Fire Safety Handbook - Volume 1

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Plans preparati on and ubmi ion procedures ! st ell ilion

Published on 2U Mar 1006

All Information I' cone 'I as at. da~e of printing Produced by

Ci vi I Defence Department 1in~stry fInterior. Q:Ji1<11r

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This handbook i~ produced by the Civil Defence Department (CDD). Ministry or explain the plans prcpurnrion and o;.;uhmisshm procedures relming 1'0 'lei rc S,\ rely works. Il j<;,. meant to provide an easy reference for the users such H!- cnnsu I UUH~. owners and developers to II nderstand what is req ui red u Uhcm In prcpnring plans Itn subnussion tu CDl) and the new submission procedure

CDDcm.lcavours to improve its SL'r\' ices to the burlding indu~lry over rhnc, tl will l'nrrnuhut; new policies and procedures or introduce improvernerns ro existing systems and these changes, iii he made 'knO\vJ1I to the building Industry.

It is important thai the various stakeholders understand their roles and responsibil itics. eon IS confident that (he joint effort. of the various stakeholders. inc! uding con itself, bei IJg the regulatory body, win raise [he fire safety standards ill the buildings in Qatar .

Ci vi] Defence Department M il11srI1 0 fInterior tate; f Qatar

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When are the ~ccEipted codes 01' praChc,e? S

Who are flualffied 10 prepar,e Ihe pIan!],? ,8

How to go about 5ubmltung pla:tlIs? !il'

Wha:1 arlL'! li1e p~aflsfdjjcuments '10 be submlttedt 1.2

works ~e nncorporated In Ihe b~jh:hng plam $lLIlbmlssmn:i


Js Building Plan submhs,sio:n n:!quini!d fen a ,change Qf usa (}1 Ute buUdijngl


Whal the de'lS!ils 10 be shown on the difhmmt typ:es Eli pl(;lns,? I 1;3 I

\ h", .",' '''' .n •• raemenrsto b. ,how" on lhe ploo> __J 1~-

nex A& A2 ~~--- ':42 ~

Annex B ~





Under what : mtuathm mu ( plans of tire afery works be .1IlTn-O rd. hy

the 'ivil De,£ence Depart ment ( 1DI)):'

PLans of fire safety WOrKSIn1L\n be ubmitted and approved by the DO prk f 1,0 the commencement (,rcarrying OU[ of any fire safety wnrks In any new buildings ur existing buildings.

'\\:hat u re 'fir _' afetJ "\ orks?

Fire safery works generally refer Lo the prmdsion, extensi n or alteration ,f ny fire safety mea urcs, uir-conditiomng and mechanic I vendhnion system or fire prolc,ctioll system in c nnecrlon with' building I. be used for the purposes of giving warning 01' nrc, extinguishing or limiting a fire and contfolHng the pread or smoke resulting from lilt: Itre, providing means of escape: nnd pruvidlng access to i:!ny premises for the purpose of tire figluiug. Example of buHdilig ",'Orb '!hat ma:y affect fire safety previsions are internal partition works, altern;don: and extension to' existing building, removal of existing structure . or building clements, aheretion to exterior of building such as converting driveway [0 landscape, en _

What are the- different type, of pJ:an invelved?

There are .3 types of plans of fire .• afety \; orks 8;., fellews:

.. Building Plan or Architectural Plans (BP) ,e.g. sire planning, meansof escape, structural fire protection, etc.

Air-conditiuning &~Mechank::al Venrtlation P~ans (ACMV) e.g, smoke purging system, engineered smoke control system, etc.

~ Fire Protection Plans (FP I e.g. sprinkler s stem, automatic alarm system. fire hose reels, wet and dry rising mains, etc.



What arc the accepted codes n r practice?

The NFPA WI is the accepted code of practice, Should other codes be used, rriur approval' rnu L he obtained from [he CDO stating Ihe areas of application and rca. 011'\ . pprll\ 31 for th.:i r U5l" shaJi ~lfIly be fur that paruculnr < pplicatiun or pW,ic("'l.

Who 'In' qualified to prepare the plan ... ·.'

Only Cl:U. ulu nts with the relcvam qualificetion c.;~11 prepare the phlus or lire ~"f~ly works. TnL: rwner'develc pt:F' management committee therefore has In CI1g.'lg~ <l11 appmpl'ialt!'on'slJluml H1 preparethe plans tor submission to COD. Depending em lhc type of fire s<Jfl:l) works mvolved. the appmpmllc consultant who undertakes the fire ~alcty design must be registered with the Engine-err> and Con sulung Offices Accrediting Committee in Qatar ... DIU~~'\ A shows the uafificaticn ( f consuharus for Buildinu Plans, Arr-eonditioning & \l,ect13nkaI Venlilali. n Plans & Fire Protection Plans to be submutcd 10 the ("DU. ~r in doubt, 'the uwner/developer/managernent committee should seek tJ1(, advice of the project. con ultam, who is overall in charge. of the building project or CDD_

,",,'bat if consuttant cannot ,to I'IIllp,ly ~-ith spedllcllre safety requ irement?

ln instances where specific Are ""fet] requirement cannot b~ complied with due to some constrarnrs, consultam may write in to the CDD to waive the requirement In this regard, the waiver mechanism provide» the con ultant an avenue to waive specific fire safety requirements.

However.the consu ~hmt is, required 10 pfeil rde stmng justlficatron to the I. 'DD tf support his wa: ~r applicarion. In addinon H:) the justification, ~11I: con. ulrant is also expected 10 propose altcmative I-]re ssfery measure LU make up Ior the st,0I1 !~]II in f re sa rely. Therefore, in subrn]l1illg waiver appHca,tion h. Lhl" CDH, till' CdnSLIH:"U;ll IS required tn "iWh: lilt: r~1 rticular pro v I 'ion rn the Fire " 'de 10 be waived, the reasons ror the wai \>'1.:1. ~md prcnposl: alternative lire afcty measures to uvcrcomc the hcrtfall. nless Ihcr~ ure very guod rcuson: for a particular fire S3rcl~ requrrcment til be ~ • Ivcd. Ihl.: r '1 wil] nol accede 10 such rt.'i.llh;'''i,t.


r PRe) EDI Rr'

II lIW to go ahouf sUlltJmiUril~g \-'1 niver Ilpptic:uiun and! appUcM,ioH ror plan ,appll'io"jjl'!

Submissinn procedures for WHi er appIicmion and application tor approval 0 f BP, A ,'MV and FP Plans are as fI 1I0w:

For Bl' applicaticn, there are 2 stages of submissmn i.e, D~ ign Fire Safety Control I

DFC 1 ,. or preliminary stage and D C1 'Stag .. Al the DFC I stage, the consultant shall submit 'the approved preliminary project design 'i.e. by Planning Dept, all DC] stage) for comments by U1.e CDO. Subsequently, if there I a need for waiver application, consultant shall follex up wirha waiver applicatfon at the enD for approval. At the DFC2 stage, consultant shall submit the Building Plan at the CDn for approval. The Buildina Plan shall cuntain the details of the design project The followmg flewchart illustrates this. Please note that the 'CO}] true ti on offire safety works can only COnmlCITICe after obtaining approval from enD at OF'2 stage.


l Collsu'ltal'l~ sIlaIJ IUb"mile ~.pprov.e.d'lilf}!' project d.eslgn (b:Y p!annlng-' Dep8nmel1~ a:lllJC 1 S.iag'a for commen'ls b '!tiS' ODD


., CO nsullanl 10' '0 eeida H them Is need to submil waiIJer .appIlCS'lion 10 ODD

"Ntol..,. walVur ~pplW;1;!!illn, ir al'l~, $hQII b01 submtlloo bafQ«I plaFl ipplbcii!UOfl al DFC2~l.alile


- -

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For ACMV and FP Plaru; application, thecensultant shall submit at the C DD for approval at. D"FC2 stage. Submis iOI1 all DfC'1 rage 'is not required unlike ap appltcation. IJ there ~s a need for waiver application, consultant shall submit the appLication at the ,"DD print to plan applicatinn. The [ollo,wing flowchart illustrates this.

ICiCnsullaOlstJIbmrt!! Wlfl'lfiJr ppj _ thlifl 01 COl) ..........,.-~~~/

l"~ l' WDI~er iijlplicaUO[1.

If any. ~ be wbm!l!led

l!bot(l'i'il ~an ,appllctlli()n , t DFC2 9t!~.,

What are the plans docurnents to be submitted ',I The following are required for the different types of pian submission:

" ~ M:lS ~Ir plans:

~ Pru'" Lei Ill; ec n ifi ~~IU! 0 r ionsultant,

• Apr] ~catioT1I"onl'~

• Occupancy I ~d und c,dl eLI pat' ~ I Y C.:JiJc~D h],~ iuns;

~ 11 poT icctc .. l up cni ag

eulculution: and

" 1'1 he I' supporting

document: , if J.Hi)',

Am '-,eonditionilng '& Mre'h,illiilh.~~,1 '\len tHa~j(HIi l! un

1 ... ~C'lS 0 plans;

• PrtlC'1 lc i ng: een i 11Ic.uh: r! f COl' "'U ham;

.' Arplu:ation fom.;

'.' ipnnkler h)'drnuhe e lc ul anon \ here ~pp,h( ihle: lid

Ii OtllC( 'Upportl'lill:,l! documems, if o)fi)'-

III 2 sct~ ofpJ ns:

I. 1)l1Ictidng I.!l.i'rl mcm.c cf consult At:

I. Appli:t;;'Utlon form;

~ P ressu rizarron S lti j rc 11 RC 'cnieuiMi·ClIfI, where applicab I C';

~ Smoke Ii: ii1I'I1'O i clIlcuJul UOI'i '\i!,' here applicable.; end

.' Otll~t supporting do nunems, if~II''1Y,

All plans .. celculation .con ultartts reports and application form shall be: signed by the' consultant. AU plans shall he submitted on standard metric AI or AO ~,~ZC only,


Can the details of fire protectron works or a1 r-conditioning & mechanical ventilation

works be incorporated m the building plan submission'!

No. Separate subrmssrons are required for the diflerent scope of' lire afety works. As such. Building Plan or Architectural Plan. Fire Proteetinn Plan and it-Conditioning & Meelranicel Vemilatirm Plan shall be submiued separarcly,

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E ,0 PREI\U - ES

,I s Sui Id IIlg rlan Mlbmj~~101'1 required [or 3 change l~f uxe I) f lhe building prcrn iscs?

If the change or IJ~C u( the premises results in addition and ~1'I~nHJon works I(~ be carriedout h-' the JlrCIl1ISE'~ )r C::JUS!.;S Ihc nccupllf:ll Inad calculation to be increased or I.:Xtl ~npacily 1.:~!~.:1I1ali(l1i to be reduced. t'luilding plan submission I'S required, The consu ltum i~ rcqn m:tl to 'rll.':ci f) clearly the propn .. cd irlltem ion of ll,ll.!' change of us\.!' in the preject dIll,: uflhc Buihlmg Plan.

(~1 II leal ion plan \vtlh ratie of at leas: 1.1000 1 he locauon plau 'hall tr;n,Jkiltc the folluwing:

i) the coloured location of the hn relanvc 10 [he neighbouring ItHS: and (ii) the various road. consuruting the access !ayom of the 101.

(b) S ue plan with ratio of al lcas[ 1:500_ The' site plan shan indicate the following:

(i J' means of access (0 rhe site and 10 the perimeter of each building tor fire fighting vehicles and equipment

(ii) the Fire Enginehardstanding of dimension 6.rnx 15m. with title longer side parallel to the facad of the building and shallwithstandthe load of a 40-1011 fire appliance.

(iii) location of existing public fire hydrants. Should. [here he no nrc hydrant or inadequate fire . hydrants on , ite, pr vision 0- adequate. internalprivate fire hydrant i required and indicated on plan;

(iv) distances between each building Of f re safety work and the relevant lot boundaries. adler proposed or existing buildings or installations on the site: and

~ v] any other feature on Of in the \: I iniry 0 she site which IS likely 1 be H fire hazard or Hi Hike'ly to cau 'eo obstruc ion w I1re fighting vehicles an d equi pme t11 and rOSC'HI! up ern tions,

~c) Every floor plan nd roof plan with ratiu f I, I no or 'l :2(j}, The phm~, shall indicate the fullowing:

0) the pri.)!'lo::,cd or existing use of every part;

(ii] the d tails or all openings and vuids penctrating rloors including their usage, dimen ,Lall~ and the nature nd erranu ment rend sillg walls and barricades:

(iii) the design occupant load fer that storey or woof for which means of escape Ii ve been provided in acce rdanee with NFP 1 () I in caseof tire;

(iv) lhefhe resistance ratings of ell lements uf'stnrcture, fire doors .. shutters, dampers and any other such fire safety measures:

tv) the details .of all means of escape to the external ar ground level from every part of'the floor such as exit doors," corridors, passageways, aisles] gangways, balconie -, lobbies, ramp, '., exit passageways. escape and fire fight~1[)g staircasesand areas of refuge.

(vi) the locations of all existing and proposed 'fire Ii ft , fire I ii"t lobbies, Fue

Command Centre, fire pumps water tank rooms and generator moms; (vi i )I.he I ccat i ODS of all areas desi nared for [he. storage of flammable 1 iquids or gases, boil r rc rns, transformer rooms ally other area: of specia] risk;

(viii) the 'types and e_dcnt of prevision of fire detection and alarm systems and voice commumcanon system ,;,

I ix) 'tberype and r<ttlng.s or a]l proposed and exiting portable fire extinguishers. and their Iocaucn s;

(x) the type and extent of provi ion of hydraulic hosereels, sprinl,d,~: sy tems, wet and dry rising mains and other fire extingui hing systems; and

pd:) Ihe type and extent or pro vi 100 of smoke control and venrilauon system ami their related air or smoke shafis

(<.I) Cross-sectional drawings with ratio If I: Ion 0]" I :JO( . which are necessary hl fully describe an detaih find C I1Aguranons uf the proposed building nr parr. thereof and of the pruposed lire safety works and shall include the fllll.owing:

(i) fun h~i'gh! cf I! eli st I"l:Y find WI.: depth of ccrl: Ill:; pace:

~ii) den-III of all epenmgs and voids penetrating Rtlor~ including t.hclr

luncusiens, usage and height of encl walls and barricades:

"i ii) d 'uliIs oflht: junctron between Ih .... roof ami any cumpertmenr walls;

(i v) the dimen ions of 'treads and risers of staircases:

[v the dimensions of'openings in external walls;

{vi) the clear height l f all strucrures or projecnons directlyabeve the access fer fire IigJning vdutles and equipmenr;

(vii) d1C clear dL tance of the extcma~ wan from [he fire vehicles and equipment access. lot boundary. adj~ceDt buildings and other structures :

(viii) the types. of materials used in and the thickness. of an walls floors, roofs. ceilings, beann and other related pans of the building; and

(ix) enlarged details of curtain walling atthe Junction with the typic~l floor slab to show the provision of fire slopping or fire cavity barriers.

(e) Eievational dcawings with ratio of 311 least I :200. The elevaticnal dra\i\Jings shall indicate the fellowing:

(1)1 the provisicns of firemen access panel on the external walls and

claddings; and

(ii) die clear distance uf'the external wall from dre fire fighting vebieles and

equipment access, Jot boundary, adjacent buildings and other structures.

The details to he '1l:mvrn on the .,\jr=c'ClnrUe;ionin.:g and \'b:,c~hantclilll'\len[n9.tj911 Plan Hod Eire Protection nhlAI R['I a, foUuiilvs;

d) necessary eros. -secrional views as superimposed on ihe hllilding or part thereof to ful Iy deseribe the details and con1igunu tons of the system;

(a I key features of the building In whi h th e ystern i~ '[1'1 he installed, including the details as I i"lcd in lhe Building Plan.

(h) II sehemat ic di agram (If the 0\ eral] ystcm 'Iwwmg dearly the key j catures and their I unctions, rclai rve l'O{;t11 ion In the buildmg, sizes, capaciucs and other csscnuul informauon mciudmg 111 mr distributron JC~lgn FLmmg'\;il),l.:111 ill th~ CHSC of nrr-cunduronmg and nH:\:'h~tn~~'al vcmilaticn o.;y':;l,cm"'~

(t' ~ lh~ layout of IhL' ~Y"h.:m un l'\'l'ry Iluur plan show ing lin: various parts and their fun 'I ions, location, arrangements. !:Ii"c::.. cupacities and other ~s!-;t:nl i~11 informmion:

{c) a colour scheme to deady distinguish the various distinct parts of the $;ysLem and the different systems fr"o]1'J: 'Q.~(' another;

(0 for air-conditioning and mechanieal ventilation systems such additional details a-

(i} the volumetric rate or flow of air at each pnirn of inlet and outletof each system. including those serving protected staircases, exit passageways, lobbies . areas of refuge .. [be Fire Command Centre. nrc pump rooms, generator rooms. rooms used for the storage uf flarnrnable liquids. or gas or other areas f special risk:

(ii) the lucarion of fire compettment wail" floors and air shafts: (ii i l the locarion of fire d!.UI1] ers:

- --

- --- --

Ii\') the [neat ion of smoke detectors; and

(v) the location and function uf ether fire precautionary features.

(g.) for fire alarm sYRlcm such additiunal details a

{I'I plan I'Q..' ut If each Hour ,I, ill1 proper labeling uf d~, ices IiIlnn£ with condu i l layout showing till" 'r;]l1ing and ending purm: •

([ i 1 ~~hi::ll'nmk diagram wirh proper I, beli nwaddn'::i 'C~ Jf devices or detectors & battery capucrty of I he lin: alarm rand: and

(i i H genera I layout 0 r lin.: nlarm sy:-.h:H1 \0,: ith wiring Ji:lgrnm.

(11) I\Jr fire sprinkler system ' fire hl~"t.: l:nbiru.:t rising maills ,I tire hydrant !-itwh addiuonal dC'UlllJ. .. as

III spnnklcr laymn .f each 1100r " 11'11 proper legend las pe NF J"A i 70 unly), mcluding pipe siz & sprinkler heads spacing.

(il) .chemauc diagram (rber diagram) of prink lcr, lin: hose cabinet, rising mains with pr, ~per annotanon.

(iii) genera! layout of'the Soy tern . depi'ling all pipes and their materials. hanger support details & lire cable specification.

I( tV) hydraulic calculanon to verify fire pump capacity & water requirement of system.

tV) isometric drawing of the most crincal group of sprinklers to support hydraulic calculation with proper node numb~r.& pipe number.

(vi.) where applicable. endorsement on piau that [he de ign and insrallation of tile above system is in accordanc with rhe relevant NfPA e.g, NFPA 10, IJ \ or DR). 14.20 s: 2_.

Where necessary. such plan shal] be accompanied by a report identifying mid describing each system in talled in the building and it design, features and operational arrangements and design calculations.


Th.,U!, details to. be ',hnwn on at1 plans i.c, B,ui.d~l~g P[ltl. Air-condttiunlng and M(~chii!f!lie'a] ,i, nUTation Pian and in Prot,edion philO are Ii foUn\o!l'::

(a) Have on ~\,I:I) sheet n outlined rectangular sps ce measuring I -Onun x 100rnm provided at its top right hand corner [~or C DD cfficia ~ stamps and endorsement (~-,{!;I)' Alliin rIB; fo mustF,atiollll}.

(h) Title bloi,;b; showing the project utle, full names, addres .. es and signatures of the project consnlt I'll and the Budding Owner: )e\'clC'ip~r/MmHlgul'llcnt t erporation S':c Arme)! B for iililum ratiou).

(G) AU symbols tit,; be U1 acenrdanee \ ... dlh NFPA 170 and correctly reflected in the legend, Only show the relevant symbols in the legend, which is to be reflected (10 t,;v,cry sheet of drawing.

(d) ell proposed works shull be: shown coloured on plan (except for works in

new building .) and these hall be differentiated from deletion works, if an

( e x i st i ng approved \1\.' arks andfi re prote cu:io 11 s ysrem no [ lU be en I au red).

td All scales, grid reference .' dim nsions and page numbering , shall be shown on every sheet of plan .

. t) Type of standard wed for fire-related materials ! equipments eo .g, L listed/ FM approved.

{g) Drawings em pia.n~ shall be arranged in the following sequential manner:

o Location plan and ite plan (oOn 'the from page)

o Lowest level floor plan. 0' Ground floor plan

0, Higher Ao{)rs (each floor plan or typical Iloor plan) go Roofplan

o Secti na] and elevatinnal draw-ings 0- M iscell aneoi is dra ~'r' ings,

These plans are to be stapled in a set,

:K. nORSE IE T ,,0 .~ PLANS

\\.'hUl urc the endursemcnt-, to he shown OCI the plans?


The f'UUmving shall be endorsed on every sheet of [he Building Plan by the approprish: cnnsuhunt who prepared the plan;

[dclilti,Hcilli. n 'mel No,

I Passport No .. hcing a consu ltant hereby ccrti fy [hal the fin:

.. ]


safety works as sh iwn on LhJ.: 'C plan' have been designed in accordance \'.,1 uh tile provisions of the '* FPA I' 0 I I < Other relevant codes and. standards}, r ubjcct W waivers granted by the Manglng Director uf Qatar ivil Defence

'artie and signature of consul tant

A ddre ss of consultant


~ Delete where applicable"

The above i.e, consultant endorsement of fire safety compliance, shall be 0,1i [he right band side of the plan ('ee Anlle:x. B ml[l. tratinn),

2) Where applicable .. all three plans. i.e, BUilding Plan. Fire Protection

Plan. Air-conditioning & '~eC'hanicaJ, Vemilation Plan are to be submitted together to COD. III this instance, the consuhant shall endorse on the Building. PhI" either ofthe fed lowing:

• h~HrE'3ife:y 'wo ks lIlo\'! n un thi b~dldi:Dg. pi,. 'n d,o 1110'1 alfect E.IH~fir~' protediolml ,ys,tt'ooand m.e,c'halili,c:al'll,fclmltHati:On .~, tern tn the btl Ud,ing."


·Th~·Hrc afety u"ork '. 110ll n nn thi~ buUdwn:;t IJl~'I: ~ nt:ed tho *'lin,,~ pn~tl.'t'lion y [em! *me,hnnmica'i , u'ti.'l:lthl'll syst rn in he bundill~ and the ..... F~J' Plun I "A i'\ 1\/ Ill. *b I *a.r,c suhmitf d till! ~t h, 'I" wi h Ul' Bu iltHull!: Plan,

However, i r all ~ plan::.. canuot ht: subnurred together, consultant will ·ubmi.l Bui Iding Plan 'Ii na and endorse l n the Burldm ' P:htl1i euhcr (If the followmg:

~ h·, :I'i.!'·' ',:dcry wnrks shown urt this IluUd~wg Phm do uul. affect trnH~' r~n!' prete Hon system / m,e-cll1lQ n ic3t~{UOn, stern I.u the buiJdJng.·


oTt ... :, Are "::I.fety works .. hO\li.B ,on 'thi' BuiMing PLan affect UI"e *(ire protecUnlfl ' Y "~,em '*llu;~c'haDical . en:tUation~yst'em mn the buHdiing and (he *FP Plan I *. eM\' Plan wilJ be submltted separately wIthiu 4.5 days frumthe date of ,ubILUII sian of the BUlildinu Plan,

The above i.e, whether fire. afety wnrks on building plan affect, fire proteLllon sy tem/mechani al ventilation y. tern shall be endorsed on [he right hand side of the plan (~'ee Annex B f;or illustrarkin 1

- --------

The follov ing shall be endorsed on every sheet of rhe FP/. ! 'r'\/[V Plan by the appropnarc consultant who prepared the plan:

II d tui.:lic~1.ti:tIln 'a rd ~ o, / Pa 1\ip~lrr ' 'o._~~ __ ~_ behl~ a con t1lhuu' hereby l'ertU) UHU Ih prepesed ' ,~,,' ·,It'UlI 111~1'~ I.'e, ,11:1 dcs,w~n d in

". I

accordaru; ''''iUl nile ~llrmisio! s or ~_

,~udc uSi.!'d,.



I~"IN l·llUildiDJl rnl'~' [('s,c:rl p rio n T~'p~ of Pr(l'jL'l"I: I Discipl me o r
J con SII h.m I

<I, "Il~.".. hl.lIl~til1!_i:.
Ilt:1>ul\!nlllll. fl.:'ulII-;fmlo. tum I AI~hlicCL
~ n~! ItIIl'i unn l, !!\tClrulnn ~~f tmlltiUl~
I Ol]lcc. Shop. rhlCl: Blllhhll~ Pl,m. -
tlj pubhc I esun, h ,\JJ H~ n \[~~1'i111i.1II /I. rdll1 ect LIf
.Ii< ll1.JJl!!t ot W~ Ellgin('ct
I~ b~llldln~ rClv!IiSlrw':luwl)
:'\~" tUlIldtng.
I rl;'1;t.1thlruClnl(11
t!xll,m~iof\ of bUllL.lmg Archuect or
rllC'H1r\' & Stonnze Pn r~~Slnlllll
1 • JO IllliiJi!1g Plans
" ,o\J.:hUlln ~ .. \ II!:riIUJOll iCivii SlrtlClm'al)
, llian!'.~ llf Il.'l!:
!o} building
All _\rr·(' or1ditlQmng
1 &. _\iit::cil<ll'li':<ll Prnfes sional Engmeer ,MechalUc:JJ)
\, enti 1.aE1(Hl P'1:i.Jb
~ All Amomaac fir{: Profe siena I Eng.ineer I M!I:~h::lnica( nr
aJ ann system plans Electrical)
5 All sprm k ler & 11 'I\~ Pro fesstona I Engllleer 1.\1cci1uni{:a1'
water rr3~ fuarn
S\"~h:m plans
All Hisl n g mam-, ,& fin'
.(\ hos.eredl. systems rroJ~ ronal Et1!!-II~I;."er I _ lechamcal 01' CIvil)
pJ~ ANNEX A QL.i~\1 ification of'Consulrants for Bu ildmg Plans, A Ir-C onditiorung & vlcchun ical Vcntilution Plan. & Fire Protccnon Plans to be submiucd to the Ci\'11 Defence I)c p .. rl J 11 en I,

*N,B. See . nne". A2 fnr definition of building type.

Description of Building Type

II B.u j,lding Purpnw fnr .. ~ 'rich bulldillg 'al' jjart Ii'f lItu;,

. Type hllildh!~, J:~ y~ed or intcmJerllu, be used

riJ· . r • I E.~cn~mlntldi:lmJI\ fur rC"'HI'~l"Ihal purpo C~ In include \ l'lla~. llll!';;'.

1, .. (, I( 1.'1l11~'

- I1ltU:SOII ·!!C~. apllJlmt:flls L!h:,

----- --- ---- ---- ----

I; .... tahln .. lnncnts u-ed 1m trcuuucnt. cure ur IIl.llnlCllnm:\: \.,

I person ... 'llllli:nng Irum dlsahilltlcs. or CliL1C;lliOri.I,I, rllrpnl'1~-: tlnd l!l:cumrn(lJatinn .. ,., nc ludmg hn~pllill~. diI1H: .... rwl~ ~hl~h:~ .')l'uti..:1tr

I mtiHlIIt't1::i1 hu"h:I". dormu. irh.:t.. olJ h l!h homes, l)rrh;u1H~I.!I.;. ell1 klr~n ."

homes, IJ{]y-~.m: cent rc~, kllld\.-rgartclls. ~1I'I11y ~l.lInps, dc,tcnllUll corrccnon ccntre-, ~l,."h~ldh" c!lltl.:~I;<;. 'ommcrl.'131 ",l.:nuI1h., voentu na I 'II1!'.i I rUB~ln .... J'h-II ytcl,; lum:" awJ LlIIIV!.'t'.:~IIIC~.


Place of public resort

---- ---_ --- -~-

Ufl1c1.: LIr ,r n.:rTW.~ .. u:.."d IUf GJflKC rurposl.· .. IlIl.'arHl1g rh~ rurt){~SI;;~ or aJl!lml~1I ;JUUll • clerical wur], [.I.ndudlll£, bu!}k~k~l!pmg. tl"::':OI.lnring, Jtd\\ illg anll edirona r work etc) telephune and l.ekg:rnph 1J!'I.·nJlIJlg and hanMng or as prermscs occupied wuh all ome~ lur thC' purpo I.:" uf th ... ;)(.'Ii\ Hl~;S rherem carried \)[1.

Shlc1P ur Jwppan~ centre ITIcludm:~ deparm 11:11 La I S[Ol'C~. sllOpping arcades. !'oLlpL'J'!m.lfk~LS, drugstores, hll\\ rooms ~lr sale ('If goods. h<Li!'dr~s_'\ing and beauty salons ... liclclmg agencies. pewnshops. buudrit: ... and or 1m)' Lnher srrrular trade ur bu.,,,ine-I; !;:;,

I As. defined 111 factory \c[

I Pri,Om i ses LL~!.'!d for SfJoC i at recreau on" I or busin I,;~S pu rposes tn i ncl tide

hotels, holiday resorts. boarding houses. convention centres, private

I clubs, community centres. rnuseums. public an galleries, exhibition centres. theatre ·tI1Cfna.s.C'\1i1Ce.rr. halls, pub he libraries. rel igious buildings. public sports complex. stadrurn. public swimming

complex. recreational buildings, amusement centres; ea[iJ~g houses, restaurants. fa.5l food outlets. bu. terminals. train stations. ·~mpurt and fef!") I crmma J s,

Place <.;1 storaac [mdudin~ gnJ{m n~. warehouses, stores etc]. Jel1'~ il or parkmg of gOlld- ~ materials lind or vehicles.

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