amygdala. The locus occur. If however, these precipitating situations may be
ceruleus is noradrenergic and the dorsal raphe nucleus is avoided, these patients remain free of attacks.
serotoninergic, and both send fibres to a large number of Of the less common causes of anxiety attacks noted in
structures, including the parahippocampus, hippocampus, Section 6.5, special consideration should be given to myocar-
and amygdala, structures that are rich in GABA receptors. dial infarction or angina, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia,
Stimulation of the parahippocampus, hippocampus, and, hypoglycemia, hyperventilation, and simple partial seizures.
especially, the amygdala is well-known to produce anxiety. As noted earlier, panic attacks may be accompanied by chest
If one considers the amygdala as being the ‘final common pain, which may radiate to the neck or shoulder, hence sug-
pathway’ in the development of anxiety, then dysfunction gesting a diagnosis of cardiac disease, and in these cases the
of any one of these upstream structures, or of the amygdala general medical setting is very helpful. Clearly, if the patient
itself, could produce an attack. It has been proposed that is elderly and has known risk factors and no history of panic
one possible ‘trigger’ for the activation of this circuitry is an attacks, then one would lean toward a diagnosis of coronary
abnormal sensitivity of brainstem structures to distur- artery disease; by contrast, if the patient is young and lacks
bances in the acid–base balance (Klein 1993). Such a sensi- risk factors, one might be inclined to lean toward a diagnosis
tivity, in turn, could explain the panicogenic effects of of panic disorder. An episode of paroxysmal atrial tachycar-
lactate infusion and carbon dioxide inhalation. dia may occasionally prompt considerable anxiety in the suf-
Before leaving this section on etiology, some words are ferer. However, here one finds a hyperacute onset of the
in order regarding mitral valve prolapse. Although there is tachycardia, over a second or so, in contrast to the build-up
a clear association between this disorder and panic disor- of a panic attack, which occurs over a minute or so; further-
der (Katerndahl 1993), it is probably not etiologic in a more, in paroxysmal atrial tachycardia a valsalva manuever
direct sense. In all likelihood the association is probably may terminate the attack, whereas such a manuever has no
secondary to some, as yet unidentified, common factor effect on a panic attack. Hypoglycemia should be suspected
that underlies both disorders. in the case of a diabetic who has missed a meal, and in whom
the attack is associated with hunger; prompt relief with glu-
cose confirms the suspicion. Hyperventilation is suggested by
Differential diagnosis the prominent dyspnea and by relief with re-breathing
through a paper bag. Simple partial seizures are suggested by
As noted earlier, the term ‘panic attack’ refers to an anxiety an exquisitely paroxysmal onset, over seconds, and by a his-
attack that happens to occur secondary to panic disorder, tory in most cases of other, more obvious seizure types, such
and, consequently, in pursuing the differential diagnosis of as complex partial seizures or grand mal seizures.
panic disorder one must consider the various other causes
of anxiety attacks, as discussed in Section 6.5.
Occasionally, an otherwise normal individual will have Treatment
an anxiety attack, and, after thorough investigation, no
clear cause may be found. In such cases one is tempted to Pharmacologic treatment of panic disorder has as its goal
make a diagnosis of panic disorder; however, by conven- the prevention of future panic attacks, and the first step
tion, this diagnosis should probably be withheld until sub- is to choose one of the various medications that are effective
sequent attacks have occurred and one is able to in this regard, including antidepressants (SSRIs, tricyclics,
demonstrate that, at least at some point in the course, a fre- or MAOIs), benzodiazepines, and inositol. Cognitive–
quency of once monthly or more has been observed. behavioral therapy (Beck et al. 1992) also appears to be
Anxiety attacks may also be seen as part of the depres- effective; if this is tried first and is less than fully effective,
sive episodes of either major depressive disorder or bipolar then one may simply proceed to pharmacologic treatment.
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Among the antidepressants, the following SSRIs, with et al. 1993a), lean toward trying an antidepressant first.
their average effective doses, may be used: fluoxetine However, in some cases, especially those characterized by
(20 mg) (Michelson et al. 2001), paroxetine (40 mg) very frequent attacks and considerable anticipatory anxiety,
(Ballenger et al. 1998; Oehrberg et al. 1995), sertraline some clinicians will ‘split the difference’ and start the patient
(50–150 mg) (Dohl et al. 1998; Londborg et al. 1998), on a combination of a benzodiazepine and an antidepre-
citalopram (20 mg) (Wade et al. 1997), escitalopram ssant (e.g., clonazepam and an SSRI), with plans to gradually
(10 mg) (Stahl et al. 2003), and fluvoxamine (150 mg) taper the benzodiazepine once enough time has passed for
(Hoehn-Saric et al. 1993). Of the tricyclics, one may use the antidepressant to take effect.
imipramine (150–200 mg) (Mavissakalian and Perel 1989) Inositol is a naturally occurring isomer of glucose that is
or clomipramine (50–150 mg) (Modigh et al. 1992). Of the normally converted to inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate, which
MAOIs, one may use phenelzine (30–90 mg). As all of these in turn functions as an intracellular second messenger, and
are of approximately equal effectiveness, the choice among doses of 6000–9000 mg b.i.d. have been found to be supe-
them is generally based on side-effect profile and ease of rior to placebo and comparable to fluvoxamine in prevent-
use, and with these criteria as guides, an SSRI is probably ing panic attacks (Palatnik et al. 2001). Although
the first choice (with the exception of fluvoxamine, whose experience with inositol is relatively limited, it would cer-
side-effects and many problematic drug–drug interactions tainly be a reasonable option in cases of intolerance to
make this a second choice). A tricyclic, such as imipramine, other agents or for patients who prefer ‘natural’ remedies.
constitutes a reasonable alternative; however, the MAOI
phenelzine, given the difficulty with its use, should be held
in distant reserve. Regardless of which antidepressant is 20.11 AGORAPHOBIA
chosen, it is important to start with a low dose, as initiation
of treatment at a full dose may cause a ‘flurry’ of panic Agoraphobia is derived from the Greek meaning literally a
attacks. Thus, one should start with anywhere from one- fear of the marketplace or, more generally, a fear of open
tenth to one-third of the full dose (breaking up tablets, if spaces. However, on close questioning, what becomes
need be), followed by upward titration in similar incre- apparent is that patients suffering from agoraphobia do
ments every week or so. Importantly, however, although not in fact fear a particular place or situation, but rather the
most patients require, and eventually tolerate, a full dose, possibility of becoming ill or incapacitated in some fashion
there is a small minority of patients who do not tolerate or other and either not being able to escape or not being
anything more than a minimal dose, which they do benefit able to get immediate help.
from; consequently, if patients do not tolerate a dose escala- As discussed further below, there are probably two
tion, one option is to continue with a low dose and see if kinds of agoraphobia (Horwarth et al. 1993; Lelliott et al.
they respond. Once an optimum dose has been reached, it 1989). In one type, seen in the vast majority of cases, ago-
may take up to 3 months to see a good prophylactic effect. raphobia represents a complication of panic disorder, and
Among the benzodiazepines, choices include clonazepam what patients fear is being incapacitated by a panic attack
(Rosenbaum et al. 1997; Tesar et al. 1991), alprazolam while away from home and safety; in the other type, there
(Ballenger et al. 1988), lorazepam (Schweizer et al. 1990), and is no history of panic disorder, and patients seem unable to
diazepam (Noyes et al. 1996). Each should be started at a low clearly delineate what they fear might happen.
dose, with the understanding that dose increases may be The lifetime prevalence of agoraphobia ranges from 1 to
required to prevent attacks. Total daily starting doses and 5 percent; it is probably two to four times more common
potential final doses are as follows: clonazepam, starting in females than males.
at 0.5–1.5 mg, increasing to 1–4 mg; aprazolam, starting at
0.75–1.5 mg, increasing to 1.5–6 mg; lorazepam, starting
at 1–2 mg, increasing to 2–6 mg; and diazepam, starting at Clinical features
4–10 mg and increasing to 10–60 mg. In general, the total
daily dose should be divided into a twice- or thrice-daily The onset is generally in the twenties or thirties; in those
schedule. Clearly, given the wide ranges of starting and cases in which agoraphobia represents a complication of
potential final doses here, considerable clinical judgment is panic disorder, anywhere from as little as a few days to up
required. Importantly, however, and unlike the antidepres- to a year or more may elapse between the occurrence of the
sants, these benzodiazepines are immediately effective once first panic attack and the onset of the agoraphobia.
the ‘right’ dose has been reached; consequently, if patients A large number of places and situations may be feared and
continue to have attacks, this is an indication that their cur- avoided (Page 1994), including travelling on airplanes or
rent dose will not be effective and that the dose should trains, travelling across bridges or through tunnels, and, in
promptly be increased. extreme cases, simply waiting in long lines, and the prospect
Many clinicians, concerned about the possibility of neu- of being caught in such a situation may fill patients with a
roadaptation with benzodiazepines, and the risk of precipi- catastrophic, yet difficult to describe, sense of dread (Goisman
tating a flurry of attacks if the patient runs out of medication et al. 1995). Some patients become completely housebound
or tapers the dose too rapidly (Pecknold et al. 1988; Rickels and literally may never set foot outside the house for years.
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 635
Interestingly, in many cases patients are able to temporarily apprehension. Although adult patients acknowledge the
overcome their agoraphobia if they take their ‘safety’ with irrationality of their fear, they go out of their way to avoid
them by travelling with a good and trusted friend. the feared object. First described by Hippocrates, this con-
dition is quite common, occurring in at least 10 percent of
the general population; it is about twice as frequent in
Course females as in males.
In the past it was fashionable to subdivide specific pho-
Agoraphobia is a chronic disorder and tends to gradually bia according to the feared object or situation, and thus
worsen over long periods of time. one reads of arachnophobia, acrophobia, claustrophobia,
etc. For the most part, however, this subdividing added lit-
tle to our understanding of the disorder, with one probable
Etiology exception, namely blood-injury phobia, which, as noted
below, may be a unique specific phobia.
In cases occurring secondary to panic disorder, the normal
anticipatory anxiety about having another panic attack
becomes so severe and pervasive that patients cannot bear Clinical features
venturing into ‘unsafe’ situations. In those cases that occur
in the absence of panic disorder, patients, although The age of onset of specific phobia ranges from childhood
describing well the dread they feel over being in agorapho- to early adult years: animal phobias and blood-injury pho-
bic situations, cannot clearly explain, either to themselves bia tend to first appear in childhood, whereas the other
or others, what it is they fear might happen, and the etiol- phobias may first appear at any point from childhood to
ogy in these cases is simply not known. adult years (Marks and Gelder 1966).
A wide range of objects or situations may come to be
feared, including snakes, spiders, heights, being in closed
Differential diagnosis spaces, darkness, storms, and the sight of blood. Although
most patients with specific phobia have only one phobia, in
In social phobia of the generalized subtype (also known as a minority two or more may be present.
social anxiety disorder), patients may fear and avoid many On approaching the feared object or situation, or even
different situations. The difference here is that social pho- upon simply imagining doing so, patients experience the
bics fear that they will do something that embarrasses or acute onset of an anxiety attack, characterized by anxiety,
humiliates them, whereas agoraphobics fear that some- tremor, tachycardia, diaphoresis, and piloerection; in some
thing will happen to them, such as a panic attack. cases, these symptoms may be accompanied by deperson-
In illnesses characterized by delusions of persecution, alization. Some patients may be able to steel themselves
patients may avoid going out for fear that people will talk and stay nearby, but for the most part the fear and anxiety
about them, spy on them, assault them, etc. This may be is so great that they must escape, no matter how humiliat-
seen in schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, the persecu- ing or embarrassing such behavior might be for them.
tory subtype of delusional disorder, and depressive episodes Importantly, as soon as patients can get away, the anxiety
of either major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder. ceases and patients, although perhaps a little ‘shaken’ by
the experience, promptly return to normal.
Blood-injury phobia, as indicated earlier, may be unique.
Treatment A common example is found in patients who are phobic
about having a venipuncture (Chapman et al. 1993). If these
Agoraphobia may be treated either with cognitive–behav- patients can force themselves to hold still for the phle-
ioral therapy or a behavioral program of graded exposure, botomist, they typically experience a biphasic symptomatol-
in which the patient gradually and sequentially takes pro- ogy. Initially, there is anxiety and tachycardia, similar to that
gressively greater ‘steps’ toward and into the feared situa- seen in the anxiety attack just described; soon after, however,
tion. Critically, however, in those cases occurring secondary these sympathetic symptoms give way to a parasympathetic
to panic disorder, one must first treat the panic disorder response, with hypotension and either pre-syncope or actual
and render the patient free of panic attacks. The occurrence fainting (Curtis and Thyer 1983). It is this second phase that
of even one panic attack can, and often does, destroy any gives blood-injury phobia its unique status.
gains made by cognitive–behavioral or exposure therapy.
Phobias with an onset in childhood tend to remit within
The patient with a specific phobia, or, as it was formerly months or a year or so. In cases of childhood-onset phobias
known, a simple phobia, experiences extreme anxiety upon that persist, and in cases characterized by later onsets in ado-
approaching something that for others arouses little or no lescence or early adult years, the course tends to be chronic.
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 636
Etiology Treatment
Specific phobias run in families (Fyer et al. 1990), although Both desensitization and cognitive–behavioral therapy are
it is not clear whether this reflects environmental or genetic effective. The place of pharmacologic therapy of specific
factors, or both. Some authors believe that children phobias is not entirely clear. Many patients are prescribed
become phobic by virtue of modeling their parents’ benzodiazepines on a chronic basis; however, there is no
behavior; however, this theory begs the question as to the research support for this and it runs the risk of neuro-
source of the parents’ phobias. Other authors suggest that adaptation. Brief, ‘one time’ use of benzodiazepines may,
phobias represent a vestigial remnant from our ancient however, have a place, as for example in the pre-treatment
evolutionary history, when an instinctual avoidance of cer- of a claustrophobic patient before an MRI study in a
tain objects, such as snakes, could have conferred consider- ‘closed’ system. There is also one study that found paroxe-
able survival value. In support of this evolutionary view is tine to be superior to placebo (Benjamin et al. 2000).
the fact that certain monkeys who have never had any con-
tact with a snake nevertheless react with extreme fear upon
seeing one. 20.13 SOCIAL PHOBIA
In the case of blood-injury phobia, it appears that there
is an underlying chronic dysfunction of the autonomic In social phobia, patients fear that if they attempt to do cer-
nervous system, which predisposes these patients to the tain things in public they will appear inept, foolish, or
development of vaso-vagal syncope (Accurso et al. 2001; inadequate, and thus suffer shame, humiliation, or embar-
Donadio et al. 2007). rassment. Feeling this way, patients, although admitting
that their fears are perhaps groundless, nevertheless
become intensely anxious on approaching these situations
Differential diagnosis and may go to great lengths to avoid them.
Importantly, there are two subtypes of social phobia,
Specific phobia must be distinguished from social phobia namely the generalized type (also known as social anxiety
of the circumscribed type, certain cases of obsessive– disorder) and the circumscribed type (Heimberg et al.
compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. 1990; Mannuzza et al. 1995). The generalized subtype is
Social phobia of the circumscribed type may be distin- characterized by fears that span multiple situations,
guished from specific phobia by the fact that, in social phobia, whereas in the circumscribed subtype only one or two spe-
what is feared is humiliation or embarrassment in certain cific situations are feared.
situations, rather than the situation per se. For example, the This is a common disorder, occurring in anywhere from
patient with a circumscribed social phobia of public speak- 3 to 13 percent of the adult population; it is more frequent
ing, although terrified at the prospect of speaking when in females than males.
others are present, may, when rehearsing the speech in pri-
vate, have little or no anxiety: here, it is the apprehension
of embarrassing oneself when speaking, rather than speak- Clinical features
ing itself, which the patient fears. This is in contrast to the
patient with a specific phobia, for example of snakes, who The onset of social phobia ranges from late childhood to
reacts with anxiety upon seeing the snake regardless of the early adult years, with most patients falling ill in their
whether this occurs in public or in private. Certain cases of mid-teens (Marks and Gelder 1966). Pre-morbidly, in
obsessive–compulsive disorder may also cause diagnostic some cases there is a history of shyness and easy blushing.
concern, for example when patients have a fear of contam- The actual onset itself is heralded by the first wave of irra-
ination and avoid various objects or situations, such as tional anxiety over doing something in public.
shaking hands or using a public restroom. In these cases, In the generalized subtype, patients fear multiple situa-
however, the reaction to the feared object or situation per- tions, including, for example, answering questions in class,
sists long after contact ceases, for example when the patient asking others out for dates, or attending meetings; in some
with obsessive–compulsive disorder washes his or her cases patients may have a global fear of interacting socially
hands repeatedly; this is in contrast to specific phobia, in in any situation.
which patients return to normal promptly upon dis- In the circumscribed subtype there may be a fear of pub-
engaging from the phobic object or situation. Post-traumatic lic speaking, or fears that one will tremble when writing in
stress disorder may be confused with specific phobia when public, misplay notes when giving a musical performance,
post-traumatic patients report avoiding certain situations. choke when eating in public, or, in males, be unable to uri-
Here, however, one finds that the avoided situations have a nate in a public restroom. Regardless of the specific circum-
specific meaning for patients in that they are reminiscent scribed fear involved, it is important to note that it is not the
of an earlier traumatic event; this is in contrast to social activity itself that is feared but rather the performance
phobia, in which patients admit that the fear is ‘irrational’ of that activity in public. Thus, the patient with a fear of
and not based on any earlier event. public speaking who is paralyzed into muteness upon
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 637
approaching the podium with an audience present may Specific phobia may be readily distinguished from
nevertheless be able to make the speech flawlessly on social phobia of the circumscribed type by asking patients
rehearsal in an empty hall. whether they can engage in the fearful behavior when in
If patients do approach the phobic situation (or at private; the patient with a specific phobia, for example of
times, merely imagine doing so), they experience an anxi- snakes, is no more able to approach the snake in private
ety attack of variable severity, with anxiety, tremor, tachy- than in public, whereas the patient with a circumscribed
cardia, diaphoresis, and dyspnea. In some cases patients social phobia, for example of speaking in public, may, as
may be able to endure the anxiety and proceed with the noted earlier, go through a rehearsal of the speech without
performance; however, in many cases the anxiety is simply anxiety, provided that there is no audience.
‘too much’ and patients may refuse to go on. One variation Similarly to the generalized type of social phobia, body
on this reaction is known as erythrophobia. Here, what dysmorphic disorder is characterized by a fear of humilia-
patients are concerned about is excessive blushing in pub- tion or embarrassment in public; however, in body dys-
lic. In some cases there may actually be an obvious, scarlet morphic disorder the fear arises from the patients’ beliefs
blush; however, in others the blush is actually not noted by that they are in some way misshapen or deformed, rather
others but is simply experienced by the patient as a sense of than from a concern that they might suffer embarrassment
flushing or uncomfortable warmth. because of something they do.
Certain conditions, by their very symptoms, may occa-
sion some embarrassment, and in such cases a separate
Course diagnosis of social phobia is not made. Examples include
the tremor of essential tremor or Parkinson’s disease, and
Social phobia appears to be a chronic disorder. developmental stuttering.
One must also distinguish between normal fears and
Etiology social phobia. Most individuals experience some appre-
hension or ‘stage fright’ when first approaching certain sit-
The etiology of the two types of social phobia may not be uations; however, in contrast to social phobia, the fear is
the same, and hence they are considered separately. not overwhelming and, importantly, diminishes after a few
Generalized social phobia, which has been subjected to ‘dress rehearsals’.
the most study, appears to be familial (Fyer et al. 1993) and
to be associated with disturbances in various neurotrans-
mitter systems, including serotonin, endogenous benzodi- Treatment
azepines, and dopamine. With regard to serotonin, several
abnormalities have been noted, including an aggravation A large number of medications are effective in the general-
of symptoms with depletion of the serotonin precursor ized type of social phobia, including various antidepressants,
tryptophan (Argyropoulos et al. 2004), a decrease in the clonazepam, and two anti-epileptic drugs, gabapentin and
serotonin-1A binding potential both on platelets and neu- pregabalin. Effective antidepressants include sertraline
rons in the amygdala and cingulate cortex (Lanzenberger 50–200 mg/day (Katzelnick et al. 1995), paroxetine
et al. 2007), and an augmented cortisol response to the 20–40 mg/day (Allgulander 1999; Baldwin et al. 1999; Stein
serotoninergic agent fenfluramine (Tancer et al. 1994). In et al. 1998), escitalopram 10–20 mg/day (Kasper et al. 2005),
looking at endogenous benzodiazepine function, there fluvoxamine 150 mg/day (Stein et al. 1999; van Vliet et al.
appears to be a reduced number of platelet benzodiazepine 1994), venlafaxine 75–225 mg/day (Liebowitz et al. 2005),
receptors (Johnson et al. 1998). Finally, both a reduced and phenelzine 60–90 mg/day (Heimberg et al. 1998;
density of dopamine receptors in the striatum (Schneier Liebowitz et al. 1992; Versiani et al. 1992). The benzodi-
et al. 2000) and a decrease in striatal dopamine reuptake azepine clonazepam 0.5–3.0 mg/day (Davidson et al. 1993) is
sites (Tiihonen et al. 1997a) have also been noted. also effective, as are the anti-epileptics gabapentin
Regarding the circumscribed type of social phobia, little 900–3600 mg/day (Pande et al. 1999) and pregabalin
can be said except that it is suspected to reflect a distur- 600 mg/day (Pande et al. 2004). All other things being equal,
bance in noradrenergic functioning. one of the antidepressants (with the exception of phenelzine,
which, given the difficulty in its use, should be held in
reserve) is a reasonable first choice. Although experience
Differential diagnosis with gabapentin and pregabalin is limited in social phobia,
they might be a reasonable second choice; of the two,
Agoraphobia may be distinguished from the generalized gabapentin is probably preferable. Although clonazepam is
type of social phobia by the source of the patients’ fear often used, the potential for neuroadaptation may give one
about going out in public. In the agoraphobic, what is pause. Cognitive–behavioral therapy may be considered but
feared is having a panic attack, whether anyone is around appears to be slightly less effective than medication.
or not; this is in contrast to social phobics who fear that Circumscribed social phobia, especially fears of speaking,
they will do something humiliating or embarrassing. writing, or giving a musical performance, may be treated
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 638
with a beta-blocker such as propranolol, given on an ‘as much time arranging and then rearranging things on the
needed’ (p.r.n.) basis in anticipation of the public perform- desk or in the closet, always finding afterwards on inspection,
ance (Brantigan et al. 1982; Hartley et al. 1983; James et al. however, that some critical point of symmetry has been
1977; Liden and Gottfries 1974). The dose of propranolol missed. These counters and arrangers are sometimes at a loss
ranges from 20 to 60 mg, and the drug appears to work not to explain what they fear might happen should they fail to
so much by reducing anxiety per se as by reducing auto- act; it is as if a there is a nameless dread motivating them.
nomic symptoms, such that patients no longer ‘shake like a Although most compulsive behaviors are visible and evident
leaf’. Behavioral desensitization may also be helpful. to others, some patients may at times engage in ‘silent’ or pri-
vate compulsions, for example repeating the Lord’s Prayer to
themselves a certain number of times. Almost all patients, at
20.14 OBSESSIVE–COMPULSIVE DISORDER least initially, recognize the ‘senselessness’ or irrationality of
their compulsions and will attempt to resist them (Stern and
Obsessive–compulsive disorder is characterized by obses- Cobb 1978); over the years, however, many will give in, car-
sions and compulsions (Rasmussen and Tsuang 1986). It is a rying out the compulsions without even a token show of
common disorder, with a lifetime prevalence of 2–5 percent. resistance. In a small minority of cases, patients may lose
insight into the irrationality of their compulsive behavior and
Clinical features become convinced, to a delusional degree, that their behavior
is in fact reasonable and appropriate (Eisen and Rasmussen
Most patients fall ill in adolescence or early adult years; 1993; Insel and Akiskal 1986). Such patients with psychotic
although onset in childhood is not rare, onset past the age obsessive–compulsive disorder, now finding their compul-
of 40 years is quite rare. sions reasonable, pursue them with purpose rather than
The majority of patients experience both obsessions and resisting them. One patient (Gordon 1950), after 25 years of
compulsions (Foa et al. 1995). Somewhat less than 25 per- resisting the urge to repeat his prayers for fear that he had left
cent will have only obsessions and about 5 percent will a word out, eventually came to believe that he was in fact a
have only compulsions; very rarely one finds patients with sinner and that God had given him the compulsion to specif-
a subtype known as primary obsessive slowness. ically ensure that he said the prayers with the perfection that
Obsessions are unwanted, intrusive, and troubling ideas, salvation and eternal life demanded; subsequently, he freely
impulses or images, often related to sexual or violent gave himself to the repeating of his prayers whenever he had
themes. A minister recurrently found himself thinking of the slightest doubt that he had left anything out.
bestiality; a neurologist found himself repeatedly experienc- Primary obsessive slowness is characterized by the trans-
ing an urge to question his patients about their bowel move- formation of routine daily activities into lengthy, meticu-
ments; and a young mother, to her distress, continually had lous rituals. Dressing or preparing a meal may take literally
thoughts of her toddler being run over by a truck. Most hours; the sequence and form of each step in the process is
patients are, at the very least, distressed by these obsessions, carefully and scrupulously observed, and any deviation
and many are horrified. All, at least initially, will try their leads to an accretion of severe anxiety. Only when com-
best to somehow stop the obsessions from occurring. pletely satisfied that the job has been perfectly done can the
Compulsions arise in response to irrational fears or con- patient move on to the next task of the day. Patients with
cerns, and in some way or other they serve to allay these fears. primary obsessive slowness typically have had, or continue
These strong urges give patients no peace, typically waxing to have, other compulsions, such as checking or washing.
ever stronger as patients try to resist carrying them out.
Compulsions are often categorized according to what
patients feel compelled to do: thus, for example, there are
checkers, washers, touchers, counters, and arrangers. A
Although obsessive–compulsive disorder generally pursues a
‘checker’, after going upstairs to bed, had doubts that he had
chronic course, exceptions do occur: in a small minority, per-
turned off the electric light downstairs and felt compelled to
haps 5 percent, symptoms undergo a complete, or near-
go back downstairs to check on it; despite finding the light
complete, spontaneous remission; in such cases, however,
off, however, the fear again arose once he had returned
relapses generally occur in the following years. Although in
upstairs, forcing him to go back once again, the process being
most chronic cases symptoms tend to wax and wane in sever-
repeated many times before the patient could finally get to
ity and frequency over long periods of time, in 10–15 percent
bed (Tuke 1894). ‘Washers’ are convinced that they have
the course is progressively downhill until patients’ lives are
been contaminated in some way, perhaps by dirt, ‘germs’, or
literally consumed by their obsessions and compulsions.
fecal material, and feel compelled to wash their hands, no
matter how clean they may be or how many times they have
already been washed; some may wash to the point of rawness, Etiology
yet still feel unclean. ‘Counters’ feel compelled to count to a
certain number and do it repeatedly, whereas ‘arrangers’, Obsessive–compulsive disorder is familial (Grabe et al. 2006;
under the compulsion to arrange things ‘just so’, may spend Pauls et al. 1995), and genetic research, although inconclusive,
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 639
is promising (Shugart et al. 2006); in some cases it appears cognitive–behavioral therapy; most patients do best with a
that obsessive–compulsive disorder may represent a pheno- combination of medication and one of these two tech-
typic variant of the same genes responsible for Tourette’s niques (Foa et al. 2005).
syndrome (Apter et al. 1993; Frankel et al. 1986). Although Serotoninergic drugs effective in obsessive–compulsive
neuropathologic studies are lacking, PET studies (Baxter disorder include clomipramine, venlafaxine, and the SSRIs.
et al. 1987, 1992; Benkelfat et al. 1990; Perani et al. 1995; Clomipramine is effective in the dose range 200–250 mg/day
Saxena et al. 2002) have demonstrated increased metabolic (Clomipramine Collaborative Study Group 1991), ven-
activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, caudate, and thalamus. lafaxine in a dose of 300 mg (Denys et al. 2003), fluoxetine
Furthermore, several lines of evidence suggest a disturbance (Bergeron et al. 2002; Pigott et al. 1990) in doses of
in serotoninergic functioning: all of the medicines effective in 20–60 mg/day (Tollefson et al. 1994), fluvoxamine
this disorder are serotoninergic; meta-chlorophenylpiper- (Freeman et al. 1994; Hollander et al. 2003a; Koran et al.
azine, a mixed agonist/antagonist at post-synaptic serotonin 1996) in doses of 100–300 mg/day, sertraline in doses of
receptors, generally increases the severity of symptoms 50–200 mg/day (Bergeron et al. 2002; Greist et al. 1995;
(Broocks et al. 1998; Hollander et al. 1992); and SPECT stud- Krong et al. 1999), paroxetine (Hollander et al. 2003b; Zohar
ies suggest disturbances in serotonin binding within the mid- and Judge 1996) in doses of 40–60 mg/day, and escitalopram
brain (Hasselbach et al. 2007) and caudate (Adams et al. in a dose of 20 mg/day (Stein et al. 2007). Most clinicians will
2005), and serotonin reuptake mechanisms within the thala- start with an SSRI, given their favorable side-effect profile
mus and brainstem (Hesse et al. 2005). relative to clomipramine (Zohar and Judge 1996); venlafax-
In a minority of childhood-onset cases it appears that ine represents a new addition to this armamentarium, and
obsessive–compulsive disorder occurs on an autoimmune its place is not as yet clear. Importantly, regardless of which
basis, via a mechanism similar to that seen in Sydenham’s medication is used, 6 weeks must be allowed to see an initial
chorea, and such patients are said to have one of the ‘PAN- response, and a full response may not be seen for 3 months.
DAS’ or ‘pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders When an initial trial of medication fails, several strategies
associated with streptococcal infections’ (Swedo et al. 1998). are available. First, one may consider an increased dose, for
In these cases, as in Sydenham’s chorea, a preceding beta- example increasing the dose of sertraline up to 400 mg
hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis initiates an autoimmune (Ninan et al. 2006). If dosage increase is either not tolerated
attack on the basal ganglia, resulting in obsessions and com- or ineffective, then one may consider switching from one
pulsions. Whether this group of patients should be consid- agent to another, for example from an SSRI to clomipramine
ered to have obsessive–compulsive disorder or a phenotype is or venlafaxine. Another option is to add an antipsychotic,
a nosologic question that has not as yet been answered. In such as risperidone (1–3 mg) (Li et al. 2005; McDougle et al.
any case, PANDAS should be suspected in cases in which 2000), haloperidol (2–5 mg) (Li et al. 2005; McDougle et al.
either the onset of the disorder or exacerbations are related to 1994, 2000), quetiapine (300–400 mg) (Denys et al. 2004), or
streptococcal pharyngitides, and the work-up should pro- olanzapine (5–20 mg) (Bystritsky et al. 2004). Of these
ceed as outlined for Sydenham’s chorea in Section 17.10. antipsychotics, risperidone is probably the treatment of first
Importantly, there is no relationship between obsessive– choice, as it is better tolerated than haloperidol (Li et al.
compulsive disorder and obsessive–compulsive personality 2005); experience with quetiapine is limited; and the long-
disorder. Although in the past, the personality disorder was term metabolic effects of olanzapine give one pause.
felt to provide the ‘fertile’ soil for the development of Importantly, these antipsychotics are effective only as aug-
obsessive–compulsive disorder, there is no evidence for this, menting agents and are not useful in monotherapy. In severe
and patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder are no and treatment-resistant cases, consideration may be given to
more likely to have a pre-existing obsessive–compulsive per- cingulotomy (Baer et al. 1995; Dougherty et al. 2002; Hay
sonality disorder than any other personality disorder (Baer et al. 1993), anterior capsulotomy, or deep brain stimulation
et al. 1990; Black et al. 1993; Joffe et al. 1988). of the anterior capsules (Greenberg et al. 2006).
In acute cases of obsessive–compulsive disorder occur-
ring as part of PANDAS, it is tempting to consider utilizing
Differential diagnosis the same sort of acute treatment as is recommended for
Sydenham’s chorea; although prednisone has not been
The differential diagnosis of obsessions and compulsions is studied in this regard, one study did report benefit from
discussed in detail in Section 4.17, and the reader is plasma exchange (Perlmutter et al. 1999). In chronic
encouraged to review that section. cases one might also consider preventive treatment with
benzathine penicillin.
Effective therapy involves the use of a serotoninergic med-
ication or either the behavioral techniques of exposure and Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may occur in prac-
response prevention (Foa et al. 1984; Steketee et al. 1982) or tically anyone who has been exposed to an overwhelmingly
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 640
traumatic event, for example combat (Lee et al. 1995), tor- Patients tend to be anxious, tense, and easily startled.
ture (Basoglu et al. 1994; Ramsey et al. 1993), concentra- Although often fatigued, they try to remain alert, as if on
tion camps (Kinzie et al. 1984), mass shootings (North guard against some fresh onslaught. There may be diffi-
et al. 1994), earthquakes (Goenjian et al. 1994), or fire, as culty with concentration, insomnia, and lability of mood;
in the famous Coconut Grove disaster in Boston in 1943 irritability is common, and patients may become enraged
(Adler 1943). Subsequent to the trauma, patients, in vari- with little or no provocation.
ous fashions, re-experience the event over and over again; Over time, a full depressive episode may occur, and alco-
there is also a general withdrawal from present life, and hol abuse or alcoholism may also occur, in which case one
patients tend to be anxious and easily startled. This is prob- typically sees a florid exacerbation of the symptoms of PTSD.
ably a common disorder, occurring in anywhere from 1 to
9 percent of the general population; it is probably more
frequent in females than males. Course
abnormalities. Cerebrospinal fluid levels of CRH are Malingerers and those with factitious illness, as dis-
increased (Baker et al. 1999, 2005), and this is similar to cussed in Section 7.8, may feign PTSD. In those feigning
what is seen in major depressive disorder. However, the combat-related PTSD, a review of military records may
cortisol response to dexamethasone, rather than being reveal the lie; in cases, however, in which an actual trauma
blunted as is seen in depression, is enhanced in PTSD did occur, for example a motor vehicle accident, the diag-
(Goenjian et al. 1996; Yehuda et al. 1993, 2004). nosis may have to wait upon resolution of pending litiga-
Hippocampal atrophy has been demonstrated by some tion, after which the ‘PTSD’ magically resolves.
(Bremner et al. 1995, 2003; Lindauer et al. 2006; Villarreal
et al. 2002), but not all (Bonne et al. 2001; Jatzko et al.
2006; Woodward et al. 2006), studies. The significance of Treatment
this finding is not clear. There are, at present, no prospec-
tive MRI studies of patients before and after trauma, and Cognitive–behavioral therapy appears to be effective.
hence it is not clear if hippocampal atrophy precedes the Certain antidepressants are also effective, including
trauma and perhaps represents an underlying anatomic phenelzine (Frank et al. 1988), imipramine (Davidson et al.
vulnerability, or merely represents an epiphenomenon, 1990), venlafaxine (Davidson et al. 2006), mirtazapine
perhaps related to the physiologic effects of stress. (Davidson et al. 2003), and the SSRIs fluoxetine (Connor
There is, apparently, only one neuropathologic study of et al. 1999; Martenyi et al. 2002; van der Kolk et al. 1994),
PTSD (Bracha et al. 2005). This study demonstrated a paroxetine (Marshall et al. 2001; Tucker et al. 2001), and
reduction in neuronal cell number in the locus ceruleus in sertraline (Brady et al. 2000; Davidson et al. 2001),
PTSD patients compared with control subjects. (although not all studies are in agreement regarding the
Overall, it appears reasonable to invoke a ‘stress–diathesis’ effectiveness of fluoxetine [Martenyi et al. 2007] or sertra-
model for the etiology of PTSD. However, although the line [Freidman et al. 2007]). Of the antidepressants, the
‘stress’ is clear, the nature of the diathesis is not. It may be, SSRIs have the longest track record, and one of these is gen-
however, that there are changes in certain structures that erally used first; consideration, however, may also be given
subserve emotional reactivity and remembrance, such as to mirtazapine or venlafaxine; imipramine is generally not
the locus ceruleus and the hippocampus, which may in turn as well tolerated, and phenelzine is difficult to use.
be related to disturbances in catecholamine activity and the Regardless of which antidepressant is chosen, a high dose
function of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis. may be required, and at least 6 weeks should be allowed to
pass before assessing any effects. In cases in which the anti-
depressant is either poorly tolerated or ineffective, consid-
Differential diagnosis eration may be given to switching to a different
antidepressant or, in patients on an SSRI, to augmentation
After a significant trauma, rather than developing PTSD, with either risperidone (1–2 mg) (Bartzokis et al. 2005;
individuals may develop a major depressive disorder, and the Reich et al. 2004) or olanzapine (10 mg) (Stein et al. 2002);
resulting depressive episode may at times be difficult to dis- of these two antipsychotics, risperidone is generally better
tinguish from the symptoms seen in PTSD. Certain features, tolerated over the long haul and should probably be tried
however, may enable a differential diagnosis to be made. first. Another medication to consider is prazosin. This
Patients with depression have a depressed mood rather than a alpha-1 antagonist has been shown in double-blind work to
sense of numbness or detachment; furthermore, patients reduce the nightmares seen in PTSD (Raskind et al. 2003,
with depression may experience ruminations, which are 2007), and may be started at 1 mg in the evening, with the
heavy, leaden recollections of misfortune, thus standing in dose increased in similar increments every few days until
contrast to the starkly vivid and mercurial recollections and patients obtain relief or limiting side-effects occur; most
flashbacks seen in PTSD. As noted earlier, patients with PTSD patients respond to a dose of about 13 mg. There is also sug-
may develop a depressive episode, but in these cases one sees gestive work indicating that daytime prazosin may provide
clear-cut PTSD preceding the onset of the depression. further relief (Taylor et al. 2006). A non-blind study also
In cases in which the original trauma was a head injury, suggests that cyproheptadine, in a night-time dose of
one must distinguish the features of a traumatic brain 4–12 mg, may reduce nightmares (Gupta et al. 1998).
injury or a post-concussion syndrome from PTSD, and As noted earlier, alcohol abuse or alcoholism not uncom-
this may be difficult. Certainly, one cannot entertain the monly accompany PTSD, and when this is the case it is criti-
diagnosis of PTSD in such cases unless patients display evi- cal to treat these, either first or concomitantly with the PTSD.
dence of involuntarily re-experiencing the original event,
such as vivid memories, nightmares or flashbacks. In post-
head trauma patients who do display such symptoms, 20.16 GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER
other symptoms, such as poor concentration, fatigue,
insomnia, lability, and irritability, may individually occur Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by a persistent,
secondary to a combined effect of the traumatic brain ‘free-floating’ anxiety, which is accompanied by autonomic
injury (or post-concussion syndrome) and PTSD. symptoms such as tremor. Although the lifetime prevalence
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 642
of this disorder has been estimated to be as high as 5 percent, In some patients, depressive episodes may be marked by
there has been some doubt expressed regarding this; as psychomotor change with agitation, and such patients may
noted below, it may be difficult to distinguish generalized experience restlessness, hand-wringing, and considerable
anxiety disorder from a chronic agitated depression, and tension, thus mimicking the picture seen in generalized
such misdiagnoses may have inflated the prevalence figures. anxiety disorder. Closer inquiry, however, will reveal addi-
tional symptoms in the depressed patient that are not seen
in generalized anxiety disorder, such as crying spells, anhe-
Clinical features donia, and anergia.
Other causes of persistent anxiety are discussed in
The onset is gradual and may occur in either teenage or Section 6.5. Of these, particular attention should be given
early adult years. to chronic use of caffeine or sympathomimetics, and to
Clinically (Anderson et al. 1984; Hoehn-Saric et al. 1989; alcohol or sedative–hypnotic withdrawal.
Marten et al. 1993; Nisita et al. 1990; Starcevic et al. 1994),
patients experience a chronic, pervasive sense of anxious
apprehension and tension. They frequently worry about the Treatment
future and are easily startled. Some complain of a sense of
shakiness, and there may be a mild degree of a fine postural Both cognitive–behavioral therapy and numerous medica-
tremor of the hands. There is occasionally tachycardia, and tions appear to be effective. Various antidepressants are
the skin is often cold and clammy. Insomnia may occur, effective, including imipramine (Hoehn-Saric et al. 1988;
and many complain of nausea and headache. Some patients Kahn et al. 1986; Rickels et al. 1993b), trazodone (Rickels
can offer no explanation for their symptoms, whereas et al. 1993b), venlafaxine (Davidson et al. 1999; Gelenberg
others will offer ‘reasons’ and blame their state on some life et al. 2000; Rickels et al. 2000), duloxetine (Endicott et al.
event or other. Observation over time, however, reveals that 2007), and the SSRIs paroxetine (Ball et al. 2005; Bielski
the anxiety is in fact autonomous and ‘free-floating’. et al. 2005; Pollack et al. 2001; Rickels et al. 2003), sertraline
(Allgulander et al. 2004; Ball et al. 2005; Brawman-Mintzer
et al. 2006; Dahl et al. 2005), and escitalopram (Bielski
Course et al. 2005). Alprazolam (Elie and Lamontagne 1984;
Enkelmann 1991; Hoehn-Saric et al. 1988), lorazepam
This appears to be a chronic disorder, with symptoms wax- (Laakmann et al. 1998), and diazepam (Elie and
ing and waning in intensity over the years or decades. In Lamontagne 1984; Rickels et al. 1993b) are likewise effec-
some cases there appear to be spontaneous remissions; tive, and consideration may also be given to hydroxyzine
however, it is not clear in what percentage of these cases (Lader and Scotto 1998; Llorca et al. 2002), buspirone
relapses eventually occur. (Enkelmann 1991; Laakmann et al. 1998; Lader and Scotto
1998; Rickels et al. 1988; Sramek et al. 1996), and pre-
Etiology gabalin (Montgomery et al. 2006; Rickels et al. 2005). The
antidepressants should be given in doses comparable to
Both family (Newman and Bland 2006; Noyes et al. 1987) those used in depression; total daily doses for the other
and twin studies (Hettema et al. 2001; Kendler et al. 1992) agents are 2–6 mg for alprazolam, 3 mg for lorazepam,
suggest a genetic role in generalized anxiety disorder, and 15–25 mg for diazepam, 50 mg for hydroxyzine, 15 mg for
although it is not entirely clear what is inherited, several buspirone, and 300–600 mg for pregabalin. Although
findings suggest abnormalities in GABAergic and nora- choosing among the various medications is not straight-
drenergic functioning. GAGAergic dysfunction is indicated forward, all other things being equal it is probably reason-
by the effectiveness of benzodiazepines in this disorder and able to start with an antidepressant: venlafaxine,
by the finding of reduced benzodiazepine receptor sites, not duloxetine, or one of the SSRIs constitute reasonable first
only on peripheral blood lymphocytes (Rocca et al. 1998) choices. Antidepressants take weeks to become effective,
but also in the left temporal pole (Tiihonen et al. 1997b). however, and many clinicians lean toward using one of the
Noradrenergic dysfunction is suggested both by the resem- benzodiazepines, given their prompt onset of effect;
blance of the symptoms seen in generalized anxiety disor- however, this advantage must be weighed against the high
der and those produced by noradrenergic agents and also probability of neuroadaptation and the rebound anxiety
by the presence of a reduced number of alpha-2 adrenergic that accompanies any missed doses or attempts at tapering.
receptors on platelets (Cameron et al. 1990). Hydroxyzine is also rapidly effective; however, although it
does not cause neuroadaptation, it does carry a consider-
able anticholinergic side-effect burden. Buspirone remains
Differential diagnosis a reasonable alternative but has never become particularly
popular. Pregabalin is the newest agent available for use
The most important disorder on the differential is a in this disorder, and its place in the armamentarium is not
chronic depressive episode of a major depressive disorder. as yet clear.
p 20.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 643
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Substance use disorders
Clinical features
Differential diagnosis
The onset of intoxication varies according to the prepara-
Intoxication with cocaine may be clinically indistinguish- tion used; after snorting, peak levels are reached within
able from stimulant intoxication, and the differential may 30–60 minutes, whereas after intravenous injection or
rest on history or drug screening. smoking, peak levels occur within seconds, creating a
Lacking a history (as is often the case, given the deceit and much more intense intoxication. During intoxication
denial seen in many cases), the elation and talkativeness of (Kleber and Gawin 1984), patients become euphoric,
the intoxication may suggest mania, and the irritability, hyperalert, talkative, and grandiose. Hyperactivity is com-
fatigue, and sleep disturbance of withdrawal may suggest mon, and with higher doses agitation may occur
depression. Drug screening is helpful here; however, obser- (Fischman et al. 1976). Some patients may experience
vation in a controlled environment will also tell the tale, as visual hallucinations, and these are typically of insects,
the symptoms resolve over the expected time period. which are often referred to as ‘cocaine bugs’; these halluci-
The stimulant-induced psychosis represents one of the nations may be accompanied by tactile hallucinations of
toxic psychoses, discussed in Section 7.1, and is suggested bugs crawling beneath the skin, and some patients may
by its emergence during an intoxication and its resolution excoriate themselves in an attempt to ‘get’ them. With mild
during enforced abstinence. intoxication libido increases, and in males there may be
delayed ejaculation; with more severe intoxication, how-
ever, there may be erectile dysfunction. In severe intoxica-
Treatment tion, especially after intravenous use or smoking, a
delirium may occur, with confusion, incoherence, lability,
Intoxication, if mild, may be managed with simple obser- and delusions and hallucinations. Other symptoms and
vation. In severe cases one may utilize an antipsychotic signs include mydriasis, hypertension, headache, nausea
such as haloperidol, in a dose of approximately 5 mg, either and vomiting, tachycardia, and arrhythmias or cardiac
as the concentrate or parenterally, with repeat doses every arrest (Hsue et al. 2007). Uncommonly, there may be
hour or so until the patient is calm, limiting side-effects occur chorea (‘crack dancing’) (Daras et al. 1994), tics (Pascual-
or a maximum dose of approximate 20 mg is reached. Leone and Dhuna 1990), myocardial infarction (Virmani
Stimulant psychosis may be treated with an antipsy- et al. 1988), rhabdomyolysis (Roth et al. 1988), stroke (due
chotic, such as haloperidol (5–10 mg) or risperidone to infarction, intracerebral hemorrhage or subarachnoid
(2–4 mg), with the understanding that the medication hemorrhage [Klonoff et al. 1989; Lichtenfeld et al. 1986;
may, given the natural course of the disorder, be eventually Nolte et al. 1996]), and, with chronic, repeated use, a cere-
discontinued. bral vasculitis (Fredericks et al. 1991; Krendel et al. 1990).
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Intoxication after snorting cocaine lasts from 30 to 60 min- characterized by ‘binges’, lasting anywhere from hours to a
utes, whereas after intravenous administration or smoking week, during which cocaine may be injected or smoked very
it lasts only 5–20 minutes. frequently, sometimes every 10 or 15 minutes; with such
Cocaine is rapidly metabolized by plasma and hepatic frequent use, however, the euphoria of the intoxication
esterases to such inactive metabolites as benzoylecgonine, becomes progressively briefer and the crashes progressively
and this metabolite may be found in the urine for up to a more severe, until finally either exhaustion or a lack of
week; of note, in some cases the level of this metabolite funds ends the binge. The intervals between binges vary
may fluctuate, such that a ‘negative’ urine test may occa- widely, from only a few days to up to weeks or months.
sionally be followed by a ‘positive’ one (Burke et al. 1990).
Shortly after resolution of the intoxication, most patients
will experience a ‘crash’, lasting from hours to a day, charac- Etiology
terized by fatigue, depressed mood, irritability, and anxiety.
Given that this ‘crash’ may occur with first-time use of Within the central nervous system cocaine both inhibits
cocaine as well as after widely spaced repeat intoxications, it the reuptake and facilitates the release of monoamines by
may not be appropriate to consider it a withdrawal syn- pre-synaptic neurons. Although both serotonin and nor-
drome. Clear-cut withdrawal, however, does occur with epinephrine are involved, it appears that the euphoriant
chronic use and indeed may appear after only a few days of effects of cocaine are related to the increased concentration
heavy use. The withdrawal symptoms (Weddington et al. of dopamine at the terminals of the mesolimbic and meso-
1990) include not only those seen in the ‘crash’ but also cortical dopaminergic pathways.
anhedonia, hyperphagia, insomnia, and, often, suicidal
ideation; furthermore, during withdrawal there is typically a
Differential diagnosis
tense craving for more cocaine. This withdrawal reaches a
maximum of severity within a few days and then gradually A clinical differentiation of cocaine intoxication from
remits over days or weeks. Rarely, dystonia may appear dur- stimulant intoxication may not be possible, and the differ-
ing withdrawal (Choy-Kwong and Lipton 1989). ential often rests on history or a drug screen.
Tolerance may develop rapidly with repeated use; Withdrawal may suggest depression and, when the his-
indeed, with a ‘run’ of intravenous use, tolerance may tory of cocaine use is unavailable, the differential may rest
appear within a day. Unfortunately, this tolerance applies on observation in a controlled environment, which will
only to the euphoriant effects of cocaine and not to its reveal the fairly rapid resolution of symptoms.
potentially lethal cardiovascular effects. The diagnosis of a persistent cocaine psychosis is gener-
After approximately two or more years of frequent cocaine ally straightforward as it is difficult to hide the history of
use, intoxications may become characterized by delusions chronic cocaine addiction. If, however, this history is not
of persecution and of reference, and by auditory hallucina- available, then the differential for psychosis, as discussed in
tions (Brady et al. 1991; Rosse et al. 1994; Satel et al. 1991; Section 7.1, must be pursued.
Sherer et al. 1988). Although initially these symptoms tend
to resolve shortly after the intoxication resolves (Brady
et al. 1991), over time, and with repeated episodes, they Treatment
appear with lower doses and also tend to last much longer
(Bartlett et al. 1997), in some cases creating a psychosis that For most cases of intoxication and post-intoxication
may persist for weeks (Manschreck et al. 1987), despite ‘crashes’, simple observation is sufficient. Even in cases of
abstinence. severe intoxication with delirium, observation, given the
brevity of the intoxication, is again generally all that is
required; if, however, agitation is severe, one may give a
Course dose of parenteral haloperidol in a dose of 5–10 mg.
Patients with severe withdrawal and suicidal ideation may
Recreational use of cocaine, that is occasional intoxications require hospitalization to protect themselves; hospitaliza-
without consequences, is generally seen only with ‘snort- tion may also be required in cases of cocaine abuse or
ing’. Abusive use, with legal, social, and medical conse- addiction to effect a period of abstinence, during which
quences, may also occur with snorting but is more common other measures may be initiated.
when cocaine is taken intravenously or smoked. Cocaine is The overall goal of treatment of cocaine abuse or addic-
one of the most, perhaps the most, addictive substances in tion is abstinence from cocaine and other substances, such
the world, and craving may develop rapidly, leading to as alcohol, benzodiazepines, and opioids. Patients may be
chronic, frequent use and the development of tolerance and referred to organizations such as Cocaine Anonymous or
withdrawal. When addiction does set in, the pattern of Narcotics Anonymous, and some may undergo cognitive
cocaine use may be either continuous or episodic. behavioral therapy. The efficacy of pharmacologic treatment
Continuous use is characterized by daily intoxication, for cocaine addiction is uncertain. Earlier claims for the
either via snorting, injection, or smoking. Episodic use is effectiveness of dopaminergic agents, such as amantadine,
p 21.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 659
levodopa or direct-acting dopaminergic agents (e.g., bromo- quite intense ‘rush’, which is then followed by a heightened
criptine) have not survived attempts at replication. More sense of empathy and connectedness with others. Second,
recent work has focused on other agents, such as modafinil it has become immensely popular, especially among young
(Dackis et al. 2005), baclofen (Shoptaw et al. 2003), disulfi- adults who may use it during all-night parties known as
ram (Carroll et al. 2004), tiagabine (Gonzalez et al. 2007), ‘raves’. Third, in addition to the possibility of a ‘bad trip’
topiramate (Kampman et al. 2004), and ondansetron (Kosten and Price 1992; Liester et al. 1992; Whitaker-
(Johnson et al. 2006), but, in my opinion, experience with Azmita and Aronson 1989; Winstock 1991), MDMA may
these more recent pharmacologic approaches is as yet too cause significant complications, including arrhythmias,
limited to warrant their widespread use. cardiac arrest, severe hyponatremia, hyperpyrexia, rhab-
domyolysis with renal failure, and hepatitis (Fahal et al.
1992; Greene et al. 2003; Hartung et al. 2002; Shearman et
al. 1992). In addition to these immediately obvious seque-
21.3 HALLUCINOGENS lae, there is also evidence that MDMA may cause long-
lasting, and perhaps permanent, short-term memory loss
The hallucinogens (also known as psychotomimetics) can
(Bolla et al. 1998; Gouzoulis-Mayfrank et al. 2000;
be roughly divided into two groups, namely the indolealky-
Zakzanis et al. 2001).
lamines and the phenylalkylamines. Of the indolealky-
Tolerance develops rapidly to the intoxicating effects of
lamines, the prototype is lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD);
all of the hallucinogens (with the sole exception of DMT),
other members include psilocybin, dimethyltryptamine
and most patients must wait a few days before they can
(DMT), and 5-methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine (‘Foxy’).
again achieve intoxication (Isbell et al. 1956). Interestingly,
Among the phenylalkylamines, mescaline is the prototype,
despite the occurrence of tolerance, withdrawal phenom-
and this is joined by numerous other compounds including
ena do not occur.
dimethoxymethylamphetamine (DOM), dimethoxyam-
A small minority of patients may develop certain seque-
phetamine (DMA), methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA),
lae after intoxication, including flashbacks, mood changes,
3,4-methylenedioxy-N-ethylamphetamine (MDEA or
or a psychosis.
‘Eve’), and the very popular 3,4-methylenedioxymetham-
Flashbacks (Abraham 1983; Frosch et al. 1965; Horowitz
phetamine (MDMA or ‘Ecstasy’). With the exception of
1969) may occur in up to one-quarter of patients, during
DMT, which must be insufflated, smoked, or injected
which, although not intoxicated, patients re-experience one
(Strassman et al. 1994a,b), all of the hallucinogens are active
or more of the symptoms that occurred during a prior
orally and are usually taken in this fashion.
intoxication; classically, patients experience visual halluci-
nations, which may be complex or quite simple, or may
consist of ‘trailing’, a kind of palinopsia in which after-
Clinical features images follow along after patients divert their gaze away
from an object. As with the hallucinations occurring during
Intoxication begins within 20–60 minutes after oral inges- intoxication, patients retain insight and recognize the flash-
tion and is characterized by a profound, ‘cosmic’ sense, backs as unreal. Flashbacks may occur spontaneously or
without any drowsiness or sedation (Bercel et al. 1956; may be precipitated by moving into a darkened area or by
Freedman 1968; Hollister et al. 1960; Isbell et al. 1956; the use of alcohol, cannabis, or an antipsychotic drug.
Ungerleider et al. 1966). Patients may experience vivid Flashbacks may be infrequent or occur multiple times daily,
memories, and commonplace events may appear exceed- and they may remit spontaneously after a few weeks or
ingly meaningful. Visual illusions and hallucinations are months or persist indefinitely. When flashbacks occur fre-
common, and a minority may experience synesthesiae or quently, chronically, and cause distress, by convention one
simple auditory hallucinations; importantly, patients speaks of ‘hallucinogen persisting perception disorder’.
maintain insight during intoxication and recognize the Mood changes may appear shortly after intoxication
hallucinations as being unreal. Mild degrees of tachycardia, resolves, generally within a few days, and may consist of
elevated blood pressure, mydriasis, fine tremor, hyper- depression or, less commonly, mania. These mood changes
reflexia, and poor coordination may be seen, and the tem- are typically quite brief, lasting in the order of days, and only
perature may be elevated. In a minority of cases the rarely weeks, after which patients return to their baseline.
intoxication may turn into a ‘bad trip’, with the develop- Psychosis (McGuire et al. 1994) may emerge with reso-
ment of severe anxiety, which may be accompanied by lution of the intoxication; it is generally characterized by
delusions of persecution and of reference (Kuramochi and one or more of the hallucinations or delusions seen during
Takahashi 1964). Most intoxications last in the order of the intoxication, with the critical difference that insight is
6–24 hours; exceptions include psilocybin and DMT, lost and patients now experience them as real and react to
which produce shorter intoxications lasting 2–6 hours. them accordingly. Although this ‘hallucinogen-induced
Intoxication with MDMA (‘Ecstasy’) deserves special psychotic disorder’ generally remits spontaneously after a
mention for several reasons. First, unlike the other hallu- few days, in a small minority it may persist for weeks,
cinogens, intoxication is characterized by an initial, often months, or longer.
p 21.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 660
Tolerance does not appear to occur and it is unclear if a the characteristic signs seen in arylcyclohexylamine intoxi-
withdrawal syndrome exists. Some patients, shortly after cation, including dysarthria, ataxia, and nystagmus; fur-
resolution of the intoxication, may complain of a ‘letdown’ thermore, in hallucinogen intoxication one sees mydriasis
lasting a day or so, with dysphoria, irritability, and insom- rather than the miosis of arylcyclohexylamine intoxication.
nia; however, as this can occur after the first dose of either In the absence of a history of ingestion, the delirium of
drug, and does not worsen with prolonged use, it is proba- moderate intoxication and the stupor or coma of severe
bly not appropriate to consider it a withdrawal syndrome. intoxication may present a diagnostic puzzle in the emer-
A minority of patients may experience persistent seque- gency room, with the differential being pursued as out-
lae after intoxication, including mood changes, psychosis, lined in Section 5.3.
delirium, or dementia. Although these are described below The various post-intoxication sequelae are suggested by
as discrete entities, it must be borne in mind that individ- the history of intoxication; lacking this, the differential
ual patients may at times have a mixture of these sequelae. expands, as discussed in the sections on the respective syn-
Mood changes tend toward mania, and manic symp- dromes.
toms may persist for days to a week or more. Depression
may also occur but tends to be seen only in long-term,
heavy users; such depressions may be relatively long-lasting, Treatment
persisting sometimes for many weeks.
Psychosis is characterized by a persistence of the delu- Intoxicated patients should be observed in a supervised
sions and hallucinations that are seen in moderate degrees setting. Patients should be separated from unnecessary
of intoxication; although this syndrome tends to resolve stimulation, and isolation in a quiet, dimly lit, well-
spontaneously within days to a week or so, there are rare protected room with constant monitoring is often best;
reports of a chronic psychosis occurring after heavy use of unlike hallucinogen-intoxicated patients, arylcyclohexy-
phencyclidine. lamine-intoxicated patients do not respond well to verbal
Delirium, as noted earlier, may be seen during moderate support, and cannot be ‘talked down’. Restraints may be
intoxication, and this may persist beyond the resolution of required but should be used sparingly given that patients
other signs and symptoms, lasting from days up to a week. who struggle against them may undergo worse rhabdomy-
Dementia constitutes a rare sequela of prolonged and olysis (Lahmeyer and Stock 1983). Agitation, delusions,
very heavy use of phencyclidine, and this may persist for and hallucinations, if problematic, may be treated with an
months and up to a year or more, despite abstinence. antipsychotic such as haloperidol (Giannini et al. 1984).
Patients may develop decreased short-term memory, con- Dystonia, if severe, and opisthotonus may be treated with
creteness, an expressive aphasia, and a personality change intravenous lorazepam, and seizures may be treated with
with dysphoria, irritability, and impulsivity. intravenous lorazepam and, if repetitive, fosphenytoin.
Vigorous general medical care may be required for hyper-
Course thermia, hypertension, and rhabdomyolysis.
In the case of phencyclidine, which is ‘trapped’ in the
Occasional recreational use of either phencyclidine or ket- gastric fluid, consideration may be given to treatment with
amine, without consequences, is not uncommon in late activated charcoal followed by continuous nasogastric suc-
adolescence or early adult years. Prolonged and repeated tioning.
use, despite medical or social consequences, appears The treatment of the various post-intoxication sequelae
uncommon, and such abuse of these drugs tends to resolve is discussed in the respective sections on these syndromes.
while patients are still in their twenties. Craving does not Once intoxication and any post-intoxication sequelae
appear to occur and addiction is not seen. have resolved, efforts should be undertaken to ensure
abstinence, which may include involvement in Narcotics
Etiology Anonymous.
Clinical features the amnesia is not complete and patients can recall some of
what happened (Tamerin et al. 1971).
Alcohol intoxication of mild degree is characterized by Pathological intoxication (Perr 1986), although long
euphoria, talkativeness, and a degree of disinhibition; in written of (Banay 1944; May and Ebaugh 1953), is a con-
some patients there may be some irritability or dysphoria troversial diagnosis (Coid 1979). Putatively, patients, after
rather than euphoria. In moderate intoxication, the behav- only a small amount of alcohol, undergo a dramatic
ior becomes coarse and the thinking is slow and unclear. change, becoming uncharacteristically irritable and often
There is facial flushing, conjunctival injection, dysarthria, violent. One study was able to reproduce these symptoms
nystagmus, and ataxia. With severe intoxication there is in patients thought to have suffered pathologic intoxica-
drowsiness, stupor, and disabling ataxia; coma may ensue, tion (Maletzky 1976), whereas another was not (Bach-
with respiratory depression and death. y-Rita et al. 1971); if indeed pathologic intoxication does
The blood alcohol level (BAL) is customarily reported in exist, it is probably rare.
milligrams/deciliter or, as it is often worded, milligrams Tolerance to alcohol typically develops gradually with
percent (mg%). In an alcohol-naive subject, mild intoxica- chronic, repeated intoxications, and greater and greater
tion is seen at 100 mg%, moderate intoxication at 200 mg%, amounts must be drunk to achieve the desired intoxica-
and severe intoxication at 300 mg%; in the alcohol-naive tion. Thus, whereas in the alcohol-naive patient levels of
patient, levels of 400 mg% generally cause coma, and levels 100 mg% typically cause intoxication, those with tolerance
of approximately 500 mg%, respiratory depression. may need to reach a level of 300 mg% before they begin to
In general, in a 70-kg subject, the rapid consumption of ‘feel’ the alcohol; indeed, in some cases alcohol-tolerant
15 mL of pure, 100% ethanol will elevate the BAL by about patients may sustain levels of 500 mg% without loss of con-
15–20 mg%, and this amount of pure ethanol is generally sciousness (Adachi et al. 1991; Minion et al. 1989).
found in one mixed drink, one can of beer, or one glass of Interestingly, late in the course of alcoholism, some
wine. In those with normal hepatic function, ethanol is patients may fairly rapidly ‘lose’ their tolerance. In such
metabolized at a rate of 5–10 mL/hour. Of interest, females cases, patients who had previously been able to consume a
tend to become intoxicated with a smaller amount of liter of liquor and still be standing may now find them-
ingested alcohol than males, and this may be because of a selves hopelessly and severely intoxicated after only a few
reduction in gastric alcohol dehydrogenase activity, thus drinks.
allowing a greater percentage of the ingested alcohol to Alcohol withdrawal (Isbell et al. 1955), colloquially
escape this initial metabolic step (Frezza et al. 1990). known as the ‘shakes’, although generally seen only in alco-
After the intoxication has passed, patients may experi- holics, may be seen in anyone who engages in heavy, pro-
ence a ‘hangover’, which may last from hours up to a day. longed drinking. The symptoms appear gradually,
This is characterized by headache, malaise, dysphoria, nau- anywhere from 4 to 12 hours after the BAL has fallen below
sea, mild tremulousness, and diaphoresis. the patient’s ‘threshold’ for intoxication. Importantly, this
Blackouts may occur during moderate or severe alcohol implies that for some patients, such as alcoholics who have
intoxication and consist of transient episodes of antero- developed tolerance, withdrawal symptoms may appear
grade amnesia, lasting anywhere from minutes to days, while the patient is still drinking, provided that the alcohol
depending on how long the BAL remains high (Goodwin consumption has ‘slowed down’ sufficiently.
1971; Goodwin et al. 1969a). During a blackout, patients’ Symptoms include tremulousness, anxiety, easy starta-
behavior may, to casual inspection, not appear to be bility, poor memory and concentration, fleeting and
changed: patients may recall what they were doing at the poorly formed visual or auditory hallucinations, insomnia
start of the blackout and may also be able to keep track of (Johnson et al. 1970), elevated temperature, pulse and sys-
ongoing events sufficiently well that they are able to keep tolic blood pressure, mydriasis, generalized hyper-reflexia,
up a conversation, play cards, etc. If, however, short-term diaphoresis, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. The most
memory is tested during the blackout, one finds that prominent symptom of alcohol withdrawal, however, is
patients are unable to recall anything that happened much tremor, and it is from this that the syndrome derives its
more than 5 minutes earlier. Furthermore, once the black- colloquial name. The tremor is postural, rapid, and ranges
out ends, the time period covered by the blackout remains in amplitude from fine to coarse; it may be confined to the
an ‘island of amnesia’ to patients, who can recall little or outstretched hands or be more widespread, even general-
nothing of the events that transpired during the blackout. ized, involving the eyelids and tongue in severe cases.
Should blacked-out patients fall asleep during the black- Rarely one may see transient myoclonus or chorea.
out, they may, upon awakening the next day, anxiously ask Most patients recognize that a drink will ‘solve’ their
acquaintances what they did the night before. Those who problem, and many will take some ‘hair of the dog that bit
are still awake when the blackout abruptly ends may be you’. This does offer temporary relief of the shakes but of
quite startled at their situation; one patient (Goodwin et al. course threatens to set off a vicious cycle.
1969b) ‘found himself dancing with no recollection of what Alcohol withdrawal generally peaks within a couple of
he had been doing during the previous six hours’. A variant days and then gradually settles over the next 2 or 3 days.
of blackouts, known as ‘brownouts’, may occur in which Among recreational or abusive drinkers, the symptoms
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may gradually resolve fully within a week, but among alco- Other disorders often accompany alcohol intoxication,
holics, residual symptoms may persist for up to 6 months. especially in patients with alcoholism. Falls and motor
Alcohol withdrawal seizures, also known as ‘rum fits’, are vehicle accidents are common, and traumatic brain injury
a rare accompaniment of the alcohol withdrawal syn- (Section 7.5), especially with subdural hematoma (Section
drome, seen only in a few percent of alcoholics (Schuckit et 11.1), is not uncommon. Vitamin deficiencies may occur:
al. 1993); typically they occur only after many years of thiamine deficiency may cause a Wernicke’s encephalopa-
heavy drinking and repeated episodes of alcohol with- thy (Section 13.4), and the much less commonly seen
drawal. They may occur within hours to 2 days after either niacin deficiency may cause the acute, encephalopathic
a cessation of alcohol use or a substantial reduction in the form of pellagra (Section 13.3). Among alcoholics, recur-
amount consumed and typically consist of grand mal rent attacks of alcoholic hepatitis may lead to hepatic cir-
seizures, which may, in about one-quarter of cases, have rhosis and, in some, to a hepatic encephalopathy (Section
focal features. Most patients have only one seizure; occa- 13.19). Alcoholics are also prone to infection and aspira-
sionally patients may experience two or three, or even a tion pneumonia is not uncommon; bacterial meningitis
half-dozen, and very rarely status epilepticus may occur. may also occur but this is relatively rare. Hypoglycemia
Delirium tremens (Lundquist 1961; Nielsen 1965; may occur, not only due to malnourishment but also to the
Rosenbaum et al. 1941), also known as alcohol withdrawal direct inhibitory effect alcohol has on hepatic gluconeoge-
delirium or simply the ‘DTs’, is generally seen only in alco- nesis; hypomagnesemia may also be seen. Gastritis, bleed-
holics who have been drinking heavily for many years and ing esophageal varices, and pancreatitis may likewise
who have had repeated episodes of alcohol withdrawal; the occur. Chronic hyponatremia may be seen in some cases,
presence of a concurrent illness, such as pneumonia, and its overly rapid correction may cause central pontine
hepatic failure, or gastrointestinal bleeding, increases the myelinolysis (Section 13.17).
risk. Clinically, patients first develop a typical alcohol with- Patients who have survived a Wernicke’s encephalopa-
drawal syndrome, and in about 10 percent of cases there thy may be left with the chronic amnesia of Korsakoff’s
may be an alcohol withdrawal seizure. After anywhere syndrome (Section 13.4). Long-term, chronic alcoholism
from hours to a week or more, but generally within 2–3 may also be associated with the gradual development of
days, there is a dramatic exacerbation of the typical alcohol various other disorders, including alcoholic dementia
withdrawal symptoms accompanied by the appearance of (Section 22.8), alcohol hallucinosis (Section 22.9), alco-
delirium. In addition to confusion, disorientation, and holic paranoia (Section 22.10), Marchiafava–Bignami dis-
short-term memory loss, patients typically also experience ease (Section 22.11), alcoholic cerebellar degeneration, and
hallucinations and delusions. Visual hallucinations are alcoholic polyneuropathy.
most common, and they tend to be extremely vivid and
complex, typically involving animals or insects: dogs may
circle the bed; rats eat at the toes; bugs crawl on the arms Course
and face and the patient may try and swat them away.
Tactile hallucinations may accompany the visual ones, and Recreational or ‘social’ use of alcohol is almost ubiquitous in
the patient may feel animals tearing at the flesh or bugs bit- most parts of the world, but the intoxications here are gen-
ing into the skin. Auditory hallucinations may occur. erally mild and, although a significant minority of recre-
Patients may hear bells, whistles, or alarms, and at times ational drinkers may experience blackouts and some may
voices; when voices do occur they tend to be critical and suffer head trauma, the other consequences of alcohol use
persecutory. Delusions are common and tend to be perse- described above do not occur. Alcohol abuse is character-
cutory and referential. Patients may believe that staff are ized by recurrent intoxication despite significant medical,
conspiring against them to have them killed and may social, and legal consequences, and these patients, in addi-
believe that chance conversations refer especially to them. tion to episodes of intoxication of moderate or severe
Delirium tremens is fatal in 5–20 percent of cases, with degree, commonly experience blackouts and may develop a
patients succumbing to concurrent illnesses such as pneu- degree of tolerance and experience minor episodes of the
monia, hepatic failure, cardiac arrhythmias, or hypov- alcohol withdrawal syndrome; these patients, however, do
olemic shock. Those who survive generally experience a not have a craving for alcohol and, albeit with some effort,
gradual remission of symptoms within a day to 2 or 3 are able to either moderate their drinking or stop altogether.
weeks, with most recovering within several days. Alcoholism emerges from alcohol abuse and is signalled by
Rarely, one may see a variant of delirium tremens the development of craving, with an inability to ‘leave it
known as delirium tremens sine tremore (trembling delir- alone’, and by clear-cut tolerance and frequent episodes of
ium without tremor). Here, the tremor and other auto- moderate or severe alcohol withdrawal; alcoholics are also
nomic symptoms classically associated with delirium prone to alcohol withdrawal seizures, delirium tremens, and
tremens are either minimal or absent, and patients present all of the other disorders described earlier, such as head
with a ‘quiet’ delirium, seemingly undisturbed while all trauma and Wernicke’s encephalopathy.
the time experiencing confusion, hallucinations, and Alcoholism is a common disorder, seen in about 10 per-
delusions. cent of the adult population in the United States, and is
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much more frequent in males than females. In most cases of (or other sedative–hypnotics) and ethylene glycol, there is
alcoholism, excessive alcohol use begins in the late teens or no odor of alcohol on the breath, and in the case of ethyl-
early twenties, and progressively and gradually worsens ene glycol one will also see an increased anion gap. Both
until the full clinical picture is reached after a decade or so; isopropyl alcohol and methanol intoxication may be
exceptions to this pattern do occur, however, and in some accompanied by an odor of alcohol; however, in these
cases the onset may be delayed until middle years or the intoxications there is prominent nausea and vomiting and,
progression may be unusually rapid. Among alcoholics, furthermore, in methanol intoxication one finds bilateral
drinking becomes the primary need in life, and patients dimming or loss of vision. Consideration must also be
continue to drink despite disastrous consequences. Denial given to some of the other disorders that may accompany
is ubiquitous, and almost all alcoholics will strenuously intoxication, especially in cases in which intoxicated
deny that they have a problem with drinking or they will patients fail to sober up within the expected time frame,
attempt to rationalize it in one way or another. Most alco- including especially head trauma, infection, hypoglycemia,
holics, at least initially, will try at times to control their and hypomagnesemia.
drinking, perhaps after a hospital stay, incarceration for Blackouts must be distinguished from certain other
driving while intoxicated, or the angry departure of a causes of episodic anterograde amnesia, as discussed in
spouse, and some may experience some success at this, only Section 5.4. Transient global amnesia and pure epileptic
to soon find themselves again hopelessly intoxicated. The amnesia are distinguished by the absence of other signs of
overall course of alcoholism may be episodic or chronic. intoxication, such as dysarthria. Concussion may occur
The episodic course is characterized by more or less lengthy during intoxication, but the evidence of head injury is
episodes, or ‘binges’, during which there are frequent, generally obvious.
closely spaced intoxications; these binges may last anywhere Alcohol withdrawal may be clinically indistinguishable
from weeks to months, and in between them patients gen- from withdrawal from benzodiazepines or other sedative–
erally remain abstinent. The chronic course may be appar- hypnotics, and the diagnosis therefore rests on the history
ent from the onset of the alcoholism or may supervene of substance use, keeping in mind that many patients will
upon a prior episodic course; in this chronic course there also use these other agents in addition to alcohol.
are repeated, more or less closely spaced intoxications with- Hypoglycemia, not uncommonly seen in intoxicated alco-
out any intervening periods of sobriety of any significant holics, may produce a similar picture (Fredericks and
length. Regardless of whether the course is episodic or Lazor 1963; de Moura et al. 1967) and, as noted below, a
chronic, spontaneous, full remissions are rare and most blood glucose determination should be standard.
alcoholics continue to drink despite losing jobs, friends, Alcohol withdrawal seizures, in a sense, should be con-
families, and their health, and indeed they continue to do so sidered a ‘rule-out’ diagnosis, given the large number of
until they are either institutionalized or dead. other conditions that may produce grand mal seizures in
alcoholics. To begin with, patients with epilepsy of any
cause are more likely to have seizures during alcohol with-
Etiology drawal. Seizures may also occur secondary to some of the
other disorders noted above, including head trauma,
Alcohol intoxication may reflect not only increases in mem- Wernicke’s encephalopathy, hepatic encephalopathy, hypo-
brane fluidity, with consequent changes in ion channel func- glycemia, hypomagnesemia, and the rare cases of bacterial
tion, but also alcohol-mediated sensitization of gamma- meningitis or Marchiafava–Bignami disease.
aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors and inhibition of Delirium tremens may be clinically indistinguishable
NMDA glutamate receptors. With repeated, frequent intoxi- from benzodiazepine or sedative–hypnotic withdrawal
cations, it is suspected that there is a chronic down-regulation delirium, and the differential here rests on the history of
of GABA receptors and an up-regulation of NMDA substance use. Other disorders capable of causing a ‘trem-
receptors, and that it is these changes that predispose to the bling delirium’ with marked autonomic signs include the
development of the alcohol withdrawal syndrome and delir- serotonin syndrome, the neuroleptic malignant syndrome,
ium tremens. The mechanisms underlying blackouts, patho- thyroid storm, and hypoglycemia. In some cases, alcohol
logic intoxication, and alcohol withdrawal seizures are not withdrawal may be accompanied by a delirium secondary
clear. Although the etiology of alcoholism itself is not known, to one of the other disorders seen in alcoholics, thus pro-
it is clear that hereditary factors play a major role, accounting ducing a clinical picture that may be easily passed off as
for approximately 60 percent of cases. delirium tremens rather than an etiologically multifactor-
ial delirium; consideration should therefore be given to
the presence of Wernicke’s encephalopathy, hepatic
Differential diagnosis encephalopathy, traumatic brain injury, hypomagnesemia,
encephalopathic pellagra, Marchiafava–Bignami disease,
Alcohol intoxication may be mimicked by intoxication with meningitis, pneumonia with sepsis, and, in patients who
various other substances, but certain signs allow for a dif- have undergone correction of hyponatremia, central pon-
ferential. In the case of intoxication with benzodiazepines tine myelinolysis.
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provides coverage with lorazepam during the first few days Overall, the goal of treatment of alcoholism is absti-
of withdrawal, when the risk of seizures and delirium nence. Although attempts have been made to enable alco-
tremens is highest, and the advantage of getting away from holics to continue drinking in a ‘controlled’ fashion, these
potentially intoxicating substances as soon as possible, find are not reliable and cannot be recommended: the goal of
the combination strategy acceptable. Clinical judgment is abstinence must be stated to alcoholics clearly, starkly, and
clearly required here. Certainly, if there is a history of with- unmistakably. Whether the same applies to alcohol abusers
drawal seizures or delirium tremens, then one should is not clear; however, given the risk that alcohol abuse may
strongly consider a full course of lorazepam, or, if a combi- evolve into alcoholism or that, if it doesn’t, further drink-
nation strategy is otherwise very attractive, a longer initial ing may get out of control with disastrous consequences, it
course of lorazepam should be considered before phasing is prudent to advance the same goal to alcohol abusers.
into treatment with an AED alone. Although some alcoholics are able to stop drinking by
Alcohol withdrawal seizures generally present in the an extraordinary act of will, this is rare and the vast major-
context of an alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and it has ity will continue to drink unless they receive help. In such
been shown that after a first seizure the intravenous cases, various psychosocial methods are helpful and may
administration of 2 mg of lorazepam will reduce the risk of be offered. Pharmacologic treatment of alcoholism, utiliz-
a second seizure over the next 6 hours (D’Onofrio et al. ing acamprosate, naltrexone, topiramate, disulfiram, or
1999). It is therefore probably reasonable to treat these divalproex, although at times helpful, is adjunctive only
patients with lorazepam, as described for alcohol with- and cannot replace psychosocial treatments.
drawal, either throughout the course of the withdrawal or, Various psychotherapies, such as cognitive behavioral
if a combination strategy is used, for the first few days, after therapy, have been utilized, and in some cases are success-
which carbamazepine or divalproex may be used alone. ful. A referral to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), however,
Should status epilepticus occur, most clinicians will give should be considered, regardless of whether patients are
fosphenytoin. referred to psychotherapy. Many patients are also hospital-
Delirium tremens represents a medical emergency. ized in residential treatment facilities, and this may be nec-
Patients should be treated with intravenous lorazepam in essary to effect a period of sobriety of sufficient length to
doses of 2 mg every 1–2 hours until they are lightly sedated, allow patients to begin to think clearly again; during such
and massive doses may be required to accomplish this. stays patients are often engaged in various psychotherapies
Once patients are comfortable and the autonomic signs are and, importantly, are often taken to AA meetings.
well controlled, the dose of lorazepam may then be gin- Alcoholics Anonymous is the oldest treatment
gerly tapered, generally in daily decrements approximately approach to alcoholism and, if participated in fully, has an
equivalent to 10 percent of the total daily dose required for excellent success rate. The key word here is ‘fully’: no treat-
initial control. In many cases, lorazepam, although capable ment works unless patients are compliant, and AA is no
of calming patients and quelling tremor and other auto- exception. Patients must be told that much will be
nomic symptoms, does not control hallucinations and expected of them but that, if they persist, they will become
delusions, and in these cases an antipsychotic should be sober. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are available
considered, such as haloperidol or risperidone. Haloperidol around the world, and in the United States contact may be
may be given in a dose of 1–5 mg, and risperidone in doses made by simply calling directory assistance in virtually any
of 0.25–1 mg every hour, until symptoms are acceptably city. Patients should be instructed to attend meetings as
controlled, limiting side-effects occur, or a maximum dose frequently as possible, ideally attending ‘ninety meetings in
of approximately 20 mg of haloperidol or 5 mg of risperi- ninety days’, and to get an AA ‘sponsor’. Should patients
done is achieved. Once symptoms are controlled, the protest that they don’t have the time to go to a meeting
antipsychotic should be continued in approximately the every day, they may be gently, but clearly, reminded that
same total daily dose (divided into two or three doses) they have a debilitating and potentially fatal disease, and
until the symptoms have been well controlled for at least a that the time spent at meetings will pay off not only in
few consecutive days, after which the drug may generally keeping them alive but also in salvaging what is left of their
be tapered and discontinued over the following few days. careers and relationships.
Further suggestions for the overall treatment of delirium Of the medications to be considered, naltrexone, acam-
are discussed in Section 5.3. prosate, and possibly topiramate may each partially reduce
In addition to the routine laboratory tests described ear- either the urge to drink or the intoxication that occurs with
lier, a careful search should be made for other illnesses, drinking; disulfiram, by contrast, induces a toxic ‘Antabuse
such as pneumonia, pancreatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, reaction’ if patients do drink, thus adding another motiva-
hepatic failure, etc., as one or more of these is usually pres- tion to remain sober, and divalproex, as noted earlier, may
ent. Diaphoresis, vomiting, and diarrhea may cause dehy- ease some of the lingering residual withdrawal symptoms,
dration, and massive fluid replacement may be required. especially insomnia, thus removing these as motivations to
In those rare cases of delirium tremens sine tremore, drink or use sedatives.
antipsychotics alone, coupled with other measures dis- Naltrexone, given only to patients with normal hepatic
cussed in Section 5.3, may be all that is required. function, is used orally in a dose of 50 mg daily, and
p 21.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 667
acamprosate, in patients with normal renal function, is given with alcohol or other substances, such as opioids, stimu-
in a dose of 666 mg three times daily; it appears that naltrex- lants or cocaine, they may at times be used in isolation.
one is more effective than acamprosate (Morley et al. 2006), Table 21.1 lists these various agents, grouped according to
although the combination of naltrexone plus acamprosate their half-lives, as short acting (generally less than 6 hours),
appears to be more effective than naltrexone alone (Kiefer intermediate acting (6–18 hours) or long acting (generally
et al. 2003). Topiramate is used in total daily doses of approx- over 24 hours). This classification is useful as it allows one
imately 100–200 mg (Johnson et al. 2003). Each one of these to make a rough prediction as to when withdrawal, with-
three agents has been shown to reduce the number of drink- drawal seizures, or withdrawal delirium is likely to occur.
ing days in patients who do ‘slip’ and drink, although the The popularity of these various agents has changed over
overall results are modest at best. Disulfiram is begun in a time. The barbiturates, meprobamate, and chloral hydrate,
dose of 500 mg daily, with the dose reduced to 250 mg daily once commonly abused, have been supplanted by the ben-
after 1 or 2 weeks; patients should be given a graphic descrip- zodiazepines, among which alprazolam, lorazepam, and
tion of the toxic reaction that they may expect should they diazepam are most popular.
ingest even a miniscule amount of alcohol, and, given the
potential toxicity of disulfiram, treatment is generally main- Clinical features
tained for only a matter of months. Divalproex neither
reduces the urge to drink nor the intoxication that occurs As indicated, the clinical features of sedative–hypnotic use
with drinking, but may, in doses similar to those used for are similar to those of alcohol, and thus one may see seda-
alcohol withdrawal, reduce lingering withdrawal symptoma- tive–hypnotic intoxication, blackouts, tolerance, with-
tology. Choosing among these medications is not straightfor- drawal, withdrawal seizures, and withdrawal delirium.
ward. Out of naltrexone, acamprosate, and topiramate, all Each of these is discussed below in turn.
other things being equal, it is probably reasonable to begin When mild, sedative–hypnotic intoxication with barbi-
with naltrexone. Given its toxicity, disulfiram should be turates (Curran 1938, 1944; Isbell et al. 1950), meproba-
reserved for highly motivated patients. The place of dival- mate (Roache and Griffiths 1987), or benzodiazepines is
proex is not as yet clear; however, if it has been used during characterized by euphoria, a degree of affective lability, and
treatment of alcohol withdrawal, and one can predict a lin- disinhibition. With moderate intoxication, reaction time is
gering withdrawal, it is reasonable to continue it. slowed, lethargy and drowsiness appear, and patients often
Although these medications may be helpful, patients develop nystagmus, dysarthria, and ataxia; falls may occur,
must not be allowed to think that their use can substitute with possible head injury. With severe intoxication stupor
for involvement in psychosocial treatments. Many patients or coma may occur, with respiratory depression and death.
fondly hope for a ‘magic bullet’ that will resolve their alco- Sedative–hypnotic blackouts are quite similar to those
holism, and such hopes must be firmly dashed. The overall seen with alcohol; although possible with long-acting
role of the physician in the treatment of alcoholism per se is
generally limited to treatment of some of the complica-
tions of alcoholism (e.g., hepatic failure) and to treatment Table 21.1 Sedative–hypnotics grouped by duration of effect
of any concurrent disorders, such as depression, panic dis-
Short-acting (less than 6 hours) Triazolam
order, or schizophrenia. As a general rule, in prescribing
medications for these or any other conditions, potentially
intoxicating drugs, such as benzodiazepines or opioids,
should be avoided as they may trigger off a desire to drink;
Intermediate-acting (6–18 hours) Oxazepam
exceptions to this rule are few.
Alcoholism is a chronic disease and hence relapses are
to be expected; these occur most frequently in the first 6
months of treatment. Relapses, or ‘slips’, therefore,
although certainly undesirable, should not be taken as an
Chloral hydrate
indication of failure but rather as an indication for patients
Long-acting (greater than 24 hours) Quazepam
to redouble their efforts.
The sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics, including the
benzodiazepines and related drugs, comprise a large group
of agents, often collectively referred to as the ‘sedative–
hypnotics’, each of which has an effect similar to that of
alcohol. Although most commonly used in conjunction
p 21.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 668
benzodiazepines such as diazepam (Wolkowitz et al. 1987), Sedative–hypnotic abuse is said to occur when patients
they are more common with short-acting, high-potency ben- continue to seek intoxication despite experiencing black-
zodiazepines (Scharf et al. 1987) such as triazolam (Ewing et outs and social or legal consequences, and the onset of
al. 1988; Greenblatt et al. 1991; Morris and Estes 1987). addiction is heralded by the development of craving, toler-
Tolerance may appear with long-term use and at times ance, and withdrawal phenomena, such as a withdrawal
may be quite remarkable: some patients may end up taking syndrome, seizures, or delirium. As noted earlier, concur-
hundreds of milligrams of diazepam daily, with little or no rent use of other substances, especially alcohol, is com-
evidence of sedation. mon, and ‘pure-culture’ sedative–hypnotic abuse or
Sedative–hypnotic withdrawal, as seen with benzodi- addiction is relatively rare.
azepines (Busto et al. 1986; Covi et al. 1973; Hollister et al.
1961; Juergens and Morse 1988; Murphy et al. 1984, 1989;
Rickels et al. 1990; Shader et al. 1993; Tyrer et al. 1983) and Etiology
barbiturates (Fraser et al. 1958; Isbell et al. 1950), is charac-
terized by anxiety, irritability, insomnia, tremor, tachycardia, Both the benzodiazepines and the barbiturates, by some-
diaphoresis, nausea and vomiting, and postural hypoten- what different mechanisms, enhance chloride flux via
sion. The onset of the withdrawal syndrome varies according GABA receptors upon stimulation by endogenous GABA,
to the half-life of the agent: roughly speaking, for short- and it is by virtue of this that intoxication occurs.
acting agents withdrawal starts in less than a day; for inter- Presumably, with prolonged use, down-regulation of these
mediate-acting agents, 2–3 days; and for long-acting agents, receptors occurs, with the consequent development of tol-
2–6 days. For certain very-long-acting agents, such as erance and withdrawal phenomena.
diazepam or phenobarbital, the blood level may fall so slowly
that there is, in effect, a ‘self-tapering’, with, in many cases, a Differential diagnosis
substantially less severe withdrawal syndrome. The dura-
tion of withdrawal likewise varies with the half-life of the Sedative–hypnotic intoxication is clinically indistinguish-
agent. Roughly speaking, for short- and intermediate- able from alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, and methanol intoxi-
acting agents, symptoms peak within 1–3 days and persist cation except for the fact that sedative–hypnotic-intoxicated
for 1–2 weeks, whereas for long-acting agents the peak patients do not have an odor of alcohol on their breath.
arrives in 5–7 days and the syndrome may persist for up to 2 Ethylene glycol intoxication, which also lacks an odor of
or 3 weeks. As with alcohol withdrawal, some patients may alcohol, is distinguished by an increased anion gap. In
experience lingering, low-level withdrawal symptoms for cases in which patients fail to recover from an intoxication
weeks or months after withdrawing from benzodiazepines within the expected time frame, other disorders, for exam-
(Ashton 1984; Shader et al. 1993). In addition to this typical ple traumatic brain injury, should be considered.
picture of withdrawal, a recent report described the occur- Sedative–hypnotic blackouts must be distinguished
rence of stuporous catatonia as a withdrawal phenomenon from other causes of episodic anterograde amnesia, as dis-
of benzodiazepines (Rosebush and Mazurek 1996). cussed in Section 5.4.
Sedative–hypnotic withdrawal seizures typically occur Sedative–hypnotic withdrawal is basically indistin-
within the context of withdrawal symptomatology and, guishable from alcohol withdrawal, and the diagnosis must
although these may occur with benzodiazepines (e.g., apra- rest on an accurate history of substance use, keeping in
zolam [Breier et al. 1984; Noyes et al. 1986]), they are much mind that many patients may have a ‘mixed’ picture of
more common with barbiturates, in which case there is a both sedative–hypnotic and alcohol withdrawal.
significant risk of multiple seizures and status epilepticus. Sedative–hypnotic seizures, as with alcohol-withdrawal
Sedative–hypnotic withdrawal delirium, noted with ben- seizures, constitute a ‘rule-out diagnosis’, and consideration
zodiazepines (such as alprazolam [Levy 1984; Zipursky et al. must be given to pre-existing epilepsy and head trauma.
1985] and flunitrazepam, lorazepam, and triazolam [Heritch Sedative–hypnotic withdrawal delirium may be indis-
et al. 1987; Martinez-Cano et al. 1995]) and barbiturates tinguishable from delirium tremens and the diagnosis may
(Fraser et al. 1958; Isbell et al. 1950), typically emerges out of rest on an accurate history, keeping in mind that, as for
a withdrawal syndrome and is characterized by an intensifi- withdrawal, a ‘mixed’ picture may be present. Consideration
cation of those symptoms, accompanied by confusion, dis- may also be given to other causes of delirium with tremor,
orientation, agitation, hallucinations, and persecutory including the serotonin syndrome, the neuroleptic malig-
delusions. In the natural course of events, the delirium tends nant syndrome, thyroid storm, and hypoglycemia.
to clear in anywhere from days to a couple of weeks.
Sedative–hypnotic intoxication typically requires only
Recreational use of these agents, particularly the benzodi- observation and general medical support. In cases of ben-
azepines, is common among adolescents and young adults. zodiazepine intoxication in which respiratory depression
p 21.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 669
threatens, flumazenil may be given (Brogden and Goa contains various mixtures of aliphatic and aromatic hydro-
1991); however, caution is needed here in cases in which carbons, some of which may be halogenated; of all of these
tolerance has developed, as flumazenil may precipitate a intoxicating hydrocarbons, toluene appears to be the most
withdrawal syndrome with seizures. significant.
Sedative–hypnotic blackouts require only observation
until serial mental status examinations have revealed a
restoration of short-term memory, and the intoxication Clinical features
itself has resolved.
Sedative–hypnotic withdrawal should probably be Intoxication is obtained either by soaking a rag in the
treated with the same agent that the patient is addicted to. volatile substance and holding it to the face or by placing
This is particularly the case for barbiturate withdrawal, the substance in a plastic or paper bag and then inhaling;
which is not controlled by benzodiazepines, and alprazo- when a bag is used it may leave a telltale circular rash on the
lam withdrawal, which may not respond to other benzodi- face. The intoxication (Evans and Raistrick 1987) occurs
azepines such as diazepam (Zipursky et al. 1985). For within minutes and is characterized by a dreamy euphoria,
benzodiazepine withdrawal, a strategy similar to that drowsiness, dizziness, dysarthria, diplopia, nystagmus, and
described for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal in the ataxia. Some may also experience confusion and hallucina-
preceding section may be utilized, with equivalent doses tions, which may be either visual or, less commonly, audi-
(e.g., lorazepam 2 mg, alprazolam 1 mg, diazepam 10 mg, tory, and others may become irritable and impulsive.
chlordiazepoxide 25 mg). In the case of barbiturate with- Cardiac arrhythmias may occur and may be fatal (GS King
drawal it is traditional to utilize phenobarbital, with doses et al. 1985; Steffee et al. 1996). Convulsions, coma, and res-
of 90–120 mg every 1–2 hours until symptoms are con- piratory depression may also be seen (King et al. 1981), as
trolled, after which the dose may, as with the benzodi- may acute hepatitis and renal failure (Gupta et al. 1991;
azepines, be gradually tapered. Taverner et al. 1988). If leaded gasoline is sniffed, intoxica-
An alternative to consider in the case of benzodiazepine tion may be accompanied by chorea and myoclonus
withdrawal is carbamazepine (Schweizer et al. 1991). Once (Goldings and Stewart 1982).
symptoms have been adequately controlled with the ben- Tolerance may develop and, when this occurs, with-
zodiazepine, one may add carbamazepine in a dose of 200 mg drawal may also appear. Withdrawal (Evans and Raistrick
three or four times daily, after which the benzodiazepine 1987; Watson 1979) occurs within 1–2 days of abstinence
may be rapidly tapered over a day or two. Importantly, car- and is characterized by irritability, sweating, tremulous-
bamazepine is not effective for barbiturate withdrawal and ness, and insomnia, all of which generally remit within a
may also be ineffective in the case of alprazolam. matter of days.
Sedative–hypnotic withdrawal seizures should be With long-term use a dementia may occur (discussed in
treated by rapidly reinstituting the sedative–hypnotic in Section 22.12), as may a severe motor peripheral polyneu-
question, with the goal of completely controlling any con- ropathy (Altenkirch et al. 1977; PJ King et al. 1985).
current withdrawal symptomatology.
Sedative–hypnotic withdrawal delirium demands vig-
orous treatment of the withdrawal syndrome, with the goal
of producing a light degree of sedation. Should hallucina-
Occasional, recreational use of inhalants is not uncommon
tions and delusions persist in a troubling fashion, an
among adolescents; abuse and addiction appear to be far
antipsychotic, as described in Section 5.3, may be required.
less common. In many cases other substances are also used,
Once symptoms have been brought under control, the
especially alcohol and opioids.
sedative–hypnotic may be gradually tapered in daily decre-
ments approximately equivalent to 10 percent of the total
daily dose initially required to effect control. Etiology
Overall, the goal of treatment in the case of abuse or
addiction is abstinence. Those addicted to sedative– Although the intoxicating hydrocarbons clearly have an
hypnotics alone, or to a combination of a sedative–hypnotic effect on lipid neuronal cell membranes, the precise mech-
and alcohol, may do well in AA. anism whereby intoxication occurs is not known.
The volatile ingredients of many readily available products Intoxication with alcohol or sedative–hypnotics may yield
are often inhaled for intoxication. These include airplane or a somewhat similar clinical picture. The odor of solvents
model glue, paint thinner, kerosene, gasoline, fingernail pol- on clothing or skin may be a clue, as may a rash on the face;
ish remover, the propellants in aerosol sprays and spray if toluene has been used it may be detected in the blood for
paints, and typewriter correction fluid. Each of these products days (King et al. 1981).
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basal ganglia, and cerebellar cortex, and recent data suggest is then injected. Most addicts progress from ‘skin pop-
that different polymorphisms in the gene for CB1 may ping’, or subcutaneous injection, to ‘mainlining’ the drug
confer different risks for the development of cannabis intravenously. Occasionally heroin may be snorted or
addiction (Hopfer et al. 2006). smoked, or, in the process known as ‘chasing the dragon’,
heated, with subsequent inhalation of the heroin vapor.
Differential diagnosis
Clinical features
Uncomplicated intoxication with cannabis may be mim-
icked by intoxication with alcohol, sedative–hypnotics, Intoxication with opioids is intensely seductive. Within
inhalants, and opioids, and cannabis intoxication compli- moments of intravenous injection, the user may be
cated by psychosis or delirium may be confused with hallu- rewarded by an intense ‘rush’. The body is suffused with
cinogen or phencyclidine intoxication; furthermore, many warmth, and orgasmic sensations may be experienced. In
patients may present with a mixed intoxication, having uti- less than a minute the rush tends to pass, to be replaced by
lized both cannabis and one or more of these other sub- a drowsy, vaguely euphoric feeling that may last for hours
stances. History and urine drug screens may be required to and which is accompanied by difficulty with concentration
make the differential diagnosis. and dysarthria. The pupils are generally constricted, peri-
stalsis is slowed, and constipation ensues; urinary hesi-
tancy or retention may also occur.
Treatment Meperidine and pentazocine intoxication have distinctive
features. Meperidine is metabolized to normeperidine, and
Uncomplicated intoxication generally requires only obser- this metabolite may cause agitation, tremor, mydriasis,
vation until the intoxication has passed. Anxiety, if trou- increased deep tendon reflexes, and, occasionally, myoclonus
bling, may be relieved by diazepam, in a dose of 10 mg. or seizures (Kaiko et al. 1983). Pentazocine intoxication,
Psychosis, if problematic, may be treated with a dose of an when high doses are utilized, may be accompanied by dys-
antipsychotic, such as 5 mg of haloperidol or 1–2 mg of phoria, anxiety, hallucinations, and bizarre thoughts, along
risperidone, with repeat doses as needed. Delirious with dizziness and diaphoresis (Challoner et al. 1990).
patients should be closely monitored until the delirium has Overdoses of opioids are not uncommon. The purity of
passed, and may be treated as outlined in Section 5.3. ‘street’ heroin varies widely, and the unwary user may unin-
Cannabis withdrawal generally does not require treatment. tentionally take a lethal amount; furthermore, some addicts,
The overall goal of treatment in abusers and addicts is after a period of abstinence during which tolerance is lost,
abstinence, and various forms of psychotherapy have been may resume use with a dose that, although prior to the loss
attempted. Unfortunately, many adolescents and young of tolerance produced only intoxication, is now sufficient to
adults simply see nothing wrong with their use, and often cause overdose. Overdose itself is characterized by stupor or
drop out of treatment. coma, accompanied by hypotension and respiratory depres-
sion. Pupils are initially pinpoint; however, with the advent
of cerebral anoxia, mydriasis appears. Pulmonary edema
21.9 OPIOIDS and seizures may occur, and death is usually due to respira-
tory arrest. Those who survive may be left with an anoxic
An opiate is any intoxicant normally found in opium. The dementia or sequelae of watershed infarctions.
term ‘opioid’ is more general and refers to any substance, Tolerance may develop to almost all of the effects of
either natural or synthetic, that has effects similar to opioids (with the exception of miosis and constipation)
opium. and addicts may progressively increase their doses to
Opium is obtained from the juice of the poppy plant, and obtain intoxication, sometimes to stunning levels of a
two opiates are found within opium, namely morphine and gram or more of morphine.
codeine. Synthetic and semi-synthetic derivatives include Withdrawal is characterized initially by a sense of
heroin, oxycodone, hydromorphone, meperidine, penta- uneasiness and a craving for the drug; soon after, yawning,
zocine, methadone, and buprenorphine: these last two lacrimation, and rhinorrhea appear, accompanied in some
derivatives, although often used in the treatment of opioid cases by diaphoresis. After several hours, patients may fall
withdrawal and addiction, may also be used for intoxication into a restless sleep known as ‘yen’ sleep. Upon awakening,
(Torrens et al. 1993). Of all of the opioids, oxycodone and all of the earlier symptoms intensify and patients become
heroin are the most commonly used for intoxication. irritable, dysphoric, restless, and demanding. Patients
Although these drugs may be taken orally for intoxica- begin to experience waves of goose flesh that may be so
tion, most users prefer a parenteral route as the effect is severe that they resemble the skin of a plucked turkey, an
more immediate and intense; tablets may be crushed, dis- appearance that prompted the phrase ‘going cold turkey’.
solved, and filtered (often utilizing cigarette filters) to yield Intense bone and muscle pain, especially in the back, arms,
a more or less adulterated and contaminated liquid, which and legs, also occurs, and patients may engage in seemingly
p 21.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 672
involuntary kicking movements, a phenomenon that gave environment of most patients who become addicted,
rise to another synonym for opioid withdrawal, namely whose parents are often themselves afflicted with opioid
‘kicking the habit’. Insomnia may be severe. The pupils are addiction, alcoholism, or other substance use disorders.
dilated and the temperature, pulse, and blood pressure are
all increased. Nausea, vomiting, intestinal cramping, and
diarrhea occur, and the resulting fluid loss may be so severe Differential diagnosis
that it causes circulatory collapse.
Withdrawal usually begins within the first day of absti- Opioid intoxication may be partially mimicked by intoxi-
nence, peaks in a matter of days, and then generally subsides cation with alcohol, sedative–hypnotics or inhalants; how-
over a week or so; in heavy users, however, a protracted ever, these intoxications generally lack the intense miosis
withdrawal syndrome may persist for weeks up to 6 months, characteristic of most opioid intoxications; in doubtful
and is characterized by dysphoria, irritability, anhedonia, cases drug screening will resolve the issue. It must be borne
insomnia, and drug craving (Martin and Jasinski 1969). in mind, however, that many patients will use other sub-
Other disorders may accompany opioid abuse or addic- stances in addition to opioids: cocaine may be used to
tion. Intravenous use brings the risk of bacteremia with reduce sedation, and alcohol or sedative–hypnotics may be
pulmonary abscess, endocarditis, cerebral abscess, cerebral employed to ease the pain of withdrawal.
mycotic aneurysm, meningitis, osteomyelitis, and tetanus.
Parenteral users often share needles and are thus at risk for
acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), syphilis, Treatment
and hepatitis. Furthermore, the presence of particulates in
the injected fluid (as may occur when cigarette filters are Intoxication, if mild, may require only simple observation.
used) may lead to pulmonary fibrosis, pulmonary hyper- In severe intoxication, however, consideration should be
tension, and cor pulmonale. Particulates may also collect given to treatment with naloxone; however, care must be
in regional lymph nodes causing a chronic lymphadenopa- taken to avoid ‘overshooting’ in addicts and producing a
thy with edema, especially of the hands. hyperacute withdrawal syndrome.
‘Skin popping’ may be followed by cellulitis or ulcera- Withdrawal should generally only be attempted on a
tion, and those who inject heroin intramuscularly may secure inpatient unit, and, given the intense drug craving
develop a myositis, with, in some cases, ossification. seen during withdrawal, patients should be confined to the
Patients who ‘chase the dragon’ and inhale heroin vapor ward until the withdrawal has run its course; visitation, if
may develop a leukoencephalopathy with dementia allowed at all, must be closely and continuously supervised.
accompanied by other signs such as ataxia, mutism, or Currently, there are three traditional approaches that
quadriparesis. (Kriegstein et al. 1999). remain standard for withdrawal: ‘cold turkey’, withdrawal
Illegally manufactured ‘street’ meperidine may be with opioids, or treatment with clonidine. Recent work
contaminated with a by-product, methyl-phenyl- also suggests effectiveness for buspirone.
tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), which in turn may cause a Very few patients opt to go ‘cold turkey’; however, as
chronic parkinsonian condition. withdrawal is not life threatening, this may be appropriate
for some. Prochlorperazine may be given for nausea and
vomiting, diphenoxylate for diarrhea, and amitriptyline
(in a dose of approximately 50 mg at bedtime) for insom-
nia (Srisurapanont and Jarusuraisin 1998), and these may
Recreational use of opioids is uncommon and most patients
also be made available for those who undergo treatment
pass fairly rapidly to abuse and addiction. Although some
with either opioids or clonidine.
addicts, notably physicians who may have ready access to
Withdrawal utilizing an opioid may be accomplished
opioids, are able to maintain their social positions, most
with methadone, buprenorphine, or, if the patient had
addicts quickly lose whatever gainful employ they may have
been using another illicit substance (e.g., oxycodone), with
had and turn to crime to support their addiction. Those who
that agent. Treatment is generally commenced as with-
become deeply involved in the drug ‘subculture’ are liable to
drawal symptoms appear. Methadone may be started in a
have a violent death at the hands of others; suicide attempts
dose of 10–20 mg, with repeat doses every 4 hours as
are also not uncommon, and those who do survive often end
needed to suppress symptoms. Most patients are stabilized
up losing all in their pursuit of the drug.
on a dose ranging from 20 to 40 mg daily, after which the
total daily dose may be reduced in decrements of 5–10 mg
Etiology daily. Buprenorphine may be given sublingually in an ini-
tial dose of 4–6 mg, with repeat doses as needed every 2
The intoxicant effects of opioids are mediated by their hours until symptoms are suppressed, a process that gener-
binding to mu and, to a lesser extent, kappa receptors ally requires anywhere from 8 to 32 mg; once the patient is
within the central nervous system. Genetic factors appear stabilized, the dose may be gradually tapered in daily
to increase the risk of addiction, as does the childhood decrements of 2–4 mg.
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Clonidine (Charney et al. 1981; Gold et al. 1978; Jasinski psychotherapy or referred to Narcotics Anonymous; many
et al. 1985) is not nearly as effective at suppressing with- also require a lengthy inpatient stay, not only to get over
drawal symptoms as opioids. Overall, it is most effective withdrawal but also to begin their rehabilitation efforts.
against nausea and diarrhea, and insomnia may also be Consideration may also be given to treatment with 50 mg
partially relieved; however, clonidine has little effect on of naltrexone daily, which blocks opioid-induced euphoria
drug craving, restlessness, and ‘kicking’. Once withdrawal and thus effectively blocks the overwhelmingly reinforcing
begins, clonidine is given in a dose ranging from 0.1 to ‘rush’ that patients get if they ‘slip’.
0.3 mg, with repeat doses every 2–3 hours until maximum In the United States, methadone maintenance is avail-
effect is obtained. The initial total dose is then given on a able only in specially licensed facilities. In some cases
daily basis in four divided doses, with provision for further indefinite maintenance is anticipated, and such patients
as-needed doses, after which the total daily dose is titrated are generally treated with doses of 80–120 mg of
up based on how much is given in as-needed doses until no methadone daily. In other cases consideration is given to
further as-needed doses are required; most patients are sta- eventual abstinence, and here patients are initially main-
bilized by a total daily dose ranging from 0.6 to 2.4 mg. The tained on doses ranging from 20 to 60 mg; once patients
patient is then generally ‘covered’ by this final dose for have consistently tested drug free for a year or so, attempts
about a week to a week and a half, that is to say for the are then made to reduce the dose of methadone in decre-
expected duration of the withdrawal, after which the dose ments of 5–10 percent of the total daily dose every week
may be tapered over 3 or 4 days and then discontinued. until the drug can be discontinued.
Buspirone, in a remarkable double-blind study (Buydens- Buprenorphine maintenance, given the less stringent
Branchey et al. 2005), was as effective in opioid withdrawal controls imposed on its use, is becoming popular, and is
as methadone. Patients were treated with a total dose of 30 conducted by individual physicians on an outpatient basis.
or 45 mg of buspirone, and this was maintained throughout Treatment is conducted with a combination product of
a 12-day withdrawal period. sublingual buprenorphine and naloxone: naloxone itself is
Choosing among these treatment options for with- not absorbed, but its presence serves as a deterrent to any-
drawal is not straightforward, with one exception: preg- one who would consider crushing the tablet and taking it
nant females should be withdrawn with opioids as any of intravenously, as the intravenously active naloxone will
the other options risks fetal death. Presuming that the block the intoxication. Most patients are managed with
patient is not pregnant, however, any one of these options doses ranging from 16 to 32 mg three times weekly. As with
is viable. Going ‘cold turkey’, as noted, is rarely chosen by methadone, some patients are continued indefinitely on
patients given the intense suffering associated with with- the drug, whereas in other cases attempts may be made to
drawal; however, some may prefer this. In those who do eventually taper it.
want pharmacologic treatment, most prefer withdrawal Maintenance with either methadone or buprenorphine
with opioids. However, a case may be made for treatment clearly ‘works’ in that such maintained patients are less
with clonidine or, perhaps, a combination of clonidine and likely to become intoxicated with illicitly obtained opioids
buspirone; in this scenario, patients may be started on bus- or to engage in the criminal behavior that often accompa-
pirone immediately and ‘covered’ with clonidine for any nies addiction. Both methadone and buprenorphine, how-
breakthrough symptoms, with the buspirone continued ever, as noted earlier, may produce intoxication, and
for the anticipated duration of the withdrawal. supplies obtained through maintenance programs have
Before leaving this discussion of the treatment of with- been used for this purpose.
drawal, some words are in order regarding what is known
as ‘rapid’ or ‘ultra-rapid’ detoxification. Although details
differ among various programs, in most cases patients are
first ‘covered’ with clonidine and an anti-emetic and then
Although nicotine is the substance in question here, this
either sedated or anesthetized. In this state they are then
section might just as well be entitled ‘tobacco’, for tobacco
given naloxone and naltrexone and a hyperacute withdrawal
is the only ‘vehicle’ by which abuse or addiction to nicotine
is produced. Consciousness is then allowed to return and
occurs. Of the various ways that tobacco is used, cigarette
patients are continued on the naltrexone and, temporarily,
smoking is by far the most clinically important; although
on the clonidine and anti-emetic. Although these pro-
both chewing tobacco and smoking cigars or pipes can cause
grams are heavily advertised, it has not been established
addiction, their numbers pale in comparison to cigarettes.
whether they increase the odds of abstinence or whether
With each cigarette smoked, anywhere from 1 to 3 mg of
any purported successes outweigh the risks of anesthesia.
nicotine is delivered (Benowitz and Henningfield 1994).
Overall, in some cases the goal is abstinence from all
opioids, whereas in others the goal is to reduce the frequency
of intoxication by providing maintenance treatment with Clinical features
either methadone or buprenorphine.
Abstinence, although very difficult to achieve, is clearly Intoxication with nicotine is mild: especially with the first
preferable, and patients desiring this option may be seen in cigarette of the day, there is a sense of satisfaction and a
p 21.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 674
reduction in any irritability. With this intoxication there clearly understood, genetic factors appear to play a signifi-
may be a mild tachycardia, elevation of blood pressure, and cant role (Kendler et al. 2000).
an increase in peristaltic activity, and in some cases there
may be palpitations; tobacco-naive patients may also expe-
Differential diagnosis
rience nausea and vomiting. Overall, appetite decreases
and frequent smokers may lose some weight.
There is generally no diagnostic difficulty; in those who
Tolerance occurs rapidly and, by the end of a day spent
deny smoking, but who appear to be doing so, one may
smoking, there is little effect from a cigarette. Such toler-
obtain a urine screen for cotinine, one of the metabolites of
ance, however, rapidly decreases, such that by the next day
nicotine, which has a half-life of about 20 hours.
intoxication may again be achieved. Despite these daily
fluctuations, however, a chronic tolerance does develop.
Whereas a tobacco-naive patient may, as noted above, Treatment
experience toxic nausea and vomiting with one cigarette,
the nicotine addict may be able to smoke dozens of ciga- Patients should choose a ‘quit date’, which ideally should
rettes a day without any immediate adverse effects. fall during a relatively stress-free time in the not-too-distant
Withdrawal symptoms (Hughes and Hatsukami 1986; future. Patients should be instructed to stop smoking on
Hughes et al. 1991a) may appear within anywhere from that day and to avoid, if possible, situations or gatherings
hours to a day of abstinence. There is a restless craving for where smoking is likely to occur. Individual or group ther-
a cigarette, and patients become tense and irritable. apy with a cognitive–behavioral approach is helpful and
Headache, difficulty concentrating, and insomnia may should be offered to patients. Various pharmacologic
occur, as may increased appetite with, in some, substantial approaches are also available, including varenicline, bupro-
weight gain. Withdrawal generally peaks within days and pion, nortriptyline, and various preparations of nicotine.
then gradually subsides over a matter of weeks; in some, Importantly, both bupropion and nortriptyline are effective
however, mild withdrawal symptoms may persist for regardless of whether patients are depressed or not.
months, and in many cases the craving for a cigarette may Varenicline is a partial agonist at alpha4beta2 nicotinic
recur intermittently for years, often at times of stress. acetylcholine receptors, and reduces both nicotine intoxi-
Other disorders may appear in association with tobacco cation and craving. Treatment is begun 1 week before the
use, and these occur not as a result of the effects of nicotine quit date with 0.5 mg/day for 3 days, then 0.5 mg twice
itself but rather of the by-products of tobacco. Smoked daily for 3 days, and finally 1 mg twice daily thereafter, with
tobacco produces over 4000 different compounds, in both treatment continued for 3–12 months.
gaseous and particulate form. Gaseous components Bupropion is started 1 week before the quit date at
include carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide, whereas 150 mg daily and increased 3 days later to 150 mg twice
particulates contain a substance known as ‘tar’, which for daily, and then continued for 3–12 months.
the most part contains polycyclic aromated hydrocarbons. Nortriptyline is started 1 week before the quit date at
With chronic smoking, patients are at risk for cancer of the 25 mg daily, increased to 50 mg daily after 3 days, and then
mouth, larynx, and lung, chronic obstructive pulmonary to 75 mg 3 days later, after which it is continued for 3–12
disease (COPD), coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular months. Although studies measuring blood levels have not
disease, peripheral vascular disease, Raynaud’s phenome- been performed, it would not be unreasonable to check a
non, gingivitis, gastroesophageal reflux, cancer of the blood level after a week or so of the full dose and to make
esophagus, and peptic ulcer disease. Smoking during preg- appropriate adjustments based on the results.
nancy may cause spontaneous abortion, abruptio placen- Nicotine is available in a 24-hour patch delivering vari-
tae, and low birth weight. ous strengths of nicotine (commonly 7, 14, and 21 mg) and,
for as-needed dosage, in lozenges and gum tablets (both
available in 2-mg sizes) and a nasal spray (delivering
Course 0.5 mg). If a nicotine preparation is used, it should be
started on the quit date. If the patch is used, the 21-mg size
Recreational use of nicotine is very rare; those who start
should be used for a ‘pack a day’ smoker, with lower doses
smoking usually either stop in short order or go on to fairly
used for those who smoke less; the initial strength is then
rapidly develop nicotine addiction (with craving, toler-
continued until the patient has been abstinent for at least a
ance, and withdrawal) and persistent use, despite the
couple of weeks, after which one steps down to the next
development of one or more of the other disorders associ-
lowest size, which is then continued until the patient has
ated with tobacco use.
been abstinent for at least another 2 continuous weeks,
until finally the patch is discontinued. The as-needed
Etiology preparations are utilized with the goal of gradually reducing
the number of doses until they too can be discontinued.
Although the mechanisms that determine which patients Overall, it appears that varenicline is superior to bupro-
will stop and which will go on to develop addiction are not pion (Gonzales et al. 2006), which in turn appears superior
p 21.qxd 3/10/08 9:58 AM Page 675
to nortriptyline (Wagena et al. 2005). Consideration may tolerance has occurred, withdrawal symptoms (Griffiths
also be given to combination treatment with bupropion et al. 1990; Hughes et al. 1991b; Silverman et al. 1992;
plus nicotine or nortriptyline plus nicotine, and it appears Strain et al. 1994) may appear anywhere from 12 to 24
that the combination of bupropion and nicotine may be hours after the last dose, with headache, poor concentra-
modestly more effective than bupropion alone (Jorenby tion, fatigue, anxiety, and depressed mood; these with-
et al. 1999). The combination of varenicline and nicotine is drawal symptoms tend to gradually subside within days to
not recommended. Nicotine alone, although superior a week of abstinence.
to placebo, is the least effective of the pharmacologic Other disorders associated with chronic caffeine use
approaches. Overall, it appears reasonable to start with include gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer, fibro-
varenicline; should that prove ineffective or not tolerated, cystic disease, and hypertension; caffeine may also precipi-
then consideration may be given to bupropion with tate anxiety attacks seen in panic disorder (Boulenger et al.
or without supplemental nicotine. An exception to this 1984; Charney et al. 1985).
general rule is major depressive disorder. For reasons that
are not clear, patients with major depressive disorder, even
if they are not currently in the midst of a depressive Course
episode, are at high risk for recurrence of depression in the
first few months of abstinence from nicotine (Glassman Recreational use of caffeine is extraordinarily common.
et al. 2001), and for such patients it is appropriate to con- Abusive use, that is continued use despite recurrent intox-
sider treatment with either bupropion or nortriptyline. ication or the aggravation of some of the other disorders
Although the combination of varenicline and bupropion seen in association with caffeine use, is relatively uncom-
has not been formally evaluated, it may be considered an mon. Craving for caffeine does not appear to occur.
option in some cases.
Regardless of which approach is used, during the first
year at least, relapses are the rule rather than the exception,
and such ‘slips’ should not be seen as failures. As weight
The intoxicating effects of caffeine appear to be mediated
gain is common during the first year, patients should be
by its competitive blockade of central nervous system
warned about this and instructed to begin a program of
adenosine receptors.
diet and exercise should they start to gain weight.
Differential diagnosis
There is generally little difficulty here as the history is read-
Caffeine is the most commonly used substance in the ily obtained. Occasionally, patients with chronic caffeine
Western world. A cup of coffee contains about 100 mg of intoxication may present a picture which is similar to that
caffeine, a cup of tea about 50 mg, and over-the-counter seen in generalized anxiety disorder; however, the differen-
‘stimulant’, analgesic, and ‘cold’ remedies may contain tial is straightforward provided that the patient can abstain
anywhere from 25 to 200 mg. from caffeine for a few days (Greden 1974).
is at hand; methanol intoxication may also occur acciden- ethylene glycol intoxication by the absence of an odor of
tally with inhalation of fumes, absorption through the skin, alcohol.
or inadvertent ingestion. A confusing diagnostic picture may emerge when both
Methanol is metabolized first via alcohol dehydroge- methanol and ethanol are consumed, as may occur when
nase to formaldehyde and then via aldehyde dehydroge- denatured alcohol is ingested. As noted earlier, ethanol
nase to formic acid, which is the ultimate cause of the inhibits the metabolism of methanol to formic acid, and
devastating sequelae of methanol intoxication; formic acid hence the evolution of the second phase of methanol intox-
is not only directly toxic to neuronal mitochondria but also ication may be delayed until the ethanol is cleared, after
produces a severe systemic acidosis. Importantly, this is the which the remaining methanol is converted to formic acid.
same metabolic pathway used by ethanol, a fact of consid-
erable importance regarding not only the evolution of
methanol intoxication but also one of the traditional treat- Treatment
ments of this intoxication.
Methanol intoxication constitutes a medical emergency. If
Clinical features patients are seen within 2 hours of ingestion, gastric lavage
may be performed. Throughout treatment one must mon-
Clinically (Bennet et al. 1953; Erlanson et al. 1965; Hovda itor pH, bicarbonate levels, the anion gap, and methanol
et al. 2005; Kaplan 1962; Paasma et al. 2007; Wood and levels: initial methanol levels above 20 mg/dL are consid-
Buller 1904) the intoxication seen with methanol evolves ered toxic, and levels above 50 mg/dL are potentially life-
in a biphasic fashion. The initial response, occurring in threatening.
response to the methanol itself, is characterized by eupho- The cornerstone of treatment rests on delaying the
ria, headache, and nausea, all accompanied by an odor of transformation of methanol to formic acid. In the past this
alcohol on the breath. Subsequently, as formic acid begins was accomplished by giving ethanol, which binds preferen-
to accumulate in the following hours, there may be delir- tially to the enzymes responsible for the metabolism of
ium, restlessness, dizziness, vomiting, and bilateral blur- methanol to formic acid, thus preventing an overly rapid
ring or dimming of vision; with more severe intoxication, accumulation of formic acid. A more recent, and far better,
seizures, respiratory depression, and coma may supervene. option involves the administration of fomepizole, a drug
Methanol levels are generally above 30 mg/dL, and a meta- that inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase (Brent et al. 2001).
bolic acidosis is present with an increased anion gap Folic acid hastens the excretion of formic acid and may be
reflecting the presence of formic acid. Untreated, methanol given in doses of 50 mg intravenously every 6 hours. In
intoxication may be fatal in up to one-third of cases; those cases in which the foregoing measures are ineffective,
who survive generally recover from the intoxication in hemodialysis may be utilized to remove formic acid.
1–3 days, but may be left with one or more sequelae, such
as visual loss (Wood and Buller 1904), parkinson-
ism (Guggenheim et al. 1971), or dementia (McLean et al. 21.13 ISOPROPANOL
1980). Magnetic resonance scanning may reveal areas of
increased signal intensity on fluid-attenuated inversion Isopropanol, also known as isopropyl alcohol, is found in
recovery (FLAIR) and diffusion-weighted images in the aftershave lotions, hand lotions, hair tonics, and in ‘rub-
putamina and subcortical white matter. bing alcohol’. Among desperate alcoholics it may be
known as ‘rubby dubby’, with reference to the source in
rubbing alcohol, or as ‘blue heaven’, the latter name
derived from the blue coloring often added to rubbing
alcohol. In part, isopropyl alcohol is metabolized via alco-
Repeated ingestion of methanol is uncommon, as most
hol dehydrogenase to acetone.
alcoholics learn their lesson.
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Medication and substance-induced disorders
22.1 NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME The full syndrome, as noted, is characterized by delirium,
fever, rigidity, and autonomic instability, and, although it
The neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a rare and poten- typically presents with rigidity, any one of these elements
tially fatal disorder characterized by delirium, fever, rigid- may be the presenting feature (Addonizio et al. 1987;
ity, and autonomic instability, which occurs secondary to Caroff 1980; Kellam 1987; Pope et al. 1986; Rosebush and
an abrupt diminution of dopaminergic tone, either due to Stewart 1989; Velamoor et al. 1994). Delirium may be pro-
the use of a dopamine-blocking agent, such as an antipsy- found, and patients may also develop stuporous catatonia
chotic, or, much less commonly, to discontinuation of a (Koch et al. 2000). Fever is generally over 38.9°C (102°F)
dopaminergic agent, such as levodopa. and, although most patients have at least some tempera-
Before proceeding further, some words are in order ture elevation, there are rare reports of the syndrome
regarding the name of this syndrome. This syndrome was occurring without fever (Peiris et al. 2000). Rigidity may be
first described in association with the use of antipsychotics; of either the lead pipe or cogwheel type, is typically gener-
at the time, the original name for an antipsychotic, namely alized, and may be profound, to the point of compromis-
‘neuroleptic’, was in use, and consequently this malignant ing chest wall movement. Rigidity may be accompanied by
syndrome was referred to as the neuroleptic malignant a generalized, coarse tremor and, in some cases, dystonia
syndrome. With the discovery that a reduction in dopami- or chorea may occur. Autonomic instability manifests with
nergic tone secondary to discontinuation of a dopaminer- pallor, diaphoresis, tachycardia, and elevated blood pres-
gic agent could also cause the syndrome, it might have sure, which may be quite labile.
been appropriate to change the name, perhaps to some- Rhabdomyolysis may occur (Jones and Dawson 1989),
thing like ‘hypodopaminergic malignant syndrome’; how- with myoglobinuria and, in some cases, acute renal failure.
ever, this didn’t occur. Another name change might also The white blood cell count is typically elevated to around
have been appropriate when ‘neuroleptic’ fell out of favor 15 000 cells/mm3, and the creatine phosphokinase level is
and the term ‘antipsychotic’ gained currency, such as to likewise increased, often to around 15 000 units/L. Lactate
‘antipsychotic malignant syndrome’; however, this too dehydrogenase, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase,
failed to occur. Hence we are left with ‘neuroleptic malig- and alkaline phosphatase levels are also often elevated.
nant syndrome’, a term that, apparently, is going to persist. Aspiration or pulmonary emboli may occur and, in some
cases, respiratory failure may occur secondary to extreme
rigidity of the chest wall. A minority of patients develop
disseminated intravascular coagulation.
Clinical features
if a dopaminergic agent has been stopped it should be bucco-lingual-masticatory movements. Less commonly,
restarted. Another strategy includes the use of bromocrip- one encounters dystonic and akathetic forms, and rarely
tine and/or dantrolene (Granato et al. 1983; Guze and Baxter one may see tics or pain. Although some authors treat these
1985; May et al. 1983; Mueller et al. 1983). Although these less common forms as separate entities, this distinction
agents have not been assessed in controlled trials, anecdotal appears unwarranted. Another nosologic dispute centers
reports support their use. Bromocriptine is given orally, by on the question of whether there is any fundamental differ-
nasogastric tube if necessary, in doses ranging from 2.5 to ence between those cases that are permanent and those
20 mg t.i.d., and dantrolene is given intravenously in a dose in which the abnormal movements remit spontaneously
of 1–2 mg/kg, which is repeated as necessary to a maximum within a few months of the discontinuation of the antipsy-
of 10 mg/kg/24 hours. Recent double-blind work in cases chotic. Some have referred to the latter form as ‘withdrawal
secondary to withdrawal of dopaminergic agents in patients dyskinesia’, but this distinction too may be unwarranted; in
with Parkinson’s disease demonstrated that the addition of all likelihood, tardive dyskinesia, like many disorders,
intravenous methylprednisolone (1000 mg daily) to com- varies in severity, with some cases demonstrating perma-
bined treatment with bromocriptine (7.5 mg daily) and nent symptomatology and others displaying a spontaneous
dantrolene (75 mg daily) for a 3-day course not only fur- remission.
ther reduced the severity of the syndrome but also short- The overall prevalence of tardive dyskinesia in those
ened its overall course (Sato et al. 2003). Finally, there are treated chronically with first-generation antipsychotics is
case reports (Lattanzi et al. 2006; Wang and Hsieh 2001) of in the order of 20 percent (Woerner et al. 1991); the preva-
the successful use of subcutaneous apomorphine, which may lence in those treated with second-generation agents is far
be given in a dose of 2 mg every 3 hours for 2 days, then less (Beasley et al. 1999; Tenback et al. 2005).
every 6 hours for an additional 2 days (Lattanzi et al. 2006).
Another very important treatment option is electrocon-
vulsive therapy (ECT) (Caroff et al. 2000; Davis et al. 1991; Clinical features
Hermesh et al. 1987; Troller and Sachdev 1999), which
appears to be safe and effective in the treatment of antipsy- Although some cases of tardive dyskinesia have been
chotic-induced neuroleptic malignant syndrome. reported after only a month of treatment with an antipsy-
In many cases of the neuroleptic malignant syndrome chotic, this is quite rare; in general, at least 6 months are
occurring secondary to an antipsychotic, patients require required, and often 1 or more years pass before the abnor-
ongoing treatment. In such cases it has been found possible mal movements appear. An exception to this rule is seen in
to reinstitute treatment with an antipsychotic (Rosebush the elderly, in whom the latency between initiation of treat-
et al. 1989) provided that one waits for at least 2 weeks after ment and the appearance of abnormal movements may be
the neuroleptic malignant syndrome has entirely cleared much shorter (Kane and Smith 1982; Saltz et al. 1991).
and then reintroduces the antipsychotic cautiously, start- The mode of onset may be either acute or gradual. An
ing with a low dose and increasing very gradually. Although acute onset may occur when the antipsychotic is discontin-
there are case reports of the successful reinstitution of ued or the dose rapidly decreased, in which case an abrupt
treatment with the same agent that caused the syndrome, ‘unmasking’ occurs with an equally abrupt appearance of
prudence dictates using a different antipsychotic. Thus, if abnormal movements. Conversely, if the dose is maintained,
a high-potency first-generation agent was used, one should or decreased only slightly, the abnormal movements may
probably choose either a low-potency first-generation agent make their appearance gradually or insidiously.
or a second-generation one. If the syndrome has occurred As noted earlier, tardive dyskinesia may manifest with
secondary to a second-generation agent, then one might chorea, dystonia, akathisia, tics, or pain, and each of these
consider an alternate second-generation agent with a presentations is considered in turn.
statistically lower chance of producing extrapyramidal Choreiform movements in tardive dyskinesia are most
side-effects commonly found in the lower part of the face (Burke et al.
1982; Kang et al. 1986), less so in the extremities, and only
rarely in the trunk, and range in severity from mild to dis-
22.2 TARDIVE DYSKINESIA abling (Kennedy 1969). Classically, one sees buccolinguo-
masticatory movements in the face, with pursing or
Tardive dyskinesia is a movement disorder occurring as a puckering of the lips, chewing motions, and repetitive
side-effect of chronic treatment with antipsychotic drugs. tongue protrusions. Facial grimacing may also be seen, but
In contrast to the more common typical ‘extrapyramidal’ this, importantly, spares the forehead. Extremity involve-
side-effects seen with these agents, however, tardive dyski- ment may present with shoulder-shrugging or a restless
nesia does not remit promptly when the offending medica- piano-playing movement of the fingers and hands; in
tion is discontinued, but rather persists for prolonged the lower extremities there may be foot-tapping. Truncal
periods and may be permanent. involvement may manifest with axial to-and-fro rocking or
The most typical, and by far the most common, form with pelvic thrusting. Uncommonly, respiratory dyskinesias
of tardive dyskinesia is a choreiform one, often with may occur, with irregular, grunting respirations (Chiang
p 22.qxd 3/10/08 10:01 AM Page 686
et al. 1985; Ivanovitch et al. 1993; Rich and Radwany 1994; movements continue to lessen and, after many months or
Yassa and Lal 1986a). Critically, the choreiform movements a year or more, they go into a spontaneous remission. In
of tardive dyskinesia tend to be repetitive and stereotyped the remainder, however, only a partial remission occurs,
(Stacy et al. 1993); furthermore, they tend to wax and wane after which the abnormal movements persist indefinitely.
in severity throughout the day, and they disappear in sleep. This chronic course is more likely in the elderly and in
Some patients are able to suppress them voluntarily, but those who have been treated with very high doses.
such suppression is at best temporary and they inevitably Interestingly, choreiform movements in tardive dyski-
reappear. nesia are worsened by anticholinergics (Greil et al. 1984),
Dystonic movements (Burke et al. 1982; Kang et al. such as benztropine (Reunanen et al. 1982), and also
1986; Kiriakakis et al. 1998; Sachdev 1993a; Wojcik et al. may vary with mood. Patients who develop a depressive
1991; Yassa et al. 1986) typically appear focally and most syndrome typically experience a worsening of symptoms
commonly involve the face or neck, followed by the upper (Sachdev 1989), whereas during mania there may be a
extremity, the trunk, and the lower extremity. Over a long partial remission (de Potter et al. 1983; Yazici et al. 1991);
period of time, segmental spread to adjacent body parts symptom improvement has also been noted during
may occur, and, rarely, the dystonia may become general- catatonic stupor (Assmann and van Woerkom 1987).
ized (Burke et al. 1982; Wojcik et al. 1991). Facial involve-
ment may manifest with blepharospasm (Ananth et al.
1988; Glazer et al. 1983; Weiner et al. 1981), oromandibular Etiology
dystonia (Tan and Jankovic 2000), or oculogyric crises
(FitzGerald and Jankovic 1989; Sachdev 1993b). As with Although the vast majority of cases of tardive dyskinesia
chorea, the severity of tardive dystonia ranges from mild to occur secondary to treatment with antipsychotics, cases have
disabling (Yadalam et al. 1990). Importantly, many patients also been reported with other dopamine blockers, such as
with tardive dystonia will also have choreiform movements metoclopramide (Sewell and Jeste 1992; Sewell et al. 1994),
(Sachdev 1993a; Wojcik et al. 1991). and secondary to chronic treatment with the antidepres-
Akathisia occurring on a tardive basis is symptomatically sant amoxapine (Huang 1986; Thornton and Stahl 1984);
very similar to that occurring as an acute extrapyramidal in this latter case, however, it is probably not amoxapine
side-effect of an antipsychotic, with restlessness, marching that is at fault but rather one of its metabolites, loxapine,
in place, and ‘restless’ thoughts (Burke et al. 1989; Dufresne which is an antipsychotic.
and Wagner 1988; Lang 1994; Sachdev and Loneragan 1991). Given that all of the drugs capable of causing tardive
Tics may be either focal or multifocal, and at times are dyskinesia have one thing in common, namely a blockade
so extensive as to mimic the picture seen in Tourette’s syn- of post-synaptic dopamine receptors, and given that the
drome (Bharucha and Sethi 1995; Stahl 1980), thus prompt- risk of tardive dyskinesia increases with higher doses
ing the term ‘tardive tourettism’. (Morganstern and Glazer 1993) and a longer duration of
Pain represents the rarest expression of tardive dyskine- treatment (Glazer et al. 1993; Kane et al. 1988), it seems
sia, and patients may complain of burning pain in the mouth reasonable to suppose that it is some effect of the chronic
or genital area; this typically occurs in the setting of dopamine blockade that is etiologic in this disorder, and,
choreiform movements or akathisia (Ford et al. 1994). indeed, this is the basis for the dopamine up-regulation
hypothesis. According to this hypothesis, with chronic
dopamine blockade there is a gradually worsening com-
Course pensatory up-regulation of the post-synaptic receptors to
the point at which, if the dose of the dopamine blocker is
The course of tardive dyskinesia has been most thoroughly reduced, the ‘unmasking’ of these up-regulated receptors
studied with reference to the choreiform type. In situations leads to a hyperdopaminergic state and the production of
in which the antipsychotic is continued at a constant dose, the abnormal movements. Further support for a distur-
there is a gradual worsening of symptoms; although in most bance in dopamine transmission is provided by the response
cases the severity eventually reaches and stays at a plateau, to anticholinergics in tardive dyskinesia. Dopaminergic and
in a minority one sees a relentless progression (Gardos et al. cholinergic systems exist in a balance in the basal ganglia,
1988, 1994; Glazer et al. 1984; Yagi and Itoh 1987). Should such that an increase in dopaminergic tone may be mim-
the dose of the antipsychotic be substantially increased, icked by a reduction in cholinergic tone and vice versa.
there is a ‘masking’ of symptoms; however, this is tempo- Given this one would predict that, in patients with tardive
rary and they eventually reappear. Conversely, if the dose is dyskinesia, a reduction in cholinergic tone, as might occur
decreased, symptoms worsen. If the antipsychotic is dis- with the administration of an anticholinergic medication,
continued there is typically a pronounced worsening of would increase the abnormal movements, and this is
symptoms, which is followed, however, over the succeed- generally what happens (Klawans and Rubovits 1974).
ing weeks or months, by at least some diminution of symp- As attractive as this dopamine theory is, it does not
toms, after which one of two eventualities may ensue (Glazer account for several important findings. First, the fact that
et al. 1990). In some cases, perhaps one-third, abnormal acute antipsychotic-induced parkinsonism can co-exist with
p 22.qxd 3/10/08 10:01 AM Page 687
tardive dyskinesia (Richardson and Craig 1982) argues course: acute side-effects occur shortly after the initiation
against any generalized hyperdopaminergic state, as theo- or dose increase of an antipsychotic and subside with a
retically this should bring a relief of the parkinsonism. dose decrease or discontinuation; by contrast, tardive dys-
Second, some cases of the dystonic subtype of tardive dys- tonia and akathisia come on only after a long period of
kinesia may, as noted below, be relieved by, rather than treatment and worsen when the dose is decreased or the
worsened by, anticholinergic agents. Finally, if it were sim- antipsychotic is discontinued.
ply a matter of the compensatory up-regulation of the post- Tourette’s syndrome typically has an onset in childhood,
synaptic dopamine receptors, then providing that the dose and the presence of tics before treatment with antipsy-
of a neuroleptic were held constant, with no dose decrease, chotics makes the diagnosis straightforward. As noted in
one should not see any abnormal movements as there would Section 8.25, however, after a full or partial remission in
be no ‘unmasking’ and thus no hyperdopaminergic state. late adolescence, there may be a relapse decades later, and
Unfortunately for the theory, however, tardive dyskinesia if this relapse should occur in a patient being treated with
does in fact emerge while patients continue at the same an antipsychotic for another reason, diagnostic confusion
dose, a fact strongly suggesting that some other process, in may ensue; in such cases it is critical to obtain a childhood
addition perhaps to a progressive up-regulation, is at work. history, with special reference to the symptomatology of
The nature of this other process is not clear. Theories the prior tics to allow a comparison with the current ones.
include disturbances in GABAergic transmission, gluta-
mate toxicity, and progressive neuronal destruction by free
radicals produced in the course of neuroleptic treatment. Treatment
This last theory is of some interest given the evidence,
noted below, for the treatment efficacy of vitamin E, an The best ‘treatment’ is prevention, and chronic antipsy-
antioxidant. chotic treatment should not be undertaken for those dis-
orders for which other medications with better side-effect
profiles would be as effective.
Differential diagnosis When tardive dyskinesia does first appear, a decision
must be made as to whether ongoing treatment with a neu-
In evaluating a patient with abnormal movements the diag- roleptic is required, carefully weighing the risk of worsen-
nosis of tardive dyskinesia cannot be considered unless the ing dyskinesia against the risk of relapse. In the case of
patient has undergone chronic treatment with an antipsy- schizophrenia, the balance often tips towards continuing
chotic. The overall differential diagnoses of chorea, dystonia, neuroleptic treatment. If treatment is continued, efforts, if
akathisia, and tics are discussed in Sections 3.4, 3.7, 3.10, not already in place, should be made to keep the dose as low
and 3.3 respectively; of the disorders discussed in these as possible, consistent with adequate symptomatic control.
sections, several deserve special consideration. In the past it was felt that intermittent ‘drug holidays’ for
Choreiform movements may occur in both Huntington’s patients with schizophrenia might reduce the risk of
disease and schizophrenia, and both of these disorders tardive dyskinesia, but subsequent studies have suggested
are typically treated with antipsychotics. With regard to that drug holidays may actually increase the risk (Goldman
Huntington’s disease, genetic testing is of course diagnos- and Luchins 1984; van Harten et al. 1998; Jeste et al. 1979).
tic; however, certain clinical features may also allow a dif- In cases due to treatment with a first-generation antipsy-
ferentiation to be made, including the presence of forehead chotic, consideration should be given to switching to a
chorea and a ‘dancing and prancing’ gait, both of which second-generation agent; with such a switch, adequate
may be seen in Huntington’s disease but not in tardive symptom control is maintained or improved and the risk
dyskinesia. The nature of the chorea itself provides another of worsening tardive dyskinesia with further treatment is
differential point: in Huntington’s disease it is extremely lessened.
transient, flickering from one part of the body to another In cases in which treatment cannot be discontinued, or
in an almost random pattern, whereas in tardive dyskinesia in cases in which discontinuation is possible but symptoms
the chorea tends to be stereotyped, repetitive, and persist- fail to go into remission, various medical treatments may
ently recurring in the same area. Schizophrenia may at be considered, including vitamin E, vitamin B6, melatonin,
times be characterized by choreiform movements, as pointed branched chain amino acids, piracetam, and dopamine
out by Kraepelin in the early part of the twentieth century depletors, such as tetrabenazine, alpha-methyldopa or
(Kraepelin 1971) and confirmed by subsequent investiga- reserpine. In selected cases botulinum toxin may be con-
tors (Farran-Ridge 1926; Mettler and Crandall 1959; Owens sidered, and in severe, treatment-resistant cases both ECT
et al. 1982; Yarden and Discipio 1971); these choreiform and deep brain stimulation constitute options.
movements, however, are mild, generally involve the face, Vitamin E, in doses ranging from 1200 to 1600 IU daily
and are present before any treatment with antipsychotics. (divided into three doses), has been shown to be effective
Both dystonia and akathisia may occur as acute extrapyra- in most (Adler et al. 1993, 1998; Akhtar et al. 1993; Dabiri
midal side-effects of antipsychotics but are readily distin- et al. 1994; Egan et al. 1992; Elkashef et al. 1990; Lohr and
guished from tardive dystonia or tardive akathisia by their Caligiuri 1996; Lohr et al. 1988; Zhang et al. 2004), but not
p 22.qxd 3/10/08 10:01 AM Page 688
all (Adler et al. 1999; Shriqui et al. 1992), studies; weeks or of schizophrenia, and indeed some observers have
months may be required to see a treatment response. held that all reported cases of supersensitivity psychosis
Vitamin B6 may be given in a dose of 300 mg (Lerner et al. represent merely such exacerbations. However, the occur-
2001), and melatonin in a dose of 10 mg (Shamir et al. rence of this supersensitivity psychosis in patients treated
2001). From a pharmacologic viewpoint branched chain with antipsychotics who have never had symptoms of
amino acids constitute an interesting option (Richardson schizophrenia, or any other psychosis, clearly indicates that
et al. 2003). Administration of a combination of valine, the syndrome, although rare, does exist (Moore 1986).
isoleucine, and leucine (given in a ratio of 3:3:4 at a dose of
222 mg/kg three times daily) is followed by a fall in the
plasma levels of the aromatic amino acids tyrosine and Clinical features
tryptophan, with presumably a fall in central nervous sys-
tem levels of dopamine and serotonin, and it is this change After a year or more of treatment with an antipsychotic,
that presumably accounts for the improvement in the the syndrome emerges. This emergence may be fairly
tardive dyskinesia. Piracetam (not available in the United abrupt if the antipsychotic is discontinued or there is a
States), in a dose of 4800 mg/day, was recently found to be rapid dose reduction; in other cases a more gradual onset
effective (Libov et al. 2007). The dopamine depleters tetra- may occur, for example when the dose of the antipsychotic
benazine (Ondo et al. 1999) (not available in the United is held constant or only gradually and modestly decreased.
States), alpha-methyldopa, and reserpine (Huang et al. 1981) Clinically (Chouinard and Jones 1980; Kirkpatrick
are likewise effective, presumably because of the reduction et al. 1992; Moncrieff 2006; Steiner et al. 1990), patients
in dopaminergic tone. develop a psychosis characterized by delusions and halluci-
Of these options, the vitamins and melatonin are the nations. Tardive dyskinesia may or may not accompany
most benign, and one of these should probably be tried this development.
first; vitamin E has by far the most support and is a reason-
able starting point. In some cases combination treatment
with two or more of these agents may be appropriate. Course
Branched chain amino acid treatment is also generally
benign, but should not be used in diabetics. The dopamine Although the course has not been well-studied, it appears
depleters, given their unfavorable side-effect profile, that, in cases in which the antipsychotic is discontinued,
should generally be held in reserve. symptoms very gradually lessen; the percentage of cases that
Botulinum toxin may be considered in cases in which go on to full remission or a stable chronicity is not known.
the abnormal movement is well-localized, as may be seen
with certain choreiform movements or, more especially, Etiology
Anecdotally, ECT is effective for tardive dyskinesia Although the etiology is not known, it is speculated that
(Adityanjee 1990), especially in cases in which the patient with chronic treatment with antipsychotics there is an
is depressed (Hay et al. 1990). Deep brain stimulation of up-regulation of post-synaptic dopamine receptors within
the globus pallidus is effective (Damier et al. 2007) but for the limbic system leading to a chronic hyperdopaminergic
obvious reasons constitutes a last option. state. Of note, cases have also been described secondary to
Other options exist for tardive dystonia and for tardive chronic treatment with the dopamine-blocker metoclo-
akathisia. In the case of tardive dystonia, anecdotal reports pramide (Lu et al. 2002).
support treatment with high-dose anticholinergic agents
(Burke et al. 1982), such as 20 mg trihexyphenidyl (Fahn
1983); however, in cases in which the dystonia is accom- Differential diagnosis
panied by choreiform movements, these may worsen.
Anecdotally, tardive akathisia may respond to propranolol The diagnosis should only be entertained in patients who
(Yassa et al. 1988); however, high doses may be required. have been treated chronically with an antipsychotic or
other dopamine blocker.
As most patients treated chronically with antipsychotics
22.3 SUPERSENSITIVITY PSYCHOSIS have schizophrenia, the main differential for supersensitiv-
ity psychosis is an exacerbation of the schizophrenia. For
Supersensitivity psychosis represents a very rare side-effect example, consider the case of a patient with schizophrenia
of chronic treatment with antipsychotic drugs. As such, it who had been doing well and whose antipsychotic dose
bears a strong etiologic relationship to tardive dyskinesia, had been substantially reduced, after which there was a
and indeed this syndrome is also referred to as ‘tardive psy- reappearance of hallucinations or delusions. The question
chosis’. This is, for some, a controversial diagnosis. As noted here is whether this appearance of hallucinations and delu-
below (see Differential diagnosis) it may be difficult to dis- sions represents merely the schizophrenia or whether the
tinguish supersensitivity psychosis from an exacerbation patient now has two disorders, namely schizophrenia and
p 22.qxd 3/10/08 10:01 AM Page 689
Of some literary interest is the possibility that the (106°F), whereas in simple anticholinergic delirium it
Reverend Dimmesdale, of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The rarely rises above 40°C (104°F). Certainly, the diagnosis of
Scarlet Letter, may himself have succumbed to an herbal heat stroke should not be considered unless the ambient
preparation with anticholinergic properties, administered temperature is quite high; however, in some cases of high
by the good Doctor Chillingworth (Khan 1984). ambient temperature when patients are taking anticholin-
ergics, one may be confronted with an etiologically mixed
picture in which the anticholinergic, by reducing sweating,
Clinical features sets the stage for the dramatic temperature increases seen
in heat stroke.
Clinically (Itil and Fink 1966), there is delirium and rest-
lessness or agitation, often accompanied by visual halluci-
nations. On examination, the temperature and pulse are Treatment
elevated, the skin is typically dry and flushed (at times to a
scarlet hue), the pupils are dilated, and the deep tendon The anticholinergic should be stopped and, if ingestion is
reflexes are brisk. Urinary retention may occur and, in recent, consideration may be given to gastric lavage or acti-
severe cases, there may be seizures, coma, respiratory depres- vated charcoal. General supportive measures include intra-
sion, and death. venous fluids and, if the temperature is significantly elevated,
cooling blankets. Seizures may be treated with lorazepam.
In emergent situations, treatment with physostigmine
Course (Beaver and Gavin 1998; Burns et al. 2000; Duvoisin and
Katz 1968; Stern 1983) may be considered; however, as noted
In the natural course of events, provided that the offending below, this carries some risk. Physostigmine may be given
medication is discontinued, there is a gradual remission of intravenously in a dose of 0.5–2 mg, at a rate no faster than
symptoms, consistent with the half-life of the anticholinergic 1 mg/min, with repeat doses every 5–10 minutes until
in question. the patient is out of danger. Given the half-life of most
anticholinergics, repeat doses of physostigmine are often
required, initially every 30–60 minutes. A failure to respond
Etiology to physostigmine essentially rules out a diagnosis of anti-
cholinergic delirium. Physostigmine is not a benign treat-
Any of a large number of drugs with anticholinergic prop-
ment and patients may develop bradycardia, asystole or
erties may, if given in sufficient dose, cause a delirium (Tune
seizures; furthermore, in cases of tricyclic overdose, physo-
et al. 1981); although in most cases relatively high doses are
stigmine has no effect on the development of arrhythmia,
required, individual sensitivity varies widely, and in some
which is the main concern in this situation. Consequently,
patients, especially the elderly, seemingly innocuous doses
many clinicians will opt for conservative treatment and
can have devastating results. Anticholinergically active drugs
simply let the offending agent ‘wash out’, allowing the
to consider include the following: atropine, scopolamine
delirium to resolve on its own. In severe cases, however,
(Vonderahe 1929; Ziskind 1988), and homatropine oph-
with significant temperature elevations, seizures, coma or
thalmic drops (Tune et al. 1992); anticholinergic anti-
respiratory depression, treatment is justified.
parkinsonian agents (De Smet et al. 1982) such as
benztropine, biperidin, and trihexyphenidyl (Porteous
and Ross 1956); tricyclic antidepressants (Goodwin 1983;
Preskorn and Simpson 1982); antihistamines such as 22.7 CHOLINERGIC REBOUND
diphenhydramine (Tejera et al. 1994) and hydroxyzine; low-
potency first-generation antipsychotics; cyclobenzaprine The abrupt discontinuation of medications with signifi-
(Engel and Chapron 1993); and oxybutynin and tolteri- cant anticholinergic properties may, in about one-third of
done (Tsao and Heilman 2003). Delirium has also been cases, be followed by a syndrome known as cholinergic
noted with ‘recreational’ intoxication with Angel’s trumpet rebound, or cholinergic overdrive.
(Datura stramonium) (Hall et al. 1977; Oberndorfer et al.
2002). Of all of these agents, diphenhydramine stands out
(Agostino et al. 2001), not so much because of its inherent Clinical features
toxicity but because of the frequency with which it is used
in hospitalized patients. The onset of cholinergic rebound is in large part deter-
mined by the half-life of the drug that has just undergone
abrupt discontinuation; thus, in the case of most tricyclic
Differential diagnosis antidepressants, the onset may be anticipated within 36–48
Heat stroke is clinically similar to anticholinergic delirium; Clinically (Dilsaver 1989; Dilsaver et al. 1983a; Petti and
however, in heat stroke the temperature is often at 41.1°C Law 1981), patients present with depressed mood, anxiety,
p 22.qxd 3/10/08 10:01 AM Page 692
malaise, and insomnia; typically, there is also nausea and Clinical features
abdominal cramping, with, at times, vomiting and diarrhea.
Alcoholic dementia presents insidiously, generally after
decades of alcoholism. Clinically (Lee et al. 1979; Lishman
Course 1981), patients typically present with a personality change,
with frontal lobe features: there is a general coarsening of
In the natural course of events, symptoms subside over personality and a heedless disregard for social conventions;
1–3 days. judgment becomes poor and some patients may become
apathetic. Over time cognitive deficits gradually accrue,
including short-term memory loss and concreteness; some
Etiology patients may also develop minor ‘cortical’ signs such as
apraxia, agnosia, and a minor degree of aphasia, but these
With chronic treatment with any drug possessing anti-
signs are often almost subclinical and never play a major
cholinergic properties there is a compensatory up-regulation
role in the overall clinical picture.
of post-synaptic acetylcholine receptors; if the drug is
Computed tomography (CT) (Carlen et al. 1981; Gurling
abruptly discontinued and there is insufficient time for a
et al. 1984; Harper et al. 1985) and magnetic resonance
gradual ‘down-regulation’, the increased number of recep-
(MR) (Jernigan et al. 1991; Schroth et al. 1988) scanning
tors is ‘unmasked’, resulting in an increase in cholinergic
reveal both cortical atrophy and ventricular dilation, and
transmission and the symptoms seen in this disorder
there is a correlation between the extent of atrophy and the
(Dilsaver et al. 1983b; Luchins et al. 1980). This has been
severity of the dementia (Carlen et al. 1981; Carlsson et al.
noted with tricyclic antidepressants (Dilsaver et al. 1983a;
Wolfe 1997), low-potency first-generation antipsychotics,
the second-generation antipsychotic clozapine (Delassus-
Guenault et al. 1999), and anti-parkinsonian anticholiner- Course
gics, such as benztropine, atropine, and scopolamine.
With continued drinking the dementia progresses and may
become profound; with abstinence a variable degree of
Differential diagnosis recovery may be expected over about a 6-month period
(Grant et al. 1984; Hambidge 1990), after which any remain-
The appearance of depressed mood and insomnia shortly ing deficits tend to persist indefinitely.
after stopping a tricyclic antidepressant may suggest a
relapse of depression; however, the abruptness of the onset
of symptoms is inconsistent with a relapse of depression, Etiology
which would not be expected for at least a matter of weeks
after stopping an antidepressant. Alcohol, in all likelihood, is directly toxic to the white mat-
ter and perhaps also to cortical neurons. Autopsy studies
have demonstrated a reduction in brain weight (Harper
Treatment and Blumbergs 1982; Torvik et al. 1982) with overall cere-
bral atrophy (Harper and Krill 1985; Lynch 1960; Neuberger
The best treatment is prevention, and medications with 1957), due primarily to loss of white matter (Harper et al.
strong anticholinergic effects should be tapered over 3 or 4 1985; Jensen and Pakkenberg 1993); there is also some evi-
days. In cases in which rebound does occur, some patients dence for neuronal loss, particularly in the superior frontal
may elect to simply wait it out. When symptoms are severe, cortex (Krill et al. 1997). Of note, it appears that some of
however, one may restart the original medication, or, if these changes may be reversible: with sobriety, MR scan-
this is not feasible, use another anticholinergic medication ning has revealed re-expansion of the brain (Pfefferbaum
(e.g., benztropine in a dose of 1–2 mg), and adjust the dose et al. 1995; Schroth et al. 1988; Zipursky et al. 1989),
to suppress symptoms, after which a gradual tapering may primarily as a result of enlargement of the white matter
be undertaken (Wolfe 1997). (Agartz et al. 2003).
22.9 ALCOHOL HALLUCINOSIS Delirium tremens may cause auditory hallucinations, and
the fact that alcohol hallucinosis often has an onset in the
Alcohol hallucinosis, also known as alcohol-induced psy- course of delirium tremens sets the stage for some diagnostic
chotic disorder with hallucinations, is seen only in chronic difficulty. The question, however, may be resolved by observ-
alcoholics, typically after one or more decades of severe, ing the patient during enforced abstinence: in cases in
heavy drinking. This psychosis is an uncommon disorder which delirium tremens alone are present, all symptoms,
and may be more common in men than women. including auditory hallucinations, gradually resolve; in cases,
however, in which alcohol hallucinosis has appeared, the
auditory hallucinations will persist despite resolution of
other symptoms of delirium tremens, such as confusion,
Clinical features disorientation, tremor, etc.
Alcoholic paranoia, discussed in the next section, is dis-
The onset is typically abrupt, over a matter of days, and tinguished by the prominence of delusions of persecution
generally occurs in the context of either alcohol withdrawal in the relative absence of any hallucinations.
or delirium tremens. Clinically (Victor and Hope 1958; Of the other causes of psychosis discussed in Section 7.1,
Soyka 1990), the principal symptom of alcohol halluci- the one that occasions the most diagnostic difficulty is para-
nosis is auditory hallucinations. These are often extremely noid schizophrenia. Patients with schizophrenia may also
vivid and clear, and the patient has no doubt as to their develop alcoholism; however, in these cases the psychosis
reality. For the most part they are critical, deprecatory, and generally occurs either before the onset of the alcoholism
often persecutory. Generally, more than one voice is heard, or relatively early on, in contrast to alcohol hallucinosis,
and, curiously, the voices often talk among themselves. which occurs only after a decade or more of heavy drink-
Visual hallucinations may also occur, but these are far less ing. Certain symptoms may also enable a differential diag-
prominent than auditory hallucinations. Delusions of nosis to be made: loosening of associations, bizarre delusions,
persecution and reference often accompany the auditory and bizarre behavior, although common in paranoid
hallucinations, and are generally congruent with them. schizophrenia, are not seen in alcohol hallucinosis.
Patients may believe that others are plotting against them,
or that the police are following them. Occasionally there
may be Schneiderian first rank delusions, such as thought- Treatment
broadcasting or delusions of influence (Soyka 1990).
Patients are often constrained and very watchful, and tend Abstinence is essential, and the overall treatment of alco-
to be irritable and querulous. holism is discussed in Section 21.5. Unfortunately, the very
p 22.qxd 3/10/08 10:01 AM Page 694
Alcoholic paranoia, also known as alcohol-induced psy- Abstinence is essential, and the overall treatment of alco-
chotic disorder with delusions, like alcohol hallucinosis, is holism is discussed in Section 21.5. Treatment with
seen only in chronic alcoholics, after many years of severe, antipsychotics should be considered, especially in cases in
heavy drinking. Although the prevalence of this disorder which delusions of persecution hinder the patient’s efforts
has not been clearly determined, I have found it to be rela- to engage in rehabilitation. The choice of antipsychotic is
tively common amongst chronic alcoholics. based on the same principles as outlined for schizophrenia
in Section 20.1; given the natural history of alcoholic para-
noia, attempts should eventually be made to taper the dose
Clinical features after the patient has been symptom free and sober for at
least a few months.
The onset is gradual, and symptoms appear without any
direct connection with either alcohol withdrawal or delir-
ium tremens. Clinically (Albert et al. 1995), patients grad- 22.11 MARCHIAFAVA–BIGNAMI DISEASE
ually develop either delusions of persecution or of jealousy.
Those with delusions of persecution may believe that the Marchiafava–Bignami disease is a very rare disorder that
police are following them or that intruders are hiding in was first described by Drs Marchiafava and Bignami (1903)
the house; patients may peek out of windows to try and in Italian alcoholics. It may present in one of two fashions,
catch a glimpse of the police they are sure are ‘staking out’ either acutely, with a delirium, or chronically, with a
the house, or they may feel compelled to go from room to dementia.
room, perhaps with a weapon, looking for intruders. Those
with delusions of jealousy typically suspect their spouse or
lover of infidelity, and they may follow them or look for Clinical features
clues of the suspected romantic encounters. Occasionally
there may be some hallucinations but these never domi- Acute onsets are marked by delirium, stupor, or coma,
nate the clinical picture; indeed, if they do occur they typi- often accompanied by seizures, either focal or generalized,
cally play a very minor role, for example the persecuted long-tract signs, aphasia, or ataxia (Bohrod 1942; Ironside
patient may hear footsteps outside or the jealous patient et al. 1961; Kamaki et al. 1993; Koeppen and Barron 1978;
may smell an unaccustomed cologne or perfume. Rosa et al. 1991).
Chronic cases present gradually with a dementia that
may be accompanied by a frontal lobe syndrome and, clas-
Course sically, signs of callosal disconnection, such as left-sided
apraxia or agnosia (Lechevalier et al. 1977; Lhermitte et al.
In general, with continued drinking there is a gradual wors- 1977; Mayer et al. 1987).
ening of symptoms until eventually a ‘plateau’ of severity is Magnetic resonance scanning (Johkura et al. 2005;
reached, after which symptoms remain stable, despite Kamaki et al. 1993; Kawamura et al. 1985; Menegon et al.
ongoing drinking. With abstinence, symptoms gradually 2005) reveals distinctive changes. In acute cases, increased
lessen over months to up to 2 years, and then either go into signal intensity on T2-weighted, fluid-attenuated inversion
remission or settle into a stable, low-level chronicity. recovery (FLAIR), and diffusion-weighted imaging is seen
in the corpus callosum and, in some cases, the adjacent
white matter of the cerebral hemispheres; in severe cases,
Etiology similar changes have also been noted in the frontal and
parietal cortices. In chronic cases, atrophy and cystic changes
The mechanism by which this disorder occurs is not clear. may be noted in the same areas. One remarkable MRI
p 22.qxd 3/10/08 10:01 AM Page 695
References 695
study captured the entire evolution of these MRI changes Clinical features
(Chang et al. 1992).
The onset of dementia is gradual in the setting of ongoing,
Course chronic inhalent use. Clinically (Fornazzari et al. 1983;
Grabski 1961; Hormes et al. 1986; Knox and Nelson 1966;
Those with acute onsets generally progress to coma and Lazar et al. 1983; Lewis et al. 1981; Rosenberg et al. 1988),
death within days to weeks; recovery, although uncommon, patients become apathetic and concrete, and have difficulty
has been reported (Helenius et al. 2001). In chronic cases, with memory; in general, ‘cortical’ signs, such as aphasia,
should alcohol use persist, there is a steady progression to are lacking. In concert with the dementia, cerebellar signs are
death within 3–8 years; with abstinence there may be a very common, including ataxia, dysarthria, titubation, inten-
variable, but not complete, degree of recovery. tion tremor, and ocular abnormalities such as nystagmus
or opsoclonus; a minority of patient may also have spasticity.
In some cases there may also be a peripheral neuropathy
Etiology (Korobkin et al. 1975).
Computed tomography scanning reveals cerebral and
Pathologically (Bohrod 1942; Ironside et al. 1961; Poser
cerebellar cortical atrophy (Fornazzari et al. 1983; Hormes
1973), demyelinization with relative axonal sparing is found
et al. 1986; Lazar et al. 1983); in addition to the atrophy,
in the central portion of the corpus callosum, sparing the
T2-weighted MR imaging also reveals diffuse, increased
dorsal and ventral areas, and this may extend laterally in a
signal intensity in the cerebral and cerebellar white matter,
symmetric fashion to involve adjacent areas of the centrum
with, in some cases, decreased signal intensity in the thalami
semiovale. Demyelinization may also be seen in the ante-
or basal ganglia (Aydin et al. 2002; Filley et al. 1990; Rosenberg
rior and posterior commisures and the middle cerebellar
et al. 1988).
peduncles. In severe cases, cystic changes may occur.
The cause of this demyelinization is not clear. Originally
it was believed that there was an association with the con-
sumption of cheap red wine by Italian men, as most of the Course
original cases fit this description; however, it has become
quite clear that this disease may occur in alcoholics who With continued use a progression occurs; with abstinence
consume whiskey, beer, or white wine, and also in non- there may be a gradual, but generally only partial, remission.
Italians (Ironside et al. 1961). Indeed, there are also rare
reports of the disease occurring in association with severe
malnutrition in non-alcoholics (Leong 1979). Presumably, Etiology
the demyelinization occurs secondary to a vitamin defi-
ciency; however, the nature of this deficiency is not clear, Autopsy studies have revealed both cerebral and cerebellar
nor is it clear if a genetic susceptibility is involved. atrophy, with widespread demyelinization (Escobar and
Aruffo 1980; Kornfeld et al. 1994; Rosenberg et al. 1988).
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis
Marchiafava–Bignami disease must be distinguished from
other disorders typically seen in chronic alcoholism. Acute
Consideration may be given to other disorders capable of
cases may be mimicked clinically by delirium tremens,
causing dementia in combination with ataxia, as discussed
Wernicke’s encephalopathy, hepatic encephalopathy, and
in Section 5.1; however, the history of chronic inhalent use
encephalopathic pellagra, whereas chronic cases may be
is hard to miss.
mistaken for alcoholic dementia. In practice, the diagnosis
is generally only suspected when MR scanning reveals the
distinctive findings noted above.
Treatment Abstinence is essential and may require institutionaliza-
tion. There is no specific treatment.
Abstinence and adequate nutrition are critical, and it is
appropriate to give thiamine, niacin, and folic acid.
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abducens nerve testing 11 ADH see antidiuretic hormone affective disturbances (mood disturbances)
abscess, cerebral adhesiveness of thought in interictal 208–14, 618–31
fungal 516 personality syndrome 245 in Alzheimer’s disease 336
seizures with 264 adolescence and juveniles in frontal lobe syndrome 244
absence seizures see petit mal attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder idiopathic 618–31
abstinence (as treatment) progression into 419 in Kleine–Levin syndrome 580
alcohol 666–7 disease-onset personality change vs 248–9
benzodiazepines 669 absence epilepsy 262 in simple partial seizures 252
cannabis 671 adrenoleukodystrophy 376 in substance abuse
cocaine 658 chorea 79, 80 hallucinogens 659
nicotine/smoking 674 Huntington’s disease 168, 169, 356 phencylidine and ketamine 661
opioid 673 metachromatic leukodystrophy 374, see also schizoaffective disorder
abstracting ability 375 age of onset
assessing 10, 162 myoclonic epilepsy 262 childhood see childhood onset
in dementia 162 seizures 268 juvenile see adolescence
abulia (pure psychic akinesia; adrenocortical insufficiency 536–7 schizophrenia 606
athymormia) 125–6 clinical features 536 agitation 222–5
differential diagnosis 126 depression 212 clinical features 222
apathy 214 psychosis 241 differential diagnosis 223
catatonic stupor 96, 126 primary 536, 536–7 akathisia 93, 223
mutism 119, 126 secondary 536, 537 excited catatonia 96
acalculia and dyscalculia (calulating in adrenoleukodystrophy 376, 377 sympathetic storms 291
inability) 51, 423 adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) etiology 222–3
acquired/new-onset 51 levels dementias 173, 223–4, 340
child 423 elevated 534, 535 depression 209, 225, 625
in dementia 162 with pituitary tumors 534, 535, traumatic brain injury 224, 291
developmental 51, 423 599 treatment 223–5, 291
acamprosate, alcoholism 667 reduced 536 agnosia 57–62
acanthocytosis 358 adrenoleukodystrophy 376–7 differential diagnosis 56, 57–62
acceleration/deceleration injury 171, 289, clinical features 376 tests 16
294, 455, 456 dementia 172 types 16, 57–62
accessory nerve testing 12 mania 221 agoraphobia 634–5
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, Alzheimer’s personality change 246 differential diagnosis 635
disease 339 differential diagnosis 377 social phobia 635, 637
achromatopsia, central, color agnosia vs multiple sclerosis 547 agraphesthesia 12–13
60 advanced sleep phase disorder 584, 585 agraphia (acquired writing inabilities)
acoustic neuroma 598 affect 208–14 50–1
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome see assessing 6–7 alexia with 49
AIDS bizarre, in schizophrenia 608 differential diagnosis 49, 51
ACTH see adrenocorticotrophic hormone flattened see flattened affect testing 16
activation procedures, EEG 29–30 inappropriate 139–40 see also dysgraphia, developmental
Addison’s disease, ambiguous definition vs sensory aprosodia 55, 140 AIDS 493–5
536 lability, vs emotional incontinence of clinical features (in general) 493–4
see also adrenocortical insufficiency pseudobulbar palsy 124 course 494
adenoma, pituitary see pituitary tumor affective deafness, pure 54 dementia 166, 169, 493, 495
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anterograde amnesias 183–4, 184–5, post-traumatic stress disorder 641 delirium 182–3, 224
185–6 premenstrual syndrome 630 delusional disorder 617
in Korsakoff syndrome 471 social phobia 637 diffuse Lewy body disease 352
with retrograde component see Tourette’s syndrome 371 mania (incl. bipolar disorder) 222,
retrograde amnesia antidiuretic hormone (ADH; vasopressin) 225, 622, 689
seizures 256 analog (desmopressin), in nocturnal obsessive–compulsive disorder 639
transient global 184, 447 enuresis 575 post-partum psychosis 618
antibiotics syndrome of inappropriate secretion, in post-traumatic stress disorder 641
Lyme disease 511, 512 subarachnoid hemorrhage 281 psychosis (in general) 244
streptococcal pharyngitis/rheumatic anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) 272–5 schizoaffective disorder 615
fever 558, 560 prenatal exposure causing mental schizophrenia 613–14
syphilis 510 retardation 189 stuttering 424
tuberculosis 512–13 therapeutic use 272–5 Tourette’s syndrome 370–1
Whipple’s disease 513 alcohol withdrawal 665–6 antiretroviral agents, AIDS 495
antibodies brain tumors 600 anti-thyroid antibodies see thyroid gland
in autoimmune disorders status epilepticus 274–5 antituberculous agents 512–13
(autoantibodies) stroke patients 288 antiviral agents
anti-phospholipid syndrome 552 traumatic brain injury 293 AIDS 495
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy 541, tuberous sclerosis patients 405 cytomegalovirus 496
557, 558 antifungal drugs 516 herpes simplex virus 499
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 540, 541, antihypertensive drugs, hypertensive Anton’s syndrome 61
556 encephalopathy 444 anxiety (and fear) 225–7
limbic encephalitis 554 anti-nuclear antibodies see nuclear acute see panic attacks
Sjögren’s syndrome 551 components anticipatory 632
Sneddon’s syndrome 552 anti-phospholipid antibodies clinical features 6, 225
systemic lupus erythematosus 549 in anti-phospholipid syndrome 552, differential diagnosis 227
detection in CSF 34 553 agitation 223
in Sydenham’s chorea 559 in Sneddon’s syndrome 552 normal fears vs social phobia 637
see also monoclonal antibody therapy anti-phospholipid syndrome 552–3 simple partial seizures 270
anticholinergics chorea gravidarum associated with etiology 225–6, 538
delirium with 690–1 560 cannabis 670
in Parkinson’s disease 348 clinical features Cushing’s syndrome 534
rebound following discontinuation dementia 172 drug-related 225, 282, 350
691–2 thrombotic infarctions 283 hyperthyroidism 226, 537, 538
anticholinesterases, Alzheimer’s disease differential diagnosis 553 seizures 252, 259
339 Sneddon’s syndrome 552 stroke 282
anticipation anti-platelet agents, ischemic stroke 287 observing for 6
in myotonic dystrophy 372 antiprotozoals in toxoplasmosis 516 persistent 225, 225–6
in panic attacks 632 antipsychotics (neuroleptics) 613–14, treatment 227, 282
anticonvulsants see anti-epileptic drugs 683–9 tremor and 73, 74
antidepressants 1st generation 613, 684 anxiety disorders 631–42
adverse/side-effects 627 2nd generation 613, 684 generalized 641–2
delirium 177 adverse effects 614, 683–9 anxiolytics see benzodiazepines;
serotonin syndrome 690 akathisia 92, 614, 686, 687 sedative–hypnotics
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder akinesia 91, 614 apathy 214–15
420 dystonia 85, 686 Alzheimer’s disease 340
autism 418 mannerisms 140 frontal lobe syndrome 214, 244, 245
in depression 214, 281–2, 627–8 rabbit syndrome 689 hyperthyroidism 538
in Alzheimer’s disease 339–40 seizures 262–3 traumatic brain injury 292
in bipolar disorder 623 supersensitivity psychosis 240, aphasia 45–9
in diffuse Lewy body disease 352 688–9 atypical 47–8
major depression 627–8 tardive dyskinesia see tardive clinical features 45–8
in multiple sclerosis 548 dyskinesia (antipsychotic-induced) differential diagnosis 48–9
in Parkinson’s disease 350 see also neuroleptic malignant apraxia 56
in post-concussion syndrome 458 syndrome aprosodia 55
resistance to 628 therapeutic use 613–14 delirium 48–9, 182
in traumatic brain injury 292 agitation 173, 223–5 foreign accent syndrome 137
generalized anxiety disorder 642 Alzheimer’s disease 340 stuttering 120
interactions with other drugs 627 autism 418 visual agnosia 58
mechanism of action 626 ballism 83 etiology 48
obsessive–compulsive disorder 639 cannnabis users 671 progressive, dementia presenting with
panic disorder 634 chorea 81 163, 164, 167
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cognitive deficits/impairment tumors 20, 21, 597 parkinsonism 89, 168, 354
anosognosia for 61 concentration difficulties, major course 354
fragile X-associated tremor/ataxia depression 625 differential diagnosis
syndrome 359 concussion (and post-concussion diffuse Lewy body disease 352
Kleine–Levin syndrome 580 syndrome) 457–8 Parkinson’s disease 348
mild 173–4 clinical features 457 progressive supranuclear palsy 353
differential diagnosis 172–3, 174, amnesia 184–5 corticospinal tract and fibers
187 differential diagnosis 458 emotional facial palsy and 124–5
in simple partial seizures 251 post-traumatic stress disorder 641 pseudobulbar palsy and 123
sleep apnea 578 transient global amnesia 448 corticosteroid therapy
syndromes of 162–207 traumatic brain injury 294 Cushing’s syndrome due to 535
traumatic brain injury 290–1 conduction aphasia 47 therapeutic use
treatment 290–1 conduction aprosodia 54 acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
see also dementia confabulation 136 505–6
coherence of speech in aphasia 45 confusion brain tumors 600
‘cold turkey’ 672, 673 in delirium 174 cranial arteritis 438
colloid cysts, third ventricle 599 in diffuse Lewy body disease 351 Hashimoto’s encephalopathy 558
color agnosia 60 episodic, vs complex partial seizures multiple sclerosis 457
color blindness, acquired, color agnosia vs 270–1, 271 radiation encephalopathy 459
60 observing for presence or absence 9 Sydenham’s chorea 560
coma congenital disorders see developmental systemic lupus erythematosus
conversion 297 and/or congenital disorders and 550–1
myxedema 539, 541 specific disorders see also dexamethasone; prednisone
phencylidine and ketamine-induced congenital infections corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH)
660 rubella see rubella stimulation test 535
see also Glasgow Coma Scale syphilis 509 cortisol, elevated 534, 535
comprehension consciousness, level counselling see family counselling; genetic
in aphasia 45 impaired, seizures 249–50, 253–4 counselling
in aprosodia 53 observing 9 cranial arteritis (temporal/giant cell
compulsions 9, 133–5, 638 see also coma arteritis) 437–8
clinical features (in general) 9, 134 constructional apraxia 16, 56 clinical features 437–8
differential diagnosis 135 neglect vs 57, 64 dementia 167
stereotypies 141 ‘continuation’ reactive automatisms 255 stroke 285
etiology 134–5 control, delusion of 608 cranial fractures 294
Sydenham’s chorea 558 contusions, cerebral 294 cranial nerves
Tourette’s syndrome 369 conversion disorder (hysteria) 296–9 disorders in sarcoidosis 555
treatment 135 clinical features 296–8 examination 11–12
see also obsessive–compulsive disorder mutism 118 craniopharyngioma 599
computed tomography 17 seizures 271–2, 297–8 ‘crash’ with cocaine 658
alcoholic dementia 692 course 298 creatine phospokinase (CPK) levels and
Binswanger’s disease 19–20, 436 differential diagnosis 298–9 seizures vs pseudoseizures 272
clinical indications (in general) 18–21 Briquet’s syndrome 298, 299, 300 Creutzveldt–Jakob disease 525–8
Fahr’s syndrome 485 hypochondriasis 301 clinical features 525
HSV encephalitis 20, 498 etiology 298 alien hand sign 130
hydrocephalus 601 treatment 299 ataxia 170
normal-pressure 603 convulsions see seizures dementia 166, 169, 170
hypertensive encephalopathy 444 copper chelating agents, Wilson’s disease depression 213
inhalent-induced dementia 695 362 EEG see electroencephalography
multi-infarct dementia 433 coproporphyria, hereditary 483, 484 mania 221
neurodegenerative and movement coronary heart disease vs panic attack myoclonus 169
disorders causing chest pain 633 personality change 246
adrenoleukodystrophy 376 corpus callosum lesions, alien hand sign psychosis 242
Alzheimer’s disease 336 130 seizures 266
Huntington’s disease 356 cortical atrophy, posterior 131 course 525–6
Pick’s disease 340 cortical blindness, anosognosia for 61 differential diagnosis 526–7
seizures 269 cortical calcification in Sturge–Weber 14–3-3 protein see 14–3-3 protein
stroke 285 syndrome 403 new-variant 527–8
trauma cortical signs and symptoms 45–71 treatment 527
dementia pugilistica 456 corticobasal ganglionic degeneration 354 CRH stimulation test 535
diffuse axonal injury 455 clinical features 354 crying (dacrystic) seizures 252, 254
subdural hematoma 454 dementia 168, 169, 354 ctendoids 30
tuberous sclerosis 405 dystonia 169 CTG triplet, myotonic dystrophy 372
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doxepin, primary insomnia 586 delusional disorder 617 nocturnal enuresis 575
dreams, acting out during sleep see REM delusions and hallucinations 146 periodic limb movements 583
sleep behavior disorder dementias REM sleep behavior disorder 571–2
dress, assessing 5 for agitation 173, 223 restless legs syndrome 582
dressing apraxia 16, 56 in AIDS patients 495 stroke 287, 288
neglect vs 57 Alzheimer’s disease 339–40 stuttering 424
drip artifact 30 in Binswanger’s disease 437 subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
drop attacks see atonic seizures diffuse Lewy body disease 352 506
drug abuse see substance abuse frontotemporal dementia 342 substance abuse
drug-induced conditions 683–92 Huntington’s disease 347 alcohol 665–7
akathisia 92, 614, 686, 687 multi-infarct dementia 434 cocaine 658–9
akinesia 91, 614 in multiple sclerosis 548 hallucinogens 661
anxiety 225, 282, 350 Parkinson’s disease 350 methanol 676
asterixis 97 depression 214, 281–2, 292, 339–40 nicotine incl. smoking 674–5
catatonia 95 major 627–8 sedative–hypnotic withdrawal 669
chorea 79 post-partum 631 Susac’s syndrome 553
delirium 175, 175–6, 177, 350, 690–1 see also antidepressants Sydenham’s chorea 560
delusions and hallucinations 144, 145, epilepsy see anti-epileptic drugs systemic lupus erythematosus 550–1
146 generalized anxiety disorder 642 tardive dyskinesia 688
dementia 171 Hashimoto’s encephalopathy 558 Tourette’s syndrome 370–1
depersonalization 133 hyperekplexia 379 traumatic brain injury
depression 209, 210, 211 hypertensive encephalopathy 444 in acute phase 289
dystonia 84, 85, 686 hyperthyroidism 538–9 in chronic phase 290–2
emotional incontinence 124 Kluver–Bucy syndrome 128–9 tremor 75
folate deficiency 468 Korsakoff’s syndrome 472 essential 378
lupus 550 limbic encephalitis 555 Wegener’s granulomatosis 442
mania 218, 219, 621 mania 222, 622–3 see also specific (types of) drugs
myoclonus 75–6, 76 MELAS 445 drug withdrawal symptoms see withdrawal
obsessions and compulsions 134 multiple sclerosis 547 symptoms
parkinsonism 88, 89, 686–7 mutism 119 dumb rabies 503
psychosis 240, 350 neurodegenerative and movement dural metastases 600
supersensitivity 240, 688–9 disorders dural venous sinuses
Schneiderian first rank symptoms 148 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 344 anatomy 277
seizures 260, 261–2 dementias see subheading above thrombosis 281
sleep attacks 576 Huntington’s disease 357 dysarthria 13
sleepwalking 570 multiple system atrophy 355 differential diagnosis 48
startle 98 Parkinson’s disease 348–50 dysarthria–clumsy hand 279
tics 77, 78, 686 progressive supranuclear palsy 353 dyscalculia see acalculia
tremor 73 Wilson’s disease 362 dysexecutive syndrome in frontal lobe
see also intoxicants and specific (types of) neuroleptic malignant syndrome syndrome 244
drugs 684–5 dysgraphia, developmental 51, 422
drug therapy obsessive–compulsive disorder 639 see also agraphia
abulia 126 panic disorder 633 dyskinesia, tardive see tardive dyskinesia
agitation 223–5, 291 parkinsonism 91, 473 dyslexia, developmental 421–2
in dementia 173, 223 personality change 249, 473 dysmenorrhea vs premenstrual syndrome
akathisia 93 phantom limb pain 132 630
akinesia 91–2 phobias dysmnesia, simple partial seizures 251
anxiety 227 simple/specific 636 dysmorphic disorder, body see body
apathy 215 social 637–8 dysmorphic disorder
aphasia 49 polyarteritis nodosa 442 dysmorphic features
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder post-traumatic stress disorder 641 Down’s syndrome 407
371, 420 psychosis 244 fetal alcohol syndrome 414
autism 418 post-partum 618 Prader–Willi syndrome 412
ballism 83 radiation encephalopathy 459 velocardiofacial syndrome 410
Behçet’s disease 443 sarcoidosis 556 dysphasia, acquired 421
bipolar disorder 622–3 schizophrenia 613–14 dysphasia, developmental (specific
cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis Sjögren’s syndrome 551 language impairment) 48, 420–1
373–4 sleep disorders differential diagnosis 421
chorea 81 cataplexy 577 autism 417, 421
Creutzveldt–Jakob disease 527 Kleine–Levin syndrome 581 see also aphasia
delirium 182–3, 289 narcolepsy 576–7 dysphonia, spasmodic 368–9
anticholinergic-induced 691 nightmare disorder 572 dysthymia 210–11
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hallucinations and delusions (continued) hemorrhage and hematoma, intracranial parkinsonism 168
epilepsy 252, 259 280–1, 284 personality change 246, 356
hallucinogen-related flashbacks 659 asterixis in 97 psychosis 241–2
narcolepsy 575 in cerebral amyloid angiopathy 438 course 356–7
psychosis, see subheading below differential diagnosis 286, 439 differential diagnosis 357
stimulants 656 imaging 19, 285 tardive dyskinesia 357, 687
in psychosis 144, 238 seizures 264 etiology 357
alcoholism (⫽alcohol hallucinosis) stroke 280–1, 284, 286 juvenile/adolescent-onset 168, 169,
693–4, 694 subdural, dementia 171 356
schizophrenia 606–7 traumatic 294 treatment 357–8
treatment 146 treatment 288 Huntington’s disease-like 2 vs
hallucinogens 659–60 see also cerebellar hemorrhage; cerebral choreoacanthocytosis 358
clinical features 659 hemorrhage; subarachnoid hydrocephalus 600–3
psychosis 240, 659 hemorrhage; ventricles acute 601
hamartoma, hypothalamic 264–5 heparin, ischemic stroke 287 chronic 601
hand hepatic disorders see liver disorders and dementia 165–6
alien see alien hand syndrome entries below clinical features 601, 602–3
clumsiness, dysarthria and 279 hepatocerebral degeneration, acquired depression 213
handedness, assessing 11 482–3 communicating 601, 602
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy (steroid- clinical features 482–3 course 601–2, 603
responsive encephalopathy) ataxia 170 differential diagnosis 602, 603
556–8 chorea 80, 169 etiology 602, 603
clinical features 557 dementia 169, 170 sarcoidosis 555
delirium 181, 557 hepatolenticular degeneration see Wilson’s ex vacuo vs true 502
seizures 267 disease non-communicating 601, 602
course 557 heredity see entries under genetic normal pressure, vs Binswanger’s
differential diagnosis 557–8 heroin vapour, dementia 171 disease 437
etiology 557 herpes simplex virus encephalitis 295, obstructive 601
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and 498–9 in tuberous sclerosis 405
clinical distinction 541, 556–7 clinical features 498 5-hydroxytryptamine see selective
co-existing 558 amnesia 186 serotonin re-uptake inhibitors;
treatment 558 imaging 20, 498, 499 serotonin
Hashimoto’s thyroiditis 537, 539, 540 herpes zoster (shingles) 502–3 hyperactivity 217
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy and see encephalitis 295, 502 observing 6
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy Heubner’s recurrent artery, anatomy 277 see also attention-deficit/hyperactivity
head banging, nocturnal 573–4 hippocampal atrophy and post-traumatic hyperaldosteronism, depression 212
head injury, closed see trauma stress disorder 641 hypercalcemia
headache history-taking 3, 4 delirium 179
brain tumor 596 collateral 5 depression 211
in cranial arteritis 437 HIV infection, pathogenesis 494 hypercortisolemia 534, 535
migraine see migraine see also AIDS hyperekplexia (hyperexplekia) 98, 378–9
post-lumbar puncture 32–3 HLA-DQB1 and narcolepsy 575 hyperglycemia
heart disease Holmes’ tremor 14, 72–3 delirium in 179
congenital, diagnostic work-up 407 etiology 64, 73 seizures in 262
coronary, vs panic attack causing chest treatment 75 transient ischemic attacks vs 286–7
pain 633 hormone-secreting tumors hypergraphia 52–3
heat stroke ACTH 534, 535, 599 interictal personality syndrome and
vs anticholinergic delirium 691 pituitary tumors see pituitary tumors 52, 245
vs neuroleptic malignant syndrome 684 hospitalization hypermagnesemia, delirium 179
hebephrenic schizophrenia 608–9 post-partum psychosis 618 hypernatremia
hemangioblastoma 599 schizophrenia 614 delirium 179
hemianopia HSV encephalitis see herpes simplex virus seizures 262
anosognosia for 61 encephalitis hyperorality in Kluver–Bucy syndrome
visual neglect vs 64 Huntington’s disease 80, 356–8 127, 128
hemifacial spasm vs tics 78 chorea 169, 356, 357 hyperparathyroidism 168, 172
hemiparesis anosognosia for 61 hyperphagia
anosognosia for 61 clinical features 356 Kleine–Levin syndrome 579, 580
ataxic, in lacunar infarction 279 chorea see subheading above Prader–Willi syndrome 412
motor neglect vs 64 dementia 166, 168, 169, 356, 357 hyperprolactinemia
hemiplegia, conversion 296–7 depression 212 depression 212
hemochromatosis, idiopathic 169 mania 221 pituitary tumor-related (prolactinoma)
hemodialysis see dialysis myoclonus 169 599, 600
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intellectual impairment see mental irregular sleep-wake syndrome 584, 585 laboratory screen, delirium 175
retardation irritability lactic acidosis in MELAS 445
intentional tremor 14, 72 manic patients 216 lacunar dementia 163–5, 167
etiology 73, 74 observing for 6 differential diagnosis 435
interferon therapy, multiple sclerosis ischemic attacks, transient see transient Alzheimer’s disease 339
547, 548 ischemic attacks multi-infarct dementia 434
interictal EEG 28 ischemic infarction 277–80, 286, 287–8 lacunar infarction and syndromes 278–9
artifacts resembling 30–1 diagnostic work-up 285, 286 imaging 18–19
interictal personality syndrome 52, differential diagnosis 286 lambda waves 30
245–6, 248, 249 etiology 282–4 Landau–Kleffner syndrome 268
interictal psychosis, catatonia 95 treatment 287–8 landmark agnosia 59, 60
intermittent explosive disorder 271 ischemic injury, global see language disturbances, autism 416
intermittent porphyria, acute 483, 484 hypoxic–ischemic disorders see also dysphasia, developmental
intermittent rhythmic delta activity 25 isopropanol 676–7 large vessel syndromes 277–8
International League Against Epilepsy, differential diagnosis 677 laryngeal dystonia (spasmodic dysphonia)
classification scheme 249 alcohol intoxication 664, 677 368–9
interview, diagnostic 3–5 methanol intoxication 676, 677 lateral sclerosis
concluding 5 amyotrophic see amyotrophic lateral
directive portion 4–5 jactatio nocturnal capitis 573–4 sclerosis
non-directive portion 4 jamais vu and jamais entendu 251 primary
setting 3 JC virus 496 in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 343
intoxicants (toxic substances) 472–6 jealousy delusions 143 mimicking conditions 343
anxiety 225 in delusional disorder 616 laughter
ataxia 170, 226, 226–7 jerks in complex partial seizures 254
chorea 79 myoclonic see myoclonus see also gelastic seizures
delirium 175, 176 in sleep mirthless 254
delusions and hallucinations in 144, 145 hypnic, vs myoclonus 77 in le fou rire prodromique 124, 125
dementia 168, 170, 172 isolated 583 nervous, vs inappropriate affect 140
depersonalization 133 of periodic limb movements 582, Laurence–Moon–Biedl syndrome see
depression 209, 210, 211 583 Bardet–Biedl syndrome
encephalitis (acute) vs 295 jet lag 584, 585 le fou rire prodromique 124, 125
mania 218, 219 judgement, assessing 10 lead intoxication and encephalopathy
parkinsonism 88, 89–90, 168