Job Portal:: or Jobseeker

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Job Portal :
Vimalkaƞs job portal solution is a very flexible web
product. it allows users/members to search for jobs and it
also allows users to post their resumes. Users are able to
search job listings for free. Employers are able to signup
for and pay a fee to create and post job listings.
Employers are also able to quickly search, select then

view resumes posted by users that are looking for

employment opportunities and jobs.

Vimalkaƞs job portal solution is a very flexible web product. it allows users/members to search for jobs and it also allows
users to post their resumes. Users are able to search job listings for free. Employers are able to signup for and pay a
fee to create and post job listings. Employers are also able to quickly search, select then view resumes posted by users
that are looking for employment opportunities and jobs. This job site is mainly developed for job-seekers to upload or
build their online-resumes and the Employers to post their Jobs or view resumes. Separately three areas have been
developed for administrator, job seeker and employer. It has multiple features especially for the administrator, who can
manage the full site from administrator panel.

½or Jobseeker

1.c egistration Module

2.c Members Login ½eature
3.c uome Page ½eature
4.c earch job Module
5.c aved Job Module
6.c Ñover Letter Module
7.c esume Builder

1.c egistration Module

a.c User enter account details, contact details, and resume summary, education details, upload resume
information to become a member.
b.c Free resume posting during the registration
c.c Activation emails send it to the user after registration.
2.c Members Login ½eature
a.c User easily login with their username and password.
b.c Forgot Password option. User receive mail for forget password.
3.c uome Page ½eature
a.c uome town search - user search the job in his / her home town.
b.c Search agent - user can create the agent and search job by any one search agent.
c.c User can block and unblock the companies which one company he / she want to block or unblock
Set profile visibility of his / her profile.
d.c User can set their resume either active or inactive.
e.c Cover letter creation.
f.c Change password - user change new password into new password.
g.c User can preview, edit, delete and print their resume.
h.c User can update the profile.
4.c earch job Module
a.c -uick job search - Enter any keyword to search jobs.
b.c Advance job search - Enter keyword or experience or location or functional area to search jobs.
c.c Jobs search by role - Selecting the category or subcategory to search jobs.
d.c Job search by industry - Choose any one industry to search jobs.
e.c My Saved Jobs - User can view their saved jobs.
5.c aved Job Module
a.c User can save the jobs when they are searching the jobs in the site.
b.c User can apply the jobs from the saved job list.
6.c Ñover Letter Module
a.c Create new cover letters
b.c Create new cover letters by giving the cover letter name,
c.c User can attach their resumes.
d.c Save cover letter
e.c Preview cover letter
f.c Edit cover letter
g.c Delete cover letter
7.c esume Builder
a.c Enter key information
b.c upload or paste resume
c.c Enter supplemental information
d.c Free resume posting

½or Admin

1.c Loginm
b.c Administrator logs in with username and password.

2.c ½unctional Aream

b.c Add functional area

b.c Edit functional area

c.c Remove functional area

3.c ¦ndustry Typem

c.c Add industry type

b.c Edit industry type

c.c Remove industry type

4.c uome Page Ads

d.c Add home page ads.

b.c Edit ads

c.c Remove ads
d.c Maintain active and inactive ads

5.c nquires

e.c -ueries or comments are posted by user

f.c Manage the admin enquiries
g.c Reply queries or comments to the user.
h.c Delete enquiries

6.c ÑM

f.c Edit About Us , privacy information , tell to a friend and Terms & conditions

7.c Price settings

g.c Database access price, Job Postings and Featured Employer.

b.c Add / edit /delete product

c.c These updates are viewed in the payment package details in User view section.

8.c ‰ewsletters

h.c Send the news letter about the jobs site to the job seekers

b.c Send the news letter about the jobs site to the recruiters

9.c Manage seekers

i.c Maintains the user address information

b.c Maintains the user profile information.

c.c Delete the user profile.
d.c Make the user profile as an active or inactive profile
e.c Based on that status when the recruiter search the resumes
f.c If the profile status was active recruiter can view their user profile otherwise they can't view their
profile information.
g.c When the admin is going to make the profile status either active or inactive admin have to enter the
reason for change the profile status
h.c Reason will send it to the user

10.c Manage employers

j.c Employer or recruiter buys the package for feature employer

b.c Before mark as active or inactive the admin contact the recruiter to send the format of images
c.c Based on the admin status it will view in the home page as a featured employer list.
d.c Maintains the database access members
e.c Maintain the standard employers
f.c Maintain the featured employers.
g.c Maintain the employers address details.
h.c Maintain the employers profile details
i.c Admin can delete the employers
j.c Admin can mark the employer either active or inactive
k.c Admin can view employer's profile


1.c Ñ s earch-‰ationality
a.c Maintain the CV's by nationality that is country vice
b.c List the county and members count.
c.c Export these details in the excel format.

2.c Ñ s earch-¦ndustry
a.c Maintain the CV's by industry that is Industry vice
b.c Maintain these details in the excel format.

3.c Members eports

a.c Maintain the CV's by nationality that is country vice
b.c Maintain these details in the excel format

Product ½eatures

1.c Manage Logo

a.c Admin Can Change Logo From Admin Panel
b.c Admin can also Upload New Logo For Website
c.c Admin can change the template of the portal.

Manage ite ¦nformation

1.c Admin can Change Website Name

2.c Admin can Website Path
3.c Admin can Manage Email Address

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