Is A Liar!
Hi, my name is James Paul Roguski. I am the author of the book
Your Doctor Is A Liar! I do not have a personal story of illness
and/or suffering. I am simply a “regular guy” who has (thankfully)
awakened from the illusions presented by the media. I have seen
through the lies that are told every day by the members of the
medical and pharmaceutical establishment and I can no longer hold
in the disgust that I feel for the despicable and barbaric practices
that are performed with impunity every day by medical doctors,
physicians, surgeons and pharmacists. I have been forced by my
inner spirit to share the insights with which I have been blessed,
with all who care to listen. Thank you for venturing this far.
Multiple Vitamin
Multiple Mineral (including magnesium and copper)
Multiple Essential Fatty Acid (EFA)
Vitamin C
Gelatin/Collagen/Protein supplement
Anyone who attempts to tell you that it does is either lying to you
or has been brainwashed by someone who lied to them.
The only problem is that YOU haven’t seen any of the factual
information contained in this book. The medical/pharmaceutical
industry is designed to receive a huge financial reward when you
get sick, so they are working very, very hard to keep this
information hidden. Instead of telling you the truth, the whole truth
and nothing but the truth, they are endeavouring to make you
believe that you are ill so that they can prescribe deadly, poisonous
drugs and recommend surgical procedures that are known to be
ineffective. There is ample evidence that clearly contradicts the
“prevailing wisdom” about “cholesterol” and its relationship to the
heart disease plague. After you finish reading this book, you will
understand your health a little bit better and hopefully, you will
also awaken to the TRUTH that...
snack, and a burger and fries for dinner, followed by a double
swirl soft serve ice cream cone - is a stomach turning proposition.
Even health-conscious eaters who use skim milk on their cereal,
replace the doughnut with a plain bagel, eat nonfat pretzels
instead of chips, have pasta for dinner and eat fat-free frozen
yogurt with cookies for dessert, all in the name of good nutrition,
are fooling themselves. If we ate what our bodies needed, heart
disease would be as rare as it is in unindustrialized parts of the
world. The official dietary recommendations made by the U.S.
Department of Agriculture; the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute; and the American Heart Association lead us to believe
that eating a ‘balanced diet’ in line with the Food Pyramid will
provide all the nutrients we need. This simply is not true.
The demonization of fats has also led to the low-fat diet craze that
has swept the United States and enticed us to eat more refined
carbohydrates instead of complex carbohydrates from fruit and
vegetables. By eating low-fat foods filled with sugar and white
flour and snacking on highly processed, high calorie foods
depleted of all nutrients, Americans are depriving themselves of
vitamins, minerals, fiber, essential oils and phytochemicals that
are needed to prevent disease. These are more than just bad
habits - the way we eat is causing a disease epidemic.
We’re killing ourselves with our food. Recognizing that our
unhealthy diet can lead to disease, and realizing that we can use
our food choices to prevent disease, are the first steps in making
change. All you have to do is improve your diet. The simplest part
is figuring out what to eat. The only hard part is ignoring what
the health establishment has drilled into our heads about the
supposed culprits. The real villains are processed foods,
especially refined carbohydrates, that are depleted of the vitamins
our bodies need to prevent disease. With a more balanced and
nutritious diet, the mid-twentieth century epidemic of heart
disease can become a distant memory.
“The public has been told for many years that fats are bad.
In fact, we’ve known for thirty or forty years that that’s not
really true.”
Walter Willett
Chairman of the Department of Nutrition
Harvard School of Public Health
William E. Stehbens
Director of the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
Professor at the Department of Pathology,
Wellington School of Medicine
“It may surprise you to know that practicing physicians have
been hearing about ‘cholesterol’ and Coronary Heart Disease
(CHD) the same way that you have, through the media. They
also don’t know the real facts. Both the public and the clinical
physicians have simultaneously been swamped by an ever-
growing tidal wave of exaggerations, distortions, and even
fabrications of the facts. The media blitz has been so successful
that nearly everyone is now thoroughly brainwashed.
The perpetrators of this state-of-affairs are principally the
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI),
the American Heart Association (AHA) and many of the medical
‘researchers’ who are financially supported by these agencies.
This alliance controls nearly all CHD research and disseminates
nearly all CHD information to the public. It literally steamrolls
over all who disagree and there are many medical researchers
who have been trampled in its path. If you control the money and
the media, negative findings are little more than irritants because
the public will never hear about them. It is NHLBI/AHA’s
version of George Orwell’s Newspeak. Biases are so
commonplace, they appear to be the rule, rather than the
exception. Such biases have enabled the NHLBI and AHA to
generate ‘positive’ results from masses of negative evidence
merely by stating that the literature is supportive. Conclusions
drawn by authors of such studies seem to be based on the need to
justify the money and many years devoted to these investigations,
rather than on the objective analyses of data. It is painfully
obvious in some instances that preconceived beliefs were to be
supported no matter how much the data had to be manipulated
and erroneously interpreted to achieve this end. Billions of
dollars are spent worthlessly and millions of lives are lost
prematurely because research funding agencies have disregarded
masses of scientific findings and fraudulently used public monies
to disseminate dogma and propaganda.”
“Hitler did it. He was not the first, but he did it quite
successfully. ‘It’ being the big lie. He and his cohorts told it often
enough, and with official state backing, so that just about
everyone involved believed it. Government agencies and the
American Heart Association have literally forced a drastic
change in dietary habits with mostly manufactured evidence.
Those dietary changes, along with dangerous medicines, can
cause far more disease, disability and death than the illness they
are supposed to prevent.”
Cathey Pinckney and Edward R. Pinckney, M.D.
Authors of “The Cholesterol Controversy”
Paul A. Stitt
Author of “The Real Cause of Heart Disease is NOT Cholesterol!”
“Half of all cardiac deaths occur in people with normal
‘cholesterol’ levels. Clearly, other factors are involved. Our
market-driven, advertising-shaped culture pushes sugar, fat and
salt laden foods that cause cardiovascular disease, then pushes
expensive prescription drugs to slow (but not reverse) the
damage. Drug companies control all of the major venues of
information for doctors. This control is accomplished: by a sales
force of 90,000 drug representatives who monitor doctors’
prescribing patterns from pharmacy printouts and carry slanted
information and freebies to doctors’ offices on a weekly basis;
by underwriting and influencing doctors’ conferences and the
majority of doctors’ continuing education; by making the PDR,
which is written by the drug industry, the book doctors use the
most to guide their medication decisions; by possessing the vast
majority of research money and filling medical journals with
studies designed as much for marketing purposes as for medical
progress; and by paying the salaries of more and more
academicians at our medical schools, thereby focusing research
and teaching on marketable drugs rather than on other issues of
scientific importance. The result is that for most disorders,
treatment means drugs. The pharmaceutical industry’s
dominance over information also means that you are not
likely to get a balanced viewpoint from most doctors today.
Our economic system is all about sales, not health. It is about
profits, not prevention, and you are the cash cow.”
Jay S. Cohen, M.D.
Author of “The Magnesium Solution for High Blood Pressure”
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The whole point of this book is to expose the lies of the medical and
the pharmaceutical industries by sharing this information with as
many people as possible. Please feel free to copy and share this
book with everyone that you know and love. Their lives depend
upon it!
This book is dedicated to all of you brave souls who have already
had the guts to tell your medical doctors, your pharmacists, your
surgeons and your official government “authorities” that you no
longer need their diagnoses, their drugs, their procedures nor their
advice or assistance in maintaining your own health.
This book is dedicated to all of you brave souls who no longer need
an HMO, a doctor, a surgeon, a pharmacist, a cardiologist, an
internist, a dermatologist, etc., etc., to “manage your disease”
because you have figured out for yourself how to maintain the
health of your own body, heart, mind and spirit.
This book is dedicated to all you brave souls who have taken back
the innate responsibilities that ultimately reside within each
individual human being: The responsibility to take care of yourself;
The responsibility to listen to your own inner spirit; The
responsibility to live in accordance with the laws of Mother Nature;
The responsibility to take the time and put in the effort that is
necessary to understand how and why your own body functions;
The responsibility to pay attention to what you put in your mouth,
to what you breathe into your lungs and to what you rub onto your
to my life partner,
Thanks Marissa.
I love you!
Table of Contents
The “C” Word i
Fraud iii
Introduction v
Your Doctor Is A Liar! 1
1 Mechanics, Firefighters &
Yellow Finger Syndrome 3
3 Why Does It Only Clog There? 79
4 The BIG Blood Clot Lie 115
5 The Biggest Lie Of All 125
6 What’s In A Name 131
7 Something Doesn’t Add Up! 141
8 What Is CHOLESTEROL, Really? 167
9 CHOLESTEROL Becomes... 181
10 Pick Your Poison (Actually, Don’t!) 239
11 Horror Stories 273
12 A New Theory For The Causation
Of Heart Disease in Human Beings 339
13 Deep Fried Death 349
14 Evil, Evil, Evil, Evil White Food 381
15 Vitamin C, Scurvy and Heart Disease 407
16 Collagen & Elastin 435
17 Copper 459
18 So, What Should I Do? 471
19 Recommended Reading 491
• • •
I implore you. EVERY time you hear the “C” word come out
of your doctor’s mouth, STOP THEM IMMEDIATELY!!
A lie is about to be told. You can identify that lie (and
possibly prevent it) by demanding that your doctor specify
which version of the “C” word they are using. Personally,
I absolutely refuse to allow such deceptive phrases as “good
cholesterol”, “bad cholesterol”, “LDL cholesterol”, “HDL
cholesterol” or “total cholesterol” to even be uttered in my
presence without being challenged. Doing this is tiring, it is
frustrating and it should not be necessary, but it is, and it is
worth it because...
(The true meaning)
(The made up version)
CHOLESTEROL ≠ “cholesterol”
Your Doctor is a Liar! iii
• • •
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• • •
• • •
• • •
I know that this flies in the face of convention. It flies in the face
of common knowledge. “Everybody knows” that “cholesterol”
causes heart disease, don’t they? Well, I know that “everybody”
is wrong! If you want to live a long and healthy life and avoid a
multitude of health problems as the years go by, please consider
this simple fact: Despite trillion$ of dollars in medical research,
despite drugs, surgery, dietary programs, advertising and awareness
programs and everything else that you can think of, more than half
of all of the people in America currently die from heart disease in
spite of all these “efforts”. One hundred years ago heart disease
was absolutely unheard of. You can’t even find a chapter on it in
the medical textbooks of that era. Now heart disease kills more
than half of everyone! Correct me if I am wrong, but it sure seems
to me like the “prevailing wisdom” is not making us any healthier.
Your Doctor is a Liar! xi
Jason Lazarou, M.Sc.
Bruce H. Pomeranz, M.D., Ph.D.
Paul N. Corey, Ph.D.
I respect your right to your religious beliefs, whatever they may be,
and I am not normally a Bible-toting, Bible-quoting person, but
please allow me to pass along a bit of very wise advice from the
mouth of Jesus Himself:
hide their dirty laundry behind lab coats and surgical scrubs
because they believe that we are too busy to pay attention, too
ignorant to question their opinions and too afraid to challenge their
authority. They may not be wearing sheep’s clothing exactly, but
they are wrapped in a cloak of deceit, protected by custom, status,
regulation, power, money and linguistic manipulation.
Much like the children’s story where the adults ignore the truth,
and it takes the innocent eyes of a child to see the obvious, I have
opened my eyes and I have discovered that...
I hope that you are able to see that which is so blatantly obvious.
The foundation of the entire medical/pharmaceutical industry rests
upon a monumental lie. The news media is also lying to you. Your
government is lying to you too. All of the “Walk and Run and Bike
for a Cure” organizations and all of the “Wear a Ribbon on Your
Lapel or a Band Around Your Wrist For a Cure” organizations are
lying to you as well. Are you really so naive as to believe that the
American Heart Association is ever going to do anything so radical
as to be the first “charitable” organization to ever put themselves
out of business by actually “finding a cure” for the disease upon
which their very jobs depend? You must realize that the cure that
they supposedly seek will forever be “right around the corner”,
if only you will donate just a little more, and just a little more, and
just a little more... .
Sadly, your family and friends have also been lied to, so you
should be wary of their poorly informed opinions as well. Also,
you should definitely not believe me either. I am human and I am
probably wrong on a few points in this book. Please contact me
immediately if you discover an error in my work. Also, I have
probably left out some very important information as well. If you
personally have access to any information that you wish to share,
Why have you overlooked the reality that is so plain to see? Why
have you allowed yourself to be brainwashed and indoctrinated by
the incessant repetition of statements such as...
The reason why doctors have such unusual power in today’s world
is because they profit by committing fraud every day. The primary
reason that doctors lie to their patients is money, but the secondary
reason is because so many patients really do not want to hear the
truth. If you are a typical American, then you have not taken the
time to learn enough about your own body in order to keep your-
self healthy. You don’t know enough to realize that your doctor is
lying to you with every word that they speak. You do not want to
take responsibility for the decisions that you have made and for the
actions that you have taken in your life. You just don’t want to be
bothered! By definition, the only people who go to medical
doctors are the people who do not want to take responsibility for
their own health. You want to do whatever you want, you want to
eat whatever you feel like eating, you want to get a paycheck rather
than pursue your innermost dreams, you want to continue to bury
your true emotions and you want to blame someone else for all of
your problems rather than face your inner emotional world with
honesty and dignity. You want to have your cake and be healthy
too. You want your insurance company to pay for everything. You
want to be able to break every health rule in the book and then
either have your doctor fix it with a pill or have a surgeon cut out
the part of you that you broke.
“The truth which makes men free is, for the most part,
the truth which men prefer not to hear.”
Herbert Agar
I’m NOT sorry if this upsets you. You need to be awakened from
the dreamworld that the medical establishment has anesthetized
you into because the nightmares that await you in the “Land of
Doctors” are truly horrifying. Health cannot be administered via a
pill, via an injection or via a surgical procedure. If you want to
truly be healthy, at some point you are going to have to take full
responsiblilty for learning exactly what YOUR body, mind, heart
and spirit really need in order to be healthy and then you are going
to have to make the various changes that are necessary.
All of them.
The next time that your doctor tells you that “you have an
infection”, ask them a few questions. Did they take a sample of
fluid from your body, culture it in the lab, wait a few days and then
look at the growth under a microscope? Did they actually use a
microscope and see any bacteria? Or are they simply guessing?
And are you simply believing? If you truly do have a bacterial
infection, it can and should be clearly proven to you. Bacteria can
be seen under a microscope. If you truly do have a bacterial
infection, make your doctor prove it to you BEFORE you start
swallowing poisons to kill some mysterious bacteria that may or
may not be the cause of your health problems.
The next time that your doctor tells you that “you have a virus”,
ask them if you can see their multi-million dollar electron
microscope. Virus particles are so amazingly small that they can
only be seen under the highest magnification possible. Does
your doctor own an electron microscope? Do they know of a
The next time that your doctor tells you that your health issue is
genetic or hereditary, why don’t you ask them why the issue was
not apparent when you were born? Ask to see the results of the
DNA test that located the damaged or mutated gene that is
supposedly the cause of this alleged “genetic” problem?
If I recall, the Human Genome Project has completely mapped
human DNA. Courts of law accept DNA tests as evidence to both
convict or exonerate people who are accused of crimes. Did your
doctor submit a sample of your DNA to a testing laboratory? Did
the results show which gene was responsible for your health issue?
Or is your doctor simply making up a story to hide the fact that they
simply have no idea how to help you?
Medical doctors lie to every patient that walks into their office
every day. They get away with it because patients are afraid to
challenge their doctor’s lies with the most basic questions. Maybe
this happens less often in the “show me” state of Missouri. Maybe
you should pretend that you are from Missouri. Maybe you should
memorize a few Missouri-like phrases...
Please trust your own personal Divinity to guide you to your truth.
Please keep your mind open and listen to the still, small voice
inside of your very self that guides you to all that is good in your
life. Use your common sense. Trust your gut. Please don’t be
afraid to ask questions when you do not fully understand
something. When something just doesn’t “feel” right, then it
probably isn’t right, at least not for you. Stop putting so much faith
in your doctors and rekindle your faith in the SPIRIT that rests
within you. Listen to the feelings that you feel inside, because life
itself starts within, and your health follows naturally from your
inner life. Please take the time to learn about your personal,
individual health and wisely apply that knowledge to your own life.
“We have not lost faith, but we have transferred it from God
to the medical profession.”
George Bernard Shaw
One way to seek the truth is to ask questions. This book contains a
number of questions that every person should use as a basis to
examine their doctor’s so-called knowledge, and to challenge their
doctor’s undeserved authority. This book also contains the
answers to these questions, so obviously, the main purpose of
asking your doctor is not to increase your understanding of this
subject matter. After you have read this book a few times and
digested the material within it, I very much doubt that your doctor
will be able to add anything other than more lies about
“cholesterol” to your accurate knowledge.
I believe that it is okay if someone does not know all of the details
about a subject, even if it is a subject within their chosen
profession and even if they are charging your insurance company a
lot of money in return for their professional services. It is also okay
if someone makes an honest mistake. We are all human. However,
it is NOT okay to lie. It is NOT okay for doctors to pontificate and
act as if their decisions may not be questioned. It is NOT okay for
doctors to misrepresent all of their personal opinions and outright
guesses as if every single word that comes out of their mouth is a
“proven scientific fact”.
This book contains many valid questions that any and every person
should demand that their doctor answer. I suggest that you do
exactly that. ASK. Confront them head on. See how much they
really know, and see how much they only pretend to know.
Demand references. Ask for proof. But after you ask, what will
you receive? After your doctor has been confronted with the
information in this book, I suggest that you sit back and observe
their responses very carefully. If they grab this book out of your
hand and say something like: “Hey, that is interesting and thought
provoking! Let me see that! Where did you get that book? I’d like
to get a copy for myself!”, then you should probably count your
blessings. You’ve got a rare, open-minded good one.
“The one condition coupled with the gift of truth is its use.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Until that day arrives, I ask so very little. Please keep an open
mind. Ask questions. Demand answers. My guess is that you will
soon discover that...
• • •
DOCTOR: Pepper!
• • •
• • •
A nearsighted gynecologist!
Your Doctor is a Liar! 3
Chapter 1
Yellow Finger Syndrome
• • •
“You may have your suspicions, your fears. You may even believe
there is something, somewhere, terribly, drastically wrong,
but because someone else is in charge, because there is a part of
the system above you which you don’t know, you don’t question
it. You even distrust your own doubts.”
Graham Swift
The mark of a really, really, really good con man is that the people
that they con never even realize that they have been ripped off.
Apparently your doctor is able to convince you to do something
ridiculous that your mechanic would never even consider.
Wouldn’t you prefer that your doctor actually locate, identify and
correct the root source of the problem? You demand that of your
mechanic, so why not the same requirement of your doctor?
pusher’s store, and you drove off, only to have your engine blow a
few miles down the road anyway, you would call your lawyer and
sue your mechanic for malpractice in a heartbeat.
So, when your surgeon reaches for their scalpel and starts
removing and rearranging body parts or when your doctor refuses
to even discuss possible CAUSES and immediately reaches for the
prescription pad to medicate your “cholesterol” warning light into
the “acceptable range”, why do you not question their
competence? And, more importantly, why do you not also
question their integrity?
There has NEVER been even one study where scientists took a
group of people, made them eat a measured amount of pure
CHOLESTEROL or LDL and then discovered that they had more
heart attacks! Never! This would seem to be a reasonable initial
experiment to begin to determine whether eating too much
CHOLESTEROL or LDL actually led to heart disease or other
health problems. Has this type of experiment ever been done?
YES! Will your doctor show you the results of these studies? NO!
Why not? Because every study that has observed people who eat
large amounts of CHOLESTEROL in their diets has found exactly
the opposite of what your doctor wants you to believe. Dozens of
studies have shown that the more CHOLESTEROL that you eat,
the healthier you will be!
The above statement may take a while to sink into most readers’
minds. High “cholesterol” levels may warn of some bio-chemical
imbalance of some sort, but the point to remember is that the
elevated levels are a result of those imbalances, not a CAUSE of
them. Doctors have confused CAUSE and EFFECT (symptom)
and they have done so on purpose. They ignore the root CAUSE
and focus upon endless varieties of symptoms and the “treatment”
of those symptoms, rather than the elimination of CAUSES.
If they actually treated the CAUSES and successfully cured you,
they believe that they would soon be out of work. So they believe
that it is financially better for them to hide the cure and give you a
Your Doctor is a Liar! 13
Have you ever wondered why doctors say that they practice the
art of (giving) medicine?
As you saw in the introduction, doctors are missing the mark quite
frequently, because their own medicine is the fourth leading cause
of death in America. By definition, when you walk out of your
doctor’s office with your prescription in hand, and go to the drug
store to purchase your drugs and then take those drugs, YOU ARE
even worse, you are doing so voluntarily! All drugs are toxic, that
is why they are so closely regulated. When you take any
pharmaceutical drug, please realize that its real purpose is to
poison you “just enough” that it distracts your body’s attention
“just enough” so that you no longer notice your body’s original
efforts to heal itself from the root CAUSE of your initial problem.
No matter what, you still have to deal with whatever it was that
was causing your problem in the first place.
Referring to medicine, the medical profession or physicians.
Iatrogenic disorder:
Any adverse mental or physical condition induced
in a patient by effects of treatment by a physician,
surgeon or dentist. The term implies that
such effects could have been avoided.
An adverse state or condition induced by a physician.
Medical science.
Is it any wonder that you have a gnawing feeling inside that there
must be something that they are missing or not telling you?
The fault does NOT rest with your doctor. It rests with YOU!
Whose fault would it be if your living room was decorated in Early
American Porcelain? Whose fault would it be if your car came
back from the shop painted mauve or ecru? Whose fault would it
be if your brand new silk suit had oil stains on it? So whose fault
is it when your health starts to suffer from the side effects of the
medication that you have voluntarily been swallowing every day
on the advice of your drug pusher? And whose fault is it when you
follow their recommendation and take yet another poisonous drug
to “treat” the side effects of the first drug? Come on, confess!
The true blame for the state of your health rests solely upon the
person that looks back at you whenever you look into a mirror.
Your doctor puts the letters M.D. after their name. Do you not
know that those letters stand for MEDICAL doctor? Do you not
realize that your M.D.’s job is to doctor up your symptoms with
medicine? When you hire a surgeon, you are going to get cut.
When you hire a psychologist, you are going to get therapy.
When you go to a medical drug pusher, do you really think that you
are going to get anything other than a prescription for a poisonous
pharmaceutical drug with a long list of deadly side effects?
[Greek: allos, other, + pathos, disease, suffering]
System of treating disease by inducing a pathologic reaction
that is antagonistic to the disease being treated.
Tabor’s Medical Dictionary
Think about it. If you have “acid reflux”, your doctor prescribes
an antacid. But what CAUSED the problem in the first place?
Did you know that 15,000 people DIE due to intestinal bleeding
caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications each and
every year? Medical doctors don’t care about CAUSES. They are
only skilled in CAUSING new, iatrogenic diseases with symptoms
that mask over your original symptoms. If you have a runny nose,
they prescribe a drug designed to dry up your nose. Never mind
that a runny nose is the body’s way of washing out something that
doesn’t belong there. When you have a cough, you reach for a
cough suppressant, never once thinking that maybe the cough was
your body’s way of trying to clear harmful substances out of your
lungs. If a balanced person took antacids or sinus drugs, their
stomach would become too alkaline and their nose would become
too dry. If you have “cholesterol” levels that are too “high”, then
they give you a drug that would, in a healthy person, cause
“cholesterol” levels to drop too low. But why were those levels too
high? High levels of “cholesterol” in the blood are NOT the
CAUSE of heart disease.
What if you were a space alien and you came to earth during the hot
dry season in any of our world’s many forests? What would you
see? You would see fires raging out of control, destroying the life
of the forest. What else would you see? You would see
seemingly endless hordes of firefighters starting fires!! As a space
alien, you might not immediately recognize the concept that
firefighters employ when they are starting controlled backfires in
order to limit the damage caused by the raging, uncontrolled fires.
Firefighters position themselves in advance of the dangerous fire
and start fires that burn back toward the main fire in order to use up
the fuel that would have been available to the fire and thus
extinguish it in a controlled and ingenious way. But, until you
realize what they are doing, it sure looks like they are causing the
When surgeons cut into a clogged coronary artery and find tough,
arteriosclerotic plaque that has been built up over time and is now
clogging the arteries, they act as judge, jury and executioner when
they blame “cholesterol” just like the space aliens might blame the
firefighters. “Cholesterol” is not guilty of causing the initial
damage, but it is wrongly convicted by virtue of being caught at
the “scene of the crime”. Please realize that absolutely every
doctor knows this, but fails to share this with their patients. When
any type of irritation, damage or weakness occurs in the
cardiovascular system of arteries, capillaries and veins, one means
of repair used by the human body is to coat the damaged area with
fatty substances and fibrous connective tissue (fibrinogen) in order
to stop the leak. If the damage continues year after year after year,
then obviously the repair work will have to continue year after year
as well. Eventually the patchwork gets calcified, hardens and may
become too big and start to clog the flow of blood through the
damaged artery. The “cholesterol” was not the initial CAUSE of
the damage. The “cholesterol” is much like the innocent
firefighters, it is at the scene attempting to stop further destruction.
But what if the smoker wore gloves whenever they smoked? The
evidence would not be there! Using this faulty evidence, the
physician in the “Land of Doctors” would come to the wrong
conclusion that the patient’s non-yellow fingers = non-smoker =
lower heart disease risk. But the patient is a smoker!
A. The correct answer is: Yes, you are correct, but since the
actual cause of heart disease is known to the medical and
pharmaceutical industries, and since doctors do not have
the patented rights to the cure, there is no financial
incentive for doctors to discuss experiments that they
know would prove their current advice to be wrong. It is
much easier and far more profitable for your doctor to
simply ignore the information in this book and to deny that
it even exists. Your doctor’s ignor-ance and denial of the
truth drives you to follow the “recommended” protocols,
which are far more lucrative for them and far more
dangerous for you.
have. All that doctors have to keep them going are diseases
that affect a relatively small number of people such as
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Muscular Dystrophy, and the
like. Heart disease is huge. It generates more than half of
the total income received by the medical industry. You are
concerned about “cholesterol” because, financially,
doctors need you to be concerned about “cholesterol”.
It is by far the biggest money maker that doctors have.
It gets you into the office every year for your “annual
physical”, and, once doctors get you onto the meds it
keeps you coming back more frequently so that they can
monitor the damage that the drugs are doing to your liver,
kidneys and other organs. If doctors didn’t have the
“cholesterol problem” to get you worried and get you to go
to a doctor in the first place, then half of all doctors would
have to look for new jobs.
What does the above phrase really mean? I bet you think that
you know, but I am absolutely certain that you don’t.
The phrase “SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN” is definitely one
of the most misused phrases in the English language.
Actually, it is misused 100% of the time. Let me explain.
We all studied science in grammar, middle, junior high, high
school and maybe even college. A “scientific” experiment is
one where you take a set of circumstances, purposefully
change ONLY one variable, run the experiment and observe
what happens. If anything interesting or unusual happens,
then you go looking for a reason. Since all of the KNOWN
variables were “controlled” by you, the scientist, the most
likely suspect as to the CAUSE of the observed change is the
one variable that you purposefully changed. DUH!
That’s science. But wait...
Your Doctor is a Liar! 29
On the other hand, if you ever hear that something has been
shown to be “STATISTICALLY RELEVANT” and that there
is a ___% PROBABILITY that it may improve your health,
and that you may want to consider it as a possibility, then,
before you make a move, make sure that you actually know
what “STATISTICALLY RELEVANT” really means.
Curiously, the meaning of the phrase “STATISTICALLY
RELEVANT” depends upon the field of study. Some are
stricter than others. If you are a researcher in the science of
physics, and you hope to get the results of your work to be
viewed as statistically relevant, and maybe published in a
reputable journal, then you have to meet their entry
requirements. Reputable journals in the field of physics
generally will not publish any claim of a new observation
unless the data have a significance level of 1/10,000 or more.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 31
If all this has been confusing, let me simplify it. People lie.
People mangle the language in order to deceive. News
reporting is never “Fair and Balanced”. Never! Our “news”
is controlled by corporations attempting to earn a profit. Are
you really so naive as to believe that they are going to report
news that may put some of their advertising revenue at risk?
Have you not noticed how much advertising revenue is being
generated by drug companies promoting their products?
Here’s a hint: The pharmaceutical industry spends more
money on marketing their drugs than they spend on
researching and developing them!
Just think about it. if you could simply swallow a pill that
would “cure” your disease, then you would be cured. You
wouldn’t have to purchase any more drugs. Drug companies
do not want to discover “cures”. There is absolutely no
profit potential in finding a “cure” for any disease. However,
there is unlimited potential for profit in creating ongoing,
life-long “treatments” for symptoms that can be sold over
and over and over to unsuspecting, desperate consumers.
Chapter 2
Is NOT Guilty!
• • •
• • •
• • •
The next time you get an opportunity to speak with your doctor,
take the time to ask them any or all of the following questions...
To start you off on the right foot on this incredible journey, let me
simply say that you can’t believe everything that you read!
In my research for this book, I came across a statement that seems
innocent enough, unless you know how to read between the lines.
Now that I know how to read between the lines, I’m beginning to
think that maybe Dr. Jim Ignatowsky from the old television series
“Taxi” may have gone “Back To The Future” to play a little joke
on all of us! It is true that in 1911, Antishkow and Ignatowski
independently published the results of studies they completed.
That is where the truth stops. In these studies, VEGETARIAN
rabbits were fed large amounts of animal based CHOLESTEROL
for several months. Their blood “cholesterol” levels rose
dramatically and autopsies of their hearts showed that they were
clogged with fatty, fibrinous material.
Rabbits are not humans. I know that this is obvious, but it is still a
very important point. “Cholesterol” studies performed on
VEGETARIAN animals simply cannot be translated into
meaningful information for omniverous human beings. When it
comes to diet and CHOLESTEROL, human beings are incredibly
unique. Herbivores such as goats, cattle, horses, camels, moose,
sheep, and yes, rabbits, are unable to process dietary
CHOLESTEROL. If herbivores are fed diets that are rich in
oxidized CHOLESTEROL, it is true that they may develop fatty
streaks in their arteries, but these changes are NOT the same type
of changes that occur in atherosclerotic human coronary arteries.
It is true that the arteries of these poor rabbits develop fatty streaks,
but this is not the same as human atherosclerosis. The average
American BELIEVES that atherosclerosis, or hardening of the
arteries, is caused by the buildup of CHOLESTEROL and other
fats along the inside lining of the arteries. THIS IS FALSE!
In rabbits, the obstructing materials were found to be attached to
the innermost lining of the artery. This wrong information has been
pounded into your brain your entire life. By your parents.
By your friends. By your teachers. By the media and by the
medical/pharmaceutical industry. The only problem is that what
happens in rabbits is not the same as what happens in humans.
In humans, CHOLESTEROL and fats DO NOT simply attach
themselves to the inside of your arteries and clog them up like
hair and soap scum clog your sink and shower drain. That is not
how it works. Your parents, your friends, your teachers and the
media were all wrong. Your doctor should know better, but...
Australia ••
• England
3 & Wales
1 •
0 • Japan
0 10 20 30 40 50
As you can clearly see, the data seems to imply that the more fat
that the people in a given country eat, the more heart disease they
are likely to have. However, unknown to most people is the fact
that Ancel Keys conveniently neglected to include data from many
other countries that was available at the time. He chose to only
graph the data from seven countries that seemed to fit his theory.
If Ancel Keys had instead decided to graph the available data from
Japan (a different study), Ceylon and Mexico, he might have
presented the chart below which shows that INCREASING FAT
Heart Disease - Deaths per 1,000
2 Japan
1 •
• Mexico
0 10
20 30 40 50
If Ancel Keys had instead decided to graph the available data from
Italy, Portugal and France, he might have presented the chart
below which shows that INCREASING FAT CONSUMPTION
2 • • Portugal
• France
0 10 20 30 40 50
If Ancel Keys had instead decided to graph the available data from
Israel, Switzerland, West Germany and Holland, he might have
presented the chart below which shows that INCREASING FAT
Heart Disease - Deaths per 1,000
4 •
West Germany
2 • Holland
0 10 20 30 40 50
If Ancel Keys had instead decided to graph the available data from
Finland, Ireland, England & Wales and Denmark, he might have
presented the chart below which shows that INCREASING FAT
Heart Disease - Deaths per 1,000
Finland •
4 •
England •
3 & Wales
• Denmark
0 10 20 30 40 50
“The Eastern Finns, for instance, whose lofty heart disease rates
convinced Ancel Keys and a generation of researchers of the evils
of fat, live within 500 kilometers of the Arctic Circle and rarely
see fresh produce or a green vegetable. The Scots, infamous for
eating perhaps the least wholesome diet in the developed world,
are in a similar fix. Researchers joke that the only leafy vegetable
that these populations consume regularly is tobacco. As for the
purported benefits of the widely hailed Mediterranean diet, is it
the olive oil, or the fresh vegetables? After all, the olive oil is
used either to cook vegetables or as a dressing over salads. The
quantity of vegetables consumed is almost a pound a day. Indeed,
recent data on heart disease trends in Europe suggest that a
likely explanation for the differences between countries and over
time is the availability of fresh produce year-round rather than
differences in fat intake.”
Gary Taubes
Author of “The Soft Science of Dietary Fat”
Another trial to test the “Prudent Diet” was conducted by Dr. Irving
Page of the Cleveland Clinic. The results of this pilot test with
2,000 participants were reported in 1969 and there was no benefit
at all from the “Prudent Diet”. Dr. Page died of a heart attack.
people who agreed to eat a high fat diet. All of these people would
have to be followed for decades until enough deaths accumulated
to provide statistically significant results. In 1971, The National
Institute of Health (NIH) estimated that such an experiment would
cost $1 billion. This was more than the NIH was willing to spend
so, instead, they decided to forego a $1 billion study that might be
definitive and instead fund a half-dozen studies at one third of the
cost. Everyone “expected” that these smaller studies would be
sufficiently persuasive to “prove” that reducing the consumption of
saturated fats and CHOLESTEROL (meat, butter, eggs) would
prolong the lives of those who consumed less of these “killer
foods”! These studies ran through the 1970s and their results were
published between 1980 and 1984.
Four of these trials examined the effect of diet upon heart disease
rates in people in Honolulu, Chicago, Puerto Rico and
Framingham, Massachusetts. They all showed that there was NO
evidence that men who ate less fat lived longer or had fewer
heart attacks! A fifth trial, the Multiple Risk Factor
Intervention Trial (MRFIT), which alone cost $115 million,
suggested that eating less fat might actually shorten one’s
The sixth study was NOT even a dietary study. The $140 million
Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (LRC)
was a drug trial. The LRC study began in 1973 and ended in 1984.
On average, individual subjects participated in the study for
approximately 7.4 years. The LRC study only included white
males with extremely high serum ‘cholesterol’ levels (higher than
95% of the general population). Absolutely no women and no
minorities were included. In fact, 480,000 white males were
screened in order to find 3,806 health challenged white males who
were purposefully chosen to be completely UN-representative of
the general population. At the very least, the results of the LRC
study cannot be applied to women, they cannot be applied to
minorities and they cannot be applied to 95% of all white males.
The results of the LRC study (as inconclusive as they are) can only
be “scientifically” applied to the 5% of all white males who suffer
from the same level of extremely high ‘cholesterol’ levels that
affected the men who were chosen to take part in the LRC study.
The data from the LRC study clearly shows that using drugs to
lower levels of “cholesterol” in the blood have absolutely NO
significant benefit in regards to a person’s OVERALL health
and longevity BUT, because the results of this one trial were
selectively misrepresented, and because the media loves a good
sound bite, soon everyone in the country was wrongly led to fear
Placebo Drug
Deaths Due to
Cardiovascular Disease 38 30
The reports of the LRC study that reached the public focused upon
the “relative” reduction of risk or heart attack death rather than the
“absolute” reduction of risk in relation to overall mortality. This is
a very clever method of statistical manipulation that is often used
by drug companies in order to make their products seem to be more
effective than they really are. I will go into further detail on this
devious practice in the next few paragraphs. The press releases
given to the media failed to note that the participants who received
the drug therapy had a greater number of violent and accidental
deaths than the control group. These deaths, along with deaths that
resulted from an increased number of gastrointestinal diseases and
gastrointestinal cancers were described by the investigators as a
“chance occurrance” and were largely ignored by the media.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 51
• 0.2703% of the subjects given placebo died from
cardiovascular disease per year. [(38/1900)/7.4 = 0.2703%/year]
Dr. Basil Rifkind. the director of the LRC study could have made
a positive and lasting impression upon the world if he simply had
the balls to state the obvious: He could have said that “Using a
drug to lower ‘cholesterol’ levels does NOT provide a statistically
significant amount of protection against heart attack or death
from coronary heart disease in white males with extreme
hypercholesterolemia”. But did he say that? NO! NO! NO! NO!
NO! A thousand times NO! Dr. Basil Rifkind chose to manipulate
the data of the LRC study in order to please the “powers that be”.
Instead of providing an accurate statistical analysis such as that
presented above, Dr. Rifkind ignored basic statistical practices in
order to draw the conclusion that he wanted to find rather than
perform a “scientist’s” most basic function, which is to truthfully
and completely report the results of their “scientific” experiments.
He also ignored the fact that there were 1900 people in the placebo
group and 1906 people in the drug therapy group. Instead, he only
used the raw numbers for heart attacks (38, 30) and the raw
numbers for deaths due to coronary artery disease (187, 155).
To explain how this skewed his analysis, what if only 190 people
were given placebo and 190.6 (191) people were given drug
therapy? Then the results of fewer heart attacks (187, 155) and
fewer deaths (38, 30) would have been phenomenally significant!
But what if 190,000,000 people were given placebo and
190,600,000 people were given drug therapy? Then the same
results would have been phenomenally NOT significant! Clearly,
the number of participants really, really, really matters when you
are analyzing the data from any experiment, but Dr. Rifkind
“conveniently” chose to ignore this basic statistical truth in order to
make his results appear more impressive than they really were.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 53
Let me try to put this into plain language for you. The absurdity of
the statement that was made by Dr. Basil Rifkind will soon become
obvious. If it were possible to reduce your risk of having a heart
attack by 2% simply by lowering your “cholesterol” by 1%, then
what if someone started with a very high “cholesterol” level and
proceeded to lower it by 50%? According to Dr. Rifkind,
that would completely eliminate their risk of heart disease!
Suppose your starting “cholesterol” level was 500. I know that this
seems high, but much higher levels have been recorded. If you
proceeded to lower this high reading by 50% down to 250,
Dr. Rifkind’s statement would mean that you would have
completely eliminated your risk of heart disease by doing so!
(50% x 2 = 100%) Most doctors today feel that a “cholesterol”
reading over 200 (certainly one of 250) puts a person at greater risk
for a heart attack, but according to Dr. Rifkind’s statement, if you
reduced your “cholesterol” reading by 50% (from 500 to 250)
you would thereby reduce your risk of heart disease by 100%.
This is obviously absurd, but this is what he said!
This stupid statement has been repeated and repeated and repeated
and repeated for more than two decades and no one has challenged
it, even though it is absolutely absurd! While writing this book I
found a product that repeated this absurdity right on its package.
The statement is highlighted below...
Somehow, just like the tailors that convinced the Emperor that his
nonexistant new clothing was spun from gold, Dr. Basil Rifkind
managed to con(vince) the entire medical, pharmaceutical,
educational, governmental, and media establishments into
believing that lowering one’s “cholesterol” levels could somehow
magically reduce their risk of heart disease. Well, he didn’t
convince me! I do hereby state that Dr. Rifkind was wrong! Dead
wrong! Lowering one’s “cholesterol” by 1% does NOT lower
heart disease risks by 2%. I do not know if Dr. Rifkind is still alive,
but if you are, I challenge you to rescind your statement and admit
that your analysis of your own data was dramatically flawed and
that your mistake has been responsible for millions of unnecessary
deaths and trillions of wasted dollars!
The media loved it! They had the sound bite that they proceeded
to repeat over and over and over and over until this very day. The
medical establishment climbed onto the anti-CHOLESTEROL
bandwagon en masse. In the first year after the results were
published, the LRC study was referenced by the authors of 109
other articles. In the second year, the LRC results were referenced
by the authors of 121 other articles. In the third year, the LRC
study was referenced by 202 other articles. Over the years,
Dr. Rifkind’s erroneous, devious, manipulative and deceitful phrase
has been repeated millions of times by other researchers, the media,
your doctor, and maybe even by you yourself without regard to the
simple fact that it is absolutely incorrect!
“The response to the LRC trial by the media and other medical
researchers was enormous. The media accepted the LRC
authors’ press releases without question, but many medical
researchers were highly critical of the LRC study. The media
were either unaware of the criticisms or ignored them, and the
public, therefore, once again received a completely one sided
Russell L. Smith, Ph.D.
Author of “The Cholesterol Conspiracy”
Sir Francis Bacon would have called this “wishful science” that
was based on fancies, opinions and biases along with the exclusion
of contrary evidence. Bacon offered a suggestion for determining
the validity of any assumption: the test of time. Good science is
rooted in truth, so as it grows and develops, the evidence
supporting it gets increasingly more and more compelling, but
“wishful science” cannot stand the test of time.
The debate over the cause of heart disease will only be settled when
someone figures out how to stop people from dying! “The Lipid
Theory” is a miserable failure simply because it has not proven its
worth. Far too many people are still dying from heart disease!
Science is rarely a clean, neat and tidy venture. There have been
numerous studies through the years that have clearly contradicted
“The Lipid Theory”. This is not unusual or bad. This is science.
Every theory always has loose ends to be tidied up and conflicts
and contradictions that need to be examined. Every side of any
debate will have its supporters and its detractors. This chapter is
meant to be a counter-point to all of the government,
pharmaceutical, medical and agri-business propaganda that you
have been subjected to over the past 20+ years! There is another
perspective. This other perspective believes that “The Lipid
Theory” is absolutely dead wrong! Please read at least some of the
conflicting evidence that should cause everyone to question the
validity of “The Lipid Theory”.
The following are just a few of the many studies that “prove” that
“The Lipid Theory” is an INadeqate explanation for the CAUSE of
heart disease...
From World War I up until the 1980’s, the number of deaths from
heart attacks increased substantially in most countries of the world
while the dietary intake of animal fat was unchanged or actually
decreased. For instance, from 1930 to 1960 in the United States
death from heart disease increased about tenfold while the
consumption of animal fats actually decreased.3
Your Doctor is a Liar! 61
From 1955 to 1965 the death rate from heart disease in middle
aged Yugoslavians increased threefold while the intake of dietary
fat decreased by 25%.9
Your Doctor is a Liar! 63
Dr. K. S. Mathur from Agra, India studied 200 people who had died
in accidents and could find no correlation between the
“cholesterol” levels and the degree of atherosclerosis. Those with
low “cholesterol” levels had just as much atherosclerosis as those
who had high levels.14 Similar studies with similar results have
also been done in Poland15 , Guatemala16 and the United States.17
“Whether we look directly with the naked eye at the inside of the
arteries at autopsy, or we do it indirectly in living people using
x-rays, ultrasound or electron beams, no association worth
mentioning has ever been found between the amount of lipid in
the blood and the degree of atherosclerosis in the arteries. Also,
when the ‘cholesterol’ goes up or down, by itself or due to
medical intervention, the changes of ‘cholesterol’ have never
been followed by parallel changes in the atherosclerotic plaques.”
Uffe Ravnskov, M.D., Ph.D.
Author of “The Cholesterol Myths”
Your Doctor is a Liar! 67
“Most of the data showed that higher cancer death rates were
associated with lower blood ‘cholesterol’ levels and that total
death rates were greater at the lower blood ‘cholesterol’ levels
than at the intermediate levels.”
Russell L. Smith, Ph.D.
Author of “The Cholesterol Conspiracy”
We know this because of the famous study done in 1929 and 1930
using the explorers Vilhjalmur Stefansson and Karsten
Anderson. Those men returned from the Arctic reporting that
Eskimos were able to live on nothing but caribou meat all winter
while performing arduous work, expending great amounts of
energy without consequence. To prove that not only Eskimos had
this capability, both explorers volunteered to be studied while
hospitalized in Bellevue hospital in New York City for one year.
During this time they ate a meat diet composed of more than
2,500 calories a day, which was 75% fat. At the end of the year
both had lost about 6 pounds of weight, their ‘cholesterol’ levels
and other blood chemistry values were normal, and neither
experienced any adverse effects.”
“The average man and woman has come to believe that should a
medical laboratory test show that the ‘cholesterol’ in his or her
blood is numerically greater than it’s supposed to be, life’s
ultimate catastrophe is imminent. Since medical science has not,
as yet, even come close to proving that ‘cholesterol’ in the blood
is the CAUSE of heart disease, it becomes ridiculous to postulate
that altering the amount of ‘cholesterol’ in one’s blood,
especially through diet, will make any difference in the health of
one’s heart. Yet government agencies have allowed health
associations and food industries to play havoc with the anxieties
of millions and millions of people by permitting this unproved
doctrine to be promoted. There is no proof that an elevated blood
‘cholesterol’ is the CAUSE of any heart disease. When business
preys on the public’s fear of heart disease for its own profit, the
only protection the consumer can have is knowledge.”
Cathey Pinckney and Edward R. Pinckney, M.D.
Authors of “The Cholesterol Controversy”
Your Doctor is a Liar! 73
When valid scientific experiments say one thing, and your doctor
says something completely opposite, isn’t that a lie? When
theories and marketing claims say one thing, but results say
another, isn’t something wrong?
A. No!
The starting point in turning back the tide of all your doctor’s lies
is to start learning all that you can about the nutritional value of real
food. The following pages contain a list of foods that are sources
of dietary CHOLESTEROL. Keep in mind that the average human
body contains 150,000mg of CHOLESTEROL. It is practically
impossible to elevate your “cholesterol” levels by consuming foods
that contain CHOLESTEROL. Numerous studies have shown this
to be true. I do hereby challenge you to try to eat enough of the
following foods to raise your “cholesterol” levels!
Your Doctor is a Liar! 75
You might also want to note that the so-called “red meat” (beef)
does NOT contain more CHOLESTEROL than the so-called
“white meat” (chicken)!!! Just another bit of evidence showing
The March 28, 1991 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine
included an article about an elderly gentleman who ate twenty-five
eggs per day FOR THIRTY YEARS! Despite consuming
approximately 17 times the recommended daily amount of
CHOLESTEROL in his diet, this man enjoyed blood “cholesterol”
levels that were absolutely “normal”. His LDL was 142. His HDL
was 45. His triglycerides were 65. His total “cholesterol” was an
even 200! If 25 eggs per day for thirty years failed to cause this 85
year old man any ill effects, then what the hell are you worried
Trout 4 ounces 65 mg
Bologna 4 ounces 64
Veal, cutlet 4 ounces 64
Veal, rump roast 4 ounces 64
Salmon 4 ounces 63
Beef, flank steak 4 ounces 60
Chicken, drumstick 1 drumstick 59
Canadian bacon 4 ounces 57
Shark 4 ounces 57
Pork, spare ribs 4 ounces 55
Italian sausage 1 link 52
Chicken, pate 1 TBSP 50
Cod 4 ounces 49
Chicken, gizzard 1 gizzard 48
Crab 4 ounces 47
Whipped cream 1 cup 45
Swordfish 4 ounces 44
Tuna 4 ounces 43
Snapper 4 ounces 41
Knockwurst 1 link 39
Chicken, wing 1 wing 38
Oysters 5 medium 38
Scallops 4 ounces 37
Halibut 4 ounces 36
Cottage cheese 1 cup 34
Sardines 2 34
Clams 5 large 33
Whole milk (3.25% fat) 1 cup 33
Gouda cheese 1 ounce 32
Hard salami 4 slices 32
Butter 1 TBSP 31
Cream cheese 1 ounce 31
Cheddar cheese 1 ounce 30
Romano cheese 1 ounce 29
Yogurt (plain, whole) 1 cup 29
Brie cheese 1 ounce 28
Goat milk 1 cup 28
Muenster cheese 1 ounce 27
Pastrami 1 ounce 26
Swiss cheese 1 ounce 26
Feta cheese 1 ounce 25
Monterey jack cheese 1 ounce 25
Beef, ground, regular 4 ounces 24
Mozzarella cheese 1 ounce 22
Blue cheese 1 ounce 21
Beef, ground, lean 4 ounces 21
Provolone cheese 1 ounce 20
Parmesan cheese 1 ounce 19
Chapter 3
• • •
• • •
• • •
The next time you get an opportunity to speak with your doctor,
take the time to ask them the following questions. They are
definitely my favorites.
In 1926 a few doctors granted that there was a new disease of the
heart caused by coronary blood clots, which in turn caused an
infarction of the myocardium (death of the heart tissue) that can
often lead to the death of the entire body. This new disease was
called coronary thrombosis. The treatment at the time was to give
the patient additional oxygen in an oxygen tent.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 83
Please note that Willis also observed that this process only
occured when Vitamin C levels were depleted. To Willis, the
body was laying down plaque precisely where it was needed in
order to stabilize the vascular system. Willis noted that it was pos-
sible to induce “fatty streaks” in the arteries of experimental ani-
mals, but these “streaks” were of a dramatically different
character than the type of lesions that were concentrated in certain
arteries of the heart.
When guinea pigs were fed diets deficient in vitamin C, ALL of the
guinea pigs developed atherosclerosis. Guinea pigs that received
the human equivalent of 5 grams of Vitamin C per day had
absolutely NO atherosclerosis.
Bloodstream (A)
Intima (B)
Adventitia (E)
Outermost layer FIGURE 1
(Collagen) Cross section of an artery
(Diastolic - between heartbeats)
(Not drawn to scale)
explain what has been observed in the human body. If you get
anything at all from these following pages, please simply realize
that CHOLESTEROL is nowhere to be found! In no way
whatsoever is CHOLESTEROL implicated as a CAUSE of heart
This layer literally comes into contact with the blood flowing
through the artery. It is intimate with the bloodstream. Slightly
further away from the bloodstream is a layer of very flexible,
elastic tissue (C). Still further away from the bloodstream is a layer
of smooth muscle cells which is also referred to as the medial or
middle layer of the arterial wall (D). The outermost layer or
adventitia (E) contains a large percentage of collagen fibers and is
significantly more rigid than the more flexible layers of the
intima, elastin, and smooth muscle cells. The outermost band of
collagen fibers (adventitia) acts as somewhat like a girdle or belt in
order to limit the expansion of the inner, more flexible layers that
make up the intima, elastin and smooth muscle fiber layers when
large amounts of blood are forced through the artery after every
Inner layer is
Elastin Layer
under extreme
Medial Layer
(Smooth muscle cells)
Outermost layer FIGURE 2
(Collagen) Cross Section of an Artery
(Systolic - during heartbeats)
(Not drawn to scale)
coronary arteries is far, far greater than the pressure exerted within
the arteries of your extremities. The inner layers need to be
flexible in order to allow blood to flow into the coronary artery so
that the heart itself can be nourished. If the inner layers of the
coronary arteries become too stiff, too rigid, and too inflexible,
only a limited amount of blood will flow through the coronary
arteries to nourish the heart. The optimal condition of the artery is
one where the collagen rich outermost layer is extremely tough and
impenetrable while the innermost layers are very, very flexible and
elastic, but remain intact in order to keep the flowing blood in the
lumen where it belongs.
Inner layer is
Elastin Layer
beginning to be
Medial Layer
(Smooth muscle cells)
Outermost layer FIGURE 3
(Collagen) Cross Section of an Artery
(Systolic - during heartbeats)
(Not drawn to scale)
begin to leak. Many, many, many things can cause this type of
damage. Free radical damage is a possible cause. Bacterial,
fungal and parasitic infection are also possibilities. Toxic
environmental compounds such as pesticides and pharmaceutical
drugs are possible sources of damage. Sugar damages the inner
membrane of arteries. Even compounds that are made by the
human body itself, such as homocysteine, are considered to be
possible agents of damage to the endothelial layer of the arteries.
But none of these factorss explain why the most severe damage
is only found in the coronary arteries of the heart. The best
explanation so far is the explanation offered by Dr. Matthias Rath.
Dr. Rath believes that it is simply the physical reality that the
coronary arteries are forced to stretch to their utmost capacity with
every heartbeat that ultimately damages them. Without adequate
Your Doctor is a Liar! 89
Damage has
Elastin Layer
continued into the
elastin layer!
Medial Layer
(Smooth muscle cells)
Outermost layer FIGURE 4
(Collagen) Arterial damage exposing lysine
and proline in the elastin layer.
(Not drawn to scale)
Despite the lies that your doctor has told you, there is no such
thing as “bad cholesterol”! CHOLESTEROL does not clog your
coronary arteries. Your body manufactures a specific form of
lipoprotein in an attempt to HALT and repair the damage that is a
result of nutritional deficiencies. The ability to custom make a
specific lipoprotein designed to patch cracks in the cardiovascular
system belongs only to species that do not manufacture their own
vitamin C (humans and guinea pigs). In most other animals,
ascorbic acid is manufactured by the animal in quantities that are
sufficient to maintain the integrity of the cardiovascular system.
Only humans and guinea pigs have evolved and developed the
genetic ability to manufacture lipoprotein(a) in order to patch the
damaged elastin layer of their arteries. Lipoprotein(a) provides an
alternate way to strengthen and stabilize artery walls that are
chronically deficient in Vitamin C and other nutrients.
If your doctor is one of the few who has enough wisdom and
honesty to instruct you to have a blood test performed in order to
determine the levels of the repair molecule lipoprotein(a) that are
circulating in your bloodstream, then you should count your
blessings! But don’t be afraid if these levels are high! And
don’t take drugs in a misguided attempt to lower your levels of
Elastin Layer Lp(a) coming to the
rescue to patch
the cracks!
Medial Layer
(Smooth muscle cells) Lp(a)
Outermost layer FIGURE 5
(Collagen) Damage being patched
by lipoprotein(a).
(Not drawn to scale)
The story of heart disease does not stop here. There is far, far more
information that your doctor has not told you about.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 93
(Endothelium) Lipoprotein(a)
coming to the
rescue to patch
Elastin Layer the cracks!
Lp(a) Lp(a) Lp
(a) (a)
Medial Layer Lp
of lipoprotein(a) grows too large for the artery that is under stress
and being damaged, then the flow of blood through that artery may
need to be blocked in order to effect repairs to that artery. When
this happens in a coronary artery, most people call this a heart
But even this is NOT a mistake on the part of the body. The body
is unbelievably wise and it is only your doctors’ ignorance and
arrogance that leads you to assume that your body has made a
mistake. It has not. The only mistake is in your doctor’s
misinterpretation of your body’s actions. If your coronary artery is
about to burst and you are about to bleed internally, there is
actually a better chance for survival if the muscle cells that
surround your coronary artery multiply rapidly and block off the
coronary artery (FIGURE 6). From the overall view of the body, it
Your Doctor is a Liar! 95
I have little doubt that this upcoming paragraph will clearly be the
first time you will ever see someone state that a heart attack is
actually good for you! Think about the late actor, John Ritter. He
(Endothelium) Damage that
has continued
through the entire
Elastin Layer artery wall and
resulted in
Medial Layer
(Smooth muscle cells)
Outermost layer FIGURE 7
(Collagen) Hemorrhage (blood loss)
due to severely damaged artery.
(Not drawn to scale)
oil in the crankcase in order for your engine to run properly. Joe
would say something like, “I’ll clean this mess up and put some oil
in your engine for you, but you are going to have to start taking
better care of your engine or it’s going to die and you are going to
have to pay a lot of money to have it replaced.”
“Heart Fraud”
Elastin Layer
smooth muscle
Medial Layer spasm
(Smooth muscle cells)
Outermost layer FIGURE 8
(Collagen) Cross Section of an Artery
Studies of patients who have died from heart attacks have revealed
that at least 20% do NOT have any appreciable blockages in their
coronary arteries whatsoever. These people DIED due to a heart
attack, yet they had absolutely NO blockages in their coronary
arteries. The death of the heart tissue in these cases is due to some
other, completely different reason, most likely a serious,
unrelenting spasm of the coronary artery (FIGURE 8). If you recall
from the chapter on CHOLESTEROL and the hormones that are
made from it, studies of progesterone have shown that adequate
levels of this (male and female) hormone make it nearly impossible
for scientists to cause heart spasms in laboratory animals.
Progesterone prevents spasms in all muscles, including the heart.
“The data from the past quarter century shows conclusively that
bypasses do more harm than good for the majority of patients
who submit to them. How can the general public be so gullible?
How can physicians get away with it? And how can society let
these physicians get away with it? Today, this trend of blindly
accepting what conventional physicians have to say, simply
because they are the ‘authorities’ is getting out of hand. What I
find particularly unnerving is that we, as a free culture with
ample access to information and the ability to verify facts, still
allow the medical industry to continually rip us off and put us in
harm’s way. The white coats dance around spouting idiotic and
frightening proclamations. ‘You’re a walking time bomb’. ‘You
could go at any minute’. ‘You have a 100% chance of a heart
attack’. And we just eat it up, no questions asked. Where is the
incensed reaction? If we were to actually hold these doctors
accountable, we could dismantle the entire profession. In the
past 25 plus years, I’ve treated between 5,000 and 10,000 patients
who were told by their conventional doctors that they needed
bypass surgery. The overwhelming majority did just fine without
the slew of recommended procedures such as angiograms,
angioplasties, or bypasses. My charts are filled with successes of
this nature. The fact that studies consistently show that bypass
surgery does little if anything but harm patients has not hindered
its growing popularity. The average angioplasty can run between
$28,000 and $31,000, and a bypass can cost up to $61,000. And
what do you get for this huge chunk of change? An increased
risk of brain damage and a 2.4% chance of dying in the hospital.
What a deal.”
Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D.
So let me summarize...
“There are three arteries supplying the heart, but when I operate
on someone, the arteries don’t all look the same. For instance,
someone will come in with one of those arteries 99% blocked.
Yet the other two vessels are in perfect condition, and the parts
before the blockage and after the blockage are so clean they look
like they belong to a baby. But there’s one blockage. Now why is
it just in that one vessel? There is something else going on in the
heart that we have yet to understand. It is going to be something
we haven’t thought about. Perhaps the definitive answer will
come to us through a long-term research study, or perhaps we’ll
stumble upon is accidentally. It may be staring us in the face
right now and nobody is putting it together.”
O. Wayne Isom, M.D.
Chairman of Cardiothoracic Sugery
Weill Cornell Medical College
Your Doctor is a Liar! 115
Chapter 4
• • •
• • •
• • •
• • •
The next time you get an opportunity to speak with your doctor,
take the time to ask them the following questions.
Numerous drugs that are known as “blood thinners” and are sold as
“preventative” measures to prevent blood clots do NOT actually
“thin” the blood. Contrary to the seemingly beneficial name that
the medical and drug industries have given to their so-called “blood
thinners”, these poisonous drugs are designed to inhibit the
natural ability of the blood to form clots. This prevents the body
(Endothelium) Blood clot
designed to
Elastin Layer stop the
Medial Layer
(Smooth muscle cells)
Outermost layer FIGURE 9
(Collagen) Damaged artery
with life-saving bloot clot.
(Not drawn to scale)
The obviousness of this lie will boggle your mind once you come
face to face with the truth. Any introductory anatomy class (or any
anatomy book) will clearly explain that blood NEVER travels from
the legs to the brain or to the coronary arteries of the heart
without first passing through the lungs. This is fundamental.
This is undeniable. This is Anatomy 101. Let me repeat it:
Blood NEVER travels from the legs to the brain or to the coronary
arteries of the heart without first passing through the lungs.
Said another way... All blood passes through the lungs before it
ever goes to the coronary arteries of the heart or to the brain.
If your doctor, or the doctor of someone that you know and love
has ever told you that you need to be on “blood thinners” because
there is a danger that a blood clot may travel from your leg (or arm
or any other body part) to your heart or to your brain, then...
Aspirin doubles the time necessary for blood to clot, increasing the
likelihood of hemorrhage. Aspirin causes more than 500 deaths per
year in children alone! Over 100,000 people every year are
admitted to the hospital for complications such as intestinal
bleeding caused by NSAIDs such as aspirin. Over 15,000 people
DIE per year from complications caused by prescription and over
the counter NSAIDs!
Has your doctor ever warned you of the dangers of these drugs?
No? Do you know why? Because...
These people believed their doctors lies because they simply did
not have even the most basic understanding of human anatomy.
Blood clots cannot travel from your legs (or anywhere else in
your body) to the coronary arteries of your heart or to your
brain, because they must first travel through the tiny
capillaries of your lungs which trap them and prevent them
from going any further. PERIOD!
Chapter 5
• • •
• • •
• • •
“It’s genetic!”
Personally, this is the one lie that digusts me most of all. Not just
because medical doctors are bold enough to tell it, but because
patients are naive enough to believe it! Whenever a medical
doctor attributes your symptoms to a genetic disorder without
running a test to identify the damaged or missing genetic material,
THEY ARE LYING!!! This should be amazingly obvious to all.
Patients who truly have inherited FH have levels that are far, far, far
above normal. The levels of infants and children at birth often
exceed 600mg/dL! In true FH, CHOLESTEROL from the excess
LDL is not only deposited in the arteries, it is deposited all over the
body. These fatty deposits are called xanthomas and xanthelasmas.
They occur as VISIBLE fatty deposits in the skin and the cornea of
the eye, as well in hidden areas everywhere in the body.
Chapter 6
What’s in a Name?
The next time you get an opportunity to speak with your doctor,
take the time to ask them any or all of the following questions...
Q. If they are the same, then why don’t the food packages
list whether the “cholesterol” in the food is the so-called
“good” kind of “cholesterol” or the so-called “bad”
I only wish that I could be there with you in your doctor’s office
when you pose these questions. It is so very amusing to see
doctors squirm. As a patient, it is empowering to see them begin to
fall down off of their pedestals, but it also sad to see them begin the
process of telling lies in earnest.
Simply stated, one of the major premises of this book stems from
the clear-cut observation that the medical profession has
masterfully changed the meaning of the word CHOLESTEROL.
It’s not just with CHOLESTEROL. This problem pervades the
entire medical establishment. The assumed status of the entire
medical profession itself is based upon this language barrier.
Doctors often speak in a Latin-based language that I call
“DoctorTalk”. Language, any language, is vague. Words are
used to define ideas that contain a wealth of information, so all
words can ever do is approximate the idea that you are trying to get
across. One of the most recent, blatant examples of linguistic
manipulation occurred when President Clinton proclaimed with a
straight face (and a clear conscience no doubt) that he...
to her doctor. The doctor did a few physical manipulations that are
designed to help diagnose damage to certain ligaments within the
knee, and while doing so, actually aggravated the injury. X-rays
were taken, which were negative, but soon the doctor hit Carmen
with the bad news: She had ARTHRITIS! The doctor then wrote
a prescription and sent Carmen home. When her daughter
Maclovia called me, she was simply seeking a different opinion,
from a different perspective. Much of the conversation with the
doctor had disturbed her mother’s normally positive attitude and
they were looking for more information. We proceeded to have a
discussion about, of all things, not knees, but about language.
Haven’t you ever wondered why the doctor says that your test
results are “negative” when they are actually good as far as
your health is concerned? Could it be that when they say that a
test result is “positive” that it is only from the point of view of the
potential profit that they stand to receive by treating your
And now, for the $64 million dollar question? Did she really have
“arthritis”? Yes, she did, but its not what you think. Most people
think that they know what “arthritis” is. Factors like bone
degeneration, abnormal growths, and chronic pain are what most
people associate with “arthritis”, but Carmen didn’t have those
symptoms. Yet she did have “arthritis”. How can that be?
Here is the secret to the lies that doctors tell every day. It happens
with “arthritis”. It happens with cancer. It happens with the
common cold and it happens all the time in a big, big way with
“cholesterol” and heart disease. Doctors simply define the
language that THEY use just like President Clinton defined the
language that he used when referring to his “activities” with
Ms. Monica Lewinsky. In Latin, “arth” means joint and “itis”
means inflammation, swelling,
and redness. So, in Latin,
“When there is a failure
“arthritis” actually means a red,
of human understanding,
swollen joint. Doctors love to men make up new words.”
translate your health status into
“DoctorTalk” in order to
confuse you. Arthritis sounds
like a much more serious and impressive health problem than a
bumped and swollen knee but, more importantly, there is an
insurance code that corresponds to arthritis, so the doctor can get
paid when they make a diagnosis of arthritis. They cannot get paid
for a diagnosis of a bumped and swollen knee. They (your doctor)
So what should Carmen do? Accept the di-a-gnosis? Take the drug
and deal with all of the negative side effects? Come back for more
visits? Worry about a di-a-gnosis that is only a word? Carmen
wisely went home. She rested. She waited. Amazingly, her body
fixed itself. She banged her knee and it got better all by itself.
Imagine that! A miracle! She overcame the dreaded di-a-gnosis of
“arthritis” and she walks pain free to this day.
Hopefully, the above true story gives you some idea about where
we are headed in discussing the lies about “cholesterol”. In their
own minds, doctors do not believe that they are lying, just as
President Clinton did not believe that he was lying. Somehow, our
culture always seems to put more emphasis upon the word liar,
than we do upon the word: DECEIVER! Technically, President
Clinton never lied to the American public, but he did try to
Q. If they are the same, then why don’t the food packages
list whether the “cholesterol” in the food is the so-called
“good” kind of “cholesterol” or the so-called “bad”
A. They are not the same. Please realize that, even though
they may sound as if they are value judgements, the
phrases “good cholesterol” and “bad cholesterol” are not
value judgements at all. Those phrases actually only refer
to how CHOLESTEROL is being transported in the blood.
“Good cholesterol” (HDL) and “bad cholesterol” (LDL)
are only found in blood. Food manufacturers do not
specify levels of HDL and LDL that their foods contain
because the government does not require them to do so.
A. The correct answer is: You see, that is one way that
doctors cover themselves legally. By using this technique,
doctors are actually clearly telling you that they are just
pulling your leg by calling HDL “good” and by calling
LDL “bad”. Doctors know better, but they use this
deceptive language to keep you confused.
A. The correct answer is: This is just a little bit more of the
same. Using “good” and “bad” to redefine HDL and LDL
worked so well that absolutely no one ever questions the
validity of these phrases. If you repeat something often
enough, eventually people will accept that it must be true
simply because they have heard it said so many times.
Your doctor lies blatantly because they know that you are
not going to realize the importance of what they are telling
you. It’s basically due to your ignorance and your doctors’
Your Doctor is a Liar! 141
Chapter 7
• • •
• • •
The next time you get an opportunity to speak with your doctor,
take the time to ask them any or all of the following questions...
When numbers don’t add up, you should begin to smell a rat.
In the above questions, please fill in the blanks with the specific
results of your own “cholesterol” test. I guarantee you that your
HDL and your LDL will not add up to the “total”. They never do,
but yet most patients never question the obvious. Why don’t your
test result numbers add up? Why are you contemplating life-
changing health decisions based on numbers that you do not
understand? Why doesn’t your doctor take the time to fully explain
them to you so that you do understand? Why are they reaching for
their prescription pad without even discussing the reasons and the
CAUSES behind the numbers that they are using to justify the
prescription of pharmaceutical drugs? The obvious reason is
Most people would be surprised to learn that the laboratory test that
is done to “determine” LDL doesn’t even actually measure LDL at
all. The formula above is used to calculate, not measure LDL!
The number that your doctor gave you for that infamous, so-called
“bad cholesterol” (LDL) was only an estimate! That’s right....
Despite what they may have told you, it is highly likely that your
doctor has NEVER actually measured your LDL levels! The
simplistic version of ths so-called “cholesterol” blood testing that
your doctor uses only CALCULATES AN ESTIMATE of your
LDL levels by manipulating the equation that was shown above
into the following...
PLEASE ask yourself this simple question. If the tests that have
been done for the last fifty years were inaccurate (because they
didn’t actually measure LDL), doesn’t that mean that all of the
so-called “scientific” studies and all of the “expert” advice based
on the so-called “cholesterol” “measurements” should be thrown
into the trash because all of the numbers were inaccurate?
I will not go into the details of all of these NEW measurements that
your doctor will soon be using in their ongoing attempts to confuse
you even further. I will only cover the basics of lipid metabolism
that most people are already completely misinformed about and
completely confused by. If I can help you to understand the basics
of the lies that have already been told, then maybe you will be able
to recognize and avoid the new lies that are being developed.
Triglycerides (8%)
Protein (50%)
Lecithin (22%)
Relative size of a single CHOLESTEROL molecule
One of the most devious things about the entire “cholesterol” scam
being perpetrated by your doctor, is obvious once you learn what
HDL actually is. HDL is 50% protein!!! How can your doctor,
and the American Heart Association tell you that it is good to
elevate your HDL levels in one breath, and in the very next breath,
they tell you to drastically limit your consumption of eggs, red
meat, liver and other protein rich animal foods? How hypocritical
can they be? How obvious do their lies need to be before
you notice? HDL is 50% protein and their diet advocates
consuming only 15% protein along with 30% fat and 55%
carbohydrates! Talk about a Catch-22. How can you expect to
make more HDL, which is 50% protein, when the diet that
they recommend is only supposed to contain 15% protein?
Your Doctor is a Liar! 149
Please slow down the rate at which you are reading, because you
must understand the next paragraph. The logic is simple and
straightforward, but you have been so brainwashed by medical
bullshit that you may need to read the next paragraph a few dozen
times for it to really sink in. It takes a while to clean out all of the
old ideas and let a new perspective enter. Please be patient. When
the light bulb goes off inside of your head, you will be rewarded
for your efforts.
HDL levels in the bloodstream rise when the individual cells have
EXCESS CHOLESTEROL (or unneeded hormones) that they are
sending back to the liver for reuse or disposal. This garbage truck-
like function is the textbook purpose of HDL. Doctors tell you that
high HDL levels are good for your health. I AGREE! Enabling
your cells to throw out the garbage is a good thing. BUT, in the
very next breath, doctors and the American Heart Association tell
you to cut down on your consumption of CHOLESTEROL! But
the textbooks say that HDL levels rise when the cells have
EXCESS CHOLESTEROL to discard! How can you get your
HDL levels to rise by restricting the very thing that they are
designed to carry away from the cells? If high levels of HDL are a
sign of good health, and HDL is used by cells to discard their
excess CHOLESTEROL, then that means that high cellular
CHOLESTEROL levels are a sign of good health, so we should eat
more CHOLESTEROL in order to be more healthy! If you want
your HDL levels to rise, you have to consume additional protein so
that your cells can make HDL in the first place and your cells need
to have EXCESS CHOLESTEROL that they may choose to
discard. But doctors tell you to try to get your HDL levels to rise
by eating less protein and less CHOLESTEROL! Either all the
textbooks and medical dictionaries are wrong, or...
Triglycerides (11%)
Protein (21%)
Lecithin (22%)
Again, as before, please slow down the rate at which you are
reading, because you must understand the next paragraph.
The logic is simple and straightforward, but you have been so
brainwashed by medical bullshit that you may need to read the next
paragraph a few dozen times for it to really sink in. It takes a while
to clean out all of the old ideas and let a new perspective enter.
Please be patient. When the light bulb goes off inside of your head,
you will be rewarded for your efforts.
All medical and nutritional textbooks state quite clearly that LDL
is manufactured in the liver to send nutrients to the cells. The main
thing that is being sent is CHOLESTEROL. This means that the
cells need more CHOLESTEROL. As you will see in an upcoming
chapter, CHOLESTEROL is used by all the cells in the body to
make a multitude of compounds without which life could not exist.
So what do doctors and the American Heart Association tell you to
do in terms of diet? They tell you to stop eating the very substance
that your cells are desperately in need of. Your cells are so
depleted, that your very own liver has stepped up production and
is shipping out more and more in delivery trucks called LDL.
Doctors tell you that the higher your levels of LDL are, the less
healthy you are. I AGREE! But does that mean that you should
take drugs that prevent your liver from doing its job? Does that
Your Doctor is a Liar! 153
mean that you should eat less CHOLESTEROL and force your
liver to manufacture it from scratch? High levels of LDL traveling
from your liver to your cells means that your cells need more
CHOLESTEROL!! The cells of your body are screaming because
they need to receive MORE CHOLESTEROL! For God’s sake,
EAT SOME RED MEAT! Why else would your liver be
manufacturing it and sending it? Why does your doctor tell you to
eat LESS CHOLESTEROL when the very blood test that they are
reading says that your liver is busy making CHOLESTEROL
because the cells of your body desperately need MORE? You may
have already guessed the answer: Because...
Now lets take a look at the third variable in the equation that
doctors and laboratories misuse. The word triglyceride is used to
define a category that includes many similar compounds. There are
thousands of different triglygerides. They all have the same
general structure, but the details can be different and unique in so
many ways, that it nearly defies description. A two dimensional
representation of a triglyceride molecule looks like this...
Fatty Acid
Fatty Acid
Fatty Acid
The glycerol portion of the triglyceride molecule can have all kinds
of different chemicals attached to it on the top side that is opposite
the fatty acids. Additionally, there are dozens, if not hundreds of
different fatty acids of all shapes and sizes and they can all be
combined in so many different permutations that it would be
impossible to list all of the possibilities. Triglycerides are the
preferred storage medium for energy in the body. They are found
in abundance in adipose (fat) cells. Your body can take excess
calories from just about any food (protein, carbohydrates, fat and
alcohol) and convert it into triglycerides. It is much easier for the
body to store excess calories in the form of triglycerides than it is
to convert those excess calories into CHOLESTEROL.
This is where you get to catch your doctor in the biggest, most
obvious lie ever, so please read this carefully. CHOLESTEROL is
a very unique molecule. There is only one version. It has the
chemical formula C27H45OH where C stands for Carbon,
H stands for Hydrogen and O stands for Oxygen. A two
dimensional representation of the structure of a CHOLESTEROL
molecule looks like this:
C21 H C22 H
H C20 H
C23 H H
H H C18 C26
H C12 C17 H C24 C25
C11 C13 C16 H H
H H H C27
H H C19
H C1 C9 C14 C15 H
C2 C10 C8 H H
C3 C5 C7
H H C4 C6 H
CHOLESTEROL (detailed)
CHOLESTEROL (simplified)
Here is how your doctor has deceived you. Your doctor has not told
you that it is possible for you to eat absolutely ZERO dietary
CHOLESTEROL but still have your so-called “cholesterol” levels
rise because they deceitfully call triglycerides “cholesterol”! If you
overeat anything, your liver can convert that food into triglycerides
and then your lying doctor will tell you that your “cholesterol”
levels went up! Doctors, testing laboratories and the drug industry
all use the formula below to “calculate” your “cholesterol”.
I realize that many of you may have math phobia, but let’s take a
look at this equation from an algebra teacher’s point of view
anyway. We have an equation with four different variables.
HDL, LDL and triglycerides are absolutely and completely
different from each other, and they are absolutely not the same as
CHOLESTEROL, yet the amounts of all of these substances are
treated as if they are completely interchangeable.
Any good algebra teacher would fail you for setting up an equation
like this. It is meaningless and non-sensible. It has no solution
because all of the variables represent different units of
measurement. For sake of discussion, let’s say that your doctor
told you that your LDL is 120, your HDL is 60 and your
triglycerides are 100. If you plug all these numbers into the
equation that your doctor uses, you will find that your so-called
“total cholesterol” equals 200. You would probably be happy with
these results. Everything seems to add up nicely, despite the fact
that, in reality, this exercise is completely absurd. Any self
respecting algebra teacher would be completely disgusted with this
scenario, because even though the numbers add up, all the units of
measurement are different!
I suggest that you get out your latest “cholesterol” test scores and
plug your results into the above equation. You will see that your
numbers will seem to “work” when you plug them into your
doctor’s equation (you may not have been given the number for
triglycerides, so it may not be possible for you to check without
first obtaining that information). Don’t strain your brain trying to
comprehend the mathematics. That is not the point. The point is...
The only thing that doctors accomplish when they throw all of
these confusing numbers at you is that they confuse you.
A confused patient can be frightened. A scared and confused
patient can easily be manipulated and led into making a poorly
informed, and thus badly reasoned decision about their health.
Most scared and confused patients look for help from the
“authority” figure in a white lab coat for advice, and more often
than not, the advice that you receive is to take a pharmaceutical
chemical drug and schedule a follow-up appointment so that the
doctor can check to see if the drug is damaging your liver or some
other organs. Doesn’t this set off a red flag? Shouldn’t the
possibility of liver damage awaken you to the dangers of the
treatment being offered? Doesn’t the admission that drugs that
inhibit the production of CHOLESTEROL can also cause your
liver cells to burst and die raise your awareness just a little bit?
Do you really want to trade high numbers in a completely
meaningless equation for severe liver damage??
Your Doctor is a Liar! 159
Let me tell you something about those warnings. They are there
for an obvious reason: Every pharmaceutical drug is technically a
poison. That’s right, a poison. That’s why they have a pharmacist
guarding them. That’s why you have to get an official “permission
slip” from your doctor in the form of a prescription in order to
receive them. Ask yourself... would you give these poisons to your
child? Would you give these poisons to your pet? If you took a
few extra doses of these poisons could you get sick and possibly
die? Would you ever consider taking the whole bottle? How do
people usually attempt to commit suicide? They swallow drugs.
People don’t try to kill themselves by swallowing vitamins or
nutritional supplements! You can’t kill yourself that way! People
don’t try to commit suicide by swallowing too many peas and
carrots! They swallow drugs because swallowing drugs is the
easiest way that there is to kill yourself. How do you define a
poison? It’s something that can kill you! DRUGS ARE POISON!
Your doctor, and the pharmaceutical industry for whom they push
drugs, have masterfully crafted a series of partial truths that are
designed to confuse and misinform you, while leading you to
believe that they are actually explaining the truth and informing
you. The sum total of this mis-information propaganda leads you
right into the hands of the medical/pharmaceutical establishment.
Are you not able to see the obvious? They have convinced you to
swallow poison in the pursuit of health! It cannot be stated in any
simpler way.
A. Yes, from the point of view that that is what the lab report
A. HDL and LDL are only part of the equation. The complete
equation is...
Chapter 8
• • •
The next time you get an opportunity to speak with your doctor,
take the time to ask them any or all of the following questions...
CHOLESTEROL is the raw material from which skin cells are able
to manufacture Vitamin D in the presence of sunlight.
CHOLESTEROL is vital for adequate natural protection from the
Cellular membrane
Your Doctor is a Liar! 181
Chapter 9
• • •
• • •
Mevalonate Pyrophosphate
Famesyl Pyrophosphate
Progesterone DHEA
Cortisol Aldosterone
This chapter will compare and contrast the similarities and the
differences among the many chemical compounds that the human
body makes from CHOLESTEROL. I realize that much of the
information in this chapter is very technical in nature and that it
will not appeal to every reader. I included all of this information as
a resource for those of you who do enjoy learning “the details”.
Vitamin D3
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing abdominal pain, abnormal
heartbeat, back pain, constipation, distorted facial muscles,
headache, heartburn, indigestion, joint pain, leg cramps,
SENSITIVITY TO LIGHT, skin irritations, tingling of the
extremities, and weakness! If your doctor denies these facts, then
ask them to look it up in the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) that
they are supposed to have on their desk. If they refuse to look it up,
or if they deny the printed reality that is right in front of them, then
I suggest that you get out of their office as soon as possible and
never, ever go back, because...
Pregnenolone C
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing amnesia! If your doctor
denies this fact, then ask them to look it up in the Physician’s Desk
Reference (PDR) that they are supposed to have on their desk.
If they refuse to look it up, or if they deny the printed reality that is
right in front of them, then I suggest that you get out of their office
as soon as possible and never, ever go back, because...
• Improved health
• Longer lifespan
• Longer period of healthier life
• Higher energy levels
• Improved immune function
• Improved ability to adapt to stress
• Improved sense of overall well-being
• Increased libido
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing decreased sex drive,
depression, fatigue, hair loss and hearing difficulties! If your
doctor denies these facts, then ask them to look it up in the
Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) that they are supposed to have
on their desk. If they refuse to look it up, or if they deny the
printed reality that is right in front of them, then I suggest that you
get out of their office as soon as possible and never, ever go back,
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing decreased sex drive,
depression, fatigue, hair loss and hearing difficulties! If your
doctor denies these facts, then ask them to look it up in the
Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) that they are supposed to have
on their desk. If they refuse to look it up, or if they deny the
printed reality that is right in front of them, then I suggest that you
get out of their office as soon as possible and never, ever go back,
Progesterone C
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing abdominal pain, acne,
back pain, decreased sex drive, depression, fluid retention, and
unstable emotions! Ask your doctor to explain why the PDR
specifically and emphatically warns pregnant women against
taking Lipitor! If your doctor denies these facts, then ask them to
look it up in the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) that they are
supposed to have on their desk. If they refuse to look it up, or if
they deny the printed reality that is right in front of them, then I
suggest that you get out of their office as soon as possible and
never, ever go back, because...
While your cortisol levels will vary, there is a pattern that is easy
to understand.
Cortisol Levels
Cortisol’s job is to signal the entire body, and especially the liver
and musculature, that nutrients are in short supply. This may be
due to increased usage patterns. Maybe you are running a
marathon at the moment, or maybe you are burning glucose like
crazy in your brain trying to understand CHOLESTEROL and
hormones. Maybe you have serious dietary nutritional deficiencies
and cortisol is signaling the storage mechanisms in your body to
release any available nutrients. Storage and the subsequent timely
release of nutrients is one of the main functions of the liver. Next
to the sheer bulk of the skin, bones and muscles, your liver is the
biggest single organ in your body. It is a vast chemical
manufacturing and storage facility. Vitamins, minerals, hormones,
you name it, and your liver probably has some in storage. Your
muscles are obvious storage depots for protein. Bones are also an
obvious storage medium for protein! What? You didn’t realize that
your bones were made up mostly of protein? Yes, they are.
Much like a modern skyscraper depends upon its steel skeleton for
structural support, the bones of your body are held together by
strands of collagen protein. Minerals such as calcium, magnesium,
copper, zinc, sodium and potassium fill the space in between the
When your brain gets a signal that some type of nutrient is needed
by some specific area of the body, and if that nutrient is not
currently circulating in the blood in an adequate supply, the brain
signals the adrenal glands to go into action. One of the actions that
the adrenals take is to release cortisol into the bloodstream. Where
do they get this cortisol? The manufacture it from progesterone
which was made from pregnenolone which was made from,
you guessed it, CHOLESTEROL! Cortisol is classified as a
glucocorticoid because its main purpose is to maintain at least a
minimum amount of sugar in the bloodstream at all times. A steady
stream of CHOLESTEROL is needed by the adrenal glands for
them to be able to manufacture the specific steroid hormones that
they must release into the bloodstream in order to satisfy the
requests of the brain and in turn, guarantee that the nutrients
needed by the tissues of the body are available in the bloodstream.
stored sugar is used up, and you hit the proverbial “wall”
and can go no further.
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing allergic reaction, changes
in taste sensation, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, gas,
indigestion, inflammation of sinus and nasal passages, itching,
purple or red spots on the skin, rash, respiratory problems,
skin irritations, urinary problems, vomiting, weight gain and
weight loss! If your doctor denies these facts, then ask them to
look it up in the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) that they are
supposed to have on their desk. If they refuse to look it up, or if
they deny the printed reality that is right in front of them, then I
suggest that you get out of their office as soon as possible and
never, ever go back, because...
information that surrounds sodium (and the table salt that contains
it) nearly rivals the amount of lies that have been told by doctors
about CHOLESTEROL. Doctors have made salt into a villian that
it most certainly is not. I choose not to go into the salt issue in this
book, but it is also a humongous lie. I will provide but a quick
summary. Please remember this as you read: The body depends
upon balance and that balance fluctuates from moment to moment.
Forcing the body to go in one direction all of the time is never
balanced, never healthy.
The Androgens
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Dr. Werner Franke obtained State
Plan 14-25, the East German steroid “bible”, which detailed
the steroid programs of over 200 elite East German athletes.
It was learned that in the 1970’s, East German athletes used
androstenedione in a nasal spray formulation as a final performance
booster just before competition.
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing accidental injury, acne,
back pain, breast enlargement, decreased sex drive, distorted
facial muscles, fatigue, hair loss, increased muscle movement,
joint pain, lack of coordination, leg cramps, muscle aching or
Your Doctor is a Liar! 213
Testosterone H
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing accidental injury, acne,
back pain, breast enlargement, decreased sex drive, distorted
facial muscles, fatigue, hair loss, increased muscle movement,
joint pain, lack of coordination, leg cramps, muscle aching or
weakness, weakness, weight gain and weight loss! If your
doctor denies these facts, then ask them to look it up in the
Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) that they are supposed to have
on their desk. If they refuse to look it up, or if they deny the
printed reality that is right in front of them, then I suggest that you
get out of their office as soon as possible and never, ever go back,
The Estrogens
Doctors lie about the estrogens almost as much as they lie about
CHOLESTEROL. First of all, despite what you may believe,
there is no such thing as estrogen! That’s right, THERE IS NO
SUCH THING AS ESTROGEN!! Let me repeat that one more
time for emphasis...
Most of the estrogens are produced in the ovaries, but they can also
be made elsewhere in the body, especially by the adrenal glands.
After menopause, and even after a complete hysterectomy, the
estrogens are still made (in smaller amounts) in fat cells, muscle
Estradiol O
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing breast enlargement,
decreased sex drive, unstable emotions and urinary problems!
Ask your doctor to explain why the PDR specifically and
Estriol O
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing breast enlargement,
decreased sex drive, unstable emotions and urinary problems!
Your Doctor is a Liar! 225
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing breast enlargement,
decreased sex drive, unstable emotions and urinary problems!
Ask your doctor to explain why the PDR specifically and
Bile Acid
After bile acids are manufactured in the liver, they are stored and
concentrated in the gall bladder. Whenever a fatty meal is
consumed, the gall bladder contracts and squirts some bile into the
small intestine in order to help the body (which is mostly water)
digest and absorb the essential fatty acids, sterols and fat soluble
vitamins that were in the recently consumed meal.
The latin root word “entero” refers to the intestine (interior) and
the word “hepatic” refers to the liver. The body conserves
CHOLESTEROL by setting up what is known as the
entero-hepatic circulation. The entero-hepatic circulation transports
bile acids from the gall bladder into the small intestine to assist
with digestion. The bile acids are then reabsorbed on purpose and
returned to the liver. This is not a mistake. This is done on
purpose. Far too much effort has already gone into either
obtaining or manufacturing the bile acids in the first place.
CHOLESTEROL is far too valuable to just throw away in the feces
in the form of bile.
of your gall bladder for guests (essential fatty acids, sterols and fat
soluble vitamins) to arrive in the next meal. When they do arrive,
CHOLESTEROL (starring as the bellhop named bile) is expected
to greet them politely, take their hand and prepare them for passage
through the semi-permeable membrane of the small intestine into
the lymphatic system. The (CHOLESTEROL containing) bile
acids are then returned to the liver and the gall bladder via the
portal vein just like the bellhops are expected to return to their post
in the hotel lobby. Eating extraordinarily large amounts of fiber or
taking laxatives has the effect of dragging the bellhops out of the
hotel of your body and into the toilet with your feces. This is NOT
what your body had planned. Now your body has to combine a
completely new molecule of CHOLESTEROL with an additional
molecule of the amino acid taurine in order to recreate the bile acid
that was lost in the feces due to the overconsumption of fiber.
Maybe that is why Lipitor and other statin drugs are known to
cause numerous side effects, inclucing abdominal pain, black
stools, constipation, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, fatigue,
fever, gas, headache, indigestion, vomiting, weight gain and
weight loss! If your doctor denies these facts, then ask them to
look it up in the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) that they are
supposed to have on their desk. If they refuse to look it up, or if
they deny the printed reality that is right in front of them, then
I suggest that you get out of their office as soon as possible and
never, ever go back, because...
The deceitful and criminal irony of this fact cannot and should not
slip past you. Nearly fifty years ago, biochemistry textbooks
pointed out the facts as they were known at that time. In textbooks
that were printed before I was born in 1960, it was known and
accepted that beta-sitosterol competed with CHOLESTEROL for
absorption into the body. It was also known that supplemental
beta-sitosterol added to the diet resulted in reduced blood
“cholesterol” test results. This is not new information.
Doctors have known for more than fifty years that “cholesterol”
levels can be lowered by something as simple as the consumption
of foods that contain beta-sitosterol. They have kept this a secret
from the American public. Instead of telling you the truth, they
have told you that you should eat less CHOLESTEROL in order to
lower your “cholesterol” readings, yet their own textbooks point
out the clear fact that high “cholesterol” test results respond quite
well to the ADDITION of plant based sterols into the diet.
Take a minute to take another look over all of the various hormones
that have been detailed in this chapter. It should be clear to anyone,
even with no knowledge of chemistry or biology that all of these
compounds are related. They all come from the same family. They
all come from CHOLESTEROL. They are all vital for life. You
need these hormones to live and if you have a deficiency in any of
them, then...
Maybe now you can see why your doctor finds it easier to lie to you
and prescribe a pharmaceutical drug in order to lower your
“cholesterol” rather than take the time to truly explain to you
exactly what CHOLESTEROL is and does. First of all, they don’t
know all of this information. If you have read this book straight
through to this point, I guarantee you that you already know more
about CHOLESTEROL than your doctor ever will, and your
information will have been based upon textbook facts, not
marketing hype from the pharmaceutical industry.
Knowing what you now know, please ask yourself this question:
How could any humane person recommend and prescribe any
CHOLESTEROL lowering drugs? Only an inhuman, devious,
demented, greedy, foolish and sick person could ever recommend
that you consume a pharmaceutical drug that inhibits your body’s
ability to manufacture all of the hormones described in this
chapter! The hormones described in this chapter are vital for life.
They are necessary. They must be produced. This information is
taught in medical textbooks. It can be found in any medical
dictionary. Every doctor is supposed to know all of this. So what
does your doctor do in their actual practice? Your doctor skillfully
and deviously verbally coerces you into consuming poisonous
chemicals that inhibit your body’s ability to maintain its own life by
telling you that it is “healthy” for you to lower your “cholesterol”
by using pharmaceutical drugs! This goes far beyond lies.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 237
If your doctor says that they can manage all these hormones better
than your body can, then...
If your doctor says that it is safe to replace any one of these many
hormones with an artificial, carcinogenic, pharmaceutical version,
If your doctor says that you have to use the pharmaceutical drug
that they are pushing because the natural version of many of these
hormones is not available, then...
Chapter 10
• • •
• • •
• • •
The next time you get an opportunity to speak with your doctor,
take the time to ask them any or all of the following questions...
If you learn how to read between the lies when you listen to the
drug companies’ advertising and promotional efforts, it becomes
quite obvious that their drugs are of absolutely no benefit. But
don’t take my word for it. Please read the information on the next
page, which is taken from the Physician’s Desk Reference.
Despite what the ads say, statin drugs do not make you healthier!
I asked my mother why she thought that her doctor was more
likely to recommend that she take a drug rather than recommend
other, safer and more effective healing methods. Her answer was
immediate, simple and certain: “Money!”
Selling drugs is a very profitable business. It’s all about the money.
You all know that, but somehow you still fall for the advertising.
“The drug business is the most profitable in the country and has
been at or near the top of the list for decades. The big drug
companies have managed to develop drugs and to sell them at
higher profits than are enjoyed by the biggest oil companies,
entertainment companies, automakers and commercial banks.
Families USA found that in 2000 and 2001, eight of the nine
companies selling the most drugs to American seniors spent
more than twice as much on marketing and administration as
on research and development. Spending on consumer ads surged
from a scant $266 million in 1994 to $2.6 billion in 2001.
The drug industry’s main promotional tool is the old-fashioned
salesperson who spends his or her days calling on physician
customers. An American doctor is lucky if he can go to the john
without running into some kind of industry promotion.”
Katharine Greider
Author of “The Big Fix”
But certainly, the federal government is looking out for our best
interest and protecting us. Isn’t it? The FDA regulates the drug
companies and ensures that the drugs on the market are safe.
Doesn’t it?
The root word rhabdo means raging, viscious or rabid. Myo means
muscle. Lysis means to break down. Rhabdo-myo-lysis means the
viscious, raging breakdown of muscle. Rhabdo-myo-lysis is a
condition that results in muscle cell breakdown and release of the
contents of the muscle cells into the bloodstream. This cellular
debris can cause systemic inflammation and pain, it can overload
the lymph, liver, kidney, immune and other bodily systems.
Symptoms include muscle pain, weakness, tenderness, malaise,
fever, dark urine, nausea and vomiting. The pain may be
generalized throughout the body or it may involve specific groups
of muscles. Most frequently the specifically involved muscle
groups are the calves and lower back. However, some patients
report no symptoms while the disease silently progresses. In severe
cases, the patients develop renal (kidney) failure and other organ
failures which can be fatal.
“But besides real diseases we are subject to many that are only
imaginary, for which the physicians have invented imaginary
cures; these have their several names, and so have the drugs.”
Jonathon Swift
The FDA’s statement implies that more deaths have been reported
in relation to the use of other statin drugs, but not enough deaths
to warrant any action on their part. In fact, the 31 deaths reported
due to Baycol in four years were not enough to warrant official
FDA action. The drug company (Bayer) “voluntarily” removed the
drug from the marketplace. Since the removal of Baycol from the
marketplace, the use of statins has dramatically increased.
The question remains:
How many people have to die before the FDA will ban a
profitable, but clearly deadly drug?
LIPITOR (atorvastatin)
The following direct quotes come from the 2004 edition of the
Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR).
Do you see how your doctor’s evil system works? First they get
you to focus on a “risk factor” that is not actually the CAUSE.
Then they encourage you to take a poisonous drug that they admit
does not improve your chances of living longer (mortality). Once
they get you to fall for their recommendation of taking a poisonous
drug, they have to “monitor” your condition. Isn’t this a clue that
the drug is dangerous? They have locked you into regular office
visits and regular laboratory testing (Cha-CHING $$$$). Your
doctor has locked in yet another steady customer. Did you skip
over the list of side effects on the previous pages? Do you really
want to take a poisonous drug that is KNOWN to cause any and all
of the above problems just so that you can lower the number of the
“cholesterol” warning light that is going off in your body? The
PDR clearly states that... “The effect of Lipitor on cardiovascular
morbidity and mortality has NOT been determined” and
“Furthermore, the independent effect of raising HDL or lowering
triglycerides on the risk of coronary and cardiovascular morbidity
and mortality has NOT been determined.” So what the hell is the
point of taking Lipitor? Can there be any reason other than the
obvious fact that your doctor is working as a drug pusher because
they want to make more money by giving you a whole host of
adverse side effects that require more office visits and more
Pictures speak louder than words. The previous page presented you
with a copy of an advertisement for Lipitor that has appeared in
many national magazines. It clearly states that Lipitor does NOT
reduce the risk of heart disease or heart attacks. It also clearly
states that Lipitor does lower “cholesterol” levels. Even the most
rudimentary logic forces you to realize that if something lowers
“cholesterol” but doesn’t reduce the risk of having a heart attack or
dying from heart disease, then lowering “cholesterol” does not
reduce your risk of having a heart attack or dying from heart
But isn’t that exactly the opposite of what every doctor and every
“official” government spokesman and every member of the media
has been telling us for decades?
Does the propaganda and all of the brainwashing still work on you
even though I have clearly highlighted the fact (admitted to by the
drug company) that taking Lipitor does NOT lower your risk of
heart diseases?
Do you still think it is a good idea for your family and friends to be
concerned with lowering their “cholesterol”?
The “F” in the equation above stands for fluoride which is one of
the most potent toxins known to man. Sodium fluoride is used as
rat poison.
The 2004 edition of the Physician’s Desk Reference did not list the
side effects of Lescol. Instead, it said...
“The following effects have been reported with drugs in this class.
Not all of the effects listed below have necessarily been associated
with fluvastatin sodium therapy.”
The side effects that were listed for “drugs in this class” are shown
on the next page.
Red iron oxide, black iron oxide, yellow iron oxide, sodium lauryl
sulfate, talc, benzyl alcohol, butylparaben, methylparaben,
propylparaben, povidone and polyethylene glycol 8000.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 259
ZOCOR (simvastatin)
MEVACOR (lovastatin)
PRAVACHOL (pravastatin)
This means that the participants lost protein and blood in their
Please take a look at the advertisement for Crestor on the next page.
Now, I ask you, why would a drug company put such wording in
their advertisement, which is designed to entice you into
purchasing their drug? The only reasonable answer is that these
statements are true. These drugs do NOT reduce your risk of heart
attack or heart disease. As we saw in the section on Zocor, the
“goal of the treatment” is to lower your “cholesterol”. The drug
companies know that lowering your “cholesterol” does NOT
improve your health. They know that lowering your “cholesterol”
does NOT prevent heart attacks and heart disease. It says so quite
clearly in their ad. But, they also know that you mistakenly believe
that lowering your “cholesterol” DOES prevent heart attacks and
heart disease, and they are quite willing to allow you to live in your
own fantasy world. They know that you are going to look at their
latest advertisement for “The Emperor’s New Pill” and, just like
in the children’s story, you are not going to see the obvious truth
that is right in front of your eyes. The Crestor advertisement
clearly states that Crestor will lower your “cholesterol” levels by
46% and it ALSO says that this will NOT prevent heart attacks or
heart disease! Don’t you see it? The proof is right in front of you!
some ways like the Wizard of Oz - full of bluster but now being
exposed as something far different than its image. The United
States can no longer afford the pharmaceutical industry in its
present form. In 2001, drug companies gave doctors nearly
$11 billion worth of ‘free samples’ and paid over 60% of the costs
of continuing medical education, and that fraction has increased
since them. The same year, drug companies sent some 88,000
sales representatives around to hand out the free samples
plus lots of personal gifts and to talk up company products.
There is no way to exaggerate how much a part of some doctors’
daily lives drug reps have become. A typical doctor is visited by
several every week and doctors in high prescribing specialties
may be visited by a dozen in one day. In my view, we have become
an overmedicated society. Doctors have been taught only too well
by the pharmaceutical industry, and what they have been taught
is to reach for the prescription pad. Patients have also been well
taught by the pharmaceutical industry’s advertising. They have
been taught that if they don’t leave the doctor’s office with a
prescription, the doctor is not doing a good job. The result is that
too many people end up taking drugs when there may be better
ways to deal with their problems. Drug companies have the
largest lobby in Washington, and they give copiously to
political campaigns. Legislators are now so beholden to the
pharmaceutical industry that it will be exceedingly difficult to
break its lock on them. We saw a sad demonstration of that fact
with the 2003 Medicare ‘reform’ bill, which was made to order by
and for Big Pharma. Your representatives will stand up to the
industry only if you demand that they do. The fact is that this
industry is taking us for a ride, and there will be no real reform
without an aroused and determined public to make it happen.
Chapter 11
Horror Stories
• • •
• • •
Author of
“Lipitor, Thief of Memory”
Case 1
A husband noted for his sharp mind and ability for almost
total recall got out of bed wondering what day of the week it
was. His surprised wife quickly ascertained he did not even
know what month it was. She reported he nearly drove her
crazy asking this same question over and over again despite
her repeated reassurance as to time and date. He knew
nothing of their stocks and other money matters and could
not understand how his wife could know all these things and
he could not. Emergency room workup was negative.
Condition cleared completely after eight hours. Neurologist
diagnosed transient global amnesia, cause unknown but
Zocor was suspected as it had been started six weeks earlier.
The patient discontinued this drug and remained well.
Case #2
Case #3
Case #4
Case #5
called the next day and they compared notes. The husband
and father could function sufficiently to drive to a store and
make a credit card purchase, yet he was a completely
different man who seemed to have regressed in memory so
that he no longer knew his adult daughter.
[email protected]
I am a thirty six year old male. Only been taking Lipitor for one
month. Stopped taking it one week ago after feeling strange side
effects. Shoulder pain, tingling fingers, heart racing at night, left
arm pain. Feel clumsy when I normally have excellent hand eye
coordination. Tendons feel funny in arm when clenching stuff. Still
feeling some side effects but not as bad now. Before I kept waking
up from sleep with pain in left shoulder and tingling in left hand,
but now not so bad.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I am a 47 year old man. A year and a few months ago I was put on
10mg a day of Lipitor. After about a month my feet began to hurt
and burn, then my legs felt week. Now my hands feel strange,
(week, and kind of crampy). I drop things, my hand writing is
terrible, I have a hard time typing etc. My ankles, knees, hips,
back, elbows, wrists, and knuckles ache. The pain and burn,
tingling, and numbness in my feet is constant. I have had problems
with memory loss and loss of concentration. I have days that I am
so weak it is hard to go up stairs, roll over in bed or just get out of
a chair. I feel like I am over 100 years old at times. I feel like I have
been poisoned! About 2 months ago I asked my doctor if it could
be the Lipitor and he said “No, I doubt it, quit taking it for a week
and see if you feel better" and ordered a blood test, which came
back normal. I quit for 2 weeks with no change and started taking
it again. I don’t think he understood how bad I was feeling and was
not much help! I am feeling much worse and changed my doctor.
I have had an MRI to check for MS, which came back normal and
now have an appointment with a neurologist. I have just found this
website and I am on my third day of no Lipitor. The last two
months I have been afraid that I am dying of some horrible disease!
I hope this is my problem and I start feeling better soon!!!! If
Lipitor is the cause of my problems, it has taken a year of my life
away from me!!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I’m a 44 year old male. I was on Lipitor for four years and
recently started having severe cramps in my thighs and calf
muscles, severe diarrhea, severe fatigue and bloody urine. I asked
my doctor if it was the Lipitor, and he said it wasn’t. Probably a
Your Doctor is a Liar! 287
virus he said because the liver tests came back okay even though I
had some jaundice.
Like a fool, I continued with the prescription and the cramps got
worse in my legs and feet. I ended up stopping the Lipitor on my
own in February 2005, nearly a year later, as the symptoms had not
gone away, and I developed muscle twitches and tremors.
My doctor then sent me for more blood work that showed my
muscle enzyme levels were over 350% above my normal range,
and a subsequent EMG/NC&VT showed the muscles had been
weakend on my left side! He then had me discontinue the Lipitor
and all statins indefinitely.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Been taking statins for several years and have put up with the
muscle aches and general feeling of unwellness for some time now.
Took myself off Lipitor 20mg dose this week after having
investigated side effects. Why does it take years of people suffering
through these side effects, poisoning their body for someone to
come up with a better, less toxic drug. My mother has been on
statins much longer than I and has all of the classic symptoms: hair
loss, tinnitus, weakness, muscle pains, loss of balance, pains in her
head so sharp she says it’s like someone’s sticking a knife into her.
Unfortunately, she comes from a different generation that doesn’t
dare go against her doctor’s advice and will probably suffer these
side effects to her grave. Looking now for an alternate, with my
family history of cardiac problems, thought I was doing something
good for myself by taking Lipitor. Started taking garlic pills but
would welcome any safe alternatives.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
burning returned but the specialist said that it was keeping the
“cholesterol” controlled, so he would suggest a drug that people
with Parkinson’s Disease take, to make me sleep and not feel the
burning. I took myself off of Lipitor altogether.The burning was
disappearing again. I don’t have Parkinson’s, so why should I take
a drug to mask my side effects. At present I am taking 250mg
niacin and 10mg Pravacol and the burning has returned. I feel as if
these statin drugs are going to KILL me. I have to get another
appointment with my doctor, but at this point I am scared of the
medical profession as they do not seem to know what to do and I
am at high risk. I want to mention that I had rheumatic fever as a
child and cannot take large doses of any medications. Nobody will
listen to me. My overall “cholesterol” is 7.5 JU Ontario Canada
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I have been taking Lipitor 40mg for over 10 years after a triple
bypass. I experienced no noticeable side effects until about 5 years
ago my feet were burning, stabbing nerve pains sharp enough to
draw a sharp breath, unable to sleep properly. My doctor did not
suspect Lipitor so I had to find the source of the problem by a
process of elimination. This deteriorated further in the past year,
with numbness and severe muscle cramps in feet and hands. I
stopped taking the Lipitor recently and the pains and discomfort
have all but disappeared.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
stage, and I’m awake in the middle of the night researching Lipitor!
Does it ever stop??
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I have been taking 10mg of Lipitor for several years now. I was on
Zocor before that and had aching muscles in my thighs and
couldn’t even walk around the park like I used to. Doctor took me
off that although I don’t think he was convinced that it was the
problem. One year ago I was in therapy for pain in my shoulder
which the doctor said was the muscle that goes into the rotator cuff.
About a month ago, my right calf started hurting when I walked and
it felt as though the muscle was tight. When I got up to answer the
phone in the middle of the night it felt like it popped or tore or
something. I iced it, elevated it, etc., and when it didn’t get much
better (I was walking stiff-legged not to contract the muscle), I
went to the doctor. They sent me for a doppler just to make sure it
wasn’t a blood clot, which it wasn’t. I am on Coumadin for
ccasional atrial fibrillation and they did find a hematoma
(bruising), probably caused by an injury while on Coumadin.
Anyway, the doctor gave me some muscle relaxers and this helped
for a couple of days. Then, last week the leg started hurting again
and I started to have the same pain in my left leg. Now I have pain
in both calves and it is painful to walk or contract the calf muscles.
I also feel a tiredness or achiness in my top, front thighs and my
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Have been taking Lipitor for six days. After the second day I began
having depression spells that caused me to cry all the time (even
when driving down the road) and have two fights with a family
member almost to the point of disowning them. The only change in
my life at this time is the Lipitor. I am a 62 year old female who is
normally not bothered by stress or depression on a daily basis.
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I started Lipitor last fall, Since then I’ve had repeated tendonitis in
my elbows, stiffness in shoulders and legs. The first couple months
were off and on but since January it has been continuing on a
regular basis. Some days I can hardly lift my mug to drink. I’ve
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I have been on Lipitor for four months now. I am 43 years old. The
last two weeks, my legs feel like they have weights on them. My
knees ache and it’s hard to walk and not feel my knees creak. I went
to my doctor and took some blood tests. The doctor is 99% sure the
Lipitor is giving me these side affects. Sometimes it could give you
side affects right away and sometimes it takes some time to
develop them. I am off it now for three days and we will see how
that works...
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I have been on Lipitor for almost two years, started having knee
joint pain, was pooped all the time but added that up to my being
53 years old with a bad back. Then I got a very pronouned erratic
tinnitus in my right ear, but the doctors could find no reason for it.
Live with it they said, it is age. Okay. But now every time I try to
add a new pill into my body, the Lipitor fights it. I get a terrible
burning in my chest, that works down into my both arms but it is
not my heart. I get sick to my tummy and just feel terrible.
It happens with any or all pills I try to take. So now off the Lipitor
for six weeks while my doctor checks things out. But you know my
knee is better, I can take pills again and my anxiety is better. I am
not going to take Lipitor again. I knew there was something wrong.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 295
Why won’t doctors listen? Who knows our own bodies better?
Thank you for this site, it has shown me so much.
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I have been taking Lipitor for four years. About two years ago most
of these side effects started. Muscle cramps in legs, muscle pain
and weakness, fatigue, stiff neck, hip joint pain and knee joint pain
and stiffness. Been off for three days and will never take it again.
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I have been on Lipitor for four years and my doctor has put me on
40mg. I have been experiencing dizziness, hearing loss and
extreme muscle pain and angina-like symptoms. This is very scary.
I am going to try to find an alternative.
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I have been on 40mg Lipitor for about two years. I am 44 years old
and about nine months ago, my right ear went deaf. No dizziness...
no vertigo... it just went. Went to an ear specialist, hearing test
showed I have lost hearing in my right ear with no bone or ear drum
damage. MRI showed no tumors or abcesses. Family doctor then
took me off of Lipitor about two weeks ago. Have detected no
change. Any suggestions for trying to get my hearing back in my
right ear??
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Have been on Lipitor for 3 1/2 weeks. First I noticed lower back
pain. Also depression. Today dizziness, headache and seemed I
couldn’t catch my breath. I called my doctor and he said to get off
of it for a few days and see if there is an improvement. But after
reading all these comments, I will never get back on them. Glad we
have this site. Never associated my back pain or the depression
with Lipitor.
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Your Doctor is a Liar! 297
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In response to those who praise the virtues of Lipitor, I will tell you
that I was on 10 mg/per day regimen for the past six and a half
years. I first noticed bizarre weakening of my legs last summer but
because I am 78, I at first attributed this to old age, but because the
onset was so rapid and unexpected, I discounted what was
happening at being due to my age. Then on December 6, I was
awaked by pain in my lower left leg so severe that I was literally
crying. I could only hobble to my doctor the following day and he,
by way of response to my question about Lipitor, suggested I stop
taking it. He also gave me a prescription (thank God) for Vicadin
without which I do not believe I could have survived until today. I
am still unable to walk more than a quarter mile or remain on my
feet for more than a half hour or so. In looking back now, I began
having sleep problems about four years ago, sleep apnea being
suggested. However, my sleep doctor also said that I had RLS
(restless leg syndrome) for which he prescribed chlonazapam.
I have had recurring problems these past few years with my legs
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OK... I’m not an expert, but I have been experiencing severe back
pain on my left side for about a month now. I also happen to be a
thirty year old male who has been taking Lipitor 10mg for the past
year. Before taking Lipitor I did some looking around and saw
some interesting information that caused me to be cautious, but I
just put two and two together last night. Is it possible that the
Lipitor is contributing to the back pain? I’ve seen a chiropractor...
no relief. I’ve seen the doctor and I am on lots of pain medications.
(Flexiril, Hydromorphone, and Ibuprofen) with no real relief.
X-ray shows nothing, MRI is being scheduled. Does anyone have
any advice? My gut says that the doctor will think I’m crazy for
drawing the conclusion that this statin could be the cause of my
pain. I’m way too young to be living like I’m in my 90’s. My
activities have been limited and no one seems to have an answer!!!
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Your Doctor is a Liar! 301
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Update on Post #8579. I have been off Lipitor seven weeks and my
symptoms have greatly improved. Saw the doctor yesterday and he
said it looks like it was the Lipitor causing my problems. However,
discovered my thyroid results warranted medication for the first
time. He said thyroid could cause some of the same type symptoms
and probably any remaining symptoms would now clear. The
thyroid problem could also cause an elevated “cholesterol”. We
will re-check me after I have been on the thyroid medication for
eight weeks to see what my “cholesterol” level is at that time.
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should not have had this kind of impact. It took months to recover
which was unusual for me. I should note that my lower back has
given me problems in the past but this one was the worst and took
the longest to heal. I also had the knee pain that many others have
reported but that subsided within a few months. In August of 2004
I had the worst lower back muscle spasms of my life and actually
ended up in hospital for two days as I could not move without my
back going into spasms. Muscle relaxants and anti-inflamatories
solved the spasms in a few days. Since then I have not been able
to get back to full strength in spite of physical therapy and
religiously following an exercise regimen. It seems that if I do
anything to put any strain on my back, it cannot handle it.
I am/have been, very active all my life and still play tennis and golf
regularly although I now question whether my back can stand up to
golf. I assume that Lipitor is the main culprit here as my back has
not responded to the exercise program. I see many other similar
cases on this web site but would be interested if anyone has had this
same experience.
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I’m a 78-year old man, in very good shape for my age, was given
Lovastatin three months ago. I began to have severe foot, calf and
whole-leg cramps, left wrist and back pain. I had not had these
problems before. I cut the medicine in half for a couple of weeks,
then stopped it entirely a month ago. These symptoms have
improved greatly but I still have some of them and I’m afraid there
has been permanent damage. Has anyone else had these
Ray Mac.
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Have been taking statins for ten plus years with side effects of
dizziness, flu-like symptoms and fatigue and attributed all to aging.
Started Lipitor three plus years ago and symptoms got worse, now
including knee pain, stiffness, loss of balance, difficulty walking
and slurred speech. Have seen numerous doctors who act as though
I’m just an hysterical female. They are right. These symptoms are
enough to scare anyone. Have stopped Lipitor for two months and
knee pain and most of stiffness is gone but not other symptoms. I’m
70 years old and have been active despite side effects until last
three years. Now find it difficult to walk and have fallen too many
times. No more statins for me but feel they have done irreparable
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I’m 62. I started using Lipitor April, 2004. About a month ago it
felt like I was losing my ability to walk and climb stairs. Left leg
was worse than right. Muscle and joint pain in lower back, arms
and legs. Even my toes and fingers ached! Sounds strange, but the
skin on my thighs became loose and flabby. My fingernails became
very dry and brittle. It even was uncomfortable for me to sit for any
length of time unless my feet were up. I saw a Lipitor ad on TV
last week that warned of unusual weakness. I searched the internet
for more info, found the NIH site, and I stopped the Lipitor on
Your Doctor is a Liar! 305
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I am a 63 year old female who has taken Lipitor for three years.
Since I have arthritis in my right knee, I dismissed symptoms
starting last summer in my thumb. I had pain and gripping
problems, very difficult to lift anything. By first of October my left
knee became involved. Had minor popping in my ankle and left
knee until I turned over in bed one night and felt big pop in my
knee. Knee was sore and within about two weeks stiffness started
in both knees - so stiff after sitting that I have to stand for a few
minutes before walking. The stiffness in my knees became painful
and then my left hip developed sharp pain and some discomfort in
my back. Walked very slowly and stiffly, difficult to get out of car,
put on pantyhose, step in and out of shower, or lie on left side.
Started taking more ibuprofen and Aleve, using a tens unit, and
applying heat to both knees. Had some improvement but on
December 9, noticed my left leg was quite swollen from knee
down to ankle. Called doctor who said to quit taking Lipitor to see
if that was problem. Will be three weeks this Friday since I quit
taking Lipitor and I am experiencing a lot less stiffness in my
knees, less pain in my hip, but my left leg is still somewhat swollen.
I will see my doctor January 26 and get his verdict.
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I see I am not alone. I took Lipitor for two years. Leg pain was
becoming unbearable. Having always been in the best of health,
the only thing I could attribute it to was the Lipitor. Doctor agreed
to take me off of it. After a week the leg pain subsided and I began
to feel normal. At my annual physical my doctor prescribed Zetia.
For five months I couldn’t bring myself to take the drug. Finally I
Your Doctor is a Liar! 307
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I took Lipitor for six weeks. After five days I was catapulted into
a terrible depression. I reported it to the doctor who convinced me
to continue with the Lipitor although I decreased the dosage from
20mg to 10mg. After five weeks I developed severe leg muscle
pain. Four days later I discontinued the drug. Five months later I
am still disabled. I feel like I have no muscle control in my left leg
and foot and have severe knee pain. I also feel like my knee joint is
collapsing. My doctor refuses to believe that this is due to Lipitor
and has diagnosed me with fibromyalgia. Any hope that this is
going to get better?
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I have been taking Lipitor for the past ten years or so. I never
thought that taking this medication would or could create so many
side effects until I started to read this site. I always thought, during
the past several years, that my muscle pains, headaches and other
unusual illnesses were related to something I did (by lifting heavy
boxes, turning too abruptly a certain way, etc.). In the past couple
of years, back pains and bowel pains have increased to the point
that it’s getting hard to stand for long periods at a time. I find
myself using any kind of heat to try and relieve the pain. Also,
someone on this site mentioned about not being able to sleep, well
I have been having problems sleeping and my doctor prescribed a
sleeping pill....hmmmmm! I wonder. After reading a lot of these
postings, I am thinking of getting off this medication and see what
will happen after a few days.
Blown Away
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me, I immediately made the association and told him to stop the
Lipitor. He was very skeptical about my advice since I have no
medical training whatsoever and six experts along with his own
doctor whom he highly trusts never said a word about Lipitor being
the possible cause. Anyway he followed my advice and to his
amazement the head fog immediately cleared up and his back,
neck, and leg pain is nowhere near what it was. His doctor said it
was impossible for Lipitor to be the cause as it has a proven safety
record and he never heard of such problems being caused by
Lipitor and told him he probably never had any problems to begin
with is the reason why he got relief and that he should just learn to
relax. This just goes to show you that only you are responsible for
your own health and you better do your own research before
blindly following professional advice as you will be the one to
suffer the consequences while the doctors just look the other way
denying everything as I found out for myself the hard way.
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I also strongly recommend what the post below says about good
disability insurance. It’s too late now for me to have taken such
excellent advice. I WAS a perfectly healthy 49 year old until I was
on this poison called Lipitor for three months. Now I got all kinds
of back and neck problems and getting out of bed can be very
difficult at times. Three months of Lipitor has aged me forty years.
I now feel like I’m ninety. I can’t believe the ignorance of the
medical profession to actually prescribe this drug after there’s been
so many reported problems with it and all the other statins. I only
wish I did my research before taking this drug instead of relying on
the so called expert advice of the doctor then I would not have been
in the position I am today and would have been perfectly healthy
instead. You have been warned.
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lay down for more than a few hours, turning in bed is a real job.
I’m 51 and a grandmother of thirteen.
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Bad bad drug. Been on Lipitor for only four days at 20mg. Now I
can hardly walk. How can they even sell this damn drug? I think
it’s a money making machine As of today I will stop this
dangerous drug and go on a diet and exercise.
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Started taking Lipitor two months ago now I constantly have a high
pitched sound in my head (tinnitus). My hair seems to be thinning.
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Feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. Been taking Lipitor for about
three months but like others only taking every other day. Will stop
taking the med immediately and see if there is a difference.
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I read about a study where it was found that taking Lipitor every
other day was just as effective as taking it every day. So figuring
maybe the side-effects were from the dosage just being too high,
I decided last week to give it another try and to be even more
conservative and just take it twice a week. I took 10mg on Monday
and another 10 mg on Thursday and now my upper back and neck
pain is back again! That’s it for me. NO MORE LIPITOR! This
drug is just too dangerous!!! The doctors are really out of touch
with the reality of the situation. I reported it to my doctor and he
says I’m imagining things and it’s all in my head and says Lipitor
Your Doctor is a Liar! 313
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gas, but chalked it up to getting older (I’m 54) and not exercising
as much as I should. But it’s the bruising that's really been a
problem. If my arm touches the inside of the kitchen cabinet while
reaching for a dish, I have a bruise on my arm. A slightly harder
bump and my skin is torn and I’m bleeding. My clotting times and
liver enzymes are normal and my doctor has no clue what’s
causing this. I never associated it with the Lipitor until I saw a
neighbor with the same red bruises up and down her arms, and she
said “Oh, it’s from my statin drug.” Then I realized that I never
experienced this problem until about the time I started on Lipitor.
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My husband was on Lipitor for about eight months. In that time his
personality was drastically altered. A very kind, loving, wonderful
husband and father turned into a monster. He began having temper
tantrums, was moody and suspicious, suffered muscle pain, and had
short term memory loss. He was no fun to be with. My daughter
broke my heart when she tearfully pleaded “I want my father back.”
We have you all to thank for getting him back! He would not
listen to any suggestion his medication might be affecting his
personality. So I printed out 25 pages from this web site and just
left them on the kitchen counter. Once he started reading, he could
not stop. He recognized himself and immediately cut all his pills in
half, weaned himself off Lipitor and now we are trying diet and
exercise. The husband and father we cherish is back!
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Have been on Lipitor for about 1-1/2 years at the 10mg level.
I started having cramps in my calves, stabbing pain about left hip,
numbness in left toes, weak left leg muscle and was starting to get
weak in my arms. Went off Lipitor about 10 days ago and hip pain
has just about gone. Leg muscle is about 50% better but now
numbness in toes has turned into a tingling feeling. My question is
how long does it take to overcome these side effects? Going to try
more exercise and 2,000mg of vitamin C to keep “cholesterol”
level low.
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It’s been two months since getting rid of Lipitor “overnight” and
I could NOT be happier for doing so. I was only on it for four
months and feel that quitting it cold turkey was the best thing
I could do. I am practically pain free, except for the pre-existing
arthritis stuff that was beginning to bother me before my heart
attack six months ago. All of the horrible joint pain, muscle cramps,
anxiety, cramps, and (the worst of all) “random” shooting pains
throughout my body have ALL disappeared! I see that the airwaves
are FULL of ads now for Crestor. Looks like Lipitor has had
enough undercurrent of bad press to warrant the giant “Pharmcos”
try to sell us on that one again. They do well by them... they spent
720 billion on ad campaigns and the reports show that 1 in 8
actually DO “ask the doctor about it”. In my own humble
opinion... I don’t CARE if these drugs work fast or not. With the
side effects and mayhem they’re causing’s ridiculous to say the
least! There are better ways of handling “cholesterol”.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
the last trial. Any “cholesterol” lowering drug affects me. I keep
telling them I can not use statins and they say this is a new drug it
will be different. Nothing is different. I asked the doctor why they
do not try the natural route first?? He said “patients do not like the
side effects!!!!”
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After being on Lipitor for almost a year, I could barely walk from
my car into my office. My legs were incredibly weak. It was like
all the muscles had atrophied. I was 50 at the time, but felt like
I was 80. About 1 1/2 years later, my legs are still weak, but better.
(Then I was given the antibiotic Levaquin, and my knees almost
stopped working after 4 days on that medication.) I would not
recommend Lipitor and certainly not Levaquin, alone or in
combination with each other, especially if you have experienced
muscle pain or weakness with Lipitor!
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I was taking Lipitor for one year. I began to fall and I couldn’t get
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38 year old male. Been taking Lipitor for about two years now for
high “cholesterol”, otherwise healthy. Experiencing occasional
cramping/muscle spasms in left forearm that sometimes cause my
hand to form a fist. Slight tremor in both hands. Also experiencing
lower back ache (again left side mostly) that is most apparent when
getting out of bed in the morning. Blurry vision. Tests performed
last year by a neurologist for the arm/hand cramping came back
negative. This site is truly a valuable resource, as I am stopping
Lipitor TODAY. Will follow up in a few months (or sooner if
symptoms change).
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right hand. I have seen a hand surgeon about this and he diagnosed
osteoarthritis (an unusal, but not unheard of condition for someone
my age - 42). Is it possible that this has been caused by using
Lipitor? I have never had problems like this before and I am very
alarmed at the rapidity of its onset.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
in my eyes but have been told they are common at my age whether
I was on Lipitor or not. Sometimes my vision is so blurry I have
great difficulty reading. I am also taking Cozaar, Allopurinol and
Gen-Doxazosin. I am looking at this web site because I am
worried. I will now see my doctor.
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I was prescibed Lipitor and took it for four days and got the usual
leg pains and disorientation that many of you talk about. From that
point on my life has descended into hell. I had a month of daily
migraines (which I had not previously suffered from). I have severe
pain in my shoulders, arms, chest and back and sometimes feel as
though my skin is on fire. I am 55 and feel 85 to 90. I can no longer
pick things up that weigh more than five pounds, cannot walk more
than a couple of blocks (it feels as though my rib cage does not
expand) and can only drive about a mile before the dizziness and
muscle spasms start. The depression and tears at what feels like a
never ending condition is sometimes more than I can bear. It is
now eleven months since I am off Lipitor and I have yet to see any
improvement. I don’t know what is worse the pain or the
complacency of the medical community and their disbelief of our
suffering. At least this site tells me that I am not nuts but I am sorry
that so many of us are suffering.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
of them for two weeks or so. I have to admit I felt much better.
I went back on them for fear of having heart problems with high
“cholesterol”. Two weeks ago I started having severe pain in my
left leg/hip area running all the way down like muscle strains. I can
literally push on the muscle and it is so sore like someone has beat
me. I can’t lay on my left side anymore when sleeping. I think I am
going to go off of it again and if the pain subsides, find other ways
to lower the “cholesterol”. I am worried that this has caused some
type of muscle degeneration. I am also experiencing numbness in
my right hand more than ever. I am scared...
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Your Doctor is a Liar! 327
I am a 32 year old man who has been on Lipitor for over four years.
I recently went up to 40mg and I think it was a big mistake. Like
many others, when I was on 20mg I had some slight muscle
cramps, insomnia and back pain, but it was nothing compared to
what happened when I went to 40mg. My body now feels like a
train wreck. I have a strange tingling sensation in my feet, as well
as muscle cramps in my legs. This worries me because my feet and
sometimes my hands are always cold. It feels like almost my feet
are asleep all the time. My legs have a strange cramping/pulsating
feeling. I have a chest pain and stomach cramps as well. Plus I have
that wonderful dizzy feeling that many of you have also
complained about. I have stopped taking Lipitor for a week now,
but the symptoms remain. I am worried because I just want to feel
normal again. Can anyone who stopped taking Lipitor tell me if
these types of problems have gone away, and if so, how long it
took. On a side note, the chest pain I think is caused by gas. I have
taken a gas inhibitor which has seemed to help with the tightness in
the chest. I do tend to burp a lot though. I hope that this might help
for people who have had this side effect as well. I am father and a
husband who has no personal grudge against Lipitor or my doctor.
I have never posted to a board before and am not trying to sue
anybody. I just want to feel normal again. My wife thinks I am a
little bit crazy, and doesn’t understand how funky and bad I feel
now. She thinks that just stopping will make me better. I hope she
is right. When someone goes through this, it just wears on your
mentally as well as physically. I am off to see the doctor and I hope
that he will be able to help or tell me what to expect long term.
If I find any solutions, I will be sure to share. Thank you for
listening to my story.
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cholesterol” levels (total = 184; HDL = 77; LDL = 91), but because
I am a diabetic (I have been for 35 years), my physician suggested
that I begin taking the drug. I feel like I am hooked up to a
Diazepam IV!!! I am totally zoned out and have very little
energy...and I don’t really care if I get any of my work done or not
(not good!) The other thing that is driving me crazy is that I am
cold all the time. As I am typing this, it is 70 in the room and I have
on a turtle neck sweater, two sweat shirts (one with a hood that is
up), a pair of lined jeans, two pairs of socks, and down slippers...
and I am STILL cold. Has anyone experienced this side effect?
I don’t think that this drug is for me...
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I had two stents put in March, 2000. Arterial blockage 90%. Took
Lipitor for two months. Felt worse than before heart attack.
Discontinued Lipitor February, 2004. Still no improvements.
Muscle pain, weakness, spasms, buzzing in right leg. Can’t hold
arms or head up in vertical postion for two minutes without
extreme pain and weakness. Sitting or standing for ten minutes is
not possible due to back pain. Have to keep moving until
exhausted and then sleep. Use good diet and all the exercise I can
tolerate. I do NOT take any pain meds except aspirin or Tylenol.
This is crazy. I walked home from the hospital after the stents and
went downhill after taking Lipitor. Any advice will be appreciated.
Thank You
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I am a 52 year old man. I had another heart attack January 27, 2004.
Went to the hospital. The doctor put me on Lipitor. My hair was
always dark brown. Now it’s thinning out and turning grayer.
I ache all over like I have the flu. I stay dizzy, tired, short winded.
I coughed up blood for four days after I got home from the
hospital. I don’t want to be around nobody. The least little thing
pisses me off. I’m hurting more on my lower right side. I can’t
sleep. I just stay tired. Today is 2-13-04. I have never felt this bad
before. The doctor prescribed me Lipitor 80mg with 5 refills. I feel
worse now than before I went to the hospital. The doctor needs to
check into the symptoms of the medicine. I have dull headaches
and my eyes get blurry. I am not taking Lipitor no more.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
told me it was the flu and would last a few days, but I couldn’t
handle it and went to the ER, where they said it must be a virus
(fever of 102) and sent me home. The majority of the aches went
away, but my right arm remained a throbbing pain. I then
developed a bronchial virus, and the pain let up for a few weeks,
then all over, joints and muscles. Somedays I would cry all day-
no narcotics seem to help enough to make it worth taking them.
Finally, a month after starting the Lipitor, my doctor took me off,
“in case” it was that. Well, the first 2 days were better, then all the
weakness, fatigue, and aches came back. I could barely climb a set
of stairs, I’d be out of breath and my muscles would cramp like I’d
run five miles. I could no longer sleep at night, two to three hours
max. Finally was admitted to the hospital where a zillion tests were
done and nothing found to give a diagnosis, though mitochondrial
myopathy was mentioned, as well as mitochondrial encephalitis.
I can barely handle a day of a few errands, and have been out of
work for months. Sometimes I think my brain is fried, cuz I can’t
remember the simplest things, or I forget where I am or where I’m
going. Thank God I have wonderful friends to support me, and
Jesus Christ to lead me through. I pray that it goes away soon, as
the neurologist says it may, otherwise I think I’ll have to be put
on disability. I’ve also put on about thirty pounds due to the
exhaustion I guess, so much for those Pilates!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I have had a macular hole and have been told by someone else who
had the same that it was a side effect of Lipitor. Had surgery and
survived the two-week face down position, but sight has not yet
returned. It is some better, but still very poor after two months. Also
had some tingling weak feelings in my hands, neck, back of the
head, and shoulders. From the minute I stopped taking Lipitor,
these symptoms completely disappeared.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I took it for about a month and my muscles and joins hurt so bad
I could hardly get out of bed come morning. I also came up with a
urinary tract infection. The doctor took me off the Lipitor for two
weeks and gave me medications for the infection. Two weeks later
infection was gone most of my pain was gone except for my knee
pain. He wanted me to try the Lipitor 20mg again saying that the
infection might have been the problem. I did four days and four
Lipitor 20mg tablets and I am in real pain and I have a urinary tract
infection again. He has taken me off the Lipitor and the infection
has cleared up, But my knees are still so painful. There are times I
don’t think I will be able to stand up. Will my knees ever get back
to normal? P.S. My doctor says the infection is not due to Lipitor
but can’t explain why I get it while I am taking the Lipitor.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
My husband began taking Lipitor about six months ago and and has
experienced a dramatic change in his temperament. It is even scary
to me. We have been married a long time and I can notice it. He
doesn’t. It seems to affect him like I believe what the kids call
“speed”. Our life together has suffered because of this. I have
heard of other people that these drugs have affected. Please help
me. I’m at my wits end. As I have said, he cannot see the drastic
change and insists I want him to die with high “cholesterol”. Please
do not e-mail me back as it would cause a big uproar. If you could
just find some more research on this subject, I would be eternally
grateful. I will read it on this web site. Thank you.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
I’m 48 and have been taking Lipitor for about two years. I can’t
Your Doctor is a Liar! 335
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
If you have a story which you would like to share, please contact
the author via email to info@yourdoctorisaliar. com.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 337
“Any drug, no matter how trivial its therapeutic actions, has the
potential to do harm.”
Goodman and Gilman’s
Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
“The sad truth is that, even after all the clinical development that
occurs with every drug and even after drugs have been approved
for a time, we only have a crude idea of what they do in people.”
Dr. Janet Woodcock, Director
The FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
“What irks me, is it’s important to know all sides of the equation,
and nobody’s paying attention to the toxic side of the equation.”
Dr. Paul Phillips, M.D.
Chapter 12
A New Theory
For The Causation
of Heart Disease
in Human Beings
doctor told you not to? The simple fact that the human
body produces large amounts of CHOLESTEROL and
then converts it into so many compounds that are all vital
for life should be enough, in and of itself, to put and end
to the lunacy of the fallacious health benefits that the
medical and pharmaceutical industries have claimed for
their drugs that lower “cholesterol”.
Would you expect the AAA driver to dig a well and refine
some crude oil into gasoline while your car is stuck on the
side of the road in the middle of nowhere?
• Cardiovascular disease
• Elevated “cholesterol” levels
• Aortic aneurism (burst blood vessels)
• Cerebral aneurism (hemorrhagic stroke)
• Irregular heart rhythms
• Increased blood pressure
• Thrombosis
• Iron-deficiency anemia
(copper is needed for iron absorption and usage)
• Hemorrhoids
• Increased uric acid levels
• Reduced thyroid function
• Skeletal defects
• Impaired glucose tolerance
Your Doctor is a Liar! 347
I will ask you again: How many foods do you eat on a regular basis
that provide YOUR body with adequate levels of copper?
How much copper have you eaten today?
Your body does not need nearly as much PROCESSED OIL and
SUGAR as you have been feeding it. I suggest that you cut back
on your consumption of these processed poisons.
contain these nutrients. There is great harm that can come to you
if you do not. Ignorance of basic nutritional needs strikes nearly
half of our population dead in the form of heart disease.
Doctors do not want you to know how to properly feed your body
to maintain your health because, if you did, they would be out of
work. If I am right, and all you have to do to limit your risk and
improve your health is to make a few dietary changes, then the
next time you see your cardiologist may very well be as you drive
past the unemployment line and see them going inside to apply for
benefits because their services are no longer needed.
Eat the food you need to maintain your cardiovascular system and
enjoy the good health and longevity that comes with the proper
knowledge and the proper action. It’s wise, it’s inexpensive and it’s
easy, but it’s up to you.
I suggest that you read the remaining chapters of this book and as
many of the books listed in the last chapter as you possibly can.
I suggest that you learn more about the dangers of drugs, processed
oils and concentrated sugars. The truth will shock you.
Chapter 13
Start with some kind of food that naturally has a lot of oil in it such
as peanuts, soybeans, corn, rapeseed (canola), sunflower, safflower,
cottonseed, coconut, palm, etc.
Step #1:
Get someone to mash or grind the original food for you.
Step #2:
Have them cook the original food long enough to break
down its cellular structure. This may take at least a couple
of hours and temperatures in excess of 250oF.
Step #3:
With a screw-like auger press, have them place the raw
material under incredibly high pressure in order to squeeze
out as much oil as possible from the raw material.
The pressure within the machinery itself generates
temperatures that can rise up to 185o - 200oF.
Step #4:
Make sure that they expose the raw material to air in order
to increase the rate of oxidation. Remember that
oxidation occurs approximately 100 times as rapidly at
these elevated temperatures as it occurs at room
Step #5:
To get any remaining oil out of the raw material, have
them mix it with a gasoline-like substance (hexane or
heptane) that acts as a solvent to dissolve more oil away
from the remaining raw material at temperatures ranging
from 130o - 150oF.
Step #6:
Have them heat this oil to temperatures above 300oF in
order to evaporate most, but not necessarily all of the
solvent (heptane or hexane). Have them do this very
carefully, since these chemicals are quite explosive.
Step #7:
Remove as many of the remaining nutrients as possible.
They can use phosphoric acid to remove nearly all of the
phospholipids (lecithin), protein, polysaccharides,
calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and other nutrients.
Step #8:
Have them remove as many of the free fatty acids as
possible. Do this by mixing the oil with an extremely
corrosive alkaline material such as caustic soda (NaOH,
sodium hydroxide, which is the main active ingredient in
Drano) and then have them agitate the mixture until the
free fatty acids form “soaps” with the sodium hydroxide so
that they can be “cleaned” away.
Step #9:
Have them use acid-treated activated clays to bleach out
any remaining pigments (chlorophyll and beta-carotene).
This takes about 15 to 30 minutes at temperatures of 230oF.
Remember that this “bleaching” process creates large
amounts of toxic peroxide compounds.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 353
Step #10:
Have them also remove any aromatic properties of the oil.
They can do this de-odorization by distilling the oil under
high pressure and temperatures of 460o - 520oF for thirty
to sixty minutes. This helps to remove aromatic
compounds that gave the original oil its natural smell and
flavor. Be sure that they also remove as much vitamin E as
possible. At these temperatures, numerous toxins are
formed when fatty acids are cross-linked to each other to
produce polymers that are similar to plastics and
vulcanized rubber.
Step #11:
Have them add methyl silicone to the processed oil so that
it is less likely to become “foamy”.
Step #12:
To ensure a long shelf-life, have them add synthetic
preservatives to the oil, such as butylated hydroxytoluene
(BHT), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), propyl gallate
(PG), tertiary butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) and others.
At this point, if you wish, you can eat this tasteless, odorless and
nutrient depleted “food product” that is the end result of the twelve
steps detailed above. If you dare!
“No way! That sounds gross! And deadly! Why would I ever want
to eat that?”
Have you fooled yourself into believing that you “eat healthy”
because you shop at a “natural foods” store? Do you only purchase
oil that has been “cold-pressed”? Please realize that there is
no legal definition of the term “cold-pressed”! The term
“cold-pressed” only means that the manufacturer didn’t add any
heat during the “pressing” of the oil. Manufacturers can abuse
natural oils by performing all of the above steps of the “refining”
process and still label their product as “cold-pressed” simply
because there is no law that prevents them from doing so.
Step #13:
Have someone place the oil under pressure and add in
hydrogen gas at temperatures that range from 250o - 410oF
along with some type of metal (usually nickel, but they
may also use “Raney’s Nickel” which is 50% nickel and
50% aluminum). Have them do this for six to eight hours.
Make sure that some of the nickel and aluminum remain in
the oil.
“My pet name for canola oil is ‘can-ugly’ oil. Since canola oil is
a completely contrived substance, I thought it should have a
ridiculous name. The modern methods for processing canola oil
are what make it ugly. The canola oil found on supermarket
shelves has been refined, heated, and damaged beyond repair. Be
aware of the dangers of using canola oil. I have to be as vocal as
I can in encouraging people to avoid eating this damaging
product. Even some of the most sophisticated health writers still
report about this product as if it were healthful, while nothing
could be further from the truth.”
Fred Pescatore, M.D.
Author of “The Hamptons Diet”
Grams of fat / per person / per day Grams of fat / per person / per day
1909-1913 1909-1913 35
1925-1929 1925-1929
1935-1939 1935-1939
1947-1949 1947-1949
1957-1959 1957-1959
1967-1969 1967-1969
1975 1975
1985 1985
Grams of fat / per person / per day Grams of fat / per person / per day
1909-1913 1909-1913
Your Doctor is a Liar!
1925-1929 1925-1929
1935-1939 1935-1939
1947-1949 1947-1949
1957-1959 1957-1959
Vegetable Oil
1967-1969 1967-1969
1975 1975
1985 1985
So why does the AHA tell you to eat margarine and vegetable oils
instead of butter and animal foods? Why do foods such as non-
dairy creamers and artificial egg substitutes even exist? And why
hasn’t your doctor told you that scientists have determined that
more than 60% of the deposits found in blocked coronary arteries
are actually the types of fatty acids that are found in refined
vegetable oils, not the saturated fats found in animal foods?
Why? Because...
The American public has been lied to. For decades we have been
told to avoid naturally occurring oils found in seeds, nuts, meat,
eggs and dairy products, especially butter. We have been told to eat
man-made, artificially manufactured oils and hydrogenated
margarine and shortening. Did you forget the thirteen steps that
were listed above? Here’s a quick review...
“Oil bearing materials are ground, steam cooked then mixed with
a solvent (of a petroleum base) which dissolves out the oils,
leaving a dry residue. It is quick and cheap. But...
most commonly used solvents are light petroleum fractions,
naptha, pentane, heptane, hexane and octane types. Often,
a synthetic trichlorethylene (found in gasoline) is used.
Furthermore, it is suspected that some of the chemical solvent
remains in the oil and this is objectionable for natural health.
This may help retard rancidity of the oil, but it makes it an
unhealthy, chemicalized, adulterated product that is to be
shunned by the seeker of natural health.”
Carlson Wade
Author of “Fats, Oils and Cholesterol”
Your Doctor is a Liar! 361
Do you think that you might be able to get away with eating “just
a little”? Think again!! Approximately 25%-37% of the trans
fatty acids in the American diet are consumed in the form of
shortening and margarine. The remainder of these harmful fats are
lurking in processed “foods”. Food manufacturers add these
nightmare artificial fats and oils to everything under the sun...
Bread Nacho Chips
Cake Non-dairy Creamer
Cereals Pancakes
Chocolate Pasta Sauce
Cookies Peanut Butter
Crackers Potato Chips
Donuts Popcorn
Energy Bars Pretzels
Hot Dogs Protein Drinks
Ice Cream Roasted Nuts
Imitation Cheese Salad Dressing
Imitation Eggs Sour Cream
Instant Rice Soy Products
Ketchup Tortillas
Mayonaise Toaster Pastries
Muffins Waffles
And restaurants (fast-food and sit down) use it to deep-fry anything
and everything.
Did anyone notice this insanity? In fact, Dr. Ancel Keys originally
claimed that partially hydrogenated vegetable oils with their trans
fatty acids were the culprits in heart disease. In a 1956 paper,
Keys suggested that the increasing use of hydrogenated vegetable
oils might be the underlying cause of the cardiovascular disease
epidemic. The edible oils industry was very swift in their
Your Doctor is a Liar! 363
Most of the trans fatty acids in modern hydrogenated fats are new
to the human physiology and by the early 1970’s a number of
researchers had expressed concern about their presence in the
American diet, noting that their increasing use had paralleled the
increase in both heart disease and cancer. The solution was one that
could be easily presented to the public: Eat natural, traditional fats;
avoid newfangled foods made from processed vegetable oils; use
butter, not margarine. But medical research, food manufacturing
practices and public consciousness due to media advertising and
corporate marketing went in a totally different direction. They
attacked traditional, whole foods like meat, eggs and butter, and
promoted dramatic increases in the consumption of processed
Trans fatty acids are sufficiently similar to natural fats that the
human body readily incorporates them into the membrane of every
cell in your body. YOU have quadrillions+ of these molecules
imbedded into every brain cell, nerve cell, heart cell and every
artery cell! Once they are consumed, their altered chemical
structure creates havoc with thousands of necessary chemical
reactions - everything from energy production to the conduction of
electrical impulses that control the beating of your heart!
Your Doctor is a Liar! 367
“Most baked goods and fried fast foods still are made with
partially hydrogenated fat and are high in trans fatty acids. For
example, a person eating one doughnut for breakfast (2.2 grams)
and a large order of fries (6.8 grams) for lunch would ingest ten
grams of trans fatty acids or five percent of all calories of an
1,800 calorie diet. It is unlikely that this situation will change
without strong federal guidelines. Thus, simple labeling changes
alone will not be sufficient. The combined results of metabolic
and epidemiologic studies strongly support an adverse effect of
trans fat risk on coronary heart disease. The relation between
trans fatty acid intake and risk of coronary disease has now been
reported from three large studies (The Health Professionals
Follow-up Study, The Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Study
and the Nurses Health Study.) In a case-control study in the
Boston area, we found a strong and significant positive
association between trans fat intake and risk of acute myocardial
infarction. This association was entirely explained by trans
intake from hydrogenated vegetable oil. Thus, there appears to
be no likely alternative to the hypothesis that high trans intake
increases the risk of coronary heart disease. Furthermore, two
independent methods of estimation indicate that the adverse
effect of trans fat is stronger than that of saturated fat.
By our most conservative estimate, replacement of partially
hydrogenated fat in the U.S. diet with natural unhydrogenated
vegetable oils would prevent approximately 30,000 premature
coronary deaths each year, and epidemiologic evidence suggests
this number is closer to 100,000 premature deaths annually.
Because partially hydrogenated fats can be eliminated from the
food supply by changes in processing that do not require major
efforts in education and behavioral modification, these changes
would be an extremely efficient and rapid method for
substantially reducing rates of coronary disease.”
Alberto Ascherio, Meir J. Stampfer and Walter C. Willett
Authors of “Trans Fatty Acids and Coronary Heart Disease”
Harvard School of Public Health;
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Typical french fried potatoes contain around 40% trans fatty acids,
and many popular cookies and crackers contain from 30 to 50%
trans fatty acids. Donuts and other baked goods range between
35-40% trans fatty acids. Do you eat any of these dangerous trans
fatty acid containing foods? Do you know exactly which
foods contain trans fatty acids and how much they contain?
Does the government know about this? Are our health authorities
concerned about this issue? Shouldn’t there be some kind of law?
All the way back in 1994, the Center for Science in the Public
Interest petitioned the FDA to require that Nutrition Facts labels
disclose the amount of trans fatty acids in manufactured food
products. In 1999, the Food and Drug Administration proposed to
require trans fat labeling, but delayed finalizing a regulation, in
part, to consider a report from the National Academy of Science's
Institute of Medicine. An expert panel at the Institute of Medicine
issued a detailed review of research into trans fatty acids and
Sounds good, right? Sounds like your government cares about your
health, right? Wrong! Please read between the lines. The FDA
admits that a mere “labeling” change can save 250-500 lives per
year. Scientists at the Harvard School of Public Health say that
eliminating trans fatty acids could save 100,000 lives per year!
Could our government have been more forceful in safeguarding our
health? Merely requiring a labeling change as an official response
to such an enormous health catastrophe is absolutely pathetic.
The quotation on the following page is the recommendation that
was made by the Danish Nutrition Council. It is very similar to the
recommendation that was made by the National Institutes of
Health. In response to this information, the Dutch government
acted quickly and clearly. What did they do?
Why doesn’t the FDA have the guts to do what Dutch officials did?
“Nearly every article about fats and oils in the diet begins with a
faulty premise. That faulty premise is that CHOLESTEROL and
the saturated fats are the culprits for the myriad of chronic
ailments that afflict modern populations. CHOLESTEROL is
perhaps the most misunderstood and wrongly maligned
biological molecule in existence. This premise was basically
invented in the late 1950s for the purpose of protecting the
margarine and shortening industry from the challenges that were
newly emerging from some of the scientific critics of
hydrogenation who saw this as the cause of the epidemic of heart
attacks. The resulting information that was generated has
virtually removed the safe and important natural fats from the
diets of many people and has replaced these desirable fats with
various partially hydrogenated fats and oils. Thus, we have
ended up with a situation where the fats that have been used for
centuries are out, and the fabricated fats that should be out are
in. The supposed benefits of ‘heart healthy’ polyunsaturated
spreads and monounsaturated oils will not stand the test of time.
The industries benefitting from this modern agenda will continue
to propagandize the public and the professionals in order to keep
their multibillion dollar markets. As a result of being misled, we
have a consuming public terrified of natural fats and oils --
a public, which, by its avoidance of these natural fats and oils,
and consumption of fabricated, man-manipulated fats and
oil replacements such as the trans fats and the unstable
polyunsaturates, is becoming increasingly obese and ill.
The claim that saturated fat leads to heart disease is simply false.
Eventually, the idea became dogma as it was repeated year after
year. Discarding deeply ingrained misinformation and replacing
it with factual information is difficult for anyone. For the
consumer who today has been the recipient of nearly three
decades of fats and oil propaganda that is both false and
misleading, the task is doubly difficult.”
Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.
Author of “Know Your Fats”
The first time that you eat trans fatty acids, you don’t get sick.
Poisoning with trans fatty acids is cumulative over time and
depends upon your level of intake and your personal metabolism.
The damage is subtle, but it adds up over time, and you pay for it
in ways that you don’t realize. Fatigue, stiffness, soreness, poor
sleep, allergies, frequent colds, asthma, heart attacks!... the list is
endless. The good news is that as soon as you stop eating foods that
contain trans fatty acids and increase your intake of natural fats and
oils, your body will gradually replace the trans fatty acids in your
cellular membranes with the natural and more appropriate fatty
acids that you consume.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 375
Your doctor is way behind the curve regarding the dangers of trans
fatty acids. Government agencies such as the FDA and the
Department of Agriculture are more concerned with business
interests than they are with your health, so don’t expect them to
provide you with any reasonable advice or help. You are on your
own! The FDA itself has estimated that by removing all the trans
fatty acids from margarine and only 3% of baked goods, the United
States could eliminate 17,000 heart attacks and more than 5,000
deaths every year. Why stop there??? How many lives could be
improved and saved if the FDA admitted what they already know:
When the United States Surgeon general’s office set out in 1988
to write the definitive report on the dangers of dietary fat, the
task seemed like it would be straightforward. They thought that all
they would have to do is gather the existing science together,
review it and publish it. The planned report was initiated with a
pre-conceived notion of what the conclusions should be.
Unfortunately, the science that was needed to back up those
already formed conclusions could not be found. Finally, in June
1999, eleven years after the project began, the Surgeon General’s
Office quietly circulated a letter explaining that the project would
be terminated. There was no public announcement. There was no
press release. Why? The reality of the “science” proved to be
unavoidable. The types of dietary fat that are most damaging to
human health are exactly the same types of fat that all of the
official health “experts” have been recommending for decades:
polyunsaturated oils and their evil step-children, trans fatty acids
that are found in partially hydrogenated oils used in margarine and
shortening! Saturated fats and CHOLESTEROL found in animal
products do NOT cause heart disease! Heart disease is caused by
the fats and oils that the medical profession has been telling us to
eat instead of the natural fats and oils that are found in red meat,
butter and eggs! The Surgeon General’s Office decided to NOT
make an honest report of their findings because to do so would
have embarassed the medical profession and would have upset
thousands of very wealthy corporate food processors. An honest
report of the scientific facts would have incriminated the entire
medical profession and all of the organizations that support it. An
honest report would have explained that they have been giving us
extremely bad advice for decades. A true and honest reporting of
the scientific facts would have revealed the truth that...
“I can’t help but think about so many in the general public who
are not scientifically trained and who have been brain-washed by
the countless illegal commercials that promise that using
margarine will protect them from heart disease. These people
don’t even read the newspaper accounts such as the report from
Harvard that margarine actually is associated with increased
heart disease and heart disease death. ”
Richard Passwater
The only fats and oils that you should ever consume are those
that are found in their natural state. RAW seeds and nuts that
have not been roasted or dry roasted are wonderful sources of
healthy oils. Organic butter, extra virgin coconut oil and
unrefined macadamia nut oils are the only heat stable oils
currently available in the marketplace. Don’t ever heat any
other oil. Never, never, never eat margarine, shortening,
hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils of any kind.
Never, never, never eat any processed food that contains any of
these toxic oils and fats. Never, never, never eat any salad
dressing, veggie dip, condiment, sandwich spread, non-dairy
creamer, sauce or anything else unless you know exactly what
kind of oil was used.
Chapter 14
• • •
“Parkinson’s disease!”
Your Doctor is a Liar! 383
Immediately after the whole grain of any grass (wheat, rice, barley,
oats, rye, etc) is cracked, cut, smashed, ground or rolled, it begins
to lose some of its nutritional value. Exposure to the atmosphere
causes oxidation that immediately lowers the antioxidant benefits
of the food. Further processing strips the fiber, essential fatty acids
and mineral rich outer hull. Bleaching and countless other
processes add numerous toxic chemical compounds and result in a
The process of refining grains removes the bran and the germ of the
grain and leaves only the starchy portion that is known as the
endosperm. In this process,
From a health perspective, the late 1800s and the early 1900s were
a very interesting period of time. It was an era when just about
anything was available. Heroin, morphine and cocaine were
advertised on the front pages of newspapers and magazines as a
cure for everything from syphilis to bad breath and were sold over
the counter in drugstores and shops. Patent medicines based on
addictive drugs were a billion dollar mail-order business.
“Rectified” whiskey was for sale in the country store and in the
saloon. Slaughterhouses and the meats that came from them were
absolutely frightening as Upton Sinclair exposed in The Jungle.
Foods were adulterated with vast quantities of additives such as
boric acid, borax, salicylic acid, salicylates, benzoic acid,
benzoates, sulfur dioxide, sulfites, formaldehyde, copper sulfate,
Please understand that there are many kinds of “sugar”. If you have
read all of this book up to this point, you now know that there is
no such thing as “estrogen”. You now need to realize that there is
also no such thing as “sugar”! That’s right, there is no such thing
as “sugar”! Okay, one more time, in bold, capital letters...
And there are many, many, many more. In this chapter, I will
concentrate on the most basic of sugars found in the typical
American diet: glucose, fructose and the combination of these two,
sucrose. The federal government recommends that everyone
should eat 300 grams of carbohydrates per day, which works out to
be 245 POUNDS of carbohydrates per person, per year!
Many people eat more than this! The average American
consumes more than 150 pounds of simple sugars each and every
year. Please allow me to state, in very simple terms,
Gary Taubes
Author of “What If It’s All Been a Big Fat Lie?”
Your Doctor is a Liar! 395
Today, there are numerous books written about the problems that
are caused by hyper-insulin-emia, but nowadays the problem is
referred to as Syndrome X. The reason that your medical doctor
does not bother to test and record the level of insulin in your blood
(which is the primary marker for Syndrome X) is that this simple
test would unravel their entire money-making scheme. If medical
doctors actually started to treat the dietary CAUSE of high
“cholesterol”, high triglycerides, high blood pressure and obesity
(all caused by too much sugar in the diet), then they wouldn’t be
able to sell you drugs that claim to do the same. They wouldn’t be
able to instruct you to come back for monthly checkups in order see
if the drugs were damaging your liver or other internal organs.
They wouldn’t be able to recommend bypass surgery, or
angioplasties, or ultrafast computed tomography scans.
Dr. Michael R. Eades, M.D., and Dr. Mary Dan Eades, M.D., the
authors of the book Protein Power, treat their patients differently
than your doctor treats you. When they observe elevated
“cholesterol”, elevated triglyceride levels, elevated blood glucose,
elevated blood pressure, or obesity in their patients, they
recommend that their patients take a blood test to determine
the level of insulin that they have in their blood. Typically, the
average American will have insulin levels somewhere above
25 milliUnits/milliliter. Insulin levels are often much higher than
Has your medical doctor ever recommended that you check the
level of glycated hemoglobin in your bloodstream? Glycated
hemoglobin is simply a measurement of red blood cells that have
been damaged by glycation which, in common English, means
that your red blood cells have too much “sugar” stuck to the
hemoglobin on their surfaces. Damaged, “sugar-coated” blood
cells are unable to function properly. They are unable to transport
oxygen from the lungs to the tissues throughout the body. Glycated
hemoglobin must be removed from the bloodstream by the spleen
Your Doctor is a Liar! 397
the narrow capillaries that flow through all the tissues in the body.
Now imagine yourself trying to perform that same task covered in
“sugar”. Imagine yourself trying to squeeze through a capillary
completely covered in honey, or maple syrup or molasses or high
fructose corn syrup, or mashed potatoes, or sticky sushi rice, or
chocolate chip cookie dough! Excess “sugar”, in any form, is
simply sticky.
The patient does not eat for a period of time (usually 12 hours) and
then drinks a liquid solution that contains 75 grams of pure glucose.
This is simply “sugar” water. If you look on the charts at the end
of the chapter, you will see that it is equivalent to eating a Hostess
Apple Pie and washing it down with an 8 ounce glass of Welch’s
grape juice. This used to be considered as a lot of “sugar”, but it
is actually less than most people normally consume. Blood is
drawn numerous times over a two hour (or longer) period in order
to determine how high the glucose levels in the bloodstream rise
and how quickly (or slowly) they fall back to normal. In an ideal
world, insulin levels would also be checked during this procedure.
Do you realize why your doctor has not checked your insulin,
your glycated hemoglobin or recommended that you undergo a
glucose tolerance test? The reasons they are likely to give is that
your insurance doesn’t cover it or they don’t think that it matters.
The real reason is that they know that if you learn about these
things then you might realize that the real problem with your health
is not “cholesterol”. If you were to realize the severity of your
“sugar” problem through these tests, your doctor fears that you
would be truly motivated to change some of your negative habits.
If you were to stop eating so much “sugar”, you would begin to
have far fewer ailments, and this means far fewer office visits.
Your doctor has no pharmaceutical drugs to pick from in order to
attempt to lower your insulin levels. The only way to do this is
through proper dietary changes, but YOUR DOCTOR AND
Clearly, the main dietary culprit to which you are succumbing, and
to which you have been victimized your entire life, is “sugar” in
all its forms and in all its disguises. And the main proponents of a
high carbohydrate diet are the very people who stand to profit when
their dietary recommendations make you more ill!
High fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, corn starch, corn sweeteners,
modified cornstarch, grits, cornbread.
Even meat, nuts, vegetables, seeds, beans, dried fruits and just
about every other processed and prepackaged food that you can
name now comes buried in “sugar” in some form.
Your Doctor is a Liar! 403
It is also stupid!
Corn sweeteners: Corn syrup and other sugars that are derived
from corn.
Invert sugar: a mixture of glucose and fructose that results from the
enzymatic breakdown of sucrose. Often used as a food additive to
help prevent shrinkage.
Chapter 15
Vitamin C,
Heart Disease
• • •
H C6 H
C5 O
C4 C1
C3 C2
H C6 H H C1 H H H O
C5 C2
C4 C3 H
If your body was able to convert only 10% of the “sugar” that the
average American consumes into Vitamin C, this would provide
your body with 18 grams of Vitamin C per day. Interestingly
enough, this is the amount that Linus Pauling, Nobel Laureate and
champion of the benefits of Vitamin C consumed each and every
day, for the last 40 years of his life. Why do Americans think that
the consumption of 18 paltry grams of Vitamin C per day is
Your Doctor is a Liar! 411
1) cider
2) vinegar
3) a dilute sulfuric acid mixture
4) ordinary seawater
5) a paste of garlic, mustard seed, horseradish, balsam of Peru
and gum myrrh
6) two oranges and a lemon
One of the pair of citrus eating sailors was fit for duty in six days.
The other was soon well enough to nurse the others. James Lind’s
discovery was duly reported to the British admirality. Their
response: For forty years they continued to punish sailors who
were suffering from scurvy by flogging them. James Lind went on
to become the private physician to King George III and passed
away in 1794. The next year, when he was no longer around to say
“I told you so”, a Royal decree finally added a dose of citrus juice
to every seaman’s daily rations.
“It is possible,” said the Indian. “But the Indians know how to
prevent scurvy. The white man does not.”
“Why don’t you tell the white man how to prevent it?”
“The white man knows too much to ask the Indian anything.”
The Indian said he was willing but would first have to consult with
the tribal chief. When he returned, he said his chief was willing to
share the secret with the visitor because he was a friend of the
Indian who had advised them not to eat the flour and sugar sold in
the white man’s store.
The Indian then described in detail the way the hunters kill a
moose, then open up the carcass at the back, just above the
kidneys. Here are found what the Indian described as two small
Your Doctor is a Liar! 413
balls of fat: the adrenal glands. These two small balls of fat were
cut into as many pieces as there were people in the family. Each
would eat his appointed share. The walls of the moose’s second
stomach were also eaten. Primitive people who had studied the
eating habits of wild animals learned the importance of eating the
internal organs of animals and often tossed the muscle meat and
filet mignon to the dogs. Modern civilized man, eating for
pleasure and not for survival, does the reverse. Relatively large
amounts of Vitamin C are stored in the adrenal glands of most ani-
mals. The Indians in the Yukon were able to obtain ascorbic acid
(Vitamin C) from the adrenal glands of the moose and the griz-
zly bear for centuries.
Has your doctor ever recommended that you check your body’s
Vitamin C status by taking a blood test that measures the
amount of VITAMIN C that is actually inside of your white
blood cells?
Put yourself in the position of one of your white blood cells. If you
were faced with an opponent that was incredibly larger than
yourself, what would you do? You can’t eat the whole splinter
yourself, so you recruit a couple million of your fellow white blood
cells to help you. Additionally, you are going to find it extremely
difficult to stay in the thick of things on the splinter battlefield
while you and all of your fellow white blood cells are busy
secreting caustic compounds such as hydrogen peroxide into the
area. You need something to protect yourself from the poisonous
hydrogen peroxide that you are secreting in an attempt to degrade
the splinter. The splinter doesn’t fight back. It’s just stuck there.
But in order to continue attacking it, you have to be able to protect
yourself from your own actions. Numerous studies have clearly
shown that the activity of white blood cells is dramatically reduced
when their internal levels of Vitamin C are reduced. The activity of
white blood cells is maximized when they are provided with
So how do you guarantee that your white blood cells and all the rest
of your body’s tissues have optimal levels of Vitamin C?
left your car, it was running until you shut it off, so there must still
be a little bit of gas in the tank. Think about what you would do if
the gas gauge on your dashboard was malfunctioning. Well, you
certainly wouldn’t want to run out of gas completely so every so
often, probably more often then you need to, just to be sure, you
would simply pull into a gas station and fill ‘er up.
YOU are your own Vitamin C pump attendant. You do not know
how much Vitamin C is currently in your tank. Your doctor has a
test that would give you this information, but they aren’t going to
help you use it and you wouldn’t want to pay for it anyway.
In effect, your Vitamin C dashboard warning light is completely
missing. What would you do if your gas tank warning light was
completely missing? Do the same thing with Vitamin C. Every
couple of days, as often as you think you need to, fill ‘er up! Eat
a lot of foods that contain large amounts of Vitamin C. Take a lot
(and I mean a lot!) of Vitamin C. Since, at this point, you are an
unskilled Vitamin C pump attendant, you won’t yet have a “feel”
for when enough is enough. You also won’t quite realize it when
you’ve pumped in too much Vitamin C. That’s okay, because too
much Vitamin C is nowhere near as dangerous as too much
gasoline. Eating too much Vitamin C is known as taking Vitamin
C to bowel tolerance. What this means is that when you take too
much Vitamin C, the worst thing that can happen is that you poop
in your pants. If you consume large amounts of Vitamin C, your
body will absorb as much as it possibly can. If you consume too
much, your digestive system will stop absorbing it and make you
go to the bathroom. Sometimes quite quickly, so be careful.
Be careful, but don’t be afraid.
You do not need to have your medical doctor take a blood test to
tell you what your body has just told you quite clearly. Your body
just absorbed 10.5g of Vitamin C. Your tank was EXTREMELY
EMPTY! Your white blood cells and all the rest of your body’s
tissues were extremely deficient in Vitamin C and they are still not
completely filled up!
Continue to take more Vitamin C each day until you get a mild case
of diarrhea. Just like the old fashioned gasoline pumps, when you
try to put too much Vitamin C into your tank, your digestive
system will reject it and flush out any excess. After you have taken
enough Vitamin C to cause a mild case of diarrhea, you will know
that your tank is full and you will have a rough idea of how much
Vitamin C your body can hold. Diarrhea is a signal that your body
employs to tell you when enough is enough. Vitamin C is actually
a great solution for constipation! The amount of Vitamin C that
your body needs will vary from day to day, but just like the now
extinct gas station attendant, you will soon learn to put in just the
right amount.
Since the human body does not have an empty Vitamin C warning
light on its dashboard, the best way that you can answer the
question of “How much Vitamin C do you have in your body right
now?” is to be able to say...
Do you realize why your doctor has not checked the level of
Vitamin C in your white blood cells?
It is certainly not because this white blood cell test is some kind of
new technology that they have never heard of! This is fifty year old
textbook info. Did they not study when they were in school?
Could it possibly be that they do not want you to know of the
vitally important role that Vitamin C plays in immunity as well as
in cardiovascular health? Maybe your doctor hasn’t recommended
that you undergo this white blood cell test because they want to
hear your story about taking too much Vitamin C and almost
pooping in your pants!
Seriously, it is just too easy for your medical doctor to toe the line
and only do all of the “standard” stuff. Your doctor is all too happy
to check your total “cholesterol” and “calculate” your LDL,
declare that you have high levels, write a prescription, schedule a
follow up visit to check on the damage to your liver and then
shuttle you out of the office so that they can start recommending
more billable procedures for their next victim (patient)!
Medical doctors typically only run tests that measure things that
can be influenced by prescription drugs. That way, they don’t have
to get into actually using their brain in order to help you identify the
actual CAUSE of your problem. When your test results come back
from the lab, all the doctor has to do in order to get paid is write a
prescription. Then they get to schedule a whole series of ongoing
follow-up visits so that they can closely “monitor” the damage that
the drug (that they prescribed) is doing to your liver and other vital
organs. That way, they don’t have to get into trying to convince
you to change your diet or adjust your lifestyle or work on your
stress levels or, God forbid, help you to address any part of your
emotional, family, work or social life! All they have to do is send
you to a pharmacy with a little slip of paper. They don’t have to
bill you by the hour for an in-depth conversation. They don’t have
Your Doctor is a Liar! 425
Your medical doctor cannot admit that your body might need more
nutrients. You eat a “balanced” diet, right? A balanced diet
provides all the nutrition that human beings need, right? Your
medical doctor has absolutely no intention of openly admitting that
a nutrient as simple, as safe, as inexpensive and as readily available
as Vitamin C could be so important. To admit such a fact would
immediately incriminate them for not having told you that very fact
the first time that you walked into their office. One of the questions
on their initial patient questionaire could easily be...
That same questionaire could easily come with a standard issue set
of minimum dietary recommendations for you to follow, subject to
change based on your individual needs. BUT they are not going
to go against the almighty American Medical Association’s
recommendations that you don’t need any more than the minimum
amounts that are recommended by the government! They didn’t
stick their neck out when you first walked into their office, so they
are most certainly not going to put themselves into the vulnerable
position of recommending a test that might shed light on the fact
that maybe you do need a lot more Vitamin C than they have led
you to believe.
Remember, you have put on your doctor’s lab coat for a few
minutes to see things from their perspective. You’ve still got
medical school loans to repay. Maybe you have a big mortgage, a
boat payment and college tuition to pay for your three children to
go to Harvard, Yale and Princeton. Maybe you are thinking about
applying for a research position at the local university. Would you
rock the boat? Would you want to pay your staff for the hours that
they are going to have to spend attempting to justify your testing
recommendations? Would you want to have your practice
examined by someone in an official capacity who has the ability to
recommend that your license be revoked? Would you want your
fellow doctors to hear that you, of all people, are recommending
vitamins to your patients? Would you want to hear your former
friends whispering “quack” under their breath in the country club
locker room?
It’s easy to see why doctors don’t do the very best that they can. It’s
easy to see why even the mere existence of fifty year old, textbook
information is routinely denied and ignored. Make no mistake.
The medical world is a business. The medical system is set up in a
manner that drives doctors to treat symptoms, not CAUSES.
Treating symptoms can go on forever. In the business of medicine,
people who only treat symptoms become some of the very best
Your Doctor is a Liar! 427
repeat customers. Business is bad when patients like you get well.
Business drops off when you learn how to maintain your health on
your own. The medical system is not a health building business.
By definition, the medical system is a business of “managing”
disease. The more disease you have, the better their business is!
“Part of the problem is that nowhere in the world can one earn
an advanced degree denoting expertise in health promotion and
disease prevention... The objectives of true health care could best
be served by replacing the current malady-management system
with a system in which doctors are paid to keep people healthy
and fined when sickness occurs. The fine could then be used by
the patient to pay for treatment.”
Rob Faigin
Author of “Natural Hormone Enhancement”
Now, I’m not saying that your doctor thinks this way consciously.
I am saying that they are a product of the medical system. The
government offices that grant licenses get all of their advice from
the professional medical associations. The professional medical
associations get their advice from scientific research done at public
and private universities. Researchers at public and private
universities get their biggest research money from pharmaceutical
companies. Pharmaceutical companies get most of their money
from insurance companies who get most of their money from your
employers and now, due to prescription drug “reform”, they also
will be getting even more money from the people who pay federal
income taxes.
Your doctor lies to you because you want them to. You support
your doctor’s lies whenever you purposefully cast a political vote
for politicians because they support medical entitlement programs.
You support your doctor’s lies whenever you pay the copayment
for your share of the cost of your “visit” to a medical doctor. You
support your doctor’s lies whenever your feet don’t move you to
leave their office when you know that they are not helping you to
identify the CAUSE of your problem. You support your doctor’s
lies whenever you go to the pharmacy and buy the drugs that they
recommend for the temporary relief of your SYMPTOMS when
you know fully well that those drugs are not going to do anything
to help you in the long run, except give you a long list of side
effects. And you support your doctor’s lies with your feet and your
money and your silence when you go back for follow up visits
Your Doctor is a Liar! 429
again and again and again and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again and again and again.
Don’t even try to bullshit me. I’m on to you. I have seen it far too
many times... the glassy, dazed, scared, drugged out look in the
eyes of the “patients” of medical doctors. If you go to a medical
doctor, you KNOW that you are looking for drugs. You KNOW
that you want drugs in the vain attempt that you may be able to
forget about your problems for a while. I have news for you: Your
problems are still going to be there when the drugs wear off, and
they are probably going to be even worse. You don’t want to make
serious changes in your life. You don’t want to give up your bad
habits. You want drugs! That’s why you go to the only type of
person who is licensed to prescribe them. You take those drugs,
knowing full well that there is a long list of side effects that they
most assuredly will cause. You wash those drugs down with a
spoonful of the most ubiquitous drug that there is and you even sing
a Mary Poppins song about it! (“A spoonful of sugar helps the
medicine go down!)
You do all of this, and yet you are afraid to consume a modest
amount of Vitamin C in the form of food or nutritional supplement.
“Here is the main reason why animals don’t get heart attacks: With
few exceptions [primates, guinea pigs], animals produce vitamin C
in their bodies. The daily amounts of vitamin C produced by
animals vary between 1,000mg and 20,000mg, compared to human
body weight.”
“Relax your blood vessel walls: Spasms of the blood vessel walls
are the cause of high blood pressure. Dietary supplementation of
magnesium and vitamin C relaxes the blood vessel walls and
normalizes high blood pressure.”
Chapter 16
• • •
Your Doctor is a Liar! 437
The word “protein”, which was coined in the 1800s, comes from
the Greek word “proteios”, meaning “of primary importance”.
Proteins were the first substances found to be vital for the
formation of living tissue. Excluding water, about 75% of our
body mass is made up of protein. There are literally millions of
different proteins. All proteins are constructed from individual
building blocks known as amino acids. Just as an infinite number
of houses can be constructed from just a few different styles of
brick, an infinite number of proteins can be constructed from just
a few different amino acids. The human body makes use of at least
30 amino acids, twenty are used for 95% of all proteins, and 8-10
must be obtained from food because the body is unable to
manufacture them from other nutrients. I repeat... certain amino
acids must be obtained from food because the body is unable to
manufacture them from other nutrients.
The three strands that make up a braided collagen fiber must twist
and twist around each other. The amino acids glycine and proline
make up approximately 50% of every collagen molecule. Proline
is a unique amino acid in that it is three-dimensionally kinked or
bent, which is the perfect quality for braiding. Glycine is the
smallest amino acid. It is thus able to fit more tightly into the
braided triple-helix collagen molecule than any other amino acid
possibly could. Hydroxy-proline is created during the construction
of collagen fibers after a regular proline molecule has been
incorporated into the collagen structure. Hydroxy-proline helps to
hold the three strands together. Prolyl-4-hydroxylase is the enzyme
that is necessary to convert proline into hydroxy-proline.
amino acids, which are the building blocks of all protein. The most
common forms of tropo-elastin in humans are made from the
following sequences of amino acids:
(Endothelium) Lipoprotein(a)
coming to the
rescue to patch
Elastin Layer the cracks!
Lp(a) Lp(a)
(a) (a)
Medial Layer Lp
One of the most basic realities that your medical doctor is ignoring,
is that much research has already been done in order to determine
the nutrients that are needed in the diet in order to facilitate the
repair processes that maintain healthy levels of collagen and
elastin. Maybe that is because they don’t know very much about
Well, if you don’t know what the amino acid content of collagen
and elastin are, (and there is no reason why you would, because
your doctor most certainly does not know either!) then it is a safe
bet that you haven’t been able to make sure that you are getting
adequate amounts in your diet. How can you eat a proper diet to
maintain your body’s collagen and elastin if you have absolutely no
idea what you should eat in order to get the necessary nutrients?
of protein, the mixture of amino acids that you are getting from
that protein may not be aligned with the mix of amino acids that
your body actually needs. Everyone’s needs are different and
everyone needs to consume a unique diet in order to meet those
needs. Every individual person’s needs change on a day-to-day,
and even on a minute-by-minute basis. No one can tell you what
you should eat on a regular basis because there is no such thing as
a regular basis. Every day is different. The information in the
tables at the end of this chapter provides you with a database from
which you can start to make better decisions regarding the foods
that you choose to eat. A brief summary: Eat gelatin!
The most unique aspect of collagen and elastin, and their edible
cousin, gelatin,, are their unusual chemical make-up. As you will
see in the charts on the following pages, no other protein rich food
even comes close to providing as much of the specific amino acids
glycine, proline and hydroxy-proline as collagen, gelatin and
elastin do. The amino acids glycine, proline and hydroxy-proline
account for nearly 50% of the structural components of human
collagen and elastin.
The foods listed in the charts at the end of this chapter are the best
sources of glycine and proline, regardless of the percentages
shown in these charts, simply because these foods contain much
larger amounts of protein compared to the amount of protein found
in other foods. Please also note that vegetables, fruit, grains,
legumes, and certainly all processed foods contain exceedingly
small amounts of glycine and proline. Sugar contains absolutely
For over 100 years, collagen and elastin have been looked down
upon as lowly, incomplete proteins because they do not contain the
amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is not necessary for the
production of collagen or elastin. The main ingredients found in
collagen (and gelatin, which is the edible form of collagen) and
Your Doctor is a Liar! 449
Collagen is the scaffold that holds the entire body together, and
elastin is the flexible protein that provides flexibility and resilience,
especially in the cardiovascular system, yet vegans and certain
types of vegetarians consume absolutely zero collagen and elastin!
In fact, many vegetarians go out of their way to specifically avoid
the consumption of gelatin. I have personally witnessed
vegetarians refusing to swallow a nutritional supplement because
its ingredients were contained within a gelatin capsule. Even
hardy, carnivorous meat eaters tend to avoid the “tough cuts” of
meat, the sinew and the gristle that contain the most collagen and
elastin fibers. The “authority” figures in the health industry have
been telling everyone to avoid animal products for years.
“Some people have been told that high-protein diets damage the
kidneys. They don’t. Scientists at the Royal Veterinary and
Agricultural Institute in Copenhagen effectively put this myth to
rest. Dr. Anne Astrup and colleagues put sixty-five overweight
people on a high-protein diet for six months and found that their
kidneys easily adapted to increased protein levels. Furthermore,
kidney function remained perfect at the end of the experiment.”
Loren Cordain, Ph.D.
Author of “The Paleo Diet”
So why does your doctor and your federal government tell you to
limit your consumption of protein to 15% of your diet? Because...
My simple suggestion...
Add a packet of plain Knox gelatin
to your daily cup of hot green tea. It’s easy!
Your Doctor is a Liar! 455
Hydroxylysine 0.6 - - - - -
Hydroxy-Proline - - - - - -
Hydroxylysine - - - - - -
Hydroxy-Proline - - - - - - -
Hydroxylysine - - - - - - -
Hydroxy-Proline - - - -
Hydroxylysine - - - -
Chapter 17
• • •
• • •
• Cardiovascular disease
• Elevated “cholesterol” levels
• Aortic aneurism (burst blood vessels)
• Cerebral aneurism (hemorrhagic stroke)
• Irregular heart rhythms
• Increased blood pressure
• Thrombosis
• Iron-deficiency anemia
(copper is needed for iron absorption and usage)
• Hemorrhoids
• Reduced red blood cell function
• Shortened red blood cell lifespan
• Increased uric acid levels
Infants that are fed formula made from cow’s milk can easily
become deficient in copper. This is because cow’s milk can
contain relatively high levels of molybdenum which tends to form
insoluble chemical complexes with copper. Once the copper is
bound in this manner, it cannot be used and must be excreted.
Women can be at risk for copper deficiency after pregnancy
because children are born with large stores of copper at birth,
copper that was provided at the expense of the copper that had been
stored in the mother’s liver.
Copper aids in the conversion of the amino acid tyrosine into the
pigment melanin which gives hair and skin their colors.
So, has your medical doctor every spoken to you about the
importance of copper in regards to the health of your heart? Yeah,
I didn’t think so!
Chapter 18
• • •
“I’m a big believer in, if man makes it, don’t eat it - cakes, pies,
ice cream, fries, soda pop, that’s what’s killing people. Would
you get your dog up in the morning and give him a cup of coffee,
a cigarette and a doughnut? You’ve got to eat more natural foods
in their natural state... Your canned stuff, fried stuff, most of
your vegetables are picked green, then stored. I eat fish seven
days a week. You’ve got to have some protein, whether it’s a
steak or a lamb chop or chicken or turkey.”
Jack LaLanne
“Is our 20th century lifestyle so bad that we are literally killing
ourselves? Perhaps. There is our (SAD) Standard American
Diet . Less than 25% of us get the recommended 5 servings of
fruits and vegetables a day that protect against heart disease.
Even worse, 25% of the ‘vegetables’ we do eat in America are
french fries! Low fiber is a big problem, despite all the media
attention. The typical American eats less than 1/3 of the daily
fiber recommended for cardiovascular health! There’s our
sedentary lifestyle. Lack of exercise makes us a wide open target
for heart disease. Regular moderate exercise cuts the risk for
heart attack and stroke almost in half. New statistics from the
National Institute of Health show an astounding 58% of adult
Americans get no exercise at all! Americans are ‘stressed out’.
Chronic stress is a part of the American lifestyle. Most
Americans feel overwhelmed. Financial or work related stress is
common. A recent survey finds over 25% of baby boomers (at the
peak of their careers and earning power) still feel out of control
in their lives. Chronic stress causes coronary arteries to constrict
and blood pressure to soar. It’s is no wonder our hearts are about
to explode!”
Linda Page, N.D.
Author of “Healthy Healing”
Stop eating white rice and stop eating white rice that has been
dressed up to look like it isn’t white rice.
Stop eating anything that has been fried. No potato chips. No corn
chips. No french fries. No fried chicken. No fried green tomatoes.
No deep fried mozzarella sticks. No fried zucchini. No fried fish.
No fried onion rings. No popcorn popped in oil.
Go to your kitchen. Empty out the fridge. Empty out the pantry.
Empty out all of the cupboards. Look at the ingredient list on each
package. Please remember that Mother Nature only makes one
food at a time. If the package lists more than one ingredient, then
throw it away. It is not food. It is a manufactured product that does
not exist in nature. It was not designed by Mother Nature to
Your Doctor is a Liar! 477
Eat some foods that contain VITAMIN C. Eat a lot of foods that
contain Vitamin C. Take a lot of Vitamin C supplements. Do the
VITAMIN C Fill ‘er Up Routine as often as possible.
Only eat when the sun is up. Never eat after the sun has set.
Follow a rotation diet. This means that you should NOT eat the
same food day after day after day. Get a variety of foods. Too
much of even a good thing is no longer a good thing. If you eat a
specific food today, put it on the bottom of your list of things to eat
in the future. Look at the lists that I have provided and select from
the thousands of foods that are available in this world. Eat
something different. Then put that food on the bottom of your list
of foods to eat. Go eat something new.
“There are no new truths, but only truths that have not been
recognized by those who have perceived them without noticing.
A truth is something that everybody can be shown to know and to
have known, as people say, all along.”
Mary McCarthy
If your body only receives the same foods over and over and over,
then eventually a nutritional imbalance will set in. It may take
months or it may take years, but it will happen. Avoiding this is
simple. Start by eating as many different, real, whole, natural,
organic and free-range foods as possible. Make sure that your body
gets the widest possible variety of nutrients and make sure that it
doesn’t get too much of any one thing.
Explore the world of flower essences and the concept of the mind
body connection. Read books that have been written by Edward
Bach (Heal Thyself), Louise Hay (You Can Heal Yourself), Karol
Truman (Feelings Buried Alive Never Die), Ken Dychwald
(BodyMind) and others. Rent the movie What The Bleep do We
Know? Realize that your feelings and emotions are clearly
reflected in the condition of your physical body.
Get an air purifier for you bedroom, your bathroom, your kitchen,
your living area, your car and your workplace. As bad as our
outdoor air is, indoor air pollution is a far, far greater danger.
While you are going through all of your stuff, get a couple dozen
boxes and start filling them up with the things that you haven’t used
(or even seen) for years. Have a yard sale. Donate them to
charity. Throw stuff away. Clean out all the old, stale stuff that is
clogging up your life. Don’t live in a home that has wall-to-wall
artificial carpeting. Brand new carpeting gases off all kinds of
toxic, poisonous chemicals, and old carpeting is a breeding ground
for fungus, mites and countless other negative influences on your
health. Natural wood, ceramic tile or stone floors with washable
area rugs are much better options.
Observe your own thoughts. For that matter, start having your own
thoughts. Stop blindly accepting the thoughts that are spoon fed to
you by others in the media, government, education, medical and
religious establishment.
Throw away your television. Throw away your radio. Throw away
most of the music that you have collected over the years and only
keep the music that provides positive messages. Stop reading
commercial media such as newspapers, magazines, etc. Go to your
local library and read some of the classics.
Put down the PlayStation and your X-Box! Disconnect the TiVo!
Take the batteries out of the remotes! Call the satellite company
and tell them to take back their dish! Play catch with your kids
instead watching someone else playing sports. Go see a live
theatrical performance.
Learn how to tell a joke and tell many. Learn a new language, or
at least a few words. Learn how to play a new musical instrument.
Learn a new dance. Learn a new route to work. Go to a different
restaurant and order something different so that your tastebuds can
learn a new taste. Go to a florist and teach your nose how to smell
a new smell. Travel to somewhere on this earth that you have never
been and explore. Walk into a different church and ask someone to
help you learn about their religion.
Take the time to obtain and actually read the books on the
recommended reading list at the end of this book, especially
those marked by an asterisk. They will help you immensely in
developing a natural, real outlook towards health, an outlook that
addresses CAUSES, not symptoms.
Stand up straight. Look in the mirror. From either side, your ear,
your shoulder, your hip, your knee and your ankles should all fall
along a vertical line. Is your head screwed on straight? Or does it
tip to one side? Has the stress of working on the computer, at a
desk or behind the wheel of a car caused your head to begin to fall
forward? Are you twisted or torqued in any direction? If you are
out of alignment, then you are expending an enormous amount of
energy fighting gravity every minute of every day.
The most important thing that you can do to improve your health
is to realize that your health is your responsibility. You have
to understand and accept that it is your responsibility to know your
own body better than anyone else.
Medical doctors do not know anything at all about how to help you
maintain or restore good health. In this regard, absolutely all
medical doctors are liars! I know that this sounds harsh, but I stand
by my statement. Medical doctors, by definition, by tradition and
by law, are only allowed to and only know how to prescribe
poisonous drugs in a vain attempt to cause new symptoms in order
to divert your body’s attention away from the main problem.
Absolutely everything that they do only addresses the symptoms,
the effects of your situation. They never deal with CAUSES.
Absolutely nothing that they do is natural. Absolutely nothing that
they do builds and strengthens health. The practice of medicine
does not heal! NOT EVER. In fact, medical doctors murder
more than 100,000 people each and every year in America with
their properly prescribed prescription drugs! In the humble
opinion of this author, I believe that if you ever go to see a medical
doctor then you are either an ignorant fool or you have been
hypnotised by a very convincing, smooth-talking drug pusher, or
If you truly wish to be healthy then you need to start looking at your
life. You need to start looking for CAUSES! Take a good hard
look at all of your options. Look for possible CAUSES of your
health concern and eliminate or alter those CAUSES. Look
at every possible avenue (physical, emotional, chemical,
environmental, postural, electromagnetical, societal and more) and
People ate food that was 100% organic! Think about it. There
were no chemical pesticides. Absolutely everything, animal and
vegetable, was grown completely organically! What a wild,
New Age concept! They ate meat. They ate butter. They did
not consume artificial flavors, artificial colors and artificial
sweeteners. They did not consume artificially created,
un-natural pharmaceutical drugs.
If you have read this far, you certainly must know by now...
Your Doctor is a Liar! 491
Chapter 19
Recommended Reading
• • •
• • •
Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks... But People Do! *****
by Matthias Rath
ISBN 0-9679546-8-1
Syndrome X *****
by Jack Challem, Burton Beckson & Mellissa Diane Smith
ISBN 0-471-39858-6
Bodymind *****
by Ken Dychtwald
ISBN 0-87477-375-X
Your Doctor is a Liar! 495
Ultra-Prevention *****
by Mark Hyman and Mark Liponis
ISBN 0-7432-2711-5
Empty Harvest
by Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson
ISBN 0-89529-416-8
Inventing AIDS
by Cindy Patton
ISBN 0-415-90257-6