U S Navy SEAL Hand To Hand Combat Manual Frank Cucci
U S Navy SEAL Hand To Hand Combat Manual Frank Cucci
U S Navy SEAL Hand To Hand Combat Manual Frank Cucci
TOMMY CARTER spent 17 years on active duty with the U.S. Army as a Ranger, Green Beret and member
of the elite Army counterterrorist “Delta Force”. In Delta, Tommy was an “Alpha One” team leader and among
the first to face off with the Cubans during the Grenada invasion. He subsequently protected American
Ambassadors and personnel in hot spots around the world like Beirut and El Salvador and participated in a
number of classified counterterrorist operations for the United States government.
Since retiring from active service, he’s built a highly successful consulting firm specializing in personal and
corporate security. His clients have included Salomon Brothers and a variety of high-ranking corporate and
political leaders throughout the Western Hemisphere. His no-nonsense approach to security and weapons training
for the general public has also received rave reviews from students.
FRANK CUCCI served with the famed Navy SEALs for 12 years and participated in counterterrorist and
security missions around the globe with the elite SEAL Team 6 created by Richard Marcinko. As Chief Instructor
for Unarmed Combat with the SEALs he became one of the most respected and sought-after experts in hand-to-
hand combat and self-defense in the country. He learned Jeet Kune Do, the martial art perfected by Bruce Lee,
from Lee’s own training partner, Dan Inosanto.
Frank is also a student of Thai boxing master Surachi Sirisute, perhaps the most respected name in martial
arts today. His approach to self-defense techniques has been widely hailed by experts and students and is as easy
to learn as it is devastating. He remains one of the most in-demand, hand-to-hand combat instructors alive today
and runs his own martial arts school in Virginia.
Although overall crime rates have decreased somewhat in recent years, there’s
trouble on the horizon. Gang activities and violence perpetrated by young
Americans continues to rise at a shocking rate. Many experts warn of an explosion
of violent crime in the next decade as the number of teenagers in our population
grows 20 percent.
And it won’t be just the inner cities that are affected. Gang crime has been
making big strides in the suburbs and bedroom communities in the last few years.
Meanwhile, the nation has been rocked by new kinds of crime. Terrorist acts,
as seen in the World Trade Center and Oklahoma City bombings, have now
penetrated our borders. Serial killers and kidnappers have become a staple on
television news programs. And as our society has become more complex, criminals
have become more creative. The carjacking is just one of a number of brand new
evils they’ve unleashed on society.
It’s a different world out there. The idea of walking the streets safely at night or
having your kids play in a local playground without adult supervision seems silly
to most Americans today. You’ve got to face the fact that there are people out there
who prey on others and they’re more brazen about it than they’ve ever been.
Rule of thumb, you can still figure about one person in 100 capable of performing
a violent act at any time. Take the population of your community, divide by 100,
and you’ll have a good idea how many dangerous people there are walking the
streets of your city or town. This can vary from place to place given local conditions
but, no matter where you live, the possibility of violence always exists.
Most Americans realize this. In fact, in an influential 1994 Gallup Poll the
majority of Americans listed crime as the #1 problem facing the country.
Yet few Americans are ready to deal with violence when they meet it. We seem
to have lost our “survival instinct”. Civilization has made us into a kind of “passive”
society. Many people have no interest in personal defense. Though they complain
about crime, many foolishly believe that it will never happen to them.
Some look at the police and believe that they will be there when needed. But
while the police do everything they can, they just aren’t equipped or manned to be
everywhere, all the time. There is only a limited area they can cover and respond
to quickly. Many times, they have a hard enough time just protecting themselves.
Other people have begun to take a fatalistic view of the world. They think that
they have no control over their environment and, if crime seeks them out, it will
have their way with them. They look on themselves as victims before the fact.
They’ve given up. They’re accidents or statistics waiting to happen.
There is no need for this. Anyone can be taught to effectively defend himself.
In fact, we believe that everyone should be given the information necessary to
keep themselves and their family and loved ones alive and safe. That’s what the
Delta/SEAL Training Camp is all about. That’s what we’re here for.
The first and most basic rule you must learn is that it is stupid to lay down and
submit to an attacker. Ask any security expert. Look at the many good articles
written on the subject in recent years. They’ll all tell you that a “passive” approach
to an assailant only makes it more likely that you’ll become a victim.
Sure, if you fight back there’s a possibility you may suffer for it. But if you
don’t fight back it’s almost certain that you will. Criminals respect someone with
a “survivor’s mindset”. They’re looking for the easiest marks possible. If you lay NOTES
down and make it easier for them, they’re just going to do what they want. Fighting
them will generally greatly enhance your chances of staying alive and well.
Being able to provide for the security of yourself and your family will also
make you feel better about yourself. Nobody really wants to walk through life
feeling like a potential victim. Everyone wants to be able to control the
circumstances of their lives and be confident that they can respond to the challenges
life may present.
And while there’s no such thing as “perfect” or “absolute” security in this world,
you can greatly increase your chances of survival and well-being by learning how
best to avoid or respond to crime and violence. That’s where we come in.
We believe the Delta/SEAL camp is the most complete, personalized, effective
approach to security and personal defense you’re going to find. This manual will
provide a brief overview of many of the techniques taught in the camp. It is provided
to serve as a guide for the student and a refresher course for the graduate when the
class ends.
Taking this book with you to the range or practice facility of your choice or just
keeping it nearby for reference at home should help you keep the principles taught
in the camp fresh in the weeks and months to come.
something is “wrong” you shouldn’t dismiss it as “just my imagination”. You should NOTES
go on alert and do everything you can to fully analyze the situation for danger and
act appropriately on the information you receive.
Some people may consider Condition Yellow that of a “paranoid” but it’s not.
It’s just common sense. You’re not jumping at the sight of your own shadow.
You’re just in a state of relaxed, yet heightened awareness.
Its basics are simple. Keep your head up and eyes wide open as you walk. Lock
doors and have keys ready as you approach a door. Park in a well lighted area. Be
prepared to go out of your way to avoid any dangerous looking person or situation.
One of the good things about Condition Yellow is that you can stay in it indefinitely
without having to worry about overdoing it or exhausting yourself. Security guards
are always in Condition Yellow. So should anyone carrying a weapon.
In fact, we believe that every person should remain in a form of Condition
Yellow in any public or unsecured situation. This merely acknowledges that it’s
not always a friendly world out there and keeps you alert just in case any danger is
encountered or any response necessary.
CONDITION ORANGE-At this level, you realize that something is definitely
wrong. There’s danger. You’re in a state of alarm. You must either move away or
prepare for action.
Words of warning, like “Stop,” may be offered in this condition. You’re either
in the act of escaping or preparing to launch a response that will be delivered with
maximum speed and agressiveness. You’re ready for combat. If you’re carrying a
pistol, it remains holstered but a careful, controlled shot can be delivered from this
state in about three seconds.
CONDITION RED-In Condition Red, action is imminent. As soon as the threat
is apparent, you make your move. Whatever response or blow you’ve been
preparing is delivered with total commitment and agression.
It’s important to realize here that you can’t just “resist a little”. You’ve got to show
your attacker that you mean business. Only your pre-set checks, determined by your
overall situation or target discrimination, will stop you once you enter this level of
readiness. You’re one second from getting off a controlled shot if carrying a pistol.
As an individual interested in personal and family security you should strive to
stay in Condition Yellow as you proceed through the streets and neighborhoods
of your town. It’s in the White zone that you’re at your most vulnerable. Most
victims never would have been victims if they’d have been in the heightened state
of awareness defined by Condition Yellow before the attack.
In Condition Yellow you’ll be able to foresee many problems before they actually
occur. If you’ve got your head up and you’re looking around, you’ll notice those
people suspiciously hanging around your car in the parking lot well before you get
there. You’ll see that unfamiliar vehicle full of strangers parked across the street
before they rush you. You’ll let that hostile looking joker ahead of you on the
street know that you’re awake, alive and not an easy mark.
If you’ve got your head down with your mind visibly lost in the clouds, you’re
going to be easy pickings. It’s essential to show people through your body language
and alertness that you’re aware of what’s going on around you. Most criminals are
looking for someone they can punish and exploit easily. If you look like you’ve
got them under surveillance and you’re ready to react, there’s a good chance they’ll NOTES
leave you alone in favor of somebody who’ll be an easier target.
Awhile ago, we were on a job in South Africa. We had jet lag and were dog NOTES
tired. We were walking on the streets of Johannesburg. Vendors and smiling faces
were all around. We were only a block from the U.S. Embassy. It was a beautiful,
sunny day. Our fatigue and surroundings lulled us into a false sense of security.
Before we knew it, we were pounced on by a band of local thugs and had to
fight our way out of the situation. We left a couple busted bodies and faces full of
pepper spray behind but the whole event was unnecessary. Had we been aware of
our surroundings, we’d have seen the group ahead of us as we walked and simply
avoided them.
The rule here is that anybody, even a pro, can let their guard down and it’s
funny how fast trouble can find you when you do. Never, ever be lulled into a
false sense of security. Crime can strike virtually anywhere.
Which brings us to our third point. Always be looking for things or people
who seem out of place. If there’s a group of young men ahead watching you
silently as you move down a street or through a mall, be on guard. Likewise,
anyone who’s on the move after watching you come into view should be suspect.
In fact, anyone who adjusts his behavior toward yours or begins to shadow you in
any way should be viewed critically.
Always make full use of your senses, especially the most important sense of
all- “common sense”. If you’re in a tight crowd and smell somebody with alcohol
on their breath, you’d best begin to heighten your guard. We know from past
experience that drunks don’t think very well. They do and say things they don’t
normally do. They like to show off for their fellow drunks. Whatever the case, you
want to avoid them.
If you’re in a public place, like a restaurant, keep an eye on the people coming
through the door. If you see a guy arrive looking like a pregnant man with an
overcoat on a sunny day, you may have a problem.
Sit with your back against a wall and close to an exit. Come up with a plan,
especially when you’ve got your family with you. Play the war game. “What would
I do if…?” If you’re carrying a weapon, how will you use it? How can you best get
your family out? Where are the escape routes?
This way, if something happens, your response is pre-programmed in your mind.
It only takes a few seconds to play “what if?” and it’s well worth your time. It
could save your life some day.
And don’t just go to sleep while inside your home and think nobody’s going
to target you. You can be victimized just as well there. Realize that anyone
approaching your home that you don’t know could present a problem. And if
someone shows up claiming to be a repairman or some kind of official, and you
didn’t call him, don’t let him in until your sure of his motivation. Credentials
can be forged very easily.
Think of your mind as a computer. You should be constantly loading it with
a data base so you can react. You should be taking everything in, analyzing it and
planning your possible response. If something seems out of the ordinary, this should
key a red flag in your mind. That doesn’t mean you should draw your gun or
pepper spray. But it means you should key in on any subsequent red flags.
It could be as simple as someone walking toward you with their hands in
their pockets. Maybe the guy’s just keeping his hands warm or adjusting his
crotch. On the other hand, we were always taught in the military that the
inability to see a man’s hands should trip off an initial red flag. You don’t NOTES
know what’s in those hands.
As he approaches, the control center in your brain should be taking in information
and spitting out advisories. Is he moving forward agressively? Does he have a
distressed look on his face? Is he posturing? What does his body language indicate?
Obviously, at some early point, you should do what’s necessary to alter
your path if something seems wrong. Go right or left or retrace your steps.
Leave the scene.
But if this is impossible, you should be preparing for a confrontation. If he
flashes a gun or knife, you should locate your weapon for a defensive strike. If he
shows that he’s open handed, you should begin locating your pepper spray, kubotan
or picking out a strike point on the attacker.
It’s all a combination of threat assessment and response preparation cued by
the central computer inside your brain. As the situation plays itself out, you’re
constantly assessing the threat and preparing your response.
Your goal should be escape. If you can get out of harm’s way and go on your
merry way, do it. If you just want to deliver an eye gouge or plant a foot to kick the
guy’s nuts up into his throat, that’s fine. Just be ready to be on the move as soon as
the blow lands and your opponent is temporarily incapacitated.
As you take our course you may want to begin to define your own “personal
perimeter”. A “personal perimeter” is the area around your body within which you
feel uncomfortable having another person inside. It varies from person to person.
Some people are comfortable with 3 feet, others 6.
My own personal perimeter is 5 feet because I know that I can strike at that
distance and be effective if I need to. Whatever your “perimeter” is, you should be
ready to strike an open-handed attacker once he gets within this distance. That’s
the “too close for comfort” zone.
Just remember that criminals often have more rights than victims these days.
You don’t want to spend time in jail for taking some jerk to the cleaners unless it’s
necessary. Your initial thought should be to do what is necessary to buy some room
and time to escape. You don’t want to get into a sustained fight if you don’t have to.
The line between “reasonable” and “excessive” force is a thin one and legally
slippery. If you can just neutralize your attacker and get out of there, you’re best
off. But to be on the safe side, you may want to check with law enforcement
officials in your area to get a local definition of what constitutes “excessive” and
“reasonable” force and plan your responses appropriately.
We’ll deal more with how to respond to an attack later when we discuss our
other 6 “Rules of Survival”. For now, it’s important to understand that the first
link in the chain of survival is to BE ALERT AND STAY ALERT! All the other
rules of combat and survival revolve around this principle.
to end any threat. When you have resolved to do what’s necessary, even if it means NOTES
launching a lethal attack of your own, you can begin to model the proper attitude.
As you move through daily life, you should consider yourself “on stage”. You
must show through your body language and other cues that you’re a confident
person with purpose. This doesn’t mean that you should swagger or walk around
like some “hood”. You should give off a strong appearance, though.
Walk with your shoulders back, head up and eyes clearly open and scanning
your surroundings. Even if you’re tired, you should do your best to show that
strong, outside shell. If a criminal reads fatigue and sees you slouching and clearly
not at your best, you’ll become a much more attractive target.
If you’re uncomfortable or feeling a bit nervous don’t show it by fidgeting,
pacing or flailing your arms around. Stand strong and hold your ground. Make a
statement with your body that you have a right to be where you are. Don’t openly
challenge anyone, but let it be known that you’re aware and able bodied.
Many people are taught not to make eye contact with others but this can really
work against you. In fact, you should make it a habit to meet strangers with some
eye contact. People who don’t make eye contact are often perceived as fearful,
weak or shy. They make good targets.
By making eye contact, you may disuade some jerk from doing the wrong
thing. You don’t want to have a stare-down with them or lay out a challenge but
you do want them to know that you’re looking out for trouble and won’t back
down when necessary.
This is especially important for women, but they must be even more careful
about it. Eye contact can be seen as an invitation with macho types. By adding a
business-like “hello” or other greeting and moving on quickly but assertively, you
can put a stop to any monkey business. Show yourself as someone to be taken
seriously. Don’t try to be cute. Be direct and purposeful. Again, criminals generally
want to prey on the weakest victims possible.
To help you portray a confident body image, always be aware of your “strong”
side and keep it as clear as possible. Your “strong” side usually corresponds to
the hand you write with. If you’re carrying a briefcase, purse, books or packages
always carry them on your weak side. Children should also be taught to stay on
your weak side.
Your “strong” side is your best, strongest side to mount an attack with. You
should keep it ready for action. Keys or personal defense tools (alarms, whistles,
etc.) should be carried on the strong side so that they’re ready for use and the bad
guys can see them. Just seeing that you’re ready for trouble may be enough to
send a criminal off in search of another, more passive victim.
It is your right as well as your obligation to defend yourself against violence. If
more Americans took their personal defense seriously, crime rates would surely fall
in the country. Showing the criminal that you’re a confident and committed person
ready to act in your own defense can go a long way toward keeping you safe.
In personal defense, being decisive is not as easy. There’s nobody telling you NOTES
what to do. It’s up to you to make the decision and, in a combat situation, there’s
very little time to do it.
Again, the “survival mindset” is a necessity here. You have to decide if you
want to survive or be a statistic. If you aren’t willing or committed to doing what
is necessary to defend yourself, chances are you’re going to hesitate and blunder
through a situation where decisions must be made quickly and acted on.
Once you’ve got the proper mindset, the next step to insuring decisiveness at
the right moment is to practice it. Unlike a Delta, SEAL or other member of the
military you won’t have direct experience to draw on. So you’ll have to “role
play” in your head what you would do in specific situations.
This is done by presenting yourself with those “What if…?” or “What would I
do?” questions and coming up with reasonable answers or solutions. What would
I do if confronted at the corner of Vine and Main? What if someone broke into my
house? What if someone charged me as I got into my car at the mall?
We’d prescribe doing 2-3 of these “What If?” exercises daily. Figuring out
what to do in a situation can really help give you the confidence and speed you’ll
need if that situation suddenly arises.
Specific physical hand-to-hand responses should be practiced in the dojo or
gym on a regular basis. Similarly, pistol skills can be practiced daily in dry firing
drills. This practice is the key to developing your personal defenses. As the ancient
warrior and philosopher Sun Tzu wrote 2,500 years ago, “The more a man sweats
in training, the less he bleeds in war.”
Continuous practice will also contribute greatly to acquiring a decisive
character. Once movement is programmed into the body through practice and
becomes “muscle memory” or a part of your nervous system response, you
will be more able to let your body take over and supply the necessary movement
in a battle.
Beyond that, your brain should be given free reign to function and plan. Planning
is a big part of being decisive. Where is the attacker most vulnerable? What targets
do I have available? Am I going to take the solar plexus, eyes, etc.? What kind of
blow will I deliver? As you assess threat, you’re also constantly planning your
response and preparing for it.
Likewise, if you’re going to have to use a weapon, you’ve got to have it ready.
If you’re going to use pepper spray, you can’t be caught searching for it in your
pocket while your opponent strikes his blow. If you’re going to use a knife, it must
be open and ready at the correct moment. If your attacker is going for a gun,
you’ve got to have your hand on yours and have it drawn.
All you have to see in this situation is agressive movement being made toward
you and the attacker drawing his gun. That’s enough to activate your response. If
you wait until he draws his gun and it’s on you, you’re behind on the power curve.
If his is drawn and yours is in the holster, it’s not going to do much good there.
You’ve got to hope he misses at least the first shot.
Fortunately, the law allows you some latitude in cases where the lives of you,
your family or other innocents are in jeopardy. If your attacker is clearly trying to
kill you, possesses that capability and the only way to stop him is to do to him
what he’s about to do to you, you are justified in ending his life to save your own.
It is “self-defense”. You should have no problem legally.
But if he runs off, you can’t follow him and finish him. If he’s down and out, NOTES
you can’t execute a killing blow or act like the Rodney King cops. In other situations,
not so clean cut, the law can get very slippery.
Still, you can’t let any distant legal hassles get in the way of defending your
life. You can’t sit there in the middle of a fight with a guy charging you with a
knife wondering whether you’re within your legal rights to kick his ass. You have
to be prepared to do what you need to do to end the threat. As the old saying goes,
“I’d rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6.”
Practice your personal safety techniques. Think about how to properly handle
different situations and internalize your decisions. That way when the time comes
to act, you’ll know what to do to best keep from becoming a statistic.
box at 100 percent they can back off their attacker long enough to escape. You can NOTES
do the same thing, even with a much larger opponent.
Sometimes this initial, full-scale response is all you need to send your opponent
fleeing. Other times, it will just be enough to get you some room to escape.
Whatever, violence of action is a necessity in your defense.
Show your attacker that you mean business. If he’s coming at you break off that
car antennae or pick up that brick or bottle and get ready to use it. Fish out an ink
pen or grab a flashlight. Get that pepper spray or other weapon in hand and ready
yourself to use it. Pick a strike point for a blow and give it everything you’ve got.
And be prepared to keep fighting with everything you’ve got until you can get
yourself out of the situation. Turn your fear into anger. Be indignant. The criminal
has no right to harm you. No right to lay a hand on you. Show him this, immediately,
and you’ll turn him into the fearful one. While he’s mentally kicking himself for
picking on someone as strong and resolved as you are, you can disarm him fully or
make your escape.
Again, the barriers between “reasonable” and “excessive” force may bother
some people here. It shouldn’t. You’ve got to do everything you can to stop your
attacker. If he’s armed, especially with a firearm, he’s going to be a threat as long
as he’s conscious. You shouldn’t be taking any chances. Put the guy to sleep.
Likewise, if it’s gun vs. gun don’t get tricky. Shoot for center of mass. If he’s
about to take your life, you are allowed to respond in kind.
If you’re involved in hand-to-hand, go all out. Don’t be afraid of hurting the guy.
He’s already shown you he’s out for no good and ready to do what’s necessary to get
his way with you. Striking him with a minor blow will only make him mad or get him
thinking that you’re weak. He’ll step up his attack. That’s not what we want here.
How do you get accuracy? You’ve got to stay cool. But you’ve also got to NOTES
practice, practice, practice. Dry-fire every day. Go to the range regularly. Take up
hunting, if you’ve not already done so. Sports that require you to stay cool under
pressure can serve as excellent conditioning for maintaining your composure in a
difficult situation and shooting straight.
Not that this is easy to do. Most shots fired in anger miss their mark. 75 percent
of the shots taken in the field by police or other professionals don’t connect.
Criminals, who train far less, are even worse shots.
Some, however, are going to be good and it will be just your luck to face off
against them. If you do, having the accuracy and precision that comes from practice
will serve you well and help to tip the scales in your favor.
You can only gain this skill in one way-practice, practice, practice. You’ve NOTES
got to do your dry fire drills and practice shooting from a variety of positions on
the range. These are skills that we teach at the camp and there is no other option to
learning and perfecting them if you’re going to provide for proper defense of
yourself and your family.
Many people seem to look on pistols as a low-maintenance weapon. They’re
wrong. In the end, they could be dead wrong. Guns must be kept well-oiled and
cleaned for proper functioning.
If your revolver is used primarily for home protection, it should be fired and
given a full cleaning at minimum once a year. If it’s carried daily you should
inspect it daily. This will only take a moment and be well worth your time.
Look to make sure the weapon is free from rust or other corrosion. The firing
pin should not be battered or have a loose rivet. Ejector rods should be tight and
unbent. The bore should be clean and have no obstructions. Cylinders should also
be checked for proper locking and alignment. Make sure the hammer releases
properly and falls cleanly.
Always make sure to unload your gun before inspection or cleaning, count the
rounds and move them away from your cleaning area. After any firing, weapons
should be cleaned as soon as possible.
Treat your gun with care. Don’t throw it around, even if it’s in a holster. Don’t
flip or slam the cylinder. This kind of treatment can cause malfunction and
misalignment. And when it comes to repair of internal parts, take your gun to a
respected, authorized gunsmith.
Ammunition should also be maintained properly. Wipe it with a clean, dry cloth
when you clean your weapon. Remove it from any magazines or belt pouches
once a month and wipe it down. This will help keep the ammunition and gun itself
clean and free from rust and deterioration.
You’re looking at two critical factors when buying a holster. On the one hand,
you want something safe so the gun won’t fall out of the holster or accidentally
discharge when drawn or reholstered. On the other hand, you want to be able to
get the gun out of the hoster as quickly and smoothly as possible. Your choice of
holster should balance a secure, safe fit with speed and ease of draw.
The “directional draw” holster is best. It’s worn on the right side for the right-
handed shooter and points at the ground or target during your drawing motion.
“Cross-draw” or gimmick holsters should be avoided.
Your holster should fit its belt tightly so it stays in place and remains secure
when running, jumping or taking cover. It should also be a “high-ride” type so the
butt stays above belt line when sitting and the muzzle won’t be a hassle when
It should also present enough gun butt and be angled so you can easily get a
good shooting grip. Meanwhile, the gun should be positioned so it’s difficult to
draw for an attacker. The trigger guard should be covered so a finger can’t find it
until the gun has been drawn.
The holster should be made of the highest quality leather and stitched with
nylon or some other material that won’t rot. Don’t go cheap here. There should
also be a hole at the barrel end so the area doesn’t collect moisture or dust.
Holster belts should also be made of the highest quality material and fit the
holster snugly to keep it in place (holsters should ride at normal belt line). Make
sure the holster stays in place as your pistol is drawn.
1. Place the pistol firmly into your 2. The index finger should meet the trigger at the
controlling hand like you were making a first or second joint, depending on the size of your
fist. The line of the barrel should bisect hand. Keep in mind that too much trigger finger
the “V” made by the thumb and forefinger. in the trigger will push the gun to the left by
applying too much pressure. Too little trigger
finger in the trigger will pull it to the right.
Trigger Pull
Trigger pull and sight alignment are the two biggest factors in marksmanship. Here’s some general rules for
a good trigger squeeze:
Double-Action Shooting
1. In double-action shooting, the trigger is
squeezed through its complete cycle. A firmer
grip is necessary than with single-action shooting. The support hand
should do most of the work holding the gun while the firing hand
isolates on trigger control. While the support hand should be firm,
it’s not squeezed to the point where it shakes.
3. Squeezing a shot off with your entire 4. Begin taking up slack in the trigger as you bring
hand will make sights wobble. Use only the gun up.
your trigger finger.
6. Firing should come as a surprise. 7. All aspects of a shot should 8. If you hesitate for some reason,
Don’t try to “control” the trigger take place in a smooth, stop and start again.
or moment of firing. non-stop motion.
Sight Picture
After sight alignment, you add the target or bull’s eye to the front sight.
When your target is aligned with front and rear sights and you perform a
smooth trigger pull, the result will be accurate.
Shot low and right. Too much Shot high and right. Too
light on left side of notch. Front much light on left side of
and rear sights level but gun is notch. Top of front sight
“canted” (slanted). higher than top of rear sight.
Shot too low. Top of front sight Shot too high. Top of front
lower than top of rear. sight higher than top of rear.
Shot to left. Too much light Perfect shot. Top of front and
on right side of notch. rear sights level. Equal line of
light separating front sight and
sides of rear sight notch.
1. Too much light at left notch. 1. Elbow joint slackened when firing.
2. Too much thumb pressure. 2. Too much trigger finger.
TRIGGER 7 8 9 10 9 8 7 THUMBING
You need a way to control the rise and fall of your chest and keep your
concentration and composure. In an effort to keep control, some people exhale or
inhale an entire breath and hold it. That’s wrong. Holding your breath too long
will cause your hands to shake or eyes to water causing vision to get fuzzy.
What you should do is take a deep breath and let it out normally. Hold it only
during that moment when you shoot. If you continue firing, breathe normally and
hold your breath only during trigger squeeze or a string. This will take some practice
but it’ll be well worth it and pay dividends should you ever find yourself in a
tough situation.
You’ve heard this phrase before referring to everything from throwing a football to
swinging a baseball bat. Follow-through is also important when a shot is fired. You
must continue to do what you were doing when the shot was fired for the two or three
seconds following the shot. You don’t want any sudden movement after the shot.
Why? Because movement begins in the brain and any action immediately
following a shot has its origin in the brain before the gun fires. This can have an
adverse effect on concentration during sight alignment or other aspects of preparation.
You should stay focused on your sights long enough after a shot to “call your
shot” or analyze and predict what clock position (1:00, 2:00, 10:00, etc.) your shot
may have found if not on the bull’s eye.
It’s normal to “flinch” or physically react
to sharp, sudden noises. In shooting, this can
happen just before the shot as a way of
anticipating noise or recoil. It happens all the
time to shooters at all levels of ability.
Sometimes you don’t even know you’re doing
it. You just see the results on a target.
To determine if you’re “flinching” take the “ball and dummy” test. This is also
known as “stagger loading”. Have somebody else, out of your sight, load a few
live rounds in a random pattern in the cylinder (or magazine with a semi-automatic).
The rest of the chambers are filled with fired empty cases (or dummy rounds in the
magazine). You, the shooter, won’t know when the live rounds will appear under
the firing pin.
When you encounter an empty chamber, any flinch will be apparent. If you’re
moving the barrel down, you’re probably jerking the trigger. If you’re moving the
barrel up, “heeling” is indicated. When you “heel” the gun you force it forward
and up with the heel of the hand in anticipation of the recoil.
To end “flinching” simply practice single shots without moving. Just being
aware that you’re “flinching” is often enough to cure the problem. Remember,
each time the weapon goes off it should be a surprise to you. Concentrate on a
smooth trigger pull and follow-through.
be as smooth. Getting a good tight grip to make up for any strength differences will help. Later, as your hand
strengthens, you won’t have to worry about this.
4. Try holding your right arm close to your body. Do some practice holding the arm close in. If it’s ever
wounded, holding it close will help you counterbalance yourself so you can get off a more accurate shot
with the other hand.
5. Strengthen the muscles. Developing the muscles used during firing can be helpful. There’s no situation in
daily life where you hold up anything at arm’s length and eye level so those muscles really don’t get a
chance to get developed much. Squeezing a ball or using one of those spring-loaded exercisers will help.
So will holding an iron or any object weighing about 3 pounds at firing position in a regular exercise
regimen. A gun may also be used as long as it’s been unloaded and pointed in a safe direction. You can
perform these exercises easily while watching TV or relaxing and they can help build up not only the weak
arm, but the strong arm as well.
6. Practice, practice, practice. Both at the range and in dry fire drills. Don’t forget that hand is there. You
may need it some day.
To practice the rollover position at the range, As soon as your gun has cleared leather,
use a mat and place it at a 30 degree angle to drop to both knees so that you will be in
the target. This makes it necessary to lie on line with the angle of the mat.
your side as you shoot.
From your ready position, Close your hand around the gun stock.
move your shooting hand to Then begin your draw. Don’t attack the
directly above the gun. holster. Keep it smooth and relaxed.
For safety purposes, the weapon
should be drawn with the trigger
finger outside the trigger guard. Keep
the weapon as close to your side as
possible as you bring it up on target.
Your non-firing hand should be on
your belt buckle or stomach so you
know where it is.
As the gun barrel passes the As you bring the gun up on target, the
plane of your non-firing hand, safety should be coming off as
reach in and secure your non- necessary. Slack should be coming out
firing hand to the grip in a of the trigger. Pick up your rear sight.
supporting position. Front sight. Extend the arms fully.
Squeeze smoothly. Bang.
Magazine Changes
When you’re shooting a semi-automatic, always count your rounds. When you
get to the point where there’s one round left in the chamber, take the thumb of
your hand and depress the magazine release. Simultaneously, you should be going
down to one knee. The expended magazine should hit the ground the same time as
your knee.
As this occurs your left hand (or non-firing hand for you lefties), with index
finger extended, should locate the fresh magazine in the magazine pouch on the
left side of your body. Pull it out and get as much hand on it as possible.
Use the extended left index finger as a guide to find the magazine well. Seat the
magazine and use the palm of your left hand to move it into place.
The round you leave in the chamber during the reload is called a “self-defense
round”. While changing magazines, if you get rushed or a target appears, you’ve
got one round for self-defense while you continue your magazine reload.
You should practice magazine or revolver reloads like you’d practice any other
aspect of combat pistol training. You’re not just learning to use a weapon here.
You’re learning to use its component parts, too.
The holster, magazine, magazine pouch and other pieces of equipment must be
tied together in training. Only this way can you load your own personal “computer”
and have your body do what it needs to do by instinct when danger appears.
One other tip: Don’t practice with live ammunition. Practice with clearly marked
dummy ammunition. Each round should be distinctively marked so no live round
can find its way into the drill and cause an accident.
pick up their sights for the second shot. Basically, the double tap should be seen as NOTES
two individual shots.
1. Start with a good, solid grip. Bring the gun up on target, get an accurate sight
picture and squeeze the trigger.
2. After the recoil, bring the gun back on line as fast as possible. The finger
stays in contact with the trigger.
3. Get a good sight picture and squeeze the trigger again.
The double tap isn’t easy to learn. It’ll take plenty of practice. Start out slow,
shooting single shots. Then double up, slowly at first. Don’t force it. Speed will
only come with practice and improvement.
Imagine picking up the rear sight, front sight and squeezing the trigger. You NOTES
should be right on the dot when you open your eyes. You should go through this
drill repeatedly for 15 minutes a day.
You should also do your best to get out to the range as much as possible. What
follows is a simple 50 round session many people use that you may find effective,
too. Remember to give your full attention to each and every round and to measure
each for success. Shooting again and again, and making the same error every time,
will not get you any progress.
If, for some reason, you get bored or can’t give the drill your full attention-
quit. Practice is useless if you can’t give it your full concentration and commitment.
The 50-round session includes, in order:
Don’t be too concerned if the accuracy isn’t there for the longer distance shots.
You will very seldom, if ever, be called on to used your pistol at these distances.
At lesser distances, look for 90 percent X’s. If you’re better than 90 percent, you
can speed up. If less, you probably need to slow down.
Again, we’re trying to load the computer here and the only way to do that
properly is to concentrate on every shot and repeat proper procedure each time.
Blood vessels to the muscles dilate allowing more blood to the muscles to make NOTES
it easier to run or fight. You’ll note that people get pale during times of stress. This
is because blood is being pulled from the skin to muscles where it’s needed most.
Eyes can also dilate and create a kind of “tunnel vision” allowing you to focus
on an attacker during a fight. Adrenaline is released and heart rate increases to
send even more blood to the muscles.
Some people may even lose bladder control. It’s embarrassing but, in a way, it’s
normal for someone not used to facing danger. The body wants to unload excessive
weight for a fight or escape, so it works to get rid of whatever’s not needed.
The body’s “fight or flight” response can be a great aid in your own survival.
Unfortunately, when taken too far it can also result in a condition called “stress
shock syndrome”. In “stress shock” people can shut down. They’ll become
submissive and may find it hard to move. In short, they “freeze up”.
It’s wise to train in a way that helps you deal with this “fight or flight” state if
and when it occurs. While you may become an excellent marksman at the range,
this doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll retain the same skill when forced to deal with
“fight or flight”.
This is the reason special forces units are often ordered to make a distance run,
sprint up and down stairs or march before drilling on the range. This gets their
heart racing, muscles twitching and breathing labored and is a good way to simulate
the effects of “fight or flight”. Being winded and somewhat out of control are
conditions you may face when in danger and shooting under these conditions can
give you practice for dealing with the real thing.
We also think it’s important to train in different environments. At night. In bad
weather. On uneven surfaces. Any place you may be called on to use your weapon.
And don’t forget to practice firing from different positions so you’ll learn how to
best use cover and concealment when needed.
Range Rules
1. Do not run on the range unless ordered to do so.
2. Keep your weapon holstered unless you’re on the firing line or told to
draw it out by an instructor.
3. Don’t allow a pistol to hang loose at your side.
4. Fire only at objects designated as targets.
5. Don’t turn your body with a pistol in your hand. Holster it, then turn.
6. Correct weapon problems at the repair table, not on the line.
7. Keep the muzzle pointed downrange when loading.
8. Hearing and eye protection must be worn.
9. Keep your finger out of the trigger guard until ready to fire.
We can’t help saying it again. And again. The key to any form of personal or
family defense is ALERTNESS and AWARENESS. You must stay in the “Condition
Yellow” state we discussed earlier if you want to adequately protect yourself.
When you’re alert and aware of what’s going on around you, you can usually
see trouble on the way and get out of its way before it arrives. In those cases you
can’t, at least you’ll see it coming and be ready for it. You won’t be taken by
surprise and you’ll have had time to consider defenses and response.
Have you ever watched the family cat? Pretty hard to sneak up on him, isn’t it?
He’s got an eye out for trouble. At the same time, he can look perfectly relaxed.
You can do the same thing. We’re not asking you to run around like a paranoid
lunatic. We’re just asking you to keep an eye out for trouble and be ready to respond
to it.
Again, look at your cat. He’s not walking through the streets with his head
down, thinking about what he’s going to have for dinner or some disagreement he
just had with the family dog. He’s got his eye out. He’s ready to respond as needed.
You should be the same way.
You should also keep in mind that it’s your right as well as your obligation to
defend yourself as needed. You must be ready to take action and defend yourself
with 110 percent effort. You can’t show weakness. Remember, most criminals are
looking for an easy target. If you can show them you’re not, they might just run off
in search of somebody who’ll let them have their way without a fight.
It’s also important to hit an attacker fast. Statistics show that if you allow
someone to take you away from the point at which a crime originates, you have a
drastically reduced chance of survival. Your potential for coming out in one piece
is generally much better if you stand and fight from the outset.
Develop an agressive attitude. People don’t have a right to prey on you. You
should be indignant about it. Fighting mad. If people were more willing to strike a
blow for their own safety, there’s no doubt there’d be a lot fewer criminals out there.
There is no better deterrent to crime than an aware, capable citizenry that refuses
to tolerate it.
In this chapter, we’ll give you a brief overview of some of the techniques for
hand-to-hand combat we teach in the Delta/SEAL camp. Our approach is to give
you a wide range of tools you can use for your defense. We also try to gear our
instruction toward the individual needs of the people we’re training. As a result,
there may be some variance from class to class in what we teach but the material
you’ll find below provides the basics for our martial arts instruction.
From the beginning we must stress that, in the martial arts, you should try to
stay away from “no contact” practice. We don’t like to see punches or kicks pulled.
Our feeling is that you should always make contact during drills if possible.
There are some exceptions. Practicing eye gouges can run off a training partner
pretty fast so you’ll want to go “no contact” on such moves. Still, generally speaking,
most of the training you’ll receive here can and should be performed with contact.
There are several reasons for this. The first is that lack of contact can breed a
false sense of distance. You won’t learn what tools work best at what distances
and how to best use them and combine them in your own defense. Not making NOTES
contact also deprives you of the kind of confidence and advanced skill you can
develop from delivering kicks and punches with full speed and intensity.
It’s also very important to know what it feels like to hit, be hit and recover from
that hit. You’ve got to habituate to hitting and being hit. The fact is that you play
like you practice. If you’ve never gone full bore before in practice, you’re going to
be in trouble when you hit the field.
Sparring, or staging practice bouts with your training partner, is highly
recommended. Even for the ladies. While there are a lot of “self-defense” courses
out there where contact isn’t allowed, we can’t really approve of this approach.
You’ve got to learn how to deliver and take a punch and the only way to learn is to
hit and be hit.
What would it be like to train with a pistol and never shoot your weapon? If all
you did was use a cap gun to simulate the firing of it? It wouldn’t be very good
training. You’d never know how accurate you were or even what the recoil of a
gun felt like.
It’s the same thing here. You need to fire your martial arts weapons to know just
how to best use them. Focus mits and Thai pads will provide excellent protection
when going full contact. You’ll experience the sensation of hitting or getting hit with a
much decreased chance of injury. Many towns now have stores where martial arts
supplies are available and you can pick up mitts and gloves there at reasonable prices.
If you can’t practice with pads, use your hands. Open hands can be used to
block punches in much the same way pads will. The important point here is to not
pull punches. Bring them right up on target.
Also keep in mind that there is no such thing as a real street fight scenario.
Likewise, no one drill is going to get you ready for everything. Situations are
different. So are opponents. They’re not all going to fight or react in the same way.
You can kick one guy in the sciatic nerve and he’ll get nauseous, double over
and lose feeling in his leg. Deliver the same kick to another guy and he’ll shake it
off. You never know what’s going to happen.
That’s another good reason to spar and practice different combinations. No two
fights will be the same. No two opponents will be the same.
You also never know what kind of situation you’ll be in when you need to act.
That’s why you need to train in a wide variety of environments.
Don’t limit yourself to your dojo or other practice facility. Try training on
an icy road or in gravel. Or on a slippery floor. Or in a shallow lake, thick
forest or rocky hillside. Spar in an enclosed area to simulate being attacked in
a bathroom or phone booth. You’ve got to be ready to put your training to use
in a variety of settings.
Also try training when tired or winded. Jog for a couple miles or run an exercise
or obstacle course and then face off with your training partner. It’s important to
keep yourself in the best shape possible but you’ve also got to be able to fight your
hardest when you’re tired or not at your physical best.
In Spec Ops, we always train for the worst-case scenario. You should, too.
Strive to be prepared to go 110 percent in any situation and any environment.
Most important of all, always be ready to keep fighting. Agressiveness is the
key to survival. You’ve got to be able to get in and throw your combinations and
keep throwing them until you don’t have to throw them anymore.
In hand-to-hand combat, you must be able to move in and away from your
opponent quickly to defend yourself and properly deliver your blows. The proper
stance is essential to this.
Some people may think we’ll be using a boxer’s stance here. We won’t. The
crouching a boxer does reduces mobility. You should stand straight up. Feet
should be at shoulder width and you should be up on your toes.
Your left foot is placed forward (right if you’re a lefty) and should point straight
at your target. Then draw a line 90 degrees out from your left heel. Your right
foot should be one inch behind that line and face out at a 45 degree angle.
Softly make a fist with each hand. Be sure to keep the thumbs outside the fist
to avoid breaking them. For proper position, put your thumbs to your temples,
then move your fists 6 inches out from your body and lower them to nose level.
Elbows should face outward from the body at a 45 degree angle. Fists should be
at a 45 degree angle to your opponent, too.
Comfort is a key here. Work with your stance until you feel at home and
confident with it.
The “step and slide” technique we teach for footwork is relatively simple to learn and use.
When you move forward, you simply step forward with your front foot and follow by sliding the back foot
forward across the ground. When moving back from the target, we start by stepping back with the rear foot and
sliding the front foot back. When we move left, we step with the left and slide with the right foot. Move right, we
step with the right and slide with the left foot.
The “step” in the “step and slide” begins with a spring in the other foot. That spring propels the other foot
forward. For instance, when moving forward a spring in the back foot sends the front foot forward. When
moving left, a spring in the right foot propels the left foot to the side.
The basic stance should remain intact as you continue. Foot movement takes place symmetrically. If you step
forward 6 inches with your front foot, slide the back foot 6 inches up. If you go right with a 6 inch step, follow
with a 6 inch slide of the left foot. Your goal is to keep your feet at a consistent shoulder width.
There is a strong temptation to get into the more exotic side of martial arts before you master the basics. This
is a big mistake. All that Chuck Norris stuff may look pretty on the movie screens but it’s generally not what gets
the job done.
In fact, in 8 out of 10 fights, it’s your ability to hit that will determine the victor. The opportunity for the fancy
stuff seldom presents itself. Even when it does, if something goes wrong, you’ll always return to plain old hitting
to bail yourself out of a jam. The basic punch, elbow strike and kick are the foundation on which hand-to-hand
combat is based.
Footwork remains very important here. It sets you up to deliver your basic punches, strike, kicks and
combinations. If you’re rigid or move clumsily, you’re going to limit your capabilities. It’s just like shooting a
gun. Smooth is fast.
The Cross
The cross is a very powerful punch. As above, be sure to keep your hand up
as you throw it. Your hip, knee and foot should be turned to deliver the blow.
Many people have a tendency to deliver a right cross while up on their toes.
That’s bad technique. Your weight should be on the middle of your foot. Don’t
extend yourself too far back or forward.
And, while you’re on the offensive here, don’t forget about defense. Keep
your other hand up as you throw the punch to protect against a counter. They
always tell boxers to “keep your guard up”. The same thing applies here.
The Hook
As above, you pivot the side of your body as you throw a hook. The foot,
knee and hip are turned as you deliver the blow. Stay on the ball of the foot. The
arm is swung in an arc toward the head of the opponent. The elbow remains at
shoulder level.
Make sure your chin stays down and your other hand up for protection.
The Uppercut
The uppercut is a short punch delivered from close in that can do good damage, especially to a jaw. As you
know, jaws can be a very vulnerable target. There are a lot of nerves there. A good blow to the jaw can pinch off
those nerves and knock your opponent out.
With the uppercut you lower your fist, bend the knee and drive the punch upward to target. Again, make sure
to keep your chin covered and other hand up to guard against a counter.
When delivering a combination, try to think of your body as a gate with the center of the gate running through
the center of your chest. If the gate swings one way, it then comes back to swing the other. In this way, we
alternate between rights and lefts as we deliver a series of punches.
Combinations are the key to winning a fight. The left jab/right cross/left hook combination is a simple
combination you can start your training with. A four count combination like the left jab/right cross/left uppercut/
right cross will also serve as a good starting point.
Just remember to close the gap when you deliver these combinations. They’re close-in weapons. And concentrate
on smooth footwork and keeping your other hand up as you alternate from side to side firing your punches.
It’s important to breathe out with any punch that you throw. You need to keep your body aerated during a
fight. You’re in a very stressful situation and your body requires a continuous oxygen supply to work at peak
efficiency. In fact, you should breathe out on every offensive technique you employ.
This is done just like a boxer or martial artist. Using a sharp “Shhh!” as if you were telling someone to be
quiet can be very effective. Whatever you do for aeration, be sure to make it a part of your practice routine.
Using it in drills will help you use it naturally in the real thing.
The knee strike is another very effective weapon that can be used from
short range. A lot of people think it’s a simple technique and don’t give much
thought to how best to deliver it, but there’s a right way and wrong way. For
best results, it’s executed with a basic step/lean/thrust motion.
When using the right or strong side knee, it’s very important to create
momentum for the strike. This is done by beginning the strike with a step
forward with the left foot. You then lean your body back and thrust the knee
horizontally into the ribs.
Make sure your toes are pointed straight at the ground so the knee is as
sharp and pointed as possible. This will provide maximum penetration. As
you strike, you should also pull the right arm back to add power and drive.
Because your left knee is forward in your stance, you have a couple options
when throwing the left knee. You can step forward with the right foot and
drive the knee in or you can take a little hop back and strike. Whichever
approach you choose, make sure to return to your basic stance with your
hands up when you’re done delivering the knee to provide for proper defense.
Many people deliver knee strikes in an upward motion, but this is wrong.
THE KNEE DOESN’T GO UPWARD. The body leans back to drive the knee
straight in. An uppercut knee is not nearly as strong as the horizontal strike.
The horizontal strike is much more powerful and much better at backing an
opponent off.
You’ll also find that the same arm motion that powers the knee strike parries
an incoming attack by your opponent. Leaning back as you strike also makes
you less vulnerable to him.
These kicks can be an effective weapon in your defense but you must remember that they can’t do the job by
themselves. A single kick or punch is not going to finish the job. It’s your ability to deliver combinations, or put
these kicks together with other techniques, that will win the fight. A good left kick of and by itself isn’t going to
end hostilities.
The Parry
Any strike that comes in straight, like a jab, should be parried
with your rear (or right) hand. This is done by slapping or
knocking that punch down with your hand before it reaches
your face.
When your opponent throws a cross you should parry it
with your front hand, again knocking down the punch before
it reaches its target.
Be careful not to overdo it by overparrying, though. If
someone is experienced and has good sensitivity, he can trace
your hand around and hit you again if you overdo it. Just pat
or slap the hand down. It’s a quick, deflecting movement. Don’t
force his hand way down.
Also, avoid any tendency to look away as you parry. In
The problem you’re facing isn’t going to just go away. You’ve
got to keep your eye on the target to quickly and efficiently
deliver a counter attack.
If a punch comes from the outside hand position of your opponent, like a hook,
you should cover your jaw with your upper arm. Your chin should be down and
resting up against that upper arm with your elbow wrapped around your head.
Make sure to keep your other hand up to handle any subsequent punch. If you
drop it down, say to stomach level, there’s a good chance the rest of your body will
follow it down when you get knocked out. The jaw is the button for the other guy.
You’ve got to keep it covered. For all you know, your opponent could throw 4 or 5
punches in a row. You’ve got to be ready for them. In fact, the general rule for all
hand-to-hand combat is:
This goes whether you’re taking a shot or delivering one.
Also, be sure to pivot your body when you cover. If a punch is landing on your left
side, pivot with the right. Get yourself cocked and ready to throw a response. This
pivot will make sure that you’re able to utilize natural body movement in delivering
blows from alternating sides of your body.
And, again, don’t lose eye contact during any defensive maneuvering. You’ll have
to have your target in sights to best begin your counter attack.
If you want to get more creative, after delivering an elbow
in a combination and before going to a knee strike you can
grab the back of your opponent’s head. If you’ve thrown a
right elbow, reach back with your right hand past the right side
of his neck. Grab the back of the neck and pull his body right
into your right knee strike. That will give added strength and
power to your knee and do more damage.
As you’ll note above, I’ve just followed a right elbow with
a right knee. I’ll also follow the right knee with a right kick in
some situations. While this goes against the natural “right to
left” body movement I’ve stressed above, it can work for you.
That’s because the right kick is a stronger kick for most
righthanders. If you’ve got a good left kick, by all means, follow
with the left if you feel it’s necessary (especially if you’re
setting up another technique).
But keep in mind that, when looking for a long range weapon, the right kick is preferred by most people
because it is the stronger kick. In these situations, you may want to go with it even though it runs against the
grain of the “right to left” philosophy.
After your cover and blast, you can trap your opponent’s arm with the arm that just threw the punch. This is done
by slapping the opponent’s arm down. That leaves his jaw wide open and you can simultaneously deliver a straight
blow to it. Then you follow up with a chain of straight blasts in the Lee style.
The purpose of the “trap/hit” is to get the opponent’s head tilted back. Once that’s done, you can begin to
apply a series of blasts and pressure to get him moving back. At this point, most attackers will cover up and this
allows you to put in heavier tools like the elbow and head butt.
Eye Jabs
If your partner throws a hook you can cover it and go to the eyes all in the same movement. Say he throws a
left jab/right cross combination. You’d parry the jab, cover with your left forearm and go right up to the eyes
with the fingers of the left hand in that same motion. You could follow with a straight blast from the right and
move in with your chain of blasts with alternating fists.
In hand-to-hand combat, the stick is a long range tool. There are 8 basic angles from which it can strike. They are
#1: The forehand diagonal down strike.
#2: The upward, backhand slash to the knee, elbow or face.
#3: The upward, forehand slash to the knee, elbow or face.
#4: The backhand, downward slash to the collarbone or head.
#5: The forehand thrust to the midsection or throat.
#6: The horizontal, backhand to the ribcage or elbow.
#7: The horizontal, forehand to the ribcage or elbow.
#8: The backhand thrust to the ribcage, throat or face.
Sometimes, you can get a grip on your opponent’s thumb in the above moves. Though your intention is to
pass the arm by, if you can get that grip you will find a disarm possible. The disarm can be performed simply by
maintaining the hold and knocking the blade out of your opponent’s hand with you own knife.
Training NOTES
The material above is only intended as a brief overview of weapons defenses.
These techniques are complex and dangerous. Advanced training and in-class
instruction is absolutely necessary to proper performance.
You will also have to work hard to perfect them. Free form training, or sparring
with facsimile sticks and knives, comes highly recommended. It will not only
sharpen your skills but help you to create a unique approach based on your own
style and abilities.
If you look for them, in many situations you’ll be able to make your own
weapons out of common objects found nearby. A brick or bottle can stop a charge.
Breaking off a radio antennae can also give you a weapon. And whipping off your
belt can provide a buckle to strike with or a tool for tying up an attacker’s hands.
Ink pens can also be used. Pulling one from your pocket and jabbing it into the
attacker’s eyes, ears, throat, groin or other vulnerable areas can give you a quick
advantage. Keys can be used in the same way. Flashlights can also be used as a
jabbing or striking tool.
Hot liquids can be effective when available. A steaming cup of coffee thrown
into the face of an attacker can temporarily blind him. Follow this up with a good
combination and you’ll have a good chance of buying some time and gaining an
Be creative. Stay cool. Assess the situation and use whatever means are available
to turn the tide. And always get out when possible. Your goal should be to hit and
escape, unless your life or family’s life depends on your continuing the fight.
When facing off against superior numbers, there are no magic defenses. Most
of the time your survival will depend on those elements we outlined in the first
If you can talk yourself out of the situation, do so. But if you can’t, you should
prepare for some pain. In a “2 against 1” or “3 against 1” situation somebody’s
probably going to get a shot at you. Prepare to be hurt and fight through the pain to
make your escape or emerge in victory.
As far as drills for mass attack, there aren’t any that would prepare you totally
for what you’d meet. Real fight situations aren’t choreographed. Predictable
punches or kicks aren’t thrown. There’s no “golden rule” for your defense.
But there are some concepts that can help. Here are a few suggestions:
1. Put yourself in a position where you can deal with one attacker while
he blocks the other from getting to you. In short, get one guy in the way
of another. This is called angulation.
2. Don’t put your back against a wall. If you allow your attackers to close
you in you’ll have to deal with all of them at once. Your goal here is to try
and set things up so you only have to deal with one at a time.
3. If only one attacker comes at you, deal with him and maneuver so he
ends up in the middle of the path between you and the other attackers.
This will buy you some time before you have to deal with another attacker.
4. Hit the first attacker as hard and fast as you can. Remember the NOTES
importance of violence of action, surprise and creating the momentary
impression of superior firepower. You want these guys to know
immediately that they’ve made a mistake by singling you out and that
you’re not going to play the “victim” role for them.
If you can hit that first guy and throw him into the second guy, do so. It may
give you just enough time for an escape.
These are only a few of the hand-to-hand combat techniques available to you.
They are the basics. Instruction in advanced techniques including take-downs,
grappling and further defense against weapons will also be included in the course
as applicable.
These techniques may seem simple, and they are. Still, practice is a necessity
to perfecting them. Anyone can learn them but they’ve got to put some time in if
they want to make them a solid part of their personal defense strategy.
Full contact practice and sparring are very important. You must learn how to
take and give a punch. You’ll be surprised what you can discover about yourself
and your ability to use these techniques simply through the process of trial and
error in practice sessions. And don’t forget to train in a variety of settings and
conditions so you’ll be ready to respond properly when it’s needed.
Again, alertness and awareness of your surroundings is the foundation on which
all these techniques are founded. You can’t walk around like a victim. Almost all
trouble can be avoided by simply staying in “Condition Yellow” and steering away
from danger.
But if you do find yourself in trouble, you must turn into a warrior. The ability
to hit and keep hitting until you need not hit any more is the key to survival.
What we’d like to do in this chapter is address several areas of concern you
may have regarding your day-to-day security. We talk about general principles in
camp but below we’ll give you a kind of checklist for personal safety to use in a
variety of settings both home and away.
In Spec Ops, we trained hard. Preparation was of utmost importance. If we had
the chance, we’d spend weeks or even months planning for an individual mission.
We’d time our moves down to the millisecond, perfect all individual and team
components of the mission and make contingency plans for our contingency plans.
Sometimes, this wasn’t enough. As we said earlier, there is no way you can
totally train for any fight. The unexpected is the expected in combat. No two
situations are the same. No two opponents totally alike. No two environments
identical. There will be a wild card or two in every confrontation.
Still, preparation will go a long way toward decreasing the odds of an attack
and increasing your odds of survival should you be unlucky enough to experience
one. And the wider range of preparations you make, the safer you’ll be.
A simple martial arts or marksmanship course is great, but it’s not enough for a
truly effective personal defense strategy. You’ve got to use personal knowledge,
technology, expert advice and plain old common sense along with your fighting
skills to best prepare for your defense.
You’ve also got to understand that we operate in a diverse number of physical
and social settings in our lives. Strategy should be specialized and geared to these
individual situations As we stressed earlier in this manual, no simple single approach
to personal defense will keep you safe in all situations. Each has its own peculiarities
and special needs.
With this in mind, we’ve provided an overview of personal security preparations
for a variety of different environments below. First, let’s look at the place where
you spend more time than anywhere else and where good security precautions are
a necessity: your home.
We talked in Chapter Two about handguns and home defense but it’s important
to note that home defense does not start with a gun. It ends with a gun. Your
initial concerns should be toward building a good perimeter security system for
your home. Having a solid layer of physical security outside your home to deter
thieves or alert you of their presence is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL.
There is no better way to get the jump on an intruder than to have adequate
warning that he’s there. In fact, if you don’t have a perimeter security system to
warn and protect you from a hostile presence you’re asking for trouble no matter
what kind of weapon you own or how good you are with it. If you can’t take the
element of surprise away from an intruder, you’re giving him an enormous
If you’re not knowledgeable about perimeter security, you may want to spend
the money necessary to have a good, professional assessment done of your home.
The security expert will inspect your home to determine where your defenses are
weak and provide a plan for properly attacking these weaknesses.
Otherwise, you can devise your own system. A good design will take into account NOTES
the following elements:
Lighting-Strategically placed lighting around your home is one of the least
expensive yet most effective deterrents to intruders. Lighting reduces the elements
of concealment and surprise that are so helpful to the intruder.
The type of lighting system used depends on access routes, exterior grounds,
surrounding area and the overall layout of your home. A motion sensor light can
add your own surprise element to your defense and works great when stationed in
your driveway or by your front door.
Dogs-Dogs give you a couple of advantages. First off, if they’re large, they can
attack an intruder and provide effective defense of their own. Second, even if you own
a small dog, it’s likely to put up a big racket if someone’s sneaking around outside.
Poodles, for instance, aren’t going to provide the kind of deterrent a rottweiler
will but they can yap up a storm and let everyone know something’s not right.
That barking could also be enough to send the would-be intruder off in search of
another target.
Landscaping-Thick shrubs, sticky bushes, trees and other natural protective
barriers can make access to your home more difficult. Likewise, wide open areas
can make it easy for an intruder to be spotted. You have to be careful with
landscaping, though. You need to keep it trimmed and make sure it doesn’t provide
a good place for a criminal to hide. This is especially important around windows
and walkways.
Fences-Walls and fences should be a part of you home defense system if at all
possible. They’ll make it more difficult to get to your home and leave the intruder
vulnerable to being spotted if he decides to scale them. Roadblocks and gates can
also serve a good purpose in rural areas.
But remember that walls are not enough. A determined criminal won’t think
twice about jumping over them. You must have other elements of security in place
to be as safe as possible.
Structural Barriers-This would include grills, bars and other additions to the
structure of the home itself. These devices make a statement. Psychologically, a
potential thief knows you’re serious about protection and might stay away.
Physically, they make your house that much harder to break into. One caution: If
you install bars on anything, make sure they can be opened from inside in case of
fire. You want to keep the bad guys out while being able to get out yourself.
Doors, Locks, Windows-Solid core doors for the exterior of your house are best.
It’s much harder to kick them in. But those solid core doors with windows are
worthless. A thief can break the window, reach in and unlock the door too easily.
While you should have a peep hole in your door, window doors should be avoided.
Dead bolt locks are best. They should have a one-inch throw at the least and
three inch screws on the side plate so they reach into the frame of the house.
Forget the door chains. They’re not going to stop anybody who’s serious.
Reinforcing door jambs should also be considered. Attaching some pepper spray
next to the front door, out of the reach of children, is also a good idea.
Also make sure that any screen doors have heavier metal framing and door
knobs that lock. Metal work of some kind should cover the screen so a potential NOTES
burglar can’t cut the screen to break in.
Even if you use a wooden stick or “C” clamps with wing nuts to keep your
windows from being opened, remember that a burglar can simply break the glass
and remove these barriers. You need to keep your windows locked, too.
Intrusion Detection Systems-IDS’s play a big role in any plan for protecting
your home. There are a variety of good, commercially manufacturered systems
available. They operate by detecting sound, vibration or motion through electrostatic
and/or light beam technology. Some are suitable for outdoor use. Others for indoor.
Alarms can be engineered for in-home alert or monitoring by a central station
security group. The in-home alarms are cheaper and will let you and your neighbors
know of a possible break-in. But what happens if you’re not home or facing someone
with violence in mind? You might want the protection afforded by the central
station monitoring.
Some of these groups even have their own armed officer who’ll assist the police
when they arrive. Key pads for entry and phone passwords to verify trouble are
also available.
A home alarm system with battery back-up that covers all the bases is best. The
system should have a control panel in the master bedroom with connections to a
central monitoring station that also monitors for fire. These services can cost big
money, but you’ll often find substantial differences in price between companies.
Shop around to get the best rates, prices and array of services.
Making Your Sleeping Area Into A Safe Haven-The more security-oriented
may also want to redesign their sleeping area to provide added safety while asleep.
A solid door with unexposed hinges and peep hole can be used to set off the area.
A cellular telephone should be available programmed with important telephone
numbers. A flashlight, pepper spray, fire extinguisher and first aid kit should also
be a part of the haven as should your weapon of choice. An escape plan for the
whole family should be devised, practiced regularly and learned by all.
Guns-While handguns are the usual choice for home defense, you may want to
add a shotgun to your home defense system. A Remington 870 is simple and reliable.
It’s what we used in Spec Ops and it did the job.
You don’t want to have to fool around with high-tech, sophisticated, Hollywood
weapons. You want something you can trust in this situation. The 870 pump shotgun
with a parkerized barrel-the basic police model-comes highly recommended.
If it makes you feel better, you can get an extended magazine so you can carry
up to 8 rounds but this isn’t really necessary. Chances are, you won’t get into a
shootout with an intruder. One or two blasts from your shotgun will generally put
an end to a threat, especially if you’re using 00-buck.
Don’t keep a round in the chamber when the gun is stored. This is stupid and
dangerous. You don’t want an accidental discharge. Only rack a round when the
intruder can hear you and you’re ready to fire. Sometimes, just the sound of racking
a round will send an intruder back out the door.
When on the range, practice racking a round quickly and completely after each
shot. It’s very important to make this second nature so you’ll always do it. With a
pump, in times of stress, people sometimes forget to fully rack a round if they rack
it at all. You need to make this a habit every time you pull the trigger.
Point shooting techniques should be used only in sudden, close range NOTES
confrontations. In all other cases, you should fire well-aimed shots using all the
basics of good marksmanship.
Carjackings and the assault and robbery of people getting into and out of their
cars remains a threat in our cities. Much of this threat could be negated if people
just took the time to think and stay in “Condition Yellow” instead of wandering
around like a victim.
Here are some tips guaranteed to make it difficult for a criminal to target
your vehicle.
• Always park in a well-lighted area.
• Where valet parking is available at a mall, use it.
• Always be aware of people standing around or following you to your car.
Know what’s going on around you. If there’s a problem, immediately report
it to security or move deliberately back into the mall or office you were at.
• When walking to your car always have your pepper spray out and ready to
use. Have your strong arm and hand free. Always hold packages on your
weak side (left hand for most people).
• Have your keys ready prior to getting to your vehicle so you don’t waste
time getting in.
• Be aware that the most vulnerable moment when getting into your car is
when you’re putting in packages or putting a child in a carseat.
• Have a plan in place for dealing with any assault. Pepper spray and escaping
with your child should be central to this plan.
• Lock your doors immediately on getting into your car.
• Don’t put your seatbelt on until you’ve locked the doors.
• Don’t roll your windows down until you’re moving. This may be especially
hard in the summer months, but an open window provides access to a criminal.
• If someone tries to stop your car by walking in front of it and pointing a
weapon your way, try to avoid him or run him down if necessary. Do not
stop. If you stop, he’s got you. In some cases, children have been thrown
from a window as a carjacker escaped from the scene. Keep moving.
• Velcro pepper spray under the steering column for quick retrieval. Practice
grabbing it so you can get to it as quickly as possible if the necessity arises.
• If an attempt is made to steal your car or burglarize or assault you CALL
THE POLICE IMMEDIATELY. They’re not going to have much chance
catching this guy and getting him off the street if you wait.
• Don’t let anyone piggyback with you into an area you gain access to with NOTES
your card.
• Have your pepper spray ready and don’t be shy about using it.
• When you enter your PIN number, use your body as a shield so others can’t
see it. If you think someone observed your PIN, contact the bank and have it
changed immediately.
You should also do everything you can to maintain the security of your card.
Never lend it to anyone else. Never give anyone else your PIN-that includes bank
employees, police and government officials.
That PIN should also be selected randomly. It shouldn’t match your address,
phone number, birthdate, social security number or any other ID you may carry in
your wallet or elsewhere. Memorize the code. Don’t write it down.
Treat your ATM card like any other credit card. If it gets lost, report it
Jogging remains a popular activity for many people. Its purpose is to keep you
in shape but you can find yourself out of shape quickly if you’re mugged or
assaulted. While there’s no need to be paranoid about your regular run, there’s
every reason to do it safely.
As always, when you’re out in public you should be in “Condition Yellow”.
Steer away from trouble. People who run with headphones on are sending up a red
flag that says “Mug Me!” to criminals. We don’t want to cut into the Richard
Simmons profits, but you really should be using your senses as you run to keep an
eye on cars and possible assailants.
You should also run only in a well lighted area. Your route should go only
through places where there is heavy foot traffic. Having a partner to run with is a
great idea. Criminals like to prey on singles. There’s safety in numbers.
You should also carry pepper spray. It’s good for dogs as well as humans. And
don’t be afraid to use it. When you do, don’t wait around to see the results. Leave
the area quickly.
Planning your run is essential. Never leave your house with the attitude that
you’re just go to go where your feet take you. Always:
• Tell someone when you are leaving.
• Tell someone where you are going.
• Tell someone when you will be returning.
• Don’t stray off your planned route.
• Carry some form of ID and a quarter for a pay phone.
6. An adult approaches a child in the park and tries to get them to perform NOTES
some task for him. They may ask to help find a lost cat. They may even
present a business card and say they’re from a modeling agency and
want to take the child’s picture.
Abductors and molesters don’t only use candy to lure kids into danger.
They’ll also use flattery and promises of fame or some other reward to
get their way. That harmless “photo session” can lead to much more.
Children should be told to refuse such requests and report them
immediately to a parent so the adult can be checked out.
7. A child is playing in their backyard and a someone looks over a fence or
comes through a gate asking them to come over to their house to play a
new video game.
It’s alarming to think about, but even neighbors can have designs on
your kids. Tell your children never to go anyplace, anywhere without
asking a parent first. Even if they’ve gone there before and feel
comfortable doing it, tell them they must report to you first.
8. A babysitter offers a child $5.00 to play a “secret” game.
Tell your child to just say “No”. No secret games of this type are to be
allowed. They should also tell a parent of the request as soon as possible.
As a parent, you should also be wary of anybody giving your child
gifts or money for no reason. Tell your kids to report any such offers to
you. You should find out where the gifts or offers came from and why
they were given.
It’s also important to realize that the first moments after an abduction occurs
are critical. The longer the kidnapping continues, the less the chance of escape.
Your child, or anyone abducted, should attempt an escape immediately. Make noise,
scream, cause accidents, do anything to bring attention to yourself and your
situation. If there’s an avenue for escape, like an unlocked door, and the car slows
or comes to a stop-Jump Out!.
It should also be pointed out that abductors can target a child and look for ways
to get at them. Your daily habits can betray you. If they know a child is going to be
at a certain place at a certain time each day, and he’s by himself, they’ve got a
window of opportunity.
Think about how you drop your child off at school. Do you always do it at the
same time in the same place? Most of us do. If you’re concerned about your child’s
safety on the way to school, vary your drop-off time. Drop them at different places
on different days, in a random fashion. Anything you can do to mix up your routine
can throw an abductor off.
Some final tips:
• Parents are often asked to mark lunchboxes, book bags, coats, sweaters,
toys and other articles a child brings to school. Be sure to mark these
items in a way that names can’t be easily seen.
• Put a piece of paper in your child’s pocket with their name, address and
phone number on it. Make sure they know how to use it and teach them
how to use a phone to dial their number from in town and at a distance.
Your Car
Below is a safety checklist for your car. These items should always be on hand
comprising a safety kit for use in emergencies:
• 4 cans of “fix-a-flat”
• 1 package of tire plugs with applicator (for tubeless tires)
• 1 quart motor oil
• 1 quart transmission fluid
• 1 pint brake fluid
• 1 gallon radiator coolant
• A good flashlight (check as needed for battery quality)
• 1 set of jumper cables
• 1 set of vice grips
• 4 railroad flares
• 1 package of fuses for the car
• 1 universal fan belt
• 1 roll duct tape
• A first aid kit
• A “Call The Police” sign
• A portable telephone or CB radio
• A tow rope
• 1 wool blanket
• Pepper spray velcroed under the dash board
This is a basic list. If you live or will be travelling in areas with sub-zero
temperatures you’d want to include chains, thermal boots, a sleeping bag and other
cold weather gear. If you live or will be travelling in desert-like conditions include
sunglasses, drinking water and protective clothing to use if you need to leave the
car and walk.
Some more words to the wise if you’re vacationing by car:
• Do not pull in at rest stops that are empty or not lighted well.
• Do not overnight at a rest stop.
• Use tourist routes and well-travelled highways and roads. Those shortcuts
you pick up from the map or a local can lead to disaster.
• Hotels
• Rental Cars
• Restaurants
• Applicable laws that differ from U.S. laws that could affect you. It’s very
important to know the laws of your host country. In many places around the
world you’re guilty until proven innocent, especially if you’re not a local.
You should also study up on the customs of the country you’re visiting so
you don’t embarrass yourself or create some kind of international incident.
You should also make sure your passport is up to date before leaving. DO NOT
if you’re going to Iran don’t travel with an Israeli visa.
Shots should be brought up to date before leaving and be sure to take a first aid
kit with you. Things like diarrhea are easily treated if you have the proper medicine
with you.
And plan your trip carefully. Let someone at home know all the details including:
• Airplane flights
• Hotels
• Countries and cities
• Departure times
• Return time
You should plan on making some kind of regular telephone checks with these
people just to let them know everything is going fine.
Picking the right hotel is very important if you want to insure your safety when
travelling. Always seek the help of an agency or someone with experience travelling
in the area to insure that you book a stay at a place that is reputable.
After that, at the top on your list should be getting a hotel room with an inside NOTES
entrance. Rooms that open to the outside give criminals a chance to see when
you’re coming and going so they know when to strike. Outside rooms are also
easier to break into.
When making reservations you should specify that you want a room that opens
to an interior corridor. If you need to call the actual hotel instead of using the 800
number, which could be thousands of miles from where you’re staying, do so.
You’ll also want to get a room that has an electronic card-key locking system if
possible. The electronic locks are constantly changed. If someone has the
conventional key to your room, they can get in whenever they want. Contrary to
what some people may believe, hotels don’t change the lock just because the last
guest walked off with it.
Once inside your room, call the front desk. Some hotels cut off phone service to
unoccupied rooms to keep the hotel staff from sneaking phone calls. To make sure
the front desk hasn’t been forgetful, give them a call to make sure your phone works.
Also make sure your children know how to phone the front desk. You may have
given them “911” training at home but they’ll need to know how to dial a “9” or
whatever else is necessary to get an outside line at your hotel if there’s an emergency.
You also shouldn’t keep valuables in your room. Safe or lock boxes are usually
provided by the hotel and you can store your more prized possessions there. As for
your car, don’t leave anything of value in plain view. Take it with you or put it in
the trunk. And park your car in a well-lighted section of the lot, as near to the
registration area as possible.
Keep your curtains closed when in your room to keep inquiring minds and eyes
in the dark. Put the “Do Not Disturb” sign out. Always use all the locks on the
doors, not just the door knob lock.
When someone knocks, look through the peephole. If you don’t know the person or
they claim they’re a member of the hotel staff that needs to get into your room, call the
front desk to check on them. The hotel employee ruse is an old one, but it still works.
When you leave the room make sure to leave the curtains closed and the “Do
Not Disturb” sign on the door to give the appearance of occupancy to theives. The
lights and television volume should be left on as if you were still inside.
Always lock the door when you leave. Place a small piece of scotch tape on it
in an obscure place. If it’s disturbed when you get back, you know someone’s
entered your room without authorization. Check to see if the maid’s been in. If
not, you might be missing something.
Finally, don’t give your spare room key to the kids, not even the older ones.
They’re much more likely to lose it. Nor should you allow your children to go to
and from the room alone. Very strange people have a tendency to be attracted to
hotels, for obvious reasons.trustworthy adult wouldn’t be asking a child for help
in the first place. Your child should also make sure to report the incident to you or
another trusted adult immediately.something.
This would all be well and good except for one thing. It’s not the front desk NOTES
calling. Some scam artist watched what room you went into and called you from a
guest phone in the hotel. Now he’s got your credit card number. You’re about to
make some purchases you won’t recall ever making.
Any time somebody asks you for a credit card number over the phone it should
be a red flag. Go down to the front desk and ask them if they called for your
number. If not, alert them that there’s a thief on the premises. Hotel security will
appreciate it and so will the other guests.
Rental Cars
Rental cars are a prime target for criminals with robbery or assault on their
minds. They transport tourists and vacationers and the criminal element just loves
tourists and vacationers. You’ll also run into wackos who may want to murder or
assault you just because you’re from out of the country or state.
In response to a recent surge in crime involving rental cars, most companies
have now stripped them of any identifying marks. Gone are the license plate frames,
window decals and stickers advertising or identifying the rental car company. When
making car reservations, be sure that you’ll be getting one of these “anonymous”
cars so you won’t be a target when out on the road.
Your goal when in a rental car is to do everything not to look like a tourist.
Don’t leave a rental contract laying on the seat or dashboard. Store your maps,
tour guides and brochures in the glove compartment.
In fact, anything that makes you look like a tourist should be stored in the trunk
or otherwise out of sight. If you really want to do this right, get a local newspaper
and empty shopping bag from a local store and put it in plain sight inside the car.
You’ll look more like a local.
As for the car you rent, stay away from bright colors. They attract attention.
Get the car dirty. You want it to look lived in like everyone else’s on the road.
Drive down a dusty road or into a mud puddle if you get the chance. Clean attracts
unwanted attention. People evaluate it more highly.
Get power door locks and windows, too. That’ll make carjackings or other on-
the-move crime less possible. Rent a cellular phone or bring along one of those
hand-held phones you can plug into a cigarette lighter. Just don’t forget the adaptor.
Mobile phones can be of great help in any emergency.
If you’re shopping and return to your car to leave some packages off, don’t put
the packages in and walk off. That’s an open invitation to criminals. Instead, get in
your car and drive off to another part of the parking lot out of sight. That way you
won’t have to worry about someone seeing you and breaking into your car when
you return to the mall or park. If they see you drive off, they’ll give up on you as
a target.
All of those other advisories in the “Your Car” section above also apply here.
Don’t do an overnight at a rest stop. If they’re unoccupied or poorly lighted, keep
driving. Use the well travelled routes. And if you get bumped by another car when
you’re in a rental car, drive to the nearest police or fire station. Causing a minor
accident is one way the criminal will try to get at you.
Airports NOTES
Crooks love airports even more than they do rental cars. They know that people
are in a hurry and will often be distracted. They’re running around looking for
gates, flight information, and airline clerks and they’re not paying attention to
their bags or valuables.
Bottom line caution when in an airport: DON’T LEAVE YOUR BAGS
UNATTENDED. They don’t keep telling you that over the loudspeakers for no
reason. Half the bags stolen at major airports are those left unattended.
They’re usually carry-on luggage that everybody, including thieves, knows
contain cameras, jewelry, gifts and cash. They make for a very easy target when
someone leaves them on the floor while they run off to find a flight schedule
monitor. Restrooms are also a great place for thieves to grab unattended baggage.
Hey, take it into the stall with you. It’s no big deal.
Money is also best kept in a lightweight belt or “fanny pack” when dealing with
airports or any big crowd. You wear these under your clothes where it’s difficult, if
not impossible, for a crook to get at them.
Keep several $1 bill in your pocket for tips (these guys shouldn’t be seeing any
President but Washington, anyway). You don’t want to be whipping any wallet out
repeatedly and showing everyone you’re on holiday and carrying a bundle. If a
thief sees a wad of $20 bills, you immediately become a marked man.
Metal detectors can also give the thief an opening. It’s easy to be set-up. One
popular scam has one of the thieves going through the detector ahead of you full
of keys and metal jewelry to set off the alarm. While they slowly unload their belt
buckles and nail clippers, your bags are being picked up by an accomplice on the
other side of the x-ray scanner.
There’s an easy way out of this. Always hold your bags until the person in front
of you has gotten through the metal detector. Take all your metal articles out and
have them ready to put in the container provided. You want to get through the
detector as fast as possible. Do not put your bags on the conveyor belt until all this
is done.
If one of the security boys snaps at you, tell them you need to keep an eye on
your bags at all times. This will wake them up and also inspire them to pay extra
attention to your bags.
Stalking has become a high-profile crime in recent years. It takes a variety of
forms, from relatively minor harrassment to murder. Sometimes the victim is a
celebrity but more often they’re just someone who has become a target for an ex-
boyfriend, coworker or acquaintance. There may be situations where the victim
doesn’t even know the stalker. They’ve chosen them as a victim for reasons known
only to their warped minds.
Usually the stalker will conduct covert surveillance of the victim, following
them. Later they may contact the victim to make sure that they know they’re tailing
them. They may stake out the victim’s home, place of work and social activities.
The stalker is highly obsessive. They try to control the victim through fear and
threats. They live in a fantasy world and when that fantasy world is shattered they
can become homicidal.
We’ve broadened the usual “stalker” definition here to include people who may tail
you for a short to intermediate period of time for no other reason than an intent to
commit a crime. That crime could take the form of robbery, rape or other assault. You
may not know this person but they’re targeting you for an attack. You need to be aware
of the potential for this situation and ways to deal with it. Here are some suggestions:
• If you see a person tailing you twice, it’s a coincidence. See them three
times, it’s not.
• At home or in a hotel, always pull the shades when changing clothes.
• If you’re in a mall and suspect someone is tailing you, walk in front of a
store front window as if you’re shopping and use the reflection to get a full
description of the suspected stalker.
• If you’re walking and suspect someone, make several obvious turns to see if
they follow.
• If you’re driving and suspect you’re being followed, make several turns to
make sure they’re following. Don’t lead them back to your house. Call the
police on your cellular phone or drive to a police station, trying to get as
good a description of the following car as possible.
• If you’re at home and see the same suspicious person over and over (and it’s
not your wife), get a good description and call the police. Remember that
disguises can be used. Try to ID things that won’t change like eye color and
any scars or other unique physical markings. “He was wearing a red jacket,”
is not enough.
• If you’re jogging and somebody on foot or in a vehicle falls in behind you,
get to a populated area as quickly as possible and seek the help of the police
or a security officer. Try to have a good description.
• If you’ve got a camera and suspect a stalker, take their picture. Chances are
they’ll turn tail and run.
• Report any communication from a stalker to police including phone calls
and, especially, letters. This can be crucial evidence when the stalker is
brought to court. Get names and phone numbers of any witnesses who can
corroborate any harrassment.
• Screen your phone calls through your answering machine. Use caller ID, if NOTES
available, to track down the phone number of the stalker.
• If you believe you’re being stalked at work, contact company security.
Change your telephone number, have your calls monitored by security,
park in hidden areas of the company lot and make it difficult for the stalker
to pick up your trail. Have a cellular phone on board with “911” or another
police number programmed in just in case you need it quickly. Make sure
someone escorts you to your car after dark. If possible, a security officer
can follow you home.
• If you have a restraining order, carry a copy of it with you at all times. This
will help police and security respond more agressively to your situation.
Hijackings still remain a possibility, especially for people flying internationally
for vacations or business meetings. As above, we always suggest checking with
the Department of State for travel advisories in the area of the world you’ll be
Choice of airline is also important. Keep in mind that U.S. airlines are often
targets while the airlines of neutral countries, like the Scandinavian SAS, are not.
The airlines of other countries, like England or France, who once had colonial ties
in the world can also be targeted.
About the only exception to this is El Al, out of Israel. Security is so tight on El
Al flights that they can be considered quite safe, even given their status in the
volatile Middle East.
Opting for a safer choice of airline and scheduling direct flights, that avoid
stopovers where terrorists may join the plane, can spell the difference between a
restful flight and a nightmare.
It’s also advisable to retain your anonymity when on board. Don’t bring any
undue attention on yourself. Don’t make yourself a target. Keep those corporate
logos off your luggage. While particular nationalities can be singled out for abuse
by hijackers, corporate affiliations can also make you a walking political statement.
If you work for the government or a large corporation linked to the U.S. you
may be used as an example or a negotiating tool. Company materials and business
cards should be kept in your main suitcase. Also, travel in tourist class. If a hostage
is to be chosen to be shot or beaten to make a statement to the press or passengers,
he’s most likely to be somebody important and important people generally are
found in first class.
As far as seating arrangements are concerned, window seats are best. They
place you further away from the hijackers and the aisles where bullets may fly in
an escape or rescue attempt. Being seated next to an exit seat can also give you a
chance of escape if an opportunity arises.
If an aircraft is hijacked, the first few moments are critical. The hijackers will
be attempting to bring the aircraft under control and lives may be sacrificed in the
effort. They may run down the aisles shouting and screaming and pointing weapons
at passengers. It’s important not to resist their orders or hesitate at this time because
anybody seen as a problem may be beaten or otherwise used to make a statement.
In fact, it’s wisest to keep your mouth shut. If you protest or create a fuss, you’ll
be more likely to be chosen if the hijackers need a victim to make a statement later.
If a counterterrorist team storms the airplane, the assault will only last a few NOTES
minutes. The German GSG-9 once cleared an aircraft in 11 seconds in a famous
raid in Mogadishu, Somalia. But though the assault will most likely be over fast, it
will also come with surprise and great violence.
One of the most important things in this situation is to not be mistaken for a
terrorist. It will be confusing. Stun grenades may be used which can temporarily
deafen and blind you. You must keep your head. Stay out of the aisle and do what
you can to dive to the floor under your seat and away from fire. If you stand up or
run into the aisle, what’s to keep the assault team from knowing you’re not another
Disaster can also come from unlikely sources. In 1986, the cabin in a hijacked
airplane in Karachi, Pakistan was plunged into darkness when a generator ran out
of fuel. The hijackers took this as a sign of an impending assault and opened up on
the passengers, killing 20 and wounding 120 more. But no assault was in progress.
Again, you’ve got to keep your head and be ready to act properly under any
circumstance. Some companies and security agencies also provide courses for
business travellers on how best to survive a hijacking situation. If you’re a
frequent international traveller, you may want to ask your company about any
available courses.
Rioting, such as that seen in Los Angeles in the wake of the 1992 Rodney King
verdict, can have a devastating impact on a business. With police and fire fighting
personnel stretched to the limit, they may not be able to answer your call when
you need them.
If you are doing business in an area where you may be affected in a riot, it’s
wise to do a little homework. Marking items that can be recovered can be a good
idea. Keeping track of serial numbers or putting your social security number on
goods can also help identify stolen property. Thousands of dollars have been lost
in previous riots simply because businesses had no way to identify stolen items.
The police were forced to auction them off.
Public relations attempts in the neighborhood may also help. Being known as a
good neighbor with a reputation for caring about the community may keep you
from being a target. Sometimes this will be of no help but there have been cases
where businesses have been spared or warned about the riot in advance because of
their standing in the neighborhood.
If a riot seems a possibility, you should move quickly to protect goods.
Those most often sought by looters-guns, money, jewelry, liquor, drugs, big
ticket items-should be put in a safe or moved out of sight. Display windows
should be cleared. Gates should be deployed and all entrances and exits not
needed or required for emergencies should be sealed off or locked. If you know
about the possibility of a riot well in advance, you should move to reduce your
inventory as quickly as possible.
Fire is also a big concern, Molotov cocktails being a favorite with looters. Fire
extinguishers good for flammable liquids should be available, especially on the
roof. The roof is a big target for rampaging looters and should be monitored for
fire during riot conditions. You and your employees should be trained in the use of
your extinguishers.
Businesses and homes that are occupied have less of a chance of being hit in a NOTES
riot. Still, you may want to get your employees out of the area. Evacuation routes
should be established. Car windows and doors should remain shut and locked
when moving away from the building.
If you get stuck inside a building, call the police. Have a mobile phone available
in case lines are down or you lose power. Have battery backups for all
communications equipment. CB or cellular radios may also be of great use.
You should also protect your business records. If you can’t prove your losses,
you’ll be in trouble. Keep a duplicate record, including computer disks, in a safe
location away from the business area.
Most of this chapter has dealt with PREPARATION. Being prepared for a
situation allows you every possibility of avoiding it. If you know where danger
resides, there’s a very good chance you’ll never have to face it.
Bottom line, everything written above comes down to one major element: STAY
ALERT. In any unsecured or insecure state, remain in “Condition Yellow”. Maintain
360 degree surveillance. Know what’s going on behind you. Keep your guard up.
Look for things and people out of place. Use your senses. Follow your instincts.
Try to see problems before they occur and steer away.
You should also make sure that everybody else knows you’re awake. Move as
if you’re a confident person with a purpose. Stand straight and hold your ground
when necessary. Keep your strong side ready for action. Don’t fidget or pace or
otherwise look like a victim. Remember that most criminals look for an easy mark.
They don’t want to have to work for their ill gotten gain.
Establish that “survival mindset”. Whatever you need to do to survive, you
should be ready to do. If you must act, do it with 110 percent commitment. Be
decisive. Respond with speed and violence of action. Surprise your attacker. Go
on the attack. Make him the defender. But stay cool. Don’t lose control. Keep the
computer inside your brain running and be precise in any blows or shots delivered.
Above all, be on the lookout for a fight but don’t go looking for one. If you can
walk away safely, do it. If not, be ready to fight and keep fighting until there’s no
need to fight anymore.