Information described in this document is furnished for general information only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be
construed as a warranty or commitment by PTC. PTC assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear
in this document.
The software described in this document is provided under written license agreement, contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary
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Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft
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VisTools library is copyrighted software of Visual Kinematics, Inc. (VKI) containing confidential trade secret information belonging
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product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Parametric Technology Corporation, 128 Technology Drive, Waltham, MA 02453-8905 6 September 2000
Table of Contents
About the Pro/PIPING User Interface (Spec-Driven) ...................................... 15
Bend File............................................................................................................. 58
Insulation File..................................................................................................... 63
isogen_symbol_map_file (Spec-Driven).......................................................... 89
isogen_output_files_dir (Spec-Driven)............................................................ 89
pipe_solid_centerline (Spec-Driven)................................................................ 99
piping_end_compatibility_file (Spec-Driven).................................................. 99
piping_fitt_angle_tolerance (Spec-Driven)...................................................... 99
Example: Displaying the Flow Direction of a Specified Pipeline Series .... 109
To Create the Pipeline Model for a Pipeline with Branch Series ................ 109
Example: Default Flow Direction for Pipeline with Branch Series.............. 110
To Create the Pipeline Model for a Pipeline with Loop Series .................... 111
Example: Default Flow Direction for Pipeline with Loop Series ................. 111
Port Location for Fittings with Butt Welded/Flanged Ends ......................... 119
Port Location for Fittings with socket Welded/Threaded Ends .................. 121
NEAR, FAR, and CENTER Alignment Locations Based on Fitting Ports... 123
Example: List of ANSI Pipes and Fittings in the Library ............................. 132
You can also click . The INFORMATION WINDOW opens to display the Line Stock name, the
parameter name, the value of the parameter, and the value of the violation (if applicable).
parameter names must begin with a letter. Click to add the parameter to the pipeline.
- Retrieve existing user-defined pipeline parameters from a file. Click . The Open dialog box
opens. Select the file to retrieve and double-click.
Pro/PIPING displays the user-defined parameters in the list boxes.
10. Click to accept all pipeline data and create the pipeline. The ROUTE PIPE menu appears.
Begin routing the pipeline.
Note: The pipeline_assembly_name_format and pipeline_label_format configuration
options set the pipeline label and assembly name formats respectively.
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click to confirm the update. The dialog
· The piping assembly conversion processes occur on a pipeline basis only. Fitting are not converted.
· Mixed models are not allowed. Non Specification-Driven and Specification-Driven pipelines cannot be
included in the same piping assembly.
· Mixed assemblies are allowed. Non Specification-Driven and Specification-Driven assemblies and
subassemblies can be grouped.
· All existing line stocks are automatically deleted. The Non Specification-Driven mode permits different
line stock assignments to each pipe segment.
· Pipe solids failure can occur due to pipeline size changes.
- Retrieve existing user-defined pipeline parameters from a file. Click . The Open dialog box
opens. Select the file to retrieve and double-click.
Pro/PIPING displays the user-defined parameters.
10. Click to accept all pipeline data and begin the conversion process.
The Pro/ENGINEER message area displays the pipeline conversion status. Pro/PIPING generates new line
stocks based on the assigned specification.
· You must perform this conversion process each time you switch from the Non Specification-Driven to
the Specification-Driven design mode.
· You must select each assembly to convert. Mixed assemblies are allowed.
· Every pipeline in the active assembly must be converted.
· All existing fittings remain Non Specification-Driven.
· All existing line stocks are automatically deleted.
· Pipe solids failure can occur due to pipeline size changes.
· Within piping systems, Pro/PIPING always organizes pipelines by number.
· UNCLASSIFIED-GROUP contains all Non Specification-Driven pipelines.
becomes available.
4. Click Centerline to display pipe centerlines for the selection. appears next to the selected pipeline
in the Piping System Tree.
Click Solid to display pipe solids for the selection. appears next to the selected pipeline in the
Piping System Tree.
You can select Reset Mode to clear the display mode.
Note: The Piping System Tree centerline or solid display mode differs from the centerline or solid display
capabilities in Set Display and the mode set by the pipe_solid_centerline configuration option in
the following ways:
- The Piping System Tree centerline or solid display mode allows you to select one or more
pipelines in the active assembly, including subassemblies. You can display the selected pipeline
with a pipe solid or centerline. Note that if you are creating pipelines based on the "one pipeline
per assembly" modeling method, it is recommended that you use this centerline/solid display
- The Set Display centerline or solid display mode (PIPING > Set Up > Set Display) enables you
to select only one pipeline in the active assembly, but not in the subassemblies. You can display
the selected pipeline with a pipe solid or centerline.
- The mode set by the pipe_solid_centerline configuration option indicates the center of
the pipe solid geometry with a line. This is a global setting for all pipelines.
information under Results. You can either scroll to view the entire report or click and view the
report in the separate INFORMATION WINDOW.
5. Click to apply the Design Rule Parameters. The Design Rule Parameters dialog box closes.
2. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on the directory path in
the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
3. Double-click the Auto-Selection file that is associated with the specification that you want to modify.
The Open File dialog box closes. In the Define Piping Specification dialog box, the file name appears
in the blue border next to Auto-Select File.
4. Under Select Record, select the specification record that you want to modify.
5. You can change corner types using the following methods:
- Bend and Miter Corner Types—Under Define Record, select the Allow Bend and/or Allow
Miter check boxes to accept bend and/or mitered corner types. Clear the check boxes to make
these corner types unavailable to the specification.
- Fitting Corner Types—Select the Fitting tabbed page on the Define Piping Specification dialog
box. To add a corner fitting, either add a corner fitting to an existing fitting record or create a new
fitting record that contains a corner fitting. You can delete a fitting records that contain corner
fittings to make them unavailable to the specification.
6. Click to insert the changes to the selected record. Pro/PIPING modifies the existing record and
displays the changes under Select Record.
7. Click to save changes to the file. The current directory is based on the directory path in the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
8. Click File > Exit. The Define Piping Specification dialog box closes.
9. Update the model. Click Set Up > Update Model. The Update Model dialog box opens.
10. Under Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to apply the changes.
11. Under Model Information, select the Corner Types check box.
2. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on the directory path in
the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
3. Double-click the Auto-Selection file that is associated with the specification that you want to modify.
The Open File dialog box closes. In the Define Piping Specification dialog box, the file name appears
in the blue border next to Auto-Select File.
4. Under Select Record, select the specification record that you want to modify.
5. Select the Pipe, Fitting, or Assembly (fitting) tabbed pages for the type of stock number format to
6. Under Define Record and Select Stock Number Format, select new format keywords from the
Keyword box or enter unique keywords. You can delete any keyword to make it unavailable to the
7. Click to insert the changes to the selected record. Pro/PIPING modifies the record and displays
the changes under Select Record.
8. Click to save changes to the file. The current directory is based on the directory path in the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
9. Click File > Exit. The Define Piping Specification dialog box closes.
10. Update the model. Click Set Up > Update Model. The Update Model dialog box opens.
11. Under Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to apply the changes.
12. Under Model Information, select the Stock Number check box.
13. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click to confirm the update. The dialog
boxes close and Pro/PIPING updates the active assembly information. Pro/PIPING confirms the update
in the Message Area.
14. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model displayed in the graphics
15. Verify the changes. To display the stock number in the updated format, click PIPING > Info. In the
Report Pipeline dialog box, select General (under Info Type) and Segment (under Definition).
16. Click and select a pipe segment in the graphics window. Note that the segment must be from the
updated assembly. Pro/PIPING displays the pipeline information in the Results window. You can also
4. Click to save the selections. Pro/PIPING saves the insulation data in an insulation feature in the
active assembly. You can retrieve insulation information (PIPING > Info) to view the assigned
insulation data.
· The following Specification Database files must be populated with insulation data in order to assign
insulation to specification-driven pipelines:
- Insulation Directory file (Project Data file) must contain records for the insulation codes.
- Insulation MCAT file (Master Catalog file) that is assigned to an insulation code must contain
insulation data.
· Pro/PIPING creates insulation solids automatically after you create pipe solids.
6. Click . Pro/PIPING deletes the selected insulation feature from the Model Tree and the graphics
Note: The Model Tree must display features to delete insulation features from the Model Tree. Click View
> Model Tree Setup > Item Display. Under Display, select the Features check box and click OK.
specifies the start or end point distance from the pipe segment upstream end.
specifies the start or end point distance ratio from the pipe segment upstream end.
places a start or end point on the pipe segment perpendicular to that pipe segment. Note that
the start point pipe segment must be perpendicular to the end point pipe segment to make this option
places a start or end point from a specified datum plane. The datum plane must be
perpendicular to the start or end point pipe segment. Pro/PIPING creates a reference to the datum
5. Under Positioning Parameters, specify the point location parameters based on the selected placement
option. Use the thumb wheel to move the point placement or enter a value in the thumb wheel box and
ENTER for exact placement.
If you selected the Datum plane reference placement option, , select a datum plane from the
Note: You can define the MCAT directory path by setting the piping_mcat_dir configuration option.
Default Path:
<ProE load point>/text/piping_data/sample_project/piping_specs_dir.ptd
Default Path:
<ProE load point>/text/piping_data/sample_project/a7a_asfile.ptd
Default Path:
<Pro/E load point>/text/piping_data/sample_project/
ES insulation/general_fitting Aqua
EH insulation/exhaust Violet
EN insulation/general_fitting Wheat
EK insulation/general_fitting Wheat
EC insulation/sweat Cyan
1 fit_valve VALVE,
2 fit_flange FLANGE
3 fit_elbow ELBOW
4 fit_branch BRANCH,
5 fit_red REDUCER
7 fit_assembly ASSEMBLY
in the input panel. If you want to store the PCF file in another directory, click . The Select
Directory to place output PCFs dialog box opens. Browse for the directory and click . If
there is no value for isogen_output_files_dir, this input panel will be blank and all files
generated by the interface will be written to the current working directory.
- Isogen File—The value of the config.pro option isogen_mandatory_attr_file appears in
the input panel. Click to select a different ISOGEN file. The Select ISOGEN File dialog
box opens. Browse for the file and double-click.
- Symbol Map File—The value of the config.pro option isogen_symbol_map_file appears
in the input panel. Click to change to a different symbol map file. The Select Symbol Map
File dialog box opens. Browse for the file and double-click.
- Endtype Map File—The value of the config.pro option isogen_endtype_map_file appears
in the input panel. Click to change the endtype map file. The Select Endtype Map File
dialog box opens. Browse for the file and double-click.
5. Click the General Attr tab. These attributes are supported by ISOGEN and can be used to determine
various isometric drawing options.
6. Under Specify General Attributes, click the System Attr tab. The following fields are optional
ISOGEN system attributes:
- Date—Specify the date. Pro/PIPING displays the current system date by default. You can change
the value using the format --/--/--. The value entered here is written to the PCF file for the DATE-
DMY ISOGEN attribute.
- Project Identifier—Specify the project number or name.
- Revision Number—Specify the revision number.
- Area or Batch—Specify the sections of a project.
- Replot—Specify the number of isometric drawings to be replotted.
- Spool Prefix—Specify the spool identifier prefix.
- Weld Prefix Erection—Specify the erection weld prefix.
9. Click to apply the specified options on the selected pipelines, create the necessary PCF files,
and close the dialog box.
Click to apply the specified options on the selected pipelines, create the necessary PCF files,
and keep the dialog box open for further selections.
2. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on the directory path in
the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
3. Double-click the Specification Directory file that contains the specification that you want to modify.
The Open File dialog box closes. In the Define Piping Specification dialog box, the file name appears
in the blue border next to Specification Directory File.
4. Under Select Record, select the specification record that you want to modify.
5. Under Define Record, select a new piping color from the Color box. You can define new colors (View
> Model Setup > Color & Appearances). Refer to Setting Colors in the Utilities Menu portion of
Pro/ENGINEER Basics for more information.
6. Click to insert the changes to the selected record. Pro/PIPING modifies the existing record and
displays the changes under Select Record.
7. Click to save the changes to the file. The current directory is based on the directory path in the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
8. Click File > Exit. The Define Piping Specification dialog box closes.
9. Update the model. Click Set Up > Update Model. The Update Model dialog box opens.
10. Under Assembly, click and select the assembly to which you want to apply the changes.
11. Under Model Information, select the Color check box.
12. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click to confirm the update. The dialog
boxes close and Pro/PIPING updates the active assembly information. Pro/PIPING confirms the update
in the Message Area.
13. Verify the changes. Click PIPING > Info. In the Report Pipeline dialog box, select General (under
Info Type) and Segment (under Definition).
14. Click and select a pipe segment in the graphics window. Note that the segment must be from the
updated assembly. Pro/PIPING displays the pipeline information in the Results window. You can also
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click to confirm the update. The dialog
boxes close and Pro/PIPING updates the active assembly information. Pro/PIPING confirms the update
in the Message Area.
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click to confirm the update. The dialog
boxes close and Pro/PIPING updates the active assembly information. Pro/PIPING confirms the update
in the Message Area.
7. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model displayed in the graphics
8. Verify the changes. Click PIPING > Info. In the Report Pipeline dialog box, select General (under
Info Type) and Segment (under Definition).
9. Click and select a pipe segment in the graphics window. Note that the segment must be from the
updated assembly. Pro/PIPING displays the pipeline information in the Results window. You can also
3. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on the directory path in
the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
4. Double-click the Auto-Selection file that is associated with the specification that you want to modify.
The Open File dialog box closes. In the Define Piping Specification dialog box, the file name appears
in the blue border next to Auto-Select File.
5. Under Select Record, select the specification record that you want to modify.
6. Select the Pipe or Fitting tabbed pages for the material code type. Pro/PIPING displays the updated
material code in the Material Code box under Define Record.
7. Click to insert a new record that contains the changes. Pro/PIPING adds the record and displays
the changes under Select Record. Note that you must delete the existing record before Pro/PIPING can
insert the record with the new material code.
13. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click to confirm the update. The dialog
boxes close and Pro/PIPING updates the active assembly information. Pro/PIPING confirms the update
in the Message Area.
14. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model displayed in the graphics
15. Verify the changes. Click PIPING > Info. In the Report Pipeline dialog box, select General (under
Info Type) and Segment (under Definition).
16. Click and select a pipe segment in the graphics window. Note that the segment must be from the
updated assembly. Pro/PIPING displays the pipeline information in the Results window. You can also
Note: You can define the MCAT Directory File name by setting the piping_mcat_dir_file
configuration option (default is piping_mcat_dir.ptd).
1" 1.315 01
1-1/2" 1.9 1D
2" 2.375 02
3" 3.5 03
4" 1.315 04
6" 6.625 06
8" 8.625 08
10" 10.75 10
12" 12.75 12
14" 14 14
16" 16 16
18" 18 18
20" 20 20
24" 24 24
40 1" 0.133
40 1-1/2" 0.145
40 2" 0.154
40 3" 0.216
40 4" 0.237
40 6" 0.28
40 8" 0.322
40 10" 0.365
40 12" 0.406
40 14" 0.438
40 16" 0.5
40 18" 0.562
40 20" 0.594
40 24" 0.688
80 1" 0.179
80 1-1/2" 0.2
80 2" 0.218
80 3" 0.3
80 4" 0.337
80 6" 0.432
80 8" 0.5
80 10" 0.594
80 12" 0.688
80 14" 0.75
80 16" 0.844
80 18" 0.938
80 20" 1.031
80 24" 1.218
40 2" BE
40 3" BE
40 4" BE
40 6" BE
40 8" BE
40 10" BE
40 12" BE
40 14" BE
40 16" BE
40 18" BE
40 20" BE
40 24" BE
40 36" BE
80 ½" PE
80 ¾" PE
80 1" PE
80 1-1/2" PE
Note: You can define the Piping Material file name by setting the piping_material_file
configuration option (default is piping_material.ptd).
Note: You can define the Pipe Manufacture Directory file name by setting the
piping_manufacture_dir_file configuration option (default is
Bend File
The Bend file defines the bend information for pipe sizes that are assigned to specific pipe material codes.
Pipe material codes and the Bend files are associated in the Pipe Manufacture MCAT file. The Pipe
Manufacture file is associated to the Pipe Master Catalog file for each material code through the Piping
Material file.
Pro/PIPING retrieves the bend radius from the Bend file. This bend data is based on the pipe size and is
used for specification-driven pipeline creation and routing.
Note: The Bend file units of measurement must be the same as those in the Pipe Outer Diameter file.
Example: Bend Radius
1 Bend Radius
½" 2.2
¾" 2.4
1" 2.5
1-1/2" 4.2
2" 5.8
3" 6
4" 11.2
6" 13
½" 3.0
¾" 3.0
1" 3.0
1-1/2" 5.0
2" 5.8
3" 6.0
4" 10.5
6" 13.0
Miter File
The Miter file defines miter information for pipe sizes that are assigned to specific pipe material codes. The
pipe material codes are associated with the Pipe Master Catalog file through the Piping Master Catalog
Directory file.
Pro/PIPING uses the Miter file to retrieve miter cut lengths, number of cuts, and minimum and maximum
miter angles. This miter data is based on pipe size and is used for miter cuts during specification-driven
pipeline creation.
Note: The Miter file units of measurement must be the same as those in the Pipe Outer Diameter file.
The following example illustrates miter cutting:
1 1 Cut
2 2 Cuts
3 3 Cuts
4 Miter Angle
5 Miter Radius
½" 2.2
¾" 2.4
1" 2.5
1-1/2" 4.2
2" 5.8
3" 6
4" 11.2
6" 13
FF 150 GF 150
Insulation File
The Insulation file defines the insulation data for pipes and fittings. Pro/PIPING retrieves the insulation
material code and material thickness from the Insulation file and uses this insulation data for use in
insulation modeling and reporting.
The following table describes the Insulation file format:
Insulation: Mineral wool cover/provision refrigeration pipe cover
Steel wire
Cloth: Glass cloth/galvanized steel
You select the piping data needed and click to create the pipeline. Pro/PIPING copies the selected
piping data to the linestock and insulation features, and opens the ROUTE PIPE submenu. You can begin
to route the pipeline.
Fitting Insertion
After you select a pipeline and insertion point, Pro/PIPING retrieves the piping data from the Specification
Directory file. This data includes the specification name and the pipe size from the pipeline. The piping
data directs Pro/PIPING to the Auto-Selection file where Pro/PIPING retrieves the fittings that you
assigned to the specification. Pro/PIPING populates the appropriate fitting insertion dialog boxes with this
You select a fitting with the Fitting Category buttons. After you click a button, Pro/PIPING retrieves only
the fittings (in the category) that you assigned to the Auto-Selection file for that specification.
For example, you click PIPING > Fitting Insert and select the pipeline for specification 12A. You select
the valve fitting category button to select a valve fitting. Pro/PIPING retrieves all valve fittings that you
assigned to the specification 12A Auto-Selection file (12a_asfile.ptd). After you select the valve
fitting, click to insert it.
The following table describes the Specification Directory file format:
Note: You can define the Specification Directory file name by setting the piping_spec_dir_file
configuration option (default is piping_spec_dir.ptd).
11. Select an Auto-Selection file (required). Click to open the Select Auto Selection File dialog
box. Select an Auto-Selection file and double-click. The selected file populates the Auto Selection box.
The current directory is based on the directory path in the piping_project_data_dir
configuration option.
12. Do one of the following:
- Select the Insulation Code check box to assign an insulation code to the current specification
record (optional). The Insulation Code box lists all insulation codes in the Insulation Directory
Project Data file.
- Clear the Insulation Code check box and make the insulation codes unavailable to the
13. Click to add the new specification record to the Specification Directory file. Pro/PIPING lists the
record under Select Record.
14. Click to save the file. The current directory is based on the directory path in the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
15. Click File > Exit.
4. Click to create a new file. The New File dialog box opens.
5. Under Type, select Auto-Selection File and enter a file name. This file will contain all pipe and fitting
data assigned to one piping specification. It is highly recommended that you use a file name that
includes the file descriptor. For example, <specification or mnemonic
6. Click to open the file. Pro/PIPING displays the file name in the blue border next to Auto-Select
Note: You can define the Insulation Directory file name by setting the
piping_insulation_dir_file configuration option.
4. Click to create a new file. The New File dialog box opens.
5. Under Type, select Insulation Directory File and enter a file name. This file will contain the insulation
data for the entire piping project. It is recommended that you use a descriptive file name such as
10. Click to add the new insulation record to the Insulation Directory file. Pro/PIPING lists the record
under Select Record.
11. Click to save the Insulation Directory file. The current directory is based on the directory path in
the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
12. Click File > Exit.
Note: To assign an insulation record to a project specification, select an insulation code when you define a
specification in the Specification Directory file.
Note: You can define the Fitting Category Map file name by setting the
piping_fitt_category_map_file configuration option.
After you create the icon files, store the files in the Pro/PIPING resource location and map them to their
appropriate fitting categories in the Fitting Category Map file. For more information about mapping fitting
category icon files, refer to the Fitting Category Map file topics.
a. Click next to Sizes. One of two Size Table dialog boxes opens according to the type of
fitting selected from the Master Catalog box. Pro/PIPING lists all fitting sizes assigned to the
selected Fitting MCAT file. Each fitting size contains a check box to indicate selection status.
Pro/PIPING selects all sizes by default. Clear each check box to make a fitting size unavailable
from the fitting record. You can click to reset the list to the Pro/PIPING default selections.
b. Click to save all changes. The Size Table dialog box closes.
7. Select a stock number format for the fitting record (required). The Select Stock Number Format box
10. Click to add the new fitting record to the Auto-Selection file. Pro/PIPING lists the record under
Select Record.
11. Click to save the Auto-Selection file. The current directory is based on the directory path in the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
12. Repeat the above steps to define additional fitting records.
Click the Assembly tab to define all assembly fitting records for the current Auto-Selection file.
Click File > Exit.
a. Click next to Sizes. The Size Table dialog boxes opens. Pro/PIPING lists all pipe sizes
assigned to the pipe records (Pipe tabbed page). Pro/PIPING retrieves the pipe sizes from the
current Auto-Selection file. Each pipe size contains a check box to indicate selection status.
Pro/PIPING selects all sizes by default. Clear each check box to make a size unavailable from the
assembly fitting record. You can click to reset the list to the Pro/PIPING default selections.
b. Click to confirm all changes. The Size Table dialog box closes.
3. Select a stock number format for the assembly fitting record (required). The Select Stock Number
Format box lists all stock number formats defined for the assembly fitting records in the current Auto-
Selection file. Pro/PIPING displays assembly fitting stock numbers during information reporting.
Under Select Stock Number Format, perform the following tasks to select an assembly fitting stock
number format:
a. Select the stock number format keywords. You can select Pro/PIPING format keywords from the
Keyword box, enter words or ASCII characters required by your project, or choose a combination
of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a delimiter from the
Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that delimiters must be enclosed with commas
omitting any white space (,-,).
4. Select a material classification code (MCCS) format for the assembly fitting record (optional). The
Select Material Classification Code Format box lists all material classification code formats defined
for the assembly fitting records in the current Auto-Selection file.
Under Select Material Classification Code Format, perform the following tasks to select an MCCS
a. Select the MCCS format keywords. You can select Pro/PIPING format keywords from the
Keyword box, enter words or ASCII characters required by your project, or choose a combination
of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a delimiter from the
Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that delimiters must be enclosed with commas
omitting any white space (,-,).
5. Under Select Selection Name, enter an assembly fitting selection name (required). The Select
Selection Name box lists all selection names defined for the assembly fitting records in the current
Auto-Selection file. Pro/PIPING uses the assembly fitting selection names to populate the Selection
Name boxes in the Insert Fitting dialog box.
6. Click to add the new assembly fitting record to the Auto-Selection file. Pro/PIPING lists the
record under Select Record.
7. Click to save the Auto-Selection file. The current directory is based on the directory path in the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
8. Repeat the above steps to define additional assembly fitting records.
Click File > Exit.
Lists all sizes defined in the MCAT file that you Displays the size selection status with a check box.
selected. Pro/PIPING selects all sizes by default. You can
clear a check box to make the size unavailable.
Lists all main sizes defined in the MCAT File that Displays the branch or new size selection status
you selected. with a check box. Pro/PIPING selects all branch or
new sizes by default. You can clear a check box to
make the size unavailable.
In the above example, there are two reducer fitting
sizes with the main size 32A:
· 32A (main size) to 20A (new size)
· 32A (main size) to 25A (new size)
a. Click next to Sizes. The Size Table dialog box opens. Pro/PIPING lists all pipe sizes
assigned to the selected Pipe MCAT file. Each pipe size contains a check box to indicate selection
status. Pro/PIPING selects all sizes by default. Clear each check box to make a pipe size
unavailable from the pipe record. You can click to reset the list to the Pro/PIPING default
b. Click to save all changes. The Size Table dialog box closes.
7. Select a stock number format for the pipe record (required). The Select Stock Number Format box
lists the stock number formats defined for the pipe records in the current Auto-Selection file.
Pro/PIPING displays the pipe stock number during information reporting.
Under Select Stock Number Format, perform the following tasks to select the pipe stock number
a. Select the stock number format keywords. You can select Pro/PIPING format keywords from the
Keyword box, enter words or ASCII characters required by your project, or choose a combination
of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a delimiter from the
Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that delimiters must be enclosed with commas
omitting any white space (,-,).
8. Select a material classification code (MCCS) format for the pipe record (optional). The Select Material
Classification Code Format box lists all material classification code formats defined for the pipe
records in the current Auto-Selection file.
Under Select Material Classification Code Format, select an MCCS format as follows:
a. Select the MCCS format keywords. You can select Pro/PIPING format keywords from the
Keyword box, enter words or ASCII characters required by your project, or choose a combination
of both.
b. Select a delimiter. A delimiter separates areas in a listing. You can select a delimiter from the
Delimiter box or enter a new delimiter. Note that delimiters must be enclosed with commas
omitting any white space (,-,).
9. Select either one or both of the following pipe corner type check boxes for the pipe record (optional):
- Allow Bend—Enables corner bends for the selected pipe.
- Allow Miter—Allows mitered corners for the selected pipe.
10. Click to add the new pipe record to the Auto-Selection file. Pro/PIPING lists the record under
Select Record.
11. Click to save the Auto-Selection file. The current directory is based on the directory path in the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
12. Repeat the above steps to define additional pipe records.
Click the Fitting tab to define all fitting records for the current Auto-Selection file.
Click File > Exit.
4. Click . The Open File dialog box opens. The current directory is based on the directory path in
the piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
5. Double-click one of the following Project Data Files:
- Specification Directory file
- Auto-Selection file
- Insulation Directory file
Pro/PIPING displays the file name in the blue border next to the file type.
6. Under Select Record, select a record to modify. Note that for Auto-Selection files, you must select the
appropriate tabbed page (Pipe, Fitting, or Assembly) before selecting a record.
7. Under Define Record, modify the data in the appropriate boxes. Click See Also for more information.
8. Click to add the changes to the selected record. Pro/PIPING either creates a new record or
modifies the existing record and displays all changes under Select Record.
9. Click to save the file. The current directory is based on the directory path in the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
10. Click File > Exit.
Deleting a Record
Under Select Record, select the record to delete. Click and follow steps 9 and 10 above.
Format Keywords
The following tables describe the stock number and material classification code (MCCS) format keywords
for pipes, fittings, and assembly fitting records in the Auto-Selection files:
Assembly Fittings
Enter the name of the existing bend table file and click . The system reads the file data and writes
it to the current bend table file. Modify the bend table data, if needed.
4. Click File > Save and Exit to save and close the bend table. You must now assign the new bend table
to a pipe segment or line stock to use it.
radius radius radius radius radius
outside diameter bend allow bend allow bend allow ...
outside diameter ... ... ... ...
MATERIALS, END MATERIALS and TABLE exactly as shown.
· The following definitions apply for the above bend table format:
- FORMULA—An equation for the developed length.
- TABLE— A combination of pipe outer diameter (OD) and bend radius table data that will never
be encountered in your pipe assembly. For example, 0.25 bend radius with an OD of 0.5 inches.
· Comment lines can appear anywhere in a bend table. Each comment line in the table must start with an
exclamation point (!).
5. Click to apply the bend table. The Design Rule Parameters dialog box closes.
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click to confirm the update. The dialog
boxes close and Pro/PIPING updates the active assembly information. Pro/PIPING confirms the update
in the Message Area.
7. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model displayed in the graphics
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click to confirm the update. The dialog
boxes close and Pro/PIPING updates the active assembly information. Pro/PIPING confirms the update
in the Message Area.
7. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model displayed in the graphics
8. Verify the changes. Click Set Up > Design Rules. The Define Design Rules dialog box opens.
9. Do one of the following:
- Under By Segment, click and select a pipe segment.
- Under By Parameters, select a linestock.
10. Click . The Design Rule Parameters dialog box opens and displays the updated bend
6. Click . The Confirm Cancel dialog box opens. Click to confirm the update. The dialog
boxes close and Pro/PIPING updates the active assembly information. Pro/PIPING confirms the update
in the Message Area.
7. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) to apply the changes to the piping model displayed in the graphics
Note: The double asterisks (**) indicate ISOGEN endtypes. You can use these characters or replace them
with suitable endtypes allowed by ISOGEN. If you use the asterisks, Pro/PIPING matches the fitting
endtype in the model against the corresponding ISOGEN endtypes and the ISOGEN endtypes replace the
asterisks for each fitting.
The disadvantage of using the double asterisks is that if the ISOGEN Endtype Map file does not contain a
mapped ISOGEN endtype, Pro/PIPING ignores the setting in the ISOGEN Symbol Map and selects the
default symbol key (SKEY).
isogen_mandatory_attr_file (Spec-Driven)
isogen.fls, <valid file name>
Specify a name for the file that contains ISOGEN mandatory attribute files.
isogen_endtype_map_file (Spec-Driven)
<absolute directory path and valid file name>
Specify a path and name for the file that maps Pro/PIPING endtypes with ISOGEN endtypes.
isogen_symbol_map_file (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/isodata/isogen_symbol_map.ptd, <absolute directory path and
valid file name>
Specify a path and name for the file that maps Pro/PIPING fitting library part names with ISOGEN
component names and symbol keys (SKEY).
isogen_output_files_dir (Spec-Driven)
<proe_run_directory>, <absolute directory path>
Specify a directory path for archiving the ISOGEN output files.
isogen_pcf_filename_format (Spec-Driven)
mnemonic-specification-number, <a combination of the following keywords: size, specification, mnemonic,
number, insulation, and any valid file name characters>. Delimiter characters must be enclosed by commas
(,) omitting any white space. For example MNEMONIC,-,SIZE.
Specify a name format for ISOGEN (.pcf) files. Pro/PIPING creates ISOGEN file names from the values
assigned to the keywords. See the following example:
ISOGEN File Name Format Assigned Values ISOGEN (.pcf) File Name
Default Path:
<ProE load directory>/text/piping_data/isodata/isogen_symbol_map.ptd
Default Path:
<ProE load directory>/text/piping_data/isodata/isogen_endtype_map.ptd
Default Path:
<ProE load
10A ¼ 10
15A ½ 15
20A ¾ 20
25A 1 25
32A 1-1/4 32
40A 1-1/2 40
50A 2 50
65A 2-1/2 65
80A 3 80
100A 4 100
125A 5 125
150A 6 150
200A 8 200
250A 10 250
300A 12 300
350A 14 350
400A 16 400
450A 18 450
500A 20 500
550A 22 550
Default Path:
<ProE load directory>/text/piping_data/isodata/isogen.fls
6. Click to save the selections. Pro/PIPING modifies the insulation data in the insulation feature in
the active assembly. You can retrieve insulation information (PIPING > Info) to view the assigned
insulation data.
7. Regenerate (PIPING > Regenerate) the assembly to update the model display.
· The following Specification Database files must be populated with insulation data in order to assign
insulation to specification-driven pipelines:
- Insulation Directory file (Project Data file) must contain records for the insulation codes.
- Insulation MCAT file (Master Catalog file) that is assigned to an insulation code must contain
insulation data.
· Pro/PIPING creates insulation solids automatically after you create pipe solids.
specifies the start or end point distance from the pipe segment upstream end.
specifies the start or end point distance ratio from the pipe segment upstream end.
places a start or end point on the pipe segment perpendicular to that pipe segment. Note
that the start point pipe segment must be perpendicular to the end point pipe segment to make this
option available.
places a start or end point from a specified datum plane. The datum plane must be
perpendicular to the start or end point pipe segment. Pro/PIPING creates a reference to the datum
Under Positioning Parameters, specify the point location parameters based on the selected
placement option. Use the thumb wheel to move the point placement or enter a value in the thumb
wheel box and ENTER for exact placement.
If you selected the Datum plane reference placement option, , select a datum plane from
the graphics window. Pro/PIPING displays the datum place name in the Positioning Parameters
- Change the insulation. Under Insulation Parameters, select a new insulation code to assign new
insulation between the specified placement points.
7. Click to assign new insulation to the pipe segment. Pro/PIPING creates a new insulation feature
and reassigns the insulation segment feature to it.
· The following Specification Database files must be populated with insulation data in order to assign
insulation to specification-driven pipelines:
- Insulation Directory file (Project Data file) must contain records for the insulation codes.
- Insulation MCAT file (Master Catalog file) that is assigned to an insulation code must contain
insulation data.
· The Model Tree must display features to redefine insulation segment features from the Model Tree.
Click View > Model Tree Setup > Item Display. Under Display, select the Features check box and
piping_design_method (Spec-Driven)
non_spec_driven, spec_driven, user_driven
Specify the piping design method for the piping project.
· non_spec_driven¾Activates the Non Specification-Driven piping design mode.
· spec_driven¾Activates the Specification-Driven piping design mode.
· user_driven¾Activates the User-Driven piping design mode. This mode allows you to switch between
Specification-Driven and Non Specification-Driven piping design modes and convert existing
assemblies at any time in the design process.
piping_appearance_map_file (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/master_catalog/piping_appearance.map, <absolute directory
path and valid file name>
Specify a path and name for the file that maps all colors used in a Pro/PIPING piping design project.
Note: The Piping Appearance Map file must be stored in the directory location specified by the
piping_mcat_dir configuration option.
piping_end_compatibility_file (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/master_catalog/piping_end_compatibility.ptd, <absolute
directory path and valid file name>
Specify a path and name for the file that contains the list of all valid end type connections (fitting-to-fitting,
fitting-to-pipe, and pipe-to-fitting) allowed for a piping project. Pro/PIPING uses this data for end type
checking during fitting insertion.
Note: The Piping End Compatibility file must be stored in the directory location specified by the
piping_mcat_dir configuration option.
piping_fitt_angle_tolerance (Spec-Driven)
1.5, <positive real number>
Specify a value for the piping fitting angle tolerance. Pro/PIPING uses this data to check fitting angles
during fitting insertion. The unit of measurement is degrees.
piping_fitt_lib_dir (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/fittinglib/, <absolute directory path>
Specify a path where the fitting model part (individual parts or family table generic parts with their
associated tables) files are archived. Pro/PIPING uses this data during fitting insertion.
piping_fluid_parameter (Spec-Driven)
yes, no
Specify pipeline fluid parameter availability.
· yes¾Pro/PIPING sets the Parameters tabbed page in the Create Pipeline dialog box as available.
· no¾Pro/PIPING sets the Parameters tabbed page in the Create Pipeline dialog box as unavailable.
piping_insulation_dir_file (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/sample_project/piping_insulation_dir.ptd, <absolute directory
path and valid file name>
Specify a name for the file that contains the list of all valid insulation specifications for a piping project.
Note: The Piping Insulation Directory file must be stored in the directory location specified by the
piping_project_data_dir configuration option.
piping_manufacture_dir_file (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/master_catalog/piping_manufacture_dir.ptd, <absolute directory
path and valid file name>
Specify a name for the file that contains pipe manufacturing information for projects based on a pipe
material code. The piping_mcat_dir configuration option resources or retrieves data from this file.
Note: The Piping Manufacture Directory file must be stored in the directory location specified by the
piping_mcat_dir configuration option.
piping_mcat_dir (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/master_catalog/, <absolute directory path>)
Specify a path where the piping Master Catalog files are archived. Pro/PIPING uses the Master Catalog
files create piping specification files (Project Data files) for a piping project.
piping_min_bolting_clearance (Spec-Driven)
20, <positive integer>
Specify a value for minimum bolt clearance. Pro/PIPING uses this data during fitting insertion.
Note: Set the Pro/ENGINEER configuration option pro_unit_length to change the unit of
measurement (default is inches).
pipeline_min_segment_length (Spec-Driven)
1.5, <positive integer>
Specify a value for the pipeline minimum segment length. Pro/PIPING uses this data during fitting
Note: Set the Pro/ENGINEER configuration option pro_unit_length to change the unit of
measurement (default is inches).
piping_project_data_dir (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/sample_project/, <absolute directory path>
Specify a path where the project related specification and design rule files are archived. Pro/PIPING uses
this data for specification-driven pipeline modeling and reporting.
piping_spec_dir_file (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/sample_project/piping_spec_dir.ptd, <absolute directory path and
valid file name>
Specify a path and name for the file that archives the list of all piping specifications. Pro/PIPING uses this
file specification-driven fitting selection, pipeline creation, and design rule checking.
piping_thumb_wheel_increment (Spec-Driven)
1, <positive real number>
Specify a value for the piping thumb wheel increment. Pro/PIPING uses this data to adjust the positioning
increments when using the thumb wheel for various tasks such as during fitting insertion.
Note: Set the Pro/ENGINEER configuration option pro_unit_length to change the unit of
measurement (default is inches).
pipeline_assembly_name_format (Spec-Driven)
MNEMONIC-NUMBER, <one or a combination of the following keywords: SIZE, SPECIFICATION,
MNEMONIC, NUMBER, INSULATION, and any valid file name characters>. Delimiter characters must
be enclosed by commas (,) omitting any white space. For example MNEMONIC,-,SIZE.
pipeline_label_format (Spec-Driven)
SIZE-SPECIFICATION-MNEMONIC-NUMBER-INSULATION, <one or a combination of the following
keywords: SIZE, SPECIFICATION, MNEMONIC, NUMBER, INSULATION, and any valid file name
characters>. Delimiter characters must be enclosed by commas (,) omitting any white space. For example
Specify a pipeline label format. Pro/PIPING creates pipeline labels from the values assigned to the
keywords during pipeline creation and routing.
The following table describes the format:
pipeline_spool_label_format (Spec-Driven)
a combination of the following keywords: SIZE, SPECIFICATION, MNEMONIC, NUMBER,
INSULATION, SPOOLNUM, PREFIX, SUFFIX, and any valid file name characters> Delimiter characters
must be enclosed by commas (,) omitting any white space. For example MNEMONIC,-,SIZE.
Specify a pipeline spool label format. Pro/PIPING creates spool labels from the values assigned to the
keywords during pipe piece cutting.
The following table describes the format:
pipeline_start_assembly_name (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/fittinglib/ pipeline_start.asm, <absolute directory path and valid
file name>
Specify a path and name for the file that contains template information (assembly units, pre-defined views,
etc.). Pro/PIPING uses this information to create new pipeline subassemblies.
Note: The Pipeline Start assembly file must be stored in the directory location specified by the
piping_system_tree_format (Spec-Driven)
MNEMONIC, <one or a combination of the following keywords: SIZE, SPECIFICATION, MNEMONIC,
NUMBER, INSULATION, and any ASCII characters>. Delimiter characters must be enclosed by commas
(,) omitting any white space. For example MNEMONIC,-,SIZE.
Specify the piping system tree format. Pro/PIPING creates piping systems or categories from the values
assigned to the keywords. These categories organize all pipelines in the Piping System Tree. The following
table describes the format:
Piping System Tree Format Pipeline Values Piping System (Category) Name
piping_material_file (Spec-Driven)
<proe_load_directory>/text/piping_data/master_catalog/piping_material.ptd, <absolute directory path and
valid file name>
Specify the path and name for the file that contains the piping material information. Pro/PIPING associates
this information (material code, full description, pipe density, pipe and fitting master catalog file names)
with pipes and fittings.
Note: The Piping Material file must be stored in the directory location specified by the
piping_mcat_dir configuration option.
If the separate Piping System Tree window is open, click to open the Model Tree Columns dialog
box and follow step 5.
5. Click .
To Route to a Port
1. Click the Route Pipe > To/Pnt Port command or the Route Pipe > Connect command.
2. Select a valid entry port in the piping assembly. The current pipe size may be different from the
selected port size. If so, a warning message appears with a size mismatch message.
3. Using a reducer, you can change the size of the pipe or the port so that they match.
An error message can appear when you modify the pipeline, and the port and pipe become mismatched.
2. Click to define the start part and close the dialog box.
Flow Direction
A pipeline has specific flow direction requirements based on the process flow requirements of the fluid
inside the pipeline, such as gas, water, or fuel. The flow direction is usually specified in the Piping and
Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID). If a P&ID link does not exist, a reasonable default flow direction
assignment can occur based on the modeling intent and predefined flow direction rules.
The inlet port of the fitting is aligned with the surface of the main pipe segment as follows:
· The z-axis of the outlet port of the fitting is aligned with the branch pipe segment, if an existing
junction is identified for the fitting insertion.
· If there is no branch segment at the selected location, the fitting can be oriented around the main pipe
segment. The stem axis is the z-axis of the inlet port.
· In orthogonal branch outlet fittings, the z-axes of inlet and outlet ports are parallel to each other. The
non-orthogonal branch outlet fittings such as latrolets, have an angle between the z-axes of the inlet and
the outlet ports. Based on this, lateral fittings are distinguished from other branch outlet fittings.
For butt-welded fittings, the pipe is welded to the butt-welded ends of the fitting. The fitting ports are
located at the butt-welded ends as shown in the figure. If a butt-welded fitting has two butt-welded ends
along its local z-axis, then either end can be defined as the inlet port.
For flanged fittings, the flanged face of the fitting mates with a matching gasket or a suitable flanged face
of another fitting. The fitting ports must be located at the flanged face as shown in the figure. If a flanged
fitting has two flanged ends along its local z-axis, then either end can be defined as the inlet port. The
positive z-axes of the inlet and outlet ports are pointing outward of the fitting and are aligned to the fitting
local z-axis.
Note: The two ports need not be created in any particular sequence and their names are user-definable. Of
the two ports, one must be defined as the inlet port. By convention, the port with the SIZE parameter is
defined as the inlet port.
In the following figure, PORT1 is located on the inside face of the socket, and PORT0 (a flanged end) is
located on the outside flange face. For threaded fittings, the pipe is threaded up to the origin of the port that
represents the end of the threaded hole or socket.
The following points must be noted about fitting codes and their insertion behavior:
· The JOINT is a special fitting code that has the same fitting insertion behavior as the INLINE code.
Joint fittings such as couplings and sleeves must be assigned this code. The code is used by the
automatic joint fitting selection functionality.
· The FLANGE and GASKET are special fitting codes that have the same fitting insertion behavior as
the INLINE code. Flange and gasket fittings such as a weldneck flange, slip-on flange, or any type of
gasket, must be assigned their respective codes. The FLANGE and GASKET codes are used in the
respective automatic flange and gasket fitting selection functionality.
· The ELBOW is a special fitting code that has the same fitting insertion behavior as the CORNER code.
Elbow fittings such as 90 degree long/short radius and 45 degree long/short radius, must be assigned
this code. This fitting code is used to automatically select an elbow fitting and insert it as a trimmed
elbow or, insert elbows at all vertices of a pipeline with a single operation.
· The BRANCH_LET is a special fitting code for special branch outlet fittings (olet fittings and half
couplings). The library part model of a branch outlet fitting must have a string value of BRANCH_LET
in the string parameter FIT_TYPE.
Nozzle outlet fittings and weldolet fittings are always aligned with the inner surface of the main pipe
In the above figure, axis A_3 of the cone is created along the positive stem axis direction of the fitting,
parallel to the local positive y-axis of PORT0 (the inlet port that has the SIZE parameter). The fitting
insertion functionality aligns the local z-axis of the fitting with the pipe segment and automatically orients
Fitting Parameters
INLINE YES YES NO NO YES Option Optional Optional
ING al
To Route a Branch
1. You must first set a branch start point. Click Piping > Route > Set Start. The Define Start dialog box
2. Click PIPE SELECT > Branch Point and then select a MAKE POINT option:
- On Segment—Select a pipe segment. The PNT DIM MODE menu appears. Select a location
Length Ratio
Actual Len
If the pipe segment is not in the active assembly, there is no restriction, so you can route the
branch pipeline from the main pipeline that is not in the active assembly.
- At Corner—Select a valid corner for Branch Start. Available corners (fitting corner type, not
bend) are indicated by a crosshair.
3. Click to insert the branch start point and close the dialog box.
4. Click Piping > Route > Branch. The Branch Pipe dialog box opens.
5. Under Select Point/Segment select the branch point or pipe segment.
6. If you branched to a segment, under Branch Point Placement select a placement location for your
branch point:
to branch from the main pipe centerline to the branch pipe centerline.
to offset tangent from the main pipe to the branch pipe. Enter a value.
Design Pressure, and Design Temperature. Click to retrieve existing pipeline parameters
from a file. After the Open dialog box opens, select the file to retrieve and double-click.
Pro/PIPING displays the parameters in the boxes. Note that pipeline parameters options are set by
a configuration option and may not be available.
- Defined—Define or redefine parameters in the Name and Value boxes. Click to retrieve
existing pipeline parameters from a file. After the Open dialog box opens, select the file to retrieve
and double-click. Pro/PIPING displays the parameters in the boxes.
To Insert Fittings
1. Choose Piping > Fitting > Insert. The Insert Fitting dialog box opens with the Selection tab selected.
2. Under Placement Type, do one of the following:
- Click On Pipe Segment and select the Point Location.
- Click At Free Location and select the Assembly. You can modify the Specification, Size, or
Schedule of the pipeline.
3. Under Fitting Selection, choose a Fitting Category. The options are:
to insert a valve.
to insert a flange.
near point
center point
far point
11. Click to insert the fitting and close the dialog box.
· If the specified increment value is less than the minimum possible value that can be represented using
the default number of decimal places specified using the configuration option
default_dec_places, then the minimum possible value is used as the increment. For example, if
you specify an increment value of 0.0001 when the default_dim_places is 3, the minimum
possible value that can be represented is 0.001, and the same is used as the increment.
· If the piping_thumb_wheel_increment configuration option is not specified when the decimal
format is active, the minimum possible decimal value is used as the increment value. When the
fractional format is active, the minimum possible fractional value is used as the increment value.
· If the fractional format is active (create_fraction_dim set to Yes), and the specified increment is
less than the minimum value that can be represented by the current denominator specified using the
configuration option dim_fraction_denominator, the minimum fractional value is used as
increment. For example, if 1/128 is specified as the increment when the denominator is 8, the minimum
possible fractional value that can be represented by this denominator is 1/8. Therefore, 1/8 is used as the
increment value.
· If the increment specified is between two adjacent fractional values that can be represented by the
current denominator, the higher value of these two fractional values is used as the increment. For
example, if the increment specified is 0.200, which is between 1/8 and 1/4, 1/4 is used as the increment.
Key Fitting
The key fitting is a fitting in the group, which will be inserted first on the pipe segment. Before the key
fitting is inserted, the selected pipe segment will be dived in to two segments at the specified location. The
key fitting will be placed at the specified location. The adjacent fittings will be inserted with their faces
mating with either side face of the key fitting. All the fittings in the group will be inserted subsequently in
this manner.
The first selected fitting becomes the key fitting by default. If any one of the following fittings is added to
the group, then that fitting automatically becomes the key fitting, and the original key fitting becomes the
normal fitting.
· Elbow fittings
· Branch fittings
· Eccentric fittings
· Angle valves
A group cannot have more than one fitting from these categories.
to insert a valve.
to insert a flange.
Displays the next fitting in the group and makes it the current fitting.
Inserts a new fitting into the group before the current fitting.
Inserts a new fitting into the group after the current fitting.
Specifies the current fitting as the key fitting. This option is not accessible if the current fitting
is already the key fitting, or if the current key fitting of the group is an elbow, branch, eccentric reducer
fitting, or angle valve.
Deletes the current fitting from the group. The next fitting in the group becomes the current
fitting. If the key fitting is deleted, then the next fitting becomes the key fitting.
to insert a fitting at corner run to branch (available when you insert a branch fitting)..
to insert a fitting at corner branch to run (available when you insert a branch fitting)..
Location Type (Location Type buttons are available when you click under Fitting
near point. The system aligns the inlet (upstream) port of the fitting with the location point of
the fitting.
center point. The system aligns the outlet (downstream) port of the fitting with the location
far point. The system places the fitting so that the alignment point is in the middle of the two
Click to insert the group fitting and close the dialog box.
To Delete Fittings
1. Click Piping > Fitting > Delete.
2. Select a fitting, and then Done Sel from the GET SELECT menu. The fitting is deleted.
3. When you are finished deleting fittings click Done Sel or Quit Sel.
4. Click if you want to complete the redefinition of the fitting on the pipeline and close the
dialog box.
5. Distance Placement—Use the thumb wheel to reposition the cut location along the pipe
segment or enter an explicit distance directly in the input panel.
6. Ratio Placement—Specify a distance ratio from the upstream end of the specified pipe
7. If you want to insert a joint fitting at the cut, under Miscellaneous Options, select Joint Fitting and
specify the joint fitting name.
8. If you want to assign a weld attribute to this cut, under Select Weld Type, select from the following
weld type options: Shop-Field, Shop-Shop, and Field-Shop.
9. Do one of the following:
· Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and close
the Cut Pipe dialog box.
· Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and
then continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
At any time during modeling, you can use the standard Datum On/Off tool on the Pro/ENGINEER
toolbar to display or hide the shop or field welds.
2. Under Piece Cutting Options single cut is selected by default. If it is not, select it.
3. Select an approximate location on the pipe segment in which you want to insert a cut, then click GET
SELECT > Done Sel. The pipeline label is displayed under Select Pipe Segment as read-only
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and close the
Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and then
2. Under Piece Cutting Options single cut is selected by default. If it is not, select it.
3. Select an approximate location on the pipe segment in which you want to insert a cut, then click Done
Sel on the GET SELECT Menu. The pipeline label is displayed under Select Pipe Segment as read-
only information.
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and close the
Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert a cut at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and then
continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Note: The referenced pipe segment must be perpendicular to the pipe segment in which you are inserting
the cut. If it is not, this functionality will be disabled.
Click to insert cuts at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and close the
Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert cuts at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and then
continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert cuts at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and close the
Cut Pipe dialog box.
Click to insert cuts at the defined location, generate the specified weld attribute, and then
continue inserting cuts with the Cut Pipe dialog box.
5. If you want to select a new start part to create pipe solids, click and browse for a start part. Click
If you specify a start number of 1 and an increment of 1, the following spool numbers are associated with
the generated spools:
· 100A-MS-STEAM-1001-SPOOL#001
· 100A-MS-STEAM-1001-SPOOL#002
· 100A-MS-STEAM-1001-SPOOL#003
· 100A-MS-STEAM-1001-SPOOL#004
In this example, the embedded character '-' (the dash character embedded in-between the various keywords)
and the embedded string 'SPOOL#' are user defined. You can embed any character or string as prefix or
suffix to any of the label keywords.
10. Click to generate the pipeline segment and close the Generate Spool dialog box.
11. Click to generate pipeline segment and then continue using the Generate Spool dialog box.
Each pipe piece generated is associated with a unique spool number. The generated spool numbers are
displayed along the spool piece as temporary graphics for reference.
9. Click to generate the pipe spools and close the Generate Spool dialog box.
Click to generate pipe spools and then continue using the Generate Spool dialog box.
Each spool piece generated is associated with a unique spool number. The generated spool numbers are
displayed along the spool piece as temporary graphics for reference. Repaint the screen to remove the spool
numbers from the graphics display.
5. Click to delete the pipe spool information and close the Generate Spool dialog box.
Click to delete the pipe spool information and then continue using the Generate Spool dialog
7. Click to insert the elbow fitting and close the dialog box.
Click to insert the elbow fitting and continue using the Insert Fitting dialog box.
6. Click to insert the elbow fitting and close the dialog box.
Click to insert the elbow fitting and continue using the Insert Fitting dialog box.
6. Click to insert the elbow fittings and close the dialog box.
7. Click to insert the elbow fittings and close the dialog box.
Click to insert the elbow fittings and continue using the Insert Fitting dialog box.
6. Click to insert the elbow fittings and close the dialog box.
Click to insert the elbow fittings and continue using the Insert Fitting dialog box.
Note: If you choose to insert elbows at all of the invalid corners that where not processed, then you must
specify appropriate selection names and repeat the procedure many times, depending on the number of
vertices with varying vertex angles.
Optionally, you can select the Trim and Nearest Std. Elbow options to process the invalid corners and
vertices with nonstandard angles.