Sample Tenancy Agreement
Sample Tenancy Agreement
Sample Tenancy Agreement
](Permanent Address)
(where the Tenant is more than one person, obligations are undertaken
both individually and together)
Guarantor [ ](Name)
](Permanent address)
Building [
] (Accommodation Address)
Room Type [ ] (Room Type)
Tenancy Period Starting From [ ]2010
Finishing on [ ]2011
[ ](Weeks)
Rent £[ ] payable in advance in 3 instalments:
First instalment is due 8 days prior to the tenancy start date and the 2nd
and 3rd instalment is due on the 14 January 2011 and 29 April 2011.
Please refer to Serious IQ for a Breakdown of the amounts.
Car Park Space Car park space £[ ]
Where Applicable.
Tenancy Deposit £[ ]
2. iQ agrees to grant and the tenant agrees to take the tenancy of a Type [ ]Room
with the use of the Shared Area at [
](Name and address of the site) to
be allocated at the start of the Tenancy.
3. I have paid a booking fee of £[ ]. At the beginning of the Tenancy Period this will
become the Tenancy Deposit.
4. If I have opted for a Car Park Space, I will comply with the obligations in Schedule 5. Any
payment for the Car Park Space is treated as extra rent.
5. The Room and the Shared Area are furnished in accordance with the inventory at Schedule 2.
6. Deductions from the Tenancy Deposit may only be made under clause A9 and Schedule 4.
7. I am responsible for:-
• ensuring my guests and visitors comply with all the obligations and restrictions in this
Tenancy Agreement that apply to me; and
• any damage caused by my guests or visitors.
8. I agree to keep to the House Rules set out in Schedule 3 and any additions or revisions issued
by iQ from time to time, for the proper management of the Building.
10. Any terms beginning with a capital letter are either defined above or in Schedule 1.
11. iQ certifies that the information relating to the Tenancy Deposit in this Agreement is accurate
to the best of its knowledge and belief.
Tenancy Conditions
A. My obligations to iQ
Financial Matters
A1 I agree to pay the Rent in full for the whole Tenancy Period, in the instalments and on the
dates stated on page 1, whether or not I receive a formal request from iQ.
• where I have failed to clean the Room or the Shared Area or have caused damage, the
reasonable costs of cleaning, redecoration, repair and replacement, in accordance with
clause A9;
• any Utilities usage exceeding £350 for the Tenancy Period;
• any costs incurred by iQ arising from my breach of this Tenancy (including legal fees and
court costs);
• interest on any overdue sum at a rate of 3% above the base rate of Bank of Scotland plc,
calculated from the due date until actual payment.
A3 I am responsible for obtaining a licence for any television in the Room, and (jointly with the
other tenants of the Flat) in the Shared Area.
A4 I accept the Room, the Shared Area, the Room Items and Shared Items as being present
and in good repair and condition, unless I inform the iQ to the contrary in writing within 48
hours of moving-in.
A5 I will use the Room, the Shared Area and all Room Items and Shared Items carefully and
keep them in at least as good a condition as at the start of the Tenancy. I am not
responsible for:-
A7 I will keep the Room and the Room Items hygienically clean and tidy throughout the
Tenancy Period. I will, jointly with the other tenants of the Flat, keep the Shared Area and
the Shared Items hygienically clean and tidy throughout the Tenancy Period.
A8 I am responsible for any damage I cause to the Building (including the Room, the Shared
Area, the Room Items and Shared Items and all furnishings, fixtures and fittings) other than
damage covered by iQ's insurance policy for the Building.
A9 If:-
1. the Room, the Shared Area or any Room Item or Shared Item is not hygienically clean and
tidy; or
2. there has been damage to the Room, the Shared Area or any Room Item or Shared Item for
which I am wholly or partly responsible; or
3. I have caused a blockage of the drains by breaching clause A6; or
4. I cause damage to any other part of the Building (including any furnishings, fittings or
I agree that at any time during and at the end of the Tenancy Period iQ may:
• make a charge for the reasonable costs of cleaning, redecoration, and repair of the Building
(including the Room and the Shared Area) and of cleaning, repair and, where necessary,
replacement of any broken doors, windows or furnishings, fittings and equipment; and
• deduct such charge from the Tenancy Deposit under the rules in Schedule 4; and if there is
a shortfall I will immediately pay the balance.
A10 Where I am responsible for a charge jointly with others, iQ will assess the proportion for
which I am responsible.
A11 I will not attempt to carry out any repairs, but will report any damage as soon as possible.
A12 I will move into the Room within 4 weeks of the start of the Tenancy Period.
A13 Only I am allowed to live in the Room. I will not assign the Tenancy nor sublet the Room
nor allow others to share or occupy it.
A14 I will only use the Room and the Shared Area for private residential purposes.
A15 I will inform iQ if I am likely to be absent from the Room for more than 48 hours (I
appreciate this is important for fire safety and security reasons).
A16 I will inform iQ immediately if I cease to be a student in higher education; and I will pay (or
indemnify iQ for) any Council Tax charge that may be imposed as a result.
A17 I will not smoke anywhere in the Building, nor on the roads, paths or pavements
immediately outside the Building.
A18 I will not bring into or keep any of the following in the Building, including the Flat:-
• animals;
• illegal drugs or substances whether for my own use or otherwise unless prescribed by a
medical practitioner;
• weapons or imitation weapons;
• liquid or gaseous fuel, noxious or explosive substances or gas, paraffin or gas heater or
• anything which burns with a naked flame or smoulders, such as candles, oil lamps, or
incense burners;
• any furniture or electrical equipment that does not comply with current British Standards
and statutory regulations;
• bicycles (except in areas designated by iQ).
A19 I will not do any of the following in the Building:-
• anything unlawful;
• anything which may cause a nuisance, or disturb or annoy neighbours within or beyond the
• prepare food other than in the kitchen;
• use a deep-fat fryer;
• play any radio, music player, television or musical instrument or sing in a way that may be
a nuisance or disturb or annoy neighbours within or beyond the Building, or be heard
outside the Room between 11pm and 9.00am;
• harass or threaten harassment on the grounds of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual
orientation or disability;
• be violent or abusive or act in an intimidating manner, or threaten to do so;
• tamper with fixtures, fittings and equipment including, without limitation space heating and
lighting equipment, kitchen and bathroom fittings and equipment, fire safety equipment, fire
doors and restrictors on the windows.
A20 I will only display notices, posters or similar articles on the notice boards (if any) provided.
A21 I will obtain iQ's prior written approval to any party or meeting of more than 6 people. I will
ensure that all gatherings arranged by me or taking place in the Building respect the terms
of this Tenancy Agreement.
A22 I will not dry items of laundry on the heaters within the Flat, nor hang them so as to be
visible from outside the Building.
A23 I will not compromise the security of the Building by leaving windows open when not in the
Room, leaving security doors open or 'on the latch' or allowing unauthorised visitors to
A25 I will remove all rubbish from the Room and Shared Area at least once every week and
dispose of it in the area designated by iQ.
A26 Unless I have paid for a car park space, I will not park at the Building. I accept that any
unauthorised vehicles may be clamped, requiring payment of a release fee.
A27 I will not do anything which might invalidate any insurance policy for the Building or its
contents or which might entitle the insurers to refuse to pay out any part of an insurance
claim, or which might increase the insurance premium.
A29 I will allow iQ, and their respective employees, Agents and contractors access to the Flat at
reasonable times on not less than 24 hours' notice (except in emergency):-
• to inspect the condition of the Flat, the Shared Items and the Room Items;
• to carry out works to the Building;
• to perform its obligations under this Tenancy Agreement and under statute; or
• to show the Flat to prospective tenants;
A31 I agree that iQ may remove, store, sell or otherwise dispose of any personal possessions
which I leave in the Flat at the end of the Tenancy Period, and I will reimburse IQ for any
costs it incurs in doing so.
A32 I have not provided false or misleading information nor made a false statement in order to
obtain this Tenancy.
Quiet enjoyment
B1 If I pay the Rent and comply with this Tenancy Agreement iQ will permit me quietly to enjoy
the Room without unwarranted interference.
B2 iQ will insure the Building against fire and other usual comprehensive risks as long as
insurance cover is available at commercial rates.
B4 iQ will:-
• keep the structure and exterior of the Building (including the window frames and window
glass) and the Common Areas in good repair;
• keep the Service Media in or serving the Room and the Shared Area in good repair and
proper working order, including:
• basins, sinks, showers, toilets and waste pipes;
• electric wiring including sockets and switches and water pipes;
• water heaters, fitted wall heaters and central heating systems;
• keep all Room Items and Shared Items in good repair and proper working order;
• keep the Common Areas within the buildings clean and properly lit, and (in the case of a lift)
functioning safely;
• keep the laundry facilities in good repair and proper working order;
• ensure that any furniture and electrical equipment it provides complies with the relevant
statutory regulations;
• provide reasonable space heating and an adequate supply of hot and cold water and
electricity to the Room and Shared Area.
B5 I accept that iQ will not be responsible for any temporary interruption in services for
reasons beyond its control. IQ will seek to restore any interrupted services as soon as
B7 iQ allows me access over the Common Areas in order to gain access to the Flat, the laundry,
the common room, the management suite and the bicycle store within the Building.
C. Suspension of rent
If the Room or Shared Area is destroyed or made uninhabitable or inaccessible by fire or other risk
against which iQ has insured, then:-
• iQ will seek offer temporary alternative accommodation, in which case the Rent will continue
to be payable; but
• if iQ is unable to offer temporary alternative accommodation the Rent will stop being payable
until the Room and Shared Area is reinstated, made habitable and accessible. Any rent paid in
advance will be refunded on a daily basis.
D1 iQ may terminate this Tenancy Agreement if any of the circumstances listed in grounds 8,
10-15 inclusive or 17 of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 (as amended) apply (these
include arrears of Rent or any similar sums, breach of this Tenancy Agreement, causing a
nuisance or annoyance to neighbours, and illegal activity).
D2 iQ may terminate the Tenancy Period early by giving at least 2 months prior written notice
to the Tenant if:-
• the Room or Shared Area is destroyed or made uninhabitable or inaccessible by fire or other
event, and reinstatement has not occurred within 2 months; or
• I cease to be a student in higher education; and the circumstances in section 21 of the
Housing Act 1988 apply.
D3 Repossession or termination does not prejudice to any claim iQ may have against me for
any outstanding breach of this Tenancy Agreement.
In order to carry out emergency repairs iQ may, on giving reasonable notice, and at iQ's expense,
move me to temporary suitable alternative accommodation.
F. Guarantor
1. iQ has entered into this Tenancy Agreement at the request of the Guarantor.
2. The Guarantor agrees with iQ that if, at any time during the Tenancy Period, the Tenant
defaults in paying the Rent or other sums due under this Tenancy Agreement, or is in breach
of any covenant or obligation in this Tenancy Agreement, then the Guarantor will:-
• pay any Rent and other sums due under this Tenancy Agreement within 10 Working Days
of receipt of a written demand; and
• remedy any of the Tenant's covenants and obligations, or (if the breach cannot be
remedied within a reasonable time) pay iQ on demand for all iQ's losses, damages, costs
and expenses arising as a result of the Tenant's breach.
3. The Guarantor's liability will not be reduced or released by any delay or concession by iQ in
enforcing the Tenant's covenants and obligations.
G. Contact details
1. If iQ needs to serve any notice on me, it may be delivered by hand or sent by first-class post
to the Room address or the address stated on page 1 or any other address I have given to iQ.
2. If iQ needs to serve any notice on the Guarantor, it may be delivered by hand or sent by first-
class post to the address stated on page 1 or any other address given to iQ.
3. If I need to serve any notice on iQ, it may be delivered by hand or sent by first-class post to
the address stated on page 1.
Schedule 1 - Defined terms and interpretation
Throughout this Tenancy Agreement, the following terms have following meanings:
"Building": includes the buildings, grounds, car park, driveways, footpaths and landscaped areas;
"Common Areas": the external grounds, car park, driveways, footpaths and landscaped areas,
and the following areas within the buildings: laundry room, common room, cycle store, halls,
corridors, staircases, lifts, and landings;
"House Rules": the rules in Schedule 2 and any revisions issued by iQ from time to time, for the
benefit of the Building;
"ICE": the Independent Case Examiner of the Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme;
"Room": the Room stated on page 1, including its furnishings, fixtures and fittings, carpets, doors
and internal glass but excluding the Service Media within the Room;
"Room Item": the items to be provided in the Room and listed under the heading "Room Items"
in the Inventory;
"Service Media": central heating and hot water systems, electrical services for power and
lighting, drainage and water services, and any data or phone services provided;
"Shared Area" the kitchen/dining/lounge areas together with the corridor within the Flat including
its furnishings, fixtures and fittings, carpets, doors and internal glass but excluding the Service
Media within the Shared Area;
"Shared Items": the items to be provided in the Shared Area and listed under the heading
"Shared Items" in the Inventory;
"Utilities": electricity, water supply, foul water disposal [and broadband internet access];
"Working Day": any day other than Saturday, Sunday or any bank or public holiday.
2. If the Tenant or the Guarantor is more than one person, obligations are undertaken
individually and together.
3. The term "iQ" includes any person or company who may legally succeed it.
[ ]
Schedule 3 - House Rules
2. The deposit is held by the Tenancy Deposit Holder as stakeholder. The Tenancy Deposit Holder
is a member of the Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme.
3. The Tenancy Deposit has been taken as security for the following purposes:
3.1 any damage, or compensation for damage, to the Building, the Room, the Shared Area,
their fixtures and fittings, the Room Items or the Shared Items or for missing items for
which I may be liable under clause A9;
3.2 the reasonable costs incurred in compensating iQ for, or for rectifying or remedying any
breach by me of my obligations under the Tenancy Agreement;
3.3 any Rent or other money due from me under the Tenancy Agreement of which I have
been notified.
5. iQ must tell me within 20 Working Days of the end of the Tenancy Period if it proposes to make
any deduction from the Tenancy Deposit.
6. If there has been no damage, and no sum is due to iQ, the Tenancy Deposit must be returned
to me within 20 Working Days of the end of the Tenancy Period.
7. If iQ proposes to make any deduction from the Tenancy Deposit, any undisputed balance of the
Tenancy Deposit must be returned to me within 20 Working Days of the end of the Tenancy
8. If iQ:-
• fails to return the Tenancy Deposit and fails to notify me of any proposed deduction
within 20 Working Days of the end of the Tenancy Period; or
• having notified me of any proposed deduction fails to return any undisputed balance of
Tenancy Deposit within 20 Working Days after the end of the Tenancy Period
I may refer the matter directly to the Independent Case Examiner of the Tenancy Deposit
Protection Scheme ("ICE").
9. If there is no dispute iQ will keep or repay the Tenancy Deposit, according to the agreed
deductions and the conditions of this Tenancy Agreement. Payment of the Tenancy Deposit or
any balance of it will be made within 10 Working Days after iQ and I agree the allocation of the
Tenancy Deposit. Any interest earned on the Tenancy Deposit will be allocated in the same way
as the Tenancy Deposit.
10. If I intend to dispute any deduction from the Tenancy Deposit proposed by iQ I will try to
inform iQ in writing within 10 Working Days after receiving notification of the proposed
11. If after 10 Working Days following notification of a dispute under paragraph 10, and despite
reasonable attempts having been made in that time to resolve any differences, the dispute
remains unresolved, it will (subject to paragraph 13) be submitted to the ICE for adjudication.
iQ and I agree to co-operate with the adjudication.
12. If iQ notifies ICE of the dispute, it must, at the same time ensure that the amount of the
disputed Tenancy Deposit is sent to the Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme. If I notify ICE of
the dispute, iQ must ensure that the amount of the disputed Tenancy Deposit is sent to the
Tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme within 10 Working Days after receiving notification of
registration of the dispute. These obligations apply whether or not iQ and I wish the ICE to
resolve the dispute.
13. If the amount in dispute is over £5,000 iQ and I agree to submit to formal arbitration through
the engagement of an arbitrator appointed by the ICE. However, with the written agreement of
both parties, the ICE may at his discretion accept the dispute for adjudication. The
appointment of an arbitrator will incur an administration fee, to be fixed by the Board of The
Dispute Service Limited from time to time, shared equally between iQ and me; the liability for
any subsequent costs will depend on the award made by the arbitrator.
14. My statutory right, and iQ's statutory right to take legal action through the County Court remain
unaffected by paragraphs 11 or 13.
Schedule 5 – Car Park Space
• The Annual Rent for the Car Park Space is Payable at the time of reservation.
• Access to the Car Park will not be granted prior to the Tenancy Start Date and or until iQ is in
full receipt of the Annual Rent.
• The Make and Registration Number of the Vehicle must be registered with the Site
Accommodation Team at the time of arrival. If the vehicle is changed all details must be
notified in writing to the Accommodation Team within 24 Hours.
• The Vehicle must be parked with the designated parking bays only.
• The Driver of the Vehicle must obey the speed limit within car park area and take all
reasonable care of other vehicles and pedestrians.
End of document.