Tubular Conveyor Gallery
Tubular Conveyor Gallery
Tubular Conveyor Gallery
M. S. Troitsky
Department of Civil Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
{Received January 1981; revised October 1981)
This paper discusses the structural analysis and design of tubular conveyor
gallaries, used in industry for supporting and housing of conveyors
handling bulk materials. The design of such galleries has not so far been
treated in detail in the literature.
The loads and forces acting on the gallery are established and the
structural behaviour of the gallery has been analysed in detail. The
expression for stresses in the gallery under vertical and horizontal loading
or their combinations are shown. Also, local and overall buckling stability
requirements are established. The design of intermediate stiffening rings,
as well as ring girders, considering vertical and saddle-type supports are
torsional stresses imposed by eccentrically located loads.
These conditions are best fulfilled by a welded tubular
conveyor gallery, shown in cross-section in Figure 1.
The tubes are approximately 8 ft 6 in to 10 ft in
diameter, depending on the size of conveyor that they
It should be noted that the range of wall thicknesses \ \ I ,r ~ .g I Walkway
encountered in practice in the design of a tubular conveyor
galley depends on the following factors: accepted diameter
of the tube, span, conveyor installations, weight of the
Re]~r~'n / , ' ~'~ " /
© 1982 Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd Eng. Struet., 1982, Vol. 4, April 119
Tubular co#veyor galleries: M. S. Troitsky
Weight o f walkway:
qp = checkered plate + grating + stringer
+ posts, lb/ft (3)
qs = weight of concrete sluiceway, shown in
Figure 1, lb/ft (4)
Live loads
Live load due to material on belt."
qt.t, lb/ft (5)
No allowance is made for the impact due to the bounc-
ing of lumps as they wave along the belt.
(a) The supports constitute a minimum of obstruction to Belt pull during starting, stopping or running."
plant operations. P, lb (longitudinal force) (8)
(b) The heavy pipe sections used are less vulnerable to
damage by mobile equipment than are the supports with Longitudinal forces
bracing of the conventional type. Sometimes, the head pulley of the conveyor is located
(c) Less frequent painting maintenance is required for the within the gallery, usually at one end, the highest of an
supports. inclined gallery. As a result, a longitudinal compressive
force, originated by the head pulley of the conveyor, has
to be resisted by the tube, and transmitted from one end
Nearly all of the steel is shop-welded and field-bolted,
using high strength bolts. Normally, the structures are
shop-assembled into the largest pieces which can be eco-
nomically shipped and handled in the field. The tubes are
fabricated in up to 60 ft sections, which can be transported
by rail to the plant site for erection. All the conveyor
components are assembled inside the tube before erection.
Structural grade steels, ASTM A-36 are used for most of
F. t
the work, although ASTM A-242 may be used for corrosion
resistance and alloy steels for reduction in dead weight.
Vertical loads a n d f o r c e s
Loading conditions vary, depending on the project, but the
following may be considered:
Dead loads
Own weight o f tubular structure:
qt = zrDitPs+ lb/ft (1)
where: Di, inside diameter of tube, ft; t, thickness of wall,
ft; ps, unit weight of steel shell, lb/ft3;n, number of
stiffeners in span; Wst, weight of one stiffener, lb and l,
span between bents or supports, ft. Figure 3 Elliptical tube for conveyor gallery
Single post
I n v e r t e d V- b e n t
tubular section is the ideal section to resist torque.
In the following analysis we consider the general arrange-
ment of the conveyor gallery, as shown in Figure 4.
The statical values, due to the effect of a vertical
uniformly distributed load on a continuous structure, are
Figure 4 General arrangement of conveyor gallery shown in Figure 5.
Vertical loads are the most important, because they prevail where: lp, is the polar moment of inertia of the tube, in 4.
in magnitude and frequency of occurrence. They are uni- An internal torsional moment action on the tube may be
formly distributed along the length of the gallery. transferred only to inverted V-bents spaced at spans of 2l,
1 IIIIIII1~111111~
Jv .o o7oq/~ - 0 124q12 0 625q1 ~ 1 25gl
0 625q/
/ _1_ / _j
I- -] ]
I I I I I I I I IAI I I I I 1 ~ , *00773ql2 -O 107q/2 0 536ql ~ 1 143q1
0 607q/
-i -I- _7_
,", /', A /',
.0 0789q/e -0 105q/~ 0526q1 ~
0 605q/
1 151ql
I_ / _1_ / I_ l _t_ / _t_ / .I
F I -I- -F - [ i
Figure6 EquipmentloadsproducingtorsionalmomentMT
Mwt = qwR2m(- 0.101 + 0.707 sinq5 - 1.362 c a s e
-- 0.225 ¢ sin 0) lb i n (]8)
The maximum value is at ¢ = n, or:
V bent
............-- -----&l|~ybent-- ~ l w max Mw; = 0.261 q w R ~ (]9)
The normal force acting in the wall of the tube in the
///1//////////////////////// /if//////// interval:
OV+I f~
O m a x . . . . .,-) gN/O v + 4~-2 (13) ©• qw~
Substituting in this equation the values from equations
(10) and (12), we obtain:
/ 0 3qw
1 W~nd
Omax -- (Mv + x / ( M v 2 + M } ) psi (14)
F t = 0.15 V kips (24) if'l/i/I/i/////////// / // / / I iiii/
I__ 2(R*e)
whichever value is greater.
The minimum lateral seismic force, V, is: Direction of eerthquake
V = ASKIFW kips (25) Figure 10 Ring-girder under earthquake forces
h t = height of force Ft above base, ft The additional lateral forces acting on the structure are:
D = diameter of tube, ft
A = acceleration ratio, or ratio of specific ground ( V -- Ft) Wth ,
acceleration to acceleration due to gravity F1 = (26)
[Wth, + (Wt + Ws)h2 ]
0.5 ( V - - F t ) (Wt + Ws) h2
S 3x/'T seismic response factor F2 = (27)
[Wth, + (Wt + Ws) h21
0.05 h t where:
T - m - fundamental period of vibration of structure
x/~ in seconds Wt = dead weight of tube, including conveyor installations
and material on belt, kips
K = structural coefficient that reflects material and type of
Ws = dead weight of supports, kips
structure, damping, ductility and/or energy-absorption
h 1 = height of force F l above base, ft
capacity of structure
h2 = height of force F 2 above base, ft
I = importance factor of structure
F = foundation factor depending on type and depth of soil The tubular gallery is usually stiffened above its supports
measured from fundament by the ring-girder. According to Foster, 8 the ring-girder is
W = operating weight of structure of combined dead load subjected to the bending moment and normal force, see
of tube (including conveyor installations in tube and Figure ! O.
material on belt) and weight of supports, kips The expression of the bending moment is:
--- 1 + - (28)
Ma 4rr R +e
Na_ Q e [ L 1 H1[ ]
n LR 4 4(R+e)
Qe total horizontal reaction of tube support, trans-
Et 2 E't
Ncr--Rx/~(I__v2 )' °cr-R~/3(l_v= )
/ / 4- "
M v : Pe v
Long tube:
L~t( TrRI2 c
l > 2.85x/R~, N~. = ~ t T - / (32)
or / 2/ ~]
zr2EI M,, : Pe,
Per = 21rRNer - (33)
12 Figure 12 Axial force and resulting bending moments. (a), longi-
tudinal force; (b), vertical bending moment; (c), horizontal bending
which is the Euler formula. moment
2X/~ E~rRm t 2
lO Mcr - 9 , -~ - Ib in (43)
0 I I I I I I t I [ I oo6
200 400 600 8OO 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 18OO 2000
92 361
Figure 14 Recommended allowable buckling stresses
I I 1 [ II III I I l I I Ill] I I
is valid for moderately long tubes, where: 10 102 103
lr 2
Figure 15 Correlation factor for unstiffened circular tube subjected
7Z > - - (39) to bending
l 2
Z = - - X/1 -- p2 (40)
7 = correlation factor obtained from Figure 13
E = modulus of elasticity, ksi
l = span of tube, ft
l/lllllllll/I//llllllllllllll/ll/l' 111///////
t -- thickness of tube wall, ft
The recommended allowable buckling stresses in the
function o f D / t are shown in Figure 14.
Buckling tests on tubes similar to those tested in axial
compression indicate that buckling occurred over the com-
pression side of the tube in the same wave form, with Figure 16 Brazier effect
e = - - X/i -- u z (49)
and the coefficient Cs is given in Figure 1 Z
Table 2 V a l u e s o f m o m e n t s and n o r m a l f o r c e s
We consider two cases, namely:
0o ~o Mma x N
eo Nma x M
Bending moment and normal force for any section below
support in interval 0 <~4) <<-O: 45 ° 80 ° 0.079QR -0.309Q 45 ° -0.412Q 0.012QR
90 ° 90 ° - - 0 . 0 4 7 QR -0.250Q 0° -0.477Q 0.043
1 Mylar, D. T. 'Belt conveyor structures', paper presented at
SME Meeting, Seattle, Wash., Preprint No. 71-B-302,
September 1971
2 Troitsky, M. S. 'Design guidelines for steel tubular thin-walled
structure', 4th Progress Report, CSICC Project No. 727,
i i
January 1974
Figure 19 Saddle s u p p o r t 3 Troitsky, M. S. 'On the analysis of tubular conveyor galleries',
Proc. Canadian Soc. for Or. Eng. Conf., 7-8 June, 1979,
Montreal, pp. 335-340
Table I V a l u e s o f m o m e n t s and n o r m a l forces 4 Timoshenko, S. 'Strength of materials', Part I, D. Van
Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1957, p. 264
0° q5° Mma x N q~o Nrna x M 5 National Building Code of Canada. Issued by the National
Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, 1980, p. 145
45 ° 90 ° --0.049QR --0.250Q 50 ° --0.378Q 0.026QR 6 Krupka, V. 'Analysis of cylindrical thin-waUed metal pipeline
90 ° 70 ° 0.014QR 0.155Q 90 ° -+0.250Q 0 structures', Prague, Edition SNTL, 1967 (in Czechoslovakian),
p. 32