Due - Diligence Checklist - IPO (BOBCAP)
Due - Diligence Checklist - IPO (BOBCAP)
Due - Diligence Checklist - IPO (BOBCAP)
Risk Factors
Intermediary Details
General Information and records of the Company
Capital Structure
Objects of the issue
Industry Overview
Business of the Company
Promoters, Management and Human Resources
Subsidiaries, Group and Associate Companies and Equity Investments
Information on Financials of the Company
Litigation Details
Government Approvals
1 All the internal and Risk factors which are specific to the project and internal
external risk factors to the company and those which are external and beyond
which in the opinion of the control of the Company.
the company may have
a material impact on the Review all pending litigations and to be listed in the order
operations of the Issuer of materiality and categories.
Intermediary Details Name Address Tel. Fax. E- Website Name, Address, Tel.
Nos. No. mail address nos., fax no. and
email of the Contact
B Auditor’s of the
C Registrar to the
D Legal Advisor to
the issue
E Bankers of the
F Bankers to the
G Advisors to the
Issue/ Issuer
H Syndicate
I Monitoring Agency
K Underwriters to the
1. Memorandum and Articles Shifting of the registered office of the Company and
of Association reasons therefore.
2. Minutes of Board and Minutes of all the matters which are material in
general meetings of the nature and need to be mentioned in the offer
company document
7. Details of all credit ratings Copies of the letters received from the rating
received by the Company agency(s)) giving the name of the rating agency(s),
during the previous three credit rating, borrowing programme etc.
8. ROC Forms filed Copies of the ROC forms filed by the Company
(Refer Annexure I) along with ROC receipts.
16. Copies of the following Copies of the various registers maintained by the
Registers (as applicable): Company
Register of Members
Register of Charges
Register of Contracts,
Companies and Firms in
which the Directors of the
Company are interested.
Register of Directors,
Managing Director and
Register of Directors’
20. Details of information about Copies of articles / press clippings on the Company
articles, etc. published in appeared in any magazine, papers, etc, Press
the media release issued by the Company, Copies of any
interview given, Any report prepared by third party
Annexure I
Form 66 Compliance Certificate – for Companies having paid up capital of Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 2
Annexure II
Change in Name
Format B
Format C
Date of Memorandum Clause No. Articles Clause No. Short Particulars of Change
1. Details of the authorised capital, the issued Refer to Annexure I for format of the
capital, subscribed and the paid-up capital, details to be included
the net offer to the public, promoters’
contribution and firm allotment/ reservation
therein and the post issue paid-up capital
and the pre and post share premium
4. Details of shares issued for consideration Refer to Annexure III for format of the
other than cash or out of revaluation details to be
reserves at any point of time, the details of
the same (to be provided by the Company in
a separate table), indicating the date of
issue, persons to whom issued, price,
reasons for the issue and whether any
benefits have accrued to the Company out of
the issue.
9. Details of the aggregate number of specified Name of the transferor, name of the
securities purchased or sold by the promoter transferee and the maximum and
group and/or by the directors of the minimum price of transacting the shares
company which is a promoter of the and the transaction dates
Company and/or by the directors of the
Company and their immediate relatives,
within six months immediately preceding
the date of filing draft offer document with
the Board.
10. Details of all financing arrangements
whereby the promoter group, the directors
of the company which is a promoter of the
Company, the directors of the Company and
Annexure II
Annexure III
Details of shares issued for consideration other than cash or out of revaluation reserves
Sr. Date of Name of Number Face Issue Nature of Reason for Benefits
No Allotment the of Value Price Consideration issue accrued to
Persons shares the company
to allotted (Rs.) (Rs.)
Annexure I
The back up documents required for estimating the cost of various activities forming part of the objects of
the Issue are as follows:
Sr. Nature of Back up document required and points to be taken into account
No. Activity
2. Working A complete perspective on the present working capital position vis-à-vis the
Capital projected one based on which the money is proposed to be raised in the public
requirement issue.
Certificate from the Auditors providing the present and projected working capital
along with assumptions, sanction letters from banks for the existing working capital
3. Purchase of a) For plant and machinery not ordered--- quotation to be received from suppliers.
Fixed Assets The quotations used should not be more than six months old. Company to provide
all the assumptions made in arriving at the cost of plant and machinery.
b) If any orders have been placed for plant & machinery then require purchase
order for same.
c) If second hand machinery is proposed to be bought, the details of the age of the
machines and balance estimated life to be given.
4. Repayment of a) Auditors certificate for the amount outstanding as on the date of the offer
loans document and check for the prepayment penalty clause, if any, in the loan
7. If one of the Details of the loan agreements, including the rate of interest, whether secured or
objects of the unsecured, duration, nature of security, terms of repayment, subordination etc. and
issue is the the nature of benefit expected to accrue to the issuer as a result of the investment.
If such loan is to be granted to a subsidiary, group or associate company, details of
grant of a
the same.
loan to any
8. Acquisition of A copy of agreement to sell entered into for the purchase of such land.
a. Industry Introduction
b. Global Overview
c. Indian Overview
d. Future Outlook
Business Overview
Vision and Mission Statement
Strengths of the Company
2. Nature of products, services, consumers
and end users, including dependence on
customers, suppliers, dealers etc (in India
or abroad)
5. Property
List and copies of Leave & License/ Lease Details of property(s) on lease.
agreements for properties owned and
taken on leave and license / Lease
All contracts and agreements for the Details of part consideration and
immovable properties proposed to be registration of documents and
6. Marketing strategy
10. Copies of Sanction letter(s) for working Copies of the sanction letters for
capital limits, application made for loans / the financial aid provided by
financial assistance, loan agreements, etc banks and other institutions
Agreements between
the Company and any
of its shareholders,
including agreements
between the promoters
of the Company and
any other person in
respect of
management of and,
or, shareholding of the
Joint venture or
Any technical know-
6. Other Agreements
2. Power of Attorney from Declaration of the person(s) who are to sign the
the directors of the prospectus
company, the CEO and
the CFO to the entity who
will sign the DRHP/ RHP/
Prospectus while filing the
Registrar of
companies(“RoC”), or on
behalf of the officers
5. Details of other
partnerships and Copies of latest Form 24AA
proprietary concerns of
the directors
The below-mentioned details will be needed for all the Group Companies, Ventures of the
Certificate from
Companies certifying
all the information.
Audited accounts in the Offer Document are required to be furnished for the preceding five years and
the broken period such that they are not older than six months from the Date of issue of offer document.
2. Five years Adjusted P&L Account As per SEBI format, last audited
accounts should not be older than six
months from the date of issue of offer
19 In case the Company has one or The Consolidated Statement ( for the
more subsidiaries: issuer company and its subsidiaries) of
Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss
Statement, Cash flow and all the
annexure along with the Significant
Accounting Policy and Notes to
For the entities mentioned below in the table, provide details of.
All pending litigations (whether filed by the entity or filed against the entity);
All show cause notices received
Defaults to financial institutions/banks;
Non-payment of statutory dues;
Violations of regulations and criminal, civil offences;
Pending proceedings related to economic offences;
Past cases where penalties have been imposed;
Dues towards instrument holders like debenture holders and fixed deposits; and
Arrears on cumulative reference shares together with the amounts involved.
adverse findings, if any, in respect of the issuer as regards compliance with the securities laws.
The name(s) of the small scale undertaking(s) or any other creditors to whom the issuer owes a
sum exceeding Rs. one lakh which is outstanding more than thirty days.
Sr. Entities Information /Disclosures Status/Remark
Also include details of outstanding litigations, disputes pertaining to matters likely to effect operations
and finances of the company including disputed tax liabilities, prosecution under any enactment in
respect schedule XII of the companies act, 1956
Criminal, Securities
Others(please specify)
Other Details : Whether the Company, promoters, group companies, the relatives (as per Companies
Act,1956) of promoters, group companies are identified as wilful defaulters by Reserve Bank of
India or other authorities