Anti-Obesity Drug Use Before Professional Treatment in Taiwan

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Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2007;16 (3):580-586 580

Original Article

Anti-obesity drug use before professional treatment in


Tsan-Hon Liou MD1, 2, Chih-Hsing Wu MD3, Hsu-Chen Chien PhD

, Wen-Yuan Lin
5 6 1
MD , Wei-Jei Lee MD and Pesus Chou DrPH

Community Medicine Research Center and Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University,
Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Medical University- Wan Fang Hospital, Taipei,
Department of Family Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan
College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Family Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Surgery, Min-Sheng General Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan

Between July 2004 and June 2005, a cross-sectional study was performed to determine the prevalence and pat-
terns of anti-obesity medicine use among subjects seeking obesity treatment in Taiwan. Eighteen obesity outpa-
tient clinics were selected via a random stratified sampling method and 1,060 first-visit clients (791 females and
269 males) aged above 18 years were enrolled and then completed a self-administered questionnaire. The preva-
lence of anti-obesity medicine use was 50.8%; more females than male used anti-obesity medicines (53.6% vs.
42.4%). Of the 1,060 subjects, 17.1% had used orlistat, 21.1% had taken sibutramine, and 18.3% had utilized un-
proven drugs such as cocktail therapy and other anti-obesity drugs. Furthermore, 23.6% and 22.4% of subjects
indicated that they concurrently used Chinese herbal preparations and dietary supplements, respectively. Logistic
regression analyses demonstrated that the odds ratio (OR) for anti-obesity medicine use was substantially higher
in females (OR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.3-2.6), those aged 18-24 years (OR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1.0-2.6), those with a body mass
index (BMI) >35 kg/m2 (OR, 3.4; 95% CI, 2.1-5.7) and respondents concurrently using Chinese herbal prepara-
tions (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.2-2.4) and dietary supplements (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.6-3.1). In conclusion, the preva-
lence of anti-obesity drugs use is high among Taiwanese adults before they seek obesity treatment. Young, obese
females, and those who had taken Chinese herbal preparations/dietary supplements had a high likelihood to report
using anti-obesity medicines. Use of unproven weight-loss drugs is common and warrants further investigation.

Key Words: Orlistat, sibutramine, dietary supplement, off-label drugs, drug utilization

INTRODUCTION prescription weight-loss pills between 1996 and 1998.9

Considerable evidence indicates that obesity is associated Blank, who also analyzed 1998 BRFSS data, identified that
with numerous diseases and metabolic abnormalities, such 10.2% of obese women and 3.1% of obese men used pre-
as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, coronary scribed weight-loss medications between 1996 and 1998.10
heart disease, and certain cancers,1, 2 many of which have a The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services esti-
high morbidity and mortality rates. Notably, these diseases mated that between 1995 and 1997, 1.2–4.7 million resi-
and conditions can be reduced substantially by moderate dents in the U.S. took fenfluramine or dexfenfluramine for
weight reduction.3, 4 For the sake of health and any reason, weight loss.11 Stafford et al.12 determined that 2.5 million
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Americans took anti-obesity medications in 1997, a 4-fold
report identified a significant increase in the dieting popula- increase over the figure for the previous 2 years. Further-
tion in the United States.5, 6 more, Blanck et al.13 identified that 7% of BRFSS respon-
Consensus for obesity treatment is that clinical therapy dents used nonprescription weight-loss products, 2%
should begin with lifestyle changes that focus on behavioral
modification, diet, and exercise.7 When lifestyle modifica-
tion schemes are unsuccessful, drug therapy is an attractive
option. Anti-obesity drug use has become increasingly Corresponding Author: Dr. Pesus Chou, 155, Li-Nong St.,
common in the last 30 years. Leavy and Heaton8 found that Sec.2, Peitou, Taipei, Taiwan
20% of females and 11% of males reported using weight Tel: +886-2-28267050; Fax: +886-2-28201461
control products including weight-loss drugs, dietary sup- Email: [email protected]
plements, and laxatives. Khan, who utilized 1998 BRFSS Manuscript received 1 August 2006. Initial review completed 30
data, estimated that 4.6 million American adults used November 2006. Revision accepted 3 January 2007.
581 TH Liou, CH Wu, HC Chien, WY Lin, WJ Lee and P Chou

reported using phenylpropanolamine (PPA), and 1% used or dietary supplements for weight loss?” If respondents
ephedra between 1996 and 1998. However, most anti- replied positively to pills, then they were asked, “Which
obesity drugs, such as fenfluramine-phentermine (fen- of the following weight-loss drugs did you take: (1) orl-
phen),11, 14 PPA,15, 16 and ephedra,17 have been withdrawn istat, (2) sibutramine, (3) cocktail therapy, (4) others or
from the market due to serious adverse effects. Currently, unknown?” Body mass index (BMI) (kg/m2) was calcu-
only sibutramine and orlistat are FDA-approved for long- lated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters
term obesity treatment. It is also rumored that unproven squared. The following BMI categories were utilized: <24,
drugs, including off-label drugs18 are taken by certain normal weight; 24–26, overweight; ≥27, obese.22
number of obese subjects. To our knowledge, few studies
have investigated the prevalence and use patterns of le- Statistical analysis
gally used anti-obesity drugs and unproven drugs in the Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Win-
general population. dows version 12.0 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).
Obesity is an increasing problem in the Asia-Pacific Prevalence data for anti-obesity drug use are presented as
region as well as developed countries.19-22 In Taiwan, like percentages (%). Chi-square tests were applied for uni-
other developed nations, only orlistat and sibutramine are variate analysis. Multiple logistic regression analyses
approved for long-term obesity treatment. However, some were performed for multivariate analysis to assess any
physicians prescribe a so-called “cocktail therapy” com- correlation between anti-obesity drug use and demo-
prising several off-labeled drugs18 to treat obesity, such as graphic variables (gender, age, and educational level),
thyroxine, PPA, metformin, diuretics, etc. Moreover, use current BMI (normal weight, overweight, and obese), and
of Chinese herbal preparations and dietary supplements is concurrent use of anti-obesity herbal drugs and dietary
prevalent among specific populations. Limited data exists supplements. Multiple logistic regression analyses were
on prevalence and patterns of weight-loss drug use10, 23 also utilized to estimate the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for
and the behaviors of those using prescription weight-loss different drugs. A value of p<0.05 was considered statis-
medications in Taiwan and worldwide. This nation-wide tically significant.
survey assessed behavioral characteristics associated with
use of weight-loss drugs in Taiwan. RESULTS
Basic characteristics of respondents and prevalence
MATERIALS AND METHODS Table 1 shows the basic demographic data and that for
Obesity Clinic sampling prevalence of anti-obesity medicine use among all re-
The 1200 members of the Taiwan Medical Association spondents. Of the 1,060 respondents, 53.7% of respon-
for the Study of Obesity (TMASO) encompasses almost dents (569/1,060) were college educated and 51.5%
all accredited obesity clinics, ranging from tertiary care (546/1,060) were married. Sixteen percent (172/1,060) of
medical centers to primary care centers in Taiwan. In this respondents had normal weight, 22% (231/1,060) were
study, 18 clinics specializing in obesity treatment were overweight and 62% (657/1,060) were obese. Overall
selected from the TMASO member list using a random prevalence of anti-obesity drug use was 50.8%
stratified sampling method based on the proportion of (538/1,060). Significant differences exist between people
institutional levels and geographic regions. who attended primary and secondary, and primary and
tertiary health care institutional levels (Chi-square test,
Subjects p<0.05), and no difference exists between secondary and
Between July 2004 and June 2005, a randomly selected 3- tertiary levels. Participants at the primary level had a
month period was chosen in which each clinic collated all lower rate of anti-obesity medicine use than those from
new patients aged >18 years, who sought obesity treat- secondary and tertiary levels. Females and young adults
ment for any reason. Of the 1,296 respondents, those with (25–34 years) (53.6%; 58.9%) were most likely to use
incomplete information regarding anti-obesity drug use anti-obesity drugs. Those with senior high school diplo-
(n=109), had a missing (n=98) or unreasonable weight mas or higher were more likely to use anti-obesity drugs
(n=17) or height (n=12) were excluded. Finally, 1,060 than those with less education (p=0.02). Anti-obesity drug
respondents were enrolled for final analysis. This study use increased markedly as BMI increased; the highest
was approved by the Committee of Institutional Human prevalence was for both genders with a BMI ≥ 35 kg/m2.
Subject Review Board of Taipei Medical University-Wan Anti-obesity drug use was also common among singles
Fang Hospital, Taiwan. (54.7%; 115/464) and less common among those with
high monthly incomes (44.9%; 61/136). In this study,
Questionnaires 1,005 participants reported their co-morbidities. Two-
Under the assistance of a well-trained instructor, a self- fifths (39.1%) reported having at least one obesity-related
administered questionnaire was given to each subject. co-morbidity, such as hypertension (16.2%), hyperlipi-
The questionnaire was divided into the following three demia (13.1%), gout and hyperuricemia (10.9%), diabetes
sections: (1) a socio-demographic section for recording (7.1%), or obstructive sleep apnea (4.9%). The reasons
data such as age, gender, marital status, education level, why they used anti-obesity medicines (multiple choices)
smoking and drinking habits, monthly income, etc.; (2) a were for health (94%), improved appearance (57%),
weight-loss history section for the previous year; and, (3) asked by spouse and friend (26%), and/or to gain em-
a section for weight-loss products used during the previ- ployment (20%).
ous year. The questionnaires asked respondents, “In the
past year, have you taken any pills, herbal preparations,
Anti-obesity medicine use in Taiwan 582

Table 1. Prevalence of anti-obesity drug use presented by demographic characteristics of 1,060 new patients of 18 obe-
sity special clinics in Taiwan

All (n=1,060) Women (n=791) Men (n=269)

No. of No. of No. of
No. of Prevalence No. of Prevalence No. of Prevalence
drug p drug p drug p
subjects (%) subjects (%) subjects (%)
user user user
Age, year <0.01 <0.01 0.73
18~24 196 98 50.0 134 71 53.0 62 27 43.5
25~34 331 195 58.9 244 156 63.9 87 39 44.8
35~44 268 144 53.7 209 118 56.5 59 26 44.1
≧45 265 101 38.1 204 79 38.7 61 22 36.1
Body mass index,
<0.01 <0.01 <0.01
<24 172 70 40.7 160 67 41.9 12 3 25.0
24~26 231 105 45.5 197 96 48.7 34 9 26.5
27~29 226 118 52.2 174 99 56.9 52 19 36.5
30~34 256 130 50.8 158 91 57.6 98 39 39.8
≧35 175 115 65.7 102 71 69.6 73 44 60.3
Marital status 0.05 0.02 0.18
Unmarried 464 254 54.7 326 192 58.9 138 62 44.9
Married 546 257 47.1 419 205 48.9 127 52 40.9
Others 50 27 54.0 46 27 58.7 4 1 25.0
Educational level 0.02 <0.01 0.71
≦senior high
148 63 42.6 129 54 41.9 19 9 47.4
Senior high
343 192 56.0 268 158 59.0 75 34 45.3
569 273 49.7 394 212 53.8 175 71 40.6
Monthly income,
<0.01 <0.01 0.54
NT dollar
≤10,000 260 114 43.8 205 93 45.4 55 21 38.2
358 190 53.1 285 160 56.1 73 30 41.1
253 147 58.1 174 108 62.1 79 39 49.4
≥50,001 136 61 44.9 76 37 48.7 60 24 40.0
p value forχ test: comparison between each category

Table 2. One-year prevalence (%) of anti-obesity products use among 1,060 new patients

Name All (n=1,060) Women (n=791) Men (n=269)

No. of drug Prevalence No. of drug Prevalence No. of drug Prevalence p value for χ2 test
user (%) user (%) user (%)
Anti-obesity drug 538 50.8 424 53.6 114 42.4 <0.01
Proven drug 339 32.0 259 32.7 80 29.7 0.41
Orlistat 181 17.1 132 16.7 49 18.2 0.31
Sibutramine 224 21.1 181 22.9 43 16.0 <0.01
Unproven drug 194 18.3 167 21.1 27 10.0 <0.01
Cocktail therapy 90 8.5 76 9.6 14 5.2 0.14
Others/unknown 128 12.1 113 14.3 15 5.6 <0.01
Herbal preparations 251 23.6 208 26.2 43 16.0 <0.01
Dietary supplements 237 22.4 198 25.0 39 14.5 <0.01

Prevalence of use of specific anti-obesity drug sibutramine, unproven drugs, and others/unknown drugs
Although apparently not completely followed, sibutra- significantly more than males (p<0.01). Females were
mine and orlistat should only be obtained with a doctor’s also more likely than males to use Chinese herbal prepa-
prescription in Taiwan. Of the 1060 respondents, 339 rations and dietary supplements (p<0.01) (Table 2).
(32%) had used at least 1 legal anti-obesity drug for
weight loss, 181 (17.1%) used orlistat and 224 (21.1%) Pattern of anti-obesity drug use
used sibutramine. Notably, 194 (18%) respondents had Multiple logistic regression analyses demonstrated that
used unproven drugs for weight loss: cocktail therapy, 90 after adjusting for smoking, drinking, monthly income,
(8.5%); and, others/unknown, 128 (12.1%). 251 (24 %) educational level and marital status, females reported
had tried Chinese herbal preparations and 237 (22.4%) more anti-obesity drug use than males with an OR of 1.9
had used dietary supplements. Notably, females used (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.3–2.6). Compared with
583 TH Liou, CH Wu, HC Chien, WY Lin, WJ Lee and P Chou

Table 3. Adjusted odds ratio and 95% confidence interval of any use of anti-obesity drug in the previous year among
people seeking obesity treatment (N = 1,060)

others or
All drugs orlistat sibutramine cocktail therapy
AOR 95% CI AOR 95% CI 95% CI AOR 95% CI 95% CI
Gender (female
1.9 1.3-2.6 0.8 0.6-1.3 1.6 1.0-2.4 2.0 1.0-3.8 3.1 1.7-5.7
vs. male)
Age, year
18-24 (n=196) 1.6 1.0-2.6 0.5 0.3-1.0 2.0 1.0-3.8 2.1 0.7-6.3 1.8 0.7-4.2
25-34 (n=331) 1.1 0.7-1.7 0.6 0.3-1.2 0.7 0.4-1.3 1.0 0.5-2.2 0.7 0.3-1.3
35-44 (n=268) 0.8 0.6-1.3 0.8 0.5-1.5 0.9 0.6-1.5 0.5 0.3-1.1 0.6 0.3-1.2
≥45 (n=265) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
BMI, kg/m2
<24 (n=172) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
24~26 (n=231) 1.7 1.1-2.7 1.3 0.8-2.3 1.7 1.0-2.7 1.5 0.7-3.0 1.1 0.6-2.0
27~29 (n=226) 1.9 1.2-3.1 1.0 0.6-1.7 1.6 1.0-2.7 1.4 0.7-3.0 2.5 1.3-4.9
30~34 (n=256) 2.8 1.7-4.5 1.6 0.9-2.9 2.2 1.3-3.7 1.5 0.7-3.2 1.8 0.9-3.4
≧35 (n=175) 3.4 2.1-5.7 2.2 1.1-4.3 1.7 1.0-3.0 2.2 0.9-5.1 2.2 1.1-4.4
Use of herbal
1.7 1.2-2.4 1.9 1.3-2.8 1.2 0.8-1.8 1.7 1.0-2.8 1.7 1.1-2.7
Use of dietary
2.2 1.6-3.1 2.0 1.4-3.0 2.3 1.6-3.3 2.1 1.3-3.4 1.7 1.1-2.6

Initial variables include gender, age, BMI, use of herbal drug, use of dietary supplement, education level, marital status, monthly income,
smoking and drinking habit

subjects with normal weight, the ORs for anti-obesity clinic–based survey, the prevalence of anti-obesity drug
drug use were 1.7, 1.9, 2.8, and 3.4 times higher among use is likely substantially higher than that in a population-
those who were overweight, obese I, obese II, and mor- based study.10,23
bidly obese, respectively. The likelihood of anti-obesity As in this study, not all clients requesting obesity
drug use was 1.6 times higher among those aged 18–24 treatment were overweight or obese.6,23 In this study, 38%
years than those aged >45 years. Those using Chinese of all respondents primarily females did not meet the cri-
herbal preparations and dietary supplements in the previ- terion for pharmacotherapy (BMI ≥ 27kg/m2) proposed
ous year had ORs of 1.7 and 2.2 for anti-obesity drug use by National Institute of Health.24 Females were 2 times
as compared with those who did not use these products. more likely than males to use drugs for weight loss. Addi-
(Table 3) tionally, females in each BMI category, except for those
Multiple logistic regression analyses, applied to evalu- with a BMI >35, used more anti-obesity drugs than males
ate use patterns among those who had taken specific anti- in this study. Khan et al.23 indicated that females are 4
obesity drugs, showed that analytical results were similar times more likely than males to report weight-loss drug
for overall anti-obesity drug use. The young (aged 18–24 use. Blanck et al.13 also observed that females were 5
years) and female groups, and those with a BMI >24 used times more likely than males to have taken prescription
significantly more sibutramine than their reference groups. weight-loss drugs.25 In a population-based study, females
The young group used orlistat less frequently than those were almost 9 times more likely than males to report us-
aged >45 years. Females used cocktail therapy and oth- ing a PPA weight-loss product.13 This gender-specific
ers/unknown drugs more did than males. Females were difference may result from females having a greater con-
3.1 times more likely than males to use other or unknown cern for thinness,26 and a higher degree of dissatisfaction
weight-loss products. Those using Chinese herbal prepa- with their bodies than males.27 Moreover, females at-
rations and dietary supplements in the previous year were tempted to lose weight at a lower BMI than males.25
1.7–2.3 times more likely to use specific anti-obesity Consistent with findings obtained by Khan and
drugs than their counterparts (Table 3). Kruger23, 28, this study demonstrated that respondents with
a high BMI used the weight-loss drugs more frequently
DISCUSSION than those with low BMIs. These correlations were dose
This is the first study providing comprehensive data on dependent; that is, prevalence increased as BMI increased.
the prevalence of, and use patterns for, anti-obesity drug Blanck et al.13 observed that young subjects had a higher
use in Taiwan. In this outpatient clinic-based study of OR for anti-obesity drug use than older subjects, a finding
patients before their seeking obesity treatment, 50.8% compatible with that obtained by this study. It is probable
subjects had used anti-obesity drugs, of which females, that the young adults care about body shape and appear-
young adults and obese subjects were the most frequent ance more than older adults. Analytical results demon-
users. In a U.S. population-based study, Khan et al.23 in- strated that a low level of education was positively corre-
dicated that the 2-year prevalence for weight-loss drug lated with a low level of weight-loss drug use. That is, a
use was 2.5% (4.6 million adults). As this is an obesity positive linear correlation may exist between educational
Anti-obesity medicine use in Taiwan 584

level and anti-obesity drug use; however, education level names are in English, the difficulty in obtaining the brand
is generally utilized as a covariate when examining corre- names from patients should be considered in self-
lations among health behaviors and seldom as an inde- administered questionnaires in Taiwan. As prescriptions
pendent variable. for orlistat and sibutramine are paid by patients rather
Notably, 18.3% of respondents in this study reported than by the government prescription drug plan, subjects
using unproven drugs, such as a cocktail therapy and un- were aware of these names. Third, the use of OTC, herbal
known drugs, for weight loss. Blanck et al.13 determined therapies, and off-label drugs may have been under-
that in excess of one-third of prescription drug users also reported.30 That is, the recall bias of this study may un-
took nonprescription weight-loss products. Nonprescrip- derestimate their use in Taiwan. Finally, analytical results
tion weight-loss products, such as ephedra/caffeine and are based on patients at outpatient clinics. Consequently,
PPA, were commonly used in the U.S. prior to being caution should be used when extrapolating finding to the
withdrawn from the market. Although officially prohib- general population.
ited in Taiwan, PPA and ephedra/caffeine were easily In conclusion, this study confirms that anti-obesity
available as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs during this drugs are frequently used by Taiwanese adults seeking
study period. This study also identified that those using obesity treatment. Use of unproven weight-loss drugs,
anti-obesity herbal preparations or dietary supplements such as off-label drugs, is also considerably popular. Fe-
had a high likelihood of concurrently using anti-obesity males, the young and obese, and those who have tried
drugs (OR, 2.1–3.1). Blanck indicated that those who had Chinese herbal preparations/dietary supplements had a
taken prescription weight-loss drugs in the previous 2 high likelihood of reporting use of anti-obesity drugs.
years were likely to use non-prescription drugs (OR,
3.1).13 Furthermore, prescription drug users were 9 times ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
more likely than non-users to have also taken an ephedra The authors would like to thank the Department of Health of
product during the 2-year period and twice as likely to Taiwan, for financially supporting this research under Contract
have taken PPA products.13 Taken together, these analyti- No. DOH93-TD-D-113-022(2). We appreciate the valuable help
of the physicians involved in this study.
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Anti-obesity medicine use in Taiwan 586

Original Article

Anti-obesity drug use before professional treatment in


Tsan-Hon Liou MD1, 2, Chih-Hsing Wu MD3, Hsu-Chen Chien PhD

, Wen-Yuan Lin
5 6 1
MD , Wei-Jei Lee MD and Pesus Chou DrPH

Community Medicine Research Center and Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University,
Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Taipei Medical University- Wan Fang Hospital,
Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Family Medicine, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan
College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
Department of Family Medicine, China Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Surgery, Min-Sheng General Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan


本研究於西元 2004 年 7 月到 2005 年 6 月進行一項橫斷式調查,希望瞭解臺

法,選取十八家專業減肥醫院或診所,並由這些門診挑選 18 歲以上的受訪者
共 1,060 位,其中女性 791 位、男性 269 位,每位受訪者皆填寫完成一份問
卷。統計發現這些受訪者使用減肥藥物的盛行率是 50.8%,其中女性高於男
性(53.6%比 42.4%)。1,060 位受訪者中,17.1% 曾經使用過 orlistat、21.1%
使用過 sibutramine、18.3%使用過雞尾酒減肥療法或未經證實的減肥藥,此外
品。邏輯式迴歸分析發現,女性、年齡介於 18-24 歲、身體質量指數(BMI)
大於 35、同時合併使用減肥中藥/健康食品的受訪者使用減肥藥物的機會較

關鍵字:Orlistat、 sibutramine、健康食品、禁藥、 藥物使用。

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