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A file containing relatively permanent data is

a)Random file b)Master file c)Transaction file d)Sequential file e) None

2. One million bytes of information is abbreviated as

a) Bit b) KB c) MB d) GB e) None

3. Bing is also known as

a) MSN Search b) Live Search c) Windows Live Search d) All e) None

4. Microsoft’s latest operating system is

a)Vista b)Vista Advanced c)Windows XP d)Windows 7 e)None

5. AltaVista is a

a)Search engine b)Windows OS c)Browser d)Virus e)Vista Theme

6. What is other name of LAN Card

a)MODEM b)NIC c)Internet Card d)Network Connector e)None

7. Which is the latest type of printer interface?

a)Serial b)DVI c)Parallel d)USB e)none

8. In Windows XP, which shortcut is used you lock the computer?

a) Ctrl + L

b) Windows key + K

c) Ctrl + K

d) Scroll Lock key

e) Windows key + L

9. The maximum number of IDE devices that can be installed in an ATX computer

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5

10. When using characters in Windows, what code does Windows use?


11. Which protocol provides name resolution for host and domain names for a




12. How fast is Fast Ethernet?

a)10 Mbps b)100 Mbps c) 256 Kbps d)1 Gbps e)10 Gbps

13. YouTube service of streaming videos online is provided by

a)Google b)Microsoft c)IBM d)Apple e)Sony

14. Which one is not true?

a)Google is a search engine

b)Ubuntu is a system software

c)Windows XP launched in 2001

d)Buzz is an e-Commerce company

e) None

15. A Laptop or Notebook marked 802.11n in its feature, it means device support

a)Bluetooth b)WiMAX c)USB d)Wi-Fi LAN e)3G

16. In EXCEL, the default workbook opens with

a) One worksheets

b) Two worksheets
c) Three worksheets

d) Four worksheets

e) None

17. In Excel, this surrounds an active cell.

a) Cell border

b) Cell outline

c) Cell rim

d) Cell selector

e) None

18. In H2O the figure 2 is appeared lowered. Which effect has been applied?

a) Superscript

b) Lowered

c) Subscript

d) Laid down

e) None

19. What is the Thesaurus used for?

a) Grammar options

b) Spelling options

c) Opposite Words

d) Synonyms and Antonyms

d) None

20. What is the shortcut of Research command in MS-Word?

a) Alt + click b) F3 c) Ctrl + F d) F7 e) None

1. For the purposes of defining data needs, a responsibility area is

a) Marketing b) Personnel c) Administration d) Finance e) None

2. The problem statement should include all of the following except:

a) Input. b) Output. c) Processing d) Storage e) None

3. Hotmail, a free web-based email service operated by which company

a) Apple b) Rediff c) Microsoft d) Yahoo e) Google

4. A collection of 4 binary digits is known as

a) Half Bit b)1/2 KB c) Byte d) Nibble e) None

5. How many types of arithmetic operations does the ALU of all computers


a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8 e) 5

6. Which of the following is not a part of the CPU?

a) Arithmetic and Logic Unit

b) Storage Unit

c) Program Unit

d) Control Unit

e) None

7. Which of the following is not a unit of measurement in computer systems?

a)DPI b)PPI c)API d)Bd e)MB

8. In Windows XP, which shortcut is used to cycle through opened items in taskbar?

a) Ctrl + Tab
b) Alt + Tab

c) Ctrl + Esc

d) Alt + Esc

e) None

9. A digital computer compute the value of expression 2 * 5 - 2 >2 inside

a) RAM b) CPU Chip c) Hard Disk d) Floppy Disk e) MS-Excel

10. To produce a high-quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you would want to use a

a)Virtual Printer b)Laser Printer c)Ink-jet Printer d)Plotter e)RGB Monitor

11. Which of the following is fastest memory ?

a) DDR RAM b) DDR2 RAM c) DDR3 RAM d) Swap Memory e) Buffer


12. Which protocol is used by operating system to generate error message like

‘Host Unreachable’ over a TCP/IP network?

a) HTTP/1.1 b) ICMP c) PPP d) ICGM e) TCP/IP

13. What does SNMP stands for?

a) Simple Network Mail Protocol

b) Single Network Mail Protocol

c) Single Network Message Protocol

d) Simple Network Management Protocol

e) None
14. On a school computer, Tina learned how to copy programs. A classmate asked her

to copy a program for his home use. Her most ethical response would be which of

the following?

a) I'll copy it, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.

b) I don't know how to copy disks.

c) I can't copy it because it will break copyright laws.

d) I'll copy it for you, but you can't copy it for anyone else.

e) None

15. Which of the following is not true?

a)LOGO stands for Live On Google’s Orkut

b)BIOS is a system software

c)GRUB is a Linux bootloader

d)Ruby is a web scripting language

e) LILO is a Linux bootloader

16. What is the function of Drop Cap?

a) It does not allow capital letters to be used in the documents.

b) It makes first letter of each word capital letter in the documents

c) It lets you begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter.

d) It automatically starts all paragraphs and sentences with capital letters.

e) None

17. What is Mail-Merge?

a) a web based e-mail service with no spam

b) a name of Yahoo! MINDSET search feature

c) a new virus-hoax which can delete data from mail-inbox

d) a feature of MS-Word used to create multiple documents like letters,

mailing labels, name tags etc.

e) None

18. In MS-Excel 2003, the default workbook sheet contain maximum………

a) 65535 Rows b) 65536 Rows e) 1048576 Rows e) 65537 Rows c) None

19. In MS-Word, a menu item in dim color (gray) indicate that the menu is ?

a) Toggle Menu

b) Unavailable for current context

c) Not much required menu

d) Over Used Menu

e) None

20. Hot-Key is a

a) FireWire port

b) Alternate Key

c) Keyboard Shortcut

d) Primary Key

e) None

1. After a program has shown that it runs and produces results, the next step is


a) Save b) Load c) Exit d) Test e) List

2. A computer that works with discrete quantities is

a) Hybrid . b) Optical. c) Digital d) Analog e) None

3. A 32 bit computer word consists of………?

a) 4 bytes b) 8 bytes c) 16 bytes d) 32 bytes e) None

4. The process of checking the validity of information held in a transaction file is

a) Verification b) Test data c) Validation d) Updating e) None

5. What is a ‘tuple’?

a) Another name for a table in an RDBMS.

b) Another name for the key linking different tables in a database.

c) Initial seed value of a field

d) A row or record in a database table.

e) An attribute attached to a record.

6. Which of the following is not a web scripting language?

a) ASP b) DSP c) JSP d) PHP e) HTML

7. Which one of the following work as both an input and output device?

a) Keyboard b) QWERTY Keyboard c) Mouse d) Scanner e) Modem

8. Which of the following companies is also known as ‘Big Blue’

a) Intel b) IBM c) Microsoft d) Adobe System e) Google

9. Which of the following is not an operating system for personal computers?

a) Windows XP b)Windows 7 c) Red Hat Linux d) Google’s Nexus One


10. A network where all systems have equal status is called:

a) Peer-to-Peer.

b) A Star Network.

c) The Internet.

d) Client-Server.

e) None

11. What is the communications protocol that allows you to connect your computer

to the Internet using a standard telephone line ?

a) HTTP b) ISDN c) SLIP d) TCP/IP e) None

12. What is the name given to the standard or set of rules that two computers use

to communicate with each other ?

a) Access Control b) Domain c) Link d) Protocol e) TCP/IP

13. What does SMPS stands for?

a) Switched Mode Power Supply

b) Single Mode Power Supply

c) Simple Mode Power Supply

d) Synchronous Mode Power Supply

e) None

14. When a user turns on a Windows XP system, which program will activate first?

a) Exhaust fan of SMPS will start rotating

b) Windows XP logo screen appear with progress bar

c) Operating System start to load its file in RAM.

d) Desktop screen appear with mouse pointer

e) BIOS the in-charge of system start executing

15. In Windows Explorer, when a user press Alt key and Double-click a file/folder

simultaneously, what will happen?

a) Selected file/folder will open in new window

b) Selected file/folder will open in same window

c) Selected file/folder will move to recycle bin

d) Properties dialog box of Selected file/folder will open

e) None

16. Which of the following is not true?

a) TCP is a connection-oriented protocol

b) 48 is an Octal Number

c) FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol

d) A file having extension PNG is a graphic file

e) C++ is a computer programming language

17. In MS-Excel, what is the keyboard shortcut to complete a cell entry and move up

in the selection?

a) Ctrl + TAB

b) Shift + TAB

c) Alt + ENTER

d) Shift + ENTER

e) None

18. What is the file extension used for Microsoft Word document templates?
a) .dot b) .wdt c) .txt d) .exe e) .doc

19. Which Access component is best for data presentation?

a) Table b) Form c) Report d) Query e) None

20. What would you see while spell checking the phrase “My father was write”?

a) The word “write” is misspelled.

b) A red line appears under “write”

c) A green line appears under “write”

d) The word “father” is misspelled.

e) No errors.

1. A set of related records in a database is known as a______?

a) File b) Tuples c) Field d) Record-group e) None

2. One piece or item of information in a database is known as a/an ____?

a) Record b) Entry c) File d) Field e) None

3. Locking was introduced into databases so that _____?

a) Consistency can be enforced

b) Keys can be provided to maintain security

c) All simultaneous transactions are prevented

d) Passwords can be provided to maintain security

e) None

4. The four parts of a database listed in ascending order are?

a) File, record, field, entry

b) Entry, field, record, file

c) Field, entry, record, file

d) Record, field, entry, file

e) None

5. Which input device is used to read characters directly from an ordinary piece of


a) OMR b) OCR c) TSR d) PCR e) None

6. Which of the following operating system is launched by IBM for personal


a) IBM-DOS b) MS-DOS c) OS/2 d) PC-DOS e) None

7. Which generation of computer use Artificial Intelligence?

a) Third b) Fourth c) Fifth d) Sixth e) None

8. Which of the following is not a name of network topology?

a) Bus b) NetWare c) Tree d) Ring e) Mesh

9. A _______ server store and manages files for network user?

a) Main b) Web c) File d) Authentication e) None

10. A medium for transferring data between two locations is called ____?

a) Network b) Modem c) Sharing d) Communication Channel e) Data Bus

11. Personal logs or journal entries posted on the Web are known as_______?

a) Twitter b) Blogs c) Web casts d) User-Forum e) None

12. Before a hard disk can be used to store data, it must be _________ firstly?

a) Partitioned b) Labeled c) Formatted d) Addressed e) None

13. What is Rover in Windows XP?

a) An animated character

b) A mouse hover event

c) Busy hourglass mouse cursor

d) A routing and remote access service

e) None

14. A computer-hoax is?

a) A Trojan threat

b) A computer hacker

c) A program that blows up every time you use it

d) A program intended to scare users into thinking they have a virus

e) None

15. Which of the following is not a Microsoft operating system?

a) Windows XP

b) Windows ME

c) Windows CE

d) Windows MX

e) All the above

16. What does SATA stands for?

a) Super Advanced Technology Attachment

b) Serial Advanced Technology Attachment

c) Serial Access Technology Attachment

d) Small Access Technology Attachment

e) None

17. Which one of the following is not true?

a) Front panel of computer case is also called Bezel

b) Python is a computer programming language

c) XP stands for eXPerience in Windows XP

d) DPI (dots per inch) is a measurement of printer resolution

e) All are true

18. The type of line spacing that leaves a blank line between each line keyed is

known as?

a) Single spacing

b) Double spacing

c) Triple spacing

d) Quadruple spacing

e) None

19. The page margins of a document refer to the?

a) Header on each page

b) Page orientation

c) White space left for binding

d) White space surrounding the page

e) None

20. In order to delete the word “RAM” using the backspace key, the cursor must


a) Before the letter M.

b) After the letter A

c) Before the letter R

d) After the letter M

e) Can not delete

1. A group of attribute/field in a database is known as a______.

a) Record b) File c) Database d) Entry e) None

2. A ______ describe a category of information in a table of database.

a) Record b) File c) Entry d) Field e) None

3. A goal of data mining includes which of the following?

a) To confirm that data exists

b) To create a new data warehouse

c) To analyze data for expected relationships

d) To explain some observed event or condition

e) None of the above

4. The correct hierarchical order, smallest to largest, for the following database

terms is:

a) File, Field, Record, Database

b) File, Record, Field, Database

c) Record, Field, File, Database

d) Field, Record, File, Database

e) None of the above

5. In RDBMS , DBA is responsible for:

a) Physical database design

b) Defining conceptual models and schema

c) Defining security and integrity rules

d) Defining backup and recovery mechanisms

e) All the above

6. When data changes in multiple lists and all lists are not updated, this causes


a) Duplicate data

b) Data redundancy

c) Data inconsistency

d) Information overload

e) None

7. Which of the following programming method is used to minimize data errors

when data

is transferred over a network?

a) Checksum b) Checkbit c) Cryptography d) Encryption e) None

8. Which device act as a traffic cop over a network?

a) Modem b) Hub c) Switch d) Router e) None

9. How many layers are present in Open System Interconnection (OSI) model of


a) Five b) Six c) Seven d) Eight e) None of these

10. Which layer of OSI model, firstly make use of unit of data called “Packet”?

a) Datalink Layer

b) Transport Layer

c) Network Layer

d) Presentation Layer

e) None

11. Communication between computers is established, maintained and terminated by

_____ .

a) Network Layer

b) Session Layer

c) Application Layer

d) Presentation Layer

e) None

12. Which term identifies a specific computer on the web and the main page of the



a) URL b) Hyperlink c) Web site address d) Domain name e) None of these

13. The place where data or information is stored for a short time is

a) Memory b) Control Unit c) Buffer d) ALU e) None

14. The section of CPU which selects, interprets and sees to the execution of program

a) ALU b) Control Unit c) Register Unit d) Processing Unit e) None

15. Which program is used to convert assembly language to machine language?

a) Compiler b) Interpreter c) Linker d) Assembler e) None

16. The process of finding errors in software’s source code

a) Debugging b) Compiling c) Testing d) Running e) None

17. A computer programmer

a) can draw only flowchart

b) can enter data quickly

c) does all the thinking for a computer

d) can operate all type of computer equipment

e) None

18. Primary Memory of a personal computer consists of

a) RAM only

b) ROM only

c) Hard Disk only

d) Both (a) and (b)

e) All (a), (b), and (c)

19. A Trojan horse is

a) An ad ware program

b) A virus disguised as a useful program.

c) A program that blows up every time you use it

d) A spy ware which steal information over internet

e) None

20. Which one of the following is not true?

a) HTTP Protocol is used to view a web page in a browser

b) Android is Google's operating system for mobile devices

c) GHz is the measurement used to determine the speed of processor

d) WAN requires the same technology as LAN

e) All are true

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