Modern Physics: An Excursion Into The Development of New Ideas
Modern Physics: An Excursion Into The Development of New Ideas
Modern Physics: An Excursion Into The Development of New Ideas
– Total power per unit area is the area under the curve
– This increases with temperature
– Stefan’s law gives the relationship (P =
• I = T4
• Rayleigh-Jean Law
– Attempt to derive spectral intensity by considering
standing waves in the cavity
2 c k B T
I ( , T )
• Ultraviolet catastrophe (small wavelength)
• Infinite total power
Planck’s Solution
• Assumptions
– Cavity Walls are oscillators
– Oscillators have range of fundamental frequencies
– Oscillators exchange radiation with cavity
– Each oscillator of fund. Freq. f can absorb or emit
E =nhf where n = 0,1,2,3
Novel Idea
Led to the correct eqn
2hc 2
I ( , T )
5 k BT
e 1
Photoelectric Effect
Classical Expectations
• Light is a wave so its energy must depend
on the intensity and independent of its
• Emission of photoelectrons should not
depend on the frequency, but on the
• KE should depend on its intensity
• A delay should be expected as electrons
absorb enough energy from the wave
• No current for frequency below threshold (Cutoff)
frequency. Independent of intensity
• The amount of saturation current depends on the light
• The maximum kinetic energy (or stopping voltage ) is
proportional to frequency, independent of intensity
• Threshold frequency depends on the metal
• Stopping voltage depends only on metal and frequency ,
not on intensity
• Instantaneous emission of electrons on illumination
• Light consists of discrete photons
• Energy of a photon E = hf
• Atom absorbs total photon
• Energy equal to the work function needed
to remove electron from atom
• WF depends on the metal used
• Energy of photon in excess of WF goes
into K.E of electron (Cons. Of Energy)
Compton Effect
• Monochromatic X-rays scattered from
electrons in Graphite
• Observed change in wavelength which
varied with scattering angle
• (not expected)
2 1 1 cos( )
me c
• Light consists of discrete particles
• These particles collide with the stationary
electrons of the graphite
• Relativistic energy and momentum are
conserved (similar to particle-particle
Class Exercises
• The Sun emits energy at a rate of 3.9x1026 W.
(i) If the radius is 6.96x108 m, determine the
mean temperature.(ii) If the average
wavelength of its radiation is 550 nm,
determine the average number of photons
emitted by the sun in a second.
Atomic Spectra
The Absorption and
emission spectra
are characteristic of the
•Study of elements in The
Sun and Stars
•Analysis of heavy metal
contamination in food
•Neon Signs
•Fluorescent lamps
Spectral Series of Hydrogen
1 1 1
RH 2 2
n ni
• Energy E = PE + KE
• Fourth Postulate
• Obtain
• Observe
– Individual particles at detector
– Low intensity area has low probability
of particle
– Interference pattern emerge over
• Deduce
– e- detected as particles, but their
probability of arrival at a point on the
screen is determined by the
interference of a pair of waves
Image Credit
• The double slit experiment with reduced
particle number showed that the electron is
detected as a particle but their arrival at a
point on the screen is determined by the
interference of two waves.
• Thus both wave and particle properties are
required to explain the “particle”.
• Cannot observe both properties
• Cover one slit
– No interference
Quantum Mechanics
• Matter wave?
– Is complex
– Has everything knowable about particle
• Satisfy Schrödinger Equation
• Interpretation of wave function
Poetry in Physics
• Origin German
– Erwin kann mit seinem Psi
kalkulieren wie noch nie.
Doch wird jeder gleich einsehn:
Psi lässt sich nicht recht verstehn
• English translation that does not run as
smoothly, but may be easier to understand for
some. :-)
– Erwin with his psi can do
calculations quite a few.
But one thing has not been seen:
Just what does psi really mean?
What Psi means
P( x ) dx ( x ) dx
Review Standing Wave
• Standing wave on a string of length L
= 2L/n with n = 1,2,3
• Note wavelengths are quantised
• For standing wave y = sin(kx)
Class Exercises
• An electron is trapped in an infinite potential well
(particle in 1-D box) 250 pm wide and is in the
ground state. How much energy must it absorb if it is
to jump to the state n = 4. Determine the wavelength
of the photon emitted when it subsequently drops
back down to the n = 2 energy level.
• A particle of mass m is in an infinite potential well of
width L. The particle is in the first excited state. Find
the ratio of the probability of finding the particle in a
small interval about point x = L/3 to that of finding
the particle in an interval of equal size around the
point x = L/4.
• Black Body Radiation
• Temperature Wien’s law
• Stefan’s law
• Planck’s Solution
• Photoelectric Effect
• Experiment
• Classical Expectations
• Graphs
• Observations
• Einstein’s Solution
• Compton Effect
• Experiment
• Results
• Explanation
• Atomic Spectra
• Emission/Absorption
• Spectral Series of Hydrogen
• Bohr’s Postulates
• Bohr’s atom
• De Broglie’s Hypothesis
• Quantum Mechanics
• Wave function
• Wave function interpretation
• Particle in a box