Useful AIX, Solaris Hp0ux Commands

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/* Document : UNIX command examples, mainly based on Solaris, AIX,
HP */
/* and ofcourse, also Linux.
/* Doc. Version : 115
/* File : unix.txt
/* Purpose : some examples for the Oracle, DB2, SQLServer DBA
/* Date : 07-07-2009
/* Compiled by : Albert van der Sel
/* Best use : Use find/search in your editor to find a string,
command, */
/* or any identifier



1.1 Short version:


See section 1.2 for more detailed commands and options.

AIX: bootinfo -r
lsattr -E -l mem0
lsattr -E -l sys0 -a realmem
svmon -G
vmstat -v
vmo -L
lparstat -i
or use a tool as "topas" or "nmon" (these are utilities)

Linux: cat /proc/meminfo

dmesg | grep "Physical"
free (the free command)
HP: getmem
grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
dmesg | grep -i phys
wc -c /dev/mem
or us a tool as "glance", like entering "glance -m" from prompt
(is a utility)
Solaris: prtconf | grep "Memory size" # total memory
memps -m
Tru64: vmstat -P | grep "Total Physical Memory"
uerf | grep memory


AIX: lsps -a
lsps -s
pstat -s

HP: swapinfo -a
Solaris: swap -l
prtswap -l
Linux: swapon -s
cat /proc/swaps
cat /proc/meminfo


HP: ioscan -kfnC processor


AIX: lparstat (-i)

prtconf | grep proc
pmcycles -m
lsattr -El procx (x is 0,2, etc..)
lscfg | grep proc
pstat -S

Linux: cat /proc/cpuinfo

Solaris: psrinfo -v
psrset -p

OS version:
HP: uname -a

Linux: cat /proc/version

Solaris: uname -a
cat /etc/release (or other way to view that file, like
"more /etc/release")
Tru64: /usr/sbin/sizer -v

AIX: oslevel -r (only high-level version)

oslevel -s (shows Version, SP, TL level)
oslevel -qs (shows complete history)
lslpp -h bos.rte

AIX Example:

# oslevel -s

# oslevel -qs
Known Service Packs

AIX firmware:
lsmcode -c display the system firmware level and service
lsmcode -r -d scraid0 display the adapter microcode levels for a RAID
adapter scraid0
lsmcode -A display the microcode level for all supported
prtconf shows many setting including memory, firmware,
serial# etc..

Notes about Power 4 or 5 lpars:


For AIX: The uname -L command identifies a partition on a system with

multiple LPARS. The LPAR id
can be useful for writing shell scripts that customize system settings
such as IP address or hostname.

The output of the command looks like:

# uname -L
1 lpar01

The output of uname -L varies by maintenance level. For consistent

output across maintenance levels,
add a -s flag. For illustrate, the following command assigns the
partition number to the variable
"lpar_number" and partiton name to "lpar_name".

For HP-UX:
Use commands like "parstatus" or "getconf PARTITION_IDENT" to get npar


AIX: Is a certain fix (APAR) installed?

instfix -ik APAR_number
instfix -a -ivk APAR_number

To determine your platform firmware level, at the command

prompt, type:

lscfg -vp | grep -p Platform

The last six digits of the ROM level represent the platform
firmware date in the format, YYMMDD.

HP: /usr/sbin/swlist -l patch

swlist | grep patch
Linux: rpm -qa
Solaris: showrev -p
pkginfo -i package_name
Tru64: /usr/sbin/dupatch -track -type kit


AIX: lsdev -Cc adapter

lsdev -Cc adapter | grep ent
lsdev -Cc if
lsattr -E -l ent1
ifconfig -a
Solaris: prtconf -D / prtconf -pv / prtconf | grep "card"
prtdiag | grep "card"
svcs -x
ifconfig -a (up plumb)

Quickly find out who is using most memory:


See section marked &&& (use find/search on &&&)

Network sniffing:

Here are a few short descriptions, and examples, of usefull network

trace / dump commands.

-- Solaris:

snoop command examples:

For example, if we want to observe traffic between systems alpha and

beta we can use the following command:
# snoop alpha,beta
To enable data captures from the snoop output without losing packets
while writing to the screen, send the snoop output to a file. For
# snoop -o /tmp/snooper -V
To snoop a specific port:
# snoop -o port xxx

-- AIX:

tcpdump command examples:

# tcpdump port 23
# tcpdump -i en0
A good way to use tcpdump is to save the network trace to a file with
the -w flag and then analyze the trace by using different
filtering options together with the -r flag. The following example show
how to run a basic tcpdump network trace,
saving the output in a file with the -w flag (on a Ethernet network
# tcpdump -w /tmp/tcpdump.en0 -i en0

To limit the number of traced packets, use the -c flag and specify the
number, such as in the following example
that traces the first 128 packets (on a token-ring network interface):
# tcpdump -c 128 -w /tmp/tcpdump.tr0 -i tr0

iptrace command examples:

To start the iptrace daemon with the System Resource Controller (SRC),
# startsrc -s iptrace -a "/tmp/nettrace"

To stop the iptrace daemon with SRC enter the following:

# stopsrc -s iptrace

To record packets coming in and going out to any host on every

interface, enter the command in the following format:
# iptrace /tmp/nettrace

The recorded packets are received on and sent from the local host. All
packet flow between the local host and all other hosts on any interface
recorded. The trace information is placed into the /tmp/nettrace file.

To record packets received on an interface from a specific remote host,

enter the command in the following format:
# iptrace - i en0 -p telnet -s airmail /tmp/telnet.trace

The packets to be recorded are received on the en0 interface, from

hostairmail, over the telnet port. The trace information is placed into
/tmp/telnet.trace file.

To record packets coming in and going out from a specific remote host,
enter the command in the following format:
# iptrace -i en0 -s airmail -b /tmp/telnet.trace

The packets to be recorded are received on the en0 interface, from

host airmail. The trace information is placed into the /tmp/telnet.trace

-- HPUX:

nettl command:

Initialize the tracing/logging facility:

# nettl -start
Logging is enabled for all subsystems as determined by the
/etc/nettlgen.conf file. Log messages are sent
to a log file whose name is determined by adding the suffix .LOG000 to
the log file name specified
in the /etc/nettlgen.conf configuration file.

To stop the tracing facility:

# nettl -stop

Turn on inbound and outbound PDU tracing for the transport and session
(OTS/9000) subsystems
and send binary trace messages to file /var/adm/trace.TRC000.
# nettl -traceon pduin pduout -entity transport session \
-file /var/adm/trace

Session using nettl and the formatter netfmt:

1. Capture packets
nettl -tn all -e ns_ls_ip -tm 99999 -size 1024 -f some-raw-capture-file

2. Reproduce problem.

3. Turn off trace: nettl -tf -e all

4. Create formatter filter file. Example:

filter tcp_sport 6699
filter tcp_dport 6699

5. Filter the packets:

5.1 "Long" display
netfmt -Nlnc filter-file -f some-raw.capture > formatted.out
5.2 "One-liner" display
netfmt -Nln1Tc filter-file -f some-raw.capture > one-liner.out

-- Restart inetd, nfs:

-- -------------------

Starting and stopping NFS:


On all unixes, a number of daemons should be running in order for NFS to

be functional, like for example
the rpc.* processes, biod, nfsd and others.

Once nfs is running, and in order to actually "share" or "export" your

filesystem on your server, so remote clients
are able to mount the nfs mount, in most cases you should edit the
"/etc/exports" file.

-- AIX:
The following subsystems are part of the nfs group: nfsd, biod,
rpc.lockd, rpc.statd, and rpc.mountd.
The nfs subsystem (group) is under control of the "resource controller",
so starting and stopping nfs
is actually easy

# startsrc -g nfs
# stopsrc -g nfs

Or use smitty.

-- Redhat Linux:
# /sbin/service nfs restart
# /sbin/service nfs start
# /sbin/service nfs stop

-- On some other Linux distros

# /etc/init.d/nfs start
# /etc/init.d/nfs stop
# /etc/init.d/nfs restart

-- Solaris:
If the nfs daemons aren't running, then you will need to run:
# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start

-- HP-UX:
Issue the following command on the NFS server to start all the necessary
NFS processes (HP):
# /sbin/init.d/nfs.server start

Or if your machine is only a client:

# cd /sbin/init.d
# ./nfs.client start

Restart or refresh inetd after you have edited "inetd.conf":


After you have edited "/etc/inetd.conf", for example, to enable or

disable some service,
you need to restart, or refresh inetd, to read the new configuration
To let inetd to reread the configfile:

-- AIX:
# refresh -s inetd

-- HPUX:
# /usr/sbin/inetd -c

-- Solaris:
# /etc/init.d/inetd stop
# /etc/init.d/inetd start
# pkill -HUP inetd # The command will restart the inetd and
reread the configuration.

-- RedHat / Linux
# service xinetd restart
# /etc/init.d/inetd restart

1.2 More Detail:


1.2.1 Show memory in Solaris:


Use this command to obtain detailed system information about your Sun
Solaris installation
# /usr/sbin/prtconf

# prtconf -v
Displays the size of the system memory and reports information about
peripheral devices

Use this command to see the amount of memory:

# /usr/sbin/prtconf | grep "Mem"

sysdef -i reports on several system resource limits. Other parameters

can be checked on a running system
using adb -k :

# adb -k /dev/ksyms /dev/mem

^D (to exit)

Other commands:

# prtmem
# memps -m

1.2.2 Show memory in AIX:


>> Show Total memory:


# bootinfo -r
# lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem
# prtconf (you can grep it on memory)

>> Show Details of memory:


You can have a more detailed and comprehensive look at AIX memory by
using "vmstat -v" and "vmo -L" or "vmo -a":

For example:

# vmstat -v
524288 memory pages
493252 lruable pages
67384 free pages
7 memory pools
131820 pinned pages
80.0 maxpin percentage
20.0 minperm percentage
80.0 maxperm percentage
25.4 numperm percentage
125727 file pages
0.0 compressed percentage
0 compressed pages
25.4 numclient percentage
80.0 maxclient percentage
125575 client pages
0 remote pageouts scheduled
14557 pending disk I/Os blocked with no pbuf
6526890 paging space I/Os blocked with no psbuf
18631 filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
0 client filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
49038 external pager filesystem I/Os blocked with no
0 Virtualized Partition Memory Page Faults
0.00 Time resolving virtualized partition memory page

The vmo command really gives lots of output. In the following example
only a small fraction of the output is shown:

# vmo -L

lrubucket 128K 128K 128K 64K 4KB pages
maxclient% 80 80 80 1 100 % memory
maxfree 1088 1088 1088 8 200K 4KB pages
maxperm 394596 394596
maxperm% 80 80 80 1 100 % memory
maxpin 424179 424179

>> To further look at your virtual memory and its causes, you can use a
combination of:

# ipcs -bm (shared memory)

# lsps -a (paging)
# vmo -a or vmo -L (virtual memory options)
# svmon -G (basic memory allocations)
# svmon -U (virtual memory usage by user)
# svmon -P
# vmstat -v

To print out the memory usage statistics for the users root and
taking into account only working segments, type:

svmon -U root steve -w

To print out the top 10 users of the paging space, type:

svmon -U -g -t 10

To print out the memory usage statistics for the user steve,
including the
list of the process identifiers, type:

svmon -U steve -l
svmon -U emcdm -l

# vmo -o npswarn=value
# schedo -o pacefork=15

Note: sysdumpdev -e
Although the sysdumpdev command is used to show or alter the dumpdevice
for a system dump,
you can also use it to show how much real memory is used.

The command
# sysdumpdev -e
provides an estimated dump size taking into account the current memory
(not pagingspace) currently
in use by the system.

Note: the rmss command:

The rmss (Reduced-Memory System Simulator) command is used to ascertain

the effects of reducing the amount
of available memory on a system without the need to physically remove
memory from the system. It is useful
for system sizing, as you can install more memory than is required and
then use rmss to reduce it.
Using other performance tools, the effects of the reduced memory can be
monitored. The rmss command has
the ability to run a command multiple times using different simulated
memory sizes and produce statistics
for all of those memory sizes.

The rmss command resides in /usr/bin and is part of the

fileset, which is installable
from the AIX base installation media.

Syntax rmss -p -c <MB> -r

-p Print the current value
-c MB Change to M size (in Mbytes)
-r Restore all memory to use
-p Print the current value

Example: find out how much memory you have online

rmss -p
Example: Change available memory to 256 Mbytes
rmss -c 256
Example: Undo the above
rmss -r


rmss can damage performance very seriously

Don't go below 25% of the machines memory
Never forget to finish with rmss -r

The pstat command:


The pstat command, which displays many system tables such as a process
table, inode table, or processor status table,
The pstat command interprets the contents of the various system tables
and writes it to standard output.

Use the pstat command from the AIX 5.2 command prompt. See the command
reference for details and examples,
or use the syntax summary in the table below.

-a Displays entries in the process table
-A Displays all entries in the kernel thread table
-f Displays the file table
-i Displays the i-node table and the i-node data block
-p Displays the process table
-P Displays runnable kernel thread table entries only
-s Displays information about the swap or paging space
-S Displays the status of the processors
-t Displays the tty structures
-u ProcSlot Displays the user structure of the process in the
designated slot of the process table. An error message is generated if
you attempt to display a swapped out process.
-T Displays the system variables. These variables are
briefly described in var.h
-U ThreadSlot Displays the user structure of the kernel thread in the
designated slot of the kernel thread table. An error message is
generated if you attempt to display a swapped out kernel thread.

Note 1: How to get a "reaonable" view on memory consumption of a process
in UNIX:

With using just the command line, or some free utils.

In general not so easy to answer, because of the "sub components" you

might distinguish
in memory occupation. For example, do you mean RSS, real, shared,
virtual, paging, including all libraries loaded, etc..?

-- Some people like to use the ps command with some special flags, like
ps -vg
ps auxw # or ps auxw | sort -r +3 |head -10 (top users)

But those commands seems not so very satisfactory, and not "complete"
in their output.

-- There are some great common utilities like topas, nmon, top etc.., or
tools specific to a certain Unix, like SMC for Solaris.
No bad word on those tools, because they are great. But some people
think that they are not satisfactory
on the subject of memory consumption of a process (although they show
a lot of other interesting information).

-- Some other ways might be:

# procmap pid (in e.g. AIX)

# pmap -x pid (in e.g. Solaris)

Those tools also show a "total" memory usage, which is a good indicator.

For example:

# pmap -x $$

492328: -ksh
Address Kbytes RSS Anon Locked Mode Mapped File
00010000 192 192 - - r-x-- ksh
00040000 8 8 8 - rwx-- ksh
00042000 40 40 8 - rwx-- [ heap ]
FF180000 680 680 - - r-x--
FF23A000 24 24 - - rwx--
FF240000 8 8 8 - rwx--
FF280000 576 576 - - r-x--
FF310000 40 40 - - rwx--
FF31A000 24 16 - - rwx--
FF350000 16 16 - - r-x--
FF364000 8 8 - - rwx--
FF380000 40 40 - - r-x--
FF39A000 8 8 - - rwx--
FF3A0000 8 8 - - r-x--
FF3B0000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FF3C0000 152 152 - - r-x--
FF3F6000 8 8 8 - rwx--
FFBFC000 16 16 8 - rw--- [ stack ]
-------- ------- ------- ------- -------
total Kb 1856 1848 48 -

This gives you a reasonable idea on memory consumption of a pid.

You can also try:

# svmon -G
# svmon -U
# svmon -P -t 10 (top 10 users)
# svmon -U steve -l (memory stats for user steve)

But svmon is not available on all unixes.

The following might also be helpfull (not on all unixes):

# ls -l /proc/{pid}/as
# prstat -a -s rss

And ps can give some info as well

# ps -ef | egrep -v "STIME|$LOGNAME" | sort +3 -r | head -n 15

# ps au

1.2.3 Show memory in Linux:


# /usr/sbin/dmesg | grep "Physical:"

# cat /proc/meminfo
# free -m

The ipcs, vmstat, iostat and that type of commands, are ofcourse more or
less the same
in Linux as they are in Solaris or AIX.

1.2.4 Show aioservers in AIX:


# lsattr -El aio0

autoconfig available STATE to be configured at system restart True
fastpath enable State of fast path True
kprocprio 39 Server PRIORITY True
maxreqs 4096 Maximum number of REQUESTS True
maxservers 10 MAXIMUM number of servers per cpu True
minservers 1 MINIMUM number of servers True

# pstat -a | grep -c aios


# ps -k | grep aioserver
331962 - 0:15 aioserver
352478 - 0:14 aioserver
450644 - 0:12 aioserver
454908 - 0:10 aioserver
565292 - 0:11 aioserver
569378 - 0:10 aioserver
581660 - 0:11 aioserver
585758 - 0:17 aioserver
589856 - 0:12 aioserver
593954 - 0:15 aioserver
598052 - 0:17 aioserver
602150 - 0:12 aioserver
606248 - 0:13 aioserver
827642 - 0:14 aioserver
991288 - 0:14 aioserver
995388 - 0:11 aioserver
1007616 - 0:12 aioserver
1011766 - 0:13 aioserver
1028096 - 0:13 aioserver
1032212 - 0:13 aioserver

What are aioservers in AIX5?:

With IO on filesystems, for example if a database is involved, you may

try to tune the number
of aioservers (asynchronous IO)

AIX 5L supports asynchronous I/O (AIO) for database files created both
on file system partitions and on raw devices.
AIO on raw devices is implemented fully into the AIX kernel, and does
not require database processes
to service the AIO requests. When using AIO on file systems, the kernel
database processes (aioserver)
control each request from the time a request is taken off the queue
until it completes. The kernel database
processes are also used with I/O with virtual shared disks (VSDs) and
HSDs with FastPath disabled. By default,
FastPath is enabled. The number of aioserver servers determines the
number of AIO requests that can be executed
in the system concurrently, so it is important to tune the number of
aioserver processes when using file systems
to store Oracle Database data files.
- Use one of the following commands to set the number of servers. This
applies only when using asynchronous I/O
on file systems rather than raw devices:

# smit aio

# chdev -P -l aio0 -a maxservers='128' -a minservers='20'

- To set asynchronous IO to `Available':

# chdev -l aio0 -P -a autoconfig=available

You need to restart the Server:

# shutdown -Fr

1.2.5 aio on Linux distro's:


On some Linux distro's, Oracle 9i/10g supports asynchronous I/O but it

is disabled by default because
some Linux distributions do not have libaio by default. For Solaris, the
following configuration is not required
- skip down to the section on enabling asynchronous I/O.

On Linux, the Oracle binary needs to be relinked to enable asynchronous

I/O. The first thing to do is shutdown
the Oracle server. After Oracle has shutdown, do the following steps to
relink the binary:

su - oracle
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
make -f async_on
make -f ioracle

1.2.6 The ipcs and ipcrm commands:


The "ipcs" command is really a "listing" command. But if you need to

in memory structures, like for example if you need to "clear" or remove
a shared memory segment,
because a faulty or crashed
application left semaphores, memory identifiers, or queues in place,
you can use to "ipcrm" command to remove those structures.

Example ipcrm command usage:


Suppose an application crashed, but it cannot be started again. The

following might help,
if you happened to know which IPC identifier it used.
Suppose the app used 47500 as the IPC key. Calcultate this decimal
number to hex
which is, in this example, B98C.
No do the following:

# ipcs -bm | grep B89C

This might give you, for example, the shared memory identifier
Now clear the segment:

# ipcrm -m 50855977

It might also be, that still a semaphore and/or queue is still "left
In that case you might also try commands like the following example:

ipcs -q
ipcs -s

# ipcrm -s 2228248 (remove semaphore)

# ipcrm -q 5111883 (remove queue)

Note: in some cases the "slibclean" command can be used to clear unused
modules in kernel and library memory.
Just give as root the command:

# slibclean

Other Example:

If you run the following command to remove a shared memory segment and
you get this error:

# ipcrm -m 65537
ipcrm: 0515-020 shmid(65537) was not found.

However, if you run the ipcs command, you still see the segment there:

# ipcs | grep 65537

m 65537 0x00000000 DCrw------- root system

If you look carefully, you will notice the "D" in the forth column. The
"D" means:

D If the associated shared memory segment has been removed. It

disappears when the last process attached
to the segment detaches it.

So, to clear the shared memory segment, find the process which is still
associated with the segment:

# ps -ef | grep process_owner

where process_owner is the name of the owner using the shared segment

Now kill the process found from the ps command above

# kill -9 pid

Running another ipcs command will show the shared memory segment no
longer exists:

# ipcs | grep 65537


ipcrm -m 65537

1.2.7 Show patches, version, systeminfo:




Displays system summary information.

#showrev -p
Reports which patches are installed

sysdef and dmesg:


The follwing commands also displays configuration information

# sysdef
# dmesg


==> To check your Solaris version:

# uname -a or uname -m
# cat /etc/release
# isainfo -v

==> To check your AIX version:

# oslevel
# oslevel -r tells you which maintenance level you have.

>> To find the known recommended maintenance levels:

# oslevel -rq

>> To find all filesets lower than a certain maintenance level:

# oslevel -rl 5200-06

>> To find all filesets higher than a certain maintenance level:

# oslevel -rg 5200-05
>> To list all known recommended maintenance and technology levels on
the system, type:

# oslevel -q -s
Known Service Packs

>> Example:
5300-02 is TL 02
5300-02-04 is TL 02 and SP 04
5300-02-CSP is TL 02 and CSP for TL 02
(and there won't be anymore SPs because when you see a CSP it is because
the next TL has been released.
In this case it would be TL 03).

>> How can I determine which fileset updates are missing from a
particular AIX level?
To determine which fileset updates are missing from 5300-04, for
example, run the following command:

# oslevel -rl 5300-04

>> What SP (Service Pack) is installed on my system?

To see which SP is currently installed on the system, run the oslevel -s
command. Sample output for an
AIX 5L Version 5.3 system, with TL4, and SP2 installed would be:

# oslevel -s

>> Is a CSP (Concluding Service Pack) installed on my system?

To see if a CSP is currently installed on the system, run the oslevel -s
Sample output for an AIX 5L Version 5.3 system, with TL3, and CSP
installed would be:

# oslevel -s

==> To check your HP machine:

# model
: machine info on AIX

How do I find out the Chip type, System name, Node name, Model Number

The uname command provides details about your system. uname -p Displays
the chip type of the system.
For example, powerpc.

uname -r Displays the release number of the operating system.

uname -s Displays the system name. For example, AIX.
uname -n Displays the name of the node.
uname -a Displays the system name, nodename,Version, Machine id.
uname -M Displays the system model name. For example, IBM, 7046-B50.
uname -v Displays the operating system version
uname -m Displays the machine ID number of the hardware running the
uname -u Displays the system ID number.


To see if you have a CHRP machine, log into the machine as the root
user, and run the following command:

# lscfg | grep Architecture or use:

# lscfg -pl sysplanar0 | more

The bootinfo -p command also shows the architecture of the pSeries,


# bootinfo -p

1.2.8 Check whether you have a 32 bit or 64 bit version:


- Solaris:

# iasinfo -vk

If /usr/bin/isainfo cannot be found, then the OS only

supports 32-bit process address spaces. (Solaris 7
was the first version that could run 64-bit binaries
on certain SPARC-based systems.)
So a ksh-based test might look something like

if [ -x /usr/bin/isainfo ]; then
bits=`/usr/bin/isainfo -b`

- AIX:
Command: /bin/lslpp -l bos.64bit see if bos.64bit is
installed & committed.
-or- /bin/locale64 ...error message if on 32bit
machine such as:
Could not load program
Cannot run a 64-bit
program on a 32-bit machine.

Or use:

# bootinfo -K displays the current kernel wordsize of "32" or

# bootinfo -y tells if hardware is 64-bit capable
# bootinfo -p If it returns the string 32 it is only capable of
running the
32-bit kernel. If it returns the string chrp the
machine is
capable of running the 64-bit kernel or the 32-bit
Or use:

# /usr/bin/getconf HARDWARE_BITMODE

This command should return the following output:





The AIX 5L has pre-configured kernels. These are listed below for

/usr/lib/boot/unix_up 32 bit uni-processor

/usr/lib/boot/unix_mp 32 bit multi-processor kernel
/usr/lib/boot/unix_64 64 bit multi-processor kernel

Switching between kernel modes means using different kernels. This is

done by pointing the location that is referenced by the system to
these kernels.
Use symbolic links for this purpose. During boot AIX system runs the
in the following locations:

The base operating system 64-bit runtime fileset is bos.64bit.
Installing bos.64bit also installs
the /etc/methods/cfg64 file. The /etc/methods/cfg64 file provides the
option of enabling or disabling
the 64-bit environment via SMIT, which updates the /etc/inittab file
with the load64bit line.
(Simply adding the load64bit line does not enable the 64-bit

The command lslpp -l bos.64bit reveals if this fileset is installed.

The bos.64bit fileset
is on the AIX media; however, installing the bos.64bit fileset does
not ensure that you will be able
to run 64-bit software. If the bos.64bit fileset is installed on 32-
bit hardware, you should be able
to compile 64-bit software, but you cannot run 64-bit programs on 32-
bit hardware.

The syscalls64 extension must be loaded in order to run a 64-bit

executable. This is done from
the load64bit entry in the inittab file. You must load the syscalls64
extension even when running
a 64-bit kernel on 64-bit hardware.

To determine if the 64-bit kernel extension is loaded, at the command

line, enter genkex |grep 64.
Information similar to the following displays:
149bf58 a3ec /usr/lib/drivers/syscalls64.ext

To change the kernel mode follow steps below:

1. Create symbolic link from /unix and /usr/lib/boot/unix to the

of the desired kernel.
2. Create boot image.
3. Reboot AIX.

Below lists the detailed actions to change kernel mode:

To change to 32 bit uni-processor mode:

# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_up /unix

# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_up /usr/lib/boot/unix
# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice
# shutdown -r

To change to 32 bit multi-processor mode:

# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp /unix

# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_mp /usr/lib/boot/unix
# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice
# shutdown -r

To change to 64 bit multi-processor mode:

# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /unix

# ln -sf /usr/lib/boot/unix_64 /usr/lib/boot/unix
# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice
# shutdown -r

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are changing the kernel mode to 32-bit and you
will run
9.2 on this server, the following line should be included in

load64bit:2:wait:/etc/methods/cfg64 >/dev/console 2>&1 # Enable 64-

bit execs

This allows 64-bit applications to run on the 32-bit kernel. Note that
line is also mandatory if you are using the 64-bit kernel.

In AIX 5.2, the 32-bit kernel is installed by default. The 64-bit

kernel, along with JFS2
(enhanced journaled file system), can be enabled at installation time.

Checking if other unixes are in 32 or 64 mode:


- Digital UNIX/Tru64: This OS is only available in 64bit form.

- HP-UX(Available in 64bit starting with HP-UX 11.0):

Command: /bin/getconf KERNEL_BITS ...returns either 32 or 64

- SGI: This OS is only available in 64bit form.

- The remaining supported UNIX platforms are only available in 32bit



# scinstall -pv
Displays Sun Cluster software release and package version information

1.2.9 Info about CPUs:



# psrinfo -v
Shows the number of processors and their status.

# psrinfo -v|grep "Status of processor"|wc -l

Shows number of cpu's

# cat /proc/cpuinfo
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor|wc -l

Especially with Linux, the /proc directory contains special "files" that
either extract information from
or send information to the kernel


# ioscan -kfnC processor

# /usr/sbin/ioscan -kf | grep processor
# grep processor /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log
# /usr/contrib/bin/machinfo (Itanium)

Several ways as,

1. sam -> performance monitor -> processor

2. print_manifest (if ignite-ux installed)
3. machinfo (11.23 HP versions)
4. ioscan -fnC processor
5. echo "processor_count/D" | adb /stand/vmunix /dev/kmem
6. top command to get cpu count

The "getconf" command can give you a lot of interesting info. The
parameters are:




# getconf CPU_VERSION

sample function in shell script:


case `getconf CPU_VERSION` in

# ???) echo "Itanium[TM] 2" ;;
768) echo "Itanium[TM] 1" ;;
532) echo "PA-RISC 2.0" ;;
529) echo "PA-RISC 1.2" ;;
528) echo "PA-RISC 1.1" ;;
523) echo "PA-RISC 1.0" ;;
*) return 1 ;;
return 0


# pmcycles -m
Cpu 0 runs at 1656 MHz
Cpu 1 runs at 1656 MHz
Cpu 2 runs at 1656 MHz
Cpu 3 runs at 1656 MHz

# lscfg | grep proc

More cpu information on AIX:

# lsattr -El procx (where x is the number of the cpu)
type powerPC_POWER5 Processor type False
frequency 165600000 Processor speed False
where False means that the value cannot be changed through an AIX

# lparstat (only for latest AIX versions)

# lparstat -i

To view CPU scheduler tunable parameters, use the schedo command:

# schedo -a

In AIX 5L on Power5, you can switch from Simultaneous Multithreading

SMT, or Single Threading ST, as follows
# smtctl -m off will set SMT mode to disabled
# smtctl -m on will set SMT mode to enabled
# smtctl -W boot makes SMT effective on next boot
# smtctl -W now effects SMT now, but will not persist across

When you want to keep the setting across reboots, you must use the
bosboot command
in order to create a new boot image.

1.2.10 Other stuff:


To show the init runlevel:
# who -r

Top users:

To get a quick impression about the top 10 users in the system at this

ps auxw | sort -r +3 |head -10 -Shows top 10 memory usage by process

ps auxw | sort -r +2 |head -10 -Shows top 10 CPU usage by process

More accuracy in memory usage with the ps command: ps -vg

ps -vg:

Using "ps vg" gives a per process tally of memory usage for each running
process. Several fields give memory usage
in different units, but these numbers do not tell the whole story on
where all the memory goes.

First of all, the man page for ps does not give an accurate description
of the memory related fields.
Here is a better description:

RSS - This tells how much RAM resident memory is currently being used
for the text and data segments
for a particular process in units of kilobytes. (this value will always
be a multiple of 4 since memory is allocated in 4 KB pages).

%MEM - This is the fraction of RSS divided by the total size of RAM for
a particular process.
Since RSS is some subset of the total resident memory usage for a
process, the %MEM value will also be lower than actual.

TRS - This tells how much RAM resident memory is currently being used
for the text segment for a particular process
in units of kilobytes. This will always be less than or equal to RSS.

SIZE - This tells how much paging space is allocated for this process
for the text and data segments in units
of kilobytes. If the executable file is on a local filesystem, the page
space usage for text is zero.
If the executable is on an NFS filesystem, the page space usage will be
nonzero. This number may be greater
than RSS, or it may not, depending on how much of the process is paged
in. The reason RSS can be larger is that
RSS counts text whereas SIZE does not.

TSIZ - This field is absolutely bogus because it is not a multiple of 4

and does not correlate to any of the other fields.

These fields only report on a process text and data segments. Segment
size which cannot be interrogated at this time are:

Text portion of shared libraries (segment 13)

Files that are in use. Open files are cached in memory as individual

Shared data segments created with shmat.

Kernel segments such as kernel segment 0, kernel extension segments,
and virtual memory management segments.

In summary, ps is not a very good tool to measure system memory usage.

It can give you some idea where some
of the memory goes, but it leaves too many questions unanswered about
the total usage.

shared memory:
To check shared memory segment, semaphore array, and message queue
limits, issue the ipcs -l command.
# ipcs

The following tools are available for monitoring the performance of your
UNIX-based system.

This shows the open files for this process, which helps you diagnose
whether you are having problems
caused by files not getting closed.


This utility lists open files for running UNIX processes, like pfiles.
However, lsof gives more
useful information than pfiles. You can find lsof at

Example of lsof usage:

You can see CIO (concurrent IO) in the FILE-FLAG column if you run lsof
+fg, e.g.:

tarunx01:/home/abielewi:# /p570build/LSOF/lsof-4.76/usr/local/bin/lsof
+fg /baanprd/oradat


oracle 434222 oracle 16u VREG R,W,CIO,DSYN,LG;CX 39,1
6701056 866 /baanprd/oradat (/dev/bprdoradat)
oracle 434222 oracle 17u VREG R,W,CIO,DSYN,LG;CX 39,1
6701056 867 /baanprd/oradat (/dev/bprdoradat)
oracle 442384 oracle 15u VREG R,W,CIO,DSYN,LG;CX 39,1
1174413312 875 /baanprd/oradat (/dev/bprdoradat)
oracle 442384 oracle 16u VREG R,W,CIO,DSYN,LG;CX 39,1
734011392 877 /baanprd/oradat (/dev/bprdoradat)
oracle 450814 oracle 15u VREG R,W,CIO,DSYN,LG;CX 39,1
1174413312 875 /baanprd/oradat (/dev/bprdoradat)
oracle 450814 oracle 16u VREG R,W,CIO,DSYN,LG;CX 39,1
1814044672 876 /baanprd/oradat (/dev/bprdoradat)
oracle 487666 oracle 15u VREG R,W,CIO,DSYN,LG;CX 39,1
1174413312 875 /baanprd/oradat (/dev/bprdoradat

You should also see O_CIO in your file open calls if you run truss,


# vmstat
This command is ideal for monitoring paging rate, which can be found
under the page in (pi) and page out (po) columns.
Other important columns are the amount of allocated virtual storage
(avm) and free virtual storage (fre).
This command is useful for determining if something is suspended or just
taking a long time.


kthr memory page disk faults

r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr m0 m1 m3 m4 in sy cs us
sy id
0 0 0 2163152 1716720 157 141 1179 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 680 1737 855 10
3 87
0 0 0 2119080 1729352 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 345 658 346 1
1 98
0 0 0 2118960 1729232 0 167 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 402 1710 812 4
2 94
0 0 0 2112992 1723264 0 1261 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1026 5253 1848 10
5 85
0 0 0 2112088 1722352 0 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 505 2822 1177 5
2 92
0 0 0 2116288 1726544 4 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 817 4015 1530 6
4 90
0 0 0 2117744 1727960 4 2 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 473 1421 640 2
2 97

procs/r: Run queue length.

procs/b: Processes blocked while waiting for I/O.
procs/w: Idle processes which have been swapped.
memory/swap: Free, unreserved swap space (Kb).
memory/free: Free memory (Kb). (Note that this will grow until it
reaches lotsfree, at which point
the page scanner is started. See "Paging" for more details.)
page/re: Pages reclaimed from the free list. (If a page on the free list
still contains data needed
for a new request, it can be remapped.)
page/mf: Minor faults (page in memory, but not mapped). (If the page is
still in memory, a minor fault
remaps the page. It is comparable to the vflts value reported
by sar -p.)
page/pi: Paged in from swap (Kb/s). (When a page is brought back from
the swap device, the process
will stop execution and wait. This may affect performance.)
page/po: Paged out to swap (Kb/s). (The page has been written and freed.
This can be the result of
activity by the pageout scanner, a file close, or fsflush.)
page/fr: Freed or destroyed (Kb/s). (This column reports the activity of
the page scanner.)
page/de: Freed after writes (Kb/s). (These pages have been freed due to
a pageout.)
page/sr: Scan rate (pages). Note that this number is not reported as a
"rate," but as a total number of pages scanned.
disk/s#: Disk activity for disk # (I/O's per second).
faults/in: Interrupts (per second).
faults/sy: System calls (per second).
faults/cs: Context switches (per second).
cpu/us: User CPU time (%).
cpu/sy: Kernel CPU time (%).
cpu/id: Idle + I/O wait CPU time (%).

When analyzing vmstat output, there are several metrics to which you
should pay attention. For example,
keep an eye on the CPU run queue column. The run queue should never
exceed the number of CPUs on the server.
If you do notice the run queue exceeding the amount of CPUs, it's a good
indication that your server
has a CPU bottleneck.
To get an idea of the RAM usage on your server, watch the page in (pi)
and page out (po) columns
of vmstat's output. By tracking common virtual memory operations such as
page outs, you can infer
the times that the Oracle database is performing a lot of work. Even
though UNIX page ins must correlate
with the vmstat's refresh rate to accurately predict RAM swapping,
plotting page ins can tell you
when the server is having spikes of RAM usage.

Once captured, it's very easy to take the information about server
performance directly from the
Oracle tables and plot them in a trend graph. Rather than using an
expensive statistical package
such as SAS, you can use Microsoft Excel. Copy and paste the data from
the tables into Excel.
After that, you can use the Chart Wizard to create a line chart that
will help you view server
usage information and discover trends.


This is virtually equal to the usage of vmstat under solaris.

vmstat can be used to give multiple statistics on the system. For CPU-
specific work, try the following command:

# vmstat -t 1 3

This will take 3 samples, 1 second apart, with timestamps (-t). You can,
of course, change the parameters
as you like. The output is shown below.

kthr memory page faults cpu

----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------
----------- --------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id
wa hr mi se
0 0 45483 221 0 0 0 0 1 0 224 326 362 24 7 69
0 15:10:22
0 0 45483 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 159 83 53 1 1 98
0 15:10:23
2 0 45483 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 145 115 46 0 9 90
1 15:10:24

In this output some of the things to watch for are:

"avm", which is Active Virtual Memory.

Ideally, under normal conditions, the largest avm value should in
general be smaller than the amount of RAM.
If avm is smaller than RAM, and still exessive paging occurs, that could
be due to RAM being filled
with file pages.

avm x 4K = number of bytes

Columns r (run queue) and b (blocked) start going up, especially above
10. This usually is an indication
that you have too many processes competing for CPU.

If cs (contact switches) go very high compared to the number of

processes, then you may need to tune
the system with vmtune.

In the cpu section, us (user time) indicates the time is being spent in
programs. Assuming Java is
at the top of the list in tprof, then you need to tune the Java

In the cpu section, if sys (system time) is higher than expected, and
you still have id (idle) time left,
this may indicate lock contention. Check the tprof for lock related
calls in the kernel time. You may want
to try multiple instances of the JVM. It may also be possible to find
deadlocks in a javacore file.

In the cpu section, if wa (I/O wait) is high, this may indicate a disk
bottleneck, and you should use
iostat and other tools to look at the disk usage.

Values in the pi, po (page in/out) columns are non-zero may indicate
that you are paging and need more memory.
It may be possible that you have the stack size set too high for some of
your JVM instances.
It could also mean that you have allocated a heap larger than the amount
of memory on the system. Of course,
you may also have other applications using memory, or that file pages
may be taking up too much of the memory

Other example:
# vmstat 1

System configuration: lcpu=2 mem=3920MB

kthr memory page faults cpu

----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 198 69 0 0 99 0
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 33 66 0 0 99 0
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 33 68 0 0 99 0
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 306 100 0 1 97 1
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 20 68 0 0 99 0
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 36 64 0 0 99 0
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 33 66 0 0 99 0
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 21 66 0 0 99 0
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 237 64 0 0 99 0
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 19 66 0 0 99 0
0 0 229367 332745 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 37 76 0 0 99 0

The most important fields to look at here are:

r -- The average number of runnable kernel threads over whatever

sampling interval you have chosen.
b -- The average number of kernel threads that are in the virtual memory
waiting queue over your sampling interval. r should always be higher
than b; if it is not, it usually means you have a CPU bottleneck.
fre -- The size of your memory free list. Do not worry so much if the
amount is really small. More importantly, determine if there is any
paging going on if this amount is small.
pi -- Pages paged in from paging space.
po -- Pages paged out to paging space.
CPU section:

Let's look at the last section, which also comes up in most other CPU
monitoring tools, albeit with different headings:

us -- user time
sy -- system time
id -- idle time
wa -- waiting on I/O

This command is useful for monitoring I/O activities. You can use the
read and write rate to estimate the
amount of time required for certain SQL operations (if they are the only
activity on the system).
This command is also useful for determining if something is suspended or
just taking a long time.
Basic synctax is iostat <options> interval count

option - let you specify the device for which information is needed like
disk ,
cpu or terminal. (-d , -c , -t or -tdc ) . x options gives
the extended statistics .

interval - is time period in seconds between two samples . iostat 4

will give data at each 4 seconds interval.

count - is the number of times the data is needed . iostat 4 5 will

give data at 4 seconds interval 5 times.


$ iostat -xtc 5 2
extended disk statistics tty cpu
disk r/s w/s Kr/s Kw/s wait actv svc_t %w %b tin tout us sy wt
sd0 2.6 3.0 20.7 22.7 0.1 0.2 59.2 6 19 0 84 3 85 11
sd1 4.2 1.0 33.5 8.0 0.0 0.2 47.2 2 23
sd2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0
sd3 10.2 1.6 51.4 12.8 0.1 0.3 31.2 3 31

disk name of the disk

r/s reads per second
w/s writes per second
Kr/s kilobytes read per second
Kw/s kilobytes written per second
wait average number of transactions waiting for service (Q length)
actv average number of transactions actively
being serviced (removed from the queue but not yet completed)
%w percent of time there are transactions waiting for service
(queue non-empty)
%b percent of time the disk is busy (transactions in progress)

The values to look from the iostat output are:

Reads/writes per second (r/s , w/s)

Percentage busy (%b)
Service time (svc_t)
If a disk shows consistently high reads/writes along with , the
percentage busy (%b) of the disks
is greater than 5 percent, and the average service time (svc_t) is
greater than 30 milliseconds,
then action needs to be taken.

# netstat
This command lets you know the network traffic on each node, and the
number of error packets encountered.
It is useful for isolating network problems.

To find out all listening services, you can use the command

# netstat -a -f inet

1.2.11 Some other utilities for Solaris:


# top
For example:

load averages: 0.66, 0.54, 0.56 11:14:48

187 processes: 185 sleeping, 2 on cpu
CPU states: % idle, % user, % kernel, % iowait, %
Memory: 4096M real, 1984M free, 1902M swap in use, 2038M swap free

2795 oraclown 1 59 0 265M 226M sleep 0:13 4.38% oracle
2294 root 11 59 0 8616K 7672K sleep 10:54 3.94% bpbkar
13907 oraclown 11 59 0 271M 218M cpu2 4:02 2.23% oracle
14138 oraclown 12 59 0 270M 230M sleep 9:03 1.76% oracle
2797 oraclown 1 59 0 189M 151M sleep 0:01 0.96% oracle
2787 oraclown 11 59 0 191M 153M sleep 0:06 0.69% oracle
2799 oraclown 1 59 0 190M 151M sleep 0:02 0.45% oracle
2743 oraclown 11 59 0 191M 155M sleep 0:25 0.35% oracle
2011 oraclown 11 59 0 191M 149M sleep 2:50 0.27% oracle
2007 oraclown 11 59 0 191M 149M sleep 2:22 0.26% oracle
2009 oraclown 11 59 0 191M 149M sleep 1:54 0.20% oracle
2804 oraclown 1 51 0 1760K 1296K cpu2 0:00 0.19% top
2013 oraclown 11 59 0 191M 148M sleep 0:36 0.14% oracle
2035 oraclown 11 59 0 191M 149M sleep 2:44 0.13% oracle
114 root 10 59 0 5016K 4176K sleep 23:34 0.05% picld

Process ID
This column shows the process ID (pid) of each process. The process ID
is a positive number,
usually less than 65536. It is used for identification during the life
of the process.
Once a process has exited or been killed, the process ID can be reused.

This column shows the name of the user who owns the process. The kernel
stores this information
as a uid, and top uses an appropriate table (/etc/passwd, NIS, or NIS+)
to translate this uid in to a name.

This column displays the number of threads for the current process. This
column is present only
in the Solaris 2 port of top.
For Solaris, this number is actually the number of lightweight processes
(lwps) created by the
threads package to handle the threads. Depending on current resource
utilization, there may not
be one lwp for every thread. Thus this number is actually less than or
equal to the total number
of threads created by the process.

This column reflects the "nice" setting of each process. A process's
nice is inhereted from its parent.
Most user processes run at a nice of 0, indicating normal priority.
Users have the option of starting
a process with a positive nice value to allow the system to reduce the
priority given to that process.
This is normally done for long-running cpu-bound jobs to keep them from
interfering with
interactive processes. The Unix command "nice" controls setting this
value. Only root can set
a nice value lower than the current value. Nice values can be negative.
On most systems they range from -20 to 20.
The nice value influences the priority value calculated by the Unix

This column shows the total amount of memory allocated by each process.
This is virtual memory
and is the sum total of the process's text area (program space), data
area, and dynamically
allocated area (or "break"). When a process allocates additional memory
with the system call "brk",
this value will increase. This is done indirectly by the C library
function "malloc".
The number in this column does not reflect the amount of physical memory
currently in use by the process.

Resident Memory
This column reflects the amount of physical memory currently allocated
to each process.
This is also known as the "resident set size" or RSS. A process can have
a large amount
of virtual memory allocated (as indicated by the SIZE column) but still
be using very little physical memory.

Process State
This column reflects the last observed state of each process. State
names vary from system to system.
These states are analagous to those that appear in the process states
line: the second line of the display.
The more common state names are listed below.
cpu - Assigned to a CPU and currently running
run - Currently able to run
sleep - Awaiting an external event, such as input from a device
stop - Stopped by a signal, as with control Z
swap - Virtual address space swapped out to disk
zomb - Exited, but parent has not called "wait" to receive the exit

CPU Time
This column displayes the accumulated CPU time for each process. This is
the amount of time
that any cpu in the system has spent actually running this process. The
standard format shows
two digits indicating minutes, a colon, then two digits indicating
For example, the display "15:32" indicates fifteen minutes and thirty-
two seconds.
When a time value is greater than or equal to 1000 minutes, it is
displayed as hours with the suffix H.
For example, the display "127.4H" indicates 127 hours plus four tenths
of an hour (24 minutes).
When the number of hours exceeds 999.9, the "H" suffix is dropped so
that the display
continues to fit in the column.

CPU Percentage
This column shows the percentage of the cpu that each process is
currently consuming.
By default, top will sort this column of the output.
Some versions of Unix will track cpu percentages in the kernel, as the
figure is used in the calculation
of a process's priority. On those versions, top will use the figure as
calculated by the kernel.
Other versions of Unix do not perform this calculation, and top must
determine the percentage explicity
by monitoring the changes in cpu time.
On most multiprocessor machines, the number displayed in this column is
a percentage of the total
available cpu capacity. Therefore, a single threaded process running on
a four processor system will never
use more than 25% of the available cpu cycles.

This column displays the name of the executable image that each process
is running.
In most cases this is the base name of the file that was invoked with
the most recent kernel "exec" call.
On most systems, this name is maintained separately from the zeroth
argument. A program that changes
its zeroth argument will not affect the output of this column.

# modinfo
The modinfo command provides information about the modules currently
loaded by the kernel.

The /etc/system file:

Available for Solaris Operating Environment, the /etc/system file
contains definitions for kernel configuration limits
such as the maximum number of users allowed on the system at a time, the
maximum number of processes per user,
and the inter-process communication (IPC) limits on size and number of
resources. These limits are important because
they affect DB2 performance on a Solaris Operating Environment machine.
See the Quick Beginnings information
for further details.
# more /etc/path_to_inst
To see the mapping between the kernel abbreviated instance name for
physical device names,
view the /etc/path_to_inst file.

# uptime
uptime - show how long the system has been up

11:32am up 4:19, 1 user, load average: 0.40, 1.17, 0.90

1.2.12 proc toos for Solaris:


The proc tools are called that way, because the retreive information
fromn the /proc virtual filesystem
They are:

/usr/proc/bin/pflags [-r] pid...

/usr/proc/bin/pcred pid...
/usr/proc/bin/pmap [-rxlF] pid...
/usr/proc/bin/pldd [-F] pid...
/usr/proc/bin/psig pid...
/usr/proc/bin/pstack [-F] pid...
/usr/proc/bin/pfiles [-F] pid...
/usr/proc/bin/pwdx [-F] pid...
/usr/proc/bin/pstop pid...
/usr/proc/bin/prun pid...
/usr/proc/bin/pwait [-v] pid...
/usr/proc/bin/ptree [-a] [[pid| user]...]
/usr/proc/bin/ptime command [arg...]
/usr/proc/bin/pattr [-x ] [pid...]
/usr/proc/bin/pclear [pid...]
/usr/proc/bin/plabel [pid...]
/usr/proc/bin/ppriv [-a] [pid...]

-- pfiles:
reports all the files which are opened by a given pid

-- pldd
lists all the dynamic libraries linked to the process

-- pwdx
gives the directory from which the process is running

-- ptree
The ptree utility prints the process trees containing the specified pids
or users, with child processes
indented from their respective parent processes. An argument of all
digits is taken to be a process-ID,
otherwise it is assumed to be a user login name. The default is all
Use it like

# ptree <PID>

Or use it with params, which enables you to produce different listings

The following example prints the process tree (including children of

process 0) for processes which match the command name ssh:

$ ptree -a `pgrep ssh`

1 /sbin/init
100909 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
569150 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
569157 /usr/lib/ssh/sshd
569159 -ksh
569171 bash
569173 /bin/ksh
569193 bash

Remark: many Linux distros adopted the ptree command, as the "pstree"
As in

ubuntu$ pstree -pl

Ý +-apache2(2893)
Ý +-apache2(7163)
Ý +-apache2(7165)
Ý +-apache2(7166)
Ý +-apache2(7167)
Ý +-apache2(7168)


Back to Solaris again:

Suppose you did a pfiles on an Apache process:

# pfiles 13789

13789: /apps11i/erpdev/10GAS/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd -d
Current rlimit: 1024 file descriptors
0: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:350,0 ino:114723 uid:65060 gid:54032 size:301
1: S_IFREG mode:0640 dev:307,28001 ino:612208 uid:65060 gid:54032
2: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:350,0 ino:143956 uid:65060 gid:54032 size:0
3: S_IFREG mode:0600 dev:307,28001 ino:606387 uid:65060 gid:54032
4: S_IFREG mode:0600 dev:307,28001 ino:606383 uid:65060 gid:54032 size:0
5: S_IFREG mode:0600 dev:307,28001 ino:621827 uid:65060 gid:54032
6: S_IFDOOR mode:0444 dev:351,0 ino:58 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
7: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:350,0 ino:143956 uid:65060 gid:54032 size:0
8: S_IFCHR mode:0666 dev:342,0 ino:47185924 uid:0 gid:3 rdev:90,0
21: S_IFREG mode:0600 dev:307,28001 ino:603445 uid:65060 gid:54032
23: S_IFSOCK mode:0666 dev:348,0 ino:60339 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
sockname: AF_INET port: 45395
peername: AF_INET port: 12501
256: S_IFREG mode:0444 dev:85,0 ino:234504 uid:0 gid:3 size:1616

Suppose you tried pldd on the same process gave this result:

# pldd 13789

13789: /apps11i/erp
dev/10GAS/Apache/Apache/bin/httpd -d /apps11i/erpdev/10G


# pmap -x $$

492328: -ksh
Address Kbytes RSS Anon Locked Mode Mapped File
00010000 192 192 - - r-x-- ksh
00040000 8 8 8 - rwx-- ksh
00042000 40 40 8 - rwx-- [ heap ]
FF180000 680 680 - - r-x--
FF23A000 24 24 - - rwx--
FF240000 8 8 8 - rwx--
FF280000 576 576 - - r-x--
FF310000 40 40 - - rwx--
FF31A000 24 16 - - rwx--
FF350000 16 16 - - r-x--
FF364000 8 8 - - rwx--
FF380000 40 40 - - r-x--
FF39A000 8 8 - - rwx--
FF3A0000 8 8 - - r-x--
FF3B0000 8 8 8 - rwx-- [ anon ]
FF3C0000 152 152 - - r-x--
FF3F6000 8 8 8 - rwx--
FFBFC000 16 16 8 - rw--- [ stack ]
-------- ------- ------- ------- -------
total Kb 1856 1848 48 -
1.2.13 Wellknown tools for AIX:

1. commands:

CPU Memory Subsystem I/O Subsystem Network

vmstat vmstat iostat netstat
iostat lsps vmstat ifconfig
ps svmon lsps tcpdump
sar filemon filemon
tprof ipcs lvmstat

nmon and topas can be used to monitor those subsystems in general.

2. topas:

topas is a useful graphical interface that will give you immediate

results of what is going on in the system.
When you run it without any command-line arguments, the screen looks
like this:

Topas Monitor for host: aix4prt EVENTS/QUEUES

Mon Apr 16 16:16:50 2001 Interval: 2 Cswitch 5984 Readch
Syscall 15776 Writech
Kernel 63.1 |################## | Reads 8 Rawin
User 36.8 |########## | Writes 2469 Ttyout
Wait 0.0 | | Forks 0 Igets
Idle 0.0 | | Execs 0 Namei
Runqueue 11.5 Dirblk
Network KBPS I-Pack O-Pack KB-In KB-Out Waitqueue 0.0
lo0 213.9 2154.2 2153.7 107.0 106.9
tr0 34.7 16.9 34.4 0.9 33.8 PAGING MEMORY
Faults 3862 Real,MB
Disk Busy% KBPS TPS KB-Read KB-Writ Steals 1580 % Comp
hdisk0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 PgspIn 0 %
Noncomp 73.9
PgspOut 0 %
Client 0.5
Name PID CPU% PgSp Owner PageIn 0
java 16684 83.6 35.1 root PageOut 0 PAGING
java 12192 12.7 86.2 root Sios 0 Size,MB
lrud 1032 2.7 0.0 root % Used
aixterm 19502 0.5 0.7 root NFS (calls/sec) % Free
topas 6908 0.5 0.8 root ServerV2 0
ksh 18148 0.0 0.7 root ClientV2 0
gil 1806 0.0 0.0 root ServerV3 0 "h"
for help

The information on the bottom left side shows the most active processes;
here, java is consuming 83.6% of CPU.
The middle right area shows the total physical memory (1 GB in this
case) and Paging space (512 MB),
as well as the amount being used. So you get an excellent overview of
what the system is doing
in a single screen, and then you can select the areas to concentrate
based on the information being shown here.

Note: about waits:


Don't get caught up in this whole wait i/o thing. a single cpu system
with 1 i/o outstanding and no other runable threads (i.e. idle) will
have 100% wait i/o. There was a big discussion a couple of years ago on
removing the kernel tick as it has confused many many many techs.

So, if you have only 1 or few cpu, then you are going to have high wait
figures, it does not neccessarily mean your disk subsystem is slow.

3. trace:

trace captures a sequential flow of time-stamped system events. The

trace is a valuable tool for observing
system and application execution. While many of the other tools provide
high level statistics such as
CPU and I/O utilization, the trace facility helps expand the information
as to where the events happened,
which process is responsible, when the events took place, and how they
are affecting the system.
Two post processing tools that can extract information from the trace
are utld (in AIX 4) and curt
(in AIX 5). These provide statistics on CPU utilization and
process/thread activity. The third post
processing tool is splat which stands for Simple Performance Lock
Analysis Tool. This tool is used to analyze
lock activity in the AIX kernel and kernel extension for simple locks.
4. nmon:

nmon is a free software tool that gives much of the same information as
topas, but saves the information
to a file in Lotus 123 and Excel format. The download site is
The information that is collected included CPU, disk, network, adapter
statistics, kernel counters,
memory and the "top" process information.

5. tprof:

tprof is one of the AIX legacy tools that provides a detailed profile of
CPU usage for every
AIX process ID and name. It has been completely rewritten for AIX 5.2,
and the example below uses
the AIX 5.1 syntax. You should refer to AIX 5.2 Performance Tools
update: Part 3 for the new syntax.

The simplest way to invoke this command is to use:

# tprof -kse -x "sleep 10"

# tprof -ske -x "sleep 30"

At the end of ten seconds, or 30 seconds, a new file __prof.all, or, is generated that contains
information about what commands are using CPU on the system. Searching
for FREQ, the information looks something
like the example below:

Process FREQ Total Kernel User Shared Other

======= === ===== ====== ==== ====== =====
oracle 244 10635 3515 6897 223 0
java 247 3970 617 0 2062 1291
wait 16 1515 1515 0 0 0
======= === ===== ====== ==== ====== =====
Total 1060 19577 7947 7252 3087 1291

This example shows that over half the CPU time is associated with the
oracle application and that Java
is using about 3970/19577 or 1/5 of the CPU. The wait usually means idle
time, but can also include
the I/O wait portion of the CPU usage.


The svmon command captures a snapshot of the current state om memory.

use it with the -G switch to get global statistics for the whole system.

svmon is the most useful tool at your disposal when monitoring a Java
process, especially native heap.
The article "When segments collide" gives examples of how to use svmon
-P <pid> -m to monitor the
native heap of a Java process on AIX. But there is another variation,
svmon -P <pid> -m -r, that is very
effective in identifying native heap fragmentation. The -r switch prints
the address range in use, so it gives
a more accurate view of how much of each segment is in use.
As an example, look at the partially edited output below:

Pid Command Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual 64-bit Mthrd

10556 java 681613 2316 2461 501080 N Y

Vsid Esid Type Description LPage Inuse Pin Pgsp

22ac4 9 mmap mapped to sid b1475 - 0 0 -
21047 8 mmap mapped to sid 30fe5 - 0 0 -
126a2 a mmap mapped to sid 91072 - 0 0 -
7908c 7 mmap mapped to sid 6bced - 0 0 -
b2ad6 b mmap mapped to sid b1035 - 0 0 -
b1475 - work - 65536 0 282
30fe5 - work - 65536 0 285
91072 - work - 65536 0 54
6bced - work - 65536 0 261
b1035 - work - 45054 0 0
Addr Range: 0..45055
e0f9f 5 work shmat/mmap - 48284 0 3
19100 3 work shmat/mmap - 46997 0 463
c965a 4 work shmat/mmap - 46835 0 281
7910c 6 work shmat/mmap - 37070 0 0
Addr Range: 0..50453
e801d d work shared library text - 9172 0 0
Addr Range: 0..30861
a0fb7 f work shared library data - 105 0 1
Addr Range: 0..2521
21127 2 work process private - 50 2 1
Addr Range: 65300..65535
a8535 1 pers code,/dev/q109waslv:81938 - 11 0 -
Addr Range: 0..11

Other example:

# svmon -G -i 2 5 # sample five times at two second intervals

memory in use pin pg space

size inuse free pin work pers clnt work pers clnt size
16384 16250 134 2006 10675 2939 2636 2006 0 0 40960
16384 16250 134 2006 10675 2939 2636 2006 0 0 40960
16384 16250 134 2006 10675 2939 2636 2006 0 0 40960
16384 16250 134 2006 10675 2939 2636 2006 0 0 40960
16384 16250 134 2006 10675 2939 2636 2006 0 0 40960

In this example, there are 16384 pages of total size of memory. Multuply
this number by 4096
to see the total real memory size. In this case the total memory is 64


filemon can be used to identify the files that are being used most
actively. This tool gives a very
comprehensive view of file access, and can be useful for drilling down
once vmstat/iostat confirm disk
to be a bottleneck.


# filemon -o /tmp/filemon.log; sleep 60; trcstop

The generated log file is quite large. Some sections that may be useful

Most Active Files

#MBs #opns #rds #wrs file volume:inode


25.7 83 6589 0 unix /dev/hd2:147514

16.3 1 4175 0 vxe102 /dev/mailv1:581
16.3 1 0 4173 .vxe102.pop /dev/poboxv:62
15.8 1 1 4044 tst1 /dev/mailt1:904
8.3 2117 2327 0 passwd /dev/hd4:8205
3.2 182 810 1 services /dev/hd4:8652

Detailed File Stats


FILE: /var/spool/mail/v/vxe102 volume: /dev/mailv1

(/var/spool2/mail/v) inode: 581
opens: 1
total bytes xfrd: 17100800
reads: 4175 (0 errs)
read sizes (bytes): avg 4096.0 min 4096 max 4096 sdev
read times (msec): avg 0.543 min 0.011 max 78.060 sdev


curt Command
The CPU Utilization Reporting Tool (curt) command converts an AIX trace
file into a number of statistics related
to CPU utilization and either process, thread or pthread activity. These
statistics ease the tracking of
specific application activity. curt works with both uniprocessor and
multiprocessor AIX Version 4 and AIX Version 5

curt -i inputfile [-o outputfile] [-n gennamesfile] [-m trcnmfile] [-a
pidnamefile] [-f timestamp]
[-l timestamp] [-ehpstP]

The curt command takes an AIX trace file as input and produces a number
of statistics related to
processor (CPU) utilization and process/thread/pthread activity. It will
work with both uniprocessor and
multiprocessor AIX traces if the processor clocks are properly


genkld Command

The genkld command extracts the list of shared objects currently loaded
onto the system and displays the address,
size, and path name for each object on the list.


For shared objects loaded onto the system, the kernel maintains a linked
list consisting of data structures
called loader entries. A loader entry contains the name of the object,
its starting address, and its size.
This information is gathered and reported by the genkld command.

Implementation Specifics
This command is valid only on the POWER-based platform.

To obtain a list of loaded shared objects, enter:

# genkld

d0791c00 18ab27 /usr/lib/librtl.a[shr.o]
d0194500 7e07 /usr/lib/libbsd.a[shr.o]
d019d0f8 3d39 /usr/lib/libbind.a[shr.o]
d0237100 1eac0 /usr/lib/libwlm.a[shr.o]
d01d5100 1fff9 /usr/lib/libC.a[shr.o]
d02109e0 262b2 /usr/lib/libC.a[shrcore.o]
d01f6c60 190dc /usr/lib/libC.a[ansicore_32.o]
d01b0000 24cfd /usr/lib/boot/bin/libcfg_chrp
d010a000 367ad /usr/lib/libpthreads.a[shr_xpg5.o]
d0142000 3cee /usr/lib/libpthreads.a[shr_comm.o]
d017f100 1172a /usr/lib/libcfg.a[shr.o]
d016c100 128b2 /usr/lib/libodm.a[shr.o]
d014c100 b12d /usr/lib/libi18n.a[shr.o]
d0158100 13b41 /usr/lib/libiconv.a[shr4.o]
d01410f8 846 /usr/lib/libcrypt.a[shr.o]


1.2.14 Not so well known tools for AIX: the proc tools:

Displays the process tree containing the specified process IDs or users.
To display the ancestors
and all the children of process 12312, enter:

# proctree 21166
11238 /usr/sbin/srcmstr
21166 /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/IBM.AuditRMd

To display the ancestors and children of process 21166, including

children of process 0, enter:

#proctree -a 21166
1 /etc/init
11238 /usr/sbin/srcmstr
21166 /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/IBM.AuditRMd

-- procstack
Displays the hexadecimal addresses and symbolic names for each of the
stack frames of the current thread
in processes. To display the current stack of process 15052, enter:

# procstack 15052
15052 : /usr/sbin/snmpd
d025ab80 select (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) + 90
100015f4 main (?, ?, ?) + 1814
10000128 __start () + 8c

Currently, procstack displays garbage or wrong information for the top

stack frame, and possibly for the
second top stack frame. Sometimes it will erroneously display "No frames
found on the stack," and sometimes
it will display: deadbeef ????????
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ...) The fix for this problem had
been released at the writing of this article. When the fix becomes
available, you need to download the
APAR IY48543 for 5.2. For AIX 5.3 it all should work OK.

-- procmap
Displays a process address map. To display the address space of process
13204, enter:

# procmap 13204
13204 : /usr/sbin/biod 6
10000000 3K read/exec biod
20000910 0K read/write biod
d0083100 79K read/exec /usr/lib/libiconv.a
20013bf0 41K read/write /usr/lib/libiconv.a
d007a100 34K read/exec /usr/lib/libi18n.a
20011378 4K read/write /usr/lib/libi18n.a
d0074000 11K read/exec /usr/lib/nls/loc/en_US
d0077130 8K read/write /usr/lib/nls/loc/en_US
d00730f8 2K read/exec /usr/lib/libcrypt.a
f03c7508 0K read/write /usr/lib/libcrypt.a
d01d4e20 1997K read/exec /usr/lib/libc.a
f0337e90 570K read/write /usr/lib/libc.a

-- procldd
Displays a list of libraries loaded by a process. To display the list of
dynamic libraries loaded by
process 11928, enter

# procldd 11928. T
11928 : -sh

-- procflags
Displays a process tracing flags, and the pending and holding signals.
To display the tracing flags of
process 28138, enter:

# procflags 28138
28138 : /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/IBM.HostRMd
data model = _ILP32 flags = PR_FORK
/64763: flags = PR_ASLEEP | PR_NOREGS
/66315: flags = PR_ASLEEP | PR_NOREGS
/60641: flags = PR_ASLEEP | PR_NOREGS
/66827: flags = PR_ASLEEP | PR_NOREGS
/7515: flags = PR_ASLEEP | PR_NOREGS
/70439: flags = PR_ASLEEP | PR_NOREGS
/66061: flags = PR_ASLEEP | PR_NOREGS
/69149: flags = PR_ASLEEP | PR_NOREGS

-- procsig
Lists the signal actions for a process. To list all the signal actions
defined for process 30552, enter:

# procsig 30552
30552 : -ksh
HUP caught
INT caught
QUIT caught
ILL caught
TRAP caught
ABRT caught
EMT caught
FPE caught
KILL default RESTART BUS caught

-- proccred
Prints a process' credentials. To display the credentials of process
25632, enter:

# proccred 25632
25632: e/r/suid=0 e/r/sgid=0

-- procfiles
Prints a list of open file descriptors. To display status and control
information on the file descriptors
opened by process 20138, enter:

# procfiles -n 20138
20138 : /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/IBM.CSMAgentRMd
Current rlimit: 2147483647 file descriptors
0: S_IFCHR mode:00 dev:10,4 ino:4178 uid:0 gid:0 rdev:2,2
O_RDWR name:/dev/null
2: S_IFREG mode:0311 dev:10,6 ino:250 uid:0 gid:0 rdev:0,0
O_RDWR size:0 name:/var/ct/IBM.CSMAgentRM.stderr
4: S_IFREG mode:0200 dev:10,6 ino:255 uid:0 gid:0 rdev:0,0

-- procwdx
Prints the current working directory for a process. To display the
current working directory
of process 11928, enter:

# procwdx 11928
11928 : /home/guest

-- procstop
Stops a process. To stop process 7500 on the PR_REQUESTED event, enter:

# procstop 7500 .

-- procrun
Restart a process. To restart process 30192 that was stopped on the
PR_REQUESTED event, enter:

# procrun 30192 .

-- procwait
Waits for all of the specified processes to terminate. To wait for
process 12942 to exit and display
the status, enter

# procwait -v 12942 .
12942 : terminated, exit status 0

1.2.15 Other monitoring:


Nagios: open source Monitoring for most unix systems:


Nagios is an open source host, service and network monitoring program.

Latest versions: 2.5 (stable)


Nagios is a host and service monitor designed to inform you of network

problems before your clients,
end-users or managers do. It has been designed to run under the Linux
operating system, but works fine
under most *NIX variants as well. The monitoring daemon runs
intermittent checks on hosts and services you specify
using external "plugins" which return status information to Nagios. When
problems are encountered,
the daemon can send notifications out to administrative contacts in a
variety of different ways
(email, instant message, SMS, etc.). Current status information,
historical logs, and reports can all
be accessed via a web browser.

System Requirements

The only requirement of running Nagios is a machine running Linux (or

UNIX variant) and a C compiler.
You will probably also want to have TCP/IP configured, as most service
checks will be performed over the network.

You are not required to use the CGIs included with Nagios. However, if
you do decide to use them,
you will need to have the following software installed...

- A web server (preferrably Apache)

- Thomas Boutell's gd library version 1.6.3 or higher (required by the
statusmap and trends CGIs)

rstat: Monitoring Machine Utilization with rstat:


rstat stands for Remote System Statistics service

Ports exist for most unixes, like Linux, Solaris, AIX etc..

-- rstat on Linux, Solaris:

rstat is an RPC client program to get and print statistics from any
machine running the rpc.rstatd daemon,
its server-side counterpart. The rpc.rstad daemon has been used for many
years by tools such as Sun's perfmeter
and the rup command. The rstat program is simply a new client for an old
daemon. The fact that the rpc.rstatd daemon
is already installed and running on most Solaris and Linux machines is a
huge advantage over other tools
that require the installation of custom agents.

The rstat client compiles and runs on Solaris and Linux as well and can
get statistics from any machine running
a current rpc.rstatd daemon, such as Solaris, Linux, AIX, and OpenBSD.
The rpc.rstatd daemon is started
from /etc/inetd.conf on Solaris. It is similar to vmstat, but has some
advantages over vmstat:
You can get statistics without logging in to the remote machine,
including over the Internet.

It includes a timestamp.

The output can be plotted directly by gnuplot.

The fact that it runs remotely means that you can use a single central
machine to monitor the performance
of many remote machines. It also has a disadvantage in that it does not
give the useful scan rate measurement
of memory shortage, the sr column in vmstat. rstat will not work across
most firewalls because it relies on
port 111, the RPC port, which is usually blocked by firewalls.

To use rstat, simply give it the name or IP address of the machine you
wish to monitor. Remember that rpc.rstatd
must be running on that machine. The rup command is extremely useful
here because with no arguments,
it simply prints out a list of all machines on the local network that
are running the rstatd demon.
If a machine is not listed, you may have to start rstatd manually.

To start rpc.rstatd under Red Hat Linux, run

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/rstatd start as root.

On Solaris, first try running the rstat client because inetd is often
already configured to automatically
start rpc.rstatd on request. If it the client fails with the error "RPC:
Program not registered,"
make sure you have this line in your /etc/inet/inetd.conf and kill -HUP
your inetd process to get it to
re-read inetd.conf, as follows:

rstatd/2-4 tli rpc/datagram_v wait root /usr/lib/netsvc/rstat/rpc.rstatd


Then you can monitor that machine like this:

% rstat enkidu
2001 07 10 10 36 08 0 0 0 100 0 27 54 1 0 0 12

This command will give you a one-second average and then it will exit.
If you want to continuously monitor,
give an interval in seconds on the command line. Here's an example of
one line of output every two seconds:

% rstat enkidu 2
2001 07 10 10 36 28 0 0 1 98 0 0 7 2 0 0 61
2001 07 10 10 36 30 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 2 0 0 15
2001 07 10 10 36 32 0 0 0 100 0 0 0 2 0 0 15
2001 07 10 10 36 34 0 0 0 100 0 5 10 2 0 0 19
2001 07 10 10 36 36 0 0 0 100 0 0 46 2 0 0 108

To get a usage message, the output format, the version number, and where
to go for updates, just type rstat
with no parameters:

% rstat
usage: rstat machine [interval]
yyyy mm dd hh mm ss usr wio sys idl pgin pgout intr ipkts opkts coll cs
docs and src at

Notice that the column headings line up with the output data.

-- AIX:

In order to get rstat working on AIX, you may need to configure rstatd.

As root

1. Edit /etc/inetd.conf
Uncomment or add entry for rstatd
rstatd sunrpc_udp udp wait root /usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd rstatd 100001 1-3

2. Edit /etc/services
Uncomment or add entry for rstatd
rstatd 100001/udp

3. Refresh services
refresh -s inetd

4. Start rstatd



It's always "handy" to have a list of errcodes from the errno.h

It should be reasonable the same accross the unix versions.

Actually, this is only a very small list of errors and code.

It is ONLY associated with the interaction of a process with the system.

For example, the errors can be seen at boottime of a system, or what an

error logging daemon might write in a logfile, is a very different
from the errno.h file:

>>> Errcodes Linux (generic):

#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */

#define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
#define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */
#define EINTR 4 /* Interrupted system call */
#define EIO 5 /* I/O error */
#define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */
#define E2BIG 7 /* Arg list too long */
#define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */
#define EBADF 9 /* Bad file number */
#define ECHILD 10 /* No child processes */
#define EAGAIN 11 /* Try again */
#define ENOMEM 12 /* Out of memory */
#define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */
#define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */
#define ENOTBLK 15 /* Block device required */
#define EBUSY 16 /* Device or resource busy */
#define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */
#define EXDEV 18 /* Cross-device link */
#define ENODEV 19 /* No such device */
#define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */
#define EISDIR 21 /* Is a directory */
#define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */
#define ENFILE 23 /* File table overflow */
#define EMFILE 24 /* Too many open files */
#define ENOTTY 25 /* Not a typewriter */
#define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */
#define EFBIG 27 /* File too large */
#define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left on device */
#define ESPIPE 29 /* Illegal seek */
#define EROFS 30 /* Read-only file system */
#define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */
#define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */
#define EDOM 33 /* Math argument out of domain of func
#define ERANGE 34 /* Math result not representable */
#define EDEADLK 35 /* Resource deadlock would occur */
#define ENAMETOOLONG 36 /* File name too long */
#define ENOLCK 37 /* No record locks available */
#define ENOSYS 38 /* Function not implemented */
#define ENOTEMPTY 39 /* Directory not empty */
#define ELOOP 40 /* Too many symbolic links encountered
#define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN /* Operation would block */
#define ENOMSG 42 /* No message of desired type */
#define EIDRM 43 /* Identifier removed */
#define ECHRNG 44 /* Channel number out of range */
#define EL2NSYNC 45 /* Level 2 not synchronized */
#define EL3HLT 46 /* Level 3 halted */
#define EL3RST 47 /* Level 3 reset */
#define ELNRNG 48 /* Link number out of range */
#define EUNATCH 49 /* Protocol driver not attached */
#define ENOCSI 50 /* No CSI structure available */
#define EL2HLT 51 /* Level 2 halted */
#define EBADE 52 /* Invalid exchange */
#define EBADR 53 /* Invalid request descriptor */
#define EXFULL 54 /* Exchange full */
#define ENOANO 55 /* No anode */
#define EBADRQC 56 /* Invalid request code */
#define EBADSLT 57 /* Invalid slot */
#define EBFONT 59 /* Bad font file format */
#define ENOSTR 60 /* Device not a stream */
#define ENODATA 61 /* No data available */
#define ETIME 62 /* Timer expired */
#define ENOSR 63 /* Out of streams resources */
#define ENONET 64 /* Machine is not on the network */
#define ENOPKG 65 /* Package not installed */
#define EREMOTE 66 /* Object is remote */
#define ENOLINK 67 /* Link has been severed */
#define EADV 68 /* Advertise error */
#define ESRMNT 69 /* Srmount error */
#define ECOMM 70 /* Communication error on send */
#define EPROTO 71 /* Protocol error */
#define EMULTIHOP 72 /* Multihop attempted */
#define EDOTDOT 73 /* RFS specific error */
#define EBADMSG 74 /* Not a data message */
#define EOVERFLOW 75 /* Value too large for defined data type
#define ENOTUNIQ 76 /* Name not unique on network */
#define EBADFD 77 /* File descriptor in bad state */
#define EREMCHG 78 /* Remote address changed */
#define ELIBACC 79 /* Can not access a needed shared
library */
#define ELIBBAD 80 /* Accessing a corrupted shared library
#define ELIBSCN 81 /* .lib section in a.out corrupted */
#define ELIBMAX 82 /* Attempting to link in too many shared
libraries */
#define ELIBEXEC 83 /* Cannot exec a shared library directly
#define EILSEQ 84 /* Illegal byte sequence */
#define ERESTART 85 /* Interrupted system call should be
restarted */
#define ESTRPIPE 86 /* Streams pipe error */
#define EUSERS 87 /* Too many users */
#define ENOTSOCK 88 /* Socket operation on non-socket */
#define EDESTADDRREQ 89 /* Destination address required */
#define EMSGSIZE 90 /* Message too long */
#define EPROTOTYPE 91 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
#define ENOPROTOOPT 92 /* Protocol not available */
#define EPROTONOSUPPORT 93 /* Protocol not supported */
#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 94 /* Socket type not supported */
#define EOPNOTSUPP 95 /* Operation not supported on transport
endpoint */
#define EPFNOSUPPORT 96 /* Protocol family not supported */
#define EAFNOSUPPORT 97 /* Address family not supported by
protocol */
#define EADDRINUSE 98 /* Address already in use */
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL 99 /* Cannot assign requested address */
#define ENETDOWN 100 /* Network is down */
#define ENETUNREACH 101 /* Network is unreachable */
#define ENETRESET 102 /* Network dropped connection because of
reset */
#define ECONNABORTED 103 /* Software caused connection abort */
#define ECONNRESET 104 /* Connection reset by peer */
#define ENOBUFS 105 /* No buffer space available */
#define EISCONN 106 /* Transport endpoint is already
connected */
#define ENOTCONN 107 /* Transport endpoint is not connected
#define ESHUTDOWN 108 /* Cannot send after transport endpoint
shutdown */
#define ETOOMANYREFS 109 /* Too many references: cannot splice */
#define ETIMEDOUT 110 /* Connection timed out */
#define ECONNREFUSED 111 /* Connection refused */
#define EHOSTDOWN 112 /* Host is down */
#define EHOSTUNREACH 113 /* No route to host */
#define EALREADY 114 /* Operation already in progress */
#define EINPROGRESS 115 /* Operation now in progress */
#define ESTALE 116 /* Stale NFS file handle */
#define EUCLEAN 117 /* Structure needs cleaning */
#define ENOTNAM 118 /* Not a XENIX named type file */
#define ENAVAIL 119 /* No XENIX semaphores available */
#define EISNAM 120 /* Is a named type file */
#define EREMOTEIO 121 /* Remote I/O error */
#define EDQUOT 122 /* Quota exceeded */
#define ENOMEDIUM 123 /* No medium found */
#define EMEDIUMTYPE 124 /* Wrong medium type */

The list above should actually be enough, but we shall list the same for

>>> errcodes AIX:

#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */

#define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
#define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */
#define EINTR 4 /* interrupted system call */
#define EIO 5 /* I/O error */
#define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */
#define E2BIG 7 /* Arg list too long */
#define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */
#define EBADF 9 /* Bad file descriptor */
#define ECHILD 10 /* No child processes */
#define EAGAIN 11 /* Resource temporarily unavailable */
#define ENOMEM 12 /* Not enough space */
#define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */
#define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */
#define ENOTBLK 15 /* Block device required */
#define EBUSY 16 /* Resource busy */
#define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */
#define EXDEV 18 /* Improper link */
#define ENODEV 19 /* No such device */
#define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */
#define EISDIR 21 /* Is a directory */
#define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */
#define ENFILE 23 /* Too many open files in system */
#define EMFILE 24 /* Too many open files */
#define ENOTTY 25 /* Inappropriate I/O control operation */
#define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */
#define EFBIG 27 /* File too large */
#define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left on device */
#define ESPIPE 29 /* Invalid seek */
#define EROFS 30 /* Read only file system */
#define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */
#define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */
#define EDOM 33 /* Domain error within math function */
#define ERANGE 34 /* Result too large */
#define ENOMSG 35 /* No message of desired type */
#define EIDRM 36 /* Identifier removed */
#define ECHRNG 37 /* Channel number out of range */
#define EL2NSYNC 38 /* Level 2 not synchronized */
#define EL3HLT 39 /* Level 3 halted */
#define EL3RST 40 /* Level 3 reset */
#define ELNRNG 41 /* Link number out of range */
#define EUNATCH 42 /* Protocol driver not attached */
#define ENOCSI 43 /* No CSI structure available */
#define EL2HLT 44 /* Level 2 halted */
#define EDEADLK 45 /* Resource deadlock avoided */
#define ENOTREADY 46 /* Device not ready */
#define EWRPROTECT 47 /* Write-protected media */
#define EFORMAT 48 /* Unformatted media */
#define ENOLCK 49 /* No locks available */
#define ENOCONNECT 50 /* no connection */
#define ESTALE 52 /* no filesystem */
#define EDIST 53 /* old, currently unused AIX errno*/
#define EINPROGRESS 55 /* Operation now in progress */
#define EALREADY 56 /* Operation already in progress */
#define ENOTSOCK 57 /* Socket operation on non-socket */
#define EDESTADDRREQ 58 /* Destination address required */
#define EDESTADDREQ EDESTADDRREQ /* Destination address required */
#define EMSGSIZE 59 /* Message too long */
#define EPROTOTYPE 60 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
#define ENOPROTOOPT 61 /* Protocol not available */
#define EPROTONOSUPPORT 62 /* Protocol not supported */
#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 63 /* Socket type not supported */
#define EOPNOTSUPP 64 /* Operation not supported on socket */
#define EPFNOSUPPORT 65 /* Protocol family not supported */
#define EAFNOSUPPORT 66 /* Address family not supported by
protocol family */
#define EADDRINUSE 67 /* Address already in use */
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL 68 /* Can't assign requested address */
#define ENETDOWN 69 /* Network is down */
#define ENETUNREACH 70 /* Network is unreachable */
#define ENETRESET 71 /* Network dropped connection on reset
#define ECONNABORTED 72 /* Software caused connection abort */
#define ECONNRESET 73 /* Connection reset by peer */
#define ENOBUFS 74 /* No buffer space available */
#define EISCONN 75 /* Socket is already connected */
#define ENOTCONN 76 /* Socket is not connected */
#define ESHUTDOWN 77 /* Can't send after socket shutdown */
#define ETIMEDOUT 78 /* Connection timed out */
#define ECONNREFUSED 79 /* Connection refused */
#define EHOSTDOWN 80 /* Host is down */
#define EHOSTUNREACH 81 /* No route to host */
#define ERESTART 82 /* restart the system call */
#define EPROCLIM 83 /* Too many processes */
#define EUSERS 84 /* Too many users */
#define ELOOP 85 /* Too many levels of symbolic links
#define ENAMETOOLONG 86 /* File name too long
#define EDQUOT 88 /* Disc quota exceeded */
#define ECORRUPT 89 /* Invalid file system control data */
#define EREMOTE 93 /* Item is not local to host */
#define ENOSYS 109 /* Function not implemented POSIX */
#define EMEDIA 110 /* media surface error */
#define ESOFT 111 /* I/O completed, but needs relocation
#define ENOATTR 112 /* no attribute found */
#define ESAD 113 /* security authentication denied */
#define ENOTRUST 114 /* not a trusted program */
#define ETOOMANYREFS 115 /* Too many references: can't splice */
#define EILSEQ 116 /* Invalid wide character */
#define ECANCELED 117 /* asynchronous i/o cancelled */
#define ENOSR 118 /* temp out of streams resources */
#define ETIME 119 /* I_STR ioctl timed out */
#define EBADMSG 120 /* wrong message type at stream head */
#define EPROTO 121 /* STREAMS protocol error */
#define ENODATA 122 /* no message ready at stream head */
#define ENOSTR 123 /* fd is not a stream */
#define ECLONEME ERESTART /* this is the way we clone a
stream ... */
#define ENOTSUP 124 /* POSIX threads unsupported value */
#define EMULTIHOP 125 /* multihop is not allowed */
#define ENOLINK 126 /* the link has been severed */
#define EOVERFLOW 127 /* value too large to be stored in data
type */

2. NFS and Mount command examples:

Let's start with something that might be of interrest right now:

Examples of mounting a DVD or CDROM:

# mount -r -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom

# mount -r -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom


mount -F cdfs -o rr /dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /cdrom

SuSE Linux:
# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /cdrom
# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

Redhat Linux:
# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom

Other commands on Linux:


Sometimes on some Linux, and some scsi CDROM devices, you might try

# mount /dev/sr0 /mount_point

# mount -t iso9660 /dev/sr0 /mount_point

Now we return to a discussion of "mounting" and NFS.

2.1 NFS:

We will discuss the most important feaures of NFS, by showing how its
implemented on
Solaris, Redhat and SuSE Linux. Most of this applies to HP-UX and AIX as

2.1.1 NFS and Redhat Linux:


Linux uses a combination of kernel-level support and continuously

running daemon processes to provide
NFS file sharing, however, NFS support must be enabled in the Linux
kernel to function.
NFS uses Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) to route requests between clients
and servers, meaning that the
portmap service must be enabled and active at the proper runlevels for
NFS communication to occur.
Working with portmap, various other processes ensure that a particular
NFS connection is allowed and may
proceed without error:

rpc.mountd - The running process that receives the mount request from
an NFS client and checks to see
if it matches with a currently exported file system.
rpc.nfsd - The process that implements the user-level part of the NFS
service. It works with the Linux kernel
to meet the dynamic demands of NFS clients, such as
providing additional server threads for
NFS clients to uses.
rpc.lockd - A daemon that is not necessary with modern kernels. NFS
file locking is now done by the kernel.
It is included with the nfs-utils package for users of
older kernels that do not include this
functionality by default.
rpc.statd - Implements the Network Status Monitor (NSM) RPC protocol.
This provides reboot notification
when an NFS server is restarted without being gracefully
brought down.
rpc.rquotad - An RPC server that provides user quota information for
remote users.

Not all of these programs are required for NFS service. The only
services that must be enabled are rpc.mountd,
rpc.nfsd, and portmap. The other daemons provide additional
functionality and should only be used if your server
environment requires them.

NFS version 2 uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to provide a

stateless network connection between
the client and server. NFS version 3 can use UDP or TCP running over an
IP. The stateless UDP connection
minimizes network traffic, as the NFS server sends the client a cookie
after the client is authorized
to access the shared volume. This cookie is a random value stored on the
server's side and is passed
with along with RPC requests from the client. The NFS server can be
restarted without affecting the clients
and the cookie will remain intact.

NFS only performs authentication when a client system attempts to mount

a remote file system. To limit access,
the NFS server first employs TCP wrappers. TCP wrappers reads the
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny files
to determine if a particular client should be permitted or prevented
access to the NFS server.
After the client is allowed past TCP wrappers, the NFS server refers to
its configuration file,
"/etc/exports", to determine whether the client has enough privileges to
mount any of the exported file systems.
After granting access, any file and directory operations are sent to the
server using remote procedure calls.

NFS mount privileges are granted specifically to a client, not a user.
If you grant a client machine access
to an exported file system, any users of that machine will have access
to the data.

When configuring the /etc/exports file, be extremely careful about

granting read-write permissions
(rw) to a remote host.

-- NFS and portmap

NFS relies upon remote procedure calls (RPC) to function. portmap is
required to map RPC requests to the
correct services. RPC processes notify portmap when they start,
revealing the port number they are monitoring
and the RPC program numbers they expect to serve. The client system then
contacts portmap on the server with
a particular RPC program number. portmap then redirects the client to
the proper port number to communicate
with its intended service.

Because RPC-based services rely on portmap to make all connections with

incoming client requests,
portmap must be available before any of these services start. If, for
some reason, the portmap service
unexpectedly quits, restart portmap and any services running when it was

The portmap service can be used with the host access files
(/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny) to control
which remote systems are permitted to use RPC-based services on your
machine. Access control rules for portmap
will affect all RPC-based services. Alternatively, you can specify each
of the NFS RPC daemons to be affected
by a particular access control rule. The man pages for rpc.mountd and
rpc.statd contain information regarding
the precise syntax of these rules.

-- portmap Status
As portmap provides the coordination between RPC services and the port
numbers used to communicate with them,
it is useful to be able to get a picture of the current RPC services
using portmap when troubleshooting.
The rpcinfo command shows each RPC-based service with its port number,
RPC program number, version,
and IP protocol type (TCP or UDP).
To make sure the proper NFS RPC-based services are enabled for portmap,
rpcinfo -p can be useful:

# rpcinfo -p

program vers proto port

100000 2 tcp 111 portmapper
100000 2 udp 111 portmapper
100024 1 udp 1024 status
100024 1 tcp 1024 status
100011 1 udp 819 rquotad
100011 2 udp 819 rquotad
100005 1 udp 1027 mountd
100005 1 tcp 1106 mountd
100005 2 udp 1027 mountd
100005 2 tcp 1106 mountd
100005 3 udp 1027 mountd
100005 3 tcp 1106 mountd
100003 2 udp 2049 nfs
100003 3 udp 2049 nfs
100021 1 udp 1028 nlockmgr
100021 3 udp 1028 nlockmgr
100021 4 udp 1028 nlockmgr

The -p option probes the portmapper on the specified host or defaults to

localhost if no specific host is listed.
Other options are available from the rpcinfo man page.
From the output above, various NFS services can be seen running. If one
of the NFS services does not start up
correctly, portmap will be unable to map RPC requests from clients for
that service to the correct port.
In many cases, restarting NFS as root (/sbin/service nfs restart) will
cause those service to correctly
register with portmap and begin working.

# /sbin/service nfs restart

-- NFS Server Configuration Files

Configuring a system to share files and directories using NFS is
straightforward. Every file system being
exported to remote users via NFS, as well as the access rights relating
to those file systems,
is located in the /etc/exports file. This file is read by the exportfs
command to give rpc.mountd and rpc.nfsd
the information necessary to allow the remote mounting of a file system
by an authorized host.

The exportfs command allows you to selectively export or unexport

directories without restarting the various
NFS services. When exportfs is passed the proper options, the file
systems to be exported are written to
/var/lib/nfs/xtab. Since rpc.mountd refers to the xtab file when
deciding access privileges to a file system,
changes to the list of exported file systems take effect immediately.

Various options are available when using exportfs:

-r - Causes all directories listed in /etc/exports to be exported by

constructing a new export list in
/etc/lib/nfs/xtab. This option effectively refreshes the export
list with any changes that have been
made to /etc/exports.

-a - Causes all directories to be exported or unexported, depending on

the other options passed to exportfs.

-o options - Allows the user to specify directories to be exported

that are not listed in /etc/exports.
These additional file system shares must be written in the same way
they are specified in /etc/exports.
This option is used to test an exported file system before adding
it permanently to the list of file systems
to be exported.

-i - Tells exportfs to ignore /etc/exports; only options given from the

command line are used to define
exported file systems.

-u - Unexports directories from being mounted by remote users. The

command exportfs -ua effectively suspends
NFS file sharing while keeping the various NFS daemons up. To allow
NFS sharing to continue, type exportfs -r.

-v - Verbose operation, where the file systems being exported or

unexported are displayed in greater detail
when the exportfs command is executed.

If no options are passed to the exportfs command, it displays a list of

currently exported file systems.

Changes to /etc/exports can also be read by reloading the NFS service

with the service nfs reload command.
This keeps the NFS daemons running while re-exporting the /etc/exports

-- /etc/exports
The /etc/exports file is the standard for controlling which file systems
are exported to which hosts,
as well as specifying particular options that control everything. Blank
lines are ignored, comments can be made
using #, and long lines can be wrapped with a backslash (\). Each
exported file system should be on its own line.
Lists of authorized hosts placed after an exported file system must be
separated by space characters.
Options for each of the hosts must be placed in parentheses directly
after the host identifier, without any spaces
separating the host and the first parenthesis.

In its simplest form, /etc/exports only needs to know the directory to

be exported and the hosts
permitted to use it:


After re-exporting /etc/exports with the "/sbin/service nfs reload"
command, the host will be
able to mount /some/directory and can mount
/another/exported/directory. Because no options
are specified in this example, several default NFS preferences take

In order to override these defaults, you must specify an option that

takes its place. For example, if you do
not specify rw, then that export will only be shared read-only. Each
default for every exported file system
must be explicitly overridden. Additionally, other options are available
where no default value is in place.
These include the ability to disable sub-tree checking, allow access
from insecure ports, and allow insecure
file locks (necessary for certain early NFS client implementations). See
the exports man page for details
on these lesser used options.

When specifying hostnames, you can use the following methods:

single host - Where one particular host is specified with a fully

qualified domain name, hostname, or IP address.

wildcards - Where a * or ? character is used to take into account a

grouping of fully qualified domain names
that match a particular string of letters. Wildcards are
not to be used with IP addresses; however,
they may accidently work if reverse DNS lookups fail.

However, be careful when using wildcards with fully qualified domain

names, as they tend to be more exact
than you would expect. For example, the use of * as wildcard
will allow to access
the exported file system, but not To match both
possibilities, as well as, you would have to provide *

IP networks - Allows the matching of hosts based on their IP addresses

within a larger network. For example, will allow the first 16 IP addresses, from to,
to access the exported file system but not
and higher.

netgroups - Permits an NIS netgroup name, written as @<group-name>, to

be used. This effectively puts the
NIS server in charge of access control for this exported
file system, where users can be added
and removed from an NIS group without affecting

The way in which the /etc/exports file is formatted is very important,
particularly concerning the use of
space characters. Remember to always separate exported file systems
from hosts and hosts from one another
with a space character. However, there should be no other space
characters in the file unless they are used
in comment lines.

For example, the following two lines do not mean the same thing:

/home (rw)

The first line allows only users from read-write access
to the /home directory.
The second line allows users from to mount the
directory read-only (the default), but the rest
of the world can mount it read-write. Be careful where space
characters are used in /etc/exports.

-- NFS Client Configuration Files - What to do on a client?

Any NFS share made available by a server can be mounted using various
methods. Of course, the share can be
manually mounted, using the mount command, to acquire the exported file
system at a particular mount point.
However, this requires that the root user type the mount command every
time the system restarts.
In addition, the root user must remember to unmount the file system when
shutting down the machine.
Two methods of configuring NFS mounts include modifying the /etc/fstab
or using the autofs service.

> /etc/fstab
Placing a properly formatted line in the /etc/fstab file has the same
effect as manually mounting the
exported file system. The /etc/fstab file is read by the
/etc/rc.d/init.d/netfs script at system startup.
The proper file system mounts, including NFS, are put into place.

A sample /etc/fstab line to mount an NFS export looks like the


<server>:</path/of/dir> </local/mnt/point> nfs <options> 0 0

The <server-host> relates to the hostname, IP address, or fully

qualified domain name of the server exporting
the file system. The </path/to/shared/directory> tells the server what
export to mount.
The </local/mount/point> specifies where on the local file system to
mount the exported directory.
This mount point must exist before /etc/fstab is read or the mount will
fail. The nfs option specifies
the type of file system being mounted.

The <options> area specifies how the file system is to be mounted. For
example, if the options
area states rw,suid on a particular mount, the exported file system will
be mounted read-write and the
user and group ID set by the server will be used. Note, parentheses are
not to be used here.

2.1.2 NFS and SuSE Linux:


-- Importing File Systems with YaST

Any user authorized to do so can mount NFS directories from an NFS

server into his own file tree.
This can be achieved most easily using the YaST module `NFS Client'.
Just enter the host name of the NFS server,
the directory to import, and the mount point at which to mount this
directory locally.
All this is done after clicking `Add' in the first dialog.

-- Importing File Systems Manually

File systems can easily be imported manually from an NFS server. The
only prerequisite is a running
RPC port mapper, which can be started by entering the command
# rcportmap start

as root. Once this prerequisite is met, remote file systems exported on

the respective machines
can be mounted in the file system just like local hard disks using the
command mount with the following syntax:

# mount host:remote-path local-path

If user directories from the machine sun, for example, should be

imported, the following command can be used:

# mount sun:/home /home

-- Exporting File Systems with YaST

With YaST, turn a host in your network into an NFS server - a server
that exports directories and files
to all hosts granted access to it. This could be done to provide
applications to all coworkers of a group
without installing them locally on each and every host. To install such
a server, start YaST and select
`Network Services' -> `NFS Server'

Next, activate `Start NFS Server' and click `Next'. In the upper text
field, enter the directories to export.
Below, enter the hosts that should have access to them.
There are four options that can be set for each host: single host,
netgroups, wildcards, and IP networks.
A more thorough explanation of these options is provided by man exports.
`Exit' completes the configuration.

-- Exporting File Systems Manually

If you do not want to use YaST, make sure the following systems run on
the NFS server:

RPC portmapper (portmap)

RPC mount daemon (rpc.mountd)
RPC NFS daemon (rpc.nfsd)

For these services to be started by the scripts "/etc/init.d/portmap"

and "/etc/init.d/nfsserver"
when the system is booted, enter the commands

# insserv /etc/init.d/nfsserver and

# insserv /etc/init.d/portmap.

Also define which file systems should be exported to which host in the
configuration file "/etc/exports".

For each directory to export, one line is needed to set which machines
may access that directory
with what permissions. All subdirectories of this directory are
automatically exported as well.
Authorized machines are usually specified with their full names
(including domain name), but it is possible
to use wild cards like * or ? (which expand the same way as in the Bash
shell). If no machine is specified here,
any machine is allowed to import this file system with the given

Set permissions for the file system to export in brackets after the
machine name. The most important options are:

ro File system is exported with read-only permission

rw File system is exported with read-write permission.
root_squash This makes sure the user root of the given machine does
not have root permissions
on this file system. This is achieved by assigning user
ID 65534 to users with user ID 0 (root).
This user ID should be set to nobody (which is the
no_root_squash Does not assign user ID 0 to user ID 65534, keeping the
root permissions valid.
link_relative Converts absolute links (those beginning with /) to a
sequence of ../.
This is only useful if the entire file system of a
machine is mounted (default).
link_absolute Symbolic links remain untouched.
map_identity User IDs are exactly the same on both client and server
map_daemon Client and server do not have matching user IDs. This
tells nfsd to create a conversion table
for user IDs. The ugidd daemon is required for this to

/etc/exports is read by mountd and nfsd. If you change anything in this

file, restart mountd and nfsd
for your changes to take effect. This can easily be done with
"rcnfsserver restart".

Example SuSE /etc/exports

# /etc/exports
/home sun(rw) venus(rw)
/usr/X11 sun(ro) venus(ro)
/usr/lib/texmf sun(ro) venus(rw)
/ earth(ro,root_squash)
/home/ftp (ro)
# End of exports

2.2 Mount command:


The standard form of the mount command, is

mount -F typefs device mountdir (solaris, HP-UX)

mount -t typefs device mountdir (many other unix's)

This tells the kernel to attach the file system found on "device" (which
is of type type)
at the directory "dir".
The previous contents (if any) and owner and mode of dir become
and as long as this file system remains mounted,
the pathname dir refers to the root of the file system on device.

The syntax is:

mount [options] [type] [device] [mountpoint]

-- mounting a remote filesystem:

syntax: mount -F nfs <options> <-o specific options> -O

<server>:<filesystem> <local_mount_point>

# mount -F nfs hpsrv:/data /data

# mount -F nfs -o hard,intr thor:/data /data

- standard mounts are determined by files like /etc/fstab (HP-UX) or

/etc/filesystems (AIX) or /etc/vfstab etc..
2.2.1 Where are the standard mounts defined?

In Solaris:

- standard mounts are determined by /etc/vfstab etc..

- NFS mounts are determined by the file /etc/dfs/dfstab. Here you will
find share commands.
- currently mounted filesystems are listed in /etc/mnttab

In Linux:

- standard mounts are determined by most Linux distros by "/etc/fstab".


- standard mounts and properties are determined by the file



There is a /etc/fstab which contains all of the filesystems are mounted

at boot time.
The filesystems that are OS related are / , /var, /opt , /tmp, /usr ,

The filesystem that is special is /stand, this is where your kernel is

built and resides.
Notice that the filesystem type is "hfs". HPUX kernels MUST reside on an
hfs filesystem

An example of /etc/vfstab:

starboss:/etc $ more vfstab

#device device mount FS fsck mount
#to mount to fsck point type pass at boot
fd - /dev/fd fd - no -
/proc - /proc proc - no -
/dev/md/dsk/d1 - - swap - no -
/dev/md/dsk/d0 /dev/md/rdsk/d0 / ufs 1 no logging
/dev/md/dsk/d4 /dev/md/rdsk/d4 /usr ufs 1 no logging
/dev/md/dsk/d3 /dev/md/rdsk/d3 /var ufs 1 no logging
/dev/md/dsk/d7 /dev/md/rdsk/d7 /export ufs 2 yes logging
/dev/md/dsk/d5 /dev/md/rdsk/d5 /usr/local ufs 2 yes
/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s0 /export2 ufs 2
yes logging
swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes size=512m

mount adds an entry, umount deletes an entry.

mounting applies to local filesystemes, or remote filesystems via NFS

Local mount example:

mount -F ufs -o logging /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /mnt

At Remote server:
share, shareall, or add entry in /etc/dfs/dfstab
# share -F nfs /var/mail

Unmount a mounted FS

First check who is using it

# fuser -c mountpoint
# umount mointpoint

2.2.2 Mounting a NFS filesystem in HP-UX:


Mounting Remote File Systems

You can use either SAM or the mount command to mount file systems
located on a remote system.

Before you can mount file systems located on a remote system, NFS
software must be installed and
configured on both local and remote systems. Refer to Installing and
Administering NFS for information.

For information on mounting NFS file systems using SAM, see SAM's online

To mount a remote file system using HP-UX commands,

You must know the name of the host machine and the file system's
directory on the remote machine.
Establish communication over a network between the local system (that
is, the "client") and the
remote system. (The local system must be able to reach the remote system
via whatever hosts database is in use.)
(See named(1M) and hosts(4).) If necessary, test the connection with
/usr/sbin/ping; see ping(1M).

Make sure the file /etc/exports on the remote system lists the file
systems that you wish to make available
to clients (that is, to "export") and the local systems that you wish to
mount the file systems.
For example, to allow machines called rolf and egbert to remotely mount
the /usr file system, edit the file
/etc/exports on the remote machine and include the line:

/usr rolf egbert

Execute /usr/sbin/exportfs -a on the remote system to export all

directories in /etc/exports to clients.

For more information, see exportfs(1M).

NOTE: If you wish to invoke exportfs -a at boot time, make sure the NFS
configuration file /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf
on the remote system contains the following settings: NFS_SERVER=1 and
The client's /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf file must contain NFS_CLIENT=1.
Then issue the following command
to run the script:
/sbin/init.d/nfs.server start

Mount the file system on the local system, as in:

# mount -F nfs remotehost:/remote_dir /local_dir

Just a bunch of mount command examples:


# mount
# mount -a
# mountall -l
# mount -t type device dir
# mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p0:c /pcfs/c
# mount /dev/md/dsk/d7 /u01
# mount sun:/home /home
# mount -t nfs /usr/local
# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
# mount -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s1 /mnt/cdrom
# mount -V cdrfs -o ro /dev/cd0 /cdrom

2.2.3 Solaris mount command:


The unix mount command is used to mount a filesystem, and it attaches

disks, and directories logically
rather than physically. It takes a minimum of two arguments:

1) the name of the special device which contains the filesystem

2) the name of an existing directory on which to mount the file system

Once the file system is mounted, the directory becomes the mount point.
All the file systems will now be usable
as if they were subdirectories of the file system they were mounted on.
The table of currently mounted file systems
can be found by examining the mounted file system information file. This
is provided by a file system that is usually
mounted on /etc/mnttab.

Mounting a file system causes three actions to occur:

1. The superblock for the mounted file system is read into memory
2. An entry is made in the /etc/mnttab file
3. An entry is made in the inode for the directory on which the file
system is mounted which marks the directory
as a mount point

The /etc/mountall command mounts all filesystems as described in the

/etc/vfstab file.
Note that /etc/mount and /etc/mountall commands can only be executed by
the superuser.


-F FSType
Used to specify the FSType on which to operate. The FSType must be
specified or must be determinable from
/etc/vfstab, or by consulting /etc/default/fs or /etc/dfs/fstypes.

-a [ mount_points. . . ]
Perform mount or umount operations in parallel, when possible.

If mount points are not specified, mount will mount all file systems
whose /etc/vfstab "mount at boot"
field is "yes". If mount points are specified, then /etc/vfstab "mount
at boot" field will be ignored.

If mount points are specified, umount will only umount those mount
points. If none is specified, then umount
will attempt to unmount all file systems in /etc/mnttab, with the
exception of certain system
required file systems: /, /usr, /var, /var/adm, /var/run, /proc, /dev/fd
and /tmp.

-f Forcibly unmount a file system.

Without this option, umount does not allow a file system to be
unmounted if a file on the file system is
busy. Using this option can cause data loss for open files; programs
which access files after the file sys-
tem has been unmounted will get an error (EIO).

-p Print the list of mounted file systems in the /etc/vfstab format.

Must be the only option specified.

-v Print the list of mounted file systems in verbose format. Must be the
only option specified.

-V Echo the complete command line, but do not execute the command.
umount generates a command line by using the
options and arguments provided by the user and adding to them
information derived from /etc/mnttab. This
option should be used to verify and validate the command line.

Options that are commonly supported by most FSType-specific command
modules. The following options are

-m Mount the file system without making an entry in /etc/mnttab.

-g Globally mount the file system. On a clustered system, this globally

mounts the file system on
all nodes of the cluster. On a non-clustered system this has no

-o Specify FSType-specific options in a comma separated (without spaces)

list of suboptions
and keyword-attribute pairs for interpretation by the FSType-specific
module of the command.
(See mount_ufs(1M))

-O Overlay mount. Allow the file system to be mounted over an existing

mount point, making
the underlying file system inaccessible. If a mount is attempted on a
pre-existing mount point
without setting this flag, the mount will fail, producing the error
"device busy".

-r Mount the file system read-only.

Example mount:

mount -F ufs -o logging /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 /mnt

Example mountpoints and disks:


Mountpunt Device Omvang Doel

/ /dev/md/dsk/d1 100 Unix Root-filesysteem
/usr /dev/md/dsk/d3 1200 Unix usr-filesysteem
/var /dev/md/dsk/d4 200 Unix var-filesysteem
/home /dev/md/dsk/d5 200 Unix opt-filesysteem
/opt /dev/md/dsk/d6 4700 Oracle_Home
/u01 /dev/md/dsk/d7 8700 Oracle datafiles
/u02 /dev/md/dsk/d8 8700 Oracle datafiles
/u03 /dev/md/dsk/d9 8700 Oracle datafiles
/u04 /dev/md/dsk/d10 8700 Oracle datafiles
/u05 /dev/md/dsk/d110 8700 Oracle datafiles
/u06 /dev/md/dsk/d120 8700 Oracle datafiles
/u07 /dev/md/dsk/d123 8650 Oracle datafiles

Suppose you have only 1 disk of about 72GB, 2GB RAM:

Entire disk= Slice 2

/ Slice 0, partition about 2G

swap Slice 1, partition about 4G
/export Slice 3, partition about 50G, maybe you link it to /u01
/var Slice 4, partition about 2G
/opt Slice 5, partition about 10G if you plan to install apps here
/usr Slice 6, partition about 2G
/u01 Slice 7, partition optional, standard it's /home
Depending on how you configure /export, size could be around

find . -name dfctowdk\*.zip | while read file; do pkzip25 -extract

-translate=unix ->

2.2.4 mount command on AIX:


Typical examples:

# mount -o soft /mnt

# mount -o soft abcsrv:/data/nim /mnt
# mount -o soft n580l03:/data/nim /mnt

Note 1:

mount [ -f ] [ -n Node ] [ -o Options ] [ -p ] [ -r ] [ -v VfsName ] [

-t Type | [ Device | Node:Directory ]
Directory | all | -a ] [-V [generic_options] special_mount_points

If you specify only the Directory parameter, the mount command takes it
to be the name of the directory or file on which
a file system, directory, or file is usually mounted (as defined in
the /etc/filesystems file). The mount command looks up
the associated device, directory, or file and mounts it. This is the
most convenient way of using the mount command,
because it does not require you to remember what is normally mounted on
a directory or file. You can also specify only
the device. In this case, the command obtains the mount point from
the /etc/filesystems file.

The /etc/filesystems file should include a stanza for each mountable

file system, directory, or file. This stanza should
specify at least the name of the file system and either the device on
which it resides or the directory name.
If the stanza includes a mount attribute, the mount command uses the
associated values. It recognizes five values
for the mount attributes: automatic, true, false, removable, and

The mount all command causes all file systems with the mount=true
attribute to be mounted in their normal places.
This command is typically used during system initialization, and the
corresponding mounts are referred to as
automatic mounts.
Example mount command on AIX:

$ mount

node mounted mounted over vfs date

-------- --------------- --------------- ------ ------------
/dev/hd4 / jfs2 Jun 06 17:15
/dev/hd2 /usr jfs2 Jun 06 17:15
/dev/hd9var /var jfs2 Jun 06 17:15
/dev/hd3 /tmp jfs2 Jun 06 17:15
/dev/hd1 /home jfs2 Jun 06 17:16
/proc /proc procfs Jun 06 17:16 rw
/dev/hd10opt /opt jfs2 Jun 06 17:16
/dev/fslv00 /XmRec jfs2 Jun 06 17:16
/dev/fslv01 /tmp/m2 jfs2 Jun 06 17:16
/dev/fslv02 /software jfs2 Jun 06 17:16
/dev/oralv /opt/app/oracle jfs2 Jun 06 17:25
/dev/db2lv /db2_database jfs2 Jun 06 19:54
/dev/fslv03 /bmc_home jfs2 Jun 07 12:11
/dev/homepeter /home/peter jfs2 Jun 13 18:42
/dev/bmclv /bcict/stage jfs2 Jun 15 15:21
/dev/u01 /u01 jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/u02 /u02 jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/u05 /u05 jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/u03 /u03 jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/backuo /backup_ora jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/u02back /u02back jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/u01back /u01back jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/u05back /u05back jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/u04back /u04back jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/u03back /u03back jfs2 Jun 22 00:22
/dev/u04 /u04 jfs2 Jun 22 10:25

Example /etc/filesystems file:

dev = /dev/hd9var
vfs = jfs2
log = /dev/hd8
mount = automatic
check = false
type = bootfs
vol = /var
free = false

dev = /dev/hd3
vfs = jfs2
log = /dev/hd8
mount = automatic
check = false
vol = /tmp
free = false

dev = /dev/hd10opt
vfs = jfs2
log = /dev/hd8
mount = true
check = true
vol = /opt
free = false

Example of the relation of Logigal Volumes and mountpoints:

/dev/lv01 = /u01
/dev/lv02 = /u02
/dev/lv03 = /u03
/dev/lv04 = /data
/dev/lv00 = /spl

2.2.5 Some other commands related to mounts:


fsstat command:

On some unixes, the fsstat command is available. It provides filesystem

It can take a lot of switches, thus be sure to check the man pages.

On Solaris, the following example shows the statistics for each file
operation for "/" (using the -f option):

$ fsstat -f /
Mountpoint: /
operation #ops bytes
open 8.54K
close 9.8K
read 43.6K 65.9M
write 1.57K 2.99M
ioctl 2.06K
setfl 4
getattr 40.3K
setattr 38
access 9.19K
lookup 203K
create 595
remove 56
link 0
rename 9
mkdir 19
rmdir 0
readdir 2.02K 2.27M
symlink 4
readlink 8.31K
fsync 199
inactive 2.96K
fid 0
rwlock 47.2K
rwunlock 47.2K
seek 29.1K
cmp 42.9K
frlock 4.45K
space 8
realvp 3.25K
getpage 104K
putpage 2.69K
map 13.2K
addmap 34.4K
delmap 33.4K
poll 287
dump 0
pathconf 54
pageio 0
dumpctl 0
dispose 23.8K
getsecattr 697
setsecattr 0
shrlock 0
vnevent 0

fuser command:

Identifies processes using a file or file structure.

fuser [ -c | -d | -f ] [ -k ] [ -u ] [ -x ] [ -V ]File ...

The fuser command lists the process numbers of local processes that use
the local or remote files
specified by the File parameter. For block special devices, the command
lists the processes that use
any file on that device.


-c Reports on any open files in the file system containing File.

-d Implies the use of the -c and -x flags. Reports on any open files
which haved been unlinked from the file system
(deleted from the parent directory). When used in conjunction with
the -V flag, it also reports the inode number
and size of the deleted file.
-f Reports on open instances of File only.
-k Sends the SIGKILL signal to each local process. Only the root user
can kill a process of another user.
-u Provides the login name for local processes in parentheses after the
process number.
-V Provides verbose output.
-x Used in conjunction with -c or -f, reports on executable and loadable
objects in addition to the standard fuser output.

To list the process numbers of local processes using the /etc/passwd

file, enter:
# fuser /etc/passwd

To list the process numbers and user login names of processes using
the /etc/filesystems file, enter:
# fuser -u /etc/filesystems

To terminate all of the processes using a given file system, enter:

#fuser -k -x -u /dev/hd1 -OR-
#fuser -kxuc /home

Either command lists the process number and user name, and then
terminates each process that is using
the /dev/hd1 (/home) file system. Only the root user can terminate
processes that belong to another user.
You might want to use this command if you are trying to unmount the
/dev/hd1 file system and a process
that is accessing the /dev/hd1 file system prevents this.
To list all processes that are using a file which has been deleted from
a given file system, enter:
# fuser -d /usr

Examples on linux distro's:

- To kill all processes accessing the file system /home in any way.
# fuser -km /home

- invokes something if no other process is using /dev/ttyS1.

if fuser -s /dev/ttyS1; then :; else something; fi

- shows all processes at the (local) TELNET port.

# fuser telnet/tcp

A similar command is the lsof command.

2.2.6 Starting and stopping NFS:


Short note on stopping and starting NFS. See other sections for more

On all unixes, a number of daemons should be running in order for NFS to

be functional, like for example
the rpc.* processes, biod, nfsd and others.

Once nfs is running, and in order to actually "share" or "export" your

filesystem on your server, so remote clients
are able to mount the nfs mount, in most cases you should edit the
"/etc/exports" file.
See other sections in this document (search on exportfs) on how to
accomplish this.

-- AIX:

The following subsystems are part of the nfs group: nfsd, biod,
rpc.lockd, rpc.statd, and rpc.mountd.
The nfs subsystem (group) is under control of the "resource controller",
so starting and stopping nfs
is actually easy

# startsrc -g nfs
# stopsrc -g nfs

Or use smitty.

-- Redhat Linux:
# /sbin/service nfs restart
# /sbin/service nfs start
# /sbin/service nfs stop

-- On some other Linux distros

# /etc/init.d/nfs start
# /etc/init.d/nfs stop
# /etc/init.d/nfs restart

-- Solaris:
If the nfs daemons aren't running, then you will need to run:
# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start

-- HP-UX:
Issue the following command on the NFS server to start all the necessary
NFS processes (HP):
# /sbin/init.d/nfs.server start

Or if your machine is only a client:

# cd /sbin/init.d
# ./nfs.client start

3. Change ownership file/dir, adding users:

3.1 Changing ownership:


chown -R user[:group] file/dir (SVR4)

chown -R user[.group] file/dir (bsd)

(-R recursive dirs)

chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/u01
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/u02
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/u03
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/u04

-R means all subdirs also.

chown rjanssen file.txt - Give permissions as owner to user


# groupadd dba
# useradd oracle
# mkdir /usr/oracle
# mkdir /usr/oracle/9.0
# chown -R oracle:dba /usr/oracle
# touch /etc/oratab
# chown oracle:dba /etc/oratab

Note: Not owner message:


>>> Solaris:

it is possible to turn the chown command on or off (i.e., allow it to be

used or disallow its use) on a system by
altering the /etc/system file. The /etc/system file, along with the
files in /etc/default should be thought of a
"system policy files" -- files that allow the systems administrator to
determine such things as whether
root can login over the network, whether su commands are logged, and
whether a regular user can change ownership of his own files.

On a system disallowing a user to change ownership of his files (this is

now the default), the value of rstchown is set to 1.
Think of this as saying "restrict chown is set to TRUE". You might see a
line like this in /etc/system (or no rstchown value at all):

set rstchown=1

On a system allowing chown by regular users, this value will be set to 0

as shown here:

set rstchown=0

Whenever the /etc/system file is changed, the system will have to be

rebooted for the changes to take effect.
Since there is no daemon process associated with commands such a chown,
there is no process that one could send
a hangup (HUP) to effect the change in policy "on the fly".

Why might system administrators restrict access to the chown command?

For a system on which disk quotas are enforced,
they might not want to allow files to be "assigned" by one user to
another user's quota. More importantly,
for a system on which accountability is deemed important, system
administrators will want to know who
created each file on a system - whether to track down a potential system
abuse or simply to ask if a file that is
occupying space in a shared directory or in /tmp can be removed.

When a system disallows use of the chown command, you can expect to see
dialog like this:

% chown wallace myfile

chown: xyz: Not owner

Though it would be possible to disallow "chowning" of files by changing

permissions on /usr/bin/chown,
such a change would not slow down most Unix users. They would simple
copy the /usr/bin/chown file to their own directory
and make their copy executable. Designed to be extensible, Unix will
happily comply. Making the change in the /etc/system
file blocks any chown operation from taking effect, regardless of where
the executable is stored, who owns it,
and what it is called. If usage of chown is restricted in /etc/system,
only the superuser can change ownership of files.
3.2 Add a user in Solaris:


# useradd -u 3000 -g other -d /export/home/tempusr -m -s /bin/ksh -c

"temporary user" tempusr
# useradd -u 1002 -g dba -d /export/home/avdsel -m -s /bin/ksh -c
"Albert van der Sel" avdsel
# useradd -u 1001 -g oinstall -G dba -d /export/home/oraclown -m -s
/bin/ksh -c "Oracle owner" oraclown
# useradd -u 1005 -g oinstall -G dba -d /export/home/brighta -m -s
/bin/ksh -c "Bright Alley" brighta

useradd -u 300 -g staff -G staff -d /home/emc -m -s /usr/bin/ksh -c "EMC

user" emc

a password cannot be specified using the useradd command.

Use passwd to give the user a password:

# passwd tempusr

UID must be unique and is typically a number between 100 and 60002
GID is a number between 0 and 60002

Or use the graphical "admintool" or smc, the solaris management console.

-- Profiles a user can use to set the environment:

1. Korn Shell ksh:


When the POSIX or Korn Shell is your login shell, it looks for these
following files and executes them, if they exist:

This default system file is executed by the shell program and sets up
default environment variables.

If this file exists in your home directory, it is executed next at

At any time-this includes login time-the POSIX or Korn Shell is invoked,

it looks for the file referenced by the following shell variable,
and executes it, if it exists:

When you invoke the shell, it looks for a shell variable called ENV
which is usually set in your .profile. ENV is evaluated and if it is set
to an existing file, that file is executed. By convention, ENV is
usually set to .kshrc but may be set to any file name.

These files provide the means for customizing the shell environment to
fit your needs.

2. Bourne Shell sh:


it looks for these following files and executes them, if they exist:


.profle in the home directory, for example "/home/user1/.profile"

3.3 Add a user in AIX:


You can also use the useradd command, just as in Solaris.

Or use the native "mkuser" command.

# mkuser albert

The mkuser command does not create password information for a user. It
initializes the password field
with an * (asterisk). Later, this field is set with the passwd or pwdadm
New accounts are disabled until the passwd or pwdadm commands are used
to add authentication
information to the /etc/security/passwd file.

You can use the Users application in Web-based System Manager to change
user characteristics. You could also
use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) "smit mkuser" fast path
to run this command.

The /usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file contains the default

attributes for new users.
This file is an ASCII file that contains user stanzas. These stanzas
have attribute default values
for users created by the mkuser command. Each attribute has the
Attribute=Value form. If an attribute
has a value of $USER, the mkuser command substitutes the name of the
user. The end of each attribute pair
and stanza is marked by a new-line character.

There are two stanzas, user and admin, that can contain all defined
attributes except the id and admin attributes.
The mkuser command generates a unique id attribute. The admin attribute
depends on whether the -a flag is used with
the mkuser command.

A typical user stanza looks like the following:

pgroup = staff
groups = staff
shell = /usr/bin/ksh
home = /home/$USER
auth1 = SYSTEM

# mkuser [ -de | -sr ] [-attr Attributes=Value [ Attribute=Value... ] ]

# mkuser [ -R load_module ] [ -a ] [ Attribute=Value ... ] Name

To create the davis user account with the default values in the
/usr/lib/security/mkuser.default file, type:
# mkuser davis

To create the davis account with davis as an administrator, type:

# mkuser -a davis

Only the root user or users with the UserAdmin authorization can create
davis as an administrative user.

To create the davis user account and set the su attribute to a value of
false, type:
# mkuser su=false davis

To create the davis user account that is identified and authenticated

through the LDAP load module, type:
# mkuser -R LDAP davis

To add davis to the groups finance and accounting, enter:

chuser groups=finance,accounting davis

-- Add a user with the smit utility:

-- ---------------------------------
Start SMIT by entering

smit <Enter>

From the Main Menu, make the following selections:

-Security and Users

-Add a User to the System

The utility displays a form for adding new user information. Use the
<Up-arrow> and <Down-arrow> keys to move through
the form. Do not use <Enter> until you are finished and ready to exit
the screen.
Fill in the appropriate fields of the Create User form (as listed in
Create User Form) and press <Enter>.
The utility exits the form and creates the new user.

-- Using SMIT to Create a Group:

-- -----------------------------
Use the following procedure to create a group.

Start SMIT by entering the following command:

smit <Enter>

The utility displays the Main Menu.

From the Main Menu, make the following selections:

-Security and Users

-Add a Group to the System

The utility displays a form for adding new group information.

Type the group name in the Group Name field and press <Enter>.
The group name must be eight characters or less.
The utility creates the new group, automatically assigns the next
available GID, and exits the form

Primary Authentication method of system:


To check whether root has a primary authentication method of SYSTEM, use

the following command:
# lsuser -a auth1 root

If needed, change the value by using

# chuser auth1=SYSTEM root

3.4 Add a user in HP-UX:


-- Example 1:

Add user john to the system with all of the default attributes.

# useradd john

Add the user john to the system with a UID of 222 and a primary group
of staff.

# useradd -u 222 -g staff john

-- Example 2:

=> Add a user called guestuser as per following requirements

=> Primary group member of guests
=> Secondary group member of www and accounting
=> Shell must be /usr/bin/bash3
=> Home directory must be /home/guestuser

# useradd -g guests -G www,accounting -d /home/guests -s

/home/guestuser/ -m guestuser
# passwd guestuser
3.5 Add a user in Linux Redhat:

You can use tools like useradd or groupadd to create new users and
groups from the shell prompt.
But an easier way to manage users and groups is through the graphical
application, User Manager.

Users are described in the /etc/passwd file

Groups are stored on Red Hat Linux in the /etc/group file.

Or invoke the Gnome Linuxconf GUI Tool by typing "linuxconf". In Red Hat
Linux, linuxconf is found in the
/bin directory.

4. Change filemode, permissions:

Permissions are given to:

u = user
g = group
o = other/world
a = all

file/directory permissions (or also called "filemodes") are:

r = read
w = write
x = execute

special modes are:

X = sets execute if already set (this one is particularly sexy, look
s = set setuid/setgid bit
t = set sticky bit


readable by all, everyone

% chmod a+r essay.001

to remove read write and execute permissions on the file biglist for the
group and others
% chmod go-rwx biglist

make executable:
% chmod +x mycommand
set mode:
% chmod 644 filename

rw-r--r--=644 corresponds to umask 022

1 = execute
2 = write
4 = read

note that the total is 7

execute and read are: 1+4=5
read and write are: 2+4=6
read, write and exec: 1+2+4=7
and so on

directories must always be executable...

so a file with, say 640, means, the owner can read and write (4+2=6),
the group can read (4)
and everyone else has no permission to use the file (0).

chmod -R a+X .
This command would set the executable bit (for all users) of all
directories and executables
below the current directory that presently have an execute bit set. Very
helpful when you want to set
all your binary files executable for everyone other than you without
having to set the executable bit
of all your conf files, for instance. *wink*

chmod -R g+w .
This command would set all the contents below the current directory
writable by your current group.

chmod -R go-rwx
This command would remove permissions for group and world users without
changing the bits for the file owner.
Now you don't have to worry that 'find . -type f -exec chmod 600 {}\;'
will change your binary files
non-executable. Further, you don't need to run an additional command to
chmod your directories.

chmod u+s /usr/bin/run_me_setuid

This command would set the setuid bit of the file. It's simply easier
than remembering which number to use
when wanting to setuid/setgid, IMHO.

5. About the sticky bit:

- This info is valid for most Unix OS including Solaris and AIX:

A 't' or 'T' as the last character of the "ls -l" mode characters
indicates that the "sticky" (save text image) bit is set. See ls(1) for
an explanation the distinction between 't' and 'T'.

The sticky bit has a different meaning, depending on the type of file it
is set on...

sticky bit on directories

[From chmod(2)]
If the mode bit S_ISVTX (sticky bit) is set on a directory, files
inside the directory may be renamed or removed only by the owner of
the file, the owner of the directory, or the superuser (even if the
modes of the directory would otherwise allow such an operation).

drwxrwxrwt 104 bin bin 14336 Jun 7 00:59 /tmp

Only root is permitted to turn the sticky bit on or off. In addition the
sticky bit applies to anyone
who accesses the file. The syntax for setting the sticky bit on a dir
/foo directory is as follows:

chmod +t /foo

sticky bit on regular files

[From chmod(2)]
If an executable file is prepared for sharing, mode bit S_ISVTX prevents
the system from abandoning the swap-space image of the program-text
portion of the file when its last user terminates. Then, when the next
user of the file executes it, the text need not be read from the file
system but can simply be swapped in, thus saving time.

[From HP-UX Kernel Tuning and Performance Guide]

Local paging. When applications are located remotely, set the "sticky
on the applications binaries, using the chmod +t command. This tells the
system to page the text to the local disk. Otherwise, it is "retrieved"
across the network. Of course, this would only apply when there is
paging occurring. More recently, there is a kernel parameter,
page_text_to_local, which when set to 1, will tell the kernel to page
NFS executable text pages to local swap space.

-r-xr-xr-t 6 bin bin 24111111111664 Nov 14 2000

The sticky bit on a directory is a permission bit that protects files

within that directory.
If the directory has the sticky bit set, only the owner of the file, the
owner of the directory,
or root can delete the file. The sticky bit prevents a user from
deleting other users' files from
public directories, such as uucppublic:

castle% ls -l /var/spool/uucppublic
drwxrwxrwt 2 uucp uucp 512 Sep 10 18:06 uucppublic

When you set up a public directory on a TMPFS temporary file system,

make sure that you set the sticky bit manually.

You can set sticky bit permissions by using the chmod command to assign
the octal value 1 as the first number
in a series of four octal values. Use the following steps to set the
sticky bit on a directory:

1. If you are not the owner of the file or directory, become superuser.
2. Type chmod <1nnn> <filename> and press Return.
3. Type ls -l <filename> and press Return to verify that the
permissions of the file have changed.
The following example sets the sticky bit permission on the pubdir

castle% chmod 1777 pubdir

castle% ls -l pubdir
drwxrwxrwt 2 winsor staff 512 Jul 15 21:23 pubdir

6. About SETUID:

Each process has three user ID's:

the real user ID (ruid)
the effective user ID (euid) and
the saved user ID (suid)

The real user ID identifies the owner of the process, the effective uid
is used in most
access control decisions, and the saved uid stores a previous user ID so
that it
can be restored later.
Similar, a process has three group ID's.

When a process is created by fork, it inherits the three uid's from the
parent process.
When a process executes a new file by exec..., it keeps its three uid's
unless the
set-user-ID bit of the new file is set, in which case the effective uid
and saved uid
are assigned the user ID of the owner of the new file.

When setuid (set-user identification) permission is set on an executable

file, a process that runs this file
is granted access based on the owner of the file (usually root), rather
than the user who created the process.
This permission enables a user to access files and directories that are
normally available only to the owner.

The setuid permission is shown as an s in the file permissions.

For example, the setuid permission on the passwd command enables a user
to change passwords,
assuming the permissions of the root ID are the following:

castle% ls -l /usr/bin/passwd
-r-sr-sr-x 3 root sys 96796 Jul 15 21:23 /usr/bin/passwd

You setuid permissions by using the chmod command to assign the octal
value 4 as the first number
in a series of four octal values. Use the following steps to setuid

1. If you are not the owner of the file or directory, become superuser.
2. Type chmod <4nnn> <filename> and press Return.
3. Type ls -l <filename> and press Return to verify that the
permissions of the file have changed.

The following example sets setuid permission on the myprog file:

#chmod 4555 myprog

-r-sr-xr-x 1 winsor staff 12796 Jul 15 21:23 myprog

The setgid (set-group identification) permission is similar to setuid,

except that the effective group ID
for the process is changed to the group owner of the file and a user is
granted access based on permissions
granted to that group. The /usr/bin/mail program has setgid permissions:

castle% ls -l /usr/bin/mail
-r-x-s-x 1 bin mail 64376 Jul 15 21:27 /usr/bin/mail

When setgid permission is applied to a directory, files subsequently

created in the directory belong to the group
the directory belongs to, not to the group the creating process belongs
to. Any user who has write permission
in the directory can create a file there; however, the file does not
belong to the group of the user,
but instead belongs to the group of the directory.
You can set setgid permissions by using the chmod command to assign the
octal value 2 as the first number
in a series of four octal values. Use the following steps to set setgid

1. If you are not the owner of the file or directory, become superuser.
2. Type chmod <2nnn> <filename> and press Return.
3. Type ls -l <filename> and press Return to verify that the
permissions of the file have changed.
The following example sets setuid permission on the myprog2 file:

#chmod 2551 myprog2

#ls -l myprog2
-r-xr-s-x 1 winsor staff 26876 Jul 15 21:23 myprog2

7. Find command examples:

The find command allows the Unix user to process a set of files and/or
directories in a file subtree.

You can specify the following:

where to search (pathname)

what type of file to search for (-type: directories, data files, links)
how to process the files (-exec: run a process against a selected
the name of the file(s) (-name)
perform logical operations on selections (-o and -a)
Search for file with a specific name in a set of files (-name)


# find . -name "rc.conf" -print

This command will search in the current directory and all sub
directories for a file named rc.conf.
Note: The -print option will print out the path of any file that is
found with that name. In general -print wil
print out the path of any file that meets the find criteria.

# find . -name "rc.conf" -exec chmod o+r '{}' \;

This command will search in the current directory and all sub
directories. All files named rc.conf will be processed
by the chmod -o+r command. The argument '{}' inserts each found file
into the chmod command line.
The \; argument indicates the exec command line has ended.
The end results of this command is all rc.conf files have the other
permissions set to read access
(if the operator is the owner of the file).

How to find text in a set of files:


# find . -exec grep "www.athabasca" '{}' \; -print

This command will search in the current directory and all sub
All files that contain the string will have their path printed to
standard output.

# find . -exec grep "CI_ADJ_TYPE" {} \; -print

This command search all subdirs all files to find text CI_ADJ_TYPE

How to find files of certain size:


# find / -xdev -size +2048 -ls | sort -r +6

# find . -xdev -size +2048 -ls | sort -r +6

This command will find all files in the root directory larger than 1 MB.

How to find files between dates:


thread 1:

touch -t $olddate ./tmpoldfile
touch -t $newdat ./tmpnewfile
find /path/to/directory -type f -newer a ./tmpoldfile ! -newer a

the "-newer a " means access time, you can use "-newer m " for modify

thread 2:

Touch 2 files, start_date and stop_date, like this:

$ touch -t 200603290000.00 start_date
$ touch -t 200603290030.00 stop_date

Ok, start_date is 03/29/06 midnight, stop_date is 03/29/06 30 minutes

after midnight. You might want to do a ls -al to check.

On to find, you can find -newer and then ! -newer, like this:
$ find /dir -newer start_date ! -newer stop_date -print
Combine that with ls -l, you get:
$ find /dir -newer start_date ! -newer stop_date -print0 | xargs -0 ls

(Or you can try -exec to execute ls -l. I am not sure of the format, so
you have to muck around a little bit)


thread 3:

ls -lrtR | awk '{print $6$7"\t"$9}'|grep Nov

thread 4:

1) between 2 dates (say 15 Aug 08 to 31 Aug 08)

touch -t 20080150000 /tmp/start

touch -t 20080831000 /tmp/finish
find / -size +10k -newer /tmp/start -a ! -newer /tmp/finish

2) later than a specified date (say 25 Aug 08)

touch -t 20080250000 /tmp/ref

find / -size +10k ! -newer /tmp/ref

Other examples:
# find . -name file -print
# find / -name $1 -exec ls -l {} \;

# find / -user nep -exec ls -l {} \; >nepfiles.txt

In English: search from the root directory for any files owned by nep
and execute an ls -l on the file when any are found.
Capture all output in nepfiles.txt.

# find $HOME -name \*.txt -print

In order to protect the asterisk from being expanded by the shell,
it is necessary to use a backslash to escape the asterisk as in:

# find / -atime +30 -print

This prints files that have not been accessed in the last 30 days

# find / -atime +100 -size +500000c -print

The find search criteria can be combined. This command will locate and
list all files
that were last accessed more than 100 days ago, and whose size exceeds
500,000 bytes.
# find /opt/bene/process/logs -name 'ALBRACHT*' -mtime +90 -exec rm
{} \;

# find /example /new/example -exec grep -l 'Where are you' {} \;

# find / \( -name a.out -o -name '*.o' \) -atime +7 -exec rm {} \;
# find . -name '*.trc' -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;
# find / -fsonly hfs -print
# cd /; find . ! -path ./Disk -only -print | cpio -pdxm /Disk
# cd /; find . -path ./Disk -prune -o -print | cpio -pdxm /Disk
# cd /; find . -xdev -print | cpio -pdm /Disk
# find -type f -print | xargs chmod 444
# find -type d -print | xargs chmod 555
# find . -atime +1 -name '*' -exec rm -f {} \;
# find /tmp -atime +1 -name '*' -exec rm -f {} \;
# find /usr/tmp -atime +1 -name '*' -exec rm -f {} \;
# find / -name core -exec rm -f {} \;
# find . -name "*.dbf" -mtime -2 -exec ls {} \;

* Search and list all files from current directory and down for the
string ABC:
find ./ -name "*" -exec grep -H ABC {} \;
find ./ -type f -print | xargs grep -H "ABC" /dev/null
egrep -r ABC *
* Find all files of a given type from current directory on down:
find ./ -name "*.conf" -print
* Find all user files larger than 5Mb:
find /home -size +5000000c -print
* Find all files owned by a user (defined by user id number. see
/etc/passwd) on the system: (could take a very long time)
find / -user 501 -print
* Find all files created or updated in the last five minutes: (Great for
finding effects of make install)
find / -cmin -5
* Find all users in group 20 and change them to group 102: (execute as
find / -group 20 -exec chown :102 {} \;
* Find all suid and setgid executables:
find / \( -perm -4000 -o -perm -2000 \) -type f -exec ls -ldb {} \;
find / -type f -perm +6000 -ls


cd /database/oradata/pegacc/archive
if [ $archdir=="/database/oradata/pegacc/archive" ]
find . -name "*.dbf" -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;
echo "error in onderhoud PEGACC archives" >>


The following example shows how to find files larger than 400 blocks in
the current directory:

# find . -size +400 -print



This example could even help in recovery of a file:

In some rare cases a strangely-named file will show itself in your

directory and appear to be
un-removable with the rm command. Here is will the use of ls -li and
find with its -inum [inode]
primary does the job.
Let's say that ls -l shows your irremovable as

-rw------- 1 smith smith 0 Feb 1 09:22 ?*?*P


ls -li

to get the index node, or inode.

153805 -rw------- 1 smith smith 0 Feb 1 09:22 ?*?^P

The inode for this file is 153805. Use find -inum [inode] to make sure
that the file is correctly identified.

% find -inum 153805 -print


Here, we see that it is. Then used the -exec functionality to do the
remove. .

% find . -inum 153805 -print -exec /bin/rm {} \;

Note that if this strangely named file were not of zero-length, it might
contain accidentally misplaced
and wanted data. Then you might want to determine what kind of data the
file contains and move the file
to some temporary directory for further investigation, for example:

% find . -inum 153805 -print -exec /bin/mv {} unknown.file \;

Will rename the file to unknown.file, so you can easily inspect it.

COOL EXAMPLE: Using find and cpio to create really good backups:

Suppose you have a lot of subdirs and files in "/dir1/dira"

Now you want to copy, or backup, this to "/dir2/dirb"
And not only just the files and subdirs, BUT ALSO all filemodes
(permissions), ownership information, acl's etc..

Then DO NOT USE "cp -R" or something similar. Instead use "find" in
combination with the "cpio" backup command.

# cd /dir1/dira
# find . | cpio -pvdm /dir2/dirb

Note: difference betweeen mtime and atime:


In using the find command where you want to delete files older than a
certain date, you can use
commands like
find . -name "*.log" -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \; or
find . -name "*.dbf" -atime +30 -exec rm {} \;

Why should you choose, or not choose, between atime and mtime?

It is important to distinguish between a file or directory's change time

(ctime), access time (atime),
and modify time (mtime).

ctime -- In UNIX, it is not possible to tell the actual creation time of

a file. The ctime--change time--
is the time when changes were made to the file or directory's
inode (owner, permissions, etc.).
The ctime is also updated when the contents of a file change.
It is needed by the dump command
to determine if the file needs to be backed up. You can view
the ctime with the ls -lc command.

atime -- The atime--access time--is the time when the data of a file was
last accessed. Displaying the contents
of a file or executing a shell script will update a file's
atime, for example.

mtime -- The mtime--modify time--is the time when the actual contents of
a file was last modified.
This is the time displayed in a long directoring listing (ls

Thats why backup utilities use the mtime when performing incremental
When the utility reads the data for a file that is to be included in a
backup, it does not
affect the file's modification time, but it does affect the file's
access time.

So for most practical reasons, if you want to delete logfiles (or other
files) older than a certain
date, its best to use the mtime attribute.

How to make those times visible?

"ls -l" shows atime
"ls -lc" shows ctime
"ls -lm" shows mtime

"istat filename" will show all three.

pago-am1:/usr/local/bb>istat bb18b3.tar.gz
Inode 20 on device 10/9 File
Protection: rw-r--r--
Owner: 100(bb) Group: 100(bb)
Link count: 1 Length 427247 bytes

Last updated: Tue Aug 14 11:01:46 2001

Last modified: Thu Jun 21 07:36:32 2001
Last accessed: Thu Nov 01 20:38:46 2001

7. Crontab command:

Cron is uded to schedule or run periodically all sorts of executable

programs or shell scripts,
like backupruns, housekeeping jobs etc..
The crond daemon makes it all happen.

Who has access to cron, is on most unixes determined by the "cron.allow"

and "cron.deny" files.
Every allowed user, can have it's own "crontab" file.
The crontab of root, is typically used for system administrative jobs.

On most unixes the relevant files can be found in:

/var/spool/cron/crontabs or
/var/adm/cron or

For example, on Solaris the /var/adm/cron/cron.allow and

/var/adm/cron/cron.deny files control
which users can use the crontab command.

Most common usage:

- if you just want a listing: crontab -l

- if you want to edit and change: crontab -e

crontab [ -e | -l | -r | -v | File ]

-e: edit, submit -r remove, -l list

A crontab file contains entries for each cron job. Entries are separated
by newline characters.
Each crontab file entry contains six fields separated by spaces or tabs
in the following form:
minute hour day_of_month month weekday command

0 0 * 8 * /u/harry/bin/maintenance


Note 1: start and stop cron:


-- Solaris and some other unixes:

The proper way to stop and restart cron are:

# /etc/init.d/cron stop
# /etc/init.d/cron start

In Solaris 10 you could use the following command as well:

# svcadm refresh cron
# svcadm restart cron

-- Other way to restart cron:

In most unixes, cron is started by init and there is a record in the

/etc/initab file
which makes that happen. Check if your system has indeed a record of
cron in the inittab file.
The type of start should be "respawn", which means that should the
superuser do a "kill -9 crond", the cron daemon is simply restarted
Again, preferrably, there should be a stop and start script to restart

Especially on AIX, there is no true way to restart cron in a neat way.

Not via the Recourse Control startscr command,
or script, a standard method is available. Just kill crond and it will
be restarted.

-- On many linux distros:

to restart the cron daemon, you could do either a "service crond

restart" or a "service
crond reload".

Note 2:

Create a cronjobs file

You can do this on your local computer in Notepad or you can create the
file directly on
your Virtual Server using your favorite UNIX text editor (pico, vi,
Your file should contain the following entries:
MAILTO="[email protected]"
0 1 1 1-12/3 * /usr/local/bin/vnukelog

This will run the command "/usr/local/bin/vnukelog" (which clears all of

your log files) at
1 AM on the first day of the first month of every quarter, or January,
April, July, and October (1-12/3).
Obviously, you will need to substitute a valid e-mail address in the
place of "[email protected]".

If you have created this file on your local computer,

FTP the file up to your Virtual Server and store it in your home
directory under the name
"cronjobs" (you can actually use any name you would like).

Register your cronjobs file with the system

After you have created your cronjobs file (and have uploaded it to your
Virtual Server if applicable),
you need to Telnet to your server and register the file with the cron
system daemon. To do this, simply type:
crontab cronjobs

Or if you used a name other than "cronjobs", substitute the name you
selected for the occurrence of "cronjobs" above.

Note 3:
# use /bin/sh to run commands, no matter what /etc/passwd says
# mail any output to `paul', no matter whose crontab this is
# run five minutes after midnight, every day
5 6-18 * * * /opt/app/oracle/admin/scripts/
# run at 2:15pm on the first of every month -- output mailed to paul
15 14 1 * * $HOME/bin/monthly
# run at 10 pm on weekdays, annoy Joe
0 22 * * 1-5 mail -s "It's 10pm" joe%Joe,%%Where are your kids?%
23 0-23/2 * * * echo "run 23 minutes after midn, 2am, 4am ..., everyday"
5 4 * * sun echo "run at 5 after 4 every sunday"

2>&1 means:

It means that standard error is redirected along with standard output.

Standard error
could be redirected to a different file, like
ls > toto.txt 2> error.txt If your shell is csh or tcsh, you would
redirect standard
output and standard error like this
lt >& toto.txt Csh or tcsh cannot redirect standard error separately.

Note 4:


> Isn't there a way to refresh cron to pick up changes made using
> crontab -e? I made the changes but the specified jobs did not run.
> I'm thinking I need to refresh cron to pick up the changes. Is this
> true? Thanks.


Crontab -e should do that for you, that's the whole point of using
it rather than editing the file yourself.
Why do you think the job didn't run?
Post the crontab entry and the script. Give details of the version of
Tru64 and the patch level.
Then perhaps we can help you to figure out the real cause of the
Hope this helps


I have seen the following problem when editing the cron file for another

crontab -e idxxxxxx

This changed the control file,

when I verified with crontab -l the contents was correctly shown,
but the cron daemon did not execute the new contents.

To solve the problem, I needed to follow the following commands:

su - idxxxxxx
crontab -l |crontab

This seems to work ... since then I prefer the following

su - idxxxxxx
crontab -e

which seems to work also ...

Note 5:

On AIX it is observed, that if the "daemon=" attribute of a user is set

to be false,
this user cannot use crontab, even if the account is placed in

You need to set the attribute to "daemon=true".

* daemon Defines whether the user can execute programs using the
* resource controller (SRC). Possible values: true or

Note 6:

If you want to quick test the crontab of a user:

su - user
and put the following in the crontab of that user:

* * * * * date >/tmp/elog

After checking the /tmp/elog file, which will rapidly fills with dates,
don't forget
to remove the crontab entry shown above.

Note 7: the at and atq commands:


On many unix systems the scheduling "at" command and "atq" commands are
With "at", you can schedule commands, and with "atq" you can view all
your, or other users, scheduled tasks.

atq- Display the jobs queued to run at specified times

For example, on Solaris:

The at command is used to schedule jobs for execution at a later time.

Unlike crontab, which schedules a job to happen at regular intervals,
a job submitted with at executes once, at the designated time.

To submit an at job, type at followed by the time that you would like
the program to execute. You'll see the at> prompt displayed and it's
that you enter the at commands. When you are finished entering the at
command, press control-d to exit the at prompt
and submit the job as shown in the following example:

# at 07:45am today
at> who > /tmp/log
at> <Press Control-d>

job 912687240.a at Thu Jun 6 07:14:00

When you submit an at job, it is assigned a job identification number,

which becomes its filename along with the .a extension.
The file is stored in the /var/spool/cron/atjobs directory. In much the
same way as it schedules crontab jobs,
the cron daemon controls the scheduling of at files.
8. Job control, background:

To put a sort job (or other job) in background:

# sort < foo > bar &

To show jobs:
# jobs

To show processes:
# ps
# ps -ef | grep ora

Job in foreground -> background:

Ctrl-Z (suspend)
#bg or bg jobID

Job in background -> foreground:

# fg %jobid

Stop a process:
# kill -9 3535 (3535 is the pid, process id)

Stop a background process you may try this:

# kill -QUIT 3421

-- Kill all processes of a specific users:

-- ---------------------------------------

To kill all processes of a specific user, enter:

# ps -u [user-id] -o pid | grep -v PID | xargs kill -9

Another way:
Use who to check out your current users and their terminals. Kill all
processes related to a specific terminal:
# fuser -k /dev/pts[#]

Yet another method:

Su to the user-id you wish to kill all processes of and enter:
# su - [user-id] -c kill -9 -1

Or su - to that userid, and use the killall command, which is available

on most unix'es, like for example AIX.
# killall

So in order to kill all processes of a user:

# kill -9 -1 # not on all unixes


# killall # not on all unixes

The nohup command:

When working with the UNIX operating system, there will be times when
you will want to run commands that are immune
to log outs or unplanned login session terminations. This is especially
true for UNIX system administrators.
The UNIX command for handling this job is the nohup (no hangup) command.

Normally when you log out, or your session terminates unexpectedly, the
system will kill all processes you have started.
Starting a command with nohup counters this by arranging for all
stopped, running, and background jobs to ignore
the SIGHUP signal.

The syntax for nohup is:

nohup command [arguments]

You may optionally add an ampersand to the end of the command line to
run the job in the background:
nohup command [arguments] &

If you do not redirect output from a process kicked off with nohup, both
standard output (stdout) and
standard error (stderr) are sent to a file named nohup.out. This file
will be created in $HOME (your home directory)
if it cannot be created in the working directory. Real-time monitoring
of what is being written to nohup.out
can be accomplished with the "tail -f nohup.out" command.

Although the nohup command is extremely valuable to UNIX system

administrators, it is also a must-know tool
for others who run lengthy or critical processes on UNIX systems

The nohup command runs the command specified by the Command parameter
and any related Arg parameters,
ignoring all hangup (SIGHUP) signals. Use the nohup command to run
programs in the background after logging off.
To run a nohup command in the background, add an & (ampersand) to the
end of the command.

Whether or not the nohup command output is redirected to a terminal, the

output is appended to the nohup.out file
in the current directory. If the nohup.out file is not writable in the
current directory, the output is redirected
to the $HOME/nohup.out file. If neither file can be created nor opened
for appending, the command specified
by the Command parameter is not invoked. If the standard error is a
terminal, all output written by the
named command to its standard error is redirected to the same file
descriptor as the standard output.

To run a command in the background after you log off, enter:

$ nohup find / -print &
After you enter this command, the following is displayed:
$ Sending output to nohup.out
The process ID number changes to that of the background process started
by & (ampersand). The message Sending
output to nohup.out informs you that the output from the find / -print
command is in the nohup.out file.
You can log off after you see these messages, even if the find command
is still running.

Example of ps -ef on a AIX5 system:

[LP 1]root@ol16u209:ps -ef

root 1 0 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /etc/init
root 4198 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/lib/errdemon
root 5808 1 0 Oct 17 - 1:15 /usr/sbin/syncd 60
oracle 6880 1 0 10:27:26 - 0:00 ora_lgwr_SPLDEV1
root 6966 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/ccs/bin/shlap
root 7942 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 sendmail: accepting
alberts 9036 9864 0 20:41:49 - 0:00 sshd: alberts@pts/0
root 9864 44426 0 20:40:21 - 0:00 sshd: alberts [priv]
root 27272 36280 1 20:48:03 pts/0 0:00 ps -ef
oracle 27856 1 0 10:27:26 - 0:01 ora_smon_SPLDEV1
oracle 31738 1 0 10:27:26 - 0:00 ora_dbw0_SPLDEV1
oracle 31756 1 0 10:27:26 - 0:00 ora_reco_SPLDEV1
alberts 32542 9036 0 20:41:49 pts/0 0:00 -ksh
maestro 33480 34394 0 05:59:45 - 0:00
/prj/maestro/maestro/bin/batchman -parm 32000
root 34232 33480 0 05:59:45 - 0:00
maestro 34394 45436 0 05:59:45 - 0:00
/prj/maestro/maestro/bin/mailman -parm 32000 -- 2002 OL16U209 CONMAN
root 34708 1 0 13:55:51 lft0 0:00 /usr/sbin/getty
oracle 35364 1 0 10:27:26 - 0:01 ora_cjq0_SPLDEV1
oracle 35660 1 0 10:27:26 - 0:04 ora_pmon_SPLDEV1
root 36280 32542 0 20:45:06 pts/0 0:00 -ksh
root 36382 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00
root 36642 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00
root 36912 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:03 /usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4lmd
-l /var/ifor/logdb -n clwts
root 37186 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /etc/ncs/llbd
root 37434 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:17 /usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4llmd
-b -n wcclwts -l /var/ifor/llmlg
root 37738 37434 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4llmd
-b -n wcclwts -l /var/ifor/llmlg
root 37946 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00
/opt/hitachi/HNTRLib2/bin/hntr2mon -d
oracle 38194 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00
/prj/oracle/product/ LISTENER -inherit
root 38468 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00
root 38716 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/bin/itesmdem
itesrv.ini /etc/IMNSearch/search/
imnadm 39220 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00
/usr/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite -r
root 39504 36912 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4lmd
-l /var/ifor/logdb -n clwts
root 39738 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:01
root 40512 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:01 /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcd
root 40784 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00
root 41062 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/cron
was 41306 1 0 Oct 17 - 2:10 /prj/was/java/bin/java
-Xmx256m -Dwas.status.socket=32776 -Xms50m -Xbootclas
oracle 42400 1 0 10:27:26 - 0:02 ora_ckpt_SPLDEV1
root 42838 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/uprintfd
root 43226 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 3891
root 43364 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/srcmstr
root 43920 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/aixmibd
root 44426 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
root 44668 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/portmap
root 44942 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/snmpd
root 45176 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/snmpmibd
maestro 45436 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00
root 45722 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd
root 45940 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/muxatmd
root 46472 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/hostmibd
root 46780 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /etc/ncs/glbd
root 46980 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/qdaemon
root 47294 1 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/syslog-ng
-f /usr/local/etc/syslog-ng.conf
root 47484 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.lockd
daemon 48014 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.statd
root 48256 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd
root 48774 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/biod 6
root 49058 43364 0 Oct 17 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/writesrv
[LP 1]root@ol16u209:

Another example of ps -ef on a AIX5 system:

# ps -ef


root 1 0 0 Jan 23 - 0:33 /etc/init
root 69706 1 0 Jan 23 - 0:00 /usr/lib/errdemon
root 81940 1 0 Jan 23 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/srcmstr
root 86120 1 2 Jan 23 - 236:39 /usr/sbin/syncd 60
root 98414 1 0 Jan 23 - 0:00 /usr/ccs/bin/shlap64
root 114802 81940 0 Jan 23 - 0:32
root 135366 81940 0 Jan 23 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
root 139446 81940 0 Jan 23 - 0:07
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcd -r
root 143438 1 0 Jan 23 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/uprintfd
root 147694 1 0 Jan 23 - 0:26 /usr/sbin/cron
root 155736 1 0 Jan 23 - 0:00
/usr/local/sbin/syslog-ng -f /usr/local/etc/syslog-ng.conf
root 163996 81940 0 Jan 23 - 0:00
root 180226 81940 0 Jan 23 - 0:00
root 184406 81940 0 Jan 23 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/qdaemon
root 200806 1 0 Jan 23 - 0:08
/opt/hitachi/HNTRLib2/bin/hntr2mon -d
root 204906 81940 0 Jan 23 - 0:00
root 217200 1 0 Jan 23 - 0:00 ./mflm_manager
root 221298 81940 0 Jan 23 - 1:41
root 614618 1 0 Apr 03 lft0 0:00 -ksh
reserve 1364024 1548410 0 07:10:10 pts/0 0:00 -ksh
root 1405140 1626318 1 08:01:38 pts/0 0:00 ps -ef
root 1511556 614618 2 07:45:52 lft0 0:41 tar -cf
/dev/rmt1.1 /spl
reserve 1548410 1613896 0 07:10:10 - 0:00 sshd: reserve@pts/0
root 1613896 135366 0 07:10:01 - 0:00 sshd: reserve [priv]
root 1626318 1364024 1 07:19:13 pts/0 0:00 -ksh

Some more examples:

# nohup somecommand & sleep 1; tail -f preferred-name

# nohup make bzImage &

# tail -f nohup.out

# nohup make modules 1> modules.out 2> modules.err &

# tail -f modules.out

9. Backup commands, TAR, and Zipped files:

For SOLARIS as well as AIX, and many other unix'es, the following
commands can be used:
tar, cpio, dd, gzip/gunzip, compress/uncompress, backup and restore.

Very important:
If you will backup to tape, make sure you know what is your "rewinding"
class and "nonrewinding" class
of your tapedevice.
9.1 tar: Short for "Tape Archiver":

Some examples should explain the usage of "tar" to create backups, or to

easy to transport .tar files.

Create a backup to tape device 0hc of file sys01.dbf

# tar -cvf /dev/rmt/0hc /u01/oradata/sys01.dbf
# tar -rvf /dev/rmt/0hc /u02/oradata/data_01.dbf

-c create
-r append
-x extract
-v verbose
-t list

Extract the contents of example.tar and display the files as they are
# tar -xvf example.tar

Create a tar file named backup.tar from the contents of the directory
# tar -cf backup.tar /home/ftp/pub

list contents of example.tar to the screen

# tar -tvf example.tar

to restore the file /home/bcalkins/.profile from the archive:

- First we do a backup:
# tar -cvf /dev/rmt/0 /home/bcalkins
- And later we do a restore:
# tar -xcf /dev/rmt/0 /home/bcalkins/.profile

If you use an absolute path, you can only restore in "a like"
destination directory.
If you use a relative path, you can restore in any directory.
In this case, use tar with a relative pathname, for example if you want
to backup /home/bcalkins
change to that directory and use

# tar -cvf backup_oracle_201105.tar ./*

To extract the directory conv:

# tar -xvf /dev/rmt0 /u02/oradata/conv


mt -f /dev/rmt1 rewind
mt -f /dev/rmt1.1 fsf 6
tar -xvf /dev/rmt1.1 /data/download/
Most common errors messages with tar:

-- 0511-169: A directory checksum error on media: MediaName not equal to


Possible Causes
From the command line, you issued the tar command to extract files from
an archive that was not created
with the tar command.

-- 0511-193: An error occurred while reading from the media

Possible Causes
You issued the tar command to read an archive from a tape device that
has a different block size
than when the archive was created.


# chdev -l rmt0 -a block_size=0

-- File too large:

Extra note of tar command on AIX:


If you need to backup multiple large mountpoints to a large tape, you

might think you
can use something like:

tar -cvf /dev/rmt1 /spl

tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /prj
tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /opt
tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /usr
tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /data
tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /backups
tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /u01/oradata
tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /u02/oradata
tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /u03/oradata
tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /u04/oradata
tar -rvf /dev/rmt1 /u05/oradata

Actually on AIX this is not OK. The tape will rewind after each tar
command, effectively
you will end up with ONLY the last backupstatement.

You should use the non-rewinding class instead, like for example:

tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /spl

tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /apps
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /prj
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /software
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /opt
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /usr
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /data
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /backups
#tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u01/oradata
#tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u02/oradata
#tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u03/oradata
#tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u04/oradata
#tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u05/oradata

Use this table to decide on which class to use:

The following table shows the names of the rmt special files and their

Special_File Rewind_on_Close Retension_on_Open Density_Setting

/dev/rmt*Yes No #1
/dev/rmt*.1No No #1
/dev/rmt*.2Yes Yes #1
/dev/rmt*.3No Yes #1
/dev/rmt*.4Yes No #2
/dev/rmt*.5No No #2
/dev/rmt*.6Yes Yes #2
/dev/rmt*.7No Yes #2

To restore an item from a logical tape, use commands as in the following


mt -f /dev/rmt1 rewind
mt -f /dev/rmt1.1 fsf 2 in order to put the pointer to the beginning of
block 3.

mt -f /dev/rmt1.1 fsf 7 in order to put the pointer to the beginning of

block 8.

Now you can use a command like for example:

tar -xvf /dev/rmt1.1 /backups/oradb/sqlnet.log

Another example:

mt -f /dev/rmt1 rewind
mt -f /dev/rmt1.1 fsf 8
tar -xvf /dev/rmt1.1 /u01/oradata/spltrain/temp01.dbf

Tapedrives on Solaris:

Tape dvices on Solaris are named like /dev/rmt/0 or /dev/rmt/1

The default is /dev/rmt0. This also configured in the
"/kernel/drv/st.conf" file.
If you need to add support for a tape device, you need to modify this

First tape device name: /dev/rmt/0

Second tape device name: /dev/rmt/1

You can also add special character letter to specify density using
following format

Z is tape drive number such as 0,1..n

X can be any one of following (as supported by your device, read the
manual of your tape device & controller to see if all of them supported
or not):
l - Low density
m - Medium density
h - High density
u - Ultra density
c - Compressed density
n - No rewinding
For example to specify the first, drive with high-density with no
rewinding use device /dev/rmt/0hn.

First drive, rewinding


First drive, nonrewinding


Second drive, rewinding


Second drive, nonrewinding


Example Backupscript on AIX:







# VERSIE: 0.1
# DATUM : 27-12-2005


DAYNAME=`date +%a`;export DAYNAME

DAYNO=`date +%d`;export DAYNO


echo "-----------------" >> ${BACKUPLOG}

echo "Start Backup 550:" >> ${BACKUPLOG}
date >> ${BACKUPLOG}



su - oracle -c "/opt/backupscripts/"
sleep 30


cd /prj/was/bin
./ server1 -username admin01 -password vga88nt
sleep 30

#SHUTDOWN ETM instances:

su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEV1/bin/ -e SPLDEV1 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEV2/bin/ -e SPLDEV2 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLCONF/bin/ -e SPLCONF -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLPLAY/bin/ -e SPLPLAY -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLTST3/bin/ -e SPLTST3 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLTST1/bin/ -e SPLTST1 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLTST2/bin/ -e SPLTST2 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEVP/bin/ -e SPLDEVP -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLPACK/bin/ -e SPLPACK -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEVT/bin/ -e SPLDEVT -c " -t
sleep 2


stopsrc -s sshd
sleep 2

date >> /opt/backupscripts/running.log

who >> /opt/backupscripts/running.log


case $DAYNAME in
Tue) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4116
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4101 256
Wed) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4117
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4100 256
Thu) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4118
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4099 256
Fri) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4119
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4098 256
Sat) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4120
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4097 256
Mon) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4121
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4096 256

sleep 50

echo "Starten van de backup zelf" >> ${BACKUPLOG}

mt -f /dev/rmt1 rewind
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /spl
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /apps
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /prj
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /software
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /opt
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /usr
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /data
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /backups
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u01/oradata
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u02/oradata
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u03/oradata
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u04/oradata
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u05/oradata
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u06/oradata
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u07/oradata
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /u08/oradata
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /home
tar -cf /dev/rmt1.1 /backups3

sleep 10

date >> /opt/backupscripts/running.log
ps -ef | grep pmon >> /opt/backupscripts/running.log
ps -ef | grep BBL >> /opt/backupscripts/running.log
ps -ef | grep was >> /opt/backupscripts/running.log
who >> /opt/backupscripts/running.log
defragfs /prj




startsrc -s sshd
sleep 2


su - oracle -c "/opt/backupscripts/"
sleep 30

#STARTEN ETM instances:

su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEV1/bin/ -e SPLDEV1 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEV2/bin/ -e SPLDEV2 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLCONF/bin/ -e SPLCONF -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLPLAY/bin/ -e SPLPLAY -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLTST3/bin/ -e SPLTST3 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLTST1/bin/ -e SPLTST1 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLTST2/bin/ -e SPLTST2 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEVP/bin/ -e SPLDEVP -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLPACK/bin/ -e SPLPACK -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEVT/bin/ -e SPLDEVT -c " -t
sleep 2


cd /prj/was/bin
./ server1 -username admin01 -password vga88nt

sleep 30


#Laten we het tapenummer en einddtijd registreren in de log:

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 inventory | head -88 | tail -2 >> ${BACKUPLOG}

echo "Einde backup 550:" >> ${BACKUPLOG}

date >> ${BACKUPLOG}

Some examples about day vars:


DAYNAME=`date +%a`;export DAYNAME


DAYNO=`date +%d`;export DAYNO

echo $DAYNO

weekday=`date +%a%A`; export weekday

echo $weekday

weekday=`date +%a-%A`
echo $weekday

Displays the locale's abbreviated weekday name.
Displays the locale's full weekday name.
Displays the locale's abbreviated month name.
Displays the locale's full month name.
Displays the locale's appropriate date and time
representation. This is the default.
Displays the first two digits of the four-digit year as a
decimal number (00-99). A year is divided by 100 and truncated to an
Displays the day of the month as a decimal number (01-31).
In a two-digit field, a 0 is used as leading space fill.
Displays the date in the format equivalent to %m/%d/%y.
Displays the day of the month as a decimal number (1-31). In
a two-digit field, a blank space is used as leading space fill.

9.2 compress and uncompress:


# compress -v bigfile.exe
Would compress bigfile.exe and rename that file to bigfile.exe.Z.

# uncompress *.Z
would uncompress the files *.Z

9.3 gzip:

To compress a file using gzip, execute the following command:

# gzip filename.tar

This will become filename.tar.gz

To decompress:

# gzip -d filename.tar.gz
# gunzip filename.tar.gz
# gzip -d users.dbf.gz

9.4 bzip2:

#bzip2 filename.tar
This will become filename.tar.bz2

9.5 dd:


# dd if=<input file> of=<output file> <option=value>

to duplicate a tape:
# dd if=/dev/rmt/0 of=/dev/rmt/1

to clone a disk with the same geometry:

# dd if=/dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s2 of=/dev/rdsk/c0t4d0s2 bs=128


same command syntax apply to IBM AIX. Here is an AIX pSeries machine
with floppydrive example:

clone a diskette:

# dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/tmp/ddcopy
# dd if=/tmp/ddcopy of=/dev/fd0


On Linux distros the device associated to the floppy drive is also


9.6 cpio:


cpio <mode><option>
copy-out: cpio -o
copy_in : cpio -i
pass : cpio -p

# cd /var/bigspace
# cpio -idmv Linux9i_Disk1.cpio.gz
# cpio -idmv Linux9i_Disk2.cpio.gz
# cpio -idmv Linux9i_Disk3.cpio.gz

# cpio -idmv < 9204_solaris_release.cpio

# cd /work
# ls -R | cpio -ocB > /dev/rmt/0

# cd /work
# cpio -icvdB < /dev/rmt/0

d will create directories as needed

c will create header information in ascii format for portability
v verbose
c character heading in file

AIX uses the same syntax. Usually, you should use the following command:

# cpio -idmv < filename.cpio

Copying directories with cpio:


cpio is very good in cloning directories, or making backups, because it

copies files and directories
inclusive their ownership and permissions.


Just cd to the directory that you want to clone and use a command
similar to the following examples.

# find . -print | cpio -pdl /u/disk11/jdoe/fiber

# find . -print | cpio -pdm /a/dev

# find . -print | cpio -pdl /home/jim/newdir

# find . -print | cpio -pdmv /backups2/CONV2-0212

# find . -print | cpio -pdmv /backups2/SPLcobAS40

# find . -print | cpio -pdmv /backups2/SPLcobAS40sp2

# find . -print | cpio -pdmv /backups2/runtime/SPLTST2

The p in the flags, stands for pass-through

cd /spl/SPLDEV1
find . -print | cpio -pdmv /spl/SPLDEVT
find . -print | cpio -pdmv /backups2/data

# find . -print | cpio -pdmv

# find . -print | cpio -pdmv
# find . -print | cpio -pdmv /data/documentum/dmadmin/backup_1008/dmw_et
# find . -print | cpio -pdmv /data/documentum/dmadmin/backup_1508/dmw_eu
find . -print | cpio -pdmv /data/emcdctm/home2

find . -print | cpio -pdmv /data/documentum/dmadmin/backup_1809/dmw_et

find . -print | cpio -pdmv /data/documentum/dmadmin/backup_1809/dmw_et3

find . -print | cpio -pdmv /data/documentum/dmadmin/appl/l13appl

find . -print | cpio -pdmv /data/documentum/dmadmin/appl/l14appl
find . -print | cpio -pdmv /data/documentum/dmadmin/backup_3110/dmw_et
find . -print | cpio -pdmv /appl/emcdctm/dba_save_311007


Use cpio copy-pass to copy a directory structure to another location:

# find path -depth -print | cpio -pamVd /new/parent/dir


Become superuser or assume an equivalent role.

Change to the appropriate directory.

# cd filesystem1

Copy the directory tree from filesystem1 to filesystem2 by using a

combination of the find and cpio commands.

# find . -print -depth | cpio -pdm filesystem2


Copying directories
Both cpio and tar may be used to copy directories while preserving
ownership, permissions, and directory structure.

cpio example:
cd fromdir
find . | cpio -pdumv todir

tar example:
cd fromdir; tar cf - . | (cd todir; tar xfp -)

tar example over a compressed ssh tunnel:

tar cvf - fromdir | gzip -9c | ssh user@host 'cd todir; gzip -cd | tar
xpf -'


Errors sometimes found with cpio:

cpio: 0511-903
cpio: 0511-904

1.Try using with -c option: cpio -imdcv < filename.cpio

9.7 the pax command:

Same for AIX and SOLARIS.

The pax utility supports several archive formats, including tar and

The syntax for the pax command is as follows:

pax <mode> <options>

-r: Read mode .when -r is specified, pax extracts the filenames and
directories found in the archive.
The archive is read from disk or tape. If an extracted file is a
directory, the hierarchy
is extracted as well. The extracted files are created relative to
the current directory.

None: List mode. When neither -r or -w is specified, pax displays the

filenames and directories
found in the archive file. The list is written to standard output.

-w: Write mode. If you want to create an archive, you use -w.
Pax writes the contents of the file to the standard output in an
archive format specified
by the -x option.

-rw: Copy mode. When both -r and -w are specified, pax copies the
specified files to
the destination directory.

most important options:

-a = append to the end of an existing archive
-b = block size, multiple of 512 bytes
-c = you can specify filepatterns
-f = specifies the pathname of the input or output archive
-p <string> = aemo
a does not preserve file access time
e preserve everything: user id, group id, filemode bits,
m does not preserve file modification times
o preserve uid and gid
P preserve filemode bits
-x <format> = specifies the archive format.


To copy current directory contents to tape, use -w mode and -f

# pax -w -f /dev/rmt0

To list a verbose table of contents stored on tape rmt0, use None mode
and f
# pax -v -f /dev/rmt0
9.8 pkzip25:

PKZIP Usage:

Usage: pkzip25 [command] [options] zipfile [@list] [files...]


View .ZIP file contents: pkzip25 zipfile

Create a .ZIP file: pkzip25 -add zipfile file(s)...

Extract files from .ZIP: pkzip25 -extract zipfile

These are only basic examples of PKZIP's capability

About "-extract" switch:

extract files from a .ZIP file. Its a configurable switch.

-- all - all files in .ZIP file

-- freshen - only files in the .ZIP file that exist in the target
directory and that are "newer" than those files
will be extracted
-- update - files in the .ZIP file which already exist in the target
directory and that are "newer" than those files
as well as files that are "not" in the target directory will be

default = all


# pkzip25 -ext=up

9.9 SOLARIS: ufsdump and ufsrestore:


level 0 is an full backup, 1-9 are incremental backups


# ufsdump 0ucf /dev/rmt/0 /users

# ufsdump 0ucf sparc1:/dev/rmt/0 /export/home

# ufsrestore f /dev/rmt/0 filename

# ufsrestore rf sparc1:/dev/rmt/0 filename

9.10 AIX: mksysb:

The mksysb command creates an installable image of the rootvg. This is
synonym to say that mksysb creates
a backup of the operating system (that is, the root volume group).
You can use this backup to reinstall a system to its original state
after it has been corrupted.
If you create the backup on tape, the tape is bootable and includes the
installation programs
needed to install from the backup.

To generate a system backup and create an / file (generated by

the mkszfile command) to a tape device
named /dev/rmt0, type:
# mksysb -i /dev/rmt0

To generate a system backup and create an / file with map

files (generated by the mkszfile command)
to a tape device named /dev/rmt1, type:
# mksysb -m /dev/rmt1

To generate a system backup with a new / file, but exclude the
files in directory /home/user1/tmp,
create the file "/etc/exclude.rootvg" containing the line
/home/user1/tmp/, and type:
# mksysb -i -e /dev/rmt1

This command will backup the /home/user1/tmp directory but not the files
it contains.

To generate a system backup file named /mksysb_images/node1 and a new

/ file for that image, type:
# mksysb -i /userimage/node1

There will be four images on the mksysb tape, and the fourth image will
contain ONLY rootvg JFS or JFS2
mounted file systems. The target tape drive must be local to create a
bootable tape.

The following is a description of mksysb's four images.

| Bosboot | Mkinsttape | Dummy TOC | rootvg |
| Image | Image | Image | data |
|<----------- Block size 512 ----------->| Blksz defined |
| | by the device |

Special notes:

Note 1: mksysb problem


I'm attempting to restore a mksysb tape to a system that only has 18GB
of drive space available for the Rootvg.
Does the mksysb try to restore these mirrored LVs, or does it just make
one copy?
If it is trying to rebuild the mirror, is there a way that I can get
around that?

I had this same problem and received a successful resolution. I place
those same tasks here:
1) Create a new file, run mkszfile file.
2) Change the as follows:
a) cd /
b) vi
c) In each lv_data stanza of this file, change the values of the copies
line by one-half (i.e. copies = 2, change to copies = 1)
Also, change the number of Physical Volumes "hdisk0 hdisk1" to "hdisk0".
d) Save this file.
3) Create another mksysb from the command line that will utilize the
newly edited file by the command:
mksysb /dev/rmt0 (Do not use smit and do not run with the -i flag,
both will generate a new file
4) Use this new mksysb to restore your system on other box without

Note 2: How to restore specific files from a mksysb tape:


$ tctl fsf 3
$ restore -xvf /dev/rmt0.1 ./your/file/name

For example, if you need to get the vi command back, put the mksysb tape
in the tape drive
(in this case, /dev/rmt0) and do the following:

cd / # get to the root directory

tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind # rewind the tape

tctl -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf 3 # move the tape to the third file, no

restore -xqf /dev/rmt0.1 -s 1 ./usr/bin/vi # extract the vi binary,
no rewind

Further explanation why you must use the fsf 3 (fast forward skip file
The format of the tape is as follows:
1. A BOS boot image
2. A BOS install image
3. A dummy Table Of Contents
4. The system backup of the rootvg

So if you just need to restore some files, first forward the tape
pointer to position 3, counting from 0.

Note 3: How to restore specific files from a mksysb FILE


See also note 2

view: restore -Tvqf [mksysb file]

To restore: restore -xvqf [mksysb file] [file name]

Note 4: How to restore a directory from a mksysb FILE


Simply using the restore command.

restore -xvdf <mksysb.image> ./your/directory

The dot at the front of the path is important.

The "-d" flag indicates that this is a directory and everything in it
be restored. If you omit that, you'll restore an empty directory.

The directory will be restored underneath whatever directory you're in.

if you're in your home directory it might create:

With a mksysb image on disk you don't have any positioning to do, like
a tape.

Note 5: Performing a mksysb migration with CD installation


You can perform a mksysb migration with a CD installation of AIXr 5.3

Step 1. Prepare your system for installation:

Prepare for migrating to the AIX 5.3 BOS by completing the following

- Insert the AIX Volume 1 CD into the CD-ROM device.

- Shut down the target system. If your machine is currently running,
power it off by following these steps:
Log in as the root user.
Type shutdown -F.
If your system does not automatically power off, place the power
switch in the Off (0) position.
Attention: You must not turn on the system unit until instructed to do

- Turn on all attached external devices. External devices include the

CD-ROM drives
DVD-ROM drives
Tape drives
External disk drives

Turning on the external devices first is necessary so that the system

unit can identify each peripheral device
during the startup (boot) process.

- If your MKSYSB_MIGRATION_DEVICE is a tape, insert the tape for the

mksysb in the tape drive.
If your MKSYSB_MIGRATION_DEVICE is a CD or DVD, and there is an
additional CD or DVD drive on the system
(other than the one being used to boot AIX), insert the mksysb CD or DVD
in the drive to avoid being
prompted to swap medias.

- Insert your customized supplemental diskette in the

diskette drive. If the system does not
have a diskette drive, use the network installation method for mksysb

Step 2. Boot from your installation media:

The following steps migrate your current version of the operating system
to AIX 5.3.
If you are using an ASCII console that was not defined in your previous
system, you must define it.
For more information about defining ASCII consoles, see Step 3. Setting
up an ASCII terminal.

Turn the system unit power switch from Off (0) to On (|).

When the system beeps twice, press F5 on the keyboard (or 5 on an ASCII
terminal). If you have a graphics display,
you will see the keyboard icon on the screen when the beeps occur. If
you have an ASCII terminal
(also called a tty terminal), you will see the word "keyboard" when the
beeps occur.
Note: If your system does not boot using the F5 key (or the 5 key on an
ASCII terminal), refer to your
hardware documentation for information about how to boot your system
from an AIX product CD.
The system begins booting from the installation media. The mksysb
migration installation proceeds
as an unattended installation (non-prompted) unless the
as the one being used to boot and install the system. In this case, the
user is prompted to switch
the product CD for the mksysb CD or DVD(s) to restore the and
the /etc/filesystems file.
After this happens the user is prompted to reinsert the product media
and the installation continues.
When it is time to restore the mksysb image, the same procedure repeats.

The BOS menus do not currently support mksysb migration, so they cannot
be loaded. In a traditional migration,
if there are errors that can be fixed by prompting the user for
information through the menus,
the BOS menus are loaded. If such errors or problems are encountered
during mksysb migration,
the installation asserts and an error stating that the migration cannot
continue displays.
Depending on the error that caused the assertion, information specific
to the error might be displayed.
If the installation asserts, the LED shows "088".

Note 6: create a mksysb tape MANUALLY



Here we do not mean the "mksysb -i /dev/rmtx" method, but...:

I have to clone a standalone 6H1 equipped with a 4mm tape, from
another 6H1 which is node of an SP and which does not own a tape !
The consequence is that my source mksysb is a file that is recorded in

How will I copy this file to a tape to create the correct mksysb tape
that could be used to restore on my target machine ?

using the following method in the case the two server are in the same
AIX level and kernel type (32/64 bits, jfs or jfs2)

- the both servers must communicate over an IP network and have .rhosts
file documented (for using rsh)

cp /var/adm/ras/ /

copy these files ( and under "/" on the remote

on the server:
tctl -f /dev/rmt0 status
if the block size is not 512:

# chdev -l /dev/rmt0 -a block_size=512

tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind
bosboot -a -d /dev/rmt0.1

(create the boot image on the first file of mksysb)

mkinsttape /dev/rmt0.1 (create the second file on the

mksysb with,, and oher files like drivers and

echo " Dummy tape TOC" | dd of=/dev/rmt0.1 conv=sync bs=512 > /dev/null
2>&1 (create the third file "dummy toc")

create a named pipe:

mknod /tmp/pipe p

and run the mksysb as this:

dd if=/tmp/pipe | rsh "server_hostname" dd of=/dev/rmt0.1 &

mksysb /tmp/pipe

this last command create the fourth file with "rootvg" in backup/restore

Note 7: Creating a root volume group backup on CD or DVD with the

ISO9660 format

Follow this procedure to create a root volume group backup on CD or DVD

with the ISO9660 format.

You can use Web-based System Manager or SMIT to create a root volume
group backup on CD or DVD with the
ISO9660 format, as follows:

Use the Web-based System Manager Backup and Restore application and
select System backup wizard method.
This method lets you create bootable or non-bootable backups on CD-R,
DVD-R, or DVD-RAM media.

To create a backup to CD, use the smit mkcd fast path.

To create a backup to DVD, use the smit mkdvd fast path and select
ISO9660 (CD format).

The following procedure shows you how to use SMIT to create a system
backup to CD.
(The SMIT procedure for creating a system backup to an ISO9660 DVD is
similar to the CD procedure.)
Type the smit mkcd fast path. The system asks whether you are using an
existing mksysb image.
Type the name of the CD-R device. (This can be left blank if the Create
the CD now? field is set to no.)
If you are creating a mksysb image, select yes or no for the mksysb
creation options, Create map files?
and Exclude files?. Verify the selections, or change as appropriate.
The mkcd command always calls the mksysb command with the flags to
extend /tmp.

You can specify an existing file or supply a user-defined file. See step 16.

Enter the file system in which to store the mksysb image. This can be a
file system that you created in the rootvg,
in another volume group, or in NFS-mounted file systems with read-write
access. If this field is left blank,
the mkcd command creates the file system, if the file system does not
exist, and removes it when the command completes.

Enter the file systems in which to store the CD or DVD file structure
and final CD or DVD images. These can be
file systems you created in the rootvg, in another volume group, or in
NFS-mounted file systems. If these fields
are left blank, the mkcd command creates these file systems, and removes
them when the command completes,
unless you specify differently in later steps in this procedure.

If you did not enter any information in the file systems' fields, you
can select to have the mkcd command either
create these file systems in the rootvg, or in another volume group. If
the default of rootvg is chosen
and a mksysb image is being created, the mkcd command adds the file
systems to the exclude file and calls
the mksysb command with the -e exclude files option.

In the Do you want the CD or DVD to be bootable? field, select yes to

have a boot image created on the
CD or DVD. If you select no, you must boot from a product CD at the same
version.release.maintenance level,
and then select to install the system backup from the system backup CD.

If you change the Remove final images after creating CD? field to no,
the file system for the CD images
(that you specified earlier in this procedure) remains after the CD has
been recorded.

If you change the Create the CD now? field to no, the file system for
the CD images (that you specified earlier
in this procedure) remains. The settings that you selected in this
procedure remain valid, but the CD is not
created at this time.

If you intend to use an Install bundle file, type the full path name to
the bundle file. The mkcd command copies
the file into the CD file system. You must have the bundle file already
specified in the BUNDLES field,
either in the file of the mksysb image or in a user-
specified file. When this
option is used to have the bundle file placed on the CD, the location in
the BUNDLES field of the
file must be as follows:

To place additional packages on the CD or DVD, enter the name of the

file that contains the packages list
in the File with list of packages to copy to CD field. The format of
this file is one package name per line.
If you are planning to install one or more bundles after the mksysb
image is restored, follow the directions
in the previous step to specify the bundle file. You can then use this
option to have packages listed
in the bundle available on the CD. If this option is used, you must also
specify the location of installation
images in the next step.

Enter the location of installation images that are to be copied to the

CD file system (if any) in the Location
of packages to copy to CD field. This field is required if additional
packages are to be placed on the CD
(see the previous step). The location can be a directory or CD device.

You can specify the full path name to a customization script in the
Customization script field. If given,
the mkcd command copies the script to the CD file system. You must have
the CUSTOMIZATION_FILE field already set
in the file in the mksysb image or else use a user-
specified file with the CUSTOMIZATION_FILE field set. The
mkcd command copies this file to the RAM file system. Therefore, the
path in the CUSTOMIZATION_FILE field must be as follows:

You can use your own file, rather than the one in the
mksysb image, by typing the full path name
of your file in the User supplied file field.
To turn on debugging for the mkcd command, set Debug output? to yes. The
debug output goes to the smit.log.
You can use your own file, rather than the file in
the mksysb image, by typing the
full path name of your file for the User supplied
file field.

Note 8: 0301-150 bosboot: Invalid or no boot device specified!


== Technote:

APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
On a system, that does not have tape support
installed, running mkszfile will show the
following error:
0301-150 bosboot: Invalid or no boot device

Local fix
Install device support for scsi tape devices.

Problem summary
Error message when creating backup if devices.scsi.tape.rte
not installed even if the system does not have a tape drive.

Problem conclusion
Redirect message to /dev/null.

Temporary fix
Ignore message.

APAR information
APAR number IY52551 IY95261
Reported component name AIX 5L POWER V5
Reported component ID 5765E6200
Reported release 520
Submitted date 2004-01-12
Closed date 2004-01-12
Last modified date 2004-02-27

== Technote:

APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
If /dev/ipldevice is missing, mksfile will show the
bosboot usage statement.

0301-150 bosboot: Invalid or no boot device

Local fix
Problem summary
If /dev/ipldevice is missing, mksfile will show the
bosboot usage statement.

0301-150 bosboot: Invalid or no boot device


Problem conclusion
Do not run bosboot against /dev/ipldevice.

Temporary fix
APAR information
APAR number IY95261
Reported component name AIX 5.3
Reported component ID 5765G0300
Reported release 530
Submitted date 2007-02-22
Closed date 2007-02-22
Last modified date 2007-06-06

APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Publications Referenced

Fix information
Fixed component name AIX 5.3
Fixed component ID 5765G0300

== thread:


> Someone out there knows the fix for this one; if you get a moment,
would you
> mind giving me the fix?
> # mksysb -i /dev/rmt0
> /dev/ipldevice not found


The ipldevice file is probably deleted from your /dev directory, or

point to wrong
entry. The '/dev/ipldevice' file is (re)created in boot time 2nd
phase. For additional
information look into /sbin/rc.boot script... The ipldevice entry
type is hardlink. Usually point to /dev/rhdiskN, assuming that boot
device is hdiskN.
Check your system and you should got similar ...
find /dev -links 2 -ls
8305 0 crw------- 2 root system 14, 1 Feb 20 2005 /dev/rhdisk0
8305 0 crw------- 2 root system 14, 1 Feb 20 2005 /dev/ipldevice
(The first cloumn of the output is the inode number)
So, you can recreate the wrong, or missing ipdevice file.
'bootinfo -b' says the physical boot device name.
For exapmle:
ln -f /dev/rhdisk0 /dev/ipldevice

I hope this will solve your bosboot problem.


I was installing Atape driver and noticed bosboot failure when installp
calls bosboot with /dev/ipldevice. Messages below:

0503-409 installp: bosboot verification starting...

0503-497 installp: An error occurred during bosboot verification

Inspection of /dev showed no ipldevice file

I was able to easily recreate the /dev/ipldevice using

ln /dev/rhdisk0 /dev/ipldevice

then successfully install the Atape driver software.

After reboot /dev/ipldevice is missing again???.

Environment is p5 520 AIX 5.3 ML1

mirrored internal drives hdisk0 and hdisk1 in rootvg

I have 5.3 ML2 (but have not applied yet)

I don't see any APAR's in ML2 regarding /dev/ipldevice problems.


Are you using EMC disk? There is a known problem with the later
Powerpath versions where the powerpath startup script removes the
/dev/ipldevice file if there is more than one device listed in the


Yes, running EMC PowerPath 4.3 for AIX, with EMC Clariion CX600 Fibre
disks attached to SAN. I always boot from, and mirror the OS on IBM
internal disks. We order 4 internal IBM drives. Two for primary OS and
mirror, the other two for alt_disk and mirrors.

Thanks for the tip. I will investigate at EMC Powerlink site for fix. I
know PowerPath 4.4 for AIX is out, but still pretty new.


ipldevice is a link to the rawdevice (rhdisk0 , not hdisk0)

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM AIX Discussion List [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
Robert Miller
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 6:13 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: 64 Bit Kernel

It may be one of those odd IBMisms where they want to call something a
certain name so they put it in as a link to the actual critter...

Looking on my box, the /dev/ipldevice has the same device major and
minor numbers as hdisk0 - tho it is interesting that ipldevice is a
character device, where a drive is usually a block device:

mybox:rmiller$ ls -l /dev/ipl*
crw------- 2 root system 23, 0 Jan 15 2002 /dev/ipldevice
mybox:rmiller$ ls -l /dev/hdisk0
brw------- 1 root system 23, 0 Sep 13 2002 /dev/hdisk0


> Hi,

> AIX 5.3

> I have a machine where /dev/ipldevice doesn't exit
> I can reboot it safely ?
> How I can I re-create it ?

> Thanks in advance

I did this today, and there is probably a more accepted way.

I made a hard link from my rhdiskX device to /dev/ipldevice.

If your boot device is /dev/hdisk0, then the command line would be as


ln /dev/rhdisk0 /dev/ipldevice

Again, there is probably a more acceptable way to achieve this, but it

worked for me.

== thread:

how to recover from an invalid or no boot device error in AIX


When running the command "bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice" in IBM AIX, you
get the following error:

0301-150 bosboot: Invalid or no boot device specified!

A device specified with the bosboot -d command is not valid. The bosboot
command was unable to finish processing
because it could not locate the required boot device. The installp
command calls the bosboot command
with /dev/ipldevice. If this error does occur, it is probably because
/dev/ipldevice does not exist.
/dev/ipldevice is a link to the boot disk.

To determine if the link to the boot device is missing or incorrect :

1) Verify the link exists:

# ls -l /dev/ipldevice
ls: 0653-341 The file /dev/ipldevice does not exist.

2) In this case, it does not exist. To identify the boot disk, enter
"lslv -m hd5". The boot disk name displays.

# lslv -m hd5
0001 0001 hdisk4 0001 hdisk1

In this example the boot disk name is hdisk4 and hdisk1.

3) Create a link between the boot device indicated and the

/dev/ipldevice file. Enter:

# ln /dev/boot_device_name /dev/ipldevice
(An example of boot_device_name is rhdisk0.)

In my case, I ran:

# ln /dev/rhdisk4 /dev/ipldevice

4) Now run the bosboot command again:

# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice


lslv -m hd5; ln /dev/rhdisk4 /dev/ipldevice; bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice


p595 LPAR no longer sees SAN boot disk

Hello, we have a wierd and urgent problem, with a few of our p595 LPARs
running AIX 5.3. The LPARs ran AIX 5.3 TL 7
and booted off EMC SAN disks, using EMC Powerpath. Every boot we run
"pprootdev on" and
"pprootdev fix". We can issue "bosboot -a" and we can reboot the

Now, on two occasions, right after the update to AIX 5.3 Technology
Level 9, Service Pack 3
the system fails to reboot. When starting the partition to the SMS menu
you can see the correct (rootvg) devices
being scanned, but the devices are NOT listed as a possible boot device.
When booting off a NIM server and trying to restore an mksysb, the
entire rootvg (all disks in it)
is invisible and cannot be selected. Some user-defined volume groups are
also "missing".

When giving the partition access to a 'new' EMC disk, this new disk
shows up and can be used to restore
the mksysb. When that is complete, the original disks show up properly
(using lspv etc.) and seem perfectly alright.

Anyone ran into this same problem? Any idea's, suggestions, fixes??


Being able to see a device but being unable to access the data area
sounds like a SCSI disk reservation problem.

Note 9: Other mksysb errors on AIX 5.3:


It turns out, that on AIX 5.3, on certain ML/TL levels (below TL 6), an
mksysb error turns up,
if you have other volume groups defined other than rootvg, while there
is NO filesystem created on
those Volume groups.

Solution: create a filesystem, even only a "test" or "dummy" filesystem,

on those VG's.

>> thread 1:



can't find any information about "backup structure of volume group,

vios". included service:
"savevgstruct vgname" working with errors:
# lsvg
# /usr/ios/cli/ioscli savevgstruct vg_dev

Creating information file for volume group vg_dev..

Some error messages may contain invalid information

for the Virtual I/O Server environment.

cat: 0652-050 Cannot open /tmp/vgdata/vg_dev/fs_data_tmp.

# ls -al /tmp/vgdata/vg_dev/
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 root staff 256 Apr 02 08:38 .
drwxrwxr-x 5 root system 256 Apr 02 08:20 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 2002 Apr 02 08:35 filesystems
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 1537 Apr 02 08:35
# oslevel -r
# df -k | grep tmp
/dev/hd3 1310720 1309000 1% 42 1% /tmp


I had this issue as well with VIO 1.3. I called IBM support
about it and it is a known issue. The APAR is IY87935. The fix
will not be released until AIX 5.3 TL 6, which is due out in
June. It occurs when you run savevgstruct on a user defined
volume group that contains volumes where at least one does not
have a filesystem defined on it. The workaround is to define a
filesystem on every volume in the user defined volume group.

>> thread 2:



APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
The mkvgdata command when executed on a volume group that does
not have any mounted filesystems:

# savevg -f /home/vgbackup -i vg00

Creating information file for volume group

0652-050 Cannot open /tmp/vgdata/vg00/fs_data_tmp.

/usr/bin/savevg 33 : BACKUPSHRINKSIZE = 16 + FSSHRINKSIZE :

0403-009 The specified number is not valid for this command.

Local fix

Problem summary
The mkvgdata command when executed on a volume group that does
not have any mounted filesystems:

# savevg -f /home/vgbackup -i vg00

Creating information file for volume group

0652-050 Cannot open /tmp/vgdata/vg00/fs_data_tmp.
/usr/bin/savevg 33 : BACKUPSHRINKSIZE = 16 + FSSHRINKSIZE :
0403-009 The specified number is not valid for this command.

Problem conclusion
Check variable.

Temporary fix


APAR information
APAR number IY87935
Reported component name AIX 5.3
Reported component ID 5765G0300
Reported release 530
Submitted date 2006-08-09
Closed date 2006-08-09
Last modified date 2006-08-09

9.11 AIX: the backup and restore commands:


The backup command creates copies of your files on a backup medium, such
as a magnetic tape or diskette.
But you can also backup to diskspace.
The copies are in one of the two backup formats:

- Specific files and directories, backed up by name using the -i flag.

- Entire file system backed up by i-node, not using the -i flag,
but instead using the Level and FileSystem parameters.

Unless you specify another backupmedia with the -f parameter, the backup
command automatically
writes its output to /dev/rfd0 which is the diskette drive.

(1) Backing up the user directory "userdirectory":

# cd /userdirectory
# find . -depth | backup -i -f /dev/rmt0 # or use find .

(2) Incremental backups:

You can create full and incremental backups of filesystems as well, as
shown in the following example.
When the -u flag is used with the backup command, the system will do an
incremental backup
according to the -level number specified. For example, a level 5 backup
will only back up the
data that has changed after the level 4 was made.
Levels can range from 0 to 9.

On Sunday:
# backup -0 -uf /dev/rmt0 /data
On Monday:
# backup -1 -uf /dev/rmt0 /data
On Saturday:
# backup -6 -uf /dev/rmt0 /data

Due to the -u parameter, information about the backups is written to the

/etc/dumpdates file.

To backup the / (root) file system, enter:

# backup -0 -u -f /dev/rmt0 /

Note that we do noy use the -i flag, but instead backup an entire fs

Other examples:

To backup all the files and subdirectories in current directory using

relative pathnames, use
# find . -print | backup -if /dev/rmt0

To backup the files / and /signature to the diskette, use

# ls ./bosinst.dat ./signature | backup -iqv

How to restore a file:


Suppose we want to restore the /etc/host file, because its missing.

# tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind # - rewind tape

# restore -x -d -v -q -s4 -f /dev/rmt0.1 ./etc/hosts

Another example:

# restore -qvxf /dev/rmt0.1 "./etc/passwd" Restore /etc/passwd file

# restore -s4 -qTvf /dev/rmt0.1 Lists contents of a
mksysb tape

More on checking and perform the restore command:


Check (or list) the backup can be done by using a command similar to the
following example:

# restore –Tqf /save/backup_ddmmyy.backup 1>/dev/null 2>&1;echo $?

Because the echo commands returns $?, that would mean that 0 as a result
means that the listing the backup
is succesfull.
If you do not use the echo, the above command just shows the complete
listing of the backup contents.
It does not do the actual restore, it just shows a listing.

If you actually want to restore the backup, use the following command:

restore –xdvqf /save/backup_ddmmyy.backup 1>/dev/null 2>&1;echo $?

9.12 AIX: savevg and restvg:


To backup, or clone, a VG, you can use the

- mksysb command for the rootvg

- savevg command for other user VG's

To backup a user Volume Group (VG, see also sections 30 and 31) you can
use savevg to backup a VG
and restvg to restore a VG.

# lsvg # - shows a list of online VG's


# savevg -if /dev/rmt0 uservg # - now backup the uservg

9.13 AIX: tctl:


Gives subcommands to a streaming tape device.

tctl [ -f Device ] [ eof | weof | fsf | bsf | fsr | bsr | rewind |
offline | rewoffl | erase | retension | reset | status ] [ Count ]

tctl [ -b BlockSize ] [ -f Device ] [ -p BufferSize ] [ -v ] [ -n ]

[ -B ] { read | write }

The tctl command gives subcommands to a streaming tape device. If you do
not specify the Device variable
with the -f flag, the TAPE environment variable is used. If the
environment variable does not exist,
the tctl command uses the /dev/rmt0.1 device. (When the tctl command
gives the status subcommand,
the default device is /dev/rmt0.) The Device variable must specify a raw
(not block) tape device.
The Count parameter specifies the number of end-of-file markers, number
of file marks, or number of records.
If the Count parameter is not specified, the default count is 1.

To rewind the rmt1 tape device, enter:
tctl -f /dev/rmt1 rewind

To move forward two file marks on the default tape device, enter:
tctl fsf 2

To write two end-of-file markers on the tape in /dev/rmt0.6, enter:

tctl -f /dev/rmt0.6 weof 2

To read a tape device formatted in 80-byte blocks and put the result in
a file, enter:
tctl -b 80 read > file

To read variable-length records from a tape device formatted in 80-byte

blocks and put the result in a file, enter:
tctl -b 80 -n read > file

To write variable-length records to a tape device using a buffer size of

1024 byes, enter:
cat file | tctl -b 1024 -n -f/dev/rmt1 write

To write to a tape device in 512-byte blocks and use a 5120-byte buffer

for standard input, enter:
cat file | tctl -v -f /dev/rmt1 -p 5120 -b 512 write

Note: The only valid block sizes for quarter-inch (QIC) tape drives are
0 and 512.
To write over one of several backups on an 8 mm tape, position the tape
at the start of the backup file
and issue these commands:
tctl bsf 1

tctl eof 1

9.14 AIX mt command:


Gives subcommands to streaming tape device.

mt [ -f TapeName ] Subcommand [ Count ]

The mt command gives subcommands to a streaming tape device. If you do
not specify the -f flag
with the TapeName parameter, the TAPE environment variable is used. If
the environment variable
does not exist, the mt command uses the /dev/rmt0.1 device. The TapeName
parameter must be a raw (not block)
tape device. You can specify more than one operation with the Count

eof, weof Writes the number of end-of-file markers specified by the

Count parameter at the
current position on the tape.
fsf Moves the tape forward the number of files specified by the
Count parameter and positions
it to the beginning of the next file.
bsf Moves the tape backwards the number of files specified by the
Count parameter and positions
it to the beginning of the last file skipped. If using the bsf
subcommand would cause the tape head
to move back past the beginning of the tape, then the tape
will be rewound, and the mt command will return EIO.
fsr Moves the tape forward the number of records specified by the
Count parameter.
bsr Moves the tape backwards the number of records specified by
the Count parameter.
rewoff1, rewind Rewinds the tape. The Count parameter is ignored.
status Prints status information about the specified tape device. The
output of the status command
may change in future implementations

To rewind the rmt1 tape device, enter:

mt -f /dev/rmt1 rewind
To move forward two files on the default tape device, enter:

mt fsf 2
To write two end-of-file markers on the tape in the /dev/rmt0.6 file,

mt -f /dev/rmt0.6 weof 2

9.14 AIX tapeutil command:


tapeutil -f <devicename> <commands>

- A program which came with the tape library to control it's working.
Called without arguments gives a menu.
Is useful for doing things like moving tapes from the slot to the drive.

$ tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move -s 10 -d 23

which moves the tape in slot 10 to the drive (obviously, this will
depend on your own individual tape library,
may I suggest the manual?).

The fileset you need to install for 'tapeutil' command is:


We are using 3583 automated tape library for backups.for tapeutil
command u need to have a file atape.sys
on ur identify the positioning of tape drives and source just
type tapeutil it will give
u a number of options.choose element information to identify the source
and tape drive numbers.
In our case the tape drives numbers are 256 and 257 and the source
number to insert the tape is 16.
we usually give the following commands to load and move the tape.

Loading Tape:-
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move -s 16 -d 256
(to insert the tape in tapedrive 1,where 16 is source and 256 is
to take the backup:-

find filesystem1 filesystem2 | backup -iqvf /dev/rmt1

((filessystem name without mount point slash))

after taking the backup and unloading tape:-

tapeutil -f /dev/rmt1 unload

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move -s 256 -d 16

(first unload the tape then move it to source destination)

this might help u to use the taputil command in taking backup.


In order to move tapes in and out of the Library here is what I do.

First I unload the tape with the command #tapeutil -f /dev/rmtx unload
Where x is 0,1,2,3...
then I move the tape from external slot (16) using the media changer,
not the tape drive.

#tapeutil -f /dev/smcx move 256 16

The above command moves the tape in your first tape drive (256) to the
external slot.
Note that you can also move from the internal slots to the external slot
or the tape drive.
To move the tape back from the external slot, I just switch 256 and 16


The code I use to list the I/O station slots is:

/usr/bin/tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 inventory | grep -p Station | egrep

'Station|Volume' | awk '{
if($1 =3D=3D "Import/Export") ioslot=3D$4;
if($1 =3D=3D "Volume") {
if(NF =3D=3D 4) volser=3D$4;
else volser=3D"-open-";
print ioslot, volser;

The tapeutil command to move a tape is:

/usr/bin/tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move <fromslot> <toslot>

For example: /usr/bin/tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 773 1037

You can get the slot numbers, and volsers in them, with the command:
/usr/bin/tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 inventory

To find an open slot just look for a slot with a blank "Volume Tag".

One little hitch, however. If a tape is currently mounted, the

"tapeut=il inventory" command will show a
slot as open ("Volume Tag" is blank), but TSM will have it reserved for=
mounted tape. So what I did
in my script is to check the TSM device configuration file for each ope=
slot that I find and if that slot number
appears in it then I skip that slot and go on to the next one.


case $TAPE in
2) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 11 23
3) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 11
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 12 23
4) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 12
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 13 23
5) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 13
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 14 23


tapeutil -f /dev/rmt1 unload

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 257 16
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move -s 256 -d 16
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 257 1025
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 16 257

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 exchange 34 16 40

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 inventory | more
tctl -f/dev/rmt0 rewoffl
tapeutil -f/dev/smc0 elementinfo
tapeutil -f /dev/scm0 inventory


tapeutil -f /dev/rmt1 unload

sleep 20

DAYNO=`date +%d`;export DAYNO

case $DAYNO in
01) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 11 23
02) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 11 23
03) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 11 23
04) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 11 23
05) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 11 23
06) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 11 23
07) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 23 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 11 23


tapeutil -f /dev/rmt1 unload

sleep 20

DAYNAME=`date +%a`;export DAYNAME

case $DAYNAME in
Sun) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4098
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4099 256
Mon) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4099
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4100 256
Tue) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4100
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4113 256
Wed) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4113
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4114 256
Thu) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4114
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4109 256
Fri) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4109
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4124 256
Sat) tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4124
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4110 256

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 4098

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 4099 256


tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 16 4096

sleep 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 17 4097
sleep 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 18 4098
sleep 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 19 4099
sleep 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 20 4100
sleep 10
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 21 4101
sleep 10


mt -f /dev/rmt1 rewind
mt -f /dev/rmt1.1 fsf 6
tar -xvf /dev/rmt1.1 /data/download/
SPL bld

About Ts3310:

Configuration Information for IBM TS3310 (IBM TotalStorage 3576)


IBM TS3310 (IBM TotalStorage 3576)

Drive Addresses Storage Slot Addresses Changer Address Entry/Exit Slot
256-261 4096-4223 1 16-21


1. Barcodes are required. Without a barcode label, a volume will show as

unknown media.

2. ELEMent=AUTODetect in the DEFINE/UPDATE DRIVE command is supported.

3. Device identification and firmware used during validation

Library ID: IBM 3576-MTL --- Firmware: 0.62

4. The IBM device driver is required. The IBM device drivers are
available at

5. The library is available with IBM LTO Generation 3 drives.

6. For more information on IBM TS3310, see TS3310 Tape Library.


First, list the tape device names:

lsdev -Cc tape
Assume it returns smc0 for the library, and rmt0 and rmt1 for the tape
drives, and all devices are Available.

Next, take an inventory of the library.

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 inventory | more
Assume the inventory returns two drives with element numbers 256 and 257
and shows a tape stored in slot 1025.

Then, start moving the tape to each drive in turn, and verify which
device name it is associated with
by running tctl or mt rewoffl. If it returns without error, the device
name matches the element number.

Move the tape from the tape slot to the first drive:
tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 1025 256
tctl -f/dev/rmt0 rewoffl
If the command returns with no errors, then element # 256 matches device
name /dev/rmt0.

Move the tape to the next drive

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 256 257
tctl -f/dev/rmt1 rewoffl
If the command returns with no errors, then element # 257 matches device
name /dev/rmt1

Move the tape back to the storage slot it came from:

tapeutil -f /dev/smc0 move 257 1025
If at any point, the tctl command returns with errors, then try another
device name until it returns without errors.

NOTE: the 'rewoffl' flag on tctl simply rewinds and ejects the tape from
the drive.

9.15 Recover from AIX OS failure:


Recover from OS failure.

1. How to view the bootlist:
2. How to change the bootlist:
3. How to make a device bootable:
4. How to make a backup of the OS:
5. Shutdown a pSeries AIX system in the most secure way:

6. How to restore specific files from a mksysb tape:

7. Recovery of rootvg

1. How to view the bootlist:

At boottime, once the POST is completed, the system will search the boot
list for a
bootable image. The system will attempt to boot from the first entry in
the bootlist.
Its always a good idea to see what the OS thinks are the bootable
devices and the order of what the OS
thinks it should use. Use the bootlist command to view the order:

# bootlist -m normal -o

As the first item returned, you will see hdisk0, the bootable harddisk.

If you need to check the bootlist in "service mode", for example if you
want to boot from tape to restore the rootvg, use

# bootlist -m service -o

2. How to change the bootlist:

The bootlist, in normal operations, can be changed using the same

command as used in section 1, for example

# bootlist -m normal hdisk0 cd0

This command makes sure the hdisk0 is the first device used to boot the
If you want to change the bootlist for the system in service mode, you
can change the list in order to use rmt0

if you need to restore the rootvg.

# bootlist -m service rmt0

3. How to make a device bootable:

To make a device bootable, use the bosboot command:

# bosboot -ad /dev/ipldevice

So, if hdisk0 must be bootable, or you want to be sure its bootable, use

# bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk0

4. How to make a backup of the OS:

The mksysb command creates an installable image of the rootvg. This is

synonym to say that mksysb creates
a backup of the operating system (that is, the root volume group).

You can use this backup to reinstall a system to its original state
after it has been corrupted.
If you create the backup on tape, the tape is bootable and includes the
installation programs
needed to install from the backup.

To generate a system backup and create an / file (generated by

the mkszfile command) to a tape device

named /dev/rmt0, type:

# mksysb -i /dev/rmt0

If a backup tape was created with the -e switch, like in:

# mksysb -i -e /dev/rmt0

then a number of directories are NOT included in the backup. These

exclusions are listed in the "/etc/exclude.rootvg" file.

The mksysb command should be used regularly. It must certainly be done

after installing apps or devices.
In normal conditions, the OS does not change, and a bootable tape should
be created at some frequency.
5. Shutdown a pSeries AIX system in the most secure way:

1. Shut down all applications in a controlled way.

2. Make sure no users are on the system.

3. Use the shutdown command:

shutdown -r to reboot the system

shutdown -m to reboot in maintenance mode

6. How to restore specific files from a mksysb tape:

$ tctl fsf 3
$ restore -xvf /dev/rmt0.1 ./your/file/name

For example, if you need to get the vi command back, put the mksysb tape
in the tape drive (in this case, /dev/rmt0)

and do the following:

cd / # get to the root directory

tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind # rewind the tape

tctl -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf 3 # move the tape to the third file, no

restore -xqf /dev/rmt0.1 -s 1 ./usr/bin/vi # extract the vi binary,
no rewind

Further explanation why you must use the fsf 3 (fast forward skip file
The format of the tape is as follows:
1. A BOS boot image
2. A BOS install image
3. A dummy Table Of Contents
4. The system backup of the rootvg

So if you just need to restore some files, first forward the tape
pointer to position 3, counting from 0.

7. Recovery of rootvg

7.1 Check if the system can boot from tape:

# bootinfo -e

If a 1 is returned, the system can boot from tape, if a 0 is returned a

boot from tape is not supported.

7.2 Recover the rootvg:

One possible method is the following:
1. Check whether the tape is in front of the disk with the bootlist
# bootlist -m normal -o
2. Insert the mksysb tape
3. Power on the machine. The system will boot from the tape.
4. The Installation and Maintenance Menu will be displayed.

Welcome to Base Operating System

Installation and Maintenance

Type the number of your choice and press Enter. Choice is indicated by

>>> 1 Start Install Now with Default Settings

2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install

3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery

Type 3 and press enter to start maintenance mode.

The next screen you should see is :-


Type the number of your choice and press Enter.

>>> 1 Access a Root Volume Group

2 Copy a System Dump to Removable Media
3 Access Advanced Maintenance Functions
4 Install from a System Backup

>>> Choice [1]:

Type 4 and press enter to install from a system backup.

The next screen you should see is :-

Choose Tape Drive

Type the number of the tape drive containing the system backup to be
installed and press Enter.

Tape Drive Path Name

>>> 1 tape/scsi/ost /dev/rmt0

>>> Choice [1]:

Type the number that corresponds to the tape drive that the mysysb tape
is in and press enter.
The next screen you should see is :-

Welcome to Base Operating System

Installation and Maintenance
Type the number of your choice and press Enter. Choice is indicated by

>>> 1 Start Install Now with Default Settings

2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install

3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery

88 Help ? |Select 1 or 2 to install from tape device
99 Previous Menu |
>>> Choice [1]:

You can now follow your normal mksysb restore procedures.

9.16 HP-UX make_net_recovery:


There are two ways you can recover from a tape with make_net_recovery.
The method you choose depends on your needs.

- Use make_medialif
This method is useful when you want to create a totally self-contained
recovery tape. The tape will be bootable
and will contain everything needed to recover your system, including the
archive of your system. During recovery,
no access to an Ignite-UX server is needed. Using make_medialif is
described beginning on
"Create a Bootable Archive Tape via the Network" and also on the Ignite-
UX server in the file:

- Use make_boot_tape
This method is useful when you do not have the ability to boot the
target machine via the network, but are still
able to access the Ignite-UX server via the network for your archive and
configuration data. This could happen
if your machine does not support network boot or if the target machine
is not on the same subnet as the
Ignite-UX server. In these cases, use make_boot_tape to create a
bootable tape with just enough information
to boot and connect with the Ignite-UX server. The configuration files
and archive are then retrieved from the
Ignite-UX server. See the make_boot_tape(1M) manpage for details.

-- make_boot_tape:

make_boot_tape - make a bootable tape to connect to an Ignite-UX

/opt/ignite/bin/make_boot_tape [-d device-file-for-tape] [-f
file] [-t tmpdir] [-v]

/opt/ignite/bin/make_boot_tape [-d device-file-for-tape] [-g

[-m netmask] [-t tmpdir] [-v]

The tape created by make_boot_tape is a bootable tape that
just enough information to boot the system and then connect to the
Ignite-UX server where the tape was created. Once the target
has connected with the Ignite-UX server, it can be installed or
recovered using Ignite-UX. The tape is not a fully self-contained
install tape; an Ignite-UX server must also be present. The
configuration information and software to be installed on the
machine reside on the Ignite-UX server, not on the tape. If you
to build a fully self-contained recovery tape, see
or make_media_lif(1m).

make_boot_tape is used in situations when you have target machines

that cannot boot via the network from the Ignite-UX server. This
happens either because the machine does not support booting from
network or because it is not on the same subnet as the Ignite-UX
server. In this case, booting from a tape generated by
means you do not need to set up a boot helper system. A tape
by make_boot_tape can be used to kick off a normal Ignite-UX
installation. It can also be used to recover from recovery
configurations saved on the Ignite-UX server.

There is no "target-specific" information on the boot tape. Only

information about the Ignite-UX server is placed on the tape.
it is possible to initiate an installation of any target machine
the same boot tape provided that the same Ignite-UX server is
Likewise, the target machine can be installed with any operating
system configuration that is available on the Ignite-UX server.
Typically, the make_boot_tape command is run from the Ignite-UX
that you wish to connect with when booting from the tape later on.

A key file that contains configuration information is called

INSTALLFS. This file exists on the Ignite-UX server at
/opt/ignite/boot/INSTALLFS and is also present on the tape created
make_boot_tape. See instl_adm(4) for details on the configuration
syntax. Unless the -f option is used, the configuration
already present in the INSTALLFS file is used on the tape as well.
The make_boot_tape command will never alter the INSTALLFS file on
Ignite-UX server; it will only change the copy that is placed on


Create a boot tape on the default tape drive (/dev/rmt/0m).

# make_boot_tape

Create a boot tape on a specified (non-default) tape drive. Create

DDS1 device file for the tape drive first. Show as much
about the tape creation as is possible.

ioscan -fC tape # to get the hardware path

mksf -v -H <hardware path> -b DDS1 -n -a
make_boot_tape -d /dev/<devfile created by mksf> -v

Create a boot tape and replace the configuration information

in the INSTALLFS file. Use the /tmp directory for all temporary
instead of the default /var/tmp.

# instl_adm -d > tmp_config_file

## edit tmp_config_file as appropriate
# make_boot_tape -f tmp_config_file -t /tmp

Create a boot tape and specify a different gateway IP address.

the netmask value as well. All other configuration information is
what is already in /opt/ignite/boot/INSTALLFS.

# make_boot_tape -g -m

9.17 /etc/dumpdates

On some unixes the /etc/dumpdates file exists, for example, Solaris.

Purpose of the /etc/dumpdates File

The ufsdump command, when used with the -u option, maintains and updates
the /etc/dumpdates file.
Each line in the /etc/dumpdates file shows the following information:

The file system backed up

The dump level of the last backup
The day, date, and time of the backup

For example:

# cat /etc/dumpdates
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0 0 Wed Jul 28 16:13:52 2004
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 0 Thu Jul 29 10:36:13 2004
/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s7 9 Thu Jul 29 10:37:12 2004

When you do an incremental backup, the ufsdump command checks the

/etc/dumpdates file to find the date
of the most recent backup of the next lower dump level. Then, this
command copies to the media all files that were modified
since the date of that lower-level backup. After the backup is complete,
a new information line, which describes the backup
you just completed, replaces the information line for the previous
backup at that level.

Use the /etc/dumpdates file to verify that backups are being done. This
verification is particularly important
if you are having equipment problems. If a backup cannot be completed
because of equipment failure, the backup
is not recorded in the /etc/dumpdates file.

If you need to restore an entire disk, check the /etc/dumpdates file for
a list of the most recent dates and levels
of backups so that you can determine which tapes you need to restore the
entire file system.

9.18 UFS snapshot on Solaris


UFS Snapshots Overview

The Solaris release includes the fssnap command for backing up file
systems while the file system is mounted. You can use
the fssnap command to create a read-only snapshot of a file system. A
snapshot is a file system's temporary image that is
intended for backup operations.

When the fssnap command is run, it creates a virtual device and a

backing-store file. You can back up the virtual device,
which looks and acts like a real device, with any of the existing
Solaris backup commands. The backing-store file is a bitmap file
that contains copies of presnapshot data that has been modified since
the snapshot was taken.

Why Use UFS Snapshots?

The UFS snapshots feature enables you to keep the file system mounted
and the system in multiuser mode during backups.
Previously, you were advised to bring the system to single-user mode to
keep the file system inactive when you used
the ufsdump command to perform backups. You can also use additional
Solaris backup commands, such as tar and cpio,
to back up a UFS snapshot for more reliable backups.

The fssnap command gives administrators of nonenterprise-level systems

the power of enterprise-level tools,
such as Sun StorEdgeT Instant Image, without the large storage demands.

The UFS snapshots feature is similar to the Instant Image product.

Although UFS snapshots can make copies of large file systems,
Instant Image is better suited for enterprise-level systems. UFS
snapshots is better suited for smaller systems. Instant Image allocates
space equal to the size of the entire file system that is being
captured. However, the backing-store file that is created by UFS
occupies only as much disk space as needed.

Example of how to use it:

# fssnap -F ufs -o bs=/backing-store-file /file-system

Obviously, the backing-store file must reside on a different file system

than the file system that is being captured
using UFS snapshots.

The following example shows how to create a snapshot of the /usr file
The backing-store file is /scratch/usr.back.file. The virtual device
is /dev/fssnap/1.

# fssnap -F ufs -o bs=/scratch/usr.back.file /usr


You can display the current snapshots on the system by using the fssnap
-i option. If you specify a file system,
you see detailed information about that snapshot. If you don't specify a
file system, you see information about all
of the current UFS snapshots and their corresponding virtual devices.

List all current snapshots:

For example:

# /usr/lib/fs/ufs/fssnap -i
Snapshot number : 0
Block Device : /dev/fssnap/0
Raw Device : /dev/rfssnap/0
Mount point : /usr
Device state : idle
Backing store path : /var/tmp/snapshot3
Backing store size : 256 KB
Maximum backing store size : Unlimited
Snapshot create time : Wed Oct 08 10:38:25 2003
Copy-on-write granularity : 32 KB
Snapshot number : 1
Block Device : /dev/fssnap/1
Raw Device : /dev/rfssnap/1
Mount point : /
Device state : idle
Backing store path : /tmp/bs.home
Backing store size : 448 KB
Maximum backing store size : Unlimited
Snapshot create time : Wed Oct 08 10:39:29 2003
Copy-on-write granularity : 32 KB

19.19 Recovery of the root filesystem on Solaris:


Note 1:

Restoring the root (/) File System

-- To restore the / (root) file system, boot from the Solaris CD-ROM and
then run ufsrestore.

If / (root), /usr, or the /var file system is unusable because of some

type of corruption the system will not boot.

The following procedure demonstrates how to restore the / (root) file

system which is assumed to be on boot disk c0t0d0s0.

1. Insert the Solaris 8 Software CD 1, and boot the CD-ROM with the
single-user mode option.

ok boot cdrom -s

2. Create the new file system structure.

# newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0

3. Mount the file system to an empty mount point directory, /a and

change to that directory.

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /a
# cd /a

4. Restore the / (root) file system from its backup tape.

# ufsrestore rf /dev/rmt/0

Note - Remember to always restore a file system starting with the level
0 backup tape and continuing with the next lowest level
tape up through the highest level tape.

5. Remove the restoresymtable file.

# rm restoresymtable

6. Install the bootblk in sectors 1-15 of the boot disk. Change to the
directory containing the bootblk, and run the installboot command.

# cd /usr/platform/`uname -m`/lib/fs/ufs
# installboot bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0

7. Unmount the new file system.

# cd /
# umount /a

8. Use the fsck command to check the restored file system.

# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0

9. Reboot the system.

# init 6

10. Perform a full backup of the file system. For example:

# ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/0 /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s0

Note - Always back up the newly created file system, as ufsrestore

repositions the files and changes the inode allocation.

Restoring the /usr and /var File Systems

-- To restore the /usr and /var file systems repeat the steps described
above, except step 6.
This step is required only when restoring the (/) root file system.

To restore a regular file system, (for example, /export/home, or /opt)

back to disk, repeat the steps described above, except steps 1, 6, and


# newfs /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#
# mount /dev/dsk/c#t#d#s# /mnt
# cd /mnt
# ufsrestore rf /dev/rmt/#
# rm restoresymtable
# cd /
# umount /mnt
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#
# ufsdump 0uf /dev/rmt/# /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#
Note 2:

10. uuencode:

Unix to Unix Encoding. A method for converting files from Binary to

ASCII so that they can be sent across
the Internet via e-mail.

Encode binary file (to uuencoded ASCII file)

uuencode file remotefile

uudecode file


Encode binary file

uuencode example example.en

Decode encoded file

uudecode example.en

uuencode converts a binary file into an encoded representation that can

be sent using mail(1) .
It encodes the contents of source-file, or the standard input if no
source-file argument is given.
The decode_pathname argument is required. The decode_pathname is
included in the encoded file's header
as the name of the file into which uudecode is to place the binary
(decoded) data.
uuencode also includes the permission modes of source-file, (except
setuid , setgid, and sticky-bits),
so that decode_pathname is recreated with those same permission modes.

The following example packages up a source tree, compresses it,
uuencodes it and mails it to
a user on another system. When uudecode is run on the target system, the
file ``src_tree.tar.Z''
will be created which may then be uncompressed and extracted into the
original tree.

# tar cf - src_tree | compress | uuencode src_tree.tar.Z | mail sys1!


uuencode <file_a> <file_b> > <uufile> |
| note: here, file_a is encoded and a new file named uufile is produced
| when you decode file uufile a file named file_b is produced
# uuencode dipl.doc dipl.doc >dipl.uu
Hier wird die Datei dipl.doc (z.B. ein WinWord-Dokument) in die Datei
dipl.uu umgewandelt. Dabei legen wir fest,
dasz die Datei nach dem Decodieren wieder dipl.doc heiszen soll.

uuencode long_name.tar.Z arc.trz > arc.uue

11. grep command:


# grep Sally people

# grep "Sally Smith" people
# grep -v "^$" people.old > people
# grep -v "^ *$" people.old > people # deletes all blank lines
# grep "S.* D.*" people.old > people

12. sort command:


sort files by size, largest first...

# ls -al | sort +4 -r | more

# sort +1 -2 people
# sort +2b people
# sort +2n +1 people
# sort +1 -2 *people > everybody
# sort -u +1 hardpeople softpeople > everybody # -u=unique
# sort -t: +5 /etc/passw # -t field sep.

cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.`date +%o%b%d`

13. SED:

Can be used to replace a character sting with a different string.

# sed s/string/newstring file

#sed s/Smith/White/ people.old > people

#sed "s/Sally Smith/Sally White/" people.old > people

Note: depending on your shell and system, in most cases, you might need
to enclose s/string/newstring by a " or a '.

you can also use a regular expression, for instance we can put a left
margin of 5
spaces on the people file

# sed "s/^/ /" people.old > people

# sed "s/[0-9]*$//" people.old > people (remove numbers)
# sed -e "s/^V^M//" filename > outputfilename
The character after the s is the delimiter. It is conventionally a
slash, because this is what ed, more, and vi use.
It can be anything you want, however. If you want to change a pathname
that contains a slash - say /usr/local/bin to /common/bin -
you could use the backslash to quote the slash:

sed 's/\/usr\/local\/bin/\/common\/bin/' <old >new

or use _ as a delimter

sed 's_/usr/local/bin_/common/bin_' <old >new


Suppose the file cdc_LEG.sql contains the following:

spool Publisher.06.PublisherDefineChangeTable.tdba_cdc.cdc_LEG.log ;

connect / as sysdba ;

grant all on rm_live.LEG to tdba_cdc ;

prompt User: tdba_cdc ;

connect tdba_cdc ;

( owner => 'tdba_cdc'
, change_table_name => 'cdc_LEG'
, change_set_name => 'BODI_CDC_SET'
, source_schema => 'rm_live'
, source_table => 'LEG'
, column_type_list => ' IDFLT NUMBER(9) , IDLEG NUMBER(9) ,
, capture_values => 'both'
, source_colmap => 'y'
, target_colmap => 'y'
, options_string => 'tablespace tdba_cdc'
) ;
end ;

grant select on tdba_cdc.cdc_LEG to bodi_cdc ;

Now we want to replace the "connect tdba_cdc" by "connect



#sed 's!connect tdba_cdc!connect tdba_cdc/tdba_cdc!' cdc_LEG.sql >

#sed 's/playroca/accproca!' cdc_LEG.sql > cdc_LEG.txt


spool Publisher.06.PublisherDefineChangeTable.tdba_cdc.cdc_LEG.log ;

connect / as sysdba ;

grant all on rm_live.LEG to tdba_cdc ;

prompt User: tdba_cdc ;

connect tdba_cdc/tdba_cdc ;

( owner => 'tdba_cdc'
, change_table_name => 'cdc_LEG'
, change_set_name => 'BODI_CDC_SET'
, source_schema => 'rm_live'
, source_table => 'LEG'
, column_type_list => ' IDFLT NUMBER(9) , IDLEG NUMBER(9) ,
, capture_values => 'both'
, source_colmap => 'y'
, target_colmap => 'y'
, options_string => 'tablespace tdba_cdc'
) ;
end ;

grant select on tdba_cdc.cdc_LEG to bodi_cdc

If you have a lot of those files, use something like

for file in `ls`

sed 's!connect tdba_cdc!connect tdba_cdc/tdba_cdc!' $file > $file.sql

for file in `ls`

echo $file

for file in `ls`

echo "connect / as sysdba;" >> $file

for file in `ls`

sed 's!quit!;!' $file > $file.sql

Other example:

If you want sed to remove a space at either side of a field, like

Albert van der Sel ,, 5 , 20
you could use:

sed 's/[ ]*,[ ]*/,/g'

sed -e 's/[ ]*,[ ]*/,/g' -e 's/^[ ]*//' -e 's/[ ]*$//' file1 > file2

sed -e 's#\(00/00/0000\)[, ][, ]*$#\1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,#g' file

Most common error:

Message sed: 0602-404 Function __ cannot be parsed.

If you were trying to use the sed "substitute" command, e.g. s/a/b/, you
may have forgotton the trailing delimiter.

14. AWK:

When lines containing `foo' are found, they are printed, because `print
$0' means print the current line:
# awk '/foo/ { print $0 }' BBS-list

looks for all files in the ls listing that matches Nov and it prints the
total of bytes:
# ls -l | awk '$5 == "Nov" { sum += $4 }
END { print sum }'

only print the lines containing Smith from file people:

# awk /Smith/ people

# awk '/gold/' coins.txt

# awk '/gold/ {print $0}' coins.txt
# awk '/gold/ {print $5,$6,$7,$8}' coins.txt
# awk '{if ($3 < 1980) print $3, " ",$5,$6,$7,$8}' coins.txt

# awk '/Smith/ {print $1 "-" $3}' people

# ls -l /home | awk '{total += $5}; END {print total}'
# ls -lR /home | awk '{total += $5}; END {print total}'


Suppose you have a text file with lines much longer than, for example,
72 characters,
and you want to have a file with lines with a maximum of 72 chars, then
you might use awk
in the following way:

-- Shell file



awk -f r13.awk ${DIR}/${FILE} > ${DIR}/${FILE}.new

-- r13.awk

BEGIN { maxlength=72 }
if (l > 72) {
for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
printf "%s\r\n",substr($0, (j*72)+1, maxlength)
} else {
printf "%s\r\n",$0

15. tr command:

Used for translating characters in a file. tr works on standard input,

so if you want
to take input from a file you have to redirect standard input so that it
comes from that file.

Suppose we want to replace all characters in the

range a-z by the characters A-Z

# tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]" < people

squeeze muliple occurences osf a character (e.g. a space) in one

# tr -s " " people.old > people

remove blank lines:

# tr -s "\012" < people.old > people

to remove the evil microsoft carriage return.

# tr -d '\015' < original.file > new.file

# cat filename1 | tr -d "^V^M" > newfile

#! /bin/sh
# recursive dark side repair technique
# eliminates spaces in file names from current directory down
# useful for supporting systems where clueless vendors promote NT
for name in `find . -depth -print`
na=`echo "$name" | tr ' ' '_'`
if [ "$na" != "$name" ]
echo "$name"


> I have finally competed setting up the samba server and setup the
> between NT and Samba server.
> However, when I open a unix text file in Windows NT using notepad, i
> many funny characters and the text file is not in order (Just like
when I
> ftp the unix text file out into NT in binary format) ...I think this
has to
> be something to do with whether the file transfer is in Binary format
> ASCII ... Is there a parameter to set for this ? I have checked the
> documents ... but couldn't find anything on this ...

This is a FAQ, but it brief, it's like this. Unix uses a single newline
character to end a line ("\n"), while DOS/Win/NT use a
carriage-return/newline pair ("\r\n"). FTP in ASCII mode translates
these for you. FTP in binary mode, or other forms of file transfer, such
as Samba, leave the file unaltered. Doing so would be extremely
dangerous, as there's no clear way to isolate which files should be

You can get Windows editors that understand Unix line-end conventions
(Ultra Edit is one), or you can use DOS line endings on the files, which
will then look odd from the Unix side. You can stop using notepad, and
use Wordpad instead, which will deal appropriately with Unix line

You can convert a DOS format text file to Unix with this:-

tr -d '\r' < dosfile.txt > unixfile.txt

The best solution to this seems to be using a Windows editor that can
handle working with Unix line endings.



There are two ways of moving to a new line...carriage return, which is
and new line which is chr(10). In windows you're supposed to use a
of a carriage return followed by a new line.
For example, in VB you can use Wrap$=Chr$(13)+Chr$(10) which creates a
wrap character.

16. cut and paste:


cutting columns:

# cut -c17, 18, 19 people

# cut -c17- people > phones
# cut -c1-16 people > names

cutting fields:

#cut -d" " -f1,2 people > names # -d field seperator


# paste -d" " firstname lastname phones > people

17. mknod:

mknod creates a FIFO (named pipe), character special file, or block

special file with the specified name.
A special file is a triple (boolean, integer, integer) stored in the
The boolean chooses between character special file and block special
The two integers are the major and minor device number.

Thus, a special file takes almost no place on disk, and is used only for
with the operating system, not for data storage. Often special files
refer to hardware devices
(disk, tape, tty, printer) or to operating system services
(/dev/null, /dev/random).

Block special files usually are disk-like devices

(where data can be accessed given a block number, and e.g. it is
meaningful to have a block cache).
All other devices are character special files.
(Long ago the distinction was a different one:
I/O to a character special file would be unbuffered, to a block special
file buffered.)

The mknod command is what creates files of this type.

The argument following name specifies the type of file to make:

p for a FIFO
b for a block (buffered) special file
c for a character (unbuffered) special file

When making a block or character special file, the major and minor
device numbers must be given
after the file type (in decimal, or in octal with leading 0; the GNU
version also allows hexadecimal
with leading 0x). By default, the mode of created files is 0666 (`a/rw')
minus the bits set in the umask.

In /dev we find logical devices, created by the mknod command.

# mknod /dev/kbd c 11 0
# mknod /dev/sunmouse c 10 6
# mknod /dev/fb0 c 29 0

create a pipe in /dev called 'rworldlp'

# mknod /dev/rworldlp p; chmod a+rw /dev/rworldlp

If one cannot afford to buy extra disk space one can run the export and
utilities simultaneously.
This will prevent the need to get enough space for both the export file
AND the
compressed export file. Eg:

# Make a pipe
mknod expdat.dmp p # or mkfifo pipe
# Start compress sucking on the pipe in background
compress < expdat.dmp > expdat.dmp.Z &
# Wait a second or two before kicking off the export
sleep 5
# Start the export
exp scott/tiger file=expdat.dmp

Create a compressed export on the fly.

# create a named pipe

mknod exp.pipe p
# read the pipe - output to zip file in the background
gzip < exp.pipe > scott.exp.gz &
# feed the pipe
exp userid=scott/tiger file=exp.pipe ...

Extended Example:
# Load the cron environment
. ~/cronjobs/.profile.cron
if [ $# -ne 0 ]
function showSyntaxParam
{ ( Comment "\t[-db=<Database>] [-dir=<InputDir>] [-
for param in $*
echo ${param} \
| awk 'BEGIN {FS="="}{print $1,$2}' \
| read flag value
if [ "${flag}" != "-h" ] && [ "${value}" = "" ]
Error "Empty value for ${flag}"
case ${flag} in
-schema) wantedSchemas=${value} ;;
-dir) wantedInputDir=${value} ;;
*) checkSystemParam ${param} || showSyntaxParam ;;
Comment "Selected options are:"
Comment " Database : -db=${wantedDatabase}"
Comment " Schema's : -schema=${wantedSchemas}"
Comment " Input directory : -dir=${wantedInputDir}"
if [ ${continue} = true ]
if [ "${wantedDatabase}" = "" ]
Error "No database specified"
echo ${wantedDatabase} \
| grep -i prod \
| wc -l \
| read prod
if [ ${prod} -ne 0 ]
Error "Production environment not allowed!!"
moveLogFile ${wantedDatabase}
if [ "${wantedInputDir}" = "" ]
Error "No input directory specified"
if [ ! -d ${wantedInputDir} ]
Error "Input directory ${wantedInputDir} doesn't exists"
if [ "${wantedSchemas}" = "" ]
Error "No schema's to load"
wantedSchemas=`echo ${wantedSchemas} | sed 's/,/ /g'`
if [ ${continue} = true ]
for schema in ${wantedSchemas}
if [ ${continue} = true ]
Message "Check file permissions"
if [ ! -w ${wantedInputDir} ]
Error "Unable to write in ${wantedInputDir}"
if [ ${continue} = true ]
rm ${impPipeFile} 2> /dev/null
rm ${impLogFile} 2> /dev/null
if [ ${continue} = true ]
Message "Load schema ${schema} into database ${wantedDatabase}"
if [ ${continue} = true ]
Message "Create pipe for load"
CmdCapture "mknod ${impPipeFile} p"
if [ ${continue} = true ]
if [ ! -f ${impCompressFile} ]
Error "File not found: ${impCompressFile}"
if [ ${continue} = true ]
Message "Start uncompression into background"
uncompress -c < ${impCompressFile} > ${impPipeFile} &
Message "Start import"
imp \"sys/change_on_install as sysdba\" file=${impPipeFile} log=$
{impLogFile} full=y statistics=always >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
Message "Output of import"
CmdCapture "cat ${impLogFile}"
Message "Allowed warnings are:"
Comment " IMP-00017 IMP-00041 IMP-00003 ORA-14063 ORA-14048 ORA-
cat ${impLogFile} \
| egrep '^ORA-|^ERROR|^IMP-' \
| egrep -v 'IMP-00017|IMP-00041|IMP-00003|ORA-14063|ORA-14048|ORA-
02270' \
| wc -l \
| read count
if [ ${count} -ne 0 ]
Error "Problem with import !!"
Message "Import succesful"
rm ${impPipeFile} 2> /dev/null
if [ ${continue} = true ]


18. Links:

A symbolic link is a pointer or an alias to another file. The command

# ln -s fromfile /other/directory/tolink

makes the file fromfile appear to exist at /other/directory/tolink

The file is not copied, it merely appears to be a part of the file tree
in two places.
Symbolic links can be made to both files and directories.

The usage of the link command is.

%ln -s ActualFilename LinkFileName

Where -s indicates a symbolic link. ActualFilename is the name of the

file which is to be linked to,
and LinkFileName is the name by which the file should be known.

You should use full paths in the command.


Suppose we have the file "mvdat" in:


So if we take a look there

albert@starboss:/opt/myprog $ ls -al

total 8
drwxr-x--- 2 root system 256 Apr 21 10:12 .
drwxrwxrwx 3 root system 4096 Apr 21 09:59 ..
-r-xr-xr-x 1 albert beab_krn 9544 Apr 21 10:12 mvdat

Now we want a symbolic link of that file in "/apps/myapps/bin",

as if the file also exists at that place. In fact we only make a link
We can do that in the following way:

albert@starboss:/opt/myprog $ ln -s mvdat /apps/myapps/bin/mvdat

Other examples:

This example shows copying three files from a directory into the current
working directory.
[2]%cp ~team/IntroProgs/MoreUltimateAnswer/more*
[3]%ls -l more*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mrblobby mrblobby 632 Sep 21 18:12
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mrblobby mrblobby 1218 Sep 21 18:19
-rw-rw-r-- 1 mrblobby mrblobby 784 Sep 21 18:16

The three files take a total of 2634 bytes. The equivalent ln commands
would be:

[2]%ln -s ~team/IntroProgs/MoreUltimateAnswer/moreultimateanswer.adb
[3]%ln -s ~team/IntroProgs/MoreUltimateAnswer/moreultimatepack.adb .
[4]%ln -s ~team/IntroProgs/MoreUltimateAnswer/moreultimatepack.adb .
[5]%ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mrblobby mrblobby 35 Sep 22 08:50
moreultimateanswer.adb ->

lrwxrwxrwx 1 mrblobby mrblobby 37 Sep 22 08:49
moreultimatepack.adb ->

lrwxrwxrwx 1 mrblobby mrblobby 37 Sep 22 08:50 ->


The ln utility creates a new directory entry (linked file) which

has the
same modes as the original file. It is useful for maintaining
copies of a file in many places at once without using up storage
for the
copies; instead, a link ``points'' to the original copy. There are
types of links; hard links and symbolic links. How a link points
to a
file is one of the differences between a hard and symbolic link.

By default, ln makes ``hard'' links. A hard link to a file is

guishable from the original directory entry; any changes to a file
effectively independent of the name used to reference the file.
links may not normally refer to directories and may not span file

A symbolic link contains the name of the file to which it is

linked. The
referenced file is used when an open(2) operation is performed on
link. A stat(2) on a symbolic link will return the linked-to file;
lstat(2) must be done to obtain information about the link. The
readlink(2) call may be used to read the contents of a symbolic
Symbolic links may span file systems, refer to directories, and
refer to
non-existent files.

19. Relink van Oracle:



showrev -p
pkginfo -i


mk -f $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib/ install
mk -f $ORACLE_HOME/svrmgr/lib/ install
mk -f $ORACLE_HOME/network/lib/ install

20. trace:

20.1 truss:

A quick one: The "truss" tool on many unixes:

Here is a quick one to trace a shell script, or executable program:

using "truss".

The "truss" tool is available on many unix platforms. It has many

options, but a very usefull command
to trace the system calls that a script or program does is:

$ truss -o /tmp/myprg.log myprg

In this example, truss will log in the file "/tmp/myprg.log" while it

traces the program "myprg".

Ofcourse, you can choose another path and logfile to trace to.
The upper command is quite good for tracing a shell script, or program,
that starts up, does some work,
and then terminates. If an error occurs during runtime, it's likely that
you find some pointers
in the logfile that truss made for you.

This tool has so many options, for example, you can focus your trace on
a certain library etc..
Anyway, even the upper example of truss can already be very helpfull.

So, for example, if you find in the log that truss has produced, the
error "EACCES" which is
"errno 13 = Permission denied", that would really be helpfull.
Obviously, your shell script or
program tries to access a certain object, to which it has insufficient
and thus may fail.

Be warned though, that some errno's might be found multiple times, while
it's actually not
something to worry about. For example "ENOENT= No such file or
directory" might be found
quite often. Here, your script or program seems to be unable to find a
file or directory.
Well, if it's related to the $PATH environment variable, it could be
quite reasonable.
Your shell will search your $PATH from beginning, to the end, until the
object has been found.
Thus, it's quite possible that some ENOENT errors occurred.

20.2 truss on Solaris:


truss -aef -o /tmp/trace svrmgrl

To trace what a Unix process is doing enter:

truss -rall -wall -p <PID>

truss -p $ lsnrctl dbsnmp_start

NOTE: The "truss" command works on SUN and Sequent. Use "tusc" on HP-UX,
"strace" on Linux,
"trace" on SCO Unix or call your system administrator to find the
equivalent command on your system.
Monitor your Unix system:


Truss is used to trace the system/library calls (not user calls) and
signals made/received
by a new or existing process. It sends the output to stderr.

NOTE: Trussing a process throttles that process to your display speed.

Use -wall and -rall sparingly.
Truss usage

truss -a -e -f -rall -wall -p

truss -a -e -f -rall -wall

-a Show arguments passed to the exec system calls

-e Show environment variables passed to the exec system calls
-f Show forked processes
(they will have a different pid: in column 1)
-rall Show all read data (default is 32 bytes)
-wall Show all written data (default is 32 bytes)
-p Hook to an existing process (must be owner or root)
<program> Specify a program to run

Truss examples
# truss -rall -wall -f -p <PID>
# truss -rall -wall lsnrctl start
# truss -aef lsnrctl dbsnmp_start

20.2 syscalls command on AIX:


1. syscalls Command

Provides system call tracing and counting for specific processes and the

To Create or Destroy Buffer:
syscalls [ [ -enable bytes ]| -disable ]

To Print System Call Counts:

syscalls -c

To Print System Call Events or Start Tracing:

syscalls [ -o filename ] [ -t ] { [ [ -p pid ] -start | -stop ] | -x
program }

The syscalls (system call tracing) command, captures system call entry
and exit events by individual processes
or all processes on the system. The syscalls command can also maintain
counts for all system calls
made over long periods of time.

System call events are logged in a shared-memory trace buffer. The same
shared memory identifier may be used
by other processes resulting in a collision. In such circumstances, the
-enable flag needs to be issued.
The syscalls command does not use the trace daemon.
The system crashes if ipcrm -M sharedmemid is run after syscalls has
been run.
Run stem -shmkill instead of running ipcrm -M to remove the shared
memory segment.
-c Prints a summary of system call counts for all processes. The
counters are not reset.

-disable Destroys the system call buffer and disables system call
tracing and counting.

-enable bytes Creates the system call trace buffer. If this flag is not
used, the syscalls command
creates a buffer of the default size of 819,200 bytes. Use this flag if
events are not being logged
in the buffer. This is the result of a collision with another process
using the same shared memory buffer ID.

-o filename Prints output to filename rather than standard out.

-p pid When used with the -start flag, only events for processes with
this pid will be logged
in the syscalls buffer. When used with the -stop option, syscalls
filters the data in the buffer
and only prints output for this pid.

-start Resets the trace buffer pointer. This option enables the buffer
if it does not exist and resets
the counters to zero.

-stop Stops the logging of system call events and prints the contents
of the buffer.

-t Prints the time associated with each system call event alongside the

-x program Runs program while logging events for only that process. The
buffer is enabled if needed.

Access Control: You must be root or a member of the perf group to run
this command.

To collect system calls for a particular program, enter:
syscalls -x /bin/ps
Output similar to the following appears:
19841 pts/4 0:01 /bin/ksh
23715 pts/4 0:00 syscalls -x /bin/ps
30720 pts/4 0:00 /bin/ps
34972 pts/4 0:01 ksh
PID System Call
30720 .kfork Exit , return=0 Call preceded tracing.
30720 .getpid () = 30720
30720 .sigaction (2, 2ff7eba8, 2ff7ebbc) = 0
30720 .sigaction (3, 2ff7eba8, 2ff7ebcc) = 0
30720 .sigprocmask (0, 2ff7ebac, 2ff7ebdc) = 0
30720 .sigaction (20, 2ff7eba8, 2ff7ebe8) = 0
30720 .kfork () = 31233
30720 .kwaitpid (2ff7ebfc, 31233, 0, 0) = 31233
30720 .sigaction (2, 2ff7ebbc, 0) = 0
30720 .sigaction (3, 2ff7ebcc, 0) = 0
30720 .sigaction (20, 2ff7ebe8, 0) = 0
30720 .sigprocmask (2, 2ff7ebdc, 0) = 0
30720 .getuidx (4) = 0
30720 .getuidx (2) = 0
30720 .getuidx (1) = 0
30720 .getgidx (4) = 0
30720 .getgidx (2) = 0
30720 .getgidx (1) = 0
30720 ._load NoFormat, (0x2ff7ef54, 0x0, 0x0, 0x2ff7ff58) =
30720 .sbrk (65536) = 537235456
30720 .getpid () = 30720

To produce a count of system calls made by all processes, enter:

syscalls -start
followed by entering:
syscalls -c
Output similar to the following appears:
System Call Counts for all processes
5041 .lseek
4950 .kreadv
744 .sigaction
366 .close
338 .sbrk
190 .kioctl
120 .getuidx
116 .kwritev
108 .kfcntl
105 .getgidx
95 .kwaitpid
92 .gettimer
92 .select
70 .getpid
70 .sigprocmask
52 .execve
51 ._exit
51 .kfork
35 .open
35 ._load
33 .pipe
33 .incinterval
28 .sigreturn
27 .access
16 .brk
15 .times
15 .privcheck
15 .gettimerid
10 .statx
9 .STEM_R10string
4 .sysconfig
3 .P2counters_accum
3 .shmget
3 .shmat
2 .setpgid
2 .shmctl
2 .kioctl
1 .Patch_Demux_Addr_2
1 .Patch_Demux_Addr_High
1 .STEM_R3R4string
1 .shmdt
1 .Stem_KEX_copy_demux_entry
1 .STEM_R3R4string
1 .Patch_Demux_Addr_1
1 .pause
1 .accessx
/usr/bin/syscalls Contains the syscalls command.

20.3 truss command on AIX:


AIX 5.1,5.2,5.3

The truss command is also available for SVR4 UNIX-based environments.

This command is useful for tracing
system calls in one or more processes. In AIX 5.2, all base system call
parameter types are now recognized.
In AIX 5.1, only about 40 system calls were recognized.

Truss is a /proc based debugging tool that executes and traces a

command, or traces an existing process.
It prints names of all system calls made with their arguments and return
code. System call parameters are
displayed symbolically. It prints information about all signals received
by a process. The AIX 5.2 version
supports library calls tracing. For each call, it prints parameters and
return codes.
It can also trace a subset of libraries and a subset of routines in a
given library. The timestamps on each line
are also supported.

In AIX 5.2, truss is packaged with bos.sysmgt.serv_aid, which is

installable from the AIX base installation media.
See the command reference for details and examples, or use the
information below.

A good and simple way to use truss is using a command like shown in
section 20.1:

# truss - o path_to_logfile executable_to_truss

For example:

# truss -o /tmp/myprg.log myprg

The upper command is quite good for tracing a shell script, or program,
that starts up, does some work,
and then terminates. If an error occurs during runtime, it's likely that
you find some pointers
in the logfile that truss made for you.

Further notes:

-a Displays the parameter strings that are passed in each executed

system call.

# truss -a sleep

execve("/usr/bin/sleep", 0x2FF22980, 0x2FF22988) argc: 1

argv: sleep
sbrk(0x00000000) = 0x200007A4
sbrk(0x00010010) = 0x200007B0
getuidx(4) = 0
__loadx(0x01000080, 0x2FF1E790, 0x00003E80, 0x2FF22720, 0x00000000) =
0xD0077130 access("/usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/", 0) = 0
_getpid() = 31196
open("/usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/", O_RDONLY) = 3
kioctl(3, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Err#25 ENOTTY
kfcntl(3, F_SETFD, 0x00000001) = 0
kioctl(3, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Err#25 ENOTTY
kread(3, "\0\001 £\001\001 I S O 8".., 4096) = 123
lseek(3, 0, 1) = 123
lseek(3, 0, 1) = 123
lseek(3, 0, 1) = 123
_getpid() = 31196
lseek(3, 0, 1) = 123
Usage: sleep Seconds
kwrite(2, " U s a g e : s l e e p".., 21) = 21
kfcntl(1, F_GETFL, 0x00000000) = 2
kfcntl(2, F_GETFL, 0x00000000) = 2

-c Counts traced system calls, faults, and signals rather than

displaying trace results line by line.
A summary report is produced after the traced command terminates or when
truss is interrupted.
If the -f flag is also used, the counts include all traced Syscalls,
Faults, and Signals for child processes.

# truss -c ls

syscall seconds calls errors

execve .00 1
__loadx .00 17
_exit .00 1
close .00 2
kwrite .00 5
lseek .00 1
setpid .00 1
getuidx .00 19
getdirent .00 3
kioctl .00 3
open .00 1
statx .00 2
getgidx .00 18
sbrk .00 4
access .00 1
kfcntl .00 6
---- --- ---
sys totals: .01 85 0
usr time: .00
elapsed: .01

More truss examples:


truss -o /tmp/tst -p 307214

root@zd93l14:/tmp#cat tst
= 0
_nsleep(0x4128B8E0, 0x4128B958) = 0
_nsleep(0x4128B8E0, 0x4128B958) = 0
_nsleep(0x4128B8E0, 0x4128B958) = 0
_nsleep(0x4128B8E0, 0x4128B958) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF033159C, 0x00000000, 0x43548E38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF0331594, 0x00000000, 0x434C3E38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF033158C, 0x00000000, 0x4343FE38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF0331584, 0x00000000, 0x433BBE38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF0331574, 0x00000000, 0x432B2E38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF033156C, 0x00000000, 0x4322EE38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF0331564, 0x00000000, 0x431AAE38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF0331554, 0x00000000, 0x42F99E38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF033154C, 0x00000000, 0x4301DE38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF0331534, 0x00000000, 0x42E90E38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF033152C, 0x00000000, 0x42E0CE38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF033157C, 0x00000000, 0x43337E38) = 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF0331544, 0x00000000, 0x42F14E38) = 0
= 0
thread_tsleep(0, 0xF033153C, 0x00000000, 0x42D03E38) = 0
_nsleep(0x4128B8E0, 0x4128B958) = 0

20.4 man pages for truss AIX:



Traces a process's system calls, dynamically loaded user level function

received signals, and incurred machine faults.


truss [ -f] [ -c] [ -a] [ -l ] [ -d ] [ -D ] [ -e] [ -i] [ { -t | -x}

Syscall [...] ] [ -s [!] Signal [...] ] [ { -m }[!] Fault [...]] [ { -r
| -w}
[!] FileDescriptor [...] ] [ { -u } [!]LibraryName [...]::
[!]FunctionName [ ...
] ] [ -o Outfile] {Command| -p pid [. . .]}


The truss command executes a specified command, or attaches to listed

IDs, and produces a trace of the system calls, received signals, and
faults a process incurs. Each line of the trace output reports either
the Fault
or Signal name, or the Syscall name with parameters and return values.
subroutines defined in system libraries are not necessarily the exact
calls made to the kernel. The truss command does not report these
but rather, the underlying system calls they make. When possible, system
parameters are displayed symbolically using definitions from relevant
header files. For path name pointer parameters, truss displays the
string being
pointed to. By default, undefined system calls are displayed with their
all eight possible argments and the return value in hexadecimal format.

When the -o flag is used with truss, or if standard error is redirected

to a
non-terminal file, truss ignores the hangup, interrupt, and signals
This facilitates the tracing of interactive programs which catch
interrupt and
quit signals from the terminal.

If the trace output remains directed to the terminal, or if existing

are traced (using the -p flag), then truss responds to hangup,
interrupt, and
quit signals by releasing all traced processes and exiting. This enables
user to terminate excessive trace output and to release previously
processes. Released processes continue to function normally.


-a Displays the parameter strings which are passed in each executed

system call.

-c Counts traced system calls, faults, and signals rather than

displaying trace
results line by line. A summary report is produced after the traced
terminates or when truss is interrupted. If the -f flag is also used,
the counts
include all traced Syscalls, Faults, and Signals for child processes.

-d A timestamp will be included with each line of output. Time displayed

is in
seconds relative to the beginning of the trace. The first line of the
output will show the base time from which the individual time stamps are
measured. By default timestamps are not displayed.

-D Delta time is displayed on each line of output. The delta time

represents the
elapsed time for the LWP that incurred the event since the last reported
incurred by that thread. By default delta times are not displayed.

-e Displays the environment strings which are passed in each executed


-f Follows all children created by the fork system call and includes
signals, faults, and system calls in the trace output. Normally, only
first-level command or process is traced. When the -f flag is specified,
process id is included with each line of trace output to show which
executed the system call or received the signal.

-i Keeps interruptible sleeping system calls from being displayed.

system calls on terminal devices or pipes, such as open and kread, can
sleep for
indefinite periods and are interruptible. Normally, truss reports such
system calls if they remain asleep for more than one second. The system
call is
then reported a second time when it completes. The -i flag causes such
calls to be reported only once, upon completion.

-l Display the id (thread id) of the responsible LWP process along with
output. By default LWP id is not displayed in the output.

-m [!]Fault Traces the machine faults in the process. Machine faults to

must be separated from each other by a comma. Faults may be specified by
name or
number (see the sys/procfs.h header file). If the list begins with the
symbol, the specified faults are excluded from being traced and are not
displayed with the trace output. The default is -mall -m!fltpage.
-o Outfile Designates the file to be used for the trace output. By
default, the
output goes to standard error.

-p Interprets the parameters to truss as a list of process ids for an

process rather than as a command to be executed. truss takes control of
process and begins tracing it, provided that the user id and group id of
process match those of the user or that the user is a privileged user.

-r [!] FileDescriptor Displays the full contents of the I/O buffer for
each read
on any of the specified file descriptors. The output is formatted 32
bytes per
line and shows each byte either as an ASCII character (preceded by one
blank) or
as a two-character C language escape sequence for control characters,
such as
horizontal tab (\t) and newline (\n). If ASCII interpretation is not
the byte is shown in two-character hexadecimal representation. The first
bytes of the I/O buffer for each traced read are shown, even in the
absence of
the -r flag. The default is -r!all.

-s [!] Signal Permits listing Signals to trace or exclude. Those signals

specified in a list (separated by a comma) are traced. The trace output
the receipt of each specified signal even if the signal is being
ignored, but
not blocked, by the process. Blocked signals are not received until the
releases them. Signals may be specified by name or number (see
sys/signal.h). If
the list begins with the "!" symbol, the listed signals are excluded
from being
displayed with the trace output. The default is -s all.

-t [!] Syscall Includes or excludes system calls from the trace process.
calls to be traced must be specified in a list and separated by commas.
If the
list begins with an "!" symbol, the specified system calls are excluded
from the
trace output. The default is -tall.

-u [!] [LibraryName [...]::[!]FunctionName [...] ]

Traces dynamically loaded user level function calls from user libraries.
LibraryName is a comma-separated list of library names. The FunctionName
is a
comma-separated list of function names. In both cases the names can
name-matching metacharacters *, ?, [] with the same meanings as
interpreted by
the shell but as applied to the library/function name spaces, and not to

A leading ! on either list specifies an exclusion list of names of

libraries or
functions not to be traced. Excluding a library excludes all functions
in that
library. Any function list following a library exclusion list is
Multiple -u options may be specified and they are honored left-to-right.
default no library/function calls are traced.

-w [!] FileDescriptor Displays the contents of the I/O buffer for each
write on
any of the listed file descriptors (see -r). The default is -w!all.

-x [!] Syscall Displays data from the specified parameters of traced

sytem calls
in raw format, usually hexadecimal, rather than symbolically. The
default is


1. To produce a trace of the find command on the terminal, type:

truss find . -print >find.out

2. To trace the lseek, close, statx, and open system calls, type:

truss -t lseek,close,statx,open find . -print > find.out

3. To display thread id along with regular output for find command,

truss -l find . -print >find.out

4. To display timestamps along with regular output for find command,

truss -d find . -print >find.out

5. To display delta times along with regular output for find command,
truss -D find . -print >find.out

6. To trace the malloc() function call and exclude the strlen()

function call
in the libc.a library while running the ls command, enter:
truss -u libc.a::malloc,!strlen ls

7. To trace all function calls in the libc.a library with names

starting with
"m" while running the ls command, enter:
truss -u libc.a::m*,!strlen ls
8. To trace all function calls from the library libcurses.a and
exclude calls
from libc.a while running executable foo, enter:
truss -u libcurses.a,!libc.a::* foo

9. To trace the refresh() function call from libcurses.a and the

function call from libc.a while running the executable foo, enter:
truss -u libc.a::malloc -u libcurses.a::refresh foo

20.5 Note: How to trace an AIX machine:


The trace facility and commands are provided as part of the Software
Trace Service Aids fileset
named bos.sysmgt.trace.

To see if this fileset is installed, use the following command:

# lslpp -l | grep bos.sysmgt.trace

Taking a trace:

The events traced are referenced by hook identifiers.

Each hook ID uniquely refers to a particular activity that can be

When tracing, you can select the hook IDs of interest and exclude others
that are
not relevant to your problem. A trace hook ID is a 3 digit hexidecimal
that identifies an event being traced.
Trace hook IDs are defined in the "/usr/include/sys/trchkid.h" file.

The currently defined trace hook IDs can be listed using the trcrpt

# trcrpt -j | sort | pg


The trace daemon configures a trace session and starts the collection of
system events.
The data collected by the trace function is recorded in the trace log. A
report from the trace log
can be generated with the trcrpt command.
When invoked with the -a, -x, or -X flags, the trace daemon is run
asynchronously (i.e. as a background task).
Otherwise, it is run interactively and prompts you for subcommands.

Some trace examples:

# trace -adf -C all -r PURR -o trace.raw

# trace -Jfop fact proc procd filephys filepfsv filepvl filepvld locks
-A786578 -Pp -a
# trace -Jfop fact proc procd filephys filepfsv filepvl filepvld locks
-Pp -a
# trace -Jfop fact proc procd filephys filepfsv filepvl filepvld locks
-Pp -a

Some trcrpt examples:

1 To format the trace log file and print the result, enter:

trcrpt | qprt
2 To send a trace report to the /tmp/newfile file, enter:

trcrpt -o /tmp/newfile
3 To display process IDs and exec path names in the trace
report, enter:

trcrpt pid=on,exec=on -O /tmp/newfile

4 To create trace ID histogram data, enter:

trcrpt -O hist=on
5 To produce a list of all event groups, enter:

trcrpt -G
The format of this report is shown under the trcevgrp
6 To generate back-to-back LMT reports from the common and
rare buffers, specify:

trcrpt -M all
7 If, in the above example, the LMT files reside at
/tmp/mydir, and we want the LMT traces to be merged,

trcrpt -m -M all:/tmp/mydir
8 To merge the system trace with the scdisk.hdisk0 component
trace, specify:

trcrpt -m -l scdisk.hdisk0 /var/adm/ras/trcfile

9 To merge LMT with the system trace while not eliminating
duplicate events, specify:

trcrpt -O removedups=off -m -M all /var/adm/ras/trcfile

10 To merge all component traces in /tmp/mydir with the LMT
traces in the default LMT directory
while showing the source file for each trace event, specify:

trcrpt -O filename=on -m -M all /tmp/mydir

Note: This is equivalent to:

trcrpt -O filename=on -m -M all -l all:/tmp/mydir

Note: If the traces are from a 64-bit kernel, duplicate

entries will be removed. However,
on the 32-bit kernel,
duplicate entries will not be removed since we do not know
the CPU IDs of the entries in the
components traces.

Another example of the usage of trace:


>> Obtaining a Sample Trace File

Trace data accumulates rapidly. We want to bracket the data collection

as closely around the area of interest
as possible. One technique for doing this is to issue several commands
on the same command line. For example:

$ trace -a -k "20e,20f" -o ./trcraw ; cp ../bin/track /tmp/junk ;


captures the execution of the cp command. We have used two features of

the trace command. The -k "20e,20f" option
suppresses the collection of events from the lockl and unlockl
functions. These calls are numerous and add volume
to the report without adding understanding at the level we're interested
in. The -o ./trc_raw option causes the
raw trace output file to be written in our local directory.

Note: This example is more educational if the input file is not already
cached in system memory. Choose as the source
file any file that is about 50KB and has not been touched recently.

>> Formatting the Sample Trace

We use the following form of the trcrpt command for our report:

$ trcrpt -O "exec=on,pid=on" trcraw > /tmp/cp.rpt

This reports both the fully qualified name of the file that is execed
and the process ID that is assigned to it.

A quick look at the report file shows us that there are numerous VMM
page assign and delete events in the trace,
like the following sequence:

1B1 ksh 8525 0.003109888 0.162816

VMM page delete: V.S=00
00.150E ppage=1F7F

delete_in_progress proce
ss_private working_storage

1B0 ksh 8525 0.003141376 0.031488

VMM page assign: V.S=00
00.2F33 ppage=1F7F
delete_in_progress process_private working_

We are not interested in this level of VMM activity detail at the

moment, so we reformat the trace with:

$ trcrpt -k "1b0,1b1" -O "exec=on,pid=on" trcraw > cp.rpt2

The -k "1b0,1b1" option suppresses the unwanted VMM events in the

formatted output. It saves us from having
to retrace the workload to suppress unwanted events. We could have used
the -k function of trcrpt instead of
that of the trace command to suppress the lockl and unlockl events, if
we had believed that we might need
to look at the lock activity at some point. If we had been interested in
only a small set of events,
we could have specified -d "hookid1,hookid2" to produce a report with
only those events. Since the hook ID
is the left-most column of the report, you can quickly compile a list of
hooks to include or exclude.

A comprehensive list of Trace hook IDs is defined in


>> Reading a Trace Report

The header of the trace report tells you when and where the trace was
taken, as well as the command that was
used to produce it:

Fri Nov 19 12:12:49 1993

System: AIX ptool Node: 3
Machine: 000168281000
Internet Address: 00000000
trace -ak 20e 20f -o -o ./trc_raw

The body of the report, if displayed in a small enough font, looks as



101 ksh 8525 0.005833472 0.107008
101 ksh 7214 0.012820224 0.031744
134 cp 7214 0.014451456 0.030464
exec cp ../bin/trk/junk

In cp.rpt you can see the following phenomena:

The fork, exec, and page fault activities of the cp process
The opening of the input file for reading and the creation of the
/tmp/junk file
The successive read/write system calls to accomplish the copy
The process cp becoming blocked while waiting for I/O completion, and
the wait process being dispatched
How logical-volume requests are translated to physical-volume requests
The files are mapped rather than buffered in traditional kernel buffers,
and the read accesses cause page faults that must be resolved by the
Virtual Memory Manager.
The Virtual Memory Manager senses sequential access and begins to
prefetch the file pages.
The size of the prefetch becomes larger as sequential access continues.

When possible, the disk device driver coalesces multiple file requests
into one I/O request to the drive.
The trace output looks a little overwhelming at first. This is a good
example to use as a learning aid.
If you can discern the activities described, you are well on your way to
being able to use the trace facility
to diagnose system-performance problems.

>> Filtering of the Trace Report

The full detail of the trace data may not be required. You can choose
specific events of interest to be shown.
For example, it is sometimes useful to find the number of times a
certain event occurred. To answer the question
"How many opens occurred in the copy example?" first find the event ID
for the open system call.
This can be done as follows:

$ trcrpt -j | grep -i open

You should be able to see that event ID 15b is the open event. Now,
process the data from the copy example as follows:

$ trcrpt -d 15b -O "exec=on" trc_raw

The report is written to standard output, and you can determine the
number of open subroutines that occurred.
If you want to see only the open subroutines that were performed by the
cp process, run the report command
again using the following:

$ trcrpt -d 15b -p cp -O "exec=on" trc_raw

$ trcrpt -o /tmp/newfile

A Wrapper around trace:


Simple instructions for using the AIX trace facility

>> Five aix commands are used:


These are described in AIX Commands Reference, Volume 5, but hopefully

you won't have to dig into that.
Scripts to download
I've provided wrappers for the trace and trcrpt commands since there are
various command-line parameters to specify.


>> Contents atrace:

# To change from the default trace file, set TRCFILE to

# the name of the raw trace file name here; this should
# match the name of the raw trace file in atrcrpt.
# Don't do this on AIX 4.3.3 ML 10, where you'll need
# to use the default trace file, /usr/adm/ras/trcfile
#TRCFILE="-o /tmp/raw"

# trace categories not to collect



trace -a -d -k $IGNORE $TRCFILE

>> Contents atrcrpt:

# To change from the default trace file, set TRCFILE to

# the name of the raw trace file name here; this should
# match the name of the raw trace file in atrace.
# Don't do this on AIX 4.3.3 ML 10, where you'll need
# to use the default trace file, /usr/adm/ras/trcfile
# TRCFILE=/tmp/raw

# edit formatted trace file name here


trcrpt -O pid=on,tid=on,timestamp=1 $TRCFILE >$FMTFILE

Setup instructions
edit atrace and atrcrpt and ensure that names of files for raw and
formatted trace are appropriate
Please see the comments in the scripts about 4.3.3 ML 10 being broken
for trcrpt, such that the default file name
needs to be used. You may find that specifying non-default filenames
does not have the desired effect.
make atrace and atrcrpt executable via chmod

Data collection

./atrace (this is my wrapper for the trace command)

(at this point we're collecting the trace; wait for a bit of time to
trace whatever the failure is)
./atrcrpt (this is my wrapper for formatting the report)

After running atrcrpt, the formatted report will be in file /tmp/fmt.

Sample section of formatted trace

Note that failing system calls generally show "error Esomething" in the
race, as highlighted below.
The second column is the process id and the third column is the thread
id. Once you see something of interest
in the trace, you may want to use grep to pull out all records for that
process id, since in general the trace
is interleaved with the activity of all the processes in the system.

101 14690 19239 statx LR = D0174110

107 14690 19239 lookuppn:
107 14690 19239 lookuppn: file not found
104 14690 19239 return from statx. error ENOENT [79
101 14690 19239 statx LR = D0174110
107 14690 19239 lookuppn:
104 14690 19239 return from statx [36 usec]

Note about an AIX trace on Websphere:


In addition to the WebSpherer MQ trace, WebSphere MQ for AIXr users can

use the standard AIX system trace.
AIX system tracing is a two-step process:

>> Gathering the data

>> Formatting the results

WebSphere MQ uses two trace hook identifiers:

This event is recorded by WebSphere MQ on entry to or exit from a
This event is recorded by WebSphere MQ to trace data such as that being
sent or received across a
communications network. Trace provides detailed execution tracing to
help you to analyze problems.
IBMr service support personnel might ask for a problem to be re-created
with trace enabled. The files produced
by trace can be very large so it is important to qualify a trace, where
possible. For example, you can optionally
qualify a trace by time and by component.

There are two ways to run trace:

>> Interactively.

The following sequence of commands runs an interactive trace on the

program myprog and ends the trace.

trace -j30D,30E -o trace.file


>> Asynchronously.

The following sequence of commands runs an asynchronous trace on the

program myprog and ends the trace.
trace -a -j30D,30E -o trace.file

You can format the trace file with the command:

trcrpt -t /usr/mqm/lib/amqtrc.fmt trace.file > report.file
report.file is the name of the file where you want to put the formatted
trace output.

20.6 Nice example: Tracing with truss on AIX:


Application tracing displays the calls that an application makes to

external libraries and the kernel.
These calls give the application access to the network, the file system,
and the display. By watching
the calls and their results, you can get some idea of what the
application "expects",
which can lead to a solution.

Each UNIXr system provides its own commands for tracing. This article
introduces you to truss, which Solaris
and AIXr support. On Linuxr, you perform tracing with the strace
command. Although the command-line parameters
might be slightly different, application tracing on other UNIX flavors
might go by the names ptrace,
ktrace, trace, and tusc.

>> A classic file permissions problem

One class of problems that plagues systems administrators is file
permissions. An application likely has to open
certain files to do its work. If the open operation fails, the
application should let the administrator know.
However, developers often forget to check the result of functions or, to
add to the confusion, perform the check,
but don't adequately handle the error. For example, here's the output of
an application that's failing to open:

$ ./openapp
This should never happen!

After running the fictitious openapp application, I received the

unhelpful (and false) error message,
This should never happen!. This is a perfect time to introduce truss.
Listing 1 shows the same application
run under the truss command, which shows all the function calls that
this program made to outside libraries.

Listing 1. Openapp run under truss

$ truss ./openapp
execve("openapp", 0xFFBFFDEC, 0xFFBFFDF4) argc = 1
getcwd("/export/home/sean", 1015) = 0
stat("/export/home/sean/openapp", 0xFFBFFBC8) = 0
open("/var/ld/ld.config", O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT
stat("/opt/csw/lib/", 0xFFBFF6F8) Err#2 ENOENT
stat("/lib/", 0xFFBFF6F8) = 0
resolvepath("/lib/", "/lib/", 1023) = 14
open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
memcntl(0xFF280000, 139692, MC_ADVISE, MADV_WILLNEED, 0, 0) = 0
close(3) = 0
getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, 0xFFBFF8A0) = 0
getpid() = 7895 [7894]
open("/etc/configfile", O_RDONLY) Err#13 EACCES
ioctl(1, TCGETA, 0xFFBFEF14) = 0

fstat64(1, 0xFFBFEE30) = 0
stat("/platform/SUNW,Sun-Blade-100/lib/", 0xFFBFEAB0) = 0
open("/platform/SUNW,Sun-Blade-100/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
close(3) = 0
This should never happen!
write(1, " T h i s s h o u l d ".., 26) = 26

Each line of the output represents a function call that the application
made along with the return value,
if applicable. (You don't need to know each function call, but for more
information, you can call up the
man page for the function, such as with the command man open.) To find
the call that is potentially
causing the problem, it's often easiest to start at the end (or as close
as possible to where
the problems start). For example, you know that the application outputs
This should never happen!,
which appears near the end of the output. Chances are that if you find
this message and work your way up
through the truss command output, you'll come across the problem.

Scrolling up from the error message, notice the line beginning with
which not only looks relevant but also seems to return an error of
Err#13 EACCES. Looking at the man page
for the open() function (with man open), it's evident that the purpose
of the function is to open a file
-- in this case, /etc/configfile -- and that a return value of EACCES
means that the problem is related
to permissions. Sure enough, a look at /etc/configfile shows that the
user doesn't have permissions to read
the file. A quick chmod later, and the application is running properly.

The output of Listing 1 shows two other calls, open() and stat(), that
return an error. Many of the calls
toward the beginning of the application, including the other two errors,
are added by the operating system
as it runs the application. Only experience will tell when the errors
are benign and when they aren't.
In this case, the two errors and the three lines that follow them are
trying to find the location of,
which they eventually do. You'll see more about shared library problems

>> The application doesn't start

Sometimes, an application fails to start properly; but rather than

exiting, it just hangs. This behavior is often
a symptom of contention for a resource (such as two processes competing
for a file lock), or the application
is looking for something that is not coming back. This latter class of
problems could be almost anything,
such as a name lookup that's taking a long time to resolve, or a file
that should be found in a certain spot but
isn't there. In any case, watching the application under truss should
reveal the culprit.

While the first code example showed an obvious link between the system
call causing the problem and the file,
the example you're about to see requires a bit more sleuthing. Listing 2
shows a misbehaving application
called Getlock run under truss.
Listing 2. Getlock run under truss

$ truss ./getlock
execve("getlock", 0xFFBFFDFC, 0xFFBFFE04) argc = 1
getcwd("/export/home/sean", 1015) = 0
resolvepath("/export/home/sean/getlock", "/export/home/sean/getlock",
1023) = 25
resolvepath("/usr/lib/", "/lib/", 1023) = 12
stat("/export/home/sean/getlock", 0xFFBFFBD8) = 0
open("/var/ld/ld.config", O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT
stat("/opt/csw/lib/", 0xFFBFF708) Err#2 ENOENT
stat("/lib/", 0xFFBFF708) = 0
resolvepath("/lib/", "/lib/", 1023) = 14
open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
close(3) = 0
getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, 0xFFBFF8B0) = 0
getpid() = 10715 [10714]
open("/tmp/lockfile", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT, 0755) = 3
getpid() = 10715 [10714]
fcntl(3, F_SETLKW, 0xFFBFFD60) (sleeping...)

The final call, fcntl(), is marked as sleeping, because the function is

blocking. This means that the function
is waiting for something to happen, and the kernel has put the process
to sleep until the event occurs. To determine
what the event is, you must look at fcntl().

The man page for fcntl() (man fcntl) describes the function simply as
"file control" on Solaris and
"manipulate file descriptor" on Linux. In all cases, fcntl() requires a
file descriptor, which is an integer
describing a file the process has opened, a command that specifies the
action to be taken on the file descriptor,
and finally any arguments required for the specific function. In the
example in Listing 2, the file descriptor is 3,
and the command is F_SETLKW. (The 0xFFBFFD60 is a pointer to a data
structure, which doesn't concern us now.)
Digging further, the man page states that F_SETLKW opens a lock on the
file and waits until the lock can be obtained.

From the first example involving the open() system call, you saw that a
successful call returns a file descriptor.
In the truss output of Listing 2, there are two cases in which the
result of open() returns 3.
Because file descriptors are reused after they are closed, the relevant
open() is the one just above fcntl(),
which is for /tmp/lockfile. A utility like lsof lists any processes
holding open a file. Failing that,
you could trace through /proc to find the process with the open file.
However, as is usually the case,
a file is locked for a good reason, such as limiting the number of
instances of the application or configuring
the application to run in a user-specific directory.
>> Attaching to a running process

Sometimes, an application is already running when a problem occurs.

Being able to run an already-running process
under truss would be helpful. For example, notice that in the output of
the Top application, a certain process
has been consuming 95 percent of the CPU for quite some time, as shown
in Listing 3.

Listing 3. Top output showing a CPU-intensive process

11063 sean 1 0 0 1872K 952K run 87.9H 94.68% udpsend

The -p option to truss allows the owner of the process, or root, to

attach to a running process and view
the system call activity. The process id (PID) is required. In the
example shown in Listing 3, the PID is 11063.
Listing 4 shows the system call activity of the application in question.

Listing 4. truss output after attaching to a running process

$ truss -p 11063:

sendto(3, " a b c", 3, 0, 0xFFBFFD58, 16) = 3

sendto(3, " a b c", 3, 0, 0xFFBFFD58, 16) = 3
sendto(3, " a b c", 3, 0, 0xFFBFFD58, 16) = 3
sendto(3, " a b c", 3, 0, 0xFFBFFD58, 16) = 3
sendto(3, " a b c", 3, 0, 0xFFBFFD58, 16) = 3
sendto(3, " a b c", 3, 0, 0xFFBFFD58, 16) = 3
sendto(3, " a b c", 3, 0, 0xFFBFFD58, 16) = 3
sendto(3, " a b c", 3, 0, 0xFFBFFD58, 16) = 3
. repeats ...

The sendto() function's man page (man sendto) shows that this function
is used to send a message from a socket
-- typically, a network connection. The output of truss shows the file
descriptor (the first 3) and the data
being sent (abc). Indeed, capturing a sample of network traffic with the
snoop or tcpdump tool shows a large amount
of traffic being directed to a particular host, which is likely not the
result of a properly behaving application.

Note that truss was not able to show the creation of file descriptor 3,
because you had attached after the descriptor
was created. This is one limitation of attaching to a running process
and the reason why you should gather
other information using a tool, such as a packet analyzer before jumping
to conclusions.
This example might seem somewhat contrived (and technically it was,
because I wrote the udpsend application
to demonstrate how to use truss), but it is based on a real situation. I
was investigating a process running
on a UNIX-based appliance that had a CPU-bound process. Tracing the
application showed the same packet activity.
Tracing with a network analyzer showed the packets were being directed
to a host on the Internet. After escalating
with the vendor, I determined that the problem was their application
failing to perform proper error checking
on a binary configuration file. The file had somehow become corrupted.
As a result, the application interpreted
the file incorrectly and repeatedly hammered a random IP address with
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams.
After I replaced the file, the process behaved as expected.

>> Filtering output

After a while, you'll get the knack of what to look for. While it's
possible to use the grep command to go through
the output, it's easier to configure truss to focus only on certain
calls. This practice is common if you're trying
to determine how an application works, such as which configuration files
the application is using. In this case,
the open() and stat() system calls point to any files the application is
trying to open.

You use open() to open a file, but you use stat() to find information
about a file. Often, an application looks for
a file with a series of stat() calls, and then opens the file it wants.

For truss, you add filtering system calls with the -t option. For strace
under Linux, you use -e. In either case,
you pass a comma-separated list of system calls to be shown on the
command line. By prefixing the list with the
exclamation mark (!), the given calls are filtered out of the output.
Listing 5 shows a fictitious application
looking for a configuration file.

Listing 5. truss output filtered to show only stat() and open()


$ truss -tstat,open ./app

stat("/export/home/sean/app", 0xFFBFFBD0) = 0
open("/var/ld/ld.config", O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT
stat("/opt/csw/lib/", 0xFFBFF700) Err#2 ENOENT
stat("/lib/", 0xFFBFF700) = 0
open("/lib/", O_RDONLY) = 3
stat("/export/home/sean/.config", 0xFFBFFCF0) Err#2 ENOENT
stat("/etc/app/configfile", 0xFFBFFCF0) Err#2 ENOENT
stat("/etc/configfile", 0xFFBFFCF0) = 0
open("/etc/configfile", O_RDONLY) = 3
The final four lines are the key here. The stat() function for
/export/home/sean/.config results in ENOENT,
which means that the file wasn't found. The code then tries
/etc/app/configfile before it finds the correct
information in /etc/configfile. The significance of first checking in
the user's home directory is that you
can override the configuration by user.

>> Final thoughts

Whether your operating system uses truss, strace, trace, or something

else, the ability to peer into an application's
behavior is a powerful tool for problem solving. The methodology can be
summed up as follows:

Describe the problem.

Trace the application.
Start at the spot at which the problem occurs and work backward through
the system calls to identify the problem.
Use the man pages for help on interpreting the system calls.
Correct the behavior and test.
Tracing application behavior is a powerful troubleshooting tool, because
you're observing the system calls
that the application makes to the operating system. When the usual
problem-solving methods fail, turn to
application tracing.

20.7. snap command on AIX:


The snap command gathers system configuration information and compresses

the information into a pax file.
The information gathered with the snap command may be required to
identify and resolve system problems.

In normal conditions, the command "snap -gc" should be sufficient. The

pax file will be stored in /tmp/ibmsupt

# snap -gc

create the following file:


Further info:

snap Command

Gathers system configuration information.


snap [ -a ] [ -A ] [ -b ] [ -B ] [ -c ] [ -C ] [ -D ] [ -f ] [ -g
] [ -G ] [ -i ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L ][ -n ] [ -N ]
[ -p ] [ -r ] [ -R ] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -t ] [ -T Filename ] [ -w
] [ -o OutputDevice ] [ -d Dir ] [ -v Component ]
[ -O FileSplitSize ] [ -P Files ]
[ script1 script2 ... | All | file:filepath ]

snap [ -a ] [ -A ] [ -b ] [ -B ] [ -c ] [ -C ] [ -D ] [ -f ] [ -g
] [ -G ] [ -i ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -L ][ -n ] [ -N ]
[ -p ] [ -r ] [ -R ] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -t ] [ -T Filename ] [ -o
OutputDevice ] [ -d Dir ] [ -v Component ]
[ -O FileSplitSize ] [ -P Files ] [
script1 script2 ... | All | file:filepath ]

snap -e [ -m Nodelist ] [ -d Dir ]


The snap command gathers system configuration information and

compresses the information into a pax file. The file may then be
written to a device such as tape or DVD, or transmitted to a
remote system. The information gathered with the snap command might be
required to identify and resolve system problems. Note: Root user
authority is required to execute the snap command. Use the snap -o
/dev/cd0 command to copy the compressed image to DVD. Use the
snap -o /dev/rmt0 command to copy the image to tape.

Use the snap -o /dev/rfd0 command to copy the compressed image to

diskette. Use the snap -o /dev/rmt0 command to copy the image to

Approximately 8MB of temporary disk space is required to collect

all system information, including contents of the error log. If you
do not gather all system information with the snap -a command,
less disk space may be required (depending on the options selected).
Note: If you intend to use a tape to send a snap image to IBM(R)
for software support, the tape must be one of the following formats:
* 8mm, 2.3 Gb capacity
* 8mm, 5.0 Gb capacity
* 4mm, 4.0 Gb capacity

Using other formats prevents or delays IBM software support from

being able to examine the contents.

The snap -g command gathers general system information, including

the following:
* Error report
* Copy of the customized Object Data Manager (ODM) database
* Trace file
* User environment
* Amount of physical memory and paging space
* Device and attribute information
* Security user information
The output of the snap -g command is written to the
/tmp/ibmsupt/general/general.snap file.

The snap command checks for available space in the /tmp/ibmsupt

directory, the default directory for snap command output. You can
write the output to another directory by using the -d flag. If
there is not enough space to hold the snap command output, you must
expand the file system.

Each execution of the snap command appends information to

previously created files. Use the -r flag to remove previously gathered
saved information.


Gathers all system configuration information. This option
requires approximately 8MB of temporary disk space.
Gathers asynchronous (TTY) information.
Gathers SSA information.
Bypasses collection of SSA adapter dumps. The -B flag only
works when the -b flag is also specified; otherwise, the -B flag is
Creates a compressed pax image (snap.pax.Z file) of all
files in the /tmp/ibmsupt directory tree or other named output
directory. Note: Information not gathered with this option
should be copied to the snap directory tree before using the -c flag.
If a test case is needed to demonstrate the system problem,
copy the test case to the /tmp/ibmsupt/testcase directory before
compressing the pax file.
Retrieves all the files in the fwdump_dir directory. The
files are placed in the "general" subdirectory. The -C snap option
behaves the same as -P*.
Gathers dump and /unix information. The primary dump device
is used. Notes:
1 If bosboot -k was used to specify the running kernel
to be other than /unix, the incorrect kernel is gathered. Make sure
that /unix is , or is linked to, the kernel in use
when the dump was taken.
2 If the dump file is copied to the host machine, the
snap command does not collect the dump image in the /tmp/ibmsupt/dump
directory. Instead, it creates a link in the dump
directory to the actual dump image.
-d AbsolutePath
Identifies the optional snap command output directory
(/tmp/ibmsupt is the default). You must specify the absolute path.
Gathers HACMP(TM) specific information. Note: HACMP specific
data is collected from all nodes belonging to the cluster . This
flag cannot be used with any other flags except -m and -d.
Gathers file system information.
Gathers the output of the lslpp -hac command, which is
required to recreate exact operating system environments. Writes output
to the /tmp/ibmsupt/general/lslpp.hBc file. Also collects
general system information and writes the output to the
/tmp/ibmsupt/general/general.snap file.
Includes predefined Object Data Manager (ODM) files in
general information collected with the -g flag.
Gathers installation debug vital product data (VPD)

strace example on Linux:


One main trace utility on most Linux distro's, is the "strace" command.
You can use it with many parameters, but the "-o outputfile" is very
important, in order to save the output to a file.

Use it like:

# strace -o logfile <command_or_program_you_want_to_trace>

Because strace will show you the systemcalls and signals, you can use it
to reveal whether a program cannot
find a file, or does not have permissions to read (or write to) a file.
In such a case, a program might fail.


Suppose we have a file called "/etc/security.conf". Now we run a utility

to read the file (like cat, pg, more, less etc..)
as a normal user, which user does not have permissions to read the file.
Let's trace that event to a logfile, and see
what we can discover.

$ strace -o strace_example.log less /etc/security.conf

A trace file can get pretty long, but you should just browse it and be
alert on what seems to be an error reported.
So, if we take a look in the logfile "strace_example.log"

open("/etc/security.conf", O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) = -1 EACCES (Permission
write(2, "/etc/security.conf: Permission denied\n", 32) = 32
We can clearly see, that our program failed due to lack of read

21. Logfiles:

21.1 Solaris:

Unix message files record all system problems like disk errors, swap
errors, NFS problems, etc.
Monitor the following files on your system to detect system problems:

tail -f /var/adm/syslog
tail -f /var/adm/messages
tail -f /var/log/syslog

You can also use the dmesg command.

Messages are recorded by the syslogd demon.

Diagnostics can be done from the OK prompt after a reboot, like probe-
scsci, show-devs, show-disks, test memory etc..
You can also use SunVTS tool to run diagnostics. SunVTS is Suns's
Validation Test package.

System dumps:
You can manage system dumps by using the dumpadm command.

Userlogins are recorded in /var/adm/utmpx

Solaris 8,9 does not use wtmp or utmp


The syslogd daemon logs its findings into this file

This file holds the most recent login time for each user of the system

This database file contains user access and accounting information for
commands such as
who, write, login. The utmpx file is where information such as the
terminal and login time
are stored, and if you use the who command, it will retrieve that

This file contains the history of user access and accounting
information, for the utmpx database.
The "last" command will use this file, to show you the historical login
and logout info, since the last reboot.

This file shows you which users has used the su command, to switch to
another user.

If accounting is enabled, accounting information is recorded in that

If it is important for you to track whether users are trying to log in
to your user accounts,
you can create a /var/adm/loginlog file with read and write permissions
for root only. After you create the loginlog file,
all failed login activity is written to this file automatically after
five failed attempts. The five-try limit avoids recording
failed attempts that are the result of typographical errors.

The loginlog file contains one entry for each failed attempt. Each entry
contains the user's login name,
tty device, and time of the attempt.


Periodical the following files have to be decreased in size. You can use
cat /dev/null command

Example: cat /dev/null >/var/adm/sulog


Notes about the errorlog, thats the file /var/adm/ras/errlog.

Do NOT use cat /dev/null to clear the errorlog.

Use instead the following procedure:

# /usr/lib/errstop (stop the error daemon)

move the errlog file
# /usr/lib/errstart (start the error daemon)


On most UNIX systems, information and errors from system events and
processes are managed by the
syslog daemon (syslogd); depending on settings in the configuration file
/etc/syslog.conf, messages are passed
from the operating system, daemons, and applications to the console, to
log files, or to nowhere at all.
AIX includes the syslog daemon, and it is used in the same way that
other UNIX-based operating systems use it.
In addition to syslog, though, AIX also contains another facility for
the management of hardware, operating system,
and application messages and errors. This facility, while simple in its
operation, provides unique and valuable
insight into the health and happiness of an AIX system.

The AIX error logging facility components are part of the bos.rte and
the bos.sysmgt.serv_aid packages,
both of which are automatically placed on the system as part of the base
operating system installation.

Unlike the syslog daemon, which performs no logging at all in its

default configuration as shipped,
the error logging facility requires no configuration before it can
provide useful information about the system.
The errdemon is started during system initialization and continuously
monitors the special file /dev/error
for new entries sent by either the kernel or by applications. The label
of each new entry is checked
against the contents of the Error Record Template Repository, and if a
match is found, additional information
about the system environment or hardware status is added, before the
entry is posted to the error log.

The actual file in which error entries are stored is configurable; the
default is /var/adm/ras/errlog.
That file is in a binary format and so should never be truncated or
zeroed out manually. The errlog file
is a circular log, storing as many entries as can fit within its defined
size. A memory buffer is set
by the errdemon process, and newly arrived entries are put into the
buffer before they are written to the log
to minimize the possibility of a lost entry. The name and size of the
error log file and the size of the memory buffer
may be viewed with the errdemon command:

[aixhost:root:/] # /usr/lib/errdemon -l
Error Log Attributes
Log File /var/adm/ras/errlog
Log Size 1048576 bytes
Memory Buffer Size 8192 bytes

The parameters displayed may be changed by running the errdemon command

with other flags, documented
in the errdemon man page. The default sizes and values have always been
sufficient on our systems,
so I've never had reason to change them.
Due to use of a circular log file, it is not necessary (or even
possible) to rotate the error log.
Without intervention, errors will remain in the log indefinitely, or
until the log fills up with new entries.
As shipped, however, the crontab for the root user contains two entries
that are executed daily,
removing hardware errors that are older than 90 days, and all other
errors that are older than 30 days.

0 11 * * * /usr/bin/errclear -d S,O 30
0 12 * * * /usr/bin/errclear -d H 90

The errdemon deamon constantly checks the /dev/error special file, and
when new data
is written, the deamon conducts a series of operations.

- To determine the path to your system's error logfile, run the command:
# /usr/lib/errdemon -l
Error Log Attributes
Log File /var/adm/ras/errlog
Log Size 1048576 bytes
Memory 8192 bytes

- To change the maximum size of the error log file, enter:

# /usr/lib/errdemon -s 200000

You can generate the error reports using smitty or through the errpt

# smitty errpt gives you a dialog screen where you can select
types of information.

# errpt -a
# errpt - d H

# errpt -a|pg Produces a detailed report for each entry in the

error log
# errpt -aN hdisk1 Displays an error log for ALL errors occurred on this
drive. If more than a few errors
occur within a 24 hour period, execute the CERTIFY
process under DIAGNOSTICS to determine
if a PV is becoming marginal.

If you use the errpt without any options, it generates a summary report.
If used with the -a option, a detailed report is created.
You can also display errors of a particular class, for example for the
Hardware class.

Examples using errpt:


To display a complete summary report, enter:

To display a complete detailed report, enter:
errpt -a

To display a detailed report of all errors logged for the error

identifier E19E094F, enter:
errpt -a -j E19E094F

To display a detailed report of all errors logged in the past 24 hours,

errpt -a -s mmddhhmmyy

where the mmddhhmmyy string equals the current month, day, hour, minute,
and year, minus 24 hours.
To list error-record templates for which logging is turned off for any
error-log entries, enter:
errpt -t -F log=0

To view all entries from the alternate error-log file

/var/adm/ras/errlog.alternate, enter:
errpt -i /var/adm/ras/errlog.alternate

To view all hardware entries from the alternate error-log file

/var/adm/ras/errlog.alternate, enter:
errpt -i /var/adm/ras/errlog.alternate -d H

To display a detailed report of all errors logged for the error label
ERRLOG_ON, enter:
errpt -a -J ERRLOG_ON

To display a detailed report of all errors and group duplicate errors,


errpt -aD
To display a detailed report of all errors logged for the error labels
DISK_ERR1 and DISK_ERR2 during
the month of August, enter:
errpt -a -J DISK_ERR1,DISK_ERR2 -s 0801000004 -e 0831235904"


Deletes entries in the error log

Example: errclear 0 (Truncates the errlog to 0 bytes)

Example errorreport:

Example 1:

P550:/home/reserve $ errpt


0873CF9F 0130191907 T S pts/4 TTYHOG OVER-RUN
51E537B5 0130161807 P H sysplanar0 platform_dump saved to file
291D64C3 0130161807 I H sysplanar0 platform_dump indicator event
291D64C3 0130161807 I H sysplanar0 platform_dump indicator event
BFE4C025 0130161807 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR
51E537B5 0130161707 P H sysplanar0 platform_dump saved to file
291D64C3 0130161707 I H sysplanar0 platform_dump indicator event
291D64C3 0130161707 I H sysplanar0 platform_dump indicator event
51E537B5 0130161707 P H sysplanar0 platform_dump saved to file
291D64C3 0130161707 I H sysplanar0 platform_dump indicator event
291D64C3 0130161707 I H sysplanar0 platform_dump indicator event
BFE4C025 0130161607 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR
BFE4C025 0130161407 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR
BFE4C025 0130161307 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR
BFE4C025 0130161307 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR
BFE4C025 0130161207 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR
BFE4C025 0130161207 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR
BFE4C025 0130161107 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR
6472E03B 0130161107 P H sysplanar0 EEH permanent error for adapter
FEC31570 0130161107 P H sisscsia2 UNDETERMINED ERROR
C14C511C 0130161107 T H scsi5 ADAPTER ERROR
BFE4C025 0130161107 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR

You might create a script called and call it from your .profile

cd ~
rm -rf /root/alert.log
echo "Important alerts in errorlog: " >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i STORAGE >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i QUORUM >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i ADAPTER >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i VOLUME >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i PHYSICAL >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i STALE >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i DISK >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i LVM >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i LVD >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i UNABLE >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i USER >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i CORRUPT >> /root/alert.log
cat /root/alert.log

if [ `cat alert.log|wc -l` -eq 1 ]

echo "No critical errors found."

echo " "

echo "Filesystems that might need attention, e.g. %used:"
df -k |awk '{print $4,$7}' |grep -v "Filesystem"|grep -v tmp >
cat /tmp/tmp.txt | sort -n | tail -3

Example 2:


173C787F 0710072007 I S topsvcs Possible malfunction on local
90D3329C 0710072007 P S topsvcs NIM read/write error
C1348779 0710061107 I O SYSJ2 LOG I/O ERROR
C1348779 0710061107 I O SYSJ2 LOG I/O ERROR
C1348779 0710061107 I O SYSJ2 LOG I/O ERROR


12337A8D 0723152107 T S DR_KER_MEM Affected memory not available
for DR rem

Some notes on disk related errors:


DISK_ERR4 is bad block relocation. Not a serious error.

DISK_ERR2 is a hardware error as opposed to a media or corrected read
error on disk. This could be serious.


Note 1:

thread 1:


Has anyone seen these errors before? We're running 6239 fc cards on a
CX600. AIX level is 52-03 with the latest patches for
as well.

I didn't know that these adapters still used devices.pci.df1000f7 as

of their device driver set, but aparently they do. We're mostly seeing
ERR4s on bootup and occassionaly throughout the day. They're TEMP but
should I be concerned about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!



DISK_ERR_4 are simply bad-block relocation errors. They are quite

However, I heard that if you get more than 8 in an 8-hour period, you
should get the disk replaced as it is showing signs of impending

thread 2:


> Has anyone corrected this issue? SC_DISK_ERR2 with EMC Powerpath =
> filesets listed below? I am using a CX-500.=20


got those errors before using a CX700 and it turned out to be a

firmware problem on the fibre adapter, model 6259. EMC recommended the
92X1 firmware and to find out IBM found problems with timeouts to the
drives and recommended going back a level to 81X1.


We have the same problem as well. EMC say its a firmware error on the
FC adapters


This is how to fix these errors, downgrading firware is not recommended.

Correcting SCSI_DISK_ERR2's in the AIX Errpt Log - Navisphere Failover


1. In the Navisphere main screen, select tools and then click the
Failover Setup Wizard. Click next to continue.

2. From the drop-down list select the host server you wish to
modify and click next

3. Highlight the CX-500 and click next

4. Under the specify settings box be sure to select 1 for the

failover setting and disable for array commpath. Click next to process.
5. The next screen is the opportunity to review your selections
(host, failover mode and array commpath); click next to commit
6. The following screen displays a warning message to alert you are
committing these changes. Click yes to process.

7. Next login to the AIX command prompt as root and perform the
following commands to complete stopping the SCSI_DISK_ERR2.
a. lsdev -Cc disk | grep LUNZ

(Filter for disks with LUNZ in the description)

b. rmdev -dl hdisk(#)'s

(Note the disks and remove them from the ODM)

c. errclear 0
(Clear the AIX system error log)
d. cfgmgr -v
(Attempt to re-add the LUNZ disks)
e. lsdev -Cc disk | grep LUNZ
(Double check to make sure the LUNZ disk does not add itself back to the
system after the cfgmgr command)
f. errpt -a

(Monitor the AIX error log to insure the SCSI_DISK_ERR2's are gone)
Task Complete...

E87EF1BE 0512150008 P O dumpcheck The largest dump device is too


HACMP error:


Date/Time: Tue May 26 09:05:36 ZOM 2009

Sequence Number: 1149
Machine Id: 00CC696E4C00
Node Id: wijting
Class: U
Type: UNKN
Resource Name: LIBLVM
Resource Class: NONE
Resource Type: NONE

Remote node Concurrent Volume Group failure detected

Probable Causes
Remote node Concurrent Volume Group forced offline

Failure Causes
Remote node left VGSA/VGDA groups due to failure

Recommended Actions
Examine error log on identified remote node

Detail Data
Remote Node Name
Volume Group ID
00CC 94EE 0000 4C00 0000 0111 4FE8 8651
0045 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000

Problems with errpt:


Invalid log, or other problems

thread 1:


Hello ...

the 'errpt' Command tells me:

0315-180 logread: UNEXPECTED EOF 0315-171 Unable to process the error

log file
/var/adm/ras/errlog. 0315-132 The supplied error log is not valid:

# ls -l /var/adm/ras/errlog
-rw-r--r-- 1 root system 0 Jun 14 17:31 /var/adm/ras/errlog

How can I fix this problem?


/usr/lib/errstop # stop logging

rm /var/adm/ras/errlog # get rid of that log.

/usr/lib/errdemon # restart the daemon, creating a new error


Some err identifiers that can sometimes be hard to trace to their true

Take a look at those errpt entries:



Date/Time: Thu Jan 15 02:00:45 MET 2009
Sequence Number: 999
Machine Id: 00CC94EE4C00
Node Id: srv1
Class: S
Type: PERM
Resource Name: SYSPROC


Probable Causes

User Causes

Recommended Actions

Failure Causes

Recommended Actions

Detail Data

hw_fru_id: 1
hw_cpu_id: 9

Unable to generate symptom string.

(or as another example of the last lines, where you can see the
"program name")

hw_fru_id: 0
hw_cpu_id: 2

strlen 0
pmStrdup 14

Symptom Data
PCSS/SPI2 FLDS/opmn SIG/11 FLDS/strlen VALU/0 FLDS/pmStrdup



AIXr has enabled the stack execution disable (SED) mechanism to disable
the execution of code on a stack
and select data areas of a process.

By disabling the execution and then terminating, an infringing program,

the attacker is prevented
from gaining root user privileges through a buffer overflow attack.
While this feature does not stop
buffer overflows, it provides protection by disabling the execution of
attacks on buffers that have been overflowed.

Beginning with the POWER4T family of processors, you can use a page-
level execution enable and/or disable feature
for the memory. The AIX SED mechanism uses this underlying hardware
support for implementing a
no-execution feature on select memory areas. Once this feature is
enabled, the operating system checks
and flags various files during the executable programs. It then alerts
the operating system memory manager
and the process managers that the SED is enabled for the process being
created. The select memory areas
are marked for no-execution. If any execution occurs on these marked
areas, the hardware raises
an exception flag and the operating system stops the corresponding
process. The exception and application
termination details are captured through the AIX error log events.

SED is implemented mainly through the sedmgr command. The sedmgr command
permits control
of the systemwide SED mode of operation as well as setting the
executable file based SED flags.

SED modes and monitoring

The stack execution disable (SED) mechanism in AIXr is implemented
through systemwide mode flags,
as well as individual executable file-based header flags.

While systemwide flags control the systemwide operation of the SED, file
level flags indicate
how files should be treated in SED. The buffer overflow protection (BOP)
mechanism provides
for four systemwide modes of operation:

-- off
The SED mechanism is turned off and no process is marked for SED
Only a select set of files are enabled and monitored for SED protection.
The select set of files
are chosen by reviewing the SED related flags in the executable program
binary headers.
The executable program header enables SED related flags to request to be
included in the select mode.
-- setidfiles
Permits you to enable SED, not only for the files requesting such a
mechanism, but all the important
setuid and setgid system files. In this mode, the operating system not
only provides SED for the files
with the request SED flag set, but also enables SED for the executable
files with the following
characteristics (except the files marked for exempt in their file
.SETUID files owned by root
.SETGID files with primary group as system or security
-- all
All executable programs loaded on the system are SED protected except
for the files requesting
an exemption from SED mode. Exemption related flags are part of the
executable program headers.
The SED feature on AIX also provides the ability to monitor instead of
stopping the process when
an exception happens. This systemwide control permits a system
administrator to check for breakdowns
and issues in the system environment by monitoring it before the SED is
deployed in the production systems.

The sedmgr command provides an option that permits you to enable SED to
monitor files instead
of stopping the processes when exceptions occur. The system
administrator can evaluate whether
an executable program is doing any legitimate stack execution. This
setting works in conjunction
with the systemwide mode set using the -c option. When the monitor mode
is turned on, the system permits
the process to continue operating even if an SED-related exception
occurs. Instead of stopping the process,
the operating system logs the exception in the AIX error log. If SED
monitoring is off,
the operating system stops any process that violates and raises an
exception per SED facility.

Any changes to the SED mode systemwide flags requires that you restart
the system for the changes
to take effect. All of these types of events are audited.


Today, I found out why my LDAP installation is giving me core dump on a

certain LPAR but not on the other LPAR, although both LPARs are
"identically" built.

If we look closely in the error log...


DISABLED" under the program name. What this means is that the AIX system
had the Stack Execution Disable protection turned ON.

To confirm if its really turned ON,

# sedmgrStack Execution Disable (SED) mode: allSED configured in kernel:

To change it,

# sedmgr -m selectSystem wide SED has been set successfully. It is

effective at 64 bit kernel boot time.
Run sedmgr again (this step is not necessary),

# sedmgrStack Execution Disable (SED) mode: selectSED configured in

kernel: all
We need to reboot the server for the change to take effect.

# sedmgrStack Execution Disable (SED) mode: selectSED configured in

kernel: select
Now I can configure my LDAP with the mksecldap command flawlessly.

Labels: AIX




Date/Time: Fri Jan 16 09:31:33 MET 2009

Sequence Number: 1513
Machine Id: 00C503AC4C00
Node Id: heilbot
Class: S
Type: PERM
Resource Name: SRC


Probable Causes

Failure Causes

Recommended Actions

Detail Data

Number of duplicates
Time of first duplicate
Fri Jan 16 09:31:18 MET 2009
Time of last duplicate
Fri Jan 16 09:31:33 MET 2009


In entry 2, we see the identifier E18E984F, and "SOFTWARE ERROR CODE

-9053", and "Detecting module tellsrc.c@line:87".



APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
"varyonvg -c" fails to varyon concurrent volume group and
reports the following error message:

tellclvmd: request failed rc = -9014 [UNKNOWN rc]

0516-1334 varyonvg: The command /usr/sbin/tellclvmd
returned an error.

errpt logs following entry:

Class: S
Type: PERM
Resource Name: SRC


Probable Causes

Failure Causes

Recommended Actions

Detail Data
Local fix
This problem occurs when multiple "varyonvg -nc"
commands are performed together. By serializing
these commands, this can be avoided.
Problem summary
Multiple varyonvg -c processes will all create threads in
the gsclvmd daemon. With certain timing, these threads can
interfere with eachothers global variables and possibly cause
varyonvg to fail.
Problem conclusion
Privatize variables so mutliple vgs coming online can't
interfere with eachother.
Temporary fix
5200-10 - use AIX APAR IZ05735
5300-06 - use AIX APAR IZ02334
5300-07 - use AIX APAR IZ03064
APAR information
APAR number IZ03064
Reported component name AIX 5.3
Reported component ID 5765G0300
Reported release 530
Submitted date 2007-08-14
Closed date 2007-09-04
Last modified date 2007-12-06

APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Publications Referenced

Fix information
Fixed component name AIX 5.3
Fixed component ID 5765G0300



Date/Time: Sun Mar 22 00:27:49 MET 2009

Sequence Number: 1515
Machine Id: 00C503AC4C00
Node Id: starboss
Class: H
Type: UNKN
Resource Name: sysplanar0
Resource Class: planar
Resource Type: sysplanar_rspc


Probable Causes

Recommended Actions

Detail Data
9001 00C0
0009 0001
Number of Occurrences
0000 0001

Possible explanations:

thread 1:


A fix is available
Download fix packs

APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
INTRPPC_ERR errors were observed in the error log while
customer ran a testcase as mentioned in the defect.
Local fix
Problem summary
INTRPPC_ERR errors were observed in the error log while
customer ran a testcase, which brings up and down the phxentdd
interface in a infinite loop. A ping is executed using the ip
address associated with this interface.
Problem conclusion
A simple code change to ignore the interrupts
while driver is in closing state.
Temporary fix
APAR information
APAR number IY58847
Reported component name AIX 5L FOR POWE
Reported component ID 5765E6100
Reported release 510
Submitted date 2004-07-13
Closed date 2004-07-13
Last modified date 2004-10-29

APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Publications Referenced

Fix information
Fixed component name AIX 5L FOR POWE
Fixed component ID 5765E6100

Applicable component levels

R510 PSY U477721 UP04/10/29 I 1000

thread 2:

> > I've recently started getting INTRPCC_ERR's on an old (but

> > aix 4.3 box. They dont seem to correspond to anything else and the
> > box seems to be working normally. I found a way to lookup the BUS
> > NUMBER via odmget -q value= CuAt, but that didn't return anything
> > for me. Also looking for the interrupt number via lsresource didn't
> > give any matches either. And diag/Advanced Diagnostics/Problem
> > Determination didn't find any trouble.
> > Any other suggestions on how to track this down?
> > Thanks,
> > Date/Time: Wed Jul 11 08:51:41
> > Sequence Number: 735309
> > Machine Id: 000247824C00
> > Node Id: scully
> > Class: H
> > Type: UNKN
> > Resource Name: SYSINTR
> > Resource Class: NONE
> > Resource Type: NONE
> > Location: NONE
> > Description
> > Probable Causes
> > Recommended Actions
> > Detail Data
> > 0000 00C0
> > 0000 0005
> convert the bus number from hex, then look for that value in `ls -l /
> dev`

.... but it is more than likely a device driver issue rather than the
device itself.

thread 3:

Here's how to map the error information to a specific adapter. Let's

do that first.

>Detail Data
>0000 00C0
>0000 0005


Detail Data
0000 00C0
0000 0003

lsresource -al pci0 | grep 0x000000C0

--> O pci0 0x8d5c_5 0x000000c0 - 0x000000df

lsresource -al pci0 | grep 3 | grep bus_intr_lvl

--> N sa1 bus_intr_lvl 3

Note: lsresource command example:


selalbe@starboss:/home/beab_krn/selalbe $ lsresource -al pci0

B pci0 0xda40_1 0x0000000080080000 - 0x00000000800bffff
B pci0 0xdfa8_1 0x0000000080000000 - 0x000000008003ffff
B ent0 busmem 0x0000000080120000 - 0x000000008013ffff
B ent0 rom_mem 0x00000000800c0000 - 0x00000000800fffff
B ent1 busmem 0x0000000080100000 - 0x000000008011ffff
B ent1 rom_mem 0x0000000080040000 - 0x000000008007ffff
O pci0 0xda40_0 0x00000000000df800 - 0x00000000000df83f
O pci0 0xdfa8_0 0x00000000000dfc00 - 0x00000000000dfc3f
I ent0 busintr 249 (A1)
I ent1 busintr 250 (A1)


5561971C ECH_CANNOT_SET_CLBK in errpt.

Most of the time, this error can be ignored

errpt command shows: ECH_CANNOT_SET_CLBK for etherchannel virtual i/o

network adapters.

Technote (FAQ)

Why is errpt showing: ECH_CANNOT_SET_CLBK error for an etherchannel that
is configured in Network Interface Backup mode
using virtual i/o network adapters.


It is indeed true that ECH_CANNOT_SET_CLBK error entry is expected and

can be ignored. This error is logged because
the virtual ethernet does not support an ioctl currently. This was the
comment by the developers on this error:
"This just means that currently virtual Ethernets do not support the
code to detect when their link status is down.
Since virtual Ethernets are not physical and hardly if ever experience a
"link down" event, this is just an
informative message and can be safely ignored.

Most importantly is to verify that the Virtual i/o adapter etherchannel

has a "internet address to ping"

to verify this:
#lsattr -El entX (where entX is the etherchannel)

if it is not set, it can be done using smitty:

#smitty etherchannel
<change show characteristics of an etherchannel>
select entX
select option: internet address to ping.

ERRPT entry:


Date/Time: Sat Mar 28 16:30:18 MET 2009

Sequence Number: 1149
Machine Id: 00CC94EE4C00
Node Id: vleet
Class: U
Type: PERF
Resource Name: topsvcs
Resource Class: NONE
Resource Type: NONE

Late in sending heartbeat

Probable Causes
Heavy CPU load
Severe physical memory shortage
Heavy I/O activities

Failure Causes
Daemon can not get required system resource

Recommended Actions
Reduce the system load

Detail Data

A heartbeat is late by the following number of seconds


diag command:

Whenever a hardware problem occurs in AIX, use the diag command to

diagnose the problem.

The diag command is the starting point to run a wide choice of tasks and
service aids.
Most of the tasks/service aids are platform specific.

To run diagnostics on the scdisk0 device, without questions, enter:

# diag -d scdisk0 -c

System dumps:

A system dump is created when the system has an unexpected system halt
or system failure.
In AIX 5L the default dump device is /dev/hd6, which is also the default
paging device.
You can use the sysdumpdev command to manage system crash dumps.

The sysdumpdev command changes the primary or secondary dump device

designation in a system that is running.
The primary and secondary dump devices are designated in a system
configuration object.
The new device designations are in effect until the sysdumpdev command
is run again, or the system is restarted.

If no flags are used with the sysdumpdev command, the dump devices
defined in the SWservAt
ODM object class are used. The default primary dump device is /dev/hd6.
The default secondary dump device is

To display current dump device settings, enter:
sysdumpdev -l

To designate logical volume hd7 as the primary dump device, enter:

sysdumpdev -p /dev/hd7

To designate tape device rmt0 as the secondary dump device, enter:

sysdumpdev -s /dev/rmt0

To display information from the previous dump invocation, enter:

sysdumpdev -L

To permanently change the database object for the primary dump device to
/dev/newdisk1, enter:
sysdumpdev -P -p /dev/newdisk1

To determine if a new system dump exists, enter:

sysdumpdev -z

If a system dump has occurred recently, output similar to the following

will appear:

4537344 /dev/hd7
To designate remote dump file /var/adm/ras/systemdump on host mercury
for a primary dump device, enter:
sysdumpdev -p mercury:/var/adm/ras/systemdump
A : (colon) must be inserted between the host name and the file name.
To specify the directory that a dump is copied to after a system crash,
if the dump device is /dev/hd6, enter:
sysdumpdev -d /tmp/dump

This attempts to copy the dump from /dev/hd6 to /tmp/dump after a system
crash. If there is an error during the copy,
the system continues to boot and the dump is lost.
To specify the directory that a dump is copied to after a system crash,
if the dump device is /dev/hd6, enter:
sysdumpdev -D /tmp/dump

This attempts to copy the dump from /dev/hd6 to the /tmp/dump directory
after a crash. If the copy fails,
you are prompted with a menu that allows you to copy the dump manually
to some external media.

Starting a system dump:


If you have the Software Service Aids Package installed, you have access
to the sysdumpstart command.
You can start the system dump by entering:
# sysdumpstart -p

You can also use:

# smit dump

Notes regarding system dumps:


note 1:

The_Nail <[email protected]> wrote:

> I handle several AIX 5.1 servers and some of them warns me (via errpt)
> about a lack of disk space for the dumpcheck ressource.
> Here is a copy of the message :

> Description
> The copy directory is too small.
> Recommended Actions
> Increase the size of that file system.
> Detail Data
> File system name
> /var/adm/ras
> Current free space in kb
> 7636
> Current estimated dump size in kb
> 207872
> I guess /dev/hd6 is not big enough to contain a system dump. So how
> can i change that?

The error message tells you something else.

Read it, and you will understand!

> How can i configure a secondary susdump space in case the primary
> would be unavailable?

sysdumpdev -s /dev/whatever

> What does "copy directory /var/adm/ras" mean?

That's where the crash dump will be put when you reboot after the crash.
/dev/hd6 will be needed for other purposes (paging space), so you cannot
keep your system dump there.

And that file system is too small to contain the dump, that's the
of the error message.

You have two options:

- increase the /var file system (it should have ample free space
- change the dump directory to something where you have more space:
sysdumpdev -D /something/in/rootvg/with/free/space

Laurenz Albe

Note 2:

Suppose you find the following error:

$ errpt
F89FB899 0822150005 P O dumpcheck The copy directory is too small

This message is the result of a dump device check. You can fix this by
increasing the size of your dump device. If you are using the default
dump device (/dev/hd6) then increase your paging size or go to smit dump
and "select System Dump Compression". Myself, I don't like to use the
default dump device so I create a sysdumplv and make sure I have enough
space. To check space needed go to smit dump and select "Show Estimated
Dump Size" this will give you an idea about the size needed.

The copy directory is whatever sysdumpdev says it is.

Run sysdumpdev and you will get something like
primary /dev/hd6
secondary /dev/sysdumpnull
copy directory /var/adm/ras
forced copy flag TRUE
always allow dump FALSE
dump compression ON

# sysdumpdev -e
0453-041 Estimated dump size in bytes: 57881395
Divide this number by 1024. This is the free space that is needed in
your copy directory. Compare it to a df -k or divide this number by
512. This is the free space that is needed in your copy directory.
Compare it to a df

Note 2:

Suppose you find the following error:

selalbe@wijting:/home/beab_krn/selalbe $ errpt
E87EF1BE 0309150009 P O dumpcheck The largest dump device is too


do sysdumpdev -l you should see both primary and secondary dump devices
this you need to ensure that these are big enough to hold a system dump
type sysdumpdev -e to get an estimate on the dump size and resize your
devices accordingly.

Try to increase these above the value you have if it is a new system
for growth of the system and give it plenty of space if possible


A fix is available
Obtain fix for this APAR

APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
A system crash can occur if a Fibre Channel adapter
suffers PCI bus errors around the time of an adapter

Adapter resets are performed at adapter configuration

time or as recovery from certain severe errors. Adapter
resets are not performed as a result of normal SAN or
storage communications failures. End device or SAN
problems would not expose this problem.

PCI bus errors are usually accompanied by errors with

label "PCI_RECOVERABLE_ERR" in the AIX error log.
Systems logging those errors may be susceptible to this

The stack traceback of the crash as seen in kdb will be

similar to the following, and will include
efc_finish_read_rev_mb() calling efc_read_reg():

(2)> f
pvthread+800000 STACK:
[03CE5678]efc_read_reg+000048 ()
[03CFF738]efc_finish_read_rev_mb+000290 ()
[03CF1154]efc_adap_post_trb+00049C ()
[00031F3C]clock+00017C ()
[000DF250]i_softmod+00027C ()
[000DE928].finish_interrupt+000024 ()
Local fix
Respond promptly to any PCI_RECOVERABLE_ERR errors that
appear in the AIX error log. It will not be possible to
respond quickly enough to prevent a crash associated with
a particular error, but addressing the underlying problem
causing repeated PCI errors will lessen the risk to the
Problem summary
A system crash can occur if a Fibre Channel adapter
suffers PCI bus errors around the time of an adapter
Problem conclusion
The handling of possible Errorneous value read around EEH
event introduced in the relevant code path.
Temporary fix
5300-06 - use AIX APAR IZ05158
5300-07 - use AIX APAR IZ25395
5300-08 - use AIX APAR IZ24657
5300-09 - use AIX APAR IZ19062
6100-00 - use AIX APAR IZ23541
6100-01 - use AIX APAR IZ19769
6100-02 - use AIX APAR IZ19384
APAR information
APAR number IZ05158
Reported component name AIX 5.3
Reported component ID 5765G0300
Reported release 530
Submitted date 2007-09-21
Closed date 2008-03-18
Last modified date 2008-11-17

APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

IZ19062 IZ19384 IZ19769 IZ23541 IZ24657 IZ25395

Publications Referenced

Fix information
Fixed component name AIX 5.3
Fixed component ID 5765G0300

Applicable component levels

R530 PSY U816768 UP08/07/24 I 1000

PTF to Fileset Mapping


22. Diagnostic output:


0:Standard input 1: Standard output 2: Diagnostic output

redirect diag. outp. to file

# cat somefile nofile 2>errfile
# cat somefile nofile > outfile 2>errfile

redirect diag. outp. to same place as standard outp.

# cat firsthalf secondhalf > composite 2>1&

If you want to convert a ascii PC file to unix, you can use many tools
like tr etc..

# tr -d '\r' < original.file > new.file

# tr -d '\015' < original.file > new.file

Or scripts like:

perl -p -i -e 'BEGIN { print "Converting DOS to UNIX.\n" ; } END { print
"Done.\n" ; } s/\r\n$/\n/' $*

perl -p -i.bak -e 's/^\r+//;s/\r+$//;s/\r/\n/gs' file

Or, on many unixes You can use the utility " dos2unix " to remove the
Just type: dos2unix <filename1> <filename2> [RETURN]

dos2unix [ -ascii ] [ -iso ] [ -7 ] originalfile convertedfile

Removes extra carriage returns and converts end of file characters in
DOS format text files to conform to SunOS requirements.
This is the default. It converts characters in the DOS extended
character set to the corresponding ISO standard characters.
Convert 8 bit DOS graphics characters to 7 bit space characters so that
SunOS can read the file.

# a script to strip carriage returns from DOS text files
if test -f $1
tr -d '\r' <$1 >$.tmp
rm $1
mv $.tmp $1

# tr -d '\015' < original.file > new.file

or this works well on most shells:

# tr -d '\r' < original.file > new.file

Note: Other formats on AIX:


1. nvdmetoa command:

How to convert EBCDIC files to ASCII:

On your AIX system, the tool nvdmetoa might be present.


nvdmetoa <AS400.dat >AIXver3.dat

Converts an EBCDIC file taken off an AS400 and converts to an ASCII file
for the pSeries or RS/6000

nvdmetoa 132 <AS400.txt >AIXver3.txt

Converts an EBCDIC file with a record length of 132 characters to an

ASCII file with 132 bytes per line
PLUS 1 byte for the linefeed character.

2. od command:

The od command translate a file into other formats, like for example
hexadecimal format.
To translate a file into several formats at once, enter:

# od -t cx a.out > a.xcd

This command writes the contents of the a.out file, in hexadecimal

format (x) and character format (c),
into the a.xcd file.

24. Secure shell connections:



What is Open Secure Shell?

Open Secure Shell (OpenSSH) is an open source version of the SSH

protocol suite of network connectivity tools.
The tools provide shell functions that are authenticated and encrypted.
A shell is a command language interpreter
that reads input from a command line string, stdin or a file. Why use
OpenSSH? When you're running over
unsecure public networks like the Internet, you can use the SSH command
suite instead of the unsecure commands telnet,
ftp, and r-commands.

OpenSSH delivers code that communicates using SSH1 and SSH2 protocols.
What's the difference? The SSH2 protocol
is a re-write of SSH1. SSH2 contains separate, layered protocols, but
SSH1 is one large set of code. SSH2 supports
both RSA & DSA keys, but SSH1 supports only RSA, and SSH2 uses a strong
crypto integrity check, where SSH1 uses
a CRC-32 check. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) maintains the
secure shell standards.
Example 1:

Go to a terminal on your local Unix system (Solaris, Linux, Mac OS X,

etc.) and type the following command:

ssh -l username

Replace "username" with your Prism ID. If this is your first time
connecting to acme, you will see
a warning similar to this:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be

DSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

Type the word "yes" and hit <ENTER>. You should see the following

Warning: Permanently added ',' (DSA) to

the list of
known hosts.

Next, you will be prompted for your password. Type your password and hit

Example 2:

A secure shell 'terminal':

# ssh -l oracle

# ssh [email protected]


Example to Copy a file to a remote unix server:

# pscp c:\documents\foo.txt [email protected]:/tmp/foo

To receive (a) file(s) from a remote server:

pscp [options] [user@]host:source target

So to copy the file /etc/hosts from the server as user fred
to the file c:\temp\example-hosts.txt,
you would type:

pscp [email protected]:/etc/hosts c:\temp\example-hosts.txt

To send (a) file(s) to a remote server:

pscp [options] source [source...] [user@]host:target
So to copy the local file c:\documents\foo.txt to the server
as user
fred to the file /tmp/foo you would type:

pscp c:\documents\foo.txt [email protected]:/tmp/foo

You can use wildcards to transfer multiple files in either direction,

like this:

pscp c:\documents\*.doc [email protected]:docfiles

pscp [email protected]:source/*.c c:\source

Example of scripts using pscp with parameters;

@echo off

REM Script om via pscp.exe een bestand van een UNIX systeem te copi
%ren naar het werkstation.

Echo Copy bestand van unix naar werkstation

SET /P systemname=Geef volledige systeemnaam:

SET /P remotefile=Geef UNIX path+filename:
SET /P localfile=Geef local filename:
SET /P username=Geef username:

echo pscp.exe %username%@%systemname%:%remotefile% %localfile%

pscp.exe %username%@%systemname%:%remotefile% %localfile%

echo bestand %remotefile% gecopieerd naar %localfile%



@echo off

REM Script om via pscp.exe een bestand naar een UNIX systeem te copi
%ren van het werkstation.

Echo Copy bestand van werkstation naar unix

SET /P systemname=Geef volledige systeemnaam:

SET /P localfile=Geef local filename:
SET /P remotefile=Geef UNIX path+filename:
SET /P username=Geef username:

echo pscp.exe %localfile% %username%@%systemname%:%remotefile%

pscp.exe %localfile% %username%@%systemname%:%remotefile%
echo bestand %localfile% gecopieerd naar %remotefile%

Scp is a utility which allows files to be copied between machines. Scp

is an updated version of an
older utility named Rcp. It works the same, except that information
(including the password used to log in)
is encrypted. Also, if you have set up your .shosts file to allow you to
ssh between machines
without using a password as described in help on setting up your .shosts
file, you will be able to scp
files between machines without entering your password.

Either the source or the destination may be on the remote machine; i.e.,
you may copy files or directories
into the account on the remote system OR copy them from the account on
the remote system into the account
you are logged into.

# scp conv1.tar.gz [email protected]:/backups/520backups/splenvs
# scp conv2.tar.gz [email protected]:/backups/520backups/splenvs

# scp myfile xyz@sdcc7:myfile

To copy a directory, use the -r (recursive) option.
# scp -r mydir xyz@sdcc7:mydir

cd /oradata/arc
/usr/local/bin/scp *.arc SPRAT:/oradata/arc

While logged into xyz on sdcc7, copy file "letter" into file
"application" in remote account abc on sdcc3:
% scp letter abc@sdcc3:application

While logged into abc on sdcc3, copy file "foo" from remote account xyz
on sdcc7 into filename "bar" in abc:
% scp xyz@sdcc7:foo bar

passwordless using ssh/scp between two (or more) hosts:


1. decide which useraccount to use (on all hosts), and logon to the
local host with that account

2. Generate a public/private key pair on the local machine

ssh-keygen -t dsa (or 'ssh-keygen -t rsa') (rsa=protocol 1;

dsa=protocol 2)
In response, you should see:

Generating public/private dsa key pair

Enter file in which to save the key ...

Press Enter to accept this.

In response, you should see:

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):

You don't need a passphrase, so press Enter twice.

In response, you should see:

Your identification has been saved in ...

Your public key has been saved in ...

3. Note the name and location of the public key just generated. It
always ends in .pub.

4. Change the permissions of the generated .pub file to 600, for example
chmod 600 (or 700).
In effect, make sure that no group, or everyone (world), has any
access to the file.

5. Copy the public key just generated to all of your remote boxes. You
can use scp or FTP
or whatever to make the copy.
if you are logging in as a user, for example, albert, you should copy
it to
"/home/albert/.ssh/authorized_keys". But (!) first check whether that
file already exists.
If the file already exists and contains text,
you need to append the contents of your public key file to what
already is there.

That should do the job.

Now you can use statements like, for example

albert@hosta:/tmp$> scp testfile albert@hostb:/tmp

without being prompted for a password.

If you want to do the same for scp from hostb to hosta, perform the same
steps again, but now
ofcourse with the serverroles reversed.


1. If it doesn't work, try changing the authorized_keys file name to

or ask your system administrator what file name is ssh actually using.
2. The name of the target server must have been registered in the
"known_hosts" file in the .ssh directory.
This can be done with a regular (with password) ssh connection, and
accepting the host "as known".

3. SSH protocol 2 is assumed in this procedure (it uses dsa keys). If

your ssh configuration not uses this as a default,
you may have to force it with the -2 option of the ssh and scp.

ssh on AIX:

After you download the OpenSSL package, you can install OpenSSL and

Install the OpenSSL RPM package using the geninstall command:

# geninstall -d/dev/cd0 R:openssl-0.9.6m

Output similar to the following displays:


Install the OpenSSH installp packages using the geninstall command:

# geninstall -I"Y" -d/dev/cd0 I:openssh.base

Use the Y flag to accept the OpenSSH license agreement after you have
reviewed the license agreement.
(Note: we have seen this line as well:
# geninstall -Y -d/dev/cd0 I:openssh.base)

Output similar to the following displays:

Installation Summary
Name Level Part Event
openssh.base.client USR APPLY
openssh.base.server USR APPLY
openssh.base.client ROOT APPLY
openssh.base.server ROOT APPLY

You can also use the SMIT install_software fast path to install OpenSSL
and OpenSSH.

The following OpenSSH binary files are installed as a result of the

preceding procedure:
scp File copy program similar to rcp
sftp Program similar to FTP that works over SSH1 and SSH2 protocol
sftp-server SFTP server subsystem (started automatically by sshd daemon)
ssh Similar to the rlogin and rsh client programs
ssh-add Tool that adds keys to ssh-agent
ssh-agent An agent that can store private keys
ssh-keygen Key generation tool
ssh-keyscan Utility for gathering public host keys from a number of
ssh-keysign Utility for host-based authentication
ssh-rand-helper A program used by OpenSSH to gather random numbers. It
is used only on AIX 5.1 installations.
sshd Daemon that permits you to log in

The following general information covers OpenSSH:

The /etc/ssh directory contains the sshd daemon and the configuration
files for the ssh client command.
The /usr/openssh directory contains the readme file and the original
OpenSSH open-source license text file.
This directory also contains the ssh protocol and Kerberos license text.

The sshd daemon is under AIX SRC control. You can start, stop, and view
the status of the daemon
by issuing the following commands:

startsrc -s sshd OR startsrc -g ssh (group)

stopsrc -s sshd OR stopsrc -g ssh
lssrc -s sshd OR lssrc -s ssh

Automatic startup of sshd on boot:


For example, on AIX create the following script "Sssh" in


root@zd110l14:/etc/rc.d/rc2.d#cat Ssshd

# name: Ssshd
# purpose: script that will start or stop the sshd daemon.

case "$1" in
start )
startsrc -g ssh
stop )
stopsrc -g ssh
* )
echo "Usage: $0 (start | stop)"
exit 1

25. Pipelining and Redirecting:


CONCEPT: UNIX allows you to connect processes, by letting the standard

output of one process feed into the
standard input of another process. That mechanism is called a pipe.
Connecting simple processes in a pipeline allows you to perform complex
tasks without writing complex programs.

EXAMPLE: Using the more command, and a pipe, send the contents of
your .profile and .shrc files to the
screen by typing

cat .profile .shrc | more

to the shell.

EXERCISE: How could you use head and tail in a pipeline to display lines
25 through 75 of a file?

ANSWER: The command

cat file | head -75 | tail -50

would work. The cat command feeds the file into the pipeline. The head
command gets the first 75 lines
of the file, and passes them down the pipeline to tail. The tail command
then filters out all but the last
50 lines of the input it received from head. It is important to note
that in the above example, tail never
sees the original file, but only sees the part of the file that was
passed to it by the head command.
It is easy for beginners to confuse the usage of the input/output
redirection symbols < and >, with the
usage of the pipe. Remember that input/output redirection connects
processes with files, while the pipe connects
processes with other processes.

The grep utility is one of the most useful filters in UNIX. Grep
searches line-by-line for a specified pattern,
and outputs any line that matches the pattern. The basic syntax for the
grep command is
grep [-options] pattern [file]. If the file argument is omitted, grep
will read from standard input.
It is always best to enclose the pattern within single quotes, to
prevent the shell
from misinterpreting the command.

The grep utility recognizes a variety of patterns, and the pattern

specification syntax was taken from the
vi editor. Here are some of the characters you can use to build grep

The carat (^) matches the beginning of a line.

The dollar sign ($) matches the end of a line.
The period (.) matches any single character.
The asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the previous
The expression [a-b] matches any characters that are lexically between a
and b.

EXAMPLE: Type the command

grep 'jon' /etc/passwd

to search the /etc/passwd file for any lines containing the string

EXAMPLE: Type the command

grep '^jon' /etc/passwd

to see the lines in /etc/passwd that begin with the character string

EXERCISE:List all the files in the /tmp directory owned by the user

EXPLANATION: The command

ls -l /tmp | grep 'root'

would show all processes with the word "root" somewhere in the line.
That doesn't necessarily mean that
all the process would be owned by root, but using the grep filter can
cut the down the number of processes
you will have to look at.


CONCEPT: Every program you run from the shell opens three files:
Standard input, standard output,
and standard error. The files provide the primary means of
communications between the programs,
and exist for as long as the process runs.

The standard input file provides a way to send data to a process. As a

default, the standard input is read
from the terminal keyboard.

The standard output provides a means for the program to output data. As
a default, the standard output
goes to the terminal display screen.

The standard error is where the program reports any errors encountered
during execution.
By default, the standard error goes to the terminal display.
CONCEPT: A program can be told where to look for input and where to send
output, using input/output
redirection. UNIX uses the "less than" and "greater than" special
characters (< and >) to signify input
and output redirection, respectively.

Redirecting input
Using the "less-than" sign with a file name like this:
< file1

in a shell command instructs the shell to read input from a file called
"file1" instead of from the keyboard.

EXAMPLE:Use standard input redirection to send the contents of the

file /etc/passwd to the more command:

more < /etc/passwd

Many UNIX commands that will accept a file name as a command line
argument, will also accept input from
standard input if no file is given on the command line.

EXAMPLE: To see the first ten lines of the /etc/passwd file, the

head /etc/passwd
will work just the same as the command:
head < /etc/passwd

Redirecting output
Using the "greater-than" sign with a file name like this:
> file2
causes the shell to place the output from the command in a file called
"file2" instead of on the screen.
If the file "file2" already exists, the old version will be overwritten.

EXAMPLE: Type the command

ls /tmp > ~/ls.out

to redirect the output of the ls command into a file called "ls.out" in

your home directory.
Remember that the tilde (~) is UNIX shorthand for your home directory.
In this command, the ls command
will list the contents of the /tmp directory.
Use two "greater-than" signs to append to an existing file. For example:

>> file2

causes the shell to append the output from a command to the end of a
file called "file2". If the file
"file2" does not already exist, it will be created.

EXAMPLE: In this example, I list the contents of the /tmp directory, and
put it in a file called myls.
Then, I list the contents of the /etc directory, and append it to the
file myls:

ls /tmp > myls

ls /etc >> myls

Redirecting error
Redirecting standard error is a bit trickier, depending on the kind of
shell you're using
(there's more than one flavor of shell program!). In the POSIX shell and
ksh, redirect the standard error
with the symbol "2>".

EXAMPLE: Sort the /etc/passwd file, place the results in a file called
foo, and trap any errors in a file
called err with the command:

sort < /etc/passwd > foo 2> err

27. UNIX DEVICES and mknod:

27.1 Note 1:

the files in the /dev directory are a little different from anything you
may be used to in
other operating systems.
The very first thing to understand is that these files are NOT the
drivers for the devices. Drivers are in
the kernel itself (/unix etc..), and the files in /dev do not actually
contain anything at all:
they are just pointers to where the driver code can be found in the
kernel. There is nothing more to it
than that. These aren't programs, they aren't drivers, they are just

That also means that if the device file points at code that isn't in the
kernel, it obviously is not
going to work. Existence of a device file does not necessarily mean that
the device code is in the kernel,
and creating a device file (with mknod) does NOT create kernel code.

Unix actually even shows you what the pointer is. When you do a long
listing of a file in /dev,
you may have noticed that there are two numbers where the file size
should be:

brw-rw-rw- 2 bin bin 2, 64 Dec 8 20:41 fd0

That "2,64" is a pointer into the kernel. I'll explain more about this
in a minute,
but first look at some more files:

brw-rw-rw- 2 bin bin 2, 64 Dec 8 20:41 fd0

brw-rw-rw- 2 bin bin 2, 48 Sep 15 16:13 fd0135ds15
brw-rw-rw- 2 bin bin 2, 60 Feb 12 10:45 fd0135ds18
brw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 2, 16 Sep 15 16:13 fd0135ds21
brw-rw-rw- 2 bin bin 2, 44 Sep 15 16:13 fd0135ds36
brw-rw-rw- 3 bin bin 2, 36 Sep 15 16:13 fd0135ds9

A different kind of device would have a different major number. For

example, here are the serial com ports:

crw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 5,128 Feb 14 05:35 tty1A

crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 5, 0 Dec 9 13:13 tty1a
crw-rw-rw- 1 root sys 5,136 Nov 25 07:28 tty2A
crw-r--r-- 1 uucp sys 5, 8 Nov 25 07:16 tty2a

Notice the "b" and the "c" as the first characters in the mode of the
file. It designates whether
we have a block "b", or a character "c" device.

Notice that each of these files shares the "5" part of the pointer, but
that the other number is different.
The "5" means that the device is a serial port, and the other number
tells exactly which com port you are
referring to. In Unix parlance, the 5 is the "major number" and the
other is the "minor number".

These numbers get created with a "mknod" command. For example, you could
type "mknod /dev/myfloppy b 2 60" and
then "/dev/myfloppy" would point to the same driver code that
/dev/fd0135ds18 points to, and it would
work exactly the same.

This also means that if you accidentally removed /dev/fd0135ds18, you

could instantly recreate it with "mknod".

But if you didn't know that the magic numbers were "2,60", how could you
find out?

It turns out that it's not hard.

First, have a look at "man idmknod". The idmknod command wipes out all
non-required devices, and then recreates them.
Sounds scary, but this gets called every time you answer "Y" to that
"Rebuild Kernel environment?" question that
follows relinking. Actually, on 5.0.4 and on, the existing /dev files
don't get wiped out; the command simply
recreates whatever it has to.

idmknod requires several arguments, and you'd need to get them right to
have success. You could make it easier
by simply relinking a new kernel and answering "Y" to the "Rebuild"
question, but that's using a fire hose to
put out a candle.
A less dramatic method would be to look at the files that idmknod uses
to recreate the device nodes. These are found
in /etc/conf/node.d

In this case, the file you want would be "fd". A quick look at part of
that shows:

fd fd0 b 64 bin bin 666

fd fd0135ds36 b 44 bin bin 666
fd fd0135ds21 b 16 bin bin 666
fd fd0135ds18 b 60 bin bin 666
fd fd0135ds15 b 48 bin bin 666
fd fd0135ds9 b 36 bin bin 666
fd fd048 b 4 bin bin 666

This gives you *almost* everything you need to know about the device
nodes in the "fd" class. The only thing it
doesn't tell you is the major number, but you can get that just by doing
an "l" of any other fd entry:

brw-rw-rw- 1 bin bin 2, 60 Feb 5 09:45 fd096ds18

this shows you that the major number is "2".

Armed with these two pieces of information, you can now do

mknod /dev/fd0135ds18 b 2 60
chown bin /dev/fd0135ds18
chgrp bin /dev/fd0135ds18
chmod 666 /dev/fd0135ds18

If you examined the node file closely, you would also notice that
/dev/rfd0135ds18 and /dev/fd0135ds18 differ only
in that the "r" version is a "c" or character device and the other is
"b" or block. If you had already known that,
you wouldn't have even had to look at the node file; you'd simply have
looked at an "l" of the /dev/rfd0135ds18 and
recreated the block version appropriately.

There are other fascinating things that can be learned from the node
files. For example, fd096ds18 is also minor number 60,
and can be used in the same way with identical results. In other words,
if you z'd out (were momentarily innattentive,
not CTRL-Z in a job control shell) and dd'd an image to /dev/fd096ds18,
it would write to your hd floppy without incident.

If you have a SCSI tape drive, notice what happens when you set it to be
the "default" tape drive.
It creates device files that have different names (rct0, etc.) but that
have the same major and minor numbers.

Knowing that it's easy to recreate missing device files also means that
you can sometimes capture the output
of programs that write directly to a device. For example, suppose some
application prints directly to /dev/lp
but you need to capture this to a file. In most situations, you can
simply "rm /dev/lp" (after carefully noting
its current ownership, permissions and, of course, major/minor numbers),
and then "touch /dev/lp" to create an
ordinary file. You'll need to chmod it for appropriate permissions, and
then run your app. Unless the app has
tried to do ioctl calls on the device, the output will be there for your
use. This can be particularly useful
for examining control characters that the app is sending.

What's the Difference?

One question that comes up fairly often is "what's the difference
between a block and a character device and when
should I use one rather than the other?". To answer that question fully
is hard, but I'm going to try to at least
get you started here.

The real difference lies in what the kernel does when a device file is
accessed for reading or writing. If the device
is a block device, the kernel gives the driver the address of a kernel
buffer that the driver will use as the source
or destination for data. Note that the address is a "kernel" address;
that's important because that buffer will be
cached by the kernel. If the device is raw , then the address it will
use is in the user space of the process that is
using the device. A block device is something you could make a
filesystem on (a disk). You can move forward and backward,
from the beginning of a block device to its end, and then back to the
beginning again. If you ask to read a block that
the kernel has buffered, then you get data from the buffer. If you ask
for a block that has not yet been buffered,
the kernel reads that block (and probably a few more following it) into
the buffer cache. If you write to a block device,
it goes to the buffer cache (eventually to the device, of course). A raw
(or character) device is often something that
doesn't have a beginning or end; it just gives a stream of characters
that you read. A serial port is an excellent
example- however, it is not at all unusual to have character (raw)
drivers for things that do have a beginning
and an end- a tape drive, for example. And many times there are BOTH
character and block devices for the same
physical device- disks, for example. Nor does using a raw device
absolutely mean that you can't move forward and back,
from beginning to end- you can move wherever you want with a tape or

And that's where the differences get confusing. It seems pretty

reasonable that you'd use the block device to mount
a disk. But which do you use for format? For fsck? For mkfs?

Well, if you try to format /dev/fd0135ds18, you'll be told that it is

not a formattable device.
Does that make any sense? Well, the format process involves sequential
access- it starts at the beginning and just
keeps on going, so it seems to make sense that it wouldn't use the block
device. But you can run "mkfs" on either
the block or character device; it doesn't seem to care. The same is true
for fsck. But although that's true for those
programs on SCO OSR5, it isn't necessarily going to be true on some
other UNIX, and the "required" device may make sense
to whover wrote the program, but it may not make sense to you.

You'd use a block device when you want to take advantage of the caching
provided by the kernel. You'd use the raw device
when you don't, or for ioctl operations like "tape status" or "stty -a".

27.2 Note 2:

One of the unique things about Unix as an operating system is that

regards everything as a file. Files can be divided into
three categories; ordinary or plain files, directories, and special or
device files.

Directories in Unix are properly known as directory files. They are a

special type of file that holds a list of the
other files they contain.

Ordinary or plain files in Unix are not all text files. They may also
contain ASCII text, binary data, and program input
or output. Executable binaries (programs) are also files, as are
commands. When a user enters a command, the associated
file is retrieved and executed. This is an important feature and
contributes to the flexibility of Unix.

Special files are also known as device files. In Unix all physical
devices are accessed via device files; they are
what programs use to communicate with hardware. Files hold information
on location, type, and access mode for a
specific device. There are two types of device files; character and
block, as well as two modes of access.

- Block device files are used to access block device I/O. Block devices
do buffered I/O, meaning that the the data is
collected in a buffer until a full block can be transfered.

- Character device files are associated with character or raw device

access. They are used for unbuffered data transfers
to and from a device. Rather than transferring data in blocks the data
is transfered character by character.
One transfer can consist of multiple characters.

So what about a device that could be accessed in character or block

mode? How many device files would it have?

There are no such devices.

Some devices, such as disk partitions, may be accessed in block or

character mode. Because each device file corresponds
to a single access mode, physical devices that have more than one access
mode will have more than one device file.

Device files are found in the /dev directory. Each device is assigned a
major and minor device number. The major
device number identifies the type of device, i.e. all SCSI devices would
have the same number as would all the keyboards.
The minor device number identifies a specific device, i.e. the keyboard
attached to this workstation.

Device files are created using the mknod command. The form for this
command is:

mknod device-name type major minor

device-name is the name of the device file

type is either "c" for character or "b" for block
major is the major device number
minor is the minor device number
The major and minor device numbers are indexed to device switches. There
are two types of device switches; c
devsw for character devices and bdevsw for block devices. These switches
are kernel structures that hold the names
of all the control routines for a device and tell the kernel which
driver module to execute. Device switches are
actually tables that look something like this:

0 keyboard
1 SCSIbus
2 tty
3 disk
Using the ls command in the /dev directory will show entries that look

brw-r----- 1 root sys 1, 0 Aug 31 16:01 /dev/sd1a

The "b" before the permissions indicates that this is a block device
file. When a user enters /dev/sd1a the kernel sees
the file opening, realizes that it's major device number 1, and calls up
the SCSIbus function to handle it.

28. Solaris devices:

Devices are described in three ways in the Solaris environment, using

three distinct naming
conventions: the physical device name, the instance name, and the
logical device name.

Solaris stores the entries for physical devices under the /devices
and the logical device entries behind the /dev directory.
- A "physical device name" represents the full pathname of the device.
Physical device files are found in the /devices directory and have a
naming convention like the following example:


Each device has a unique name representing both the type of device and
the location of that device
in the system-addressing structure called the "device tree". The
OpenBoot firmware builds the
device tree for all devices from information gathered at POST. The
device tree is loaded in memory
and is used by the kernel during boot to identify all configured
A device pathname is a series of node names separated by slashes.
Each device has the following form:


- The "instance name" represents the kernel's abbreviated name for every
possible device
on the system. For example, sd0 and sd1 represents the instance names
of two SCSI disk devices.
Instance names are mapped in the /etc/path_to_inst file, and are
displayed by using the
commands dmesg, sysdef, and prtconf

- The "Logical device names" are used with most Solaris file system
commands to refer to devices.
Logical device files in the /dev directory are symbolically linked to
physical device files
in the /devices directory. Logical device names are used to access
disk devices in the
following circumstances:
- adding a new disk to the system and partitioning the disk
- moving a disk from one system to another
- accessing or mounting a file system residing on a local disk
- backing up a local file system
- repairing a file system

Logical devices are organized in subdirs under the /dev directory by

their device types
/dev/dsk block interface to disk devices
/dev/rdsk raw or character interface to disk devices.
In commands, you mostly use raw logical devices, like for
example # newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7
/dev/rmt tape devices
/dev/term serial line devices

Logical device files have a major and minor number that indicate
device drivers,
hardware addresses, and other characteristics.
Furthermore, a device filename must follow a specific naming
A logical device name for a disk drive has the following format:

where cx refers to the SCSI controller number, tx to the SCSI bus

target number,
dx to the disk number (always 0 except on storage arrays)
and sx to the slice or partition number.

29. filesystems in Solaris:

29.1 A few traditional filesystem commands:


The UFS filesystem has always been the most popular fs on Solaris.
Ofcourse, when the newer ZFS filesystem became available, it has been
rapidly adopted.

We will frst take a look at a few classical commands, that you would
typically use on a UFS filesystem.
Ofcourse, many "listing commands" like for example, df (to show what's
used and what is free space),
can be used on ZFS as well. But creating an fs on ZFS goes absolutly
different from what you can find in section 29.1

Checks on the filesystems in Solaris:


1. used space etc..

# df -k, df -h etc..

# du -ks /home/fred

Shows only a summary of the disk usage of the /home/fred subdirectory

(measured in kilobytes).

# du -ks /home/fred/*

Shows a summary of the disk usage of each subdirectory of /home/fred

(measured in kilobytes).

# du -s /home/fred

Shows a total summary of /home/fred

# du -sg /data

Shows a total summary of /data in GB

This command shows the diskusage of /dirname in GB

# du -g /dirname
2. examining the disklabel
# prtvtoc /dev/rdisk/c0t3d0s2

3. format just by itself shows the disks

# format

# format -> specify disk -> choose partition -> choose print to get the
partition table

4. Display information about SCSI devices

# cfgadm -al

or, from the PROM, commands like probe-scsi

What is the CDROM device in Solaris:


-- pointer 1.

If you have a CD put in the drive, and it was automounted, simply use
the "df" command to view your filesystems:

# df -k or df -h

-- pointer 2.

From the output of the command

# iostat -En

you could figure out what logical device name your CDROM has.

-- pointer 3.

Solaris uses the same naming conventions as used with hardisks, for
example the CDROM in the following command

# mount -r -F hsfs /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom

means that in this case, the CDROM device is "/dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2"

Normally, a CD is automounted on "/cdrom" or "/cdrom/cdrom0"

The simplest way to mount CDROM on Solaris is use vold daemon. The vold
daemon in Solaris manages the CD-ROM device
and automatically performs the mounting similar to how Windows manages
CDROMs (but not as transparent or reliable).
If CD is detected in drive its should be automatically mounted to
the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory.

Recovering disk partition information in Solaris:

Use the fmthard command to write the backup VTOC information back to the
The following example uses the fmthard command to recover a corrupt
label on a disk
named /dev/rdisk/c0t3d0s1. The backup VTOC information is in a file
named c0t3d0
in the /vtoc directory.

# fmthard -s /vtoc/c0t3d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2

Remember that the format of /dev/(r)dsk/cWtXdYsZ means:

W is the controller number,

X is the SCSI target number,
Y is the logical unit number (LUN, almost always 0),
Z is the slice or partition number

Make a new filesystem in Solaris:


To create a UFS filesystem on a formatted disk that already has been

divided into slices
you need to know the raw device filename of the slice that will contain
the filesystem.

# newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7

defaults on UFS on Solaris:

blocksize 8192
fragmentsize 1024
one inode for each 2K of diskspace

FSCK in Solaris:

If you just want to determine the state of a filesystem, whether it

needs checking,
you can use the fsck command while the fs is mounted.

# fsck -m /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6

The state flag in the superblock of the filesystem you specify is

checked to see
whether the filesystem is clean or requires checking.

If you ommit the device argument, all the filesystems listed in

/etc/vfstab with a fsck
pass value greater than 0 are checked.

Adding a disk in Solaris 2.6, 2.7, 8, 9:


In case you have just build in a new disk,

its probably best, to first use the probe-scsi command from the OK

ok probe-scsi
Target 3
Unit 0 Disk Seagate ST446452W 0001

Next, do a reconfiguration reboot, with the "boot -r" command:

ok boot -r

Specifying the -r flag when booting, tells Solaris to reconfigure itself

by scanning
for new hardware.
Once the system is up, check the output for "dmesg" to find kernel
messages relating
to the new disk.
You probably find complaints telling you stuff as "corrupt label - wrong
magic number" etc..
That's good, because we now know that the kernel is aware of this new

In this example, our disk is SCSI target 3, so we can refer to the whole
disks as
/dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2 # slice 2, or partition 2, s2 refers to the
whole disk

Remember that the format of /dev/(r)dsk/cWtXdYsZ means:

W is the controller number,

X is the SCSI target number,
Y is the logical unit number (LUN, almost always 0),
Z is the slice or partition number

We now use the format program to partition the disk, and afterwards
create filesystems.

# format /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s2
(.. output..)

Ready to label disk, continue? y



Once you have created and sized the partitions, you can get a list with
the "partition>print" command.
Now, for example, you can create a filesystem like in the following

# newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0


As from Solaris 8:

devfsadm(1M) maintains the /dev and /devices namespaces. It replaces the

previous suite of devfs administration tools
including drvconfig(1M) , disks(1M) , tapes(1M) , ports(1M) ,
audlinks(1M) , and devlinks(1M) .

The default operation is to attempt to load every driver in the system

and attach to all possible device instances. devfsadm then creates
device special files in /devices and logical links in /dev .

In other words, the devfsadm command is used to dynamically reconfigure

system device tables
without having to reboot the system.


# devfsadm -i sd
# devfsadm -c tape

In the first example, devfsadm configures only those devices supported

by the
sd driver. In the second example, devfsadm configures only tape devices.

29.2 Notes on filesystems on Solaris:


There are at least 4 different types of filesystems you can use with
Solaris 10 (except for zfs,
for the older Solaris 8 and 9 versions).
These are:

-- UFS
The traditional filesystem for Solaris systems. UFS is old technology
but it is a stable and fast filesystem.
Sun has continuously tuned and improved the code over the years.
Solaris 10 (and older ofcouse) can only boot from a UFS root filesystem.
In the future,
ZFS boot will be available, as it already is in OpenSolaris. But for
now, every Solaris system must have
at least one UFS filesystem.
Note: This "boot-statement" was true at the time of writing. Maybe you
read this way after that time, and maybe
Solaris can now boot from zfs or other filesystem.

-- ZFS
We will talk a bit on ZFS in section 29.3

-- VxFS
The Veritas filesystem and volume manager have their roots in a fault-
tolerant proprietary minicomputer
built by Veritas in the 1980s. They have been available for Solaris
since at least 1993 and have been
ported to AIX and Linux. They are integrated into HP-UX and SCO UNIX,
and Veritas Volume Manager code
has been used (and extensively modified) in Tru64 UNIX and even in
VxFS has never been part of Solaris but, when UFS was the only option,
it was a popular addition.
VxVM and VxFS are tightly integrated. Through vxassist, one may shrink
and grow filesystems and their
underlying volumes with minimal trouble.

VxFS can run in single instance mode or in a parallel access/cluster

file system mode.
This latter mode allows for multiple servers (also known as cluster
nodes) to simultaneously access
the same file system. When run in this mode, VxFS is referred to as
VERITAS Cluster File System.
Cluster File System provides cache coherency and POSIX compliance across
nodes, so that data changes
are atomically seen by all cluster nodes simultaneously. Because Cluster
File System shares the same
binaries and same on-disk layout as single instance VxFS, moving between
cluster and single instance mode
is straightforward.

-- SAM and QFS

QFS is Sun's cluster filesystem, meaning that the same filesystem may be
simultaneously mounted
by multiple systems. SAM is a hierarchical storage manager; it allows a
set of disks to be used
as a cache for a tape library. SAM and QFS are designed to work
together, but each may be used separately.

It's even possible to use the DOS FAT filesystem.

Ofcourse, the CDROM HSFS can be used.

Maybe the following list will show you what can be used in Solaris:

Filesystem Type Device Description

UFS Regular Disk Unix Fast filesystem; default in
ZFS Regular Disk The new Regular FS in Solaris 10
VxFS Regular Disk Veritas filesystem
QFS Regular Disk QFS filesystem from LSC Inc.
pcfs Regular Disk MSDOS FAT and FAT32 filesystem
hsfs Regular Disk High Sierra filesystem (CDROM)
tmpfs Regular Memory Uses memory and swap
nfs Pseudo Network Network filesystem
cachefs Pseudo filesystem Uses a local disk as cache for
another NFS filesystem
autofs Pseudo filesystem Uses a dynamic layout to mount
other filesystems
specfs Pseudo Device drivers filesystem for the /dev devices
procfs Pseudo Kernel /proc filesystem representing
sockfs Pseudo Network Filesystem of socket connections
fifofs Pseudo Files FIFO filesystem

If we look at the regular disk based filesystems, the following can be

said on the "allocation format":

Filesystem Allocation format

UFS Block, allocator tries to allocate sequential blocks
VxFS Extent based
QFS Extent based
ZFS Extent based

29.3 Some notes on the ZFS filesystem. Solaris 10


>>> ZFS Pooled Storage:


ZFS uses the concept of storage pools to manage physical storage.

Historically, file systems were constructed on top of a single physical
To address multiple devices and provide for data redundancy, the concept
of a "logical volume manager", LVM, was introduced to provide for Volume
and Logical Volumes (which could span multiple disks), and then add a
filesystem on such a Logical Volume. This design added another layer
of complexity and ultimately prevented certain file system advances,
because the file system had no control over the physical placement
of data on the virtualized volumes.

ZFS eliminates the volume management altogether. Instead of forcing you

to create virtualized volumes, ZFS aggregates devices into a storage
The storage pool describes the physical characteristics of the storage
(device layout, data redundancy, and so on,) and acts as an arbitrary
data store
from which file systems can be created. File systems are no longer
constrained to individual devices, allowing them to share space with all
file systems
in the pool. You no longer need to predetermine the size of a file
system, as file systems grow automatically within the space allocated to
the storage pool.
When new storage is added, all file systems within the pool can
immediately use the additional space without additional work. In many
the storage pool acts as a virtual memory system. When a memory DIMM is
added to a system, the operating system doesn't force you to invoke some
to configure the memory and assign it to individual processes. All
processes on the system automatically use the additional memory.

Everything you hate about managing file systems and volumes is gone: you
don't have to use format, and create slices/partitions, use newfs,
mount, edit /etc/vfstab,
fsck, growfs, metadb, metainit, etc.

Meet your new best friends: zpool and zfs.

ZFS is easy, so let's get on with it! It's time to create your first

# zpool create tank c1t2d0

You now have a single-disk storage pool named tank, with a single file
system mounted at /tank. There is nothing else to do.
Yes, its really true:
The new ZFS file system, tank, can use as much of the disk space as
needed, and is automatically mounted at /tank.

You can determine if your pool was successfully created by using the
zpool list command.

# zpool list
tank 80G 137K 80G 0% ONLINE -

Suppose we create a file in /tank and want to see how things looks like:
# mkfile 100m /tank/foo
# df -h /tank
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
tank 80G 100M 80G 1% /tank

If you want mirrored storage for mail and home directories, that's easy

Create the pool:

# zpool create tank mirror c1t2d0 c2t2d0

Now lets try to create the "/var/mail" file system:

# zfs create tank/mail

# zfs set mountpoint=/var/mail tank/mail

Create home directories, and mount them all in /export/home/<username>:

# zfs create tank/home

# zfs set mountpoint=/export/home tank/home
At this point, we have "/export/home" present.
Now you could even do this:

# zfs create tank/home/ahrens

ZFS file systems are hierarchical: each one inherits properties from
above. In this example, the mountpoint property is inherited
as a pathname prefix. That is, tank/home/ahrens is automatically mounted
at /export/home/ahrens because tank/home is mounted at /export/home.
You don't have to specify the mountpoint for each individual user - you
just tell ZFS the pattern.

>>> Commit and Rollback semantics:


ZFS uses a commit and rollback mechanism, to ensure that all data is
written completely, and if not, everything is rolled back.
You probably know that with former filesystems, that you could choose
- for a filesystem without journaling (logging)
- or indeed use journaling (or logging).

Now you have a third option: using a transactional filesystem, like zfs.

ZFS is a transactional file system, which means that the file system
state is always consistent on disk. Traditional file systems (with no
overwrite data in place, which means that if the machine loses power,
for example, between the time a data block is allocated and
when it is linked into a directory, the file system will be left in an
inconsistent state. Historically, this problem was solved through the
of the fsck command. This command was responsible for going through and
verifying file system state, making an attempt to repair any
in the process. This problem sometimes caused great pain to
administrators and was never guaranteed to fix all possible problems.

More recently, file systems have introduced the concept of journaling.

The journaling process records action in a separate journal,
which can then be replayed safely if a system crash occurs. This process
introduces unnecessary overhead, because the data needs
to be written twice, and often results in a new set of problems, such as
when the journal can't be replayed properly.

With a transactional file system, data is managed using copy on write

semantics. Data is never overwritten, and any sequence of operations
is either entirely committed or entirely ignored. This mechanism means
that the file system can never be corrupted through accidental
loss of power or a system crash. So, no need for a fsck equivalent
exists. While the most recently written pieces of data might be lost,
the file system itself will always be consistent. In addition,
synchronous data (written using the O_DSYNC flag) is always guaranteed
to be written before returning, so it is never lost.

>>> Unparalleled Scalability:


ZFS has been designed from the ground up to be a very scalable file
system. The file system itself is 128-bit, allowing for 256 quadrillion
of storage. All metadata is allocated dynamically, so no need exists to
pre-allocate inodes or otherwise limit the scalability
of the file system when it is first created. All the algorithms have
been written with scalability in mind.
Directories can have up to 248 (256 trillion) entries, and no limit
exists on the number of file systems or number of files
that can be contained within a file system.

>>> Some more examples:


-- To give user ahrens a 10G quota:

# zfs set quota=10g tank/home/ahrens

-- To give user bonwick a 100G reservation (membership has its


# zfs set reservation=100g tank/home/bonwick

-- To automatically NFS-export all home directories read/write:

# zfs set sharenfs=rw tank/home

-- To scrub all disks and verify the integrity of all data in the pool:

# zpool scrub tank

-- To replace a flaky disk:

# zpool replace tank c2t2d0 c4t1d0

-- To add more space:

# zpool add tank mirror c5t1d0 c6t1d0

-- To move your pool from SPARC machine 'sparky' to AMD machine 'amdy':

[on sparky]
# zpool export tank

Physically move your disks from sparky to amdy.

[on amdy]
# zpool import tank

-- Determining if Problems Exist in a ZFS Storage Pool

The easiest way to determine if any known problems exist on the system
is to use the "zpool status x" command.
This command describes only pools exhibiting problems. If no bad pools
exist on the system,
then the command displays a simple message, as follows:

# zpool status -x

all pools are healthy

Without the x flag, the command displays the complete status for all
pools (or the requested pool, if specified on the command line),
even if the pools are otherwise healthy.

-- Understanding zpool status Output

The complete zpool status output looks similar to the following:

# zpool status tank

pool: tank
status: One or more devices has been taken offline by the administrator.
Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue functioning
in a
degraded state.
action: Online the device using 'zpool online' or replace the device
'zpool replace'.
scrub: none requested


tank DEGRADED 0 0 0
mirror DEGRADED 0 0 0
c1t0d0 ONLINE 0 0 0
c1t1d0 OFFLINE 0 0 0

errors: No known data errors

29.4 Some examples on VxFS:


See section 29.2 for a general description about the filesystems you can
use on Solaris.

Example 1:

# mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/testdg/msvol1 200m

version 4 layout
409600 sectors, 204800 blocks of size 1024, log size 1024 blocks
unlimited inodes, largefiles not supported
204800 data blocks, 203656 free data blocks
7 allocation units of 32768 blocks, 32768 data blocks
last allocation unit has 8192 data blocks

Example 2:
We are going to show how to create a mirroring volume and a stripping
volume on Veritas Storage Foundation.
on Solaris 10.

The first step is to check quantity of disks you have available on the
A simple way to check this on solaris is using format utility:

bash-3.00# format

Searching for disks.done


0. c1t0d0 <DEFAULT cyl 4092 alt 2 hd 128 sec 32>


1. c1t1d0 <DEFAULT cyl 7 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>


2. c1t2d0 <DEFAULT cyl 7 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>


3. c1t3d0 <DEFAULT cyl 2 alt 2 hd 64 sec 32>


Also, you can check disks available to Veritas Storage Foundation using
vxdisk command:

bash-3.00# vxdisk -o alldgs list


c1t0d0s2 auto:none - - online invalid

c1t1d0s2 auto:none - - online invalid
c1t2d0s2 auto:none - - online invalid
c1t3d0s2 auto:none - - online invalid

You can see above that there are 4 disks on the server that are
available to Veritas but they have not yet
been initialized by Veritas (invalid status). To use a disk on Veritas
SF you need to initialize this
using Veritas utilities.

NOTE: If you are going to use a disk on Veritas, pay attention that you
should give this whole disk to Veritas.
Disk will be formatted and you will lose all data in the disk when you
are allocating a disk to Veritas Storage.

In this example the only disk that is in use for O.S Solaris is the
first one. (c1t0d0s2).

We can use those 3 others disks to add on Veritas Storage.

Caution: If for a mistake we add the first disk (c1t0d0s2) to Veritas

Storage, it will format
the disk and erase Solaris info. We need to pay attention to get the
right disks.

Let's start allocating (initializing) those 3 disks to solaris:

# vxdisksetup -i c1t1d0
# vxdisksetup -i c1t2d0

# vxdisksetup -i c1t3d0

We have those 3 disks initialized on Veritas, then the next step is to

create a Disk Group.

>>> Disk Group

Disk Group is a collection of disks. Disk Group is very useful for

management and isolation purpose.
Lets create a DG using only the fist disk initialized on Veritas
We are using DG1 for the name of Disk Group.

# vxdg init DG1 c1t1d0

Check if DG1 was created successfully:

# vxdg list


DG1 enabled,cds 1218633322.13.vrt2

Also, check if the disk is properly assigned to DG1:

# vxdisk -o alldgs list


c1t0d0s2 auto:none - - online invalid

c1t1d0s2 auto:cdsdisk c1t1d0 DG1 online
c1t2d0s2 auto:cdsdisk - - online
c1t3d0s2 auto:cdsdisk - - online

Let's add more 2 disks to DG1:

# vxdg -g DG1 adddisk c1t2d0s2 c1t3d0s2

Check if the disks are properly assigned to DG1:

# vxdisk -o alldgs list


c1t0d0s2 auto:none - - online invalid

c1t1d0s2 auto:cdsdisk c1t1d0 DG1 online
c1t2d0s2 auto:cdsdisk c1t2d0 DG1 online
c1t3d0s2 auto:cdsdisk c1t3d0 DG1 online
At this point we have added 3 disks into Disk Group DG1.

Next step we will create 2 different volumes in the DG1.

>>> Volumes

A volume is a virtual storage that is used as an physical disk. Volume

can be composed by many disks
and have many layouts.

In this example, we are going to create two Volumes:

Volume VolS - Stripping layout using c1t1d0 and c1t2d0 disks (RAID 0).
Volume VolM - Mirroring layout using c1t2d0 and c1t3d0 (RAID 1).

-- To create a Stripping Volume VolS (Size=10m):

# vxassist -g DG1 make VolS 10m layout=stripe c1t1d0s2 c1t2d0s2

To check if volume VolS was created successfully:

# vxprint -g DG1


dg DG1 DG1 - - - - - -

dm c1t1d0 c1t1d0s2 - 159488 - - - -

dm c1t2d0s2 c1t2d0s2 - 159488 - - - -
dm c1t3d0s2 c1t3d0s2 - 159488 - - - -

v VolS fsgen ENABLED 20480 - ACTIVE - -

pl VolS-01 VolS ENABLED 20480 - ACTIVE - -
sd c1t1d0-01 VolS-01 ENABLED 10240 0 - - -
sd c1t2d0s2-01 VolS-01 ENABLED 10240 0 - - -

-- To create a Mirroring Volume VolM (Size=10m):

# vxassist -g DG1 make VolM 10m layout=mirror c1t2d0s2 c1t3d0s2

To check if Volume VolM was created successfully:

# vxprint -g DG1


dg DG1 DG1 - - - - - -

dm c1t1d0 c1t1d0s2 - 159488 - - - -

dm c1t2d0s2 c1t2d0s2 - 159488 - - - -
dm c1t3d0s2 c1t3d0s2 - 159488 - - - -

v VolM fsgen ENABLED 20480 - ACTIVE - -

pl VolM-01 VolM ENABLED 20480 - ACTIVE - -
sd c1t3d0s2-01 VolM-01 ENABLED 20480 0 - - -

pl VolM-02 VolM ENABLED 20480 - ACTIVE - -

sd c1t2d0s2-02 VolM-02 ENABLED 20480 0 - - -

v VolS fsgen ENABLED 20480 - ACTIVE - -

pl VolS-01 VolS ENABLED 20480 - ACTIVE - -
sd c1t1d0-01 VolS-01 ENABLED 10240 0 - - -
sd c1t2d0s2-01 VolS-01 ENABLED 10240 0 - - -

Note: You can see above that both Volumes were created successfully.
Also, you can note the difference
between stripping and mirroring volume layouts.

VolM is using two different Plex in differente disks. This means that if
you lose one disk (Plex)
you still have the data in the other disk (other Plex). It is the main
configuration of Mirroring Volumes.

VolS is using only one Plex divided in 2 disks. This means that the data
will be split in those 2 disks.
If you lose one disk you would lose the whole Plex, therefore you would
lose the data.
This is the main configuration of Stripping Volumes. It does not provide
data protection but it is very useful
for performance for purpose.

Also, you can add those 2 layouts in only one layout that provide data
protection and better performance.
It is the case of RAID 0 + 1 or RAID 1 + 0.

In the next step we will create 2 different Filesystem using those 2


>>> Filesystem

In this example we will create two filesystem:

- Filesystem fsS will use VolS. It will be mounted at /stripe mount

- Filesystem fsM will use VolM. It will be mounted at /mirror mount

To create a VxFS filesystem:

# mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/DG1/VolS

version 7 layout

20480 sectors, 10240 blocks of size 1024, log size 1024 blocks
largefiles supported

# mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/DG1/VolM

version 7 layout

20480 sectors, 10240 blocks of size 1024, log size 1024 blocks
largefiles supported

To mount a VxFS filesystem:

# mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/DG1/VolS /stripe/

# mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/DG1/VolM /mirror/

Now there are 2 filesystems configured and you can use it at Solaris
Mount Point level.

Any data written in /stripe directory will be written in the stripping

VolS volume.
Any data written in /mirror directory will be written in the mirroring
VolM volume.

Example 3:

Rather than mess with vxmake you can employ vxassist to do all the
dirty work. If you have any amount of experience with vxassist
you'll know that the more information you can supply to vxassist the
better the end product will be.

I'm going to use vxassist to build a stripe-pro volume from four disks
and I want the volume to be 1G in size:

# vxassist -g testdg make stripeprovol 1g layout=stripe-mirror \

testdg01 testdg02 testdg03 testdg04

Pretty kool, huh? Quick, efficient, and poorly named; everything you
love about vxassist. I can then go a bit further
and explore my sizing options to see how much I can grow my new volume
if I need to:

# vxassist -g testdg maxgrow stripeprovol

Volume stripeprovol can be extended by 282050560 to 284147712 (138744Mb)

See? Just like a normal volume. Now comes the beauty part. When you look
at that seemingly unmanageable mess of objects above
does it really make you want to tear it apart and work on it like you
might other "normal" volumes? Probably not. And you'd be wise
to feel that way, there are just too many places to get confused or make
a mistake when real data is involved. What if you could get back
to a more normal point of view? Luckily you can, check this out:

# vxassist -g testdg convert stripeprovol layout=mirror-stripe

Veritas terminology:

In a "typical" RAID0+1 volume configuration, we take several disks and

then create a stripe across thoughs disks (the RAID0 part).
Then once complete we do this again on a separate set of disks, and then
attach that new stripe to the first creating a mirror (the +1 part).
We then have a RAID0+1 volume thats ready to have a filesystem put on
it. The point of interest with this setup is that we're actually
mirroring a complete stripe (and therefore ALL the disks in that stripe)
to another stripe (and therefore ALL of it's disks).
The problem here is that if for some reason we need to re-sync the
volume we'd need to re-sync a full stripe to a full stripe (very timely)
which is a nearly tragic proposition if your talking about 50G+. A far
more efficient setup would be to mirror each disk to each disk...
in other words, to mirror a bunch of disks on a one-to-one basis, and
then build a stripe on top of these mirrors. In this case if we need
to re-sync due to a disk failure we can simply sync the failed disk to
its mirror, instead of the full stripe. This is the power of RAID1+0;
the difference between mirroring the stripes (0+1) and stripping the
mirrors (1+0).

If the terms seem to confuse you, try this for size:

RAID0 Striping (VxVM says: stripe)

RAID1 Mirroring (VxVM says: mirror)
RAID0+1 Striping plus Mirroring (VxVM says: mirror-stripe)
Think this: Striped disks, then mirror the stripes
RAID1+0 Mirroring plus Striping (VxVM says: stripe-mirror)
(Veritas Marketing Dept says: StripePro
Think this: Mirrored disks, then stripe on top of the mirrors
Concat+Mirror Concatenation plus Mirroring (VxVM says: mirror)
Same as RAID1
Mirror+Concat Mirroring plus Concatenation (VxVM says: concat-mirror)
(Veritas Marketing Dept says: ConcatPro)
Think this: Concatenation on top of mirrored disks.

Veritas Default diskgroup: rootdg

Default rootdg disk group.

Block Device Node /dev/vx/dsk/volume_name
Raw Device Node /dev/vx/rdsk/volume_name
Other DiskGroups
Block Device Node /dev/vx/dsk/diskgroup_name/volume_name
Raw Device Node /dev/vx/rdsk/diskgroup_name/volume_name

Example 4:

Some more examples:

Create Veritas layout on a disk:

vxdisksetup -i c1t10d0

Create a disk group on a new disk:

vxdg init <dg name> <media name>=c1t10d0

Add disk to an existing disk group:

vxdg -g <dg name> adddisk <media name>=c2t0d0
replace addisk with rmdisk to remove a disk
Set up a preferred reading plex, this can be useful if we have a sparse
plex (plex in RAM):
vxvol -g <group> rdpol prefer <volname> <plexname>
instead of prefer we can have round or sdeet

View configuration:
vxprint -th
List disks:
vxdisk list
vxdisk -o alldgs list (shows deported disks)

Adding disks while solaris is running:

drvconfig (This probes scsi - Solaris)
disks (Creates links in /dev - Solaris)
prtvtoc (View the vtoc - Solaris)
vxdctl enable (Rescan for disks - Veritas)
vxdisk list (Shows the disk in error as they are not
initalized jet)
vxdisksetup (init the disks)

To encapsulate use:
vxencap -g <discgroup> <devicename>

Export a disk group:

vxdg deport <dg name>
vxdg -h <hostame> deport <dgname> to export to another host

Import a disk group:

vxdg import <dg name>
vxdg -C to clear hostid of old host (When failing over in DR
vxdg -fC to clear hostid of old host and forcing diskgroup

Destroy a disk group:

vxdg destroy <disk group>

Evacuate data from a disk:

vxevac -g <dg name> <from disk> <to disks>

Create a volume on a diskgroup:

vxassist -g <dg name> make <volname> <size> layou=stripe
ncols=number of colums stripeunit=size

Create a veritas filesystem on this volume:

mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/<disk group>/<volume> <size>

Delete a volume same as creatiuon but replace make with remove

Resize a filesystem:
vxresize -g <disk group> -F <fstype> <volume> <size>

If Veritas is ever causing you problems, do the following:

Touch /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db
edit /etc/system and modify /etc/vfstab
to disable VRTS to start up and access the old root

vxassist make martin 100m

makes a volume called martin using any disk

vxassist make martin 100m disk10

makes a volume called martin using disk10

vxassist make martin 100m layout=stripe disk07 disk08

creates a 100mb striped volume called martin using disks7 and 8

vxassist mirror martin disk05 disk06

uses disks5 and 6 ro make a mirror on volume called martin

vxassist make martin 50m layout=mirror

makes a 50Mb mirror using any 2 disks

vxassist make martin 50m layout=mirror disk05 disk06

makes a 50mb mirror using disks 5 and 6

vxassist make martin 50m layout=mirror,stripe disk05 disk06 disk07

makes a 50Mb stripe using disks5 and 6 mirrored across 7 and 8

vxassist make martin 50m layout=mirror,stripe,log disk05 disk06 disk07

makes a 50Mb stripe using disks5 and 6 mirrored across 7 and 8 and uses
log subdisk

vxassist make martin 100m layout=raid5

makes a 100m raid5 volume

/usr/sbin/vxedit -g rootdg rename disk12 disk09

to rename disk12 to disk09 in the rootdg

vxedit rm disk10
to remove a greyed out or obsolete disk in this case disk10
or to remove a disk from a diskgroup

vxdisk list - to list all disks under vmcontrol

vxdisk clearimport c#t#d#s#

to allow a disk to be imported after a server crash

vxdg -g razadg rmdisk test

to remove a disk called test from a dg called razadg

vxdg -g razadg adddisk test=c1t3d3

to add disk c1t3d3 to a dg called razadg calling the disk test, use
vxdisk list
to determine what disks are free :)

vxedit -g rootdg set spare=on disk09

sets disk09 in the rootdg as a hotspare.
vxmirror rootdisk disk01
mirrors all the volumes on the root disk to disk01

vxassist -g rootdg mirror vol01 disk03

mirrors vol01 (in rootdg) to disk03

vxassist mirror martin

will mirror the volume martin

to make a mirror manually try

/usr/sbin/vxmake -g rootdg sd disk03-01 dm_name=disk03 dm_offset=0

to create a subdisk on disk03 callin the subdisk disk03-01 the len
81920 is
81920sectors x 512bytes =40M

vxmake plex martin-02 sd=disk03-01

creates a plex called martin-02 using subdisk disk03-01

vxplex att martin martin-02

attaches the plex martin-02 to volume martin

to list all volumes on your primary boot disk enter

vxprint -t -v -e 'aslist.aslist.sd_disk="boot_disk_name"'

vxsd mv disk03-01 disk05-01

moves the contents of subdisk disk03-01 to disk05-01
then moves subdisk disk05-01 into the plex where subdisk disk03-01
once lived, leaving disk03-01 to your mercy :)

to make a subdisk

vxmake sd disk02-02 disk02,0,8000

this would create a subdisk called disk02-02 at the start of disk02
and would be 8000blocks (4000k) long.
if you wanted to create another subdisk on this disk the offset would
8000 as this is where the next free space would be onthe disk so...
vxmake sd disk02-02 disk02,8000,8000 would create another 8000block

vxdisk rm c#t#d#s2
to remove a disk so it's out of vm control

vxdiskadd c#t#d#
to add bring a new disk under vm control

or you can try...

vxdisksetup -i c#t#d#
vxvol -g dg volname stop
this stops a volume

vxedit -rf rm martin

removes a volume called martin and plex(es) and subdisks though

vxprint -ht volume

30. AIX devices:

In AIX 5.x, the device configuration information is stored in the ODM

repository. The corresponding files
are in


There are 2 sections in ODM:

- predefined: all of the devices in principle supported by the OS
- customized: all devices already configured in the system

Every device in ODM has a unique definition that is provided by 3


1. Type
2. Class
3. Subclass

Information thats stored in the ODM:

- PdDv,PdAt, PdCn : Predefined device information

- CuDv, CuAt, CuDep : Customized device information
- lpp, inventory : Software vital product data
- smit menu's
- Error log, alog, and dump information
- System Resource Controller: SRCsubsys, SRCsubsrv
- NIM: nim_attr, nim_object, nim_pdattr

There are commands, representing an interface to ODM, so you can add,

retrieve, drop and change objects.
The following commands can be used with ODM:



# odmget -q "type LIKE lv*" PdDv

# odmget -q name=hdisk0 CuAt

Logical devices and physical devices:


AIX includes both logical devices and physical devices in the ODM device
configuration database.
Logical devices include Volume Groups, Logical Volumes, network
interfaces and so on.
Physical devices are adapters, modems etc..

Most devices are selfconfiguring devices, only serial devices (modems,

printers) are not selfconfigurable.

The command that configures devices is "cfgmgr", the "configuration

When run, it compares the information from the device with the
predefined section in ODM.
If it finds a match, then it creates the entries in the customized
section in ODM.

The configuration manager runs every time the system is restarted.

If you have installed an adapter for example, and you have put the
software in a directory
like /usr/sys/inst.images, you can call cfgmgr to install device drivers
as well with

# cfgmgr -i /usr/sys/inst.images


Device information:

The most important AIX command to show device info is "lsdev". This
command queries the ODM, so we can use
it to locate the customized or the predifined devices.

The main commands in AIX to get device information are:

- lsdev : queries ODM
- lsattr : gets specific configuration attributes of a device
- lscfg : gets vendor name, serial number, type, model etc.. of the

lsdev also shows the status of a device as Available (that is

configured) or as Defined (that is predefined).
lsdev examples:

If you need to see disk or other devices, defined or available, you can
use the lsdev command
as in the following examples:

# lsdev -Cc tape

rmt0 Available 10-60-00-5,0 SCSI 8mm Tape Drive

# lsdev -Cc disk

hdisk0 Available 20-60-00-8,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available 20-60-00-9,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk2 Available 20-60-00-10,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk3 Available 20-60-00-11,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk4 Available 20-60-00-13,0 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive

Note: -C queries the Customized section of ODM, -P queries the

Predefined section of ODM.

Example if some of the disks are on a SAN (through FC adapters):

# lsdev -Cc disk

hdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk2 Available 02-08-02 SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device (through FC
hdisk3 Available 02-08-02 SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device (through FC

# lsattr -El hdisk2

PCM PCM/friend/sddpcm PCM
PR_key_value none
Reserve Key True
algorithm load_balance
Algorithm True
dist_err_pcnt 0
Distributed Error Percentage True
dist_tw_width 50
Distributed Error Sample Time True
hcheck_interval 20
Health Check Interval True
hcheck_mode nonactive
Health Check Mode True
Location Label True
lun_id 0x0
Logical Unit Number ID False
lun_reset_spt yes
Support SCSI LUN reset True
max_transfer 0x40000
Maximum TRANSFER Size True
node_name 0x50050768010029c8 FC
Node Name False
pvid 00cb5b9e66cc16470000000000000000
Physical volume identifier False
q_type simple
Queuing TYPE True
qfull_dly 20
delay in seconds for SCSI TASK SET FULL True
queue_depth 20
Queue DEPTH True
reserve_policy no_reserve
Reserve Policy True
rw_timeout 60
READ/WRITE time out value True
scbsy_dly 20
delay in seconds for SCSI BUSY True
scsi_id 0x611013 SCSI
ID False
start_timeout 180
START unit time out value True
unique_id 33213600507680190014E30000000000001E204214503IBMfcp
Device Unique Identification False
ww_name 0x50050768014029c8 FC
World Wide Name False

lsdev [ -C ][ -c Class ] [ -s Subclass ] [ -t Type ] [ -f File ] [ -F

Format |
-r ColumnName ] [ -h ] [ -H ] [ -l { Name | - } ] [ -p Parent ] [ -S
State ]

lsdev -P [ -c Class ] [ -s Subclass ] [ -t Type ] [ -f File ] [ -F

Format | -r
ColumnName ] [ -h ] [ -H ]


For local attached SCSI devices, the general format of the LOCATION code
"AB-CD-EF-GH" is actually "AB-CD-EF-G,H" ,
the first three sections are the same and for the GH section, the G is
de SCSI ID and the H is the LUN.
For adapters, only the AB-CD is mentioned in the location code.

A location code is a representation of the path to the device, from

drawer, slot, connector and port.

- For an adapter it is sufficient to have the codes of the drawer and

slot to identify
the adapter. The location code of an adapter takes the form of AB-CD.

- Other devices needs more specification, like a specific disk on a

specific SCSI bus.
For other devices the format is AB-CD-EF-GH.
The AB-CD part then indicates the adapter the device is connected on.

- For SCSI devices we have a location code like AB-CD-EF-S,L where the
S,L fields identifies
the SCSI ID and LUN of the device.
To lists all devices in the Predefined object class with column headers,
# lsdev -P -H

To list the adapters that are in the Available state in the Customized
Devices object class, use
# lsdev -C -c adapter -S

lsattr examples:

This command gets the current attributes (-E flag) for a tape drive:

# lsattr -El rmt0

mode yes Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes True
block_size 1024 Block size (0=variable length) True
extfm no Use EXTENDED file marks True
ret no RETENSION on tape change or reset True

(Ofcourse, the equivalent for the above command is for example # lsattr
-l rmt0 -E )

To list the default values for that tape device (-D flag), use
# lsattr -l -D rmt0

This command gets the attributes for a network adapter:

# lsattr -E -l ent1
busmem 0x3cfec00 Bus memory address False
busintr 7 Bus interrupt level False

To list only a certain attribute (-a flag), use the command as in the
following example:

# lsattr -l -E scsi0 -a bus_intr_lvl

bus_intr_lvl 14 Bus interrupt level False

# lsattr -El tty0 -a speed

speed 9600 BAUD rate true

You must specify one of the following flags with the lsattr command:
-D Displays default values.
-E Displays effective values (valid only for customized devices
specified with the -l flag).
-F Format Specifies the user-defined format.
-R Displays the range of legal values.
-a Displays for that attribute
lscfg examples:

Example 1:

This command gets the Vital Product Data for the tape drive rmt0:

# lscfg -vl rmt0

Machine Type and Model.....IBM-20GB
Device Specific(Z1)........38zA
Serial Number..............60089837

-l Name Displays device information for the named device.

-p Displays the platform-specific device information. This flag only

applies to
AIX 4.2.1 or later.

-v Displays the VPD found in the Customized VPD object class. Also, on
AIX 4.2.1
or later, displays platform specific VPD when used with the -p flag.

-s Displays the device description on a separate line from the name and

# lscfg -vp | grep -p 'Platform Firmware:'

# lscfg -vp | grep -p Platform

sample output:

Platform Firmware:
ROM Level.(alterable).......3R040602
System Info Specific.(YL)...U1.18-P1-H2/Y2
Physical Location: U1.18-P1-H2/Y2
The ROM Level denotes the firmware/microcode level
Platform Firmware:
ROM Level ............. RH020930
Version ................RS6K

Example 2:

The following command shows details about the Fiber Channel cards:

# lscfg -vl fcs* (fcs0 for example, is the parent of fsci0)

Adding a device:

Adding a device with cfmgr:


To add a device you can run cfgmgr, or shutdown the system, attach the
new device and boot the system.
There are also many smitty screens to accomplish the task of adding a
new device.

Adding a device with mkdev:


Also the mkdev command can be used as in the following example:

# mkdev -c tape -s scsi -t scsd -p scsi0 -w 5,0


-c Class of the device

-s Subclass of the device
-t Type of the device. This is a specific attribute for the device
-p The parent adapter of the device. You have to specify the logical
-w You have to know the SCSI ID that you are goiing to assign to the
new device.
If it's non SCSI, you have to know the port number on the adapter.
-a Specifies the device attribute-value pair

The mkdev command also creates the ODM entries for the device and loads
the device driver.

The following command configures a new disk and ensures that it is

available as a physical volume.
This example adds a 2.2GB disk with a scsi ID of 6 and a LUN of 0 to the
scsi3 SCSI bus.

# mkdev -c disk -s scsi -t 2200mb -p scsi3 -w 6,0 -a pv=yes

This example adds a terminal:

# mkdev -c tty -t tty -s rd232 -p sa1 -w 0 -a login=enable -a

tty0 Available

Changing a device with chdev:


Suppose you have just added a new disk. Suppose the cfgmgr has run and
detected the disk.

Now you run

# lspv
hdisk1 none none
hdisk1 0005264d2 none

The first field identifies the system-assigned name of the disk. The
second field displays the
"physical volume id" PVID. If that is not shown, you can use chdev:

# chdev -l hdisk2 -a pv=yes

Removing a device with rmdev:



# lsdev -Cc tape

rmt0 Available 10-60-00-5,0 SCSI 8mm Tape Drive

# rmdev -l rmt0 # -l indicates using the logical device

rmt0 Defined

The status have shifted from Available to Defined.

# lsdev -Cc tape

rmt0 Defined 10-60-00-5,0 SCSI 8mm Tape Drive

If you really want to remove it from the system, use the -d flag as well

# rmdev -l rmt0 -d

To unconfigure the childeren of PCI bus pci1 and all devices under them,
while retaining their
device definition in the Customized Devices Object Class.

# rmdev -p pci1
rmt0 Defined
hdisk1 Defined
scsi1 Defined
ent0 Defined

The special device sys0:


In AIX 5.x we have a special device named sys0 that is used to manage
some kernel parameters.
The way to change these values is by using smitty, the chdev command or


To change the maxusersprocesses parameter, you can for example use the
Web-based System Manager.
You can also use the chdev command:
#chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=50
sys0 changed

Note: In Solaris, to change kernel parameters, you have to edit


Device drivers:

Device drivers are located in /usr/lib/drivers directory.

31. filesystem commands AIX:

31.1 The Logical Volume Manager LVM:


In AIX, it's common to use a Logical Volume Manager LVM to cross the
boundaries posed by
traditional disk management.
Traditionally, a filesystem was on a single disk or on a single
Changing a partionion size was a difficult task. With a LVM, we can
create logical volumes
which can span several disks.

The LVM has been a feature of the AIX operating system since version 3,
and it is installed
automatically with the Operating System.

LVM commands in AIX:


mkvg (or the mkvg4vp command in case of SAN vpath disks. See section
exportvg, importvg
varyonvg, varyoffvg

And related commands:


Volume group:

What a physical disk is, or a physical volume is, is evident. When you
add a physical volume to a volume group,
the physical volume is partitioned into contiguous equal-sized units of
space called "physical partitions".
A physical partition is the smallest unit of storage space allocation
and is a contiguous space
on a physical volume.
The physical volume must now become part of a volume group. The disk
must be in a available state
and must have a "physical volume id" assigned to it.

A volume group (VG) is an entity consisting of 1 to 32 physical volumes

(of varying sizes and types).
A "Big volume group" kan scale up to 128 devices.

You create a volume group with the "mkvg" command. You add a physical
volume to an existing volume group with
the "extendvg" command, you make use of the changed size of a physical
volume with the "chvg" command,
and remove a physical volume from a volume group with the "reducevg"
Some of the other commands that you use on volume groups include:
list (lsvg), remove (exportvg), install (importvg), reorganize
(reorgvg), synchronize (syncvg),
make available for use (varyonvg), and make unavailable for use

To create a VG, using local disks, use the "mkvg" command:

mkvg -y <name_of_volume_group> -s <partition_size> <list_of_hard_disks>

Typical example:

mkvg -y oravg -s 64 hdisk3 hdisk4

mkvg -y appsvg -s 32 hdisk2

mkvg -y datavg -s 64 hdisk3

mkvg -y appsvg -s 32 hdisk3

mkvg -y datavg -s 32 hdisk2
mkvg -y vge1corrap01 -s 64 hdisk2

In case you use the socalled SDD subsystem with vpath SAN storage, you
should use the "mkvg4vp" command,
which works similar (same flags) as the mkvg command.

Types of VG's:
There are 3 kinds of VG's:

- Normal VG (AIX 5L)

- Big VG (AIX 5L)
- Scalable VG (as from AIX 5.3)

Normal VG:

Number of disks Max number of partitions/disk

1 32512
2 16256
4 8128
8 4064
16 2032
32 1016

Big VG:
Number of disks Max number of partitions/disk
1 130048
2 65024
4 32512
8 16256
16 8128
32 4064
64 2032
128 1016

VG Type Max PV's Max LV's Max PP's per VG

Normal 32 256 32512
Big 128 512 130048
Scalable 1024 4096 2097152

Physical Partition:

You can change the NUMBER of PPs in a VG, but you cannot change the SIZE
of PPs afterwards.
- 4 MB partition size. It can be a multiple of that amount. The Max size
is 1024 MB
- The default is 1016 PPs per disk. You can increase the number of PPs
in powers of 2 per PV, but the number
of maximum disks per VG is decreased.

#disks max # of PPs / disk

32 1016
16 2032
8 4064
4 8128
2 16256
1 32512
In the case of a set of "normal" internal disks of, for example, 30G or
70G or so,
common partition sizes are 64M or 128M.

Logical Partition:

A LP maps to (at least) one PP, and is actually the smallest unit of
allocatable space.

Logical Volume:

Consists of LPs in a VG. A LV consists of LPs from actual PPs from one
or more disks.

|-----| | ----|
|LP1 | ---> | PP1 |
|-----| | ----|
|LP2 | ---> | PP2 |
|-----| | ----|
|.. | hdisk 1 (Physical Volume 1)
|.. |
|.. |
|-----| |---- |
|LPn | ---> |PPn |
|-----| |---- |
|LPn+1| ---> |PPn+1|
|-----| |---- |
Logical Volume hdisk2 (Physical Volume 2)

So, a VG is a collection of related PVs, but you know that actually LVs
are created in the VG.
For the applications, the LVs are the entities they work with.
In AIX, a filesystem like "/data", corresponds to a LV.

lspv Command

Purpose: Displays information about a physical volume within a volume


lspv [ -L ] [ -l | -p | -M ] [ -n DescriptorPhysicalVolume] [ -v
VolumeGroupID] PhysicalVolume

-p: lists range, state, region, LV names, type and mount points

# lspv
# lspv hdisk3
# lspv -p hdisk3

# lspv
hdisk0 00453267554 rootvg
hdisk1 00465249766 rootvg

# lspv hdisk23
PV STATE: active
PP SIZE: 256 megabyte(s) LOGICAL VOLUMES: 3
TOTAL PPs: 947 (242432 megabytes) VG DESCRIPTORS: 1
FREE PPs: 247 (63232 megabytes) HOT SPARE: no
USED PPs: 700 (179200 megabytes)
FREE DISTRIBUTION: 00..00..00..57..190
USED DISTRIBUTION: 190..189..189..132..00

# lspv -p hdisk23
1-22 used outer edge u01 jfs2 /u01
23-190 used outer edge u02 jfs2 /u02
191-379 used outer middle u01 jfs2 /u01
380-568 used center u01 jfs2 /u01
569-600 used inner middle u02 jfs2 /u02
601-700 used inner middle u03 jfs2 /u03
701-757 free inner middle
758-947 free inner edge

# lspv -p hdisk0
1-1 used outer edge hd5 boot N/A
2-48 free outer edge
49-51 used outer edge hd9var jfs /var
52-52 used outer edge hd2 jfs /usr
53-108 used outer edge hd6 paging N/A
109-116 used outer middle hd6 paging N/A
117-215 used outer middel hd2 jfs /usr
216-216 used center hd8 jfslog N/A
217-217 used center hd4 jfs /
218-222 used center hd2 jfs /usr
223-320 used center hd4 jfs /

Note that in this example the Logical Volumes corresponds to the

filesystems in the
following way:
hd4= /, hd5=boot, hd6=paging, hd2=/usr, hd3=/tmp, hd9var=/var
lslv Command
Purpose: Displays information about a logical volume.

To Display Logical Volume Information

lslv [ -L ] [ -l| -m ] [ -nPhysicalVolume ] LogicalVolume

To Display Logical Volume Allocation Map

lslv [ -L ] [ -nPhysicalVolume ] -pPhysicalVolume [ LogicalVolume ]

# lslv -l lv06
hdisk3 512:000:000 100% 000:218:218:076:000

# lslv lv06
LV IDENTIFIER: 00c8132e00004c0000000106ef70cec2.2 PERMISSION:
VG STATE: active/complete LV STATE: opened/syncd
MAX LPs: 512 PP SIZE: 64
LPs: 512 PPs: 512
STALE PPs: 0 BB POLICY: relocatable
MOUNT POINT: /backups LABEL: /backups
Serialize IO ?: NO

# lslv -p hdisk3

Also, you can list LVs per VG by running, for example:

# lsvg -l backupvg
loglv02 jfslog 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A
lv06 jfs 512 512 1 open/syncd /backups

# lsvg -l splvg
loglv01 jfslog 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A
lv04 jfs 240 240 1 open/syncd /data
lv00 jfs 384 384 1 open/syncd /spl
lv07 jfs 256 256 1 open/syncd /apps

For a complete storage system, this could yield in for example:

redo1lv jfs2 42 42 3 open/syncd /u05
redo2lv jfs2 1401 1401 3 open/syncd /u04
loglv03 jfs2log 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A
db2lv jfs2 600 600 2 open/syncd
loglv00 jfs2log 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A
u01 jfs2 800 800 2 open/syncd /u01
u02 jfs2 400 400 2 open/syncd /u02
u03 jfs2 200 200 2 open/syncd /u03
logfs jfs2log 2 2 1 open/syncd N/A
hd5 boot 1 2 2 closed/syncd N/A
hd6 paging 36 72 2 open/syncd N/A
hd8 jfs2log 1 2 2 open/syncd N/A
hd4 jfs2 8 16 3 open/syncd /
hd2 jfs2 24 48 2 open/syncd /usr
hd9var jfs2 9 18 3 open/syncd /var
hd3 jfs2 11 22 3 open/syncd /tmp
hd1 jfs2 10 20 2 open/syncd /home
hd10opt jfs2 2 4 2 open/syncd /opt
fslv00 jfs2 1 2 2 open/syncd /XmRec
fslv01 jfs2 2 4 3 open/syncd /tmp/m2
paging00 paging 32 32 1 open/syncd N/A
sysdump1 sysdump 80 80 1 open/syncd N/A
oralv jfs2 100 100 1 open/syncd
fslv03 jfs2 63 63 2 open/syncd /bmc_home

And you can list the LVs by PV by running

# lspv -l hdiskn

lsvg Command:

-o Shows only the active volume groups.

-p VG_name Shows all the PVs that belong to the vg_name
-l VG_name Shows all the LVs that belong to the vg_name


# lsvg

# lsvg -o

# lsvg oravg
VG STATE: active PP SIZE: 256 megabyte(s)
VG PERMISSION: read/write TOTAL PPs: 1894 (484864
MAX LVs: 256 FREE PPs: 492 (125952
LVs: 4 USED PPs: 1402 (358912
MAX PPs per PV: 1016 MAX PVs: 32
LTG size: 128 kilobyte(s) AUTO SYNC: no
HOT SPARE: no BB POLICY: relocatable

# lsvg -p informixvg
hdisk3 active 542 462
hdisk4 active 542 447

# lsvg -l rootvg
hd5 boot 1 1 1 closed/syncd N/A
hd6 paging 24 24 1 open/syncd N/A
hd8 jfslog 1 1 1 open/syncd N/A
hd4 jfs 4 4 1 open/synced /
hd2 jfs 76 76 1 open/synced /usr
hd9var jfs 4 4 1 open/synced /var
hd3 jfs 6 6 1 open/synced /tmp
paging00 paging 20 20 1 open/synced N/A

Suppose we have 70GB disk=70000MB

1016 partitions=> 63 MB per PP

extendvg command:

extendvg VGName hdiskNumber

# extendvg newvg hdisk23

How to Add a Disk to a Volume Group?

extendvg VolumeGroupName hdisk0 hdisk1 ... hdiskn

reducevg command:

To remove a PV from a VG:

# reducevg myvg hdisk23

To remove a VG:

Suppose we have a VG informixvg with 2 PV, hdisk3 and hdisk4:

# reducevg -d informixvg hdisk4

When you delete the last disk from the VG, the VG is also removed.

# reducevg -d informix hdisk3

varyonvg and varyoffvg commands:


When you activate a VG for use, all its resident filesystems are mounted
by default if they have
the flag mount=true in the /etc/filesystems file.

# varyonvg apachevg

# varyoffvg apachevg
To use this command, you must be sure that none of the logical volumes
are opened, that is, in use.

mkvg command:

You can create a new VG by using "smitty mkvg" or by using the mkvg

Use the following command, where s "partition_size" sets the number of

megabytes in each physical partition
where the partition_size is expressed in units of megabytes from 1
through 1024. The size variable must
be equal to a power of 2 (for example 1, 2, 4, 8). The default value is

mkvg -y <name_of_volume_group> -s <partition_size> <list_of_hard_disks>

As with physical volumes, volume groups can be created and removed and
their characteristics
can be modified.

Before a new volume group can be added to the system, one or more
physical volumes not used
in other volume groups, and in an available state, must exist on the

The following example shows the use of the mkvg command to create a
volume group myvg
using the physical volumes hdisk1 and hdisk5.

# mkvg -y myvg -d 10 -s 8 hdisk1 hdisk5

# mkvg -y oravg -d 10 -s 64 hdisk1

mklv command:

To create a LV, you can use the smitty command "smitty mklv" or just use
the mklv command
by itself.

The mklv command creates a new logical volume within the VolumeGroup.
For example, all file systems
must be on separate logical volumes. The mklv command allocates the
number of logical partitions
to the new logical volume. If you specify one or more physical volumes
with the PhysicalVolume parameter,
only those physical volumes are available for allocating physical
partitions; otherwise, all the
physical volumes within the volume group are available.
The default settings provide the most commonly used characteristics, but
use flags to tailor the logical volume
to the requirements of your system. Once a logical volume is created,
its characteristics can be changed
with the chlv command.

When you create a LV, you also specify the number of LP's, and how a LP
maps to PP's.
Later, you can create one filesystem per LV.


The following example creates a LV "lv05" on the VG "splvg", with two

copies (2 PPs) of each LP.
In this case, we are mirroring a LP to two PP's.
Also, 200 PP's are specified. If a PP is 128 MB is size, the total
amount of space of one "mirror" is 25600 MB.

# mklv -y lv05 -c 2 splvg 200

The following example shows the use of mklv command to create a new LV
newlv in the rootvg
and it will have 10 LP's and each LP consists of 2 physical partitions.

# mklv -y newlv -c 2 rootvg 10

To make a logical volume in volume group vg02 with one logical partition
and a total of two copies of the data, enter:

# mklv -c 2 vg02 1

To make a logical volume in volume group vg03 with nine logical

partitions and a total of three copies
spread across a maximum of two physical volumes, and whose allocation
policy is not strict, enter:

# mklv -c 3 -u 2 -s n vg03 9

To make a logical volume in vg04 with five logical partitions allocated

across the center sections of the
physical volumes when possible, with no bad-block relocation, and whose
type is paging, enter:

# mklv -a c -t paging -b n vg04 5

To make a logical volume in vg03 with 15 logical partitions chosen from

physical volumes hdisk5, hdisk6, and hdisk9,

# mklv vg03 15 hdisk5 hdisk6 hdisk9

To make a striped logical volume in vg05 with a stripe size of 64K

across 3 physical volumes and 12
logical partitions, enter:

# mklv -u 3 -S 64K vg05 12

To make a striped logical volume in vg05 with a stripe size of 8K across
hdisk1, hdisk2, and hdisk3 and
12 logical partitions, enter:

# mklv -S 8K vg05 12 hdisk1 hdisk2 hdisk3

The following example uses a "map file /tmp/mymap1" which list which PPs
are to be used in creating a LV:

# mklv -t jfs -y lv06 -m /tmp/mymap1 rootvg 10

The setting Strict=y means that each copy of the LP is placed on a

different PV. The setting Strict=n means
that copies are not restricted to different PVs.
The default is strict.

# mklv -y lv13 -c 2 failovervg 150

# crfs -v jfs -d lv13 -m /backups2 -a bf=true

Another simple example using local disks:

# mkvg -y appsvg -s 32 hdisk2

# mkvg -y datavg -s 32 hdisk3

# mklv -y testlv -c 1 appsvg 10

# mklv -y backuplv -c 1 datavg 10

# crfs -v jfs -d testlv -m /test -a bf=true

# crfs -v jfs -d backuplv -m /backup -a bf=true

mklv -y testlv1 -c 1 appsvg 10

mklv -y testlv2 -c 1 datavg 10
crfs -v jfs -d testlv1 -m /test1 -a bf=true
crfs -v jfs -d testlv2 -m /test2 -a bf=true

mklv -y testlv1 -c 1 vgp0corddap01 10

mklv -y testlv2 -c 1 vgp0corddad01 10
crfs -v jfs -d testlv1 -m /test1 -a bf=true
crfs -v jfs -d testlv2 -m /test2 -a bf=true

rmlv command:

# rmlv newlv
Warning, all data on logical volume newlv will be destroyed.
rmlv: Do you wish to continue? y(es) n(o) y

extendlv command:

The following example shows the use of the extentlv command to add 3
more LP's to the LP newlv:
# extendlv newlv 3

cplv command:

The following command copies the contents of LV oldlv to a new LV called

# cplv -v myvg -y newlv oldlv

To copy to an existing LV:

# cplv -e existinglv oldlv

Copies the contents of a logical volume to a new logical volume.

To Copy to a New Logical Volume

cplv [ -vg VolumeGroup ] [ -lv NewLogicalVolume | -prefix Prefix ]


To Copy to an Existing Logical Volume

cplv [ -f ] SourceLogicalVolume DestinationLogicalVolume

cplv -e DestinationLogicalVolume [-f] SourceLogicalVolume

-e: specifies that the DestinationLogicalVolume already exists.

-f: no user confirmation
-y: specifies the name to use for the NewLogicalVolume, instead of a
system generated name.

Attention: Do not copy from a larger logical volume containing data to a
smaller one. Doing so results
in a corrupted file system because some data is not copied.
The cplv command copies the contents of SourceLogicalVolume to a new or
existing logical volume.
The SourceLogicalVolume parameter can be a logical volume name or a
logical volume ID.
The cplv command creates a new logical volume with a system-generated
name by using the default syntax.
The system-generated name is displayed.

The cplv command can not copy logical volumes which are in the open
including logical volumes
that are being used as backing devices for virtual storage.
-f Copies to an existing logical volume without requesting user
-lv NewLogicalVolume Specifies the name to use, in place of a system-
generated name,
for the new logical volume. Logical volume names must be unique
systemwide names, and can range
from 1 to 15 characters.
-prefix Prefix Specifies a prefix to use in building a system-generated
name for the new logical volume.
The prefix must be less than or equal to 13 characters. A name cannot
be a name already used by another device.
-vg VolumeGroup Specifies the volume group where the new logical volume
resides. If this is not specified,
the new logical volume resides in the same volume group as the

To copy the contents of logical volume fslv03 to a new logical volume,

# cplv fslv03
The new logical volume is created, placed in the same volume group as
and named by the system.

To copy the contents of logical volume fslv03 to a new logical volume in

volume group vg02,
#cplv -vg vg02 fslv03
The new logical volume is created, named, and added to volume group

#To copy the contents of logical volume lv02 to a smaller, existing

logical volume,
lvtest, without requiring user confirmation, type:
cplv -f lv02 lvtest


0516-746 cplv: Destination logical volume must have

type set to copy

chlv -t copy lvprj

CASES of usage of cplv command:


TITLE : Procedure for moving a filesystem between disks that are in

different volume groups using the cplv command.
DATE : 25/11/99

In the following example, an RS6000 has 1 one disk with rootvg on, and
just had a second disk installed. The second disk needs a volume group
creating on it and a data filesystem transferring to the new disk.
that you have a full system backup befor you start.


hdisk0 00009922faf79f0d rootvg

hdisk1 None None

df -k

Filesystem 1024-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on

/dev/hd4 8192 1228 86% 1647 41% /
/dev/hd2 380928 40984 90% 11014 12% /usr
/dev/hd9var 32768 20952 37% 236 3% /var
/dev/hd3 28672 1644 95% 166 3% /tmp
/dev/hd1 53248 51284 4% 95 1% /home
/dev/lv00 200704 110324 46% 1869 4% /home/john
/dev/ftplv 102400 94528 8% 32 1% /home/ftp
/dev/lv01 114688 58240 50% 59 1% /usr2

In this example the /usr2 filesystem needs to be moved to the new disk
drive, freeing up space in the root volume group.

1, Create a data volume group on the new disk (hdisk1), the command
will create a volume group called datavg on hdisk1 with a PP size of
32 Meg:-

mkvg -s 32 -y datavg hdisk1

2, Create a jfslog logical volume on the new volume group :-

mklv -y datalog -t jfslog datavg 1

3, Initialise the jfslog :-

logform /dev/datalog

logform: destroy /dev/datalog (y)?y

4, Umount the filesystem that is being copied :-

umount /usr2

5, Copy the /usr2 logical volume (lv01) to a new logical volume (lv11)
the new volume group :-

cplv -y lv11 -v datavg lv01

cplv: Logical volume lv01 successfully copied to lv11 .

6, Change the /usr2 filesystem to use the new (/dev/lv11) logical volume
and not the old (/dev/lv01) logical volume :-

chfs -a dev=/dev/lv11 /usr2

7, Change the /usr2 filesystem to use the jfslog on the new volume group
(/dev/datalog) :-

chfs -a log=/dev/datalog /usr2

8, Mount the filesystem :-

mount /usr2

df -k

Filesystem 1024-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on

/dev/hd4 8192 1220 86% 1649 41% /
/dev/hd2 380928 40984 90% 11014 12% /usr
/dev/hd9var 32768 20952 37% 236 3% /var
/dev/hd3 28672 1644 95% 166 3% /tmp
/dev/hd1 53248 51284 4% 95 1% /home
/dev/lv00 200704 110324 46% 1869 4% /home/john
/dev/ftplv 102400 94528 8% 32 1% /home/ftp
/dev/lv11 114688 58240 50% 59 1% /usr2

9, Once the filesystem has been checked out, the old logical volume can
be removed :-

rmfs /dev/lv01

Warning, all data contained on logical volume lv01 will be destroyed.

rmlv: Do you wish to continue? y(es) n(o)? y
rmlv: Logical volume lv01 is removed.

If you wish to copy further filesystems repeat parts 4 to 9.




Een "move" van het /prj filesystem (met Websphere in /prj/was) op

naar een nieuw (groter en beter) volume group "wasvg".
Het huidige /prj op rootvg, correspondeerd met de LV "prjlv".
De nieuw te maken /prj op wasvg, correspondeerd met de LV "lvprj".

-------------- --------------
|/usr (hd2) | | |
|.. | | |
|/prj (prjlv)|----------->|/prj (lvprj) |
|.. | | |
-------------- -------------
hdisk0,hdisk1 hdisk12,hdisk13

opm: /prj bevat "/prj/was", en dat is Websphere.

Hier maken we geen gebruik van een backup tape.

Gebruik het cplv command

umount /prj
chfs -m /prj_old /prj

+ mkvg -y wasvg -d 10 -s 128 hdisk12 hdisk13 -- maak VG aan

+ mklv -y lvprj -c 2 wasvg 400 -- maak LV aan

+ mklv -y waslog -t jfslog wasvg 1 -- maak een jfslog

+ logform /dev/waslog -- init de log

cplv -e lvprj prjlv

chfs -a dev=/dev/lvprj /prj_old --

chfs -a log=/dev/waslog /prj_old

chfs -m /prj /prj_old

mount /prj


migratepv command:

Use the following command to move PPs from hdisk1 to hdisk6 and hdisk7
(all PVs must be in 1 VG)
# migratepv hdisk1 hdisk6 hdisk7

Use the following command to move PPs in LV lv02 from hdisk1 to hdisk6
# migratepv -l lv02 hdisk1 hdisk6

chvg command:

This example multiplies by 2 the number of PPs:

# chvg -t2 datavg

chpv command:

The chpv command changes the state of the physical volume in a volume
group by setting allocation
permission to either allow or not allow allocation and by setting the
availability to either
available or removed. This command can also be used to clear the boot
record for the given physical volume.
Characteristics for a physical volume remain in effect unless explicitly
changed with the corresponding flag.


To close physical volume hdisk03, enter:

# chpv -v r hdisk03

The physical volume is closed to logical input and output until the -v a
flag is used.

To open physical volume hdisk03, enter:

# chpv -v a hdisk03

The physical volume is now open for logical input and output.

To stop the allocation of physical partitions to physical volume

hdisk03, enter:
# chpv -a n hdisk03

No physical partitions can be allocated until the -a y flag is used.

To clear the boot record of a physical volume hdisk3, enter:

# chpv -c hdisk3

How to synchronize stale partitions in a VG?:


the syncvg command:

syncvg Command

Synchronizes logical volume copies that are not current.

syncvg [ -f ] [ -i ] [ -H ] [ -P NumParallelLps ] { -l | -p | -v }
Name ...

The syncvg command synchronizes the physical partitions, which are
copies of the original physical partition,
that are not current. The syncvg command can be used with logical
volumes, physical volumes,
or volume groups, with the Name parameter representing the logical
volume name, physical volume name,
or volume group name. The synchronization process can be time consuming,
depending on the
hardware characteristics and the amount of data.

When the -f flag is used, a good physical copy is chosen and propagated
to all other copies
of the logical partition, whether or not they are stale. Using this flag
is necessary
in cases where the logical volume does not have the mirror write
consistency recovery.

Unless disabled, the copies within a volume group are synchronized

automatically when the volume group is
activated by the varyonvg command.

For the sycnvg command to be successful, at least one good copy of the
logical volume should
be accessible, and the physical volumes that contains this copy should
be in ACTIVE state.
If the -f option is used, the above condition applies to all mirror
If the -P option is not specified, syncvg will check for the
NUM_PARALLEL_LPS environment variable.
The value of NUM_PARALLEL_LPS will be used to set the number of logical
partitions to be synchronized in parallel.

To synchronize the copies on physical volumes hdisk04 and hdisk05,
# syncvg -p hdisk04 hdisk05

To synchronize the copies on volume groups vg04 and vg05, enter:

# syncvg -v vg04 vg05

How to Mirror a Logical Volume? :


mklvcopy LogicalVolumeName Numberofcopies

syncvg VolumeGroupName

To add a copy for LV lv01 on disk hdisk7:

# mklvcopy lv01 2 hdisk7

Identifying hotspots: lvmstat command:


The lvmstat command display statistics values since the previous lvmstat
# lvmstat -v rootvg -e
# lvmstat -v rootvg -C
# lvmstat -v rootvg
Logical Volume iocnt KB_read KB_wrtn Kbps
hd8 4 0 0 0.00
paging01 0 0 0 0.00

31.2 Mirroring a VG:


LVM provide a disk mirroring facility at the LV level.

Mirroring is the association of 2 or 3 PP's with each LP in a LV.

Use the "mklv", or the "mklvcopy", or the "mirrorvg" command.

The mklv command allows you to select one or two additional copies for
each logical volume.


To make a logical volume in volume group vg03 with nine logical

partitions and a total of three copies
spread across a maximum of two physical volumes, and whose allocation
policy is not strict, enter:

mklv -c 3 -u 2 -s n vg03 9

Mirroring can also be added to an existing LV using the mklvcopy


The mirrorvg command mirrors all the LV's on a given VG.


- To triply mirror a VG, run

# mirrorvg -c 3 myvg

- To get default mirroring of the rootvg, run

# mirrorvg rootvg

- To replace a failed disk in a mirrored VG, run

# unmirrorvg workvg hdisk7
# reducevg workvg hdisk7
# rmdev -l hdisk7 -d

Now replace the failed disk with a new one and name it hdisk7
# extendvg workvg hdisk7
# mirrorvg workvg

mirrorvg command:

mirrorvg Command

Mirrors all the logical volumes that exist on a given volume group.
This command only applies to AIX 4.2.1 or later.

mirrorvg [ -S | -s ] [ -Q ] [ -c Copies] [ -m ] VolumeGroup
[ PhysicalVolume ... ]

The mirrorvg command takes all the logical volumes on a given volume
group and mirrors
those logical volumes. This same functionality may also be accomplished
manually if you execute
the mklvcopy command for each individual logical volume in a volume
group. As with mklvcopy,
the target physical drives to be mirrored with data must already be
members of the volume group.
To add disks to a volume group, run the extendvg command.

By default, mirrorvg attempts to mirror the logical volumes onto any of

the disks in a volume group.
If you wish to control which drives are used for mirroring, you must
include the list of disks in the
input parameters, PhysicalVolume. Mirror strictness is enforced.
Additionally, mirrorvg mirrors
the logical volumes, using the default settings of the logical volume
being mirrored.
If you wish to violate mirror strictness or affect the policy by which
the mirror is created,
you must execute the mirroring of all logical volumes manually with the
mklvcopy command.

When mirrorvg is executed, the default behavior of the command requires

that the synchronization
of the mirrors must complete before the command returns to the user. If
you wish to avoid the delay,
use the -S or -s option. Additionally, the default value of 2 copies is
always used. To specify a value
other than 2, use the -c option.

Note: To use this command, you must either have root user authority or
be a member of the system group.

Attention: The mirrorvg command may take a significant amount of time

before completing because
of complex error checking, the amount of logical volumes to mirror in a
volume group, and the time
is takes to synchronize the new mirrored logical volumes.
You can use the Volumes application in Web-based System Manager (wsm) to
change volume characteristics.
You could also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit
mirrorvg fast path to run this command.

-c Copies Specifies the minimum number of copies that each logical
volume must have after
the mirrorvg command has finished executing. It may be possible,
through the independent use
of mklvcopy, that some logical volumes may have more than the minimum
number specified after
the mirrorvg command has executed. Minimum value is 2 and 3 is the
maximum value.
A value of 1 is ignored.
-m exact map Allows mirroring of logical volumes in the exact physical
partition order that
the original copy is ordered. This option requires you to specify a
PhysicalVolume(s) where the exact map
copy should be placed. If the space is insufficient for an exact
mapping, then the command will fail.
You should add new drives or pick a different set of drives that will
satisfy an exact
logical volume mapping of the entire volume group. The designated
disks must be equal to or exceed
the size of the drives which are to be exactly mirrored, regardless
of if the entire disk is used.
Also, if any logical volume to be mirrored is already mirrored, this
command will fail.
-Q Quorum Keep By default in mirrorvg, when a volume group's contents
becomes mirrored, volume group
quorum is disabled. If the user wishes to keep the volume group
quorum requirement after mirroring
is complete, this option should be used in the command. For later
quorum changes, refer to the chvg command.
-S Background Sync Returns the mirrorvg command immediately and starts
a background syncvg of the volume group.
With this option, it is not obvious when the mirrors have completely
finished their synchronization.
However, as portions of the mirrors become synchronized, they are
immediately used by the operating system
in mirror usage.
-s Disable Sync Returns the mirrorvg command immediately without
performing any type of
mirror synchronization. If this option is used, the mirror may exist
for a logical volume but
is not used by the operating system until it has been synchronized
with the syncvg command.

The following is a description of rootvg:

- rootvg mirroring When the rootvg mirroring has completed, you must
perform three additional tasks:
bosboot, bootlist, and reboot.
The bosboot command is required to customize the bootrec of the newly
mirrored drive.
The bootlist command needs to be performed to instruct the system which
disk and order you prefer
the mirrored boot process to start.
Finally, the default of this command is for Quorum to be turned off. For
this to take effect
on a rootvg volume group, the system must be rebooted.

- non-rootvg mirroring When this volume group has been mirrored, the
default command causes Quorum
to deactivated. The user must close all open logical volumes, execute
varyoffvg and then varyonvg on
the volume group for the system to understand that quorum is or is not
needed for the volume group.
If you do not revaryon the volume group, mirror will still work
correctly. However, any quorum changes
will not have taken effect.
rootvg and non-rootvg mirroring The system dump devices, primary and
secondary, should not be mirrored.
In some systems, the paging device and the dump device are the same
device. However, most users want
the paging device mirrored. When mirrorvg detects that a dump device and
the paging device are the same,
the logical volume will be mirrored automatically.
If mirrorvg detects that the dump and paging device are different
logical volumes, the paging device
is automatically mirrored, but the dump logical volume is not. The dump
device can be queried and modified
with the sysdumpdev command.

Run bosboot to initialize all boot records and devices by executing the
following command:
bosboot -a -d /dev/hdisk?
hdisk? is the first hdisk listed under the PV heading after the command
lslv -l hd5 has executed.

Secondary, you need to understant that the mirroring under AIX it's at
the logical volume level. The mirrorvg command is a hight level command
that use "mklvcopy" command.
So, all LV created before runing the mirrorvg command are keep
synchronised, but if you add a new LV after runing mirrorvg, you need to
mirror it manualy using "mklvcopy" .



Mirroring the rootvg:


Method 1:

Howto mirror an AIX rootvg

The following steps will guide you trough the mirroring of an AIX
This info is valid for AIX 4.3.3, AIX 5.1, AIX 5.2 and AIX 5.3.

Make sure you have an empty disk, in this example its hdisk1
Add the disk to the vg via

# extendvg rootvg hdisk1

Mirror the vg via:

# mirrorvg -s rootvg

Now synchronize the new copies you created:

# syncvg -v rootvg

As we want to be able to boot from different disks, we need to use


# bosboot -a

As hd5 is mirrored there is no need to do it for each disk.

Now, update the bootlist:

# bootlist -m normal hdisk1 hdisk0

# bootlist -m service hdisk1 hdisk0

When mirrorvg is executed, the default behavior of the command requires

that the synchronization of the mirrors
must complete before the command returns to the user. If you wish to
avoid the delay, use the -S or -s option.
Additionally, the default value of 2 copies is always used. To specify a
value other than 2, use the -c option.

Method 2:

# Add the new disk, say its hdisk5, to rootvg

extendvg rootvg hdisk5

# If you use one mirror disk, be sure that a quorum is not required for

chvg -Qn rootvg

# Add the mirrors for all rootvg LV's:

mklvcopy hd1 2 hdisk5

mklvcopy hd2 2 hdisk5
mklvcopy hd3 2 hdisk5
mklvcopy hd4 2 hdisk5
mklvcopy hd5 2 hdisk5
mklvcopy hd6 2 hdisk5
mklvcopy hd8 2 hdisk5
mklvcopy hd9var 2 hdisk5
mklvcopy hd10opt 2 hdisk5
mklvcopy prjlv 2 hdisk5

#If you have other LV's in your rootvg, be sure to create copies for
them as well !!

# lspv -l hdisk0
hd5 1 1 01..00..00..00..00 N/A
prjlv 256 256 108..44..38..50..16 /prj
hd6 59 59 00..59..00..00..00 N/A
fwdump 5 5 00..05..00..00..00
hd8 1 1 00..00..01..00..00 N/A
hd4 26 26 00..00..02..24..00 /
hd2 45 45 00..00..37..08..00 /usr
hd9var 10 10 00..00..02..08..00 /var
hd3 22 22 00..00..04..10..08 /tmp
hd1 8 8 00..00..08..00..00 /home
hd10opt 24 24 00..00..16..08..00 /opt

Method 3:

In the following example, an RS6000 has 3 disks, 2 of which have the AIX
filesystems mirrored on. The boolist contains both hdisk0 and hdisk1.
There are no other logical volumes in rootvg other than the AIX system
logical volumes. hdisk0 has failed and need replacing, both hdisk0 and
are in "Hot Swap" carriers and therefore the machine does not need


hdisk0 00522d5f22e3b29d rootvg

hdisk1 00522d5f90e66fd2 rootvg
hdisk2 00522df586d454c3 datavg

lsvg -l rootvg

hd6 paging 4 8 2 open/syncd N/A
hd5 boot 1 2 2 closed/syncd N/A
hd8 jfslog 1 2 2 open/syncd N/A
hd4 jfs 1 2 2 open/syncd /
hd2 jfs 12 24 2 open/syncd /usr
hd9var jfs 1 2 2 open/syncd /var
hd3 jfs 2 4 2 open/syncd /tmp
hd1 jfs 1 2 2 open/syncd /home

1, Reduce the logical volume copies from both disks to hdisk1 only :-

rmlvcopy hd6 1 hdisk0

rmlvcopy hd5 1 hdisk0
rmlvcopy hd8 1 hdisk0
rmlvcopy hd4 1 hdisk0
rmlvcopy hd2 1 hdisk0
rmlvcopy hd9var 1 hdisk0
rmlvcopy hd3 1 hdisk0
rmlvcopy hd1 1 hdisk0

2, Check that no logical volumes are left on hdisk0 :-

lspv -p hdisk0

1-101 free outer edge
102-201 free outer middle
202-301 free center
302-401 free inner middle
402-501 free inner edge

3, Remove the volume group from hdisk0

reducevg -df rootvg hdisk0

4, Recreate the boot logical volume on hdisk1, and reset bootlist:-

bosboot -a -d /dev/hdisk1
bootlist -m normal rmt0 cd0 hdisk1

5, Check that everything has been removed from hdisk0 :-


hdisk0 00522d5f22e3b29d None

hdisk1 00522d5f90e66fd2 rootvg
hdisk2 00522df586d454c3 datavg

6, Delete hdisk0 :-

rmdev -l hdisk0 -d

7, Remove the failed hard drive and replace with a new hard drive.

8, Configure the new disk drive :-


9, Check new hard drive is present :-


10, Include the new hdisk in root volume group :-

extendvg rootvg hdisk? (where hdisk? is the new hard disk)

11, Re-create the mirror :-

mirrorvg rootvg hdisk? (where hdisk? is the new hard disk)

12, Syncronise the mirror :-

syncvg -v rootvg

13, Reset the bootlist :-

bootlist -m normal rmt0 cd0 hdisk0 hdisk1

14, Turn off Quorum checking on rootvg :-

chvg -Q n rootvg

Method 4:

Howto mirror an AIX rootvg

The following steps will guide you trough the mirroring of an AIX
This info is valid for AIX 4.3.3, AIX 5.1, AIX 5.2 and AIX 5.3.

Make sure you have an empty disk, in this example its hdisk1
Add the disk to the vg via "extendvg rootvg hdisk1
Mirror the vg via: "mirrorvg rootvg"
Adapt the bootlist to add the current disk, the system will then fail to
hdisk1 is hdisk0 fails during startup
do bootlist -o -m normal
this will list currently 1 disk, in this exmaple hdisk0
do bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1
Run a bosboot on both new disks, this will install all software needed
for boot on the disk
bosboot -ad hdisk0
bosboot -ad hdisk1

Method 5:

Although the steps to mirror volume groups between HP and AIX are
incredibly similar,
there are enough differences to send me through hoops if/when I ever
have to do that.
Therefore, the following checklist:

1. Mirror the logical volumes:

If you don't care what disks the lvs get mirrored to, execute
mirrorvg rootvg


for lv in $(lsvg -l rootvg | grep -i open/syncd | \

grep -v dumplv | awk '{print $1}')
mklvcopy ${lv} 1 ${disk}

2. Change the quorum checking if you did not use mirrorvg:

chvg -Q n rootvg

3. Run bosboot on the new drive to copy boot files to it:

bosboot ${disk}

4. Update the bootlist with the new drive:

bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1

5. Reboot the system to enable the new quorum checking parameter

Method 6:

Audience: System Administrators

Date: September 25, 2002

Mirroring "rootvg" protects the operating system from a disk failure.

Mirroring "rootvg"
requires a couple extra steps compared to other volume groups. The
mirrored rootvg disk must be bootable
*and* in the bootlist. Otherwise, if the primary disk fails, you'll
continue to run,
but you won't be able to reboot.

In brief, the procedure to mirror rootvg on hdisk0 to hdisk1 is

1. Add hdisk1 to rootvg:

extendvg rootvg hdisk1

2. Mirror rootvg to hdisk1:

mirrorvg rootvg hdisk1 (or smitty mirrorvg)

3. Create boot images on hdisk1:

bosboot -ad /dev/hdisk1

4. Add hdisk1 to the bootlist:

bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1

5. Reboot to disable quorum checking on rootvg. The mirrorvg turns off

quorum by default,
but the system needs to be rebooted for it to take effect.

For more information, and a comprehensive procedure see the man page for
mirrorvg and

Example using mklvcopy:


mklvcopy [ -a Position ] [ -e Range ] [ -k ] [ -m MapFile ] [ -s

Strict ] [ -u UpperBound ] LogicalVolume
Copies [ PhysicalVolume... ]

Add a copy of LV "lv01" on disk hdisk7:

# mklvcopy lv01 2 hdisk7

The mklvcopy command increases the number of copies in each logical

partition in LogicalVolume.
This is accomplished by increasing the total number of physical
partitions for each logical partition
to the number represented by Copies. The LogicalVolume parameter can be
a logical volume name or
logical volume ID. You can request that the physical partitions for the
new copies be allocated
on specific physical volumes (within the volume group) with the
PhysicalVolume parameter;
otherwise, all the physical volumes within the volume group are
available for allocation.

The logical volume modified with this command uses the Copies parameter
as its new copy characteristic.
The data in the new copies are not synchronized until one of the
following occurs:
the -k option is used, the volume group is activated by the varyonvg
command, or the volume group
or logical volume is synchronized explicitly by the syncvg command.
Individual logical partitions
are always updated as they are written to.

The default allocation policy is to use minimum numbering of physical

volumes per logical volume copy,
to place the physical partitions belong to a copy as contiguously as
possible, and then to place
the physical partitions in the desired region specified by the -a flag.
Also, by default, each copy
of a logical partition is placed on a separate physical volume.
Using smitty:

# smit mklv


# smit mklvcopy

Using "smit mklv" you can create a new LV and at the same time tell the
system to create a mirror
(2 or 3 copies) of each LP and which PV's are involved.

Using "smit mklvcopy" you can add mirrors to an existing LV.

31.3 Filesystems in AIX:


After a VG is created, you can create filesystems. You can use smitty or
the crfs and mkfs command.
File systems are confined to a single logical volume.

The journaled file system (JFS) and the enhanced journaled file system
(JFS2) are built into the
base operating system. Both file system types link their file and
directory data to the structure
used by the AIX Logical Volume Manager for storage and retrieval. A
difference is that JFS2 is designed to accommodate
a 64-bit kernel and larger files.

Run lsfs -v jfs2 to determine if your system uses JFS2 file systems.
This command returns no output if it finds only standard file systems.


crfs -v VfsType { -g VolumeGroup | -d Device } [ -l LogPartitions ]

-m MountPoint [ -n NodeName ] [ -u MountGroup ] [ -A { yes | no } ]
[ -p {ro | rw } ]
[ -a Attribute= Value ... ] [ -t { yes | no } ]

The crfs command creates a file system on a logical volume within a

previously created volume group.
A new logical volume is created for the file system unless the name of
an existing logical volume is
specified using the -d. An entry for the file system is put into the
/etc/filesystems file.

crfs -v jfs -g(vg) -m(mount point) -a size=(size of fs) -A yes

Will create a logical volume on the volume group and create the file
system on
the logical volume. All at the size stated. Will add entry into
/etc/filesystems and will create the mount point directory if it does
not exist.

- To make a JFS on the rootvg volume group with nondefault fragment size
and nondefault nbpi, enter:
# crfs -v jfs -g rootvg -m /test -a size=32768 -a frag=512 -a

This command creates the /test file system on the rootvg volume group
with a fragment size of 512 bytes,
a number of bytes per i-node (nbpi) ratio of 1024, and an initial size
of 16MB (512 * 32768).

- To make a JFS on the rootvg volume group with nondefault fragment size
and nondefault nbpi, enter:
# crfs -v jfs -g rootvg -m /test -a size=16M -a frag=512 -a nbpi=1024

This command creates the /test file system on the rootvg volume group
with a fragment size of 512 bytes,
a number of bytes per i-node (nbpi) ratio of 1024, and an initial size
of 16MB.

- To create a JFS2 file system which can support NFS4 ACLs, type:
# crfs -v jfs2 -g rootvg -m /test -a size=1G -a ea=v2

- This command creates the /test JFS2 file system on the rootvg volume
group with an initial size of 1 gigabyte.
The file system will store extended attributes using the v2 format.
# crfs -v jfs -g backupvg -m /backups -a size=32G -a bf=true

# crfs -v jfs -g oravg -m /filetransfer -a size=4G -a bf=true

Extended example:

The following command creates a JFS filesystem on a previously created

LV "lv05".
In this example, suppose the LV was created in the following way:

# mklv -y lv05 -c 2 splvg 200

In this case, it is clear that we mirror each LP to 2 PP's (because of

the -c 2).

Now to create a filesystem on lv05, we can use the command

# crfs -v jfs -d lv05 -m /spl -a bf=true

Note that we did not mentioned the size of the filesystem. This is
because we use a previously defined LV
with a known size.

1. The option -a bf=true allows large files [ > 2Gb];

2. Specifying -m /<name> (like for example "/data") will create the

entry in /etc/filesystems for you

Some more examples:


Commands to create VG's:

mkvg oravg -d 10 -s 128 hdisk2 hdisk4
mkvg splvg -d 10 -s 128 hdisk3 hdisk5
mkvg softwvg -d 10 -s 128 hdisk6
mkvg backupvg -d 10 -s 128 hdisk7

Set of Create Logical Volume and Filesystem commands:

# crfs -v jfs -g <Vgname> -m <Mountpoint> -a size=xG -a bf=true

# mklv -y <LV_name> -c 2 <VG_name> No_Of_PPs
# crfs -v jfs -d <LV_name> -m <MountPoint> -a bf=true

# mklv -y lv05 -c 2 splvg 300

# crfs -v jfs -d lv05 -m /spl -a bf=true
# mklv -y lv06 -c 2 splvg 100
# crfs -v jfs -d lv06 -m /u04 -a bf=true

# mklv -y lv02 -c 2 oravg 200

# mklv -y lv03 -c 2 oravg 200
# mklv -y lv04 -c 2 oravg 200
# crfs -v jfs -d lv02 -m /u01 -a bf=true
# crfs -v jfs -d lv03 -m /u02 -a bf=true
# crfs -v jfs -d lv04 -m /u03 -a bf=true

# crfs -v jfs -g backupvg -m /backups -a size=33G -a bf=true

# crfs -v jfs -g backupvg -m /data -a size=33G -a bf=true
# crfs -v jfs -g softwvg -m /apps -a size=16G -a bf=true
# crfs -v jfs -g softwvg -m /software -a size=33G -a bf=true
# crfs -v jfs -g softwvg -m /u05 -a size=12G -a bf=true


The mkfs command makes a new file system on a specified device. The mkfs
command initializes the volume label,
file system label, and startup block.

The Device parameter specifies a block device name, raw device name, or
file system name. If the parameter
specifies a file system name, the mkfs command uses this name to obtain
the following parameters from the
applicable stanza in the /etc/filesystems file, unless these parameters
are entered with the mkfs command.
- To specify the volume and file system name for a new file system,
# mkfs -lworks -vvol001 /dev/hd3

This command creates an empty file system on the /dev/hd3 device, giving
it the volume serial number vol001
and file system name works. The new file system occupies the entire
The file system has a default fragment size (4096 bytes) and a default
nbpi ratio (4096).

- To create a file system with nondefault attributes, type:

# mkfs -s 8192 -o nbpi=2048,frag=512 /dev/lv01

This command creates an empty 4 MB file system on the /dev/lv01 device

with 512-byte fragments and
1 i-node for each 2048 bytes.

-To create a large file enabled file system, type:

# mkfs -V jfs -o nbpi=131072,bf=true,ag=64 /dev/lv01

This creates a large file enabled JFS file system with an allocation
group size of 64 megabytes and 1 inode
for every 131072 bytes of disk. The size of the file system will be the
size of the logical volume lv01.

- To create a file system with nondefault attributes, type:

# mkfs -s 4M -o nbpi=2048, frag=512 /dev/lv01

This command creates an empty 4 MB file system on the /dev/lv01 device

with 512-byte fragments and one i-node
for each 2048 bytes.

- To create a JFS2 file system which can support NFS4 ACLs, type:
# mkfs -V jfs2 -o ea=v2 /dev/lv01

This command creates an empty file system on the /dev/lv01 device with
v2 format for extended attributes.

chfs command:

- Example 1:

How do I change the size of a filesystem?

To increase /usr filesystem size by 1000000 512-byte blocks, type:

# chfs -a size=+1000000 /usr
- Example 2:

To split off a copy of a mirrored file system and mount it read-only for
use as an online backup, enter:
# chfs -a splitcopy=/backup -a copy=2 /testfs
This mount a read-only copy of /testfs at /backup.
- Example 3:

To change the mount point of a file system, enter:

# chfs -m /test2 /test
This command changes the mount point of a file system from /test to

- Eaxample 4:

# chfs -a size=+20G /data/udb/eidwha2/eddwha2/DATA03

- Example 5:

chfs -a size=+5M /opt

would do it this way:

1) chfs -m old_filename new_filename

2) umount old_filename

3) mount new_filename

To stop or kill access to a fs, use:

fuser -xuc /scratch

lsfs command:

Displays the characteristics of file systems.

lsfs [ -q ] [ -c | -l ] [ -a | -v VfsType | -u MountGroup|
[FileSystem...] ]

The lsfs command displays characteristics of file systems, such as mount
points, automatic mounts, permissions,
and file system size. The FileSystem parameter reports on a specific
file system.
The following subsets can be queried for a listing of characteristics:

All file systems

All file systems of a certain mount group
All file systems of a certain virtual file system type
One or more individual file systems

The lsfs command displays additional Journaled File System (JFS) or

Enhanced Journaled File System (JFS2)
characteristics if the -q flag is specified.

To show all file systems in the /etc/filesystems file, enter:

To show all file systems of vfs type jfs, enter:
#lsfs -v jfs

To show the file system size, the fragment size, the compression
algorithm (if any), and the
number of bytes per i-node as recorded in the superblock of the root
file system, enter:
#lsfs -q /

31.4 SAN connection via SDD, and related commands:


If you use advanced storage on AIX, the workings on disks and volume
groups are a bit different
from the traditional ways, using local disks, as described above.

You can use SDD or SDDPCM Multipath IO. This section describes SDD. See
section 31.5 for SDDPCM.

Overview of the Subsystem device driver:


The IBM System Storage Multipath Device Driver SDD provides multipath
configuration environment support
for a host system that is attached to storage devices. It provides:

-Enhanced data availability

-Automatic path failover and recovery to an alternate path
-Dynamic load balancing of multiple paths
-Concurrent microcode upgrade.

The IBM System Storage Multipath Subsystem Device Driver Path Control
Module SDDPCM provides
AIX MPIO support. Its a loadable module. During the configuration of
supported devices, SDDPCM is loaded
and becomes part of the AIX MPIO Fibre Channel protocol device driver.
The AIX MPIO-capable device driver
with the SDDPCM module provides the same functions that SDD provides.

Note that before attempting to exploit the Virtual shared disk support
for the Subsystem device driver,
you must read IBM Subsystem Device Driver Installation and User's Guide.

An SDD implementation is available for AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, some Linux

distro's, Windows 200x.

An impression about the architecture on AIX can be seen in the following


| Host System |
| ------- ------- |
| |FC 0 | | FC 1| |
| ------- ------- |
| |
| |
ESS | -------- -------- |
| |port 0| |port 1| |
| -------- \ /-------- |
| | \ / | |
| | \/ | |
| | / \ | |
| -----------/ \---------- |
| |Cluster 1| |Cluster 2||
| ----------- -----------|
| | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| O--|--|--|-------| | | | |
| lun0| | | | | | |
| O--|--|---------| | | |
| lun1| | | | |
| O--|-----------| | |
| lun2| | |
| O--------------| |
| lun3 |

DPO (Data Path Optimizer) was renamed by IBM a couple years ago- and
became SDD (Subsystem Device Driver).
When redundant paths are configured to ESS logical units, and the SDD is
installed and configured,
the AIX(R) lspv command shows multiple hdisks as well as a new construct
called a vpath. The hdisks and vpaths
represent the same logical unit. You will need to use the lsvpcfg
command to get more information.

Each SDD vpath device represents a unique physical device on the storage
Each physical device is presented to the operating system as an
operating system disk device.
So, essentially, a vpath device acts like a disk.

You will see later on that a hdisk is actually a "path" to a LUN, that
can be reached either by fscsi0 or fscsi1.
Also you will see that a vpath represents the LUN.

SDD does not support multipathing to a bootdevice.

Support for VIO:


Starting from SDD version, a unique ID attribute is added to SDD

vpath devices, in order to
support AIX5.3 VIO future features. AIX device configure methods have
been changed in both AIX52 TL8 and
AIX53 TL4 for this support.


For example, after issuing lspv, you see output similar to this:

# lspv
hdisk0 000047690001d59d rootvg
hdisk1 000047694d8ce8b6 None
hdisk18 000047694caaba22 None
hdisk19 000047694caadf9a None
hdisk20 none None
hdisk21 none None
hdisk22 000047694cab2963 None
hdisk23 none None
hdisk24 none None
vpath0 none None
vpath1 none None
vpath2 000047694cab0b35 gpfs1scsivg
vpath3 000047694cab1d27 gpfs1scsivg

After issuing lsvpcfg, you see output similar to this:

# lsvpcfg
vpath0 (Avail ) 502FCA01 = hdisk18 (Avail pv )
vpath1 (Avail ) 503FCA01 = hdisk19 (Avail pv )
vpath2 (Avail pv gpfs1scsivg) 407FCA01 = hdisk20 (Avail ) hdisk24 (Avail

The examples above illustrate some important points:

- vpath0 consists of a single path (hdisk18) and therefore will not

provide failover protection.
Also, hdisk18 is defined to AIX as a physical volume (pv flag) and has a
PVID, as you can see from the output
of the lspv command. Likewise for vpath1.

- vpath2 has two paths (hdisk20 and hdisk24) and has a volume group
defined on it. Notice that with the
lspv command, hdisk20 and hdisk24 look like newly installed disks with
no PVIDs. The lsvpcfg command had
to be used to determine that hdisk20 and hdisk24 make up vpath2, which
has a PVID.

Warning: so be very carefull not to use a hdisk for a "local" VG, if its
already used for a vpath.

Other Example:

# lspv
hdisk0 00c49e8c8053fe86 rootvg
hdisk1 00c49e8c841a74d5 rootvg
-hdisk2 none None
-hdisk3 none None
vpath0 00c49e8c94c02c15 datavg
vpath1 00c49e8c94c050d4 appsvg
-hdisk4 none None
vpath2 00c49e8c2806dc22 appsvg
-hdisk5 none None
-hdisk6 none None
-hdisk7 none None

# lsvpcfg

vpath0 (Avail pv datavg) 75BAFX1006C = hdisk2 (Avail ) hdisk5 (Avail )

vpath1 (Avail pv appsvg) 75BAFX1017B = hdisk3 (Avail ) hdisk6 (Avail )
vpath2 (Avail pv appsvg) 75BAFX10329 = hdisk4 (Avail ) hdisk7 (Avail )

# datapath query adapter

Active Adapters :2

Adpt# Name State Mode Select Errors Paths

0 fscsi0 NORMAL ACTIVE 12611291 0 3
1 fscsi1 NORMAL ACTIVE 13375287 0 3

# datapath query device

Total Devices : 3

DEV#: 0 DEVICE NAME: vpath0 TYPE: 2107900 POLICY:

Optimized # this is vpath0
Path# Adapter/Hard Disk State Mode Select
0 fscsi0/hdisk2 OPEN NORMAL 12561763
1 fscsi1/hdisk5 OPEN NORMAL 13324883

DEV#: 1 DEVICE NAME: vpath1 TYPE: 2107900 POLICY:

Path# Adapter/Hard Disk State Mode Select
0 fscsi0/hdisk3 OPEN NORMAL 28024
1 fscsi1/hdisk6 OPEN NORMAL 28847

DEV#: 2 DEVICE NAME: vpath2 TYPE: 2107900 POLICY:

Path# Adapter/Hard Disk State Mode Select
0 fscsi0/hdisk4 OPEN NORMAL 21672
1 fscsi1/hdisk7 OPEN NORMAL 21712

# lsattr -El vpath0

active_hdisk hdisk2/75BAFX1006C/fscsi0 Active hdisk
active_hdisk hdisk5/75BAFX1006C/fscsi1 Active hdisk
policy df Scheduling Policy
pvid 00c49e8c94c02c150000000000000000 Physical volume
identifier False
serial_number 75BAFX1006C LUN serial number

# lsdev -Cc adapter

ent0 Available 04-08 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter (14106902)
ent1 Available 06-08 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter (14106902)
fcs0 Available 05-08 FC Adapter
fcs1 Available 07-08 FC Adapter
sa0 Available LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter
sisscsia0 Available 03-08 PCI-X Ultra320 SCSI Adapter

# lsattr -El fcs0

bus_intr_lvl 131193 Bus interrupt level
bus_io_addr 0xcfc00 Bus I/O address
bus_mem_addr 0xc0040000 Bus memory address
init_link al INIT Link flags
intr_priority 3 Interrupt priority
lg_term_dma 0x800000 Long term DMA
max_xfer_size 0x100000 Maximum Transfer Size
num_cmd_elems 200 Maximum number of COMMANDS to queue to the
adapter True
pref_alpa 0x1 Preferred AL_PA
sw_fc_class 2 FC Class for Fabric

# lscfg -lv fcs0

fcs0 U7879.001.DQDKCPR-P1-C2-T1 FC Adapter

Part Number.................03N6441
EC Level....................A
Serial Number...............1D54508045
Feature Code................280B
FRU Number.................. 03N6441
Device Specific.(ZM)........3
Network Address.............10000000C94F91CD
ROS Level and ID............0288193D
Device Specific.(Z0)........1001206D
Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
Device Specific.(Z4)........FF801412
Device Specific.(Z5)........0288193D
Device Specific.(Z6)........0683193D
Device Specific.(Z7)........0783193D
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C94F91CD
Device Specific.(Z9)........TS1.90X13
Device Specific.(ZA)........T1D1.90X13
Device Specific.(ZB)........T2D1.90X13
Device Specific.(YL)........U7879.001.DQDKCPR-P1-C2-T1

# lsdev -Cc adapter -F 'name parent'

ent0 pci4
ent1 pci6
fcs0 pci5
fcs1 pci7
sisscsia0 pci3

# lsdev -Cc disk -F 'name location'

hdisk0 03-08-00-3,0
hdisk1 03-08-00-5,0
hdisk2 05-08-01 ------------------------>|
hdisk3 05-08-01 ------------------------>|
hdisk4 05-08-01 ------------------------>|
hdisk5 07-08-01 |
hdisk6 07-08-01 |
hdisk7 07-08-01 |
vpath0 |
vpath1 |
vpath2 |
# lsdev -Cc driver -F 'name location' |
dpo |
fcnet0 05-08-02 |
fcnet1 07-08-02 |
fscsi0 05-08-01 <-------------------------
fscsi1 07-08-01
scsi0 03-08-00

Please note that, for example, from the above output, that fsci0 can be
"linked" to hdisk2, hdisk3 and hdisk4,
due to the location code.
You can compare that to the output of "datapath query device".
Also interesting can be the following:

# lsdev -C | grep fc
fcnet0 Defined 05-08-02 Fibre Channel Network Protocol
fcnet1 Defined 07-08-02 Fibre Channel Network Protocol
fcs0 Available 05-08 FC Adapter
fcs1 Available 07-08 FC Adapter

# lsdev -C | grep fsc

fscsi0 Available 05-08-01 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol
fscsi1 Available 07-08-01 FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol

From this, you can see that fcs0 is the "parent" of the child "fsci0".

# lsattr -D -l fscsi0
attach none How this adapter is CONNECTED False
dyntrk no Dynamic Tracking of FC Devices True
fc_err_recov delayed_fail FC Fabric Event Error RECOVERY Policy True
scsi_id Adapter SCSI ID False
sw_fc_class 3 FC Class for Fabric True

# lsattr -D -l fcs0
bus_intr_lvl Bus interrupt level
Fals e
bus_io_addr 0x00010000 Bus I/O address
Fals e
bus_mem_addr 0x01000000 Bus memory address
Fals e
init_link al INIT Link flags
intr_priority 3 Interrupt priority
Fals e
lg_term_dma 0x800000 Long term DMA
max_xfer_size 0x100000 Maximum Transfer Size
num_cmd_elems 200 Maximum number of COMMANDS to queue to the
adapter True
pref_alpa 0x1 Preferred AL_PA
sw_fc_class 2 FC Class for Fabric

# datapath query essmap

Disk Path P Location adapter LUN SN Type
Size LSS Vol Rank C/A S Connection port RaidMode
------- ----- - ----------- ------ ----------- ------------
---- ---- --- ----- ---- - ----------- ---- --------
vpath0 hdisk2 05-08-01[FC] fscsi0 75BAFX1006C IBM 2107-900
107.5GB 0 108 fff2 02 Y R1-B3-H3-ZC 232 RAID5
vpath0 hdisk5 07-08-01[FC] fscsi1 75BAFX1006C IBM 2107-900
107.5GB 0 108 fff2 02 Y R1-B3-H3-ZA 230 RAID5
vpath1 hdisk3 05-08-01[FC] fscsi0 75BAFX1017B IBM 2107-900
14.3GB 1 123 fff1 0b Y R1-B3-H3-ZC 232 RAID5
vpath1 hdisk6 07-08-01[FC] fscsi1 75BAFX1017B IBM 2107-900
14.3GB 1 123 fff1 0b Y R1-B3-H3-ZA 230 RAID5
vpath2 hdisk4 05-08-01[FC] fscsi0 75BAFX10329 IBM 2107-900
14.3GB 3 41 ffe1 08 Y R1-B3-H3-ZC 232 RAID5
vpath2 hdisk7 07-08-01[FC] fscsi1 75BAFX10329 IBM 2107-900
14.3GB 3 41 ffe1 08 Y R1-B3-H3-ZA 230 RAID5

From this you can see that a hdisk is actually a "path" to a LUN, that
can be reached either by fscsi0 or fscsi1.
Also you can see that a vpath represents the LUN.

# datapath query adaptstats

Adapter #: 0
Total Read Total Write Active Read Active Write
I/O: 9595892 4371836 0 0
SECTOR: 176489389 138699019 0 0

Adapter #: 1
Total Read Total Write Active Read Active Write
I/O: 10238891 4523508 0 0
SECTOR: 188677891 143739157 0 0

# datapath query portmap

BAY-1(B1) BAY-2(B2)
BAY-3(B3) BAY-4(B4)
ESSID DISK H1 H2 H3 H4 H1 H2 H3 H4
H1 H2 H3 H4 H1 H2 H3 H4
BAY-5(B5) BAY-6(B6)
BAY-7(B7) BAY-8(B8)
H1 H2 H3 H4 H1 H2 H3 H4
H1 H2 H3 H4 H1 H2 H3 H4
75BAFX1 vpath0 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- Y-Y- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
75BAFX1 vpath1 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- Y-Y- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
75BAFX1 vpath2 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
---- ---- Y-Y- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

Y = online/open y = (alternate path) online/open

O = online/closed o = (alternate path) online/closed
N = offline n = (alternate path) offline
- = path not configured
PD = path down

Note: 2105 devices' essid has 5 digits, while 1750/2107 device's essid
has 7 digits.

# datapath query wwpn

Adapter Name PortWWN
fscsi0 10000000C94F91CD
fscsi1 10000000C94F9923

If you need to force the Subsystem Device Driver (SDD), or equivalent

driver, to rescan and map the new devices,
use the following command at the system prompt:

# /usr/sbin/cfgvpath

Procedure to make a new lun available to AIX:


-Allocate the new lun on the SAN

-Run "cfgmgr"
-Verify the new vpath/hdisk by running "lsvpcfg"

There should be a new vpath and it should be available with no volume

group - if not, rerun cfgmgr

Create Volume groups with vpaths:


You should use the mkvg4vp command to create Volume Groups.

# mkvg4vp -B -t 32 -s 4 -y DB01_RECOV_VG1 vpath4 vpath10

By default, VG's can accommodate up to 255 LV's and 32 PV's. If the -B

flag is used on the mkvg or mkvg4vp
command, the resulting VG will support up to 512 LV's and 128 PV's.
The -s flag, as usual, designates the Partition size.

SDD software on AIX:


Starting with SDD, the SDD package for AIX53 is

devices.sdd.53.rte and requires AIX53E
with APAR IY76997.

Starting with SDD, the SDD package for AIX52 is

devices.sdd.52.rte and requires AIX52M
with APAR IY76997.

See also in this document:

IBM Flash Alert: SDD requires minimum AIX code levels; possible
0514-035 error

The SDD installation package installs a number of new commands, like

datapath, chgvpath, lsvpcfg etc..

Before installing SDD, you should check firmware levels, and AIX APAR
requirements. See the following sites:

-- scsi and ESS, and Fiber:


31.5 SAN connections with SDDPCM MPIO:


We have seen the SDD connections in section 31.4.

This section covers some of the SDDPCM MPIO SAN connections.

There are some different commands with this type
of connections to SAN storage.
The use of SDD or SDDPCM gives the AIX host the ability to access
multiple paths to a single LUN
within an ESS or SAN. This ability to access a single LUN on multiple
paths allows for a higher degree of
data availability in the event of a path failure. Data can continue to
be accessed within the ESS
as long as there is at least one available path. Without one of these
installed, you will lose access
to the LUN in the event of a path failure.

If you have "sdd" installed use the datapath command, and with sddpcm
use the pcmpath command.

Just as the commands shown in section 31.4, just replace datapath with
pcmpath, like

# pcmpath query device

DEV#: 2 DEVICE NAME: hdisk2 TYPE: 2107900 ALGORITHM: Load Balance

SERIAL: 75065711100
Path# Adapter/Path Name State Mode Select
0 fscsi0/path0 OPEN NORMAL 1240
1 fscsi0/path1 OPEN NORMAL 1313
2 fscsi0/path2 OPEN NORMAL 1297
3 fscsi0/path3 OPEN NORMAL 1294

DEV#: 3 DEVICE NAME: hdisk3 TYPE: 2107900 ALGORITHM: Load Balance

SERIAL: 75065711101
Path# Adapter/Path Name State Mode Select
0 fscsi0/path0 CLOSE NORMAL 0
1 fscsi0/path1 CLOSE NORMAL 0
2 fscsi0/path2 CLOSE NORMAL 0
3 fscsi0/path3 CLOSE NORMAL 0

DEV#: 4 DEVICE NAME: hdisk4 TYPE: 1750500 ALGORITHM: Load Balance

Path# Adapter/Path Name State Mode Select
0* fscsi0/path0 OPEN NORMAL 12
1 fscsi0/path1 OPEN NORMAL 3787
2* fscsi1/path2 OPEN NORMAL 17
3 fscsi1/path3 OPEN NORMAL 3822

# pcmpath query essmap

Some possible errors with pcmpath:

root@zd110l04:/root#pcmpath query device

Kernel extension sdduserke was not loaded. Errno=8.

Please verify SDDPCM device configuration.

On a system with SDDPCM, you will see the SDDPCM server daemon,
"pcmsrv", running.
This process checks available paths and does other checks and

The process is under control of the resource controller, like for

example starting and stopping it goes with

# stopsrc -s pcmsrv
# startsrc -s pcmsrv

The process is started on boot from inittab:

# cat /etc/inittab | grep pcmsrv

srv:2:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -s pcmsrv > /dev/null 2>&1

Notes on SDD and SDDPCM:


Note 1:


Q +A:

> I've been reading IBM web sites and PDF manuals and still can't decide
> on exactly how to upgrade my AIX 4.3.3 machine to AIX 5.2 and have my
> ESS SDD vpath disks visible and working when I'm done.
> Has someone done this? Can you comment on my proposed method here?

Yes, I've done this.

> What I think I need to do is this:
> 1. Do the migration installation from 4.3.3 to 5. Question: Do I need
> do anything to my ESS disks BEFORE migrating? Unmount? Vary off volume
> groups? Export volume groups?

Yes to all of the above, prior to upgrade. Uninstall SDD software.

> 2. After the migration, and reboot, I understand that the ESS disks
> not "be there", since the migration does not upgrade the SDD
> device driver) does NOT get upgraded. Question: Is this true?

Yes, the datapath devices will be gone because you deleted the SDD
software; IIRC, that is part of the un-install process. After your
upgrade, install SDD just like the first time. This will get you your
hdisks and vpaths back, though not necessarily with the same numbers;
a 'lsvpcfg' from before your upgrade to cross-reference your new setup
'importvg' the VG(s) one at a time, using one of the hdisk's which
constitute the vpath, then run 'hd2vp' on the VG. That will convert the
VG back to using the vpath's.

Note: IIRC, If I Recall/Remember Correctly

> 3. Vary off all ESS volume groups, if I shouldn't have done this back
> step 1.
> 4. Remove all the "datapath devices", via: rmdev -dl dpo -R
> 5. Uninstall the 4.3 version of the SDD.
> 6. Install the 5.2 version of the SDD.
> 7. Install the latest PTF of the 5.2 SDD, that they call version
> 8. Reboot.
> If you can tell me how to make this procedure more nearly correct, I'd
> greatly appreciate it.

Note 2:

Q + A:

> I need a quick refresher here. I've got a HACMP (4.4) cluster with
SAN- attached
> ESS storage. SDD is installed. Can I add volumes to one of these
volume groups on
> the fly, or does HA need to be down? It's been awhile since I have
done this and I
> can't quite remember if I have to jump through any hoops. Thanks for
the help.

Should be relatively easy with no downtime required.

1) acquire the new disks on primary node (where the VG is in service)

cfgmgr -Svl fcs0

- repeat this for all fcs adapters in system
2) convert hdisks to vpaths, note use the smit screens for this because
the commands
have changed from version to version.
3) add vpaths to VG with: extendvg4vp vgname vpath#
4) create LVs/filesystems on the vpaths.
5) break VG/scsi locks so that other systems can see the disks with:
-b -u vgname
6) perform steps 1 & 2 for all failover nodes in the cluster.
7) refresh the VG definitions on all the failover nodes with: importvg
vgname vpath#
8) reestablish disk locks on service node with: varyonvg vgname
9) add new filesystems to HA configuration.
10) synchronise HA resources to the cluster.

Note 3:

From IBM Doc SC30-4131-00:

hd2vp and vp2hd

SDD provides two conversion scripts, hd2vp and vp2hd.

The hd2vp script converts a volume group from supported storage device
hdisks to SDD vpath devices, and the vp2hd script converts a volume
group from SDD vpath devices to supported storage device hdisks.

Use the vp2hd program when you want to configure your applications back
to original supported storage device hdisks, or when you want to remove
SDD from your AIX host system.

The syntax for these conversion scripts is as follows:

hd2vp vgname
vp2hd vgname
vgname Specifies the volume group name to be converted.

Note 4:



Hi There,
I want to add a vpath to running hacmp cluster with HACMP 5.1 on AIX 5.2
with Rotating Resource Group.
If anyone has done it before then can provide a step by step procedure
for this. Do i need to stop and start
HACMP for this?


On Vg active node :
#extendvg4vp vg00 vpath10 vpath11
#smitty chfs ( Increase the f/s as required )
#varyonvg -bu vg00 ( this is to un-lock the vg)

On Secondary node where vg is not active :

# cfgmgr -vl fscsi0 ( fscsi1 and fcs0 and fcs1 )
Found new vpaths
# chdev -l vpath10 -a pv=yes ( for vpath11 also )
# lsvg vg00|grep path ( just note down any one vpath which is from this
o/p-for e.g vpath0 )
# importvg vg00 vpath0

Once its fine...go to Primary Node

# varyonvg vg00 ( Locking the VG )


Note 5:

> HI,

> Is there a way to know dependencies between devices.

> For example,
> hdisk2 is attached to fscsi0 which in turn is attached to fcs0

> I have found nothing in lsdev's man

> Do I have to look in the odm directly

> I need this in order to improve a script

This is a good question and the lsdev man

page should be burned in front of the building
where they develop and document AIX in
Austin, TX, for not answering it for you.
After all, you bothered to read the damn
thing; why didn't it tell you?

$ /usr/sbin/lsdev -Cc adapter -F 'name parent'

ppa0 isa0
sa0 isa0
sa1 isa0
sa2 isa0
siokma0 isa0
fda0 isa0
scsi0 pci0
ent0 pci0
cxpa0 pci0
ent1 pci0
mga0 pci1
ent2 pci1
scsi1 pci2
sioka0 siokma0
sioma0 siokma0
ent3 pci0

There's also the lsparent command.


Actually, I have the same question as Frederic and you have not
quite answered it. Sure, lsdev can tell you that "hdisk5" is
matched to "fcs0" . . . but what tells you that "fcs0" in turn
matches to "fscsi0"? And if "hdisk126" matches to adapter "fchan1",
how do I determine what that matches to? I've checked all of the
various lsxxxx commands but can't find this bit of info.

ONCE AGAIN the answer pops up just moments after announcing

to the world that "there's no way to do that" and "I've looked
everywhere and tried everything". Herewith the output from the
necessary commands, with extraneous lines removed:

# lsdev -C -c disk -F 'name location'

hdisk0 11-08-00-2,0
hdisk1 11-08-00-4,0
hdisk2 3A-08-01
hdisk3 3A-08-01
hdisk4 27-08-01
hdisk5 27-08-01

# lsdev -C -c driver -F 'name location'

fscsi0 27-08-01
fscsi1 3A-08-01

# lsdev -C -c adapter -F 'name location'

scsi0 11-08
scsi1 11-09
fcs0 27-08
mg20 2D-08
fcs1 3A-08
Obviously it is a simply matter to match disk to adapter to driver
by the location of each object. After that I can easily

sprintf(pathname, "/dev/%s", driver);

fp = open(pathname, O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY);
ioctl(fp, SCIOINQU, &info);

to get the scsi inquiry buffer.

Note 6:



where to fidnd a guide for the adapter (described all its states, LED

Adapter is cabled by SAN guys, they double checked it and when I run:

rmdev -Rl fcs0

cfgmgr -l fcs0
lsattr -El fscsi0 -l attach

I don't see "switch" but "none".

thx in advance.


Did you check SAN Switch Zoning?


Do something like:

rmdev -Rdl fscsi0

rmdev -dl fcnet0
rmdev -l fcs0
cfgmgr -l fcs0

rmdev -Rdl fscsi0

rmdev -Rdl fscsi1

rmdev -l fcs1

This way, the FC adapter re-negociates an FC fabric logon.


I had already done something similiar but it didn't helped:

# lsslot -c slot|grep fcs0

U787B.001.DNWFFM5-P1-C4 Logical I/O Slot pci4 fcs0
# rmdev -dl pci4 -R
fcnet0 deleted
fscsi0 deleted
fcs0 deleted
pci4 deleted
# cfgmgr
Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgefscsi -l fscsi0 ):
0514-061 Cannot find a child device.
# lsattr -El fscsi0 -a attach
attach none How this adapter is CONNECTED False

the second FC is connected ok:

# lsattr -El fscsi1 -a attach
attach switch How this adapter is CONNECTED False

thx anyway,
I will ask my SAN team to check cables once more.

Note 7:


hdisk and vpath correspondance for IBM SAN (shark)


Correspondance between phsical disks:

4 hdisk = 1 vpath = 1 physical disk

To remove all vpaths run the command:

# rmdev -dl dpo -R

To remove all fibre channel disks (2 cards in this example):

# rmdev -dl fscsi0 -R

# rmdev -dl fscsi1 -R

To recreate the hdisks run the command:

# cfgmgr -vl fcs0
# cfgmgr -vl fcs1

To recreate the vpaths run the command:

# cfallvpath

To delete a device run this command:

# rmdev -l fcs1 -d

rmdev -dl dpo -R ; rmdev -dl fscsi0 -R ; cfgmgr -vl fcs0 ; cfallvpath
Note 8:

Technote (FAQ)

When non-root AIX users issue SDD datapath commands, the "No device file
found" message results.

AIX SDD does not distinguish between file not found and invalid

Login as the root user or "su" to root user and re-execute command in
order to obtain the desired SDD datapath
command output.

Note 9:

(thread ibm site)



I have an AIX 5.3 server running with 2 FCs. One on a DS8300 and one on
a DS4300.
On the server, i have a filesystems that is mounted and active (hdisks
are from the DS8300).
I can access it fine, write, delete etc...

Yet, when i do a "datapath query adapter" i get the following :

# datapath query adapter

Active Adapters :1
Adpt# Name State Mode Select Errors Paths Active
0 fscsi0 NORMAL ACTIVE 4111177 0 32 0

I would expect to see my 32 paths Active. I checked another server that

has a similar configuration
(though it only has 1 FC) and i can see 32 Paths, 32 Active...

Is it because of the other FC being connected to a DS4300?



The reason is that the vpaths are not part of a varied on volume group.
If you do a 'datapath query device' you should find all the paths will
If the vpaths are being used by a volume group, do a varyonvg xxxx.
Then display the datapath and the paths should be active.



THanks, but as i mentionned in my original post, the VG is varied on and

the FS is mounted. I ran the
datapath command after i i varyonvg bkpvg and mount /backup.
I then dumped a DB within the FS, deleted and everything else
works...yet datapath query adapter shows
no Active paths...weird...



What version of SDD?

What does 'datapath query device' say?


Version of SDD is

And a datapath query device shows :


DEV#: 14 DEVICE NAME: vpath14 TYPE: 2107900 POLICY: Optimized

Path# Adapter/Hard Disk State Mode Select Errors
0 fscsi0/hdisk40 CLOSE NORMAL 147989 0
1 fscsi0/hdisk23 CLOSE NORMAL 0 0

DEV#: 15 DEVICE NAME: vpath15 TYPE: 2107900 POLICY: Optimized

Path# Adapter/Hard Disk State Mode Select Errors
0 fscsi0/hdisk41 CLOSE NORMAL 155256 0
1 fscsi0/hdisk24 CLOSE NORMAL 0 0

yet, as i mentionned, my FS /backup is mounted and accessible...

Note 10:



Hi All,

I am having problems on a p570 on which there are 3 HBA cards.

2 of the HBAs are connected via a SAN switch to an ESS 800.
It appears only one of the "paths" to the ESS 800 is working
As I only have one set of view of the disks on the ESS.

Running cfgmgr on the adapter gives the following error.

I have tried removing fscsi0 then unconfiguring fcs0,

Then reconfiguring fcs0 but I still get the same error.
Any ideas? Is there some command/utility I can run to verify
The state of ths HBA? Thank you.

bash-3.00# cfgmgr -l fcs0

Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgefscsi -l fscsi0 ):
0514-061 Cannot find a child device.

0514-061 Cannot find a child device



I have had the same problem using HDS SAN devices.

AT that time I did not have the corect version off the device driver for
the fiber cards in P570.

For aix 5.2

devices.pci.df1000fa >=
For aix 5.3
devices.pci.df1000f7 >=


Note 11:


The "0514-061 Cannot find a child device" is common when the FC card is
not attached to a FC device, or if it is attached, then I would look at
polarity of the cable
ie. (tx -> rx and rx -> tx) NOT (tx -> tx and rx -> rx)

cfgmgr is attempting to configure the FC device it is connected to

device) but is unable to see it.

In this context, device would be some sort of FC endpoint, not just a

switch or

I would make sure the FC card has connectivity to a FC device, not just
fabric and re-run cfgmgr.


"Vincent D'Antonio, III" <[email protected]> on 02/19/2003 01:51:24


Please respond to IBM AIX Discussion List <[email protected]>

To: [email protected]
cc: (bcc: Patrick Bigelbach/DSS)
Subject Re: Cannot cfgmgr on a new FC

Put in your OS cd in the cdrom drive and run:

cfgmgr -vi /dev/cd0

this should load any filesets you need for the adapter if they are not
already there. You should the adapter in lsdev -Cc adapter | grep fs.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM AIX Discussion List [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of
Calderon, Linda
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 10:12 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Cannot cfgmgr on a new FC

I am trying to connect a new HBA on a P660 to a switch for a SAN. This

has not been used previously, newly cabled etc. I issued the following
commands and receive the following errors:

* rmdev -Rdl fsc1

0514-519 The following device was not found in the customized device
configuration database: name 'fcs1'

* cfgmgr

0514-061 Cannot find a child device

Looking for ideas as to root cause.

Note 12:



Hi All AIXers,
I am trying to add some vpath to Current Volume Group (which is on
vpath)and i
am getting this error

Method Error (/usr/lib/methods/chgvpath):

0514-047 Cannot access a device

0516-1182 extendvg open failure on vpath3

0516-792 extendvg: Unable to estend a Volume Group

Do anybody have any idea about this error. I never seen this error



If you're adding a vpath to a volume group that has other vpaths, you
will need to use extendvg4vp instead of extendvg.

Hope this helps!

Note 13:

On Vg active node :
#extendvg4vp vg00 vpath10 vpath11
#smitty chfs ( Increase the f/s as required )
#varyonvg -bu vg00 ( this is to un-lock the vg)

On Secondary node where vg is not active :

# cfgmgr -vl fscsi0 ( fscsi1 and fcs0 and fcs1 )
Found new vpaths
# chdev -l vpath10 -a pv=yes ( for vpath11 also )
# lsvg vg00|grep path ( just note down any one vpath which is from this
o/p-for e.g vpath0 )
# importvg vg00 vpath0

Once its fine...go to Primary Node

# varyonvg vg00 ( Locking the VG )


Note 14:


How to add a a new PV into an existing concurrent mounted VG.

The PMR action plan suggests:

- stop of the resource group

- varyoffvg dummyvg
- varyonvg -nc dummyvg
- extendvg4vp dummyvg vpath0
- start of the resource group

as a backup action

- restart of the cluster

- extendvg4vp dummyvg vpath0
- start of the resource group

After a spech with the Country IBM referent we modify the action plan

- stop of the cluster

- varyoffvg dummyvg
- varyonvg dummyvg
dummyvg should remain Enhanced Concurrent Capable, but I mount
it in normal mode to do the extentions
- extendvg4vp dummyvg vpath0
- importvg -L dummyvg disk on the other node of the cluster
- varyoffvg dummyvg
- cluster verification & syncro
- start of the cluster

Anyway before applying the modified action plan I try to follow the
original one, but with unpredictable return codes. With some vpaths
works, with someothers halfworks (update the VGDA, but not the odm),
with others return the original error.

In my opinion there is an high probability that the cause is in


So, a bit disappointed, I applied the modified plan.

All works and the extendvg4vp enlarged the dummyvg...
My machines are too downlevel and very full of lacks :-(

After that my curiosity pulls me to try the next step:

mirrorvg -s -c 2 dummyvg vpath0 vpath1

0516-1509 : VGDA corruption: physical partition info for this LV
is invalid.
0516-842 : Unable to make logical partition copies for logical
0516-1199 mirrorvg: Failed to create logical partition copies for
logical volume dummylv.
0516-1200 mirrorvg: Failed to mirror the volume group

Now, IBM support is working for analyze this new issue......


Note 15: cfgmgr method errors:



APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
Users of the 64bit kernel may observe an error when cfgmgr is
invoked at runtime in the cfgsisscsi or cfgsisioa config
methods. Following is an example:
# cfgmgr
Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgsisscsi -l sisscsia0 ):
0514-061 Cannot find a child device.

The error occurs in the cfgsisscsi or cfgsisioa routines

which automatically update the microcode on the adapter if
it is found to be at a level lower than the minimum supported
microcode level.

If the adapter was previously unconfigured, the adapter will

remain in the Defined state. A system reboot should make it

APAR information
APAR number IY48873
Reported component name AIX 5L POWER V5
Reported component ID 5765E6200
Reported release 520
Submitted date 2003-09-19
Closed date 2003-09-19
Last modified date 2003-10-24

Note 16: cfgmgr method errors:



cfgmgr error-- devices are reported twice

Asked by kuntal_acharyy... on 11/28/2005 6:15:00 AM

I have an IBM DS4400 with two EXP 700s expansion units connected to a
pSeries 650 with AIX 5.1.I have
created two logical drives in the storage unit.When i run "cfgmgr" to
recognise the new raw physical volume
each disk is reported twice.

hdisk4 Available 1n-08-01 1742 (700) Disk Array Device

hdisk5 Available 1n-08-01 1742 (700) Disk Array Device
hdisk6 Available 11-08-01 1742 (700) Disk Array Device
hdisk7 Available 11-08-01 1742 (700) Disk Array Device
There is an error message while running cfgmgr:

Method error (/etc/methods/cfgfdar -l dar0 ):

0514-002 Cannot initialize the ODM.
cfgmgr: 0514-621 WARNING: The following device packages are required for
device support but are not currently installed.

What may have cause the problem ?

How ca I solve this problem?
Any advice is truly welcome.


hi, I had met the same problem just as

yours. 3 LPARs(AIX 5300-02) on a p570
connect FastT600(Ds4300) with 2 HBA cards each, using SAN fibre switch.
2 of the
LPARs reported hdisk twice, and 1 of them
reported normally. And I found that the HBA cards on the normal one are
in the PCI
Slots belong to different BUSs, and the HBA cards on unnormal ones are
in the same
BUSs. Then I changed HBA cards to different BUSs' slots, deleted all the
dac and HBA cards in the system, and cfgmgr at last. The problem got
solved. I guess there must be some thing wrong with
the BUS design. Some one told me that he solved the problem by install
the last
patch (AIX 5300-03). So my advice is that
you should chang the HBA cards to differet
slots, clear the system and cfgmgr. Or
maybe update your AIX with the last patch.
Just try and tell me the result. Good luck!

Note 17: cfgmgr method errors:


[email protected] (Ed) wrote in message

news:<[email protected]>...
> I deleted a scsi device from my 4.3.3 configuration with the following
> command:
> rmdev -l scsi2 -dR
> The device is a dual channel ultra scsi 3 card. I deleted it to try
> to resolve some performance problems with a drawer connected to the
> device. Incidentally, scsi3 which is the other side of the dual
> channel card, is working fine.
> When I try to reconfigure the device with:
> cfgmgr -v -lscsi2
> I get the following error:
> Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgncr_scsi -l scsi2 ):
> 0514-034 The following attributes do not have valid values:
> Any thoughts on how to fix it? For the timebeing I can't reboot the
> machine. Would a reboot be able to resolve the problem if there is no
> other solution?
> Thanks!
> -- Ed

#>> Ed,

what you probably should do is run the cfgmgr comand without the
device name behind it. Because you deleted the scsi device with the
options -dR you also removed any child devices.

try this: cfgmgr -v

Note 18: cfgmgr method errors:




Does someone know what to do with an SDD driver which can't detect
from an ESS F20 but hdisks are already available on AIX?

showvpath, cfgvpath, datapath query commands don't display or found


By the way, rebooting the system didn't help

I accept any suggestions.


Luis A. Rojas


Thank you all for your suggestions

I solve the problem using the hd2vp command which converts the logical
to its related vpath. And Wal? !.. vpaths suddenly were recognized by
cfgvpath command.

I don't know why this happened, but, everything is OK now.

To those people with similar problems, please check these following

commands: dpovgfix, hd2vp, vp2hd

Best Regards
Note 19: fget_config:

how to show the current state and volume (hdisk) ownership in a IBM

The fget_config command shows the current state and volume (hdisk)

To display controllers and hdisks that are associated with a specified

DS4000 (dar):

# fget_config

To display the state of each controller in a DS4000 array, and the

current path that is being used
for I/O for each hdisk:

# fget_config -A

fget_config -A

Note 20:


dpovgfix, hd2vp, vp2hd

Asked by RandallGoff on 1/23/2007 9:38:00 AM

What filesets do dpovgfix, hd2vp and vp2hd belong to. I installed my sdd
driver and can see everything but can't find these commands.


They are part of your SDD drivers. You probably installed the filesets. Did you also
install the host attachment script... the ibm2105 filesets?

Note 21:




I have several AIX LPARS running on SVC controlled disks. Right now i
have SDD SW After configuration
i have some vpath devices that can be managed using the datapath
Now in a recent training of SVC i was asked to install the new SDDPCM
driver in order to get some of the benefits
of this SW driver.

SDDPCM does not use the concept of vpath anymore, instead a hdisk device
object is created.
This object has definitions and attributes in ODM files.

Recently i had to change a faulty HBA under SDD drivers. I was able to:

1- datapath query device: in order to check hdisk devices belonging to

the faulty adaptr.
2- datapath query adapter: in order to check the faulty adapter.
3- datapath set adapter XX offline: in order to put the faulty HAB
4- datapath remove adapter XX
5- Used the diag Hot Plug option to remove the PCI-x HBA and install a
new one.
Configured the system and modified the corresponden zone.

How to do the same with SDDPCM even when there's no concept of vpath

Thanks in advanced


Hello ,
You can do the same with sddpcm , either using the MPIO commands or
smitty screens , smitty devices ---> MPIO devices
there you can list paths , remove paths , adapters.
IN the SDD user guide there is a complete section describing what you
can do , but same functions you use
for the vpath , you can use for sddpcm.
Here is the link for the latest user guide
=DA410&dc=DA4A20&dc=DA460&dc=DA470&dc=DA400&uid=ss g1

Note 22:




Has anyone encountered the 0516-1182 ( mkvg: Open Failure on vpath ) or

0516-826 ( mkvg: Unable to create volume group )
errors while trying to create a new volume group ?

I attempted to create a new volume group using a couple of newly added

vpath devices and received
those errors.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.




If using vpath devices then you can confirm that you can open any given
device by running:

datapath query device

and confirm there's no error in the HBA communications.

Also you can review the errpt reports in order to look for VPATH OPEN
messages. You can also use
the lquerypr command in order to check for SCSI reservations in the SAN
box previously set
by another host (in case of a cluster).

Hope this helps

Example lquerypr output

# lquerypr -Vh /dev/hdisk12

connection type: fscsi1
open dev: /dev/hdisk12

Attempt to read reservation key...

Attempt to read registration keys...

Read Keys parameter
Generation : 52
Additional Length: 32
Key0 : c8ca9d09
Key1 : c8ca9d09
Key2 : c8cabd09
Key3 : c8cabd09
Reserve Key provided by current host = c8cabd09
Not reserved.

Note 23:



I'm in the process of preparing for our upcoming disaster recovery

which is happening in a few weeks. Our plan is to create one big volume
group, instead of a bunch of little ones like we have in our production
environment, to try and save some time.

My question is, is there a way to script using a for/next loop to assign

each hdisk/vpath when creating a new volume group instead of going into
and assigning them one by one by hand? The hdisks will be sequential and
will probably be over a hundred in number so you can imagine how tedious
this will be. Also, this will need to be bigvg enabled.

Any of you scripters out there have any suggestions? Thanks for your
help in


Create the VG
>mkvg -B -y datavg vpathN

Extend it
for i in `lspv | grep vpath | grep None | awk '{print #1}'`
extendvg datavg $i

That would assign all unused vpaths to the VG. BTW Use the vpath and
not the hdisk. You could add a count into it to limit the number of
disks you assign.

Note 24:



Is anyone aware of a problem if i do a

cfgmgr -vl dp0

and once the vpaths are made
it shows as
vpathxx none None

and then i add the vpath to VG

#extendvg VGname vpathxx

Does this create a problem ?


it sound like the vpath is showing correctly after cfgmgr so thats OK.
But you need to use extendvg4vp and not just extendvg
Do a 'smitty vg' and choose
'Add a Data Path Volume to a Volume Group'

Once its added to a VG then it will show more info in lspv

Note 25: cfgmgr Method error (/usr/sbin/fcppcmmap > /etc/essmap.out):


Method error (/usr/sbin/fcppcmmap > /etc/essmap.out):

0514-001 System error:

Note 26: mkpath, lspath commands:


Examples mkpath:

--To define and configure an already defined path between scsi0 and the
hdisk1 device at SCSI ID 5
and LUN 0 (i.e., connection 5,0), enter:
# mkpath -l hdisk1 -p scsi0 -w 5,0

The system displays a message similar to the following:

path available

--To configure an already defined path from 'fscsi0' to fiber channel

disk 'hdisk1', the command would be:
# mkpath -l hdisk1 -p fscsi0

The message would look similar to:

path available

--To only add to the Customized Paths object class a path definition
between scsi0 and the hdisk1 disk device
at SCSI ID 5 and LUN 0, enter:
# mkpath -d -l hdisk1 -p scsi0 -w 5,0

The system displays a message similar to the following:

path defined

Examples lspath:

lspath displays information about paths to an MultiPath I/O (MPIO)

capable device.
Examples of displaying path status:

-- To display the status of all paths to hdisk1 with column headers,

# lspath -H -l hdisk1

The system will display a message similar to the following:

status device parent
enabled hdisk1 scsi0
disabled hdisk1 scsi1
missing hdisk1 scsi2

-- To display, without column headers, the set of paths whose

operational status is disabled, enter:
# lspath -s disabled

The system will display a message similar to the following:

disabled hdisk1 scsi1
disabled hdisk2 scsi1
disabled hdisk23 scsi8
disabled hdisk25 scsi8

--To display the set of paths whose operational status is failed, enter:
# lspath -s failed

The system will display a message similar to the following:

failed hdisk1 scsi1
failed hdisk2 scsi1
failed hdisk23 scsi8
failed hdisk25 scsi8

-- To display in a user-specified format, without column headers, the

set of paths to hdisk1 whose path status
is available enter:
# lspath -l hdisk1 -s available -F"connection:parent:path_status:status"

The system will display a message similar to the following:


Note that this output shows both the path status and the operational
status of the device.
The path status simply indicates whether the path is configured or not.
The operational status indicates
how the path is being used with respect to path selection processing in
the device driver.
Only paths with a path status of available also have an operational
status. If a path is not currently configured
into the device driver, it does not have an operational status.
Examples of displaying path attributes:

--If the target device is a SCSI disk, to display all attributes for the
path to parent scsi0 at connection 5,0,
use the command:
# lspath -AHE -l hdisk10 -p scsi0 -w "5,0"
The system will display a message similar to the following:
attribute value description user_settable
weight 1 Order of path failover selection true

Note 26: About FastT and DS Storage:


IBM TotalStorager FAStT has been renamed IBM TotalStorage DS4000 series

DS4100 formerly FAStT100

DS4300 formerly FAStT600

DS4300 Turbo formerly FAStT600 Turbo

DS4400 formerly FAStT700

DS4500 formerly FAStT900

Note 27: from GPFS FAQ:



What's the difference between using an ESS with or without SDD or SDDPCM
installed on the host?

The use of SDD or SDDPCM gives the AIX host the ability to access
multiple paths to a single LUN
within an ESS. This ability to access a single LUN on multiple paths
allows for a higher degree of
data availability in the event of a path failure. Data can continue to
be accessed within the ESS
as long as there is at least one available path. Without one of these
installed, you will lose access
to the LUN in the event of a path failure.
However, your choice of whether to use SDD or SDDPCM impacts your
ability to use single-node quourm:

Single-node quorum is not supported if SDD is installed.

Single-node quorum is support if SDDPCM is installed.
To determine the GPFS disk support guidelines for SDD and SDDPCM for
your cluster type, see

Q3: What disk support guidelines must be followed when running GPFS in
an sp cluster type?
Q6: What disk support guidelines must be followed when running GPFS in
an rpd cluster type?
Q9:What are the disk support guidelines that must be followed when
running GPFS in an hacmp cluster type

Note 28: changing attributes of a fcs0 device:


# chdev -l fscsi0 -a fc_err_recov=fast_fail
# chdev -l fscsi0 -a dyntrk=yes

Display attributes:

# lsattr -El fscsi0

attach switch How this adapter is CONNECTED False

dyntrk no Dynamic Tracking of FC Devices True
fc_err_recov fast_fail FC Fabric Event Error RECOVERY Policy True
scsi_id 0x741113 Adapter SCSI ID False
sw_fc_class 3 FC Class for Fabric True

Note 29: Flash alerts:


IBM Flash Alert on AIX migration with vpaths:


All hdisks and vpath devices must be removed from host system before
upgrading to SDD host attachment script and above. All MPIO hdisks must be removed from host system
before upgrading to SDDPCM host attachment
Flash (Alert)

When upgrading from SDDPCM host attachment script
devices.fcp.disk.ibm2105.mpio.rte version or below
to, all SDDPCM MPIO hdisks must be removed from the AIX host
system before the upgrade.
When upgrading from SDD host attachment script ibm2105.rte version or below to or later,
all AIX hdisks and SDD vpath devices must be removed from the AIX host
system before the upgrade.

Please note that this document contains the following sections:

Problem description, symptoms, and information

SDD/host attachment upgrade procedures
Recovery procedures should the ODM become corrupted
Recovery procedures should the associations become corrupted
Procedures for upgrading if rootvg is on an ESS disk

- Problem description, symptoms, and information:

Starting with SDDPCM host attachment script
devices.fcp.disk.ibm2105.mpio.rte version and
SDD host attachment script ibm2105.rte version, ESS FCP
devices are configured as "IBM MPIO FC 2105"
for MPIO devices, and "IBM FC 2105" for ESS devices. This information
can be seen in the "lsdev -Cc disk" output.
Prior to these host attachment script versions, ESS FCP devices were
configured as "IBM MPIO FC 2105XXX" for
MPIO devices and "IBM FC 2105XXX" for ESS devices, where 'XXX' is the
ESS device module, such as F20 or 800.

If a host system is upgraded without removing all of the hdisks first,

then the AIX host system ODM will
be corrupted. Additionally, if all he hdisks are removed without
removing all SDD vpath devices,
then the associations between an SDD vpath device and its hdisks may be
corrupted because the hdisk's device
minor number may change after reconfiguration. The ODM corruption may
look something like the following in the
"lsdev -Cc disk" output:

# lsdev -Cc disk

lsdev: 0514-521 Cannot find information in the predefined device
configuration database for the customized device hdisk1.
lsdev: 0514-521 Cannot find information in the predefined device
configuration database for the customized device hdisk2.
lsdev: 0514-521 Cannot find information in the predefined device
configuration database for the customized device hdisk3.
lsdev: 0514-521 Cannot find information in the predefined device
configuration database for the customized device hdisk4.
lsdev: 0514-521 Cannot find information in the predefined device
configuration database for the customized device hdisk5.
lsdev: 0514-521 Cannot find information in the predefined device
configuration database for the customized device hdisk6.
lsdev: 0514-521 Cannot find information in the predefined device
configuration database for the customized device hdisk7.
lsdev: 0514-521 Cannot find information in the predefined device
configuration database for the customized device hdisk8.
hdisk0 Available 10-60-00-8,0 16 Bit SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available 20-60-01 N/A
hdisk2 Available 20-60-01 N/A
hdisk3 Available 20-60-01 N/A
hdisk4 Available 20-60-01 N/A
hdisk5 Available 20-60-01 N/A
hdisk6 Available 20-60-01 N/A
hdisk7 Available 20-60-01 N/A
hdisk8 Available 20-60-01 N/A

- SDD/host attachment upgrade procedures:

In order to prevent ODM corruption and vpath/hdisk association

corruption, all hdisks and SDD vpath devices
must be removed prior to the upgrade. The following procedure should be
used when you want to upgrade:

- AIX OS only*
- Host attachment + AIX OS*
- Host attachment + SDD
- Host attachment only
- SDD + Host attachment + AIX OS*

* Upgrading the AIX OS will always require you to install the SDD which
corresponds to the new AIX OS level.

To upgrade SDD only, follow the procedure in the SDD User's Guide.

1. Ensure rootvg is on local scsi disks. If this is not possible, see

"Procedures for upgrading if rootvg is on
an ESS disk" below.
2. Stop all applications running on SDD Volume Groups/File Systems.
3. Unmount all File Systems of SDD volume group.
4. Varyoff all SDD volume groups.
5. If upgrading OS, save output of lspv command to remember pvids of
6. If upgrading OS, export volume groups with exportvg.
7. Remove SDD vpath devices with rmdev command.
8. Remove 2105 hdisk devices with rmdev command.
9. If upgrading OS, run 'stopsrc -s sddsrv' to stop sddsrv daemon.
10. If upgrading OS, uninstall SDD.
11. If required, upgrade ibm2105.rte. The recommended version is if support for ESS model 750 is
not needed. Version is required to support ESS model
12. If upgrading OS, migrate AIX OS level.
13. If OS upgraded, boot to new AIX level with no disk groups online
except rootvg, which is on local scsi disks.
/* reboot will automatically start at the end of migration */
14. If OS upgraded, install SDD for the new OS level. Otherwise, if
required, upgrade SDD.
15. If OS not upgraded, configure hdisks with the 'cfgmgr -vl fcsX'
16. Configure SDD vpath devices by running 'cfallvpath'.
17. If OS upgraded, use lspv command to find out one physical volume
which has a pvid matching the previous
SDD VG's pv.

Previous lspv output (from step 4):
hdisk0 000bc67da3945d3c None
hdisk1 000bc67d531c699f rootvg active
hdisk2 none None
hdisk3 none None
hdisk4 none None
hdisk5 none None
hdisk6 none None
hdisk7 none None
hdisk8 none None
hdisk9 none None
hdisk10 none None
hdisk11 none None
hdisk12 none None
hdisk13 none None
hdisk14 none None
hdisk15 none None
hdisk16 none None
hdisk17 none None
hdisk18 none None
hdisk19 none None
hdisk20 none None
hdisk21 none None
vpath0 000bc67d318fb8ea SDDVG0
vpath1 000bc67d318fde50 SDDVG1
vpath2 000bc67d318ffbb0 SDDVG2
vpath3 000bc67d319018f3 SDDVG3
vpath4 000bc67d319035b2 SDDVG4
Current lspv output (from this step):
hdisk0 000bc67da3945d3c None
hdisk1 000bc67d531c699f rootvg active
hdisk2 000bc67d318fb8ea None
hdisk3 000bc67d318fde50 None
hdisk4 000bc67d318ffbb0 None
hdisk5 000bc67d319018f3 None
hdisk6 000bc67d319035b2 None
hdisk7 000bc67d318fb8ea None
hdisk8 000bc67d318fde50 None
hdisk9 000bc67d318ffbb0 None
hdisk10 000bc67d319018f3 None
hdisk11 000bc67d319035b2 None
hdisk12 000bc67d318fb8ea None
hdisk13 000bc67d318fde50 None
hdisk14 000bc67d318ffbb0 None
hdisk15 000bc67d319018f3 None
hdisk16 000bc67d319035b2 None
hdisk17 000bc67d318fb8ea None
hdisk18 000bc67d318fde50 None
hdisk19 000bc67d318ffbb0 None
hdisk20 000bc67d319018f3 None
hdisk21 000bc67d319035b2 None
vpath0 none None
vpath1 none None
vpath2 none None
vpath3 none None
vpath4 none None

In this case, hdisk2, hdisk7, hdisk12, and hdisk17 from the current lspv
has the pvid which matches the pvid of SDDVG0 from the previous lspv
So, use either hdisk2, hdisk7, hdisk12, or hdisk17 to import the volume
with the name SDDVG0

18. Run hd2vp on all SDD volume groups.

19. Vary on all SDD volume groups.
20. Mount all file system back.

- Recovery procedures should the ODM become corrupted:

If the host system's ODM is already corrupted as a result of upgrading
without removing the hdisks,
please contact IBM Customer Support at 1-800-IBM-SERV to request a
script to fix the corrupted ODM.

- Recovery procedures should the associations become corrupted:

If vpath/hdisk association corruption has occurred because hdisks were

removed without removing SDD vpath devices,
all SDD vpath devices must be removed and reconfigured in order to
correct this corrupted association.

- Procedures for upgrading if rootvg is on an ESS disk:

If rootvg is on an ESS device and cannot be moved to local scsi disks,

all hdisks cannot be removed prior
to the upgrade. In this case, the following procedure should be used to
upgrade the SDD host attachment script
to version or later:

. Contact IBM Customer Support at 1-800-IBM-SERV to request a script to

fix the corrupted ODM referenced above.
. Without removing ESS hdisks, use smitty to upgrade the SDD host
attachment script on the host system.
. Immediately run the script to fix the corrupted ODM on the host
. Run bosboot on the host system.
. Reboot the host system so that the hdisks can be configured with the
new ODM attributes.
. Return to the "SDD/host attachment upgrade procedures" above and
follow the appropriate upgrade steps now that
the SDD host attachment script upgrade is complete.

This issue only occurs when upgrading to

devices.fcp.disk.ibm2105.mpio.rte version and SDD host
attachment script ibm2105.rte version and above.

IBM Flash Alert: SDD requires minimum AIX code levels; possible
0514-035 error:
Flash (Alert)

SDD requires minimum AIX code levels. Not upgrading to correct
AIX version and level can result in
0514-035 error when attempting removal of dpo or vpath device

Starting from SDD version, a unique ID attribute is added to SDD
vpath devices, in order to
support AIX5.3 VIO future features. AIX device configure methods have
been changed in both AIX52 TL8 and
AIX53 TL4 for this support.
Following are the requirements for this version of SDD with:

AIX5.2 and AIX5.3:

AIX52 TL8 & above with PTF U804193 (IY76991)
AIX53 TL4 & above with PTF U804397 (IY76997)

Please view readme for further details

If upgraded to SDD and above without first upgrading AIX to the
levels listed above the following error
will be experienced when attempting to remove any vpath devices using

# rmdev -dl dpo -R

or the

# rmdev -dl vpathX command.

Method error (/usr/lib/methods/ucfgdevice):

0514-035 Cannot perform the requested function because of missing
predefined information in the device
configuration database.

1) Upgrade AIX to correct level and ptf, or
2) Contact SDD support at 1-800-IBM-SERV for steps to clean up ODM to
allow for downgrading the SDD level
from, if unable to upgrade AIX to a newer technology level.

Note 30:

Suppose the following happens:

# rmdev -dRl fcs0

fcnet0 deleted
fscsi0 deleted
fcs0 deleted

# cfgmgr

Method error (/usr/lib/methods/cfgefscsi -l fscsi0 ):

0514-061 Cannot find a child device.

adapter checked with several commands
connection with san seems impossible.
root@n5114l02:/root#lsattr -El fscsi0
attach none How this adapter is CONNECTED False
dyntrk no Dynamic Tracking of FC Devices True
fc_err_recov delayed_fail FC Fabric Event Error RECOVERY Policy True
scsi_id Adapter SCSI ID False
sw_fc_class 3 FC Class for Fabric True

Note 31:


A fix is available
Obtain fix for this APAR

APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
chvg -t renumber pvs that have pv numbers greater than
maxpvs with the new factor. chvg -t is only updating the
new pv_num in lvmrec and not updating the VGDA.
chvg -t leaves the vg is inconsistent state and any changes to
vg may get unpredictable results like a system crash.
Local fix
Problem summary
chvg -t renumber pvs that have pv numbers greater than
maxpvs with the new factor. chvg -t is only updating the
new pv_num in lvmrec and not updating the VGDA.
chvg -t leaves the vg is inconsistent state and any changes to
vg may get unpredictable results like a system crash.
Problem conclusion
Fix chvg -t to update the VGDA with the new pv number.
Add a check in hd_kextendlv to make sure that the pvol we
are trying to access is not null.
Temporary fix
APAR information
APAR number IY83872
Reported component name AIX 5.3
Reported component ID 5765G0300
Reported release 530
Submitted date 2006-04-11
Closed date 2006-04-11
Last modified date 2006-05-03

APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Publications Referenced

Fix information
Fixed component name AIX 5.3
Fixed component ID 5765G0300

Applicable component levels

R530 PSY U805071 UP06/05/03 I 1000

Note 32:

ESB-2008.0267 -- [AIX] -- AIX Logical Volume Manager buffer overflow


Date: 14 March 2008

AusCERT Reference #: ESB-2008.0267

Click here for printable version

Click here for PGP verifiable version


Hash: SHA1

AUSCERT External Security Bulletin Redistribution

ESB-2008.0267 -- [AIX]
AIX Logical Volume Manager buffer overflow
14 March 2008


AusCERT Security Bulletin Summary


Product: AIX 5.2

AIX 5.3
Publisher: IBM
Operating System: AIX
Impact: Root Compromise
Access: Existing Account

Original Bulletin:

- --------------------------BEGIN INCLUDED TEXT--------------------


Hash: SHA1


First Issued: Tue Jan 22 14:02:18 CST 2008
| Updated: Tue Mar 11 12:55:14 CDT 2008
| IZ10828 availablity updated

VULNERABILITY: AIX Logical Volume Manager buffer overflow


SOLUTION: Apply the fix or workaround as described below.

THREAT: A local attacker may execute arbitrary code with root


CERT VU Number: n/a

CVE Number: n/a


The AIX Logical Volume Manager provides a suite of utilities for

AIX logical volume management features and functions. The primary
fileset for the AIX Logical Volume Manager is 'bos.rte.lvm'. In
addition, AIX provides another suite of utilities for concurrent
logical volume management across multiple hosts. The primary
fileset for the AIX Concurrent Logical Volume Manager is
'bos.clvm.enh'. Several imporant commands provided by these
filesets for performing various logical volume management tasks
have been identified as containing buffer overflow


Buffer overflow vulnerabilities exist in the 'bos.rte.lvm' and

'bos.clvm.enh' fileset commands listed below. A local attacker
may execute arbitrary code with root privileges because the
commands are setuid root. The local attacker must be a member of
the 'system' group to execute these commands.

The following 'bos.rte.lvm' commands are vulnerable:


The following 'bos.clvm.enh' command is vulnerable:


The successful exploitation of this vulnerability allows a
non-privileged user to execute code with root privileges.


To determine if your system is vulnerable, execute the following


lslpp -L bos.rte.lvm bos.clvm.enh

The following fileset levels are vulnerable:

AIX Fileset Lower Level Upper Level




IBM provides the following fixes:

AIX Level APAR number Availability

5.2.0 IZ00559 (available now)
| 5.2.0 IZ10828 05/07/2008
5.3.0 IY98331 (available now)
5.3.0 IY98340 (available now)
5.3.0 IY99537 (available now)

Subscribe to the APARs here:

By subscribing, you will receive periodic email alerting you

to the status of the APAR, and a link to download the fix once
it becomes available.


Fixes are available. The fixes can be downloaded via ftp


The link above is to a tar file containing this signed

advisory, fix packages, and PGP signatures for each package.
The fixes below include prerequisite checking. This will
enforce the correct mapping between the fixes and AIX
Technology Levels.

AIX Fileset AIX Level Fix and Interim Fix

bos.lvm.rte 5200-08
bos.lvm.rte 5200-08
bos.clvm.enh 5200-08

bos.lvm.rte 5200-09
bos.lvm.rte 5200-09
bos.clvm.enh 5200-09

bos.lvm.rte 5200-10
bos.lvm.rte 5200-10 bos.rte.lvm.
bos.clvm.enh 5200-10

bos.lvm.rte 5300-05
bos.lvm.rte 5300-05
bos.lvm.rte 5300-05
bos.clvm.enh 5300-05

bos.lvm.rte 5300-06 bos.rte.lvm.

bos.clvm.enh 5300-06 bos.clvm.enh.

To extract the fixes from the tar file:

tar xvf lvm_ifix.tar

cd lvm_ifix

Verify you have retrieved the fixes intact:

The checksums below were generated using the "sum", "cksum",

"csum -h MD5" (md5sum), and "csum -h SHA1" (sha1sum) commands
and are as follows:

sum filename
14660 17 IY98331_05.071212.epkg.Z
26095 9 IY98340_5a.071211.epkg.Z
40761 8 IY98340_5b.071211.epkg.Z
10885 16 IY99537_05.071212.epkg.Z
24909 10 IZ00559_8a.071212.epkg.Z
64769 9 IZ00559_8b.071212.epkg.Z
65110 10 IZ00559_9a.071211.epkg.Z
25389 9 IZ00559_9b.071211.epkg.Z
26812 26 IZ10828_08.071212.epkg.Z
55064 26 IZ10828_09.071212.epkg.Z
55484 26 IZ10828_10.071212.epkg.Z
03885 157 bos.clvm.enh.
30581 128 bos.clvm.enh.
48971 1989 bos.rte.lvm.
64179 2603 bos.rte.lvm.

cksum filename
3121912357 16875 IY98331_05.071212.epkg.Z
107751313 9190 IY98340_5a.071211.epkg.Z
1129637178 7735 IY98340_5b.071211.epkg.Z
4019303479 16201 IY99537_05.071212.epkg.Z
1791374386 9289 IZ00559_8a.071212.epkg.Z
3287090389 8299 IZ00559_8b.071212.epkg.Z
565672617 9294 IZ00559_9a.071211.epkg.Z
257555679 8302 IZ00559_9b.071211.epkg.Z
3930477686 26525 IZ10828_08.071212.epkg.Z
1199269029 26533 IZ10828_09.071212.epkg.Z
358657844 26480 IZ10828_10.071212.epkg.Z
3753492719 160768 bos.clvm.enh.
4180839749 131072 bos.clvm.enh.
3765659627 2036736 bos.rte.lvm.
3338925192 2665472 bos.rte.lvm.

csum -h MD5 (md5sum) filename

73bcf7604dd13f26a7500e45468ff5f7 IY98331_05.071212.epkg.Z
5f32179fc2156bb6e29e775aa7bff623 IY98340_5a.071211.epkg.Z
7c47e56cadabcba0a105ffa7fc1d40fc IY98340_5b.071211.epkg.Z
ef3e4512c3b55091893ce733c707e1a2 IY99537_05.071212.epkg.Z
db04be33e56169b6a8e8fd747e6948da IZ00559_8a.071212.epkg.Z
553f31ccf6a265333938d81eeae6dabc IZ00559_8b.071212.epkg.Z
2921b9d2a3dbd84591d60fddf0663798 IZ00559_9a.071211.epkg.Z
93ce34dec8f4fa9681a2c7c86be065fc IZ00559_9b.071211.epkg.Z
e6b0a4a91ba197de0005bd800f06ba4e IZ10828_08.071212.epkg.Z
602a8c777cc27e51c3d3dbfa8ebd69be IZ10828_09.071212.epkg.Z
b84a5cae03921d30675e522da29da1aa IZ10828_10.071212.epkg.Z
2aa4b9b43ca55f74b0fac6be7bc48b66 bos.clvm.enh.
844e1f2ef9d388d2ddd8cf3ef6251f06 bos.clvm.enh.
0c73aa8f0211c400455feaa6fb8a95c4 bos.rte.lvm.
1b5a08eabe984d957db9a145e2a4fd06 bos.rte.lvm.

csum -h SHA1 (sha1sum) filename

3449afd795c24594c7a0c496f225c7148b4071ab bos.rte.lvm.

To verify the sums, use the text of this advisory as input to

csum, md5sum, or sha1sum. For example:

csum -h SHA1 -i Advisory.asc

md5sum -c Advisory.asc
sha1sum -c Advisory.asc

These sums should match exactly. The PGP signatures in the tar
file and on this advisory can also be used to verify the
integrity of the fixes. If the sums or signatures cannot be
confirmed, contact IBM AIX Security at
[email protected] and describe the discrepancy.


IMPORTANT: If possible, it is recommended that a mksysb backup

of the system be created. Verify it is both bootable and
readable before proceeding.

To preview a fix installation:

installp -a -d . -p all

To install a fix package:

installp -a -d . -X all

Interim fixes have had limited functional and regression

testing but not the full regression testing that takes place
for Service Packs; thus, IBM does not warrant the fully
correct functionality of an interim fix.

Interim fix management documentation can be found at:

To preview an interim fix installation:

emgr -e ipkg_name -p # where ipkg_name is the name of

# interim fix package being

To install an interim fix package:

emgr -e ipkg_name -X # where ipkg_name is the name of

# interim fix package being


There are two workarounds available.


Change the permissions of these commands to remove the setuid

bit using the following commands:

chmod 500 /usr/sbin/lchangevg

chmod 500 /usr/sbin/ldeletepv
chmod 500 /usr/sbin/putlvodm
chmod 500 /usr/sbin/lvaryoffvg
chmod 500 /usr/sbin/lvgenminor
chmod 500 /usr/sbin/tellclvmd

NOTE: chmod will disable functionality of these commands for

all users except root.

B. OPTION 2 (AIX 6.1, AIX 5.3 TL6 and TL7)

Use the File Permissions Manager (fpm) command to manage

setuid and setgid programs.

fpm documentation can be found in the AIX 6 Security Redbook


An fpm level of high will remove the setuid bit from the
affected commands. For example:

fpm -l high -p # to preview changes

fpm -l high # to execute changes

NOTE: Please review the documentation before execution. fpm

will disable functionality of multiple commands for all users
except root.


AIX security related fixes can be downloaded from:

AIX fixes can be downloaded from:

NOTE: Affected customers are urged to upgrade to the latest

applicable Technology Level and Service Pack.


If you would like to receive AIX Security Advisories via email,

please visit:

Comments regarding the content of this announcement can be

directed to:

[email protected]

To request the PGP public key that can be used to communicate

securely with the AIX Security Team you can either:

A. Send an email with "get key" in the subject line to:

[email protected]

B. Download the key from a PGP Public Key Server. The key ID is:


Please contact your local IBM AIX support center for any

eServer is a trademark of International Business Machines

Corporation. IBM, AIX and pSeries are registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks
are property of their respective holders.


IBM discovered and fixed this vulnerability as part of its

commitment to secure the AIX operating system.

31.6 Other filesystem commands:

df command:

df Command

Reports information about space on file systems. This document describes
the AIXr df command as well as
the System V version of df.

df [ [ -P ] | [ -I | -M | -i | -t | -v ] ] [ -k ] [ -m ] [ -g ] [ -s ]
[FileSystem ... | File... ]

The df command displays information about total space and available
space on a file system.
The FileSystem parameter specifies the name of the device on which the
file system resides, the directory
on which the file system is mounted, or the relative path name of a file
system. The File parameter specifies
a file or a directory that is not a mount point.
If the File parameter is specified, the df command displays information
for the file system on which the file
or directory resides.
If you do not specify the FileSystem or File parameter, the df command
displays information for all
currently mounted file systems.
File system statistics are displayed in units of 512-byte blocks by

The df command gets file system space statistics from the statfs system
call. However, specifying the -s flag
gets the statistics from the virtual file system (VFS) specific file
system helper. If you do not specify
arguments with the -s flag and the helper fails to get the statistics,
the statfs system call statistics
are used. Under certain exceptional conditions, such as when a file
system is being modified while
the df command is running, the statistics displayed by the df command
might not be accurate.

Some remote file systems, such as the Network File System (NFS), do not
provide all the information
that the df command needs. The df command prints blanks for statistics
that the server does not provide.


-g Displays statistics in units of GB blocks. The output values for the

file system statistics would be in floating point numbers
as value of each unit in bytes is significantly high.
-i Displays the number of free and used i-nodes for the file system;
this output is the default when the specified file system is mounted.
-I Displays information on the total number of blocks, the used space,
the free space, the percentage of used space, and the mount point for
the file system.
-k Displays statistics in units of 1024-byte blocks.
-m Displays statistics in units of MB blocks. The output values for the
file system statistics would be in floating point numbers
as value of each unit in bytes is significantly high.
-M Displays the mount point information for the file system in the
second column.
-P Displays information on the file system in POSIX portable format.
-s Gets file system statistics from the VFS specific file system helper
instead of the statfs system call.
Any arguments given when using the -s flag must be a JFS or Enhanced
JFS filesystem mount point or device.
The filesystem must also be listed in /etc/filesystems.
-t Includes figures for total allocated space in the output.
-v Displays all information for the specified file system.


To display information about all mounted file systems, enter:

If your system has the /, /usr, /site, and /usr/venus file systems
mounted, the output from the df command
resembles the following:

Filesystem 512-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on

/dev/hd0 19368 9976 48% 4714 5% /
/dev/hd1 24212 4808 80% 5031 19% /usr
/dev/hd2 9744 9352 4% 1900 4% /site
/dev/hd3 3868 3856 0% 986 0% /usr/venus

To display information about /test file system in 1024-byte blocks,

df -k /test
Filesystem 1024 blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/lv11 16384 15824 4% 18 1% /tmp/ravi1
This displays the file system statistics in 1024-byte disk blocks.

To display information about /test file system in MB blocks, enter:

df -m /test
Filesystem MB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/lv11 16.00 15.46 4% 18 1% /tmp/ravi1
This displays file system statistics in MB disk blocks rounded off to
nearest 2nd decimal digit.

To display information about the /test file system in GB blocks, enter:

df -g /test
Filesystem GB blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/lv11 0.02 0.02 0% 18 1% /tmp/ravi1
This displays file system statistics in GB disk blocks rounded off to
nearest 2nd decimal digit.
To display available space on the file system in which your current
directory resides, enter:

df .
The output from this command resembles the following:

Device 512-blocks free %used iused %iused Mounted on

/dev/hd4 19368 9976 48% 4714 5% /

The defragfs command:


defragfs Command

Increases a file system's contiguous free space.

defragfs [ -q | -r | -s] { Device | FileSystem }

The defragfs command increases a file system's contiguous free space by
reorganizing allocations to be
contiguous rather than scattered across the disk. The file system to be
defragmented can be specified
with the Device variable, which is the path name of the logical volume
(for example, /dev/hd4).
It can also be specified with the FileSystem variable, which is the
mount point in the /etc/filesystems file.

The defragfs command is intended for fragmented and compressed file

systems. However, you can use
the defragfs command to increase contiguous free space in nonfragmented
file systems.

You must mount the file system read-write for this command to run
successfully. Using the -q flag,
the -r flag or the -s flag generates a fragmentation report. These flags
do not alter the file system.

The defragfs command is slow against a JFS2 file system with a snapshot
due to the amount of data
that must be copied into snapshot storage object. The defragfs command
issues a warning message
if there are snapshots. The snapshot command can be used to delete the
snapshots and then used again
to create a new snapshot after the defragfs command completes.


-q Reports the current state of the file system.

-r Reports the current state of the file system and the state that would
result if
the defragfs command is run without either the -q, -r or -s flag.
-s Reports the fragmentation in the file system. This option causes
defragfs to pass through
meta data in the file system which may result in degraded

On a JFS filesystem, the definitions for the messages reported by the
defragfs command are as follows:

Number of free fragments

The number of free fragments in the file system.
Number of allocated fragments
The number of allocated fragments in the file system.
Number of free spaces shorter than a block
The number of free spaces within the file system that are shorter than a
block. A free space is a set of contiguous fragments that are not
Number of free fragments in short free spaces
The total number of fragments in all the short free spaces. A short free
space is one that is shorter than a block.
Number of fragments moved
The total number of fragments moved.
Number of logical blocks moved
The total number of logical blocks moved.
Number of allocation attempts
The number of times free fragments were reallocated.
Number of exact matches
The number of times the fragments that are moved would fit exactly in
some free space.
Total number of fragments
The total number of fragments in the file system.
Number of fragments that may be migrated
The number of fragments that may be moved during defragmentation.
FileSystem filesystem is n percent fragmented
Shows to what extent the file system is fragmented in percentage.
On a JFS2 filesystem the definitions for the messages reported by the
defragfs command are as follows:

Total allocation groups

The number of allocation groups in the file system. Allocation groups
divide the space on a file system into chunks. Allocation groups allow
JFS2 resource allocation policies to use well known methods for
achieving good I/O performance.
Allocation groups defragmented
The number of allocation groups that were defragmented.
Allocation groups skipped - entirely free
The number of allocation groups that were skipped because they were
entirely free.
Allocation groups skipped - too few free blocks
The number of allocation groups that were skipped because there were too
few free blocks in them for reallocation.
Allocation groups skipped - contains a large contiguous free space
The number of allocation groups that were skipped because they contained
a large contiguous free space which is not worth defragmenting.
Allocation groups are candidates for defragmenting
The number of allocation groups that are fit for defragmenting.
Average number of free runs in candidate allocation groups
The average number of free runs per allocation group, for allocation
groups that are found fit for defragmentation. A free run is a
contiguous set of blocks which are not allocated.
Total number of blocks
The total number of blocks in the file system.
Number of blocks that may be migrated
The number of blocks that may be moved during defragmentation.
FileSystem filesystem is n percent fragmented
Shows to what extent the file system is fragmented in percentage.

To defragment the /data1 file system located on the /dev/lv00 logical
volume, enter:
defragfs /data1

To defragment the /data1 file system by specifying its mount point,

defragfs /data1

To generate a report on the /data1 file system that indicates its

current status as well as its status
after being defragmented, enter:
defragfs -r /data1

To generate a report on the fragmentation in the /data1 file system,

defragfs -s /data1

The fsck command:


Checks file system consistency and interactively repairs the file

fsck [ -n ] [ -p ] [ -y ] [ -dBlockNumber ] [ -f ] [ -ii-NodeNumber ] [
-o Options ] [ -tFile ]
[ -V VfsName ] [ FileSystem1 - FileSystem2 ... ]

Attention: Always run the fsck command on file systems after a system
malfunction. Corrective actions
may result in some loss of data. The default action for each consistency
correction is to wait for the operator
to enter yes or no. If you do not have write permission for an affected
file system, the fsck command defaults
to a no response in spite of your actual response.

The fsck command does not make corrections to a mounted file system.
The fsck command can be run on a mounted file system for reasons other
than repairs.
However, inaccurate error messages may be returned when the file system
is mounted.
The fsck command checks and interactively repairs inconsistent file
systems. You should run this command
before mounting any file system. You must be able to read the device
file on which the file system resides
(for example, the /dev/hd0 device). Normally, the file system is
consistent, and the fsck command merely reports
on the number of files, used blocks, and free blocks in the file system.
If the file system is inconsistent,
the fsck command displays information about the inconsistencies found
and prompts you for permission to repair them.

The fsck command is conservative in its repair efforts and tries to

avoid actions that might result in the
loss of valid data. In certain cases, however, the fsck command
recommends the destruction of a damaged file.
If you do not allow the fsck command to perform the necessary repairs,
an inconsistent file system may result.
Mounting an inconsistent file system may result in a system crash.

If a JFS2 file system has snapshots, the fsck command will attempt to
preserve them. If this action fails,
the snapshots cannot be guaranteed to contain all of the before-images
from the snapped file system.
The fsck command will delete the snapshots and the snapshot logical

If you do not specify a file system with the FileSystem parameter, the
fsck command checks all file systems
listed in the /etc/filesystems file for which the check attribute is set
to True. You can enable this type of
checking by adding a line in the stanza, as follows:

You can also perform checks on multiple file systems by grouping the
file systems in the /etc/filesystems file.
To do so, change the check attribute in the /etc/filesystems file as

The Number parameter tells the fsck command which group contains a
particular file system.
File systems that use a common log device should be placed in the same
group. File systems are checked,
one at a time, in group order, and then in the order that they are
listed in the /etc/filesystems file.
All check=true file systems are in group 1. The fsck command attempts to
check the root file system before
any other file system regardless of the order specified on the command
line or in the /etc/filesystems file.

The fsck command checks for the following inconsistencies:

-Blocks or fragments allocated to multiple files.

-i-nodes containing block or fragment numbers that overlap.
-i-nodes containing block or fragment numbers out of range.
-Discrepancies between the number of directory references to a file and
the link count of the file.
-Illegally allocated blocks or fragments.
-i-nodes containing block or fragment numbers that are marked free in
the disk map.
-i-nodes containing corrupt block or fragment numbers.
-A fragment that is not the last disk address in an i-node. This check
does not apply to compressed file systems.
-Files larger than 32KB containing a fragment. This check does not apply
to compressed file systems.
-Size checks:
Incorrect number of blocks.
Directory size not a multiple of 512 bytes.
These checks do not apply to compressed file systems.
-Directory checks:
Directory entry containing an i-node number marked free in the i-node
i-node number out of range.
Dot (.) link missing or not pointing to itself.
Dot dot (..) link missing or not pointing to the parent directory.
Files that are not referenced or directories that are not reachable.
-Inconsistent disk map.
-Inconsistent i-node map.
-Orphaned files and directories (those that cannot be reached) are, if
you allow it, reconnected by placing them
in the lost+found subdirectory in the root directory of the file
system. The name assigned is the i-node number.
If you do not allow the fsck command to reattach an orphaned file, it
requests permission to destroy the file.

In addition to its messages, the fsck command records the outcome of its
checks and repairs through its exit value.
This exit value can be any sum of the following conditions:

0 All checked file systems are now okay.

2 The fsck command was interrupted before it could complete checks or
4 The fsck command changed the file system; the user must restart the
system immediately.
8 The file system contains unrepaired damage.

When the system is booted from a disk, the boot process explicitly runs
the fsck command,
specified with the -f and -p flags on the /, /usr, /var, and /tmp file
systems. If the fsck command
is unsuccessful on any of these file systems, the system does not boot.
Booting from removable media and
performing maintenance work will then be required before such a system
will boot.

If the fsck command successfully runs on /, /usr, /var, and /tmp, normal
system initialization continues.
During normal system initialization, the fsck command specified with the
-f and -p flags runs from the
/etc/rc file. This command sequence checks all file systems in which the
check attribute is set to True (check=true).
If the fsck command executed from the /etc/rc file is unable to
guarantee the consistency of any file system,
system initialization continues. However, the mount of any inconsistent
file systems may fail.
A mount failure may cause incomplete system initialization.

By default, the /, /usr, /var, and /tmp file systems have the check
attribute set to False (check=false)
in their /etc/filesystem stanzas. The attribute is set to False for the
following reasons:
The boot process explicitly runs the fsck command on the /, /usr, /var,
and /tmp file systems.
The /, /usr, /var, and /tmp file systems are mounted when the /etc/rc
file is executed. The fsck command
will not modify a mounted file system. Furthermore, the fsck command run
on a mounted file system produces
unreliable results.
You can use the File Systems application in Web-based System Manager
(wsm) to change file system characteristics.
You could also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit fsck
fast path to run this command.


-dBlockNumber Searches for references to a specified disk block.

Whenever the fsck command encounters a file that
contains a specified block, it displays the i-node number and all path
names that refer to it.
For JFS2 filesystems, the i-node numbers referencing the specified block
will be displayed but not
their path names."
-f Performs a fast check. Under normal circumstances, the only file
systems likely to be affected by halting
the system without shutting down properly are those that are mounted
when the system stops. The -f flag prompts
the fsck command not to check file systems that were unmounted
successfully. The fsck command determines this
by inspecting the s_fmod flag in the file system superblock.
This flag is set whenever a file system is mounted and cleared when it
is unmounted successfully.
If a file system is unmounted successfully, it is unlikely to have any
problems. Because most file systems
are unmounted successfully, not checking those file systems can reduce
the checking time.

-ii-NodeNumber Searches for references to a specified i-node. Whenever

the fsck command encounters a directory
reference to a specified i-node, it displays the full path name of the
-n Assumes a no response to all questions asked by the fsck command;
does not open the specified file system
for writing.
-o Options Passes comma-separated options to the fsck command. The
following options are currently supported
for JFS (these options are obsolete for newer file systems and can be
Causes the fsck command to exit with success, returning a value of 0, if
the file system in question is mountable (clean).
If the file system is not mountable, the fsck command exits returning
with a value of 8.
Causes the fsck command to exit with success (0) if the file system in
question is of the same type as either specified in the
/etc/filesystems file or by the -V flag on the command line. Otherwise,
8 is returned. For example,
fsck -o mytype -V jfs / exits with a value of 0 if / (the root file
system) is a journaled file system.
-p Does not display messages about minor problems but fixes them
automatically. This flag does not grant the wholesale license that the
-y flag does and is useful for performing automatic checks when the
system is started normally. You should use this flag as part of the
system startup procedures, whenever the system is being run
If the primary superblock is corrupt, the secondary superblock is
verified and copied to the primary superblock.
-tFile Specifies a File parameter as a scratch file on a file system
other than the one being checked, if the fsck command cannot obtain
enough memory to keep its tables. If you do not specify the -t flag and
the fsck command needs a scratch file, it prompts you for the name of
the scratch file. However, if you have specified the -p flag, the fsck
command is unsuccessful. If the scratch file is not a special file, it
is removed when the fsck command ends.
-V VfsName Uses the description of the virtual file system specified by
the VFSName variable for the file system instead of using the
/etc/filesystems file to determine the description. If the -V VfsName
flag is not specified on the command line, the /etc/filesystems file is
checked and the vfs=Attribute of the matching stanza is assumed to be
the correct file system type.
-y Assumes a yes response to all questions asked by the fsck command.
This flag lets the fsck command take any action it considers necessary.
Use this flag only on severely damaged file systems.

To check all the default file systems, enter:

This command checks all the file systems marked check=true in the
/etc/filesystems file.
This form of the fsck command asks you for permission before making any
changes to a file system.

To fix minor problems with the default file systems automatically,


fsck -p
To check a specific file system, enter:

fsck /dev/hd1
This command checks the unmounted file system located on the /dev/hd1


Global to the VG:

The VGDA, located at the beginning of each physical volume, contains
information that describes all
the LV's and all the PV's that belong to the VG of which that PV is a
The VGDA makes a VG selfdescribing. An AIX System can read the VGDA on a
disk, and from that, can
determine what PV's and LV's are part of this VG.
There are one or two copies per disk.


Tracks the state of mirrorred copies.

The VGSA contains state information about physical partitions and
physical volumes.
For example, the VGSA knows if one PV in a VG is unavailable.

Each PV has at least one VGDA/VGSA. The number of VGDA's contained on a

single disk
varies according to the number of disks in the VG.


Contains LV attributes (policies, number of copies).

The LVCB is located at the start of every LV. It contains information
about the logical volume.
You can however, use the mklv command with the -T option, to request
that the LVCB will not
be stored in the beginning of the LV.

With Scalable VG's, LVCM info is no longer stored in the first user
block of any LV.
All relevant LVCM info is kept in the VGDA.

31.7 The lqueryvg command:


The lqueryvg command reads the VGDA from a specified disk in a VG.


# lqueryvg -p hdisk1 -At

# lqueryvg -Atp hdisk0

-p: which PV
-A: show all available information
-t: show descriptive tags

#lqueryvg -Atp hdisk0
Max LVs: 256
PP Size: 25
Free PPs: 468
LV count: 20
PV count: 2
Total VGDAs: 3
Conc Allowed: 0
MAX PPs per PV 1016
MAX PVs: 32
Conc Autovaryo 0
Varied on Conc 0
Logical: 00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.1 hd5 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.2 hd6 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.3 hd8 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.4 hd4 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.5 hd2 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.6 hd9var 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.7 hd3 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.8 hd1 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.9 hd10opt 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.10 hd7 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.11 hd7x 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.12 beheerlv 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.13 varperflv 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.14 loglv00 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.15 db2_server_v8 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.16 db2_var_v8 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.17 db2_admin_v8 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.18 db2_adminlog_v8 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.19 db2_dasscr_v8 1
00c665ed00004c0000000112b7408848.20 db2_Fixpak10 1
Physical: 00c665edb74079bc 2 0
00c665edb7f2987a 1 0
Total PPs: 1022
LTG size: 128
VG Type: 0
Max PPs: 32512

31.8 The lquerypv command:


How do I find out what the maximum supported logical track group (LTG)
size of my hard disk?
You can use the lquerypv command with the -M flag. The output gives the
LTG size in KB. For instance,
the LTG size for hdisk0 in the following example is 256 KB.

/usr/sbin/lquerypv -M hdisk0


lquerypv -h core 6b0

to find the executable (probably man, but man may have called
something else in the background)

then run

dbx path_/to_/executable core

and run the subcommand

dbx> where

and paste the stack output, should be able to find it from there. also
paste the level of fileset you are on for the executable

lslpp -w /path_/to_/executable -> this will give fileset_name

lslpp -l fileset_name


Wie l,sst sich ein Storage Lock auf einer SAN-Disk brechen?
Endlich die ersehnte SAN-Disk bekommen und dann das, es l,sst sich keine
Volume Group darauf anlegen.

# mkvg -f vpath100

gibt einen I/O Error. Was tun?

H"chstwahrscheinlich befindet sich noch ein Lock auf der SAN-Disk. Dies
l,sst sich mit dem Befehl

# lquerypv -ch /dev/vpath100

aufbrechen und die Volume Group kann angelegt werden.


# lquerypv -h /dev/hdisk9 80 10
00000080 00001155 583CD4B0 00000000 00000000 |...UX<..........|

# lquerypv -h /dev/hdisk1
00000000 C9C2D4C1 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
00000020 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
00000030 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
00000040 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
00000050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
00000060 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
00000070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
00000080 00C665ED B7F2987A 00000000 00000000 |..e....z........|
00000090 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
000000A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
000000B0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
000000C0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
000000D0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
000000E0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
000000F0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|

# lquerypv -h /dev/hdisk0 80 10

root@zd93l12:/root#lquerypv -h /dev/hdisk0 80 10
00000080 00C665ED B74079BC 00000000 00000000 |..e..@y.........|

31.9 The getlvcb command:


The LVCB stores attributes of a LV. The getlvcb command reads the LVCB
of a specified LV.
Displays a formatted output of the data in the LVCB of a LV.


# getlvcb -At hd2

# getlvcb -TA hd3

Displays the information held in the LVCB of LV hd3.

31.10 The putlvcb command:


Writes the control block information (only the specified fields) into
block 0 of a logical volume (LVCB).

# putlvcb -t jfs lvdata

writes the LV type jfs to the LVCB of LV lvdata.

32. Some Filesystem related errors in AIX:


32.1 The root / Filesystem is full:

Dealing with a 100% full root (/) filesystem in AIX

Number one - DON'T Re-boot.

Do a chfs -a size=+1 / (enter). The root filesystem will be increased
by one
physical partition.

If the box is re-booted, shutdown, or crashes do the following:

Load the AIX Installation CD #1 and type shutdown -Fr.

Upon re-boot press F1 to enter the Systems Management Services (SMS)
Click on the Multi-Boot icon.

The bootlist needs to be changed so that CD0 is the first boot device.
Shutdown and re-boot.

Press F1 and enter.

Press 1 and enter.
Select Maintenance Mode option (3?).
Select Access a Root Volume Group.
Select the option that does NOT mount the filesystems.
At the prompt, type mount /dev/hd4 (this is where the root filesystem
At the prompt type mount /dev/hd2 /usr

Type df and enter. Note filesystem sizes.

Now, chfs -a size=+1 /

Type: df and enter. Note that the filesystem / is larger.

Type: sync

You need to change your bootlist to boot off of hdisk0:

Type: bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1 rmt0 cd0 and enter.
Type: shutdown -Fr.

the system will re-boot and should come back online in it's proper

32.2 Fixing ODM problems on a VG which is not the rootvg:


In the following examle, the VG is called "myvg" consisting of the

Physical Volume hdisk3.

1. Unmount all filesystems in that VG first, otherwise you cannot

varyoff the VG.
Then varyoff the VG.

# varyoffvg myvg
2. Now remove the complete information of that VG from ODM. The VGDA and
on the actual disks are NOT touched by the exportvg command.

# exportvg myvg

3. Now import the VG and create new ODM objects associated with that VG:

# importvg -y myvg hdisk3

You only need to specify one intact PV of the VG in the above command.
Any disk in the VG
will have a VGDA which contains all neccessary information.
The importvg command reads the VGDA and LVCB on that disk and creates
completely new ODM entries.

32.3 Fixing ODM problems on the rootvg:



You can try to use the "rvgrecover" shell script.

The rootvg cannot be varied off, like an ordinary VG, so the solution
from the
former section cannot be used.
But the script "rvgrecover" issues a series of odmdelete statements,
just like exportvg does.
At the end of the script, an importvg is done.
The importvg command, reads the VGDA and LVCB from the boot disk,
resulting in new ODM entries.

The rvgrecover script has the following contents:

Reinitializing the rootvg Volume Group

To reinitialize the rootvg volume group, copy the shell script to
/bin/rvgrecover and run
the following to make that file executable:

chmod +x /bin/rvgrecover
Then run:

Use the following shell script to reinitialize the ODM entries for the
rootvg volume group:

PV=/dev/ipldevice # PV=hdisk0
cp /etc/objrepos/CuAt /etc/objrepos/CuAt.$$
cp /etc/objrepos/CuDep /etc/objrepos/CuDep.$$
cp /etc/objrepos/CuDv /etc/objrepos/CuDv.$$
cp /etc/objrepos/CuDvDr /etc/objrepos/CuDvDr.$$
lqueryvg -Lp $PV | awk '{ print $2 }' | while read LVname; do
odmdelete -q "name = $LVname" -o CuAt
odmdelete -q "name = $LVname" -o CuDv
odmdelete -q "value3 = $LVname" -o CuDvDr
odmdelete -q "name = $VG" -o CuAt
odmdelete -q "parent = $VG" -o CuDv
odmdelete -q "name = $VG" -o CuDv
odmdelete -q "name = $VG" -o CuDep
odmdelete -q "dependency = $VG" -o CuDep
odmdelete -q "value1 = 10" -o CuDvDr
odmdelete -q "value3 = $VG" -o CuDvDr
importvg -y $VG $PV # ignore lvaryoffvg errors
varyonvg $VG


redefinevg Command

Redefines the set of physical volumes of the given volume group in the
device configuration database.

redefinevg { -d Device | -i Vgid } VolumeGroup

During normal operations the device configuration database remains
consistent with the
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) information in the reserved area on the
physical volumes.
If inconsistencies occur between the device configuration database and
the LVM, the redefinevg command
determines which physical volumes belong to the specified volume group
and re-enters this information
in the device configuration database. The redefinevg command checks for
inconsistencies by reading
the reserved areas of all the configured physical volumes attached to
the system.

Note: To use this command, you must either have root user authority or
be a member of the system group.


-d Device The volume group ID, Vgid, is read from the specified physical
volume device.
You can specify the Vgid of any physical volume belonging to the
volume group that you are redefining.
-i Vgid The volume group identification number of the volume group to be

To redefine rootvg physical volumes in the Device Configuration
Database, enter a command similar to the following:

# redefinevg -d hdisk0 rootvg


synclvodm Command
Synchronizes or rebuilds the logical volume control block, the device
configuration database,
and the volume group descriptor areas on the physical volumes.

synclvodm [ -v ] VolumeGroup [ LogicalVolume ... ]

During normal operations, the device configuration database remains
consistent with the
logical volume manager information in the logical volume control blocks
and the volume group descriptor
areas on the physical volumes. If for some reason the device
configuration database is not consistent
with Logical Volume Manager information, the synclvodm command can be
used to resynchronize the database.
The volume group must be active for the resynchronization to occur (see
If logical volume names are specified, only the information related to
those logical volumes is updated.

Attention: Do not remove the /dev entries for volume groups or logical
volumes. Do not change the
device configuration database entries for volume groups or logical
volumes using the object data manager.
Note: To use this command, you must either have root user authority or
be a member of the system group.
-v verbose


To synchronize the device configuration database with the logical volume

manager information for rootvg,
enter the following:

synclvodm rootvg

32.4 How to Replace a Disk?:


1. Short version for normal VG (not rootvg) and the disk is working:
extendvg VolumeGroupName hdiskY
migratepv hdiskX hdiskY
reducevg -d VolumeGroupName hdiskX

2. More Detail:

2.1 The disk is mirrored:


1. Remove all copies from the disk:

# unmirrorvg vg_name hdiskX

2. Remove disk from VG:

# reducevg vg_name hdiskX

3. Remove disk from ODM:

# rmdev -l hdiskX -d

4. Add new disk to the system.

5. Add the new disk to the VG:

# extendvg vg_name hdiskY

6. Create new copies:

# mirrorvg vg_name
# syncvg vg_name

2.2 The disk was not mirrored, or you want to replace a working disk:

1. Add the new disk to the system.

2. Add the disk to the VG:

# extendvg vg_name hdiskY

3. Migrate old disk to new disk:

# migratepv hdiskX hdiskY

4. Remove old disk from VG:

# reducevg vg_name hdiskX

5. Remove old disk from ODM:

# rmdev -l hdiskX -d

2.3 Replace the disk in the rootvg:


1. Add the new disk to the system.

2. Add the disk to the VG:

# extendvg rootvg hdiskY
3. The diskX contains hd5? If so:

# migratepv -l hd5 hdiskX hdiskY

# bosboot -ad /dev/hdiskY
# chpv -c hdiskX
# bootlist -m normal hdiskY

If hdiskX contains the primary dump device, you must deactivate it:
# sysdumpdev -p /dev/sysdumpnull

4. Migrate old disk to new disk:

# migratepv hdiskX hdiskY

If the primary dump device has been deactivated, activate it again

# sysdumpdev -p /dev/hdX

5. Remove old disk from VG:

# reducevg rootvg hdiskX

6. Remove old disk from ODM:

# rmdev -l hdiskX -d

32.5 Filesystem errors:


32.5.1 ksh: Invalid file system control data detected:


Note 1:


Anybody recognize this? This directory seems to be missing the ".", I

umount, can't remove the directory, can't copy a good directory over it,

spiderman# cd probes
spiderman# pwd
spiderman# ls -la
ls: 0653-341 The file . does not exist.
spiderman# cd ..
spiderman# ls -la probes
ls: probes: Invalid file system control data detected.
total 0

spiderman# fuser /opt

spiderman# umount /opt
umount: 0506-349 Cannot unmount /dev/hd10opt: The requested resource is
spiderman# umount /dev/hd10opt
umount: 0506-349 Cannot unmount /dev/hd10opt: The requested resource is

spiderman# fsck /opt

** Checking /dev/hd10opt (/opt) MOUNTED FILE SYSTEM; WRITING SUPPRESSED;

Checking a mounted filesystem does not produce dependable results.
** Phase 1 - Check Blocks and Sizes
** Phase 2 - Check Pathnames
Directory /diagnostics/probes, '.' entry is missing. (NOT FIXED)
Directory /diagnostics/probes, '..' entry is missing. (NOT FIXED)
** Phase 3 - Check Connectivity
** Phase 4 - Check Reference Counts
link count directory I@98 owner=bin mode$0755
sizeQ2 mtime=May 13 14:54 2005
count 3 should be 2 (NOT ADJUSTED)
link count directory I@99 owner=bin mode$0755
size24 mtime=Jan 10 13:45 2005
count 2 should be 1 (NOT ADJUSTED)
Unreferenced file IA06 owner=bin mode0555
sizee56 mtime=Jul 07 14:25 2004 (NOT RECONNECTED)
Unreferenced file IA06 (NOT CLEARED)
Unreferenced file IA07 owner=bin mode0555
size)12 mtime=Jul 07 14:25 2004 (NOT RECONNECTED)


Some good news here. Yes, your directory is hosed, but the important
things is that all a directory is a repository for storing inode numbers
and associated (human readable) file names. Since fsck is so nicely
generating all of those now currently inaccessible inode numbers, a find
command can be used to move them into a new directory. Once the old
directory is empty, you can (hopefully) rm -r it.

Here's what you need to do.

a) Get all the inode numbers generated from your fsck

b) put them into a variable (e.g. lost_inodes="4099 4106....etc."
c) Make a target directory for the lost inodes to be moved into:
mkdir /tmp/recovery
d) cd into your problem File System:
cd /opt
d) Run a loop using find:
for i in ${lost_inodes}
find . -inum ${i} mv * /tmp/recovery \;
echo "Moved and recovered inode # ${i}"
That should do it. Let me know if it works ok! BTW, the new "file
name" should be the inode number of the file. You will have to rename
the files as needed.




APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
After shrinking a filesystem, J2_DMAP_CORRUPT reports
appear in the error report and some file creates/writes
fail with "Invalid file system control data detected".
Local fix
Problem summary
Problem conclusion
Temporary fix
APAR information
APAR number IY94101
Reported component name AIX 5.3
Reported component ID 5765G0300
Reported release 530
Submitted date 2007-01-26
Closed date 2007-01-29
Last modified date 2007-05-25

APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Publications Referenced

Fix information
Fixed component name AIX 5.3
Fixed component ID 5765G0300

Note 3:

Since applying ML7 for AIX 5.1 I have been getting file corruption error
messages on a particular filesystem and the only way to fix it is to
the filesystem and fsck it. I thought it might be a hardware problem but
now it is also happening on another machine I put the ML7 on and it is
happening to the same filesystem (one machine is a test server of the
other). The only unique thing about the filesystem is that it is not in
rootvg and it is large -1281228 1024-blocks. Has anyone heard of this?
Below is the error I am getting:

Date/Time: Tue Apr 26 13:45:26 EDT

Sequence Number: 2023
Machine Id: 0000F11F4C00
Node Id: XX00
Class: U
Type: UNKN
Resource Name: SYSPFS
Resource Class: NONE
Resource Type: NONE
Location: NONE


Probable Causes

Recommended Actions

Failure Causes

Recommended Actions

Detail Data
0026 0006
4A46 5345 426E 8C46 0000 000E 0000 001D 0003 0610 0000 0000 0000 0000
164D A330 0001 86D3 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

Date/Time: Tue Apr 26 13:45:26 EDT

Sequence Number: 2022
Machine Id: 0000F11F4C00
Node Id: XX00
Class: O
Type: INFO
Resource Name: SYSPFS


Recommended Actions

Detail Data
0026 0006
/dev/lv04, /opt/egate

Note 3:


How can I remove a bizarre, irremovable file from a directory? I've

tried every way of using
/bin/rm and nothing works."


In some rare cases a strangely-named file will show itself in your

directory and appear to be
un-removable with the rm command. Here is will the use of ls -li and
find with its -inum [inode]
primary does the job.
Let's say that ls -l shows your irremovable as

-rw------- 1 smith smith 0 Feb 1 09:22 ?*?*P


ls -li

to get the index node, or inode.

153805 -rw------- 1 smith smith 0 Feb 1 09:22 ?*?^P

The inode for this file is 153805. Use find -inum [inode] to make sure
that the file is correctly identified.

% find -inum 153805 -print


Here, we see that it is. Then used the -exec functionality to do the
remove. .

% find . -inum 153805 -print -exec /bin/rm {} \;

Note that if this strangely named file were not of zero-length, it might
contain accidentally misplaced
and wanted data. Then you might want to determine what kind of data the
file contains and move the file
to some temporary directory for further investigation, for example:

% find . -inum 153805 -print -exec /bin/mv {} unknown.file \;

Will rename the file to unknown.file, so you can easily inspect it.

Another way to remove strangely-named files is to use "ls -q" or "cat

-v" to show the special characters,
and then use shell's globbing mechanism to delete the file.

$ ls
$ ls | cat -v

$ rm ./-'^B'* -- achieved by typing control-V control-B

$ ls

the argument given to rm is a judicious selection of glob wildcards

(*'s) and sufficient control characters
to uniquely identify the file. The leading "./" is useful when the file
begins with a hyphen.
These binary name files are caused by:
* accidental cut-and-pastes to shell prompts - especially when you paste
something of the form: "junk > garbage"
because the shell creates the file "garbage" before trying to execute
the command "junk"

* filesystem corruption (in which case touching the filesystem any more
can really stuff things up)
If you discover that you have two files of the same name, one of the
files probably has a bizarre
(and unprintable) character in its name. Most probably, this unprintable
character is a backspace.

For example:

$ ls
filename filename
$ ls -q
filename fl?ilename
$ ls | cat -v

32.5.2 More on Filesystem errors (1):


Note 1:


Hi all,

I have a error message complaining about filesystem being full.

but df does not sure any filesystem being full.
The error report gives me the major/minor number: 0027/0004
I went to /dev dir, and searched for the numbers, but it turns out to be
Why is that? What does this mean?

Any suggestion?


Those numbers are reported in hex, the actual major/minor #'s

are 39 and 4


Convert the errpt #'s to hex. The use ls -l to find them.

Note 2:

I get a error concerning a filesystem.
Now I have 2 questions:

- What is the way to find out which filesystems is concerned?

- What can I do? Because all fs have unused space. I cannot find any fs
with 100% in use.

Date/Time: Mon Dec 27 12:49:35 NFT
Sequence Number: 3420
Machine Id: 00599DDD4C00
Node Id: srvdms0
Class: O
Type: INFO
Resource Name: SYSJ2
Probable Causes
Recommended Actions
Detail Data
002B 000B


002b is 2*16+11 -->43

ls -l /dev|grep 43,
000b is 11 --> look for 43, 11

Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 11:06:27 +0000

To: [email protected]


Re: error concerning filesystem [Virus checked]

Hi Holger,

A small did you arrive at this figure of 43 from the error
The decimal value of B is 11 but I could not understand the 2*16..

can you please exp this....

The major/minor numbers (002B 000B) are in hex: hex abcd =
a*16^3+b*16^2+c*16^1+d therefore hex

Note 3: AIX superblock issues:


-- Hint 1 for AIX:

-- ---------------


Use this command in case the superblock is corrupted. This will restore
the BACKUP COPY of the superblock
to the CURRENT copy.

# dd count=1 bs=4k skip=31 seek=1 if=/dev/hd4 of=/dev/hd4

# fsck /dev/hd4 2>&1 | tee /tmp/fsck.errors


Identifies processes using a file or file system

# fuser -u /dev/hd3
Sample output: /dev/hd3: 2964(root) 6615c(root) 8465(casado)

-- Hint 2 for AIX:

-- ---------------

Fixing a corrupted magic number in the file system superblock

If the superblock of a file system is damaged, the file system cannot be
accessed. You can fix a
corrupted magic number in the file system superblock.

Most damage to the superblock cannot be repaired. The following

procedure describes how to repair a superblock
in a JFS file system when the problem is caused by a corrupted magic
number. If the primary superblock is corrupted
in a JFS2 file system, use the fsck command to automatically copy the
secondary superblock and repair the primary

In the following scenario, assume /home/myfs is a JFS file system on the

physical volume /dev/lv02.
The information in this how-to was tested using AIXr 5.2. If you are
using a different version or level of AIX,
the results you obtain might vary significantly.

1. Unmount the /home/myfs file system, which you suspect might be

damaged, using the following command:

# umount /home/myfs

2. To confirm damage to the file system, run the fsck command against
the file system. For example:

# fsck -p /dev/lv02

If the problem is damage to the superblock, the fsck command returns one
of the following messages:

fsck: Not an AIXV5 file system

Not a recognized filesystem type

3. With root authority, use the od command to display the superblock for
the file system,
as shown in the following example:

# od -x -N 64 /dev/lv02 +0x1000

Where the -x flag displays output in hexadecimal format and the -N flag
instructs the system to format
no more than 64 input bytes from the offset parameter (+), which
specifies the point in the file where
the file output begins. The following is an example output:

0001000 1234 0234 0000 0000 0000 4000 0000 000a

0001010 0001 8000 1000 0000 2f6c 7633 0000 6c76
0001020 3300 0000 000a 0003 0100 0000 2f28 0383
0001030 0000 0001 0000 0200 0000 2000 0000 0000

In the preceding output, note the corrupted magic value at 0x1000 (1234
0234). If all defaults were taken
when the file system was created, the magic number should be 0x43218765.
If any defaults were overridden,
the magic number should be 0x65872143.

4. Use the od command to check the secondary superblock for a correct

magic number. An example command
and its output follows:

# od -x -N 64 /dev/lv02 +0x1f000

001f000 6587 2143 0000 0000 0000 4000 0000 000a

001f010 0001 8000 1000 0000 2f6c 7633 0000 6c76
001f020 3300 0000 000a 0003 0100 0000 2f28 0383
001f030 0000 0001 0000 0200 0000 2000 0000 0000
Note the correct magic value at 0x1f000.

5. Copy the secondary superblock to the primary superblock. An example

command and output follows:

# dd count=1 bs=4k skip=31 seek=1 if=/dev/lv02 of=/dev/lv02

dd: 1+0 records in.

dd: 1+0 records out.

Use the fsck command to clean up inconsistent files caused by using the
secondary superblock. For example:

# fsck /dev/lv02 2>&1 | tee /tmp/fsck.errs

For more information

The fsck and od command descriptions in AIX 5L Version 5.3 Commands

Reference, Volume 4
AIX Logical Volume Manager from A to Z: Introduction and Concepts, an
IBM Redbook
AIX Logical Volume Manager from A to Z: Troubleshooting and Commands, an
IBM Redbook
"Boot Problems" in Problem Solving and Troubleshooting in AIX 5L, an IBM

Note 4: Linux superblock issues:




If a filesystem check fails and returns the error message "Damaged

Superblock" you're lost . . . . . . .
or not ?
Well, not really, the damaged "superblock" can be restored from a
backup. There are several backups stored
on the harddisk. But let me first have a go at explaining what a

A superblock is located at position 0 of every partition, contains vital

information about the filesystem
and is needed at a fielsystem check.

The information stored in the superblock are about what sort of

fiesystem is used, the I-Node counts,
block counts, free blocks and I-Nodes, the numer of times the filesystem
was mounted, date of the
last filesystem check and the first I-Node where / is located.

Thus, a damaged superblock means that the filesystem check will fail.
Our luck is that there are backups of the superblock located on several
positions and we can restore
them with a simple command.

The usual ( and only ) positions are: 8193, 32768, 98304, 163840, 229376
and 294912. ( 8193 in many cases
only on older systems, 32768 is the most current position for the first
backup )
You can check this out and have a lot more info about a particular
partition you have on your HD by:

# dumpe2fs /dev/hda5

You will see that the primary superblock is located at position 0, and
the first backup on position 32768.
O.K. let's get serious now, suppose you get a "Damaged Superblock" error
message at filesystem check
( after a power failure ) and you get a root-prompt in a recovery
console, then you give the command:

# e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/hda5

don't try this on a mounted filesystem

It will then check the filesystem with the information stored in that
backup superblock and if the check
was successful it will restore the backup to position 0.
Now imagine the backup at position 32768 was damaged too . . . then you
just try again with the backup
stored at position 98304, and 163840, and 229376 etc. etc. until you
find an undamaged backup
( there are five backups so if at least one of those five is okay it's
bingo ! )

So next time don't panic . . just get the paper where you printed out
this Tip and give the magic command

# e2fsck -b 32768 /dev/hda5

32.6 Undelete programs:


Note 1: AIX and JFS


* rsb.c - Read Super Block. Allows a jfs superblock to be dumped, inode
* table to be listed or specific inodes data pointers to be chased and
* dumped to standard out (undelete).
* Phil Gibbs - Trinem Consulting ([email protected])

#include <stdio.h>
#include <jfs/filsys.h>
#include <jfs/ino.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>

#define FOUR_MB (1024*1024*4)

#define THIRTY_TWO_KB (1024*32)

extern int optind;

extern int Optopt;
extern int Opterr;
extern char *optarg;

void PrintSep()
int k=80;

while (k)

char *UserName(uid_t uid)

char replystr[10];
struct passwd *res;

if (res->pw_name[0])
return res->pw_name;
return replystr;

char *GroupName(gid_t gid)

struct group *res;
return res->gr_name;

ulong NumberOfInodes(struct superblock *sb)

ulong MaxInodes;
ulong TotalFrags;

if (sb->s_version==fsv3pvers)
return MaxInodes;

void AnalyseSuperBlock(struct superblock *sb)

ulong TotalFrags;

printf("SuperBlock Details:\n-------------------\n");
printf("File system size: %ld x 512 bytes (%ld Mb)\n",
printf("Block size: %d bytes\n",sb->s_bsize);
printf("Flags: ");
switch (sb->s_fmod)
case (char)FM_CLEAN:
case (char)FM_MOUNT:
printf("mounted ");
case (char)FM_MDIRTY:
printf("mounted dirty ");
case (char)FM_LOGREDO:
printf("log redo failed ");
printf("Unknown flag ");
if (sb->s_ronly) printf("(read-only)");
printf("Last SB update at: %s",ctime(&(sb->s_time)));
printf("Version: %s\n",
sb->s_version?"1 - fsv3pvers":"0 - fsv3vers");
if (sb->s_version==fsv3pvers)
printf("Fragment size: %5d ",sb-
printf("inodes per alloc: %8d\n",sb->s_iagsize);
printf("Frags per alloc: %5d ",sb->s_agsize);
printf("Total Fragments: %8d\n",TotalFrags);
printf("Total Alloc Grps: %5d ",
printf("Max inodes: %8ld\n",NumberOfInodes(sb));
printf("Total Alloc Grps: %5d ",
printf("inodes per alloc: %8d\n",sb->s_agsize);
printf("Max inodes: %8ld\n",NumberOfInodes(sb));

void ReadInode( FILE *in,

ulong StartInum,
struct dinode *inode,
ulong InodesPerAllocBlock,
ulong AllocBlockSize)
off_t SeekPoint;
long BlockNumber;
int OffsetInBlock;
static struct dinode I_NODES[PAGESIZE/DILENGTH];
ulong AllocBlock;
ulong inum;
static off_t LastSeekPoint=-1;

if (SeekPoint!=LastSeekPoint)

void DumpInodeContents( long inode,

FILE *in,
ulong InodesPerAllocBlock,
ulong AllocBlockSize,
ulong Mask,
ulong Multiplier)
struct dinode DiskInode;
ulong SeekPoint;
char Buffer[4096];
ulong FileSize;
int k;
int BytesToRead;
ulong *DiskPointers;
int NumPtrs;

ReadInode( in,

if (FileSize>FOUR_MB)
/* Double indirect mapping */
if (FileSize>THIRTY_TWO_KB)
/* Indirect mapping */
SeekPoint=DiskInode.di_rindirect & Mask;
DiskPointers=(ulong *)malloc(1024*sizeof(ulong));
/* Direct Mapping */

for (k=0;k<=NumPtrs && FileSize;k++)

SeekPoint=(DiskPointers[k] & Mask);


void DumpInodeList( FILE *in,

ulong MaxInodes,
ulong InodesPerAllocBlock,
ulong AllocBlockSize)
long inode;
struct dinode DiskInode;
struct tm *TimeStruct;

printf(" Inode Links User Group Size

printf("-------- ----- -------- -------- --------
for (inode=0;inode<=MaxInodes;inode++)
ReadInode( in,
if (DiskInode.di_mtime)
printf("%8d %5d %8s %8s %8d %02d/%02d/%4d\n",

void ExitWithUsageMessage()
fprintf(stderr,"USAGE: rsb [-i inode] [-d] [-s]

main(int argc,char **argv)

FILE *in;
struct superblock SuperBlock;
short Valid;
long inode=0;
struct dinode DiskInode;
ulong AllocBlockSize;
ulong InodesPerAllocBlock;
ulong MaxInodes;
ulong Mask;
ulong Multiplier;
int option;
int DumpSuperBlockFlag=0;
int DumpFlag=0;
while ((option=getopt(argc,argv,"i:ds")) != EOF)
case 'i':
/* Inode specified */
case 'd':
/* Dump flag */
case 's':
/* List Superblock flag */

if (strlen(argv[optind])) in=fopen(argv[optind],"r");
else ExitWithUsageMessage();

if (in)
switch (SuperBlock.s_version)
case fsv3pvers:

case fsv3vers:

if (Valid)
if (DumpSuperBlockFlag==1)
if (DumpFlag==1)
if (inode)


fprintf(stderr,"Superblock - bad magic
fprintf(stderr,"couldn't open ");

Note 2: Undelete a text file on most unixes (no garantee):


Works mainly on Linux Distro's

Using grep (traditional UNIX way) to recover files

Use following grep syntax:

# grep -b 'search-text' /dev/partition > file.txt

# grep -a -B[size before] -A[size after] `text' /dev/[your_partition] >


-i : Ignore case distinctions in both the PATTERN and the input files
i.e. match both uppercase and lowercase character.
-a : Process a binary file as if it were text
-B Print number lines/size of leading context before matching lines.
-A: Print number lines/size of trailing context after matching lines.
To recover text file starting with "nixCraft" word on /dev/sda1 you can
try following command:
# grep -i -a -B10 -A100 'nixCraft' /dev/sda1 > file.txt
Next use vi to see file.txt. This method is ONLY useful if deleted file
is text file.
If you are using ext2 file system, try out recover command. .

Note 3:

For AIX there are undelete tools:

Note 4: lsof and Linux:


Bring back deleted files with lsof

By Michael Stutz on November 16, 2006 (8:00:00 AM)

Briefly, a file as it appears somewhere on a Linux filesystem is

actually just a link to an inode,
which contains all of the file's properties, such as permissions and
ownership, as well as the addresses
of the data blocks where the file's content is stored on disk. When you
rm a file, you're removing the link
that points to its inode, but not the inode itself; other processes
(such as your audio player) might still
have it open. It's only after they're through and all links are removed
that an inode and the data blocks
it pointed to are made available for writing.

This delay is your key to a quick and happy recovery: if a process still
has the file open, the data's there
somewhere, even though according to the directory listing the file
already appears to be gone.

This is where the Linux process pseudo-filesystem, the /proc directory,

comes into play. Every process on
the system has a directory here with its name on it, inside of which
lies many things --
including an fd ("file descriptor") subdirectory containing links to all
files that the process has open.
Even if a file has been removed from the filesystem, a copy of the data
will be right here:

/proc/process id/fd/file descriptor

To know where to go, you need to get the id of the process that has the
file open, and the file descriptor.
These you get with lsof, whose name means "list open files." (It
actually does a whole lot more than this
and is so useful that almost every system has it installed. If yours
isn't one of them, you can grab the latest
version straight from its author.)

Once you get that information from lsof, you can just copy the data out
of /proc and call it a day.
This whole thing is best demonstrated with a live example. First, create
a text file that you can delete
and then bring back:

$ man lsof | col -b > myfile

Then have a look at the contents of the file that you just created:

$ less myfile

You should see a plaintext version of lsof's huge man page looking out
at you, courtesy of less.

Now press Ctrl-Z to suspend less. Back at a shell prompt make sure your
file is still there:

$ ls -l myfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimbo jimbo 114383 Oct 31 16:14 myfile
$ stat myfile
File: `myfile'
Size: 114383 Blocks: 232 IO Block: 4096 regular file
Device: 341h/833d Inode: 1276722 Links: 1
Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 1010/ jimbo) Gid: ( 1010/
Access: 2006-10-31 16:15:08.423715488 -0400
Modify: 2006-10-31 16:14:52.684417746 -0400
Change: 2006-10-31 16:14:52.684417746 -0400
Yup, it's there all right. OK, go ahead and oops it:

$ rm myfile
$ ls -l myfile
ls: myfile: No such file or directory
$ stat myfile
stat: cannot stat `myfile': No such file or directory
It's gone.

At this point, you must not allow the process still using the file to
exit, because once that happens,
the file will really be gone and your troubles will intensify. Your
background less process in this walkthrough
isn't going anywhere (unless you kill the process or exit the shell),
but if this were a video or sound file that
you were playing, the first thing to do at the point where you realize
you deleted the file would be to
immediately pause the application playback, or otherwise freeze the
process, so that it doesn't eventually
stop playing the file and exit.

Now to bring the file back. First see what lsof has to say about it:

$ lsof | grep myfile

less 4158 jimbo 4r REG 3,65 114383 1276722
/home/jimbo/myfile (deleted)
The first column gives you the name of the command associated with the
process, the second column is the
process id, and the number in the fourth column is the file descriptor
(the "r" means that it's a regular file).
Now you know that process 4158 still has the file open, and you know the
file descriptor, 4. That's everything
you have to know to copy it out of /proc.

You might think that using the -a flag with cp is the right thing to do
here, since you're restoring the file --
but it's actually important that you don't do that. Otherwise, instead
of copying the literal data contained
in the file, you'll be copying a now-broken symbolic link to the file as
it once was listed in its original directory:

$ ls -l /proc/4158/fd/4
lr-x------ 1 jimbo jimbo 64 Oct 31 16:18 /proc/4158/fd/4 ->
/home/jimbo/myfile (deleted)
$ cp -a /proc/4158/fd/4 myfile.wrong
$ ls -l myfile.wrong
lrwxr-xr-x 1 jimbo jimbo 24 Oct 31 16:22 myfile.wrong ->
/home/jimbo/myfile (deleted)
$ file myfile.wrong
myfile.wrong: broken symbolic link to `/home/jimbo/myfile (deleted)'
$ file /proc/4158/fd/4
/proc/4158/fd/4: broken symbolic link to `/home/jimbo/myfile (deleted)'
So instead of all that, just a plain old cp will do the trick:

$ cp /proc/4158/fd/4 myfile.saved

And finally, verify that you've done good:

$ ls -l myfile.saved
-rw-r--r-- 1 jimbo jimbo 114383 Oct 31 16:25 myfile.saved
$ man lsof | col -b >
$ cmp myfile.saved
No complaints from cmp -- your restoration is the real deal.

Incidentally, there are a lot of useful things you can do with lsof in
addition to rescuing lost files.

32.7 Some notes about disks on x86 systems: MBR and Partition

The following applies to PC's and x86 based Servers.

There are two sectors on the disk that are critical to starting the

- Master Boot Record

- Partition Boot Sector

The MBR is created when you create the first partition on the harddisk.
The location is always cylinder 0, head 0 and sector 1.
The MBR contains the Partition Table for the disk and a small amount of
executable code.
On x86 machines, this executable code examines the Partition Table and
the system partition. The code then finds the system partition's
starting location on the disk,
and loads an copy of its Partition Boot Sector into memory.

If you would take a look at the MBR, you would find:

The first 446 bytes in the sector is the MBR.

After that, you would see the Partition Table, a 64 byte structure. Each
table entry is 16 bytes long,
the first byte being the Boot Indicator field. This tells the code which
partition is bootable.

The Partition Boot Sector, has its own "layout" depending on the type of

32.8 How to get LUN ID's:


# lscfg -vl hdiskx

# lsattr -El hdiskx





33. Filesystems in Linux:

33.1 Disks:

Linux on x86 systems, have the following (storage) devices:

-- Entire harddisks are listed as devices without numbers, such as

"/dev/hda" or "/dev/sda".

- IDE:
/dev/hda is the primary IDE master drive,
/dev/hdb is the primary IDE slave drive,
/dev/hdc is the secondary IDE master,
/dev/hdd is the secondary IDE slave,

/dev/sda is the first SCSI interface and 1st device id number

-- Partitions on a disk are referred to with a number such as



# mount -t auto /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
# mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
# mount /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy


# insmod ppa # load the module

# mount -t vfat /dev/sda /mnt/zip

33.2 Filesystems:

Linux supports a huge number of filesystems, including FAT, JFS, NTFS

etc.. But the most common are ext2 and ext3.
For the "native" filesystems, we take a look at the following FS's:

- ReiserFS
A journaled filesystem

- Ext2
The most popular filesystem for years. But it does not use a log/jounal,
so gradually it becomes less important.

- Ext3
Very related to Ext2, but this one supports journaling.
An Ext2 filesystem can easily be upgraded to Ext3.

33.3 Adding a disk in Linux:


Suppose you have SCSI card on with a disk is attached.

The disk as a whole would be refferred to as "/dev/sda" and the
first partition would be referred to as "/dev/sda1".

But we have a new disk here.

If you cannot find the device files /dev/sda in /dev, you might
create it with the /dev/MAKEDEV script:
# cd /dev
# ./MAKEDEV sda

The disk is now ready to be partitioned. In this example, we plan

to create 3 partitions, including a swap partition.

# fdisk /dev/sda
The number of cylinders for this disk is set to ..
(.. more output..)

The fdisk program is interactive; pressing m displays a list of all its


Command: new
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4): 1
(.. more output..)

Command: print

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/sda1 1 255 2048256 83 Linux

So we have created our first partition.

We now create the swap partition:

Command: new
Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4): 2
(.. more output..)

Command: type
Partition number (1-4): 2
Hex code: 82 # which is a Linix swap partition
Changed system type of partition 2 to 82 (Linux swap)

The third partition can be created in a similar way.

We now would like to see a listing of our partitions

Command: print

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/sda1 1 255 2048256 83 Linux
/dev/sda2 256 511 2056320 82 Swap
/dev/sda3 512 5721 41849325 83 Linux

Now, save the label to the disk:

Command: write
(.. more output..)

Ofcourse, we now would like to create the filesystems and the swap.
If you want to use the Ext2 filesystem on partition one, use the
following command:

# mke2fs /dev/sda1 2048256 ( or # mkfs -t ext2 -b 4096 /dev/sda1 )

Lets check the filesystem with fsck:

# fsck -f /dev/sda1

A new filesystem can be mounted as soon as the mount point is created.

# mkdir /bkroot
# mount /dev/sda1 /bkroot

Lets now create the swap space:

# mkswap -c /dev/sda2 2056320

and activate it using the command:

# swapon /dev/sda2

See also section 34.3 for administering swap space on Linux.

33.4 Notes about Linux and LVM:


Note 1:

-What is RAID and LVM

-Initial setup of a RAID-5 array
-Initial setup of LVM on top of RAID
-Handling a Drive Failure
-Common Glitches
-Other Useful Resources
-Expanding an Array/Filesytem


-What is RAID and LVM

RAID is usually defined as Redundant Array of Inexpensive disks. It is
normally used to spread data among several
physical hard drives with enough redundancy that should any drive fail
the data will still be intact.
Once created a RAID array appears to be one device which can be used
pretty much like a regular partition.
There are several kinds of RAID but I will only refer to the two most
common here.
The first is RAID-1 which is also known as mirroring. With RAID-1 it's
basically done with two essentially
identical drives, each with a complete set of data. The second, the one
I will mostly refer to in this guide
is RAID-5 which is set up using three or more drives with the data
spread in a way that any one drive failing
will not result in data loss. The Red Hat website has a great overview
of the RAID Levels.

There is one limitation with Linux Software RAID that a /boot parition
can only reside on a RAID-1 array.

Linux supports both several hardware RAID devices but also software RAID
which allows you to use any IDE or
SCSI drives as the physical devices. In all cases I'll refer to software

LVM stands for Logical Volume Manager and is a way of grouping drives
and/or partition in a way where instead
of dealing with hard and fast physical partitions the data is managed in
a virtual basis where the virtual
partitions can be resized. The Red Hat website has a great overview of
the Logical Volume Manager.

There is one limitation that a LVM cannot be used for the /boot.


Initial set of a RAID-5 array

I recommend you experiment with setting up and managing RAID and LVM
systems before using it on an
important filesystem. One way I was able to do it was to take old hard
drive and create a bunch of
partitions on it (8 or so should be enough) and try combining them into
RAID arrays.
In my testing I created two RAID-5 arrays each with 3 partitions. You
can then manually fail and hot remove
the partitions from the array and then add them back to see how the
recovery process works. You'll get a warning
about the partitions sharing a physical disc but you can ignore that
since it's only for experimentation.
In my case I have two systems with RAID arrays, one with two 73G SCSI
drives running RAID-1 (mirroring) and my other
test system is configured with three 120G IDE drives running RAID-5. In
most cases I will refer to my RAID-5
configuration as that will be more typical.

I have an extra IDE controller in my system to allow me to support the

use of more than 4 IDE devices which caused a very odd drive assignment.
The order doesn't seem to bother the Linux kernel so it doesn't bother
me. My basic configuration is as follows:

hda 120G drive

hdb 120G drive
hde 60G boot drive not on RAID array
hdf 120G drive
hdg CD-ROM drive
The first step is to create the physical partitions on each drive that
will be part of the RAID array.
In my case I want to use each 120G drive in the array in it's entirety.
All the drives are partitioned identically
so for example, this is how hda is partitioned:

Disk /dev/hda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes

16 heads, 63 sectors/track, 232581 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 1008 * 512 = 516096 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/hda1 * 1 232581 117220792+ fd Linux raid

So now with all three drives with a partitioned with id fd Linux raid
autodetect you can go ahead and combine
the paritions into a RAID array:

# /sbin/mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=5 --raid-devices=3 \

/dev/hdb1 /dev/hda1 /dev/hdf1

Wow, that was easy. That created a special device /dev/md0 which can be
used instead of a physical parition.
You can check on the status of that RAID array with the mdadm command:

# /sbin/mdadm --detail /dev/md0

Version : 00.90.01
Creation Time : Wed May 11 20:00:18 2005
Raid Level : raid5
Array Size : 234436352 (223.58 GiB 240.06 GB)
Device Size : 117218176 (111.79 GiB 120.03 GB)
Raid Devices : 3
Total Devices : 3
Preferred Minor : 0
Persistence : Superblock is persistent

Update Time : Fri Jun 10 04:13:11 2005

State : clean
Active Devices : 3
Working Devices : 3
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0

Layout : left-symmetric
Chunk Size : 64K

UUID : 36161bdd:a9018a79:60e0757a:e27bb7ca
Events : 0.10670

Number Major Minor RaidDevice State

0 3 1 0 active sync /dev/hda1
1 3 65 1 active sync /dev/hdb1
2 33 65 2 active sync /dev/hdf1

The important lines to see are the State line which should say clean
otherwise there might be a problem.
At the bottom you should make sure that the State column always says
active sync which says each device
is actively in the array. You could potentially have a spare device
that's on-hand should any drive should fail.
If you have a spare you'll see it listed as such here.
One thing you'll see above if you're paying attention is the fact that
the size of the array is 240G but I
have three 120G drives as part of the array. That's because the extra
space is used as extra parity data that is
needed to survive the failure of one of the drives.


- Initial set of LVM on top of RAID

Now that we have /dev/md0 device you can create a Logical Volume on top
of it. Why would you want to do that?
If I were to build an ext3 filesystem on top of the RAID device and
someday wanted to increase it's capacity
I wouldn't be able to do that without backing up the data, building a
new RAID array and restoring my data.
Using LVM allows me to expand (or contract) the size of the filesystem
without disturbing the existing data.
Anyway, here are the steps to then add this RAID array to the LVM
system. The first command pvcreate will
"initialize a disk or parition for use by LVM". The second command
vgcreate will then create the Volume Group,
in my case I called it lvm-raid:

# pvcreate /dev/md0
# vgcreate lvm-raid /dev/md0

The default value for the physical extent size can be too low for a
large RAID array. In those cases you'll need
to specify the -s option with a larger than default physical extent
size. The default is only 4MB as of the
version in Fedora Core 5. For example, to successfully create a 550G
RAID array a size of 2G works well:

# vgcreate -s 2G <volume group name>

Ok, you've created a blank receptacle but now you have to tell how many
Physical Extents from the
physical device (/dev/md0 in this case) will be allocated to this Volume
Group. In my case I wanted all the data
from /dev/md0 to be allocated to this Volume Group. If later I wanted to
add additional space I would create
a new RAID array and add that physical device to this Volume Group.
To find out how many PEs are available to me use the vgdisplay command
to find out how many are available
and now I can create a Logical Volume using all (or some) of the space
in the Volume Group.
In my case I call the Logical Volume lvm0.

# vgdisplay lvm-raid
Free PE / Size 57235 / 223.57 GB

# lvcreate -l 57235 lvm-raid -n lvm0

In the end you will have a device you can use very much like a plain 'ol
parition called /dev/lvm-raid/lvm0.
You can now check on the status of the Logical Volume with the lvdisplay
command. The device can then be used to to create a filesystem on.

# lvdisplay /dev/lvm-raid/lvm0
--- Logical volume ---
LV Name /dev/lvm-raid/lvm0
VG Name lvm-raid
LV UUID FFX673-dGlX-tsEL-6UXl-1hLs-6b3Y-rkO9O2
LV Write Access read/write
LV Status available
# open 1
LV Size 223.57 GB
Current LE 57235
Segments 1
Allocation inherit
Read ahead sectors 0
Block device 253:2

# mkfs.ext3 /dev/lvm-raid/lvm0
# mount /dev/lvm-raid/lvm0 /mnt

# df -h /mnt
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
224G 93M 224G 1% /mnt


- Handling a Drive Failure

As everything eventually does break (some sooner than others) a drive in
the array will fail. It is a very good idea
to run smartd on all drives in your array (and probably ALL drives
period) to be notified of a failure
or a pending failure as soon as possible. You can also manually fail a
partition, meaning to take it out
of the RAID array, with the following command:

# /sbin/mdadm /dev/md0 -f /dev/hdb1

mdadm: set /dev/hdb1 faulty in /dev/md0

Once the system has determined a drive has failed or is otherwise

missing (you can shut down and pull out a drive
and reboot to similate a drive failure or use the command to manually
fail a drive above it will show something
like this in mdadm:
# /sbin/mdadm --detail /dev/md0
Update Time : Wed Jun 15 11:30:59 2005
State : clean, degraded
Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 2
Failed Devices : 1
Spare Devices : 0
Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 3 1 0 active sync /dev/hda1
1 0 0 - removed
2 33 65 2 active sync /dev/hdf1

You'll notice in this case I had /dev/hdb fail. I replaced it with a new
drive with the same capacity and was able
to add it back to the array. The first step is to partition the new
drive just like when first creating the array.
Then you can simply add the partition back to the array and watch the
status as the data is rebuilt onto the newly replace drive.

# /sbin/mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/hdb1

# /sbin/mdadm --detail /dev/md0
Update Time : Wed Jun 15 12:11:23 2005
State : clean, degraded, recovering
Active Devices : 2
Working Devices : 3
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 1

Layout : left-symmetric
Chunk Size : 64K

Rebuild Status : 2% complete


During the rebuild process the system performance may be somewhat

impacted but the data should remain in-tact.

- Expanding an Array/Filesytem
The answer to how to expand a RAID-5 array is very simple: You can't.
I'm used to working with a NetApp Filer where you plug in a drive, type
a simple command and that drive was added
to the existing RAID array, no muss, no fuss. While you can't add space
to a RAID-5 array directly in Linux you CAN
add space to an existing Logical Volume and then expand the ext3
filesytem on top of it. That's the main reason you
want to run LVM on top of RAID.

Before you start it's probably a good idea to back up your data just in
case something goes wrong.

Assuming you want your data to be protected from a drive failing you'll
need to create another RAID array
per the instructions above. In my case I called it /dev/md1 so after
partitioning I can create the array:

# /sbin/mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md1 --level=5 --raid-devices=3 \

/dev/hde1 /dev/hdg1 /dev/hdh1
# /sbin/mdadm --detail /dev/md1

The next couple steps will add the space from the new RAID array to the
space available to be used by Logical Volumes.
You then check to see how many Physical Extents you have and add them to
the Logical Volume you're using.
Remember that since you can have multiple Logical Volumes on top of a
physical RAID array you need to do this extra step.

# vgextend lvm-raid /dev/md1

# vgdisplay lvm-raid
Alloc PE / Size 57235 / 223.57 GB
Free PE / Size 57235 / 223.57 GB
# lvextend -l 57235 lvm-raid -n lvm0

There, you now have a much larger Logical Volume which is using space on
two separate RAID arrays.
You're not done yet, you now have to extend your filesystem to make use
of all that new space. Fortunately this
is easy on FC4 and RHEL4 since there is a command to expand a ext3
filesytem without even unmounting it!
Be patient, expanding the file system takes a while.

# lvdisplay /dev/lvm-raid/lvm0
LV Size 447.14 GB
# df /raid-array
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
230755476 40901348 178132400 19% /raid-array
# ext2online /dev/lvm-raid1/lvm0 447g
Get yourself a sandwich
# df /raid-array
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
461510952 40901348 40887876 9% /raid-array

Congrats, you now have more space. Now go fill it with something.

Note 2:

Creating a LVM in Linux

I am sure anybody who have used windows (2000 and above) have come
across the term dynamic disks.
Linux/Unix also have its own dynamic disk management called LVM.

What is an LVM ?

LVM stands for Logical Disk Manager which is the fundamental way to
manage UNIX/Linux storage systems
in a scalable manner. An LVM abstracts disk devices into pools of
storage space called Volume Groups.
These volume groups are in turn subdivided into virtual disks called
Logical Volumes. The logical volumes
may be used just like regular disks with filesystem created on them and
mounted in the Unix/Linux
filesystem tree. The logical volumes can span multiple disks. Even
though a lot of companies have implemented
their own LVM's for *nixes, the one created by Open Software Foundation
(OSF) was integrated into many
Unix systems which serves as a base for the Linux implementation of LVM.

Note: Sun Solaris ships with LVM from Veritas which is substantially
different from the OSF implementation.

Benefits of Logical Volume Management

LVM created in conjunction with RAID can provide fault tolerance coupled
with scalability and easy disk management.
Create a logical volume and filesystem which spans multiple disks.

By creating virtual pools of space, an administrator can create dozens

of small filesystems for different projects
and add space to them as needed without (much) disruption. When a
project ends, he can remove the space a
nd put it back into the pool of free space.

Note : Before you move to implement LVM's in linux, make sure your
kernel is 2.4 and above. Or else you will have
to recompile your kernel from source to include support for LVM.

LVM Creation
To create a LVM, we follow a three step process.

Step One : We need to select the physical storage resources that are
going to be used for LVM. Typically, these
are standard partitions but can also be Linux software RAID volumes that
we've created. In LVM terminology,
these storage resources are called "physical volumes" (eg: /dev/hda1,
/dev/hda2 ... etc).

Our first step in setting up LVM involves properly initializing these

partitions so that they can be recognized
by the LVM system. This involves setting the correct partition type
(usually using the fdisk command, and entering
the type of partition as 'Linux LVM' - 0x8e ) if we're adding a physical
partition; and then running
the pvcreate command.
# pvcreate /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2 /dev/hda3
# pvscan

The above step creates a physical volume from 3 partitions which I want
to initialize for inclusion
in a volume group.

Step Two : Creating a volume group. You can think of a volume group as a
pool of storage that consists of one
or more physical volumes. While LVM is running, we can add physical
volumes to the volume group or even remove them.

First initialize the /etc/lvmtab and /etc/lvmtab.d files by running the

following command:

# vgscan

Now you can create a volume group and assign one or more physical
volumes to the volume group.

# vgcreate my_vol_grp /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2

Behind the scenes, the LVM system allocates storage in equal-sized

"chunks", called extents.
We can specify the particular extent size to use at volume group
creation time. The size of an extent
defaults to 4Mb, which is perfect for most uses.You can use the -s flag
to change the size of the extent.
The extent affects the minimum size of changes which can be made to a
logical volume in the volume group,
and the maximum size of logical and physical volumes in the volume
group. A logical volume can contain at most
65534 extents, so the default extent size (4 MB) limits the volume to
about 256 GB; a size of 1 TB would require
extents of atleast 16 MB. So to accomodate a 1 TB size, the above
command can be rewriten as :

# vgcreate -s 16M my_vol_grp /dev/hda1 /dev/hda2

You can check the result of your work at this stage by entering the

# vgdisplay

This command displays the total physical extends in a volume group, size
of each extent,
the allocated size and so on.

Step Three : This step involves the creation of one or more "logical
volumes" using our volume group storage pool.
The logical volumes are created from volume groups, and may have
arbitary names. The size of the new volume
may be requested in either extents (-l switch) or in KB, MB, GB or TB (
-L switch) rounding up to whole extents.

# lvcreate -l 50 -n my_logical_vol my_vol_grp

The above command allocates 50 extents of space in my_vol_grp to the
newly created my_logical_vol.
The -n switch specifies the name of the logical volume we are creating.

Now you can check if you got the desired results by using the command :

# lvdisplay

which shows the information of your newly created logical volume.

Once a logical volume is created, we can go ahead and put a filesystem

on it, mount it, and start using
the volume to store our files. For creating a filesystem, we do the

# mke2fs -j /dev/my_vol_grp/my_logical_vol

The -j signifies journaling support for the ext3 filesystem we are

Mount the newly created file system :

# mount /dev/my_vol_grp/my_logical_vol /data

Also do not forget to append the corresponding line in the /etc/fstab

#File: /etc/fstab
/dev/my_vol_grp/my_logical_vol /data ext3 defaults 0 0
Now you can start using the newly created logical volume accessable
at /data mount point.
Next : Resizing Logical Volumes

Some more on Linux LVM commands:

Linux vgcreate command:


Linux / Unix Command: vgcreate

Command Library

vgcreate - create a volume group
vgcreate [-A|--autobackup {y|n}] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help] [-l|--
maxlogicalvolumes MaxLogicalVolumes]
[-p|--maxphysicalvolumes MaxPhysicalVolumes] [-s|--physicalextentsize
[-v|--verbose] [--version] VolumeGroupName PhysicalVolumePath

vgcreate creates a new volume group called VolumeGroupName using the
block special device
PhysicalVolumePath previously configured for LVM with pvcreate(8).
-A, --autobackup {y|n}
Controls automatic backup of VG metadata after the change (see
vgcfgbackup(8)). Default is yes.
-d, --debug
Enables additional debugging output (if compiled with DEBUG).
-h, --help
Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
-l, --maxlogicalvolumes MaxLogicalVolumes
Sets the maximum possible logical volume count. More logical
volumes can't be created in this volume group.
Absolute maximum is 256.
-p, --maxphysicalvolumes MaxPhysicalVolumes
Sets the maximum possible physical volume count. More physical
volumes can't be included in this volume group. Absolute maximum is 256.
-s, --physicalextentsize PhysicalExtentSize[kKmMgGtT]
Sets the physical extent size on physical volumes of this volume
group. A size suffix
(k for kilobytes up to t for terabytes) is optional, megabytes is
the default if no suffix is present.
Values can be from 8 KB to 16 GB in powers of 2. The default of 4
MB causes maximum LV sizes of ~256GB
because as many as ~64k extents are supported per LV. In case
larger maximum LV sizes are needed (later),
you need to set the PE size to a larger value as well. Later
changes of the PE size in an existing VG are
not supported.
-v, --verbose
Display verbose runtime information about vgcreate's activities.
Display tool and IOP version and exit successfully.

To create a volume group named test_vg using physical volumes /dev/hdk1,
/dev/hdl1, and /dev/hdm1
with default physical extent size of 4MB:

# vgcreate test_vg /dev/sd[k-m]1

To create a volume group named test_vg using physical volumes /dev/hdk1,

and /dev/hdl1 with default
physical extent size of 4MB:

# vgcreate test_vg /dev/sdk1 /dev/sdl1

NOTE: If you are using devfs it is essential to use the full devfs name
of the device rather than the
symlinked name in /dev. so: the above could be

# vgcreate test_vg /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target[1-3]/lun0/part1

Linux vgextend command:

Linux / Unix Command: vgextend

Command Library

vgextend - add physical volumes to a volume group

vgextend [-A|--autobackup{y|n}] [-d|--debug] [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose]
PhysicalVolumePath [PhysicalVolumePath...]

vgextend allows you to add one or more initialized physical volumes
( see pvcreate(8) ) to an existing
volume group to extend it in size.

-A, --autobackup y/n
Controls automatic backup of VG metadata after the change ( see
vgcfgbackup(8) ). Default is yes.
-d, --debug
Enables additional debugging output (if compiled with DEBUG).
-h, --help
Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
-v, --verbose
Gives verbose runtime information about lvextend's activities.


# vgextend vg00 /dev/sda4 /dev/sdn1

tries to extend the existing volume group "vg00" by the new physical
volumes (see pvcreate(8) )
"/dev/sdn1" and /dev/sda4".

Linux pvcreate command:


Linux / Unix Command: pvcreate

Command Library

pvcreate - initialize a disk or partition for use by LVM

pvcreate [-d|--debug] [-f[f]|--force [--force]] [-y|--yes] [-h|--help]
[-v|--verbose] [-V|--version]
PhysicalVolume [PhysicalVolume...]

pvcreate initializes PhysicalVolume for later use by the Logical Volume
Manager (LVM). Each PhysicalVolume
can be a disk partition, whole disk, meta device, or loopback file. For
DOS disk partitions,
the partition id must be set to 0x8e using fdisk(8), cfdisk(8), or a
equivalent. For whole disk devices
only the partition table must be erased, which will effectively destroy
all data on that disk. This can be done
by zeroing the first sector with:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=PhysicalVolume bs=512 count=1

Continue with vgcreate(8) to create a new volume group on

PhysicalVolume, or vgextend(8) to add PhysicalVolume
to an existing volume group.

-d, --debug
Enables additional debugging output (if compiled with DEBUG).
-f, --force
Force the creation without any confirmation. You can not recreate
(reinitialize) a physical volume belonging
to an existing volume group. In an emergency you can override this
behaviour with -ff. In no case case can you
initialize an active physical volume with this command.
-s, --size
Overrides the size of the physical volume which is normally
retrieved. Useful in rare case where this value
is wrong. More useful to fake large physical volumes of up to 2
Terabyes - 1 Kilobyte on smaller devices
for testing purposes only where no real access to data in created
logical volumes is needed. If you wish
to create the supported maximum, use "pvcreate -s 2147483647k
PhysicalVolume [PhysicalVolume ...]".
All other LVM tools will use this size with the exception of
-y, --yes
Answer yes to all questions.
-h, --help
Print a usage message on standard output and exit successfully.
-v, --verbose
Gives verbose runtime information about pvcreate's activities.
-V, --version
Print the version number on standard output and exit successfully.


Initialize partition #4 on the third SCSI disk and the entire fifth SCSI
disk for later use by LVM:

# pvcreate /dev/sdc4 /dev/sde

33.5 Installing a Cluster filesystem on Linux:


Suppose, in this example, we have 2 Linux nodes, and we want to create a

scsi attached shared disksystem.
We plan to use OCFS2 as the Clustered FileSystem.
First, we partition the disks to raw volumes.

This example uses /dev/sdb (an empty SCSI disk with no existing
partitions) to create a single partition for the entire disk (36 GB).
We will do this for all disks.

# fdisk /dev/sdb
Device contains neither a valid DOS partition table, nor Sun, SGI or OSF
Building a new DOS disklabel. Changes will remain in memory only,
until you decide to write them. After that, of course, the previous
content won't be recoverable.

The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 4427.

There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,
and could in certain setups cause problems with:
1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs

Command (m for help): p

Disk /dev/sdb: 255 heads, 63 sectors, 4427 cylinders

Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

Command (m for help): n

Command action
e extended
p primary partition (1-4)
Partition number (1-4): 1
First cylinder (1-4427, default 1):
Using default value 1
Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (1-4427, default 4427):
Using default value 4427

Command (m for help): w

The partition table has been altered!

Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.

WARNING: If you have created or modified any DOS 6.x

partitions, please see the fdisk manual page for additional
Syncing disks.

Now verify the new partition:

# fdisk -l /dev/sdb

Disk /dev/sdb: 36.4 GB, 36420075008 bytes

255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4427 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System

/dev/sdb1 * 1 4427 35559846 83 Linux

Repeat the above steps for each disk to be partitioned. Disk

partitioning should be done from one node only.
When finished partitioning, run the 'partprobe' command as root on each
of the remaining cluster nodes in order to assure
that the new partitions are configured.

# partprobe

Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS) Release 2


OCFS2 is a general-purpose cluster file system that can be used to store

Oracle Clusterware files, Oracle RAC database files,
Oracle software, or any other types of files normally stored on a
standard filesystem such as ext3.
This is a significant change from OCFS Release 1, which only supported
Oracle Clusterware files and Oracle RAC database files.

Obtain OCFS2

OCFS2 is available free of charge from Oracle as a set of three RPMs: a

kernel module, support tools, and a console.
There are different kernel module RPMs for each supported Linux kernel
so be sure to get the OCFS2 kernel module for your Linux kernel.
OCFS2 kernel modules may be downloaded from and the tools and console
may be downloaded from

To determine the kernel-specific module that you need, use uname -r.

# uname -r

For this example I downloaded:


>>> Install OCFS2 as root on each cluster node

# rpm -ivh ocfs2console-1.0.3-1.i386.rpm \

ocfs2-tools-1.0.3-1.i386.rpm \

Preparing... ###########################################
1:ocfs2-tools ###########################################
[ 33%]
2:ocfs2console ###########################################
[ 67%]
3:ocfs2-2.6.9-22.ELsmp ###########################################
Configure OCFS2

Run ocfs2console as root:

# ocfs2console

Now a Graphical interface will appear:

Select Cluster ? Configure Nodes

Click on Add and enter the Name and IP Address of each node in the

Once all of the nodes have been added, click on Cluster --> Propagate
Configuration. This will copy the OCFS2 configuration file
to each node in the cluster. You may be prompted for root passwords as
ocfs2console uses ssh to propagate the configuration file.
Leave the OCFS2 console by clicking on File --> Quit. It is possible to
format and mount the OCFS2 partitions using the ocfs2console GUI;
this guide will use the command line utilities.

>>> Enable OCFS2 to start at system boot:

As root, execute the following command on each cluster node to allow the
OCFS2 cluster stack to load at boot time:
/etc/init.d/o2cb enable
# /etc/init.d/o2cb enable

Writing O2CB configuration: OK

Loading module "configfs": OK
Mounting configfs filesystem at /config: OK
Loading module "ocfs2_nodemanager": OK
Loading module "ocfs2_dlm": OK
Loading module "ocfs2_dlmfs": OK
Mounting ocfs2_dlmfs filesystem at /dlm: OK

Starting cluster ocfs2: OK

>>> Create a mount point for the OCFS filesystem

As root on each of the cluster nodes, create the mount point directory
for the OCFS2 filesystem
# mkdir /u03

>>> Create the OCFS2 filesystem on the unused disk partition:

The example below creates an OCFS2 filesystem on the unused /dev/sdc1
partition with a volume label of "/u03" (-L /u03), a block size of 4K (-
b 4K)
and a cluster size of 32K (-C 32K) with 4 node slots (-N 4). See the
OCFS2 Users Guide for more information on mkfs.ocfs2 command line

# mkfs.ocfs2 -b 4K -C 32K -N 4 -L /u03 /dev/sdc1

mkfs.ocfs2 1.0.3
Filesystem label=/u03
Block size=4096 (bits=12)
Cluster size=32768 (bits=15)
Volume size=36413280256 (1111245 clusters) (8889960 blocks)
35 cluster groups (tail covers 14541 clusters, rest cover 32256
Journal size=33554432
Initial number of node slots: 4
Creating bitmaps: done
Initializing superblock: done
Writing system files: done
Writing superblock: done
Writing lost+found: done
mkfs.ocfs2 successful

>>> Mount the OCFS2 filesystem:

Since this filesystem will contain the Oracle Clusterware files and
Oracle RAC database files, we must ensure that all I/O
to these files uses direct I/O (O_DIRECT). Use the "datavolume" option
whenever mounting the OCFS2 filesystem to enable direct I/O.
Failure to do this can lead to data loss in the event of system failure.

# mount -t ocfs2 -L /u03 -o datavolume /u03

Notice that the mount command uses the filesystem label (-L u03) used
during the creation of the filesystem. This is a handy way to refer
to the filesystem without having to remember the device name.

To verify that the OCFS2 filesystem is mounted, issue the mount command
or run df:

# mount -t ocfs2
/dev/sdc1 on /u03 type ocfs2 (rw,_netdev,datavolume)

# df /u03
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1 35559840 138432 35421408 1% /u03

The OCFS2 filesystem can now be mounted on the other cluster nodes.

To automatically mount the OCFS2 filesystem at system boot, add a line

similar to the one below to /etc/fstab on each cluster node:
LABEL=/u03 /u03 ocfs2 _netdev,datavolume,nointr 0 0

Create the directories for shared files

CRS files
mkdir /u03/oracrs
chown oracle:oinstall /u03/oracrs
chmod 775 /u03/oracrs

Database files
mkdir /u03/oradata
chown oracle:oinstall /u03/oradata
chmod 775 /u03/oradata

34. SWAP space:


34.1 Solaris:

-- View swap space:

-- ----------------

The /usr/sbib/swap utility provides a method of adding, deleting, and

monitoring the system swap areas
used by the memory manager.

# swap -l

The -l option can be used to list swap space. The system displays
information like:
swapfile dev swaplo blocks free
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 136,3 16 302384 302384

path : the pathname for the swaparea. In this example the pathname is
dev : the major/minor device number is in decimal if it's a block
special device; zeroes otherwise
swaplo: the offset in 512 byte blocks where usable swapspace begins
blocks: size in 512 byte blocks. The swaplen value can be adjusted as a
kernel parameter.
free : free 512 byte blocks.
The swap -l command does not include physical memory in it's calculation
of swap space.

# swap -s

The -s option can be used to list a summary of the system's virtual swap
total: 31760k bytes allocated + 5952k reserved = 37712k used, 202928k

These numbers are in 1024 byte blocks.

-- Add swap area's:
-- ----------------

There are 2 methods available for adding more swap to your system.

(1) create a secondary swap partition:

(2) create a swapfile in an existing UFS file system

(1) Creating a secondary swap partition requires additional unused

diskspace. You must use the format coommand
to create a new partition and filesystem on a disk.
Suppose we have the /data directory currently on slice 5 and is 200MB in
- free up the /data directory (save the contents to another location )
- unmount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5
- use format:
Enter partition id tag (unassigned): swap
Enter partition permission flags (wm): wu
Enter new starting cil(3400): return
Enter partition size: return
Then label the disk as follows
Partition> la
Ready to label disk? y

- Run the newfs command on that partition to create a fresh filesystem

on slice 5
newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s5
- Make an entry to the /etc/vfstab file
- Run the swapadd script to add the swap to your system as follows:
- verify that the swap has been added with swap -l

(2) The other method to add more swap space is to use the mkfile and
swap commands
to designate a part of an existing UFS filesystem as a supplementary
swap area.
You can use it as a temporary solution, or as a solution for longer
duration as well,
but a swap file is just another file in the filesystem, so you cannot
unmount that
filesystem while the swapfile is in use.
The following steps enable you to add more swap space without
repartitioning a disk.
- As root, use df -k to locate a suitable filesystem. Suppose /data
looks allright
for this purpose
- Use the mkfile command to add a 50MB swapfile named swapfile in the
/data partition.

mkfile 50m /data/swapfile

- use ls -l /data to verify that the file has been created.

Notice that the sticky bit has automatically been set.
- Activate the swaparea with the swap command as follows:
/usr/sbin/swap -a /data/swapfile

- verify that the swap has been added with swap -l

The system responds something like this:

swapfile dev swaplo blocks free

/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s3 136,3 16 302384 302384
/data/swapfile - 16 102384 102384

If this will be a permanent swaparea, add an entry for the swapfile in

the vfstab file.
/data/swapfile - - swap - no -

-- Removing a swapfile:
-- --------------------

As root use the swap -d command to remove a swaparea is follows

swap -d /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s5 for a swap partition

swap -d /data/swapfile for a swapfile

Use the swap -l command to verify that the swaparea is gone.

Edit the /etc/vfstab file and delete the entry for the swapfile if

In case of a swapfile, just remove the file with rm /data/swapfile

-- Creating a Temporary File System:

-- ---------------------------------

Create a directory which will serve as the mount point for the TMPFS
file system.
There is no command such as newfs to create a TMPFS file system before
mounting it.
The TMPFS file system actually gets created in RAM when you execute the
mount command
and specify a filesystem type of TMPFS. The following example creates a
new directory
/export/data and mounts a TMPFS filesystem, limiting it to 25MB.

mount -F tmpfs -o size=25m swap /export/data

34.2 AIX:

The installation creates a default paging logical volume, hd6, on drive

also referred as primary paging space.

The reports from the "vmstat" and "topas" commands indicate the amount
of paging space I/O that is
taking place.

Showing paging space:

The lsps -a command provides a snapshot of the current utilization of
each of the paging spaces
on the system, while the lsps -s command provides a summary of the total
active paging space
and its current utilization.

# lsps -a
Page Space Physical Volume Volume Group Size %Used
Active Auto Type
paging00 hdisk1 rootvg 80MB 1 yes
yes lv
hd6 hdisk1 rootvg 256MB 1 yes
yes lv

The /etc/swapspaces file specifies the paging-space devices that are

activated by the swapon -a command.
A pagingspace is added to this file when its created by the mkps -a
command, and removed from
the file when rmps is used.

You can also try:

# pstat -s

Managing Paging space:


The following commands are used to manage paging space:

chps : changes the attributes of a paging space

lsps : displays the characteristics of a paging space
pstat -s : displays the characteristics of a paging space
mkps : creates an additional paging space
rmps : removes an inactive paging space
swapon : activates a paging space
swapoff : deactivates one or more paging spaces

Managing Paging behaviour:


Note 1:

There are several page space allocation policies available in AIX.

- Deferred Page Space Allocation (DPSA)

- Late Page Space Allocation (LPSA)
- Early Page Space Allocation (EPSA)
- Deferred page space allocation

The deferred page space allocation policy is the default policy in AIX.

Late page space allocation LPSA

The AIX operating system provides a way to enable the late page space
allocation policy, which means that the disk block
for a paging space page is only allocated when the corresponding in-
memory page is touched.

Early page space allocation EPSA

If you want to ensure that a process will not be killed due to low
paging conditions, this process can
preallocate paging space by using the early page space allocation

Choosing between LPSA and DPSA with the vmo command:

Using the "vmo -o defps" command enables turning the deferred page space
allocation, or DPSA,
on or off in order to preserve the late page space allocation policy, or

Paging space and virtual memory

The vmstat command (avm column), ps command (SIZE, SZ), and other
utilities report the amount
of virtual memory actually accessed because with DPSA, the paging space
might not get touched.

Note 2:

High paging space during online backup on AIX

Technote (FAQ)

During an online backup, you might see a high paging space usage, which
will not be released
even after online backup completion in DB2® Universal Database™ (DB2
UDB) Version 8.
This problem does not occur during an offline backup.

Paging space usage increases during online database backups on AIX® 5.2
and 5.3.
This is an expected behavior from ML4 of AIX 5L™ 5.2 and ML1 of AIX 5L
5.3 onwards.
During an online database backup operation, file pages are loaded into
memory by AIX
in order for the backup processes to read them. If DB2 UDB runs out of
AIX has to free memory to fit additional file pages into RAM. It does
this by writing
DB2 UDB shared memory segments out to paging space. When the backup
these pages in paging space are not released because they are still in
use by the other
DB2 UDB processes. They will only be freed when the database is
To free up paging space without stopping the database, use the AIX
tuning parameter lru_file_repage.
It affects Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) page replacement. By setting
this parameter to 0,
you force the system to only free file pages when you run out of memory
and to not write
working pages out to paging space. This will stop paging use from
To set this parameter to zero, use vmo command. For example:

vmo -o lru_file_repage=0

This parameter was introduced in ML4 of AIX5L 5.2 and ML1 of AIX5L 5.3.
The default value is 1.

Note 3:

Warning: this is a trick.

trick I have found to "reset" paging is to

increase page space by 1 PP and then decrease it by 1 PP.
Decreasing the size of paging space causes the S to create a
new page space, copy everything to the new space, delete the old
recreate it at the new size. You'll need enough free disk space
to create a new page space.

Note 4:

The VM kernel parameters minperm% and maxperm% affect the use of

physical memory that can be used
for file system caching and
govern when computational pages of memory get paged (swapped) to paging
If these values have been changed recently, that could explain the
results that you describe.

When the (dynamic) value of numperm% drops below minperm%, it will cause
the paging of computational pages to page space.

It would be interesting to know if the minperm% and maxperm% values were

changed and, if so, what the former and current values are.

Note 5:

Show paging space usage:

# lsps -a
# lsps -s

Increase paging space:

# chps -s 32 hd6 32x32MB

where we increased the size of hd6 with 30 LP's.

Reducing paging space:

# chps -d 1 hd6

where we decreased the size of hd6 with 1 LP.


To Add a Logical Volume for Additional Paging Space

mkps [ -a ] [ -n ] [ -t lv ] -s LogicalPartitions VolumeGroup
[ PhysicalVolume ]

To create a paging space in volume group myvg that has four logical
partitions and is activated immediately
and at all subsequent system restarts, enter:

# mkps -a -n -s 4 myvg

To create a paging space in rootvg on hdisk0

# mkps -a -n -s 30 rootvg hdisk0


Before AIX 5L:

Active paging spaces cannot be removed. It must first be made inactive.
Use the chps command so the paging space is not used on the next
After reboot, the paging space is inactive and can be removed with the
rmps command.

AIX 51 or later:
Use the swapoff command to dynamically deactive the paging space, then
use the rmps command.
# swapoff /dev/paging03
# rmps paging03


As from AIX 5L you can use the chps -d command, to decrease the size of
a paging space,
without having to deactive it, then reboot, then remove, and then
recreate it with a smaller size.
Decrease it with a number of LP's like:
# chps -d 2 paging03

chps -a {y|n} paging00 : specifies that the paging space paging00 is

active (y) or inactive (n) at subsequent system restarts.
chps -s 10 paging02 : adds ten LPs to paging02 without rebooting.
chps -d 5 paging01 : removes five LPs from paging01 without rebooting.
chps -d 50 hd6 : removes fifty LPs from hd6 without rebooting.

List the active paging spaces:


# lsps -a or lsps -s

# pg /etc/swapspaces


Note on paging on AIX:


If the amount of paging space is less than the amount of real memory in
the system, it's possible the system
will run out of paging space before real memory. This is because AIX
performs early allocation of page space.
When a page is referenced, real memory and paging space blocks are
allocated. If there are less paging space blocks
then real memory pages, paging space will be exhaused before all of real
memory is consumed.

Early allocation algorithm

The second operating system's paging-space-slot-allocation method is
intended for use in installations
where this situation is likely, or where the cost of failure to complete
is intolerably high. Aptly called early allocation,
this algorithm causes the appropriate number of paging-space slots to be
allocated at the time the
virtual-memory address range is allocated, for example, with the
malloc() subroutine. If there are not
enough paging-space slots to support the malloc() subroutine, an error
code is set.
The early-allocation algorithm is invoked as follows:

# export PSALLOC=early
This example causes all future programs to be executed in the
environment to use early allocation.
The currently executing shell is not affected.

Early allocation is of interest to the performance analyst mainly

because of its paging-space size implications.
If early allocation is turned on for those programs, paging-space
requirements can increase many times.
Whereas the normal recommendation for paging-space size is at least
twice the size of the system's real memory,
the recommendation for systems that use PSALLOC=early is at least four
times the real memory size.
Actually, this is just a starting point. Analyze the virtual storage
requirements of your workload and
allocate paging spaces to accommodate them. As an example, at one time,
the AIXwindows server required 250 MB of paging space
when run with early allocation.

When using PSALLOC=early, the user should set a handler for the
following SIGSEGV signal by pre-allocating and setting
the memory as a stack using the sigaltstack function. Even though
PSALLOC=early is specified, when there
is not enough paging space and a program attempts to expand the stack,
the program may receive the SIGSEGV signal.

Deferred allocation algorithm

The third operating system's paging-space-slot-allocation method is the
default beginning with AIX 4.3.2
Deferred Page Space Allocation (DPSA) policy delays allocation of paging
space until it is necessary to page out the page,
which results in no wasted paging space allocation. This method can save
huge amounts of paging space, which means disk space.
Best to use Deffered.

On some systems, paging space might not ever be needed even if all the
pages accessed have been touched.
This situation is most common on systems with very large amount of RAM.
However, this may result in overcommitment
of paging space in cases where more virtual memory than available RAM is

To disable DPSA and preserve the Late Page Space Allocation policy, run
the following command:

# vmo -o defps=0

To activate DPSA, run the following command:

# vmo -o defps=1

In general, system performance can be improved by DPSA, because the

overhead of allocating page space after
page faults is avoided the. Paging space devices need less disk space if
DPSA is used

34.3 Linux:

-- Check the swapspace:

# cat /proc/meminfo
# cat /proc/swaps
# /sbin/swapon -s

-- Creating swap space using a partition

Create a partition of the proper size using fdisk.

Format the partition, for example

# mkswap -c /dev/hda4

Enable the swap, for example

# swapon /dev/hd4

If you want the swap space enabled after boot, include the appropriate
entry into /etc/fstab, for example
/dev/hda4 swap swap defaults 0 0

If you need to disable the swap, you can do it with

# swapoff /dev/hda4

-- Creating swap space using a swapfile

Create a file with the size of your swapfile

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=8192

Setup the file with the command

# mkswap /swapfile 8192

Enable the swap with the command

# swapon /swapfile

When you are done using the swapfile, you can turn it off and remove
# swapoff /swapfile
# rm /swapfile

34.4: Note about swap:


Page replacement in Linux 2.4 memory management

Rik van Riel
Conectiva Inc.
[email protected],

While the virtual memory management in Linux 2.2 has decent performance
for many workloads, it suffers from
a number of problems.
The first part of this paper contains a description of how the Linux 2.2
VMM works and an analysis of why
it has bad behaviour in some situations.
The way in which a lot of this behaviour has been fixed in the Linux 2.4
kernel is described in the second part of the paper.
Due to Linux 2.4 being in a code freeze period while these improvements
were implemented, only known-good solutions
have been integrated. A lot of the ideas used are derived from
principles used in other operating systems,
mostly because we have certainty that they work and a good understanding
of why, making them suitable for integration
into the Linux codebase during a code freeze.

--Linux 2.2 memory management

The memory management in the Linux 2.2 kernel seems to be focussed on
simplicity and low overhead.
While this works pretty well in practice for most systems, it has some
weak points left and simply falls
apart under some scenarios.

Memory in Linux is unified, that is all the physical memory is on the

same free list and can be allocated
to any of the following memory pools on demand. Most of these pools can
grow and shrink on demand.
Typically most of a system's memory will be allocated to the data pages
of processes and the page and buffer caches.

The slab cache: this is the kernel's dynamically allocated heap storage.
This memory is unswappable,
but once all objects within one (usually page-sized) area are unused,
that area can be reclaimed.

The page cache: this cache is used to cache file data for both mmap()
and read() and is indexed by (inode, index) pairs.
No dirty data exists in this cache; whenever a program writes to a page,
the dirty data is copied to the buffer cache,
from where the data is written back to disk.

The buffer cache: this cache is indexed by (block device, block number)
tuples and is used to cache raw disk devices,
inodes, directories and other filesystem metadata. It is also used to
perform disk IO on behalf of the page cache
and the other caches. For disk reads the pagecache bypasses this cache
and for network filesystems it isn't used at all.

The inode cache: this cache resides in the slab cache and contains
information about cached files in the system.
Linux 2.2 cannot shrink this cache, but because of its limited size it
does need to reclaim individual entries.

The dentry cache: this cache contains directory and name information in
a filesystem-independent way and is used
to lookup files and directories. This cache is dynamically grown and
shrunk on demand.

SYSV shared memory: the memory pool containing the SYSV shared memory
segments is managed pretty much like the page cache,
but has its own infrastructure for doing things.
Process mapped virtual memory: this memory is administrated in the
process page tables. Processes can have page cache
or SYSV shared memory segments mapped, in which case those pages are
managed in both the page tables
and the data structures used for respectively the page cache or the
shared memory code.

--Linux 2.2 page replacement

The page replacement of Linux 2.2 works as follows. When free memory
drops below a certain threshold, the pageout daemon (kswapd)
is woken up. The pageout daemon should usually be able to keep enough
free memory, but if it isn't, user programs will end up calling the
pageout code itself.

The main pageout loop is in the function try_to_free_pages, which starts

by freeing unused slabs from the kernel memory pool.
After that, it calls the following functions in a loop, asking each of
them to scan a small part of their part of memory until enough memory
has been freed.

shrink_mmap is a classical clock algorithm, which loops over all

physical pages, clearing referenced bits,
queueing old dirty pages pages for IO and freeing old clean pages. The
main disadvantage it has compared to a
clock algorithm, however, is that it isn't able to free pages which are
in use by a program or a shared memory segment.
Those pages need to be unmapped by swap_out first.

shm_swap scans the SYSV shared memory segments, swapping out those pages
that haven't been referenced recently
and which aren't mapped into any process.

swap_out scans the virtual memory of all processes in the system,

unmapping pages which haven't been referenced recently,
starting swapout IO and placing those pages in the page cache.

shrink_dcache_memory recaims entries from the VFS name cache. This is

not directly reusable memory, but as soon as a whole page
of these entries gets unused we can reclaim that page.
Some balancing between these memory freeing function is achieved by
calling them in a loop, starting of by asking
each of these functions to scan a little bit of their memory, as each of
these funnctions accepts a priority argument which tells them how big a
percentage of their memory to scan. If not enough memory is freed in the
first loop, the priority is increased and the functions are called
again. The idea behind this scheme is that when one memory pool is
heavily used, it will not give up its resources lightly and we'll
automatically fall through to one of the other memory pools. However,
this scheme relies on each of the memory pools to react in a similar way
to the priority argument under different load conditions. This doesn't
work out in practice because the memory pools just have fundamentally
different properties to begin with.

--Problems with the Linux 2.2 page replacement

Balancing between evicting pages from the file cache, evicting unused
process pages and evicting pages from shm segments. If memory pressure
is "just right" shrink_mmap is always successful in freeing cache pages
and a process which has been idle for a day is still in memory. This can
even happen on a system with a fairly busy filesystem cache, but only
with the right phase of moon.

Simple NRU[Note] replacement cannot accurately identify the working set

versus incidentally accessed pages and can lead to extra page faults.
This doesn't hurt noticably for most workloads, but it makes a big
difference in some workloads and can be fixed easily, mostly since the
LFU replacement used in older Linux kernels is known to work.

Due to the simple clock algorithm in shrink_mmap, sometimes clean,

accessed pages can get evicted before dirty, old pages. With a
relatively small file cache that mostly consists of dirty data, eg
unpacking a tarball, it is possible for the dirty pages to evict the
(clean) metadata buffers that are needed to write the dirty data to
disk. A few other corner cases with amusing variations on this theme are
bound to exist.

The system reacts badly to variable VM load or to load spikes after a

period of no VM activity. Since kswapd, the pageout daemon, only scans
when the system is low on memory, the system can end up in a state where
some pages have referenced bits from the last 5 seconds, while other
pages have referenced bits from 20 minutes ago. This means that on a
load spike the system has no clue which are the right pages to evict
from memory, this can lead to a swapping storm, where the wrong pages
are evicted and almost immediately afterwards faulted back in, leading
to the pageout of another random page, etc...

Under very heavy loads, NRU replacement of pages simply doesn't cut it.
More careful and better balanced pageout eviction and flushing is called
for. With the fragility of the Linux 2.2 pageout framework this goal
doesn't really seem achievable.
The facts that shrink_mmap is a simple clock algorithm and relies on
other functions to make process-mapped pages freeable makes it fairly
unpredictable. Add to that the balancing loop in try_to_free_pages and
you get a VM subsystem which is extremely sensitive to minute changes in
the code and a fragile beast at its best when it comes to maintenance or
(shudder) tweaking.

--Changes in Linux 2.4

For Linux 2.4 a substantial development effort has gone into things like
making the VM subsystem fully fine-grained for SMP systems and
supporting machines with more than 1GB of RAM. Changes to the pageout
code were done only in the last phase of development and are, because of
that, somewhat conservative in nature and only employ known-good methods
to deal with the problems that happened in the page replacement of the
Linux 2.2 kernel. Before we get to the page replacement changes,
however, first a short overview of the other changes in the 2.4 VM:

More fine-grained SMP locking. The scalability of the VM subsystem has

improved a lot for workloads where multiple CPUs are reading or writing
the same file simultaneously; for example web or ftp server workloads.
This has no real influence on the page replacement code.

Unification of the buffer cache and the page cache. While in Linux 2.2
the page cache used the buffer cache to write back its data, needing an
extra copy of the data and doubling memory requirements for some write
loads, in Linux 2.4 dirty page cache pages are simply added in both the
buffer and the page cache. The system does disk IO directly to and from
the page cache page. That the buffer cache is still maintained
separately for filesystem metadata and the caching of raw block devices.
Note that the cache was already unified for reads in Linux 2.2, Linux
2.4 just completes the unification.

Support for systems with up to 64GB of RAM (on x86). The Linux kernel
previously had all physical memory directly mapped in the kernel's
virtual address space, which limited the amount of supported memory to
slightly under 1GB. For Linux 2.4 the kernel also supports additional
memory (so called "high memory" or highmem), which can not be used for
kernel data structures but only for page cache and user process memory.
To do IO on these pages they are temporarily mapped into kernel virtual
memory and the data is copied to or from a bounce buffer in "low
At the same time the memory zone for ISA DMA (0 - 16 MB physical address
range) has also been split out into a separate page zone. This means
larger x86 systems end up with 3 memory zones, which all need their free
memory balanced so we can continue allocating kernel data structures and
ISA DMA buffers. The memory zones logic is generalised enough to also
work for NUMA systems.

The SYSV shared memory code has been removed and replaced with a simple
memory filesystem which uses the page cache for all its functions. It
supports both POSIX SHM and SYSV SHM semantics and can also be used as a
swappable memory filesystem (tmpfs).
Since the changes to the page replacement code took place after all
these changes and in the (one and a half year long) code freeze period
of the Linux 2.4 kernel, the changes have been kept fairly conservative.
On the other hand, we have tried to fix as many of the Linux 2.2 page
replacement problems as possible. Here is a short overview of the page
replacement changes: they'll be described in more detail below.

Page aging, which was present in the Linux 1.2 and 2.0 kernels and in
FreeBSD has been reintroduced into the VM. However, a few small changes
have been made to avoid some artifacts of virtual page based aging.

To avoid the eviction of "wrong" pages due to interactions from page

aging and page flushing, the page aging and flushing has been separated.
There are active and inactive page lists.

Page flushing has been optimised to avoid too much interference by

writeout IO on the more time-critical disk read IO.

Controlled background page aging during periods of little or no VM

activity in order to keep the system in a state where it can easily deal
with load spikes.
Streaming IO is detected; we do early eviction on the pages that have
already been used and reward the IO stream with more agressive

--Linux 2.4 page replacement changes in detail

The development of the page replacement changes in Linux 2.4 has been
influenced by two main factors. Firstly the bad behaviours of Linux 2.2
page replacement had to be fixed, using only known-good strategies
because the development of Linux 2.4 had already entered the "code
freeze" state. Secondly the page replacement had to be more predictable
and easier to understand than Linux 2.2 because tuning the page
replacement in Linux 2.2 was deserving of the proverbial label "subtle
and quick to upset". This means that only VM ideas that are well
understood and have little interactions with the rest of the system were
integrated. Lots of ideas were taken from other freely available
operating systems and literature.

--Page aging
Page aging was the first easy step in making the bad border-case
behaviour from Linux 2.2 go away, it works reasonably well in Linux 1.2,
Linux 2.0 and FreeBSD. Page aging allows us to make a much finer
distinction between pages we want to keep in memory and pages we want to
swap out than the NRU aging in Linux 2.2.
Page aging in these OSes works as follows: for each physical page we
keep a counter (called age in Linux, or act_count in FreeBSD) that
indicates how desirable it is to keep this page in memory. When scanning
through memory for pages to evict, we increase the page age (adding a
constant) whenever we find that the page was accessed and we decrease
the page age (substracting a constant) whenever we find that the page
wasn't accessed. When the page age (or act_count) reaches zero, the page
is a candidate for eviction.

However, in some situations the LFU[Note] page aging of Linux 2.0 is

known to have too much CPU overhead and adjust to changes in system load
too slowly. Furthermore, research[Smaragdis, Kaplan, Wilson] has shown
that recency of access is a more important criteria for page replacement
than frequency.

These two problems are solved by doing exponential decline of the page
age (divide by two instead of substracting a constant) whenever we find
a page that wasn't accessed, resulting in page replacement which is
closer to LRU[Note] than LFU. This reduces the CPU overhead of page
aging drastically in some cases; however, no noticable change in swap
behaviour has been observed.

Another artifact comes from the virtual address scanning. In Linux 1.2
and 2.0 the system reduces the page age of a page whenever it sees that
the page hasn't been accessed from the page table which it is currently
scanning, completely ignoring the fact that the page could have been
accessed from other page tables. This can put a severe penalty on
heavily shared pages, for example the C library.

This problem is fixed by simply not doing "downwards" aging from the
virtual page scans, but only from the physical-page based scanning of
the active list. If we encounter pages which are not referenced, present
in the page tables but not on the active list, we simply follow the
swapout path to add this page to the swap cache and the active list so
we'll be able to lower the page age of this page and swap it out as soon
as the page age reaches zero.

--Multiple page lists

The bad interactions between page aging and page flushing, where
referenced clean pages were freed before old dirty pages, is fixed by
keeping the pages which are candidates for eviction separated from the
pages we want to keep in memory (page age zero vs. nonzero). We separate
the pages out by putting them on various page lists and having separate
algorithms deal with each list.
Pages which are not (yet) candidate for eviction are in process page
tables, on the active list or both. Page aging as described above
happens on these pages, with the function refill_inactive() balancing
between scanning the page tables and scanning the active list.

When the page age on a page reaches zero, due to a combination of

pageout scanning and the page not being actively used, the page is moved
to the inactive_dirty list. Pages on this list are not mapped in the
page tables of any process and are, or can become, reclaimable. Pages on
this list are handled by the function page_launder(), which flushes the
dirty pages to disk and moves the clean pages to the inactive_clean

Unlike the active and inactive_dirty lists, the inactive_clean list

isn't global but per memory zone. The pages on these lists can be
immediately reused by the page allocation code and count as free pages.
These pages can also still be faulted back into where it came from,
since the data is still there. In BSD this would be called the "cache"

--Dynamically sized inactive list

Since we do page aging to select which pages to evict, having a very
large statically sized inactive list (like FreeBSD has) doesn't seem to
make much sense. In fact, it would cancel out some of the effects of
doing the page aging in the first place: why spend much effort selecting
which pages to evict[Dillon] when you keep as much as 33% of your
swappable pages on the inactive list? Why do careful page aging when 33%
of your pages end up as candidates for eviction at the same priority and
you've effectively undone the aging for those 33% of pages which are
candidates for eviction?
On the other hand, having lots of inactive pages to choose from when
doing page eviction means you have more chances of avoiding writeout IO
or doing better IO clustering. It also gives you more of a "buffer" to
deal with allocations due to page faults, etc.

Both a large and a small target size for the inactive page list have
their benefits. In Linux 2.4 we have chosen for a middle ground by
letting the system dynamically vary the size of the inactive list
depending on VM activity, with an artificial upper limit to make sure
the system always preserves some aging information.

Linux 2.4 keeps a floating average of the amount of pages evicted per
second and sets the target for the inactive list and the free list
combined to the free target plus this average number of page steals per
second. Not only does this second give us enough time to do all kinds of
page flushing optimisations, it also is small enough to keep page age
distribution within the system intact, allowing us to make good choices
on which pages to evict and which pages to keep.

--Optimised page flushing

Writing out pages from the inactive_dirty list as we encounter them can
cause a system to totally destroy read performance because of the extra
disk seeks done. A better solution is to delay writeout of dirty pages
and let these dirty pages accumulate until we can do better IO
clustering so that these pages can be written out to disk with less disk
seeks and less interference with read performance.
Due to the development of the page replacement changes happening in the
code freeze, the system currently has a rather simple implementation of
what's present in FreeBSD 4.2. As long as there are enough clean
inactive pages around, we keep moving those to the inactive_clean list
and never bother with syncing out the dirty pages. Note that this
catches both clean pages and pages which have been written to disk by
the update daemon (which commits filesystem data to disk periodically).

This means that under loads where data is seldom written we can avoid
writing out dirty inactive pages most of the time, giving us much better
latencies in freeing pages and letting streaming reads continue without
the disk head moving away to write out data all the time. Only under
loads where lots of pages are being dirtied quickly does the system
suffer a bit from syncing out dirty data irregularly.

Another alternative would have been the strategy used in FreeBSD 4.3,
where dirty pages get to stay in the inactive list longer than clean
pages but are synced out before the clean pages are exhausted. This
strategy gives more consistent pageout IO in FreeBSD during heavy write
loads. However, a big factor causing the irregularities in pageout
writes using the simpler strategy above may well be caused because of
the huge inactive list target in FreeBSD (33It is not at all clear what
this more complicated strategy would do when used on the dynamically
sized inactive list on Linux 2.4, because of this Linux 2.4 uses the
better understood strategy of evicting clean inactive pages first and
only after those are gone start syncing the dirty ones.

--Background page aging

On many systems the normal operating mode is that after a period of
relative activity a sudden load spike comes in and the system has to
deal with that as gracefully as possible. Linux 2.2 has the problem
that, with the lack of an inactive page list, it is not clear at all
which pages should be evicted when a sudden demand for memory kicks in.
Linux 2.4 is better in this respect, with the reclaim candidates neatly
separated out on the inactive list. However, the inactive list could
have any random size the moment VM pressure drops off. We'd like get the
system in a more predictable state while the VM pressure is low. In
order to achieve this, Linux 2.4 does background scanning of the pages,
trying to get a sane amount of pages on the inactive list, but without
scanning agressively so only truly idle pages will end up on the
inactive list and the scanning overhead stays small.
--Drop behind
Streaming IO doesn't just have readahead, but also its natural
complement: drop behind. After the program doing the streaming IO is
done with a page, we depress its priority heavily so it will be a prime
candidate for eviction. Not only does this protect the working set of
running processes from being quickly evicted by streaming IO, but it
also prevents the streaming IO from competing with the pageouts and
pageins of the other running processes, which reduces the number of disk
seeks and allows the streaming IO to proceed at a faster speed.
Currently readahead and drop-behind only work for read() and write();
mmap()ed files and swap-backed anonymous memory aren't supported yet.

Since the Linux 2.4 kernel's VM subsystem is still being tuned heavily,
it is too early to come with conclusive figures on performance. However,
initial results seem to indicate that Linux 2.4 generally has better
performance than Linux 2.2 on the same hardware.

Reports from users indicate that performance on typical desktop machines

has improved a lot, even though the tuning of the new VM has only just
begun. Throughput figures for server machines seem to be better too, but
that could also be attributed to the fact that the unification of the
page cache and the buffer cache is complete.

One big difference between the VM in Linux 2.4 and the VM in Linux 2.2
is that the new VM is far less sensitive to subtle changes. While in
Linux 2.2 a subtle change in the page flushing logic could upset page
replacement, in Linux 2.4 it is possible to tweak the various aspects of
the VM with predictable results and little to no side-effects in the
rest of the VM.

The solid performance and relative insensitivity to subtle changes in

the environment can be taken as a sign that the Linux 2.4 VM is not just
a set of simple fixes for the problems experienced in Linux 2.2, but
also a good base for future development.

Remaining issues
The Linux 2.4 VM mainly contains easy to implement and obvious to verify
solutions for some of the known problems Linux 2.2 suffers from. A
number of issues are either too subtle to implement during the code
freeze or will have too much impact on the code. The complete list of
TODO items can be found on the Linux-MM page[Linux-MM]; here are the
most important ones:

Low memory deadlock prevention: with the arrival of journaling and

delayed-allocation filesystems it is possible that the system will need
to allocate memory in order to free memory; more precisely, to write out
data so memory can become freeable. To remove the possibility for
deadlock, we need to limit the number of outstanding transactions to a
safe number, possibly letting each of the page flushing functions
indicate how much memory it may need and doing bookkeeping of these
values. Note that the same problem occurs with swap over network.

Load control: no matter how good we can get the page replacement code,
there will always be a point where the system ends up thrashing to
death. Implementing a simple load control system, where processes get
suspended in round-robin fashion when the paging load gets too high, can
keep the system alive under heavy overload and allow the system to get
enough work done to bring itself back to a sane state.

RSS limits and guarantees: in some situations it is desirable to control

the amount of physical memory a process can consume
(the resident set size, or RSS). With the virtual address based page
scanning of Linux' VM subsystem it is trivial to implement
RSS ulimits and minimal RSS guarantees. Both help to protect processes
under heavy load and allow the system administrator
to better control the use of memory resources.

VM balancing: in Linux 2.4, the balancing between the eviction of cache

pages, swap-backed anonymous memory and the inode and dentry caches is
essentially the same as in Linux 2.2. While this seems to work well for
most cases there are some possible scenarios where a few of the caches
push the other users out of memory, leading to suboptimal system
performance. It may be worthwhile to look into improving the balancing
algorithm to achieve better performance in "non-standard" situations.

Unified readahead: currently readahead and drop-behind only works for

read() and write(). Ideally they should work for mmap()ed files and
anonymous memory too. Having the same set of algorithms for both
read()/write(), mmap() and swap-backed anonymous memory will simplify
the code and make performance improvements in the readahead and drop-
behind code immediately available to all of the system.

AIX swap notes:


Note 1:


Hi All,

I'm seeing an interesting paging behavior (paging out to paging space

when I don't think it should) on our AIX 5.3 TL3CSP system.
First the system particulars:

AIX 5.3 TL3 with CSP

HACMP v5.2
Oracle 10g
28GB memory
8GB paging space
EMC LUNs for Oracle data.
CIO used for Oracle data.

Virtual memory tuned as such

vmo -p -o maxclient%=50
vmo -p -o maxperm%=50
vmo -p -o 'lru_file_repage=0'
vmo -p -o 'minperm%=3'
So, given that configuration, it is my understanding that AIX, when
under memory pressure, will steal memory from the file cache
instead of paging process memory out to the paging space
(lru_file_repage = 0).

Now, this system works for the most part like I understand it should.
Via nmon, I can watch it stealing memory from the FileSystemCache
(numclient values decrease) when the box gets under memory pressure.
However, every once in a while when under memory pressure,
I can see that the system starts writing to the paging space when there
is plenty of FileSystemCache available to steal from.

Below is a snapshot from the nmon 'm'emory switch:

You can see here that I've got 1.7GB paged out, while numclient is at

So, my question is, why does AIX page out when under memory pressure
instead of stealing from the FileSystemCache memory like I want it to?


Look at the Paging to/from the Paging Space - its zero. Once info is in
the paging space its left there until the space is needed
for something else. So at this point the server isn't actually paging.

It Has paged in the past however.

Note 2:

AIX will always try to use 100% of real memory--> AIX will use the
amount of
memory solicited by your processes. The remaining capacity will be used
filesystem cache.

You can change the minimum and maximum amounts of memory used to cache
with vmtune (vmo for 5.2+), and it is advised to do so if your're
databases with data on raw devices (since the db engine usually has its
cache algorithm, and AIX can't cache data on raw devices). The values to
modify are minperm, maxperm, minclient and maxpin (use at you own

Paging space use will be very low: 5% is about right--> A paging space
little used seems to be oversized. In general, the paging space should
under 40%, and the size must be determined accordingly to the
running (i.e. 4X the physical memory size for oracle). In AIX 5L a
space can be reduced without rebooting. Anyway, AIX always uses some
space, even keeping copies of the data on memory and on disk, as a
"predictive" paging.

Look in topas for the values "comp mem" (proceses) and "non comp mem"
(filesystem cache) to see the distribution of the memory usage. Nmon can
show you the top proceses by memory usage, along with many other

There are several tools which can give you a more detailed picture of
memory is being used. "svmon" is very comprehensive. Tools such as topas
and nmon will also give you a bit more information.

Note 3:

Memory utilization on AIX systems typically runs around 100%. This is

often a source of concern. However, high memory utilization
in AIX does not imply the system is out of memory. By design, AIX leaves
files it has accessed in memory.
This significantly improves performance when AIX reaccesses these files
because they can be reread directly from memory, not disk*.
When AIX needs memory, it discards files using a "least used" algorithm.
This generates no I/O and has almost no performance impact
under normal circumstances.

Sustained paging activity is the best indication of low memory. Paging

activity can be monitored using the "vmstat" command.
If the "page-in" (PI) and "page-out" (PO) columns show non-zero values
over "long" periods of time, then the system is short on memory.
(All systems will show occasional paging, which is not a concern.)

Memory requirements for applications can be empirically determined using

the AIX "rmss"command. The "rmss" command is a test tool
that dynamically reduces usable memory. The onset of paging indicates an
application's minimum memory requirement.

Finally, the "svmon" command can be used to list how much memory is used
each process. The interpretation of the svmon output
requires some expertise. See the AIX documentation for details.

35 Volume group, logical volumes, and filesystem commands in HPUX:

35.1 Filesystems in HPUX:

HFS : used at HP-UX < v. 10
VxFS: used at HP-UX >= v. 10

Ofcourse, CDFS (cdroms), and other filesystem types, are supported.

HP-UX's implementation of a journaled file system, also known as JFS, is

based on the version from
VERITAS Software Inc. called VxFS.

Up through the 10.0 release of HP-UX, HFS has been the only available
locally mounted read/write file system.
Beginning at 10.01, you also have the option of using VxFS. (Note,
however, that VxFS cannot be used
as the root file system.)

As compared to HFS, VxFS allows much shorter recovery times in the event
of system failure.
It is also particularly useful in environments that require high
performance or deal with large
volumes of data. This is because the unit of file storage, called an
extent, can be multiple blocks,
allowing considerably faster I/O than with HFS. It also provides for
minimal downtime by allowing
online backup and administration - that is, unmounting the file system
will not be necessary for
certain tasks. You may not want to configure VxFS, though, on a system
with limited memory
because VxFS memory requirements are considerably larger than that for

Basic VxFS functionality is included with the HP-UX operating system

software. Additional enhancements
to VxFS are available as a separately orderable product called HP
"OnlineJFS", product number B5117AA (Series 700)
and B3928AA (Series 800).

35.2 How to create a filesystem in HP-UX: an outline.


-- Task 1. Estimate the Size Required for the Logical Volume

-- Task 2. Determine If Sufficient Disk Space Is Available for the

Logical Volume within Its Volume Group

Use the vgdisplay command to calculate this information. vgdisplay will

output data on one or more volume groups,
including the physical extent size (under PE Size (Mbytes)) and the
number of available physical extents
(under Free PE). By multiplying these two figures together, you will get
the number of megabytes available
within the volume group. See vgdisplay(1M) for more information.

-- Task 3. Add a Disk to a Volume Group If Necessary

If there is not enough space within a volume group, you will need to add
a disk to a volume group.
To add a disk to an existing volume group, use pvcreate(1M) and
vgextend(1M). You can also add a disk
by creating a new volume group with pvcreate(1M) and vgcreate(1M).

-- Task 4. Create the Logical Volume

Use lvcreate to create a logical volume of a certain size in the above

volume group. See lvcreate(1M) for details.
Use lvcreate as in the following example:

Create a logical volume of size 100 MB in volume group /dev/vg03:

# lvcreate -L 100 /dev/vg03

-- Task 5. Create the New File System

Create a file system using the newfs command. Note the use of the
character device file. For example:

# newfs -F hfs /dev/vg02/rlvol1

If you do not use the -F FStype option, by default, newfs creates a file
system based on the content
of your /etc/fstab file. If there is no entry for the file system in
/etc/fstab, then the file system type
is determined from the file /etc/default/fs. For information on
additional options, see newfs(1M).

$ cat /etc/default/fs

For HFS, you can explicitly specify that newfs create a file system that
allows short file names or long file names
by using either the -S or -L option. By default, these names will as
short or long as those allowed
by the root file system. Short file names are 14 characters maximum.
Long file names allow up to 255 characters.
Generally, you use long file names to gain flexibility in naming files.
Also, files created on other systems
that use long file names can be moved to your system without being

When creating a VxFS file system, file names will automatically be long.

After creating a filesystem, you need to mount it to make it accesible,

for example like:

-- Task 6. mount the new local file system:

Choose an empty directory to serve as the mount point for the file
system. Use the mkdir command to
create the directory if it does not currently exist. For example, enter:

# mkdir /test
Mount the file system using the mount command. Use the block device file
name that contains the file system.
You will need to enter this name as an argument to the mount command.

For example, enter

# mount /dev/vg01/lvol1 /test

The newfs command is a "friendly" front-end to the mkfs command (see
mkfs(1M)). The newfs command
calculates the appropriate parameters and then builds the file system by
invoking the mkfs command.

35.3 HP-UX LVM commands:


-- vgdisplay:
-- ----------

Displays information about volume groups.


# vgdisplay
# vgdisplay -v vgdatadir

-- pvdisplay:
-- ----------

Display information about physical volumes within LVM volume group.


Display the status and characteristics of a physical volume:

# pvdisplay /dev/dsk/c1t0d0

Display the status, characteristics, and allocation map of a physical

# pvdisplay -v /dev/dsk/c2t0d0

# pvdisplay /dev/dsk/c102t9d3

--- Physical volumes ---

PV Name /dev/dsk/c43t9d3
PV Name /dev/dsk/c102t9d3 Alternate Link
VG Name /dev/vgora_e1atlas_data
PV Status available
Allocatable yes
Cur LV 2
PE Size (Mbytes) 4
Total PE 1668
Free PE 102
Allocated PE 1566
Stale PE 0
IO Timeout (Seconds) default
Autoswitch On

-- lvdisplay:
-- ----------

Displays information about logical volumes.


# lvdisplay lvora_p0gencfg_apps
# lvdisplay -v lvora_p0gencfg_apps
# lvdisplay -v /dev/vg00/lvol2

# lvdisplay /dev/vgora_e0etea_data/lvora_e0etea_data
--- Logical volumes ---
LV Name /dev/vgora_e0etea_data/lvora_e0etea_data
VG Name /dev/vgora_e0etea_data
LV Permission read/write
LV Status available/syncd
Mirror copies 1
Consistency Recovery MWC
Schedule parallel
LV Size (Mbytes) 17020
Current LE 4255
Allocated PE 8510
Stripes 0
Stripe Size (Kbytes) 0
Bad block on
Allocation strict
IO Timeout (Seconds) default

-- vgchange:
-- ---------

Set volume group availability. This command activates or deactivates one

or more volume groups as specified
by the -a option, namely y or n.

Activate a volume group:

# vgchange -a y /dev/vg03

Deactivate a volume group:

# vgchange -a n /dev/vg03

-- vgcreate:
-- ---------
/usr/sbin/vgcreate [-f] [-A autobackup] [-x extensibility] [-e max_pe]
[-l max_lv] [-p max_pv]
[-s pe_size] [-g pvg_name] vg_name pv_path ...

The vgcreate command creates a new volume group. vg_name is a symbolic

name for the volume group and must be used
in all references to it. vg_name is the path to a directory entry
under /dev that must contain a character
special file named group. Except for the group entry, the vg_name
directory should be empty.
The vg_name directory and the group file have to be created by the user
(see lvm(7)).

vgcreate leaves the volume group in an active state.


1. Create a volume group named /dev/vg00 containing two physical volumes

with extent size set to 2 Mbytes. If directory /dev/vg00 exists with
the character special file group, the volume group is created:

# vgcreate -s 2 /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /dev/dskc2d0s2

2. Create a volume group named /dev/vg01 that can contain a maximum of

three logical volumes, with extent size set to 8 Mbytes:

# vgcreate -l 3 -s 8 /dev/vg01 /dev/dsk/c4d0s2

3. Create a volume group named /dev/vg00 and a physical volume group

named PVG0 with two physical volumes:

# vgcreate -g PVG0 /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /dev/dsk/c2d0s2

3. Create a volume group named /dev/vg00 containing two physical volumes

with extent size
set to 2 MB, from scratch.

First, create the directory /dev/vg00 with the character special file
called group.

mkdir /dev/vg00
mknod /dev/vg00/group c 64 0x030000

The minor number for the group file should be unique among all the
volume groups on the system.
It has the format 0xNN0000, where NN runs from 00 to ff. The maximum
value of NN is controlled by the kernel
tunable parameter maxvgs.

Initialize the disks using pvcreate(1M).

pvcreate /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0
pvcreate /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0

Create the volume group.

vgcreate -s 2 /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/c1t0d0 /dev/dsk/c1t2d0

Note About the "dsk" and "rdsk" notation:


Physical volumes are identified by their device file names, for example



Note that each disk has a block device file and a character or raw
device file, the latter identified by the r.
Which name you use depends on what task you are doing with the disk. In
the notation above, the first name
represents the block device file while the second is the raw device

-- Use a physical volume's raw device file for these two tasks only:

-> When creating a physical volume. Here, you use the device file for
the disk. For example,
this might be /dev/rdsk/c3t2d0 if the disk were at card instance 3,
target address 2, and device number 0.
(The absence of a section number beginning with s indicates you are
referring to the entire disk.)

-> When restoring your volume group configuration.

For all other tasks, use the block device file. For example, when you
add a physical volume to a volume group,
you use the disk's block device file for the disk, such as

-- vgextend:
-- ---------

Extends a volume group by adding physical volumes to it.


Add physical volumes /dev/dsk/c1d0s2 and /dev/dsk/c2d0s2 to volume group

# vgextend /dev/vg03 /dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /dev/dsk/c2d0s2

# vgextend vg01 /dev/dsk/c0t4d0

-- pvcreate:
-- ---------

Creates physical volume for use in a volume group.


# pvcreate -f /dev/rdsk/c1d0s2

# ioscan -fnC disk

# pvcreate -f /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0

-- lvcreate:
-- ---------

Create logical volume in LVM volume group

The lvcreate command creates a new logical volume within the volume
group specified by vg_name.
Up to 255 logical volumes can be created in one volume group

/etc/lvcreate [-d schedule] {-l logical_extents_number | -L
logical_volume_size} [-m mirror_copies] [-n lv_path] [-p
[-r relocate] [-s strict] [-C contiguous] [-M mirror_write_cache]


Create a logical volume in volume group /dev/vg02:

# lvcreate /dev/vg02

Create a logical volume in volume group /dev/vg03 with nonstrict

allocation policy:

# lvcreate -s n /dev/vg03

Create a logical volume of size 100 MB in volume group /dev/vg03:

# lvcreate -L 100 /dev/vg03

Create a logical volume of size 90 MB striped across 3 disks with a

stripe size of 64 KB:

# lvcreate -L 90 -i 3 -I 64 /dev/vg03

-- fstyp:
-- ------

Determines file system type.

/usr/sbin/fstyp [-v] special

The fstyp command allows the user to determine the file system type of a
mounted or unmounted file system.
special represents a device special file (for example: /dev/dsk/c1t6d0).

The file system type is determined by reading the superblock of the

supplied special file. If the superblock
is read successfully, the command prints the file system type identifier
on the standard output and exits
with an exit status of 0. If the type of the file system cannot be
identified, the error message
unknown_fstyp (no matches) is printed and the exit status is 1. Exit
status 2 is not currently returned,
but is reserved for the situation where the file system matches more
than one file system type.
Any other error will cause exit status 3 to be returned.

The file system type is determined by reading the superblock of the

supplied special file.


Find the type of the file system on a disk, /dev/dsk/c1t6d0:

# fstyp /dev/dsk/c1t6d0

Find the type of the file system on a logical volume, /dev/vg00/lvol6:

# fstyp /dev/vg00/lvol6

Find the file system type for a particular device file and also
information about its super block:

# fstyp -v /dev/dsk/c1t6d0

-- mkboot:
-- -------

mkboot is used to install or update boot programs on the specified

device file.

The position on device at which boot programs are installed depends on

the disk layout of the device.
mkboot examines device to discover the current layout and uses this as
the default. If the disk is uninitialized,
the default is LVM layout on PA-RISC and Whole Disk on Itanium(R)-based
The default can be overridden by the -l, -H, or -W options.

Boot programs are stored in the boot area in Logical Interchange Format
(LIF), which is similar to a file system.
For a device to be bootable, the LIF volume on that device must contain
at least the ISL
(the initial system loader) and HPUX (the HP-UX bootstrap utility) LIF
files. If, in addition, the device
is an LVM physical volume, the LABEL file must be present (see
lvlnboot(1M) ).
For the VERITAS Volume Manager (VxVM) layout on the Itanium-based system
architecture, the only relevant
LIF file is the LABEL file. All other LIF files are ignored. VxVM uses
the LABEL file when the system boots
to determine the location of the root, stand, swap, and dump volumes.


Install default boot programs on the specified disk, treating it as an

LVM disk:

# mkboot -l /dev/dsk/c0t5d0

Use the existing layout, and install only SYSLIB and ODE files and
preserve the EST file on the disk:

# mkboot -i SYSLIB -i ODE -p EST /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0

Install only the SYSLIB file and retain the ODE file on the disk. Use
the Whole Disk layout. Use the file
/tmp/bootlf to get the boot programs rather than the default. (The -i
ODE option will be ignored):

# mkboot -b /tmp/bootlf -i SYSLIB -i ODE -p ODE -W /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0

Install EFI utilities to the EFI partition on an Itanium-based system,

treating it as an LVM or VxVM disk:

# mkboot -e -l /dev/dsk/c3t1d0

Create AUTO file with the string autofile command on a device. If the
device is on an Itanium-based system,
the file is created as /EFI/HPUX/AUTO in the EFI partition. If the
device is on a PA-RISC system, the file
is created as a LIF file in the boot area.

# mkboot -a "autofile command" /dev/dsk/c2t0d0

-- bdf:
-- ----

Report number of free disk blocks.

bdf prints out the amount of free disk space available on the specified
filesystem (/dev/dsk/c0d0s0, for example)
or on the file system in which the specified file ($HOME, for example)
is contained.
If no file system is specified, the free space on all of the normally
mounted file systems is printed.
The reported numbers are in kilobytes.


# bdf

oranh300:/home/se1223>bdf | more
Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
/dev/vg00/lvol3 434176 165632 266504 38% /
/dev/vg00/lvol1 298928 52272 216760 19% /stand
/dev/vg00/lvol8 2097152 1584488 508928 76% /var
/dev/vg00/lvol11 524288 2440 490421 0% /var/tmp
/dev/vg00/lvucmd 81920 1208 75671 2% /var/opt/universal
/dev/vg00/lvol9 1048576 791925 240664 77% /var/adm
/dev/vg00/lvol10 2064384 47386 1890941 2% /var/adm/crash
/dev/vg00/lvol7 1548288 1262792 283320 82% /usr
311296 185096 118339 61% /usr/local/vsaunix
/dev/vg00/lvol4 1867776 5264 1849784 0% /tmp
/dev/vg00/lvol6 1187840 757456 427064 64% /opt
/dev/vg00/lvol5 262144 34784 225632 13% /home
/dev/vg00/lvbeheer 131072 79046 48833 62% /beheer
655360 65296 553190 11% /beheer/tmp
524288 99374 398407 20% /beheer/log

# bdf /tmp
Filesystem kbytes used avail %used Mounted on
/dev/vg00/lvol4 1867776 5264 1849784 0% /tmp

-- lvextend:
-- ---------

Increase number of physical extents allocated to a logical volume.

/etc/lvextend {-l logical_extents_number | -L logical_volume_size | -m

mirror_copies} lv_path [physical_volume_path ... |

lvextend increases the number of mirrored copies or the size of the

lv_path parameter.
The change is determined according to which command options are

The -m option cannot be used on HP-IB devices.

- Increase the number of the logical extents of a logical volume to one

# lvextend -l 100 /dev/vg01/lvol3

- Increase the logical volume size to 400 Mbytes:

# lvextend -L 400 /dev/vg01/lvol4

Allocate two mirrors (that is, three copies) for each logical extent of
a logical volume:

# lvextend -m 2 /dev/vg01/lvol5

-- extendfs:
-- ---------

Extend file system size.

/etc/extendfs [-q] [-v] [-s size] special

If the original hfs filesystem image created on special does not make
use of all of the available space,
extendfs can be used to increase the capacity of an hfs filesystem by
updating the filesystem structure
to include the extra space.
The command-line parameter special specifies the character device
special file of either a logical volume
or a disk partition. If special refers to a mounted filesystem, special
must be un-mounted
before extendfs can be run (see mount(1M)).

The root filesystem cannot be extended using the extendfs command

because the root filesystem is always mounted, and extendfs only works
on unmounted filesystems.

To increase the capacity of a filesystem created on a logical volume,

# umount /dev/vg00/lvol1

# lvextend -L larger_size /dev/vg00/lvol1

# extendfs /dev/vg00/rlvol1

-- fsadm:
-- ------

Convert a HFS file system from a nolargefiles file system to a
largefiles file system:

# fsadm -F hfs -o largefiles /dev/vg02/lvol1

Display HFS relevant file system statistics:

# fsadm -F hfs /dev/vg02/lvol1

-- diskinfo:
-- ---------

diskinfo - describe characteristics of a disk device

/etc/diskinfo [-b|-v] character_devicefile

diskinfo determines whether the character special file named by
character_devicefile is associated with a SCSI, CS/80, or
disk drive; if so, diskinfo summarizes the disk's characteristics.


# diskinfo /dev/rdsk/c31t1d3
SCSI describe of /dev/rdsk/c31t1d3:
vendor: IBM
product id: 2105800
type: direct access
size: 13671904 Kbytes
bytes per sector: 512

35.4 Notes and further examples:


Examples: More on how to create a filesystem on HP-UX:


Example 1:

Here we repeat the essentials of section 35.2:

Task 1. Estimate the Size Required for the Logical Volume

Task 2. Determine If Sufficient Disk Space Is Available for the Logical
Volume within Its Volume Group
Task 3. Add a Disk to a Volume Group If Necessary

Task 4. Create the Logical Volume

Use lvcreate to create a logical volume of a certain size in the above

volume group. See lvcreate(1M) for details.
Use lvcreate as in the following example:

Create a logical volume of size 100 MB in volume group /dev/vg03:

# lvcreate -L 100 /dev/vg03

-- Task 5. Create the New File System

Create a file system using the newfs command. Note the use of the
character device file. For example:

# newfs -F hfs /dev/vg02/rlvol1

-- Task 6. mount the new local file system:

Choose an empty directory to serve as the mount point for the file
system. Use the mkdir command to
create the directory if it does not currently exist. For example, enter:

# mkdir /test

Mount the file system using the mount command. Use the block device file
name that contains the file system.
You will need to enter this name as an argument to the mount command.

For example, enter

# mount /dev/vg01/lvol1 /test

Example 2:

This is an example of creating volume group vg01 & logical

volume/partion data.

Prepare for logical volume creation:

root:/> mkdir /dev/vg01

root:/> mknod /dev/vg01/group c 64 0x010000
root:/> pvcreate -f /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0
Physical volume "/dev/rdsk/c0t5d0" has been successfully created.

root:/> vgcreate vg01 /dev/dsk/c0t5d0

Volume group "/dev/vg01" has been successfully created.
Volume Group configuration for /dev/vg01 has been saved in

root:/> vgdisplay -v vg01

root:/> lvcreate -L 100 -n data vg01
Logical volume "/dev/vg01/data" has been successfully created with
character device "/dev/vg01/rdata".

Create HFS file system

root:/> newfs -F hfs /dev/vg01/rdata

Create Journal or Veritas file system

root:/> newfs -F vxfs /dev/vg02/rdata

Example 3:

To create a VxFS file system 12288 sectors in size on VxVM volume,


# mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/diskgroup/volume 12288

To use mkfs to create a VxFS file system on /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0:

# mkfs -F vxfs /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0 1024

To use mkfs to determine the command that was used to create the VxFS
file system on /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0:

# mkfs -F vxfs -m /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0

To create a VxFS file system on /dev/vgqa/lvol1, with a Version 4 disk

layout and largefiles capability:

# mkfs -F vxfs -o version=4,largefiles /dev/vgqa/lvol1

Example 4:

Example: Creating a Logical Volume Using HP-UX Commands

To create a logical volume:

Select one or more disks. ioscan(1M) shows the disks attached to the
system and their device file names.
Initialize each disk as an LVM disk by using the pvcreate command. For
example, enter

# pvcreate /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0

Note that using pvcreate will result in the loss of any existing data
currently on the physical volume.
You use the character device file for the disk.
Once a disk is initialized, it is called a physical volume.

- Pool the physical volumes into a volume group. To complete this step:

Create a directory for the volume group. For example:

# mkdir /dev/vgnn

Create a device file named group in the above directory with the mknod

# mknod /dev/vgnn/group c 64 0xNN0000

The c following the device file name specifies that group is a character
device file.
The 64 is the major number for the group device file; it will always be
The 0xNN0000 is the minor number for the group file in hexadecimal. Note
that each particular NN must be a
unique number across all volume groups.

For more information on mknod, see mknod(1M); for more information on

major numbers and minor numbers,
see Configuring HP-UX for Peripherals.

Create the volume group specifying each physical volume to be included

using vgcreate. For example:

# vgcreate /dev/vgnn /dev/dsk/c0t0d0

Use the block device file to include each disk in your volume group. You
can assign all the physical volumes
to the volume group with one command. No physical volume can already be
part of an existing volume group.

Once you have created a volume group, you can now create a logical
volume using lvcreate. For example:

# lvcreate /dev/vgnn

Using the above command creates the logical volume /dev/vgnn/lvoln with
LVM automatically assigning
the n in lvoln.

When LVM creates the logical volume, it creates the block and character
device files and places them in the directory

VxFS can, theoretically, support files up to two terabytes in size

because file system structures
are no longer in fixed locations (see Chapter 2 "Disk Layout"). The
maximum size tested and supported
on HP-UX 11.x systems is one terabyte. Large files are files larger than
two gigabytes in size.

NOTE: Be careful when enabling large file capability. Applications and

utilities such as backup may experience
problems if they are not aware of large files.

Creating a File System with Large Files

You can create a file system with large file capability by entering the
following command:

# mkfs -F vxfs -o largefiles special_device size

Specifying largefiles sets the largefiles flag, which allows the file
system to hold files
up to one terabyte in size. Conversely, the default nolargefiles option
clears the flag and limits
files being created to a size of two gigabytes or less:

# mkfs -F vxfs -o nolargefiles special_device size


Note 1: Create a System Mirror Disk:


This note describes how to configure LVM mirroring of a system disk. In

this example the HP server is STSRV1,
the primary boot device is SCSI=6 (/dev/dsk/c2t6d0) and the alternative
mirrored bootdevice is
SCSI=5 (/dev/dsk/c2t5d0). The following commands will do the trick:

# ioscan -fnC disk

# pvcreate -Bf /dev/rdsk/c2t5d0
# mkboot -l /dev/rdsk/c2t5d0
# mkboot -a "hpux -lq (;0)/stand/vmunix" /dev/rdsk/c2t5d0
# vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/c2t5d0

# for P in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
> do
> lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol$P /dev/dsk/c2t5d0
> sleep 1
> done

Note 2: Create a System Mirror Disk:


# ioscan -fnC disk

Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
disk 0 0/0/1/1.2.0 sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE HP 73.4GMAN3735MC
/dev/dsk/c1t2d0 /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0
disk 1 0/0/2/0.2.0 sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE HP 73.4GATLAS10K3_73_SCA
/dev/dsk/c2t2d0 /dev/rdsk/c2t2d0

Note: c1t2d0 is the boot disk and c2t2d0 is the mirrored disk.

1) Initialize the disk and make it bootable

pvcreate -B /dev/rdsk/c2t2d0
Note: the -B parameter tells pvcreate that this will be a
bootable disk.

2) Add the physical volume to the volume group

vgextend /dev/vg00 /dev/dsk/c2t2d0

3) Use mkboot to place the boot utilities in the boot area and add the
AUTO file.
mkboot /dev/dsk/c2t2d0
mkboot -a "hpux -lq" /dev/rdsk/c2t2d0

4) Use mkboot to update the AUTO file on the primary boot disk.
mkboot -a "hpux -lq" /dev/rdsk/c1t2d0

5) Mirror the stand, root and swap logical volumes

lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol1
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol2
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol3

Note: LVM will resynchronize the new mirror copies.

Repeat the lvextend for all other logical volumes on the boot mirror.
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol4
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol5
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol6
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol7
lvextend -m 1 /dev/vg00/lvol8

6) Modify your alternate boot path to point to the mirror copy of the
boot disk.
Note: Use the Hardware path for your new boot disk.
setboot -a 0/0/2/0.2.0

Note 3: Increase a filesystem in HP-UX:


Example 1:

In this example, you would need to increase the file system size of /var
by 10 MB, which actually needs
to be rounded up to 12 MB.

Increase /var
Follow these steps to increase the size limit of /var.

- Determine if any space is available for the /dev/vg00:

# /sbin/vgdisplay /dev/vg00

The Free PE indicates the number of 4 MB extents available, in this case

79 (equivalent to 316 MB).

- Change to single user state:


This allows /var to be unmounted.

- View mounted volumes:

# /sbin/mount

You see a display similar to the following:

/ on /dev/vg00/lvol1 defaults on Sat Mar 8 23:19:19 1997

/var on /dev/vg00/lvol7 defaults on Sat Mar 8 23:19:28 1997

# Determine which logical volume maps to /var. In this example, it is


- Unmount /var:

# /sbin/umount /var

This is required for the next step, because extendfs can only work on
unmounted volumes. If you get a
"device busy" error at this point, reboot the system and log on in
single-user mode before continuing.

- Extend the size of the logical volume:

# /sbin/lvextend -L new_size_in_MB /dev/vg00/lvol7

For example, to make this volume 332 MB:

# /sbin/lvextend -L 332 /dev/vg00/lvol7

To extend the file system size to the logical volume size:

# /sbin/extendfs /dev/vg00/rlvol7

Mount /var:

# /sbin/mount /var

Go back to the regular init state: init 3 or init 4, or reboot.

Example 2:

To increase the capacity of a file system created on a logical volume,


# umount /dev/vg00/lvol1
# lvextend -L larger_size /dev/vg00/lvol1
# extendfs -F hfs /dev/vg00/rlvol1 -- For operation like mkfs
or extendfs, you should use raw device interface.
# mount /dev/vg00/lvol1 mount_directory

Example 3:
> Date: 12/14/99
> Document description: Extending /var, /usr, /tmp without Online JFS
> Document id: KBRC00000204
> You may provide feedback on this document
> Extending /var, /usr, /tmp without Online JFS DocId: KBRC00000204
> 12/14/99 1:14:29 PM
> Since /var, /usr, /tmp (and sometimes /opt) are always in use by the
> operating system, they cannot be unmounted with the umount command. In
> to extend these filesystems, the system must be in single user mode.
> This example will show how to extend /usr to 400MB without Online JFS
> 1.. Backup the filesystem before extending
> 2.. Display disk information on the logical volume
> lvdisplay -v /dev/vg00/lvol4 | more
> a.. Make sure this is enough Free PE's to increase this filesystem.
> b.. Make sure that allocation is NOT strict/contiguous.
> 3.. Reboot the machine
> shutdown -r now
> 4.. When prompted, press "ESC" to interrupt the boot.
> 5.. Boot from the primary device and invoke ISL interaction.
> bo pri isl
> NOTE: If prompted to interact with ISL, respond "y"
> 6.. Boot into single user mode
> hpux -is
> NOTE:Nothing will be mounted.
> 7.. Extend the logical volume that holds the filesystem.
> /sbin/lvextend -L 400 /dev/vg00/lvol4
> 8.. Extend the file system.
> /sbin/extendfs -F hfs /dev/vg00/rlvol4
> NOTE: The use of the character device.
> 9.. Ensure the filesystem now reports to be the new size
> bdf
> 10.. Reboot the system to its normal running state.
> shutdown -r now
The only thing is that you have to have contiguous lvols to do that. The
best way is to do an Ignite make_tape_recovery -i for vg00 and then
resize it when you recreate it. If you have vg00 on a seperate disk then
it is real easy, the backup can run in the background, and the restore
interactive will take about 2.5 hours for a 9GB root disk, you can make
the lvols any size you want and it also puts it back in place in order
so you save space.

Example 4:

The right way to extend a file system with "OnLine jfs" is using the
command "fsadm".
For example, if you want to extend the fs /mk2/toto in the
/dev/vgmk2/lvtoto in from 50Mbytes to 60 you must extend de logical

# lvextend -L 60 /dev/vgmk2/lvtoto

Now use fsadm ( I supose you have vxfs, if you are using hfs is not
possible to increase on-line, or at least I don't know how ).

# fsadm -F vxfs -b 61440 /mk2/toto

You will have your fs increased on line ... be carefull if your fs is

100% occupied the comand fsadm will fail, you
need some free space on the file system ( it depends on the fs type,
size etc ..).

In general, Online jfs should be increased in the following way:

lvextend -L ???? /dev/vg??/lvol??

fsadm -F vxfs -b ????? /<filesystem name>

oranh300:/home/se1223>cat /etc/inittab | grep enab

vxen::bootwait:/sbin/fs/vxfs/vxenablef -a

Note 4:

Extend OnlineJFS licenses on next D&ST servers:


commands are:
swagentd -r
swinstall -x mount_all_filesystems=false -x enforce_dependencies=true -s OnlineJFS
swagentd -k

HP-UX errors: Error 23 filetable overflow:


Error: 23 is a infamous error, as shown in this thread:


Doc ID: Note:1018306.102

Problem Description:
You are backing up your database and are getting the following errors:

HP-UX Error 23: file table overflow

RMAN-569 file not found

LEM-00031 file not found
LEM-00033 lempgfm couldn't open message file
RMAN indicates that Recovery Manager is complete, however the database
and the catalog are not resync'd.
Problem Explanation:
Recovery Manager cannot find or open the message file.
Search Words:
Recovery Manager, LEM-33, LEM-31, RMAN-00569, message file, lempgfm,
error 23, HPUX error 23, HP-UX error 23
Solution Description:
You may need to increase the value of the unix kernel parameter 'nfile'.
Solution Explanation:
'nfile' needs to have a value in the thousands for a database server.
If this parameter is < 1000, increase it to something like 5000 or
greater. If there is enough memory on your system, this parameter can
be set to values > 30000.

35.5 Some important filesystem related kernel params:



nfile defines the maximum number of files that can be open

simultaneously, system-wide, at any given time.

Acceptable Values:
Memory limited

Specify integer value or use integer formula expression. For more

information, see Specifying Parameter Values.

nfile defines the maximum number files that can be open at any one time,
It is the number of slots in the file descriptor table. Be generous with
this number because the required memory
is minimal, and not having enough slots restricts system processing

Related Parameters and System Factors

The value used for nfile must be sufficient to service the number of
users and processes allowed by the combination
of nproc, maxusers, npty , and nstrpty.

Every process uses at least three file descriptors per process (standard
input, standard output,
and standard error).

Every process has two pipes per process (one per side), each of which
requires a pty. Stream pipes also use s
treams ptys which are limited by nstrpty.

35.6 HP-UX kernel parameters:


Take especially notice of the parameters nfile, nflocks, ninodes,

They determine how many open files, open locks, simultaneous processes
are possible *system-wide*.
Too low values may result in HP-UX errors when dealing with larger
databases, huge App Servers
and the like.

Entering Values:

Use the kcweb web interface or the kmtune command to view and change
values. kcweb is described
in the kcweb(1M) manpage and in the program's help topics. You can run
kcweb from the command line
or from the System Administration Manager (SAM); see sam(1M). You run
kmtune from the command line;
see kmtune(1M) for details.

acctresume Resume accounting when free space on the file system where
accounting log files reside rises above acctresume plus minfree percent
of total usable file system size. Manpage: acctsuspend(5).

Suspend accounting when free space on the file system where accounting
log files reside drops below acctsuspend plus minfree percent of total
usable file system size. Manpage: acctsuspend(5).

Asynchronous I/O
Maximum number of POSIX asynchronous I/O operations allowed in a single
lio_listio() call. Manpage: aio_listio_max(5).

Asynchronous I/O
System-wide maximum number of POSIX asynchronous I/O operations allowed
at one time. Manpage: aio_max_ops(5).

Asynchronous I/O
Maximum percentage of total system memory that can be locked for use in
POSIX asynchronous I/O operations. Manpage: aio_physmem_pct(5).

Asynchronous I/O
Maximum priority offset (slowdown factor) allowed in a POSIX
asynchronous I/O control block (aiocb). Manpage: aio_prio_delta_max(5).

Memory Paging
Enable or disable preallocation of file system swap space when swapon()
is called as opposed to allocating swap space when malloc() is called.
Enabling allocation reduces risk of insufficient swap space and is used
primarily where high availability is important. Manpage:

Kernel Crash Dump

Select which classes of system memory pages are to be dumped if a
kernel panic occurs. Manpage: alwaysdump(5).

Spinlock Pool
Buffer-cache spinlock pool. NO MANPAGE.

File System: Buffer

Number of 4 KB pages in file system static buffer cache. Manpage:

Spinlock Pool
Channel queue spinlock pool. Manpage: chanq_hash_locks(5).

IPC: Share
Flag to include readable shared memory in a process core dump. Manpage:

IPC: Share
Flag to include read/write shared memory in a process core dump.
Manpage: core_addshmem_write(5).

Miscellaneous: Links
Create fast symbolic links using a newer, more efficient format to
improve access speed by reducing disk block accesses during path name
look-up sequences. Manpage: create_fastlinks(5).

File System: Buffer

Maximum percentage of memory for dynamic buffer cache. Manpage:

File System: Buffer

Minimum percentage of memory for dynamic buffer cache. Manpage:

Miscellaneous: Disk I/O

Immediate reporting for disk writes; whether a write() returns
immediately after the data is placed in the disk's write buffer or waits
until the data is physically stored on the disk media. Manpage:

File System: Buffer

Maximum wait time for disk requests. NO MANPAGE.

Miscellaneous: Disk I/O

Amount of memory to set aside for 32-bit DMA (bytes). Manpage:

Spinlock Pool
Number of locks for directory cache synchronization. NO MANPAGE.

Kernel Crash Dump

Select which classes of system memory pages are not to be dumped if a
kernel panic occurs. Manpage: dontdump(5).

Miscellaneous: Clock
Enable/disable daylight savings time. Manpage: timezone(5).

Miscellaneous: IDS
Flag to enable the IDDS daemon, which gathers data for IDS/9000.
Manpage: enable_idds(5).

Miscellaneous: Memory
Number of pages of memory to be reserved for equivalently mapped
memory, used mostly for DMA transfers. Manpage: eqmemsize(5).

ProcessMgmt: Process
Allows or denies program execution on the stack. Manpage:

File System: Write

Enable/disable asynchronous writes of file system data structures to
disk. Manpage: fs_async(5).

Spinlock Pool
File table spinlock pool. NO MANPAGE.

Spinlock Pool
Set the size of the pregion spinlock pool. Manpage:

File System: Read

The maximum number of read-ahead blocks that the kernel may have
outstanding for a single HFS file system. Manpage: hfs_max_ra_blocks(5).

File System: Read

The maximum number of reverse read-ahead blocks that the kernel may
have outstanding for a single HFS file system. Manpage:

File System: Read

The amount of HFS file system read-ahead per disk drive, in KB.
Manpage: hfs_ra_per_disk(5).

File System: Read

The amount of memory (in KB) for HFS reverse read-ahead operations, per
disk drive. Manpage: hfs_revra_per_disk(5).

File System: Read

Enable or disable HFS multithreaded read-ahead. NO MANPAGE.

Kernel Crash Dump

Maximum size of the dump table of dynamically loaded kernel modules.
Manpage: initmodmax(5).

Spinlock Pool
io_ports_hash_locks I/O port spinlock pool. NO MANPAGE.
Miscellaneous: Queue
Maximum number of system-wide queued signals that can be allocated.
Manpage: ksi_alloc_max(5).

Miscellaneous: Queue
Maximum number of queued signals that a process can send and have
pending at one or more receivers. Manpage: ksi_send_max(5).

ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum process data storage segment space that can be used for statics
and strings, as well as dynamic data space allocated by sbrk() and
malloc() (32-bit processes). Manpage: maxdsiz(5).

ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum process data storage segment space that can be used for statics
and strings, as well as dynamic data space allocated by sbrk() and
malloc() (64-bit processes). Manpage: maxdsiz(5).

File System: Open/Lock

Soft limit on how many files a single process can have opened or locked
at any given time. Manpage: maxfiles(5).

File System: Open/Lock

Hard limit on how many files a single process can have opened or locked
at any given time. Manpage: maxfiles_lim(5).

ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum size (in bytes) of the RSE stack for any user process on the
IPF platform. Manpage: maxrsessiz(5).
ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum size (in bytes) of the RSE stack for any user process on the
IPF platform. Manpage: maxrsessiz(5).

ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum dynamic storage segment (DSS) space used for stack space (32-
bit processes). Manpage: maxssiz(5).

ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum dynamic storage segment (DSS) space used for stack space (64-
bit processes). Manpage: maxssiz(5).

ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum allowable process text segment size, used by unchanging
executable-code (32-bit processes). Manpage: maxtsiz(5).

ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum allowable process text segment size, used by unchanging
executable-code (64-bit processes). Manpage: maxtsiz(5).

ProcessMgmt: Process
Maximum number of processes that any single user can have running at
the same time, including login shells, user interface processes, running
programs and child processes, I/O processes, etc. If a user is using
multiple, simultaneous logins under the same login name (user ID) as is
common in X Window, CDE, or Motif environments, all processes are
combined, even though they may belong to separate process groups.
Processes that detach from their parent process group, where that is
possible, are not counted after they detach (line printer spooler jobs,
certain specialized applications, etc.). Manpage: maxuprc(5).

Miscellaneous: Users
Maximum number of users expected to be logged in on the system at one
time; used by other system parameters to allocate system resources.
Manpage: maxusers(5).

File System: LVM

Maximum number of volume groups configured by the Logical Volume
Manager on the system. Manpage: maxvgs(5).

Maximum size of the accounting file. Manpage: max_acct_file_size(5).

Asynchronous I/O
System-wide maximum number of ports to the asynchronous disk I/O driver
that processes can have open at any given time. Manpage:
Memory Paging
Maximum number of group-private 32-bit shared memory windows. Manpage:

ProcessMgmt: Threads
Maximum number of threads that any single process can create and have
running at the same time. Manpage: max_thread_proc(5).

IPC: Message
Enable or disable IPC messages at system boot time. Manpage: mesg(5).

Kernel Crash Dump

Maximum size, in bytes, of the savecrash kernel module table that
contains module names and their locations in the file system. Manpage:

IPC: Message
Size of free-space resource map for allocating shared memory space for
messages. Manpage: msgmap(5).

IPC: Message
System-wide maximum size (in bytes) for individual messages. Manpage:

IPC: Message
Maximum combined size (in bytes) of all messages that can be queued
simultaneously in a message queue. Manpage: msgmnb(5).

IPC: Message
Maximum number of message queues allowed on the system at any given
time. Manpage: msgmni(5).

IPC: Message
Maximum number of message segments that can exist on the system.
Manpage: msgseg(5).

IPC: Message
Message segment size in bytes. Manpage: msgssz(5).

IPC: Message
Maximum number of messages that can exist on the system at any given
time. Manpage: msgtql(5).

File System: Buffer

System-wide number of static file system buffer and cache buffer
headers. Manpage: nbuf(5).

Miscellaneous: CD
Maximum number of entries in the vnode table and therefore the maximum
number of open CD-ROM file system nodes that can be in memory. Manpage:

Miscellaneous: Terminal
Maximum number of cblocks available for data transfers through tty and
pty devices. Manpage: nclist(5).

File System: Open/Lock

Inode space needed for directory name lookup cache (DNLC). NO MANPAGE.

File System: Open/Lock

Maximum number of files that can be open simultaneously on the system
at any given time. Manpage: nfile(5).

File System: Open/Lock

Maximum combined number of file locks that are available system-wide to
all processes at one time. Manpage: nflocks(5).

File System: Open/Lock

Maximum number of open inodes that can be in memory. Manpage:

ProcessMgmt: Threads
Maximum number of kernel threads allowed on the system at the same
time. Manpage: nkthread(5).

ProcessMgmt: Process
Defines the maximum number of processes that can be running
simultaneously on the entire system, including remote execution
processes initiated by other systems via remsh or other networking
commands. Manpage: nproc(5).

Miscellaneous: Terminal
Maximum number of pseudo-tty entries allowed on the system at any one
time. Manpage: npty(5).

Maximum number of outstanding streams bufcalls that are allowed to
exist at any given time on the system. This number should be equal to or
greater than the maximum bufcalls that can be generated by the combined
total modules pushed onto any given stream, and serves to limit run-away
bufcalls. Manpage: nstrevent(5).
Miscellaneous: Terminal
System-wide maximum number of streams-based pseudo-ttys that are
allowed on the system. Manpage: nstrpty(5).

System-wide maximum number of streams-based pseudo-ttys that are
allowed on the system. Manpage: nstrpty(5).

Maximum number of streams modules that are allowed to exist in any
single stream at any one time on the system. This provides a mechanism
for preventing a software defect from attempting to push too many
modules onto a stream, but it is not intended as adequate protection
against malicious use of streams. Manpage: nstrpush(5).

Maximum number of streams scheduler daemons that are allowed to run at
any given time on the system. This value is related to the number of
processors installed in the system. Manpage: nstrsched(5).

Miscellaneous: Terminal
Number of telnet session device files that are available on the system.
Manpage: nstrtel(5).

Memory Paging
Maximum number of devices, system-wide, that can be used for device
swap. Set to match actual system configuration. Manpage: nswapdev(5).

Memory Paging
Maximum number of mounted file systems, system-wide, that can be used
for file system swap. Set to match actual system configuration. Manpage:

Miscellaneous: Memory
Number of entries in the kernel dynamic memory virtual address space
resource map (32-bit processes). Manpage: nsysmap(5).

Miscellaneous: Memory
Number of entries in the kernel dynamic memory virtual address space
resource map (64-bit processes). Manpage: nsysmap(5).

Miscellaneous: Disk I/O

Specifies whether an open() or fcntl() with the O_SYNC flag set can be
converted to the same call with the O_DSYNC flag instead. This controls
whether the function can return before updating the file access. NO
ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum size (in bytes) of the stack for a user process running under
the PA-RISC emulator on IPF. Manpage: pa_maxssiz(5).

ProcessMgmt: Memory
Maximum size (in bytes) of the stack for a user process running under
the PA-RISC emulator on IPF. Manpage: pa_maxssiz(5).

Spinlock Pool
Pfdat spinlock pool. Manpage: pfdat_hash_locks(5).

Miscellaneous: Disk I/O

Total buffers for physical I/O operations. Manpage:

Spinlock Pool
Process-region spinlock pool. Manpage: region_hash_locks(5).

Memory Paging
Enable or disable swap to mounted remote NFS file system. Used on
cluster clients for swapping to NFS-mounted server file systems.
Manpage: remote_nfs_swap(5).

Miscellaneous: Schedule
Number of distinct real-time interrupt scheduling priority levels are
available on the system. Manpage: rtsched_numpri(5).

Miscellaneous: Terminal
Defines the number of lines that can be scrolled on the internal
terminal emulator (ITE) system console. Manpage: scroll_lines(5).

File System: SCSI

Maximum record size for the SCSI I/O subsystem, in bytes. Manpage:

File System: SCSI

Maximum number of SCSI commands queued up for SCSI devices. Manpage:

ProcessMgmt: Process
Controls whether setuid and setgid bits on scripts are honored.
Manpage: secure_sid_scripts(5).

IPC: Semaphore
Enable or disable IPC semaphores at system boot time. Manpage: sema(5).

IPC: Semaphore
Maximum value by which a semaphore can be changed in a semaphore "undo"
operation. Manpage: semaem(5).

IPC: Semaphore
Maximum number of sets of IPC semaphores allowed on the system at any
one time. Manpage: semmni(5).

IPC: Semaphore
Maximum number of individual IPC semaphores available to system users,
system-wide. Manpage: semmns(5).

IPC: Semaphore
Maximum number of processes that can have undo operations pending on
any given IPC semaphore on the system. Manpage: semmnu(5).

IPC: Semaphore
Maximum number of individual System V IPC semaphores per semaphore
identifier. Manpage: semmsl(5).

IPC: Semaphore
Maximum number of IPC semaphores that a given process can have undo
operations pending on. Manpage: semume(5).

IPC: Semaphore
Maximum value any given IPC semaphore is allowed to reach (prevents
undetected overflow conditions). Manpage: semvmx(5).

Miscellaneous: Web
The amount of buffer cache that can be used by the sendfile() system
call on HP-UX web servers. Manpage: sendfile_max(5).

IPC: Share
Enable or disable shared memory at system boot time. Manpage: shmem(5).

IPC: Share
Maximum allowable shared memory segment size (in bytes). Manpage:

IPC: Share
Maximum number of shared memory segments allowed on the system at any
given time. Manpage: shmmni(5).

IPC: Share
Maximum number of shared memory segments that can be attached
simultaneously to any given process. Manpage: shmseg(5).

Maximum number of control bytes allowed in the control portion of any
streams message on the system. Manpage: strctlsz(5).

Force all pipes to be streams-based. Manpage: streampipes(5).

Maximum number of bytes that can be placed in the data portion of any
streams message on the system. Manpage: strmsgsz(5).

File System: SCSI

Flag whether to reserve a tape device on open. Manpage:

File System: SCSI

SCSI tape read resulting in data overrun causes failure. Manpage:

File System: SCSI

Enable large record support for SCSI tape. Manpage: st_large_recs(5).

Memory Paging
Enable or disable pseudo-swap allocation. This allows systems with
large installed memory to allocate memory space as well as disk swap
space for virtual memory use instead of restricting availability to
defined disk swap area. Manpage: swapmem_on(5).

Memory Paging
Amount of space allocated for each chunk of swap area. Chunks are
allocated from device to device by the kernel. Changing this parameter
requires extensive knowledge of system internals. Without such
knowledge, do not change this parameter from the normal default value.
Manpage: swchunk(5).

Spinlock Pool
System V interprocess communication spinlock pool. Manpage:

Miscellaneous: Network
TCP hash table size, in bytes. Manpage: tcphashsz(5).

ProcessMgmt: CPU
Maximum time a process can use the CPU until it is made available to
the next process having the same process execution priority. This
feature also prevents runaway processes from causing system lock-up.
Manpage: timeslice(5).

Miscellaneous: Clock
The offset between the local time zone and Coordinated Universal Time
(UTC), often called Greenwich Mean Time or GMT. Manpage: timezone(5).

Miscellaneous: Memory
Amount of system memory to be reserved for system overhead and virtual
memory management, that cannot be locked by user processes. Manpage:

Spinlock Pool
Vnode clean/dirty spinlock pool. NO MANPAGE.

Spinlock Pool
Vnode spinlock pool. NO MANPAGE.

Memory Paging: Size

Maximum system-selected page size (in KB) if the user does not specify
a page size. Manpage: vps_ceiling(5).

Memory Paging: Size

Maximum page size a user can specify with the chatr command in a
program. Manpage: vps_chatr_ceiling(5).

Memory Paging: Size

Minimum user page size (in KB) if no page size is specified using
chatr. Manpage: vps_pagesize(5).

File System: Journaled

Maximum amount of read-ahead data, in KB, that the kernel may have
outstanding for a single VxFS file system. Manpage:

File System: Read

Maximum amount of read-ahead data, in KB, that the kernel may have
outstanding for a single VxFS file system. Manpage:

File System: Journaled

Maximum amount of VxFS file system read-ahead per disk, in KB. Manpage:
File System: Read
Maximum amount of VxFS file system read-ahead per disk, in KB. Manpage:

File System: Journaled

Enable or disable VxFS file system read-ahead. NO MANPAGE.

File System: Journaled

Number of subdirectories created within a directory. NO MANPAGE.

File System: Journaled

Memory space reserved for VxFS directory path name cache. Manpage:

File System: Journaled

Number of entries in the VxFS inode table. NO MANPAGE

Some HP-UX troubleshooting tips:


Where to get information about problems:

dmesg --> provides a finite list of diagnostic messages

/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log --> system log
/opt/resmon/log/error.log -->
/etc/shutdownlog --> shutdown information
/etc/rc.log --> system startup log
/var/tombstones/ts99 --> crash analysis file
cstm - command line support tool manager

mstm - menu based support tool manager

<alt><underlined letter of command>
<tab> --> to move to another portion of the screen, such as the drop
down menu area
Service Processor
<ctrl> <b> from a serial console
he - help
co - return to console mode (exits the program)
sl - show log

Panic Reboots

Check these files for clues:

Bad disk

1. Check the syslog (/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log) looking for disk

2. Check the ioscan (ioscan -fnC disk), looking for NO_HW rather than
3. If diaglogd is running then check STM logs
4. Check the volume group to see if the disk is listed and whether
there is any problem with it's status (vgdisplay -v | more)
5. Check lvmtab to see if the disk is supposed to be in a volume group
(strings /etc/lvmtab | more)

Filesystem do not mount after a reboot

1. Reactivate the Volume Group --> vgchange -a y /dev/<volume group>

2. Remount the filesystems --> mount -a
3. If still no success then perform a filesystem check --> fsck
4. Remount the filesystems --> mount -a
5. Check to see if all the filesystems are there:
a) bdf
b) compare with /etc/fstab

Filesystem full

du -kx / | sort -rn | more

du -akx | sort -nr | more

Shows directories on the local filesystem and how much space they are
taking up

NFS mount - Permission Denied

1. Check to see if the format of the /etc/exports file is correct on

the server that is the nfs server.

2. exportfs -av to export the filesystem

3. Check the /etc/fstab file on the client to make sure that it is


4. /usr/sbin/showmount -e <server> on the client to show what is being


5. To bypass the /etc/exports file execute the following on the nfs

server: exportfs -i -o rw <filesystem>.

NFS Server

/etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf --> NFS_SERVER=1

Verify the proper processes are running:

/sbin/init.d/nfs.server stop
The processes should NOT be running:

# ps -ef|grep nfsd
# ps -ef|grep rpc.mountd
# ps -ef|grep rpc.lockd
# ps -ef|grep rpc.statd

/sbin/init.d/nfs.server start

These processes should be running:

# ps -ef|grep nfsd
root 3444 1 0 10:39:12 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 4
root 3451 3444 0 10:39:12 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 4
root 3449 3444 0 10:39:12 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 4
root 3445 3444 0 10:39:12 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/nfsd 4
# ps -ef|grep rpc.mountd
root 3485 1 0 10:42:09 ? 0:00 rpc.mountd
# ps -ef|grep rpc.lockd
root 3459 1 0 10:39:12 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.lockd
# ps -ef|grep rpc.statd
root 3453 1 0 10:39:12 ? 0:00 /usr/sbin/rpc.statd

To start a process if it is not running:

# ps -ef|grep rpc.mountd
# rpc.mountd or /usr/sbin/rpc.mountd
# ps -ef|grep rpc.mountd
root 3485 1 0 10:42:09 ? 0:00 rpc.mountd

/etc/inetd.conf needs to have the proper services active (not commented


# WARNING: The rpc.mountd should now be started from a startup script.
# Please enable the mountd startup script to start rpc.mountd.
#rpc stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/rpc.rexd 100017 1
rpc dgram udp wait root /usr/lib/netsvc/rstat/rpc.rstatd 100001
2-4 rpc.rstatd
rpc dgram udp wait root /usr/lib/netsvc/rusers/rpc.rusersd
100002 1-2 rpc.rusersd
rpc dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/rpc.mountd 100005 1
rpc.mountd -e
rpc dgram udp wait root /usr/lib/netsvc/rwall/rpc.rwalld 100008
1 rpc.rwalld
#rpc dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/rpc.rquotad 100011 1
rpc dgram udp wait root /usr/lib/netsvc/spray/rpc.sprayd 100012
1 rpc.sprayd

NIC problems:
The lanadmin utility provides NIC statistics
The nettladmin utility provides packet trace information

Replacing a Mirrored Root Disk:

Replace the disk

Hot swap can be performed while system is up
Not hot swappable means the system must be brought down
Reboot the system into single user mode
shutdown -r 0, unless the system is powered off already, then power it
back on

interrupt the boot

bo pri (or bo alt if the disk that was replaced was the primary boot
IPL>hpux -is -lq (;0)/stand/vmunix
vgcfgrestore -n /dev/vg00 /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?
vgsync /dev/vg00
mkboot /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?
mkboot -a "hpux -lq (;0)/stand/vmunix" /dev/rdsk/c?t?d?
shutdown -r 0
lvlnboot -v /dev/vg00 to verify that the disk is seen as bootable

Software Installation (swinstall, sd, etc)

ERROR: "server::/tmp/omni_tmp/packet": You do not have the
required permissions to perform this operation. Check
permissions using the "swacl" command or see your system
administrator for assistance. Or, to manage applications
designed and packaged for nonprivileged mode, see the
"run_as_superuser" option in the "sd" man page.
WARNING: More information may be found in the daemon logfile on this
target (default location is

Bounce swagentd daemon: /usr/sbin/swagentd -r

36. Some remarks about VI:


Before you run vi:


If you've connected to a central UCS computer to use vi, first tell that
host about your communications software
(e.g., NCSA Telnet). At IUB, your software will typically emulate a VT-
100 terminal.
To find out what shell program you use, type:

echo $SHELL
Then if you use ksh, bash, or sh, type:
TERM=vt100; export TERM

If you use csh or tcsh, type:

set term = vt100

You can automate this task by adding the appropriate command to your
default command shell's configuration file.

Using vi modes:

Vi has three "modes": edit, insert, and colon.

- Edit mode (press Esc)

Vi enters edit mode by default when it starts up. Edit mode allows you
to move the cursor and
edit the text buffer.

- Insert mode (press i)

Insert mode "drops" the cursor at a specific point in the buffer,
allowing you to insert text.
To enter insert mode, position the cursor where you want to place text
and press i.

If you make a typing mistake, press ESC to return to edit mode and then
reposition the cursor at the error,
and press i to get back to insert mode.

- Colon mode (press : with a command)

You enter colon mode from edit mode by typing a colon followed by a
command. Some useful commands are:

:w Write buffer to the current filename.

:w newname Write buffer to file newname.
:r Read the current filename into the buffer.
:r oldname Read the file oldname into the buffer.
:q! Quit vi without saving buffer.
:wq Write buffer to current filename and quit vi.
:e filename Close current buffer and edit (open) filename.
:e # Close current buffer and edit (open) previous file.

Search and Replace:


Replace: Same as with sed, Replace OLD with NEW:


First occurrence on current line: :s/OLD/NEW

Globally (all) on current line: :s/OLD/NEW/g
Between two lines #,#: :#,#s/OLD/NEW/g
Every occurrence in file: :%s/OLD/NEW/g

The VI editor has two kinds of searches: string and character. For a
string search, the / and ? commands are used.
When you start these commands, the command just typed will be shown on
the bottom line, where you type the particular
string to look for. These two commands differ only in the direction
where the search takes place.
The / command searches forwards (downwards) in the file, while the ?
command searches backwards (upwards) in the file.
The n and N commands repeat the previous search command in the same or
opposite direction, respectively.
Some characters have special meanings to VI, so they must be preceded by
a backslash (\) to be included as part
of the search expression.

Searching for Text:


/text Search forward (down) for text (text can include spaces
and characters with special meanings.)

?text Search backward (up) for text

n Repeat last search in the same direction

N Repeat last search in the opposite direction

fchar Search forward for a charcter on current line

Fchar Search backward for a character on current line

; Repeat last character search in the same direction

% Find matching ( ), { }, or [ ]

Some other:

Moving half screens Up or Down: Ctrl-U, Ctrl-D

showing line numbers:

:set number

If you tire of the line numbers, enter the following command to turn
them off:

:set nonumber

36. ulimit:

limit, ulimit, unlimit - set or get limitations on the system resources

available to the current shell and its

Example 1: Limiting the stack size

To limit the stack size to 512 kilobytes:

example% ulimit -s 512

example% ulimit -a
time(seconds) unlimited
file(blocks) 100
data(kbytes) 523256
stack(kbytes) 512
coredump(blocks) 200
nofiles(descriptors) 64
memory(kbytes) unlimited

ULIMIT - Sets the file size limit for the login. Units are disk blocks.
Default is zero (no limit).
Be sure to specify even numbers, as the ULIMIT variable accepts a number
of 512-byte blocks.

$ ulimit -a # Display limits for your session under sh or ksh

$ limit # Display limits for your session under csh or tcsh
$ ulimit -c SIZE_IN_BLOCKS # Limit core size under sh or ksh
$ limit coredumpsize SIZE_IN_KB # Limit core size under csh or tcsh

If you see a core file lying around, just type "file core" to get some
details about it. Example:
$ file core
core:ELF-64 core file - PA-RISC 2.0 from 'sqlplus' - received SIGABRT

Run the Unix process debugger to obtain more information about where and
why the process abended.
This information is normally requested by Oracle Support for in-depth
analysis of the problem. Some example:

$ gdb $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus core
bt # backtrace of all stack frames

HP-UX, Solaris, etc:

$ adb $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus core

$ debug -c core $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus
debug> stack
debug> quit

Sets or reports user resource limits.

ulimit [ -H ] [ -S ] [ -a ] [ -c ] [ -d ] [ -f ] [ -m ] [ -n ] [ -s ] [
-t ] [ Limit ]

The ulimit command sets or reports user process resource limits, as
defined in the /etc/security/limits file.
This file contains these default limits:

fsize = 2097151
core = 2097151
cpu = -1
data = 262144
rss = 65536
stack = 65536
nofiles = 2000

These values are used as default settings when a new user is added to
the system. The values are set with the
mkuser command when the user is added to the system, or changed with the
chuser command.

Limits are categorized as either soft or hard. With the ulimit command,
you can change your soft limits,
up to the maximum set by the hard limits. You must have root user
authority to change resource hard limits.

Many systems do not contain one or more of these limits. The limit for a
specified resource is set when the
Limit parameter is specified. The value of the Limit parameter can be a
number in the unit specified with
each resource, or the value unlimited. To set the specific ulimit to
unlimited, use the word unlimited

Note: Setting the default limits in the /etc/security/limits file sets

system wide limits, not just limits
taken on by a user when that user is created.
The current resource limit is printed when you omit the Limit parameter.
The soft limit is printed unless
you specify the -H flag. When you specify more than one resource, the
limit name and unit is printed
before the value. If no option is given, the -f flag is assumed.

Since the ulimit command affects the current shell environment, it is

provided as a shell regular built-in command.
If this command is called in a separate command execution environment,
it does not affect the file size limit of
the caller's environment. This would be the case in the following
nohup ulimit -f 10000
env ulimit 10000
Once a hard limit has been decreased by a process, it cannot be
increased without root privilege, even to revert
to the original limit.

For more information about user and system resource limits, refer to the
getrlimit, setrlimit, or vlimit
subroutine in AIX 5L Version 5.2 Technical Reference: Base Operating
System and Extensions Volume 1.


-a Lists all of the current resource limits.

-c Specifies the size of core dumps, in number of 512-byte blocks.
-d Specifies the size of the data area, in number of K bytes.
-f Sets the file size limit in blocks when the Limit parameter is used,
or reports the file size limit if no parameter is specified. The -f flag
is the default.
-H Specifies that the hard limit for the given resource is set. If you
have root user authority, you can increase the hard limit. Anyone can
decrease it.
-m Specifies the size of physical memory, in number of K bytes.
-n Specifies the limit on the number of file descriptors a process may
-s Specifies the stack size, in number of K bytes.
-S Specifies that the soft limit for the given resource is set. A soft
limit can be increased up to the value of the hard limit. If neither the
-H nor -S flags are specified, the limit applies to both.
-t Specifies the number of seconds to be used by each process.

You can check the current ulimit settings using the ulimit -a command,
and at least the following
three commands should be run, as the user account that will launch Java:

ulimit -m unlimited

ulimit -d unlimited

ulimit -f unlimited

37. RAM disks:

37.1 AIX:


# mkramdisk SIZE
# mkfs -V jfs /dev/ramdiskxx
# mount -V jfs -o nointegrity /dev/ramdiskxx /whatever_mountpoint

mkramdisk Command:
Creates a RAM disk using a portion of RAM that is accessed through
normal reads and writes.

mkramdisk [ -u ] size[ M | G ]

The mkramdisk command is shipped as part of bos.rte.filesystems, which
allows the user to create a RAM disk.
Upon successful execution of the mkramdisk command, a new RAM disk is
created, a new entry added to /dev,
the name of the new RAM disk is written to standard output, and the
command exits with a value of 0.
If the creation of the RAM disk fails, the command prints an
internalized error message, and the command
will exit with a nonzero value.

The size can be specified in terms of MB or GB. By default, it is in 512

byte blocks. A suffix of M will be used
to specify size in megabytes and G to specify size in gigabytes.

The names of the RAM disks are in the form of /dev/rramdiskx where x is
the logical RAM disk number (0 through 63).

The mkramdisk command also creates block special device entries (for
example, /dev/ramdisk5) although use
of the block device interface is discouraged because it adds overhead.
The device special files in /dev are owned
by root with a mode of 600. However, the mode, owner, and group ID can
be changed using normal system commands.

Up to 64 RAM disks can be created.

The size of a RAM disk cannot be changed after it is created.
The mkramdisk command is responsible for generating a major number,
loading the ram disk kernel extension,
configuring the kernel extension, creating a ram disk, and creating the
device special files in /dev.
Once the device special files are created, they can be used just like
any other device special files through
normal open, read, write, and close system calls.

RAM disks can be removed by using the rmramdisk command. RAM disks are
also removed when the machine is rebooted.

By default, RAM disk pages are pinned. Use the -u flag to create RAM
disk pages that are not pinned.
-u Specifies that the ram disk that is created will not be pinned. By
default, the ram disk will be pinned.


size Indicates the amount of RAM (in 512 byte increments) to use for the
new RAM disk. For example, typing:

# mkramdisk 1

creates a RAM disk that uses 512 bytes of RAM.

To create a RAM disk that uses approximately 20 MB of RAM, type:

# mkramdisk 40000

Exit Status
The following exit values are returned:

0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


To create a new ram disk using a default 512-byte block size, and the
size is 500 MBs (1048576 * 512), enter:

# mkramdisk 1048576

The /dev/rramdisk0 ramdisk is created.

To create a new ramdisk with a size of 500 Megabytes, enter:

# mkramdisk 500M

The /dev/rramdisk0 ramdisk is created. Note that the ramdisk has the
same size as example 1 above.

To create a new ram disk with a 2-Gigabyte size, enter:

# mkramdisk 2G

To set up a RAM disk that is approximately 20 MB in size and create a

JFS file system on that RAM disk,
enter the following:

# mkramdisk 40000
# ls -l /dev | grep ram
# mkfs -V jfs /dev/ramdiskx
# mkdir /ramdisk0
# mount -V jfs -o nointegrity /dev/ramdiskx /ramdiskx

where x is the logical RAM disk number.

If using file system on a RAM disk, the RAM disk must be pinned.

37.2 Linux:


It is very easy to use a ramdisk. First of all, the default installation

of RedHat >= 6.0 comes with ramdisk support.
All you have to do is format a ramdisk and then mount it to a
directory. To find out all the ramdisks you
have available, do a "ls -al /dev/ram*". This gives you the preset
ramdisks available to your liking.
These ramdisks don't actually grab memory until you use them somehow
(like formatting them).
Here is a very simple example of how to use a ramdisk.

# create a mount point:

mkdir /tmp/ramdisk0
# create a filesystem:
mke2fs /dev/ram0
# mount the ramdisk:
mount /dev/ram0 /tmp/ramdisk0

Those three commands will make a directory for the ramdisk , format the
ramdisk (create a filesystem),
and mount the ramdisk to the directory "/tmp/ramdisk0". Now you can
treat that directory as a pretend partition!
Go ahead and use it like any other directory or as any other partition.
If the formatting of the ramdisk faild then you might have no support
for ramdisk compiled into the Kernel.
The Kernel configuration option for ramdisk is CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM .
The default size of the ramdisk is 4Mb=4096 blocks. You saw what ramdisk
size you got while you were running mke2fs.
mke2fs /dev/ram0 should have produced a message like this:

mke2fs 1.14, 9-Jan-1999 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09

Linux ext2 filesystem format
Filesystem label=
1024 inodes, 4096 blocks
204 blocks (4.98%) reserved for the super user
First data block=1
Block size=1024 (log=0)
Fragment size=1024 (log=0)
1 block group
8192 blocks per group, 8192 fragments per group
1024 inodes per group

Running df -k /dev/ram0 tells you how much of that you can really use
(The filesystem takes also some space):

>df -k /dev/ram0
Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/ram0 3963 13 3746 0% /tmp/ramdisk0

What are some catches? Well, when the computer reboots, it gets wiped.
Don't put any data there that isn't
copied somewhere else. If you make changes to that directory, and you
need to keep the changes, figure out
some way to back them up.

- Changing the size of the ramdisks

To use a ram disk you either need to have ramdisk support compiled into
the Kernel or you need to compile
it as loadable module. The Kernel configuration option is
CONFIG_BLK_DEV_RAM . Compiling the ramdisk a loadable module
has the advantage that you can decide at load time what the size of your
ramdisks should be.

Okay, first the hard way. Add this line to your lilo.conf file:

ramdisk_size=10000 (or ramdisk=10000 for old kernels)

and it will make the default ramdisks 10 megs after you type the "lilo"
command and reboot the computer.
Here is an example of my /etc/lilo.conf file.


Actually, I got a little over 9 megs of usable space as the filesystem

takes also a little space.
When you compile ramdisk support as loadable module then you can decide
at load time what the size should be.
This is done either with an option line in the /etc/conf.modules file:

options rd rd_size=10000

or as a command line parameter to ismod:

insmod rd rd_size=10000

Here is an example which shows how to use the module:

Unmount the ramdisk mounted in the previous chapter, umount
/tmp/ramdisk0 .
Unload the module (it was automatically loaded in the previous chapter),
rmmod rd
Load the ramdisk module and set the size to 20Mb, insmod rd
create a file system, mke2fs /dev/ram0
mount the ramdisk, mount /dev/ram0 /tmp/ramdisk0
- Example of how to use a RamDisk for a webserver.
Okay, here is an example of how to use 3 ramdisks for a webserver. Let
us say you are 99% confident that your default installation of Apache
for RedHat 6.0 won't use more than 9 megs for its cgi-scripts, html, and
icons. Here is how to install one.
First, issue this command to move the real copy of the document root
directory of your webserver to a different place. Also, make the
directories to mount the ramdisks .
mv /home/httpd/ /home/httpd_real
mkdir /home/httpd
mkdir /home/httpd/cgi-bin
mkdir /home/httpd/html
mkdir /home/httpd/icons

Then, add these commands to the start procedure in your

(or where ever the httpd gets started on your system):

### Make the ramdisk partitions

/sbin/mkfs -t ext2 /dev/ram0
/sbin/mkfs -t ext2 /dev/ram1
/sbin/mkfs -t ext2 /dev/ram2

### Mount the ramdisks to their appropriate places

mount /dev/ram0 /home/httpd/cgi-bin

mount /dev/ram1 /home/httpd/icons
mount /dev/ram2 /home/httpd/html

### Copying real directory to ramdisks (the

### data on the ramdisks is lost after a reboot)
tar -C /home/httpd_real -c . | tar -C /home/httpd -x

### After this you can start the web-server.

37.3 Solaris:

Note 1:

Solaris 9 and higher: use the ramdiskadm command:

Quick example:

Example: Creating a 2MB Ramdisk Named mydisk

# ramdiskadm -a mydisk 2m

Example: Listing All Ramdisks

# ramdiskadm
Block Device Size Removable
/dev/ramdisk/miniroot 134217728 No
/dev/ramdisk/certfs 1048576 No
/dev/ramdisk/mydisk 2097152 Yes

-- The ramdiskadm command:

ramdiskadm- administer ramdisk pseudo device
/usr/sbin/ramdiskadm -a name size [g | m | k | b]
/usr/sbin/ramdiskadm -d name

The ramdiskadm command administers ramdisk(7D), the ramdisk driver. Use
ramdiskadm to create a new named
ramdisk device, delete an existing named ramdisk, or list information
about exisiting ramdisks.

Ramdisks created using ramdiskadm are not persistent across reboots.

The following options are supported:

-a name size
Create a ramdisk named name of size size and its corresponding block and
character device nodes.

name must be composed only of the characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _

(underbar), and - (hyphen), but it must not
begin with a hyphen. It must be no more than 32 characters long. Ramdisk
names must be unique.

The size can be a decimal number, or, when prefixed with 0x, a
hexadecimal number, and can specify the size
in bytes (no suffix), 512-byte blocks (suffix b), kilobytes (suffix k),
megabytes (suffix m)
or gigabytes (suffix g). The size of the ramdisk actually created might
be larger than that specified,
depending on the hardware implementation.

If the named ramdisk is successfully created, its block device path is

printed on standard out.

-d name
Delete an existing ramdisk of the name name. This command succeeds only
when the named ramdisk is not open.
The associated memory is freed and the device nodes are removed.

You can delete only ramdisks created using ramdiskadm. It is not

possible to delete a ramdisk that was created
during the boot process.

Without options, ramdiskadm lists any existing ramdisks, their sizes (in
decimal), and whether they can be removed
by ramdiskadm (see the description of the -d option, above).
Note 2:


In Solaris =< version 8, its a bit of a pain.

This is what i asked:

Is there anyone who could tell me how to make a ram disk in Solaris 8?

I have a Sun Sparc Box running Solaris 8, and I want to use some of
it's memory to mount a new file-system

Thanks in advance,

The solution:

As many mentioned i could use tmpfs, lik this:

mkdir /ramdisk
mount -F tmpfs -o size=500m swap /ramdisk

However this is not a true ramdisk (it really uses VM, not RAM, and the
is an upper limit, not a reservation) This is what Solaris provides.

38. Software Packages:

38.1 Software Packages on Solaris:


This section deals about software packages for Solaris. A software

package is a collection of files
and directories in a defined format. It describes a software application
such as manual pages and
line printer support. Solaris 8 has about 80 packages that total about

A Solaris software package is the standard way to deliver bundeld and

unbundled software.
Packages are administered by using the package administration commands,
and are generally
identified by a SUNWxxx naming convention.

Software packages are grouped into software clusters, which are logical
collections of
software packages. Some clusters contain just 1 or 2 packages, while
another may contain more

Installing Software Packages:


Solaris provides the tools for adding and removing software from a
You can use pkgadd command to install packages, and the pkgrm command to
remove packages.
There are also GUI tools to install and remove packages.

Package files are delivered in package format and are unusable as they
are delivered. The pkgadd command interprets the software package's
control files, and then uncompresses and installs the product files onto
the system's local disk.

Although the pkgadd and pkgrm commands do not log their output to a
standard location, they do keep track of the product
that is installed or removed. The pkgadd and pkgrm commands store
information about a package that has been installed
or removed in a software product database.

By updating this database, the pkgadd and pkgrm commands keep a record
of all software products installed on the system.

-- pkgadd:
-- -------

pkgadd [-nv] [-a admin] [-d device] [[-M]-R root_path] [-r response] [-V
fs_file] [pkginst...]
pkgadd -s spool [-d device] [pkginst...]

-a admin
Define an installation administration file, admin, to
be used in place of the default administration file.
The token none overrides the use of any admin file,
and thus forces interaction with the user. Unless a
full path name is given, pkgadd first looks in the
current working directory for the administration file.
If the specified administration file is not in the
current working directory, pkgadd looks in the
/var/sadm/install/admin directory for the administra-
tion file.

-d device
Install or copy a package from device. device can be a
full path name to a directory or the identifiers for
tape, floppy disk, or removable disk (for example,
/var/tmp or /floppy/floppy_name ). It can also be a
device alias (for example, /floppy/floppy0).

pkgadd transfers the contents of a software package from the

distribution medium or directory to install
it onto the system. Used without the -d option, pkgadd looks in the
default spool directory for
the package (var/spool//pkg). Used with the -s option, it writes the
package to a spool directory
instead of installing it.

In general you would pkgadd as follows:

# pkgadd -a admin-file -d device-name pkgid

Or just

# pkgadd -d device-name pkgid

-a admin-file
(Optional) Specifies an administration file that the pkgadd command
should consult during the installation.
-d device-name
Specifies the absolute path to the software packages. device-name can
be the path to a device, a directory, or a spool directory.
If you do not specify the path where the package resides, the pkgadd
command checks the default spool directory (/var/spool/pkg).
If the package is not there, the package installation fails.
(Optional) Is the name of one or more packages (separated by spaces) to
be installed.
If omitted, the pkgadd command installs all available packages.

After installing a package, verify the install with

# pkgchk -v pkgid

Example 1:

following example shows how install the SUNWpl5u package from a mounted
Solaris 9 CD.
The example also shows how to verify that the package files were
installed properly.

# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_9/Product SUNWpl5u

Installation of <SUNWpl5u> was successful.
# pkgchk -v SUNWpl5u

Example 2:
# pkgadd -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.6

Example 3:
# pkgadd -d /tmp/signed_pppd
The following packages are available:
1 SUNWpppd Solaris PPP Device Drivers
(sparc) 11.10.0,REV=2003.

Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process

all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: all
Enter keystore password:

Example 4:
# pkgadd -d

## Downloading...
## Download Complete

Example 5:
# pkgadd -d . DISsci The command will create a new directory
structure in /opt/DISsci

Example 6:
Spooling the packages to a spool directory

# pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_8_sparc/s0/Solaris_8/Product -s /var/spool/pkg


Example 7:

Installing Software Packages From a Remote Package Server

If the packages you want to install are available from a remote system,
you can manually mount the directory that contains the packages
(in package format) and install packages on the local system.

The following example shows how install software packages from a remote
system. In this example, assume that the remote system
named package-server has software packages in the /latest-packages
directory. The mount command mounts the packages locally on /mnt,
and the pkgadd command installs the SUNWpl5u package.

# mount -F nfs -o ro package-server:/latest-packages /mnt

# pkgadd -d /mnt SUNWpl5u
Installation of <SUNWpl5u> was successful.

Other package related commands:


- pkgrm
- pkgchk
- pkginfo
- pkgask
- pkgparam

Displays a package parameter values.

# pkgparam -d /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.8/Product SUNWvolr SUNW_PKGTYPE
The system responds with the location where the application will be

Using a Response File:


A response file contains your answers to specific questions that are

asked by an interactive package. An interactive package includes
a request script that asks you questions prior to package installation,
such as whether or not optional pieces of the package should be

If prior to installation, you know that the package you want to install
is an interactive package, and you want to store
your answers to prevent user interaction during future installations of
this package, you can use the pkgask command to save your response.

Once you have stored your responses to the questions asked by the
request script, you can use the pkgadd -r command
to install the package without user interaction.

-- pkginfo
-- -------

# pkginfo
system SUNWaccr System Accounting, (Root)
system SUNWaccu System Accounting, (Usr)
system SUNWadmap System administration applications
system SUNWadmc System administration core libraries

Example-Displaying Detailed Information About Software Packages

# pkginfo -l SUNWcar

NAME: Core Architecture, (Root)
CATEGORY: system
ARCH: sparc.sun4u
VERSION: 11.9.0,REV=2001.
VENDOR: Sun Microsystems, Inc.
DESC: core software for a specific hardware platform group
PSTAMP: crash20011016171723
INSTDATE: Nov 02 2001 08:53
HOTLINE: Please contact your local service provider
STATUS: completely installed
FILES: 111 installed pathnames
36 shared pathnames
40 directories
56 executables
17626 blocks used (approx)

# pkginfo -d /export/host1/packages -l SUNWman

For the spool directory, you may use the token spool.

-- pkgrm:
-- ------

Always use the pkgrm command to remove installed packages. Do not use
the rm command, which will corrupt
the system's record-keeping of installed packages.


# pkgrm pkgid ...

pkgid identifies the name of one or more packages (separated by spaces)

to be removed. If omitted, pkgrm removes all available packages.

# pkgrm SUNWctu

The following package is currently installed:

SUNWctu Netra ct usr/platform links (64-bit)
(sparc.sun4u) 11.9.0,REV=2001.

Do you want to remove this package? y

## Removing installed package instance <SUNWctu>

## Verifying package dependencies.
## Processing package information.
## Removing pathnames in class <none>

This example shows how to remove a spooled package.

# pkgrm -s /export/pkg SUNWdmfex.u

The following package is currently spooled:
SUNWdmfex.u Sun Davicom 10/100Mb Ethernet Driver (64-bit)
(sparc.sun4u) 11.9.0,REV=2001.

Do you want to remove this package? y

Removing spooled package instance <SUNWdmfex.u>

Some Graphical tools for installing packages:


>>> admintool (Solaris 8,9 Not in Solaris 10)

>>> Solaris Product Registry

The Solaris Product Registry is a GUI tool that enables you to install
and uninstall software packages.
To startup the Solaris Product Registry to view, install or uninstall
software, use the command

>>> Solaris Management Console (smc) Patch Manager

The Solaris Management Console provides a new Patches Tool for managing
patches. You can only use the Patches Tool
to add patches to a system running the Solaris 9 or later release.

Installing Patches:


patchadd [-d] [-u] [-B backout_dir] [-C net_install_image| -R

client_root_path| -S service] patch
patchadd [-d] [-u] [-B backout_dir] [-C net_install_image| -R
client_root_path| -S service] -M patch_dir| patch_id...
| patch_dir patch_list
patchadd [-C net_install_image| -R client_root_path| -S service] -p


Example 1:
Show the patches on your system:
# showrev -p shows all patches applied to a system
# patchadd -p same as above
# pkgparam <pkgid> PATCHLIST shows all patches applied to the package
identified by <pkgid>

Example 2:
# patchadd /var/spool/patch/104945-02
# patchadd -R /export/root/client1 /var/spool/patch/104945-02
# patchadd -M /var/spool/patch 104945-02 104946-02 102345-02
# patchadd -M /var/spool/patch patchlist
# patchadd -M /var/spool/patch -R /export/root/client1 -B
/export/backoutrepository 104945-02 104946-02 102345-02

The /var/sadm/install/contents file:


The /var/sadm/install/contents file is the file which Solaris uses to

keep track of all the files
installed on a system, and their corresponding packages.

Every file installed on a Solaris OS using the pkgadd command has an

entry in the database
of installed files /var/sadm/install/contents.
The contents is a textfile that contains one line per installed file.
38.2 Software Packages on AIX:

Installing software, filesets, packages, lpp:


Similar to Solaris, AIX5L also has a specific terminology related to

installable software.
There are 4 basic package concepts in AIX5L: fileset, package, LPP, and

- Fileset:
A fileset is the smallest individually installable unit. It's a
collection of files that provide a specific
function. For example, the "" is a fileset in the
"" package.

- Package:
A package contains a group of filesets with a common function, This is a
single installable image,
for example "".

- LPP:
This is a complete software product collection, including all the
packages and filesets required.
LPP's are separately orderable products that will run on the AIX
operating system, for example
BOS, DB2, CICS, ADSM and so on.

-- AIX verifying correct installation:

# lppchk

# lppchk -v Fileset version consistency check

# lppchk -l File link verification

P521:/apps $lppchk -l
lppchk: No link found from /etc/security/mkuser.sys to
lppchk: No link found from /etc/security/mkuser.default to

-- AIX installing maintenance levels and fixes:

1. download the fix from IBM website
2. uncompress and untar the software archive
3. type

smitty update_all
Install a fix with instfix:

P521:/apps $instfix
Usage: instfix [-T [-M platform]] [-s string] [ -k keyword | -f file ]
[-d device] [-S] [-p | [-i [-c] [-q] [-t type] [-v] [-F]]] [-a]

Function: Installs or queries filesets associated with keywords or


-a Display the symptom text (can be combined with -i, -k, or

-c Colon-separated output for use with -i. Output includes
name, fileset name, required level, installed level, status,
abstract. Status values are < (down level), = (correct
+ (superseded), and ! (not installed).
-d Input device (required for all but -i and -a).
-F Returns failure unless all filesets associated with the fix
are installed.
-f Input file containing keywords or fixes. Use '-' for standard
The -T option produces a suitable input file format for -f.
-i Use with -k or -f option to display whether specified fixes
keywords are installed. Installation is not attempted.
If neither -k nor -f is specified, all known fixes are
-k Install filesets for a keyword or fix.
-M Use with -T option to display information for fixes present
on the media that have to do with the platform specified.
-p Use with -k or -f to print filesets associated with keywords.
Installation is not attempted when -p is used.
-q Quiet option for use with -i. If -c is specified, no heading
displayed. Otherwise, no output is displayed.
-S Suppress multi-volume processing.
-s Search for and display fixes on media containing a specified
-T Display fix information for complete fixes present on the
-t Use with -i option to limit search to a given type.
valid types are 'f' (fix) and 'p' (preventive maintenance).
-v Verbose option for use with -i. Gives information about each
fileset associated with a fix or keyword.
to the environment provided.

Another option is to use the instfix command. Any fix can have a single
fileset or multiple filesets that
comprise that fix. Fix information is organized in the Table of Contents
(TOC) on the installation media.
After a fix is installed, fix information is kept on the system in a fix

instfix [ -T ] [ -s String ] [ -S ] [ -k Keyword | -f File ] [ -p ] [ -d

Device ] [ -i [ -c ] [ -q ]
[ -t Type ] [ -v ] [ -F ] ] [ -a ]


- If you want to install only a specific fix, use # instfix -k <fileset>

-d <device>, for example
# instfix -k IX75893 -d /dev/cd0
# instfix -k IX75893 -d .
# instfix -k IY63533 -d .

- To list fixes that are on a CD-ROM in /dev/cd0, enter

# instfix -T -d /dev/cd0

- To determine if for example APAR IX75893 is installed on the system,

# instfix -ik IX75893
Not all filesets for IX75893 were found.

You will always be able to determine if an APAR is installed on your

system using the
command instfix -ivk APAR_NUMBER , whereas installed PTFs are not

- How to determine if all filesets of a ML are installed?

P521:/apps $instfix -i | grep ML

All filesets for were found.
All filesets for 5200-01_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5200-02_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5200-03_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5200-04_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5200-05_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5200-06_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5200-07_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5200-08_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 5200-09_AIX_ML were found.

The command "instfix -i | grep ML" is essentially the same as "instfix

-i -tp".

- To detect incomplete AIX maintaince levels:

# instfix -i |grep ML
Not all filesets for were found.
Not all filesets for were found.
All filesets for were found.
Not all filesets for were found.
Not all filesets for were found.
Not all filesets for 4330-02_AIX_ML were found.
All filesets for 4320-02_AIX_ML were found.
Not all filesets for 4330-03_AIX_ML were found.

You can also use smitty:

# smitty instfix

Update Software by Fix (APAR)

Type or select a value for the entry field.

Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

[Entry Fields]
* INPUT device / directory for software []

The lslpp command:



Lists installed software products.


lslpp { -d | -E | -f | -h | -i | -l | -L | -p } ] [ -a] [ -c] [ -J ] [

-q ] [ -I
] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ [ FilesetName ... | FixID ... | all ]

lslpp -w [ -c ] [ -q ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ FileName ... | all


lslpp -L -c [ -v]

lslpp -S [A|O]

lslpp -e


The lslpp command displays information about installed filesets or

updates. The FilesetName parameter is the name of a software product.
The FixID
(also known as PTF or program temporary fix ID) parameter specifies the
identifier of an update to a formatted fileset.

When only the -l (lowercase L) flag is entered, the lslpp command

displays the
latest installed level of the fileset specified for formatted filesets.
The base
level fileset is displayed for formatted filesets. When the -a flag is
along with the -l flag, the lslpp command displays information about all
installed filesets for the FilesetName specified. The -I (uppercase i)
combined with the -l (lowercase L) flag specifies that the output from
the lslpp
command should be limited to base level filesets.

-a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with

other flags. (Not valid with -f, only valid with -B when
combined with -h)
-B Permits PTF ID input. (Not valid with -L)
-c Colon-separated output.
(Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc)
-d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite).
-E License Agreements.
-S Lists Automatically and Optionally installed filesets.
-e Lists all efixes on the system.
-f Files that belong to this fileset.
-h History information.
-I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates
-i Product Identification information (requested per fileset).
-J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L)
-L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions.
(Consolidates usr, root and share part information.)
-l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions.
(Separates usr, root and share part information.)
-O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr.
(Not valid with -L)
-p Requisites of installed filesets.
-q Quiet (no column headers).
-v Lists additional information from vendor database.
(Valid with -Lc only)
-w Lists the fileset that owns this file.

One of the following mutually exclusive flags:

must be specified.
P521:/apps $

To display information about installed filesets, you can use the lslpp

If you need to check whether certain filesets have been installed, use
the lslpp command
as in the following example:

# lslpp -h bos.adt.include bos.adt.l1b bos.adt.l1bm \ 1for_ls.compat 1for_ls.base

In the above example, we check whether those filesets have been


lslpp options:
-l: Displays the name, level, state and description of the fileset.
-h: Displays the installation and update history for the fileset.
-p: Displays requisite information for the fileset.
-d: Displays dependent information for the fileset.
-f: Displays the filenames added to the system during installation of
the fileset.
-w: Lists the fileset that owns a file or files.


- To display the name, level of the bos.adt.include fileset, use

# lslpp -l bos.adt.include

Fileset Level State Description

Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
bos.adt.include COMMITTED Base Application
Include Files

- To display all files in the inventory database which include vmstat,


# lslpp -w "*vmstat*"
File Fileset Type

/usr/sbin/lvmstat bos.rte.lvm File
/usr/share/man/info/EN_US/a_doc_lib/cmds/aixcmds6/vmstat.htm File
/usr/share/man/info/EN_US/a_doc_lib/cmds/aixcmds3/lvmstat.htm File
/usr/bin/vmstat bos.acct File
/usr/bin/vmstat64 bos.acct File
/usr/es/sbin/cluster/OEM/VxVM40/cllsvxvmstat File

The same for trying to find out what contains the make command:

# lslpp -w "*make*"

/usr/bin/makedev bos.txt.tfs File

/usr/ccs/bin/make bos.adt.base File
/usr/bin/make bos.adt.base
/usr/bin/makekey bos.adt.base
/usr/ccs/bin/makekey bos.adt.base File
- To list the installation state for the most recent level of installed
filesets for all of the bos.rte filesets, use
# lslpp -l "bos.rte.*"
# lslpp -l | grep bos.rte

So, "lslpp -l" shows all of the filesets

- To display the names of the files added to the system during

installation of the bos.perf.perfstat fileset, use
# lslpp -f "*perf*"

- To check whether some certain filesets have been installed, like in

the following example:
# lslpp -h bos.adt.include bos.adt.lib bos.adt.l1bm \ 1for_ls.compat 1for_ls.base

- To check you have the SDD driver on your system:

# lslpp -L devices.sdd.*

- To check the Java filesets on your system:

# lslpp -l | grep Java

/root:>lslpp -l | grep Java

Java131.rte.bin COMMITTED Java Runtime
Java131.rte.lib COMMITTED Java Runtime
Java-based build tool.
Java(TM) technology-
based Web
Java(TM) technology-
based Web
idebug.rte.hpj COMMITTED High-Performance Java
idebug.rte.jre COMMITTED Java Runtime
idebug.rte.olt.Java COMMITTED Object Level Trace Java

# lslpp -l | grep Java13_64

# lslpp -l | grep App

Application Server
WebSphere Application
for WebSphere
the WebSphere
Application Profile,
X11.adt.bitmaps COMMITTED AIXwindows Application
X11.adt.ext COMMITTED AIXwindows Application
X11.adt.imake COMMITTED AIXwindows Application
X11.adt.include COMMITTED AIXwindows Application
X11.adt.lib COMMITTED AIXwindows Application
X11.adt.motif COMMITTED AIXwindows Application
X11.apps.aixterm COMMITTED AIXwindows aixterm
X11.apps.clients COMMITTED AIXwindows Client
X11.apps.msmit COMMITTED AIXwindows msmit
X11.apps.xdm COMMITTED AIXwindows xdm
X11.apps.xterm COMMITTED AIXwindows xterm
Application COMMITTED AIXwindows Client
X11.msg.en_US.apps.config COMMITTED AIXwindows Config
bos.adt.base COMMITTED Base Application
bos.adt.debug COMMITTED Base Application
Development COMMITTED Base Application
bos.adt.include COMMITTED Base Application
bos.adt.lib COMMITTED Base Application
bos.adt.libm COMMITTED Base Application
bos.adt.sccs COMMITTED SCCS Application
bos.adt.syscalls COMMITTED System Calls
bos.adt.utils COMMITTED Base Application
Development COMMITTED TCP/IP Application
Application Runtime
xlC.adt.include COMMITTED C Set ++ Application COMMITTED Base Application

Removing a fix:
On AIX you can use either the
installp -r command, or use the
smitty reject fast path

Smitty fastpaths:

-- AIX software maintenance:

# smitty maintain_software

From here you can commit or reject installed software. You can also copy
the filesets from the installation media
to a directory on disk. The default directory for doing this is

-- Install new software:

# smitty install_update
# smitty install_latest

-- To commit software:
# smitty install_commit

-- To reject software:
# smitty install_reject

-- To remove installed and commited software:

# smitty install_remove

-- To see what fixes are installed on your system:

# smitty show_apar_stat

-- To install individual fix:

# smitty instfix or
# smitty update_by_fix

-- To install all filesets:

# smitty update_all

-- To view already installed software:

# smitty list_installed

The AIX installp command:


installp Command
Installs available software products in a compatible installation

To Install with Apply Only or with Apply and Commit
installp [ -a | -ac [ -N ] ] [ -eLogFile ] [ -V Number ] [ -dDevice ] [
-b ] [ -S ] [ -B ] [ -D ] [ -I ] [ -p ]
[ -Q ] [ -q ] [ -v ] [ -X ] [ -F | -g ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ]
[ u ] } ] [ -tSaveDirectory ] [ -w ] [ -zBlockSize ]
{ FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f ListFile | all }

To Commit Applied Updates

installp -c [ -eLogFile ] [ -VNumber ] [ -b ] [ -g ] [ -p ] [ -v ] [
-X ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ -w ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f
ListFile | all }

To Reject Applied Updates

installp -r [ -eLogFile ] [ -VNumber ] [ -b ] [ -g ] [ -p ] [ -v ] [
-X ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ -w ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f
ListFile }

To Deinstall (Remove) Installed Software

installp -u [ -eLogFile ] [ -VNumber ] [ -b ] [ -g ] [ -p ] [ -v ] [
-X ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ -w ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f
ListFile }

To Clean Up a Failed Installation:

installp -C [ -b ] [ -eLogFile ]

To List All Installable Software on Media

installp { -l | -L } [ -eLogFile ] [ -d Device ] [ -B ] [ -I ] [ -q ] [
-zBlockSize ] [ -O { [ s ] [ u ] } ]

To List All Customer-Reported Problems Fixed with Software or Display

All Supplemental Information
installp { -A|-i } [ -eLogFile ] [ -dDevice ] [ -B ] [ -I ] [ -q ] [ -z
BlockSize ] [ -O { [ s ] [ u ] } ] { FilesetName [ Level ]... | -f
ListFile | all }

To List Installed Updates That Are Applied But Not Committed

installp -s [ -eLogFile ] [ -O { [ r ] [ s ] [ u ] } ] [ -w ]
{ FilesetName [ Level ]... | -fListFile | all }

fileset is the lowest installable base unit. For example, is a fileset.
A fileset update is an update with a different fix ID or maintenance
For example, and
are both fileset updates

When a base level (fileset) is installed on the system, it is

automatically committed. You can remove a fileset
regardless of the state (committed, broken, committed with applied
updates, committed with committed updates, etc.).

When a fileset update is applied to the system, the update is installed.

The current version of that software,
at the time of the installation, is saved in a special save directory on
the disk so that later you can return
to that version if desired. Once a new version of a software product has
been applied to the system, that version
becomes the currently active version of the software.
Updates that have been applied to the system can be either committed or
rejected at a later time.
The installp -s command can be used to get a list of applied updates
that can be committed or rejected.

When updates are committed with the -c flag, the user is making a
commitment to that version of the software product,
and the saved files from all previous versions of the software product
are removed from the system, thereby making
it impossible to return to a previous version of the software product.
Software can be committed at the time of installation by using the -ac
flags. Note that committing already
applied updates does not change the currently active version of a
software product.
It merely removes saved files for previous versions of the software


To install all filesets within the software package in

/usr/sys/inst.images directory in the
applied state, enter

# installp -avX -d/usr/sys/inst.images

To commit all updates, enter

# installp -cgX all

To list the software that is on your CDROM, enter

# installp -L -d /dev/cd0

A record of the installp output can be found in the

# cat /var/adm/sw/installp.summary

Used to cleanup after a failed lpp install/update:

# installp -C

Commits all applied LPPs or PTFs:

# installp -c -g -X all

Lists the table of contents for the install/update media and saves it
into a file named /tmp/toc.list
# installp -q -d/dev/rmt1.1 -l > /tmp/toc.list

Lists the lpps that have been applied but not yet committed or rejected:
# installp -s

[P521]root@ol116u106:installp -s
0503-459 installp: No filesets were found in the Software
Vital Product Database in the APPLIED state.

The AIX geninstall command:


A generic installer that installs software products of various packaging

For example, installp, RPM, and ISMP.

With the geninstall command, you can list and install packages from
media that contains installation images
packaged in any of the listed formats. The geninstall and gencopy
commands recognize the non-installp
installation formats and either call the appropriate installers or copy
the images, respectively.

Beginning in AIX 5L, you can not only install installp formatted
packages, but also RPM and
Install Shield Mutli-Platform (ISMP) formatted packages. Use the Web-
based System Manager,
SMIT, or the geninstall command to install and uninstall these types of
The geninstall command is designed to detect the format type of a
specified package and run the
appropriate install command.

geninstall -d Media [ -I installpFlags ] [ -E | -T ] [ -t
ResponseFileLocation ]
[-e LogFile] [ -p ] [ -F ] [ -Y ] [ -Z ] [ -D ] { -f File |
Install_List ] | all}


geninstall -u [-e LogFile] [ -E | -T ] [ -t ResponseFileLocation ] [

-D ] {-f File | Uninstall_List...}


geninstall -L -d Media [-e LogFile] [ -D ]

Accepts all current installp flags and passes them on to installp. Some
flags (for example, -L) are overloaded
to mean list all products on the media. Flags that don't make sense for
ISMP packaged products are ignored.
This allows programs (like NIM) to continue to always send in installp
flags to geninstall, but only the flags
that make sense are used.

The geninstall command provides an easy way to see what modifications

have been made to the configuration files
listed in /etc/check_config.files. When these files have been changed
during a geninstall installation or update
operation, the differences between the old and new files will be
recorded in the /var/adm/ras/config.diff.
If /etc/check_config.files requests that the old file be saved, the old
file can be found in the /var/adm/config

The /etc/check_config.files file can be edited and can be used to

specify whether old configuration files
that have been changed should be saved (indicated by s) or deleted
(indicated by d), and has the following format:

d /etc/inittab

A summary of the geninstall command's install activity is kept at

This file contains colon-separated lists of filesets installed by
installp and components installed
by ISMP. This is used mainly to provide summary information for silent

Refer to the README.ISMP file in the /usr/lpp/bos directory to learn
more about ISMP-packaged installations
and using response files.


- To install all the products on a CD media that is in drive cd0, type:

# geninstall -d /dev/cd0 all

If ISMP images are present on the media, a graphical interface is

presented. Any installp or RPM images
are installed without prompting, unless the installp images are spread
out over multiple CDs.

- If you using the geninstall command to install RPM or ISMP packages,

use the prefix type to designate
to the geninstall command the type of package you are installing. In AIX
5L, the package prefix types
are the following:

I: installp format
R: RPM format
J: ISMP format

For example, to install the cdrecord RPM package and the
installp package, type the following:

# geninstall -d/dev/cd0 R:cdrecord

The geninstall command detects that the cdrecord package is an RPM

package type and runs the rpm command
to install cdrecord. The geninstall command then detects that
is an installp package type and runs
the installp command to install The process for
uninstallation is similar to the installation process.

There is a tool named fixdist you can use to download fixes from IBM.

Maintenance levels:


Note 1:

Current versions of AIX5L are 5200-04, 05, 06, 07

04: V5.2 with the 5200-04 Recommended Maintenance Package APAR IY56722
plus APAR IY60347 £

05: V5.2 with the 5200-05 Recommended Maintenance Package

Note 2: Go from 5200-00 to 5200-05:


Use this package to update to 5200-05 (ML 05) an AIX 5.2.0 system whose
current ML is 5200-00 (i.e. base level) or higher.
(Nota: ML 05 notably brings the fileset

AIX 5200-05 maintenance package:

AIX 5200-05 maintenance package

Recommended maintenance for AIX 5.2.0

This package, 5200-05, updates AIX 5.2 from base level (no maintenance
level) to maintenance level 05 (5200-05).
This package is a recommended maintenance package for AIX 5.2. IBM
recommends that customers install the latest
available maintenace package for their AIX release.

To determine if AIX 5200-05 is already installed on your system, run the

following command:
oslevel -r

General description

This package contains code corrections for the AIX operating system and
many related subsystems.
Unless otherwise stated, this package is released
for all languages. For additional information, refer to the Package

Download and install instructions

Package Released Size (Bytes) Checksum

520005.tar.gz (See Note) 01/20/05 750,314,420 2116147779
Additional space needed to extract the filesets 1,034,141,696

Note: IBM recommends that you create a separate file system for
/usr/sys/inst.images to prevent the expansion
of the /usr file system.
More information

Click on the package name above.

Put the package (a tar.gz file) in /usr/sys/inst.images
Extract the filesets from the package.
cd /usr/sys/inst.images
gzip -d -c 520005.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
Back up your system.
Install the package by creating a table of contents for install to use.
Then update the install subsystem itself. Run SMIT to complete the

# inutoc /usr/sys/inst.images
# installp -acgXd /usr/sys/inst.images bos.rte.install
# smit update_all
Reboot your system. This maintenance package replaces critical operating
system code.

Installation Tips

* You will need to be logged in as 'root' to perform the

installation of this package.

* Creating a system backup is recommended before starting the

installation procedure. Refer to the mksysb command in the
AIX 5.2 Commands Reference manual for additional information.

* The latest AIX 5.2 installation hints and tips are available
from the eServer Subscription Services web site at:

These tips contain important information that should be

reviewed before installing this update.


To install selected updates from this package, use the command:

smit update_by_fix

To install all updates from this package that apply to installed

filesets on your system, use the command:

smit update_all

It is highly recommended that you apply all updates from this

After successful installation, a system reboot is required for
this update to take effect.

Note 2: Go from 5200-04 to 5200-05:


AIX 5200(04)-05 maintenance package

Recommended maintenance for AIX 5.2.0

This package, 5200(04)-05, updates AIX 5.2 from maintenance level 04

(5200-04) to maintenance level 05 (5200-05).
This package is a recommended maintenance package for AIX 5.2. IBM
recommends that customers install the latest available
maintenace package for their AIX release.

To determine if AIX 5200-05 is already installed on your system, run the

following command:
oslevel -r

General description

This package contains code corrections for the AIX operating system and
many related subsystems. Unless otherwise stated,
this package is released for all languages. For additional information,
refer to the Package information

Download and install instructions

Package Released Size (Bytes) Checksum

520405.tar.gz (See Note) 01/20/05 637,751,943 3712904912
Additional space needed to extract the filesets 856,494,080

Note: IBM recommends that you create a separate file system for
/usr/sys/inst.images to prevent
the expansion of the /usr file system.
More information

Click on the package name above.

Put the package (a tar.gz file) in /usr/sys/inst.images
Extract the filesets from the package.
cd /usr/sys/inst.images
gzip -d -c 520405.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
Back up your system.
Install the package by creating a table of contents for install to use.
Then update the install subsystem itself.
Run SMIT to complete the installation.

# inutoc /usr/sys/inst.images
# installp -acgXd /usr/sys/inst.images bos.rte.install
# smit update_all

Reboot your system. This maintenance package replaces critical operating

system code.
Note 3: Go from 5200-05 to 5200-07:

Always run the inutoc command to ensure the installation subsystem will
recognize the new fix packages
you download. This command creates a new .toc file for the fix package.
Run the inutoc command in
the same directory where you downloaded the package filesets. For
example, if you downloaded the
filesets to /usr/sys/inst.images, run the following command:

# inutoc /usr/sys/inst.images

- For selected updates

To install selected updates from this package, use the following


# smit update_by_fix

- For all updates

To install all updates from this package that apply to the installed
filesets on your system,
use the following command:

# smit update_all

It is highly recommended that you apply all updates from this package.

Reboot the system. A reboot is required for this update to take effect.


First do the bos.rte.install

# installp -acgYqXd /software/ML07 bos.rte.install

# inutoc /software/ML07

# smitty update_all

Note 4: About the /usr/sys/inst.images fs:


Create a LV

# crfs -v jfs -a bf=true -dXXX##instlv -m/usr/sys/inst.images -Ayes -prw

-tno -a nbpi=4096 -a ag=64

# mount /usr/sys/inst.images
Note 5: About the inutoc command:

inutoc Command

Creates a .toc file for directories that have backup format file install
This command is used by the installp command and the install scripts.

inutoc [ Directory ]

The inutoc command creates the .toc file in Directory. If a .toc file
already exists, it is recreated with new information.
The default installation image Directory is /usr/sys/inst.images. The
inutoc command adds table of contents entries
in the .toc file for every installation image in Directory.

The installp command and the bffcreate command call this command
automatically upon the creation or use
of an installation image in a directory without a .toc file.

To create the .toc file for the /usr/sys/inst.images directory, enter:
# inutoc

To create a .toc file for the /tmp/images directory, enter:

# inutoc /tmp/images

Note 6: About the bffcreate command:


bffcreate Command
Creates installation image files in backup format.

bffcreate [ -q ] [ -S ] [ -U ] [ -v ] [ -X ] [ -d Device ] [ -t
SaveDir ] [ -w Directory ]
[ -M Platform ] { [ -l | -L ] | -c [ -s LogFile ] | Package
[Level ] ... | -f ListFile | all }

The bffcreate command creates an installation image file in backup file
format (bff) to support
software installation operations.

The bffcreate command creates an installation image file from an

installation image file
on the specified installation media. Also, it automatically creates an
installation image file from
hyptertext images (such as those on the operating system documentation
CD-ROMs). The installp command
can use the newly created installation file to install software onto the
system. The file is created
in backup format and saved to the directory specified by SaveDir. The
.toc file in the directory
specified by the SaveDir parameter is updated to include an entry for
the image file.

The bffcreate command determines the bff name according to this


Neutral Packages package.v.r.m.f.platform.installtype

POWER-based platform Packages package.v.r.m.f.installtype

Image Type Target bff Name

Installation image for the POWER-based platform package.v.r.m.f.I
Installation image for Neutral
3.1 update for the POWER-based platform
3.2 update for the POWER-based platform
4.X** or later updates for the POWER-based platform
Update image for Neutral
** 4.X or later updates contain one package only. In addition, AIX
Version 4 and later updates do not contain ptf IDs.

package = the name of the software package as described by the

PackageName parameter

v.r.m.f = version.release.modification.fix, the level associated with

the software package.
The PackageName is usually not the same as the fileset name.

ptf = program temporary fix ID (also known as FixID)

The installation image file name has the form Package.Level.I. The
Package is the name of the software package,
as described for the Package Name parameter. Level has the format of
v.r.m.f, where v = version, r = release,
m = modification, f = fix. The I extension means that the image is an
installation image rather than an update image.

Update image files containing an AIX 3.1 formatted update have a service
number extension following the level.
The Servicenum parameter can be up to 4 digits in length. One example is

Update image files containing an AIX 3.2 formatted update have a ptf
extension following the level.
One example is bosnet.
AIX Version 4 and later update image file names begin with the fileset
name, not the PackageName.
They also have U extensions to indicate that they are indeed update
image files, not installation images.
One example of an update image file is bos.rte.install.

The all keyword indicates that installation image files are created for
every installable software package on the device.

You can extract a single update image with the AIX Version 4 and later
bffcreate command.
Then you must specify the fileset name and the v.r.m.f. parameter. As in
example 3 in the Examples section,
the PackageName parameter must be the entire fileset name,, not just

Attention: Be careful when selecting the target directory for the

extracted images, especially if
that directory already contains installable images. If a fileset at a
particular level exists as both
an installation image and as an update image in the same directory,
unexpected installation results can occur.
In cases like this, installp selects the image it finds first in the
table of contents (.toc) file.
The image it selects may not be the one you intended and unexpected
requisite failures can result.
As a rule of thumb, you should extract maintenance levels to clean

To create an installation image file from the software package
on the tape in the /dev/rmt0 tape drive
and use /var/tmp as the working directory, type:
# bffcreate -d /dev/rmt0.1 -w /var/tmp

To create an installation image file from the package software package

on the diskette in the /dev/rfd0
diskette drive and print the name of the installation image file without
being prompted, type:
# bffcreate -q -v package

To create a single update image file from the

software package on the CD in /dev/cd0, type:
# bffcreate -d /dev/cd0

To list the packages on the CD in /dev/cd0, type:

# bffcreate -l -d /dev/cd0

To create installation and/or update images from a CD in /dev/cd0 by

specifying a list of PackageNames
and Levels in a ListFile called my MyListFile, type:
# bffcreate -d /dev/cd0 -f MyListFile

To create installation or update images of all software packages on the

CD-ROM media for the current platform, type:
# bffcreate -d /dev/cd0 all
To list fileset information for the software package from a
particular device, type:
# bffcreate -d /usr/sys/inst.images/ -l

To list all the Neutral software packages on the CD-ROM media, type:
# bffcreate -d /dev/cd0 -MN -l

38.3 Software Packages on Linux:


38.3.1 RPM packages on Linux (1):


Note 1:

First we show a few simple examples:

- Examples getting software info from your system:

# rpm -q kernel

# rpm -q glibc

# rpm -q gcc

Show everything:

# rpm -qa

- Examples installing rpm packages:

# rpm -Uvh libpng-1.2.2-22.i386.rpm

# rpm -Uvh gnome-libs-

# rpm -Uvh oracleasm-support-2.0.0-1.i386.rpm \

oracleasm-lib-2.0.0-1.i386.rpm \

# rpm -Uvh /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/tripwire*.rpm

the U switch really means starting an Upgrade, but if nothing is there,
an installation will take place.

Note 2:
What is RPM?

RPM is the RPM Package Manager. It is an open packaging system available

for anyone to use.
It allows users to take source code for new software and package it into
source and binary form
such that binaries can be easily installed and tracked and source can be
rebuilt easily.
It also maintains a database of all packages and their files that can be
used for verifying packages
and querying for information about files and/or packages.

Red Hat, Inc. encourages other distribution vendors to take the time to
look at RPM and use it
for their own distributions. RPM is quite flexible and easy to use,
though it provides the base
for a very extensive system. It is also completely open and available,
though we would appreciate
bug reports and fixes. Permission is granted to use and distribute RPM
royalty free under the GPL.

More complete documentation is available on RPM in the book by Ed

Bailey, Maximum RPM. That book is
available for download or purchase at

RPM is a core component of many Linux distributions, such as Red Hat

Enterprise Linux, the Fedora Project,
SUSE Linux Enterprise, openSUSE, CentOS, Mandriva Linux, and many
It is also used on many other operating systems as well, and the RPM
format is part of the Linux Standard Base.

Acquiring RPM
The best way to get RPM is to install Red Hat Linux. If you don't want
to do that, you can still get
and use RPM. It can be acquired from

RPM Requirements
RPM itself should build on basically any Unix-like system. It has been
built and used on Tru64 Unix,
AIX, Solaris, SunOS, and basically all flavors of Linux.

To build RPMs from source, you also need everything normally required to
build a package, like gcc, make, etc.

In its simplest form, RPM can be used to install packages:

# rpm -i foobar-1.0-1.i386.rpm

The next simplest command is to uninstall a package:

# rpm -e foobar

One of the more complex but highly useful commands allows you to install
packages via FTP.
If you are connected to the net and want to install a new package, all
you need to do is specify
the file with a valid URL, like so:

# rpm -i

Please note, that RPM will now query and/or install via FTP.

While these are simple commands, rpm can be used in a multitude of ways.
To see which options are available
in your version of RPM, type:

# rpm --help

You can find more details on what those options do in the RPM man page,
found by typing:

# man rpm

RPM is a very useful tool and, as you can see, has several options. The
best way to make sense of them
is to look at some examples. I covered simple install/uninstall above,
so here are some more examples:

Let's say you delete some files by accident, but you aren't sure what
you deleted. If you want to verify
your entire system and see what might be missing, you would do:

# rpm -Va

Let's say you run across a file that you don't recognize. To find out
which package owns it, you would do:

# rpm -qf /usr/X11R6/bin/xjewel

The output would be sometime like:


You find a new koules RPM, but you don't know what it is. To find out
some information on it, do:

# rpm -qpi koules-1.2-2.i386.rpm

The output would be:

Name : koules Distribution: Red Hat Linux

Version : 1.2 Vendor: Red Hat Software
Release : 2 Build Date: Mon Sep 02
11:59:12 1996
Install date: (none) Build Host:
Group : Games Source RPM: koules-1.2-
Size : 614939
Summary : SVGAlib action game with multiplayer, network, and sound
Description :

This arcade-style game is novel in conception and excellent in

No shooting, no blood, no guts, no gore. The play is simple, but you
still must develop skill to play. This version uses SVGAlib to
run on a graphics console.

Now you want to see what files the koules RPM installs. You would do:

# rpm -qpl koules-1.2-2.i386.rpm

The output is:



rpm {-q|--query} [select-options] [query-options]

rpm {-V|--verify} [select-options] [verify-options]
rpm --import PUBKEY ...
rpm {-K|--checksig} [--nosignature] [--nodigest]


rpm {-i|--install} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...
rpm {-U|--upgrade} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...
rpm {-F|--freshen} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...
rpm {-e|--erase} [--allmatches] [--nodeps] [--noscripts]
[--notriggers] [--repackage] [--test] PACKAGE_NAME ...

rpm {--initdb|--rebuilddb}
rpm {--addsign|--resign} PACKAGE_FILE ...
rpm {--querytags|--showrc}
rpm {--setperms|--setugids} PACKAGE_NAME ...

Note 3:

rpm - RPM Package Manager

rpm {-q|--query} [select-options] [query-options]

rpm {-V|--verify} [select-options] [verify-options]
rpm --import PUBKEY ...
rpm {-K|--checksig} [--nosignature] [--nodigest]


rpm {-i|--install} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...
rpm {-U|--upgrade} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...
rpm {-F|--freshen} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...
rpm {-e|--erase} [--allmatches] [--nodeps] [--noscripts]
[--notriggers] [--repackage] [--test] PACKAGE_NAME ...

rpm {--initdb|--rebuilddb}
rpm {--addsign|--resign} PACKAGE_FILE ...
rpm {--querytags|--showrc}
rpm {--setperms|--setugids} PACKAGE_NAME ...


[PACKAGE_NAME] [-a,--all] [-f,--file FILE]

[-g,--group GROUP] {-p,--package PACKAGE_FILE]
[--fileid MD5] [--hdrid SHA1] [--pkgid MD5] [--tid TID]
[--querybynumber HDRNUM] [--triggeredby PACKAGE_NAME]
[--whatprovides CAPABILITY] [--whatrequires CAPABILITY]


[--changelog] [-c,--configfiles] [-d,--docfiles] [--dump]

[--filesbypkg] [-i,--info] [--last] [-l,--list]
[--provides] [--qf,--queryformat QUERYFMT]
[-R,--requires] [--scripts] [-s,--state]


[--nodeps] [--nofiles] [--noscripts]

[--nodigest] [--nosignature]
[--nolinkto] [--nomd5] [--nosize] [--nouser]
[--nogroup] [--nomtime] [--nomode] [--nordev]


[--aid] [--allfiles] [--badreloc] [--excludepath OLDPATH]

[--excludedocs] [--force] [-h,--hash]
[--ignoresize] [--ignorearch] [--ignoreos]
[--includedocs] [--justdb] [--nodeps]
[--nodigest] [--nosignature] [--nosuggest]
[--noorder] [--noscripts] [--notriggers]
[--oldpackage] [--percent] [--prefix NEWPATH]
[--relocate OLDPATH=NEWPATH]
[--repackage] [--replacefiles] [--replacepkgs]

rpm is a powerful Package Manager, which can be used to build, install,
query, verify, update, and erase
individual software packages. A package consists of an archive of files
and meta-data used to install
and erase the archive files. The meta-data includes helper scripts, file
attributes, and descriptive
information about the package. Packages come in two varieties: binary
packages, used to encapsulate
software to be installed, and source packages, containing the source
code and recipe necessary
to produce binary packages.

One of the following basic modes must be selected: Query, Verify,

Signature Check, Install/Upgrade/Freshen,
Uninstall, Initialize Database, Rebuild Database, Resign, Add Signature,
Set Owners/Groups, Show Querytags,
and Show Configuration.

These options can be used in all the different modes.

-?, --help
Print a longer usage message then normal.
Print a single line containing the version number of rpm being used.
Print as little as possible - normally only error messages will be
Print verbose information - normally routine progress messages will be
Print lots of ugly debugging information.
--rcfile FILELIST
Each of the files in the colon separated FILELIST is read sequentially
by rpm for configuration information.
Only the first file in the list must exist, and tildes will be expanded
to the value of $HOME.
The default FILELIST is
--pipe CMD
Pipes the output of rpm to the command CMD.
--dbpath DIRECTORY
Use the database in DIRECTORY rathen than the default path /var/lib/rpm
Use the file system tree rooted at DIRECTORY for all operations. Note
that this means the database within
DIRECTORY will be used for dependency checks and any scriptlet(s) (e.g.
%post if installing, or %prep if building,
a package) will be run after a chroot(2) to DIRECTORY.


The general form of an rpm install command is

rpm {-i|--install} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...

This installs a new package.

The general form of an rpm upgrade command is

rpm {-U|--upgrade} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...

This upgrades or installs the package currently installed to a newer

version. This is the same as install,
except all other version(s) of the package are removed after the new
package is installed.

rpm {-F|--freshen} [install-options] PACKAGE_FILE ...

This will upgrade packages, but only if an earlier version currently

exists. The PACKAGE_FILE may be specified
as an ftp or http URL, in which case the package will be downloaded
before being installed. See FTP/HTTP OPTIONS
for information on rpm's internal ftp and http client support.

Add suggested packages to the transaction set when needed.
Installs or upgrades all the missingok files in the package, regardless
if they exist.
Used with --relocate, permit relocations on all file paths, not just
those OLDPATH's included in the binary package relocation hint(s).
--excludepath OLDPATH
Don't install files whose name begins with OLDPATH.
Don't install any files which are marked as documentation (which
includes man pages and texinfo documents).
Same as using --replacepkgs, --replacefiles, and --oldpackage.
-h, --hash
Print 50 hash marks as the package archive is unpacked. Use with -v|--
verbose for a nicer display.
Don't check mount file systems for sufficient disk space before
installing this package.
Allow installation or upgrading even if the architectures of the binary
package and host don't match.
Allow installation or upgrading even if the operating systems of the
binary package and host don't match.
Install documentation files. This is the default behavior.
Update only the database, not the filesystem.
Don't verify package or header digests when reading.
Don't verify package or header signatures when reading.
Don't do a dependency check before installing or upgrading a package.
Don't suggest package(s) that provide a missing dependency.
Don't reorder the packages for an install. The list of packages would
normally be reordered to satisfy dependancies.
Don't execute the scriptlet of the same name. The --noscripts option is
equivalent to
--nopre --nopost --nopreun --nopostun

and turns off the execution of the corresponding %pre, %post, %preun,
and %postun scriptlet(s).

Don't execute any trigger scriptlet of the named type. The --notriggers
option is equivalent to
--notriggerin --notriggerun --notriggerpostun

and turns off execution of the corresponding %triggerin, %triggerun, and

%triggerpostun scriptlet(s).

Allow an upgrade to replace a newer package with an older one.
Print percentages as files are unpacked from the package archive. This
is intended to make rpm easy to run from other tools.
--prefix NEWPATH
For relocateable binary packages, translate all file paths that start
with the installation prefix in the package relocation hint(s) to
For relocatable binary packages, translate all file paths that start
with OLDPATH in the package relocation hint(s) to NEWPATH. This option
can be used repeatedly if several OLDPATH's in the package are to be
Re-package the files before erasing. The previously installed package
will be named according to the macro %_repackage_name_fmt and will be
created in the directory named by the macro %_repackage_dir (default
value is /var/tmp).
Install the packages even if they replace files from other, already
installed, packages.
Install the packages even if some of them are already installed on this
Do not install the package, simply check for and report potential
The general form of an rpm erase command is

rpm {-e|--erase} [--allmatches] [--nodeps] [--noscripts] [--notriggers]

[--repackage] [--test] PACKAGE_NAME ...

The following options may also be used:

Remove all versions of the package which match PACKAGE_NAME. Normally an
error is issued if PACKAGE_NAME matches multiple packages.
Don't check dependencies before uninstalling the packages.
Don't execute the scriptlet of the same name. The --noscripts option
during package erase is equivalent to
--nopreun --nopostun

and turns off the execution of the corresponding %preun, and %postun

Don't execute any trigger scriptlet of the named type. The --notriggers
option is equivalent to
--notriggerun --notriggerpostun

and turns off execution of the corresponding %triggerun, and

%triggerpostun scriptlet(s).
Re-package the files before erasing. The previously installed package
will be named according to the macro %_repackage_name_fmt and will be
created in the directory named by the macro %_repackage_dir (default
value is /var/tmp).
Don't really uninstall anything, just go through the motions. Useful in
conjunction with the -vv option for debugging.
The general form of an rpm query command is

rpm {-q|--query} [select-options] [query-options]

You may specify the format that package information should be printed
in. To do this, you use the

--qf|--queryformat QUERYFMT

option, followed by the QUERYFMT format string. Query formats are

modifed versions of the standard printf(3) formatting. The format is
made up of static strings (which may include standard C character
escapes for newlines, tabs, and other special characters) and printf(3)
type formatters. As rpm already knows the type to print, the type
specifier must be omitted however, and replaced by the name of the
header tag to be printed, enclosed by {} characters. Tag names are case
insesitive, and the leading RPMTAG_ portion of the tag name may be
omitted as well.

Alternate output formats may be requested by following the tag with

:typetag. Currently, the following types are supported:


Wrap a public key in ASCII armor.

Encode binary data using base64.
Use strftime(3) "%c" format.
Use strftime(3) "%a %b %d %Y" format.
Format dependency flags.
Format file flags.
Format in hexadecimal.
Format in octal.
Format file permissions.
Escape single quotes for use in a script.
Display trigger suffix.
For example, to print only the names of the packages queried, you could
use %{NAME} as the format string. To print the packages name and
distribution information in two columns, you could use %-30{NAME}%
{DISTRIBUTION}. rpm will print a list of all of the tags it knows about
when it is invoked with the --querytags argument.

There are two subsets of options for querying: package selection, and
information selection.


Query installed package named PACKAGE_NAME.
-a, --all
Query all installed packages.
-f, --file FILE
Query package owning FILE.
--fileid MD5
Query package that contains a given file identifier, i.e. the MD5 digest
of the file contents.
-g, --group GROUP
Query packages with the group of GROUP.
--hdrid SHA1
Query package that contains a given header identifier, i.e. the SHA1
digest of the immutable header region.
-p, --package PACKAGE_FILE
Query an (uninstalled) package PACKAGE_FILE. The PACKAGE_FILE may be
specified as an ftp or http style URL, in which case the package header
will be downloaded and queried. See FTP/HTTP OPTIONS for information on
rpm's internal ftp and http client support. The PACKAGE_FILE
argument(s), if not a binary package, will be interpreted as an ASCII
package manifest. Comments are permitted, starting with a '#', and each
line of a package manifest file may include white space seperated glob
expressions, including URL's with remote glob expressions, that will be
expanded to paths that are substituted in place of the package manifest
as additional PACKAGE_FILE arguments to the query.
--pkgid MD5
Query package that contains a given package identifier, i.e. the MD5
digest of the combined header and payload contents.
--querybynumber HDRNUM
Query the HDRNUMth database entry directly; this is useful only for
--specfile SPECFILE
Parse and query SPECFILE as if it were a package. Although not all the
information (e.g. file lists) is available, this type of query permits
rpm to be used to extract information from spec files without having to
write a specfile parser.
--tid TID
Query package(s) that have a given TID transaction identifier. A unix
time stamp is currently used as a transaction identifier. All package(s)
installed or erased within a single transaction have a common
--triggeredby PACKAGE_NAME
Query packages that are triggered by package(s) PACKAGE_NAME.
--whatprovides CAPABILITY
Query all packages that provide the CAPABILITY capability.
--whatrequires CAPABILITY
Query all packages that requires CAPABILITY for proper functioning.

Display change information for the package.
-c, --configfiles
List only configuration files (implies -l).
-d, --docfiles
List only documentation files (implies -l).
Dump file information as follows:

path size mtime md5sum mode owner group isconfig isdoc rdev symlink

This option must be used with at least one of -l, -c, -d.

List all the files in each selected package.
-i, --info
Display package information, including name, version, and description.
This uses the --queryformat if one was specified.
Orders the package listing by install time such that the latest packages
are at the top.
-l, --list
List files in package.
List capabilities this package provides.
-R, --requires
List packages on which this package depends.
List the package specific scriptlet(s) that are used as part of the
installation and uninstallation processes.
-s, --state
Display the states of files in the package (implies -l). The state of
each file is one of normal, not installed, or replaced.
--triggers, --triggerscripts
Display the trigger scripts, if any, which are contained in the package.
The general form of an rpm verify command is

rpm {-V|--verify} [select-options] [verify-options]

Verifying a package compares information about the installed files in

the package with information about the files taken from the package
metadata stored in the rpm database. Among other things, verifying
compares the size, MD5 sum, permissions, type, owner and group of each
file. Any discrepencies are displayed. Files that were not installed
from the package, for example, documentation files excluded on
installation using the "--excludedocs" option, will be silently ignored.
The package selection options are the same as for package querying
(including package manifest files as arguments). Other options unique to
verify mode are:

Don't verify dependencies of packages.
Don't verify package or header digests when reading.
Don't verify any attributes of package files.
Don't execute the %verifyscript scriptlet (if any).
Don't verify package or header signatures when reading.
Don't verify the corresponding file attribute.
The format of the output is a string of 8 characters, a possible
attribute marker:

c %config configuration file.

d %doc documentation file.
g %ghost file (i.e. the file contents are not included in the package
l %license license file.
r %readme readme file.

from the package header, followed by the file name. Each of the 8
characters denotes the result of a comparison of attribute(s) of the
file to the value of those attribute(s) recorded in the database. A
single "." (period) means the test passed, while a single "?" (question
mark) indicates the test could not be performed (e.g. file permissions
prevent reading). Otherwise, the (mnemonically emBoldened) character
denotes failure of the corresponding --verify test:

S file Size differs

M Mode differs (includes permissions and file type)
5 MD5 sum differs
D Device major/minor number mis-match
L readLink(2) path mis-match
U User ownership differs
G Group ownership differs
T mTime differs


The general forms of rpm digital signature commands are
rpm --import PUBKEY ...

rpm {--checksig} [--nosignature] [--nodigest]


The --checksig option checks all the digests and signatures contained in
PACKAGE_FILE to ensure the integrity and origin of the package. Note
that signatures are now verified whenever a package is read, and
--checksig is useful to verify all of the digests and signatures
associated with a package.

Digital signatures cannot be verified without a public key. An ascii

armored public key can be added to the rpm database using --import. An
imported public key is carried in a header, and key ring management is
performed exactly like package management. For example, all currently
imported public keys can be displayed by:

rpm -qa gpg-pubkey*

Details about a specific public key, when imported, can be displayed by

querying. Here's information about the Red Hat GPG/DSA key:

rpm -qi gpg-pubkey-db42a60e

Finally, public keys can be erased after importing just like packages.
Here's how to remove the Red Hat GPG/DSA key

rpm -e gpg-pubkey-db42a60e


rpm --addsign|--resign PACKAGE_FILE ...

Both of the --addsign and --resign options generate and insert new
signatures for each package PACKAGE_FILE given, replacing any existing
signatures. There are two options for historical reasons, there is no
difference in behavior currently.


In order to sign packages using GPG, rpm must be configured to run GPG
and be able to find a key ring with the appropriate keys. By default,
rpm uses the same conventions as GPG to find key rings, namely the
$GNUPGHOME environment variable. If your key rings are not located where
GPG expects them to be, you will need to configure the macro %_gpg_path
to be the location of the GPG key rings to use.

For compatibility with older versions of GPG, PGP, and rpm, only V3
OpenPGP signature packets should be configured. Either DSA or RSA
verification algorithms can be used, but DSA is preferred.

If you want to be able to sign packages you create yourself, you also
need to create your own public and secret key pair (see the GPG manual).
You will also need to configure the rpm macros
The signature type. Right now only gpg and pgp are supported.
The name of the "user" whose key you wish to use to sign your packages.
For example, to be able to use GPG to sign packages as the user "John
Doe <[email protected]>" from the key rings located in /etc/rpm/.gpg using
the executable /usr/bin/gpg you would include

%_signature gpg
%_gpg_path /etc/rpm/.gpg
%_gpg_name John Doe <[email protected]>
%_gpgbin /usr/bin/gpg

in a macro configuration file. Use /etc/rpm/macros for per-system

configuration and ~/.rpmmacros for per-user configuration.


The general form of an rpm rebuild database command is

rpm {--initdb|--rebuilddb} [-v] [--dbpath DIRECTORY] [--root DIRECTORY]

Use --initdb to create a new database, use --rebuilddb to rebuild the

database indices from the installed package headers.

The command

rpm --showrc

shows the values rpm will use for all of the options are currently set
in rpmrc and macros configuration file(s).

rpm can act as an FTP and/or HTTP client so that packages can be queried
or installed from the internet.
Package files for install, upgrade, and query operations may be
specified as an ftp or http style URL:


If the :PASSWORD portion is omitted, the password will be prompted for

(once per user/hostname pair).
If both the user and password are omitted, anonymous ftp is used. In all
cases, passive (PASV) ftp transfers
are performed.

rpm allows the following options to be used with ftp URLs:

--ftpproxy HOST
The host HOST will be used as a proxy server for all ftp transfers,
which allows users to ftp through firewall machines which use proxy
systems. This option may also be specified by configuring the macro
--ftpport HOST
The TCP PORT number to use for the ftp connection on the proxy ftp
server instead of the default port. This option may also be specified by
configuring the macro %_ftpport.
rpm allows the following options to be used with http URLs:

--httpproxy HOST
The host HOST will be used as a proxy server for all http transfers.
This option may also be specified by configuring the macro %_httpproxy.
--httpport PORT
The TCP PORT number to use for the http connection on the proxy http
server instead of the default port. This option may also be specified by
configuring the macro %_httpport.
Executing rpmbuild
The build modes of rpm are now resident in the /usr/bin/rpmbuild
executable. Although legacy compatibility provided by the popt aliases
below has been adequate, the compatibility is not perfect; hence build
mode compatibility through popt aliases is being removed from rpm.
Install the rpmbuild package, and see rpmbuild(8) for documentation of
all the rpm build modes previously documented here in rpm(8).

Add the following lines to /etc/popt if you wish to continue invoking

rpmbuild from the rpm command line:

rpm exec --bp rpmb -bp

rpm exec --bc rpmb -bc
rpm exec --bi rpmb -bi
rpm exec --bl rpmb -bl
rpm exec --ba rpmb -ba
rpm exec --bb rpmb -bb
rpm exec --bs rpmb -bs
rpm exec --tp rpmb -tp
rpm exec --tc rpmb -tc
rpm exec --ti rpmb -ti
rpm exec --tl rpmb -tl
rpm exec --ta rpmb -ta
rpm exec --tb rpmb -tb
rpm exec --ts rpmb -ts
rpm exec --rebuild rpmb --rebuild
rpm exec --recompile rpmb --recompile
rpm exec --clean rpmb --clean
rpm exec --rmsource rpmb --rmsource
rpm exec --rmspec rpmb --rmspec
rpm exec --target rpmb --target
rpm exec --short-circuit rpmb --short-circuit


39. Simplified overview Kernel parameters Solaris, AIX, Linux:

Throughout this document, you can find many other examples of settings.
This section is only a simplified overview.

39.1 Solaris:

The "/etc/system" file:

Available for Solaris Operating Environment, the /etc/system file

contains definitions for kernel configuration limits
such as the maximum number of users allowed on the system at a time, the
maximum number of processes per user,
and the inter-process communication (IPC) limits on size and number of
resources. These limits are important because
they affect, for example, DB2, Oracle performance on a Solaris Operating
Environment machine.

Some examples:

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=2500
set semsys:seminfo_semopm=100
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767

You can use, among others, the "ipcs" command and "adb" command to
retrieve kernel parameters and mem info.

Some remarks on Shared Memory and Semaphores:

- Shared Memory
Shared memory provides the fastest way for processes to pass large
amounts of data to one another.
As the name implies, shared memory refers to physical pages of memory
that are shared by more than one process.

Of particular interest is the "Intimate Shared Memory" facility, where

the translation tables are shared
as well as the memory. This enhances the effectiveness of the TLB
(Translation Lookaside Buffer),
which is a CPU-based cache of translation table information. Since the
same information is used for
several processes, available buffer space can be used much more
efficiently. In addition, ISM-designated memory
cannot be paged out, which can be used to keep frequently-used data and
binaries in memory.

Database applications are the heaviest users of shared memory. Vendor

recommendations should be consulted
when tuning the shared memory parameters.

Solaris 10 only uses the shmmax and shmmni parameters. (Other parameters
are set dynamically within the
Solaris 10 IPC model.)

shmmax (max-shm-memory in Solaris 10+): This is the maximum size of a

shared memory segment
(ie the largest value that can be used by shmget). Its theoretical
maximum value is 4294967295 (4GB),
but practical considerations usually limit it to less than this. There
is no reason not to tune this value
as high as possible, since no kernel resources are allocated based on
this parameter. Solaris 10 sets shmmax
to 1/4 physical memory by default, vs 512k for previous versions.
shmmin: This is the smallest possible shared memory segment size. The
default is 1 byte; this parameter
should probably not be tuned.
shmmni (max-shm-ids in Solaris 10+): Maximum number of shared memory
identifiers at any given time.
This parameter is used by kernel memory allocation to determine how much
size to put aside for shmid_ds structures.
Each of these is 112 bytes and requires an additional 8 bytes for a
mutex lock; if it is set too high, memory useage
can be a problem. The maximum setting for this variable in Solaris 2.5.1
and 2.6 is 2147483648 (2GB), and the
default is 100. For Solaris 10, the default is 128 and the maximum is
shmseg: Maximum number of segments per process. It is usually set to
shmmni, but it should always be less
than 65535. Sun documentations suggests a maximum for this parameter of
32767 and a default of 8 for
Solaris 2.5.1 and 2.6.

- Semaphores
Semaphores are a shareable resource that take on a non-negative integer
value. They are manipulted

by the P (wait) and V (signal) functions, which decrement and increment

the semaphore, respectively. When a
process needs a resource, a "wait" is issued and the semaphore is
decremented. When the semaphore contains
a value of zero, the resources are not available and the calling process
spins or blocks (as appropriate)
until resources are available. When a process releases a resource
controlled by a semaphore, it increments
the semaphore and the waiting processes are notified.

Solaris 10 only uses the semmni, semmsl and semopm parameters. (Other
parameters are dynamic within
the Solaris 10 IPC model.)
semmap: This sets the number of entries in the semaphore map. This
should never be greater than semmni. If the number
of semaphores per semaphore set used by the application is "n" then set
semmap = ((semmni + n - 1)/n)+1
or more. Alternatively, we can set semmap to semmni x semmsl. An
undersized semmap leads to "WARNING:
rmfree map overflow" errors. The default setting is 10; the maximum for
Solaris 2.6 is 2GB. The default for
Solaris 9 was 25; Solaris 10 increased the default to 512. The limit is
semmni (max-sem-ids in Solaris 10+): Maximum number of systemwide
semaphore sets. Each control structure consumes
84 bytes. For Solaris 2.5.1-9, the default setting is 10; for Solaris
10, the default setting is 128.
The maximum is 65535
semmns: Maximum number of semaphores in the system. Each structure uses
16 bytes. This parameter should be set
to semmni x semmsl. The default is 60; the maximum is 2GB.
semmnu: Maximum number of undo structures in the system. This should be
set to semmni so that each control structure
has an undo structure. The default is 30, the maximum is 2 GB.
semmsl (max-sem-nsems in Solaris 10+): Maximum number of semaphores per
semaphore set. The default is 25,
the maximum is 65535.
semopm (max-sem-ops in Solaris 10+): Maximum number of semaphore
operations that can be performed in each
semop call. The default in Solaris 2.5.1-9 is 10, the maximum is 2 GB.
Solaris 10 increased the default to 512.
semume: Maximum number of undo structures per process. This should be
set to semopm times the number of processes
that will be using semaphores at any one time. The default is 10; the
maximum is 2 GB.
semusz: Number of bytes required for semume undo structures. This should
not be tuned; it is set to
semume x (1 + sizeof(undo)). The default is 96; the maximum is 2 GB.
semvmx: Maximum value of a semaphore. This should never exceed 32767
(default value) unless SEM_UNDO
is never used. The default is 32767; the maximum is 65535.
semaem: Maximum adjust-on-exit value. This should almost always be left
alone. The default is 16384;
the maximum is 32767.

39.2 Linux:

Kernel parameters used for system configuration are found in

"/etc/sysctl.conf" and on a running system also in "/proc/sys/kernel",
where you
will find an individual file for each configuration parameter. Because
these parameters have a direct effect on system
performance and viability, you must have root access in order to modify

Occasionally, a prerequisite to a package installation requires the

modification of kernel parameters.
Since each parameter file contains a single line of data consisting of
either a text
string or numeric values, it is often easy to modify a parameter by
simply using the echo command:

# echo 2048 > /proc/sys/kernel/msgmax

The aforementioned command will set the value of the msgmax parameter to

-- More on the proc File System:

The Linux kernel has two primary functions: to control access to

physical devices on the computer
and to schedule when and how processes interact with these devices.
The /proc/ directory contains
a hierarchy of special files which represent the current state of the
kernel - allowing applications
and users to peer into the kernel's view of the system.

Within the /proc/ directory, one can find a wealth of information about
the system hardware and any processes
currently running. In addition, some of the files within the /proc/
directory tree can be manipulated by users
and applications to communicate configuration changes to the kernel.

Under Linux, all data are stored as files. Most users are familiar with
the two primary types of files:
text and binary. But the /proc/ directory contains another type of file
called a virtual file.
It is for this reason that /proc/ is often referred to as a virtual file
These virtual files have unique qualities. Most of them are listed as
zero bytes in size and yet when one
is viewed, it can contain a large amount of information. In addition,
most of the time and date settings
on virtual files reflect the current time and date, indicative of the
fact they constantly changing.

Virtual files such as interrupts, /proc/meminfo, /proc/mounts, and

/proc/partitions provide an
up-to-the-moment glimpse of the system's hardware. Others, like
/proc/filesystems and the /proc/sys/
directory provide system configuration information and interfaces.

For organizational purposes, files containing information on a similar

topic are grouped into virtual
directories and sub-directories. For instance, /proc/ide/ contains
information for all physical IDE devices.
Likewise, process directories contain information about each running
process on the system.

By using the cat, more, or less commands on files within the /proc/
directory, you can immediately access
an enormous amount of information about the system. For example, if you
want to see what sort of CPU
your computer has, type "cat /proc/cpuinfo" and you will see something
similar to the following:

processor : 0
vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
cpu family : 5
model : 9
model name : AMD-K6(tm) 3D+ Processor
stepping : 1
cpu MHz : 400.919
cache size : 256 KB
fdiv_bug : no
hlt_bug : no
f00f_bug : no
coma_bug : no
fpu : yes
fpu_exception : yes
cpuid level : 1
wp : yes
flags : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 pge mmx syscall 3dnow
bogomips : 799.53

When viewing different virtual files in the /proc/ file system, you will
notice some of the information is
easily understandable while some is not human-readable. This is in part
why utilities exist to pull data
from virtual files and display it in a useful way. Some examples of such
applications are
lspci, apm, free, and top.

As a general rule, most virtual files within the /proc/ directory are
read only. However, some can be used
to adjust settings in the kernel. This is especially true for files in
the /proc/sys/ subdirectory.

To change the value of a virtual file, use the echo command and a >
symbol to redirect the new value to the file.
For instance, to change your hostname on the fly, you can type:

echo > /proc/sys/kernel/hostname

Other files act as binary or boolean switches. For instance, if you type
cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward,
you will see either a 0 or a 1. A 0 indicates the kernel is not
forwarding network packets. By using the
echo command to change the value of the ip_forward file to 1, you can
immediately turn packet forwarding on.

Another command used to alter settings in the /proc/sys/ subdirectory is


-- sysctl:
Linux also provides the sysctl command to modify kernel parameters at
Sysctl uses parameter information stored in a file called
/etc/sysctl.conf. If, for example, we wanted to
change the value of the msgmax parameter as we did above, but this time
using sysctl, the command would
look like this:

# sysctl -w kernel.msgmax=2048

- About the kernel:

Finding the Kernel

Locate the kernel image on your hard disk. It should be in the file
/vmlinuz, or /vmlinux, or /boot/vmlinux
In some installations, /vmlinuz is a soft link to the actual kernel, so
you may need to track down
the kernel by following the links. On Redhat 6.1 it is in
"/boot/vmlinuz". To find the kernel being used
look in "/etc/lilo.conf".

You can also type "uname -a" to see the kernel version.


This file shows the parameters passed to the kernel at the time it is
started. A sample /proc/cmdline file
looks like this:

ro root=/dev/hda2

This tell us the kernel is mounted read-only - signified by (ro) - off

of the second partition
on the first IDE device (/dev/hda2).

- Kernel, memory tuning:

Most about tuning memory en kernel params seem to do with the

"/etc/sysctl.conf" file:

In most distributions, the "/etc/sysctl.conf" determines the limits

and/or behaviour of the kernel
and memory.

If you type "sysctl -a |more" you will see a long list of kernel
You can use this sysctl program to modify these parameters, for example:

# sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=100000000
# sysctl -w fs.file-max=65536
# echo "kernel.shmmax = 100000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Example configuration: setting kernel parameters before installing

Oracle 10g:

Most out of the box kernel parameters (of RHELS 3,4,5) are set correctly
for Oracle
except a few.

You should have the following minimal configuration:

net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range 1024 65000

kernel.sem 250 32000 100 128
kernel.shmmni 4096
kernel.shmall 2097152
kernel.shmmax 2147483648
fs.file-max 65536

You can check the most important parameters using the following command:

# /sbin/sysctl -a | egrep 'sem|shm|file-max|ip_local'

net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000

kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
kernel.shmmni = 4096
kernel.shmall = 2097152
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
fs.file-max = 65536

If some value should be changed, you can change the "/etc/sysctl.conf"

file and run the "/sbin/sysctl -p" command
to change the value immediately.
Every time the system boots, the init program runs the
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit script. This script contains
a command to execute sysctl using /etc/sysctl.conf to dictate the values
passed to the kernel.
Any values added to /etc/sysctl.conf will take effect each time the
system boots.

Example configuration: from: Installing Oracle 91 on Linux


For Linux, use the ipcs command to obtain a list of the system's current
shared memory segments and
semaphore sets, and their identification numbers and owner.

Perform the following steps to modify the kernel parameters by using the
/proc file system.

Log in as the root user.

Change to the /proc/sys/kernel directory.

Review the current semaphore parameter values in the sem file by using
the cat or more utility.
For example, using the cat utility, enter the following command:
# cat sem

The output lists, in order, the values for the SEMMSL, SEMMNS, SEMOPM,
and SEMMNI parameters.
The following example shows how the output appears:

250 32000 32 128

In the preceding output example, 250 is the value of the SEMMSL

parameter, 32000 is the value of the
SEMMNS parameter, 32 is the value of the SEMOPM parameter, and 128 is
the value of the SEMMNI parameter.

Modify the parameter values by using the following command syntax:

# echo SEMMSL_value SEMMNS_value SEMOPM_value SEMMNI_value > sem

Replace the parameter variables with the values for your system in the
order that they are entered
in the preceding example. For example:

# echo 100 32000 100 100 > sem

Review the current shared memory parameters by using the cat or more
utility. For example, using the cat utility,
enter the following command:

# cat shared_memory_parameter

In the preceding example, the variable shared_memory_parameter is either

the SHMMAX or SHMMNI parameter.
The parameter name must be entered in lowercase letters.

Modify the shared memory parameter by using the echo utility. For
example, to modify the SHMMAX parameter,
enter the following command:

# echo 2147483648 > shmmax

Modify the shared memory parameter by using the echo utility. For
example, to modify the SHMMNI parameter,
enter the following command:

# echo 4096 > shmmni

Modify the shared memory parameter by using the echo utility. For
example, to modify the SHMALL parameter,
enter the following command:

# echo 2097152 > shmall

Write a script to initialize these values during system startup, and

include the script in your system init files.

See Also:
Your system vendor's documentation for more information on script files
and init files.

Set the File Handles by using ulimit -n and /proc/sys/fs/file-max.

# echo 65536 > /proc/sys/fs/file-max

ulimit -n 65536

Set the Sockets to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range

# echo 1024 65000 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_change

Set the Process limit by using ulimit -u. This will give you the number
of processes per user.

ulimit -u 16384

39.4 Linux modules:


Modules on Linux (1):


- insmod, rmmod, lsmod


lsmod - list loaded modules.

lsmod [-hV]
lsmod shows information about all loaded modules.
The format is name, size, use count, list of referring modules. The
information displayed is identical
to that available from "/proc/modules".

If the module controls its own unloading via a can_unload routine then
the user count displayed by lsmod
is always -1, irrespective of the real use count.


insmod - install loadable kernel module

insmod [-fhkLmnpqrsSvVxXyYN] [-e persist_name] [-o module_name] [-O
blob_name] [-P prefix] module [ symbol=value ... ]
insmod installs a loadable module in the running kernel.
insmod tries to link a module into the running kernel by resolving all
symbols from the kernel's
exported symbol table.
If the module file name is given without directories or extension,
insmod will search for the module
in some common default directories. The environment variable MODPATH can
be used to override this default.
If a module configuration file such as /etc/modules.conf exists, it will
override the paths defined in MODPATH.

The environment variable MODULECONF can also be used to select a

different configuration file from the
default /etc/modules.conf (or /etc/conf.modules (deprecated)). This
environment variable will override
all the definitions above.

When environment variable UNAME_MACHINE is set, modutils will use its

value instead of the machine field
from the uname() syscall. This is mainly of use when you are compiling
64 bit modules in 32 bit user space
or vice versa, set UNAME_MACHINE to the type of the modules. Current
modutils does not support full
cross build mode for modules, it is limited to choosing between 32 and
64 bit versions of the host architecture.


rmmod - unload loadable modules

rmmod [ -aehrsvV ] module ...
rmmod unloads loadable modules from the running kernel.
rmmod tries to unload a set of modules from the kernel, with the
restriction that they are not in use
and that they are not referred to by other modules.

If more than one module is named on the command line, the modules will
be removed in the given order.
This supports unloading of stacked modules.

With the option '-r', a recursive removal of modules will be attempted.

This means that if a top module
in a stack is named on the command line, all modules that are used by
this module will be removed as well,
if possible.

More info about the mod commands:


- Hardware Detection with the Help of hwinfo

hwinfo can detect the hardware of your system and select the drivers
needed to run this hardware.
Get a small introduction to this command with hwinfo --help. If you, for
example, need information about
your SCSI devices, use the command hwinfo --scsi.
All this information is also available in YaST in the hardware
information module.

- Handling Modules
The following commands are available:

insmod loads the requested module after searching for it in a
subdirectory of /lib/modules/<version>.
It is better, however, to use modprobe rather than insmod.

Unloads the requested module. This is only possible if this module is no
longer needed. For example,
the isofs module cannot be unloaded while a CD is still mounted.

Creates the file modules.dep in /lib/modules/<version> that defines the
dependencies of all the modules.
This is necessary to ensure that all dependent modules are loaded with
the selected ones.
This file will be built after the system is started if it does not

Loads or unloads a given module while taking into account dependencies
of this module. This command
is extremely powerful and can be used for a lot of things (e.g., probing
all modules of a given type
until one is successfully loaded). In contrast to insmod, modprobe
checks /etc/modprobe.conf and therefore
is the preferred method of loading modules. For detailed information
about this topic, refer to the
corresponding man page.

Shows which modules are currently loaded as well as how many other
modules are using them. Modules started
by the kernel daemon are tagged with autoclean. This label denotes that
these modules will automatically
be removed once they reach their idle time limit.

Shows module information.

The loading of modules is affected by the files /etc/modprobe.conf
and /etc/modprobe.conf.local
and the directory /etc/modprobe.d. See man modprobe.conf. Parameters for
modules that access hardware directly
must be entered in this file. Such modules may need system-specific
options (e.g., CD-ROM driver or network driver).
The parameters used here are described in the kernel sources. Install
the package kernel-source and read the
documentation in the directory /usr/src/linux/Documentation.

Kmod - the Kernel Module Loader

The kernel module loader is the most elegant way to use modules. Kmod
performs background monitoring
and makes sure the required modules are loaded by modprobe as soon as
the respective functionality is needed
in the kernel.

To use Kmod, activate the option `Kernel module loader' (CONFIG_KMOD) in

the kernel configuration.
Kmod is not designed to unload modules automatically; in view of today's
RAM capacities, the potential memory savings
would be marginal. For reasons of performance, monolithic kernels may be
more suitable for servers
that are used for special tasks and need only a few drivers.


Example 1:

# This file is autogenerated from /etc/modules.conf using generate-

modprobe.conf command

alias eth1 sk98lin

alias eth0 ipw2200
alias sound-slot-0 snd-hda-intel
install scsi_hostadapter /sbin/modprobe ahci; /bin/true
remove snd-hda-intel /sbin/modprobe -r snd-pcm-oss; /sbin/modprobe
--first-time -r --ignore-remove snd-hda-intel
install snd-hda-intel /sbin/modprobe --first-time --ignore-install snd-
hda-intel && { /sbin/modprobe snd-pcm-oss; /bin/true; }
install usb-interface /sbin/modprobe uhci-hcd; /sbin/modprobe ehci-
hcd; /bin/true
#alias eth1 eth1394
alias ieee1394-controller ohci1394
alias net-pf-10 off

alias tty-ldisc-11 irtty
alias char-major-161-* ircomm-tty

# Para nsc 383 SIO:

alias char-major-160-* nsc-ircc
alias irda0 nsc-ircc
options nsc-irc io=0x2f8 irq=3 dma=0
install nsc-ircc { /bin/setserial /dev/ttyS1 uart none; } ;
/sbin/modprobe --first-time --ignore-install nsc-ircc

#irda: 0x2f8, irq 3, dma 0

#lpt: 0x3f8, irq 7, dma 1

options parport_pc io=0x378 irq=7 dma=1

Example 2:

alias ieee1394-controller ohci1394

alias eth0 eepro100
alias sound-slot-0 emu10k1
alias net-pf-10 off
install snd-emu10k1 /sbin/modprobe --first-time --ignore-install snd-
&& { /sbin/modprobe snd-pcm-oss; /bin/true; }
install usb-interface /sbin/modprobe usb-uhci; /sbin/modprobe ehci-
hcd; /bin/true
remove snd-emu10k1 { /sbin/modprobe -r snd-pcm-oss; } ; /sbin/modprobe
-r --first-time --ignore-remove snd-emu10k1


Note 1:

SuSEconfig and /etc/sysconfig

The main configuration of SUSE LINUX can be made with the configuration
files in /etc/sysconfig.
Former versions of SUSE LINUX relied on /etc/rc.config for system
configuration, but it became obsolete
in previous versions. /etc/rc.config is not created at installation
time, as all system configuration
is controlled by /etc/sysconfig. However, if /etc/rc.config exists at
the time of a system update,
it remains intact.

The individual files in /etc/sysconfig are only read by the scripts to

which they are relevant. This ensures
that network settings, for instance, need to be parsed only by network-
related scripts. Apart from that,
there are many other system configuration files that are generated
according to the settings in /etc/sysconfig.
This task is performed by SuSEconfig. For example, if you change the
network configuration, SuSEconfig is likely
to make changes to the file /etc/host.conf as well, as this is one of
the files relevant for the
network configuration.

If you change anything in these files manually, run SuSEconfig

afterwards to make sure all the necessary
changes are made in all the relevant places. If you change the
configuration using the YaST sysconfig editor,
all changes are applied automatically - YaST automatically starts
SuSEconfig to update the configuration
files as needed.

This concept enables you to make basic changes to your configuration

without needing to reboot the system.
Because some changes are rather complex, some programs must be restarted
for the changes to take effect.
For instance, changes to the network configuration may require a restart
of the network programs concerned.
This can be achieved by entering the commands rcnetwork stop and
rcnetwork start.
Note 2:

The Linux sysconfig directory

The /etc/sysconfig directory is where many of the files that control the
system configuration are stored.
This section lists these files and many of the optional values in the
files used to make system changes.
To get complete information on these files read the file

Used to configure the system clock to Universal or local time and set
some other clock parameters. An example file:

UTC - true means the clock is set to UTC time otherwise it is at local
ARC - Set true on alpha stations only. It indicates the ARC console's
42-year time offset is in effect. If not set to true, the normal Unix
epoch is assumed.
ZONE="filename" - indicates the zonefile under the directory
/usr/share/zoneinfo that the /etc/localtime file is a copy of. This may
be set to:

This file is used to set some terminal characteristics and environment
variables. A sample listing:
# color => new RH6.0 bootup
# verbose => old-style bootup
# anything else => new style bootup without ANSI colors or positioning
# column to start "[ OK ]" label in
# terminal sequence to move to that column. You could change this
# to something like "tput hpa ${RES_COL}" if your terminal supports it
MOVE_TO_COL="echo -en \\033[${RES_COL}G"
# terminal sequence to set color to a 'success' color (currently: green)
SETCOLOR_SUCCESS="echo -en \\033[1;32m"
# terminal sequence to set color to a 'failure' color (currently: red)
SETCOLOR_FAILURE="echo -en \\033[1;31m"
# terminal sequence to set color to a 'warning' color (currently:
SETCOLOR_WARNING="echo -en \\033[1;33m"
# terminal sequence to reset to the default color.
SETCOLOR_NORMAL="echo -en \\033[0;39m"
# default kernel loglevel on boot (syslog will reset this)
# Set to something other than 'no' to turn on magic sysrq keys...
# Set to anything other than 'no' to allow hotkey interactive startup...

BOOTUP=bootupmode - Choices are color, or verbose. The choice color sets
new boot display. The choice verbose sets old style display. Anything
else sets a new display without ANSI formatting.
LOGLEVEL=number - Sets the initial console logging level for the kernel.
The default is 7. The values are:
emergency, panic - System is unusable
alert - Action must be taken immediately
crit - Critical conditions
err, error (depreciated) - Error conditions
warning, warn (depreciated) - Warning conditions
notice - Normal but significant conditions
info - Informational message
debug - Debug level message
RES_COL=number - Screen column to start status labels at. The Default is
MOVE_TO_COL=command - A command to move the cursor to $RES_COL.
SETCOLOR_SUCCESS=command - Set the color used to indicate success.
SETCOLOR_FAILURE=command - Set the color used to indicate failure.
SETCOLOR_WARNING=command - Set the color used to indicate warning.
SETCOLOR_NORMAL=command - Set the color used tor normal color
MAGIC_SYSRQ=yes|no - Set to 'no' to disable the magic sysrq key.
PROMPT=yes|no - Set to 'no' to disable the key check for interactive

Used to configure the keyboard. Used by the startup script
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit. An example file:

KEYTABLE="keytable file" - The line
[ KEYTABLE="/usr/lib/kbd/keytables/" ] tells the system to use the
file shown for keymapping.
KEYBOARDTYPE=sun|pc - The selection, "sun", indicates attached on
/dev/kbd is a sun keyboard. The selection "pc" indicates a PS/2 keyboard
is on the ps/2 port.

This file is used to configure the mouse. An example file:
FULLNAME="Generic - 2 Button Mouse (PS/2)"

MOUSETYPE=type - Choices are microsoft, mouseman, mousesystems, ps/2,
msbm, logibm, atibm, logitech, mmseries, or mmhittab.
XEMU3=yes|no - If yes, emulate three buttons, otherwise not.

Used to configure networking options. All IPX options default to off. An
example file:

NETWORKING=yes|no - Sets network capabilities on or off.
HOSTNAME="hostname". To work with old software, the /etc/HOSTNAME file
should contain the same hostname.
FORWARD_IPV4=yes|no - Turns the ability to perform IP forwarding on or
off. Turn it on if you want to use the machine as a router. Turn it off
to use it as a firewall or IP masquerading.
DEFRAG_IPV4=yes|no - Set this to automatically defragment IPv4 packets.
This is good for masquerading, and a bad idea otherwise. It defaults to
GATEWAY="gateway IP"
GATEWAYDEV="gateway device" Possible values include eth0, eth1, or ppp0.
NISDOMAIN="nis domain name"
IPX=yes|no - Turn IPX ability on or off.
IPXAUTOPRIMARY=on|off - Must not be yes or no.

Configures static routes on a network. Used to set up static routing. An
example file:
eth1 net netmask gw
eth0 net netmask gw
eth1 net netmask

The syntax is:

device net network netmask netmask gw gateway

The device may be a device name such as eth0 which is used to have the
route brought up and down as the device is brought up or down. The value
can also be "any" to let the system calculate the correct devices at run

Sets up dynamic routing policies. An example file:


Used to configure pcmcia network cards. An example file:
PCIC_OPTS=socket driver (i82365 or tcic) timing parameters
CORE_OPTS=pcmcia_core options
CARDMGR_OPTS=cardmgr options

Used to configure the auto mount daemon. An example file:
MOUNTPTS='/net /etc/amd.conf'

ADIR=/.automount (normally never changed)
MOUNTPTS='/net /etc/amd.conf' (standard automount stuff)
AMDOPTS= (extra options for AMD)

Used for backup tape device configuration. Options:
DEV=/dev/nst0 - The tape device. Use the non-rewinding tape for these
scripts. For SCSI tapes the device is /dev/nst#, where # is the number
of the tape drive you want to use. If you only have one then use nst0.
For IDE tapes the device is /dev/ht#. For floppy tape drives the device
is /dev/ftape.
ADMIN=root - The person to mail to if the backup fails for any reason
SLEEP=5 - The time to sleep between tape operations.
BLOCKSIZE=32768 - This worked fine for 8mm, then 4mm, and now DLT. An
optimal setting is probably the amount of data your drive writes at one
SHORTDATE=$(date +%y:%m:%d:%H:%M) - A short date string, used in backup
log filenames.
DAY=$(date +log-%y:%m:%d) - Used for the log file directory.
DATE=$(date) - Date string, used in log files.
LOGROOT=/var/log/backup - Root of the logging directory
LIST=$LOGROOT/incremental-list - This is the file name the incremental
backup will use to store the incremental list. It will be $LIST-{some
DOTCOUNT=$LOGROOT/.count - For counting as you go to know which
incremental list to use.
COUNTER=$LOGROOT/counter-file - For rewinding when done...might not use.
BACKUPTAB=/etc/backuptab - The file in which we keep our list of
backup(s) we want to make.

An example file:

DAEMON=yes|no - yes implies -bd
QUEUE=1h - Given to sendmail as -q$QUEUE. The -q option is not given to
sendmail if /etc/sysconfig/sendmail exists and QUEUE is empty or
Controls the system font settings. The language variables are used in
/etc/profile.d/ An example i18n file:

LANG= set locale for all categories, can be any two letter ISO language
LC_CTYPE= localedata configuration for classification and conversion of
LC_COLLATE= localedata configuration for collation (sort order) of
LC_MESSAGES= localedata configuration for translation of yes and no
LC_NUMERIC= localedata configuration for non-monetary numeric data.
LC_MONETARY= localedata configuration for monetary data.
LC_TIME= localedata configuration for date and time.
LC_ALL= localedata configuration overriding all of the above.
LANGUAGE= can be a : separated list of ISO language codes.
LINGUAS= can be a ' ' separated list of ISO language codes.
SYSFONT= any font that is legal when used as /usr/bin/consolechars -f
$SYSFONT ... (See console-tools package for consolechars command)
UNIMAP= any SFM (screen font map, formerly called Unicode mapping table
- see consolechars(8))
/usr/bin/consolechars -f $SYSFONT --sfm $UNIMAP

SYSFONTACM= any ACM (application charset map - see consolechars(8))

/usr/bin/consolechars -f $SYSFONT --acm $SYSFONTACM

The above is used by the /sbin/setsysfont command (which is run by

rc.sysinit at boot time.)

These are symbolic links to /sbin/ifup and /sbin/ifdown, respectively.
These symlinks are here for legacy purposes only. They will probably be
removed in future versions. These scripts take one argument normally:
the name of the device (e.g. eth0). They are called with a second
argument of "boot" during the boot sequence so that devices that are not
meant to be brought up on boot (ONBOOT=no, see below) can be ignored at
that time.

This is not really a public file. Contains functions which the scripts
use for bringing interfaces up and down. In particular, it contains most
of the code for handling alternative interface configurations and
interface change notification through netreport.

Defines an interface. An example file called ifcfg-eth0:

The /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-interface-clone file only

contains the parts of the definition that are different in a "clone" (or
alternative) interface. For example, the network numbers might be
different, but everything else might be the same, so only the network
numbers would be in the clone file, but all the device information would
be in the base ifcfg file.

Base items in the above two files:

NAME="friendly name for users to see" - Most important for PPP. Only
used in front ends.
DEVICE="name of physical device"
BOOTPROTO=none|bootp|dhcp - If BOOTPROTO is not "none", then the only
other item that must be set is the DEVICE item; all the rest will be
determined by the boot protocol. No "dummy" entries need to be created.
Base items being deprecated:
NETWORK="will be calculated automatically with ifcalc"
BROADCAST="will be calculated automatically with ifcalc"
Ethernet-only items:
configuration matrix for IPX. Only used if IPX is active. Managed
from /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-ipx
PPP/SLIP items:
MODEMPORT=device - An example device is /dev/modem.
LINESPEED=speed - An example speed is 115200.
DEFABORT=yes|no - Tells netcfg whether or not to put default abort
strings in when creating/editing the chat script and/or dip script for
this interface.
PPP-specific items
WVDIALSECT="list of sections from wvdial.conf to use" - If this variable
is set, then the chat script (if it exists) is ignored, and wvdial is
used to open the PPP connection.
PEERDNS=yes|no - Modify /etc/resolv.conf if peer uses msdns extension.
DEFROUTE=yes|no - Set this interface as default route?
ESCAPECHARS=yes|no -Simplified interface here doesn't let people specify
which characters to escape; almost everyone can use asyncmap 00000000
anyway, and they can set PPPOPTIONS to asyncmap foobar if they want to
set options perfectly).
HARDFLOWCTL=yes|no - Yes implies "modem crtscts" options.
PPPOPTIONS="arbitrary option string" - It is placed last on the command
line, so it can override other options like asyncmap that were specified
PAPNAME="name $PAPNAME" - On pppd command line. Note that the
"remotename" option is always specified as the logical ppp device name,
like "ppp0" (which might perhaps be the physical device ppp1 if some
other ppp device was brought up earlier...), which makes it easy to
manage pap/chap files -- name/password pairs are associated with the
logical ppp device name so that they can be managed together.
REMIP="remote ip address" - Normally unspecified.
DISCONNECTTIMEOUT="number of seconds" The current default is 5. This is
the time to wait before re-establishing the connection after a
successfully-connected session terminates before attempting to establish
a new connection.
RETRYTIMEOUT="number of seconds" - The current default is 60. This is
the time to wait before re-attempting to establish a connection after a
previous attempt fails.
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/chat-interface - This is the chat script
for PPP or SLIP connection intended to establish the connection. For
SLIP devices, a DIP script is written from the chat script; for PPP
devices, the chat script is used directly.

A write-only script created from the chat script by netcfg. Do not
modify this. In the future, this file may disappear by default and
created on-the-fly from the chat script if it does not exist.

Called when any network device EXCEPT a SLIP device comes up. Calls
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-routes to bring up static routes
that depend on that device. Calls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-
aliases to bring up aliases for that device. Sets the hostname if it is
not already set and a hostname can be found for the IP for that device.
Sends SIGIO to any programs that have requested notification of network
events. It could be extended to fix up nameservice configuration, call
arbitrary scripts, etc, as needed.

Set up static routes for a device. An example file:

# adds static routes which go through device $1

if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
echo "usage: $0 <net-device>"
exit 1

if [ ! -f /etc/sysconfig/static-routes ]; then
exit 0

#note the trailing space in the grep gets rid of aliases

grep "^$1 " /etc/sysconfig/static-routes | while read device args; do
/sbin/route add -$args $device

Bring up aliases for a device.

Called by dhcpcd once dhcp configuration is complete; sets up
/etc/resolv.conf from the version dhcpcd dropped in

Note 3:

Red Hat Linux 8.0: The Official Red Hat Linux Reference Guide
Prev Chapter 3. Boot Process, Init, and Shutdown Next


The /etc/sysconfig/ Directory

The following information outlines some of the files found in the
/etc/sysconfig/ directory, their function,
and their contents. This information is not intended to be complete, as
many of these files have a variety
of options that are only used in very specific or rare circumstances.

The /usr/share/doc/initscripts-<version-number>/sysconfig.txt file

contains a more authoritative listing
of the files found in the /etc/sysconfig directory and the configuration
options available.

Files in the /etc/sysconfig/ Directory

The following files are normally found in the /etc/sysconfig/ directory:


It is possible that your system may be missing a few of them if the

corresponding program that would need
that file is not installed.

Next, we will take a look at each one.

The /etc/sysconfig/amd file contains various parameters used by amd
allowing for the automounting and
automatic unmounting of file systems.

The /etc/sysconfig/apmd file is used by apmd as a configuration for what
things to start/stop/change
on suspend or resume. It is set up to turn on or off apmd during
startup, depending on whether your hardware
supports Advanced Power Management (APM) or if you choose not to use it.
apm is a monitoring daemon that works
with power management code within the Linux kernel. It can alert you to
a low battery if you are using
Red Hat Linux on a laptop, among other things.

The /etc/sysconfig/arpwatch file is used to pass arguments to the
arpwatch daemon at boot time.
The arpwatch daemon maintains a table of Ethernet MAC addresses and
their IP address pairings.
For more information about what parameters you can use in this file,
type man arpwatch. By default,
this file sets the owner of the arpwatch process to the user pcap.

The /etc/sysconfig/authconfig file sets the kind of authorization to be
used on the host.
It contains one or more of the following lines:

USEMD5=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

yes - MD5 is used for authentication.

no - MD5 is not used for authentication.

USEKERBEROS=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

yes - Kerberos is used for authentication.

no - Kerberos is not used for authentication.

USELDAPAUTH=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

yes - LDAP is used for authentication.

no - LDAP is not used for authentication.

The /etc/sysconfig/clock file controls the interpretation of values read
from the system hardware clock.

The correct values are:

UTC=<value>, where <value> is one of the following boolean values:

true or yes - Indicates that the hardware clock is set to Universal

false or no - Indicates that the hardware clock is set to local time.

ARC=<value>, where <value> is the following:

true or yes - Indicates the ARC console's 42-year time offset is in

effect. This setting is only
for ARC- or AlphaBIOS-based Alpha systems. Any other value indicates
that the normal UNIX epoch is in use.

SRM=<value>, where <value> is the following:

true or yes - Indicates the SRM console's 1900 epoch is in effect. This
setting is only for SRM-based
Alpha systems. Any other value indicates that the normal UNIX epoch is
in use.

ZONE=<filename> - Indicates the timezone file under /usr/share/zoneinfo

that /etc/localtime is a copy of, such as:

ZONE="America/New York"
Earlier releases of Red Hat Linux used the following values (which are

CLOCKMODE=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

GMT - Indicates that the clock is set to Universal Time (Greenwich Mean

ARC - Indicates the ARC console's 42-year time offset is in effect (for
Alpha-based systems only).

The /etc/sysconfig/desktop file specifies the desktop manager to be run,
such as:


The /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd file is used to pass arguments to the dhcpd
daemon at boot time.
The dhcpd daemon implements the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) and the Internet Bootstrap
Protocol (BOOTP). DHCP and BOOTP assign hostnames to machines on the
network. For more information
about what parameters you can use in this file, type man dhcpd.

Beginning with Red Hat Linux 8.0, the first time you boot the system,
the /sbin/init program calls
the etc/rc.d/init.d/firstboot script. This allows the user to install
additional applications
and documentation before the boot process completes.

The /etc/sysconfig/firstboot file tells the firstboot command not to run

on subsequent reboots.
If you want firstboot to run the next time you boot the system, simply
remove /etc/sysconfig/firstboot
and execute chkconfig --level 5 firstboot on.

The /etc/sysconfig/gpm file is used to pass arguments to the gpm daemon
at boot time. The gpm daemon is the
mouse server which allows mouse acceleration and middle-click pasting.
For more information about what
parameters you can use in this file, type man gpm. By default, it sets
the mouse device to /dev/mouse.

The /etc/sysconfig/harddisks file allows you to tune your hard drive(s).
You can also use /
etc/sysconfig/hardiskhd[a-h], to configure parameters for specific

Do not make changes to this file lightly. If you change the default
values stored here, you could
corrupt all of the data on your hard drive(s).

The /etc/sysconfig/harddisks file may contain the following:

USE_DMA=1, where setting this to 1 enables DMA. However, with some

chipsets and hard drive combinations,
DMA can cause data corruption. Check with your hard drive documentation
or manufacturer before enabling this.

Multiple_IO=16, where a setting of 16 allows for multiple sectors per

I/O interrupt. When enabled,
this feature reduces operating system overhead by 30-50%. Use with

EIDE_32BIT=3 enables (E)IDE 32-bit I/O support to an interface card.

LOOKAHEAD=1 enables drive read-lookahead.

EXTRA_PARAMS= specifies where extra parameters can be added.

The /etc/sysconfig/hwconf file lists all the hardware that kudzu
detected on your system, as well as
the drivers used, vendor ID and device ID information. The kudzu program
detects and configures new and/or
changed hardware on a system. The /etc/sysconfig/hwconf file is not
meant to be manually edited.
If you do edit it, devices could suddenly show up as being added or

The /etc/sysconfig/i18n file sets the default language, such as:


The /etc/sysconfig/identd file is used to pass arguments to the identd
daemon at boot time.
The identd daemon returns the username of processes with open TCP/IP
connections. Some services on
the network, such as FTP and IRC servers, will complain and cause slow
responses if identd is not running.
But in general, identd is not a required service, so if security is a
concern, you should not run it.
For more information about what parameters you can use in this file,
type man identd. By default,
the file contains no parameters.

The /etc/sysconfig/init file controls how the system will appear and
function during the boot process.

The following values may be used:

BOOTUP=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

BOOTUP=color means the standard color boot display, where the success or
failure of devices and services starting up is shown in different

BOOTUP=verbose means an old style display, which provides more

information than purely a message of success or failure.

Anything else means a new display, but without ANSI-formatting.

RES_COL=<value>, where <value> is the number of the column of the screen

to start status labels. Defaults to 60.

MOVE_TO_COL=<value>, where <value> moves the cursor to the value in the

RES_COL line. Defaults to ANSI sequences output by echo -e.

SETCOLOR_SUCCESS=<value>, where <value> sets the color to a color

indicating success. Defaults to ANSI sequences output by echo -e,
setting the color to green.

SETCOLOR_FAILURE=<value>, where <value> sets the color to a color

indicating failure. Defaults to ANSI sequences output by echo -e,
setting the color to red.

SETCOLOR_WARNING=<value>, where <value> sets the color to a color

indicating warning. Defaults to ANSI sequences output by echo -e,
setting the color to yellow.

SETCOLOR_NORMAL=<value>, where <value> sets the color to 'normal'.

Defaults to ANSI sequences output by echo -e.

LOGLEVEL=<value>, where <value> sets the initial console logging level

for the kernel. The default is 7; 8 means everything (including
debugging); 1 means nothing except kernel panics. syslogd will override
this once it starts.

PROMPT=<value>, where <value> is one of the following boolean values:

yes - Enables the key check for interactive mode.

no - Disables the key check for interactive mode.

The /etc/sysconfig/ipchains file contains information used by the kernel
to set up ipchains packet filtering rules at boot time or whenever the
service is started.

This file is modified by typing the command /sbin/service ipchains save

when valid ipchains rules are in place. You should not manually edit
this file. Instead, use the /sbin/ipchains command to configure the
necessary packet filtering rules and then save the rules to this file
using /sbin/service ipchains save.

Use of ipchains to set up firewall rules is not recommended as it is

deprecated and may disappear from future releases of Red Hat Linux. If
you need a firewall, you should use iptables instead.

Like /etc/sysconfig/ipchains, the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file stores
information used by the kernel to set up packet filtering services at
boot time or whenever the service is started.

You should not modify this file by hand unless you are familiar with how
to construct iptables rules. The simplest way to add rules is to use the
/usr/sbin/lokkit command or the gnome-lokkit graphical application to
create your firewall. Using these applications will automatically edit
this file at the end of the process.

If you wish, you can manually create rules using /sbin/iptables and then
type /sbin/service iptables save to add the rules to the
/etc/sysconfig/iptables file.

Once this file exists, any firewall rules saved there will persist
through a system reboot or a service restart.

For more information on iptables see Chapter 13.

The /etc/sysconfig/irda file controls how infrared devices on your
system are configured at startup.

The following values may be used:

IRDA=<value>, where <value> is one of the following boolean values:

yes - irattach will be run, which periodically checks to see if anything

is trying to connect to the infrared port, such as another notebook
computer trying to make a network connection. For infrared devices to
work on your system, this line must be set to yes.

no - irattach will not be run, preventing infrared device communication.

DEVICE=<value>, where <value> is the device (usually a serial port) that

handles infrared connections.

DONGLE=<value>, where <value> specifies the type of dongle being used

for infrared communication. This setting exists for people who use
serial dongles rather than real infrared ports. A dongle is a device
that is attached to a traditional serial port to communicate via
infrared. This line is commented out by default because notebooks with
real infrared ports are far more common than computers with add-on

DISCOVERY=<value>, where <value> is one of the following boolean


yes - Starts irattach in discovery mode, meaning it actively checks for

other infrared devices. This needs to be turned on for the machine to be
actively looking for an infrared connection (meaning the peer that does
not initiate the connection).

no - Does not start irattach in discovery mode.

The /etc/sysconfig/keyboard file controls the behavior of the keyboard.
The following values may be used:

KEYBOARDTYPE=sun|pc, which is used on SPARCs only. sun means a Sun

keyboard is attached on /dev/kbd, and pc means a PS/2 keyboard connected
to a PS/2 port.

KEYTABLE=<file>, where <file> is the name of a keytable file.

For example: KEYTABLE="us". The files that can be used as keytables

start in /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386 and branch into different keyboard
layouts from there, all labeled <file>.kmap.gz. The first file found
beneath /lib/kbd/keymaps/i386that matches the KEYTABLE setting is used.

The /etc/sysconfig/kuzdu allows you to specify a safe probe of your
system's hardware by kudzu at boot time. A safe probe is one that
disables serial port probing.

SAFE=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

yes - kuzdu does a safe probe.

no - kuzdu does a normal probe.

The /etc/sysconfig/mouse file is used to specify information about the
available mouse. The following values may be used:

FULLNAME=<value>, where <value> refers to the full name of the kind of

mouse being used.

MOUSETYPE=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

microsoft - A MicrosoftT mouse.

mouseman - A MouseManT mouse.

mousesystems - A Mouse SystemsT mouse.

ps/2 - A PS/2 mouse.

msbm - A MicrosoftT bus mouse.

logibm - A LogitechT bus mouse.

atibm - An ATIT bus mouse.

logitech - A LogitechT mouse.

mmseries - An older MouseManT mouse.

mmhittab - An mmhittab mouse.

XEMU3=<value>, where <value> is one of the following boolean values:

yes - The mouse only has two buttons, but three mouse buttons should be

no - The mouse already has three buttons.

XMOUSETYPE=<value>, where <value> refers to the kind of mouse used when

X is running. The options here are the same as the MOUSETYPE setting in
this same file.

DEVICE=<value>, where <value> is the mouse device.

In addition, /dev/mouse is a symbolic link that points to the actual

mouse device.

The /etc/sysconfig/named file is used to pass arguments to the named
daemon at boot time. The named daemon is a Domain Name System (DNS)
server which implements the Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) version
9 distribution. This server maintains a table of which hostnames are
associated with IP addresses on the network.

Currently, only the following values may be used:

ROOTDIR="</some/where>", where </some/where> refers to the full

directory path of a configured chroot environment under which named will
run. This chroot environment must first be configured. Type info chroot
for more information on how to do this.

OPTIONS="<value>", where <value> any option listed in the man page for
named except -t. In place of -t, use the ROOTDIR line above instead.

For more information about what parameters you can use in this file,
type man named. For detailed information on how to configure a BIND DNS
server, see Chapter 16. By default, the file contains no parameters.

The /etc/sysconfig/netdump file is the configuration file for the
/etc/init.d/netdump service. The netdump service sends both oops data
and memory dumps over the network. In general, netdump is not a required
service, so you should only run it if you absolutely need to. For more
information about what parameters you can use in this file, type man

The /etc/sysconfig/network file is used to specify information about the
desired network configuration. The following values may be used:

NETWORKING=<value>, where <value> is one of the following boolean


yes - Networking should be configured.

no - Networking should not be configured.

HOSTNAME=<value>, where <value> should be the Fully Qualified Domain
Name (FQDN), such as, but can be whatever hostname
you want.

For compatibility with older software that people might install (such
as trn), the /etc/HOSTNAME file should contain the same value as here.

GATEWAY=<value>, where <value> is the IP address of the network's


GATEWAYDEV=<value>, where <value> is the gateway device, such as eth0.

NISDOMAIN=<value>, where <value> is the NIS domain name.

The /etc/sysconfig/ntpd file is used to pass arguments to the ntpd
daemon at boot time. The ntpd daemon sets and maintains the system clock
to synchronize with an Internet standard time server. It implements
version 4 of the Network Time Protocol (NTP). For more information about
what parameters you can use in this file, point a browser at the
following file: /usr/share/doc/ntp-<version>/ntpd.htm (where <version>
is the version number of ntpd). By default, this file sets the owner of
the ntpd process to the user ntp.

The /etc/sysconfig/pcmcia file is used to specify PCMCIA configuration
information. The following values may be used:

PCMCIA=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

yes - PCMCIA support should be enabled.

no - PCMCIA support should not be enabled.

PCIC=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

i82365 - The computer has an i82365-style PCMCIA socket chipset.

tcic - The computer has a tcic-style PCMCIA socket chipset.

PCIC_OPTS=<value>, where <value> is the socket driver (i82365 or tcic)

timing parameters.

CORE_OPTS=<value>, where <value> is the list of pcmcia_core options.

CARDMGR_OPTS=<value>, where <value> is the list of options for the

PCMCIA cardmgr (such as -q for quiet mode; -m to look for loadable
kernel modules in the specified directory, and so on). Read the cardmgr
man page for more information.

The /etc/sysconfig/radvd file is used to pass arguments to the radvd
daemon at boot time. The radvd daemon listens to for router requests and
sends router advertisements for the IP version 6 protocol. This service
allows hosts on a network to dynamically change their default routers
based on these router advertisements. For more information about what
parameters you can use in this file, type man radvd. By default, this
file sets the owner of the radvd process to the user radvd.

The /etc/sysconfig/rawdevices file is used to configure raw device
bindings, such as:

/dev/raw/raw1 /dev/sda1
/dev/raw/raw2 8 5

The /etc/sysconfig/redhat-config-users file is the configuration file
for the graphical application, User Manager. Under Red Hat Linux 8.0
this file is used to filter out system users such as root, daemon, or
lp. This file is edited by the Preferences => Filter system users and
groups pull-down menu in the User Manager application and should not be
edited by hand. For more information on using this application, see the
chapter called User and Group Configuration in the Official Red Hat
Linux Customization Guide.

The /etc/sysconfig/redhat-logviewer file is the configuration file for
the graphical, interactive log viewing application, Log Viewer. This
file is edited by the Edit => Preferences pull-down menu in the Log
Viewer application and should not be edited by hand. For more
information on using this application, see the chapter called Log Files
in the Official Red Hat Linux Customization Guide.

The /etc/sysconfig/samba file is used to pass arguments to the smbd and
the nmbd daemons at boot time. The smbd daemon offers file sharing
connectivity for Windows clients on the network. The nmbd daemon offers
NetBIOS over IP naming services. For more information about what
parameters you can use in this file, type man smbd. By default, this
file sets smbd and nmbd to run in daemon mode.

The /etc/sysconfig/sendmail file allows messages to be sent to one or
more recipients, routing the message over whatever networks are
necessary. The file sets the default values for the Sendmail application
to run. Its default values are to run as a background daemon, and to
check its queue once an hour in case something has backed up.

The following values may be used:

DAEMON=<value>, where <value> is one of the following boolean values:

yes - Sendmail should be configured to listen to port 25 for incoming

mail. yes implies the use of Sendmail's -bd options.

no - Sendmail should not be configured to listen to port 25 for incoming

QUEUE=1h which is given to Sendmail as -q$QUEUE. The -q option is not
given to Sendmail if /etc/sysconfig/sendmail exists and QUEUE is empty
or undefined.

The /etc/sysconfig/soundcard file is generated by sndconfig and should
not be modified. The sole use of this file is to determine what card
entry in the menu to pop up by default the next time sndconfig is run.
Sound card configuration information is located in the /etc/modules.conf

It may contain the following:

CARDTYPE=<value>, where <value> is set to, for example, SB16 for a

Soundblaster 16 sound card.

The /etc/sysconfig/squid file is used to pass arguments to the squid
daemon at boot time. The squid daemon is a proxy caching server for Web
client applications. For more information on configuring a squid proxy
server, use a Web browser to open the /usr/share/doc/squid-<version>/
directory (replace <version> with the squid version number installed on
your system). By default, this file sets squid top start in daemon mode
and sets the amount of time before it shuts itself down.

The /etc/sysconfig/tux file is the configuration file for the Red Hat
Content Accelerator (formerly known as TUX), the kernel-based web
server. For more information on configuring the Red Hat Content
Accelerator, use a Web browser to open the /usr/share/doc/tux-
<version>/tux/index.html (replace <version> with the version number of
TUX installed on your system). The parameters available for this file
are listed in /usr/share/doc/tux-<version>/tux/parameters.html.

The /etc/sysconfig/ups file is used to specify information about any
Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) connected to your system. A UPS can
be very valuable for a Red Hat Linux system because it gives you time to
correctly shut down the system in the case of power interruption. The
following values may be used:

SERVER=<value>, where <value> is one of the following:

yes - A UPS device is connected to your system.

no - A UPS device is not connected to your system.

MODEL=<value>, where <value> must be one of the following or set to NONE

if no UPS is connected to the system:

apcsmart - For a APC SmartUPST or similar device.

fentonups - For a Fenton UPST.

optiups - For an OPTI-UPST device.

bestups - For a Best PowerT UPS.

genericups - For a generic brand UPS.

ups-trust425+625 - For a TrustT UPS.

DEVICE=<value>, where <value> specifies where the UPS is connected, such

as /dev/ttyS0.

OPTIONS=<value>, where <value> is a special command that needs to be

passed to the UPS.

The /etc/sysconfig/vncservers file configures the way the Virtual
Network Computing (VNC) server starts up.

VNC is a remote display system which allows you to view a desktop

environment not only on the machine where it is running but across
different networks on a variety of architectures.

It may contain the following:

VNCSERVERS=<value>, where <value> is set to something like "1:fred", to

indicate that a VNC server should be started for user fred on display :
1. User fred must have set a VNC password using vncpasswd before
attempting to connect to the remote VNC server.

Note that when you use a VNC server, your communication with it is
unencrypted, and so it should not be used on an untrusted network. For
specific instructions concerning the use of SSH to secure the VNC
communication, please read the information found at To find out more about
SSH, see Chapter 9 or Official Red Hat Linux Customization Guide.

The /etc/sysconfig/xinetd file is used to pass arguments to the xinetd
daemon at boot time.
The xinetd daemon starts programs that provide Internet services when a
request to the port for that service
is received. For more information about what parameters you can use in
this file, type man xinetd.
For more information on the xinetd service, see the Section called
Access Control Using xinetd in Chapter 8.

Directories in the /etc/sysconfig/ Directory

The following directories are normally found in /etc/sysconfig/ and a
basic description of what they contain:

apm-scripts - This contains the Red Hat APM suspend/resume script. You
should not edit this file directly. If you need customization, simple
create a file called /etc/sysconfig/apm-scripts/apmcontinue and it will
be called at the end of the script. Also, you can control the script by
editing /etc/sysconfig/apmd.

cbq - This directory contains the configuration files needed to do Class

Based Queuing for bandwidth management on network interfaces.
networking - This directory is used by the Network Administration Tool
(redhat-config-network) and its contents should not be edited manually.
For more information about configuring network interfaces using the
Network Administration Tool, see the chapter called Network
Configuration in the Official Red Hat Linux Customization Guide.

network-scripts - This directory contains the following network-related

configuration files:

Network configuration files for each configured network interface, such

as ifcfg-eth0 for the eth0 Ethernet interface.

Scripts used to bring up and down network interfaces, such as ifup and

Scripts used to bring up and down ISDN interfaces, such as ifup-isdn and

Various shared network function scripts which should not be edited


For more information on the network-scripts directory, see Chapter 12

rhn - This directory contains the configuration files and GPG keys for
the Red Hat Network. No files in this directory should be edited by
hand. For more information on the Red Hat Network, see the Red Hat
Network website at the following URL:

39.5 More on AIX kernel parameters:


Througout this document, you can find many AIX kernel parameter
Most commands are related to retrieving or changing attributes on the
sys0 object.

Please see section 9.2 for a complete description.

For example, take a look at the following example:

maxuproc: Specifies the maximum number of processes per user ID.

Values: Default: 40; Range: 1 to 131072
Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxuproc
Change: chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=NewValue
Change takes effect immediately and is preserved over
boot. If value is reduced,
then it goes into effect only after a system boot.
Diagnosis: Users cannot fork any additional processes.
Tuning: This is a safeguard to prevent users from creating too
many processes.

Kernel Tunable Parameters

Following are kernel parameters, grouped into the following sections:
-Scheduler and Memory Load Control Tunable Parameters
-Virtual Memory Manager Tunable Parameters
-Synchronous I/O Tunable Parameters
-Asynchronous I/O Tunable Parameters
-Disk and Disk Adapter Tunable Parameters
-Interprocess Communication Tunable Parameters
-Scheduler and Memory Load Control Tunable Parameters
-Most of the scheduler and memory load control tunable parameters are
fully described in the schedo man page.
-The following are a few other related parameters:

40. NFS:

On Solaris:

NFS uses a number of deamons to handle its services. These services are
initialized at startup
from the "/etc/init.d/nfs.server" and "/etc/init.d/nfs.client" startup

nfsd: handles filesystem exporting and file access from remote

mountd: handles mount requests from nfs clients. provides also
info about which filesystems
are mounted by which clients. use the showmount command
to view this information.
lockd: runs on nfs server and nfs clients and provides locking
statd: runs on nfs server and nfs clients and provides crash
and recovery functions for lockd
rpcbind: facilitates the initial connection between client and
nfslogd: provides logging


To start the NFS daemons for each system, whether client or Server, you
can use either

# smitty mknfs
# mknfs -N (or -B or -I)

The mknfs command configures the system to rum the NFS daemons. The
command also adds an entry
to the /etc/inittab file, so that the /etc/rc.nsf file is executed on
system restart.

mknfs flags:
-B: adds an entry to the inittab and it also executes /etc/rc.nsf to
start the daemons now.
-I: adds an entry to the inittab to execute rc.nfs at system restart.
-N: executes rc.nfs now to start the daemons.

The NFS daemons can be started individually or all at once. To start

individual daemons, you can use
the System Resource Controller:

# startsrc -s daemon, like e.g. # startsrc -s nfsd

To start the complete nfs system:

(good command)

# startsrc -g nfs

Exporting NFS directories:

To export filesystems using smitty, follow this procedure:

1. Verify that NFS is already running using the command "lssrc -g nfs".
The output should indicate
that the nfsd and rpc.mountd daemons are active.

# lssrc -g nfs
Subsystem Group PID Status
biod nfs 1234 active
nfsd nfs 5678 active
rpc.mountd nfs 9101 active
rpc.statd nfs 1213 active
rpc.lockd nfs 1516 active

2. To export the dirctory use either

# smitty mknfsexp or
# mknfsexp or
# edit the /etc/exports file, like for example
vi /etc/exports





ifconfig enables or disables a network interface, sets its IP address,
subnet mask, and sets
various other options.

ifconfig interface address options .. up


# ifconfig -a
Displays the systems IP address and mac address.

# ifconfig en0 netmask 255.255.255 up

# ifconfig lo0 up
# ifconfig en0 netmask broadcast up

An identifier as en0 identifies the network interface to which the

command applies.
Some common names are ie0, le0, le1, en0, we0, qe0, hme0, eth0, lan0,

Under Solaris, network interfaces must be attached with "ifconfig

interface plumb"
before they become configurable.


This utility can list all registered RPC services running on a system,
for example

# rpcinfo -p

You can also unregister an rpc service using the -d option, for example

#rpcinfo -d sprayd 1

which would stop spayd


The route command defines static routes.

route [-f] add/delete destination gateway [hop-count]

# route add default gateway_ipaddress


- /etc/hostname.interface
The file contains the hostname or IP address associated with the
Suppose the system is called system1 and the interface is le0
then the file would be "hostname.le0" and contains the entry "system1".

- /etc/nodename
The file should contain one entry: the hostname of the local machine.

- /etc/defaultdomain
The file is present if the network uses a name service. The file should
one entry: the fully qualified Domain name of the administrative domain
to which
the local host belongs.

- /etc/inet/hosts or /etc/hosts
This is the well known local hosts file, which resolves names to IP
The /etc/hosts is a symbolic link to /etc/inet/hosts.

- /etc/defaultrouter
This file should contain an entry for each router directly connected to
the network.

- /etc/inetd.conf
The inetd deamon runs on behalf of other networkservices. It starts the
appropriate server process
when a request for that service is received. The /etc/inetd.conf file
lists the services that
inetd is to provide

- /etc/services
This file lists the well known ports.

- /etc/hosts.equiv
This file contains a list of trusted hosts for a remote system, one per
It has the following structure:
system2 user_a

If the user attemps to login remotely by using rlogin from one of the
hosts listed
in this file, the system allows the user to login without a password.


This file is the user equivalent of /etc/hosts.equiv file. This is

normally regarded as a security hole.
This file could be found in a user home directory. It could contain the
name of a remote host
that want, for example, copy files to this host.

- /etc/resolv.conf

Create or edit /etc/resolv.conf

Here you tell it three things:

What domain we're in

Specify any additional search domains
What the nameservers are (it will use them in the order you put them in
the file)
When you're done it should look something like this:

# cat resolv.conf

41.2 AIX:

41.2.1 Network initialization at boot:


At IPL time, the init process will run the /etc/rc.tcpip after starting
the SRC.
This is so because in /etc/inittab the following record is present:

rctcpip:23456789:wait:/etc/rc.tcpip > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start TCP/IP


The /etc/rc.tcpip file is a shell script that uses SRC commands to

initialize selected deamons.
It can also be executed at any time from the command line.
These deamons are:

inetd (started by default),gated,routed,named,timed,rwhod

There are also deamons specific to the bos or to other applications that
can be started through
the rc.tcpip file. These deamons are lpd, portmap, sendmail, syslogd
(started by default)

The subsystems started from rc.tcpip can be stopped and restarted using
the stopsrc and startsrc commands.

# stopsrc -s inetd

To configure tcp/ip use the command

# mktcpip

or use smitty

# smitty mktcpip (only for the first time)

# smitty tcpip
# smitty inet OR smitty chgenet (for configuring the network interface)
# smitty configtcp (many advanced options)

or use the Web-based System manager.

Smitty uses a number of screens to guide you through the process, As an

example of the command, take
a look at the following example:

# mktcpip -h server1 -a -m -i en0 \

-n -d -g -s -C -A no

If you need to further configure your network, use

# smitty configtcp

41.2.2 resolving hostnames and /etc/netsvc.conf:


The default order in resolving host names is:

- BIND/DNS (named)
- Network Information Service (NIS)
- Local /etc/hosts file

The default order can be overwritten by creating the configuration file,

/etc/netsvc.conf and specifying
the desired order. Both the default and /etc/netsvc.conf can be
overwritten with the environment variable NSORDER.

You can override the order by creating the /etc/netsvc.conf file with an
If /etc/netsvc.conf does not exist, it will be just like you have the
following entry:

hosts = bind,nis,local

You can override the order by changing the NSORDER environment variable.
If it is not set,
it will be just like you have issued the command:

export NSORDER=bind,nis,local

the /etc/resolv.conf file:


If you use name services, you can provide the minimal information needed
through the mktcpip command.
Typically, the "/etc/resolv.conf" file stores your domain name and name
server ip addresses.
The mktcpip command creates or updates the /etc/resolv.conf file for

41.2.3 Adapter:

When an adapter is added to the system, a logical device is created in

the ODM, for example
Ethernet adapters as follows:

# lsdev -Cc adapter | grep ent

ent0 Available 10-80 IBM PCI Ethernet Adapter (22100020)
ent1 Available 20-60 Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI Adapter (14100401)

So you will have an adapter, and a corresponding interface, like for

The Adapter is : ent0
Then the interface is: en0

To list all interfaces on the system, use:

# lsdev -Cc if
en0 Defined 10-80 Standard Ethernet Network Interface
en1 Defined 20-60 Standard Ethernet Network Interface
et0 Defined 10-80 IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Network INterface
et1 Defined 20-60 IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Network INterface
lo0 Available Loopback Network INterface

A corresponding network interface will allow tcpip to use the adapter.

Most of the time, we will deal with auto-detectable adapters, but in
some cases an interface might
need to be created manually with
# smitty inet or smitty mkinet

To change or view attributes like duplex settings, use

# smitty chgenet

more info:

An Ethernet can have 2 interfaces: Standard ethernet (enX) or IEEE 802.3

(etX). X is the same number
in the entX adapter name, like for example ent0 and en0. Only one of
these interfaces can be using
TCPIP at a time. The adapter ent0 can have en0 and et0 interfaces.
An ATM adapter (atmX) can have only one atm interface (atX). For example
ATM adapter atm0 has an at0 interface.

41.2.4 Other stuff:



The iptrace command can be used to record the packets that are exchanged
on an interface to and from
a remote host. This is like a Solaris snoop facility.

1. To start the iptrace daemon with the System Resource Controller
startsrc -s iptrace -a "/tmp/nettrace"

To stop the iptrace daemon with SRC enter the following:

stopsrc -s iptrace

2. To record packets coming in and going out to any host on every

enter the command in the following format:

iptrace /tmp/nettrace

The recorded packets are received on and sent from the local host.
packet flow between the local host and all other hosts on any
interface is
recorded. The trace information is placed into the /tmp/nettrace
3. To record packets received on an interface from a specific remote
enter the command in the following format:

iptrace - i en0 -p telnet -s airmail /tmp/telnet.trace

The packets to be recorded are received on the en0 interface, from

hostairmail, over the telnet port. The trace information is placed
into the
/tmp/telnet.trace file.
4. To record packets coming in and going out from a specific remote
enter the command in the following format:

iptrace -i en0 -s airmail -b /tmp/telnet.trace

The packets to be recorded are received on the en0 interface, from

hostairmail. The trace information is placed into the

Adding routes:

Use smitty mkroute

or use the route add command, like for example:

# route add -net 192.168.1 -netmask

Changing the IP Address:

You can check the interfaces whether they have IP addresses asigned to
them with
# ifconfig -a
# ifconfig <interface>

Changing the IP adress:

# smitty mktcpip
# smitty chinet

or use the ifconfig command, like for example:

# ifconfig tr0 up # activate interface

# ifconfig tr0 down # deactivate
# ifconfig tr0 detach # removes the
# ifconfig tr0 # put it back again
# ifconfig tr0 delete # delete the IP
# ifconfig en0 netmask up # configure IP
params on the interface

You can even use the chdev command like:

# chdev -l en0 -a netaddr='' -a netmask=''

Smitty and chdev will update the ODM database, and makes changes
permanent, while ifconfig commands will not.

host.equiv and .rhost files:


- /etc/hosts.equiv
This file contains a list of trusted hosts for a remote system, one per
It has the following structure:
system2 user_a

If the user attemps to login remotely by using rlogin from one of the
hosts listed
in this file, the system allows the user to login without a password.


This file is the user equivalent of /etc/hosts.equiv file. This is

normally regarded as a security hole.

For example, to allow all the users on the host toaster and machine to
login to the local host,
you would have a host.equiv file like

To allow only the user bob to login from starboss, you would have

starboss bob

To allow the user lester to login from any host, you would have

starboss bob
+ lester

Show statistics and collisions of an interface:


# entstat -d en0

This command shows Media speed and that kind of stuff etc..

Check the current routing table:


# netstat -nr

Add or change routes can be done by using "smitty mkroute".

If your system is going to be configured as a static router (it has 2 or

more network interface cards),
then it needs to be enabled as a router by the no command, that is the
network option command, for example

# no -o ipforwarding=1


The no command is used to configure network attributes. The no commands

sets or displays current
network attributes in the kernel. It will only operate on the currently
running kernel.
Whether the commands sets or displays an attribute is determined by the
accompanying flag:
the -o flag performs both actions.

Some examples:

# no -o thewall=3072
# no -o tcp_sendspace=16384
# no -o ipqmaxlen=512 (controls the number of incoming packets
that can exists on the IP interrupt queue)

# no -a

arpqsize = 12
arpt_killc = 20
arptab_bsiz = 7
arptab_nb = 149
bcastping = 0
clean_partial_conns = 1
delayack = 0
delayackports = {}
dgd_packets_lost = 3
dgd_ping_time = 5
dgd_retry_time = 5
directed_broadcast = 0
extendednetstats = 0
fasttimo = 200
icmp6_errmsg_rate = 10
icmpaddressmask = 0
ie5_old_multicast_mapping = 0
ifsize = 256
inet_stack_size = 16
ip6_defttl = 64
ip6_prune = 1
ip6forwarding = 0
ip6srcrouteforward = 0
ip_ifdelete_notify = 0
ip_nfrag = 200
ipforwarding = 0
ipfragttl = 2
ipignoreredirects = 1
ipqmaxlen = 100
ipsendredirects = 1
ipsrcrouteforward = 0
ipsrcrouterecv = 0
ipsrcroutesend = 0
llsleep_timeout = 3
lo_perf = 1
lowthresh = 90
main_if6 = 0
main_site6 = 0
maxnip6q = 20
maxttl = 255
medthresh = 95
mpr_policy = 1
multi_homed = 1
nbc_limit = 891289
nbc_max_cache = 131072
nbc_min_cache = 1
nbc_ofile_hashsz = 12841
nbc_pseg = 0
nbc_pseg_limit = 1048576
ndd_event_name = {all}
ndd_event_tracing = 0
ndp_mmaxtries = 3
ndp_umaxtries = 3
ndpqsize = 50
ndpt_down = 3
ndpt_keep = 120
ndpt_probe = 5
ndpt_reachable = 30
ndpt_retrans = 1
net_buf_size = {all}
net_buf_type = {all}
net_malloc_police = 0
nonlocsrcroute = 0
nstrpush = 8
passive_dgd = 0
pmtu_default_age = 10
pmtu_expire = 10
pmtu_rediscover_interval = 30
psebufcalls = 20
psecache = 1
pseintrstack = 24576
psetimers = 20
rfc1122addrchk = 0
rfc1323 = 0
rfc2414 = 1
route_expire = 1
routerevalidate = 0
rto_high = 64
rto_length = 13
rto_limit = 7
rto_low = 1
sack = 0
sb_max = 1048576
send_file_duration = 300
site6_index = 0
sockthresh = 85
sodebug = 0
sodebug_env = 0
somaxconn = 1024
strctlsz = 1024
strmsgsz = 0
strthresh = 85
strturncnt = 15
subnetsarelocal = 1
tcp_bad_port_limit = 0
tcp_ecn = 0
tcp_ephemeral_high = 65535
tcp_ephemeral_low = 32768
tcp_finwait2 = 1200
tcp_icmpsecure = 0
tcp_init_window = 0
tcp_inpcb_hashtab_siz = 24499
tcp_keepcnt = 8
tcp_keepidle = 14400
tcp_keepinit = 150
tcp_keepintvl = 150
tcp_limited_transmit = 1
tcp_low_rto = 0
tcp_maxburst = 0
tcp_mssdflt = 1460
tcp_nagle_limit = 65535
tcp_nagleoverride = 0
tcp_ndebug = 100
tcp_newreno = 1
tcp_nodelayack = 0
tcp_pmtu_discover = 0
tcp_recvspace = 16384
tcp_sendspace = 16384
tcp_tcpsecure = 0
tcp_timewait = 1
tcp_ttl = 60
tcprexmtthresh = 3
thewall = 1048576
timer_wheel_tick = 0
udp_bad_port_limit = 0
udp_ephemeral_high = 65535
udp_ephemeral_low = 32768
udp_inpcb_hashtab_siz = 24499
udp_pmtu_discover = 0
udp_recvspace = 42080
udp_sendspace = 9216
udp_ttl = 30
udpcksum = 1
use_isno = 1
use_sndbufpool = 1

rcp command:

Transfers files between a local and a remote host or between two remote


rcp [ -p] [ -F] [ -k realm ] { { User@Host:File | Host:File | File }

{ User@Host:File | Host:File | File | User@Host:Directory |
Host:Directory | Directory } |
[ -r] { User@Host:Directory | Host:Directory |Directory }
{ User@Host:Directory | Host:Directory | Directory } }

-r Recursively copies

The /usr/bin/rcp command is used to copy one or more files between the
local host and a remote host,
between two remote hosts, or between files at the same remote host.

Remote destination files and directories require a specified Host:

parameter. If a remote host name is not
specified for either the source or the destination, the rcp command is
equivalent to the cp command.
Local file and directory names do not require a Host: parameter

- Using Standard Authentication

The remote host allows access if one of the following conditions is

The local host is included in the remote host /etc/hosts.equiv file and
the remote user is not the root user.
The local host and user name is included in a $HOME/.rhosts file on the
remote user account.
Although you can set any permissions for the $HOME/.rhosts file, it is
recommended that the permissions
of the .rhosts file be set to 600 (read and write by owner only).

In addition to the preceding conditions, the rcp command also allows

access to the remote host if the
remote user account does not have a password defined. However, for
security reasons, the use of a password
on all user accounts is recommended.

- For Kerberos 5 Authentication

The remote host allows access only if all of the following conditions
are satisfied:

The local user has current DCE credentials.

The local and remote systems are configured for Kerberos 5
authentication (On some remote systems,
this may not be necessary. It is necessary that a daemon is listening to
the klogin port).
The remote system accepts the DCE credentials as sufficient for access
to the remote account.
See the kvalid_user function for additional information.


In the following examples, the local host is listed in the

/etc/hosts.equiv file at the remote host.

- To copy a local file to a remote host, enter:

# rcp localfile host2:/home/eng/jane

The file localfile from the local host is copied to the remote host

- The following example uses rcp to copy the local file, YTD_sum from
the directory /usr/reports
on the local host to the file year-end in the directory /usr/acct on the
remote host moon:

# rcp /usr/reports/YTD_sum moon:/usr/acct/year-end

- To copy a remote file from one remote host to another remote host,

# rcp host1:/home/eng/jane/newplan host2:/home/eng/mary

The file /home/eng/jane/newplan is copied from remote host host1 to
remote host host2.

- To send the directory subtree from the local host to a remote host and
preserve the modification times and modes,
# rcp -p -r report jane@host2:report

The directory subtree report is copied from the local host to the home
directory of user jane
at remote host host2 and all modes and modification times are preserved.
The remote file /home/jane/.rhosts includes an entry specifying the
local host and user name.

rcp is ofcourse used to copy files between unix systems. On nt/w2k/xp
computers, rcp could be available
with some different syntax, like
rcp [{-a | -b}] [-h] [-r] [Host][.User:] [Source] [Host][.User:]

Notes on the FTP services:


Note 1:

Have a look at '/usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/anon.ftp'. It is a shell script

and will set up a anonymous ftp site on your local RS/6000. Note: the
ftpd that comes with AIX does not support the display messages every
time a user changes a directory or even when they login.

Note 2:

ftpd Daemon
Provides the server function for the Internet FTP protocol.

Note: The ftpd daemon is normally started by the inetd daemon. It can
also be controlled from the command line,
using SRC commands.
/usr/sbin/ftpd [ -d ] [ -k ] [ -l ] [ -t TimeOut ] [ -T MaxTimeOut ] [
-s ] [ -u OctalVal ]

The /usr/sbin/ftpd daemon is the DARPA Internet File Transfer Protocol
(FTP) server process. The ftpd daemon
uses the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) to listen at the port
specified with the ftp command service
specification in the /etc/services file.

Changes to the ftpd daemon can be made using the System Management
Interface Tool (SMIT) or
System Resource Controller (SRC), by editing the /etc/inetd.conf or
/etc/services file.
Entering ftpd at the command line is not recommended. The ftpd daemon is
started by default when it is
uncommented in the /etc/inetd.conf file.

The inetd daemon gets its information from the /etc/inetd.conf file and
the /etc/services file.

- The ftpaccess.ctl file:

The /etc/ftpaccess.ctl file is searched for lines that start with
allow:, deny:, readonly:, writeonly:,
readwrite:, useronly:, grouponly:, herald: and/or motd:. Other lines are
ignored. If the file doesn't exist,
then ftp access is allowed for all hosts. The allow: and deny: lines are
for restricting host access.
The readonly:, writeonly: and readwrite: lines are for restricting ftp
reads (get) and writes (put).
The useronly: and grouponly: lines are for defining anonymous users. The
herald: and motd: lines are
for multiline messages before and after login.

- If the current authentication method is the Standard Operating system

authentication method:
Before the ftpd daemon can transfer files for a client process, it must
authenticate the client process.
The ftpd daemon authenticates client processes according to these rules:

The user must have a password in the password database,

(If the user's password is not null, the client process must provide
that password.)
The user name must not appear in the /etc/ftpusers file.
The user's login shell must appear in the shells attribute of the
/etc/security/login.cfg file.
If the user name is anonymous, ftp or is a defined anonymous user in the
/etc/ftpaccess.ctl file,
an anonymous FTP account must be defined in the password file. In this
case, the client process
is allowed to log in using any password. By convention, the password is
the name of the client host.
The ftpd daemon takes special measures to restrict access by the client
process to the anonymous account.

Note 3:

FTP memory-to-memory transfer

This is useful for testing network performance between two machines
while eliminating
disk I/O (1 GB transfer example):

ftp> bin
ftp> put "| dd if=/dev/zero bs=512k count=2000" /dev/null

Note 4:

Subject: ftp, anonymous setup, troubleshooting - hp

Document Text
Title : How to setup anonymous ftp, and troubleshooting ftp
Date : 970828
Type : EN
Document ID : A4786122
Problem Description

Can you explain the proper setup of anonymous FTP and how to
troubleshoot any problems?

Configuration Info

Operating System -HP-UX

Version -10.10
Hardware System - HP 9000
Series -K400


Verification and setup of services:

1. Verify that the following line is in /etc/inetd.conf and not

commented out (there should be no # in the first column):

ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd ftpd

ftp stream tcp nowait root /etc/ftpd ftpd

netstat -a |grep ftp
the output should look like:

tcp 0 0 *ftp. *.*

2. Verify the following services are in /etc/services and not

commented out (with no # in the first column):

ftp-data 20/tcp # File Transfer Protocol (Data)

ftp 21/tcp # File Transfer Protocol (Control)

*Note: If you are using NIS (Network Information Services)

then verify on the master server that these services
are available, or do 'ypcat services |grep ftp'

Creation of anonymous FTP:

If possible use SAM to create anonymous ftp by entering SAM Areas:

Networking and Communications, and then Networking Services. Select
the desired service then choose Actions and Enable. If this method is
either undesirable or you are experiencing difficulties with SAM
then do the following steps:

1. Create an ftp user in /etc/passwd:

ftp:*:500:1:Anonymous FTP user:/home/ftp:/usr/bin/false

ftp:*:500:1:Anonymous FTP user:/users/ftp:/bin/false
*Note: If UID 500 is not available, use a UID that
is not currently being used.
*Note: GID 1 is usually group 'other', verify that group 'other'

does exist, and match its group ID in this field.

2. Create a home directory for the ftp user that is owned by ftp and
has permissions set to 0555:

mkdir /home/ftp
chmod 555 /home/ftp
chown ftp:other /home/ftp

mkdir /users/ftp
chmod 555 /users/ftp
chown ftp:other /users/ftp

3. Create a bin directory that is owned by root and has

permissions set to 0555:

mkdir -p /home/ftp/usr/bin
chmod 555 /home/ftp/usr/bin /home/ftp/usr
chown root /home/ftp/usr/bin /home/ftp/usr

*Note: ftp structure has changed from 9.X to 10.x, there is

no longer a /home/ftp/bin. The bin directory was moved to
be under /home/ftp/usr:

mkdir /users/ftp/bin
chmod 555 /users/ftp/bin
chown root /users/ftp/bin

4. Copy 'ls' to the new bin directory with permissions set to 0111:

cp /sbin/ls /home/ftp/usr/bin/ls
chmod 111 /home/ftp/usr/bin/ls

cp /bin/ls /users/ftp/bin/ls
chmod 111 /users/ftp/bin/ls

5. Create an etc directory that is owned by root and has permissions

of 0555:

mkdir /home/ftp/etc
chmod 555 /home/ftp/etc
chown root /home/ftp/etc

mkdir /users/ftp/etc
chmod 555 /users/ftp/etc
chown root /users/ftp/etc

This directory should contain versions of the files passwd and

group. These files must be owned by root and have
permissions of 0444:

cp /etc/passwd /etc/group /home/ftp/etc
chown root /home/ftp/etc/passwd /home/ftp/etc/group
chmod 444 /home/ftp/etc/passwd /home/ftp/etc/group

cp /etc/passwd /etc/group /users/ftp/etc
chown root /users/ftp/etc/passwd /users/ftp/etc/group
chmod 444 /users/ftp/etc/passwd /users/ftp/etc/group

Create a dist directory that is owned by root and has permissions
of 755. Superuser can put read-only files in this directory to
make them available to anonymous ftp users.

mkdir /home/ftp/dist
chown root /home/ftp/dist
chmod 755 /home/ftp/dist

mkdir /users/ftp/dist
chown root /users/ftp/dist
chmod 755 /users/ftp/dist

Create a pub directory that is owned by ftp and writable by all.
Anonymous ftp users can put files in this directory to make them
available to other anonymous ftp users.

mkdir /home/ftp/pub
chown ftp:other /home/ftp/pub
chmod 777 /home/ftp/pub

mkdir /users/ftp/pub
chown ftp:other /users/ftp/pub
chmod 777 /users/ftp/pub

Troubleshooting FTP:

1. Verify the installation steps.

2. If receiving message: ftp: connect: Connection refused.

Verify that inetd is running by entering 'ps -ef|grep inetd'.

You should see output like:
root 3730 2217 1 13:54:57 ttyp2 0:00 grep inetd
root 2324 1 0 13:43:28 ? 0:00 inetd

*Note: You may not see the grep process.

If inetd is not currently running, then as root type 'inetd'

3. If receiving either message: 530 access denied login failed,

or 530 User [name] access denied.

A. Verify netrc. in the user's home directory.

If the netrc. file contains password or account information
for use other than for anonymous ftp, its owner must match
the effective user ID of the current process. Its read,

write, and execute permission bits for group and other must
all be zero, and it must be readable by its owner.
Otherwise, the file is ignored.

So if you are unsure about this file, rename it to netrc.old.

for troubleshooting purposes.

B. Check /etc/ftpusers.
ftpd rejects remote logins to local user accounts that are
named in /etc/ftpusers. Each restricted account name must
appear alone on a line in the file. The line cannot contain
any white space. User accounts that specify a restricted
login shell in /etc/passwd should be listed in /etc/ftpusers
because ftpd accesses local accounts without using their
login shells.

C. You need to add or verify /etc/shells.

/etc/shells is an ASCII file containing a list of legal shells
on the system. Each shell is listed in the file by its
absolute path name. To learn more about this file, run 'man
shells'. To see the legal shells for your system run 'man
getusershell'. This will list all valid shells for your
system. If you use both 9.X and 10.X environments, include
the shells for both operating systems.

Example entries:

/bin/sh <<<-
/bin/rsh |
/bin/ksh |
/bin/rksh > 9.X valid shells
/bin/csh |
/bin/pam |
/usr/bin/keysh |
/bin/posix/sh <<<-

/sbin/sh <<<-
/usr/bin/sh |
/usr/bin/rsh |
/usr/bin/ksh > 10.X valid shells
/usr/bin/rksh |
/usr/bin/csh |
/usr/bin/keysh <<<-
All shells referred to in /etc/passwd or in the NIS passwd map
should be valid shells or links on this system and be listed
in /etc/shells.

4. If receiving message: ftp: ftp/tcp: unknown service.

Check your /etc/services file. If you make a change to

/etc/services, you must force the system to recognize the new
changes by typing:
inetd -c

Verify that permissions for /etc/services are 444 (-r--r--r--).

5. If receiving message: 421 Service not available, remote server

has closed connection.

Verify that /var/adm/inetd.sec does not contain an ftp entry of

either deny or allow. When you allow one user, you deny all other
users. For troubleshooting purposes you could rename
/var/adm/inetd.sec to /var/adm/inetd.sec.old. inetd.sec is not
needed unless you have a need for tightened security beyond login

6. If receiving message: 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for

/usr/bin/ls. crt0: ERROR couldn't open /usr/lib/

You have the wrong version of the command ls in /home/ftp/usr/bin.

To resolve this execute:
cp /sbin/ls /home/ftp/usr/bin/ls

Note 5:

ftpd(1M), the file transfer protocol server, is run by the Internet

daemon (see inetd(1M)) when a service request
is received at the port indicated in /etc/services.

ftpd rejects remote logins to local user accounts named in

/etc/ftpusers. Each restricted account name must appear
by itself on a line in the file. The line cannot contain any spaces or
tabs. User accounts with restricted
login shells in /etc/passwd should be listed in /etc/ftpusers, because
ftpd accesses local accounts without
using their login shells. uucp accounts also should be listed in
/etc/ftpusers. If /etc/ftpusers does not exist,
ftpd skips the security check.

Note 6:


Symptom: Some or all users can't ftp to an HP-UX system.

If no users can ftp to a given system, check first of all that inetd is
running on that system:

# ps -ef | grep inetd

If inetd is not running, start it:

It is also possible that the FTP service is disabled. Check

/etc/inetd.conf for the following line:

FTP stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/FTPd FTPd -l

If this line does not exist, or is commented out (preceded by a pound

sign, (#) add it (or remove the pound sign)
and restart inetd:

# /usr/sbin/inetd -c

Note 7:

There are five files used to hold FTP configuration information. These
files are listed here:

/etc/ftpd/ftpaccess The primary configuration file defining the

operation of the ftpd daemon.
/etc/ftpd/ftpconversions Defines options for compression/decompression
and tar/untar operations.
/etc/ftpd/ftphosts Lets you allow/deny FTP account access
according to source IP addresses and host names.
/etc/ftpd/ftpusers Restricts FTP access for specified users. For
more information see ftpusers(4).
/etc/ftpd/ftpgroups The group password file for use with the SITE
GROUP and SITE GPASS commands.

The /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess configuration file is the primary configuration

file for defining how the
ftpd daemon operates. It is not necessary to enable the ftpacess file
inorder to run ftpd.

The configuration files allow you to configure FTP features, such as the
number of FTP login tries permitted,
FTP banner displays, logging of incoming and outgoing file transfers,
access permissions,
use of regular expressions, etc. For complete details on these files,
see the ftpaccess(4), ftpgroups(4),
ftpusers(4), ftphosts(4), and ftpconversion(4) manpages.

- If the ftpaccess file is enabled:

Settings in the ftpaccess file override any similar settings in the

other files.
Any settings in the other files that are not present in ftpaccess are
treated as supplemental or additional
configuration information.

- If the ftpaccess file is disabled:

The settings in the ftpusers, ftphosts, and ftpconversion files will be

The ftpgroups file will not be used.

Enabling/Disabling the /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess Configuration File

-- To enable the /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess file, specify the -a option for the

ftp entry in the /etc/inetd.conf file.
For example,

ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd ftpd -a -l -d

(The -l option logs all commands sent to the ftpd server into syslog.
The -d option logs debugging information
into syslog.)

-- To disable the /etc/ftpd/ftpaccess file, specify the -A option for

the ftp entry in the /etc/inetd.conf file.
For example,

ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd ftpd -A -L -d

Note 8: ftp commandline and batches:


It can be interresting if you transfer a file with ftp from a scheduled

Here are some examples on how to do this:

Example 1:

ftp -v -n "YOUR.IP.ADD.RESS" << cmd
user "user" "passwd"
cd /distant/directory
lcd /local/directoryget ssh_install
get ( or put) your files

Example 2:


# Declaring all the variables


# This has been changed to accepting parameter pass in as date

#s_date=`date '+%Y%m%d'`

# Execute the zip command

/usr/local/bin/pkzip -add -pass=test123 $s_backuppath$s_filename

$s_unixfile1 $s_unixfile2 $s_unixfile3

# Execute the FTP transfer


cd $s_backuppath
ftp -in << EndHere
user $user $passwd
cd $destdir
put $s_filename
rename $s_filename $s_donefilename

41.3 Linux:

Much of the above network related commands, like ifconfig, applies to

Linux distro's as well.
But many items in sections 41.1 (Solaris) and 41.2 (AIX), is specific to
those Operating Systems.

Here we describe some specifics for Linux.

41.3.1 About TCP Wrappers:


- What is it?

TCP wrappers and xinetd control access to services by hostname and IP

addresses. In addition, these tools
also include logging and utilization management capabilities that are
easy to configure.
TCP wrappers is installed by default with a server-class installation of
Red Hat Linux 8.0, and provides
access control to a variety of services. Most modern network services,
such as SSH, Telnet, and FTP,
make use of TCP wrappers, a program that is designed to stand guard
between an incoming request
and the requested service.

The idea behind TCP wrappers is that client requests to server

applications are "wrapped" by an
authenticating service, allowing a greater degree of access control and
logging for anyone attempting
to use the service.
The functionality behind TCP wrappers is provided by libwrap.a, a
library that network services,
such as xinetd, sshd, and portmap, are compiled against. Additional
network services, even networking programs
you may write, can be compiled against libwrap.a to provide this
functionality. Red Hat Linux bundles
the necessary TCP wrapper programs and library in the tcp_wrappers-
<version> RPM file.

- Host-Based Access Control Lists

Host-based access for services that use TCP wrappers is controlled by

two files:

/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.

These file use a simple format to control access to services on a

If no rules are specified in either hosts.allow or hosts.deny, then the
default rule is to allow anyone
to access to the services.
Order is important since rules in hosts.allow take precedence over rules
specified in hosts.deny.
Even if a rule specifically denying all access to a particular service
is defined in hosts.deny,
hosts specifically given access to the service in hosts.allow are
allowed to access the service.
In addition, all rules in each file take effect from the top down.
Any changes to these files take effect immediately, so restarting
services is not required.

Formatting Rules
All access control rules are placed on lines within hosts.allow and
hosts.deny, and any blank lines
or lines that start with the comment character (#) are ignored. Each
rule needs to be on its own line.

The rules must be formatted in the following manner:

<daemon_list>: <client_list>[: spawn <shell_command> ]

Patterns are particularly helpful when specifying groups of clients that

may or may not access a certain service.
By placing a "." character at the beginning of a string, all hosts that
share the end of that string
are applied to that rule. So, would catch both and
The "." character at the end of a string has the same effect, except
going the other direction.
This is primarily used for IP addresses, as a rule pertaining to
192.168.0. would apply to the entire
class C block of IP addresses. Netmask expressions can also be used as a
pattern to control access to a
particular group of IP addresses. You can even use asterisks (*) or
question marks (?) to select entire
groups of hostnames or IP addresses, so long as you do not use them in
the same string as the other
types of patterns.

This access control "language" can be extended with the following

wildcards. They may be used in the access
control rules instead of using specific hosts or groups of hosts:

ALL - Matches every client with a service. To allow a client access

to all services,
use the ALL in the daemons section.
LOCAL - Matches any host that does not contain a "." character.
KNOWN - Matches any host where the hostname and host address are
known or where the user is known.
UNKNOWN - Matches any host where the hostname or host address are
unknown or where the user is unknown.
PARANOID - Matches any host where the hostname does not match the host

You can use the above wildcards in combination with the EXCEPT operator.


# all hosts are allowed to connect

# to all services except

# 123.123.123.* addresses can use all services except FTP

ALL EXCEPT in.ftpd: 123.123.123.

Users that wish to prevent any hosts other than specific ones from
accessing services usually place
ALL: ALL in hosts.deny. Then, they place lines in hosts.allow, such as:

in.ftpd: 10.0.1. EXCEPT

- Shell commands:

Beyond simply allowing or denying access to services for certain hosts,

the TCP wrappers also supports
the use of shell commands. These shell commands are most commonly used
with deny rules to set up booby traps,
which usually trigger actions that log information about failed attempts
to a special file or email
an administrator. Below is an example of a booby trap in the hosts.deny
file which will write a log line
containing the date and client information every time a host from the
the IP range to
attempts to connect via Telnet:

in.telnetd: 10.0.1.: spawn (/bin/echo `date` %c >> /var/log/telnet.log)


The following expansions can be used:

%a - The client's IP address.

%A - The server's IP address.
%c - Supplies a variety of client information, such as the username and
hostname, or the username and IP address.
%d - The daemon process name.
%h - The client's hostname (or IP address, if the hostname is
%H - The server's hostname (or IP address, if the hostname is
%n - The client's hostname. If unavailable, unknown is printed.
%N - The server's hostname. If unavailable, unknown is printed.
%p - The daemon process ID.
%s - Various types of server information, such as the daemon process and
the host or IP address of the server.
%u - The client's username. If unavailable, unknown is printed.

41.3.2 About xinetd:


- Access Control Using xinetd

The benefits offered by TCP wrappers are enhanced when the libwrap.a
library is used in conjunction
with xinetd, a super-daemon that provides additional access, logging,
binding, redirection and resource
utilization control.

Red Hat Linux configures a variety of popular network services to be

used with xinetd, including FTP,
IMAP, POP, and Telnet. When any of these services are accessed via their
port numbers in /etc/services,
the xinetd daemon handles the request. Before bringing up the requested
network service, xinetd ensures
that the client host information meets the access control rules, the
number of instances of this service
is under a particular threshold, and any other rules specified for that
service or all xinetd services
are followed. Once the target service is brought up for the connecting
client, xinetd goes back to sleep,
waiting for additional requests for the services it manages.

- xinetd Configuration Files

The xinetd service is controlled by the "/etc/xinetd.conf" file, as well
as the various service-specific
files in the "/etc/xinetd.d/" directory.
The xinetd.conf file is the parent of all xinetd-controlled service
configuration files, as the
service-specific files are also parsed every time xinetd starts. By
default, xinetd.conf contains some basic
configuration settings that apply to every service. Below is an example
of a typical xinetd.conf:

instances = 60
log_type = SYSLOG authpriv
log_on_success = HOST PID
log_on_failure = HOST
cps = 25 30

includedir /etc/xinetd.d

- Files in the /etc/xinetd.d/ Directory

The files in the /etc/xinetd.d/ directory are read every time xinetd
starts, due to the includedir
/etc/xinetd.d/ statement at the bottom of /etc/xinetd.conf. These files,
with names such as finger,
ipop3, and rlogin, correlate to the services controlled by xinetd.
The files in /etc/xinetd.d/ use the same conventions as
/etc/xinetd.conf. The primary reason they are stored
in separate configuration files is to make it easier to add and remove a
service from xinetd without affecting
other services.

To get an idea of how these files are structured, consider the wu-ftp

service ftp
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/in.ftpd
server_args = -l -a
log_on_success += DURATION USERID
log_on_failure += USERID
nice = 10
disable = yes

The first line defines the service's name. The lines within the brackets
contain settings that define how this
service is supposed to be started and used. The wu-ftp file states that
the FTP service uses a
stream socket type (rather than dgram), the binary executable file to
use, the arguments to pass
to the binary, the information to log in addition to the
/etc/xinetd.conf settings, the priority with which
to run the service, and more.

The use of xinetd with a service also can serve as a basic level of
protection from a
Denial of Service (DoS) attack. The max_load option takes a floating
point value to set a CPU usage
threshold when no more connections for a particular service will be
accepted, preventing certain services
from overwhelming the system. The cps option accepts an integer value to
set a rate limit on the number
of connections available per second. Configuring this value to something
low, such as 3, will help prevent
attackers from being able to flood your system with too many
simultaneous requests for a particular service.

The xinetd host access control available through its various

configuration files is different from
the method used by TCP wrappers. While TCP wrappers places all of the
access configuration within two files,
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny, each service's file in
/etc/xinetd.d can contain access control rules
based on the hosts that will be allowed to use that service.

For example, the following /etc/xinetd.d/telnet file can be used to

block telnet access to a system
by a particular network group and restrict the overall time range that
even legitimate users can log in:

service telnet
disable = no
flags = REUSE
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
log_on_failure += USERID
no_access =
log_on_success += PID HOST EXIT
access_times = 09:45-16:15

In this example, when any system from the subnet, such as, tries to telnet into the server,
they will receive a message stating Connection closed by foreign host.
In addition, their login attempt
is logged in /var/log/secure.

41.3.3 Linux Network files:


- Network Scripts

Using Red Hat Linux, all network communications occur between configured
interfaces and physical
networking devices connected to the system. The different types of
interfaces that exist are as varied
as the physical devices they support.
The configuration files for network interfaces and the scripts to
activate and deactivate them are located in the

"/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/" directory.

While the existence of interface files can differ from system to system,
the three different types of files
that exist in this directory, interface configuration files, interface
control scripts, and network
function files, work together to enable Red Hat Linux to use various
network devices.
This chapter will explore the relationship between these files and how
they are used.

- Network Configuration Files

Before we review the interface configuration files themselves, let us

itemize the primary configuration files
used by Red Hat Linux to configure networking. Understanding the role
these files play in setting up the
network stack can be helpful when customizing your system.

The primary network configuration files are as follows:

/etc/hosts - The main purpose of this file is to resolve hostnames that

cannot be resolved any other way.
It can also be used on resolve hostnames on small networks
with no DNS serer. Regardless of the
type of network the computer is on, this file should
contain a line specifying the IP address
of the loopback device ( as

/etc/resolv.conf - This file specifies the IP addresses of DNS servers

and the search domain.
Unless configured to do otherwise, the network
initialization scripts populate this file.

/etc/sysconfig/network - Specifies routing and host information for all

network interfaces.

/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-<interface-name> - For each network

interface on a Red Hat Linux system,
there is a
corresponding interface configuration script.
Each of these
files provide information specific to a
network interface.
The "/etc/sysconfig/networking/" directory is used by the Network
Administration Tool (redhat-config-network)
and its contents should not be edited manually.

- Interface Configuration Files

Interface configuration files control the operation of individual
network interface device.
As your Red Hat Linux system boots, it uses these files to determine
what interfaces to bring up and how
to configure them. These files are usually named "ifcfg-<name>", where
<name> refers to the name of the device
that the configuration file controls.

Ethernet Interfaces
One of the most common interface files is ifcfg-eth0, which controls the
first network interface card or
NIC in the system. In a system with multiple NICs, you will also have
multiple ifcfg-eth files,
each one with a unique number at the end of the file name. Because each
device has its own configuration file,
you can control how each interface functions individually.

Below is a sample "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0" file for a

system using a fixed IP address:


The values required in an interface configuration file can change based

on other values.
For example, the ifcfg-eth0 file for an interface using DHCP looks quite
a bit different,
because IP information is provided by the DHCP server:


Most of the time you will probably want to use a GUI utility, such as
Network Administration Tool
(redhat-config-network) to make changes to the various interface
configuration files.

You can also edit the configuration file for a given network interface
by hand. Below is a listing of the parameters
one can expect to configure in an interface configuration file.

Within each of the interface configuration files, the following values

are common:

BOOTPROTO=<protocol>, where <protocol> is one of the following:

none - No boot-time protocol should be used.
bootp - The BOOTP protocol should be used.
dhcp - The DHCP protocol should be used.

BROADCAST=<address>, where <address> is the broadcast address. This

directive is deprecated.
DEVICE=<name>, where <name> is the name of the physical device (except
dynamically-allocated PPP devices
where it is the logical name).

DNS{1,2}=<address>, where <address> is a name server address to be

placed in /etc/resolv.conf if the PEERDNS
directive is set to yes.

IPADDR=<address>, where <address> is the IP address.

NETMASK=<mask>, where <mask> is the netmask value.

NETWORK=<address>, where <address> is the network address. This

directive is deprecated.

ONBOOT=<answer>, where <answer> is one of the following:

yes - This device should be activated at boot-time.

no - This device should not be activated at boot-time.

PEERDNS=<answer>, where <answer> is one of the following:

yes - Modify /etc/resolv.conf if the DNS directive is set. If you are

using DCHP, then yes is the default.
no - Do not modify /etc/resolv.conf.

SRCADDR=<address>, where <address> is the specified source IP address

for outgoing packets.

USERCTL=<answer>, where <answer> is one of the following:

yes - Non-root users are allowed to control this device.

no - Non-root users are not allowed to control this device.

- Network Functions

Red Hat Linux makes use of several files that contain important
functions that are used in various ways
to bring interfaces up and down. Rather than forcing each interface
control file to contain the same functions
as another, these functions are grouped together in a few files that can
be sourced when needed.

The most common network functions file is network-functions, located in

the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ directory.
This file contains a variety of common IPv4 functions useful to many
interface control scripts, such as
contacting running programs that have requested information about
changes in an interface's status, setting
host names, finding a gateway device, seeing if a particular device is
down or not, and adding a default route.

As the functions required for IPv6 interfaces are different than IPv4
interfaces, a network-functions-ipv6 file
exists specifically to hold this information. IPv6 support must be
enabled in the kernel in order to communicate
via that protocol. A function is present in this file that checks for
the presence of IPv6 support.
Additionally, functions that configure and delete static IPv6 routes,
create and remove tunnels, add and
remove IPv6 addresses to an interface, and test for the existence of an
IPv6 address on an interface can also
be found in this file.

41.3.4 Linux packet filtering :


Linux comes with advanced tools for packet filtering - the process of
controlling network packets as they enter,
move through, and exit the network stack within the kernel. Pre-2.4
kernels relied on ipchains for
packet filtering and used lists of rules applied to packets at each step
of the filtering process.
The introduction of the 2.4 kernel brought with it iptables (also called
netfilter), which is similar
to ipchains but greatly expands on the scope and control available for
filtering network packets.

This chapter focuses on packet filtering basics, defines the differences

between ipchains and iptables,
explains various options available with iptables commands, and shows how
filtering rules can be preserved
between system reboots.

The default firewall mechanism under the 2.4 kernel is iptables, but
iptables cannot be used if ipchains
are already running. If ipchains are present at boot time, the kernel
will issue an error and fail
to start iptables.

- Packet Filtering

Traffic moves through a network in packets. A network packet is

collection of data in a specific size
and format. In order to transmit a file over a network, the sending
computer must first break the file
into packets using the rules of the network protocol. Each of these
packets holds a small part of the file data.
Upon receiving the transmission, the target computer reassembles the
packets into the file.

Every packet contains information which helps it navigate the network

and move toward its destination.
The packet can tell computers along the way, as well as the destination
machine, where it came from,
where it is going, and what type of packet it is, among other things.
Most packets are designed to carry data,
although some protocols use packets in special ways. For example, the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
uses a SYN packet, which contains no data, to initiate communication
between two systems.

The Linux kernel contains the built-in ability to filter packets,

allowing some of them into the system
while stopping others. The 2.4 kernel's netfilter has three built-in
tables or rules lists. They are as follows:

filter - This is the default table for handling network packets.

nat - This table used to alter packets that create a new connection.
mangle - This table is used for specific types of packet alteration.

Each of these tables in turn have a group of built-in chains which

correspond to the actions performed
on the packet by the netfilter.

The built-in chains for the filter table are as follows:

INPUT - This chain applies to packets received via a network interface.

OUTPUT - This chain applies to packets sent out via the same network
interface which received the packets.
FORWARD - This chain applies to packets received on one network
interface and sent out on another.

The built-in chains for the nat table are as follows:

PREROUTING - This chain alters packets received via a network interface

when they arrive.
OUTPUT - This chain alters locally-generated packets before they are
routed via a network interface.
POSTROUTING - This chain alters packets before they are sent out via a
network interface.

The built-in chains for the mangle table are as follows:

PREROUTING - This chain alters packets received via a network interface

before they are routed.
OUTPUT - This chain alters locally-generated packets before they are
routed via a network interface.

Every network packet received by or sent out of a Linux system is

subject to at least one table.
A packet may be checked against multiple rules within each rules list
before emerging at the end of the chain.
The structure and purpose of these rules may vary, but they usually seek
to identify a packet coming from
or going to a particular IP address or set of addresses when using a
particular protocol and network service.
Regardless of their destination, when packets match a particular rule on
one of the tables, they are
designated for a particular target or action to be applied to them. If
the rule specifies an ACCEPT target
for a matching packet, the packet skips the rest of the rule checks and
is allowed to continue to
its destination. If a rule specifies a DROP target, that packet is
refused access to the system and nothing
is sent back to the host that sent the packet. If a rule specifies a
REJECT target, the packet is dropped,
but an error packet is sent to the packet's originator.

Every chain has a default policy to ACCEPT, DROP, REJECT, or QUEUE the
packet to be passed to user-space.
If none of the rules in the chain apply to the packet, then the packet
is dealt with in accordance
with the default policy.

The iptables command allows you to configure these rule lists, as well
as set up new tables to be used
for your particular situation.

- iptables command:

41.3.5 Redhat and BIND:


BIND as a Nameserver:
Red Hat Linux includes BIND, which is a very popular, powerful, open
source nameserver. BIND uses the named
daemon to provide name resolution services.

BIND version 9 also includes a utility called /usr/sbin/rndc which

allows the administration of the running
named daemon. More information about rndc can be found in the Section
called Using rndc.

41.4: tcpip timeouts:


Note 1:

The defaults for TCP Timeouts are:

AIX: 75 seconds
Solaris: 180 Seconds
NT: 9 Seconds

To view:
# /usr/sbin/no -o tcp_keepinit
The output should be something like:
tcp_keepinit = 150

To set:
# /usr/sbin/no -d tcp_keepinit 100

Note 2:

Changing the TCP/IP timeout setting on your event server

If the Situation Update Forwarder cannot reach a monitoring server to
send an update, depending on the TCP/IP settings
for the computer where your event server is running, it could be up to
15 minutes before the Situation Update Forwarder tries
to connect to the monitoring server again. This might occur if your
event server is running on an AIXr, Solaris, or HP-UX computer.

Use the following steps to change the TCP/IP timeout for your computer.

On AIX, run the following command:

no -o tcp_keepinit=<timeout_value>

where <timeout_value> is the length of the timeout period, in half

seconds. To configure a timeout of 30 seconds,
set the <timeout_value> value to 60.

On Solaris and HP-UX, run the following command:

ndd -set /dev/tcp tcp_ip_abort_cinterval <timeout_value>

where <timeout_value> is the length of the timeout period, in

milliseconds. To configure a timeout of 30 seconds,
set the <timeout_value> value to 30000.


This section describes some important features of the IPSec

implementations on AIX, HP-UX and Linux Redhat.

42.1 What is IPSec?


IP Security, known commonly as IPSec, is a protocol developed by the

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),
designed to provide "end-to-end" Authentication and/or
cryptographically-based security for IP network connections.
Though not yet an official standard, compatible IPSec implementations
are available for almost
all modern operating systems. Inclusion of IPSec is required in every
IPv6 implementation,
and it has been designed to work equally well with the more common IPv4
system currently in use
by most public and private networks.
All IP Security implementations include a common set of protocols and
tools to enable interoperatability
between different platforms, and provide the following three benefits:

- Authentication: proof that the identity of the host on the other end
of the connection is valid and correct.
- Integrity Checking: assurance that no data sent over the network
connection was modified in transit.
- Encryption: the rendering of network communications indecipherable to
anyone who might intercept the transmitted data.

IPSec implementations also include a method of restricting connections

to various services,
based on their origin and destination. This feature, often present in
firewall devices,
is known as packet filtering.

IPsec protocols operate at the network layer, layer 3 of the OSI model.
Other Internet security protocols
in widespread use, such as SSL, TLS and SSH, operate from the transport
layer up (OSI layers 4 - 7).
This makes IPsec more flexible, as it can be used for protecting layer 4
protocols, including both TCP and UDP,
the most commonly used transport layer protocols. IPSec has an advantage
over SSL and other methods that operate
at higher layers. For an application to use IPsec no code change in the
applications is required whereas
to use SSL and other higher level protocols, applications must undergo
code changes.

IPsec was intended to provide either "transport mode" (end-to-end)

security of packet traffic in which
the end-point computers do the security processing, or "tunnel mode"
(portal-to-portal) communications security
in which security of packet traffic is provided to several machines
(even to whole LANs) by a single node.

IPsec can be used to create Virtual Private Networks (VPN) in either

mode, and this is the dominant use.
Note, however, that the security implications are quite different
between the two operational modes.

End-to-end communication security on an Internet-wide scale has been

slower to develop than many had expected.
Part of the reason is that no universal, or universally trusted, Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) has emerged
(DNSSEC was originally envisioned for this); another part is that many
users understand neither their needs
nor the available options well enough to promote inclusion in vendors'
This is why a "shared key" (or symmetric key) is used in IPSec. Both the
sender and receiver must use the same key.

-- Transport mode
-- --------------
In transport mode, only the payload (the data you transfer) of the IP
packet is authenticated and/or encrypted.
The routing is intact, since the IP header is neither modified nor
encrypted; however, when the authentication
header is used, the IP addresses cannot be translated, as this will
invalidate the hash value. The transport
and application layers are always secured by hash, so they cannot be
modified in any way (for example by
translating the port numbers). Transport mode is used for host-to-host

In its most simple form, using only an Authentication Header (AH) for
identifying your communication
partner, the packet looks like this:

| Original IP header | AH | TCP| DATA |

In transport mode, IPSec inserts the AH header after the IP header. The
IP data and header are used to calculate
the AH authentication value.

-- Tunnel mode
-- -----------

In tunnel mode, the entire IP packet (data plus the message headers) is
encrypted and/or authenticated.
It must then be encapsulated into a new IP packet for routing to work.
Tunnel mode is used for
network-to-network communications (secure tunnels between routers) or
host-to-network and host-to-host
communications over the Internet.

You should be aware that tunnel mode is probably the most widely used
Many organizations use the Internet, to tunnel their traffic from site
to site.

In its most simple form, using only an Authentication Header (AH) for
identifying your communication
partner, the packet looks like this:

|NEW IP Header | Payload |

which is

|NEW IP Header| AH | Original IP header| TCP| DATA |

In Tunnel mode, IPSec traffic can pass transparently through existing IP

AH and/or ESP: or, just Authentication and/or Authentication plus Data

The IPSec Authentication Header (AH) provides integrity and

authentication but no privacy--
the IP data is not encrypted. The AH contains an authentication value
based on a symmetric-key hash function.

Symmetric key hash functions are a type of cryptographic hash function

that take the data and a key as input
to generate an authentication value. Cryptographic hash functions are
usually one-way functions,
so that starting with a hash output value, it is difficult to create an
input value that would generate
the same output value. This makes it difficult for a third party to
intercept a message and replace
it with a new message that would generate the same authentication value.

Symmetric key hash functions are also known as shared key hash functions
because the sender and receiver
must use the same (symmetric) key for the hash functions. In addition,
the key must only be known by the
sender and receiver, so this class of hash functions is sometimes
referred to as secret key hash functions.

So, secret key must not be confused with the well-know Public/Private
key encryptions.

-- Most implementations support the following for the AH:

HMAC-SHA1 (Hashed Message Authentication Code-Secure Hash Algorithm 1,

128-bit key)
HMAC-MD5 (HMAC-Message Digest 5, 160-bit key)

Ofcourse, total encryption of the DATA is also possible, instead of only

the AH.
The IPSec Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) provides data privacy.
The ESP protocol also defines
an authenticated format that provides data authentication and integrity,
with data privacy

-- Most implementations support the following for ESP:

DES-CBC (Data Encryption Standard Cipher Block Chaining Mode, 56-bit key
3DES-CBC (Triple-DES CBC, three encryption iterations, each with a
different 56-bit key)
AES128-CBC (Advanced Encryption Standard CBC, 128-bit key length).

To be exact, With authenticated ESP, that is AH and ESP, IPSec encrypts

the payload using one symmetric key,
then calculates an authentication value for the encrypted data using a
second symmetric key.

How the shared key is generated:


The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol is used, for automatically

generating and distributing cryptography keys
for ESP and AH. IKE also authenticates the identity of the remote
system, so AH and authenticated ESP
with IKE keys provides data origin authentication.

Internet Key Exchange (IKE) is an automated protocol for dynamically

negotiating the IPSec parameters.
IKE provides dynamic secret key generation and exchange for IPSec and
allows for scalability.
Before IPSec sends authenticated or encrypted IP data, both the sender
and receiver must agree on the
protocols, encryption algorithms and keys to use. IPSec uses the
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol
to negotiate the encryption and authentication methods, and generate
shared encryption keys.
The IKE protocol also provides primary authentication - verifying the
identity of the remote system
before negotiating the encryption algorithm and keys.

The IKE protocol is a hybrid of three other protocols: Internet Security

Association and
Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP), Oakley, and Versatile Secure Key
Exchange Mechanism for
Internet protocol (SKEME). ISAKMP provides a framework for
authentication and key exchange, but does not
define them (neither authentication nor key exchange). The Oakley
protocol describes a series of modes
for key exchange and the SKEME protocol defines key exchange techniques.

Manual Keys, is an alternative to IKE. Instead of dynamically generating

and distributing cryptography keys
for ESP and AH, the cryptography keys are static and manually
distributed. Manual keys are typically used only
when the remote system does not support .

So IPSec uses "shared key" technology. If you use the manual keys, its
clear how they get
generated: by you. But even if you use IKE, you still have a
"negotiation phase" before the
keys are actually determined. In this phase, two models can be used:

-> IKE Preshared Key Authentication

With preshared key authentication, you must manually configure the
same, shared symmetric key
on both systems, a preshared key. The preshared key is used only for
the primary authentication.
The two negotiating entities then generate dynamic shared keys for the
IKE SAs and IPSec/QM SAs.
Preshared keys do not require a Certificate Authority or Public Key

-> Digital Signatures

Digital signatures are based on security certificates, and are managed
using a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
So, here you have a Public key infrastructure, only used in the
"negotiation phase" before the
actual shared key is constructed.

Two well known PKI products are:

-VeriSign Managed PKI (formerly VeriSign OnSite for VPNs)
-Baltimore UniCERT 3.5


Note 1:

IPSec can be employed between hosts (that is, end nodes), between
gateways, or between a host and a gateway
in an IP network. Some implementations, like HP-UX IPSec, can only be
installed on end nodes.

Note 2:

Next to the Authentication and/or Data Encryption, IPSec also covers, or

has implemented, "filter rules",
on a Host or gateway (router) which "allow/permit" or "deny" traffic
based on IP addresses, masks, portnumbers etc..
Basically, this looks like the stuff you can find in Firewall
Thus rules are collected in socalled IPSec policies.

Note 3:

In IPSec, you will often see the term "SA". This stands for "Security
Association", which is actually
a term discribing and collecting all relevant parameters like
Destination Address, Security Parameter Index SPI, Key,
Autentication Algolrithm, Key lifetime etc..

42.2 IPSec and AIX:


- Installing IPSec:

Installing the IP Security pieces

The software components needed to implement IPSec are included with AIX
on the base installation media.
To determine if the required filesets are already installed, run the

lslpp -L '*ipsec*'

The output from that command should contain the following filesets:

Fileset Level State Description

---- C IP Security Messages - U.S. C IP Security Key Management C IP Security C IP Security WebSM

One additional piece of software is required: the bos.crypto fileset,

found on the AIX Bonus Pack CD.
The name of this fileset may differ, depending on the country. To
determine if this fileset is installed
on the system, run the command:

lslpp -L 'bos.crypto*'

- Set up IPSec logging:

The IP Security software uses syslog to process messages and errors that
it generates.
Messages are sent to syslogd at the local4 facility. It is a good idea
to setup logging of these messages
before activating IPSec, to make troubleshooting easier.

To have syslogd write all messages received at the local4 facility to

the logfile /var/adm/ipsec.log,
add the following line to the /etc/syslog.conf file:

local4.debug /var/adm/ipsec.log

Create the empty log file by running the command touch

/var/adm/ipsec.log, and then make syslogd aware
of the changes to its configuration by running the command refresh -s

- Using IPSec to create "rules":


You can use smitty:

# smitty ips4_basic for basic configuration for IP version 4

# smitty ips6_basic for basic configuration for IP version 6

or use the commandline with, for example, the "genfilt", "lsfilt" and
other commands.

1. The genfilt Command

Adds a filter rule.

genfilt -v 4|6 [ -n fid] [ -a D|P] -s s_addr -m s_mask [-d d_addr] [ -M
d_mask] [ -g Y|N ]
[ -c protocol] [ -o s_opr] [ -p s_port] [ -O d_opr] [ -P
d_port] [ -r R|L|B ] [ -w I|O|B ] [ -l Y|N ]
[ -f Y|N|O|H ] [ -t tid] [ -i interface]

Use the genfilt command to add a filter rule to the filter rule table.
The filter rules generated by this command
are called manual filter rules. IPsec filter rules can be configured
using the genfilt command,
IPsec smit (IP version 4 or IP version 6), or Web-based System Manager
in the Virtual Private Network submenu.


# genfilt -v 4 -a D -s -m -d -M -c udp

-o any -O eq -P 123 -l n -w I -i all

2. The lsfilt Command

Lists filter rules from either the filter table or the IP Security

lsfilt -v 4|6 [-n fid_list] [-a] [-d]

Use the lsfilt command to list filter rules and their status.

Example using IPSec on AIX:


To configure IP Sec, tunnels and filters must be configured. When a

simple tunnel is defined for all traffic
to use, the filter rules can be automatically generated. If more complex
filtering is desired, filter rules
can be configured separately.

You can configure IP Sec using the Web-based System Manager application
Network or SMIT. If using SMIT,
the following fastpaths will take you directly to the configuration
panels you need:

- ips4_basic
Basic configuration for IP version 4
- ips6_basic
Basic configuration for IP version 6
This section on IP Security Configuration discusses the following

.Tunnels versus Filters

.Tunnels and Security Associations
.Choosing a Tunnel Type
.Basic Configuration
.Static Filter Rules and Examples
.Advanced Manual Tunnel Configuration
.Configuring IKE Tunnels
.Predefined Filter Rules
.Logging Facilities
.Coexistence of IP Security and IBM Secured Network Gateway 2.2/IBM
Firewall 3.1 or 3.2

=> Tunnels versus Filters:

There are two related but distinct parts of IP Security: tunnels and
filters. Tunnels require filters,
but filters do not require tunnels.

Filtering is a basic function in which incoming and outgoing packets can

be accepted or denied based
on a variety of characteristics. This allows a system administrator to
configure the host to control
the traffic between this host and other hosts. Filtering is done on a
variety of packet properties,
such as source and destination addresses, IP Version (4 or 6), subnet
masks, protocol, port,
routing characteristics, fragmentation, interface, and tunnel
definition. This filtering is done
at the IP layer, so no changes are required to the applications.

Tunnels define a security association between two hosts. These security

associations involve specific
security parameters that are shared between end points of the tunnel.

A packet comes in the network adapter to the IP stack. From there, the
filter module is called to determine
if the packet should be permitted or denied. If a tunnel ID is
specified, the packet will be checked against
the existing tunnel definitions. If the decapsulation from the tunnel is
successful, the packet will be passed
to the upper layer protocol. This function will occur in reverse order
for outgoing packets. The tunnel
relies on a filter rule to associate the packet with a particular
tunnel, but the filtering function can occur
without passing the packet to the tunnel.

=> Tunnels and Security Associations

Tunnels are used whenever it is desired to have data authenticated, or

authenticated and encrypted.
Tunnels are defined by specifying a security association between two
hosts (see figure). The security
association SA, defines the parameters for the encryption and
authentication algorithms and characteristics
of the tunnel.

----------- ---------
|Host A | |Host B |
| |------------------------------| |
| |------------------------------| |
| | | |
----------- SA A-------------------> ---------
<------------------ SA B

SA = Security Association, consisting of {Destination Address, SPI, Key,

Autentication Algolrithm, Key lifetime}

The Security Parameter Index (SPI) and the destination address identify
a unique security association.
Therefore, these two parameters are required for uniquely specifying a
tunnel. Other parameters such as
cryptographic algorithm, authentication algorithm, keys, and lifetime
can be specified or defaults can be used.

=> Choosing a Tunnel Type

The decision to use IBM tunnels, manual tunnels, or, for AIX versions
4.3.2 and later, IKE tunnels,
depends on the tunnel support of the remote end and the type of key
management desired. IKE tunnels
are preferable (when available) because they offer secure key
negotiation and key refreshment in an
industry-standard way. They also take advantage of the new IETF ESP and
AH header types and support
anti-replay protection.

IBM tunnels offer similar security, but their support is limited to a

smaller set of encryption and
authentication algorithms, but they provide backward compatibility and
ease of use with their import/export
functions with the IBM Firewall.

If the remote end does not support IBM tunnels, or uses one of the
algorithms requiring manual tunnels,
manual tunnels should be used. Manual tunnels ensure interoperability
with a large number of hosts.
Because the keys are static and difficult to change and may be
cumbersome to update, they are not as secure.

IBM Tunnels may be used between any two AIX machines running AIX Version
4.3 or higher, or between an AIX 4.3 host and
a host running IBM Secure Network Gateway 2.2 or IBM Firewall 3.1/3.2.
Manual tunnels may be used between a host
running AIX Version 4.3 and any other machine running IP Security and
having a common set of cryptographic
and authentication algorithms. Almost all vendors offer Keyed MD5 with
DES, or HMAC MD5 with DES.
This is a base subset that works with almost all implementations of IP
When setting up manual or IBM tunnels, the procedure depends on whether
you are setting up the first host
of the tunnel or setting up the second host, which must have parameters
matching the first host's setup.
When setting up the first host, the keys may be autogenerated, and the
algorithms can be defaulted.
When setting up the second host, it is best to import the tunnel
information from the remote end, if possible.

Another important consideration is determining whether the remote system

is behind a firewall. If it is,
the setup must include information about the intervening firewall.

=>Basic Configuration (Manual or IBM Tunnels)

- Setting Up Tunnels and Filters

For the simplest case, setting up a manual tunnel, it is not necessary
to separately configure the filter rules.
As long as all traffic between two hosts goes through the tunnel, the
necessary filter rules are automatically
generated. The process of setting up a tunnel is to define the tunnel on
one end, import the definition
on the other end, and activate the tunnel and filter rules on both ends.
Then the tunnel is ready to use.

Information about the tunnel must be made to match on both sides if it

is not explicitly supplied (see figure).
For instance, the encryption and authentication algorithms specified for
the source will be used for the destination
if the destination values are not specified. This makes creating the
tunnel much simpler.

- Creating a Manual Tunnel on Host A

You can configure a tunnel using the Web-based System Manager
application Network, the SMIT fast path ips4_basic
(for IP Version 4) or ips6_basic (for IP version 6), or you can use the
following procedure.

The following is a sample of the gentun command used to create a manual


# gentun -v 4 -t manual -s -d -a HMAC_MD5 -e DES_CBC_8

-N 23567

This will create a tunnel with output (using lstun -v 4) that looks
similar to:

Tunnel ID : 1
IP Version : IP Version 4
Source :
Destination :
Policy : auth/encr
Tunnel Mode : Tunnel
Send AH Algo : HMAC_MD5
Send ESP Algo : DES_CBC_8
Receive AH Algo : HMAC_MD5
Receive ESP Algo : DES_CBC_8
Source AH SPI : 300
Source ESP SPI : 300
Dest AH SPI : 23576
Dest ESP SPI : 23576
Tunnel Life Time : 480
Status : Inactive
Target : -
Target Mask : -
Replay : No
New Header : Yes
Snd ENC-MAC Algo : -
Rcv ENC-MAC Algo : -

The tunnel will be activated when the mktun command is used:

# mktun -v 4 -t1

The filter rules associated with the tunnel are automatically generated
and output (using lsfilt -v 4)
looks similar to:

Rule 4:

Rule action : permit

Source Address :
Source Mask :
Destination Address :
Destination Mask :
Source Routing : yes
Protocol : all
Source Port : any 0
Destination Port : any 0
Scope : both
Direction : outbound
Logging control : no
Fragment control : all packets
Tunnel ID number : 1
Interface : all
Auto-Generated : yes

Rule 5:

Rule action : permit

Source Address :
Source Mask :
Destination Address :
Destination Mask :
Source Routing : yes
Protocol : all
Source Port : any 0
Destination Port : any 0
Scope : both
Direction : inbound
Logging control : no
Fragment control : all packets
Tunnel ID number : 1
Interface : all
Auto-Generated : yes

These filter rules in addition to the default filter rules are activated
by the mktun -v 4 -t 1 command.

To set up the other side (when it is another AIX machine), the tunnel
definition can be exported on host A
then imported to host B.

To export:

# exptun -v 4 -t 1 -f /tmp

This will export the tunnel definition into a file named

ipsec_tun_manu.exp and any associated filter rules
to the file ipsec_fltr_rule.exp in the directory indicated by the -f

- Creating a manual tunnel on Host B

To create the matching end of the tunnel, the export files are copied to
the remote side and imported into
that remote AIX 4.3 machine by using the command:

# imptun -v 4 -t 1 -f /tmp

where 1 is the tunnel to be imported and /tmp is the directory where the
import files reside. This tunnel number
is system generated and must be referenced from the output of the gentun
command, or by using the lstun command
to list the tunnels and determine the correct tunnel number to import.
If there is only one tunnel in the
import file, or if all the tunnels are to be imported, then the -t
option is not needed.

If the remote machine is not AIX 4.3, the export file can be used as a
reference for setting up the algorithm,
keys, and SPI values for the other end of the tunnel.

Export files from the IBM Secure Network Gateway (SNG) can be imported
to create tunnels in AIX 4.3. To do this,
use the -n option when importing the file:

# imptun -v 4 -f /tmp -n

- Creating an IBM tunnel on Host A

Setting up an IBM tunnel is similar to a manual tunnel, but some of the
choices are different for the crypto
algorithms and the keys are negotiated dynamically, so there is no need
to import keys. IBM tunnels are limited
to Keyed MD5 for authentication. If the HMAC MD5 or HMAC SHA algorithms
are desired, a manual tunnel must be used.

# gentun -s -d -t IBM -e DES_CBC_8 -n 35564

As with manual tunnels, from this point the tunnel and filter table must
be activated to make the tunnel active:

# mktun -v 4 -t1

To set up the other side, if the other host is an AIX 4.3 IP Security
machine, the tunnel definition can be exported
on host A, then imported to host B.

To export:

# exptun -v 4 -f /tmp

This will export the tunnel definition into a file named

ipsec_tun_ibm.exp and any associated filter rules
to the file ipsec_fltr_rule.exp in the directory indicated by the -f

- Creating an IBM tunnel on Host B

The procedure is the same for creating the second end of the tunnel on
host B for an IBM tunnel.
The tunnel definition is exported from host A and imported onto host B.
The -n flag can be used for a file exported
by an IBM Secure Network Gateway or an IBM Firewall 3.1/3.2.

- Static Filter Rules and Examples

Filtering can be set up to be simple, using mostly autogenerated filter
rules, or can be complex by defining
very specific filter functions based on the properties of the IP
packets. Matches on incoming packets are done
by comparing the source address and SPI value to those listed in the
filter table. Therefore, this pair
must be unique.

Each line in the filter table is known as a rule. A collection of rules

will determine what packets are accepted
in and out of the machine, and how they will be directed. Filter rules
can be written based on source and destination
addresses and masks, protocol, port number, direction, fragment control,
source routing, tunnel, and interface.

Below is a sample set of filter rules. Within each rule, fields are
shown in the following order
(an example of each field from rule 1 is shown in parentheses):
Rule_number (1), Action (permit),
Source_addr (, Source_mask (, Dest_addr (,
Dest_mask (, Source_routing (no),
Protocol (udp), Src_prt_operator (eq), Src_prt_value (4001),
Dst_prt_operator (eq), Dst_prt_value (4001),
Scope (both), Direction (both), Logging (no), Fragment (all packets),
Tunnel (0), and Interface (all).

1 permit no udp eq 4001 eq 4001 both

both no all
packets 0 all
2 permit no ah any 0 any 0 both both no
packets 0 all

3 permit no esp any 0 any 0 both both no
packets 0 all

4 permit no all any 0

any 0
both outbound no all packets 1 all

5 permit no all any 0

any 0
both inbound no all packets 1 all

6 permit no tcp lt

1024 eq 514
local outbound yes all packets 2 all

7 permit no tcp/ack eq

514 lt
1024 local inbound yes all packets 2 all

8 permit no tcp/ack lt

1024 lt
1024 local outbound yes all packets 2 all

9 permit no tcp lt

1024 lt
1024 local inbound yes all packets 2 all

10 permit no icmp any

0 any 0
local outbound yes all packets 3 all

11 permit no icmp any

0 any 0
local inbound yes all packets 3 all

12 permit no tcp gt

1023 eq 21
local outbound yes all packets 4 all

13 permit no tcp/ack

eq 21 gt
1023 local inbound yes all packets 4 all

14 permit no tcp eq 20

gt 1023
local inbound yes all packets 4 all

15 permit no tcp/ack

gt 1023
eq 20 local outbound yes all packets 4 all
16 permit no tcp gt
1023 gt
1023 local outbound yes all packets 4 all

17 permit no tcp/ack

gt 1023
gt 1023 local inbound yes all packets 4 all

18 permit no all any 0 any 0 both both
yes all

Rule 1 is for the IBM Session Key daemon and will only appear in IP
Version 4 filter tables. It uses port number
4001 to control packets for refreshing the session key. It is an example
of how the port number can be used
for a specific purpose. This filter rule should not be modified except
for logging purposes.

Rules 2 and 3 are used to allow processing of Authentication Headers

(AH) and Encapsulating Security Payload
(ESP) headers. They should not be modified except for logging purposes.

Rules 4 and 5 are a set of autogenerated rules that filter traffic

between addresses and
through tunnel #1. Rule 4 is for outbound traffic and rule 5 is for
inbound traffic.

Rules 6 through 9 are a set of user-defined rules that filter outbound

rsh, rcp, rdump, rrestore, and rdist
services between addresses and through tunnel #2. Note
that logging is set to yes so the
administrator can monitor this type of traffic.

Rules 10 and 11 are a set of user-defined rules that filter both inbound
and outbound icmp services of any type
between addresses and through tunnel #3.

Rules 12 through 17 are user-defined filter rules that filter outbound

FTP service from and
through tunnel #4.

Rule 18 is an autogenerated rule always placed at the end of the table.

In this case, it permits all packets
that do not match the other filter rules. It may be set to deny all
traffic not matching the other filter rules.

Each rule may be viewed separately (using lsfilt) to make each field

42.3 IPSEC and HP:

As you have read in section 42.1, you should know beforehand if you want
AH or AH plus ESP,
Manual keys or IKE, Transport mode or Tunnel mode, and what "filter
rules" you want to apply.
Depending on the number of NIC's in your Host, and what traffic you want
to permit or deny,
you will invest a certain a amount of effort to create those rules.

Introducing Configuring IPSec:


You configure HP-UX IPSec using a couple of commandline utilities like:


To configure security certificates (used in the negotiation phase in

IKE), use the "ipsec_mgr" utility,
which has a graphical user interface (GUI). So you need an X terminal.
You can also use preshared key instead of certificates (the preshared
key is used only for the
primary authentication).

As an example of using the commandline, take a look at the following


# ipsec_config add host my_host_policy -source \

-destination -pri 100 \
-action ESP_AES128_HMAC_SHA1

The above creates a "rule" or policy in the policy database


The syntax with respect of addresses and ports, resembles somewhat the
common syntax found in many
types of router, gateway, firewall products.

For example means here all possible IPv4 addresses means here all possible IPv4 addresses in 10.

Instead of using a serie of individual commands to configure IPSec, HP

recommends to create a "batchfile"
with statements. All statements are parsed first, and either all
statements pass and are executed, or all fail,
even if only one statement is incorrectt.

For the above example, a batchfile would look like:

add host my_host_policy -source \

-destination -pri 100 \
-action ESP_AES128_HMAC_SHA1
Notice that we have used the "add" option of the ipsec_config command,
indeed used to "add"
to the config DB. It also suggest that there are other options, which is

You can use:

ipsec_config add to add to the db

ipsec_config batch to use a batchfile
ipsec_config delete to delete from the db
ipsec_config show to show information from the db

For example, the "ipsec_config show all" command displays the entire
contents of the database.


An ipsec_config profile file contains default argument values that are

evaluated in ipsec_config add commands
if the user does not specify the values in the command. The values are
evaluated once, when the policy is
added to the configuration database. Values used from the profile file
become part of the configuration record
for the policy.

You can specify a profile file name with the -profile argument as part
of an ipsec_config command. By default,
ipsec_config uses the /var/adm/ipsec/.ipsec_profile profile file, which
is shipped with HP-UX IPSec.
In most topologies, you can use the default values supplied in the
/var/adm/ipsec/.ipsec_profile file.


The software takes about 110MB. Most of the software goes into
As root:

As usual at installation on HP-UX, run the swinstall program using the


# swinstall

This opens the "Software Selection" window and the "Specify Source"
On the Specify Source window, change the Source Host Name if necessary.
Enter the mount point of the drive in the Source Depot Path field and
click OK to return to the
Software Selection window.

The Software Selection window now contains a list of available software

bundles to install.
Highlight the HP-UX IPSec software for your system type.
Choose Mark for Install from the Actions menu to choose the product to
be installed. With the exception of
the manpages and user's manual, you must install the complete IPSec

swinstall loads the fileset, runs the control scripts for the fileset,
and builds the kernel.
Estimated time for processing: 3 to 5 minutes.

Click OK on the Note window to reboot the system.

When the system reboots, check the log files "/var/adm/sw/swinstall.log"

"/var/adm/sw/swagent.log" to make sure the installation was successful.

-- Setting the HP-UX IPSec Password:

When you install HP-UX IPSec, the HP-UX IPSec password is set to ipsec.
You must change the HP-UX IPSec password
after installing the product to use the autoboot feature and to load and
configure security certificates.
HP-UX IPSec uses the password to encrypt certificate files that contain
cryptography keys for
security certificates, and to control access to the ipsec_mgr security
certificate configuration GUI.

To set the password, run the following command:

# ipsec_admin -newpasswd

The ipsec_admin utility prompts you to establish the HP-UX IPSec


Configuring IPSec (2):


From the HP-UX documentation, it is shown that you should do the

following actions:

Step 1: Configuring Host IPSec Policies

Step 2: Configuring Tunnel IPSec Policies
Step 3: Configuring IKE Policies
Step 4: Configuring Preshared Keys Using Authentication Records (Or do
Step 5)
Step 5: Configuring Certificates
Step 6: Configuring the Bypass List (Local IPv4 Addresses)
Step 7: Verify Batch File Syntax
Step 8: Committing the Batch File Configuration and Verifying Operation
Step 9: Configuring HP-UX IPSec to Start Automatically
Step 10: Creating Backup Copies of the Batch File and Configuration
43. SOLARIS OpenBoot PROM commands:

-- Getting help
-- ------------
ok help / ok help [category] / ok help command

For example, if you want to see the help messages for all commands in
the category "diag", type the following:

ok help diag

-- Display your physical devices

-- -----------------------------
ok show-devs [device path]

-- Create or show device aliases

-- -----------------------------
A device pathnames can be long and hard to enter. A device alias allows
a short name to represent
an entire device pathname. For example the alias "disk0" might represent
the device

ok devalias displays all current devices aliases

ok <alias> <device name> creates the alias corresponding to the
physical device

The following example creates a device alias named "disk3" which

represents a SCSI disk
with a target ID of 3.

ok devalias disk3 /iommu/sbus/espdma@f,400000/esp@f,800000/sd@3,0

To make this permanent in NVRAM use:

ok nvalias disk3 /iommu/sbus/espdma@f,400000/esp@f,800000/sd@3,0

-- OpenBoot Diagnostics
-- --------------------
Various hardware diagnostics can be run in OpenBoot.

ok probe-scsi identifies devices attached to as SCSI bus

ok probe-ide identifies IDE devices attached to the PCI bus
ok test device executes the self-test method of the device
ok test-all test all devices that have a build-in self-test
ok watch-clock tests the clock function
ok watch-net monitors the network connection

-- OpenBoot NVRAM
-- --------------
System configuration parameters, like "auto-boot", are stored in NVRAM.
You can list or modify these configuration parameters and any changes
you make
remain in effect, even after a power cycle because the are stored in

Some of the most important parameters:

auto-boot? default true if true, the machine boots
boot-command default boot the command that is executed if auto-
boot is true
boot-device disk or net device from which to start up
input-device keyboard console input device, usually
keyboard, ttya, ttyb
security-mode none none, command, or full

To show a parameter: ok printenv <parameter>

To set a parameter : ok setenv <parameter> <value>

ok setenv auto-boot? false

ok printenv auto-boot?

Once unix is loaded, root can also use the /usr/sbin/eeprom command to
view or change an OpenBoot parameter.
/usr/sbin/eeprom auto-boot?=true

44. Process priority:



NICE and PRIOCTL commands:


A high nice value means a low priority for your process: you are goiing
to be nice.
A low or negative value means a high priority: you are not very nice.


# nice +10 ~/bin/longtask

# renice -5 8829

The nice command uses the programname as an argument. The renice command
takes the PID as argument.

System Range
------ -----
Solaris 0-39
HPUX 0-39
Read Hat -20-20
FreeBSD -20-20

Solaris uses the prioctl command, intended as an improvement over the

nice command,
to modify process priorities.

# prioctl -s -p <new_priority> -i pid <process_id>

# prioctl -s -p -5 -i pid 8200


In AIX we can use the nice and renice commands as well.

About the schedtune Command:

Sets parameters for CPU scheduler and Virtual Memory Manager processing.

schedtune [ -D | { [ -d n ] [ -e n ] [ -f n ] [ -h n ] [ -m n ] [ -p n ]
[ -r n ] [ -t n ] [ -w n ] } ]

Priority-Calculation Parameters
The priority of most user processes varies with the amount of CPU time
the process has used recently. The CPU scheduler's priority calculations
are based on two parameters that are set with schedtune: -r and -d. The
r and d values are in thirty-seconds (1/32); that is, the formula used
by the scheduler to calculate the amount to be added to a process's
priority value as a penalty for recent CPU use is:

CPU penalty = (recently used CPU value of the process) * (r/32)

and the once-per-second recalculation of the recently used CPU value of
each process is:

new recently used CPU value = (old recently used CPU value of the
process) * (d/32)

44. ttymon and terminals:



The configuration of terminals in Solaris 8,9 is somewhat more elaborate

adding such a device on AIX, for example with the mkdev command.
Here we shall only show the configuration in Solaris 8,9.

Note 1:

In Solaris, the usual getty is taken over by the portmonitor ttymon.

$ cd /etc
$ ls -al get*
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Aug 10 2004 getty ->

/var/saf/zsmon >sacadm -l
zsmon ttymon - 0 ENABLED /usr/lib/saf/ttymon #

$ pmadm -l
zsmon ttymon ttya u root /dev/term/a I
- /usr/bin/login - 9600 ldterm,ttcompat ttya login: - tvi925 y #
zsmon ttymon ttyb u root /dev/term/b I
- /usr/bin/login - 9600 ldterm,ttcompat ttyb login: - tvi925 y #

ls -al \dev\term

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 48 Aug 10 2004 a ->

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 48 Aug 10 2004 b ->

Note 2:

Solaris 2.x systems come with a ttymon port monitor named zsmon and with
serial ports A and B already
configured with default settings for terminals, as shown in the
following example:

castle% /usr/sbin/sacadm -l
zsmon ttymon - 0 ENABLED /usr/lib/saf/ttymon #

castle% /usr/sbin/pmadm -l
tcp listen lp - root - p -

$ sacadm -l
zsmon ttymon - 0 ENABLED /usr/lib/saf/ttymon #

Note 3:

$ tail -30 /var/saf/zsmon/log

Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; ********** ttymon starting **********

Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; PMTAG: zsmon
Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; Starting state: enabled
Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; Got SC_ENABLE message
Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; max open files = 1024
Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; max ports ttymon can monitor = 1017
Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; *ptr == 0
Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; SUCCESS
Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; *ptr == 0
Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; SUCCESS
Wed Mar 16 13:13:59 2005; 453; Initialization Completed
Mon Mar 21 08:02:27 2005; 453; caught SIGTERM
Mon Mar 21 08:02:27 2005; 453; ********** ttymon exiting ***********
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453;
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; ********** ttymon starting **********
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; PMTAG: zsmon
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; Starting state: enabled
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; Got SC_ENABLE message
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; max open files = 1024
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; max ports ttymon can monitor = 1017
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; *ptr == 0
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; SUCCESS
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; *ptr == 0
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; SUCCESS
Mon Mar 21 08:05:43 2005; 453; Initialization Completed

Note 4:

ttymon is a STREAMS-based TTY port monitor. Its function is

to monitor ports, to set terminal modes, baud rates, and
line disciplines for the ports, and to connect users or
applications to services associated with the ports. Nor-
mally, ttymon is configured to run under the Service Access
Controller, sac(1M), as part of the Service Access Facility
(SAF). It is configured using the sacadm(1M) command. Each
instance of ttymon can monitor multiple ports. The ports
monitored by an instance of ttymon are specified in the port
monitor's administrative file. The administrative file is
configured using the pmadm(1M) and ttyadm(1M) commands. When
an instance of ttymon is invoked by the sac command, it
starts to monitor its ports. For each port, ttymon first
initializes the line disciplines, if they are specified, and
the speed and terminal settings. For ports with entries in
/etc/logindevperm, device owner, group and permissions are
set. (See logindevperm(4).) The values used for initializa-
tion are taken from the appropriate entry in the TTY set-
tings file. This file is maintained by the sttydefs(1M) com-
mand. Default line disciplines on ports are usually set up
by the autopush(1M) command of the Autopush Facility.

ttymon then writes the prompt and waits for user input. If
the user indicates that the speed is inappropriate by press-
ing the BREAK key, ttymon tries the next speed and writes
the prompt again. When valid input is received, ttymon
interprets the per-service configuration file for the port,
if one exists, creates a utmpx entry if required (see
utmpx(4)), establishes the service environment, and then
invokes the service associated with the port. Valid input
consists of a string of at least one non-newline character,
terminated by a carriage return. After the service ter-
minates, ttymon cleans up the utmpx entry, if one exists,
and returns the port to its initial state.

If autobaud is enabled for a port, ttymon will try to deter-

mine the baud rate on the port automatically. Users must
enter a carriage return before ttymon can recognize the baud
rate and print the prompt. Currently, the baud rates that
can be determined by autobaud are 110, 1200, 2400, 4800, and

SunOS 5.9 Last change: 11 Dec 2001 1

System Administration Commands ttymon(1M)

If a port is configured as a bidirectional port, ttymon will

allow users to connect to a service, and, if the port is
free, will allow uucico(1M), cu(1C), or ct(1C) to use it for
dialing out. If a port is bidirectional, ttymon will wait to
read a character before it prints a prompt.

If the connect-on-carrier flag is set for a port, ttymon

will immediately invoke the port's associated service when a
connection request is received. The prompt message will not
be sent.

If a port is disabled, ttymon will not start any service on

that port. If a disabled message is specified, ttymon will
send out the disabled message when a connection request is
received. If ttymon is disabled, all ports under that
instance of ttymon will also be disabled.

The service ttymon invokes for a port is specified in the
ttymon administrative file. ttymon will scan the character
string giving the service to be invoked for this port, look-
ing for a %d or a %% two-character sequence. If %d is found,
ttymon will modify the service command to be executed by
replacing those two characters by the full path name of this
port (the device name). If %% is found, they will be
replaced by a single %. When the service is invoked, file
descriptor 0, 1, and 2 are opened to the port device for
reading and writing. The service is invoked with the user
ID, group ID and current home directory set to that of the
user name under which the service was registered with
ttymon. Two environment variables, HOME and TTYPROMPT, are
added to the service's environment by ttymon. HOME is set to
the home directory of the user name under which the service
is invoked. TTYPROMPT is set to the prompt string configured
for the service on the port. This is provided so that a ser-
vice invoked by ttymon has a means of determining if a
prompt was actually issued by ttymon and, if so, what that
prompt actually was.

See ttyadm(1M) for options that can be set for ports moni-
tored by ttymon under the Service Access Controller.

ttymon uses pam(3PAM) for session management. The PAM con-
figuration policy, listed through /etc/pam.conf, specifies
the modules to be used for ttymon. Here is a partial
pam.conf file with entries for ttymon using the UNIX session
management module.

ttymon session required /usr/lib/security/

SunOS 5.9 Last change: 11 Dec 2001 2

System Administration Commands ttymon(1M)

If there are no entries for the ttymon service, then the

entries for the "other" service will be used.

Note 5:

To add a login service to configure an existing port. Follow these steps

to configure the SAF for
a character terminal:

1. Become superuser.
2. Type sacadm -l and press Return. Check the output to make sure that
a ttymon port monitor is configured.
It is unlikely that you will need to add a new port monitor. If you
do need to add one, type

sacadm -a -p pmtag -t ttymon -c /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -v `ttymon -V`

and press Return.

3. Type

pmadm -a -p pmtag -s svctag -i root -fu -v `ttymon -V` -m "`ttyadm

-t terminfo-type -d dev-path \
-l ttylabel -s /usr/bin/login`"

and press Return. The port is configured for a login service.

4. Attach all of the cords and cables to the terminal and turn it on.

In this example, a ttymon port monitor called ttymon0 is created and a

login is
enabled for serial port /dev/term/00:

oak% su
# sacadm -l
zsmon ttymon - O ENABLED /usr/lib/saf/ttymon #
# sacadm -a -p ttymonO -t ttymon -c /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -v`ttyadm -V`
# sacadm -l
ttymonmO ttymon - O STARTING /usr/lib/saf/ttymon #
zsmon ttymon - O ENABLED /usr/lib/saf/ttymon #
# pmadm -a -p ttymonO -s ttyOO -i root -fu
-v `ttyadm -V` -m "`ttyadm -t tvi925 -d
/dev/term/OO -l 96OO -s
# pmadm -l
zsmon ttymon ttya u root /dev/term/a I -
/usr/bin/login - 96OO ldterm,ttcompat ttya login: - tvi925 y
zsmon ttymon ttyb u root /dev/term/b I -
/usr/bin/login - 96OO ldterm,ttcompat
ttyb login: - tvi925 y
ttymonO ttymon ttyOO u root /dev/term/OO - - -
?/usr/bin/login - 96OO login: - tvi925 - #

Add a port monitor sacadm -a -p pmtag -t ttymon -c

/usr/lib/saf/ttymon -v `ttyadm -V` -y "comment"
Disable a port monitor sacadm -d -p pmtag
Enable a port monitor sacadm -e -p pmtag
Kill a port monitor sacadm -k -p pmtag
List status information
for a port monitor sacadm -l -p pmtag
Remove a port monitor sacadm -r -p pmtag
Start a port monitor sacadm -s -p pmtag
Add a listen port monitor sacadm -a -p pmtag -t listen -c
/usr/lib/saf/listen -v `ttyadm -V` -y "comment"

Add a standard terminal service pmadm -a -p pmtag -s svctag -i root -v

`ttyadm -V` -m "`ttyadm -i `terminal disabled.' -l contty -m
ldterm,ttcompat -d dev-path -s /usr/bin/login`"
Disable a ttymon port monitor pmadm -d -p pmtag -s svctag
Enable a ttymon port monitor pmadm -e -p pmtag -s svctag
List all services pmadm -l
List status information for one
ttymon port monitor pmadm -l -p pmtag -s svctag
Add a listen service pmadm -a -p pmtag -s lp -i root -v
`nlsadmin -V` -m "`nlsadmin -o /var/spool/lp/fifos/listenS5`"
Disable a listen port monitor pmadm -d -p pmtag -s lp
Enable a listen port monitor pmadm -e -p pmtag -s lp
List status information for
one ttymon port monitor pmadm -l -p pmtag

Note 7:

3.23) What has happened to getty? What is pmadm and how do you use it?
I was hoping you wouldn't ask. PMadm stands for Port Monitor Admin, and
it's part of a ridiculously complicated
bit of software over-engineering that is destined to make everybody an
Best advice for workstations: don't touch it! It works out of the box.
For servers, you'll have to read the manual.
This should be in admintool in Solaris 2.3 and later. For now, here are
some basic instructions from Davy Curry.

"Not guaranteed, but they worked for me."

To add a terminal to a Solaris system:

1. Do a "pmadm -l" to see what's running. The serial ports on the CPU
board are probably already being monitored by "zsmon".


zsmon ttymon ttya u root \
/dev/term/a I - /usr/bin/login - 9600 ldterm,ttcompat ttya \
login: - tvi925 y #

2. If the port you want is not being monitored, you need to create a new
port monitor with the command

sacadm -a -p PMTAG -t ttymon -c /usr/lib/saf/ttymon -v


where PMTAG is the name of the port monitor, e.g. "zsmon" or "alm1mon",
and VERSION is the output of "ttyadm -V".

3. If the port you want is already being monitored, and you want to
change something, you need to delete the current instance of the port
monitor. To do this, use the command

pmadm -r -p PMTAG -s SVCTAG

where PMTAG and SVCTAG are as given in the output from "pmadm -l". Note
that if the "I" is present in the <PMSPECIFIC> field (as it is above),
you need to get rid of it.

4. Now, to create a specific instance of ttymon for a port, issue the


pmadm -a -p PMTAG -s SVCTAG -i root -fu -v 1 -m \

"`ttyadm -m ldterm,ttcompat -p 'PROMPT' -S YORN -T
-d DEVICE -l TTYID -s /usr/bin/login`"

Note the assorted quotes; Bourne shell (sh) and Korn (ksh) users leave
off the second backslash!

In the above:

PMTAG is the port monitor name you made with "sacadm", e.g. "zsmon".
SVCTAG is the service tag, which can be the name of the port, e.g.,
"ttya" or "tty21".
PROMPT is the prompt you want to print, e.g. "login: ".
YORN is "y" to turn software carrier on (you want this for directly
connected terminals" and "n" to leave it off
(you want this for modems).
TERMTYPE is the value you want in $TERM.
DEVICE is the name of the device, e.g. "/dev/term/a" or "/dev/term/21".
TTYID is the line you want from /etc/ttydefs that sets the baud rate and
stuff. I suggest you use one of the
"contty" ones for directly connected terminals.

5. To disable ("turn off") a terminal, run

pmadm -d -p PMTAG -s SVCTAG

To enable ("turn on") a terminal, run

pmadm -e -p PMTAG -s SVCTAG

Ports are enabled by default when you "create" them as above.

Note 8:

You use three SAF commands to administer modems and alphanumeric

terminals: sacadm, pmadm, and ttyadm.

-- The sacadm command adds and removes port monitors. This command is
your main link with the Service Access Controller (SAC)
and its administrative file (/etc/saf/_sactab).

-- The pmadm command adds or removes a service and associates a service

with a particular port monitor.

-- The ttyadm command formats information for inclusion in various SAF

administrative files. A ttyadm command often is embedded
within a sacadm or pmadm command to provide some of the data needed by
those commands.

Function Program Description

Overall administration sacadm Command for adding
and removing port monitors
Service Access Controller sac SAF's master
Port monitors ttymon Monitors serial
port login requests
listen Monitors requests
for network services
Port monitor service administrator pmadm Command for
controlling port monitors' services
Services logins;
remote procedure calls;
other Services to which
SAF provides access

45: CDE:

Start Login Manager:


The login Server, also called the Login Manager, usually starts up the
CDE environment when the system
is booted and the "/etc/rc2.d/S99dtlogin" script is run.
The login Server is a server responsible for displaying a graphical
logon screen, authenticating users,
and starting a user session.
It can display a login screen on local or network bitmap displays

It can also be started from the command line, for example, to start the
Login Server use either:

# /etc/init.d/dtlogin start
# /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -deamon; exit

To set the Login Manager to start CDE the next time the system is
booted, give the command

# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -e

Stop Login manager:


To stop the Login Manager, use

# /etc/init.d/dtlogin stop
# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -kill

If you do not want the CDE startup if the system is booted use

# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -d

Other facts of the Login manager:


By default the Login manager stores its PID in /var/dt/Xpid

The login manager is configurable throug a number of files like

You should copy "/usr/dt/config" to "/etc/dt/config" and make
modifications there.
To tell the Login Manager to reread Xconfig, use
# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -reset

Displaying a Login screen:


Upon startup, the Login Server checks the Xservers file to determine if
an X server needs to be
started and to determine if and how login screens should be displayed on
local or network displays.
To modify Xservers, copy Xservers from /usr/dt/config to /etc/dt/config.
After modifying, tell the login server to reread Xservers by
# /usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -reset

The format of a record in Xservers is:

display_name display_class display_type X_server_command

display_name = the connection name to use when connecting to the X

server (:0)
An * is expanded to hostname:0
display_class = identifies resources specific to this display (for
example Local)
display_type = tells the Login manager whether the display is local
or a network display.
X_server_command = identifies the commandline, connection number, and
other options the
Login server will use to start the X server
(/usr/bin/X11/X :0)
The connection number must match the number specified
in display_name.

The default Xservers line is similar to:

:0 Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0

Running the Login Server without a Local bitmap display:


If your login server has no bitmap display, you should comment ou the
line shown above like:

# :0 Local local@console /usr/bin/X11/X :0

So when the login server starts, it runs in the background waiting for
requests from
network displays.

46. Make command:


Note 1: (Not geared to any particular unix version):


The make utility executes a list of shell commands associated with each
target, typically to create
or update a file of the same name. makefile contains entries that
describe how to bring a target
up to date with respect to those on which it depends, which are called


/usr/ccs/bin/make [ -d ] [ -dd ] [ -D ] [ -DD ] [ -e ] [ -i ] [ -k ] [

-n ] [ -p ] [ -P ] [ -q ]
[ -r ] [ -s] [ -S ] [ -t ] [ -V ] [ -f makefile ] ... [-K
statefile ] ... [ target ... ] [ macro = value ... ]

/usr/xpg4/bin/make [ -d ] [ -dd ] [ -D ] [ -DD ] [ -e ] [ -i ] [ -k ] [

-n ] [ -p ] [ -P ] [ -q ]
[ -r ] [ -s] [ -S ] [ -t ] [ -V ] [ -f makefile ] ... [ target... ]
[ macro = value ... ]

The make utility executes a list of shell commands associ-
ated with each target, typically to create or update a file
of the same name. makefile contains entries that describe
how to bring a target up to date with respect to those on
which it depends, which are called dependencies. Since each
dependency is a target, it may have dependencies of its own.
Targets, dependencies, and sub-dependencies comprise a tree
structure that make traces when deciding whether or not to
rebuild a target.

The make utility recursively checks each target against its

dependencies, beginning with the first target entry in
makefile if no target argument is supplied on the command
line. If, after processing all of its dependencies, a target
file is found either to be missing, or to be older than any
of its dependencies, make rebuilds it. Optionally with this
version of make, a target can be treated as out-of-date when
the commands used to generate it have changed since the last
time the target was built.

To build a given target, make executes the list of commands,

called a rule. This rule may be listed explicitly in the
target's makefile entry, or it may be supplied implicitly by

If no target is specified on the command line, make uses the

first target defined in makefile.

If a target has no makefile entry, or if its entry has no

rule, make attempts to derive a rule by each of the follow-
ing methods, in turn, until a suitable rule is found. Each
method is described under USAGE below.
Note 2: An example

# find . -name "make" -print


/opt/app/oracle/product/9.2/sqlplus/lib >/usr/ccs/bin/make -f install

If you want to do compilations on Solaris, it is best not have /usr/ucb

in your PATH. If you want to have /usr/ucb in the PATH it must be the
entry. You also should put /usr/ccs/bin/ before /usr/xpg4/bin/ in the
to make sure that /usr/ccs/bin/make is used and not /usr/xpg4/bin/make.

To be able to use 'make' 'as' and 'ld' you need to make sure that
/usr/ccs/bin is in your path.

Alan Coopersmith <[email protected]> wrote:

> [email protected] (Keg) writes in comp.sys.sun.admin:
> |Just curious what the stuff under /usr/ucb is for? I was looking at
> |the ps utility and apparently they are the same fiel in 2 different
> |places:

> For users and scripts that expect the BSD style options, in cases such
> as ps & ls where they are incompatible with the SvsV options found in
> the /usr/bin versions.

It's there for historical reasons. SunOS 4.x was based on BSD unix.
Solaris 2.x (= SunOS 5.x) was based on SYSV, with a bunch of commands
having different syntax and behavior. To ease the transition, the
/usr/ucb directory was created to hold the incompatible BSD versions.
People who really wanted BSD could put /usr/ucb before /usr in their

Note 3:

How to write a simple makefile.

Let use start with a very simple example. Suppose the executable sortit
depends on the main Fortran source file
"sortit_main.f90" and 2 additional files "readN.f90" and
The source files can be compiled and linked in 1 f90 command:

f90 -o sortit sortit_main.f90 readN.f90 sortarray.f90

Now suppose only one file changes, and the files are not small but
contains many codelines, then
a better approach could be this:
Suppose you seperate the compilation and linking stages:
- compile into objectfiles:
f90 -c sortit sortit_main.f90 readN.f90 sortarray.f90

- link the files:

f90 -o sortit sortit_main.o readN.f90.o sortarray.o

Suppose there were many source files, and thus many objectfiles.
In this case it's better to make one definitionfile which explains it
all. So if one source changes,
the corresponding objectfile is out of date, and needs to be recreated.
All that information can be in a definitionfile, for example:

sortit: sortit_main.o readN.o sortarray.o

f90 -o sortit sortit_main.o readN.o sortarray.o

sortit_main.o: sortit_main.f90
f90 -c sortit_main.f90

readN.o: readN.f90
f90 -c readN.f90

sortarray.o: sortarray.f90
f90 -c sortarray.f90

By default, make looks for a makefile called "makefile" in the current

directory. Alternative files can
be specified with the -f option followed by the name of the makefile,
for example:

make -f


make -f install

One of the labels present in the Makefile happens to be named ' install
' .

Further explanation:

The make utility is embedded in UNIX history. It is designed to decrease

a programmer's need to remember things.
I guess that is actually the nice way of saying it decreases a
programmer's need to document. In any case,
the idea is that if you establish a set of rules to create a program in
a format make understands, you don't have
to remember them again.

To make this even easier, the make utility has a set of built-in rules
so you only need to tell it what new things
it needs to know to build your particular utility. For example, if you
typed in make love, make would first look
for some new rules from you. If you didn't supply it any then it would
look at its built-in rules. One of those
built-in rules tells make that it can run the linker (ld) on a program
name ending in .o to produce the
executable program.

So, make would look for a file named love.o. But, it wouldn't stop
there. Even if it found the .o file,
it has some other rules that tell it to make sure the .o file is up to
date. In other words, newer than
the source program. The most common source program on Linux systems is
written in C and its file name ends in .c.

If make finds the .c file (love.c in our example) as well as the .o

file, it would check their timestamps
to make sure the .o was newer. If it was not newer or did not exist, it
would use another built-in rule to
build a new .o from the .c (using the C compiler). This same type of
situation exists for other
programming languages. The end result, in any case, is that when make is
done, assuming it can find the
right pieces, the executable program will be built and up to date.

The old UNIX joke, by the way, is what early versions of make said when
it could not find the necessary files.
In the example above, if there was no love.o, love.c or any other source
format, the program would have said:
make: don't know how to make love. Stop.

Getting back to the task at hand, the default file for additional rules
in Makefile in the current directory.
If you have some source files for a program and there is a Makefile file
there, take a look. It is just text.
The lines that have a word followed by a colon are targets. That is,
these are words you can type following
the make command name to do various things. If you just type make with
no target, the first target will be executed.

What you will likely see at the beginning of most Makefile files are
what look like some assignment statements.
That is, lines with a couple of fields with an equal sign between them.
Surprise, that is what they are.
They set internal variables in make. Common things to set are the
location of the C compiler (yes, there is a default),
version numbers of the program and such.

This now beings up back to configure. On different systems, the C

compiler might be in a different place, you might
be using ZSH instead of BASH as your shell, the program might need to
know your host name, it might use a
dbm library and need to know if the system had gdbm or ndbm and a whole
bunch of other things.
You used to do this configuring by editing Makefile. Another pain for
the programmer and it also meant that
any time you wanted to install software on a new system you needed to do
a complete inventory of what was where.

As more and more software became available and more and more POSIX-
compliant platforms appeared, this got harder
and harder. This is where configure comes in. It is a shell script
(generally written by GNU Autoconf) that goes up
and looks for software and even tries various things to see what works.
It then takes its instructions
from and builds Makefile (and possibly some other files)
that work on the current system.

Background work done, let me put the pieces together.

You run configure (you usually have to type ./configure as most people
don't have the current directory in their
search path). This builds a new Makefile.
Type make This builds the program. That is, make would be executed, it
would look for the first target in Makefile
and do what the instructions said. The expected end result would be to
build an executable program.
Now, as root, type make install. This again invokes make, make finds the
target install in Makefile and files
the directions to install the program.
This is a very simplified explanation but, in most cases, this is what
you need to know. With most programs,
there will be a file named INSTALL that contains installation
instructions that will fill you in on
other considerations. For example, it is common to supply some options
to the configure command to change the
final location of the executable program. There are also other make
targets such as clean that remove unneeded
files after an install and, in some cases test which allows you to test
the software between the make and
make install steps.

47. mkitab:


mkitab Command
Makes records in the /etc/inittab file.

mkitab [ -i Identifier ] { [ Identifier ] : [ RunLevel ] : [ Action ] :
[ Command ] }

The mkitab command adds a record to the /etc/inittab file.
The Identifier:RunLevel:Action:Command parameter string specifies the
new entry to the /etc/inittab file.
You can insert a record after a specific record using the -i Identifier
flag. The command finds the field
specified by the Identifier parameter and inserts the new record after
the one identified by
the -i Identifier flag.


To add a new record to the /etc/inittab file, telling the init command
to handle a login on tty2,

mkitab "tty002:2:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty2"

To change currently existing entries from the file, use the chitab
command. For example, to change
tty2's runlevel, enter the command

chitab "tty002:23:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty2"

chitab "rcnfs:23456789:off:/etc/rc.nfs > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start NFS


This is also why an /etc/inittab is usually much bigger in AIX compared

to Solaris.

rmitab Command
Removes records in the /etc/inittab file.

rmitab Identifier

The rmitab command removes an /etc/inittab record. You can specify a
record to remove by
using the Identifier parameter. The Identifier parameter specifies a
field of one to fourteen
characters used to uniquely identify an object. If the Identifier field
is not unique, the command is unsuccessful.

To remove the tty entry for tty2 , enter:

rmitab "tty002"

48. Starting and stopping deamons:



AIX has a unique way of managing processes: the System Resource

Controller (SRC). The SRC takes
the form of a daemon, "/usr/sbin/srcmstr", which is started by init
via /etc/inittab. srcmstr manages requests
to start, stop, or refresh a daemon or a group of daemons. Instead of
typing the name of a
daemon to start it, or instead of using the kill command to stop a
daemon, you use an SRC command
that does it for you. In this way you don't have to remember, for
example, whether to use an ampersand
when starting a daemon, or what signal to use when killing one. SRC also
allows you to stop and start
groups of related daemons with one command.

AIX has a hierarchical organization of system processes, and this

organization is configured into the ODM
in the form of the SRCsubsys and SRCsubsvr object classes. Daemons at
the lowest levels are subservers.
On a newly loaded system the only subservers are those of the inetd
ftp, telnet, login, finger, etc. To view these subservers, use the
odmget command:

To start a subsystem, for example

# startsrc -s lpd

To stop a subsystem, for example

# stopsrc -s lpd

You can also use the refresh command, after for example editing a .conf
file and you need the
subsystem to reparse the config file.
For example, you have started the httpd demon

# startsrc -s httpd

Now you have edited the /etc/httpd.conf file. To refresh the deamon, use
the following command:

# refresh -s httpd

To list the status of a subsystem, use for example

# lssrc -g nfs
# lssrc -s sshd

Subsystem Group Pid Status

biod nfs 11354 active
rpc.lockd nfs 11108 active
nfsd nfs inoperative
rpc.statd nfs inoperative
rpc.mountd nfs inoperative
rpc.mountd nfs inoperative

Starting and stopping daemons in general:


In general, and in most cases, daemons which are not under the control
of some resource controller, can be
stopped or started in a way as shown in the following "stanza":

# <script_name> stop
# <script_name> start
In many occasions, a script associated with the daemon is available,
that will take "stop"or "start"
as an argument.

49. Inodes, the superblock and related items:


49.1 Solaris:

Following is a "light weight" discussion about the superblock and inodes

in the UFS filesystem in Solaris:

When you create an UFS filesystem, the disk slice is divided into
cylindergroups. The slice is then divided
into blocks to control and organize the structure of files within the
cylinder group.
Each block performs a specific function in the filesystem.
A UFS filesystem has the following types of blocks:

Boot block: stores information used when booting the system, and is the
first 8KB in a slice (partition).
Superblock: stores much of the information about the filesystem. Its
located after the bootblock.
Inode : stores all information about a file except its name
datablock : stores data for each file

The bootblock stores the procedures used in booting the system. Without
a bootblock the system does not boot.
If a filesystem is not used for booting, the bootblock is left blank.
The bootblock appears only
in the first cylinder group (cylinder group 0) and is the first 8KB in a

The superblock stores much of the information about the filesystem.

Following are the items
contained in a superblock:
- size and status of the fs
- label (filesystem name and volume name)
- size of the fs logical block
- date and time of the last update
- cylinder group size
- number of datablocks in a cylinder group
- summary data block
- fs state (clean, stable, or active)
- pathname of the last mount point

The superblock is located at the beginning of the disk slice and is

replicated in each cilinder group.
Because it contains critical data, multiple superblocks are made when
the fs is created.
A copy of the superblock for each filesystem is kept up-to-date in
The sync command forces every superblock in memory to write its data to

An inode contains all the information about a file except its name which
is kept in a directory.
An inode is 128 bytes. For each file there corresponds one inode.
The inode information is kept in the cylinder information block and
contains the

- the type of file (regular file, directory, block special, character

special, link)
- mode of the file (rwxrwxrwx)
- number of hard links to the file
- userid of the owner
- groupid
- number of bytes in the file
- an array of 15 disk-block addresses
- date and time the file was last accessed
- date and time the file was last modified
- date and time the file was created

The maximum number of files per UFS file system is determined by the
number of inodes
allocated for a filesystem. The number of inodes depends on the amount
of diskspace that
is allocated for each inode and the total size of the filesystem.
By default, on inode is allocated for each 2KB of dataspace. You can
change this default
with the newfs command.

Inodes include pointers to the data blocks. Each inode contains 15


the first 12 pointers point directly to data blocks

the 13th pointer points to an indirect block, a block containing
pointers to data blocks
the 14th pointer points to a doubly-indirect block, a block containing
128 addresses of singly indirect blocks
the 15th pointer points to a triply indirect block (which contains
pointers to doubly indirect blocks, etc.)

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | |--------------------------
data blocks | |-----------| |
| | |
----- ----- -----
| | | | | |
----- ----- -----
||| ||| |||
data ----- -----
| | | |
----- -----
||| |||
data -----
| |

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| B. B. | S. B. | Inodes | | | ... | Many Data Blocks ......
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

In order to create a UFS filesystem on a formatted disk that already has

been divided into slices
you need to know the raw device filename of the slice that will contain
the filesystem.

# newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s7

defaults on UFS on Solaris:

blocksize 8192
fragmentsize 1024
one inode for each 2K of diskspace

49.2 AIX:

Although we use the LVM to create Volume Groups, and Logical Volumes
within a Volume Group,
a file system resides on a single logical volume.
Every file and directory belongs to a file system within a logical

The mkfs (make file system) command, or crfs command, or the System
Management Interface Tool (smit command)
creates a file system on a logical volume.

- crfs
The crfs command creates a file system on a logical volume within a
previously created volume group.
A new logical volume is created for the file system unless the name of
an existing logical volume
is specified using the -d. An entry for the file system is put into
the /etc/filesystems file.

By the way, a newly installed AIX 5.x system has the following
filesystem structure:
"/" root is a filesystem. Certain standard directories are present
within "/", like for example /bin.
But also a set of separate filesystems like hd2=/usr, hd3=/tmp,
hd9var=/var, are MOUNTED over the
coresponding named directories or mountpoints.

| | | | | | |
/bin /dev /etc /usr /tmp /var /home
directories file systems

So, when you unmount all extra (later on) defined filesystems like
/export, /software etc..
you still have / (with its standard directories like /etc, /bin etc..)
and the standard filesystems
like /usr etc..


-- Working with JFS i-nodes:

-- -------------------------

Files in the journaled file system (JFS) are represented internally as

index nodes (i-nodes). Journaled file system
i-nodes exist in a static form on disk and contain access information
for the file as well as pointers to the
real disk addresses of the file's data blocks. The number of disk i-
nodes available to a file system is
dependent on the size of the file system, the allocation group size (8
MB by default), and the number of bytes
per i-node ratio (4096 by default). These parameters are given to the
mkfs command at file system creation.
When enough files have been created to use all the available i-nodes, no
more files can be created, even if
the file system has free space. The number of available i-nodes can be
determined by using the df -v command.
Disk i-nodes are defined in the /usr/include/jfs/ino.h file.

When a file is opened, an in-core i-node is created by the operating

system. The in-core i-node contains
a copy of all the fields defined in the disk i-node, plus additional
fields for tracking the in-core i-node.
In-core i-nodes are defined in the /usr/include/jfs/inode.h file.

Disk i-node Structure for JFS

Each disk i-node in the journaled file system (JFS) is a 128-byte


The offset of a particular i-node within the i-node list of the file
system produces the unique number
(i-number) by which the operating system identifies the i-node. A bit
map, known as the i-node map, tracks the
availability of free disk i-nodes for the file system.

Disk i-nodes include the following information:

Field Contents
i_mode Type of file and access permission mode bits
i_size Size of file in bytes
i_uid Access permissions for the user ID
i_gid Access permissions for the group ID
i_nblocks Number of blocks allocated to the file
i_mtime Last time file was modified
i_atime Last time file was accessed
i_ctime Last time i-node was modified
i_nlink Number of hard links to the file
i_rdaddr[8] Real disk addresses of the data
i_rindirect Real disk address of the indirect block, if any

It is impossible to change the data of a file without changing the i-

node, but it is possible to change the i-node
without changing the contents of the file. For example, when permission
is changed, the information within the
i-node (i_ctime) is modified, but the data in the file remains the same.

The i_rdaddr field within the disk i-node contains 8 disk addresses.
These addresses point to the first
8 data blocks assigned to the file. The i_rindirect field address points
to an indirect block.
Indirect blocks are either single indirect or double indirect. Thus,
there are three possible geometries
of block allocation for a file: direct, indirect, or double indirect.
Use of the indirect block and other
file space allocation geometries are discussed in the article JFS File
Space Allocation .

Disk i-nodes do not contain file or path name information. Directory

entries are used to link file names to
i-nodes. Any i-node can be linked to many file names by creating
additional directory entries with the
link or symlink subroutine. To discover the i-node number assigned to a
file, use the ls -i command.

The i-nodes that represent files that define devices contain slightly
different information from i-nodes
for regular files. Files associated with devices are called special
files. There are no data block addresses
in special device files, but the major and minor device numbers are
included in the i_rdev field.

In normal situations, a disk i-node is released when the link count

(i_nlink) to the i-node equals 0.
Links represent the file names associated with the i-node. When the link
count to the disk i-node is 0,
all the data blocks associated with the i-node are released to the bit
map of free data blocks for the file system.
The i-node is then placed on the free i-node map.

In-core i-node Structure

When a file is opened, the information in the disk i-node is copied into
an in-core i-node for easier access.
The in-core i-node structure contains additional fields which manage
access to the disk i-node's valuable data.
The fields of the in-core i-node are defined in the inode.h file. Some
of the additional information tracked
by the in-core i-node is:

-Status of the in-core i-node, including flags that indicate:

An i-node lock
A process waiting for the i-node to unlock
Changes to the file's i-node information
Changes to the file's data
-Logical device number of the file system that contains the file
-i-number used to identify the i-node
-Reference count. When the reference count field equals 0, the in-core
i-node is released.

When an in-core i-node is released (for instance with the close

subroutine), the in-core i-node
reference count is reduced by 1. If this reduction results in the
reference count to the in-core i-node
becoming 0, the i-node is released from the in-core i-node table, and
the contents of the in-core i-node
are written to the disk copy of the i-node (if the two versions differ).

-- Working with JFS2 i-nodes:

-- --------------------------

Files in the enhanced journaled file system (JFS2) are represented

internally as index nodes (i-nodes).
JFS2 i-nodes exist in a static form on the disk and they contain access
information for the files as well as
pointers to the real disk addresses of the file's data blocks. The i-
nodes are allocated dynamically by JFS2.

When a file is opened, an in-core i-node is created by the operating

system. The in-core i-node contains
a copy of all the fields defined in the disk i-node, plus additional
fields for tracking the in-core i-node.
In-core i-nodes are defined in the /usr/include/j2/j2_inode.h file.

Disk i-node Structure for JFS2

Each disk i-node in JFS2 is a 512 byte structure. The index of a
particular i-node allocation map of the
file system produces the unique number (i-number) by which the operating
system identifies the i-node.
The i-node allocation map tracks the location of the i-nodes on the disk
as well as their availability.
Disk i-nodes include the following information:

Field Contents
di_mode Type of file and access permission mode bits
di_size Size of file in bytes
di_uid Access permissions for the user ID
di_gid Access permissions for the group ID
di_nblocks Number of blocks allocated to the file
di_mtime Last time file was modified
di_atime Last time file was accessed
di_ctime Last time i-node was modified
di_nlink Number of hard links to the file
di_btroot Root of B+ tree describing the disk addresses of the data

50. sendmail:


To receive SMTP mail from the network, run sendmail as a daemon during
system startup. The sendmail daemon listens
to TCP port 25 and processes incoming mail. In most cases the code to
start sendmail is already in one of
your boot scripts. If it isn't, add it.

# Start the sendmail daemon:

if [ -x /usr/sbin/sendmail ]; then
echo "Starting sendmail daemon (/usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q 15m)..."
/usr/sbin/sendmail -bd -q 15m

First, this code checks for the existence of the sendmail program. If
the program is found, the code displays
a startup message on the console and runs sendmail with two command-line
One option, the -q option, tells sendmail how often to process the mail
queue. In the sample code, the queue is
processed every 15 minutes (-q15m), which is a good setting to process
the queue frequently.
Don't set this time too low. Processing the queue too often can cause
problems if the queue grows very large,
due to a delivery problem such as a network outage. For the average
desktop system, every hour (-q1h) or
half hour (-q30m) is an adequate setting.

The other option relates directly to receiving SMTP mail. The option (-
bd) tells sendmail to run as a daemon
and to listen to TCP port 25 for incoming mail. Use this option if you
want your system to accept incoming TCP/IP mail.
The Linux example is a simple one. Some systems have a more complex
startup script.
Solaris 2.5, which dedicates the entire /etc/init.d/sendmail script to
starting sendmail, is a notable example.
The mail queue directory holds mail that has not yet been delivered. It
is possible that the system went down while
the mail queue was being processed. Versions of sendmail prior to
sendmail V8, such as the version that comes
with Solaris 2.5, create lock files when processing the queue. Therefore
lock files may have been left
behind inadvertently and should be removed during the boot. Solaris
checks for the existence of the mail queue directory
and removes any lock files found there. If a mail queue directory
doesn't exist, it creates one. The additional
code found in some startup scripts is not required when running sendmail

All you really need is the sendmail command with the -bd option.

nlih30207858-08:/etc/rc2.d $ ps -ef | grep "sendmail"

smmsp 412 1 0 Jan 09 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/sendmail -Ac
root 413 1 0 Jan 09 ? 0:03 /usr/lib/sendmail -bd

Setup sendmail user and group

Before doing anything else, check that the mail user and group are set
Look in /etc/passwd for user smmsp with uid 25. Then check in /etc/group
for group smmsp with gid 25.
If they are there, good. If not, add them with:

groupadd -g 25 smmsp
useradd -u 25 -g smmsp -d / smmsp

Then edit /etc/passwd and remove the shell. You want the line to look
something like "smmsp:x:25:25::/:".
I notice that Slackware has the line set to
"smmsp:x:25:25:smmsp:/var/spool/clientmqueue:", and that's okay too,
so I leave it at that.

In Solaris you should have an entry in passwd as follows:

smmsp:x:25:25:SendMail Message Submission Program:/:/sbin/noshell

Stoping and starting sendmail

/etc/rc2.d/S88sendmail stop then start on Sun systems.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop then start on Linux systems.

Note: About mail:


mail -f = show mail in your box

enter the number at the ? prompt to read the mail

# mail -f
Mail [5.2 UCB] [AIX 5.X] Type ? for help.
"/root/mbox": 0 messages

# mail -f
Mail [5.2 UCB] [AIX 5.X] Type ? for help.
"/root/mbox": 3 messages
> 1 root Tue Nov 1 17:05 13/594
2 MAILER-DAEMON Sun Oct 30 07:59 109/3527 "Postmaster notify:
see trans"
3 daemon Wed Jan 26 10:59 34/1618
? 1
Message 1:
From root Tue Nov 1 17:05:34 2005
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 17:05:34 +0100
From: root
To: root


Example on how to send a mail:

echo "${FIXED_TEXT}${LOGT}" |mail -s "${SM_MAIL_ONDERWERP}" ${EMAIL_TAB}

echo "Hallo" | mail -s "niet belangrijk" ${EMAIL_TAB}

51. SAR:


sar Command
Collects, reports, or saves system activity information.

/usr/sbin/sar [ { -A | [ -a ] [ -b ] [ -c ] [ -k ] [ -m ] [ -q ] [ -r ]
[ -u ] [ -V ] [ -v ] [ -w ] [ -y ] } ]
[ -P ProcessorIdentifier, ... | ALL ] [ -ehh [ :mm [ :ss ] ] ] [
-fFile ] [ -iSeconds ] [ -oFile ] [ -shh [ :mm [ :ss ] ] ]
[ Interval [ Number ] ]

The sar command writes to standard output the contents of selected

cumulative activity counters in the operating system.
The accounting system, based on the values in the Number and Interval
parameters, writes information
the specified number of times spaced at the specified intervals in
seconds. The default sampling interval
for the Number parameter is 1 second. The collected data can also be
saved in the file specified by the -o File flag.
The sar command extracts and writes to standard output records
previously saved in a file. This file can be either
the one specified by the -f flag or, by default, the standard system
activity daily data file,
the /var/adm/sa/sadd file, where the dd parameter indicates the current

To report system unit activity, enter:

# sar

To report current tty activity for each 2 seconds for the next 20
seconds, enter:
# sar -y -r 2 20

To watch system unit for 10 minutes and sort data, enter:

# sar -o temp 60 10

To report cpu activity for the first two processors, enter:

# sar -u -P 0,1
cpu %usr %sys %wio %idle
0 45 45 5 5
1 27 65 3 5

To report message, semaphore, and cpu activity for all processors and
system-wide, enter:
# sar -mu -P ALL
On a four-processor system, this produces output similar to the
following (the last line indicates
system-wide statistics for all processors):
cpu msgs/s sema/s %usr %sys %wio %idle
0 7 2 45 45 5 5
1 5 0 27 65 3 5
2 3 0 55 40 1 4
3 4 1 48 41 4 7
- 19 3 44 48 3 5

To collect all the statistics that sar monitors at 60 second intervals

for a 10 hour period.
Also redirects console output to null device

# nohup sar -A -o /tmp/SAR.STATS 60 600 > /dev/null &

The -A switch will cause all of the data collected by sar to be

reported. The -ubcwyaqvm switch prevents some
data from being reported.

On the obsolete AIX versions 4.2 throught 5.1, you should also make sure
that the schedtune and vmtune utilities
can be found in /usr/samples/kernel . If they're not there, install
bos.adt.samples. These utilites are used
to report on the tunable parameters for the VMM and the scheduler, and
SarCheck is much more useful if it can
analyze the values of these parameters. On newer versions of AIX, this
is not necessary because we look at
ioo, schedo, vmo, and vmstat -v for the data we need.

Some specifics for Solaris with regards to the sar command:

How to check File Access:

# sar -a

How to check Buffer Activity: (metadata= inodes, cylinder group blocks

# sar -b

How to check System Call Statistics:

# sar -c

How to check Disk Activity:

# sar -d

How to check Page-Out and memory:

# sar -g

How to check Kernel Memory Allocation:

# sar -k

How to check Interprocess Communication:

# sar -m

How to check Page-In activity:

# sar -p

How to check Queue Activity:

# sar -q

How to check Unused Memory:

# sar -r

How to check CPU Utilization:

# sar -u

52. Xwindows:

52.1 About the XWindows system:


The X Window System is a graphics system primarily used on Unix systems

(and, less commonly, on VMS, MVS,
and MS-Windows systems) that provides an inherently client/server
oriented base for displaying windowed graphics.
It provides a public protocol by which client programs can query and
update information on X servers.

The representation of "client" and "server" appears a little bit

backwards from most client/server systems.
Usually, people expect the "local" programs to be called a "client," and
for the "server" to be something off
in the back room. Which nicely represents the way database applications
usually work, with many "clients"
connecting to a central database "server."

X reverses these roles, which, as the locations of the hosts are

reversed, is quite appropriate:

An X server is a program that manages a video system (and possibly other

"interactive" I/O devices such as mice,
keyboards, and some more unusual devices).

The X server thus typically runs on a user's desktop, typically a

relatively non-powerful host that would commonly
be termed a "client system." It is, in this context, nonetheless acting
as a server as it provides graphics services.

On the other hand, an X client is typically an application program which

must connect to an X Server
in order to display things.

The client will often run on another host, often a powerful Unix box
that would commonly be known as a "server."
The X client might itself also be a "server process" from some other
point of view; there is no contradiction here.
(Although calling it such may be unwise as it will naturally result in
further confusion.)

X nomenclature treats anything that provides display services as an X

server. Which is not particularly different
from someone saying that a program that provides database services is a
database server.

The upshot (and the point) of all this is that this allows use of the X
system that allows processes on
various computers on a network to display stuff on display devices
elsewhere on the network.


GNOME - GNU Network Object Model Environment

GNOME is not a window manager.

GNOME is an application framework that consists of libraries to assist

in application development and a set
of applications that use those libraries.

It seeks to provide:

An API for interapplication communications. This will represent a set of

objects running via a CORBA
Object Request Broker called ORBit.

This is crucial piece of the infrastructure, with which they intend to

implement a component architecture
to build "compound documents" not entirely unlike OpenDoc; without this,
GNOME is merely a "pretty face,"
consuming memory and disk space for relatively little value.

This description strongly parallels that of CDE...

- K Desktop Environment - KDE

The KDE (K Desktop Environment) Project is building an integrated

desktop environment including a window manager,
file manager/web browser, and other components using the Trolltech "Qt"
toolset, a development toolset written
for C++ that allows applications to be deployed atop either X11 or

KDE had been using the MICO CORBA ORB to construct an application
embedding framework known as KOM and OpenParts.
According to the [ KDE-Two: Second KDE Developers Conference], they
found themselves unable to use
the standardized CORBA framework, citing problems with concurrency,
reliability and performance, and have
instead decided to create Yet Another IPC Framework involving a shared
library called libICE.

On the other hand, the KDE Technology Overview for Version 2.0 provides
a somewhat different story,
so it's not completely clear just what is going on; they indicate the
use of an IPC scheme called DCOP,
indicating it to be a layer atop libICE, with the option of also using
XML-RPC as an IPC scheme.

52.2 Running Cygwin on a PC, to have a Xwin Server:


Example of starting a xwin session

C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\XWin.exe -query hostname -fullscreen -fp


X &
xhost +
export DISPLAY=:0

When using X from a terminal server session, take note of the right ip
and port.

-- Enabling x on your terminal:

$ cd ~
$ chmod 755 .
$ chmod 777 .Xauthority
$ set |grep DISPLAY

As the other user"

$ sudo su – otheruser
$ export DISPLAY=localhost:10.0
$ xauth merge /home/beab_krn/sela/.Xauthority

52.3 XWin on AIX:


The xdm (X Display Manager) command manages a collection of X displays,

which may be on the local host
or remote servers. The design of the xdm command was guided by the needs
of X terminals as well as
the X Consortium standard XDMCP, the X Display Manager Control Protocol.
The xdm command provides services
similar to those provided by the init, getty, and login commands on
character terminals: prompting for
login name and password, authenticating the user, and running a session.

Starting xdm
xdm is typically started at system boot time. This is typically done in
either an rc file in the /etc directory,
or in the inittab file.

Starting xdm in an rc file is usually simply a matter of adding the

desired command line to the file,
as in the example below.

/usr/bin/X11/xdm -daemon -config /usr/lib/X11/xdm/xdm-config &

IBM wants xdm to integrate into their src subsystem. The AIX version of
the above command is a bit different.

start /usr/bin/X11/xdm $src_running

The problem with this is that since xdm is not supported in R4 under
AIX, it is not really integrated into
the src subsystem, so the attendant startup, shutdown, and other src
commands do not work properly.
An alternative, which works on many other systems as well, is to start
xdm from the inittab file.

xdm:2:respawn:/usr/bin/X11/xdm -nodaemon -config /usr/lib/X11/xdm-config

The -nodaemon flag keeps xdm from starting a daemon and exiting, which
would cause the respawn option
to start another copy of xdm, whereupon the process would repeat itself,
quickly filling up your
process table and dragging your system to its knees attempting to run
oodles of managers and servers.
xdm attempts to use system lock calls to prevent this from happening. It
nevertheless happens on some systems.

52.4 XWin on Linux:

52.4.1 Redhat:

While the heart of Red Hat Linux is the kernel, for many users, the face
of the operating system is the
graphical environment provided by the X Window System, also called
simply X.
This chapter is an introduction to the behind-the-scenes world of
XFree86, the open-source implementation
of X provided with Red Hat Linux.

X uses a client-server architecture. An X server process is started and

X client processes can connect to it
via a network or local loopback interface. The server process handles
the communication with the hardware,
such as the video card, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The X client
exists in the user-space, issuing requests
to the X server.

The X server performs many difficult tasks using a wide array of

hardware, requiring detailed configuration.
If some aspect of your system changes, such as the monitor or video
card, XFree86 will need
to be reconfigured. In addition, if you are troubleshooting a problem
with XFree86 that cannot
be solved using a configuration utility, such as the X Configuration
Tool (redhat-config-xfree86),
you may need to access its configuration file directly.

Red Hat Linux 8.0 uses XFree86 version 4.2 as the base X Window System,
which includes the various
necessary X libraries, fonts, utilities, documentation, and development

- The X Window System resides primarily in two locations in the file


/usr/X11R6/ directory
A directory containing X client binaries (the bin directory), assorted
header files (the include directory),
libraries (the lib directory), and manual pages (the man directory), and
various other X documentation
(the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/ directory).

/etc/X11/ directory
The /etc/X11/ directory hierarchy contains all of the configuration
files for the various components
that make up the X Window System. This includes configuration files for
the X server itself,
the X font server (xfs), the X Display Manager (xdm), and many other
base components.
Display managers such as gdm and kdm, as well as various window
managers, and other X tools also store their
configuration in this hierarchy.

- The Redhat X configuration tool:

from command line: # redhat-config-xfree86
from X: go to the Main Menu Button (on the Panel) => System Tools =>

- XFree86 configuration file "etc/X11/XF86Config"

XFree86 version 4 server is a single binary executable -

/usr/X11R6/bin/XFree86. This server dynamically
loads various X server modules at runtime from the
"/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/" directory including video drivers,
font engine drivers, and other modules as needed. Some of these modules
are automatically loaded by the server,
whereas some are optional features that you must specify in the XFree86
server's configuration file,
"/etc/X11/XF86Config", before they can be used. The video drivers are
located in the
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/ directory. The DRI hardware accelerated
3D drivers are located in the
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/dri/ directory.

- Running a simple X client:

You do not have to run a complicated window manager in conjunction with

a particular desktop environment
to use X client applications. Assuming that you are not already in an X
environment and do not have
an .xinitrc file in your home directory, type the xinit command to start
X with a basic terminal window
(the default xterm application). You will see that this basic
environment utilizes your keyboard, mouse,
video card, and monitor with the XFree86 server, using the server's
hardware preferences.
Type exit at the xterm prompt to leave this basic X environment.

- Running X: The startx command

When you start X using the "startx" command, a pre-specified desktop

environment is utilized.
To change the default desktop environment used when X starts, open a
terminal and type the
switchdesk command. This brings up a graphical utility that allows you
to select the desktop environment
or window manager to use the next time X starts.

Most users run X from runlevels 3 or 5. Runlevel 3 places your system in

multi-user mode with full
networking capabilities. The machine will boot to a text-based login
prompt with all necessary
preconfigured services started. Most servers are run in runlevel 3, as X
is not necessary to provide
any services utilized by most users. Runlevel 5 is similar to 3, except
that it automatically starts X
and provides a graphical login screen. Many workstation users prefer
this method, because it never forces
them to see a command prompt.
The default runlevel used when your system boots can be found in the
/etc/inittab file.
If you have a line in that file that looks like id:3:initdefault:, then
your system will boot
to runlevel 3. If you have a line that looks like id:5:initdefault:,
your system is set to boot
into runlevel 5. As root, change the runlevel number in this file to set
a different default.
Save the file and restart your system to verify that it boots to the
correct runlevel.

When in runlevel 3, the preferred way to start an X session is to type

the startx command.
startx, a front-end to the xinit program, launches the XFree86 server
and connects the X clients to it.



53.1 AIX:

Some usefull examples, using a tape:


# mksysb -i /dev/rmt0
# backup -0 -uf /dev/rmt0 /data
# tctl -f /dev/rmt0 rewind
# savevg -if /dev/rmt0 uservg

# lsdev -Cc tape

rmt0 Available 10-60-00-5,0 SCSI 8mm Tape Drive

# lsattr -El rmt0

mode yes Use DEVICE BUFFERS during writes True
block_size 1024 Block size (0=variable length) True
extfm no Use EXTENDED file marks True
ret no RETENSION on tape change or reset True
To list the default values for that tape device (-D flag), use
# lsattr -l -D rmt0

# lscfg -vl rmt0

Machine Type and Model.....IBM-20GB
Device Specific(Z1)........38zA
Serial Number..............60089837

Its very important which /dev/rmtx.y you use in some backup command like
tar. See the following table:
special file rewind on close retension on open density
/dev/rmtx yes no #1
/dev/rmtx.1 no yes #1
/dev/rmtx.2 yes yes #1
/dev/rmtx.3 no yes #2
/dev/rmtx.4 yes no #2
/dev/rmtx.5 no no #2
/dev/rmtx.6 yes yes #2
/dev/rmtx.7 no yes #2

54. WSM Web based System Manager:


AIX only:

Web based System manager is a graphical user interface administration

tool for AIX 5.x systems.
This is a Java based suite of system management tools.
To start WSM, use the following command from the command line of a
graphical console:
# wsm

- The WSM can be run in stand-alone mode, that is, you can use the tool
to perform system administration
on the AIX system you are currently running on.
- However, the WSM also supports a client-server environment.
In this environment, it is possible to administer an AIX system from a
remote PC or from another AIX system
using a graphics terminal.
In this environment, the AIX system being administered is the Server and
the system you are
performing the administration functions from is the client.

The client can operate in either application mode on AIX with jave 1.3,
or in applet mode
on platforms that support Java 1.3. Thus, the AIX system can be managed
from another AIX system
or from a PC with a browser and Java.



55.1 Installing VisualAge C++ / C compiler on AIX 5.x:


IBM VisualAge is a commandline C and C++ compiler for the AIX operating
You can use VisualAge as a C compiler for files with a .c suffix, or as
a C++ compiler
for files with a .C, .cc, .cpp or .cxx suffix. The compiler processes
your text-based
program source files to create an executable object module.
In most cases you should use the xlC command to compile your C++ source
and the xlc command to compile C source files.
You can use VisualAge to develop both 32 bit and 64 bit appliactions.

If you want to install VisualAge C++ for AIX, check first if the
following required filesets are installed.

bos.adt.include Base Application Development Include

bos.adt.l1b Base Application Development Libraries
bos.adt.l1bm Base Application Development Math
Libraries Base Network Computing Services
1for_ls.compat License Use Management version 4
1for_ls.base License Use Management version 4 Base

Use the following command to see whether these are installed:

# lslpp -h bos.adt.include bos.adt.l1b bos.adt.l1bm \ 1for_ls.compat 1for_ls.base

For some components, the following needs to be installed as well:

X11.base.rte, bos.rte.11bpthreads, 1pfx.rte, 1for_ls.base.gu1,

Make sure the AppDev package has been installed in order to have access
to commands like "make" etc...


Note 1:

IBM C and C++ Compilers

xlC [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc [ option | inputfile ]...
cc [ option | inputfile ]...
c89 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlC128 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc128 [ option | inputfile ]...
cc128 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlC_r [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc_r [ option | inputfile ]...
cc_r [ option | inputfile ]...
xlC_r4 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc_r4 [ option | inputfile ]...
cc_r4 [ option | inputfile ]...
CC_r4 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlC_r7 [ option | inputfile ]...
xlc_r7 [ option | inputfile ]...
cc_r7 [ option | inputfile ]...

The xlC and related commands compile C and C++ source files.
They also processes assembler source files and object files. Unless
-c option is specified, xlC calls the linkage editor to produce a
single object file. Input files may be any of the following:
1. file name with .C suffix: C++ source file
2. file name with .i suffix: preprocessed C or C++ source file
3. file name with .c suffix: C source file
4. file name with .o suffix: object file for ld command
5. file name with .s suffix: assembler source file
6. file name with .so suffix: shared object file

xlc : ANSI C compiler with UNIX header files. Use this command for most
new C programs.

cc : Extended C compiler. This command invokes a non-ANSI compliant

compiler. Use it for legacy C programs.

c89 : Strict ANSI C compiler with ANSI header files. Use this command
for maximum portability of your C programs.

xlC : Native (i.e., non-cfront) C++ compiler. Use this command for
compiling and linking all C++ code.

The following additional command names, plus their "-tst" and "-old"
variants, are also available at SLAC
for compiling and linking reentrant programs:
xlc_r, cc_r; xlC_r : For use with POSIX threads
xlc_r4, cc_r4; xlC_r4, CC_r4 : For use with DCE threads

Note 2:

install VisualAge C++:

- insert CD
- smitt install_latest
- press F4 to display all devices
- select CDROM device
- press F4 to select the filesets you want to install

After you have installed VisualAge C++ for AIX, you need to enroll your
license for the product
before using it.

VisualAge C++ is not automatically installed in /usr/bin. To invoke the

compiler without
having to specify the full path, do one of the following steps:
- create symbolic links for the specific driver contained in
/usr/vacpp/bin and
/usr/vac/bin to /usr/bin
- add /usr/vacpp/bin and /usr/vac/bin to your path

Note 3:

Note: usage of vac examples:

Example 1:

xlc -I/usr/local/include -L/usr/local/lib simple.c -lcurl -lz

Example 2:

The commands listed below invoke versions of the XL C compiler, which

then translates C source code statements
into object code, sends .s files to the assembler, and links the
resulting object files with object files
and libraries specified on the command line in the order in which they
are listed, producing a single executable file
called "a.out" by default. The -o flag may be used to rename the
resulting executable file.
Where commands are shown, they are generally given as generic examples.
In any case, you type the appropriate
command and press the Return (or Enter) key as usual.

You compile a source program and/or subprograms by typing the following


xlc cmd_line_opts input_files

input_files are source files (.c or .i), object files (.o), or assembler
files (.s)

For example, to compile a C program whose source is in source file

"prog.c" you would enter the following command:

xlc prog.c

After the xlc command completes, you will see a new executable file
named "a.out" in your directory.

If you specify -c as a compiler option, XL C only compiles the source

program, producing an object file
whose default name is that of the program with a .o extension. Before
running the program,
you must invoke the linkage editor phase. Either invoke the linker using
the ld command or issue
the xlc command a second time without the -c option, using the desired
object (.o) filenames.

For example, you may compile a subprogram "second.c" and then use it in
your main program "prog.c"
with the following sequence of commands:
xlc -c second.c
xlc prog.c second.o

Some important files on a test system:

# find -name "crt0_64.o" -print


# find -name "crt0_32.o" -print


Check out if vac is installed:

root@zd110l02:/root#lslpp -l vacpp*
lslpp: Fileset vacpp* not installed.

root@zd110l02:/root#lslpp -l xlC*
Fileset Level State Description

Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
xlC.aix50.rte COMMITTED C Set ++ Runtime for
AIX 5.0
xlC.cpp COMMITTED C for AIX Preprocessor
xlC.rte COMMITTED C Set ++ Runtime

Note 4:

At a certain organisation, the installation goes as follows:


# cd /prj/tmp
# tar xv (tape in rmt0)
# ./driver

config licentie:

# /usr/vac/bin/vac6_licentie
# l4blt -r6
# /usr/opt/ifor/ls/aix/bin/i4blt -r6


- using existing sourcefile:

# cd /prj/vac/cctst
# cc fac.c -o fac
# ./fac


- make a simple c source and compile it:

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
printf("Hello World!\n");
return 0;

now compile it
# /usr/vac/bin/xlc hello.c -o hello

now run it
# ./hello

Note 5: LUM

i4lmd - Network License Server Subsystem

The i4lmd subsystem starts the network license server on the local node.

Start a license server and do not log checkin, vendor, product, timeout,
or message events:

startsrc -s i4lmd -a "-no cvptm"

Start a license server changing the default log-file:

startsrc -s i4lmd -a "-l /ifor/ls/my_log"

On an example p520 systeem:


In /etc/inittab:

i4ls:2:wait:/etc/i4ls.rc > /dev/null 2>&1 # Start i4ls

cat /etc/i4ls.rc

# This is an automatically generated prolog.
# bos520 src/bos/usr/opt/ifor/var/i4ls.rc 1.8
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996,2001
# All Rights Reserved
# US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
# disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
/usr/opt/ifor/ls/os/aix/bin/i4cfg -start -nopause
exit 0

On an example p550 system 29-12-2006, all apps down:


# ps -ef


root 1 0 0 Dec 11 - 3:08 /etc/init
root 327918 1 0 Dec 11 - 0:00 /usr/lib/errdemon
root 352504 1 0 Dec 11 - 0:00 /usr/ccs/bin/shlap64
root 360466 1 0 Dec 11 - 253:18 /usr/sbin/syncd 60
root 548880 1724510 0 08:33:45 pts/0 0:00 -ksh
root 585948 548880 1 09:11:19 pts/0 0:00 ps -ef
cissys 880788 1060964 0 09:07:51 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/sftp-server
root 983044 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/qdaemon
root 999432 1 0 Dec 11 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/uprintfd
root 1003764 1 0 Dec 11 - 0:34 /usr/sbin/cron
root 1011962 1 0 Dec 11 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/srcmstr
root 1024034 1 0 Dec 11 - 0:00
/usr/local/sbin/syslog-ng -f /usr/local/etc/syslog-ng.conf
root 1028102 1 0 Dec 11 - 0:00 ./mflm_manager
root 1036402 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:00 /etc/ncs/llbd
root 1040402 1052716 0 Dec 11 - 0:00
/usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4lmd -l /var/ifor/logdb -n clwts
root 1052716 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:44
/usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4lmd -l /var/ifor/logdb -n clwts
root 1056788 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:00
cissys 1060964 1532138 0 09:07:51 - 0:01 sshd: cissys@notty
root 1065016 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:05
root 1073192 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:00
root 1077274 1 0 Dec 11 - 0:01
/opt/hitachi/HNTRLib2/bin/hntr2mon -d
root 1081378 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:28
root 1085478 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:06 /etc/ncs/glbd
root 1089574 1101864 0 Dec 11 - 0:00
/usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4llmd -b -n wcclwts -l /var/ifor/llmlg
root 1101864 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 3:14
/usr/opt/ifor/bin/i4llmd -b -n wcclwts -l /var/ifor/llmlg
root 1110062 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:01
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcd -a IBM.LPCommands -r
root 1114172 1011962 0 Dec 11 - 0:00
root 1122532 1167500 0 08:23:22 - 0:00 sshd: reserve [priv]
root 1126476 1 0 Dec 27 lft0 0:00 -ksh
root 1167500 1011962 0 03:17:38 - 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd -D
oracle 1175770 1 0 Dec 11 - 12:29
/apps/oracle/product/9.2/bin/tnslsnr listener -inherit
root 1532138 1167500 0 09:07:50 - 0:00 sshd: cissys [priv]
root 1708224 1126476 4 08:40:14 lft0 0:45 tar -cvf /dev/rmt0
reserve 1724510 1786036 0 08:23:34 pts/0 0:00 -ksh
reserve 1786036 1122532 0 08:23:34 - 0:00 sshd: reserve@pts/0


brc::sysinit:/sbin/rc.boot 3 >/dev/console 2>&1 # Phase 3 of system boot
powerfail::powerfail:/etc/rc.powerfail 2>&1 | alog -tboot > /dev/console
# Power Failure Detection
mkatmpvc:2:once:/usr/sbin/mkatmpvc >/dev/console 2>&1
atmsvcd:2:once:/usr/sbin/atmsvcd >/dev/console 2>&1
load64bit:2:wait:/etc/methods/cfg64 >/dev/console 2>&1 # Enable 64-bit
tunables:23456789:wait:/usr/sbin/tunrestore -R > /dev/console 2>&1 # Set
rc:23456789:wait:/etc/rc 2>&1 | alog -tboot > /dev/console # Multi-User
rcemgr:23456789:once:/usr/sbin/emgr -B > /dev/null 2>&1
fbcheck:23456789:wait:/usr/sbin/fbcheck 2>&1 | alog -tboot >
/dev/console # run /etc/firstboot
srcmstr:23456789:respawn:/usr/sbin/srcmstr # System Resource Controller
rctcpip:23456789:wait:/etc/rc.tcpip > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start TCP/IP
sniinst:2:wait:/var/adm/sni/sniprei > /dev/console 2>&1
: rcnfs:23456789:wait:/etc/rc.nfs > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start NFS
: piobe:2:wait:/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/pioinit >/dev/null 2>&1 # pb
qdaemon:23456789:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -sqdaemon
: writesrv:23456789:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -swritesrv
shdaemon:2:off:/usr/sbin/shdaemon >/dev/console 2>&1 # High availability
l2:2:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 2
logsymp:2:once:/usr/lib/ras/logsymptom # for system dumps
: itess:23456789:once:/usr/IMNSearch/bin/itess -start search >/dev/null
diagd:2:once:/usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/diagd >/dev/console 2>&1
: httpdlite:23456789:once:/usr/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite -r
/etc/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite.conf & >/dev/console 2>&1
ha_star:h2:once:/etc/rc.ha_star >/dev/console 2>&1
cons:0123456789:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/console
dlmmgr:2:once:startsrc -s DLMManager
rcml:2:once:/usr/sni/aix52/ > /dev/console 2>&1
perfstat:2:once:/usr/lib/perf/libperfstat_updt_dictionary >/dev/console
ctrmc:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s ctrmc > /dev/console 2>&1
tty1:2:off:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty1
tty0:2:off:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty0
: i4ls:2:wait:/etc/i4ls.rc > /dev/null 2>&1 # Start i4ls
mF:2345:wait:sh /etc/mflmrcscript > /dev/null 2>&1
i4ls:2:wait:/etc/i4ls.rc > /dev/null 2>&1 # Start i4ls
documentum:2:once:/etc/rc.documentum start >/dev/null 2>&1

Note 7:

IBM C/C++ Compilers

This describes the IBM implementation of the C and C++ compilers.

Invoking the Compiler
C Compiler Modes
C++ Compiler Modes
Source Files and Preprocessing
Default Datatype Sizes
Distributed-memory parallelism
Shared-memory parallelism
64-bit addressing
Related Information
Memory Management
Porting programs from the Crays to the SP
Mixing C and Fortran


Invoking the Compiler

The IBM C compiler is described in the IBM C for AIX User's Manual and
the IBM C++ compiler is described
in the IBM Visual Age C++ Batch Compiler manual. Both of these manuals
are on line.

As with the IBM XL Fortran compiler, there are several different

commands that invoke the C or C++ compilers,
each of which is really an alias for the main C or C++ command packaged
with a set of commonly used options.

The most basic C compile is of the form

% xlc source.c

This will produce an executable named a.out. The other C Compiler modes
are described below in the
section C Compiler Modes.

The most basic C++ compile is of the form

% xlC source.C

This will produce an executable named a.out. The other C++ Compiler
modes are described below
in the section C++ Compiler Modes.

Note: There is no on-line man page for the C++ compiler. "man xlC"
brings up the man page for the C compiler.
For complete documentation of C++ specific options and conventions see
the on-line C++ manual.
The commands xlc, mpcc, and mpCC all have on-line man pages.

C Compiler Modes
There are four basic compiler invocations for C compiles: xlc, cc, c89,
and mpcc. All but c89 have one or more
subinvocations with different defaults.

xlc invokes the compiler for C with an ansi language level. This is the
basic invocation that IBM recommends.

These are the two most useful subinvocations of xlc:

This invokes the thread safe version of xlc. It should be used when any
kind of multi-threaded code is being built.
This is equivalent to invoking the compiler as xlc -D_THREAD_SAFE and
the loader as
xlc -L/usr/lib/threads -Lusr/lib/dce -lc_r -lpthreads.

This is equivalent to invoking the compiler as xlc -qldbl128 -lC128. It
increases the size of long double data types
from 64 to 128 bits.

cc invokes the compiler for C with an extended language level. This is
for source files with legacy C code
that IBM refers to as "RT compiler extensions". This include older pre-
ansi features such as those in the
Kernighan and Ritchie's "The C Programming Language".

The two most useful subinvocations are cc_r which is the cc equivalent
of xlc_r and cc128 which is the cc equivalent
of xlc128.

c89 should be used when strict conformance to the C ANSI ANSI standard
(ISO/IEC 9899:1990) is desired.
There are no subinvocations associated with this compiler invocation.

mpcc is a shell script that compiles C programs with the cc compiler
while linking in the Partition Manager,
Message Passing Interface (MPI), and/or Message Passing Library (MPL).
Flags are passed by mpcc to the xlc command,
so any of the xlc options can be used with mpcc as well. When mpcc is
used to link a program the Partition Manager
and message passing interface are automatically linked in. The script
creates an executable that dynamically binds
with the message passing libraries.

There is one subinvocation with mpcc, mpcc_r which is the mpcc

equivalent of cc_r. This invocation also links
in the Partition Manager, the threaded implementation of Message Passing
Interface (MPI), and Low-level
Applications Programming Interface (LAPI).

ANSI compliance can be achieved by compiling with the option


Compiler summary
This table summarizes the features of several different C compiler

Compiler Name Functionality

C defaults DM Parallel SM Parallel
xlc ansi No No
xlc_r ansi No Yes
xlc128 ansi No No
cc extended No No
cc_r extended No Yes
cc128 extended No No
c89 strict No No
mpcc extended* Yes No
mpcc_r extended* Yes Yes
* ANSI compliance can be achieved by compiling with the option
In the table above, C defaults indicates the default C standards
behavior of the compiler.

DM Parallel refers to distributed-memory parallelism through the MPI


SM Parallel refers to shared-memory parallelism, available through

OpenMP, IBM tasking directives,
automatic parallelization by the compiler, or the pthreads API.

C++ Compiler Modes

There are two basic compiler invocations for C++ compiles: xlC and mpCC.
If a program consists of source code modules
in different program languages, it must be linked with a form of one of
these invocations in order to use the
correct C++ run time libraries.

All of the C++ invocations will compile source files with a .c suffix as
ansi C source files unless the
-+ option to the C++ compiler is specified. Any of the C compiler
invocations will also compile a file with
the appropriate suffix as a C++ file.

Among the subinvocations of xlC are:
xlC_r: the xlC equivalent of xlc_r
xlC128: the xlC equivalent of xlc128
xlC128_r: this combines the features of the xlC_r and xlC128
mpCC is a shell script that compiles C++ programs with the xlC compiler
while linking in the Partition Manager,
Message Passing Interface (MPI), and/or Message Passing Library (MPL).
Flags are passed by mpCC to the xlC command,
so any of the xlC options can be used on the mpCC shell script. When
mpCC is used to link a program the
Partition Manager and message passing interface are automatically linked
in. The script creates an executable
that dynamically binds with the message passing libraries.

By default, the mpCC compiler uses the regular C program MPI bindings.
In order to use the full C++ MPI bindings
use the compiler flag -cpp

There is one mpCC subinvocation, mpCC_r. This invokes a shell script

that compiles C++ programs while linking
in the Partition Manager, the threaded implementation of Message Passing
Interface (MPI), and Low-level Applications
Programming Interface (LAPI).

Source Files and Preprocessing

All of the C and C++ compiler invocations process assembler source files
and object files as well as preprocessing
and compiling C and C++ source files. Unless the -c option is specified,
they also call the linkage editor to produce
a single executable object file.

All invocations of the C or C++ compilers follow these suffix

conventions for input files:

.C, .cc, .cpp, or .cxx - C++ source file.

.c - C source file
.i - preprocessed C source file
.so - shared object file
.o - object file for ld command
.s - assembler source file
By default, the preprocessor is run on both C and C++ source files.

Default Datatype Sizes

These are the default sizes of the standard C/C++ datatypes.

Type Length (bytes)

bool1 1
char 1
wchar_t1 2
short 2
int 4
long 4 /8 2
float 4
double 8
long double 8 /163
1C++ only.
264 bit mode -q64.
3 128 suffix compiling mode.
Distributed-Memory Parallelism

Invoking any of the compilers starting with "mp" enables the program for
running across several nodes.
Of course, you are responsible for using a library such as MPI to
arrange communication and coordination
in such a program. Any of the mp compilers sets the include path and
library paths to pick up the MPI library.

To use the MPI with C++ or to use the MPI I/O subroutines, the thread-
safe version of the compiler must be used.

% mpcc_r a.c
% mpCC_r -cpp a.C

The example, hello.c, demonstrates the use of MPI from a C code.

The example, hello.C, demonstrates the use of MPI from a C++ code.

Shared-Memory Parallelism
The IBM C and C++ compilers support a variety of shared-memory

OpenMP directives are fully supported by the IBM C and C++ compilers
when one of the invocations with _r suffix
is used. See Using OpenMP on seaborg for details.

Automatic Parallelization
The IBM C compiler will attempt to automatically parallelize simple loop
constructs. Use the option "-qsmp"
with one of the _r invocations:

% xlc_r -qsmp a.c

64 Bit Addressing
Both the IBM C and C++ compilers support 64 bit addressing through the
-q64 option. The default mode can be set
through the environment variable OBJECT_MODE on Bassi, OBJECT_MODE=64
has been set to make 64-bit mode the default.
On Seaborg the default is 32-bit addressing mode. In 64-bit mode all
pointers are 64 bits in length and length
of long datatypes increase from 32 to 64 bits. It does not change the
default size of any other datatype.

The following points should be kept in mind if 64-bit is used:

If you have some object files that were compiled in 32-bit mode and
others compiled in 64-bit mode the objects
will not bind. You must recompile to ensure that all objects are in the
same mode.
Your link options must reflect the type of objects you are linking. If
you compiled 64-bit objects, you must
also link these objects with the -q64 option.
The default for all IBM compilers is for there to be no optimization.
The NERSC/IBM recommended optimization options
for both C and C++ compiles are -O3 -qstrict -qarch=auto -qtune=auto.

55.2 Installing Tuxedo 8.1 or 9:


Before installing make sure you understand the BEA and Tuxedo home dirs,
and give appropriate
ownership/permissions to a dedicated BEA account.

GUI mode or console mode are available.


Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer and invoke the
installation procedure by entering
the following command:
prompt> sh filename.bin

where filename is the name of the BEA Tuxedo installer file.

Select the install set that you want installed on your system. The
following seven choices are available:

Full Install (the default)-all Tuxedo server and client software

Server Install-Tuxedo server software components only
Full Client Install-Tuxedo client software components only
Jolt Client Install-Jolt client software components only
ATMI (/WS) Client Install-Tuxedo ATMI client software components only
CORBA Client Install-Tuxedo CORBA client software components only
Custom Install-select specific Tuxedo server and client software
components. The following table entry provides
a summary of options for the Custom Install.

For a detailed list of software components for each install set, see
Install Sets.

Select (add) or deselect (clear) one or more software components from

the selected install set,
or choose one of the other five install sets or Custom Set from the
drop-down list menu and customize
its software components. For a description of the JRLY component, see
Jolt Internet Relay.

Observe the following software component mappings:

Server-contains ATMI server software; CORBA C++ server software; BEA
Jolt server software; BEA SNMP Agent software,
and BEA Tuxedo Administration Console software
ATMI Client-contains BEA ATMI Workstation (/WS) client software
CORBA Client-contains BEA CORBA C++ client software (C++ client ORB)
including environmental objects
Jolt JRLY-contains BEA Jolt Relay software
Jolt Client-contains BEA Jolt client software

After selecting or deselecting one or more software components from the

selected install set,
click Next to continue with the installation. The appropriate encryption
software for LLE and/or SSL
is automatically included.

Specify the BEA Home directory that will serve as the central support
directory for all BEA products
installed on the target system. If you already have a BEA Home directory
on your system, you can select
that directory (recommended) or create a new BEA Home directory. If you
choose to create a new directory,
the BEA Tuxedo installer program automatically creates the directory for
you. For details about the
BEA Home directory, see BEA Home Directory.

Choose a BEA Home directory and then click Next to continue with the

Console mode:

Console-mode installation is the text-based method of executing the BEA

Installation program.
It can be run only on UNIX systems and is intended for UNIX systems with
non-graphics consoles.
Console-mode installation offers the same capabilities as graphics-based

Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer and invoke the
installation procedure
by entering the following command:

prompt> sh filename.bin -i console

where filename is the name of the BEA Tuxedo installer file.

The tekstbased installation resembles from then on, the GUI


Tuxedo 8.1 binaries and what can you do with them:


snmp_integrator.pbk tpaclcvt
AUTHSVR.pbk TMQFORWARD dmadmin.pbk
snmp_version tpacldel
BBL TMQUEUE dmloadcf
snmp_version.pbk tpaclmod
BBL.pbk TMS dmloadcf.pbk snmpget
BRIDGE TMS.pbk dmunloadcf
snmpget.pbk tpdelusr
BRIDGE.pbk TMSYSEVT dmunloadcf.pbk
snmpgetnext tpgrpadd
snmpgetnext.pbk tpgrpdel
BSBRIDGE.pbk TMS_D epifregedt snmptest
snmptest.pbk tpmigldap
CBLDSRVR TMS_QM.pbk esqlc snmptrap
snmptrap.pbk tpusradd
CBLVIEWC32 TMS_SQL.pbk evt2trapd.pbk snmptrapd
snmptrapd.pbk tpusrmod
DMADM TMUSREVT.pbk idl snmpwalk
DMADM.pbk WSH idl2ir
snmpwalk.pbk tux_snmpd.pbk
GWADM WSH.pbk idltojava sql
GWTDOMAIN WSL idltojava.pbk
stop_agent tuxadm.pbk
GWTDOMAIN.pbk bldc_dce ir2idl
stop_agent.pbk tuxwsvr
GWTOPEND blds_dce irdel tidl
ISH build_dgw jrly tlisten
ISH.pbk buildclient jrly.pbk
tlisten.pbk ud32
ISL buildish mkfldhdr tlistpwd
ISL.pbk buildobjclient mkfldhdr32 tmadmin
JRAD buildobjserver ntsadmin
tmadmin.pbk viewc.pbk
JRAD.pbk buildserver qmadmin tmboot
JREPSVR buildtms reinit_agent
tmboot.pbk viewc32.pbk
JSH buildwsh reinit_agent.pbk tmconfig
JSH.pbk cleanupsrv restartsrv tmipcrm
JSL cleanupsrv.pbk restartsrv.pbk
tmipcrm.pbk wgated
LAUTHSVR cns rex tmloadcf
TMFFNAME cnsbind rmskill
tmloadcf.pbk wlisten
TMFFNAME.pbk cnsls sbbl
tmshutdown wlisten.pbk
TMIFRSVR cnsunbind show_agent
tmshutdown.pbk wtmconfig
TMNTS cobcc show_agent.pbk
tmunloadcf wud
TMNTSFWD_P cobcc.pbk snmp_integrator tpacladd


txrpt-BEA TUXEDO system server/service report program

txrpt [-t] [-n names] [-d mm/dd] [-s time] [-e time]
txrpt analyzes the standard error output of a BEA TUXEDO system server
to provide a summary
of service processing time within the server. The report shows the
number of times dispatched
and average elapsed time in seconds of each service in the period
covered. txrpt takes its input
from the standard input or from a standard error file redirected as
input. Standard error files
are created by servers invoked with the -r option from the servopts(5)
selection; the file can be
named by specifying it with the -e servopts option. Multiple files can
be concatenated into a single
input stream for txrpt. Options to txrpt have the following meaning:

order the output report by total time usage of the services, with those
consuming the most total time printed first.
If not specified, the report is ordered by total number of invocations
of a service.

-n names
restrict the report to those services specified by names. names is a
comma-separated list of service names.

-d mm/dd
limit the report to service requests on the month, mm, and day, dd,
specified. The default is the current day.

-s time
restrict the report to invocations starting after the time given by the
time argument.
The format for time is hr[:min[:sec]].

-e time
restrict the report to invocations that finished before the specified
time. The format for time is the
same as the -s flag.
The report produced by txrpt covers only a single day. If the input file
contains records from more than one day,
the -d option controls the day reported on.



tuxadm-BEA Tuxedo Administration Console CGI gateway.

Synopsis[TUXDIR=tuxedo_directory |

tuxadm is a common gateway interface (CGI) process used to initialize

the Administration Console from a browser.
As shown in the "Synopsis" section, this program can be used only as a
location, or URL from a Web browser;
normally it is not executed from a standard command line prompt. Like
other CGI programs,
tuxadm uses the QUERY_STRING environment variable to parse its argument

tuxadm parses its arguments and finds a Administration Console

initialization file. If the TUXDIR parameter
is present, the initialization file is taken to be
$TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini by default.
If the INIFILE option is present, then the value of that parameter is
taken to be the full path to the
initialization file. Other parameters may also be present.

Any additional parameters can be used to override values in the

initialization file. See the wlisten
reference page for a complete list of initialization file parameters.
The ENCRYPTBITS parameter may not be
overridden by the tuxadm process unless the override is consistent with
the values allowed in the actual
initialization file.

The normal action of tuxadm is to generate, to its standard output, HTML

commands that build a Web page
that launches the Administration Console applet. The general format of
the Web page is controlled by
the TEMPLATE parameter of the initialization file, which contains
arbitrary HTML commands,
with the special string %APPLET% on a line by itself in the place where
the Administration Console applet
should appear. Through the use of other parameters from the
initialization file
(such as CODEBASE, WIDTH, HEIGHT, and so on) a correct APPLET tag is
generated that contains
all the parameters necessary to create an instance of the Administration


tuxadm generates HTML code that contains an error message if a failure

occurs. Because of the way CGI
programs operate, there is no reason to return an error code of any kind
from tuxadm.

See Also

tuxwsvr(1), wlisten(1)


Is the machine name, and usually corresponds to the LMID, the logical
machine ID.
There should be an entry of the hostname in /etc/hosts.




tmboot-Brings up a BEA Tuxedo configuration.


tmboot [-l lmid] [-g grpname] [-i srvid] [-s aout] [-o sequence] [-S] [-
A] [-b] [-B lmid] [-T grpname] [-e command]
[-w] [-y] [-g] [-n] [-c] [-M] [-d1]


tmboot brings up a BEA Tuxedo application in whole or in part, depending

on the options specified. tmboot can be invoked
only by the administrator of the bulletin board (as indicated by the UID
parameter in the configuration file)
or by root. The tmboot command can be invoked only on the machine
identified as MASTER in the RESOURCES section
of the configuration file, or the backup acting as the MASTER, that is,
with the DBBL already running
(via the master command in tmadmin(1)). Except, if the -b option is
used; in that case, the system can be booted
from the backup machine without it having been designated as the MASTER.

With no options, tmboot executes all administrative processes and all

servers listed in the SERVERS section
of the configuration file named by the TUXCONFIG and TUXOFFSET
environment variables. If the MODEL is MP,
a DBBL administrative server is started on the machine indicated by the
MASTER parameter in the RESOURCES section.
An administrative server (BBL) is started on every machine listed in the
MACHINES section. For each group
in the GROUPS section, TMS servers are started based on the TMSNAME and
TMSCOUNT parameters for each entry.
All administrative servers are started followed by servers in the
SERVERS sections. Any TMS or gateway servers
for a group are booted before the first application server in the group
is booted. The TUXCONFIG file is propagated
to remote machines as necessary. tmboot normally waits for a booted
process to complete its initialization
(that is, tpsvrinit()) before booting the next process.

Booting a gateway server implies that the gateway advertises its

administrative service, and also advertises
the application services representing the foreign services based on the
CLOPT parameter for the gateway.
If the instantiation has the concept of foreign servers, these servers
are booted by the gateway at this time.

Booting an LMID is equivalent to booting all groups on that LMID.

Application servers are booted in the order specified by the SEQUENCE

parameter, or in the order of server entries
in the configuration file (see the description in UBBCONFIG(5)). If two
or more servers in the SERVERS section
of the configuration file have the same SEQUENCE parameter, then tmboot
may boot these servers in parallel and
will not continue until they all complete initialization. Each entry in
the SERVERS section can have a
MIN and MAX parameter. tmboot boots MIN application servers (the default
is 1 if MIN is not specified for
the server entry) unless the -i option is specified; using the -i option
causes individual servers to be
booted up to MAX occurrences.

If a server cannot be started, a diagnostic is written on the central

event log (and to the standard output,
unless -q is specified), and tmboot continues-except that if the failing
process is a BBL, servers that depend
on that BBL are silently ignored. If the failing process is a DBBL,
tmboot ignores the rest of the
configuration file. If a server is configured with an alternate LMID and
fails to start on its primary machine,
tmboot automatically attempts to start the server on the alternate
machine and, if successful, sends a message
to the DBBL to update the server group section of TUXCONFIG.

For servers in the SERVERS section, only CLOPT, SEQUENCE, SRVGRP, and
SRVID are used by tmboot. Collectively,
these are known as the server's boot parameters. Once the server has
been booted, it reads the configuration file
to find its run-time parameters. (See UBBCONFIG(5) for a description of
all parameters.)

All administrative and application servers are booted with APPDIR as

their current working directory.
The value of APPDIR is specified in the configuration file in the
MACHINES section for the machine on which
the server is being booted.

The search path for the server executables is APPDIR, followed by

TUXDIR/bin, followed by /bin and /usr/bin,
followed by any PATH specified in the ENVFILE for the MACHINE. The
search path is used only if an absolute pathname
is not specified for the server. Values placed in the server's ENVFILE
are not used for the search path.

When a server is booted, the variables TUXDIR, TUXCONFIG, TUXOFFSET, and

APPDIR, with values specified in the
configuration file for that machine, are placed in the environment. The
environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH
is also placed in the environment of all servers. Its value defaults to
where <lib> is the value of the first LD_LIBRARY_PATH= line appearing in
the machine ENVFILE. See UBBCONFIG(5)
for a description of the syntax and use of the ENVFILE. Some Unix
systems require different environment variables.
For HP-UX systems, use the SHLIB_PATH environment variable. FOR AIX
systems, use the LIBPATH environment variable.

The ULOGPFX for the server is also set up at boot time based on the
parameter for the machine in the
configuration file. If not specified, it defaults to $APPDIR/ULOG.

All of these operations are performed before the application

initialization function, tpsvrinit(), is called.

Many of the command line options of tmboot serve to limit the way in
which the system is booted and can be used
to boot a partial system. The following options are supported.

-l lmid

For each group whose associated LMID parameter is lmid, all TMS and
gateway servers associated with the group
are booted and all servers in the SERVERS section associated with those
groups are executed.

-g grpname

All TMS and gateway servers for the group whose SRVGRP parameter is
grpname are started, followed by all servers
in the SERVERS section associated with that group. TMS servers are
started based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT
parameters for the group entry.

-i srvid

All servers in the SERVERS section whose SRVID parameter is srvid are
-s aout

All servers in the SERVERS section with name aout are executed. This
option can also be used to boot TMS and
gateway servers; normally this option is used in this way in conjunction
with the -g option.

-o sequence

All servers in the SERVERS section with SEQUENCE parameter sequence are


All servers in the SERVERS section are executed.


All administrative servers for machines in the MACHINES section are

executed. Use this option to guarantee
that the DBBL and all BBL and BRIDGE processes are brought up in the
correct order. (See also the description
of the -M option.)


Boot the system from the BACKUP machine (without making this machine the

-B lmid

A BBL is started on a processor with logical name lmid.


This option starts administrative servers on the master machine. If the

MODEL is MP, a DBBL administrative server
is started on the machine indicated by the MASTER parameter in the
RESOURCES section. A BBL is started on the
MASTER machine, and a BRIDGE is started if the LAN option and a NETWORK
entry are specified in the configuration file.


Causes command line options to be printed on the standard output. Useful

when preparing to use sdb to debug
application services.

-T grpname

All TMS servers for the group whose SRVGRP parameter is grpname are
started (based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT
parameters associated with the group entry). This option is the same as
booting based on the TMS server name
(-s option) and the group name (-g).

-e command
Causes command to be executed if any process fails to boot successfully.
command can be any program, script,
or sequence of commands understood by the command interpreter specified
in the SHELL environment variable.
This allows an opportunity to bail out of the boot procedure. If command
contains white space, the entire
string must be enclosed in quotes. This command is executed on the
machine on which tmboot is being run,
not on the machine on which the server is being booted.

Note: If you choose to do redirection or piping on a Windows 2000

system, you must use one of the following methods:

Do redirection or piping from within a command file or script.

To do redirection from within the queue manager administration program,

precede the command with cmd. For example:
cmd /c ipconfig > out.txt

If you choose to create a binary executable, you must allocate a console

within the binary executable using
the Windows AllocConsole() API function


Informs tmboot to boot another server without waiting for servers to

complete initialization. This option
should be used with caution. BBLs depend on the presence of a valid
DBBL; ordinary servers require a running BBL
on the processor on which they are placed. These conditions cannot be
guaranteed if servers are not started
in a synchronized manner. This option overrides the waiting that is
normally done when servers have sequence numbers.


Assumes a yes answer to a prompt that asks if all administrative and

server processes should be booted.
(The prompt appears only when the command is entered with none of the
limiting options.)


Suppresses the printing of the execution sequence on the standard

output. It implies -y.


The execution sequence is printed, but not performed.


Minimum IPC resources needed for this configuration are printed.

When the -l, -g, -i, -o, and -s options are used in combination, only
servers that satisfy all qualifications
specified are booted. The -l, -g, -s, and -T options cause TMS servers
to be booted; the -l, -g, and -s options
cause gateway servers to be booted; the -l, -g, -i, -o, -s, and -S
options apply to application servers.
Options that boot application servers fail if a BBL is not available on
the machine.The -A, -M, and -B options
apply only to administrative processes.

The standard input, standard output, and standard error file descriptors
are closed for all booted servers.


tmboot must run on the master node, which in an interoperating

application must be the highest release available.
tmboot detects and reports configuration file conditions that would lead
to the booting of administrative servers
such as Workstation listeners on sites that cannot support them.


tmboot is supported on any platform on which the BEA Tuxedo server

environment is supported.

Environment Variables

During the installation process, an administrative password file is

created. When necessary, the BEA Tuxedo system
searches for this file in the following directories (in the order
shown): APPDIR/.adm/ and
TUXDIR/udataobj/ To ensure that your password file will be
found, make sure you have set the
APPDIR and/or TUXDIR environment variables.

Link-Level Encryption

If the link-level encryption feature is in operation between tmboot and

tlisten, link-level encryption will be
negotiated and activated first to protect the process through which
messages are authenticated.


If TUXCONFIG is set to a non-existent file, two fatal error messages are


error processing configuration file

configuration file not found

If tmboot fails to boot a server, it exits with exit code 1 and the user
log should be examined for further details.
Otherwise tmboot exits with exit code 0.

If tmboot is run on an inactive non-master node, a fatal error message

is displayed:
tmboot cannot run on a non-master node.
If tmboot is run on an active node that is not the acting master node,
the following fatal error message is displayed:

tmboot cannot run on a non acting-master node in an active application.

If the same IPCKEY is used in more than one TUXCONFIG file, tmboot fails
with the following message:

Configuration file parameter has been changed since last tmboot

If there are multiple node names in the MACHINES section in a non-LAN
configuration, the following fatal error
message is displayed:

Multiple nodes not allowed in MACHINES for non-LAN application.

If tlisten is not running on the MASTER machine in a LAN application, a
warning message is printed.
In this case, tmadmin(1) cannot run in administrator mode on remote
machines; it is limited to read-only operations.
This also means that the backup site cannot reboot the master site after


To start only those servers located on the machines logically named CS0
and CS1, enter the following command:

tmboot -l CS0 -l CS1

To start only those servers named CREDEB that belong to the group called
DBG1, enter the following command:

tmboot -g DBG1 -s CREDEB1

To boot a BBL on the machine logically named PE8, as well as all those
servers with a location specified as PE8,
enter the following command.

tmboot -B PE8 -l PE8

To view minimum IPC resources needed for the configuration, enter the
following command.

tmboot -c

The minimum IPC requirements can be compared to the parameters set for
your machine. See the system administration
documentation for your machine for information about how to change these
parameters. If the -y option is used,
the display will differ slightly from the previous example.


The tmboot command ignores the hangup signal (SIGHUP). If a signal is

detected during boot, the process continues.

Minimum IPC resources displayed with the -c option apply only to the
configuration described in the configuration
file specified; IPC resources required for a resource manager or for
other BEA Tuxedo configurations are not
considered in the calculation.

See Also

tmadmin(1), tmloadcf(1), tmshutdown(1), UBBCONFIG(5)

Administering BEA Tuxedo Applications at Run Time

Notes in Dutch on Tuxedo:


Note 1 CDX or ETM application (middleware component, based on Tuxedo):


Recompile van de tuxconfig.bin file, na changes in de ubb file.

ETM op AIX wordt geinstalleerd in het directory

"/prj/spl/<naam_van_de_instance>", zoals
bijvoorbeeld "/prj/spl/ivocf01" of bijvoorbeeld "/prj/spl/SPLS3".

Het "gedrag" van Tuxedo wordt bijna geheel bepaald door de configuratie

De source van tuxconfig.bin, is de ascii file

Dit houdt in, dat als men een wijziging pleegt in de ubb file (bijv. het
aantal servers verhogen),
dan moet er een nieuwe tuxconfig.bin file worden gegenereerd.

Hiervoor heeft SPL in het directory "/prj/spl/<ETM_Instance_Name>/bin"

een shell script gemaakt,
met de naam "".

Het script kan verschillende flags worden meegegeven. Zie opmerking 2


1. Logon als de ETM software owner (bijv. ccbsys of etmsys)

2. Check je environment (staan al je environment vars goed?)
3. Attach jezelf aan de juiste environment. Gebruikelijk is, dat er een
"alias" bestaat
met de naam die gelijk is aan de Instance Name. Je hoeft dan alleen
maar de alias
vanaf de promt in te voeren.
Voorbeeld: Stel de instance naam is "IVOCF01". Direkt na het inloggen
als de ETM owner (of via "su - ownerccount"), kun je vanaf de prompt
de alias
aanroepen met IVOCF01, en je wordt geattached aan de IVOCF01
4. Change directory naar "/prj/spl/<ETM_Instance_Name>/bin"

5. Om nu, na een wijziging in de ubb file, de tuxconfig.bin file opnieuw

te compileren,
gebruik dan het commando

./ -m

Gebruik "./ -u" om de ubb en de bin file vanaf de

template te genereren.


1. Hetzelfde kan bereikt worden met het tuxedo utility "tmloadcf"

tmloadcf -y $SPLEBASE/etc/ubb

2. De flags die men aan kan meegeven:

#% USAGE: -h = HELP
#% USAGE: -r = Recreate the default tuxedo server
#% USAGE: This will recreate all of the default service
#% USAGE: ( see option -n ) as well as create UBB files
#% USAGE: -u = Create the UBB file from template only
#% USAGE: -m = use tmloadcf to recreate ubb binary from
#% USAGE: Once modifications have been made to the
#% USAGE: file it is necessary to compile those changes.
use the -m
#% USAGE: option to do this.
#% USAGE: -s = Create the Servers
#% USAGE: This will create only the Servers as defined in
the -n option.

Note 2:

Connecten, of attachen, naar een AIX ETM instance

Op een AIX lpar (logical partition, ofwel een virtual machine, ofwel een
volledig zelfstandige AIX machine),
draaien 1 of meer ETM instance(s). Een ETM instance, is middleware,
bestaande uit tuxedo services, een
Cobol Application server, en Cobol business objects.

De ETM user (of software owner) kan zich "verbinden" met een dergelijke
Instance, bijvoorbeeld om
administratieve handelingen uit te voeren zoals het starten of stoppen
van de Instance.

Op je te verbinden (of attachen) naar een bepaalde ETM instance, kun je

het "" script gebruiken
welke is gelegen in "/prj/spl/<Instance_name>/bin" directory. Mogelijk
is het pad toch iets anders van vorm,
zoals bijvoorbeeld "/prj/etm_1520/IVOOCF/bin" of zoiets dergelijks. Het
belangrijkste is om te weten dat
binnen de directorytree die bij een instance hoort, dat er een "bin"
directory bestaat met een aantal .sh
shell scripts, waaronder dus ook het "" script.

Het .profile van de etm user, dient echter zodanig te zijn ingesteld,
dat reeds een aantal environment variabelen
"goed" zijn neergezet, en correct verwijzen naar de juiste Cobol, Tuxedo
en DB2 locaties.
Er vanuit gaande dat het .profile goed is, kan de etm user zich
verbinden met een Instance via: -e <Instance_Name>


Stel op een AIX machine (of lpar) bestaat de ETM Instance "SPLDEV1"
welke geinstalleerd is in het directory

Men kan zich dan attachen via het command:

/spl/SPLDEV1/bin $ ./ -e SPLDEV1

Version ................ (SPLVERSION) : V1.5.20.0

Database Type ............... (SPLDB) : oracle
App Dir - Logs ............. (SPLAPP) : /spl/splapp/SPLDEV1
Environment Name ....... (SPLENVIRON) : SPLDEV1
Environment Code Directory (SPLEBASE) : /spl/SPLDEV1
Build Directory .......... (SPLBUILD) : /spl/SPLDEV1/cobol/build
Runtime Directory .......... (SPLRUN) : /spl/SPLDEV1/runtime/oracle
Cobol Copy Path ......... (SPLCOBCPY) :



De belangrijkste functie van "" is hier dan, dat een aantal

variablen correct worden neergezet
zodat alle kenmerken van deze applicatie (zoals build directory e.d.)
goed staan.

Behalve het gebruik van, is het heel goed mogelijk dat in
het .profile van de etm user, reeds een
aantal "aliases" zijn gedefinieerd.
Als er inderdaad aliases zijn gedefinieerd, is het attachen naar een
Instance heel makkelijk. Men dient dan alleen
nog maar de alias vanaf de unix prompt in te voeren.

Stel dat in het .profile van de ETM user het volgende is opgenomen:

alias SPLDEV1='/spl/SPLDEV1/bin/ -e SPLDEV1'

Dan kan de ETM user zich direct aan SPLDEV1 attachen via het command:

Dus om een aantal ETM instances te stoppen en weer te starten (bijv. in

een backupscript):

#STOPPEN ETM instances:

su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEV1/bin/ -e SPLDEV1 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEV2/bin/ -e SPLDEV2 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLCONF/bin/ -e SPLCONF -c " -t
sleep 2

#STARTEN ETM instances:

su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEV1/bin/ -e SPLDEV1 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLDEV2/bin/ -e SPLDEV2 -c " -t
sleep 2
su - cissys -c '/spl/SPLCONF/bin/ -e SPLCONF -c " -t
sleep 2

Note 3:

Hoe te (her-)compileren van de ETM Cobol objecten

Je kunt hiervoor het "" of het customized "" script

Het script, is een copy van het script in het
/prj/spl/<INSTANCE_NAME>/bin directory,
en dit script prompt de gebruiker voor de DB2USER / DB2PASSWORD

Syntax: -p <CobolSourceName>.cbl

Hoe te gebruiken:
1. Logon als de juiste etmuser op AIX
2. Run nu de alias van de juiste instance om de juiste environment
in te stellen, en om je aan de
juiste-ETM instance te verbinden.
3. Zorg ervoor dat je de juiste DB2User and DB2Password kent.
Nu kun je cobol objecten compileren, als in het volgende voorbeeld:

Voorbeeld op "S3" partition op AIX:

Na AIX logon als "ccbsys" (de etm instance owner op de S3 partition):

Type SPLS3 or SPLUI to set the environment

/home/ccbsys >SPLS3

060918.13:37:40 <info> DB2DIR Environment set to

Version ................ (SPLVERSION) : V1.5.15.0
Database Type ............... (SPLDB) : db2
App Dir - Logs ............. (SPLAPP) : /prj/spl/splapp/SPLS3
Environment Name ....... (SPLENVIRON) : SPLS3
Environment Code Directory (SPLEBASE) : /prj/spl/SPLS3
Build Directory .......... (SPLBUILD) : /prj/spl/SPLS3/cobol/build
Runtime Directory .......... (SPLRUN) : /prj/spl/SPLS3/runtime/db2
Cobol Copy Path ......... (SPLCOBCPY) :

/prj/spl/SPLS3 >cd /prj/spl/SPLS3/cobol/source/cm

/prj/spl/SPLS3/cobol/source/cm > -p CMPCSU2B.cbl

060918.13:37:57 <info> : Compile Started Mon Sep 18 13:37:57

CDT 2006
060918.13:37:57 <info> Build Directory = /prj/spl/SPLS3/cobol/build
060918.13:37:57 <info> Compiling for db2 database
060918.13:37:57 <info> Compilation requested by ccbsys for version
060918.13:37:57 <info> Environment SPLS3
060918.13:37:57 <info> Using cobol directory /opt/microfocus/cobol
060918.13:37:57 <info> DB2DIR Environment set to

Please, type DBUSER userid to connect to database :

Please, type in a password of c userid to connect to database :

060918.13:38:27 <info> DB2 Compile : Local DB ALIAS = IVOOIS01

060918.13:38:27 <info> DB2 Compile : collection = IVOOIS

060918.13:38:28 <info> Compiling one object only - CMPCSU2B.cbl

060918.13:38:29 <info> Program : CMPCSU2B ; Expand Return Code.. : 0
060918.13:38:29 <info> Program : CMPCSU2B ; Prepare Return Code. : 0
060918.13:38:30 <info> Program : CMPCSU2B ; Compile Return Code. : 0
060918.13:38:30 <info> FINISHED COMPILATION

Note 4:

Hoe test je een DB2 connectie vanaf een AIX partition.

Indien op een AIX partition, "DB2 connect ESE" correct geinstalleerd is,
wil je misschien de verbinding vanaf AIX,
naar DB2 op Z testen. Dat kan zoals in het volgende voorbeeld:

1. login als de juiste ETM instance owner (zoals bijv. iinvu02)

2. type db2 <enter>

De DB2 client utility wordt gestart en de bijbehorende prompt


db2 =>

Voer nu in:

db2=> Connect to <alias_name> user <user>

Vervolgens wordt om het password gevraagd, en hierbij is dan ook getest

of de verbinding werkt.


db2=> connect to IVOOCF01 user $SCCB60 using sa876dfy

Als extra test, kun je ook proberen om de huidige datum uit een DB2
dummy table op te vragen, via het commando:

db2=> select current date from sysibm.sysdummy1


De ETM instance owner dient wel in zijn .profile een aantal DB2
environment variables te hebben staan,
zodat DB2 correct werkt, zoals:

export DB2_HOME=/prj/db2/admin/<db2_user>
. $DB2_HOME/sqllib/db2profile

Note 5:

Environment variabelen voor de ETM Instance owner op UNIX

De ETM software owner, of ook wel de ETM Instance owner, heeft op unix /
AIX, een aantal noodzakelijke
environment variabelen nodig in het .profile bestand.

Stel dat we als voorbeeld nemen, de Instance SPLDEV1 die geinstalleerd

is in "/spl/SPLDEV1"
In dat geval heeft de Instance owner zeker de volgende variabelen nodig.
Je kunt ze aanpassen naar de environment
die voor jou speelt, en direkt in het .profile file kopieren.

1. Algemene vars die verwijzen naar Support software als Java, Perl, DB2
connect e.d.

export COBDIR=/opt/SPLcobAS40 # of hogere versie

export COBMODE=64
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java131 # of hogere versie
export LANG=C

3. Vars mbt "deze" Instance

SPLCOMMAND='ksh -o vi'


Each dispatched thread is created with the stack size specified by

If this parameter is not specified or has a value of 0, the operating
system default is used. On a few operating systems
on which the default is too small to be used by the BEA Tuxedo system, a
larger default is used.
If you change the default of 0, you should specify the parameter in
55.3 Installing Micro focus:

55.4 Installing Java or JRE:


What is it?:

- Java Compiler (javac): Compiles programs written in the Java

programming language into bytecodes.

- Java Interpreter (java): Executes Java bytecodes. In other words, it

programs written in the Java programming language.

- The Java 2 Runtime Environment is intended for software developers

and vendors to redistribute with their applications.

The Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment contains the Java virtual machine,

runtime class libraries, and Java application launcher that are
necessary to run programs written in the Java progamming language.
It is not a development environment and does not contain development
tools such as compilers or debuggers. For development tools, see the
Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition.

Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) provides a complete
environment for applications development
on desktops and servers and for deployment in embedded environments.
It also serves as the foundation
for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and Java Web

- The PATH statement enables a system to find the executables (javac,

java, javadoc, etc.)
from any current directory.

- The CLASSPATH tells the Java virtual machine and other applications
(which are located in the
"jdk_<version>\bin" directory) where to find the class libraries, such
as file
(which is in the lib directory).

The LIBPATH environment variable tells AIX applications, such as the JVM
where to find shared libraries.
This is equivalent to the use of LD_LIBRARY_PATH in other Unix-based

On AIX, LIBPATH must be set instead of LD_LIBRARY_PATH. On HP UX,

SHLIB_PATH must be set instead of
LD_LIBRARY_PATH. On Windows NT, no variable for shared libraries is
For AIX, a number of Java SDK's and JRE's are available, e.g.
December 2004 - SDK 1.3.1 32-bit PTF (APAR IY65310) released and JRE
1.3.1 32-bit refreshed,
both using ca131-20041210 build (SR8).
December 2004 - SDK 1.3.1 64-bit PTF (APAR IY65311) released and JRE
1.3.1 64-bit refreshed,
both using caix64131-20041210 build (SR8).

How to install?:

- Question: Can all these java releases co-exist on a machine? In which

directories are these releases installed?
Yes, releases can co-exist.
Java 1.1.8 installs in /usr/jdk_base
Java 1.2.2 installs in /usr/java_dev2
Java 1.3.0 installs in /usr/java130
Java 1.3.1 64-bit install in /usr/java13_64
Java 1.3.1 installs in /usr/java131
Java 1.4 64-bit install in /usr/java14_64
Java 1.4 installs in /usr/java14

- Question: What AIX levels are required for Java releases?

To take advantage of latest AIX fixes it is recommended/required that
latest AIX Recommended Maintenance Level
be used. The following is the minimum AIX level required at the time
when a Java release was first released:
Java 1.1.8 requires AIX 4.2.1
Java 1.2.2 requires AIX 4.3.3 PLUS fixes
Java 1.3.0 requires AIX PLUS fixes
Java 1.3.1 64-bit requires AIX
Java 1.3.1 requires AIX
Java 1.4 64-bit requires at least AIX or AIX
Java 1.4 requires at least AIX or AIX

Question: What AIX levels are required for Java releases?

To take advantage of latest AIX fixes it is recommended/required that
latest AIX Recommended Maintenance Level
be used. The following is the minimum AIX level required at the time
when a Java release was first released:
Java 1.1.8 requires AIX 4.2.1
Java 1.2.2 requires AIX 4.3.3 PLUS fixes
Java 1.3.0 requires AIX PLUS fixes
Java 1.3.1 64-bit requires AIX
Java 1.3.1 requires AIX
Java 1.4 requires at least AIX or AIX
Java 5 requires at least AIX or AIX
- Question: What paths do I need to set to use a specific Java release
on my system?
Java 1.1.8:
Java 1.2.2:

Java 1.3.0

Java 1.3.1 64-bit:


Java 1.3.1

Java 1.4 64-bit:


Java 1.4

Install JDK or SDK:

For base images after you downloaded either packagename.tar or the

packagename.tar.gz file
(the latter is recommended if you have gunzip utility available), you
need to extract packagename from
the downloaded file:
# tar -xvf packagename.tar (example: tar -xvf Java14.sdk.tar), or
# gunzip -c packagename.tar.gz | tar -xvf - (example: gunzip -c
Java14.sdk.tar.gz | tar -xvf - )

For update images the .bff files are ready to be installed. Before
installing, remove the old .toc file (if it exist)
in the directory containing the .bff images.

You can use the smitty command to install (both base and update images):

Run "smitty install"

Select "Install and Update Software"
Select "Install Software"
Specify directory containing the images

Install JRE:

The JRE installation is simple. After downloading the package, create a

directory where you want to install,
then unpackage the files where /java_home is a directory of your choice
and jre## refers to the specific
JRE image from the download page.
mkdir -p /java_home
cd /java_home
tar -xvpf jre##.tar
gunzip -c < jre##.tar.gz | tar -xvpf -

How to check your java version?


/software/java:>java -version
java version "1.3.1"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1)
Classic VM (build 1.3.1, J2RE 1.3.1 IBM AIX build ca131ifx-20040721a
SR7P (JIT enabled: jitc))

/software/java:>java -fullversion
java full version "J2RE 1.3.1 IBM AIX build ca131ifx-20040721a SR7P"

/root:>which java

To check the Java filesets on your system:

# lslpp -l | grep Java

/root:>lslpp -l | grep Java

Java131.rte.bin COMMITTED Java Runtime
Java131.rte.lib COMMITTED Java Runtime
Java-based build tool.
Java(TM) technology-
based Web
Java(TM) technology-
based Web
idebug.rte.hpj COMMITTED High-Performance Java
idebug.rte.jre COMMITTED Java Runtime
idebug.rte.olt.Java COMMITTED Object Level Trace Java


Note 1:



Unable to install Java 1.4 due to License Problem

I am trying to install Java14_64.sdk package on AIX 5.3 ML4. The install
fails with the message below,
the license file IS on the system/media but for some reason is not
When I try to install the license on its own it fails with a pre-
requisite failure, the pre-requisite
being the above package - Java14_64.sdk.

Any ideas out there ?

Selected Filesets
Java14_64.sdk # Java SDK 64-bit

<< End of Success Section >>

1 Selected to be installed, of which:
1 Passed pre-installation verification
1 Total to be installed


The installation cannot proceed because the following filesets
require software license agreement files which could not be
on the system or installation media:



The downloadable install images at:
have both the base images (ca1420-20040626) and the
current 'latest' level (ca142-20060824). You should be able
to use the from that site plus your update.

Paul Landay

Some jre versions on AIX:


AIX 5.1 ML5 comes with APAR IY52512

IBM SDK 1.3.1 SR7 32-bit (APAR IY52512) JavaTM 2 Runtime Environment,
Standard Edition (build 1.3.1) Classic VM
(build 1.3.1, J2RE 1.3.1 IBM AIX build ca131-20040517 (JIT enabled:

AIX 5.2 ML5 comes with APAR IY58350

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1)
Classic VM (build 1.3.1, J2RE 1.3.1 IBM AIX build ca131ifx-20040721a
SR7P (JIT enabled: jitc))
IY65305: JAVA142 32-BIT PTF : CA142IFX-20041203
== IY58350 : JAVA 1.3.1 32-bit SR7P : ca131ifx-20040721a

SDK 1.3.1 32-bit PTFs since GA:

APAR # Fullversion fileset level "SR" #
------ ----------- --------------- ------
IY76252 ca131-20051025 SR 9
IY65310 ca131-20041210 SR 8
-> IY58350 ca131ifx-20040721a SR 7P
-> IY52512 ca131-20040517 SR 7
IY50443 ca131-20031105 SR 6a
IY49074 ca131-20031021 SR 6
IY47055 ca131-20030630a N/A
IY45632 ca131-20030630 SR 5
IY45288 ca131-20030329 N/A
IY40440 ca131-20030329 SR 4
IY39508 ca131-20030122a N/A
IY38011 ca131-20021107 SR 3W
IY33957 ca131-20021102 SR 3
IY30887 ca131-20020706 SR 2

SDK 1.3.1 64-bit PTFs since GA:

APAR # Fullversion fileset level "SR" #
------ ----------- ----------------- ------

IY76253 caix64131-20051025 SR 9

IY65311 caix64131-20041210 SR 8
IY58414 caix64131ifx-20040721 SR
IY57370 caix64131-20040517 SR 7
IY49076 caix64131-20031021 SR 6
IY45633 caix64131-20030618 SR 5
IY42844 caix64131-20030329 SR 4
IY34010 caix64131-20021102 SR 3
IY30923 caix64131-20020706 SR 2

SDK 1.4 64-bit PTFs since 1.4.0 GA:

APAR # Fullversion fileset level "SR" #
------ ----------- ------------- ------

IY84054 caix64142-20060421 142 SR5

IY81444 caix64142ifx-20060209 142 SR4
IY77461 caix64142-20060120 142 SR4 (bad)
IY75004 caix64142-20050929 142 SR3
IY72502 caix64142-20050609 142 SR2
IY70332 caix64142sr1aifx-20050414 N/A
IY68122 caix64142sr1a-20050209 142 SR1a
== IY62851 (IY63533 for download)
caix64142-20040917 1.4.2 SR 1
IY54664 caix641420-20040626 N/A (1.4.2 GA
IY58415 caix641411ifx-20040810 1.4.1 SR 3
IY52686 caix641411-20040301 1.4.1 SR 2
IY48526 caix641411-20030930 1.4.1 SR 1
IY47538 caix64141-20030703a N/A
IY43716 caix64141-20030522 N/A

Latest: 1.4.2 Service Release 5 (caix64142-20060421)

Other notes:

jre 131 32 bit:

installs in /usr/java131

5100-08 (APAR IY70781) - min AIX51

5200-06 (APAR IY67913) - min AIX52
5300-02 (APAR IY69190) - min AIX53

jre 131 64 bit:

installs in /usr/java13_64

5100-08 (APAR IY70781) - min AIX51

5200-06 (APAR IY67913) - min AIX52
5300-02 (APAR IY69190) - min AIX53

Java 1.1.8, 1.2.2, and 1.4.1 are no longer supported by IBM.

For AIX 4.3.3, which is out of support, Java 1.3.1 requires the AIX
4330-10 Recommended Maintenance Level.
For AIX 5.1, Java 1.3.1 requires the AIX 5100-03 Recommended Maintenance
For AIX 5.2, Java 1.3.1 requires the AIX 5200-01 Recommended Maintenance
For AIX 5.3, Java 1.3.1 requires Version (APAR IY58143) or

Java version on AIX 5.3:


The latest Java technology is included with base AIX 5L V5.3.

The IBM 32-bit SDK for AIX 5L, Java 2 Technology Edition V1.4 ships with
AIX 5L V5.3.
The IBM 64-bit SDK for AIX 5L, Java 2 Technology Edition V1.4 is
available on the AIX 5L V5.3 Expansion Pack
and the AIX 5L Java Web site at

JVM problems and AIX Environment Variables in relation to Java:


Default Behavior of Java on AIX

This section describes the settings as they are right now. These
settings may, and in most cases will,
change over time. The README or SDK Guide accompanying the SDK are
always the most up-to-date references
for such settings.

Java uses the following environment settings:

This setting is used to ensure that each Java thread maps 1x1 to a
kernel thread. The advantage of this approach
is seen in several places; a notable example is how Java exploits
Dynamic Logical Partitioning (DLPAR);
when a new CPU is added to the partition, a Java thread can be scheduled
on it. This setting should not be
changed under normal circumstances.


These flags are used for kernel debugging purposes. These may sometimes
be set to OFF. If not, switching
them off can provide a good performance boost.

This is the default setting on Java 1.3.1, and controls how large the
Java heap can be allowed to grow.
Java 1.4 decides the LDR_CNTRL setting based on requested heap. See
Getting more memory in AIX for your
Java applications for details on how to manipulate this variable.

This decides what the Just-In-Time compiler will be. The default is
jitc, which points to the IBM JIT compiler.
It can be changed to jitcg for the debug version of JIT compiler, or to
NONE for switching the JIT compiler off
(which in most cases is the absolute worst thing you can do for

This decides the number of invocations after which the JVM JIT-compiles
a method. This setting varies
by platform and version; for example, it is 600 for Java 1.3.1 on AIX.

Note 1:

About o_maxdata and LDR_CNTRL:

... space for the native heap. Moving the fence down allows the native
heap to grow, while reducing shared memory.
For a setting of o_maxdata = N, the fence is placed at 0x30000000+N. For
several good reasons,
it is recommended to set o_maxdata to a value that is the start of a
particular segment,
such as 0xn0000000. In this case, the fence sits between segments 2+n
and 3+n, which translates
to n segments for the native heap, and 10-n segments for shared memory.

o_maxdata=8: 8 seg for native, 2 seg for shared

o_maxdata=7: 7 seg for native, 3 seg for shared
o_maxdata=6: 6 seg for native, 4 seg for shared
o_maxdata=5: 5 seg for native, 5 seg for shared
o_maxdata=4: 4 seg for native, 6 seg for shared
o_maxdata=3: 3 seg for native, 7 seg for shared *
o_maxdata=2: 2 seg for native, 8 seg for shared

By default, o_maxdata is set to 0x80000000, leaving 2 GB for native heap

and 512 MB for shared memory.
If you attempt to allocate a Java heap larger than 1 GB, it fails
because Java tries to use shared memory
for heap, and there is only 512 MB of shared memory available. If you
in the environment and try to allocate a heap larger than 512 MB, JVM
will be unable to allocate the heap.
The solution is to adjust o_maxdata in such a way that the size of
shared memory grows large enough
to accommodate the Java heap. The next section shows you how to do this.

So how do you go to a larger Java heap? You need to change o_maxdata to

increase the amount of
shared memory address space. You can use the following calculations to
come up with the appropriate value
for o_maxdata. Supposing you need a maximum heap size of J bytes, you
would invoke Java as

java -mxJ <other arguments>

If J is less than 1 GB, and IBM_JAVA_MMAP_JAVA_HEAP is not set, the

default setup will suffice.
If J is > 1 GB, or if IBM_JAVA_MMAP_JAVA_HEAP is set, use o_maxdata =

where n = (10 - ceil(J/256M)) or 8

whichever is smaller. The function ceil rounds up the argument to the

next integer.

For example, if you need to allocate 1500 MB of heap, we have

n = (10 - ceil(1500M/256M)) = (10 - 6) = 4. If you set o_maxdata =


you will be able to allocate the needed size of heap. To change

o_maxdata, set the following
environment variable: LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=<new o_maxdata value>

The above example would set the following environment variable:

To verify that your calculation is accurate, you can try the following
$ export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x40000000
$ java -mx1500m -version

Setting the IBM_JAVA_MMAP_JAVA_HEAP variable


So, if you need to enhance memory for Websphere 5.x 32 bits, put the
following lines
into the script, or in /prj/was/omgeving.rc:

export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0xn0000000


export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x40000000


export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x80000000


export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x80000000

Note 2:

I think the problem is that there are typically a lot of JNI allocations
the heap that are pinned and are allocated for the life of the
Most of these are allocated during startup. If the min and max heap
are the same, these pinned allocations are scattered throughout the
Whereas if the min heap size is quite low, most of these allocations
will be
closer together at the start of the heap, leaving the bulk of the heap
it's expanded) more free of pinned memory.

Note 3:
55.5 Installing Perl:

AIX supports dynamically loadable objects as well as shared libraries.

Shared libraries by convention
end with the suffix .a, which is a bit misleading, as an archive can
contain static as well as
dynamic members. For perl dynamically loaded objects we use the .so
suffix also used on many other platforms.

Note that starting from Perl 5.7.2 (and consequently 5.8.0) and AIX 4.3
or newer Perl uses the AIX native
dynamic loading interface in the so called runtime linking mode instead
of the emulated interface that
was used in Perl releases 5.6.1 and earlier or, for AIX releases 4.2 and
earlier. This change does break
backward compatibility with compiled modules from earlier perl releases.
The change was made to make
Perl more compliant with other applications like Apache/mod_perl which
are using the AIX native interface.
This change also enables the use of C++ code with static constructors
and destructors in perl extensions,
which was not possible using the emulated interface.

Starting from AIX 4.3.3 Perl 5 ships standard with AIX. (Perl 5.8.0 with
AIX 5L V5.2, 5.6.0 with AIX 5L V5.1,
5.005_03 with AIX 4.3.3.)

You either get the source code and compile Perl, or in some situations
you might be happy with installing
a binary build.

55.6 Installing DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition 8.x:


DB2 Connect
DB2(R) Connect provides fast and robust connectivity to IBM(R) mainframe
databases for e-business
and other applications running under UNIX(R) and Windows(R) operating

DB2 Connect Personal Edition provides direct connectivity to host and

iSeries DB2 servers, while
DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition provides indirect connectivity that
allows clients to access
host and iSeries DB2 servers through the DB2 Connect server. DB2 Connect
Unlimited Edition 7 and
DB2 Connect Application Server Edition provide unique packaging
solutions that make product selection
and licensing easier.

Note 1:

Log on to the system as a user with root authority.

Refer to the CD-ROM label to ensure that you are using the CD-ROM with
your appropriate language.
Change to the directory where the CD-ROM is mounted by entering the
following command:
cd /cdrom

- For AIX 4.3.3, HP-UX and Linux

Enter the ./db2setup command to start the DB2 Setup wizard.

- For Solaris Operating Environment and AIX 5L

Copy product.tar.Z, where product represents the product you are

licensed to install, to a temporary filesystem.
Enter the following command to start the DB2 Setup wizard:

# zcat product.tar.Z | tar -xf - ; ./product/db2setup

For example, if the product name for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition is
ese, then enter the following command:

# zcat ese.tar.Z | tar -xf - ; ./ese/db2setup

After a moment, the IBM DB2 Setup Launchpad opens.

When you have completed your installation, DB2 will be installed in the
one of the following directories:

For AIX:

For HP-UX, Linux, Solaris Operating Environment:


The installation logs db2setup.his, db2setup.log, and db2setup.err are

located, by default,
in the /tmp directory. You can specify the location of the log files.
The db2setup.log file captures all DB2 installation information
including errors.
The db2setup.his records all DB2 installations on your machine.
DB2 appends the db2setup.log file to the db2setup.his file. The
db2setup.err file captures any error output
that is returned by Java (for example, exceptions and trap information).

If you want your DB2 product to have access to DB2 documentation either
on your
local computer or on another computer on your network, then you must
install the DB2 Information Center.
The DB2 Information Center contains documentation for DB2 Universal
Database and DB2 related products.

Note 2: db2admin

db2admin - DB2 Administration Server Command

This utility is used to manage the DB2 Administration Server.

Local administrator on Windows, or DASADM on UNIX based systems.

Required connection

Command syntax

| '-/FORCE-' |
| '-/USER:--user-account-' '-/PASSWORD:--user-password-' |
+- -?-------------------------------------------------------------+
'- -q-------------------------------------------------------------

If no parameters are specified, and the DB2 Administration Server
exists, this command returns the name
of the DB2 Administration Server.

Start the DB2 Administration Server.

Stop the DB2 Administration Server. The force option is used to force
the DB2 Administration Server to stop,
regardless of whether or not it is in the process of servicing any

CREATE /USER: user-account /PASSWORD: user-password

Create the DB2 Administration Server. If a user name and password are
specified, the DB2 Administration Server
will be associated with this user account. If the specified values are
not valid, the utility returns
an authentication error. The specified user account must be a valid SQL
identifier, and must exist in the security database. It is recommended
that a user account be specified to ensure that all DB2 Administration
Server functions can be accessed.
To create a DAS on UNIX systems, use the dascrt command.

Starting and stopping the DAS:

db2admin stop
db2admin start

Note 3: db2start

db2start - Start DB2 Command

Starts the current database manager instance background processes on a
single database partition
or on all the database partitions defined in a partitioned database
environment. Start DB2 at the server
before connecting to a database, precompiling an application, or binding
a package to a database.

db2start can be executed as a system command or a CLP command

Note 4: example cronjobs


30 20 * * 1-6 /usr/opt/db2_08_01/adm/db2stop force >>

/home/db2inst1/DBMaintenance/dbbkup.log 2>&1
31 20 * * 1-6 /usr/opt/db2_08_01/adm/db2start >>
/home/db2inst1/DBMaintenance/dbbkup.log 2>&1

Note 5: sample db2 connect processes:


Using AIX, you would use the command ps -ef in order to examine
processes. On Solaris and HP-UX, ps -ef
will only show the db2sysc process (the main DB2 engine process) for all
server-side processes
(eg: agents, loggers, page cleaners, and prefetchers). If you're using
Solaris or HP-UX, you can see these
side processes with the command /usr/ucb/ps -axw. Both of these versions
of the ps command work on Linux.

When performing this command on a computer running the DB2 Universal

Database client or server software,
you may see several DB2 processes listed.

Example 1:

/root:#ps -ef | grep db2

iinvu02 188456 422094 0 13:53:02 - 0:00 db2agent (idle) 0
db2as 266468 1 0 13:52:10 - 0:00
iinvu02 282624 417996 0 13:53:03 - 1:13 db2disp 0
root 295060 1 0 13:52:24 - 0:00 db2wdog 0
iinvu01 299158 303256 0 13:52:26 - 0:00 db2resync 0
iinvu01 303256 295060 0 13:52:24 - 0:00 db2sysc 0
root 307350 303256 0 13:52:24 - 0:00 db2ckpwd 0
root 311448 303256 0 13:52:24 - 0:00 db2ckpwd 0
root 315546 303256 0 13:52:24 - 0:00 db2ckpwd 0
iinvu01 319644 303256 0 13:52:24 - 0:00 db2gds 0
iinvu01 323742 303256 0 13:52:24 - 0:00 db2ipccm 0
iinvu01 327840 303256 0 13:52:25 - 0:00 db2tcpcm 0
iinvu01 331938 303256 0 13:52:25 - 0:00 db2tcpcm 0
iinvu01 336036 303256 0 13:52:25 - 0:00 db2tcpcm 0
iinvu01 340134 303256 0 13:52:25 - 0:00 db2tcpcm 0
iinvu01 344232 319644 0 13:52:26 - 0:00 db2srvlst 0
iinvu01 348330 303256 0 13:52:26 - 0:00 db2spmrsy 0
iinvu01 352428 319644 0 13:52:26 - 0:00 db2spmlw 0
iinvu02 356606 401604 0 13:52:46 - 0:16 db2hmon 0
iinvu01 360624 303256 0 13:52:26 - 0:18 db2hmon 0
iinvu01 377016 1 0 13:52:32 - 3:00
/prj/db2/admin/iinvu01/sqllib/bin/db2fmd -i iinvu01 -m
iinvu02 389128 417996 0 13:52:46 - 0:00 db2srvlst 0
root 393408 1 0 13:52:38 - 0:00 db2wdog 0
iinvu02 397514 401604 0 13:52:46 - 0:00 db2resync 0
iinvu02 401604 393408 0 13:52:38 - 0:00 db2sysc 0
root 405702 401604 0 13:52:38 - 0:00 db2ckpwd 0
root 409800 401604 0 13:52:38 - 0:00 db2ckpwd 0
root 413898 401604 0 13:52:38 - 0:00 db2ckpwd 0
iinvu02 417996 401604 0 13:52:38 - 0:00 db2gds 0
iinvu02 422094 401604 0 13:52:39 - 0:00 db2ipccm 0
iinvu02 426192 1 5 13:52:52 - 2:55
/prj/db2/admin/iinvu02/sqllib/bin/db2fmd -i iinvu02 -m
root 475370 1 0 13:53:50 - 0:18
db2as 528466 1 0 13:55:52 - 0:00
/prj/db2/admin/db2as/das/bin/db2fmd -i db2as -m
iinvu01 561230 323742 0 13:57:29 - 0:03 db2agent (idle) 0
iinvu02 573686 417996 0 15:11:41 - 0:02 db2agent (idle) 0

Example 2:

root 49504 1 0 13:13:07 - 0:00 db2wdog

db2inst1 25844 35124 0 16:04:50 - 0:00 db2pfchr
db2inst1 35124 65638 0 16:04:17 - 0:00 db2gds
db2inst1 35540 35124 0 16:04:50 - 0:00 db2loggr (SAMPLE)
db2inst1 41940 65638 0 16:04:19 - 0:00 db2resync
db2inst1 45058 35124 0 16:04:50 - 0:00 db2pfchr
db2inst1 49300 35124 0 16:04:19 - 0:00 db2srvlst
db2inst1 49626 35124 0 16:04:50 - 0:00 db2dlock (SAMPLE)
db2inst1 55852 65638 0 16:04:17 - 0:00 db2ipccm
db2inst1 58168 35124 0 16:04:50 - 0:00 db2loggw (SAMPLE)
db2inst1 59048 35124 0 16:04:50 - 0:00 db2pfchr
db2inst1 64010 55852 0 16:04:50 - 0:00 db2agent (SAMPLE)
db2inst1 65638 22238 0 16:04:17 - 0:00 db2sysc
db2inst1 70018 35124 0 16:04:50 - 0:00 db2pclnr
db2inst1 72120 35124 0 16:04:51 - 0:00 db2event
db2inst1 74198 65638 0 16:04:17 - 0:00 db2syslog
db2inst1 74578 1 0 16:04:47 - 0:00
50112C14631 5

- db2dasrrm: The DB2 Admin Server process. This process supports both
local and remote administration requests
using the DB2 Control Center

- db2pclnr: I/O cleaners, associated with data cache buffers

- db2rebal: This process is used to perform a rebalancing of the data

when a container is added to a DMS table space.

- db2disp: The DB2 agent dispatcher process. This process dispatches

application connections between the
logical agent assigned to the application and the available
coordinating agents when connection concentration
is enabled.

This process will only exist when connection concentration is enabled.

- The db2ckpwd utility in DB2 is used to verify usernames and passwords

for the operating system.
db2ckpwd takes a file descriptor as a command line argument and reads
the username and password information
from that file descriptor.

- db2gds: The DB2 Global Daemon Spawner process that starts all DB2 EDUs
(processes) on UNIX.
There is one db2gds per instance or database partition

- db2ipccm: listener process for local applications.

- db2tcpcm: A remote client establishes TCP/IP communications through

the db2tcpcm listener process.

- db2sysc: The main DB2 system controller or engine. Without this

process, the database server cannot function.

- db2resync: The resync manager process used to support applications

that are using two-phase commit

- db2wdog: The DB2 watchdog. This process is required since processes in

UNIX can only track their
parent process ID. Each time a new process is started, the db2gds
notifies the DB2 watchdog.
In the event that any DB2 process receive a ctrl-c or other abnormal
signal, the process send the signal
to the watchdog, and it propagates the signal to all of the other
processes in the instance.

- db2ca: Starts the Configuration Assistant. The Configuration Assistant

is a graphical interface
that is used to manage DB2 database configuration such as database
manager configuration, DB2 registry,
node directory, database directory and DCS directory

- Agents

An agent can be thought of as a 'worker' that performs all database

operations on behalf of an application.
There are two main types of DB2 agents:

Coordinator Agent (db2agent)

A coordinator agent (or a coordinating agent) coordinates the work on
behalf of an application and communicates
to other agents using interprocess communication (IPC) or remote
communication protocols.
All connection requests from client applications, whether they are
local or remote, are allocated a corresponding
coordinator agent.

Subagent (db2agntp)
When the intra_parallel database manager configuration parameter is
enabled, the coordinator agent distributes
the database requests to subagents (db2agntp). These agents perform
the requests for the application.
Once the coordinator agent is created, it handles all database
requests on behalf of its application
by coordinating subagents (db2agent) that perform requests on the
When an agent or subagent completes its work it becomes idle. When a
subagent becomes idle, its name changes
from db2agntp to db2agnta.

For example:

db2agntp processes are active subagents which are currently performing

work for the coordinator agent.
These processes will only exist when intra-partition parallelism is

db2agnta processes are idle subagents that were used in the past by a
coordinator agent.

- db2hmon: The db2hmon process has changed in DB2 Universal Database

Version 8.2 and is no longer associated
with the HEALTH_MON database manager configuration parameter.

In DB2r Universal DatabaseT (DB2 UDB) Version 8.1, the db2hmon process
was controlled by the HEALTH_MON
database manager configuration parameter. When HEALTH_MON was set to
ON, a single-threaded independent
coordinator process named db2hmon would start. This process would
terminate if HEALTH_MON was set to OFF.
In DB2 UDB Version 8.2, the db2hmon process is no longer controlled by
the HEALTH_MON database manager
configuration parameter. Rather, it is a stand-alone process that is
part of the database server
so when DB2 is started, the db2hmon process starts. db2hmon is a
special multi-threaded DB2FMP process
that is named db2hmon on UNIX/Linux platforms and DB2FMP on Windows.
Note 6: db2icrt

On UNIX-based systems, the db2icrt utility is located in the

DB2DIR/instance directory,
where DB2DIR represents /usr/opt/db2_08_01 on AIX, and /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1
on all other UNIX-based systems.
If you have a FixPak or modification level installed in an alternate
the DB2DIR directory is /usr/opt/db2_08_FPn on AIX and
opt/IBM/db2/V8.FPn on all other
UNIX-based systems, where n represents the number of 1 the FixPak or
modification level.
The db2icrt utility creates an instance on the directory from which you
invoke it.

+- -h-+ '- -d-' '- -a--AuthType-'
'- -?-'

'- -p--PortName-' '- -s--InstType-' '- -w--WordWidth-'

'- -u--FencedID-'

On an AIX machine, to create an instance called "db2inst1" on the

directory /u/db2inst1/sqllib/bin, issue
the following command from that directory:

Example 1

On a client machine: 1
usr/opt/db2_08_01/instance/db2icrt db2inst1
On a server machine: 1
usr/opt/db2_08_01/instance/db2icrt -u db2fenc1 db2inst1
where db2fenc1 is the user ID under which fenced user-defined functions
and fenced stored procedures will run.

Example 2
On an AIX machine, if you have Alternate FixPak 1 installed, run the
following command to create an instance
running FixPak 1 code from the Alternate FixPak install path:
/usr/opt/db2_08_FP1/instance/db2icrt -u db2fenc1 db2inst1

Note 7: Whats an instance? Compared to Unix / Z


1. What's an Instance? And where is my Subsystem?

Posted 11/8/2005 | by Chris Eaton | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)

If you are new to DB2 LUW from a DB2 for z/OS background then the first
thing you probably noticed
is that there is no subsystem on the LUW platform. Instead you will hear
the term Instance used in a similar manner.
An instance in DB2 for LUW is like a copy of the RDBMS including all the
processes that run DB2 and memory
(address spaces) associated with that instance of DB2 and some
configuration parameters (ZPARMS) to control
that instance. Think of it as a copy of the DB2 code running on a
server. You can have as many instances
as you like running on a single server. Associated with an instance is
the concept of an instance owner.
This is the user that "owns" that instance and has SYSADM authority over
the instance and all databases
inside that instance. SYSADM authority is the highest level of authority
in DB2 and lets this user do anything
within the databases it manages (create, drop, access all data, grant,
revoke, etc).

You can have one or more databases in each instance but a database is
not exactly the same as you have
on z/OS either. On z/OS you have one catalog per subsystem and a
database is merely a logical collection of tables,
indexes that usually have a distinct relationship to a given
application. On the LUW platform each database has
its own catalogs associated with it which stores all the metadata about
that database.

Why the difference? Well, as with many of the differences you will find
at the server or storage layer,
they are mostly due to the "culture" or "industry standard terms" that
are typically used in a Linux,
UNIX or for that matter a Windows environment. An Instance is a common
term across a number of distributed
platform RDBMSs to represent a copy of the database management code
running on a server. And you won't likely
find the term subsystem used to describe anything on a distributed
platform (except for maybe some people
talking about storage but if you dig a bit you will likely find that in
a past life these people
worked on a mainframe).

The other important distinction in this area is that your application

connects to a database in the LUW
environment (not a subsystem or instance). As well if you want to join
tables across different databases
you would use the federated query support built into DB2.

On MVS, OS390, zos: On UNIX/Windows:

---------------------------- ----------
| Subsystem | |INSTANCE| |INSTANCE
---------------------------- ----------
| | | | |
--------- ---- ---- ------------
------------ ------------
|CATALOG| |DB| |DB| |DB+catalog| |
DB+catalog| |DB+catalog|
--------- ---- ---- ------------
------------ ------------

So, a Z "Subsystem" <=corresponds to=> an Unix "Instance".

2. Aanvullende Info op Unix:

Na de installatie van DB2 kunt u alleen met DB2 communiceren door het
instanti%ren van DB2.
Met andere woorden, u maakt een object (lees: Database Manager) binnen
DB2 aan,
die voor u de communicatie verzorgt.

Dus een "Instance" <=corresponds to=> "Database Manager"

Stel u heeft een instance van een Database Manager aangemaakt. Deze
Database Manager verzorgt de communicatie
met zowel lokale als remote databases. U dient de Database Manager te
instrueren hoe en op welke wijze
bepaalde databases benaderd kunnen worden. Tevens geeft u aan onder
welke `eenvoudige' naam deze set van
instructies gebruikt kunnen worden. Dit is de zogenaamde Alias.

In onderstaand figuur wordt schematisch weergegeven hoe de communicatie

tussen de platformen
wordt gerealiseerd.


| ------------- | |
| |Application| | | Een Partitie
| ------|------- | |
---------------- |
| | | | | DBMS 1
port A | |
| ------------------------ | | |
---- | |
| | Instance = | | |------------------------> |
DB| | |
| | Database Manager | | | | |
---- | |
| | | | | | | ----
| |
| | ---------- | | |---------------------->|DB|
| |
| | |Alias 1 | | | | | | ----
| |
| | | |------------------ |
---------------- |
| | ---------- | | |
---------------- |
| | | | | |DBMS 2 port B
| |
| | ---------- | | | |
| |
| | |Alias 2 | | | alias | | ----
| |
| | | |---------------------------------------> |DB|
| |
| | ---------- | | | | ----
| |
| | | | | |
| |
| ------------------------ | |
----------------- |

Zoals u ziet verloopt communicatie tussen een Applicatie, bijv.

Websphere Application Server (WAS),
en het mainframe platform via DB2. Voor de eenvoud nemen we voor nu even
aan dat de applicatie binnen
de WAS de communicatie rechtstreeks aangaat. Binnen DB2 verzorgt een
instance van een Database Manager
de voorgedefinieerde connecties. De Database Manager stelt deze
connecties ter beschikking
middels een alias.

De middels pijltjes `eenvoudig' weergegeven connecties tussen de twee

platformen dienen nader bekeken
te worden. De pijl vanaf een alias tot aan een database op het mainframe
wordt een node genoemd.
Deze node dient vooraf voorzien te worden van informatie op basis
waarvan toegang tot de betreffende
database op het mainframe verkregen kan worden. Het pakket aan
informatie gekoppeld aan een node noemen we
een catalog. De node wordt alsvolgt opgebouwd:

|Alias (heeft de database op het mainframe gekoppeld aan de Node) |

|Node (kent het IP nummer van het mainframe en het poortnummer van de
DBMS op de partitie)|

E,n alias heeft ,,n verbinding met ,,n DBMS op ,,n partitie op het
Binnen het DBMS `leven' namelijk meerdere databases. Indien een
connectie moet worden gelegd
tussen AIX en een andere database in een andere DBMS op dezelfde
partitie dient een nieuwe alias
(en dus node) aangemaakt te worden.

Bij het configureren van een Remote Database praten we dus over de
connectie tussen DB2
en een database op een partitie op het mainframe. De volgende stappen
moeten we doorlopen om een
werkende connectie aan te maken:

£ Aanmaken van de node;

£ Koppelen van node aan ip-nummer van het mainframe;
£ Koppelen van node aan poortnummer van een partitie op het
£ Koppelen van database op het mainframe aan een alias op AIX

De implementatie zullen we laten zien aan de hand van een voorbeeld:

Catalog= ( node={IP + port} ( {Alias=DB} ) )


db2=> Catalog tcpip node <nodenaam> <remote ip-adres mainframe> server


Het laatste commando initieert feitelijk de node gekoppeld aan het

van de mainframe en het poortnummer van de partitie, waarbij:

Nodenaam: De naam van de node. Deze kunt u zelf kiezen (bijv NOO49 :
NOde Ontwikkeling 49).
Ip-adres mainframe: T-partitie:
Poortnummer mainframe T-partitie: 447 of 448 (afhankelijk van DBMS):
BACDB2O = 447 (Ontwikkel omgeving)

BACDB2I = 448 (Integratie omgeving)

-- Ter controle:

db2=> list node directory

Adds a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) node

entry to the node directory.
The TCP/IP communications protocol is used to access the remote node.
The CATALOG TCPIP NODE command is run on a client.

Vervolgens koppelen we de database op het mainframe middels een node aan
een alias. Voer uit:

db2=> Catalog database databasenaam as alias at node nodenaam

authentication dcs

Databasenaam: Een bestaande database binnen het DBMS op het mainframe

Alias: Vrij te kiezen naam
Nodenaam: De naam van de hierboven aangemaakte node

-- Ter controle:

db2=> list db directory

Nu doen we

db2=> Catalog dcs database databasenaam as DBMS

Databasenaam De hierboven bestaande database binnen het DBMS op het

DBMS Dit is het DataBase Management Systeem op het mainframe.
Bijv. T-partitie: BACDB2O (Ontwikkel omgeving)
BACDB2I (Integratie omgeving)

-- Ter controle:

db2=> list dcs directory

Vervolgens loggen wij in het mainframe in om de connectie te testen:

db2=> connect to aliasnaam user user using password

Aliasnaam De zojuist hierboven aangemaakte alias voor een

verbinding met het mainframe
User Uw userid of een userid met voldoende rechten op het
mainframe (bijv. BDN account)
Password Password van het toepaste userid

Dus een sessie tot stand brengen gaat als in het onderstaande

connect to pscrx user u@mnx01 using PSWVDB2C;

set current sqlid = 'F@MNX01'

Dus hoe zit het nu:


Je wilt via DB2 connect naar een remote DB op een mainframe. Op de

client doe je:

db2=> Catalog tcpip node <nodenaam> <remote ip-adres mainframe> server

db2=> list node directory (=controle statement)
db2=> Catalog database databasenaam as alias at node nodenaam
authentication dcs
db2=> list db directory (=controle statement)
db2=> Catalog dcs database databasenaam as DBMS
db2=> list dcs directory (=controle statement)

Je neemt een willekeurige handig nodenaam (door jou te kiezen dus) en

koppel dat begrip
aan de remote IP en poort.
Dan koppel je de echte databasenaam aan een handige (door jou te kiezen
dus) Alias, en dat koppel je dan ook
aan de nodenaam.

Voortaan kun je dan met de Alias een connectie opzetten !

Note: Connection via DB2 Connect:


First of all install the DB2 client (for me it was DB2connect 7.1) and
register it
with the proper license (using db2licm).

Now you are ready to register your remote database.

I'll need to provide:
database name,
authentication method.

For every DB, I need three registrations: tcp/ip node, database and DCS.

Let's start from the tcp/ip node.

Connect to your db2 user (by default db2inst1):

db2inst1@brepredbls01:~> db2
(c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1993,2001
Command Line Processor for DB2 SDK 7.2.0

db2 =>

-- Now from the db2 client command prompt:

catalog tcpip node <nodename> remote <hostaname> server <port>

where nodename is an alias you choose, hostname is the DB2 remote

hostname and the port is the DB2 listening port.


catalog tcpip node RIHEP remote rihep.rit server 5023

to unregister it:

uncatalog node RIHEP

and to list the register nodes:

db2 => list node directory

Node Directory

Number of entries in the directory = 3

Node 1 entry:

Node name = AMDSPT

Comment =
Protocol = TCPIP
Hostname = amdahlsvil.ras
Service name = 5023

Node 2 entry:

Node name = AMSVIL

Comment =
Protocol = TCPIP
Hostname = amdahlsvil.ras
Service name = 6021

Node 3 entry:

Node name = RIHEP

Comment =
Protocol = TCPIP
Hostname = rihep.rit
Service name = 5023

-- Now you need to catalog your remote DB2 database:

catalog database <DBname> as <DBalias> at node <nodename> authentication


Where DBname is the name of the remote database, DBalias is the name you
are going to use in your connection
and nodename is the node alias you registered above.
The chosen authentication has been DCS for my environment.


catalog database ITFINDB2 as ITFINDB2 at node RIHEP authentication DCS

If you wish to unregister the DB:

uncatalog database ITFINDB2

for the list:

db2 => list db directory

System Database Directory

Number of entries in the directory = 3

Database 1 entry:

Database alias = ITFINDB2

Database name = ITFINDB2
Node name = RIHEP
Database release level = 9.00
Comment =
Directory entry type = Remote
Authentication = DCS
Catalog node number = -1

Database 2 entry:

Database alias = DB2PROD

Database name = DB2PROD
Node name = AMSVIL
Database release level = 9.00
Comment =
Directory entry type = Remote
Authentication = DCS
Catalog node number = -1

Database 3 entry:

Database alias = DB2DSPT

Database name = DB2DSPT
Node name = AMDSPT
Database release level = 9.00
Comment =
Directory entry type = Remote
Authentication = DCS
Catalog node number = -1

-- Last registration step: the DCS.

catalog dcs database <DBname> as <DBalias>


catalog dcs database ITFINDB2 as ITFINDB2

to unregister:

unregister dcs ITFINDB2

For the list:

db2 => list dcs directory

Database Connection Services (DCS) Directory

Number of entries in the directory = 3

DCS 1 entry:
Local database name = DB2DSPT
Target database name = DB2DSPT
Application requestor name =
DCS parameters =
Comment =
DCS directory release level = 0x0100

DCS 2 entry:

Local database name = DB2PROD

Target database name = DB2PROD
Application requestor name =
DCS parameters =
Comment =
DCS directory release level = 0x0100

DCS 3 entry:

Local database name = ITFINDB2

Target database name = ITFINDB2
Application requestor name =
DCS parameters =
Comment =
DCS directory release level = 0x0100

Now you can check if your configuration is correct:

db2 => connect to ITFINDB2 user sisbanc

Enter current password for sisbanc:

Database Connection Information

Database server = DB2 OS/390 7.1.1

SQL authorization ID = SISBANC
Local database alias = ITFINDB2

This indicate a succesful connection.

An error or a command prompt without output indicates a failure.


db2 => connect to ITFINDB2 user sisbanc

Enter current password for sisbanc:

db2 => db2 =>

Note 9: license for DB2 Connect 8.x


To license DB2 Connect 8.x, you typically use a statement like

/usr/opt/db2_08_01/adm/db2licm -a /prj/db2/install/udb/8.1/db2ese.lic
Note 10: DB2 Connect Configuration files:

- db2nodes.cfg

This topic provides information about the format of the node

configuration file (db2nodes.cfg).
The db2nodes.cfg file is used to define the database partition servers
that participate in a DB2 instance.
The db2nodes.cfg file is also used to specify the IP address or host
name of a high-speed interconnect,
if you want to use a high-speed interconnect for database partition
server communication.

The format of the db2nodes.cfg file 7 is as follows:

nodenum hostname logical port netname resourcesetname

Note 11: Most important Err messages:



db2=> connect to <> user <> using <>

SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019

I keep getting the following error:

[IBM][CLI Driver] SL1032N No start database manager command was issued.

I tried starting the database, and I still get the above error.
Exacly how am I suppose to start the database, and how do I get rid of
the above error?

56. Setting up an ASCII terminal on AIX:


The 3151 display can connect directly, or through a modem, to an AIX

The connection to the AIX system can be made to one of the native serial
or to an asynchronous adapter.
To add a TTY, use the following procedure:

- use "smitty tty" and select "Add a TTY"

or use "smitty maktty"

- or use mkdev

# mkdev -c tty -t tty -s rs232 -p sa0 -w s1 -a login=enable -a

# mkdev -c tty -t tty -s rs232 -p sa0 -w s0 -a login=enable -a

To validate that the tty has been added to the customized VPD object
class, enter
# lscfg -vp | grep tty
tty0 01-S1-00-00 Asynchronous Terminal

To display the name of the systemconsole effective on the next startup,

# lscons -b

You can remove a terminal with

# rmdev -l tty_name -d

On the ASCII terminal, set the communications options as follows:

Line speed (baud rate) = 9600
Word Length (bits per character) = 8
Parity = no (none)
Number of Stop Bits = 1
Interface = RS-232C or RS-422A
Line Control = IPRTS

57: chroot:


Run a command with a different root directory

'chroot' runs a command with a specified root directory. On many
systems, only the super-user can do this.


chroot OPTION Ordinarily, filenames are looked up starting at the

root of the directory structure, i.e. '/'

'chroot' changes the root to the directory NEWROOT (which must exist)
and then runs COMMAND with optional ARGS.

If COMMAND is not specified, the default is the value of the `SHELL'

environment variable or `/bin/sh' if not set,
invoked with the `-i' option.

The only options are `--help' and `--version'


chroot Command

Changes the root directory of a command.

chroot Directory Command


Attention: If special files in the new root directory have different

major and minor device numbers than the
real root directory, it is possible to overwrite the file system.
The chroot command can be used only by a user operating with root user
If you have root user authority, the chroot command changes the root
directory to the directory
specified by the Directory parameter when performing the Command. The
first / (slash) in any path name
changes to Directory for the specified Command and any of its children.

The Directory path name is always relative to the current root. Even if
the chroot command is in effect,
the Directory path name is relative to the current root of the running

A majority of programs may not operate properly after the chroot command
runs. For example, the commands
that use the shared libraries are unsuccessful if the shared libraries
are not in the new root file system.
The most commonly used shared library is the /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a

The ls -l command is unsuccessful in giving user and group names if the

current root location makes
the /etc/passwd file beyond reach. In addition, utilities that depend on
localized files (/usr/lib/nls/*)
may also be unsuccessful if these files are not in the new root file
system. It is your responsibility
to ensure that all vital data files are present in the new root file
system and that the path names
accessing such files are changed as necessary.


Attention: The commands in the following examples may depend on shared

libraries. Ensure that the shared
libraries are in the new root file system before you run the chroot
To run the pwd command with the /usr/bin directory as the root file
system, enter:

# mkdir /usr/bin/lib

# cp /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a /usr/bin/lib

chroot /usr/bin pwd

To run a Korn shell subshell with another file system as the root file
system, enter:
# chroot /var/tmp /usr/bin/ksh

This makes the directory name / (slash) refer to the /var/tmp for the
duration of the /usr/bin/ksh command.
It also makes the original root file system inaccessible. The file
system on the /var/tmp file must contain
the standard directories of a root file system. In particular, the shell
looks for commands in the
/bin and /usr/bin files on the /var/tmp file system.

Running the /usr/bin/ksh command creates a subshell that runs as a

separate process from your original shell.
Press the END OF FILE (Ctrl-d) key sequence to end the subshell and go
back to where you were
in the original shell. This restores the environment of the original
shell, including the meanings
of the . (current directory) and the / (root directory).

58. The date command:


The date command can be very interesting to use on shell scripts, for
example for testing purposes.
You can device a test like

daynumber=`date -u %d`
export daynumber

if daynumber=31 then
The following shows what can be done using date.

date - print or set the system date and time

date [OPTION]... [+FORMAT]
date [-u|--utc|--universal] [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]

Display the current time in the given FORMAT, or set the system

-d, --date=STRING
display time described by STRING, not `now'

-f, --file=DATEFILE
like --date once for each line of DATEFILE

output date/time in ISO 8601 format.
TIMESPEC=`date' for date
only, `hours', `minutes', or `seconds' for date and time
to the
indicated precision. --iso-8601 without TIMESPEC
defaults to

-r, --reference=FILE
display the last modification time of FILE

-R, --rfc-822
output RFC-822 compliant date string

-s, --set=STRING
set time described by STRING

-u, --utc, --universal

print or set Coordinated Universal Time

--help display this help and exit

output version information and exit

FORMAT controls the output. The only valid option for the second
specifies Coordinated Universal Time. Interpreted sequences are:

%% a literal %

%a locale's abbreviated weekday name (Sun..Sat)

%A locale's full weekday name, variable length


%b locale's abbreviated month name (Jan..Dec)

%B locale's full month name, variable length


%c locale's date and time (Sat Nov 04 12:02:33 EST 1989)

%C century (year divided by 100 and truncated to

an integer)

%d day of month (01..31)

%D date (mm/dd/yy)

%e day of month, blank padded ( 1..31)

%F same as %Y-%m-%d

%g the 2-digit year corresponding to the %V week number

%G the 4-digit year corresponding to the %V week number

%h same as %b

%H hour (00..23)
%I hour (01..12)

%j day of year (001..366)

%k hour ( 0..23)

%l hour ( 1..12)

%m month (01..12)

%M minute (00..59)

%n a newline

%N nanoseconds (000000000..999999999)

%p locale's upper case AM or PM indicator (blank in many


%P locale's lower case am or pm indicator (blank in many


%r time, 12-hour (hh:mm:ss [AP]M)

%R time, 24-hour (hh:mm)

%s seconds since `00:00:00 1970-01-01 UTC' (a GNU extension)

%S second (00..60); the 60 is necessary to accommodate a leap


%t a horizontal tab

%T time, 24-hour (hh:mm:ss)

%u day of week (1..7); 1 represents Monday

%U week number of year with Sunday as first day of week


%V week number of year with Monday as first day of week


%w day of week (0..6); 0 represents Sunday

%W week number of year with Monday as first day of week


%x locale's date representation (mm/dd/yy)

%X locale's time representation (%H:%M:%S)

%y last two digits of year (00..99)

%Y year (1970...)
%z RFC-822 style numeric timezone (-0500) (a nonstandard

%Z time zone (e.g., EDT), or nothing if no time zone

is deter-

By default, date pads numeric fields with zeroes. GNU date

the following modifiers between `%' and a numeric directive.

`-' (hyphen) do not pad the field `_' (underscore) pad the
with spaces

TZ Specifies the timezone, unless overridden by command line
eters. If neither is specified, the setting from
is used.

DATE=$(date +%d"-"%B"-"%Y)
ERRORDATE=$(date +%m%d0000%y)


This section is about pSeries and AIX only.

59.1 General architecture:


Before the POWER5 Architecture, you could only use lpars with dedicated
cpu's, and disks dedicated to an lpar.
As from POWER5 you can use "Micro Partitioning" (assign cpu power in
increments of 10% to lpars),
you can use "Dynamic LPAR" (reassign resouces to and from lpars without
a reboot of lpars)
and every resource (SCSI, Netcards etc..) can be virtualized. But DLPAR
was also available before Power5.

- "Virtual IO Server" (VIOS) must be installed on a partition

(Nederlands: de beheer partitie)
to enable virtualization services.
The other partitions can be AIX52, AIX53, Linux (Redhat, Suse) and
i5/OS (AIX52 cannot use virtualized services,
so you have to assign dedicated cpu's and disks to that partition).
Also, if you do not have VIOS, you can only use the traditional lpars.
VIOS provides the IO and ethernet resources to the other lpars.
You cannot use VOIS as a usable operating system for applications. It
is only used to provide
virtual resources to other partitions. You must use the HMC or IVM to
assign resources to lpars.

- You can use HMC to define partitions and administer partitions (e.g.
start, shutdown an lpar)
The HMC is a desktop connected with ethernet to the pSeries machine.

- You can use Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) on systems where

an HMC is not used.
You can use the local IVM to create and administer lpars. This is a
Webbased interface.
If you want or need to use IVM, you need to install the VIOS on a
nonpartitioned Server first.
Then you can use a PC with a LAN connection to the Server, and use the
browser interface.

- The Partion Load Manager (PLM) makes it possible to re-assign

resources from lpars
with lower needs (at a time) to lpars who needs higher number of
resources (at a time).
Policies can be defined on how to manage that.

HMC makes use of "partition profiles", in which you for example, can
define for a lpar what the desired and
minimum and maximum resource values are. The IVM does not make use of
You can create a "system profile" that lists which partion profiles are
to be used when the
Server is restarted.
Take notice of the fact that the HMC has the lpar configuration
information in the form of saved profiles.

IVM does not have a commandline interface. You can telnet or ssh from
your PC to the lpar for VOIS, and
use the "mkvt" command to create a vt to another lpar.

In order to use the PLM, you need to have a HMC connected to the managed
Server, and you must have
an AIX 5.2 ML4 or 5.3 lpar or Server where PLM will be running.

You can create a Virtual Ethernet and VLAN's with VID's which enables
lpars to communicate
with each other through this "internal" network.

Server Operating Systems can be placed in LPARS, like AIX 5.2, AIX 5.3,
Linux and some others.
For AIX, only 5.3 can be a virtual client of virtualized resources.

Access to real storage devices is implemented through the Virtual SCSI

services, a part of the VIOS.
Logical volumes that are created and exported on the Virtual I/O Server
partition are shown at the
virtual storage client partition as a SCSI disk.
The Virtual I/O Server supports logical mirroring and RAID. Logical
Volumes created on RAID or JOBD
are bootable.

The VIOS and PLM is delivered on CD.

To enable Power5 Partitioning, you must have obtained a key from IBM.
But on the 570 and above,
this feature is per default implemented.

An AIX 5.2 lpar needs dedicated resources. AIX 5.3 can use all
virtualization features.

59.2 Create an AIX logical partition and profile:


- logon to HMC
- Choose "Server and Partition"
- Choose "Server management"
- Choose your Server from list
- Rightclick on Partitions -> Click Create -> Click Logical Partition

59.3 Create a virtual ethernet adapter for AIX:


- logon to HMC
- Choose "Server and Partition"
- Choose "Server management"
- Choose your Server from list
- click on Partitions -> rightclick the partitionprofile of the
partition who is about to use the virtual ethernet adapter
-> Select Dynamic Logical Partitions -> Virtual adapterrescouces ->
-> Choose the tab Virtual I/O -> Choose Ethernet -> Create
-> A dialog Properties will be displayed
-> Fill in the slotnumber, Port Virtual LAN ID (PVID)

chown emcdmeu:emcdgeu

59.4 Installation of PLM:



1. Put the hostname of every lpar fullyqualified, like

2. If you do not use DNS, put in every hostfile of all lpars,

the hostname of the PLM Server,
the other hostnames of all other lpars,
and the hostname of the HMC, like for example lpar1 lpar2 plmserver1 p5hmc1

3. Check whether Dynamic partitioning is possible for an lpar

# lssrc -a | grep rsct

If the deamon IBM.DRM is started, then an active RMC session is present

on this lpar with the HMC.
RMC stands for Resource Monitoring and Control.

In order for DLPAR to work on an lpar, you need to see the following
subsystems installed and active:

ctrmc Resource monitoring and control subsystem
IBM.CSMAgentRM is for handshaking between the lpar and hmc
IBM.DRM is for executing the dlpar commands on the lpar
IBM.HostRM is for obtaining OS information

On the HMC, you can check which lpars are ready for DLPAR with the
following command:

# lspartition -dlpar

4. You need to have rsh and rcp access for all lpars.
If those are not enabled, the do the following:

- edit the .rhosts file on any lpar, and type in the lines

plmserver1 root root

- chmod 4554 /usr/sbin/rshd

- chmod 4554 /usr/bin/rcp

- edit /etc/inetd.conf and make sure that this line is not commented
shell stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/sbin/rshd rshd

- Start the inetd deamon again with

refresh -s inetd

- Test the rsh access from the PLM Server with:

rsh root@lpar1 date
rsh root@lpar2 date

- Create the account "plmuser" on the PLM Server

- You need to have an ssh connection between the HMC and the PLM Server.
Install Openssh on the PLM Server, and create a ssh user on the HMC.
To install Openssh on AIX, you need to have Openssl as well.
Create the ssh keys to make communication possible from HMC to PLM


1. Place the PLM CD in the drive

2. smitty install_latest
3. The following filesets will be installed:


The command line interface of the VIOS is called the IOSCLI.

The shell is a restricted shell, for example, you cannot change
directories or change your PATH env. variable.

You can either work in the traditional mode or interactive mode.

- In traditional mode, you start a command with "ioscl", like in

# ioscli lsdev -virtual (to list all virtual devices)

- In interactive mode, you use the aliases for the ioscli subcommands.
That is, start the ioscli, and then just type the subcommand, like in

# ioscli
# lsdev -virtual

You cannot run external commands from interactive mode, like grep or
First leave the interactive mode with "exit".

To escape from the limitations of ioscli, run "oem_setup_env" and you

have access
to regular commands.

59.5 Important IOSCLI commands:


Only on the VIOS:

lsmap command:

Displays the mapping between physical, logical, and virtual devices.

lsmap { -vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode |
-all }

lsmap [ -type BackingDeviceType | -net ]

lsmap [ -fmt Delimiter ] [ -field FieldNames ]

The lsmap command displays the mapping between virtual host adapters and
the physical devices they are backed to.
Given a device name (ServerVirtualAdapter) or physical location code
(PhysicalLocationCode) of a
server virtual adapter, the device name of each connected virtual target
device (child devices),
its logical unit number, backing device(s) and the backing devices
physical location code is displayed.
If the -net flag is specified the supplied device must be a virtual
server Ethernet adapter.

The -fmt flag divides the output by a user-specified delimiter/character

(delimiter). The delimiter can be
any non-white space character. This format is provided to facilitate


- To list all virtual target devices and backing devices mapped to the
server virtual SCSI adapter vhode2, type:

# lsmap -vadapter vhost2

The system displays a message similar to the following:

SVSA Physloc Client
Partition ID
------------ --------------------------------------------
vhost0 U9111.520.10004BA-V1-C2 0x00000004

VTD vtscsi0
LUN 0x8100000000000000
Backing device vtd0-1

VTD vtscsi1
LUN 0x8200000000000000
Backing device vtd0-2

VTD vtscsi2
LUN 0x8300000000000000
Backing device hdisk2
Physloc U787A.001.0397658-P1-T16-L5-L0

- To list the shared Ethernet adapter and backing device mapped to the
virtual server Ethernet adapter ent4, type:
# lsmap -vadapter ent4 -net

The system displays a message similar to the following:

SVEA Physloc
------ --------------------------------------------
ent4 P2-I1/E1

SEA ent5
Backing device ent1
Physloc P2-I4/E1

- To list the shared Ethernet adapter and backing device mapped to the
virtual server Ethernet adapter ent5
in script format separated by a : (colon), type:

# lsmap -vadapter ent5 -fmt ":"

The system displays a message similar to the following:


- To list all virtual target devices and backing devices, where the
backing devices are of type disk or lv, type:

# lsmap -all -type disk lv

The system displays a message similar to the following:

SVSA Physloc Client
Partition ID
--------------- --------------------------------------------
vhost0 U9117.570.10D1B0E-V4-C3 0x00000000

VTD vtscsi0
LUN 0x8100000000000000
Backing device hdisk0
Physloc U7879.001.DQD0KN7-P1-T12-L3-L0

VTD vtscsi2
LUN 0x8200000000000000
Backing device lv04

SVSA Physloc Client

Partition ID
--------------- --------------------------------------------
vhost1 U9117.570.10D1B0E-V4-C4 0x00000000

VTD vtscsi1
LUN 0x8100000000000000
Backing device lv03
mkvdev command:

Adds a virtual device to the system.

To create a virtual target device:

mkvdev [ -f ] {-vdev TargetDevice | -dplc TDPhysicalLocatonCode } {

-vadapter VirtualServerAdapter |
-aplc VSAPhysicalLocationCode} [ -dev DeviceName ]

- To create a Shared Ethernet Adapter:

# mkvdev -sea TargetDevice -vadapter VirtualEthernetAdapter... -default

-defaultid SEADefaultPVID [ -attr Attribute=Value
[ Attribute=Value... ] ]

- To create an Link Aggregation adapter:

# mkvdev -lnagg TargetAdapter... [ -attr Attribute=Value

[ Attribute=Value... ] ]

- To create a VLAN Ethernet adapter:

# mkvdev -vlan TargetAdapter -tagid TagID

The mkvdev command creates a virtual device. The name of the virtual
device will be automatically generated
and assigned unless the -dev DeviceName flag is specified, in which case
DeviceName will become
the device name. If the -lnagg flag is specified, a Link Aggregation or
IEEE 802.3 Link Aggregation
(automatic Link Aggregation) device is created. To create an IEEE 802.3
Link Aggregation set the mode attribute
to 8023ad. If the -sea flag is specified, a Shared Ethernet Adapter is
created. The TargetDevice may be a
Link Aggregation adapter (note, however, that the VirtualEthernetAdapter
may not be Link Aggregation adapters).
The default virtual Ethernet adapter, DefaultVirtualEthernetAapter, must
also be included as one of the
virtual Ethernet adapters, VirtualEthernetAdapter. The -vlan flag is
used to create a VLAN device and
the -vdev flag creates a virtual target device which maps the
VirtualServerAdapter to the TargetDevice.

If the backing device that is specified by the -vdev or -dplc flags is

already in use, an error will be
returned unless the -f flag is also specified.

Example 1:

Suppose you have VIOS running, and you want to create three AIX53 client
lpars, LPS1, LPS2 and LPS3.
Suppose from VIOS, you have created a number of virtual scsi

- Listing virtuele scsi controllers.

# lsdev -virtual

You will see a listing of virtual scsi controllers: vhost0, vhost1, en


- From VIOS, create Volume Groups.

Suppose hdisk2, hdisk3, and hdisk4 are not yet assigned, and thus are
free to create VG's.

# mkvg -f -vg rootvg_lpar1 hdisk2

# mkvg -f -vg rootvg_lpar2 hdisk3
# mkvg -f -vg rootvg_lpar3 hdisk4

- Now create LV's.

# mklv -lv rootvg_lps1 rootvg_lpar1 15G

# mklv -lv rootvg_lps2 rootvg_lpar2 15G
# mklv -lv rootvg_lps3 rootvg_lpar3 15G

Note: this could also be have done:

# mklv -lv rootvg_lps1 rootvg_lpar1 15G
# mklv -lv rootvg_lps2 rootvg_lpar1 15G
# mklv -lv rootvg_lps3 rootvg_lpar1 15G

The lv's rootvg_lps1, rootvg_lps2, and rootvg_lps3 will become the

rootvg's for the AIX53 client partitions.

- Create mappings.

# mkvdev -vdev rootvg_lps1 -vadapter vhost0

# mkvdev -vdev rootvg_lps2 -vadapter vhost1
# mkvdev -vdev rootvg_lps3 -vadapter vhost2

vhostx = LV \
vhosty = LV -> VG {disk(s)}
vhostz = LV /

More examples:

- From a AIX 5.3 client partition run the lsdev command, like
# lsdev -Cc disk -s vscsi
hdisk2 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive

# lscfg -vpl hdisk2

hdisk2 11.520.10DDEDC-V3-C5-T1-L810000000 Virtual SCSI Disk Drive

root@zd110l06:/root#lscfg -vpl hdisk2

hdisk2 U9117.570.65B61FE-V6-C7-T1-L810000000000 Virtual
SCSI Disk Drive


Name: disk
Node: disk
Device Type: block

- To create the mapping of a virtual scsi adapter vhost0, to a logical

volume (rootvg_nim) that an AIX partition
will use later as a disk, use

# mkvdev -vdev rootvg_nim -vadapter vhost0 -dev vnim

- To create a virtual target device that maps the logical volume lv20 as
a virtual disk for a client partition
hosted by the vhost0 virtual server adapter, type:

# mkvdev -vdev lv20 -vadapter vhost0

The system displays a message similar to the following:

vtscsi0 available

- To create a virtual target device that maps the physical volume hdisk6
as a virtual disk for a client partition
served by the vhost2 virtual server adapter, type:

# mkvdev -vdev hdisk6 -vadapter vhost2

The system displays a message similar to the following:

vtscsi1 available

- To create a Shared Ethernet Adapter that maps the physical Ethernet

adapter "ent4" as a virtual Ethernet adapter
for the client partitions served by the virtual Ethernet adapters ent6,
ent7, and ent9, using ent6 as the
default adapter and 8 as the default ID, type:

# mkvdev -sea ent4 -vadapter ent6,ent7,ent9 -default ent6 -defaultid 8

The system displays a message similar to the following:

ent10 available (which is the sea)

Remember how to create a SEA on the VIOS:

- To create a Shared Ethernet Adapter:

# mkvdev -sea PhysTargetDevice -vadapter
VirtualEthernetAdapter... -default DefaultVirtualEthernetAdapter
-defaultid SEADefaultPVID [ -attr Attribute=Value
[ Attribute=Value... ] ]

- To create an automatic Link Aggregation with primary adapters ent4 and

ent5 and backup adapter ent6, type:

# mkvdev -lnagg ent4,ent5 -attr backup_adapter=ent6 mode=6023ad

The system displays a message similar to the following:

ent10 available

lsdev command (on VIOS):


The lsdev command on a VIO Server has a bit of a different syntax

compared to a regular AIX partition.
Commands like "lsdev -Cc tape" does not work on VIO.
Instead, you have a limited number of parameters you can give to the
lsdev command.

Usage: lsdev [-type DeviceType ...] [-virtual] [-state DeviceState]

[-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter]
lsdev {-dev DeviceName | -plc PhysicalLocationCode} [-child]
[-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter]
lsdev {-dev DeviceName | -plc PhysicalLocationCode} [-parent |
-attr [Attribute] | -range Attribute | -slot | -vpd]
lsdev -slots
lsdev -vpd

So normally you will use the following on a VIO Server:

lsdev -dev [options]

like "lsdev -dev"
"lsdev -dev <device>"
"lsdev -dev <device> -vpd"
lsdev -slots
lsdev -vpd
lsdev -virtual

>> Examples of Usage of lsdev on VIOS:

# tn vioserver1
Connected to vioserver1.
Escape character is '^T'.
telnet (vioserver1)

IBM Virtual I/O Server

login: padmin
padmin's Password:
Last unsuccessful login: Mon Sep 24 04:25:04 CDT 2007 on /dev/vty0
Last login: Wed Nov 21 05:10:29 CST 2007 on /dev/pts/0 from

Suppose you have logged on as padmin on a VIO server. Now you try the
following commands
to retrieve information of the system:

$ lsdev -dev fcs*

name status
fcs0 Available FC Adapter
fcs1 Available FC Adapter
fcs2 Available FC Adapter
fcs3 Available FC Adapter

$ lsdev -dev fcs0

name status
fcs0 Available FC Adapter

$ lsdev -dev fcs* -vpd|grep Z8

Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C95CDDEE
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C95C88F1
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C95AB49A
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C95CDBFD

$ lsdev -dev fcs0 -vpd

fcs0 U7879.001.DQDTZXG-P1-C6-T1 FC Adapter

Part Number.................03N7069
EC Level....................A
Serial Number...............1B64505069
Feature Code/Marketing ID...280B
FRU Number.................. 03N7069
Device Specific.(ZM)........3
Network Address.............10000000C95CDBFD
ROS Level and ID............02881955
Device Specific.(Z0)........1001206D
Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
Device Specific.(Z4)........FF801413
Device Specific.(Z5)........02881955
Device Specific.(Z6)........06831955
Device Specific.(Z7)........07831955
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C95CDBFD
Device Specific.(Z9)........TS1.91A5
Device Specific.(ZA)........T1D1.91A5
Device Specific.(ZB)........T2D1.91A5
Device Specific.(YL)........U7879.001.DQDTZXG-P1-C6-T1


Name: fibre-channel
Model: LP10000
Node: fibre-channel@1
Device Type: fcp
Physical Location: U7879.001.DQDTZXG-P1-C6-T1

$ lsdev -slots

# Slot Description Device(s)

U7311.D11.655157B-P1-C4 Logical I/O Slot pci12 ent0 ent1
U7311.D11.655157B-P1-C5 Logical I/O Slot pci13 fcs2
U7311.D11.655158B-P1-C6 Logical I/O Slot pci14 fcs3
U7311.D20.655159B-P1-C04 Logical I/O Slot pci9 sisscsia0
U7879.001.DQDTPAK-P1-C5 Logical I/O Slot pci10 fcs1
U7879.001.DQDTZXG-P1-C6 Logical I/O Slot pci8 fcs0
U7879.001.DQDTPAK-P1-T12 Logical I/O Slot pci11 sisscsia1
U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C0 Virtual I/O Slot vsa0
U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C11 Virtual I/O Slot vhost0
U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C12 Virtual I/O Slot vhost1
U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C324 Virtual I/O Slot vhost33

$ lsdev -type disk

name status
hdisk0 Available 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk10 Available 16 Bit LVD SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk11 Available SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device
hdisk12 Available SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device
hdisk35 Available SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device
vg01sanl02 Available Virtual Target Device - Disk
vg01sanl03 Available Virtual Target Device - Disk
vg04sanl14 Available Virtual Target Device - Disk
vg05sanl14 Available Virtual Target Device - Disk
vzd110l01 Available Virtual Target Device - Logical Volume
vzd110l02 Available Virtual Target Device - Logical Volume
vzd110l14 Available Virtual Target Device - Logical Volume

$ lsdev -virtual

name status
vhost0 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
vhost1 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
vhost2 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
vhost33 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
vsa0 Available LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter
vg01sanl02 Available Virtual Target Device - Disk
vg01sanl03 Available Virtual Target Device - Disk
vg05sanl14 Available Virtual Target Device - Disk
vzd110l01 Available Virtual Target Device - Logical Volume
vzd110l14 Available Virtual Target Device - Logical Volume

$ lsdev -vpd # gives a huge list of output


The following resources are installed on your machine.

Model Architecture: chrp

Model Implementation: Multiple Processor, PCI bus

System Object
System Planar
Virtual I/O Bus
vhost33 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C324
Virtual SCSI Server Adapter

Device Specific.(YL)........U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C324

vg05sanl14 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C324-L2
Virtual Target Device - Disk
vg03sanl14 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C324-L1
Virtual Target Device - Disk
vhost32 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C323
Virtual SCSI Server Adapter

Device Specific.(YL)........U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C323

vg04sanl14 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C323-L2
Virtual Target Device - Disk
vg03sanl13 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C323-L1
Virtual Target Device - Disk
vhost31 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C224
Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
Device Specific.(YL)........U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C224

vg02sanl14 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C224-L1
Virtual Target Device - Disk
vhost30 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C223
Virtual SCSI Server Adapter

Device Specific.(YL)........U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C223

vg01sanl05 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C115-L1
Virtual Target Device - Disk
vhost15 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C113
Virtual SCSI Server Adapter

Device Specific.(YL)........U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C113
vg04sanl03 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C113-L3
Virtual Target Device - Disk
vg03sanl03 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C113-L2
Virtual Target Device - Disk
vg01sanl03 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C113-L1
Virtual Target Device - Disk
vhost14 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C112
Virtual SCSI Server Adapter

Device Specific.(YL)........U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C112
Device Specific.(YL)........U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C0

vty0 U9117.570.65B61FE-V17-C0-L0
Asynchronous Terminal
pci6 U7311.D11.655158B-P1

Device Specific.(YL)........U7311.D11.655158B-P1

pci14 U7311.D11.655158B-P1

Device Specific.(YL)........U7311.D11.655158B-P1

fcs3 U7311.D11.655158B-P1-C6-T1
FC Adapter

Part Number.................03N7069
EC Level....................A
Serial Number...............1B64504CA3
Feature Code/Marketing ID...280B
FRU Number.................. 03N7069
Device Specific.(ZM)........3
Network Address.............10000000C95CDDEE
ROS Level and ID............02881955
Device Specific.(Z0)........1001206D
Device Specific.(Z1)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z2)........00000000
Device Specific.(Z3)........03000909
Device Specific.(Z4)........FF801413
Device Specific.(Z5)........02881955
Device Specific.(Z6)........06831955
Device Specific.(Z7)........07831955
Device Specific.(Z8)........20000000C95CDDEE
Device Specific.(Z9)........TS1.91A5
Device Specific.(ZA)........T1D1.91A5
Device Specific.(ZB)........T2D1.91A5
Device Specific.(YL)........U7311.D11.655158B-P1-C6-T1

fcnet3 U7311.D11.655158B-P1-C6-T1
Fibre Channel Network Protocol Device
fscsi3 U7311.D11.655158B-P1-C6-T1
FC SCSI I/O Controller Protocol Device
pci5 U7311.D11.655157B-P1

Device Specific.(YL)........U7311.D11.655157B-P1

Other Example:

See the differences between 1 and 2:

1. LPAR using only storage via VIO

hdisk0 00cb61fe223c3926 rootvg
hdisk1 00cb61fe2360b1b7 rootvg
hdisk2 00cb61fe3339af9f appsvg
hdisk3 00cb61fe3339b066 datavg

root@zd110l06:/root#lsdev -Cc disk -s vscsi

hdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk2 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk3 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive

root@zd110l06:/root#lsdev -Cc disk

hdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk2 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk3 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive

root@zd110l06:/root#lsdev -Cc adapter

ent0 Available Virtual I/O Ethernet Adapter (l-lan)
ent1 Available 02-08 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter
ent2 Available 02-09 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter
ent3 Available 03-08 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter
ent4 Available 03-09 2-Port 10/100/1000 Base-TX PCI-X Adapter
vsa0 Available LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter
vscsi0 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter
vscsi1 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter
vscsi2 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter
vscsi3 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter
vscsi4 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter
vscsi5 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter

2. LPAR using storage via VIO and dedicated FC cards

[email protected]:/root#lspv
hdisk0 00cb61fe09fe92bd rootvg
hdisk1 00cb61fe0a47a802 rootvg
hdisk2 00cb61fe336bc95b appsvg
hdisk3 00cb61fe321664d1 datavg

[email protected]:/root#lsdev -Cc disk -s vscsi

hdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive

[email protected]:/root#lsdev -Cc disk

hdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk2 Available 02-08-02 SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device
hdisk3 Available 02-08-02 SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device

[email protected]:/root#lsdev -Cc adapter

ent0 Available Virtual I/O Ethernet Adapter (l-lan)
fcs0 Available 02-08 FC Adapter
fcs1 Available 03-08 FC Adapter
vsa0 Available LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter
vscsi0 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter
vscsi1 Available Virtual SCSI Client Adapter

>> More on lsdev on a VIOS:

Displays Virtual I/O Server devices and their characteristics.

To list devices

lsdev [ -type DeviceType... ] [ -virtual ] [ -field FieldName... ] [

-fmt Delimiter ] [-state State ]

To display information about a specific device:

lsdev { -dev DeviceName | -plc PhysicalLocationCode } [ -child ] [

-field FieldName... ] [ -fmt Delimiter ]

lsdev { -dev DeviceName | -plc PhysicalLocationCode } [ -attr

[ Attribute ] | -range Attribute | -slot | -vpd | -parent]

lsdev -vpd

lsdev -slots


The lsdev command displays information about devices in the Virtual I/O
Server. If no flags are specified,
a list of all devices, both physical and virtual, in the Virtual I/O
Server is displayed.
To list devices, both physical and virtual, of a specific type use the
-type DeviceType flag.
Use the -virtual flag to list only virtual devices. Combining both the
-type and -virtual flags
will list the virtual devices of the specified type.

To display information about a specific device, use the -dev DeviceName

or -plc PhysicalLocationCode.
Use either the -child, -parent, -attr, -range, -slot, or -vpd flag to
specify what type of information
is displayed. If none of these flags are used, the name, status, and
description of the device will be displayed.

Using the -vpd flag, without specifying a device, displays platform-

specific information for all devices.


- To list all virtual adapters and display the name and status fields,

# lsdev -type adapter -virtual -field name status

The system displays a message similar to the following:

name status

vhost0 Available
vhost1 Available
vhost2 Available
ent6 Available
ent7 Available
ent8 Available
ent9 Available

- To list all devices of type disk and display the name and physical
location fields, type:

# lsdev -type disk -field name physloc

The system displays a message similar to the following:

name physloc

hdisk0 U9111.520.10004BA-T15-L5-L0
hdisk1 U9111.520.10004BA-T15-L8-L0
hdisk2 U9111.520.10004BA-T16-L5-L0
hdisk3 U9111.520.10004BA-T16-L8-L0
hdisk4 UTMP0.02E.00004BA-P1-C4-T1-L8-L0
hdisk5 UTMP0.02E.00004BA-P1-C4-T2-L8-L0
hdisk6 UTMP0.02F.00004BA-P1-C8-T2-L8-L0
hdisk7 UTMP0.02F.00004BA-P1-C4-T2-L8-L0
hdisk8 UTMP0.02F.00004BA-P1-C4-T2-L11-L0
vtscsi0 U9111.520.10004BA-V1-C2-L1
vtscsi1 U9111.520.10004BA-V1-C3-L1
vtscsi2 U9111.520.10004BA-V1-C3-L2
vtscsi3 U9111.520.10004BA-V1-C4-L1
vtscsi4 U9111.520.10004BA-V1-C4-L2
vtscsi5 U9111.520.10004BA-V1-C5-L1

- To display the parent of a devices, type:

# lsdev -dev hdisk0 -parent

The system displays a message similar to the following:



- To display all I/O slots that are not hot-pluggable but can have DLPAR
operations performed on them, type:

# lsdev -slots

The system displays a message similar to the following:

U787A.001.DNZ00Y1-P1-C1 Logical I/O Slot pci4 sisscsia0
U787A.001.DNZ00Y1-P1-T5 Logical I/O Slot pci3 ent0 ent1
U787A.001.DNZ00Y1-P1-T7 Logical I/O Slot pci2 usbhc0 usbhc1
U9111.520.10DFD8C-V2-C0 Virtual I/O Slot vsa0
U9111.520.10DFD8C-V2-C2 Virtual I/O Slot vhost0
U9111.520.10DFD8C-V2-C4 Virtual I/O Slot Unknown

- The client partition accesses its assigned disks through a virtual

SCSI client adapter.
The virtual scsi client adapter sees standard scsi devices and LUNs
through this virtual adapter.
The commands in the following example show how the disks appear on a AIX
53 partition:

# lsdev -Cc disk -s vscsi

hdisk2 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive

# lscfg -vpl hdisk2

hdisk2 111.530.10DDEDC-V3-C5-T1 Virtual SCSI Disk Drive

- To configure an optical device as a virtual SCSI device is the same as

a disk or logical volume into a vscsi device.
Using either a new or previously defined vhost adapter with the client
run the following command:

# mkvdev -vdev cd0 -vadapter vhost0

vtopt0 Available Virtual Target Device - Optical Media

On the client partition, run the cfmgr command and a cd0 device will be
configured for use.
Mounting the CD device is now possible, as is using the mkdvd command.

rmvdev command:

To remove the connection between a physical device and its associated
virtual SCSI adapter.

rmvdev [ -f ] { -vdev TargetDevice | -vtd VirtualTargetDevice } [-rmlv]

The rmdev command removes the connection between a physical device and
its associated virtual SCSI adapter.
The connection can be identified by specifying the backing (physical)
device or the virtual target device.
If the connection is specified by the device name and there are multiple
connections between the
physical device and virtual SCSI adapters and error is returned unless
the -f flag is also specified.
If -f is included then all connections associated with the physical
device are removed.

If the backing (physical) device is a logical volume and the -rmlv flag
is specified,
then logical volume will be removed as well.


# rmvdev -dev vhost0 -recursive


how to remove a dynamically allocated i/o slot in a DLPAR in IBM AIX


To remove a dynamically allocated I/O slot (must be a desired component)

from a partition on a P-series
IBM server partition:

1) Find the slot you wish to remove from the partition:

# lsslot -c slot
# Slot Description Device(s)
U1.5-P2/Z2 Logical I/O Slot pci15 scsi2
U1.9-P1-I8 Logical I/O Slot pci13 ent0
U1.9-P1-I10 Logical I/O Slot pci14 scsi0 scsi1

In our case, it is pci14.

2) Delete the PCI adapter and all of its children in AIX before removal:

# rmdev -l pci14 -d -R
cd0 deleted
rmt0 deleted
scsi0 deleted
scsi1 deleted
pci14 deleted

3) Now, you can remove the PCI I/O slot device using the HMC:

a) Log in to the HMC

b) Select "Server and Partition", and then "Server Management"

c) Select the appropriate server and then the appropriate partition

d) Right click on the partition name, and then on "Dynamic Logical


e) In the menu, select "Adapters"

f) In the newly created popup, select the task "Remove resource from
this partition"

g) Select the appropriate adapter from the list (only desired one will

h) Select the "OK" button

i) You should have a popup window which tells you if it was successful.


lsslot -c slot; rmdev -l pci14 -d -R

mkdvd command:

Examples of the mkdvd command:

To generate a bootable system backup to the DVD-R device named /dev/cd1,


# mkdvd -d /dev/cd1

To generate a system backup to the DVD-R or DVD-RAM device named

/dev/cd1, enter:

# mkdvd -d /dev/cd1

To generate a non-bootable volume group backup of the volume group myvg

to /dev/cd1, enter:

# mkdvd -d /dev/cd1 -v myvg

All savevg backup images are non-bootable.
To generate a non-bootable system backup, but stop mkdvd before the DVD
is created and save
the final images to the /mydata/my_cd file system, and create the other
mkdvd file systems in myvg, enter:

# mkdvd -B -I /mydata/my_cd -V myvg -S

To create a DVD or DVD that duplicates an existing directory structure
use the following command:

# mkdvd -r /mycd -d /dev/cd1

After mounting with mount -o ro /dev/cd1 /mnt, cd to /mnt; a find .
-print command displays:


lparstat command:

From the AIX prompt in a lpar, you can enter the lparstat -i command to
get a list
of names and resources like, for example, if the partition is capped or
uncapped etc..

# lparstat -i
cfgdev command:

On the VIOS partition, run the "cfgdev" command to rebuild the list of
visible devices.
This is neccessary after you have created the partition and have added
virtual controllers.

The virtual SCSI server adapters are now available to the VIOS.
The name of these adapters are vhostx where x is a number assigned by
the system.

Use the following command to make sure your adapters are available:

$ lsdev -virtual
name status description
ent2 Available Virtual Ethernet Adapter
vhost0 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
vhost1 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
vhost2 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
vhost3 Available Virtual SCSI Server Adapter
vsa0 Available LPAR Virtual Serial Adapter

lspath command:

lspath Command
Displays information about paths to a MultiPath I/O (MPIO) capable

lspath [ -dev DeviceName ] [ -pdev Parent ] [ -status Status ] [ -conn
Connection ] [ -field FieldName ]
[ -fmt Delimiter ]

lspath -dev DeviceName -pdev Parent [ -conn Connection ] -lsattr [ -attr

Attribute... ]

lspath -dev DeviceName -pdev Parent [ -conn Connection ] -range -attr


The lspath command displays one of three types of information about
paths to an MPIO capable device. It either
displays the operational status for one or more paths to a single
device, or it displays one or more attributes
for a single path to a single MPIO capable device. The first syntax
shown above displays the operational status
for one or more paths to a particular MPIO capable device. The second
syntax displays one or more attributes
for a single path to a particular MPIO capable device. Finally, the
third syntax displays the possible range
of values for an attribute for a single path to a particular MPIO
capable device.
Displaying Path Status with the lspath Command
When displaying path status, the set of paths to display is obtained by
searching the device configuration database
for paths that match the following criteria:

The target device name matches the device specified with the -dev flag.
If the -dev flag is not present, then the
target device is not used in the criteria.
The parent device name matches the device specified with the -pdev flag.
If the -pdev flag is not present, then
parent is not used in the criteria.
The connection matches the connection specified with the -conn flag. If
the -conn flag is not present, then
connection is not used in the criteria.
The path status matches status specified with the -status flag. If the
-status flag is not present, the path
status is not used in the criteria.
If none of the -dev, -pdev, -conn, or -status flags are specified, then
all paths known to the system are displayed.

By default, this command will display the information in columnar form.

When no flags are specified that qualify
the paths to display, the format of the output is:

status device parent

Possible values that can appear for the status column are:

Indicates that the path is configured and operational. It will be
considered when paths are selected for IO.
Indicates that the path is configured, but not currently operational. It
has been manually disabled and will
not be considered when paths are selected for IO.
Indicates that the path is configured, but it has had IO failures that
have rendered it unusable. It will not be considered when paths are
selected for IO.
Indicates that the path has not been configured into the device driver.
Indicates that the path was defined in a previous boot, but it was not
detected in the most recent boot of the system.
Indicates that the path was detected in the most recent boot of the
system, but for some reason it was not configured. A path should only
have this status during boot and so this status should never appear as a
result of the lspath command.

Displaying Path Attributes with the lspath Command

When displaying attributes for a path, the path must be fully qualified.
Multiple attributes for a path can be displayed, but attributes
belonging to multiple paths cannot be displayed in a single invocation
of the lspath command. Therefore, in addition to the -lsattr, -dev, and
-pdev flags, the -conn flags are required to uniquely identify a single
path. For example:
if only one path between a device and a specific parent, the -conn flag
is not required
if there are multiple paths between a device and a specific parent, the
-conn flag is required
Furthermore, the -status flag is not allowed.

By default, this command will display the information in columnar form.

attribute value description user_settableFlags

-attr Attribute Identifies the specific attribute to list. The
'Attribute' is the name of a path specific attribute.
When this flag is provided, only the identified attribute is displayed.
Multiple instances of this flag may be
used to list multiple attributes. If this flag is not specified at all,
all attributes associated with the
identified path will be listed.
-lsattr Displays the attribute names, current values, descriptions, and
user-settable flag values for a specific path.
-dev Name Specifies the logical device name of the target device whose
path information is to be displayed.
-field FieldNames Specifies the list of fields to display. The following
fields are supported:
Status of the path
Name of the device
Name of the parent device
Path connection.
-fmt Delimiter Specifies a delimiter character to separate output
-pdev Parent Indicates the logical device name of the parent device of
the path(s) to be displayed.
-range Displays the legal values for an attribute name. The -range flag
displays the list attribute values in a vertical column as follows:
The -range flag displays the range attribute values as x...n(+i) where x
is the start of the range, n is the end of the range, and i is the
-status Status The -status Status flag indicates the status to use in
qualifying the paths to be displayed. When displaying path information,
the allowable values for this flag are:
Display paths that are enabled for MPIO path selection.
Display paths that are disabled from MPIO path selection.
Display paths that are failed due to IO errors.
Display paths whose path_status is PATH_AVAILABLE (that is, paths that
are configured in the system, includes enabled, disabled, and failed
Display paths whose path_status is PATH_DEFINED.
Display paths whose path_status is PATH_MISSING.
-conn Connection Indicates the connection information to use in
qualifying the paths to be displayed.

Exit Status
Return code Description
1 Invalid status value.


To display, without column headers, the set of paths whose operational

status is disabled, enter:

# lspath -status disabled

The system will display a message similar to the following:

disabled hdisk1 scsi1

disabled hdisk2 scsi1
disabled hdisk23 scsi8
disabled hdisk25 scsi8

To display the set of paths whose operational status is failed, enter:

# lspath -status failed

The system will display a message similar to the following:

failed hdisk1 scsi1
failed hdisk2 scsi1
failed hdisk23 scsi8
failed hdisk25 scsi8

If the target device is a SCSI disk, to display all attributes for the
path to parent scsi0 at connection 5,0,
use the command:

# lspath -dev hdisk10 -pdev scsi0 -conn "5,0" -lsattr

The system will display a message similar to the following:

weight 1 Order of path failover selection true

To display the status of all paths to hdisk1 with column headers and I/O
counts, type:

# lspath -l hdisk1 -H

The system displays a message similar to the following:


enabled (4) scsi0 5,0
disabled (0) scsi1 5,0
missing scsi2 5,0
To display without column headers, the set of paths whose operational
status is disabled, type:

# lspath -s disabled

The system displays a message similar to the following:

hdisk1 scsi1 5, 0
hdisk2 scsi1 6, 0
hdisk23 scsi8 3, 0
hdisk25 scsi8 4, 0

chpath command:

chpath Command
Changes the operational status of paths to an MultiPath I/O (MPIO)
capable device, or changes an attribute
associated with a path to an MPIO capable device.

chpath -l Name -s OpStatus [ -p Parent ] [ -w Connection ]

chpath -l Name -p Parent [ -w Connection ] [ -P ] -a Attribute=Value [

-a Attribute=Value ... ]

chpath -h

The chpath command either changes the operational status of paths to the
specified device (the -l Name flag)
or it changes one, or more, attributes associated with a specific path
to the specified device. The required syntax
is slightly different depending upon the change being made.

The first syntax shown above changes the operational status of one or
more paths to a specific device.
The set of paths to change is obtained by taking the set of paths which
match the following criteria:

The target device matches the specified device.

The parent device matches the specified parent (-p Parent), if a parent
is specified.
The connection matches the specified connection (-w Connection), if a
connection is specified.
The path status is PATH_AVAILABLE.
The operational status of a path refers to the usage of the path as part
of MPIO path selection. The value of enable indicates that the path is
to be used while disable indicates that the path is not to be used. It
should be noted that setting a path to disable impacts future I/O, not
I/O already in progress. As such, a path can be disabled, but still have
outstanding I/O until such time that all of the I/O that was already in
progress completes. As such, if -s disable is specified for a path and
I/O is outstanding on the path, this fact will be output.

Disabling a path affects path selection at the device driver level. The
path_status of the path is not changed in the device configuration
database. The lspath command must be used to see current operational
status of a path.

The second syntax shown above changes one or more path specific
attributes associated with a particular path to a particular device.
Note that multiple attributes can be changed in a single invocation of
the chpath command; but all of the attributes must be associated with a
single path. In other words, you cannot change attributes across
multiple paths in a single invocation of the chpath command. To change
attributes across multiple paths, separate invocations of chpath are
required; one for each of the paths that are to be changed.

-a Attribute=Value Identifies the attribute to change as well as the new
value for the attribute. The Attribute is the name of a path specific
attribute. The Value is the value which is to replace the current value
for the Attribute. More than one instance of the -a Attribute=Value can
be specified in order to change more than one attribute.
-h Displays the command usage message.
-l Name Specifies the logical device name of the target device for the
path(s) affected by the change. This flag is required in all cases.
-p Parent Indicates the logical device name of the parent device to use
in qualifying the paths to be changed. This flag is required when
changing attributes, but is optional when change operational status.
-P Changes the path's characteristics permanently in the ODM object
class without actually changing the path. The change takes affect on the
path the next time the path is unconfigured and then configured
(possibly on the next boot).
-w Connection Indicates the connection information to use in qualifying
the paths to be changed. This flag is optional when changing operational
status. When changing attributes, it is optional if the device has only
one path to the indicated parent. If there are multiple paths from the
parent to the device, then this flag is required to identify the
specific path being changed.
-s OpStatus Indicates the operational status to which the indicated
paths should be changed. The operational status of a path is maintained
at the device driver level. It determines if the path will be considered
when performing path selection.The allowable values for this flag are:
Mark the operational status as enabled for MPIO path selection. A path
with this status will be considered for use when performing path
selection. Note that enabling a path is the only way to recover a path
from a failed condition.
Mark the operational status as disabled for MPIO path selection. A path
with this status will not be considered for use when performing path
This flag is required when changing operational status. When used in
conjunction with the -a Attribute=Value flag, a usage error is

Privilege Control: Only the root user and members of the system group
have execute access to this command.

Auditing Events:

Event Information
DEV_Change The chpath command line.


To disable the paths between scsi0 and the hdisk1 disk device, enter:

# chpath -l hdisk1 -p scsi0 -s disable

The system displays a message similar to one of the following:

paths disabled
some paths enabled

The first message indicates that all PATH_AVAILABLE paths from scsi0 to
hdisk1 have been successfully enabled.
The second message indicates that only some of the PATH_AVAILABLE paths
from scsi0 to hdisk1 have been
successfully disabled.

59.5 Example of usage of virtualization commands:


Suppose we have the following lpar:

# uname -L
12 zd110l12

# oslevel -r

# lsdev -Cc disk

hdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk2 Available 02-08-02 SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device
hdisk3 Available 02-08-02 SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device

# lsdev -Cc disk -s vscsi
hdisk0 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive
hdisk1 Available Virtual SCSI Disk Drive

# lscfg -vpl hdisk1
hdisk1 U9117.570.65B61FE-V12-C6-T1-L810000000000 Virtual SCSI
Disk Drive <----

# lsslot -c slot
# Slot Description Device(s)
U7879.001.DQDTZXG-P1-C2 Logical I/O Slot pci2 fcs0
U7879.001.DQDTPAK-P1-C6 Logical I/O Slot pci3 fcs1
U9117.570.65B61FE-V12-C0 Virtual I/O Slot vsa0
U9117.570.65B61FE-V12-C2 Virtual I/O Slot ent0
U9117.570.65B61FE-V12-C5 Virtual I/O Slot vscsi0
U9117.570.65B61FE-V12-C6 Virtual I/O Slot vscsi1

#lscfg -vpl hdisk3

hdisk3 U7879.001.DQDTZXG-P1-C2-T1-W50050768013029E5-
L1000000000000 SAN Volume Controller MPIO Device

Machine Type and Model......2145
ROS Level and ID............0000
Device Specific.(Z0)........0000043268101002
Device Specific.(Z1)........0200640
Serial Number...............600507680190014E3000000000000199


Name: disk
Node: disk
Device Type: block

59.6 HMC commands:


HMC commands:
lssyscfg List the hardware resource configuration
mksyscfg Creates the hardware resource configuration
chsyscfg Changes the hardware resource configuration
rmsyscfg Removes the hardware resource configuration

$ lssyscfg -r sys --all -z


Detail on lssyscfg:


lssyscfg - list system resources


lssyscfg -r {lpar | prof | sys | sysprof | cage | frame} [-m managed-

system | -e managed-frame]
[--filter "filter-data"] [-F [attribute-names] [--header]]


lssyscfg lists the attributes of partitions, partition profiles, or

system profiles for the managed-system.
It can also list the attributes of the managed-system, and of all of the
systems managed by this
Hardware Management Console (HMC).

lssyscfg can also list the attributes of cages in the managed-frame, the
attributes of the managed-frame,
or the attributes of all of the frames managed by this HMC.


The type of resources to list. Valid values are lpar for partitions,
prof for partition profiles, sys for
managed systems, sysprof for system profiles, cage for managed frame
cages, and frame for managed frames.

The name of either the managed system to list, or the managed system
which has the system resources to list.
The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or
be in the form tttt-mmm*ssssssss,
where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the
serial number of the managed system.
The tttt-mmm*ssssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed
systems with the same user-defined name.
This option is required when listing partitions, partition profiles, or
system profiles. This option is optional
when listing managed systems, and if it is omitted, then all of the
systems managed by this HMC will be listed.
This option is not valid when listing managed frame cages or managed

The name of either the managed frame to list, or the managed frame which
contains the cages to list.
The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed frame, or
be in the form ttttmmm* ssssssss,
where tttt is the type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the serial
number of the managed frame.
The tttt-mmm*ssssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed
frames with the same user-defined name.
This option is required when listing managed frame cages. This option is
optional when listing managed frames,
and if it is omitted, then all of the frames managed by this HMC will be
listed. This option is not valid when
listing partitions, partition profiles, system profiles, or managed

The filter(s) to apply to the resources to be listed. Filters are used
to select which resources of the specified
resource type are to be listed. If no filters are used, then all of the
resources of the specified resource type
will be listed. For example, specific partitions can be listed by using
a filter to specify the names or IDs of the partitions to list.
Otherwise, if no filter is used, then all of the partitions in the
managed system will be listed. The filter data consists of filter
name/value pairs, which are in comma separated value (CSV) format. The
filter data must be enclosed in double quotes.
The format of the filter data is as follows:


Note that certain filters accept a comma separated list of values, as



When a list of values is specified, the filter name/value pair must be

enclosed in double quotes. Depending on the
shell being used, nested double quote characters may need to be preceded
by an escape character, which is usually
a '\' character. Unless otherwise indicated, multiple values can be
specified for each filter.

Valid filter names for partitions:

lpar_names | lpar_ids | work_groups

Only one of these three filters may be specified.

Valid filter names for partition profiles:

lpar_names | lpar_ids
Either the name or the ID of the partition which has the partition
profiles to be listed must be specified.
Only one partition name or ID can be specified.


Valid filter names for system profiles:


This option is required when listing partition profiles. This option is

not valid when listing managed systems,
managed frame cages, or managed frames.

A delimiter separated list of attribute names for the desired attribute
values to be displayed for each resource.
If no attribute names are specified, then values for all of the
attributes for the resource will be displayed.
When this option is specified, only attribute values will be displayed.
No attribute names will be displayed.
The attribute values displayed will be separated by the delimiter which
was specified with this option.
This option is useful when only attribute values are desired to be
displayed, or when the values of only
selected attributes are desired to be displayed.

Display a header record, which is a delimiter separated list of
attribute names for the attribute values that
will be displayed. This header record will be the first record
displayed. This option is only valid when used
with the -F option.

Display the help text for this command and exit.


List all systems managed by this HMC:

lssyscfg -r sys

List only the user-defined name, machine type and model, and serial
number for all of the systems managed by this HMC,
and separate the output values with a colon:

lssyscfg -r sys -F name:type_model:serial_num

List the managed system system1:

lssyscfg -r sys -m system1

List all partitions in the managed system, and only display attribute
values for each partition, following a header
of attribute names:
lssyscfg -r lpar -m 9406-570*12345678 -F --header

List the partitions lpar1, lpar2, and lpar3:

lssyscfg -r lpar -m system1 --filter ""lpar_names=lpar1, lpar2,lpar3""

List only the names, IDs, and states of partitions lpar1, lpar2, and
lpar3, and separate the output values
with a comma:

lssyscfg -r lpar -m system1 --filter ""lpar_names=lpar1, lpar2,lpar3""

-F name,lpar_id,state

List all partition profiles defined for partition lpar2:

lssyscfg -r prof -m system1 --filter "lpar_names=lpar2"

List the partition profiles prof1 and prof2 defined for the partition
that has an ID of 2:

lssyscfg -r prof -m system1 --filter "lpar_ids=2,


List all system profiles defined for the managed system:

lssyscfg -r sysprof -m 9406-520*100128A

List the system profile sysprof1:

lssyscfg -r sysprof -m system1 --filter "profile_names= sysprof1"

List all frames managed by this HMC:

lssyscfg -r frame

List the managed frame myFrame:

lssyscfg -r frame -e myFrame

List all cages in the managed frame:

lssyscfg -r cage -e 9119-59*000012C

Power 4 HMC Commands:


To view partition state:

To pop a hung partiton into the debugger (aka 'soft reset'):

reset_partition -m <machine> -p <partition> -t soft

To force a reboot of a hung partition (aka 'hard reset'):

reset_partition -m <machine> -p <partition> -t hard

To force a reboot of a "full system partition" (i.e. a system that is
not partitioned) :

chsysstate -r sys -n <machine> -o off --immed --restart

To start a partition:

start_partition -p <partition> -f <profile name> -m <machine>

To get a listing of boot profiles:

query_profile_names -m <machine> -p <partition>

Power 5 HMC Commands:


Viewing system state

To list all of the HMC-managed systems, issue the command:

lssyscfg -r sys

To list only the "name" field of all of the systems, use the -F flag,
together with the name of the field
(in this case, name):

lssyscfg -r sys -F name

To see system state for only a single system, issue:

lssyscfg -r sys -m <machine>

The above may be combined with the -F flag as well, to list only one
attribute for one machine.

To view the partition state, issue the command:

lssyscfg -r lpar -m <machine>

To see just the names and state:

lssyscfg -r lpar -m <machine> -F name,state --header

All frames managed by the HMC may be listed as:

lssyscfg -r frame

All cages in a frame may be listed by:

lssyscfg -r cage -e <frame-name>

Cages may be processors (cpu memory pci slots), and are identified as
contents=sys, or they may be I/O drawers,
and are identified as contents=io.

To view the various profiles a partition can be booted into:

lssyscfg -r prof -m <machine> --filter lpar_names=<partition>

Changing system state, rebooting:

To power on an lpar with a profile:

chsysstate -m <machine> -o on -r lpar -n <lpar name> -f <profile>

i.e. for example:

chsysstate -m alpha -o on -r lpar -n alpha-lp1 -f default

To power on a whole machine (CEC):

chsysstate -m alpha -o on -r sys

Etc. chsysstate, lssyscfg and other commands have good explanations if
they're run without arguments.

Issuing a 'soft reset', to push a hung machine into KDB/XMON, is not

obvious. The magic incantation is:

chsysstate -r lpar -m <machine> -n <partition> -o dumprestart

To issue a 'hard reset', to turn off a partition, no matter what:

chsysstate -r lpar -m <machine> -n <partition> -o shutdown --immed


Controlling virtual cpus:


To add one virtual CPU: (note these use -p instead of -n for the
partition name)

chhwres -r proc -m <machine> -p <partition> -o a --procs 1

To add one-tenth of a cpu processing entitlement:

chhwres -r proc -m <machine> -p <partition> --procunits 0.1

To see nice report of: MACHINE,LPAR,PROFILE,STATE:

lssyscfg -r sys -F name | while read mngsys; do lssyscfg -r lpar -F

name,curr_profile,state -m $mngsys |
sed "s/^/$mngsys,/"; done

chhwres command:

This command you should use from the VIOS.


chhwres - change hardware resources


To add, remove, or move a physical I/O slot:

chhwres -r io -m managed-system -o {a | r | m}
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[{-t target-partition-name |
--tid target-partition-ID}]
-l slot-DRC-index [-a "attributes"]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]

To set physical I/O attributes:

chhwres -r io -m managed-system -o s
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
--rsubtype {iopool | taggedio}
-a "attributes"

To add or remove a virtual I/O adapter:

chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o {a | r}

{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[--rsubtype {eth | scsi | serial}]
[-s virtual-slot-number] [-a "attributes"]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]

To set virtual I/O attributes:

chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o s

[{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}]
--rsubtype {eth | hsl | virtualopti}
-a "attributes"

To add, remove, or move memory:

chhwres -r mem -m managed-system -o {a | r | m}

{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[{-t target-partition-name |
--tid target-partition-ID}]
-q quantity
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]

To set memory attributes:

chhwres -r mem -m managed-system -o s -a "attributes"

To add, remove, or move processing resources:

chhwres -r proc -m managed-system -o {a | r | m}

{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[{-t target-partition-name |
--tid target-partition-ID}]
[--procs quantity] [--procunits quantity]
[--5250cpwpercent percentage]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force]

To set processing attributes:

chhwres -r proc -m managed-system -o s

{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
-a "attributes"

chhwres changes the hardware resource configuration of the managed-

system. chhwres is used to perform
dynamic logical partitioning (DLPAR) operations.



The type of hardware resources to change. Valid values are io for

physical I/O, virtualio for virtual I/O,
mem for memory, and proc for processing resources.


The subtype of hardware resources to change. Valid physical I/O resource

subtypes are slot for I/O slots,
iopool for I/O pools, and taggedio for tagged I/O resources. Valid
virtual I/O resource subtypes are eth
for virtual ethernet, scsi for virtual SCSI, serial for virtual serial,
hsl for High Speed Link (HSL)
OptiConnect, and virtualopti for virtual OptiConnect resources.
This option is required for physical I/O or virtual I/O set operations,
and for virtual I/O add operations.

This option is not valid for memory or processor operations.


The name of the managed system for which the hardware resource
configuration is to be changed.
The name may either be the user-defined name for the managed system, or
be in the form tttt-mmm*ssssssss,
where tttt is the machine type, mmm is the model, and ssssssss is the
serial number of the managed system.
The tttt-mmm*ssssssss form must be used if there are multiple managed
systems with the same user-defined name.


The operation to perform. Valid values are a to add hardware resources

to a partition, r to remove hardware
resources from a partition, m to move hardware resources from one
partition to another, and s to set
hardware resource related attributes for a partition or the managed-


The name of the partition for which the operation is to be performed.

For a move operation, this is the source
partition (the partition the resources will be moved from) for the
operation. To perform an add, remove,
or move operation, the partition must be in the running state.
You can either use this option to specify the name of the partition for
which the operation is to be performed,
or use the --id option to specify the partition's ID. The -p and the
--id options are mutually exclusive.

A partition is required to be specified with this option or the --id

option for all operations except
a virtual ethernet or memory set operation.


The ID of the partition for which the operation is to be performed. For

a move operation, this is the source
partition (the partition the resources will be moved from) for the
operation. To perform an add, remove,
or move operation, the partition must be in the running state.
You can either use this option to specify the ID of the partition for
which the operation is to be performed,
or use the -p option to specify the partition's name. The --id and the
-p options are mutually exclusive.

A partition is required to be specified with this option or the -p

option for all operations except a virtual
ethernet or memory set operation.


The name of the target partition for a move operation. The partition
must be in the running state.
You can either use this option to specify the name of the target
partition, or use the --tid option to specify
the ID of the partition. The -t and the --tid options are mutually

A target partition is required to be specified with this option or the

--tid option for a move operation.
This option is not valid for any other operation.


The ID of the target partition for a move operation. The partition must
be in the running state.
You can either use this option to specify the ID of the target
partition, or use the -t option to specify
the name of the target partition. The --tid and the -t options are
mutually exclusive.

A target partition is required to be specified with this option or the

-t option for a move operation.
This option is not valid for any other operation.


The DRC index of the physical I/O slot to add, remove, or move.


The virtual slot number of the virtual I/O adapter to add or remove.
When adding a virtual I/O adapter, if this option is not specified then
the next available virtual slot number
will be assigned to the virtual I/O adapter.

When removing a virtual I/O adapter, this option is required.


The quantity of memory to add, remove, or move. The quantity specified

must be in megabytes, it must be a multiple
of the memory region size for the managed-system, and it must be greater
than 0.


When adding or removing processing resources to or from a partition

using dedicated processors, or when moving
processing resources from a partition using dedicated processors to
another partition using dedicated processors,
use this option to specify the quantity of dedicated processors to add,
remove, or move.
When adding or removing processing resources to or from a partition
using shared processors, or when moving processing
resources from a partition using shared processors to another partition
using shared processors, use this option
to specify the quantity of virtual processors to add, remove, or move.

When moving processing resources from a partition using dedicated

processors to a partition using shared processors,
use this option to specify the quantity of dedicated processors to be
moved from the source partition and added
as shared processors to the target partition.

This option is not valid when moving processing resources from a

partition using shared processors to a partition
using dedicated processors. The --procunits option must be used instead.

The quantity of processing resources specified with this option must be

a whole number greater than 0.


When adding or removing processing resources to or from a partition

using shared processors, or when moving
processing resources from a partition using shared processors to another
partition using shared processors,
use this option to specify the quantity of processing units to add,
remove, or move.
When moving processing resources from a partition using shared
processors to a partition using dedicated processors,
use this option to specify the quantity of shared processors to be moved
from the source partition and added as
dedicated processors to the target partition.

This option is not valid when moving processing resources from a

partition using dedicated processors to a partition
using shared processors. The --procs option must be used instead.
When moving processing resources from a partition using shared
processors to a partition using dedicated
processors, the quantity of processing units specified with this option
must be a whole number. Otherwise,
the quantity of processing units specified with this option can have up
to 2 decimal places. In either case,
the quantity specified must be greater than 0.


The percentage of 5250 Commercial Processing Workload (CPW) to add,

remove, or move. The percentage specified
can have up to 2 decimal places, and it must be greater than 0.
This option is only valid for i5/OS(TM) partitions and can only be used
when the managed-system supports
the assignment of 5250 CPW percentages to partitions.


The elapsed time, in minutes, after which an add, remove, or move

operation will be aborted.
wait-time must be a whole number. If wait-time is 0, the operation will
not be timed out.

If this option is not specified, a default value of 5 minutes is used.

This option is valid for all add, remove, and move operations for
AIX(R), Linux(TM), and virtual I/O server
partitions. This option is also valid for memory add, remove, and move
operations for i5/OS partitions.


The level of detail to be displayed upon return of an add, remove, or

move operation. Valid values are 0 (none)
through 5 (highest).
If this option is not specified, a default value of 0 is used.

This option is valid for all add, remove, and move operations for AIX,
Linux, and virtual I/O server partitions.


This option allows you to force a remove or move operation to be

performed for a physical I/O slot that is currently
in use (varied on) by an i5/OS partition.
This option also allows you to force an add, remove, or move operation
to be performed for an AIX, Linux,
or virtual I/O server partition that does not have an RMC connection to
the HMC. If this command completes
successfully, you will need to restart your operating system for the
change to take affect. You should only use
this option if you intentionally configured your LAN to isolate the HMC
from the operating system of your partition.

The configuration data needed to create virtual I/O adapters or set
hardware resource related attributes.
The configuration data consists of attribute name/value pairs, which are
in comma separated value (CSV) format.
The configuration data must be enclosed in double quotes.

The format of the configuration data is as follows:


Note that certain attributes accept a comma separated list of values, as



When a list of values is specified, the attribute name/value pair must

be enclosed in double quotes. Depending on
the shell being used, nested double quote characters may need to be
preceded by an escape character,
which is usually a '\' character.

If '+=' is used in the attribute name/value pair instead of '=', then

the specified value is added to the existing
value for the attribute if the attribute is numerical. If the attribute
is a list, then the specified value(s)
is added to the existing list.

If '-=' is used in the attribute name/value pair instead of '=', then

the specified value is subtracted from
the existing value for the attribute if the attribute is numerical. If
the attribute is a list, then the
specified value(s) is deleted from the existing list.

Valid attribute names for attributes that can be set when adding,
removing, or moving a physical I/O slot:

Valid attribute names for setting I/O pool attributes:

comma separated
Valid attribute names for setting tagged I/O resources (i5/OS partitions

DRC index of I/O slot, or virtual slot number
DRC index of I/O slot, or virtual slot number
DRC index of I/O slot, virtual slot number, or the value hmc
DRC index of I/O slot, or virtual slot number
DRC index of I/O slot, or virtual slot number
Valid attribute names for adding a virtual ethernet adapter:
Valid values:
0 - not IEEE 802.1Q compatible
1 - IEEE 802.1Q compatible

Valid values:
0 - no
1 - yes
Valid values are integers between 1 and 15, inclusive
Required for a trunk adapter
Valid attribute names for adding a virtual SCSI adapter:

Valid values are client or server (server adapters can only be added to
i5/OS partitions on IBM(R)
eServer(TM) i5 servers, or virtual I/O server partitions)
remote_lpar_id | remote_lpar_name
One of these attributes is required for a client adapter
Required for a client adapter
Valid attribute names for adding a virtual serial adapter:

Valid values are client or server (client adapters cannot be added to
i5/OS partitions on IBM System p5 or
eServer p5 servers, and server adapters can only be added to i5/OS or
virtual I/O server partitions)
remote_lpar_id | remote_lpar_name
One of these attributes is required for a client adapter
Required for a client adapter
The only valid value is 0 for no
Valid attribute names for setting virtual ethernet attributes:

Valid attribute names for setting HSL OptiConnect attributes (i5/OS
partitions only):

Valid values are:
0 - HSL OptiConnect is disabled
1 - HSL OptiConnect is enabled
Valid attribute names for setting virtual OptiConnect attributes (i5/OS
partitions only):

Valid values are:
0 - virtual OptiConnect is disabled
1 - virtual OptiConnect is enabled
Valid attribute names for setting memory attributes:

Valid attribute names for setting processing attributes:

Valid values are:
keep_idle_procs - valid with dedicated processors
share_idle_procs - valid with dedicated processors
cap - valid with shared processors
uncap - valid with shared processors


Display the help text for this command and exit.


Add the I/O slot with DRC index 21010001 to partition p1 and set the I/O
pool ID for the slot to 3:

chhwres -r io -m sys1 -o a -p p1 -l 21010001

-a "slot_io_pool_id=3"

Add I/O pools 2 and 3 to the I/O pools in which partition p1 is


chhwres -r io --rsubtype iopool -m 9406-520*1234321A -o s

-p p1 -a ""lpar_io_pool_ids+=2,3""

Add a virtual ethernet adapter to the partition with ID 3:

chhwres -r virtualio -m 9406-520*1234321A -o a --id 3

--rsubtype eth -a "ieee_virtual_eth=1,

Remove the virtual adapter in slot 3 from partition p1:

chhwres -r virtualio -m sys1 -o r -p p1 -s 3

Enable HSL OptiConnect for the i5/OS partition i5_p1:

chhwres -r virtualio -m sys1 -o s -p i5_p1

--rsubtype hsl -a "hsl_pool_id=1"

Add 128 MB of memory to the partition with ID 1, and time out after 10

chhwres -r mem -m sys1 -o a --id 1 -q 128 -w 10

Remove 512 MB of memory from the AIX partition aix_p1, return a detail
level of 5:
chhwres -r mem -m 9406-520*1234321A -o r -p aix_p1 -q 512
-d 5

Set the number of pages of huge page memory requested for the managed
system to 2 (the managed system must be
powered off):

chhwres -r mem -m sys1 -o s -a "requested_num_sys_huge_pages=2"

Move 1 processor from partition p1 to partition p2 (both partitions are

using dedicated processors):

chhwres -r proc -m 9406-520*1234321A -o m -p p1 -t p2

--procs 1

Move .5 processing units from the partition with ID 1 to the partition

with ID 2 (both partitions are using
shared processors):

chhwres -r proc -m sys1 -o m --id 1 --tid 2 --procunits .5

Add .25 processing units to the i5/OS partition i5_p1 and add 10 percent
5250 CPW:

chhwres -r proc -m sys1 -o a -p i5_p1 --procunits .25

--5250cpwpercent 10

lshwres command:

lshwres -m "managed-system" [-p "partition-name" | -all ] -r [ resource-

type ] [ -y "led-type" ]
[ -F < format > ] [-help

List system level memory information and include the minimum memory
required to support a maximum of 1024 MB:

# lshwres -r mem --level sys --maxmem 1024

List all memory information for partitions lpar1 and lpar2, and only
display attribute values, following a
header of attribute names:

# lshwres -r mem --level lpar --filter "\"lpar_names=lpar1,lpar2\"" -F


List all I/O units on the system:

# lshwres -r io --rsubtype unit

List all virtual Ethernet adapters on the managed system:

# lshwres -r virtualio --rsubtype eth --level lpar

List all virtual slots for partition lpar1:

# lshwres -r virtualio --rsubtype slot --level slot --filter

List only the installed and configurable processors on the system:

# lshwres -r proc --level sys -F


lpar_netboot command:


lpar_netboot - retrieve MAC address and physical location code from

network adapters for a partition or
instruct a partition to network boot


-- To retrieve MAC address and physical location code:

lpar_netboot -M -n [-v] [-x] [-f] [-i] [-A] -t ent [-D -s speed -d

duplex -S server -G gateway -C client]
partition-name partition-profile managed-system

-- To perform network boot:

lpar_netboot [-v] [-x] [-f] [-i] [-g args] [{-A -D | [-D] -l physical-
location-code | [-D] -m MAC-address}]
-t ent -s speed -d duplex -S server -G gateway -C client
partition-name partition-profile managed-system

-- To retrieve MAC address and physical location code on a system

supporting a full system partition:

lpar_netboot -M -n [-v] [-x] [-f] [-i] [-A] -t ent [-D -s speed -d

duplex -S server -G gateway -C client]
managed-system managed-system

-- To perform network boot on a system supporting a full system


lpar_netboot [-v] [-x] [-f] [-i] [-g args] [{-A -D | [-D] -l physical-
location-code | [-D] -m MAC-address}]
-t ent -s speed -d duplex -S server -G gateway -C client
managed-system managed-system


lpar_netboot instructs a logical partition to network boot by having it

send out a bootp request to a server
specified with the -S option. The server can be an AIX(R) NIM server
serving SPOT resources or any server
serving network boot images. If specified with the -M and -n options,
lpar_netboot will return the
Media Access Control (MAC) address and the physical location code for a
network adapter of the type specified
with the -t option. When the -m option is specified, lpar_netboot will
boot a partition using the network adapter
which has the specified MAC address. When the -l option is specified,
lpar_netboot will boot a partition using
the network adapter which has the specified physical location code. The
MAC address and physical location code
of a network adapter is dependent upon the hardware resource allocation
in the partition profile the partition
was booted with. The lpar_netboot command requires arguments for
partition name, partition profile, and the name
of the managed system which has the partition.



Return all adapters of the type specified with the -t option.


The IP address of the partition to network boot.


Perform a ping test and use the adapter that successfully pings the
server specified with the -S option.

The gateway IP address of the partition specified with the -C option.


Discover network adapter MAC address and physical location code.


The IP address of the machine from which to retrieve the network boot
image during network boot.

The duplex setting of the partition specified with the -C option. Valid
values are full, half, and auto.

Force close the virtual terminal session for the partition.


Specify generic arguments for booting the partition.


Force immediate shutdown of the partition. If this option is not

specified, a delayed shutdown will be performed.

The physical location code of the network adapter to use for network

The MAC address of the network adapter to use for network boot.

Instruct the partition to not network boot.


The speed setting of the partition specified with the -C option. Valid
values are 10, 100, 1000, and auto.

The type of adapter for MAC address or physical location code discovery
or for network boot. The only valid value is
ent for ethernet.

Display additional information during command execution.


Display debug output during command execution.


The name of the partition.


The name of the partition profile.


The name of the managed system which has the partition.


Display the help text for this command and exit.


To retrieve the MAC address and physical location code for partition
machA with partition profile machA_prof
on managed system test_sys:

$ lpar_netboot -M -n -t ent "machA" "machA_prof" "test_sys"

To network boot the partition machA with partition profile machA_prof on

managed system test_sys:

$ lpar_netboot -t ent -s auto -d auto -S -G -C "machA" "machA_prof" "test_sys"

To network boot the partition machA using the network adapter with a MAC
address of 00:09:6b:dd:02:e8 with
partition profile machA_prof on managed system test_sys:

$ lpar_netboot -t ent -m 00096bdd02e8 -s auto -d auto -S -G -C "machA" "machA_prof" "test_sys"

To network boot the partition machA using the network adapter with a
physical location code of
U1234.121.A123456-P1-T6 with partition profile machA_prof on managed
system test_sys:

$ lpar_netboot -t ent -l U1234.121.A123456-P1-T6 -s auto -d auto -S -G -C "machA"
"machA_prof" "test_sys"

To perform a ping test along with a network boot of the partition machA
with partition profile machA_prof on
managed system test_sys:

$ lpar_netboot -t ent -D -s auto -d auto -S -G -C "machA" "machA_prof" "test_sys"

Other HMC commands:


Activate a logical partition

Change the default partition profile for a logical partition
Close a virtual terminal session for an AIXr, Linuxr, or
Virtual I/O Server partition
Create a logical partition on a managed system
Create a logical partition profile on a managed system
Create a Virtual I/O Server
Issue a command to a Virtual I/O Server
Modify memory resources of a logical partition
Modify processing resources of a logical partition
Modify the properties of a logical partition profile
Modify the hardware resource configuration of a logical partition
Modify the I/O resources of a logical partition
Modify the keylock position on a logical partition
Modify the properties of a logical partition
Modify virtual I/O resources of a logical partition
Open a virtual terminal session for an AIX, Linux, or
Virtual I/O Server partition
Perform a Dynamic Logical Partitioning task
Perform a network boot of a logical partition
Perform an operator panel function on a logical partition
Remove a logical partition from the managed system
Remove a logical partition profile
Restart a logical partition
Retrieve MAC address and location code for a partition
Shut down a logical partition
View HCA adapter resources of a logical partition
View I/O resources of a logical partition
View logical partition profiles
View logical partitions
View processing resources of a logical partition
View memory resources of a logical partition
View reference codes for a logical partition
View SNI adapter resources of a logical partition
View virtual I/O resources of a logical partition

Example mksyscfg:

Get the configuration data from existing LPAR

If you already have LPARs created you can use this command to get their
configuration which can be reused as template:

lssyscfg -r prof -m SERVERNAME --filter "lpar_ids=X,

Create new LPAR using command line

Here is an example, for more information see '''man mksyscfg'''

mksyscfg -r lpar -m MACHINE -i name=LPARNAME, profile_name=normal,

lpar_env=aixlinux, shared_proc_pool_util_auth=1,
min_mem=512, desired_mem=2048, max_mem=4096, proc_mode=shared,
min_proc_units=0.2, desired_proc_units=0.5,
max_proc_units=2.0, min_procs=1, desired_procs=2, max_procs=2,
sharing_mode=uncap, uncap_weight=128,
boot_mode=norm, conn_monitoring=1, shared_proc_pool_util_auth=1
Create more LPARs using configuration file

If you want to create more LPARS at once you can use a configuration
file and provide it as input for mksyscfg.
Here is an example for 3 LPARs, each definition starting at new line:


Copy this file to HMC and run:

mksyscfg -r lpar -m SERVERNAME -f /tmp/profiles.txt

Installation of the Virtual I/O Server software on the VIOS partition:


You can install in one of three ways:

1. using the CD/DVD drive allocated to the VIOS partition and booting
from it
2. Installing the VIOS software from the HMC
3. Installing the media using NIM and the HMC

In this example we assume you use the allocated CD/DVD drive.

1. put the DVD disk in the drive

2. activate the VIOS partition by right-clicking the partionname and
selecting the
Activate choice
3. Select the profile and check the "Open a terminal window" and click
the "Advanced" button.
Under the Bootmode choice, select "SMS" boot mode.
4. After booting the partition, the SMS menu appears.

Main menu
1. Select Language
2. Setup Remote IPL
3. Change SCSI Settings
4. Select Console
5. Select Boot Options

Choose 5 "select Boot Options".

Next, Choose 1 for "Select Install/Boot Device".
Next, choose 3 for CD/DVD.
Next, choose 4 for IDE.
Next, choose 1 for IDE CD-ROM.
Next, choose 2 for Normal Mode Boot.

When the installation has finished, use the padmin user to login.
After logging in, you will be placed in the IOSCLI. Type the following
to accept the license:

# license -accept

Installing AIX using the CD-ROM device to install a partition with an


This information contains procedures to install the AIX operating

system. For more information on concepts
and considerations involved when performing a base operating system
installation of AIX,
or concepts and requirements involved when using the Network
Installation Manager (NIM) to install
and maintain AIX, refer to the AIX 5L Installation Guide and Reference.

For the installation method that you choose, ensure that you follow the
sequence of steps as shown.
Within each procedure, you must use AIX to complete some installation
steps, while other steps are completed
using the HMC interface.
In this procedure, you will perform a New and Complete Base Operating
System Installation on
a logical partition using the partition's CD-ROM device. This procedure
assumes that there is an HMC
attached to the managed system.

Before you begin this procedure, you should have already used the HMC to
create a partition
and partition profile for the client. Assign the SCSI bus controller
attached to the CD-ROM device,
a network adapter, and enough disk space for the AIX operating system to
the partition.
Set the boot mode for this partition to be SMS mode. After you have
successfully created the partition
and partition profile, leave the partition in the Ready state. For
instructions about how to create
a logical partition and partition profile, refer to the Creating logical
partitions and partition profiles
article in the IBM eServer Hardware Information Center.

1. Activate and install the partition (perform these steps in the HMC

__ Step 1. Activate the partition, as follows:

Insert the AIX 5L Volume 1 CD into the CD device of the managed system.
Right-click on the partition to open the menu.
Select Activate. The Activate Partition menu opens with a selection of
partition profiles.
Be sure the correct profile is highlighted.
Select Open a terminal window or console session at the bottom of the
menu to open
a virtual terminal (vterm) window.

Select Advanced to open the Advanced options menu.

For the Boot mode, select SMS.
Select OK to close the Advanced options menu.
Select OK. A vterm window opens for the partition.

__ Step 2. In the SMS menu on the vterm, do the following:

Press the 5 key and press Enter to select 5. Select Boot Options.

PowerPC Firmware
Version SF220_001
SMS 1.5 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000, 2003 All rights reserved.
Main Menu

1. Select Language
2. Setup Remote IPL (Initial Program Load)
3. Change SCSI Settings
4. Select Console
5. Select Boot Options


Press the 2 key and press Enter to select 2. Select Boot Devices.
Press the 1 key and press Enter to select 1. Select 1st Boot Device.
Press the 3 key and press Enter to select 3. CD/DVD.
Select the media type that corresponds to the CD-ROM device and press
Select the device number that corresponds to the CD-ROM device and press
The CD-ROM device is now the first device in the Current Boot Sequence
Press the ESC key until you return to the Configure Boot Device Order
Press the 2 key to select 2. Select 2nd Boot Device.
Press the 5 key and press Enter to select 5. Hard Drive.
If you have more than one hard disk in your partition, determine which
hard disk you will use
to perform the AIX installation. Select the media type that corresponds
to the hard disk and press Enter.
Select the device number that corresponds to the hard disk and press
Press the x key to exit the SMS menu. Confirm that you want to exit SMS.

__ Step 3. Boot from the AIX 5L Volume 1, as follows:

Select console and press Enter.

Select language for BOS Installation menus, and press Enter to open the
Welcome to Base Operating System
Installation and Maintenance menu.
Type 2 to select Change/Show Installation Settings and Install in the
Choice field and press Enter.

Welcome to Base Operating System

Installation and Maintenance

Type the number of your choice and press Enter. Choice is indicated by

1 Start Install Now with Default Settings

2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install

3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery

88 Help ?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice [1]: 2

__ Step 4. Verify or Change BOS Installation Settings, as follows:

Type 1 in the Choice field to select the System Settings option.

Type 1 for New and Complete Overwrite in the Choice field and press
The installation methods available depend on whether your disk has a
previous version of AIX installed.
When the Change Disk(s) screen displays, you can change the destination
disk for the installation.
If the default shown is correct, type 0 in the Choice field and press
To change the destination disk, do the following:

Type the number for each disk you choose in the Choice field and press
Enter. Do not press Enter
a final time until you have finished selecting all disks. If you must
deselect a disk, type its number
a second time and press Enter.

When you have finished selecting the disks, type 0 in the Choice field
and press Enter.
The Installation and Settings screen displays with the selected disks
listed under System Settings.

If needed, change the primary language environment. Use the following

steps to change the primary language
used by this installation to select the language and cultural convention
you want to use.

Changes to the primary language environment do not take effect until
after the Base Operating System Installation
has completed and your system is rebooted.

Type 2 in the Choice field on the Installation and Settings screen to

select the Primary Language Environment
Settings option.
Select the appropriate set of cultural convention, language, and
keyboard options.
Most of the options are a predefined combination, however, you can
define your own combination of options.
To choose a predefined Primary Language Environment, type that number in
the Choice field and press Enter.

Monitoring VIOS:

Note 1:

With Virtual I/O Server fix pack 8.1.0, you can install and configure
"IBM Tivoli Monitoring System Edition for System pT agent" on the
Virtual I/O Server.
IBM Tivoli Monitoring System Edition for System p enables you to monitor
the health and availability
of multiple IBM System p servers (including the Virtual I/O Server) from
the Tivoli EnterpriseT Portal.

IBM Tivoli Monitoring System Edition (SE) for System p V6.1 is a new
offering of the popular IBM Tivoli
Monitoring (ITM) product specifically designed for IBM System p AIX
customers. ITM SE for System p V6.1 monitors
the health and availability of System p servers, providing rich
graphical views of your AIX, LPAR, CEC,
and VIOS resources in a single console, delivering robust monitoring and
quick time to value.

ITM SE for System p includes out-of-the-box best practice solutions

created by AIX and VIOS developers.
These best practice solutions include predefined thresholds for alerting
on key metrics, Expert Advice that
provides an explanation of the alert and recommends potential actions to
take to resolve the issue, and the
ability to take resolution actions directly from the Tivoli Enterprise
Portal or set up automated actions.
In addition, users have the ability to visualize the monitoring data in
the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to determine
the current state of the AIX, LPAR, CEC, and VIOS resources.

Note 2:

How to monitor IBM's Virtual-IO-Server (VIO) with OpenSMART

The following steps tells you, how to monitor IBM's Virtual-IO-Server
can be monitored by OpenSMART.

Download the latest agent- (or whole source-) pack from the OpenSMART
home page.

Transfer this tar file to the VIO-Server (we assume to /tmp/opensmart-

client-0.4.tar.gz) and do:

telnet vio-server

IBM Virtual I/O Server

login: padmin
padmin's Password:
Last unsuccessful login: Tue Feb 28 03:08:08 CST 2006 on /dev/vty0
Last login: Wed Mar 15 16:14:11 CST 2006 on /dev/pts/0 from

$ oem_setup_env
# mkdir /home/osmart
# useradd -c "OpenSMART Monitoring" -d /home/osmart osmart
# chown -R saicsadm:staff /home/osmart
# passwd osmart
Changing password for "saicsadm"
osmart's New password: ******
Enter the new password again: *****

# su - osmart
$ mkdir ostemp
$ cd ostemp
$ gunzip /tmp/opensmart-client-0.4.tar.gz
$ tar -xf /tmp/opensmart-client-0.4.tar
$ ./agent/install_agent ~
[ ... ]
Copy ../lib/opensmartresponse.dtd ->
chmod 644 /usr/local/debis/os/etc/opensmartresponse.dtd

* OpenSMART agent installed successfully *

$ cd ~
$ rm -rf ostemp

That's it - your installation is complete. Now you can configure your

osagent (and do not forget to set up
a cronjob for your osagent).

We recommend the following checks:

DISK Section 9.12, "Configuration for the disk check."

LOGS Section 9.20, "Configuration for the logs check."
ERRPT Section 9.14, "Configuration for the errpt check"
LOAD Section 9.19, "Configuration for the load check."
PROC Section 9.35, "Configuration for the proc check."
AIXSWRAID Section 9.8, "Configuration for the aixswraid check."

Note 3: lpar2rrd

LPAR2RRD Micro-Partitioning statistics tool

The tool is capable produce historical graphs of shared CPU usage on
micro-partitioned systems.
Idea and rough design has been initiated by Ondrej Plachy, IBM Czech
Republic. Tool itself has been written
by Pavel Hampl, IBM Czech Republic.


It intended only for Micro-Partitioned systems

it creates charts based on utilization data collected on HMC's
it does not need any clients (agents) on LPARs
it creates automatically a menu based WWW front end for viewing charts
it is easy to install, configure and use (initial configuration should
not take more than an hour! adding next HMC
takes up to 5mins)
no any additional management when ANY change of LPAR configuration (tool
recognizes new LPARs automatically)
it supports all types of LPAR Micro-partitions and OSes
(pSeries/iSeries, AIX/Linux/AS400)
supported only on HMC >= V5R2.1 (it must support : Utilization data
collection, check prerequisities for more)
when Utilization data collection is supported, but disabled then the
tool prompts you for enabling it (then it needs 2 hours at least to
allow HMC collect data and let the tool show any data in charts)
graphs are created 1 year back if historical utilization data on HMC's
is available (note HMC saves hourly averages for last 2 months, daily
averages for last 2 years when collection of data is enabled)
initially the tool loads all historical data back to 1 year, then it
loads only new data every hour, saves it in RRDTool databases and
redraws the graphs
it uses ssh-keys based access to HMC servers to get data automatically
optionally for one time chart creation can be used whatever account on
HMC and password authentification (you will be prompted to type a
password couple of times when the tool is running)
it does not cause considerable load on the hosted server where the tool
is installed (it runs once an hour for couple of seconds)
tool can be hosted on any *NIX platform, just needs a web server, ssh,
perl and RRDTool installed. (check prerequisities bellow)
it creates 4 kind of graphs for each lpar, shared pool and memory pool.
First 3 (last day, week and month) are based
on hourly average data, last one (yearly chart) is based on daily

More information about pSeries lpars an AIX:


Errors at VIOS:

Note 1:

Procedure: Install/Update HDLM drivers

# login to vio server as "padmin".

# Switch to "oem" prompt.
umount /mnt
mount bosapnim01:/export/lpp_source/hitachi /mnt

# Install and update all filesets from the directories below.

# "smitty install_all"
cd /mnt/hdlm_5601/aix_odm/V5.0.0.1
cd /mnt/hdlm_5601/aix_odm/V5.0.0.4u
cd /mnt/hdlm_5601/aix_odm/V5.0.1.4U
cd /mnt/hdlm_5601/aix_odm/V5.0.52.1U

# Copy license file.

cd /mnt/hdlm_5601/license/enterprise
cp *.plk /var/tmp/hdlm_license

# install and update all filesets from the above directory

# "smitty install_all"
# Fileset DLManager Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager
cd /mnt/hdlm_5601

# Leave the current Directory and unmount Driver Source Directory.

cd /
umount /mnt

Procedure: Install/Update VIO fixpack:


# Login to VIO server as "padmin"

# Obtain current IOS level

# Update VIO to latest IOS level

mount bosapnim01:/export/lpp_source/aix/vio_1200 /mnt
updateios -dev /mnt
** Enter "y" to continue install

# Return to "root" shell prompt and HALT system.

shutdown -Fh

# Activate LPAR from HMC WebSM

Procedure: Configure VIO Server to utilize Boot Disks:


# Login as "padmin"
# Switch to "oem" prompt

# Run in korn shell 93


# Remove any vhost adapter configuration settings

for (( i=0; i<=48; ++i ))
/usr/ios/cli/ioscli rmdev -pdev vhost${i}

# Remove all HDLM disks

for i in $( lsdev -Cc disk -F name | grep dlmfdrv )
rmdev -Rdl ${i}

# Remove all hdisks except for hdisk0 and hdisk1 - assumed to be rootvg
for i in $( lsdev -Cc disk -F name | grep hdisk | egrep -v 'hdisk0$ |
hdisk1$' )
rmdev -Rdl ${i}

# If an HDLM unconfig file exists, rename it

[[ -f /usr/DynamicLinkManager/drv/dlmfdrv.unconf ]] &&
mv /usr/DynamicLinkManager/drv/dlmfdrv.unconf \
/usr/DynamicLinkManager/drv/$( date +"%Y%m%d").dlmfdrv.unconf

# Verify "dlmfdrv.unconf" was renamed.

ls /usr/DynamicLinkManager/drv

# Set fast fail Parameter for SCSI Adapters and Reconfigure FC Adapters
-l fscsi0 -a fc_err_recov=fast_fail
chdev -l fscsi1 -a fc_err_recov=fast_fail
chdev -l fscsi2 -a fc_err_recov=fast_fail
cfgmgr -vl fcs0
cfgmgr -vl fcs1
cfgmgr -vl fcs2

# Change HDLM settings

cd /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin
print y | ./dlmodmset -e on
print y | ./dlmodmset -b 68608

# Reconfigure HDLM disks


# Turn off reserve settings on HDLM Driver

./dlnkmgr set -rsv on 0 -s

# Remove HDLM disks

for i in $( lsdev -Cc disk -F name | grep dlmfdrv )
rmdev -Rdl ${i}

# Change reserve policy on hdisks to "no_reserve"

for i in $( lsdev -Cc disk -F name |
grep hdisk |
egrep -v 'hdisk0$|hdisk1$' )
chdev -l ${i} -a reserve_policy=no_reserve

# Reconfigure HDLM disks


# Verify all HDLM disks have an assigned PVID

for i in $( lsdev -Cc disk -F name | grep dlmfdrv )
chdev -l ${i} -a pv=yes

# Remove any vhost adapter configuration settings

/usr/ios/cli/ioscli lsmap -all

# Verify all vhosts adapters exist wihout Devices.

SVSA Physloc Client
Partition ID
--------------- --------------------------------------------
vhost0 U9119.590.51A432C-V3-C10 0x00000000


# Reboot VIO Server.

shutdown -Fr

# End of Final Procedure

# Do not perform this step as part of this procedure
for (( i=0; i<=48; ++i ))
/usr/ios/cli/ioscli rmdev -pdev vhost${i}

Other notes on VIOS:


Note 1:

Getting a Root Shell on VIOS

IBM don't like people using the root account on their VIOS servers, but
it is kind of useful for setting up
things like the correct date. Just try the oem_setup_env command.

Note 2:

VIOS Install
On our p5-550, I have allocated most physical devices to the VIOS LPAR
so it can be used to divide these
amongst AIX/Linux LPARs. The VIOS LPAR has four gigabit ethernet
adapters allocated to it.
Presently only two are in use as an aggregated link to the "real world".
It also has a virtual ethernet adapter
which connects internally to the p5-550.

As for storage, there are 6 copper SCSI controllers/chains allocated and

3 FC HBAs. The ordinary SCSI stuff
has 6 disks (2 per chain) with 4 36Gbyte disks and 2 144Gbyte disks. Two
of the 36Gbyte disks are allocated
to the rootvg volume group and are mirrored (with mirrorios). The
remainder of the disks are allocated to a
clients volume group. It is intended that new clients will have a
logical volume for the operating system allocated
out of this pool.

Two of the Fiber Channel HBAs are assigned to the VIO partition and
connected to port 13 of both switch ports
in the SAN fabric. The SAN has been configured to attach an 860Gbyte
RAID5 LUN to the IBM. Due to lack of
multipathing support in VIOS, there are multiple apparent disks
(hdisk6 ... hdisk13) which are in fact one.
The first (hdisk6) was used to create the client_data volume group. It
is intended that this volume group will
be used for /data filesystems.

Note: To add virtual devices dynamically to the VIOS partition, use the
"Dynamic" option in the HMC.
Networking on the VIOS LPAR:
Two (at present) of the gigabit adapters assigned to the VIOS LPAR are
channelled together for redundancy.
Telecomms will deliver all the relevant VLANS down this interface which
can be bridged to internal Ethernets.
Note that VLAN14 is configured as the native VLAN of the channel. To do
this :-

- Channel the two Ethernet NICs attached to the network: mkvdev -lnagg
ent2 ent3 which produced ent5
- Bridge between the channelled adapter and the internal network.
mkvdev -sea ent5 -vadapter ent4 -default ent4 -defaultid 1 which
produced ent6
- Configure the new bridge with an IP address:
mktcpip -hostname name -inetaddr 148.197.14.x -netmask
-gateway -interface ent6
- VLAN interfaces are unlikely to be necessary on the VIOS, but can be
created :-
mkvdev -vlan ent6 -tagid 240.

Creating a Client Logical Volume for System Disks:


-Create a logical volume for the relevant client. The name of it should
be easily identifyable as
being assiciated with the relevant client. ... mklv -lv clientname_sys
clients 18G. This creates a logical
volume 18Gbytes in size (enough for AIX or Linux operating system) on
the clients volume group.
-Mirror the logical volume for safety: mklvcopy lv_name. Warning, this
is SLOW.
-Assign the logical volume to a virtual adaptor:
mkvdev -vdev logical-volume -vadapter vhostN -dev name_for_target

Creating a Client Logical Volume for Data Disks:

- Find the virtual scsi adapter by running
lsdev -dev vvodka -parent
(of course this finds the vhost for vodka and not necessarily the one
you are hunting for).
- Create a logical volume for the relevant client. The name of it should
be easily identifyable
as being assiciated with the relevant client. ...
mklv -lv clientname_data clients 100G. This creates a logical volume
100Gbytes in size on the
clients volume group.
- Assign the logical volume to a virtual adaptor:
mkvdev -vdev logical-volume -vadapter vhostN -dev name_for_target

Note 3:

Installing AIX on an LPAR via NIM

- On vodka (the NIM server), configure a hostname for the machine in
/etc/hosts. The hostname should be the final
hostname of the machine to install with a '-i' added to the end
(absinthe becomes absinthe-i)
as the connection to the NIM server is on subnet 14. This also means
the LPAR to be installed needs
an IP address on subnet 14.
- Go to the NIM smitty menu (smitty nim) and "Perfrom NIM Administration
- Select "Manage Machines", and "Define a Machine". Give the
installation hostname of the machine (*absinthe-i),
and press Enter.
- Select "ent" as the primary install interface.
- On the large form, leave most things alone. But change the "Cable
type" to "N/A" and hit Enter. On a previous attempt
it was also necessary to change the "Subnet Mask" to,
and to change the "Default gateway"
- Back at the shell prompt, enter smitty nim_bosinst
- Select the appropriate machine (if it isn't listed something went
- Select an "rte" install type.
- Select "lpp_source_530" as the LPP_SOURCE (package source) to use.
- Select "spot_530" as the SPOT (install root) to use.
- A long form then appears, scroll down to change the following
parameters :-
RESOLV_CONF to use: (No choices!!)
ACCEPT new licenses: Change to "yes" (use Tab).
ACCEPT new license agreements: Change to "yes" (use Tab)
Press Enter to accept the changes.
- Boot the LPAR to be installed via the HMC. Ensure that you select the
"Advanced" button and specify "SMS" as the boot mode.
- Once you have the console at the SMS menu, select "Setup Remote IPL".
- Select the "Interpartition Logical LAN" device.
- Select "IP parameters"
- Specify the relevant IP addresses.
- Go back to the main menu ("M") and select "Boot options".
- Select "Configure Boot Device order"
- Select "Select 1st boot device"
- Select "Network"
- Select "Virtual Ethernet"
- After the virtual ethernet is specified as the boot device, exit SMS
by entering "X"
- The system should then boot over the network ... you will see lots of
"IBM"'s appear on the screen followed by various messages proceeded by
"BOOTP". The machine waits 60s for "Spanning Tree" ... this is normal
(unless of course you have turned it off!).
- The boot process should go through a BOOTP phase (when it obtains an
address and various parameters) followed by a TFTP stage when the kernel
is loaded.
- After the kernel has booted, you will be asked to enter a digit
(either '0' or '1') to select the system console for the install
- Then you will be asked to enter a digit for the preferred installation
- Finally you will be into the standard AIX installation process ...
just accept the default settings.

NIM Hacking

Create an lpp_source (source of packages) without copying from CDs with

nim -o define -t lpp_source -a server=master
-a location=/nim/lpp_source/lpp_source_530 lpp_source_530
You can create a SPOT resource using a suitable lpp_source (i.e. a full
AIX source) as the source.

Note 4: Errors in VIOS:


Error ED995F18


The Virtual SCSI server adapter (partition number and slot number)
specified in the client adapter definition
does not exist

On the HMC, correct the client adapter definition to associate it with a

valid server adapter.

Error BFE4C025

BFE4C025 0222073404 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR

BFE4C025 0113124506 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR
BFE4C025 0126122306 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERRR
BFE4C025 0112174806 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERRR
BFE4C025 0919215904 P H sysplanar0 UNDETERMINED ERROR



had the error on aix 5.1, here is what IBM said :

This is corrected with apar IY46874 that ships devices.chrp.base.rte

Thx to apply that apar , reboot the system. jsp


get a error "BFE4C025" from errpt, and this error often happen at
almost all type RS/6000.
when this happened, the system is running OK also, I also get none
error information by 'diag' tools.
I don't know what happen at the system. Who can help me?


Diags show the SRC, B700 F104, look it up here:

Operating System error

Platform Licensed Internal Code terminated a partition.

If SRC word 3 is 0007, then a user may have initiated a function 22

prior to the operating system completing the IPL.
If a function 22 was not performed, or if SRC word 3 is not 0007, look
for other serviceable errors
which occurred at same time frame.

Your word 3 is 0007 so it looks like some one forced a dump from the O/S
or the Op Panel or the HMC,
either by powering off an LPAR configured to dump or the LPAR crashed
and dumped.

No indication of a hardware problem or any need to call support nagger.


Error BFE4C025 could really be related to a hardware fault. We have seen

that faulty system memory can lead to this
error in the error report:

error detail:


Date/Time: Sat Apr 25 20:06:22 ZOM 2009

Sequence Number: 1110
Machine Id: 00CDA84C4C00
Node Id: poon
Class: H
Type: PERM
Resource Name: sysplanar0
Resource Class: planar
Resource Type: sysplanar_rspc

Failure Causes

Recommended Actions

Detail Data
lots of hex numbers

DLPAR scripts:

Note 1:


DLPAR scripts are written by system administrators or software vendors

to automate system resources in a dynamic
LPAR environment. Scripts can be implemented in any scripting language,
such as perl or shell, or it can be
a compiled program. They are maintained by the system administrator
using the drmgr command.
The following Tip provides an overview of how to craft a script.

For related information about this topic, refer to the following IBM
Redbooks publication:
AIX 5L Differences Guide Version 5.2 Edition, SG24-5765-02
DLPAR scripts, used to automate LPAR reconfiguration, are written by
system administrators or software vendors.
Scripts can be implemented in any scripting language, such as perl or
shell, or it can be a compiled program.
They are maintained by the system administrator using the drmgr command.
The syntax of the command is as follows:

drmgr { -i script_name [-w minutes ] [ -f ] | -u script_name } [ -D

hostname ]
drmgr [ -b ]
drmgr [ -R script_install_root_directory ]
drmgr [ -S syslog_ID ]
drmgr [ -l ]

Descriptions of the most important flags for the drmgr command are
provided in the following table.
For a complete reference, refer to the man page or the documentation.

Table 1. Flags of the drmgr command Flags Description

-i script_name This flag is used to install a script specified by the
script_name parameter. By default,
scripts are installed in the /usr/lib/dr/scripts/all
-w minutes This flag is used to override the time limit value
specified by the vendor for the script.
The script will be ended if it exceeds the specified
time limit.
-f Using this flag forces an installed script to be
-u script_name This flag is used to uninstall a script specified by the
script_name parameter.
-l This option will display the details regarding the DLPAR
scripts that are currently installed.

For example, to install the /root/ script in the

default directory, the following command could be used:

drmgr -i /root/

To list the details, the drmgr -l command is used. The output is similar
to the following:

DR Install Root Directory: /usr/lib/dr/scripts

Syslog ID: DRMGR
/usr/lib/dr/scripts/all/ DLPAR test script
Vendor:IBM, Version:1.0, Date:19092002
Script Timeout:10, Admin Override Timeout:0
Resources Supported:
Resource Name: cpu Resource Usage: command

DLPAR scripts get notified at each of the DLPAR operation phases

explained previously. Notifying DLPAR scripts
involves invoking the scripts in the appropriate environment with the
appropriate parameters.

The environment the script is executed in is as follows:

The execution user ID and group ID are set to the uid or gid of the
The PATH environment is set to /usr/bin:/etc:/usr/sbin.
The working directory is /tmp.
Environment variables that describe the DLPAR event are set.

DLPAR scripts can write any necessary output to stdout. The format of
the output should be name=value pair strings
separated by newline characters to relay specific information to the
drmgr. For example, the output DR_VERSION=1.0
could be produced with the following ksh command:

echo "DR_VERSION=1.0"

Error and logging messages are provided by DLPAR scripts in the same way
as regular output by writing
name=value pairs to stdout. The DR_ERROR=message pair should be used to
provide error descriptions.
The name=value pairs contain information to be used to provide error and
debug output for the syslog.

DLPAR scripts can also write additional information to stdout that will
be reflected to the HMC.
The level of information that should be provided is based on the detail
level passed to the script
in the DR_DETAIL_LEVEL=N environment variable. N must be in the range of
0 to 5, where the default value
of zero (0) signifies no information. A value of one (1) is reserved for
the operating system and is used
to present the high-level flow. The remaining levels (2-5) can be used
by the scripts to provide information
with the assumption that larger numbers provide greater detail.

The syntax the DLPAR script is invoked with is as follows:

[ input_name1=value1 ... ] scriptname command [ input_parameter1 ... ]

Input variables are set as environment variables on the command line,

followed by the script to be invoked that
is provided with a command and with further parameters. A description of
the function the commands should perform
is provided in the following table. If the script is called with a
command that is not implemented,
it should exit with a return code of 10.

Table 2. DLPAR script commands Command and parameter Description

scriptinfo Identifies the version, date, and vendor of the script. It is
called when the script is installed.
register Identifies the resources managed by the script. If the script
returns the resource name (cpu or mem), the script will be automatically
invoked when DLPAR attempts to reconfigure processors and memory,
respectively. The register command is called when the script is
installed with the DLPAR subsystem.
usage resource_name Returns information describing how the resource is
being used by the application. The description should be relevant so
that the user can determine whether to install or uninstall the script.
It should identify the software capabilities of the application that are
impacted. The usage command is called for each resource that was
identified by the register command.
checkrelease resource_name Indicates whether the DLPAR subsystem should
continue with the removal of the named resource. A script might indicate
that the resource should not be removed if the application is not DLPAR-
aware and the application is considered critical to the operation of the
prerelease resource_name Reconfigures, suspends, or terminates the
application so that its hold on the named resource is released.
postrelease resource_name Reconfigures, resumes, or restarts the
undoprerelease resource_name Invoked if an error is encountered and the
resource is not released. Operations done in the prerelease command
should be undone.
checkacquire resource_name Indicates whether the DLPAR subsystem should
proceed with the resource addition. It might be used by a license
manager to prevent the addition of a new resource, for example, cpu,
until the resource is licensed.
preacquire resource_name Used to prepare for a resource addition.
undopreacquire resource_name Invoked if an error is encountered in the
preacquire phase or when the event is acted upon. Operations performed
in the preacquire command should be undone.
postacquire resource_name Reconfigure, resume, or start the application.
The input variables that are provided as environment variables are
dependent on the resource that is operated on. For memory add and remove
operations, the variables provided in the following table are provided
(one frame is equal to 4 KB):

Table 3. Input variables for memory add/remove operations Input variable


DR_FREE_FRAMES=0xFFFFFFFF The number of free frames currently in

the system, in hexadecimal format.
DR_MEM_SIZE_COMPLETED=n The number of megabytes that were
successfully added or removed, in decimal format.
DR_MEM_SIZE_REQUEST=n The size of the memory request in
megabytes, in decimal format.
DR_PINNABLE_FRAMES=0xFFFFFFFF The total number of pinnable
frames currently in the system, in hexadecimal format.
This parameter provides valuable
information when removing memory in that it can be used
to determine when the system is
approaching the limit of pinnable memory,
which is the primary cause of failure for
memory remove requests.
DR_TOTAL_FRAMES=0xFFFFFFFF The total number of frames currently in
the system, in hexadecimal format.

The environment variables provided in the following table are set for
processor add and remove operations:

Table 4. Input variables for processor add/remove operations Input

Variable Description

DR_BCPUID=N The bind CPU ID of the processor that is being

added or removed in decimal format.
A bindprocessor attachment to this processor does
not necessarily mean that the attachment
has to be undone. This is only true if it is the
Nth processor in the system, because
the Nth processor position is the one that is
always removed in a CPU remove operation.
Bind IDs are consecutive in nature, ranging from
0 to N and are intended to identify only
online processors. Use the bindprocessor command
to determine the number of online CPUs.
DR_LCPUID=N The logical CPU ID of the processor that is being
added or removed in decimal format.
In the following example, an example Korn shell script in given that can
be installed. For simplicity and demonstration
purposes this script does not take any action. The actions for the
process to control would need to be included
in the appropriate command section:


if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]
echo "DR_ERROR= Script usage error"
exit 1

case $command in
scriptinfo )
echo "DR_VERSION=1.0"
echo "DR_DATE=19092002"
echo "DR_SCRIPTINFO=DLPAR test script"
echo "DR_VENDOR=IBM";;
usage )
echo " command [parameter]";;
register )
echo "DR_RESOURCE=cpu";;
checkacquire )
preacquire )
undopreaquire )
postacquire )
checkrelease )
prerelease )
undoprerelease )
postrelease )
* )

exit $ret_code


60.1 General information:


HP has had nPar hard partitions in the HP 9000 midrange and Superdome
computers since the September 2000 launch
of the Superdomes. These servers are based on a four-way cell board, and
each cell board can be logically
and electronically isolated from the others in the system, have its own
HP-UX operating system installed on it,
and function like a free-standing Unix server. In August 2001, HP
announced vPar virtual partitions,
which it rolled out first with the Superdomes and then cascaded down the
HP 9000 server line.
The Itanium-based Integrity server line has had static partitions for
HP-UX and Windows operating systems
at the high-end, and has supported HP-UX, Linux, and Windows at the low
end. Only two weeks ago, HP announced
that Linux was available on eight-way partitions on the 16-way and 64-
way variants of the Integrity Superdome boxes
through eight-way nPars. (Linux was not supported on the Superdomes
until then.)

1. nPar allows physical partioning of server

2. vPar allows logical partioning of server.

In both the above cases one server box can be devided in multiple
servers, thus allowing consolidation.

Each npar or vpar is a separate machine. You can transfer CPUs between
vpars on the fly, but in a serious hardware
failure you can lose all vpars. npar is more solid than vpar but you
cannot transfer CPUs on the fly, it needs reboot
and you can transfer only cell boards, I mean single CPU cannot be
transfered to another npar.

nPar is Node Partition.

Basically distributing the IO ,CPU , Memory , and creating a virtule
node within a single box.
Superdome , V-Class , RP84XX 86XX , are nPar capable.

v-Par : Virtual Partition.

With Virtual Partitions (vPars) you can take almost any HP 9000 server
and turn it into many "virtual" computers.
These virtual computers can each be running their own instance of HP-UX
and associated applications.
The virtual computers are isolated from one another at the software
level. Software running on one Virtual Partition
will not affect software running in any other Virtual Partition. In the
Virtual Partitions you can run different
revisions of HP-UX, different patch levels of HP-UX, different
applications, or any software you want and not affect
other partitions.

- Virtual Partitions versus Hard Partitions

A hard partition is a physical partition of a computer that divides the
computer into groups of cell boards
where each group operates independently of other groups. A hard
partition can run a single instance of HP-UX
or be further divided into virtual partitions.

A virtual partition is a software partition of a computer or hard

partition where each virtual partition
contains an instance of HP-UX. Though a hard partition can contain
multiple virtual partitions, the inverse is
not true. A virtual partition cannot span a hard partition boundary.

60.2 Bootsequence of vPar:


Boot Sequence: Quick Reference

-- On a computer without vPars, a simplified boot sequence is:

1. ISL
(Initial System Loader)

2. hpux
(secondary system loader)

3. /stand/vmunix

-- Adding vPars adds the monitor layer, so now hpux loads the monitor
and then the monitor boots the kernels
of the virtual partitions. The boot sequence becomes

1. ISL

2. hpux

3. /stand/vpmon
(vPars monitor and partition database)
4. /stand/vmunix
(kernels of the virtual partitions)

With or without vPars, the firmware loads and launches ISL.


In a computer without vPars, at the ISL prompt, the secondary system

loader hpux loads the kernel /stand/vmunix:

ISL> hpux /stand/vmunix

However, in a computer with vPars, at the ISL prompt, the secondary

system loader hpux loads the
vPars monitor /stand/vpmon:
ISL> hpux /stand/vpmon

The monitor loads the partition database (the default is /stand/vpdb)

and internally creates (but does not boot)
each virtual partition according to the resource assignments in the

Next, the vPars monitor runs in interactive mode (when no options to

/stand/vpmon are given) with a
command line interface.


To boot a kernel in a virtual partition (that is, to launch a virtual

partition), use the monitor command
vparload. For example, to launch the virtual partition named szilva1:

MON> vparload -p szilva1

In this example, the vPars monitor would load the virtual partition
szilva1 and launch the kernel from the
boot device specified for szilva1. (The boot device is assigned when the
virtual partition is created and is
recorded in the monitor database.)

HP-UX is now booted on the virtual partition szilva1.

Once a partition is running, you will be at the virtual console of a

partition. Subsequent virtual partitions
can be booted using the vPars command vparboot at the UNIX shell prompt
of szilva1.

61. Alternate disk install AIX:


Its possible to install AIX onto another disk on the same system. This
is not partitioning,
its just a second install of the BOS, on another disk.

You need to have

"bos.alt_disk_install.rte" fileset installed. This fileset ships the

"alt_disk_install" command,
which allows cloning of the rootvg and installing an AIX mksysb to an
alternate disk.

"bos.alt_disk_install.boot_images" fileset installed. This fileset

shipts the boot images,
which is required to install mksysb images to an alternate disk.

Once you have installed these filesets, the alternate disk installation
functions are available
to you.
You can use the "smitty alt_install" or "smitty alt_clone" or "smitty
alt_mksysb" fastpath:

# smitty alt_install


Alternate Disk Installation

Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.

Install mksysb on an Alternate Disk

Clone the rootvg to an Alternate Disk

F1=Help F2=Refresh etc..


So, the Alternate Disk Installation can be used in one of two ways:
- Cloning the current rootvg to an alternate disk.
- Installing a mksysb image on another disk.

# smitty alt_mksysb

Install mksysb on an Alternate Disk

Type or select values in entry fields.

Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.

Target Disk(s) to install []

Device or image name []
Phase to execute all file []
Customization script []
Set bootlist to boot from this disk
on next reboot? yes
Reboot when complete no
Verbose output? no
Debug output? no
resolv.conv file []


You can also use the "alt_disk_install" command to clone the rootvg to
another disk.
The command creates an "altinst_rootvg" volumegroup on the destination
disk and prepares
the same logical volumes as in the rootvg, except the names are
prepended with "alt_",
for example, alt_hd1. Similar are the filesystems renamed to
and the original data (mksysb or rootvg) is copied.
After this first fase, a second fase begins where an optional
configuration action
can be performed, either a custom script or update of software, when
cloning rootvg.

The third fase unmounts the /alt_inst/filesystems and renames the

filesystems and logical volumes
by removing the alt names. Then the bootlist is altered to boot from the
new disk.
After the system is rebooted, the original rootvg is renamed to


# lspv
hdisk0 00fa7377474 rootvg
hdisk1 00hdgfh6374 None

# alt_disk_install -BC hdisk1

performs cloning hdisk0 to hdisk1 where hdisk1 will be the new rootvg.

Installing a second AIX52 partition using alt_disk_install:


You can use the alt_disk_install command to clone a system image to

another disk, and you may use
the -O option to remove references in the object data manager (ODM) and
device (/dev) entries
to the existing system. The -O flag tells the alt_disk_install command
to call the devreset command,
which resets the device database. The cloned disk can now be booted as
if it were a new system.

An example of this scenario is as follows:

Boot the managed system as a Full System Partition so you have access to
all the disks in the managed system.
Configure the system and install the necessary applications.
Run the alt_disk_install command to begin cloning the rootvg on hdisk0
to hdisk1, as follows:

# /usr/sbin/alt_disk_install -O -B -C hdisk1

The cloned disk (hdisk1) will be named altinst_rootvg by default.

Rename the cloned disk (hdisk1) to alt1, so you can repeat the operation
with another disk.
# /usr/sbin/alt_disk_install -v alt1 hdisk1

Run the alt_disk_install command again to clone to another disk and

rename the cloned disk, as follows:
# /usr/sbin/alt_disk_install -O -B -C hdisk2
# /usr/sbin/alt_disk_install -v alt2 hdisk2
Repeat steps 3 through 5 for all of the disks that you want to clone.
Use the HMC to partition the managed system with the newly cloned disks.
Each partition you create will now have a rootvg with a boot image.
Boot the partition into SMS mode. Use the SMS MultiBoot menu to
configure the
first boot device to be the newly installed disk. Exit the SMS menus and
boot the system.



Logical partitioning
Frequently asked questions


What is required to enable dynamic capable LPARs?

Does the upgrade of the HMC or Platform Firmware affect my AIX 5.1
What is the order for AIX, HMC, and Platform Hardware updates?
Where would I find latest versions or upgrades for: AIX or HMC or
Platform Firmware?
Can dynamic and non-dynamic LPARs co-exist on the same pSeries?
Is Linux DLPAR capable?
Do all DLPAR operations have to be done through the HMC GUI?
What conditions may impede DLPAR operations?
Are there special rules for DLPAR operations?
How much time does it take for a DLPAR operation to complete?
How is the "detail level" option in the HMC used?
How is the timeout value for DLPAR operations used by the HMC?
With a timeout limit of zero, how can I stop a command that may not
complete because the DLPAR command will not succeed?
If we do dynamic configuration, what will happen to the process pinned
or accessing direct memory?
Are there special AIX filesets or PTF levels required for DLPAR?
Are applications affected by DLPAR operations?
What is a "DLPAR aware" application?
What is the relationship between DLPAR and Capacity Upgrade on Demand
How does Dynamic Processor Deallocation work with Dynamic Processor
How does affinity partitioning relate to DLPAR?
Are there any examples of using the HMC command line to automate DLPAR?

Question: What is required to enable dynamic capable LPARs?

Answer: An upgrade of AIX, HMC, and Platform Firmware is required. The

required levels are as follows:

AIX: 5.2
HMC: Release 3, Version 1.0
Platform Firmware: 10/2002 system firmware or later.
To determine platform firmware level, on any AIX partition type:
lscfg -vp | grep -p Platform.
The last 6 digits of the ROM Level represent the Platform Firmware date
in the format: "YYMMDD".

Question: Does the upgrade of the HMC or Platform Firmware affect my AIX
5.1 partitions?

Answer: The upgrade of Platform Firmware on some 5.1 systems may cause
some systems difficulty in reboot.
Thus, users are encouraged to apply APAR IY31961 on their AIX 5.1
partitions before upgrading Platform Firmware.

Question: What is the order for AIX, HMC, and Platform Hardware updates?

Answer: The recommended order is:

1. Install APAR IY31961 on AIX 5.1 partitions, if needed.
2. Upgrade the HMC to version 3.1.
3. Upgrade the Platform Firmware to 10/2002 or later.
4. For 5.2 partitions, perform AIX migration (from 5.1) or install.

Question: Where would I find latest versions or upgrades for: AIX or HMC
or Platform Firmware?

Answer: Users should visit the software support sites:

Users should consult their IBM Customer Engineers regarding latest
Platform Firmware availability.

Question: Can dynamic and non-dynamic LPARs co-exist on the same


Answer: Yes. The HMC GUI will not display Dynamic LPAR menus for
partitions that are not DLPAR enabled.

Question: Is Linux DLPAR capable?

Answer: Yes. Linux distro's that use the Linux 2.6 Kernel or higher have
the capability of supporting DLPAR on POWER5 systems. Currently both
Novell/SUSE Linux for Power and RedHat Linux for Power Distro both
support DLAR capabilities.

Question: Do all DLPAR operations have to be done through the HMC GUI?

Answer: While it is recommended that users use the HMC GUI for dynamic
resource re-allocation, it is possible for a user or script to execute
commands on the HMC command line to perform dynamic resource operations
on a dynamic capable partition.
Question: What conditions may impede DLPAR operations?

Answer: There may be cases where the resource that users wish to
deallocate are not available because they are in use by the operating
system or applications. In those cases, the operation may not complete
until these resources are freed. Dynamic LPAR operations are also
constrained by the resource specifications in the active LPAR profile,
such as maximum/minimum processors or memory, or required I/O slots.

Question: Are there special rules for DLPAR operations?

Answer: Dynamic operations with processors and memory typically require

no special actions. However, the movement of "slots" does require
special handling. When the user is moving a "slot", they are attempting
to reallocate a resource that is attached to an adapter that is inserted
in a slot. An example of this might be a CDROM drive or ethernet adapter
that is used by one DLPAR partition that the administrator would like
moved to another DLPAR partition. For cases involving slots, the user

deconfigure the child device connected to the parent adapter.

use the SMIT PCI Hot Plug procedures to remove the adapter (but don't
physically remove the card).
use the HMC GUI to move the slot from one Dynamic-capable partition to
after the movement of the slot, re-enable the adapter via the "Hot-Plug"
process and reconfigure the parent adapter and then the child device.

Question: How much time does it take for a DLPAR operation to complete?

Answer: In general, on a non-loaded system, a single processor move can

take less than a minute. Memory moves may take a few more minutes than a
processor move.

Question: How is the "detail level" option in the HMC used?

Answer: This sets the various level of debug output displayed during
DLPAR operations. Additionally, this allows the user to see all the
steps that AIX performed in the DLPAR operation providing
tracing/logging information for debug and problem determination.

Question: How is the timeout value for DLPAR operations used by the HMC?

Answer: The user can set a time limit (in minutes) setting so that the
DLPAR operation request will be canceled if the pre-set time limit is
exceeded. An example is a situation requiring memory moves. When the
memory cannot be re-allocated because resource memory is pinned to the
physical memory, sometimes certain operations will take a very long time
to complete. A time limit in this case may be used to limit the amount
of retries that take place. A time limit of zero implies that there is
no time limit.
Question: With a timeout limit of zero, how can I stop a command that
may not complete because the DLPAR command will not succeed?

Answer: although a user may set the timeout limit to zero, HMC and AIX
each have a set of default behaviors that will ensure a DLPAR command,
that will eventually fail, will return with the appropriate error

Question: If we do dynamic configuration, what will happen to the

process pinned or accessing direct memory?

Answer: Nothing. If a process has pinned memory, the virtual memory

manager transparently migrates the data to a new pinned physical page
and atomically updates the virtual to real page mappings to point to the
new physical page.

Question: Are there special AIX filesets or PTF levels required for

Answer: The installation of AIX 5.2 is adequate for current pSeries

LPARs to perform dynamic operations.

Question: Are applications affected by DLPAR operations?

Answer: A large majority of applications should be DLPAR unaware, which

means they are not programmed to take advantage of DLPAR capabilities
from within the application. Thus, they should not be affected by DLPAR.
Only programs considered "DLPAR aware" might be affected by DLPAR

Question: What is a "DLPAR aware" application?

Answer: A DLPAR aware application cares about the resource levels

allocated to the partition and can alter its behavior based on changes
in the resource levels. AIX provides APIs for applications that wish to
be DLPAR aware.

Question: What is the relationship between DLPAR and Capacity Upgrade on

Demand (CUoD)?

Answer: DLPAR can be used to bring online a resource that has been
activated through CUoD.

Question: How does Dynamic Processor Deallocation work with Dynamic

Processor Sparing?

Answer: If spare (unlicensed CUoD) processors are available, the

partition should be able to assign and bring online these processors
before it deactivates a failing processor.
Question: How does affinity partitioning relate to DLPAR?

Answer: Users can perform DLPAR operations on I/O slots with affinity
partitions, but not with processor or memory resources.

Question: Are there any examples of using the HMC command line to
automate DLPAR?

Answer: The DLPAR toolset avaliable on alphaworks provides tools that

automate DLPAR operations using the HMC command line.

63. file:


AIX only.

The file is an ascii file which controls the installation

of AIX.
I can function as a sort of a "response file" in an unattended install.

If you are customizing the / file in order to have it become

part of a system backup (mksysb),
please note that starting with AIX Version 4.3.3, the mksysb command
always updates the target_disk_data stanzas
to reflect the current disks in the rootvg. If you do not want this
update to occur you must create the file
/save_bosinst.data_file. The existance of this file is checked by the
mksysb command, before the
target_disk_data stanzas are updated.

If you are editing the file, use one of the following

1. Create and Use a Backup Tape:


Customize the file:

Change your directory, with the cd command, to the /var/adm/ras


Copy the /var/adm/ras/ file to a new name, such as
This step preserves the original file.

Edit the file with an ASCII editor.

Verify the contents of the edited file using the bicheck

/usr/lpp/bosinst/bicheck filename

Copy the edited file to the root directory:

cp /var/adm/ras/ /

If you do not want the target_disk_data file updated to reflect the

current rootvg,
create the file /save_bosinst.date_file by using the following command:

touch /save_bosinst.data_file

Create a backup image of the system:

Back up the system, using one of the following: the Web-based System
Manager Backups application,
the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT), or mksysb command.

BOS installations from this backup will behave according to your

customized file.

2. Create and Use a Client File:


Create one customized file for each client and, using the
Network Installation Manager (NIM),
define the files as resources. Refer to AIX Version 4.3 Network
Installation Management Guide and Reference
for more information about how to use the file as a
resource in network installations.

3. Create and Use a Supplementary Diskette:


This procedure describes how to create the supplementary diskette and

use it in future installations:

Customize the file:

Change your directory, with the cd command, to the /var/adm/ras


Copy the /var/adm/ras/ file to a new name, such as
This step preserves the original file.

Edit the file with an ASCII editor.

Create an ASCII file consisting of one word:


Save the new ASCII file, naming it signature.

Create the diskette and use it for installation:

Back up the edited file and the new signature file to
diskette with the following command:
ls ./ ./signature | backup -iqv


If you create a bundle file named mybundle, back up the edited file,
the new signature file, and the bundle file to diskette with the
following command:

ls ./ ./signature ./mybundle | backup -iqv

Put the diskette in the diskette drive of the target machine you are

Boot the target machine from the install media (tape, CD-ROM, or
network) and install AIX.

The BOS installation program will use the diskette file, rather than the
default file
shipped with the installation media.

Example file:


The following is an example of a modified file that might

be used in a nonprompted network installation:

CONSOLE = Default
INSTALL_METHOD = overwrite
TCB = no
REMOVE_JAVA_118 = no
HDISKNAME = hdisk0


64. NIM:

64.1 Some notes about NIM:


Note 1:

NIM is better in that you can install a new OS from a mksysb in as

little as 5 minutes versus installing
from CD which can take 40 minutes or longer. You can also keep your
builds consistent if you have
one mksysb image to build an AIX server. This also makes server builds
easier at remote locations,
no more swapping CD’s.

The following shows a quick way to build a NIM master that you can use
to install the AIX OS.
This allows for more customization than using eznim if you use
“Configure a Basic NIM Environment (Easy Startup).”

You can use the following instructions to build a NIM master from 4.3
on. Keep in mind that the newer
the AIX OS, the better and more NIM functions are introduced. I did not
like NIM previous to AIX 5.2.

Install the AIX OS on release that you want to the NIM master to serve
(i.e., 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 or 6.1).
If you want it to be AIX 6.1 TL 02 SP2, you will need to patch the NIM
master to that level after installing the base OS.

Once you are satisified with the hostname, IP, network interface,
interface speed/setup
(etherchannel, trunked, etc.), you can setup the NIM master. You can
make changes to the network configuration
later in NIM however, it’s easier if you take care of any configuration
before making the server a NIM master.
I would also make /tftpboot a seperate filesystem. This can get quite
large depending on how many clients you are building.

Install the following filesets if they are not installed already:


smitty nim / Configure the NIM Environment / Advanced Configuration /

Initialize the NIM Master Only

The following 2 fields are all that is required, everything else can be
left as default:

* Network Name []
* Primary Network Install Interface [] +

NOTE: “Network Name” can be anything you chose

“Primary Network Install Interface” is the en# of the network you get to
the NIM master on.
You can setup other networks later when you define NIM clients on
networks that are different than the NIM master’s.

Once you select “enter” you should see the following indicating that you
now have a NIM master:

0513-071 The nimesis Subsystem has been added.

0513-071 The nimd Subsystem has been added.
0513-059 The nimesis Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is

Now you need to create the lpp_source and spot resources so the NIM
master can build an OS:

Create a filesystem that you will use to lay down your base lpp_source
and spot directories.
These can be large since each lpp_source is usually 4G or larger and
each spot is usually around 700 MB.
I use /export/nim as a filesystem.

You can use “smitty bffcreate” or copy the installp/ppc directory from
the install CD/DVD’s
to /export/nim/6100/lpp_source

I get rid of any filesets that is not en_us or EN_US since I don’t need
other languages,
this will save 1 to 1.5 GB of disk space.

Copy the patch set you want to install to /export/nim/6100/lpp_source

If you have the base install CD of 6100-01 and want to patch to 6100-02-
02 you would get the patch set
for 6100-02-02 and copy or ftp them to
Get rid of any unnecessary filesets by using lppmgr:

# /usr/lib/instl/lppmgr -d /<installp/ppc_directory> -u -b -x -r

>> this will remove

-u = removes duplicate update images
-b = removes duplicate base images
-x = removes superceeded updates
-r = actually does the removal. If the ‘-r’ flag is not included, the
lppmgr command will run in “preview mode”.

>> Create your lpp_source on the NIM master:

smitty nim / Perform NIM Administration Tasks / Manage Resources /
Define a Resource / lpp_source = source device for optional product

The following fields are required as a minimum:

* Resource Name [TL02-SP2]
* Resource Type lpp_source
* Server of Resource [master] +
* Location of Resource [/export/nim/6100/lpp_source] /

This should only take a few minutes to complete, once you see “ok”

>> Create your spot resource on the NIM master:

smitty nim / Perform NIM Administration Tasks / Manage Resources /
Define a Resource / spot = Shared Product Object Tree – equivalent to
/usr file

The following fields are required as a minimum:

* Resource Name [TL02-SP2]
* Resource Type spot
* Server of Resource [master] +
* Source of Install Images [TL02-SP2] +
* Location of Resource [/export/nim/6100] /

For “Source of Install Images” select F4 and chose the lpp_source you
created in the previous step.
This can take from 15-30 minutes to complete, once you see “ok”

You now have a NIM master that you can use to build out the OS on AIX

If you have a mksysb of a server you want to use, copy it to the server,
create a mksysb NIM resource.

Note 2:

The SPOT (Shared Product Object Tree) is created from the "lpp_source".

Note 3:
AIX only.

Network Installation Management, or NIM, means that from a Server, via

the network, clients can be
installed with AIX and possibly other software.

With NIM, you can have unattended installation of clients. The NIM
Server also provides you with
the backup images of all your Servers (the NIM clients).

NIM objects:
This topic explains the objects concept as it is used in the NIM
The machines you want to manage in the NIM environment, their resources,
and the networks through
which the machines communicate are all represented as objects within a
central database that resides
on the master. Network objects and their attributes reflect the physical
of the network environment. This information does not affect the running
of a physical network
but is used internally by NIM for configuration information.
Each object in the NIM environment has a unique name that you specify
when the object is defined.
The NIM name is independent of any of the physical characteristics of
the object it identifies
and is only used for NIM operations. The benefit of unique names is that
an operation can be performed
using the NIM name without having to specify which physical attribute
should be used.
NIM determines which object attributes to use. For example, to easily
identify NIM clients,
the host name of the system can be used as the NIM object name, but
these names are independent
of each other. When an operation is performed on a machine, the NIM name
is used, and all other data
for the machine (including the host name) is retrieved from the NIM

NIM machines:
The types of machines that can be managed in the NIM environment are
standalone, diskless,
and dataless clients. This section describes the differences between the
machines, the attributes required
to define the machines, and the operations that can be performed on

The NIM environment is composed of two basic machine roles: master and
client. The NIM master manages
the installation of the rest of the machines in the NIM environment. The
master is the only machine
that can remotely run NIM commands on the clients. All other machines
participating in the NIM environment
are clients to the master, including machines that may also serve

NIM Resources (from somewhat older source):

NIM allows you to customize installations and maintain clients on the
network from a centralized location
(the NIM master) or the NIM client itself. The master contains the NIM
database and can serve resources.
Resources in NIM are files or directories containing data that NIM will
use to install, customize,
and maintain NIM clients. A NIM client is any machine configured and
defined in the NIM database.
Some key NIM resources used in our setup are:

- Licensed Program Product Source Directory (lpp_source): This directory

contains backup file format
(BFF) images, which AIX installp uses to load software. One way to
understand the role of the
lpp_source directory in a BOS installation is to compare it to all the
installation images needed
to support any configuration (specifically different device
configurations) along with a base core set
of software (called simages) that are on the BASE installation CDs. We
created a base 433 lpp_source,
multiple lpp_sources containing different maintenance levels, and
separate lpp_sources for our 32-bit
and 64-bit third-party application software.

- Shared Product Object Tree (SPOT): This directory is created from an

lpp_source and is equivalent
in content to a /usr file-system on AIX. The purpose of a SPOT in a NIM
installation is similar to the
boot images and BOS installation scripts (bi_main, rc.boot, and
rc.bosinst) on volume 1 of the
BASE install CD. The SPOT must contain support for all boot environments
(platform, network type, kernel type).
We created several different SPOTs for the different data centers and
maintenance levels we use to support our systems.

- bosinst_data: This data file contains information that drives the BOS
(e.g., prompt vs. no-prompt, which disk to install the OS on, and the
type of installation
(Overwrite, Preservation, or Migration) to name a few). First, we
created separate bosinst_data resources
for each machine type (S80, H70, B50, M80, P680, and 43P). Then, by
specifying two disks to target
in our bosinst_data resource and specifying copies in the image_data
resource, we could set up
mirroring during the initial load.

- image_data: This data file contains information about the

characteristics of the OS being installed.
For example, it includes the size of file systems, whether or not to
mirror, and whether or not to
disk stripe. We created separate image_data resources for each machine
type (S80, H70, B50, M80, P680 and 43P).

- Installp_bundles: This data file contains a customized list of

additional software to install
after the base AIX software is loaded. If you have different
configurations that you need to duplicate
on a repeatable basis, this resource is very useful. In our environment,
we have different OS software
requirements for development, QA, and production above the minimal AIX
software needed to support
different hardware systems. The easiest way to facilitate and maintain
these different requirements,
which need to be consistent, is to use installp_bundles.

- mksysb: This is a backup archive file that contains a system image of

Because of our network security restrictions (no one machine could be
connected to all the networks
within our organization), we used mksysb and savevg tapes to replicate
the NIM master to the other data centers.
If we had one machine connected to the different data centers, we could
have used NIM to replicate
and update the NIM masters in the different data centers by BOS-
installing a NIM mksysb resource and
using a NIM script to restore the other volume group data.

- mac_group: This is a logical grouping of machine types (standalone,

diskless, or dataless)
that enables the systems administrator to target one or more machines
with a single command or
NIM operation. We did not use this feature, but we could have taken
advantage of this by grouping all like
systems and like configurations to install to more than one machine at a

We used the 43P systems as our NIM masters for each data center because
they could complete remote
installations of machines or be moved and directly connected to a server
for OS installations.
These NIM masters were also designated as the resource servers in our
To ensure consistency and standardization of each NIM master (for the
different data centers),
we created a standard NIM master machine, which we cloned. We made a
stacked tape containing a mksysb image
and a savevg image of the standard NIM master to sync up and update the
other NIM masters.
Here are the commands we ran on the standard NIM master to create this
stacked single tape:

# mksysb -i /dev/rmt0
# tctl -f/dev/rmt0.1 fsf4
# savevg -i -m {volume_group_name} -f/dev/rmt0.1
# mt -f/dev/rmt0 rewind
To restore the tape to the other NIM masters, we did the following:

Booted and restored the mksysb image from the stacked tape
# tctl -f/dev/rmt0.1 fsf4
# restvg volume_group_name

Setup NIM:

Needed Filesets:

You should have the following installed on your master

# lslpp -l | grep bos.sysmgt.nim

bos.sysmgt.nim.client COMMITTED Network Install Manager

bos.sysmgt.nim.master COMMITTED Network Install Manager COMMITTED Network Install Manager

These are available on the AIX Product CD 1.

If you need to install the NIM client, master and spot filesets

# installp -qaX -d /dev/cd0 bos.sysmgt.nim.master bos.sysmgt.nim.client

At the end of the install you should see the below

Installation Summary
Name Level Part Event Result

bos.sysmgt.nim.master USR APPLY SUCCESS
bos.sysmgt.nim.client ROOT APPLY SUCCESS

To install NIM:

You can use the fast path

# smitty nim_config_env

to setup the basic NIM environment for the first time. It needs a
minimum of two pieces of information.
- Input device for installation images
- Primary network interface

Default values are provided for the remaining options. Once this smitty
panel has been completed successfully,
the following actions will have been completed:
. NIM master initialized on the primary interface
. NIM daemons running
. lpp_source created and available
. SPOT resource created and available (Shared Product Object Tree)
# smitty nim_config_env

Configure a Basic NIM Environment (Easy Startup)

Initialize the NIM Master:

* Primary Network Interface for the NIM Master []
Basic Installation Resources:
* Input device for installation images []
* LPP_SOURCE Directory
Create new filesystem for LPP_SOURCE? [yes]
Filesystem SIZE (MB) [650]
VOLUME GROUP for new filesystem [rootvg]
* SPOT Name [spot1]
* SPOT Directory
Create new filesystem for SPOT? [yes]
Filesystem SIZE (MB) [350]
VOLUME GROUP for new filesystem [rootvg]


The "smit eznim" option installs the "bos.sysmgt.nim.master" fileset and

configures the NIM environment.
The configuration involves creating the NIM database and populating it
with several entries.
Several basic NIM resources will then be created and defined in the NIM

1. smitty eznim
2. Select "Configure as a NIM Master"
3. Select "Setup the NIM Master Environment"
4. Verify the default selections for software source, volume group etc..

To display the NIM resources that have been created, do the following:
use "smit eznim_master_panel" fast path, or select "Show the NIM

The nim_master_setup command:


The nim_master_setup command installs the bos.sysmgt.nim.master fileset,

configures the NIM master,
and creates the required resources for installation, including a mksysb
system backup.

The nim_master_setup command uses the rootvg volume group and creates an
"/export/nim" file system, by default.
You can change these defaults using the volume_group and file_system
options. The nim_master_setup command
also allows you to optionally not create a system backup, if you plan to
use a mksysb image
from another system. The nim_master_setup usage is as follows:

Usage nim_master_setup: Setup and configure NIM master.

nim_master_setup [-a mk_resource={yes|no}]
[-a file_system=fs_name]
[-a volume_group=vg_name]
[-a disk=disk_name]
[-a device=device]
[-B] [-v]

-B Do not create mksysb resource.

-v Enable debug output.

Default values:
mk_resource = yes
file_system = /export/nim
volume_group = rootvg
device = /dev/cd0

To install the NIM master fileset and initialize the NIM environment
using install media located
in device /dev/cd1, type:
# nim_master_setup -a device=/dev/cd1

To initialize the NIM environment without creating NIM install

resources, type:
# nim_master_setup -a mk_resource=no

To initialize the NIM environment, create NIM install resources without

creating a backup image,
using install media located under mount point /cdrom, type:
# nim_master_setup -a device=/cdrom -B

To define NIM resources in an existing NIM environment, using install

media located in device /dev/cd0,
and create a new file system named /export/resources/NIM under volume
group nimvg, type:
# nim_master_setup -a volume_group=nimvg -a

The nim_clients_setup command:


The nim_clients_setup command is used to define your NIM clients,

allocate the installation resources,
and initiate a NIM BOS installation on the clients.

The nim_clients_setup command uses the definitions in the basic_res_grp

resource to allocate
the necessary NIM resources to perform a mksysb restore operation on the
selected clients.
The usage for nim_clients_setup is as follows:
Usage nim_clients_setup: Setup and Initialize BOS install for NIM
nim_clients_setup [-m mksysb_resource]
[-c] [-r] [-v] client_objects
-m specify mksysb resource object name -OR- absolute file path.
-c define client objects from client.defs file.
-r reboot client objects for BOS install.
-v Enables debug output.

Note: If no client object names are given, all clients in the NIM
environment are enabled for
BOS installation; unless clients are defined using the -c option.

To define client objects from /export/nim/client.defs file, initialize
the newly defined clients
for BOS install using resources from the basic_res_grp resource group,
and reboot the clients to begin install, type:
# nim_clients_setup -c -r

To initialize clients client1 and client2 for BOS install, using the
backup file
/export/resource/NIM/530mach.sysb as the restore image, type:
# nim_clients_setup -m /export/resource/NIM/530mach.sysb \ client1

To initialize all clients in the NIM environment for native (rte) BOS
install using resources
from the basic_res_grp resource group, type:
# nim_clients_setup -n

How to define a standalone machine in NIM.

nim -o define -t standalone \

-a platform=chrp \
-a if1="subnet-74 FQDN of Machine 0" \
-a cable_type1=tp \
-a net_settings1="speed duplex" \
-a netboot_kernel="up or mp \
name of resource

How to initiate an install of a machine from a mksysb image.

nim -o bos_inst \
-a source=mksysb \
-a spot=aix520-01_spot \
-a mksysb=base520-02-64bit_mksysb or base520-02-
32bit_mksysb \
-a accept_licenses=yes \
-a preserve_res=yes \
-a installp_flags="cNgXY" \
-a fb_script=osg-mksysb-install_firstboot \
name of resource
If you do not want the machine to be rebooted right now, then add the

-a no_client_boot=yes

How to reset the NIM state of a machine.

nim -o reset \
name of resource

You can add the following to force a reset

-a force=yes

If after you try to reset the state and try to install again and you are
told that the resource is
still allocated run the following:

nim -Fo deallocate \

-a subclass=all
name of resource

How to take a mksysb of a machine.

nim -o define -t mksysb \

-a server=master \
-a location=/export/nim/mksysb/<name of
resource>.mksysb \
-a source=resource name of machine to take mksysb \
-a mk_image=yes \
-a mksysb_flags='e'\
-a exclude_files=osg-default_exclude \
name of resource

How to make a NIM exclude file.

nim -o define -t exclude_files \

-a server=master
-a location=/export/nim/misc/osg-default.exclude \

How to define a script resource in NIM.

nim -o define -t script \

-a server=master \
-a location=/export/nim/misc/<name of the resource>.sh
name of resource

How to define a firstboot script

nim -o define -t fb_script \

name of the mksysb

How to remove a NIM resource.

nim -o remove \
-a rm_image=yes \
name of the mksysb

Note that this process doesremove the mksysb file on disk.

Updating installed software

nimclient -o cust \
-a lpp_source=lpp source \
-a installp_bundle=installp bundle

Remark about nimsh:


Using the NIM service handler for client communication

NIM makes use of the remote shell server (rshd) when it performs remote
execution on clients. The server provides
remote execution facilities with authentication based on privileged port
numbers from trusted hosts.

AIXr 5.3 uses NIM Service Handler (NIMSH) to eliminate the need for rsh
services during NIM client communication.
The NIM client daemon (NIMSH) uses reserved ports 3901 and 3902, and it
installs as part of the
bos.sysmgt.nim.client fileset.

NIMSH allows you to query network machines by hostname. NIMSH processes

query requests and returns NIM client
configuration parameters used for defining hosts within a NIM
environment. Using NIMSH, you can define
NIM clients without knowing any system or network-specific information.

While NIMSH eliminates the need for rsh, it does not provide trusted
authentication based on key encryption.
To use cryptographic authentication with NIMSH, you can configure
OpenSSL in the NIM environment.
When you install OpenSSL on a NIM clients, SSL socket connections are
established during NIMSH
service authentication. Enabling OpenSSL provides SSL key generation and
includes all cipher suites
supported in SSL version 3.

64.2 Complete NIM Example:


(This is actually a nice example).

1.Installing the NIM filesets<top>

The required filesets for a NIM master server and client

These are available on the AIX Product CD 1.

Install the NIM client, master and spot filesets

# installp -qaX -d /dev/cd0 bos.sysmgt.nim.master bos.sysmgt.nim.client

At the end of the install you should see the below

Installation Summary
Name Level Part Event Result

bos.sysmgt.nim.master USR APPLY SUCCESS
bos.sysmgt.nim.client ROOT APPLY SUCCESS

2.Create a tftpboot filesystem and mount it <top>

# crfs -v jfs2 -g rootvg -a size=381M -m /tftpboot -A yes -t rw

# mount /tftpboot

3.Configure the NIM environment (ensure you have AIX product CD 1 loaded
in the CD or DVD Drive<top>

# smitty nim_config_env

Select the defaults as below, apart from the size of the

/export/lpp_source and /export/spot filesystems.
As we are going to be copying additional products into these areas we
need a reasonable amount of space

You also need to specify the primary network interface and path to the
CD or DVD drive

Initialize the NIM Master:

* Primary Network Interface for the NIM Master [en0]
Basic Installation Resources:
* Input device for installation images [/dev/cd0]
* LPP_SOURCE Name [lpp_source1]
* LPP_SOURCE Directory [/export/lpp_source]
Create new filesystem for LPP_SOURCE? [yes]
Filesystem SIZE (MB) [6553]
VOLUME GROUP for new filesystem [rootvg]
* SPOT Name [spot1]
* SPOT Directory [/export/spot]
Create new filesystem for SPOT? [yes]
Filesystem SIZE (MB) [2097]
VOLUME GROUP for new filesystem [rootvg]
Create Diskless/Dataless Machine Resources? [no]
Specify Resource Name to Define:
ROOT (required for diskless and dataless) [root1]
DUMP (required for diskless and dataless) [dump1]
PAGING (required for diskless) [paging1]
HOME (optional) [home1]
SHARED_HOME (optional) [shared_home1]
TMP (optional) [tmp1]
Diskless/Dataless resource directory [/export/dd_resource]
Create new filesystem for resources? [yes]
Filesystem SIZE (MB) [150]
VOLUME GROUP for new filesystem [rootvg]
Define NIM System Bundles? [yes]
Add Machines from a Definition File? [no]
Specify Filename []
* Remove all newly added NIM definitions [no]
and filesystems if any part of this
operation fails?

4.Populating the lpp_source1 resource with additional software<top>

Copy the contents of AIX Volume 2,5, Expansion Pack and the AIX ToolBox
to the lpp_source, for each CD
enter the below

# nim -o update -a packages=all -a source=/dev/cd0 lpp_source1

5.Updating the SPOT and lpp_source1 resources<top>

If the AIX CD's you are using to create the lpp and spot resources is a
base level AIX CD, and the clients
you are intending to build are at a higher level than the base level.
You will need to update the
lpp and spot resources.

Identify the location of your update filesets and update with the below

# nim_update_all -l lpp_source1 -s spot1 -d /location/of/filesets -u -B

Once complete, confirm the maintenance level of the spot1 resource with
the below command

# lsnim -l spot1

In this example, I have updated the lpp_source1 and spot1 to AIX 5.3 ML

class = resources
type = spot
plat_defined = chrp
arch = power
bos_license = yes
Rstate = ready for use
prev_state = verification is being performed
location = /export/spot/spot1/usr
version = 5
release = 3
mod = 0
oslevel_r = 5300-01
alloc_count = 0
server = master
Rstate_result = success
mk_netboot = yes
mk_netboot = yes
mk_netboot = yes

6.Defining NIM machines <top>

Before you can start a BOS install task you need to define the machines
you are going to install.

You need details of

a.server hostname
d.subnet mask
e.default gateway of the master
f.master name

To define a NIM client, for eg sp-tsm2

# nim -o define -t standalone -a platform=chrp \

-a netboot_kernel=mp \
-a if1="find_net sp-tsm2.caledonia.speedy.wan 0" \
-a net_definition="ent master" sp-tsm2

If you are adding a machine that is already running, you need to ensure
the bos.sysmgt.nim.client fileset
is installed and issue the following command on the client

note: change the name= and master= to match the client and master you
are adding

# niminit -a name=pr-testerp -a master=pr-tsm -a pif_name=en0

The output from the following command will show your newly defined

# lsnim -c machines

[sp-tsm1] scripts # lsnim -c machines

master machines master
sp-tsm2 machines standalone

To get detailed output of your newly created machine, run the below

[sp-tsm1] scripts # lsnim -l sp-tsm2

class = machines
type = standalone
connect = shell
platform = chrp
netboot_kernel = mp
if1 = speedy_network sp-tsm2.caledonia.speedy.wan 0
cable_type1 = N/A
Cstate = ready for a NIM operation
prev_state = not running
Mstate = currently running
cpuid = 00C13E8A4C00
Cstate_result = success

7.Configuring client communications

To configure SSL client communication as opposed to the traditional and

un-secure rhost method perform the following

a.On the master server and clients install the openssl rpm from the AIX

# rpm -ivh openssl-0.9.7g-1

b.Next configure the NIM master for SSL

# nimconfig -c

c.Then on each client configure as below

# mv /etc/niminfo /etc/niminfo.bak
# niminit -aname=pr-testdb -amaster=pr-tsm -a connect=nimsh
# nimclient -C

d.On the NIM master test the nimsh communication

# nim -o lslpp pr-testdb

8.Defining NIM groups<top>

Once you have defined your machines, add them to add mac_group. This
will aid administration for future
installation tasks

To define a group containing the sp-tsm2 machine run the below command
# nim -o define -t mac_group -a add_member=sp-tsm2 speedy_mac_group

For each machine to be added, use the option and argument `-a
add_member=<hostname>' where <hostname> is the name
of the server you are adding

9.Defining a file<top>

A bosinst data file is a file contained answers to questions usually

asked during a manual BOS install.
A standard Red Squared file contains the below information
and is stored in the /export/bosinst
directory. (note the highlighted areas, specifically the disk location.
We will be mirroring the root disk
as part of the post task during the BOS install procedure)

CONSOLE = Default
INSTALL_METHOD = overwrite
TCB = no
REMOVE_JAVA_118 = no
ADD_CDE = yes
ADD_KDE = no
HDISKNAME = hdisk0




Once you have created the file, you need to define it to
the NIM environment with the below command

# nim -o define -t bosinst_data -a server=master \

10.Defining a post script resource<top>

A script resource is used as part of the bosinst task. The resource

contains commands to be executed
on the NIM client after the BOS install has completed. The inst_script
file should reside in the "/export/bosinst"

The below inst_script contains commands relevant to an Oracle database


Note: In all instances the root disk should be mirrored

/usr/sbin/chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=5000

/usr/sbin/chdev -l sys0 -a autorestart=true
/usr/sbin/vmo -o lru_file_repage=0
/usr/sbin/vmo -o strict_maxclient=0
/usr/sbin/vmo -o maxperm%=45
/usr/sbin/vmo -o maxclient%=45
/usr/sbin/vmo -o minperm%=15
/usr/sbin/tunchange -f nextboot -t vmo -o lru_file_repage=0
/usr/sbin/tunchange -f nextboot -t vmo -o strict_maxclient=0
/usr/sbin/tunchange -f nextboot -t vmo -o maxperm%=45
/usr/sbin/tunchange -f nextboot -t vmo -o maxclient%=45
/usr/sbin/tunchange -f nextboot -t vmo -o minperm%=15
/usr/sbin/chfs -a size=+1024M /usr
/usr/sbin/chfs -a size=+512M /opt
/usr/sbin/chfs -a size=+512M /home
/usr/sbin/chfs -a size=+512M /tmp
/usr/sbin/chfs -a size=+512M /var
/usr/bin/mkgroup id=500 oinstall
/usr/bin/mkuser id=1001 groups=oinstall oracle
/usr/bin/mkgroup id=501 red2ops
/usr/bin/mkuser id=1002 groups=red2ops red2ops
/usr/bin/mkdir /home/root
/usr/bin/chuser home=/home/root root
/usr/sbin/crfs -v jfs2 -g rootvg -a size=128M -m /usr/local -A yes -t rw
/usr/sbin/crfs -v jfs2 -g rootvg -a size=128M -m /usr/red2 -A yes -t rw
/usr/sbin/crfs -v jfs2 -g rootvg -a size=8G -m /oracle_home -A yes -t rw
/usr/sbin/crfs -v jfs2 -g rootvg -a size=3G -m /oracle_base -A yes -t rw
/usr/sbin/crfs -v jfs2 -g rootvg -a size=3G -m /dump -A yes -t rw
/usr/sbin/mount -a
/usr/bin/chown oracleinstall /oracle_home
/usr/bin/chown oracleinstall /oracle_base
/usr/bin/echo 'sp-tsm1 root' >> /home/root/.rhosts
/usr/bin/rcp sp-tsm1:/home/root/.profile /home/root/.profile
/usr/bin/rcp sp-tsm1:/home/root/.kshrc /home/root/.kshrc
/usr/bin/rcp sp-tsm1:/etc/security/limits.nim /etc/security/limits
/usr/sbin/extendvg rootvg hdisk1
/usr/sbin/mirrorvg rootvg
/usr/sbin/syncvg -v rootvg
/usr/sbin/bosboot -a -d /dev/hdisk1
/usr/sbin/chvg -a 'y' -Q 'n' -x 'n' rootvg
/usr/bin/bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1
/usr/sbin/chps -s16 hd6
/usr/bin/sysdumpdev -K

Once created, define the script to the NIM server with the below command

# nim -o define -t script -a server=master \

-a location=/export/bosinst/inst_script inst_script

Details of your newly created script resource can be viewed with the

[sp-tsm1] bosinst # lsnim -l speedy_inst_script

class = resources
type = script
Rstate = ready for use
prev_state = unavailable for use
location = /export/bosinst/inst_script
alloc_count = 0
server = master

11.Backing up and restoring the NIM database<top>

Now that you have created a number of resources and machines, it would
be a good idea to add a cron job
to take a backup of the NIM database on a weekly basis. This will by
default be picked up by Tivoli and mksysb
then sent to tape.

Create an executable script called located in


# File :
# Author : Steve Burgess
# Description : Wrapper script to backup the NIM database
# Change History:
# Date Version Author Description
# ------- ------- ---------------- -----------------------------

# Backup The NIM database

/usr/lpp/bos.sysmgt/nim/methods/m_backup_db /etc/objrepos/nimdb_backup
2>&1 | tee /usr/red2/logs/nim_backup.log

if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "`date +%Y%m%d` NIM_BACKUP_FAILURE" | tee -a
echo "`date +%Y%m%d` NIM_BACKUP_SUCCESS" | tee -a

Add the script to roots crontab (as below)

# Backup the NIM database once a week

1 00 * * 0 /usr/red2/scripts/ > /dev/null 2>&1

To restore the NIM database following corruption or applying to another


# /usr/lpp/bos.sysmgt/nim/methods/m_restore_db -f

12.Initiating a BOS Installation <top>

You are now ready to initiate a BOS install for one of your defined
machines. Run the below command
to initate a BOS install for sp-tsm2:

nim -o bos_inst -a source=rte \

-a lpp_source=lpp_source1 \
-a spot=spot1 \
-a filesets="Java14_64 bos.adt bos.iconv X11.adt vac.C vac.aix50
tivoli.tsm.client.api.32bit openssl-0.9.7d-
1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm openssh.base
openssh.license lsof-4.61-3.aix5.1.ppc.rpm zip-2.3-3.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
unzip-5.51-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm" \
-a accept_licenses=yes \
-a script=inst_script \
-a boot_client=no \
-a bosinst_data=bosinst \

This will make the previously created resources, inst_script and bosinst
available to the server.

Additional filesets, as defined in the line

-a filesets=<fileset names>

will be installed as part of the installation procedure. For additional

filesets, append them to the filesets line

Next you need to follow the below procedure to boot your machine from
the NIM server

£ Begin with your machine turned off.

If the system provided requires a System Management Services (SMS)
diskette, insert it into the diskette drive of the client and turn on
the machine. If you do not insert an SMS diskette at this time and one
is required, you will be prompted to insert one later.
A graphics image is displayed on your screen. Press the F1 key as icons
begin to display from left to right on the bottom of your display.
The System Management Services menu displays on your screen. Select the
Utilities option.
From the System Management Services Utilities menu, select the Remote
Initial Program Load Setup option.
From the Network Parameters screen, select the IP Parameters option.
Set or change the values displayed so they are correct for snhent01.

Specify the IP address of:

The client machine you are booting in the client address field. :
Your NIM server in the bootp server address field. :
Your client's gateway in the gateway address field.
Specify the subnet mask of for the client machine if you
are prompted for one in the subnet mask field. All machines in your
subnet have the same subnet mask.
After you specify the addresses, press Enter to save the addresses and
The Network Parameters screen is displayed. Select the Ping option.
Select the network adapter to be used as the client's boot device.
Verify that the displayed addresses are the same as the addresses you
specified for your boot device.
If the addresses are incorrect, press Esc until you return to the main
menu. Then, go back to step 5.
If the addresses are correct, press Enter to perform the ping test. The
ping test may take several seconds to complete.
If the ping test fails, verify that the addresses are correct, and
perform network problem determination if necessary. If the ping test
completes successfully, press Enter to acknowledge the success message.
Then, press Esc until you return to the System Management Services menu.
From the System Management Services menu, choose the Select Boot Devices
Select the network adapter to be used for the network boot from the list
of displayed bootable devices. Be sure to select the correct network
type Ethernet. After making your selection, the machine will boot over
the network.

Following successful BOS installation, you will need to confirm the post
tasks you defined in your inst_script have completed. Anything that has
failed will need to be run manually

13.Taking a mksysb of your new server<top>

To take a mksysb of the newly created server onto the NIM server, you
will need to create an new filesystem (not in rootvg) to hold the mksysb
images. The filesystem should have a mount point of
/export/mksysb_clients and of the type jfs2. To create a 20gb filesystem
in tsmvg run the below command

# crfs -v jfs2 -g tsmvg -a size=20G -m /export/mksysb_clients -A yes -t


To take a mksysb of a NIM client, run the below command

nim -o define -t mksysb \

-a server=master \
-a location=/export/mksysb_clients/sp-tsm2 \
-a source=sp-tsm2 \
-a mk_image=yes \
-a mksysb_flags=-e \

This will create a mksysb resource, as below

[sp-tsm1] scripts # lsnim -l sp-tsm2_image

class = resources
type = mksysb
arch = power
Rstate = ready for use
prev_state = unavailable for use
location = /export/mksysb_clients/sp-tsm2/sp-tsm2.mksysb
version = 5
release = 3
mod = 0
oslevel_r = 5300-03
alloc_count = 0
server = master

14.Restoring a host from a mksysb<top>

The procedure of restoring a host from a mksysb is fairly simple. In

this example, we restore sp-tsm2

Enter the below command to initiate the restore from the NIM server

# nim -o bos_inst -a source=mksysb \

-a mksysb=sp-tsm2_image \
-a lpp_source=lpp_source1 \
-a spot=spot1 \
-a accept_licenses=yes \
-a boot_client=no \

Once entered, refer to section 11 to boot the server you are recovering
over the network
15.Booting the server into diagnostics<top>

Occasionally you may need to boot the server into diagnostic mode to
allow you to resolve a hardware issue. To do this, first enter the below

# nim -o diag -a spot=spot1 sp-tsm2

Once entered, refer to section 11 to boot the server into diagnostics

over the network

16.Booting a server into maintenance<top>

Occasionally you may need to boot the server into maintenance mode. To
do this, first enter the below

# nim -o maint_boot spot=spot1 sp-tsm2

Once entered, refer to section 11 to boot the server into diagnostics

over the network

After successfully booting and defining the console, the System

Maintenance menu is displayed. The maintenance menu options and their
descriptions are described below.

Access a Root Volume Group

This option allows you to activate the root volume group and start the
maintenance shell with a full set of commands.
Copy a System Dump to Removable Media
This option allows you to copy a previous system dump to external media.
Access Advanced Maintenance Function
This option allows you to start a maintenance shell with a limited set
of commands.

17.Installing additional software on a client<top>

Occasionally you may need to install additional filesets on a client.

You first need to add the software to the lpp_source by simply copying
it to the lpp_source directory. You then need to action the below

# nim -Fo check lpp_source1

Following that you can initiate the install on the client

# nim -o cust -a lpp_source=lpp_source1 -a filesets=bos.adt \

-a installp_flags="a c g X p" sp-tsm2

Note: refer to the installp man page for options on installp_flags

To install a pre-defined or new installp bundle (output from # lsnim -t


# nim -o cust -a lpp_source=lpp_source1 -a

installp_bundle=openssh_server -a installp_flags=" a c g X p" pr-testdb
18.Update software on a client<top>

To update a client with the whole contents of an lpp resource, enter the

# nim -o update -a packages=all -a source=lpp_source1 sp-tsm2

19.To add a new lpp resource that contains a new AIX level, then apply
that update to a NIM client. <top>

First copy the contents of the ML to a filesystem area, then run

# nim -o define -t lpp_source -a

location=/export/lpp_source/aix_maint_ML3 \
-a server=master aix_maint_ML3

To update a server from the new aix maint level # nim -o cust -a
lpp_source=aix_maint_ML3 -a fixes=update_all \
-a installp_flags="a c g X p" sp-tsm2 Tutorial Tools
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General in unix:

The following is a step-by-step summary of how UNIX system accounting


When the UNIX system is switched into multiuser state, the

/usr/lib/acct/startup program is executed.
The startup program executes several other programs that invoke
acctwtmp, turnacct, and remove.

- acctwtmp adds a ``boot'' record to /var/adm/wtmp. In this record, the

system name is shown
as the login name in the wtmp record.

- turnacct, invoked with the on option, begins process accounting.

Specifically, turnacct on executes
the accton program with the argument /var/adm/pacct.

- remove ``cleans up'' the saved pacct and wtmp files left in the sum
directory by runacct.

Raw Accounting Data

The login and init programs record connect sessions by writing records
into /var/adm/wtmp.
Any date changes (made by running date with an argument) are also
written to /var/adm/wtmp.
Reboots and shutdowns (via acctwtmp) are also recorded in /var/adm/wtmp.
When a process ends, the kernel writes one record per process, in the
form of acct.h, in the /var/adm/pacct file.

Two programs track disk usage by login: acctdusg and diskusg. They are
invoked by the shell script dodisk.

Every hour cron executes the ckpacct program to check the size of
If the file grows past 500 blocks (default), turnacct switch is
executed. (The turnacct switch program
moves the pacct file and creates a new one.) The advantage of having
several smaller pacct files
becomes apparent when trying to restart runacct if a failure occurs when
processing these records.

If the system is shut down using shutdown, the shutacct program is

executed automatically.
The shutacct program writes a reason record into /var/adm/wtmp and turns
off process accounting.

If you provide services on a request basis (such as file restores), you

can keep billing records
by login by using the chargefee program. It allows you to add a record
to /var/adm/fee each time a user
incurs a charge. The next time runacct is executed, this new record is
picked up and merged into the total
accounting records.

runacct is executed via cron each night. It processes the accounting

files /var/adm/pacct?,
/var/adm/wtmp, /var/adm/fee, and /var/adm/acct/nite/disktacct to produce
command summaries
and usage summaries by login.

/usr/lib/acct/prdaily program is executed on a daily basis by runacct to

write the daily accounting
information collected by runacct (in ASCII format) in

The monacct program should be executed on a monthly basis (or at

intervals determined by you,
such as the end of every fiscal period). The monacct program creates a
report based on data stored
in the sum directory that has been updated daily by runacct. After
creating the report, monacct
``cleans up'' the sum directory to prepare the directory's files for the
new runacct data.


- Connect time accounting:

Connect time data is collected by the init and the login command. When
you login, the login program
writes a record in the "/etc/utmp" file. This record includes your user
name, the date and time of the login,
and the login port. Commands such as who, use this file to find out
which users are logged into
the various display stations.
If the /var/adm/wtmp connect-time accounting file exists, the login
command adds a copy of this
login record to it.

When your login program ends (when you logout), the init command records
the end of the session
by writing another record in the "/var/adm/wtmp" file.
Both the login and logout records have the form described in the utmp.h

- Shutdown:
acctwtmp command:
The "acctwtmp" command also writes special entries in the /var/adm/wtmp
file concerning
system shutdowns and startups.

- Process accounting:
accton command:
The system collects data on resource usage for each process as it runs,
the memory use, elapsed time and processor time, user and group id under
which the process runs etc..
The "accton" command records these data in the "/var/adm/pacct" file.

- Disk usage accounting:

dodisk command:
The dodisk command, run as specified by the cron demon, periodically
writes disk-usage records
to the "/var/adm/acct/nite(x)/dacct" file. To accomplish this, the
dodisk command calls other commands.
Depending upon the thoroughness of the accounting search, the diskusg
command or the acctdusg command
can be used to collect data. The acctdisk command is used to write a
total accounting record.
The total accounting record, in turn, is used by the acctmerg command to
prepare the daily
accounting report.

- Printer usage accounting:

enq command:
The collection of printer usage data is a cooperative effort between the
enq command and the queuing demon.
The enq command enqueues the user name, job number, and the name of the
file to be printed.
After the file is printed, the qdaemon command writes an ascii record to
a file, usually the
"/var/adm/qacct" file, containing the user name, user id, and the number
of pages printed.
You can sort these records and convert them to total accounting records.

66. Combining cards, Link Aggregation,EtherChannel in AIX:


Note 1:

EtherChannel and IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation are network port

aggregation technologies that allow
several Ethernet adapters to be aggregated together to form a single
pseudo Ethernet device.
For example, ent0 and ent1 can be aggregated into an EtherChannel
adapter called ent3; interface en3
would then be configured with an IP address. The system considers these
aggregated adapters as one adapter.
Therefore, IP is configured over them as over any Ethernet adapter. In
addition, all adapters
in the EtherChannel or Link Aggregation are given the same hardware
(MAC) address, so they are treated
by remote systems as if they were one adapter. Both EtherChannel and
IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation require
support in the switch so it is aware which switch ports should be
treated as one.

The main benefit of EtherChannel and IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation is

that they have the network bandwidth
of all of their adapters in a single network presence. If an adapter
fails, network traffic is automatically
sent on the next available adapter without disruption to existing user
connections. The adapter is automatically
returned to service on the EtherChannel or Link Aggregation when it

There are some differences between EtherChannel and IEEE 802.3ad Link
Aggregation. Consider the differences
given in Table 15 to determine which would be best for your situation.

Table 15.
Differences between EtherChannel and IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation.

EtherChannel IEEE 802.3ad

Requires switch configuration Little, if any,
configuration of switch required to form aggregation.
Some initial setup of the
switch may be required.
Supports different packet distribution modes Supports only standard
distribution mode

Beginning with AIX 5.2 with 5200-03, Dynamic Adapter Membership

functionality is available.
This functionality allows you to add or remove adapters from an
EtherChannel without having to disrupt
any user connections. For more details, see Dynamic Adapter Membership.

Supported Adapters
EtherChannel and IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation are supported on the
following Ethernet adapters:

10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter

Universal 4-Port 10/100 Ethernet Adapter
10/100 Mbps Ethernet PCI Adapter II
10/100/1000 Base-T Ethernet PCI Adapter
Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI Adapter
10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter
Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-X Adapter
2-port 10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet PCI-X Adapter
2-port Gigabit Ethernet-SX PCI-X Adapter
Gigabit Ethernet-SX Adapter
10 Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter

Only the basic EtherChannel functions (operating exclusively in standard

or round-robin mode without a backup)
are supported in the following Ethernet adapters:

PCI Ethernet BNC/RJ-45 Adapter

PCI Ethernet AUI/RJ-45 Adapter
For additional release information about new adapters, see the AIX
Release Notes that correspond to your
level of AIXr.

Mixing adapters of different speeds in the same EtherChannel, even if
one of them is operating
as the backup adapter, is not supported. This does not mean that such
configurations will not work.
The EtherChannel driver makes every reasonable attempt to work even in a
mixed-speed scenario.
For information on configuring and using EtherChannel, see EtherChannel.
For more information on configuring
and using IEEE 802.3ad link aggregation, see IEEE 802.3ad Link
Aggregation. For information on the different
AIX and switch configuration combinations and the results they produce,
see Interoperability Scenarios.

The adapters that belong to an EtherChannel must be connected to the
same EtherChannel-enabled switch.
You must manually configure this switch to treat the ports that belong
to the EtherChannel
as an aggregated link. Your switch documentation might refer to this
capability as link aggregation
or trunking.

Traffic is distributed across the adapters in either the standard way

(where the adapter over which
the packets are sent is chosen depending on an algorithm) or on a round-
robin basis (where packets
are sent evenly across all adapters). Incoming traffic is distributed in
accordance to the
switch configuration and is not controlled by the EtherChannel operation

In AIX, you can configure multiple EtherChannels per system, but it is

required that all the links
in one EtherChannel are attached to a single switch. Because the
EtherChannel cannot be spread across
two switches, the entire EtherChannel is lost if the switch is unplugged
or fails. To solve this problem,
a new backup option available in AIX 5.2 and later keeps the service
running when the main EtherChannel fails.
The backup and EtherChannel adapters should be attached to different
network switches, which must be
inter-connected for this setup to work properly. In the event that all
of the adapters in the EtherChannel fail,
the backup adapter will be used to send and receive all traffic. When
any link in the EtherChannel is restored,
the service is moved back to the EtherChannel.

For example, ent0 and ent1 could be configured as the main EtherChannel
adapters, and ent2 as the backup adapter,
creating an EtherChannel called ent3. Ideally, ent0 and ent1 would be
connected to the same
EtherChannel-enabled switch, and ent2 would be connected to a different
switch. In this example, all traffic
sent over en3 (the EtherChannel's interface) would be sent over ent0 or
ent1 by default (depending on the
EtherChannel's packet distribution scheme), whereas ent2 will be idle.
If at any time both ent0 and ent1 fail,
all traffic would be sent over the backup adapter, ent2. When either
ent0 or ent1 recover, they will once again
be used for all traffic.

Network Interface Backup, a mode of operation available for EtherChannel

in AIX 4.3.3 and AIX 5.1,
protects against a single point of Ethernet network failure. No special
hardware is required to use
Network Interface Backup, but the backup adapter should be connected a
separate switch for maximum reliability.
In Network Interface Backup mode, only one adapter at a time is actively
used for network traffic.
The EtherChannel tests the currently-active adapter and, optionally, the
network path to a user-specified node.
When a failure is detected, the next adapter will be used for all
traffic. Network Interface Backup provides
detection and failover with no disruption to user connections. Network
Interface Backup was originally
implemented as a mode in the EtherChannel SMIT menu. In AIX 5.2 and
later, the backup adapter provides
the equivalent function, so the mode was eliminated from the SMIT menu.
To configure network interface backup
in AIX 5.2 and later, see Configure Network Interface Backup.

Configuring EtherChannel:
Follow these steps to configure an EtherChannel.

You can have up to eight primary Ethernet adapters and only one backup
Ethernet adapter per EtherChannel.
You can configure multiple EtherChannels on a single system, but each
EtherChannel constitutes an additional
Ethernet interface. The no command option, ifsize, may need to be
increased to include not only the
Ethernet interfaces for each adapter, but also any EtherChannels that
are configured.
In AIX 5.2 and earlier, the default ifsize is eight. In AIX 5.2 and
later, the default size is 256.
You can use any supported Ethernet adapter in an EtherChannel (see
Supported Adapters). However, the Ethernet adapters
must be connected to a switch that supports EtherChannel. See the
documentation that came with your switch
to determine if it supports EtherChannel (your switch documentation may
refer to this capability also as
link aggregation or trunking).
All adapters in the EtherChannel should be configured for the same speed
(100 Mbps, for example) and should be
full duplex.
The adapters used in the EtherChannel cannot be accessed by the system
after the EtherChannel is configured.
To modify any of their attributes, such as media speed, transmit or
receive queue sizes, and so forth,
you must do so before including them in the EtherChannel.
The adapters that you plan to use for your EtherChannel must not have an
IP address configured on them
before you start this procedure. When configuring an EtherChannel with
adapters that were previously configured
with an IP address, make sure that their interfaces are in the detach
state. The adapters to be added
to the EtherChannel cannot have interfaces configured in the up state in
the Object Data Manager (ODM),
which will happen if their IP addresses were configured using SMIT. This
may cause problems bringing up
the EtherChannel when the machine is rebooted because the underlying
interface is configured before the
EtherChannel with the information found in ODM. Therefore, when the
EtherChannel is configured, it finds
that one of its adapters is already being used. To change this, before
creating the EtherChannel,
type smit chinet, select each of the interfaces of the adapters to be
included in the EtherChannel,
and change its state value to "detach". This will ensure that when the
machine is rebooted the EtherChannel
can be configured without errors.
For more information about ODM, see Object Data Manager (ODM) in AIX 5L
Version 5.3
General Programming Concepts: Writing and Debugging Programs.

If you will be using 10/100 Ethernet adapters in the EtherChannel, you

may need to enable link polling
on those adapters before you add them to the EtherChannel. Type "smit
chgenet" at the command line.
Change the Enable Link Polling value to yes, and press Enter.

In AIX 5.2 with 5200-03 and later, enabling the link polling mechanism
is not necessary. The link poller
will be started automatically.
If you plan to use jumbo frames, you may need to enable this feature in
every adapter before creating
the EtherChannel and in the EtherChannel itself. Type smitty chgenet at
the command line.
Change the Enable Jumbo Frames value to yes and press Enter. Do this for
every adapter for which you want
to enable Jumbo Frames. You will enable jumbo frames in the EtherChannel
itself later.

In AIX 5.2 and later, enabling the jumbo frames in every underlying
adapter is not necessary once it is enabled
in the EtherChannel itself. The feature will be enabled automatically if
you set the Enable Jumbo Frames attribute to yes.

Configure an EtherChannel:
Type "smit etherchannel" at the command line.
Select Add an EtherChannel / Link Aggregation from the list and press
Select the primary Ethernet adapters that you want on your EtherChannel
and press Enter. If you are planning to use
EtherChannel backup, do not select the adapter that you plan to use for
the backup at this point.
The EtherChannel backup option is available in AIX 5.2 and later.

The Available Network Adapters displays all Ethernet adapters. If you
select an Ethernet adapter that is already
being used (has an interface defined), you will get an error message.
You first need to detach this interface
if you want to use it.

Enter the information in the fields according to the following


- EtherChannel / Link Aggregation Adapters: You should see all primary

adapters that you are using
in your EtherChannel. You selected these adapters in the previous step.

- Enable Alternate Address: This field is optional. Setting this to yes

will enable you to specify
a MAC address that you want the EtherChannel to use. If you set this
option to no, the EtherChannel
will use the MAC address of the first adapter.

- Alternate Address: If you set Enable Alternate Address to yes, specify

the MAC address that you want
to use here. The address you specify must start with 0x and be a 12-
digit hexadecimal address
(for example, 0x001122334455).

- Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo Frames: This field is optional. In order

to use this, your switch
must support jumbo frames. This will only work with a Standard Ethernet
(en) interface,
not an IEEE 802.3 (et) interface. Set this to yes if you want to enable

- Mode: You can choose from the following modes:

standard: In this mode the EtherChannel uses an algorithm to choose

which adapter it will send
the packets out on. The algorithm consists of taking a data value,
dividing it by the number of adapters
in the EtherChannel, and using the remainder (using the modulus
operator) to identify the outgoing link.
The Hash Mode value determines which data value is fed into this
algorithm (see the Hash Mode attribute
for an explanation of the different hash modes). For example, if the
Hash Mode is standard, it will use
the packet's destination IP address. If this is and there
are 2 adapters in the EtherChannel,
(1 / 2) = 0 with remainder 1, so the second adapter is used (the
adapters are numbered starting from 0).
The adapters are numbered in the order they are listed in the SMIT menu.
This is the default operation mode.

round_robin: In this mode the EtherChannel will rotate through the

adapters, giving each adapter one packet
before repeating. The packets may be sent out in a slightly different
order than they were given to the
EtherChannel, but it will make the best use of its bandwidth. It is an
invalid combination to select
this mode with a Hash Mode other than default. If you choose the round-
robin mode, leave the Hash Mode
value as default.

netif_backup: This option is available only in AIX 5.1 and AIX 4.3.3. In
this mode, the EtherChannel
will activate only one adapter at a time. The intention is that the
adapters are plugged into different
Ethernet switches, each of which is capable of getting to any other
machine on the subnet or network.
When a problem is detected either with the direct connection (or
optionally through the inability
to ping a machine), the EtherChannel will deactivate the current adapter
and activate a backup adapter.
This mode is the only one that makes use of the Internet Address to
Ping, Number of Retries, and
Retry Timeout fields.
Network Interface Backup Mode does not exist as an explicit mode in AIX
5.2 and later.
To enable Network Interface Backup Mode in AIX 5.2 and later, you must
configure one adapter in the
main EtherChannel and a backup adapter. For more information, see
Configure Network Interface Backup.

8023ad: This options enables the use of the IEEE 802.3ad Link
Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)
for automatic link aggregation. For more details about this feature, see
IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation.
Hash Mode: You can choose from the following hash modes, which will
determine which data value will be used
by the algorithm to determine the outgoing adapter:

default: In this hash mode the destination IP address of the packet will
be used to determine the outgoing adapter.
For non-IP traffic (such as ARP), the last byte of the destination MAC
address is used to do the calculation.
This mode will guarantee packets are sent out over the EtherChannel in
the order they were received, but it may
not make full use of the bandwidth.
src_port: In this hash mode the source UDP or TCP port value of the
packet will be used to determine the
outgoing adapter. If the packet is not UDP or TCP traffic, the last byte
of the destination IP address will be used.
If the packet is not IP traffic, the last byte of the destination MAC
address will be used.
dst_port: In this hash mode the destination UDP or TCP port value of the
packet will be used to determine
the outgoing adapter. If the packet is not UDP or TCP traffic, the last
byte of the destination IP will be used.
If the packet is not IP traffic, the last byte of the destination MAC
address will be used.
src_dst_port: In this hash mode both the source and destination UDP or
TCP port values of the packet will be used
to determine the outgoing adapter (specifically, the source and
destination ports are added and then divided
by two before being fed into the algorithm). If the packet is not UDP or
TCP traffic, the last byte of the
destination IP will be used. If the packet is not IP traffic, the last
byte of the destination MAC address
will be used. This mode can give good packet distribution in most
situations, both for clients and servers.


It is an invalid combination to select a Hash Mode other than default

with a Mode of round_robin.
To learn more about packet distribution and load balancing, see Load-
balancing options.

Backup Adapter: This field is optional. Enter the adapter that you want
to use as your EtherChannel backup.
EtherChannel backup is available in AIX 5.2 and later.

Internet Address to Ping: This field is optional and only takes effect
if you are running Network Interface
Backup mode or if you have only one adapter in the EtherChannel and a
backup adapter. The EtherChannel will
ping the IP address or host name that you specify here. If the
EtherChannel is unable to ping this address
for the Number of Retries times in Retry Timeout intervals, the
EtherChannel will switch adapters.

Number of Retries: Enter the number of ping response failures that are
allowed before the EtherChannel
switches adapters. The default is three. This field is optional and
valid only if you have set an
Internet Address to Ping.

Retry Timeout: Enter the number of seconds between the times when the
EtherChannel will ping the Internet Address
to Ping. The default is one second. This field is optional and valid
only if you have set an Internet Address to Ping.

Press Enter after changing the desired fields to create the


Configure IP over the newly-created EtherChannel device by typing smit

chinet at the command line.
Select your new EtherChannel interface from the list.
Fill in all the required fields and press Enter.

Configure Network Interface Backup

Network Interface Backup protects against a single point of network
failure by providing failure detection
and failover with no disruption to user connections. When operating in
this mode, only one adapter is active
at any given time. If the active adapter fails, another adapter in the
EtherChannel will be used for all traffic.
When operating in Network Interface Backup mode, it is not necessary to
connect to EtherChannel-enabled switches.

The Network Interface Backup setup is most effective when the adapters
are connected to different network switches,
as this provides greater redundancy than connecting all adapters to one
switch. When connecting to different switches,
make sure there is a connection between the switches. This provides
failover capabilities from one adapter
to another by ensuring that there is always a route to the currently-
active adapter.

In releases prior to AIX 5.2, Network Interface Backup mode was

implemented as an explicit mode of operation
in the EtherChannel SMIT menu. In AIX 5.2 and later, however, the backup
adapter functionality provides
the equivalent behavior, so the mode was eliminated from the SMIT menu.

Additionally, AIX 5.2 and later versions provide priority, meaning that
the adapter configured in the primary
EtherChannel will be used preferentially over the backup adapter. As
long as the primary adapter is functional,
it will be used. This contrasts from the behavior of Network Interface
Backup mode in releases prior to AIX 5.2,
where the backup adapter was used until it also failed, regardless of
whether the primary adapter had
already recovered.

For example, ent0 could be configured as the main adapter, and ent2 as
the backup adapter, creating an
EtherChannel called ent3. Ideally, ent0 and ent2 would be connected to
two different switches. In this example,
all traffic sent over en3 (the EtherChannel's interface) would be sent
over ent0 by default, whereas ent2
will be idle. If at any time ent0 fails, all traffic would be sent over
the backup adapter, ent2.
When ent0 recovers, it will once again be used for all traffic.

While operating in Network Interface Backup Mode, it is also possible to

configure the EtherChannel to detect
link failure and network unreachability. To do this, specify the IP
address or host name of a remote host
where connectivity should always be present. The EtherChannel will
periodically ping this host to determine
whether there is still a network path to it. If a specified number of
ping attempts go unanswered, the EtherChannel
will fail over to the other adapter in the hope that there is a network
path to the remote host through the
other adapter. In this setup, not only should every adapter be connected
to a different switch, but each switch
should also have a different route to the host that is pinged.

This ping feature is only available in Network Interface Backup mode.

However, in AIX 5.2 and later, if there is
a failover due to unanswered pings on the primary adapter, the backup
adapter will remain the active channel as long
as it is working. There is no way of knowing, while operating on the
backup adapter, whether it is possible to reach
the host being pinged from the primary adapter. To avoid failing over
back and forth between the primary and
the backup, it will simply keep operating on the backup (unless the
pings go unanswered on the backup adapter
as well, or if the backup adapter itself fails, in which case it would
fail over to the primary adapter).
However, if the failover occurred because the primary adapter failed
(not because the pings went unanswered),
the EtherChannel will then come back to the primary adapter as soon it
has come back up, as usual.

To configure Network Interface Backup in AIX 5.2, see Configure Network

Interface Backup in AIX 5.2 and later.
To configure Network Interface Backup in previous versions of AIX, see
Appendix D. Configure Network Interface Backup
in previous AIX versions

Configure Network Interface Backup in AIX 5.2 and later

With root authority, type smit etherchannel on the command line.
Select Add an EtherChannel / Link Aggregation from the list and press
Select the primary Ethernet adapter and press Enter. This is the adapter
that will be used until it fails.
The Available Network Adapters displays all Ethernet adapters. If you
select an Ethernet adapter that is already being used, you will get an
error message and will need to detach this interface before you can use
it. See the ifconfig command for information on how to detach an
Enter the information in the fields according to the following
EtherChannel / Link Aggregation Adapters: You should see the primary
adapter you selected in the previous step.
Enable Alternate Address: This field is optional. Setting this to yes
will enable you to specify a MAC address that you want the EtherChannel
to use. If you set this option to no, the EtherChannel will use the MAC
address of the primary adapter.
Alternate Address: If you set Enable Alternate Address to yes, specify
the MAC address that you want to use here. The address you specify must
start with 0x and be a 12-digit hexadecimal address (for example
Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo Frames: This field is optional. In order
to use this, your switch must support jumbo frames. This will only work
with a Standard Ethernet (en) interface, not an IEEE 802.3 (et)
interface. Set this to yes if you want to use it.
Mode: It is irrelevant which mode of operation you select because there
is only one adapter in the main EtherChannel. All packets will be sent
over that adapter until it fails. There is no netif_backup mode because
that mode can be emulated using a backup adapter.
Hash Mode: It is irrelevant which hash mode you select because there is
only one adapter in the main EtherChannel. All packets will be sent over
that adapter until it fails.
Backup Adapter: Enter the adapter that you want to be your backup
adapter. After a failover, this adapter will be used until the primary
adapter recovers. It is recommended to use the preferred adapter as the
primary adapter.
Internet Address to Ping: The field is optional. The EtherChannel will
ping the IP address or host name that you specify here. If the
EtherChannel is unable to ping this address for Number of Retries times
in Retry Timeout intervals, the EtherChannel will switch adapters.
Number of Retries: Enter the number of ping response failures that are
allowed before the EtherChannel switches adapters. The default is three.
This field is optional and valid only if you have set an Internet
Address to Ping.
Retry Timeout: Enter the number of seconds between the times when the
EtherChannel will ping the Internet Address to Ping. The default is one
second. This field is optional and valid only if you have set an
Internet Address to Ping.
Press Enter after changing the desired fields to create the
Configure IP over the newly-created interface by typing smit chinet at
the command line.
Select your new EtherChannel interface from the list.
Fill in all the required fields and press Enter.
For additional tasks that can be performed after the EtherChannel is
configured, see Managing EtherChannel and IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation.

Load-balancing options
There are two load balancing methods for outgoing traffic in
EtherChannel, as follows: round-robin, which spreads the outgoing
traffic evenly across all the adapters in the EtherChannel; and
standard, which selects the adapter using an algorithm. The Hash Mode
parameter determines which numerical value is fed to the algorithm.

The following table summarizes the valid load balancing option

combinations offered.
Table 16. Mode and Hash Mode combinations and the outgoing traffic
distributions each will produce. Mode Hash Mode Outgoing Traffic
standard or 8023ad default The traditional AIX behavior. The adapter
selection algorithm uses the last byte of the destination IP address
(for TCP/IP traffic) or MAC address (for ARP and other non-IP traffic).
This mode is typically a good initial choice for a server with a large
number of clients.
standard or 8023ad src_dst_port The outgoing adapter path is selected by
an algorithm using the combined source and destination TCP or UDP port
values. Since each connection has a unique TCP or UDP port, the three
port-based hash modes provide additional adapter distribution
flexibility when there are several, separate TCP or UDP connections
between an IP address pair.
standard or 8023ad src_port The adapter selection algorithm uses the
source TCP or UDP port value. In the netstat -an command output, the
port is the TCP/IP address suffix value in the Local column.
standard or 8023ad dst_port The outgoing adapter path is selected by the
algorithm using the destination system port value. In the netstat -an
command output, the TCP/IP address suffix in the Foreign column is the
TCP or UDP destination port value.
round-robin default Outgoing traffic is spread evenly across all the
adapter ports in the EtherChannel. This mode is the typical choice for
two hosts connected back-to-back (without an intervening switch).

All outgoing traffic is spread evenly across all of the adapters in the
EtherChannel. It provides the highest bandwidth optimization for the AIX
server system. While round-robin distribution is the ideal way to
utilize all the links equally, consider that it also introduces the
potential for out-of-order packets at the receiving system.

In general, round-robin mode is ideal for back-to-back connections

running jumbo frames. In this environment, there is no intervening
switch, so there is no chance that processing at the switch could alter
the packet delivery time, order, or adapter path. On this direct cable
network path, packets are received exactly as sent. Jumbo frames (9000
byte MTU) always yield better file transfer performance than traditional
1500 byte MTUs. In this case, however, they add another benefit. These
larger packets take longer to send so it is less likely that the
receiving host would be continuously interrupted with out-of-order

Round-robin mode can be implemented in other environments but at

increased risk of out-of-order packets at the receiving system. This
risk is particularly high when there are few, long-lived, streaming TCP
connections. When there are many such connections between a host pair,
packets from different connections could be intermingled, thereby
decreasing the chance of packets for the same connection arriving out-
of-order. Check for out-of-order packet statistics in the tcp section of
the netstat -s command output. A steadily-increasing value indicates a
potential problem in traffic sent from an EtherChannel.

If out-of-order packets are a problem on a system that must use

traditional Ethernet MTUs and must connected through a switch, try the
various hash modes offered in standard mode operation. Each mode has a
particular strength, but the default and src_dst_port modes are the
logical starting points as they are more widely applicable.

Standard or 8032ad
Standard algorithm. The standard algorithm is used for both standard and
IEEE 802.3ad-style link aggregations. AIX divides the last byte of the
"numerical value" by the number of adapters in the EtherChannel and uses
the remainder to identify the outgoing link. If the remainder is zero,
the first adapter in the EtherChannel is selected; a remainder of one
means the second adapter is selected, and so on (the adapters are
selected in the order they are listed in the adapter_names attribute).

The Hash Mode selection determines the numerical value used in the
calculation. By default, the last byte of the destination IP address or
MAC address is used in the calculation, but the source and destination
TCP or UDP port values may also be used. These alternatives allow you to
fine-tune the distribution of outgoing traffic across the real adapters
in the EtherChannel.

In default hash mode, the adapter selection algorithm is applied to the

last byte of the destination IP address for IP traffic. For ARP and
other non-IP traffic, the same formula is applied on the last byte of
the destination MAC address. Unless there is an adapter failure which
causes a failover, all traffic between a host pair in default standard
mode goes out over the same adapter. The default hash mode may be ideal
when the local host establishes connections to many different IP

If the local host establishes lengthy connections to few IP addresses,

however, you will notice that some adapters carry a greater load than
others, because all the traffic sent to a specific destination is sent
over the same adapter. While this prevents packets from arriving out-of-
order, it may not utilize bandwidth in the most effective fashion in all
cases. The port-based hash modes still send packets in order, but they
allow packets belonging to different UDP or TCP connections, even if
they are sent to the same destination, to be sent over different
adapters, thus utilizing better the bandwidth of all the adapters.

In src_dst_port hash mode, the TCP or UDP source and destination port
values of the outgoing packet are added, then divided by two. The
resultant whole number (no decimals) is plugged into the standard
algorithm. TCP or UDP traffic is sent on the adapter selected by the
standard algorithm and selected hash mode value. Non-TCP or UDP traffic
will fall back to the default hash mode, meaning the last byte of either
the destination IP address or MAC address. The src_dst_port hash mode
option considers both the source and the destination TCP or UDP port
values. In this mode, all of the packets in one TCP or UDP connection
are sent over a single adapter so they are guaranteed to arrive in
order, but the traffic is still spread out because connections (even to
the same host) may be sent over different adapters. The results of this
hash mode are not skewed by the connection establishment direction
because it uses both the source and destination TCP or UDP port values.

In src_port hash mode, the source TCP or UDP port value of the outgoing
packet is used. In dst_port hash mode, the destination TCP or UDP port
value of the outgoing packet is used. Use the src_port or dst_port hash
mode options if port values change from one connection to another and if
the src_dst_port option is not yielding a desirable distribution.

Managing EtherChannel and IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation

This section will tell you how to perform the following tasks:

Listing EtherChannels or Link Aggregations

Changing the Alternate Address
Adding, removing, or changing adapters in an EtherChannel or Link
Remove an EtherChannel or Link Aggregation
Configure or remove a backup adapter on an existing EtherChannel or Link
Listing EtherChannels or Link Aggregations
On the command line, type smit etherchannel.
Select List All EtherChannels / Link Aggregations and press Enter.
Changing the Alternate Address
This enables you to specify a MAC address for your EtherChannel or Link

On AIX 5.2 with 5200-01 and earlier, type ifconfig interface detach,
where interface is your EtherChannel's or Link Aggregation's interface.
(On AIX 5.2 with 5200-03 and later, you can change the alternate address
of the EtherChannel without detaching its interface).
On the command line, type smit etherchannel.
Select Change / Show Characteristics of an EtherChannel and press Enter.
If you have multiple EtherChannels, select the EtherChannel for which
you want to create an alternate address.
Change the value in Enable Alternate EtherChannel Address to yes.
Enter the alternate address in the Alternate EtherChannel Address field.
The address must start with 0x and be a 12-digit hexadecimal address
(for example, 0x001122334455).
Press Enter to complete the process.
Changing the EtherChannel's MAC address at runtime may cause a temporary
loss of connectivity. This is because the adapters need to be reset so
they learn of their new hardware address, and some adapters take a few
seconds to be initialized.
Dynamic Adapter Membership
Prior to AIX 5.2 with 5200-03, in order to add or remove an adapter from
an EtherChannel, its interface first had to be detached, temporarily
interrupting all user traffic. To overcome this limitation, Dynamic
Adapter Membership (DAM) was added in AIX 5.2 with 5200-03. It allows
adapters to be added or removed from an EtherChannel without having to
disrupt any user connections. A backup adapter can also be added or
removed; an EtherChannel can be initially created without a backup
adapter, and one can be added a later date if the need arises

Not only can adapters be added or removed without disrupting user

connections, it is also possible to modify most of the EtherChannel
attributes at runtime. For example, you may begin using the "ping"
feature of Network Interface Backup while the EtherChannel is in use, or
change the remote host being pinged at any point.

You may also turn a regular EtherChannel into an IEEE 802.3ad Link
Aggregation (or vice versa), allowing users to experiment with this
feature without having to remove and recreate the EtherChannel.
Furthermore, with DAM, you may choose to create a one-adapter
EtherChannel. A one-adapter EtherChannel behaves exactly like a regular
adapter; however, should this adapter ever fail, it would be possible to
replace it at runtime without ever losing connectivity. To accomplish
this, you would add a temporary adapter to the EtherChannel, remove the
defective adapter from the EtherChannel, replace the defective adapter
with a working one using Hot Plug, add the new adapter to the
EtherChannel, and then remove the temporary adapter. During this process
you would never notice a loss in connectivity. If the adapter had been
working as a standalone adapter, however, it would have had to be
detached before being removed using Hot Plug, and during that time any
traffic going over it would simply have been lost.

Adding, removing, or changing adapters in an EtherChannel or Link

There are two ways to add, remove, or change an adapter in an
EtherChannel or Link Aggregation. One method requires the EtherChannel
or Link Aggregation interface to be detached, while the other does not
(using Dynamic Adapter Membership, which is available in AIX 5.2 with
5200-03 and later).

Making changes to an EtherChannel using Dynamic Adapter Membership

Making changes using Dynamic Adapter Membership does not require you to
stop all traffic going over the EtherChannel by detaching its interface.
Consider the following before proceeding:

When adding an adapter at runtime, note that different Ethernet adapters
support different capabilities (for example, the ability to do checksum
offload, to use private segments, to do large sends, and so forth). If
different types of adapters are used in the same EtherChannel, the
capabilities reported to the interface layer are those supported by all
the adapters (for example, if all but one adapter supports the use of
private segments, the EtherChannel will state it does not support
private segments; if all adapters do support large send, the channel
will state it supports large send). When adding an adapter to an
EtherChannel at runtime, be sure that it supports at least the same
capabilities as the other adapters already in the EtherChannel. If you
attempt to add an adapter that does not support all the capabilities the
EtherChannel supports, the addition will fail. Note, however, that if
the EtherChannel's interface is detached, you may add any adapter
(regardless of which capabilities it supports), and when the interface
is reactivated the EtherChannel will recalculate which capabilities it
supports based on the new list of adapters.
If you are not using an alternate address and you plan to delete the
adapter whose MAC address was used for the EtherChannel (the MAC address
used for the EtherChannel is "owned" by one of the adapters), the
EtherChannel will use the MAC address of the next adapter available (in
other words, the one that becomes the first adapter after the deletion,
or the backup adapter in case all main adapters are deleted). For
example, if an EtherChannel has main adapters ent0 and ent1 and backup
adapter ent2, it will use by default ent0's MAC address (it is then said
that ent0 "owns" the MAC address). If ent0 is deleted, the EtherChannel
will then use ent1's MAC address. If ent1 is then deleted, the
EtherChannel will use ent2's MAC address. If ent0 were later re-added to
the EtherChannel, it will continue to use ent2's MAC address because
ent2 is now the owner of the MAC address. If ent2 were then deleted from
the EtherChannel, it would start using ent0's MAC address again.
Deleting the adapter whose MAC address was used for the EtherChannel may
cause a temporary loss of connectivity, because all the adapters in the
EtherChannel need to be reset so they learn of their new hardware
address. Some adapters take a few seconds to be initialized.

If your EtherChannel is using an alternate address (a MAC address you

specified), it will keep using this MAC address regardless of which
adapters are added or deleted. Furthermore, it means that there will be
no temporary loss of connectivity when adding or deleting adapters
because none of the adapters "owns" the EtherChannel's MAC address.

Almost all EtherChannel attributes can now be modified at runtime. The

only exception is Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo Frames. To modify the
Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo Frames attribute, you must first detach
the EtherChannel's interface before attempting to modify this value.
For any attribute that cannot be changed at runtime (currently, only
Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo Frames), there is a field called Apply
change to DATABASE only. If this attribute is set to yes, it is possible
to change, at runtime, the value of an attribute that usually cannot be
modified at runtime. With the Apply change to DATABASE only field set to
yes the attribute will only be changed in the ODM and will not be
reflected in the running EtherChannel until it is reloaded into memory
(by detaching its interface, using rmdev -l EtherChannel_device and then
mkdev -l EtherChannel_device commands), or until the machine is
rebooted. This is a convenient way of making sure that the attribute is
modified the next time the machine boots, without having to disrupt the
running EtherChannel.
To make changes to the EtherChannel or Link Aggregation using Dynamic
Adapter Membership, follow these steps:

At the command line, type smit etherchannel.

Select Change / Show Characteristics of an EtherChannel / Link
Select the EtherChannel or Link Aggregation that you want to modify.
Fill in the required fields according to the following guidelines:
In the Add adapter or Remove adapter field, select the Ethernet adapter
you want to add or remove.
In the Add backup adapter or Remove backup adapter fields, select the
Ethernet adapter you want to start or stop using as a backup.
Almost all the EtherChannel attributes may be modified at runtime,
although the Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo Frames attribute cannot.
To turn a regular EtherChannel into an IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation,
change the Mode attribute to 8023ad. To turn an IEEE 802.3ad Link
Aggregation into an EtherChannel, change the Mode attribute to standard
or round_robin.
Fill in the necessary data, and press Enter.
Making changes on AIX 5.2 with 5200-01 and earlier
Follow these steps to detach the interface before making changes:

Type ifconfig interface detach, where interface is your EtherChannel's

On the command line type, smit etherchannel.
Select Change / Show Characteristics of an EtherChannel / Link
Aggregation and press Enter.
Select the EtherChannel or Link Aggregation that you want to modify.
Modify the attributes you want to change in your EtherChannel or Link
Aggregation and press Enter.
Fill in the necessary fields and press Enter.
Remove an EtherChannel or Link Aggregation
Type ifconfig interface detach, where interface is your EtherChannel's
On the command line type smit etherchannel.
Select Remove an EtherChannel / and press Enter.
Select the EtherChannel that you want to remove and press Enter.
Configure or remove a backup adapter on an existing EtherChannel or Link
The following procedure configures or removes a backup adapter on an
EtherChannel or Link Aggregation. This option is available only in AIX
5.2 and later.

Type ifconfig interface detach, where interface is your EtherChannel's

or Link Aggregation's interface.
On the command line, type smit etherchannel.
Select Change / Show Characteristics of an EtherChannel / Link
Select the EtherChannel or Link Aggregation that you are adding or
modifying the backup adapter on.
Enter the adapter that you want to use as your backup adapter in the
Backup Adapter field, or select NONE if you wish to stop using the
backup adapter.
Troubleshooting EtherChannel
If you are having trouble with your EtherChannel, consider the

Tracing EtherChannel
Use tcpdump and iptrace to troubleshoot the EtherChannel. The trace hook
id for the transmission packets is 2FA and for other events is 2FB. You
cannot trace receive packets on the EtherChannel as a whole, but you can
trace each adapter's receive trace hooks.

Viewing EtherChannel Statistics

Use the entstat command to get the aggregate statistics of all the
adapters in the EtherChannel. For example, entstat ent3 will display the
aggregate statistics of ent3. Adding the -d flag will also display the
statistics of each adapter individually. For example, typing entstat -d
ent3 will show you the aggregate statistics of the EtherChannel as well
as the statistics of each individual adapter in the EtherChannel.

In the General Statistics section, the number shown in Adapter Reset
Count is the number of failovers. In EtherChannel backup, coming back to
the main EtherChannel from the backup adapter is not counted as a
failover. Only failing over from the main channel to the backup is
In the Number of Adapters field, the backup adapter is counted in the
number displayed.

Improving Slow Failover

If the failover time when you are using network interface backup mode or
EtherChannel backup is slow, verify that your switch is not running the
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP). When the switch detects a change in its
mapping of switch port to MAC address, it runs the spanning tree
algorithm to see if there are any loops in the network. Network
Interface Backup and EtherChannel backup may cause a change in the port
to MAC address mapping.

Switch ports have a forwarding delay counter that determines how soon
after initialization each port should begin forwarding or sending
packets. For this reason, when the main channel is re-enabled, there is
a delay before the connection is re-established, whereas the failover to
the backup adapter is faster. Check the forwarding delay counter on your
switch and make it as small as possible so that coming back to the main
channel occurs as fast as possible.

For the EtherChannel backup function to work correctly, the forwarding

delay counter must not be more than 10 seconds, or coming back to the
main EtherChannel might not work correctly. Setting the forwarding delay
counter to the lowest value allowed by the switch is recommended.

Adapters not Failing Over

If adapter failures are not triggering failovers and you are running AIX
5.2 with 5200-01 or earlier, check to see if your adapter card needs to
have link polling enabled to detect link failure. Some adapters cannot
automatically detect their link status. To detect this condition, these
adapters must enable a link polling mechanism that starts a timer that
periodically verifies the status of the link. Link polling is disabled
by default. For EtherChannel to work correctly with these adapters,
however, the link polling mechanism must be enabled on each adapter
before the EtherChannel is created. If you are running AIX 5.2 with
5200-03 and later, the link polling is started automatically and this
cannot be an issue.

Adapters that have a link polling mechanism have an ODM attribute called
poll_link, which must be set to yes for the link polling to be enabled.
Before creating the EtherChannel, use the following command on every
adapter to be included in the channel:

smit chgenet
Change the Enable Link Polling value to yes and press Enter.

Using Jumbo Frames

For the jumbo frames option to work properly in AIX 5.2 and earlier,
aside from enabling the use_jumbo_frame attribute on the EtherChannel,
you must also enable jumbo frames on each adapter before creating the
EtherChannel using the following command:

smitty chgenet
Change the Enable Jumbo Frames value to yes and press Enter. On AIX 5.2
and later, jumbo frames are enabled automatically in every underlying
adapter when it is set to yes.

Remote Dump
Remote dump is not supported over an EtherChannel.

IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation

IEEE 802.3ad is a standard way of doing link aggregation. Conceptually,
it works the same as EtherChannel in that several Ethernet adapters are
aggregated into a single virtual adapter, providing greater bandwidth
and protection against failures. For example, ent0 and ent1 can be
aggregated into an IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation called ent3; interface
en3 would then be configured with an IP address. The system considers
these aggregated adapters as one adapter. Therefore, IP is configured
over them as over any Ethernet adapter.

Like EtherChannel, IEEE 802.3ad requires support in the switch. Unlike

EtherChannel, however, the switch does not need to be configured
manually to know which ports belong to the same aggregation.

The advantages of using IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation instead of

EtherChannel are that it creates the link aggregations in the switch
automatically, and that it allows you to use switches that support the
IEEE 802.3ad standard but do not support EtherChannel.

In IEEE 802.3ad, the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)

automatically tells the switch which ports should be aggregated. When an
IEEE 802.3ad aggregation is configured, Link Aggregation Control
Protocol Data Units (LACPDUs) are exchanged between the server machine
and the switch. LACP will let the switch know that the adapters
configured in the aggregation should be considered as one on the switch
without further user intervention.

Although the IEEE 802.3ad specification does not allow the user to
choose which adapters are aggregated, the AIX implementation does allow
the user to select the adapters. According to the specification, the
LACP determines, completely on its own, which adapters should be
aggregated together (by making link aggregations of all adapters with
similar link speeds and duplexity settings). This prevents you from
deciding which adapters should be used standalone and which ones should
be aggregated together. The AIX implementation gives you control over
how the adapters are used, and it never creates link aggregations

To be able to aggregate adapters (meaning that the switch will allow

them to belong to the same aggregation) they must be of the same line
speed (for example, all 100 Mbps, or all 1 Gbps) and they must all be
full duplex. If you attempt to place adapters of different line speeds
or different duplex modes, the creation of the aggregation on the AIX
system will succeed, but the switch may not aggregate the adapters
together. If the switch does not successfully aggregate the adapters
together, you may notice a decrease in network performance. For
information on how to determine whether an aggregation on a switch has
succeeded, see Troubleshooting IEEE 802.3ad.

According to the IEEE 802.3ad specification, packets going to the same

IP address are all sent over the same adapter. Thus, when operating in
8023ad mode, the packets will always be distributed in the standard
fashion, never in a round-robin fashion.

The backup adapter feature is available for IEEE 802.3ad Link

Aggregations just as it is for EtherChannel. The backup adapter does not
need to be connected to an IEEE 802.3ad-enabled switch, but if it is,
the backup adapter will still follow the IEEE 802.3ad LACP.

You can also configure an IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation if the switch
supports EtherChannel but not IEEE 802.3ad. In that case, you would have
to manually configure the ports as an EtherChannel on the switch (just
as if a regular EtherChannel had been created). By setting the mode to
8023ad, the aggregation will work with EtherChannel-enabled as well as
IEEE 802.3ad-enabled switches. For more information about
interoperability, see Interoperability Scenarios.

The steps to enable the use of IEEE 802.3ad varies from switch to
switch. You should consult the documentation for your switch to
determine what initial steps, if any, must be performed to enable LACP
in the switch.
For information in how to configure an IEEE 802.3ad aggregation, see
Configuring IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation.

Consider the following before configuring an IEEE 802.3ad Link

Although not officially supported, the AIX implementation of IEEE

802.3ad will allow the Link Aggregation to contain adapters of different
line speeds; however, you should only aggregate adapters that are set to
the same line speed and are set to full duplex. This will help avoid
potential problems configuring the Link Aggregation on the switch. Refer
to your switch's documentation for more information on what types of
aggregations your switch allows.
If you will be using 10/100 Ethernet adapters in the Link Aggregation on
AIX 5.2 with 5200-01 and earlier, you need to enable link polling on
those adapters before you add them to the aggregation. Type smitty
chgenet at the command line. Change the Enable Link Polling value to
yes, and press Enter. Do this for every 10/100 Ethernet adapter that you
will be adding to your Link Aggregation.
In AIX 5.2 with 5200-03 and later, enabling the link polling mechanism
is not necessary. The link poller will be started automatically.

Configuring IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation

Follow these steps to configure an IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation:

Type smit etherchannel at the command line.

Select Add an EtherChannel / Link Aggregation from the list and press
Select the primary Ethernet adapters that you want on your Link
Aggregation and press Enter. If you are planning to use a backup
adapter, do not select the adapter that you plan to use for the backup
at this point. The backup adapter option is available in AIX 5.2 and
The Available Network Adapters displays all Ethernet adapters. If you
select an Ethernet adapter that is already being used (has an interface
defined), you will get an error message. You first need to detach these
interfaces if you want to use them.
Enter the information in the fields according to the following
EtherChannel / Link Aggregation Adapters: You should see all primary
adapters that you are using in your Link Aggregation. You selected these
adapters in the previous step.
Enable Alternate Address: This field is optional. Setting this to yes
will enable you to specify a MAC address that you want the Link
Aggregation to use. If you set this option to no, the Link Aggregation
will use the MAC address of the first adapter.
Alternate Address: If you set Enable Alternate Address to yes, specify
the MAC address that you want to use here. The address you specify must
start with 0x and be a 12-digit hexadecimal address (for example,
Enable Gigabit Ethernet Jumbo Frames: This field is optional. In order
to use this, your switch must support jumbo frames. This will only work
with a Standard Ethernet (en) interface, not an IEEE 802.3 (et)
interface. Set this to yes if you want to enable it.
Mode: Enter 8023ad.
Hash Mode: You can choose from the following hash modes, which will
determine which data value will be used by the algorithm to determine
the outgoing adapter:
default: In this hash mode the destination IP address of the packet will
be used to determine the outgoing adapter. For non-IP traffic (such as
ARP), the last byte of the destination MAC address is used to do the
calculation. This mode will guarantee packets are sent out over the
EtherChannel in the order they were received, but it may not make full
use of the bandwidth.
src_port: In this hash mode the source UDP or TCP port value of the
packet will be used to determine the outgoing adapter. If the packet is
not UDP or TCP traffic, the last byte of the destination IP address will
be used. If the packet is not IP traffic, the last byte of the
destination MAC address will be used.
dst_port: In this hash mode the destination UDP or TCP port value of the
packet will be used to determine the outgoing adapter. If the packet is
not UDP or TCP traffic, the last byte of the destination IP will be
used. If the packet is not IP traffic, the last byte of the destination
MAC address will be used.
src_dst_port: In this hash mode both the source and destination UDP or
TCP port values of the packet will be used to determine the outgoing
adapter (specifically, the source and destination ports are added and
then divided by two before being fed into the algorithm). If the packet
is not UDP or TCP traffic, the last byte of the destination IP will be
used. If the packet is not IP traffic, the last byte of the destination
MAC address will be used. This mode can give good packet distribution in
most situations, both for clients and servers.
To learn more about packet distribution and load balancing, see Load-
balancing options.
Backup Adapter: This field is optional. Enter the adapter that you want
to use as your backup. The backup adapter option is available in AIX 5.2
and later.
Internet Address to Ping: This field is optional, and only available if
you have only one adapter in the main aggregation and a backup adapter.
The Link Aggregation will ping the IP address or host name that you
specify here. If the Link Aggregation is unable to ping this address for
the Number of Retries times in Retry Timeout intervals, the Link
Aggregation will switch adapters.
Number of Retries: Enter the number of ping response failures that are
allowed before the Link Aggregation switches adapters. The default is
three. This field is optional and valid only if you have set an Internet
Address to Ping.
Retry Timeout: Enter the number of seconds between the times when the
Link Aggregation will ping the Internet Address to Ping. The default is
one second. This field is optional and valid only if you have set an
Internet Address to Ping.
Press Enter after changing the desired fields to create the Link
Configure IP over the newly-created Link Aggregation device by typing
smit chinet at the command line.
Select your new Link Aggregation interface from the list.
Fill in all the required fields and press Enter.
Managing IEEE 802.3ad
For management tasks that can be performed on an IEEE 802.3ad Link
Aggregation after configuration, see Managing EtherChannel and IEEE
802.3ad Link Aggregation.

Troubleshooting IEEE 802.3ad

If you are having trouble with your IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation, use
the following command to verify the mode of operation of the Link

entstat -d device
where device is the Link Aggregation device.

This will also make a best-effort determination of the status of the

progress of LACP based on the LACPDUs received from the switch. The
following status values are possible:

Inactive: LACP has not been initiated. This is the status when a Link
Aggregation has not yet been configured, either because it has not yet
been assigned an IP address or because its interface has been detached.
Negotiating: LACP is in progress, but the switch has not yet aggregated
the adapters. If the Link Aggregation remains on this status for longer
than one minute, verify that the switch is correctly configured. For
instance, you should verify that LACP is enabled on the ports.
Aggregated: LACP has succeeded and the switch has aggregated the
adapters together.
Failed: LACP has failed. Some possible causes are that the adapters in
the aggregation are set to different line speeds or duplex modes or that
they are plugged into different switches. Verify the adapters'
In addition, some switches allow only contiguous ports to be aggregated
and may have a limitation on the number of adapters that can be
aggregated. Consult the switch documentation to determine any
limitations that the switch may have, then verify the switch

The Link Aggregation status is a diagnostic value and does not affect
the AIX side of the configuration. This status value was derived using a
best-effort attempt. To debug any aggregation problems, it is best to
verify the switch's configuration.
Interoperability Scenarios
The following table shows several interoperability scenarios. Consider
these scenarios when configuring your EtherChannel or IEEE 802.3ad Link
Aggregation. Additional explanation of each scenario is given after the

Table 17. Different AIX and switch configuration combinations and the
results each combination will produce. EtherChannel mode Switch
configuration Result
8023ad IEEE 802.3ad LACP OK - AIX initiates LACPDUs, which triggers an
IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation on the switch.
standard or round_robin EtherChannel OK - Results in traditional
EtherChannel behavior.
8023ad EtherChannel OK - Results in traditional EtherChannel behavior.
AIX initiates LACPDUs, but the switch ignores them.
standard or round_robin IEEE 802.3ad LACP Undesirable - Switch cannot
aggregate. The result may be poor performance as the switch moves the
MAC address between switch ports

8023ad with IEEE 802.3ad LACP:

This is the most common IEEE 802.3ad configuration. The switch can be
set to passive or active LACP.

standard or round_robin with EtherChannel:

This is the most common EtherChannel configuration.

8023ad with EtherChannel:

In this case, AIX will send LACPDUs, but they will go unanswered because
the switch is operating as an EtherChannel. However, it will work
because the switch will still treat those ports as a single link.

In this case, the entstat -d command will always report the aggregation
is in the Negotiating state.
standard or round_robin with IEEE 802.3ad LACP:
This setup is invalid. If the switch is using LACP to create an
aggregation, the aggregation will
never happen because AIX will never reply to LACPDUs. For this to work
correctly, 8023ad should be
the mode set on AIX.

Note 5:

Internet Protocol over Fibre Channel

Beginning with AIX 5.2 with 5200-03, IP packets can be sent over a
physical fibre-channel connection.
After a system is configured to use IP over Fibre Channel, its network
activity will function just as
if an Ethernet or Token-Ring adapter were being used.

In order to use IP over Fibre Channel, your system must have a Fibre
Channel switch and either
the 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel Adapter for 64-bit PCI Bus or the 2 Gigabit
Fibre Channel PCI-X Adapter.

In addition, the following filesets must be installed:

Configuring IP over Fiber Channel

The following procedure will lead you through a configuration of IP over
Fibre Channel.
The Fibre Channel IP device driver must first be enabled. Following the
the cfgmgr command will be run to create the Fibre Channel interface.
After the interface is created,
the network attributes (such as its IP address, Network Mask,
Nameserver, and Gateway) will be assigned.

Enable the Fibre Channel IP Device Driver

By default, the Fibre Channel IP device is not enabled. To enable this
device, follow these steps:

From the command line, type smit dev.

Select FC Adapter.
Select FC Network Protocol Device.
Select Enable a FC Network Device.
Select the adapter that is going to be enabled.
Use the cfgmgr command to create the Fibre Channel interface.
See cfgmgr in AIX 5L Version 5.3 Commands Reference.

Assign network properties to Fibre Channel interface

After the adapter has been enabled, IP needs to be configured over it.
Follow these steps to configure IP:

From the command line, type smit tcpip.

Select Minimum Configuration & Startup.
Select the interface that you want to configure. In this case, it will
be fcx, where x is the
minor number of the interface.
Assign all required attributes.
After the IP attributes have been assigned, verify that the changes took
place by tying the
following command at the command line:

ifconfig -a
If your configuration was successful, you will see results similar to
the following among the results:

fc1: flags=e000843
inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
Additionally, you can run the following command:

ifconfig fcx
where x is the minor number of the interface.

67. More on Memory in AIX:


67.1 Show memory in AIX:

# bootinfo -r
# lsattr -El sys0 -a realmem
# ps -eo user,pid,pcpu,vsz,time,args (vsz gives size per process)

To look at your virtual memory and its causes, you can use a combination

# ipcs -bm (shared memory)

# lsps -a (paging)
# vmstat -v (shows all current values)
# vmo -a (virtual memory options)
# vmo -L (all tunable VMM options and values)
# svmon -G (basic memory allocations)
# svmon -U (virtual memory usage by user)

67.2 AIX Memory Tune-ables:


Through Environment variables: See section 9 below.


- vmtune command in AIX lower than AIX 5L, like AIX 4.1:

The vmtune command can be used to modify the VMM parameters that control
the behavior of the memory-management
subsystem. Some options are available to alter the defaults for LVM and
file systems; the options dealing
with disk I/O are discussed in the following sections.

To determine whether the vmtune command is installed and available, run

the following command:

# lslpp -lI bos.adt.samples

The executable program for the vmtune command is found in the

/usr/samples/kernel directory.
The vmtune command can only be executed by the root user. Changes made
by this tool remain in place until
the next reboot of the system. If a permanent change is needed, place an
appropriate entry in the /etc/inittab file.
For example:

vmtune:2:wait:/usr/samples/kernel/vmtune -P 50

Note: The vmtune command is in the samples directory because it is VMM-

implementation dependent.
The vmtune code that accompanies each release of the operating system is
tailored specifically to the VMM
in that release. Running the vmtune command from one release on a system
with a different VMM release might
result in an operating system failure. It is also possible that the
functions of the vmtune command may change
from release to release. Be sure to review the appropriate tuning
information before using the vmtune command
to change system parameters.

How to use the vmtune command? Use vmtune with a flag representing the
parameter you want to change,
for example "maxfree".

Purpose: The maximum size to which the VMM page-frame free list will
grow by page stealing.
Values: Default: configuration-dependent, Range: 16 to 204800 (4KB
Display: vmtune
Change: vmtune -F NewValue

- tuning commands in AIX 5L:


By default, AIX is tuned for a mixed workload, and will grow its VMM
file cache up to 80% of physical RAM.
While this may be great for an NFS server, SMTP relay or web server, it
is very poor for running any application
which does its own cache management. This includes most databases
(Oracle, DB2, Sybase, PostgreSQL,
MySQL using InnoDB tables, TSM) and some other software (eg. the Squid
web cache).

Common symptoms include high paging (high pgspin and pgspout in topas),
high system CPU time,
the lrud kernel thread using CPU, slow overall system throughput, slow
backups and slow process startup.

For most database systems, the ideal solution is to use raw logical
volumes. If this is not acceptable,
then direct I/O and concurrent I/O should be used. If for some reason
this is not possible, then the last solution
is to tune the AIX file caches to be less aggressive.

The three main parameters that should be tuned are those controlling the
size of the persistent file cache
(minperm% and maxperm%) used for JFS filesystems, and the client file
cache (maxclient%) used by
NFS, CDRFS and JFS2 filesystems

- numperm%
Defines the current size of the persistent file cache.
- minperm%
Defines the minimum amount of RAM the persistent file cache may
occupy. If numperm% is less than or equal
to minperm%, file pages will not be stolen when RAM is required.
- maxperm%
Defines the maximum amount of RAM the persistent file cache may occupy
before it is used as the sole source
of new pages by the page stealing algorithm. By default, numperm% may
exceed maxperm% if there is
free memory available. The setting strict_maxperm may be set to one to
change maxperm% into a hard limit,
guaranteeing numperm% will never exceed maxperm%.
- strict_maxperm
As above, if set to 1, changes maxperm% into a hard limit.
- numclient%
Defines the current size of the client file cache.
- maxclient%
Defines the hard maximum size of the client file cache.
- strict_maxclient
Introduced in 5.2 ML4, allows the changing of maxclient% into a soft
limit, similar to strict_maxperm.

Note that maxclient% may never exceed maxperm%. In later versions of

vmtune, this is enforced by changing both
parameters if necessary.

Note: AIX 5.2 includes a compatibilty version of vmtune. It is probably

most wise to become familiar with
the new tools, instead of relying on the backwards compatibility

The main tool to use is /usr/sbin/vmo, installed as part of the

bos.perf.tune fileset. To display current
cache sizes (numperm% and numclient%) use vmstat -v.

vmo can change both persistent (reboot) values as well as runtime

values, and so does not need to be
present in the startups. It stores the persistent values in the
/etc/tunables/nextboot file.

Current values and characteristics may be displayed using:

# vmo -L
memory_frames 512K 512K 4KB pages
pinnable_frames 427718 427718 4KB pages
maxfree 128 128 128 16 200K 4KB pages
Kernel tuning parameters:

AIX 5.2 introduces a new method that is more flexible and centralized
for setting most of the AIX kernel
tuning parameters. It is now possible to make permanent changes without
having to edit any rc files.
This is achieved by placing the reboot values for all tunable parameters
in a new stanza file,
/etc/tunables/nextboot. When the machine is rebooted, the values in that
file are automatically applied.
Another stanza file, /etc/tunables/lastboot is automatically generated
with all the values as they were set
just after the reboot. This provides the capability to return to those
values at any time. The log file for
any changes made or impossible to make during reboot is stored in
/etc/tunables/lastboot.log. There are sets
of SMIT panels and a WebSm plug-in also available to manipulate current
and reboot values for all tuning
parameters as well as the files in the /etc/tunables directory.

There are four new commands introduced in AIX 5.2 to modify the tunables
files. The tunsave command is used
to save values to a stanza file. The tunrestore command is used to apply
a file, for example, to change all
tunables parameter values to those listed in a file. The command
tuncheck must be used to validate a file
created manually and the tundefault command is available to reset
tunable parameters to their default values.
All four commands work on both current and reboot tunables parameters
values. See the respective man pages
for more information.

Modifications to vmtune and schedtune

Vmtune and schedtune are being replaced by the newly supported commands
called "vmo", "ioo", and "schedo".
Both vmo and ioo together replace vmtune, while schedo replaces
schedtune. All existing parameters are
covered by the new commands.

The ioo command will handle all the I/O related tuning parameters, while
the vmo command will handle
all the other VMM parameters previously managed by vmtune. All three
commands are part of the new fileset
"bos.perf.tune" which also contains tunsave, tunrestore, tuncheck, and
The bos.adt.samples fileset will still include the vmtune and schedtune
commands, which will simply
be compatibility shell scripts calling vmo, ioo, and schedo as
appropriate. The compatibility scripts
only support changes to parameters which can be changed interactively.
That is, parameters that need bosboot
and then require a reboot of the machine to be effective are no longer
supported by the vmtune script.
To change those parameters, users must now use vmo -r. The options (all
from vmtune) and parameters
in question are as follows:
vmtune option parameter name new command
-C 0|1 page coloring vmo -r -o pagecoloring=0|1

-g n1
-L n2 large page size
number of large pages to reserve vmo -r -o lpg_size=n1 -o lpg_regions=n2
-m n memory pools vmo -r -o mempools=n
-v n number of frames per memory pool vmo -r -o framesets=n
-i n interval for special data segment identifiers vmo -r -o
-V n number of special data segment identifiers to reserve vmo -r -o
-y 0|1 p690 memory affinity vmo -r -o memory_affinity=0|1

Enhancements to no and nfso

The no and nfso commands have been enhanced to support making permanent
changes to tunable parameters.
They now interact with the /etc/tunables/nextboot file to achieve this
new functionality.
They both also have a new -h flag which can be used to display help
about any parameter. The content of the
help includes the purpose of the parameter, the possible values
(default, range and type), and diagnostic
and tuning information to decide when to change the parameter value.
This information is also listed entirely
in the respective man pages. Note that all five tuning commands (ioo,
nfso, no, vmo, and schedo) use
the same common syntax. See the respective man pages for more details
and also the complete list of
tuning parameters supported.

-- The vmo command:


Manages Virtual Memory Manager tunable parameters.

vmo [ -p | -r ] { -o Tunable [= Newvalue]}

vmo [ -p | -r ] {-d Tunable }

vmo [ -p | -r ] -D

vmo [ -p | -r ] -a

vmo -?

vmo -h [ Tunable ]

vmo -L [ Tunable ]

vmo -x [ Tunable ]

Multiple -o, -d, -x and -L are allowed.
The vmo command can only be executed by root.
Use the vmo command to configure Virtual Memory Manager tuning
parameters. This command sets or displays
current or next boot values for all Virtual Memory Manager tuning
parameters. This command can also make
permanent changes or defer changes until the next reboot. Whether the
command sets or displays a parameter
is determined by the accompanying flag. The -o flag performs both
actions. It can either display the
value of a parameter or set a new value for a parameter.

The Virtual Memory Manager (VMM) maintains a list of free real-memory

page frames. These page frames are
available to hold virtual-memory pages needed to satisfy a page fault.
When the number of pages on the
free list falls below that specified by the minfree parameter, the VMM
begins to steal pages to add to
the free list. The VMM continues to steal pages until the free list has
at least the number of pages
specified by the maxfree parameter.

If the number of file pages (permanent pages) in memory is less than the
number specified by the
minperm% parameter, the VMM steals frames from either computational or
file pages, regardless
of repage rates. If the number of file pages is greater than the number
specified by the maxperm% parameter,
the VMM steals frames only from file pages. Between the two, the VMM
normally steals only file pages,
but if the repage rate for file pages is higher than the repage rate for
computational pages,
computational pages are stolen as well.

You can also modify the thresholds that are used to decide when the
system is running out of paging space.
The npswarn parameter specifies the number of paging-space pages
available at which the system begins
warning processes that paging space is low. The npskill parameter
specifies the number of paging-space
pages available at which the system begins killing processes to release
paging space.

maxfree and minfree:

The purpose of the free list is to keep track of real-memory page frames
released by terminating processes
and to supply page frames to requestors immediately, without forcing
them to wait for page steals
and the accompanying I/O to complete.

The minfree limit specifies the free-list size below which page stealing
to replenish the free list
is to be started. The maxfree parameter is the size above which stealing
ends. In the case of enabling
strict file cache limits, like the strict_maxperm or strict_maxclient
the minfree value is used to start page stealing.


1. Configure large pages:

You must configure your system to use large pages and you must also
specify the amount of physical memory
that you want to allocate to back large pages. The system default is to
not have any memory allocated
to the large page physical memory pool. You can use the vmo command to
configure the size of the large page
physical memory pool. The following example allocates 4 GB to the large
page physical memory pool:

# vmo -r -o lgpg_regions=64 -o lgpg_size=16777216

To use large pages for shared memory, you must enable the SHM_PIN
shmget() system call with the following command,
which persists across system reboots:

# vmo -p -o v_pinshm=1

To see how many large pages are in use on your system, use the vmstat -l
command as in the following example:

# vmstat -l

kthr memory page faults cpu


----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------

r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
alp flp
2 1 52238 124523 0 0 0 0 0 0 142 41 73 0 3 97 0
16 16

From the above example, you can see that there are 16 active large
pages, alp, and 16 free large pages, flp.

2. Tuning Examples:

Show Virtual Memory Tuning parameters:

vmo -L

Show min and max values controlling file I/O cache:

vmo -L minperm% -L maxperm% -L maxclient%

Permanently adjust these values:

vmo -p -o minperm%=5 -o maxperm%=20 -o maxclient%=20
Show Filesystem Tuning parameters:
ioo -L

Show Network Tuning parameters:

no -a

Show NFS Tuning paramters:

nfso -LChange/

Show Kernel operating parameters:

smitty chgsys

Enable Asynchronous I/O:

smitty aio

Another example:

Suppose we have an Oracle DB instance on an AIX 5.3 machine. What is the

best and simplest way
to tune the memory so its optimized for Oracle?

Take a look at the cache:

root@zd111l04:/root#vmo -L minperm% -L maxperm% -L maxclient%

maxclient% 80 80 80 1 100 % memory
maxperm% 80 80 80 1 100 % memory
minperm% 20 20 20 1 100 % memory

# vmo -p -o minperm%=5 # Was 20

# vmo -p -o maxclient%=10 # Was 80
# vmo -p -o maxperm%=10 # Was 80
67.3 Websphere and AIX Memory:

67.3.1 Errors you may find in Websphere logs

1. java.lang.OutOfMemory
2. javax.naming.NameNotFoundException
3. javax.servlet.ServletException
4. java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
8. java.util.MissingResourceException
9. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

The number that is associated with action determines the type of garbage
collection that is being done:
action=1 means a preemptive garbage collection cycle.
action=2 means a full allocation failure.
action=3 means that a heap expansion takes place.
action=4 means that all known soft references are cleared.
action=5 means that stealing from the transient heap is done.
action=6 means that free space is very low.

Note 1 on java.lang.OutOfMemory

The Java process has two memory areas: the Java heap, and the "native
which combine total the memory usage of the process.
The Java heap is controlled via the -Xms and -Xmx setting, and the space
available to the native heap is that which isn't used by the Java heap.

The act of reducing the maximum Java heap size has made the "native
bigger, and this is the area that was memory constrained.
We know this because the OutOfMemoryError was generated the message
you that the JVM was unable to allocate a new native stack, this is
allocated onto the native heap (there is also a Java thread object which
created and allocated onto the Java heap).

It is entirely possible that the amount of "native heap" available to

JVM was insufficient to allocate the underlying resources to run the
process under the load that was being driven through it. The native heap
now 500MB bigger, and unless there is a memory leak or the load is
significantly increased, this change should prevent any
based on the native heap.

Note 2 on java.lang.OutOfMemory


I'm experiment with Tomcat with simple "Hello World" servlet.

When I send 50 concurrent requests, I got java.lang.outOfMemory error.
Tomcat works fine upto 40 concurrent requests for the same servlet.
I'm using Tomcat 3.1M1 with Java 1.2 on Solaris 2.7.

We try to add -mx swith to the Java invocation in

(line 102)
$JAVACMD -mx96m "$@" &
And it still out of memory.

Any suggestion?


Hi Lishin

This could be to do with exceeding max file-descriptors - this gave us

error below (45 connections)

We are running tomcat on Solaris 2.6. Each new connection uses at least
socket connection, which is treated as a file-descriptor. There is a
default limit (user) of 64 file descriptors

To check this try:

ulimit -n

To increase this try

ulimit -n <num>

There will be a system limit - for Solaris this is default 1024:

system limit:

ulimit -Hn

I hope this helps - I had a very frustrating time solving this one!


Note 3 on java.lang.OutOfMemory

LDR_CNTRL Purpose: Allows tuning of the kernel loader.

Values: Default: Not set Possible Values: PREREAD_SHLIB, LOADPUBLIC,
Display: echo $LDR_CNTRL
LDR_CNTRLChange takes effect immediately in this shell.
Change is effective until logging out of this shell. Permanent change is
made by adding the following line to
the /etc/environment file: LDR_CNTRL={PREREAD_SHLIB | LOADPUBLIC| ...}
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: The LDR_CNTRL environment variable can be used to control one or
more aspects of the system loader behavior.
You can specify multiple options with the LDR_CNTRL variable. When doing
this, separate the options using
an @ character (that is, LDR_CNTRL=PREREAD_SHLIB@LOADPUBLIC). Specifying
the PREREAD_SHLIB option will cause
entire libraries to be read as soon as they are accessed. With VMM
readahead tuned, a library can be read in from disk
and be cached in memory by the time the program starts to access its
pages. While this method can use more memory,
it can enhance performance of programs that use many shared library
pages providing the access pattern
is non-sequential. (for example, Catia). Specifying the LOADPUBLIC
option directs the system loader to load
all modules requested by an application into the global shared library
segment. If a module cannot be loaded
publicly into the global shared library segment then it is loaded
privately for the application. Specifying
the IGNOREUNLOAD option will cause modules that are marked to be
unloaded and used again
(if the module has not been unloaded already). As a side effect of this
option, you can end up with
two different data instances for the module. Specifying the USERREGS
option will tell the system to save
all general-purpose user registers across system calls made by an
application. This can be helpful in
applications doing garbage collection. Specifying the MAXDATA option
sets the maximum heap size for a process,
including overriding any MAXDATA value specified in an executable. If
you want to use Large Program Support
with a data heap size of 0x30000000, then specify
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x30000000. To turn off Large Program Support,
specify LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0. Specifying the DSA (Dynamic Segment
Allocation) option tells the system loader
to run applications using Very Large Program Support. The DSA option is
only valid for 32-bit applications.
Specifying the PRIVSEG_LOADS option directs the system loader to put
dynamically loaded private modules into
the process private segment. This might improve the availability of
memory in large memory model applications
that perform private dynamic loads and tend to run out of memory in the
process heap. If the process private segment
lacks sufficient space, the PRIVSEG_LOADS option has no effect. The
PRIVSEG_LOADS option is only valid for
32-bit applications with a non-zero MAXDATA value.
Note 4: Java SDK and Websphere for AIX :

At 06/06/06, the following versions for Websphere on AIX are frequently



5.0.2.x x in 2-16

5.0.2 ca131-20030618 (sr5) SDK is not updated


5.1 ca141-20031011 (sr1)

5.1.1 ca1420-20040626 SDK is not updated


6.0 ca142sr1w-20041028 SDK is not updated

6.0.1 ca142sr1a-20050209(SR1a) SDK is not updated

6.0.2 ca142-20050609 SDK is not updated How critical is this fix pack?

Recommended. This fix pack must be installed on top of WebSphere
Application Server V6.0.2,,,, or

68. Kernel parameters AIX:


- Kernel Tunable Parameters

Following are kernel parameters, grouped into the following sections:

- Scheduler and Memory Load Control Tunable Parameters:

Virtual Memory Manager Tunable Parameters

Synchronous I/O Tunable Parameters
Asynchronous I/O Tunable Parameters
Disk and Disk Adapter Tunable Parameters
Interprocess Communication Tunable Parameters
Scheduler and Memory Load Control Tunable Parameters
Most of the scheduler and memory load control tunable parameters are
fully described in the schedo man page.
The following are a few other related parameters:

- maxuproc
Purpose: Specifies the maximum number of processes per user ID.
Values: Default: 40; Range: 1 to 131072
Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxuproc
Change: chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=NewValue
Change takes effect immediately and is preserved over boot. If value is
reduced, then it goes into effect
only after a system boot.
Diagnosis: Users cannot fork any additional processes.
Tuning: This is a safeguard to prevent users from creating too many

- ncargs
Purpose: Specifies the maximum allowable size of the ARG/ENV list (in
4KB blocks) when running exec() subroutines.
Values: Default: 6; Range: 6 to 1024
Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a ncargs
Change: chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs=NewValue
Change takes effect immediately and is preserved over boot.
Diagnosis: Users cannot execute any additional processes because the
argument list passed to the exec()
system call is too long. A low default value might cause some programs
to fail with the arg list too long
error message, in which case you might try increasing the ncargs value
with the chdev command above and then
rerunning the program.
Tuning: This is a mechanism to prevent the exec() subroutines from
failing if the argument list
is too long. Please note that tuning to a higher ncargs value puts
additional constraints on system memory resources.

- Virtual Memory Manager Tunable Parameters:

The complete listing of the virtual memory manager tunable parameters is

located in the vmo man page.

- Synchronous I/O Tunable Parameters:

Most of the synchronous I/O tunable parameters are fully described in

the ioo man page.
The following are a few other related parameters:

maxbuf Purpose: Number of (4 KB) pages in the block-I/O buffer cache.

Values: Default: 20; Range: 20 to 1000
Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxbuf
Change: chdev -l sys0 -a maxbuf=NewValue
Change is effective immediately and is permanent. If the -T flag is
used, the change is immediate and lasts until
the next boot. If the -P flag is used, the change is deferred until the
next boot and is permanent.
Diagnosis: If the sar -b command shows breads or bwrites with %rcache
and %wcache being low, you might want to
tune this parameter.
Tuning: This parameter normally has little performance effect on
systems, where ordinary I/O does not use the
block-I/O buffer cache.
Refer to: Tuning Asynchronous Disk I/O

maxpout Purpose: Specifies the maximum number of pending I/Os to a file.

Values: Default: 0 (no checking); Range: 0 to n (n should be a multiple
of 4, plus 1)
Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxpout
Change: chdev -l sys0 -a maxpout=NewValue
Change is effective immediately and is permanent. If the -T flag is
used, the change is immediate and lasts
until the next boot. If the -P flag is used, the change is deferred
until the next boot and is permanent.
Diagnosis: If the foreground response time sometimes deteriorates when
programs with large amounts
of sequential disk output are running, sequential output may need to be
Tuning: Set maxpout to 33 and minpout to 16. If sequential performance
deteriorates unacceptably,
increase one or both. If foreground performance is still unacceptable,
decrease both.

minpout Purpose: Specifies the point at which programs that have reached
maxpout can resume writing to the file.
Values: Default: 0 (no checking); Range: 0 to n (n should be a multiple
of 4 and should be at least 4 less than maxpout)
Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a minpout
Change: chdev -l sys0 -a minpout=NewValue
Change is effective immediately and is permanent. If the -T flag is
used, the change is immediate and lasts until
the next boot. If the -P flag is used, the change is deferred until the
next boot and is permanent.
Diagnosis: If the foreground response time sometimes deteriorates when
programs with large amounts of sequential
disk output are running, sequential output may need to be paced.
Tuning: Set maxpout to 33 and minpout to 16. If sequential performance
deteriorates unacceptably,
increase one or both. If foreground performance is still unacceptable,
decrease both.

mount -o nointegrity Purpose: A new mount option (nointegrity) may

enhance local file system performance for
certain write-intensive applications. This optimization basically
eliminates writes to the JFS log.
Note that the enhanced performance is achieved at the expense of
metadata integrity. Therefore, use this
option with extreme caution because a system crash can make a file
system mounted with this option unrecoverable.
Nevertheless, certain classes of applications do not require file data
to remain consistent after a system crash,
and these may benefit from using the nointegrity option. Two examples in
which a nointegrity file system may be
beneficial is for compiler temporary files, and for doing a nonmigration
or mksysb installation.

Paging Space Size Purpose: The amount of disk space required to hold
pages of working storage.
Values: Default: configuration-dependent; Range: 32 MB to n MB for hd6,
16 MB to n MB for non-hd6
Display: lsps -a mkps or chps or smitty pgsp
Change: Change is effective immediately and is permanent. Paging space
is not necessarily put into use immediately, however.
Diagnosis: Run: lsps -a. If processes have been killed for lack of
paging space, monitor the situation with the
psdanger() subroutine.
Tuning: If it appears that there is not enough paging space to handle
the normal workload,
add a new paging space on another physical volume or make the existing
paging spaces larger.

syncd Interval Purpose: The time between sync() calls by syncd.

Values: Default: 60; Range: 1 to any positive integer
Display: grep syncd /sbin/rc.boot vi /sbin/rc.boot or
Change: Change is effective at next boot and is permanent. An alternate
method is to use the kill command
to terminate the syncd daemon and restart it from the command line with
the command /usr/sbin/syncd interval.
Diagnosis: I/O to a file is blocked when syncd is running.
Tuning: At its default level, this parameter has little performance
cost. No change is recommended. Significant
reductions in the syncd interval in the interests of data integrity (as
for HACMPT) could have adverse performance

Asynchronous I/O Tunable Parameters

maxreqs Purpose: Specifies the maximum number of asynchronous I/O
requests that can be outstanding at any one time.
Values: Default: 4096; Range: 1 to AIO_MAX (/usr/include/sys/limits.h)
Display: lsattr -E -l aio0 -a maxreqs
Change: chdev -l aio0 -a maxreqs=NewValue
Change is effective after reboot and is permanent.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: This includes requests that are in progress, as well as those
that are waiting to be started.
The maximum number of asynchronous I/O requests cannot be less than the
value of AIO_MAX, as defined
in the /usr/include/sys/limits.h file, but can be greater. It would be
appropriate for a system
with a high volume of asynchronous I/O to have a maximum number of
asynchronous I/O requests larger than AIO_MAX.
Refer to: Tuning Asynchronous Disk I/O

maxservers Purpose: Specifies the maximum number of AIO kprocs per

Values: Default: 10 per processor
Display: lsattr -E -l aio0 -a maxservers
Change: chdev -l aio0 -a maxservers=NewValue
Change is effective after reboot and is permanent.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: This value limits the number of concurrent asynchronous I/O
requests. The value should be about the same as the expected number of
concurrent AIO requests. This tunable parameter only affects AIO on JFS
file systems (or Virtual Shared Disks (VSD) before AIX 4.3.2).
Refer to: Tuning Asynchronous Disk I/O

minservers Purpose: Specifies the number of AIO kprocs that will be

created when the AIO kernel extension is loaded.
Values: Default: 1
Display: lsattr -E -l aio0 -a maxservers
Change: chdev -l aio0 -a minservers=NewValue
Change is effective after reboot and is permanent.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Making this a large number is not recommended, because each
process takes up some memory.
Leaving this number small is acceptable in most cases because AIO will
create additional kprocs
up to maxservers as needed. This tunable is only effective for AIO on
JFS file systems (or VSDs before AIX 4.3.2).
Refer to: Tuning Asynchronous Disk I/O

Disk and Disk Adapter Tunable Parameters

Disk Adapter Outstanding-Requests Limit Purpose: Maximum number of
requests that can be outstanding on a SCSI bus. (Applies only to the
SCSI-2 Fast/Wide Adapter.)
Values: Default: 40; Range: 40 to 128
Display: lsattr -E -l scsin -a num_cmd_elems
Change: chdev -l scsin -a num_cmd_elems=NewValue
Change is effective immediately and is permanent. If the -T flag is
used, the change is immediate and lasts until the next boot. If the -P
flag is used, the change is deferred until the next boot and is
Diagnosis: Applications performing large writes to striped raw logical
volumes are not obtaining the desired throughput rate.
Tuning: Value should equal the number of physical drives (including
those in disk arrays) on the SCSI bus, times the queue depth of the
individual drives.

Disk Drive Queue Depth Purpose: Maximum number of requests the disk
device can hold in its queue.
Values: Default: IBMr disks=3; Non-IBM disks=0; Range: specified by
Display: lsattr -E -l hdiskn
Change: chdev -l hdiskn -a q_type=simple -a queue_depth=NewValue
Change is effective immediately and is permanent. If the -T flag is
used, the change is immediate and lasts until the next boot. If the -P
flag is used, the change is deferred until the next boot and is
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: If the non-IBM disk drive is capable of request-queuing, make
this change to ensure that the operating system takes advantage of the
Refer to: Setting SCSI-Adapter and Disk-Device Queue Limits

Interprocess Communication Tunable Parameters

msgmax Purpose: Specifies maximum message size.
Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 4 MB
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

msgmnb Purpose: Specifies maximum number of bytes on queue.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 4 MB
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

msgmni Purpose: Specifies maximum number of message queue IDs.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 131072
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

msgmnm Purpose: Specifies maximum number of messages per queue.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 524288
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

semaem Purpose: Specifies maximum value for adjustment on exit.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 16384
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

semmni Purpose: Specifies maximum number of semaphore IDs.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 131072
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

semmsl Purpose: Specifies maximum number of semaphores per ID.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 65535
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

semopm Purpose: Specifies maximum number of operations per semop() call.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 1024
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

semume Purpose: Specifies maximum number of undo entries per process.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 1024
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

semvmx Purpose: Specifies maximum value of a semaphore.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 32767
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

shmmax Purpose: Specifies maximum shared memory segment size.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 256 MB for 32-bit processes and
0x80000000u for 64-bit
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

shmmin Purpose: Specifies minimum shared-memory-segment size.

Values: Dynamic with minimum value of 1
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the kernel.

shmmni Purpose: Specifies maximum number of shared memory IDs.

Values: Dynamic with maximum value of 131072
Display: N/A
Change: N/A
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Does not require tuning because it is dynamically adjusted as
needed by the



Thread Support Tunable Parameters

Following is a list of thread support parameters that can be tuned:

AIXTHREAD_COND_DEBUG (AIX 4.3.3 and subsequent versions) Purpose:

Maintains a list of condition variables for use by the debugger.
Values: Default: ON
Range: ON, OFF
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_COND_DEBUG (this is turned on internally, so
the initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
Change takes effect immediately in this shell. Change is effective until
logging out of this shell.
Permanent change is made by adding AIXTHREAD_COND_DEBUG={ON|OFF} command
to the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: Leaving it on makes debugging threaded applications easier,
but may impose some overhead.
Tuning: If the program contains a large number of active condition
variables and frequently creates and destroys condition variables, this
may create higher overhead for maintaining the list of condition
variables. Setting the variable to OFF will disable the list.
Refer to Thread Debug Options.

AIXTHREAD_ENRUSG Purpose: Enable or disable pthread resource collection.

Values: Default: OFF
Range: ON, OFF
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_ENRUSG (this is turned on internally, so the
initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
Change takes effect immediately in this shell. Change is effective until
logging out of this shell. Permanent change is made by adding
AIXTHREAD_ENRUSG={ON|OFF} command to the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: Turning it on allows for resource collection of all pthreads
in a process, but will impose some overhead.
Refer to Thread Environment Variables.

AIXTHREAD_GUARDPAGES (AIX 4.3 and later) Purpose: Controls the number of

guard pages to add to the end of the pthread stack.
Values: Default: 0Range: A positive integer
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_GUARDPAGES (This is turned on internally, so
the initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
effect immediately in this shell.
Change is effective until logging out of this shell. Permanent change is
command to the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: N/A
Refer to Thread Environment Variables.

AIXTHREAD_MINKTHREADS (AIX 4.3 and later) Purpose Controls the the

minimum number of kernel threads that should be used.
Values: Default: 8
Range: A positive integer value
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_MINKTHREADS (this is turned on internally, so
the initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
effect immediately in this shell. Change is effective until logging out
of this shell. Permanent change is made by adding AIXTHREAD_MINKTHREADS
=n command to the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: The library scheduler will not reclaim kernel threads below this
figure. A kernel thread may be reclaimed at virtually any point.
Generally, a kernel thread is targeted as a result of a pthread
Refer to: Variables for Process-Wide Contention Scope

AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO (AIX 4.3 and later) Purpose: Controls the scaling

factor of the library. This ratio is used when creating and terminating
Values: Default: 8:1
Range: Two positive values (p:k), where k is the number of kernel
threads that should be employed to handle p runnable pthreads
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO (this is turned on internally, so the
initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
Change: AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO=p:kexport AIXTHREAD_MNRATIOChange takes effect
immediately in this shell. Change is effective until logging out of this
shell. Permanent change is made by adding AIXTHREAD_MNRATIO=p:k command
to the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: May be useful for applications with a very large number of
threads. However, always test a ratio of 1:1 because it may provide for
better performance.
Refer to: Variables for Process-Wide Contention Scope

AIXTHREAD_MUTEX_DEBUG (AIX 4.3.3 and later) Purpose: Maintains a list of

active mutexes for use by the debugger.
Values: Default: OFF
Range: ON, OFF
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_MUTEX_DEBUG (this is turned on internally, so
the initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
takes effect immediately in this shell. Change is effective until
logging out of this shell. Permanent change is made by adding
AIXTHREAD_MUTEX_DEBUG={ON|OFF} command to the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: Setting the variable to ON makes debugging threaded
applications easier, but may impose some overhead.
Tuning: If the program contains a large number of active mutexes and
frequently creates and destroys mutexes, this may create higher overhead
for maintaining the list of mutexes. Leaving the variable off disables
the list.
Refer to: Thread Debug Options

AIXTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEBUG (AIX 4.3.3 and later) Purpose: Maintains a list

of read-write locks for use by the debugger.
Values: Default: ON
Range: ON, OFF
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEBUG (this is turned on internally, so
the initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
AIXTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEBUGChange takes effect immediately in this shell.
Change is effective until logging out of this shell. Permanent change is
made by adding AIXTHREAD_RWLOCK_DEBUG={ON|OFF} command to the
/etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: Leaving it on makes debugging threaded applications easier,
but may impose some overhead.
Tuning: If the program contains a large number of active read-write
locks and frequently creates and destroys read-write locks, this may
create higher overhead for maintaining the list of read-write locks.
Setting the variable to OFF will disable the list.
Refer to: Thread Debug Options

AIXTHREAD_SCOPE (AIX 4.3.1 and later) Purpose: Controls contention

scope. P signifies process-based
contention scope (M:N). S signifies system-based contention scope (1:1).
Values: Default: P
Possible Values: P or S
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_SCOPE (this is turned on internally, so the
initial default value will not be seen
with the echo command)
Change: AIXTHREAD_SCOPE={P|S}export AIXTHREAD_SCOPE Change takes effect
immediately in this shell.
Change is effective until logging out of this shell. Permanent change is
made by adding AIXTHREAD_SCOPE={P|S}
command to the /etc/environment file.

Diagnosis: If fewer threads are being dispatched than expected, then

system scope should be tried.
Tuning: Tests on AIX 4.3.2 have shown that certain applications can
perform much better with system based
contention scope (S). The use of this environment variable impacts only
those threads created with the
default attribute. The default attribute is employed when the attr
parameter to pthread_create is NULL.
Refer to: Thread Environment Variables
AIXTHREAD_SLPRATIO (AIX 4.3 and later) Purpose: Controls the number of
kernel threads that should be held in reserve for sleeping threads.
Values: Default: 1:12
Range: Two positive values (k:p), where k is the number of kernel
threads that should be held in reserve for p sleeping pthreads
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_SLPRATIO (this is turned on internally, so the
initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
effect immediately in this shell. Change is effective until logging out
of this shell. Permanent change is made by adding AIXTHREAD_SLPRATIO=k:p
command to the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: In general, fewer kernel threads are required to support
sleeping pthreads, because they are generally woken one at a time. This
conserves kernel resources.
Refer to: Variables for Process-Wide Contention Scope

AIXTHREAD_STK=n (AIX 4.3.3 ML 09 and later) Purpose: The decimal number

of bytes that should be allocated for each pthread. This value may be
overridden by pthread_attr_setstacksize.
Values: Default: 98,304 bytes for 32bit applications, 196,608 bytes for
64bit applications.
Range: Decimal integer values from 0 to 268,435,455 which will be
rounded up to the nearest page (currently 4,096).
Display: echo $AIXTHREAD_STK (this is turned on internally, so the
initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
Change: AIXTHREAD_STK=size export AIXTHREAD_STK Change takes effect
immediately in this shell. Change is effective until logging out of this
shell. Permanent change is made by adding AIXTHREAD_STK=size to the
/etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: If analysis of a failing program indicates stack overflow,
the default stack size can be increased.
Tuning: If trying to reach the 32,000 thread limit on a 32 bit
application, it may be necessary to decrease the default stack size.

MALLOCBUCKETS (Version and later) Purpose: Enables buckets-

based extension in the default memory allocator which may enhance
performance of applications that issue large numbers of small allocation
Values: MALLOCTYPE=buckets

MALLOCBUCKETS=[[ number_of_buckets:n | bucket_sizing_factor:n |

blocks_per_bucket:n | bucket_statistics:[stdout|stderr|pathname]],...]
The following table displays default values of MALLOCBUCKETS.

Default Value
bucket_sizing_factor (32-bit)2
bucket_sizing_factor (64-bit)3

1. The minimum value allowed is 1. The maximum value allowed is 128.

2. For 32-bit implementations, the value specified for

bucket_sizing_factor must be a multiple of 8.

3. For 64-bit implementations, the value specified for

bucket_sizing_factor must be a multiple of 16.

4. The bucket_statistics option is disabled by default.


Change: Use the shell specific method of exporting the environment
Diagnosis: If malloc performance is slow and many small malloc requests
are issued, this feature may enhance performance.
Tuning: To enable malloc buckets, the MALLOCTYPE environment variable
has to be set to the value "buckets".

The MALLOCBUCKETS environment variable may be used to change the default

configuration of the malloc buckets, although the default values should
be sufficient for most applications.

The number_of_buckets:n option can be used to specify the number of

buckets available per heap, where n is the number of buckets. The value
specified for n will apply to all available heaps.

The bucket_sizing_factor:n option can be used to specify the bucket

sizing factor, where n is the bucket sizing factor in bytes.

The blocks_per_bucket:n option can be used to specify the number of

blocks initially contained in each bucket, where n is the number of
blocks. This value is applied to all of the buckets. The value of n is
also used to determine how many blocks to add when a bucket is
automatically enlarged because all of its blocks have been allocated.

The bucket_statistics option will cause the malloc subsystem to output a

statistical summary for malloc buckets upon typical termination of each
process that calls the malloc subsystem while malloc buckets is enabled.
This summary will show buckets configuration information and the number
of allocation requests processed for each bucket. If multiple heaps have
been enabled by way of malloc multiheap, the number of allocation
requests shown for each bucket will be the sum of all allocation
requests processed for that bucket for all heaps.

The buckets statistical summary will be written to one of the following

output destinations, as specified with the bucket_statistics option.
Standard output
Standard error
A user-specified pathname

If a user-specified pathname is provided, statistical output will be

appended to the existing contents of the file (if any). Avoid using
standard output as the output destination for a process whose output is
piped as input into another process.
Refer to: Malloc Buckets

MALLOCMULTIHEAP (AIX 4.3.1 and later) Purpose: Controls the number of

heaps within the process private segment.
Values: Default: 16 for 4.3.1 and 4.3.2, 32 for 4.3.3 and later
Range: A positive number between 1 and 32)
Display: echo $MALLOCMULTIHEAP (this is turned on internally, so the
initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
Change: MALLOCMULTIHEAP=[[heaps:n | considersize],...] export
MALLOCMULTIHEAPChange takes effect immediately in this shell. Change is
effective until logging out of this shell. Permanent change is made by
adding MALLOCMULTIHEAP=[[heaps:n | considersize],...] command to the
/etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: Look for lock contention on the malloc lock (located in
segment F) or fewer than expected runnable threads.
Tuning: Smaller number of heaps can help reduce size of the process.
Certain multithreaded user processes which use the malloc subsystem
heavily may obtain better performance by exporting the environment
variable MALLOCMULTIHEAP=1 before starting the application.

The potential performance enhancement is particularly likely for

multithreaded C++ programs, because these may make use of the malloc
subsystem whenever a constructor or destructor is called.

Any available performance enhancement will be most evident when the

multithreaded user process is running on an SMP system, and particularly
when system scope threads are used (M:N ratio of 1:1). However, in some
cases, enhancement may also be evident under other conditions, and on

If the considersize option is specified, an alternate heap selection

algorithm is used that tries to select an available heap that has enough
free space to handle the request. This may minimize the working set size
of the process by reducing the number of sbrk() calls. However, there is
a bit more processing time required for this algorithm.
Refer to: Thread Environment Variables

SPINLOOPTIME Purpose: Controls the number of times to retry a busy lock

before yielding to another processor (only for libpthreads).
Values: Default: 1 on uniprocessors, 40 on multiprocessors
Range: A positive integer
Display: echo $SPINLOOPTIME (this is turned on internally, so the
initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
Change: SPINLOOPTIME=nexport SPINLOOPTIMEChange takes effect immediately
in this shell. Change is effective until logging out of this shell.
Permanent change is made by adding SPINLOOPTIME=n command to the
/etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: If threads are going to sleep often (lot of idle time), then
the SPINLOOPTIME may not be high enough.
Tuning: Increasing the value from default of 40 on multiprocessor
systems might be of benefit if there is pthread mutex contention.
Refer to: Thread Environment Variables

YIELDLOOPTIME Purpose: Controls the number of times to yield the

processor before blocking on a busy lock (only for libpthreads). The
processor is yielded to another kernel thread, assuming there is another
runnable kernel thread with sufficient priority.
Values: Default: 0
Range: A positive value
Display: echo $YIELDLOOPTIME (this is turned on internally, so the
initial default value will not be seen with the echo command)
Change: YIELDLOOPTIME=nexport YIELDLOOPTIMEChange takes effect
immediately in this shell. Change is effective until logging out of this
shell. Permanent change is made by adding YIELDLOOPTIME=n command to the
/etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: If threads are going to sleep often (lot of idle time), then
the YIELDLOOPTIME may not be high enough.
Tuning: Increasing the value from default value of 0 may benefit if you
do not want the threads to go to sleep when waiting for locks.
Refer to: Thread Environment Variables

Miscellaneous Tunable Parameters

Following is a list of miscellaneous parameters that can be tuned:

EXTSHM (AIX 4.2.1 and later) Purpose: Turns on the extended shared
memory facility.
Values: Default: Not set
Possible Value: ON
Display: echo $EXTSHM
Change: EXTSHM=ON export EXTSHMChange takes effect immediately in this
shell. Change is effective until logging out of this shell. Permanent
change is made by adding EXTSHM=ON command to the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: Setting value to ON will allow a process to allocate shared
memory segments as small as 1 byte (though this will be rounded up to
the nearest page); this effectively removes the limitation of 11 user
shared memory segments. Maximum size of all segments together can still
only be 2.75 GB worth of memory for 32-bit processes. 64-bit processes
do not need to set this variable since a very large number of segments
is available. Some restrictions apply for processes that set this
variable, and these restrictions are the same as with processes that use
mmap buffers.
Refer to: Extended Shared Memory (EXTSHM)

LDR_CNTRL Purpose: Allows tuning of the kernel loader.

Values: Default: Not set Possible Values: PREREAD_SHLIB, LOADPUBLIC,
Display: echo $LDR_CNTRL
LDR_CNTRLChange takes effect immediately in this shell. Change is
effective until logging out of this shell. Permanent change is made by
adding the following line to the /etc/environment file:
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: The LDR_CNTRL environment variable can be used to control one or
more aspects of the system loader behavior. You can specify multiple
options with the LDR_CNTRL variable. When doing this, separate the
options using an @ character (that is,
will cause entire libraries to be read as soon as they are accessed.
With VMM readahead tuned, a library can be read in from disk and be
cached in memory by the time the program starts to access its pages.
While this method can use more memory, it can enhance performance of
programs that use many shared library pages providing the access pattern
is non-sequential. (for example, Catia). Specifying the LOADPUBLIC
option directs the system loader to load all modules requested by an
application into the global shared library segment. If a module cannot
be loaded publicly into the global shared library segment then it is
loaded privately for the application. Specifying the IGNOREUNLOAD option
will cause modules that are marked to be unloaded and used again (if the
module has not been unloaded already). As a side effect of this option,
you can end up with two different data instances for the module.
Specifying the USERREGS option will tell the system to save all general-
purpose user registers across system calls made by an application. This
can be helpful in applications doing garbage collection. Specifying the
MAXDATA option sets the maximum heap size for a process, including
overriding any MAXDATA value specified in an executable. If you want to
use Large Program Support with a data heap size of 0x30000000, then
specify LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x30000000. To turn off Large Program Support,
specify LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0. Specifying the DSA (Dynamic Segment
Allocation) option tells the system loader to run applications using
Very Large Program Support. The DSA option is only valid for 32-bit
applications. Specifying the PRIVSEG_LOADS option directs the system
loader to put dynamically loaded private modules into the process
private segment. This might improve the availability of memory in large
memory model applications that perform private dynamic loads and tend to
run out of memory in the process heap. If the process private segment
lacks sufficient space, the PRIVSEG_LOADS option has no effect. The
PRIVSEG_LOADS option is only valid for 32-bit applications with a non-
zero MAXDATA value.

NODISCLAIM Purpose: Controls how calls to free() are being handled. When
PSALLOC is set to early, all free() calls result in a disclaim() system
call. When NODISCLAIM is set to True, this does not occur.
Values: Default: Not set
Possible Value: True
Display: echo $NODISCLAIM
Change: NODISCLAIM=true export NODISCLAIMChange takes effect immediately
in this shell. Change is effective until logging out of this shell.
Permanent change is made by adding NODISCLAIM=true command to the
/etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: If number of disclaim() system calls is very high, you may
want to set this variable.
Tuning: Setting this variable will eliminate calls to disclaim() from
free() if PSALLOC is set to early.
Refer to: Early Page Space Allocation
NSORDER Purpose: Overwrites the set name resolution search order.
Values: Default: bind, nis, local
Possible Values: bind, local, nis, bind4, bind6, local4, local6, nis4,
or nis6
Display: echo $NSORDER (this is turned on internally, so the initial
default value will not be seen with the echo command)
Change: NSORDER=value, value, ... export NSORDERChange takes effect
immediately in this shell. Change is effective until logging out of this
shell. Permanent change is made by adding NSORDER=value command to
the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: NSORDER overrides the /etc/netsvc.conf file.
Refer to: Tuning Name Resolution

PSALLOC Purpose: Sets the PSALLOC environment variable to determine the

paging-space allocation policy.
Values: Default: Not set
Possible Value: early
Display: echo $PSALLOC
Change: PSALLOC=early export PSALLOCChange takes effect immediately in
this shell. Change is effective until logging out of this shell.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: To ensure that a process is not killed due to low paging
conditions, this process can preallocate paging space by using the Early
Page Space Allocation policy. However, this may result in wasted paging
space. You may also want to set the NODISCLAIM environment variable.
Refer to: Allocation and Reclamation of Paging Space Slots and Early
Page Space Allocation

RT_GRQ (AIX and later) Purpose: Causes thread to be put on a

global run queue rather than on a per-CPU run queue.
Values: Default: Not set; Range: ON, OFF
Display: echo $RT_GRQ
Change: RT_GRQ={OFF/ONexport RT_GRQChange takes effect immediately.
Change is effective until next boot. Permanent change is made by adding
RT_GRQ={ON|OFF} command to the /etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: N/A
Tuning: May be tuned on multiprocessor systems. Set to ON, will cause
the thread to be put on a global run queue. In that case, the global run
queue is searched to see which thread has the best priority. This might
allow to get the thread dispatched sooner and can improve performance
for threads that are running SCHED_OTHER, and are interrupt driven.
Refer to: Scheduler Run Queue

RT_MPC (AIX 4.3.3 and later) Purpose: When running the kernel in real-
time mode (see bosdebug command), an MPC can be sent to a different CPU
to interrupt it if a better priority thread is runnable so that this
thread can be dispatched immediately.
Values: Default: Not set; Range: ON
Display: echo $RT_MPC
Change: RT_MPC=ON
export RT_MPC
Change takes effect immediately. Change is effective until next boot.
Permanent change is made by adding RT_MPC=ON command to the
/etc/environment file.
Diagnosis: N/A
Note on LDR_CNTRL:

Setting the maximum number of AIX data segments that a process can use
In AIX, Version 4.3.3 and later, the number of segments that a process
can use for data is controlled
by the LDR_CNTRL environment variable. It is defined in the parent
process of the process that
is to be affected. For example, the following defines one additional
data segment:

export LDR_CNTRL =MAXDATA=0x10000000


It is a good idea to unset the LDR_CNTRL environment variable, so that

it does not unintentionally
affect other processes.

Unlike other environment variables for the IBM SecureWay Directory

server process (slapd),
the LDR_CNTRLenvironment variable cannot be set as a front-end variable
in the slapd32.conf file.
It must be set as an environment variable.

The following table shows the LDR_CNTRL setting and memory increase for
various numbers of data segments:

LDP_CNTRL Setting Number of Additional Segments Process Memory

Limit Increase
Unset 0 (default) 256 MB
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x1000000 1 512 MB
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x2000000 2 768 MB
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x3000000 3 1 GB
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x4000000 4 1.25 GB
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x5000000 5 1.5 GB
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x6000000 6 1.75 GB
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x7000000 7 2 GB
LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x8000000 8 2.25 GB

70. Charactersets and Codepages:


70.1 LANG variable on UNIX systems:


Most UNIX systems use the LANG variable to specify the desired locale.
Different UNIX operating systems, however,
require different locale names to specify the same language. Be sure to
use a value for LANG that is supported
by the UNIX operating system that you are using.

To obtain the locale names for your UNIX system, enter the following:

# locale -a

As specified by open systems standards, other environment variables

override LANG for some or all
locale categories. These variables include the following:


To verify that you have a language package installed for your UNIX or
Linux system, enter the following:

# locale

If you had loaded a language package (for example bos.loc.iso.en_us),

the output of the locale command would be:


If no language packages have been installed, the output would be:


Changing the LANG variable for the Unix shell session:

# export LANG=en_US

The LANG environment variable provides the ability to specify

the user's requirements for native languages,
localcustoms and character set, as an ASCII string in the form

A user who speaks German as it is spoken in Austria and has a terminal

which operates in ISO 8859/1 codeset,
would want the setting of the LANG variable to be

# export LANG=De_A.88591

With this setting it should be possible for that user to find any
relevant catalogs should they exist.
Should the LANG variable not be set, the value of
LC_MESSAGES as returned by setlocale() is used.
If this is NULL, the default path as defined in <nl_types.h> is used.

70.2 UTF-8 on Unix/Linux:


The proper way to activate UTF-8 is the POSIX locale mechanism. A locale
is a configuration setting that
contains information about culture-specific conventions of software
behaviour, including the character encoding,
the date/time notation, alphabetic sorting rules, the measurement system
and common office paper size, etc.
The names of locales usually consist of ISO 639-1 language and ISO 3166-
1 country codes, sometimes with
additional encoding names or other qualifiers.

You can get a list of all locales installed on your system (usually
in /usr/lib/locale/) with the command
locale -a. Set the environment variable LANG to the name of your
preferred locale. When a C program executes
the setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") function, the library will test the
environment variables
LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE, and LANG in that order, and the first one of these
that has a value will determine which
locale data is loaded for the LC_CTYPE category (which controls the
multibyte conversion functions).
The locale data is split up into separate categories. For example,
LC_CTYPE defines the character encoding
and LC_COLLATE defines the string sorting order. The LANG environment
variable is used to set the default locale
for all categories, but the LC_* variables can be used to override
individual categories. Do not worry too much
about the country identifiers in the locales. Locales such as en_GB
(English in Great Britain) and en_AU
(English in Australia) differ usually only in the LC_MONETARY category
(name of currency, rules for printing
monetary amounts), which practically no Linux application ever uses.
LC_CTYPE=en_GB and LC_CTYPE=en_AU have exactly
the same effect.

You can query the name of the character encoding in your current locale
with the command locale charmap.
This should say UTF-8 if you successfully picked a UTF-8 locale in the
LC_CTYPE category. The command locale -m
provides a list with the names of all installed character encodings.
If you use exclusively C library multibyte functions to do all the
conversion between the external character
encoding and the wchar_t encoding that you use internally, then the C
library will take care of using the right
encoding according to LC_CTYPE for you and your program does not even
have to know explicitly what the current
multibyte encoding is.

Users have to select a UTF-8 locale, for example with

# export LANG=en_GB.UTF-8
# export LANG en_US.UTF-8

in order to activate the UTF-8 support in applications.


For some apps you must have the LANG and LC_ALL environment variables
set to the appropriate locale
in your current session before you start that app.

X11.loc.NN_NN for the UTF-8 locale

70.3 Listing of locale env. vars:


This variable determines the locale category for native language, local
customs and coded character set
in the absence of the LC_ALL and other LC_* (LC_COLLATE, LC_CTYPE,
LC_TIME) environment variables. This can be used by applications to
determine the language to use for
error messages and instructions, collating sequences, date formats, and
so forth.

This variable determines the values for all locale categories. The value
of the LC_ALL environment variable
has precedence over any of the other environment variables starting with
LC_MONETARY, LC_NUMERIC, LC_TIME) and the LANG environment variable.

This variable determines the locale category for character collation. It
determines collation information
for regular expressions and sorting, including equivalence classes and
multi-character collating elements,
in various utilities and the strcoll() and strxfrm() functions.
Additional semantics of this variable, if any,
are implementation-dependent.

This variable determines the locale category for character handling
functions, such as tolower(), toupper()
and isalpha(). This environment variable determines the interpretation
of sequences of bytes of text data
as characters (for example, single- as opposed to multi-byte
characters), the classification of characters
(for example, alpha, digit, graph) and the behaviour of character
classes. Additional semantics of
this variable, if any, are implementation-dependent.

This variable determines the locale category for processing affirmative
and negative responses and the language
and cultural conventions in which messages should be written. It also
affects the behaviour of the
catopen() function in determining the message catalogue. Additional
semantics of this variable, if any,
are implementation-dependent. The language and cultural conventions of
diagnostic and informative messages
whose format is unspecified by this specification set should be affected
by the setting of LC_MESSAGES.

This variable determines the locale category for monetary-related
numeric formatting information.
Additional semantics of this variable, if any, are implementation-

This variable determines the locale category for numeric formatting (for
example, thousands separator
and radix character) information in various utilities as well as the
formatted I/O operations in printf()
and scanf() and the string conversion functions in strtod(). Additional
semantics of this variable, if any,
are implementation-dependent.

This variable determines the locale category for date and time
formatting information. It affects the behaviour
of the time functions in strftime(). Additional semantics of this
variable, if any, are implementation-dependent.

This variable contains a sequence of templates that the catopen()
function uses when attempting to locate
message catalogues. Each template consists of an optional prefix, one or
more substitution fields, a filename
and an optional suffix. For example:

71. ar, ld commands:


Note 1:

ar Command

Maintains the indexed libraries used by the linkage editor.


ar [ -c ] [ -l ] [ -g | -o ] [ -s ] [ -v ] [ -C ] [ -T ] [ -z ] { -h |
-p | -t |
-x } [ -X {32|64|32_64}] ArchiveFile [ File ... ]

ar [ -c ] [ -l ] [ -g | -o ] [ -s ] [ -v ] [ -C ] [ -T ] [ -z ] { -m |
-r [ -u ]
} [ { -a | -b | -i } PositionName ] [ -X {32|64|32_64}] ArchiveFile File

ar [ -c ] [ -l ] [ -g | -o ] [ -s ] [ -v ] [ -C ] [ -T ] [ -z ] { -d |
-q } [ -X
{32|64|32_64}] ArchiveFile File ...

ar [ -c ] [ -l ] [ -v ] [ -C ] [ -T ] [ -z ] { -g | -o | -s | -w } [ -X
{32|64|32_64}] ArchiveFile


The ar command maintains the indexed libraries used by the linkage

editor. The
ar command combines one or more named files into a single archive file
in ar archive format. When the ar command creates a library, it creates
in a transportable format; when it creates or updates a library, it
rebuilds the
symbol table. See the ar file format entry for information on the format
structure of indexed archives and symbol tables.

There are two file formats that the ar command recognizes. The Big
Format, ar_big, is the default file format and supports both 32-bit and
object files. The Small Archive Format can be used to create archives
that are
recognized on versions older than AIX 4.3, see the -g flag. If a 64-bit
is added to a small format archive, ar first converts it to the big
unless -g is specified. By default, ar only handles 32-bit object files;
64-bit object files in an archive are silently ignored. To change this
use the -X flag or set the OBJECT_MODE environment variable.


In an ar command, you can specify any number of optional flags from the
cClosTv. You must specify one flag from the set of flags dhmopqrstwx. If
select the -m or -r flag, you may also specify a positioning flag (-a,
-b, or
-i); for the -a, -b, or -i flags, you must also specify the name of a
within ArchiveFile (PositionName), immediately following the flag list
separated from it by a blank.

-a PositionName Positions the named files after the existing file

identified by
the PositionName parameter.

-b PositionName Positions the named files before the existing file

identified by
the PositionName parameter.

-c Suppresses the normal message that is produced when library is


-C Prevents extracted files from replacing like-named files in the file


-d Deletes the named files from the library.

-g Orders the members of the archive to ensure maximum loader efficiency

with a
minimum amount of unused space. In almost all cases, the -g flag
positions the archive members in the order in which they are logically
The resulting archive is always written in the small format, so this
flag can be
used to convert a big-format archive to a small-format archive. Archives
contain 64-bit XCOFF objects cannot be created in or converted to the

-h Sets the modification times in the member headers of the named files
to the
current date and time. If you do not specify any file names, the ar
command sets
the time stamps of all member headers. This flag cannot be used with the

-i PositionName Positions the named files before the existing file

identified by
the PositionName parameter (same as the -b).

-m Moves the named files to some other position in the library. By

default, it
moves the named files to the end of the library. Use a positioning flag
(abi) to
specify some other position.
-o Orders the members of the archive to ensure maximum loader efficiency
with a
minimum amount of unused space. In almost all cases, the -o flag
positions the archive members in the order in which they are logically
The resulting archive is always written in the big archive format, so
this flag
can be used to convert a small-format archive to a big-format archive.

-p Writes to standard output the contents of the named in the Files

or all files specified in the ArchiveFile parameter if you do not
specify any

-q Adds the named files to the end of the library. In addition, if you
name the
same file twice, it may be put in the library twice.

-r Replaces a named file if it already appears in the library. Because

the named
files occupy the same position in the library as the files they replace,
positioning flag does not have any additional effect. When used with the
-u flag
(update), the -r flag replaces only files modified since they were last
added to
the library file.

If a named file does not already appear in the library, the ar command
adds it.
In this case, positioning flags do affect placement. If you do not
specify a
position, new files are placed at the end of the library. If you name
the same
file twice, it may be put in the library twice.

-s Forces the regeneration of the library symbol table whether or not

the ar
command modifies the library contents. Use this flag to restore the
symbol table after using the strip command on the library.

-t Writes to the standard output a table of contents for the library. If

specify file names, only those files appear. If you do not specify any
the -t flag lists all files in the library.

-T Allows file name truncation if the archive member name is longer than
file system supports. This option has no effect because the file system
names equal in length to the maximum archive member name of 255
-u Copies only files that have been changed since they were last copied
(see the
-r flag discussed previously).

-v Writes to standard output a verbose file-by-file description of the

making of
the new library. When used with the -t flag, it gives a long listing
similar to
that of the ls -l command. When used with the -x flag, it precedes each
with a name. When used with the -h flag, it lists the member name and
updated modification times.

-w Displays the archive symbol table. Each symbol is listed with the
name of the
file in which the symbol is defined.

-x Extracts the named files by copying them into the current directory.
copies have the same name as the original files, which remain in the
library. If
you do not specify any files, the -x flag copies all files out of the
This process does not alter the library.

-X mode Specifies the type of object file ar should examine. The mode
must be
one of the following:

Processes only 32-bit object files
Processes only 64-bit object files
Processes both 32-bit and 64-bit object files

The default is to process 32-bit object files (ignore 64-bit objects).

The mode
can also be set with the OBJECT_MODE environment variable. For example,
OBJECT_MODE=64 causes ar to process any 64-bit objects and ignore 32-bit
objects. The -X flag overrides the OBJECT_MODE variable.



Example of a printqueue check session:


$ enq -q -PAMSPM00040
Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP % Blks
Cp Rnk
------- ----- --------- --- ------------------ ---------- ---- -- -----
--- ---

$ lp -dAMSPM00040 testje.txt
Job number is: 351

admprod@noordkaper:/appl/alliance/beheer $ enq -q -PAMSPM00040

Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP % Blks
Cp Rnk
------- ----- --------- --- ------------------ ---------- ---- -- -----
--- ---

$ rm testje.txt

$ qchk -#351
Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP % Blks
Cp Rnk
------- ----- --------- --- ------------------ ---------- ---- -- -----
--- ---
prtdumm null READY
qstatus: (WARNING): 0781-350 Job 351 not found -- perhaps it's done?

Further information:

The following defines terms commonly used when discussing UNIX printing.

* Print Job
A print job is a unit of work to be run on a printer. A print job can
consist of
printing one or more files depending on how the print job is requested.
system assigns a unique job number to each job it runs.

* Queue
The queue is where you direct a print job. It is a stanza in the
file whose name is the name of the queue and points to the associated
queue device.

* Queue Device
The queue device is the stanza in the /etc/qconfig file that normally
the local queue stanza. It specifies the /dev file (printer device) that
be used.

* qdaemon
The qdaemon is a process that runs in the background and controls the
queues. It is generally started during IPL.

* Print Spooler
The spooler is not specifically a print job spooler. Instead, it
provides a
generic spooling function that can be used for queuing various types of
jobs including print jobs queued to a printer.
The spooler does not normally know what type of job it is queuing

The main spooler command is the enq command. Although you can invoke
this command directly to queue a print job, three front-end commands are
defined for submitting a print job: The lp, lpr, and qprt commands. A
request issued by one of these commands is first passed to the enq
command, which then places the information about the file in the queue
the qdaemon to process.

* Real Printer
A real printer is the printer hardware attached to a serial or parallel
port at
a unique hardware device address. The printer device driver in the
communicates with the printer hardware and provides an interface
between the printer hardware and a virtual printer, but it is not aware
the concept of virtual printers. Real printers sometimes run out of

* Local and Remote Printers

When you attach a printer to a node or host, the printer is referred to
as a
local printer. A remote print system allows nodes that are not directly
linked to a printer to have printer access.
To use remote printing facilities, the individual nodes must be
to a network using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) and must support the required TCP/IP applications.

* Printer Backend
The printer backend is a collection of programs called by the spooler's
qdaemon command to manage a print job that is queued for printing. The
printer backend performs the following functions:

- Receives from the qdaemon command a list of one or more files to be

- Uses printer and formatting attribute values from the database
overridden by flags entered on the command line
- Initializes the printer before printing a file
- Runs filters as necessary to convert the print data stream to a format
supported by the printer
- Provides filters for simple formatting of ASCII documents
- Provides support for printing national language characters
- Passes the filtered print data stream to the printer device driver
- Generates header and trailer pages
- Generates multiple copies
- Reports paper out, intervention required, and printer error conditions
- Reports problems detected by the filters
- Cleans up after a print job is canceled
- Provides a print environment that a system administrator can
customize to address specific printing needs

AIX supports The AIX printsubsystem and the System5 BSD like

- Devices and Drivers:

Local printing to serial and parallel attached printers for both

is done through standard AIX device drivers.
You can add printdevices with smitty, WSM, or commandline.

In order to show the present devices, use the lsdev command:

# lsdev -Cc printer

lp0 Available 00-00-0P-00 Lexmark...
lp1 Available 00-00-S2-00 IBM...
lp2 Available 00-00-S1-00 Hewlett-Packard...

Individual device files can be listed with the ls command, for example

# ls -al /dev/lp0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root system 25,0 Oct 19 13:62 /dev/lp0

* The Print Configuration File

The file that holds the configuration for the printers that exist on the
system is
the /etc/qconfig file. It is the most important file in the spooler
domain for
these reasons:

- It contains the definition of every queue known to the spooler.

- A system administrator can read this file and discern the function of
- Although it is not recommended, this file can be edited to modify
queues without halting the spooler.
The /etc/qconfig file describes all of the queues defined in the AIX
system. A queue is a named, ordered list of requests for a specific
device. A
device is something (either hardware or software) than can handle those
requests one at a time. The queue provides serial access to the device.

The following is an example of the partial contents of the /etc/qconfig


device = lp0
file = /dev/lp0
header = never
trailer = never
access = both
backend = /usr/lib/lpd/piobe

Quick checks:

Submit print jobs Status print jobs Cancel print jobs

----------------- ----------------- -----------------
enq enq -A enq -x
qprt qchk qcan
lp lpstat lprm
lpr lpq

- The lpstat command displays information about the current status of

line printer.
The lpstat command syntax is as follows:
lpstat [ -aList ] [ -cList ] [ -d ] [ -oList ] [ -pList ] [ -r ] [ -s ]
[ -t ] [ -uList ] [ -vList ] [ -W ]
An example of the lpstat command without any flags is as follows:
# lpstat
Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP% Blks Cp Rnk
------ ---- ------- --- ---------------- ------------ --- ---- -- ---
lpforu lp0 READY

- The qchk command displays the current status information regarding

specified print jobs, print queues, or users.
The qchk command syntax is as follows:
qchk [ -A ] [ -L | -W ] [ -P Printer ] [ -# JobNumber ] [ -q ] [ -u
UserName ] [ -w Delay ]
An example of the qchk command without any flags is as follows:
# qchk
Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP% Blks Cp Rnk
------ ---- ------- --- ---------------- ------------ --- ---- -- ---
lpforu lp0 READY

- The lpq command reports the status of the specified job or all jobs
associated with the specified UserName and JobNumber variables.
The lpq command syntax is as follows:
lpq [ + [ Number ] ] [ -l | -W ] [-P Printer ] [JobNumber] [UserName]
The following is an example of the lpq command without any flags.
# lpq
Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP% Blks Cp Rnk
------ ---- ------- --- ---------------- ------------ --- ---- -- ---
lpforu lp0 READY

- The lpr command uses a spooling daemon to print the named File
parameter when facilities become available.
The lpr command syntax is as follows:
lpr [ -f ] [ -g ] [ -h ] [ -j ] [ -l ] [ -m ] [ -n ] [ -p ] [ -r ] [ -s
] [ -P Printer ] [ -# NumberCopies ] [ -C Class ] [ -J Job ] [ -T Title
] [ -i [ NumberColumns ] ] [ -w Width ] [ File ... ]
The following is an example of using the lpr command to print the file
# lpr /etc/passwd
# lpstat
Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP % Blks Cp Rnk
------ ---- -------- --- ---------------- -------- ---- -- ---- -- ---
lpforu lp0 RUNNING 3 /etc/passwd root 1 100 1 1 1


>>>> Stopping the Print Queue

In the following scenario, you have a job printing on a print queue, but
need to stop the queue so that you can put more paper in the printer.

# lpstat -vlpforu

Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP % Blks Cp Rnk

------ ---- -------- --- ---------------- -------- ---- -- ---- -- ---
lpforu lp0 RUNNING 3 /etc/passwd root 1 100 1 1 1

Disable the print queue using the enq command as shown in the following

# enq -D -P 'lpforu:lp0'

Checking the printer queue using the qchk command as shown in the
following example.

# qchk -Plpforu
Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP % Blks Cp Rnk
------ ---- -------- --- ---------------- -------- ---- -- ---- -- ---
lpforu lp0 DOWN 3 /etc/passwd root 1 100 1 1 1

>>>> Starting the Print Queue

You have replaced the paper, and you now want to restart the print queue
that it will finish your print job. Here is how you would do this.

# lpstat -vlpforu
Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP % Blks Cp Rnk
------ ---- -------- --- ---------------- -------- ---- -- ---- -- ---
lpforu lp0 DOWN 3 /etc/passwd root 1 100 1 1 1

# enq -U -P 'lpforu:lp0'

# qchk -P lpforu
Queue Dev Status Job Files User PP % Blks Cp Rnk
------ ---- -------- --- ---------------- -------- ---- -- ---- -- ---
lpforu lp0 RUNNING 3 /etc/passwd root 1 100 1 1

- Adding a local print queue:

# smitty, or smitty printer, or smitty mkpq
or use
# mkque
# mkquedev

There is a n:1 relation between queues and a device:

multiple queues can be associated to one device.

- Displaying queue configuration information:

# enq -q -P<QUEUENAME>
for example

# enq -q -PAMSPM00028

# smitty lsallq
# lsallq -c

_ Deleting a queue:

# smitty rmpq
# rmvirprt
# rmquedev
# rmque

- Enabling and disabling a queue:

This is the same as saying starting and stopping a queue.

# smitty qstop
# smitty qstart

Or use the "qadm" command to bring printers, queues, and the spooling
system up or down.


To bring down the PCL-mv200 queue, enter one of the following commands:

# qadm -D PCL-mv200
# disable PCL-mv200

- Printing job management:

System5: lp
BSD : lpr
AIX : qprt

1. To submit a printjob, use either lp. lpr, or qprt. All jobs will go
to the system default queue
unless the PRINTER or LPDEST variables are set. You can also specify on
the command line which
queue ti ose.
Use -d with lp or use -P with qprt and lpr.
All the printcommands lp, lpr, and qprt, actually call the "enq"
command, which places
the print request in a queue.

To print multiple copies, use the "qprt -N #" or "lp -n #" command.
For lpr use just a dash followed by the number of copies, like "lpr -


# qprt -P funjet /tmp/testfile

# lpr -P funjet /tmp/testfile
# lp -d funjet /tmp/testfile

- Checking status of jobs:

# smitty qstatus
# smitty qchk

System5: lpstat
BSD : lpq
AIX : qchk

- Cancelling a printjob:

System5: cancel
BSD : lprm
AIX : qcan

For example to cancel Job Number 127 on whatever queue the job is on,

# qcan -x 127
# cancel 127

To cancel all jobs queued on printer lp0, enter

# qcan -X -Plp0
# cancel lp0

- Demons:

System5 print service demon: lpsched

AIX print spooler demon : qdaemon

Only one subsystem can be active at a time.

To switch between subsystems, you can use smitty or the switch.prt


# switch.prt -s System5
# switch.prt -s AIX

- System files associated with printing:

/etc/qconfig describes the queues and devices available for

use by printing commands
/var/spool contains files and dirs used by printing programs
and daemons
/var/spool/lpd/qdir contains info about files queued to print
/var/spool/qdaemon contains copies of the files spooled to print
/var/spool/lpd/stat where the info on status of jobs is stored
/var/spool/lpd/pio holds virtual printer defenitions

73. Apache:

Apache webserver can be found on almost any flavour of Unix systems. We

describe some apache features
on Redhat Linux and SuZE Linux.

73.1 Apache on Redhat:


The Apache HTTP Server is a robust, commercial-grade open source Web

server developed by the Apache
Software Foundation ( Red Hat Linux 8.0 includes
the Apache HTTP Server version 2.0
as well as a number of server modules designed to enhance its

The default configuration file installed with the Apache HTTP Server
works without alteration
for most situations. This chapter, however, outlines how to customize
the Apache HTTP Server
configuration file (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) for situations where the
default configuration does not
suit your needs.

- Apache HTTP Server 2.0

Red Hat Linux 8.0 ships with version 2.0 of the Apache HTTP Server.
There are important differences
between version 2.0 and version 1.3 - which shipped with earlier
releases of Red Hat Linux.
This section reviews some of the new features of Apache HTTP Server 2.0
and outlines important changes.
If you need to migrate a version 1.3 configuration file to the new
format, refer to the Section called
Migrating Apache HTTP Server 1.3 Configuration Files.

- Features of Apache HTTP Server 2.0

The arrival of Apache HTTP Server 2.0 brings with it a number of new
features. Among them are the following:
. New Apache API - The Apache HTTP Server has a new, more powerful set
of Application Programing Interfaces
(APIs) for modules.
Modules built for Apache HTTP Server 1.3 will not work without being
ported to the new API.
If you are unsure whether or not a particular module has been ported,
consult with the package maintainer
before upgrading.
. Filtering - Modules for Apache HTTP Server 2.0 have the ability to act
as content filters.
See the Section called Modules and Apache HTTP Server 2.0 for more on
how filtering works.
. IPv6 Support - Apache HTTP Server 2.0 supports next generation IP
. Simplified Directives - A number of confusing directives have been
removed while others have been simplified.
See the Section called Configuration Directives in httpd.conf for more
information about specific directives.
. Multilingual Error Responses - When using Server Side Include (SSI)
documents, customizable error
response pages can be delivered in multiple languages.
. Multiprotocol Support - Apache HTTP Server 2.0 has the ability to
serve multiple protocols.

- Packaging Changes in Apache HTTP Server 2.0

Under Red Hat Linux 8.0 the Apache HTTP Server package has been renamed.
Also, some related packages
have been renamed, deprecated, or incorporated into other packages.
Below is a list of the packaging changes:

.The apache, apache-devel and apache-manual packages have been renamed

as httpd, httpd-devel and httpd-manual

.The mod_dav package has been incorporated into the httpd package.

.The mod_put and mod_roaming packages have been removed, since their
functionality is a subset of that
provided by mod_dav.

.The mod_auth_any and mod_bandwidth packages have been removed.

.The version number for the mod_ssl package is now synchronized with the
httpd package. This means that the
mod_ssl package for Apache HTTP Server 2.0 has a lower version number
than mod_ssl package for
Apache HTTP Server 1.3.

- File System Changes in Apache HTTP Server 2.0

The following changes to the file system layout occur when upgrading to
Apache HTTP Server 2.0:

. A new configuration directory, "/etc/httpd/conf.d/", has been added. -

This new directory is used to store
configuration files for individually packaged modules, such as
mod_ssl, mod_perl, and php. The server is
instructed to load configuration files from this location by the
directive Include conf.d/*.conf within
the Apache HTTP Server configuration file, /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.

It is vital that this line be inserted when migrating an existing

. The ab and logresolve programs have been moved. - These utility

programs have been moved from the
/usr/sbin/ directory and into the /usr/bin/ directory. This will cause
scripts with absolute paths for
these binaries to fail.

. The dbmmanage command has been replaced. - The dbmmanage command has
been replaced by htdbm.

. The logrotate configuration file has has been renamed. - The logrotate
configuration file has been renamed
from /etc/logrotate.d/apache to /etc/logrotate.d/httpd.

- After Installation
After you have installed the httpd package, the Apache HTTP Server's
documentation is available by
installing the httpd-manual package and pointing a Web browser to or you can
browse the Apache documentation available on the Web at

The Apache HTTP Server's documentation contains a full list and complete
descriptions of all
configuration options. For your convenience, this chapter provides short
descriptions of the configuration
directives used by Apache HTTP Server 2.0.

The version of the Apache HTTP Server included with Red Hat Linux
includes the ability to set up secure Web servers
using the strong SSL encryption provided by the mod_ssl and openssl
packages. As you look through the
configuration files, be aware that it includes both a non-secure and a
secure Web server.
The secure Web server runs as a virtual host, which is configured in the
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf file.

- Starting and Stopping httpd (Apache)

The the httpd RPM installs the /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd Bourne script,

which is accessed using the
/sbin/service command.

To start your server, as root type:

# /sbin/service httpd start

If you are running the Apache HTTP Server as a secure server, you will
be prompted to type your password.
To stop your server, type the command:
# /sbin/service httpd stop

The command restart is a shorthand way of stopping and then starting

your server. The restart command explicitly
stops and then starts your server. You will be prompted for your
password if you are running the Apache HTTP
Server as a secure server. The restart command looks like the following:

# /sbin/service httpd restart

If you just finished editing something in your httpd.conf file, you do

not need to explicitly stop and
start your server. Instead, you can use the reload command.

If you are running the Apache HTTP Server as a secure server, you will
not need to type your password when
using the reload option as the password will remain cached across

The reload command looks like the following example:

# /sbin/service httpd reload

By default, the httpd process will not start automatically when your
machine boots. You will need to configure
the httpd service to start up at boot time using an initscript utility,
such as /sbin/chkconfig, /sbin/ntsysv,
or the Services Configuration Tool program.

Please refer to the chapter titled Controlling Access to Services in

Official Red Hat Linux Customization Guide
for more information regarding these tools.

If you are running the Apache HTTP Server as a secure server, you will
be prompted for the secure server's
password after the machine boots, unless you generated a specific type
of server key file.

- Configuration Directives in httpd.conf

The Apache HTTP Server configuration file is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.

The httpd.conf file is well-commented
and mostly self-explanatory. Its default configuration will work for
most situations, however you should
become familiar some of the more important configuration options.

If you need to configure the Apache HTTP Server, edit httpd.conf and
then either reload, restart,
or stop and start the httpd process. How to reload, stop and start the
Apache HTTP Server is covered in the
Section called Starting and Stopping httpd.
- Default Modules
The Apache HTTP Server is distributed with a number of modules. By
default the following modules are installed
and enabled with the httpd package on Red Hat Linux:


Additionally, the following modules are available by installing

additional packages:


- Using Virtual Hosts

You can use the Apache HTTP Server's virtual hosts capability to run
different servers for different IP addresses,
different host names, or different ports on the same server. If you are
interested in using virtual hosts,
complete information is provided in the Apache documentation on your
machine or on the Web at

You cannot use name-based virtual hosts with your Red Hat Linux Advanced
Server, because the SSL handshake
occurs before the HTTP request which identifies the appropriate name-
based virtual host. If you want to use
name-based virtual hosts, they will only work with your non-secure Web

Virtual hosts are configured within the httpd.conf file, as described in

the Section called Configuration
Directives in httpd.conf. Please review that section before you start to
change the virtual hosts configuration
on your machine.

The Secure Web Server Virtual Host

The default configuration of your Web server runs a non-secure and a
secure server. Both servers use the same
IP address and host name, but they listen on different ports, and the
secure server is a virtual host configured.
This configuration enables you to serve both secure and non-secure
documents in an manner. Setting up the secure
HTTP transmission is very resource intensive, so generally you will be
able to serve far fewer pages per second
with a secure server. You need to consider this when you decide what
information to include on the secure server
and the non-secure server.

The configuration directives for your secure server are contained within
virtual host tags in the
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf file. If you need to change anything about
the configuration of your secure server,
you will need to change the configuration directives inside the virtual
host tags.

By default, both the secure and the non-secure Web servers share the
same DocumentRoot. To change the DocumentRoot
so that it is no longer shared by both the secure server and the non-
secure server, change one of the DocumentRoot
directives. The DocumentRoot either inside or outside of the virtual
host tags in httpd.conf defines the
DocumentRoot for the non-secure Web server. The DocumentRoot within the
virtual host tags in
conf.d/ssl.conf define the document root for the secure server.

The secure the Apache HTTP Server server listens on port 443, while your
non-secure Web server listens on port 80.
To stop the non-secure Web server from accepting connections find the
line which reads:

Then comment out any line in httpd.conf which reads Listen 80.

Setting Up Virtual Hosts

To create a virtual host, you will need to alter the virtual host lines,
provided as an example in httpd.conf
or create your own virtual host section.
The virtual host example lines read as follows:

#<VirtualHost *>
# ServerAdmin [email protected]
# DocumentRoot /www/docs/
# ServerName
# ErrorLog logs/
# CustomLog logs/ common

Uncomment all of the lines, and add the correct information for the
virtual host.
In the first line, change * to your server's IP address. Change the
ServerName to a valid DNS name to use
for the virtual host.

You will also need to uncomment one of the NameVirtualHost lines below:

NameVirtualHost *

Next change the IP address to the IP address, and port if necessary, for
the virtual host. When finished it will
look similar to the following example:


If you set up a virtual host and want it to listen on a non-default

port, you will need to set up a virtual host
for that port and add a Listen directive for corresponding to that port.

Then add the port number to the first line of the virtual host
configuration as in the following example:

<VirtualHost ip_address_of_your_server:12331>

This line would create a virtual host that listens on port 12331.
You must restart httpd to start a new virtual host. See the Section
called Starting and Stopping httpd for
instructions on how to start and stop httpd.

73.2 Apache on SuSE:


- Using Apache
To display static web pages with Apache, simply place your files in the
correct directory. In SUSE LINUX,
the correct directory is /srv/www/htdocs. A few small example pages may
already be installed there.
Use these pages to check if Apache was installed correctly and is
currently active. Subsequently, you can
simply overwrite or uninstall these pages. Custom CGI scripts are
installed in /srv/www/cgi-bin.
During operation, Apache writes log messages to the file
/var/log/httpd/access_log or /var/log/apache2/access_log.
These messages show which resources were requested and delivered at what
time and with which method
(GET, POST, etc.). Error messages are logged to /var/log/apache2.

- Active Contents
Apache provides several possibilities for the delivery of active
contents. Active contents are HTML pages
that are generated on the basis of variable input data from the client,
such as search engines that respond
to the input of one or several search strings (possibly interlinked with
logical operators like AND or OR)
by returning a list of pages containing these search strings.

Apache offers three ways of generating active contents:

Server Side Includes (SSI)

These are directives that are embedded in an HTML page by means of
special comments. Apache interprets
the content of the comments and delivers the result as part of the HTML

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

These are programs that are located in certain directories. Apache
forwards the parameters transmitted by the
client to these programs and returns the output of the programs. This
kind of programming is quite easy,
especially since existing command-line programs can be designed in such
a way that they accept input
from Apache and return their output to Apache.

Apache offers interfaces for executing any modules within the scope of
request processing. Apache gives these
programs access to important information, such as the request or the
HTTP headers. Programs can take part
in the generation of active contents as well as in other functions (such
as authentication). The programming
of such modules requires some expertise. The advantages of this approach
are high performance and possibilities
that exceed those of SSI and CGI.

While CGI scripts are executed directly by Apache (under the user ID of
their owner), modules are controlled
by a persistent interpreter that is embedded in Apache. In this way,
separate processes do not need to be
started and terminated for every request (this would result in a
considerable overhead for the process management,
memory management, etc.). Rather, the script is handled by the
interpreter running under the ID of the web server.

However, this approach has a catch. Compared to modules, CGI scripts are
relatively tolerant of careless
programming. With CGI scripts, errors, such as a failure to release
resources and memory, do not have a
lasting effect, because the programs are terminated after the request
has been processed. This results in the
clearance of memory that was not released by the program due to a
programming error. With modules, the
effects of programming errors accumulate, as the interpreter is
persistent. If the server is not restarted
and the interpreter runs for several months, the failure to release
resources, such as database connections,
can be quite disturbing.

Server Side Includes: SSI

Server-side includes are directives that are embedded in special
comments and executed by Apache.
The result is embedded in the output. For example, the current date can
be printed with
<!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" -->. The # at the end of the opening comment
mark "<!--" shows Apache that this
is an SSI directive and not a simple comment.

SSIs can be activated in several ways. The easiest approach is to search

all executable files for SSIs.

Another approach is to specify certain file types to search for SSI.

Common Gateway Interface: CGI

CGI is the abbreviation for Common Gateway Interface. With CGI, the
server does not simply deliver
a static HTML page, but executes a program that generates the page. This
enables the generation of pages
representing the result of a calculation, such as the result of the
search in a database. By means of
arguments passed to the executed program, the program can return an
individual response page for every request.

The main advantage of CGI is that this technology is quite simple. The
program merely must exist in a
specific directory to be executed by the web server just like a command-
line program. The server sends
the program output on the standard output channel (stdout) to the


Input parameters can be passed to the server with GET or POST. Depending
on which method is used, the server
passes the parameters to the script in various ways.

> With POST, the server passes the parameters to the program
on the standard input channel (stdin). The program would receive its
input in the same way when
started from a console.

> With GET, the server uses the environment variable QUERY_STRING to
pass the parameters to the program.
An environment variable is a variable made available globally by the
system (such as the variable PATH,
which contains a list of paths the system searches for executable
commands when the user enters a command).
Languages for CGI
Theoretically, CGI programs can be written in any programming language.
Usually, scripting languages
(interpreted languages), such as Perl or PHP, are used for this purpose.
If speed is critical,
C or C++ may be more suitable.

In the simplest case, Apache looks for these programs in a specific

directory (cgi-bin). This directory
can be set in the configuration file.

If necessary, additional directories can be specified. In this case,

Apache searches these directories
for executable programs. However, this represents a security risk, as
any user will be able to
let Apache execute programs (some of which may be malicious). If
executable programs are restricted
to cgi-bin, the administrator can easily see who places which scripts
and programs in this directory
and check them for any malicious intent.

Generating Active Contents with Modules

A variety of modules is available for use with Apache. The term "module"
is used in two different senses.

> First, there are modules that can be integrated in Apache for the
purpose of handling specific functions,
such as modules for embedding programming languages. These modules are
introduced below.

> Second, in connection with programming languages, modules refer to an

independent group of functions,
classes, and variables. These modules are integrated in a program to
provide a certain functionality,
such as the CGI modules available for all scripting languages. These
modules facilitate the programming
of CGI applications by providing various functions, such as methods
for reading the request parameters
and for the HTML output.

Perl is a popular, proven scripting language. There are numerous modules
and libraries for Perl, including
a library for expanding the Apache configuration file. The home page for
Perl is
A range of libraries for Perl is available in the Comprehensive Perl
Archive Network (CPAN) at

Setting up mod_perl
To set up mod_perl in SUSE LINUX, simply install the respective package
(see Section 15.6. "Installation").
Following the installation, the Apache configuration file will include
the necessary entries
(see /etc/apache2/ Information about mod_perl is
available at
mod_perl versus CGI
In the simplest case, run a previous CGI script as a mod_perl script by
requesting it with a different URL.
The configuration file contains aliases that point to the same directory
and execute any scripts it contains
either via CGI or via mod_perl. All these entries already exist in the
configuration file. The alias entry for
CGI is as follows:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/srv/www/cgi-bin/"

The entries for mod_perl are as follows:

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
# Provide two aliases to the same cgi-bin directory,
# to see the effects of the 2 different mod_perl modes.
# for Apache::Registry Mode
ScriptAlias /perl/ "/srv/www/cgi-bin/"
# for Apache::Perlrun Mode
ScriptAlias /cgi-perl/ "/srv/www/cgi-bin/"

The following entries are also needed for mod_perl. These entries
already exist in the configuration file.

# If mod_perl is activated, load configuration information
<IfModule mod_perl.c>
Perlrequire /usr/include/apache/modules/perl/startup.perl
PerlModule Apache::Registry

# set Apache::Registry Mode for /perl Alias
<Location /perl>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::Registry
Options ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On

# set Apache::PerlRun Mode for /cgi-perl Alias
<Location /cgi-perl>
SetHandler perl-script
PerlHandler Apache::PerlRun
Options ExecCGI
PerlSendHeader On


These entries create aliases for the Apache::Registry and

Apache::PerlRun modes. The difference between these
two modes is as follows:
All scripts are compiled and kept in a cache. Every script is applied as
the content of a subroutine.
Although this is good for performance, there is a disadvantage: the
scripts must be programmed extremely
carefully, as the variables and subroutines persist between the
requests. This means that you must reset
the variables to enable their use for the next request. If, for example,
the credit card number of a customer
is stored in a variable in an online banking script, this number could
appear again when the next customer
uses the application and requests the same script.

The scripts are recompiled for every request. Variables and subroutines
disappear from the namespace between
the requests (the namespace is the entirety of all variable names and
routine names that are defined at a
given time during the existence of a script). Therefore, Apache::PerlRun
does not necessitate painstaking
programming, as all variables are reinitialized when the script is
started and no values are kept from previous
requests. For this reason, Apache::PerlRun is slower than
Apache::Registry but still a lot faster than CGI
(in spite of some similarities to CGI), because no separate process is
started for the interpreter.

PHP is a programming language that was especially developed for use with
web servers. In contrast to other languages
whose commands are stored in separate files (scripts), the PHP commands
are embedded in an HTML page
(similar to SSI). The PHP interpreter processes the PHP commands and
embeds the processing result in the HTML page.

The home page for PHP is For PHP to work, install
mod_php4-core and, in addition,
apache2-mod_php4 for Apache 2.

Python is an object-oriented programming language with a very clear and
legible syntax. An unusual but convenient
feature is that the program structure depends on the indentation. Blocks
are not defined with braces (as in C and
Perl) or other demarcation elements (such as begin and end), but by
their level of indentation. The package to
install is apache2-mod_python.

More information about this language is available at For more information about mod_python,
visit the URL

Ruby is a relatively new, object-oriented high-level programming
language that resembles certain aspects of Perl
and Python and is ideal for scripts. Like Python, it has a clean,
transparent syntax. On the other hand, Python
has adopted abbreviations, such as $.r for the number of the last line
read in the input file - a feature that
is welcomed by some programmers and abhorred by others. The basic
concept of Ruby closely resembles Smalltalk.

74. Distributed shell:


Note 1:

DSH - distributed shell

dsh is a program which runs a single command on multiple computers at
the same time. It was designed
as a cluster tool for beowulf-style supercomputers.

The link address is:

Note 2:

dsh12003 Sep 17Debian-Beowulf/DancerDancer Tools reference


dsh - Distributed shell, or dancer's shell


dsh [-m machinename | -a | -g groupname ] [-r remoteshellname ] [-c | -w

| -i | -F forklimit ] -- commandline

dsh executes command remotely on several different machines at the same

time. An utility to effectively do a
for a in $(seq 1 10); do rsh $a command; done in bourne shell.


The options available are as follows.

--verbose | -v
Give verbose output of the execution process.

--quiet | -q
Makes output quieter.

--machine | -m [machinename[,machinename]*]
Adds machinename to the list of machines that the command is exeuted.
The syntax of machinename allows
username@machinename where remote shell is invoked with the option to
make it of username.
From version 0.21.4, it is possible to specify in the format of
username@machinename" so that multiple hosts can be specified with
comma-delimited values.
--all | -a
Add all machines found in /etc/dsh/machines.list to the list of machines
that the specified command is executed.

--group groupname | -g groupname

Add all machines found in /etc/dsh/group/ groupname to the list of
machines that the specified command is executed.
If groupname is on the form @netgroup then the machines in the given
netgroup is used to specify the list of machines
to execute on.

--file machinefile | -f machinefile

Add all machines found in the specified file to the list of machines
that the specified command is executed.
The file should list one machine specification per line (with the same
syntax as the machinename argument).
Lines starting with "#" are ignored.
From version 0.21.4, Specifying the same machine several times using any
of the machine specification options
will result in multiple invocations merged into one.

--remoteshell shellname | -r shellname

Execute remote shell shellname as the remote shell. Usually any of
"rsh", "remsh" or "ssh" are available

--remoteshellopt rshoption | -o rshoption

Add one option rshoption to the list of options passed on to the remote

--help | -h
Output help message and exits.

--wait-shell | -w
Executes on each machine and waits for the execution finishing before
moving on to the next machine.

--concurrent-shell | -c
Executes shell concurrently.

--show-machine-names | -M
Prepends machine names on the standard output. Useful to be used in
conjunction with the --concurrent-shell option
so that the output is slightly more parsable.

--duplicate-input | -i
Duplicates the input to dsh process to individual process that are
remotely invoked. Needs to have --concurrent-shell set.
Due to limitations in current implementation, it is only useful for
running shell. Terminate the shell session
with ctrl-D.

--bufsize | -b [ buffer-size in bytes ]

Sets the buffer size used in replicating input for --duplicate-input

--version | -V
Outputs version information and exits.

--num-topology | -N
Changes the current topology from 1. 1 is the default behavior of
spawning the shell from one node to every node.
Changing the number to a value greater than 2 would result in dsh being
spawned on other machines as well.

--forklimit | -F fork limit

Similar to -c with a limit on the number of simultaneous connections.
dsh will wait before creating new connection
if the limit is reached. Useful when the number of nodes to be accessed
is going somewhere above 200,
and using -N option is not possible.


The first non-zero exit code of child processes is returned, or zero if

none returned non-zero exit code.
1 if error is found in command-line specifications. 2 if signal is
received from child processes.


dsh -a w
Shows list of users logged in on all workstations.

dsh -r ssh -a -- w
Shows list of users logged in on all workstations, and use ssh command
to connect.
(It should be of note that when using ssh, ssh-agent is handy.)

dsh -r ssh -m node1 -m node2 -c -- 'echo $HOSTNAME $(cat/proc/loadavg )'

Shows the load average of machines node1 and node2.


/etc/dsh/machines.list | $(HOME)/.dsh/machines.list
List of machine names to be used for when -a command-line option is

/etc/dsh/group/ groupname | $(HOME)/.dsh/group/ groupname

List of machine names to be used for when -g groupname command-line
option is specified.

/etc/dsh/dsh.conf | $(HOME)/.dsh/dsh.conf
Configuration file containing the day-to-day default.

Note 3:
PSSP's distributed shell commands "dsh" and "dshbak" are now standard in
AIX 5.2. They run commands in parallel
on multiple hosts, and format the output. The dsh commands greatly
simplify managing server farms.

The set of nodes to which commands are sent can be set on the command
line or by the contents of a file named
by the DSH_LIST environment variable.

Here are a couple simple examples how these commands can be used.
(Assume DSH_LIST has been set to the name of the
file containing the list of servers. In this case, just three servers:
dodgers, surveyor and pioneer)

Check the clock setting on all servers:

# dsh date
dodgers: Fri Jun 4 14:46:06 PDT 2004
surveyor: Fri Jun 4 14:16:18 PDT 2004
pioneer: Fri Jun 4 14:32:28 PDT 2004

Identify servers running fix IX37151

# dsh "instfix -ik IX37659"

dodgers: There was no data for IX37659 in the fix database
surveyor: All filesets for IY37659 were found
pioneer: All filesets for IY37659 were found

Check the hardware error logs on all servers starting 6/4/04

# dsh "errpt -s 0604000004"

Or check the OS level on each server:

# dsh "lslpp -L bos.rte | grep bos.rte"

You can also use "dshbak" to group common output from the # dsh command.
This makes it easier to identify
differences when you have a lot of servers. For example, we can
consolidate the output of the above instfix command
as follows.

# dsh "lslpp -L bos.rte" | dshbak

HOST: dodgers
There was no data for IX37659 in the fix database.

HOST: surveyor, pioneer

All filesets for IY37659 were found

Both commands are located in the /opt/csm/bin directory. They require a

little customization.
Check the AIX documentation for more information.

75. General Parallel File System (GPFS):

Only AIX and Linux (pSeries) related.

General Parallel File System (GPFS) is a high performance "shared-disk

file system" that can provide data access
from nodes in a cluster environment. Parallel and serial applications
can readily access shared files
using standard UNIXr file system interfaces, and the same file can be
accessed concurrently from multiple nodes.
GPFS is designed to provide high availability through logging and
replication, and can be configured for failover
from both disk and server malfunctions.

GPFS operates often within the context of a HACMP cluster, but you can
build just GPFS "clusters" as well.

75.1 Creating a 2 node GPFS Cluster:


Suppose we have two nodes named node2 and node3. Our goal is to create a
single GPFS filesystem,
named "/my_gpfs", consisting of 2 disks used for data and metadata.
These disks are housed by two
DS4300 storage subsystems. A tiebreaker disk, in a seperate DS4100, will
be used to maintain node quorom
during single nodes failures. Additionally, a "filesystem descriptor"
disk for /my_gpfs is located
at the same site.

Servers: 2 Nodes= 2 x lpar; per lpar 1 cpu, 2GB RAM, 2 x FC adapter, 2 x

Ethernet adapter
Storage: 2 x DS4300 for GPFS and data, 1 x DS4100 for tiebreaker disk

Suppose further that the nodes uses the following IP addresses:


The Ethernet adapters per Server, are Aggregated, or configured in NIB

(backup standby mode).

Note : What are Tiebreaker disks?

GPFS can use two types of quorum mechanisms in order to determine
service availability:
- Disk quorom
- Node quorom

In case availability of either of these resources is less or equal to

50%, GPFS file system services are
automatically stopped.

When node quorom is not met, GPFS stops its cluster-wide services and
access to all filesystems
within the cluster is no longer possible. If less than 50% of disks
serving a GPFS file system fail,
disk quorom, that is the number of "filesystem descriptors" for that
particular file system,
is no longer met and the filesystem will be unmounted.

To eliminate the need of a tiebreaker node, as from GPFS 2.3, a new

node quorom mechanism was introduced
for a two node cluster. Its called a tiebreaker disk.
If one of the two nodes goes down, we still have "enough" node qourom
to keep the GPFS system running.
Basically, a tiebreaker disk replaces a "tiebreaker node".

-- Preparations:
-- -------------

1. The systems have AIX >= 5.3ML2 installed, and gpfs.base.xxxx

2. Make sure names resolution is ok, either by DNS or by /etc/hosts
3. Sync the system clocks, for example by NTP
4. Make sure rcp, ssh, scp is working (via ./rhosts etc.. or ssh
5. A distributed shell (DSH) is installed on each node.
6. During cluster setup some configuration files may be created and used
with GPFS commands.
These files reside in a subdirectories in /var/mmfs.


root@starboss:/var/mmfs/etc#cat mmfs.cfg
# WARNING: This is a machine generated file. Do not edit!
# Use the mmchconfig command to change configuration parameters.
clusterName cluster_name.starboss
clusterId 729741152660153204
clusterType lc
autoload no
useDiskLease yes
maxFeatureLevelAllowed 912
tiebreakerDisks gpfs3nsd;gpfs4nsd
takeOverSdrServ yes
-- Creating the GPFS cluster:
-- ---------------------------

The first step is to create a GPFS cluster named TbrCl using the

# mmcrcluster -n /var/mmfs/conf/nodefile -p node2 -s node3 -C TbrCl -A

A file called "nodefile" contains the cluster node information,

describing the function of each node:

# Node2 can be a file system manager and is relevant for GPFS quorum
# Node3 can be a file system manager and is relevant for GPFS quorum

Each node can fullfill the function of a file system manager and is
relevant for maintaining node quorom.
A GPFS cluster designates a primary cluster manager (node2) and appoints
a backup (node3) in case the
primary fails. Cluster services will be started automatically during
node boot (-A). After successfully
creating the cluster, you can verify your setup:

# mmlscluster

GPFS cluster information


GPFS cluster name: TbrCl.node2

GPFS cluster id: 720858653441148399
GPFS UID domain: TbrCl.node2
Remote shell command: /usr/bin/rsh
Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/rcp

GPFS cluster configuration servers:

Primary server: node2
Secondary server: node3

Node number Node name IP address Full node name Remarks

1 node2 node2 quorom node
2 node3 node3 quorom node

The GPFS daemon has to be started on all nodes:

# mmstartup -a

With GPFS you can administer the whole cluster from any cluster node.
After starting GPFS services you
should examine the state of the cluster:

# mmgetstate -aL
Node number Node name Quorom Nodes up Total nodes GPFS state
1 node2 2 2 2 active
2 node3 2 2 2 active

At this point, the cluster software is running, but you haven't done
anything yet on the filesystems.

-- Configuring GPFS disks

-- ----------------------

Before starting with the configuration of GPFS disks, you have to make
sure that each cluster node has
access to each SAN attached disk when running in a shared disk
environment. With AIX 5L, you can use
the lspv command to verify your disks (hdisk) are properly configured:

# lspv

hdisk2 none none

hdisk3 none none
hdisk4 none none
hdisk5 none none

If you look for LUN related information (e.g. volume names) issue the
following command against a
dedicated hdisk:

# lsattr -El hdisk2

.... (in the output, you will also see SAN stuff)

Its very important to keep a well balanced disk configuration when using
GPFS because this makes sure
you get optimal performance by distributing I/O requests evenly among
storage subsystems and attached
data disks. Keep in mind that all GPFS disks belonging to a particular
file system should be of same size.

GPFS uses a mechanism called Network Shared Disk (NSD) to provide file
system access to cluster nodes,
which do not have direct physical access to file system disks. A
diskless node accesses an NSD via the
cluster network and I/O operations are handled as if they run against a
directly attached disk from
an operating systems perspective. A special device driver handles data
shipping using the cluster network.
NSDs can also be used in a purely SAN based GPFS configuration where
each node can directly access
any disk. In case a node looses direct disk access, it automatically
switches to NSD-mode, sending I/O
requests via network to other direct direct disk attached nodes. This
mechanism increases file system
availability, and should normally be used.

When using NSD, a primary and a backup server are assigned to each NSD.
In case a node looses its
direct disk attachment, it contacts the primary NSD server, or backup
server in case the primary
is not available.

In order to establish NSD you need to create "descriptor files" in order

to describe each
disk functionality. In our example, we will use the following file:

# cat /var/mmfs/conf/diskfile

#Description of disk attributes

#<disk name>:<primary NSD server>:<2ndary NSD server>:<disk
usage>:<failure group>:<NSD name>

#Data and metadata disk for /my_gpfs, site A, DS4300_1


#Data and metadata disk for /my_gpfs, site B, DS4300_2


#File system descriptor disk for /my_gpfs, site C, DS4100


#Tiebreaker disk, site C, DS4100


Here, our cluster uses 4 disks with GPFS. Filesystem "/my_gpfs" uses
hdisk2 and hdisk3 for data and metadata.
Therefore these disks will use the NSD mechanism to provide file system
data access in case direct disk access
fails on one of the cluster nodes.
Node2 is the primary NSD server for hdisk2 with node3 being its backup.
The same is true for hdisk3, but then
the other way around.
Each of these disks belongs to a different "failure group" (1=site A,
2=site B) which basically enables
replication of file system data and metadata between the two sites.

After successfully creating the "disk descriptor file", the following

command is used to define the NSDs:

# mmcrnsd -F /var/mmfs/conf/diskfile -v yes

GPFS assigns a Physical Volume ID PVID to each of the disks. This

information is written to sector 2
on the AIX5L hdisk. Since GPFS uses its own PVIDs, do not confuse them
with AIX5L PVIDs.
After a successful creation of the NSDs, you can verify your setup using
the mmlsnsd command:

# mmlsnsd -aL

File system Disk name NSD Volume ID Primary node

Backup node
(free disk) gpfs1nsd 099CAF2043A04625 node2
(free disk) gpfs2nsd 099CAF2043A04627 node3
(free disk) gpfs3nsd 099CAF2043A04628 (directly attached)
(free disk) gpfs4nsd 099CAF2043A04629 (directly attached)

During NSD creation, the diskfile was rewritten. Each hdisk stanza is
commented out, and a
equivalent NSD stanza is inserted.

#<disk name>:<primary NSD server>:<2ndary NSD server>:<disk

usage>:<failure group>:<NSD name>

#Data and metadata disk for /my_gpfs, site A, DS4300_1


#Data and metadata disk for /my_gpfs, site B, DS4300_2


#File system descriptor disk for /my_gpfs, site C, DS4100


#Tiebreaker disk, site C, DS4100


After issuing the mmcrnsd command, we have made the disks available and
ready to create GPFS filesystems.

-- Activating tiebreaker mode
-- --------------------------

When using a two node cluster with tiebraker disks, the cluster
configuration must be switched
to tiebreaker mode. Ofcourse you need to know which disks are being used
as tiebreaker disks.
Up to 3 disks are allowed. In our example, gpfs4nsd (that is hdisk5) is
the only tiebreaker disk.
With the following command sequence, tiebreaker mode is turned on:
# mmshutdown -a
# mmstartup -a

A 2 node cluster running in tiebreaker mode can easily be identified by

running the following command:

# mmgetstate -aL

Node number Node name Quorom Nodes up Total nodes GPFS state
1 node2 1* 2 2 active
2 node3 1* 2 2 active

If the quorum information is displayed as "1*", this is a 2 node

tiebreaker disk cluster.
Another nice command to check the status of the cluster is "mmlsconfig".

# mmlsconfig

Configuration data for cluster TbrCl.node2:

ClusterName TbrCl.node2
ClusterId 8262362723390
ClusterType 1c
Multinode yes
autoload yes
useDiskLease yes
MaxFeatureLevelAllowed 809
tiebreakerDisks gpfs4nsd

-- Creating a GPFS Filesystem

-- --------------------------

GPFS generally maintains at least 3 filesystem descriptors, or quorum,

per filesystem.
Best would be, to have the descriptors distributed over many disks. But
you might have
only 2 disks, resulting in 2 copies on one disk, and 1 copy on the other
That would be an unbalanced situation. GPFS always verifies if more than
50% of the
filesystem disks are available, and if not, it will unmount the

Before we can create the /my_gpfs filesystem we need to prepare a file

named "fsdisks_mygpfs"
describing all disks belonging to the filesystem.
In our example, we use only 2 disks for the filesystem, but we like to
have a balanced situation
with at least 3 descriptor area's. For this, we can use
as shown before as an entry in the "nsd diskfile".
Our "fdisk_mygpfs" looks like this:

#<disk name>:<primary NSD server>:<2ndary NSD server>:<disk

usage>:<failure group>:<NSD name>

#Data and metadata disk for /my_gpfs, site A, DS4300_1


#Data and metadata disk for /my_gpfs, site B, DS4300_2


#File system descriptor disk for /my_gpfs, site C, DS4100


The next step is to create the file system:

# mmcrfs /my_gpfs /dev/my_gpfs -F /var/mmfs/conf/fdisk_mygpfs -A yes -m2

-M2 -r2 -R2 -v yes

The mountpoint is /my_gpfs and a device called /dev/my_gpfs is created.

The option -F is used to specify
a configuration file describing the filesystem's NSDs. We want this
filesystem to be mounted automatically
during startup (-A yes). When designing our cluster, we decided to use
data and metadata replication (-r2,-m2)
to provide high availability.

If you intend to create several filesystems within your cluster, repeat

all the steps as shown above.

-- mounting a GPFS Filesystem

-- --------------------------

Filesystem "/my_gpfs" will be mounted on each of the cluster nodes using

the command:

# dsh -a mount -t mmfs

The command dsh is the Distributed Shell, wich should be available on

your AIX53 systems.
Your GPFS filesystem is also registered in /etc/filesystems. Also,
standard AIX commands can be used against
the GPFS filesystems, like for example:

# dsh -w node2,node3 df -k /my_gpfs

Filesystem /my_gpfs is now available to both nodes with all three file
system descripters being well
balanced across failure groups and disks.

# mmlsdisk my_gpfs

disk driver sector failure holds holds

name type size group metadata data status
availability disk id remarks
gpfs1nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready
up 1 desc
gpfs2nsd nsd 512 2 yes yes ready
up 2 desc
gpfs3nsd nsd 512 3 no no ready
up 3 desc


Note 1: SDD driver

Subsystem Device Driver, SDD, is a pseudo driver designed to support the

multipath configuration environments
in the IBM Totalstorage Enterprise Storage Server, the IBM TotalStorage
DS family, and the IBM System Storage
SAN Volume Controller.
You can see this driver installed, for example, in HACMP and GPFS

At this time, SSD version is not supported by VIOS. Ofcourse,

this might change later.

Note 2: pv listing:

In a gpfs cluster, a lspv might show output like the following example:

root@zd110l13:/root# lspv
hdisk0 00cb61fe0b562af0 rootvg
hdisk1 00cb61fe0fb40619 rootvg
hdisk2 00cb61fe33429fa6 vge0corddap01
hdisk3 00cb61fe3342a096 vge0corddap01
hdisk4 00cb61fe3342a175 gpfs3nsd
hdisk5 00cb61fe33536125 gpfs4nsd

root@zd110l13:/root# mmlsnsd -aL

File system Disk name NSD volume ID Primary node

Backup node
gpfsfs0 gpfs3nsd 0A208FB64650A409 zd110l13
gpfsfs0 gpfs4nsd 0A208FB64650A40D zd110l13
Note 3: Other examples:

Other Examples of registration of a GPFS fileystem in /etc/filesystems:

dev = /dev/gpfsfs0
vfs = mmfs
nodename = -
mount = mmfs
type = mmfs
account = false
options = rw,mtime,atime,dev=gpfsfs0

root@zd110l13:/etc# mmlsdisk /dev/gpfsfs0

disk driver sector failure holds holds

name type size group metadata data status
availability pool
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- -------------
------------ ------------
gpfs3nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up
gpfs4nsd nsd 512 2 yes yes ready up

75.2 GPFS commands:


75.2.1. The mmcrcluster Command:


mmcrcluster - Creates a GPFS cluster from a set of nodes.

mmcrcluster -n NodeFile -p PrimaryServer [-s SecondaryServer] [-r
[-R RemoteFileCopyCommand] [-C ClusterName] [-U
DomainName] [-A] [-c ConfigFile]

Use the mmcrcluster command to create a GPFS cluster.
Upon successful completion of the mmcrcluster command, the
/var/mmfs/gen/mmsdrfs and the /var/mmfs/gen/mmfsNodeData
files are created on each of the nodes in the cluster. Do not delete
these files under any circumstances.
For further information, see the General Parallel File System: Concepts,
Planning, and Installation Guide.

You must follow these rules when creating your GPFS cluster:

While a node may mount file systems from multiple clusters, the node
itself may only be added to a single cluster
using the mmcrcluster or mmaddnode command.
The nodes must be available for the command to be successful. If any of
the nodes listed are not available
when the command is issued, a message listing those nodes is displayed.
You must correct the problem on each node
and issue the mmaddnode command to add those nodes.
You must designate at least one node as a quorum node. You are strongly
advised to designate the cluster
configuration servers as quorum nodes. How many quorum nodes altogether
you will have depends on whether
you intend to use the node quorum with tiebreaker algorithm. or the
regular node based quorum algorithm.
For more details, see the General Parallel File System: Concepts,
Planning, and Installation Guide and
search for designating quorum nodes.

Specifies that GPFS daemons are to be automatically started when nodes
come up. The default is not to start
daemons automatically.
-C ClusterName
Specifies a name for the cluster. If the user-provided name contains
dots, it is assumed to be a fully
qualified domain name. Otherwise, to make the cluster name unique, the
domain of the primary configuration
server will be appended to the user-provided name.
If the -C flag is omitted, the cluster name defaults to the name of the
primary GPFS cluster configuration server.

-c ConfigFile
Specifies a file containing GPFS configuration parameters with values
different than the documented defaults.
A sample file can be found in /usr/lpp/mmfs/samples/mmfs.cfg.sample. See
the mmchconfig command for a detailed
description of the different configuration parameters.
The -c ConfigFile parameter should only be used by experienced
administrators. Use this file to only set up
parameters that appear in the mmfs.cfg.sample |file. Changes to any
other values may be ignored by GFPS.
When in doubt, use the mmchconfig command instead.

-n NodeFile
NodeFile consists of a list of node descriptors, one per line, to be
included in the GPFS cluster.
Node descriptors are defined as:

NodeName is the hostname or IP address to be used by GPFS for node to

node communication.
The hostname or IP address must refer to the communications adapter over
which the GPFS daemons communicate.
Alias interfaces are not allowed. Use the original address or a name
that is resolved by the host command
to that original address. You may specify a node using any of these

Format Example
Short hostname k145n01
Long hostname
IP address

NodeDesignations is an optional, '-' separated list of node roles.

manager | client - Indicates whether a node is part of the pool of
nodes from which configuration and
file system managers are selected. The default is
quorum | nonquorum - Indicates whether a node is to be counted as a
quorum node. The default is nonquorum.

You must provide a descriptor for each node to be added to the GPFS

-p PrimaryServer
Specifies the primary GPFS cluster configuration server node used to
store the GPFS configuration data.
This node must be a member of the GPFS cluster.
-R RemoteFileCopy
Specifies the fully-qualified path name for the remote file copy program
to be used by GPFS. The default value is
The remote copy command must adhere to the same syntax format as the rcp
command, but may implement an
alternate authentication mechanism.

-r RemoteShellCommand
Specifies the fully-qualified path name for the remote shell program to
be used by GPFS. The default value is
The remote shell command must adhere to the same syntax format as the
rsh command, but may implement an
alternate authentication mechanism.

-s SecondaryServer
Specifies the secondary GPFS cluster configuration server node used to
store the GPFS cluster data.
This node must be a member of the GPFS cluster.
It is suggested that you specify a secondary GPFS cluster configuration
server to prevent the loss of
configuration data in the event your primary GPFS cluster configuration
server goes down. When the GPFS daemon
starts up, at least one of the two GPFS cluster configuration servers
must be accessible.

If your primary GPFS cluster configuration server fails and you have not
designated a secondary server,
the GPFS cluster configuration files are inaccessible, and any GPFS
administrative commands that are issued fail.
File system mounts or daemon startups also fail if no GPFS cluster
configuration server is available.

-U DomainName
Specifies the UID domain name for the cluster.
A detailed description of the GPFS user ID remapping convention is
contained in UID Mapping for GPFS In a
Multi-Cluster Environment at

Exit status

Successful completion.
A failure has occurred.

You must have root authority to run the mmcrcluster command.

You may issue the mmcrcluster command from any node in the GPFS cluster.

A properly configured .rhosts file must exist in the root user's home
directory on each node in the GPFS cluster.
If you have designated the use of a different remote communication
program on either the mmcrcluster or the
mmchcluster command, you must ensure:

Proper authorization is granted to all nodes in the GPFS cluster.

The nodes in the GPFS cluster can communicate without the use of a
password, and without any extraneous messages.

Example 1:

To create a GPFS cluster made of all of the nodes listed in the file
/u/admin/nodelist, using node k164n05
as the primary server, and node k164n04 as the secondary server, issue:

# mmcrcluster -n /u/admin/nodelist -p k164n05 -s k164n04

where /u/admin/nodelist has the these contents:

The output of the command is similar to:

Mon Aug 9 22:14:34 EDT 2004: 6027-1664 mmcrcluster: Processing node
Mon Aug 9 22:14:38 EDT 2004: 6027-1664 mmcrcluster: Processing node
Mon Aug 9 22:14:42 EDT 2004: 6027-1664 mmcrcluster: Processing node
mmcrcluster: Command successfully completed
mmcrcluster: 6027-1371 Propagating the changes to all affected.
nodes. This is an asynchronous process.

To confirm the creation, enter:

# mmlscluster

The system displays information similar to:

GPFS cluster information

GPFS cluster name:
GPFS cluster id: 680681562214606028
GPFS UID domain:
Remote shell command: /usr/bin/rsh
Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/rcp

GPFS cluster configuration servers:

Primary server:
Secondary server:

Node number Node name IP address Full node name Remarks

1 k164n04 quorum
2 k164n05 quorum
3 k164n06

Example 2:

# mmcrcluster -n /home/root/nodelist -p zcnodeb -s n5nodea -r

-R /usr/bin/rcp -C MDLPR -A

Where the -C option determines the clustername.

You can start the cluster (GPFS daemon) by using

# mmstartup -a

Check if all nodes are registered in the cluster

# mmlscluster
75.2.2 Other GPFS commands:

The most common gpfs commands, will be illustrated by examples.

-- List cluster info: mmlscluster

-- ------------------------------

# mmlscluster

The system displays information similar to:

GPFS cluster information

GPFS cluster name:
GPFS cluster id: 680681562214606028
GPFS UID domain:
Remote shell command: /usr/bin/rsh
Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/rcp

GPFS cluster configuration servers:

Primary server:
Secondary server:

Node number Node name IP address Full node name Remarks

1 k164n04 quorum
2 k164n05 quorum
3 k164n06

-- Retrieving the Cluster status:

-- ------------------------------

# mmgetstate -aL

Node number Node name Quorom Nodes up Total nodes GPFS state
1 node2 2 2 2 active
2 node3 2 2 2 active

-- Retreiving config data of the Cluster:

-- --------------------------------------

# mmlsconfig
Configuration data for cluster TbrCl.node2:
ClusterName TbrCl.node2
ClusterId 8262362723390
ClusterType 1c
Multinode yes
autoload yes
useDiskLease yes
MaxFeatureLevelAllowed 809
tiebreakerDisks gpfs4nsd

Configuration data for cluster cluster_name.zd110l13:
clusterName cluster_name.zd110l13
clusterId 729741152660153204
clusterType lc
autoload no
useDiskLease yes
maxFeatureLevelAllowed 912
tiebreakerDisks gpfs3nsd;gpfs4nsd
takeOverSdrServ yes

File systems in cluster cluster_name.zd110l13:


root@zd110l13:/var/adm/ras#df -k | grep /dev/gpfsfs0

/dev/gpfsfs0 2097152000 2009668608 5% 101193 5%

-- Change the status of a disk, and listing status: mmchdisk and


You can even simulate the loss of a NSD disk from a Cluster, for example

# mmchdisk my_gpfs stop -d "gpfs1nsd"

# mmlsdisk my_gpfs -L

disk driver sector failure holds holds

name type size group metadata data status
availability disk id remarks
gpfs1nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready
down 1 desc
gpfs2nsd nsd 512 2 yes yes ready
up 2 desc
gpfs3nsd nsd 512 3 no no ready
up 3 desc
We have used the example of the 2 node cluster of section 74.1 here.
Since the quorom is still met,
even with one disk "down", the service is still working.

-- Changes GPFS cluster configuration data.

-- ----------------------------------------

The mmchcluster command serves different purposes:

Change the primary or secondary GPFS cluster data server.

Synchronize the primary GPFS cluster data server.
Change the remote shell and remote file copy programs to be used by the
nodes in the cluster.

To change the primary GPFS server for the cluster, enter:

# mmchcluster -p k145n03

-- Changes the attributes of a GPFS file system

-- --------------------------------------------

Use the mmchfs command to change the attributes of a GPFS file system.

With the mmchfs command, you can for example change the number of inodes
of GPFS filesystem, like
for example

# mmchfs gpfsfs0 -F 856064:856064

Now list the properties of the gpfsfs0 filesystem:

# mmdf /dev/gpfsfs0
disk disk size failure holds holds free
KB free KB
name in KB group metadata data in full
blocks in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- -----
-------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system
gpfs3nsd 7340032 1 yes yes 5867008
( 80%) 434992 ( 6%)
gpfs1nsd 314572800 1 yes yes 268067328
( 85%) 17170032 ( 5%)
gpfs2nsd 115343360 1 no no 0
( 0%) 0 ( 0%)
-------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 437256192 273934336
( 63%) 17605024 ( 4%)

==================== ===================
(total) 437256192 273934336
( 63%) 17605024 ( 4%)

Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 177011
Number of free inodes: 679053
Number of allocated inodes: 856064
Maximum number of inodes: 856064

# mmdf /dev/gpfsfs0
# mmchfs gpfsfs0 -F 2457612:2457612

mmchfs ommand syntax:

mmchfs Device [-A {yes | no | automount}] [-E {yes | no}] [-D {nfs4 |
[-F MaxNumInodes[:NumInodesToPreallocate]] [-k {posix |
nfs4 | all}]
[-K {no | whenpossible | always}] [-m
[-o MountOptions] [-Q {yes | no}]
[-r DefaultDataReplicas] [-S {yes | no} ] [-T Mountpoint]
[-V] [-z {yes | no}]

To change the default replicas for metadata to 2 and the default

replicas for data to 2 for new files
created in the fs0 file system, enter:

# mmchfs fs0 -m 2 -r 2

To confirm the change, enter:

# mmlsfs fs0 -m -r

The system displays information similar to:

flag value description

---- -------------- -----------------------------------
-m 2 Default number of metadata replicas
-r 2 Default number of data replicas

With the mmchfs command, you can for example also change the number of
inodes of GPFS filesystem, like
for example

# mmchfs gpfsfs0 -F 856064:856064

More examples:

-- Add a node to the cluster

-- -------------------------

The mmaddnode command adds nodes to a GPFS cluster.

Use the mmaddnode command to add nodes to an existing GPFS cluster. On
each new node a mount point directory
and character mode device is created for each GPFS filesystem.

To add the nodes "k164n06" and "k164n07" as quorom nodes, designating
"k164n06" to be available as
manager node, use the following command:

# mmaddnode -N k164n06:quorom-manager,k164n07:quorom

-- Mounting and unmounting GPFS file

-- ----------------------------------

Use the mmmount and mmumount to mount or unmount GPFS filesystem on one
or more nodes in the cluster.


- To mount all GPFS filesystems on all of the nodes in the cluster:

# mmmount all -a

- To mount filesystem "fs2" read-only on the local node, use

# mmmount fs2 -o ro

- To mount fs1 on all NSD server nodes, use

# mmmount fs1 -N nsdnodes

- To unmount fs1 on all nodes of the cluster, use

# mmumount fs1 -a

-- Creates cluster-wide names for Network Shared Disks (NSDs) used by


mmcrnsd -F DescFile [-v {yes |no}]

The mmcrnsd command is used to create cluster-wide names for NSDs used
by GPFS.

This is the first GPFS step in preparing a disk for use by a GPFS file
system. A disk descriptor file supplied
to this command is rewritten with the new NSD names and that rewritten
disk descriptor file can then be supplied
as input to the mmcrfs command.

The name created by the mmcrnsd command is necessary since disks

connected at multiple nodes may have differing
disk device names in /dev on each node. The name uniquely identifies the
disk. This command must be run
for all disks that are to be used in GPFS file systems. The mmcrnsd
command is also used to assign a
primary and backup NSD server that can be used for I/O operations on
behalf of nodes that do not have
direct access to the disk.

To identify that the disk has been processed by the mmcrnsd command, a
unique NSD volume ID is written on
sector 2 of the disk. All of the NSD commands (mmcrnsd, mmlsnsd, and
mmdelnsd) use this unique
NSD volume ID to identify and process NSDs.

After the NSDs are created, the GPFS cluster data is updated and they
are available for use by GPFS.


To create your NSDs from the descriptor file nsdesc containing:



# mmcrnsd -F nsdesc

-- GPFS and inittab

-- ----------------

Usually, the following enry should be in place in /etc/inittab

mmfs:2:once:/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmautoload >/dev/console 2>&1

75.3 Installing GPFS:


Installing GPFS V. 2.3 or v. 3.1

Installing GPFS on AIX 5L nodes

It is suggested you read Planning for GPFS and the GPFS FAQs at
Do not attempt to install GPFS if you do not have the prerequisites
listed in Hardware requirements
and Software requirements.

Ensure that the PATH environment variable on each node includes


The installation process includes:

-Files to ease the installation process

-Verifying the level of prerequisite software
-Installation procedures

>> Files to ease the installation process

Creation of a file that contains all of the nodes in your GPFS cluster
prior to the installation of GPFS,
will be useful during the installation process. Using either host names
or IP addresses when constructing
the file will allow you to use this information when creating your
cluster through the mmcrcluster command.

For example, create the file /tmp/gpfs.allnodes, listing the nodes one
per line:

>> Verifying the level of prerequisite software

It is necessary to verify you have the correct levels of the

prerequisite software installed. If the correct level
of prerequisite software is not installed, see the appropriate
installation manual before proceeding with your
GPFS installation:

1. AIX 5L Version 5 Release 2 with the latest level of service available

# WCOLL=/tmp/gpfs.allnodes dsh "oslevel"

Output similar to this should be displayed:

2. AIX 5L Version 5 Release 3 with the latest level of service available

# WCOLL=/tmp/gpfs.allnodes dsh "oslevel"

Output similar to this should be displayed:
If you are utilizing NFS V4, at a minimum your output should include:

>>Installation procedures

The installation procedures are generalized for all levels of GPFS.

Ensure you substitute the correct
numeric value for the modification (m) and fix (f) levels, where
applicable. The modification and fix
level are dependent upon the level of PTF support.

Follow these steps to install the GPFS software using the installp

1. Electronic license agreement

2. Creating the GPFS directory
3. Creating the GPFS installation table of contents file
4. Installing the GPFS man pages
5. Installing GPFS on your network
6. Existing GPFS files
7. Verifying the GPFS installation

--1. Electronic license agreement

The GPFS software license agreements is shipped and viewable

electronically. The electronic license agreement
must be accepted before software installation can continue.

For additional software package installations, the installation cannot

occur unless the appropriate
license agreements are accepted. When using the installp command, use
the -Y flag to accept licenses
and the -E flag to view license agreement files on the media.

--2. Creating the GPFS directory

To create the GPFS directory:

On any node create a temporary subdirectory where GPFS installation

images will be extracted. For example:

# mkdir /tmp/gpfslpp

Copy the installation images from the CD-ROM to the new directory, by

# bffcreate -qvX -t /tmp/gpfslpp -d /dev/cd0 all

This will place the following GPFS images in the image directory :


--3. Creating the GPFS installation table of contents file

Make the new image directory the current directory:

# cd /tmp/gpfslpp

Use the inutoc command to create a .toc file. The .toc file is used by
the installp command.

# inutoc .

--4. Installing the GPFS man pages

In order to use the GPFS man pages you must install the image.
The GPFS manual pages will be
located at /usr/share/man/.

Installation consideration:
The image need not be installed on all nodes if man pages are
not desired or local file system space
on the node is minimal.

--5. Installing GPFS on your network

Install GPFS according to these directions, where localNode is the name

of the node on which you are running:

If you are installing on a shared file system network, ensure the

directory where the GPFS images can be found
is NFS exported to all of the nodes planned for your GPFS cluster

Ensure an acceptable directory or mountpoint is available on each target

node, such as /tmp/gpfslpp.
If there is not, create one:

# WCOLL=/tmp/gpfs.allnodes dsh "mkdir /tmp/gpfslpp"

If you are installing on a shared file system network, to place the GPFS
images on each node in your network,

# WCOLL=/tmp/gpfs.allnodes dsh "mount localNode:/tmp/gpfslpp


Otherwise, issue:

# WCOLL=/tmp/gpfs.allnodes dsh "rcp localNode:/tmp/gpfslpp/gpfs*

# WCOLL=/tmp/gpfs.allnodes dsh "rcp localNode:/tmp/gpfslpp/.toc

Install GPFS on each node:

# WCOLL=/tmp/gpfs.allnodes dsh "installp -agXYd /tmp/gpfslpp gpfs"

--6. Existing GPFS files

If you have previously installed GPFS on your system, during the install
process you may see
messages similar to:

Some configuration files could not be automatically merged into the

system during the installation. The previous versions of these files
have been saved in a configuration directory as listed below. Compare
the saved files and the newly installed files to determine if you need
to recover configuration data. Consult product documentation to
determine how to merge the data.

Configuration files which were saved in /lpp/save.config:


If you have made changes to any of these files, you will have to
reconcile the differences with the
new versions of the files in directory /var/mmfs/etc. This does not
apply to file /var/mmfs/etc/mmfs.cfg
which is automatically maintained by GPFS.

--7. Verifying the GPFS installation

Use the lslpp command to verify the installation of GPFS file sets on
each node:

lslpp -l gpfs\*

Output similar to the following should be returned:

Fileset Level State Description

Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
gpfs.base COMMITTED GPFS File Manager COMMITTED GPFS Server Manpages
gpfs.msg.en_US COMMITTED GPFS Server Messages - U.S.
Path: /etc/objrepos
gpfs.base COMMITTED GPFS File Manager


root@zd110l14:/root#lslpp -L "*gpfs*"
Fileset Level State Type Description

gpfs.base C F GPFS File Manager C F GPFS Server Manpages
gpfs.msg.en_US C F GPFS Server Messages
- U.S.

State codes:
A -- Applied.
B -- Broken.
C -- Committed.
E -- EFIX Locked.
O -- Obsolete. (partially migrated to newer version)
? -- Inconsistent State...Run lppchk -v.

Type codes:
F -- Installp Fileset
P -- Product
C -- Component
T -- Feature
R -- RPM Package
E -- Interim Fix

root@zd110l14:/root#lslpp -l gpfs\*
Fileset Level State Description

Path: /usr/lib/objrepos
gpfs.base COMMITTED GPFS File Manager
gpfs.msg.en_US COMMITTED GPFS Server Messages -

Path: /etc/objrepos
gpfs.base COMMITTED GPFS File Manager

Path: /usr/share/lib/objrepos COMMITTED GPFS Server Manpages

75.4 GPFS error messages:


Note 1:

The MMFS log

GPFS writes both operational messages and error data to the MMFS log
file. The MMFS log can be found
in the /var/adm/ras directory on each node. The MMFS log file is named, where date
is the time stamp when the instance of GPFS started on the node and
nodeName is the name of the node.
The latest mmfs log file can be found by using the symbolic file name
The MMFS log from the previous instance of GPFS can be found by using
the symbolic file name
/var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.previous. All other files have a timestamp and
node name appended to the file name.


root@zd110l13:/var/adm/ras#cat mmfs.log.latest
Sun May 20 22:10:37 DFT 2007 runmmfs starting
Removing old /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.* files:
Loading kernel extension from /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin . . .
GPFS: 6027-500 /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/aix64/mmfs64 loaded and configured.
Sun May 20 22:10:39 2007: GPFS: 6027-310 mmfsd64 initializing. {Version: Built: Apr 6 2007 09:38:56} ...
Sun May 20 22:10:44 2007: GPFS: 6027-1710 Connecting to
Sun May 20 22:10:44 2007: GPFS: 6027-1711 Connected to
Sun May 20 22:10:44 2007: GPFS: 6027-300 mmfsd ready
Sun May 20 22:10:44 DFT 2007: mmcommon mmfsup invoked
Sun May 20 22:10:44 DFT 2007: mounting /dev/gpfsfs0
Sun May 20 22:10:44 2007: Command: mount gpfsfs0 323816
Sun May 20 22:10:46 2007: Command: err 0: mount gpfsfs0 323816
Sun May 20 22:10:46 DFT 2007: finished mounting /dev/gpfsfs0

At GPFS startup, files that have not been accessed during the last ten
days are deleted.
If you want to save old files, copy them elsewhere.

This example shows normal operational messages that appear in the MMFS
log file:

Tue Aug 31 16:02:43 edt 2004 runmmfs starting

Removing old /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.* files:
mv: 0653-401 Cannot rename /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.previous to
A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
Loading kernel extension from /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin . . .
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/vcmdummy64 loaded and configured
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/aix64/mmfs64 loaded and configured.
Tue Aug 31 16:02:44 2004: GPFS: 6027-310 mmfsd64 initializing. {Version:
Built: Aug 30 2004 17:10:20} ...
Tue Aug 31 16:02:54 2004: GPFS: 6027-1710 Connecting to
Tue Aug 31 16:02:55 2004: GPFS: 6027-1711 Connected to
Tue Aug 31 16:02:55 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to k154gn02
Tue Aug 31 16:02:55 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to k155gn02
Tue Aug 31 16:02:55 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to kolt1g_r1b32
Tue Aug 31 16:02:55 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to k155gn01
Tue Aug 31 16:02:55 2004: GPFS: 6027-1710 Connecting to
Tue Aug 31 16:02:55 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to
Tue Aug 31 16:02:55 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to
Tue Aug 31 16:02:57 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to
Tue Aug 31 16:02:57 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to
Tue Aug 31 16:02:57 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to
Tue Aug 31 16:03:00 edt 2004 /var/mmfs/etc/gpfsready invoked
Tue Aug 31 16:03:00 2004: GPFS: 6027-300 mmfsd ready
Tue Aug 31 16:03:00 2004: GPFS: 6027-1709 Accepted and connected to k154gn10
Tue Aug 31 16:03:00 edt 2004: mounting /dev/fs3
Tue Aug 31 16:03:00 2004: Command: mount fs3 594128

Depending on the size and complexity of your system configuration, the

amount of time to start GPFS varies.
Taking your system configuration into consideration, after a reasonable
amount of time if you cannot access
the file system look in the log file for error messages.

The GPFS log is a repository of error conditions that have been detected
on each node, as well as
operational events such as file system mounts. The GPFS log is the first
place to look when attempting
to debug abnormal events. Since GPFS is a cluster file system, events
that occur on one node may affect
system behavior on other nodes, and all GPFS logs may have relevant

Note 2:

GPFS for AIX 5L V2.2 in an HACMP Cluster

Problem Determination Guide

The operating system error log facility

GPFS records file system or disk failures using the error logging
facility provided by the
operating system: syslog facility on Linux and errpt facility on AIX.
For the remainder of this book,
the error logging facility will be referred to as 'the error log'.

These failures can be viewed by issuing this command:

errpt -a
The error log contains information about several classes of events or
errors. These classes are:

The MMFS_ABNORMAL_SHUTDOWN error log entry means that GPFS has

determined that it must shutdown all operations
on this node because of a problem. This is most likely caused by some
interaction with the Group Services component.
Group services failures may result in abnormal shutdown, as well as
possible loss of quorum.
Insufficient memory on the node to handle critical recovery situations
can also cause this error.
In general there will be other error log entries from GPFS or some other
component associated with this error log entry.

The MMFS_DISKFAIL error log entry indicates that GPFS has detected the
failure of a disk and forced the disk
to the stopped state. Unable to access disks describes the actions taken
in response to this error.
This is ordinarily not a GPFS error but a failure in the disk subsystem
or the path to the disk subsystem.
the book AIX 5L System Management Guide: Operating System and Devices
and search on logical volume.
Follow the problem determination and repair actions specified.

MMFS_ENVIRON error log entry records are associated with other records
They indicate that the root cause of the error is external to GPFS and
usually in the network that supports GPFS.
Check the network and its physical connections. The data portion of this
record supplies the return code provided
by the communications code.

The MMFS_FSSTRUCT error log entry indicates that GPFS has detected a
problem with the on-disk structure of
the file system. The severity of these errors depends on the exact
nature of the inconsistent data structure.
If it is limited to a single file, EIO errors will be reported to the
application and operation will continue.
If the inconsistency affects vital metadata structures, operation will
cease on this file system.
These errors are often associated with an MMFS_SYSTEM_UNMOUNT error log
entry and will probably occur on all nodes.
If the error occurs on all nodes, some critical piece of the file system
is inconsistent. This may occur as a
result of a GPFS error or an error in the disk system. Issuing the
mmfsck command may repair the error:

Issue the mmfsck -n command to collect data.

Issue the mmfsck -y command off-line to repair the file system.
If the file system is not repaired after issuing the mmfsck command,
contact the IBM Support Center.

The MMFS_GENERIC error log entry means that GPFS self diagnostics have
detected an internal error, or that
additional information is being provided with an MMFS_SYSTEM_UNMOUNT
report. If the record is associated with an
MMFS_SYSTEM_UNMOUNT report, the event code fields in the records will be
the same. The error code and return code
fields may describe the error. See Messages for a listing of codes
generated by GPFS.

If the error is generated by the self diagnostic routines, service

personnel should interpret the return and error
code fields since the use of these fields varies by the specific error.
Errors caused by the self checking logic
will result in the shutdown of GPFS on this node.

MMFS_GENERIC errors may result from an inability to reach a critical

disk resource. These errors may look different
depending on the specific disk resource that has become unavailable,
like logs and allocation maps.
This type of error will usually be associated with other error
indications. Other errors generated by disk subsystems,
high availability components, and communications components at the same
time as, or immediately preceding,
the GPFS error should be pursued first because they may be the cause of
these errors. MMFS_GENERIC error indications
without an associated error of those types represent a GPFS problem that
requires the IBM Support Center.
See Information to collect before contacting the IBM Support Center.

The MMFS_LONGDISKIO error log entry indicates that GPFS is experiencing
very long response time for disk requests.
This is a warning message and may indicate that your disk system is
overloaded or that a failing disk is requiring
many I/O retries. Follow your operating system's instructions for
monitoring the performance of your I/O subsystem
on this node. The data portion of this error record specifies the disk
There may be related error log entries from the disk subsystems that
will pinpoint the actual cause of the problem.
See the book AIX 5L Performance Management Guide.

MMFS_PHOENIX error log entries reflect a failure in GPFS interaction
with Group Services. Go to the book
Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology: Administration Guide. Search for
diagnosing group services problems.
Follow the problem determination and repair action specified. These
errors are usually not GPFS problems,
although they will disrupt GPFS operation.

The MMFS_QUOTA error log entry is used when GPFS detects a problem in
the handling of quota information.
This entry is created when the quota manager has a problem reading or
writing the quota file. If the quota manager
cannot read all entries in the quota file when mounting a file system
with quotas enabled, the quota manager
shuts down, but file system manager initialization continues. Client
mounts will not succeed and will return
an appropriate error message.

In order for GPFS quota accounting to work properly, the system

administrator should ensure that the user and group
information is consistent throughout the nodeset, such as the
/etc/passwd and /etc/group files are identical across
the nodeset. Otherwise, unpredictable and erroneous quota accounting
will occur.

It may be necessary to run an off-line quota check (mmcheckquota) to

repair or recreate the quota file.
If the quota file is corrupted, mmcheckquota will not restore it. The
file must be restored from the backup copy.
If there is no backup copy, an empty file may be set as the new quota
file. This is equivalent to recreating
the quota file. To set an empty file or use the backup file, issue the
mmcheckquota command with the
appropriate operand:

-u UserQuotaFilename for the user quota file

-g GroupQuotaFilename for the group quota file
Reissue the mmcheckquota command to check the file system inode and
space usage.

The MMFS_SYSTEM_UNMOUNT error log entry means that GPFS has discovered a
condition which may result in
data corruption if operation with this file system continues from this
node. GPFS has marked the file system
as disconnected and applications accessing files within the file system
will receive ESTALE errors.
This may be the result of:

The loss of a path to all disks containing a critical data structure.

An internal processing error within the file system.
See File system forced unmount. Follow the problem determination and
repair actions specified.

The MMFS_SYSTEM_WARNING error log entry means that GPFS has detected a
system level value approaching its
maximum limit. This may occur as a result of the number of inodes
(files) reaching its limit. Issue the mmchfs
command to increase the number of inodes for the file system so there is
at least a minimum of 5% free.

Error log entry example

This is an example of an error log entry which indicates loss of the
Group Services subsystem:


Date/Time: Thu May 16 14:39:07 EDT

Sequence Number: 759
Machine Id: 000196364C00
Node Id: k145n01
Class: S
Type: PERM
Resource Name: mmfs


Probable Causes

Failure Causes

Recommended Actions

Detail Data
0000 0000

Note 3:


A fix is available
Download fix packs
APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description:
When starting gpfs, mmfsd64 on the 64-bit kernel may segfault
with a stack trace similar to:

cxiMapShSeg__Fv() at 0x1003579d4
CleanOldSharedMemory__Fv() at 0x1000025dc
mainBody__FiPPc(??, ??) at 0x100334c20
main(??, ??) at 0x10000257c

Local fix

Problem summary
When starting gpfs, mmfsd64 on the 64-bit kernel may segfault
with a stack trace similar to:

cxiMapShSeg__Fv() at 0x1003579d4
CleanOldSharedMemory__Fv() at 0x1000025dc
mainBody__FiPPc(??, ??) at 0x100334c20
main(??, ??) at 0x10000257c

Problem conclusion
Make sure to update the current cpu's ppda rather than another
cpu's ppda
Temporary fix
APAR information
APAR number IY35279
Reported component name AIX 5L POWER
Reported component ID 5765E6100
Reported release 510
Submitted date 2002-10-02
Closed date 2002-10-02
Last modified date 2002-11-07

Note 4:


A fix is available
Obtain fix for this APAR

APAR status
Closed as program error.
Error description
from GPFS log:
sort: 0653-655 Cannot open /var/mmfs/tmp/cllsifOutput.mmcommon.2

mmcommon: 6027-1271 Unexpected error from getNodeGODMdata: sort

/var/mmfs/tmp/cllsifOutput.mmcommon.282794. Return code: 2

Could not run command /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmcommon getNodeDataForD

aemon hacmp 2>/var/mmfs/tmp/mmcommon..6Qeya
GPFS: 6027-311 mmfsd64 is shutting down.
Reason for shutdown: Could not initialize cluster config

Local fix
correct cluster infomation so that cllsif is correct.

Problem summary
Problem conclusion
add checks for invalid data from HACMP, RPD, or SDR when
getNodeData is called
Temporary fix
APAR information
APAR number IY56448
Reported component name GPFS FOR AIX
Reported component ID 5765F6400
Reported release 220
Submitted date 2004-05-03
Closed date 2004-05-03
Last modified date 2004-06-24

Note 5: Troubleshooting: Some possible GPFS problems


8.5 Troubleshooting: Some possible GPFS problems

Troubleshooting of a GPFS file system can be complex due its distributed
nature. In this section,
we describe the most common problems you may find when running GPFS and
possible solutions.
For further information on trouble shooting, refer to IBM General
Parallel File System for Linux:
Problem Determination Guide, GA22-7842.

8.5.1 Authorization problems

ssh and scp (or rsh and rcp) are used by GPFS administration commands to
perform operations on other nodes.
In order for these commands to be run, the sshd daemon must be running
and configured to accept the connections
from the other root users on the other nodes.

The first thing to check is the connection authorization from one node
to other nodes and for extraneous messages
in the command output. You can find information on OpenSSH customization
in Appendix B, "Common facilities"
on page 275. Check that all nodes can connect to all others without any
password prompt.

You can also check if your GPFS cluster has been configured correctly to
use the specified remote shell
and remote copy commands by issuing the mmlscluster command, as in
Example 8-17. Verify the contents
of the remote shell command and remote file copy command fields.

Example 8-17: mmlscluster command

[root@storage001 root]# mmlscluster

GPFS cluster information

Cluster id: gpfs1035415317
Remote shell command: /usr/bin/ssh
Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/scp
Primary network: myrinet
Secondary network: ether

GPFS cluster data repository servers:

Primary server:
Secondary server: (none)

Nodes in nodeset 1:
1 storage001-myri0
2 node001-myri0
3 node002-myri0
4 node003-myri0
5 node004-myri0
[root@storage001 root]#

8.5.2 Connectivity problems

Another reason why SSH may fail is that connectivity to a node has been
lost. Error messages from mmdsh may indicate
such a condition. For example:
mmdsh: node001 rsh process had return code 1.

There are many things that could cause this problem: cable failures,
network cardproblems, switch failures,
and so on. You can start by checking if the affected node is powered on.
If the node is up, check the node connectivity
and verify the sshd daemon is running on the remote node. If not,
restart the daemon by issuing:

# service sshd start

Sometimes you may see a mmdsh error message due to the lack of an mmfsd
process on some of the nodes,
as in Example 8-18. Make sure the mmfsd is running on all nodes, using
lssrc -a, as in Example 8-19.

Example 8-18: mmcrfs command

[root@storage001 root]# mmcrfs /gpfs gpfs0 -F DescFile -v yes -r 1 -R 2

GPFS: 6027-624 No disks
GPFS: 6027-441 Unable to open disk 'gpfs2nsd'.
No such device
GPFS: 6027-538 Error accessing disks.
mmdsh: node001 rsh process had return code 19.
mmcommon: Unexpected error from runRemoteCommand_Cluster: mmdsh. Return
code: 1
mmcrfs: tscrfs failed. Cannot create gpfs0
[root@storage001 root]#

Example 8-19: Verifying mmfsd is running

# lssrc -a
Subsystem Group PID Status
cthats cthats 843 active
cthags cthags 943 active
ctrmc rsct 1011 active
ctcas rsct 1018 active
IBM.HostRM rsct_rm 1069 active
IBM.FSRM rsct_rm 1077 active
IBM.CSMAgentRM rsct_rm 1109 active
IBM.ERRM rsct_rm 1110 active
IBM.AuditRM rsct_rm 1148 active
mmfs aixmm 1452 active
IBM.SensorRM rsct_rm inoperative
IBM.ConfigRM rsct_rm inoperative

8.5.3 NSD disk problems

In this section, we describe the two most common problems related to NSD
and disks. These are not the only problems
you might face, but they are the most common.

The disk has disappeared from the system

Sometimes you may face a disk failure and the disk appears to have
disappeared from the system.
This can happen if somebody simply removes an in-use hot-swap disk from
the server or in the case of
a particularly nasty disk failure.

In this situation, GPFS loses connectivity to the disk and, depending on

how the file system was created,
you may or may not lose access to the file system.

You can verify whether the disk is reachable by the operating system
using mmlsnsd -m, as shown in Example 8-20.
In this situation, the GPFS disk gpfs1nsd is unreachable. This could
mean that the disk has been turned off,
has been removed from its bay, or has failed for some other reason.

Example 8-20: mmlsnsd command

[root@storage001 root]# mmlsnsd -m

NSD name PVID Device Node name Remarks

gpfs1nsd 0A0000013BF15AFD - node-a (error)
primary node
gpfs2nsd 0A0000023BF15B0A /dev/sdb1 node-b primary node
gpfs3nsd 0A0000033BF15B26 /dev/sdb1 node-c primary node
gpfs4nsd 0A0000013BF2F4EA /dev/sda9 node-a primary node
gpfs5nsd 0A0000023BF2F4FF /dev/sda3 node-b primary node
gpfs6nsd 0A0000033BF2F6E1 /dev/sda6 node-c primary node
[root@storage001 root]#

To correct this problem, you must first verify whether the disk is
correctly attached and that it is not dead. After that, you can verify
whether the driver for the disk is operational, and reload the driver
using the rmmod and insmod commands. If the disk had only been removed
from its bay or turned off, reloading the driver will activate the disks
again, and then you can enable them again following the steps in "The
disk is down and will not come up" on page 241. If the disk had any kind
of hardware problem that will require replacing the disk, refer to
8.1.3, "Replacing a failing disk in an existing GPFS file system" on
page 230.

The disk is down and will not come up

Occasionally, disk problems will occur on a node and, even after the
node has been rebooted, the disk connected to it does not come up again.
In this situation, you will have to manually set the disk up again and
then run some recovery commands in order to restore access to your file

For our example, we see that the gpfs0 file system has lost two of its
three disks: gpfs1nsd and gpfs3nsd. In this situation, we have to
recover the two disks, run a file system check, and then re-stripe the
file system.

Because the file system check and re-stripe require access to the file
system, which is down, you must first re-activate the disks. Once the
file system is up again, recovery may be undertaken. In Example 8-21, we
verify which disks are down using the mmlsdisk command, re-activate the
disks by using the mmchdisk command, and then verify the disks again
with mmlsdisk.

Example 8-21: Reactivating disks

[root@storage001 root]# mmlsdisk gpfs0

disk driver sector failure holds holds
name type size group metadata data status
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- -------------
gpfs1nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready down
gpfs2nsd nsd 512 2 yes yes ready up
gpfs3nsd nsd 512 3 yes yes ready down

[root@storage001 root]# mmchdisk gpfs0 start -d "gpfs1nsd;gpfs3nsd"

Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ...
Scan completed successfully.
Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ...
Scan completed successfully.
Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ...
Scan completed successfully.
Scanning user file metadata ...
77 % complete on Tue Nov 27 00:13:38 2001
100 % complete on Tue Nov 27 00:13:39 2001
Scan completed successfully.

[root@storage001 root]# mmlsdisk gpfs0

disk driver sector failure holds holds
name type size group metadata data status
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- -------------
gpfs1nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up
gpfs2nsd nsd 512 2 yes yes ready up
gpfs3nsd nsd 512 3 yes yes ready up
[root@storage001 root]#

Now that we have the three disks up, it is time to verify the file
system consistency. Additionally, because some operations could have
occurred on the file system when only one of the disks was down, we must
re-balance it. We show the output of the mmfsck and mmrestripefs
commands in Example 8-22. The mmfsck command has some important options
you may need to use, like -r, for read-only access, and -y, to
automatically correct problems found in the file system.

Example 8-22: mmfsck and mmrestripefs commands

[root@storage001 root]# mmfsck gpfs0

Checking "gpfs0"
Checking inodes
Checking inode map file
Checking directories and files
Checking log files
Checking extended attributes file
Checking file reference counts
Checking file system replication status

33792 inodes
14 allocated
0 repairable
0 repaired
0 damaged
0 deallocated
0 orphaned
0 attached

384036 subblocks
4045 allocated
0 unreferenced
0 deletable
0 deallocated

231 addresses
0 suspended

File system is clean.

# mmrestripefs gpfs0 -r
Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ...
Scan completed successfully.
Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ...
Scan completed successfully.
Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ...
Scan completed successfully.
Scanning user file metadata ...
72 % complete on Tue Nov 27 00:19:24 2001
100 % complete on Tue Nov 27 00:19:25 2001
Scan completed successfully.

[root@storage001 root]# mmlsdisk gpfs0 -e

All disks up and ready

[root@storage001 root]# mmlsdisk gpfs0

disk driver sector failure holds holds
name type size group metadata data status
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- -------------
gpfs1nsd nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up
gpfs2nsd nsd 512 2 yes yes ready up
gpfs3nsd nsd 512 3 yes yes ready up
[root@storage001 root]#

76. HACMP:

76.1: Overview Cluster solutions and terminology on AIX:


-- CSM: (Management of Cluster)

-- ----------------------------

What is Cluster Systems Management (CSM)?

Cluster Systems Management (CSM) software provides a distributed system
management solution that allows
a system administrator to set up and maintain a cluster of nodes that
run the AIXr or Linuxr operating system.
CSM simplifies cluster administration tasks by providing management from
a single point-of-control.
CSM can be used to manage homogeneous clusters of servers that run
Linux, homogeneous servers that run AIX,
or mixed clusters which include both AIX and Linux.

You can use the following hardware for your CSM management server,
install server, and nodes:

IBM System x: System x, IBM xSeriesr, IBM BladeCenterr*, and IBM eServer
325, |326, and 326m hardware |
IBM System p: System p, IBM pSeries, IBM BladeCenter*, System p5, IBM
eServer OpenPower
*The BladeCenter JS models use the POWER architecture common to all
System p servers.

The management server is the machine that is designated to operate,

monitor, and maintain the rest of the cluster.
Install servers are the machines that are used to install the nodes. By
default, the management server
is the install server. Managed nodes are instances of the operating
system that you can manage in the cluster.
Managed devices are the non-node devices for which CSM supports power
control and remote console access.
For hardware and software support information, see Planning for CSM

Communicating with CSM:

CSM offers you several options for issuing commands to the cluster:
-Command line interface
-Distributed Command Execution Manager (DCEM)
-IBMr Web-based System Manager

-- GPFS:
-- -----

Introducing General Parallel File System

GPFS is a high-performance cluster file system for AIX 5L, Linux and
mixed clusters that provides users
with shared access to files spanning multiple disk drives. By dividing
individual files into blocks
and reading/writing these blocks in parallel across multiple disks, GPFS
provides very high bandwidth;
in fact, GPFS has won awards and set world records for performance. In
addition, GPFS's multiple data paths
can also eliminate single points of failure, making GPFS extremely
reliable. GPFS currently powers many of
the world's largest scientific supercomputers and is increasingly used
in commercial applications requiring
high-speed access to large volumes of data such as digital media,
engineering design, business intelligence,
financial analysis and geographic information systems. GPFS is based on
a shared disk model, providing lower
overhead access to disks not directly attached to the application nodes,
and using a distributed protocol
to provide data coherence for access from any node.

IBM's General Parallel File System (GPFS) provides file system services
to parallel and serial applications.
GPFS allows parallel applications simultaneous access to the same files,
or different files, from any node
which has the GPFS file system mounted while managing a high level of
control over all file system operations.
GPFS is particularly appropriate in an environment where the aggregate
peak need for data bandwidth exceeds
the capability of a distributed file system server.

GPFS allows users shared file access within a single GPFS cluster and
across multiple GPFS clusters.
A GPFS cluster consists of:

AIX 5LT nodes, Linuxr nodes, or a combination thereof (see GPFS cluster
configurations). A node may be:
An individual operating system image on a single computer within a
A system partition containing an operating system. Some System p5T and
pSeriesr machines allow multiple
system partitions, each of which is considered to be a node within the
GPFS cluster.

Network shared disks (NSDs) created and maintained by the NSD component
All disks utilized by GPFS must first be given a globally accessible NSD
The GPFS NSD component provides a method for cluster-wide disk naming
and access.

On Linux machines running GPFS, you may give an NSD name to:
Physical disks
Logical partitions of a disk
Representations of physical disks (such as LUNs)

On AIXr machines running GPFS, you may give an NSD name to:
Physical disks
Virtual shared disks
Representations of physical disks (such as LUNs)

A shared network for GPFS communications allowing a single network view

of the configuration.
A single network, a LAN or a switch, is used for GPFS communication,
including the NSD communication.

-- PSSP: (predecessor to Cluster Systems Management (CSM))

-- -------------------------------------------------------

Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP)

The PSSP 3.5 software is a comprehensive suite of applications to manage

a system as a full-function
parallel processing system. It provides administrative tasks that help
increase productivity by enabling
administrators to view, monitor, and operate the system from the control
workstation, a single point of control.
The PSSP software is discussed in terms of functional entities called
components of PSSP. Most functions
are base components of PSSP while others are optional; they come with
the PSSP software, but you can choose
whether to install and use them.

With PSSP 3.5, AIX 5L 5.1 or 5.2 must be on the control workstation.
Note that your control workstation
must be at the highest AIX level in the system. If you have any HMC-
controlled servers in your system,
AIX 5L 5.1 or 5.2 must be on each HMC-controlled server node. Other
nodes can have AIX 5L 5.1 and PSSP 3.4,
or AIX 4.3.3 with PSSP 3.4 or PSSP 3.2. However, you can only run with
the 64-bit AIX kernel and switch
between 64-bit and 32-bit AIX kernel mode on nodes with PSSP 3.5.

Parallel System Support Programs (PSSP) for AIXr

PSSP is the systems management predecessor to Cluster Systems Management
(CSM) and does not support
IBM System p servers or AIX 5L V5.3. New cluster deployments should use
CSM and existing PSSP customers
with software maintenance will be transitioned to CSM at no charge.

-- Tivoli Workload Scheduler LoadLeveler

-- -------------------------------------

Used for dynamic workload scheduling, Tivoli Workload Scheduler

LoadLeveler is a distributed network-wide
job management facility designed to dynamically schedule work such as
maximize resource utilization
and minimize job completion time. Jobs are scheduled based on job
priority, job requirements,
resource availability and user-defined rules to match processing needs
with resources. LoadLeveler provides
consolidated accounting and reporting and supports IBM servers including
IBM System p and System x environments.

-- Engineering Scientific Subroutine Library (ESSL) and Parallel ESSL

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------

ESSL is a collection of state-of-the-art mathematical subroutines

specifically tuned to IBM hardware
and offering significant performance improvement to any math-intensive
scientific or engineering applications.
Parallel ESSL extends the function of ESSL to support parallel
applications that use the Message Passing
Interface included in IBM Parallel Environment. ESSL and Parallel ESSL
support C, C++ and Fortran applications.

-- Parallel Environment (PE)

-- -------------------------

Parallel Environment for AIX 5L is a comprehensive development and

execution environment for parallel
applications (distributed-memory, message-passing applications running
across multiple nodes).
It is designed to help organizations develop, test, debug, tune and run
high-performance parallel
applications in C, C++ and Fortran on IBM System p and System x
clusters. Parallel Environment runs
on AIX 5L V5.2 and V5.3.

-- ------

HACMP is designed to provide high availability for critical business

applications and data through
system redundancy and failover. HACMP constantly monitors the status of
servers, networks and applications
to detect failures or performance degradation and can respond by
automatically restarting a troubled
application on designated backup hardware, taking care of all network or
storage connections in the process.
With HACMP, clients can scale up to 32 nodes and mix and match system
sizes and performance levels as well
as network adapters and disk subsystems to satisfy specific application,
network and disk performance needs.
HACMP/XD extends HACMP's high availability capabilities across
geographic sites with remote data
mirroring (replication) and failover using this mirrored data; this
combination can maintain application
and data availability even if an entire site is disabled by a disaster.
HACMP/XD provides IP-based data
mirroring and also supports hardware-based mirroring products such as
IBM Enterprise Storage Systems Metro-Mirror (formerly PPRC).

-- RSCT:
-- -----

Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology. Since HACMP 5.1, HACMP relies on

RSCT. So, in modern HACMP, RSCT is
a neccessary component or subsystem. For example, HACMP uses the
heartbeat facility of RSCT.
RSCT is a standard component in AIX5L.

Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology, or RSCT, is a set of software

components that together provide a
comprehensive clustering environment for AIXr and Linuxr. RSCT is the
infrastructure used by a variety
of IBMr products to provide clusters with improved system availability,
scalability, and ease of use.
RSCT includes the following components:

- Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) subsystem. This is the scalable,

reliable backbone of RSCT.
It runs on a single machine or on each node (operating system image)
of a cluster and provides a common
abstraction for the resources of the individual system or the cluster
of nodes. You can use RMC for
single system monitoring or for monitoring nodes in a cluster. In a
cluster, however, RMC provides global
access to subsystems and resources throughout the cluster, thus
providing a single monitoring and management
infrastructure for clusters.
- RSCT core resource managers. A resource manager is a software layer
between a resource
(a hardware or software entity that provides services to some other
component) and RMC. A resource manager
maps programmatic abstractions in RMC into the actual calls and
commands of a resource.
- RSCT cluster security services, which provide the security
infrastructure that enables RSCT components
to authenticate the identity of other parties.
- Topology Services subsystem, which, on some cluster configurations,
provides node and network failure detection.
Group Services subsystem, which, on some cluster configurations,
provides cross-node/process coordination.

RSCT is the "glue" that holds the nodes together in a cluster. It is a

group of low-level components
that allow clustering technologies, such as High-Availability Cluster
Multiprocessing (HACMP) and
General Parallel File System (GPFS), to be built easily.
RSCT technology was originally developed by IBM for RS/6000 SP systems
(Scalable POWERparallel).
As time passed, it became apparent that these capabilities could be used
on a growing number of general
computing applications, so they were moved into components closer to the
operating system (OS), such as
Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC), Group Services, and Topology

The components were originally packaged as part of the RS/6000 SP

Parallel System Support Program (PSSP)
and called RSCT. RSCT is now packaged as part of AIX 5L Version 5.1 and

RSCT is also included in Cluster Systems Management (CSM) for Linux.

Now, Linux nodes (with appropriate
hardware and software levels) running CSM 1.3 for Linux can be part of
the management domain cluster 1600,
and RSCT (with RMC) is the common interface for clustering. For more
information about this heterogeneous
cluster, see An Introduction to CSM 1.3 for AIX 5L, SG24-6859.

RSCT includes these components:

-Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC)

-Resource managers (RM)
-Cluster Security Services (CtSec)
-Group Services
-Topology Services

Group Services and Topology Services

Group Services and Topology Services, although included in RSCT, are not
used in the management
domain structure of CSM. These two components are used in peer domain
clusters for applications,
such as High-Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) and General
Parallel File System (GPFS),
providing node and process coordination and node and network failure
detection. Therefore, for these
applications, a .rhosts file may be needed (for example, for HACMP
configuration synchronization).

These services are often referred to as hats and hags:

high availability Group Services daemon (hagsd)
and high availability Topology Services daemon (hatsd).

- What are management domains and peer domains?

In order to understand how the various RSCT components are used in a
cluster, you should be aware
that nodes of a cluster can be configured for either manageability or
high availability.

>> You configure a set of nodes for manageability using the Clusters
Systems Management (CSM) product as
described in IBMr Cluster Systems Management: Administration Guide. The
set of nodes configured for manageability
is called a management domain of your cluster.

>>You configure a set of nodes for high availability using RSCT's

Configuration resource manager.
The set of nodes configured for high availability is called an RSCT peer
domain of your cluster.
For more information, refer to Creating and administering an RSCT peer

-- HPSS:
-- -----

High Performance Storage System

What is High Performance Storage System? HPSS is software that manages
petabytes of data on disk and robotic tape
libraries. HPSS provides highly flexible and scalable hierarchical
storage management that keeps recently
used data on disk and less recently used data on tape. HPSS uses
cluster, LAN and/or SAN technology to aggregate
the capacity and performance of many computers, disks, and tape drives
into a single virtual file system
of exceptional size and versatility. This approach enables HPSS to
easily meet otherwise unachievable demands
of total storage capacity, file sizes, data rates, and number of objects
stored. HPSS provides a variety of user
and filesystem interfaces ranging from the ubiquitous vfs, ftp, samba
and nfs to higher performance pftp,
client API, local file mover and third party SAN (SAN3P). HPSS also
provides hierarchical storage management
(HSM) services for IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS).

-- C-SPOC:
-- -------

The Cluster Single Point of Control (C-SPOC) utility lets system

administrators perform administrative tasks
on all cluster nodes from any node in the cluster.

-- HA Network Server:
-- ------------------

The High Availability Network Server (HA Network Server) is a complete

solution that quickly and automatically
configures certain network services in a high availability environment.
HA Network Server solution is designed
to enhance the HACMP product by offering a set of scripts that set up
highly available network services
such as Domain Name System (DNS), Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP), Network File System (NFS),
and printing services. This is possible by using the framework offered
in HACMP to monitor and act upon
potential problems with network services in order to extend high
availability beyond just hardware recovery.
Making these services highly available means there is no down time in
services that are critical to running
a business. This solution is now available by download.

HA Network Server components

The HA Network Server solution is comprised of three network service
plug-ins providing for DNS, DHCP,
and print services (HACMP already contains integrated support for high
availability NFS (HANFS)).
Each of these plug-ins is available on this Web site as a downloadable
tar file. These example scripts start
and stop the network service processes, verify that configuration files
are present and stored in a
shared filesystem, and assist the HACMP monitoring functions that check
on the health of the network service process.
These scripts are provided as examples that may be customized for your

A setup program is also provided with each of these plug-ins to assist

with the setup after downloading the plug-in.
Since several prerequisites must be completed by the user before setup
begins, please read the README file that is
included within the plug-in tar file. After download and tar file
expansion, the README will be located in
/usr/es/sbin/cluster/plug-ins/<network_service>, where <network_service>
will be dns, dhcp, or printserver
depending on which plug-in was downloaded.

76.2 Overview architecture:


HACMP is an "High Availability" solution, and it's an IBM cluster

technology, based on RSCT and additional daemons
and implementations, like, for example, the concept of a "Resource

In an HACMP Cluster, most relevant hardware adapters in a system are

doubled. For example, multiple
network adapters and multiple FC cards, are typical in a Cluster node,
to avoid Single Points Of Failure (SPOFs).

Two main implementations are possible (we limit ourselves here to a 2-

node Cluster):

- One node runs and owns an application (asssociated with a Resource

Group), and in case of whatever
failure, another node can take "ownership" of the Resource Group and
starts running the application.
Implementations is partly done with the aid of start- and stop scripts
belonging to this application.
- But if you have a suitable application, it's also posible that both
nodes runs the same application at the same time
and thus parallel processing takes place.

So, many HACMP implementations, acts like an "active - passive" cluster,

in which one node runs the app, and the
other node takes the role of "failover" node, Which is not to say that
the failover node can't actively run other
applications as well.
But do not forget, that when the right type of applications are used,
real parallel processing
could be implemented.

------------------------------------------ public network

| | | |
| | | |
------------ -------------
|cluster | |cluster |
|system |Ethernet |system |
|pSeries |--------------------|pSeries |
| | heartbeat | |
| |Or | |
| |Serial Link | |
| |--------------------| |
|FC FC | | FC FC |
------------ -------------
| | | |
| | --------------------------- |
| | | |
| ----|------------------------- |
| | | |
-------- Resource Group: -------- Resource Group:
|hdisk1| -Application_01 |hdisk1| -Application_02
-------- -Volume Group(s) -------- -Volume Group(s)
-------- -File System(s) -------- -File System(s)
|hdisk2| |hdisk2|
-------- --------
-------- --------
|hdisk3| |hdisk3|
-------- --------

A "Resource group" is a group of associated "resources", known under one

It can consist of an Application, Volume Group(s), File System(s) and
other resources.
You can define a Resource Group from smitty: smitty hacmp

Resource Groups can be available from a single node or, in the case of
concurrent applications,
available simultaneously from multiple nodes.

The components in a Resource Group move together from one node to

another node,
in the case of a node failure.
Fallover and Fallback:

- Fallover: Represents the movement of a resource group from one node to

the backup node
in response to a failure on that node.
- Fallback: Represents the movement of a resource group from the backup
node to the previous
node, when it becomes available.

Key tasks in setting up an HACMP Cluster are:

- define the right Resource Group(s) and failover (fallover and
fallback) policy
- create the right start and stop scripts for the application(s)
- setup the right IP parameters, like IP addresses and takeover
methodology, per node

To illustrate the above, it probably nice to take a look at this (very

simple) thread from the Internet:



Hi All,
We have 2 servers running HACMP 4.3.1 in
non-concurrent rotating mode with IP Take Over
Facility Enabled. We have only one resourse group
running on Server A. In case of Failure, Services
Transfer to Server B(backup Server with same

Now I have question is it possible to create another

resource group B active on Server B when Resource
Group A is Active On Server A. i.e both resource group
keep active on Different Server and both servers act
as a backup for each other.

Any practical implementation?


The short answer is "yes". We have that scenario on our servers

Peoplesoft. One system is "primary" for HR and one system is primary
Financials. However, each system functions as a backup for the other
application in case of a failure.

Sorry - I'm not an HA expert as we had a contractor actually come in

and do
the work for us - but it is possible, as you asked.

76.3 Application Servers:


To put the application under HACMP control, you create an application

server resource that associates
a user-defined name with the names of specially written scripts to start
and stop the application.
By defining an application server, HACMP can start another instance of
the application on the takeover node
when a fallover occurs. This protects your application so that it does
not become a single point of failure.
An application server can also be monitored with the application
monitoring feature and the Application
Availability Analysis tool.

After you define the application server, you can add it to a resource
group. A resource group is a set of
resources that you define so that the HACMP software can treat them as a
single unit.

HACMP can monitor applications that are defined to application servers,

in one of two ways:

-Process monitoring detects the termination of a process, using RSCT

Resource Monitoring and Control (RMC) capability.
-Custom monitoring monitors the health of an application based on a
monitor method that you define.

76.4 Daemons:

Cluster Services:

Notice that if you list the daemons in the AIX System Resource
Controller (SRC), you will see ES appended
to their names. The actual executables do not have the ES appended; the
process table shows the executable
by path (/usr/es/sbin/cluster...).

The following lists the required and optional HACMP/ES daemons:

-- Cluster Manager daemon (clstrmgr):

This daemon monitors the status of the nodes and their interfaces, and
invokes the appropriate scripts
in response to node or network events. It also centralizes the storage
of and publishes updated information
about HACMP-defined resource groups. The Cluster Manager on each node
coordinates information gathered from
the HACMP global ODM, and other Cluster Managers in the cluster to
maintain updated information about the content,
location, and status of all HACMP resource groups. This information is
updated and synchronized among all nodes
whenever an event occurs that affects resource group configuration,
status, or location.
All cluster nodes must run the clstrmgr daemon.
-- Cluster SMUX Peer daemon (clsmuxpd):

This daemon maintains status information about cluster objects. This

daemon works in conjunction with
the Simple Network Management Protocol (snmpd) daemon. All cluster nodes
must run the clsmuxpd daemon.
Note: The clsmuxpd daemon cannot be started unless the snmpd daemon is

-- Cluster Information Program daemon (clinfo):

This daemon provides status information about the cluster to cluster

nodes and clients and invokes
the /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/clinfo.rc script in response to a cluster
event. The clinfo daemon is optional
on cluster nodes and clients.

-- Cluster Lock Manager daemon (cllockd):

This daemon provides advisory locking services. The cllockd daemon is
required on cluster nodes only if
those nodes are part of a concurrent access configuration.

- Cluster Topology Services daemon (topsvcsd):

This daemon monitors the status of network adapters in the cluster.
All cluster nodes must run the topsvcsd daemon.

-- Cluster Event Management daemon (emsvcsd):

This daemon matches information about the state of system resources with
information about resource conditions
of interest to client programs (applications, subsystems, and other
programs).The emsvcsd daemon runs on each node
of a domain.

-- Event Management AIX Operating System Resource Monitor (emaixos):

This daemon acts as a resource monitor for the event management
subsystem and provides information about
the operating system characteristics and utilization. The emaixos daemon
is started automatically by Event Management

-- Cluster Group Services daemon (grpsvcsd):

This daemon manages all of the distributed protocols required for
cluster operation.
All cluster nodes must run the grpsvcsd daemon.

-- Cluster Globalized Server Daemon daemon (grpglsmd):

This daemon operates as a grpsvcs client; its function is to make switch
adapter membership global across
all cluster nodes. All cluster nodes must run the grpglsmd daemon.

- Group Services Concurrent Logical Volume Manager (gsclvmd).

When extended concurrent Volume Groups are used, this process manages
concurrent Volumes.

- high availability Group Services daemon (hagsd)

- high availability Topology Services daemon (hatsd).

The AIX System Resource Controller (SRC) controls the HACMP/ES daemons
(except for cllockd, which is a
kernel extension). It provides a consistent interface for starting,
stopping, and monitoring processes
by grouping sets of related programs into subsystems and groups. In
addition, it provides facilities for
logging of abnormal terminations of subsystems or groups and for tracing
of one or more subsystems.

The HACMP/ES daemons are collected into the following SRC subsystems and

Daemon Subsystem Group

/usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstrmgr clstrmgrES cluster
/usr/es/sbin/cluster/clinfo clinfoES cluster
/usr/es/sbin/cluster/clsmuxpd clsmuxpdES cluster
/usr/es/sbin/cluster/cllockd cllockdES lock
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/emsvcs emsvcs emsvcs
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/topsvcs topsvcs topsvcs
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/hagsglsmd grpglsm grpsvcs
/usr/sbin/rsct/bin/emaixos emsvcs emsvcs
/usr/es/sbin/cluster/clcomd clcomdES clcomd

When using the SRC commands, you can control the clstrmgr, clinfo, and
clsmuxpd daemons by specifying
the SRC cluster group.

The required and optional HACMP and RSCT daemons are:

- clcomdES Cluster communication daemon

- clstrmgrES Cluster manager
- clinfoES Cluster information daemon
- rmcd RSCT resource Monitoring and Control daemon
- hatsd RSCT Topology Services subsystem (includes hats_nim*
which send and receives heartbeats)
- hagsd RSCT group services subsystem
- grpglsmd main function is to make switch adapter membership
global accross all cluster nodes.

Starting with hacmp 5.3, the cluster manager process is always running.
It can be in one of two states,
as displayed by the command

# lssrc -ls clstrmgrES

ST_INIT (start event has executed)

ST_NOTCONFIGURED (start event has not executed)

# lssrc -ls clstrmgrES

Current state: ST_STABLE

sccsid = "@(#)36
src/43haes/usr/sbin/cluster/hacmprd/main.C,, 52haes_r540,
r540s001a 6/29/06 08:59:13"
i_local_nodeid 0, i_local_siteid -1, my_handle 1
ml_idx[1]=0 ml_idx[2]=1
There are 0 events on the Ibcast queue
There are 0 events on the RM Ibcast queue
CLversion: 9
local node vrmf is 5400
cluster fix level is "0"
The following timer(s) are currently active:
Current DNP values
DNP Values for NodeId - 1 NodeName - n5101l01
PgSpFree = 1849678 PvPctBusy = 2 PctTotalTimeIdle = 99.147538
DNP Values for NodeId - 2 NodeName - zd101l01
PgSpFree = 2095773 PvPctBusy = 0 PctTotalTimeIdle = 98.956015

76.5 Understanding Cluster Service Startup:


You start cluster services on a node by executing the HACMP/ES

/usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rc.cluster script.
Or use the Start Cluster Services SMIT screen, described in this

Using smitty:

To start the HACMP cluster (the HACMP Cluster Manager) on the cluster
nodes, there are two methods.

1. The first method is the most convenient; however, it can only be used
if rsh is enabled. It allows the
Cluster Manager to be started on both nodes with a single command:

% smitty hacmp

Cluster System Management

-> HACMP Cluster Services
-> Start Cluster Services

2. Alternatively, it is possible to use a slightly different SMIT path

to start the Cluster Manager
on the local node. Of course, this requires logging into each node
independently to activate both Cluster Managers.

% smitty hacmp

Cluster Services

-> Start Cluster Services

Take the defaults and press <Enter>.

Using scripts:

The rc.cluster script initializes the environment required for HACMP/ES

by setting environment variables and then calls the
/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clstart script
to start the HACMP/ES daemons. The clstart script is the HACMP/ES script
that starts all the cluster services.
The clstart script calls the SRC startsrc command to start the specified
subsystem or group.
The following figure illustrates the major commands and scripts called
at cluster startup:

rc.cluster -> clstart -> startsrc

The HACMP/ES daemons are started in the following order:

-RSCT daemons (Group Services, Topology Services, then Event Management)

-Cluster Manager
-Cluster SMUX daemon
-Cluster Information Program daemon (optional)

Using the C-SPOC utility, you can start cluster services on any node (or
on all nodes) in a cluster
by executing the C-SPOC /usr/es/sbin/cluster/sbin/cl_rc.cluster command
on a single cluster node.
The C-SPOC cl_rc.cluster command calls the rc.cluster command to start
cluster services on the nodes specified
from the one node. The nodes are started in sequential order, not in
parallel. The output of the command
run on the remote node is returned to the originating node. Because the
command is executed remotely,
there can be a delay before the command output is returned.

The following example shows the major commands and scripts executed on
all cluster nodes when cluster
services are started in clusters using the C-SPOC utility.

| \rsh
| \
rc.cluster rc.cluster
| |
| |
clstart clstart
| |
| |
startsrc startsrc

-- Automatically Restarting Cluster Services

You can optionally have cluster services start whenever the system is
rebooted. If you specify the -R flag
to the rc.cluster command, or specify "restart or both" in the Start
Cluster Services SMIT screen,
the rc.cluster script adds the following line to the /etc/inittab file.

hacmp:2:wait:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rc.cluster -boot> /dev/console

# Bring up Cluster

At system boot, this entry causes AIX to execute the

/usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rc.cluster script to start HACMP/ES.

WARNING: Be aware that if the cluster services are set to restart

automatically at boot time, you may face
problems with node integration after a power failure and restoration, or
you may want to test a node after
doing maintenance work before having it rejoin the cluster.

-- Starting Cluster Services with IP Address Takeover Enabled

If IP address takeover is enabled, the
/usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rc.cluster script calls the /etc/ script
to configure and start the TCP/IP interfaces and to set the required
network options.

-- Editing the rc.cluster File to Turn Deadman Switch Off

In HACMP/ES, the Deadman Switch (DMS) is controlled by RSCT Topology
Services. If, in a rare case, you want
to turn the DMS off, you must edit the rc.cluster file as follows:

There is a -D flag in clstart, located in /usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities

In the /usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rc.cluster file, find a call to
"clstart" at about line #486.
Edit this call to include the -D flag.

76.6 Understanding Stopping Cluster Services:


You stop cluster services on a node by executing the HACMP/ES

/usr/es/sbin/cluster/utilities/clstop script.
Use the HACMP for AIX Stop Cluster Services SMIT screen, described in
the section Stopping Cluster Services
to build and execute this command. The clstop script stops an HACMP/ES
daemon or daemons. The clstop script
starts all the cluster services or individual cluster services by
calling the SRC command stopsrc.

The following figure illustrates the major commands and scripts called
at cluster shutdown:

clstop -> stopsrc

Using the C-SPOC utility, you can stop cluster services on a single node
or on all nodes in a cluster
by executing the C-SPOC /usr/es/sbin/cluster/sbin/cl_clstop command on a
single node. The C-SPOC cl_clstop
command performs some cluster-wide verification and then calls the
clstop command to stop cluster services
on the specified nodes. The nodes are stopped in sequential order, not
in parallel. The output of the command
run on the remote node is returned to the originating node. Because the
command is executed remotely,
there can be a delay before the command output is returned.

| \rsh
| \
clstop clstop
| |
| |
stopsrc stopsrc

Starting and stopping using smitty:

To start cluster services, use

smit cl_admin -> Manage HACMP Services -> Start Cluster Services

To stop cluster services, use

smit cl_admin -> Manage HACMP Services -> Stop Cluster Services

76.7 Resource Groups:


If you consider the question of how the failover node takes control of a
Resource Group, we can consider
the following options:

- Cascading resource groups:

It defines a list of all the nodes that can control the Resource
Group, and each node has a takeover
priority. In case of a failure of the active node, the higest priority
node aquires the Resource Group.
If that node is unavailable, the next-highest node takes over, and so
There are some differentiations if a lesser-higher node has taken over
a RG, but a higher node
becomes available. It's possible to define a Cascading method with
fallback to the higher node,
or to define it without fallback (CWOF).

- Rotating resource groups:

- Concurrent Access resource groups

- Custom Access resource groups

76.8: Cluster logfiles:


Cluster log files

HACMP for AIX scripts, daemons, and utilities write messages to the log
files shown below.

HACMP log files Log file name Description

/var/adm/cluster.log Contains time-stamped, formatted messages

generated by HACMP for AIX scripts and daemons.
In this log file, there is one line written for
the start of each event, and one line written
for the completion.
/tmp/hacmp.out Contains time-stamped, formatted messages
generated by the HACMP for AIX scripts.
In verbose mode, this log file contains a line-
by-line record of each command executed
in the scripts, including the values of the
arguments passed to the commands. By default,
the HACMP for AIX software writes verbose
information to this log file; however, you can
change this default. Verbose mode is recommended.
system error log Contains time-stamped, formatted messages from
all AIX subsystems, including the HACMP
for AIX scripts and daemons.

history/cluster.mmdd Contains time-stamped, formatted messages
generated by the HACMP for AIX scripts.
The system creates a new cluster history log file
every day that has a cluster event
occurring. It identifies each day's file by the
file name extension, where mm indicates
the month and dd indicates the day.
/tmp/cm.log Contains time-stamped, formatted messages
generated by HACMP for AIX clstrmgr activity.
Information in this file is used by IBM Support
personnel when the clstrmgr is in debug mode.
Note that this file is overwritten every time
cluster services are started;
so, you should be careful to make a copy of it
before restarting cluster services on a
failed node.
/tmp/cspoc.log Contains time-stamped, formatted messages
generated by HACMP for AIX C-SPOC commands.
Because the C-SPOC utility lets you start or stop
the cluster from a single cluster node,
the /tmp/cspoc.log is stored on the node that
initiates a C-SPOC command.
/tmp/dms_logs.out Stores log messages every time HACMP for AIX
triggers the deadman switch.
/tmp/emuhacmp.out Contains time-stamped, formatted messages
generated by the HACMP for AIX Event Emulator.
The messages are collected from output files on
each node of the cluster, and cataloged
together into the /tmp/emuhacmp.out log file. In
verbose mode (recommended), this log file
contains a line-by-line record of every event
emulated. Customized scripts within the event
are displayed, but commands within those scripts
are not executed.

/clverify.log Contains messages when the cluster verification
has run.

76.9 Oracle 10g, Oracle RAC 10g, and HACMP:


Note 1:



Hi Guys , I need some technical guidance regarding HACMP and Oracle

Clusterware. I am designing an
Oracle maximum Availability architecture for a client on 4 Nodes of IBM
570 PSeries servers on
Oracle 10G RAC. The configuration includes IBM HACMP and Oracle
Clusterware. No I need do know if I can
fully rely on Oracle Clusterware as my Clusterware or I can configure
both IBM HACMP and Oracle Clusterware
for some services. Can these two clusterware coexist ??


1) HACMP and Oracle Clusterware can co-exist

2) HACMP is optional
3) Oracle Clusterware is required for RAC whether or not you use HACMP.


Yes they can co-exist. But my question is why complicate things. You
cannot have a RAC cluster without
the Oracle Clusterware. Meaning if you install HACMP you will have to
install Oracle Clusterware also
on top of this. Why complicate the stack... keep it simple.. we have
been using Oracle clusteware on AIX
without HACMP without any issues so far.



Any suggestions on how to provide a cold failover solution on two P5

Series boxes with an Oracle database? With RAC being pricey, I don't
think our business will be open to purchasing RAC licenses. Our UNIX
Admin is adamant about using HACMP. Without RAC in place, how does HACMP
interact with Oracle? From what I understand, since both nodes will be
sharing the same disk storage, it should be as simple as starting the
database on the second node with customized scripts in the event of a
failure--is this true? HACMP apparantly does some sort of export from
primary node to the secondary node in the even of a failure, then runs
customized scripts to start applications, etc....Seems too simplistic to
me--am I missing something?

I've also heard that if RAC is used for a cold failover solution, then
price is discounted.

I'm struggiling with providing solutions to the business, knowing that

hardware and a network upgrade are going to incur a cost.

Any thoughts, suggestions, etc would be much appreciated.


76.10 Other notes on HACMP:


Filesets and compatibility list HACMP versions - AIX versions:

Note 1:

HACMP Version Compatibility Matrix

Document Author:
Shawn Bodily

Document ID:

Doc. Organization:
Advanced Technical Support

Document Revised:

Product(s) covered:

Abstract: This document provides a HACMP Version Compatibility Matrix.

HACMP Version Supported? AIX Level(s) MISC
1.2 NO 3.2.5
2.1 NO 3.2.5
3.1.0 NO 3.2.5
3.1.1 NO 3.2.5
4.1.0 NO 4.1.X
4.1.1 NO 4.1.X
4.2 NO 4.1.4, 4.2.X
4.2.1 NO 4.1.5, 4.2.X
4.2.2 NO 4.1.5, 4.2.1, 4.3.X
4.3 NO 4.3.2, 4.3.3
4.3.1 NO 4.3.2, 4.3.3
4.4 NO 4.3.3
4.4.1 NO 4.3.3, 5.1
4.5 NO 5.1, 5.2
5.1 NO-09/01/2006 5.1, 5.2,5.3
5.2 Y-9/30/2007 5.1, 5.2,5.3
5.3 Y-9/30/2008 5.2(ML4), 5.3(ML2) AIX 5.2 RSCT 2.3.6 or
higher AIX 5.3 RSCT 2.4.2 or higher
5.4 Yes 5.2 (TL8), 5.3(TL4) AIX 5.2 RSCT 2.3.9 or
higher AIX 5.3 RSCT 2.4.5. or higher

Cross Reference Chart

AIX 4.3.3 AIX 5.1 AIX 5.1(64-bit) AIX 5.2 AIX 5.3
HACMP 4.5 No Yes No Yes No
HACMP/ES 4.5 No Yes Yes Yes No
HACMP/ES 5.1 No Yes Yes Yes Yes
HACMP/ES 5.2 No Yes Yes Yes Yes
HACMP/ES 5.3 No No No Yes Yes
HACMP/ES 5.4 No No No Yes Yes

Note 2:

HACMP 5.1 requires:

- AIX 5L v5.1 ML5 with RSCT v2.2.1.30 or higher
- AIX 5L v5.2 ML2 with RSCT v2.3.1.0 or higher
- c-spoc vpath support requires SDD or higher

HACMP 5.2:
Each cluster node must have one of the following installed:
AIX 5L v5.1 plus the most recent maintenance level (minimum ML 5)
AIX 5L v5.2 plus the most recent maintenance level (minimum ML 2)

HACMP 5.3 is supported on AIX 5.2 and 5.3

- AIX 5.2 ML06 or later with RSCT 2.3.6 or later
- AIX 5.3 ML02 or later with RSCT 2.4.2 or later

Note 3: HACMP FAQ:

I have installed HACMP, now what?

Why does HACMP require so many subnets for IP address takeover?

Does HACMP have any limits?

How can I avoid the nameserver as a single point-of-failure?

What is a config_too_long event?

Do all cluster nodes need to be at the same version of HACMP and AIX 5L
operating system?

Why do I need a non-IP heartbeat network?

Can I put different types of processors, communications adapters, or

disk subsystems in the same cluster?

What kinds of applications are best suited for a high availability


Can I use Etherchannel with HACMP?

Can I use an existing Enhanced Concurrent Mode volume group for disk
heartbeat? Or do I need to define a new one?

Question: I have installed HACMP, now what?

Answer: Before HACMP can manage and keep your application highly
available, you need to tell HACMP about
your cluster and the application. There are 4 steps:

Step 1) Define the nodes that will keep your application highly

The local node (the one where you are configuring HACMP) is assumed to
be one of the cluster nodes
and you must give HACMP the name of the other nodes that make up the
cluster. Just enter a hostname or IP address
for each node.

Step 2) Define the application you want to keep highly available

There are 3 things you need to tell HACMP about the application:
name-provide a name
start script-specify a script for HACMP to use to start the application
stop script-specify a script for HACMP to use to stop the application

Step 3) Verify and synchronize the cluster

HACMP will discover all the networks and disks connected to the nodes. A
verification step will ensure
that the cluster configuration will be able to keep the application
highly available. When successful the
configuration will be copied to the rest of the nodes in the cluster.
Step 4) Manage the application
When you start HACMP it will begin managing the application and keeping
it highly available. You can also use
the maintenance facilities provided by HACMP to move the application
between nodes for maintenance purposes.

To see just how easy it is to configure HACMP, look for Using the SMIT
Assistant in Chapter 11 of the
Installation Guide. View the online documentation for HACMP. HACMP for
Linux does not include the advanced
discovery and verification features available on AIX 5L. When
configuring HACMP for Linux you must manually
define the cluster, networks and network interfaces. Any changes to the
configuration require HACMP for Linux
to be restarted on all nodes.

Question: Why does HACMP require so many subnets for IP address


Answer: HACMP (using RSCT) determines adapter state by sending

heartbeats across a specific network interface
-as long as heartbeat messages can be sent through an interface, the
interface is considered alive.
Prior to AIX 5L V5, AIX did not allow more than one interface to own a
subnet route but in AIX 5L V5.1 multiple
interfaces can have a route to the same subnet. This is sometimes
referred to as multipath routing or
route striping and when this situation exists, AIX 5L will multiplex
outgoing packets destined for a particular
subnet across all interfaces with a route to that subnet. This
interferes with RSCT's ability to reliably
send heartbeats to a specific interface. Therefore the subnetting rules
for boot, service and persistent labels
are such that there will never be a duplicate subnet route created by
the placement of these addresses.

HACMP V5 includes a new feature whereby you may be able to avoid some of
the subnet requirements
by configuring HACMP to use a different set of IP alias addresses for
heartbeat. With this feature you provide
a base or starting address and HACMP calculates a set of addresses in
proper subnets-when cluster services
are active, HACMP adds these addresses as IP alias addresses to the
interfaces and then uses these alias
addresses exclusively for heartbeat traffic. You can then assign your
"regular" boot, service and persistent
labels in any subnet, but be careful: although this feature avoids
multipath routing for heartbeat,
multipath routing may adversely affect your application. Heartbeat via
IP Aliasing is discussed in Chapter 2
of the Concepts and Facilities Guide and Chapter 3 of the Administration
and Troubleshooting Guide.
View the online documentation for HACMP.

Question: Does HACMP have any limits?

Answer: The functional limits for HACMP (e.g. number of nodes and
networks) can be found in Chapter 1
of the Planning and Installation Guide. View the online documentation
for HACMP.

Question: How can I avoid the nameserver as a single point-of-failure?

Answer: 1) Make the nodes look at /etc/hosts first before the nameserver
by creating a
/etc/netsvc.conf file with the following entry:


where local tells it to look at /etc/hosts first and then the nameserver

2) Remove /etc/resolv.conf (or modify name to save it for later use) so

it looks for name resolution
in /etc/hosts first.

For information on updating the /etc/hosts file and nameserver

configuration, Installation Guide.
View the online documentation for HACMP.

Question: What is a config_too_long event?

Answer: The config_too_long event is an informational event run by HACMP

whenever a cluster event runs
for longer that a preset time. This can occur when:

an AIX 5L command (e.g. fsck) is taking a long time to complete, or has

there was an un-recoverable error encountered - in this case there will
be an "EVENT FAILED" indication
in hacmp.out

If the config_too_long event is run, you should check the hacmp.out file
to determine the cause and if manual
intervention is required. For more information on recovery after an
event failure, refer to Recover from HACMP
Script Failure in Chapter 18 of the Administration and Troubleshooting

Question: Do all cluster nodes need to be at the same version of HACMP

and AIX 5L operating system?

Answer: No, though there are some restrictions when running mixed mode

Mixed levels of AIX 5L on cluster nodes do not cause problems for HACMP
as long as the level of AIX 5L
is adequate to support the level of HACMP being run on that node. All
cluster operations are supported
in such an environment. The HACMP install and update packaging will
enforce the minimum level of AIX 5L
required on each system.

Similarly for Linux on POWER, different levels of the operating system

should not cause problems as long as
the minimum supported version is installed. Mixing different platforms-
AIX 5L, RedHat and SUSE-within the
same cluster is not supported.

As a matter of practicality, it is recommended that all nodes be at the

same levels of operating system
and HACMP whenever possible. Keeping, the operating system, HACMP and
the application at the same level
on all nodes will make the administration of the cluster easier and less
error prone, and will go a long way
towards reducing the frustration of the administrators. The Planning
Guide has advice for effectively managing
different installation and migration scenarios.

Question: Why do I need a non-IP heart beat network?

Answer: The purpose of the non-IP heartbeat link is often misunderstood.

The requirement comes from the following:
HACMP heartbeats on IP networks are sent as UDP datagrams. This means
that if a node or network is congested,
the heartbeats can be discarded. If there were only IP networks, and if
this congestion went on long enough,
the node would be seen as having failed and HACMP would initiate a
takeover. Since the node is still alive,
HACMP takeover can cause both nodes to have the same IP address, and can
cause the nodes to both try to own
and access the shared disks. This situation is sometimes referred to as
"split brain" or "partitioned cluster".
Data corruption is all but inevitable in this circumstance.

HACMP therefore strongly recommends that there be at least one non-IP

network connecting a node to at least one
other node. For clusters with more than two nodes, the most reliable
configuration includes two non-IP networks
on each node. The distance limitations on non-IP links-particularly RS-
232-has often made this requirement
difficult to meet. For such clusters, HACMP disk heartbeating should be
strongly considered. Disk heartbeating
enables the easy creation of multiple non-IP networks without requiring
additional hardware or software.

Question: Can I put different types of processors, communications

adapters, or disk subsystems in the same cluster?

Answer: In general, yes, as long as the individual components are

supported by HACMP. Note that there are some
combinations which may not be reasonable or desirable. For example,
putting two Ethernet adapters that run at
different speeds on the same network will generally force all adapters
on the network to run at the speed of
the slower one. Likewise, having a low powered processor back up a high-
powered processor may result in
unacceptable performance should HACMP have to run the application on the
lower powered one. (But see the
questions on dynamic LPAR and CUoD for a way of dealing with this). As
long as AIX 5L and the hardware support
the interconnections, HACMP will support them as well.

Question: What kinds of applications are best suited for a high

availability environment?

Answer: HACMP detects failures in the cluster then moves or restarts

resources in order to keep the application
highly available. For an application to work well in a high availability
environment, the application itself
must be capable of being managed (start, stop, restart) programmatically
(no user intervention required) and must
have no "hard coded" dependencies on specific resources. For example, if
the application relies on the hostname
of the server (and cannot dynamically accept a change in hostname), then
it is practically impossible to
restart the application on a backup server after a failure.

Question: Can I use Etherchannel with HACMP?

Answer: See Using Etherchannel with HACMP.

Question: Can I use an existing Enhanced Concurrent Mode volume group

for disk heartbeat?
Or do I need to define a new one?

Answer: To achieve the highest levels of availability under the widest

range of failure scenarios, the best practice
would be to configure one disk heartbeat connection per physical disk
enclosure (or LUN).

The heartbeat operation itself involves reading and writing messages

from a non-data area of the shared disk.
Although the space used for heartbeat messages does not decrease the
space available for the application
(it is in the reserved area of the disk) there is some overhead when the
disk seeks back and forth between
the reserved area and the application data area.

If you configure the disk heartbeat path using the same disk and vg as
is used by the application, the best practice
is to select a disk which does not have frequently accessed or
performance critical application data:
although the disk heartbeat overhead is small (2-4 seeks/sec), it could
potentially impact application performance or,
conversely, excess application access could cause the disk hb connection
to appear to go up and down.
Ultimately the decision of which disk and volume group to use for
heartbeat depends on what makes sense for
your shared disk environment and management procedures. For example,
using a separate vg just for heartbeat
isolates the heartbeat from the application data, but adds another
volume group that has to be maintained
(during upgrades, changes, etc) and consumes another LUN.

If you decide on a separate vg for heartbeat, it does not need to be

included in an HACMP resource group,
however, the CSPOC utilities use a resource group node list as the set
of nodes to perform operations:
including the vg in a resource group with just the (sub)set of nodes
connected to the disk will let you take
advantage of the CSPOC functions. You can also define and use a disk
which is not part of any volume group,
though such a setup would have to be manually configured and maintained.

Note 5:




I?m try to varyon a concurrent vg, but i receive this


root@dgij:/ > varyonvg -nc hb_vg

srcsrqt failed errno : SRC_NSVR
Subsystem [gsclvmd] is not active
tellclvmd: request failed rc = -9036 [SRC_NSVR]
0516-1334 varyonvg: The command /usr/sbin/tellclvmd
returned an error.

I try to start the gsclvmd subsystem, but i receive

this error in errpt:


You need to install the bos.clvm.rte fileset from the HACMP CD in order
to make HACMP start the gsclvmd service

Note 6: Monitoring an HACMP Cluster:


HACMP provides the following tools for monitoring a cluster:

- HAView
- Cluster Monitoring with Tivoli
- the "/usr/es/bin/cluster/clstat" command
- WebSMIT clstat

# /usr/es/sbin/cluster/clstat -a -o

clstat - HACMP Cluster Status Monitor


Cluster: manet_monet (1089262563)

Fri Jul 9 14:53:04 2004
State: UP Nodes: 2
SubState: STABLE

Node: manet State: UP

Interface: manete_boot (0) Address:
State: DOWN
Interface: manete_stby (0) Address:
State: UP
Interface: manet_tty0_01 (1) Address:
State: UP
Interface: manete_rep_svc (0) Address:
State: UP
Resource Group: cas1 State: On line

Node: monet State: UP

Interface: monete_boot (0) Address:
State: UP
Interface: monete_stby (0) Address:
State: UP
Interface: monet_tty0_01 (1) Address:
State: UP

Other example:

clstat - monitors the status of an IBM HACMP cluster


Monitors the status of an HACMP cluster.

To monitor the status of HACMP in a terminal (ASCII mode):

root@n5101l01:/root#clstat -a -o

clstat - HACMP Cluster Status Monitor


Cluster: scenter_pr (1192098110)

Thu Oct 25 10:21:31 2007
State: UP Nodes: 2
SubState: STABLE

Node: n5101l01 State: UP

Interface: n5101l01-boot (2) Address:
State: UP
Interface: n5101l01_hb01 (0) Address:
State: UP
Interface: n5101l01_hb02 (1) Address:
State: UP
Interface: sonriso (2) Address:
State: UP
Resource Group: scenter_pr State: On line

Node: zd101l01 State: UP

Interface: zd101l01-boot (2) Address:
State: UP
Interface: zd101l01_hb01 (0) Address:
State: UP
Interface: zd101l01_hb02 (1) Address:
State: UP

Note 6: Starting and stopping GPFS:


Starting and stopping GPFS

Before starting GPFS:

Ensure you have:

Verified the installation of all prerequisite software.
Verified there is no conflicting software installed.
Properly configured and tuned your system for use by GPFS. This should
be done prior to configuring GPFS.
Completed all of the GPFS configuration considerations including running
the mmconfig command.
For details see the General Parallel File System for AIX 5L in an HACMP
Cluster: Concepts, Planning,
and Installation Guide.
If you are using the Data Management API (DMAPI) for GPFS to manage the
data in your file system, you may
customize the shell script gpfsready to synchronize the initialization
of the GPFS daemon and the data management
application. The script is invoked by the GPFS daemon as file systems
are starting to be mounted, and can be used
to verify the data management application is ready to handle mount
events from the file system. For further
information regarding the script, see the General Parallel File System:
Data Management API Guide and search
for initializing the Data Management application.

Start the daemons on all of the nodes in the nodeset by issuing the
mmstartup command:

# mmstartup -C set1

Check the messages recorded in /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest on one node

for verification:

mmfsd initializing ...

GPFS: 6027-300 mmfsd ready
This indicates successful start-up of a quorum of nodes.

If GPFS does not start, see the General Parallel File System for AIX 5L
in an HACMP Cluster:
Problem Determination Guide and search for the GPFS daemon will not come

See the mmstartup Command for complete usage information.

If it becomes necessary to stop GPFS, you can do so from the command

line by issuing the mmshutdown command:

# mmshutdown -C set1

The system displays information similar to:

Wed Aug 16 17:27:01 EDT 2000: 6027-1341 mmshutdown: Starting force

unmount of GPFS file systems
k145n08: forced unmount of /fs2
k145n08: forced unmount of /fs1
k145n05: forced unmount of /fs2
k145n05: forced unmount of /fs1
Wed Aug 16 17:27:06 EDT 2000: 6027-1344 mmshutdown: Shutting down GPFS
k145n08: Shutting down!
k145n08: 0513-044 The mmfs Subsystem was requested to stop.
k145n05: Shutting down!
k145n05: 0513-044 The mmfs Subsystem was requested to stop.
Wed Aug 16 17:27:10 EDT 2000: 6027-1345 mmshutdown: Finished

See the mmshutdown Command for complete usage information.

Note 7: Other remarks:



The main HACMP / RSCT services are:

- clcomdES Cluster communication daemon

- clstrmgrES Cluster manager
- clinfoES Cluster information daemon

- rmcd RSCT resource Monitoring and Control daemon

- hatsd RSCT Topology Services
- hagsd RSCT group services

The following lines are added to inttab when you initially install

- It will start the clcomdES and clstrmgrES

subsystems if they are not already running.
hacmp:2:once:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/rc.init > /dev/console 2>&1

- HACMP is configured for IP address takeover

harc:2:wait:/usr/es/sbin/cluster/etc/ #HACMP newtwork startup

To start the cluster communication daemon:

# startsrc -s clcomdES


To install HACMP:

From installation media

# smitty install_all


The most commonly used shared storage in HACMP is:

> Fiber Attach Storage Server (FAStT)

> Enterprise Storage Servers (ESS/Shark)
> Serial Architecture Storage (SSA)

Devices supported:

- Traditional SCSI disks and enclosures

- SSA disks and enclosures
- FAStT / DS4xxx storage servers
- 2105 Enterprise Storage Servers nd DS8xxx and 6xxx
- Some 3rd party storage devices

The "" and "cluster.cspoc" images which contain the HACMP

runtime executable,
are required and must be installed on all servers.


Dynamic Node Priority:

# lssrc -ls clstrmgrES

Shared Logical Volume:

Shared logical volume access can be made available in any of the

following data accessing modes:

- Non-concurrent access mode

- Concurrent access mode
- Enhanced concurrent access mode

In a non-concurrent access configuration, only one cluster node can

access the shared data at a time.
If the resource group containing the shared disk space moves to another
node, the new node will activate
the disks and check the current state of the volume groups, logical
volumes, and filesystems.

In a concurrent access configuration, data on the disks is available to

all nodes concurrently.
Concurrent access mode is not supported for filesystems;
instead you must use raw logical volumes or physical disks.


>> Is my shared volume group online?

The following sequence will determine if the sharedvg volume group is

currently online (often useful
in application start scripts):

if lsvg -o | grep -q -w sharedvg ; then

echo sharedvg is online
echo sharedvg is offline

Note the use of the -w option on the grep invocation - this ensures that
if you have a sharedvg and a sharedvg2
volume group then the grep only finds the sharedvg line (if it exists).
If you need to do something if the volume group is offline and don't
need to do anything if it is online
then use this:

if lsvg -o | grep -q -w sharedvg ; then

: # null commmand if the volume group is online
echo sharedvg is offline

Some people don't like the null command in the above example. They may
prefer the following alternative:

lsvg -o | grep -q -w sharedvg

if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo sharedvg is offline

Although we're not particularily keen on the null command in the first
approach, we really don't like the use
of $? in if tests since it is far to easy for the command generating the
$? value to become separated from the
if test (a classic example of how this happens is if you add an echo
command immediately before the if command
when you're debugging the script). If we find ourselves needing to test
the exit status of a command in an if test
then we either use the command itself as the if test (as in the first
approach) or we do the following:

lsvg -o | grep -q -w sharedvg

if [ $rval -ne 0 ] ; then
echo sharedvg is offline

In our opinion (your's may vary), this makes it much more obvious that
the exit status of the grep command is
important and must be preserved.

>>Starting a non-root process from within an application start script

A common requirement in an application start script is the need to start

a program and/or shell script
which is to be run by a non-root userid. This snippet does the trick:

su - dbadmin -c "/usr/local/db/"

This will run the script in a process owned by the dbadmin
user. Note that it is possible
to pass parameters to the script/program as well:

su - dbadmin -c "/usr/local/db/ PRODDB"

This runs the script with a parameter indicating which

database is to be started.
A bit of formalism never hurts when it comes time later to do script
maintenance. For example, use shell variables
to specify the username and the command to be invoked:

STARTCMD="/usr/local/db/ $DBNAME"

This makes it easy to change the username, database name or start

command (this is particularily important
if any of these appear more than once within the application start
The double quotes around $STARTCMD in the su command are necessary as
the command to be executed must be passed
as a single parameter to the su command's -c option.

>> Note 1: Killing processes owned by a user

A common requirement in application stop scripts is the need to

terminate all processes owned by a
particular user. The following snippet terminates all processes owned by
the dbadmin user (this could be part
of an application stop script that corresponds to the previous snippet
that started the DB as dbadmin).

kill ` ps -u $DBUSER -o pid= `

Since a simple kill is rarely enough and a kill -9 is a rather rude way
to start a conversation, the following
sequence might be useful:

kill ` ps -u $DBUSER -o pid= `
sleep 10
kill -9 ` ps -u $DBUSER -o pid= `

To see how this works, just enter the ps command. It produces output
along these lines:

Note that equal sign in the pid= part is important as it eliminates the
normal PID title which would appear
at the top of the column of output. I.e. without the equal sign, you'd
get this:


Passing PID to the kill command is just a bad idea as writing scripts
which normally produce error messages
makes it much more difficult to know if things are working correctly.

>> A more complete example of an application stop script

A common requirement in application stop scripts is the need to

terminate all processes owned by a particular user.
For example, a script along the following lines could be used to first
gently and then forcibly terminate
the database processes started in the previous example:


# ask nicely
su - $DBUSER -c "$STOPCMD"

# wait twenty seconds and then get rude

sleep 20
kill ` ps -u $DBUSER -o pid= `

# wait ten more seconds and then get violent

sleep 10
kill -9 ` ps -u $DBUSER -o pid= `

# terminate any processes using our two shared filesystems

fuser -k /dev/sharedlv1
fuser -k /dev/sharedlv2

# make sure that our exit status is 0

exit 0

Good HACMP site:

Note 8: Internal logic error in Group Services d


>> thread:



I get below grpsvcs errors on my cluster nodes (HACMP 5.4 - cluster is


463A893D 0425054607 P O grpsvcs Internal logic error in Group Services d


ok, I think I have found it - it is a bug in rsct 2.4.6 and cab be fixed
installing fix for APAR IY91960

it is:

>> thread:

APAR IY26257

APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description

detection of bouncing nodes is too slow

Local fix

Problem summary
When the RSCT Topology Services daemon exits in one node, it
takes a finite time for the node to be detected as down by
the other nodes on each of the networks being monitored.
This happens because the other nodes need to go through a
process of missing incoming heartbeats from the given node,
and can only declare the node down after enough heartbeats
are missed. If a new instance of the daemon is started
then it is possible for the old instance to be still
thought as alive by other nodes by the time the new
instance starts.

The current behavior may result in other nodes never

detecting the given node as down. This occurs especially
when different networks use different Topology Services
heartbeating tunable values -- which is often the case in

In HACMP/ES, if the cluster is stopped in one node and is

then restarted quickly, it is possible for the cluster to
become "hung", with this node being unable to join the
others in the cluster. The following AIX error log entry
may appear:

Type: INFO
Resource Name: grpsvcs
Description: Group Services daemon has not been

Other nodes may present the entry below:


The problem is aggravated by the presence of HAGEO

networks, which have very large timeout values.
Problem conclusion
A number of protocol changes were introduced into the RSCT
Topology Services daemon. With the changes
- nodes where the Topology Services daemon exits are
going to be detected as down faster than before the

- nodes where the Topology Services daemon exits and

is restarted quickly are going to be detected as
down soon after the new instance starts.

With the fix, error log entries like GS_DOM_NOT_FORM_WA

should no longer occur when restarting the HACMP cluster
on a node. In addition, because the demise of the previous
instance of the Topology Services daemon is detected
sooner, the new instance is allowed to join its adapter
memberships faster.
Temporary fix
APAR information
APAR number IY26257
Reported component name RSCT
Reported component ID 5765D5101
Reported release 121
Submitted date 2001-12-11
Closed date 2001-12-11
Last modified date 2003-10-03

>> thread:

Note 9:

Typical 2 node /etc/hosts file:

# HACMP - Do not modify!
# n5101l01-boot zd101l01-boot n5101l01 zd101l01 sonriso
# End of HACMP

79. Notes on Installation and Migration AIX, HP-UX, Linux:
79.1 Migrations AIX 5.1,AIX 5.2,AIX 5.3:

-- New and Complete Overwrite

This method installs AIX 5.3 on a new machine or completely overwrites
any BOS version that exists on your system.
For instructions on installing AIX on a new machine or to completely
overwrite the BOS on an existing machine,
refer to Installing new and complete BOS overwrite or preservation.

-- Preservation
This method replaces an earlier version of the BOS but retains the root
volume group, the user-created logical volumes,
and the /home file system. The system file systems /usr, /var, /tmp, and
/ (root) are overwritten.
Product (application) files and configuration data stored in these file
systems will be lost.
Information stored in other non-system file systems will be preserved.
For instructions on preserving the user-defined structure of an existing
BOS, refer to Installing new and
complete BOS overwrite or preservation.

-- Migration
This method upgrades from AIX 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, or 5.2 versions of the BOS
to AIX 5.3 (see the release notes
for restrictions). The migration installation method is used to upgrade
from an existing version or release
of AIX to a later version or release of AIX. A migration installation
preserves most file systems,
including the root volume group, logical volumes, and system
configuration files. It overwrites the /tmp file system.

Installation Steps New and Complete Overwrite

Preservation Migration
Create rootvg Yes No No
Create file system /,/usr,/var Yes Yes
Create file system /home Yes No No
Save Configuration No No Yes
Restore BOS Yes Yes Yes
Install Additional Filesets Yes Yes Yes
Restore Configuration No No Yes

Note 1:


Found that the prngd subsystem (used with ssh, random number generator)
on AIX 5.1 is incompatible with the
AIX 5.2 upgrade. BEFORE migration this subsystem should be disabled
either in /etc/rc.local or erased completely:
rmssys -s prngd

It has to be remade after migration (see customization).

If prngd is not disabled, the final boot after 5.2 installation
coredumps with 0C9 and the machine never recovers.
In this case:

Boot into maintenance mode (needs first 5.2 CD and SMS console)
Limited function shell (or getrootfs)
vi /etc/rc.local to disable prngd

- Firmware/Microcode upgrade
It is wise to update the firmware/microcode of your system before
upgrading the system. Checkout the IBM support
site Directly via ftp site.
- Base system
Straightforward like installing from scratch. When asked, select
"Migration" instead of "Overwrite" installation.

Note 2:


Problem creating users on AIX 5.2

Reply from tcarlson on 6/28/2007 6:14:00 PM

It appears to working now. Thanks for the replies.

Not exactly sure what fixed it, but I ran usrck, grpck, and pwdck and it
started working again.

Note 3:

AIX 5.2 Installation Tips (Doc Number=1612)

Fix Readme

April 27, 2005

This document contains the latest tips for successful installation of
AIX 5.2, and will be updated as new tips become available.
APARs and PTFs mentioned in this document, when available, can be
obtained from the following web site.

The AIX installation CD-ROMs and the level of AIX pre-installed on new
systems may not contain the latest fixes available at the time you
install the system, and may contain errors. Some these fixes may be
critical to the proper operation of your system. We recommend that you
update to the latest service level, which can be obtained from
The compare_report command, which is documented in the AIX Commands
Reference, can be used to determine which available updates are newer
than those installed on your system.


Reads from Frozen JFS2 Filesystem Hang

System Firmware for POWER 4 Systems
Critical Updates for 5200-04
CD-ROM Installation of JS20 Appears to Hang
oslevel -r Does not Indicate 5200-04 After Update
Documentation Library Service Broken Links
lppchk Error on /usr/lib/perl with HACMP Installed
License Agreement Failures
Possible Data Error on DR Memory Remove
Possible File Corruption Running defragfs
ksh: clean_up_was: not found
Installation of devices.artic960 5.2
ARTIC960Hx SDLC and Bisync Support
Inventory Scout
HMC 3.2.0 Upgrade
TSM 5.1 Not Supported on AIX 5.2
AIXlink/X.25 Version 2 on AIX 5.2


Reads from Frozen JFS Filesystem Hang

After application of the level kernels (, bos.mp64,
bos.up), which are included on the 5/2005 Update CD and in the 5200-06
Recommended Maintenance package, reads from a frozen JFS2 filesystem
will no longer be possible. All reads from a frozen filesystem will be
blocked until the filesystem is thawed. Because of this, a filesystem
level backup, such as a backup using the backup command or through TSM,
will appear to hang until the filesystem is thawed. This restriction
will be lifted in APAR IY70225.
Backups using FlashCopy or similar logical volume or device level
backups are still possible on a frozen filesystem.


System Firmware for POWER 4 Systems

The AIX 5200-04 (or later) Recommended Maintenance package exposes a
problem in older levels of POWER 4 system firmware that can manifest
itself as either a system hang or hang in some diagnostic commands. The
commands that expose the problem include, but may not be limited to
snap, lscfg, and lsresource. This problem can be resolved by installing
the latest system firmware, available at the following web site.

Critical Updates for 5200-04

When installing the 5200-04 Recommended Maintenance package, it is also
recommended that you install the following APARs.
IY64978 Possible system hang while concurrently renaming and unlinking
under JFS. This APAR is currently available.
IY63366 Loader may fail to find symbol even though the symbol is
present in the symbol table. This can cause applications that use
dynamically loaded modules to fail. Prior to APAR availability, an
emergency fix is available at:

Systems running bos.rte.lvm or later should install APAR

IY64691. APAR IY64691 fixes a problem with the chvg-B command that can
cause data corruption on Big volume groups which were converted from
normal volume groups. Prior to APAR availability, obtain the emergency
fix for APAR IY64691 from:

Systems running bos.rte.lvm should install APAR IY65001. APAR

IY65001 fixes a possible corruption issue with mirrored logical volumes.
This APAR also contains the fix for APAR IY64691. Prior to APAR
availability, obtain the emergency fix for APAR IY65001 from:

Systems running bos.rte.aio should install APAR IY64737. APAR

IY64737 fixes a problem where applications that use Asynchronous I/O
(AIO) can cause a system hang. Prior to APAR availability, obtain the
emergency fix for APAR IY64737 from:


CD-ROM Installation of JS20 Appears to Hang

Following installation of packages from CD-ROM volume 1, the
installation appears to hang for 45 to 60 minutes before prompting for
volume 2. During this time, the installation process is verifying the
installed packages. The problem will be fixed in a later level of the
AIX installation media.


oslevel -r Does not Indicate 5200-04 After Update

After updating from the 8/2004 Update CD or the 5200-04 Recommended
Maintenance package, the 'oslevel -r' command may not indicate 5200-04.
This occurs when updating from a level lower than 5200-03 because the update does not install. Performing a second update from
the media will install the update and correct the


Documentation Library Service Broken Links

A search of the Documentation Library Service will return hits, but the
links result in "404 Not Found" errors. This problem occurs with the
sysmgt.websm filesets at the level. This can be resolved using
the following command, where $DOC_LANG is any language directory
installed under /usr/HTTPServer/htdocs (example: de_DE, en_US, etc.).
ln -sf /usr/share/man/info /usr/HTTPServer/htdocs/$DOC_LANG/doc_link


lppchk Error on /usr/lib/perl with HACMP Installed

After installing the fileset at the level,
the lppchk command may return an error due to a missing /usr/lib/perl
link. The error can be resolved by doing a force overwrite install of
perl.rte from the base AIX media, or by running the following command as
ln -s /usr/opt/perl5/lib /usr/lib/perl


License Agreement Failures

Installation of some device packages using SMIT may fail due to license
agreement failures. This is caused by a missing SMIT "ACCEPT new license
agreements" option. To resolve this issue, first install APAR IY52152,
which is included in bos.sysmgt.smit or later.


Possible Data Error on DR Memory Remove

For systems running Dynamic Logical Partitioning (DLPAR), it is
imperative that the fix for APAR IY50852 be installed. To determine if
APAR IY50852 is installed on your system, use the command:
instfix -ik IY50852
When doing a dynamic reconfiguration memory remove operation with DMA
operations ongoing, it is possible that data actively being DMAed to
pages within the memory being removed may be misdirected to memory that
is no longer active in the partition. This could result in a program
reading wrong data.

Possible File Corruption Running defragfs

For systems using JFS2 filesystems, it is imperative that the fix for
APAR IY50791 be installed. To determine if APAR IY50791 is installed on
your system, use the command:
instfix -ik IY50791
When data is synced (written to disk) soon after running the defragfs
command on a JFS2 filesystem, incomplete data can be written. Sync
operations can be performed with the sync command, but are also
performed when unmounting a filesystem or during a system shutdown or


ksh: clean_up_was: not found

When attempting to run the clean_up_was shell script as part of
installing the Websphere Application Server 5.0.1 trial on the AIX 5.2
Bonus Pack (LCD4-1141-02), the following error may be encountered.
ksh: clean_up_was: not found.
This problem is caused by control characters at the end each line within
the script. To correct the script, use the following procedure:
mv clean_up_was clean_up_was.orig
tr -d '\015' <clean_up_was.orig >clean_up_was
chmod 755 clean_up_was


Installation of devices.artic960 5.2

To successfully upgrade to devices.artic960 5.2 from a previous version,
it is necessary to install APAR IY48642.


ARTIC960Hx SDLC and Bisync Support

The devices.pci.14108c00 fileset provides support for SDLC and
bisynchronous protocols on the IBM ARTIC960Hx 4-Port Selectable PCI
Adapter, (FC 2947). When combined with the installation of the
devices.artic960 fileset, Enhanced Error Handling (EEH) support
is provided. APAR IY44132 provides 64-bit support.


Inventory Scout
Inventory Scout introduces a new microcode management graphical user
interface (GUI). This feature is available on your AIX system by
installing an additional fileset, invscout.websm, onto the system, or if
a Hardware Management Console (HMC) is attached, using the microcode
update function. This GUI is a Web-based System Manager plug-in that
surveys the microcode levels of the system, and on POWER4 systems,
downloads and installs microcode. Inventory Scout continues to work with
the applet found at to survey
This release of Inventory Scout significantly changes the method used to
determine the microcode levels of systems, adapters, and devices to
compare to the latest available levels. Previously, data was collected
and sent to IBM to determine the current state of the system.

The new microcode management feature does the following:

Downloads a catalog of currently available levels to the system being

Conducts a microcode survey on the system and compares to the latest
available microcode
On the POWER4 systems, allows you to download and flash to the latest
microcode available
This new microcode survey procedure might cause some problems with some
customer techniques used today for surveying systems and might require
changes to those procedures.

This microcode management feature relies on system features that were

not present in previous generations of systems. Support for microcode on
these systems is limited to survey only. For more information about
microcode updates, see To enable this new
Inventory Scout functionality, you will need the following filesets at
the specified levels or higher:
To obtain the required filesets, order APAR IY44381. Go to the following
If you are using this microcode management feature tool through the HMC,
your HMC must be at Release 3, Version 2.2. This can be obtain by
ordering APAR IY45844.

The HMC code can be obtained from

Known Problems:

The following devices supported in POWER4 systems have limitations in

the ability to update microcode with this microcode management feature.
SCSI Enclosure Services (ses) Microcode for 7311-D20, 7038-6M2 & 7028-
7040-61D SCSI I/O Drawer
PCI 4-Channel Ultra3 SCSI RAID Adapter
CD-ROM and DVD-ROM Drives
RAID Devices
SSA devices and adapters

For more information about these devices, see the Readme files at

When updating system firmware from an HMC, the connection between the
HMC and the system might get out of sync. This situation can be
recovered by going to your server management panel on the HMC and
selecting Rebuild Managed System.

Some adapters and devices do not support concurrent operation with

microcode flashing. Such devices must be taken off-line to update
microcode. This situation creates a problem when updating microcode for
these communications adapters, such as Ethernet adapters used to
communicate with the Internet to obtain the microcode updates or
communicate with an HMC. In this case, if the adapters are on-line and
the update is attempted, the final step of flashing the device is not
completed. You can complete the update procedure by taking the device
off-line, and going into diagnostic service aids to download microcode
to that device.

Due to the changes in how the survey works, you can no longer
concatenate survey results prior to sending them to IBM.

There is a known system firmware upgrade problem with pSeries 690 or

pSeries 670 Servers that have six 7040-61D I/O Drawers and three
Integrated Battery Features (IBFs) (battery backup) OR seven or more
7040-61D I/O Drawers, regardless of the number of IBFs. Systems with
this configuration should not use the new GUI for microcode management
to update the system firmware. For additional information, reference the
7040-681 and/or 7040-671 Readme files which can be found at


HMC 3.2.0 Upgrade

The following enhancements delivered for the p670 and p690 systems in
May 2003 will not be available unless the Hardware Management Console
(HMC) is upgraded to the 3.2.0 or later level. New HMCs delivered after
May 2003 will be at the required level. You can obtain the latest HMC
update from the Download section of the pSeries Support web pages at
32 partitions
Distributed RMC
CUoD - email home
CUoD memory - permanent
CUoD memory - try & buy
CUoD processor - try & buy
Customer firmware management
Fast activation of a partition
Flat Panel display support
Full HMC command line
Microcode download from HMC

TSM 5.1 Not Supported on AIX 5.2

Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) 5.1 is not compatible with AIX 5.2 and will
cause a system crash if installed. TSM 5.1 is shipped in error on the
AIX 5L for POWER V5.2 Bonus Pack (LCD4-1141-00) dated 10/2002, and
should not be installed.
Once TSM 5.1 is installed on AIX 5.2, the system will crash on every
reboot. To recover from this situation, the system will have to be
booted in maintenance mode from the AIX 5.2 installation media or a
system backup (mksysb) to uninstall the tivoli.tsm.* filesets.
Alternatively, the following line can be uncommented in /etc/inittab by
inserting a ':' (colon) at the beginning of the line.

adsmsmext:2:wait:/etc/rc.adsmhsm > /dev/console

AIXlink/X.25 Version 2 on AIX 5.2

To avoid a system crash when using TCP/IP over X.25 functionality, it is
necessary to install APAR IY45606.


Note 4:



Attention msg during mksysb

I am running AIX 5.2 ML03, I am receving following Attention msg during

The boot image you created might fail to boot because the size exceeds
system limit. For information about fixes or workarounds,
Creating list of files to back up..
Backing up 569000 files.................................

What am I missing in it? any help or hints or tips will be of great

value to
me. Thanks

This solution DOES NOT WORK on models 7028, 7029, 7038, 7039, and 7040
systems, see option 4 regarding these models.
If APAR IY40824 (AIX 5.1) or IY40975 (AIX 5.2) was installed prior to
the backup, then you may boot from the backup and go to the open
prompt. To get to the open firmware prompt, when the system beeps twice
powering it on, press F8 on the keyboard (or the 8 key on an ASCII
You can also get to the open firmware prompt from SMS. The open firmware
prompt is also referred to as the "OK" prompt. On some systems there
will be
a menu option located on the initial SMS menu. On others, it will be
under the Multiboot menu. From the open firmware prompt execute the

>setenv real-base 1000000


a) To use this option, the backup must have this APAR in it and
must be created after installing the APAR.
b) The above commands will have to be executed each time you boot from
large boot image backup media.

Note 5:

Configuring mksysb image on system backup tapes

Use the swmksysb command to ensure that the boot image, BOS
Installation/Maintenance image,
and the table of contents image are created with a tape block_size value
of 512.

Bootable mksysb tapes comprise the following images:

Boot image
BOS Installation/Maintenance image
Table of contents image
System backup image
The system backup image is the actual backup of the files in the rootvg
in all JFS-mounted file systems.
The boot image, BOS Installation/Maintenance image, and the table of
contents image must be created with a
tape block_size value of 512. The mksysb command ensures that the block
size is 512 when these images are created.
There are no restrictions on the block size used for the fourth (system
backup image) on the tape.
The block size of the system, before it was temporarily set to 512, is
used for the fourth image on the tape.
The value of the block size must be saved in the /tapeblksz file in the
second image on the tape.
The second and fourth images are stored in backup/restore format. Again,
mksysb ensures the correctness
of the tapes created by using the mksysb command.

If there are problems with the file, the file,
or the tapeblksz file, these files
can be restored from the second image on the tape and checked. These
files, as well as commands necessary
for execution in the RAM file system (when running in maintenance mode
after booting from the tape),
are stored in the second image.

Note 6:


Before you migrate 5.1 -> 5.2, do as an absolute minimum the following:

- errpt, and resolve all serious issues. If you can't, then STOP.
- enough free space rootvg, /, /tmp, /usr, /var
- lppchk -v If dependencies are not OK, then correct or STOP.
- check firmware. Is the current firmware ok for AIX52? Use "prtconf" or


To display the system firmware level and service processor (if

present), type:
# lsmcode -c

The system displays a message similar to the following:

System Firmware level is TCP99256

If the Firmware version is not current enough, then upgrade or STOP.

Or use
# lscfg -vp | grep -p Platform

- Always create a mksysb tape.

Note: its quite likely that your apps still need a number of AIX fixes,
before they can run on AIX52.

POWER5 Firmware releases:

Release End of Currency

SF240 To be announced
SF235 March 2007
SF230 March 2007
SF225 Out of Currency
SF222 Out of Currency
SF220 Out of Currency
SF210 Out of Currency

Firmware lower than SF230 is not usable for upgrades/migration.

Note 7:


Migration AIX 4.3.3 to 5.2, Rebooting don't stop

Reply from Simone on 2/9/2005 10:17:00 AM

Hi, the Reboot problem during migration to 5.2 is SOLVED.

As described in the previous messages, we have 4 networks cards and two

are unused
(no cable attached, no tcpip adress defined and no network mask

During the reboot, file "/etc/" is executed (boot stage two). This
one call "/usr/lib/methods/cfgif"
which configure the network (ethernet adapter, server name, default
gateway, static routes).
Because of the two unconfigured cards and the execution of
"/usr/lib/methods/cfgif", server do a "SYSTEM DUMP DEV"
and reboot again.

To solve this issue, two ways are possible:

- detach the unconfigured cards (chdev -l en0 -a state=detach)
- configure the cards

Please note, that no informations have been founded into IBM

documentation about this issue.

correctly configured.


Note 8:

AIX can use the /etc/rc.local but you need an entry in /etc/inittab as

To add local daemons to the system

startup sequence in a BSD rc.local style use the following command to
create an /etc/inittab entry:

# mkitab -i rcnfs "rclocal:2:wait:/etc/rc.local >/dev/console 2>&1"

# touch /etc/rc.local
# chmod 700 /etc/rc.local
Then put the command lines to start the daemons in /etc/rc.local.

80. Some IP subnetting:

Traditional IP Classes are:

The first byte in the 4 byte address corresponds to:

Class A: 1-126 0xxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy.yyyyyyy.yyyyyyyy

Class B: 128-191 10xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx.yyyyyyy.yyyyyyyy
Class C: 192-223 110xxxxx.xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy
Class D: 224 1110----.--------.-------.-------- (not used, or

Notice the first bits in the first byte in the class address.

Note : 127.aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa is reserved for debugging/testing

purpose, or local host

In an IP address aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaa, the 8 bits

"aaaaaaaa" corresponds to


with "a" is a bit, that is, a=0 or a=1

1x128 + 1x64 + 1x32 + 1x16 + 1x8 + 1x4 + 1x2 + 1x1

So, in for example in class A: 0xxxxxxx, means that the first byte is at
maximum value of
0x128 + 1x64 + 1x32 + 1x16 + 1x8 + 1x4 + 1x2 + 1x1 = 127, but 127 is
reserved, so Class A runs from 1 - 126

Similar for Class B: it can be minimum of 10000000 or 10111111 in the

first byte, and thats 128-191
Remember, by design, the first two bits in B, MUST BE "10", and the
other 6 bits can vary.


Class C subnetting:
No of No of No of No of
subnets hosts subnetbits hostbits
* NA NA 1 7 * not valid
with most routers 2 62 2 6 6 30 3 5 14 14 4 4 30 6 5 3 62 2 6 2

Class B subnetting:
No of No of No of No of
subnets hosts subnetbits hostbits
----------------------------------------------------------- NA NA 1 15 2 16382 2 14 6 8190 3 13 14 4094 4 12 30 2046 5 11 62 1022 6 10 126 510 7 9 254 254 8 8 510 126 9 7 1022 62 10 6 2046 30 11 5 4094 14 12 4 8190 6 13 3 16382 2 14 2

81. Notes on TSM:

81.1 Notes on TSM client dsmc:


Installing the TSM 5.1 client under IBM AIX 4.3.3

These instructions will guide you through the installation and

configuration of the Tivoli
Storage Manager client, so you can back up your data using DoIT's Bucky
Backup service.
You should be familiar with the AIX operating system distribution and
have root or root-equivalent
access to the machine you are working with. These instructions and the
AIX client are specific to
the pSeries & RS/6000 architecture.

Data that has been backed up or archived from a TSM v5.1 client cannot
be restored or retrieved to any
previous level client. The data must be restored or retrieved by a
v5.1.0 or higher level client.
Once you migrate to 5.1 you cannot go back to an older client (but you
can certainly restore older data).
This is non-negotiable. You have been warned.
This product installs into /usr/tivoli/tsm/client. It requires 40 to 50
megabytes of space.
During the installation SMIT will extend the filesystem if you do not
have enough space.
If you do not have space in rootvg, you can symlink
/usr/tivoli/tsm/client into a directory
where you do have enough space.

You must have registered a node and have received confirmation of your
node name. Make sure you know
the password that you specified when applying for the node.

You must have xlC.rte installed in order to install the client. If you
wish to use the graphical client
under AIX you must have AIXwindows X11R6, Motif 1.2 or Motif 2.0, and
the CDE installed.

Acquire the software from Tivoli. You can use wget or lynx to retrieve
the files from their web site
(or use the "Save Target As..." feature of your browser):
Start SMIT to install the software:

smitty install

Select "Install and Update Software", then "Install and Update from
LATEST Available Software".
When it prompts you for the "INPUT device / directory for software"
specify the directory in which
you saved the installation files. Proceed to install the software

Change to the new directories created for the client:

cd /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin

Create and edit the dsm.sys, dsm.opt, and inclexcl files for your
system. Sample files are linked.
At a minimum, you will have to edit dsm.sys and insert your node name.

Start dsmc by using the ./dsmc command. Enter the command "query
schedule" and you will be prompted
for your node's password. Enter your password and press enter. Once it
successfully displays the node's
backup schedule, enter the command "quit" to exit it. This saves your
node's password, so that backups
and other operations can happen automatically.

To start the TSM client on reboot, edit /etc/inittab and insert the line
(all one line):

tsm:2:once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc schedule servername=bucky3

> /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null
Issue the following command on the command line, as root, to manually
start dsmc:

nohup /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc schedule

-servername=bucky3>/dev/null &

Verify that the client has started and is working by checking the log
files in /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin.

You can perform a manual backup to test your settings using the command:

/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc incremental

Remember that if you change the settings in dsm.sys, dsm.opt, or

inclexcl you need to restart the software.

Upgrading the TSM client from 4.2 to 5.1

To upgrade the TSM client from 4.2.1 to 5.1 use the following procedure:

Obtain a copy of the software (use the links at the top of this page).

Kill the running copy of dsmc (a "ps -ef | grep dsmc" will show you what
is running. Kill the parent process).

Back up dsm.opt, dsm.sys, and inclexcl from your old configuration

(probably in /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin).
The upgrade will preserve them, but it pays to have a backup copy.

Upgrade the TSM client packages using "smitty install". Select "Install
and Update Software",
then "Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)". Specify
the directory in which
the software was downloaded.

Edit your dsm.sys file and ensure that the TCPServeraddress flag is set
OR (this just ensures future compatibility
with changes to the service).
This setting could be either server, depending on when you registered
your node.

Restart dsmc using the command:

nohup /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmc schedule -servername=bucky2

>/dev/null &

Watch your logs to ensure that a backup happened. You can also invoke a
manual backup using
"dsmc incremental" from the command line.

So how to install:

Run the script tsm-instl

Modify /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt
Modify /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys
Modify /var/tsm/inclexcl.dsm
Register the target machine name with TSM

The config files are thus "dsm.opt" and "dsm.sys"

zd77l06:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin>cat dsm.opt

SErvername ZTSM01
dateformat 4
compressalways no
followsymbolic yes
numberformat 5
subdir yes
timeformat 1

zd77l06:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin>cat dsm.sys

SErvername ZTSM01
COMMmethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
HTTPPort 1581
schedmode PROMPTED
nodename zd77l06
compression yes
SCHEDLogretention 7
ERRORLogretention 7
ERRORLogname /beheer/log/tsm/dsmerror.log
SCHEDLogname /beheer/log/tsm/dsmsched.log

On HP these directories could be /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt

If you need to exclude a filesystem in the backup run, you can edit
dsm.sys and put in an exclude statement
like in the following example:

SErvername ZTSM01
Exclude "/data/documentum/dmadmin/*"
COMMmethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
HTTPPort 1581
schedmode PROMPTED
nodename zd110l14
compression yes
SCHEDLogretention 7
ERRORLogretention 7
ERRORLogname /beheer/log/tsm/dsmerror.log
SCHEDLogname /beheer/log/tsm/dsmsched.log
81.2 Examples of the dsmc command:

To view schedules that are defined for your client node, enter:
# dsmc query schedule
# dsmc q ses

To change the password:

# /usr/bin/dsmc set password

To make a test incr backup of /tmp now, to see if backups work:

# /usr/bin/dsmc inc /tmp
/usr/bin/dsmc inc /home/se1223

To see what the mksysb backup status is:

# dsmc q archive /mkcd/mksysb.img

81.3 Restore with dsmc:


-- Example 1:
To restore a file /a/b to /c/d :

# dsmc restore /a/b /c/d

-- Example 2:
Restore the most recent backup version of the /home/monnett/h1.doc file,
even if the backup is inactive.

# dsmc restore /home/monnett/h1.doc -latest

-- Example 3:
Display a list of active and inactive backup versions of files from
which you can select versions to restore.

# dsmc restore "/user/project/*"-pick -inactive

-- Example 4:
Restore the files in the /home file system and all of its

# dsmc restore /home/ -subdir=yes

-- Example 5:
Restore all files in the /home/mydir directory to their state as of 1:00
PM on August 17, 2002.

# dsmc restore -pitd=8/17/2002 -pitt=13:00:00 /home/mydir/

-- Example 6:
Restore all files from the /home/projecta directory that end with .bak
to the /home/projectn/ directory.
# dsmc restore "/home/projecta/*.bak" /home/projectn/

# dsmc restore /data/documentum/dmadmin/backup1008/*

# dsmc restore /data/documentum/dmadmin/backup1608/*

small script for scheduling a restore job from cron:


echo "Starting backup at: " >> /beheer/adhoc_restore.log

date >> /beheer/adhoc_restore.log

cd /data/documentum/dmadmin
dsmc restore /data/documentum/dmadmin/backup_3011/*

echo "End of backup at: " >> /beheer/adhoc_restore.log

date >> /beheer/adhoc_restore.log

-- Example 7:

- Use of FROMDate=date
Specify a beginning date for filtering backup versions. Do not
restore files that were backed up before this date.

You can use this option with the TODATE option to create a time
window for backup versions. You can list files that were backed
up between two dates.

For example, to restore all the files that you backed up from
the /home/case directory from April 7, 1995 through April 14,
1995, enter:

# REStore "/home/case/" -FROMDate=04/07/1995 -TODate=04/14/1995

As another example, to restore backup versions of files that were

created during
the last week of March 1995 for the files in the /home/jones directory,

# Restore -FROMDate=03/26/1995 -TODate=03/31/1995 /home/jones

The date must be in the format you select with the DATEFORMAT
option. For example, the date for date format 1 is mm/dd/yyyy,
where mm is month; dd is day; and yyyy is year. If you include
DATEFORMAT with the command, it must precede FROMDATE and

- Use of TODate=date
Specify an end date for filtering backup versions. ADSM does not
restore backup versions that were backed up after this date.
You can use this option with the FROMDATE option to create a
time window for backups. You can restore backup versions that
were backed up between two dates

For example, to restore files from the /home/case directory that

were backed up between April 7, 1995 and April 14, 1995, enter
the following:

res "/home/case/" -FROMDate=04/07/1995 -TODate=4/14/1995

The date must be in the format you select with the DATEFORMAT
option. For example, the date for date format 1 is mm/dd/yyyy,
where mm is month; dd is day; and yyyy is year. If you include
DATEFORMAT with the command, it must precede FROMDATE and

To start the clients Graphical User Interface enter dsm. The TSM GUI

Example in Dutch:

Bestanden terughalen van de backup.

Elke nacht worden er backup's gemaakt van alle data. Als U, om wat voor
een reden dan ook, een bestand
kwijt bent geraakt, kunt U dit zelf terughalen van de backup als er aan
de volgende voorwaarden wordt voldaan:

-het bestand heeft minstens 1 nacht op de server gestaan

-U bent het minder dan 30 dagen geleden kwijtgeraakt

Files die u dezelfde dag op het systeem zet en weer weggooid, kunt u
niet met een restore terughalen!

Om een bestand terug te halen (restore) gaat U als volgt te werk:

Log in op de machine en tik op de commando prompt:

$ dsmc restore -ina -subdir=yes "file-selectie"

waarbij voor "file-selectie" de filenaam opgegeven wordt van het bestand

dat U kwijt bent. Weet U de naam
niet meer precies tik dan in:

dsmc restore -ina -subdir=yes "*"

met de "'s.

--Een voorbeeld
Voorbeeld van een restore

De voorbeeld file:

-rw-rw-r-- 1 faq faq 269 Mar 18 16:12 testfile

File (per ongeluk) weggooien:

$ rm testfile

Controle op het (niet meer) bestaan van de file:

$ ls -l testfile
ls: testfile: No such file or directory

Starten van een restore:

$ dsmc restore -pick "test*"

TSM Scrollable PICK Window - Restore

# Backup Date/Time File Size A/I File

x 1. | 19-03-2002 03:13:22 269 B A /www/faq/testfile
<U>=Up <D>=Down <T>=Top <B>=Bottom <R#>=Right <L#>=Left
=Goto Line # <#>=Toggle Entry <+>=Select All <->=Deselect All
<#:#+>=Select A Range <#:#->=Deselect A Range <O>=Ok <C>=Cancel

Selecteer de te restoren file, in dit geval kiezen we voor testfile

pick> 1

TSM Scrollable PICK Window - Restore

# Backup Date/Time File Size A/I File

x 1. | 19-03-2002 03:13:22 269 B A /www/faq/testfile
<U>=Up <D>=Down <T>=Top <B>=Bottom <R#>=Right <L#>=Left
=Goto Line # <#>=Toggle Entry <+>=Select All <->=Deselect All
<#:#+>=Select A Range <#:#->=Deselect A Range <O>=Ok <C>=Cancel

Bevestig met OK

pick> o

** Interrupted **
ANS1114I Waiting for mount of offline media.

Opmerking: wachttijd is afhankelijk van de drukte op de TSM-server

Restoring 269 /www/faq/testfile [Done]

Restore processing finished.

Total number of objects restored: 1

Total number of objects failed: 0
Total number of bytes transferred: 296 B
Data transfer time: 0.00 sec
Network data transfer rate: 19,270.83 KB/sec
Aggregate data transfer rate: 0.00 KB/sec
Elapsed processing time: 00:04:05

Controle op het bestaan van de file:

$ ls -l testfile
-rw-rw-r-- 1 faq faq 269 Mar 18 16:12 testfile

De (test-)file is weer te gebruiken.


- Backup von Dateien:

Mittels des Befehls:

C:>dsmc incremental -subdir=yes "d:\*.*"

kann beispielsweise der Inhalt der ganzen Festplatte (oder Partition)

d:\ Ihres PCs gesichert werden.
Analog lassen sich Unterverzeichnisse derselben Platte sichern. Hier
noch ein Beispiel unter dem Betriebssystem Unix:

# dsmc incremental -subdir=no /usr/users/holo

Dieser Befehl sichert alle Dateien in dem Verzeichnis /usr/users/holo .

- Anzeige von mittels Backup gesicherten Dateien:

Um herauszufinden welche Dateien durch Backup im TSM Server gespeichert
sind, gibt es folgendes Kommando:

dsmc query backup -subdir=yes "*"

womit Sie alle Ihre gesicherten Dateien aufgelistet bekommen. Die Option
-inactive gestattet zus,tzlich
das Auflisten aller gespeicherten fr_heren Versionen Ihrer Dateien.
Haben Sie z.B. unter Unix im Verzeichnis
/u/holo/briefe/1997 durch Znderungen mehrere Versionen Ihrer Briefe
konferenz97.tex abgespeichert,
so bekommen Sie eine Liste aller Dateien durch:

# dsmc query backup -inactive \ /u/holo/briefe/1997/konferenz97.tex

Der obige \ ist die Unix Zeilenfortsetzung.

- Restore von Dateien:

Es ist passiert: Sie haben sich eine Datei die Sie sp,ter ben"tigen
gel"scht. Mittels des Kommandos restore
k"nnen Sie Dateien die mittels Backup gesichert wurden,

Der Befehl:

# dsmc restore -subdir=yes "/u/holo/briefe/*"

speichert alle aktiven Dateien im Unterverzeichnis /u/holo/briefe wieder

zur_ck. Falls Sie dabei existierende
Dateien _berschreiben wollen, so k"nnen Sie die Option



Es ist auch m"glich ein Zeitintervall anzugeben, in welchem die

Sicherung erfolgt sein mu , um so auf ,ltere
Versionen zur_ckzugehen (die z.B. noch frei von Computerviren sind):

dsmc restore -replace=yes -todate=1997-12-22 d:\*.doc

81.4 Oracle and TSM: TDPO:


RMAN and Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle

The Oracle Recovery Manager provides consistent and secure backup,
restore, and recovery performance
for Oracle databases. While the Oracle RMAN initiates a backup or
restore, TDP for Oracle acts as the
interface to the Tivoli Storage Manager server (Version 4.1.0 or later).
The Tivoli Storage Manager server
then applies administrator-defined storage management policies to the
data. TDP for Oracle Version 2.2.1
implements Oracle defined Media Management API 2.0, which interfaces
with RMAN for backup and restore
operations and translates Oracle commands into Tivoli Storage Manager
API calls to the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

With the use of RMAN, TDP for Oracle allows you to perform the following

Full backup function for the following while online or offline:

-archive log files
-control files
-Full database restore while offline
-Tablespace and datafile restore while online or offline

This feature provides a centralized place to define all the options
needed by RMAN for TDP for Oracle backup
and restore operations. This eliminates the need to specify environment
variables for each session,
thereby reducing the potential for human error. This also simplifies the
establishment of multiple sessions.

The Data Protection for Oracle options file, tdpo.opt, contains options
that determine the behavior and performance
of Data Protection for Oracle. The only environment variable Data
Protection for Oracle Version 5.2 recognizes
within an RMAN script is the fully qualified path name to the tdpo.opt
file. Therefore, some RMAN scripts may need
to be edited to use TDPO_OPTFILE=fully qualified path and file name of
options file variable in place of other
environment variables. For example:

allocate channel t1 type 'sbt_tape' parms

'ENV=(TDPO_OPTFILE=/home/rman/scripts/tdpo.opt)'See Scripts for
further information.

If a fully qualified path name is not provided, Data Protection for

Oracle uses the tdpo.opt file located
in the Data Protection for Oracle default installation directory. If
this file does not exist,
Data Protection for Oracle proceeds with default values.

Note 1:

Installing Data Protection for Oracle 5.1

This chapter provides information on the required client environment for
Data Protection for Oracle
and instructions on installing Data Protection for Oracle.

Make sure these conditions exist before installing Data Protection for

- Tivoli Storage Manager Server Version 5.1.0 (or later) is configured.

- Tivoli Storage Manager API Version 5.1.5 (or later) is installed. This
version of the
Tivoli Storage Manager API is included in the Data Protection for
Oracle product media.

Attention: A root user must install the Tivoli Storage Manager API
before installing Data Protection
for Oracle on the workstation where the target database resides.
After Data Protection for Oracle is installed, you must perform the
following configuration tasks:

-Define Data Protection for Oracle options in the tdpo.opt file.

-Register the Data Protection for Oracle node to a Tivoli Storage
Manager Server.
-Define Tivoli Storage Manager options in the dsm.opt and dsm.sys files.
-Define Tivoli Storage Manager policy requirements.
-Initialize the password with a Tivoli Storage Manager Server.

See Configuring Data Protection for Oracle for detailed task


Note 2:

New Password File Generation

Data Protection for Oracle uses a new password utility for

password generation and maintenance. The new TDPO configuration
utility, 'tdpoconf' replaces the previous executable 'aobpswd'.
To generate or update a password, invoke 'tdpoconf' as follows:

tdpoconf password [-tdpo_optfile=/mydir/myfile.opt]

Successful execution of 'tdpoconf password' should generate apassword

with the prefix 'TDPO.' followed by your nodename.

For more information, please see the 'Using the Utilities' section in
Data Protection for Oracle User's Guide.

Note 3:



Any good step-by-step docs out there? I just need to get this thing
setup and working quickly.
Don't have time (unless it is my only choice of course) do filter
through several manuals to pick out
the key info... Help if you can - I surly would appreciate it


What needs to happen is this --

1. Get the manuals downloaded.

2. Download the TDP and perform default installations

3. Create a node name for the TDP - i.e TDP_Oracle _&lt;hostname>,

register it using a simple password because
you are going to need it.

3. Add a stanza in dsm.sys for the TDP, this should be the second or
third stanza since the first stanza is
for the client.
4. In the TDP installation directory, modify the tdpo.opt file - this is
the configuration file for the TDP.
This file is self explanatory

5. Execute tdpconf showenv - you should get a response back from tsm.

6. Execute tdpoconf passwd - to create tdpo password - the password file

will be created and stored
in the TDP home directory. If will have the host name as part of the
file name.

7. Once you have gotten this far, in Oracle's home directory - create
the dsm.opt file and make sure it contains
only one line, the servername line of the newly created stanza. The
file needs to be owned by oracle.

8. If you are using tracing, the tdpo.opt file will identify the

9. Configure RMAN

10. Test and verify

Note 4:



I see this question has been asked several times in the list, but I fail
to see any answers on ADSM.ORG.

I'm getting the

"ANS0263E Either the dsm.sys file was not found, or the Inclexcl file
specified in the dsm.sys was not found"
error when trying to set the password after installing the 64 bit TDPO
on Solaris 8.

(The 32 bit version installs fine)

Anyone have the fix for this handy?


Did you check the basics of, as oracle, or your tdpo user:

# env | grep DSM

Make sure the DSMI variables point to the right locations, then verify
those files are readable by your user.

If after verifying this, you might want to let us know what version of
oracle, tdpo and tsmc you have on this node.

We had an issue with this and discovered that it was looking in the api
directory for the dsm.sys and not the ba/bin directory so we just put a
in api to bin and it worked.


You may want to break the link to prevent TDP from using the INCLEXCL
file that's
normally in a dsm.sys file. If you don't, you'll generate errors. If
linked, and
commented out, your normal backups
won't have an INCLEXCL file, hence, you'll backup everything on your
client server
during your regular client backup.

Note 5:

TSM for Databases v5.3.3, Data Protection for Oracle Downloads by

Downloadable files

Data Protection for Oracle v5.3.3 refresh.

Download Description
Data Protection for Oracle v5.3.3 refresh.

These packages contains no license file. The customer must already have
a Paid version of the package
to obtain the license file.

These packages contain fixes for APARs IC48436, IC48248, IC48056,

IC46968, IC45462, IC43896, IC41501, IC38717,
IC38681, IC38430, IC38061, IC37459, IC36686, IC36389

A Paid version of the Data Protection for Oracle package is required.

Installation Instructions
See the README.TDPO in the download directory.

Note 6:



APAR status
Closed as documentation error.
Error description
When installing tivoli.tsm.client.api.64bit on AIX,
tivoli.tsm.client.api.32bit is required as pre-requsite
for the installation. The installation will fail if
tivoli.tsm.client.api.32bit is not avaiable for install.
tivoli.tsm.client.api.32bit is needed because of
languages enhancement in 5.3.
Local fix
Problem summary
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: API 32bit PREREQ for API 64bit not in *
* RECOMMENDATION: apply next available fix. *
Problem conclusion
Add info to README files and database.

Files in TSM client and tdpo:

tivoli.tivguid Y
tivoli.tsm.books.en_US.client.htm Y
tivoli.tsm.books.en_US.client.pdf Y
tivoli.tsm.client.api.32bit Y
tivoli.tsm.client.api.64bit Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

81.5 Other stuff with TSM client, stopping and starting:


The TSM scheduler dsmcad:


-- Check if its running:

ps -ef | grep dsm

root 245896 1 0 Jan 08 - 0:24

-- To start the process:

#! /bin/sh
# Copyright (c) 1989, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
#ident "$Revision: 1.1 $"

if $IS_ON verbose ; then # For a verbose startup and shutdown

else # For a quiet startup and shutdown

case $state in

set `who -r`
if [ $8 != "0" ]

$ECHO "Starting dsm schedule:"



if [ -f /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad ]; then
/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad > /dev/null 2>&1 &
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
$ECHO " done"
$ECHO " failed"
exit 2
echo " failed, no dsm installed"
exit 3

$ECHO "Stopping dsm schedule:"
killall dsmcad

It is also possible now to start and stop dsmcad using the script. For
example :

- To start dsmcad manually run:

/etc/init.d/dsmcad start

- To stop dsmcad run:

/etc/init.d/dsmcad stop
- To restart dsmcad (for example to refresh daemon after dsm.sys or
dsm.opt modification)

/etc/init.d/dsmcad restart

- To check if dsmcad is running run:

/etc/init.d/dsmcad status
ps -ef | grep dsmcad

Or use:

(root) /sbin/init.d/tsmclient stop

(root) /sbin/init.d/tsmclient start

It could also be implemented in a proprierty way as in the following


root@zd111l08:/etc#./rc.dsm stop
dsmcad en scheduler gestopt

root@zd111l08:/etc#./rc.dsm start

root@zd111l08:/etc#IBM Tivoli Storage Manager

Command Line Backup/Archive Client Interface - Version 5, Release 2,
Level 3.0
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2004. All Rights

Querying server for next scheduled event.

Node Name: ZD111L08
Session established with server ZTSM05: AIX-RS/6000
Server Version 5, Release 2, Level 4.5
Server date/time: 06.08.2007 08:19:13 Last access: 30.07.2007

Next operation scheduled:

Schedule Name: DAG01U_ALG_CCAZ
Action: Incremental
Options: -su=yes
Server Window Start: 01:00:00 on 07.08.2007
Waiting to be contacted by the server.

81.6 TSCM: Tivoli Security Compliance Manager :

-- client.pref:

The client.pref configuration file contains configuration parameters for

the Tivoli Security Compliance Manager
client and is located in the client installation directory.

The default installation directories are:


-- stopping and starting the client:

Stopping the client on UNIX systems

You must log in as the root user to complete this task.
To stop the client component on a UNIX system:

Open a command shell.

Go to the directory where the client component is installed.
The default installation directory is /opt/IBM/SCM/client.

Enter the following command:

./jacclient stop

To start it, use

./jacclient start

-- Show status of the client:

./jacclient status
HCVIN0033I The Tivoli Security Compliance Manager client is currently

-- Start of the client on boot:

On AIX, the client is started from inittab:

#cat /etc/inittab | grep jac

ibmscmcli:2:once:/opt/IBM/SCM/client/jacclient start >/dev/console 2>&1
# Start Security Compliance Manager Client

81.7 ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket xx errono=73:


ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket xx errono=73

Technote (FAQ)

ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 6, errno = 73, reason: 'A
connection with a remote socket was reset
by that socket.'.

The same ANR1005E message with errno 10054 is well-documented, but very
little documentation exists for errno 73

ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 6, errno = 73, reason: 'A
connection with a remote socket was reset
by that socket.'.

The errno 73 seen in the message above indicates that the connection was
reset by the peer, usually an indication
that the session was cancelled or terminated on the TSM Server. In all
likelihood these sessions were terminated
on the server because they were in an idle wait for a period of time
exceeding the idletimeout value on
the TSM Server. We see that the sessions successfully reconnected and no
further errors were seen.
Sessions sitting in an idle wait is not uncommon and is frequently seen
when backing up large amounts of data.
With multi-threaded clients, some sessions are responsible for querying
the server to identify which files
are eligible to be backed up (producer sessions) while the other
sessions are responsible for the actual transfer
of data (consumer sessions). It usually takes longer to backup files
across the network than it takes for a list
of eligible files to be generated. Once the producer sessions have
completed building lists of eligible files
they will sit idle while the producer sessions actually backup these
files to the TSM Server. After some time,
the TSM Server will terminate the producer sessions because they have
been idle for a period of time longer
than the IDLETIMEOUT value specified on the server.

Many times this issue can be seen in firewall environment and has been
seen with network DNS problems and/or network
config problems. One of the most common is when a passive device
(router, switch, hub, etc.) is in between the
client & the server. If the port on the passive device is set to Auto-
Negotiate, it will automatically defer
to the active device (the NIC in the client) to set the connection
speed. If the NIC is also set to Auto-Negotiate
(default in most OS's) this often causes excessive delays and
interruptions in connectivity. This is because the NIC
is looking to the network appliance to set the connection speed and
vice-versa, so it takes some time before
the network device will find a suitable connection speed (not always
optimal, just suitable) and begin data transfer.
This repeats every time a data packet is sent across the network. While
the negotiating period is relatively short
by human standards (usually in the nanosecond range) it adds up over
time when trying to send a large amount
of data at a high speed and causes the connection to be broken. The best
workaround for that is to hard code
both the NIC and the network port for a specific setting. This is
usually 100Mb Full Duplex for a standard
CAT-5 copper connection, although older equipment may require
reconfiguration of 10/100 NICs to allow for that speed.

The other possible workaround for this issue is to estimate the file
transfer time and increase the IDLETIMEOUT
to a level higher than that time.

82. LDAP:

82.1: Introduction:

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, better known as LDAP, is

based on the X.500 standard, but is significantly
simpler and more readily adapted to meet custom needs. Unlike X.500,
LDAP supports TCP/IP, which is necessary
for Internet access. The core LDAP specifications are all defined in

Associated with LDAP, there must be an "information store" somewhere on

Server(s), that holds objects
and all their related properties, like useraccounts and all properties
belonging to those accounts.

Strictly speaking, though, LDAP isn't a database at all, but a protocol

used to access information stored
in an information directory (also known as an LDAP directory).
So, the protocol does not make any assumptions on the actual type or
sort of database which is involved,
but it does specify how to describe objects, classes, properties and how
to retrieve and store
this information.

The socalled "schema" specifies all object classes and properties.

LDAP directory servers store their data hierarchically. If you've seen

the top-down representations of
DNS trees or UNIX file directories, an LDAP directory structure will be
familiar ground. As with DNS host names,
an LDAP directory record's Distinguished Name (DN for short) is read
from the individual entry,
backwards through the tree, up to the top level.
It's just a "way" to represent a LDAP entry (or record). It has a
Distinguished Name (DN) that fully
and uniquely describes the object in the "tree", similar to a file in a
subdirectory on a filesystem.

-- What's in a name? The DN of an LDAP entry:

All entries stored in an LDAP directory have a unique "Distinguished
Name," or DN. The DN for each LDAP entry
is composed of two parts: the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) and the
location within the LDAP directory
where the record resides.

Some people like to refer to "container objects", holding other objects,

and "leaf objects" that are endpoints
in the tree. Containers are mostly referred to as "Organizational Units"
or OU's.
OU's are completely compairable to the domain components (dc's) of a
fully qualified Domain Name.

Compared to a filesystem, an OU looks a lot like a directory.

Some attributes of an object are required, while other attributes are

optional. An objectclass definition
sets which attributes are required and which are not for each entry.

An object is represented (or can be found) by listing all ou's or dc's

until you have reached the "endpoint":

-- Example 1:

OU=com.Ou=shell.OU=research.harry or better according to convention:


There are quite a few implementations that describe objects. For

example, in Novell NDS, a user's Distinguished Name
might be like the following example:

-- Example 2:


or abbreviated to


Note: In Novell NDS, the toplevel OU is called an Organization, or just

As another example:

-- Example 3:

An object could also be described as in the following example.

cn=Oatmeal Deluxe,ou=recipes,dc=foobar,dc=com

Which means: In com, then in foobar, then in recipes, we can find the
object "Oatmeal Deluxe".

An LDAP Server is capable of propagating its directories to other LDAP

servers throughout the world,
providing global access to information. Currently, however, LDAP is more
commonly used within
individual organizations, like universities, government departments, and
private companies.

LDAP is a client-server system. The server can use a variety of

databases to store a directory,
each optimized for quick and copious read operations. When an LDAP
client application connects to an LDAP server
it can either query a directory or upload information to it. In the
event of a query, the server either answers
the query or, if it can not answer locally, it can refer the query
upstream to a higher level LDAP server
which does have the answer. If the client application is attempting to
upload information to an LDAP directory,
the server verifies that the user has permission to make the change and
then adds or updates the information.

LDAP processes listen per default on port 389.

82.2 API's dealing with LDAP:


-- Programming:
-- ------------

Almost all programming languages, have libraries or modules to access a

LDAP Directory Server, and
to query, or add, delete or modify objects.

-- Utilities:
-- ----------

Also, on many platforms, commandline utilities exist which can do

manipulation of objects.
In this case, in many implementations, LDIF files can be used.

Lightweight Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) is a text-based format

used to describe and modify,
add, and delete--directory entries. In the latter capacity, it provides
to command-line utilities.

The two LDIF files immediately following represent a directory entry for
a printer.
The string in the first line of each entry is the entry's name, called a
distinguished name.
The difference between the files is that the first describes the entry--
that is, the format is an index
of the information that the entry contains. The second, when used as
input to the command-line utility,
adds information about the speed of the printer.

dn: cn=LaserPrinter1, ou=Devices, dc=acme,dc=com

objectclass: top
objectclass: printer
objectclass: epsonPrinter
cn: LaserPrinter1
resolution: 600
description: In room 407


dn: cn=LaserPrinter1, ou=Devices, dc=acme, dc=com

changetype: modify
add: pagesPerMinute
pagesPerMinute: 6

As a few examples in programming languages, consider the following


Java example:

Listing 1 shows a simple JNDI program that will print out the cn
attributes of all the Person type objects
on your console.

Listing 1.

public class SimpleLDAPClient {

public static void main(String[] args) {
Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "uid=admin,ou=system");
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "secret");
DirContext ctx = null;
NamingEnumeration results = null;
try {
ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
results ="", "(objectclass=person)", controls);
while (results.hasMore()) {
SearchResult searchResult = (SearchResult);
Attributes attributes = searchResult.getAttributes();
Attribute attr = attributes.get("cn");
String cn = (String) attr.get();
System.out.println(" Person Common Name = " + cn);
} catch (NamingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
if (results != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (ctx != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {

VB.Net example:

'To retrieve list of all LDAP users

'This function returns HashTable

_ldapServerName = ldapServerName

Dim sServerName As String = "mail"

Dim oRoot As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" &

ldapServerName & _

Dim oSearcher As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(oRoot)

Dim oResults As SearchResultCollection
Dim oResult As SearchResult
Dim RetArray As New Hashtable()


oResults = oSearcher.FindAll

For Each oResult In oResults

If Not oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties("cn").Value = "" Then

RetArray.Add( oResult.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties("uid").Value, _
End If

Catch e As Exception

'MsgBox("Error is " & e.Message)

Return RetArray

End Try

Return RetArray

End Function</PRE>

Some frgaments in C++:


Establishing an LDAP Connection:

LDAPConnection lc("localhost");
try {
} catch (LDAPException e) {
std::cerr << "Bind failed: " << e << std::endl;

Create user in VB:


' From the book "Active Directory, Third Edition"

' ISBN: 0-596-10173-2

Dim objParent As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://ou=sales,dc=mycorp,dc=com",

"[email protected]",_
"MyPassword", _
Dim objChild As DirectoryEntry = objParent.Children.Add("cn=jdoe",

objChild.NativeObject.AccountDisabled = False

Console.WriteLine("Added user")

82.3 Implementing LDAP on AIX:


IBM Directory Server needs to be configured to support user

authentication through LDAP with both the
AIX specific schema and the RFC 2307 schema on AIX.
Also on AIX, we have a client - Server relationship. Any LDAP client can
be authenticated by the
LDAP Server.

When users log in, the LDAP client sends a query to the LDAP server to
get the user and group information
from the centralized database. DB2r is a database used for storing the
user and group information.
The LDAP database stores and retrieves information based on a
hierarchical structure of entries,
each with its own distinguishing name, type, and attributes. The
attributes (properties) define
acceptable values for the entry. An LDAP database can store and maintain
entries for many users.

An LDAP security load module was implemented as from AIX Version 4.3.
This load module provides
user authentication and centralized user and group management functions
through the IBM SecureWayr Directory.
A user defined on an LDAP server can be configured to log in to an LDAP
client even if that user
is not defined locally. The AIX LDAP load module is fully integrated
with the AIX operating system

82.3.1 Configuration of IBM Directory Server:


IBM Directory Server on AIX can be configured with either:

- The ldapcfg command line tool

- The graphical version of the ldapcfg tool, called ldapxcfg
- The mksecldap command

The following file sets are required to configure IBM Directory Server:

- "ldap.server" file sets

- DB2, the back-end database software that is required by the IBM
Directory Server

AIX provides the mksecldap command to set up the IBM Directory servers
and clients to exploit the servers.

The mksecldap command performs the following tasks for the new server

. Creates the ldapdb2 default DB2 instance.

. Creates the ldapdb2 default DB2 database.
. Creates the AIX tree DN (suffix) under which AIX user and group is
. Exports users and groups from security database files of the local
host into the LDAP database.
. Sets LDAP server administrator DN and password.
. Optionally sets server to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
. Installs the /usr/ccs/lib/libsecldapaudit, an AIX audit plug-in for
the LDAP server.
. Starts the LDAP server after all the above is done.
. Adds the LDAP server entry (slapd) to /etc/inittab for automatic
restart after reboot.

Example of how to setup the LDAP Server:

# mksecldap -s -a cn=admin -p passwd -S rfc2307aix

82.3.1 Configuration of an AIX LDAP Client:


The "ldap.client" file set contains the IBM Directory client libraries,
header files, and utilities.
You can use the mksecldap command to configure the AIX client against
the IBM Directory Server,
as in the following example:

# mksecldap -c -h <LDAP Server name> -a cn=admin -p adminpwd -S


You must have the IBM Directory Server administrator DN and password to
configure the AIX client.
Once the AIX client is configured, the secldapclntd daemon starts
running. Once the AIX client is configured
against the IBM Directory Server, change the SYSTEM attribute in
"/etc/security/user" file to LDAP OR compat
or compat or LDAP to authenticate users against the AIX client system.

The "/usr/lib/security/methods.cfg" file contains the load module

definition. The mksecldap command adds
the following stanza to enable the LDAP load module during the client

program = /usr/lib/security/LDAP
program_64 = /usr/lib/security/LDAP64

The "/etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg" file on the client machine has

configuration information for the
secldapclntd client daemon. This configuration file contains information
about the IBM Directory Server name,
binddn, and password information. The file is automatically updated by
the mksecldap command during AIX client setup.

The auth_type attribute in the /etc/security/ldap/ldap.cfg file

specifies where the user needs to be authenticated.
If the auth_type attribute is UNIX_AUTH, then the user is authenticated
at the client system. If it is ldap_auth,
then the user is authenticated on IBM Directory Server.
82.3.3 LDAP utilities:

Using LDAP Tools on Linux, Solaris, AIX, or HP-UX

ldapadd - Adds new entries to an LDAP directory.

ldapdelete - Deletes entries from an LDAP directory server. The

ldapdelete tool opens a connection
to an LDAP server, binds, and deletes one or more

ldapmodify - Opens a connection to an LDAP server, binds, and modifies

or adds entries.

ldapmodrdn - Modifies the relative distinguished name (RDN) of entries

in an LDAP directory server.
Opens a connection to an LDAP server, binds, and modifies
the RDN of entries.

ldapsearch - Searches entries in an LDAP directory server. Opens a

connection to an LDAP server, binds,
and performs a search using the specified filter. The
filter should conform to the string representation

ldapcfg utility:

Using the ldapcfg utility:

The ldapcfg utility is a command-line tool that you can use to configure
IBM Tivoli Directory Server.
You can use ldapcfg instead of the Configuration Tool for the following

- Setting the administrator DN and password. See Setting the

administrator DN and password for instructions.
- Configuring a database. See Configuring the database for instructions.
- Changing the password of the DB2 administrator in the server
configuration file.
- Enabling the change log. See Enabling the change log for instructions.
- Adding a suffix.

1. Setting the administrator DN and password

To define the administrator DN and password, type the following at a

command prompt:

# ldapcfg -u "adminDN" -p password

adminDN is the administrator DN you want.
password is the password for the administrator DN.

Double byte character set (DBCS) characters in the password are not
For example:

# ldapcfg -u "cn=root" -p secret

Do not use single quotation marks (') to define DNs with spaces in them.
They are not interpreted correctly.
To accept the default administrator DN of cn=root and define a password,
type the following command
at a command prompt:

# ldapcfg -p password
where password is the password for the administrator DN.

For example:

# ldapcfg -p secret

2. Configuring the database

When you configure the database, you must always specify a user ID and
password on the command line.
The instance name is, by default, the same as the user ID. The user ID
must already exist and must meet
certain requirements. If you want a different instance name you can
specify it using the -t option.
This name must also be an existing user ID that meets certain
See Before you configure: creating the DB2 database owner and database
instance owner for information about
these requirements on both Windows and UNIX platforms.

Before configuring the database, be sure that the environment variable
DB2COMM is not set.
Be sure to read this section before you use the ldapcfg command. Some
options (such as -f and -s) have changed.
Unpredictable results will occur if you use them incorrectly or as they
were used in previous releases.
The server must be stopped before you configure the database.
To configure a database, the following options are available:

-l location
Specifies the location of the DB2 database. For UNIX systems, this is a
directory name such as /home/ldapdb.
For Windows systems, this is a drive letter such as C:
-a id
Specifies the DB2 administrator ID.
Creates a database in UTF-8 format. (The default, if you do not specify
this option, is to create a database
that is in the local code page.)
Destroys any instance currently configured with IBM Tivoli Directory
Server. All databases associated with the
instance are also destroyed.
-w password
Specifies the DB2 administrator password.

The ldapcfg -w password command no longer changes the system password of
the database owner. It only updates
the ibmslapd.conf file. See Changing the DB2 administrator password for
information about using the -w option alone.

-d database
Specifies the DB2 database name.

-t dbinstance
Specifies the database instance. If you do not specify an instance, the
instance name is the same as the
DB2 administrator ID.
Overwrites the database if one already exists. By default, the database
being overwritten is not deleted.
Destroys any database currently configured with IBM Tivoli Directory
Specifies the full path of a file to redirect output into. If used in
conjunction with the -q option,
only errors will be sent to the file.
Runs in quiet mode. All output is suppressed except for errors.
Runs in no prompt mode. All output is generated except for messages
requiring user interaction.

To configure a database on /home/ldapdb2 with a DB2 administrator name

of db2admin, a password of mypassword,
and a database name of dbName when there is not an existing database
configured (that is, the first time), the command is:

# ldapcfg -l /home/ldapdb2 -a db2admin -w mypassword -d dbName

To configure a database on /home/ldapdb2 with a DB2 administrator name

of db2admin, a password of mypassword,
a database name of dbName, and an instance name of dbInstance when there
is not an existing database configured
(that is, the first time), the command is:

# ldapcfg -l /home/ldapdb2 -a db2admin -w mypassword -d dbName -t


To configure a database on /home/ldapdb2 when a database is already

configured and you want to overwrite it,
the command is:

# ldapcfg -l /home/ldapdb2 -a db2admin -w mypassword -d dbName -o

3. Changing the DB2 administrator password

If you change the password for the DB2 administrator through the
operating system, you must also change it
using ldapcfg with the -w option. This changes the password in the
server configuration file. Similarly,
if you change the password for the DB2 administrator with the ldapcfg
command, you must also change it through
the operating system.

To change the DB2 administrator password to newpassword, type the

following command:

ldapcfg -w newpassword

Double byte character set (DBCS) characters in the password are not



Note 1:

Summary of the above paper:

AIX first implemented a LDAP security load module in version 4.32. The
implementation worked well in a
uniform AIX environment. However, users have found it hard to configure
AIX systems to work with third party
LDAP servers. This shortcoming is primarily the result of the
proprietary schema used by AIX1.

Since AIX 5LT version 5.2, AIX supports the schema defined in RFC 2307
which is widely used among IBM peers
and which is becoming the industry standard for network entities. The
schema defines attributes and object classes
for such entities as users, groups, networks, services, hosts,
protocols, rpc, etc.3.
The RFC 2307 schema is often referred to as the nisSchema. Both of these
terms are used interchangeably
in this paper.
Client support for the nisSchema in AIX is part of Configurable Schema
Support Mechanism (CSSM),
which is a bigger effort to support arbitrary schema. With CSSM, AIX
systems can be configured to support
LDAP directory servers using any schema. At present, CSSM is implemented
for users and groups only.

Configuring AIX to do naming lookup through LDAP for network entities,

including users and groups,
is also implemented in AIX 5L v5.2. However, this paper deals only with
issues related to user authentication and
user/group management through LDAP. Naming lookup services for other
network entities is addressed in a separate paper.

This paper addresses only client configuration. Section 2 introduces the

major components and their
functionality in an AIX LDAPclient system. Section 3 gives step-by-step
instruction on configuring
an AIX client system. In Section 4, detailed behaviors and new features
of the AIX LDAP client,
including CSSM are presented and discussed. System management in respect
of the LDAP load module and
detailed steps to enable LDAP user authentication are given in Section

Note 2:

Summary of the above Redbook:

This IBM Redbook is a technical planning reference for IT organizations

that are adding AIX 5L clients
to an existing LDAP authentication and user management environment. It
presents integration scenarios
for the AIX 5L LDAP client with IBM Tivoli Directory Server, the Sun ONE
Directory Server,
and Microsoft Active Directory.

Note 3:



> Having a problem installing a DB2 client on a machine running AIX
> version 5.0. Client appeared to install one time succesfully, then
> was uninstalled and a reinstall was attempted. For some reasons, it
> does not complete the reinstall. See the status report from the GUI
> installer at the end of this note. Errors are towards the bottom.
> Everything installed in /usr/opt for DB2 but the sqllib folder that is
> supposed to be created in the home directory of the instance ownder is
> not installed (in our case the instance ownder is db2inst1). Have
> tried installing DB2 with the user db2inst1 already existing and not.
> Same error seems to appear. The key errors from the output below
> appear to be:
> ERROR:Could not switch current DB2INSTANCE to "db2inst1". The return
> code is
> "-2029059916".
> ERROR:DBI1122E Instance db2inst1 cannot be updated.[/color]


Most likely, when you uninstalled, you removed the ~db2inst1/sqllib via
rm -rf, rather than via db2idrop. There are crumbs still sticking
around in your system.

Install the product, don't bother with the instance. Run

/usr/opt/db2_08_01/instance/db2ilist (as root). If it shows db2inst1
in the list, this is your problem. The solution is to recreate the
~db2inst1/sqllib directory (just use mkdir), then try db2idrop. Once
the instance is properly dropped, you can use db2isetup (also in the
..../instance directory) to recreate the instance.

Hope this helps,


Works!! Thanks for your help!

Note 4:


DB2 issues SQL1224N and WebSphere Application Server (WAS) admin server
fails with StaleConnectionException
when attempting more than 10 local concurrent DB2 connections from a
single process.

On AIX 4.3.3 or later, DB2 will issue SQL1224N and WebSphere
administration server will fail with
StaleConnectionException when attempting more than 10 local concurrent
DB2 connections from a single process.
JDK 1.1.8 allows a maximum number of 10 local concurrent DB2
connections. JDK 1.2.2 allows a maximum of 4
local connections. JDK 1.3.0 allows a maximum of 2 local connections.

DB2 errors:

In db2diag.log, it has DIA9999E "An internal error occurred" with an

error return code of 18 and sqlcode -1224
appear when running DB2 with a WebSphere application:
2000-10-26- Instance:db2ninst Node:000
PID:35928(java) Appid:
oper_system_services sqlocshr Probe:200
DIA9999E An internal error occurred. Report the following error code : "

Data Title:SQLCA PID:35928 Node:000

sqlcaid : SQLCA sqlcabc: 136 sqlcode: -1224 sqlerrml: 0
sqlerrp : sqlearcn
sqlerrd : (1) 0x00000000 (2) 0x00000000 (3) 0x00000000
(4) 0x00000000 (5) 0x000000FF (6) 0x00000000
sqlwarn : (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
(7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

The javacore.txt log file shows that an exception is thrown due to

SQL1224N when the application attempts
to connect to the database: [IBM][CLI Driver] SQL1224N A database

agent could not be started to service a request,
or was terminated as a result of a database system shutdown or a force
command. SQLSTATE=55032

at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(
at java.lang.Exception.<init>(
at java.sql.SQLException.<init>(
at Code))
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(
at newtest.connectDM(

Possible cause
The error return code 18 indicates that there are too many files open
and therefore, no available
segment registers. The Websphere application has reached AIX's limit of
10 shared memory segments per process,
and so DIA9999E is generated.

SQL1224N and StaleConnectionException result as a result of DB2 not

being able to obtain a new shared memory segment.

DB2 UDB Version 7.2 (DB2 UDB Version 7.1 FixPak 3) or later
The support of EXTSHM has been added to V7.2 (V7.1 Fixpak 3). By
default, AIX does not permit 32-bit applications
to attach to more than 11 shared memory segments per process, of which a
maximum of 10 can be used for
local DB2 connections. To use EXTSHM with DB2, do the following:

In DB2 client sessions:

export EXTSHM=ON
When starting the DB2 UDB Server:
export EXTSHM=ON
On DB2 UDB EEE, also add the following lines to sqllib/db2profile:
export EXTSHM

The above information has been documented in the DB2 UDB Release Notes
for Version 7.2 / Version V7.1 FixPak 3, page 366.
You can get it from:

Note 5:

When modifying user information via WebSphere Portal, if you receive the
error Backend storage system failed.
Please try again later. or the user attributes are not updated in LDAP,
it might mean that the default
tuning parameters for use with DB2 and IBM Tivoli Directory Server need
to be adjusted.

Solution: The default DB2 parameters are:


The parameters above are too small for IBM Tivoli Directory Server and
WebSphere Portal on AIX with 2000 user entries.

The HEAP size of UDB is required when updating or inserting data.

WebSphere Portal spawns heavy transactions
to the LDAP server in any phase, especially changing user attributes,
which spawns several updates and inserts.
To prevent this problem, the following WebSphere Portal tuning is

su -ldapdb2
db2 -c update db cfg for ldap using APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ 1024
db2 -c update db cfg for ldap using APPLHEAP_SZ 1024

82.4 Implementing LDAP on HP-UX:


82.5 Implementing LDAP on RedHat:


82.5.1 OpenLDAP Daemons and Utilities:


The suite of OpenLDAP libraries and tools is spread out over the
following packages:

openldap - Contains the libraries necessary to run the openldap

server and client applications.

openldap-clients - Contains command-line tools for viewing and modifying

directories on an LDAP server.

openldap-server - Contains the servers and other utilities necessary to

configure and run an LDAP server.

There are two servers contained in the openldap-servers package: the

Standalone LDAP Daemon (/usr/sbin/slapd)
and the Standalone LDAP Update Replication Daemon (/usr/sbin/slurpd).

The slapd daemon is the standalone LDAP server while the slurpd daemon
is used to synchronize changes from
one LDAP server to other LDAP servers on the network. The slurpd daemon
is only necessary when dealing
with multiple LDAP servers.

To perform administrative tasks, the openldap-server package installs

the following utilities into the
/usr/sbin/ directory:

slapadd - Adds entries from an LDIF file to an LDAP directory. For

/usr/sbin/slapadd -l ldif-input will read in the LDIF file,
ldif-input, containing the new entries.

slapcat - Pulls entries out of an LDAP directory in the default

format - Berkeley DB - and saves them
in an LDIF file. For example, the command /usr/sbin/slapcat
-l ldif-output will output an LDIF file
called ldif-output containing the entries from the LDAP

slapindex - Re-indexes the slapd directory based on the current


slappasswd - Generates an encrypted user password value for use with

ldapmodify or the rootpw value in the
slapd configuration file, /etc/openldap/slapd.conf. Execute
/usr/sbin/slappasswd to create the password.

Be sure to stop slapd by issuing "/usr/sbin/service slapd stop" before
using slapadd, slapcat or slapindex.
Otherwise, the consistency of the LDAP directory is at risk.

The openldap-clients package installs tools used to add, modify, and

delete entries in an LDAP directory
into /usr/bin/. These tools include the following:

ldapmodify - Modifies entries in an LDAP directory, accepting input via

a file or standard input.

ldapadd - Adds entries to your directory by accepting input via a

file or standard input;
ldapadd is actually a hard link to ldapmodify -a.

ldapsearch - Searches for entries in the LDAP directory using a shell


ldapdelete - Deletes entries from an LDAP directory by accepting input

via user input at the terminal or via a file.

With the exception of ldapsearch, each of these utilities is more easily

used by referencing a file containing
the changes to be made rather than typing a command for each entry you
wish to change in an LDAP directory.
The format of such a file is outlined in each application's man page.


In addition to the OpenLDAP packages, Red Hat Linux includes a package
called nss_ldap which enhances LDAP's ability
to integrate into both Linux and other UNIX environments.

The nss_ldap package provides the following modules:



The libnss_ldap-<glibc-version>.so module allows applications to look up

user, group, hosts, and other
information using an LDAP directory via glibc's Nameservice Switch (NSS)
interface. NSS allows applications
to authenticate using LDAP in conjunction with Network Information
Service (NIS) name service and
flat authentication files.

The pam_ldap module allows PAM-aware applications to authenticate users

using information stored in an
LDAP directory. PAM-aware applications include console login, POP and
IMAP mail servers, and Samba. By deploying
an LDAP server on your network, all of these login situations can
authenticate against one user ID and
password combination, greatly simplifying administration.

PHP4, the Apache HTTP Server, and LDAP

Red Hat Linux includes a package containing LDAP module for the PHP
server-side scripting language.

The php-ldap package adds LDAP support to the PHP4 HTML-embedded

scripting language via the
/usr/lib/php4/ module. This module allows PHP4 scripts to access
information stored in an LDAP directory.

82.5.2 OpenLDAP Configuration Files:


OpenLDAP configuration files are installed into the /etc/openldap/

directory. The following is a brief
list highlighting the most important directories and files:

/etc/openldap/schema/ directory - This subdirectory contains the schema

used by the slapd daemon.

/etc/openldap/ldap.conf - This is the configuration file for all

client applications which use
the OpenLDAP libraries. These include,
but are not limited to, Sendmail, Pine,
Balsa, Evolution, and Gnome Meeting.

/etc/openldap/slapd.conf - This is the configuration file for the

slapd daemon.

If the nss_ldap package is installed, it will create a file named
/etc/ldap.conf. This file is used by the
PAM and NSS modules supplied by the nss_ldap package. See the Section
called Configuring Your System to
Authenticate Using OpenLDAP for more information about this
configuration file.

-- slapd.conf
In order to use the slapd LDAP server, you will need to modify its
configuration file,
/etc/openldap/slapd.conf. You must to edit this file to make it specific
to your domain and server.

The suffix line names the domain for which the LDAP server will provide
information. The suffix line should be
changed from:

suffix "dc=your-domain,dc=com"

so that it reflects your domain name. For example:

suffix "dc=example,dc=com"

The rootdn entry is the Distinguished Name (DN) for a user who is
unrestricted by access controls or
administrative limit parameters set for operations on the LDAP
directory. The rootdn user can be thought of as
the root user for the LDAP directory. In the configuration file, change
the rootdn line from its default value
to something like the example below:

rootdn "cn=root,dc=example,dc=com"

Change the rootpw line to something like the example below:

rootpw {SSHA}vv2y+i6V6esazrIv70xSSnNAJE18bb2u

In the rootpw example, you are using an encrypted root password, which
is a much better idea than leaving a
plain text root password in the slapd.conf file. To make this encrypted
string, type the following command:

# slappasswd

You will be prompted to type and then re-type a password. The program
prints the resulting encrypted password
to the terminal.

LDAP passwords, including the rootpw directive specified in
/etc/openldap/slapd.conf, are sent over the network
in plain text unless you enable TLS encryption.

For added security, the rootpw directive should only be used if the
initial configuration and population
of the LDAP directory occurs over a network. After the task is
completed, it is best to comment out the rootpw
directive by preceding it with a pound sign (#).

If you are using the slapadd command-line tool locally to populate the
LDAP directory, using the rootpw directive
is not necessary.

The /etc/openldap/schema/ Directory

The /etc/openldap/schema/ directory holds LDAP definitions, previously

located in the and
slapd.oc.conf files. All attribute syntax definitions and objectclass
definitions are now located
in the different schema files. The various schema files are referenced
in /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
using include lines, as shown in this example:

include /etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/rfc822-MailMember.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/autofs.schema
include /etc/openldap/schema/kerberosobject.schema

You should not modify any of the schema items defined in the schema
files installed by OpenLDAP.

You can extend the schema used by OpenLDAP to support additional

attribute types and object classes using
the default schema files as a guide. To do this, create a local.schema
file in the /etc/openldap/schema directory.
Reference this new schema within slapd.conf by adding the following line
below your default include schema lines:

include /etc/openldap/schema/local.schema

Next, go about defining your new attribute types and object classes
within the local.schema file.
Many organizations use existing attribute types and object classes from
the schema files installed by default
and modify them for use in the local.schema file. This can help you to
learn the schema syntax while meeting
the immediate needs of your organization.

Extending schema to match certain specialized requirements is quite

involved and beyond the scope of this chapter.
Visit for information on
writing new schema files.

82.5.3 Setting up OpenLDAP on RedHat:

The basic steps for creating an LDAP server are as follows:

1. Install the openldap, openldap-servers, and openldap-clients RPMs.

2. Edit the /etc/openldap/slapd.conf file to reference your LDAP domain

and server.
Refer to the Section called slapd.conf for more information on how to
edit this file.

3. Start slapd with the command:

/sbin/service/ldap start

After you have configured LDAP correctly, you can use chkconfig, ntsysv,
or Services Configuration Tool
to configure LDAP to start at boot time. For more information about
configuring services,
see to the chapter titled Controlling Access to Services in the Official
Red Hat Linux Customization Guide.

4. Add entries to your LDAP directory with ldapadd.

5. Use ldapsearch to see if slapd is accessing the information


6. At this point, your LDAP directory should be functioning properly and

you can configure any LDAP-enabled
applications to use the LDAP directory.

83. Introduction SAMBA:

83.1 Introduction:

-- File and Print services:

Traditionally, unix machines have their own "usual" protocols and

utilities on top of tcp/ip
with regards to file and print services, like scp, ftp, http, rcp, lp,
ipc mechanisms etc..

File and print services on Windows, traditionally uses "Server Message

Blocks", otherwise known
as the SMB protocol.

The SMB protocol can be installed on unix as well, making it "look" like
a Windows Server
as far as Windows clients are concerned, who want to use a Server for
file and print services.
For this to make a reality, you can instal "Samba" on your unix machine.

-- Authentication:

Machines from both the Windows an unix worlds, have means to

"authenticate" a user locally,
or let the user be authenticated by a remote entity.

For example, on a unix machine, a user "can logon locally", using the
local password file (in reality,
this could be more complex), or be authenticated "remotely" by "NIS"
(Network Information System),
or be authenticated by a ldap Server etc..

Also, on a Windows machine, a user might logon locally, or be

authenticated remotely by a
PDC or BDC (Domain Controllers in a NT4 network), or be authenticated by
Active Directory (Win2K, Win2K3).

With samba, you can integrate a unix machine in the Windows-type of

authentication, that is, let a unix
machine function as a Windows Domain Controller (NT4), or integrate it
in Active Directory (2000, 2003).

In the next sections, we take a look on how samba can be used on HP-UX,
Solaris, RedHat, and AIX.

84. AIX and SNA:

Note 1:

SNA defines a set of rules that systems use to communicate. These rules
define the layout of the data
that flows between the systems and the action the systems take when they
receive the data.
SNA does not specify how a system implements the rules. A fundamental
objective of SNA is to allow
systems that have very different internal hardware and software designs
to communicate.
The only requirement is that the externals meet the rules of the

Logical Unit (LU) is an SNA term used to describe a logical collection

of services that can be accessed
from a network. In this environment, you can think of a CICS region as
an LU. SNA defines many different
types of LUs, including devices like terminals and printers. The type of
LU that is used for
CICS intersystem communication is LU type 6.2.
Each LU is identified by a name of up to eight characters, referred to
as the LU name. An IBM mainframe-based
CICS system uses the APPLID defined in the CICS system initialization
table as its LU name
(also referred to as a NETNAME). The LU name for a CICS OS/2 system is
specified in the
Communications Manager/2 Local LU definition, and the LU name for a
CICS/400 system is defined
in the APPL parameter of the ADDCICSSIT command.

An SNA network also has a name of up to eight characters, called the

network name. The network name
is sometimes referred to as the network ID or the netid. An LU can be
uniquely identified by combining
its LU name with the network name of the network that owns it. The LU's
name is then referred to as the
network-qualified LU name or the fully-qualified LU name. For example,
if an LU named CICSA belongs to
a network named NETWORK1, its network-qualified LU name is

For an LU to communicate with another LU, it must establish at least one

session between them.
The request to activate a session is referred to as a BIND request. It
is used to pass details
of the capabilities of the initiating LU to the receiving system, and
also to determine a route
through the network. The receiving LU then sends a description of its
capabilities to the
initiating LU in the BIND response. Once the session is established, it
can be used for a number
of intersystem requests and remains active for as long as the two LUs
and the network between them are available.

When you configure your network, you can set up different

characteristics for the sessions established
between a pair of LUs, such as in the route they take through the
network. Session characteristics
are referred to as modegroups. All the sessions associated with a
modegroup have the same characteristics.
A modegroup is identified by a modename of up to eight characters.

When defining a CICS region, you must also identify the SNA
synchronization level required.
CICS supports all three synchronization levels defined by SNA:

Synchronization level 0 (NONE)-- SNA provides no synchronization

support. The application must code its own.
Synchronization level 1 (CONFIRM)-- SNA provides the ability to send
simple acknowledgment requests.
Synchronization level 2 (SYNCPOINT)-- SNA provides the ability for two
or more systems to treat the updates
made by an application on these systems as one logical unit of work
There are many ways to connect CICS systems in a network. If the data is
successfully transferred in the
correct format, these CICS systems are unaware of the network makeup.
SNA configuration is performed at two levels:

-The logical level, described in the preceding paragraphs, incorporates

the characteristics of the systems
that wish to communicate.
-The physical level incorporates the linking of actual machines, or
nodes, in the network. Each node has
physical links, or connections, to other nodes so that every node is
connected to at least one other node.
Data must sometimes travel along a number of links to get from one
system to another. Also, these links
can be of different types. For example, IBM Token Ring, Synchronous Data
Link Control (SDLC), Ethernet,
and X.25 are all physical links. These types of links are collectively
referred to as
data link control (DLC) protocols.

Each node has a Physical Unit (PU). This is a combination of hardware

and software that controls the links
to other nodes. Several PU types with different capabilities and
responsibilities exist, such as:

-PU type 5--The best-known example is an IBM mainframe processor running

VTAM. VTAM provides the support
for the Systems Services Control Point (SSCP) function defined in SNA.
-PU type 4--This is a communications controller, such as an Advanced
Communications Function for the
Network Control Program (ACF/NCP), that resides in the center of a
network, routing and controlling the
data flow between machines.
-PU type 2--This is a small machine, such as an advanced program-to-
program communications (APPC) workstation.
It can communicate directly only with a PU type 4 or PU type 5 and
relies on these PUs to route the data to the
correct system.
-PU type 2.1--This is a more advanced PU type 2 that can also
communicate with other PU type 2.1 nodes directly.
This node can support an independent LU. An independent LU can
establish a session with another LU
without using VTAM. Communications Server for AIX is a PU type 2.1

PU type 2.1 nodes may have support for Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
(APPN). This support enables a node
to search for an LU in the network, rather than requiring a remote LU's
location to be preconfigured locally.
There are two types of APPN nodes: end nodes and network nodes. An end
node can receive a search request
for an LU and respond, indicating whether the LU is local to the node or
not. A network node can issue search
requests, as well as respond to them, and maintains a dynamic database
that contains the results of
the search requests. Support for APPN can greatly reduce the maintenance
work in an SNA network, especially
if the network is large or dynamic. Communications Server for AIX
supports APPN.

Note 2:

IBMr Communications Server for AIXr provides an essential foundation for

enterprise networking

It helps provide a security-rich, scalable, and high-performance

communications solution for the AIX operating system.

-Reaps the benefits of IBM's years of experience with SNA, TCP/IP, and
network computing
-Enables customers and Business Partners to choose applications based on
their business needs,
not their network infrastructure
-Provides an excellent offering for multi-protocol networking
environments with Enterprise Extender,
enhanced TN3270E Server, Telnet Redirector, and Remote API
client/server support
-Offers use of comprehensive Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) data encryption,
and SSL client and server
authentication with the TN3270E Server, the Telnet Redirector and the
Remote API Client/Server using
HTTPS connections for access to SNA networks
-Offers the ideal choice for customers who need more secure, robust
Telnet and Remote API networking environments
-Includes full implementation of APPN (network node and end node), HPR,
and DLUR, along with integrated
gateway capabilities, positioning itself as a participant in a host
(hierarchical) or peer-to-peer distributed
network environment
-Operating systems supported: AIX

IBM Communications Server exist for:

Note 3:

Introduction to SNA
Summary: In the early 1970s, IBM discovered that large customers were
reluctant to trust unreliable
communications networks to properly automate important transactions. In
response, IBM developed
Systems Network Architecture (SNA). "Anything that can go wrong will go
wrong," and SNA may be unique
in trying to identify literally everything that could possibly go wrong
in order to specify the proper response.
Certain types of expected errors (such as a phone line or modem failure)
are handled automatically.
Other errors (software problems, configuration tables, etc.) are
isolated, logged, and reported
to the central technical staff for analysis and response. This SNA
design worked well as long as communications
equipment was formally installed by a professional staff. It became less
useful in environments when any PC
simply plugs in and joins the LAN. Two forms of SNA developed: Subareas
(SNA Classic) managed by mainframes,
and APPN (New SNA) based on networks of minicomputers.

In the original design of SNA, a network is built out of expensive,

dedicated switching minicomputers
managed by a central mainframe. The dedicated minicomputers run a
special system called NCP. No user programs
run on these machines. Each NCP manages communications on behalf of all
the terminals, workstations, and PCs
connected to it. In a banking network, the NCP might manage all the
terminals and machines in branch offices
in a particular metropolitan area. Traffic is routed between the NCP
machines and eventually into the central mainframe.

The mainframe runs an IBM product called VTAM, which controls the
network. Although individual messages
will flow from one NCP to another over a phone line, VTAM maintains a
table of all the machines and
phone links in the network. It selects the routes and the alternate
paths that messages can take between
different NCP nodes.

A subarea is the collection of terminals, workstations, and phone lines

managed by an NCP. Generally,
the NCP is responsible for managing ordinary traffic flow within the
subarea, and VTAM manages the connections
and links between subareas. Any subarea network must have a mainframe.

The rapid growth in minicomputers, workstations, and personal computers

forced IBM to develop a second kind of SNA.
Customers were building networks using AS/400 minicomputers that had no
mainframe or VTAM to provide control.
The new SNA is called APPN (Advanced Peer to Peer Networking). APPN and
subarea SNA have entirely different
strategies for routing and network management. Their only common
characteristic is support for applications
or devices using the APPC (LU 6.2) protocol. Although IBM continues the
fiction that SNA is one architecture,
a more accurate picture holds that it is two compatible architectures
that can exchange data.

It is difficult to understand something unless you have an alternative

with which to compare it. Anyone reading
this document has found it from the PC Lube and Tune server on the
Internet. This suggests the obvious
comparison: SNA is not TCP/IP. This applies at every level in the design
of the two network architectures.
Whenever the IBM designers went right, the TCP/IP designers went left.
As a result, instead of the two
network protocols being incompatible, they turn out to be complimentary.
An organization running both
SNA and TCP/IP can probably solve any type of communications problem.

An IP network routes individual packets of data. The network delivers

each packed based on an address number
that identifies the destination machine. The network has no view of a
"session". When PC Lube and Tune sends
this document through the network to your computer, different pieces can
end up routed through different cities.
TCP is responsible for reassembling the pieces after they have been

In the SNA network, a client and server cannot exchange messages unless
they first establish a session.
In a Subarea network, the VTAM program on the mainframe gets involved in
creating every session.
Furthermore, there are control blocks describing the session in the NCP
to which the client talks
and the NCP to which the server talks. Intermediate NCPs have no control
blocks for the session.
In APPN SNA, there are control blocks for the session in all of the
intermediate nodes through which
the message passes.

Every design has advantages and limitations. The IP design (without

fixed sessions) works well in experimental
networks built out of spare parts and lab computers. It also works well
for its sponsor (the Department of Defense)
when network components are being blown up by enemy fire. In exchange,
errors in the IP network often go unreported
and uncorrected, because the intermediate equipment reroutes subsequent
messages through a different path.
The SNA design works well to build reliable commercial networks out of
dedicated, centrally managed devices.
SNA, however, requires a technically trained central staff ready and
able to respond to problems as they are
reported by the network equipment.

The mainframe-managed subarea network was originally designed so that

every terminal, printer, or application
program was configured by name on the mainframe before it could use the
network. This worked when 3270 terminals
were installed by professional staff and were cabled back to centrally
managed control units. Today, when
ordinary users buy a PC and connect through a LAN, this central
configuration has become unwieldy.
One solution is to create a "pool" of dummy device names managed by a
gateway computer. PC's then power up
and borrow an unused name from the pool. Recent releases allow VTAM to
define a "prototype" PC and
dynamically add new names to the configuration when devices matching the
prototype appear on the network.

A more formal solution, however, is provided by the APPN architecture

designed originally for minicomputers.
APPN has two kinds of nodes. An End Node (EN) contains client and server
programs. Data flows in or out of
an End Node, but does not go through it. A Network Node (NN) also
contains clients and servers,
but it also provides routing and network management. When an End Node
starts up, it connects to one
Network Node that will provide its access to the rest of the network. It
transmits to that NN a list
of the LUNAMEs that the End Node contains. The NN ends up with a table
of its own LUNAMEs and those of all
the EN's that it manages.

When an EN client wants to connect to a server somewhere in the network,

its sends a BIND message with
the LUNAME of the server to the NN. The NN checks its own table, and if
the name is not matched broadcasts
a query that ultimately passes through every NN in the network. When
some NN recognizes the LUNAME,
it sends back a response that establishes both a session and a route
through the NN's between the client
and the server program.

Most of APPN is the set of queries and replies that manage names,
routes, and sessions. Like the rest of SNA,
it is a fairly complicated and exhaustively documented body of code.

Obviously workstations cannot maintain a dynamic table that spans

massive networks or long distances.
The solution to this problem is to break the APPN network into smaller
local units each with a Network ID (NETID).
In common use, a NETID identifies a cluster of workstations that are
close to each other
(in a building, on a campus, or in the same city). The dynamic exchange
of LUNAMEs does not occur between
clusters with different NETIDs. Instead, traffic to a remote network is
routed based on the NETID,
and traffic within the local cluster is routed based on the LUNAME. The
combination of NETID and LUNAME
uniquely identifies any server in the system, but the same LUNAME may
appear in different NETID groups
associated with different local machines. After all, one has little
difficulty confusing "CHICAGO.PRINTER"
from "NEWYORK.PRINTER" even though the LUNAME "PRINTER" is found in each

TCP/IP is a rather simple protocol. The source code for programs is

widely available. SNA is astonishing complex,
and only IBM has the complete set of programs. It is built into the
AS/400. Other important workstation products include:

NS/DOS for DOS and Windows

Communications Manager for OS/2
SNA Services for AIX
SNA Server for Windows NT [from Microsoft]

The native programming interface for modern SNA networks is the Common
Programming Interface for Communications
(CPIC). This provides a common set of subroutines, services, and return
codes for programs written in COBOL,
C, or REXX. It is documented in the IBM paper publication SC26-4399, but
it is also widely available in
softcopy on CD-ROM.

Under the IBM Communications Blueprint, SNA becomes one of several

interchangeable "transport" options.
It is a peer of TCP/IP. The Blueprint is being rolled out in products
carrying the "Anynet" title.
This allows CPIC programs to run over TCP/IP, or programs written to use
the Unix "socket" interface can run
over SNA networks. Choice of network then depends more on management

The traditional SNA network has been installed and managed by a central
technical staff in a large corporation.
If the network goes down, a company like Aetna Insurance is temporarily
out of business. TCP/IP is designed to be
casual about errors and to simply discard undeliverable messages.

Note 3:

Using IBM Communications Server for AIX with CICS


Starting AIX SNA

To start Communications Server for AIX, enter smitty sna and select
these options:

-> Manage SNA Resources

-> Start SNA Resources
-> Start Node

This command starts SNA, the node, and the main SNA process. It also
starts the links that listen
for other machines calling to activate links if the activation parameter
on the configuration of the DLC,
port, and link station is set to start the links at startup time.

If you have defined a link that calls another machine, you can start
this link by using the following command:

-> Manage SNA Resources

-> Start SNA Resources
-> Start Link Station

You can start a session by using the following command:

-> Manage SNA Resources

-> Start SNA Resources
-> Start an SNA Session

To start a session, you must supply either a local LU name or a local LU

alias and either a partner LU alias
or a fully-qualified partner LU name. You must also supply a modename.
In the example below,
OPENCICS is the LU alias and CICSESA is the partner LU alias. CICSISC0
is a modegroup
that is valid for the connection.

Figure 53. Starting an SNA Session

| Start an SNA Session
|Type or select values in entry fields.
|Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
| [Entry Fields]
| Enter one of:
| Local LU alias [OPENCICS]
+ |
| Local LU name []
+ |
| Enter one of:
| Partner LU alias [CICSESA]
+ |
| Fully-qualified Partner LU name []
+ |
|* Mode name [CICSISC0]
+ |
| Session polarity POL_EITHER
+ |
| CNOS permitted? YES
+ |
|F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel F4=List
|F5=Reset F6=Command F7=Edit F8=Image
|F9=Shell F10=Exit Enter=Do
If the command returns an error indicating that no sessions can be
activated between LUs, one of the
following problems exists:

-The link station that is used by the connection is not active.

-The maximum number of sessions has been started already.
-The specified modename, although defined locally, is not known on the
remote system.
-The specified local or remote system name is not known on the remote
-The remote system is not accepting connection requests (for example, if
it is a mainframe-based CICS system,
the connection possibly is not installed and in service).
-Check that the configuration matches the values in the remote system.

Note 4:

Versions of SNA Services for AIX and Communications Server

Technote (troubleshooting)

Versions of IBM's SNA Services for AIX and Communications Server

Resolving the problem

The following table provides information about the different versions of
Communications Server for AIX and
the levels of AIX on which they will run.
The VRMF (Version.Release.Modification.Fixlevel) values and the external
name of different AIX SNA levels
have changed over time.
You can check the VRMF level by issuing : lslpp -h 'sna*'
You can check the product number by issuing: lslpp -i 'sna*'

The listed AIX levels are the minimum levels required for CS/AIX to

The only currently supported version is 6.3 on AIX 5.2 and higher.

External Name V.R.M.F. AIX Levels Product #

Communications Server for AIX, V6.3 5.2 ML5,
5.3 ML2, 6.1 5765-E51
6.3.0.x 5.2 ML5,
5.3 ML2
Communications Server for AIX, V6.1 (EOS 09/30/2006; 12/31/2003 on AIX
4) 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2 4.3.3, 5.1
Communications Server for AIX, V6 (EOS 06/30/2002) 6.0.x.x 4.1.5,
4.2.1, 4.3.2
Communications Server for AIX, V5 (EOS 06/30/2001) 5.0.x.x 4.1.5,
4.2.1, 4.3 5765-D20
Communications Server for AIX, V4.2 (EOS 11/30/1998) 3.1.2.x 4.1, 4.2,
4.3 5765-652
Communications Server for AIX, V4.1 (EOS 11/30/1998) 3.1.1.x 4.1, 4.2
Communications Server for AIX, V3 (EOS 03/31/1997) 3.1.0.x 4.1 5765-
AIX SNA Server/6000 V2.2 (EOS 04/26/1996) 2.2.x.x 4.1 5765-247
AIX SNA Server/6000 V2.1 (EOS 12/31/1997) 1.3.x.x 3.2.5
AIX SNA Services/6000 V1 (EOS 12/31/1995) 1.2.x.x 3.1, 3.2 5601-287

EOS = End Of Service: No defect work will be performed after this date.

84. The dd and od commands:


Note 1:

>> How and when to use the dd command?

In this article, Sam Chessman explains the use of the dd command with a
lot of useful examples. This article is not aimed at absolute beginners.
Once you are familiar with the basics of Linux, you would be in a better
position to use the dd command.

The ' dd ' command is one of the original Unix utilities and should be
in everyone's tool box. It can strip headers, extract parts of
binary files and write into the middle of floppy disks; it is used by
the Linux kernel Makefiles to make boot images.
It can be used to copy and convert magnetic tape formats, convert
between ASCII and EBCDIC, swap bytes, and force to upper and lowercase.

For blocked I/O, the dd command has no competition in the standard tool
set. One could write a custom utility to do specific I/O or
formatting but, as dd is already available almost everywhere, it makes
sense to use it.

Like most well-behaved commands, dd reads from its standard input and
writes to its standard output, unless a command line specification
has been given. This allows dd to be used in pipes, and remotely with
the rsh remote shell command.
Unlike most commands, dd uses a keyword=value format for its parameters.
This was reputedly modeled after IBM System/360 JCL,
which had an elaborate DD 'Dataset Definition' specification for I/O
devices. A complete listing of all keywords is available from GNU dd

$ dd --help

Some people believe dd means ``Destroy Disk'' or ``Delete Data'' because

if it is misused, a partition or output file can be trashed very
Since dd is the tool used to write disk headers, boot records, and
similar system data areas, misuse of dd has probably trashed
many hard disks and file systems.

In essence, dd copies and optionally converts data. It uses an input

buffer, conversion buffer if conversion is specified, and an output
Reads are issued to the input file or device for the size of the input
buffer, optional conversions are applied, and writes are issued
for the size of the output buffer. This allows I/O requests to be
tailored to the requirements of a task. Output to standard error reports
the number of full and short blocks read and written.

Example 1

A typical task for dd is copying a floppy disk. As the common geometry

of a 3.5" floppy is 18 sectors per track, two heads and 80 cylinders,
an optimized dd command to read a floppy is:

Example 1-a : Copying from a 3.5" floppy

dd bs=2x80x18b if=/dev/fd0 of=/tmp/floppy.image

1+0 records in
1+0 records out

The 18b specifies 18 sectors of 512 bytes, the 2x multiplies the sector
size by the number of heads, and the 80x is for the cylinders--
a total of 1474560 bytes. This issues a single 1474560-byte read request
to /dev/fd0 and a single 1474560 write request to
/tmp/floppy.image, whereas a corresponding cp command

cp /dev/fd0 /tmp/floppy.image

issues 360 reads and writes of 4096 bytes. While this may seem
insignificant on a 1.44MB file, when larger amounts of data are
reducing the number of system calls and improving performance can be
This example also shows the factor capability in the GNU dd number
specification. This has been around since before the Programmers Work
Bench and,
while not documented in the GNU dd man page, is present in the source
and works just fine, thank you.

To finish copying a floppy, the original needs to be ejected, a new

diskette inserted, and another dd command issued to write to the

Example 1-b : Copying to a 3.5" floppy

dd bs=2x80x18b < /tmp/floppy.image > /dev/fd0
1+0 records in
1+0 records out

Here is shown the stdin/stdout usage, in which respect dd is like most

other utilities.

Example 2

The original need for dd came with the 1/2" tapes used to exchange data
with other systems and boot and install Unix on the PDP/11.
Those days are gone, but the 9-track format lives. To access the
venerable 9-track, 1/2" tape, dd is superior. With modern SCSI tape
blocking and unblocking are no longer a necessity, as the hardware reads
and writes 512-byte data blocks.

However, the 9-track 1/2" tape format allows for variable length
blocking and can be impossible to read with the cp command. The dd
command allows
for the exact specification of input and output block sizes, and can
even read variable length block sizes, by specifying an input buffer
size larger
than any of the blocks on the tape. Short blocks are read, and dd
happily copies those to the output file without complaint, simply
reporting on the
number of complete and short blocks encountered.

Then there are the EBCDIC datasets transferred from such systems as MVS,
which are almost always 80-character blank-padded Hollerith Card Images!
No problem for dd, which will convert these to newline-terminated
variable record length ASCII. Making the format is just as easy and dd
is the right tool for the job.

Example 2 : Converting EBCDIC 80-character fixed-length record to ASCII

variable-length newline-terminated record
dd bs=10240 cbs=80 conv=ascii,unblock if=/dev/st0 of=ascii.out
40+0 records in
38+1 records out
The fixed record length is specified by the cbs=80 parameter, and the
input and output block sizes are set with bs=10240.
The EBCDIC-to-ASCII conversion and fixed-to-variable record length
conversion are enabled with the conv=ascii,noblock parameter.

Notice the output record count is smaller than the input record count.
This is due to the padding spaces eliminated from the output file and
replaced with newline characters.

Example 3

Sometimes data arrives from sources in unusual formats. For example,

every time I read a tape made on an SGI machine, the bytes are swapped.
The dd command takes this in stride, swapping the bytes as required. The
ability to use dd in a pipe with rsh means that the tape device
on any *nix system is accessible, given the proper rlogin setup.

Example 3 : Byte Swapping with Remote Access of Magnet Tape

rsh sgi.with.tape dd bs=256b if=/dev/rmt0 conv=swab | tar xvf -

The dd runs on the SGI and swaps the bytes before writing to the tar
command running on the local host.

Example 4

Murphy's Law was postulated long before digital computers, but it seems
it was specifically targeted for them.
When you need to read a floppy or tape, it is the only copy in the
universe and you have a deadline past due, that is when you will have a
bad spot
on the magnetic media, and your data will be unreadable. To the rescue
comes dd, which can read all the good data around the bad spot and
after the error is encountered. Sometimes this is all that is needed to
recover the important data.

Example 4 : Error Handling

dd bs=265b conv=noerror if=/dev/st0 of=/tmp/bad.tape.image

Example 5

The Linux kernel Makefiles use dd to build the boot image. In the Alpha
Makefile /usr/src/linux/arch/alpha/boot/Makefile,
the srmboot target issues the command:

Example 5 : Kernel Image Makefile

dd if=bootimage of=$(BOOTDEV) bs=512 seek=1 skip=1

This skips the first 512 bytes of the input bootimage file (skip=1) and
writes starting at the second sector of the $(BOOTDEV) device (seek=1).
A typical use of dd is to skip executable headers and begin writing in
the middle of a device, skipping volume and partition data.
As this can cause your disk to lose file system data, please test and
use these applications with care.

Note 2:

85. Openssl, certificates, AIX:


Note 1:

Short for Secure Sockets Layer, a protocol developed by Netscape for

transmitting private documents via the Internet.
SSL uses a cryptographic system that uses two keys to encrypt data - a
public key known to everyone and a private or secret key known only
to the recipient of the message. Both Netscape Navigator and Internet
Explorer support SSL, and many Web sites use the protocol
to obtain confidential user information, such as credit card numbers. By
convention, URLs that require an SSL connection
start with https: instead of http:.
Another protocol for transmitting data securely over the World Wide Web
is Secure HTTP (S-HTTP). Whereas SSL creates a secure connection
between a client and a server, over which any amount of data can be sent
securely, S-HTTP is designed to transmit individual messages securely.
SSL and S-HTTP, therefore, can be seen as complementary rather than
competing technologies. Both protocols have been approved
by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) as a standard.

Note 2:

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), also known as TLS (Transport Layer

Security), is a protocol that allows two programs to communicate
with each other in a secure way. Like TCP/IP, SSL allows programs to
create "sockets," endpoints for communication, and make
connections between those sockets. But SSL, which is built on top of
TCP, adds the additional capability of encryption.
The HTTPS protocol spoken by web browsers when communicating with secure
sites is simply the usual World Wide Web HTTP protocol,
"spoken" over SSL instead of directly over TCP.
In addition to providing privacy, SSL encryption also allows us to
verify the identity of the party we are talking to.
This can be very important if we don't trust the Internet. While it is
unlikely in practice that the root DNS servers
of the Internet will be subverted, a "man in the middle" attack
elsewhere on the network could substitute the address of one
Internet site for another. SSL prevents this scenario by providing a
mathematically sound way to verify the other program's identity.
When you log on to your bank's website, you want to be very, very sure
you are talking to your bank!
-- How SSL Works
SSL provides both privacy and security using a technique called
"public/private key encryption" (often called "asymmetric encryption"
or simply "public key encryption").
A "public key" is a string of letters and numbers that can be used to
encrypt a message so that only the owner of the public key can read it.
This is possible because every public key has a corresponding private
key that is kept secret by the owner of the public key.

-- The SSL Handshake: Identity and Privacy

Let's suppose Jane wants to log into When Jane's
web browser makes an HTTPS connection to,
her browser sends the bank's server a string of randomly generated data,
which we'll call the "greeting."
The web server responds with two things: its own public key encoded in
an SSL certificate, which we'll examine more closely later,
and the "greeting" encrypted with its private key.

Jane's web browser then decrypts the greeting with the bank's public
key. If the decrypted greeting matches the original greeting
sent by the browser, then Jane's browser can be sure it is really
talking to the owner of the private key -
because only the holder of the private key can encrypt a message in such
a way that the corresponding public key will decrypt it.

Now, let's suppose Bob is monitoring this traffic on the Internet. He

has the bank's public key, and Jane's greeting.
But he doesn't have the bank's private key. So he can't encrypt the
greeting and send it back. That means Jane can't be fooled by Bob.

-- The Identity Problem

But what if Bob inserts himself into the picture even before Jane's
browser connects to the bank? What if Jane's browser is actually
talking to Bob's server from the very beginning? Then Bob can substitute
his own public and private keys, encrypt the greeting successfully,
and convince Jane's browser that his computer is the bank's. Not good!
That's why the complete SSL handshake includes more than just the bank's
public key. The public key is part of an "SSL certificate" issued
by a certificate authority that Jane's browser already trusts.

How does this work? When web browser software is installed on a

computer, it already contains the public keys of several certificate
such as GoDaddy, VeriSign and Thawte. Companies that want their secure
sites to be "trusted" by web browsers must purchase
an SSL certificate from one of these authorities.

But what is the certificate, exactly? The SSL certificate consists

essentially of the bank's public key and a statement
identifying the bank, encrypted with the certificate authority's private

When the bank's web server sends its certificate to Jane's browser,
Jane's browser decrypts it with the public key of the
certificate authority. If the certificate is fake, the decryption
results in garbage. If the certificate is valid, out pops
the bank's public key, along with the identifying statement. And if that
statement doesn't include, among other information,
the same hostname that Jane connected to, Jane receives an appropriate
warning message and decides not to continue the connection.

Now, let's return to Bob. Can he substitute himself convincingly for the
bank? No, he can't, because he doesn't have the certificate authority's
private key. That means he can't sign a certificate claiming that he is
the bank.

Now that Jane's browser is thoroughly convinced that the bank is what it
appears to be, the conversation can continue.

-- certlist

certlist lists the contents of one or more certificates.

certlist [-c] [-a attr [attr....] ]tag [username]

The certlist command lists the contents of one or more certificates.
Using the -c option causes the output to be formatted
as colon-separated data with the attribute names associated with each
field on the previous line as follows:

# name: attribute1: attribute2: ...

User: value1: value2: ... The -f option causes the output to be
formatted in stanza file format with the username attribute
given as the stanza name. Each attribute=value pair is listed on a
separate line:


When neither of these command line options are selected, the attributes
are output as attribute=value pairs.

-c Displays the output in colon-separated records.
-f Displays the output in stanzas.
-a attr Selects one or more attributes to be displayed.

86. Kernel parameters HP-UX, Solaris, Linux for MQ:



Kernel parameters HP-UX for MQ:

Kernel configuration
WebSphere® MQ uses semaphores and shared memory. It is possible,
therefore, that the default kernel configuration is not adequate.

Before installation, review the machine's configuration and increase the

values if necessary. The minimum recommended values
of the tunable kernel parameters are given in Figure 1. These values
might need to be increased if you obtain
any First Failure Support Technology™ (FFST™) records.

On platforms earlier than HP-UX 11i v1.6 (11.22), if you intended to run
a high number of concurrent connections
to WebSphere MQ, you were required to configure the number of kernel
timers (CALLOUTS) by altering the NCALLOUT kernel parameter.
On HP-UX 11i v1.6 (11.22) platforms or later, the NCALLOUT parameter is
obsolete as the kernel automatically adjusts the data structures.
Semaphore and swap usage does not vary significantly with message rate
or message persistence.
WebSphere MQ queue managers are generally independent of each other.
Therefore system tunable kernel parameters,
for example shmmni, semmni, semmns, and semmnu need to allow for the
number of queue managers in the system.
See the HP-UX documentation for information about changing these values.

Figure 1. Minimum recommended tunable kernel parameters values

shmmax 536870912
shmseg 1024
shmmni 1024
semaem 16384
semvmx 32767
semmns 16384
semmni 1024 (semmni < semmns)
semmnu 16384
semume 256
max_thread_proc 66
maxfiles 10000
maxfiles_lim 10000
nfile 10000

Note: For HP-UX 11.23 (11i V2) and later operating systems, the tunable
kernel parameters: shmem, sema, semmap, and maxusers, are obsolete.
This applies to the Itanium and PA-RISC platforms.
You must restart the system once you have made any changes to the
tunable kernel parameters.

System resource limits

You can set global limits for the size of process data segments and the
size of process stack segments for the whole system
by altering the tunable kernel parameters.
The tunable kernel parameters are:
Parameter What it controls Recommended minimum value
maxdsiz Maximum size of the data segment for 32–bit processes 1073741824
maxdsiz_64bit Maximum size of the data segment for 64–bit processes
maxssiz Maximum size of the stack segment for 32–bit processes 8388608
maxssiz_64bit Maximum size of the stack segment for 64–bit processes

If other software on the same machine recommends higher values, then the
operation of WebSphere MQ will not
be adversely affected if those higher values are used.
For the full documentation for these parameters see the HP-UX product

To apply the settings to an HP-UX 11i system which has the System
Administration Manager (SAM) utility,
you can use SAM to achieve the following steps:
Select and alter the parameters
Process the new kernel
Apply the changes and restart the system
It is possible that other releases of HP-UX provide different facilities
to set the tunable kernel parameters. If so, then please
consult your HP-UX product documentation for the relevant information.

The ulimit shell command

On a per-shell basis the available limits can be tuned down from the
values stored for the System resource limits parameters above.
Use the ulimit shell command to tune the values of the parameters with a
combination of the following switches:
Switch Meaning
-H The hard limit
-S The soft limit
-d The data segments size
-s The stack segment size

Verifying that the kernel settings are applied

To verify that the resource limits have not been lowered by a ulimit
command and that the queue manager will experience
the correct limits, go to the shell from which the queue manager will be
started and enter:

ulimit -Ha
ulimit -SaAmongst the console output you should see:
data(kbytes) 1048576
stack(kbytes) 8192If lower numbers are returned, then a ulimit command
has been issued in the current shell to lower the limits.
You should consult with your system administrator to resolve the issue.



Kernel parameters Solaris and MQ:

Resource limit configuration

Configure Solaris systems with the resource limits required by
WebSphere® MQ.

WebSphere MQ uses semaphores, shared memory, and file descriptors, and

it is probable that the default resource limits
are not adequate.

The configuration required by WebSphere MQ depends on the version of

Solaris you are using.

>> If you are using Solaris 10:

You must change the default resource limits for each zone WebSphere MQ
will be installed in.
To set new default limits for all users in the mqm group, set up a
project for the mqm group in each zone.

To find out if you already have a project for the mqm group, log in as
root and enter the following command:
projects -lIf you do not already have a group.mqm project defined, enter
the following command:

projadd -c "WebSphere MQ default settings"

-K "process.max-file-descriptor=(basic,10000,deny)"
-K "project.max-shm-memory=(priv,4GB,deny)"
-K "project.max-shm-ids=(priv,1024,deny)"
-K "project.max-sem-ids=(priv,1024,deny)" group.mqm

If a project called group.mqm is listed, review the attributes for that

The attributes must include the following minimum values:


If you need to change any of these values, enter the following command:

projmod -s -K "process.max-file-descriptor=(basic,10000,deny)"
-K "project.max-shm-memory=(priv,4GB,deny)"
-K "project.max-shm-ids=(priv,1024,deny)"
-K "project.max-sem-ids=(priv,1024,deny)" group.mqm

Note that you can omit any attributes from this command that are already
For example, to change only the number of file descriptors, enter the
following command:
projmod -s -K "process.max-file-descriptor=(basic,10000,deny)" group.mqm
(To set only the limits for starting the queue manager under the mqm
login as mqm and enter the command projects. The first listed project is
likely to be default,
and so you can use default instead of group.mqm, with the projmod

You can find out what the file descriptor limits for the current project
are, by compiling and running the following program:
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main () {
int fd;
for (;;) {
fd = open ("./tryfd", O_RDONLY);
printf ("fd is %d\n", fd);
if (fd == -1) break;

To ensure that the attributes for the project group.mqm are used by a
user session when running Websphere MQ,
make sure that the primary group of that user ID is mqm. In the above
examples, the group.mqm project ID will be used.
For further information on how projects are associated with user
sessions, see Sun's System Administration Guide:
Solaris Containers-Resource Management and Solaris Zones for your
release of Solaris.

>>> If you are using Solaris 8 or Solaris 9:

Review the system's current resource limit configuration.

As the root user, load the relevant kernel modules into the running
system by typing the following commands:
modload -p sys/msgsys
modload -p sys/shmsys
modload -p sys/semsys

Then display your current settings by typing the following command:


Check that the following parameters are set to the minimum values
required by WebSphere MQ, or higher.
The minimum values required by WebSphere MQ are documented in the tables

Table 1. Minimum values for semaphores required by WebSphere MQ

Parameter Minimum value
SEMAEM 16384
SEMVMX 32767
SEMMNS 16384
SEMMNU 16384

Table 2. Minimum values for shared memory required by WebSphere MQ

Parameter Minimum value
SHMMAX 4294967295
SHMSEG (Solaris 8 only) 1024

Table 3. Minimum values for file descriptors required by WebSphere MQ

Parameter Minimum value
rlim_fd_cur 10000
rlim_fd_max 10000

To change any parameters that are lower than the minimum value required
by WebSphere MQ, edit your
/etc/system file to include the relevant lines from the following list:

set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=4294967295
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=1024
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=1024
set semsys:seminfo_semaem=16384
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=16384
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=100
set semsys:seminfo_semopm=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmnu=16384
set semsys:seminfo_semume=256
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=1024
set rlim_fd_cur=10000
set rlim_fd_max=10000Note:

These values are suitable for running WebSphere MQ, other products on
the system might require higher values.
Do not change the value of shmmin from the system default value.
Semaphore and swap usage does not vary significantly with message rate
or persistence.
WebSphere MQ queue managers are generally independent of each other.
Therefore system kernel parameters,
for example shmmni, semmni, semmns, and semmnu need to allow for the
number of queue managers in the system.
After saving the /etc/system file, you must reboot your system



Kernel parameters Linux and MQ:

Kernel configuration
WebSphere® MQ makes use of System V IPC resources, in particular shared
memory and semaphores. The default configuration
of these resources, supplied with your installation, is probably
adequate for WebSphere MQ but if you have
a large number of queues or connected applications, you might need to
increase this configuration.

You can determine the amount of System V IPC resources available by

looking at the contents of the following files:

/proc/sys/kernel/shmmax - The maximum size of a shared memory segment.

/proc/sys/kernel/shmmni - The maximum number of shared memory
/proc/sys/kernel/shmall - The maximum amount of shared memory that can
be allocated.
/proc/sys/kernel/sem - The maximum number and size of semaphore
sets that can be allocated.

For example, to view the maximum size of a shared memory segment that
can be created enter:

cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

To change the maximum size of a shared memory segment to 256 MB enter:

echo 268435456 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

To view the maximum number of semaphores and semaphore sets which can be
created enter:

cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem

This returns 4 numbers indicating:

SEMMSL - The maximum number of semaphores in a sempahore set
SEMMNS - The maximum number of sempahores in the system
SEMOPM - The maximum number of operations in a single semop call
SEMMNI - The maximum number of sempahore sets

For WebSphere MQ:

the SEMMSL value must be 128 or greater
the SEMOPM value must be 5 or greater
the SEMMNS value must be 16384 or greater
the SEMMNI value must be 1024 or greater

To increase the maximum number of semaphores available to WebSphere MQ,

you should update the SEMMNS and SEMMNI values.
To configure these values every time the machine is restarted you are
recommended to add these commands
to a startup script in /etc/rc.d/...


MQ Processes: List 1:

ProcName Process Function
amqhasmx logger
amqharmx log formatter,used only if the queue manager has linear
logging selected
amqzllp0 checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 queue manager agent(s)
amqzxma0 processing controller
runmqsc MQ Command interface
amqpcsea PCF command processor
amqcrsta Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP - Could be
amqcrs6a Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA - Could be
runmqchl Any locally started channel over any protocol - Could be
runmqlsr listener process
runmqchi channel initiator

ProcName Process Function
AMQHIXK4 Storage Manager (Housekeeper)
AMQMCPRA Data Store (Object Cache)
AMQALMP4 Check Point Process
AMQRMCLA Sender channel
AMQPCSVA PCF command processor
AMQRIMNA Channel initiator (trigger monitor to start channel)
AMQIQES4 Quiesce (forces user logoffs - for upgrades)
AMQIQEJ4 Quiesce (without user logoffs - for daily use if
AMQCRSTA Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP - Could be
AMQCRS6A Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA - Could be

ProcName Process Function
amqhasmx logger
amqharmx log formatter, used only if the queue manager has linear
logging selected
amqzllp0 checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 queue manager agents
amqzxma0 processing controller
runmqsc MQ Command interface
amqpcsea PCF command processor
amqcrsta Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP - Could be
amqcrs6a Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA - Could be
runmqchl Any locally started channel over any protocol - Could be
runmqlsr listener process
runmqchi channel initiator

ProcName Process Function
AMQHASM2.EXE The logger
AMQHARM2.EXE Log formatter (LINEAR logs only)
AMQZLLP0.EXE Checkpoint process
AMQZXMA0.EXE Execution controller
AMQXSSV2.EXE Shared memory servers
RUNMQSC.EXE MQSeries Command processor
AMQPCSEA.EXE PCF command processor
AMQCRSTA.EXE Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP - Could be
AMQCRS6A.EXE Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA - Could be
RUNMQCHL.EXE Any locally started channel over any protocol - Could be

ProcName Process Function
amqhasmx logger
amqharmx log formatter, used only if the queue manager has linear
logging selected
amqzllp0 checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 queue manager agents
amqzxma0 processing controller
amqcrsta Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP - Could be
amqcrs6a Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA - Could be
runmqchl Any locally started channel over any protocol - Could be
runmqlsr listener process
runmqchi channel initiator
runmqsc MQ Command interface
amqpcsea PCF command processor

ProcName Process Function
AMQHARMN.EXE Log formatter (LINEAR logs only)
AMQZLLP0.EXE Checkpoint process
AMQZXMA0.EXE Execution controller
AMQXSSVN.EXE Shared memory servers
AMQCRSTA.EXE Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP - Could be
AMQCRS6A.EXE Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA - Could be
RUNMQCHL.EXE Any locally started channel over any protocol - Could be
RUNMQSC.EXE MQSeries Command processor
AMQPCSEA.EXE PCF command processor
AMQSCM.EXE Service Control Manager

Process Names Process Function

amqpcsea Command server
amqhasmx Logger
amqharmx Log formatter (linear logs only)
amqzllp0 Checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 Queue manager agents
amqzfuma OAM process
amqzxma0 Processing controller
amqrrmfa Repository process (for clusters)
amqzdmaa Deferred message processor

OS/390 and z/OS are very simple:

qmgrMSTR - the main address space (manager, API calls etc)

qmgrCHIN - communications (listener, channels)

qmgr = name of the queue manager

MQ Processes: List 2:

AMQHASMN.EXE - The logger
AMQHARMN.EXE - Log formatter (LINEAR logs only)
AMQZLLP0.EXE - Checkpoint process
AMQZXMA0.EXE - Execution controller
AMQXSSVN.EXE - Shared memory servers
AMQCRSTA.EXE - Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP
- Could be
AMQCRS6A.EXE - Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA
- Could be
RUNMQCHL.EXE - Any locally started channel over any protocol
RUNMQSC.EXE - MQSeries Command processor
AMQPCSEA.EXE - PCF command processor
AMQSCM.EXE - Service Control Manager

amqhasmx - logger
amqharmx - log formatter, used only if the queue manager has linear
logging selected
amqzllp0 - checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 - queue manager agents
amqzxma0 - processing controller
amqcrsta - Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP
amqcrs6a - Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA
runmqchl - Any locally started channel over any protocol
runmqlsr - listener process
runmqchi - channel initiator
runmqsc - MQ Command interface
amqpcsea - PCF command processor

AMQHIXK4 - Storage Manager (Housekeeper)
AMQMCPRA - Data Store (Object Cache)
AMQCLMAA - Listener
AMQALMP4 - Check Point Process
AMQRMCLA - Sender channel
AMQCRSTA - Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP
AMQCRS6A - Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA
AMQPCSVA - PCF command processor
AMQRIMNA - Channel initiator (trigger monitor to start channel)
AMQIQES4 - Quiesce (forces user logoffs - for upgrades)
AMQIQEJ4 - Quiesce (without user logoffs - for daily use if desired)

amqhasmx - logger
amqharmx - log formatter, used only if the queue manager has linear
logging selected
amqzllp0 - checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 - queue manager agent(s)
amqzxma0 - processing controller
amqcrsta - Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP
amqcrs6a - Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA
runmqchl - Any locally started channel over any protocol
runmqlsr - listener process
runmqchi - channel initiator
runmqsc - MQ Command interface
amqpcsea - PCF command processor

amqhasmx - logger
amqharmx - log formatter, used only if the queue manager has linear
logging selected
amqzllp0 - checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 - queue manager agents
amqzxma0 - processing controller
amqcrsta - Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP
amqcrs6a - Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA
runmqchl - Any locally started channel over any protocol
runmqlsr - listener process
runmqchi - channel initiator
runmqsc - MQ Command interface
amqpcsea - PCF command processor

AMQHASM2.EXE - The logger
AMQHARM2.EXE - Log formatter (LINEAR logs only)
AMQZLLP0.EXE - Checkpoint process
AMQZXMA0.EXE - Execution controller
AMQXSSV2.EXE - Shared memory servers
AMQCRSTA.EXE - Any remotely started channel over TCP/IP
- Could be
AMQCRS6A.EXE - Any remotely started channel over LU62/SNA
- Could be
RUNMQCHL.EXE - Any locally started channel over any protocol
RUNMQSC.EXE - MQSeries Command processor
AMQPCSEA.EXE - PCF command processor


ProcName Process Function
amqhasmx logger
amqharmx log formatter,used only if the queue manager has linear
logging selected
amqzllp0 checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 queue manager agent(s)
amqzxma0 processing controller
amqcrsta TCPIP Receiver channel & Client Connection
amqcrs6a LU62 Receiver channel & Client Connection
runmqchl Sender Channel
runmqsc MQ Command interface
amqpcsea PCF command processor

ProcName Process Function

AMQHIXK4 Storage Manager (Housekeeper)

AMQMCPRA Data Store (Object Cache)
AMQALMP4 Check Point Process
AMQRMCLA Sender channel
AMQCRSTA TCP/IP Receiver channel & Client Connection
AMQCRS6A LU62 Receiver channel & Client Connection
AMQPCSVA PCF command processor
AMQRIMNA Channel initiator (trigger monitor to start channel)
AMQIQES4 Quiesce (forces user logoffs - for upgrades)
AMQIQEJ4 Quiesce (without user logoffs - for daily use if

ProcName Process Function
amqhasmx logger
amqharmx log formatter, used only if the queue manager has linear
logging selected
amqzllp0 checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 queue manager agents
amqzxma0 processing controller
amqcrsta TCPIP Receiver channel & Client Connection
amqcrs6a LU62 Receiver channel & Client Connection
runmqchl Sender Channel
runmqsc MQ Command interface
amqpcsea PCF command processor

ProcName Process Function
AMQHASM2.EXE The logger
AMQHARM2.EXE Log formatter (LINEAR logs only)
AMQZLLP0.EXE Checkpoint process
AMQZXMA0.EXE Execution controller
AMQXSSV2.EXE Shared memory servers
AMQCRSTA.EXE TCPIP Receiver channel & Client Connection
AMQCRS6A.EXE LU62 Receiver channel & Client Connection
RUNMQCHL.EXE Sender Channel
RUNMQSC.EXE MQSeries Command processor
AMQPCSEA.EXE PCF command processor

ProcName Process Function
amqhasmx logger
amqharmx log formatter, used only if the queue manager has linear
logging selected
amqzllp0 checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 queue manager agents
amqzxma0 processing controller
amqcrsta TCPIP Receiver channel & Client Connection

Process Names Process Function

amqpcsea Command server

amqhasmx Logger
amqharmx Log formatter (linear logs only)
amqzllp0 Checkpoint processor
amqzlaa0 Queue manager agents
amqzfuma OAM process
amqzxma0 Processing controller
amqrrmfa Repository process (for clusters)
amqzdmaa Deferred message processor

MQ Processes: List 3:

Description of WebSphere MQ tasks

When a queue manager is running, you see some or all of the following
batch jobs running under the QMQM user profile
in the WebSphere MQ subsystem. The jobs are described briefly in Table
1, to help you decide how to prioritize them.

Table 1. WebSphere MQ tasks. Job name Function

AMQALMPX The checkpoint processor that periodically takes journal
AMQCLMAA Non-threaded TCP/IP listener
AMQCRSTA TCP/IP-invoked channel responder
AMQCRS6B LU62 receiver channel and client connection (see note).
AMQFCXBA Broker worker job
AMQPCSEA PCF command processor that handles PCF and remote
administration requests
AMQRMPPA Channel process pooling job
AMQRRMFA Repository manager for clusters
AMQZDMAA Deferred message handler
AMQZFUMA Object authority manager (OAM)
AMQZLAA0 Queue manager agents that perform the bulk of the work for
applications that connect to the queue manager using
AMQZLAS0 Queue manager agent
AMQZXMA0 The execution controller that is the first job started by the
queue manager. It deals with MQCONN requests,
and starts agent processes to process WebSphere MQ API calls
AMQZMGR0 Process controller. This job is used to start up and manage
listeners and services.
AMQZMUC0 Utility manager. This job executes critical queue manager
utilities, for example the journal chain manager.
AMQZMUR0 Utility manager. This job executes critical queue manager
utilities, for example the journal chain manager.
RUNMQBRK Broker control job
RUNMQCHI The channel initiator
RUNMQCHL Sender channel job that is started for each sender channel
RUNMQDLQ Dead letter queue handler
RUNMQLSR Threaded TCP/IP listener
RUNMQTRM Trigger monitor
The LU62 receiver job runs in the communications subsystem and takes its
run-time properties from the routing and communications
entries that are used to start the job. See WebSphere MQ
Intercommunication for more details.

You can view all jobs connected to a queue manager, except listeners
(which do not connect),
using option 22 on the Work with Queue Manager (WRKMQM) panel. You can
view listeners using the WRKMQMLSR command

87. Connect Direct:

Note 1: Intro:

Do you mean Network Data Manager (NDM) ???

File transmission protocol software.

Normal Disconnect Mode. No connection is established to another station
on the physical medium.

Network Data Mover (NDM) is a legacy file transfer product developed by

System Center. NDM is now owned by Sterling Commerce
and has been renamed to Connect:Direct.

Just a quick Overview on Connect:Direct

Today?s organizations need more than FTP. Every organization depends on

the reliable movement of files.
From batch integration, to the movement of large images or catalogs, to
the synchronization of remote locations or
disaster-recovery sites, your business needs file transfer. For years,
many organizations have turned to unmanaged,
unsecured FTP to meet this need. But increasingly rigorous security
policies and shorter processing windows
have companies looking for alternatives to traditional FTP.

File transfer you can count on. Connect:Direct is the point-to-point

file transfer software optimized for high-volume,
secure, assured delivery of files within and among enterprises. Proven
in the demanding financial services
and telecommunications industries, where it moves terabytes of business
information daily, Connect:Direct can deliver your files with:
Predictability ? Assured delivery is provided via automated scheduling,
checkpoint restart and automatic recovery/retry

Security ? Ensures that your customer information stays private, and

that your file transfers are auditable
for regulatory compliance via a proprietary protocol, authorization and

Performance ? Handles your most demanding loads, from high volumes of

small files to multi-gigabyte files

Connect:Direct provides a common command structure and syntax across

most operating systems in commercial use today.

So for more informations contact Sterling Industries.

Typical processes:

cduser@arcturus:/appl/cd4sn/ndm/cfg/ndm.nawaga $ ps -ef | grep cd4

cd4sngat 471088 1 0 Apr 27 - 1:44
/appl/cd4sn/ndm/bin/cdpmgr -i
cd4sngat 598270 958472 0 13:47:56 pts/0 0:00 tail -f beheer.log
cd4sngat 774210 1040616 0 13:09:34 - 0:00
/appl/cd4sn/ndm/SwiftNet/Version3/program/SwiftCmdServer -f
/appl/cd4sn/ndm/SwiftNet/Version3 -s 1
cd4sngat 868398 704540 0 14:10:06 pts/2 0:00 grep cd4
cd4sngat 913624 1 0 Apr 27 - 0:00
/appl/cd4sn/ndm/bin/cdstatm -i
cd4sngat 958472 651372 0 10:11:11 pts/0 0:00 -ksh
cd4sngat 1040616 1 0 13:09:34 - 0:00
/appl/cd4sn/ndm/SwiftNet/Version3/program/SwiftConnectd -f
/appl/cd4sn/ndm/SwiftNet/Version3 -s 1
cd4sngat 1093700 696520 0 13:37:15 pts/1 0:00 tail -f beheer.log


Here we comment on a variety of programs, or demons, or commands, found

in Solaris, HP, Linux or AIX.


lrud (least recently used) is a page managing memory process in AIX.

Solaris uses a completely different page stealing algorythm to AIX, so

you cannot compare the 2.
AIX uses LRUD and Solaris uses LIFO (last in 1st

Again, AIX will build as large a filesystem cache as possible by

default. when it hits minperm it is going to scan for pages to free up
and free them according to LRUD algorythm... the pages it frees up are
dependant on the number of filepages cached and the maxperm / minperm

If numperm is above maxperm it is non discriminate over what pages to

mark as candidates to free up, but if numperm is below maxperm, then
it will only mark file (persistient) pages as candidates to get the
size of the fs cache down.

NOTE: by default it only does this once you hit minfree..

To strictly set the maximum number of file pages cached you would set
strict_maxperm, but you usually do not have to do this unless you are
working with a very large amount of memory (64Gb and up) ... so, i
would leave well alone if you only have a couple of GB...


GIL is a kernel process, which does TCP/IP timing. It handles

transmission errors, ACKs, etc. Normally it shouldn't consume too much
CPU, but it can take quite a lot of CPU when the system is using the
network a lot (like with NFS filesystems which are heavily used).
The kproc gil runs the TCP/IP timer driven operations. Every 200ms, and
every 500ms the GIL thread is kicked to go run protocol timers. With TCP
up (which is ALWAYS the case), TCP timers are called which end up
looking at every connection on the system (to do retransmission, delayed
acks,etc). In version 4 this work is all done on a multi-threaded kproc
to promote concurrency and SMP scalability.gil.

GIL is one of the kprocs (kernel processes) in AIX 4.3.3, 5.1 and 5.2.
Since the advent of topas in AIX 4.3.3 and changes made to the ps
command in AIX 5.1, system administrators have become aware of this
class of processes, which are not new to AIX. These kprocs have no
user interfaces and have been largely undocumented in base
documentation. Once a kproc is started, typically it stays in the
process table until the next reboot. The system resources used by any
one kproc are accounted as kernel resources, so no separate account is
kept of resources used by an individual kproc.
Most of these kprocs are NOT described in base AIX documentation and
the descriptions below may be the most complete that can be found.
GIL term is an acronym for "Generalized Interrupt Level" and was
created by the Open Software Foundation (OSF), This is the networking
daemon responsible for processing all the network interrupts, including
incoming packets, tcp timers, etc.
Exactly how these kprocs function and much of their expected behavior
is considered IBM proprietary information.

The Platform Information and Control Library (PICL) provides a mechanism

to publish platform-specific
information for clients to access in a platform-independent way. picld
maintains and controls access
to the PICL information from clients and plug-in modules.
The daemon is started in both single-user and multi-user boot mode.

Upon startup, the PICL daemon loads and initializes the plug-in modules.
These modules use the
libpicltree(3PICLTREE) interface to create nodes and properties in the
PICL tree to publish
platform configuration information. After the plug-in modules are
initialized, the daemon opens
the PICL daemon door to service client requests to access information in
the PICL tree.


arraymon is the disk array daemon process sometimes found in Solaris. It

performs these major functions:

- Monitoring of the error information maintained by the disk array


- Reporting of events that require operator attention in a manner

selected by the user via
the rmparams file and the rmscript file.

- Launching of the parityck utility at the designated time, if the

parity check option is enabled.

arraymon maintains logs of the messages currently outstanding on the

system console
and in the file /etc/raid/rmlog.log. In addition, all error information
is written to the
system error log /var/adm/messages ).


System activity data can be accessed at the special request of a user

(see sar(1)) and automatically,
on a routine basis, as described here. The operating system
contains several counters that are
incremented as various system actions occur. These include counters for
CPU utilization,
buffer usage, disk and tape I/O activity, TTY device activity,
switching and system-call activity,
file-access, queue activity, inter-process communications, and
For more general system statistics, use iostat (1M), sar(1), or

Note 1:

I'm paring down processes and port listners on a Solaris 8 server to

have the very minimal services/ports open.
I have followed their guidelines/blueprints for Solaris 6 hardening.

I need to find out what is listening on the ports below and how to
disable services for them.

Specifically, listners on ports 5987, 898, and 32768. (See netstat

output below)

Also what are: root 181 1 0 15:08:10 ?

0:00 /usr/sadm/lib/smc/bin/smcboot root 182 181 0 15:08:10 ?
0:00 /usr/sadm/lib/smc/bin/smcboot root 56 1 0 15:08:04 ?
0:00 /usr/lib/sysevent/syseventd root 58 1 0 15:08:05 ?
0:00 /usr/lib/sysevent/syseventconfd root 67 1 0 15:08:05 ?
0:01 /usr/lib/picl/picld root 202 1 0 15:08:12 ?
0:00 /usr/lib/efcode/sparcv9/efdaemon

And can they be disabled? How?

This host will only run standalone firewall and sendmail only.
On Solaris 2.6 these listners and procs do not exist.

Regarding the "smcboot" process the answer is simple. This is the boot
process for the
Solaris Management Console (SMC) which is a GUI (well - more a framework
with a several existing modules)
to manage your system.

If you're not interested to manage your host using SMC, then you can
safely disable this
(remove or diable /etc/rc2.d/S90wbem). This smc process is also
responsible for listening on port 898 and 5987.

The port 32768 is not used for a fixed service. You should check your
system to idenfity
which process is using this port. This can be done by using the pfiles
command, e.g.
"cd /proc; /usr/proc/bin/pfiles * > /tmp/pfiles.out" and then look in
/tmp/pfiles.out for the portnumber.

The picld process is a new abstraction layer for programs who want to
access platform specific information.
Instead of using some platform specific program applications can use the
picl library to access
information in a generic way.
Disabling the picld daemon will affect applications which are using the
You can use the "ldd" command to identify such applications and decide
whether you're using them or not.
Example applications are "prtpicl" or "locator" (see the manpages).

The "syseventd" is responsible for delivering system events and

disabling this service will affect your
ability to create new devices on the fly (e.g. for dynamic
reconfiguration). The "efdaemon" is another example
of such a process which is needed for dynamic reconfiguration.

Disabling syseventd and/or efdaemon havily depends on your required

After creating your devices (boot -r) you can safely turn of these
daemons but you'll run into trouble
when trying dynamic reconfiguration... Without knowing your requirements
we can't tell whether it's ok
to disable those services or not.


bpbkar is part of the Veritas Netbackup client, usually installed at

/usr/openv/netbackup .

<defunct> process:

Note 1:

In general, defunct processes are caused by a parent process not reaping

its children. Find out which process
is the parent process of all those zombies (ps -e). It's that process
that has a bug.

In Solaris 2.3 (and presumably earlier) there is a bug in the pseudo tty
modules that makes them hang in close.
This causes processes to hang forever while exiting.

Fix: Apply patch 101415-02 (for 2.3).

In all Solaris 2 releases prior to 2.5 (also fixed in the latest 2.4
kernel jumbo patch),
init (process 1) calls sync() every five minutes which can hang init for
some considerable time.
This can cause a lot of zombies accumulating with process 1 as parent,
but occurs only in rare circumstances.

Note 2:

My app has a parent that forks a child. Sometimes, one of them dies and
leaves a defunct process,
along with shared memory segments. I try to get rid of the shared memory
and kill the defunct task,
but to no avail. I then have to reboot the system to clean up the shared
memory and to get rid
of the defunct process. How can I kill a defunct process and get rid of
the associated shared memory ?

A defunct task is already dead. You can not kill a "zombie".

The problem is obviously that the app does not expect a child to die and
does not make the
necessary wait calls to relieve the child from its return code.
Did you stopp the app and see what happens?

use ipcrm to release shared memory.

But a zombie indicates also a programming problem with the application.

So it is time to redesign the application.

Note 3:

A zombie process is a process which has died and whose parent process is
still running
and has not wait()ed for it. In other words, if a process becomes a
zombie, it means
that the parent process has not called wait() or waitpid() to obtain the
child process's
termination status. Once the parent retrieves a child's termination
status, that child process
no longer appears in the process table.

You cannot kill a zombie process, because it's already dead. It is

taking up space in the process table,
and that's about it.

If any process terminates before its children do, init inherits those
When they die, init calls one of the wait() functions to retrieve the
child's termination status,
and the child disappears from the process table.

A zombie process is not, in and of itself, harmful, unless there are

many of them taking up space
in the process table. But it's generally bad programming practice to
leave zombies lying around, in the same way
that it's generally a Bad Thing to never bother to free memory you've

Note 4:

Other than Windows, unix manages an explicit parent-child relationships

between processes.
When a child process dies, the parent will receive a notification. It is
then the duty of the parent process
to explicitly take notice of the childs demise by using the wait()
system call. The return value of the wait()
is the process ID of the child, which gives the parent exact control
about which of its children are still alive.
As long as the parent hasn't called wait(), the system needs to keep the
dead child in the global process list,
because that's the only place where the process ID is stored. The
purpose of the "zombies" is really just for
the system to remember the process ID, so that it can inform the parent
process about it on request.
If the parent "forgets" to collect on its children, then the zombie will
stay undead forever.
Well, almost forever. If the parent itself dies, then "init" (the system
process with the ID 0) will take over
fostership over its children and catch up on the neglected parental



Suppose you use the pfiles command on a PID

# /usr/proc/bin/pfiles 194
194: /usr/sbin/nscd
Current rlimit: 256 file descriptors
0: S_IFCHR mode:0666 dev:85,1 ino:3291 uid:0 gid:3 rdev:13,2
1: S_IFCHR mode:0666 dev:85,1 ino:3291 uid:0 gid:3 rdev:13,2
2: S_IFCHR mode:0666 dev:85,1 ino:3291 uid:0 gid:3 rdev:13,2
3: S_IFDOOR mode:0777 dev:275,0 ino:0 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
O_RDWR FD_CLOEXEC door to nscd[194]

# /usr/proc/bin/pfiles 254
254: /usr/dt/bin/dtlogin -daemon Current rlimit: 2014 file descriptors
0: S_IFDIR mode:0755 dev:32,24 ino:2 uid:0 gid:0 size:512
O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE 1: S_IFDIR mode:0755 dev:32,24 ino:2 uid:0 gid:0
O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE 2: S_IFREG mode:0644 dev:32,24 ino:143623 uid:0
gid:0 size:41
O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_LARGEFILE 3: S_IFCHR mode:0666 dev:32,24 ino:207727
uid:0 gid:3 rdev:13,12
O_RDWR 4: S_IFSOCK mode:0666 dev:174,0 ino:4686 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK 5: S_IFREG mode:0644 dev:32,24 ino:143624 uid:0 gid:0
O_WRONLY|O_LARGEFILE advisory write lock set by process 245 7:
S_IFSOCK mode:0666 dev:174,0 ino:3717 uid:0 gid:0 size:0 O_RDWR 8:
S_IFDOOR mode:0444 dev:179,0 ino:65516 uid:0 gid:0 size:0 O_RDONLY|
O_LARGEFILE FD_CLOEXEC door to nscd[171]

This listing shows the files open by the dtlogin process. Notice how
easy it is to decipher the file types
in this output. We have:

S_IFDIR directory files

S_IFREG regular files
S_IFCHR character mode device
S_IFSOCK sockets S_IFDOOR a "door" file
Flags That Specify Access Type
The following OFlag parameter flag values specify type of access:

O_RDONLY The file is opened for reading only.

O_WRONLY The file is opened for writing only.
O_RDWR The file is opened for both reading and writing.

Limits on the number of files that a process can open can be changed
system-wide in the /etc/system file.

If you support a process that opens a lot of sockets, then you can
monitor the number of open files
and socket connections by using a command such as this:

# /usr/proc/bin/pfiles <procID> | grep mode | wc -l

The third limit determines how many file references can be held in
memory at any time (in the inode cache).
If you're running the sar utility, then a sar -v command will show you
(in one column of its output (inod-sz))
the number of references in memory and the maximum possible. On most
systems, these two numbers will be oddly
stable throughout the day. The system maintains the references even
after a process has stopped running
-- just in case it might need them again. These references will be
dropped and the space reused as needed.
The sar output might look like this:

00:00:00 proc-sz ov inod-sz ov file-sz ov 11:20:00 400/20440 0

41414/46666 0 1400/1400 0 0/0

The 4th field reports the number of files currently referenced in the
inode cache and
the maximum that can be stored.

EXP shell script:


export NLS_LANG
cd /u03/dumps/ECM
mv ECM.dmp.Z ECMformer.dmp.Z
exp system/arcturus81 file=ECM.dmp full=y statistics=none
cp ECM.dmp /u01/dumps/ECM
compress -v ECM.dmp


The xntpd daemon sets and maintains a Unix system time-of-day in

compliance with Internet standard time servers.
The xntpd daemon is a complete implementation of the Network Time
Protocol (NTP) version 3 standard,
as defined by RFC 1305, and also retains compatibility with version 1
and 2 servers as defined by
RFC 1059 and RFC 1119, respectively. The xntpd daemon does all
computations in fixed point arithmetic
and does not require floating point code.

The xntpd daemon reads from a configuration file (/etc/ntp.conf is the

default) at startup time.
You can override the configuration file name from the command line. You
can also specify a working,
although limited, configuration entirely on the command line,
eliminating the need for a configuration file.
Use this method when configuring the xntpd daemon as a broadcast or
multicast client, that determines
all peers by listening to broadcasts at runtime. You can display the
xntpd daemon internal variables with the
ntpq command (Network Time Protocol (NTP) query program). You can alter
configuration options
with the xntpdc command.

Note for AIX: checking the status of the xntpd subsystem:

# lssrc -s xntpd



utmpd - utmpx monitoring daemon

utmpd [-debug]

The utmpd daemon monitors the /var/adm/utmpx file. See
utmpx(4) (and utmp(4) for historical information).

utmpd receives requests from pututxline(3C) by way of a

named pipe. It maintains a table of processes and uses
poll(2) on /proc files to detect process termination. When
utmpd detects that a process has terminated, it checks that
the process has removed its utmpx entry from /var/adm/utmpx.
If the process' utmpx entry has not been removed, utmpd
removes the entry. By periodically scanning the
/var/adm/utmpx file, utmpd also monitors processes that are
not in its table.

Run in debug mode, leaving the process connected to
the controlling terminal. Write debugging information
to standard output.
HP-UX 11i:

NAME [Toc] [Back]

utmpd - user accounting database daemon

SYNOPSIS [Toc] [Back]



utmpd, user accounting database daemon, manages the user
database which is the database of currently logged-in users. This
previously maintained by /etc/utmp and /etc/utmpx files on HP-UX.

Upon startup, utmpd writes its pid to the file

/etc/useracct/utmpd_pid. Applications can add, update, or query
entries into the database using the getuts() APIs. See the
manual page for more information.

utmpd(1M) takes care of synchronizing the legacy /etc/utmpx file

its own in-memory database. The synchronization is bi-directional
from the utmpd's database to the /etc/utmpx and from the
file to utmpd's database. However, this synchronization does not
happen in real time. There is a time lag which could span from a
seconds on a lightly loaded system to a few minutes on a heavily
loaded system.


pwconv - installs and updates /etc/shadow with information
from /etc/passwd

The pwconv command creates and updates /etc/shadow with
information from /etc/passwd.

pwconv relies on a special value of 'x' in the password

field of /etc/passwd. This value of 'x' indicates that the
password for the user is already in /etc/shadow and should
not be modified.

If the /etc/shadow file does not exist, this command will

create /etc/shadow with information from /etc/passwd. The
command populates /etc/shadow with the user's login name,
password, and password aging information. If password aging
information does not exist in /etc/passwd for a given user,
none will be added to /etc/shadow. However, the last
changed information will always be updated.
If the /etc/shadow file does exist, the following tasks will
be performed:

Entries that are in the /etc/passwd file and not in the

/etc/shadow file will be added to the /etc/shadow file.

Entries that are in the /etc/shadow file and not in the

/etc/passwd file will be removed from /etc/shadow.

Password attributes (for example, password and aging

information) that exist in an /etc/passwd entry will be
moved to the corresponding entry in /etc/shadow.

The pwconv command can only be used by the super-user.




The Tcl (Tool Command Language) provides a powerful platform for

creating integration applications
that tie together diverse applications, protocols, devices, and
When paired with the Tk toolkit, Tcl provides a fastest and powerful way
to create cross-platform GUI applications.
Tcl can also be used for a variety of web-related tasks and for creating
powerful command languages for applications.


The Enterprise System Connection ArchitectureÝ, ESCON, was developed by

IBM as a channel connection architecture
with the intent of improving connectivity by incorporating fibre optics
into a network. ESCON uses fibre optics
to replace existing bus and tag cables in a new or existing data centre.
Designed to connect a wide range of
peripherals to IBM mainframe computers, the architecture supports data
communications at a speed of 200Mbps.

Basically, its a fiber optic switch, connecting Control Units or other



FICON (for Fiber Connectivity) is a high-speed input/output (I/O)

interface for mainframe computer connections
to storage devices or other nodes. As part of IBM's S/390 or z servers,
FICON channels increase I/O capacity
through the combination of a new architecture and faster physical link
rates to make them up to eight times
as efficient as ESCON (Enterprise System Connection), IBM's previous
fiber optic channel standard.


nscd is a process that provides a cache for the most common

name service requests. It starts up during multi-user boot.
The default configuration-file /etc/nscd.conf determines the
behavior of the cache daemon. See nscd.conf(4).

nscd provides caching for the passwd(4), group(4), hosts(4),

ipnodes(4), exec_attr(4), prof_attr(4), and user_attr(4)
databases through standard libc interfaces, such as
gethostbyname(3NSL), getipnodebyname(3SOCKET),
gethostbyaddr(3NSL), and others. Each cache has a separate
time-to-live for its data; modifying the local database
(/etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf, and so forth) causes that
cache to become invalidated upon the next call to nscd. The
shadow file is specifically not cached. getspnam(3C) calls
remain uncached as a result.

nscd also acts as its own administration tool. If an

instance of nscd is already running, commands are passed to
the running version transparently.

In order to preserve NIS+ security, the startup script for

nscd (/etc/init.d/nscd) checks the permissions on the passwd
table if NIS+ is being used. If this table cannot be read by
unauthenticated users, then nscd will make sure that any
encrypted password information returned from the NIS+ server
is supplied only to the owner of that password.

A sample /etc/nscd.conf file, which minimizes the functionality of nscd,

is as follows:

logfile /var/adm/nscd.log
enable-cache passwd no
enable-cache group no
positive-time-to-live hosts 3600
negative-time-to-live hosts 5
suggested-size hosts 211
keep-hot-count hosts 20
old-data-ok hosts no
check-files hosts yes
enable-cache exec_attr no
enable-cache prof_attr no
enable-cache user_attr no
If your system has any instability with respect to host names and/or IP
addresses, it is possible
to substitute the following line for all the above lines containing
This may slow down host name lookups, but it should fix the name
translation problem.

enable-cache hosts no

EBCDIC and unix:


thread 1:

Take a look at the dd command with the option

dd conv=ebcdic

See man dd for more details.

thread 2:

1. nvdmetoa command:

How to convert EBCDIC files to ASCII:

On your AIX system, the tool nvdmetoa might be present.


nvdmetoa <AS400.dat >AIXver3.dat

Converts an EBCDIC file taken off an AS400 and converts to an ASCII file
for the pSeries or RS/6000

nvdmetoa 132 <AS400.txt >AIXver3.txt

Converts an EBCDIC file with a record length of 132 characters to an

ASCII file with 132 bytes per line
PLUS 1 byte for the linefeed character.

thread 3:

od command:

The od command translate a file into other formats, like for example
hexadecimal format.
To translate a file into several formats at once, enter:

# od -t cx a.out > a.xcd

This command writes the contents of the a.out file, in hexadecimal

format (x) and character format (c),
into the a.xcd file.

thread 4:

I'm using the DD command in UNIX to convert ASCII to EBCDIC so that I

can print
via "lp" to a AS/400 attached printer. I'm using the AS/400 as a print
The command below works fine except that the carriage return/line feed
The file prints without the carriage return line feed.

Here is the unix command:

cat $file | dd ibs=80 cbs=132 conv=ebcdic | lp -d AS400PRNT -s

utmp, wtmp, failedlogin File Format:



Describes formats for user and accounting information.

The utmp file, the wtmp file, and the failedlogin file contain records
with user and accounting information.

When a user attempts to logs in, the login program writes entries in two

The /etc/utmp file, which contains a record of users logged into the
The /var/adm/wtmp file (if it exists), which contains connect-time
accounting records.
On an invalid login attempt, due to an incorrect login name or password,
the login program makes an entry in:

The /etc/security/failedlogin file, which contains a record of

unsuccessful login attempts.
The records in these files follow the utmp format, defined in the utmp.h
header file.

To convert a binary record in wtmp format to an ASCII record called

dummy.file, enter:

/usr/sbin/acct/fwtmp < /var/adm/wtmp > /etc/dummy.file

The content of a binary wtmp file is redirected to a dummy ASCII file.

Use the who command to read the contents of the
/etc/security/failedlogin file:

# who /etc/security/failedlogin

# who /etc/security/failedlogin > /tmp/failed_login.txt

To clear the file use:

# cp /dev/null /etc/security/failedlogin

The /etc/default/login file:


If you uncomment, or put, the line


into the "/etc/default/login" file, root can only logon from the
and not from other terminals.

Ofcourse, on a normal terminal, you can still logon with your

useraccount and then su to root.

Notes on the libc libary in AIX 5L:


What is it?

Most unixes has a couple of important shared libraries. One of them is

the libc.a lib on AIX.

libc = C Libary
glibc = GNU C library (on linux and open systems)

It is an XCOFF shared library under AIX and hence a critical part of the

The standard C library, `libc.a', is automatically linked into your

programs by the `gcc' control program.
Or it is used by C/C++ compilers to create statically linked programs.
It provides many of the functions that are normally associated with C

For each function or variable that the library provides, the definition
of that symbol will include
information on which header files to include in your source to obtain
prototypes and type definitions
relevant to the use of that symbol.
Note that many of the functions in `libm.a' (the math library) are
defined in `math.h' but are not present
in libc.a. Some are, which may get confusing, but the rule of thumb is
this--the C library contains
those functions that ANSI dictates must exist, so that you don't need
the -lm if you only use ANSI functions.
In contrast, `libm.a' contains more functions and supports additional
functionality such as the matherr
call-back and compliance to several alternative
standards of behavior in case of FP errors.


On AIX, you can determine the version of the libc fileset on your
machine as follows:

# lslpp -l bos.rte.libc

Its gone, now what?


Note: You might want to look at the "recsh" recovery shell command

Other ways to recover:

You can recover from this without rebooting or reinstalling, if you

have another copy of libc.a available that is also named "libc.a". If
you moved libc.a to a different directory, you're in luck -- do the

export LIBPATH=/other/directory

And your future commands will work. But if you renamed libc.a, this
won't do it. If you have an NFS mounted directory somewhere, you can
put libc.a on the that host, and point LIBPATH to that directory as
shown above.


If you have a good copy of from somewhere..

Copy the libc.a fix into place, e.g.,

a. # cp -f your_dir/locale_format/lib/libc.a /usr/ccs/lib/
b. # chown bin.bin /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a
c. # chmod 555 /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a
d. # ln -sf /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a /usr/lib/libs.a
e. # unset LIBPATH
f. # slibclean

Make sure that the new libraries will be picked up at

the next reboot.

Now Reboot.

IBM's version on how to recover:


Restore Access to an Unlinked or Deleted System Library

When the existing libc.a library is not available, most operating system
commands are not recognized.
The most likely causes for this type of problem are the following:

The link in /usr/lib no longer exists.

The file in /usr/ccs/lib has been deleted.

The following procedure describes how to restore access to the libc.a

library. This procedure requires
system downtime. If possible, schedule your downtime when it least
impacts your workload to protect
yourself from a possible loss of data or functionality.

The information in this how-to was tested using AIXr 5.3. If you are
using a different version or level of AIX,
the results you obtain might vary significantly.

Restore a Deleted Symbolic Link

Use the following procedure to restore a symbolic link from the

/usr/lib/libc.a library to
the /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a path:

With root authority, set the LIBPATH environment variable to point to

the /usr/ccs/lib directory by typing
the following commands:
# LIBPATH=/usr/ccs/lib:/usr/lib
# export LIBPATH

At this point, you should be able to execute system commands.

To restore the links from the /usr/lib/libc.a library and the /lib
directory to the /usr/lib directory,
type the following commands:
ln -s /usr/ccs/lib/libc.a /usr/lib/libc.a
ln -s /usr/lib /lib

At this point, commands should run as before. If you still do not have
access to a shell,
skip the rest of this procedure and continue with the next section,
Restore a Deleted System Library File.
Type the following command to unset the LIBPATH environment variable.


Symbol resolution failed for /usr/lib/libc_r.alibc_r.a:


Note 1:

libc_r.a is a standard re-entrant C library, which allows

synchronization of the tasks at exit.

Note 2:



Hi there

I've just tried to install Informix 9.3 64-bit on AIX 52. It failed with
error shown below. Any suggestions as to what could be wrong? I tried to
find information on the web as to what versions of Informix (if any) are
supported on AIX52, but could not find anything.

I would be grateful for any advice in this matter.

Disk Initializing Demo IBM Informix Dynamic Server

exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program
because of the following errors:
0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for /usr/lib/libc_r.a[aio_64.o]
0509-136 Symbol kaio_rdwr64 (number 0) is not exported from
dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol listio64 (number 1) is not exported from
dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol acancel64 (number 2) is not exported from
dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol iosuspend64 (number 3) is not exported from
dependent module /unix.
0509-136 Symbol aio_nwait (number 4) is not exported from
dependent module /unix.
0509-150 Dependent module libc_r.a(aio_64.o) could not be loaded.
0509-026 System error: Cannot run a file that does not have a valid
0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with the
'dump -Tv' command.
Bundle Install program has finished


Did you enable AIX aio? If not then run the following smit command.
$ smit aio

Choose "Change / Show Characteristics of Asynchronous I/O"

Set the state to be configure at system restart to Available.

Set state of fast path to Enable.

Also check that you enabled 64-bit version of AIX run time.

Note 3:


Suppose you get the error: Symbol resolution failed for



Error: Exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program

Article ID: 20180
Software: ArcGIS - ArcInfo 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.1 ArcView GIS 3.1, 3.2, 3.2a
Platforms: AIX,

Error Message
Executing some ArcInfo Workstation commands, or running ArcView GIS
cause the following errors to occur:

Exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ... because of the

0509-130 Symbol resolution failed for /usr/lib/libc_r.a(aio.o) because:
0509-136 Symbol kaio_rdwr (number 0) is not exported from dependant
module /unix
0509-136 Symbol listio (number 1) is not exported from dependant
module /unix
0509-136 Symbol acancel (number 2) is not exported from dependant module
0509-136 Symbol iosuspend (number 3) is not exported from dependant
module /unix
0509-136 Symbol aio_nwait (number 4) is not exported from dependant
module /unix
0509-192 Examine .loader section symbols with the 'dump -Tv' command.

root@n5110l13:/appl/emcdctm/dba/log#cat dmw_et.log
Could not load program ./documentum:
Symbol resolution failed for /usr/lib/libc_r.a(aio.o) because:
Symbol kaio_rdwr (number 0) is not exported from dependent
module /unix.
Symbol listio (number 1) is not exported from dependent
module /unix.
Symbol acancel (number 2) is not exported from dependent
module /unix.
Symbol iosuspend (number 3) is not exported from dependent
module /unix.
Symbol aio_nwait (number 4) is not exported from dependent
module /unix.
Symbol aio_nwait64 (number 5) is not exported from dependent
module /unix.
Symbol aio_nwait_timeout (number 6) is not exported from
module /unix.
Symbol aio_nwait_timeout64 (number 7) is not exported from
module /unix.
System error: Error 0


The AIX asynchronous I/O module has not been loaded.

Solution or Workaround
Load asynchronous I/O. You must do this as a ROOT user:

Use SMITTY and navigate to Devices > Async I/O > Change/Show.
Make the defined option available.
Reboot the machine.


Enable AIO by running the following commands:

/usr/sbin/chdev -l aio0 -a autoconfig=available
/usr/sbin/mkdev -l aio0

KDB kernel debugger and kdb command:


AIX Only

KDB kernel debugger and kdb command

This document describes the KDB kernel debugger and kdb command. The KDB
kernel debugger and the kdb command
are the primary tools a developer uses for debugging device drivers,
kernel extensions, and the kernel itself.
Although they appear similar to the user, the KDB kernel debugger and
the kdb command are two separate tools:

-- KDB kernel debugger:

The KDB kernel debugger is integrated into the kernel and allows full
control of the system while a
debugging session is in progress. The KDB kernel debugger allows for
traditional debugging tasks such as
setting breakpoints and single-stepping through code.

-- kdb command:
This command is implemented as an ordinary user-space program and is
typically used for post-mortem analysis
of a previously-crashed system by using a system dump file. The kdb
command includes subcommands specific to the
manipulation of system dumps.

Both the KDB kernel debugger and kdb command allow the developer to
display various structures normally found
in the kernel's memory space. Both do the following:

-Provide numerous subcommands to decode various data structures found

throughout the kernel.
-Print the data structures in a user-friendly format.
-Perform debugging at the machine instruction level. Although this is
less convenient than source level debugging,
it allows the KDB kernel debugger and the kdb command to be used in the
field where access to source code
might not be possible.
-Process the debugging information found in XCOFF objects. This allows
the use of symbolic names for functions
and global variables.



Note 1:

Removes any currently unused modules in kernel and library memory.


# slibclean

The slibclean command unloads all object files with load and use counts
of 0. It can also be used to
remove object files that are no longer used from both the shared library
region and in the shared library
and kernel text regions by removing object files that are no longer

/usr/sbin/slibclean Contains the slibclean command.

thread_getregs, thread_waitlock, sigprocmask:


Note 1:



Hello all
Can someone please provide me with a link to where the above function is
documented ?? I know its part of libc_r.a and is used for thread
synchronization ... I need to get some details on the function as to
what exactly it does since a program I'm trying to debug is getting a
ENOTSUP error while calling this function ...

Would really appreciate the help.


Reply from Richard Joltes on 8/25/2003 5:48:00 PM

This doesn't seem to be documented anywhere, but it appears this

function is _not_ in libc(_r). I found this elsewhere:

"...kernel symbols are defined by import lists found in /usr/lib.

You'll need threads.exp and syscalls.exp. Look at the -bI option
in the ld documentation."

You'll find references to this function if you look through these

two file so maybe that's your best option. Threads.exp even
specifically says "the system calls listed below are not imported
by libc.a."

Note 2:


APAR: IY17298 COMPID: 5765C3403 REL: 430


Program termination due to an assert in thread_setstate_fast.

Assert in thread_setstate_fast

Increase lock scope.

Note 3:


Paul Pluzhnikov wrote:

> "pankajtakawale" <[email protected]> writes:

> > Here is the snippet of truss output

> ...
> > sbrk(0x00000060) Err#12 ENOMEM

> > Do i need to increase swap space or thread stack size?

> Increasing swap might help, but I would not expect it.
> You are running out of *heap* space. Check your limits, e.g. 'ulimit
> -a' in *sh or 'limit' in *csh.

Yes process was running out of heap space. In my local environment I

decreased soft limit of data segment and ran app. truss showed 'sbrk
faild with ENOMEM'. Now Im planning to run app in very heavy
configuration such that 'unlimited data segment' too will be
insufficient. And on same configuration I will make app large addr
space model by setting env variable LDR_CNTRL (app shud run in large
addr space model). And will update thread with results.
Thanks for your valuable help Paul.

Note 4:

+ On Linux, the interface exports a bunch of "#define __NR_foo 42"

+ definitions, so there is no implementation.
+ On AIX, syscall numbers are not fixed ahead of time; in principle
+ each process can have its own assignment of numbers to actual
+ syscalls. As a result we have a bunch of global variables to store
+ the number for each syscall, which are assigned to at system
+ startup, and a bunch of #defines which map "__NR_foo" names to
+ these global variables. Initially, when we don't know what a
+ syscall's number is, it is set to __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN.
+ Therefore, on AIX, this module provides a home for those variables.
+ It also provides VG_(aix5_register_syscall) to assign numbers to
+ those variables.


+Int VG_(aix5_NR__sigqueue) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;

+Int VG_(aix5_NR__sigsuspend) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR__sigaction) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_sigprocmask) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_siglocalmask) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_count_event_waiters) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_waitact) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_waitlock_local) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_waitlock) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_wait) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_unlock) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_twakeup_unlock) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_twakeup_event) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_twakeup) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_tsleep_event) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_tsleep_chkpnt) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_tsleep) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_post_many) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_post) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_ue_proc_unregister) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_ue_proc_register) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_kthread_ctl) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR__thread_setsched) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_threads_runnable) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_getregs) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_terminate_unlock) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_terminate_ack) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;
+Int VG_(aix5_NR_thread_setstate_fast) = __NR_AIX5_UNKNOWN;

skulker command:


The skulker command is a command file for periodically purging obsolete

or unneeded files from file systems.
Candidate files include files in the /tmp directory, files older than a
specified age, a.out files, core files,
or ed.hup files.

The skulker command is normally invoked daily, often as part of an

accounting procedure run by the cron command
during off-peak periods. Modify the skulker command to suit local needs
following the patterns shown in the
distributed version. System users should be made aware of the criteria
for automatic file removal.

The find command and the xargs command form a powerful combination for
use in the skulker command.
Most file selection criteria can be expressed conveniently with find
expressions. The resulting file list
can be segmented and inserted into rm commands using the xargs command
to reduce the overhead that would
result if each file were deleted with a separate command.

Because the skulker command is run by a root user and its whole purpose
is to remove files,
it has the potential for unexpected results. Before installing a new
skulker command, test any additions
to its file removal criteria by running the additions manually using the
xargs -p command. After you have
verified that the new skulker command removes only the files you want
removed, you can install it.
To enable the skulker command, you should use the crontab -e command to
remove the comment statement
by deleting the # (pound sign) character from the beginning of the
/usr/sbin/skulker line in the
/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file.

L1 cache, L2 cache, L3 cache and differences:


Note 1:


Question from cmos "What is L2 cache?

What is L3 cache?

What is the major difference between the two."


Answer from LinksMaster "CPU Cache (the example CPU is a little old but
the concepts are still the same)

* The initial level of storage on a processor are the registers. The

registers are where the actually processing
input and output takes place.

* L1 cache - Then the level 1 cache comes next. It is logically the

closest high speed memory
to the CPU core / registers. It usually runs at the full speed (meaning
the same as the CPU core clockspeed).
L1 often comes in size of 8kB, 16kB, 32kB, 64kB or 128kB. But, it is
very high speed even though the amount
is relatively small.

* L2 cache - The next level of cache is L2, or level 2. Nowadays L2 is

larger than L1 and it often comes in
256kB, 512kB and 1,024MB amounts. L2 often runs at 1/4, 1/2 or full
speed in relation to the CPU core clockspeed.

* L3 cache - Level 3 cache is something of a luxury item. Often only

high end workstations and servers
need L3 cache. L3 has been both "on-die", meaning part of the CPU or
"external" meaning mounted near
the CPU on the motherboard. It comes in many sizes and speeds.

Note 2:
L2 cachhe, short for Level 2 cache, cache memory that is external to the
microprocessor. In general, L2 cache memory,
also called the secondary cache, resides on a separate chip from the
microprocessor chip.
Although, more and more microprocessors are including L2 caches into
their architectures.

As more and more processors begin to include L2 cache into their

architectures, Level 3 cache is now the name
for the extra cache built into motherboards between the microprocessor
and the main memory.

Quite simply, what was once L2 cache on motherboards now becomes L3

cache when used with microprocessors
containing built-in L2 caches.


Used for filetransfer between systems with many nice features like
printing a report of the transfer,
queuing of transfers, EBCIDIC - ASCII conversion, scheduling etc..

The command "xcom62" is used for SNA networks.

The command "xcomtcp" is used for the tcpip networks.

The xcom daemon is "xcomd" in /opt/xcom/bin

xcomd -c to kill/stop
xcomd to start the daemon.

logging and config of xcom events can be found in:


- xcom.glb has all conf. settings and is a superset of xcom.cnf

- After reconfig, stop and start the daemon
- atoe files are for ascii / ebcdic conversions
- xcomqm for maintaining queues
- xcom.trusted must be defined for each trusted transfer
- xcomtool is for GUI

sending of files is done with "xcomtcp -c[1234] other options"

where -c1 means sending a file

Example commands:
xcomtcp -c1 -f /tmp/xcom.cnf LOCAL_FILE=/tmp/xcomtest.txt

xcomtcp -c1 -f /tmp/xcom.cnf LOCAL_FILE=/tmp/xcomtest.txt


xcomtcp -c1 -f /tmp/xcom.cnf LOCAL_FILE=/tmp/xcomtest.txt


xcomtcp -c1 -f /tmp/xcom.cnf LOCAL_FILE=/tmp/xcomtest.txt


where "/tmp/xcom.cnf" contains parameters (e.g. userid, password etc..)

not specified at the prompt.

vmcid: IBM minor code: E02


Note 1:

Seems there is no port 32888 assign on this systeem ZD111L08

# 32775-32895 # Unassigned

Maybe this is the issue..

The Infamous JVMXM008 error:



JVMXM008: Error occured while initialising System ClassException in

thread "main"
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

This error may arise due to various causes. Most common cause is
incorrect permission on
some mount point.

Here, some cases are presented which may resemble your situation:

Case 1:
Incorrect underlying mount point permission's prevent WebSphere
Application Server from starting

Technote (troubleshooting)

When the filesystem in which Application Server is mounted has incorrect
mount point permission's
the server may not start when attempting to start the server as a non-
root user.

Attempting to execute the $WAS_HOME/java/bin/java as this non-root user

causes the following error.

/usr/WebSphere/DeploymentManager/java/bin> java -version

JVM not found: libjvm.a - libjvm.a
JVMXM008: Error occurred while initialising System ClassException in
thread "main" Could not create JVM.

The JVM is Unable to initialize because the user does not have the
proper permission to access the necessary
files due to incorrect underlying mount point permission's.

Resolving the problem

Unmount the file system and change the permission's of the mount point
to 777 (rwxrwxrwx).
Mount the file system and run Application Server as a non-root user.

Cross Reference information

Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition
Application Servers Runtimes for Java Technology Java SDK

Case 2:

WebSphere Application Server V6.1's Java on AIX will not start as a non-
root user and will report error
"JVMXM008" or "JVM not found: libjvm.a - libjvm.a"

Technote (troubleshooting)

When attempting to run WebSphere Application Server V6.1 as a non-root
user on AIX,
it may fail to initialize. It produces an error message, "JVMXM008:
Error occured while initialising System ClassException
in thread "main" Could not create the Java virtual machine." or a
different error message,
"JVM not found: libjvm.a - libjvm.a". Running the same process as the
root user does not produce any problems.

This article describes an issue clients may encounter after successfully
installing WebSphere Application Server V6.1
on AIX as either the root user or a non-root user.

Attempting to use any WebSphere tools, such as the profile creation

utility, fail immediately.
The cause of all those failures is because WebSphere Application
Server's Java SDK does not initialize properly
when run as the non-root user. Testing Java in the reveals specific
errors, as shown in the examples below.

In these examples illustrating the Java initialization errors, assume
that WebSphere Application Server
has been successfully installed as a non-root user to the /usr/WAS

Example One: Java fails to initialize when running it from a location

outside its directory

Running these commands...

cd /
/usr/WAS/java/jre/bin/java -version

...produces this error:

JVMXM008: Error occured while initialising System ClassException in

thread "main"
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

Example Two: Java fails to initialize when running it from inside its
"bin" directory

Running these commands...

cd /usr/WAS/java/jre/bin
./java -version

...produces this error:

JVM not found: libjvm.a - libjvm.a

The error shown in Example Two occurs even though the libjvm.a file is
present in the proper location
and has correct permissions.

If the mount point for the filesystem to which WebSphere is installed is
not set up correctly, this can cause
problems for Java initialization.

Resolving the problem

In situations where Java initializes properly when run as the root user
but fails when run as a non-root user,
check the following points:
The WebSphere Application Server V6.1 installation should be successful.
Check the installation's "log.txt" file
to ensure that the installation ended with a "success" message.

A non-root user must have read access to all files installed with
WebSphere Application Server V6.1, including all
of the files in the product's "java" subdirectory. This can be
accomplished by granting ownership of all
the product's files to that non-root user.

A non-root user should also have access to the AIX system libraries,
such as the libraries in /usr/lib and /usr/ccs/lib .

If each of those points are checked and appear to be in good order, then
there is one more aspect of the WebSphere
configuration to review. Follow these steps to check and correct an
issue which could lead to problems
when initializing Java as a non-root user:

Locate the mount point of the filesystem where WebSphere Application

Server V6.1 is mounted on.

Unmount that filesystem.

Check the permissions of the blank directory which acts as the mount
point for the filesystem.
The permissions should be at least "755". The ownership and permissions
of that directory must be configured
in a manner which allows the non-root user read access to that

Check that the directory which acts as the mount point is empty. If the
directory contains anything,
remove that content so that the directory becomes empty.

Remount the WebSphere Application Server V6.1 filesystem. Java should

initialize properly
as a non-root user once the issues with the mount point permissions are

Case 3:

JVMXM008 workaround
Brian D. Carlstrom wrote:

At Stanford I have my own automated regression infrastructure that runs

processor simulations
remotely via ssh. One problem that has existed for months is this error
from jbuild.linkImage:
JVMXM008: Error occured while initialising System ClassException in
thread "main"
Could not create the Java virtual machine.

I noticed that Sergiy Kyrylkov had posted in his blog about a similar
issue when running
JikesRVM regressions from cron:

I found that if I forced the ssh remote bash to be a login shell, I did
not get the error.
Eventually I narrowed it down to the fact that /etc/profile was sourcing
which was setting the LANG environment variable. I found that if I my
remote command set LANG explicitly,
I can build jikesrvm over ssh without the JVMXM008 error.

I just wanted to post the workaround to the list in case it helps

someone else. I don't know if it is needed
for later SDKs, but my version of JikesRVM seems to only work with
1.4.1, nothing earlier, nothing later.

For the record, this is on Fedora Core 4 on G5 machines running IBM's

SDK 1.4.1-SR2 with a jikesrvm
source tree from last updated at "2005-12-09 03:00:00". We are frozen
until after some paper deadlines this month...

I hope I'll have time soon to try this workaround on UNM machines.

Case 4:


When I try to install PT 8.46.02 in AIX box, I m got the below error
"JVMXM008: Error occurred while initializing System Class Exception in
thread "main" Could not create
the Java virtual machine".

Any help could really appreciate.

set java_home class path before installing

Case 5:

Thursday, 27 November 2008

JVMXM008: Error occured while initialising System ClassException in

thread "main" Could not create
the Java virtual machine.
« Problems running gmi to upgrade Tivoli Directory Integrator TDI | Main

Trying to get IBM Websphere running as non root user

(wasadmin:wasgroup), we got the following error at startup:
JVMXM008: Error occured while initialising System ClassException in
thread "main" Could not create the Java virtual machine.
This problem also occurs, just running java -version somewhere under
(/usr/ibm/WebSphere or /usr/ibm/WebSphere/Appserver etc.)

Everywhere else in the filesystem, there was no problem and java spits
out its version string.
The cause was, that the /usr/ibm/WebSphere/Appserver filesystem was a
mounted volumegroup.
/dev/volg /usr/ibm
Althoug the rights on /usr/ibm looked good, when the FS was mounted, the
JVM did not work.
drwxr-xr-x 13 root system 4096 Jul 29 17:56 /usr/ibm
The root cause shows up, when the /usr/ibm fs gets unmounted:
drwxr-x--- 13 root system 4096 Jan 01 17:56 /usr/ibm
So changing the /usr/ibm directory rights while the fs was unmounted
solved the problem.
Posted by awaldman at 4:35 PM in IBM TIM TDI

AIX: 0403-031 The fork function failed:


run "svmon -P" to see the top consumers.

You might try using:

1. increase the paging space

chps -s number_of_PP's hd6


2. increase the maxuproc might help if its too low:

maxuproc: Specifies the maximum number of processes per user ID.

Values: Default: 40; Range: 1 to 131072
Display: lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxuproc
Change: chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=NewValue

3. Actually, you should increase RAM memory as a structural solution, or

the number of processes.

4. If you need to kill all your processes, use the command:

# kill -9 -1 # after that, you are able to enter commands again.

or try

# killall

AIX create Ramdisk:



# mkramdisk 40000
# ls -l /dev | grep ram
# mkfs -V jfs /dev/ramdiskx
# mkdir /ramdiskx
# mount -V jfs -o nointegrity /dev/ramdiskx /ramdiskx

AIX 5.3 ping error:




Hi all,

If a normal use trys to ping to my workstation then it gives the

followin error "0821-067 ping:
The socket creation call failed.: The file access permissions do not
allow the specified action"

And in my workstation if i login as non-root user then if I ping to some

other system it gives the same error..
whereas it is not so with root user.

Any suggestions what can be the problem?



looks like problems in program file ping rights... in my AIX system i

have the following for /usr/sbin/ping

# ls -l /usr/sbin/ping
-r-sr-xr-x 1 root system 31598 Dec 17 2002 /usr/sbin/ping


Technote IBM

Cannot ping as Non-root user

Technote (FAQ)

When trying to ping as a user that is not root, the following error
message was

0821-067 Ping: the socket creation call failed.

the file access permissions do not allow the specified



AIX Version 5.x Change the setuid bit permissions for /usr/sbin/ping.
chmod 4555 /usr/sbin/ping

Root Password Recovery on Solaris :


Go to the OK Prompt - by pressing Stop +A . Put the 1st cd for Solaris

in the cdrom
At OK prompt give the command # boot cdrom -s ú Now mount the boot
device onto /a
( To check boot device you can use df command)

#mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /a

Now open the password file and remove the password entry i.e.
the second field root:

# vi /a/etc/shadow

Now unmount the /a mount point

#umount /a

Reboot the server in single mode

#ok boot -s

Give a new password for root:

New Password:
Verify Password:
This will reset the password for root and you will be able to login to
the box using this password.


AIX: 0403-006 Execute permission denied:


Note 1:



hello all,now,I want to exe a shell script,the result of command "ls

-l",it's permission:

but i use the "./proname" to exe it,the result is:

0403-006 Execute permission denied

WHY?? the permission is all eXecute!!!


If permissions seems ok, then chcek this:

Make sure there are no "empty" lines with an "~" below the last
statement, like

because "~" cannot be executed.

AIX: The certlist command:


You can use the certlist command without any parameters or flags, which
will show
you all installed certificates for your account on your system.

The man page of certlist:

certlist Command
certlist lists the contents of one or more certificates.

certlist [-c] [-a attr [attr....] ]tag [username]

The certlist command lists the contents of one or more certificates.
Using the -c option causes the output
to be formatted as colon-separated data with the attribute names
associated with each
field on the previous line as follows:

# name: attribute1: attribute2: ...

User: value1: value2: ...

The -f option causes the output to be formatted in stanza file format

with the username attribute
given as the stanza name. Each attribute=value pair is listed on a
separate line:


When neither of these command line options are selected, the attributes
are output as attribute=value pairs.

The -a option selects a list of one or more certificate attributes to

output. In addition to the attributes
supported by the load module, several pseudo-attributes shall also be
provided for each certificate.

Those attributes are:

auth_user User's authentication certificate.

distinguished_name User's subject distinguished name in the certificate.
alternate_name User's subject alternate name in the certificate.
validafter The date the user's certificate becomes valid.
validuntil The date the user's certificate becomes invalid.
tag The name that uniquely identifies this certificate.
issuer The distinguished name of the certificate issuer.
label The label that identifies this certificate in the private
keystore The location of the private keystore for the private key of the
serialnumber The serial number of the certificate.
verified true indicates that the user poved that he is in possession of
the private key.

-c Displays the output in colon-separated records.
-f Displays the output in stanzas.
-a attr Selects one or more attributes to be displayed.

The tag parameter selects which of the user's certificates is to be

output. The reserved value ALL indicates
that all certificates for the user are to be listed.

The username parameter specifies the name of the AIX user to be queried.
If invoked without the username parameter,
the certdelete command uses the name of the current user.
Exit Status
0 If successful.
EINVAL If the command is ill-formed or the arguments are invalid.
ENOENT If a) the user doesn't exist, b) the tag does not exist c) the
file does not exist.
EACCES If the attribute cannot be listed, for example, if the invoker
does not have read_access to the user data-base.
EPERM If the user identification and authentication fails.
errno If system error.

This command can be executed by any user in order to list the attributes
of a certificate.
Certificates listed may be owned by another user.

This command records the following event information:

CERT_List <username>

$ certlist -f -a verified keystore label signcert bob

$ certlist -c -a validafter validbefore issuer signcert bob


$ certlist -f ALL bob

[email protected]
[email protected]


The easiest way to administer HP-UX is to use Sam.

As root, simply type "sam"... easy, huh?
If you're in text-mode, you'll get a curses-based window, and if you're
in CDE / VUE, you will get
a new window on your workspace... Simply navigate your way through -
you can do a lot of your administration via sam.

Some example screens in textmode sam

# sam
Starting the terminal version of sam...

To move around in sam:

- use the "Tab" key to move between screen elements

- use the arrow keys to move within screen elements
- use "Ctrl-F" for context-sensitive help anywhere in sam

On screens with a menubar at the top like this:

|File View Options Actions Help|
| ---- ---- ------- ------------------------------- ---|

- use "Tab" to move from the list to the menubar

- use the arrow keys to move around
- use "Return" to pull down a menu or select a menu item
- use "Tab" to move from the menubar to the list without selecting a
menu item
- use the spacebar to select an item in the list

On any screen, press "CTRL-K" for more information on how to use the

+ === System Administration Manager (gavnh300) (1)

YFile View Options Actions
Help Y
Y Press CTRL-K for keyboard help.
YSAM Areas
Y Source Area
-----+ Y
YY SAM Accounts for Users and Groups ->
^ Y
YY SAM Auditing and Security ->
YY SAM Backup and Recovery ->
YY SAM Clusters ->
YY SAM Disks and File Systems ->
YY SAM Display ->
YY SAM Kernel Configuration ->

YY SAM Networking and Communications ->

YY SAM Performance Monitors ->
YY SAM Peripheral Devices ->
YY SAM Printers and Plotters ->
YY SAM Process Management ->
YY Other Resource Management ->
YY SAM Routine Tasks ->
v Y
-----+ Y

Choose "Accounts for Users and Groups" and the following screen shows:

+ === System Administration Manager (gavnh300) (1)

YFile View Options Actions
Help Y
Y Press CTRL-K for keyboard help.
YSAM Areas:Accounts for Users and Groups
Y Source Area
-----+ Y
YY ..(go up)
^ Y
YY SAM Groups
YY SAM Users
v Y
-----+ Y
Y Working...

+ === Accounts for Users and Groups (gavnh300) (1)

YFile List View Options Actions
Help Y
Y Y Add... Y
YTemplate In Use: None Y User Templates -> Y
YFiltering: Displaying Y Task Customization... Y
Y-----------------------Y =====================================
YUsers Y Modify... Yf 314
Y-----------------------Y Remove...
Y Login User ID Y Modify Secondary Group Membership... Yce
Of Y
Y Name (UID) Y Modify User's Password Ye
Lo Y
Y+----------------------Y Reset User's Password
Y------------+ Y
YY ru1160 6243 Y ------------------------------------- YLDEV
R. ^ Y
YY sa2064 6975 Y Deactivate... YRATOR
YY sa2194 8172 Y ------------------------------------- YLMAN
YY sc3060 5318 Y Modify Security Policies... YMAN
YY sc4634 8140 Y Set Authorized Login Times... YDONLY
YY sc6228 7027 +---------------------------------------+LMAN
P. Y
YY se1223 8170 SEL sysman SYSMAN
YY sh0403 7735 SHARIF oper OPERATOR
T. Y Y
YY si1608 7479 Sinha support APPLMAN
YY si1624 7391 Sinha support APPLMAN
A v Y
-->+ Y

AIX 5L vmstat output issues:


Suppose you see output like this:

[pl003][tdbaeduc][/dbms/tdbaeduc/educroca/admin/dump/bdump] vmstat -v
1572864 memory pages
1506463 lruable pages
36494 free pages
7 memory pools
336124 pinned pages
80.0 maxpin percentage
20.0 minperm percentage
80.0 maxperm percentage
43.4 numperm percentage
654671 file pages
0.0 compressed percentage
0 compressed pages
45.8 numclient percentage
80.0 maxclient percentage
690983 client pages
0 remote pageouts scheduled
0 pending disk I/Os blocked with no pbuf
--> 8868259 paging space I/Os blocked with no psbuf
--> 2740 filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
--> 13175 client filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
--> 319766 external pager filesystem I/Os blocked with no

What is the meaning, and interpretation, of the outputlines like

"pending disk I/Os blocked with no pbuf" ?

Note 1:

The last five lines of the vmstat -v report are useful when you're
looking for I/O problems. The first line is
for disk I/Os that were blocked because there were no pbufs. Pbufs are
pinned memory buffers used
to hold I/O requests at the logical volumemanager layer. Prior to AIX
v5.3, this was a systemwide parameter.
It's now tuneable on a volume-group basis using the lvmo command. The
ioo parameter that controls the default
number of pbufs to add when a disk is added to a volume groupis
pv_min_pbuf, and it defaults to 512.
This specifies the minimum number of pbufs per PV that the LVM uses, and
it's a global value that applies to all
VGs on the system. If you see the pbuf blocked I/Os field above
increasing over time, you may want to use the
lvmo -a command to find out which volume groups are having problems with
pbufs and then slowly increase
pbufs for that volume group using the lvmo command. A reasonable value
could be 1024.

Paging space I/Os blocked with no psbuf refers to the number of paging
space I/O requests blocked
because no psbuf was available. These are pinned memory buffers used to
hold I/O requests at the
virtual memory manager layer. If you see these increasing, then you need
to either find out why the system
is paging or increase the size of the page datasets. Filesystem I/Os
blocked with no fsbufs refers to the
number of filesystem I/O requests blocked because no fsbuf was
available. Fsbufs are pinned memory buffers
used to hold I/O requests in the filesystem layer. If this is constantly
increasing, then it may be necessary
to use ioo to increase numfsbufs so that more bufstructs are available.
The default numfsbufs value
is determined by the system and seems to normally default to 196. I
regularly increase this to either 1,024 or 2,048.

Client filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf refers to the number of

client filesystem I/O requests blocked
because no fsbuf was available. Fsbufs are pinned memory buffers used to
hold I/O requests in the
filesystem layer. This includes NFS, VxFS (Veritas) and GPFS
filesystems. Finally, ext pager
filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf refers to the number of external
pager client filesystem I/O requests
blocked because no fsbuf was available. JFS2 is an external pager client
filesystem. If I see this growing,
I typically set j2_nBufferPerPagerDevice=1024

Note 2:



we have I/O issue on the AIX box for our Oracle DB

the disks having the Database files are always 100% busy
and the wa column in vmstat hits above 50
and the vmstat -v show the I/O's being blocked
2238141 pending disk I/Os blocked with no pbuf
13963233 paging space I/Os blocked with no psbuf
2740 filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
1423313 client filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf
1128548 external pager filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf

What does these indicate, short of real mem or does some kernal
parameters need to be adjusted?


I'd up the number of fsbufs per filesystem.

What are your current settings?

ioo -L|egrep 'numfsbufs|j2_nBufferPerPagerDevice'

numfsbufs is for jfs filesystems

j2_nBuffer... is for jfs2 filesystems

if I'm not mistaken.

Note, if you change these values, you have to umount/mount the

filesystems to take effect.
I.e. you have to bring Oracle down.



p5wizard, Thanks, I dont have the access to it,i will get the SA to get
me the output.
Are these figures cummulative since the last reboot of the box.
what a good setting for this

dbinsight (TechnicalUser) 10 Mar 06 14:06

ioo -L |egrep 'numfsbufs|j2_nBufferPerPagerDevice'
numfsbufs 512 196 512 1 2G-1
j2_nBufferPerPagerDevice 512 512 512 0 2G-1

The above are our settings, Are these the default settings?

p5wizard (IS/IT--Management) 13 Mar 06 3:35

answers to your questions:

yes, cumulative (so depends on how long the system's been running to
interpret the values).

no, already been increased for jfs

yes, defaults for jfs2

1st value = current situation

2nd value = system default
3rd value = value for nextboot

# ioo -L|head -3; ioo -L|egrep 'numfs|j2_nBuff'

j2_nBufferPerPagerDevice 512 512 512 0 256K
numfsbufs 400 196 400 1 2G-1

But as I said before, doesn't help to increase 'em unless you

unmount/mount the filesystems.
As your SA has upped the 'NEXTBOOT' values, I guess (s)he knows about

Run "topas 2" for a few iterations, and post that screenful please.
Also "vmo -L|egrep 'perm%|client%'" output please.

You have a very high value:

13963233 paging space I/Os blocked with no psbuf
On my large DB servers this is close to zero.

Run "lsps -a" and post that output also please.

I googled for "aix psbufs" and found an Oracle AIX performance Technical
Brief, here's an excerpt:

# vmstat -v | tail -5 (we only need last 5 lines)

0 pending disk I/Os blocked with no pbuf
o for pbufs, increase pv_min_pbuf using ioo,
0 paging space I/Os blocked with no psbuf
o for psbufs, stop paging or add more paging space,
8755 filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf ?? JFS
o for fsbufs, increase numfsbufs using ioo,
o default is 196, recommended starting value is 568,
0 client filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf (NFS/Veritas)
o for client filesystem fsbufs, increase:

nfso's nfs_v3_pdts and nfs_v3_vm_bufs

2365 external pager filesystem I/Os blocked with no fsbuf (JFS2)
o for external pager fsbufs, increase:

j2_nBufferPerPagerDevice, default is 512, recommended value is 2048,

j2_dynamicBufferPreallocation using ioo.

Note 3:


4.2) File System Buffers. By default, the number of file system buffers
is set to 196. For high I/O systems,
this is typically too small. To see if you are blocking I/O due to not
having enough
file system buffers, run: vmstat -v.

For JFS file systems, look at the "filesystem I/Os blocked with no
fsbuf" line.
For JFS2 file systems, look at the "client filesystem I/Os blocked with
no fsbuf" line.

If these values are more than a couple thousand, you may need to
increase the respective parameters.
For JFS file systems, you will need to change the numfsbufs parameter.
For JFS2 file systems,
change the j2_nBufferPerPagerDevice parameter. Changing this parameter
does not require a reboot,
but will only take effect when the file system is mounted, so you will
have to unmount/mount the file system.

4.2) JFS Log Devices. Heavily used filesystems should ALWAYS have their
own JFS log on a
separate physical disk. All writes to a JFS (or JFS2) file system are
written to the JFS log.
By default, there is only one JFS log created for any volume group
containing JFS file systems.
This means that ALL writes to ALL the file systems in the volume group
(This is, unless, your underlying disk structure is striped or another
form of RAID for performance.)
Creating separate JFS logs on different physical disks is very important
to getting the most out
of the AIX I/O subsystem.

The /usr/ccs/bin/shlap64 process is the Shared Library Support Daemon.

The muxatmd, snmpmibd and aixmibd are Simple Network Managaement

Protocol (SNMP) daemons for AIX. All can be turned off by commenting
out the entries that start them in /etc/rc.tcpip. shlap64 is part of
the 64-bit environment and needs to be running if you are using a
64-bit kernel.

The IBM.* programs are part of the Reliable Scalable Cluster

Technology which IBM added to AIX v5 from their SP cluster systems.
These programs provide additional system monitoring (and alerting if
configured to do so). You should probably leave them running.


The ntpdate command sets the local date and time by polling the NTP
servers specified to determine the correct time.
It obtains a number of samples from each server specified and applies
the standard NTP clock filter and
selection algorithms to select the best of the samples.

To set the local date and time by polling the NTP servers at address, enter:


Output similar to the following appears:

28 Feb 12:09:13 ntpdate [18450]: step time server

offset 38.417792 sec


glbd Daemon

Manages the global location broker database.

/etc/ncs/glbd [ -create { -first [-family FamilyName] | -from HostName }
] [ -change_family FamilyName ]
[ -listen FamilyList] [ -version ]

The glbd daemon manages the global location broker (GLB) database. The
GLB database, part of the
Network Computing System (NCS), helps clients to clients to locate
servers on a network or internet.
The GLB database stores the locations (specifically, the network
addresses and port numbers) of servers
on which processes are running. The glbd daemon maintains this database
and provides access to it.

There are two versions of the GLB daemon, glbd and nrglbd.


Role Based Access Control

AIXr has provided a limited RBAC implementation since AIX 4.2.1.

Most environments require that different users manage different system

administration duties.
It is necessary to maintain separation of these duties so that no single
system management user
can accidentally or maliciously bypass system security. While
traditional UNIXr system administration
cannot achieve these goals, Role Based Access Control can.

RBAC allows the creation of roles for system administration and the
delegation of administrative tasks
across a set of trusted system users. In AIXr, RBAC provides a mechanism
through which the administrative
functions typically reserved for the root user can be assigned to
regular system users.

Beginning with AIX 6.1, a new implementation of RBAC provides for a very
fine granular mechanism
to segment system administration tasks. Since these two RBAC
implementations differ greatly in functionality,
the following terms are used:

-Legacy RBAC Mode

The historic behavior of AIX roles that was introduced in AIX 4.2.1
-Enhanced RBAC Mode
The new implementation introduced with AIX 6.1

Both modes of operation are supported. However, Enhanced RBAC Mode is

the default on a newly installed AIX 6.1 system.


llbd Daemon

Manages the information in the local location broker database.

llbd [-family FamilyName] [ -version]
The llbd daemon is part of the Network Computing System (NCS). It
manages the local location broker (LLB) database,
which stores information about NCS-based server programs running on the
local host.

A host must run the llbd daemon to support the location broker
forwarding function or to allow remote access
(for example, by the lb_admin tool) to the LLB database. In general, any
host that runs an NCS-based server
program should run an llbd daemon, and llbd should be running before any
such servers are started.
Additionally, any network or internet supporting NCS activity should
have at least one host running a
global location broker daemon (glbd).

The llbd daemon is started in one of two ways:

Through the System Resource Controller (the recommended method), by

entering on the command line:

startsrc -s llbd

By a person with root user authority entering on the command line:

/etc/ncs/llbd &

TCP/IP must be configured and running on your system before you start
the llbd daemon.
(You should start the llbd daemon before starting the glbd or nrglbd


Tripwire data integrity assurance software monitors the reliability of

critical system files and directories
by identifying changes made to them. Tripwire configuration options
include the ability to receive alerts
via email if particular files are altered and automated integrity
checking via a cron job. Using Tripwire for
intrusion detection and damage assessment helps you keep track of system
changes. Because Tripwire can
positively identify files that have been added, modified, or deleted, it
can speed recovery from a break-in
by keeping the number of files which must be restored to a minimum.

Tripwire compares files and directories against a database of file

locations, dates modified, and other data.
The database contains baselines, which are snapshots of specified files
and directories at a specific
point in time. The contents of the baseline database should be generated
before the system is at risk
of intrusion. After creating the baseline database, Tripwire then
compares the current system to the baseline
and reports any modifications, additions, or deletions.

While Tripwire is a valuable tool for auditing the security state of Red
Hat Linux systems, Tripwire is not
supported by Red Hat, Inc. Refer to the Tripwire project's website
( for more
information about Tripwire.

SA-Agent uctsp0:

CONTROL-SA is a client/server solution that enables you to manage

security systems distributed across multiple
platforms. CONTROL-SA synchronizes accounts and passwords across those

On AIX, you can find the binaries and files in /usr/lpp/uctsp0.

On HP, you can find the binaries and files in /usr/local/uctsp0.

To stop the agent:

# su - uctsp0 -c stop-ctsa

To start the agent:

# su - uctsp0 -c start-ctsa

EMC Documentum:


The following components are associated with the Content Server:

- A database containing relationships that relate to stored content (on

This database thus contains metadata (and not content).

- file storage of the actual content being managed.

The file store and database constitue the Documentum Repository
abstraction, called Docbase.

- A set of key processes that implement the Documentum content

management solution
such as the Document Broker.

- A set of housekeeping utilities, including a Web-based Admin tool.

Client Connect:

Access to Documentum Docbases is controlled through the Documentum

client file dmcl.ini.
You need to understand the architecture of Content Server and
docbroker and how DMCL connects. Content Server and docbroker are 2
separate processes which are started (usually but not necessarily) on
the same machine. Since they are separate processes they listen on
different ports. Docbroker usually listens on a well-known port 1489.
Content Server will listen on the port you configure in the services
file. When you issue a DMCL connect (which is what DAB does - it is a
documentum client using DMCL) the DMCL first locates a docbroker. It
asks the docbroker for a list of docbases it knows about. The
docbroker returns the names of the docbases and provides details of
the Content Server(s) that service the docbase. This includes the host
and port details. The DMCL then issues requests directly to the
Content Server bypassing the docbroker. Thus you need both the
docbroker and the Content Server port open.

BPS http Listener (Installation and Configuration)

What is BPS

Business Process Services (BPS) provides the gateway to access Docbase

for a non Documentum user.
It allows HTTP, SMTP of JMS message to be stored directly in the
Docbase. When an http, SMTP or JMS message
is sent to BPS http listener Servlet URL, email address or JMS queue;
the listener intercepts the message
and processes it to a protocol neutral format. The message is then
passed to the BPS message handler.
The message handler opens a connection to the Docbase and stores the
message as virtual document.
The attachment gets stored as child nodes of the virtual document.

How http Listener Works

The http message listener is implemented as a Servlet. It gets installed

as a part of BPS web application.
The URL to access the http listener Servlet is




As you can see from the URL, the http listener can use both http and
https protocol. However it should
be kept in mind that application server uses two separate ports to
communicate with http and https protocol.
If we provide http protocol port number (say 8080) to construct the
https URL, it will not work.
This is a common error one can make while configuring BPS http listener.
In the following pages we will
step through the installation, configuration and testing of BPS http
Configuring the BPS Handlers

BPS configuration for handlers are kept in default.xml file. It is be

located at drive:\Documentum\config\bps
1) Navigate to The default.xml file and open it for edit using a ASCII
editor like Notepad.
2) Configuring <connections> element of this file. In the <connections>
element we have to provide
the connection details to Docbase, such as Docbasename, username,
password etc. A sample <connections>
element entry should look like this:-

<docbase-connection name="connection">

3) Configuring <handlers> element.

This element specifies the message handlers available to BPS message

listeners. Many out of the box handlers
are provided with BPS but all of them are disabled by surrounding them
within XML comment tag <!- ->

Either enable some of them or point towards your own custom handler
class like this

<handler name="LinkToFolderExample">
<param name="folderName" value="/bpsinbound/"/>

4) Configuring <listeners> element

Listeners element turns on the SSL capabilities of Local and remote

listeners. Set the <allow-non-ssl>
flag true or false as per your requirements. For our http listener test,
we would use non-ssl connection,
so make sure the value for the element is "true".

5) Save the default.xml.

A complete default.xml file for our test setup will look something like
this. Replace the bold letters
with your own Docbase, user, password and connection names. You can have
multiple connections defined for
multiple docbases.

?xml version="1.0? encoding="UTF-8??>

<config xmlns:xsi="">

<local name="default"/>
<docbase-connection name="myconnection1?>
<docbase-connection name="myconnection2?>
<handler name="ErrorHandlerService">
<handler name="Redirector">
<handler name="LinkToFolderExample">
<param name="folderName" value="/bpsinbound"/>

Creating a Test html Page

We would need a test html page to test the http listener. Create html
page out of the code provided below.
This simple page submits a form to http listener after populating BPS
http listener parameters in the form parameters.

<h1>BPS http listener and LinkToFolder handler test</h1>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"
<input type="hidden" name="DctmBpsHandler" value="LinkToFolderExample">
<input type="hidden" name="DctmBpsId" value="4b08ac1980001d29?>
Connection name: <input type="text" name="DctmBpsConnection" size="20?
File1 to upload: <input type="file" name="file to upload1? id="file1?
File2 to upload: <input type="file" name="file to upload2? id="file2?
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

Create a file called test.html out of this code and save it in the bps
root folder.

Testing the Application

Start the application server where BPS is deployed and then invoke the
html page by typing the following URL
in your browser


A page should appear in your browser. If not then please check if your
application server is running or
if it has been installed properly

Fill up the connection name such as myconnection1 and then select a file
to upload and then hit submit.
This will cause the html form to be submitted to the BPS http listener,
which will pass the message
to LinkToFolder message handler and the file will be stored in
bpsinbound folder. Once message handler succeeded,
it will present a success page.

Locating the Saved Message in the Docbase

We have configured the LinkToFolder handler to save the message to

bpsinbound folder. If you browse
to the bpsinbound folder, you will found a new virtual document has been
created by the LinkToFolder handler.

Expanding the root virtual document will show the attached file.
Summary- BPS http Installation and Configuration

BPS http listener can be installed by selecting proper option in the BPS
installer. To run the
http listener, you will require an application server like Tomcat. The
handler is implemented as Servlet.
Before using the listener and the message handlers, BPS default.xml file
needs to be configured.
Please follow the instruction provided in this configure
the default.xml file. Once it is configured;
the http listener is ready for test. Use the test.html file provided in
this White Paper to test
the http listener

Example start and stop of Documentum processes:



First of all, on any documentum server, find the account of the software
Since there are serveral accounts, depending on the site, you must check
before starting or stopping a Service.
You can allways check for the correct owner by looking at the owner of
"/appl/emcdctm" directory

Example: on ZD111L13 you check

root@zd111l13:/appl#ls -al
total 16
drwxr-xr-x 4 root staff 256 Jul 13 15:43 .
drwxr-xr-x 24 root system 4096 Aug 21 15:09 ..
drwxr-xr-x 13 emcdmeu emcdgeu 4096 Aug 9 15:04 emcdctm
drwxr-xr-x 3 root staff 256 Jun 29 15:35 oracle

Now you do a swich user to the owner. In the example it would be "su -

If you logon as the software owner (e.g."su - emcdmeu"), you have

several environment variables
available, like $DOCUMENTUM which points to "/appl/emcdctm".

1. Docbroker processes:



the startup calls

./dmdocbroker -port 1489 $@ >> $tlogfile 2>&1 &

tail -f $DOCUMENTUM/dba/log/docbroker.<host name>.1489.log
* for example
tail -f

2. Content Server:

Content servers have Docbrokers and a "Java Method Server"

There is also a service for each repository that has been installed




Or if there are 2 filestores, like in ETNL:



tail -f $DOCUMENTUM/dba/log/dmw_et.log
tail -f $DM_HOME/tomcat/logs/catalina.out


1) kill all processes that are being run by emcdm user.

2) Run the following commands as user emcdm:

3. BPS:

# As user {NL} emcdm, or {EU} wasemceu
cd $DOCUMENTUM/dfc/bps/inbound/bin

Better is:

nohup ./ &

# As user {NL} emcdm, or {EU} wasemceu
ps -ef | grep bps
kill -9 <process id>

4. Index Server:

Indexer - server IX
Index servers have 3 services: Docbroker, Index Server,
and Index Agent {per repository}



tail -f $DOCUMENTUM/dfc/logs/IndexAgent1.log

5. Websphere:

example 1: Syntax if rc.appserver exists:

su - wasemceu

/etc/rc.appserver start ETM1DAE

/etc/rc.appserver start ETM1DEU
/etc/rc.appserver stop ETM1DEU
/etc/rc.appserver stop ETM1DAN
/etc/rc.appserver stop ETM1DNL

/etc/rc.appserver start ETM1DAN

/etc/rc.appserver start ETM1DNL

example 2: Syntax if just using websphere scripts:


/appl/was51/bin/ server1
/appl/was51/bin/ STM1DNL
/appl/was51/bin/ STM1DAN

tail -f /beheer/log/was51/server1/SystemOut.log
tail -f /beheer/log/was51/STM1DNL/SystemOut.log
tail -f /beheer/log/was51/STM1DNL/SystemErr.log
tail -f /beheer/log/was51/STM1DAN/SystemOut.log


/appl/was51/bin/ STM1DAN
/appl/was51/bin/ STM1DNL

/appl/was51/bin/ server1

Backup options EMC Documentum:


1 cold backup:

If you want to backup a docbase the Documentum recommended way is:

1) Stop the Content Server

2) Stop the database
3) Backup the database using standard database or OS tools as
appropriate for your database
4) Backup the Content Store(s) using OS tools.

Using is referred to as a full, cold backup. There are options for hot
and/or incremental backups but it does get
more complicated (and possibly expensive). The full,cold backup is the
simplest option available.

2. Online Hot backup:


2.1 CYA hot backup software

2.2 Platform Dynamics: Recovery management for EMC Documentum

2.3 EMC NetWorker Module for Documentum


The Java Serlvet womb part of Apache Tomcat server. It lets Java
Servlets handle HTTP requests.
Catalina is the name of the Java class of Tomcat from version 4.0
Tomcat's servlet container was redesigned as Catalina in Tomcat version


Note 1:

xmwlm Command


Provides recording of system performance or WLM metrics.


xmwlm [ -d recording_dir ] [ -n recording_name ] [ -t trace_level

] [ -L ]


The xmwlm agent provides recording capability for a limited set of local
system performance metrics. These include
common CPU, memory, network, disk, and partition metrics typically
displayed by the topas command. Daily recordings
are stored in the /etc/perf/daily directory. The topasout command is
used to output these recordings in raw ASCII or
speadsheet format. The xmwlm agent can also be used to provide recording
data from Workload Management (WLM). This is
the default format used when xmwlm is run without any flags. Daily
recordings are stored in the /etc/perf/wlm
directory. The wlmmon command can be used to process WLM-related
recordings. The xmwlm agent can be started from the
command line, from a user script, or can be placed near the end of
the /etc/inittab file. All recordings cover 24-
hour periods and are only retained for two days.

#ps -ef | grep -i xmwlm

root 266378 1 0 Aug 06 - 272:17 /usr/bin/xmwlm -L
Note 2:


A fix is available
Obtain fix for this APAR

APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
xmwlm daemon may consume well over 1% of CPU resources
some disk counter values may be inaccurate in topasout output
Local fix
Problem summary
xmwlm daemon may consume well over 1% of CPU resources
some disk counter values may be inaccurate in topasout output
Problem conclusion
Reduce SPMI instrumentations internal polling frequency for
filesystem metrics. Update topasout for certain counter data
Temporary fix
APAR information
APAR number IY78009
Reported component name AIX 5.3
Reported component ID 5765G0300
Reported release 530
Submitted date 2005-10-21
Closed date 2005-10-21
Last modified date 2005-11-17

APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:

Publications Referenced

Fix information
Fixed component name AIX 5.3
Fixed component ID 5765G0300

Note 3:


Subscribe to this APAR
By subscribing, you will receive periodic email alerting you to the
status of the APAR, and a link to download the fix once it becomes

A specific fix for this item is not yet available electronically

This record will be updated with a link to the fix if the APAR is new.
For APARs older than 365 days, contact your support center.

APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
High cpu consumption by xmwlm
Local fix
Problem summary
High cpu consumption by xmwlm
Problem conclusion
Stop xmwlm from looking infinitely in signal handler and
avoid xmwlm from crashing when it has to record more than
4096 metrics by recording only 4096 metrics at max.
Temporary fix
APAR information
APAR number IY95912
Reported component name AIX 5.3
Reported component ID 5765G0300
Reported release 530
Submitted date 2007-03-11
Closed date 2007-03-11
Last modified date 2007-03-15

APAR is sysrouted FROM one or more of the following:

APAR is sysrouted TO one or more of the following:


Second superuser:

For safety reasons, you might want to have a second root user on your

Note 1:
-- Creating a second root user

Follow these steps to create a second root user:

Create a user.
Manually edit the user ID field and group ID field in the /etc/passwd
Change the user ID to ID 0.
For a typical user ID, for example, change the entry from:


This creates a user (in this case, russ) with identical permissions to

-- Creating special users with root authority

Special users that have root authority but can only execute one command
may also be created. For instance,
to create a user that can only reboot the system, create a regular user
called shutdown and modify the /etc/passwd
command to change the user and group ID to 0. For example, in AIX 3.2:


Change the initial program from /bin/ksh to /etc/shutdown -Fr:

shutdown:!:0:0::/u/shutdown:/etc/shutdown -Fr

For AIX 4, the /etc/passwd entry for the user called shutdown should be:

shutdown:!:0:0::/u/shutdown:/usr/sbin/shutdown -Fr

The shutdown command on AIX Version 4.1 is located in /usr/sbin.

Now when user shutdown logs in, the system will shut down and reboot.

Base AIX error codes:


Appendix A. Base Operating System Error Codes for Services That Require
Path-Name Resolution
The following errors apply to any service that requires path name

EACCES Search permission is denied on a component of the path prefix.

EFAULT The Path parameter points outside of the allocated address
space of the process.
EIO An I/O error occurred during the operation.
ELOOP Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating the
Path parameter.
ENAMETOOLONG A component of a path name exceeded 255 characters and the
process has the DisallowTruncation attribute (see the ulimit subroutine)
or an entire path name exceeded 1023 characters.
ENOENT A component of the path prefix does not exist.
ENOENT A symbolic link was named, but the file to which it refers does
not exist.
ENOENT The path name is null.
ENOTDIR A component of the path prefix is not a directory.
ESTALE The root or current directory of the process is located in a
virtual file system that is unmounted.

clsprod@starboss:/usr/include $ cat errlog.h

/* This is an automatically generated prolog.
/* bos53D src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/liberrlog/errlog.h 1.7
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
/* Restricted Materials of IBM
/* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 2000,2005
/* All Rights Reserved
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
#ifndef H_errlog
#define H_errlog
/* @(#)74 1.7 src/bos/usr/ccs/lib/liberrlog/errlog.h, cmderrlg,
bos53D, d2005_09B1 2/24/05 15:34:58 */

* COMPONENT_NAME: CMDERRLG system error logging and reporting
* External definitions and declarations for liberrlog.a
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/err_rec.h>

typedef void *errlog_handle_t;

* These magic numbers will indicate which version of errlog
* entry is being returned.
* All users of errlog_entry_t should use only LE_MAGIC.
#define LE_MAGIC_41 0x0C3DF420
/* LE_MAGIC434_INTERUM is an interum 43T magic, before le_errdiag was
added. */
#define LE_MAGIC434_INTERUM 0x0C3DF434
#define LE_MAGIC434 0x0C4DF434
#define LE_MAGIC52F 0x0C4DF52F
#define LE_MAGIC53D 0x0C4DF53D
#define LE_MAGIC LE_MAGIC53D /* current errlog_open magic #
/* VALID_LE_MAGIC gives valid magic numbers for an error log record. */
#define VALID_LE_MAGIC(m) (((m) == LE_MAGIC_41) || \
((m) == LE_MAGIC434_INTERUM) || ((m) == LE_MAGIC434))
/* VALID_LENTRY_MAGIC gives valid magic numbers for errlog_open(). */
#define VALID_LENTRY_MAGIC(m) (((m) == LE_MAGIC) || ((m) == LE_MAGIC434)
((m) == LE_MAGIC52F))

* Optional duplicate information.
struct errdup {
unsigned int ed_dupcount;
time32_t ed_time1;
time32_t ed_time2;

/* Lengths of the various fields in the structure. */

#define LE_LABEL_MAX 20
#define LE_MACHINE_ID_MAX 32
#define LE_NODE_ID_MAX 32
#define LE_CLASS_MAX 2
#define LE_TYPE_MAX 5
#define LE_RESOURCE_MAX 16
#define LE_RCLASS_MAX 16
#define LE_RTYPE_MAX 16
#define LE_VPD_MAX 512
#define LE_IN_MAX 256
#define LE_CONN_MAX 20
#define LE_SYMPTOM_MAX 312
#define LE_ERRDUP_MAX sizeof(struct errdup)

/* The data structure that contains an errlog entry */

typedef struct errlog_entry {
unsigned int el_magic;
unsigned int el_sequence;
char el_label[LE_LABEL_MAX];
unsigned int el_timestamp;
unsigned int el_crcid;
unsigned int el_errdiag;
char el_machineid[LE_MACHINE_ID_MAX];
char el_nodeid[LE_NODE_ID_MAX];
char el_class[LE_CLASS_MAX];
char el_type[LE_TYPE_MAX];
char el_resource[LE_RESOURCE_MAX];
char el_rclass[LE_RCLASS_MAX];
char el_rtype[LE_RTYPE_MAX];
char el_vpd_ibm[LE_VPD_MAX];
char el_vpd_user[LE_VPD_MAX];
char el_in[LE_IN_MAX];
char el_connwhere[LE_CONN_MAX];
unsigned short el_flags;
unsigned short el_detail_length;
char el_detail_data[LE_DETAIL_MAX];
unsigned int el_symptom_length;
char el_symptom_data[LE_SYMPTOM_MAX];
struct errdup el_errdup;
} errlog_entry_t;

/* Values for the el_flags element. */

#define LE_FLAG_ERR64 0x01
#define LE_FLAG_ERRDUP 0x100

* This structure is used to pass search criteria to errlog_find_first.

* To use it an operation is put in em_op. If it is a leaf operation,

* the field in errlog_entry_t to apply the op to is put in em_field
* the value to compare against is put in em_strvalue or em_intvalue.
* Boolean values are put in em_intvalue.
* To connect operations, a unary or binary operator is put in em_op.
* The operation(s) to apply the operator to are put in em_left and,
* if it's a binary operator, em_right.

typedef struct errlog_match {

unsigned int em_op;
union {
struct errlog_match *emu_left;
unsigned int emu_field;
} emu1;
union {
struct errlog_match *emu_right;
unsigned int emu_intvalue;
unsigned char *emu_strvalue;
} emu2;
} errlog_match_t;

#define em_left emu1.emu_left

#define em_field emu1.emu_field
#define em_right emu2.emu_right
#define em_intvalue emu2.emu_intvalue
#define em_strvalue emu2.emu_strvalue

/* Operators to use in the match structures for the find functions */

#define LE_OP_EQUAL 0x01
#define LE_OP_NE 0x02
#define LE_OP_SUBSTR 0x03
#define LE_OP_LT 0x04
#define LE_OP_LE 0x05
#define LE_OP_GT 0x06
#define LE_OP_GE 0x07
#define LE_OP_LEAF 0x100
#define LE_OP_NOT 0x101
#define LE_OP_AND 0x201
#define LE_OP_OR 0x202
#define LE_OP_XOR 0x203

/* Flags to combine with the field id to indicate the data type of the
field */
#define LE_TYPE 0xff00
#define LE_TYPE_INT 0x0100
#define LE_TYPE_STRING 0x0200
#define LE_TYPE_BOOLEAN 0x0300

/* Flags to indicate which field to match in the find functions. */

#define LE_MATCH_FIELD 0xff

* Define the directions find can walk through the errlog file.

#define LE_FORWARD 0x01

#define LE_REVERSE 0x02

* Define the errors that the functions can return.

#define LE_ERR_INVARG 0x01 /* Invalid input argument */

#define LE_ERR_NOFILE 0x02 /* The errlog file can't be
opened */
#define LE_ERR_INVFILE 0x03 /* The errlog file isn't valid
#define LE_ERR_NOMEM 0x04 /* We're out of memory */
#define LE_ERR_NOWRITE 0x05 /* Can't write entry back */
#define LE_ERR_IO 0x06 /* IO error in the errlog file
#define LE_ERR_DONE 0x07 /* The find function reached the
end */

* These are the functions that comprise the API
extern int errlog_open(char *path,
int mode,
unsigned int magic,
errlog_handle_t *handle);

extern int errlog_close(errlog_handle_t handle);

extern int errlog_find_first(errlog_handle_t handle,

errlog_match_t *filter,
errlog_entry_t *result);

extern int errlog_find_next(errlog_handle_t handle,

errlog_entry_t *result);

extern int errlog_find_sequence(errlog_handle_t handle,

int sequence,
errlog_entry_t *result);

extern int errlog_set_direction(errlog_handle_t handle,

int direction);

extern int errlog_write(errlog_handle_t handle,

errlog_entry_t *data);

clsprod@starboss:/usr/include $

clsprod@starboss:/usr/include/sys $ cat errno.h

/* This is an automatically generated prolog.
/* bos530 src/bos/kernel/sys/errno.h
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
/* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985,1995
/* All Rights Reserved
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
/* @(#)49 src/bos/kernel/sys/errno.h, incstd, bos530
1/25/01 16:31:11 */
* COMPONENT_NAME: (INCSTD) Standard Include Files
* ORIGINS: 27,71
* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1985, 1996
* All Rights Reserved
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
* (c) Copyright 1990, 1991, 1992 OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION, INC.

#ifndef _H_ERRNO
#define _H_ERRNO
#include <standards.h>

* Error codes
* The ANSI, POSIX, and XOPEN standards require that certain values
* in errno.h. The standards allow additional macro definitions,
* beginning with an E and an uppercase letter.

#ifndef _KERNEL

#if defined(_THREAD_SAFE) || defined(_THREAD_SAFE_ERRNO)

* Per thread errno is provided by the threads provider. Both the extern
* and the per thread value must be maintained by the threads library.
extern int *_Errno( void );
#define errno (*_Errno())


extern int errno;


#endif /* _KERNEL */

#ifdef _ALL_SOURCE

extern char *sys_errlist[];

extern int sys_nerr;

#endif /* _ALL_SOURCE */

#define EPERM 1 /* Operation not permitted */

#define ENOENT 2 /* No such file or directory */
#define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */
#define EINTR 4 /* interrupted system call */
#define EIO 5 /* I/O error */
#define ENXIO 6 /* No such device or address */
#define E2BIG 7 /* Arg list too long */
#define ENOEXEC 8 /* Exec format error */
#define EBADF 9 /* Bad file descriptor */
#define ECHILD 10 /* No child processes */
#define EAGAIN 11 /* Resource temporarily unavailable */
#define ENOMEM 12 /* Not enough space */
#define EACCES 13 /* Permission denied */
#define EFAULT 14 /* Bad address */
#define ENOTBLK 15 /* Block device required */
#define EBUSY 16 /* Resource busy */
#define EEXIST 17 /* File exists */
#define EXDEV 18 /* Improper link */
#define ENODEV 19 /* No such device */
#define ENOTDIR 20 /* Not a directory */
#define EISDIR 21 /* Is a directory */
#define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */
#define ENFILE 23 /* Too many open files in system */
#define EMFILE 24 /* Too many open files */
#define ENOTTY 25 /* Inappropriate I/O control operation */
#define ETXTBSY 26 /* Text file busy */
#define EFBIG 27 /* File too large */
#define ENOSPC 28 /* No space left on device */
#define ESPIPE 29 /* Invalid seek */
#define EROFS 30 /* Read only file system */
#define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */
#define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */
#define EDOM 33 /* Domain error within math function */
#define ERANGE 34 /* Result too large */
#define ENOMSG 35 /* No message of desired type */
#define EIDRM 36 /* Identifier removed */
#define ECHRNG 37 /* Channel number out of range */
#define EL2NSYNC 38 /* Level 2 not synchronized */
#define EL3HLT 39 /* Level 3 halted */
#define EL3RST 40 /* Level 3 reset */
#define ELNRNG 41 /* Link number out of range */
#define EUNATCH 42 /* Protocol driver not attached */
#define ENOCSI 43 /* No CSI structure available */
#define EL2HLT 44 /* Level 2 halted */
#define EDEADLK 45 /* Resource deadlock avoided */

#define ENOTREADY 46 /* Device not ready */

#define EWRPROTECT 47 /* Write-protected media */
#define EFORMAT 48 /* Unformatted media */

#define ENOLCK 49 /* No locks available */

#define ENOCONNECT 50 /* no connection */

#define ESTALE 52 /* no filesystem */
#define EDIST 53 /* old, currently unused AIX errno*/

/* non-blocking and interrupt i/o */

* AIX returns EAGAIN where 4.3BSD used EWOULDBLOCK;
* but, the standards insist on unique errno values for each errno.
* A unique value is reserved for users that want to code case
* statements for systems that return either EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK.
#define EWOULDBLOCK EAGAIN /* Operation would block */
#define EWOULDBLOCK 54

#define EINPROGRESS 55 /* Operation now in progress */

#define EALREADY 56 /* Operation already in progress */

/* ipc/network software */

/* argument errors */
#define ENOTSOCK 57 /* Socket operation on non-socket */
#define EDESTADDRREQ 58 /* Destination address required */
#define EDESTADDREQ EDESTADDRREQ /* Destination address required */
#define EMSGSIZE 59 /* Message too long */
#define EPROTOTYPE 60 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */
#define ENOPROTOOPT 61 /* Protocol not available */
#define EPROTONOSUPPORT 62 /* Protocol not supported */
#define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT 63 /* Socket type not supported */
#define EOPNOTSUPP 64 /* Operation not supported on socket */
#define EPFNOSUPPORT 65 /* Protocol family not supported */
#define EAFNOSUPPORT 66 /* Address family not supported by
protocol family */
#define EADDRINUSE 67 /* Address already in use */
#define EADDRNOTAVAIL 68 /* Can't assign requested address */

/* operational errors */
#define ENETDOWN 69 /* Network is down */
#define ENETUNREACH 70 /* Network is unreachable */
#define ENETRESET 71 /* Network dropped connection on reset
#define ECONNABORTED 72 /* Software caused connection abort */
#define ECONNRESET 73 /* Connection reset by peer */
#define ENOBUFS 74 /* No buffer space available */
#define EISCONN 75 /* Socket is already connected */
#define ENOTCONN 76 /* Socket is not connected */
#define ESHUTDOWN 77 /* Can't send after socket shutdown */

#define ETIMEDOUT 78 /* Connection timed out */

#define ECONNREFUSED 79 /* Connection refused */

#define EHOSTDOWN 80 /* Host is down */

#define EHOSTUNREACH 81 /* No route to host */

/* ERESTART is used to determine if the system call is restartable */

#define ERESTART 82 /* restart the system call */

/* quotas and limits */

#define EPROCLIM 83 /* Too many processes */
#define EUSERS 84 /* Too many users */
#define ELOOP 85 /* Too many levels of symbolic links
#define ENAMETOOLONG 86 /* File name too long

* AIX returns EEXIST where 4.3BSD used ENOTEMPTY;
* but, the standards insist on unique errno values for each errno.
* A unique value is reserved for users that want to code case
* statements for systems that return either EEXIST or ENOTEMPTY.
#if defined(_ALL_SOURCE) && !defined(_LINUX_SOURCE_COMPAT)
#define ENOTEMPTY EEXIST /* Directory not empty */
#else /* not _ALL_SOURCE */
#define ENOTEMPTY 87
#endif /* _ALL_SOURCE */

/* disk quotas */
#define EDQUOT 88 /* Disc quota exceeded */

#define ECORRUPT 89 /* Invalid file system control data */

/* errnos 90-92 reserved for future use compatible with AIX PS/2 */

/* network file system */

#define EREMOTE 93 /* Item is not local to host */

/* errnos 94-108 reserved for future use compatible with AIX PS/2 */

#define ENOSYS 109 /* Function not implemented POSIX */

/* disk device driver */
#define EMEDIA 110 /* media surface error */
#define ESOFT 111 /* I/O completed, but needs relocation

/* security */
#define ENOATTR 112 /* no attribute found */
#define ESAD 113 /* security authentication denied */
#define ENOTRUST 114 /* not a trusted program */

/* BSD 4.3 RENO */

#define ETOOMANYREFS 115 /* Too many references: can't splice */

#define EILSEQ 116 /* Invalid wide character */

#define ECANCELED 117 /* asynchronous i/o cancelled */

#define ENOSR 118 /* temp out of streams resources */
#define ETIME 119 /* I_STR ioctl timed out */
#define EBADMSG 120 /* wrong message type at stream head */
#define EPROTO 121 /* STREAMS protocol error */
#define ENODATA 122 /* no message ready at stream head */
#define ENOSTR 123 /* fd is not a stream */

#define ECLONEME ERESTART /* this is the way we clone a

stream ... */

#define ENOTSUP 124 /* POSIX threads unsupported value */

#define EMULTIHOP 125 /* multihop is not allowed */

#define ENOLINK 126 /* the link has been severed */
#define EOVERFLOW 127 /* value too large to be stored in data
type */

#endif /* _ANSI_C_SOURCE */

#endif /* _H_ERRNO */
clsprod@starboss:/usr/include/sys $

clsprod@starboss:/usr/include $ file sysexits.h

sysexits.h: ascii text
clsprod@starboss:/usr/include $ cat sysexits.h
/* This is an automatically generated prolog.
/* bos530 src/bos/usr/include/sysexits.h 1.6
/* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
/* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989,1991
/* All Rights Reserved
/* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
/* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
/* @(#)30 1.6 src/bos/usr/include/sysexits.h, incstd, bos530
6/16/90 00:14:57 */
#ifndef _H_SYSEXITS
#define _H_SYSEXITS
* COMPONENT_NAME: (INCSTD) Standard Include Files
* (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1989
* All Rights Reserved
* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
* US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
* disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

** SYSEXITS.H -- Exit status codes for system programs.
** This include file attempts to categorize possible error
** exit statuses for system programs, notably delivermail
** and the Berkeley network.
** Error numbers begin at EX__BASE to reduce the possibility of
** clashing with other exit statuses that random programs may
** already return. The meaning of the codes is approximately
** as follows:
** EX_USAGE -- The command was used incorrectly, e.g., with
** the wrong number of arguments, a bad flag, a bad
** syntax in a parameter, or whatever.
** EX_DATAERR -- The input data was incorrect in some way.
** This should only be used for user's data & not
** system files.
** EX_NOINPUT -- An input file (not a system file) did not
** exist or was not readable. This could also include
** errors like "No message" to a mailer (if it cared
** to catch it).
** EX_NOUSER -- The user specified did not exist. This might
** be used for mail addresses or remote logins.
** EX_NOHOST -- The host specified did not exist. This is used
** in mail addresses or network requests.
** EX_UNAVAILABLE -- A service is unavailable. This can occur
** if a support program or file does not exist. This
** can also be used as a catchall message when something
** you wanted to do doesn't work, but you don't know
** why.
** EX_SOFTWARE -- An internal software error has been detected.
** This should be limited to non-operating system related
** errors as possible.
** EX_OSERR -- An operating system error has been detected.
** This is intended to be used for such things as "cannot
** fork", "cannot create pipe", or the like. It includes
** things like getuid returning a user that does not
** exist in the passwd file.
** EX_OSFILE -- Some system file (e.g., /etc/passwd, /etc/utmp,
** etc.) does not exist, cannot be opened, or has some
** sort of error (e.g., syntax error).
** EX_CANTCREAT -- A (user specified) output file cannot be
** created.
** EX_IOERR -- An error occurred while doing I/O on some file.
** EX_TEMPFAIL -- temporary failure, indicating something that
** is not really an error. In sendmail, this means
** that a mailer (e.g.) could not create a connection,
** and the request should be reattempted later.
** EX_PROTOCOL -- the remote system returned something that
** was "not possible" during a protocol exchange.
** EX_NOPERM -- You did not have sufficient permission to
** perform the operation. This is not intended for
** file system problems, which should use NOINPUT or
** CANTCREAT, but rather for higher level permissions.
** For example, kre uses this to restrict who students
** can send mail to.

# define EX_OK 0 /* successful termination */

# define EX__BASE 64 /* base value for error messages */

# define EX_USAGE 64 /* command line usage error */

# define EX_DATAERR 65 /* data format error */
# define EX_NOINPUT 66 /* cannot open input */
# define EX_NOUSER 67 /* addressee unknown */
# define EX_NOHOST 68 /* host name unknown */
# define EX_UNAVAILABLE 69 /* service unavailable */
# define EX_SOFTWARE 70 /* internal software error */
# define EX_OSERR 71 /* system error (e.g., can't fork) */
# define EX_OSFILE 72 /* critical OS file missing */
# define EX_CANTCREAT 73 /* can't create (user) output file */
# define EX_IOERR 74 /* input/output error */
# define EX_TEMPFAIL 75 /* temp failure; user is invited to
retry */
# define EX_PROTOCOL 76 /* remote error in protocol */
# define EX_NOPERM 77 /* permission denied */
# define EX_CONFIG 78 /* configuration error */
# define EX_DB 79 /* database access error */
#endif /* _H_SYSEXITS */

104 sh 2396372 6.338403430 0.002943

return from execve. error ENOEXEC [36 usec]
101 sh 2396372 6.338414084 0.010654
open LR = 10003088

ioctl and related:


The ioctl subroutine performs a variety of control operations on the

object associated with the specified open file descriptor.
This function is typically used with character or block special files,
sockets, or generic device support
such as the termio general terminal interface.

The control operation provided by this function call is specific to the

object being addressed,
as are the data type and contents of the Argument parameter. The ioctlx
form of this function can be used to pass
an additional extension parameter to objects supporting it. The ioct132
and ioct132x forms of this function behave in
the same way as ioctl and ioctlx, but allow 64-bit applications to call
the ioctl routine for an object that does not
normally work with 64-bit applications.

Performing an ioctl function on a file descriptor associated with an

ordinary file results in an error being returned.

EBADF The FileDescriptor parameter is not a valid open file

EFAULT The Argument or Ext parameter is used to point to data outside
of the process address space.
EINTR A signal was caught during the ioctl or ioctlx subroutine and
the process had not enabled re-startable subroutines for the signal.
EINTR A signal was caught during the ioctl , ioctlx , ioctl32 , or
ioct132x subroutine and the process had not enabled re-startable
subroutines for the signal.
EINVAL The Command or Argument parameter is not valid for the
specified object.
ENOTTY The FileDescriptor parameter is not associated with an object
that accepts control functions.
ENODEV The FileDescriptor parameter is associated with a valid
character or block special file, but the supporting device driver does
not support the ioctl function.
ENXIO The FileDescriptor parameter is associated with a valid
character or block special file, but the supporting device driver is not
in the configured state.
Object-specific error codes are defined in the documentation
for associated objects.
tecad error:


A fix is available IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Version 3.9 Interim

APAR status
Closed as program error.

Error description
TEC 3.9
AIX 5.3 SP8 or greater
When traps are received by the snmp adapter, it crashes

Following is some data from the truss and adapter output:

Truss 1 Output:

open("/usr/lib/nls/msg/en_US/", O_RDONLY) = 9
kioctl(9, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Err#25 ENOTTY
kfcntl(9, F_SETFD, 0x00000001) = 0
kioctl(9, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Err#25 ENOTTY
kread(9, "\0\001 ?\007\007 I S O 8".., 4096) = 4096
lseek(9, 0, 1) = 4096
lseek(9, 0, 1) = 4096
lseek(9, 0, 1) = 4096
_getpid() = 101604
lseek(9, 0, 1) = 4096
lseek(9, 8069, 0) = 8069
kread(9, " T h e s y s t e m c".., 4096) = 4096
close(9) = 0
__loadx(0x07000000, 0xF01E0438, 0x0000001A, 0xF015B6F8,
0x100140A3) = 0xF015C35C
__loadx(0x07000000, 0xF01E0444, 0x0000001A, 0xF015B6F8,
0x100140A3) = 0xF015C3A4
__loadx(0x07000000, 0xF01E0450, 0x0000001A, 0xF015B6F8,
0x100140A3) = 0xF015C314
__loadx(0x07000000, 0xF01E045C, 0x0000001A, 0xF015B6F8,
0x100140A3) = 0xF015C3EC
__loadx(0x07000000, 0xF01E0468, 0x0000001A, 0xF015B6F8,
0x100140A3) = 0xF015C428
__loadx(0x05000000, 0x2FF1F6A8, 0x00000960, 0xF015B6F8,
0x00000000) = 0x00000000
kread(8, " h o s t s n i s _ l d".., 4096) = 0
close(8) = 0
getdomainname(0xF023D178, 1024) = 0
getdomainname(0xF023D178, 1024) = 0
getdomainname(0xF023D178, 1024) = 0
getdomainname(0xF023D178, 1024) = 0
_getpid() = 101604
getuidx(1) = 0
kwrite(7, " 2 7", 2) Err#32 EPIPE
Received signal #13, SIGPIPE [default]
*** process killed ***

Truss 2 Output

open("/tmp/tec_ed ", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,

kioctl(5, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Err#25 ENOTTY
kfcntl(5, F_GETFL, 0x00000008) = 1
close(5) = 0
kread(4, " #\r\n # " $ I d : @".., 4096) = 0
close(4) = 0
open("/tmp/tec_ed ", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_APPEND,
klseek(4, 0, 0, 0x00000002) = 0
kioctl(4, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Err#25 ENOTTY
kioctl(4, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) Err#25 ENOTTY
kwrite(4, " S e p 2 2 2 3 : 2 2".., 114) = 114
close(4) = 0
kread(3, " # M o n J u l 2 1".., 4096) = 0
kfcntl(3, F_GETFL, 0x00000008) = 0
klseek(3, 0, 0, 0x00000000) = 0
kread(3, " # M o n J u l 2 1".., 4096) = 195
kread(3, " # M o n J u l 2 1".., 4096) = 0
kfcntl(3, F_GETFL, 0x00000008) = 0
klseek(3, 0, 0, 0x00000000) = 0
kread(3, " # M o n J u l 2 1".., 4096) = 195
kread(3, " # M o n J u l 2 1".., 4096) = 0
close(3) = 0
kioctl(1, 22528, 0x00000000, 0x00000000) = 0
kwrite(1, 0xF0220C70, 68) = 68
sigprocmask(0, 0xF029D7B0, 0xF029D7A8) = 0
kfork() = 149840
thread_setmymask_fast(0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000,
0xD006DC80, 0x00000000, 0x1004671F, 0x1004671F, 0x00000000) =

tecad_snmp.err output:

Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: SELECT ,(00), ibtecad/select.c

line 0220: Correct is TRUE
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: SELECT ,(00), ibtecad/select.c
line 0267: Finished TECAD_EvalSelect, returning TRUE
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 LOW: KERNEL ,(00), ibtecad/kernel.c
line 0247: Found action is <DirectTalkStatus_Trap>
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0086: Entered Eval_Fetch
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0109: --get FetchVar, i=0
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0120: --calling EvalFetchExpression
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0187: Entered Eval_Fetch_Expression
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0190: -- argc1
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0197: -- argv not null
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0203: -- loop over all fetches, i=0
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0212: -- Current_Expression not null
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0187: Entered Eval_Fetch_Expression
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0190: -- argc0
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0197: -- argv not null
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0236: -- do the required operation
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0245: -- Expression->Index=6
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0246: -- argc=0
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0250: -- argv not NULL
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0255: -- Expression->Operator not NULL
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 VERBOSE: KERNEL ,(00), cad/evaluation.c
line 0271: TECAD_GetGlobalEntry Index <6>
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 VERBOSE: UTILS ,(00), /configuration.c
line 0521: Entering TECAD_CopyAttributeEntry
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 VERBOSE: UTILS ,(00), /configuration.c
line 0161: Entering TECAD_MakeAttributeEntry
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 VERBOSE: UTILS ,(00), /configuration.c
line 0185: Leaving TECAD_MakeAttributeEntry
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 VERBOSE: UTILS ,(00), /configuration.c
line 0563: Leaving TECAD_CopyAttributeEntry
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0267: -- clear the memory
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0270: Finished Eval_Fetch_Expression
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0222: -- result not null
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0236: -- do the required operation
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0245: -- Expression->Index=1
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0246: -- argc=1
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0250: -- argv not NULL
Tue Sep 23 15:05:57 2008 NORMAL: FETCH ,(00), libtecad/fetch.c
line 0255: -- Expression->Operator not NULL
Local fix
Problem summary
* USERS AFFECTED: All TEC users running the SNMP adapter on AIX.
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: When traps are received by the SNMP
* adapter running on AIX, it crashes.
* RECOMMENDATION: Apply the maintenance listed below.
Problem conclusion
The adapter was being killed due to a SIGPIPE signal. This
signal will now be ignored.

The fix for this APAR is contained in the following maintenance

| interim fix |
Temporary fix

Universal Command:

UC facilitates jobscheduling from Mainframe to AIX and HP-UX systems.

# lslpp -La 'UCmdP'
# swlist -l subproduct UCmd


Tiger is a security tool that can be used as a security and intrusion

detection system. It works at many
platforms and is provided under the GPL license. So its free software.
Its written entirely in shell language.




In errpt you might find:

[pl101][tdbaprod][/home/tdbaprod] errpt


Date/Time: Mon Feb 25 14:41:06 2008

Sequence Number: 2140
Machine Id: 00CB85FF4C00
Node Id: pl101
Class: H
Type: INFO
Resource Name: ent2
Resource Class: adapter
Resource Type: ibm_ech


Probable Causes

Failure Causes

Recommended Actions

Detail Data
Unable to reach remote host through backup adapter: switching over to
primary adapter

-- thread 1:

All our servers every three minutes logs this message:


The details of the message says it can't ping the default gateway
through backup adapter.
Why does it try this? Why does it fail because if we pull the primary
cable it switches
to the backup adapter with no problems.


-- thread 2:


I've seen similar things happen when the switch is not on "port host"
(meaning the port begins receiving and sending
packets quickly, instead of running Spanning Tree Protocol before going
in the FORWARDING state): in this case,
the EtherChannel sends the ping packets, they are dropped because the
switch is still initializing,
and the cycle continues on and on. Still, 30 minutes sounds like a long
You can try the following:

- verify that the EtherChannel switch ports are set to "port host"
(i.e., STP should be disabled)

on the VIOS, set the num_retries to a higher value (default is 3) and/or

set the retry_time to a higher value (default is 1)

Does this ONLY happen when updating from FP74 to FP8, or every time the
VIOS boots?

Kind regards,

-- thread 3:

Hi All,
I am getting the following error consistently on one of my servers. when
do a entstat -d ent3 | grep "Active channel", it does come back with
channel: primary channel. Could you please provide me with any
or steps I can take to fix this error?

entstat -d ent2 | grep "Active channel"

Just Etherchannel or Etherchannel with Backup Adapter connected to a
failover Switch just in case everything fails ??
If so, please take a read of the following: xrx/index.jsp?
topic=/ _aix5l53/bl5adm05/bl5adm0559.html
Hope this helps

-- thread 4:

A VIOS network failover test produces the above error messages, so in

that case there is no real problem.

Perl "out of memory!" error:


Note 1:


I'm getting errors like this

Out of memory during "large" request for 528384 bytes, total sbrk() is
16302080 bytes at ... line 176.
when the server is busy. This is for a background perl script. What
I would like to do is to check to see if memory for the request is
available before running the offending the command, and just pause
everything until memory is available. Is that possible?

Thanks all,


You could try investigating $^M...

Note 2:

In the last episode (Mar 01), Per olof Ljungmark said:

> I'm running imapsync that also uses p5-Mail-IMAPClient-2.2.9 to
> mailboxes between imap servers.
> The following error occurs when a message has an attachment of more
> approx 35MB in size:
> "Out of memory during "large" request for 67112960 bytes, total sbrk()
> is 487512064 bytes at /usr/local/bin/imapsync line 790."

According to that output, perl was already using 464MB, and a malloc
request for 64MB failed, which is reasonable since the default hard
datasize limit on FreeBSD is 512MB. To raise it, put this in
/boot/loader.conf and reboot:


> Running 5.3-STABLE a week or so old

> Perl 5.8.6 from ports.
> What bothers me especially is that this error will not occur when I
> the same command from a old RH Linux (7.2) box. Appriciate comments

Also running perl 5.8.6, on the same mailbox? Maybe different perl
versions allocate memory differently.

Note 3:

Out of memory during "large" request for 528384 bytes, total sbrk() is
2330624 bytes at line 37.

The script parses through a table to build another table. The first
table has about 550 entries and the second
that gets built by the script should have around 3500.

Not sure what to do to try to fix this. Any suggestions?

I am trying to use cpan and met the same problem.
Error message is as follows:

[xxx@alberni ~]$ cpan -i Module::Build

Out of memory during request for 4064 bytes, total sbrk() is 41822208
Segmentation fault: 11

I want to use Plagger(

Does anyone use Plagger on Textdrive?

Website Expertise Re: out of memory error in perl script

Are you loading either of the tables in memory completely?

i.e.: instead of this code:

foreach my $line (<FILE>) # reads the whole file into @_

Do this:

while (my $line = <FILE>) # only reads one line into memory at a time

Expertise Re: out of memory error in perl scriptHi, stewartj,

Thank you for your response.

Well, I am not sure if it reads all the tables to memory.

I just try to use cpan command which I think built in perl distribution.

Note 4:

Out of memory!
Callback called exit.

Callback called exit" is just a generic message when Perl encounters an

unrecoverable error during perl_call_sv( ).
mod_perl uses perl_call_sv( ) to invoke all handler subroutines. Such
problems seem to occur far less often
with Perl Version 5.005_03 than 5.004. It shouldn't appear with Perl
Version 5.6.1 and higher.

Sometimes you discover that your server is not responding and its
error_log file has filled up the remaining space
on the filesystem. When you finally get to see the contents of the
error_log file, it includes millions of lines like this:

Callback called exit at -e line 33, <HTML> chunk 1.

This is because Perl can get very confused inside an infinite loop in
your code. It doesn't necessarily mean
that your code called exit( ). It's possible that Perl's malloc( ) went
haywire and called croak( ),
but no memory was left to properly report the error, so Perl gets stuck
in a loop writing that same message to STDERR.

Perl Version 5.005 and higher is recommended for its improved malloc.c,
and also for other features that improve
the performance of mod_perl and are turned on by default.

Note 5:

Glenn wrote:
> I've followed that advice and explicitly allocated memory into $^M.
> I have the following in my, which I run from
> httpd.conf with PerlRequire /path/to/
> If 64K is not enough for you, try increasing the allocation.
> Cheers,
> Glenn
> use strict;
> ## ----------
> ## ----------
> ## This section is similar in scope to Apache::Debug.
> ## Delivers a stack backtrace to the error log when perl code dies.
> ## Allocate 64K as an emergency memory pool for use in out of memory
> $^M = 0x00 x 65536;
> ## Little trick to initialize this routine here so that in the case of
> ## compiling this routine doesn't eat memory from the emergency memory
pool $^M
> use CGI::Carp ();
> eval { CGI::Carp::confess('init') };
> ## Importing CGI::Carp sets $main::SIG{__DIE__} = \&CGI::Carp::die;
> ## Override that to additionally give a stack backtrace
> $main::SIG{__DIE__} = \&CGI::Carp::confess;

Brian, you may want to include Glenn's useful tips as well in the patch.

Stas Bekman JAm_pH ------> Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide --->
mailto:[email protected]

Report problems:
Mail list info:
List etiquette:

Note 6:

midaemon, scopeux, measureware:


The scopeux data collector, the midaemon (measurement interface daemon),

and the alarmgen (alarm generator)
process, are all part of HP Openview Measureware software that can run
on a node.

A typical process list might show the following:

zd57l08:/home/root>ps -ef | grep /usr/lpp/perf/bin/

root 176232 1 0 Dec 20 - 0:17
root 188536 1 0 Dec 20 - 0:00 /usr/lpp/perf/bin/ttd
root 200830 254112 0 Dec 20 - 5:06
/usr/lpp/perf/bin/alarmgen -svr 254112 -t alarmgen
root 204918 1 0 Dec 20 - 106:40
root 233644 1 0 Dec 20 - 0:07
root 254112 266370 0 Dec 20 - 6:56
/usr/lpp/perf/bin/agdbserver -t alarmgen /var/opt/perf/datafiles/
root 266370 1 0 Dec 20 - 3:42
root 307362 266370 0 Dec 20 - 8:22
/usr/lpp/perf/bin/rep_server -t SCOPE /var/opt/perf/datafiles/logglob
You can start or stop or view the status of the processes, by using the
mwa command:

oranh202:/home/se1223>mwa status
MeasureWare scope status:
WARNING: scopeux is not active (MWA data collector)

MeasureWare background daemon status:

(Should always be running when the system is up)
Running ttd (Transaction Tracker daemon) pid 1493

MeasureWare server status:

Running alarmgen (alarm generator) pid 12547
Running agdbserver (alarm database server) pid 12546
Running perflbd (location broker) pid 12075

The following data sources have running repository servers:

Running rep_server 12521 SCOPE

How does mwa start on boot?


There is an entry in "/etc/inittab":

[email protected]:/etc#cat inittab | grep mwa

mwa:2:wait:/etc/rc.mwa start >/dev/console # Start MeasureWare

Check on whether its running:

oper@zd110l03:/home/oper$ ps -ef | grep /usr/lpp/

root 147480 1 0 May 15 - 0:10
root 151694 1 0 May 02 - 38:59 /usr/lpp/perf/bin/llbd
root 229394 340068 0 May 15 - 7:30
/usr/lpp/perf/bin/rep_server -t SCOPE /var/opt/perf/datafiles/logglob
root 258142 393340 0 Jul 18 - 9:04
root 270588 372908 0 May 15 - 4:07
/usr/lpp/perf/bin/alarmgen -svr 372908 -t alarmgen
root 315572 1 0 May 15 - 40:33
root 340068 1 0 May 15 - 4:45
root 352326 1 0 May 15 - 0:00 /usr/lpp/perf/bin/ttd
root 372908 340068 0 May 15 - 6:19
/usr/lpp/perf/bin/agdbserver -t alarmgen /var/opt/perf/datafiles/
root 393340 1 0 Jul 18 - 0:00 /bin/ksh
uctsp0 434430 1 0 May 04 - 58:36
uctsp0 503814 434430 0 22:41:01 - 0:00
/usr/lpp/uctsp0/control-sa/exe/AIX-51/./p_ctscd 57671683 57671682 434430
uctsp0 536756 434430 0 22:41:01 - 0:00
/usr/lpp/uctsp0/control-sa/exe/AIX-51/./p_ctscs 57671681 60817408 434430

-- How to stop and start the agents:

1. Use the /etc/rc.mwa script, if its available on your system:

root@zd110l13:/etc#rc.mwa stop

Shutting down Measureware collection software

Shutting down scopeux, pid(s) 192688
Waiting on 192688 (10 more tries)
The Measureware collector, scopeux has been shut down

Shutting down the MeasureWare server daemons

Shutting down the alarmgen process. This may take a while
depending upon how many monitoring systems have to be
notified that MeasureWare Server is shutting down.

Shutting down the perflbd process

The perflbd process has terminated

Shutting down the agdbserver process

The agdbserver process has terminated

Shutting down the rep_server processes

The rep_server processes have terminated

The MeasureWare Server has been shut down successfully

root@zd110l13:/etc#rc.mwa start

The MeasureWare scope collector is being started.

The Transaction Tracking daemon
/usr/lpp/perf/bin/ttd has been started.

The performance collection daemon

/usr/lpp/perf/bin/scopeux has been started.

The MeasureWare server daemon "llbd" is being started.

The MeasureWare server daemons are being started.

The MeasureWare Location Broker daemon
/usr/lpp/perf/bin/perflbd has been started.


Notes about mwa:

About MWA(MeasureWare Agent)
MeasureWare Agent software captures performance, resource, and
transaction data from your
HP 9000 server or workstation system.
Using minimal system resources, the software continuously collects,
logs, summarizes, and
timestamps data,and detects alarm conditions on current and historical
data across your system.
You can analyze the data using spreadsheet programs, Hewlett-Packard
analysis products such as PerfView,
or third-party analysis products.
Also, MeasureWare Agent provides data access to PerfView and sends alarm
notifications to PerfView,
HP OpenView, and IT/Operations.

HP OpenView MeasureWare Agent for UNIX has been renamed to HP OpenView

Performance Agent for UNIX.

MeasureWare Agent uses data source integration (DSI) technology to

receive, alarm on, and log data
from external data sources such as applications, databases, networks,
and other operating systems.
The comprehensive data logged and stored by MeasureWare Agent allows you

Characterize the workloads in the environment.

Analyze resource usage and load balance.

Perform trend analyses on historical data to isolate and identify


Perform service-level management based on transaction response time.

Perform capacity planning.

Respond to alarm conditions.

Solve system management problems before they arise.

Starting MWA Automatically

The process of starting MeasureWare Agent automatically whenever the
system reboots is controlled
by the configuration file /etc/rc.config.d/mwa.

This file defines two shell variables, MWA_START and MWA_START_COMMAND.

The default /etc/rc.config.d/mwa configuration file shipped with this

version of MeasureWare Agent
resides in /opt/perf/newconfig/
and assigns the following values to these variables:
MWA_START_COMMAND="/opt/perf/bin/mwa start"

When MeasureWare Agent is installed, the file is conditionally copied to

/etc/rc.config.d/mwa and will
not replace any existing /etc/rc.config.d/mwa configuration file that
may have been customized by the user
for a previous version of MeasureWare Agent.
When the file is copied to /etc/rc.config.d/mwa, the variable
MWA_START=1 causes MeasureWare Agent to automatically
start when the system reboots.
The variable MWA_START_COMMAND="/opt/perf/bin/mwa start" causes all
MeasureWare Agent processes to initiate
when the system reboots.

If you want MeasureWare Agent to start at system reboot using special

modify the /etc/rc.config.d/mwa file by changing MWA_START_COMMAND from
its default value of
"/opt/perf/bin/mwa start" to the desired value.

For example, to start up scopeux but not the servers, change the value
to "/opt/perf/bin/mwa start scope".
To disable MeasureWare Agent startup when the system reboots, change the
variable MWA_START=1 to MWA_START=0.

MWA Command:
mwa [action] [subsystem] [parms]

mwa is a script that is used to start, stop, and re-
initialize MeasureWare Agent processes.

-? List all mwa options.
If your shell interprets ? as a wildcard character, use an
invalid option such as -xxx nstead of -?.
start Start all or part of MeasureWare Agent. (default)
stop Stop all or part of MeasureWare Agent.
restart Reinitialize all or part of MWA. This option causes some
processes to be stopped and restarted.
status List the status of all or part of MWA processes.
version List the version of the all or part of MWA files.

all Perform the selected action on all MWA components. (default)
scope Perform the selected action on the scopeux collector.
The restart operation causes the scopeux collector to stop, then
This causes the parm and ttd.conf files to be re-read.

server Perform the selected action on the MWA server components.

This affects the data repositories as well as the alarm
generation subsystem.
The restart operation causes all repository server processes
to terminate and restart.
This causes the perflbd.rc and alarmdef files to be re-read.

alarm Perform the selected action on the MWA server alarm component.
Restart is the only valid option and causes the alarmdef file
to be reprocessed.
db Perform the selected action on the MWA server db component.

-midaemon <miparms> Provide the midaemon with parameters to initiate it
with other than default parameters.

phred01:/> mwa status
MeasureWare scope status:
WARNING: scopeux is not active (MWA data collector)

MeasureWare background daemon status:

(Should always be running when the system is up)
Running ttd (Transaction Tracker daemon) pid 1900

MeasureWare server status:

Running alarmgen (alarm generator) pid 2816
Running agdbserver (alarm database server) pid 2815
Running perflbd (location broker) pid 1945

The following data sources have running repository servers:

Running rep_server 2810 SCOPE
phred01:/> mwa stop

Shutting down Measureware collection software..

NOTE: The Transaction Tracker daemon, ttd will be left running. pid

Shutting down the MeasureWare server daemons..

Shutting down the alarmgen process. This may take awhile
depending upon how many monitoring systems have to be
notified that MeasureWare Server is shutting down.

The alarmgen process has terminated

Shutting down the perflbd process

The perflbd process has terminated

The agdbserver process terminated

The rep_server processes have terminated

The MeasureWare Server has been shut down successfully

phred01:/> mwa start

The Transaction Tracker daemon is being started.

The Transaction Tracker daemon
/opt/perf/bin/ttd, is already running.

The MeasureWare scope collector is being started.

The performance collection daemon
/opt/perf/bin/scopeux has been started.
The MeasureWare server daemons are being started.
The MeasureWare Location Broker daemon
/opt/perf/bin/perflbd has been started.

phred01:/> mwa status

MeasureWare scope status:
Running scopeux (MWA data collector) pid 12361
Running midaemon (measurement interface daemon) pid

MeasureWare background daemon status:

Running ttd (Transaction Tracker daemon) pid 1900

MeasureWare server status:

Running alarmgen (alarm generator) pid 12907
Running agdbserver (alarm database server) pid 12906
Running perflbd (location broker) pid 12369

The following data sources have running repository servers:

Running rep_server 12905 SCOPE

HP OpenView Performance Agent for HP-UX 10.20 and 11 Installation &
Configuration Guide
man mwa(Command)

Thread 1 about scopeaux:


Subject: restart vrs. start scopeux

mwa status reports scopeux not running. Manual states to use restart
command to retain existing logs (status.scope).
But, I'm more concerned about the database collected prior to
"mysterious" end of scopeux. Will restart (or start)
of scope (scopeux) preserve existing data?


Once the data is written to the log files, it stays there when scopeux
stops and starts. The data is deleted
after the logfile reachs its size limit and starts to wrap. The oldest
data is overwritten first.

I just do a "mwa start scope" to restart scope. I usually don't do a

"mwa restart" as sometimes one of the
processes may not stop, usually perflbd. I do a "mwa stop", check
everything "mwa status" then do a "mwa start".

Sometimes when scopeux crashes, it was in the act of writing a record

and only a partial record is written.
This partial record will corrupt the database and scopeux will not
start. In this case, the only way to
start scopeux is to delete the database. It is a good idea to backup the
databases frequently if the data is
important to you.


If you only want to work with the Scope Collector itself (I.E. All other
MeasureWare processes are running)
do the following:

mwa start scope

mwa restart scope

This will narrow down what part of the MeasureWare product you are
working with.

The status.scope file might help you figure out why scope stopped.

To see what may have happened to the scope daemon, look in its status
file /var/opt/perf/status.scope.
You can also use "perfstat -t" to see the last few lines of all the OVPA
status files.

Since the "perfstat" command shows glance and OVPA (mwa) status, I
recommend using perfstat instead of
"mwa status" (also less to type!).

Since I'm in a recommending mood, I also recommend AGAINST doing a "mwa

start scope" (or restart scope).
The reason is that its always better to restart the datacomm daemons
when the underlying collector is restarted.
Thus its better to just do a "mwa restart" or "mwa start" instead of
restarting scope out from under
rep_server and friends.

In any case, if perfstat shows everything running but scopeux, then

first find out why scope died
(by looking at status.scope) before doing any restarts.

Thread 2 about scopeux:


Subject: HELP OVPA: midaemon and scopeux won't start

Jamie Chui
Jun 21, 2007 03:23:12 GMT

I could not get midaemon and scopeux to start. When using glance, the
following error messages appears
and what does it mean?

midaemon: Mon Jun 11 15:51:05 2007

mi_ki_init - only able to allocate 3 bufsets
Not enough space.
I am using HP-UX 11.11 with OVPA C.04.55.00.

Measureware ran for 10 days, and during this period, it had the
following error message and then finally one day
it stopped running.

**** /opt/perf/bin/scopeux : 06/15/07 13:35:01 ****

WARNING: Measurement Buffers Lost see metric GBL_LOST_MI_TRACE_BUFFERS.

How can I troubleshoot and get it running again?

It looks like your OS is not allocating enough buffer space. You will
need to increase your kernel parameters
pertaining to buffer space and regen the kernel.


ctcasd daemon:

The ctcasd daemon is used by the cluster security services library when
UNIX-identity-based authentication
is configured and active within the cluster environment. The cluster
security services uses ctcasd
when service requesters and service providers try to create a secured
execution environment through
a network connection. ctcasd is not used when service requesters and
providers establish
a secured execution environment through a local operating system
connection such as a UNIX domain socket.

The daemon is actually part of RSCT, the reliable scalable cluster

The Cluster Security (CtSec) component of RSCT provides a subservice
that performs authentication functions based on host identities. This
subservice, called "ctcas", comes with a text formatted configuration
file shipped in /usr/sbin/rsct/cfg/ctcasd.cfg.

Tivoli endpoint, lcfd process:


Tivoli Management Framework is the software infrastructure for many

Tivoli software products.
Using Tivoli Management Framework and a combination of Tivoli Enterprise
products, you can manage
large distributed networks with multiple operating systems, various
network services, diverse system tasks,
and constantly changing nodes and users. Tivoli Management Framework
provides management services that are used
by the installed Tivoli Enterprise products.

Tivoli Management Framework provides centralized control of a

distributed environment, which can include
mainframes, UNIX(R) operating systems, or Microsoft Windows operating
systems. Using Tivoli Enterprise products,
a single system administrator can perform the following tasks for
thousands of networked systems:

-Manage user and group accounts

-Deploy new or upgrade existing software
-Inventory existing system configurations
-Monitor the resources of systems either inside or outside the Tivoli
-Manage Internet and intranet access and control
-Manage third-party applications

Tivoli Management Framework lets you securely delegate system

administration tasks to other administrators,
giving you control over which systems an administrator can manage and
what tasks that administrator
can perform. Tivoli Management Framework includes the base
infrastructure and base set of services
that its related products use to provide direct control over specific
resources in a distributed
computing environment. Tivoli Management Framework provides a simple,
consistent interface to
diverse operating systems, applications, and distributed services.

>> Architecture overview:

Using this three-tiered hierarchy, the amount of communication with the

Tivoli server is reduced.
Endpoints do not communicate with the Tivoli server, except during the
initial login process.
All endpoint communication goes through the gateway. In most cases, the
gateway provides all the support
an endpoint needs without requiring communication with the Tivoli

In a smaller workgroup-size installation, you can create the gateway on

the Tivoli server.
The server can handle communication requirements when fewer computer
systems are involved.
This is not an acceptable option in large deployments. The Tivoli server
in a large installation
will be overloaded if it also serves as a gateway. Refer to Endpoints
and gateways for more information
about endpoint communication.

-- Tivoli servers
The Tivoli server includes the libraries, binaries, data files, and the
graphical user interface (GUI)
(the Tivoli desktop) needed to install and manage your Tivoli
environment. The Tivoli server performs
all authentication and verification necessary to ensure the security of
Tivoli data. The following components
comprise a Tivoli server:

- An object database, which maintains all object data for the entire
Tivoli region.
- An object dispatcher, which coordinates all communication with managed
nodes and gateways.
The object dispatcher process is the oserv, which is controlled by the
oserv command.
- An endpoint manager, which is responsible for managing all of the
endpoints in the Tivoli region.

When you install the Tivoli server on a UNIX operating system, the
Tivoli desktop is automatically installed.
When you install the Tivoli server on a Windows operating system, you
must install Tivoli Desktop for Windows
separately to use the Tivoli desktop.

-- Managed nodes

A managed node runs the same software that runs on a Tivoli server.
Managed nodes maintain their own
object databases that can be accessed by the Tivoli server. When managed
nodes communicate directly
with other managed nodes, they perform the same communication or
security operations that are performed
by the Tivoli server.

The difference between a Tivoli server and a managed node is that the
Tivoli server object database is global
to the entire region including all managed nodes. In contrast, the
managed node database is local to the
particular managed node.

To manage a computer system that hosts the managed node, install an

endpoint on that managed node.

-- Gateways

A gateway controls communication with and operations on endpoints. Each

gateway can support thousands of endpoints.
A gateway can launch methods on an endpoint or run methods on behalf of
the endpoint.

A gateway is generally created on an existing managed node. This managed

node provides access to the
endpoint methods and provides the communication with the Tivoli server
that the endpoints occasionally require.
Refer to Endpoints and gateways for more information about gateways.
-- Endpoints
An endpoint provides the primary interface for system management. An
endpoint is any system that runs
the lcfd service (or daemon), which is configured using the lcfd

Typically, an endpoint is installed on a computer system that is not

used for daily management operations.
Endpoints run a very small amount of software and do not maintain an
object database. The majority of systems
in a Tivoli environment should be endpoints. The Tivoli desktop is not
installed with the endpoint software.
If you choose to run a desktop on an endpoint, you must install Tivoli
Desktop for Windows or
telnet to a UNIX managed node. Refer to Endpoints and gateways for more
information about endpoints.

--- Autostart:


Autostart of the LCFD process on AIX server

Technote (FAQ)

The AIX server comes preloaded with the Tivoli Endpoint software
installed. How can you make this process
autostart at bootup?

Create the /etc/inittab entry:

mkitab "rctma1:2:wait:/etc/rc.tma1 > /dev/console 2>&1 # Tivoli

Management Agent"

Create the startup file "/etc/rc.tma1"

# Start the Tivoli Management Agent
if [ -f /Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/ ]; then
/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/ start

When the OS reboot the LCFD process will automatically start.


aix comes with tivoli agents installed (but not configured). you should
configure the last.cfg file (usually,
you can find this in /../lcf/dat/1) add a line
'lcs.logininterfaces=gatewayip+9494' this line will instruct
the endpoint to report on you existing tivoli gateway.
Hi, previous info is correct accept an writing mistake.
It should be lcs.login_interfaces=ipoftmrserver
stop the endpoint (sh stop) and start it (sh start)
After succ. registration you should see an lcf.dat file in the lcf/dat/1

Note 1:



Dear friends,

When i run "lslpp -l" i have in a line :

"Tivoli_Management_Agent.client.rte COMMITTED Management Framework Endpoint
Runtime" ".
What's the purpose of this fileset ?

Ps : I have Aix 5.3

thank's a lot.


The purpose of Tivoli Management Agent

Reply from nlx6976 on 3/6/2006 5:56:00 PM

Its an agent that runs on your system as part of the Tivoli Distributed
Monitoring. It reports various things about your sysem back to the
Enterprise Console - usually your help desk. The basic monitors include
things like file system usage (e.g if a FS is more than 80% used the
gets flagged at the console), or monitoring log files. Basically you can
configure it to monitor whatever you want.

Note 2:

The AIX server comes preloaded with the Tivoli Endpoint software
installed. How can you make this process
autostart at bootup?

Create the /etc/inittab entry:

mkitab "rctma1:2:wait:/etc/rc.tma1 > /dev/console 2>&1 # Tivoli

Management Agent"
Create the startup file "/etc/rc.tma1"
# Start the Tivoli Management Agent
if [ -f /Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/ ]; then
/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/ start

When the OS reboot the LCFD process will automatically start.

Note 3:

The lcfd.log file, found on each endpoint in the lcf/dat directory,

contains logging messages for upcall methods,
downcall methods, and the login activities of the endpoint. You also can
view this log file from the http interface.
In addition, lcfd.log can have different levels of debugging information
written to it.
To set the level of debugging, use the lcfd command with the -dlevel
option, which sets the log_threshold option
in the last.cfg file. Set the log_threshold at level 2 for problem
determination, because level 3 often provides
too much information.

Of the three log files, the lcfd.log file is sometimes the most useful
for debugging endpoint problems.
However, remote access to the endpoint is necessary for one-to-one

Endpoint log messages have the following format:

timestamp level app_name messageThe message elements are as follows:

Displays the date and time that the message was logged.
Displays the logging level of the message.
Displays the name of the application that generated the message.
Displays the full message text. The content of message is provided by
the application specified in app_name.

The default limit of the log file is 1 megabyte, which you can adjust
with the lcfd (or command
with the -D log_size =max_size option. The valid range is 10240 through
10240000 bytes. When the maximum size
is reached, the file reduces to a size of approximately 200 messages and
continues to log.

In addition to these three log files, the following files help

troubleshoot endpoint problems
located on the endpoint:
A text file that contains the endpoint and gateway login configuration
information from the last time
the endpoint successfully logged in to its assigned gateway. Use this
file to review the configuration settings
for an endpoint.
A text file that contains a unique ID number to represent the
endpoint. This file is uniquely generated
if the TMEID.tag file does not exist.
A binary file that contains the gateway login information. You cannot
modify this information; however, you can
view network configuration information from the http interface.
Of these files, the last.cfg file can be useful in determining
problems with an endpoint.
The last.cfg file resides in the \dat subdirectory of the endpoint
installation and also can be viewed
from the http interface. This file contains configuration information
for the endpoint.

The following example shows the contents of a last.cfg file:

logfile=C:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1\lcfd.log
config_path=C:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1\last.cfg
run_dir=C:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1
load_dir=C:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt
lib_dir=C:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcf\bin\w32-ix86\mrt
cache_loc=C:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1\cache
cache_index=C:\Program Files\Tivoli\lcf\dat\1\cache\Index.v5

When you change endpoint configuration with the lcfd command, the
last.cfg file changes. Therefore, you should
not modify the last.cfg file. If you require changes, use the lcfd
command to make any changes.
However, running the lcfd command requires stopping and restarting the

Another useful tool for endpoint problem determination is the output

from the wtrace command.
The wtrace command is useful for tracking upcall and downcall method
failures. To learn more about the wtrace command,
see Troubleshooting the Tivoli environment.

sample logfile "root@zd110l13:/beheer/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/lcfd.log"

Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amRaAdd

Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amTmrRemove
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amMpeRemove
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amRaRemove
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amTmrAdd
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amMpeAdd
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amRaAdd
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amRaAdd
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amRaAdd
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amRaAdd
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amRaAddTasks
Nov 15 09:14:13 1 engineUpdate Sending msg amEndPush
Nov 15 09:18:48 1 lcfd Spawning:
/beheer/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/cache/bin/aix4-r1/TME/Tmw2k/tmw2k_ep, ses:
Nov 15 09:28:46 1 lcfd Spawning:
/beheer/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/cache/bin/aix4-r1/TME/Tmw2k/tmw2k_ep, ses:
Nov 15 09:33:51 1 lcfd Spawning:
/beheer/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/cache/bin/aix4-r1/TME/Tmw2k/tmw2k_ep, ses:
Nov 15 09:48:55 1 lcfd Spawning:
/beheer/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/cache/bin/aix4-r1/TME/Tmw2k/tmw2k_ep, ses:
Nov 15 10:03:58 1 lcfd Spawning:
/beheer/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/cache/bin/aix4-r1/TME/Tmw2k/tmw2k_ep, ses:
Nov 15 10:19:02 1 lcfd Spawning:
/beheer/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/cache/bin/aix4-r1/TME/Tmw2k/tmw2k_ep, ses:
Nov 15 10:34:05 1 lcfd Spawning:
/beheer/Tivoli/lcf/dat/1/cache/bin/aix4-r1/TME/Tmw2k/tmw2k_ep, ses:

root@zd110l05:/#find . -name "*tecad*" -print

find: 0652-023 Cannot open file ./proc/278708.
find: 0652-023 Cannot open file ./proc/315572.
find: 0652-023 Cannot open file ./proc/442616.
find: 0652-023 Cannot open file ./proc/475172.


Linux / Unix dircmp command

About dircmp
Lists files in both directories and indicates whether the files in the
directories are the same and/or different.

dircmp [-d] [-s] [-w n] directoryone directorytwo.

-d Compare the contents of files with the same name in both directories
and output a list telling what
must be changed in the two files to bring them into agreement. The list
format is described in diff(1).
-s Does not tell you about the files that are the same.
-w n Change the width of the output line to n characters. The default
width is 72.
directoryone The first directory for comparing.
directorytwo The second directory for comparing.

dircmp dir1 dir2 - Compares the directory dir1 with the directory dir2.
Below is an example of the output
you may receive when typing this command.

Feb 8 17:18 2001 Comparison of help issues Page 1

directory .
same ./favicon.ico
same ./logo.gif
same ./question.gif


Part of the IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for WebSphere MQ suite.

KMCRCA Starts IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for WebSphere MQ Configuration

KMQIRA Starts IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON XE for WebSphere MQ Monitoring
KRARLOFF Converts the historical data file to a neutral file format for
use with
various analytical programs


Some notes about flashcopy implementations:

Note 1:

What is FlashCopy?
FlashCopy is a function designed to create an instant "copy" of some
data. When an administrator issues a
FlashCopy command that essentially says "make a copy of this data," SVC
via FlashCopy immediately provides
the appearance of having created a copy of the data, when in reality it
creates the physical copy
in the background before moving that copy to an alternative data-storage
device, which can take some time
depending on the size of the backup copy. However, it creates the
appearance of having completed
the copy instantaneously, so customers can have a backup copy available
as soon as the command is issued,
even though copying to a different storage medium takes place behind the
"Because it operates very quickly in this way, FlashCopy allows
customers to make a copy and immediately
move on to other work without having to wait for the data to actually
physically be copied from one place
to another," says Saul. "In that regard, SVC FlashCopy is very similar
to FlashCopy on the DS8000, for example,
with the difference being SVC FlashCopy operates on most storage devices
attached to the SVC, spanning many
different disk systems."

Note 2:

FlashCopy is an IBM feature supported on ESS (Enterprise Storage
Servers) that allows you to make nearly
instantaneous Point in Time copies of entire logical volumes or data
sets. The HDS (Hitachi Data Systems)
implementation providing similar function is branded as ShadowImage.
Using either implementation,
the copies are immediately available for both read and write access.

-- FlashCopy Version 1
The first implementation of FlashCopy, Version 1 allowed entire volumes
to be instantaneously "copied" to
another volume by using the facilities of the newer Enterprise Storage
Subsystems (ESS).

Version 1 of FlashCopy had its limitations however. Although the copy

(or "flash" of a volume occurred
instantaneously, the FlashCopy commands were issued sequentially and the
ESS required a brief moment
to establish the new pointers. Because of this minute processing delay,
the data residing on two volumes
that were FlashCopied are not exactly time consistent.

-- FlashCopy Version 2
FlashCopy Version 2 introduced the ability to flash individual data sets
and more recently added support
for "consistency groups". FlashCopy consistency groups can be used to
help create a consistent point-in-time
copy across multiple volumes, and even across multiple ESSs, thus
managing the consistency of dependent writes.

FlashCopy consistency groups are used in a single-site scenario in order

to create a time-consistent copy of data
that can then be backed-up and sent offsite, or in a multi-site Global
Mirror for ESS implementation to force
time consistency at the remote site.

The implementation of consistency groups is not limited to FlashCopy.

Global Mirror for z/Series (formerly known
as XRC or eXtended Remote Copy) also creates consistency groups to
asynchronously mirror disk data from one site
to another over any distance.
Note 3:


Using target volume from FlashCopy on same LPAR as source volume going
thru VIO server
Posted: Jun 28, 2007 12:21:09 PM Reply


DS4500 logical drive mapped to a p5 550 VIO server, then mapped to an

AIX partition. Without interrupting
the source drive, created a flashcopy of the drive and mapped it to the
same VIO server, then again to
the same partition. This caused duplicate VGID on the system. Had to
varyoff and export the volume group
to run recreatevg against the flashcopy hdisk and make a new volume
group with it. This works fine
the first time, however after I varyoff the vg and export it, then
disable the flashcopy, and re-create
it I cannot import or varyon the vg on the partition. importvg and
recreatevg both say the hdisk belongs
to a different vg so they don't work. The varyvg fails because the
descriptors are not constitent.

How do I create a flashcopyvg on this partition using virtual disk from

the VIO so that the process
is repeatable and thus scriptable without having to interrupt the source
volume group everytime I do this.
The intent is to be able run a backup process against the flashcopy then
disable it and do it again a few hours
later and repeat it several times each day. We are using legacy vsam
instead of a DB and need to keep the
data accessible to our CICS system, while being able to capture point in
time backups throughout the day.


Did you rmdev the vpath and hdisks before recreating the flash copy?
Then you will need to run recreatevg again,
as restarting the flash copy will change the pvid back to the same as
the source volume.

Why not just attach the flash copy to another host? Then you won't need
to run recreate vg and you could assign
the flash copy to the original host if you need to recover the data.


# sh dothat (the dothat file contains commands)

# chmod 755 dothat (or use: chmod +x dothat

# dothat (now it's executable)

# now=`date` (variable is output of a command)`

# echo $now

This means that commands are read from the string between two ` `.
Usage in a nested command goes like this:
font=`grep font \`cat filelist\``


To extend the PATH variable, on most systems use a statement like the
following example:

$ export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin

export PATH


Positional parameters:

program, function or shell $0

argument 1 through 9 $1 .. $9
nth argument ${n}
number of positional parameters $#
every positional parameter $@, $*
decimal value returned by last executed cmd $? if the former
was successful this will be 0
pid of shell $$
pid of last backgrounded command $!

Examples of usage of $n parameter:


# dothis grapes apples pears

$1=grapes, $2=apples, $3=pears

# cat makelist
sort +1 -2 people | tr -d "[0-9]" | pr -h Distribution | lp

This will only work on that filename, that is in this example, people.

# cat makelist
sort +1 -2 $1 | tr -d "[0-9]" | pr -h Distribution | lp

This will work on ANY file given as an argument to makelist

# makelist file1
# makelist file2


# echo "Hi there $LOGNAME"

Hi there Albert

# echo 'Hi there $LOGNAME'

Hi there $LOGNAME

# echo "You owe me \$$amount" | mail

Single-quotes are literal quotes.

Double-quotes can have their contents expanded


How to set variables:


- A variable name must begin with a letter and can contain letters,
digits, and underscores,
but no special characters.

- A variable is set with an assignment of NAME=value

Be sure not to have any white space before or after the equals sign =.
Double quotes are used when white space is present in the text string
you are assigning to the variable.
So here are a few examples:

BC="bill clinton"

Now the shell can react and use the variable $ME and it substitutes the
value for that variable.

Note that there must be no spaces around the "=" sign: VAR=value works;
VAR = value doesn't work
Local and environment variables:

variables that you set are local to the current shell unless you mark
them for excport.
Variables marked for export are called environment variables, and will
be made available
to any command that the shell creates. The following command marks the
variable BC for export:

export BC

You can list local variables by typing the set command.

You can list the environment variables by using the env command.


for file in list_of_values

sort +1 -2 $file | tr -d "[0-9]" | pr -h Distribution | lp

if test $# -eq 0
then echo "You must give a filename"
exit 1

-eq=equal, -ne=not equal, -gt=greater than, -lt=less then, -ge=greater

or equal, -le=less or equal


UNIX$ for file in `ls /local/ssl/misc/*`

> do
> echo I found a config file $file
> echo Its type is `/usr/bin/file $file`
> done


If a script is to accept arguments then these can be referred to as ` $1

$2 $3..$9'.
There is a logical limit of nine arguments to a Bourne script, but Bash
handles the next arguments as `${10}'.
`$0' is the name of the script itself.

Here is a simple Bash script which prints out all its arguments.

# Print all arguments (version 1)
for arg in $*
echo Argument $arg

echo Total number of arguments was $#

The `$*' symbol stands for the entire list of arguments and `$#' is the
total number of arguments.

NOTE 10: Start and End of Command

A command starts with the first word on a line or if it's the second
command on a line
with the first word after a";'.
A command ends either at the end of the line or whith a ";". So one can
put several commands onto one line:

print -n "Name: "; read name; print ""

One can continue commands over more than one line with a "\" immediately
followed by a newline sign
which is made be the return key:

grep filename | sort -u | awk '{print $4}' | \

uniq -c >> /longpath/file

NOTE 11:

Bash and the Bourne shell has an array of tests. They are written as
Notice that `test' is itself not a part of the shell, but is a program
which works out
conditions and provides a return code. See the manual page on `test' for
more details.

test on file chracteristics:

test -f file True if the file is a plain file

test -d file True if the file is a directory
test -r file True if the file is readable
test -w file True if the file is writable
test -x file True if the file is executable
test -h file True if the file is a symbolic link
test -s file True if the file contains something
test -g file True if setgid bit is set
test -u file True if setuid bit is set

string comparisons:

test s1 = s2 True if strings s1 and s2 are equal

test s1 != s2 True if strings s1 and s2 are unequal
numeric comparisons:

test x -eq y True if the integers x and y are numerically equal

test x -ne y True if integers are not equal
test x -gt y True if x is greater than y
test x -lt y True if x is less than y
test x -ge y True if x>=y
test x -le y True if x <= y

! Logical NOT operator

-a Logical AND
-o Logical OR

Note that an alternate syntax for writing these commands is to use the
square brackets,
instead of writing the word test.

[ $x -lt $y ] "==" test $x -lt $y

Just as with the arithmetic expressions, Bash 2.x provides a syntax for
which are more similar to Java and C. While arithmetic C-like
expressions can be used within double parentheses,
C-like tests can be used within double square brackets.

[[ $var == "OK" || $var == "yes" ]]

This C-like syntax is not allowed in the Bourne shell, but is equivalent

[ $var = "OK" -o $var = "yes" ]

which is valid in both shells.

Arithmetic C-like tests can be used within double parentheses so that

under Bash 2.x the following tests are equivalent:

[ $x -lt $y ] "==" (( x < y ))

Test is used by virtually every shell script written. It may not seem
that way, because test
is not often called directly. test is more frequently called as [. [ is
a symbolic link to test,
just to make shell programs more readable. If is also normally a shell
builtin (which means that the shell
itself will interpret [ as meaning test, even if your Unix environment
is set up differently):

$ type [
[ is a shell builtin

$ which [

$ ls -l /usr/bin/[
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Mar 27 2000 /usr/bin/[ -> test

This means that '[' is actually a program, just like ls and other
programs, so it must be surrounded by spaces:

if [$foo == "bar" ] # this is wrong !

will not work; it is interpreted as if test$foo == "bar" ].

if [ $foo == "bar" ] # this is OK !

Test is a simple but powerful comparison utility. For full details, run
man test on your system,
but here are some usages and typical examples.

Test is most often invoked indirectly via the if and while statements.
It is also the reason you will come
into difficulties if you create a program called test and try to run it,
as this shell builtin
will be called instead of your program!

The syntax for if...then...else... is:

if [ ... ]
# if-code
# else-code

Note that fi is if backwards! This is used again later with case and

Also, be aware of the syntax - the "if [ ... ]" and the "then" commands
must be on different lines.
Alternatively, the semicolon ";" can seperate them:

if [ ... ]; then
# do something

You can also use the elif, like this:

if [ something ]; then
echo "Something"
elif [ something_else ]; then
echo "Something else"
echo "None of the above"

This will echo "Something" if the [ something ] test succeeds, otherwise

it will test [ something_else ],
and echo "Something else" if that succeeds.
If all else fails, it will echo "None of the above".


if [ `whoami` != root ] # remember string comparison: test

s1 != s2
echo RUN AS ROOT !!!

Sometimes you will encounter the $variable==value syntax, like in

if (( FILE_FOUND == 0 ))

FILE_FOUND is nummeric, or integer, and it means: If FILE_FOUND equals 0


Some more testing examples:


if [ -s file ] # file is more than 0 bytes, it contains

whatever code

Checking char/strings:

if [ $myvar = "hello" ]
echo "We have a match"

Checking numbers:

n1 -eq n2 Check to see if n1 equals n2.

n1 -ne n2 Check to see if n1 is not equal to n2.
n1 -lt n2 Check to see if n1 < n2.
n1 -le n2 Check to see if n1 <= n2.
n1 -gt n2 Check to see if n1 > n2.
n1 -ge n2 Check to see if n1 >= n2.

if [ $# -gt 1 ]
echo "ERROR: should have 0 or 1 command-line parameters"

Boolean operators
! not
-a and
-o or
if [ $num -lt 10 -o $num -gt 100 ]
echo "Number $num is out of range"
elif [ ! -w $filename ]
echo "Cannot write to $filename"

if [ $myvar = "y" ]
echo "Enter count of number of items"
read num
if [ $num -le 0 ]
echo "Invalid count of $num was given"
... do whatever ...

NOTE 12:

alphabet="a b c d e" # Initialise a string

count=0 # Initialise a counter
for letter in $alphabet # Set up a loop control
do # Begin the loop
count=`expr $count + 1` # Increment the counter
echo "Letter $count is [$letter]" # Display the result
done # End of loop

alphabet="a b c d e" #
Initialise a string
count=0 #
Initialise a counter
while [ $count -lt 5 ] # Set up a
loop control
do # Begin
the loop
count=`expr $count + 1` #
Increment the counter
position=`bc $count + $count - 1` # Position
of next letter
letter=`echo "$alphabet" | cut -c$position-$position` # Get next
echo "Letter $count is [$letter]" # Display
the result
done # End of
if [ -f $dirname/$filename ]
echo "This filename [$filename] exists"
elif [ -d $dirname ]
echo "This dirname [$dirname] exists"
echo "Neither [$dirname] or [$filename] exist"

if [$1 -le $2] ; then

echo "$2 is de grootste "
echo "$1 is de grootste"

NOTE 13: Loops and conditionals:





The basic type of condition is "if".

if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
print we are okay
print something failed

IF the variable $? is equal to 0, THEN print out a message. Otherwise

(else), print out a different message.
FYI, "$?" checks the exit status of the last command run.
The final 'fi' is required. This is to allow you to group multiple
things together.
You can have multiple things between if and else, or between else and
fi, or both.
You can even skip the 'else' altogether, if you dont need an alternate

if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
print we are okay
print We can do as much as we like here

if [ -f /tmp/errlog ]
rm /tmp/errlog
echo "no errorlog found"

if [ ! -f /tmp/errlog ]

if [ `cat alert.log|wc -l` -gt 1 ]
echo "something you want to say if alert.log contains more than 1
echo "something else you want to say"

# Gebaseerd op:
# full core SAA running: 4 mxs processes, all hk BS_ processes #
# hk mode : 0 mxs processes, all hk BS_ processe #
# not running : 0 mxs processes, 0 hk BS_ processe #

integer NO_MXS
integer NO_BS

NO_MXS=`ps -ef | grep -i MXS | grep -v grep | wc -l`

NO_BS=`ps -ef | grep -i BS_ | grep -v grep | wc -l`

#echo $NO_MXS
#echo $NO_BS

if (( NO_MXS==4 ))
echo "Running"
if (( NO_BS==0 ))
echo "Notrunning"
echo "HousekeepingMode"

The case statement functions like 'switch' in some other languages.
Given a particular variable,
jump to a particular set of commands, based on the value of that
While the syntax is similar to C on the surface, there are some major

The variable being checked can be a string, not just a number

There is no "fall through". You hit only one set of commands
To make up for no 'fall through', you can 'share' variable states
You can use WILDCARDS to match strings

echo input yes or no

read answer
case $answer in
echo got a positive answer
# the following ';;' is mandatory for every set
# of comparative xxx) that you do
echo got a 'no'
#assume the user wants to quit

echo This is the default clause. we are not sure why or
echo what someone would be typing, but we could take
echo action on it here

Sometimes you want to break out a while loop, which contains a case,
like in this example:


echo "Please talk to me ..."

while :
echo "Hello yourself!"
echo "See you again!"
echo "Sorry, I don't understand"
echo "That's all folks!"

In this example, the program loops if the user typed "hello". But if the
user types "bye", the "break" statement will
quit the loop.

Note: ":" evaluates to "true", but you might also have used "while

&& and ||

The simples conditional in the Bourne shell is the double ampersand &&.
When two commands are separated by a double ampersand, the second
command executes
only if the first command returns a zero exit status (succesful


ls -ld /usr/bin > /dev/null && echo "Directory Found"

The opposite of && is the ||. When two commands are separated by ||, the
second command executes
only if the first command returns a nonzero exit status (indicating


ls -d /usr/foo || echo "No Directory Found"

If the directory does not exist, the message is displayed.


The basic loop is the 'while' loop; "while" something is true, keep
There are two ways to stop the loop. The obvious way is when the
'something' is no longer true.
The other way is with a 'break' command.

while [[ $keeplooping -eq 1 ]] ; do
read quitnow
if [[ "$quitnow" = "yes" ]] ; then
if [[ "$quitnow" = "q" ]] ; then
The other kind of loop in ksh, is 'until'. The difference between them
is that 'while' implies looping while
something remains true.
'until', implies looping until something false, becomes true

until [[ $stopnow -eq 1 ]] ; do

echo just run this once
echo we should not be here again.

A "for loop", is a "limited loop". It loops a specific number of times,
to match a specific number of items.
Once you start the loop, the number of times you will repeat is fixed.
The basic syntax is

for i in eat run jump play

echo See Albert $i

See Albert eat

See Albert run
See Albert jump
See Albert play

for i in "eat run jump play"

echo See Albert $i

See Albert eat run jump play

for var in one two three ; do

echo $var

Whatever name you put in place of 'var', will be updated by each value
following "in".
So the above loop will print out

But you can also have variables defining the item list. They will be
checked ONLY ONCE, when you start the loop.

list="one two three"

for var in $list ; do
echo $var
# Note: Changing this does NOT affect the loop items

The two things to note are:

It stills prints out "one" "two" "three"
Do NOT quote "$list", if you want the 'for' command to use multiple
If you used "$list" in the 'for' line, it would print out a SINGLE LINE,
"one two three"

for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
cp x.txt $i

NOTE 14: Arrays

Yes, you CAN have arrays in ksh, unlike old bourne shell. The syntax is
as follows:

# This is an OPTIONAL way to quickly null out prior values

set -A array

print ${array[1]}
print ${array[2]}
print ${array[3]}
print ${array[three]}

Briefly, an array contains a collection of values (elements) that may be

accessed individually or as a group.
Although newer versions of the Korn shell support more than one type of
array, this tip will only apply
to indexed arrays.

When assigning or accessing array elements, a subscript is used to

indicate each element's position
within the array. The subscript is enclosed by brackets after the array

The first element in an array uses a subscript of 0, and the last
element position (subscript value)
is dependent on what version of the Korn shell you are using. Review
your system's Korn shell (ksh)
man page to identify this value.

In this first example, the colors red, green, and blue are assigned to
the first three positions of an array
named colors:

$ colors[0]=RED
$ colors[1]=GREEN
$ colors[2]=BLUE

Alternatively, you can perform the same assignments using a single


$ set -A colors RED GREEN BLUE

Adding a dollar sign and an opening brace to the front of the general
syntax and a closing brace on the end
allows you to access individual array elements:


Using the array we defined above, let's access (print) each array
element one by one:

$ print ${colors[0]}
$ print ${colors[1]}
$ print ${colors[2]}

If you access an array without specifying a subscript, 0 will be used:

$ print ${colors[]}

The while construct can be used to loop through each position in the

$ i=0
$ while [ $i -lt 3 ]
> do
> print ${colors[$i]}
> (( i=i+1 ))
> done
Notice that a variable (i) was used for the subscript value each time
through the loop.

As another example:

array=(red green blue yellow magenta)

echo "The array has $len members. They are:"
while [ $i -lt $len ]; do
echo "$i: ${array[$i]}"
let i++

Special variables
There are some "special" variables that ksh itself gives values to. Here
are the ones I find interesting
PWD - always the current directory
RANDOM - a different number every time you access it
$$ - the current process id (of the script, not the user's shell)
PPID - the "parent process"s ID. (BUT NOT ALWAYS, FOR FUNCTIONS)
$? - exit status of last command run by the script
PS1 - your "prompt". "PS1='$PWD:> '" is interesting.
$1 to $9 - arguments 1 to 9 passed to your script or function

Tweaks with variables

Both bourne shell and KSH have lots of strange little tweaks you can do
with the ${} operator.
The ones I like are below.

To give a default value if and ONLY if a variable is not already set,

use this construct:


(KSH only)
You can also get funky, by running an actual command to generate the
value. For example


(KSH only)
To count the number of characters contained in a variable string, use $

echo num of chars in stringvar is ${#stringvar}

NOTE 15:

Appending dates to files and such:

Example 1:

# mv logfile logfile.`date`
# mv logfile logfile.`date + %Y.%m.%d`

Example 2:

MS korn shell:
# now=`date -u %d`;export now
# echo $now

NOTE 16: tput

What is tput?

The tput command initializes and manipulates your terminal session

through the terminfo database. Using tput, you can alter
several terminal capabilities, such as moving or altering the cursor,
changing text properties,
and clearing specific areas of the terminal screen.

Command-line introduction to tput

The tput command, like most commands in UNIX, can be used either at your
shell command line or inside a shell script.
To gain a better understanding of tput, this article starts with the
command line, and then continues into shell script examples.

Cursor attributes

Moving the cursor or altering its attributes can be helpful in UNIX

shell scripts or at the command line.
There may be times when you're required to enter sensitive information,
such as a password, or enter information in two
different areas of the screen. Using tput can help you in such

Moving the cursor

Moving the cursor's position on the respective device is easily done

with tput. Using the cup option, or cursor position, in tput,
you can move the cursor to any X or Y coordinates in the device's rows
and columns.
The top left coordinates of the device are 0,0.

To move the cursor to the fifth column (X) and the first row (Y) on a
device, simply execute tput cup 5 1.
Another example would be tput cup 23 45, which would move the cursor to
the forty-fifth row in the twenty-third column.

Moving the cursor and displaying information

Another useful cursor position trick is to move the cursor, execute a

command to display information,
and then return to the previous cursor location:

(tput sc ; tput cup 23 45 ; echo "Input from tput/echo at 23/45" ; tput


Let's break down the subshell commands:

tput sc

The current cursor location must be saved first. To save the current
cursor position, include the sc option,
or "save cursor position."

tput cup 23 45

After the cursor location has been saved, the cursor coordinates will be
moved to 23,45.

echo "Input from tput/echo at 23/45"

Display information to stdout.

tput rc

When the information has been displayed, the cursor must return to the
original location that was saved with tput sc.
To return the cursor to its last saved location, include the rc option,
or "restore cursor position."

NOTE 17: Doing some arithmetic

COUNT_BEFORE=$(find ${T2_ARCH_DIR} -type f -name "T2*" -exec ls -al
{} \; | wc -l)

if [ $PRESENT_DIR==$T2_ARCH_DIR ] # Let.s make sure we are in the

right directory.
find . -name "T2*" -mtime +30 -exec rm {} \;
if (( AF_EXITCODE == 0 ))

COUNT_AFTER =$(find ${T2_ARCH_DIR} -type f -name "T2*" -exec ls -al

{} \; | wc -l)


NOTE 18: shell script debugging

-x option to debug a shell script

Run a shell script with -x option, like in

$ bash -x script-name

Use of set builtin command

Bash or korn shell offers debugging options which can be turn on or off
using set command.
=> set -x : Display commands and their arguments as they are executed.
=> set -v : Display shell input lines as they are read.


set -x # if put in top of script: debugging mode

set -e # if put in top of script: exit at first error

Note 1:

Write your shell scripts this way to make them easier to test and debug.

Shell script debugging is not easy. You have to put set -x or the echo
command into the script. You may want to test the script
in a test environment. And at least before publishing the script, you
have to delete the debug lines.
The following tip gives a hint about how to solve this problem without

Put the following lines at the beginning of the script:

if [[ -z $DEBUG ]];then
alias DEBUG='# '
alias DEBUG=''

Everywhere you put a line that is only for testing, write it in the
following way:
DEBUG set -xOr echo a parameter:

DEBUG echo $PATHOr set a parameter that is valid only during the test:

DEBUG export LOGFILE=$HOME/tmpBefore executing the script, set the DEBUG

variable in the shell:

# export DEBUG=yesDuring the execution of the script, the DEBUG lines

will be executed.
If you publish the script, you can forget the deletion of the debug
lines; they will not disturb the functionality.

Sample Script

# test script to show the DEBUG alias

if [[ -z $DEBUG ]];then
alias DEBUG='# '
alias DEBUG=''

DEBUG LOG_FILE=$HOME/tmp/script.out

function add {
DEBUG set -x


return $((a + b))



DEBUG echo "test execution"

echo "$(date) script execution" >>$LOG_FILE

echo "if you do not know it:"

add 2 2
echo " 2 + 2 = $?"

NOTE 19: Examples

Example 1:

# Monitor the SPL p550 server
# By Albert
# version 0.1

umask 022

date=`date +%d-%m-%y`
time=`date +%H:%M`
[email protected]

echo "$date $time" > /tmp/topper

df >> /tmp/topper

mailx -r [email protected] -s "::: Disk info p550 :::" $emailers

< /tmp/topper
rm /tmp/topper

exit 0

cat /export/home/fas/RSP/RSP.log | grep "ORA-01000" >

mailx -r [email protected] -s "::: Process info NLIHblabla-
08 :::" $emailers < /tmp/topper

'mailx' to send someone an email

Example 2:

# Monitor rsp logfile
export PATH

umask 022

date=`date +%d-%m-%y`
time=`date +%H:%M`

[email protected],[email protected]

cat /export/home/fas/RSP/RSP.log | grep "ORA-01000" >


if [ -s /tmp/brokencursor.err ]
# echo "$date $time" > /tmp/brokencursor.err
mailx -r [email protected] -s "::: Check on ORA-01000 :::"
$emailers < /tmp/brokencursor.err
echo "all OK" >> /tmp/brokencursor.log

/bin/rm /tmp/brokencursor.err

exit 0

Example 3: Automatic startup of an application



# name: spl
# purpose: script that will start or stop the spl stuff.

case "$1" in
start )
echo "starting spl"
echo "su - ccbsys -c '/prj/spl/SPLS3/bin/ -e SPLS3
-c " -t start"'"
su - ccbsys -c '/prj/spl/SPLS3/bin/ -e SPLS3 -c
" -t start"'
stop )
echo "stopping spl"
echo "su - ccbsys -c '/prj/spl/SPLS3/bin/ -e SPLS3
-c " -t stop"'"
su - ccbsys -c '/prj/spl/SPLS3/bin/ -e SPLS3 -c
" -t stop"'
* )
echo "Usage: $0 (start | stop)"
exit 1

Example 4: scheduled cleanup of logs




echo "/prj/spl/splapp/SPLQ3"| \
while read DIR
cd $(DIR)
find . -type f -mtime +$(SAVEPERIOD) -exec rm {} \;

exit 0

Example 5: some testing examples


export SPLcomplog=$SPLSYSTEMLOGS/
if [ -f $SPLcomplog ]
rm -f $SPLcomplog
export RSP=$?
if [ $RSP -ne 0 ]
echo "ERROR - Cannot remove the old Log file $SPLcomplog "
exitFunc $RSP
touch $SPLcomplog
export RSP=$?
if [ $RSP -ne 0 ]
echo "ERROR - Cannot create Log file $SPLcomplog "
exitFunc $RSP

export RSP=$1
Log "Exiting $SCRIPTNAME with return code $RSP"
if [ -f $TMP1 ]
rm -f $TMP1 > /dev/null 2>&1
exit $RSP

Log "Testing Database connection parameters entered in"
if [ `which db2|wc -w` -gt 1 ]
Log "ERROR : cannot find \"db2\" Program. This is a PATH
prerequisit to the Install"
exitFunc 1
. > $TMP1 2>&1
export RSP=$?
if [ $RSP -ne 0 ]
Log "ERROR : connecting to Database:"
Log -f "$TMP1"
Log "ERROR : Rerun and ensure database
connection parameters are correct"
Log "ERROR : Check DB2 Connect configuration to ensure
connection is o.K."
exitFunc $RSP

Other example:

check_cron() {
# check of commando door cron of met de hand wordt uitgevoerd #
CRON_PID=`ps -ef | grep check_sudo | grep -v grep | awk '{print $3}'`
if [[ `ps -p ${CRON_PID} | grep -v TIME | awk '{print $4}'` ==
"cron" ]]
# Genereer een sleeptime nummer, voorkom daarmee dat alle
clients tegelijk de Distroserver benaderen #

Example 6:

P550:/home/reserve/bin $ cat CheckAppl

# variabelen initialisatie
# to start trace option execute set -x
if [ $1 = d ]
set -x
#set -x
# cleanscreen
echo "Just a moment"
for i in `cat /etc/cistab | sed -e 's/:/ /g'| awk '{ print $1 }'`
#aantal processen
# initialisatie
aantal_processen=`ps -ef|grep $i| grep -v grep | wc -l`
if [ $aantal_processen = 0 ]
# aantal JSL
aantal_jsl=`ps -ef|grep $i | grep -i JSL | wc -l`
# aantal JREPSVR
aantal_jrepsvr=`ps -ef|grep $i | grep -i JREPSVR | wc
# aantal_BBL
aantal_bbl=`ps -ef|grep $i | grep -i BBL | wc -l`
# aantal_TUXFULLadm
aantal_tuxfulladm=`ps -ef|grep $i | grep -i tuxfulladm |
wc -l`
# aantal_TUXFULLall
aantal_tuxfullall=`ps -ef|grep $i | grep -i tuxfullall |
wc -l`


if [ $status = UP ] ; then

echo "$i $status BBL($aantal_bbl)

TUXFULLall($aantal_tuxfullall) TUXFULLadm($aantal_tuxfulladm)
JSL( $aantal_jsl )( JREPSVR( $aantal_jrepsvr ) "
echo $i $status
done | sort +1

# check logs
echo "Check backup to rmt0"
echo "--------------------"
tail -2 /opt/back*/backup_to_rmt0.log
echo "Check backup to rmt1"
echo "--------------------"
tail -7 /opt/backupscripts/backup_to_rmt1.log

echo "Check backup from 520"
echo "---------------------"
ls -l /backups/520backups/oradb/conv.dmp
ls -l /backups/520backups/splenvs/*tar*

Example 7:


getinfo() {


echo "
set linesize 1000
set pagesize 1000
set trimspool on
" | sqlplus -S $CONN | grep '[0-9a-zA_Z]'

if [ $# -gt 0 ]

if [ "x$DB" = x ]
echo "dbvers: no environment"
exit 1

getinfo cisread cisread $DB | sed -e 1d -e 's/[ ]//g'

Example 8:


. $HOME/.profile >/dev/null 2>&1

[ $# -ne 1 ] && exit 1


if [ $1 = "setmarker" ]
/bin/touch $MARKER

exit 0

if [ $1 = "cleanup" ]
[ \! -f $MARKER ] && exit 1

for DIR in `cut -d: -f4 /etc/cistab`

/usr/bin/find $DIR \! -newer $MARKER -type f -exec rm
-f {} \;
exit 0

if [ $1 = "runbatch" ]
for ETM in `cut -d: -f1 /etc/cistab`
DIR1=`grep $ETM /etc/cistab|cut -d: -f3`
DIR2=`grep $ETM /etc/cistab|cut -d: -f4`
$DIR1/bin/ -q -e $ETM -c \
>>$DIR2/cdxcronbatch.out 2>&1

exit 0

exit 1

Example 9:

date >> /opt/backupscripts/backupdatabases.log

cd /backups/oradb

if [ -f spltrain.dmp ]
echo "backup of spltrain is OK" >>
echo "error backup of spltrain " >>

Example 10:


# target : print configuration

#set -x
DAY=`date +%Y%m%d`

date >> $LOG

echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >> $LOG
echo "lsdev -P " >> $LOG
lsdev -P >> $LOG
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >> $LOG
echo "lsdev -C " >> $LOG
lsdev -C >> $LOG
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >> $LOG
echo "lsconf">> $LOG
lsconf >> $LOG
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >> $LOG
for i in `lsdev -C | awk '{ print $1 }`
echo "lsdev -C -l $i" >> $LOG
lsattr -E -l $i >> $LOG
echo >> $LOG
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >> $LOG
for i in `lsvg`
lsvg -p $i
lsvg -l $i
done >> $LOG
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >> $LOG
for i in `lspv | awk '{ print $1 }'`
lspv -l $i
lspv -L $i
lspv -M $i
lspv -p $i
done >>$LOG

echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >> $LOG

echo "/etc/passwd">> $LOG
cat /etc/passwd >> $LOG
echo "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" >> $LOG
echo "/etc/group" >> $LOG
cat /etc/group >> $LOG

Example 11:

Make dynamic Oracle exports from a shell script. You do not need to list
exp statements per database,
this will be extracted from som file, like /etc/oratab.

DATE=`date +%Y%m%d`
set -x
ORACLE_BASE=/apps/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE
ORACLE_HOME=/apps/oracle/product/9.2; export ORACLE_HOME
LIBPATH=/apps/oracle/product/9.2/lib; export LIBPATH
export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data
export TNS_ADMIN=/apps/oracle/product/9.2/network/admin

/usr/java131/jre/bin;export PATH
# Lets copy the current file to another filesystem:
cd /backups/oradb
# Now lets save the current file on the same filesystem in 1dayago
cd /backups/oradb/1dayago
mv spl*dmp /backups/oradb/2dayago

cd /backups/oradb
mv spl*dmp /backups/oradb/1dayago

# Now create a new export file in /backups/oradb

set -x
for i in `cat ${ORACONF} | grep -v \# | awk '{ print $1 }'`
BOOT=`grep $SID_NAME $ORACONF | awk '{ print $2}'`
if [ $BOOT = Y ] ;
su - oracle -c "
cd /backups/oradb
exp system/cygnusx1@$SID_NAME file=$SID_NAME.
$HOSTNAME.$DATE.dmp full=y statistics=none
sleep 5
if [ -f $SID_NAME.$HOSTNAME.$DATE.dmp ]
echo "backup of $SID_NAME is OK" >>
echo "error backup of $SID_NAME " >>



Example 12:

Running sqlplus from a shell script.

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s "/ as sysdba" <<EOF 1> $tmp_file 2>1

set heading off feedback off
whenever sqlerror exit
select 'DB_NAME=' || name from v\$database;
.. # possible other stuff
sqlplus /nolog << EOF
connect / as sysdba

Example 13:

Kill a paricular process, that runs from "/dir/dir/abc" :

kill `ps -ef | grep /dir/dir/abc | grep -v grep | awk '(print $2)'`

Example 14:

# description: start and stop the Documentum Content Server environment
from dmadmin account
# called by: dmadmin


function log
echo $(date +"%Y/%m/%d %H.%M.%S %Z") '' ${@}

# See how we were called.

case $1 in

# Starting DocBroker
# Starting Tomcat services
cd $DM_HOME/tomcat/bin

# Stopping Tomcat services
cd $DM_HOME/tomcat/bin
# Stopping DocBroker

# Call myself to stop stuff
${0} stop
# Stopping Tomcat services
find $DOCUMENTUM/dba/log -type f -name "*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
# Call myself to restart stuff
${0} start

# Call myself to stop stuff
${0} stop
# Stopping Tomcat services
find $DOCUMENTUM/dba/log -type d -name "perftest*" -exec rm -rf
{} \;
find $DOCUMENTUM/dba/log -type d -name "perfuser*" -exec rm -rf
{} \;
find $DOCUMENTUM/dba/log -type d -name "RefAppUser*" -exec rm -rf {}
# Call myself to restart stuff
${0} start

./dm_launch_Docbroker -k

echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|kill|clean_logs|clean_performance}"
exit 1

exit 0

Example 15:

# Check bij aanloggen of voor dit domein een dmgr of nodeagent draait
echo ""

DMAOK=`ps -ef | grep $WASUSR | grep dmgr | grep -v grep`

if [ ! "$DMAOK" = "" ]; then
echo "Deployment Manager is running!"
echo "NOTE: Deployment Manager is NOT running!"
echo ""

WASOK=`ps -ef | grep $WASUSR | grep nodeagent | grep -v grep`

if [ ! "$WASOK" = "" ]; then
echo "Nodeagent is running!"
echo "NOTE: Nodeagent is NOT running!"
echo ""

if [ "$WASOK" = "" ] || [ "$DMAOK" = "" ]; then

echo "The $WASUSR-menu can be used to start the Deployment manager or
echo "Type 'menu' on the command-prompt followed by ENTER to start the
echo ""

if (( $# == 1 )) && [[ "${1}" = "?" ]]

if [ "$WASOK" = "" ] || [ "$DMAOK" = "" ]

Example 16:

Example with input from user:

echo ""
read CLEARMSG?"Press C or c to clear this message or any other key to
keep it : "
if [ "${CLEARMSG}" = "C" ] || [ "${CLEARMSG}" = "c" ]; then
if [ -f ExtraMessage.txt ]; then
rm ~/ExtraMessage.txt

Example 17:

# Check arguments
if [ ${#} != 3 ]
log "Usage: ${0} <enviroment> <installFilesFolder> <installTarget>"
exit 1

if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "use : PROGNAME
exit 1

if [ "$OPSYS" = "AIX" ]||[ "$OPSYS" = "HP-UX" ]||[ "$OPSYS" = "Linux" ]


Example 18:

Read Input from User and from Files

- Read in a Variable
From a user we read with: read var. Then the users can type something
in. One should first print something like:

print -n "Enter your favorite haircolor: ";read var; print "".

The -n suppresses the newline sign.

- Read into a File Line for Line

To get each line of a file into a variable iteratively do:

{ while read myline;do

# process $myline
done } < filename

- To catch the output of a pipeline each line at a time in a variable


last | sort | {
while read myline;do
# commands
done }

Example 19:

# This script is used to start Tomcat
# It calls the script under $CATALINA_HOME/bin.

#JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:NewSize=128m -XX:SurvivorRatio=8

JAVA_OPTS="-Xms384m -Xmx384m"
export JAVA_OPTS

if [ ! -d $CATALINA_HOME/bin ]
echo "Unable to find directory $CATALINA_HOME/bin"

Example 20:

export SCRIPTNAME=$0
export SPLCOMMAND=""
export SPLENVIRON=""
export MYID=`id |cut -d'(' -f2|cut -d')' -f1`
export SPLSUBSHELL=ksh

# Current Platform and OS

export OPSYS=`uname -s`
case $OPSYS in
SunOS) export OPSYSVER=`uname -r`
# Supplied and Supported Tuxedo Version
# Supplied and Supported Cobol Application Server
# Supplied and Supported Java Version
AIX) export OPSYSVER=`oslevel | cut -c1-3`
# Supplied and Supported Cobol Application Server
# Supplied and Supported Java Version
Linux) export OPSYSVER=`uname -r| cut -c1-3`
# Supplied and Supported Cobol Application Server

HP-UX) export OPSYSVER=`uname -r|sed 's/^[A-Z]\.//'|cut -c1-2`

# Supplied and Supported Cobol Application Server
# Supplied and Supported Java Version

Example 21:
Get a certain number of columns from df -k output:

df -k |awk '{print $1,$2,$5,$8}' |grep -v "Filesystem" > /tmp/df.txt

for i in `df -k |awk '{print $7}' |grep -v "Filesystem"'`
echo "Albert"


cd ~
rm -rf /root/alert.log
echo "Important alerts in errorlog: " >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i STORAGE >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i QUORUM >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i ADAPTER >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i VOLUME >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i PHYSICAL >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i STALE >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i DISK >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i LVM >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i LVD >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i UNABLE >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i USER >> /root/alert.log
errpt | grep -i CORRUPT >> /root/alert.log
cat /root/alert.log

if [ `cat alert.log|wc -l` -eq 1 ]

echo "No critical errors found."

echo " "

echo "Filesystems that might need attention, e.g. %used:"
df -k |awk '{print $4,$7}' |grep -v "Filesystem"|grep -v tmp >
cat /root/tmp.txt | sort -n | tail -3

Example 22:

for sid in `grep -v "^#" /etc/oratab | sed -e 's/:.*$//'`

/$sid:cat::::" >> /tmp/test


lsnrctl>set Log_status off

mv Listener.log to listenerold.log
lsnrctl>set Log_Status on

% cd /u01/app/oracle/product/9.2.0/network/log
% lsnrctl set log_status off
% mv listener.log listener.old
% lsnrctl set log_status on

case $IN in
for dbase in `grep -v "^#" /etc/oratab | sed -e 's/:.*$//'`
su - $dbase -c "/beheer/oracle/cluster/ start"

for dbase in `grep -v "^#" /etc/oratab | sed -e 's/:.*$//'`

echo $dbase

for sid in `grep -v "^#" /etc/oratab | sed -e 's/:.*$//'`

/$sid:cat::::" >> /tmp/test

Example 23: Get a substring of a filename:


Note 1:

Get substring of a filename:

set filename=`awk '{print substr($LONGFILE,1,3);exit}'`
echo $filename

Note 2:

first3chars=`echo $filename | cut -c 1-3`
echo $first3chars

Note 3:

i need to name a file with a substring of a another file name.

i.e. if the old filename is abc.txt , the new filename should be

i should get the substring of the file name and then name the new one

please let me know how to do it

echo "F1=$F1

t1=`basename $0 .txt`
echo "new file name:-${t2}"

Example 24:

split a file in a shell script:

split command:

To split large files into smaller files in Unix, use the split command.
At the Unix prompt, enter:

split [options] filename prefix

Replace filename with the name of the large file you wish to split.
Replace prefix with the name you wish
to give the small output files. You can exclude [options], or replace it
with either of the following:

-l linenumber

-b bytes

If you use the -l (a lowercase L) option, replace linenumber with the

number of lines you'd like
in each of the smaller files (the default is 1,000). If you use the -b
option, replace bytes with the number of bytes
you'd like in each of the smaller files.

The split command will give each output file it creates the name prefix
with an extension tacked to the end
that indicates its order. By default, the split command adds aa to the
first output file, proceeding through
the alphabet to zz for subsequent files. If you do not specify a prefix,
most systems use x .

In this simple example, assume myfile is 3,000 lines long:
split myfile
This will output three 1000-line files: xaa, xab, and xac.

Working on the same file, this next example is more complex:

split -l 500 myfile segment
This will output six 500-line files: segmentaa, segmentab, segmentac,
segmentad, segmentae, and segmentaf.

Finally, assume myfile is a 160KB file:

split -b 40k myfile segment
This will output four 40KB files: segmentaa, segmentab, segmentac, and

split -l 15000 originalFile.txt

for f in x*
runDataProcessor $f > $f.out &


for k in *.out
cat $k >> combinedResult.txt

csplit command:

csplit [ -f Prefix ] [ -k ] [ -n Number ] [ -s ] File Argument ...

$ csplit orginal.txt 11 72 98

the csplit command would create four files: the xx00 file would contain
lines 1-10, the xx01 file would contain lines 11-71,
the xx02 file would contain lines 72-97, the xx03 file would contain
lines 98-108.

The Argument parameter can also contain the following symbols and
pattern strings:
Creates a file that contains the segment from the current line up to,
but not including, the line containing the specified pattern.
The line containing the pattern becomes the current line.


csplit -k -s -f part. split_file /^-----/ "{100}" 2>/dev/null

ls part.?? | while read file; do

sed '/^-----/ d' ${file} > ${file}.new && mv ${file}.new ${file}
echo "File ${file} contains:"
cat ${file}

exit 0
$ ./
File part.00 contains:
File part.01 contains:
File part.02 contains:
File part.03 contains:


To split the text of book into a separate file for each chapter, enter:

$ csplit book "/^ Chapter *[k.0-9]k./" {9}

This creates 10 files, xx00 through xx09. The xx00 file contains the
front matter that comes before the first chapter.
Files xx01 through xx09 contain individual chapters. Each chapter begins
with a line that contains only the word Chapter and the chapter number.


To specify the prefix chap for the files created from book, enter:

$ csplit -f chap book "/^ Chapter *[k.0-9]k./" {9}

This splits book into files named chap00 through chap09.


# Split a file
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo "Syntax is ./ <file name> <split line number>"
echo "Example: ./ bp.out 25000"
exit 1
lineMax=`wc -l $file | awk '{print $1}'`
while [ $counter -lt $lineMax ]
split1=`expr $counter`
split2=`expr $counter + $split - 1`
sed -n "$split1","$split2"p $file > fragment."$i"
i=`expr $i + 1`
counter=`expr $split2 + 1`

sed -n "$counter",\$p $file > fragment."$i"

Example 25:

Use of the IFS, or internal field separator, variable

If you consider some line of text, you can tell your shell what is the
field seperator.
In normal text, a separator will be a 'space", or a "tab" etc.., but if
you look for example at your $PATH
variable, your field seperator will be a ":" symbol.

IFS=: # Here we say that the field seperator is the :
for p in $PATH
if [ -x $p/$1 ]
echo $p/$1
echo "No $1 found in path"
return 1

Example 26:

How to handle long text in a variable.

A very long text, spanning multiple lines, can be handled as in the

following example:

MAIL_TEXT="${MAIL_TEXT}\n\nThere's no file found in ${ARCH_DIR}
younger than 1 day."
MAIL_TEXT="${MAIL_TEXT}\nThat means that we have one of the following
MAIL_TEXT="${MAIL_TEXT}\n- Something went wrong trying to receive the
MAIL_TEXT="${MAIL_TEXT}\n- Or it was a special day where no files are

FIXED_TEXT="Uit een periodieke controle blijkt dat het SWIFT certificaat

van onderstaande gebruikers,"
FIXED_TEXT="${FIXED_TEXT}\ngebruikt voor SWIFT diensten, binnenkort zal
FIXED_TEXT="${FIXED_TEXT}\De gebruiker wordt verzocht op de aangegeven
omgeving met zijn SWIFT account de binnen een week in te loggen"
FIXED_TEXT="${FIXED_TEXT}\zodat zijn certificaat wordt vernieuwd.
Inloggen geschied met SWIFT Alliance WebStation."
FIXED_TEXT="${FIXED_TEXT}\Let op: elke omgeving gebruikt een eigen
certificaat. Log voor elke melding apart in op de aangegeven omgeving."

Example 27: again checking status



typeset -i ABC_PROCS


# Description: Function which gives the status of all processes:
Running or Notrunning.
# Calling: Status_CD4SN

case ${ABC_INST} in
ABC_PROCS=$(ps -ef | grep Command | grep -v grep | grep "s 1"
| wc -l)
ABC_PROCS=$(ps -ef | grep Command | grep -v grep | grep "s 2"
| wc -l)
ABC_PROCS=$(ps -ef|grep $USER |grep -v grep|grep "abc.$(uname
-n)" |wc -l)
echo "Wrong parameter. Use \"aa\", \"bb\" of \"cc\"
if [[ ${ABC_PROCS} = 2 ]]
echo "${STATUS}"




This command creates a shell variable, assigns it a value, and specifies

certain attributes for the variable,
such as integer and read-only.

The syntax is:

set typeset [-HLRZfilprtux[n] [name [=value]]...]

where name is the shell variable to be created, value is to be assigned

according to the options set.

The following example makes year read-only.

$ typeset -r year=2000
$ echo $year
$ year=2001
ksh: year: is readonly

Example 28:

Put some output of some commands in html:


# system_page - A script to produce a system information HTML file

##### Constants

TITLE="System Information for $HOSTNAME"

RIGHT_NOW=$(date +"%x %r %Z")

##### Functions

function system_info
echo "<h2>System release info</h2>"
echo "<p>Function not yet implemented</p>"

} # end of system_info

function show_uptime
echo "<h2>System uptime</h2>"
echo "<pre>"
echo "</pre>"

} # end of show_uptime

function drive_space
echo "<h2>Filesystem space</h2>"
echo "<pre>"
echo "</pre>"

} # end of drive_space

function home_space
# Only the superuser can get this information

if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then

echo "<h2>Home directory space by user</h2>"
echo "<pre>"
echo "Bytes Directory"
du -s /home/* | sort -nr
echo "</pre>"

} # end of home_space

##### Main

cat <<- _EOF_




# system_page - A script to produce a system information HTML file

##### Constants

TITLE="System Information for $HOSTNAME"

RIGHT_NOW=$(date +"%x %r %Z")

##### Functions

function system_info
echo "<h2>System release info</h2>"
echo "<p>Function not yet implemented</p>"

} # end of system_info

function show_uptime
echo "<h2>System uptime</h2>"
echo "<pre>"
echo "</pre>"

} # end of show_uptime

function drive_space
echo "<h2>Filesystem space</h2>"
echo "<pre>"
echo "</pre>"

} # end of drive_space

function home_space
# Only the superuser can get this information

if [ "$(id -u)" = "0" ]; then

echo "<h2>Home directory space by user</h2>"
echo "<pre>"
echo "Bytes Directory"
du -s /home/* | sort -nr
echo "</pre>"

} # end of home_space

function write_page
cat <<- _EOF_

function usage
echo "usage: system_page [[[-f file ] [-i]] | [-h]]"

##### Main


while [ "$1" != "" ]; do

case $1 in
-f | --file ) shift
-i | --interactive ) interactive=1
-h | --help ) usage
* ) usage
exit 1

# Test code to verify command line processing

if [ "$interactive" = "1" ]; then

echo "interactive is on"
echo "interactive is off"
echo "output file = $filename"

# Write page (comment out until testing is complete)

# write_page > $filename

3. BOOT and Shutdown:

3.1 Shutdown systems:


3.1.1 Shutdown a Solaris system:


Under Solaris, you need to use

init or shutdown are normally best: they run the kill scripts
halt or reboot do not run the kill scripts properly

/usr/sbin/shutdown -i5 -g0 -- this let the system go to the

powerdown state
/usr/sbin/shutdown -i6 -g0 -y -- this let the system reboot
/usr/sbin/shutdown -i0 -g0 -- shuts everything down, unmounts all

shutdown -i6 (is a reboot in Solaris8)

shutdown [-y no interactive confirmations] [-g grace period in

seconds] [-i init state] [message]

- If you say init 6, or shutdown -i6, the system reboots an restart into
a runstate as defined as the default
in the inittab file.

- If you say init 0, the system cleanly shuts down, and you can power of
the system
If you say init 5, is equivalent to the poweroff command, and the
system cleanly shuts down,
and you can power of the system

to achieve the desired effect. Be sure to read the man page for shutdown
for your operating system.
With no argument, shutdown will take the system into single user mode.

- The /usr/sbin/reboot command:

is used when you want to reboot. The system does not go through the
shutdown scripts.
Also, it usually sync's the filesystem.
Thus, the following is a safe bet on all Unixes:

- The /usr/sbin/halt command:

syncs the filesystem and stops the processor. No shutdown scripts are
fired up.

- The fastboot/fasthalt command:

The fasthalt command halts the processor and creates a /fastboot file
to tell the system to skip the
fsck operation upon reboot

- The sync command: completes pending filesystem writes to disk (in

other words, the buffer cache is dumped to disk).
Most Unix shutdown, reboot, and halt commands will do a sync. However,
the reboot, fastboot, or halt commands will not
go through the shutdown scripts.

If you manually sync, it is customary to do it multiple times (as we saw

before). This is partly Unix superstition and
part fact.
The first sync is supposed to schedule a sync, not actually perform it.
The second and subsequent syncs force the sync.



init 0<enter>

- Shutdown scripts:
Like startup scripts, the system initialization directories (usually
/etc/rcN.d) contains shutdown scripts which are fired up
by init during an orderly shutdown (i.e. when either the init command is
used to change the runlevel or when the
shutdown command is used).
The usual convention is to use the letter K in front of a number,
followed by a service name, such as K56network.
The number determines the order in which the scripts are fired up when
the system transitions into a particular run level.

3.1.2 Shutdown an AIX system:


You can use the init, shutdown and halt commands. The shutdown command
stops the system in an orderly fashion.

Bring the system from multi-user mode to maintenance mode, use

# shutdown -m
To restart the system, use
# shutdown -r

To gracefully shutdown the system, use

# shutdown

If you need a customized shutdown sequence, you can create a file called
If this file exists, it is called by the shutdown command and is
executed first.
This can be usefull for example, if you need to close a database prior
to a shutdown.
If rc.shutdown fails (non zero return code value), the shutdown cycle is

Example rc.shutdown:

#cat /etc/rc.shutdown


# stop Control-SA/Agent
/etc/rc.ctsa stop
/etc/rc.mwa stop
/etc/rc.opc stop

# Stop TSM dsmcad en scheduler

/etc/rc.dsm stop

# Stop TSCM client

/opt/IBM/SCM/client/jacclient stop

# /etc/rc.shutdown SHOULD always end with a # Stop db2 instances as last

/etc/rc.ihs stop
/etc/rc.ihs stop des
/etc/rc.appserver stop PRM1DES
/etc/rc.nodeagent stop
/etc/rc.dmgr stop
# Stop db2 instances
/etc/rc.db2_udb stop all

/etc/rc.directoryserver stop
#Stop the Tivoli Enterprise Console Logfile Adapter
if [ -f /beheer/Tivoli/lcf/bin/aix4-
r1/TME/TEC/adapters/bin/init.tecad_logfile ]; then
r1/TME/TEC/adapters/bin/init.tecad_logfile stop aix-default >/dev/null
echo "Tivoli Enterprise Console Logfile Adapter stopped."
exit 0
3.1.3 Shutdown a Linux system:

Note 1: Redhat systems:

To shut down Red Hat Linux, issue the shutdown command. You can read the
shutdown man page for complete details,
but the two most common uses are:

/sbin/shutdown -h now
/sbin/shutdown -r now

You must run shutdown as root. After shutting everything down, the -h
option will halt the machine,
and the -r option will reboot.

Non-root users can use the reboot and halt commands to shutdown the
system while in runlevels 1 through 5.
However, not all Linux operating systems support this feature.

If your computer does not power itself down, be careful not turn off the
computer until you see a message indicating
that the system is halted.

3.2 Booting:

3.2.1 Generic description booting a unix system:


1. Or some rom menu, or some command prompt, or automatic procedure,

provides for finding or selecting initial bootstraps code
on some device

2. kernel is loaded (unix, vmunix etc.. in /, or /boot, or /kernel, or

some place else)
3. start init
4. run scripts

SunOs: /vmunix
Solaris8 = SunOs 5.8: /kernel/unix
AIX: /unix

3.2.2 Bootprocedure Solaris:

1. Boot overview

- Openboot PROM:

After a dignostice fase, it shows either

- the "ok" prompt or
- via Openboot parameter "auto_boot" goes on with the bootprocedure.
Thanks to the Openboot parameter "boot_device" the path to the
bootblk is known.

You can also use the

"ok boot alias/physical_device_name" to boot from the specified
device, like for example
"ok boot disk3"

You can also use options as

"ok boot -a=interactive boot, -r=reconfiguration boot, -s=boot to
single-user state, -v=verbose mode"

The command "ok boot disk5 kernel/unix -s", the PROM will look for the
primary bootprogram bootblk
on the alias disk5, which could be a physical device as
The primary startup command will then load "ufsboot". This will then
load the kernel as specified.

Thus, after the simple boot command, the boot process goes on in the
following manner:

- bootblk (from the default boot-device)

- bootblk find ufsboot (plus filesystem drivers)
- ufsboot starts the kernel, its merges genunix and unix (mounts the
root fs)
- kernel mounts other fs
- start sched (swapper)
- start /sbin/init
- init starts demons in rc scripts

You can also view the startup information via:

$ more /var/adm/messages
$ /usr/sbin/dmesg

2. Booting with Other system file:


1. login as root

2. create a backup copy of the /etc/system file

cp /etc/system /etc/system.orig

3. Halt the system

/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -g0 -i0

4. at the OK prompt, boot the system using the interactive option

OK boot -a
5. You will be prompted to enter a filename for the kernel, and a
directory for modules. Enter a return for each of these questions.
When prompted to use the default /etc/system file:

Name of system file [etc/system]:

enter the following:


3. More about init:

init uses the /etc/inittab File

When you boot the system or change run levels with the init or shutdown
command, the init daemon starts processes
by reading information from the /etc/inittab file. This file defines
three important items for the init process:

-The system's default run level

-What processes to start, monitor, and restart if they terminate
-What actions to be taken when the system enters a new run level

Each entry in the /etc/inittab file has the following fields:


in /etc we find the links:

rc0 -> /sbin/rco
rc1 -> /sbin/rc1
rc2 -> /sbin/rc2
rc3 -> /sbin/rc3
rc4 -> /sbin/rc4
rc5 -> /sbin/rc5
rc6 -> /sbin/rc6

in /sbin we find the scripts rc0 - rc6, rcS. These are not links, but
true shell scripts.
In /etc we find the links rc0 - rc6, rcS.

In /etc we find the (true) directories /etc/rc#.d.

So suppose the runlevel=3

1. init reads inittab

Contents /etc/inittab

\u@\h[\w]> more inittab

ap::sysinit:/sbin/autopush -f /etc/iu.ap
ap::sysinit:/sbin/soconfig -f /etc/sock2path
fs::sysinit:/sbin/rcS >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
p3:s1234:powerfail:/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -i5 -g0 >/dev/console
s0:0:wait:/sbin/rc0 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
s1:1:wait:/usr/sbin/shutdown -y -iS -g0 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
s2:23:wait:/sbin/rc2 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
s3:3:wait:/sbin/rc3 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
s5:5:wait:/sbin/rc5 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
s6:6:wait:/sbin/rc6 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
fw:0:wait:/sbin/uadmin 2 0 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
of:5:wait:/sbin/uadmin 2 6 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
rb:6:wait:/sbin/uadmin 2 1 >/dev/console 2<>/dev/console
sc:234:respawn:/usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300
co:234:respawn:/usr/lib/saf/ttymon -g -h -p "`uname -n` console login: "
-T sun
-d /dev/console -l console -m ldterm,ttcompat

2. init knows the runlevel, default it's 3

For each rc script in the /sbin directory, there is a corresponding

directory named /etc/rcn.d that contains
scripts to perform various actions for that run level.
For example, /etc/rc2.d contains files used to start and stop processes
for run level 2.

# ls /etc/rc2.d
K20spc@ S70uucp* S80lp*
K60nfs.server* S71rpc* S80spc@
K76snmpdx* S71sysid.sys* S85power*
K77dmi* S72autoinstall* S88sendmail*
README S72inetsvc* S88utmpd*
S01MOUNTFSYS* S73nfs.client* S89bdconfig@
S05RMTMPFILES* S74autofs* S91leoconfig*
S20sysetup* S74syslog* S92rtvc-config*
S21perf* S74xntpd* S92volmgt** S75cron* S93cacheos.finish*
S47asppp* S76nscd* S99audit*
S69inet* S80PRESERVE* S99dtlogin*

The /etc/rcn.d scripts are always run in ASCII sort order. The scripts
have names of the form:

Files beginning with K are run to terminate (kill) a system process.
Files beginning with S are run to start a system process.

Run control scripts are also located in the /etc/init.d directory.

These files are linked to corresponding run control scripts in the
/etc/rc*.d directories.
One advantage of having individual scripts for each run level is that
you can run scripts in the /etc/init.d directory individually
to turn off functionality without changing a system's run level.

- Start and Stop of an individual process

The advantage to have individual scripts, is that you can stop or start
individual processes
by running such a script, without rebooting or changing the run level.

Turn off functionality.

# /etc/init.d/filename stop

Restart functionality
# /etc/init.d/filename start

For example, if you want to restart the NFS server, you can do the

# /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start

Use the ps and grep commands to verify whether the service has been
stopped or started.
# ps -ef | grep service

Adding a Run Control Script:


All scripts are in /etc/init.d

You create the neccesary links in the corresponding /etc/rcn.d

The /sbin/rcN scripts run the /etc/rcN.d scripts

If you want to add a run control script to start and stop a service,
copy the script into the /etc/init.d directory and create links in the
directory you want the service to start and stop.
See the README file in each /etc/rc*.d directory for more information
on naming run control scripts.
The procedure below describes how to add a run control script.

How to Add a Run Control Script

Become superuser.

Add the script to the /etc/init.d directory.

# cp filename /etc/init.d
# chmod 744 /etc/init.d/filename
# chown root:sys /etc/init.d/filename

Create links to the appropriate rc*.d directory.

# cd /etc/init.d
# ln filename /etc/rc2.d/Snnfilename
# ln filename /etc/rcn.d/Knnfilename

cd /etc/rc2d
ln /etc/init.d/filename S22filename

Use the ls command to verify that the script has links in the
specified directories.

# ls /etc/init.d/ /etc/rc2.d/ /etc/rcn.d/

Example-Adding a Run Control Script

# cp xyz /etc/init.d
# cd /etc/init.d
# ln xyz /etc/rc2.d/S100xyz
# ln xyz /etc/rc0.d/K100xyz
# ls /etc/init.d /etc/rc2.d /etc/rc0.d


# name: spl
# purpose: script that will start or stop the spl stuff.

case "$1" in
start )
echo "starting spl"
echo "su - ccbsys -c '/prj/spl/SPLS3/bin/ -e SPLS3
-c " -t start"'"
su - ccbsys -c '/prj/spl/SPLS3/bin/ -e SPLS3 -c
" -t start"'
stop )
echo "stopping spl"
echo "su - ccbsys -c '/prj/spl/SPLS3/bin/ -e SPLS3
-c " -t stop"'"
su - ccbsys -c '/prj/spl/SPLS3/bin/ -e SPLS3 -c
" -t stop"'
* )
echo "Usage: $0 (start | stop)"
exit 1

3. /sbin/rc3 script will be started

Contents /sbin/rc3

# Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T
# All Rights Reserved


# The copyright notice above does not evidence any
# actual or intended publication of such source code.

#ident "@(#) 1.12 94/12/19 SMI" SVr4.0

# "Run Commands" executed when the system is changing to init
state 3,
# same as state 2 (multi-user) but with remote file sharing.

set `/usr/bin/who -r`
if [ -d /etc/rc3.d ]
for f in /etc/rc3.d/K*
if [ -s ${f} ]
case ${f} in
*.sh) . ${f} ;; # source
*) /sbin/sh ${f} stop ;; # sub

for f in /etc/rc3.d/S*
if [ -s ${f} ]
case ${f} in
*.sh) . ${f} ;; # source
*) /sbin/sh ${f} start ;; # sub

modunload -i 0 & > /dev/null 2>&1

if [ $9 = 'S' -o $9 = '1' ]
echo 'The system is ready.'

4. From /sbin/rc3 all K* and S* scripts in /etc/rc3.d will be run

Oracle is installed on this host, so there should be a
/etc/rc3.d/S99oracle or similar
script. Now there indeed exists the S88dbora script.

5. There is an S88dbora script, so it will be called:

Oracle S88dbora script in /etc/rc3.d


mt -f /dev/rm rewind
tar -xvf /dev/rmt1.1 fielname
mt -f /dev/rmt0.1 fsf 2 (voor drie) (daarna staat tapepointer op begin

fsf bsf

\u@\h[\w]> more S88dbora


# Startup for Oracle Databases


if [ ! -f $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart ] ;then
echo "Oracle startup: cannot start"

case "$1" in
# Start the Oracle databases
su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart" > /dev/null
su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start" >
/dev/null 2>&1
su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl dbsnmp_start"
> /dev/null 2>&1

# Stop the Oracle databases
su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl dbsnmp_stop"
> /dev/null
su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop" >
/dev/null 2>&1
su - $ORACLE_OWNER -c "$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut" > /dev/null 2>&1
echo "Usage: $0 { start | stop }"

Another example:

more /etc/init.d/dbora

nlih30207858-08:/etc/init.d $ more dbora

# Set ORA_HOME to be equivalent to the ORACLE_HOME
# from which you wish to execute dbstart and
# dbshut
# set ORA_OWNER to the user id of the owner of the
# Oracle database in ORA_HOME
if [ ! -f $ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart -o ! -d $ORA_HOME ]
echo "Oracle startup: cannot start"
case "$1" in
# Start the Oracle databases and listener:
su - $ORA_OWNER -c "$ORA_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start" &
su - $ORA_OWNER -c $ORA_HOME/bin/dbstart &
# Stop the Oracle databases and listener:
su - $ORA_OWNER -c $ORA_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop &
su - $ORA_OWNER -c $ORA_HOME/bin/dbshut &

6. To start the database(s) en listener(s), the dbstart script is run:

\u@\h[\w]> more dbstart

# $Header: 1.1 95/02/22 14:37:29 rdhoopar Osd<unix> $
p Copyr (c) 1991 Oracle

# usage: dbstart
# This script is used to start ORACLE from /etc/rc(.local).
# It should ONLY be executed as part of the system boot procedure.

trap 'exit' 1 2 3
T) set -x ;;

# Set path if path not set (if called from /etc/rc)

case $PATH in
"") PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/etc
export PATH ;;

# Loop for every entry in oratab file and and try to start
# that ORACLE

cat $ORATAB | while read LINE

case $LINE in
\#*) ;; #comment-line in oratab
# Proceed only if third field is 'Y'.
if [ "`echo $LINE | awk -F: '{print $3}' -`" = "Y" ] ; then
ORACLE_SID=`echo $LINE | awk -F: '{print $1}' -`
if [ "$ORACLE_SID" = '*' ] ; then
# Called programs use same database ID
ORACLE_HOME=`echo $LINE | awk -F: '{print $2}' -`
# Called scripts use same home directory
# Put $ORACLE_HOME/bin into PATH and export.
PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/etc ; export PATH


# Figure out if this is a V5, V6, or V7 database. Do we really

need V5?
if [ -f $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqldba ] ; then
VERSION=`$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqldba command=exit | awk '
/SQL\*DBA: (Release|Version)/ {split($3, V, ".")
print V[1]}'`
if test -f $ORACLE_HOME/bin/svrmgrl; then


if test -f $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sgadef${ORACLE_SID}.dbf -o \
-f $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/sgadef${ORACLE_SID}.ora
case $STATUS in
1) if [ -f $PFILE ] ; then
case $VERSION in
5) ior w pfile=$PFILE

6) sqldba command=startup

7) sqldba <<EOF
connect internal

7.3) svrmgrl <<EOF

connect internal

if test $? -eq 0 ; then

echo ""
echo "Database \"${ORACLE_SID}\" warm
echo ""
echo "Database \"${ORACLE_SID}\" NOT
echo ""
echo "Can't find init file for Database \"$
echo "Database \"${ORACLE_SID}\" NOT started."

-1) echo ""

echo "Database \"${ORACLE_SID}\" possibly left
running when
system went down (system crash?)."
echo "Notify Database Administrator."
case $VERSION in
5) ior c

6) sqldba "command=shutdown abort"


7) sqldba <<EOF
connect internal
shutdown abort

7.3) svrmgrl <<EOF

connect internal
shutdown abort


if test $? -eq 0 ; then

if [ -f $PFILE ] ; then
case $VERSION in
5) ior w pfile=$PFILE

6) sqldba command=startup

7) sqldba <<EOF
connect internal
7.3) svrmgrl <<EOF
connect internal
if test $? -eq 0 ; then
echo ""
echo "Database \"${ORACLE_SID}\" warm
echo ""
echo "Database \"${ORACLE_SID}\" NOT
echo ""
echo "Can't find init file for Database \"$
echo "Database \"${ORACLE_SID}\" NOT
echo "Database \"${ORACLE_SID}\" NOT started."

environment oracle user


3.2.3 Bootprocedure AIX 5.x:


Understanding the Boot Process

During the boot process, the system tests the hardware, loads and runs
the operating system,
and configures devices. To boot the operating system, the following
resources are required:

. A boot image that can be loaded after the machine is turned on or

. Access to the root (/) and /usr file systems.
There are three types of system boots:

Hard Disk Boot A machine is started for normal operations. For

more information,
see Understanding System Boot Processing.
Diskless Network Boot A diskless or dataless workstation is started
remotely over a network.
A machine is started for normal operations. One
or more remote file servers provide the files
and programs that diskless or dataless
workstations need to boot.
Maintenance Boot A machine is started from a hard disk, network,
tape, or CD-ROM in maintenance mode.
A system administrator can perform tasks such
as installing new or updated software and running
diagnostic checks. For more information, see
Understanding the Maintenance Boot Process.

During a hard disk boot, the boot image is found on a local disk created
when the operating system was installed.
During the boot process, the system configures all devices found in the
machine and initializes other basic software
required for the system to operate (such as the Logical Volume Manager).
At the end of this process,
the file systems are mounted and ready for use. For more information
about the file system used during boot processing,
see Understanding the RAM File System.

The same general requirements apply to diskless network clients. They

also require a boot image and access
to the operating system file tree. Diskless network clients have no
local file systems and get all their
information by way of remote access.

Understanding System Boot Processing:

Most users perform a hard disk boot when starting the system for general
The system finds all information necessary to the boot process on its
disk drive.

When the system is started by turning on the power switch (a cold boot)
or restarted with the
reboot or shutdown commands (a warm boot), a number of events must occur
before the system is ready for use.
These events can be divided into the following phases:

. Read Only Storage (ROS) Kernel Init Phase

. Base Device Configuration Phase
. Maintenance Boot Phase.

-- ROS Kernel Init Phase:

The ROS kernel resides in firmware. Its initialization phase involves

the following steps:
1. The firmware checks to see if there are any problems with the system
motherboard. Control is passed to ROS,
which performs a power-on self-test (POST).

2. The ROS initial program load (IPL) checks the user bootlist, a list
of available boot devices.
This boot list can be altered to suit your requirements using the
bootlist command. If the user boot list
in non-volatile random access memory (NVRAM) is not valid or if a valid
boot device is not found,
the default boot list is then checked. In either case, the first valid
boot device found in the boot list
is used for system startup. If a valid user boot list exists in NVRAM,
the devices in the list are checked in order.
If no user boot list exists, all adapters and devices on the bus are
checked. In either case, devices are checked
in a continuous loop until a valid boot device is found for system

The system maintains a default boot list located in ROS and a user boot
list stored in NVRAM,
for a normal boot. Separate default and user boot lists are also
maintained for booting from the Service key position.

3. When a valid boot device is found, the first record or program sector
number (PSN) is checked.
If it is a valid boot record, it is read into memory and is added to the
IPL control block in memory.
Included in the key boot record data are the starting location of the
boot image on the boot device,
the length of the boot image, and instructions on where to load the boot
image in memory.

4. The boot image is read sequentially from the boot device into memory
starting at the location
specified in NVRAM. The disk boot image consists of the kernel, a RAM
file system, and base customized
device information (customized reduced ODM).

5. Control is passed to the kernel, which begins system initialization.

6. The kernel runs init, which runs phase 1 of the "/sbin/rc.boot"

When the kernel initialization phase is completed, base device
configuration begins.

-- Base Device Configuration Phase:

The init process starts the rc.boot script. Phase 1 of the rc.boot
script performs the base device configuration,
and it includes the following steps:

. The boot script calls the restbase program to build the customized
Object Data Manager (ODM) database
in the RAM file system from the compressed customized data.
. The boot script starts the configuration manager, which accesses phase
1 ODM configuration rules to configure
the base devices.
. The configuration manager starts the sys, bus, disk, SCSI, and the
Logical Volume Manager (LVM) and
rootvg volume group configuration methods.
. The configuration methods load the device drivers, create special
files, and update the customized data
in the ODM database.

-- System Boot Phase:

The System Boot Phase involved the following steps:

The init process starts phase 2 running of the rc.boot script. Phase 2
of rc.boot includes the following steps:
.Call the ipl_varyon program to vary on the rootvg volume group.
.Mount the hard disk file systems onto their normal mount points.
.Run the swapon program to start paging.
.Copy the customized data from the ODM database in the RAM file system
to the ODM database in the hard disk file system.
.Exit the rc.boot script.

- After phase 2 of rc.boot, the boot process switches from the RAM file
system to the hard disk root file system.
- Then the init process runs the processes defined by records in the
/etc/inittab file.
One of the instructions in the /etc/inittab file runs phase 3 of the
rc.boot script,

cat /etc/inittab | grep rc.boot

brc::sysinit:/sbin/rc.boot 3 >/dev/console 2>&1 # Phase 3 of system

which includes the following steps:

.Mount the /tmp hard disk file system.
.Start the configuration manager phase 2 to configure all remaining
.Use the savebase command to save the customized data to the boot
logical volume
.Exit the rc.boot script.

At the end of this process, the system is up and ready for use.

- To display the current runlevel:

# who -r
# cat /etc/.init.state

- To display a history of previous runlevels:

# /usr/lib/acct/fwtmp < /var/adm/wtmp | grep run-level

- To change the runlevel:

# telinit m # m in 0-9, S,s,M,m, a,b,c, Q,q

S,s,M,m: maintenance mode
0,1 : reserved
2 : normal
3-9 : user defined
Q,q : reparse inittab file

The telinit command directs the actions of the init process by taking a
one character parameter
and signaling the init process to perform the appropriate action.
So the telinit command sets the system at a specific runlevel.

Some important PCI systems an pSeries LED codes:


hd4= /, hd5=boot, hd6=paging, hd2=/usr, hd3=/tmp, hd9var=/var

/etc is in "/", so the ODM database is in "/".

Describe LED codes (121, 223, 229, 551, 552, 553, 581, OC31, OC32)

-reduced ODM from BLV copied into RAMFS: OK=510, NOT OK=LED 548:
-LED 511: bootinfo -b is called to determine the last bootdevice
-ipl_varyon of rootvg: OK=517,ELSE 551,552,554,556:
-LED 555,557: mount /dev/hd4 on temporary mountpoint /mnt
-LED 518: mount /usr, /var
-LED 553: syncvg rootvg, or inittab problem
-LED 549
-LED 581: tcp/ip is being configured, and there is some problem

Last phases in the boot is where cfgcon is called, to configure the

cfgcon LED codes include:
C31: Console not yet configured.
C32: Console is an LFT terminal
C33: Console is a TTY
C34: Console is a file on disk
C99: Could not detect a console device

LED 551: ipl_varyon of rootvg

201 : Damaged boot image

223-229 : Invalid boot list
551,555,557 : Corrupted filesystem, corrupted JFS log
552,554,556 : Superblock corrupted, corrupted customized ODM database
553 : Corrupted /etc/inittab file

More Detail on LED codes:


CPU planar board is not securely seated in the adapter slot on the
microchannel bus.


Key is in SECURE mode and the system will NOT boot until the key is
turned to either


LV hd5 (boot logical volume) has been corrupted. To correct this
situation, perform the following:

. Boot system in service mode. Either boot the system from boot
diskettes or boot tape OF THE SAME VERSION AND
. To perform system maintenance functions from the INSTALL and
MAINTENANCE menu, enter the following command,
where hdisk0 is the drive that contains the boot logical volume (/blv)
/usr/sbin/getrootfs hdisk0

. From maintenance mode make sure /tmp has at least enough free disk
space to create the tape image when
the 'bosboot' command is executed.
. Make sure /dev/hd6 is swapped on via the lsps -a command.
You don't want to get 'paging space low' messages when creating a new
boot image on /dev/hd5. Recreate
a new boot image by executing the command:
bosboot -a -d /dev/hdisk0
Turn key to normal mode
shutdown -Fr


The NVRAM is potentially corrupted. To correct this situtation, perform

the following steps:

Boot system in service mode. Either boot the system from boot diskettes
or boot tape
Select option to perform system maintenance functions from the INSTALL
Enter the following command:
/usr/sbin/getrootfs hdisk0 from maintenance mode
Enter the command
bootlist -m normal hdisk0 or whatever your boot drive name is (eg.,
shutdown -Fr
If the above method fails, try the following:

Shutdown your machine and unplug your system battery before you power
Wait 30 minutes for battery to drain.
Reconnect battery.
Once you power up and a 221 is displayed on your LED
flip the key to service mode then back to normal mode
plug in system battery
Once this is done, the NVRAM should return to normal.


Cannot boot in normal mode from any of the devices listed in the NVRAM

Typically the cause of this problem is the machine has just been moved
and the SCSI adapter card is not
firmly seated in the adapter slot on the microchannel bus. Make sure the
card is seated properly and all
internal and external SCSI connectors are firmly attached.
Another possibility is that a NEW SCSI device has been added to the
system and there are two or more devices
with the same SCSI ID.


Attempting to IPL from devices specified in NVRAM device list. If
diagnostics indicate a bad drive is
suspected, BEFORE replacing the physical volume, replace the LOGIC
ASSEMBLY on the drive housing first.
Saves time in retrying to rebuild a system especially if full backups
haven't been made recently.


BAD ERROR. The VG rootvg could not be varied on. Most likely scenario is
that the VGDA on the default
boot drive (hdisk0) got hammered/corrupted. To resolve this problem, try
the following:

1) Boot system in service mode. Either boot the system from boot
diskettes or boot tape
2) Select option to perform system maintenance functions from the
3) Enter the following command:/usr/sbin/getrootfs hdisk0 from
maintenance mode. If there are at least two PVs in the VG rootvg, if one
fails to work with this command, try any of the remaining PVs (eg,
/etc/continue hdisk0 or /etc/continue hdisk1)
4) If the importvg command fails, as should the varyonvg command, then
perform the following from the command line:

exportvg <VG_NAME> EXAMPLE: exportvg vg2 removes LV references from ODM

but wont write any info to VGDA
importvg -y <VG_NAME> <PV_NAME> EXAMPLE: importvg -y vg2 hdisk1
restores ODM database from information read from VGDA
varyonvg -m1 <VG_NAME> EXAMPLE: varyonvg vg2 This command will INSURE
that the ODM database MATCHES
the characteristics stored in the VGDA (syncs VGDA to ODM)

5) If no error messages are reported by importvg or varyonvg, then goto

step '11'
6) Execute the command: mount
7) If /dev/ram0 is the only mounted filesystem, try the following script
entered interactively from the command line: EXAMPLE: for VG rootvg - if
it fails to varyon

for i in hd2 hd3 hd4

synclvodm rootvg $i
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
fsck -fp /dev/$i

8) If there are no error messages from the synclvodm command or the fsck
command, then mount the following
file systems:

mount /dev/hd3 /tmp

mount /dev/hd2 /usr
mount /dev/hd4 /mnt

9) If there are no error messages from these mount commands, then goto
step '11'
10) If the previous step fails or the log redo process fails or
indicates any filesystems with an
unknown log device, then do the following 2 steps:

/etc/aix/logform /dev/hd8 ( Answer 'y' to the "Destroy /dev/hd8 (y)?"

prompt )
LogForm will reformat the log logical volume. The next IPL will take a
little longer.

11) Turn key to normal mode

12) Shutdown the system via the command shutdown -Fr. If this doesn't
appear to be working, type the following at the command line:

sync; sync;

13) If the problem still persists, consult your local SE before you
attempt to RE-INSTALL your system.

Your /etc/inittab file has been corrupted or truncated. To correct this
situation, perform the following:

boot system in service mode. Either boot the system from boot diskettes
or boot tape select option 5
(perform system maintenance) from the INSTALL and MAINTENANCE menu.
Enter the command /etc/continue hdisk0 from maintenance mode.
Check to see that you have free space on those file systems that are
mounted on logical volumes /dev/hd3 and /dev/hd4.
If they are full, erase files that aren't needed.
Some space needs to be free on these logical volumes for the system to
boot properly.
Check to see if the /etc/inittab file looks ok. If not, goto the next
step, else consult your local SE
for further advice.
Place the MOST recent 'mksysb' tape into the tape drive. If you don't
have a 'mksysb' tape, get your
INSTALL/MAINT floppy and insert into your diskette drive.
Extract the /etc/inittab file from the media device mentioned.
Change directories to root (eg., cd /) first, then execute the following
restore -xvf/dev/fd0 ./etc/inittab - if a floppy disk
restore -xvf/dev/rmt0 ./etc/inittab - if a tape device
This will restore the contents of the /etc/inittab file to a reasonable
format to boot the system up with.
Depending on how current the /etc/inittab file is, you may have to
manually add, modify, or delete the
contents of this file.

shutdown -Fr


This LED is displayed when the /etc/ script is executed.

Verify this script is correct or if modifications have been made since

the system was last rebooted.
Any errors logged during the execution of this script are sent to the
/tmp/ file.
top of page


Printer port is being configured BUT there is NO cable connected to the
configured port on the 16-port
concentrator OR the RJ-45 cable from the concentrator back to the 64-
port card isn't connected.

Either remove the printer in question from the ODM database (eg., rmdev
-l lp0 -d) OR
Reconnect the printer cable back to the port on the 16-port concentrator
Re-connect the 16-port concentrator back to the 64-port adapter card.
To determine WHICH concentrator box that printer is connected to

Count the number of 727s displayed on the LED

Subtract two (first two 727s deal with the native serial ports).
For example, if the LED count is 17 (minus the two for the native
ports), then the second concentrator
box is the problem.


Most likely scenario is that you have two or more SCSI devices with the
same SCSI id on one SCSI controller.
To correct this situation...

Change one of the conflicting SCSI devices to use an UNUSED SCSI address
If this case fails, RESET your SCSI adapter(s).


Steps Required to Obtain a System Dump

If your CONSOLE device is still operational, perform the following

sysdumpdev -l This will determine which device has been assigned as the
primary and secondary dump devices
sysdumpstart -p (initiate dump to primary device)
sysdumpstart -s (initiate dump to secondary device)
sysdumpdev -z (indicates if a NEW dump exists)
sysdumpdev -L (indicates info about a previous dump)
Press keyboard sequence: CTRL-ALT-NUMPAD1 (for primary device)
Press keyboard sequence: CTRL-ALT-NUMPAD2 (for secondary device)

Insert a tape in the tape device you wish to dump the kernel data to
/usr/sbin/snap -gfkD -o /dev/rmt0

If your system is hung, the user MUST initiate or force a dump of the
kernel data via the following:

Turn the Key Mode Switch to the SERVICE position

Press the RESET button
Other remarks AIX 5.x bootprocess:

ROS IPL (Read Only Storage Initial Program Load). This phase includes a
power-on selftest, the location
of the bootdevice, and loading of the boot kernel into memory.

At boottime,once the POST is completed, the system will search the boot
list for a
bootable image. The system will attempt to boot from the first entry in
the bootlist.
Pressing the F5 key (or 5) during boot, will invoke the service
bootlist, which includes
the CDROM.

Note: If you want to install AIX on a machine, insert the product

media, start the machine,
press the F5 key (or 5) to let it boot from CD, then press 1
(graphic display) or
2 (ascii terminal) to define your terminal as the Console

In normal operation of AIX, to view the normal boot list, use

# bootlist -m normal -o


The bootlist can be changed using the same command, for example
# bootlist -m normal hdisk0 cd0

To see or trace the bootprocess, use the alog command.

Because no console is available during the bootphase, the boot messages

are collected
in a special file, which by default is /var/adm/ras/bootlog.

To view the boot log, use

# alog -o -t boot

To record the current date and time in alog file named /tmp/mylog, enter
# date | alog -f /tmp/mylog

To see the list the logs defined in the alog database, run
# alog -L

AIX uses the default runlevel 2. This is the normal multi-user mode.
Runlevels 0,1 are reserved, 2 is normal, and 3-9 are configurable by the

At a certain stage, /etc/init is started, and invokes

/sbin/rc.boot 3, and runs the entries in /etc/inittab.
Example of an AIX /etc/inittab file:

brc::sysinit:/sbin/rc.boot 3 >/dev/console 2>&1 # Phase 3 of system boot
mkatmpvc:2:once:/usr/sbin/mkatmpvc >/dev/console 2>&1
atmsvcd:2:once:/usr/sbin/atmsvcd >/dev/console 2>&1
load64bit:2:wait:/etc/methods/cfg64 >/dev/console 2>&1 # Enable 64-bit
tunables:23456789:wait:/usr/sbin/tunrestore -R > /dev/console 2>&1 # Set
rc:23456789:wait:/etc/rc 2>&1 | alog -tboot > /dev/console # Multi-User
fbcheck:23456789:wait:/usr/sbin/fbcheck 2>&1 | alog -tboot >
/dev/console # run /etc/firstboot
srcmstr:23456789:respawn:/usr/sbin/srcmstr # System Resource Controller
rctcpip:23456789:wait:/etc/rc.tcpip > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start TCP/IP
rcnfs:23456789:wait:/etc/rc.nfs > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start NFS Daemons
nimclient:2:once:/usr/sbin/nimclient -S running
piobe:2:wait:/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/pioinit >/dev/null 2>&1 # pb cleanup
qdaemon:23456789:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -sqdaemon
writesrv:23456789:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -swritesrv
shdaemon:2:off:/usr/sbin/shdaemon >/dev/console 2>&1 # High availability
l2:2:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 2
l3:3:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 3
l4:4:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 4
l5:5:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 5
l6:6:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 6
l7:7:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 7
l8:8:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 8
l9:9:wait:/etc/rc.d/rc 9
logsymp:2:once:/usr/lib/ras/logsymptom # for system dumps
itess:23456789:once:/usr/IMNSearch/bin/itess -start search >/dev/null
diagd:2:once:/usr/lpp/diagnostics/bin/diagd >/dev/console 2>&1
httpdlite:23456789:once:/usr/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite -r
/etc/IMNSearch/httpdlite/httpdlite.conf & >/dev/console 2>&1
ha_star:h2:once:/etc/rc.ha_star >/dev/console 2>&1
cons:0123456789:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/console
srv:2:wait:/usr/bin/startsrc -s sddsrv > /dev/null 2>&1
perfstat:2:once:/usr/lib/perf/libperfstat_updt_dictionary >/dev/console
ctrmc:2:once:/usr/bin/startsrc -s ctrmc > /dev/console 2>&1
ptxnameserv:2:respawn:/usr/java14/jre/bin/tnameserv -ORBInitialPort 2279
2>&1 >/dev/null # Start jtopasServer
ptxfeed:2:respawn:/usr/perfagent/codebase/jtopasServer/feed 2>&1
>/dev/null # Start jtopasServer
ptxtrend:2:once:/usr/bin/xmtrend -f /etc/perf/ -d /etc/perf/Top
-n jtopas 2>&1 >/dev/null # Start trend
fmc:2:respawn:/usr/opt/db2_08_01/bin/db2fmcd #DB2 Fault Monitor
smmonitor:2:wait:/usr/sbin/SMmonitor start > /dev/console 2>&1 # start
SMmonitor daemon

The inittab is reread by the init daemon every 60 secs.

To add records into the inittab file, you should use the mkitab command.
For example, to add an entry for tty4, enter the following command:

# mkitab "tty4:2:respawn:/usr/sbin/getty /dev/tty4"

Other observations:

{dbserver2:root}/etc/rc.d -> cd /etc/rc.d

{dbserver2:root}/etc/rc.d -> ls -al
total 40
drwxr-xr-x 11 root system 4096 Oct 08 2002 .
drwxr-xr-x 30 root system 12288 Aug 08 11:41 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 May 27 16:56 init.d
-r-xr--r-- 1 root system 1586 Sep 16 2002 rc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 May 27 17:00 rc2.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Oct 08 2002 rc3.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Oct 08 2002 rc4.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Oct 08 2002 rc5.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Oct 08 2002 rc6.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Oct 08 2002 rc7.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Oct 08 2002 rc8.d
drwxr-xr-x 2 root system 256 Oct 08 2002 rc9.d

The bootlist command:


Displays and alters the list of boot devices available to the system.

bootlist [ { -m Mode } [ -r ] [ -o ] [ [ -i ] [ -V ] [ -F ]| [ [ -f
File ] [ Device [ Attr=Value ... ] ... ] ] ] [ -v ]

The bootlist command allows the user to display and alter the list of
possible boot devices from which
the system may be booted. When the system is booted, it will scan the
devices in the list and attempt to
boot from the first device it finds containing a boot image.

The AIX "bootlist" command can be used to select the boot disk. This is
useful if you want to test
different AIX levels on the same system.
For example, assume hdisk0 has AIX 4.2.1 installed and hdisk1 AIX 4.3.3
installed. Use one of the following "bootlist"
commands** to select which version will come up on the next reboot:

bootlist -m normal hdisk0 # Reboots to AIX421

bootlist -m normal hdisk1 # Reboots to AIX433

The second disk can be installed from CD, a "mksysb" tape, or using AIX
4.3's "alt_disk_install" capability.
Both CD and mksysb installs require downtime. The "alt_disk_install"
allows you to install the second disk from
a "mksysb" or clone your existing OS while the system is running

** Comment: In practice, I recommend the following "bootlist" syntax

which specifies that if hdisk0 fails to boot,
try booting from hdisk1, then tape, and finally CD ROM.

bootlist -m normal hdisk0 hdisk1 rmt cd

The bosboot command:


Creates boot image.

For General Use:
bosboot -Action [ -d Device ] [ -Options ... ]

To Create a Device Boot Image:

bosboot -a [ -d Device ] [ -p Proto ] [ -k Kernel ] [ -I | -D ] [ -l
LVdev ] [ -L] [ -M { Norm | Serv | Both } ] [ -T Type ] [ -b FileName ]
[ -q ]

The bosboot command creates the boot image that interfaces with the
machine boot ROS (Read-Only Storage)
EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory).

The bosboot command creates a boot file (boot image) from a RAM (Random
Access Memory) disk file system and a kernel.
This boot image is transferred to a particular media that the ROS boot
code recognizes.
When the machine is powered on or rebooted, the ROS boot code loads the
boot image from the media into memory.
ROS then transfers control to the loaded images kernel.


- To make a disk bootable, or recreate the boot image, use:

# bosboot -a -d /dev/hdiskn

- To create a boot image on the default boot logical volume on the fixed
disk from which the system is booted, enter:
bosboot -a
- To create a bootable image called /tmp/tape.bootimage for a tape
device, enter:
bosboot -ad /dev/rmt0 -b /tmp/tape.bootimage

- To copy a given tape boot image to a tape device, enter:

bosboot -w /tmp/tape.bootimage -d rmt0

- To create a boot image file for an Ethernet boot, enter:

bosboot -ad /dev/ent0 -M both

- When you have migrated a disk like disk0 to disk1, and you need to
make the second disk bootable,
proceed as follows:

bosboot -a -d /dev/DestinationDiskNumber # bosboot -ad /dev/hdiskxx

bootlist -m normal DestinationDiskNumber

mkboot -c -d /dev/SourceDiskNumber

3.2.5 Bootprocedure Linux:


Note 1: Redhat system


1. on a x86 system, the BIOS loads.

2. BOS loads the MBR of the first (primary) disk

Once loaded, the BIOS tests the system, looks for and checks peripherals
and then locates a valid device
with which to boot the system. Usually, it first checks any floppy
drives and CD-ROM drives present for
bootable media, then it looks to the system's hard drives. The order of
the drives searched for booting
can often be controlled with a setting in BIOS. Often, the first hard
drive set to boot is the C drive or
the master IDE device on the primary IDE bus. The BIOS loads whatever
program is residing in the first sector
of this device, called the Master Boot Record or MBR, into memory. The
MBR is only 512 bytes in size and
contains machine code instructions for booting the machine along with
the partition table. Once found and loaded
the BIOS passes control whatever program (the bootloader) is on the MBR.

3. bootloader in MBR

Linux boot loaders for the x86 platform are broken into at least two
stages. The first stage is a small
machine code binary on the MBR. Its sole job is to locate the second
stage boot loader and load the first part
of it into memory. Under Red Hat Linux you can install one of two boot
loaders: GRUB or LILO.
GRUB is the default boot loader, but LILO is available for those who
require it for their hardware setup
or who prefer it.

> If you are using LILO under Red Hat Linux, the second stage boot
loader uses information on the MBR
to determine what boot options are available to the user. This means
that any time a configuration change
is made or you upgrade your kernel manually, you must run the
/sbin/lilo -v -v command to write the appropriate
information to the MBR. For details on doing this, see the Section
called LILO in Chapter 4.

> GRUB, on the other hand, can read ext2 partitions and therefore simply
loads its configuration file
- /boot/grub/grub.conf - when the second stage loader is called.

Once the second stage boot loader is in memory, it presents the user
with the Red Hat Linux initial,
graphical screen showing the different operating systems or kernels it
has been configured to boot.
If you have only Red Hat Linux installed and have not changed anything
in the

/etc/lilo.conf or /boot/grub/grub.conf,

you will only see one option for booting.

If you have configured the boot loader to boot other operating systems,
this screen gives you the opportunity
to select it. Use the arrow keys to highlight the operating system and
press [Enter]. If you do nothing,
the boot loader will load the default selection.

4. Kernel

Once the second stage boot loader has determined which kernel to boot,
it locates the corresponding
kernel binary in the /boot/ directory. The proper binary is the
/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.x-xx file that corresponds
to the boot loader's settings. Next the boot loader places the
appropriate initial RAM disk image,
called an initrd, into memory. The initrd is used by the kernel to load
any drivers not compiled into it
that are necessary to boot the system. This is particularly important if
you have SCSI hard drives or
are using the ext3 file system [1].

When the kernel loads, it immediately initializes and configures the

computer's memory.
Next it configures the various hardware attached to the system,
including all processors and I/O subsystems,
as well as any storage devices. It then looks for the compressed initrd
image in a predetermined location
in memory, decompresses it, mounts it, and loads all necessary drivers.
Next it initializes file system-related
virtual devices, such as LVM or software RAID before unmounting the
initrd disk image and freeing up all
the memory it once occupied.

After the kernel has initialized all the devices on the system, it
creates a root device, mounts the root partition
read-only, and frees unused memory.

At this point, with the kernel loaded into memory and operational.
However, with no user applications to give
the user the ability to provide meaningful input to the system, not much
can be done with it.

To set up the user environment, the kernel starts the /sbin/init


5. init

The init program coordinates the rest of the boot process and configures
the environment for the user.
When the init command starts, it becomes the parent or grandparent of
all of the processes that start up
automatically on a Red Hat Linux system. First, it runs the
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit script, which sets
your environment path, starts swap, checks the file systems, and so on.
Basically, rc.sysinit takes care of
everything that your system needs to have done at system initialization.
For example, most systems use a clock,
so on them rc.sysinit reads the /etc/sysconfig/clock configuration file
to initialize the clock.
Another example is if you have special serial port processes which must
be initialized, rc.sysinit will
execute the /etc/rc.serial file.

This is what init runs:

-> runs /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
-> runs /etc/inittab
-> inittab contains default runlevel: init runs all processes
for that runlevel /etc/rc.d/rcN.d/ ,
-> runs /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Below is an example listing for a runlevel 5, /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/


K01pppoe -> ../init.d/pppoe

K05innd -> ../init.d/innd
K10ntpd -> ../init.d/ntpd
K15httpd -> ../init.d/httpd
K15mysqld -> ../init.d/mysqld
K15pvmd -> ../init.d/pvmd
K16rarpd -> ../init.d/rarpd
K20bootparamd -> ../init.d/bootparamd
K20nfs -> ../init.d/nfs
K80nscd -> ../init.d/nscd
K84ypserv -> ../init.d/ypserv
K90ups -> ../init.d/ups
K96irda -> ../init.d/irda
S05kudzu -> ../init.d/kudzu
S06reconfig -> ../init.d/reconfig
S08ipchains -> ../init.d/ipchains
S10network -> ../init.d/network
S12syslog -> ../init.d/syslog

As you can see, none of the scripts that actually start and stop the
services are located in the
/etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ directory. Rather, all of the files in /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/
are symbolic links pointing
to scripts located in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory. Symbolic links
are used in each of the rc directories
so that the runlevels can be reconfigured by creating, modifying, and
deleting the symbolic links without
affecting the actual scripts they reference.

As usual, the K* scripts are kill/stop scripts, and the S* scripts are
started in sequence by number.

In runlevel 5, /etc/inittab runs a script called /etc/X11/prefdm. The

prefdm script runs the preferred
X display manager, gdm if you are running GNOME or kdm if you are
running KDE, based on the contents
of the /etc/sysconfig/desktop/ directory.

The last thing the init program does is run any scripts located in
At this point, the system is considered to be operating at runlevel 5.
You can use this file to add additional commands necessary for your
environment. For instance, you can start
additional daemons or initialize a printer.

- Differences in the Boot Process of Other Architectures

Once the Red Hat Linux kernel loads and hands off the boot process to
the init command,
the same sequence of events occurs on every architecture. So the main
difference between each architecture's
boot process is in the application used to find and load the kernel.

For example, the Alpha architecture uses the aboot boot loader, while
the Itanium architecture uses
the ELILO boot loader.

- Runlevels
SysV Init
The SysV init is a standard process used by Red Hat Linux to control
which software the init command
launches or shuts off on a given runlevel. SysV init chosen because it
is easier to use and more flexible
than the traditional BSD style init process.
The configuration files for SysV init are in the /etc/rc.d/ directory.
Within this directory,
are the rc, rc.local, and rc.sysinit scripts as well as the following


The init.d directory contains the scripts used by the init command when
controlling services.
Each of the numbered directories represent the six default runlevels
configured by default under Red Hat Linux.

The default runlevel is listed in /etc/inittab. To find out the default

runlevel for your system,
look for the line similar to the one below near the top of /etc/inittab:


Generally, Red Hat Linux operates in runlevel 3 or runlevel 5 - both

full multi-user modes.
The following runlevels are defined in Red Hat Linux:

0 - Halt
1 - Single-user mode
2 - Not used (user-definable)
3 - Full multi-user mode
4 - Not used (user-definable)
5 - Full multi-user mode (with an X-based login screen)
6 - Reboot

If you are using LILO, you can enter single-user mode by typing "linux
single" at the LILO boot: prompt.

If you are using GRUB as your boot loader, you can enter single-user
mode using the following steps.
- In the graphical GRUB boot loader screen, select the Red Hat Linux
boot label and press [e] to edit it.
- Arrow down to the kernel line and press [e] to edit it.
- At the prompt, type single and press [Enter].
- You will be returned to the GRUB screen with the kernel information.
Press the [b] key to boot the system
into single user mode.

In case of boot problems, like a corrupt /etc/inittab file, you might

try the following:

Boot by typing linux init=/bin/bash at the LILO boot: prompt.

This places you at a shell prompt; note that no file systems other than
the root file system are mounted,
and the root file system is mounted in read-only mode. To mount it in
read-write mode
(to allow editing of a broken /etc/inittab, for example) do:

mount -n /proc
mount -o rw,remount /

- Installing GRUB:

Once the GRUB rpm package is installed, open a root shell prompt and run
the command
/sbin/grub-install <location>,

where <location> is the location GRUB Stage 1 boot loader should be


The following command installs GRUB to the MBR of the master IDE device
on the primary IDE bus,
alos known as the C drive:

/sbin/grub-install /dev/hda

- GRUB and bootpaths:

In Linux entire harddisks are listed as devices without numbers, such as

"/dev/hda" (IDE) or "/dev/sda" (SCSI).
Partitions on a disk are referred to with a number such as "/dev/hda1".

GRUB uses something different.

Device Names in GRUB:

The first hard drive of a system is called (hd0) by GRUB.
The first partition on that drive is called (hd0,0), and the fifth
partition on the second hard drive
is called (hd1,4). In general, the naming convention for file systems
when using GRUB breaks down in this way:


The parentheses and comma are very important to the device naming
conventions. The <type-of-device> refers
to whether a hard disk (hd) or floppy disk (fd) is being specified.
The <bios-device-number> is the number of the device according to the
system's BIOS, starting with 0.
The primary IDE hard drive is numbered 0, while the secondary IDE hard
drive is numbered 1.
The ordering is roughly equivalent to the way the Linux kernel arranges
the devices by letters,
where the a in hda relates to 0, the b in hdb relates to 1, and so on.

File Names
When typing commands to GRUB involving a file, such as a menu list to
use when allowing the booting
of multiple operating systems, it is necessary to include the file
immediately after specifying
the device and partition. A sample file specification to an absolute
filename is organized as follows:

for example, (hd0,0)/grub/grub.conf.

- Example grub.conf:


# section to load linux

title Red Hat Linux (2.4.18-5.47)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.18-5.47 ro root=/dev/sda2
initrd /initrd-2.4.18-5.47.img

# section to load Windows 2000

title windows
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

This file would tell GRUB to build a menu with Red Hat Linux as the
default operating system, set to autoboot
it after 10 seconds. Two sections are given, one for each operating
system entry, with commands specific
to this system's disk partition table.

- Example lilo.conf:

The file /etc/lilo.conf is used by lilo to determine which operating

system or kernel to start, as well as
to know where to install itself (for example, /dev/hda for the first MBR
of the first IDE hard drive).
A sample /etc/lilo.conf file looks like this (your /etc/lilo.conf may
look a little different):




- Creating a bootdiskette in Redhat:

Change to the directory that contains the image file. That might be on
the original CD of Redhat.
then use the following command:

# dd if=boot.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440k

3.2.6 Bootprocedure HP-UX 11.x:

=============================== Shutdown the system:


Note 1: Shutdown HP-UX


System Shutdown
To shut down HP-UX for power-off, you can do any of the following:
# init 0
# shutdown -h -y now

To shut down and reboot HP-UX:

# reboot
# shutdown -r -y now

To shut down HP-UX to single-user mode:

# init S
# shutdown -y now
# shutdown 0

The -h option to the shutdown command halts the system completely but
will prompt you for a message to issue users.
The -y option completes the shutdown without asking you any of the
questions it would normally ask.

Note 2: Shutdown HP-UX:


When HP-UX is running on an nPartition, you can shut down HP-UX using
the shutdown command.

On nPartitions you have the following options when shutting down HP-UX:

To shut down HP-UX and reboot an nPartition: shutdown -r

On nPartition-capable HP Integrity servers, the shutdown -r command is
equivalent to the shutdown -R command.

To shut down HP-UX and halt an nPartition: shutdown -h

On nPartition-capable HP Integrity servers, the shutdown -h command is

equivalent to the shutdown -R -H command.

To perform a reboot for reconfig of an nPartition: shutdown -R

To hold an nPartition at a shutdown for reconfig state: shutdown -R -H

Note 3: Shutdown HP-UX:


Shutting down
/sbin/shutdown -r -y now Reboot
/sbin/shutdown -h -y now Stop system
/sbin/shutdown -y now Single user mode

Note 4: Shutdown HP-UX:


To reboot HP-UX use command

# reboot

To shutdown HP-UX in 120 seconds (2 minutes) use command

# shutdown -hy 120

To shutdown to single user mode use command

# shutdown -y 0

To shutdown down a V-Class server use command

# cd /
# shutdown

When you are are at root prompt (from single user mode restart) type
following command:

# reboot -h Booting HP-UX:


Note 1:

PDC -> ISL -> hpux -> kernel -> init

HP-UX systems come with firmware installed called Processor Dependent
Code. After the system is powered on
or the processor is RESET, the PDC runs self-test operations and
initializes the processor. PDC also identifies
the console path so it can provide messages and accept input. PDC would
then begin the "autoboot" process
unless you interrupt it during the 10-second interval that is supplied.
If you interrupt the "autoboot" process,
you can issue a variety of commands. The interface to PDC commands is
called the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
This is sometimes a point of confusion; that is, are we issuing PDC
commands or BCH commands?
The commands are normally described as PDC commands, and the interface
through which you execute them is the BCH.

The Initial System Loader is run after PDC. You would normally just run
an "autoboot" sequence from ISL;
however, you can run a number of commands from the ISL prompt.

The hpux utility manages loading the HP-UX kernel and gives control to
the kernel. ISL can have hpux run
an "autoexecute" file, or commands can be given interactively. In most
situations, you would just want to
automatically boot the system; however, I cover some of the hpux
commands you can execute. This is sometimes
called the Secondary System Loader (SSL).

Note 2:

Normal Boot

The bootstrap process involves the execution of three software



- pdc

Automatic boot processes on various HP-UX systems follow similar general

When power is applied to the HP-UX system processor, or the system Reset
button is pressed,
the firmware processor-dependent code (pdc) is executed to verify
hardware and general system integrity.
After checking the hardware, pdc gives the user the option to override
the autoboot sequence by pressing
the Esc key. A message resembling the following usually appears on the

(c) Copyright. Hewlett-Packard Company. 1994.

All rights reserved.
PDC ROM rev. 130.0
32 MB of memory configured and tested.

Selecting a system to boot.

To stop selection process, press and hold the ESCAPE key...

If no keyboard activity is detected, pdc commences the autoboot sequence

by loading isl and transferring control to it.

- isl

The initial system loader (isl) implements the operating-system-

independent portion of the bootstrap process.
It is loaded and executed after self-test and initialization have
completed successfully. Typically, when control
is transferred to isl, an autoboot sequence takes place. An autoboot
sequence allows a complete bootstrap
operation to occur with no intervention from an operator. While an
autoboot sequence occurs, isl finds and
executes the autoexecute file which requests that hpux be run with
appropriate arguments. Messages similar
to the following are displayed by isl on the console:

Booting from: scsi.6 HP 2213A

Hard booted.
ISL Revision A.00.09 March 27, 1990
ISL booting hpux boot disk(;0)/stand/vmunix

- hpux

hpux, the secondary system loader, then announces the operation it is

performing, in this case the boot operation,
the device file from which the load image comes, and the TEXT size, DATA
size, BSS size, and start address
of the load image, as shown below, before control is passed to the

Booting disk(scsi.6;0)/stand/vmunix
966616+397312+409688 start 0x6c50

Finally, the loaded image displays numerous configuration and status

messages, and passes control to
the init process.

- Single-user Boot

A single-user boot in HP-UX is sometimes referred to as an interactive

boot or attended mode boot. Pressing the
Escape key at the boot banner on an older Series 700 workstation halts
the automatic boot sequence, puts you into
attended mode, and displays the Boot Console User Interface main menu, a
sample of which is below.

Selecting a system to boot.

To stop selection process, press and hold the ESCAPE key.

Selection process stopped.

Searching for Potential Boot Devices.

To terminate search, press and hold the ESCAPE key.

Device Selection Device Path Device Type

P0 scsi.6.0 QUANTUM PD210S
P1 scsi.1.0 HP 2213A
P2 lan.ffffff-ffffff.f.f hpfoobar

b) Boot from specified device

s) Search for bootable devices
a) Enter Boot Administration mode
x) Exit and continue boot sequence

Select from menu:

In this case the system automatically searches the SCSI, LAN, and EISA
interfaces for all potential boot devices
-devices for which boot I/O code (IODC) exists. The key to booting to
single-user mode is first to boot to ISL
using the b) option. The ISL is the program that actually controls the
loading of the operating system.
To do this using the above as an example, you would type the following
at the Select from menu: prompt:

Select from menu: b p0 isl

This tells the system to boot to the ISL using the SCSI drive at address
6 (since the device path of P0 is scsi.6.0).
After displaying a few messages, the system then produces the ISL>
Pressing the Escape key at the boot banner on newer Series 700 machines
produces the Boot Administration Utility,
as shown below.

Command Description
------- -----------
Auto [boot|search] [on|off] Display or set auto flag
Boot [pri|alt|scsi.addr][isl] Boot from primary, alt or SCSI
Boot lan[.lan_addr][install][isl] Boot from LAN
Chassis [on|off] Enable chassis code
Diagnostic [on|off] Enable/disable diag boot mode
Fastboot [on|off] Display or set fast boot flag
Help Display the command menu
Information Display system information
LanAddress Display LAN station addresses
Monitor [type] Select monitor type
Path [pri|alt] [|SCSI.addr] Change boot path
Pim [hpmc|toc|lpmc] Display PIM info
Search [ipl] [scsi|lan [install]] Display potential boot devices
Secure [on|off] Display or set security mode

To display bootable devices with this menu you have to execute the
Search command at the BOOT_ADMIN> prompt:

BOOT_ADMIN> search
Searching for potential boot device.
This may take several minutes.

To discontinue, press ESCAPE.

Device Path Device Type

-------------- ---------------
scsi.6.0 HP C2247
scsi.3.0 HP HP35450A
scsi.2.0 Toshiba CD-ROM


To boot to ISL from the disk at device path scsi.6.0 type the following:

BOOT_ADMIN>boot scsi.6.0 isl

Once you get the ISL prompt you can run the hpux utility to boot the
kernel to single-user mode:

ISL>hpux -is

Note: the following can also be used; ISL>hpux -is -lq


This essentially tells hpux to load the kernel (/stand/vmunix) into

single-user mode (-is) off the SCSI disk drive
containing the kernel. The -is option says to pass the string s to the
init process (i), and the command init s
puts the system in single-user mode. In fact, you will see something
similar to the following after typing the
above command:

: disk(scsi.6;0)/stand/vmunix
966616+397312+409688 start 0x6c50

Kernel Startup Messages Omitted

INIT: Overriding default level with level 's'



- Startup

Beginning with HP-UX 10 /etc/inittab calls /sbin/rc, which in turn calls

execution scripts to start subsystems.
This approach follows the OSF/1 industry standard and has been adopted
by Sun, SGI, and other vendors.
There are four components to this method of startup and shutdown:
/sbin/rc, execution scripts,
configuration variable scripts, and link files.

This script invokes execution scripts based on run levels. It is also
known as the startup and shutdown
sequencer script.

Execution scripts
These scripts start up and shut down various subsystems and are found in
the /sbin/init.d directory.
/sbin/rc invokes each execution script with one of four arguments,
indicating the "mode":

"start" Bring the subsystem up

"start_msg" Report what the start action will do
"stop" Bring the subsystem down
"stop_msg" Report what the stop action will do

These scripts are designed never to be modified. Instead, they are

customized by sourcing in configuration files
found in the /etc/rc.config.d directory. These configuration files
contain variables that you can set.
For example, in the configuration file /etc/rc.config.d/netconf you can
specify routing tables by setting
variables like these:


The execution script /sbin/init.d/net sources these and other network-

related variables when it runs upon
system startup. More on configuration files is described below.
Upon startup a checklist similar to the one below will appear based upon
the exit value of each of
the execution scripts.

HP-UX Startup in progress

Mount file systems..............................[ OK ]
Setting hostname................................[ OK ]
Set privilege group.............................[ OK ]
Display date...................................[FAIL]*
Enable auxiliary swap space....................[ N/A ]
Start syncer daemon.............................[ OK ]
Configure LAN interfaces........................[ OK ]
Start Software Distributor agent daemo..........[ OK ]

The execution scripts have the following exit values:

0 Script exited without error. This causes the status OK to appear in
the checklist.
1 Script encountered errors. This causes the status FAIL to appear in
the checklist.
2 Script was skipped due to overriding control variables from
/etc/rc.config.d files or for other reasons,
and did not actually do anything. This causes the status N/A to appear
in the checklist.
3 Script executed normally and requires an immediate system reboot for
the changes to take effect.
(NOTE: Reserved for key system components).

Configuration variable scripts

Configuration variable scripts are designed to customize the execution
scripts. This goal here is to separate
startup files from configuration files so that upgrading your system
does not overwrite its configuration. These scripts are written for the
POSIX shell (/usr/bin/sh or /sbin/sh), and not the Bourne shell, ksh, or
csh. In some cases, these files must also be read, and possibly modified
by other scripts or the SAM program. For this reason, each variable
definition must appear on a separate line, in the syntax:
No trailing comments may appear on a variable definition line. Comment
statements must be on separate lines,
with the "#" comment character in column 1. An example of the required
syntax for configuration files is given below:

# Cron configuration. See cron(1m)

# CRON: Set to 1 to start cron daemon

Both the execution scripts and the configuration files are named after
the subsystem they control. For example,
the /sbin/init.d/cron execution script controls the cron daemon, and it
is customized by the /etc/rc.config.d/cron
configuration variable script.

Link Files
These files control the order in which execution scripts run. The
/sbin/rc#.d (where # is a run-level) directories
are startup and shutdown sequencer directories. They contain only
symbolic links to the execution scripts in
/sbin/init.d that are executed by /sbin/rc on transition to a specific
run level. For example, the /sbin/rc3.d
directory contains symbolic links to scripts that are executed when
entering run level 3.
These directories contain two types of link files: start links and kill
links. Start links have names beginning
with the capital letter S and are invoked with the start argument at
system boot time or on transition to a higher
run level. Kill links have names beginning with the capital letter K and
are invoked with the stop argument
at system shutdown time, or when moving to a lower run level.

Further, all link files in a sequencer directory are numbered to ensure

a particular execution sequence.
Each script has, as part of its name, a three-digit sequence number.
This, in combination with the start and kill
notation, provides all the information necessary to properly start up
and shut down a system.

The table below shows some samples from the run-level directories. (The
sequence numbers shown are only for example
and may not accurately represent your system.)

/sbin/rc0.d /sbin/rc1.d /sbin/rc2.d /sbinrc3.d

K480syncer S100hfsmount S340net S000nfs.server
K800killall S320hostname S500inetd
K900hfsmount S440savecore S540sendmail
S500swapstart S610rbootd
S520syncer S720lp
K280lp K900nfs.server

Because each script in /sbin/init.d performs both the startup and

shutdown functions, each will have two links
pointing towards the script from /sbin/rc*.d; one for the start action
and one for the stop action.

Run Levels and /sbin/rc

In previous HP-UX releases, /etc/rc (now /sbin/rc) was run only once.
Now it may run several times during the
execution of a system, sequencing the execution scripts when moving
between run levels. However, only the subsystems
configured for execution, through configuration variables in
/etc/rc.config.d, are started or stopped when
transitioning the run levels.
/sbin/rc sequences the startup and shutdown scripts in the appropriate
sequencer directories in lexicographical order.
Upon transition from a lower to a higher run level, the start scripts
for the new run level and all intermediate
levels between the old and new level are executed. Upon transition from
a higher to a lower run level, the kill scripts
for the new run level and all intermediate levels between the old and
new level are executed.

When a system is booted to a particular run level, it will execute

startup scripts for all run levels up to and
including the specified level (except run level 0). For example, if
booting to run level 4, /sbin/rc looks at the
old run level (S) and the new run level (4) and executes all start
scripts in states 1, 2, 3, and 4.
Within each level, the start scripts are sorted lexicographically and
executed in that order. Each level is sorted
and executed separately to ensure that the lower level subsystems are
started before the higher level subsystems.
Consequently, when shutting down a system, the reverse takes place. The
kill scripts are executed in lexicographical
order starting at the highest run level and working down, as to stop the
subsystems in the reverse order they
were started. As mentioned earlier, the numbering is reversed from the
startup order.

If you want cron to start when entering run level 2, you would modify
the configuration variable script
/etc/rc.config.d/cron to read as follows:

# cron config
# CRON=1 to start


This would be necessary because the execution script, /sbin/init.d/cron

contains the following:
# cron startup
. /etc/rc/config

if [ $CRON = 1 ]
then /usr/sbin/cron

cron will start at run level 2 because in /sbin/rc2.d a link exists from
S730cron to /sbin/init.d/cron.
/sbin/rc will invoke /sbin/init.d/cron with a start argument because the
link name starts with an S.

End Of File

4. Most important and current AIX, SOLARIS, and Linux fixes:

4.1 AIX:


4.3 Linux Redhat:

5. Oracle en UNIX:

(Vanaf hier: Oude tekst. As from here, ignore all text, cause its too
old. Its only interresting to Albert)

5.1 Installatie Oracle 8i:


5.1.1 Operating system dependencies:


Bepaal eerst voor de te gebruiken Oracle versie, welke OS settings

en patches nodig zijn.

Bijvoorbeeld, bij linux is glibc 2.1.3 nodig bij Oracle versie 8.1.7.
Linux is erg kritisch m.b.t. de libraries in combinatie met Oracle.

Ook moet er mogelijk shmmax (max size of shared memory segment)

en dergelijke parameters worden aangepast.

# sysctl -w kernel.shmmax=100000000
# sysctl -w fs.file-max=65536
# echo "kernel.shmmax = 100000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
# echo "kernel.shmmax = 2147483648" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Opmerking: Het onderstaANDe is algemeen, maar is ook afgeleid van een

Oracle 8.1.7
installatie op Linux Redhat 6.2

Als de 8.1.7 installatie gedaan wordt is ook nog de Java JDK 1.1.8
Deze kan gedownload worden van

Download jdk-1.1.8_v3 jdk118_v3-glibc-2.1.3.tar.bz2 in /usr/local

tar xvif jdk118_v3-glibc-2.1.3.tar.bz2
ln -s /usr/local/jdk118_v3 /usr/local/java

5.1.2 Omgevingsvariablelen:

Zorg er voor dat de juiste oracle variabelen zijn gezet.

Op ieder platform zijn dat minimaal:

ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE

(root voor oracle software)


(bepaald de directory waarin de instance software zich bevind)
(bepaald de naam van de huidige instance)

ORACLE_TERM=xterm, vt100, ansi of wat ANDers; export ORACLE_TERM

ORA_NLSxx=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data; export ORA_NLS

(bepaald de nls directory t.b.v. datafiles voor meerdere talen)

NLS_LANG="Dutch_The NetherlANDs.WE8ISO8859P1"; export NLS_LANG

Dit specificeert de language, territory en characterset t.b.v de client

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.7/lib; export

PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:/bin:/user/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin; export PATH

plaats deze variabelen in de oracle user profile file:

.profile, of .bash_profile etc..

5.1.3 OFA directory structuur:


Hou je aan OFA. Een voorbeeld voor database PROD:





5.1.4 Users en groups:


Als je met OS verificatie wilt werken, moet in de init.ora gezet zijn:

remote_login_passwordfile=none (passwordfile authentication via

Benodigde groups in UNIX: group dba. Deze moet voorkomen in de

/etc/group file
vaak is ook nog nodig de group oinstall

groupadd dba
groupadd oinstall
groupadd oper

Maak nu user oracle aan:

adduser -g oinstall -G dba -d /home/oracle oracle

5.1.5 mount points en disks:


maak de mount points:

mkdir /opt/u01
mkdir /opt/u02
mkdir /opt/u03
mkdir /opt/u04

dit moeten voor een produktie omgeving aparte schijven zijn

Geef nu ownership van deze mount points aan user oracle en group

chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/u01

chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/u02
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/u03
chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/u04

directories: drwxr-xr-x oracle dba

files : -rw-r----- oracle dba
: -rw-r--r-- oracle dba

chmod 644 *
chmod u+x filename
chmod ug+x filename

5.1.6 test van user oracle:


log in als user oracle en geef de commANDo's

$groups laat de groups zien (oinstall, dba)

$umask laat 022 zien, zoniet zet dan de line umask 022 in het .profile

umask is de default mode van een file of directory wanneer deze

aangemaakt wordt.
rw-r--r--=644 welke correspondeert met umask 022

Verander nu het .profile of .bash_profile van de user oracle.

Plaats de environment variabelen van 9.1 in het profile.
log uit en in als user oracle, en test de environment:
%echo $variablename

5.1.7 Oracle Installer bij 8.1.x op Linux:


Log in als user oracle. Draai nu oracle installer:


cd /usr/local/src/Oracle8iR3


Ga naar install/linux op de CD en run

Nu volgt een grafische setup. Beantwoord de vragen.

Het kan zijn dat de installer vraagt om scripts uit te voeren zoals: en
Om dit uit te voeren:

open een nieuw window

su root

5.2 Automatische start oracle bij system boot:


5.2.1 oratab:

Inhoud ORATAB in /etc of /var/opt:



De oracle scripts om de database te starten en te stoppen zijn:

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart en dbshut,
of startdb en stopdb of wat daarop lijkt. Deze kijken in ORATAB om te
zien welke databases
gestart moeten worden.
5.2.2 dbstart en dbshut:

Het script dbstart zal oratab lezen en ook tests doen en om de oracle
te bepalen. Verder bestaat de kern uit:

het starten van sqldba, svrmgrl of sqlplus

vervolgens doen we een connect
vervolgens geven we het startup commando.

Voor dbshut geldt een overeenkomstig verhaal.

5.2.3 init, sysinit, rc:


Voor een automatische start, voeg nu de juiste entries toe in het

(or equivalent) file:

Tijdens het opstarten van Unix worden de scrips in de /etc/rc2.d

uitgevoerd die beginnen met een 'S'
en in alfabetische volgorde.
De Oracle database processen zullen als (een van de) laatste processen
worden gestart.
Het bestAND S99oracle is gelinkt met deze directory.

Inhoud S99oracle:

su - oracle -c "/path/to/$ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart" # Start

su - oracle -c "/path/to/$ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start" # Start
su - oracle -c "/path/tp/$ORACLE_HOME/bin/namesctl start" # Start
OraNames (optional)

Het dbstart script is een standaard Oracle script. Het kijkt in oratab
welke sid's op 'Y' staan,
en zal deze databases starten.

of customized via een customized startdb script:

ORACLE_ADMIN=/opt/oracle/admin; export ORACLE_ADMIN

su - oracle -c "$ORACLE_ADMIN/bin/startdb WPRD

1>$ORACLE_ADMIN/log/WPRD/startWPRD.$$ 2>&1"
su - oracle -c "$ORACLE_ADMIN/bin/startdb WTST
1>$ORACLE_ADMIN/log/WTST/startWTST.$$ 2>&1"
su - oracle -c "$ORACLE_ADMIN/bin/startdb WCUR
1>$ORACLE_ADMIN/log/WCUR/startWCUR.$$ 2>&1"

5.3 Het stoppen van Oracle in unix:

Tijdens het down brengen van Unix (shutdown -i 0) worden de scrips in de
directory /etc/rc2.d
uitgevoerd die beginnen met een 'K' en in alfabetische volgorde.
De Oracle database processen zijn een van de eerste processen die worden
Het bestand K10oracle is gelinkt met de /etc/rc2.d/K10oracle

# Configuration File: /opt/oracle/admin/bin/K10oracle

ORACLE_ADMIN=/opt/oracle/admin; export ORACLE_ADMIN

su - oracle -c "$ORACLE_ADMIN/bin/stopdb WPRD

1>$ORACLE_ADMIN/log/WPRD/stopWPRD.$$ 2>&1"
su - oracle -c "$ORACLE_ADMIN/bin/stopdb WCUR
1>$ORACLE_ADMIN/log/WCUR/stopWCUR.$$ 2>&1"
su - oracle -c "$ORACLE_ADMIN/bin/stopdb WTST
1>$ORACLE_ADMIN/log/WTST/stopWTST.$$ 2>&1"

5.4 startdb en stopdb:


Startdb [ORACLE_SID]

Dit script is een onderdeel van het script S99Oracle. Dit script heeft 1
parameter, ORACLE_SID

# Configuration File: /opt/oracle/admin/bin/startdb

# Algemene omgeving zetten

. $ORACLE_ADMIN/env/profile


# Omgeving zetten RDBMS


# Het starten van de database

sqlplus /nolog << EOF
connect / as sysdba

# Het starten van de listener

lsnrctl start $ORACLE_SID

# Het starten van de intelligent agent voor alle instances

#lsnrctl dbsnmp_start

Dit script is een onderdeel van het script K10Oracle. Dit script heeft 1
parameter, ORACLE_SID

# Configuration File: /opt/oracle/admin/bin/stopdb

# Algemene omgeving zetten

. $ORACLE_ADMIN/env/profile

export $ORACLE_SID

# Settings van het RDBMS


# Het stoppen van de intelligent agent

#lsnrctl dbsnmp_stop

# Het stoppen van de listener

lsnrctl stop $ORACLE_SID

# Het stoppen van de database.

sqlplus /nolog << EOF
connect / as sysdba
shutdown immediate

5.5 Batches:

De batches (jobs) worden gestart door het Unix proces cron

# Batches (Oracle)

# Configuration File: /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

# Format of lines:
# min hour daymo month daywk cmd
# Dayweek 0=sunday, 1=monday...
0 9 * * 6 /sbin/sh
>> /opt/oracle/admin/batches/log/batcheserroroutput.log 2>&1

# Configuration File: /opt/oracle/admin/batches/bin/

# Door de op de commandline ' BL_TRACE=T ; export BL_TRACE ' worden
alle commando's getoond.
case $BL_TRACE in
T) set -x ;;

ORACLE_ADMIN=/opt/oracle/admin; export ORACLE_ADMIN

ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/8.1.6; export ORACLE_HOME
su - oracle -c ". $ORACLE_ADMIN/env/profile ; .
cd $ORACLE_ADMIN/batches/bin; sqlplus /NOLOG
@$ORACLE_ADMIN/batches/bin/Analyse_WILLOW2K.sql 1>
$ORACLE_ADMIN/batches/log/batches$ORACLE_SID.`date +"%y%m%d"` 2>&1"


su - oracle -c ". $ORACLE_ADMIN/env/profile ; .
cd $ORACLE_ADMIN/batches/bin; sqlplus /NOLOG
@$ORACLE_ADMIN/batches/bin/Analyse_WILLOW2K.sql 1>
$ORACLE_ADMIN/batches/log/batches$ORACLE_SID.`date +"%y%m%d"` 2>&1"


Installing Sun Solaris 2.8



Using Serial Console Connection
Starting the Installation
Answering the Screen Prompts
Post-Installation Tasks



This article documents installing the 2/02 release of Solaris 8 from CD-
For the purpose of this example, I will be installing Solaris 8 on a Sun
Blade 150 with the following configuration:

Sun Blade 150 (UltraSPARC-IIe 650MHz), No Keyboard, OpenBoot 4.6

1,792 MB RAM Memory
40 GB IDE Western Digital Hard Drive - (/dev/dsk/c0t0d0)
Built-in Ethernet - (eri0)
CDROM - (/dev/dsk/c0t1d0)
Installing Solaris 8 will require 2 CDs found in the Solaris media kit
- 1 of 2 / 2 of 2. Before starting the installation process, ensure that
you have noted the following items:

Determine the host name of the system you are installing

Determine the language and locales you intend to use on the system
If you intend to include the system in a network, gather the following
Host IP address
Subnet mask
Type of name service (DNS, NIS, or NIS+, for example)
Domain name
Host name of server
Host IP address of the name server
Using Serial / Console Connection

For a complete discussion of connecting to a Sun serial console from

Linux, see my article "Using Serial Consoles
- (Sun Sparcs)".
For this particular installation, I will NOT be using a VGA monitor
connected to the built-in
frame-buffer (video card). The installation will be done using the
serial port of the Sun Blade as a console.
A serial cable (null modem) will be connected from the serial port of a
Linux machine to the serial port
of the Sun Blade. Keep in mind that you will not be able to make use of
the serial console of the Sun Blade
if it was booted with the keyboard/mouse plugged in. In order to make
use of the serial console, you will need
to disconnect the keyboard/mouse and reboot the Sun server. On the Sun
Blade 100/150, if the keyboard/mouse
are plugged in during the boot phase, all console output will be
redirected to the VGA console.

From the Linux machine, you can use a program called minicom. Start it
up with the command "minicom".
Press "Ctrl-A Z" to get to the main menu. Press "o" to configure
minicom. Go to "Serial port setup"
and make sure that you are set to the correct "Serial Device" and that
the speed on line E matches the speed
of the serial console you are connecting to. (In most cases with Sun,
this is 9600.) Here are the settings
I made when using Serial A / COM1 port on the Linux machine:

| A - Serial Device : /dev/ttyS0
| B - Lockfile Location : /var/lock
| C - Callin Program :
| D - Callout Program :
| E - Bps/Par/Bits : 9600 8N1
| F - Hardware Flow Control : Yes
| G - Software Flow Control : No
| Change which setting?
After making all necessary changes, hit the ESC key to go back to the
"configurations" menu.
Now go to "Modem and dialing". Change the "Init string" to "~^M~". Save
the settings (as dflt),
and then restart Minicom. You should now see a console login prompt.

[root@bertha1 root]# minicom

Welcome to minicom 1.83.1

OPTIONS: History Buffer, F-key Macros, Search History Buffer, I18n

Compiled on Aug 28 2001, 15:09:33.

Press CTRL-A Z for help on special keys

alex console login: root

Last login: Tue Nov 4 18:55:41 on console
Nov 7 12:17:24 alex login: ROOT LOGIN /dev/console
Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.8 Generic Patch October 2001
# init 0
INIT: New run level: 0
The system is coming down. Please wait.
System services are now being stopped.
Print services stopped.
Nov 7 12:17:38 alex syslogd: going down on signal 15
The system is down.
syncing file systems... done
Program terminated
Starting the Installation

The installation process starts at the ok prompt. The previous section

of this document provides the steps
required to not only gain access to the console port of the Sun SPARC
server, but also how to get the server
to an ok prompt. If when logging you, the machine is already booted (you
have console login like the following:
"alex console login:") you will need to bring the machine to its EEPROM
(ok prompt) by initiating init 0
like in the Using Serial / Console Connection section above.
The first step in installing Solaris 8 it to boot the machine from Disk
You will need to get the machine to the ok prompt. You can do this by
shutting the system down using init 0.
Once at the ok prompt, type in boot cdrom. (Or in some cases, you can
use reboot cdrom). From here,
the installation program prompts you for system configuration
information that is needed to complete the installation.

NOTE: If you were performing a network installation, you would type: ok

boot net.

In almost all cases, you will be installing the Solaris 8 software on a

new system where it will not be necessary
to preserve any data already on the hard drive. Using this assumption, I
will partition the single 40 GB IDE
hard drive in the system.

Answering the Screen Prompts

Let's start the installation process! Put the SOLARIS 8 SOFTWARE (Disk 1
of 2) in the CDROM tray and boot to it:
ok boot cdrom
Resetting ...

Sun Blade 150 (UltraSPARC-IIe 650MHz), No Keyboard

Copyright 1998-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
OpenBoot 4.6, 1792 MB memory installed, Serial #52928138.
Ethernet address 0:3:ba:27:9e:8a, Host ID: 83279e8a.

Rebooting with command: boot cdrom

Boot device: /pci@1f,0/ide@d/cdrom@1,0:f File and args:
SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic_108528-13 64-bit
Copyright 1983-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

The boot process may take several minutes to complete, but once done,
you will start answering a series of prompts.

The following section will walk you through many of the screen prompts
from the installation.

The first three prompts are from the command line interface (CLI) and
are used to specify the language,
locale and terminal. Use English for both Language and Locale. As for a
terminal setting, I commonly telnet
to a Linux server (that is connected from the serial port of the Linux
server to the serial port of the Sun machine).
From the Linux server, I use "minicom" to connect from the Linux server
to the Sun server.
The best terminal for this type of installation is "DEC VT100":

Language : English
Locale : English
What type of terminal are you using? : 3) DEC VT100
NOTE: You should be able to use a terminal type of "DEC VT100" or "X
Terminal Emulator (xterms)".

NOTE: Further installation through the terminal requires responses to

the selections through ESC and function keys
and space bar, which are mentioned on the installation screen.

Many of the screens to follow will ask you about networking information.
When asked if the system will be connected
to a network, answer Yes.

NOTE: Many of the screens should be easy to complete except for the
"Names Services" section. In almost all cases,
you will want to use DNS naming services, but if your machine is not
currently configured within DNS, this section
will fail and no information entered about Names Services will be stored
and configured.
If this is the case, you will need to select None under the Names
Services section.
The network configuration will then need to be completed after the
installation process by updating certain
network files on the local hard drive. This will be documented in the
"Post Installation Procedures" of this document.


Screen 1 : The Solaris Installation Program

This is the Solaris Installation Welcome screen.

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 2 : Identify This System

This screen informs you about how you will need to identify the computer
as it applies to network connectivity.

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 3 : Network Connectivity

[X] Yes
[ ] No
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 4 : DHCP

[ ] Yes
[X] No
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 5 : Host Name

Host name: alex

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 6 : IP Address

Host name:

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 7 : Subnets

System part of a subnet

[X] Yes
[ ] No
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 8 : Netmask

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 9 : IPv6

Enable IPv6
[ ] Yes
[X] No
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 10 : Confirm Information

This is a confirmation screen. Verify all data is correct.

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 11 : Configure Security Policy

Configure Kerberos Security

[ ] Yes
[X] No
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 12 : Confirm Information

This is a confirmation screen. Verify all data is correct.

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 13 : Name Service

Name service
[ ] NIS+
[ ] NIS
[ ] LDAP
[ ] None
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 14 : Domain Name

Host name:

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 15 : DNS Server Addresses

Server's IP address:

Server's IP address:
Server's IP address:
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 16 : DNS Search List

Search domain:
Search domain:
Search domain:
Search domain:
Search domain:
Search domain:
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 17 : Confirm Information

This is a confirmation screen. Verify all data is correct.

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 18 : Time Zone

[ ] Asia, Western
[ ] Australia / New Zealand
[ ] Canada
[ ] Europe
[ ] Mexico
[ ] South America
[X] United States
[ ] other - offset from GMT
[ ] other - specify time zone file
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 19 : Time Zone

Time zones
[X] Eastern
[ ] Central
[ ] Mountain
[ ] Pacific
[ ] East-Indiana
[ ] Arizona
[ ] Michigan
[ ] Samoa
[ ] Alaska
[ ] Aleutian
[ ] Hawaii
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 20 : Date and Time

Date and time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM

Year (4 digits) : <enter year>

Month (1-12) : <enter month>
Day (1-31) : <enter day>
Hour (0-23) : <enter hour>
Minute (0-59) : <enter minute>
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 21 : Confirm Information

This is a confirmation screen. Verify all data is correct.

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 22 : Solaris Interactive Installation

This screen recognizes if a previous version of Solaris is installed and

whether you would like to upgrade or not.
Always select the install option (F4_Initial).

Hit ESC - F4 to continue

Screen 23 : Solaris Interactive Installation

There are two ways to install your Solaris software: "Standard" or

Choose the "Standard" method (Esc-2_Standard).

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 24 : Time Zone

Select the geographic regions for which support should be installed.

> [ ] Asia
> [ ] Eastern Europe
> [ ] Middle East
> [ ] Central America
> [ ] South America
> [ ] Northern Europe
> [ ] Southern Europe
> [ ] Central Europe
V [/] North America
[ ] Canada-English (ISO8859-1)
[ ] Canada-French (ISO8859-1)
[ ] French
[ ] Mexico (ISO8859-1)
[X] U.S.A. (en_US.ISO8859-1) [ ] Australasia
> [ ] Western Europe
> [ ] Northern Africa
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 25 : Select Software

Select the Solaris software to install on the system.

[ ] Entire Distribution plus OEM support 64-bit 1432.00 MB
[X] Entire Distribution 64-bit ................. 1401.00 MB
[ ] Developer System Support 64-bit ............ 1350.00 MB
[ ] End User System Support 64-bit ............. 932.00 MB
[ ] Core System Support 64-bit ................. 396.00 MB
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 26 : Select Disks

You must select the disks for installing Solaris software. If there are
several disks available,
I always install the Solaris software on the boot disk c0t0d0.

Disk Device (Size) Available Space
[X] c0t0d0 (14592 MB) boot disk 14592 MB (F4 to edit)

Total Selected: 14592 MB

Suggested Minimum: 974 MB

I generally select ESC - F4 to edit the c0t0d0 disk to ensure that the
root directory is going
to be located on this disk.

On this screen you can select the disk for installing the
root (/) file system of the Solaris software.

Original Boot Device : c0t0d0

[X] c0t0d0 (F4 to select boot device)


On this screen, I typically select ESC - F4 to select boot device to

ensure the root file system will be
located on slice zero, c0t0d0s0.

On this screen you can select the specific slice for the root (/) file
system. If you choose Any of the Above, the Solaris installation program
will choose a slice for you.

Original Boot Device : c0t0d0s0

[X] c0t0d0s0
[ ] c0t0d0s1
[ ] c0t0d0s2
[ ] c0t0d0s3
[ ] c0t0d0s4
[ ] c0t0d0s5
[ ] c0t0d0s6
[ ] c0t0d0s7
[ ] Any of the Above
Hit ESC - F2 to after selecting Disk Slice


Hit ESC - F2 to continue with your Boot Disk selection


Screen 27 : Reconfigure EEPROM?

Do you want to update the system's hardware (EEPROM) to always boot from

Hit ESC - F2 to Reconfigure EEPROM and Continue

Screen 28 : Preserve Data?

Do you want to preserve existing data? At least one of the disks you've
selected for installing Solaris software
has file systems or unnamed slices that you may want to save.

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 29 : Automatically Layout File Systems?

Do you want to use auto-layout to automatically layout file systems?

Manually laying out file systems
requires advanced system administration skills.

I typically perform an "Auto" File System Layout (F2_Auto Layout).

Hit ESC - F2 to Perform Auto Layout.

Screen 30 : Automatically Layout File Systems

On this screen you must select all the file systems you want auto-layout
to create, or accept the
default file systems shown.

File Systems for Auto-layout

[X] /
[ ] /opt
[ ] /usr
[ ] /usr/openwin
[ ] /var
[X] swap
Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 31 : File System and Disk Layout

The summary below is your current file system and disk layout, based on
the information you've supplied.

NOTE: If you choose to customize, you should understand file systems,

their intended purpose on the disk,
and how changing them may affect the operation of the system.

File system/Mount point Disk/Slice Size

/ c0t0d0s0 1338 MB
swap c0t0d0s1 296 MB
overlap c0t0d0s2 38162 MB
/export/home c0t0d0s7 36526 MB


I generally select ESC - F4 (F4_Customize) to edit the partitions for

disk c0t0d0. If this is a workstation,
I make only three partitions:

/ : I often get the sizes for the individual filesystems (/usr, /opt,
and /var) incorrect. This is one reason
I typically create only one partition as / that will be used for the
entire system (minus swap space).
In most cases, I will be installing addition disks for large
applications like the Oracle RDBMS,
Oracle Application Server, or other J2EE application servers.
overlap : The overlap partition represents entire disk and is slice s2
of the disk.
swap : The swap partition size depends on the size of RAM in the system.
If you are not sure of its size,
make it double the amount of RAM in your system. I typically like to
make swap 1GB.
Boot Device: c0t0d0s0
Slice Mount Point Size (MB)
0 / 37136
1 swap 1025
2 overlap 38162
3 0
4 0
5 0
6 0
7 0
Capacity: 38162 MB
Allocated: 38161 MB
Rounding Error: 1 MB
Free: 0 MB
Hit ESC - F2 to continue


This is what the File System and Disk Layout screen looks like now.

File system/Mount point Disk/Slice Size

/ c0t0d0s0 37136 MB
swap c0t0d0s1 1025 MB
overlap c0t0d0s2 38162 MB
Hit ESC - F2 to continue
Screen 32 : Mount Remote File Systems?

Do you want to mount software from a remote file server? This may be
necessary if you had to remove software
because of disk space problems.

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 33 : Confirm Information

This is a confirmation screen. Verify all data is correct.

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Screen 34 : Reboot After Installation?

After Solaris software is installed, the system must be rebooted. You

can choose to have the system
automatically reboot, or you can choose to manually reboot the system if
you want to run scripts or do other
customizations before the reboot. You can manually reboot a system by
using the reboot(1M) command.

[X] Auto Reboot

[ ] Manual Reboot
Hit ESC - F2 to Begin the Installation

Screen 34 : Installation Progress

Afterwards it starts configuring disk making partitions and installing

software indicating the progress.

Preparing system for Solaris install

Configuring disk (c0t0d0)

- Creating Solaris disk label (VTOC)

Creating and checking UFS file systems

- Creating / (c0t0d0s0)


MBytes Installed: 392.08

MBytes Remaining: 428.09

Installing: JavaVM run time environment

| | | | | |

0 20 40 60 80 100
After the installation is complete it customizes system files, devices,
and logs.
The system then reboots or asks you to reboot depending upon the choice
selected earlier in the Reboot
After Installation? screen.

Screen 36 : Create a root Password

On this screen you can create a root password.

A root password can contain any number of characters, but only the first
eight characters in the password
are significant. (For example, if you create `a1b2c3d4e5f6' as your root
password, you can use `a1b2c3d4'
to gain root access.)

You will be prompted to type the root password twice; for security, the
password will not be displayed
on the screen as you type it.

> If you do not want a root password, press RETURN twice.

Root password:
Enter Your root Password and Press Return to continue.

Screen 37 : Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2

Please specify the media from which you will install Solaris 8 Software
2 of 2 (2/02 SPARC Platform Edition).

Alternatively, choose the selection for "Skip" to skip this disc and go
on to the next one.


2. Network File System
3. Skip

Media [1]: 1

Screen 38 : Insert the CD/DVD for Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2

Please insert the CD/DVD for Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 (2/02 SPARC

Platform Edition).

After you insert the disc, please press Enter.

Enter S to skip this disc and go on to the next one. To select a

different media, enter B to go Back.


Screen 39 : Solaris 8 packages (part 2)

After hitting <Enter> in the previous screen, the installation will
continue installing the Solaris software (part 2)

Reading Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 (2/02 SPARC Platform Edition).... \

Launching installer for Solaris 8 Software 2 of 2 (2/02 SPARC Platform

Edition). Please Wait...

Installing Solaris 8 packages (part 2)


Installation details:

Product Result More Info

1. Solaris 8 packages (part 2) Installed Available

2. Done

Enter the number corresponding to the desired selection for more

information, or enter 2 to continue [2]:2

<Press Return to reboot the system>

Post-Installation Tasks

After successfully installing the Solaris operating platform software,

there may be several tasks that need
to be performed depending on your configuration.

If you will be using networking database files for your TCP/IP
networking configuration, several files
will need to be manually created and/or modified. I provided a step-by-
step document on how to manually
configure TCP/IP networking files to manually enable TCP/IP networking
using files:
Configuring TCP/IP on Solaris - TCP/IP Configuration Files - (Quick
Config Guide)

Solaris 8 Patch Cluster:

It is advisable to install the latest Sun Solaris Patch Cluster to
ensure a stable operating environment.
I provided a step-by-step document on how to download and install the
latest Sun Solaris 8 Patch Cluster:
Patching Sun Solaris 2.8

8. RAID Volumes on SUN:

8.1.1 General

SCSI HBA-----------SCSI ID 5----Lun 0 Primary CDROM drive

| |--Lun 1 Slave CDROM drive
| |-- ....
| |--Lun 7 Slave CDROM drive
|----SCSI ID 6----Lun 0 Primary CDROM
| |--...
|----SCSI ID 0----...

Every SCSI Device can have 8 lun numbers from 0-7

A logical unit number (LUN) is a unique identifier used on a SCSI bus

that enables it to differentiate between
up to eight separate devices (each of which is a logical unit). Each LUN
is a unique number that identifies
a specific logical unit, which may be an disk.

A SCSI (Small System Computer Interface) is a parallel interface, that

can have up to eight devices
all attached through a single cable; the cable and the host (computer)
adapter make up the SCSI bus.
The bus allows the interchange of information between devices
independently of the host.
In the SCSI program, each device is assigned a unique number, which is
either a number between
0 and 7 for an 8-bit (narrow) bus, or between 8 and 16 for a 16-bit
(wide) bus.
The devices that request input/output (I/O) operations are initiators
and the devices that perform
these operations are targets. Each target has the capacity to connect up
to eight additional devices
through its own controller; these devices are the logical units, each of
which is assigned a unique number
for identification to the SCSI controller for command processing.

Short for logical unit number, a unique identifier used on a SCSI bus to
distinguish between devices
that share the same bus. SCSI is a parallel interface that allows up to
16 devices to be connected along a single cable.
The cable and the host adapter form the SCSI bus, and this operates
independently of the rest of the computer.
Each of the eight devices is given a unique address by the SCSI BIOS,
ranging from 0 to 7 for an 8-bit bus or
0 to 15 for a 16-bit bus. Devices that request I/O processes are called
initiators. Targets are devices that perform
operations requested by initiators. Each target can accommodate up to
eight other devices, known as logical units,
and each is assigned an LUN. Commands that are sent to the SCSI
controller identify devices based on their LUNs.
So we might have a situation as:

- Drive C: is standard, Drive D: is SCSI Target 0 LUN 0.

- Drive C: is SCSI Target 0 LUN 0, Drive D:, if installed,is SCSI Target
0 LUN 1 or Target 1 LUN 0.

8.1.2 single-initiator

A single-initiator SCSI bus has only one node connected to it, and
provides host isolation and better
performance than a multi-initiator bus. Single-initiator buses ensure
that each node is protected
from disruptions due to the workload, initialization, or repair of the
other nodes.

When using a single- or dual-controller RAID array that has multiple

host ports and provides
simultaneous access to all the shared logical units from the host ports
on the storage enclosure,
the setup of the single-initiator SCSI buses to connect each cluster
node to the RAID array is possible.
If a logical unit can fail over from one controller to the other, the
process must be transparent
to the operating system. Note that some RAID controllers restrict a set
of disks to a specific
controller or port. In this case, single-initiator bus setups are not

To set up a single-initiator SCSI bus configuration, perform the

following steps:

Enable the onboard termination for each host bus adapter.

Enable the termination for each RAID controller.

Use the appropriate SCSI cable to connect each host bus adapter to the
storage enclosure.

Setting host bus adapter termination is done in the adapter BIOS utility
during system boot.
To set RAID controller termination, refer to the vendor documentation.

--------- SI SCSI bus --------------

| T|--------------- | HBA |
|HBA | | ----------|T |
| | | | --------------
--------- | |
| |
| T T |
|Storage Enclosure|

Recommended in Linux an Sun clusters.

8.1.3 Multi Initiator SCSI


Multi Initiator SCSI configurations are configurations with two SCSI

host adapter boards connect
to a single SCSI bus like in the following example:

| System 1 | SCSI ___________ ___________ SCSI | System
2 |
|(SCSI Adapter)|--------|SCSI Device|--|SCSI Device|--------|(SCSI
|______________| Bus |___________| |___________| Bus |

--------- SI SCSI bus --------------

| T|-------------------------------- |T |
| | | | |
|HBA | | |HBA |
| | | | |
--------- | ---------------
| T |
|Storage Enclosure|

Not recommended for Linux or Solaris clusters.

8.2 Installing an A1000 on Solaris8:


contributed by Jim Shumpert, edited by Doug Hughes

Here is what you need to do to install An A1000 on Solaris8. The order
is very particular.
Much of this is by way of example. The particulars of your site will
differ. Substitute the latest version of
Raid Manager if there is a newer one available. Also, the exact firmware
versions will change over time,
so, do not take this too literally.

-Install Solaris8
-Install required OS patches
(If you have an Ultra60, install 106455-09 or better - firmware patch -
before proceeding)
- Install Raid Manager 6.22 (RM 6.22) or better.
# pkgadd -d . SUNWosar SUNWosafw SUNWosamn SUNWosau
See also section 6.2

(contributed by Greg Whalin) Check /etc/osa/mnf and make sure that your
controller name does NOT contain any periods.
Change them to a _ instead. The RM software does not have any clue how
to deal with a period.
This kept me screwed up for quite a while.

/etc/osa >more mnf

rebv-pegasu_001~1T94516518~ 0 1 2~~~0~3~~c1t0d0~~

Install patches 109571-02 (for Solaris8 FCS) and 108553-07 (or newer)
(for Solaris7/2.6 patch 108834-07 or newer) [ NOTE: 112125-01 and
112126-01 or better for RM 6.22.1]
# patchadd 109571-02
# patchadd 108553-02

Boot -r
# touch /reconfigure
# reboot -- -r

Upgrade the firmware on the A1000

/usr/lib/osa/bin/raidutil -c c1t0d0 -i

LUNs found on c1t0d0.


Vendor ID Symbios
ProductID StorEDGE A1000
Product Revision 0205
Boot Level
Boot Level Date 12/02/97
Firmware Level
Firmware Date 04/09/98
raidutil succeeded!

Find lowest number firmware upgrade that is still greater than the
firmware that is installed on your A1000.
For the above example, with patch 108553, upgrade to (do this
# cd /usr/lib/osa/fw
# /usr/lib/osa/bin/fwutil 02050632.bwd c1t0d0
# /usr/lib/osa/bin/fwutil 02050632.apd c1t0d0

Upgrade to the each next higher firmware in succession until you get to
the most recent version.
It is recommend that you do the upgrades in order. For this example,
Upgrade to
# /usr/lib/osa/bin/fwutil 03010233.bwd c1t0d0
# /usr/lib/osa/bin/fwutil 03010235.apd c1t0d0
Upgrade to (or better)
# /usr/lib/osa/bin/fwutil 03010304.bwd c1t0d0
# /usr/lib/osa/bin/fwutil 03010360.apd c1t0d0

Check that the array has the correct versions:

# /usr/lib/osa/bin/raidutil -c c1t0d0 -i

LUNs found on c1t0d0.


Vendor ID Symbios
ProductID StorEDGE A1000
Product Revision 0301
Boot Level
Boot Level Date 10/22/99
Firmware Level
Firmware Date 03/30/00
raidutil succeeded!

Check to make sure that the RAID is attached and looks good

# /usr/lib/osa/bin/drivutil -i c1t0d0

Drive Information for satl-adb1_a_001

Location Capacity Status Vendor Product Firmware

(MB) ID Version
[1,0] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[2,0] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[1,1] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[2,1] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[1,2] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[2,2] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[1,3] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[2,3] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[1,4] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[2,4] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[1,5] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207
[2,5] 17274 Optimal SEAGATE ST318404LSUN18G 4207

drivutil succeeded!
Example: Create 1 large 10-disk RAID 5 configuration (LUN 0) of max size
and then create 2 Hot Spare disks

# /usr/lib/osa/bin/raidutil -c c1t0d0 -D 0

LUNs found on c1t0d0.

Deleting LUN 0.
Press Control C to abort.

LUNs successfully deleted

raidutil succeeded!

# /usr/lib/osa/bin/raidutil -c c1t0d0 -l 5 -n 0 -s 0 -r fast -g


No existing LUNs were found on c1t0d0.

Capacity available in drive group: 317669184 blocks (155111 MB).
Creating LUN 0

Registering new logical unit 0 with system.

Formatting logical unit 0 RAID 5 155111 MB
LUNs found on c1t0d0.
LUN 0 RAID 5 155111 MB

LUNs successfully created

raidutil succeeded!

# /usr/lib/osa/bin/raidutil -c c1t0d0 -h 15,25

LUNs found on c1t0d0.

LUN 0 RAID 5 155111 MB

raidutil succeeded!

Format new RAID by making only one slice 2 partition:

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2
* /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 partition map
* Dimensions:
* 512 bytes/sector
* 75 sectors/track
* 64 tracks/cylinder
* 4800 sectors/cylinder
* 65535 cylinders
* 65533 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
* 1: unmountable
* 10: read-only
* Unallocated space:
* First Sector Last
* Sector Count Sector
* 0 314558400 314558399
* First Sector Last
* Partition Tag Flags Sector Count Sector Mount Directory
2 5 01 0 314558400 314558399

Newfs new RAID

# newfs /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2

Mount the RAID up as /raid

# mkdir /raid
# echo "/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 /raid ufs 3 yes -" >>
# mount /raid

Check to make sure that the new array is available via "df -lk"

# df -lk
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d0 2056211 43031 1951494 3% /
/dev/md/dsk/d6 4131866 1133180 2957368 28% /usr
/proc 0 0 0 0% /proc
fd 0 0 0 0% /dev/fd
mnttab 0 0 0 0% /etc/mnttab
/dev/md/dsk/d5 2056211 9092 1985433 1% /var
swap 1450208 8 1450200 1% /var/run
swap 1450208 8 1450200 1% /tmp
/dev/md/dsk/d7 8089425 182023 7826508 3% /export
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 154872105 9 153323375 1% /raid

6.2 Install problem A1000



Thanks for your kind responses. There are a few reply but tons of
out of office mail. And sorry for forgetting to state that A1000
is not brand new one but used one. After some researches I found
this. here's my summary.

If A1000 has previously defined LUNs and will be used to be array
as new one, you have to be remove old LUNs before define new LUNs
or your rm6 complains that cannot find raid modules.

if you can see more than 1 LUNs in boot prom via command "probe-scsi-
you have to insert disk into slot as many as LUNs than reboot with boot
Than you can see configured LUNs via /usr/lib/osa/bin/lad.
and /usr/lib/osa/bin/raidutil -c c#t#d# -X to delete all old LUNs.
Once you delete old LUNs you can boot normaly with just one disk and
can find raid module.
Again, Thanks for your help.

6.3 Installing RM 6.22 on Solaris:


Raid Manager 6.22 and A1000 config

-- Config and setup

-- ----------------

Firstly install the Raid manager 6.22 (6.221) software on the Solaris 8

# pkgadd -d . SUNWosar SUNWosafw SUNWosamn SUNWosau

Defending upon your raid manager version and scsi/fibre card type you
will need to patch the system.
The following patches are recommended for Solaris 8.

Solaris 8 & Raid manager 6.22 108553-07108982-09111085-02

Solaris 8 & Raid manager 6.221 112125-01108982-09111085-02
Ultra 60 106455-09
Fibre channel card 109571-02

It is probably worth giving the system a reconfigure reboot at this


-- Firmware
-- --------

The first thing to do is check the firmware of the A1000. This can be
done with the raidutil command.
( I assume the A1000 is on controller 1. If not then change the
controller as appropriate.

# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -i

If the returned values are less that those shown below you will have to
upgrade the firmware using fwutil.

Product Revision 0301

Boot Level
Boot Level Date 07/06/00
Firmware Level
Firmware Date 06/30/00

To upgrade the firmware perform the following.

# cd /usr/lib/osa/fw
# fwutil 02050632.bwd c1t0d0
# fwutil 02050632.apd c1t0d0
# fwutil 03010233.bwd c1t0d0
# fwutil 03010235.apd c1t0d0
# fwutil 03010304.bwd c1t0d0
# fwutil 03010360.apd c1t0d0

You can now re-perform the "raidutil -c c1todo -i" command again to
verify the firmware changes.

Clean up the array

I am assuming that the array is free for full use by ourselves and
intend to remove any old luns that might be lying around.

# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -X
The above command resets the array internals.
We can now remove any old lun's. To do this run "raidutil -c c1t0d0 -i"
and note any luns that are configured.

To delete the luns perform the following command.

# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -i
LUNs found on c1t0d0.
LUN 0 RAID 1 10 MB

Vendor ID Symbios
ProductID StorEDGE A1000
Product Revision 0301
Boot Level
Boot Level Date 07/06/00
Firmware Level
Firmware Date 06/30/00
raidutil succeeded!

# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -D 0
In the above example we are removing lun 0. repeat this command
changing the lun number as appropriate.

We can now give the array a name of our choice. (Do not use a .)
# storutil -c c1t0d0 -n "dragon_array"

Creating Lun's
The disks are labelled on the front of the A1000 as controller number
and disk number seperated by a comma eg. 1,0 1,2 and 2,0 etc, etc. We
refer to the disks without using the comma. So the first disk on
controller 1 is disk 10 and the 3rd disk on controller 2 is disk 23. we
will use disks on both controllers when creating the mirrors. I am
starting with the disks on each controller as viewed form the left. The
next stage is to create the luns we require. In the below example I will
configure a fully populated (12 disks) system which has 18Gb drives into
the following sizes. Here we will use the raidutil command again.

# raidutil -c controller -n lun_number -l raid_type -s size

-g disk_list

LUN 0 Size 8617mb of a stripped/mirror configuration across half of

the first two disks.
# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -n 0 -l 1+0 -s 8617 -g 10,20
LUN 1 Size 8617mb of a stripped/mirror configuration across the second
half of the first two disks.
# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -n 1 -l 1+0 -s 8617 -g 10,20

LUN 2 Size 8617mb of a stripped/mirror configuration across half of

the next two disks.
# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -n 2 -l 1+0 -s 8617 -g 11,21

LUN 3 Size 8617mb of a stripped/mirror configuration across the second

half of the next two disks.
# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -n 3 -l 1+0 -s 8617 -g 11,21

LUN 4 Size 34468mb of a stripped/mirror configuration across the next

four disks.
# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -n 4 -l 1+0 -s 34468 -g 12,13,22,23

LUN 5 Size 17234mb of a stripped/mirror configuration across the next

two disks.
# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -n 5 -l 1+0 -s 34468 -g 14,24

LUN 6 Size 17234mb of a non mirror configuration on the next disk.

# raidutil -c c1t0d0 -n 6 -l 0 -s 34468 -g 15

This then leaves the disk 25 or disk 5 on the second controller free as
a hot spare.
to set up this disk as a hot spare run
# raidutil -h 25

Finishing off
We are now ready to reboot the system performing a reconfigure. When
this is done we can format, partition, newfs
and mount the disks in the normal way.

Other commands
The following is a list of possibly useful raid manager commands

rm6 (GUI interface)

drivutil (drive / lun management)
healtchk (helth check on a raid module
lad (list array devices)
logutil (log formatting program)
nvutil (edit / modify NVSRAM)
parityck (parity checker and repair)
rdacutil (redundency controller for failed bits and load balancing)
storutil (host and naming info)

7.3 Sun StorEdge D1000:


The Sun StorEdge D1000 is a disk tray with hot-pluggable
- Power supplies
- Fans
- Disks (If SPARCstorage Volume Manager configured).

A D1000 is disk array attached to the hostname is configured as a RAID5


Disk Terminology
Before you can effectively use the information in this section, you
should be familiar with basic disk architecture.
In particular, you should be familiar with the following terms:

Disk controller
Disk label
Device drivers

Disk Slices
Files stored on a disk are contained in file systems. Each file system
on a disk is assigned to a slice-a group of
cylinders set aside for use by that file system. Each disk slice appears
to the operating system
(and to the system administrator) as though it were a separate disk
Slices are sometimes referred to as partitions.

Each disk slice holds only one file system.

No file system can span multiple slices.

On SPARC based systems, Solaris defines eight disk slices and assigns to
each a conventional use.
These slices are numbered 0 through 7.

Slice File System Purpose

0 root Holds files and directories that make up the operating system.
1 swap Provides virtual memory, or swap space. Swap space is used when
running programs are too large to fit
in a computer's memory. The Solaris operating environment then
"swaps" programs from memory to the disk
and back as needed.
2 Refers to the entire disk, by convention. It is defined automatically
by the format and the Solaris
installation programs. The size of this slice should not be changed.
3 /export Holds alternative versions of the operating system. These
alternative versions are required by client systems
whose architectures differ from that of the server. Clients with the
same architecture type as the server
obtain executables from the /usr file system, usually slice 6.
4 /export/swap Provides virtual memory space for client systems.
5 /opt Holds application software added to a system. If a slice is not
allocated for this file system
during installation, the /opt directory is put in slice 0.
6 /usr Holds operating system commands-also known as executables-
designed to be run by users.
This slice also holds documentation, system programs (init and
/tech/sun/commands/syslogd.html">syslogd, for example)
and library routines.
7 /export/home Holds files created by users.

Or.. something like this is also seen on a single disk system:

/ Slice 0, partition about 2G

swap Slice 1, partition about 4G
/export Slice 3, partition about 50G, maybe you link it to /u01
/var Slice 4, partition about 2G
/opt Slice 5, partition about 10G if you plan to install apps here
/usr Slice 6, partition about 2G
/u01 Slice 7, partition optional, standard it's /home
Depending on how you configure /export, size could be around

Raw Data Slices

The SunOS operating system stores the disk label in block 0, cylinder 0
of each disk. This means that using third-party
database applications that create raw data slices must not start at
block 0, cylinder 0, or the disk label
will be overwritten and the data on the disk will be inaccessible.

Do not use the following areas of the disk for raw data slices, which
are sometimes created by third-party d
atabase applications:

Block 0, cylinder 0 Where the disk label is stored.

Cylinder 0 Avoid for improved performance.
Slice 2 Represents the entire disk.

Slice Arrangements on Multiple Disks

Although a single disk that is large enough can hold all slices and
their corresponding file systems, two or more disks are often used to
hold a system's slices and file systems. A slice cannot be split between
two or more disks. However, multiple swap slices on separate disks are

For instance, a single disk might hold the root (/) file system, a swap
area, and the /usr file system, while a separate disk is provided for
the /export/home file system and other file systems containing user

In a multiple disk arrangement, the disk containing the operating system

software and swap space (that is, the disk holding the root (/) or /usr
file systems or the slice for swap space) is called the system disk.
Disks other than the system disk are called secondary disks or non-
system disks.

Locating a system's file systems on multiple disks allows you to modify

file systems and slices on the secondary disks without having to shut
down the system or reload operating system software.
Having more than one disk also increases input-output (I/O) volume. By
distributing disk load across multiple disks, you can avoid I/O

Determining Which Slices to Use

When you set up a disk's file systems, you choose not only the size of
each slice, but also which slices to use. The system configuration
requires the use of different slices. The table below lists these

Slice Server
0 root
1 swap
2 -
3 /export
4 /export/swap
5 /opt
6 /usr
7 /export/home

The format Utility

The format utility can be used to manipulate hard disk drives:

Display slice information

Divide a disk into slices
Add a disk drive
Reformat a disk drive
Repair a disk drive

Disk Labels
A special area of every disk is set aside for storing information about
the disk's controller, geometry, and slices. That information is called
the disk's label. Another term used to described the disk label is the
VTOC (Volume Table of Contents). To label a disk means to write slice
information onto the disk. You usually label a disk after changing its

If you fail to label a disk after creating slices, the slices will be
unavailable because the operating system has no way of "knowing" about
the slices. The partition table identifies a disk's slices, the slice
boundaries (in cylinders), and total size of the slices. A disk's
partition table can be displayed using the format utility. Partition
flags and tags are assigned by convention and require no maintenance.

The following partition table example is displayed from a 1.05-Gbyte

disk using the format utility:

Total disk cylinders available: 2036 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 root wm 0 - 300 148.15MB (301/0/0) 303408
1 swap wu 301 - 524 110.25MB (224/0/0) 225792
2 backup wm 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0) 2052288
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 usr wm 525 - 2035 743.70MB (1511/0/0) 1523088
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

The partition table contains the following information:

Column Name Description

Part Partition or (slice number). Valid numbers are 0-7.
Tag A numeric value that usually describes the file system mounted on
this partition.
Flags wm Partition is writable and mountable.
wu rm Partition is writable and unmountable. Default state of
partitions dedicated for swap areas. The mount command does not check
the "not mountable" flag.
top>rm The partition is read only and mountable.

Cylinders The starting and ending cylinder number for the slice.
Size The slice size in Mbytes.
Blocks The total number of cylinders and the total number of sectors
per slice in the far right column.

The following example displays a disk label using the prtvtoc command.

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0
* /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0 partition map
* Dimensions:
* 512 bytes/sector
* 72 sectors/track
* 14 tracks/cylinder
* 1008 sectors/cylinder
* 2038 cylinders
* 2036 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
* 1: unmountable
* 10: read-only
* First Sector Last
* Partition Tag Flags Sector Count Sector Mount Directory
0 2 00 0 303408 303407 /
1 3 01 303408 225792 529199
2 5 00 0 2052288 2052287
6 4 00 529200 1523088 2052287 /usr

The disk label includes the following information:

Dimensions - Physical dimensions of the disk drive.

Flags - Flags listed in the partition table section.

Partition (or Slice) Table - Contains the following information:

Column Name Description

Partition Slice number
Flags Partition flag.
First Sector The first sector of the slice.
Sector Count The total number of sectors in the slice.
Last Sector The last sector number in the slice.
Mount Directory The last mount point directory for the file system.

Dividing a Disk Into Slices

The format utility is most often used by system administrators to divide
a disk into slices. The steps are:

Determining which slices are needed

Determining the size of each slice
Using the format utility to divide the disk into slices
Labeling the disk with new slice information
Creating the file system for each slice
The easiest way to divide a disk into slices is to use the modify
command from the partition menu. The modify command allows you to create
slices by specifying the size of each slice in megabytes without having
to keep track of starting cylinder boundaries. It also keeps tracks of
any disk space remainder in the "free hog" slice.

Using the Free Hog Slice

When you use the format utility to change the size of one or more disk
slices, you designate a temporary slice that will expand and shrink to
accommodate the resizing operations.

This temporary slice donates, or "frees," space when you expand a slice,
and receives, or "hogs," the discarded space when you shrink a slice.
For this reason, the donor slice is sometimes called the free hog.

The donor slice exists only during installation or when you run the
format utility. There is no permanent donor slice during day-to-day,
normal operations.

How to Identify the Disks on a System

Become superuser.

Run the format utility.

# format
The format utility displays a list of disks that it recognizes under
Here is sample format output:

# format
Searching for disks...done


0. c1t0d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>
1. c1t1d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>
2. c2t0d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>
3. c2t1d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>
4. c2t8d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>
5. c2t9d0 <SUN36G cyl 24620 alt 2 hd 27 sec 107>

The format output associates a disk's physical and local device name to
the disk's marketing name which appears in angle brackets <>. This is an
easy way to identify which local device names represent the disks
connected to your system. The following example uses a wildcard to
display the disks connected to a second controller.

# format /dev/rdsk/c2*
0. /dev/rdsk/c2t0d0s0
1. /dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s0
2. /dev/rdsk/c2t2d0s0
3. /dev/rdsk/c2t3d0s0
4. /dev/rdsk/c2t5d0s0
Specify disk (enter its number):

The format output identifies that disk 2 (targets 0-5) are connected to
the first SCSI host adapter (sbi@...),
which is connected to the first SBus device (io-unit@).

Displaying Disk Slices
You can use the format utility to check whether or not a disk has the
appropriate disk slices. If you determine
that a disk does not contain the slices you want to use, use the format
utility to re-create them and label the disk.
The format utility uses the term partition in place of slice.

Become superuser.

Enter the format utility.

Identify the disk for which you want to display slice information by
selecting a disk listed

Specify disk (enter its number):1

Enter the partition menu by typing partition at the format> prompt.

format> partition

Display the slice information for the current disk drive by typing print
at the partition> prompt.

partition> print

Exit the format utility by typing q at the partition> prompt and typing
q at the format> prompt.

partition> q
format> q

Verify displayed slice information by identifying specific slice tags

and slices. If the screen output shows that
no slice sizes are assigned, the disk probably does not have slices.

Examples--Displaying Disk Slice Information

The following example displays slice information for disk

Total disk cylinders available: 24620 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
1 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
2 backup wu 0 - 24619 33.92GB (24620/0/0)
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
6 unassigned wm 0 - 24618 33.91GB (24619/0/0)
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)

The following example displays slice information for disk


Total disk cylinders available: 24620 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
1 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
2 backup wu 0 - 24619 33.92GB (24620/0/0)
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)
6 unassigned wm 0 - 24618 33.91GB (24619/0/0)
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0)


Creating and Examining a Disk Label

Labeling a disk is usually done during system installation or when you
are creating new disk slices.
You might need to relabel a disk if the disk label is corrupted (for
example, from a power failure).
The format utility will attempt to automatically configure any unlabeled
SCSI disk. If format is able
to automatically configure an unlabeled disk, it will display a message
like the following:

c1t0d0:configured with capacity of 404.65MB

How to Label a Disk

Become superuser.

Enter the format utility.

Enter the number of the disk that you want to label from the list
displayed on your screen.
Specify disk (enter its number):1

If the disk is unlabeled and was successfully configured, format will

ask if you want to label the disk.
Go to step 5 to label the disk.
If the disk was labeled and you want to change the type, or format was
not able to automatically configure
the disk you must specify the disk type. Go to steps 6-7 to set the disk
type and label the disk.

Label the disk by typing y at the Label it now? prompt.

Disk not labeled. Label it now? y

The disk is now labeled. Go to step 10 to exit the format utility.

Enter type at the format> prompt.

format> type
Format displays the Available Drive Types menu.

Select a disk type from the list of possible disk types.

Specify disk type (enter its number)[12]: 12

Label the disk. If the disk is not labeled, the following message is

Disk not labeled. Label it now? y

Otherwise you are prompted with this message:

Ready to label disk, continue? y

Use the verify command from the format main menu to verify the disk

format> verify

Exit the format utility by typing q at the format> prompt.

partition> q
format> q

Example-Labeling a Disk
The following example automatically configures and labels a 1.05-Gbyte

# format
c1t0d0: configured with capacity of 1002.09MB
0. c0t3d0

1. c1t0d0

Specify disk (enter its number): 1
Disk not labeled. Label it now? yes
format> verify

How to Examine a Disk Label

Examine disk label information by using the prtvtoc(1M) command. See

Chapter 28, Disk Management (Overview) for
a detailed description of the disk label and the information displayed
by the prtvtoc command.

Become superuser.

Display the disk label information by using the prtvtoc command.

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/device-name

Automatically Configuring SCSI Disk Drives

In Solaris 2.3 release and compatible versions, the format utility
automatically configures SCSI disk drives even if
that specific type of drive is not listed in the /etc/format.dat file.
This feature enables you to format, slice,
and label any disk driver compliant with SCSI-2 specification for disk
device mode sense pages.
The following steps are involved in configuring a SCSI drive using

Shutting down the system

Attaching the SCSI disk drive to the system
Turning on the disk drive
Performing a reconfiguration boot
Using the format utility to automatically configure the SCSI disk drive
After the reconfiguration boot, invoke the format utility. The format
utility will attempt to configure the disk and,
if successful, alert the user that the disk was configured. See How to
Automatically Configure a SCSI Drive
for step-by-step instructions on configuring a SCSI disk drive
Here are the default slice rules that format uses to create the
partition table.

Disk Size Root File System Swap Slice

0 - 180 Mbytes 16 Mbytes 16 Mbytes
180 Mbytes - 280 Mbytes 16 Mbytes 32 Mbytes
280 Mbytes - 380 Mbytes 24 Mbytes 32 Mbytes
380 Mbytes - 600 Mbytes 32 Mbytes 32 Mbytes
600 Mbytes - 1.0 Gbytes 32 Mbytes 64 Mbytes
1.0 Gbytes - 2.0 Gbytes 64 Mbytes 128 Mbytes
More than 2.0 Gbytes 128 Mbytes 128 Mbytes

In all cases, slice 6 (for the /usr file system) gets the remainder of
the space on the disk.

Here's an example of a format-generated partition table for a 1.3-Gbyte

SCSI disk drive.

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 root wm 0 - 96 64.41MB (97/0/0)
1 swap wu 97 - 289 128.16MB (193/0/0)
2 backup wu 0 - 1964 1.27GB (1965/0/0)
6 usr wm 290 - 1964 1.09GB (1675/0/0)

How to Automatically Configure a SCSI Drive

Become superuser.

Create the /reconfigure file that will be read when the system is

# /tech/sun/commands/touch.html">touch /reconfigure

Shut down the system.

# /tech/sun/commands/shutdown.html">shutdown -i0 -g30 -y

The ok or > prompt is displayed after the operating environment is shut

Turn off power to the system and all external peripheral devices.

Make sure the disk you are adding has a different target number than the
other devices on the system.
You will often find a small switch located at the back of the disk for
this purpose.

Connect the disk to the system and check the physical connections.

Turn on the power to all external peripherals.

Turn on the power to the system. The system will boot and display the
login prompt.

Login as superuser, invoke the format utility, and select the disk to be
configured automatically.

# format
Searching for disks...done
c1t0d0: configured with capacity of 1002.09MB
0. c0t1d0

1. c0t3d0

Specify disk (enter its number): 1

Reply yes to the prompt to label the disk. Replying y will cause the
disk label to be generated and written
to the disk by the autoconfiguration feature.

Disk not labeled. Label it now? y

Verify the disk label with the verify command.

format> verify

Exit the format utility.

format> q


SPARC: How to Create Disk Slices and Label a Disk

Become superuser.

Start the format(1M) utility.

# format
A list of available disks is displayed.

Enter the number of the disk that you want to repartition from the list
displayed on your screen.

Specify disk (enter its number): disk-number

Go into the partition menu (which lets you set up the slices).
format> partition

Display the current partition (slice) table.

partition> print

Start the modification process.

partition> modify

Set the disk to all free hog.

Choose base (enter number) [0]? 1

See Using the Free Hog Slice for more information about the free hog

Create a new partition table by answering y when prompted to continue.

Do you wish to continue creating a new partition table based on above

table[yes]? y

Identify the free hog partition (slice) and the sizes of the slices when
prompted. When adding a system disk,
you must set up slices for: root (slice 0) and swap (slice 1) and/or
/usr (slice 6) After you identify the slices,
the new partition table is displayed.

Make the displayed partition table the current partition table by

answering y when asked. Okay to make this
the current partition table[yes]? y If you don't want the current
partition table and you want to change it,
answer no and go to Step 6 .

Name the partition table.

Enter table name (remember quotes): "partition-name"

Label the disk with the new partition table when you have finished
allocating slices on the new disk.

Ready to label disk, continue? yes

Quit the partition menu.

partition> q

Verify the disk label using the verify command.

format> verify

Quit the format menu.

format> q

SPARC: Example-Creating Disk Slices and Labeling a System Disk

The following example uses the format utility to divide a 1-Gbyte disk
into three slices:
one for the root (/) file system, one for the swap area, and one for the
/usr file system.

# format
Searching for disks...done
0. c0t1d0

1. c0t3d0

Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c0t1d0
[disk formatted]
format> partition
partition> print
partition> modify
Select partitioning base:
0. Current partition table (original)
1. All Free Hog
Choose base (enter number) [0]? 1
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 root wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
1 swap wu 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
2 backup wu 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0) 2052288
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 usr wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
Do you wish to continue creating a new partition
table based on above table[yes]? yes
Free Hog partition[6]? 6
Enter size of partition `0' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb]: 200mb
Enter size of partition `1' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb]: 200mb
Enter size of partition `3' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb]:
Enter size of partition `4' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb]:
Enter size of partition `6' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb]:
Enter size of partition `7' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb]:
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 root wm 0 - 406 200.32MB (407/0/0) 410256
1 swap wu 407 - 813 200.32MB (407/0/0) 410256
2 backup wu 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0) 2052288
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 usr wm 814 - 2035 601.45MB (1222/0/0) 1231776
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
Okay to make this the current partition table[yes]? yes
Enter table name (remember quotes): "disk0"
Ready to label disk, continue? yes
partition> quit
format> verify
format> quit

SPARC: Example-Creating Disk Slices and Labeling a Secondary Disk

The following example uses the format utility to divide a 1-Gbyte disk
into one slice for the /export/home file system.

# format
Searching for disks...done
0. c0t1d0

1. c0t3d0

Specify disk (enter its number): 0
selecting c0t1d0
[disk formatted]
format> partition
partition> print
partition> modify
Select partitioning base:
0. Current partition table (original)
1. All Free Hog
Choose base (enter number) [0]? 1
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 root wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
1 swap wu 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
2 backup wu 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0) 2052288
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 usr wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
Do you wish to continue creating a new partition
table based on above table[yes]? y
Free Hog partition[6]? 7
Enter size of partition '0' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]:
Enter size of partition '1' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]:
Enter size of partition '3' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]:
Enter size of partition '4' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]:
Enter size of partition '5' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]:
Enter size of partition '6' [0b, 0c, 0.00mb, 0.00gb]:
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 root wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
1 swap wu 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
2 backup wu 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0) 2052288
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
5 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
6 usr wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
7 unassigned wm 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0) 2052288
Okay to make this the current partition table[yes]? yes
Enter table name (remember quotes): "home"
Ready to label disk, continue? y
partition> q
format> verify
format> q

SPARC: How to Create File Systems

Become superuser.

Create a file system for each slice with the newfs(1M) command.

# newfs /dev/rdsk/cwtxdysz

Verify the new file system by mounting it on an unused mount point.

# mount /dev/dsk/cwtxdysz /mnt

# ls

How to Stop All Processes Accessing a File System

Become superuser.

List all the processes that are accessing the file system, so you know
which processes you are going to stop.

# /tech/sun/commands/fuser.html">fuser -c [ -u ] mount-point

Stop all processes accessing the file system. You should not stop a
user's processes without warning.

# /tech/sun/commands/fuser.html">fuser -c -k mount-point
A SIGKILL is sent to each process using the file system.

Verify that there are no processes accessing the file system.

# /tech/sun/commands/fuser.html">fuser -c mount-point


Add Disk
Follow the steps below to add a new external/internal disk:
Bring the system down to the ok prompt.

# init 0

Find an available target setting. This command will show what you
currently have on your system.

# probe-scsi

If the disk is on another scsi controller (another card off of an sbus


# probe-scsi-all

Attach the new disk with the correct target setting. Run probe-scsi
again to make sure the system sees it. If it doesn't, the disk is either
not connected properly, has a target conflict, or is defective. Resolve
this issue before continuing.
In this example, we'll say:

T3 original internal drive

T1 new/other internal drive where a duplicate copy of the OS will be

Perform a reconfiguration boot.

# boot -rv
rv -> reconfigure in verbose mode.

Run format and partition the disk. (Here's our example):

# format
Searching for disks...done


1. c0t1d0
2. c0t3d0
Specify disk (enter its number): 1
selecting c0t1d0
[disk formatted]

disk - select a disk
type - select (define) a disk type
partition - select (define) a partition table
current - describe the current disk
format - format and analyze the disk
repair - repair a defective sector
label - write label to the disk
analyze - surface analysis
defect - defect list management
backup - search for backup labels
verify - read and display labels
save - save new disk/partition definitions
inquiry - show vendor, product and revision
volname - set 8-character volume name
format> part

0 - change `0' partition
1 - change `1' partition
2 - change `2' partition
3 - change `3' partition
4 - change `4' partition
5 - change `5' partition
6 - change `6' partition
7 - change `7' partition
select - select a predefined table
modify - modify a predefined partition table
name - name the current table
print - display the current table
label - write partition map and label to the disk

partition> print

Current partition table (original):

Total disk cylinders available: 2036 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 root wm 0 - 203 100.41MB (204/0/0)
1 swap wu 204 - 407 100.41MB (204/0/0)
2 backup wm 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0)
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 var wm 408 - 611 100.41MB (204/0/0)
5 unassigned wm 612 - 1018 200.32MB (407/0/0)
6 usr wm 1019 - 2034 500.06MB (1016/0/0)
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0


****** Modify partitions to suit your needs ******

****** Do NOT alter partition 2, backup !!! ******

In this example we'll go with the current displayed partition table

partition> 0
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
0 unassigned wm 0 - 162 80.23MB (163/0/0) 164304

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]:

Enter partition permission flags[wm]:
Enter new starting cyl[0]: o
`o' is not an integer.
Enter new starting cyl[0]: 0
Enter partition size[164304b, 163c, 80.23mb, 0.08gb]: 100.41mb
partition> pr
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 2036 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks

0 unassigned wm 0 - 203 100.41MB (204/0/0)
1 unassigned wu 163 - 423 128.46MB (261/0/0)
2 backup wu 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0)
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 424 - 749 160.45MB (326/0/0)
5 unassigned wm 750 - 1109 177.19MB (360/0/0)
6 unassigned wm 1110 - 2035 455.77MB (926/0/0)
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

partition> 1
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
1 unassigned wu 163 - 423 128.46MB (261/0/0)

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]:

Enter partition permission flags[wu]:
Enter new starting cyl[163]: 204
Enter partition size[263088b, 261c, 128.46mb, 0.13gb]: 100.41mb
partition> pr
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 2036 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size

0 unassigned wm 0 - 203 100.41MB (204/0/0)
1 unassigned wu 204 - 407 100.41MB (204/0/0)
2 backup wu 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0)
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 424 - 749 160.45MB (326/0/0)
5 unassigned wm 750 - 1109 177.19MB (360/0/0)
6 unassigned wm 1110 - 2035 455.77MB (926/0/0)
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

partition> 4
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size Blocks
4 unassigned wm 424 - 749 160.45MB (326/0/0)

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]:

Enter partition permission flags[wm]:
Enter new starting cyl[424]: 408
Enter partition size[328608b, 326c, 160.45mb, 0.16gb]: 100.41mb
partition> pr
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 2036 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size

0 unassigned wm 0 - 203 100.41MB (204/0/0)
1 unassigned wu 204 - 407 100.41MB (204/0/0)
2 backup wu 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0)
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 408 - 611 100.41MB (204/0/0)
5 unassigned wm 750 - 1109 177.19MB (360/0/0)
6 unassigned wm 1110 - 2035 455.77MB (926/0/0)
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

partition> 5
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size
5 unassigned wm 750 - 1109 177.19MB (360/0/0)

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]:

Enter partition permission flags[wm]:
Enter new starting cyl[750]: 612
Enter partition size[362880b, 360c, 177.19mb, 0.17gb]: 177mb
partition> pr
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 2036 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size

0 unassigned wm 0 - 203 100.41MB (204/0/0)
1 unassigned wu 204 - 407 100.41MB (204/0/0)
2 backup wu 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0)
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 408 - 611 100.41MB (204/0/0)
5 unassigned wm 612 - 971 177.19MB (360/0/0)
6 unassigned wm 1110 - 2035 455.77MB (926/0/0)
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0

partition> 6
Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size
6 unassigned wm 1110 - 2035 455.77MB (926/0/0)

Enter partition id tag[unassigned]:

Enter partition permission flags[wm]:
Enter new starting cyl[1110]: 972
Enter partition size[933408b, 926c, 455.77mb, 0.45gb]: $
partition> pr
Current partition table (unnamed):
Total disk cylinders available: 2036 + 2 (reserved cylinders)

Part Tag Flag Cylinders Size

0 unassigned wm 0 - 203 100.41MB (204/0/0)

1 unassigned wu 204 - 407 100.41MB (204/0/0) 205632

2 backup wu 0 - 2035 1002.09MB (2036/0/0) 2052288
3 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0
4 unassigned wm 408 - 611 100.41MB (204/0/0) 205632
5 unassigned wm 612 - 971 177.19MB (360/0/0) 362880
6 unassigned wm 972 - 2035 523.69MB (1064/0/0) 1072512
7 unassigned wm 0 0 (0/0/0) 0


NOTE: You will know for certain that your partitioning is correct if you
add all the cylinder values [the values enclosed in ( )], like so,
204+204+204+360+1064=2036 which is the same value for slice 2 or the
whole disk (Tag = backup).

Now label the disk. This is important as this is what saves the
partition table in your VTOC (Virtual Table Of Contents). It's also
always recommended to do the labeling part twice to be certain that the
VTOC gets saved.

partition> label
partition> q
format> q

After partitioning c0t1d0 to be exactly the same as c0t3d0, be sure you

label the disk so that VTOC gtes updated with the correct partition
To recap, our scenario is:

c0t3d0 (running Solaris 2.6) being copied to c0t1d0 (which will have the
copied Solaris 2.6 slices/partitions)
c0t3d0s0 / -> c0t1d0s0 /
c0t3d0s4 /var -> c0t1d0s4 /var
c0t3d0s5 /opt -> c0t1d0s5 /opt
c0t3d0s6 /usr -> c0t1d0s6 /usr

For each of the partitions that you wish to mount, run newfs to contruct
a unix filesystem.
So, newfs each partition.

# newfs -v /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0
# newfs -v /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s4
# newfs -v /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s5
# newfs -v /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s6

To ensure that they are clean and mounted properly, run fsck on these
mounted partitions:

# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s4
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s5
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s6

Make the mount points.

# /tech/sun/commands/mkdir.html">mkdir /mount_point

Create mountpoints for each slice/partition, like so:

# /tech/sun/commands/mkdir.html">mkdir /root2
# /tech/sun/commands/mkdir.html">mkdir /var2
# /tech/sun/commands/mkdir.html">mkdir /opt2
# /tech/sun/commands/mkdir.html">mkdir /usr2

Mount the new partitions.

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0sX /mount_point

Mount each partition (of the new disk), like so:

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /root2

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s4 /var2
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s5 /opt2
# mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s6 /usr2
Now we /tech/sun/commands/ufsdump.html">ufsdump each slices/partitions:
It is often difficult to copy from one disk to another disk. If you try
to use dd, and the disks are of differing sizes, then you will
undoubtedly run into trouble. Use this method to copy from disk to disk
and you should not have any problems. Of course you're still on the old
disk (that's where you booted from c0t3d0):

# cd /

(Just ensures that you are in the root's parent/top directory).

# /tech/sun/commands/ufsdump.html">ufsdump 0f - /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0 | (cd

/root2; /tech/sun/commands/ufsrestore.html">ufsrestore rf -)
# /tech/sun/commands/ufsdump.html">ufsdump 0f - /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s4 | (cd
/var2; /tech/sun/commands/ufsrestore.html">ufsrestore rf -)
# /tech/sun/commands/ufsdump.html">ufsdump 0f - /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s5 | (cd
/opt2; /tech/sun/commands/ufsrestore.html">ufsrestore rf -)
# /tech/sun/commands/ufsdump.html">ufsdump 0f - /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s6 | (cd
/usr2; /tech/sun/commands/ufsrestore.html">ufsrestore rf -)

The gotcha here is that you can't really specify the directory name
as /tech/sun/commands/ufsdump.html">ufsdump will interpret it as not
being a block or character device. To illustrate this error:

# cd /usr
# /tech/sun/commands/ufsdump.html">ufsdump 0f - /usr | (cd /usr2;
/tech/sun/commands/ufsrestore.html">ufsrestore xf - )
DUMP: Writing 32 Kilobyte records
DUMP: Date of this level 0 dump: Wed Dec 10 17:33:42 1997
DUMP: Date of last level 0 dump: the epoch
DUMP: Dumping /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s0 (tmpdns:/usr) to standard output
DUMP: Mapping (Pass I) [regular files]
DUMP: Mapping (Pass II) [directories]
DUMP: Estimated 317202 blocks (154.88MB)
DUMP: Dumping (Pass III) [directories]
DUMP: Broken pipe
DUMP: The ENTIRE dump is aborted

If you want to use the directory names to simplify your command line,
use the tar command instead of /tech/sun/commands/ufsdump.html">ufsdump
as follows:


# cd /usr
# tar cvfp - . | (cd /usr2; tar xvfp - )

OPTIONAL (This may be redundant BUT ensures that the copied files are
once again clean and consistent). Checking the integrity of a filesystem
is always highly recommended even if it becomes redundant in nature.
Now, check and run fsck on the new partition/slices:

# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s4
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s5
# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s6

Edit your /mount_point/etc/vfstab file to have this disk bootup from the
correct disk/devices c0t1d0 as opposed to c0t3d0.

# cd /root2
# vi /root2/etc/vfstab

Change c0tXd0sX devices to reflect the new disk!

#device device mount FS fsck mount mount

#to mount to fsck point type pass at boot options
#/dev/dsk/c1d0s2 /dev/rdsk/c1d0s2 /usr ufs 1 yes -
fd - /dev/fd fd - no -
/proc - /proc proc - no -
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s1 - - swap - no -
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0 / ufs 1 no -
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s6 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s6 /usr ufs 1 no -
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s4 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s4 /var ufs 1 no -
/dev/dsk/c0t1d0s5 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s5 /opt ufs 2 yes -
swap - /tmp tmpfs - yes -

Now you must run /tech/sun/commands/installboot.html">installboot to

load a new bootblk on that disk. Not loading a bootblk will leave this
disk in an unbootable state as the boot strap program is contained
within the bootblk, and this in turn is what loads the boot file called
ufsboot after interfacing with the OBP (Open Boot PROM).
You can do this from your current booted disk or you may choose to boot
off from cdrom via ok> boot cdrom -sw (single-user mode, writeable mode
off of cdrom's mini-root).

If you choose to get bootblk from your current disk the location of the
bootblk in Solaris 2.5 or higher is under:

/usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk

# /usr/sbin/installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk \


If you choose to get bootblk from your cdrom image:

ok> boot cdrom -sw

# /tech/sun/commands/installboot.html">installboot
/cdrom/solaris_2_5_sparc/s0/export/exec/sparc.Solaris_2.5 \
/usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk /dev/rdsk/c0txd0s0


To install a ufs bootblock on slice 0 of target 0 on con- troller 1, of
the platform where the command is being run, use:
example# /tech/sun/commands/installboot.html">installboot
/usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk \

Now create an alias for the other disk (this may be existent if it's off
of the onboard/first scsi controller).

ok> probe-scsi
T3 original boot disk
T1 new disk with copied slices

Verify via devalias command to see current

/tech/sun/commands/aliases.html">aliases: disk1 is for sd@1,0 which is
scsi id/target 1

ok> devalias

ok> setenv boot-device disk1

ok> boot -rv

You do not necessarily need to do a reconfiguration boot as devices had

already been created. This parameter will only be run if you attached
new devices to your system.

By default this will always boot from the new disk. If you want to boot
from the old disk you can manually tell it to boot to that alias, like

ok> boot disk

ok> boot disk3

(This will boot off from any Target 3/scsi id 3 internal disk). Also see
INFODOC #'s 14046, 11855, 11854 for setting different boot devalias'es.

NOTE: If the new disk encounters a problem on booting, most likely cause
would be inappropriate /tech/sun/commands/devlinks.html">devlinks so,
the course of action to take here is the /etc/path_to_inst, /dev,
/devices fix: The following is a solution to solve problems with
/dev, /devices, and/or /etc/path-to_inst. This routine extracts the
defaults (with links intact) from the Solaris 2.x CD-ROM.

ok> boot cdrom -sw

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 /a ** This step assumes your boot disk is

# cd /tmp/dev
# tar cvfp - . | (cd /a/dev; tar xvfp - )
# cd /tmp/devices
# tar cvfp - . | (cd /a/devices; tar xvfp - )
# cd /tmp/root/etc
# /tech/sun/commands/cp.html">cp path_to_inst /a/etc/path_to_inst
# /tech/sun/commands/reboot.html">reboot -- -rv

If you plan to move this new disk you copied the OS on, you MUST ensure
that it will be moved to a similar architecture and machine type as
hardware address paths are usually different from one machine to
Each hardware platform has a hardware device tree which must match the
device tree information saved during installation in /devices and the
/dev directories.

Another reason is that a kernel from one architecture cannot boot on a

machine of a different architecture. Customers often overlook these
architecture differences (Sun 4/4c/4m/4d/4u). A boot drive moved from a
SPARCstation 2 (sun4c architecture) cannot boot on a SPARCstation 5
(sun4m architecture).

For more details on why you can't move Solaris 2.X boot disk between
machines please see INFODOC 13911 and 13920.

Also ensure that you have the correct

/tech/sun/commands/hostname.html">hostname, IP address and vfstab
entries for this new drive if you plan to move it to another machine.

Add a New Disk II

In this example, the Sun StorEdge D1000 tray is connected to a UDWIS
host adapter corresponding to controller c2 and a drive was added to
slot 4 on the tray. The new drive appears as /dev/dsk/c2t4d0s[0-7]
and /dev/rdsk/c2t4d0s[0-7].

Add the new device:

# drvconfig (or devfsadm)

# disks

Verify the new disk has been created:

# ls -l /dev/dsk/c1t4d0s*

The new disk drive is now available for use as a block or character
device. Refer to sd for more info.

7.4 bare-metal restore procedure.


SUMMARY: Help troubleshooting bare-metal restore procedure.

Thank you:
Anand Chouthai
Roy Erickson

With help from contributors I identified two things wrong

w/ the procedure I was implementing:

1. I needed to update /dev,/devices, and /etc/path_to_inst

so that the replacement FC drive w/ a new WWN
was correctly recognized as the root disk (this was on a Sun 280R).

2. After fixing that it helped me uncover the "lockup". It was because

I didn't add the "-H" option to bprestore which indicates that
to rename the hardlink targets as well as the normal
source files (I thought bprestore had an AI module that figured
all that out ;-).

After making these two changes I was able to get the system
back to a sane state.

Below are the updated scripts.

The first one is the revised script I am using to do the actual

bare metal restore.

The second is a script I use to build a recovery image. Certain

packages and tarballs are needed which aren't included but
the general idea is there.


The only quirk I have observed is that /var/run doesn't get

mounted as swap (the system creates a normal directory).

mount: mount-point /var/run does not exist.

Not sure about this one but for now I will live w/ it.

Thanks again Sun Managers!

Kevin Counts


Script #1:

# $Id:,v 1.7 2004/03/01 19:36:06 countskm Exp $
# Custom script to restore egate2 (run from jumpstart recovery image).

# Create pre-defined vtoc for 36GB FC Drive
/usr/sbin/fmthard -s - /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 <<EOF
0 2 00 0 8389656 8389655
1 3 01 8389656 8389656 16779311
2 5 00 0 71127180 71127179
3 7 00 16779312 16779312 33558623
4 0 00 33558624 37516554 71075177
6 0 00 71075178 26001 71101178
7 0 00 71101179 26001 71127179

echo "y" | /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s0

echo "y" | /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3
echo "y" | /usr/sbin/newfs /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s4

/usr/sbin/fsck /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s0
/usr/sbin/fsck /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3
/usr/sbin/fsck /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s4

mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 /a
mkdir -p /a/var
mkdir -p /a/opt
mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3 /a/var
mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s4 /a/opt


# extra_opt="-e 2/01/2004 -C egate2"

extra_opt="-C egate2"

cat <<EOF > ${filelist}


cat <<EOF > ${rename}

change / to /a

cat /dev/null > ${log}

cat <<EOF

Running bprestore in foreground.

View logfile: $log in another login session for status.

(A message will appear in this window when the restore is complete)


echo \
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprestore -w \
-H \
-S ${server} \
-L ${log} \
-R ${rename} \
${extra_opt} \
-f ${filelist}

/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprestore -w \
-H \
-S ${server} \
-L ${log} \
-R ${rename} \
${extra_opt} \
-f ${filelist}

# Make excluded /egate mountpoint
mkdir -p /a/egate

# Unconfigure disksuite mirror
mv /a/etc/lvm/ /a/etc/lvm/

sed -e 's!md/!!g' \
-e 's!d10!c1t0d0s0!g' \
-e 's!d20!c1t0d0s1!g' \
-e 's!d30!c1t0d0s3!g' \
-e 's!d40!c1t0d0s4!g' \
/a/etc/vfstab > /a/etc/vfstab.tmp

cp /a/etc/vfstab /a/etc/vfstab.bak
cp /a/etc/vfstab.tmp /a/etc/vfstab

sed -e '/^rootdev/ s/^/*/' \

-e '/^set md/ s/^/*/' \
/a/etc/system > /a/etc/system.tmp

cp /a/etc/system /a/etc/system.bak
cp /a/etc/system.tmp /a/etc/system

# Rebuild /dev and /devices and /etc/path_to_inst
# Typically we don't backup /dev so check if its even there.
[ -d /a/dev ] && mv /a/dev /a/dev.bak
mv /a/devices /a/devices.bak
mkdir /a/dev
mkdir /a/devices

cd /dev ; find . -depth -print | cpio -pdm /a/dev

cd /devices ; find . -depth -print | cpio -pdm /a/devices

mv /a/etc/path_to_inst \

cp /tmp/root/etc/path_to_inst \

# Make mount points excluded from backup
mkdir /a/tmp
chmod 1777 /a/tmp
chown root:sys /a/tmp

# Umount the slices and install the ufs boot block
umount /a/var
umount /a/opt
umount /a

/usr/sbin/installboot /usr/platform/`uname -i`/lib/fs/ufs/bootblk


echo " Restore complete - type \"reboot -- -r\" to reboot the system."

# End.

Script #2:

# Configuring Solaris 8 Boot Image

perl -pi -e '/^root/ && s/NP/<your own hash>/' $root/etc/shadow

exit 0
pkgadd -d ${depot}/SMC/SMCncurs-5.3 -R $root \
-n -a ${noask} all

pkgadd -d ${depot}/MCC/MCCssh2-3.2.3 -R $root \

-n -a ${noask} all

pkgadd -d ${depot}/SMC/SMCbash-2.05 -R $root \

-n -a ${noask} all

perl -pi -e ' /^\s*install\)/ and print <<EOF

cat < /dev/null > /tmp/._recover_startup

' $root/sbin/rcS

perl -pi -e ' m!#/usr/sbin/inetd -s! and print <<EOF

if [ -f /tmp/._recover_startup ] ; then
/usr/sbin/inetd -s
' $root/sbin/sysconfig

perl -pi -e ' m!exec /sbin/suninstall! and print <<EOF
if [ -f /tmp/._recover_startup ] ; then
exec /bin/ksh -o vi

' $root/sbin/sysconfig

cp -rp tmp_proto/openv $root/.tmp_proto/
ln -s /tmp/openv $root/usr/openv

cat <<EOF >> $root/etc/services
# NetBackup services
bprd 13720/tcp bprd
bpcd 13782/tcp bpcd
vopied 13783/tcp vopied
bpjava-msvc 13722/tcp bpjava-msvc

cat <<EOF >> $root/etc/inetd.conf
# netbackup services
bpcd stream tcp nowait root /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcd
vopied stream tcp nowait root /usr/openv/bin/vopied vopied
bpjava-msvc stream tcp nowait root
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpjava-msvc bpjava-msvc -transient

Example about FileSystems on a SunOs 5.9 server


Devices are described in three ways in the Solaris environment, using

three distinct naming
conventions: the physical device name, the instance name, and the
logical device name.

- Physical devices:
A "physical device name" represents the full pathname of the device.
Physical device files are found in the /devices directory and have the
naming convention:


Each device has a unique name representing both the type of device and
the location of that device
in the system-addressing structure called the "device tree". The
OpenBoot firmware builds the
device tree for all devices from information gathered at POST. The
device tree is loaded in memory
and is used by the kernel during boot to identify all configured
A device pathname is a series of node names separated by slashes. Each
device has the following form:


On our testmachine, we find:

/devices>ls -al
total 70
drwxr-xr-x 7 root sys 512 Aug 10 2004 .
drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 512 Aug 17 2004 ..
crw------- 1 root sys 201, 0 Aug 10 2004 memory-
drwxr-xr-x 4 root sys 512 Aug 10 2004 pci@1c,600000
crw------- 1 root sys 109,767 Aug 10 2004
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 512 Aug 10 2004 pci@1d,700000
crw------- 1 root sys 109,1023 Aug 10 2004
drwxr-xr-x 4 root sys 512 Aug 10 2004 pci@1e,600000
crw------- 1 root sys 109,511 Aug 10 2004
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 512 Aug 10 2004 pci@1f,700000
crw------- 1 root sys 109,255 Aug 10 2004
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 29696 Aug 11 2004 pseudo

- Instance name:
The "instance name" represents the kernel's abbreviated name for every
possible device
on the system. For example, sd0 and sd1 represents the instance names of
two SCSI disk devices.
Instance names are mapped in the /etc/path_to_inst file, an are
displayed by using the
commands dmesg, sysdef, and prtconf

/devices>cd /etc
/etc>more path_to_inst
# Caution! This file contains critical kernel state
"/options" 0 "options"
"/pci@1f,700000" 0 "pcisch"
"/pci@1f,700000/network@2" 0 "bge"
"/pci@1f,700000/network@2,1" 1 "bge"
"/pci@1e,600000" 1 "pcisch"
"/pci@1e,600000/ide@d" 0 "uata"
"/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0" 30 "sd"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7" 0 "ebus"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/power@0,800" 0 "power"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/rmc-comm@0,3e8" 0 "rmc_comm"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320" 0 "pcf8584"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/motherboard-fru-prom@0,a2" 0 "seeprom"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/chassis-fru-prom@0,a8" 1 "seeprom"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/power-supply-fru-prom@0,b0" 2 "seeprom"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/power-supply-fru-prom@0,a4" 3 "seeprom"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/dimm-spd@0,b6" 4 "seeprom"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/dimm-spd@0,b8" 5 "seeprom"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/dimm-spd@0,c6" 6 "seeprom"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/dimm-spd@0,c8" 7 "seeprom"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/nvram@0,50" 8 "seeprom"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/gpio@0,70" 0 "pca9556"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/gpio@0,44" 1 "pca9556"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/gpio@0,46" 2 "pca9556"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/gpio@0,4a" 3 "pca9556"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/gpio@0,68" 4 "pca9556"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/i2c@0,320/gpio@0,88" 5 "pca9556"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/serial@0,3f8" 0 "su"
"/pci@1e,600000/isa@7/serial@0,2e8" 1 "su"
"/pci@1e,600000/pmu@6" 0 "pmubus"
"/pci@1e,600000/pmu@6/gpio@8a" 0 "pmugpio"
"/pci@1e,600000/pmu@6/i2c@0" 0 "smbus"
"/pci@1e,600000/pmu@6/gpio@80000000" 1 "pmugpio"
"/pci@1e,600000/pmu@6/i2c@0,0" 1 "smbus"
"/pci@1e,600000/usb@a" 0 "ohci"
"/pci@1c,600000" 2 "pcisch"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2" 0 "glm"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0" 0 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0" 1 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@2,0" 2 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@3,0" 3 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@4,0" 4 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@5,0" 5 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@6,0" 6 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@8,0" 7 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@9,0" 8 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@a,0" 9 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@b,0" 10 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@c,0" 11 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@d,0" 12 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@e,0" 13 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@f,0" 14 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/st@0,0" 0 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/st@1,0" 1 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/st@2,0" 2 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/st@3,0" 3 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/st@4,0" 4 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/st@5,0" 5 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/st@6,0" 6 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@0,0" 0 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@1,0" 1 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@2,0" 2 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@3,0" 3 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@4,0" 4 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@5,0" 5 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@6,0" 6 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@7,0" 7 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@8,0" 8 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@9,0" 9 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@a,0" 10 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@b,0" 11 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@c,0" 12 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@d,0" 13 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@e,0" 14 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/ses@f,0" 15 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1" 1 "glm"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@0,0" 15 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@1,0" 16 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@2,0" 17 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@3,0" 18 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@4,0" 19 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@5,0" 20 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@6,0" 21 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@8,0" 22 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@9,0" 23 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@a,0" 24 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@b,0" 25 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@c,0" 26 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@d,0" 27 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@e,0" 28 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/sd@f,0" 29 "sd"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/st@0,0" 7 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/st@1,0" 8 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/st@2,0" 9 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/st@3,0" 10 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/st@4,0" 11 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/st@5,0" 12 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/st@6,0" 13 "st"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@0,0" 16 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@1,0" 17 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@2,0" 18 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@3,0" 19 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@4,0" 20 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@5,0" 21 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@6,0" 22 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@7,0" 23 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@8,0" 24 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@9,0" 25 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@a,0" 26 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@b,0" 27 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@c,0" 28 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@d,0" 29 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@e,0" 30 "ses"
"/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2,1/ses@f,0" 31 "ses"
"/pci@1d,700000" 3 "pcisch"
"/pci@1d,700000/network@2" 2 "bge"
"/pci@1d,700000/network@2,1" 3 "bge"
"/memory-controller@0,0" 0 "mc-us3i"
"/memory-controller@1,0" 1 "mc-us3i"
"/pseudo" 0 "pseudo"
"/scsi_vhci" 0 "scsi_vhci"

- Logical Device names.

The "Logical device names" are used with most Solaris file system
commands to refer to devices.
Logical device files in the /dev directory are symbolically linked to
physical device files
in the /devices directory. Logical device names are used to access disk
devices in the
following circumstances:
- adding a new disk to the system and partitioning the disk
- moving a disk from one system to another
- accessing or mounting a file system residing on a local disk
- backing up a local file system
- repairing a file system

Logical devices are organized in subdirs under the /dev directory by

their device types
/dev/dsk block interface to disk devices
/dev/rdsk raw or character interface to disk devices
/dev/rmt tape devices
/dev/term serial line devices

Logical device files have a major and minor number that indicate
device drivers,
hardware addresses, and other characteristics.
Furthermore, a device filename must follow a specific naming
A logical device name for a disk drive has the following format:


where cx refers to the SCSI controller number, tx to the SCSI bus

target number,
dx to the disk number (always 0 except on storage arrays)
and sx to the slice or partition number.

/dev/ls -al
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd1a ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd1b ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd1c ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd1d ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd1e ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd1f ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd1g ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd1h ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd3a ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd3b ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd3c ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd3d ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd3e ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd3f ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd3g ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsd3h ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Aug 10 2004 rsm ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Aug 10 2004 rsr0 ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Aug 10 2004 rst12 -> rmt/0lb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Aug 10 2004 rst20 -> rmt/0mb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Aug 10 2004 rst28 -> rmt/0hb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Aug 10 2004 rst36 -> rmt/0cb
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root other 27 Aug 10 2004 rts ->
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 512 Aug 10 2004 sad
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd1a ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd1b ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd1c ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd1d ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd1e ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd1f ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd1g ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd1h ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd3a ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd3b ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd3c ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd3d ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd3e ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd3f ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd3g ->
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Aug 10 2004 sd3h ->

/dev>cd dsk
/dev/dsk>ls -al
total 58
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 512 Aug 10 2004 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root sys 4096 Oct 4 14:15 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s0
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s1
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:b
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s2
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:c
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s3
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:d
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s4
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:e
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s5
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:f
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s6
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:g
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s7
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:h
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s0
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s1
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:b
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s2
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:c
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s3
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:d
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s4
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:e
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s5
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:f
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s6
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:g
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s7
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:h
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s0
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:a
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s1
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:b
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s2
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:c
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s3
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:d
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s4
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:e
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s5
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:f
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s6
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:g
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 43 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s7
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:h

/dev/dsk>cd ..
/dev>cd rdsk
/dev/rdsk>ls -al
total 58
drwxr-xr-x 2 root sys 512 Aug 10 2004 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root sys 4096 Oct 4 14:15 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s0
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:a,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s1
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:b,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s2
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:c,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s3
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:d,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s4
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:e,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s5
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:f,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s6
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:g,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 46 Aug 10 2004 c0t0d0s7
-> ../../devices/pci@1e,600000/ide@d/sd@0,0:h,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s0
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:a,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s1
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:b,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s2
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:c,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s3
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:d,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s4
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:e,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s5
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:f,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s6
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:g,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t0d0s7
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@0,0:h,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s0
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:a,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s1
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:b,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s2
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:c,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s3
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:d,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s4
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:e,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s5
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:f,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s6
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:g,raw
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 47 Aug 10 2004 c1t1d0s7
-> ../../devices/pci@1c,600000/scsi@2/sd@1,0:h,raw

# format
Searching for disks...done


0. c1t0d0 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>
1. c1t1d0 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>
Specify disk (enter its number):

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2
* /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2 partition map
* Dimensions:
* 512 bytes/sector
* 424 sectors/track
* 24 tracks/cylinder
* 10176 sectors/cylinder
* 14089 cylinders
* 14087 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
* 1: unmountable
* 10: read-only
* First Sector Last
* Partition Tag Flags Sector Count Sector Mount Directory
0 2 00 9514560 8191680 17706239
1 3 01 0 8395200 8395199
2 5 00 0 143349312 143349311
3 7 00 8466432 1048128 9514559
4 0 00 51266688 33560448 84827135
5 0 00 17706240 33560448 51266687
6 8 00 84827136 58522176 143349311
7 0 00 8395200 71232 8466431

# prtvtoc /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2
* /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2 partition map
* Dimensions:
* 512 bytes/sector
* 424 sectors/track
* 24 tracks/cylinder
* 10176 sectors/cylinder
* 14089 cylinders
* 14087 accessible cylinders
* Flags:
* 1: unmountable
* 10: read-only
* First Sector Last
* Partition Tag Flags Sector Count Sector Mount Directory
0 2 00 9514560 8191680 17706239
1 3 01 0 8395200 8395199
2 5 00 0 143349312 143349311
3 7 00 8466432 1048128 9514559
4 0 00 51266688 33560448 84827135
5 0 00 17706240 33560448 51266687
6 8 00 84827136 58522176 143349311
7 0 00 8395200 71232 8466431

Intel's x86 processors and their clones are little endian.

Sun's SPARC,Motorola's 68K, and the PowerPC families are all big endian.

Contents on AIX /dev:


# ls -al

crw------- 1 root system 17, 0 Aug 08 12:00 tty0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root system 22, 0 May 27 17:45 ttyp0
crw-rw-rw- 1 root system 22, 1 May 27 17:45 ttyp1
crw-rw-rw- 1 root system 22, 2 May 27 17:45 ttyp2
brw-rw---- 1 root system 10, 7 May 27 17:46 hd3
brw-rw---- 1 root system 10, 4 Jun 27 15:51 hd4
brw-rw---- 1 root system 10, 1 Aug 08 11:41 hd5
brw-rw---- 1 root system 10, 2 May 27 17:46 hd6
brw-rw---- 1 root system 10, 3 May 27 17:46 hd8
brw-rw---- 1 root system 10, 6 May 27 17:46 hd9var
brw------- 1 root system 16, 7 May 27 17:44 hdisk0
brw------- 1 root system 16, 2 May 27 17:44 hdisk1
brw------- 1 root system 16, 10 May 27 18:23 hdisk10
brw------- 1 root system 16, 12 May 27 18:23 hdisk11
brw------- 1 root system 16, 5 May 27 17:44 hdisk2
brw------- 1 root system 16, 20 May 27 18:23 hdisk20
brw------- 1 root system 16, 21 May 27 18:23 hdisk21
brw------- 1 root system 16, 22 May 27 18:23 hdisk22

The 'c' implies that the device is a character device, as

opposed to a block device (b prefix) or ordinary file.

8. Current machines 2005:

8.1 AIX machines:


1. eServer p5 family:

dimensions cpu Ghz Max

mem GB
p5-510 Express 19" 2U 1 or 2 1.5 32
p5-520 Express 19" 4U or deskside 1 or 2 1.5 32
p5-550 Express 19" 4U or deskside 1,2,4 1.5 64
p5-570 Express 19" rack 2,4,8 1.5 128

dimensions cpu Ghz Max

mem GB
p5-510 19" 2U 1 or 2 1.65 32
p5-520 19" 4U or deskside 2 1.65 32
* p5-550 19" 4U or deskside 1,2 or 4 1.5 or 1.65 64
p5-570 19" rack 2,4,8,12,16 1.65 or 1.90 128

dimensions cpu Ghz Max

mem GB
p5-575 24" frame 8 1.90 256
p5-590 24" frame 8 to 32 1.65 256
p5-595 24" frame 16 to 64 1.65 or 1.90 256
/ 512

More info on the 550:


5 hotplug PCI slots,

1 embedded Ultra 320 SCSI dual channel controller,
1 10/100/1000 Mbps integrated dual port Ethernet controller,
2 service processor communications port,
2 USB 2 ports,
2 HMC ports,
2 RIO ports = Remote IO ports, e.g. for connecting the system to an
external drawer
2 System Power Control Network SPCN ports
1 or 2 hotswap capable 4-diskbays. 4x146 or 8x 146 GB Ultra320 scsi

SPCN interface: System Power Control Network is a microprocessor based

operating system that controls all aspects
of the IBM power network, including power on/off, sequencing, fru
isolation, battery testing etc..
So SPCN is used for power control

RIO interface: for connecting the system to external drawer.

SPC interface: Service Processor Communications port. Can be used to

connect a terminal.

8.2 former pSeries:


- pSeries 655

Easy-to-manage 4- or 8-way ultra-dense cluster-optimized server for HPC

and BI.

Processor 64-bit POWER4+

Clock rates (Min/Max) 1.50GHz / 1.70GHz
System memory (Std/Max) 4GB / 64GB
Internal storage (Std/Max) 72.8GB / 2.6TB
Performance (rPerf range)*** 15.22 to 21.87

- pSeries 670

The 4- to 16-way p670 is packed with the same Capacity on Demand (CoD)
capabilities and innovative
technology as the flagship p690.

Processor POWER4+
Clock rates (Min/Max) 1.50GHz
System memory (Std/Max) 4GB / 256GB
Internal storage (Std/Max) 72.8GB / 7.0TB
Performance (rPerf range)*** 13.66 to 46.79

- pSeries 690

8- to 32-way enterprise-class AIX 5L/Linux server

Processor 64-bit POWER4+

Clock rates (Min/Max) 1.50GHz / 1.90GHz
System memory (Std/Max) 8GB / 1TB
Internal storage (Std/Max) 72.8GB / 18.7TB
Performance (rPerf range)*** 27.11 to 104.17

8.3 Recent Sun machines:


Sun Fire High-End:


Sun Fire High-end Servers

Sun's flagship servers powered by the new UltraSPARC IV+ processors work
with the Solaris Operating System
to offer a stellar enterprise consolidation platform for customers: over
five times greater performance,
doubled memory capacity and significantly increased I/O performance over
previous generation systems.
Compatible with multiple platforms and CPU speeds, the Solaris 10 OS
allows customers to quickly and easily
take advantage of the latest server technology and the industry's only
true technology systems
investment protection.

Sun Fire E20K

High-end computing, affordability, and scalability: The Sun Fire E20K

server gives you 36 UltraSPARC IV+ processors
and 72 simultaneous threads, with mainframe class reliability and
security. Later, scale it up to the full
Sun Fire E25K capacities.
Scales up to 36 UltraSPARC IV+ processors with 72 threads, over 5x
faster performance over UltraSPARC III
processor-based servers
Doubled memory capacity with 2GB DIMMs: 576 GB memory
Unique Uniboard technology to provision up to 9 CPU/Memory Uniboards on
the fly
Easily upgraded up to 72 processors with 144 threads and over 1TB memory
High-bandwidth PCI-X support for I/O intensive applications
Mix and match UltraSPARC III, IV and IV+ processors in the same system
Dynamic System Domains and Solaris Containers
Predictive Self-Healing/Automatic System Recovery
Solaris Security Toolkit
Capacity on Demand 2.0 to add resources only when needed
Solaris 9 9/05 and Solaris 10 3/05 HW1

Sun Fire E25K

Scales up to 72 UltraSPARC IV+ processors with 144 threads, over 5x

faster performance compared to UltraSPARC III
processor-based servers
Doubled memory capacity with 2GB DIMMs: over 1TB memory
Unique Uniboard technology to provision up to 18 CPU/Memory Uniboards on
the fly
High-bandwidth PCI-X support for I/O intensive applications
Mix and match UltraSPARC III, IV and IV+ processors in the same system
Dynamic System Domains and Solaris Containers
Predictive Self-Healing/Automatic System Recovery
Solaris Security Toolkit
Capacity on Demand 2.0 to add resources only when needed
Solaris 9 9/05 and Solaris 10 3/05 HW1

Sun Fire Mid-Range:


Sun Fire Midrange Servers

Designed for compute density backed by enterprise-class features, Sun's
midrange servers deliver high performance
and protect your IT investments over time. Sun has enhanced the
industry's leading 64-bit server line with the
UltraSPARC IV+ processor, offering up to five times the performance of
previous UltraSPARC III systems.
Yet you retain Sun's migration-enabling unbroken binary application
compatibility with the Solaris OS.

Sun Fire V490

Scales up to four processors, eight simultaneous compute threads

Sun Fire V890

Scales up to eight processors, 16 simultaneous compute threads

Sun Fire E2900

Scales up to 12 processors, 24 simultaneous compute threads

Sun Fire E4900

Scales up to 12 processors, 24 simultaneous compute threads

Sun Fire E6900

Scales up to 24 processors, 48 simultaneous compute threads

Sun Fire Low-End:




Sun Fire x64 Servers:


These servers can run many operating system, including Solaris OS,
Linux, Windows or VMware.
These are the Sun Blade machines.

8.4 Recent HP Servers:


_ HP ProLiant servers
_ HP ProLiant DL
_ HP ProLiant ML
_ HP ProLiant BL blades

_ HP Integrity servers
_ Entry-class
_ Mid-range
_ Superdome (high-end)
_ HP Integrity BL blades

_ HP Integrity NonStop servers

_ HP 9000 servers
_ HP AlphaServer systems
_ Telco and carrier-grade servers
_ HP e3000 servers

HP servers running HP-UX 11i :

_ HP 9000 servers
PA-RISC powered servers

_ HP Integrity servers
Industry standard
Itaniumr 2 based servers

_ HP Telco servers
Specially designed for the telecom and service provider industries

9. Most important pSeries LED Codes:

MCA LED codes:


Booting BIST phase: leds 100-195, defining hardware status

Booting POST phase: leds 200-2E7, during finding BLV
LED 200: key in secure position
LED 299: BLV will be loaded

PCI systems an pSeries LED codes:


reduced ODM from BLV copied into RAMFS: OK=510, NOT OK=LED 548:
LED 511: bootinfo -b is called to determine the last bootdevice
ipl_varyon of rootvg: OK=517,ELSE 551,552,554,556:
LED 555,557: mount /dev/hd4 on temporary mountpoint /mnt
LED 518: mount /usr, /var
LED 553: syncvg rootvg, or inittab problem
LED 549
LED 581: tcp/ip is being configured, and there is some problem

Last phases in the boot is where cfgcon is called, to configure the

cfgcon LED codes include:
C31: Console not yet configured.
C32: Console is an LFT terminal
C33: Console is a TTY
C34: Console is a file on disk
C99: Could not detect a console device

LED 551: ipl_varyon of rootvg

201 : Damaged boot image

223-229 : Invalid boot list
551,555,557 : Corrupted filesystem, corrupted JFS log
552,554,556 : Superblock corrupted, corrupted customized ODM database
553 : Corrupted /etc/inittab file

Firmware that leads to LED code:


LED Code 888 right after boot: software problem 102, OR, hardware or
software problem 103
rc.boot LED codes:


init success=F05 error=c06

restbase copies bootimage ODM -> RAM fs ODM: success=510
cfgmgr -f configuration all base devices needed to access rootvg
bootinfo -b

end rc.boot 1 LED=511

PCI / RS6000 LED Codes:



Built-In Self-Test (BIST) Indicators


100 BIST completed successfully; control was passed to IPL ROS.

101 BIST started following reset.
102 BIST started, following the system unit's power-on reset.
103 BIST could not determine the system model number.
104 Equipment conflict; BIST could not find the CBA.
105 BIST could not read from the OCS EPROM.
106 BIST failed: CBA not found
111 OCS stopped; BIST detected a module error.
112 A checkstop occurred during BIST; checkstop results could not be
logged out.
113 Three checkstops have occurred.
120 BIST starting a CRC check on the 8752 EPROM.
121 BIST detected a bad CRC in the first 32K bytes of the OCS EPROM.
122 BIST started a CRC check on the first 32K bytes of the OCS EPROM.
123 BIST detected a bad CRC on the OCS area of NVRAM.
124 BIST started a CRC check on the OCS area of NVRAM.
125 BIST detected a bad CRC on the time-of-day area of NVRAM.
126 BIST started a CRC check on the time-of-day area of NVRAM.
127 BIST detected a bad CRC on the 8752 EPROM.
130 BIST presence test started.
140 Running BIST. (Box Manufacturing Mode Only)
142 Box manufacturing mode operation.
143 Invalid memory configuration.
144 Manufacturing test failure.
151 BIST started AIPGM test code.
152 BIST started DCLST test code.
153 BIST started ACLST test code.
154 BIST started AST test code.
160 Bad EPOW Signal/Power status signal.
161 BIST being conducted on BUMP I/O.
162 BIST being conducted on JTAG.
163 BIST being conducted on Direct I/O.
164 BIST being conducted on CPU.
165 BIST being conducted on DCB and Memory.
166 BIST being conducted on Interrupts.
170 BIST being conducted on Multi-Processors.
180 Logout in progress.
182 BIST COP bus not responding.
185 A checkstop condition occurred during the BIST.
186 System logic-generated checkstop (Model 250 only).
187 Graphics-generated checkstop (Model 250).
195 Checkstop logout complete
199 Generic SCSI backplane
888 BIST did not start.

Power-On Self-Test (POST) Indicators


200 IPL attempted with keylock in the Secure position.

201 IPL ROM test failed or checkstop occurred (irrecoverable).
202 Unexpected machine check interrupt.
203 Unexpected data storage interrupt.
204 Unexpected instruction storage interrupt.
205 Unexpected external interrupt.
206 Unexpected alignment interrupt.
207 Unexpected program interrupt.
208 Unexpected floating point unavailable interrupt.
209 Unexpected SVC interrupt.
20c L2 cache POST error. (The display shows a solid 20c for 5 seconds.)
210 Unexpected SVC interrupt.
211 IPL ROM CRC comparison error (irrecoverable).
212 RAM POST memory configuration error or no memory found
213 RAM POST failure (irrecoverable).
214 Power status register failed (irrecoverable).
215 A low voltage condition is present (irrecoverable).
216 IPL ROM code being uncompressed into memory.
217 End of boot list encountered.
218 RAM POST is looking for good memory.
219 RAM POST bit map is being generated.
21c L2 cache is not detected. (The display shows a solid 21c for 2
220 IPL control block is being initialized.
221 NVRAM CRC comparison error during AIX IPL(key mode switch in Normal
Reset NVRAM by reaccomplishing IPL in Service mode. For systems with an
internal, direct-bus-attached (DBA) disk, IPL ROM attempted to perform
an IPL from
that disk before halting with this operator panel display value.
222 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Standard I/O planar-attached
devices specified
in NVRAM IPL Devices List.
223 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from SCSI-attached devices specified in
Devices List.
224 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from 9333 subsystem device specified in
Devices List.
225 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from 7012 DBA disk-attached devices
specified in
NVRAM IPL Devices List.
226 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Ethernet specified in NVRAM IPL
Devices List.
227 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Token-Ring specified in NVRAM IPL
Devices List.
228 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from NVRAM expansion code.
229 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from NVRAM IPL Devices List; cannot IPL
from any
of the listed devices, or there are no valid entries in the Devices
22c Attempting a normal mode IPL from FDDI specified in NVRAM IPL device
230 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from adapter feature ROM specified in
Device List.
231 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Ethernet specified in IPL ROM
Device List.
232 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Standard I/O planar-attached
devices specified
in ROM Default Device List.
233 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from SCSI-attached devices specified in
Default Device List.
234 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from 9333 subsystem device specified in
Device List.
235 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from 7012 DBA disk-attached devices
specified in
IPL ROM Default Device List.
236 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Ethernet specified in IPL ROM
Default Device
237 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Token-Ring specified in IPL ROM
Device List.
238 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Token-Ring specified by the
239 System failed to IPL from the device chosen by the operator.
23c Attempting a normal mode IPL from FDDI specified in IPL ROM device
240 Attempting a Service mode IPL from adapter feature ROM.
241 Attempting a normal boot from devices specified in the NVRAM boot
242 Attempting a Service mode IPL from Standard I/O planar-attached
devices specified
in the NVRAM IPL Devices List.
243 Attempting a Service mode IPL from SCSI-attached devices specified
in the
NVRAM IPL Devices List.
244 Attempting a Service mode IPL from 9333 subsystem device specified
in the
NVRAM IPL Devices List.
245 Attempting a Service mode IPL from 7012 DBA disk-attached devices
specified in
the NVRAM IPL Devices List.
246 Attempting a Service mode IPL from Ethernet specified in the NVRAM
IPL Devices
247 Attempting a Service mode IPL from Token-Ring specified in the NVRAM
248 Attempting a Service mode IPL from NVRAM expansion code.
249 Attempting a Service mode IPL from the NVRAM IPL Devices List;
cannot IPL from
any of the listed devices, or there are no valid entries in the Devices
24c Attempting a service mode IPL from FDDI specified in NVRAM IPL
device list.
250 Attempting a Service mode IPL from adapter feature ROM specified in
Device List.
251 Attempting a Service mode IPL from Ethernet specified in the IPL ROM
Device List.
252 Attempting a Service mode IPL from Standard I/O planar-attached
devices specified
in the ROM Default Device List.
253 Attempting a Service mode IPL from SCSI-attached devices specified
in the IPL
ROM Default Device List.
254 Attempting a Service mode IPL from 9333 subsystem device specified
in the IPL
ROM Devices List.
255 Attempting a Service mode IPL from 7012 DBA disk-attached devices
specified in
IPL ROM Default Device List.
256 Attempting a Service mode IPL from Ethernet specified in the IPL ROM
257 Attempting a Service mode IPL from Token-Ring specified in the IPL
ROM Devices
258 Attempting a Service mode IPL from Token-Ring specified by the
259 Attempting a Service mode IPL from FDDI specified by the operator.
25c Attempting a service mode IPL from FDDI specified in IPL ROM device
260 Information is being displayed on the display console.
261 No supported local system display adapter was found.
262 Keyboard not detected as being connected to the system's keyboard
263 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from adapter feature ROM specified in
Device List.
269 Stalled state - the system is unable to IPL.
270 Low Cost Ethernet Adapter (LCE) POST executing
271 Mouse and Mouse port POST.
272 Tablet Port POST.
276 10/100Mbps MCA Ethernet Adapter POST executing
277 Auto Token-Ring LANstreamer MC 32 Adapter.
278 Video ROM scan POST.
280 3com Ethernet POST.
281 Keyboard POST executing.
282 Parallel port POST executing.
283 Serial port POST executing.
284 POWER Gt1 graphics adapter POST executing.
285 POWER Gt3 graphics adapter POST executing.
286 Token-Ring adapter POST executing.
287 Ethernet adapter POST executing.
288 Adapter card slots being queried.
289 POWER GT0 Display Adapter POST.
290 IOCC POST error (irrecoverable).
291 Standard I/O POST running.
292 SCSI POST running.
293 7012 DBA disk POST running.
294 IOCC bad TCW memory module in slot location J being tested.
295 Graphics Display adapter POST, color or grayscale.
296 ROM scan POST.
297 System model number does not compare between OCS and ROS
298 Attempting a software IPL.
299 IPL ROM passed control to the loaded program code.
301 Flash Utility ROM test failed or checkstop occurred (irrecoverable
302 Flash Utility ROM: User prompt, move the key to the service position
in order to
perform an optional Flash Update. LED 3d2 will only appear if the key
switch is in
the secure position. This signals the user that a Flash Update may be
initiated by
moving the key switch to the service position. If the key is moved to
the service
position then LED 3d3 will be displayed, this signals the user to press
the Reset
button and select optional Flash Update.
303 Flash Utility ROM: User prompt, press the Reset button in order to
perform an
optional Flash Update. LED 3d2 will only appear if the key switch is the
position. This signals the user that a Flash Update may be initiated by
moving the
key switch to the service position. If the key is moved to the service
position LED
3d3 will be displayed, this signals the user to press the Reset button
and select
optional Flash Update.
304 Flash Utility ROM IOCC POST error (irrecoverable).
305 Flash Utility ROM standard I/O POST running.
306 Flash Utility ROM is attempting IPL from Flash Update media device.
307 Flash Utility ROM system model number does not compare between OCS
ROM (irrecoverable).
308 Flash Utility ROM: IOCC TCW memory is being tested.
309 Flash Utility ROM passed control to a Flash Update Boot Image.
311 Flash Utility ROM CRC comparison error (irrecoverable).
312 Flash Utility ROM RAM POST memory configuration error or no memory
313 Flash Utility ROM RAM POST failure (irrecoverable).
314 Flash Utility ROM Power status register failed (irrecoverable).
315 Flash Utility ROM detected a low voltage condition.
318 Flash Utility ROM RAM POST is looking for good memory.
319 Flash Utility ROM RAM POST bit map is being generated.
322 CRC error on media Flash Image. No Flash Update performed.
323 Current Flash Image is being erased.
324 CRC error on new Flash Image after Update was performed. (Flash
Image is cor-rupted.)
325 Flash Update successful and complete.

Configuration Program Indicators


500 Querying Standard I/O slot.

501 Querying card in Slot 1.
502 Querying card in Slot 2.
503 Querying card in Slot 3.
504 Querying card in Slot 4.
505 Querying card in Slot 5.
506 Querying card in Slot 6.
507 Querying card in Slot 7.
508 Querying card in Slot 8.
510 Starting device configuration.
511 Device configuration completed.
512 Restoring device configuration files from media.
513 Restoring basic operating system installation files from media.
516 Contacting server during network boot.
517 Mounting client remote file system during network IPL.
518 Remote mount of the root and /usr file systems failed during network
520 Bus configuration running.
521 /etc/init invoked cfgmgr with invalid options; /etc/init has been
corrupted or incor-rectly
modified (irrecoverable error).
522 The configuration manager has been invoked with conflicting options
523 The configuration manager is unable to access the ODM database
524 The configuration manager is unable to access the config.rules
object in the ODM
database (irrecoverable error).
525 The configuration manager is unable to get data from a customized
device object in
the ODM database (irrecoverable error).
526 The configuration manager is unable to get data from a customized
device driver
object in the ODM database ( irrecoverable error).
527 The configuration manager was invoked with the phase 1 flag; running
phase 1 at
this point is not permitted (irrecoverable error).
528 The configuration manager cannot find sequence rule, or no program
name was
specified in the ODM database (irrecoverable error).
529 The configuration manager is unable to update ODM data
(irrecoverable error).
530 The program savebase returned an error.
531 The configuration manager is unable to access the PdAt object class
532 There is not enough memory to continue (malloc failure);
irrecoverable error.
533 The configuration manager could not find a configure method for a
534 The configuration manager is unable to acquire database lock
(irrecoverable error).
535 HIPPI diagnostics interface driver being configured.
536 The configuration manager encountered more than one sequence rule
specified in
the same phase (irrecoverable error).
537 The configuration manager encountered an error when invoking the
program in the
sequence rule.
538 The configuration manager is going to invoke a configuration method.
539 The configuration method has terminated, and control has returned to
the configura-tion
551 IPL vary-on is running.
552 IPL varyon failed.
553 IPL phase 1 is complete.
554 The boot device could not be opened or read, or unable to define NFS
swap device
during network boot.
555 An ODM error occurred when trying to varyon the rootvg, or unable to
create an
NFS swap device during network boot.
556 Logical Volume Manager encountered error during IPL vary-on.
557 The root filesystem will not mount.
558 There is not enough memory to continue the system IPL.
559 Less than 2 M bytes of good memory are available to load the AIX
570 Virtual SCSI devices being configured.
571 HIPPI common function device driver being configured.
572 HIPPI IPI-3 master transport driver being configured.
573 HIPPI IPI-3 slave transport driver being configured.
574 HIPPI IPI-3 transport services user interface device driver being
575 A 9570 disk-array driver is being configured.
576 Generic async device driver being configured.
577 Generic SCSI device driver being configured.
578 Generic commo device driver being configured.
579 Device driver being configured for a generic device.
580 HIPPI TCPIP network interface driver being configured.
581 Configuring TCP/IP.
582 Configuring Token-Ring data link control.
583 Configuring an Ethernet data link control.
584 Configuring an IEEE Ethernet data link control.
585 Configuring an SDLC MPQP data link control.
586 Configuring a QLLC X.25 data link control.
587 Configuring a NETBIOS.
588 Configuring a Bisync Read-Write (BSCRW).
589 SCSI target mode device being configured.
590 Diskless remote paging device being configured.
591 Configuring an LVM device driver.
592 Configuring an HFT device driver.
593 Configuring SNA device drivers.
594 Asynchronous I/O being defined or configured.
595 X.31 pseudo-device being configured.
596 SNA DLC/LAPE pseudo-device being configured.
597 OCS software being configured.
598 OCS hosts being configured during system reboot.
599 Configuring FDDI data link control.
5c0 Streams-based hardware drive being configured.
5c1 Streams-based X.25 protocol being configured.
5c2 Streams-based X.25 COMIO emulator driver being configured.
5c3 Streams-based X.25 TCP/IP interface driver being configured.
5c4 FCS adapter device driver being configured.
5c5 SCB network device driver for FCS is being configured.
5c6 AIX SNA channel being configured.
600 Starting network boot portion of /sbin/rc.boot
602 Configuring network parent devices.
603 /usr/lib/methods/defsys, /usr/lib/methods/cfgsys, or
604 Configuring physical network boot device.
605 Configuration of physical network boot device failed.
606 Running /usr/sbin/ifconfig on logical network boot device.
607 /usr/sbin/ifconfig failed.
608 Attempting to retrieve the file with tftp.Note that a
flashing 608 indicates
multiple attempt(s) to retrieve the client_info file are occurring.
609 The file does not exist or it is zero length.
610 Attempting remote mount of NFS file system.
611 Remote mount of the NFS file system failed.
612 Accessing remote files; unconfiguring network boot device.
614 Configuring local paging devices.
615 Configuration of a local paging device failed.
616 Converting from diskless to dataless configuration.
617 Diskless to dataless configuration failed.
618 Configuring remote (NFS) paging devices.
619 Configuration of a remote (NFS) paging device failed.
620 Updating special device files and ODM in permanent filesystem with
data from boot
RAM filesystem.
622 Boot process configuring for operating system installation.
650 IBM SCSD disk drive being configured
668 25MB ATM MCA Adapter being configured
680 POWER GXT800M Graphics Adapter
689 4.5GB Ultra SCSI Single Ended Disk Drive being configured
690 9.1GB Ultra SCSI Single Ended Disk Drive being configured
694 Eicon ISDN DIVA MCA Adapter for PowerPC Systems
700 Progress indicator. A 1.1 GB 8-bit SCSI disk drive being identified
or configured.
701 Progress indicator. A 1.1 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive is being
identified or configured.
702 Progress indicator. A 1.1 GB 16-bit differential SCSI disk drive is
being identified or
703 Progress indicator. A 2.2 GB 8-bit SCSI disk drive is being
identified or configured.
704 Progress indicator. A 2.2 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive is being
identified or configured.
705 The configuration method for the 2.2 GB 16-bit differential SCSI
disk drive is being
run. If an irrecoverable error occurs, the system halts.
706 Progress indicator. A 4.5 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive is being
identified or configured.
707 Progress indicator. A 4.5 GB 16-bit differential SCSI disk drive is
being identified or
708 Progress indicator. A L2 cache is being identified or configured.
710 POWER GXT150M graphics adapter being identified or configured.
711 Unknown adapter being identified or configured.
712 Graphics slot bus configuration is executing.
713 The IBM ARTIC960 device is being configured.
714 A video capture adapter is being configured.
715 The Ultimedia Services audio adapter is being configured. This LED
displays briefly
on the panel.
717 TP Ethernet Adapter being configured.
718 GXT500 Graphics Adapter being configured.
720 Unknown read/write optical drive type being configured.
721 Unknown disk or SCSI device being identified or configured.
722 Unknown disk being identified or configured.
723 Unknown CD-ROM being identified or configured.
724 Unknown tape drive being identified or configured.
725 Unknown display adapter being identified or configured.
726 Unknown input device being identified or configured.
727 Unknown async device being identified or configured.
728 Parallel printer being identified or configured.
729 Unknown parallel device being identified or configured.
730 Unknown diskette drive being identified or configured.
731 PTY being identified or configured.
732 Unknown SCSI initiator type being configured.
733 7GB 8mm tape drive being configured.
734 4x SCSI-2 640MB CD-ROM Drive
741 1080MB SCSI Disk Drive
745 16GB 4mm Tape Auto Loader
748 MCA keyboard/mouse adapter being configured.
749 7331 Model 205 Tape Library
754 1.1GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being configured.
755 2.2GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being configured.
756 4.5GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being configured.
757 External 13GB 1.5M/s 1/4 inch tape being configured.
772 4.5GB SCSI F/W Disk Drive
773 9.1GB SCSI F/W Disk Drive
774 9.1GB External SCSI Disk Drive
77c Progress indicator. A 1.0 GB 16-bit SCSI disk drive being identified
or configured.
783 4mm DDS-2 Tape Autoloader
789 2.6GB External Optical Drive
794 10/100MB Ethernet PX MC Adapter
797 Turboways 155 UTP/STP ATM Adapter being identified or configured.
798 Video streamer adapter being identified or configured.
800 Turboways 155 MMF ATM Adapter being identified or configured.
803 7336 Tape Library Robotics being configured
804 8x Speed SCSI-2 CD ROM drive being configured
807 SCSI Device Enclosure being configured
808 System Interface Full (SIF) configuration process
80c SSA 4-Port Adapter being identified or configured.
811 Processor complex being identified or configured.
812 Memory being identified or configured.
813 Battery for time-of-day, NVRAM, and so on being identified or
configured, or system
I/O control logic being identified or configured.
814 NVRAM being identified or configured.
815 Floating-point processor test
816 Operator panel logic being identified or configured.
817 Time-of-day logic being identified or configured.
819 Graphics input device adapter being identified or configured.
821 Standard keyboard adapter being identified or configured.
823 Standard mouse adapter being identified or configured.
824 Standard tablet adapter being identified or configured.
825 Standard speaker adapter being identified or configured.
826 Serial Port 1 adapter being identified or configured.
827 Parallel port adapter being identified or configured.
828 Standard diskette adapter being identified or configured.
831 3151 adapter being identified or configured, or Serial Port 2 being
identified or con-figured.
834 64-port async controller being identified or configured.
835 16-port async concentrator being identified or configured.
836 128-port async controller being identified or configured.
837 16-port remote async node being identified or configured.
838 Network Terminal Accelerator Adapter being identified or configured.
839 7318 Serial Communications Server being configured.
841 8-port async adapter (EIA-232) being identified or configured.
842 8-port async adapter (EIA-422A) being identified or configured.
843 8-port async adapter (MIL-STD 188) being identified or configured.
844 7135 RAIDiant Array disk drive subsystem controller being identified
or configured.
845 7135 RAIDiant Array disk drive subsystem drawer being identified or
846 RAIDiant Array SCSI 1.3GB Disk Drive
847 16-port serial adapter (EIA-232) being identified or configured.
848 16-port serial adapter (EIA-422) being identified or configured.
849 X.25 Interface Co-Processor/2 adapter being identified or
850 Token-Ring network adapter being identified or configured.
851 T1/J1 Portmaster adapter being identified or configured.
852 Ethernet adapter being identified or configured.
854 3270 Host Connection Program/6000 connection being identified or
855 Portmaster Adapter/A being identified or configured.
857 FSLA adapter being identified or configured.
858 5085/5086/5088 adapter being identified or configured.
859 FDDI adapter being identified or configured.
85c Progress indicator. Token-Ring High-Performance LAN adapter is being
identified or
861 Optical adapter being identified or configured.
862 Block Multiplexer Channel Adapter being identified or configured.
865 ESCON Channel Adapter or emulator being identified or configured.
866 SCSI adapter being identified or configured.
867 Async expansion adapter being identified or configured.
868 SCSI adapter being identified or configured.
869 SCSI adapter being identified or configured.
870 Serial disk drive adapter being identified or configured.
871 Graphics subsystem adapter being identified or configured.
872 Grayscale graphics adapter being identified or configured.
874 Color graphics adapter being identified or configured.
875 Vendor generic communication adapter being configured.
876 8-bit color graphics processor being identified or configured.
877 POWER Gt3/POWER Gt4 being identified or configured.
878 POWER Gt4 graphics processor card being configured.
879 24-bit color graphics card, MEV2
880 POWER Gt1 adapter being identified or configured.
887 Integrated Ethernet adapter being identified or configured.
889 SCSI adapter being identified or configured.
890 SCSI-2 Differential Fast/Wide and Single-Ended Fast/Wide Adapter/A.
891 Vendor SCSI adapter being identified or configured.
892 Vendor display adapter being identified or configured.
893 Vendor LAN adapter being identified or configured.
894 Vendor async/communications adapter being identified or configured.
895 Vendor IEEE 488 adapter being identified or configured.
896 Vendor VME bus adapter being identified or configured.
897 S/370 Channel Emulator adapter being identified or configured.
898 POWER Gt1x graphics adapter being identified or configured.
899 3490 attached tape drive being identified or configured.
89c Progress indicator. A multimedia SCSI CD-ROM is being identified or
901 Vendor SCSI device being identified or configured.
902 Vendor display device being identified or configured.
903 Vendor async device being identified or configured.
904 Vendor parallel device being identified or configured.
905 Vendor other device being identified or configured.
908 POWER GXT1000 Graphics subsystem being identified or configured.
910 1/4GB Fibre Channel/266 Standard Adapter being identified or
911 Fibre Channel/1063 Adapter Short Wave
912 2.0GB SCSI-2 differential disk drive being identified or configured.
913 1.0GB differential disk drive being identified or configured.
914 5GB 8 mm differential tape drive being identified or configured.
915 4GB 4 mm tape drive being identified or configured.
916 Non-SCSI vendor tape adapter being identified or configured.
917 Progress indicator. 2.0GB 16-bit differential SCSI disk drive is
being identified or
918 Progress indicator. 2GB 16-bit single-ended SCSI disk drive is being
identified or
920 Bridge Box being identified or configured.
921 101 keyboard being identified or configured.
922 102 keyboard being identified or configured.
923 Kanji keyboard being identified or configured.
924 Two-button mouse being identified or configured.
925 Three-button mouse being identified or configured.
926 5083 tablet being identified or configured.
927 5083 tablet being identified or configured.
928 Standard speaker being identified or configured.
929 Dials being identified or configured.
930 Lighted program function keys (LPFK) being identified or configured.
931 IP router being identified or configured.
933 Async planar being identified or configured.
934 Async expansion drawer being identified or configured.
935 3.5-inch diskette drive being identified or configured.
936 5.25-inch diskette drive being identified or configured.
937 An HIPPI adapter is being configured.
942 POWER GXT 100 graphics adapter being identified or configured.
943 Progress indicator. 3480 and 3490 control units attached to a
System/370 Channel
Emulator/A adapter are being identified or configured.
944 100MB ATM adapter being identified or configured
945 1.0GB SCSI differential disk drive being identified or configured.
946 Serial port 3 adapter is being identified or configured.
947 Progress indicator. A 730MB SCSI disk drive is being configured.
948 Portable disk drive being identified or configured.
949 Unknown direct bus-attach device being identified or configured.
950 Missing SCSI device being identified or configured.
951 670MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
952 355MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
953 320MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
954 400MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
955 857MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
956 670MB SCSI disk drive electronics card being identified or
957 120MB DBA disk drive being identified or configured.
958 160 MB DBA disk drive being identified or configured.
959 160MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
960 1.37GB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
964 Internal 20GB 8mm tape drive identified or configured.
968 1.0GB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
970 Half-inch, 9-track tape drive being identified or configured.
971 150MB 1/4-inch tape drive being identified or configured.
972 2.3GB 8 mm SCSI tape drive being identified or configured.
973 Other SCSI tape drive being identified or configured.
974 CD-ROM drive being identified or configured.
975 Progress indicator. An optical disk drive is being identified or
977 M-Audio Capture and Playback Adapter being identified or configured.
981 540MB SCSI-2 single-ended disk drive being identified or configured.
984 1GB 8-bit disk drive being identified or configured.
985 M-Video Capture Adapter being identified or configured.
986 2.4GB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
987 Progress indicator. Enhanced SCSI CD-ROM drive is being identified
or configured.
989 200MB SCSI disk drive being identified or configured.
990 2.0GB SCSI-2 single-ended disk drive being identified or configured.
991 525MB 1/4-inch cartridge tape drive being identified or configured.
994 5GB 8 mm tape drive being identified or configured.
995 1.2GB 1/4 inch cartridge tape drive being identified or configured.
996 Progress indicator. Single-port, multi-protocol communications
adapter is being
identified or configured.
997 FDDI adapter being identified or configured.
998 2.0GB4 mm tape drive being identified or configured.
999 7137 or 3514 Disk Array Subsystem being configured.
D81 T2 Ethernet Adapter being configured.
Diagnostic Load Progress Indicators

Note: When a lowercase c is listed, it displays in the lower half of the

character position.

c00 AIX Install/Maintenance loaded successfully.

c01 Insert the first diagnostic diskette.
c02 Diskettes inserted out of sequence.
c03 The wrong diskette is in diskette drive.
c04 The loading stopped with a nonrecoverable error.
c05 A diskette error occurred.
c06 The rc.boot configuration shell script is unable to determine type
of boot.
c07 Insert the next diagnostic diskette.
c08 RAM file system started incorrectly.
c09 The diskette drive is reading or writing a diskette.
c20 An unexpected halt occurred, and the system is configured to enter
the kernel
debug program instead of entering a system dump.
c21 The ifconfig command was unable to configure the network for the
client network
c22 The tftp command was unable to read client's ClientHostName info
file during a
client network boot.
c24 Unable to read client's file during a client
network boot.
c25 Client did not mount remote miniroot during network install.
c26 Client did not mount the /usr file system during the network boot.
c29 The system was unable to configure the network device.
c31 Select the console display for the diagnostics. To select No console
display, set the
key mode switch to Normal then to Service. The diagnostic programs will
then load
and run the diagnostics automatically.
c32 A direct-attached display (HFT) was selected.
c33 A tty terminal attached to serial ports S1 or S2 was selected.
c34 A file was selected. The console messages store in a file.
c40 Configuration files are being restored.
c41 Could not determine the boot type or device.
c42 Extracting data files from diskette.
c43 Cannot access the boot/install tape.
c44 Initializing installation database with target disk information.
c45 Cannot configure the console.
c46 Normal installation processing.
c47 Could not create a physical volume identifier (PVID) on disk.
c48 Prompting you for input.
c49 Could not create or form the JFS log.
c50 Creating root volume group on target disks.
c51 No paging devices were found.
c52 Changing from RAM environment to disk environment.
c53 Not enough space in the /tmp directory to do a preservation
c54 Installing either BOS or additional packages.
c55 Could not remove the specified logical volume in a preservation
c56 Running user-defined customization.
c57 Failure to restore BOS.
c58 Displaying message to turn the key.
c59 Could not copy either device special files, device ODM, or volume
group information
from RAM to disk.
c61 Failed to create the boot image.
c62 Loading platform dependent debug files
c63 Loading platform dependent data files
c64 Failed to load platform dependent data files
c70 Problem Mounting diagnostic CDROM disc
c99 Diagnostics have completed. This code is only used when there is no


0c0 The dump completed successfully

0c1 The dump failed due to an I/O error.
0c2 A user-requested dump has started. You requested a dump using the
SYSDUMPSTART command, a dump key sequence, or the Reset button.

0c3 The dump is inhibit

0c4 The dump did not complete. A partial dump was written to the dump
device. There is not enough space on the dump deviceto contain the
entire dump. To prevent this problem from occuring again, you must
increase the size of your dumpmedia.

0c5 The dump failed to start. An unecpected error occured while the
system was attempting to write to the dump media.
0c6 A dump to the secondary dump device was requested. Make the
secondary dump device ready, then press CTRL-ALT-NUMPAD2.
0c7 Reserved.
0c8 The dump function is disabled. No primary dump device is configured.
0c9 A dump is in progress.
0cc Unknown dump failure

---------- Diagnostics Load Progress Indicators -----------

c00 AIX Install/Maintenance loaded successfully.

c01 Insert the first diagnostic diskette.
c02 Diskettes inserted out of sequence.
c03 The wrong diskette is in the drive.
c04 The loading stopped with an irrecoverable error.
c05 A diskette error occurred.
c08 RAM filesystem started incorrectly.
c07 Insert the next diagnostic diskette.
c09 The diskette drive is reading or writing a diskette.
c20 An unexpected halt occured, and the system is configured to enter
the kernel debug program instead of entering asystem dump.
c21 The 'ifconfig' command was unable to configure the network for the
client network host.
c22 The 'tftp' command was unable to read client's
file during a client network boot.
c24 Unable to read client's file during a client
network boot.
c25 Client did not mount remote miniroot during network install.
c26 Client did not mount the /usr filesystem during the network boot.
c29 System was unable to configure the network device.
c31 Select the console display for the diagnostics. To select "No
console display", set the key mode switch to normal thento Service. The
diagnostic program will then load and run the diagnostics automatically.

c32 A direct-attached display (HFT) was selected.

c33 a TTY terminal attached to serial ports S1 or S2 was selected.
c34 A file was selected. The console messages store in a file
c40 Configuration files are been restored.
c41 Could not determine the boot type or device.
c42 Extracting data files from diskette.
c43 Diagboot cannot be accessed.
c44 Initialyzing installation database with target disk information.
c45 Cannot configure the console.
c46 Normal installation processing.
c47 Could not create a physical volume identifier (PVID) on disk.
c48 Prompting you for input.
c49 Could not create or form the JFS log.
c50 Creating rootvg volume group on target disk
c51 No paging space were found.
c52 Changing from RAM environment to disk environment.
c53 Not enough space in the /tmp directory to do a preservation
c54 Installing either BOS or additionnal packages.
c55 Could not remove the specified logical volume in a preservation
c56 Running user-defined customization.
c57 Failure to restore BOS.
c58 Display message to turn the key.
c59 Could not copy either device special files, device ODM, or volume
group information from RAM to disk.
c61 Failed to create the boot image.
c70 Problem Mounting diagnostics CDROM disc.
c99 Diagnostics have completed. This code is only used when there is no

--------Debugger Progress Indicators ----------

c20 Kernel debug program activated. An unexpected system halt has

occured, and you have configured the system
to enter the kernel debug program instead of performing a dump.

---------Built-In Self Test (Bist) Indicators---------

100 BIST completed successfully. Control was passed to IPL ROS.

101 BIST started following RESET
102 BIST started following Power-on Reset
103 BIST could not determine the system model number.
104 Equipment conflict. BIST could not find the CBA.
105 BIST could not read the OCS EPROM.
106 BIST detected a module error.
111 OCS stopped. BIST detected a module error.
112 A checkstop occured during BIST.
113 BIST checkstop count is greater than 1.
120 BIST starting a CRC check on the 8752 EPROM.
121 BIST detected a bad CRC in the first 32K of the OCS EPROM.
122 BIST started a CRC check on the first 32K of the OCS EPROM.
123 BIST detected a bad CRC on the OCS area of NVRAM.
124 BIST started a CRC check on the OCS area of NVRAM.
125 BIST detected a bad CRC on the time-of-day area of NVRAM.
126 BIST started a CRC check on the time-of-day area of the NVRAM.
127 BIST detected a bad CRC on the 8752 EPROM.
130 BIST presence test started.
140 BIST failed: procedure error
142 BIST failed: procedure error
143 Invalid memory configuration.
144 BIST failed; procedure error.
151 BIST started AIPGM test code.
152 BIST started DCLST test code.
153 BIST started ACLST test code.
154 BIST started AST test code.
160 Bad EPOW Signal/Power status signal
161 BIST being conducted on BUMP I/O
162 BIST being conducted on JTAG
163 BIST being conducted on Direct I/O
164 BIST being conducted on CPU
165 BIST being conducted on DCB and Memory
166 BIST being conducted on interrupts
170 BIST being conducted on 'Multi-Processor
180 BIST logout failed.
182 BIST COP bus not responding
185 A checkstop condition occured during the BIST
186 System logic-generated checkstop (Model 250 only)
187 Graphics-generated checkstop (Model 250)
195 BIST logout completed.
888 BIST did not start

------- Power-On Self Test -------

200 IPL attempted with keylock in the SECURE position.

201 IPL ROM test failed or checkstop occured (irrecoverable)
202 IPL ROM test failed or checkstop occured (irrecoverable)
203 Unexpected data storage interrupt.
204 Unexpected instruction storage interrupt.
205 Unexpected external interrupt.
206 Unexpected alignment interrupt.
207 Unexpected program interrupt.
208 Unexpected floating point unavailable interrupt.
209 Unexpected SVC interrupt.
20c L2 cache POST error. (The display shows a solid 20c for 5 seconds
210 Unexpected SVC interrupt.
211 IPL ROM CRC comparison error (irrecoverable).
212 RAM POST memory configuration error or no memory found
213 RAM POST failure (irrecoverable).
214 Power status register failed (irrecoverable).
215 A low voltage condition is present (irrecoverable).
216 IPL ROM code being uncompressed into memory.
217 End of bootlist encountered.
218 RAM POST is looking for 1M bytes of good memory.
219 RAM POST bit map is being generated.
21c L2 cache is not detected. (The display shows a solid 21c for 5 sec)
220 IPL control block is being initialized.
221 NVRAM CRC comparison error during AIX.
IPL(Key Mode Switch in Normal mode).
Reset NVRAM by reaccomplishing IPL in Service mode. For systems with an
internal, direct-bus-attached(DBA)disk,IPL
ROM attempted to perform an IPL from that disk before halting with this
three-digit display value.
222 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Standard I/O planar attached
devices specified in NVRAM IPL Devices List.
223 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from SCSI attached devices specified in
NVRAM IPL Devices List.
Note: May be caused by incorrect jumper setting for external SCSI
devices or by incorrect SCSI terminator.
224 Attempting a Normal mode restart from 9333 subsystem device
specified in NVRAM device list.
225 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from IBM 7012 DBA disk attached devices
specified in NVRAM IPL Devices List.
226 Attempting a Normal mode restart from Ethernet specified in NVRAM
device list.
227 Attempting a Normal mode restart from Token Ring specified in NVRAM
device list.
228 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from NVRAM expansion code.
229 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from NVRAM IPL Devices List; cannot IPL
from any of the listed devices, or there are
no valid entry in the Devices List.
22c Attempting a normal mode IPL from FDDI specified in NVRAM IPL device
230 Attempting a Normal mode restart from adapter feature ROM specified
in IPL ROM devices list.
231 Attempting a Normal mode restart from Ethernet specified in IPL ROM
devices list.
232 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from Standard I/O planar attached
devices specified in Rom Default Device List.
233 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from SCSI attached devices specified in
IPL ROM Default Device List.
234 Attempting a Normal mode restart from 9333 subsystem device
specified in IPL ROM device list.
235 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from IBM 7012 DBA disk attached devices
specified in IPL ROM Default Device List.
236 Attempting a Normal mode restart from Ethernet specified in IPL ROM
default devices list.
237 Attempting a Normal mode restart from Token Ring specified in IPL
ROM default device list.
238 Attempting a Normal mode restart from Token Ring specified by the
239 System failed to restart from the device chosen by the operator.
23c Attempting a normal mode IPL from FDDI specified in IPL ROM device
240 Attempting a Service mode restart from adapter feature ROM.
241 Attempting a Normal mode IPL from devices specified in the NVRAM IPL
Devices List.
242 Attempting a Service mode IPL from Standard I/O planar attached
devices specified in NVRAM IPL Devices List.
243 Attempting a Service mode IPL from SCSI attached devices specified
in NVRAM IPL Devices List.
244 Attempting a Service mode restart from 9333 subsystem device
specified in NVRAM device list.
245 Attempting a Service mode IPL from IBM 7012 DBA disk attached
devices specified in NVRAM IPL Devices List.
246 Attempting a Service mode restart from Ethernet specified in NVRAM
device list.
247 Attempting a Service mode restart from Token Ring specified in NVRAM
device list.
248 Attempting a Service mode IPL from NVRAM expansion code.
249 Attempting a Service mode IPL from NVRAM IPL Devices List; cannot
IPL from any of the listed devices, or there areno valid entries in the
Devices List.

24c Attempting a service mode IPL from FDDI specified in NVRAM IPL
device list.
250 Attempting a Service mode restart from adapter feature ROM specified
in IPL ROM device list.
251 Attempting a Service mode restart from Ethernet specified in IPL ROM
device list.
252 Attempting a Service mode IPL from standard I/O planar attached
devicesspecified in ROM Default Device List.
253 Attempting a Service mode IPL from SCSI attached devices specified
in IPL ROM Default Device List.
254 Attempting a Service mode restart from 9333 subsystem device
specified in IPL ROM device list.
255 Attempting a Service mode IPL from IBM 7012 DBA disk'attached
devices specified in IPL ROM Default Devices List.
256 Attempting a Service mode restart from Ethernet specified in IPL ROM
default device list.
257 Attempting a Service mode restart from Token Ring specified in IPL
ROM default device list.
258 Attempting a Service mode restart from Token Ring specified by the
259 Attempting a Service mode restart from FDDI specified by the

25c Attempting a normal mode IPL from FDDI specified in IPL ROM device
260 Information is being displayed on the display console.
261 Information will be displayed on the tty terminal when the "1" key
is pressed on the tty terminal keyboard.
262 A keyboard was not detected as being connected to the system's
NOTE: Check for blown planar fuses or for a corrupted boot on disk drive
263 Attempting a Normal mode restart from adapter feature ROM specified
in NVRAM device list.
269 Stalled state - the system is unable to IPL
271 Mouse port POST.
272 Tablet port POST.
277 Auto Token-Ring LANstreamer MC 32 Adapter
278 Video ROM Scan POST.
279 FDDI adapter POST.
280 3COM Ethernet POST.
281 Keyboard POST executing.
282 Parallel port POST executing
283 Serial port POST executing
284 POWER Gt1 graphadapte POST executing
285 POWER Gt3 graphadapte POST executing
286 Token Ring adapter POST executing.
287 Ethernet adapter POST executing.
288 Adapter card slots being queried.
290 IOCC POST error (irrecoverable).
291 Standard I/O POST running.
292 SCSI POST running.
293 IBM 7012 DBA disk POST running.
294 IOCC bad TCW SIMM in slot location J being tested.
295 Graphics Display adapter POST, color or grayscale.
296 ROM scan POST.
297 System model number does not compare between OCS and ROS
(irrecoverable). Attempting a software IPL.
298 Attempting a software IPL (warm boot).
299 IPL ROM passed control to the loaded program code.
301 Flash Utility ROM failed or checkstop occured (irrecoverable)
302 Flash Utility ROM failed or checkstop occured (irrecoverable)
302 Flash Utility ROM: User prompt, move the key to the service in order
to perform an optional Flash Update. LED
will only appear if the key switch is in the SECURE position. This
signals the user that a Flash Update may be
initiated by moving the key switch to the SERVICE position. If the key
is moved to the SERVICE position,
LED 303 will be displayed. This signals the user to press the reset
button and select optional Flash Update.
303 Flash Utility ROM: User prompt, press the reset button in order to
perform an optional Flash Update. LED
only appear if the key switch is in the SECURE position. This signals
the user that a Flash Update may be initiated
by moving the key switch to the SERVICE position. If the key is moved to
the SERVICE position, LED 303 will be
displayed. This signals the user to press the reset button and select
optional Flash Update.
304 Flash Utility ROM IOCC POST error (irrecoverable)
305 Flash Utility ROM standard I/O POST running.
306 Flash Utility ROM is attempting IPL from Flash Update Boot Image.
307 Flash Utility ROM system model number does not compare between OCS
and ROM (irrecoverable).
308 Flash Utility ROM: IOCC TCW memory is being tested.
309 Flash Utility ROM passed control to a Flash Update Boot Image.
311 Flash Utility ROM CRC comparison error (irrecoverable).
312 Flash Utility ROM RAM POST memory configuration error or no memory
found ( iirecoverable).
313 Flash Utility ROM RAM POST failure( irrecoverable).
314 Flash Utility ROM Power status register failed (irrecoverable).
315 Flash Utility ROM detected a low voltage condition.
318 Flash Utility ROM RAM POST is looking for good memory.
319 Flash Utility ROM RAM POST bit map is being generated.
322 CRC error on media Flash Image. No Flash Update performed.
323 Current Flash Image is being erased.
324 CRC error on new Flash Image after Update was performed. (Flash
Image is corrupted).
325 Flash Image successful and complete.

500 Querying Native I/O slot.

501 Querying card in Slot 1
502 Querying card in Slot 2
503 Querying card in Slot 3
504 Querying card in Slot 4
505 Querying card in Slot 5
506 Querying card in Slot 6
507 Querying card in Slot 7
508 Querying card in Slot 8
510 Starting device configuration.
511 Device configuration completed.
512 Restoring device configuration files from media.
513 Restoring basic operating system installation files from media.
516 Contacting server during network boot
517 Mounting client remote file system during network IPL.
518 Remote mount of the root and /usr filesystems failed during network
520 Bus configuration running.
521 /etc/init invoked cfgmgr with invalid options; /etc/init has been
corrupted or incorrectly modified
(irrecoverable error).
522 The configuration manager has been invoked with conflicting options
(irrecoverable error).
523 The configuration manager is unable to access the ODM database
(irrecoverable error).
524 The configuration manager is unable to access the config rules
object in the ODM database (irrecoverable error).
525 The configuration manager is unable to get data from a customized
device object in the ODM database
(irrecoverable error).
526 The configuration manager is unable to get data from a customized
device driver objet in the ODM database
(irrecoverable error).
527 The configuration manager was invoked with the phase 1 flag; running
phase 1 flag; running phase 1 at this point
is not permitted (irrecoverable error).
528 The configuration manager cannot find sequence rule, or no program
was specified in the ODM database
(irrecoverable error).
529 The configuration manager is unable to update ODM data
(irrecoverable error).
530 The program "savebase" returned an error.
531 The configuration manager is unable to access PdAt object class
(irrecoverable eroor)
532 There is not enough memory to continue (malloc failure);
irrecoverable error.
533 The configuration manager could not find a configure method for a
534 The configuration manager is unable to aquire database lock.
irrecoverable error.
536 The configuration manager encountered more than one sequence rule
specified in the same phase. (irrecoverable error).
537 The configuration manager encountered an error when invoking the
program in the sequence rule.
538 The configuration manager is going to invoke a configuration
539 The configuration method has terminated, and control has returned to
the configuration manager.
551 IPL Varyon is running

552 IPL Varyon failed.

553 IPL phase 1 is complete.
554 Unable to define NFS swap device during network boot
555 Unable to define NFS swap device during network boot
556 Logical Volume Manager encountered error during IPL varyon.
557 The root filesystem will not mount.
558 There is not enough memory to continue the IPL.
559 Less than 2MB of good memory are available to load the AIX kernel.
570 Virtual SCSI devices being configured.
571 HIPPI common function device driver being configured.
572 HIPPI IPI-3 master transport driver being configured.
573 HIPPI IPI-3 slave transport driver being configured.
574 HIPPI IPI-3 transport services user interface device driver being
576 Generic async device driver being configured.
577 Generic SCSI device driver being configured.
578 Generic commo device driver being configured.
579 Device driver being configured for a generic device.
580 HIPPI TCPIP network interface driver being configured.
581 Configuring TCP/IP.
582 Configuring token ring data link control.
583 Configuring an Ethernet data link control.
584 Configuring an IEEE ethernet data link control.
585 Configuring an SDLC MPQP data link control.
586 Configuring a QLLC X.25 data link control.
587 Configuring NETBIOS.
588 Configuring a Bisync Read-Write (BSCRW).
589 SCSI target mode device being configured.
590 Diskless remote paging device being configured.
591 Configuring an LVM device driver
592 Configuring an HFT device driver
593 Configuring SNA device drivers.
594 Asynchronous I/O being defined or configured.
595 X.31 pseudo device being configured.
596 SNA DLC/LAPE pseudo device being configured.
597 OCS software being configured.
598 OCS hosts being configured during system reboot.
599 Configuring FDDI data link control.
5c0 Streams-based hardware drive being configured.
5c1 Streams-based X.25 protocol being configured.
5c2 Streams-based X.25 COMIO emulator driver being configured.
5c3 Streams-based X.25 TCP/IP interface driver being configured.
5c4 FCS adapter device driver being configured.
5c5 SCB network device driver for FCS is being configured.
5c6 AIX SNA channel being configured.
600 Starting network boot portion of /sbin/rs.boot
602 Configuring network parent devices.
603 /usr/lib/methods/defsys
/usr/lib/methods/cggsys, or
/usr/lib/methods/cggbus failed.
604 Configuring physical network boot device.
605 Configuring physical network boot device failed.
606 Running /usr/sbin/ifconfig on logical network boot device.
607 /usr/sbin/ifconfig failed.
608 Attempting to retrieve the file with tftp. Note that a
flashing 608 indicates multiple attempts
to retrieve the client_info file are occuring.
609 The file does not exist or it is zero length.
610 Attempting remote mount of NFS file system
611 Remote mount of the NFS filesystem failed.
612 Accessing remote files; unconfiguring network boot device.
614 Configuring local paging devices.
615 Configuring of a local paging device failed.
616 Converting from diskette to dataless configuration.
617 Diskless to dataless configuration failed.
618 Configuring remote (NFS) paging devices.
619 Configuration of a remote (NFS) paging device failed.
620 Updating special device files and ODM in permanent filesystem with
data from boot RAM filesystem.
622 Boot process configuring for operating system installation.

650 IBM SCSD disk drive drive being configured

700 Progress indicator. A 1.1GB 8-bit SCSI disk drive being identified
or configured.
701 Progress indicator. A 1.1GB 16-bit SCSI SE disk drive being
identified or configured.
702 Progress indicator. A 1.1GB 16-bit SCSI differential disk drive
being identified or configured.
703 Progress indicator. A 2.2GB 8-bit SCSI disk drive being identified
or configured.
704 Progress indicator. A 2.2GB 16-bit SCSI SE disk drive being
identified or configured.
705 The configuration method for the 2.2GB 16-bit differential SCSI disk
drive is being run. If a irrecoverableerror occurs, the system halts.
identified or configured.

706 Progress indicator. A 4.5GB 16-bit SE SCSI disk drive is being

identified or configured.
707 Progress indicator. A 4.5GB 16-bit differential SCSI drive is being
identified or configured.
708 Progress indicator: A L2 cache is being identified or configured.
710 POWER GXT150M graphics adapterbeing ientifyied or configured.
711 Unknown adapter being identified or configured.
712 Graphics slot bus configuration is executing.
713 The IBM ARTIC960 device is being configured.
714 A video capture adapter is being configured.
715 The Ultimedia Services audio adapter is being configured. This LED
displays briefly on the panel.
720 Unknown read/write optical drive type being configured.
721 Unknown disk or SCSI device being identified or configured.
722 Unknown disk being identified or configured.
723 Unknown CDROM being identified or configured.
724 Unknown tape drive being identified or configured.
725 Unknown display being identified or configured.
726 Unknown input device being idenor configured
727 Unknown adync device being idenor configured

10. Diskless machines, NFS Implementations:

Setting up nfs, NetBSD

Setting up nfs, OpenBSD
Setting up nfs, FreeBSD
Setting up nfs, Mac OS X and Darwin
Setting up nfs, Linux
Setting up nfs, SunOS
Setting up nfs, Solaris
Setting up nfs, NEWS-OS
Setting up nfs, NEXTSTEP
Setting up nfs, HP-UX 7 (couldn't get it to work)
Setting up nfs, HP-UX 9
Setting up nfs, HP-UX 10 and later


NetBSD and OpenBSD

If you have built your own kernel, you need to make sure you have the
following in your config file:
The GENERIC kernel distributed with NetBSD has this compiled in.

# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap

# cd /export/client/root

# tar -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-release/binary/sets/kern.tgz

# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Add the following lines to /etc/exports:

/export/client/root -maproot=root:wheel
/export/client/swap -maproot=root:wheel
/export/client/usr -maproot=nobody:nobody
/export/client/home -maproot=nobody:nobody

# ps -aux | grep mountd

If mountd is running, then kill -HUP that process to force it to
reread /etc/exports. Otherwise, you'll need to start it:
# /usr/sbin/mountd
# ps -aux | grep nfsd
If the nfsdaemons are not running, then you need to start them:
# /usr/sbin/nfsd -tun 4
If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


The setup for FreeBSD 4.x is similar to NetBSD, but mountd needs
different options and /etc/exports has a different format.
# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap

# cd /export/client/root

# tar [--numeric-owner] -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-


# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Add the following line to /etc/exports (see the FreeBSD Handbook,

Section 17.4 on NFS):
/export/client/root /export/client/swap -maproot=root:wheel

FreeBSD is unable to export multiple directories within a filesystem

(such as /export) to a client unless all of the directories are listed
on a single line in /etc/exports.
You will also need to make sure the your client's /home and /usr are
stored in /export/client/root. FreeBSD is unable to set different
properties for exported directories, defeating the point of exporting
those directories separately (and without -maproot=root:wheel).

# ps -aux | grep mountd

If mountd is running, then kill that process. You need it to be running
with the -r option for the swap file to be mountable, and the -2 option
is to force it to use NFS V2.
# /sbin/mountd -2r

# ps -aux | grep nfsd

If the nfsdaemons are not running, then you need to start them:
# /sbin/nfsd -tun 4
If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


Mac OS X and Darwin

This setup for Mac OS X and Darwin use the NetInfo system. There are
ways to use typical BSD-style configuration files, but most systems are
by default configured to use NetInfo. Here, we describe how to set up a
default install of Mac OS X/Darwin (i.e. in its own local NetInfo
domain). Read your netinfo(5) man page for more information.

# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap

# cd /export/client/root

# tar -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-release/binary/sets/kern.tgz

# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Modify the NetInfo database to export your shares. Note that you must
escape the forward slashes in the path to your export twice. Once for
the shell, and once for the NetInfo parser (since it uses forward
slashes to delimit NetInfo properties). Just to add to the confusion,
the NetInfo property we're adding to is called /exports.
# nicl . -create /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/root opts
# nicl . -create /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/root clients
# nicl . -create /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/swap opts
# nicl . -create /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/swap clients
# nicl . -create /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/usr opts
# nicl . -create /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/usr clients
# nicl . -create /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/home opts
# nicl . -create /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/home clients

To later add another client for the same export, you would append to
that property (as opposed to the initial create):
# nicl . -append /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/root clients

To verify that everything looks good, read it back:

# nicl . -read /exports/\\/export\\/client\\/root

name: /export/client/root
opts: maproot=root:wheel

# ps -aux | grep portmap

If the portmap is not running, then you need to start it:
# /usr/sbin/portmap

# ps -aux | grep nfsd

If the nfsdaemons are not running, then you need to start them:
# /sbin/nfsd -t -u -n 6

# ps -aux | grep mountd

If mountd is running, then kill -HUP that process to force it to reread
the NetInfo database. If it's not running, then you need to start it:
# /usr/sbin/mountd

Your system will always start the NFS daemons after reboots if the
NetInfo /exports property is present. To remove all exports and prevent
your system from starting NFS in the future, run:
# nicl . -delete /exports
If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr
# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap

# cd /export/client/root

# tar [--numeric-owner] -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-


# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Add the following lines to /etc/exports:


# ps aux | grep mountd

If mountd is running, then kill -HUP that process. This will force it to
reread the /etc/exports file. If it's not already running, then you need
# /sbin/rpc.mountd [--no-nfs-version 3]
You may need to add the --no-nfs-version 3 if you're having problems.
See below.

# ps aux | grep nfsd

If the nfsdaemons are running, then you need to restart them so that
they reread the /etc/exports file. If they're not already running, then
you need to:
# /sbin/rpc.nfsd
If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Kernel NFS Problem:

Most versions of linux only implement NFS2, in which case NetBSD will
try NFS3 and then automatically fall back. Some versions (notably RedHat
6.0) will incorrectly answer both NFS2 and NFS3 mount requests, then
ignore any attempt to access the filesystem using NFS3. This causes
untold pain and hassle.

The workaround is to kill mountd and start it with options preventing

NFS3 problems (i.e., rpc.mountd --no-nfs-version 3).
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem

# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap

# cd /export/client/root

# tar [--numeric-owner] -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-


# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Create (or add to) your /etc/exports file:

/export/client/root -root=client
/export/client/swap -root=client

# rm -f /etc/xtab;touch /etc/xtab

# exportfs -a

# ps aux | grep nfsd

If nfsd not already running, then run:
# nfsd 8 &

# ps aux | grep mountd

If mountd is not already running, then run:
# rpc.mountd -n &
If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev
# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap

# cd /export/client/root

# tar [--numeric-owner] -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-


# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Add the following lines to /etc/dfs/dfstab:

share -F nfs -o root=client /export/client/root
share -F nfs -o root=client /export/client/swap
share -F nfs -o rw=client /export/client/usr
share -F nfs -o rw=client /export/client/home
Be certain to use names, if you use numeric IP addresses, Solaris will
deny access without any error messages.

# /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep nfs

If the nfs daemons are running, then you merely need to run:
# shareall
Normally, you'd need to run unshareall;shareall, but you've only added
entries, not deleted anything.
If the nfs daemons aren't running, then you will need to run:
# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start

If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap
# cd /export/client/root

# tar [--numeric-owner] -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-


# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Create (or add to) your /etc/exports file:

/export/client/root -root=client
/export/client/swap -root=client

# rm -f /etc/xtab;touch /etc/xtab

# /usr/etc/exportfs -av

# ps -aux | grep nfsd

If nfsd not already running, then run:
# /etc/nfsd 4 &
If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


Note, NEXTSTEP doesn't support exporting a file. This means that swap
will have to be a file on your root (nfs) filesystem, and not its own
nfs mounted file. Keep this in mind in later steps involving swap.
You may also wish to keep with NEXTSTEP convention and place all of your
client files in /private/export/client instead of /export/client.

# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/root/swap

# cd /export/client/root
# tar [--numeric-owner] -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-

# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Launch /NextAdmin/

Click on the "Export From ..." menu item

Select your NetInfo Domain (probably /) and click OK.

Click on the top Add button to pick your Directory Name

Type in your client's name under "Root Access" and click that "Add"

Click OK. If your client doesn't have a DNS or /etc/hosts entry,

NEXTSTEP will not serve correctly.

Click the "Quit" menu item.

For reference, here is a snapshot of what the NFSManager Exported
Directories window should look like.

If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


I couldn't get the HP-UX 7 rpc.mountd to start. Here's what I tried, if
you think it might work for you. Let us know what we're doing wrong.
I don't think HP-UX 7's NFS server allows for restricting root
read/write access.

# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap

# cd /export/client/root
# tar [--numeric-owner] -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-

# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Add the following lines to /etc/exports:


# ps -ef | grep nfsd

If they're not running, then run:
# /etc/nfsd 4

Make sure the rpc.mountd in /etc/inetd.conf is uncommented

If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap

# cd /export/client/root

# tar [--numeric-owner] -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-


# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Open sam and make sure that the kernel has NFS support compiled in.
Kernel Configuration -> Subsystems, NFS/9000
This will require a reboot if it's not.

Add the following lines to /etc/exports:


# ps -ef | grep mountd

If mountd is not already running, then run:
# /usr/etc/rpc.mountd

# ps -ef | grep nfsd

If nfsd isn't already running, then run:
# /etc/nfsd 4

# /usr/etc/exportfs -a
If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


HP-UX 10
# mkdir -p /export/client/root/dev

# mkdir /export/client/usr

# mkdir /export/client/home

# touch /export/client/swap

# cd /export/client/root

# tar [--numeric-owner] -xvpzf /export/client/NetBSD-


# mknod /export/client/root/dev/console c 0 0

Edit /etc/rc.config.d/nfsconf and make sure that:

If those are not set, then you will need to run:
# /sbin/init.d/nfs.server start

Add the following lines to /etc/exports:


# /usr/sbin/exportfs -a
If the server isn't running the NFS daemons, the client will print:

le(0,0,0,0): Unknown error: code -1

boot: Unknown error: code -1
If the server is running NFS, but isn't exporting the root directory to
the client, the client will print:
boot: no such file or directory
If everything is working properly, you will see a few numbers and a
spinning cursor on the client. This means you have succeeded! At this
point, your client isn't bootable. If you let it continue, it will panic
when attempting to start init.
Continue on to setting up the client filesystem


SECTION 1: IBM lpar reference codes:

(A2xx, B2xx) Logical partition reference codes

When the server posts these SRCs, you can find them in the Serviceable
Event View or the view that you use
to see informational logs (such as the Product Activity Log or ASM).

Characters 3 and 4 of word 1 are the partition ID of the logical

partition with the problem.
If the SRC begins with A2xx, no service action is required. If the SRC
begins with B2xx, find
the next 4 characters of the SRC (called the unit reference code) in the
following table.
Table 1. (A2xx, B2xx) Logical partition reference codes

Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging

Failing Items Failing Item
1150 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.
The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

This is a partitioning configuration problem. The LPARCFG Symbolic FRU

will help correct the problem.

If the problem persists, call your next level of support.


1225 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

The partition attempted to IPL prior to the platform fully initializing.

Retry the partition IPL after the platform IPL
has fully completed and the platform is not in standby mode. If that IPL
fails, call your next level of support.

1230 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

This is a partitioning configuration problem. The partition is lacking

the necessary resources to IPL.

This error might occur when you shut down a partition that is set to
automatically IPL and then turn the managed system off
and back on. When the partition automatically IPLs, it uses the
resources specified in PHYP NVRAM, and this error
occurs when the server does not find the exact resources specified in
NVRAM. The solution is to activate the partition
by using the partition profile on the HMC. The HMC applies the values in
the profile to NVRAM. When the partition IPLs,
it uses the resources specified in the profile.

1260 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition could not IPL at the Timed Power On setting because the
IPL setting of the partition was not set to Normal.
The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

1265 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition could not IPL. The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of
the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format). If characters 3 and 4 are
both zero, then the partition ID is
in extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

An operating system MSD IPL was attempted with the IPL side on D-mode.
This is not a valid operating system IPL scenario,
and the IPL will be halted. This SRC is usually seen when a D-mode SLIC
install fails and attempts an MSD.

1266 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition could not IPL. The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of
the B2xx reference code in word 1 of the SRC
(in hexadecimal format). If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the
partition ID is in extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

You are attempting to IPL an operating system that is not supported.


1280 A problem occurred during a partition Main Storage Dump.

A mainstore dump IPL did not complete due to configuration mismatch.
Contact your next level of support.

1281 A partition memory error occurred

An attempt to perform a partition dump failed. A partition memory error
occurred. The failed memory will
no longer be used. The partition dump was terminated. The partition ID
is in extended word one as
LP=xxx (in decimal format). Re-IPL the partition.

1310 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
No alternate (D-mode) IPL IOP was selected. The IPL will attempt to
continue, but there may not be enough
information to find the correct D-mode load source.

Have the customer configure an alternate IPL IOP for the partition. Then
retry the partition IPL.

1320 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
No default load source IOP was selected for an A/B-mode IPL. The IPL
will attempt to continue, but there may
not be enough information to find the correct load source.

Have the customer configure a load source IOP for the partition. Then
retry the partition IPL.

1321 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
The IOA for the load source device needed an IOP, and none was detected.
Check your LPAR configuration and make sure
the correct slot is specified for the IPL load source. Then retry the
partition IPL.
1322 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.
The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
During the partition IPL, code tried to determine if the device in a
slot was an I/O Processor or an I/O Adapter.
That check failed. Check your LPAR configuration and make sure that the
correct slot is specified for the IPL load source.
Then retry the partition IPL. If this does not resolve the problem,
perform LICIP15.

2048 A problem occurred during a partition Main Storage Dump.

A mainstore dump IPL did not complete due to a copy error. Contact your
next level of support.

2058 A problem occurred during a partition Main Storage Dump.

A mainstore dump IPL did not complete due to a copy error. Contact your
next level of support.

2250, 2300 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A slot that was needed for the partition was unavailable. See the
Symbolic FRU SLOTUSE for more information on the cause of this error.

2310, 2320, 2425 to 2426 A problem occurred during the IPL of a

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
The platform LIC for this partition attempted an operation. There was a
failure. Contact your next level of support.

2475 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A slot that was needed for the partition was either empty or the device
in the slot has failed. See the Symbolic
FRU SLOTUSE for more information on the cause of this error.

If you have a RAID enablement card (CCIN 5709) on your system, it will
disable an embedded SCSI adapter. If that embedded
slot is called out in the error, you can safely ignore this error.
2485 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.
The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
The platform LIC for this partition attempted an operation. There was a
failure. Contact your next level of support.

3000 System log entry only, no service action required

A user requested an immediate termination and main store dump of a
partition. The partition ID is in extended word
one as LP=xxx in decimal format.

3081 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

IPL did not complete due to a copy error. Contact your next level of

3110 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The search for a valid load source device was exhausted. The partition
ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code
in word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format). If characters 3 and 4 are
both zero, then the partition ID is in extended word
one as LP=xxx (in decimal format). Perform LICIP15.

3113 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A problem occurred on the path to the load source for the partition.

If present, look in the Serviceable Event View for a B7xx xxxx during
the partition's IPL. Correct that error and retry the partition IPL.

3114 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

The B2xx xxxx SRC Format is Word 1: B2xx3114, Word 3: Bus, Word 4:
Board, Word 5: Card.

3120 System log entry only, no service action required

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
Retry count exceeded. This is logged for each unsuccessful attempt to
IPL with a loadsource candidate.
If the IPL fails, look for other serviceable errors.
3123 System log entry only, no service action required

3125 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

This is a platform LIC main store utilization problem. The platform LIC
could not obtain a segment of main storage
within the platform's main store to use for managing the creation of a

3128 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
An unexpected failure return code was returned when attempting to query
the IOA slots that are assigned to an IOP.

Look for B700 69xx errors in the Serviceable Event View and work those

3130 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
If word 3 is zero, then this SRC is informational and can be ignored.

Otherwise there is a problem in the platform LIC. A nonzero bus number

has no associated bus object.

Look for B700 69xx errors in the Serviceable Event View and work those

If there are no serviceable B700 69xx errors, or if correcting the

errors did not correct this problem, contact your next level of support.

3135 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
An unknown bus type was detected.

3140 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
The load source IOP is not owned by the partition. This is a
configuration problem in the partition.
Have the customer reconfigure the partition to have the intended load
source IOP.

If there is not a configuration problem then contact your next level of


3141 System log entry only, no service action required

The IOP in the slot used for the last successful IPL of the operating
system was replaced with an I/O Adapter.
The IPL will continue by searching for a valid load source device.

Check the LPAR configuration if required, and ensure that the tagged I/O
for the partition is correct.

3142 System log entry only, no service action required

The I/O Adapter in the slot used for the last successful IPL of the
operating system was replaced with an I/O Processor.
The IPL will continue by searching for a valid load source device.

Check the LPAR configuration if required, and ensure that the tagged I/O
for the partition is correct.

3143 System log entry only, no service action required

The I/O Adapter in the slot used for the last successful IPL of the
operating system was removed.
The IPL will continue by searching for a valid load source device.

Check the LPAR configuration if required, and ensure that the tagged I/O
for the partition is correct.

3144 System log entry only, no service action required

The I/O Processor in the slot used for the last successful IPL of the
operating system was removed.
The IPL will continue by searching for a valid load source device.

Check the LPAR configuration if required, and ensure that the tagged I/O
for the partition is correct.

3200 System log entry only, no service action required

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

Look for a SRC in the Serviceable Event View logged at the time the
partition was performing an IPL.
This error indicates a failure during a search for the load source.
There may be a number of these failures
prior to finding a good load source. This is normal. If a B2xx3110 error
is logged, a B2xx3200 may be posted to the control panel.
Work the B2xx3110 error in the Serviceable Event View. If the system IPL
hangs at B2xx3200 and you cannot check the SRC history,
perform the actions indicated for the B2xx3110 SRC.

4158 System log entry only, no service action required

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

Look for a SRC in the Serviceable Event View logged at the time the
partition was performing an IPL.

This error indicates a failure during a search for the load source. It
is usual for a number of these failures
to occur prior to finding a valid load source. This is normal. If a
B2xx3110 error is logged, a B2xx3200 may be
posted to the control panel. Work the B2xx3110 error in the Serviceable
Event View. If the system IPL hangs at B2xx3200
and you cannot check the SRC history, perform the actions indicated for
the B2xx3110 SRC.

5106 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There is not enough space to contain the partition main storage dump.

Contact your next level of support.


5109 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was a partition main storage dump problem. Contact your next level
of support.

5114 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There is not enough space to contain the partition main storage dump.
Contact your next level of support.

5115 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was an error reading the partition's main storage dump from the
partition's load source into main storage.

5117 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A partition main storage dump has occurred but cannot be written to the
load source device because a valid dump already exists.

Use the Main Storage Dump Manager to rename or copy the current main
storage dump.

5121 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was an error writing the partition's main storage dump to the
partition's load source.

5122 to 5123 System log entry only, no service action required

A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in

word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

An error occurred when writing the partition's main storage dump to the
partition's load source. No service action required.

5135 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was an error writing the partition's main storage dump to the
partition's load source.

5137 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was an error writing the partition's main storage dump to the
partition's load source.

5145 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was an error writing the partition's main storage dump to the
partition's load source.

5148 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
An error occurred while doing a main storage dump that would have caused
another main storage dump.

Contact your next level of support.


6006 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A platform LIC error occurred when the partition's memory initialized.
The IPL will not continue.

Contact your next level of support.


6012 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
The partition's LID failed to completely load into the partition's
mainstore area.

Contact your next level of support.


6015 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

The load source media is corrupted or not valid.


6025 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

This is a problem with the load source media being corrupt or not valid.

6027 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).

A failure occurred when allocating memory for an internal object used

for LID load operations. Ensure the partition
was allocated enough main storage, verify that no memory leaks are
present, and then retry the operation.

6110 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
Error on load source device.

690A A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

An error occurred while copying Open Firmware into the partition load
area. Contact your next level of support.

7200 System log entry only, no service action required

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
An error condition was encountered when communicating with the load
source I/O Processor for the partition
identified in the xx field of the B2xx SRC.

This informational error indicates a failure resetting the I/O Processor

in the preceding B2xx3200 error.
This may be normal. If there is a hardware failure there will be a
different serviceable event. If the system IPL hangs
at B2xx7200 and you cannot check the SRC history, perform the actions
indicated for the B2xx3110 SRC.

8080 System log entry only, no service action required

8081 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
An internal LIC timeout has occurred. The partition may continue to IPL
but it may experience problems while running.

8105 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was a failure loading the VPD areas of the partition. Possible
causes are:

Corrupted/unsupported load source media

Insufficient resources allocated to the partition
Unsupported partition configuration by the operating system
If the problem is due to media, replace the load source media. If the
problem is due to insufficient resources,
allocate enough resources to the partition. If the problem is due to
unsupported partition configuration,
correct the partition configuration.

8107 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was a problem getting a segment of main storage in the platform's
main store.

8109 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A failure occurred. The IPL is terminated. Ensure that there is enough
memory to IPL the partition.

8112 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A failure occurred. The IPL is terminated.

8113 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A problem occurred on the path to the load source for the partition.

There was an error mapping memory for the partition's IPL. Call your
next level of support.
8114 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.
The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A problem occurred on the path to the load source for the partition.

There was a failure verifying VPD for the partition's resources during
IPL. Call your next level of support.

8115 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was a low level partition to partition communication failure.

8117, 8121, 8123, 8125, 8127, 8129 A problem occurred during the IPL of
a partition.
Partition did not IPL due to platform Licensed Internal Code error.

Contact your next level of support.


813A A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

Ensure that the console device cables are connected properly. If the
cables are already connected properly, replace the cables.
Re-IPL the partition. If the problem reoccurs, contact your next level
of support.

A100 to A101 A problem occurred after a partition ended abnormally.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
This partition could not stay running and shut itself down.

Work any error logs in the Serviceable Event View. If there are no
errors, contact your next level of support.

B07B System log entry only, no service action required

B215 A problem occurred after a partition ended abnormally.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was a communications problem between this partition's service
processor and the platform's service processor.

The platform will need to be re-IPLed before that partition can be used.
Call your next level of support.
C1F0 A problem occurred during a power off a partition
Internal platform Licensed Internal Code error occurred during partition
shutdown or re-IPL.

Contact your next level of support.


D150 A problem occurred after a partition ended abnormally.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
There was a communications problem between this partition and code that
handles resource allocation. Call your next level of support.

E0AA A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

Ensure that the console device cables are connected properly. If the
cables are already connected properly, replace the cables.
Re-IPL the partition. If the problem reoccurs, contact your next level
of support.

F001 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format). An operation has timed

Ignore this error if there are other serviceable errors. Work those
error logs for this partition and for the platform
from the Serviceable Event View. If there are no errors, contact your
next level of support.

F003 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
Partition processors did not start LIC within the timeout window.

Capture a Partition Dump and call your next level of support.


F004 A system request to power off a partition failed

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
The partition did not respond to a system request to power off the
partition. This partition had a communications problem.

If the partition is an i5/OS partition, capture a Partition Dump.

Contact your next level of support.

F005 A system request to power off a partition failed

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
The partition did not respond to a system request to power off the
partition. This partition had a communications problem.

If the partition is an i5/OS partition, perform a Partition Dump and

contact your next level of support.

For all other partition types, a Partition Dump is not supported. If the
system is Hardware Management Console (HMC)
or Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) controlled, do an immediate
partition power off. If the system is not HMC
or IVM controlled, perform a Function 8 on the control panel. After the
partition has powered off, re-IPL the partition,
collect error logs and contact your next level of support.

F006 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
The code load operation for the partition's IPL timed out.

Work any error logs for this partition in the Serviceable Event View. If
there are no errors, contact your next level of support.

F007 A problem occurred during a power off a partition

The partition ID is characters 3 and 4 of the B2xx reference code in
word 1 of the SRC (in hexadecimal format).
If characters 3 and 4 are both zero, then the partition ID is in
extended word one as LP=xxx (in decimal format).
A problem occurred on the path to the load source for the partition.

A timeout occurred during the process of trying to stop a partition from

running. Contact your next level of support.

F008 A problem occurred during the IPL of a partition.

During an IPL, a timeout occurred while waiting for a ready message from
the partition.

Look for other errors. Re-IPL the partition to recover.

F009 System log entry only, no service action required

During an IPL, a timeout occurred while waiting for a response to a

Look for other errors. Re-IPL the partition to recover.

F00A to F00B System log entry only, no service action required
During an IPL, a timeout occurred while waiting for a response to a

Look for other errors. If this SRC is displayed in the operator panel,
then panel function 34 might be used to retry
the current IPL while the partition is still in the failed state.

F00C System log entry only, no service action required

During an IPL, a timeout occurred while waiting for a response to a

Look for other errors. If this SRC is displayed in the operator panel,
then panel function 34 might be used to retry
the current IPL while the partition is still in the failed state.

F00D Timeout occurred during a main store dump IPL

If this SRC is displayed in the operator panel during a main store dump
IPL, then panel function 34 might be used to retry
the current main store dump IPL while the partition is still in the
failed state.


SECTION 2: IBM Partition firmware reference (error) codes:

(BAxx) Partition firmware reference (error) codes

The partition firmware detected a failure. The first eight characters in
the display represent the SRC.
Any additional characters represent the associated location code. Record
the location code as well as the reference code,
then find the SRC in the following table.

Table 1. (BAxx) Partition firmware reference (error) codes

Reference Code Description/Action Perform all actions before exchanging

Failing Items Failing Item
BA000010 The device data structure is corrupted FWFLASH
BA000020 Incompatible firmware levels were found
Reflash the platform firmware.

BA000030 An lpevent communication failure occurred FWFLASH

BA000032 The firmware failed to register the lpevent queues FWFLASH
BA000034 The firmware failed to exchange capacity and allocate lpevents
BA000038 The firmware failed to exchange virtual continuation events
BA000040 The firmware was unable to obtain the RTAS code lid details
BA000050 The firmware was unable to load the RTAS code lid FWFLASH
BA000060 The firmware was unable to obtain the open firmware code lid
details FWFLASH
BA000070 The firmware was unable to load the open firmware code lid
BA000080 The user did not accept the license agreement
There is no further action required. If the user did not accept the
license agreement, the system will not function.

BA000081 Failed to get the firmware license policy FWFLASH

BA000082 Failed to set the firmware license policy FWFLASH
BA010000 There is insufficient information to boot the partition FWIPIPL
BA010001 The client IP address is already in use by another network
device FWIPIPL
BA010002 Cannot get gateway IP address
If the system is a model 185 or A50, refer to partition firmware
progress code E174.
For all other systems, refer to partition firmware progress code
BA010003 Cannot get server hardware address
If the system is a model 185 or A50, refer to partition firmware
progress code E174.
For all other systems, refer to partition firmware progress code
BA010004 Bootp failed
BA010005 File transmission (TFTP) failed
Refer to partition firmware progress code CA00E174

BA010006 The boot image is too large FWADIPL

BA020001 Partition firmware password entry error
Reenter the password.

BA020009 Invalid password entered - system locked

A password was entered incorrectly three times. Deactivate the partition
using the HMC,
then reactivate it. When asked for the password, enter the correct

BA030011 RTAS attempt to allocate memory failed FWFWPBL

BA04000F Self test failed on device; no error or location code
information available
If there was a location code reported with the error, replace the device
specified by the location code.
BA040010 Self test failed on device; cannot locate package NEXTLVL
BA040020 The machine type and model are not recognized by the server
Check for server firmware updates, and apply them, if available.
BA040030 The firmware was not able to build the UID properly for this
system. As a result,
problems may occur with the licensing of the AIX® operating system.
Using the Advanced System Management Interface (ASMI) menus, ensure that
the machine type,
model, and serial number in the VPD for this system are correct.
If this is a new system, check for server firmware updates and apply
them, if available.

BA040035 The firmware was unable to find the "plant of manufacture" in

the VPD. This may cause problems
with the licensing of the AIX operating system.
Verify the that machine type, model, and serial number are correct for
this system. If this is a new system,
check for server firmware updates and apply them, if available.

BA040040 Setting the machine type, model, and serial number failed.
BA040050 The h-call to switch off the boot watchdog timer failed.
BA040060 Setting the firmware boot side for the next boot failed.
BA050001 Rebooting a partition in logical partition mode failed. FWFWPBL
BA050004 Locating a service processor device tree node failed. FWFWPBL
BA05000A Failed to send boot failed message to the service processor
BA060003 IP parameter requires 3 period (.) characters
Enter a valid IP parameter. Example:

BA060004 Invalid IP parameter

Enter a valid IP parameter. Example:

BA060005 Invalid IP parameter (>255)

Enter a valid IP parameter. Example:

BA060007 A keyboard was not found

Make sure that a keyboard is attached to the USB port that is assigned
to the partition.
Replace the USB card to which the keyboard is attached.

BA060008 No configurable adapters found by the remote IPL menu in the

System Management Services (SMS) utilities
This error occurs when the remote IPL menu in the SMS utilities cannot
locate any LAN adapters that
are supported by the remote IPL function.
BA06000B The system was not able to find an operating system on the
devices in the boot list.
See Problems with loading and starting the operating system (AIX and

BA06000C A pointer to the operating system was found in non-volatile

storage. FWPTR
BA060020 The boot-device environment variable exceeded the allowed
character limit. FWNIM
BA060021 The boot-device environment variable contained more than five
entries. FWNIM
BA060022 The boot-device environment variable contained an entry that
exceeded 255 characters in length FWNIM
BA060030 Logical partitioning with shared processors is enabled and the
operating system does not support it.
Install or boot a level of the operating system that supports shared
Disable logical partitioning with shared processors in the operating

BA060040 The system or partition is configured to use huge pages, but

the operating system image does not support huge pages.
Do one of the following:

Install a newer version of the operating system that supports huge

Use the ASMI to remove the huge pages.

BA060050 The Hypervisor supports dynamic partitioning of the huge page-

type of memory allocation,
but dynamic partitioning of huge pages is not supported.
Use the ASMI to disable dynamic partitioning of huge pages.

BA060060 The operating system expects an IOSP partition, but the

operating system failed to make the transition to alpha mode.
Ensure that the alpha-mode operating system image is intended for this
Ensure that the configuration of the partition supports an alpha-mode
operating system.

BA060061 The operating system expects a non-IOSP partition, but the

operating system failed to make the transition to MGC mode.
Ensure that the nonalpha-mode operating system image is intended for
this partition.
Ensure that the configuration of the partition supports a nonalpha-mode
operating system.

BA07xxxx SCSI controller failure FWSCSI1

BA080001 An IDE device remained busy for a longer period than the time
out period FWFWPBL
BA080002 The IDE controller senses IDE devices but with errors.
Verify that the IDE devices are properly seated and cabled correctly
Replace the IDE controller (model-dependent)

BA080010 An IDE device is busy longer than specified time-out period.

Retry the operation.
BA080011 An IDE command timed out; command is exceeding the period
allowed to complete.
Retry the operation.
BA080012 The ATA command failed FWIDE2
BA080013 The media is not present in the tray
Retry the operation.
BA080014 The media has been changed
Retry the operation.
BA080015 The packet command failed; the media might not be readable.
Retry the operation.
BA09xxxx SCSI controller failure.
This checkpoint might remain in the control panel for up to 15 minutes
If the checkpoint persists
longer than 15 minutes, do the following:

Power off the server and reboot from the permanent side. Reject the
firmware image on the temporary side.
If the problem persists, before replacing any components, refer to the
actions for BA090001.

BA090001 SCSI disk unit: test unit ready failed; hardware error FWSCSI1
BA090002 SCSI disk unit: test unit ready failed; sense data available
BA090003 SCSI disk unit: send diagnostic failed; sense data available
BA090004 SCSI disk unit: send diagnostic failed: devofl command FWSCSI3
BA100001 SCSI tape: test unit ready failed; hardware error FWSCSI1
BA100002 SCSI tape: test unit ready failed; sense data available FWSCSI4
BA100003 SCSI tape: send diagnostic failed; sense data available FWSCSI3
BA100004 SCSI tape: send diagnostic failed: devofl command FWSCSI3
BA110001 SCSI changer: test unit ready failed; hardware error FWSCSI1
BA110002 SCSI changer: test unit ready failed; sense data available
BA110003 SCSI changer: send diagnostic failed; sense data available
BA110004 SCSI changer: send diagnostic failed: devofl command FWSCSI3
BA120001 On an undetermined SCSI device, test unit ready failed;
hardware error FWSCSI5
BA120002 On an undetermined SCSI device, test unit ready failed; sense
data available FWSCSI4
BA120003 On an undetermined SCSI device, send diagnostic failed; sense
data available FWSCSI4
BA120004 On an undetermined SCSI device, send diagnostic failed; devofl
command FWSCSI4
BA130001 SCSI CD-ROM: test unit ready failed; hardware error FWSCSI1
BA130002 SCSI CD-ROM: test unit ready failed; sense data available
BA130003 SCSI CD-ROM: send diagnostic failed; sense data available
BA130004 SCSI CD-ROM: send diagnostic failed: devofl command FWSCSI3
BA130010 USB CD-ROM: device remained busy longer than the time-out
Retry the operation.
BA130011 USB CD-ROM: execution of ATA/ATAPI command was not completed
within the allowed time.
Retry the operation.
BA130012 USB CD-ROM: execution of ATA/ATAPI command failed.
Verify that the power and signal cables going to the USB CD-ROM are
properly connected and are not damaged.
If any problems are found, correct them, then retry the operation.
If the problem persists, the CD in the USB CD-ROM drive might not be
readable. Remove the CD and insert another CD.
BA130013 USB CD-ROM: bootable media is missing from the drive
Insert a bootable CD-ROM in the USB CD-ROM drive, then retry the
BA130014 USB CD-ROM: the media in the USB CD-ROM drive has been changed.
Retry the operation.
BA130015 USB CD-ROM: ATA/ATAPI packet command execution failed.
If the problem persists, the CD in the USB CD-ROM drive might not be
readable. Remove the CD and insert another CD.
BA131010 The USB keyboard was removed.
Plug in the USB keyboard and reboot the partition.
Check for system firmware updates and apply them, if available.

BA140001 SCSI read/write optical: test unit ready failed; hardware error
BA140002 SCSI read/write optical: test unit ready failed; sense data
available FWSCSI1
BA140003 SCSI read/write optical: send diagnostic failed; sense data
available FWSCSI3
BA140004 SCSI read/write optical: send diagnostic failed; devofl command
BA150001 PCI Ethernet BNC/RJ-45 or PCI Ethernet AUI/RJ-45 adapter:
internal wrap test failure
Replace the adapter specified by the location code.

BA151001 10/100 MBPS Ethernet PCI adapter: internal wrap test failure
Replace the adapter specified by the location code.

BA151002 10/100 MBPS Ethernet card FWENET

BA153002 Gigabit Ethernet adapter failure
Verify that the MAC address programmed in the FLASH/EEPROM is correct.

BA153003 Gigabit Ethernet adapter failure

Check for adapter firmware updates; apply if available.
Remove other cards from the PHB in which the gigabit Ethernet adapter is
plugged and retry the operation.
If the operation is successful, plug the cards in again, one at a time,
until the failing card is isolated.
After you identify the failing card, replace it.
Replace the adapter.

BA160001 PCI auto LANstreamer™ token ring adapter: failed to complete

hardware initialization.
Replace the adapter specified by the location code.

BA161001 PCI token ring adapter: failed to complete hardware

Replace the adapter specified by the location code.

BA170xxx NVRAM problems FWNVR1

BA170000 NVRAMRC initialization failed; device test failed FWNVR2
BA170100 NVRAM data validation check failed
Turn off, then turn on the system.
BA170201 The firmware was unable to expand target partition - saving
configuration variable FWNVR1
BA170202 The firmware was unable to expand target partition - writing
error log entry FWNVR1
BA170203 The firmware was unable to expand target partition - writing
BA170210 Setenv/$Setenv parameter error - name contains a null character
BA170211 Setenv/$Setenv parameter error - value contains a null
character FWNVR1
BA170220 The firmware was not able to write a variable value into NVRAM
because not enough space exists in NVRAM.
Do the following:

Reduce the number of partitions, if possible, so that each of the

remaining partitions has more NVRMA allocated to it.
Contact your next level of support.

BA170221 The setenv/$setenv function had to delete network boot

information to free space in NVRAM.
You might need to use the SMS menus to reenter the parameters for
network installation or boot.

BA170998 NVRAMRC script evaluation error - command line execution error.

BA170999 NVRAMRC script evaluation error - stack unbalanced on
This is a firmware debug environment error. There is no user action or
FRU replacement for this error.
BA180008 PCI device Fcode evaluation error. FWPCI1
BA180009 The Fcode on a PCI adapter left a data stack imbalance
You should load the new adapter Fcode before you use the adapter
(specified by the location code
associated with this error) for booting.
BA180010 PCI probe error, bridge in freeze state FWPCI2
BA180011 PCI bridge probe error, bridge is not usable FWPCI3
BA180012 PCI device runtime error, bridge in freeze state FWPCI3
BA180013 A PCI adapter was found that this machine type and model does
not support.
Is the system an IBM® Intellistation model?

Yes: Complete the following steps.

Check for and apply any available server firmware udpates.
Replace the adapter at the location code that was reported with the
No: Remove the PCI adapter specified by the location code.

BA180014 MSI software error FWFLASH

BA180100 FDDI adapter Fcode driver is not supported on this system.
This server does not support the Fcode driver of this adapter. Service
support might have additional information.

BA180101 Stack underflow from fibre-channel adapter FWFWPBL

BA188000 An unsupported adapter was found in a PCI slot
Remove the unsupported adapter in the slot identified by the location
BA188001 EEH recovered a failing I/O adapter
This is an informational code only, and no action is required. Since it
is informational, no location code will be reported.

BA188002 EEH could not recover the failed I/O adapter

Replace the adapter in the slot identified by the location code.

BA190001 Firmware function to get/set time-of-day reported an error

BA191001 The server firmware function to turn on the speaker reported an
BA201001 The serial interface dropped data packets FWFWPBL
BA201002 The serial interface failed to open
Check console settings to ensure the console is defined to the correct
port. Ensure the console cables
are connected to the port that is defined as the console. FWFWPBL
BA201003 The firmware failed to handshake properly with the serial
interface FWFWPBL
BA210000 Partition firmware reports a default catch FWFWPBL
BA210001 Partition firmware reports a stack underflow was caught FWFWPBL
BA210002 Partition firmware was ready before standout was ready FWFWPBL
BA210010 The transfer of control to the SLIC loader failed FWFWPBL
BA210020 The I/O configuration exceeds the maximum size allowed by
partition firmware.
Increase the logical memory block size to 256 megabytes (MB) and reboot
the managed system.

If the logical memory block size is already 256 MB, contact your next
level of support.
BA210100 The partition firmware was unable to log an error with the
server firmware. No reply was received
from the server firmware to an error log that was sent previously
BA210101 The partition firmware error log queue is full NEXTLVL
BA250010 dlpar error in open firmware FWLPAR
BA250020 dlpar error in open firmware due to an invalid dlpar entity.
This error may have been caused
by an errant or hung operating system process.
Check for operating system updates that resolve problems with dynamic
logical partitioning (dlpar) and apply them, if available.
Check for server firmware updates and apply them, if available.

BA250030 A hotplug operation in dynamic logical partitioning (dlpar) was

terminated for concurrent firmware update.
Retry the hotplug operation after the concurrent firmware update is
BA250040 The firmware was unable to generate a device tree node
After you perform the FRU indicated in the Failing Items column, check
for operating system updates
and apply them, if available.
BA278001 Failed to flash firmware: invalid image file
Obtain a valid firmware update (flash) image for this system.

BA278002 Flash file is not designed for this eServer™ platform

Obtain a valid firmware update (flash) image for this system.

BA278003 Unable to lock the firmware update lid manager

Reboot the system.
Make sure that the operating system is authorized to update the
firmware. If the system is running
multiple partitions, verify that this partition has service authority.

BA278004 An invalid firmware update lid was requested

Obtain a valid firmware update (flash) image for this system.

BA278005 Failed to flash a firmware update lid

Obtain a valid firmware update (flash) image for this system.

BA278006 Unable to unlock the firmware update lid manager

Reboot the system.

BA278007 Failed to reboot the system after a firmware flash update

Reboot the system.

BA278008 A server firmware update was attempted from the operating

system. You must perform the update
by using the Hardware Management Console (HMC).
Perform the server firmware update by using the HMC.

BA278009 The server firmware update management tools for the version of
Linux that you are running are
incompatible with this system.
Go to Service and productivity tools for Linux on POWER™ and download
the latest service aids and productivity tools
for the version of Linux that you are running.

BA280000 RTAS discovered an invalid operation that may cause a hardware

BA290000 RTAS discovered an internal stack overflow FWFWPBL
BA300010 The partition exceeded the maximum number of logical memory
blocks allowed under the new memory allocation scheme.
Reduce the total logical memory block limit in the partition profile,
then reactivate the partition.

The maximum number of logical memory blocks per partition is 128
kilobytes (K) under the new memory allocation scheme.
BA300020 Function call to isolate a logical memory block failed under
the standard memory allocation scheme.
Do the following:

Upgrade the firmware of the managed system to the latest level, if a

newer level is available.
Upgrade the operating system to a level that supports the new memory
representation, or edit the profile to have fewer
logical memory blocks than the 8K maximum.
Reboot the partition.

BA300030 Function call to make a logical memory block unusable failed

under the standard memory allocation scheme.
Do the following:
Upgrade the firmware of the managed system to the latest level, if a
newer level is available.
Upgrade the operating system to a level that supports the new memory
representation, or edit the profile to have
fewer logical memory blocks than the 8K maximum.
Reboot the partition.

BA300040 The partition, which is running the traditional memory

representation, exceeded the limit of 8192 logical
memory blocks allowed by the standard memory allocation scheme.
Do the following:

Upgrade the operating system to one that supports the new memory
representation, or edit the profile
to have fewer than 8192 logical memory blocks.
Reboot the partition.

BA310010 The firmware could not obtain the SRC history FWFLASH
BA310020 The firmware received an invalid SRC history FWFLASH
BA310030 The firmware operation to write the MAC address to vital
product data (VPD) failed FWFLASH


SECTION 3: IBM: Using system reference codes:

Using system reference codes

System reference codes (SRCs) indicate a server hardware or software
problem that can originate in hardware,
in Licensed Internal Code, or in the operating system.

A server component generates an error code when it detects a problem. An

SRC identifies the component that detected
the error code and describes the error condition. Use the SRC
information to identify a list of possible failing items
and to find information about any additional isolation procedures.

SRC formats

SRCs are strings of either six or eight alphanumeric characters. The

characters in the SRC typically represent the reference
code type and the unit reference code (URC):

For SRCs displayed on the control panel, the first four characters
designate the reference code type and the second four
characters designate the URC.
For SRCs displayed on software displays, characters 1 through 4 of word
1 designate the reference code type and characters
5 through 8 of word 1 designate the URC.
For partition firmware SRCs (AAxx, BAxx, and DAxx) and service processor
SRCs (A1xx and B1xx), only the first two characters
of the SRC indicate the necessary action. For partition firmware SRCs
that begin with 2xxx, only the first character indicates
the necessary action. In these cases, the term URC does not apply.
A reference code that is 6 or 8 characters long and appears in either of
the following formats (xxxxxx or xxxxxxxx) is an SRC,
unless it fits one of the following conditions:

An 8-character code that begins with a C (except CB) or D (except DA) is

a progress code
An 8-character code that begins with an H is a Hardware Management
Console (HMC) error code or message
A 6-character code that begins with a zero (0) and does not include a
hyphen is an HMC error code
A code that begins with a number sign character (#) represents an AIX®
diagnostics message.
Using the list of reference codes

The list of system reference codes is organized in hexadecimal sequence,

with numeric characters listed before
alphabetic characters. Each entry in the list represents the first four
characters (the reference code type) of the SRC.
The entries link to more information, typically a table that lists the
URCs that are associated with that reference code type.

Unless specified otherwise on a particular SRC page, the SRC tables

contain the following columns:

The Reference Code column contains numbers that represent the unit
reference code (URC).
The Description/Action column offers a brief description of the failure
that this SRC represents. It may also contain
instructions for continuing the problem analysis.
The Failing Item column represents functional areas of the system unit.
When available, the failing function code links
to the FRU that contains this function for each specific system unit.
To use the list of system reference codes, complete the following steps:

Click the item in the list of system reference codes that matches the
reference code type that you want to find.
The SRC tables support only 8-character reference code formats. If the
reference code provided contains only 4 or 6 characters,
contact your next level of support for assistance.
When the SRC table appears, select the appropriate URC from the first
column of the table. The tables list URCs
in hexadecimal sequence, with numeric characters listed before
alphabetic characters.
Perform the action indicated for the URC in the Description/Action
column of the table.
If the table entry does not indicate an action or if performing the
action does not correct the problem, exchange
the failing items or parts listed in the Failing Item column in the
order that they are listed. Use the following
instructions to exchange failing items:
Some failing items are required to be exchanged in groups until the
problem is solved. Other failing items are flagged
as mandatory exchange and must be exchanged before the service action is
complete, even if the problem appears
to have been repaired. For more information, see Block replacement of

Exchange the failing item listed first.

If exchanging the first failing item does not correct the problem,
reinstall the original item
and exchange the next failing item listed.
Continue to exchange and reinstall the failing items, one at a time,
until the problem is corrected.
If exchanging the failing items does not correct the problem, ask your
next level of support for assistance.



SECTION: Some more SOLARIS (and GENERIC) Errors:

A command window has exited because its child exited.


The argument to a cmdtool(1) or a shelltool(1) window looks like

it is supposed to be a command, but the system cannot find the

To run this command inside a cmdtool or a shelltool, make sure

the command is spelled correctly and is in your search path (if
necessary, use a full path name). If you intended this argument
as an option setting, use a minus sign (-) at the beginning of
the option.

Both the cmdtool and the shelltool are OpenWindows terminal


admintool: Received communication service error 4

AdminTool could not start a display method because a remote
procedure call timed out, so it can't send the request. This
error results when admintool tries to access the NIS or NIS+
tables when networking is not enabled.

Verify the system network status with ifconfig -a to make sure

the system is connected to the network. Make sure the ethernet
cable is connected and the system is configured to run NIS or

answerbook: XView error: NULL pointer passed to xv_set


The AnswerBook navigator window comes up, but the document viewer
window does not. This message appears on the console, and the
message "Could not start new viewer" appears in the navigator
window. This situation indicates that you have an unknown client
or a problem with the network naming service.

Run the ypmatch(1) or nismatch(1) command o determine if the

client hostname is in the hosts map. If it isn't, add it to to
NIS hosts map on the NIS master server. Then make sure the
/etc/hosts file on the client contains an IP address and entry
for that hostname followed by loghost (reboot if you changed the
/etc/hosts file). Check that the ypmatch or nismatch client hosts
command returns the same IP host address as in the /etc/hosts
file. Finally, quit all existing AnswerBooks and restart.

For more information on the NIS hosts map, see the section on the
default search criteria in the NIS+ and FNS Administration Guide.
If you are using the AnswerBook, "NIS hosts map" is a good search

Arg list too long


The system could not handle the number of arguments given to a

command or program when it combined those arguments with the
environment's exported shell variables. The argument list limit
is the size of the argument list plus the size of the
environment's exported shell variables.

The easiest solution is to reduce the size of the parent process

environment by unsetting extraneous environment variables. (See
the man page for the shell you're using to find out how to list
and change your environment variables.) Then run the program

An argument list longer than ARG_MAX bytes was presented to a

member of the exec() family of system calls.

The symbolic name for this error is E2BIG, errno=7.

Argument out of domain


This is a programming error or a data input error.

Ask the program's author to fix this condition,or supply data in
a different format.

This indicates an attempt to evaluate a mathematical programming

function at a point where its value is not defined. The argument
of a programming function in the math package (3M) is out of the
domain of the function. This could happen when taking the square
root, power, or log of a negative number, when computing a power
to a non-integer, or when passing an out-of-range argument to a
hyperbolic programming function.

To help pinpoint a program's math errors, use the matherr(3M)


The symbolic name for this error is EDOM, errno=33.

Arguments too long


This C shell error message indicates that there are too many
arguments after a command. For example, this can happen by
invoking rm * in a huge directory. The C shell cannot handle more
than 1706 arguments.

Temporarily start a Bourne shell with sh and run the command

again. The Bourne shell dynamically allocates command line
arguments. Return to your original shell by typing exit.

assertion failed: variable, file variable, line N


A condition in the program that was never expected to happen has


Contact the vendor or author of the program to ask why it failed.

If you have the source code for the program, you can look at the
file and line number where the assertion failed. This might give
you an idea of how to run the program differently.

This message results from a diagnostic macro called assert() that

a programmer inserted into the specified line of a source file.
The expression that evaluated untrue precedes the file name and
line number.

automountd[N]: No network locking on variable:

contact admin to install server change

See "WARNING: No network locking on variable: contact admin to

install server" message for details. If the server is not
changed, data loss is possible in applications that depend on

automountd[N]: server variable not responding

This automounter message indicates that the system tried to mount
a filesystem from an NFS server that is either down or extremely
slow to respond. In some cases this message indicates that the
network link to the NFS server is broken, although that condition
produces other error messages as well.

If you are the system administrator responsible for the non-

responding NFS server, check it out to see whether the machine
needs repair or rebooting. Encourage your user community to
report such problems quickly but only once. When the NFS server
is back in operation, the automounter will be able to access the
requested file system.

For more information on NFS failures, seethe section on NFS

troubleshooting in the NFS Administration Guide. If you are using
the AnswerBook, a good search string is "NFS Service."

automount[N]: variable: Not a directory


The file specified after the first colon is not a valid mount
point because it is not a directory.

Ensure that the mount point is a directory, and not a regular

file or a symbolic link.

Bad address

The system encountered a hardware fault in attempting to access a

parameter of a programming function.

Check if the bad address resulted from supplying the wrong device
or option to a command. If that is not the problem, contact the
vendor or author of the program for an update.

This error could occur any time a function that takes a pointer
argument is passed an invalid address. Because processors differ
in their ability to detect bad addresses, on some architectures
passing bad addresses can result in undefined behaviors.

The symbolic name for this error is EFAULT,errno=14.


While checking anode link counts during phase 4, fsck(1M) found a

file (or directory) that either does not exist or exists
somewhere else.

To clear the anode of its reference to this file or directory,

answer yes. With the -p (preen) option, fsck automatically clears
bad or duplicate file references, so answering yes to this
question seldom causes a problem.

Bad file number

Generally this is a program error, not a usage error.

Contact the vendor or author of the program for an update.

Either a file descriptor refers to no open file, or a read (or

write) request is made to a file that is open only for writing
(or reading).

The symbolic name for this error is EBADF, errno=9.


Upon detecting an out-of-range block, fsck(1M) prints the bad

block number and its containing inode (after I=).

In fsck phases 2 and 4, you will decide whether ornot to clear

these bad blocks. Before committing to repair with fsck, you
could determine which file contains this inode by passing the
inode number to the ncheck(1M) command: by passing the inode
number to the ncheck(1M) command:

# ncheck -iinum file system

For more information, see the chapter on checking file system

integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume I.

bad module/chip at: variable


This message from the memory management system often appears with
parity errors, and indicates a bad memory module or chip at the
position listed. Data loss is possible if the problem occurs
other than at boot time.

Replace the memory module or chip at the indicated position.

Refer to the vendor's hardware manual for help finding this



This message from fsck(1M) indicates that a filesystem's super-

block is damaged beyond repair and must be replaced. At boot time
(with the -p option) this message is prefaced by the file system's
device name. After this message comes the actual damage
recognized (see Action). Unfortunately fsck does not print the
number of the damaged super-block.

The most common cause of this error is overlapping disk

partitions. Donot immediately rerun fsck as suggested by the
lines that display after the error message. First make sure that
you have a recent backup of the file system involved; if not, try
to back up the file system now using ufsdump(1M). Then run the
format(1M) command, select the disk involved, and print out the
partition information.
# format : N > partition > print

Note whether the overlap occurs at the beginning or end of the

file system involved. Then run newfs(1M) with the -N option to
print out the file system parameters, including the location of
backup super-blocks.

# newfs -N /dev/dsk/device

Select a super-block from a non-overlapping area of the disk, but

note that in most cases you have only one chance to select the
proper replacement super-block, which fsck soon propagates to all
the cylinders. If you select the wrong replacement super-block,
data corruption will probably occur, and you will have to restore
from backup tapes. After you select a new super-block, provide
fsck with the new master super-block number:

# fsck -o b=NNNN /dev/dsk/device

Specific reasons for a damaged super-block include: a wrong magic

number, out of range NCG (number of cylinder groups) or CPG
(cylinders per group), the wrong number of cylinders, a
preposterously large super-block size, and trashed values in
super-block. These reasons are generally not meaningful because a
corrupt super-block is usually extremely corrupt.

For more information on bad super blocks, see the sections on

restoring bad super blocks in the System Administration Guide,
Volume I. If you are using the AnswerBook, "superblock" is a good
search string.


A bad trap can indicate faulty hardware or a mismatch between

hardware and its configuration information. Data loss is possible
if the problem occurs other than at boot time.

If you recently installed new hardware, verify that the software

was correctly configured. Check the kernel trace back displayed on
the console to see which device generated the trap. If the
configuration files are correct, you will probably have to
replace the device.

In some cases, the bad trap message indicates a bad or down-rev


A hardware processor trap occurred, and the kernel trap handler

was unable to restore system state. This is a fatal error that
usually precedes a panic, after which the system performs a sync,
dump, and reboot. The following conditions can cause a bad trap:
a system text or data access fault, a system data alignment
error, or certain kinds of user software traps.

bad trap = N
See the message "BAD TRAP" for details.

/bin/sh: variable: too big


This Bourne shell message indicates a classic "no memory" error.

While trying to load the program specified after thefirstcolon,
the shell noticed that the system ran out of virtual memory (swap

See the message "Not enough space" for information on

reconfiguring your system to add more swap space.

Block device required


A raw (character special) device was specified where a block

device was required, such as during a call to the mount(1M)

To see which block devices are available, use ls -l to look in

/devices. Then specify a block device instead of a character
device. Block device modes start with a b, whereas raw character
device modes start with a c.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOTBLK, errno=15.

Boot device: /iommu/sbus/variable/variable/sd@3,0


This message alwaysappears at the beginning of rebooting. If

there is a problem, the system hangs, and no other messages
appear. This condition is caused by conflicting SCSI targets for
the boot device, which is almost always target 3.

The boot device is usually the machine's internal disk drive,

target 3. Make sure that external and secondary disk drives are
targeted to 1, 2, or 0, and do not conflict with each other. Also
make sure that tape drives are targeted to 4 or 5, and CD drives
to 6, avoiding any conflict with each other or with the disk
drives. You can set a device's target number using pushbutton
switches or a dial on the back near the SCSI cables. If the
targeting of the internal disk drive is in question, check it by
powering off the machine, removing all external drives, turning
the power on, and running the probe-scsi-all or probe-scsi
command from the PROM monitor.

Broadcast Message from root (pts/N) on server [date]


This message from the wall(1M) command gets transmitted to all

users logged into a system. You could see it during a rlogin or
telnet session, or on terminals connected to a timesharing

Carefully read the broadcast message. Often this broadcast is

followed by a shutdown warning.
See the message "The system will be shut down in N minutes" for
details about system shutdown.

For more information on bringing down the system, see the section
on halting the system in the System Administration Guide, Volume
I. If you are using the AnswerBook, "halting the system" is a
good search string.

Broken pipe

This condition is often normal, and the message is merely

informational (as when piping many lines to the head program).
The condition occurs when a write on a pipe does not find a
reading process. This usually generates a signal to the executing
program, but this message displays when the program ignores the

Check the process at the end of the pipe to see why it exited.

The symbolic name for this error is EPIPE, errno=32.

Bus Error

A process has received a signal indicating that it attempted to

perform I/O to a device that is restricted or that does not
exist. This message is usually accompanied by a core dump, except
on read-only filesystems.

Use a debugger to examine the core file and determine what

program fault or system problem led to the bus error. If
possible, check the program's output files for data corruption
that might have occurred before the bus error.

Bus errors can result from either programming error or device

corruption on your system. Some common causes of bus errors are:
invalid file descriptors, unreasonable I/O requests, bad memory
allocation, misaligned data structures, compiler bugs, and
corrupt boot blocks.

Cannot allocate color map entry for "variable"


This message from libXt (X Intrinsics library) indicates that the

system color map was full even before the color name specified in
quotes was requested. Some applications can continue after this
message. Other applications, such as Workspace Properties Color,
fail to come up when the color map is full.

Exit the programs that make heavy use of the color map, then
restart the failed application and try again.

Can't create public message device (Device busy)

This message comes from the lp print scheduler, indicating that
it is either extremely busy or hung.

If print jobs are coming out of the printer in question, wait

until they are finished and then resubmit this print job. If you
see this message again, the lp system is probably hung.

See the message "lp hang" for a procedure to clear the queue.

If lp is unable to create a device for printer messages, the

message FIFO could be already in use, or locked by another print

For more information on the print scheduler, see the section on

administrating printers in the System Administration Guide Volume

Can't invoke /etc/init, error N


This message can appear while a system is booting, indicating

that the init program is missing or corrupted. Note that
/etc/init is a symbolic link to /sbin/init.

Boot the miniroot so you can replace init. Halt the machine by
typing Stop-A or by pressing the reset button. Reboot single-user
from CDROM, the net, or diskette. For example, type boot cdrom -s
at the ok prompt to boot from CDROM. After the system comes up
and gives you a # prompt, mount the device corresponding to the
original / partition somewhere, with a command similar to the
mount command below. Then copy the init program from the miniroot
to the original / partition, and reboot the system.

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /mnt # cp /sbin/init /mnt/sbin/init #


If this doesn't work, other files might be corrupted, and you

might need to reinstall the entire system.

The error number is 2 if /sbin/init is missing, or 8 if

/sbin/init has an incorrect executable format. This is usually
followed by a "panic:icode" message. The system tries to reboot
itself, but goes into a loop, because rebooting is impossible
without init.

For more information on booting the system, see the section on

halting and booting the system in the System Administration
Guide, Volume I.

can't synchronize with hayes


This message sometimes appears when using a modem that the system
regards as a "Hayes" type modem, which includes most modems
manufactured today. The message can be caused by incorrect switch
settings, by poor cable connections, or by not turning the modem
Check that the modem is on and that the cables between the modem
and your system are securely connected. Check the internal and
external modem switch settings. Turn the modem off and then on
again, if necessary.

cd: Too many arguments


The C shell's cd(1) command takes only one argument. Either more
than one directory was specified, or a directory name containing
a space was specified. Directory names with spaces are easy to
create with File Manager.

Use only one directory name. To change to a directory whose name

contains spaces, enclose the directory name in double (") or
single (') quotes, or use File Manager.

Channel number out of range


The system has run out of stream devices. This error results when
a stream head attempts to open a minor device that does not exist
or that is currently in use.

Check that the stream device in question exists and was created
with an appropriate number of minor devices. Make sure that the
hardware corresponds to this configuration. If the stream device
configuration is correct, try again later when more system
resources might be available.

The symbolic name for this error is ECHRNG, errno=37.

chmod: ERROR: invalid mode


This message from the chmod(1) command indicates a problem in the

first non-option argument.

If you are specifying a numeric file mode, you can provide any
number of digits (although only the final one to four are
considered), but all digits must be between 0 and 7. If you are
specifying a symbolic file mode, use the syntax provided in the
chmod usage message to avoid the "invalid mode" error message:

Usage: chmod [ugoa][+-=][rwxlstugo] file ...

Note that some combinations of symbolic keyletters produce no

error message but fail to have any effect. The first group,
[ugoa], is truly optional. The second group, [+-=], is mandatory
for chmod to have an effect. The third group,[rwxlstugo], is
also mandatory for effect, and can be used in combination when
that combination does not conflict.

Command not found

The C shell could not find the program you gave as a command.

Check the form and spelling of the command line. If that looks
correct, echo $path to see if the user's search path is correct.
When communications are garbled, it is possible to unset a search
path to such an extent that only built-in shell commands are
available. Here is a command to reset a basic search path:

% set path = (/usr/bin /usr/ccs/bin /usr/openwin/bin .)

If the search path looks correct, check the directory contents

along the search path to see if programs are missing or if
directories are not mounted.

For more information about the C shell, see csh(1).

Connection closed.

This message can appear when using rlogin(1) to another system if

the remote host cannot create a process for this user, if the
user takes too long to type the correct password, if the user
interrupts the network connection, or if the remote host goes
down. Data loss is possible if files were modified and not saved
before the connection closed.

Just try again. If the other system has gone down, wait for it to
reboot first.

Connection closed by foreign host.


When a user telnets to another system, this message can appear if

the user takes too long to type the correct password, if the
remote host cannot create a login for this user,or if the remote
host goes down or terminates the connection. Data loss is
possible if files were modified and not saved before the
connection closed.

Just try again. If the other system has gone down, wait for it to
reboot first.

[Connection closed. Exiting]


After using the talk(1) command to communicate with another user,

the other person enters an interrupt (usually Control-c), and
this message appears on your screen.

Sending an interrupt like this is the usual way of exiting the

talk program. The talk session is over and you can return to your

Connection refused

No connection could be made because the target machine actively

refused it. This happens either when trying to connect to an
inactive service or when a service process is not present at the
requested address.

Activate the service on the target machine, or start it up again

if it has disappeared. If for security reasons you do not intend
to provide this service, inform the user community, possibly
suggesting an alternative.

The symbolic name for this error is ECONNREFUSED, errno=146.

Connection timed out


This occurs either when the destination host is down or when

problems in the network cause lost transmission.

First check the operation of the host system, for example by

using ping(1M) and ftp (1), then repair or reboot as necessary.
If that doesn't solve the problem, check the network cabling and

No connection was established in a specified time. A connect or

send request failed because the destination host did not properly
respond after a reasonable interval. (The timeout period is
dependent on the communication protocol.)

The symbolic name for this error is ETIMEDOUT, errno=145.

console login: ^J^M^Q^K^K^P


This usually occurs because OpenWindows exited abnormally,

leaving the system's keyboard in the wrong mode. The characters
that appear when someone attempts to login are garbage
transliterations of what someone types.

Find another machine and remote login to this system, then run
this command:

$ /usr/openwin/bin/kbd_mode -a

This puts the console back into ASCII mode. Note that kbd_mode is
not a windows program, it just fixes the console mode.

The usual reason for this problem occurring is an automated

script run from cron that clears out the /tmp directory every so
often. Ensure that any such scripts do not remove the /tmp/.X11-
pipe or /tmp/.X11-unix directories, or any files therein.

core dumped

A core file contains an image of memory at the point of software

failure, and is used by programmers to find the reason for the
To see which program produced a core file, run either the file(1)
command or the adb (1) command. The following examples show the
output of the file and adb commands on a core file from the
dtmail program.

$ file core core: ELF 32-bit MSB core file SPARC Version 1, from

$ adb core core file = core -- program `dtmail' SIGSEGV 11:

segmentation violation ^D (use Control-d to quit the

Ask the vendor or author of this program for a debugged version.

Some signals, such as SIGQUIT, SIGBUS, and SIGSEGV, produce a

core dump. See the signal(5) man page for a complete list.

If youhave the source code for the program, you can try
compiling it with cc -g, and debugging it yourself using dbx or a
similar debugger. The where directive of dbx provides a stack

On mixed networks, it can be difficult to discern which machine

architecture produced a particular core dump, since adb on one
type of system generally cannot read a core file from another
type of system, and will produce an "unrecognized file" message.
Run adb on various machine architectures until you find the right

The term "core" is archaic-- ferrite core memory was supplanted

by silicon RAM in the 1970s, although spaceships still employ
core memory for its imperviousness to radiation.

For information on saving and viewing crash information see the

System Administration Guide, Volume II. If you are using the
AnswerBook, "system crash" is a good search string.

Could not initialize tooltalk (tt_open): TT_ERR_NOMP


Various desktop tools display or print this message when the

ttsession(1) process is not available. The TookTalk service
generally tries to restart ttsession if it is not running. So
this error indicates that the ToolTalk service is either not
installed or is not installed correctly.

Verify that the ttsession command exists in /usr/openwin/bin or

/usr/dt/bin. If this command is not present, ToolTalk is not
installed correctly. The packages constituting ToolTalk are the
runtime SUNWtltk, developer support SUNWtltkd, and themanual
pages SUNWtltkm. CDE ToolTalk packages have the same names with
".2" appended.

The full TT_ERR_NOMP message string reads as follows: "No

ttsession is running, probably because tt_open() has not been
called yet. If this is returned from tt_open() it means ttsession
could not be started, which generally means ToolTalk is not
installed on the system."

Could not start new viewer


This message appears in the AnswerBook navigator window, along

with an XView error messageon the console.

See the message "answerbook: XView error: NULL pointer passed to

xv_set" for details.

cpio: Bad magic number/header.


A cpio(1) archive has either become corrupted or was written out

with an incompatible version of cpio.

Use the -k option to cpio to skip I/O errors and corrupted file
headers. This might permit you to extract other files from the
cpio archive. To extract files with corrupted headers, try
editing the archive with a binary editor such as emacs. Each cpio
file header contains a filename as a string.

For more information on magic numbers, see magic(4).

Cross-device link

An attempt was made to make a hard link to a file on another

device, such as on another file system.

Establish a symbolic link using ln -s instead. Symbolic links are

permitted across file system boundaries.

The symbolic name for this error is EXDEV, errno=18.

data access exception


This message can result from running an old version of the

operating system that does not support new hardware, or by
running an operating system that is not configured for new
hardware. It can also result from incorrectly installed DSIMMs or
from a disk problem.

Upgrade your operating system to a version that supports the new

hardware or machine architecture. For example, upgrading a
SPARCstation 2 (with sun4c kernel architecture) to a SPARCstation
20 (with sun4m kernel architecture) requires an operating system
upgrade or reconfiguration.

For more information onupgrades, see the section describing

system and device configuration in the Solaris 1.x to Solaris 2.x
Transition Guide.

Data fault
This is a kind of bad trap that usually causes a system panic.
When this message appears after a bad trap message, a system text
or data access fault probably occurred.¤ In the absence of a bad
trap message, this message might indicate a user text or data
access fault. Data loss is possible if the problem occurs other
than at boot time.

Make sure the machine can reboot, then check the log file
/var/adm/messages for hints about what went wrong.

¤ See the message "BAD TRAP" for more information.

Deadlock situation detected/avoided


A programming deadlock situation was detected and avoided.

If the system had not detected and avoided a deadlock, a piece of

software would have hung. Run the program again. The deadlock
might not reoccur.

This error usually relates to file and record locking, but can
also apply to mutexes, semaphores, condition variables, and
read/write locks.

The symbolic name for this error is EDEADLK, errno=45.

See the section on deadlock handling in the System Interface

Guide. See the section on avoiding deadlock in the Multithreaded
Programming Guide.

Device busy

An attempt was made to mount a device that was already mounted or

to unmount a device containing an active file (such as an open
file, a current directory, a mount point, or a running program).
This message also occurs when trying to enable accounting that is
already enabled.

To unmount a device containing active processes, close all the

files under that mount point, quit any programs started from
there, and change directories out of that hierarchy. Then try to
unmount again.

Mutexes, semaphores, condition variables, and read/write locks

set this error condition to indicate that a lock is held.

The symbolic name for this error is EBUSY, errno=16.

/dev/rdsk/variable: CAN'T CHECK FILE SYSTEM.


The system cannot automatically clean (preen) this file system

because it appears to be set up incorrectly or is having hard
disk problems. This message asks that you run fsck(1M) manually,
since data corruption might already have occurred.

Run fsck to clean the file system in question. See the message
proper procedures.



At boot time the /etc/rcS script runs the fsck(1M) command to

check the integrity of file systems marked "fsck" in /etc/vfstab.
If fsck cannot repair a file system automatically, it interrupts
the boot procedure and produces this message. When fsck gets into
this state, it cannot repair a file system without losing one or
more files, so it wants to defer this responsibility to you, the
administrator. Data corruption has probably already occurred.

First run sack -n on the file system, to see how many and what
type of problems exist. Then run fsck again to repair the
file system. If you have a recent backup of the file system, you
can generally answer "y" to all the fsck questions. It's a good
idea to keep a record of all problematic files and inode numbers
for later reference. To run fsck yourself, specify options as
recommended by the boot script. For example:

# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t4d0s0

Usually the files lost during fsck repair are these that were
created just before a crash or power outage, and they cannot be
recovered. If you lose important files, you can recover them from
backup tapes.

If you don't have a backup, ask an expert to run fsck for you.

For more information on file checking, see the section on

checking file system integrity in the System Administration Guide,
Volume I.

Directory not empty


The directory operation that was attempted, such as directory

removal with rmdir, can be performed only on an empty directory.

To remove the directory, first remove all the files that it

contains. A quick way to remove a non-empty directory hierarchy
is with the rm -r command.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOTEMPTY, errno=93.

Disc quota exceeded


The user'sdisk limit has been exceeded on a user filesystem,

usually because a file was just created or enlarged beyond the
limit. This almost always refers to a magnetic disk, and not to
an optical disc. Any data created after this condition occurs
will be lost.

The user can delete files to bring disk usage under the limit, or
the server administrator can use the edquota(1M) command to
increase the user's disk limit.

The symbolic name for this error is EDQUOT, errno=49.

dumptm: Cannot open `/dev/rmt/variable': Device busy


During file system backup, the dump program cannot open the tape
drive because some other process is holding it open.

Find the process that has the tape drive open, and either kill(1)
the process or wait for it to finish.

# ps -ef | grep /dev/rmt # kill -9 processID



During phase 1, fsck(1M) found duplicate blocks or bad blocks

associated with the file or directory specified after FILE= whose
inode number appears after I= (with other information).

To remove this file or directory, answer yes. If you end up

removing more than a few files in this manner, data loss will
result, so it might be preferable to restore the filesystem from
backup tapes.

For more information on checking filesystems, see the section on

checking filesystem integrity in the System Administration Guide,
Volume I.


Upon detecting a block that is already claimed by another inode,

fsck(1M) prints the duplicate block number and its containing
inode (after I=).

In fsck phases 2 and 4, you will decide whether or not to clear

these bad blocks. Before committing to repair with fsck, you
could determine which file contains this inode by passing the
inode number to the ncheck(1M) command:

# ncheck -iinum filesystem

For more information, see the chapter on checking filesystem

integrity in the System Administration Guide,Volume I.

error: DPS has not initialized or server connection failed


This message appears when trying to run AnswerBook with a generic

X11 window server or on a generic X terminal.

Running AnswerBook requires Display PostScript (DPS), or a NeWS

server, or the Adobe DPS NS remote display software. In addition,
a complete LaserWriterII Type-1 font set (including Palatino)
should be installed on the X server. To find out if your X server
has DPS, run xdpyinfo(1) to verify the presence of an "Adobe-
DPS-Extension" line. X servers without this line don't know about

ERROR: missing file arg (cm3)


An attempt was madd to run some sccs(1) operation that requires a

filename, such as create, edit, delget, or prt.

Supply the appropriate filename after the SCCS operation.

ERROR [SCCS/s.variable]: `SCCS/p.variable' nonexistent (ut4)


An attempt was made to sccs edit or sccs get a file that is not
yet under SCCS control.

Run sccs create on that file to place it under SCCS control.

ERROR [SCCS/s.variable]: writable `variable' exists (ge4)


An attempt was made to sccs edit a file that is writable,

probably because it is already checked out.

Run sccs info to see who has the file checked out. If it is you,
go ahead and edit it. If it is somebody else, ask that personto
check in the file.

esp0: data transfer overrun


When a user tries to mount a CDROM on a third-party CD drive,

mount(1M) fails with the above error, followed by the "sr0: SCSI
transport failed" message. The CD drive probably comes from a
vendor unknown to the system.

Third-party CD drives generally have an 8192 block size, as

opposed to the 512 block size on supported Sun drives. Check with
the vendor to see if any special configuration is possible to
allow the drive to operate on a Sun workstation.

Event not found


This C shell message indicates that a user tried to repeat a

command from the history list, but that command or number does
not exist in the list.

Run the C shell history command to display recent events in the

history list. If a user often tries to run commands that have
disappeared from the history list, make the list longer by
setting history to a higher value.

For more information about the C shell, see csh(1).



During phase 1, fsck(1M) found more than 10 bad (out-of-range)

blocks associated with the specified inode number.

With this many bad blocks, it might be preferable to restore the

filesystem from backup tapes.

For more information on bad blocks, see the section on checking

filesystem integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume
I. If you are using the AnswerBook, "bad blocks" is a good search



During phase 1, fsck(1M) found more than 10 duplicate (previously

claimed) blocks associated with the specified inode number.

With this many duplicate blocks, it might be preferable to

restore the filesystem from backup tapes.

For more informationon blocks, see the section on checking

filesystem integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume
I. If you are using the AnswerBook, "bad blocks" is a good search

Exec format error


This often happens when trying to runsoftware compiled for

different systems or architectures, such as when executing
Solaris 2.x programs on a SunOS 4.1.x system, or when trying to
execute SPARC-specific programs on an x86 machine. On a Solaris
2.x system, it can also occur if the BinaryCompatibility Package
was not installed.

Make sure that the software matches the architecture and system
you're using. The file(1) command can help you determine the
target architecture. If you're using SunOS 4.1.x softwareon a
Solaris 2.x system, make sure that the Binary Compatibility
Package is installed. You can check for it using this command:

$ pkginfo | grep SUNWbcp

A request was made to execute a file that, although it has the

appropriate permissions, does not start with a valid format.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOEXEC, errno=8.

See the a.out(4) man page for a description of executable files.

fd0: unformatted diskette or no diskette in the drive


This message appears on the system console to indicate that the

floppy driver fd(7) could not read the label on a diskette.
Usually this is either because a new diskette has not yet been
formatted, or a formatted diskette has become corrupted. This
message often appears along with "read failed" and "bad format"
messages after volcheck(1) is run.

If you are certain that the diskette contains no data, run

fdformat -d to format the diskette in DOS format. (You can also
format a diskette in UFS format if you like, although then it is
not transportable to most other systems.) When the diskette is
formatted, you can write on it, if it was not corrupted beyond

File exists

The name of an existing file was mentioned in an inappropriate

context. For example,it is not allowed to establish a link to an
existing file, or to overwrite an existing file when the csh(1)
noclobber option is set.

Look at the names of files in the directory, then try again with
a different name or after renaming or removing the existing file.

The symbolic name for this error is EEXIST, errno=17.

File locking deadlock


This is a programming problem, in some cases unavoidable.

All a user can do is restart the program and hope deadlock does
not reoccur.

Inthe file locking subsystem, two processes tried to modify some

lock at the same time. In the multithreading subsystem, two
threads became deadlocked and could not continue. When a program
using the threads library encounters this error, it should
restart the deadlocked threads.

The symbolic name for this error is EDEADLOCK, errno=56.

filemgr: mknod: Permission denied


File Manager issues this message and fails to come up whenever

the /tmp/.removable directory is owned by another user and is not
1777 mode. This can happen, for example, when multiple users
share a workstation.

Have the original owner change the mode ((chmod(1)) of this file
back to 1777, its default creation mode. Rebooting the
workstation also resolves this problem.

This is a known problem that was fixed in Solaris 2.4.

File name too long


The specified file name has too many characters.

If a file name or path name component is too long, devise a

shorter name. If the totalpath name is longer than PATH_MAX
characters, first change to an intermediate directory, then
specify a shorter path name. Newly-created data will be lost
unless written to another file with a shorter name.

In a UFS or NFS-mounted UFS filesystem, the length of a path name

component exceeds MAXNAMLEN (255) characters, or the total length
of the path name exceeds PATH_MAX (1024) characters. In a System
V filesystem, the length of a path name component exceeds
NAME_MAX (14) characters while no-truncation mode is in effect.
These values are defined in the /usr/include/limits.h(4) file.

The symbolic name for this error is ENAMETOOLONG, errno=78.



The fsck(1M) command has just checked a filesystem, and has

determined that the filesystem is clean. The filesystem's
superblock, however, still thinks the filesystem is "dirty" in
some way.

If you believe that the filesystem is adequately repaired, answer

yes to mark the filesystem as clean.

Different "dirty" filesystem types are listed in

/usr/include/sys/fs/ufs_fs.h, and include FSACTIVE, FSBAD, FSFIX,

For more information on superblocks, see the section onchecking

filesystem integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume
I. If you are using the AnswerBook, "bad superblock" is a good
search string.

File table overflow


The kernel file table is full because too many files are open on
the system. Temporarily, no more files can be opened. New data
created under this condition will probably be lost.

Simply waiting often gives the system time to close files.

However, if this message occurs often, reconfigure the kernel to
allow more open files. To increasethe size of the file table in
Solaris 2.x, increase the value of maxusers in the /etc/system
file. The default maxusers value is the amount of main memory in
MB, minus 2.

The symbolic name for this error is ENFILE, errno=23.

File too large


The file size exceeded the limit specified by ulimit(1), or the

file size exceeds the maximum supported by the file system. New
data created under this condition will probably be lost.

In the C shell, use the limit command to see or set the default
file size. In the Bourne or Korn shells, use the ulimit -a
command. Even when the shells claim that the file size is
unlimited, in fact the system limit is FCHR_MAX (usually 1

The symbolic name for this error is EFBIG, errno=27.



During phase 5, fsck(1M) detected that the actual number of free

blocks in the filesystem did not match the superblock's free
block count.The df(1M) command accesses this free block count
when measuring filesystem capacity.

Generally you can answer yes to this question without harming the

For more information on superblocks, see the section on checking

filesystem integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume
I. If you are using the AnswerBook, "bad superblock" is a good
search string.

fsck: Can't open /dev/dsk/variable


The fsck(1M) command cannot open the disk device, because

although a similar filesystem exists, the partition specified
does not.

Run the mount(1M) or the format(1M) command to see what

filesystems are configured on the machine. Then run fsck again on
an existing partition.

fsck: Can't stat /dev/dsk/variable


The fsck(1M) command cannot open the disk device, because the
specified filesystem does not exist.

Run the mount(1M) or the format(1M) command to see what

filesystems are configured on the machine. Then run fsck again on
an existing filesystem.

giving up

This message appears in the SCSI log to indicate that a read or

write operation has been retried until it timed out. With SCSI
disk the timeout period is usually 30 seconds; with tape the
period is usually 20 attempts. Timeout periods are generally
coded into the drivers.

Check that all SCSI devices are connected and powered on. Make
sure that SCSI target numbers are correct and not in conflict.
Verify that all cables are no longer than six meters, total, and
that all SCSI connections are properly terminated.

The scsi_log(9F) routine usually displays messages on the system

console and in the /var/adm/messages file. Run the dmesg(1M)
command to see the most recent message buffer.

Graphics Adapterdevice /dev/fb is of unknown type


The /dev/fb driver is either missing or corrupted.

See "InitOutput: Error loading module for /dev/fb" for details.

group.org_dir: NIS+ servers unreachable


This is the second of three messages that an NIS+ client prints

when it cannot locate an NIS+ server on the network.

See the message "hosts.org_dir: NIS+ servers unreachable" for


/home/variable: No such file ordirectory


An attempt was made to change to a user's home directory, but

either that user does not exist or the user's fileserver has not
shared (exported) that filesystem.

To check on the existence of a particular user, run the

ypmatch(1) or nismatch(1) command, specifying the user name and
then the passwd map.

To export filesystems from the remote fileserver, become

superuser on that system and run the share(1M) command with the
appropriate options. If that system is sharing (exporting)
filesystems for the first time, also invoke
/etc/init.d/nfs.server start to begin NFS service.

For more information on sharing filesystems, see the

share_nfs(1M) man page.

Host is down

A transport connection failed because the destination host was

down. For example, mail delivery was attempted over several days,
but the destination machine was not available during any of these

Report this error to the system administrator for the host. If

you are the person responsible for this system, check to see if
the machine needs repair or rebooting.

This error results from status information delivered by the

underlying communication interface. If there is no known
connection to the host, a different message usually results. See
"No route to host" for details.

The symbolic name for this error is EHOSTDOWN, errno=147.

host name configuration error


This is an old sendmail message, which replaced "I refuse to talk

tomyself" and is now replaced by the "Local configuration error"

See the message "554 variable... Local configuration error" for


hosts.org_dir: NIS+ servers unreachable


This is the third of three messages that an NIS+ client prints

when it cannot locate an NIS+ server on the network.

If other NIS+ clients are behaving normally, check the Ethernet

cabling on the workstation showing this message. On SPARC
machines, disconnected network cablingalso produces a series of
"no carrier" messages. On x86 machines, the NIS+ messages might
be your only indication that network cabling is disconnected.

If many NIS+ clients on the network are giving this message, go

to the NIS+ server in question and reboot or repair it, as
necessary. When the server machine is back in operation, NIS+
clients will give an "NIS server for domain OK" message.

I can't read your attachments. What mailer are you using?


The SunView mailtool andpre-3.3 OpenWindows mailtool produce

this message when they cannot cope with an attachment. The
attachment is probably in MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions) format, using base64 encoding.

To read a mail message containing MIME attachments, use

mailtool(1) from Solaris 2.3 or later. If you are running an
earlier version of Solaris, rlogin(1) to a later version of
Solaris, set the DISPLAY environment variable back to the first
system, and run mailtool remotely. If those options prove
impossible, ask the originator to send the message again using
mailtool, or using the CDE dtmail compose File->SendAs-
>SunMailTool option.

Standard MIME attachments with base64 encoding, for example,

produce this message and fail to display in older mailtools.

Look into using metamail, available on the Internet, which allows

you to send and receive MIME attachments.

ie0: Ethernet jammed


This message can appear on SPARCservers or x86 machines with an

Intel 82586 Ethernet chip. It indicates that 16 successive
transmission attempts failed, causing the driver to give up on
the current packet.

If this error occurs sporadically or at busy times, it probably

means that the network is saturated. Wait for network traffic to
clear. If bottlenecks arise frequently, think about reconfiguring
the network or adding subnets.

Another possible cause of this message is a noise source

somewhere in the network, such as a loose transceiver connection.
Use snoop(1M)or a similar program to isolate the problem area,
then check and tighten network connectors as necessary.

ie0: no carrier

This message can appear on SPARCservers or x86 machines with an

Intel 82586 Ethernet chip. It indicates that thechip has lost
input to its carrierdetect pin while trying to transmit a
packet, causing the packet to be dropped.

Check that the Ethernet connector is not loose or disconnected.

Other possible causes include an open circuit somewhere in the
network and noise on the carrier detect linefrom the
transceiver. Use snoop(1M) or a similar program to isolate the
problem area, then check the network connectors and transceivers,
as needed.

Illegal Instruction

A process has received a signal indicating that it attempted to

execute an instruction that is not allowed by the kernel. This
usually results from running programs compiled for a slightly
different machine architecture. This message is usually
accompanied by a core dump, excepton read-only filesystems.

If you are booting from CDROM or from the net, check README files
to make sure you are using an image appropriate for your machine
architecture. Run df to make sure there is enough swap space on
the system; too little swap space can cause this error. If you
recently upgraded your CPU to a new architecture, replace your
operating system with one that supports the new architecture (an
operating system upgrade might be required).
Sometimes this condition results from programming error, such as
when a program attempts to execute data as instructions. This
condition can also indicate device file corruption on your

Illegal instruction "0xN" was encountered at PC 0xN


The machine is trying to boot from a non-boot device, or from a

boot device for a different hardware architecture.

If you are booting from the net, check README files to make sure
you are using a boot image for that architecture. If you are
booting from disk, make sure the system is looking at the right
disk, which is usually SCSI target 3. Failing these solutions,
connect a CD drive to the system and boot from CDROM.

Illegal seek

Using a pipe ("|") on the command line doesn't work here.

Rather than using a pipe on the command line, redirect the output
of the first program into a file and then run the second program
on that file.

A call to lseek(2) was issued to a pipe. This error condition can

also be fixed by altering the program to avoid using lseek().

The symbolic name for this error is ESPIPE, errno=29.

Image Tool: Unable to open XIL Library.


This message follows multiple multi-line "XilDefaultErrorFunc"

errors, indicating that ImageTool could not locate the X Imaging
Library. Many OpenWindows and CDE deskset programs require XIL.

Run pkginfo(1) to determine what packages are installed on the

system. If the following packages are not present, install them
from CDROM or over thenet: SUNWxildg, SUNWxiler, SUNWxilow, and

Inappropriate ioctl for device


This is a programming error.

Ask the program's author to fix this condition. The program needs
to be changed so it employs a device driver that can accept
special character device controls.

The ioctl() system call was given as an argument for a file that
is not a special character device. This message replaces the
traditional but puzzling "Not a typewriter" message.
The symbolic name for this error is ENOTTY, errno=25.



During phase 1, fsck(1M) determined that the specified inode

pointed to a number of bad or duplicate blocks, sothe block
count should be corrected to the actual number shown.

Generally you can answer yes to this question without harming the

For more information on bad blocks, see the section on checking

filesystem integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume

inetd[N]: execv /usr/sbin/in.uucpd: No such file or directory


This message indicates that the Internet services daemon

inetd(1M) tried to start up the UUCP service without the UUCP
daemon existing on the system.

The SUNWbnuu package must be installed before the machine can run
UUCP. Run pkgadd(1M) to install this package from the
distribution CDROM or over the network.

inetd[N]: variable/tcp: unknown service


This message indicates that the Internet services daemon

inetd(1M) could not locate the TCP service specified after the
first colon.

Check the current machine's /etc/services file, and the NIS

services map, to see if the service is described. To start this
service, add an appropriate entry into the /etc/services file and
possibly the services map as well. Note that NIS+ does not
consult the local /etc/services file unless you put "files" right
after "nisplus" on the services line of the system's
/etc/nsswitch.conf file.

If you do not want to start this service, edit the system's

/etc/inetd.conf file and delete the entry that tries to start it

For more information about NIS+, see the NIS+ and FNS
Administration Guide.

inetd[N]: variable/udp:unknown service


This message indicates that the Internet services daemon

inetd(1M) could not locate the UDP service specified after the
first colon.

See the message "inetd[N]: variable/tcp: unknown service" fora


inetd: Too many open files


This message can appear when someone runs a command from the
shell or uses a third-party application. The sar(1M) command does
not indicate that the system-wide open file limit has been

The probable cause for this is that the shell limit has been
exceeded. The default open file limit is 64, but can be raised to

See the message "Too many open files" for a solution.

INIT: Cannot create /var/adm/utmp or /var/adm/utmpx


This console message indicates that init(1M) cannot write in the

/var directory, which is usually part of the / (root) filesystem.
Some other messages follow, andthe system usually comes up
single-user. The problem is often that / or /var is mounted
read-only. Sometimes a brief power outage leaves the system
believing that many filesystems are still mounted.

If /var is a separate filesystem on the machine, andis not yet

not mounted, mount it now. If the filesystem containing /var is
mounted read-only, remount it read-write with a command similar
to this:

# mount -o rw,remount /

Then type Control-d and try to bring up the system multi-user. If

that fails, the root filesystem is probably corrupted. Run
fsck(1M) on the root filesystem, halt the machine, power cycle
the CPU, and wait for the system to reboot. Should this problem
still occur, restore the root filesystem from backup tapes, or
re-install the system from net or CDROM to replace the root

InitOutput: Error loading module for /dev/fb


This fatal X server error message indicates that /dev/fb, the

"dumb frame buffer," is either missing or corrupted. It is
usually followed by a "giving up" message and a few xinit errors.

If other devices on the system are working correctly, the most

likely reason for this error is that the SUNWdfb package was
removed or never installed. Insert the installation CD-ROM,
change to the Solaris_2.xdirectory, and run the following
command to install the packages SUNWdfbh and SUNWdfb (for your
machine architecture):

pkgadd -d .
If other devices on the system are not working correctly, the
system might havea corrupt /devices directory. Halt the system
and boot using the -r (reconfigure) option. The system will run
fsck(1M) if the /devices filesystem is corrupted, most likely
fixing the problem.

Interrupted system call


The user issued an interrupt signal (usually Control-c) while the

system was in the middle of executing a system call. When network
service is slow, interrupting cd(1) to a remote-mounted directory
can produce this message.

Proceed with your work, this message is purely informational.

An asynchronoussignal (such as interrupt or quit), which a

program was set up to catch, occurred during an internal system
call. If execution is resumed after processing the signal, it
will appear as if the interrupted programming function returned
this error condition, so the program might exit with an incorrect
error message.

The symbolic name for this error is EINTR, errno=4.

Invalid argument

An invalid parameter was specified that the system cannot

interpret. For example, trying to mount an uncreated filesystem,
printing without sufficient system support, or providing an
undefined signal to a signal(3c) library function, can all
produce this message.

If you see this message when you are trying to mount a

filesystem, make sure that you have run newfs(1M) to create the
filesystem. If you see this message when you are trying to read a
diskette, make sure that the diskette was properly formatted with
fdformat(1), either in DOS format (pcfs) or as a UFS filesystem.
If you see this message while you are trying to print, make sure
that the print service is configured correctly.

The symbolic name for this error is EINVAL, errno=22.

Invalid null command


This C shell message results from a command line with two pipes
(|)in a row or from a pipe without a command afterwards.

Change the command line so that each pipe is followed by a


I/O error

Some physical Input/Output error has occurred. If the process was

writing a file, data corruption is possible.

First find out which device is experiencing the I/O error. If the
device is a tape drive, make sure a tape is inserted into the
drive. When this error occurs with a tape in the drive, it is
likely that the tape contains an unrecoverable bad spot.

If the device is a floppy drive, an unformatted or defective

diskette could be at fault. Format the diskette, or obtain a

If the device is a hard disk drive, you might need to run

fsck(1M) and possibly even reformat the disk.

In some cases this error might occur on a call following the one
to which it actually applies.

The symbolic name for this error is EIO, errno=5.

Is a directory

An attempt was made to read or write a directory as if it were a


Look at a listing of all the files in the current directory and

try again, specifying a file instead of a directory.

The symbolic name for this error is EISDIR, errno=21.

kernel read error


This message appears when savecore(1M), if activated, tries to

copy a debugging image of kernel memory to disk but cannot read
various kernel data structures correctly. Generally this occurs
after a system panic has corrupted main memory. Data corruption
on the systemis possible.

Look at the kernel error messages that preceded this one to try
to determine the cause of the problem. Error messages such as
"BAD TRAP" usually indicate faulty hardware. Until the problem
that caused the kernel panic is resolved, a kernel core image
cannot be saved for debugging.


This message is purely informational. If the killed process was

writing a file, some data might be lost.

Continue with your work.

This message from the signal handler or various shells indicates

that a process has been terminated with a SIGKILL. However, if
you don't see this message and cannot terminate a process with a
SIGKILL, you might have to reboot the machine to get rid of that

kmem_free block already free


This is a programming error,probably from a device driver.

Determine which driver is giving this message and contact the

vendor for a software update, as this message indicates a bug in
the driver.

This message is from the DDI programming function kmem_free(9F),

which releases a block of memory at address addr of size siz that
was previously allocated by the DDI function kmem_alloc(9F). Both
addr and siz must correspond to the original allocation. If you
have source code for the driver, follow kmem_alloc() and
kmem_free() in the code to make sure they allocate and free the
same chunk of memory.

last message repeated N times


This message comes from syslog(1M), the facility that prints

messages on the console and records them in /var/adm/messages. To
reduce the log size and minimize buffer usage, syslog collapses
any identical messages it sees during a 20 second period, then
prints this message with the number of repetitions.

Look above this message to see which message was repeated so

often. Then consider the repeated message and take action
accordingly. If repeated log entries such as "su ... failed"
appear, consider the possibility of a security breach. variable: fatal: relocation error: symbol not found:

This message from the run-time linker indicates that in
trying to execute the application given after the first colon,
the specified symbol could not be found for relocation. The
message goes on to say in what file the symbol was referenced.
Since this is a fatal error, the application terminates with this

Run the ldd -d command on the application to show its shared

object dependencies and symbols that aren't found. Probably your
system contains an old version of the shared object that should
contain this symbol. Contact the library vendor or author for an

This error does not necessarily occur when you first bring up an
application. It could take months to develop, if ordinary use of
the application seldom references the undefined symbol. variable: fatal: variable: can't open file: errno=2


This message indicates that the run-time linker,, while

running the program specified after the first colon, could not
find the shared object specified after the third colon. (A shared
object is sometimes called a dynamically linked library.) Error
number 2 translates to "No such file or directory" (ENOENT).

As a workaround, set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH to

include the location of the shared object in question, for


Better yet, if you have accessto source code, recompile the

program using the -Rpath loader option. Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH is
discouraged because it slows down performance.

le0: Memory error!


This message indicates that the network interface encountered an

access time-out from the CPU's main memory. There is probably
nothing wrong except system overload.

If the system is busy with other processes, this error can occur
frequently. If possible, try to reduce the system load by
quitting applications or killing some processes.

The Lance Ethernet chip timed out while trying to acquire the bus
for a DVMA transfer. Most network applications wait for a
transfer to occur, so generally no data gets lost. However, data
transfer might fail after too many time-outs.

For more information about the Lance Ethernet chip, see the
le(7D) man page.

le0: No carrier-- cable disconnected or hub link test disabled?


Standalone machines with no Ethernet port connection get this

error when the system triesto access the network. If the
Ethernet cable is disconnected, SPARC machines with the sun4m
architecture usually display this message, whereas machines with
the sun4c architecture usually display the "le0: No carrier--
transceiver cable problem" message instead. If the Ethernet cable
is connected, this message could result from a mismatch between
the machine's NVRAM settings and the Ethernet hub settings.

If this message is continuous, try to save any workto local


When a machine is configured as a networked system, it must be

plugged into the Ethernet with a twisted pair J45 connector.

If the Ethernet cable is plugged in, find out whether or not the
Ethernet hub does a Link Integrity Test. Then become superuser to
check and possibly set the machine's NVRAM. If the hub's Link
Integrity Test is disabled, set this variable to false.
# eeprom | grep tpe tpe-link-test?=true # eeprom 'tpe-link-

The default setting is true. If for some reason tpe-link-test?

was set to false,and the hub's Link Integrity Test is enabled,
set this variable to true.

le0: No carrier-- transceiver cable problem?


Standalone machines with no Ethernet port connection get this

error when the system tries to access the network.

If this message is continuous, try to save any work to local


When a machine is configured as a networked system, it must be

plugged into the Ethernet with either a twisted pair J45
connector or thicknet 10Base-T connector (depending on the
building's Ethernet cable type).

Older workstations have a thicknet connection on the back instead

of a twisted pair Ethernet connection, so they require a thicknet
to twisted pair transceiver to translate between cabling types.


During phase 4, fsck(1M) determined that the inode's link count

for the specified file is wrong, and asks if you want to adjust
it to the value given.

Generally you can answer yes to this question without harming the

For more information on fsck, see the section on checking

filesystem integrity in the SystemAdministration Guide, Volume

LL105W: Protocol error detected.


This error message comes from Lifeline Mail, an unbundled PC

compatibility application.

The likeliest cause for this problem is that someone set up a

user account without a password. Assign the user a password to
solve this problem.

ln: cannot create /dev/fb: Read-only file system


During device reconfiguration at boot time, the system cannot

link to the frame buffer because /dev is on a read-only

Check that /dev/fb is a symbolic link to the hardware frame

buffer, such as cgsix or tcx. Ensure that the filesystem
containing /dev is mounted read-write.

lockd[N]: create_client: no name forinet address 0xN


This lock daemon message usually indicates that the NIS

hosts.byname and hosts.byaddr maps are not coordinated.

Wait a short time for the maps to synchronize. If they don't,

takesteps to coordinate them.

For information on updating NIS data, see the section on NIS maps
in the NIS+ and FNS Administration Guide. If you are using the
AnswerBook, "hosts.byaddr" is a good search string.

Login incorrect

This message from the login(1) program indicates an incorrect

combination of login name and password. There is no way to tell
whether what's wrong is the login name, the password, or both.
Other programs such as ftp(1), rexecd(1M), sulogin(1M), and
uucp(1C) alsogive this error under similar conditions.

Check the /etc/passwd file and the NIS or NIS+ passwd map on the
local system to see if an entry exists for this user. If a user
has simply forgotten the password, su and set a new one with the
passwd usernamecommand. This command automatically updates the
NIS+ passwd map, but with NIS you'll need to coordinate the
update with the passwd map.

The "Login incorrect" problem can also occur with older versions
of NIS when the user name has more than eight characters. If this
is the case, edit the NIS password file, change the user name to
have eight or fewer characters, and then remake the NIS passwd

If you cannot log in to the system as root, despite knowing the

proper password, it is possible that the /etc/passwd file is
corrupted. Try to log in as a regular user and su to root.

If that doesn't work, see the message "su: No shell" and follow
most of the instructions given there. Instead of changing the
default shell however, make the password field blank in

lp hang

On a print server, the queue continues to grow but nothing comes

out of the printer. The printer daemon is hung.

Here is a simple procedure for flushing a hung printing queue:

1. Login or switch user to root.

2. Issue the reject printername command to make sure no one
sends any job to the
3. Turn off power to the printer.
4. If the active job appears to be causing the hang, remove it
from the print queue
with the cancel jobnumber command, and ask the owner to
requeue that print
5. Shut down the print queue with the /usr/lib/lpshut command.
6. Remove the lock file /var/spool/lp/SCHEDLOCK and the
temporary files
7. Turn the printer back on.
8. Restart the print queue with the /usr/lib/lpsched command.

For more information on print queuing, see the System

Administration Guide, Volume II. If you are using the AnswerBook,
"print server" is a good search string.

mailtool: Can't create dead letter: Permission denied


An attempt was made to send a message with mailtool(1) from a

directory where the user does not have write permission, and the
user's home directory is currently unavailable.

Change to another directory and start mailtool again, or use

chmod(1) to change permissions for the directory (if possible).

mailtool: Could not initialize the Classing Engine


When a user runs mailtool(1) on a remote machine, setting the

DISPLAY environment back to the local machine, this message might
appear inside a dialog box window. The dialog box goes on to say
that the Classing Engine must be installed to use Attachments.
This problem occurs because rlogin(1) does not propagate the
user's environment.

Exit mailtool and set your OPENWINHOME environment variable to

/usr/openwin. Then run mailtool again. The error message will
not appear, and you will be able to use Attachments.

Classing Engine is a new name for Tool Talk. Earlier versions of

mailtool said "Tool Talk: TT_ERR_NOMP" instead of Classing

Mail Tool is confused about the state of your Mail File.


This message appears in a pop-up dialog box whenever you ask

mailtool(1) to access messages after another mail reader has
modified your inbox. A request follows: "Please Quit this Mail

Click "Continue" to close the dialog box, then exit mailtool. If

you continue trying to read mail, messages deleted by the other
mail reader will never appear, and mailtool will fail to see any
new messages.

mail: Your mailfile was found to be corrupted (Content-length mismatch).


This message comes from mail(1) or mailx(1) whenever it detects

messages with a different content length than advertised. The
mail program tells you which message might be truncated or might
have another message concatenated to it.

Two common causes of content length mismatches are the

simultaneous use of different mail readers (such as mail and
mailtool), or using a mail reading program (or an editor) that
does not update the Content-Length field after altering a

The mailx program can usually recover from this error and
delineate mail message boundaries correctly. Pay close attention
to the message that might be truncated or combined with another
message, and to all messages after that one. If a mail file
becomes hopelessly corrupted, run it through a text editor to
eliminate all Content-Length lines, and ensure that each message
has a From (no colon) line for each message, preceded by a blank

To avoid mailfile corruption, exit from mailtool without saving

changes when you are currently running mail or mailx.

Memory address alignment


This message can occur when printing large files on a

SPARCprinter attached to a SPARCstation 2.

Replace the SPARCstation 2 CPU with one that isat the most
recent dash level.

memory leaks

An application uses up more and more memory, until all swap space
is exhausted.

Many developers have found that third party software (such as

Purify) can help identify memory leaks in their applications. If
you suspect that you have a memory leak, you can use sar(1) to
check on the Kernel Memory Allocation (KMA). Any driver or module
that uses KMA resources, but does not specifically return the
resources before it exits, can create a memory leak.

For more information on memory leaks, see the section on

monitoring system activity in the System Administration Guide,
Volume II. If you are using the AnswerBook, "displaying disk
usage" is a good search string. Also, see the section on system
resource problems in the NIS+ and FNS Administration Guide.
mount: /dev/dsk/variable is already mounted, /variable is busy, or...

While trying to mount a filesystem, the mount(1M) command

received a "Device busy" (EBUSY) error code.There are several
possible reasons: this /dev/dsk filesystem is already mounted on
a different directory, the busy path name is the working
directory of an active process, or the system has exceeded its
maximum number of mount points (unlikely).

Run /etc/mount to see if the filesystem is already mounted. If

not, check to see if any shells are active in the busy directory
(did the user cd into the directory?), or if any processes in the
ps(1) listing are active in that directory. If the reason for the
error message isn't obvious, try using a different directory for
the mount point.

mount: giving up on: /variable


An existing server did not respond to an NFS mount request, so

after retrying a number of times (default1000), the mount(1M)
command has given up. Nonexistent servers or bad mount points
produce different messages.

If the "RPC: Program not registered" message precedes this one,

the requested mount serverprobably did not share (export) any
filesystems, so it has no NFS daemons running. Have the superuser
on the mount server share(1M) the filesystem, then run
/etc/init.d/nfs.server start to begin NFS service.

If the requested mount server is down or slow to respond, check

to see whether the machine needs repair or rebooting.

mount: mount-point /variable does not exist.


Someone tried to mount a filesystem onto the specified directory,

but there is no suchdirectory.

If this is the directory name you want,run mkdir(1) to create

this directory as a mount point.

mount: the state of /dev/dsk/variable is not okay


The system was unable to mount the filesystem that was specified
because the super-block indicates that the filesystem might be
corrupted. This is not an impediment for read-only mounts.

If you don't need to write on this filesystem, mount(1M) it using

the -o ro option. Otherwise, do as one of the message
continuation lines suggests and run fsck(1M) to correct the
filesystem state and update the super-block.

For more information on using fsck, see the section on checking

filesystem integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume

/net/variable: No such file or directory


A user tried to change directory (for example with cd) to a

network partition on the system specified after /net/, but this
host either does not exist or has not shared (exported) any

To gain access to files on this system, try rlogin(1).

To export filesystems from the remote system, become superuser on

that system and run the share(1M) command with the appropriate
options. If that system is sharing filesystems for the first
time, also run /etc/init.d/nfs.server start to begin NFS service.

Network is down

A transport connection failed because it encountered a dead


Report this error to the system administrator for the network. If

you are the person responsible for this network, check to see why
the network is dead and what repairs are necessary.

This error results from status information delivered by the

underlying communication interface.

The symbolic name for this error is ENETDOWN, errno=127.

Network is unreachable

An operational error occurred either because there was no route

to the network or because negative status information was
returned by intermediate gateways or switching nodes.

The returned status is not always sufficient to distinguish

between a network that is down and a host that is down. See the
"No route to host" message.

Check the network routers and switches to see if they are

disallowing these packet transfers. If they areallowing all
packet transfers, check network cablingand connections.

The symbolic name for this error is ENETUNREACH, errno=128.

NFS getattr failed for server variable: RPC: Timed out


This message appears on an NFS client that requested a service

from an NFS server whose hardware is failing. Often the message
"NFS read failed" appears along with this message. If the server
were merely down or slow to respond, the "NFS server not
responding" message would appear instead. Data corruption on the
server system is possible.

Because this message usually indicates server hardware failure,

initiate repair procedures as soon as possible. Check the memory
modules, disk controllers, and CPU board.

For more information on NFS tuning, see chapter on monitoring

network performance in the System Administration Guide, Volume

nfs mount: Couldn't bind to reserved port


This message appears when a client attempts to NFS mount a

filesystem from a server that has more than one Ethernet
interface configured on the same physical subnet.

Always connect multiple Ethernet interfaces on one router system

to different physical subnetworks.

nfs mount: mount: variable: Device busy


This message appears when the superuser attempts to NFS mount on

top of an active directory. The busy device is actually the
working directory of a process.

Determine which shell on the workstation is currently located

below the mount point, and change out of that directory. Be wary
of subshells (such as su shells) that could be in different
working directories while the parents remain below the mount

NFS mount: /variable mounted OK


While booting, the system failed to mount the directory specified

after the first colon, probably because the NFS server involved
was down or slow to respond. The mount ran in the background and
successfully contacted the NFS server.

This is a purely informative message to let you know that the

mount process has completed.

NFS read failed for server variable


This is generally a permissions problem. Perhaps a directory or

file permission was changed while the client held the file open.
Perhaps the filesystem's share or netgroup permissions changed.
If the server were down or the network saturated, the "NFS server
not responding" message would appear instead.

Log in to the NFS server and check the permissions of directories

leading to the file. Make certain that the filesystem is shared
with (exported to) the client experiencing an NFS read failure.
For more information, see the chapter on NFS troubleshooting in
the NFS Administration Guide.

nfs_server: bad getargs for N/N


This message comes from the NFS server when it gets a request
with unrecognized or incorrect arguments. Typically, it means the
request could not be XDR decoded properly. This can result from
corruption of the packet over the network, or from an
implementation bug causing the NFS client to improperly encode
its arguments.

If this message originates from a single client, investigate that

machine for NFS client software bugs. If this message appears all
over a network, especially accompanied by other networking
errors, investigate the network cabling and connectors.

NFS server variable not responding still trying


In mostcases this very common message indicates that the system

has requested a service from an NFS server that is either down or
extremely slow to respond. In some cases this message indicates
that the network link to this NFS server is broken, although
usually that condition generates other error messages as well. In
a few cases this message indicates NFS client set-up problems.

Check the non-responding NFS server to see whether the machine

needs repair or rebooting. Encourage your user community to
report such problems quickly but only once.

Should this message appear when booting a diskless client, make

sure that the client's /etc/hosts file and the network naming
service (NIS, NIS+, or other /etc/hosts files on the network)
have been updated.

Formore information, see the chapter on NFS troubleshooting in

the NFS Administration Guide.

NFS server variable ok


This message is the follow-up to the "NFS server not responding"

error. It indicates that the NFS server is back in operation.

When an NFS server first comes up, it will be busy fulfilling

client requests for a while. Be patient and wait for your client
system to respond. Making many extraneous requests only further
slows the NFS server response time.

nfs umount:variable: is busy


This message appears when the superuser attempts to unmount an

active NFS filesystem. The busy point is the working directory of
a process.
Determine which shell (or process) on the workstation is
currently located in the remotely mounted filesystem, and change
(cd) out of that directory. Be wary of subshells (such as su
shells) that could be in different directories while the parent
shells remain in the NFS filesystem.

NFS write error on host variable: No space left on device.


This console message indicates that an NFS-mounted partition has

filled up and cannot accept writing of new data. Unfortunately,
software that attempts to overwriteexisting files will usually
zero out all data in these files. This is particularly
destructive on NFS-mounted /home partitions.

Find the user or process that is filling up the filesystem, and

get the out-of-control process stopped as soon as you can. Then
delete files as necessary to create more space on the filesystem
(large core files are good candidates for deletion). Have users
write any modified files to local disk if possible. If this error
occurs often, redistribute directories to ease demandon this

For more information on disk usage, see the System Administration

Guide, Volume II. If you are using the AnswerBook, "managing
disk use" is a good search string.

NFS write failed for server variable: RPC: Timed out


This error can occur when a file system is soft-mounted, and

server or network response time lags. Any data written to the
server during this period could be corrupted.

If you intend to write on a filesystem, never specify the soft

mount option. Use the default hard mount for all the filesystems
that are mounted read-write.

For more information, see the chapter on NFS troubleshooting in

the NFS Administration Guide.

NIS+ authentication failure


This is a Federated Naming Service message. The operation could

not be completed because the principal making the request could
not be authenticated with the name service involved.

Run the nisdefaults(1) command to verify that you are identified

as the correct NIS+ principal. Also check that the system has
specified the correct public key source.

For more information, see the authentication and authorization

overview in the NIS+ and FNS Administration Guide.

No buffer space available


An operation on a transport endpoint or pipe was not performed

because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a
queue was full. The target system probably ran out of memory or
swap space. Any data written during this condition will probably
be lost.

To add more swap area, use the swap -a command on the target
system. Alternatively, reconfigure the target system to have
more swap space. As a general rule, wwap space should be two to
three times as large as physical memory.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOBUFS,errno=132.

No child processes

This message can appear when an application tries to communicate

with cooperating process that do not exist.

Restart the parent process so it can create the child processes

again. If that doesn't help, this could be the result of
programming error; contact the vendor or author of the program
for an update.

A wait(2) system call was executed by a process that had no

existing or unwaited-for child processes. The child processes
could have exited prematurely, or might never have been created.

The symbolic name for this error is ECHILD, errno=10.

No default media available


The volume manager issues this message if a user makes an

eject(1) request when the drives containno diskette or CDROM to

Insert a diskette or CDROM. If the volume manager is confused and

there actually is a diskette or CDROM in a drive, run volcheck to
update the volume manager. If the system remains confused, try
booting with the -r option to reconfigure devices.

No directory! Logging in with home=/


The login(1) program could not find the home directory listed in
the password file or NIS passwd map, so it deposited the user in
the root directory.

Check that the user's home directory is mounted and is owned by

and accessible to that user. Perhaps the automounter tried to
mount the home directory, but the NFS server did not respond
quicklyenough. Try listing the files in /home/username. If the
NFS server responds to this request, have the user log out and
log in again.
It is possible that the automounter daemon is not running. Run
the ps command to see if automountd is present. If not,run the
second command; if it appears to be wedged, run both these

# /etc/init.d/autofs stop # /etc/init.d/autofs start

When the automounter daemon is running, verify that the

/etc/auto_master file has a line like this:

/home auto_home

Verify that the /etc/auto_home file has a line like this:


These entries depend on the NIS auto_home map.

It is also possible that the NFS server has not shared (exported)
this /home directory, or that the NFS daemons on the server have

For more information on NFS, see the NFS Administration Guide.

No message of desired type


An attempt was made to receive a message of a type that does not

exist on the specified message queue. See the msgop(2) man page
for details.

This indicates an error in the System V IPC message facility.

Generally the message queue is empty or devoid of the desired
message type, while IPC_NOWAIT is set.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOMSG, errno=35.

No recipients specified

This message comes from the mailx(1) command whenever a user

doesn't provide an address in the To: field.

See the message "Recipient names must be specified" for details.

No record locks available


No more record locks are available. The system lock table is


The symbolic name for this error is ENOLCK, errno=46.

Perhaps a process called fcntl(2) with the F_SETLK or F_SETLKW

option, and the system maximum was exceeded. The system contains
several different locking subsystems, including fcntl,the NFS
lock daemon, and mail locking, all of which can produce this

Try again later, when more locks might be available.

No route to host

An operational error occurred because there was no route to the

destination host, or because of status information returned by
intermediate gateways or switching nodes.

The returned status is not always sufficient to distinguish

between a host that is down and a network that isdown. See the
"Network is unreachable" message.

Check the network routers and switches to see if they are

disallowing these packet transfers. If they are allowing all
packet transfers, check network cabling and connections.

The symbolic name for thiserror is EHOSTUNREACH, errno=148.

No shell Connection closed


A user has attempted to remote login to the system, and has a

valid account name and password, but the shell specified for
their account is not available on that system. For example, the
seventh field could request the GNUBourne-again shell /bin/bash,
which does not exist on standard Solaris distributions.

If you have a copy of the requested shell, become superuser and

install the missing shell on that system. Otherwise, change the
user's password file entry (perhaps only in the NIS+ or NIS
passwd map) to specify an available shell such as /bin/csh or

No space left on device


While writing an ordinary file or creating a directory entry,

there was no free space left on the device. The disk, tape, or
diskette is full of data. Any data written to that device during
this condition will be lost.

Remove unneeded files from the hard disk or diskette until there
is space for all the data you are writing. It might be advisable
to move some directories onto another filesystem and create
symbolic links accordingly. When a tape is full, continue on
another one, use a higher density setting, or obtain a higher-
capacity tape.

To create multi-volume tapes or diskettes, use the pax(1) or

cpio(1) command; tar(1) is still limited to a single volume.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOSPC, errno=28.

No such device

An attempt was made to apply an operation to an inappropriate

device, such as writing to a nonexistent device.

Look in the /devices directory to see why this device does not
exist, or why the program expects it to exist. The similar "No
such device or address" message tends to indicate I/O problems
with an existing device, whereas this message tends to indicate a
device that does not exist at all.

The symbolic name for this error is ENODEV, errno=19.

No such device or address


This can occur when a tape drive is off-line or when a device has
been powered off or removed from thesystem.

For tape drives, make sure the device is connected, powered on,
and toggled on-line (if applicable). For disk and CDROM drives,
check that the device is connected and powered on.

With all SCSI devices, ensure that the target switch or dial is
set to the number where the system originally mounted it. To
inform the system of a change to the target device number, reboot
using the -r (reconfigure) option.

This message results from I/O to a special file's subdevice that

either does not exist or that exists beyond the limit of the

The symbolic name for this error is ENXIO, errno=6.

No such file or directory


The specified file or directory does not exist. Either the file
name or path name was entered incorrectly.

Check the file name and path name for correctness and try again.
If the specified file or directory is a symbolic link, it
probably points to a nonexistent file or directory.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOENT, errno=2.

no such map in server's domain


A user or an application tried to look up something using Network

Information Services (NIS), but NIS has no corresponding database
for this request.

Make sure the NIS map name is spelled correctly. To see a list of
nicknames for the various NIS maps, run the ypcat -x command. To
see a full list of the various NIS maps (databases), run the
ypwhich -m command. If the NIS service were not running on the
current machine, these commands would result in a "can't
communicate with ypbind" message.

No such process

This process cannot be found. The process could have finished

execution and disappeared, or it might still be in thesystem
under a different numeric ID.

Use the ps(1) command tocheck that the process ID you're

supplying is correct.

No process corresponds to the specified process ID (PID), light-

weight process ID, or thread_t.

The symbolic name for this error is ESRCH, errno=3.

No such user as variable-- cron entries not created


A file exists in /var/spool/cron/crontabs for the specified user,

but this user is not in /etc/passwd or the NIS passwd map. The
system cannot create cron entries for nonexistent users.

To eliminate this message at boot time, remove the cron file for
the nonexistent user, or rename it if the user's login name has
changed. If this is a valid user, create an appropriate password
entry for this name.

Not a directory

A non-directory was specified where a directory is required, such

as in a path prefix or as an argument to the chdir(2) system

Look at a listing of all the files in the current directory and

try again, specifying a directory instead of a file.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOTDIR, errno=20.

Not enough space


This message indicates that the system is running many large

applications simultaneously, and has run out ofswap space
(virtual memory). It could also indicate that applications failed
without freeing pages from the swap area. Swap space is an area
of disk set aside to store portions of applications and data not
immediately required in memory. Any data written during this
condition will probably be lost.

Reinstall or reconfigure the system to have more swap space. A

general rule of thumb is that swap space should be two to three
times as large as physical memory. Alternatively, use mkfile(1M)
and swap(1M) to add more swap area. This example shows how to add
16 MB of virtual memory in the /usr/swap file (any filesystem
with enough free space would work):

# mkfile 16m /usr/swap # swap -a /usr/swap

To make this automatic at boot time, add the following line to

the /etc/vfstab file:

/usr/swap - - swap - no -

In calling the fork(2), exec(2), sbrk(2), or malloc(3C) routine,

a program asked for more memory than the system could supply.
This is not a temporary condition; swap space is a system

The symbolic name for this error is ENOMEM, errno=12.

not found

This message indicates that the Bourne shell could not find the
program name given as a command.

Check the form and spelling of the command line. If that looks
correct, echo $PATH to see if the user's search path is correct.
When communications are garbled, it is possible to unset a search
path to such an extent that only built-in shell commands are
available. Here is a command to reset a basic search path:

$ PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:.

If the search path looks correct, check the directory contents

along the search path to see if programs are missing or if
directories are not mounted.

NOTICE: /variable: out of inodes


The filesystem specified after the first colon probably contains

many small files, exceeding the per-filesystem limit for inodes
(file information nodes).

If many small files were created unintentionally, removing them

will resolve the problem.

Otherwise, follow these steps to increase filesystem capacity for

small files. Make several backup copies of the filesystem on
different tapes (for safety), then bring the machine down to
single-user mode. Use the newfs(1M) command with the -i option to
increase inode density for this filesystem. Here is an example:

# newfs -i 1024 /dev/rdsk/partition

Finally, restore the filesystem from a backup tape. Note that

increasing the inode density slightly reduces total filesystem
Not login shell

This message results when a user triesto logout(1) from a shell

other than the one started at login time.

To quit a non-login shell, use the exit(1) command. Continue

doing so until you have logged out.

For more general information on the login shell, see the section
on customizing your work environment in the Solaris Advanced
User's Guide.

Not on system console


A user tried to login(1) to a system as the superuser (uid=0,

which is not necessarily root) from a terminal other than the

Login to that system as a normal user, then run su(1M) to become

superuser. To allow superuser logins from any terminal, comment
out the CONSOLE line in /etc/default/login (this is not
recommended for security reasons).

Not owner

Either an ordinary user tried to do something reserved for the

superuser, or the user tried to modify a file in a way restricted
to the file's owner or to the superuser.

Switch user to root and try again.

The symbolic name for this error is EPERM, errno=1.

Not supported

This version of the system does not support the feature

requested, although future versions of the system might provide

This is generally not a system message from the kernel, but an

error returned by an application. Contact the vendor or author of
the application for an update.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOTSUP, errno=48.

operation failed [error 185], unknown group error 0, variable


When you use admintool to add a user to a newly-created group,

admintool issues this error.
Apply patch 101384-05 to fix bug ID 1151837 and to provide a
workaround for bug ID 1153087.

Operation not applicable


This error indicates that no system support exists for some

function that the application requested.

Ask the system vendor for an upgrade, or contact the vendoror

author of the application for an update.

This message indicates that no system support exists for an

operation. Many modules set this error when a programming
function is not yet implemented. If you are writing a program
that produces this message while calling a system library, try to
find and use an alternative library function. Future versions of
the system might support this operation; check system release
notes for further information.

The symbolic name for this error is ENOSYS, errno=89.

out of memory

Hundreds of different programs can produce this message when the

system is running many large applications simultaneously. This
message usually means that the system has run out of swap space
(virtual memory).

See the message "Not enough space" for details. Any data written
during this condition will probably be lost.



During phase 1, fsck(1M) found that the specified inode was

neither allocated nor unallocated. The reason is probably that
the system crashed in the middle of a sync(2) or write(2)

Should you answer yes to this question, "UNALLOCATED" messages

might result during phase 2, if any directory entries point to
this inode. If you are being careful, exit fsck(1M) and run
ncheck(1M) (specifying the inode number after the -i option) to
determine which file or directory is involved here. You might be
able restore this file or directory from another system. It is
also possiblethat fsck will copy this file to the lost+found
directory in a later phase.

For more information, see the chapter on checking filesystem

integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume I.

passwd.org_dir: NIS+ servers unreachable


This is the first of three messages thatan NIS+ client prints

when it cannot locate an NIS+ server on the network.

See the message "hosts.org_dir: NIS+ servers unreachable" for


Password does not decrypt secret key for unix.uid@variable


This message appears at login time when a user's password is not

identical to the user's keylogin network password. When a system
is running NIS+, the login program firstperforms UNIX
authentication, and then attempts a keylogin(1) for secure RPC

To gain credentials for secure RPC, users can run keylogin (after
login) and type in their secret key. To stop this message from
appearing at login time, users can run the chkey -p command and
set their network password to bethe same as their NIS+ password.
If a user doesn't remember the network password, the system
administrator should delete and re-create the user's credentials
table entry so the user can establish a new network password with

Permission denied

An attempt was made to access a file in a way forbidden by the

protection system.

Check the ownership and protection mode of the file (with a long
listing from the ls-l command) to see who is allowed to access
the file. Then change the file or directory permissions as

The symbolic name for this error is EACCES, errno=13.

Please specify a recipient.


With mailtool, this message comes up in a dialog box whenever a

user tries to deliver a message with no address in the To: field.

See the message "Recipient names must be specified" for details.

Protocol not supported


The requested networking protocol hasnot been configured into

the system, or no implementation for it exists. (A protocol is a
formal description of the messages to be exchanged and the rules
to be followed when systems exchange information.)

Verify that the protocol is in the /etc/inet/protocols file and

in the NIS protocols map, if applicable. If the protocol is not
listed, and you want to permit its use, configure the protocol as
documented or as required.
The symbolic name for this error is EPROTONOSUPPORT, errno=120.

Protocol wrong type for socket


This message indicates either application programming error, or

badly configured protocols.

Make sure that the /etc/protocols file corresponds number-for-

number with the NIS protocols map. It it does, ask the vendor or
author of the application for an update.

A protocol was specified that does not support the semantics of

the socket type requested. This amounts to a request for an
unsupported type of socket. Look at the source code that made
this socket request and check that it requested one of the types
specifiedin /usr/include/sys/socket.h.

The symbolic name for this error is EPROTOTYPE, errno=98.

Read error from network: Connection reset by peer


This message appears when a user is remotely logged into a

machine that crashes or gets rebooted during the rlogin(1) or
rsh(1) session. Any data changes that were not saved are probably
lost. Sometimes this message appears only when the user types
something, even though the system went down hours before.

Try torlogin again, perhaps after waiting a few minutes for the
system to reboot.

Read-only file system


Files and directories on filesystems that are mounted read-only

cannot be changed.

If you only modify these files and directoriesoccasionally,

rlogin(1) to the servers from which the filesystems are mounted
and change the files or directories there. If you change these
files and directories frequently, mount(1M) the filesystems

The symbolic name for this error is EROFS, errno=30.


This message appears on the console to indicate that the machine

is booting, either after the superuser issued a reboot command,
or after a system panic if the EEPROM's watchdog-reboot? variable
is set to true.

Allow the machine to boot itself. In case of a system panic, look

above this message for other indications of what went wrong.
Recipient names must be specified

Somebody sent mail without a valid recipient in the To: field, so

sendmail could not deliver the mail message. Using mail(1), the
recipient's address might have been specified using spaces or
non-alphanumeric characters. The mailtool(1)and mailx(1)
commands try to prevent this by issuing "Please specify a
recipient" or "No recipients specified" messages instead. If
there is at least one valid recipient, each invalid recipient
address will generate a "User unknown" message.

Look in the sender's dead.letter file for the automatically saved

message, andhave the originator send it again, this time
specifying a recipient.

For more information about sendmail, see the Mail Administration


Reset tty pgrp from N to N


The C shell sometimes issues this message when it clears away the
window process group after the user exits the window system. This
can happen when the window system doesn't clean up after itself.

Proceed with your work. This message is purely informational.

Resource temporarily unavailable


This indicates that the fork(2) system call failed because the
system's process table is full, or that a system call failed
because of insufficient memory or swap space. It is also possible
that a user is not allowed to create anymore processes.

Simply waiting often gives the system time to free resources.

However if this message occurs often on a system, reconfigure the
kernel and allow more processes. To increase the size of the
process table in Solaris 2.x, increase the value of maxusers in
the /etc/system file. The default maxusers value is the amount of
main memory in MB, minus 2.

If one user is not allowed to create any more processes, that

user has probably exceeded the memorysize limit; see the limit(1)
man page for details.

The symbolic name for this error is EAGAIN, errno=11.

Result too large


This is a programming error or a data input error.

Ask the program's author to fix this condition.

This indicates an attempt to evaluate a mathematical programming

function at a point where its value would overflow or underflow.
The value of a programming function in the math package (3M) is
not representable within machine precision. This could occur
after floating point overflow or underflow (either single or
double precision), or after total loss of numeric significance in
Bessel functions.

Note that this message can indicate "Result too small" in the
case of floating pointunderflow.

To help pinpoint a program's math errors, use the matherr(3M)


The symbolic name for this error is ERANGE, errno=34.

rmdir: variable: Directory not empty


The rmdir(1) command can remove empty directories, only. The

directory whose name appears after the first colon in the message
still contains some files or directories.

Use rm(1) instead of rmdir. To remove this directory and

everything underneath it, use the rm -ir command to recursively
descend the directory, being asked if you want to delete each
element. To remove the directory and all its contents without
being asked for approval, use the rm -r command.

ROOT LOGIN /dev/console


This syslog message indicates that someone has logged in as root

on the system console.

If you have just logged in as root, don't worry. If this is not

you, consider the possibility of a security breach. The best
site-wide policy is for all system administrators to su instead
oflogging in as root.

ROOT LOGIN /dev/pts/N FROM variable


This syslog message indicates that someone has remote logged in

as root on a pseudo-terminal from the system specified after the
FROM keyword.

For security reasons, it is a bad idea to allow root logins from

anywhere besides the console. To restrict superuser logins to the
console, remove the comment from the CONSOLE line in

rx framing error

Usually this error indicates a hardware problem.

Check the Ethernet cabling and connectors to locate a problem.

A framing error occurs when the Ethernet I/O driver receives a
non-integral unit of octets, such as 63 bytes and then 3 bits.
(Ethernet specifies the use of octets.) Framing errors are caused
by corruption of the starting or ending frame delimiters. These
can be corrupted by some violation of the encoding scheme.

Framing errors are a subset of CRC errors, which are usually

caused by anomalies on the physical media.An "alignment/framing
error" is a type of CRC error where octet boundaries do not line

SCSI bus DATA IN phase parity error


The most common cause of this problem is unapproved hardware.

Some SCSI devices for thePC market do not meet the high I/O
speed requirements for the UNIX market. Other possible causes of
this problem are improper cabling or termination, and power
fluctuations. Data corruption is possible but unlikely to occur,
because this parity error prevents data transfer.

Check that all SCSI devices on the bus are Sun approved hardware.
Then verify that all cables are no longer than six meters, total,
and that all SCSI connections are properly terminated. If power
fluctuations are occuring, invest in an uninterruptible power

SCSI transport failed: reason 'reset'


This message indicates that the system sent data over the SCSI
bus, but the data never reached its destination because of a SCSI
bus reset. The most common cause of this condition is conflicting
SCSI targets.¤Data corruption is possible but unlikely to
occur, because this failure prevents data transfer.

Verify that all cables are no longer than six meters, total, and
that all SCSI connections are properly terminated. If power
surges are a problem, acquire a surge suppressor or
uninterruptible power supply.

A machine's internal disk drive is usually SCSI target 3. Make

sure that external and secondary disk drives are targeted to 1,
2, or 0, and do not conflict with each other. Also make sure
that tape drives are targeted to 4 or 5, and CD drives to 6,
avoiding any conflict with each other or with disk drives. If the
targeting of the internal disk drive is in question, power off
the machine, remove all external drives, turn the power on, and
from the PROM monitor run the probe-scsi-all or probe-scsi

If SCSI device targeting is acceptable, memory configuration

could be the problem, especially for machines with the sun4c
architecture. Ensure that high-capacity memory chips (such as 4MB
SIMMs) are in lower banks, while lower-capacity memory chips
(such as 1MB SIMMs) are in the upper banks.
Note that SPARC systems do not always support third party CDROM
drives, and might generate a similar "unknown vendor" error
message. Check with the CDROM vendor for specific configuration

Some third party disk drives have a read-ahead cache that

interferes with Solaris device drivers. Make sure that any
existing read-ahead cache facility is turned off.

¤ For more information on SCSI targets, see the section on

device naming conventions in the Solaris 1.x to Solaris 2.x
Transition Guide. If you are using the AnswerBook, "scsi targets"
is a good search string.

Segmentation Fault

Segmentation faults usually result from programming error. This

message is usually accompanied by a core dump, except on read-
only filesystems.

To see which program produced a core file, run either the file(1)
command or the adb (1) command. The following examples show the
output of the file and adb commands on a core file from the
dtmail program.

$ file core core: ELF 32-bit MSB core file SPARC Version 1, from

$ adb core core file = core -- program `dtmail' SIGSEGV 11:

segmentation violation ^D (use Control-d to quit the adb

Ask the vendor or author of this program for a debugged version.

A process has received a signal indicating that it attempted to

access an area of memory that is protected or that does not
exist. The two most common causes of segmentation faults are
attempting to dereference a null pointer or indexing past the
bounds of an array.

sendmail[N]: NOQUEUE: SYSERR: net hang reading from variable


This is a sendmail message that appears on the console and in the

log file /var/adm/messages. If this message occurs once for a
particular user, it is possible that a mail message from this
user ends with a partial line (having no terminating newline
character). If this message appears frequently or at busy times,
especially along with other networking errors, it could indicate
network problems.

Check the user's mail spool file to see if a message ends without
a newline character. If so, talk with the user and determine how
to prevent the problem from occurring again. If these messages
are the result of network problems, you could try moving the mail
spool directory to another machine with a faster network

During the SMTP receipt of DATA phase, a message-terminating

period on a line of its own never arrived, so sendmail timed out
and produced this error.

setmnt: Cannot open /etc/mnttab for writing


The system is having problems writing to /etc/mnttab. It is

possible that the filesystem containing /etc is mounted read-
only, or is not mounted at all.

Check that this file exists and is writable by root. If so,

ensure that the /etc filesystem has been mounted, and is mounted
read-write rather than read-only.

share_nfs: /home: Operation not applicable


This message usually indicates that the system has a local

filesystem mounted on /home, which is where the automounter
usually mounts users' home directories.

When a systemis running the automounter, do not mount local

filesystems on the /home directory. Mount them on another
directory, such as /disk2, which on most systems you will have to
create.You could also change the automounter auto_home entry,
but that is a more difficult solution.

Soft error rate (N%) during writing was too high


This message from the SCSI tape drive appears when Exabyteor DAT
tapes generate too many soft (recoverable) errors. It is followed
bythe advisory "Please, replace tape cartridge" message. Soft
errors are an indication that hard errors could soon occur,
causing data corruption.

First clean the tape head witha cleaning tape as recommended by

the manufacturer. If that doesn't work, replace the tape
cartridge. You might need to replace the tape drive if the
problem still occurs with new tape cartridges.

Soft error rate (retries = N) during writing was too high


This message from the SCSI tape drive appears when Archive tapes
generate too many soft (recoverable) errors. It is followed by
the advisory "Periodic head cleaning required and/or replace tape
cartridge" message. Soft errors are an indication that hard
errors couldsoon occur, causing data corruption.

First clean the tape head with a cleaning tape as recommended by

the manufacturer. If that doesn't work, replace the tape
cartridge. Youmight need to replace the tape drive if the
problem still occurs with new tape cartridges.

Stale NFS file handle


A file or directory that was opened by an NFS client was either

removed or replaced on the server.

If you were editing this file, write it to a local filesystem

instead. Try remounting the filesystem on top of itself or
shutting down any client processes that refer to stale file
handles. If neither of these solutions works, reboot the system.

The original vnode isno longer valid. The only way to get rid of
this error is to force the NFS server and client to renegotiate
file handles.

The symbolic name for this error is ESTALE, errno=151.

statd: cannot talk to statd at variable


This message comes from the NFS status monitor daemon statd,
which provides crash recovery services for the NFS lock daemon
lockd. The message indicates that statd has left old references
in the /var/statmon/sm and /var/statmon/sm.bak directories. After
a user has removed or modified a host in the hosts database,
statd might not properly purge files in these directories, which
results in its trying to communicate with a nonexistent host.

Remove the file named variable (where variable is the hostname)

from both the /var/statmon/sm and /var/statmon/sm.bak
directories. Then kill the statd daemon and restart it. If that
doesn't get rid of the message, kill and restart lockd as well.
If that doesn't work, reboot the machine at your convenience.

stty: TCGETS: Operation not supported on socket


This message results when a user tries to remote copy with rcp(1)
or remote shell with rsh(1) from one machine to another, but has
an stty(1) command in the remote

The solution is to move the stty command to the user's .login (or
equivalent) file. Alternatively, execute the stty command in
.cshrc only when the shell is interactive. Here is a test to do
just that:

if ($?prompt) stty ...

The rcp andrsh commands make a connection using sockets, which

do not support stty's TCGETS ioctl.

su: No shell

This message indicates that someone changed the default login

shell for root to a program missing from the system. For example,
the final colon-separated field in /etc/passwd could have been
changed from /sbin/sh to/usr/bin/bash, which does not exist in
that location. Possibly an extra space was appended at the end of
line. The outcome is that you cannot login as root or switch user
to root, and so cannot directly fix this problem.

The only solution is to reboot the system from another source,

then edit the password file to correct this problem. Invoke
sync(1M) several times, then halt the machine by typing Stop-A or
by pressing the reset button. Reboot single-user from CDROM, the
net, or diskette, such as by typing boot cdrom -s at the ok

After the system comes up and gives you a # prompt, mount the
device corresponding to the original / partition somewhere, such
as with a mount(1M) command similar to the one below. Then run an
editor on the newly-mounted system password file (use ed(1) if
terminal support is lacking):

# mount /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s0 /mnt # ed /mnt/etc/passwd

Use the editor to change the password file's root entry to call
an existing shell, such as /usr/bin/csh or /usr/bin/ksh.

To keep the "No shell" problem from happening, habitually use

admintool or /usr/ucb/vipw to edit the password file. These tools
make it difficult to change password entries in ways that make
the system unusable.

su: 'su root' failed for variable on /dev/pts/N


The user specified after "for" tried to become superuser, but

typed the wrong password.

If the user is supposed to know the root password, wait to see if

the correct password is supplied. If the user is not supposed to
know the root password, ask why he or she is attempting to become

su: 'su root' succeeded for variable on /dev/pts/N


The user specified after "for" just became superuser by typing

the root password.

If the user is supposed to know the root password, this message

is purely informational. If the user is not supposed to know the
root password, change this password immediately and ask how the
user learned it.

syncing file systems...


This indicates that the kernel is updating the super-blocks

before taking the system down, to ensure filesystem integrity.
This message appears after a halt(1M) or reboot (1M) command. It
can also appear after a system panic, in which case the system
might contain corrupted data.

If you just halted or rebooted the machine, don't worry-- this

message is normal. In case of a system panic, look up the panic
messages that appear above this one. Your system vendor might be
able to help diagnose the problem. So that you can describe the
panic to the vendor, either leave your system in its panicked
state or be sure that you can reproduce the problem.

Numbers that sometimes display after the three dots in the

message show the count of dirty pages that are being written out.
Numbers in brackets show an estimate of the number of busy
buffers in the system.

syslog service starting.


During system reboot, this message might appear and theboot

seems to hang. After starting syslogd(1M) service, the system
runs /etc/rc2.d/S75cron, which in turn calls ps(1). Sometimes
after an abrupt system crash /dev/ becomes a link to
nowhere, causing the ps command to hang indefinitely.

Reboot single user (for example with boot -s) and run ls -l
/dev/bd* to see if this is the problem. If so, remove
/dev/, then run bdconfig off or reboot with the -r
(reconfigure) option.

This is the most commonly reported situation that causes ps to


tar: /dev/rmt/0: No such file or directory


The default tape device /dev/rmt/0, or possibly the device

specified by the TAPE environment variable, is not currently
connected to the system, is not configured, or its hardware
symbolic link is broken.

List the files in the /dev/rmt directory to see which tape

devices are currently configured. If none are configured,
that a tape device is correctly attached to the system, and
reboot with the -r option to reconfigure devices.

If tape devices other than /dev/rmt/0 are configured, you

specify one of them after the -f option of tar(1).

tar: directory checksum error


This error message from tar(1) indicates that the checksum of the
directory and the files it has read from tape does not match the
checksum advertised in the header block. Usually this indicates
the wrong blocking factor, although it could indicate corrupt
data on tape.

To resolve this problem, make certain that the blocking factor

you specify on the command line (after -b) matches the blocking
factor originally specified. If in doubt, leave out the block
size and let tar determine it automatically. If that doesn't
help, tape data could be corrupted.

tar: tape write error


A physical write error has occurred on the tar(1) output file,

which is usually a tape, although it could be a diskette or disk
file. Look on the system console, where the device driver should
provide the actual error condition. This might be a write-
protected tape, a physical I/O error, an end-of-tape condition,
or a File too large limitation.

In the case of write-protectedtapes, enable the write switch.

For physical I/O errors, the best course of action is to replace
the tape with a new one. For end-of-tape conditions, try using a
higher density if the device supports one, or use cpio(1) or pax
(1) for their multi-volume support., When encountering File too
large limitations, use the parent shell'slimit(1) or ulimit
facility to increase the maximum file size.

For more information on tar tapes, see the section on copying UFS
files in the System Administration Guide,Volume I.

Text is lost because the maximum edit log size has been exceeded.

This message appears at the beginning of a cmdtool(1) session

after 100,000 characters have gone by in the scrolling window.
Clicking on the top rectangle of the scrollbar might display this
message. No data were lost, but the user cannot scroll back
before this wraparound point.

To increase the maximum size of the Command Tool log file, use
cmdtool with the-M option, specifying more than 100,000 bytes.



At boot time the /etc/rcS script runs the fsck(1M) command to

check the integrity of filesystems marked "fsck" in /etc/vfstab.
If fsck cannot repair a filesystem automatically, it interrupts
the boot procedure and produces this message. When fsck gets into
this state, it cannot repair filesystems without losing one or
more files, so it wants to defer this responsibility to you, the
administrator. Data corruption has probably already occurred.

First run fsck -n on the filesystem, to see how many and what
type of problems exist. Then run fsck again to repair the
filesystem. If you have a backup of the filesystem, you can
generally answer "y" to all the fsck questions. It's a good idea
to keep a record of all problematic files and inode numbers for
later reference. To run fsck yourself, specify options as
recommended by the boot script. For example:

# fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t4d0s0

Usually, files lost during fsck repair were created just before a
crash or power outage, and cannot be recovered. If important
files are lost, you can recover them from backup tapes.

If you don't havea backup, ask an expert to run fsck for you.

For more information, see the sectionon checking filesystem

integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume I.

The SCSI bus is hung. Perhaps an external device is turned off.


This message appears near the beginning of rebooting, immediately

after a "Boot device: ..." message, and then the system hangs.
The problem is conflicting SCSI targets for a non-boot device.
Having an external device turned off is unlikely to cause this

See the message "Boot device:

/iommu/sbus/variable/variable/sd@3,0" for a solution.

For more information, see the section on halting and booting in

the System Administration Guide, Volume I.



This message means the system is going down immediately and it's
too late to save any changes.

This message is often preceded by messages telling you that the

system is going down in 15 minutes, 10 minutes, and so on. When
you see these initial broadcast shutdown messages, save all your
work, send any e-mail you're working on, and close your files.
Fortunately vi sessions are automatically saved for later
recovery, but many otherapplications have no crash protection
mechanism. Data loss is likely.

For more information on shutting down the system, see the System
Administration Guide, Volume I. If you are using the AnswerBook,
"halting the system" is a good search string.

The system will be shut down in N minutes


Thismessage from the system shutdown(1M) script informs you that

the superuser is taking down the system.

Save all changes now or your work will be lost. Write out any
files you were changing, send any e-mail messages you were
composing, and close your files.

For more information on shutting down the system, see the System
Administration Guide, Volume I. If you are using the AnswerBook,
"halting the system" is a good search string.

This mail file has been changed by another mail reader.


This message appears in a pop-up dialog box whenever you start

mailtool(1) while another mail reader has the inbox locked. A
question follows: "Do you wish to ask that mail reader to save
the changes?" You are given three choices.

If you choose "Save Changes" mailtool will request the other mail
reader to relinquish its lock and write out any changes it has
made to your inbox. If you choose "Ignore" mailtool will read
your inbox without locking it. If you choose "Cancel" mailtool
will exit.

Timeout waiting for ARP/RARP packet


This problem can occur while booting from the net, and indicates
a network connection problem.

Make sure the Ethernet cable is connected to the network. Check

that this system has an entry in the NIS ethers map or locally on
the boot server. Then check the IP address of the server and the
client to make sure they are on the same subnet. Local /etc/hosts
files must agree with each other and withthe NIS hosts map.

If those are not causing the problem, go to the system's PROM

monitor ok prompt and run test net to test the network
connection. (On older PROM monitors, use test-net instead.) If
the network test fails, check the Ethernet port, card, fuse, and
cable, replacing them if necessary. Also check the twisted pair
port to make sure it is patched to the correct subnet.

For more information on packets, see SPARC: Installing Solaris

Software. If you are using the AnswerBook, "ARP/RARP" isa good
search string.

Too many links


An attempt was made to create more than the maximum number of

hard links (LINK_MAX, by default 32767) to a file. Because each
subdirectory is a link to its parent directory, the same error
results from trying to create too many subdirectories.

Check to see why there are so many links to the same file. To get
more than the maximum number of hard links, use symbolic links

The symbolic name for this error is EMLINK, errno=31.

Too many open files

A process has too many files open at once. The system imposes a
per-process soft limit on open files, OPEN_MAX (usually 64),
which can be increased, and a per-process hard limit (usually
1024), which cannot be increased.

You can control the soft limit from the shell. In the C shell,
use the limit command to increase the number of descriptors. In
the Bourne or Korn shells, use the ulimit command with the -n
option to increase the number of file descriptors.

If the window system refuses to start new applications because of

this error, increase the open file limit in your login shell
before starting the window system.

The symbolic name for this error is EMFILE, errno=24.

umount: warning: /variable not in mnttab


This message results when the superuser attempts to unmount a

filesystem that is not mounted. Note that subdirectories of
filesystems,such as /var, cannot be unmounted.

Run the mount(1M) or df(1M) command to see what filesystems are

mounted. If you really want to unmount one of them, specify the
existing mount point.

Unable to install/attach driver 'variable'


These messages appear in /var/adm/messages at boot time, when the

system tries to load drivers for devices the machine does not

Despite the alarmist tone, this message is intended as purely

informational. You probably don't want all these device drivers,
because they make your system kernel larger, requiring more

undefined control

This message, prefaced by the file name and line number involved,
is from the C preprocessor /usr/ccs/lib/cpp, and indicates a line
starting with a sharp (#) but not followed by a valid keyword
such as define or include.

A piece of software might be running the C preprocessor on an

initialization file that you thought was interpreted by a shell.
In most shells, the sharp (#) indicates a comment. The C
preprocessor considers comments to be anythingbetween /* and */
Unmatched `

This message from the C shell csh(1) indicates that a user typed
a command containing a backquote symbol (`) without a closeing
backquote. Similar messages result from an unmatched single quote
(') or an unmatched double quote ("). Other shells generally give
a continuation prompt when a command line contains an unmatched
quote symbol.

Correct the command line and try again. To continue typing on

another line, give the C shell a backslash right before the


============================================= CLEAR?

During phase 4, fsck(1M) discovered that the specified file was

orphaned because the inode had no record of its pathname. In
other words, the file was not connected into any directory.

Answer yes to reconnect the file into the lost+found directory.

Then contact the file's owner to ask whether they want it back,
and where they want you to place it.

For more information, see the chapter on checking filesystem

integrity in the System Administration Guide, Volume I.

Use "logout" to logout.


This C shell message might come as a surprise to Bourne or Korn

shell users accustomed to logging out with a Control-d.

When ignoreeof is set, the C shell requires users to logout by

typing logout or exit. Write any modified files to disk before

/usr/openwin/bin/xinit: connection to X server lost


This means that the xinit(1) program, which sets up X11 resources
and starts a window manager, failed to locate the X server
process. Perhaps the user interrupted window system startup, or
exited abnormally from OpenWindows (for example, by killing
processes or by rebooting). It is possible that the X server
crashed. Data loss is possible in some cases. Depending on
process timing, this message might be normal when OpenWindows
exits during a system reboot.

The only solution is to exit and restart OpenWindows. You do not

need to reboot the system unless it hangs and fails to give you a
console prompt. To exit OpenWindows, select Workspace->Exit. To
restart OpenWindows, type openwin at the system prompt.

Value too large for defined data type


The user ID or group ID of an IPC object or file system object

was too large to be stored in an appropriate member of the
caller-provided structure.

Run the application on a newer system, or ask the program's

author to fix this condition.

This error occurs only on systems that support a larger range of

user or group ID values than a declared member structure can
support. This condition usually occurs because the IPC or file
system object resides on a remote machine with a larger value of
type uid_t, off_t, or gid_t than that of the local system.

The symbolic name for this error is EOVERFLOW, errno=79.



Each workstation contains an internal clock powered by a

rechargeable battery. After the system is halted and turned off,
the internal clock continues to keep time. When the system is
powered on and reboots, the system notices that the internal
clock has gained time since the workstation was halted.

In most cases, especially if the power has been off for less than
a month, the internal clock keeps the correct time, and you do
not have to reset the date. Use the date(1) command to check the
date andtime on your system. If the date or time is wrong,
become superuser and use the date(1) command to reset them.

WARNING: No network locking on variable:

contact adminto install server change

The Solaris 2.x mount(1M) command issues this message whenever it

mounts a filesystem that doesn't have NFS locking, such as a
standard SunOS 4.1.x exported filesytem. Data loss is possible in
applications that depend on locking.

On the remote SunOS 4.1.x system, install the appropriate

rpc.lockd jumbo patch to implement NFS locking. For SunOS 4.1.4,
install patch #102264; for SunOS 4.1.3, install patch #100075;
for earlier 4.1 releases, install patch #101817.

WARNING: processorlevel 4 interrupt not serviced


This message is basically a diagnostic from the SCSI driver.

Especially on machineswith the sun4c architecture, it can appear
on the console every 10 minutes or so.

To reduce the frequency of this message, add this line near the
bottom of the /etc/system file and reboot:

set esp:esp_use_poll_loop=0
You might also see this message repeatedly after manually
removing a CD when it was busy. Don't do this! To get the system
back to normal, reboot the system with the -r (reconfigure)

WARNING: /tmp: File system full, swap space limit exceeded


The system swap area (virtual memory) has filled up. You needto
reduce swap space consumption by killing some processes or
possibly by rebooting the system.

See the message "Not enough space" for information about

increasingswap space.

WARNING: TOD clock not initialized-- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!

This message indicates that the Time Of Day (TOD) clock reads
zero, so its time is the beginning of the UNIX epoch: midnight 31
December 1969. On a brand-new system, the manufacturer might have
neglected to initialize the system clock. On older systems it is
more likely that the rechargeable battery has run out and
requires replacement.

First replace the batteryaccording to the manufacturer's

instructions. Then become superuser and use the date(1) command
to set the time and date. On SPARC systems the clock is powered
by the same battery as the NVRAM, so a dead battery also causes
loss of the machine's Ethernet address and host ID, which are
more serious problems for networked systems.

WARNING:Unable to repair the / filesystem. Run fsck


This message comes at boot time from the /etc/rcS script whenever
it gets a bad return code from fsck(1) after checking a
filesystem. The message recommends an fsck command line, and
instructs you to exit the shell when done to continue booting.
Then the script places the system in single-user mode so fsck can
be run effectively.

See "/dev/rdsk/variable: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY" for

information about repairing UFS filesystems.


INCONSISTENCY" for information about repairing non-UFS

Watchdog Reset

This fatal error usually indicates some kind of hardware problem.

Data corruption on the system is possible.

Look for some other message that might help diagnose the problem.
By itself, a watchdog reset doesn't provide enough information;
because traps are disabled, all information has been lost. If all
that appears on the console is an ok prompt, issue the PROM
command below to view the final messages that occurred just
before system failure:

ok f8002010 wector p

Yes, that word iswector, not vector.

The result is a display of messages similar to those produced by

the dmesg(1M) command. These messages can be useful in finding
the cause of system failure.

This message doesn't come from the kernel, but from the OpenBoot
PROM monitor, a piece of Forth software that gives you the ok
prompt before you boot UNIX. If the CPU detects a trap when traps
are disabled (an unrecoverable error), it signals a watchdog. The
OpenBoot PROM monitor detects the watchdog, issues this message,
and brings down the system.

Watchdog Reset, Rebooting.


See the message "Watchdog Reset" for details. This rebooting

message occurs under the same conditions, but when the EEPROM's
watchdog-reboot? variable is set to true, causing the machine to
automatically reboot itself. Data corruption on the system is

Who are you?


Many networking programs can print this message, including

from(1B), lpr(1B), lprm(1B), mailx(1), rdist(1), sendmail(1M),
talk(1), and rsh(1). The command prints this message when it
cannot locate a password file entry for the current user. This
might occur if a user logged in just before the superuser deleted
that user's password entry, or if the network naming service
fails for a user who has no entry in the local password file.

If a user's password file entry was accidentally deleted, restore

it from backups or from another password file. If a user's login
name or user ID was changed, ask that user to logout and login
again. If the network naming service failed, check the NIS
server(s) and repair or reboot as necessary.

There is a known problem (bug 1138025) with starting hundreds of

rsh processes on another machine. This message appears because
rsh hangs while binding to a reserved port, and responds too
slowly to interact with the network naming service.

Window Underflow

This message often occurs at boot time, sometimes along with a

"Watchdog Reset" error. It comes from the OpenBoot PROM monitor,
which was passed a processor trap from the hardware. This error
indicates that some programtried to access a SPARC register
window that wasn't accessible from the processor.

On some system architectures, specifically sun4c, the problem

could be that different capacity memory chips are mixed together.
Someone might have placed 1MB SIMMs in the same bank with 4MB
SIMMs. If this is so, rearrange the memory chips. Make sure to
put higher-capacity SIMMs in the first bank(s), and lower-
capacity SIMMs inthe remaining bank(s); never mix different
capacity SIMMs in the same bank.

The problem could also be that cache memory on the motherboard

has gone bad and needs replacement. If main memory is installed
correctly, try swapping the motherboard.

The best way to isolate the problem is to look at the %pc

register to see where it got its arguments from, and why the
arguments were bad. If you can reproduce the condition causing
this message, your system vendor might be able to help diagnose
the problem.

X connection to variable:0.0 broken (explicit kill or

server shutdown).

This means that the client has lost its connection to the X
server. The "0.0" represents the display device, which is usually
the console. This message can appear when a user is running an X
application on a remote system with the DISPLAY set back to the
original system and the remote system's X server disappears,
perhaps because someone exited X windows orrebooted the machine.
It sometimes appears locally when a user exits the window system.
Dataloss is possible if applications were killed before saving

Try to run the application again in a few minutes after the

system has rebooted and the window system is running.

xinit: not found


OpenWindows was probably not installed properly, and the

openwin(1) program could not find xinit(1) to start up the X
windows system. If the user is running another version of X
windows, such as the MIT X11 distribution, the startx program
serves the same function as xinit.

Check the PATH environment variable to make sure it contains the

appropriate X windows install directory. Verify that xinit is in
this directory as an executable program.

XIO: fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe) on X server "variable:0.0"


This means that I/O with the X server has been broken. The "0.0"
represents the display device, which is usually the console. This
message can appear when a user is running Display PostScript
applications and the X server disappears or the client is shut
down. Data loss is possible if applications disappeared before
saving files.

Try to run the application again in a few minutes after the

system has rebooted and the window system is running.

Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to Server


See the message "Xlib: connection to ... refused by server" for


Xlib: connection to "variable:0.0" refused by server


This message is immediately followed by the "Xlib: Client is not

authorized to connect to Server" message. These messages indicate
that an X windows application tried to run on the X server
specified inside double quotes, which did not allow the request.
The "0.0" represents the display device, which is usually the
console. If no server name appears, the superuser probably tried
to run an X application on the current machine in an X session
that was owned by somebody else.

To allow this client to connect to the X server, run xhost

+clientname on the X server system. Only the owner of the current
X session (who is not necessarily the superuser) isallowed to
run the xhost command. If somebody else is running X windows on
the server, ask them to log out and then start your own X session
on that server; remote X connections are usually allowed for the
same user ID.

xterm: fatal IO error 32 (Broken Pipe) or KillClient on X server


This means that xterm(1) has lost its connection to the X server.
The "0.0" represents the display device, which is usually the
console. This message can appear when a user is running xterm and
the X server disappears or the client gets shut down. Data loss
is possible if applications were killed before saving files.

Try to run the terminal emulator again in a few minutes after the
system has rebooted and the window system is running.

XView warning: Cannot load font set 'variable' (Font Package)


This message from the XView library warns that a requested font
is not installed on the X server. Often multiple warnings appear
about the same font. The set of available fonts can vary from
release to release.

To see which fonts are available on the X server, run the

xlsfonts(1) program. Then specify another font name that you see
in the output of xlsfonts. Sometimes it is possible to locate a
similar font from a different vendor.

There are two packages of X windowsfonts: the common but not

required fonts (SUNWxwcft), and the optional fonts (SUNWxwoft).
Run pkginfo(1) to see if both these packages are installed, and
add them to the system as you wish.

ypbind[N]: NIS server for domain "variable" OK


This message appears after an "NIS server not responding" message

to indicate that ypbind(1M is able to communicate with an NIS
server again.

Proceed with your work. This message is purely informational.

ypbind[N]: NIS server not responding for domain

"variable"; still trying

This means that the NIS client daemon ypbind(1M) cannot

communicate with an NIS server for the specified domain. This
message appears when a workstation running the NIS naming service
has become disconnected from the network, or when NIS servers are
down or extremely slow to respond.

If other NIS clients are behaving normally, check the Ethernet

cabling on the workstation that is getting this message. On SPARC
machines, disconnected network cabling also produces a series of
"no carrier" messages. On x86 machines, the above message might
be your only indication that network cabling is disconnected.

If many NIS clients on the network are giving this message, go to

the NIS server in question and reboot or repair as necessary. To
locate the NIS server for a domain, run the ypwhich(1) command.
When the server machine comes back in operation, NIS clients give
an "NIS server for domain OK" message.

For more information about ypbind, see the section on

administering secure NFS in the NFS Administration Guide.

ypwhich: can't communicate with ypbind


This message from the ypwhich(1) command indicates that the NIS
binder process ypbind(1M) is not running on the local machine.

If the system is not configured to use NIS, this message is

normal and expected. Configure the system to use NIS if

If the system is configured to use NIS, but the ypbind process is

not running, invoke the following command to start it up:

# /usr/lib/netsvc/yp/ypbind -broadcast
zsN: silo overflow

This message means that the Zilog 8530 character input silo (or
serial portFIFO) overflowed before it could be serviced. The
zs(4S) driver, which talks to a Zilog Z8530 chip, is reporting
that the FIFO (holding about two characters) has been overrun.
The number after zs shows which serial port experienced an

zs0 - tty serial port 0 (/dev/ttya) zs1 - tty serial port 1

(/dev/ttyb) zs2 - keyboard port (/dev/kbd) zs3 - mouse port

Silo overflows indicate that data in the respective serial port

FIFO has been lost. However, consequences of silo overflows
might be negligible if the overflows occur infrequently, if data
loss is not catastrophic, or if data can be recovered or
reproduced. For example, although a silo overflow on the mouse
driver (zs3) indicates that the system could not process mouse
events quickly enough, the user can perform mouse motions again.
Similarly, lost data from a silo overflow on a serial port with a
modem connection transferring data using uucp(1C) will be
recovered when uucp discovers the loss of data and requests
retransmission of the corrupted packet.

Frequent silo overflow messages can indicate a zs hardware FIFO

problem, a serial driver software problem, or abnormal data or
system activity. For example, the system ignores interrupts
during system panics, so mouse and keyboard activity result in
silo overflows.

If the serial ports experiencing silo overflows are not being

used, a silo overflow could indicate the onset of a hardware

Another type of silo overflow is one that occurs during reboot

when an HDLC line is connected to any of the terminal ports. For
example, an X.25 network could be sending frames before the
kernel has been told to expect them. Such overflow messages can
be ignored.

albert van der sel

For now, EOF

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