An and Hi
An and Hi
An and Hi
Plant Pathology Division, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, RDA, Suwon 441-707, Korea
(Received on August 4, 2006; Accepted on August 12, 2006)
Bacillus vallismortis EXTN-1, a biocontrol agent in effects are brought about by different mechanisms as
cucumber, tomato and potato was tested in rice patho- reported by many researchers (Vessey et al., 2003; Defago
system against rice fungal pathogens viz. Magnaporthe et al., 1990). Biocontrol organisms act as antagonists of the
grisea, Rhizoctonia solani and Cochliobolus miyabeanus. targeted pathogen or induce systemic resistance to the host
Apart from increasing the yield in the bacterized plants plant (Cook and Baker, 1983), with systemic biochemical
(11.6-12.6% over control), the study showed that EXTN- and ultra structural changes in the plant system that lead to a
1 is effective in bringing about disease suppression greater ability of the host plant to defend itself against
against all the tested fungal pathogens. EXTN-1 treat- pathogens.
ment resulted in 52.11% reduction in rice blast, 83.02%
reduction in sheath blight and 11.54% decrease in The present study dealt with rhizobacteria-mediated plant
brown spot symptoms. As the strain is proven as an growth promotion and disease suppression in rice. The
inducer for systemic resistance based on PR gene rhizobacteria used in the study was Bacillus vallismortis
expression in Arabidopsis and tobacco models, it is strain, EXTN-1. The strain had been demonstrated to
supposed that a similar mechanism works in rice, induce systemic resistance in many cropping systems lead-
bringing about disease suppression. The strain could be ing to significant disease suppression and enhanced plant
used as a potent biocontrol and growth-promoting growth (Park et al., 2001).
agent in rice cropping system.
Keywords : Bacillus vallismortis, biological control, induced Materials and Methods
almost everywhere that rice is grown. This fungal disease is with glycerol (20%). The fungal pathogens used in the
estimated to cause production losses of US $ 55 million experiments, Magnaporthe grisea, Rhizoctonia solani and
each year in South and Southeast Asia. The losses are even Cochliobolus miyabeanus were maintained on potato
higher in East Asia and other more temperate rice growing dextrose agar (PDA) slants at 15 C. Rice variety cv.
regions around the world (Herdt et al., 1991). Sheath blight Choochung, which is susceptible to the fungal pathogens
(caused by Rhizoctonia solani) is distributed in 1.2 to 1.4 tested, was used in the experiment.
million ha which is about 32-50% of the world’s total rice
cropping area. Rice brown spot, caused by Cochliobolus Treatment of the plants and challenge with the patho-
miyabeanus has been severely increased recently in Korea. gen. The treatment included bacterization of rice seeds with
Sustainable and environmental friendly control measures the bacterial strain B. vallismortis EXTN-1 (5 × 10 cells/
are a preferred strategy for plant disease control. Beneficial ml). The inducer of systemic disease resistance, benzo
microorganisms form an important component of Integ- (1,2,3) thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester (BTH)
rated Pest Management (IPM). The use of rhizobacteria for (100 mM) (Lawton et al., 1996) was included in the
controlling soil borne plant diseases has been well treatments as a positive control. Bacterial inoculum was
documented (Weller and Cook, 1986). The beneficial prepared by harvesting cells from Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA)
plates (incubated at 28 C for 48 h) and re-suspended in 10
Phone) +82-31-290-0424, FAX) +82-31-290-0406 the seeds in the bacterial suspension for 4 h. Seeds soaked
E-mail) [email protected] in 10 mM MgSO served as control. The seeds were sown
Bacillus vallismortis EXTN-1-Mediated Growth Promotion and Disease Suppression in Rice 279
Fig. 5. EXTN-1 mediated sheath blight suppression by seed soaking with the bacteria.
Bacillus vallismortis EXTN-1-Mediated Growth Promotion and Disease Suppression in Rice 281
to enhance plant growth promotion. Plant growth pro- mechanisms of disease suppression by rhizobacteria (Zehnder
motion by rhizobacteria could be due to the production of et al., 2001; Vessey, 2003), antibiosis being one of the
growth hormones, Indole-3-Acetic Acid (IAA) & Gibberellic important mechanism (Duffy and Defago, 1999). Homma
Acid (GA), suppression of deleterious organisms and (1984) observed certain soil bacteria degrade the conidia of
promotion of the availability of uptake of mineral nutrients C. miyabeanus. Also, chitinase-mediated cell wall lysis of
(Kloepper et al., 1980). The exact mechanisms are unclear R. solani has been reported by Lorito et al. (1998). Our
yet. recent studies proved that the different fractions of the
EXTN-1 treatment resulted in 52.11% reduction in rice metabolites produced by EXTN-1 considerably brought
blast, 83.02% reduction in sheath blight and 11.54% down the mycelial development of several fungal plant
decrease in brown spot symptoms in the crop. Reports are pathogens (data unpublished).
few on potential of a strain of biocontrol agent suppressing As EXTN-1 effectively brought about multiple disease
several disease of single crop, which is an important suppression in rice via different mechanisms of action, the
strategy to reduce the cost of the technology. The ability of strain could be effectively explored in large scale for the
EXTN-1 to suppress multiple diseases proves its multi- benefit of rice farming community.
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