BON Resolution No 08 1994
BON Resolution No 08 1994
BON Resolution No 08 1994
Board of Nursing
Resolution No. 08
Series of 1994
WHEREAS Sec. 27 (a) Art. V of R.A. 7164: “The Philippine Nursing Act of 1991” provides
that intravenous injection is within the scope of nursing and that, in the “administration of intravenous
injections, special training shall be required according to protocol established.
WHEREAS the Board under Sec. 4. (h), Art. III of Supra Law is empowered to adopt measures
as maybe necessary for the improvement of nursing practice.
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of its quasi-legislative power under Sec. 10 Art. III of the R.A.
No. 7164, the Board hereby RESOLVED, as it so RESOLVED:
FURTHER, RESOLVED, that any registered nurse without such training who administered
injections to patient whether causing or not an injury or death to the patient shall be held liable either
criminally liable under Sec. 30 (c) Art. VII of the said law or administratively under Sec. 21, Art. III or
FURTHER, RESOLVED, to widely circularize the herein Resolution through the DOH, PNA,
and other concerned agencies and sectors.
FURTHERMORE, RESOLVED, upon approval hereof by the Commission, the Resolution
shall be effective after 15 days, following its publication in the Official Gazette or any newspaper of
general circulation, whichever is earlier.